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Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre

Background with f/2.8 Lens

By Shirou Hagihara, Digital Camera Magazine

Tips & Tutorials

2016-09-29 2017-08-21

Using the maximum aperture of a macro lens allows us to capture a world that we cannot
see in our everyday life. In the following article, I will introduce photography tips for
blurring the background with a beautiful ombre colour gradation, which will help to
accentuate the raindrops. (Reported by: Shirou Hagihara)

1 of 10 25/7/2018, 8:30 PM
Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

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Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

EOS 5D Mark III/ EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM/ FL: 100mm/ Aperture-priority AE
(f/2.8, 1/250 sec., EV+0.7)/ ISO 800/ WB: Auto
I set exposure slightly to the brighter side so as to ensure that the pink colour in the
background would not become too dull. The resulting shot brought out the glistening
colours while conveying the beauty of early summer.

Macro lenses and maximum aperture can capture a world we can’t

see in everyday life

Personally, I like to create bokeh effect in my works, so I tend to set the aperture to the
maximum even when I am photographing a landscape. When using a macro lens, I would be
using the maximum aperture almost all of the time. This is because I like to capture the
foreground and background blurs as nothing more than a gradation of colours when
shooting in the macro range.

Such an effect is not something you can see with the naked eye. Indeed, it is this ability to
capture a world that we cannot see in our daily lives that makes the combination of macro
lenses and maximum aperture an absolute necessity to me in my photoshoots.

How I captured the scene:

To capture the shot above, I made my way to a flowerbed immediately after the rain
stopped. I found many droplets of rain on the narrow leaves. In the background were bright
pink azalea flowers in full blossom. I decided to make the raindrops the main subject to
depict a world of colours that only a macro lens is capable of bringing out.

Occupying the background with only the azalea blossoms, I set the aperture to the
maximum so the shape and texture of the flowers were no longer recognisable and only
appeared as colour gradations.

If I used a narrow aperture, I would have been able to reproduce the texture of the

3 of 10 25/7/2018, 8:30 PM
Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

raindrops more clearly. However, I was aiming for an ombre effect and a narrow aperture
would have resulted in the opposite - a clear boundary between the different colour tones.

Tip: Different background colours give different visual effects

When it comes to using colour gradation as a form of photographic expression, the effect
created by the chosen colour affects the resulting work greatly. Cool tones and warm tones
create completely opposite effects, so I recommend that you select a background colour that
accurately reflects the intention you want to convey through the main subject. Let us see
how the look of the same main subject changes with the background colour.

4 of 10 25/7/2018, 8:30 PM
Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

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Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

EOS 5D Mark III/ EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM/ f/2.8/ 1/500 sec./ ISO 400
Here, I used the pink colour that was reflected in the water droplets as an accent to the
green colour that occupied the entire image. Compared to the very first image, this shot
does not look as colourful.

6 of 10 25/7/2018, 8:30 PM
Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

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Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

EOS 5D Mark III/ EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM/ f/2.8/ 1/320sec/ ISO 800
The image is divided into green and pink sections. The pink colour stands out when green is
used as the background.

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EOS 5D Mark III (Body)

EOS 5D Mark III (Body) has been discontinued. EOS 5D Mark IV is now available.
Click here for more details (will be directed to EOS 5D Mark IV page)

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Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

Shirou Hagihara

Born in 1959 in Yamanashi. After graduating from Nihon University, Hagihara was involved
in the launch of the photography magazine Fukei Shashin where he worked as an editor and
a publisher. He later resigned and became a freelance photographer. Currently, Hagihara is
engaged in photography and written works centring on natural landscapes. He is a member
of the Society of Scientific Photography (SSP).

9 of 10 25/7/2018, 8:30 PM
Macrophotography: Creating An Elegant Ombre Background with f/2.8 Lens https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/en/macrophotography-creating-an-elegant-ombre-backg...

Digital Camera Magazine

A monthly magazine that believes that enjoyment of photography will increase the more one
learns about camera functions. It delivers news on the latest cameras and features and
regularly introduces various photography techniques.
Published by Impress Corporation


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10 of 10 25/7/2018, 8:30 PM

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