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Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn's Mission Statement

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn

Copyright © 2018 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn
All Rights Reserved

Though, I am not a Globalist, but a Sovereign Nation Nationalist — please do rest assured that
I do not speak of that form of racism shamefully touted as White Nationalism — who asserts that
every individual in every land should have the right, as well as the responsibility and duty, to seek to
protect the existence, sovereignty, established borders, and independently self determined future
continuation of the very land and nation in which they were born, sincerely believing that there is only
one race of mankind upon this planet, regardless of differences in languages, cultures, nationalities,
religions, or complexions — our diversity representing but one Humanity: The Human Race … I
stand as a fan of The Human Race!
To sum up my personal mission statement to the world? I utterly detest Racism and
Supremacy wherever they may dare reveal their despicably ugly faces — faces contorted by hatred
that is all too often fueled and driven by an almost blind faith adherence to ignorance …
Having shared the above, as a fan of the Human Race, I fervently seek the perpetuity of
Mankind. However, I have a problem with the Ghastly Goons of Globalism's Globalist Agenda, which
is promoted daily by America's blue-boo-hew Democratic political party (no offense intended) and
advanced by Corporate News and Social Medias, that pushes Global Warming (euphemistically
transformed into the alias aka of Climate Change) as a deceptively crafty means of attempting to bring
about the eventuality culmination (not so far in the distant future as one might possibly believe) of a
One World Government (via the mechanism's of a United Nations armed with Agendas 21 1, 20302, and
An Agenda For Disarmament3) to rule over a One World Class of lowly World Citizens (peons) forced
to sacrifice their individual rights via a Star-Trek-styled prototype of — “the needs of the many
outweigh the needs of the few ... or the one” — a Greater Good 4 Utilitarian structured (the end justifies
the means, even murder), Communitarian bred, and Socialism based hybrid form of World Government
— a government (if history repeats itself and it all too often does) destined to be conveniently riddled
with (supremacy enabling) loopholes for those select few who shall comprise The Ruling-The-World-
Class, and equally riddled with (Racism enabling) huge-crack-pitfall-crevasses for Working Class
World Citizens to be engulfed by in losing, not only their livelihoods but, their lives, all for the sake of
their cattle-like, Sheeple-People5 programmed and mentally conditioned, naively acquired belief that
such a sacrifice is necessitated in order to, "Save The Planet," and insure the perpetuity and survival of
To date, such forms of governance have proven disastrous, both, economically and in loss of
human freedoms — and, most importantly, in the tragic loss of human life. The harsh reality is, such a
dreamed of (perhaps only a pipe dream?) form of government for the world is, perhaps, thousands of
years down the road in back-to-the-drawing-board-perfecting . Sadly, many of today's Globalists
refuse to face this historically proven fact, choosing to hold blindly (I term this as being infected with
the Denying The Facts Virus) to their concept of a perfect-dream-for-the-world form of governance as
they plunge stubbornly ahead in desiring to submit the populace of the world to the trial and error
process of perfecting such a Utopian-style form of eventual One World Government at the expense of
individual personal freedoms and the collateral damage loss of human life — all for the sake of a

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precious and lofty cause that does not take into account that it may be one of our loved ones who is lost
in the long, pain staking, perfecting-a-pipe-dream-process. You can rest assured, such a loss will not be
that of one of their loved ones — or so they foolishly believe.
I hope it is safe to say that, we all seek after and hope for world peace. But, peace at any price
— peace at the expense and sacrifice of individual rights? Some would advocate that sacrifices must
be made for the good of all Mankind. But, who will be doing the sacrificing? More crucially, who
shall be slain upon such a sacrificial altar? Historically, it is always the ruling class — the elitist of the
Elitists as rulers who, themselves, are ruled by The Power Behind The Thrones 6 — who perform these
sacrifices, always allegedly for the good of their peoples or, in this instance, for the good of all
Mankind. Those who lie dead with blank-bug-eyed-stares upon the altar of what is best for all of
Mankind? … Average Joe folks just like you and me … Poor dumb working stiffs who failed to pay
attention to what was happening in the world around them, or failed to realize that when something
sounds too good to be true — it damn sure is too good to be true …!
Ask yourself a seriously contemplative question: Would you be happy and content to lose your
freedom of movement to a stroke in living out the rest of your days through a feeding tube, while your
mind is destined to remain forever in a vegetative state? Most of us would not call such a state of
existence, though breathing, feeding, and defecating, an acceptable existence at all — much less
survival. Most of us would prefer death to eking out existences in such a way — even if our minds
were fully functional. Which makes it no wonder that Patrick Henry felt stirred to utter these famous
words: “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
I am all for a perfect form of government, even a world government, if, and when, it should
come to that. The problem with the various ideologies and philosophies that are conceived and set in
motion to establish governments over people is one of Human Nature, itself. Until we can learn to
change and modify our own Human Nature (& that of our own free willed volition), yet, while
assuredly leaving us consciously aware of retaining our humanity, every conceivable ideology to be
dreamed of by Man shall prove itself faulty in some respect or other — for Man, himself, is faulty and
defective, but we are all that we have to work with for a future together for all Mankind. We must
remember, and refuse to forget, the historical track record of nations whose governments have
transformed themselves into full blown Socialism based governments, and that record is piss poor at
best, and has resulted in the slaughter of millions at its shameful worst …

For Your Informative Information:

“Communitarianism7 refers to a theoretical perspective that seeks to lessen the focus on

individual rights and increase the focus on communal responsibilities. The definition of
community varies and can refer to anything from the nuclear or extended family to the political
state or nation. In this approach, ethical thought is grounded in communal values, established
social standards and traditions, and considerations of the larger society.”

“Utilitarianism is one of the best known and most influential moral theories. Like other forms of
consequentialism, its core idea is that whether actions are morally right or wrong depends on
their effects. More specifically, the only effects of actions that are relevant are the good and bad
results that they produce. A key point in this article concerns the distinction between individual
actions and types of actions. Act utilitarians focus on the effects of individual actions (such as
John Wilkes Booth’s assassination of Abraham Lincoln) while rule utilitarians focus on the
effects of types of actions (such as killing or stealing) ...”8
(Written July 15thh, 2018)

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1 Agenda 21 — Agenda 21 For Dummies — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEEgtOFFlM & http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/
2 Rosa Koire: UN Agenda 2030 Exposed — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PrY7nFbwAY
Glenn Beck: Is UN's Sustainable Development Promotion Redistribution Of Wealth — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPEk2LDyeqI
3 The United Nations Disarmament Agenda Publication: Securing Our Common Future — Free PDF available for downloading:
4 The Greater Good — ‘The Greater Good’ — “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one”:
5 Sheeple-People — A word and term I find myself favoring in my attempt to communicate the all too factual reality that people tend to allow themselves
— even seem to want — to be led, watered, and fed, much like sheep, trusting others with decisions and truths regarding their lives, their futures, their
welfare, and their safety, rather then shouldering up such responsibilities themselves as individuals, in finding and enjoying the comfort of numbers. The
word sheeple was first coined by actress and Wall Street Journal writer, Barbara Anderson, in 1984.
6 The Power Behind The Thrones — https://www.scribd.com/document/316098871/The-Power-Behind-the-Thrones-by-Marvin-Thomas-Cox-Flynn

Power Behind The Throne — someone who does not have an official position in a government or organization but who secretly controls it.
7 Communitarianism — https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242207298_ETHICS_AT_A_GLANCE
8 Utilitarian — http://www.iep.utm.edu/util-a-r/

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