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Authors Name: Elizabeth R. Lorah, Ashley Parnell, D. Renee Speight
Title: Acquisition of sentence frame discrimination using the iPad™ as a speech generating
device in young children with developmental disabilities
Year: 2014
Journal Information: Volume 8, Issue 12, Pages 1734-1740

Authors Name: Elizabeth R. Lorah, Alison Karnes, D. Renee Speight
Title: The Acquisition of Intraverbal Responding using a Speech Generating Device in School
Aged Children with Autism
Year: 2015
Journal Information: Volume 27, Issue 4, Page 557-568

Authors Name: Elizabeth R. Lorah, Matt Tincani, Jessica Dodge, Shawn Gilroy, Anna Hickey,
Donald Hantula
Title: Evaluating Picture Exchange and the iPad™ as a Speech Generating Device to Teach
Communication to Young Children with Autism primiparous adolescents
Year: 2013
Journal Information: Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 637-649

Summary of 1:

This study compared picture exchange and iPad based speech generating device when
teaching mands to five preschool boys who were diagnosed with autism. Each of the five
participant’s preferences for each device was assessed during the training. Three of the
participants met the mastery level for mands using the speech generating device on the iPad were
the other two students were more successful using picture exchange. The results showed that
acquisition of alternative communication modalities differs across children with autism, and
backing the use of valuation to determine modality preference.

Authors Name: Xin Ma, Jianping Shen, Huilan Y. Krenn, Shanshan Hu, Jing Yuan
Title: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Learning Outcomes and Parental
Involvement During Early Childhood Education and Early Elementary Education
Year: 2016
Journal Information: Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 771-801

Authors Name: Chunlei Lu, Amanda De Lisio
Title: Specifics for generalists: eaching elementary physical education
Year: 2009
Journal Information: Vol 1, Issue 8

Authors Name: Vicente Alfonso-Benlliure, Manuela Romo Santos
Title: Creativity development trajectories in Elementary Education: Difference in divergent and
evaluative skills
Year: 2016
Journal Information: Volume 19, Pages 160-174

Summary of 1:

It analyzes the developmental trajectories of divergent and evaluative skills during

childhood. One thousand four hundred nighty one children, between the ages of 6 and 12 years
old, for seven different Spanish schools participated in the study. The results from the test
showed three different types of developmental trajectories: ascendant, irregular, and stable. The
study concluded that boys have higher scores on Global Creativity and girls have more irregular

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