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M. L a b b e n - B e n Braiek"', F. Fnaiech'" Senior- Merrrher IEEE.'U. Al-HaddadZ', Senior-Member- IEEE,

and L. Yacoubi"'
" ' C E R E P (.Ce.ntr.e d e . r . e c h e r c . k e . e . n . . p r o d u c t i q u e ) ,E, . S . S . T . T . .
5 , AV.Tahd Hussein, 1008 Tunis, Tunisia
Tel: (216) 1 503 837, Fax: (216) 1 391 166 ;
Email : Farlint.Fnaicch!i~csstt.mu.tn, Monoia.BenBraiekTw,esstt.rnu.tn

( * ) E C O L ED E T E C H N O L O G I E S U P E K I E U R E
DCpartenient de genie electrique
1 100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
Montreal (Quebec) H3C 1 K3
Tel: (514) 396-8874, Fax: (514) 396-8684 ;
Email : kaiii;ll(ii,elc.otsmtl.ca, Ivacoubi(iiele.etsiiitl.ca

Abstract: control design is carried on by the three following steps

[ 11: i) Measuring the network voltage and current signals,
T h i s p a p e r deals with a c o m p a r a t i v e s t u d y o f t h e ii) compensating signals in terms of current or voltage
p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h r e e d i r e c t c u r r e n t c o n t r o l techniques levels are derived, iii) Generating the gating signals for
a p p l i e d to a three-phase s h u n t active p o w e r filter. T h e t h r e e the solid-state devices using PWM, Hysterisis, sliding
c o n s i d e r e d techniques are: i)d i r e c t c u r r e n t c o n t r o l (IICC)
mode controllers, etc. I n [ 6 ] . the authors presented a
based o n a PI r e g u l a t o r , ii)DCC based o n a s l i d i n g m o d e
c o n t r o l (SMC), iii)DCC based o n a SRlC c o m b i n e d w i t h a
control scheme based on the estimation of the reference
o n e step a h e a d p r e d i c t i o n (SRIC-P). l h e s e t h r e e regulators peak source current 1.;. In [4], they compare two
n a m e l y PI, SRIC, SMC-P a r c used to calculate t h e estimated different current control techniques namely DCC and
p e a k v a l u e o f t h e l i n e - c u r r e n t in t h e c o n t r o l loop. T h e
c r i t e r i o n established f o r c u r r e n t c o n t r o l l e r s c o m p a r i s o n i s
indirect current control (ICC). these two methods have
chosen to b e t h e t o t a l h a r m o n i c d i s t o r t i o n ('I'HD) o f t h e line- been implemented on DSP. In [ 5 ] , the authors
c u r r e n t . I t i s expected t h a t t h e (SMC-P) technique i m p r o v e implemented a DSP based sliding mode control technique
t h e p e r f o r m a n c e , since i t a v o i d s unnecessary s w i t c h i n g of used for the estimation of the reference peak source value
t h e solid-state devices. Indeed, t h i s t e c h n i q u e m a k e s
q w i t c h i n g d e c i s i o n b a s e d o n t h e average b e t w e e n s a m p l e d
I:, . Whereas in [8], a different sliding mode control
a n d one step a h e a d p r e d i c t e d d c voltage e r r o r s . S i m u l a t i o n technique based on the state space modeling of the
r e s u l t s a r e p r e s e n t e d u s i n g P o w e r system B l o k s e t (PSB) o f overall system is considered. The design and
Matlah. implementation of the SMC for the three-phase APF is
presented in [9]. I n their approach the active filter is
K e y w o r d s : s h u n t active p o w e r f i l t e r (APF), d i r e c t c u r r e n t
controlled through two loops. The inner current
c o n t r o l (IICC), s l i d i n g m o d e c o n t r o l (SMC), s l i d i n g m o d e
c o n t r o l w i t h p r e d i c t i o n (SRlC-P).
regulation loop is based on SMC while the outer loop is
concerned with the dc bus average voltage regulation.
Typically most of the control schemes require the APF
modeling and various transformations, which represent
During the past ten years, in practically all areas that deal additional difficulties. In [IO], an adaptive least mean
with power quality, a high interest concerning the square (LMS) finite impulse response filter (FIR) has
been used to generate the current reference signal. In
development of novel and robust control techniques to
shunt active power filter has been recorded. The [12]. [14], the authors consider that the controlled APF
increased use of nonlinear loads causes harmonic and may be divided into two loops namely an inner current
reactive power injection in the network, leading to poor fast loop and an outer slow voltage loop. Whereas, in
power factor and low efficiency. Active power filters are [ 131, an input-state feedback linearization control to the
then used to reduce the harmonic content of line-currents whole systeni is applied.
and to obtain a unity power factor. A comprehensive This paper presents a comparison study of three simple
review of power active filter (APF) configurations, algorithms achieving a three-phase APF control.
control strategies, selection of components and other Different controllers are used to exhibit an estimate of the
related issues is given [I]-[3]. A number of control line-current peak value. These techniques are: direct
concepts and strategies of three-phase APF have been current control DCC using a PI regulator, DCC using
reported in the literature [4]- [lo]. Usually, the APF sliding-mode controller SMC, and DCC based on the

0-7803-7369-3/02/$I7.0002002 IEEE 1217

Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Shankaracharya Col of Eng and Tech. Downloaded on July 28,2010 at 05:51:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
sliding-mode controller with one step ahead prediction ac supply system ( v , ~I,J,, , and
~ v.,(,) with line
SMC-P. This later control algorithm combines SMC and
one-step-ahead prediction. This technique makes impedance (L,,,R , ) is feeding a three-phase diode
switching decision based on the average between sampled
rectifier and its load is R,,L, . The currents
and one-step ahead predicted dc voltage errors [ 1 I]. It is
aimed to avoid unnecessary switching and is expected to ic/,and i(.(.) are the actual compensating currents of
achieve quite good results in tenns of THD as will be
shown in section IV. the APF. Currents (i/,,, ill, and i l , , )denote the three-
The paper is organized as follows. In section I I , the phase load currents. The APF dc bus voltage y/( is used
configuration of the controlled three-phase active power
filter under study is given. In section 111, the three control in the control design loop and should be regulated at a set
techniques principles to be compared are described. value y,(..
Finally, in section IV, the results of the comparison based Basically, the first block that estimates the peak line-
on the THD criteria and the corresponding simulation
results using Power System Blockset (PSB) of Matlab are current 1,1 ' , uses different techniques namely DCC based
discussed. The concluding remarks and the fiiturc work PI regulator, DCC based SMC regulator, and DCC based
are given in section V. SMC-P regulator. The instantaneous reference line-
* * -
currents ( i , c l i,,,],
, i,(,) are then evaluated using this peak
value 1,,'multiplied by a three unity current vectors:
Figure 1 shows the control block diagram used in the design
of the three considered control techniques to be compared s i n o r , sin(wt---),
27-t sin(wt+-),
21r in order to
[2]. The APF is made of a standard three-phase IGBT 3 3
based VSI converter with an ac inductor (L(.,R ( , )and a I *
reconstruct the three reference line-currents (i.,cl,i,,,, ir<,),
dc bus capacitor cc/[,
to provide a self-supporting dc bus Thc unity current vectors are derived from the supply
and an effective current control of the APF. A three-phase voltages ( v , ' ~ , and v , ~ .The
I),/, ) . instantaneous APF

I l l .............................................................................................................


b ...c


1 ica icb icc

Fig.1 bloc diagram of the controlled active power filter


Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Shankaracharya Col of Eng and Tech. Downloaded on July 28,2010 at 05:51:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig.2 Control block diagram

Vdc;:: 7

Fig. 3 sliding mode with prediction based estimator

* ,*
current references (i:(l.iCh, lC( ) arc obtained by
In the DCC technique, both load (i/(,,i,,, and iIc ) and
subtracting load currcnta (i/<,,i,/, and i/[ ) from reference
* * ,* (i,.'!,ich a i d iL,c)
conipensator currents are sensed and
line-currellts (i,,,,'\/), 1. A Hysterisis based On the used directly i n the control design [4], The DCC based p1
signal differellcc between (j:(!, ii/, an(/ j : < ) and regulator block diagram is givell in figure2

l , and i[,() is then used to generate the gate signals

( i , , ci(./, b) Direct current control technique (DCC) based on
for voltage source inverter APF.
a sliding mode control
I n the DCC based on a sliding mode control, the PI
111. PRESENTATION OFTHE THREE controller estimating the peak value of the line-current
1 * is simply replaced by the SMC.
In the sequcl, a brief description of each control technique
used in the "estimate peak current'' bloc diagram of figure1 Peak value of the current I* is estimated using
is given. SP

SMC over the average dc bus voltage k',,,. and its

a) Direct current control technique (DCC) based on a
PI regulator reference value v(/(
. The dc bus voltage error v,(n) at the
nth sampling instant is given by equation (I) and its
derivatc is defined by equation (2).


Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Shankaracharya Col of Eng and Tech. Downloaded on July 28,2010 at 05:51:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
XI =31-),(n)-V , ( f ? - 1) (7)

and its derivate is defined as 2

.I-: =(- +1) I><,(n)-(-2 + 2 ) I)<,( n-1) +V‘ ( 17 -2) (8)
tlx, 1
,y, = - = -( I><,( / I ) - V‘, ( i ? - 1))

Where T is the sampling interval and X I and The system of Fig. 1 has been simulated using the Power
System Blockset (PSB) of Matlab. The previously
xr are the state variables.
In sliding mode control. the values of switching y~ and y2 described three current control techniques have been
tested on the same active power filter. The corresponding
are defined as follows [2]:
results are reported in figure 4.
Discrrssiori nrid cornnients

Among the many different simulations investigated on

the three control techniques applied to the A P F with
respect of their usefulness and perforniance in term of
THD. The following results should be highlighted: a )
Whatever the control technique used and whatever the
Where z is switching hyper plane function: refinements of the parameters, the control loop is not so
much robust to regulate both the dc voltage and to
achieve good THD. b) Apparently, the SMC and SMC-P
control technique offers quite good results as pointed out
The output of the sliding mode controller ~ ( 1 1 )is taken as in Figure4. The SMC-P control algorithm is slightly
peak magnitude of supply current I * as: complex in implementation than the others.
,’ P
I‘ (4)
SP In this paper, it is presented and discussed a comparative
study of three current control techniques and their
Here, z is the sliding surface, c,,c2:c3and c, are usefulness for a three-phase active power filter. It has
constant coefficients. been shown that SMC and SMC-P exhibit better
perfonnance in ternis of THD than DCC with PI
regulator. Furthermore, the SMC-P reduces unnecessary
c ) Direct current control technique (DCC) based on a switching at the cost of being slightly complex. The SMC
sliding mode control with prediction (SMC-P) and SMC-P control strategies niay be improved if the
system’s state variables are considered. Since the (a: b, c)
Although sliding mode control has been suggested to model of the APF has been used, the control would be
achieve robust perforniance under parameter variations calculated based on another type of modelling such as the
and load disturbances, its main drawback is the chattering state space representation in the (d, q ) reference frame
when the system operates in the sliding regime [ I 11. In [ 121. This allows the use of feedback linearization control
active power filter, chattering is destructive; since some techniques [13], [15] and also the extension to the
energy is lost each time a switch operates. Combining development of an adaptive control law [16].
SMC with prediction niay be a suitable solution to avoid
unnecessary switching. The controller makes switching
decision based on the average between sampled and one
step ahead predicted errors [ 1 I]. The SMC-P based Acknowlegments
estimator scheme is given in figure 3 and its main
This work has been supported by “ Chaire de recherche
equations are as follow:
du Canada en conversion de I’energie electrique et de
1 ’klectronique de puissance”.(CRC-C3EP)

The first two authors acknowledge Pr0f.S Gherissi for

supporting their research.
and its derivate is defined as:


Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Shankaracharya Col of Eng and Tech. Downloaded on July 28,2010 at 05:51:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Phase A reference DCC with PI DCC with SMC DCC with SMC-P
regulator regulator regulator

Zurrent and supply

r ~ ......... ..... ...-

~ ~ ....~ .,.". . . . . .


: I. I
., .................................................................
, ,. ,:. >;
). "8; ai; :

Capacitor 1 :p.

. ,.;...... 33, ;.:'
"..: ';?.

......." ....." ............." .....

Load Current

< ........"........"........."........"..^^.........................

Harmonics Spectra ',: .

of line-curre tit
( fu nda inent a 1
fre q ue tic y

. . i . . . .

THD IO?" 3.7% 5 ?a'

Fig.4: Simulation results o he three different control techniques


Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Shankaracharya Col of Eng and Tech. Downloaded on July 28,2010 at 05:51:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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