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Nurse Licensure Examination Review Burns mikEL rlh m


 Cellular destruction of the layers of the skin and the resultant  The Rule of Nines in adults
depletion of fluids and electrolytes. These are skin injuries  Head and Neck 9%
resulting from various injurious factors.  Anterior trunk 18%
 Posterior trunk 18%
 BURN INJURIES DEPEND ON:  Upper arms 18% ( 9% each x 2)

 History of the injury  Lower ext 36% ( 18% EACH X 2)

 Causative factor  Perineum 1%
 Temperature of the burning agent
 Duration of contact with the agent
 Thickness of the skin  Modifies percentages for body segments according to age
 Provides a more accurate estimate of the burn size
 TYPES OF BURNS ACCORDING TO ETIOLOGY  Uses a diagram of the body divided into sections, with the
 Thermal: most common type; caused by flame, flash, scalding, and representative % of TBSA for all ages
contact (hot metals, grease)
 Smoke inhalation: occurs when smoke (particulate products of a  PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF BURNS
fire, gases, and superheated air) causes respiratory tissue damage  Burns are caused by transfer of energy from a heat source to the
 Chemical: caused by tissue contact, ingestion or inhalation of body
acids, alkalies, or vesicants  Tissue destruction results from COAGULATION, Protein
 Electrical: injury occurs from direct damage to nerves and vessels denaturation, or Ionization of cellular contents from a thermal,
when an electric current passes through the body. radiation or chemical source.
 Radiation Burns- This is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays, x-  Following burns, Vasoactive substances are released from the
rays and radioactive sources. injured tissue and these substances cause an increase in the
capillary permeability allowing the plasma to seep to the
 Superficial Partial thickness (1st degree)  The generalized edema, evaporation of fluids and capillary
 Outer layer of dermis membrane permeability result to DECREASED circulating blood
 Erythema, pain up to 48 hrs volume
 Healing 1-2 wks [sunburn]  The decrease in blood volume results to decrease organ perfusion
 Deep Partial thickness (2nd degree)  The blood volume decreases, BP and Cardiac output decrease and

 Epidermis & dermis involved the body compensates by increasing heart rate

 Blisters & edema, frequently quite painful  The hematocrit level increases as a result of plasma loss

 Healing 14-21 days  The body mobilizes compensatory mechanisms- blood is shunted
from the kidney, skin and GIT to the BRAIN. Oliguria is expected,
 Full thickness (3rd degree)
as well as intestinal ileus and GI dysfunction
 Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat are involved
 The immune system is depressed, resulting in immunosuppression
 Dry, pearly white or charred in appearance
and increased risk for infection
 Not painful
 The pulmonary system may react by pulmonary vasoconstriction
 Eschar must be removed; may need grafting
causing a decreased oxygen tension and pulmonary hypertension
 Tissue destruction initially causes HYPERKALEMIA because injured
tissues release K+
 HYPONATREMIA may be expected because of PLASMA LOSS (with
Na+) into the interstitial space
Nurse Licensure Examination Review Burns mikEL rlh m
 Superficial Partial Thickness Burns (1st)  Wound care: hydrotherapy, debridement (enzymatic or surgical)
 Local erythema  Drug therapy
 No Blister formation  Topical antibiotics: mafenide (Sulfamylon), silver sulfadiazine
 Mild local pain (Silvadene), silver nitrate, povidone-iodine (Betadine) solution
 Rapid healing WITHOUT scarring  Systemic antibiotics: gentamicin
 Deep Partial Thickness (2 )ND
 Tetanus toxoid or hyperimmune human tetanus globulin (burn
 Tissue destruction of epidermis-dermis wound good medium for anaerobic growth)
 Skin appears red to ivory, moist
 Analgesics
 Wet, large and thin blisters
 Surgery: excision and grafting
 Intact tactile and pain sensation, moderate to severe pain
 Healing is variable and with scarring
 Full Thickness Burns (THIRD DEGREE)
 Emergent phase (time of injury)
 Injury appears WHITE, or black, with thrombosed veins
 Remove person from source of burn.
 Dry, leathery appearance due to loss of epidermal elasticity
 1) Thermal: smother burn beginning with the head.
 Marked EDEMA
 2) Smoke inhalation: ensure patent airway.
 Painless to touch due to destruction of superficial nerves
 3) Chemical: remove clothing that contains chemical; lavage
area with copious amounts of water.
 4) Electrical: note victim position, identify entry/exit routes,
maintain airway.
 Begins at the time of injury and ends with the restoration of the
 Cool the burn for several minutes. Don’t use ice!!
capillary permeability ( with 48-72 hours)
 The GOAL is to PREVENT hypovolemic shock and preserve the  Wrap in dry, clean sheet or blanket to prevent further

vital body organ function contamination of wound and provide warmth and conserve

 Emergency and pre-hospital care body heat.

 2.RESUSCITATIVE PHASE  Assess how and when burn occurred.

 Begins with the initiation of fluids and ENDS when capillary  Remove constricting clothes and jewelry

integrity returns to near-normal and large fluid shifts have  Cover the wound with a sterile dressing or clean, dry cloth
decreased  Provide IV route only if possible
 The GOAL is to prevent shock by maintaining adequate  Transport immediately to a hospital or burn facility
circulating blood volume to maintain vital organ perfusion  Resuscitative and Shock phase (first 24—48 hours)
 3.ACUTE PHASE  Provide appropriate fluid resuscitation based on the Parkland
 Begins when the client is HEMODYNAMICALLY stable, capillary formula
permeability is restored and DIURESIS has begun  4 mL Plain LR x %TBSA of burns x kg body weight
 Emphasis is placed on restorative therapy and the phase  Fluid remobilization or diuretic phase (2—5 days post burn)
continues until wound closure is achieved
 Monitor and treat potential complications like acute renal
 The FOCUS is on infection control, wound care, wound closure,
failure, paralytic ileus, Curling’s ulcer and hypokalemia
nutritional support, pain management and physical therapy
 Convalescent phase
 Starts when diuresis is completed and wound healing and
 restoration of functions, cosmetic surgery
coverage begin.
 Goals of this phase – patient independence and restoration of
maximal function
 Provide relief/control of pain.
 Supportive therapy: fluid management (lVFs), catheterization
Nurse Licensure Examination Review Burns mikEL rlh m
 Administer morphine sulfate IV and monitor vital signs closely.  REHABILITATION
 Administer analgesics/narcotics 30 minutes before wound care.  Methods of coping and re-socialization
 Position burned areas in proper alignment  Ensure optimum nutrition
 Monitor alterations in fluid and electrolyte balance.  Initiate physical therapy to regain and maintain optimal range of
 Assess for fluid shifts and electrolyte alterations motion and achieve wound coverage
 Monitor Foley catheter output hourly (30 cc per hour desired).  Provide psychosocial support to promote mental health
 Weigh daily.  Provide family-centered care to promote integrity of the family
 Monitor circulation status regularly. as a unit

 Administer/monitor crystálloids/colloids  Encourage post-discharge follow-up for several years

 Promote maximal nutritional status.  Ensure appropriate referral to cosmetic surgeon, psychiatrist,

 Monitor tube feedings if Peripheral Nutrition is ordered. occupational therapist, nutritionist and physical therapist

 NPO immediately after injury!!! ONLY when oral intake

permitted, provide high-calorie, high-protein, high-
carbohydrate diet with vitamin and mineral supplements.
 Serve small portions.  DRUGS FOR BURNS
 Schedule wound care and other treatments at least 1 hour  Mafenide (Sulfamylon)
before meals.  Administer analgesics 30 minutes before application.
 Prevent wound infection.  Monitor acid-base status and renal function studies. SIDE
 Place client in controlled sterile environment. EFFECT: LACTIC ACIDOSIS
 Use hydrotherapy for no more than 30 minutes to prevent  Provide daily BATH for removal of previously applied cream.
electrolyte loss.  Silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene)
 Observe wound for separation of eschar and cellulitis.  Administer analgesics 30 minutes before application.
 Prevent GI complications.  Observe for and report hypersensitivity reactions (rash, itching,
 Assess for signs and symptoms of paralytic ileus. burning sensation in unburned areas).
 Assist with insertion of NG tube to prevent/control  Store drug away from heat
Curling’s/stress ulcer; monitor patency/drainage.  Silver nitrate
 Administer prophylactic antacids through NG tube and/or IV  Handle carefully; solution leaves a gray or black stain on skin,
cimetidine (Tagamet) or ranitidine (Zantac) (to prevent stress clothing, and utensils.
ulcer).  Administer analgesic before application.
 Monitor bowel sounds.  Keep dressings wet with solution; dryness increases the
 Test stools for occult blood. concentration and causes precipitation of silver salts in the
 Povidone-iodine (Betadine)
 Administer analgesics before application.
 Assess for metabolic acidosis/renal function
 Gentamicin
 Assess vestibular/auditory and renal functions at regular
 Cimetidine

 Given to prevent Curling’s ulcer

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