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Math 235 Quiz 4 Solutions

[10] 1. TRUE/FALSE problems. Indicate your selection by checking the box. Each problem
is worth 2 marks. If you get the correct answer and are confident, you get 2 marks. If you
get the correct answer, but are not confident, you get 1 mark. If you get the wrong answer
and weren’t confident you get 0 marks. If you were confident with the wrong answer, then
you get -1 marks. Justifications are not required for this questions.

(a) If A is an m × n matrix, then Row(A) and Col(A) are isomorphic.

Solution: TRUE. We know that dim Col(A) = rank A = dim Row(A). Thus, since they
have the same dimension, they are isomorphic.

(b) If h, i is an inner product on an inner product space V, then h~v , ~0i = 0 for all ~v ∈ V.
Solution: TRUE. We have h~v , ~0i = h~v , 0~v i = 0h~v , ~v i = 0.

(c) Let V and W be isomorphic vector spaces and let {~v1 , . . . , ~vn } be a basis for V. If
L : V → W is linear, then {L(~v1 ), . . . , L(~vn )} is a basis for W.
Solution: FALSE. For any isomorphic vector spaces V and W, we can define a linear
mapping L(~v ) = ~0. Then, for any basis {~v1 , . . . , ~vn } for V we have {L(~v1 ), . . . , L(~vn )} = {~0},
which is linearly dependent and hence not a basis for W.

(d) If L : V → W is a one-to-one linear mapping, then Range(L) = W.

Solution: FALSE. Let L : R2 → R3 be the linear  mapping
 defined by L(a, b) = (a, b, 0).
Then, L is one-to-one, but Range(L) 6= R3 since 0 6∈ Range(L).

(e) If L : V → W is a linear mapping such that Ker(L) 6= {~0}, then {L(~v1 ), . . . , L(~vk )} is
linearly dependent for any ~v1 , . . . , ~vk ∈ V.
Solution: FALSE. Let L : R3 → R2 be the linear mapping defined by L(a, b, c)
 =  (a,
b). We
1 0
have ~e3 ∈ Ker(L) so Ker(L) 6= {~0}. Now, observe that {L(~e1 ), L(~e2 )} = , which
0 1
is linearly independent.


[4] 2. In each of the following cases, determine whether h , i defines an inner product on the
given vector space.

(a) On P1 (R), hp, qi = p(−1)q(1) + p(0)q(0)

Solution: Let p(x) = x. Then
hp, pi = p(−1)p(1) + p(0)p(0) = (−1)(1) + 0(0) = −1
Since hp, pi < 0, h , i does not define an inner product.

(b) On R2 , h~x, ~y i = 2x1 y1 − 2x1 y2 − 2x2 y1 + 4x2 y2

Solution: Let ~x, ~y , ~z ∈ R2 and a, b ∈ R. We have
h~x, ~xi =2x21 − 4x1 x2 + 4x22 = 2[x21 − 2x1 x2 + x22 + x22 ] = 2[(x1 − x2 )2 + x22 ] ≥ 0
and h~x, ~xi = 0 if and only if x1 = x2 = 0. Thus, h~x, ~xi = 0 if and only if ~x = 0.
h~x, ~y i =2x1 y1 − 2x1 y2 − 2x2 y1 + 4x2 y2
=2y1 x1 − 2y1 x2 − 2y2 x1 + 4y2 x2 = h~y , ~xi
ha~x + b~y , ~zi =2(ax1 + by1 )z1 − 2(ax1 + by1 )z2 − 2(ax2 + by2 )z1 + 4(ax2 + by2 )z2
=a 2x1 z1 − 2x1 z2 − 2x2 z1 + 4x2 z2
+ b 2y1 z1 − 2y1 z2 − 2y2 z1 + 4y2 z2
= ah~x, ~zi + bh~y , ~zi
Thus, it is an inner product.

3. Prove or disprove the following statements.

[2] (a) Let M : V → W be an onto linear mapping. If C = {~x1 , . . . , ~x` } spans V, then
{M (~x1 ), . . . , M (~x` )} spans W.
~ ∈ W. Since M is onto, there exists a ~v = c1~x1 + · · · + c`~x` ∈ V such that
Solution: Let w
~ = M (~v ) = M (c1~x1 + · · · + c`~x` ) = c1 M (~x1 ) + · · · + c` M (~x` )
Thus, {M (~x1 ), . . . , M (~x` )} spans W.

[2] (b) Let V be a vector space and let h , i be an inner product on V. If T : V → V is an

isomorphism, then show that the function defined by
~ = hT (~v ), T (w)i
[~v , w] ~
is an inner product for V.
Solution: Observe that
[~v , ~v ] = hT (~v ), T (~v )i ≥ 0
Moreover, if we have
0 = [~v , ~v ] = hT (~v ), T (~v )i
Then, since h , i is an inner product, this implies that T (~v ) = ~0. Hence, ~v ∈ Ker(T ). But,
since T is one-to-one, we have that Ker(T ) = {~0}. Thus, ~v = ~0. Hence, [ , ] is positive
We have
~ = hT (~v ), T (w)i
[~v , w] ~ = hT (w), ~ T (~v )i = [w,
~ ~v ]
So, it is symmetric. Finally, we have
~ ~z] = hsT (~v ) + tT (w),
[s~v + tw, ~ ~zi = shT (~v ), T (~z)i + thT (w),
~ T (~z)i = s[~v , ~z] + t[w,
~ ~z]
Therefore, it is also bilinear.
Consequently, [ , ] is an inner product on V.

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