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Dirección Universitaria de Educación a

EAP de Derecho

Actividades I INGLES I

Docente: Gloria Lucero Marruffo Acuña de Ruiz
2015-I Ciclo: II Módulo I
Datos del alumno: FORMA DE PUBLICACIÓN:
Apellidos y nombres:
Publicar su archivo(s) en la opción TRABAJO ACADÉMICO que figura en
el menú contextual de su curso
Código de matrícula:

Uded de matrícula:
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virtual DUED LEARN:

DE MAYO 2015
A las 23.59 PM


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correcta publicación
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Académico en el
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Revisar la previsualización de
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2. Las fechas de recepción de trabajos académicos a través del campus virtual están definidas en el sistema de
acuerdo al cronograma académico 2015-I por lo que no se aceptarán trabajos extemporáneos.

3. Las actividades que se encuentran en los textos que recibe al matricularse, servirán para su autoaprendizaje
mas no para la calificación, por lo que no deberán ser consideradas como trabajos académicos obligatorios.

Guía del Trabajo Académico:

4. Recuerde: NO DEBE COPIAR DEL INTERNET, el Internet es únicamente una fuente de consulta. Los
trabajos copias de internet serán verificados con el SISTEMA ANTIPLAGIO UAP y serán calificados
con “00” (cero).

5. Estimado alumno:
El presente trabajo académico tiene por finalidad medir los logros alcanzados en el desarrollo del curso.
Para el examen parcial Ud. debe haber logrado desarrollar hasta la pregunta 2 y para el examen final debe
haber desarrollado el trabajo completo.

Criterios de evaluación del trabajo académico:

Este trabajo académico será calificado considerando criterios de evaluación según naturaleza del curso:

Presentación adecuada del Considera la evaluación de la redacción, ortografía, y presentación del

1 trabajo trabajo en este formato.
Considera la consulta de libros virtuales, a través de la Biblioteca virtual
2 Investigación bibliográfica:
DUED UAP, entre otras fuentes.

Situación problemática o caso Considera el análisis de casos o la solución de situaciones

3 práctico: problematizadoras por parte del alumno.
Otros contenidos
considerando aplicación
4 práctica, emisión de juicios
valorativos, análisis, contenido
actitudinal y ético.


Estimado(a) alumno(a):
Reciba usted, la más sincera y cordial bienvenida a la Escuela de Derecho de
Nuestra Universidad Alas Peruanas y del docente – tutor a cargo del curso.
En el trabajo académico deberá desarrollar las preguntas propuestas por el tutor, a fin
de lograr un aprendizaje significativo.
Se pide respetar las indicaciones señaladas por el tutor en cada una de las preguntas,
a fin de lograr los objetivos propuestos en la asignatura.





1. Preséntese y presente a su familia remarcando la diferencia de géneros a

través de los pronombres personales y el verbo to be. En discurso y en

My name is Yta Medina, I´m 20 years old. I´m I am a law student at the university “Alas
Peruanas”, I am very friendly.

I have a small family, my mom is called Paola and she is 47 years old, is very affectionate, she
cooks rich, she is small and she has short hair. My father is tall and thin, he has 54 years and his
name is Juan Carlos, my dad is a teacher and he teaches in a school. My younger brother is 8
years old and his name is Hugo, he is very funny. My brother is 27 and he studies environmental
engineering, he gives me lots of advice.

2. Presente un Dialogo en inglés con el vocabulario proporcionado y

utilizando todos los recursos trabajados. Este trabajo se realizará en

-Hey juan!! whats up, is that car yours??

- Yes it is, i spend all my money on it
- Yeah, but now that car is mine.
-Oh thats amesome
-Yeah it is, oh! look at that watch!
-That is going to be mine, not yours, you've alrerady bought your car
-Well, doesn't matter, is not my style
- Yeah, it's going to be mine.....
-C'mon, buy it, or its going to be of someone else!!

3. En base a la lectura que será proporcionada. Reconozca los verbos,

adjetivos posesivos y pronombres posesivos y prepárese para responder
algunas preguntas en inglés.


Egypt is a country in North Africa. Most of Egypt is desert. The longest river in the world, the Nile,
runs through Egypt providing areas of very lush green. "Lush" means full and healthy. Egypt is
often thought of as one of the longest inhabited countries in the world. "Inhabited" means that
people live there.

People have lived in Egypt for 8000 years, since 6000 BC. For much of this time, Egypt was the
most powerful country in the world. It had the strongest government of any civilization at the time.
A "civilization" is a group of people who live together and have the same culture. The Nile river is
thought to be the most important element (part) of why the ancient Egyptian civilization was so
successful. Thanks to the richness of the soil and the available water, Egyptians were able to
have abundant supplies of food and animals. "Abundant" means a lot of something. The ancient
Egyptians were very influential and had a big impact on how the world developed. Many of the
things that were created or built in ancient Egypt are still standing or used today. For example, the
ancient Egyptians created systems of math, writing, and medicine that influenced the systems we
use today. The fact that we still use these systems or can see ancient Egyptian monuments
(important historical buildings) shows not only how well-built many of these places were, but also
how they are still seen as important today.

The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians created many impressive buildings. What is perhaps most impressive is
that they built these structures (buildings) without the help of the machines we have today. Some
of the most famous structures the ancient Egyptians built were the pyramids.

The pyramids are triangle-shaped buildings that are out in the desert. They were used as tombs
(burial places) for ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and their families. "Pharaoh" is the name of the
ruler of ancient Egypt, like a king or an emperor. So far, archeologists, historians who study
ancient cultures, have found over 100 pyramids in Egypt. They are still exploring so are likely to
find more. Outside many of the pyramids, the ancient Egyptians built large statues called Sphinx.
These statues are of mythical (imaginary) creatures. The creatures have the head of a man or
bird and the body, legs, and tail of a lion. They were built in front of the pyramids as guards for the
tombs of the Pharaohs.

The pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile. Many were built near the Egyptian city of
Giza. The pyramids of Giza are some of the largest structures ever built. Anthropologists (people
that study the human race) believe that it took 20,000 to 30,000 people to build each pyramid.
They also think that it took over 20 years to build some of the structures. Inside the pyramids,
archeologists have found many beautiful items such as jewelry, statues, furniture, and writing that
have helped them learn more about the ancient Egyptian cultures.

And now, practice:

Egypt - Exercises

Vocabulary Questions

1. What does “lush” mean?

a) full and healthy

b) empty and healthy

c) empty and sick

d) full and sick

2. What does "civilization" mean?

a) a group of animals that are similar

b) a group of people that are similar

c) a group of buildings that are similar

d) a group of foods that are similar

3. What does "structures" mean?

a) people

b) animals

a) writings

b) buildings

Grammar Questions

1. Egypt was _______ most powerful country in the world.

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) that

2. The ancient Egyptians _______ very influential and had a big impact on
how the world developed.

a) are

b) were

c) have been

d) will be

3. The Sphinx were built _______ the pyramids as guards for the tombs of the

a) in front of

b) at

c) on

d) under

Comprehension Questions

1. What are some systems that the Egyptians created that we still use today?

Systems of math, writing, and medicine

2. What were the pyramids used for?

They were used as tombs (burial places) for ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and
their families.

3. What did archeologists find in the pyramids?

The archeologists have found many beautiful items such as jewelry, statues,
furniture, and writing that have helped them learn more about the ancient
Egyptian cultures.

4. ¿Por qué estudia la carrera de Derecho? Presente esta pregunta por

escrito con un promedio de media página.

For the prestige it brings the legal profession, this question depends on the country you
usually live, but it is something you usually hear from the mouth when students know why
they choose.
In addition, it is a relatively short career against other university courses like biology or
medicine and carries a less complex texts that are mandatory to study nature.
Some people think that a good reason to choose the law is the easiness of the study of
law, as they should be known by heart and some people have the ability to remember
information perfectly through this method study, but the reality is that today this myth may
be somewhat weak, as teachers of the new breed are focused more on the
understanding of the concepts than memorization.
The right race can serve as a bridge to work in different places within the state, for
example. So that way you can get a job in a ministry, which requires knowledge of the
laws and then climb and reach a high step into the political in a country, which is why you
will notice that several ministers and even even presidents made a career in law
It is common to hear or read about personal experiences of different people, who have
chosen to study a degree in law for the sole purpose of continuing to become judges of
the Nation.
While this race is taken as one of the most rigid academic offerings, students have the
choice between various branches that gives you this great tree of justice.

5. Describa un día en su rutina diaria en el idioma inglés. Desde que

amanece hasta que anochece.

My daily routine

My name is Yta Medina, I´m 20 years old and I´m a student.

I get up at 6 in the morning, then i take a shower and brush my teeth, I make my bed after I am
preparing my breakfast, then I get dressed and I take my books. Then I go to college, so I take a
bus and when I get to college, I buy water. I study from 8 am to 1 pm.

In the afternoon, I came to the university to my home at 2 pm, and I lunch, and then I take a nap
for an hour, and 4 pm I'm going to play volleyball until 5 pm. Then I go home, I take a shower
and I prepare a fruit juice.

At night, I eat dinner at 7:30 pm, and then do my homework I read, when I finish I sometimes
watch TV and read my favorite book. I go to bed at 11 pm.

I finish the day tired, but I'm happy because I like doing what I do.

"Una voluntad fuerte es la mejor

ayuda para alcanzar tus metas


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