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plating (Fig. 4c). Cells starved for ,8 h or longer showed bulk 14. Devreotes, P. N., Potel, M. J. & MacKay, S. A. Quantitative analysis of cyclic AMP waves mediating
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This is in good agreement both with our simulations (Fig. 4d, f; see 16. Thomason, P. A. et al. An intersection of the cAMP/PKA and two-component signal transduction
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removed, and plates allowed to dry for 15 min in a sterile hood. Dark-field optics development of Dictyostelium. Nature 356, 171–172 (1992).
recordings were performed at 22 8C as previously described1. Digitized images were taken
every 30 s using an image grabber (Scion LG-3). The images are 8-bit grey scale, 640 £ 480
Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on www.nature.com/nature.
pixels with a resolution of 61 mm per pixel. They were integrated at 30 Hz over 0.3 s for
noise reduction.
Acknowledgements The authors thank X. J. Guan and other members of the Cox laboratory for
assistance, J. E. Segall for HS174 and HS174-A1, A. Kuspa for AK1045, H. Kuwayama for the
Mutant strains pkaC-null strain, A. Harwood for the pka-Rm and Rc expression vectors, M. Veron for the anti-
ErkB (HS174; ref. 20) and regA (HM1015; ref. 16) mutants are insertional mutants PKA-R monoclonal antibody, J. T. Bonner and M. Sano for discussions and K. McQuade, R. Segev
generated by homologous recombination. RegA/þ (HM2041) is HM1015 transformed and G. Weeks for detailed comments on our earlier manuscript. The authors also thank the
with a vector expressing regA driven by its own promoter. ErkB/þ (HS174-A1) is HS174 Dictyostelium Stock Centre for providing HTY506. P.A.T. received a fellowship from the Wellcome
expressing erkB under the act15 promoter. All mutant and rescued strains were verified Trust. This work was supported by a grant to E.C.C. from the NIH.
during use. The pkaR mutant (MYC1002; ref. 16) is an insertional mutant obtained by
restriction enzyme mediated integration. We also tested a classical pkaR mutant generated Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
by chemical mutagenesis (HTY506; ref. 28) and confirmed that overall wave phenotype interests.
was indistinguishable from MYC1002 (data not shown). For expression of PKA-Rm in
MYC1002, transformants were isolated in HL5 medium (8 mg ml21 G418) and then on
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E.C.C. (ecox@princeton.edu)
bacterial plates (E. coli B/r-1 on glucose–yeast–peptone containing 50 mg ml21 G418). or S.S. (ssawai@molbio.princeton.edu).
Expression of PKA-R in pkaR/Rm clones was confirmed by western blots probed with a
monoclonal antibody raised against Dictyostelium PKA-R28. Two independent clonal
isolates of pkaR/Rm that showed expression levels comparable to that of wild-type DH1
developed for 4–8 h were used for the wave analysis. Three other isolated clones expressed
higher levels of the subunit, showed no sign of periodic oscillations and could not
aggregate. We also tested a null mutant of PKA-C (pkaC) and observed the same
phenotype (data not shown). DH1 and AX2 are parental wild-type strains for MYC1002
and HM1015, respectively.
Received 21 June; accepted 23 November 2004; doi:10.1038/nature03228. A pentatricopeptide repeat protein
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326 NATURE | VOL 433 | 20 JANUARY 2005 | www.nature.com/nature
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The chloroplast NA(P)DH dehydrogenase (NDH) complex is synthetic electron transport, which is consistent with other mutants
involved in cyclic electron flow around photosystem I (refs 6, 7). specifically impaired in NDH activity6,8. Western analysis using an
Eleven subunits of the complex are encoded in the chloroplast antibody against NdhH showed a decrease in the level of the NDH
genome in higher plants (ndhA–ndhK). We developed a screening complex (Fig. 1c). NdhH was almost undetectable in the two alleles
system to identify mutants with impaired NDH activity in Arabi- crr4-1 and crr4-3, and a trace level was detected in crr4-2. The NdhH
dopsis thaliana8. In doing so, we were also able to identify the level was mildly affected in crr4-4 (25–50%).
mutants affected in RNA editing. To identify a gene affected in crr4 mutants, crr4-1 was crossed
Four crr4 (chlororespiratory reduction) mutants, crr4-1 to crr4-4, with the polymorphic wild type (Landsberg erecta). Analysis of 243
were identified by their lack of post-illumination increase in F2 plants specified a 305-kilobase region on chromosome 2. Because
chlorophyll fluorescence (Fig. 1a, b) using a modified system of the crr4 phenotype was specific to the chloroplast NDH level,
fluorescence imaging8,9. This transient rise in fluorescence is due to candidate genes encoding the putative chloroplast targeting signal
the dark reduction of the plastoquinone pool, which is dependent were sequenced. Finally, mutations were found in gene At2g45350
on NDH activity (Fig. 1a). Whereas the fluorescence rise was in all crr4 alleles. To confirm the crr4 phenotype was caused by
undetectable in three alleles, crr4-1, crr4-2 and crr4-3, a trace of mutations in At2g45350, the wild-type genomic sequence of
activity was detected in crr4-4 (Fig. 1b). Genetic analysis established At2g45350 was introduced into crr4-1 and crr4-2. The transforma-
that crr4 mutations are recessive, with four mutations on a single tion fully complemented the transient increase in chlorophyll
gene (data not shown). With the exception of the lack of NDH fluorescence (Fig. 1b) and NdhH level (Fig. 1c).
activity, crr4 mutants did not display any phenotype in photo- CRR4 (At2g45350) was not interrupted by any intron and
encoded a putative protein with 606 amino acids. The program
ChloroP 1.1 predicted that the first 45 amino acids were the target
signal to the plastid (Fig. 2a). CRR4 is a member of a PCMP (for
plant combinatorial and modular protein) family10. On the basis of
structural and functional similarities, the PCMP family is included
in the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) family8,11, as the PLS sub-
family12. The PPR family consists of about 450 genes in the
Arabidopsis genome. CRR4 contains 11 PPR motifs consisting of a
degenerate 35-amino-acid unit (Fig. 2b). Overlapping the array of
PPR motifs, the central region of CRR4 comprises the reiteration of
three motifs, A, B and C, in the order 3 £ (B-C-A), followed by two

Figure 1 Characterization of crr4 mutants. a, Schematic model of NDH function. The NDH
complex functions in electron transport from the stromal reducing pool, NADPH and
reduced ferredoxin (Fd), to the plastoquinone pool (PQ). PQ reduction in the dark depends
on NDH activity and is detected in the transient rise of chlorophyll fluorescence after
illumination with actinic light (AL)6. PSI, photosystem I; PSII, photosystem II. b, Analysis of
the transient increase in chlorophyll fluorescence after turning off AL. The bottom curve Figure 2 Structure of CRR4. a, Schematic alignment of CRR4 and CRR2. The relationship
indicates a typical trace of chlorophyll fluorescence in the wild type (WT). Leaves were between PPR motifs (boxed) and PCMP motifs (bars A–H) is shown. PCMP motifs are
exposed to AL (50 mmol photons m22 s21) for 5 min. AL was turned off and the labelled on the basis of the original assignment10 except for the Eþ motif12. The sites of
subsequent transient rise in fluorescence ascribed to NDH activity was monitored by mutation in four crr4 alleles are indicated. White boxes are the putative plastid targeting
chlorophyll fluorimetry. Insets are magnified traces from the boxed area. crr4-XþCRR4, signals. The C-terminal 15-amino-acid motif is indicated by a bar labelled with an
crr4 alleles transformed by the wild-type genomic CRR4 sequence. ML, measuring light; asterisk. b, Alignment of eleven PPR motifs present in CRR4. Amino acids conserved
SF, saturating flash. c, Immunoblot analysis of thylakoid proteins. Immunodetection of an more than 60% are boxed in black. Conserved similar amino acids are shaded. The points
NDH subunit (NdhH) and photosystem II (PsbO). The lanes were loaded with proteins of amino acid alteration in three alleles are highlighted by red letters. A pair of
corresponding to 0.5 mg of chlorophyll for PsbO and tenfold the proteins for NdhH (100%) antiparallel a-helixes, predicted from the similarity with TPR motif11, is shown by
and a series of dilutions as indicated. underlines.
NATURE | VOL 433 | 20 JANUARY 2005 | www.nature.com/nature 327
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carboxy-terminal motifs, D and E (Fig. 2a). CRR4 belongs to the editing site remained unedited in the transcripts from crr4 mutants.
PCMP-E subfamily (E subgroup) lacking the three motifs F, G and Figure 3b shows the extent of RNA editing after semiquantitative
H, which are conserved in the PCMP-H subfamily (DYW sub- analysis with a restriction enzyme that digests only complementary
group)10,12. The final PPR motif is followed by an unknown motif DNA derived from edited RNA molecules. RT–PCR products
consisting of 15 amino acids (PGCSxI/VExxGxV/IHxF), which is subjected to the analysis covered the region from 238 to þ254
highly conserved in some PPR proteins. Although this motif is (taking the initiation codon of ndhD as þ1), which is totally
apparently related to E and Eþ motifs12, it is well conserved only in included in the monocistronic ndhD transcripts (Supplementary
some members. Fig. 1). A similar result was obtained with longer RT–PCR products
All the amino acid alterations present in three alleles of crr4 are ranging from 238 to þ996 as a probe (data not shown). About 50%
located on the third iteration of the B-C-A motif, indicating that the of RNA molecules were edited in mature leaves of Arabidopsis,
region might be essential for CRR4 function (Fig. 2a). They are although the edited molecules were hardly detectable in crr4
located close to each other in the predicted three-dimensional (Fig. 3b).
structure of PPR (antiparallel a-helixes)11 (Fig. 2b). In contrast, To evaluate the efficiency of RNA editing more directly, the
crr4-3 has a nonsense mutation resulting in truncation of the editing site within the cDNA was amplified by PCR and cloned in
protein after the seventh PPR motif, suggesting that crr4-3 is a Escherichia coli. About 100 independent clones were analysed by
null allele. digestion with NlaIII to detect cDNA originating from the edited
Some members of the PPR family are involved in RNA proces- RNA molecules (Supplementary Table 1). Consistent with the
sing, stabilization and translation in the chloroplasts8,13–16 and estimation of semiquantitative analysis, 48% of molecules were
mitochondria of yeast17, Neurospora18 and higher plants19–21. This edited in the wild type. In contrast, no molecules were edited in
fact indicates that RNA maturation of the chloroplast ndh gene(s) crr4-3, supporting the idea that crr4-3 is a null allele. Detection of a
might be impaired in crr4. However, no alteration in the size or level single edited clone out of 111 clones examined indicates that the
of the transcripts derived from the 11 ndh genes was found (data not missense allele of crr4-1 is unlikely to be null. It is also possible that
shown). the low level of this editing is due to an inefficient cross-reaction by
Although the crr4 phenotype was not detected in the RNA blot an alternative PPR protein. Three edited clones of the 106 clones
analysis, it is still possible that crr4 is defective in RNA editing or examined were detected in crr4-4, which is consistent with our
translation. To study the former possibility, products of polymerase conclusion that crr4-4 is a weak allele.
chain reaction with reverse transcription (RT–PCR) were sequenced Although the RNA editing in the initiation codon of ndhD was
directly (Fig. 3). Among 11 Arabidopsis ndh genes, ndhA, ndhB, impaired in crr4, all known editing sites present in ndhB, ndhD,
ndhD and ndhF contained one, eight, four and one editing sites,
respectively22. In tobacco ndhD, the translation initiation codon is
encoded by ACG in the genome, which is edited to AUG by RNA
editing23. The efficiency of this editing depends on the tissue and the
age of the leaf24. Figure 3a shows the result of the direct sequencing
of RT–PCR products around the ndhD translation initiation site.
Consistent with the results in tobacco, the translation initiation
codon ACG was partly edited in Arabidopsis leaves. In contrast, this

Figure 3 Analysis of RNA editing in the ndhD initiation codon. a, Direct sequencing of
RT–PCR products containing the ndhD initiation codon. The psaC and ndhD region is Figure 4 Relationship between the CRR4 expression level and the extent of RNA editing.
shown schematically. RNA editing sites are indicated. The restriction enzyme NlaIII a, Semi-quantitative analysis of RNA editing in the ndhD initiation codon in lines
cleaves cDNA derived from edited molecules. The editing site is so distal in the overexpressing CRR4. The accumulation of CRR4 RNA was estimated by RT–PCR. ACT8
transcripts that cDNA was sequenced on the complementary strand. b, Semi-quantitative is a control for RT–PCR. WT, wild type. b, Semi-quantitative analysis of RNA editing in the
analysis of the extent of RNA editing. RT–PCR products were digested with NlaIII. ndhD initiation codon in leaf, etiolated seedling (etio) and root cells. RNA was extracted
Fragments originating from edited and unedited RNA molecules are indicated. WT, wild from the 35S::CRR4 line (crr4-1#1), as well as from the wild type. c, CRR4 is expressed in
type. both roots and leaves. Cycles of RT–PCR were 26 in b and 29 in c.
328 NATURE | VOL 433 | 20 JANUARY 2005 | www.nature.com/nature
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ndhF, atpF, psbE, rpoB and rps14 (ref. 22) were processed, as they family members, CRR4 and CRR2. CRR2 functions in the inter-
were in the wild type (Supplementary Table 2). We conclude that genic RNA cleavage between rps7 and ndhB, which is essential for
crr4 is specifically defective in the RNA editing that creates an ndhB translation8. CRR2 belongs to the PCMP-H subfamily (DYW
initiation codon of ndhD. subgroup) and has well-conserved C-terminal motifs, F, G and H,
In Arabidopsis, ndhD is polycistronically transcribed with the which are missing from CRR4. Although CRR2 and CRR4 are
upstream gene psaC (Fig. 3a). Post-transcriptional RNA processing involved in different processes of RNA maturation, they are closely
generates monocistronic RNA species that are translatable24,25. related in structure. All the motifs included in CRR4 are present in
Because the ndhD initiation codon is closely located to these RNA CRR2 except the C-terminal 15-amino-acid motif, which is less
cleavage sites, it is possible that crr4 is defective in these RNA conserved in CRR2 (Fig. 2). However, this 15-amino-acid motif is
cleavages and is consequently defective in the RNA editing. To too small to explain on its own the activity that deaminates a specific
eliminate this possibility, RNA processing between psaC and ndhD cytidine residue, the reaction that is required for the RNA editing
was analysed with the RNase protection assay in crr4 and the wild process. We propose that a PPR protein functions as a factor for
type. Neither the 3 0 termini of psaC nor the 5 0 termini of ndhD were recognizing the target RNA and facilitates the access of a general
altered in crr4 (Supplementary Fig. 1). factor containing cytidine deaminase activity. This simplest model
Our results are inconsistent with a previous report indicating that is partly analogous to the editing system of the human APOB100
the ndhD initiation codon was not edited in Arabidopsis22. We were locus, in which an RNA-binding protein, ACF (apobec-1 comple-
also unable to find the reported RNA editing in ndhA (Supplemen- mentation factor), facilitates the access of a cytidine deaminase,
tary Table 2). Some RNA editing processes might depend on tissue APOBEC1, to the editing site28. However, a multi-component
and culture conditions24. However, it is unlikely that the crr4 defect system is not consistent with a recent report suggesting that
in the RNA editing is caused secondarily by a physiological change, both site determination and C ! U conversion are governed by a
because the absence of the NDH complex hardly affected the single factor in the chloroplast29. Our findings seem to support a
chloroplast function under the culture conditions used. It is multi-component system, in which the PPR protein might
also unlikely that the absence of the NDH complex directly affected interact with the target RNA to recruit the editing machinery.
the RNA editing, because the editing was unaffected in pgr3-3, in Considering the extraordinarily large size of the PPR family, it is
which accumulation of the NDH complex was impaired15. We reasonable to expect that PPR proteins are involved in RNA editing
conclude that crr4 is directly defective in the RNA editing, rather in organelles, by which 19 and 441 sites are processed in the
than indirectly through the other defects affecting the editing chloroplast and the mitochondrion of Arabidopsis, respectively22,30.
process. By incorporating PPR proteins in the RNA editing machinery,
A defect in RNA editing in the ndhD initiation codon drastically higher plants can manage several hundreds of RNA editing events
impaired the accumulation of the NDH complex (Fig. 1c). Despite in organelles. A
the physiological significance, this editing was partial, even in the
wild type. The extent of the editing was dependent on the develop- Methods
mental and environmental conditions24. Because CRR4 is specifi- Plant materials and growth conditions
cally involved in this RNA editing, the CRR4 level might be a The accession of crr4 mutants is Columbia gl1. All alleles were derived from mutagenesis
determinant of the extent of editing and consequently of ndhD with ethylmethane sulphonate. Mutants were selected as described previously8. Plants
translation. To study this possibility, we analysed the extent of ndhD were grown in Metromix potting soil under controlled conditions (light intensity of
50 mmol photons m22 s21, 16 h light/8 h dark cycle at 23 8C).
editing in the crr4 lines in which CRR4 was overexpressed under the
control of the 35S promoter. Introduction of the 35S::CRR4 con- Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis
struct to crr4-1 and crr4-2 restored the RNA editing activity (Fig. 4a). Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured with a MINI-PAM portable chlorophyll
Despite the upregulation of CRR4 expression at least in the RNA fluorimeter (Walz). The transient increase in chlorophyll fluorescence after turning off the
level (Fig. 4a, CRR4), the extent of RNA editing did not increase in actinic light (50 mmol photons m22 s21 for 5 min) was monitored as described6.
comparison with the wild-type level. This result suggests that the Map-based cloning
efficiency of RNA editing is not simply limited by CRR4 expression. The crr4 mutations were mapped with molecular markers based on cleaved amplified
To study further the factor limiting the editing efficiency, RNA polymorphic sequence. RsaI and HinfI were used for markers T13E15 and F4I8,
was prepared from roots in which the NDH complex did not respectively (Supplementary Table 3). Genomic sequences of At2g45350 from the wild-
accumulate26. Consistent with the result in tobacco26 was our type and crr4 alleles were amplified by PCR with ExTaq DNA polymerase (Takara). The
products were sequenced directly with a dye terminator cycle sequencing kit and an ABI
observation that the ndhD initiation codon was unedited in Arabi- PRISM 3100 sequencer.
dopsis roots (Fig. 4b). However, RT–PCR detected the crr4 tran- For complementation of the crr4 mutations, the wild-type genomic sequence from
script in both roots and leaves (Fig. 4b, c). Furthermore, 21860 to þ2240 (taking the translation initiation site as þ1) was amplified by PCR and
overexpression of CRR4 did not promote the RNA editing of the cloned in pBIN19. For CRR4 overexpression, the wild-type genomic sequence from 2135
to þ2240 was cloned in pBI121. The resulting plasmids were introduced into
ndhD initiation codon in roots. This observation is consistent with Agrobacterium tumefaciens MP90 and then into crr4-1 and crr4-2.
the fact that 15 sites on the transcript from ndh genes are edited
inefficiently in tobacco roots26. An unknown factor involved in at Immunoblot analysis
least 15 editing sites seemed to limit RNA editing. RNA was also Thylakoid proteins were isolated from leaves of 4-week-old plants, fractionated by
extracted from etiolated seedlings. Consistent with the previous 12.5% SDS–PAGE, and transferred to poly(vinylidene difluoride) membranes. NdhH
and PsbO were detected with the enhanced chemiluminescence detection kit
report27, the ndhD initiation codon was partly edited in etiolated (Amersham).
seedlings. Overexpression of CRR4 did not increase the editing
efficiency in etiolated seedlings. Combining this result with results Analysis of RNA editing
in the leaves and roots, we eliminate the simplest model in which the Total RNA was isolated from rosette leaves by using an RNAeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen)
CRR4 level determines the editing efficiency. CRR4 might be part of and treated with DNase (Invitrogen) to remove any trace of the genome DNA. DNA-free
RNA (1 mg) was reverse transcribed with random hexamers. Sequences including the
a complex (see below) and subunits of the complex other than editing sites were amplified by PCR with primers in the combinations ndhD-F/ndhD-R1
CRR4 might be rate-limiting. It is also possible that CRR4 is or ndhD-F/ndhD-R2 (Supplementary Table 3). The RT–PCR products were sequenced
modified to facilitate RNA recognition. directly. For semiquantitative analysis of the initiation codon of ndhD, the RT–PCR
Accumulating information suggests that the PPR protein recog- products were digested with NlaIII and analysed on a 10% polyacrylamide gel.
nizes the specific RNA for maturation8,13–21. This is consistent with Received 17 August; accepted 26 November 2004; doi:10.1038/nature03229.
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on www.nature.com/nature. electronic display of vertical stripes, the motion of which was
controlled by the insect’s own wing motion under closed-loop
Acknowledgements We thank M. Miyata and E. Habe for their technical assistance; T. Endo,
G. Peltier and the late A. Watanabe for antibodies; and J. Obokata for suggestions. T. Shikanai was conditions2. This arrangement maintained a stable wingbeat fre-
supported by grants from JSPS and Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science and quency, permitting accurate shuttering at precise phase points
Technology, Japan. within the contraction cycle. By progressing through the wingbeat,
we reconstructed a movie of X-ray diffraction images from the
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial DLMs. Figure 2 shows examples of such images obtained from a
single Drosophila metleri (the full sequence is shown as an animation
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.S. in Supplementary Video 1). The cyclical changes in the intensities
(shikanai@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp). and positions of the major reflections reflect the cyclical binding,
330 NATURE | VOL 433 | 20 JANUARY 2005 | www.nature.com/nature
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