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Notes: I wrote this article in response to the following client directions; turn around time three hours:

Title: Domestic LongHair Vs Maine Coon

Category: Pets
Keyword: Maine coon, domestic longhair
Word count: 2100
>Can you do a general discussion on the similarities, differences, cross breeds and commonality. How to
tell maybe. Whatever crops up etc
> Please do not go off topic. Do not introduce what Maine Coons are [my audience already knows them]
and do not discuss appearance, etc unless i's in relation to this topic. I have multiple articles on various
aspect of Maine coon cats and I need this to be specific to the topic.
>Your introduction should be between 100-120 word and a conclusion of 60 -80 words.
> Please use subheadings

Domestic Longhair Vs. Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is frequently categorized as a type of Domestic Longhair cat, yet the Maine Coon is its
own unique breed distinct from both other specific long-haired cat breeds and from the mixed breed com-
monly referred to as the Domestic Longhair cat. When comparing any cats there will certainly be similari-
ties, some of which can occasionally make it difficult to distinguish a particular individual. Cross breeds
are also quite common, and it is not unusual for the Domestic Longhair to be mistaken for a Maine Coon
mix. There are, however, significant differences between the Domestic Longhair and the Maine Coon in
appearance, personality, and care that are worth noting. There are also pros and cons to owning either of
these magnificent breeds.

Breed Origins: A Commonality of Mystery

The origins of both breeds are largely unknown. Pedigree organizations disagree over whether to catego-
rize the Domestic Longhair cat as a distinct breed, but the first documented reference to it comes from
16th century Italy. When the Black Plague devastated Europe a century later, the Domestic Longhair’s
stock soared as they proved to be particularly fine mousers. The first Domestic Longhairs are believed to
have arrived on the American continent aboard the Mayflower in 1620.

The first official Maine Coon record comes from 1861. As with the Domestic Longhair, the origins of this
breed are not easy to accurately document, and romantic legends concerning their origin abound. What is
known is that the breed became popular starting in the late 1800s but was eventually eclipsed by Persians.
By the 1950s, Maine Coons were thought to be extinct. This proved to be premature and the Maine
Coon’s popularity has increased steadily in the decades since.

Many feel that this uncertain ancestry is part of what makes all these cats remarkable, since they were (at
least until the 1950s) the product of pure, undirected pairings. What is even more remarkable is that short
hair is the dominate gene among cats, meaning that any pairing of a long-haired and a short-haired pair
will result in kittens who all have short hair. The recessive nature of the trait for long hair makes the Do-
mestic Longhair and the Main Coon both particularly special, in that these breeds arose and then, at least
in the case of the Domestic Longhair, persisted naturally for so long without the guiding hand of humans.

Breed Similarities: Coats and Mousing Skills

The primary shared trait of the Maine Coon and the Domestic Longhair is their long, streaming hair.
Their luxurious hair is what most often causes confusion when attempting to identify an individual. The
Maine Coon is frequently identified by the distinctive ear tufts, yet the Domestic Longhair can also have
ear tufts as well as neck ruffs and feet tufts, all of which Maine Coons also develop. Both can have coats
of similar lengths, and both the Maine Coon and the Domestic Longhair can have coats that present in
many colors and patterns. The Maine Coon can be black, white, solid, tabby, or tortie. The Domestic
Longhair can also come in black, tabby, solid, or torite, as well as other patterns and colors.

The two breeds also have a beautiful range of gorgeous eye colors and either breed may present with
gold, copper, green, or blue eyes. Both the Maine Coon and the Domestic Shorthair are also hardy breeds
when it comes to the cold and will not be put off by snow or freezing temperatures. In terms of personal-
ity, there is at least one trait they tend to share: both are widely considered to be excellent mousers.

Breed Differences: Unique Heritage

While there are some things the breeds share in common, there are also distinct differences between the
two. The breed differences can be largely categorized into differences in appearance, differences in per-
sonality or character traits, and differences in care.

Differences of Appearance:

While the long hair common to both breeds makes it difficult at times to tell which breed a particular indi-
vidual belongs to, in general the Maine Coon is a very large cat, while the Domestic Longhair is catego-
rized as medium-sized. A Maine Coon will typically weigh between nine and 18 pounds, and it is not un-
usual to hear claims of 25 and even 30-pound individuals. The Domestic Longhair, meanwhile, weighs in
at between eight and 15 pounds. The tail of the Maine Coon is also longer, averaging 16 inches to the Do-
mestic Longhair’s average of 12 inches. The shape of the two breeds is also distinct. The Maine Coon is
frequently described as “rectangular” and “strong,” which sets it apart from the more typical “sleek” fe-
line build of the Domestic Longhair.

While both cats can have similar coloring, the Maine Coon has a coat of varying lengths while the Do-
mestic Longhair will typically present with a more even length. The unevenness of the Maine Coon’s coat
results in a less uniform look to the pattern, and the term “shaggy” is often applied in describing the Main
Coon’s fur. While it is possible for both breeds to have ear tufts, neck ruffs, and feet tufts, the Maine
Coon will typically present with larger and more distinct versions of all these traits.

About the face, the two breeds can sometimes look similar, but for the most part have quite different fea-
tures to the careful observer. Due to its rich genetic diversity, the Domestic Longhair can present with ei-
ther a shortened face or an elongated nose. The Maine Coon, in contrast, will always have a straight nose
that is not flat. The Maine Coon is also known for its large eyes, particularly in the earliest stages of life.

Differences of Personality:

The Maine Coon is widely regarded as a wonderful family cat with characteristics reminiscent of pack
animals. They love to be with people and are often happy to greet guests. Maine Coons are also known
for their regular vocalizations, sometimes looking straight into the eyes of their owner and “talking” in an
almost intelligent manner. They typically have a loving demeanor and are often described as sweet,
goofy, and loud. The Maine Coon is also unique among cats in being largely unconcerned about water.
While it is possible to meet individuals among the Domestic Longhair breed that will be willing to go in
water, members of the Maine Coon breed will frequently be found seeking out water and playing with it.
In addition, the Maine Coon will typically be gentle and playful when engaging in hunting play.
The Domestic Longhairs, in contrast, demonstrate as much genetic diversity when it comes to personality
as they do in terms of appearance. Domestic Longhairs can be shy and retiring, friendly and social, play-
ful and intelligent, or lazy and aloof. They also have a reputation for talkativeness in comparison with
some other breeds, but they do not do so as commonly as the Maine Coon nor do they demonstrate the
same diversity in vocalizations as the Maine Coon when they do. The breed is also no more likely to en-
joy or seek out water than other cat breeds. Where the Maine Coon tends to remain playful during mock
hunts, the Domestic Longhair will be more inclined to see the game as a deadly serious affair.

Differences in Care:

The Maine Coon’s long hair is surprisingly simple to take care of and most individuals are capable of at
least some self-grooming. The coat should be brushed once or twice a week to prevent mats from form-
ing. In terms of health, the Maine Coon benefits from regular veterinary checkups because the breed can
suffer from certain genetic disorders, notably hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy, and
hip dysplasia. Because of the breed’s tendency to be large, it is important for individual cats to stay at a
healthy weight for their size. Because the breed is so playful and so large, it is not unheard of for acci-
dents to occur as an individual leaps off of household objects.

The Domestic Longhair, in contrast, typically needs far more grooming. Many individuals are not able to
self-groom and regular brushings and even daily grooming sessions are crucial. While it is never wise to
neglect veterinary visits for any breed of cat, the Domestic Longhair is not prone to the same sorts of ge-
netic problems that can afflict the Maine Coon. The most common serious health issue afflicting the Do-
mestic Longhair is diabetes, which is entirely a matter of diet. Since the cat is an obligate carnivore, it is
not appropriate to feed any diet that includes large amounts of starches, sugars, or other carbohydrates.

Distinguishing the Breeds:

It can be difficult at times to tell for certain which type of cat any individual may be. Additionally, cross-
breeds are fairly common so it is not unusual to find a cat who shows characteristics of both breeds. Since
such wide variation is possible within the Domestic Longhair breed, identification is usually best done by
looking at whether an individual possesses all of the distinct Maine Coon characteristics:

1. Medium to long shaggy fur that does not easily mat if brushed faithfully
2. A distinctive set of ear tufts reminiscent of a bobcat or lynx
3. A long, straight nose
4. Large, round eyes
5. A large mane around the neck
6. Large, round paws with a distinctive tuft
7. An enormously long and luxurious tail that frequently drags along the ground
8. A rectangular, muscular body that is evenly proportioned

If an individual does not possess all these breed characteristics, it is unlikely to be a Maine Coon, though
it certainly may be a crossbreed that contains Maine Coon in its ancestry. Crossbreds tend to lose a lot of
the fluff that the purebred Maine Coon enjoys, and one of the first traits to disappear in crossbreeding is
the neck mane.

It can also be possible to distinguish a Maine Coon from a Domestic Longhair if an individual can be fol-
lowed from birth simply by observing the time it takes for the cat to attain full size. The Domestic
Longhair and any crossbreeds will typically reach their full physical maturity and size potential within
two to three years. The purebred Maine Coon, on the other hand, usually takes five years to reach full
adult height and weight. It is quite rare for a crossbreed to reach the same length, height, and weight as a
pure Maine Coon.

Pros and Cons of Ownership:

Maine Coons are valued for their excellent mousing abilities, ability to endure the cold, and friendly, in-
telligent nature. They are normally excellent family cats and, despite their somewhat menacing appear-
ance, pose no threat to children or other household pets. Furthermore, while a long-haired cat of any breed
will require more grooming than a cat with short hair, the Maine Coon’s coat is usually less labor inten-
sive than a Domestic Longhair.

At the same time, the Maine Coon is a dedicated hunter and will hunt birds, mice, and even insects
whether the owner wishes it or not. The breed is also subject to several very serious genetic diseases. Hip
dysplasia is not life-threatening, but it is painful and can cause a lot of expense for the owner. Spinal mus-
cular atrophy is also not life-threatening, but again it causes a weakening of the muscles and expensive
veterinary care. Most seriously, feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is life-threatening and has a
high fatality rate. One in three Maine Coons is believed to carry the gene for HCM.

The Domestic Longhair is also an excellent mouser and highly valued on the homestead. It also has the
ability to endure cold. Genetically, the breed is typically very healthy and is not subject to the same ge-
netic disorders that purebred cats can suffer from. The two downsides of the breed are the coat, which can
be difficult and time-consuming to maintain, and the personality. While most Maine Coons can be relied
upon to be friendly and loving, it is harder to know in advance what personality may come out of the Do-
mestic Longhair’s genetic diversity.

The Maine Coon and the Domestic Longhair share a murky ancestry that almost certainly crossed at some
point in the past. They both possess gorgeous coats, rugged resistance to cold, and excellent mousing in-
stincts. Yet they are distinct, as the Maine Coon possesses unique physical traits and an excellent person-
ality, while the Domestic Longhair typically enjoys excellent genetic health. Both breeds can make won-
derful pets and companions, and ultimately making a choice between the two involves seeing available
individuals, evaluating the living situation, and taking into consideration personal preference. Either breed
can make a valuable and cherished partner for life.

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