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-Dice Fly Swat Game -

1. Count dots on a six-sided die using one-to-one correspondence.
2. Match the number of dots shown on a die with the number of dots on the flies using a fly swat.
 Six-sided die.
 Fly swat.
 Fly pictures with dots matching dots on the die (one to six).
 Assessment checklist.
 Pull the child aside.
 Lay out the flies with the dots matching the dots on the die.
 Show the child the die and point out that the dots on the die match the dots on the flies.
 Have the child roll the die and count the number of dots on the die using one-to-one correspondence, encouraging them to point to each dot as they
 Record the number that the child states. If the child counts the incorrect number of dots, assist them to count the correct number.
 Have the child find the matching number of dots on the fly and swat it with the fly swat.
 Remove the fly.
 Repeat until all of the flies have been swatted and removed.
The objectives will be assessed using a checklist. The checklist will assess the objectives on a yes/no basis. Comments will also be made to record the number that
the child states if it is stated incorrectly, and thus, if assistance is required. Note: The second objective will be informally assessed, as it not related to the specific
skill being targeted.
ASSESSMENT – Checklist:

 = Objective achieved
 = Objective not achieved

Number of Dots Objective 1 Achieved? Objective 2 Achieved? Comments

1  
2  
3  
4  
5   Counted to 5 with me pointing the
second time
6  

This activity was an engaging way to begin the assessment process in order to see what knowledge Child A had of counting using one-to-one
correspondence. Child A was very excited to be able to swat the flies. I engaged and motivated him to begin the activity by allowing him to choose which
colour fly swat he wanted to use. The assessment data shows me that Child A can count using one-to-one correspondence successfully up to six. Even
though Child A technically did not meet the objective for number five, he was able to do it with me pointing. I think that he was unsuccessful in fulfilling this
objective for number five on his own because he rushed the count. In past observations, however, I have seen him successfully count up to five using this
skill, so I am certain he can go beyond five in the activities that will follow this one. While the second objective was not formally assessed, I found that Child
A was able to successfully match the number of dots shown on the six-sided die with the number of dots on the flies. Child A even demonstrated that he
was able to subitise small amounts, particularly for the fly with one dot on it. In planning for activities to follow, I will challenge Child A and test his ability to
count to higher numbers.

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