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Inglês - Avaliação 1º Bimestre

Prof.ª Eveline Montenegro
Aluno (a):_________________________________________________________ Nº___________
Série: EJA Turma:__________ Data:______/______/_____
Responda de caneta azul ou preta;
Não use corretivo e não rasure a prova;
Não esqueça de preencher o gabarito;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Complete o texto: My Family com (am, is ou are). 4. Coloque as formas corretas do verbo “to be” de
acordo com a tradução, em seguida indique qual a
I _______ Bruce. resposta correta:
I want to introduce my family to you.  We _________ married. (Nós não somos
Peter _______ my father. casados.)
Kate is my mother.  I _________ tired today. (Eu não estou cansada
Peter and Kate _______ my parents. hoje.)
Johnny______ my brother and Andrea is my little sister. My  The buses __________ green. (Os ônibus são
family _______ very happy. verdes)
 __________ they a teachers? (Eles são
Agora marque o item com a ordem correta que professores?)
preenche as lacunas:
a) am – is – are – is – is; a) are not– are – are – am not;
b) am – are – is – is – is; b) are not – am not – are – are;
c) are – am – is – is – is; c) am not – are not – are – are;
d) is – is – am – are – is; d) are not – am not – are – are;

2. Quem apresenta a família? 5. Complete os espaços que estão em branco com a

a) Bruce forma correta do DO ou DOES.
b) Peter
c) Johnny Affirmative Negative Interrogative
d) Andrea I sleep, play... I do not... ______ I...?
You sleep, play… You ____not… Do you….?
3. Nessa família quem é o pai, a mãe, o irmão e a He sleeps, plays… He does not… _____he….?
irmã? Marque o item que apresenta as respostas She sleeps, plays… She ____ not... Does she…?
na ordem correta. It sleeps, plays… It does not… Does it…?
a) Bruce, Kate, Andrea and Peter. We sleep, play… We do not… ____we…?
b) Peter, Kate, Johnny and Andrea. You sleep, play… You ____ not… ____you…?
c) Andrea, Bruce, Johnny and Peter. They sleep, play… They ____ not… Do they…?
d) Peter, Andrea, Bruce and Andrea.
De cima para baixo a ordem correta de preenchimento
da coluna com a forma interrogativa é:
a) DO – DO – DO – DO;
b) DO – DOES – DO – DO;
c) DOES – DOES – DO – DO;
6. Indique o item no qual o DO e o DOES está sendo 8. Leia o texto sobre a imagem 2:
usado corretamente, fique atento ao pronome ou
substantivo em destaque: This is my room! In my room: my bed is _____ the
a) Do Silvana work as a teacher? windows. My dog Max is _____my bed. My desk is
b) Does we need to talk about it right now? _____the bed. My cat likes to stay _____ my
c) Suzy is working in hospital. Does she like it? computer.
d) I have no idea where Stephen is. Does you know?
7. Em qual dos itens as palavras a seguir estão Room: quarto
ordenadas corretamente. Bed: cama
AN ICE-CREAM? – WANT – DOES – THE GIRL Window: janela
a) The girl want does an ice-cream? Likes to stay: gosta de ficar
b) Does the girl want an ice-cream?
c) Ice-cream? the girl want does Agora, marque o item que apresenta a ordem
d) Want the girl does nan ice-cream? correta de preenchimento das preposições de
Olhe as imagens com atenção e responda as questões a) under, in front of, next to, in
8 a 10: b) behind, under, in front of, above
c) between, under, next to, behind
Imagem 1 – Preposition of location d) in, between, above, next to

9. No quarto, as caixas estão:

NEXT TO a) The boxes are under the bed.
b) The boxes are next to the bed.
c) The boxes are behind the bed.
d) The boxes are in front of the bed.

10. Marque V para a indicação correta ou F para a

indicação incorreta dos objetos.
( ) The bed is above the dog.
( ) The books is inside the box.
( ) There are two books under the shelves.
Imagem 2 ( ) The lamp desk is between computer and bed.

a) V–V–F–V
b) V–F–F–V
c) F–V–F–V
d) F–V–F–F

Good Luck!!!

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