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Al-Quraan, The Only Source of Law

---"Shall I seek OTHER THAN ALLAH as a source of law, when He has revealed
THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your Lord is COMPLETE, in
Truth and Justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words; He is The Hearer, The
Omniscient. Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they will take you away from
The Path of Allah (which is Al-Quraan alone). That is because they follow
CONJECTURE, and they fail to think." (Al-Anaam:114-116)---Source of Law is only
Allah, that is His Holy Quraan. Proven!

Now read the above quoted Verses (Al-Anaam:114-116) again:---(---"Shall I seek

OTHER THAN ALLAH as a source of law, when He has revealed THIS BOOK
FULLY DETAILED? "---)---It means that Allah's momin will never seek anyone other
than Allah alone for a Source of Law. Indeed, even our dearest Prophet (S) would seek
Allah alone as the only and only source of Law. Allah has revealed this Book which is
fully detailed. Do the people of the last ummah have Imaan in this Verse? No! No! No!
Not at all! They have completely rejected Allah's Verses and have become momin of their
own dirty desires (dirty nufs). To run away from Allah and His Messenger, these Shirk-
doers have invented from their own desires, the terminologies for the Messenger,
"Sunnah of the Prophet". Whereas there is no word like "Sunnah" used in Allah's Quraan
for the "Methods of the Prophet". The word "Sunnah" is used in Al-Quraan for Allah.

Contemplate, Allah ordered His Messenger to declare:---(---"Shall I seek OTHER

THAN ALLAH as a source of law, when He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY
DETAILED? "---)---It clearly means that The Only Source of Law (Deen) is Allah, and
only Allah alone. Even the Messenger of Allah's Message, was not the source of Law
(Deen). Do you agree? Or disagree?---Read Allah's Quraan. The Messenger was not the
source of Law, he was the conveyer of The Law (Al-Quraan).

Read the Verses again and contemplate---(---"Shall I seek OTHER THAN ALLAH as
a source of law, when He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The
word of your Lord is COMPLETE, in Truth and Justice."--- )---Is Allah's call not
very clear. Do the last ummah fear Allah? Do the last ummah have Imaan in Allah?-----
No, not at all.
Allah is clearly advising, don't seek anyone other than Allah as a source of Law. But the
whole ummah disobeys Allah, and they answer back, "O Allah, we are not contented with
Your Quraan as The Only Source of Law, we need Bukhari and Muslim as another source
of law."-----Isn't it so?---It is exactly so.
One Rubb is Allah, who gave us The Law (Deen, Al-Quraan only). Who are the other
rubbs, who have revealed other books of Law (or Deen), 250 years after the death of the
Messenger, i.e. Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Al-Muslim, Sihah Sittah?----
Read again ---(---"Shall I seek OTHER THAN ALLAH as a source of law, when He
has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your Lord is
COMPLETE, in Truth and Justice."--- )--Allah is declaring that His Quraan is fully
DETAILED and COMPLETE. The people of the last ummah answer back to Allah, "No
O Allah, your Quraan is not complete and practiceable."----Yes, today the ummah says
that Allah's Quraan is not at all complete and practiceable without the ghairullah's books
of ahadith----Okay, people!-------Did your Messenger brought an incomplete and non-
practiceable Deen?---Okay, Okay!---Tell loudly, who is that another rubb who completes
and makes Allah's incomplete Deen practiceable???---How many rubbs are there???---
How many qurans are there???
So, Allah sent A Book which is Fully Detailed and which is the only and only source of
Law. Our dearest Prophet himself obeyed this Only Source of Law and set a "Good
Example" of obeying The Only Source of Law (i.e. Al-Quraan only, and not Bukhari and
Muslim). He died and left the Only Source of Law which is Fully Detailed and Complete
in Truth and Justice. And nothing (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Muslim, Sihah Sittah) can
abrogate or supersede It.
Allah never ordered His Exalted Messenger (SAW) to write his own explanations of The
Message. Did Allah order Imam Bukhari and Imam Musim what He never ordered His
Messenger? If Allah had willed the explanations of Al-Quraan made by the Messenger, to
be written for the Guidance of the ummah, then who would have been better than the
Messenger of The Message himself, to pen down his own explanations with own
The Last Messenger and no other Messengers were ever allowed by Allah to pen down
any book of Deen with their own hands. They were only the Messengers, the conveyors,
not the writers of books on Deen. It is Allah's Work to write Book of Deen for his slaves.
And Allah never liked to share His work even with His most obedient slaves, the
Messengers. Allah never likes partners (Shirk) in His work. Do you agree or disagree?
Read your Creator and Sustainer's Holy, Supreme and Easiest Quraan, and fear Allah.---
Fear of Allah!
The Messenger was only a Messenger, and he was not given a designation of "Explainer
of Al-Quraan". If he had been given the designation of "The Explainer of Al-Quraan",
Allah would have kept him alive until Al-Qiyamah, so that he could explain The Quraan
to the ummah.-----But the Quraanic reality is that the Messenger brought The Easiest
Book on the face of the earth, and gave It to his ummah and the mankind, and Allah
declares that His Message is so easy that It doesn't need any extra explanations (ahadith,
tafseer, human teachers, etc.).
"And We have indeed made the Quran easy-to-understand. Then is there any who
would take admonition." (Al-Qamur-17)
Why anyone need any detail (explanations) of an already Detailed (well-explained) Book.
Should there be another detail of A Detailed Book? Do the ummah today, have Imaan in
Allah's Words, or do they show their doubts against their Creator and Sustainer's
Words?---(He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your
Lord is COMPLETE, in Truth and Justice.)---Who will run away from a Book which
is fully detailed and easy-to-understand?---Yes, only a liar will do that. For example:---
When Allah advises in His Quraan, that don't call anyone other than Allah.
"And whoever calls any other god along with Allah, for which he has no proof.
Then his reckoning is only with his Lord. Indeed, the disbelievers will not be
successful." (Al-Mominoon-117)
Is the above Verse not easy-to-understand, that if someone calls the Prophet (SAW) or
awliyah, along with Allah, for help, karam or waseela,---that liar is then doing an open
Kufr of Allah's Commandment and doing the biggest Shirk? Even such a liar himself
knows that he is doing open Kufr of Allah's Quraan, because he very well knows that
Allah never allowed people to call His most obedient slaves, the Messengers-------
Another example is, when Allah orders His slaves in His Quraan to "Speak the truth", do
the people need to go to the Prophet to understand the Verse?---No, not at all. Allah made
His Quraan a Self-Explanatory Book, The Messenger gave The Book and passed away.
So, Allah never gave the designation of "Explainer of The Quraan" to His Messenger.
Until the Messenger was alive, indeed, no one was better than him to explain The Quraan,
but when he passed away, and it is a reality that he has passed away, then who will
explain The Quraan? The Quraan is, in its own right, self-explanatory. A person (muslim
or non-muslim) reads, and he understands it well enough.
In the Messenger of Allah, there is a Good Example for the ummah (Al-Ahzaab-21), but
where is the Messenger? How will we follow his example?-----If we have to follow the
personality of the Messenger, then, is it possible to follow a person without seeing him
and without talking to him and without watching closely everything that he does???-----
Yes, the Messenger has passed away and left The Message Fully Detailed, Complete in
Truth and Justice and Self-Explanatory. This "Message", in its own right, is the
Messenger's "Good Example".

Read Al-Quraan, and know the "Good Example" that the Messenger established, and
follow. Allah Himself is The Teacher of His Quraan

"The Beneficent. Has taught the Quran. He has created man. He has taught him
speech." (Al-Rahman-1-4).
Allah teaches to to speak. Allah teaches His Quraan. What do you call, who teaches
Do the people of the last ummah have Imaan in Allah? No, not at all. They don't have
Imaan that Allah is The Teacher of His Quraan.---Shame! In whom do they have Imaan as
their teacher? Ghairullahs and their compiled books of fabrications and lies.
Read further---("Nothing shall abrogate His words; He is The Hearer, The
Omniscient.")---Yes, nothing can abrogate Allah's Words, even the Fabrications and
Lies of Sahih Al-Bukhari or Sahih Al-Muslim. And indeed, Allah knows, who is trying in
vain, to abrogate His Words with the help of ghairullah's written books, Sahih Al-Bukhari
and Sahih Al-Muslim.
Hold yourself, and read further, and see how Allah establishes The Truth as Truth by His
Kalimaat (Verses), and also see how Allah exposes the liars (munafiqeen) of the last
ummah, and also see how helpless are these liars (munafiqeen) of the last ummah who
can do nothing in front of Allah's Quraan, except raising hue and cry, and passing false
"And Allah establishes The Truth as Truth by His Kalimaat (Aayaat), even if the
criminals hate it." (Younus-82)
So, hold yourself, and read further, :---("Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they
will take you away from The Path of Allah (which is Al-Quraan alone)")(Al-
Anaam:114-116)------Because the liars (shirk-doers) have always been in majority, even
at the time of the Last Messenger these liars were in majority (the christians, the jews,
munafiqeen, and many others on the face of the earth). That is why, Allah is advising
even His Exalted Messenger:---("Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they will
take you away from The Path of Allah (which is Al-Quraan alone)")---
Now hold your breath nice and good readers!---The majority of The Last Ummah, right
from Makkah, Madinah---to---every part of the so-called Islamic countries (in fact,
countries of the rejectors of Allah's Quraan), all of them follow their rubbs, Bukhari and
Muslim as a source of Law. Tell me, should we follow the majority of the last ummah,
when Allah The All-Knower, The Most Wise has already declared for our Guidance that
the majority is always the liars, shirk-doers and misled. Rightly guided (only and only
Quraan-followers) have always been (even at the time of the Last Messenger), and will
always be, in minority. A very little, little, little minority. You try to find, and will never
find. They are, perhaps, 1,2 or 3 out of a million. Read Allah's Quran that the Messenger
brought, and make an introspection, you will weep a lot and struck with fear, that such
people (the Quraan-followers) are 1,2 or 3 in a million. Else are garbage. Lovers of this
garbage world, garbage honor and garbage comfort.

So, what do the majority do???---("they follow CONJECTURE, and they fail to
think")---Yes, conjecture (which is not Allah's Revelation). And these are for sure, Sahih
Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Muslim, Sihah Sittah, Masnavi-e-Roomi, Ghuniatul Talibeen,
Kashful Mahjoob, Faza'el-e-Amaal, and thousands and millions of books written by the
big-ones, Imaams, Sheikhs, Allaamas, Ulama, religious scholars, etc. These "Liar Big-
Ones" are the rubbs of their followers who read their written books in place of Allah's
written Book.

"They have taken their ulema as their rubb beside Allah" (At-Tauba-31)
Allah sent down His Message (and not Bukhari and Muslim), the Messenger brought
Allah's Message (and not Bukhari and Muslim). If a person follows Allah's Quraan only,
then he is obeying His Allah (His Message) and he is obeying the Messenger (who
brought The Message and called people to It only), you can not say anything against him,
because Allah promised that he is guided.
"And that those who have been given knowledge may know that It is The Truth
from your Lord, so that they may believe in it, and their hearts may submit humbly
to Him. And certainly Allah is the Guide of those who believe to the straight path."
And those who follow ghairullah's compiled books along with Al-Quraan, they set
partners with Allah, and they are doing open Shirk---they also have Allah's promise
which will be fulfilled.
"The Day their faces will be turned over in the Fire, they will say: “Oh, would that
we had obeyed Allah (The Message that He sent) and had obeyed the Messenger
(The Message that he brought). And they will say: “Our Lord, indeed we obeyed
our chiefs and our great ones (who
wrote for us, the sin-lovers, books in which we could easily find loopholes for our
sins, like the fabricated story of shafa'ut), and they led us astray from The (Right)
Way. “Our Lord, give them double the punishment and curse them with a great
curse.” (Al-Ahzaab-66-68)
Do you know why the ummah today follow the fabricated books of ahadith? Then know!
In fact, the liars of the last ummah who love to do sins very much, and further, they want
to be Forgiven and Blessed on The Judgement Day, they love Bukhari, because in "Sahih
Al-Bukhari" they find many "fabricated hadith" of Shafa'ut. They love sins, and they love
Shafa'ut for the sinners.
What a delicious lie about Shafa'ut for the Shirk-doers of the last ummah! Just read
Allah's Quraan (The Truth), and you will tremble with fear and weep a lot, because in Al-
Quraan there is no news of Shafa'ut for the liars of the last ummah.
----Happy? Or, Frightened?---
Meanwhile, let the liars and shirk-doers of the last ummah who follow non-Quraanic
Deen, eat well, drink well, get fat well and enjoy---because there is nothing like these in
The Hereafter for them.
Sahaba had Imaan in Allah. They had Allah's Quraan, and Allah's Quraan was enough for
them. And Allah made them "Khalifa" of the earth (Al-Noor-55). Do people of the last
ummah know this? Oh, how would they know when they reject to have Imaan in Allah as
The Only Source of Law (Deen).

Today, the last ummah have Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Al-Muslim with them as their
quraans, and they are divided into sects (which is haram, shirk, kufr of Allah's Quraan)
and they are being crushed under the feet of the non-muslims and are being humiliated.
Allah has always punished the liars (shirk-doers who follow the fabricated books of
ahadith) of the ummah at the hands of the non-muslims. They are the beggars at the doors
of the non-muslims. Their "hopes and fear" are in the non-muslim super powers, and not
in Allah The Almighty. Still, they are happy with it and not at all ready to return.

Don't you know it?

Yes, you, for sure, know it.

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