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动物 Animals Sounds

鳄鱼 Alligators hiss, grunt, roar, quak

羚羊 Antelopes snort

食蚁兽 Anteaters hrow

猿/猩猩 Apes gibber

蝙蝠 Bats screech

熊 Bears growl

蜜蜂 Bees hum and buzz

甲虫 Beetles drone, click

鸟 Birds chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle

小牛 Calves bleat

骆驼 Camels grunt

猫 Cats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl

牛 Cattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull)

小鸡 Chicks cheep

鸡 Chickens cluck, cackle

公鸡 Cocks crow

母牛 Cows low, moo

蟋蟀 Crickets chirp, creak

乌鸦 Crows caw

鹿 Deers bell

狗 Dogs bark

海豚 Dolphins click

驴 Donkeys bray

鸽 Doves Coo-coo

鸭 Ducks quack

老鹰 Eagles scream
大象 Elephants trumpet, roar

苍蝇 Flies buzz, hum

狐狸 Foxes bark, yelp, simper

蛙 Frogs Croak,ribbit, gribbit

长颈鹿 Giraffes bleat

羊 Goats Bleat, baa

大猩猩 Gorillas Hoot, bark,grunt,whine, pock,pant

鹅 Geese cackle, quack

蚱蜢 Grasshoppers chirp

仓鼠 Hamsters squeak

野兔 Hares squeak

母鸡 Hens cackle, cluck

人类 Humans whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talk

公猪 Hogs grunt

马 Horses neigh, snort, whinny, nicker

蜂鸟 Hummingbirds Hum, twitter

土狼 Hyenas laugh, scream

胡狼 Jackals Howl, gecker

袋鼠 Kangaroos chortle

无尾熊 Koalas scream, bellow, wail

小羊 Lambs Bleat, baa

百灵鸟 Larks sing, warble

狮子 Lions roar, growl

老鼠 Mice squeak and squeal

猴子 Monkeys chatter, gibber, whoop, screech

蚊子 Mosquitoes whine

夜莺 Nightingales pipe, sing, warble

鸵鸟 Ostriches chirp, bark, hiss, low hum

猫头鹰 Owls hoot, scream, screech, shriek

公牛 Oxen bellow, low

人猿 Orangutans Groan, grunt,smooch,wheeze,chirp,squeal

鹦鹉 Parrots talk, screech, squawk

孔雀 Peacocks scream

猪 Pigs snort, grunt, squeal, oink

鸽子 Pigeons coo

兔子 Rabbits squeak, drum

鼠 Rats Squeak,eek, brux

渡鸟/一 Ravens croak


犀牛 Rhinoceros bellow

公鸡 Rooster crow

海鸥 Seagulls scream, squawk,mew

海豹 Seals bark

绵羊 Sheep Bleat, baa

蛇 Snakes hiss

燕子 Swallows Twitter, squeal

天鹅 Swan cry

貘 Tapird Whistle, squeak

老虎 Tigers growl, roar, snarl

火鸡 Turkeys gobble

秃鹰 Vultures scream

鲸鱼 Whales sing

狼 Wolves howl, cry, yell, bark,yelp

斑马 Zebras Whinny, whoop

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