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Curriculum Map with Focus on Disciplinary Technology Use

Last Updated: 7/6/2018 Name: Shane Lange Discipline: Automotive Technologies MAST Program

Content and Skills Possible Instructional Activities

Varied Materials, Media & Texts Disciplinary Technology Practices NETP Goals
To Be Learned or (PK)
Technologies (TPK) and/or ISTE
Standard(s) (TCK)
UDL—Multiple Means of Action & Devices, Applications, Arrangements
Practiced (CK) UDL—Multiple Means of Representation Typical Ways of Using Tech, Dispositions Standards
Expression, and Engagement

education institutions, such as

information including vehicle

 

access learning opportunities

Learner will demonstrate Project-based learning activity. Computers, smart devices Create customer repair order. Student
1. Research vehicle service

precautions, and technical

the use of service  Small group discussion Text, Online software, Online text, (phones, tablets, and etc.) will use situation to retrieve necessary

Technology lets students

outside of formal higher

at their workplace or in
service history, service

information systems such  Student conference Simulation software, Assistive reader  Vehicle service information information from service information

community settings.
as ProDemand, Alldata, or  Simulation activity apps, Annotation software, Hands-on software system of their choice. Group
service bulletins.

manufacturer specific  Customer repair order group activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Automotive simulator such as discussion via open source such as
systems. activity Video Demonstration Electude google docs on a prepared work order
 Repair order annotation  Google Docs, Repair order group page.
 Thinglink, Hypothesis or Learners annotate repair order and
Annotation apps procedure via Thinglink or hypothesis

 Computers, smart devices Learners construct one of each circuit

based on individual academic

2. Demonstrate knowledge of

Learner will be able to  Project-based learning activity. Text, Online software, Online text, (phones, tablets, and etc.) using online simulator such as PHET.
parallel, and series-parallel
electrical/electronic series,

circuits using principles of

 

students in their learning

electricity (Ohm’s Law).

and non-academic needs

construct and test series, Simulation software, Assistive reader Group discussion via open source such

through personalization.
Simulation activity Vehicle service information

5. Technology supports
parallel, and series parallel  Customer repair order group apps, Annotation software, Hands-on software as google docs on a prepared work
circuits. activity activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Automotive simulator order group page.
 Student demonstration Video Demonstration (Electude) Leaners annotate repair order and
Learner will calculate  Circuit diagram annotation  Google Docs, Repair order procedure via Thinglink or hypothesis.
electricity usage on  Small group discussion  Thinglink, Hypothesis or Student video demonstration using
constructed circuits Annotation apps YouTube. Students create group digital
 Digital Concept Map concept map
Learners measure constructed circuits
a digital multi-meter (DMM)
3. Demonstrate proper use of

 
(including grounds), current

opportunities apart from the

Learner will measure Project-based learning activity. Text, Online software, Online text, Computers, smart devices using PHET. Automotive Software bug

students to access learning

traditional barriers of time

multiple electronic devices  Student demonstration Simulation software, Assistive reader (phones, tablets, and etc.) and learner diagnosis. Group discussion
when measuring source

1. Technology enables
using a digital multi-meter  apps, Annotation software, Hands-on  PHET circuit simulator via open source such as google docs on
voltage, voltage drop

Circuit diagram annotation

flow and resistance.

and demonstrate their  Picture presentation activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Electude automotive simulator a prepared work order group page.
findings.  Simulation activity Video Demonstration  Digital multi-meter Students annotate repair order and
 Student demonstration of  Digital multi-meter simulator procedure via Thinglink or hypothesis.

and place.
digital multi-meter  Google drive /YouTube Learner constructed video
demonstration of multi-meter and
 Thinglink, Hypothesis or
oscilloscope using YouTube.
Annotation apps
Curriculum Map with Focus on Disciplinary Technology Use
Last Updated: 7/6/2018 Name: Shane Lange Discipline: Automotive Technologies MAST Program

Content and Skills Possible Instructional Activities

Varied Materials, Media & Texts Disciplinary Technology Practices NETP Goals
To Be Learned or (PK)
Technologies (TPK) and/or ISTE
Standard(s) (TCK)
UDL—Multiple Means of Action & Devices, Applications, Arrangements
Practiced (CK) UDL—Multiple Means of Representation Typical Ways of Using Tech, Dispositions Standards
Expression, and Engagement
 Computers, smart devices Learners will diagnose teacher created

students in their learning based

Learner will use a digital  Text, Online software, Online text, bug with automotive simulation
4. Demonstrate knowledge of

Project-based learning activity. (phones, tablets, and etc.)

non-academic needs through

electrical/electronic circuits.

on individual academic and

the causes and effects from
shorts, grounds, opens, and

multi-meter, oscilloscope,  Student demonstration Simulation software, Assistive reader  PHET circuit simulator software. Learners create video via
 

5. Technology supports
and fused jumper wire to Circuit diagram annotation apps, Annotation software, Hands-on Electude automotive simulator YouTube demonstrating a digital multi-
resistance problems in

diagnose shorts and opens.  Picture presentation activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Digital multi-meter and meter, oscilloscope, and fused jumper
 Simulation activity Annotation app, Pictures sequencing, Oscilloscope wire. Learners create a picture slide

 Small group discussion Video editing, Video Demonstration  Digital multi-meter and demonstration from the use of circuit
oscilloscope simulators diagnostic devices, and group
 Google drive /YouTube discussion via the slide posting. Group
discussion via open source such as
 Digital Concept Map
google drive.
 Computers, smart devices Learners will diagnose teacher created
5. Demonstrate proper use of a test

5. Technology supports students in

academic and non-academic needs

their learning based on individual

Learner will demonstrate Project-based learning activity. Text, Online software, Online text, (phones, tablets, and etc.) bug with automotive simulation
the use of low impedance  Picture presentation Simulation software, Assistive reader  PHET circuit simulator software. Learners create video via
light on an electrical circuit.

and high impedance test  Student demonstration apps, Annotation software, Hands-on  Electude automotive simulator YouTube demonstrating a digital

through personalization.
lights to check properly  Circuit diagram annotation activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Digital multi-meter and multi-meter, oscilloscope, and fused
working circuits and failed  Simulation activity Annotation app, Pictures sequencing, Oscilloscope jumper wire. Learners create a picture
circuits.  Small group discussion Video editing, Video Demonstration  Digital multi-meter and slide demonstration from the use of
oscilloscope simulators circuit diagnostic devices, and group
 Google drive /YouTube discussion via the slide posting. Group
discussion via open source such as
google drive. Learners annotate circuit
diagram and procedure via Thinglink
 Computers, smart devices or hypothesis
Learner will make a video of a motor
6. Use fused jumper wires to

check operation of electrical

opportunities apart from the

Learner will demonstrate Project-based learning activity. Text, Online software, Online text, (phones, tablets, and etc.) and light circuit operating using fused

students to access learning

traditional barriers of time

the use of fused jumper  Simulation activity Simulation software, Assistive reader  Vehicle service information jumper wires. Learner will use

1. Technology enables
wire to operate a current  Customer repair order activity apps, Annotation software, Hands-on software diagnostic tools in automotive
loaded circuit.  Small group discussion activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Automotive simulator Electude simulator. Small group discussion
Pictures sequencing, Video editing,  Google Docs, Repair order using Google drive. . Group discussion
Video Demonstration  Thinglink, Hypothesis or via open source such as google docs

and place.

Annotation apps on a prepared work order group page

 Digital multi-meter and
Curriculum Map with Focus on Disciplinary Technology Use
Last Updated: 7/6/2018 Name: Shane Lange Discipline: Automotive Technologies MAST Program

Content and Skills Possible Instructional Activities

Varied Materials, Media & Texts Disciplinary Technology Practices NETP Goals
To Be Learned or (PK)
Technologies (TPK) and/or ISTE
Standard(s) (TCK)
UDL—Multiple Means of Action & Devices, Applications, Arrangements
Practiced (CK) UDL—Multiple Means of Representation Typical Ways of Using Tech, Dispositions Standards
Expression, and Engagement
 Computers, smart devices

to access high-quality learning

7. Use wiring diagrams during

3. Technology allows students

resources, regardless of their

Learner will construct a Project-based learning activity. Text, Online software, Online text, (phones, tablets, and etc.) Learners construct wiring diagram
electrical/electronic circuit

 

institution’s geographical
wiring diagram for a motor Small group discussion Simulation software, Assistive reader Vehicle service information using graphic software. Learners create
circuit and a light circuit.  Written assignment apps, Annotation software, Hands-on software video of fault in a teacher created bug
(troubleshooting) of

location or funding.
 Slide presentation activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Google Drive, Repair order on shop vehicle. Creation of picture
Learner will analyze  Simulation Annotation app, Pictures sequencing,  Thinglink, Hypothesis or slide show showing the different
the diagnosis

wiring diagram to find  Student conference Video Demonstration Annotation apps diagram circuits and repair sequence.

fault in a computer circuit. Learners diagnose simulation software


Learner will display the  Computers, smart devices Learner creates video demonstrating
8. Diagnose the cause(s) of

operation of the proper test  Project-based learning activity. Text, Online software, Online text, (phones, tablets, and etc.) the proper parasitic draw testing
excessive key-off battery

determine needed action.

blended learning models

equipment (ammeter,  Small group discussion Simulation software, Assistive reader  Vehicle service information procedures. Learner creates picture

4. Technology enables
drain (parasitic draw);

experiences through
current clamp, and Customer repair order group apps, Annotation software, Hands-on software presentation of the proper testing

enhanced learning
oscilloscope) for parasitic activity activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Automotive simulator such as procedures. Discussion of procedures
draw.  Simulation activity Annotation app, Pictures sequencing, Electude and testing via open source software.
 Picture presentation Video editing, Video Demonstration  Google Docs, Repair order Learner tests customer vehicle using
Learner will correct cause  Student demonstration  Thinglink, Hypothesis or digital multi-meter and oscilloscope.
of parasitic draw. Annotation apps

 Computers, smart devices Learner creates video demonstrating

9. Inspect and test fusible links,

to access learning opportunities

1. Technology enables students
Learner will use test light, Project-based learning activity. Text, Online software, Online text, (phones, tablets, and etc.) the proper parasitic draw testing
multi-meter, and  Small group discussion Simulation software, Assistive reader  Vehicle service information procedures. Learner creates picture
circuit breakers, and fuses;

barriers of time and place.

determine needed action.

apart from the traditional

oscilloscope to inspect and  Customer repair order group apps, Annotation software, Hands-on software presentation of the proper testing
test circuit protection activity activities, Hands-on testing equipment,  Automotive simulator such as procedures. Discussion of procedures
devices  Simulation activity Annotation app, Pictures sequencing, Electude and testing via open source software.
 Picture presentation Video editing, Video Demonstration  Google Docs, Repair order Learner tests customer vehicle using
 Student demonstration  Thinglink, Hypothesis or digital multi-meter and oscilloscope.
Annotation apps Learners will diagnose simulation bug
 Digital multi-meter and using the proper testing equipment

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