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Ahmed ibn Hanbal on tajsim

‫قال المام أحمد )من قال الله جسم ل كالجسام كفر( رواه عن المام أحمد أبو محمد البغدادي صاحب الخصال‬
684 ‫ ص‬4 ‫من الحنابلة كما رواه عن أبي محمد الحافظ الفقيه الزركشي في كتابه "تشنيف المسامع" المجلد‬

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal(ra) said: 'Whoever says Allah is a jism unlike any other jisms
has commited Kufr!'

Narrated by Imam Ahmad Abu Muhammad al Baghdadi in his book Al Khisal hanbali and
from Abu Muhammad Alhafiz alfaqih al Zarkashi in his book Tashnif Al Masami' Volume 4
page 684.

The above is similar to those who say, Allah has a literal hand unlike hands, literal
fingers unlike fingers, literal face unlike faces and so on, and take on its apparent
meaning(Dhahir Ma'na)

‫قال عبد الواحد بن عبد العزيز بن الحارث التمإيمإي في اعتقاد المإام ابن حنبل‬:

‫وأنكر على مإن يقول بالجسام وقال إن السامإاء مإأخوذة بالشريعة واللغة وأهل اللغة وضعوا هذا السام على كل ذي‬
‫طول وعرض وسامإك وتركيب وصورة وتأليف وا تعالى خارج عن ذلك كله فلم يجز أن يسامإى جسامإا لخروجه عن‬
٤٥ ‫ ص‬.‫مإعنى الجسامإية ولم يجىء في الشريعة‬

Abdul Wahid ibn Abdul Aziz ibn Hadith At tamimi in his I'tiqad of Imam Ahmad Ibn hanbal
Ra mentioned..

"And he (Imam Ahmad) disapproved of anyone stating that Allah is a “jism”. And he
would say, “Names of Allah are taken from the Sharee’ah and from the Arabic Language.
The people of the Arabic Language coined that term for whatever has length, width,
depth, composition, and form. And Allah the Exalted is free from all of that. So it is
impermissible to call him a "jism", since He is free from what a "jism" means.
Furthermore, it did not come in the Sharee’ah (so it is null and void)." Page 45
Read more: http://ahlussunnah.boards.net/thread/773/kursi-allahs-feet#ixzz5Cp2ifGWN

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