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Kara Eastman for Congress

Frequency Questionnaire

June 14 - 18, 2018

402 General Likely Voters

Q. I know it's a long way off, but in November there will be a general election for Governor, U.S.
Senate, U.S. Congress, and other offices. What are the chances of your voting in the November
general election? Are you almost certain to vote, will you probably vote, are the chances 50-50, or
don't you think you will vote?

Almost certain .................................................................... 94
Probably .............................................................................. 5
50-50................................................................................... 1
Will not vote ......................................................................... -
(Don't know) ......................................................................... -
(Refused) ............................................................................. -

[85 Respondents]
Q. (IF NOT NAME ON FILE) How often would you say you vote?
Always ............................................................................... 67
Nearly always ..................................................................... 33
Part of the time..................................................................... -
Seldom................................................................................. -
(Never) ................................................................................. -
(Other/don't know/refused) ................................................... -

© 2018 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, All Rights Reserved. June, 2018

Kara Eastman for Congress: Frequency Questionnaire, June 14 - 18, 2018 2

Q. Please rate your level of motivation to vote in the November general election for U.S. Senate,
U.S. Congress, and other offices on a scale from zero to ten, where zero means you are not at all
motivated to vote this year and ten means you are extremely motivated to vote this year.

10 ....................................................................................... 72
9.......................................................................................... 8
8.......................................................................................... 8
7.......................................................................................... 5
6.......................................................................................... 1
5.......................................................................................... 3
4.......................................................................................... 0
3.......................................................................................... 1
2.......................................................................................... 0
1.......................................................................................... 0
0........................................................................................... -
(Don't know/Refused) .......................................................... 0

10 ....................................................................................... 72
8-10.................................................................................... 89
6-10.................................................................................... 95
0-5 ...................................................................................... 4
Mean.................................................................................. 9.3

Q. Now, thinking about the election for U.S. Congress this November, if the election for U.S.
Congress were held today, would you vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican
Democratic candidate ........................................................ 43
Lean Democratic candidate................................................. 2
Republican candidate ......................................................... 48
Lean Republican candidate ................................................. 3
(Undecided/Refused) .......................................................... 4

Total Democratic candidate............................................. 45

Total Republican candidate ............................................. 51

Q. How would you rate the job being done by -- excellent, good, just fair or poor?

Just DK/ Exc/

Exc Good Fair Poor Ref Good
Donald Trump as President .................................... 25 19 13 43 1 44

Don Bacon as Congressman ................................. 13 34 25 24 4 47

© 2018 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, All Rights Reserved. June, 2018

Kara Eastman for Congress: Frequency Questionnaire, June 14 - 18, 2018 3

Q. Now, I'm going to read you some statements about the candidates for U.S. Congress.

[201 Respondents]
(SPLIT A) (FRESH FACE) Kara Eastman, the Democrat, is a social worker who has served on the
Board of Governors of Metropolitan Community College since 2015. Eastman founded a
non-profit to help improve health for local, at-risk kids, and grew it into a nationally recognized
organization raising millions of dollars to help families get healthy housing in Omaha and building
job-creating partnerships with small businesses. She knows Washington is broken and that fixing
it means changing leadership. In Congress, she will be a fresh face who will stand up to corporate
special interests and fight for people to ensure everyone has access to health care coverage,
affordable college and skills training opportunities, and tax cuts that help middle class families, not
the wealthy.

[201 Respondents]
(SPLIT B) (HEALTH CARE) Kara Eastman, the Democrat, is a social worker who has served on
the Board of Governors of Metropolitan Community College since 2015. After watching her
mother suffer at the end of her battle with cancer because she was unable to afford a twenty-five
hundred dollar medication, Eastman made the decision to run for office to fight for affordable
health care for all. Eastman has a record of getting things done. She founded a non-profit to help
improve health for local, at-risk kids, and grew it into a nationally recognized organization raising
millions of dollars to help families get healthy housing in Omaha and building job-creating
partnerships with small businesses. In Congress, she will work to ensure everyone has access to
health care coverage, affordable college and skills training opportunities, and tax cuts that help
middle class families, not the wealthy.

(BACON) Raised on a farm in the Midwest, Don Bacon, the Republican, is a decorated Air Force
veteran who was elected Congressman in 2016. Bacon worked his way through college before
joining the military and understands the value of hard work and the importance of fiscal
responsibility. In Congress, he has worked to pass tax reform that cuts taxes for Nebraska
families and helps businesses grow and create jobs, opposed wasteful spending, and worked to
repeal Obamacare. Bacon will continue to work in Congress to strengthen Nebraska's agricultural
industry, help businesses create jobs, secure the border, and protect our veterans.

Q. After hearing more information, thinking again about the election for U.S. Congress, if the
election for U.S. Congress were held today, would you be voting for Democratic candidate Kara
Eastman, OR for Republican candidate Don Bacon?
Kara Eastman .................................................................... 46
Lean Kara Eastman ............................................................ 0
Don Bacon ......................................................................... 48
Lean Don Bacon ................................................................. 3
(Undecided/Refused) .......................................................... 3

Total Kara Eastman.......................................................... 47

Total Don Bacon............................................................... 50

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Kara Eastman for Congress: Frequency Questionnaire, June 14 - 18, 2018 4

Q.53 These last few questions are for statistical purposes only. In what year were you born?

18 - 24................................................................................. 7
25 - 29................................................................................. 3
30 - 34................................................................................. 9
35 - 39................................................................................. 6
40 - 44................................................................................. 5
45 - 49................................................................................ 11
50 - 54................................................................................. 6
55 - 59................................................................................ 11
60 - 64................................................................................ 14
65 and over ........................................................................ 25
(No answer) ........................................................................ 3

Q.54 What racial or ethnic group best describes you?

White.................................................................................. 90
African-American or Black ................................................... 3
Hispanic or Latino ............................................................... 3
Native American ................................................................... -
Asian ................................................................................... 0
(Other) ................................................................................ 2
(Don't know/refused) ........................................................... 1

Q.56 What is the last year of schooling that you have completed?
1 - 11th grade...................................................................... 2
High School graduate......................................................... 14
Non-college post H.S. ......................................................... 1
Some college ..................................................................... 27
College graduate ................................................................ 36
Post-graduate school ......................................................... 19
(Don't know/Refused) .......................................................... 1

Q.57 Do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent?

Strong Democrat ................................................................ 23
Weak Democrat .................................................................. 7
Independent-lean Democrat ............................................... 12
Independent ........................................................................ 5
Independent-lean Republican ............................................ 16
Weak Republican ............................................................... 10
Strong Republican.............................................................. 25
(Don't know/Refused) .......................................................... 1

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Kara Eastman for Congress: Frequency Questionnaire, June 14 - 18, 2018 5

Q.60 Thinking in political terms, would you say that you are Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative?
Liberal ................................................................................ 19
Moderate ............................................................................ 38
Conservative ...................................................................... 38
(Don't know/refused) ........................................................... 4
Q.4 Respondent Gender
Male ................................................................................... 47
Female ............................................................................... 53

© 2018 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, All Rights Reserved. June, 2018

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