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Rancangan Pengajaran Harian (22 September – 26 September 2014)

Day: MONDAY Date: 22nd SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0900-1000 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 2 (KSSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 8 –Growing Plants
Learning Standards: 1.1.4 – Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance
Focus Skill (s): Listening and Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Suggest words with guidance

1. Teacher shows a letter “T” to the pupils.

2. Teacher gets pupils to suggest as many words starting with “T”.
Activities: 3. Teacher group pupils into two groups and get them to list as many
words that starts with the letter assigned.
4. The group with the most correct words win the round.

Cross Curricular
Thinking Skills, Cooperation, Vocabulary
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Letter cards
Assessment: Listing words


Day: MONDAY Date: 22nd SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 1030-1130 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 1 (KSSR)
Theme: World Of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 6 – Dilly Duck’s Doughnut
Learning Standards: 1.1.2 – Able to listen and respond to simple instruction
Focus Skill (s): Listening and Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupil (s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Pronounce lyrics correctly
1. Teacher plays “Head Shoulder Knees and Toes” song.
2. Teacher sings the song with the pupils.
Activities: 3. Teacher teaches the song lyrics one by one to the pupils.
4. Teacher guides pupils to sing the song slowly.
5. Teacher guides pupils throughout the lesson.
Cross Curricular
Musical Intelligence
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Video (song)
Assessment: Pronouncing words right.

Day: TUESDAY Date: 23rd SEPTEMBER 2014
Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0730-0830 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 1 (KSSR)
Theme: World Of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 6 – Dilly Duck’s Doughnut
Learning Standards: 1.2.2 – Able to respond to stimulus
Focus Skill (s): Listening and Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupil (s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Respond to pictures
1. Teacher shows pictures of window and door.
2. Teacher teaches the names of the objects shown in the pictures.
Activities: 3. Teacher gets pupil to name the picture.
4. Teacher practices the activity with the pupils until she gets the
name correctly.
Cross Curricular
Contextual Learning
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Picture cards
Assessment: Naming objects in pictures given


Day: MONDAY Date: 22nd SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 1200-1300 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 5 (KBSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 5 – Bountiful Harvest
Curriculum Specifications: 1.4 – Homographs
Focus Skill (s): Grammar
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
i) Use homographs correctly
Activities: 1. Teacher writes the following words on the board and gets
pupils to say them; wind, and watch.
2. Get pupils to look for the words in their dictionary and tell their
3. Get pupils to read the sentences in the textbook.
4. Teacher explains the Grammar Notes on homograph.
Cross Curricular Elements
Teaching Aids: Word cards
Day: TUESDAY Date: 23rd SEPTEMBER 2014
Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0730-0830 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 2 (KSSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 8 – Growing Plants
Learning Standards: 2.1.3 – Respond to stimulus with guidance
Focus Skill (s): Listening and Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Form words using the correct phoneme

1. Teacher divides the pupils into groups. Each group is given a few
sound cards.
Activities: 2. The pupils form as many words as possible with the sound cards.
3. The group members form the words on the board.
4. The first group that form the most words is the winner.

Cross Curricular
Thinking Skills
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Word cards
Assessment: Forming words


Day: TUESDAY Date: 23rd SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 1100-1200 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 5 (KBSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 5 – Bountiful Harvest
Curriculum Specifications: 1.4 – Homographs
Focus Skill (s): Grammar
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
ii) Use homographs correctly
Activities: 5. Teacher writes the following words on the board and gets
pupils to say them; wind, and watch.
6. Get pupils to look for the words in their dictionary and tell their
7. Get pupils to read the sentences in the textbook.
8. Teacher explains the Grammar Notes on homograph.
Cross Curricular Elements
Teaching Aids: Word cards
Day: WEDNESDAY Date: 24th SEPTEMBER 2014
Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0730-0830 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 1 (KSSR)
Theme: World Of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 6 – Dilly Duck’s Doughnut
Learning Standards: 2.1.3. – Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words
Focus Skill (s): Reading
By the end of the lesson, pupil (s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Read simple words correctly
1. Teacher introduces the letter D, and S.
2. Teacher blends all the letters into phoneme; SAD, SID, SED, SUDS
Activities: 3. Teacher reads the words and gets pupils to follow.
4. Teacher sounds the words again.
5. Teacher gets pupils to try reading the words.
Cross Curricular
Thinking Skills.
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Words cards
Assessment: Reading simple words


Day: WEDNESDAY Date: 24th SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0900-1000 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 2 (KSSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 8 – Growing Plants
Learning Standards: 2.2.2 – Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non linear text
Focus Skill (s): Reading (and writing)
By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Read aloud correctly with guidance

1. Teacher introduces a simple text entitled “Simple Hydroponic”

2. Teacher reads the text to the class and explains what the story is
Activities: about.
3. Teacher gets pupils to predict what is going to happen.
4. Teacher gets pupils to read the text aloud individually.

Cross Curricular
Reading Skills
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Text, picture of rose
Assessment: Read the text correctly

Day: WEDNESDAY Date: 24th SEPTEMBER 2014
Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 1100-1200 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 5 (KBSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 5 – Bountiful Harvest
Curriculum Specifications: 4.1.4 – Write words, phrases, and sentences in clear legible writing
Focus Skill (s): Writing (Homograph)
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
i) Construct sentences using homograph correctly.
1. Teacher recalls the homograph learnt previously.
2. Teacher asks pupils to list as many homograph words they can on
the board together with their meaning.
3. Teacher explains the Grammar Notes on homograph again.
4. Teacher guides pupils to write correct sentences using homograph.
Cross Curricular Elements
Contextual Learning
Teaching Aids: Grammar Notes

Day: THURSDAY Date: 25th SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0800-0900 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 1 (KSSR)
Theme: World Of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 6 – Dilly Duck’s Doughnut
Learning Standards: 2.1.3. – Able to blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words
Focus Skill (s): Reading (and writing)
By the end of the lesson, pupil (s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
ii) Read simple words and write them correctly
1. Teacher introduces the letter S and F.
2. Teacher blends all the letters into phoneme; SAF, SAF, SUF, SEF
Activities: 3. Teacher reads the words and gets pupils to follow.
4. Teacher gets pupils to try reading the words.
5. Teacher gets pupils to write the words learnt.
Cross Curricular
Thinking Skills.
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Words cards
Assessment: Read and write simple words

Day: THURSDAY Date: 25th SEPTEMBER 2014
Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 1030-1130 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 2 (KSSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 8 – Growing Plants
Learning Standards: 3.1.3 – Write in neat legible writing
Focus Skill (s): Reading (and writing)
By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Writing simple process correctly
1. Teacher recalls Simple Hydroponic and gets pupils to talk about it.
2. Teacher teaches the words to show process; first, next, then, finally.
3. Teacher tells the meaning and gets pupils to remember the use of
each word.
4. Teacher guides pupils to write the process of a hydroponic using
the word sequences learnt.
Cross Curricular
Contextual Learning
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Text, pictures
Assessment: Writing simple process of hydroponic


Day: FRIDAY Date: 26th SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0730-0800 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 5 (KBSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 5 – Bountiful Harvest
Curriculum Specifications: 4.7.4 – Write simple recounts with guidance
Focus Skill (s): Writing
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
i) Spell words learnt correctly
Activities: 1. Teacher chooses to remain silent today and write spelling on the
board telling pupils that they are going to spell words today.
2. Teacher shows objects to be spelled and does body language to
tell them to spell.
3. Teacher let pupils to think before writing the words.
4. Discuss the answer after they have spelled ten words.
Cross Curricular Elements
Paying Attention
Teaching Aids: Body language, sign language
Day: FRIDAY Date: 26th SEPTEMBER 2014
Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 0900-1000 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 2 (KSSR)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 8 – Growing Plants
Learning Standards: 4.3.1 – Visiting school compound
Focus Skill (s): Language Arts
By the end of the lesson, pupil(s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Tell the name of flowers
1. Teacher brings pupils out to school compound to visit flower
garden in the school.
2. Teacher tells the name of the flowers and discusses the feature of
the flowers.
3. Teacher gets pupils to remember the name of the flowers.
4. Teacher asses their memory on the flowers’ names.
Cross Curricular
Contextual Learning
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Real flowers
Assessment: Naming Flowers


Day: FRIDAY Date: 26th SEPTEMBER 2014

Subject: ENGLISH Time & Duration: 1100-1200 (1 HOUR)
Class: YEAR 1 (KSSR)
Theme: World Of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 6 – Dilly Duck’s Doughnut
Learning Standards: 4.1.1 – Able to enjoy nursery rhymes
Focus Skill (s): Language Arts
By the end of the lesson, pupil (s) will be able to :
Lesson Objectives:
i) Sing nursery rhymes with correct intonation
1. Teacher introduces a song call “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”
2. Teacher sings the song and asks pupils to follow.
Activities: 3. Teacher practices winging the song with the pupils.
4. Teacher gets pupils to present and sing in front of the class.
5. Teacher praises pupils for their effort.
Cross Curricular
Musical Intelligence
Elements (EMK):
Teaching Aids: Song lyrics
Assessment: Singing nursery rhymes with correct intonation


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