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Grammar: articles and quantifiers

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Worksheet A
1 Read out the sentences. Your partner will try to correct them.
I There aren't much primary schools in my area.
(mtteh - many)
2 I have a good local supermarket close to where I live. It's a best in the area.
(a - the)
3 In my city there are lot of housing estates.
(tot-of - a lot of)
4 There are none swimming pools in my area.
(none - no)
5 How many graffiti is there in your area? A little bit or a lot of?
(many - much, alotof - a lot)
6 High Street i n my town gets very busy at the weekend. Plenty people come there to do their
(IlignSt1eet - The High Street, Pl-enty - plenty of)
7 Every the buildings in my city are modern.
(Every - All)
8 There aren't much car parks in my area, and parking is a problem.
(mtteh - many)

2 Now listen to your partner's sentences and try to correct them.

3 Discuss which sentences are true for you.


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Worksheet B
1 Listen to your partner's sentences and try to correct them.

2 Now read out the sentences. Your partner will try to correct them.
I There is the big park in the centre of my city.
(the - a)
2 My city gets plenty tourists i n the summer, but in the winter there are no.
(ptemy - plenty of, n-o - none)
3 How much shopping centres are there in your area?
(mtteh - many)
4 There are lots of one-way streets in my area, and we get so many traffic during rush hour.
(many - much)
5 I like buying food at an outdoor market. A one where I live is small, but there are several types
of food available.
(A - The)
6 I have a nicest neighbour in the world. She's an teacher!
(a - the, art - a)
7 The New York is much more famous than my city.
(Tne NewYo1k - New York)
8 There aren't much things for young people to do in my area in the evening.
(n-tt:tch - many)

1 3 Discuss which sentences are true for you.

- - - - - - - -.... - - .J

Scanned for Agus Suwanto

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