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THIS agreement is made at ______________________this________________ day of _________________20_________

between Shri/Smt /Kum_____________________________ son/daughter/wife of Shri__________________________________

resident of_______________________________________________________(harainaftar cal lad the Trainee
which expression shad unlaaa sxcluded or rapugnant to mia oontext ba deemed to induda ita succaseors/atignses
executors legal heirs. administrator*/ of tha FIRST
PART and Shn/Smt/Kum ________________________________________________________________ son/daugnterrwife of
Shn resident of (harainaftar called tha
auraty which expression ahalt unlaaa excluded or rapugnant to this context Pa daamad to induda its succaseora/assigneee
axacutora lagai heirs administrators) of tha SECOND PART and BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, a company
incorpora tad undar tha Compamas Act 1956 having rts Ragratarad ofhos at Bharat Sanchar B ha wan. Hansh Chandar
Mathur Lana Janpath. New Dalhi - 110001 (harainaftar called BSNL which expression shall unless axdudad or rapugnant to
this context be deemed to include its eucceesora/ssaigneea. axacutora. lagai haem, administrators) of tha THIRD PART
through Chisf Gsnaral Manager, Telecommunications ________________________________________________________________________ its
autoonzed official

WHEREAS the trainee has been selected by tha BSNL for training m tha cadre of Junior
Aocounts officer at _________________________________________________________________________ tor a period of ______________________________
weeks/years and the trainee hat agreed to undergo tha aame on tha terms and conditions contained hereinafter

AND WHEREAS toe BSNL shall spend a substantial amount tor the framing of tha trainee and shall pay a monthly append at
tha rate applicable from bma to toe dunng tha pre-appointment training period at specified location (a) aa may ba deaded
by the

AND WHEREAS the sum of Re 5000/- <Rupees five thousand only) has been deposited
by tha trainee Shn/Smt /Kum________________________________________________________ in favour of Accounts officer
(Cash) BSNL O/o CGMT. of tha respective arete _________________________________________________vide Demand Draft No
dated _____ aa interest free security for due futNfment of
conditions of this agreement

Now these present witnesses and It la hereby mutually agreed and declared by and between
parties hereto aa follows:

1 BSNL shall provide training the nature and duration of which shall ba determined by tha Chef General Manager
NATFM Hyderabad (hereinafter referred to aa COM NATFM) whose decision m this Dehart shall ba final and

Provided that the CGM NATFM may at any stage without assigning any reason discontinue his framing if m hit
opinion (which shall ba final and bind mg), the trainee appears to ba unlikely to ba an affoant Junior Aooounta

2 Tha trainee shall

(A) Undergo the oourae of framing at any BSNL Training Centra selected from feme to bma by tha CGM NATFM

(B) Undergo such framing at tha sad places with due diligence and comply with tha instructions of al authorized officers
m regard to framing and diaapitne at tha sad placet

3 THAT fr>a trainee has agreed with frw Company that after completion of toe framing, he/ahe shall serve BSNL m
such dapartmsot or departments at such place or places in India in such capacity m connection with BSNL s
business as BSNL may requre from bma to time tor at least five years after comotefron of aforesaid training on
terms and conditions contained hereinafter and m accordance with tha Rules and Regulations of BSNL as
appkcabte from bma to bma to such trainees

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