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EC2 Lap length of reinforcements


Coefficient αct (?)

% Lapped bars ρ1 (?)

Bar diameter Φ(mm) (?)

Steel strength fyk(MPa) (?)

Ratio (r) σsd/fyd (?)

Concrete strength fck(MPa) (?)

Minimum cover Cd(mm) (?)

Transverse pressure p(MPa) (?)

Transverse reinforcement placed between the concrete surface and the

lapped bar

Area reinforc. Ast(cm2) (?)

Form transverse bars (?)

Lap length l0 (cm)

Tension Compression
Bar diameter Φ (mm)
Good bond Poor bond Good bond Poor bond

12 49 70 69 98


 Good bond (Good bond conditions): for the reinforcements during concreting form with the horizontal an angle
between 45° and 90° or in the case of forming an angle less than 45°, are located in the lower half of the
section or at a distance equal or greater than 30 cm of the upper surface of a layer of concrete.
 Poor bond (Poor bond conditions): for the reinforcements that, during concreting, not found in any of the above

Notation and methodology according to clause 8.7 of EC2

Good Bond conditions

1) Tensile bar

l0 (Lap length) = 488 mm

l0 = α1 · α2 · α3 · α5 · α6 · lb,rqd ≥ l0,min

 lb,rqd (basic required anchorage length) = 484 mm

lb,rqd = (Φ / 4) (σsd / fbd)
o σsd = r · fyk/γs = 1·500/1.15 = 434.78 MPa
o fbd (ultimate bond stress) = 2.69 MPa
fbd = 2.25 · η1 · η2 · fctd
 η = 1, η = 1.0
1 2

 f = α ·f
ctd ct ctk,0.05 /γ = 1·1.8/1.5 = 1.2 MPa

 f ctk,0.05 = 0.21· f ck
= 0.21·25 (2/3)
= 1.8 MPa
 α1(effect of the form of the bars) = 1
 α2(effect of concrete minimum cover) = 0.71
α2 = 1-0.15 (Cd - φ)/ φ = 1-0.15·(35-12)/12 = 0.71
(≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.0)
 α3(effect of transverse reinforcement) = 1
α3 = 1 - Kλ = 1.05 (≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.0)
o λ = (∑Ast - ∑Ast,min) / As = (0.57 - 1.13) / 1.13 = -0.5
∑Ast,min = 1.0·As(σsd / fyd) = 1.13 · 1
o K = 0.1 (Form transverse bars Links or U bars)
 α5(effect of the pressure transverse) = 1
α5 = 1 - 0.04p = 1 – 0.04·0 = 1 (≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.0)
 α6 = 1.41
α6 = (ρ1/25)0.5 = (50/25)0.5 = 1.41 (≥ 1.0 and ≤ 1.5)
 l0,min = max(205 ; 180 ; 200) = 205 mm
l0,min = max{0.3·α6·lb,rqd; 15·φ; 200 mm}

2) Compression bar

l0 (Lap length) = 685 mm

l0 = α1 · α2 · α3 · α6 · lb,rqd ≥ l0,min

 lb,rqd (basic required anchorage length) = 484 mm

 α1 = 1, α2 = 1, α3 = 1, α6 = 1.41
 l0,min = 205 mm

Poor Bond conditions

1) Tensile bar

l0 (Lap length) = 697 mm

l0 = α1 · α2 · α3 · α5 · α6 · lb,rqd ≥ l0,min

 lb,rqd (basic required anchorage length) = 692 mm

lb,rqd = (Φ / 4) (σsd / fbd)
o σsd = r · fyk/γs = 1·500/1.15 = 434.78 MPa
o fbd (ultimate bond stress) = 1.89 MPa
fbd = 2.25 · η1 · η2 · fctd
 η = 0.7, η = 1.0
1 2

 f = α ·f
ctd ct ctk,0.05 /γ = 1·1.8/1.5 = 1.2 MPa

 f ctk,0.05 = 0.21· f ck
= 0.21·25 (2/3)
= 1.8 MPa
 α1(effect of the form of the bars) = 1
 α2(effect of concrete minimum cover) = 0.71
α2 = 1-0.15 (Cd - φ)/ φ = 1-0.15·(35-12)/12 = 0.71
(≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.0)
 α3(effect of transverse reinforcement) = 1
α3 = 1 - Kλ = 1.05 (≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.0)
o λ = (∑Ast - ∑Ast,min) / As = (0.57 - 1.13) / 1.13 = -0.5
∑Ast,min = 1.0·As(σsd / fyd) = 1.13 · 1
o K = 0.1 (Form transverse bars Links or U bars)
 α5(effect of the pressure transverse) = 1
α5 = 1 - 0.04p = 1 – 0.04·0 = 1 (≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.0)
 α6 = 1.41
α6 = (ρ1/25)0.5 = (50/25)0.5 = 1.41 (≥ 1.0 and ≤ 1.5)
 l0,min = max(294 ; 180 ; 200) = 294 mm
l0,min = max{0.3·α6·lb,rqd; 15·φ; 200 mm}

2) Compression bar

l0 (Lap length) = 978 mm

l0 = α1 · α2 · α3 · α6 · lb,rqd ≥ l0,min

 lb,rqd (basic required anchorage length) = 692 mm

 α1 = 1, α2 = 1, α3 = 1, α6 = 1.41
 l0,min = 294 mm

8.7 Laps and mechanical couplers

8.7.1 General
(1)P Forces are transmitted from one bar to another by:

 lapping of bars, with or without bends or hooks;

 welding;
 mechanical devices assuring load transfer in tension-compression or in
compression only.

8.7.2 Laps

(1)P The detailing of laps between bars shall be such that:

 the transmission of the forces from one bar to the next is assured;
 spalling of the concrete in the neighbourhood of the joints does not occur;
 large cracks which affect the petiormance of the structure do not occur.

(2) Laps:

 between bars should normally be staggered and not located in areas of high
moments Iforces (e.g. plastic hinges). Exceptions are given in (4) below;
 at any section should normally be arranged symmetrically.

(3) The arrangement of lapped bars should comply with Figure 8.7:

 the clear distance between lapped bars should not be greater than 4Φ or 50 mm,
otherwise the lap length should be increased by a length equal to the clear space
where it exceeds 4Φ or 50 mm;
 the longitudinal distance between two adjacent laps should not be less than 0,3
times the lap length, 10;
 In case of adjacent laps, the clear distance between adjacent bars should not be
less than 2Φ or 20 mm.

(4) When the provisions comply with (3) above, the permissible percentage of lapped
bars in tension may be 100% where the bars are all in one layer. Where the bars are in
several layers the percentage should be reduced to 50%.
Figure 8.7: Adjacent laps

8.7.3 Lap length

(1) The design lap length is:

l0 = α1α2α3α5α6 · lb,rqd ≥ l0,min


 lb,rqd is calculated from Expression (8.3)

 l0,min ≥ max{0.3 α6 lb,rqd; 15Φ; 200 mm}


 Values of α1, α2, α3 and α5 may be taken from Table 8.2; however, for the
calculation of α3, ∑Ast,min should be taken as 1.0·As(σsd / fyd), with As = area of one
lapped bar.
 α6 = (ρ1/25)0.5 but not exceeding 1.5 nor less than 1.0, where ρ1 is the percentage
of reinforcement lapped within 0.65·l0 from the centre of the lap length considered
(see Figure 8.8). Values of α6 are given in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3: Values of the coefficient α6

Percentage of lapped bars relative to the total cross-section area < 25% 33% 50% >50%

α6 1 1,15 1,4 1,5

Note: Intermediate values may be determined by interpolation.

Example: Bars II and III are outside the section being considered: % 50 and α 6=1,4
Figure 8.8: Percentage of lapped bars in one lapped section

8.7.4 Transverse reinforcement in the lap zone Transverse reinforcement for bars in tension

(1) Transverse reinforcement is required in the lap zone to resist transverse tension

(2) Where the diameter, Φ, of the lapped bars is less than 20 mm, or the percentage of
lapped bars in any section is less than 25%, then any transverse reinforcement or links
necessary for other reasons may be assumed sufficient for the transverse tensile forces
without further justification.

(3) Where the diameter, Φ, of the lapped bars is greater than or equal to 20 mm, the
transverse reinforcement should have a total area, ∑Ast (sum of all legs parallel to the
layer of the spliced reinforcement) of not less than the area As of one lapped bar (∑A st ≥
1.0·As). The transverse bar should be placed perpendicular to the direction of the
lapped reinforcement, and between lap bar and the concrete surface.

If more than 50% of the reinforcement is lapped at one point and the distance, a,
between adjacent laps at a section is ≤ 10·Φ (see Figure 8.7) transverse reinforcement
should be formed by links or U bars anchored into the body of the section.

(4) The transverse reinforcement provided for (3) above should be positioned at the
outer sections of the lap as shown in Figure 8.9(a). Transverse reinforcenlent for bars permanently in compression

(1) In addition to the rules for bars in tension one bar of the transverse reinforcement
should be placed outside each end of the lap length and within 4Φ of the ends of the lap
length (Figure 8.9b).

a) bars in tension

b) bars in compression

Figure 8.9: Transverse reinforcement for lapped splices

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