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Psychology by Ciccarelli/White

Detailed Table of Contents

Chapter Section Interactive REVEL Content

Chapter 1: The Introduction: The  Video: Opening Video "The Science of Psychology"
Science of Science of Psychology  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"
The Study of  Interactive: Survey "What do you know about psychology?"
Psychology and Its  Interactive: Concept Map "What is psychology?"
History  Interactive: Concept Map "Psychology Then: The History of
 Quiz: The Study of Psychology and Its History (18 points)

Psychology Today:  Video: The Basics "Diverse Perspectives"

Modern Perspectives  Interactive: Concept Map "Psychology Now: Modern
and Careers Perspectives"
 Interactive: Concept Map "Psychological Professionals and
Areas of Specialization"
 Quiz: Psychology Today: Modern Perspectives and Careers (18

The Scientific Method  Video: The Big Picture "How to Answer Psychological
and Descriptive Questions"
Methods  Interactive: Survey "Participating In A Research Study"
 Interactive: Concept Map "Psychology: The Scientific
 Quiz: The Scientific Method and Descriptive Methods (15

Correlations,  Interactive: Scatterplot "Correlation"

Experiments, and  Video: Special Topics "Ethics and Psychological Research"
Ethics in Research  Interactive: Concept Map “Correlation”
 Interactive: Concept Map “Experiments”
 Interactive: Concept Map “Ethics of Psychological Research
 Quiz: Correlations, Experiments, and Ethics in Research (18

Applying Psychology to  Video: Thinking Like A Psychologist "Debunking Myths"

Everyday Life: Thinking
Critically About Critical
Summary: The Science  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
of Psychology  Chapter Quiz: The Science of Psychology (60 points)

Chapter 2: The Introduction: The  Video: Opening Video "The Biological Perspective"
Biological Biological Perspective  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"
Neurons and Nerves  Interactive: Concept Map "Neurons and Nerves"
 Video: How the Brain Works: Part 1: The Neuron
 Concept Map: Neurons and Nerves
 Quiz: Neurons and Nerves (18 points)
The Nervous System  Interactive: The Spinal Cord Reflex
and Endocrine Glands  Video: "Special Topics: The Plastic Brain: Overview of
 Interactive: Survey "Do you Fly or Fight?"
 Interactive: "Functions of the Parasympathetic and
Sympathetic Divisions of the Nervous System"
 Interactive: Concept Map: The Central Nervous System
 Interactive: Concept Map: The Peripheral Nervous System
 Interactive: Concept Map: Distant Connections: The Endocrine
 Quiz: The Nervous System and Endocrine Glands (18 points)

Methods for Studying  Interactive: Figure 2.10 Mapping Brain Structure

the Brain and Overview  Interactive: Figure 2.11 Mapping Brain Function
of the Hindbrain and  Video: The Basics: How the Brain Works, Part 2
Limbic System  Interactive: Figure 2.12 Major Structures of the Human Brain
 Interactive: Figure 2.13 The Limbic System
 Interactive: Concept Map: Looking Inside the Living Brain
 Quiz: Methods for Studying the Brain and Overview of the
Hindbrain and Limbic System (15 points)

The Cortex and  Interactive: Experiment: Hemispheric Specialization

Cerebral Hemispheres  "Interactive: Concept Map: The Structures of the Brain
 Quiz: The Cortex and Cerebral Hemispheres (15 points)

Applying Psychology to  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards

Everyday Life: Paying 
Attention to ADHD

Summary: The  Chapter Quiz: The Biological Perspective (60 points)

Biological Perspective

Chapter 3: Introduction: Sensation  Video: Sensation and Perception

Sensation and and Perception  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"
The ABCs of Sensation  Interactive: Experiment: Weber's Law
 Interactive: Concept Map: The ABCs of Sensation
 Quiz: The ABCs of Sensation (12 points)

The Science of Seeing  Interactive: Figure 3.2 Structure of the Eye

 Interactive: Concept Map: The Science of Seeing
 Quiz: The Science of Seeing (18 points)

The Hearing Sense  Interactive: Figure 3.9 The Structure of the Ear
 Interactive: Figure 3.10 Cochlear Implant
 Interactive: Concept Map: The Hearing Sense
 Quiz: The Hearing Sense (15 points)

Chemical Senses and  Video: The Basics: In Full Appreciation of the Cookie: Smell
Somesthetic Senses and Taste
 Video: In the Real World: Managing Pain: Gate Control Theory
 Interactive: Concept Map: Chemical Senses
 Interactive: Concept Map: Somesthetic Senses
 Quiz: Chemical Senses and Somesthetic Senses (18 points)

The ABCs of Perception  Interactive: Gestalt Principles of Grouping

 Interactive: Examples of Pictorial Depth Cues
 Interactive: Binocular Cues to Depth Perception
 Interactive: Experiment: The Müller-Lyer Illusion
 Interactive: Experiment: Ambiguous Figures
 Interactive: Concept Map: The ABCs of Perception
 Quiz: The ABCs of Perception (18 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: The
Psychological Science
and Neuroscience
Summary: Sensation  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
and Perception  Chapter Quiz: Sensation and Perception (60 points)

Chapter 4: Introduction:  Video: Consciousness

Consciousness Consciousness  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"

Consciousness and the  Interactive: Survey: What Altered States have you
Biology of Sleep Experienced?
 Video: The Basics: Rhythms of Consciousness
 Interactive: Sleep Patterns of Infants and Adults
 Interactive: Concept Map: What is Consciousness?
 Interactive: Concept Map: Sleep
 Quiz: Consciousness and the Biology of Sleep (15 points)

Stages of Sleep and  Interactive: Brain Activity During Sleep

Sleep Disorders  Quiz: Stages of Sleep and Sleep Disorders (18 points)

Dreams  Interactive: The Brain and Activation-Synthesis Theory

 Interactive: Survey: Are Dreams Meaningful?
 Interactive: Concept Map: Dreams
 Quiz: Dreams (15 points)

The Effects of Hypnosis  Video: Thinking Like a Psychologist: The Uses and Limitations
of Hypnosis: Therapy and Recovered Memories
 Interactive: Concept Map: The Effects of Hypnosis
 Quiz: The Effects of Hypnosis (12 points)

Influence of  Interactive: Survey: What Drugs Have You Used?

Psychoactive Drugs  Interactive: Concept Map: The Influence of Psychoactive Drugs
 Quiz: Influence of Psychoactive Drugs (18 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Thinking
Critically About Ghosts,
Aliens, and Other
Things That Go Bump
in the Night
Summary  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
 Chapter Quiz: Consciousness (60 points)

Chapter 5: Introduction: Learning  Video: Learning
Learning  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"

Learning and Principles  Interactive: See Pavlov's Experiment in Action

of Classical  Interactive: High-Order Conditioning
Conditioning  Quiz: Learning and Principles of Classical Conditioning (15

Conditioned Emotional  Video: Classical Conditioning: An Involuntary Response:

Responses, Treating Disorders
Conditioned Taste  Interactive: Concept Map: Classical Conditioning
Aversions, and the  Quiz: Conditioned Emotional Responses, Conditioned Taste
Cognitive Aversions, and the Cognitive Perspective (12 points)

Reinforcement and  Interactive: Concept Map: Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning  Quiz: Reinforcement and Operant Conditioning Principles (12
Principles points)

Schedules of  Video: Operant Conditioning: Learning from Consequences:

Reinforcement, Schedules of Reinforcement
Punishment, and  Interactive: Schedules of Reinforcement
Shaping and Modifying  Video: Thinking Like a Psychologist: Physical Punishment—You
Behavior Decide! Problems with Punishment
 Video: What’s In It For Me?: How to Make Healthier Choices
 Quiz: Schedules of Reinforcement, Punishment, and Shaping
and Modifying Behavior (18 points)

Cognitive Learning  Interactive: Tolman's Experiment

Theory and  Interactive: Experiment: Learning
Observational Learning  Interactive: Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment
 Interactive: Concept Map: Cognitive Learning Theory
 Interactive: Concept Map: Observational Learning
 Quiz: Cognitive Learning Theory and Observational Learning
(18 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Can You
Really Toilet Train Your
Summary: Learning  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
 Chapter Quiz: Learning (60 points)

Chapter 6: Introduction: Memory  Video: Memory

Memory  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"

What is Memory?  Interactive: Concept Map: What is Memory?

 Quiz: What is Memory? (12 points)

The Information-  Interactive: Three-Stage Process of Memory

Processing Model  Interactive: Experiment: Digit Span
 Quiz: The Information-Processing Model (18 points)

Retrieval of Long-Term  Interactive: Survey: What do you remember?

Memories  Interactive: Experiment: Serial Position Effect
 Interactive: Concept Map: Retrieval of Long-Term Memories
 Quiz: Retrieval of Long-Term Memories (15 points)

The Reconstructive  Interactive: Concept Map: The Reconstructive Nature of Long-

Nature of Long-Term Term Memory
Memory  Quiz: The Reconstructive Nature of Long-Term Memory (12

Forgetting and the  Video: The Big Picture- The Woman Who Cannot Forget
Neuroscience of  Interactive: Reasons for Forgetting
Memory  Video: Special Topics- When Memory Fails
 Interactive: Concept Map: Forgetting
 Quiz: Forgetting and the Neuroscience of Memory (15 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Health
and Memory
Summary: Memory  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
 Chapter Quiz: Memory (60 points)

Chapter 7: Introduction: Cognition  Video: Cognition

Cognition:  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"
and Language
Thinking, Problem-  Interactive: Experiment: Mental Rotation
Solving, and Decision  Video: The Mind is what the brain does
Making  Interactive: Concept Map: How People Think
 Quiz: Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Decision Making (18

Problem Solving  Interactive: Animation: The Sting Problem

Barriers and Creativity  Interactive: Animation: The Dot Problem
 Interactive: Survey: What is Creativity?
 Interactive: Concept Map: Problem Solving and Decision
 Quiz: Problem Solving Barriers and Creativity (12 points)

Intelligence Theories  Interactive: Survey: What is Intelligence?

and Intelligence Tests  Video: Theories of Intelligence: Garner's Theory
 Interactive: Visual Quiz: Gardner's Nine Intelligences
 Quiz: Intelligence Theories and Tests (18 points)

Group and Individual  Interactive: Tabbed Graph: Correlations Between IQ Scores of

Differences in Persons With Various Relationships
Intelligence  Video: In the Real World: Intelligence Tests and Stereotypes
 Interactive: Concept Map: Intelligence
 Quiz: Group and Individual Differences in Intelligence (15

Language  Interactive: Concept Map: Language

 Quiz: Language (12 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Mental
and Physical Exercises
Combine for Better
Cognitive Health
Summary: Cognition  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
 Chapter Quiz: Cognition (60 points)

Chapter 8: Introduction:  Opening Video: Development Across the Life Span

Development Development Across  Interactive: Timeline "Timeline of the History of Psychology"
Across the Life the Life Span
The Study of Human  Video: Genetic Mechanisms and Behavioral Genetics: Use of
Development and Family and Twin Studies
Genetics  Interactive: Dominant and Recessive Genes and PKU
 Interactive: Concept Map: Issues in Studying Human
 Interactive: Concept Map: Basic Building Blocks of
 Quiz: The Study of Human Development and Genetics (18

Prenatal Development  Interactive: Concept Map: Prenatal Development

 Quiz: Prenatal Development (15 points)

Physical and Cognitive  Interactive: Five Infant Reflexes

Development in  Interactive: Six Motor Milestones
Infancy and Childhood  Video: How Thinking Develops: Piaget's Stages
 Interactive: Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
 Interactive: Concept Map: Infancy and Childhood Development
 Interactive: Concept Map: Infancy and Childhood
Development: Cognitive Development
 Quiz: Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy and
Childhood (15 points)

Psychosocial  Interactive: Survey: What has your Father Done for you?
Development in  Interactive: Concept Map: Infancy and Childhood
Infancy and Childhood Development: Psychosocial Development
 Quiz: Psychosocial Development in Infancy and Childhood (15

Development in  Interactive: Concept Map: Adolescence

Adolescence  Quiz: Development in Adolescence (15 points)

Development in  Video: In the Real World: Parenting Styles and Socialization

Adulthood  Interactive: Concept Map: Adulthood
 Quiz: Development in Adulthood (18 points)

Theories of Aging and  Interactive: Concept Map: Adulthood: Aging

Stages of Death and  Quiz: Theories of Aging and Stages of Death and Dying (12
Dying points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Cross-
Cultural Views on
Summary:  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
Development Across  Chapter Quiz: Development Across the Life Span (60 points)
the Life Span No Date
Chapter 9: Introduction:  Video: Motivation and Emotion
Motivation and Motivation and Emotion  Interactive: Timeline "Timeline of the History of Psychology"
Instinct, Drive-  Interactive: Survey: What Motivates You?
Reduction, and Needs  Interactive: Tab: Compare and Contrast Primary and Acquired
Approaches to Drives
Motivation  Interactive: Concept Map: Approaches to Understanding
 Quiz: Instinct, Drive-Reduction, and Needs Approaches to
Motivation (18 points)

Arousal, Incentive, and  Video: What’s In It For Me? Meeting our Needs: Maslow’s
Humanistic Approaches Hierarchy.
to Motivation  Interactive: Visual Quiz: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
 Interactive: Concept Map: Approaches to Understanding
 Quiz: Arousal, Incentive, and Humanistic Approaches to
Motivation (15 points)

Hunger and Obesity  Interactive: Experiment: Implicit Association Test: Food

 Interactive: Tabs: Cultural Influences of Why People Eat
 Interactive: Concept Map: Why People Eat
 Quiz: Hunger and Obesity (18 points)

Emotion  Interactive: Survey: How Do You Deal With Your Emotions?

 Interactive: Animation: The "Low Road" and "High Road"
 Interactive: Gallery: Facial Expressions of Emotion
 Interactive: Diagram: Comparison of Theories of Emotion
 Interactive: Concept Map: Emotion
 Quiz: Emotion (15 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: When
Motivation Is Not
Summary: Motivation  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
and Emotion  Chapter Quiz: Motivation and Emotion (60 points)

Chapter 10: Introduction: Sexuality  Video: Sexuality and Gender

Sexuality and and Gender  Interactive: "Timeline of the History of Psychology"
Development of Sex  Interactive: Primary and Secondary Sex Characteristics
Characteristics and  Video: Sex and Gender Differences: Gender Socialization
Influences on Gender  Interactive: Survey: Gender and Sexuality
 Interactive: Concept Map: The Physical Side of Human
 Interactive: Concept Map: The Psychological Side of Human
Sexuality: Gender
 Quiz: Development of Sex Characteristics and Influences on
Gender (18 points)

Gender-Role  Interactive: Concept Map: The Psychological Side of Human

Development, Gender Sexuality: Gender (continued)
Stereotyping, and  Quiz: Gender-Role Development, Gender Stereotyping, and
Gender Differences Gender Differences (12 points)

Sexual Response  Interactive: The Sexual-Response Cycle

 Interactive: Concept Map: Human Sexual Behavior
 Quiz: Sexual Response (12 points)

Sexual Behavior and  Video: Thinking Like a Psychologist: Sexual Orientation:

Sexual Orientation Categories
 Interactive: Experiment: Implicit Association Test: Sexuality
 Interactive: Concept Map: Human Sexual Behavior (continued)
 Quiz: Sexual Behavior and Sexual Orientation (18 points)

Sexual Dysfunctions  Interactive: Posters

and Sexually  Interactive: Concept Map: Sexual Dysfunctions, Problems, and
Transmitted Infections Infections
 Quiz: Sexual Dysfunctions and Sexually Transmitted Infections
(12 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: The
AIDS Epidemic in
Summary: Sexuality  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
and Gender  Chapter Quiz: Sexuality and Gender (60 points)

Chapter 11: Introduction: Stress  Video: Stress and Health

Stress and and Health  Interactive: Timeline of the History of Psychology
Stress and  Video: Stress and Your Health: Stress and Memory
Environmental  Interactive: Concept Map: Stress and Stressors
Stressors  Quiz: Stress and Environmental Stressors (12 points)

Psychological Stressors  Interactive: Concept Map: Stress and Stressors (cont.)

 Quiz: Psychological Stressors (15 points)

Stress and Health, and  Interactive: Graph: General Adaptation Syndrome

Cognitive and  Interactive: Diagram: Responses to a Stressor
Personality Factors in  Interactive: Concept Map: Physiological Factors
Stress  Quiz: Stress and Health, and Cognitive and Personality Factors
in Stress (18 points)

Social Factors in Stress  Interactive: Concept Map: Social Factors in Stress

 Quiz: Social Factors in Stress (12 points)

Coping with Stress  Interactive: Survey: Will This Survey Stress You Out
 Interactive: Concept Map: Coping With Stress
 Quiz: Coping with Stress (15 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life:
Becoming More
Summary: Stress and  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
Health  Chapter Quiz: Stress and Health (60 points)

Chapter 12: Introduction: Social  Video: Stress and Health

Social Psychology  Interactive: Timeline of the History of Psychology
Conformity, Group  Interactive: Concept Map: Social Influence
Behavior, Compliance,  Quiz: Conformity, Group Behavior, Compliance, and Obedience
and Obedience (15 points)

Attitudes, Persuasion,  Interactive: Three Components of an Attitude

and Cognitive  Interactive: Concept Map: Social Cognition
Dissonance  Quiz: Attitudes, Persuasion, and Cognitive Dissonance (18

Impression Formation  Interactive: Experiment: Implicit Association Test: Prejudice

and Attribution  Interactive: Concept Map: Social Cognition (continued):
Impression Formation and Attribution
 Quiz: Impression Formation and Attribution (15 points)

Prejudice and  Video: In the Real World: Are Stereotypes and Prejudices
Discrimination Inevitable?
 Interactive: Concept Map: Social Interaction: Prejudice and
 Quiz: Prejudice and Discrimination (12 points)

Interpersonal  Video: What’s in It for Me?: Attraction: Sternberg's Triangular

Attraction Theory
 Interactive: Concept Map: Social Interaction (continued)
Interpersonal Attraction.
 Quiz: Interpersonal Attraction (15 points)

Aggression and  Interactive: Survey: Could You be a Hero?

Prosocial Behavior  Video: Under the Influence of Others: Deciding to Help
 Interactive: Help or Don’t Help: Five Decision Points
 Interactive: Concept Map: Social Interaction (continued)
Aggression and Prosocial Behavior
 Quiz: Aggression and Prosocial Behavior (15 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Peeking
Inside the Social Brain
Summary: Social  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
Psychology  Chapter Quiz: Social Psychology (60 points)

Chapter 13: Introduction: Theories  Video: Theories of Personality

Theories of of Personality  Interactive: Timeline of the History of Psychology
Theories of Personality  Interactive: Survey: What Has Shaped Your Personality?
and the Psychodynamic  Interactive: Visual Quiz: The Psychological Defense
Perspective Mechanisms
 Interactive: Concept Map: Theories of Personality
 Interactive: Concept Map: Psychodynamic Perspective
 Quiz: Theories of Personality and the Psychodynamic
Perspective (18 points)

Behaviorist, Social  Video: Personality Theories: Humanistic

Cognitive, and  Interactive: Diagram: Real and Ideal Selves
Humanistic  Interactive: Concept Map: Behavioral, Social Cognitive, and
Perspectives on Humanistic Perspectives
Personality  Quiz: Behaviorist, Social Cognitive, and Humanistic
Perspectives on Personality (15 points)

Trait Theories  Video: Personality Theories: Trait

 Interactive: Visual Quiz: The Big Five
 Interactive: Concept Map: Trait Theories
 Quiz: Trait Theories (12 points)

Behavioral Genetics  Interactive: Experiment: IPIP Neo Personality Inventory

and Personality  Interactive: Concept Map: Personality: Biological Roots and
Assessment Assessment
 Quiz: Behavioral Genetics and Personality Assessment (18

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life:
Biological Bases of the
Big Five
Summary: Theories of  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
Personality  Chapter Quiz: Theories of Personality (60 points)

Chapter 14: Introduction:  Video: Psychological Disorders

Psychological Psychological Disorders  Interactive: Timeline of the History of Psychology
Defining Abnormality  Interactive: Survey: Are you Normal?
and Diagnosing and  Video: Diagnosing Mental Disorders: The DSM
Classifying Disorders  Interactive: Yearly Occurrence of Psychological Disorders in the
United States
 Interactive: Concept Map: Psychological Disorders
 Quiz: Defining Abnormality and Diagnosing and Classifying
Disorders (15 points)

Disorders of Anxiety,  Video: In the Real World: The Memories We Don’t Want
Trauma, and Stress  Interactive: Concept Map: Disorders of Anxiety, Trauma, Stress
and Disorders of Mood and Mood
 Quiz: Disorders of Anxiety, Trauma, Stress and Disorders of
Mood (18 points)

Eating Disorders and  Interactive: Concept Map: Eating and Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Disorders  Quiz: Eating Disorders and Dissociative Disorders (18 points)

Schizophrenia and  Video: Living with a Disorder: Schizophrenia

Personality Disorders  Interactive: Concept Map: Schizophrenia and Personality
 Quiz: Schizophrenia and Personality Disorders (12 points)
Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Taking
the Worry Out of
Summary:  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
Psychological Disorders  Chapter Quiz: Psychological Disorders (60 points)

Chapter 15: Introduction:  Video: Psychological Therapies

Psychological Psychological Therapies  Interactive: Timeline of the History of Psychology
History of Treatments,  Interactive: Survey: How do you take care of your mental
and Psychoanalysis and health?
Humanistic Therapy  Interactive: Concept Maps: Psychological Therapies
 Quiz: History of Treatments, and Psychoanalysis, and
Humanistic Therapy (18 points)

Behavior Therapies,  Video: Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Therapies,  Interactive: Fear Hierarchy
and Group Therapies  Interactive: Characteristics of Psychotherapies
 Interactive: Concept Maps: Action Therapies
 Interactive: Concept Map: Group Therapies
 Quiz: Behavior Therapies, Cognitive Therapies, and Group
Therapies (18 points)

Effectiveness of  Video: What’s in it for me? Finding a therapist if you need one.
Psychotherapy, and  Interactive: Types of Drugs Used in Psychopharmacology
Biomedical Treatments  Interactive: Concept Map: Does Psychotherapy Work?
 Interactive Concept Map: Biomedical Therapies
 Quiz: Effectiveness of Psychotherapy, and Biomedical
Treatments (18 points)

Applying Psychology to
Everyday Life: Virtual
Reality Therapies
Summary:  Interactive: Vocabulary Flashcards
Psychological Therapies  Chapter Quiz: Psychological Therapies (60 points)

TOTAL REVEL 2,004 points



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