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Fall Zinc '06 sponsored (IY: PANTS P.1NTS@~ncJ!f!lfJ1.

the Editors:
First off, let us say
thank you. Thank yoU to all OryOU
who gave contribu'tions. This zine
couldn't have been put together without your input, thoughts,
artwork, and poetry. Contributors are the back bones of this :/.:..
zinc, the thoughts and opinions here,reflectthe diverse population of this campu.
Whether you were bearing your soul in a confessional poem or giving it to "the m!
or woman in a scathing editorial, it takes real courage to have your thoughts put fj
there for everyone to see. You guys rule! Second, we want to thank zinc staff
contributors KelTi, Renee, Nina, and Raffi. You guys put up with our incessant
demands ~lat evel}~hingbe per!ect, a~ld formatted \'.'eIL :ou put up with l~lonths (j
conversatIOn about Gay Lasers· and What the hell IS gomg on the cover! You !
provided great information, wonderful ideas, and never before have a single group~
people ever made pie charts and page layouts so cool. Never once did you complai
fact you listened to us do most of the complaining, and when we emailed you at lip
on a Sunday night we knew that we could count on you to do whatever we needed.
You guys are our knights in shining armor. Thanks for rocking the house!
Furthermore, we want to thank the readers. A group of committed students madet
a priority and spent time putti ng something together that is, what we hope, though
provoking and interesting. We want to thank you for picking up a copy of this and
reading it, thinking about it, and maybe even acting on it. Gandhi said "You mustb
the change you wish to see in the world." By picking up this zine, yOll have already
made the first step. We hope that you enjoy what you read here and look forward 10
your thoughts, comments and even submissions the ne}..1: time around. Finally, we !
would like to say that we may have orchestrated this effort, but the leadership and I
ideas came from people all over this campus, from the contributors to the faculty,s~
writers to survey takers. We love talking about sex. So, thank yOll for letting us talk,
about all the good things and the bad things that may be.

-Melissa Markstrom and Oz Skinner

Table of Contents,
1. Lets talk about porn 14. Gay Lasers
2. Questions for a straight guy IS. Garriage
3. Mirror Image 16. Two Sides ofthe Coin
4. He said, she said 17. Two sides of what coin?
5. Femininity in Professionalism 18. Defective Homosexuality
5. "C'est la vie" French News 19. Love in Action
7. Sexual Survey 20. "Vhat Really Glinds My Gears
8. Current Events? 21. Contraception Deception
9. Poetry 22. Abortion Ban
10. Terrorism is the New Pink 23. Poetry
11. Are women still victims? 24. STD Info
12. Gender Reclassification 25. Alternative News
13· White Supremacy 26. Sexy Faces

INumbers do not coincide with pages numbers, this is strictly for organizational purposes.
PANT.S == People Are Not Their Sex
?~.z:_~~, Is a Women's Studies/Gender Studies club

Our missions statement is: To foster, and promote in an academic

setting, awareness in the field of gender studies; This will be done by
providing resources, discussions and sponsoring campus events.
The club was started in the spring of '05 and has been working with
different issues and events ever since. Some PANTS previous
activities include: film discussions, attending conferences and
speakers at different colleges. producing a couple Zines. co-
sponsoring the Vagina Monologues, and promoting Gender and
Women's Studies courses offered on campus. This year, we are
looking at doing much of the same thing with an increased
awareness/focus on Men's issues, HIV/AIDS awareness, and
basically helping to create a larger dialogue on campus about
Women's Studies/Gender Studies topics.

Please join us l ;
We meet every other Monday at~8:15 in the YESI Coffeehouse
is an instant cure for mild depression.

sex is a beauty treatment.

makes hair shine and skin smooth.
releases endorphins into the bloodstream

is one of the safest sports you can take up.

We asked
What's All the Fuss About.
Dear Zine Editors.

,I· .

XXX porn XX'i-~-
~,/'. .

Rick Kuehnast

I think that it is important for people to differentiate

between what most guys should actually want out of a sexual
experience and what the pornography industry generally portrays.
In conscious reality, most guys probably do not feel the need to
overtly subjugate a woman during sex; they should recognize this
as being immoral and inhumane, at the very least. For more selfish
reasons, a mature male should understand that meaningful sexual
and/or emotional relations (which, at one time or another, the
mature male really does desire) cannot be attained through an act
during which one's supposed partner is completely objectified;
there exists no meaningful relationship between a subject and a
perceived object as there can between two people.
At the same time, but not paradoxically: I know of girls that
are excited by the concept of being controlled during sex. I believe
that there is a certain primal element of sexual interaction that can
be further indulged upon without an accompanying sense of
disrespect towards the modem woman. In general, I think that
men and women deserve to share equality, but in '"the sack", there
occur instances in which the participating male and female seem to
tall naturally into behavioral roles that are respectively controlling
and submissive, but not necessarily understood as unequal.
Perhaps this is a reflex born of evolutionary nostalgia and is less of
a literal exercise of patriarchal control. I for one enjoy the concept
of indulging in the inner animal, but respect remains paramount in
any relationship. That's something that porn \.von't teach you.
Questions for a Straight Guy
By Dave D '/'I ngleo

If I listen to folk music. how will this help or hurt 11~1' lihilil)' to get laid?
An interesting inquiry my friend, and on the whole, it'll probably hut1 it.
That of course is a generality. I[you [ocus your attention to a few types of
people, you may have greater success. I'd say you have your three target
groups: Artsy people, hippies, and artsy hippies. Hope this helps steer yOll
in the right direction. Quick altemative for you: Learn to PLAY folk lllUSic.
Chicks dig. guys with acoustic guitars and a good voice.

Do chicks /ike tattoos and piercing?

Personally, I don't see why, but I suppose so. Let's be honest, only bad
asses put holes in their body and pennanently dye their skin. And who
doesn't love a bad ass. There are things that go to far. Something tells me ils I
kind of hard to hook up with the guy timt ha;nineteen facial piercings 'I
without getting, cut up a little.

When is it appropriate to be all asslwle?

Dude, you arc a guy. You're an assho!c for even asking that. The beauty of
being an asshole is lhat you can be an asshole whenever the fuck you want
too. That's the vel)' root of acting in such a manner. So be an asshole
whenever you want, just know that there is always going to be a bigger
asshole waiting to kick your ass.

Is it true that Chartwells makes you sterile?

Not sterile, it just makes it so you will only be able to produce vegan hippie,
tree hugging offspring to ensure that lhe school can stay in business forever.

/ needll girlfriend. flelp!

Alright chief, settle down. The first thing to remember is: DON'T PANIC'
That may be your biggest problem. Girls are like wild animals, they can
smell fear and it does not turn them on. It sounds cliche, but be yourself.
man. If you try to hard, you are going to be setting a standard that you and I
both know you will not be able to maintain. For a relationship to work there
needs to be gradual improvement towards a perfect symbiotic existence.
And lets be honest now, would you be asking me for advice if you had the
all the things that women \vanted, of course not. Stick with who you are so
that you don't have to do any1hing extra in the future. Then everyone can be

My bo)frieml ma.\'tllrbate~· illfo my pillow. WlIat .slIould / do?

Wow ..... ummm ...... WOW. Thanks for picking me to deal with this one.
Well unless you enjoy it, I'd stan by tdling him to stop. There is no way
that that could be at all pleasant, no matter how freaky you are. If the pillow
thing >vorks for him, maybe get him his own "special pillow" or something.
Mostly I'd just encourage you to tell him to masturbate on your linens

;'Hy bOJfriel1l1 plays Jf'orld of Warcnif/ all tlIe time. Ill' ,Ioem't even know
tllat I'm there. Does lIe still love me?

Now, I would love to give you a hopeful and reassuring response here, but I
feel that as resident straight guy, I need to speak for what all straight men
would, whether we are proud of it or not, agree OIl. My first question is, is
there any chance you may be blmving this out of proportion? Can he really
play World of Warcralt all the time? If he really does, why would you still
love him? This is college. There are parties to be had and fun to be
experienced. Let him sit in his boxers with the blinds down and the lights
out living in his little fantasy world where he can play God and go out and
have some fun yourself. Maybe he will follow after you. Maybe you'II find
me. I suck at video games. *wink* Yeah, you dig me.

"Once, women worried abollt their figures while men scarfed
pizza and beer with abandon. Then came Soloflex ads, male
anorexia, and.. _plastic cal vesT'

Ohh Fellas....

rVll l{ROR IMAGE: A 6 pan art:c '" by'\ lieia Polk'!'. for lhe lHHl-SUl1lmari/.cJ "crsill
call he' read al:htW'f\Vl\\\ .ml()p!c;b~·c"m'sj!O!inlbii,h(lnl
JolHI Updike "ncc {'unlparc'd ,he male body ((l a ban;; aCCOUllt: ;is
long as ii's l1t'allhy. ;lllian doesu't lhink much ahoH! il. Cleady '"hn
Updike never m<:l Lmal1ucI W"n1. Wm'd h,lS the physique of (l SIal'
sprinter. His biceps bu,,'c': hi~ calves curve: under his green T-shirt:
his slOmach nu c!nubt ripp!c'~. Y'':l [asl summer the 27-year-old Ward
f(lllnd himscirliYllillg: I1my \\oldd he look in a S\\illlsuit'l Mayhe nO!
as blllLIS his bu<1die,. he' Ih"ug!IL vowing to skp up his ~vm
n'i!,imcn. "I didn', wan! Iu 1'''- ,ls!l;Hned:' ;K "ays. I'l'l a typical ::'.":.
thing to ;';<1y. ri~.Ill·' Ihink ag:lin. (king;; man thiSc days Sl'Cllh ,\,e\l,

Hn aV~'ful lot like ~)cing, i.1 h\'"n~ln" For lnen. 1110rC l!l;.iH eVCL look:>:.
COllnL In V,'guc and iV1cn\ J kalrh aiike. i1wdern-da" AlkHlis,'s scll
c\cr) lhing hT~rn prorein po\vdcr ~o Annani cologne. Ihc::/vc ~:nl
washboard alb_ silky skilL nipples so erect lilt'} cas, shad(l\\-';. The
rn:-de torso r('ign~, ~}S ~hl' i!ccauc's U1()st pow'errul {'crossover -~lnagt;'
(appealing. 10 Hl<:n. n:CHllcn. g.ays. and :~lraighls ~_{\ikc). n~por1~ PekT
l\rneH of" the Nev.- York :ld\/crlising ~lgent'~v IlK" Arnt'H (jroup_ If this
is gerHJt.~r l'qu~dity. then the lurning oCtile tahle:i is not without d
surpri"ing. ;mG potentially harmful. se, of side eneelS. ;\s men
bcconlc ~non: bud)-C{1il~~ciou.s~ and a:i advcrti::.;.cr~ hccOnlt~ nhJre
sharneless about ot'ljt:cti~)--ing the Inale physique. H1Cil arc acquiring
pro-blclHS rt)'nnc(1 ... ;tSSUcirHed. \vith \\-Onl(~lL t~aling: dis.ord('r~~ hody
"bSL';';S!(l[),,, kl\\ rhy~ica! ..dr-c,tcem. 0[1<: body-image study [<Hmd
,hal 45 perccnl or mcn were dissatisfied with lht'lr physiques: Ivomcn

GJJ:_; E~:~:~; 'lig'"'' "",,",',",," "'" ,,,,,ml How"", '0 o>p'pio

the success of" the nlOvic llie Full !I.lunt y. ,I <,lO-minute ri lY OE ;hc
cri"is urthe lJlale sdl~if1l;lgc" \"I'I~' British COl lied)'. about si"X 1;liJ-on-
Slce!\Vt)fkers who put on ;1 qrip show Jcspik lheir considcrabk
physical Haws, has aln:Jdy raked in about 'PW million \Yorllh\ide.
YC", The Full Monty \',lS rllnn~, bu; if re\c:dcd more than jus, tksh
"'{ou'c! bener pray lhat WOI1ICI1 ar(' ml'rc imdcrsiand!ng "bolll US."
one of Ihe fi I111'" charackr:; sa;. s. "1\ nl i-\\Tinkle ueam there is, anli-
n:1 bastard cream there is not." "\i;hil< \\c"f,' s;:eing now is the sallle
body obsession but in a ncw l,xm," S;IY~ llarrison (j. Pope Jr., (Jne or
the rcs~'arcl1l'rs at MeI.cae I !ospi;aL "I,',; ulfning out in the '<)Os as a
pn:occllpatilw with muscnbri:v and si,'c." lo,kcd. Pope has called
f1lusde dySI110lVhia ":h<' ,H!0 f,(", ia of the '''0,;'' Thai might ';(lund a
little alarmist, but Pope sny,.; i:\ no c',aggcrarion. lie warns not tl'
underestimate the pOI\cr ,,( pop culture, especially IlollYWi1od ;nd
the flourishing men's milgaJ.inc IIldustl) (\'kn's lltalth alone: ha::;
increased its circulation lIVt'[(lld, to t.3 million readers, l>il1cC its SImi
in 19X6) lnde~'d, tcel1ag~' boys arc on Ii..:!r way to becoming the ne'\f
generation or body-conscious men. they avidly lift \\('ighls. blcf:d
protein shakes, aad buy bodybuilding mai!,Lvincs, "Compare that w
when I was in high schocll in lhe i960s'" says Pope. "No one CH:n
lalhed about working ou!."
____ SO some quotes for Ihought.. jtb! rCfI1cmlwr boy~ &. g.irls 1.0VL


me person sits with forefingers touching, as shown; the
ther seizes the wrists and tries to draw the fingertips
part. It looks very easy to effect the separation; but try it

\Vhat She Did Wrong
~ .4 Sex SfOfY._

I was once "'Dating" this girl th1l11 the Cape. I drove dmvn to
see her and we got in her car and went to the beach. We
parked the Gar at the beach & jumped into the back of the car.
We started fooling around, then we started to get it on. r was
on top of her and she just laid there. After 25 min of her just
lying there like a piece of Meat she says, ''1'11 give you head."
r was just like line! I was lying over her & just thinking about
how this sucked so b3d, I just \\Tanted to leave. She just totally
made me lose my \vood. Then, she starts sucking me off and
that was not good. And r was thinking, "What the fuck is
wrong with this girl?" So, then I just sl<.u1cd to do it myself &
f~tked blowing my load. And \ve went back to her house and r
had the worst BLlJE BALLS ('FUn! I went into the bathroom
& nlasturbated and aller I did that I kissed her on the ft')rehcad
and left. She never knew I l~tked it with her and she never
knew I masturbated in her bathroom because she \vas so bad.
\Vhat He Never Did
A Sex SIOIT Refold

I Ie came to sec me on the Cape. The night was clear & \V(1rlll.
the heach seemed perfect. We hopped in my car fl.)!" the drive.
As soon as we parked. wc \vere il1s~1tiablc. We jumped over
the front scat - ruck the doors - &. into the back . .1 umping the
gun. like guys lend to do. he pulled his dick out & started to
push it against me. It seemed alright, I mean. I wanted to get
laid & there ahvays has been something about a backseat at
night _. makes me feel like just the right kind of slutty. "Don't
be coy," I \-vhisperccL "I'm an experienced girL" lIe pulled my
skirt up and rushed inside 111e. I Ie started his non-rhy1hmic
thrusting. and never slowed to check my feelings. It was 11kc
we were in a race with lWO other teenagers. in some other
parking IOL to sce who could hammer the nai I into the wall
lirst. I tried moving with him - you know, like sex is supposcd
to be- it was impossible. I felt like I was trying to fight a
seizing epilcptic border collie. I just \vanted to get it over with.
r wanted hin\ to hurry up & cum. "How about a blowjob T I
huffed, more out ol'breath from lhlstration than sexual
exhaustion. Instead. he startcd beating it himself. "What the
fuck?" 1 thought. "lfhe wanted to do this he could have stayed
at home in Front of his computer." A few seconds lateL l heard
a grunt and a sigh and hoped he caught whatever sploogcd out
of his inexperienced membl:'L We drove back to my place he
used the bathroom real quick and took otT 1 haven't secn him
since and I'm. glad my Icl4-1rttmthas becn suiting me just lIne.
~I -anonymous
r am very proud of the feminist movement that took
place in U.S. history, however, it took a wrong tum somewhere
down the road. It seems that many women believe that the way
to get ahead in a "mans world" is to take on what has been
widely accepted as masculine characteristics, such as
competitiveness, aggressiveness, emotional detachment and a
lust for power and conquest. Often, more feminine
characteristics such as being cooperative, nurturing,
compassionate, compromising and sensitive are seen as a
weakness in many Gelds (Note: for the purpose of this essay I
use femininity in relation to gender, not sex).
r do not mean to imply that any of these characteristics
are exclusively masculine or feminine. I'm merely playing off
. of the dominating social constructions sun-ounding gender in
\ our society. Many social scientists would agree that everyone
'j has both masculine and feminine qualities. In general, each
~ person !ealUs to emphasize the gender characteristics that are
vieV'ied favorably by the society they grow up in.
If you think of a woman who wants to become the CEO
of a company that typically has male CEO's, what
characteristics would that woman have to emphasize in order to
get her desired position? If Aunt Jemima wallted to be a
lu\vyer, would she have to alter the image she portrayed?
Would we be asking her to look a little tougher? To act as if
she could crush anything or anyone that stood in her way?
Would she have to take offthe apron, a symbol of tradition,
community & family, before she pulled out the briefcase?

, IN
My point is that feminine characteristics are missing in
large part from the professional world, and it is to our society's
detriment. If, when we thought about economics, for instance,
we strived for cooperation and sensitivity rather that
competition and conquest, would we be living in a better
world? It: in the political and business worlds, we actually
valued sensitive and nurturing types of practices more, we
might be looking at a national and global system that was
better fit to meet the needs of the people of the world. My
contention is that we need to accept the benefits of femininity
in all aspects of society and stop viewing these qualities as
weaknesses. The strength of femininity lies in the social
interactions we all depend on. Leaving our social obligations
out of the equation, as many professional sectors do, is an error
we cannot afford to continue making.
There are cCliain "feminine" qualities that, today, have
no place in professionalism. We need a paradigm shift that
embraces our feminine sides. Whether it's women or men who
manifest these feminine qualities, the ends must be the same.
It's a bit like the yin and yang theories of eastern religions.
Things that are so polarized, like gender, need to be in balance.
One cannot dominate the other. r want my politicians to be
professional but I also want them to care. I want them to
nurture our society. I want them to do what is best for us. I
want them emotionally connected to us. I want both men and
women to feel free to express their feminine characteristics
without fearing criticism.
-Beth Donovan

France's Fin;t Woman President?
Segolene Royal, 53, won France's Socialist Party nomination by an
overwhelming majority of 61 percent. Royal, the current president of the
region Poitou-Charentes, will most likely be running against Nicolas
Sarkozy, the current interior minister and head of the Union for a Popular
Movement party, in next April's election, Herald Sun reports. According to
the Herald Sun, current polls show Royal and Sarkozy running neck-and_

Prior to her presidency of the region of Poitou-Charentes, Royal served as

environment minister and minister of the family. She is the only French
woman to ever have had a substantial chance of becoming France's first
woman president. Last night after her tremendous victory, Royal said, "It's
the people who launched this. It's the activists from the core who launched
this movement and who today are giving this strength and giving me this
momentum," according to EuroNews.

so ,0( r\ ,('. 10 \ \f\ ~O!lf

-Feminist Majority Foundation

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c::,l L1
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~gOvt tOY
1i i\ \.
~\ \t\ 'O\j f 1\

She'd kiss you 'til your lips bled
& forget to say hi
the next day

You k n o w , ! J d i " r
it's no wonder no one comes baGK " ,
for seconds of that /f!~~i','
parasite kind of love //"tiZ;?'
She tastes like sour apples:. 0"
(kinda good .." .
makes you wonder
if it's
ready to eat) .
And smells like a damn goodtim,e:
. " :
.. ..~

She smiles like a liar

who'd blush at the
sound of her own name
Thinks she looks cute when she
tucks a cigarette behind her ear,
flips her hair,
kicks dead leaves.

Eyes on the ground,

mind in the clouds.

Forcing chapped Iipsto spread,

biting tongues and
killing memories.

~Renee Fasanaro

"jllvr c .
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\.If(.. 0
Sex Survey Resuts
Some ofQur Favorite /?csponses to the 5 urve!J


Ever had a threesome, group sex or circle jerk? i

GMC sexual highlights:

,-i/C" ,:;,/"
\- ;.)

U.l''. I

Ever Bump Uglies Amongst Nature?

Group Sex Anyone?
ill 1M


11111 69%

Have you had


Now for the stats:

According to your answers, some of your sexiest held! fedtures
included: temples, skull, and facial hair, but a whopping 53%
of you said that your sexiest facial feature is your eyes.
11 52% of women have, at least once been attracted to the
same sex, compared to 16% of men

194% of you said it was at least somewhat important to be with

~ g,
a partner who is -pltltjsu.ClLLlj CltlY-Clchve
f. 'j 59% of men admitted to a time when they'd been (~ncerlled
~ ~ about what others thought of their sexuulity, compared to
~ ~ 58% of women
i Only 38% of you admitted to having an orgasm "every time."
~ tJ Of those 8very-tlmo-orgasmers, 42% were men and 38% were
~S women. This just goes to show that men and women have
Iii.. nearly an equal chance of figuring out what it takes to achieve
rv THE ORGASM every time (but very few have figured it out.)
note: the survey didn't specify whether the orgasms were
happening alone or with the help of another.

58% of women, compared with 28% of men have h.keJ ~t'\

<.>r9 asm •

49% of women never masturbate. Ladies, please ask the 82%

ofmen 1vho do exactly what you're missing out on.
Clfl'\piu.d b'l: ~o.. f'i Waj('lhe:tUb ~ JY\e.\isSC1 JVlat ~

For some reason or another women's choice is being debated by the
government, oh yes! Don't believe me? Talk South Dakota in their
referendum, where the state believes if they make Abortion illegal
"South Dakota will be the safest place for women and children"
(http://w\-vw.cwfa.orgi). Oh, ok... NOT! It will become the worst
place, having no choice? They always show babies being yanked out
ofthe womb, it doesn't happen like that! Trust me I knQ\.v! After so
many weeks an aboltion is not able to happen for women. To put it
bluntly it is a sac of goo that does not have living I breathing
organism in it (for the religious folks "soul" if you will), just a plain
sac of goo being removed so it doesn't form into a baby. fN ANY
EV ENT having choice shou Idn 't be on "the man's" agenda! Pretty
sure the Bill of rights has already been written- I bet if it were the
men who carried the babies this wouldn't even reach the pile of
things to talk about. Let's have our govemment focus on what
they've been shying away from, poverty maybe? Or maybe the
ENVIRONMENT, oh god no, stop! Don't be practical, Misters of
the US Government! Lets be a team and not divided? Oh I know!
Mr.! Mr.! Please continue to control the media please keep
con-upting the minds of tomorrow! Oh the parents, that's right, but
what happens to their kids when they've been fooled for so long by
you too? Oh so many things to cover! But the government won't
touch one! Not unless it will cause Conflict between you & l.
PEOPLE -PEOPLE! Near and far: we are being divided by "the
man" by the ones we call leaders, VOTE, ACT, and DO! Remember
what Gandhi said "an eye for an eye makes everyone blind!" Does
history repeat itself? Are we creatures of habit? So many things to
ask - we get classified and demised and tum into receptacles don't let
this happen to you! Don't take the Bullshit "the man" hands to you!
Throw it down and lift your head up! I'll end this rant with saying
we all talk about revolution, yes it's great that we can even talk about
it, that's what makes this country so great, but let's revolt- Now [
will introduce two acoustic folk songs that I love, it's true! I love
them. ones a cover by pearl jam (mostly just Eddie though) and they
other' are called Values by Hamell on Trail...
Here's 10 Ihe judges ofJohn Roberts. Who wear Ihe robe of honor in
a phony legalform. Andjuslices are stranger when the parlisans
report, When the COUl'l elected a president it was the beginning of
this war. Here's to the land yOlltore out the heart oj. John Roberts
jind yourselfanother countl)! to be part of Here s to the government
ofDick Cheney. With criminals posing as adl'isors to the crown. And
they hope that no one sees the sites orllwl no one hears the soulId,.
Cause the speeches ofour presidenr are Ihe remains ofa clown
Here's to the land you tore out the hearl oj. Dick Cheney find
yourselfanolher COUntl}' to be part ofHere's to the churches ojJerl:)!
Falwell 011 Ihe cross once made o/silver 11011' is turned 10 rUSI. And
Ihe .)'unday morning services preach infear (~fll1en in love, And God
onZV knows in heaven they lIIlIsllrusl Here '.I' to the land you lore out
the hearl vf Jeri)' Falwell find yourse{fanother coU/my 10 be part (?f
here '.1' to the laws (if Alberto Gonzalez. congress will pass an act in
Ihe panic ojlhe day, And the Constitution's drowning in an oceall qf
dec(~l'. Andfreedom (if speech is dangerous 1'l'e even heard Ihem
say. Here's 10 the land you lOre out the heart o! Gonzalez find
yourselfanother countly to be part of here:~ 10 the businessmen of
George W. who 'Il want 10 change the focus ji-om HalliburTon to
Enron And their profits like blood money Jpilled Oul on the while
house lawn, To keep Iheir hold on power they're using lerror as a
can, while the bombs theyfall 011 children don 'I know which
side... doll 'I care which side Ihat Ihey're on Here '.I' 10 the land you
tore oiiI the hcart oj. George Wfind yOlirse{lanolher countl)) 10 be
part of Here '.1' fO Ihe landyou've 10m out Ihe heart oj; George fYfind
yourselfanother countl)! 10 be parI (?l ..

\\1 h. e.. C- Off"lJ"q, Itt. 0 1''1

v0 . \ \ (\ '()\.,-) c:.,. \) jV, e.

My son, my son, is more than one
He's more than two, he's less than three
He tries to talk to me about this, about that.
About his coat. about his 11at
About birds, about the weather
And he's putting words together
And he's forming little phrases
He's got little verbal phases
And he's challenging me
He's got his own personality
I tell him, "Little boys got to pick up their toys"
What he then said, exploded my head
He said, "Dad let me get this straigl1t
The President of The United States
From everything I heard
Is arguably the most powerful position in the world"
You could have knocked me over with a feather
Listen to him putting these words together
That's pretty advanced nOise
All I want him to do is pick up his toys
He said, "We're over in Iraq
And there's no sign of turning back
Now aren't these people dying?
On both sides, pain and crying?"
Well, that's a lot for a child of three
But I answered him, "Yes," 110nestly
And he said, "Dad, am lout of my mind
But the weapons of mass destruction they did not find?"
I said, "No, son, no
WMD was a no show"
And he said, "Dad they proved that Iraq
Had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack?"
I said, "I can't argue with you
'Cause everything that you say is true"
From the mouth of the littlest of boys, he said,
"Dad, I ain't picking up my fucking toysl"
God chose me, it's fate"
Oh, values are tough to teach a child
When the president has completely gone wild
I said, "Fine, fuck it, doesn't take a lot of brains
To see in this new world ctlaos reigns
If you can't make sense no more
Take off your diaper, take a shit on the floor!"
Values -Values -Values!
I said, "We're getting in a sweat
What do you say we study the alphabet"
He said, "Dad, we've been over this before
But let's go over it one time more"
He said, "Dad, you ain't no fool
Is there some kind of presidential school?
Some kind of test or exam
To show that YOU're the qualified man?
I mean from everything I hear
Let me see if I'm clear
People are voting him in
Because they want to socialize with him and a beer
That ain't no qualification
For a man to be leading the nation
''What if you saw a guy from ttle bar emerging?
Would you say he'd make a fuck of a surgeon?
He's a nice guy, although no education,
I'm going to let him do my wife's brain operation?"
"Dad, I'm going to hold off on class
You can stick the alphabet up your ass"
Values -Values -Values!
So, we're down at the playground
Running round, safe and sound
The kids are on the slides and the swings
Falling down
But they're only 3 or 2
And they fight over toys, as little kids do
And when I tell my son he's got to share
When he comes up with ttlis
Alii can do is stare
He said, ''I'm an isolationist Dad
That kid made me really fucl<ing mad
I don't need him or NATO

I put my kid in his room, lock the door

And I tell my wife I can't take it no more
Values-Values -Values!

1\( I-rouse Passes Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act With
Little Discmsion or Dissent: Notcs from the House Floor .~
"Debate" They did it. Coq)orations, industry groups and the
politicians that represent them rushed through legislation
labeling activists as "terrorists" on the first day back from
Congressional recess. The House passed the Animal Enterprise
Terrorism Act.
The heart of this act is to target environmental and
animal rights activists and to prevent them from staging non-
violent civil disobedience. The backing fro this bill comes from
major corporations who have long histories of exploiting
animals and the environment.
Advocates of this bill say that current federal law has
been inadequate in going after these types of activists, even
after last march when six green activists found themselves
convicted on "animal enterprise terrorism" charges for
campaigning to shut dO\vn an animal testing lab. On June 7,
they were sentenced to six years in prison and 1 million dollar
fine. All for starting a non violent \-veb sileo
The true threat is not the underground violent wing of
the movement, as the bill proclaims, but the movement itself.
That's where this vague and overly broad legislation comes
into place, wrapoing up civil disobedience, undercover
investiga~d other non-violent activity as "terrorism."
Representative Dennis Kucinieh spoke up saying "This
bill was written to have a chilling eITect," he said, "on a
-I f,W
specif"ic type of protest." He also said that, "We have to be very
careful of painting everyone with broad brush of terrorism."
With the approval on Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act,
non-violent activists everywhere can labeled as terrorists and
thrown in jail for disrupting commerce. More and more of our
civillibe11ies are being taken away daily. Where is the voice in
America? Where are the people marching on Washington?
Where are the signs, banners, and infon11ation telling us to act
out and get involved? They have been labeled as terrorists and
locked away in prison or worse yet guantanamo, to protect the
land of the free and your right to drive Hummers and vote on
Dancing with the stars. Wake up America. Before the new
terrorist are you!

.:r EfI.

, '\ -.
II \

. .;};Y<.E/>. IRAN


A New American Anthem
First they came for the Musli
AdM n!
N<l!J!JIn:J duulJl:s. 7 Trfml~lu ~It;!epmrf?
and I did not speak au!:. . Has pmlpmlj flH lhii Mi~n qot '{iHl
t.OSSIrIY and tllrnin9?
because I was not a Muslim.
111en they came for the homosexuals
and I did not speak out '1 YOU NEED
because I was not a homosexual. "
Then they. came for the immigrants""l
ETHie EZEr ....
and I did not speak o u t · ; II

because I was not an immigrant.· ~ ..

Then the v came for the blacks. "
and I did'not speak out~~' .
because I was not a black.
Then they carne for the activists
and I did not speak ouv
because I was not an activist.
Then they came for the single mothers
and I did not speak out' :'~:'
because I was not a single mother.·
Then they came for me/ ;.

and there was no one left

to speak out.
-Oz Skinner
Adapted from First they came ,"
By; Pa~tor Martin Niemoller

Rc-gaining Unconsciousness "

First they put away the dealers, keep our kids safe and off the street.
Then they put away the prostitutes, keep married men cloistered at home.
Then they shooed away the bums, then they beat and bashed the queers,
turned away asylum-seekers, fed us suspicions and fears.
We didn't raise our voice, we didn't make a fuss. ~
It's fU~Y_!!ler~ was no one left to ll{).tice when they came for liS .

....At l-\f\-S NO f~t>D3c,­ r I

;5,,5+ N~~ t\0't16.

~~ \1U(,-V

(jO Ahead Uave :sex WIth LIttle (jIl"ls!

We only ask that they're little girls who are already wearing a bra

" Police Chief Cons J'i'i~;;:fTelford~ UK says thatit7s,o~ for a 20

j\ )(ea~cQ14maleto ~c. '. ....'i.i;ith~:le·~'Yeaq? IdJittl~'giJ.f bcc;ause -
:~·.,Jliini~:a~C·changWg;,~Q·i~n~~at old girls ir{wearing br~s and
.. ,'hA;Vil}g:}h~irpirip:~!·.:ih)Ii/ Oh, and,dic{'11pentiQn that"he's also
. L;Jhe'cl1il(f'pro'te~tig '~~es.roar f'6~ the Associ
ation,of CnieCRglis.<;
\, Officers'?" '".~ ..~. r

'-'''A.,poli~e(;hiefcOKstaDle, l'erry Grange, has ciefended hisV~mmet1t

-. -. :'""
- -. --""-'f\ ;"';:-.-'.-
-, . 'C,
girls agedb~tween\l) o~ -'15"'"
- __ ,_ ,"'---. - • /',-.- ';.0

shourcr'not }5e cJaSsea·~s·'tJe.doph,iles. He·s~d:ti1a1es·aged up to 30

who had s~~ vIjth post-puEesc~htsh,~i!ld'15i~xerii°Pt Tl1er~ is'.a
"grav atea,'\related to girls aged:·l3:Xb'~1:S\havirrg'tsex:~vith"meriaged
u~ t~ 20:;:t-~'~>;':'j ~ __" ; "~:~~::~~::~~i :,;~:~~~;~;: ~
. "
What the la~~·'~~e:~~In·E;~;a~d~'.Wille~·~ndSco~l~&¢:~~;~~e'~:llo
has sex with a boy or girl uri,fer'the age of16 h::iic;ornmitted m~ .
offence. The age in Northy~n:fd~lI~d<if/1:t:OffioiaCg~)Vcirnmeilt-.
guidance on prosecuting sy.!#lestsJhat teena-gel'S wh.h:have s~x"wneri
one of them is below 16 s!iould n,QJnecessarilybe~pro§ecute'd.Jfthe
child is 13 or older and co'&,?entit~g, the offence is\~lassed,as:: ;\ ..".
"unlawful sexual intercourse''':o;!)3Ut.5f theya[e. under 13 th~'9ffeni.;e
is rape, '. .. - ',' . . .. );,..,:,. ..
'>- -0.,...0:;-.---;- ~-

,: -=-- ,,-;--~-

His exemptions from the definition r.<tng~d'from·t~-ert~g~~oYs to

men in their 30s, which differed frQllllllklater,intervie\\;,.witllthe
BBe in whi Chh;~!~~ uppe:_U:~l~f~!c~;~"~;>;J:;,:~",'--'
Grange Quotes:',?!W'e-aretalking' abo~~t,yery yobn~ 'pe.<)P l~lhen) it Ie
is pedophilia,~~d I, fouldn't, \~~mttp;;Jtii%,\lP\~i4~~y~~;;~e}usqh~,...
wrong side ofri!:6 wjth pedophil~s:"~1$iti¢~yve1ti~e.l~:a,lty¢, it's bee[l

:::: ::7:J~;r~~~eZ:~sB~~~I~d~ji~~~fr:earjrig . -
bras, they're having their periods.,\]1eY'ai¢::ngiI6nge:r children-in his
definition. " "·;··.tUfji;;;~J?fi:i;'
r.,,,",, ~;. ~_''"''''- __ ,

-BBC - !vv...\'i.P;'....'.. ,Jv\.Ofl.'(..S~ rf\




, i

rE~ TO·


Afghani Women D:ying UJomEn~Si
Increasing numbers of Afghani \-vomen are dying by setting
themselves on fire, according to reports by NOOs. This year,
thirty-six cases of self-immolation have been reported in Kabul

Women of Color Blog


Pakistan's Lower House Amends Rape Laws Punitive to

r., Pak.istan's lower house of parliament approved changes to the

!JA. country's punitive rape laws yesterday. Currently, rape in
r,J.~,/G2 Pakistan is tried under Islamic law outlined in the Hudood
o~. '~/j,n Ordin~ll1c.e."s. A :-ape v~ctim must produce four male. \~itnesses to

\ ": : the cnme, and If she IS unable to prove her case, she IS charged
\ ) i ,V'?; with adultery, which is punishable by death or flogging. 'rhe
o new legislation, called the Women's Protection hill, would
.4 J( allow a Judge to deCIde whether to try rape cases under the
f'J lludood Ordinances or Pakistan's civil code, and it permits the
use of forensic and circumstantial evidence in detcl111ining
guilt, the New York Times reports. The arnendments also
outlaw sex with girls under 16 and reduce the sentence for
consensual sex oLltside of marriage from death or flogging to
five years in jail or a 10,000 rupees ($165) fine.
tore my stockings but not my soul
,- or, the next afternoon
/' . {~>~::>-,'}:_-g:~~w~"""'.:-r""~-'"---~
sqtst~rile in here its disgus~rng "
i Inuy a§wcll be snwaring1Shit on the walls
,.,;tt. '?
stopplhg in fur a cul'rfllll of
riI1sand a folder full ofnllmbers

~l!dughts are burdening loud hazllrdous cause'~eroom

is silent
so'i.juiet and this gown isnt nearly as,pure,s theyd liMji,t to be
x~ ~ i:' -~~'r
\'V my dirty panties u n d e m e a t h "
s~ Women have looked like me,
, slightly bent hating men okay, though, we look alright
to ma
feels bJ

re that i cant really remember

appened cause the inside of my thighs \
,~-,to sit on a fucking emergency room floor

--. --

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, y. f\ \ Man Found Gudty m First U.S. ,..~ 0:;',
! r \t'/ C Female Genital Mutilation Trial r~
i A man was convicted of aggravated battery and cruelty to
children on 11101/06 for performing female genital mutilation "" \..-'

on his young daughter in 2001. This is believed to be the first ,,'''i

criminal case of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the US. ~ ~
The girl's father, 30-year-old Ethiopian immigrant Khalid
Adem, was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but could have
received up to 40 years, Reuters reports. "The child has r; t;" .

suffered, will suffer, the rest of her life," said Judge Richard )
Winegarden during sentencing, according to the Associated
Press. \,\

During the trial, Adem testified that he had never cut his >-; f,:c
daughter, nor did he ask anyone else to do so, reports the AP. \.;
He said he grew up in the capital of Ethiopia and considers \)
FGM to be a practice carried out in rural areas. Adem's lawyer ~. ' Q
c A (;-
tried to imply that the girl's mother, who divorced Adem in >,,' t
u' (
2003, was responsible for the cutting the girl, even though she :" t, :t
has worked on passing anti-mutilation laws in Georgia state.
. ,.<

-Feminist Majority Foundation h,


i""1.", /"
TflINGS fffliT MUST BE '() ,
PONE R£6(i/fl/(lY
'" '-
JJ- '-'
.; u .. ~

Car~ fOE ih;:, ::hildfen
'\ (rJrc for rl~e pit-Ing
NY to Allow Legal Gender Reclassification

New York Plans to Alake Gender Personal Choice - 110 genital

adjustrnents required.

Separating anatomy from what it means to be a man or a woman, New

York City is moving forward with a plan to let people alter the sex on
their birth certitlcate even if they have not had sex-change surgery.
Under the mle being considered by the city's Board of Health, which is
likely to be adopted soon, people born in the city would be able to
change the documented sex on their birth certificates by providing
affidavits from a doctor and a mental health professional laying out \vhy
their patients should be considered members of the opposite sex, and
asserting that their proposed change would be penl1anent.

-blackfeminism.org and the New York Times


fuels SexL,~l p.,SS7w,'t

A white supremaCIst teenager was sentenced Friday to life in

prison for savagely beating and sodomizing a Hispanic boy at
drug-fueled pany. David Henry Tuck, 18, was convicted
Thursday of aggravated sexual assault in the ncar-fatal attack.
Witnesses testified that he hurled racial insults and shouted
"white power" while sodomizing the 17-year-old victim 'with t
plastic pole of a p;ltio umbrella, The assault took pbce at a paJ
in the Houston suburbs where several youths had gathered to
drink alcohol and take drugs, including marijuana, cocaine anc
the anti-anxiety medication Xanax. Doctors did not initially
expect the boy to live. He was hospitalized for more than thre
months and underwent 20 to 3D operations. He testified
Wedncsday that hc remembered nothing of the assault. Defen
attorney Chuck Hinton appealed to the jury's religious faith,
saying that Jesus would show Tuck mercy, "1 knmv that justice
has to be done. 1 know a terrible thing happened. Justice need:
be done, but with mercy," Hinton said. He also said Tuck had
abusive, absent father and was raised by a single working moth
His only role model, Hinton said, was his older brother, a
skinhead who is in jail. _ 0 Z:.
Gay Laser's Penetrate Our Cockpits! r::Jo..:.f? '{\
The Patriot Act: working t.o investigate terrorists disguised a.~~"y-e . .
gay nightclub patrons

Last year, after pilots began complaining of laser beams

penetrating their cockpits, investigators linked the green beams
to gay nightclubs around the country, where laser wielders use
the green rays to shine a light on club 'hotties.' 1l1Ough there
have been no reports of accidents caused by lasers, they can
temporarily blind and disorient a pilot ~md could lead to a plane
crash. The FBI is investigating whether the incidents are
pranks. accidents or something more sinister. Under the Patriot
Act, the men could have faced up to 25 years in prison and a
$500,000 fine for disrupting the operation of a mass
transportation vehicle.

Popular clubs being investigated for having patrons who shoot

their laser beams at aircralts include: Buddies II, Hidden Door
and Zippers of Dallas; Hide and Seek Complex of Colorado
Springs, CO; the Bricks Club of Salt Lake City, UT: and The
Tool Box of Nashville, TN.

Homosexuals, terrorists, or both? Earlier this year, federal

agents charged Parsippany, NJ resident David Banach under
the terms of the Patriot Act after he confessed to pointing a
light beam at two aircraft.

Agents said they're still not clear on whether Banach is gay,

but note that they've been interviewing patrons ofCotmcxions,
a Parsippany club that otTers country line dancing on Tuesday
nights and caters to gay men.

"We're obviously at the beginning of our inquiry and we're not

sure if this particular individual was intending to try to bring
down the aircraft or was just a homosexual having a bit of
fun," says John Parris, an FBI spokesman. "By talking to gay
men who are going out to these clubs to dance and what not,
then get the urge to point their lasers at planes, we need to say
'don't do it.' There arc serious penalties involved here."

- The Swift Report

Garriage: Gar'riage (Gar' ij), n. 1. The state or condition of being
ganied; the relation existing between same sex couple in

Maniagc is defined by a man and women in wedlock. To have a

gay couple be able to get manied would violate the definition.
The alternative is to give same sex couples the same legal rights
as a malTied couple with out changing the definition of malTiage.
Therefore same sex couples can get garried, a legal ceremony
performed by the Justices of the Peace or any other party that is
allowed to perform marriages. Couples in garriages are given the
same legal rights as people in marriages and is recognized by both
State and Federal governments.

All -Jver tho '¥VeSlom WO'ld,

mil"c fewl,ty 15 rapidly

dedimf)g Wha:'s 11 Milah)'

W0l1131\ to :to' Gll "ladem, nf
cnurse! MA.N IN ACAN"
oflefs yOU the pedeCll}eneliC
materia; fOr the childl,,!1 of
Two sides of the COln

,/e l

Tlim c~J~)'s ill

101't' snlt~f!f,/e in their seats. A jl~ght illti!ndanl rr:primtlnc!J- Ibem.
/lll t{Pj)' inddenl et1SJfes. A x/raigbl coNple fares 20 jean ill prison for same
diJcrl'lioll. How fbe palliol art alld homophobia af/eds all riliZellJ, ami 1I4!)'
. yot! JboJlId cgel ilJ/Jo/ved beJore.yoN md liP bebind bars})r a lillie PD./l.

Gays on a Plane
On August 22 on Flight 45 from Paris to New York City.
I imagine it was like Snakes on a Plane. Only it wasn't snakes; it
was gays, The gays in question were a couple-:rV journalist
George Tsikhiscli and writer Stephan Vamier. ll1ey had been
together for only four mondls, so they were still in, a doting
mood. Shortly after takeoff, Varnier nodded off with his head on
Tsikhiseli's shoulder. A flight attendant came (wer and told them
the purser wanted them to "stop that." VamicI didn't know what
she ,-vas talking about. The 'flight attendant specified that dley
should stop "the touching and dle kissing," and she walked away.
Tsikhiscli dlen aske.d if the. flight attendant would hassled
them if they had been a straight couple. The purser, they say,
"became very rigid" and opined that "kissing is inappropriate
behavior on an airplane. Though pressed by the gay couple, the
purser refused to identify the passengers, name the flight
attendant, or arrange for an American Airlines representative to
meet them when they landed. She then said that if they did not
settle down, dle Hight would be diverted. lIalf an hour later, the
captain realTu:med to Tsikhiseli that he would indeed divert the
plane if they did not drop the matter.
Exmptedfrom The Advomte NO/lem!JeT 7, 2006 AdlJoa/it'JOIJI

Straights on a Plane
A couple's ill-concealed sexual play aboard a Southwest
Airlines flight from Los Angeles got them charged with violating
the Patriot Act, intended for terrorist acts, and could land dletn in
jail for 20 years.
According to their indictment, Carl Persing and Dawn
Sewell "vere allegedly snuggling and kissing inappropriately,
"making other passengers uncomfortable," when a flight
attendant asked them to stop.
"Persing was observed nuzzling or kissing Sewell on the
neck, and ... with his face pressed against Sewell's vaginal area.
During these actions, Sewell was observed smiling," reads the
indictment filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
On a second warning from the flight attendant, Persing
snapped back threatening the flight attendant with "serious
consequences" if he did not leave them alone.
'111e comment was enough to have the couple, both in
their early 40s, arrested when the plane reached its destination in
.I Raleigh, North Carolina, and charged with obstructing a flight
attendant and w~th criminal association.
They have been placed under legal s.urveillance until their
trial on February 5. If found guilty, they both could be sent to jail
for up to 20 years. Persing's lawyer William Peregoy said his client
was not feeling well when he placed his head on his companion's
I •
lap, and that he only threatened the flight attendant with
reporting him to his superiors on landing.
/~gm(e FraNce Presse - Ellg/i.rb

I •
--~ .

displays of alTcctio. n.· ha.ve nothing to do
\vith national security. Rather, it seems to be an
infraction on freedom due to the watered down state of
sexuality in our country. Although we are bombarded with
displays of rampant sexuality in media and for advertising
purposes, our interpersonal sexual relations are dirty. We are
supposed to be affected by sex - it is supposed to make us buy
something, eat something, or go somewhere - but we are not
supposed to be sexual; if we see people being sexual, we, of
course, are supposed to judge them, as if we didn't wish to be
so liberated! Even worse, we are certainly not supposed to be
gay and sexual. So here I am, rendered speechless with a list of
questions, mostly "why's," and a veritable feeling of discontent
I can hope, however, that situations such as this could blur
lines; the at1ifi.cial barriers that have been constmcted between
people, between lifestyles, could only be dismpted upon the
realization of what we all tmly are: human beings. We are
people - fantasizing, masturbating, wanting-to-be-touched,
loving-to-be-loved, kissing, carefree and naked, beautiful
people. No law could ever change this fact, and what is so
dangerous about it anyway?

Renee Fasanaro


Adore, appreciat~', beguile, captivate, care!\s, charm, cherish, coax,

commit to, compliment, console, delight, embrace, empatluze, enchant,
enthral, hug, humor, idolize, indulge, massage, nuzzle, palpitate,
pamper, phone, placate, promise, relish, respect, sacrifice for, sa::or,
serenade, spoiL stroke, treasure, understand, venerate, worship


Show up naked
Check the expiration date on that homosexuality, it may be

Pentagon guidelines that classified homosexuality as a

mental disorder now place it among a list of conditions,
circumstances, or "defects" that range from bed-wetting to fear
of flying. The new rules are related to the military's retirement
practices. The change does not affect the "don't ask, don't tell"
policy, which prohibits officials from inquiring about the sex
lives of service members and requires discharges of those who
acknowledge being gay. The guidelines outline retirement or
other discharge policies for service members with physical
disabilities. Among the conditions are stammering or
stuttering, dyslexia, sleepwalking, motion sickness, obesity,
insect venom allergies, and homosexuality. "More than 30
years after the mental health community declassified
homosexuality as a mental disorder, it is disappointing that the
Pentagon still continues to mischaracteIize it as a 'defect;" said
Democrat Marty Meehan,. a congressman from Massachusetts
and member of the House Armed Services Committee. There
were 726 military members discharged under the "don't ask,
don't tell" policy during the budget year that ended September
~ 30. Advocate.com

.. ,.,..1

'{outh speaks out about beingput intoga!f

In January of 2005, I came out to my parents
as being gay. After an initial positive and supporting
reaction they began to change their minds ... l was sent
to several different counselors, the last of which
worked for a fi.llldamcntalist Christian church. This
"counselor" infonned me that I was not Gay, in fact. he
said no one was really Gay... and anyone who claimed,
to be gay was living a lie. This pastor recommended to .~'ii~~,:r~~;~
my parents that I be sent to Love In Action's REFUGE , ...."""''=-'
program for teens.
On June 6, 2005 I left Jackson, Missouri at five o'clock in the
morning to make the long trip to Memphis, Tennessee. The first things I
saw at the Love in Action campus were the protesters. I spent the entire
summer between my junior and senior year of highschool in Memphis,
against my \vill, at Refuge. where I underwent many forms of "therapy"
that were supposed to tum me away from being gay. These so-called
"therapies" included group activities where one person was singled out
and made to be ashamed ofver)' personal occurrences in their lives. I
had to participate in this activity many times. Other "therapies" included
isolation, where you wouldn't be allowed to communicate-we \.vere
not even allowed to make eye contact, with any of the other participants;
making the women wear skirts and makeup to help them become more


f feminine; and making the men play sports in an attempt to help them
become more masculine.
These are just a couple of examples of the type of "program"
they use to turn people straight. Though while I was there, it just seemed
to make people more depressed and self-loathing than
they already were. I, myself, went through several of
these depressive periods. After enduring this time in
Memphis I returned home, unchanged.
My parents were very disappointed and didn't
know what to do next, feeling that they had tried
everything. My mom took it upon herself to somehow
change me. This began with daily bouts of verbal abuse.
her telling me how ashamed she was of me. After a few
months of this, the verbal abuse escalated into small
episodes of physical abuse, with her cornering me and
slapping me, while telling me what an abomination I
was. This type of behavior continued until I could no
longer stand to live at home. One day I packed up all of
my belongings into my car, and told my parents that I
was moving out right that minute. My mother got so
angry when r told her this that she exploded and beat me
into a corner, ripping my shirt arid giving me scratches
and bruises in the process. My dad had to pull her off of
me so that I could get to my car to leave.
Fortunately I am now living with a wonderful, and supportive
family who are very empathetic toward my situation. They have taken
me in, and made me their son-in-spirit. Now that I am in a much-
improved situation, I feel that I need to speak-out against the things that
I went through. Parents should not be able to force their children to
attend any type of program like the one I went to. When a child comes
out to their parents as gay, lesbian, or bisexual they need the love and
support of their parents. They don't need to be made to feel that there is
something wrong with them, something that needs to be fixed.

I -07

You Know What
ReaDy Grinds My flY.•.
Gears ..
~ .....
Abstinence Only Education, and
I hate abstinence only education. The draconian law that requires states to
forgo comprehensive sexual education in order to receive lunding, is hurting all of
America. With this law in place many struggling public school systems that
desperately need funding have no choice but to acquiesce with Abstinence only
programs. In these instances both rural communities and heavily urban areas, areas
with exceptional teen pregnancy and STD rates high above the national average, an
left to fend for themselves without comprehensive education to encourage safe sma
With the passing of the The Menendez-Lautenberg Amendment, an
amendment that would have created a grant program to ensure America's young
people had access to responsible sex education - education that urges young people
to delay sex but also provides medically accurate infonnation about the health
benefits of condoms and other fonns of contraception.
Currently 11l1der President Bush's abstinence-only-until-marriage policy,
teens are told that they lleed be sexually abstinent until marriage, and information
about contraception is not provided. Opponents argue this approach denies teens
needed, factual infonnation and leads to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and
propagation ofSTDs. By limiting our contact with sexual information, proponents
hope to curb the alarming trend of premarital sex.
While we are being taught in our schools that sex is only something that
man-ied couples should be participating in, \ve are being inundated with sexual
images from a COl1lucopia of media outlets. Sex is used to sell everything from
movies to hamburgers. All this sexual media combined with abstinence only
programming is failing our youth. According to The National Campaign to Preve~
Teen Pregnancy 63 percent of high school seniors have engaged in sexual activity

2005. According to the Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health over 9
million new STD cases occur each year in adults ages 15 - 24.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youth are also left completely out
of the equation. Students who describe themselves as GLBT are five times more
likely to miss school because of feeling unsafe. 28% are forced to drop out. Rather
than making the environment safer for gay teens, abstinence only reinforces that
GLBT youth have no place in society. Unlike their heterosexual peers who may
someday marry, gay and lesbian teens are essentially told that their sexual feelings'
will always conflict with society's standards and that they should never engage in
sexual activity.
While the government is reporting lower than ever sexual activity among
the nation's youth, STD and oral sexual activity continues to SkYTocket. Young
students are sill having sex, and are participating in riskier behaviors. According to
the Washington Post teens taking the abstinence until marriage pledge were less
likely to use condoms and more likely to explore oral and anal sex. This is a serious
problem. With over 30% of new HIV cases every year going to youth ages 14-24, its
clear that something isn't working, and that this brand of miseducation is putting our
youth at risk.
• The problem continues explode in America, with parents reluctant to give
the "sex talk" to teens in fear of promoting sexual activity and the school system
providing faulty and incomplete information. In this perpetual catch 22 no one seems
willing to inform the next generation how to be safe. While the Christian
conservatives sit in their republican created bubble, hundreds of thousands of young
adults are becoming the victim of ultra-conservative values pushed through our
educational system.
There is something inherently wrong with this system. Does the government
truly believe that the teens of today are going to wait until their 30's before their first
sexual experience? The sexual peak for average Females is 30. What is it for males?
17 years old. What are they supposed to do? Hold it? We have to face the reality that
people will experiment, that teens will have more than one sexual partner in a
lifetime, so then they should also have all the information in order to make safe,
smart, decisions. It's time to get the conservative Christians and republicans out of
our bedrooms once again! For a group of people who is so scared of sex, they sure
do like talking about it a lot. They also want to make sure that we don't. So [say lets
It get down and dirty. Let's stage a massive sexual protest! Let's commit to doing it,
in everyday in everyway! And let's keep doing it until they get off our backs, leave our

schools and get out of our bedrooms! ,
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~'.-.i ~
! .....•. "
Bush Appointee in Charge of Handing Out Contraception
is Anti-Contraception

Yeah, that's right. Here is the breakdown:

Title X funding: is the only Federal program devoted solely to

the provision of family planning and reproductive health care.
The program is designed to provide acee.)'s to contraceptive
supplies and information to all who want and need them with
priority given to low-income persons. This program is funded
by $283 million in annual family-planning grants

Dr. Eric Keroack: has just been appointed by the Bush

administration to oversee Title X funding

Keroack's Background: medical director for A Woman's

Concern, a nonprofit group that SUpp011s sexual abstinence
until marriage, opposes contraception and does 110t distribute
inf(mnation promoting birth conTrol at its six centers in eastern
rvlassachusetts. "A Woman's Concern is persuaded that the
crass commercialization and distribution ofbiI1h control is
demeaning to women, degrading of human sexuality and
adverse to human health and happiness." the group's Web site

The response from the White House is: "The president has
said we will look to reach common ground where we can find
it. Hoviever, he's not going to compromise on his plinciples."

Deep Keroack Thoughts: The good doctor has also explained

his use of ultrasounds in anti-abortion counseling by stating,

"even Midas lets you look at your old mufner before they
advise you to change it"

- The Washington Post and Bitch PHD


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. CO.:)( e~;C() ff 0 <>

The above images are examples olfalse

propag(:nda used by P,:o-Lije media.
This picture is an actual photograph o/what
abortion looks like. W7wt do you think? C?)'\G
~J./ ~
~ ~t-
'.< tJ


n1645 (Protestors with a doctor in the sights)

Feral Fecunditv
Do not ask of In\.\
~;.~::I~ut rather ask orhim
'To. choose for hi msc If.
AA~lifyou think
He has no reason,
Provcitto me
Beyond a doubt,
But doll't usc science,
For science is for fiJols
Too stupid in the hcm;t.
.Foois who cannot reel
A thing,)lo more
Than they can tell what's real
Because they can hypothesize
About how it had its stml.

Poem bv: Harold Vance III 2006

.-r-~'\ t f\ t"- T\ Ltf

\ C'f f r ,.r ~.

(Ll' t i !\bOr+I'on s
P() r +\~ 0

ok Vi'! -+0
P( {\D i ". ((Ai
tNe Op

+l 0 i'j -

hc\ve 10 ------ --Je:;-$l~i l a ~~L.


LUlow-tioll HI.II

Nicaragua's abortion law provoked emotional debate.

Nicaraguan President Enrique Bolanos has signed into law a
ban on all abortions, even in cases when a woman's life is
~~~~i judged to be at risk. Previous legislation from a century ago
allowed an abortion if three doctors certified that the woman
was in danger. Abortion was a central issue for November's
presidential election in mainly Roman Catholic Nicaragua.
President-elect Dmlicl Ortega once favored abortion rights but
changed stance after re-embracing Catholicism. Nicaragua
already had strong anti-abortion laws, with women and doctor

who take part in abortions facing prison sentences of up to six
years. The timing of the vote was opposed by Nicaragua's
medical association and representatives from the United
Nations and European Union, who warned that the debate had
become politicized ahead of the election. Doctors and women'
rights campaigners also argued that the change in the law
would increase matemal deaths and infant mortality. Public
opinion in Nicaragua, which is estimated to be 85% Roman
Catholic, appeared to be behind the bill. In many other Latin
American countries, abortion is pennitted if the woman's life i

- in danger. In May, abOItiol1 restrictions were partially eased in

Colombia to permit terminations in cases of rape, incest or if
the life of the mother or fetus is in danger.
With thesaurus in hand
He pours out his /lean
On 11 rage
In a boo!"
For a girl
About which
He docs think.

Thinking rrofusely II iih Ihoughts fix his hean pr-ci,

In his bruin. n:'JlTimgecl, fi,11 :lpart. SfYY\
The possibilities abound
Q>...., S _Li )" {! r' -::iflj~'.. 1(.
Oh how the} mig.ht meet
/\1ier class, in a ho\ wilh i! rox, eating green eggs and ham 5~rr(J-:(},_·': . .l ' tv t:Y-v'><-->..i(
J 'f:D r~,j_.Q -..t:.:J<~'
i\nd she's still a vegetarian ,{ "j..__ i) ,-
Upon thaI aller. made OUI tlf gold
I.ike that COIl no one eals

'cause yOll can'l eal gold

Gold that lVas only ever vapor l' (J ---./'. ---J
A wisp fix tripping profuse thinkel's C'./-__ 1

".fj -0 (Y' C C\. •

r· j

Who think with out knowing if this girl eats meat

Who think ,lith out klhllll11g if this girl is sweet
Who think with out knowing this girl

And in this blissfully wretched statc or unknowing

The boy with thesaurus in hand
Binds the girl with love and ignorance
To the aitar of gold in his mind

Where upon Ihe girl turns 10 him

And says "fucK you. I do not like green eggs and ham:'

~~ttt~~,~· '. ' ". .'"

,>Y/':'<' icurvesoftheitthighsW~oQ~;';'i" ~.'
R~l i:s~eei;siustiln eatth.dru ; t;,i,'"titJhf~\t{W laughing her a
;JilQy~lt6;uqollebuther ... ',:1; ~\ i

L: avel..
Qftlle~YQJ,:ld has been .·~als 10psid~P, eagles crashing OV~tthc
,~< ()mphaJ()~~~?lspiralingd '.' ;lIit9neW-cllt~!·()Sses., }, \
)c<.\ss,mdrtr~got a tongue-:',rJ!,g}~~\"9nder no (J}j#~istens. Apollo jets'a.ptmd
II1C< . . . '. .• . : , . . ' " 0/",
'>',';s",:,,{ <>oldpalnI"sulkin o mid
:~~<;'~,:x<:-;~-·_:-·-·~::·~-:"-.- '\'-':;'-_;_>:-';:~:?<~:.O:: :.' b _.~_~.
G',,'" ..' jssedat:~l1(J fickleness
".kids!(jath~i':i::lose and .'
"._.~-" .~ ..•- - - .-. - -.--: ""'~:', -'.-·c. '-." . .:..- • .)"#:'Gral\dpa swallowed your aun1s:~~d uncJ~s
,~ ;;;-~

(}s; Zeus~)utsKronos in chains,The kil~g 0t'6'
:]the sonal\vays kills the fatheL,. . .
~;so it fallsi{}-'l)clo be Klytemi!¢stra,'ihc
q,tbJng is circQI#E j'Y done rhis9~10re..: , ve
'M9\1.nt Olympo~ for the drunk [)~OOyslls; .
)J.~makesup for (:tippled legs (why ~Ise do you'
~-;'-~'-::~'. ;~
f:~_~, . ~~~;_:~:",,_>,: .. _-_ _-'*> ;: x.' -_.:,
\vQuHas; DCl1}eter ties lip I-h@es mf
~i ,';c'" li s b~.ljs likc!t ..<
tly dtipping his sel11fn
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But wait theres more:

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