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July 2018

Third generation missionaries church planting in Panama


Shortly after our last newsletter, we finalized the deal and became
official land owners! We now have 22.7 acres of property ready to
be developed for God’s glory. Churches, friends, and family donated
over $76,000 to help buy this land. We used our house savings to pay for a
piece of land for us to build a house. This is a long term, multi-phase
project that requires much patience and funding, so right now we are
content to begin with what we can. We have already met with a
topographer to discuss water drainage and leveling. Ethan has started
clearing brush away from the stream that runs along the east edge of the
property. We even have churches planning missions trips for next year!

Over 90 campers

15 people saved!

Youth camp at the end of June was a phenomenal success. Our team
along with missions groups from the USA and Costa Rica hosted a camp
for Ngäbe youth from over 15 comarca churches. Weeks of planning
culminated in a fun filled camp where 15 young people accepted
Christ as Savior! We are earnestly praying that our land will be ready Our intern, Lacey Ritter, left back to the
to host our own (primitive) camp by the time summer comes to Panama in USA after three months here working with
January. There is much work to be done for that to happen. This is a big our team. She was a great blessing with all
request, but we have a BIG GOD who can do “exceeding abundantly her work for camp, English classes, and kids
above all that we ask or think.” clubs. Another intern, Josh McKenzie,
arrived this week and will be here almost
At the end of May, we celebrated 12 years of marriage and Ethan until Thanksgiving. Pray with them as they
turned 35 years old. Thankfully we were able to have two nights away
seek God’s will for their lives regarding full
together. What a refreshing time!
time missionary work.

Ethan recently preached an all day missions conference for the church in the village of
Rio Fonseca. In spite of no electricity, the church had standing room only. It is
encouraging to see the people maturing with a desire to reach their own tribe for Jesus.

Please pray for our upcoming hike to the remote mountain villages of Guayabal and
Trinchera. The trip will be from July 24-Aug 2. Last time 25 people accepted Christ as
Savior. We are praying for more souls saved this trip.

“this gospel…shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations” Matt 24:14

Support Address : All Points Baptist Mission PO Box 977 New Philadelphia, OH 44663 | “Ethan Shields” in memo line

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