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“[{Scrisoare} adresata celor din Kolase]” - Aparat critic – Editia critica maior

- Vasile Shandru

Inscriptio / Subscriptio
omit: P46; 323 365 629 630 1505 2646; pc
 S01 B03* C04 048; 33 339 466 1908; txt NA 27
 241
 cPpc
 A02
  F010(-) G012
  - D06 E06-abs1
   K018 075; 82 101 122 431 460 1739 1881 1907
1924;Maj; TR
  -L020;0278(-
  Elzevir 1624
  Griesbach 1827
1:1/   
a lat lat st ww
: citat in AP HF M T V VS; M (N ) vg (vg ) :  -- D I K 049 056 075 0142 0151; 6 104 223
326 436 462 876 1960 2344 2412; cav dem harl hub tol ulm willelmi; pesh; arm; eti; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF
cle 46 vid
VL vg // txt -- P ; S01 A B F G L P  0150; 33 81 330 1175 1739; a d f g am ful karl leg reg sangall sanger theo val; bo;
Ambrosiaster; Cassiodorus; Euthalius; Ieronim; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH vg
a b c d e
1:2/     
a b
: citat in AP :  -- 0150 // txt --S01 A B D F G 1739 pm [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V
VS : -- I K P  056 075 0151; 6 33 69 81 104 223 326 (330; Euthalius: ) 436 462 614 629 630 876 1241
1505 1739 1881 1960 2344 2412; pesh hark; (bo: ); Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene; Teodoret; editiile din HF // defectuoase,
insa aici este litera cu litera  in scrierea de deasupra sau in alta parte – P ; A // txt -- S01 B (D ) F G L
049 0142 0150; 365 (1175 ) 2464; d e f g vg; sa; arm; Clement-Alexandria; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teofilus-Antiohia;
editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T :
46-vid. d
-- P pesh // txt – P ; pm [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V : -- A D* F G; 33 104 441 442 629; d f vg;
mss pt 2
(pesh); sa bo ; Ambrosiaster; editiile din (Lachmann) // txt –S01 B D K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 81 330 365 436
462 630 1175 1241 1505 1739 1881 2344 2464; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; Euthalius; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V UBS
e lat lat st
VS WH [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS; M (N ) vg
(vg ) : -- S01 A C F G I (P 0150; (dem) tol; (hark-incadrat de*):
patre nostro et iesu christo domino nostro ); (056 0142 omit ); 075;
6 88 104 223 256 365 436 459 462 630 876 (1241 2492 ...) 1319 1573 1912 1960 1962 2127 2200 2344 2412
c mss 2 clem
2464; (b) f g mon cav colb (leg et christo iesu domino nostro) bo; arm ; (eti); geo ; Ieronim; Teodoret; editiile din HF vg //
txt -- B D K L  049 0151; 33 81 103 122 181 326 330 431 451 460 618 1175 1505 1739 1852 1881 1984 1985 1944; al; ar d e
in U4 marg in U3 mss 1
m(=mon* ) am div ful harl( ) karl marian reg sangall sanger; pal pesh; sa; arm ; geo ; slav; Ambrosiaster
lat lat st ww
Ioan-Chrysostom Origene Pelagiu Teodor ; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T V UBS VS WH vl vl

a b c d e
1:3/           
 ,
a 2 mss
: citat in AP T : – C ; arm //  -- 330 // txt -- S01 A B C* D F G; 1739; rell [[
b lat 61-vid mss
: citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V; M :txt --P B C* 1739;pesh hark; sa bo; eti; slav ;
Ambrosiaster Augustin Cassiodorus; Teodor ; editiile din N13 NEB So T UBS WH //  -- D* F G; 2005; pc; Ioan-
Chrysostom; editiile din (Weiss) // deo patri, adica sau -- b d g m=mon o colb harl ; //   --
2 c 1 in NA27 etc. 2 in U4 etc.
S01 A C D (=D ,D ) I K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 6 33 81 88 (102 ) 104 181
223 256 263 326 330 365 424 436 451 459 462 629 630 876 1175 1241 1319 1505 1573 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2344 2412
2464 2492; Maj; a=ar f am dem ful tol; arm; geo; slav ; Euthalius; Pelagiu; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M V VS [[
c lat c
: citat in M : omit - d bam colb harl gran val // txt -- D F G; am cav ful hub theo; pm [[
d mss
: cited in AP B M N13 N27 T V : omit – B; 1739 1881; vg ;editiile din (Weiss) // txt –S01 A C D F G; rell; editiile din B
HF M (N13 in [ ]) NEB So T UBS V VS (WH in [ ]) [[ : citat in AP B M N13 N27 T VS : -- B D* F G 075; 33 69 104 326
c marg 2
436 441 442 462 1908 2344 ; Teofil-(Alexandria); editiile din WH // txt -- S01 A C D I K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 81
223 330 365 630 876 1175 1241 1505 1739 1881 1960 2412 2344* 2464; Maj; pesh; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile
a b c d
1:4/      
a b
: citat in T : -- 33; pc // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP M T :
61-vid 2 c
P ; S01* A // txt -- S01 B C D F G K L P  049 056 (075; 69 104 326 330 436 442 462 1908 2344 al ) 0142
c 2
0150 0151; 33 81 104 256 1175 1319 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T (V) VS : -- D K L  049 056
0142 0151; 6 223 630 876 1739 1881 1960 2344* 2412; Maj; Ioan-Chrysostom; editiile din HF // omite -- B // txt -- (P ...);
s c
S01 A C D* F G P 075 0150; (33 ) 81 104 256 326 330 365 436 462 1175 1241 1319 1505 1908 2127 2344 2464; a b d e f g
m vg; hark; sa bo; arm ; Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS (WH in [ ]) [[
d 2
: citat in AP : -- D* // txt -- D F G (a d ful reg sangall omnes sanctos; am cav karl
leg sanger sanctos omnes) pm
a b c
    
a lat lat
: citat in M N : -- 876 // omite -- ful // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; am cav hub theo tol val; pm [[
b c
: citat in AP : -- 0150 // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in M
VS : – 919; vg?; sa?; Marcion // txt – P ; S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm
a b c

1:6/       
d e
      ˙
a 46 b 2
: citat in AP T : -- K L 0151 // txt – P ; rell [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS : -- D F G K
L P 049 056 075 0142 0151; 6 181 206 223 462 630 1505 1960 2344 2464 ; Maj; d e f g m=mon vg; hark pal pesh;Ambrosiaster;
46, 61vid
Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din (HF al ) // txt – P ; S01 A B C D* P 0150; 33 81 104 326 327 330 365 431
s p
436 464 1175 1241 1739 1881 1912 1944 2464*; pc; l 251=3 ; bo; arm; eti; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB (So al ) T
c 1
UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS :omit -- D K 049 056 0142 0151; 6 323 614 629 630 876
marg 46 61-vid
1022 2344* 2412; pm; editiile din HF // txt -- P P ; S01 A B C D* F G L P  075 0150; 33 81 104 223 256 330 365 436
462 1175 1241 1319 1505 1739 1881 1960 2127 2344 2464; d e f g vg; bo; (pesh hark; arm; Efraim (Sirul):
) Ambrosiaster; Augustin; Euthalius; Teodoret; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T
d vid. in T ilizibil in AP 46 1 e
UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in (AP) (T) //  – (D* ) (D* ) // txt – P ; D ; d; rell [[ : citat in AP
46 61-vid
T :omit -- F G // txt -- P P ; D; rell
a b c d e f
       
 g
  
a 2
: citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS : -- D K L  (049 ) 056 075 0142 0151; 104 223 365 630 876
mss ms 46, 61vid
1175 1505 1739 1881 1960 2412; Maj; vg ; hark; sa ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt – P ; S01 A B C
s mss
D* F G P 0150; 33 81 629 1241 1906 2464; pc; a b d e f g m=mom am dem ful tol; sa bo; pesh; arm; eti; goth; Ambrosiaster;
b 46
Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T : -- F G // txt -- P ; (S01 !)
c 46 61-vid
D (462 ); pm [[ : citat in T : -- 33 241 436; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; // txt -- P P ; S01 A B C D F
d lat 46
G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP; M :  -- P * //  -- F //
 -- 223 // txt – P ; S01 A B C D G ( ) ;(harltheo); pm [[
e 46 f
: citat in AP : -- P // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP B M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V
46 in B, (M) c in U3
VS : -- P ; S01* A B D* F G; 3 5 (6 ) 206* 322 326* 327 436 452 460 623 1505 2344 2401; g m(=mon* );
txt txt txt 2 1 in U4
editiile din B M NEB So VS WH // txt -- S01 C D K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; (6 ) 33 81 104 223 256 263
326 330 365 424 451 459 462 629 630 876 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1960 1962 2127 2200 2344* 2412 2464 2492;
Maj; a=ar b d e f o vg; pal pesh hark; sa bo; arm; eti; geo; got; slav; Ambrosiaster Ioan-Chrysostom Euthalius Pelagiu Sedulius
lat marg marg marg g lat
Teodor Teodoret; editiile din HF N13 NEB So T UBS V Wh [[ : citat in AP T; M : -- K
46 8
0151; 3 209* //  -- f vg Christi Iesu; goth // txt -- P ; D F G; a; pm (2344 omite ... )
1:8/  .
: citat in AP : -- 0142 // txt – P ; 056; pm
a b
    
  
a 46 b
: citat in AP :  -- 049 // txt – P ; pm [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V :omit -- B K 0151;
ms 46
122*;vg ; Arnobius; pc // txt – P ; S01 A C D F G L P  049 056 075 0142 0150; 6 33 81 104 223 256 330 365 436 462 630 876
1175 1241 1319 1505 1739 1881 1960 2127 2412 (2344 ) 2464; d f am dem ful tol; Clement-
c 1
Alexandria; Didim cel orb; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; pm [[ : citat in AP M T : -- D
in M) c 46 ,2
(I ; 69 436 440 462 2344 ; d e(impleamini scientia) f am(impleamini agnitione) g(impleamini cognitionem); // txt -- P ; D* F
G; Clement-Alexandria;

a b c
1:10/   
   
   
 
2 2
: citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS : -- S01 D K L P  049 056 075 0142 (0150
) 0151; 104 223 330 365 436 630 876 1505 1960 2344* 2412; Maj; arm; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile
46, 61vid s c
din HF // txt – P ; S01* A B C D* F G; 6 33 69 81 218 326 462 618 1175 1241 1739 1881 1906* 2344 2464; bo; Clement-
Alexandria; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP M T : – 075; 81 1908;
in M in T 46 61-vid
(d ) (f ) vg; pesh; (Ambrosiaster) // txt -- P P ; Clement-Alexandria; pm [[ : citat in AP T VS :
-- S01 A C D F G P; editiile din T V VS WH // txt – P ; B K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 223 330 436 462 876 1739 1960 2344
lat lat
2412; editiile din B HF M N13(!) NEB So UBS [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T (V) VS; M N
st 2 in M-lat
vg : -- S01  075; 6 104 330 1175 1505 1908; a b d f m cav dem ful karl leg reg sangall sanger (tol );
cl 2
Ioan-Chrysostom; editiile vg //  -- D K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 223 436 462 630 876 1960 2344 2412; Maj;
46 s
Oecumenius; Teofilus-Antiohia; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt – P ; S01* A B C D* F G I P; 33 81 365 441 442 1241 1739 1881
in T
1912 2464; am (tol ); arm; Chiril-Alexandria; Clement-Alexandria; Euthalius; Maximus; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS
 citat in AP : -- 049 // txt – P ; pm [[ : citat in T;
lat 46-vid 61-vid c
(M ) : -- 33 // claritatis -- am cav ful hub theo tol val // txt -- P P ; S01 A B C D F G; 1739; (d g leg ;
46 2
Ambrosiaster gloriae); pm [[ : citat in AP : -- D* // txt – P ; D F G; pm
  ·
46-vid 3 mg
: citat in AP N27 : -- P ; 1175; Ambrosiaster // txt -- S01 A B C?( C P ; 321 326
marg 46
436 ) D F G ; pm [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T VS:  – P ; B // txt – S01 A C D F
lat lat st ww
G K L P; 33 1739; rell [[ : cited in AP (B) HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 (V) VS; M N (vg ) vg : -- S01
ms ms in U4 lat marg
(F G ); 69; f g cav colb ful tol val; pesh; sa bo ;(arm ); Origene ; Speculum; editiile din WH
clem 3 c mg
vg //  -- C 075 0150; 6 81 88 104 223 256 263 326 365 436 459 462 614 629 1319 1573 1739 1877 2127
c 3/7 dub1/3
2200 2412 (2495 ); a=ar o dem harl* hub theo; hark-incadrat in*; slav; Atanasie; Chiril ; Didim ;
lem marg six in U3,
Pelagiu; Teodoret ; Varimadum; editiile din HF vg //  -- 330 451 2492 // omite – (1881
) // txt –
46, 61 in NA27
P ; A B C* D K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 33 81* 181 424 630 876 1175 1241 1505 1739* 1852 (1881 ) 1912 1960
mss mss 4/7
1962 2200* 2344 2464; Maj; b d e m=mon am karl sanger; pal; sa bo ; eti; geo; goth; Ambrosiaster; Augustin; Chiril ;
dub2/3 lat txt
Didim ; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene; Teodor ; Vasile cel mare; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS
txt ww st * in N27 2 in U4
Wh vg vg [[ : citat in AP (B) M N13 N27 So T U4 V VS : – (D )(D ) F G; 33 436
in N27, M mss dub1/3
1175; (a ) b e d f g m=mon o; vg ; sa; arm; goth; slav; Ambrosiaster; Didim cel orb ; Paulinus-Nola; Pelagiu;
in U4
Speculum; Varimadum; // – B; (2344); (a=ar ); editiile din
46, 61vid 2 in N27, T, 1 in U4
(Lachmann) (Weiss) // txt – P ; S01 A C D( ) I K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 6 81 104 256 263
365 424 459 630 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464; vg; pal pesh hark; bo; eti; geo; Atanasie;
dub2/3 gr,lat lat
Augustin; Chiril; Didim cel orb ; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene ; Teodor ; Teodoret; Vasile cel mare; editiile
lat lat st ww
din B HF N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 VS; (M ) N vg vg :txt -- S01 B;
c marg
4 69 103 104 256 263 365 436 459 629 1175 1319 1573 1739 1881 1906 1984 1985 2127 2344 2492*; am cav sangall tol; hark
dub1/3 lat marg
pal; sa; arm; got; eti; slav; Ambrosiaster; Didim ; Pelagiu; Teodor ; Teofilus-Antihoia; editiile din N13 NEB So T
txt vid
UBS V VS WH //  -- A C D F G K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 6 33 81 223 326 330 424 436 451 462 630 876 1241
1505 1852 1912 1960 1962 2200 2344* 2421 2464 2492 ; Maj; a=ar b d e f g m=mon o colb dem ful hub karl leg reg sanger val;
dub2/3 gr,lat
pesh hark; bo; geo; eti; Atanasie; Augustin; Chiril; Didim ; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene ; Paulinus-Nola;
txt marg
Speculum; Teodoret; Varimadum; Vasile cel mare; editiile din B HF M So Wh [[ : citat in AP : omite -- 0150 //
46-vid 61-vid 2
txt -- P P ; pm [[ : citat in AP T :- C* // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; rell
c 46 c
: citat in AP T : -- B* F G(G* ) P 0150; 2344 ; Chiril; editiile din M T V WH // txt -- P ; S01 A B C
D K L  049 056 075 0142 0151; 223 330 436 462 876 1739 1960 2344* 2412; pm; editiile din B HF N13(!) NEB So UBS VS [[
lat st ww 46
: citat in AP T; N vg vg : -- P 056 0142; 104 314 876 1906; am cav; goth; pc // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G K L 
049 075 0150 0151; 223 330 436 462 1739 1960 2344 2412; ful hub karl leg reg sangall sanger val al
1:14/    ·
: citat in AP B M N13 N27 So T V : – B; 635; sa bo; editiile din WH //  -- 1022* // txt – S01 (A este
ilizibil) C D F G K L; 1739; d e f g m=mon vg; arm; eti; Ambrosiaster; Atanasie; Chiril; Didim cel orb; Euthalius; Ioan-
Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS Wh [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 So T
lat lat st ww
U4 VS; M N vg vg :  -- 206 223 330 383 424 614 630 876 1505 1518 1912
1960 2005 2200 2412 2464; dem leg; hark; arm; slav; Cassiodorus; Grigore din Nisa; Oecumenius; Teodoret; Victorinus din
marg clem
Roma; editiile din HF vg // txt – S01 A B C D F G K L P  049 056 075 1041 0150 0151; 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 436 459
462 1022 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1962 2127; (a=ar bam harl* wir ) b (d e omit
) f g m=mon o am (cav) ful harl (hub) karl (reg) sangall sanger tol; pal pesh; sa bo; eti; geo; goth;
dub lat
Ambrosiaster; Ambrozie; Atanasie; Augustin; Chiril; Didim cel orb ; Euithalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu; Teodor ; editile
txt ww st 1/2 2
din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH vg vg [[ : citat in AP T :omit – D*; Chiril ; // txt – S01 A B C D F
1/2 six
G; 1739; (f ); pesh; pm; Ambrosiaster; Chiril ; vg ;
1:15/  
: citat in AP T : -- F G // txt -- S01 A B C D 1739; f; rell [[ : citat in AP :omit -- 056* 0142* // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739;
16 in Tertulian 46
pm [[ ... ...: citat in M T VS :omit – Marcion // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F
G; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP : -- F // txt – S01 A B C D G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in
AP :-- 0151 2412 // txt -- S01 A B C D F G K; 1739; pm
     
: citat in AP T : -- K 0151; 441 442 463 // txt – P ; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF (M) N13
(N27) T VS : -- P ; S01* B D* F G  6 33 69 1739; d e f g am vg (omnia(universa) in caelis et in terra);
pt pt
Ambrozie; Ambrosiaster; Chiril ; Ilarie; Origene ; Tertulian; editiile din B N13 NEB So T UBS WH
2 2
//-- C; Atanasie; // txt -- S01 A D K L P 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 81 104 223 330 365 436 462 630
s c mss pt pt
876 1175 1241 1960 2344( omite ) 2412 2464; Maj; vg ; arm; goth; Chiril ; Eusebius; Euthalius; Origene ; Teodoret;
Victorinus; editiile din HF M V VS [[ : citat in AP B HF (M) N13 (N27) T VS :  -- P ; S01*
B  6 33 1739; pc; d e f g vg; Ambrozie; Ambrosiaster; Chiril; Ilarie; Origene; Tertulian; editiile din B N13 NEB So T UBS WH //
txt -- S01 A C D F G K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 81 104 223 330 365 436 462 630 876 1175 1241 1505 1960 2344 2412
2464;Maj; vg ; Eusebiu; editiile din HF M V VS [[ : citat in T : -- 69 //
– 1739 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G; pm [[ : citat in AP N27 :
-- P // txt -- S01 A B C D F G 1739; rell [[ : citat in T : -- 69 //
c 46 46
 -- 2344 // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP T : -- C //  -- F G // txt -- P ; S01 A
B D; 33 1739; rell
1:17/ 
in AP 46 in T in T
citat in AP : omite vs. 17 – (F ) // txt -- P ; D (F ) G; pm [[ : citat in AP M T :  -- D (F ) G; 33*; arm //
46 46 in T
txt -- P ; S01 A B C; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP M T : -- P ; (F ) G; Origene (et omnia illi constant); Ilarie (et
omnia ipsi constant) // txt -- S01 A B C D; 1739; f?; pm

1:18/ ·
    
: citat in AP T :  -- 075 0150 0151; 33 ;1908; arm; Origene; // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D; 223 330 436 462 876 1739
1960 2344 2412; pm [[  citat in AP T : -- P ; F G; 69; g; // txt -- S01 A B C D; 1739; f; pm [[ : citat in AP
46 c in N27
(B) M (N13) (N27) T (VS) : – P ; B 075 0278; 6 81 104 424 (1175 ) 1739 1881 1908; pc; editiile din (WH
) //  -- 056 0142; 33 105 181 441 442; Ioan-Chrysostom; Oecumenius; pc // txt -- S01 A C D F G K L P  049
in B, M
0150 0151; 223 876 (1175 ) 1960 2412; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS [[ : citat in AP M
46 lat-pt 2
N27 T : -- P ; S01*; Eusebiu; Irineu (primogentius mortuorum )// txt --S01 A B C D F G; (330 )
1739; Ambrosiaster; Atanasie; Ciprian; Ilarie; Irineu ; Origene; (primogentius ex mortuis)
1:19/ 
: citat in AP : -- 056* 0142 // txt – P ;pm [[ : citat in AP T VS : -- A D P 0150
c in AP 46 in T 2 in AP
0278; 462 2344 ; Chiril; Eusebius; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; //  – (S01* ) // txt -- P ; (S01 , S01 )B
C F G K L  049 056 075 0142 0151; 223 330 436 876 1739 1960 2344* 2412; Epifanie; Eusebiu ; Origene; Teodoret; pm [[
lat lat
: citat in AP M; M N : 075; 330; a f am bam harl* hub oxon wir; arm; Ambrosiaster;
pc // txt – P ; S01 A B C D F G K L P  049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 223 436 462 876 1739 1960 2344 2412; cav ful tol; pm [[
lat lat
: citat in M N :adauga corporaliter -- (ful inhabitare corporaliter, mon tol habitare corporalier); Pelagiu // txt --
P ; D F G; (a f am bam hub oxon reg habitare, d cav theo val inhabitare); pm

1:20/ 
 
c 46
: citat in AP T : -- 049 2344 //  -- A // txt – P ; S01 B C D F G; 1739; pm [[
: citat in AP (B) (HF) (M) (N13) (N27) T (U3) (U4) (V) VS : -- P ;  //  -- B D* F G I L 075
(0151 omite ) 0278; 81 104 218 263 436 441 442 459 1175 1241 1739 1881 1906* 1908 1912 1962
4/5 dub 1/2
2464; a=ar b d f g m=mon vg; pal; sa; arm; eti; Ambrosiaster; Augustin; Chiril ; Didim ; Ieronim; Ioan-Chrysostom ;
Origene (pacem faciens per sanguinem crucis suae sive super terram sive in caelis); Pelagiu; Teofil-Antihoia; Victorinus din
marg 1,2 vid
Roma; editiile din HF // txt -- S01 A C D K L P 048 049 056 0150 0278; 33 223 265 330 365 424 462 876 1319 1573 1852
1/5 1/2 lat
1960 2127 2200 2344 2412; Maj; pesh hark; bo; geo; goth; slav; Chiril ; Ilarie; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodor ; Teodoret;
txt 46
editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS (UBS WH ) [[ : citat in AP M T : -- P ; B 056 0142;
2344 ; Origene; // txt -- S01 A C D F G K L P  049 075 0150 0151 0278; 33 81 104 330 436 462 1175 1739 2344*; pm [[
in AP
: citat in AP HF T VS : -- 0142 //  – (K ) L 049 0151; 1022 1960 2401
txt 46 in T
2423; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G (K ) P  056 075 0150 0278; 33 223 330 436
marg lat lat
462 876 1739 2344; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in M N
st 46
vg :......-- f ful orl oxon reg (sangall) wir // txt -- P ; D F G; a d am cav (leg) sanger; pm
1:21/ 
c 46
: citat in AP :  -- 0278 //  -- 330 2344 // txt -- P ; pm [[
: citat in AP T : -- F G //  -- 0278 // txt -- P ; D; rell [[ : citat in AP M T
V :-- D* (F G; f g ) (P !); (a d e wir; Ilarie: sensus eius)
46 2
ful harl* mon; Ambrosiaster Irineu Tertulian // txt -- P ; S01 D ; am cav hub theo tol val; rell
   
46 2
 citat in AP T : -- P ; D* F G // txt --S01 A B C D ; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP B (M) N13 N27 So T U3
lat marg marg 46
U4 V : – B; Adamantius ; Ilarie; editiile din So WH //  -- P //
in U4,N27 in T
 – 33 ; 33 //  -- 104 459 // l 291 //
ms lat 
 -- D* F G; b d e; vg ; goth; Ambrosiaster Irineu Speculum //  -P  0278; 81 330 451
2 vid
2127 2492; // txt -- S01 A C D I K L 048 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 6 256 365 424 436 462 630 1175 1241 1319 1505 1573 1739
1881 1912 1962 2200 2344 2464;Maj; a=ar f m=mon am dem ful tol; pal pesh hark; sa; arm; geo; eti; slav; (Adamantius ); Chiril;
lat txt
Euthalius; Ieronim; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu; Teodor ; Teodoret; Severian; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V
txt 46
VS Wh [[ : citat in AP : -- P // txt -- S01 A B D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP
(M) T V :-- F G; g //  -- Marcion (in Tertulian) // txt -- P ; D; pm [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T
V VS : -- S01 A P 056 0142; 81 88 206 223 326 (330 ) 429 614 630 876 1241 1518 1799 1912
pt lat marg
1960 2412 2464; a=ar; pesh hark**; sa; arm; eti; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Irineu ; Speculum; editiile din HF VS //
46-vid vid
txt -- P ;BCDFGI K L P  049 075 0150 0151 0278; 33 104 223 365 436 462 876 1175 1505 1739 1881 1960 2344 2412;
pt txt
Maj; b d e f vg; goth; Ambrosiaster; Chiril; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodoret; Tertulian; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V
WH [[ : citat in AP T : --  // exhibete -- d e g; Speculum // txt -- P ; D F G; pm [[ :
citat in AP : -- F G // txt -- (P ); S01 A B C D; 1739; pm
  

46 46-vid
: citat in AP : -- 056 0142 // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP M N27 T : -- P ; 33 489 // txt -- S01 A B C D
F G; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP T : omite -- L // txt -- S01 A B C D F G 0151; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP
2 2
HF M N27 T :-- S01 D K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 81 104 365 630 1505 1739 1881 2464;Maj;
46 s
Euthalius; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- (P ....); S01* A B C D* F G; 33 69 326 436 614 1175 1241 ; pc; arm; Ioan-
Chrysostom; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T :  -- F G; 4* 429 // txt
-- S01 A B C D; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP M N27 T : -- S01* P; m=mon //
 – 81; vg ; Euthalius // -eti //  – A;
marg ms 2 txt
hark ; sa // txt -- S01 B C D F G K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 1739; d f am dem ful tol; pesh hark ; bo;
arm; Ambrosiaster; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; pm
   
: citat in AP M T : -- D* F G; d f g vg; Ambrozie; Ambrosiaster; Augustin; (nunc gaudeo) // txt -- S01 A B C D F G;
2 in
1739 (1799 ); pm [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS :-- S01 075; 81 223 323 (326
N27 s mss
) 330 629 1241 1505 1912 1960 2005 2344* 2464; pc; t vg ; hark; sa; arm; eti; Chiril; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; al;
marg in M
editiile din HF // txt -- S01* A B C D F G K L P; 33 104 (326 ) 365 436 462 630 876 1022 1175 1739 (1799 ) 1881
c txt
2344 2412; a b d f am dem ful tol; pesh; meg; Ambrosiaster; Teodoret; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[
: citat in AP M T : -- S01* L; 69* // txt -- S01 A B C D F G K P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 81 104
1175 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP T : -- P //  -- F G 049; 181 209* 327 // txt -- S01 A B C
D K L P  056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP T : -- F G //  --  // txt --
P ; S01 A B C D; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP T :omite --  //  -- D* // txt –
S01 A B C F G; 1739; d f vg; pm [[  : citat in AP T VS : -- C D*  049 0150 0151; 330 1022; Euthalius; // txt -- S01
A B D F G K L P 056 075 0142 0278; 33 81 104 223 436 462 876 1175 1739 1799 1960 2344 2412; pm [[ : citat in AP
T : – D*; 460 876 // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm
  
lat lat
: citat in AP M T VS; M N :-- S01* A P; 33 104 241 330 565 1912; arm // omite --
075 // txt -- S01 B C D F G K L  049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 81 104 223 436 462 876 1175 1739 1799 1960 2127 2344 2412; d f
am cav dem (ful mon ) hub theo tol val; pesh hark; pm [[ : citat in AP :
 -- 075 // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm
1:26/ 
: citat in AP HF (M) T VS :  -- H 075 0278; 436 1175 (1906 ); hark**; arm // txt -- S01 B C F G P  048; 33 69
1739 1908; Clement; Didim cel orb; Ilarie; (A D K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 223 462 876 1799 1960 2344 2412; Chiril; Eusebiu;
Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; pm HF ) [[ : citat in AP (M) T : -- D* //  -- D
//  – 2005; hark** // txt -- S01 A B C F G; 33 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP M T V : -- F G // txt -- S01 A
B C D; 33 1739; d f vg; rell
   
: citat in AP : --  // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M T (V) VS :
-- S01* C P  075 0150; 81 104 223 436 1960; Chiril; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din
marg 46 1
HF //  -- F G //  -- D* // txt -- P ; A B D H K L 049 056 0142 0151 0278; 33 330 462 (876
!) 1022 1175 1739 1799 2412; Clement-Alexandria; Eusebiu; Oecumenius; Teofil-Antihoia; editiile din B HF M
N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP N27 : omite -- P // txt --S01 A B C D F G; 33 1739; pm [[ : citat
in AP M N13 N27 T V :  -- D* F G; (b d e f g vg ; Ambrosiaster; Ilarie: (mysterii) dei)) // - S01*; Clement-
46-vid c 2
Alexandria; Ioan-Chrysostom; // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D ; 33 1739; (a: (mysterii) huius; am dem ful tol (sacramenti) huius );
46 c
(Clement); Eusebiu; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T V VS :  -- P ; A B F G P; 6 33 424 1739 1881 1908;
pc; a b d f vg; editiile din NEB (So  ) UBS WH // txt -- S01 C D H I K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 81 104 223
330 365 436 462 630 876 1175 1241 1505 1799 2127 2344 2412 2464; Maj; Chiril; Eusebiu; Eusebiu; Euthalius; Teodoret; editiile
marg 46
din B HF M N13 T V VS Wh [[ : citat in AP :  -- 048 // txt -- P ; pm&rell
 
1:28/    

 [[ ]]·
46 46
: citat in AP :  -- // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP :  -- P // txt -- S01 A B
C (D ) F G; (330 2344 ) 1739; pm [[ : citat in
AP : --  // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP HF (M) N13 N27 T (V) VS :
 -- D* F G 0142 0278; 33 51 76 234 326 327 330 614 629; pc; d e f g ful leg mon reg tol; (pesh); eti;
pt marg c s c
Ambrosiaster; Clement-Alexandria ; editiile din HF // omit – L; 81 424 441 442 460 1241 1505 1908 2344 ; pc; l 251; hal;
pt 46 2
Clement-Alexandria ;(homoeoteleuton) // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D K P  049 056 075 0150 0151; 223 104 365 436 462 630 876
1175 1739 1799 1881 1960 2412 2464; am cav hub theo val; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ :
citat in AP M T V : -- F G; d e f g // txt -- P ; D; pm (436* 1799 omit
homoeoteleuton) [[ : citat in T :  –
46 lat lat st
69 // txt -- P ; pm [[  citat in M N vg : -- d f ful reg sangall tol; Ambrosiaster // txt --
46 2 2
P ; D F G; a am cav hub leg sanger theo val; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS :-- S01 D H K L
P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 6 104 223 330 365 436 462 630 876 1175 1505 1799 2344 2412; Maj; f am dem ful tol; bo
46 s
sa; (pesh); goth; arm; eti; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01* A B C D* F G; 33 81 1241 1739
1881 1960 2464; pc; b d e g m*=mon*; vg ; bo; Ambrosiaster; Clement; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS
1:29/ 
: citat in AP T :  -- F G; d e f vg: in quo // txt -- P ; D; (330 ); pm
2 mg 46
: citat in AP M T VS : -- H 075; 4 69 88 103 436 462 1319 1908 2344 2401; hark pesh; Sedulius; // omite-arm //txt -- P ;
S01 A B C D H K L P  049 056 0142 0278; 33 223 330 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP : -- A // adauga+ fratres – a; (1799
lat 46 46
adauga  pentru); [citat in M ] // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in AP :  -- 0150 // omite -- 1799 // txt -- P ;
rell [[ : citat in AP HF N13 N27 T VS : -- D* F G K L 049 056 0142 0151 0208; 330 2344; Maj; m=mon; Ioan-
46 1
Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D H P 075 0150 0278; 33 81 102 104 365 436 441 442 463 630
1175 1505 1739 1881 1912 2464; pc; lat; hark pesh; Ambrosiaster; Chiril; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
[[ : citat in AP T VS : -- S01 A B* C D* F G H K L P 075 0142 0208 0278; editiile din T V WH // 
lat 46 2 2
(pentru ) -- (a) am* harl*; [citat in M ] // txt -- P ; B D  049 056 0150 0151; editiile din B HF M N13(!) NEB So
UBS VS [[  fara adaugire: citat in M N13 N27 T V :adauga  (cf. 4:13) -- 88 104 330 424 441 442
ms 46 46
463; pc; vg ; hark**; // txt -- P ; 0151; rell [[ : citat in AP :  -- K* // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in AP [B] (HF)
vid 1
(M) T (VS) :  -- S01* C P 048 0208; Euthalius; Teodoret; editiile din B N13 NEB T UBS V WH //  -- D F
2 2
G K L  059 056 075 0142; Chiril; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din (HF So ) VS //  -- S01 D H
0151 0278 1022*; // txt -- (P ); A B D* 0150; 1739; editiile din M [[ : citat in AP T V :omite --S01* // txt --
46 1
P ; S01 ; rell

2:2/   
2 2
: citat in AP (HF) (M) (N13) (N27) T (V) (VS) :  -- S01 D K L  049 056 075 0142 0150
mg 46-vid
0151 0278; Maj; hark ; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF //  -- P ; C D*; editiile din
*, c c s
WH //  -- 1881 // txt – S01 A B H P; 6 33 218 424 462 618 1175 1241 1739 1906 1907 1912 1944 2125 2464;
txt txt
pc; it vg; hark pesh ; arm; Ambrosiaster; Clement-Alexandria; Chiril; Ilarie; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS [[
: citat in AP N13 N27 T : omit – D*; d e; pesh; Ambrosiaster Ilarie // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in AP (B) HF M N13
c 2 1 vid
N27 So T VS :  -- A C; 33 81 424 ; pc;//  -- S01 D H K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
46 vid
0278; 1881; Maj; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF //  -- D* // txt -- P ; S01* B 0208 ; 6 424
1241 1739; pc; Clement-Alexandria; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ † : citat in AP (B) (HF)
lat lat st ww 2
M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS; M N vg (vg ) :  -- D K L 049 056 0142 0151; 104
223 330 424* 436 1852 (2200  pentru !, corupere); Maj; hark-incadrat in *; Teodoret; editiile din HF V
clem 1 c 2 ms s
(vg )//  -- D H P; 6 69 424 436* 462 1881 1912 2344 2464; pc; sa // -- 81 1241 (1739 omite );
mss 1/2
pc; b; Euthalius; (Fulgentius) : Christi // ( D*; a=ar d e o; vg ; Augustin ; Varimadum; : dei,
in T zoh
quod est Christus ; eti (in lat) : domini, quod de Christo //  – 33; arm ; Ambrosiaster: dei in Christo
; (Clement) // -- S01* 048 // ( -- A C; 048 0150; 4 1175; pc;
mss mss st ww
(m=mon) (vg ); (Ambrozie): dei patris Christi; pesh; (sa ) bo; editiile din VS (vg vg ) //
clem pt
 -- vg ; Pelagiu : dei patris et Christi Iesu //
-- (dem) hub theo; Speculum; :dei patris et domini Christi Iesu //
 – leg : dei patris et domini nostri Christi Iesu
//-- f am ful karl reg sangall sanger: dei patris Christi Iesu //
 – cav tol: dei Christi Iesu patris et domini //
mss lat
(-- 075 0208 0278; 442 459 1908; pc; (vg ); Ioan-Chrysostom; (Severian); Teodore :
2 mss
dei patris et Christi // ( -- S01  256 263 365 945 1319 1505 1573 1962 2127; pc; vg ;
txt ms 2 46 ms
hark ; (bo ); geo ; slav : dei et patris Christi // txt -- P ; B; vg ; Ilarie (in agnitionem sacramenti dei Christi, in quo sunt
omnes thesauri sapientiae et scientiae absconsi), si care adauga: Deus Christus sacramentum est, et omnes sapientiae et scientae in eo
thesauri latent); Pelagiu : 'dei (,) Christi' ; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS (WH semnaleaza o greseala timpurie). [Observatie:
parantezele sunt pt. ms. latine, in care nu exista articol hotarat] Corupere timpurie a textului !
2:3/  
46 2
: citat in AP :  -- 049 // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in AP HF N13 N27 T VS :  -- S01
2 pt pt pt
A D (H ) K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 223 330; Maj; Clement-Alxandria ; Eusebiu ; Chiril ; editiile
lat st 46
din HF // omit  reg; Ambrose [citat in M vg ] // txt -- (P  | ...); S01* B C D*  075 0208; 33 103 1175
pt pt pt
1739 1881 1908 1912 2464; pc; arm; Chiril ; Clement-Alexandria ; Didim cel orb; Eusebiu ; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom;
Origene; Teodoret; Teofil-Antihoia; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
2:4/   
46 vid s
: citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T V VS : omit -- P ; S01* A* B H; 81 1241 1611; m=mon; Ambrosiaster; Augustin;
2 c
Euthalius; editiile din B N13 NEB So T UBS WH //  -- 330; l 251 // txt -- S01 A C D K L P  048 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151
0208 0278; 33 223 1739 1881; Maj; a b d f vg; hark pal pesh; Clement-Alexandria; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF M
V VS [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS :  -- S01 K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278 104 223 2344*; Maj;
hark pal pesh; Clement-Alexandria ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- S01* A B C D H P 048 0208; 33 69 81
s 2 pt
218 326 330 365 436 462 1175 1241 1739 1881 1906 1912 2344 2464; pc; Clement-Alexandria ; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13
NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T :  -- P ; C 049 // txt -- S01 A B D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat
46 2
in AP T :  -- P ; C (C* este ilizibil) H P 0278; 33 //  -- 436 // txt -- S01 A B D F G; 1739; pm [[
: citat in T :  -- D L; 330 431 // d e; Ambrosiaster: in subtilitate sermonis // f vg ; Pelagiu: in
sublimitate sermonum // Augustin- in versimili sermone // Tertulian-subtililoquentia // txt -- P ; S01 A B D* F G; 1739; pm; editiile
abs1 46 46
: citat in AP T :  -- D* D * // txt P ; rell [[ : citat in AP :  -- 075 // txt -- P ; rell [[
: citat in T; M : ut in quod deest necessitatibus fidei vestrae -- d e // et supplens id quod deest utilitati fidei
vestrae in Christum-- hub tol?; Ambrosiaster Augustin Pelagiu (cu multe variatii) // txt -- (P ) S01 A B C D F
G; 1739;
2:6/  ,
lat lat st
: citat in AP T; M N (vg ) :  – D; 330; (d) e (domini iesu
in Nlat?
christi) // iesum christum dominum, adica -- (am ) ful sangall // 
vid in M-lat, vg-st.vid
-- 33 //  -- 0208 //  -- a (am ) cav col
theo tol al // txt -- S01 A B* C F G; 1739; f hub; rell
   
  
46-vid 2
: citat in AP T : omite – S01*; Clement; // txt -- (P .....); S01 A B C D F G; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP
(B) HF M N13 N27 So T U4 VS :  -- B D* H 075 0208; 33 81 103 256 263 326 365 441 442 1241 1319* 1573 1908
2127;pc; a=ar b d e f m=mon* o am ful; Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; Teofil-(Antiohia); editiile din B N13 N27 NEB So T UBS WH
clem in U4 c in T vid
vg //  -- A C I  0150; 181 424* (424 ) 1912 2464; pc; Chiril //  – 048 ; sa bo //
46-vid c c lat
sau (P …); m =mon dem hal tol; arm; Ambrozie; Augustin; Ieronim; Origene; Teodor ; // txt
2 c in U4 c
-- S01 D K L P 049 056 0142 0151 0278; 6 104 223 (330 omite ) (424 ) 1175 1319 1739 1852
1881 1962 2200; Maj; eti; Clement; Grigore din Nisa; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF M (V ) VS [[
: citat in AP T : -- D* 0278; 122 464; d e f vg; Ambrosiaster; // txt – S01 A B D F G; 1739; rell [[
lat lat st ww 2
: citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS; M N vg (vg ) :  -- (S01 D* F;
(b) d e f g bam dem gran harl sangall val; hark ; Ambrosiaster; Pelagiu : ambulantes in illa cum
clem 2 c c
gratiarum actionevg ) B D H K L 049 056 0142 0151 0278; 6 104 223 256 330 365 424 436 459 1319 1852 2127 2200 (1573
2 ms 2
2495 omit  ); Maj; (a=ar) m=mon; pal pesh hark; sa bo; arm; geo ; Augustin; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF
marg vid vid
So VS (WH ) //  -- P  048 // txt -- S01* A C H* I 075 0150 0208; 33 69 81 218 263
s mss
314 424* 441 442 (462 ) 1175 1241 1739 1881 1906 1908 1912 1962 2464; Maj; am cav ful hub reg sanger tol; sa ;
1 txt st ww
eti; geo ; slav; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V vg vg
 ·
: citat in AP B N13 N27 T VS :  -- S01 A D; 81 1881; pc; Clement-Alexandria ; Euthalius; (Tertulian)
margin pt
editiile din WH // txt -- B C K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 104 365 1175 1241 1739 2464; Clement-Alexandria ;
Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in M : --
Marcion? // txt --S01 A B C D F G; 33 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP : -- S01* D // txt -- S01 A B C F G; 1739; pm
( 330 462 876 2344 2412)
2:9/ 
lat lat 46-vid
: citat in M : ? (habitat) -- a d f ful* harl mon; Ambrosiaster Ciprian // txt -- (inhabitat) P
N ; rell [[
in Irineu 46
: citat in T V : omit -- Valentin Ciprian // txt -- P ; Chiril; Epifaniu; Ilarie; Theodotus; rell
2:10/  
46 pt
: citat in AP M N13 N27 T V :  P ; B D F G; 1908*; d; Ilarie ; editiile din (Lachmann) // txt – S01 A C K L P  049 056
075 0142 0150 0208 0278; 33 81 104 365 1175 1241 1739 1881 2464; Maj; e f g vg; Ambrosiaster; Chiril; Euthalius; Ilarie ; Ioan-
Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T : -- D* F G // txt --
(P ); rell [[ : citat in AP M T V : -- S01* //  -- D* //
1 46 c
-- D // txt -- P ; S01 A B C F G; 33 1739; rell
   

citat in T:   F G; g; arm; Ioan-Chrysostom; : citat in AP T : -- F G 2423*; g;
(arm adauga per fidem) // txt -- P ; (D ); (1022 ); rell [[ : citat in AP T :
46 c
 -- B* // txt -- P ; B ; rell [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS :
2 1
 -- S01 D K L  049 056 075 (0142 omite ) 0150 0151 (0278
); Maj; (b); hark pal pesh; goth; Augustin; Didim cel orb; Epifanie; Ioan-Chrysostom;
pt 46 s
Teodoret; Vasile cel mare ; editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01* A B C D* F G P; 6 33 81 241 365 441 442 462 463 618 629 1175 1241
c in M-lat, nu in vg-st
1739 1881 1912 2344 2464; ( ; a cav tol) d f am ful val; sa bo; arm; eti; Ambrosiaster;
Ciprian; Clement; Euthalius; Ilarie; Origene; Vasile cel mare ; editiile dinB M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
: citat in AP : omite -- 0142 // txt -- P ; 056; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T U3 V VS :  --
46 2 c pt
P ; S01 B D* F G 075 0150 0278; 6 365 424 1739 1881 1908 1912 2127; pc; it vg; Ioan-Chrysostom; Vasile cel mare ; editiile
din UBS // txt -- S01* A C D K L P  049 056 0142 0151; 33 81 104 326 330 451 629 630 1241 1505 1962 2492; Maj; it vg;
Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; Ilarie; Ioan-Crysostom; Teodoret; Tertulian; Vasile cel mare ; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS
WH [[ : citat in AP T :  -- C; Origene; // txt -- P ; S01 A B D F G; 33 1739; rell [[ : citat in
AP : -- 330 // omite -- 0142 // txt -- P ; 056; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF N13 N27 T VS : --
txt 46
B D F G 0278; 6 33 323 326 629 1022 1960 1944*; pm; Teodoret; editiile din HF So // txt -- P ; S01 A C K L P  049 056 075
c s 2
0142 0150 0151; 3 42 69 81 104 218 223 234 330 365 424 436 441 442 462 876 1175 1241 1505 1739 1799 1881 1908 2344 2412
2464;pm; arm; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teofil-Antiohia; Vasile cel mare; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB UBS T V VS WH
   
c 46
: citat in T : -- (1 ) 102 322 323 2344 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm [[ :
lat lat 46
citat in AP; M N : -- 0150 0278; (ful) (mon) // txt -- P ; D F G; am cav hub theo tol val; pm [[ : citat in AP
B HF M N13 N27 So T VS : omit -- S01* B L  075 0150 0278; 33 69 81 104 256 365 436 441 442 436 462 1175 1241 1316 1881
1906* 1908 1960 2127 2464; b vg ; goth; Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; Tertulian; Vasile cel mare;
marg 46 1
editiile din HF M N13 NEB So T V WH // txt -- P ; S01 A C D F G K P 048 049 056 0142 0151; 104 223 326 330 630 876
1505 1739 2344*; a d f vg; Ambrosiaster; Ilarie; Teodoret; editiile din B HF (UBS in [ ]) VS [[ : citat in AP
mss 46 2; lat
N13 N27 T : -- D* F G; d e g vg ; // txt -- P ; D f vg; rell [[ : citat in AP T; M :
 -- D* F G; a g; Ambrozie; Ilarie; Tertulian; // txt -- (P ); f vg; rell (Stephanus:
 46
) [[  : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T U3 U4 V VS :  -- P ; B; 056 0142; 33 69 323 1022 1799 2401
ms 3/6 in Tertulian in 1739 2
2423; m=mon o vg ; pal; Ambrozie; Ieronim; Ilarie ; Marcion ; Origene ; Priscilian; // omit -- S01 D F G P
 075 0208 075 0278; 104 256 263 365 424 436* 459 630 1175 1241 1319 1505 1573 1852 1912 1962 2127 2464 ; Maj; a=ar b d f g
1 mss 3/6 lat
vg; arm; geo ; slav ; Ambrosiaster; Augustin; Ilarie ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu; Teodor ; Teodoret; Tertulian; editiile din
marg marg c
HF WH // txt -- S01* A C K L 049 0150 0151; 6 81 223 326 424* 436 876 1739 1881 1960 2200 2412; tol; hark pesh; sa
2 mss txt txt
bo; eti; geo ; slav ; Euthalius; Oecumenius; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS Wh [[ :
citat in AP M T : -- P ; 075; 69 81 104 330 436 441 442 460 1908; l 251 //  – 0278; 1912 // txt -- S01 A C B D F G K L
P  049 056 0150 0142 0151 0208 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T U4 V :  -- S01 K* L P; 6 323 326 330 1912
mss 1/5 3/5 lat lem 46
2423; f vg; eti; sa ; Augustin ; Ilarie ; Teodor ; Teodoret ; Tertulian; editiile din (Elzevir) // txt -- (P inAP)
46-in U4 c
P ; S01* A B C D F G K 048 075 0150 0208; 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881
mss mss mss
1962 2127 2200; a=ar b d e g m=mon o; vg ; hark pal pesh; sa bo; arm; geo; slav ; Ambrozie; Ambrosiaster;
4/5 2/5 in Tertulian
Augustin ; Euthalius; Ieronim; Ilarie ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Marcion ; Pacian; Pelagiu; Priscilian; Teodoret; Teofil-
Antiohia; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP M T :
 -- P //  -- D* 0208; d e; bo; pesh; sa; arm; (330; eti ) // txt
-- S01* A B*; rell
   
 ·
: citat in AP T :  -- D* // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in (N13) (N27) T : -- 33 //
 -- Hipparchus // omite -- 1881 // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in AP T :  -- P; 69* 104 //  -- S01* // txt --
(P ...); rell [[ : citat in AP M T VS :  -- D* F G; 2 206 223 234 327 328 383 429 876 1518 1799 2005; Origene; Teofil;
marg 46 2
Teodoret; editiile din HF //  -- P // txt -- (P al ); S01 A B C D K L  049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 81 330
2 txt
436 462 1175 1739 (2344 ); editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T :
 -- 0142 //  -- A // txt -- P ; S01 B C D F G 046; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP :
2 46
 – 0150; 330* 462 876 2344 2401 // txt -- (P ); pm
2:15/  
: citat in AP M T (V) :  -- F G; g; goth; pesh; Ilarie Novatian; //  -- a
46 46 mss
wirc; // txt -- P ; D; rell [[ : citat in AP B N13 N27 T :  -- P ; B; b vg ; // txt – S01 A C D F G; 33
46 2
1739; rell [[ : citat in AP T :  -- D* // txt -- P ; D ; rell [[ : citat in AP T :  -- G //
txt -- P ; D F; d e f g vg; Ambrosiaster; Ilarie; Origene; rell
2:16/  ·
2 46
: citat in AP T :  -- 056 0142 0278; 69 436 462 2344 // -- C // txt -- P ; S01 A B D F G K L 049; 33 1739;
46 ms pt
pm [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T V VS : -- P ; B; 1739 1881; b vg ; bo; Origene ; Tertulian;
editiile din B N13 UBS VS WH // txt – S01 A C D F G I K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 81 104 365 (876 1799
) 1175 1241 1505 2464; Maj; d e f g vg; hark; arm; eti; goth; Ambrosiaster; Ambrozie; Augustin; Eusebiu; Euthalius;
pt marg
Ioan-Chrysostom; Marcion; Origene ; editiile din HF M NEB So T V Wh [[ : citat in AP (B) M T VS :
 -- B (F G ); 81 242 330 2005 2344 ; f g vg; pc; Ambrosiaster; Marcion; Tertulian; editiile din B N13 NEB
UBS WH // txt – S01 A C D(* ) I K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 436 462 1739; d am; Eusebiu; Origene;
* 2
editiile din HF M So T V VS [[ : citat in AP M T VS :  -- D F G; 69 462 2344 ; Marcion; Origene; //
46 2
 -- D* // txt -- P ; D ; rell
2:17/    .
pt pt
: citat in AP B M N13 N27 T V VS :  -- B F G; 614; b d; goth; Ambrosiaster Augustin Marcion Speculum;
marg 46
Tertulian; editiile din WH //  -- 2412 // txt -- P ; S01 A C D I K L P  049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 81 104 630
pt pt
1175 1241 1505 1739 1881 2464; f vg; Ambrosiaster ; Augustin ; Eusebiu; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene; editiile din B
txt [18] 46
HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS Wh [[ ... ...: citat in AP M : omite -- I // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F
46 2
G; 33 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP HF T VS :  -- P ; S01 D F G K L 049 056 075 0142 0151 0278; 223 330 436
2 txt
462 876 1022 1739 1799 1960 2344 2412; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; Teofil-Antiohia; editiile din HF // txt -- S01* A B C P 
0150; 33 69 2344*; Euthalius; Oecumenius; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ :
citat in T : Ioan Chrysostom (  eti (et non sit
contemnat vos propter corpus christi) // txt -- P ; g (corpus autem christi estis); rell
    
: citat in AP : omite -- 075 // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in T :  -- F G // txt -- S01 A B C D;
1739 ; (d e g; Augustin: convineat); f vg (seducat); Ambrosiaster(decipiat); pm [[ : citat in T : Tregelles (-
Scrivener) -- 69 // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm; (WH semnaleaza o greseala timpurie); Corupere timpurie [[ : citat in AP
46 1
N13 N27 So T :  -- 330 // omite -- S01* // txt -- P ; S01 ; rell [[ : citat in T :  -- C D F G P; 2401*; editiile
din T // txt -- S01 A B K L; 223 876 1739 2412; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP M T :
46-vid 1 lat 2
 -- S01* // txt -- P ; S01 ; rell [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS; M :  -- S01 C
D (F G ) (K ) L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 104 256 263 326 330 365 424* 436 451 459 629 630 1175
1241 1319 1505 (1573) 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464 2492 2495; Maj; a=ar f g m=mon o am cav dem ful hub theo tol val;
gr in Ieronim gr mss,
pesh hark; eti; geo; goth; arm; slav; Ambrozie ; Augustin; Euthalius; Ieronim; Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene
lat1/3 lat in Augustin lat marg 46 c
; Pelagiu ; Teodor ; Teodoret; editiile din So HF // // txt -- P ; S01* A B D* I; 6 33 314 424
mss gr in Ieronim, lat in Augustin in Tertulian gr, lat2/3
1739; pc; b d e vg ; sa bo; eti; Ambrosiaster; Lucifer ; Marcion ; Origene ;
Speculum; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS VS WH [[ : citat in AP T :  -- S01 B* C D I K P 0150 0151
46 2
0278; 1022*; editiile din B N13 NEB T UBS V WH // txt -- P ; A B F G L  049 056 075 0142; 223 330 436 462 876 1739 2412;
pm; editiile din HF M So VS [[ : citat in AP T :  -- D* F G 0278; (69 ); d e f vg (ambulans); g
62 in T 46 c
Ambrosiaster (extollens se); m :(ambulans extollens se); Augustin (inculcans) // txt -- (P ); S01 A B C D K L P;
1739; rell [[ : citat in So :  -- Origen // txt -- (P ); (330 ); pm
46 46
[[ : citat in AP T :  -- D* // txt -- (P ); rell [[  citat in AP :  -- 049 // txt -- P ;
pm [[ : citat in AP T :  -- S01* // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739 (330 omite ); rell
: citat in AP :  -- 0150* // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V :  – D*; 1505 2005; (b) d e;
hark; arm; Novatian // txt -- P ; Irineu; Origene; rell [[ : citat in AP :  (!) -- C* // txt –S01 A B; pm [[ :
citat in AP :  -- F // txt -- P ; D G; rell [[ : citat in AP T :  -- A B* C D F G; editiile din
WH //  -- 0278 // txt --S01 B K L P  049 056 0142 0150 0151; 223 330 436 462 876 1739 2344 2412; editiile din B
HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS [[ : citat in M : crescit in sanctum in Domino, adica
(Eph. 2:21) -- cav tol (hub theo) //  -- 436* // txt -- S01 A B D F G; am ful;
pm [[ : citat in AP T :  -- S01* 056 0142; 69 //
txt -- S01 A B; pm
2:20/     
 
lat lat
st ww 2 c
: citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS; (M vg (vg ) :  -- S01 056 0142 0278 ; 6 206 256 326 365
429 (462 ) 614 629 630 1319 1505 2127 2344; a=ar m dem; hark pesh; Ambrosiaster; Augustin; Ioan-Chrysostom ;
marg marg 1
Origene; Speculum; Teodoret; editiile din HF (S01* ; HF ) // txt -- S01 A B C D F G
K L P 049 0150 0151 0278*; 33 81 104 330 436 1175 1241 1739 1881 2464; b d e f g am cav ful leg sangall sanger tol val; bo;
pt txt
goth; arm; eti; Chiril-(Alexandria); Ciprian; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Tertulian; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So UBS T
V VS WH [[ : citat in HF T :  -- 223; editiile din HF // txt – S01 A B C D F G K L P  049 056
0142 0150 0151 0278; 876 1739 2412; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T USB V VS
WH [[ : citat in AP M T :  -- D( ) (F G ); g; arm // txt -- S01 A B C; 33 1739; vg (quid
lat lat
adhuc); Ambrosiaster; Augustin; rell [[ : citat in AP T; M N :  -- F G; (a d ful m=mon; Ambrosiaster
in hoc mundo) // txt – S01 A B D; (am cav hub theo tol val in mundo); rell
2:21/ 
: citat in AP HF T (V) (VS) :  -- K 0151 //  -- 51 223 234 429 431 442
460 1799 2412; editiile din HF // txt -- S01 A B C D F G L P  049 056 0142 0150 0278; 33 104 (330 ......)
(462 ......) 876 1022 1739 2344( ......); m; Ambrosiaster(ne tetigeritis, ne attaminaveritis, ne gustaveritis); Novatian(ne
tetigeritis, neque gustaveritis, neque contrectaveritis); Origene (ne tetigeris, ne gustaveris, ne attaminaveris); Tertulian(ne attigeris,
ne gustaveris,ne attaminaveris ); editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T USB V VS WH
2:22/ 
: citat in (M) T: d e(in interitum per abusionem); g(in corruptionem ipso usu per abusionem);
f m(...interitum..) vg(in interitu ipso usu); Ambrosiaster(in interitum per abusionem et corruptionem); // txt -- S01 A B; rell [[
: citat in AP :  -- 0150 // txt -- S01 A B; pm
   
: citat in AP : -- D F G; d e (religione) g; Augustin( observatione); // [...]sau
46 ,2
 -- P //  -- 1960 // txt -- S01 (A este ilizibil) B C D* ; f vg(superstitione);
Ambrosiaster(simulatione religionis); rell [[ : citat in T : ( -- (P [] ); B
2 
D K L; editiile din HF So // txt -- S01 C D* F G P; editiile din B M N13 NEB T UBS V VS WH [[  : citat in So T : omite --
46 lat
Clement // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in AP M N27 T U3 U4 V; M :  -- F G; a=ar b d
mss in U4 46
e f g m=mon o vg ; (bo); goth; Ambrozie; Ambrosiaster(animi); Augustin(cordis); Ilarie(sensus); Speculum; // txt -- P ;
S01 A B C D H K L P  075 0150; 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 220
vid in M,U3,M-lat, vg-st etc. lat
2464 ; pal pesh hark; sa; arm; geo; slav; (vg ); Ieronim; Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene ; Paulinus-Nola;
lat  46 mss
Pelagiu; Teodor ; [[  : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V : omit -- P ; B; 1739; b m=mon o vg ; pal; bo;
1/2 lat
Ambrozie; Ambrosiaster; Augustin ; Ilarie; Origene ; Paulinus-Nola; Speculum // txt – S01 A C D F G H K L P049 056 075
0142 0150 0151 0278; 6 33 81 104 256 263 330 365 424 436 451 459 629 630 1175 1241 1319 1573 1852 1881 1912 1962 1963 2127
vid 1/2
2200 2464 2492; Maj; a=ar d f g vg; pesh hark; sa; arm; geo; slav; Augustin ; Clement; Ieronim; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu;
Teodor ; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS (UBS WH in [ ] WH semnaleaza o greseala timpurie) Corupere timpurie [[
c 46
: citat in T :  -- B P; 2423; editiile din (Lachmann) // txt -- (P ); S01 (A este ilizibil) B* C D E F G L;
223 876 1799 1960 2412; Euthalius; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH (WH semnaleaza o greseala timpurie) [[ :
46 lat
citat in So : adauga et non =  -- gig // txt -- P ; rell (WH semnaleaza o greseala timpurie) [[ : citat in So; M :
adauga et diligentiam – (a); Ambrozie Ambrosiaster Pelagiu // txt -- P ; rell; (WH semnaleaza o greseala timpurie )
3:1/  ·
46 1
: citat in AP T :  -- S01* // txt -- P ; S01 ; Ambrosiaster; Ciprian; Clement; Origene; Tertulian; rell [[
: citat in AP M : omite -- P (homoeoteleuton) // txt – S01 A B; pm [[ : citat in AP T :  -- F G // txt –
lat lat st ww 2
D; rell [[ : citat in AP (M) T; (M N vg vg ) :  -- H 0278; 69 462 2344 //  --
(S01*  , insa corectat de un copist initial); 241 314 876 // txt -- S01 A B ; rell; (am cav karl leg ubi christus, a bam ful gran
hub sangall val cum christo)
3:2/ 
46 46
: citat in AP T :  -- F G; it vg (quae sursum sunt); // txt -- P
; D; rell [[ : citat in AP :  (!) -- F // txt -- P ;
D G; pm [[ : citat in AP T :  – 049; 2 429 876 1799 1908 2412; Origene; pc // txt -- P ; pm
3:3/ 
46 c
: citat in AP T :  -- D K* // txt -- P ; S01* A B* C F G K L 049 (056 0142 ) 0151; rell
c marg 46
[[ : citat in AP HF M T VS :  -- K L 049; 5 326 330 623 1022 2344 ; editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D
F G (056 0142 ) 075 0150 0151 0278; 33 81 104 436 462 1739 2344; Clement; Eusebiu; Origene; editiile din B HF M
3:4/    .
c 46
: citat in AP :  -- H ; 1 799 //  -- 330 // txt -- P ; H*; pm [[ : citat in AP T
46 46
: -- F G; g // txt -- P ; D; f; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 VS : txt -- P ; S01 (A
este ilizibil) C D* F G P  075; 33 81 88 104 256 (263) 336 365 441 442 459 460 462 945 1319 1881 1908 1912
30/34 5/7
2127; pc; a=ar b d e f g m=mon o vg; pal; bo; goth; arm; eti; Ambrosiaster; Augustin ; Chiril ; Chromatius; Ciprian;
1/2 1/2 gr1/2, lat1/2
Didim cel orb; Eusebiu; Euthalius; Gaudentius ; Grigore din Nisa; Ilarie ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Origene ; Pelagiu;
lat marg marg 1
Severian; Teodore ; Teodoret; editiile din B So T UBS WH //  – B(*  (sic.!)) D H K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151
0278; 6 330 424 436 451 1175 1241 1505 1573 1739 1852 1962 2200 2464 2492; Maj; pesh hark; sa; geo; slav; Ambrozie;
4/34 2/7 1/2 mss 1/2 gr1/2, lat1/2
Augustin ; Chiril ; Gaudentius ; Grigore din Nisa ; Ieronim; Ilarie ; Methodius; Origene ; Paulinus-
txt txt
Nola; editiile din HF M N13 NEB So V VS Wh [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V : omit – A; 218 1881 2401 2464;
Grigore din Nisa // txt -- P ; S01 B C D F G ( ); 33 1739; Eusebiu; Origene; rell
     
 ,
lat st 46
: citat in N vg ; omite -- am // txt -- P D F G bam cav ful gran karl leg sangall sanger val; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M
c 3
N13 N27 T V VS :  -- S01 A C D F G H K L P 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 1881; Maj; d f vg; hark pal pesh; bo;
pt lat pt
arm; goth; eth; Ambrosiaster; Ciprian; Clement ; Ilarie; Ioan-Chrysostom; Irineu ; Origene ; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt
46 c s ms pt
-- P ; S01* B C*  33 81 424 945* 1912 1175 1241 1739 2464; pc; m*=mon* vg ; Clement ; Epifanie; Eusebiu; Euthalius;
pt c
Origene ; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in T :  --S01 A D* F G H P; al // txt -- B C D
46 2
K L; al [[ : citat in AP T :  -- D* // txt -- P ; D F G; rell [[
: citat in AP (M) (N13) (N27) T (V) : omite  -- P ; Ilarie; //
 -- 330 //  -- F G; g // txt -- S01 A B
D; f; rell [[ : citat in (AP) T :  -- F G // - C // -S01 A B* D K L P; 330
46 c
436 1022 2344 2412; al; B HF So T V VS // txt -- P ; B D* H; 223 462 876 1739 1799 1960 pm; editiile din M N13 NEB UBS WH
3:6/   
in AP vid in N27 in T mss
: citat in AP M N13 N27 T : -- (C* ,C C*  ) D* F G; d e g(propter quod quae?) vg ; editiile
46 c 2
din (Alford) //  -- P ; pesh;// txt -- S01 A B C D ; f vg; rell; editiile din B HF M N13 N27 NEB So T V VS UBS
46 c
WH [[ : citat in AP T :  -- C* F G // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D; rell (Lachmann ) [[
46 vid mss
: citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U4 V VS : omit -- P ; B; D* ; b ; pal; sa; eti ;
pt marg in N27 1 in U4
Ambrosiaster; Ciprian; Clement ; Ticonius; editiile din N13 NEB So T WH // txt -- S01 A C D D (-- cuvintele
se pare ca au fost adaugate ca un gand intarziat) F G H I K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 6 33 81 104 256 263 326 365
424 436 451 459 629 630 1175 1241 1319 1505 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464 2492; Maj; a=ar d e f g m=mon o vg;
pt lat
pesh hark; bo; arm; eti; geo; slav; Augustin; Clement ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu; Teodor ; Vasile cel mare; editiile din B HF
M So (UBS in [ ]) V VS [[ : citat in T :  -- C D F G // 462  // txt -- S01 A H K L P ; 223 330 436
876 1022 1739 1799 2344 2412; editiile din B HF M So UBS V VS
3:7/  ·
46 46-vid
: citat in AP :  -- 075 // txt -- P
; pm [[ : citat in AP T :  -- P 056 0142; 314 1799 // txt -- P ; rell [[
: citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS :  -- D (F ) G K L 048 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 223 436 462 630 876
1739 1881 2412; Maj; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; lat; pesh; editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D* H I P  075 0278; 33 81 330
365 442 1175 (1241 ) 1505 1908 1912 2464; pc; l 251; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
46 1
: citat in AP M T V : -- 1799 // omit – S01*; sa // txt -- P ; S01 ; Origene; rell [[ : citat in AP
T : -- F G; f (g universum secundum omnia) //  – H; (110 ) 330 441 442 // txt -- P ; D; d; rell [[ :
lat lat c in M-lat, N-lat
citat in AP M N13 N27 T V; M N :  (sau asemanator) -- F G; a b f g bam (ful ) mon
ulm; sa bo; goth; eti; Ambrosiaster(Nunc autem deponite - blasphemiam; turpiloquium de ore vestro non procedat); // txt -- P ; D;
d am cav dem hub theo tol; rell
3:9/  
1 2 46-vid
: citat in AP T : -- P // -Origene ; -Origene // txt -- P ; rell [[
: citat in M T : -- hark** // txt -- P ; (Origene); pm [[
 : citat in AP : omite -- 0142 (homoeoteleuton)// txt --
P ; 056; pm
3:10/ 
2 2 pt
: citat in AP T :  -- S01* //  -- 2344 // txt -- S01 A B; Clement; Eusebiu; Origene ;
46 lat
rell [[ : citat in AP : - 0278 //  -- 1960 // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in M :
c 46
 -- a d; Augustin Speculum // txt -- P ; D F G; vg; pm [[ : citat in AP T :  -- F G; d e f vg;
Ambrosiaster; Ilarie; Irineu; Origene; // txt -- (P – portiune care lipseste dupa  , insa nu exista spatiu pentru
cuvantul ); D; rell

 
 
lat lat ww sixt
: citat in AP M N13 N27 T V; M N ) :  -- D* F G; 629; (d e f g dem harl vg ; Augustin
46-vid 2
masculus et feminina) Ilarie; Ieronim; ( a; Ambrozie Pelagiu masculus et feminina iudeaeus et graecus) // txt -- P ; D ; am ful
tol; rell [[ : citat in AP T : -- D* F G; d e f g vg; goth; Ambrosiaster; Ambrozie; Ieronim; // omite --
2401 // txt – S01 A B; pm [[ : citat in T :  – 33; arm // txt -- (P );
S01; pm [[ : citat in AP N13 N27 T :- A D* F G; 3 181 441 442 629; d f vg; pesh; bo; eti; goth;
Ambrosiaster; Ambrozie; Ieronim; Ilarie; editiile din (Lachmann ) // txt -- S01 B C D K L P  049 056 075 0142
0150 0151 0278; 33 1739; sa; arm; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; rell; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS
s 2
UBS WH [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T VS :  -- S01* A C; 3 7 33 81 209* 436 1241 1799 2344 ; pc; Clement;
editiile din N13 NEB (T in text) WH // saudar omite-- am (citat in vg , "sed omnia et in omnibus Christus")
// txt -- S01 B D F G K L (P )  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 104 223 365 630 876 1175 1505 1739 1881 2127 2344*
cf. cu Epifanie
2464; Maj; Epifanie; Irineu ; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M So (T in margine) (UBS V VS )

3:12/     
: citat in AP T : omite -- L // txt -- S01 A B; (leg: ergo uos, am bam cav ful gran sanger sangall val: vos ergo); rell [[ : citat in
AP T :  -- D* F G // txt – S01 A B; rell [[  citat in AP N13 N27 T :  -- A D* F G 876 1505 1881; pc; editiile din
(Lachmann) // txt -- S01 B C D K L P 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 81 104 223 630 1175 1241 1739 1799 2464; Maj;
Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP B M
N13 N27 So T V VS :  – B; 6 33 1319 1739; pc; l 53; sa; editiile din WH // txt -- S01 A D F G; (122 ); rell;
editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS Wh [[ : citat in T :  -- D* F G // txt --S01 A B F G K L P ; pm
pt pt
[[ : citat in AP HF M T VS :  -- K 075; 5 38 223 326 1022 1518 1611 2344* 2412; Clement ; Origene ;
marg 1 2
Teodoret; al; editiile din HF //  – D*; arm; (D ; goth omit ) // -- 330 // txt – S01 A B C D
c pt
F G L P  049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 436 462 876 1739 1799 1960 2344 ; it vg; bo; Clement ;Euthalius; Ioan-
pt txt
Chrysostom;Origene ; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP (B) HF T VS :  --
D F G K L  049 056 075 0142 0150; 223 330 462 876 1022 1739 1799 1960 2344; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom;Origene;
Teodoret;editiile din HF So // txt --S01 A B C P 048 0150 0278; 33 436; editiile din B M N13 NEB T UBS V VS WH

 ·
: citat in AP :  -- C* // txt -- S01 A B; pm [[ : citat in T :  – 33;
arm // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP : -- F 0151 //  -- 075 // txt –S01 A B D G K; pm [[ : citat in AP T :
 -- F G L P 0150 0278; 33 462 2401* 2344 2412; Teofil-(Alexandria?); al; // txt -- S01 A B D K 049 056 0142 0151; pm [[
2 46
: citat in AP N13 N27 T (V) :  -- D* //  -- D //  -- 049* //  -- F G // txt -- P ; S01 A B; d e f
2 2
vg:(querelam); rell [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS : -- S01 C D K L P  049 056 075
0142 0150 0151; 6 81 88 104 256 326 330 365 424 436 451 459 629 630 1241 1319 1505 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200
2492 2464; Maj; a=ar m=mon; pal pesh hark; sa bo; geo ; goth; eti; slav; Ambrosiaster; Clement; Euthalius; Ieronim; Ioan-
lat marg marg mss
Chrysostom; Nilus; Teodor ;Teodoret; editiile din HF So T V VS WH // -S01*; vg ; // -
pt 46 1 pt
33; arm; Augustin ; // txt -- P ; A B D* (F omite “) G; 1175 1952; pc; b d e f g o vg; geo ; Augustin ; Pelagiu; Speculum;
txt txt 2 in T 2vid
editiile din B M N13 NEB So UBS Wh [[ : citat in AP HF T VS :  – (S01 )C D* K (P ) 0151; (33) 181
marg 2
223 234 1799 2412; Clement; Teodoret; al; editiile din HF // txt -- S01* A B C* D F G L 049 056 075 0142 0150; 876 1739
1960; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP M T :  -- D* F G; d e g; (pesh);
sa; goth; eti; Ambrosiaster; // txt -- P ; f; pm
3:14/ 
2 1
: citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T V VS :  -- S01* D*; 81; Euthalius; //  -- S01 D K L  049 056 075
mss pt
0142 0150 0151; 104 223 330 436 462 630 876 1175 1505 2344 2464; Maj; b g vg ; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodoret; editiile din HF
s pt
VS // txt -- A B C F G P 048; 33 256 263 365 1241 1319* 1739 1881 2127; pc; Clement; Ioan-Chrysostom ; editiile din B M NEB
N13 So T V UBS WH [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T :  -- D* F G; d e g; Ambrosiaster // txt -- P ; rell
   
c 46 st
: citat in AP T :  -- F G; 90 1908* 2344 // txt -- P ; D; rell [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS; vg :
2 2 2
 -- S01 C D K L  049 056 0142 0150 0151; 33 104 223 330 436 462 630 876 1799 1881 2344 2412; Maj; sanger; goth;
Ambrosiaster; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- S01* A B C* D* F G P; 69 81 365 618 629 1175 1241 1505 1739
1908 1944 2125 2464; pc; l 251; a b d e f g am bam cav ful gran karl leg sangall val; pal pesh hark; sa bo; arm; eti;Augustin;
Clement; Euthalius; Pelagiu; editiile of B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP B M N13 N27 T :  --
46 c
P ; B; 6 424 1739 1881; pc; sa // txt – S01 ( ); rell; editiile din B M HF N13 NEB So T UBS V VS (WH
46 2
) [[ : citat in AP T :  -- D* // // txt -- (P ); D F G; rell
      ·
: citat in AP B M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 (V) VS :  -- S01* I; 1175 2127; pc; bo; Clement; editiile din So
marg s ms 1/2
WH //  -- A C* 0150; 33 104 263 323 330 436 451 459 945 1241 1962 1984 1985; vg ; eti; Ambrozie ; Augustin;
lat lem marg 46 2 2
Qvodvultdeus; Teodor ; Teodoret ; Teofil-(Alexandria?); al; editiile din So // txt -- P ; S01 B C D F G K L P  049
056 075 0142 0150 0151; 6 81 181 256 326 365 424 462 629 630 1319 1505 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 2200 2344 2464 2492; Maj;
a=ar d e f g m=mon o am dem ful; (pesh) hark; sa bo ; arm; geo; goth; slav; Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom;
txt txt 46
Pelagiu; Speculum; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS Wh [[ : citat in AP :  -- P // txt –
88 in T
S01 A B D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in T : adauga et prudentia spirituali -goth; et omni intellectu spirituali -m // txt --
46 46
P ; pm [[  citat in T :  -- 33 // txt -- (P ); S01 A B; pm [[ : citat in AP HF (M) (N13) N27 (So)
2 1
T (VS) :-- C D K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 33 81 104 223 365 630 876 1881 2464 1799 2412; dem; sa
pt pt
bo; arm; eti; Ambrosiaster ; Clement; Efraem-(Sirul); Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Pelagiu;Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt --
46 supp pt pt
P ; S01 A B C* D* F G; 441 442 1175 1241 1505 1739; d e f g am ful tol; goth; Ambrosiaster ; Ioan-Chrysostom ; editiile
lat lat st ww
din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP HF (M) (N13) N27 (So) T (VS); M N vg vg :  --
vid 3 1 marg
A C D I K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 81 104 223 365 630 876 1799 2412 2464; a ful ; sa bo; arm;
pt pt clem 46
eti;Ambrosiaster ; Clement; Efraem-(Sirul); Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodoret; editiile din HF vg // txt -- P ; S01 B
C* D* F G; 33 1175 1241 1505 1739 1881; pc; d e f g m=mon am bam cav dem ful* gran hub leg sangall sanger theo tol val; hark;
pt pt
goth; Ambrosiaster ;Ioan-Chrysostom ; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP So :
46 46
 -- P ; F // txt -- S01 A B D G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T VS :  -- P ;
2 c pt
S01 B D* F G  6 424 1319 1505 1611 1739 2138; Clement; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodoret; editiile din B N13 NEB T (UBS
marg 3 c 2
) WH // omit -- C 049; 326 462 1022* 2344 ; Efraem-(Sirul)// txt -- S01* A (C* ) D K L 056 075 0142
0150 0151; 33 81 104 223 330 365 (429 1799 2412 ) 436 630 876 1175 1241 1799 1881 2344* 2412 2464; Maj; arm;
pt txt
Ioan-Chrysostom ; Euthalius; editiile din HF M So V VS Wh [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 So T VS :
 -- D I K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 223 462 630 876 1799 2344* 2412; Maj; eti; Clement; Efraem-(Sirul); Teodoret;
46 s c
editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D* F G  075; 6 33 81 104 326 330 436 1175 1241 1505 1739 1881 2344 2464; a b d e f vg;
pal pesh hark; sa bo; arm; goth; Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[
2 2
: citat in AP HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS :  -- C D K L * 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 104 181 223 326 330 424*
(436   ) 451 459 629 630 876 1241 1799 1852 1912 2200 2412 2492 2495;
mss 2 pt lem
a=ar colb dem (gig); bo ; geo ; goth; slav; Ambrosiaster ; Efraem-(Sirul); Ioan-Chrysostom ; Pelagiu; Teodoret; editiile
marg 46-vid in AP 46 in U4 c c
din HF NEB // txt -- (P )P ; S01 A B C* D* F G  075; 6 33 81 365 424 442 (256 263 1175 1319 1573
1962 2127   ) 1505 1739 1881 1908 2464; b d f g m=mon am ful tol; pal pesh hark; sa
1 pt com lat txt
bo; arm; geo ; Ambrosiaster ; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Speculum; Teodor ; editiile din B M N13 NEB So
   
: citat in AP M T : omite -- D* F G; 2 429; d e f g vg; goth; Ambrosiaster // txt -- P ; (1799 ); rell [[ : citat in
AP [B] HF T :  -- S01 A C D I K  056 075 0142 0150 0151; 223 330 436 462 876 1739 1799 1960 2412; Clement; Euthalius;
Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din B HF So T VS // txt -- P ; B F G L 049; 1022; editiile din M N13 NEB UBS V WH [[
c c 46
: citat in AP T :  -- K L 0142 0150 0151; 330 2344 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G K* 049 056 075; 223 436 462 876
lat lat st ww
1022 1739 1799 1960 2412; pm [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T (VS); M N vg (vg ) :  -- A C D*
F G; g; editiile din (Lachmann) //  -- S01* (S01 ; 102 241 429 441 442 463 )
mss pt in vg-st
365 1175; pc; (a=ar dem oxon; sa bo; eti; Ambrosiaster : ); (b) d e (bam ) ful gran harl
pt clem 46 2 s
hub mon sangall theo val; (pesh); Clement ; editiile vg //  – L; Ieronim // txt -- P ; B D K ( 104 330 1241 1799;
in M-lat
pc: ) 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 33 69 81 630 1505 1739 1881 2464; Maj; f m=mon am (bam ) cav karl
mss pt pt
leg tol ulm; arm; goth; hark; sa ; Ambrosiaster ; Clement ; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M N13
st ww
NEB So T UBS V VS WH vg vg [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T U3 U4 V VS :  -- D F G K L  049 056 075 0142
0150 0151; 6 33 104 256 (326 ) 330 365 424 436 451 459 629 630 1175(omite care urmeaza) 1241 1319 1505 1573
1852 1881(omite care urmeaza) 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464 2492; d e f g o am colb dem ful harl tol; hark; arm; geo; slav;
lat 46
Ambrosiaster; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu; Teodor ; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- P ; S01 A B C; 81 441
442 1739 1985; a=ar b m=mon vg ; pesh; sa bo; goth; eti; Ambrozie; Speculum; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
[[ : citat in AP :  -- 075 // txt -- P ; (1175 1881 omit ); pm
3:18/   
46 lat
: citat in AP T :  -- F G; arm // txt -- P ; D; rell [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS; M :
 -- D* F G 075; 1827; a d e f g ulm wirc; pesh hark**; bo; arm; eti; goth; Pelagiu; Teofil-(Alexandria?) //
 -- L 056 0142; 6 223 330 365 436 462 614 630 876 1175 1881 1799 1960 2344 2412 2464; pm; Teodoret; editiile
txt 46 2
din HF // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D K 049 0150 0151; 33 81 104 1022 1241 1739 2401 2423; am cav ful hub theo tol val; pm;
Ambrosiaster; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; editiile din B HF N13 NEB M So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat
in AP T : - F G // txt -- P ; D; rell
3:19/  .
46 lat
: citat in AP T :  -- G //  -- F // txt -- P ; D; rell [[ : citat in AP M (N13) N27 T (V); M
st 2 c in M-lat in M-lat
vg : -- C D* F G; 330; a b d e f g m am (bam ) theo tol ulm (val ); pal pesh hark**;
clem 2
Ambrosiaster;Origene; Speculum; editiile din (Lachmann) vg //  -- S01 075; 88 (1175 )
46-vid 2
// txt -- P ; S01* A B C* D K L P 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 33 81 104 365 436 462 630 1241 1505 1739 1881 2344 2464; Maj;
in vg-st in vg-st ms ms
m*=mon (bam ) cav colb ful gran hub harl** leg oxon (val ) ; sa bo ; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom;
st ww 2
Teodoret; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH vg vg [[ : citat in AP M T :  -- C
c 46
K 056 0150; 4 88 101 122 181 623 794 1149 2401 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C* D F G L P  049 075 0142 0151; 33 223 330 436 (462
c 46
) 876 1739 1799 1960 (2344 ) 2412; rell [[ : citat in AP :  -- P // txt -- S01 A B; pm
3:20/ 
lat 46
: citat in M :  (parentibus vestris) -- a // txt -- P ; d f vg; rell; [[
: citat in AP HF T VS :  -- F G K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151 0198 ; 223 330 436 876 1022
pt c
1799 1960 2344* 2412; g; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodoret; editiile din HF //  -- (* )  ; 181
46-vid c
464*; Clement; // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D 048 075; 33 69 (462 ) 1739 1908 1912 2344 ; d e f vg;Ioan-
Chrysostom ; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T VS :  – 0198; 81
s mss
206 323 326 330 629 630 876 945 1022 1241 1799 1960 2344* 2412; (a=ar) vg ; bo; eti; Chiril; Clement;Euthalius; Ioan-
pt marg 46
Chrysostom ; editiile din HF //  -- 1912 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 33 104 223
c pt
365 (436) (462) 1175 1505 1739 1881 2344 2464; b d f am dem ful tol; hark; arm; goth;Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodoret; pm; editiile
3:21/  .
lat 46
 (patres): citat in M : parentes -- a f harl oxon wirc // txt -- P ; D F G; d am cav ful hub theo tol val; pm [[
lat lat in AP M N27 T
: citat in AP M N13 N27 So T U4 VS; M N :  – (S01 )A C D* F G L 075 0198 0278; 33
s c
69 81 88 104 181 206 256 263 326 330 365 436 459 623 1175 1241 1319 1505 (1573  ) 1739 1912 1962 2127 2138
vid marg pt
2464 ; d (g) ful harl* mon oxon theo; hark ; arm; geo; Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; Pelagiu; Teodoret ; Teofil-
46 46vid in U4,N27 in U4 1
(Alexanfdria?); al; editiile din (Lachmann) // txt-(P ) P ; (S01 ) B D K  049 056 0142 0150 0151; 6
(c) txt
223 424 (462) 630 876 1739* 1799 1881 2200 2344 2412; Maj; a=ar b f m=mon o am cav hub tol ulm val wirc; hark ; eti; slav;
lat pt
Clement; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodor ; Teodoret ; Vasile cel mare; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
   
 .
46 s ms
: citat in AP M N27 T : omit -- P ; 075 0278; 3 38* 81 103 218 336 421 436 441 442 642 1241 1908; pc; vg ; sa;
arm // txt --S01 A B C D F G K L  049 056 0142 0150 0151; 33 104 365 630 1175 1505 1739 1881 2464; vg; pm [[
: citat in AP T :  -- F G; d f vg(dominis carnalibus) // txt -- P ; D; rell [[ : citat
in AP T : -- C* // txt -- P ; S01 A B; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF N13 N27 T VS :  --
46 s
P ; (A B: ) D (F G; 330 436 ) 075; 69 81 104 242 325 365 436 441 436 442 1241 1319 1908
1912 2127; sa bo; Euthalius; al; editiile din UBS WH // txt -- S01* C (K L; 223 462 876 1799 1960 2344 2412; al HF So VS
)  049 056 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 630 1175 1505 1739 1881 2464; Maj; hark; Clement; Ioan-
Chrysostom; Oecumenius; Teodoret; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS Wh [[ : citat in AP (T) :
 -- F // txt – P ; D G; (69 ); pm [[ : citat in AP T :  -- B 048; editiile din
(Tregelles) // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G K L; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH [[ : citat in AP HF M
lat lat st ww 46 2 2
N13 N27 T V VS; (M N vg vg ) :  -- P ; S01 D K 049 056 0142 0150 0151; 6 104 206 223 436 462 630 876 1022
1799 1960 2344 2412; Maj; d dem; bo; goth; editiile din HF vg // txt -- S01* A B C D* F G L  048 075 0278; 33 81 263 330 365
1175 1241 1505 1739 1881 2464; a b f g m f am bam cav ful gran harl karl leg sangall sanger val; pesh hark; sa bo; arm;
st ww
Ambrosiaster; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T V UBS VS WH vg vg
3:23/   
2 c
: citat in AP HF (M) N13 N27 T V VS : -- S01 075 0278 //-- 056 0142; 103 104 326 424 441 442 1908;pc; pesh
Clement;// - 1505 2401 //  -- D K L 049 0150 0151; 223 630 876 1022 1799 1960 2412; Maj; editiile din
46 ,2 s
HF // txt -- P ; S01* A B C D* F G; 33 81 365 1175 1241 1739 1881 1912 2464; pc; d f vg; bo; arm; goth; Ambrosiaster;
Euthalius;Teofil-(Alexandria?); editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP :  -- P ; D F G  330 462
1739 2344 // txt -- S01 A B C K L 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 223 436 876 1022 1799 1960 2412; pm [[ : citat in
c 46
AP T :  -- L 075; 2344 // txt -- (P  K 049 056 0142 0151; rell [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V :
 -- A 075; 88 221 330 440 491 823; l 251; Clement // txt -- P ; S01 B C D F G; 33; rell [[: citat in AP
M N27 T :  -- P ; B; 177 1739; sa; Ambrosiaster // txt -- S01 A C D F G K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; rell [[
: citat in M : - pesh; arm // txt -- P ; pm
   ·
: citat in M :  -- 1611 2005; hark** // txt – P ; pm [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T VS : 
46 2 2
-- P ; S01 A C (K L  056 075 0142 0150 0151; 330 1739 1799 1960 2344 2412; pm ) 0278; 81 104 365 (462
txt 2 2 vid
) 630 1241 1881 2464; Maj; editiile din HF VS // txt -- S01* B* (B D 049: ) C* (D* )
1 marg
D F G; 33 (223 ) 326 436 629 876 1022 1175; pc; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V WH [[
2 marg
: citat in AP T :  -- C 075 0278; 69 104 436 441 436 442 462 1906 1908 2344; arm;
Euthalius; Teodoret; // txt -- P ; S01 A B C*; pm [[  citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 T (V) VS :
 -- F G; (a=ar d e m*=mon*; bo ; Ambrosiaster ); f g //
 -- D K L 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; (69 102 242 330 1799 2401 ) 104 630; Maj; hark
pal pesh; arm; goth; Clement; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF VS // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D* 0278; 33 81 88 365 1175
s mss
1241 1739 1881 1908 1912 2464; vg; bo ; Euthalius; Pelagiu; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T V UBS WH
3:25/  .
: citat in AP HF M T V VS :  -- D K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 6 223 326 436 462 876 1022 1799 1960 2344
2412; pesh; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- S01 A B C D* F G 048; 33 104 330 441 442 1739 1906 1912; d f vg;
bo; goth; Clement; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP HF M T VS :  --
vid pt
S01* A C D* I 056 075 0142; 33 223 436 462 876 1022 1739 1799 1960 2412; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom ; editiile din HF So T
2 c
//  -- F G // txt -- S01 B D K L 049 0150 0151 0278; 3 69 93 103 181 209* 322 323 326 (330 ) 460 462
(2344 ); Clement; Ioan-Chrysostom ; Teodoret; Teofil-(Alexandria?); editiile din B M N13 NEB UBS V VS WH [[
lat lat st ww
: citat in AP M N13 N27 T V; M N vg vg :  -- F G I; 629; a f g bam
dem ful gran harl hub leg sangall theo tol ulm val; bo; arm; goth; Ambrosiaster; Cassiodorus; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu; editiile
clem 2 2
vg // txt -- S01 A B C D* 0278; (462 ); d am cav karl sanger; rell (dar  B D K L  049
056 075 0142 0150 0151; 223 330 436 462 1739; pm HF)

: citat in AP T :  -- F G // txt -- S01 A B C D; 33 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP :  -- 0278 //
txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M T VS :  – C; 2 42 51 88 102 177 206 216 223 234 257
337 429 431 635 1738 1799; Clement; al; editiile din HF // txt -- S01 A B D F G K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 33 81
104 330 436 (462 ) 876 1022 1175 1739 1960 2344 2412; pm; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T V VS UBS WH [[
lat lat
: citat in AP :  -- C* // txt -- S01 A B D F G; 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS; M N :
 -- S01 D F G K L  049 056 065 075 0142 0150 0151; 6 (330 adauga ) 365
436 630 1175 1505 2344 2464; Maj; d e f g ful* mon; hark; bo ; arm; Ambrosiaster; Ioan-Chrysostom; Speculum; Teodoret;
s c
editiile din HF // txt -- S01* A B C I 0278; 33 69 81 104 218 326 441 442 462 1241 1739 1881; pc; am bam cav dem ful harl hub
theo tol val; sa bo ; goth; Clement; Euthalius; Origene; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH
4:2/   
: citat in AP T : -- F G // txt -- S01 A B C D; (1799 ); rell [[ :
s c lat
citat in AP M N27 T :  – I; 33 69 1241 1881; pc; harl* oxon ; Origen (Orationi instantes et vigilantes in
ea) // txt – S01 A B C D F G; 81 (462 ) 1739; am cav ful hub tol theo val; rell [[ : citat in AP M T V; M
lat st 1
N vg : omit –S01*; ful* mon tol // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; am cav hub theo val; Clement; rell [[ : citat in AP M
st 2
N13 N27 T V; (vg ) : omit – D*; d e; Ambrosiaster; // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; (462 2344 al ) (cav kar sangall
omit ); rell
2 vid in AP 46
: citat in AP :  -- S01* // txt -- S01 A B; pm [[ : citat in AP T :  – C* L 0278; 462 // txt -- P ; S01
A B C D F G K  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; pm [[ : citat in AP T :  -- D* F G // omit – 1911*; Clement; Teofil-
46 2 46
(Alexandria); // txt -- P ; D ; rell [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V : -- A // txt -- P ; S01 B C D
ms mss
F G; 33 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T U4 V :  -- B* L; 4 57 431 614 1319 2344; vg ; sa ; eti;
1/3 46-vid 46 in U4 1
Ambrosiaster; (Augustin ); Chiril; Euthalius; editiile din (Weiss) // txt – P /P ; S01 A B C D F G K  048 049 056
075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 6 33 81 104 256 263 330 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200; a=ar b d f
mss 2/3
g m=mon o am dem ful harl tol; pesh hark; sa bo; arm; geo; slav; Ambrozie; Augustin Clement; Ioan-Chrysostom; Pelagiu;
Teodor ; rell; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V :  -- B F G; (1912 );
ms 46-vid
g; vg ; editiile din (Lachmann) // txt – P ; S01 A C D K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; (223 1739 2412 al ') d e f
vg; goth; Chiril; Clement; Euthalius; Ioan-Chrysostom; rell; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in
M :  -- 81 88 257 876 919 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G; 33 (330 ) 1739; pm
4:4/ 
*,2 1
: citat in AP T :  -- D // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 330 436 1739; d f; pm [[ : citat in AP :  -- D* 0151; 1022
46 1
2344 // txt -- (P ); S01 A B C D F G K L; 330 436 1739; pm
4:5/ 
: citat in T V : -- 69 // txt --S01 A B C D F G K L; 330 436 462 1739; pm [[ : citat in M :
 -- (330 ) 440 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G K L; 436 462 1739
(2344 ); pm
4:6/ 
46 2
: citat in AP T :  -- D* //   – 0278; 330 // txt -- P
; S01 A B C D F G K L  049 056 075 0142 0150 ; 33 223 436
462 1739 1799 2412; d f; pm [[ : citat in AP T :  – 049; 3 209 436 2401 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G
K L  056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 223 330 462 1799 1960 2344 2412; pm

46 2
: citat in AP M T :  -- S01* 0150; pesh; arm; Ephraem // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G; (330 th) 1739; rell [[ : citat
46 2 46
in AP T :  -- D* // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP T V : omite -- S01* // txt -- P ;
2 46
S01 A B C D F G ( ); 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP :  – 056; 0142 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G K L 
049; 1739; pm
4:8/ 
46 2
: citat in AP T :  -- D* // txt -- P ; S01 A B C D F G; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3
lat lat 46 (2),c 1
U4 V VS; M (N ) :  -- P ; S01 C D K L  049 056 0142 0150 0151; 6 104 326 424 436 451? 459 629 630 1505 1739
1852 1881 2200 2464 2495; Maj; f o am cav dem ful(*) harl hub theo tol val; pesh hark; sa bo; geo; slav; goth; Ambrosiaster;
1/2 lat 1/2 *,c
Ieronim ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodor ; Teodoret ; editiile din HF VS // txt --S01* A B D F G P 048 075 0278; 33 69 81 88
256 263 322 323 328 330 365 398 462 1175 1241 1319 1573 1908 1912 1924 1962 2127 2344; a=ar b d e g m=mon gran wir arm;
mss 1/2 1/2
pal; sa ; arm; (eti); Euthalius; Ieronim ; Teodoret ;editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V WH [[ : citat in AP B HF M
lat 46 ,1 1
N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS; M :  -- P ; S01* C D K L  049 056 0142 0150 0151; 6 104 326 330 424 436 451 459 629
s mss
630 1241 1505 1739 1852 1881 2200 2464 2495; f o am cav dem ful(*) harl hub theo tol val; pesh hark; sa bo; geo; slav; got;
1/2 lat 1/2 2 in T
Ambrosiaster; Ieronim ; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodor ; Teodoret ; editiile din HF VS // txt – S01 A B D* F G P 048 075
0278; 33 69 81 88 256 263 322 323 330 365 398 451 462 1175 1319 1573 1908 1912 1962 2127 2344; a=ar b d g m=mon; pal; sa ;
1/2 1/2
arm; (eti); Ieronim ; Teodoret ; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V WH [[ : citat in AP T :  --
D* 0278 //  -- L P 075 0151; 2401* 2344 //  -- omit 056 0142 // txt -- P ; S01
A B C D F G K  049 0150; 223 1739 1799 1960 2412; pm
4:9/ · .
: citat in AP T V :  -- D F G 056 0142; 1925; d f vg; goth; Ambrosiaster; Ieronim; Ioan-
Chrysostom; // -- 1022 // omite -- 69 // txt -- P ; S01 A B C K L P; bo; arm; eti; Euthalius; Teodoret; pm [[
lat lat st ww vid cl
: citat in AP (T); M N vg vg : -- 056* 0142 //  -- vg //
2 46
-- S01 // txt -- P ; S01* A B C D F G; d f am bam cav ful harl leg reg sangall sanger tol val; rell [[ : citat
lat ww 46 2
in AP T; (N vg ) :  – D*; dem; goth; Ieronim; Pelagiu; // txt -- P ; D F G; d f am ful harl tol; pm [[ :
2 in T vid
citat in AP [B] HF M T VS :  -- S01* A C D K L 048 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 33 223 330 436 462 876 1960
1739 1799 2344 2412;Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret ; editiile din HF So T V VS //  -- D* 0278 //  -- 69 //
46 2 2 in AP pt
nota faciet – am; Ambrosiaster; Ieronim; // txt -- P ; S01 B C D F G P  81 88 1611; Euthalius; Teodoret ; editiile din
B M N13 NEB UBS WH [[ : citat in AP M N13 N27 T V :  -- F G; a b d e f g m vg(quae hic aguntur);
Ambrosiaster; Ieronim; // txt -- P ; D; rell
 )
46 marg 46
: citat in AP :  -- 0151* // txt -- P ; K; pm [[ : citat in M :  -- hark // txt -- P ; S01 B C D F G;
33 1611 1739; pm [[ : citat in AP M T :  – D* F G 048 0150; 33 181 256 462 1175 1319 1611 1739 2005 2127 2344;
46 2
Ambrosiaster; Teofil-(Alexandria?) // txt -- (P ); S01 B C D K L P  049 056 075 0142 0151; 81 104 223 330 436 876
1799 1960 2412; d f; rell
c in AP 46 2 lat lat
: citat in AP T :  -- D* (si D ) // txt -- P ; D F G; pm [[ : citat in AP M T V; M N
st ww c
vg vg :  -- D* F G; (P; am cav ful hub leg reg sanger ulm ) (330 ) 1898
(a d e f g bam dem ful* gran sangall theo val; Ambrosiaster: ); (arm ) // txt – P ; rell [[
: citat in AP :  -- P ; 1739 // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; pm

4:12/  
: citat in AP HF M N27 T U4 V VS :  -- P ; D F G K  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151; 6 223 256 263 424
mss 2
630 876 1319 1505 1573 1739 1799 1852 1881 1960 2127 2200 2412; Maj; b d e f g o vg ; pesh hark; goth; geo ; eti;
lat in T
Ambrosiaster; Ieronim; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodor ; Teodoret;editiile din HF NEB // txt -- S01 A B C I L (P (436 ); 441 442
s mss in U4
462 1241 1962; l 251; vg ; pal; sa; arm; pc: ) 0278; 33 69 81 103 104 326 330 365 (436 ) 459 462 629 1175
1912 2344 2464; a=ar m=mon am dem ful harl tol; bo; arm; geo ; slav; Augustin; Euthalius; Pelagiu; editiile din B M N13 So T
(UBS ) V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T :  – S01*; 2344 //  -- D* F G // txt -- (P
2 2 lat 2
); S01 A B C D ; 1739; rell [[ : citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T V VS; M :  -- S01 A C D F G K L P
 049 075 0150 0150 0151 0278; 33 104 223 630 876 1175 1505 1739 1960 2412; Maj; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF
c marg
So V //  -- I 056 0142; 122 327 452 462 464 1518 2401 2423 2464; pc; a=ar m=mon oxon; hark ; Ambrosiaster // txt -- S01*
B; 38 81 218 365 1241 1739 1881 1906 1912; am cav ful hub theo tol val; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB T UBS (VS
) WH [[ : citat in AP :  --  0278 // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M N13
46 2
N27 T VS :  -- P ; D K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 6 223 326 630 876 1175 1505 1799 1960 2412;
txt c s
Maj; pal pesh hark ; arm; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din HF // txt -- S01 A B C D* F G; 33 81 104 330 365 424 1241
1739 (1881 ) 1912 1952 2464; hark ; Euthalius; editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ 
46 46
citat in AP T :  -- P // txt -- P ; rell [[ : citat in AP :  -- 0278 // txt -- P ; pm [[ : citat in AP T
V :  -- P 075 0151; 1739 1908; pc // -D*; d e // txt -- S01 A B C D F G K L  049 056 0150 0278; 33 223 330 436
462 876 1799 1960 2344 2412; pm
4:13/  
: citat in M : omit -- a cav // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; d f am ful hub theo tol val; pm [[ : citat in AP :  -- 0151 // txt --
S01 A B C D F G K; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T V VS :  -- D* F G; 629 //  --
c 1 in N13,N27,T
(104 263 ) 441 442 1912 // -- 6 424 1739 1881; pc; // -- D 075; (33 )
in M
1906 1908; Maj; hark pal pesh;//  -- K L 049 056 0142 0150 0151; (33 ) 223 326 330 462 876 1799 1960 2344
2412; Ioan-Chrysostom; editiile din HF // txt -- S01 A B C P 0278; 81 (365 ) 436 1175 1241 2464; pc; Euthalius;
editiile din B M N13 NEB So T UBS V VS WH [[ : citat in AP T : -- S01 A B* C D* F G P 056 075 0142 0150
pt 2 2
0278; 330;Euthalius ; editiile din T V VS WH // txt -- B D K L  049 0151; 223 436 462 876 (1739 ) 1799
pt lat
1960 2344 2412; Euthalius ; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So UBS [[ : citat in M : omite -- 330 //
adauga omnes – a; Pelagius // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; (436 omite ) 1739 (1799 ); d f vg; pm (WH
4:14/    .
: citat in M N13 N27 T V : omit -- 33 642 1898; pal // txt -- S01 A B C D F G; 1739 (2401 omite ); pm
4:15/ ˆ
: citat in AP T :  -- G* //  -- F G // txt –S01 A B C D; (462 ) 1739; pm [[
: citat in AP T VS :  -- (P .); S01 A B* C D* F G K P 075 0150 0278; 330; editiile din T WH V
c c
VS // txt -- B D L  049 056 0142 0151; 223 436 462 876 1799 1960 2344 2412; Euthalius; editiile of B HF M N13 N27 NEB So
UBS [[ ˆ: citat in AP B HF M N13 N27 So T U3 U4 V VS :
c (*) ms
' -- B 0278; 6 424 1739 1877 1881; it vg; hark pal ; sa; editiile din N13
txt marg
NEB So UBS WH //  –(fara accent' ˆ) S01
A C P 075; 5 33 81 88 104 110 256 263 326 441 442 459 1175 1319 1573 1906 1908 1912 1962 (2127) 2298 2464 2492; pal ; bo;
lat txt
slav; Euthalius; Teodor ; editiile din So T // txt -- D (F G ) K L  049 056
0142 0150 0151; 150 181 223 (330* 451 ) 365 424* 436 462 614 629 630 876 (1241 omite ) 1505 1799 1852 1960 2200
marg marg
2344 2412; Maj; pesh hark ; goth; Ioan-Chrysostom; Teodoret; editiile din B HF M NEB V VS
lat st ww
: citat in AP M T; M vg (vg ) :  – 0278; 3 4 69 209 241 256 323 436 441 442 462 1319 1845
2127; (dem sangall); bo; editiile vg // omite -- B // txt -- S01 A C D F G K L P  049 056 0142 0150 ; (460 !) am
lat st
bam cav ful gran leg reg sanger tol val; pm [[  citat in M vg :  -- oxon reg tol // txt – S01 A B C D F G; 1739; a d f
am bam cav ful gran hub leg sanger theo val; pm [[ : citat in AP HF M T : -- S01 A C D* L P 056
marg 2
075 0142; 330 436 1799; Euthalius; editiile din HF VS //  -- F G //  -- 0278 // txt -- B D K
049 0150 0151; 223 462 876 1739 1960 2344 ; editiile din B HF M N13 NEB So T UBS V WH [[ : citat in (AP
""!) M T :  -- C //  -- S01 A B* D* P 075 0150 0151* 0278; editiile din T V VS WH //
2 2 vid c
 -- F G; 76; g // txt -- B D K L  048 049 056 0142 0151 ; 1739; Euthalius; editiile din B HF M N13(!) NEB So
UBS [[  citat in AP (M) T : -- F G; g //  – D*; 1 103 440; d e; Ambrosiaster // txt -- S01 A B C D ; pm
4:17/  .
: citat in T :  -- 33 223 876 2401 // txt -- P; S01 A B C D F G K L P  049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278;
vid 46
436 462 1739 1799 1960 2344 2412; pm [[ : citat in AP M T V :  -- F G; 33 1739* (2344 ) // txt -- P ;
S01 A B C D K L P 049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 81 104 223 436 462 876 1175 1739 1799 1960 2344 2412; d f; pm
4:18/ 
lat lat st ww
: citat in AP T; (M ) N vg (vg ) :  -- F G // adauga domini nostri (v.l. domini nostri Iesu Christi ful, domini
in vg-st c 46-vid
iesu bam gran sanger val ) a bam ful harl mon oxon wir // txt -- P ; D; (d f am cav hub karl (reg adauga dei) sanger
in Mlat 2
theo tol val  sau ); pm [[ : citat in AP HF M N13 N27 T U3 U4 V VS :  --S01 D K L P 
in U4
049 056 075 0142 0150 0151 0278; 88 104 181 223 256 263 326 330 365 (424 ) 436 451 462 629 630 876 1175 (1241 )
c in N13, N27, M, T
1319 1505 1739 1799 1912 1960 1962 2127 2344 2412 2464 2492; a b d e (f ) m am colb dem ful tol; pesh hark;
mss in M, U4 c in T vid in
bo ; (arm ); goth; Ioan-Chrysostom; editiile din HF // txt -- S01* A B C F G 048; 6 33 81 (424 ) 1739* 1881 (f
U3, U4 mss mss in U3, ed. Zohar in T
); pc; g vg ; sa bo ; (arm ); Ambrosiaster; Euthalius; editiile din B M NEB So T UBS V VS WH .
a) Editiile grecesti
AP=Das Neue Testament auf Papyrus 1986 vol. I(citat numai pentru aparat; text=UBS)
B=Bover editia I 1943; editia a V-a 1977
HF=Hodges & Farstad editia I-a 1982; editia a II-a 1985
M=Merk editia I-a 1933; editia a XI-a 1992
N13=Nestle editia 13 1927 (textul este identic pentru toate editiile Nestle, de la editia 13 pana la editia 25)
N27=Nestle/Aland editia 27 1993 (citat numai pentru aparat; text=UBS)
NEB=Tasker 1964 (citat numai pentru text; acesta are cateva variante pentru note)
So=Souter 1947
T=Tischendorf editia octava 1869-1872
U3=United Bible Societies editia a III-a 1975 (citat numai pentru aparat)
U4=United Bible Societies editia a IV-a 1993 (citat pentru aparat si text )
UBS=Textul din United Bible Societies, editia a IV-a (=UBS3, UBS4, NA26, NA27, AP)
V=Vogels 1955
VS=Von Soden 1913
WH=Westcott & Hort 1881 (citat numai pentru text)
b) Editiile latine
M = Partea latina din Merk
N = Partea latina din diglotul (bilingvul) Nestle grec-latin ( editia 20 )
vg = vulgata Clementina 1592
vg = vulgata Sixtina
st ww
vg = vulgata Stuttgart 1994; vg =vulgata Wordsworth-White editia minor 1889-1954

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