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Chakra 5: Throat Chakra

POSITION: Hollow of Throat
OBJECTIVE: Speaking your truth, communication, finding your true
voice, power of choice, expressing your identity.
SEAT OF: Self-expression

The Voice of the Throat Chakra:

"I speak…my TRUTH and it is liberating!”
Vishuddha chakra or Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and is located at throat region above collarbone. This chakra corresponds to the
laryngeal plexus and is associated with both hearing and listening. It is the purification point of the body and is the centre of wisdom,
willpower, truth and power of choice. It is from this centre of will that you express your needs and desires, your creativity, and your power of
choice. You suffer when your Throat Chakra is controlled by someone else, through social customs, restrictions, or tyranny, or superstitions or
else by your own negative thinking patterns and emotional weight such as guilt. When this happens, you find yourself leading a life serving
needs of others rather than living your own unique identity. These blocks the energy of your throat Chakra and you choke your own voice
leading to frustrations, helplessness and low self-worth. You must learn to liberate and honour your voice and expression.

Vishuddha Chakra In A Nutshell


You are afraid to speak up and say what you want or feel. You choke your
When your Vishudha Chakra own voice and so that you do not upset anyone. You often have
is closed communication issues with people and have deep fears of speaking as
well as listening. You get sore throats.

When your Vishudha Chakra You are comfortable speaking your truth, as well as listening to others
is opened truth. You are heard and honored for your expression.

Comparisons/Low self-worth/Feeling helpless/Not expressing your own

Blocked by
uniqueness/ Guilt

Person will hold back and feel timid or shy. He will have problems
communicating with others. There will be physical ailments like Laryngitis
Symptoms of blockage
or sore throats, thyroid disorders, neck and shoulder pains. Also, the
(You may exhibit one or more of these )
person suffers from low-immunity. The person develops low self-esteem
and this blocks his own creativity and intellect.

Associations Powerful communication, Creativity, Intelligence, Growth in career.

Expressing and realizing one's own uniqueness. Releasing helplessness

Unblocked by
and using intelligence to solve all situations in one's favour.

Imbalanced Throat Chakra
When Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra gets blocked, it affects the ability to communicate as there is a literal "lump in the throat". It
creates a confusion about who you are and what your true purpose (dharma) really is. This leads to timidity, a fear of speaking up, and
sometimes manipulative behaviour. Rather than speaking up, you may speak half-truths and untruths to repress the inner dissatisfaction.
Creative impulses are suppressed as ideas do not move through to the lower chakras where they are made into reality.

Balanced Throat Chakra

When your Vishuddha Chakra is balanced you will find no problem in expressing yourself. Your voice will be rhythmic and resonant, clear with
precise expression. You can offer good advice to people as you live in the present. Your ability to take decisions makes it easy for you to follow
your dreams. You may be creative musically or artistically and find it easy to express your identity. You understand spirituality and can
experience divine energy.

When your Vishuddha Chakra is overactive, your voice will be shrill and loud. You will often interrupt ongoing conversations. You are likely to
be over-opinionated and critical of others and shout even when not necessary. You are a bad listener and intellectualize and analyze things to
avoid the vulnerability of feelings. You may also become a compulsive liar prone to gossiping. You may also not have the ability to fulfil
commitments and promises.

When your Vishuddha Chakra is underactive, you will find it difficult to express yourself. You feel shy and timid. You cannot initiate a
conversation and think that you do not have the right to ask a question. You cannot express your emotions and have difficulty in telling the
truth and being honest with yourself.


1) Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Stop comparing yourself with others as there will always be someone better than you or lesser than you. You have your own set of unique
talents that can make you successful in manifesting your true desires. You're being unhappy about others getting something that you wanted
won't help you get it. You should work on learning things that you need to learn, to become what you want to be.

2) Express Yourself
You fear expressing yourself because you think others will reject you or they will get hurt. This leads to fear of sharing opinion with others and
expressing one's talent. Remember that you are unique soul with a unique life purpose. For that your unique talents need to be expressed in

3) Remove the Fear of Being Misunderstood

Fear of being misunderstood arises when you doubt the other person's intention and capability to understand you. This leads to
communication problems. Hence, it is important that you trust the other person and know that you can make yourself understood.

4) Releasing Dependency
Communication always happens between equals. If you feel lesser or higher than the other due to dependency, you cannot communicate.
Therefore, take all unions as equal partnerships by releasing dependency and honour your right to speak, hear and be heard.

5) Release Guilt
Guilt is a message to the Universe that "I am wrong and have to be punished". You can't escape your guilt; you'll have to address it at some time
or the other. Identify your guilt, magnify it, face it and then release it. Accept that you did what you thought was right at that moment.


? Singing (in the shower) and toning your vocal chords. ? Music that is repetitive, such as echoes or sounds of ocean
? Meaningful conversations. Taking self-development courses. waves.
? Neck and shoulder massages. ? Wear 4-mukhi Rudraksha and Yellow Sapphire or Blue
? Eat blue foods and consume blue beverages. Gemstones.
? Use aromatherapy oils such as Geranium, Chamomile, Peppermint, ? Bathe in the blue color in your clothing, decor, art etc.
Mint, Cypress.


1) Honour your right to speak

You have come in this world with a unique purpose and it is your moral duty to express your creativity, your needs and your desires.

2) Honour your unique identity

You are born with unique talents for you have a unique life purpose. You must honour your identity and not compare yourself with others. It is
necessary to clearly analyze your true desires and not be influenced and enchanted by others. You must totally accept your uniqueness and
express it.

3) Lessons of Communication
The first rule of communication is to prepare ground. Following that you must trust the ability of another person to understand you, and your
own ability to make yourself understood. You must release all fears of speaking and fears of listening and remove emotion completely from
your speech. Finally, being completely present in the moment use your intelligence, wisdom and throat to speak.

4) Honour your Words

If you have given a promise to someone no matter who the person is, or how small the promise is, you must honour your commitment. It
displays the capacity to make decisions knowing that no matter what decisions you make, you can keep your word to yourself or to another

5) Will Power and Power of Choice

The choices you make reveal your intentions. You must develop strong willpower by making choices in alignment with your life purpose, that
draw on both the desires of the heart and the wisdom of the mind.


? Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up.
? Concentrate on the Throat Chakra at the base of the throat.
? Chant the mantra HAM.
? Do it for 10 minutes and feel the sensation of awakening of the Vishuddha Chakra.


? I release the belief that I have no power or authority ? I release the fear of debates
? I release the fear of not speaking up ? I release the fear of too many voices
? I release the pattern of letting others speak for me ? I release all the rage and anger caught in the throat
? I release the helplessness that that I cannot find the right words ? I release holding back of energy
? I release the fear of letting others dominate me verbally ? I release giving my power away to avoid conflict
? I ask myself what am I afraid of ? I release unexpressed feelings
? I release the belief that it is pointless to speak ? I release intense frustration
? I release the belief that I am unheard ? I release the feeling of choking on my words
? I release the fear that my words are misunderstood ? I release the fear that I am unable to swallow my reality
? I release the fear of saying No ? I release all shame and guilt
? I release the fear of speaking honestly ? I release the belief that I have no will power
? I release the fear that I cannot hear it ? I release the feeling that I do not know my truth
? I release the fear of arguing ? I release the feeling that I cannot speak
? I release the belief that I am afraid to argue ? I release the fear that it is too big a risk
? I release the fear that I don't want to hear it ? I release the feeling of holding back
? I release the fear of conflicts ? I release the feelings of anxiety attacks


Thank You, God

I am the authority in my world/I am speaking my truth and supported by others/I have the power of choice/I am the creator of my life/I am my
personal authority/I am centered /I make wise choices and decisions/I allow others their opinions and choices and I allow mine/I am honored.

Thank You, God

I am open to hearing/I speak with clarity and kindness/I am important/What I should say is important/I am allowing others to speak their
truths/I am supported in speaking my truth/My words are supported by love and joy/I exist/I am deserving/I am my spiritual self/My choices
about life serve my highest good.

Thank You, God

I am creating speech that reflects my loving thoughts/I am openly expressing myself/I am always saying the right thing in the right way/I am
vocalizing my feelings/I am safe expressing my inner emotions/I am able to swallow my reality/I am understanding what's going on/I am
comfortable with what comes out of my mouth/I am choosing my words with discernment.


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