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Sex * Conform ghid Crosstabulation

Conform ghid
DA NU Total
Sex FEMININ Count 224 11 235
Expected Count 230,3 4,7 235,0
% within Sex 95,3% 4,7% 100,0%
% within 37,7% 91,7% 38,8%
% of Total 37,0% 1,8% 38,8%
MASCUL Count 370 1 371
IN Expected Count 363,7 7,3 371,0
% within Sex 99,7% 0,3% 100,0%
% within 62,3% 8,3% 61,2%
% of Total 61,1% 0,2% 61,2%
Total Count 594 12 606
Expected Count 594,0 12,0 606,0
% within Sex 98,0% 2,0% 100,0%
% within 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%
% of Total 98,0% 2,0% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Significance Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi- 14,424a 1 ,000
Continuity 12,241 1 ,000
Correction b

Likelihood Ratio 15,224 1 ,000

Fisher's Exact Test ,000 ,000
N of Valid Cases 606
a. 1 cells (25,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected
count is 4,65.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table
Symmetric Measures
Value Significance
Nominal by Phi -,154 ,000
Nominal Cramer's ,154 ,000
N of Valid Cases 606

2. Forma de astm bronsic si

Grupe de varsta
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Sub 4,9 214 35,3 35,3 35,3
Intre 5-11,9 329 54,3 54,3 89,6
Peste 12 63 10,4 10,4 100,0
Total 606 100,0 100,0

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