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Help Relieve Constipation

Dates are used traditionally in many parts of the world as a natural laxative to relive
occasional constipation. Though they can be consumed as is, it is believed that by soaking them
overnight and reducing the consistency to that of a sticky syrup provides greater benefit
(although this is yet to be proven).
Regardless of how you choose to consume them, their use as natural laxatives is likely due to
their high levels of soluble fiber, which absorb water as it transits through the intestinal tract.
When it eventually enters the colon, the remnants of this fiber hydrate hardened feces and allow
easy expulsion.
2. Provide A Rapid Energy Source
Dates are comprised of a large proportion of simple sugars, being mainly in the form of glucose
and fructose, which are used heavily for energy by the body. Consuming a few dates prior to
exercise or strenuous activity ensures that your brain and muscles have enough energy to
perform at a high intensity.
Dates are also convenient to keep if you are a diabetic, as their sugars are rapidly absorbed into
the blood for use in the case of an event where your blood sugar drops too low, too fast. They
should not be consumed frequently if you struggle to keep your blood sugar under control, as
their generous carbohydrate content can add to your diabetes woes.
3. Help Prevent Night Blindness
Many people struggle with vision under poor lighting conditions even though their eyes may
physically be in great shape. This has many causes, but among them are those caused by a
deficiency of Vitamin A or its related carotenoids anti-oxidants.
Dates can also play an important role in delaying macular degeneration of the eye as a result of
aging, helping preserve vision for a longer time.
4. Help Control Cholesterol Levels
There are actually many different varieties of dates, with differing nutritional profiles among
some of them. By far, the most common variety is the medjool type, but another called the
Hallawi has shown potential in reducing blood cholesterol levels. The Hallawi variety also
possesses a greater proportion of catechins, compounds related to those in tea that have a
cholesterol lowering effect.
They simultaneously reduce levels of bad the bad cholesterol LDL, and raise concentration of
good HDL, even though they have a relatively high sugar level. In addition, dates also prevent
oxidation of cholesterol, which in turn reduces the likelihood of atherosclerotic deposits getting
larger in blood vessels. This 1-2 punch can reduce the incidence of heart disease significantly.
5. Help To Control Blood Pressure
One striking feature of dates is that their sodium content is so low it can be considered
negligible, while they contain more than enough potassium. We know that excessive sodium
(salt) is a major contributing factor to high blood pressure, but potassium exerts a controlling
effect, helping promote sodium excretion. As a result, since dates are rich in potassium but not
sodium, it creates a scenario that promotes the excretion of sodium and excess water, regulating
blood volume and blood pressure.
6. Preserve Healthy Intestinal Microbiome
The intestines are populated by a diverse population of micro-organisms, many of which are
essential to our survival and health, and for breakdown and assimilation of nutrients. These
micro-organisms can become suppressed for many reasons, ranging from disease to use of
medication. We need to ensure these bacteria get sufficient nutrition, which dates capably
supply. Dates contain soluble fiber which is converted into pre-biotic nutrition for these bacteria,
in order for them to properly replicate and colonize the intestines. Supplying adequate nutrition
also supports your immune system, which in turn will boost your natural resistance.
7. Preserve Bain Function In The Elderly
Degeneration of brain tissue is an accepted reality of aging, although it does not need to be the
case. Many of these adverse changes are related to excessive inflammation, which can be slowed
down if the effects of cortisol and other oxidants are controlled. Dates are known to be excellent
buffers of cortisol, reducing the inflammatory influence of it. Diseases such
as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s have an inflammatory component which can be reduced if you
control excessive inflammation in the body.
8. Reduce The Risk Of Developing Colon Cancer
Colon cancer’s development depends on several factors, such as inflammation, frequency of
bowel movements and overall health of your intestinal flora. Dates have proven themselves to be
beneficial on all these factors, promoting regularity, helping nourish your intestinal bacteria and
decreasing the body’s inflammatory response. Colon polyp formation is reduced, which while
benign, do have the potential of turning cancerous under the right conditions.
9. Support A Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time when caloric needs increase, along with nutritional requirements. Dates are
relatively high in calories from carbohydrates, and are excellent sources of folic acid. Folic acid
is necessary for prevention of neural tube defects and for proper development of the fetal brain.
Consuming a few dates every day is an excellent way to offer prenatal support to your young.
10. Dates Improve Bone Health
There are plenty of foods that supply calcium, which dates have, but there are far fewer that
supply Vitamin K, an important co-factor in blood clotting and necessary for proper bone
mineralization. Dates also contain magnesium, another mineral that helps to reinforce the
structural integrity of bone tissue.
11. Have Anti-Aging Effects
Aging is a normal process that cannot be stopped. However, this does not mean that you should
let it run amok- or worse experience accelerated or early onset signs of aging, as dates offer great
support. The carotenoid anti-oxidants contained within dates preserve skin health, and can acts as
UV light reflectors, blocking the damage caused by the sun.
Anti-oxidants helps to prevent accelerated fraying of the ends of chromosomes, which is a major
contributing factor to when the signs of aging really step in. these “telomeres” allow for
regeneration of cells and protect the chromosome from damage.
See Also
11 Amazing Health Benefits of Elderberries
11 Proven Health Benefits of Ginger and Honey
11 Impressive Health Benefits of Raisins
11 Amazing Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea
11 Impressive Health Benefits Of Figs (Anjeer)
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