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Application of the Concept

Local Setting: (Negros)

Most of the businesses in Negros area fall under the category of small and medium –sized enterprises.
Some of these companies usually do not seek the services of organization development consultant. Now
that we have the Negros Island Region, opportunities will come but threats of new entrants also will
come into play. Companies should adapt and respond to these changes. Investing in organizational
development consultant is wiser than making investment to a stagnant entity.

Sometime in 2015, the Zayco family who owns chain of businesses in Southern Negros took the initiative
and invited a seasoned professional for business consultancy. Corporate effectives and succession plan
was one of the concerns where shared viewpoints from the members of the organization were
encouraged. This is a manifestation of consensus mode of organizational development.

National Setting:

People of the Republic of the Philippines are clamoring for change. With the newly elected president of
the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, change is expected to come. Applying the concepts of Organizational
Development, we would like to cite the Philippine government as the organization. President Duterte
with his cabinet member will be the consultancy team for the government as an organization. His team
will be more of an internal consultant considering that they belong to the same organization. As the
consultant they will determine and narrow the gap between the current state of the organization and its
desired situation. To achieve that, the consultancy team lead by President Duterte should make planned
interventions and propose certain changes to increase organization’s effectiveness. This can only be
achieved if we, as members of the organization, we should be receptive of this change. Furthermore,
the consultancy team should seek both high degree of effectiveness without compromising members’
satisfaction. Thus, a pathfinder style consultancy team is expected. Also, trust relationship between the
members and the consultancy team is highly encouraged in this endeavor.

International Setting:

Philippines is one of the active members of the ASEAN community. Hearing the news about territorial
disputes with China saddened us Filipinos. To resolve this issue, somebody must intervene. It seems that
we are not living the ASEAN Motto; ”One Vison, One Identity, One Community”. We need a leader,
preferably an internal and external consulting to resolve the issue. However, it won’t be realized if the
members of the organizations and the consulting team won’t be in consensus mode of resolving the
issue. A pathfinder leader who recognizes effectiveness and high morale of its members would best fit in
this matter.

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