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2017 D-22

In a systematic review, Nibali et al. (2016) estimated that the risk for tooth loss
after 10-15 years of periodontal maintenance is _______ times higher for molars
with furcation involvement than molars without furcation involvement.

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

2017 D-23

In a 1-year RCT, Carvalho et al. (2015) found that photodynamic therapy during
periodontal maintenance showed clinical and microbiological outcomes that
were _________ the sham procedure.

a. worse than b. similar to c. better than

2017 D-24

In a 12-year clinical study, Rosling et al. (2001) showed that _____ of highly
susceptible subjects who received periodontal maintenance at 3 -month intervals
following nonsurgical therapy maintained attachment and bone levels.

a. 20% b. 40% c. 60% d. 80%

2017 D-25

According to Nyman et al. (1977), which surgical technique was effective in

preventing CAL loss in the absence of periodontal maintenance?

a. Modified Widman flap b. Osseous surgery

c. Apically positioned flap d. None

2017 D­50
In a systematic review, Monje et al. (2016) estimated that the peri-implant
maintenance therapy interval should be no less than ____ months.

a. 2-3 b. 5-6 c. 8-9 d. 11-12

2016 D-19

In a long-term maintenance study, Salvi et al. (2014) found that multi-rooted

tooth loss with grade 2 or greater furcation involvement was _____ times higher
than those with no furcation involvement.

a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 10

2016 D-20

In a RCT, Nguyen et al. (2015) showed that the adjunctive use of diode laser with
SCRP on deep sites during maintenance was _________ SCRP alone in reducing PD
and BOP.

a. worse thanb. similar toc. better than

2016 D-22

Axelsson and Lindhe (1981) found that patients who returned to their general
dentists had ____________ CAL loss compared to patients who followed a strict
maintenance program.

a. lessb. similar c. greater

2016 D-50

According to Kolbe et al. (2014), PDT alone during periodontal maintenance

visits promoted ___________ clinical results compared to SCRP alone.

a. inferior b. similar c. better

2015 C-20

According to Salvi et al. (2014), which of the following was NOT a risk factor for
the loss of multi-rooted teeth during supportive periodontal therapy?

a. Degree 1 furcation involvement b. Degree 2 furcation involvement

c. Smokingd. Non-compliance

2015 C-40

According to Miyamoto et al. (2010), which tooth type benefits most from
complete compliance with periodontal maintenance?

a. Incisors b. Canines c. Premolars d. Molars

2015 C-48

According to Costa et al. (2012), in patients diagnosed with peri-implant

mucositis who undergo maintenance for 5 years, what is the incidence of peri-
implantitis observed?

a. 6% b. 18% c. 31% d. 43%

2015 C-49

According to Axelsson et al. (2004), what is the main reason for tooth loss after
30 year of maintenance?

a. Caries b. Periodontitis c. Endodontic failure d. Tooth fracture

2015 C-57

According to Hirschfeld and Wasserman (1976), what was the percentage of

teeth lost during periodontal maintenance over a 22-year observation period?

a. 2% b. 7% c. 12% d. 17%

2015 C-76

According to Costa et al. (2011), personality traits have _______ influence on oral
impacts on daily performance index for periodontal maintenance patients.

a. a strong b. a weak c. no

2015 D-46

In a 15-year periodontal maintenance study of patients diagnosed with

aggressive periodontitis, the survival rate of hopeless teeth was approximately:

a. 10%. b. 20%. c. 40%. d. 60%.

2015 D-55

In a long-term maintenance study of aggressive periodontitis patients, Baumer et

al. (2011) found the average tooth loss per patient was:

a. 1-2 teeth. b. 4-6 teeth. c. 8-10 teeth. d. >10 teeth.

2013 D-14

According to the AAP Parameter on Periodontal Maintenance (2000), a _____

month maintenance interval is indicated for patients with a history of
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

2013 D-18

Periodontal maintenance is usually initiated _____ the active periodontal therapy


a. before b. during c. after

2013 D-25

Becker et al. (1984) demonstrated tooth loss in patients who were treated but
not maintained was ________ compared with untreated patients.

a. higher b. similar c. lower

2013 D-37

According to Wilson et al. (1984), ___% of patients failed to return for periodontal
maintenance after completion of active therapy.

a. 14 b. 24 c. 34 d. 44

2012 C-47, 2011 D-14

According to most long-term periodontitis maintenance studies, which teeth are

most frequently lost?

a. Maxillary premolars b. Maxillary molars

c. Mandibular molars d. Mandibular incisors

2012 C-50

According to Costa et al. (2011), compliant periodontal maintenance patient lost

______ teeth compared with erratic compliers.

a. more b. the same number of c. fewer

2016 D-18, 2012 D-4, 2008 D-4

According to Becker et al. (1984), the annual tooth loss in patients following
periodontal treatment without maintenance is:

a. 0.11 b. 0.22 c. 0.33 d. 0.44

2012 D-5
A prospective study on periodontal maintenance patients by Costa et al. (2011)
found progression of periodontitis in private clinic was ______ compared to
academic settings.

a. greater b. similar c. lower

2012 D-43, 2007 D-25

Garrett et al. (2000) compared SCRP versus local delivery of doxycycline hyclate
(Atridox®) in patients receiving periodontal maintenance and reported that:

a. Both treatments were equally effective.

b. SCRP was the most effective therapy.

c. Local delivery of doxycycline hyclate was the most effective therapy.

2011 C-50

Deas and Mealey (2010) recommend an initial maintenance interval of every

______ month(s) for treated aggressive periodontitis patients.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

2010 D-16

According to Lulic (2009), the effects of repeated photodynamic therapy

adjunctive to debridement in residual pockets in maintenance patients were
most pronounced after ______ month(s).

a. 1 b. 3 c. 6 d. 12

2010 D-43

According to Dannewitz et al. (2009), the recurrence of probing depths ≥4 mm at

molar furcation sites during periodontal maintenance was ______ 3 months
following treatment at sites treatments by SCRP compared to sites treated by
SCRP plus topical doxycycline gel.

a. greater b. similar c. less

2009 C-61

In a retrospective study by Fardal and Linden (2005), ______% of periodontal

maintnence patients with a history of periodontal surgery reguired further active
treatment over time.

a. 15 b. 25 c. 50 d. 65

2009 D-9
According to Miyamoto et al (2006) patients with the highest level of compliance
with periodontal maintenance over a 15-year period demonstrated significantly
greater ______ compared to erratically compliant patients.

a. plaque index b. bleeding index

c. percentage of sites with PD >3 mm d. tooth loss

2009 D-27

According to Fardal and Linden (2008) over a 13-year period of periodontal

maintenance a refractory response to periodontal therapy was associated with
all of the following EXCEPT:

a. stress

b. heavy smoking

c. systemic disease

d. a family history of periodontitis

2009 D-39

According to Wilson (1996), all of the following factors are reasons for patient
non-complience in periodontal maintenance therapy EXCEPT:

a. sociocoeconomic status

b. denial of illness/disease

c. fear of dental treatment

d. behavior of the auxiliary staff

2009 D-43

According to the systemic review of Hultin et al (2007), controlled studies

supporting specific recall intervals for the purpose of dental implant
maintenance therapy:

a. are lacking

b. suggest a 3 month interval

c. suggest a 6 month interval

d. suggest a 12 month interval

2009 D-49
According to Wilson et al (1993), efforts made to improve patient compliance
with periodontal maintenance (e.g., appointment reminders) ______ the size of the
compliant patient group.

a. did not change b. doubled c. tripled d. quadrupled

2008 C-37

According to Fardal and Linden (2005), approximately ______ of long-term

maintenance patients required re-treatment.

a. 1/4 b. 1/3 c. 1/2 d. 2/3


2017­2, 2015­99, 2014­83

Costa 等學者. (2012) 調查已發生人工牙根周圍黏膜炎(peri­implant mucositis)的
患者,有沒有做適當的預防性維護治療,5 年之後進展成人工牙根周圍炎 (peri­

(A) 有適當維護的患者,發展為人工牙根周圍炎的機率大概是 1%

(B) 沒有適當維護的患者,發展為人工牙根周圍炎的機率大概是 6% 

 (C)  整體樣本發展為人工牙根周圍炎的機率大概是 31%

(D) 患者自然牙是否有牙周炎與人工牙根惡化為人工牙根周圍炎的機率無關 


議不要小於 (A) 2­3月 (B) 5­6 月(C) 8­9月(D) 11­12月 


Nibali等學者 2016 年的系統性回顧文獻指出經過10~15 年的牙周維持治療,有
根叉侵犯臼齒之牙齒喪失風險是沒有根叉侵犯臼齒的幾倍?(A) 2(B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8


在一個 18 年回顧研究中,Graetz et al. (2015) 分析 379 位定期回診進行牙周維護
的患者,經分析後發現牙齒喪失的風險因子有下列各項,何項除外?(A) 牙齒搖
   牙根切除或通道術(resective/tunneling) (C) 二級或以上的
動度(tooth mobility)(B) 
根叉侵犯 (D) 殘存較深牙周囊袋(residual pocket depth) 


根據 Matuliene G 等人在 2008 年 J Clin Periodontol.發表的文章指出,做完牙周
治療進行 supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) 追蹤 11 年的病人裡,在 bleeding 
on probing 大於幾%時會有較高的牙齒喪失率?(A) 5%(B) 10% (C) 20% (D) 30% 


根據 Hu et al(2016)探討經牙周病治療且接受支持性牙周維持治療的患者,有超
16 (B)20 (C)24 (D)28 

根據 Lagervall et al(2013)研究,追蹤植牙病患治療植體周圍炎(peri­implantitis)的
有效性,下列何者並非影響的主要因素?(A) 植體周圍之骨喪失 (B)口腔衛生不
佳 (C)低配合度 (D)    使用口服抗生素 

2015-58, 2014-51, 2013-26

根據2011年Oliveira Costa等學者比較順服(compliant)的患者與非順服患者在牙
周維持期的臨床表現,以下敘述何者正確? (A)兩組的牙周炎進展(progression)
(bleeding on probing)。 (C)順服組中,有無抽菸與牙周炎進展(progression)並


Axelsson 2004 年提出一項 30 年牙菌斑控制療程的臨床結果,病患於療程起始

點及 3、6、15、30 年回診,記錄牙周臨床指數及齲齒,以下何項非此研究所
得到之結果?(A) 在維持療程期間,極少牙齒被拔除,且拔除原因為牙根斷裂
(B) 80%的齲齒為復發性齲齒(C) 發生齲齒及牙周疾病之病例非常少數(D) 頰側


依據Dr.Matuliene (2008)的研究: 經 11 年的維護期下列那個臨床指數可預期牙

齒喪失 (A) 牙周囊袋 probing depth ≧ 6 毫米(B) 探測後流血 bleeding upon
probing (BOP) > 20%(C) 牙菌斑指數 plaque index(PI) > 20%(D) 附連著體喪失
Clinical attachment loss( CAL) ≧ 6 毫米



(A) 一級根叉侵犯之臼齒喪失率最高(B) 二級根叉侵犯之臼齒喪失率最高(C) 三

級根叉侵犯之臼齒喪失率最高(D) 有牙周支持性治療,根叉侵犯程度不影響臼

2014-50, 2012-6

依據 Graetz 等學者(2011 年)對於侵犯性牙周炎(aggressive periodontitis)患者的

有問題或無望(questionable or hopless)的牙齒進行積極治療及15年的定期追蹤

(A) 大約 10%的無望(hopeless)牙齒經過 15 年的追蹤維護仍然存活 (B) 大約

20%的無望(hopeless)牙齒經過 15 年的追蹤維護仍然存活 (C) 大約 40%的無望
(hopeless)牙齒經過 15 年的追蹤維護仍然存活 (D) 大約 60%的無望(hopeless)
牙齒經過 15 年的追蹤維護仍然存活


依據 2012 年 McGuire 等人的文章,對於牙周病牙齒的預後評估,除了以往的

根叉侵 犯、附連喪失、動搖度外,與以往不同的是將下列哪些因素也列入考量?

a.年齡 b.性別 c.口腔衛生 d.配合度答案:(A) a+b+c (B) b+c+d (C) a+c+d (D)


Axelsson P等學者(2004)的臨床研究指出經過30年的維持治療(maintenance

答案:(A) 齲齒 (B) 牙根斷裂(C) 根管治療失敗 (D) 牙周嚴重破壞


健康, 現在,陳先生有良好的口腔衛生、些許的牙結石、無咬合問題、口腔中
無膺復物、牙 周囊袋探測均小於 3 公釐,且全口齒槽骨喪失均小於 50%,請問,
依據 Carranza's Clinical Periodontology 11th 建議,陳先生應多久回診一次?

答案:(A)1 至 2 個月一次 (B)3 至 4 個月一次 (C)4 至 6 個月一次 (D)6 至 12 個月


2012-11, 2006-64, 2010-56

根據 Becker(1979, 1984a, b),患有牙周病的病人,若沒有接受牙周病治療;接受


答案: (A) 0.46, 0.33, 0.16/year (B) 0.36, 0.22, 0.11/year (C) 0.30, 0.20, 0.10/year
(D) 0.25, 0.15, 0.05/year


Roccuzzo 等學者(2012年)針對中、重度牙周炎患者及牙周健康者接受人工牙根
治療進 行10年的前瞻性研究,觀察是否發生人工植體周圍炎進行分析比較,下

答案: (A)只要有適當的追蹤保養,三組發生人工植體周圍炎的機率並沒有差異。

還是較高。 (D)將有牙周炎的牙齒預防性拔除,以人工植牙取代,可避免後續


根據Quirynen M. et al.(2007)的文章,有關維持期牙周治療(supportive
periodontal theapy, SPT)與牙科植體維護之敘述何錯誤?答案: (A) 對於有牙周病

(B) 剩餘齒列的牙周健康狀況對於植牙的骨整合有明顯的影響。(C) 牙周致病源

(periodontopathogens)有可能在口內轉移位置而造成植體牙周炎。(D) 植體表


一位62歲女性牙周病患者有”poorly controlled non-insulin dependent diabetes”,

病的family history,對此病人在積極的牙周治療後,應該如何定期保養與檢查較恰

答案:(A) a low risk case, randomized recall(B) a low risk case, recall every 3
months. (C) a high risk case, recall every 6 months (D) a high risk case, recall
every 2 -3 months


對下列牙周或植體維護 (maintenance of the periodontal/implant)的敘述中,何

者是不正 確的?

答案:(A) Bleeding on probing(BoP) positive 對牙周病的進行性可能有些預測價

值,但 BoP negative 更能顯示牙周/植體周區(periodontal/peri-implant site)的穩
定性 (stability).
(B) Suppuration 與 active tissue destruction 的發生有關.(C)在periodontitis 處作
probing時, probing tip 有可能會穿過上(epithelium)而產生 probing depth 的增
加,但不會在 peri-implantitis 處作 probing 時發生. (D) Mobility 是代表植體失去


有關GCF中MMP-8之表現,Kiane et al(2003)比較SRP與於三個月之Maintenance

(A) MMP-8 之 level 無論總量或濃縮表示,於 ANOVA 皆呈現下降的趨勢, 但

SRP 比 SRP+Maintenance 對 p value,更具影響力。

(B) 於 Probing depth 方面 SRP 與 SRP+Maintenance 皆呈現 p<0.001 之統計差異。

(C) 對於 attachment level,則 SRP+Maintenance 可於三個月後造成 p<0.001 之


(D) 有關 GCF 之臨床拮取,定時是一項實驗的固定因子。


全身健康良好之病患,下列那些因素影響再生手術的結果:(1) 牙菌斑控制 (2) 抽

煙狀況 (3) 病患年齡 (4) 維護期配合度 (A) (1)+(2)+(4) (B) (1)+(2)+(3) (C)
(2)+(3)+(4) (D) (1)+(3)+(4)


後,十年內平均牙齒喪失的顆數為?(A) 1 顆 (B) 3 顆 (C) 5 顆 (D) 7 顆


Axelsson 等人追踪 15 年接受定期保養檢查且維持良好口腔衛生的病人,發 現:

(A) 牙周病減少,新蛀牙增加 (B) 牙周病增加,新蛀牙減少 (C) 牙周病增加,新
蛀牙也增加 (D) 牙周病減少,新蛀牙也減少


關於支持性牙周治療(Supportive Periodontal Therapy, SPT)的敘述,何者錯誤?

(A) 有嚴重牙周炎的病人需要的SPT要較規則且時間間隔較短(3-4個月。)
(B) Subject risk assessment 可用於決定 SPT 回診的頻率。

(C) 牙弓內牙齒位置不正(tooth malposition)是否會導致增加牙周附連喪失的危

險,仍 須證據證明。

(D) 若要評估因發炎導致的”true”percentage of bleeding sites,應使用

50g(0.5N)的探 測力量。

2006-100, 2007-99

一般而言,對植牙病患的維護保養步驟與自然牙相同,但下列何者例外? 1. 應
使用特殊器械來刮除結石以免傷害植體2. 可使用 acidic fluoride 作 prophlaxis3.
可使用 non-abrasive prophy pastes 4. 在積極的牙周病治療時不可同時植牙

(A) 123 (B) 234 (C) 134 (D) 124

2007-97, 2008-100, 2010-96

Axelsson P等學者(2004)的臨床研究指出經過30年的維持治療(maintenance

(A) 齲齒 (B) 牙根斷裂 (C) 根管治療失敗 (D) 牙周嚴重破壞


病人於維護期(maintenance)中,下列那些因素是屬於低危險群 (1) 探測後流血

(BOP)之比率為 25%(2) 被診斷有 4 個殘存牙周囊袋大於 5mm(3) 喪失2顆牙 (4)
骨固素(Bone factors, Bon loss/age)為 0.25

(A) (1)+(2)+(3) (B) (1)+(3)+(4) (C) (2)+(3)+(4) (D) (1)+(2)+(4)


植牙照護(dental implant maintenance) 上使用下列那種器械才能產生平滑面

1.金屬超音波洗牙機頭 Piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers & metal tip

2.含碳之超音波洗牙機頭 Piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers & carbon tip

3.塑膠超音波洗牙機頭 Piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers & plastic tip

4.塑膠牙刮器 plastic curets

(A) 1 2 3 (B) 1 3 4 (C) 2 3 4 (D) 1 2 4


根據 Kaldahl 等學者的研究(1996),採用下列何種術式的牙周治療,在維護期
發生 periodontal breakdown 的機率最低?(A) 牙冠部結石刮除 (B) 改良式魏德曼
翻瓣術(modified Widman flap)(C) 結石刮除及牙根面整平術 (D) 骨手術(osseous
resective surgery)


根據 Pretzl (2008)研究,接受過牙周積極治療的病患十年的追蹤,哪一項危險因素

a.當作支台齒 b.沒有定期維護 c.牙根叉侵犯 d.治療前齒槽骨的吸收程度

(A) a,b,c (B) b,c,d (C) b,d (D) a,b,c,d


牙周治療(Periodontal Therapy)後的第一年對建立回診模式(recall pattern)與加

強口腔衛生技術(oral hygiene techniques)非常重要,因此 recall interval for first
year patients 不應長於。(A) 1個月 (B) 3個月 (C) 6個月 (D) 1年


2007 年 Chung, Dyeus M 對於晚期植體周圍骨頭喪失的研究,下列何者為植體

維持期最重要的影響因子?(A) 植體表面特性 (Surface characteristics) (B) 植體長
度(C) 角化牙齦的量 (D) 對咬牙的類別(Type of opposing dentition)


2009 年 Telma Campos Medeiros Lorentz 針對術後一年維持期順從的病人的前

瞻性研究,下列何者為誤?(A) 糖尿病與牙周炎發展(periodontitis progression)
呈現顯著的相關性 (B) 抽菸與牙周炎發展(periodontitis progression)呈現顯著的
相關性 (C) 抽菸較不抽菸者得到較大牙周炎發展的勝算比是 2.7(D) 呈現牙周炎
發展(periodontitis progression)的患者比例約為 13%


有角度骨下缺損、 水平之骨缺損病灶經牙周治療後,在長期(6-16 年)定時維護下

1. 有角度之骨下缺損病灶會發生骨吸收現象 2. 水平之骨缺損病灶會發生骨吸收
現象3. 有角度之骨下缺損病灶較易復發4. 將來骨破壞的程度無法以原來骨破壞
的程度和形態來預測 (A) 1 2 3 (B) 2 3 4 (C) 1 3 4 (D) 1 2 4


2005 年 Fardal Oystein 對於挪威長期維持性治療的牙周炎病患需要重新治療的

比 例,下列何者最為接近?(A) 1/4 (B) 1/3 (C) 1/2 (D) 2/3


The most predictable measurement of increasing clinical attachment loss in

maintenance patients is:(A) Bleeding on probing (B) Increased probing depth (C)
Higher plaque biofilm scores (D) Decreased alveolar bone height


持照護計畫中 使用低劑量的 chlorhexidine 漱口水的效果的研究,下列敘述何者

答案: (A)這篇研究的對象一開始的牙菌斑控制並不適當。(B)此篇研究使用
0.05% chlorhexidine 漱口水。(C)使用三個月後,使用 0.05% chlorhexidine 漱
月後,使用 0.05% chlorhexidine 漱口水的患者和使用安慰劑的患者相比牙菌斑


依據 Dr.Lorentz (2010)之研究: 牙周維護期中牙齒喪失的主要顯著原因為---- (1)

牙周炎嚴重度 (2)性別 (3)齟齒 (4) 不良補綴物 (5) 根管治療不全

答案:(A) 1 2 (B) 2 3 (C) 3 4 (D) 2 4


關於 Miyamoto(2010)對定期回診與牙齒存活之間相關性的研究,下列敘述何者
錯誤? 答案: (A) 本篇是項回溯性實驗,觀察 295 位回診追蹤至少 15 年的患者,
將牙齒分為臼齒區和非臼齒區來分析(B) 患者回診情形評估方式有兩種,其中之
一(30% compliance)是定義超過 30%以上的約診未到患者為不合作患者(erratic
compliance),另一種(2-year compliance)則是定義兩年內沒有參與回診的患者
為不合作患者(erratic compliance)(C) 不論臼齒區或非臼齒區,定期回診的患者
牙齒喪失的風險(risk)皆較不合作患者低了約 30%(D) 定期回診的患者齒槽骨喪

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