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Bethel School of



Additional Teacher’s Manual

Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Additional Teacher’s Manual
Copyright © 2007 by Bethel Church

All rights reserved. This manual is copyrighted by Bethel Church of Redding, California and may
not be copied or reprinted electronically or in hard copy without permission. If additional copies
of the manual are needed they can be ordered through Bethel Church’s online store.

Requests for more information should be addressed to:

Bethel Church
933 College View Drive
Redding, CA 96003 USA
(530) 246-6000

More information about Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry can be found on the website

DVDs are live class session recordings from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry first year

DVD editors are Salvador López, Luke Manwaring and Libby Friz.

Text is written and compiled by Amy Jackson, Bethany Stroup, Luanne Mohr, Michelle Hinson
and Pam Spinosi.

Cover graphics and artwork are designed by the Bethel Media Graphics Team.

We would like to thank the entire Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry staff
and guest speakers for their invaluable contribution to this DVD curriculum.
As revivalists seeking His kingdom, your wealth of experience
and love for people is priceless.

Bethel School of

Table of Contents
Session: Title: Spea­­ker: Page:

1001 Introduction to First Year Bill Johnson 1

1002 The Process of Developing Kris Vallotton 13


1003 Father’s Embrace Danny Silk 23

1004 Culture of Honor & Mark Brookes 35

A Revivalist’s Lifestyle

1005 Honor & Impartation Bill Johnson 51

1006 Forgiveness Kris Vallotton 61

1007 Survey of the Bible Bernie Ooley 75

Lesson 1: Genesis

1008 Intercession Beni Johnson 93

The DVD Session numbers coincide with the Teacher/Student Manual. The correlating session
numbers are located at the top of each Session Outline.
Introduction to First Year Bill Johnson
DVD Session 1001

Session Outline: My Notes:

I. Paying a Price (0:00 minutes)
A. There Is a Cost Involved for Gaining What God Has to
1. We choose the road that has the higher price ___________________________
because there we will find the greatest fruit. ___________________________
2. The price does not matter, because once we receive ___________________________
Christ, our old man is dead and our new man lives for ___________________________
God alone. Dead people do not care about prices,
there is no cost too high.
II. Mandate for the School of Ministry (1:19) ___________________________
A. Raise Up a Generation That Can Openly Display the ___________________________
Raw Power of God. ___________________________
1. Excellence is good, but an element of “raw” is ___________________________
necessary to maintain a child-like heart and remain
B. Stay In a Place of Learning
1. While learning and gaining more of the power of ___________________________
God it is important to remain anonymous and low, like ___________________________
an innocent child. ___________________________
2. The Lord says that you perish without revelation ___________________________
(Hosea). The Spirit of God is released through
a. The revelation comes when we are teachable.
3. God gives us signs and wonders to keep us hungry, ___________________________
searching and learning. In this state, we stay living by ___________________________
“faith.” ___________________________
a. Example: cancer percentages are going down; ___________________________
feathers are appearing
• There is healing in His wings.
4. If you believe that you already know everything you
are leading an inferior life because there is more you ___________________________
have not experienced yet. ___________________________
5. Do not try to find answers to everything you ___________________________
encounter. ___________________________
a. God is bigger than a book. Additional Teacher’s Manual 1
Introduction to First Year | Bill Johnson

___________________________ III. Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation (7:00)

___________________________ A. Pray for Wisdom and Revelation
1. Paul ministered to the church of Ephesus.
a. They were burning all of their evil materials,
seeing people healed and moving in the Spirit
___________________________ (Ephesians 1).
___________________________ b. Although the church of Ephesus had all the
___________________________ spiritual gifts, Paul prayed that God would give
___________________________ them a spirit of wisdom and revelation (Ephesians
B. Revelation of Jesus Christ
1. Jesus is the ultimate, complete and perfect
___________________________ revelation of the Father and His nature; He cancels
___________________________ out every misunderstanding/questioning of the Old
___________________________ Testament.
___________________________ a. The Old Testament was to show the severity of
sin, to bring an awareness of the need for a Savior.
2. As a believer, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ
inside of you that will reveal who you are and the
___________________________ power of God that you can walk in.
___________________________ 3. You will become whatever you focus on and
___________________________ whatever you look to as an example. Thus, pray for a
___________________________ clearer, more profound picture of Jesus Christ because
whatever you behold is what you become.
C. Revelation of God In Us
1. God does not create disease because Jesus is
___________________________ the one who came to pay the price for sin and bring
___________________________ healing.
___________________________ a. God and Jesus cannot work against one
___________________________ another.
2. Since we are the body of Jesus, we need to
understand how wonderful Jesus is. Because we are
made in His image, the more revelation we have about
___________________________ Him, the more we will have about ourselves.
___________________________ a. With revelation you will thrive, without it you will
___________________________ die.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1001

D. Move With God ___________________________

1. Do not linger in the past move of God hoping that it ___________________________
will come back. Do not look to the residue of the last
2. Realize that God has moved on and you need to
move on too. ___________________________
a. Pray for revelation of what God is doing and ___________________________
where He is going. ___________________________
IV. Take Healing to the Nations (16:46)
A. Our Responsibility to the Nations
1. It is our responsibility to disciple the nations.
2. Think what one totally surrendered life can do for ___________________________
Christ; Jesus is interested in the life of one man and ___________________________
the difference that he can make. ___________________________
a. Examples: Kathryn Kuhlman; Smith ___________________________
B. The Healing Mindset
1. You have to start somewhere, you may not have
seen anything yet but His Word is true, the Bible is ___________________________
true, and it will happen. ___________________________
2. Get to the point where you know in your heart and ___________________________
head that praying for the sick is normal and natural. ___________________________
3. It is God’s will and nature to heal everyone, so if you
are not seeing people healed then there is a problem
and it is not with God.
a. It can be many things, not just sin in your life or ___________________________
a lack of faith. ___________________________
C. How Healing Begins (also, see Q&A) ___________________________
1. Healing begins by impartation from someone who is ___________________________
already walking in the healing anointing.
a. Healing may start by the laying-on of hands or
just being in their presence.
• Example: attending John Wimber’s confer- ___________________________
ences ___________________________
• What was normal for John Wimber’s church ___________________________
started to become normal for Bethel. ___________________________
2. Surround yourself with Giant Killers!
a. Be careful who you surround yourself with.
Introduction to First Year | Bill Johnson

___________________________ b. Be around people who are seeing healings

___________________________ and are killing giants, and you will receive an
• When you gain an impartation to kill giants,
then you will be able to face your own.
___________________________ c. Do not attach yourself to people who are
___________________________ negative all of the time; you will become like who
___________________________ you are around.
___________________________ D. Battles Won In Private
1. The battles you win in private when no one is
looking will determine the battles you will win when
everyone is looking.
___________________________ a. When God can give you a little and you are
___________________________ faithful, then He can trust you with much.
___________________________ b. David’s battle with the lion and the bear in
___________________________ secret, and his private worship time, prepared him
to rule as king.
• His success in private battles, led God to
trust David with public victories.
___________________________ E. Do Not Put Limits On the Signs and Wonders
___________________________ 1. There is no limit to the amount of battles and
___________________________ victories you can win.
___________________________ 2. Do not receive council from anyone who is satisfied
with lack.
3. There are no boundaries to what God can do or how
He would want to reveal Himself.
___________________________ a. Examples: golden hair; feathers; gems etc.;
___________________________ healings in the mall
___________________________ 4. They are signs that make us wonder; God promised
___________________________ that He would do it.

V. God’s Answer for the World’s Problems (39:04)
A. God Has All of the Answers
___________________________ 1. He wants to give us the answers and ideas to solve
___________________________ the problems.
___________________________ 2. Deuteronomy 29:29 “the secret things belong
___________________________ to God, but things revealed belong to us and our
a. Example: new idea for bow design
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1001

3. God loves to defy religious values and standards. ___________________________

B. Whatever Matters to You, Matters to God. ___________________________
1. Your dreams were never supposed to be stripped
away and the resurrected man crucified.
a. You were already crucified with Christ, now, you
have been resurrected with Christ – you are a new ___________________________
man with a new heart. ___________________________
2. Realize that when you are born again, what God is ___________________________
putting in your heart to do is the resurrected man. ___________________________
a. Do not kill what God has placed in your heart.
C. God Wants to Give You the Answers for Dreams &
Life Issues
1. Example: non-toxic furniture refinishing polish ___________________________
2. We must show excellence in the way we do ___________________________
everything. If we demonstrate excellence in the way ___________________________
we work and in how we treat people, God will begin to ___________________________
release the creative expression of answers.
a. Example: answers in the courtroom to obtain
3. We are to be the first generation that actually ___________________________
believes that we are supposed to accomplish the ___________________________
dreams God has placed in our hearts and to do signs ___________________________
that are greater than what Jesus did. ___________________________
VI. Positioning Yourself to Receive (52:56)
A. Our Lifestyle of Encouragement
1. We need discipline, but our lives should be known ___________________________
for burning passion. ___________________________
2. Stay encouraged by paying attention to what God is ___________________________
doing. Do not focus on what He has not done yet. ___________________________
a. People who constantly pay attention to what
God has not done yet instinctively build a case to
justify their unbelief.
• This causes you to live off of their unbelief. ___________________________
3. Always keep your eyes on what God is doing. ___________________________
B. God Wants to Reveal to You What He Has Already ___________________________
Given You. ___________________________
1. The way you get more is by giving away what you
already have.
Introduction to First Year | Bill Johnson

___________________________ a. There is healing in your hands, it just needs to

___________________________ be unlocked.
2. The Holy Spirit is not a lake, He is a river inside of
you that is intended to flow through you and alter the
nature of the world around you.
___________________________ Speaker prays over class that the fire of God would be
___________________________ in their hands for healing and they would recognize the
___________________________ anointing of God

C. How to Release the Power of God
1. Laying on of hands
___________________________ a. There is power that flows through your hands
___________________________ for impartation (Habakkuk 3:4).
___________________________ b. The lightning of heaven comes forth to destroy
___________________________ the works of darkness.
2. Understand the power that God has already put
inside of you; the Kingdom is not in words, it is in
___________________________ 3. Find out what happens physically to you when the
___________________________ anointing increases.
___________________________ a. Example: heat in hands or shoulders etc.
VII. Questions & Answers With the Speaker (1:02:47)
1. Are you going to Brazil this next year?
a. Randy Clark takes a group of young people &
___________________________ trains them for a week. Then they invade Brazil doing
___________________________ services and partnering with God to see thousands of
___________________________ healings.
___________________________ • Examples: Healing testimonies.

2. What are the feathers?
a. Many churches have been experiencing the
___________________________ phenomenon of feathers falling from nowhere.
___________________________ • Testimonies of feathers falling
___________________________ b. We cannot always explain the phenomenon of God,
___________________________ but the Bible says that there is healing in His wings.
Sometimes when we talk about healing a feather falls.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1001

c. Crucial Truths: ___________________________

• The kingdom of God is breaking into our world. ___________________________
• Things in the Spirit through the power of God are
taking on physical substance.
• God is trying to shake us loose from the kind of
reasoning that leads us into unbelief, from what we ___________________________
have depended on in human reasoning. ___________________________
• Most of what we can do here in North America ___________________________
can be done without God - like constructing build- ___________________________
ings. In other countries those things can only be
accomplished by the power of God.
• That is the realm that we want to live in; in a place
where we do things that can only be done with the ___________________________
power of God backing them. ___________________________
d. Examples: testimonies of gems, gold dust, oil, ___________________________
healing, etc. ___________________________
e. Get to a place where you do not have to understand
everything, the revelation of the fullness of God that is
bigger than what we can comprehend.
f. We do not worship any of the signs, they are just the ___________________________
fun along the way. ___________________________
• We need to follow the signs of God in order to go ___________________________
where we have never been. ___________________________
g. Never let your acceptance of what you see be
determined by how much you understand.
3. How long did it take to see the breakthrough for healing ___________________________
from the time you started pursuing it? ___________________________
a. The desire was there for a long time, but the ___________________________
breakthrough started in 1987. ___________________________
b. Lessons Learned:
• Never allow yourself to become introspective; it
leads to feelings of unworthiness, discouragement
and depression, which all lead to unbelief. ___________________________
• Learn that you do not have to be discouraged ___________________________
anymore, but praise your way into joy. ___________________________
c. Healing started with a child healed and a man ___________________________
healed of arthritis.
Introduction to First Year | Bill Johnson

___________________________ d. Live off of the testimonies. Repeat them again and

___________________________ again until you get more to share about.
e. Find someone that is already doing it, even from a
video, and mimic them until the healing starts flowing
through you.
___________________________ f. Healing power began to flow in 1995 after visiting
___________________________ Toronto, Canada.
___________________________ g. After God’s touch, we chose to never change the
___________________________ subject, we will continue to go after revival and to see
the reformation of nations.
h. The future generations will be able to build on the
foundation we are laying and go further than us.
___________________________ 4. Can miracles happen in other cities and states even
___________________________ when you are praying long distance?
___________________________ a. We have had people receive major healings long-
• Example: child’s heart grows
b. Dream of what is to come; everything that was
___________________________ already opened up to God’s people was to be
___________________________ sustained by every generation.
___________________________ c. We are to take a hold of what they had and go
___________________________ further.
• Dream about Maria Woodworth-Etter
• Example: Maria Woodworth-Etter’s Meeting
Place in Dallas, TX
___________________________ • Dream of Dallas as a Healing Center
___________________________ (1:32:38 end)
Review Questions:
1. What is God’s mandate for you personally and
___________________________ corporately?
___________________________ We must stay in a place of learning and have an ability to
___________________________ receive revelation. We must also be willing to pay the price
___________________________ necessary to disciple the nations. His mandate for us is
to personally become and raise-up a generation that can
openly display the raw power of God.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1001

2. How do we prepare our hearts and minds to walk in the ___________________________

healing power of God? ___________________________
We need to have child-like hearts and remain teachable.
Realize that the signs and wonders are to keep us
searching and hungry for more of God. Understand that
you do not need to have answers for everything. Know ___________________________
in your head that it is normal and natural to pray for the ___________________________
sick and that it is God’s will and nature to heal everyone. ___________________________
Surround yourself with people who are walking in healing, ___________________________
you can receive an impartation and learn from them. Be
willing to accept what you do not understand by faith and
stay in that place of faith–it will allow the healing anointing
to flow through you. ___________________________
3. Why is a true Revelation of God in us so important? ___________________________
The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside of us. We are
made in the image of Jesus, and so the more revelation
we have about Him, the more revelation we will have about
ourselves. Jesus is the complete and perfect revelation ___________________________
of the Father; He is our Savior, Healer, and Deliverer. ___________________________
Understanding that He is what lives inside of us will allow ___________________________
for an understanding of who we really are and the power of ___________________________
God that can flow through us.
4. When can God trust you with victory in public battles? ___________________________
The battles that you can win in private will determine the ___________________________
battles that you will win in public. When God can give you a ___________________________
little and you are faithful, then He can trust you with much. ___________________________
You must be faithful in the private battles when no one is
looking. Learn to steward the success and remember that
the glory from the victories goes to God; it is Him through
us. ___________________________
Introduction to First Year | Bill Johnson

___________________________ 5. Does the resurrected man need to kill the dreams of his
___________________________ heart in order to follow God?
No, your fleshly mind, body, and spirit were already crucified
with Christ on the cross; He already paid the price for all
of you to be sanctified. When you received salvation you
___________________________ were resurrected with Christ – you became a new man with
___________________________ a new heart. Realize that when you are born again, what
___________________________ God is putting in your heart to do is the resurrected man.
___________________________ Also, realize that as you become more intimate with God,
the desires of His heart automatically become the desires of
your heart. Do not kill what God has placed in your heart.
___________________________ 6. How do you begin to walk in healing and keep from
___________________________ becoming discouraged?
___________________________ There is healing in your hands already, it just needs to
be unlocked. Just begin to pray for healing and learn to
recognize how the anointing flows through you. Lay your
hands on the sick and have others already walking in the
___________________________ healing anointing lay hands on you for impartation. Stay
___________________________ encouraged by always keeping your eyes on what God has
___________________________ already done, even if it was a miracle through someone
___________________________ else or from years ago. Do not despise small beginnings:
Treasure the smallest healings and God will give you more.
___________________________ Discussion & Activation:
___________________________ 1. Write down the healing miracles that you would like to
___________________________ see happen.

2. Take 45 minutes and write down your response to the
following question: If money, time and age were of no
___________________________ consideration, what would you do in your lifetime?
___________________________ 3. Pray for a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1001

4. Pray for anyone who needs healing; have them test ___________________________
their healing immediately after praying for them. ___________________________
(When praying, speak positively – do not concentrate
on the negative & what the enemy is doing. Speak the
opposite of what you see. Example: if you see “fear”
then pray “God fill them with Your perfect love” (which ___________________________
casts out all fear). Never give the enemy any attention; he ___________________________
loves attention, even negative attention.) ___________________________
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken ___________________________
from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by ___________________________
Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ___________________________
The Process of Developing People Kris Vallotton
DVD Session 1002

Session Outline: My Notes:

I. Setting Yourself Up to Grow (0:00 minutes)
A. Rules to Follow
1. You have permission to think.
a. When someone is speaking, you need to think. ___________________________
b. We are not here to tell you what to think, but ___________________________
rather to teach you how to think and have the mind ___________________________
of Christ. ___________________________
2. You must fail at least three times (not morally).
a. You need to take risks this year. Taking risks in
trying to learn to move with God and failing.
• Examples: bad prophetic word; failure to cast ___________________________
out a demon etc. ___________________________
b. Many times when people think that they get a ___________________________
prophetic word wrong, it turns out to be correct. ___________________________
Many times it is God and they did not know it.
c. You must be willing to take a risk and try, make
a decision to move with the culture.
• How will you learn if you never take a risk or ___________________________
never fail? ___________________________
d. Proverbs 14:4 “Where there are no oxen, the ___________________________
manger is empty.” ___________________________
• In order to have a supernatural life, you must
learn that there will be messes and mistakes
before you learn. It is part of the process.
B. Other People’s Mistakes ___________________________
1. Just as your physical body needs to remove waste ___________________________
to function at full capacity, so your spiritual body needs ___________________________
to have some things removed as well. ___________________________
a. Both need to get rid of the junk and take in good
2. It may be messy, try not to be too sensitive to other
people’s mistakes. ___________________________
Additional Teacher’s Manual 13
The Process of Developing People | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ a. In the Old Testament people could not touch the

___________________________ lepers or they would get the disease. In the New
Testament: Jesus touched the lepers and they
were healed.
3. Be willing to give grace and forgiveness to others,
___________________________ even to staff.
___________________________ a. All of us are going to make mistakes because
___________________________ we are all growing.
___________________________ 4. You are to judge all prophetic words that are given
to you (I Corinthians 14). No prophetic word can ruin
your life.
5. You cannot always help what happens to you, but
___________________________ you can help what happens in you.
___________________________ a. The kingdom within you will become the
___________________________ kingdom around you.
___________________________ • You are not a product of your environment, but
you are a product of the way you respond to your
6. If someone gives you a bad prophetic word or
___________________________ accuses you of something that is not true flush it down
___________________________ the toilet (dismiss it).
___________________________ a. No one can ruin your life, only you can ruin your
___________________________ life.
C. What Are You Going to Do When People Are
1. Sometimes it will be because of a demon,
___________________________ sometimes it will be God moving in their life and it is
___________________________ manifesting in the physical, etc.
___________________________ a. Maybe cast it out, maybe love it out, maybe
___________________________ speak the truth over it and it will go on its own.
2. Sometimes the manifestation is by the Holy Spirit
and sometimes it is by the flesh. Many times you
cannot tell the difference.
___________________________ 3. Make sure that you do not judge other people
___________________________ because you do not know their heart or may not
___________________________ understand what they are going through.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1002

II. Preparing Yourself to Receive the Kingdom (22:27) ___________________________

A. Seed From the Kingdom ___________________________
1. Matthew 13:20-23 Refers to seeds being sown
on bad and good ground, but it can also represent
different seasons in your life.
2. Before you can receive the seed, you need to have ___________________________
“root in yourself” – you need to have your life prepared ___________________________
to receive the seed so that it does not fall to waste. ___________________________
B. Root In Yourself ___________________________
1. Seed means “sperm,” not in a sexual way, but as the
sperm of heaven. Words from the Lord become the
sperm of heaven; you have to create an environment
inside yourself that is able to receive and grow the ___________________________
seed. ___________________________
a. Example: Before a plant can be removed from ___________________________
its natural environment (the kingdom of heaven) ___________________________
and transplanted into an artificial environment
(your earthly body & spirit), the artificial
environment must first be prepared for the plant to
survive and grow. ___________________________
b. When the environment is prepared so that the ___________________________
seed can sprout and put down deep roots into the ___________________________
soil, the plant will be firmly rooted. ___________________________
2. God wants to release things in you; you are going to
give birth to things that you did not father –God did.
3. When you have a womb that can hold and nourish
the sperm, then the seed is not wasted and does not ___________________________
die. ___________________________
a. “Root in yourself” means that you need to ___________________________
prepare yourself so that you can receive & ___________________________
cultivate the word from heaven.
III. Building Structure Within (32:10)
A. Instruction–means “in–structure,” to have a structure on ___________________________
the inside. ___________________________
1. The Hebrew word means discipline, chastening, ___________________________
correcting, chastising, reproof, warning, and ___________________________
a. To learn by discipline, chastening. . .
The Process of Developing People | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ B. Teaching – means to learn, to be persuaded, to be

___________________________ directed, to be taught, to learn rules, to learn customs, an
impartation of information.
1. Jesus said that there was a man who received the
word with joy, but there was no firm root in him (Luke
___________________________ 8:13).
___________________________ a. He did not have an environment inside of
___________________________ himself that could cultivate the word, thus the man
___________________________ fell away from God.
2. God prepares people before He meets them, so that
they are ready to receive and cultivate what He gives
___________________________ C. Breakdown the Strongholds Within Your Mind
___________________________ 1. II Corinthians 10:4-5 The weapons of warfare are
___________________________ used as power to pull down strongholds (thoughts,
___________________________ speculations, and lofty things) within our minds.
2. You cannot see strongholds in your life in the
natural, but they are very tangible in the spirit realm.
Those thoughts, speculations and lofty things can
___________________________ house demonic powers.
___________________________ a. You know you have a stronghold in your mind if
___________________________ you try to defend it when someone tries to talk to
___________________________ you about it.
3. There are strongholds that are destructive to the
kingdom of God, but there are also structures that can
hold the sperm of God.
___________________________ D. Building the Structure That Protects the Seed of God
___________________________ 1. Hear the instruction and receive reproof.
___________________________ a. Proverbs 4:1 “Hear the instruction of a Father
___________________________ and give attention so you can gain understanding.”
b. Instruction comes from yielding to reproof, from
receiving correction (Proverbs 5).
2. Jesus made disciples, not Christians; the word
___________________________ disciples comes from “discipline.”
___________________________ a. If you hate being disciplined, then you cannot
___________________________ receive instruction.
___________________________ 3. Receiving instruction (reproof/discipline) builds a
structure within you that creates an environment where
the teaching (information/seed) of God can be planted.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1002

a. Example: cradle for new baby ___________________________

4. Disciplining yourself to show-up on time, turn in ___________________________
homework, obey instructions, etc. are meant to create
a structure within you so that you can receive teaching.
a. Example: Jesus and the woman with the
demon-possessed daughter ___________________________
• His response was, “I do not give bread to ___________________________
dogs.” He called her a dog, but her response ___________________________
was to be humble and go low. She replied, ___________________________
“But even the dogs eat from the master’s
• Jesus intentionally gave her an opportunity to
be instructed so that she could be taught. She ___________________________
took the opportunity and her daughter was ___________________________
healed. ___________________________
5. Questions: ___________________________
a. If you will not do what you can do, how are you
going to do what you cannot do?
b. If you will not do what is possible, how are you
going to do that which is impossible? ___________________________
E. Gaining Understanding ___________________________
1. Jesus always takes what you already have and ___________________________
multiplies it. If you cannot listen to instruction how are ___________________________
you going to gain understanding?
a. Understanding: what is under your standing
(Proverbs 4:1, Daniel 9:22)?
2. When you yield to instruction you then get ___________________________
understanding, which is the foundation that you are ___________________________
standing upon. ___________________________
a. When you gain understanding, then knowledge ___________________________
comes easy.
b. When you have the foundation built then you
can receive and steward the information so that
you can see Christ formed in you (52:50 end). ___________________________
The Process of Developing People | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ Review Questions:

1. Why is it acceptable and even necessary that you fail?
Failure is a part of life, it is part of the learning process. If you
fear failure, you will never take risks; in order to learn how
___________________________ to move with God in signs and wonders you must take risks.
___________________________ Learn to push past fear and leave your comfort zone. In
___________________________ order for you to have a supernatural life, you must learn that
___________________________ there will be messes and mistakes before you learn. We all
started learning by experimenting, copying others who were
seeing God move, learning to see what God was already
doing and then partnering with Him. You may just catch the
___________________________ wind of God and get it right!
___________________________ 2. How should you deal with the failures or mistakes of
your own, other students, staff, family and friends/
First, try to not be too sensitive to other people’s mistakes,
___________________________ be willing to give grace and forgiveness–remember, you
___________________________ are still learning too. If you make a mistake and give an
___________________________ incorrect/negative prophetic word then clean-up your
___________________________ mess by apologizing and, if necessary, explain that you
are still learning. Remember that your words can be very
powerful – prophecy is only to be used for exhortation,
encouragement, and edification. If someone else gives you
___________________________ a bad prophetic word then completely dismiss it or, “flush it
___________________________ down the toilet.” You cannot always help what happens to
___________________________ you, but you can help what happens in you. No prophetic
___________________________ word can ruin your life.

Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1002

3. What is the “sperm” of God? What will happen if you ___________________________

do not cultivate an environment where it can grow and ___________________________
be nourished?
The “sperm” is the seed or Word of God that is being sown
into your life. The best way for this “sperm” of heaven to
be planted is to cultivate a healthy environment (good, ___________________________
rich soil) inside you that is able to receive and nourish the ___________________________
seed. “Root in yourself” means that you have created an ___________________________
environment inside yourself that can enable the seed to ___________________________
put down roots and grow to maturity, producing fruit. If you
do not cultivate the ground inside, the seed will fall to the
wayside and produce little/nothing.
4. What is “instruction?” ___________________________
Instruction is “in-structure,” meaning to learn by discipline, ___________________________
chastening, correction, punishment, etc. in order to build
an internal structure. It is building the infrastructure of
character, heart, mentality, etc. within yourself that can hold
or receive teaching. ___________________________
What is “understanding?” ___________________________
Understanding is what is “under your standing,” meaning it ___________________________
is the foundation that is built when you are willing to receive ___________________________
instruction. When you yield to instruction (discipline) you
then get understanding.
What is “teaching/information?”
Teaching is to receive an “impartation of information,” to ___________________________
learn, to be persuaded, to be directed, to be taught, to learn ___________________________
rules and customs, etc. Teaching is the sperm/seed or the ___________________________
Word of God. In order for the seed to bear fruit, it needs to ___________________________
fall on a foundation (understanding) of good character and
an ability to receive discipline (instruction).
The Process of Developing People | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ 5. How does receiving instruction prepare the way for

___________________________ teaching/information and the manifestation of God’s
kingdom within you?
Instruction (receiving discipline, correction, etc. in order
to build Christ-like character, heart and mentality) draws
___________________________ the correct blueprint for the building – from the blueprint,
___________________________ the house’s structure is built. Understanding is coupled
___________________________ with instruction, as the cement foundation is poured.
___________________________ Together, the foundation and infrastructure of the building
create a safe place that has the ability to hold and nourish
the teaching that is imparted. The teaching/ information
becomes the plywood, boards, paint and furnishings that
___________________________ make the house complete. The seed has found good
___________________________ soil; the teaching has found a place to call “home” and to
___________________________ begin to bear fruit. That fruit is the manifestation of God’s
___________________________ kingdom within you – it is the signs and wonders and seeing
Christ formed in you.
___________________________ 6. What will happen around you once the kingdom of God
___________________________ is established within you?
___________________________ When people see you, they will see Jesus. You will have
___________________________ a revelation of who you are because you have received a
revelation of Jesus Christ, who is inside you. Your identity
as a son/daughter of the Most High God will be established
and you will be able to impart the power and love of God
___________________________ to others. You will see the deaf hear, the blind see, and
___________________________ the lame walk–you will demonstrate the gospel in power as
___________________________ you disciple the nations. Signs and wonders will follow you
___________________________ because Christ in you is the hope of glory. It is God’s desire
to move in and through you–all of this is for now!
___________________________ Discussion & Activation:
___________________________ 1. List 2 areas in which you are going to take more risk
___________________________ and act on them this week. RISK: pushing past fear to do
something that is beyond your comfort zone, trying to hear
the voice of God and take action.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1002

2. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 lowest, 10 highest) ___________________________

as to how well you receive reproof/correction. ___________________________
3. Share 1-3 areas of weakness (showing-up on
time, finishing homework, being honest, receiving ___________________________
correction) that you need to work on and then become ___________________________
accountable for those areas. Accountability: find a ___________________________
person that will regularly ask you how you are doing in ___________________________
the weak areas of your life, pray for you, and hold you
responsible for improving those areas.
4. Make a personal plan to start developing “the Root ___________________________
within You” so that the kingdom of God can be ___________________________
established inside of you. ___________________________
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken
from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960,
1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The
Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org) ___________________________
Father's Embrace Danny Silk
DVD Session 1003

Session Outline: My Notes:

I. The Father’s Touch (0:00 minutes)
A. Truth Leads to Freedom
1. Identity leads us to intimacy with God and each
other. ___________________________
2. It is vital that you believe the truth because truth ___________________________
leads to freedom. ___________________________
a. Truth creates freedom! ___________________________
3. Once you believe the truth, it will change the way
you see yourself, the way you see Father God, and the
way you see life.
4. The very earth is groaning, waiting for the sons of ___________________________
man to know who they are; once they know who they ___________________________
are—everything changes (Romans 8:22-23). ___________________________
a. You are more than what you have become; ___________________________
remember who you are. You are a son of God, the
one true king.
b. God is inside of you, your identity is in Him.
B. Know Your Daddy’s Heart of Love ___________________________
1. Identity determines our intimacy. ___________________________
2. Understanding God’s love and His heart for you, will ___________________________
allow you to experience the real love God has for you ___________________________
as a son or daughter.
a. It is the only thing that will satisfy; you were
created for deep love.
C. Expectations of Love ___________________________
1. Do not become satisfied with mediocre love, or ___________________________
lower your expectation of the quality of love. ___________________________
a. When you lower your expectation, you stop ___________________________
working on what creates love.
b. When you stop expecting to be loved as deeply
as you need to, you stop trusting; you stop working
on the skills you need to receive and give love. ___________________________
Additional Teacher’s Manual 23
Father's Embrace | Danny Silk

___________________________ II. Trust: Most Basic Human Need (3:23)

___________________________ A. Trust vs. Mistrust
1. An Infant’s Need
a. I communicate, people recognize a need, the
need is met = I feel safe, loved, accepted and
___________________________ learn to trust this environment.
___________________________ b. I communicate, people do not listen, maybe
___________________________ even respond negatively = I do not learn to trust,
___________________________ the world is a scary place, it will not provide what I
need = I will meet my own needs.
B. Most Strongholds are the Result of Trust Issues
1. Can you trust others, or only yourself?
___________________________ 2. Do you believe that someone else can comfort you,
___________________________ or that you will have to comfort yourself?
___________________________ 3. Randall Worley said, “Revelation is to be taken and
___________________________ planted in the soil of relationships.”
a. Revelation is valuable only when you can plant
it in your relationships with people and watch it
bear good fruit (love, joy, peace, and trust).
___________________________ b. You may think you are super spiritual or
___________________________ impressing others, but without fruit, the revelation
___________________________ is without value.
___________________________ c. Flaunting or trusting in your revelation/giftings
to make you valuable only means you do not think
you need other people to make you valuable.
___________________________ III. Intimacy “In-to-me-see” (9:35)
___________________________ A. Intimacy and Covenants Only Come With Relationships
___________________________ and Trust.
___________________________ 1. Intimacy – def. a place of safety, where one can be
a. Intimacy will not grow in a place where there is
no safety.
___________________________ b. When you are vulnerable, others can see
___________________________ you and possibly hurt you—you need to know
___________________________ acceptance.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1003

c. When you are intimate with others, know that ___________________________

you do not have to be them. There must be an ___________________________
intense acceptance of one another although you
may disagree.
d. There is rest and peace that you carry around
as a result of feeling safe. ___________________________
B. How Important Is Intimacy? ___________________________
1. Genesis 2:25 “And they were both naked, the man ___________________________
and his wife and were not ashamed.” ___________________________
a. Adam and Eve walked around in the nude,
absolutely known and vulnerable.
2. True Intimacy–people are able to be vulnerable
a. Learning to trust, be vulnerable, to have true ___________________________
relationship. ___________________________
3. Counterfeit Intimacy – human beings try to have ___________________________
intimacy with an object instead of a human being. ___________________________
a. Addiction: An attempt to create intimacy through
relationship with an object rather than a person.
• Examples: alcohol; food; sex etc.
b. An addiction is a euphoric reward, something ___________________________
people want: people think, “I am in charge and I ___________________________
want it again.” Soon, they are no longer in control, ___________________________
but it is in control of them. ___________________________
• Addictions are cheap counterfeits for the
euphoric experience we need as humans.
C. Learning to Not Trust
1. Most learn to not trust in childhood. Children learn ___________________________
that their parents cannot handle what is happening in ___________________________
their lives; parents want children to act or give them ___________________________
what they want. ___________________________
D. Parents Who Can Be Intimate
1. If parents do not know how to have intimacy and
vulnerability in their lives and marriage, they will train
their children to be the same way. ___________________________
a. Example: Danny’s daughter Brittany ___________________________
• She met someone on the internet and went ___________________________
to meet him at a park. ___________________________
Father's Embrace | Danny Silk

___________________________ • Parents were scared, confused, and wanted

___________________________ to control Brittany and protect themselves from
her scaring them again.
b. Example: Elder’s drunk daughter
• He expressed anger and she didn’t have
___________________________ anything to do with him for 10 years.
___________________________ E. How Would Father God Respond?
___________________________ 1. Think about how Father God would respond to you,
___________________________ would He lash out in anger, or try to understand why
you acted the way you did?
a. Let your children see your fear and vulnerability;
do not mask your pain with fake power called
___________________________ anger.
___________________________ b. Create a safe place where you and your
___________________________ children can cry and be vulnerable.
___________________________ 2. When people who are close to you make the biggest
mistakes of their lives, do not withdraw. Let them know
that their mistakes cannot cause distance in your love
for them.
___________________________ a. Even though being close to them means you are
___________________________ vulnerable and that they could really hurt you; God
___________________________ would do the same thing for you if you let Him.
___________________________ b. Trying to control and protect the environment
out of anger and fear will not help the situation.
IV. External vs. Internal Controls (33:57)
___________________________ A. External Controls
___________________________ 1. Most of us are taught to fear an external government
___________________________ that is more powerful than the one that is inside us.
___________________________ a. We are taught that if the external government
is lost, then we are not managed from the outside
and we become out of control.
• Example: Timothy was fearful, Paul told him
___________________________ to not be fearful (II Timothy 1:7).
___________________________ 2. Psalms 32:9 “Do not be like the horse or like the
___________________________ mule, which have no understanding, which must be
___________________________ harnessed with a bit and bridle, or else they will not
come near you.”
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1003

a. We create an environment where you have ___________________________

freedom because we assume that you are “good” ___________________________
and that we can trust you.
B. Controlling Environment
1. When children leave a very externally controlled
environment for the first time, they go wild. ___________________________
a. They have been externally controlled for so ___________________________
long that they never developed their own personal ___________________________
internal self-control. ___________________________
C. Internal Controls
1. Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the
way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”
2. Father God’s heart towards us it that He is right here ___________________________
with us, but not controlling us. ___________________________
3. God left you the Holy Spirit—the Comforter, Helper, ___________________________
Teacher, Reminder—someone who will walk alongside ___________________________
a. Example: Holy Spirit guides you
4. Keep choosing relationship, keep moving closer to
the person who you love. Communicate to them that ___________________________
you are not there to control them. ___________________________
D. Teaching Internal Controls ___________________________
1. People governing themselves ___________________________
a. Example: room time; giving chores
2. This is a learning journey, show grace and use
wisdom—children will learn to become masters of
freedom and choice. ___________________________
a. There is no need for yelling, threatening death ___________________________
etc. ___________________________
b. Matthew 7:11 “If you then, who are evil, know ___________________________
how to give good gifts to your children, how much
more will your Father who is in heaven give good
things to those who ask him!”
3. He teaches us so that we learn to make good ___________________________
choices from the inside out. ___________________________
a. Freedom to manage yourself: what are you ___________________________
going to do with this amazing opportunity to ___________________________
manage yourself?
b. Example: Taylor (Danny’s son) and the snow
Father's Embrace | Danny Silk

___________________________ • He learned on his own at 2-years-old. He

___________________________ learned to think and make choices.
• Rather than always hearing your voice
saying, “no,” let them discover wisdom and
choose on their own.
___________________________ V. Love Creates Freedom (44:49)
___________________________ A. Choose the Quality of Life You Want
___________________________ 1. Example: son who will not feed the dog
2. Children understand that the choices they make
affect the quality of their life.
B. Control Is an Inside Job
___________________________ 1. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my
___________________________ commandments” (John 14:15).
___________________________ 2. People interpret this verse to mean, “If I let people
___________________________ tell me what to do, that means I love them. Also, if
they love me they will do what I say.”
a. People do not want to be controlled, if you tell
them what to do, they will push away. They will
___________________________ think that they need to keep love away.
___________________________ 3. Religion tells people what to do; it has to do with
___________________________ control—that is not Jesus.
___________________________ a. Jesus is saying, “If you love me, you will have a
value for the things that are important to me. You
will manage yourself to help take care of things
that are important to me—that is how I will know
___________________________ that you love me.”
___________________________ C. Submission
___________________________ 1. Submission is when you change your course to
___________________________ protect what is important to someone else. It is a
symptom of a “love connection.”
a. It is not using fear, manipulation, domination, or
___________________________ D. Spirit of Fear
___________________________ 1. Healthy control does not involve fear.
___________________________ a. The moment that you invite a spirit of fear into
___________________________ your life, you have invited the demonic into your
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1003

2. Parents use fear as their chief form of discipline, but ___________________________

that is not the Father. ___________________________
a. No one can make you do anything so if you
choose to not control yourself; you are literally out
of control.
E. Real Freedom Through Choice ___________________________
1. You must be confronted with real power and real ___________________________
freedom, and take up the responsibility that comes with ___________________________
it. ___________________________
2. God will let you “hakuna matata” (means “no
worries”) yourself right out of your destiny.
a. God will let you make choices.
• Example: Tree of the Knowledge of Good ___________________________
and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Eve and ___________________________
Adam chose the one bad choice in the entire ___________________________
garden. ___________________________
3. You must have a choice to be free, if you do not
have a choice, you cannot be free.
a. God is not afraid of your mistakes, or of offering
you freedom. ___________________________
• If you offer no choices in trying to protect ___________________________
people or create a perfect world around them; ___________________________
then you are training them to live in a world ___________________________
that does not exist.
• If you train others to not think, you deprive
them of the ability to make decisions for them-
selves. ___________________________
VI. Daddy’s Heart (57:34) ___________________________
A. God Does Not Control ___________________________
1. There is nothing in Father God’s heart that controls
or manipulates you with threats.
2. He does not withhold love when we make mistakes.
3. Love shows up sometimes in its greatest level when ___________________________
we make mistakes, because we get to demonstrate the ___________________________
love. ___________________________
a. If I fail, you will still love me. ___________________________
b. I do not want to be afraid that you will withdraw
your love if I fail or disappoint you.
Father's Embrace | Danny Silk

___________________________ 4. God is not afraid of your mistakes; He is in a good

___________________________ mood. He will move towards you when you fail or
B. Daddy Is Safe
1. Know that you can run to Him; you can boldly enter
___________________________ the throne room of grace.
___________________________ 2. He is there for you, mistakes and all (1:00:05 end).
Review Questions:
1. Why is understanding Father God’s love for you crucial
___________________________ for knowing your true identity?
___________________________ Understanding the fullness of God’s love for you leads
___________________________ to truth; the truth of who you really are. Past failures, a
___________________________ negative word spoken over you, or deep wounds from
relationships often hinder us from receiving the love of the
Father. Wounds and failures can cause confusion, even
to the point of you pushing away from the love of God
___________________________ and from other people; unworthiness can set in, you may
___________________________ not even love yourself. The truth is your past has been
___________________________ forgiven and forgotten; God’s redemptive blood already
___________________________ paid the price and evil words spoken over your life have no
power over you. Once you understand the truth, that God
loves you, you will understand who you truly are—a son/
daughter of the Most High God. Never settle for mediocre
___________________________ love because God’s love for you is extravagant; expect to
___________________________ be loved by God and other people. Forgive yourself and
___________________________ hurts of the past and continue to trust, keep working on the
___________________________ skills you need to receive and give love. Choose to love
yourself as God does and know that He is in you—that is
your identity!
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1003

2. What is the difference between true intimacy and ___________________________

counterfeit intimacy? ___________________________
Intimacy is when a person feels like they are in a safe
place, where they can be vulnerable and will still experience
acceptance from those around them. It is trusting other
people to have their own opinions, while still holding a ___________________________
value for your ideas and uniqueness—it is freedom to ___________________________
be vulnerable without threat of getting hurt. Intimacy ___________________________
is not addiction, an attempt to create intimacy through ___________________________
relationships with an object (alcohol, food, sex, etc.) rather
than a person. These addictions are a cheap counterfeit for
the true intimacy we need as humans.
3. Why do Parents/Leaders who love us sometimes lash ___________________________
out in anger when we make a mistake? Why should we ___________________________
pull the people we love close to us when they hurt us? ___________________________
The reaction parents and leaders demonstrate when facing
adversity has the power to cause destruction or lay the
foundation for deeper intimacy. Anger is the direct result
of fear; parents expressing anger towards disobedient ___________________________
children are actually covering up the fear, confusion, and ___________________________
lack of control they feel in the situation—anger is called fake ___________________________
power. As a society, we are taught that parents/leaders ___________________________
are supposed to be in control, to have power over every
situation. This is not reality or truth; parents and leaders are
humans. Father God does not lash out in anger when we
sin; He forgives us and pulls us close. When you choose ___________________________
to be vulnerable with your children and people around you ___________________________
and express your true feelings of fear and confusion, it will ___________________________
create a safe place for both of you to share and become ___________________________
more intimate. In this vulnerability you are taking a risk, you
could get hurt again by the person you are pulling close, but
trying to protect the environment using anger will not help
either. If you want to demonstrate the love of the Father, ___________________________
let them know that their mistakes cannot cause distance in ___________________________
your love for them. Vulnerability leads to intimacy, intimacy ___________________________
leads to trust, trust leads to communication, and often, ___________________________
communication leads to less mistakes and hurts. Pull them
Father's Embrace | Danny Silk

___________________________ 4. What is the difference between external and internal

___________________________ controls? How is the affect of these controls positive or
When we are young, most of us are taught to fear an
external government that is more powerful than the one that
___________________________ is inside us. We are taught that if the external government
___________________________ is lost, then we cannot manage ourselves and we become
___________________________ out-of-control. External controls create a controlling
___________________________ environment where every decision around a person is
already made for them—they are harnessed with a bit
and bridle, less they disobey. Someone who is externally
controlled is not making decisions for themselves, but is
___________________________ primarily controlled by fear, by people and by the rules of
___________________________ the environment around them. If you train others to not
___________________________ think, you deprive them of the ability to make decisions for
___________________________ themselves. If you offer no choices in trying to protect them
or create a perfect world around them; then you are training
them to live in a world that does not exist. An externally
controlled person may go wild once the external controls
___________________________ are removed.
___________________________ Someone who has learned to govern themselves will make
___________________________ decisions based on the wisdom they have gained through
experience, they do not need external controls or fear to
help them make a decision. Father God does not control
us. He guides us and gives us freedom to choose (Psalm
___________________________ 32:8). God teaches us that we need to make good choices
___________________________ from the inside out; to develop internal control and thus,
___________________________ have the freedom to manage ourselves.
5. Why does God choose not to control us?
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love
___________________________ and of self-control (II Timothy 1:7). There is nothing in
___________________________ Father God’s heart that controls or manipulates us with
___________________________ threats or fear. He does not withhold love when we make
___________________________ mistakes. Just as He gave Adam and Eve free will to
choose, God will let you make choices. You must have a
choice to be free, if you do not have a choice, you cannot
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1003

be free. He wants a relationship with you, one in which ___________________________

you choose to have a relationship with Him because you ___________________________
love Him. God does not want us to be afraid of him, or
fear that He will withdraw His love from us when we fail or
disappoint Him. God does not want to control us; He wants
a relationship with us—one where we can see His radical ___________________________
love extended to us no matter the mistake. He wants us to ___________________________
feel safe with Him. ___________________________
Discussion & Activation:
1. Think about the way you respond to people of differing
opinions, dress, and ideas. Are you creating an ___________________________
honoring environment around yourself, one that can ___________________________
allow intimacy? This week, work on creating a “safe” ___________________________
environment around you, one where other people feel ___________________________
valued even when their opinion is different than yours.
2. Either in or outside of school, ask God for a safe group
of people that you can be vulnerable with. Get together ___________________________
this week and work on building intimacy by sharing ___________________________
about your lives and praying for one another. Get ___________________________
together on a regular basis and work to create a “safe” ___________________________
environment (this is usually best done in groups of
females or males, not a combination).
3. If you are struggling with your true identity in the ___________________________
Father, then take time to forgive yourself and others for ___________________________
any past mistakes. Pray and ask the Father to reveal ___________________________
Himself to you, to help you understand that you are ___________________________
truly forgiven and the He lives inside of you. Pray for a
revelation of your identity in Him as a son/daughter.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken
from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, ___________________________
1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The ___________________________
Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org) ___________________________

Culture of Honor & Mark Brookes
A Revivalist's Lifestyle DVD Session 1004

Session Outline: My Notes:

I. Demonstrating Honor (0:00 minutes)
A. Demonstrating Honor to Others
1. Life flows through honor.
a. Honor is a vehicle that runs this house and our ___________________________
vision. ___________________________
2. How do we demonstrate honor? ___________________________
a. Stand-up and applaud when a leader enters a ___________________________
• Show value for them in your heart and ac-
3. Why? ___________________________
a. In reality, when we stand-up and applaud the ___________________________
speaker to show them honor, it is for ourselves ___________________________
and not for them. ___________________________
b. We are honorable people, therefore we
demonstrate honor to others.
c. When you choose to show them honor, you are
honoring the gift that God has placed on their life. ___________________________
B. Honor Enables You to Receive an Inheritance. ___________________________
1. Showing honor for the past revivalists and their ___________________________
history will enable us to uncap the ancient wells of ___________________________
a. Honor causes life to flow.
2. The amount of honor you show a speaker will
determine the amount of blessing you can receive from ___________________________
them. ___________________________
a. “Honor your mother and father . . .” ___________________________
(Deuteronomy 5:16) ___________________________
b. “Honor a prophet in the name of a prophet and
you will receive a prophet’s reward . . .” (Matthew
3. The power that you receive from the person ___________________________
speaking to you will depend on the amount of honor ___________________________
that you show them. ___________________________
Additional Teacher’s Manual 35
Culture of Honor & A Revivalist's Lifestyle | Mark Brookes

___________________________ C. Honor Everyone

___________________________ 1. Realize that many people carry an inheritance for
you. If you honor them, no matter how simple they
seem you will be able to receive an inheritance from
___________________________ 2. Leaders are worthy of a double blessing.
___________________________ 3. Honor all men.
___________________________ D. Call Out Who People Are In God’s Eyes
___________________________ 1. Honor them by seeing what God has hidden inside
of them.
a. That gifting inside of them that no one has been
able to identify yet.
___________________________ 2. It may look like they do not have very much to offer,
___________________________ but everyone has something to give.
___________________________ 3. We are all different parts of the body. . .the eyes,
___________________________ ears, etc. (I Corinthians 12) and all parts are needed
and valuable.
a. We are all men and women that God loves. We
are all equal.
___________________________ II. People That Are Not Honorable (5:24)
___________________________ A. What Do You Do When People Are Not Honorable?
___________________________ 1. Example: prisoners of war treated badly
2. You forgive them and still honor them for who they
are and what they have to give despite their short-
___________________________ 3. Realize that although they have made mistakes, we
___________________________ still need to honor the gift God has placed on their life.
___________________________ a. If you removed all of the stories of great men &
___________________________ women of God who messed-up in the Bible, there
wouldn’t be much of a Bible left to read.
b. People in the Bible were not perfect, but God
still used them in mighty ways, and we still honor
___________________________ them today.
___________________________ c. Example: King David
___________________________ 4. The same blood that washed them washed me.
___________________________ a. All people have failed in some way, but God still
chooses to use them.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1004

B. Choose to Honor Them ___________________________

1. I will honor them, not because they deserve it, but ___________________________
because I am honorable.
2. When you honor people they will start to see
themselves as honorable and so will you.
III. Revivalist Core Values & Culture (32:54) ___________________________
A. Revivalists Are Guided by Values More Than Rules ___________________________
1. We are human “beings” and not human “doers.” We ___________________________
are learning to just be in the presence of God, and not
always striving to do things.
2. We are not a culture of rules, but rather we have a
culture of values that empower people. ___________________________
B. We Live by Core Values ___________________________
1. Core Values = values that we have adopted as a ___________________________
culture. ___________________________
a. They are nonnegotiable beliefs – they are
values that we live for, believe in, and on which we
base our decisions.
2. One Core Value: We are an empowering culture, ___________________________
not a controlling culture. ___________________________
a. The day you walked in the door, we decided to ___________________________
trust you 100% and empower you with everything ___________________________
we have.
b. It is a culture of grace:
• Our goal is to see you outgrow us and go
further than we have gone. ___________________________
• We have rules that you will discover along ___________________________
the way, but we live more in a culture of grace ___________________________
where we do not put a cap on what you can do ___________________________
or who you are.
C. Building an Empowering Culture
1. Our goal is not to tell you what to do and what to
think, it is to teach you how to think. ___________________________
2. The systems and core values we have created are ___________________________
not to please you, they are to help you identify the ___________________________
areas you need to work on. ___________________________
a. Example: showing up late to class
Culture of Honor & A Revivalist's Lifestyle | Mark Brookes

___________________________ • Says, “I do not value or honor the speaker/

___________________________ teacher, because my agenda is more important
than what the speaker has to say.”
b. They open the opportunity for you to decide
what you are going to choose to do about the
___________________________ weak areas of your life.
___________________________ c. You do not get kicked-out of school for the
___________________________ messes you create, but you do have to clean up
___________________________ the mistakes you make (ask for forgiveness, etc.)
• You are in school, you are going to fail; it is
part of learning and being in school.
3. Our mission is to call out the revivalist in you.
___________________________ IV. Revivalist Lifestyle (39:11)
___________________________ A. What Is a Revivalist?
___________________________ 1. Revivalist: A believer who is focused and
passionate, willing to pay any price to live in purity
and power because they are loved by God and love
Him, whose manifest presence transforms lives and
___________________________ cultures.
___________________________ 2. Our choices should flow from who we are, but often
___________________________ we must accept the core values as our own, before
___________________________ they actually become a part of who we are.
a. Example: the English language
3. A Revivalists is a:
a. Believer – growing in the truth
___________________________ • Example: do Bible reading & homework
___________________________ assignments on time.
___________________________ b. Focused – you can have anything you want, but
___________________________ you cannot have everything you want
• A revivalist has “yes” in their spirit so strong
that they can easily say “no” to everything else.
Stay focused on what God has put before you,
___________________________ live a focused life – live a purpose-filled life.
___________________________ c. Passionate – our whole being is engaged: our
___________________________ mind, emotions, body and energy are directed
___________________________ towards the Lord. The goal is not to look the
same, but to grow in passion and to grow into what
God has designed you individually to become.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1004

If you are cutting corners and trying to beat the ___________________________

system, you are missing the whole purpose of the ___________________________
• The goal of the school is to help you learn to
control and direct your passion.
• The system is to grow honor in you, not to ___________________________
give you grades and test your abilities. It is all ___________________________
about you choosing to be honest and honor- ___________________________
able. ___________________________
d. Worshiper – it is a vital sacrifice that we bring to
the King everyday. Step out and get into the deep
places with God and be free. Worship with a joyful
heart everyday. ___________________________
e. Willing to Pay Any Price – realize the sacrifice ___________________________
that you have made to be here. We recognize and ___________________________
value what you have already done to be here. ___________________________
f. Lead With a King’s Heart and a Servant’s Hands
– be quick to volunteer and help-out whenever you
• Example: Kris Vallotton serving Bill Johnson ___________________________
g. Be Willing To Sacrifice – be faithful with ___________________________
payments in school, landlord, etc. give up what ___________________________
you need to so that you can be faithful and on-time ___________________________
with your commitments.
h. Purity – hold to standards of high purity knowing
that you are living before God in all that you do,
and not before man. Live in utmost integrity with ___________________________
one another in relationships; hold your boundaries ___________________________
and your standards high. Let people know your ___________________________
boundaries and that you are a prince/princess and ___________________________
deserve to be treated as such.
B. Dig Your Own Well
1. You must dig your own well. This time of growth is
24-hours, not just the 4-5 hours in class a day. wo ___________________________
2. You will get a lot from the classes, but you must ___________________________
learn to dig your own well. ___________________________
a. The well that you dig is going to determine what ___________________________
you are going to look like at the end of the year.
Culture of Honor & A Revivalist's Lifestyle | Mark Brookes

___________________________ b. Learn to soak in the Spirit (play soft worship

___________________________ music and rest in the Lord while He takes you on
encounters), establish a Bible time and quite time
with the Lord. Establish a lifestyle now that you
want to maintain.
___________________________ C. Purposefully Set Your Sails Towards What You Want
___________________________ 1. Discipline yourself – this culture of freedom requires
___________________________ a high level of self-management. We purposefully
___________________________ avoid creating a controlling culture, instead we expect
you to partner with us to create a holy and accountable
environment. We want to bring out the fruit of self-
___________________________ a. If you normally motivate yourself by someone
___________________________ else’s rules and deadlines, you will have to change
___________________________ your motivation. This type of motivation will not
___________________________ work for you as a leader.
b. When you are a leader, you will be the one
who motivates yourself and others. You are on a
path to be internally governed by the Spirit of God
___________________________ inside you and to perform for an audience of One.
___________________________ 2. Be open to correction and discipline.
___________________________ a. Your small group, leaders, and classmates are
___________________________ here to help you and confront you on issues you
need to work on.
b. You should work harder on your homework,
life, and problems than anyone else should. You
___________________________ should take responsibility for your own motivation
___________________________ and for cultivating an honorable attitude.
___________________________ 3. Choose to make good decisions and to receive all
___________________________ that you can from this year and from the sacrifice that
you have made to be here (1:06:04 end).
Related Documents (see attached):
___________________________ 1. “Mission & Core Values of Bethel Church”
___________________________ 2. “Revivalist's Lifestyle”
___________________________ 3. “Student Discipline”
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1004

Review Questions: ___________________________

1. What is the best personal decision that you can make
about doing the curriculum?
Realize that God has opened the door for you to be here
and/or do the curriculum. Have the mindset and heart ___________________________
that you are going to take in and apply everything that is ___________________________
available to you. Go after everything that God has for you. ___________________________
2. Why and how should we demonstrate honor?
We honor others because we, ourselves, are honorable
people. When you honor others it teaches them to see ___________________________
themselves as honorable and react accordingly. In ___________________________
time, your eyes and heart will be trained to see them ___________________________
as honorable too. We show honor by standing-up and ___________________________
applauding when a speaker enters the room, by preferring
others above our own needs, by valuing them in our hearts
and actions.
3. How do you receive an inheritance from someone? ___________________________
You can receive an inheritance or anointing from someone ___________________________
else by simply honoring them. The amount of blessing
and power that you receive from someone depends on the
amount of honor that you show them. You can re-dig the
ancient wells of revival by honoring past revivalists, receive ___________________________
blessing from your parents, from a prophet, etc. ___________________________
4. How do you honor people who do not act honorably?
You need to forgive them and learn to “dig for the gold”
inside of them; learn to see them the way God sees them.
Remember that the same blood that washed you also ___________________________
washed them clean. Also, many of the greatest men and ___________________________
women of God made mistakes–God forgave them and still ___________________________
used them for His glory. It may also look like they do not ___________________________
have anything to give, but God has placed giftings and
an inheritance inside of every person. Focus on the good
Culture of Honor & A Revivalist's Lifestyle | Mark Brookes

___________________________ inside of them and draw it out; as you concentrate on the

___________________________ “gold,” the “dirt” will fall away. Lastly, you do not honor
people because they deserve it; you honor people because
you are an honorable person.
___________________________ 5. Why is a culture of grace more important than a culture
___________________________ of rules?
___________________________ If people are motivated alone by following rules, then
they are raised in a controlling culture. A culture of grace
enables people, themselves, to choose to be honorable
and to grow. Grace allows you to make mistakes, to learn
___________________________ and to get back up and try again. Grace removes the “cap”
___________________________ on what you can do and even allows you to outgrow the
___________________________ leaders around you. It gives you the choice to cultivate a
___________________________ lifestyle of self-discipline, honor and honesty, which lead to
good decisions based on integrity and not on fear.
___________________________ 6. What are core values and how does one obtain them?
___________________________ Core values are nonnegotiable beliefs; they are values that
___________________________ we live for, believe in, and on which we base our decisions.
___________________________ Our choices should flow from who we are, but often we
must accept the core values as our own, before they
actually become a part of who we are. Thus, core values
are simply gained by making a decision to adopt them as
___________________________ your personal beliefs and then, as you learn to live them out
___________________________ in your heart, words and actions they will become your own.
7. What is an empowering culture?
It is an environment where people are taught how to think
for themselves, not to what to do and what to think. It
___________________________ creates an atmosphere where people are not controlled
___________________________ by rules, although some rules exist, but where they are
___________________________ given an opportunity to develop their character and grow–
___________________________ where they choose to develop honor and accountability as
personal core values, not just as enforced rules.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1004

8. What is a Revivalist? ___________________________

A Revivalist is a believer who is focused and passionate, ___________________________
willing to pay any price to live in purity and power because
they are loved by God and love Him, whose manifest
presence transforms lives and cultures. A Revivalist is
someone who lives and makes decisions based on their ___________________________
core values – as a Believer in Jesus Christ who is focused, ___________________________
disciplined, passionate, and willing to pay any price to live a ___________________________
life of purity, of sacrifice and of worship. They have decided ___________________________
to purposefully set their sails towards seeing the kingdom
of God come in their own lives and in the lives of others
around them.
Discussion & Activation: ___________________________
1. Write your own definition of a Revivalist: you need to
know who you are becoming.
2. How are you personally going to demonstrate honor ___________________________
towards others even when it is difficult to see the honor ___________________________
in them? ___________________________
3. Write down 5 core values, especially focusing on
areas of weakness you need to improve in (patience,
mercy, love, forgiveness, empowering others instead of
controlling them, focusing on their “gold” and not on ___________________________
their faults, etc.). ___________________________
4. Share the core values from question 3. in a group of ___________________________
2-4 people and ask the Lord to help you make the core
values a part of who you are. Keep the list of core
values and pray into them asking God for wisdom and
the ability to live them out. ___________________________
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken ___________________________
from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by ___________________________
Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ___________________________
Mission & Core Values of Bethel Church

Bethel’s Mission is Revival: the personal, regional and global expansion of God’s Kingdom
through His manifest presence.

BSSM’s Mission is to EQUIP and DEPLOY Revivalists who passionately pursue worldwide transformation
in their God-given spheres of influence.

Revivalist: (n) a believer who is focused and passionate, willing to pay any price to live in purity and
power because they are loved by God and love Him whose manifest presence transforms lives and

The Qualities of a Revivalist:

1. A believer who is focused and passionate.
2. Willing to pay any price to live in purity and power.
3. Loves and carries the presence of God because of their intimacy with and identity in the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit.
4. Is discipled and is discipling others.
5. Leads with a king’s heart and a servant’s hand.
6. Knows, lives and purposes to grow in the Truth.
7. Has deep faith, therefore signs and wonders follow them.
8. Loves the lost and Christ’s bride, His overcoming Church.
9. Having experienced grace, their character is marked by calling, holiness, wholeness and
10. Ministers and lives in friendship, rightly related to authority and community.

Core Values:
1. We owe the world an encounter with God; therefore, we are relentless in the pursuit of His
presence and power both inside and outside the church walls (Acts 16:25-34).

2. What we believe after we pray is just as important as what we believe while we pray (Mark 11:24;
I John 5:14,15).

3. We see problems as opportunities to see how big our God is (James 1:2-5; Romans 5:3-5).

4. Prayer and worship times (both private and corporate) are foundational to our calling as
individuals and as a church (Mark 11:17; John 4:23, 24).

5. Celebrating joyously in God’s promises and in His goodness (which includes laughing at the lies
of the devil) is a secret to our strength (Nehemiah 8:10; Psalms 2:2-4).

6. Training people for ministry, for life skills, and for leadership is central to our fulfilling the great
commission (Ephesians 4:11,12; II Timothy 2:2).

7. The first step in spiritual warfare is taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Warfare is not beating up on the devil; Jesus already did this. Therefore we proactively capture
thoughts that do not glisten with faith, hope and love (II Corinthians 10:3-5).

8. Personal hope (the confident and optimistic expectation of seeing God’s goodness) is to be a major
pursuit of our lives. We believe there is hope for every person and every situation we encounter
(Romans 5:3,4; I Corinthians 10:13).
9. The power of life and death is in the words that we speak over ourselves, others, and every aspect
of our lives (Proverbs 18:21).

10. We motivate people through vision, a revelation of God, and the power of God; rather than by
guilt, law or condemnation (Proverbs 29:18; Acts 16:30).

11. Honor brings life; therefore we cultivate high levels of respect in all relationships and speak with
respect, even if we are in disagreement (Ephesians 6:2,3).

12. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy; therefore we place a high value on declaring the
great things God has done (Revelation 19:10).

13. Generosity and gratefulness are two gateways for us to experience the promises of God in our
lives and in our church (Acts 10:2,3; Psalms 100:4).

14. We pursue relationship with spiritual fathers and mothers and desire them to speak in to our
lives (Acts 16:13-15).

15. We understand that to walk in wisdom we must have a plan for our personal and ministry
growth (I Timothy 4:14-16).

16. As new covenant believers, we repent primarily to God’s promises and our prophetic destiny
rather than just from our sins and weaknesses. We are more for good than we are against evil.

17. We create a culture where failure is a learning experience, not an identity, as we seek to walk in
higher levels in Christ.

18. We are called to empower and support other churches/ministries and their leaders.

19. We believe that those we are ministering to want to serve God and that they will rise to our belief
in them.

20. Healthy ministry to the church and world must result from a greater emphasis on being healthy in
our immediate family relationships (especially our marriages).

21. Integrity, being an example of Christian living, and having a good reputation are foundational for
effective ministry and leadership.

22. God has delegated His authority to us to enforce Christ’s victory over demons, sickness and lack.
Therefore, like Jesus and the apostles, we speak to the mountains, to situations, and to sickness
and disease.

23. All that we do must have a “I Corinthians 13 love” as its foundation or else it is worthless.

24. The qualities of our lives are based on the quality of our commitments. We make covenant
commitments to God, to family, to a local church, and to a core group of people in our lives.

25. Servanthood is essential to greatness in God’s kingdom. Therefore, we strive to cultivate and
demonstrate a true servant’s heart in the church and in the world.

26. Because God’s Kingdom is proactive, we don’t wait for things to happen, but we seek out
opportunities for light to shine in darkness—being empowered by God’s love, sensitivity, and

Revivalist's Lifestyle

When you come to a new place you are often wondering, “What are the rules?” because you need to
know them so you’ll know when you’ve scored a touchdown or when you’ve stepped out of bounds. Well,
at BSSM our rules are buried beneath the values we are trying to get you to adopt. In other words, you
might stumble into our rules but we’re more worried about you breaking our values than our rules. It’s our
desire to help you, and the Kingdom you serve, to thrive!

God has called you to BSSM, and our mission is to call out the revivalist in you.

Revivalist: (n) a believer who is focused and passionate, willing to pay any price to live in community,
purity and power because they are loved by God and love Him whose manifest presence transforms lives
and cultures.

Over the years, we have learned the important truth that who we are becoming is both expressed and
affected by simple choices and behaviors. These choices and behaviors produce a lifestyle. Based on
your call to become a revivalist, we have a set of expectations that we want you to adopt.

Ultimately, we want choices to flow from who we are. However, some things are first learned from the
“outside in.” In other words, we adopt them before they feel quite natural or necessary because they help
shape our inner world. School is often an “outside in” experience. For example, when we were first born
the English language was foreign to us, but through imitation we learned the language and adopted a set
of behaviors, principles and exercises over time.

The following is a practical expression of choices and behaviors that flow from your core mission of
becoming a revivalist. We have found them very helpful in creating an atmosphere that advances the

Let’s break down the definition of “revivalist” and demonstrate the choices and behaviors we
believe naturally flow from it:

Believer - We expect you to grow in the Truth, come to love it, deeply enjoy its value to save and
transform, and ultimately, radically live it. So, among other things, being a “believer” in Truth is expressed
in the following simple behaviors:
1) Do your Bible reading on time in order to be ready to discuss the truth of the Word.
2) Read the assigned books on time so that you can discuss them and understand a lecture in
order to integrate the truth they contain into your life.
3) Memorize the assigned scriptures on time that you might know the Word.
4) Do your Kingdom Foundations studies on time so you can discuss them and understand a
lecture about them, thus building a strong foundation.

Focused - “You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want.” When a person
is focused they make a “To Do” list and a “Not To Do” list. Students with focus have a “Yes” in their
spirit so strong that they can say “No” to distraction and compromise. Focus is key in accomplishing all
that God has called you to become. So, at the very least, “focus” is expressed by the following behaviors:
1) Come to class on time.
2) Quiet down immediately when someone begins to address the class.
3) Give whoever is speaking the honor of your full attention.

4) Plan your restroom use for the break. Try not to leave in the middle of class. We especially ask
that you are mindful of this when our senior leaders and guest speakers are ministering.
5) No matter how tired you are, don’t lie down or doze off.
6) Always turn your chair and/or body to face the speaker.
7) Turn your cell phone ringer off and don’t answer it in class. Return calls at the break or after
school. (This radical behavior is actually quite refreshing for everyone.)

Passion - When we are passionate about something, our whole being is engaged. Our mind, emotions,
bodies and energy are all directed at that thing that has captured us. Obviously, the Lord Himself is the
One we encourage you to direct your passion towards. As you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind,
and strength you tap into His passion for His Church, the lost, and yourself.

There is a “passion continuum” or scale; in other words, you might say, “I’m a 2 on a passion scale of ‘1 to
10’.” Then this year will be a great success if you become a “6” by year’s end. We don’t expect everyone
to be a 10, though many will be, but we do expect growth. At the very least, the core value of passion is
expressed in the following:
1) Worship with your whole being. Worship is not free time, or conversation time, or necessarily
“soaking” time. It is a vital sacrifice we bring to the King every day. It is a step beyond
convenience. It does take a purposeful heart to worship every day with joy but He is so worth
it! Allowing yourself to become disconnected or uninvolved is not an option and leadership will
address it if we see this in your life.
2) Allow your passion to be revealed in excellence. Some of the work you are asked to produce
is only viewed by you and God. That should be enough for you! If you find yourself trying to cut
corners or “beat the system” you are missing the whole point of this school.

Willing to pay any price - Most of you are already well aware of what it has cost you to attend BSSM.
We recognize and value your sacrifice. Still, there is more. BSSM is not a “12:45 to 5:30 Tuesday
through Friday” school. Rather it’s an eight-month school and it costs far more than money to attend here.
If you’re unwilling to pay the price, we might have to say to you, “Ok, we accept your resignation, pray
about coming back next year.”

“Willingness to pay any price” at least looks like the following attitudes and behaviors:
1) We don’t want you to miss a day of school, but you are allowed 4 absences before Christmas
and 8 afterward. Please do not treat these absences as something to “spend” to go snow
boarding, on an extend vacation or to take a day off. This is exactly what we don’t want you to
do! They are for crises and unavoidable situations that often arise. We expect you to manage
these 12 “excused” absences so you will not require more.
2) You are responsible to manage these absences. If you come close to your limit, initiate a
conversation with your revival group leader before they talk to you about it, to tell them how you
will solve this situation.
3) At 12:45pm, you are tardy. Don’t check in and then hit the restroom. A tardy counts for 1/3 of
an absence. You can check your status on line at www.ibssm.org.
4) Leaving class early counts as a tardy. Again it is our heart that this does not occur very often.
You must sign out on the designated clipboard if you ever leave early.
5) Attendance at services, outreaches, conferences and other events is a large part of our
school experience. So, we expect you to faithfully attend on time, and we check-in on your
6) Never schedule an appointment—even with Bethel Church staff—during class. On rare
occasions you can check with your class pastors if nothing else can work out.

7) Leading with a king’s heart and a servant’s hands is one of the core values of a revivalist. So,
we ask you to serve a whole lot. Be quick to volunteer whether it be tearing down the room at
5:30 or serving at a banquet. Your leaders have been setting an example in this area for years.
One important lesson they have learned is that “the seat of service often turns into the throne of
8) BSSM is dependent upon your faithful payment of your school tuition. None of our money
comes from the church’s general fund. Paying any price looks like getting a job, diligently
getting support, or giving up something important or pleasurable (like a latte or a Christmas trip
home) in order to keep your school tuition and housing current.

Purity - A good definition of grace is “the power to change.” The Lord gives us grace to walk in purity.
Holiness is really wholeness. The Lord asks us to walk in purity because it is life-giving! Sin hurts you.
It hurts other people and it hurts God. Not only that, it makes people crazy. Really, sin makes people
crazy. They find themselves doing things that they never would have thought of doing in a million years.

You may hear it a lot when we apply discipline because we believe it so deeply, but your leaders will say
something like “What were you thinking? You are way too awesome to be behaving that way!”

At the very least, purity looks like the following:

1) Do your homework well and with the right heart. A while back, we had a student purposely
write down wrong answers just to see if someone was reading her work. Our question is
“How’d that work out for you? Do you feel like you’re on the road to becoming a revivalist?”
2) Truthfully record your attendance and Bible reading, etc. Who you are becoming (a person
of integrity) is far more important than short cuts, looking good or avoiding conflict over your
3) Deal with your spouses/roommates with absolute integrity and service.
4) Do not mark down that you finished your reading if you haven’t.
5) Let your sexuality be expressed in a way that pleases God. The Father has blessed marriage
with the gift of sex and married couples are obviously expected to be faithful in body, heart and
mind. All of us who remain unmarried are expected to honor God and one another with our
sexuality. Jesus never used another person for His own gratification and called it love. Rather,
His sexuality was a blessing to Himself and others around Him.
6) For a Christian struggling with an addiction to smoking, we encourage them to listen to the
Spirit about the timing of fighting and winning this battle. However, for BSSM students, the bar
is higher. Those with an addiction to smoking are called to give it up for the glory of God as it
limits the power of your ministry with us. For instance, we don’t empower people who smoke
as Prayer Servants because, at the very least, the smell of the addiction is a distraction to the
one receiving prayer as they may wonder, “How can you help break me into freedom when you
don’t possess it yourself?” The solution is NOT to give up being a Prayer Servant but rather to
give up the cigarettes! There is grace in this house to succeed in this area.
7) BSSM’s environment of freedom requires a high level of self-management. We are creating an
ordered culture, but not a controlling one. We are calling out the royalty in one another, not just
trying to abstain from sin. In the area of alcohol, we don’t make a strict rule concerning its use
because Scripture doesn’t (except to never be drunk—Eph. 5:18). Our government does have
strict rules (no alcohol under 21 and you are legally considered drunk with a “moderate” amount
of alcohol), which we expect you to obey. However, we do not have a firm rule because we
want to see what’s in your heart so we know how to pastor you. In Galatians 5 we are told that
our freedom is given so that we may serve one another in love.

The following concepts are very important to us as we fellowship together:

First, we totally disagree with the core value that alcohol is the key to having fun, enjoying a party, helping
us relax, or distracting and easing pain. At these times, alcohol can act as a counterfeit of something the
Holy Spirit has for us.

Secondly, we never take a “break” or “vacation” from our character or the above core value. Grace gives
us the power to change and stay changed. If you find yourself believing that you need a break from
holiness, it reveals a dangerous condition that Father is ready and able to heal, and into which you should
invite your mature friends and leaders.

Finally, and this is key for us, though scripture has given us freedom to drink alcohol, this choice could
potentially disempower our church’s influence and your individual influence when you are drinking publicly
or at parties with one another. Consider Pastor Bill’s relationship with other senior leaders in town if Bill’s
ministry students are drinking at Chevy’s. Consider how we may be a stumbling block to other Christians
and even pre-believers who may ignore our call to live a supernatural gospel because in their mind we
lack personal holiness. Finally, consider your classmates who are recovering from alcoholic addictions or
who are under age and may be tempted because of our freedom.

We say all of this so that love, wisdom and honor (for Bethel and one another) are foremost in your heart
as you weigh the exercise of your liberty in the area of alcohol. Consider the definition, “willing to pay any
price”. We ask you to make loving, life-giving decisions in regard to alcohol with these factors in mind.
Embrace and guard your role as an influencer as seriously as we do.

Power - The Good News without power is not good news. Paul was glad in I Cor. 2 that his preaching
wasn’t with persuasive words but demonstrations of power. Throughout the year, you will have a lot of
opportunities to allow the power of God to be demonstrated through you. One of our goals for you is the
same as Christ’s assignment for the twelve disciples in Luke 9 - that every student would know how to
drive out demons, heal the sick and preach the kingdom.
1) Make the most of your opportunities as an Altar Worker, Prayer Servant, Children’s Minister,
outreach team, mission trip, etc.
Loved by God and love Him - All of this we do because we are loved, not to earn the love of
God. Pastor Kris is fond of saying, “We work from love, not for love.” Jesus died so that He might have
relationship with us; don’t let go of this in the swirl of activity that is BSSM.
1) Let all other motives, be they a desire to change the world, to be a person of vision who’s “great
for God,” or the drive to please leaders and classmates, be secondary to our connection with
2) Life is busy. BSSM is demanding and there’s a danger of losing your connection with Him in
the midst of all this ministry. Concentrate on maintaining your personal friendship with the Lord
this year. This is why journaling, prayer, and worship are so important. We don’t make much
space for these things from 12:45–5:30 Tuesday through Friday because we have so much
to impart. These are habits you must make space for outside of school. We believe you’re in
school all day every day. Encountering God as you do your daily Bible reading can be a revival
experience! It is a mistake to let go of Him in this season of new friends, learning about Him
and ministering to and for Him.

Transforms lives and cultures - Christ’s mandate to us is that we make disciples of the nations as
we are “going.” All of us should graduate with a humble confidence that we can reproduce ourselves by
“teaching them to obey everything Jesus Christ has commanded us” (Matt. 27). Like Paul says, “Follow
my example as I follow the example of Christ.”

Student Discipline

We are going to have an awesome year of personal freedom and growth in Christ. The freedom of the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) environment requires a high level of self-management.
We work not to have a controlling culture but we do expect you to join us in creating a holy and account-
able one. An essential fruit of the Spirit is self-control, and we want to pastor you as it manifests in
your life. If it is normal for you to be externally motivated and controlled, that’s going to have to change
this year because that pattern will not help you with the rest of your life and ministry. You’re on track to
perform for an audience of One, to do everything unto the glory of God.

If you are struggling to make wise and loving choices, your team of five and/or the staff will confront any
situation or person that needs to be addressed as quickly and directly as we can. This confrontation is
designed to help draw out the greatness within you.

If these confrontations do not bring the needed change and help flip that “internal control” switch in your
heart, you might find yourself in the following situation:

1. We have a core value that you should work harder on your problems than we do. Believe it
or not, lots of people do not really have this value. They want us to solve their motivation/self-con-
trol issues. Frankly, this never works; you must fight and win with the grace of God.

2. We love graduation night! It’s a complete joy to graduate together. To the BSSM staff, graduation
means “successfully completing the academic, attendance, financial, and spiritual tasks
the staff asks of you and doing it with an honoring attitude.” If you do not complete them with
honor you will not graduate. Pretty simple, huh? We still want you to attend graduation—it is in
no way about punishing you—it is just that you did not successfully complete the tasks so it is not
appropriate to walk and receive a certificate at graduation. We will all be disappointed if it comes
to this, but we are willing if you are. (By the way, we don’t mark off a bunch of late assignments on
the last week of school—that’s really missing the point, don’t you think?) Furthermore, (and this is
key), if you want to be considered for one of the limited number of spots in 2nd year, you are
certainly going to have to do a great job in 1st year.

3. If, after your team and/or the staff confronts you, and you are still not changing and growing, lead-
ership will not keep after you like your mother. We will tell you something like, “Hey, you seem to
be making choices to not give school your all and you are falling behind (or whatever). This seems
like a bad decision especially since you’ve invested money and so much of your time and heart;
plus, you are way too cool to be doing this but . . . here you are. You’re free to keep making these
poor choices as long as your attitude doesn’t start infecting others. If it starts to infect others, we
will then have a new problem because we are unwilling to put others through that. Let us know
when you are ready to make new decisions—we will help.” At that point you might feel leader-
ship’s attention kind of ebb away from you because they are committed to investing in the students
who are giving it their all. We believe that eventually you will get a vision, education, or experience
enough pain to allow the fruit of self-control to ripen and you’ll mature!

So, “lead your life” in this area. Live with purpose. Do whatever it takes because you have a partnership
with the Holy Spirit to manage the motivation in your life.

(Please note: Sinful choices are destructive and we handle them a little differently than poor choices, as
they require repentance and cleaning up your mess.)

Honor and Impartation Bill Johnson
DVD Session 1005

Session Outline: My Notes:

I. Provision of God (0:00 minutes)
A. The Planet Belongs to the Kingdom of God
1. God is showing us that He wants to provide for us.
2. He is demonstrating that all things, even those of ___________________________
this natural world, belong to the kingdom of God. ___________________________
3. God has given us all things, even the earth (I ___________________________
Corinthians 3). ___________________________
B. God Is Prophesying Provision Through the Signs
1. Signs and wonders of God
a. Examples: 50 K gems; gold dust; drawer full
of money; Bible full of manna; phone message ___________________________
“Jehovah Jirah” arriving with picture of gem ___________________________
2. Why all of the signs? ___________________________
a. God does what He pleases, He is not required ___________________________
to explain it to us (Psalm 115).
b. God is trying to prophesy His nature over us so
that we tap into the fullness of His provision.
c. He wants to give us all things because it is ___________________________
going to take all things to accomplish what He has ___________________________
called us to do. ___________________________
d. The Call: To disciple nations – it is the most ___________________________
impossible thing that man can do.
• It is all about the nations, it is about them
discovering the goodness of God.
II. Take Responsibility for Your Area (14:59) ___________________________
A. When it is Your City, You Are Responsible ___________________________
1. God’s judicial system is that you take responsibility ___________________________
for everything that happens in your city. Bad things
that happen on your shift are not okay.
a. Examples: Intensive Care Unit; Nurse; Mayor
announcing Cancer going down ___________________________
2. How much risk will you take to keep one person ___________________________
from hell? You are responsible for everyone in your ___________________________
city. ___________________________
Additional Teacher’s Manual 51
Honor and Impartation | Bill Johnson

___________________________ a. Example: Nurse leading patients and co-

___________________________ workers to Christ
3. If it means putting your relationships on the line to
save one on the way to hell, then it is worth it.
___________________________ III. Impartation (24:07)
___________________________ A. The Secrets of How God Transfers the Wealth of the
___________________________ Kingdom
___________________________ 1. Wealth of the Kingdom – not money, it is the gifts,
anointing, and grace to function like Jesus.
a. Example: Dick Mills
• Prophet used by God to break down the
___________________________ resistance in the Pentecostal Church to the
___________________________ Prophetic, over 7,700 promises of God in the
___________________________ Bible.
___________________________ 2. Secret: Keep a record of all the prophetic words
that have been spoken over your life, speak them over
a. You never want to have thoughts in your mind
___________________________ about you that God does not have in His mind
___________________________ about you.
___________________________ • You need to take on the mind of Christ
___________________________ concerning who you are.
b. You do not realize just how dead your old nature
is; when you discover it you will be free to live in
dimensions in God that you did not think were
___________________________ possible in this life.
___________________________ B. Receiving the Gifts of the Spirit From Someone Else.
___________________________ 1. By standing under the anointing of another who is
___________________________ walking in the gifts (prophetic, healing, etc.) you can
receive the same anointing. It occurs because the
grace of God enables you to become like Christ
a. It is favor that enables.
___________________________ 2. Just by being with them, around them or under their
___________________________ covering you can receive their gift.
___________________________ a. Example: Dick Mills
___________________________ • Prophet who received the prophetic anointing
by impartation.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1005

3. When God instructs you to do something, act in ___________________________

faith and do it on the first request. ___________________________
a. Example: Supernatural Encounters about
• Prophetic word from Lady. God spoke
“Isaiah 30:8” ___________________________
C. Honoring People ___________________________
1. Stand in honor of someone else’s gift and you will ___________________________
be able to receive an inheritance from them. ___________________________
a. Honor releases life.
b. Verse Examples:
• “Children honor your parents” (Deuteronomy
5:16) ___________________________
• Honor releases inheritance. ___________________________
• “Honor a prophet in the name of a prophet ___________________________
and you will receive a prophet’s reward.” ___________________________
(Matthew 10:41)
2. Honor has a high value in heaven.
a. If you honor a prophet as a prophet then God
says that you will receive the same reward in ___________________________
heaven that the prophet will receive. ___________________________
b. Prophet: If you honor them as a brother instead ___________________________
of a prophet, you will receive a brother’s reward. ___________________________
But if you receive them as a prophet, you will
receive a prophet’s reward.
c. Apostle: Their presence and lifestyle raises the
awareness of the supernatural realm. By their ___________________________
assignment and by the grace that is on their life, ___________________________
they are meant not only to bring an awareness of, ___________________________
but also to release supernatural miracles into the ___________________________
• They carry the blueprint in their hearts for
how things should look and function.
d. You will only be ministered to or receive from ___________________________
the prophet, apostle, or another by the amount that ___________________________
you honor them. ___________________________
Honor and Impartation | Bill Johnson

___________________________ IV. Hindering the Impartation (37:43)

___________________________ A. Intellectual Offense
1. Jesus entered His hometown of Nazareth to
minister, but due to the intellectual offense of the
people around Him, He was not able to do many
___________________________ miracles (Matthew 13:56-58).
___________________________ a. Not emotional, but the intellectual offense in
___________________________ their minds had such power in the atmosphere that
___________________________ it shut down the anointing on Jesus.
b. They did not honor Him for who He was or what
anointing He carried and so they were not able to
receive much from Him.
___________________________ c. John prepared the way for the One who
___________________________ releases prisoners (Jesus). But John doubted
___________________________ his own experience of divine revelation of Jesus
___________________________ (when he baptized Him) when he sent the disciples
to ask Jesus if he really was the One (Luke 7).
2. It is very important what you do with your thoughts.
Never keep an account of what God has not done.
___________________________ a. Do not build a case to justify your own unbelief
___________________________ because of your own lack of experience.
___________________________ B. How to Keep Away From Intellectual Offense
___________________________ 1. Always keep your eyes on what God is doing. If you
cannot see what He is doing now, then go back to what
He has done in the past.
a. If 1 out of 10 people in wheelchairs get healed,
___________________________ do not take intellectual offense that the other 9 did
___________________________ not get healed.
___________________________ b. Rejoice in the one that God healed and contend
___________________________ for greater breakthrough that is sufficient for all 10
to receive healing.
2. Never build a case against receiving a healing
based on the number of times you have been prayed
___________________________ for.
___________________________ 3. If you repeatedly see the same disease appearing,
___________________________ you have two choices:
___________________________ a. One, you can say, “We have prayed and have
never gotten a breakthrough – we must not have
the anointing for this.”
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1005

• This will destroy your faith. ___________________________

b. Two, you can say, “This would not happen so ___________________________
many times in my life if the Lord was not calling me
to a destiny that is greater than cancer. God has
put this in front of me to invite me to go after it.”
V. Gaining Breakthrough In Areas of Failure (42:45) ___________________________
A. Your Greatest Failure Can Become Your Greatest ___________________________
Success. ___________________________
1. The area of your greatest failure and your greatest
loss is actually a divine invitation for you to have your
greatest success.
a. Examples: Hannah and barrenness; John G. ___________________________
Lake ___________________________
2. Believe that the anointing is real, it is a substance – ___________________________
refuse to make the loss or failure the end of the story. ___________________________
3. If you do not learn how to build on the rubble of
your failures, then you will not go anywhere significant
because life is full of them.
4. Contend for breakthrough in the area of your failure ___________________________
so that you can bring victory into the lives of others ___________________________
struggling in the same area. ___________________________
a. Example: Maria Woodworth-Etter ___________________________
• She lost 5 of 6 children, but became one of
the greatest revivalists in history.
5. God does not deal death, loss & destruction – but
there are still those struggles in the world. ___________________________
a. That is why we must “cover each other’s backs” ___________________________
– to stand and protect one another from the ___________________________
enemy’s attack. ___________________________
b. We must stay together, there is safety in
numbers when we are working to see God’s plan
come to pass.
6. Do not look for perfect people, but honor them. You ___________________________
honoring other people and being willing to die for them ___________________________
creates a partnership and allows impartation to take ___________________________
place. ___________________________
a. You work to lift others up and see them come
into their destinies.
Honor and Impartation | Bill Johnson

___________________________ VI. Giving Honor Allows for Impartation (50:58)

___________________________ A. Honor the Person and Christ In Them
1. Give honor to Christ that is on and in the person and
it opens a grace for you to receive from them.
2. When you honor them, the work of the Holy Spirit
___________________________ and gifts inside of them start to work in you too.
___________________________ a. Soon it will not just be you ministering under
___________________________ their grace, but you will start to get your own.
___________________________ B. You Never Know What They Are Carrying
1. Honor everyone who comes before you, because
they have something that you need.
2. Sometimes the people with the simplest message
___________________________ carry a wealth of experience and insights.
___________________________ a. They are purposefully holding back what they
___________________________ have, waiting to see if anyone is hungry enough to
___________________________ draw it out of them and receive from them.
C. How Can You Honor Them?
1. Attitude of the heart – you are listening to their
words, but you are saying in your heart “God impact
___________________________ me with who they are, I want to understand what they
___________________________ are saying.”
___________________________ a. Words can release the grace and anointing;
___________________________ however, it is not the words that will always impact
you, it is the experience and the anointing behind
the words.
b. When you realize the history that it took to get
___________________________ the story, you will be impacted by a person who
___________________________ knows the Holy Spirit.
___________________________ c. Honor is what brings their inheritance into your
___________________________ bank account.

VII. Impartation Through the Culture (54:16)
A. The Measure of Impartation Is Greatest When You Are
___________________________ In the Culture.
___________________________ 1. Culture imparts not just the information, but the
___________________________ impartation & relationships that occur within the
___________________________ environment is something that cannot occur through
any other means.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1005

2. Impartation Stories from Toronto Outpouring in ___________________________

Canada: ___________________________
a. Randy Clark’s book There’s More, and the fruit
in Pakistan through Leif Hetland
b. Heidi Baker in healing and church planting in
Mozambique, Africa ___________________________
3. Outpouring in Toronto: Sometimes it takes years to ___________________________
gather the fruit, but there is fruit. ___________________________
4. The same breakthrough and miracles that others ___________________________
have seen, are possible for everyone. It is possible
because it happened with Jesus.
VIII. What If They Do Not Get Healed? (1:03:20) ___________________________
A. Do Not Blame People ___________________________
1. Never blame people if they do not get healed, the ___________________________
miracle is not dependent on their faith. ___________________________
2. Jesus healed people who had no faith at all. He
talked to them and then He healed them so that their
faith level would rise.
B. Never Take On Shame or Guilt. ___________________________
1. Shame and guilt never produce anything positive. ___________________________
2. People are coming to you hoping to get a touch from ___________________________
the Jesus inside of you. ___________________________
3. Take personal responsibility for their healing by not
getting discouraged. Ask Lord to do the work inside of
you that is necessary so that when they come to you
they get the fullness of Jesus; His healing power will ___________________________
flow through you. ___________________________
IX. Questions & Answers With the Speaker (1:04:18) ___________________________
1. How do you learn to contend?
a. Learn to value and treasure the small, simple things.
If you cannot be trusted with the small things, you
cannot be trusted with the big things. ___________________________
b. Rejoice and be thankful in what He has already ___________________________
done. It is not about you being impressed with the ___________________________
healings, it is about you having a grateful heart. ___________________________
• Then, with a grateful heart, continue to dream and
contend for greater things.
Honor and Impartation | Bill Johnson

___________________________ 2. What is the marriage Bethel is forming?

___________________________ a. Bethel is going to join with Rolland and Heidi Baker
and Iris Ministries in a “marriage” partnership.
3. What was the Toronto Outpouring in Toronto, Canada?
___________________________ a. The story of the Toronto Blessing is in the book
___________________________ Welcoming a Visitation of the Holy Spirit written by
___________________________ Wesley Campbell. In 1994 Pastor Randy Clark from
___________________________ St. Louis, MO went to a Rodney Howard Browne
Meeting and received an impartation from him.
b. Then Randy Clark went to Toronto, Canada to
speak, he was invited to pray for the church in the
___________________________ same way Rodney Howard Browne prayed for him.
___________________________ In the meeting in Toronto something happened and
___________________________ people began to laugh, cry, weep, fall, get delivered,
___________________________ healed from disease, etc. When the people came
out of the uncontrollable laughter their way of life was
actually transformed; it was a way of repentance, but
God did it through laugher instead of sorrow.
___________________________ It was a revival of grace; the people did not deserve
___________________________ to laugh and get delivered, but that was the way God
___________________________ chose.
___________________________ c. The outbreak quickly began to spread all over the
world to almost every nation. The churches began to
d. Bethel Church is an off-shoot of the Toronto
___________________________ Outpouring. We are in relationship with John and
___________________________ Carol Arnott as well as Che Ahn and others. They
___________________________ suffered great rejection from the Body of Christ, the
___________________________ church, but everyone who was involved are happy they
e. Learn to stop and drink in the Holy Spirit, spend time
with Him.
___________________________ f. Stories:
___________________________ • Student at local restaurant who brought their “own
___________________________ wine.”
___________________________ • Lady needed healing from cancer, manifested
demons in a restaurant (1:25:03 end).
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1005

Review Questions: ___________________________

1. Why do we see feathers & gems?
God is demonstrating that all things, even things of the
natural world belong to His Kingdom, which means us. He
is trying to prophesy His nature of abundance & creativity ___________________________
over us so that we can tap into the fullness of His provision. ___________________________
Our call is to disciple the nations and in order to do that we ___________________________
are going to need ALL that He wants to give us. ___________________________
2. How do you receive impartation from prophetic words?
Write down all of the prophetic words that have been
spoken over your life and speak them over yourself. In the ___________________________
Spirit, you are speaking out what God has already spoken ___________________________
over you. It happens in the Spirit first and then in the ___________________________
natural. You need to take on the mind of Christ concerning ___________________________
who you are.
3. How do you receive impartation from someone else?
Honor them in your heart. Realize that there is great ___________________________
experience and anointing behind their stories. Showing ___________________________
them honor and valuing them will allow you to receive an ___________________________
impartation of their anointing and inheritance. You can ___________________________
attend their meetings, spend time with them, be in the
culture, etc., but honoring them and what they say will allow
you to receive an impartation from them. Honor is what
brings their inheritance into your bank account. ___________________________
4. Can you hinder impartation? ___________________________
You can hinder your ability to receive an impartation by ___________________________
taking intellectual offense; if what you see or hear is not in
agreement with your own ideas and you automatically reject
it, you have taken intellectual offense. Not emotional, but
the intellectual offense in your mind can have such power ___________________________
in the atmosphere that it can shut down Jesus’ anointing ___________________________
from being released to you through the speaker. If you do ___________________________
not honor a person for who they are or what anointing they ___________________________
carry, you will not be able to receive much from them.
Honor and Impartation | Bill Johnson

___________________________ 5. How do you keep from having intellectual offense?

___________________________ Do not build a case to justify your own unbelief because of
your own lack of experience. Keep away from intellectual
offense by keeping your eyes on what God is doing, not
what He has not done yet. Just because you have not had
___________________________ an experience yet, does not mean it is not real.
___________________________ 6. What should you do if someone does not get healed
___________________________ right away?
Never place blame on the person who did not get healed
right away and never allow guilt or shame to overcome you.
Contend for more anointing for that specific area of healing
___________________________ and ask the Lord to do a work in you so that when they
___________________________ come to you again, they will encounter the fullness of Jesus
___________________________ inside of you. The fullness of Jesus is healing.
Discussion & Activation:
___________________________ 1. What is your area of responsibility (home, school,
___________________________ streets, city, nation, etc.) and how do you plan to take
___________________________ responsibility for what happens in these areas?
___________________________ Have the students discuss the areas in which they have
influence now and how they are going to take ownership of
those areas in prayer, building relationships, financially, etc.
We need to take ownership of the people and territories
___________________________ around us.
___________________________ 2. Make a plan, individually and corporately of how you
___________________________ are going to install a culture of honor. How are you
going to demonstrate honor and value for the people,
leaders, and property around you (i.e. standing when
a speaker walks to the podium, giving up your seat,
___________________________ volunteering, picking up trash, etc.)?
___________________________ All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken
___________________________ from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by
___________________________ Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Forgiveness Kris Vallotton
DVD Session 1006

Session Outline: My Notes:

I. What Are You Learning? (0:00 minutes)
A. Personal Testimonies of What God Is Teaching the
Students In Class:
1. Anything that the enemy does is a counterfeit of the ___________________________
real thing. ___________________________
2. There is grace for the race – do not compare ___________________________
yourself to others – everyone is running their own race. ___________________________
3. Do not look at tomorrow’s challenge with today’s
grace; you will always come up short. You do not have
enough grace for tomorrow because you are not there
yet. ___________________________
4. You can receive from someone just by honoring ___________________________
them. ___________________________
5. Everything flows from intimacy. ___________________________
6. Remember that a family works together.
7. Realize that having the opportunity to be here and
having the chance to learn is a privilege.
8. When you become an expert, you then stop ___________________________
learning. There is always more to learn… ___________________________
9. Intellectual offense can stop you from reaching ___________________________
blessing and destiny. Sometimes God offends the ___________________________
mind to reveal the heart.
10. The hungry people are the ones that get it.
11. You can receive what the speaker has just by
honoring them. ___________________________
12. Continue to be a dreamer. ___________________________
B. Selah – means pause (think about it). ___________________________
1. Used in the Bible to follow an important passage or ___________________________
quote that contains a deep meaning.
II. Becoming the Message (7:12)
A. Many Hear it, but Never Become it. ___________________________
1. Goal: is to become the message; do not just ___________________________
remember it. ___________________________
Additional Teacher’s Manual 61
Forgiveness | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ B. The Goal of Learning:

___________________________ 1. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us
(John 1).
2. To write the Word on our hearts (I Corinthians).
3. Nicodemus said to Jesus that we know you are of
___________________________ God because no one else can do the works that you
___________________________ do.
___________________________ 4. Learning in the world means: I can remember
___________________________ something and repeat it.
5. Learning in the kingdom means: You are becoming
something, not just repeating something.
a. You are not an echo anymore, but you are
___________________________ becoming a voice. God wants originals.
___________________________ III. Understand Who You Are (9:35)
___________________________ A. Realize That You Were Reborn
1. Introduction to the book: The Supernatural Ways of
Royalty by Kris Vallotton.1
2. The old man fell away when you received Christ,
___________________________ now you are a son or daughter of the King.
___________________________ B. Understand the Value People Have For You
___________________________ 1. Example: Secretary Nancy
___________________________ a. Realize that people value you and your words.
b. Carry yourself like you realize that people have
a high value for you.
c. With your words, you may be destroying the
___________________________ very people you are supposed to be leading
___________________________ because you do not realize how much people
___________________________ value you.
___________________________ • Humor is not supposed to cost someone.
2. Example: dream of turmoil and grieving
a. Proverbs 30:21-22 The earth cannot hold up
under a pauper when he becomes a king.
___________________________ b. God already knew you before you knew
___________________________ yourself. He has been planning your life from the
___________________________ beginning.
___________________________ • God will even use the things from your sinful
past as a part of your testimony for the future.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1006

C. Moses Was Raised to Be a King (Exodus 2) ___________________________

1. God planned for Moses to be raised in Pharaoh’s ___________________________
house because a man who is in slavery internally
cannot free people who are in slavery externally.
a. Therefore, it was important for Moses to be
raised as a prince so that he could release the ___________________________
Israelites from slavery in Egypt. ___________________________
2. Moses was raised in the house of a king, so ___________________________
everything in the kingdom was his responsibility. ___________________________
a. You can always tell how close to the throne you
are by how you deal with injustice – do you ignore
it, or do you do something about it?
3. Personal Revelation: ___________________________
a. Proverbs 30: 21-22 Under three things the earth ___________________________
trembles, under four it cannot bear up: a servant ___________________________
who becomes king . . . ___________________________
b. You were a pauper who has become a king.
You need to change; it is time for you to change.
c. It would be amazing to be raised as a prince.
• The book of Proverbs was like the instruction ___________________________
book for a growing prince. It taught Solomon ___________________________
how to act “when” he sat at the table of a king, ___________________________
not “if” he sat at the table of a king. ___________________________
• Solomon was raised to be a king from the
time he was little. His mindset was that of “I
am a valuable person who will have influence
and sit at the tables of kings.” ___________________________
D. Kris Vallotton’s Personal Story: ___________________________
1. In 1955 his mother (cheerleader) got pregnant ___________________________
outside of marriage and ended up marrying her high ___________________________
school sweetheart, the father of baby Kris and a star
football player. His father drowned in a lake when Kris
was 3-years-old. His mother then married again and
again to verbally and physically abusive men. Kris ___________________________
learned to turn the pain he felt into joking – trying to ___________________________
ease the pain by sarcastically laughing about things ___________________________
that were not funny. ___________________________
Forgiveness | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ 2. Kris was taught:

___________________________ a. “You are not important. I do not care what you
think. Stay out of my way. Be invisible and we will
get along.”
b. Someone raised him to think that he was
___________________________ insignificant.
___________________________ E. Revelation About Jacob (Genesis 25-30)
___________________________ 1. Jacob had a twin brother Esau (older brother) who
___________________________ was entitled to receive the birthright from their father.
However, Jacob, the younger brother made a deal
with Esau and deceived his brother and father in order
to get the birthright. Jacob received the birthright and
___________________________ then spent his whole life lying, cheating and deceiving.
___________________________ Jacob means “deceiver.”
___________________________ a. Jacob worked 7 years for Laban to be able to
___________________________ take Laban’s daughter Rachael as his wife, but
Laban deceived Jacob and gave him Leah first.
Jacob had to work another 7 years to get Rachael.
b. Jacob is a deceiver and he married into a family
___________________________ full of deceivers.
___________________________ c. Genesis 30:37 Jacob made a deal with Laban,
___________________________ his father-in-law, in which all of the spotted and
___________________________ speckled sheep were his, and all of the solid-
colored ones were Laban’s. Jacob carved spotted
and speckled branches and placed them at the
watering hole; the sheep saw the spotted/speckled
___________________________ sticks, mated and reproduced what they saw. The
___________________________ strong sheep and goats all became Jacob’s and
___________________________ the weak ones were Laban’s.
___________________________ 2. Lesson: God is making a prophetic statement:
we reproduce not what we want to reproduce, but
whatever we see – what we imagine.
a. God created you from his imagination, what
___________________________ God imagined – you became.
___________________________ b. You do not become what you want to become,
___________________________ but you become what you imagine.
___________________________ c. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs).
What you imagine is what you become.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1006

IV. Two Ways to Live Life (36:14) ___________________________

A. You React to What You Do Not Want to Be ___________________________
1. You spend your whole life trying to not become
a. Example: Person raised by an alcoholic became
an alcoholic. ___________________________
2. You do not become what you want to become you ___________________________
become what you imagine. ___________________________
3. You can spend your whole life trying to not be like ___________________________
the person who raised you (abused you).
4. In order to not become something, you have to
always keep it in mind.
a. Example: focusing on not becoming like abusive ___________________________
stepfather is a problem. ___________________________
• Problem: You are focusing on what you do ___________________________
not want to be. What you are focusing on is ___________________________
what you will become.
5. Unforgiveness keeps you bound to the past.
6. You are not a product of your environment; you are
a product of the way you respond to your environment. ___________________________
7. You cannot always help what happens to you, but ___________________________
you can always help what happens in you. ___________________________
a. Example: “Someone made me mad.” – no one ___________________________
made you mad, you made a choice to be mad.
B. You Respond to the Vision That God Has Given You for
Your Life.
1. You start to imagine what God wants you to ___________________________
become. ___________________________
2. What you imagine is what you will become. ___________________________
V. Forgiveness (41:39)
A. Giving Up Your Right to Justice
1. Forgiveness means giving up your right for justice.
2. It may not be easy, but you must give up the right for ___________________________
justice in order for you to forgive those who have hurt ___________________________
you. ___________________________
3. If you do not forgive and instead continue to try ___________________________
to not become like the people you despise, you will
become just like them.
Forgiveness | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ a. Forgiveness releases you from being bound to

___________________________ the past and to the people that hurt you.
B. Forgiveness Restores the Standard
1. Example: Speaker dishonored his wife in an
argument, asked his wife and children for forgiveness
___________________________ a. Asking for forgiveness restores the standard;
___________________________ this means that asking for forgiveness removes
___________________________ the sin as if it never happened.
___________________________ b. When you ask for forgiveness, it removes the
right to repeat the offense.
c. After forgiveness, you do not have a right to
be bitter with yourself either, you must forgive
___________________________ yourself.
___________________________ 2. God wants you to be whole more than you want to
___________________________ be whole.
___________________________ 3. If you ask the Holy Spirit to show you something,
and you get nothing, then that is the answer.
Speaker prays over class having them close their eyes
___________________________ and ask the Holy Spirit if they have any unforgiveness
___________________________ in their heart. To protect our students, this was not
___________________________ recorded on the DVD, but this prayer was prayed
___________________________ corporately in class.

a. Prayer of Forgiveness: “Holy Spirit I
forgive (person(s) name). I release them from
___________________________ punishment in Jesus name. I no longer want
___________________________ them punished. I no longer want them dead. I no
___________________________ longer want them to pay for what they did to me. I
___________________________ give them permission to live happily ever after with
my blessing. In Jesus Name Amen.”
b. Prayer to be Released From Reacting to
What you Do Not Want to Be: “Holy Spirit I pray
___________________________ that you would show us if we are binding ourselves
___________________________ to anyone in the past by trying to not become
___________________________ like that person. Holy Spirit I thank you that you
___________________________ have a plan for my life and that you want me to
be conformed to the image of Christ and not to
the image of someone who abused me. Today, I
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1006

release myself from this image and Lord I pray that ___________________________
you would give me the image of Christ that I am to ___________________________
become so that I can become what You imagined I
should be. In Jesus Name Amen.”
• Having images in front of us that are of
people that we do not want to be means we ___________________________
are still focusing on them. ___________________________
• They can become graven images or idols. ___________________________
VI. Your Name Matters (49:40)
A. Revelation of Jacob (continued)
1. Jacob left Laban, crossed the ford of Jabbok
(means empty and alone), and then an angel wrestled ___________________________
with Jacob. The angel injured Jacob’s hip and then ___________________________
renamed him “Israel – a prince with God” (Genesis 32). ___________________________
2. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but a ___________________________
name can take away your future. If your name is
deceiver, it is hard not to act like a deceiver.
a. You will always act out who you think you are.
3. Jacob needed a name change because he could not ___________________________
behave differently externally than he was internally. ___________________________
a. Jacob’s name changed from “deceiver/liar” to “a ___________________________
prince with God.” ___________________________
B. Many People Live Under Alias Names
1. Alias names are names that God did not give you
but the enemy would like you to believe
a. Example: grandchildren playing lizards and ___________________________
crocodiles ___________________________
• The enemy does the same to us: he tells ___________________________
you that you are the lizard and that you are ___________________________
powerless. Then we say, “Well, all we can do
now is pray about it.” = receiving the lie.
b. Example: Eve in the Garden of Eden
• Satan told Eve she would be like God if she ___________________________
ate the fruit, but they were already made in the ___________________________
image of God (Genesis 1:26). They were ___________________________
trying to get through performance what they ___________________________
already had through birth.
Forgiveness | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ • Religion began in the Garden of Eden – they

___________________________ tried to get something by performing - getting
their self-esteem by what they do.
c. Example: the 2nd Adam = Jesus Christ
• The 1st Adam ate the fruit – performed for
___________________________ identity.
___________________________ • The 2nd Adam quieted the enemy down by
___________________________ using the Word of God. He refused to perform
___________________________ because he already knew He was the Son of
God—He already knew His identity.
• By not doing what the enemy asked Him to
do, he was confirming that what the enemy
___________________________ was calling Him “the Son of God” was true.
___________________________ Jesus was saying, “I am the Son of God;
___________________________ therefore, I already know who I am and do not
___________________________ need to prove it to you.”
d. Many people are fighting for what they already
• The enemy attacks people with “You do not
___________________________ read your Bible enough, you do not pray
___________________________ enough, etc.” Your religious activity will not get
___________________________ you a relationship with God.
___________________________ • Reading your Bible, fasting, praying, etc. are
all important, but realize that you are already in
relationship with God – as a son/daughter.
You do not have to earn that relationship, it
___________________________ was a gift you received when you received
___________________________ salvation.
___________________________ • We do not perform for love–we perform from
___________________________ love.

VII. New Name & New Nature (1:06:19)
A. You Are No Longer A Sinner Saved by Grace
___________________________ 1. When you received salvation, you were saved by
___________________________ grace – but now your name is no longer “Sinner.”
___________________________ a. If you continue to say “I am a Sinner,” then you
___________________________ will continue to sin. You will spend your whole life
trying to not sin.
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2. You are now a saint. ___________________________

a. Saint means “holy believer,” you cannot be a ___________________________
holy believer and a sinner at the same time.
B. You Have a New Nature
1. You Are a New Man
a. II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in ___________________________
Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the ___________________________
new has come! ___________________________
b. Romans 6:5 If we were crucified with Him in the ___________________________
likeness of His death, then certainly we shall be
raised with Him in the likeness of His resurrection.
• Your flesh died when you became a believer
in Christ Jesus, when you entered the baptis- ___________________________
mal tank. ___________________________
c. Baptism is not a symbolic act, it is a prophetic ___________________________
act. It releases power to change your life. ___________________________
• Example: Leper dipped in the Jordan River
seven times.
d. Carrying the Cross – some people make
carrying the cross a lifetime career instead of a ___________________________
one-day event. Jesus was born to die; He did not ___________________________
carry the cross for 33 years, He carried it for one ___________________________
day. ___________________________
• You followed Jesus to the baptismal tank and
entered the tank carrying the cross, but you
came out with a crown (just as Jesus did in his
resurrection). ___________________________
• The cross is for the old man, you do not need ___________________________
to carry the punishment/weight of the cross ___________________________
around anymore – the price has already been ___________________________
paid – once and for all.
• I John 4:17 “As He is, so are we in this
world.” Jesus is no longer carrying the cross
around, so we do not need to either. ___________________________
2. Two Parts to Baptism ___________________________
a. You get submerged under water. That ___________________________
symbolizes the death of the old man, it means you ___________________________
(your flesh, sin, everything) died.
Forgiveness | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ b. You come out of the water. That symbolizes the

___________________________ resurrection – your new birth, you are now a new
man – dead to sin and alive to God. This is the
place where you live now – alive in God.
c. You are not a sinner–you are a Saint!
___________________________ C. Sanctification Vs. Salvation
___________________________ 1. Salvation – the process of going from a sinner to a
___________________________ saint.
___________________________ 2. Sanctification – the process of going from little glory
to greater glory and faith to faith
a. Example: Sanctifying the instruments used in
the temple
___________________________ 3. You received righteousness by faith: when you
___________________________ received Christ, you believed that God would change
___________________________ you and when you believed that – He did change you.
___________________________ a. If you think you received righteousness by
works it is self-righteousness.
D. Sinner
1. If you believe you are a sinner, you will spend your
___________________________ whole life trying to not sin because what you imagine
___________________________ you will become.
___________________________ 2. If you are a saint, you can still sin. You still have a
___________________________ free will to make choices.
a. Adam and Eve were not born with a sin nature
and yet they still sinned.
E. You Are Glorified
___________________________ 1. Isaiah 55:5 Behold, you will call a nation you do
___________________________ not know, and a nation which knows you not will run to
___________________________ you, because of the Lord your God, even the Holy One
___________________________ of Israel for He has glorified you.
2. Isaiah 60:9 Surely the coastlands will wait for Me:
and the ships of Tarshish will come first, to bring your
sons from afar, their silver and their gold with them, for
___________________________ the name of the Lord your God and for the Holy One of
___________________________ Israel because He has glorified you.
___________________________ 3. John 17:22 I have given them the glory that you
___________________________ gave Me, that they may be one as We are One.
a. Realize that you are glorified, because Jesus
gave you glory – He gave you glory so that you will
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1006

attract kings and bring unity. ___________________________

• Glory is attractive; no one will want to receive ___________________________
Christ if all Christians have low self-esteem
and spend their days trying to crucify them-
• The emphasis is on life, not death. You are ___________________________
alive in Christ (1:24:24 end). ___________________________
Review Questions:
1. How do you become the Message?
When the Word of God is not just inside of you but begins ___________________________
to also manifest on the outside in signs and wonders, ___________________________
demonstrating the power and love of God, then you have ___________________________
become the Message. Learning according to the world ___________________________
means that you hear the word, remember it and repeat
it. Learning in the kingdom means you are becoming
something, not just repeating something. No longer do we
echo the words, but now we voice and act on the words. ___________________________
2. Why is it important to have value for yourself and to ___________________________
believe that you are significant?
When you believe that you are significant, you have value
for yourself and you believe that other people value you too.
God knew you before you were born and has been planning ___________________________
your life since the beginning of time; you were His creation ___________________________
and that makes you significant. When you have value for ___________________________
yourself, you also understand the impact, good or bad, that ___________________________
your words/actions can have on other people. When people
feel insignificant or worthless themselves, they treat others
the same way. When you see yourself as significant and
valuable that is who you will become. Remember, that what ___________________________
you believe on the inside and what you imagine, is what ___________________________
you will become. The pauper has now become a king; the ___________________________
pauper mentality must die. We need to see ourselves and ___________________________
raise our children as if we will sit at the tables of kings.
Forgiveness | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ 3. Why do we reproduce what we see?

___________________________ Jacob carved spots in sticks and placed them at the
watering hole where the flock of sheep would mate, thus
the sheep were looking at the spotted sticks while mating
and the results were speckled offspring. Whatever you
___________________________ are focusing on is what you will become. You can spend
___________________________ a lifetime trying to not be like the person who raised you/
___________________________ abused you, but if you are focusing on them, you are likely
___________________________ to become just like them. Forgiving them will free you from
being bound to them. Realize that you are not a product
of your environment; you are a product of the way you
respond to your environment. Put your focus on the vision
___________________________ that God has given you for your life, imagine what God
___________________________ wants you to become–and you will become what you have
___________________________ imagined.
4. What is forgiveness and how does it restore the
___________________________ Forgiveness is giving up your right for justice. It is
___________________________ extending mercy to someone who had wronged you and
___________________________ releasing them of all judgments you held against them. If
___________________________ you do not forgive and continue to try to not become like
the people you despise, you will become just like them.
Forgiveness releases you from being bound to the past and
to the people that hurt you. Asking for forgiveness restores
___________________________ the standard: this means that asking for forgiveness wipes-
___________________________ out the sin as if it never happened. When someone sins,
___________________________ it lowers the standard of what is honorable or acceptable
___________________________ treatment of others. If it is never repented for, the standard
stays low and others follow the poor example. However,
when repentance and forgiveness occur, the standard is
restored to its original level of integrity.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1006

5. Why does your name matter? ___________________________

Your identity comes from your name. You always act out ___________________________
who you think you are. If you believe that you are a son/
daughter of the Most High God, then you will live and act
accordingly. You will have value for yourself and not feel
the need to prove your worth to anyone. You will not have ___________________________
to perform for an identity. If you still think you are a “sinner,” ___________________________
even a sinner saved by grace, you will spend your whole ___________________________
life trying not to sin. Realize that when people or the enemy ___________________________
attack you with the condemnation of “you are not doing
enough” that it is really a challenge to your identity. It is a
challenge to you to see what you call yourself and who you
believe you are. When you know your name, you will not ___________________________
need to prove yourself to anyone. ___________________________
6. What is your new name and nature?
Before salvation you were a sinner and had a sin nature,
but when you received Christ and were baptized, your old
man and your flesh died. Now you are called a saint, you ___________________________
are a new man – no longer having a sin nature. You are ___________________________
one who has risen with Christ and is alive. The old man has ___________________________
died; the new man is here. You have experienced Salvation ___________________________
(process of going from a sinner to a saint) and are now
going through Sanctification (process of going from glory to
greater glory). You received righteousness by faith: when
you received Christ, you believed that God would change ___________________________
you and when you believed that – He did change you. You ___________________________
still have a free will to make choices, but the old man that ___________________________
was enslaved to sin is now dead. ___________________________
7. Why do we need to walk in the glory God has given us?
We were given the glory so that we can attract people to ___________________________
the Lord; we are to bring unity, life, joy, peace, etc. to the ___________________________
world. People will only want to get saved if Christians have ___________________________
something to offer that is better than what they currently ___________________________
have. No one would want to become a poor person who
has low self-esteem and spends their days crucifying
Forgiveness | Kris Vallotton

___________________________ themselves. When we walk in the glory of God, the glory

___________________________ that Jesus has given us, then kings and nations will run to
us asking for the same.
___________________________ Discussion & Activation:
___________________________ 1. Is there anyone in your life that you have abused
___________________________ verbally or physically because you did not have value
for yourself? Take time to ask them for forgiveness
personally or through a letter. If they are deceased,
you can pray and still ask the Lord for forgiveness. Ask
___________________________ the Lord for a new revelation of who you are in him, to give
___________________________ you an identity as a son or daughter of God – one who has
___________________________ value for themselves and for others – one who is significant.
2. Is there anyone in your life that has hurt or abused
you? Repeat the prayer of forgiveness above and
___________________________ be free of the bondage of unforgiveness. Then, ask
___________________________ the Lord to give you a new vision of who you want to
___________________________ become and put your focus on that. Have the students
___________________________ make a plan for keeping their focus on the vision that God
has for their lives, on the person that they want to become.
They may find scripture verses to memorize and speak over
themselves or make public declarations in class of their new
___________________________ names (Example: Conqueror, Loved, Accepted, etc.).
___________________________ 1. Kris Vallotton, The Supernatural Ways of Royalty
(Shippensburg: Destiny Image Publishers Inc, 2006).
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken
___________________________ from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960,
___________________________ 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The
___________________________ Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)
Survey of the Bible Bernie Ooley
Lesson 1: Genesis DVD Session 1007

Session Outline: My Notes:

Handout the "Daily Bible Reading List" and assign the Review
Questions for this lesson (from the Student Manual) the week
before you do this lesson in class. Students may need to
reference The Hayford Bible Handbook to answer some of the ___________________________
Review Questions.1 ___________________________
I. Introduction to Survey of the Bible (0:00 minutes) ___________________________
A. We Are Blessed to Live In This Time In History
1. It is the restoration of Biblical government and the
restoration of signs and wonders on the earth as never
before—beyond the standard of the book of Acts. ___________________________
a. God’s Government (5-fold ministry): apostles, ___________________________
prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. ___________________________
2. It is a time of the marriage of the Spirit and the ___________________________
Word. They are meant to go together.
3. It is time for prophetic declaration and understanding
strategies/secrets in the Bible that have been reserved
for such a time as this. ___________________________
4. The grace for unlocking wisdom and having a spirit ___________________________
of revelation is for now. ___________________________
B. Everyone Has Something to Offer ___________________________
1. Each person can learn to get and give revelation;
you will learn from your teachers, but also from each
C. Class Format and Text References ___________________________
1. The class will be discussion based, not lecture ___________________________
driven. ___________________________
2. Daily Bible reading, about 3 chapters/day, along ___________________________
with a study guide will help unlock the mysteries and
secrets God wants to reveal to us through His Word.
3. We are not interested in textbook answers, but in
the revelation God shows you about each question, ___________________________
principle, and idea that is presented in the questions. ___________________________
a. God is interested in how we think—He is looking ___________________________
for the transformation of our mind (Romans 12). ___________________________
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Survey of the Bible, Lesson 1 | Bernie Ooley

___________________________ b. When our mind is transformed, then the world

___________________________ will see the glory of God shining through our lives.

II. Origin, Source, & Beginnings: Genesis (2:47)
A. Genesis Is the Beginning
___________________________ 1. It is the beginning of the universe, creation, man,
___________________________ and sin—in reality it is the history of God’s redemption,
___________________________ the beginning of covenants.
___________________________ a. It is the foretelling of the Son of Man, the one
who will bring redemption to the earth.
b. Every root of the doctrine of grace begins with
___________________________ B. History
___________________________ 1. Author: Moses
___________________________ 2. Pentateuch: (Greek, means “5 books”) refers to the
___________________________ first 5 books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers and Deuteronomy), all of which are believed
to be written by Moses.
3. It was written while Israel was in the wilderness.
___________________________ a. Delivered from slavery in Egypt and being
___________________________ prepared to take the Promised Land—their
___________________________ missionary purpose.
___________________________ b. Israel’s success or failure would depend on their
relationship with and understanding of God.
C. Genesis Is Divided Into Two Sections
1. Prologue, Primordial History (Chapters 1-11)
___________________________ a. Refers to the early creation, the fall, the flood
___________________________ and the formation and dispersal of the nations.
___________________________ 2. Account of the Patriarchs (Chapters 12-50)
___________________________ a. Patriarchs (fathers): Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
and Joseph
III. Prologue, Primordial History (7:56)
___________________________ A. Genesis 1: Creation
___________________________ 1. The prologue is a historical record of creation; it
___________________________ points to God as the Creator of all.
___________________________ a. The sun, moon, stars, etc.—these were not
created to be worshiped, but rather the God who
created them.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1007

b. We were also created to rule and have ___________________________

dominion. ___________________________
2. Everything came into being by the Word of God; He
is still speaking.
a. The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth waiting to
release the spoken Word of God to create. ___________________________
b. It is the Word and the Spirit. ___________________________
3. John 1:1-5 parallels Genesis 1—Darkness could not ___________________________
overwhelm or overpower the light. ___________________________
a. God spoke and brought light into the world, both
natural light and the Light, His son Jesus. The
author of the natural law is the author of the Spirit.
b. Earth is meant to represent and reflect heaven: ___________________________
thus the earth will often reflect the spiritual ___________________________
condition of the area. That is why we pray “on ___________________________
earth as in heaven.” ___________________________
4. Timeline of Creation
a. Earth created in 6 days, studies have shown
that this could mean that the earth is only 6,000
years old. However, there are fossil fuels and ___________________________
dinosaur bones that date back for millions of years. ___________________________
b. Theories: ___________________________
• Days could refer to geologic eras, not to ___________________________
24-hour days.
• Days were actual 24-hour days.
• Gap Theory – Genesis 1:1-2 (Isaiah 45) God
created the heavens and the earth, then satan ___________________________
fell and was removed from heaven (Ezekiel 28, ___________________________
Isaiah 14) and fell to earth. The earth went ___________________________
through destruction, cataclysms, darkness, ___________________________
then in Genesis 1 and 2 is a period of resto-
ration of the earth.
c. The animals and Adam and Eve were instructed
to replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28). ___________________________
5. Genesis is not meant to be a document on geology ___________________________
or biology, it is a document of faith. The point is that ___________________________
creation took place in an orderly and artistic manner. ___________________________
Survey of the Bible, Lesson 1 | Bernie Ooley

___________________________ B. Genesis 2: Garden of Eden

___________________________ 1. Garden of Eden – believed to be the modern day
2. Man was not created from apes, but rather the apex
of creation.
___________________________ a. God made us in His image, He breathed into us.
___________________________ b. God is a Spirit just as man is a spirit.
___________________________ c. God has dominion, so do we.
___________________________ 3. Man and Woman
a. Man is meant for fellowship with God and with
one another.
b. Woman was created from man’s rib: not from
___________________________ the foot, to be dominated over, or from the head, to
___________________________ rule over male. She was created to co-dominate
___________________________ with man, as a suitable helper.
___________________________ • “Suitable” means corresponding to and equal
• The word “helper” is used in referring to God
more than anyone else in the Old Testament.
___________________________ 4. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
___________________________ a. People must have a free will, a free choice to
___________________________ love or not love.
___________________________ • Real love does not control people.
b. There was a wealth of trees in the garden, but
the enemy caused Adam & Eve to focus on the
lack, the one tree they were not supposed to eat
___________________________ from.
___________________________ • The enemy focuses on the lack and calls into
___________________________ question the word of God.
___________________________ • Example: Enemy testing Jesus in the wilder-
ness (Matthew 4)
5. The enemy tries to get us to doubt/question the
prophetic words over our lives.
___________________________ a. Persecution and issues arise that can cause
___________________________ you to doubt the word of God.
___________________________ • Example: Adam and Eve listened to the
___________________________ enemy, magnifying the experience above the
word and chose to sin.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1007

b. Experience is a great teacher if you live through ___________________________

it, but you must always put the Word above the ___________________________
• We must magnify the Word above our experi-
ence then we magnify the truth over the facts.
• In this we will see the kingdom of God come, ___________________________
and truth of God above facts. ___________________________
C. The Sin of Man ___________________________
1. “Sin” means death (spiritual death), which means ___________________________
separation—our spirits are separated from God.
2. God is looking for us to take ownership, to not hide
who we are or what we have done. He wants us to be
real. ___________________________
a. Adam and Eve blamed each other and the ___________________________
enemy, it is called “blame shifting.” ___________________________
3. The serpent was condemned to crawl on his belly in ___________________________
the dirt; God was saying that satan would feed on the
flesh nature of man (man was made from dust).
D. Covering Man’s Sin
1. God covers them with skins, and makes them a ___________________________
promise of Jesus, the last Adam, coming to redeem ___________________________
them. ___________________________
a. Example: Adam ate from a tree, Jesus died on ___________________________
a tree = complete redemption
b. Romans 5:15-19 The grace of God covers the
sin of all, through the obedience of One–Jesus
c. It is restoration not only of what was lost, but ___________________________
above and beyond that which was lost. ___________________________
IV. Created In the Image of God (32:14) ___________________________
A. Our Significance & Place In Creation
1. We are created in the likeness and image of God.
a. This is significant because it sets us apart from
all other living things, we are made to rule and ___________________________
reign with Him and to reflect His glory. ___________________________
b. It is the key to our identity and because we can ___________________________
commune with God, He takes pleasure in us. ___________________________
Survey of the Bible, Lesson 1 | Bernie Ooley

___________________________ 2. We are human “beings” not “doings”; it is about

___________________________ relationship with God and fellowship and not
3. We do not have a sin nature.
a. Our identity does not come from the fall of
___________________________ satan, it is not our nature to sin—we were made in
___________________________ the likeness of God—we are a representation of
___________________________ our Father.
___________________________ b. Our place in creation: you are ordained to rule,
to be creative, to represent (re-present) God to the
world, to act like our Father.
• We are 3 parts: eternal, moral, & creative.
___________________________ God has 3 parts: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
___________________________ 4. Acting like Him means demonstrating power (signs
___________________________ and wonders) and character, Jesus demonstrated
___________________________ both. We are the pattern of God in the earth; today,
we are the moving tabernacle of God.
a. Romans 5:17 Eternal life, (Greek word “zoe”)
means to live forever, but it also means the God-
___________________________ quality kind of life.
___________________________ b. Ephesians 1,2, and 3 gives a concise reality of
___________________________ Christian realities; it will cause a transformation of
___________________________ your mind and tell you who you are.

V. Sin, Cleansing, & Dispersion of the People (41:45)
A. Adam and Eves’ Disobedience & Sin Was Passed Down
___________________________ 1. Cain and Abel, their offspring, also walked in
___________________________ deception so sin continued to be perpetuated
___________________________ throughout the generations.
___________________________ a. This included stealing birthrights, murder, sexual
sin, violating marriages, etc.
B. God Decided to Wash the Earth With a Flood
1. God had covered the earth with a mist, and then
___________________________ broke up the heavens and the depths below—this
___________________________ caused a flood.
___________________________ a. It parallels to God raining down over the earth
___________________________ with His glory.

Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1007

2. All generations of humanity have a “flood” recorded ___________________________

in their history, continental drift, fossil found in irregular ___________________________
places, etc. provides geologic evidence of a massive
3. Noah and his sons entered the Ark (8 total, the
number of new beginnings). After the flood, God made ___________________________
a covenant with the sign of the rainbow that He will ___________________________
never destroy the earth with a flood again. ___________________________
C. God Disperses the People ___________________________
1. Multicolored Rainbow - God talks about the
dispersal of the nations (multicolored people), but the
people did not spread out like they were instructed to,
but rather unified to fulfill their own purposes. ___________________________
a. Sons: ___________________________
• Ham – “hot” (Africa, Egypt, Canaanites) ___________________________
• Japheth – “expansion” (Greeks, Romans, ___________________________
Russians, Island people)
• Shem – “lofty, sky, heavenly” (Jewish people,
2. They did not follow God’s instruction and disperse, ___________________________
but they did walk in unity—positive or negative, unity/ ___________________________
agreement is a powerful sound that attracts heaven. ___________________________
a. Agreement attracts heaven, “For where two or ___________________________
three have gathered together in My name, I am
there in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20)
b. Out of pride and their own efforts, people will
ascend the ladder of power, but it is by their own ___________________________
efforts—they are striving to be like God. ___________________________
3. God causes a diversion of languages, giving them ___________________________
different tongues, to send them throughout the earth. ___________________________
a. Acts 2 – This time, God gives them languages
not to disperse them, but to unify them giving them
the resources they need to reach different nations
with the gospel. ___________________________
Survey of the Bible, Lesson 1 | Bernie Ooley

___________________________ VI. Account of the Patriarchs: Abraham (50:35)

___________________________ A. Abraham & His People (Gen. 12 - 25)
1. His descendants will cover the earth as the stars
cover the heavens and as the sand covers the
seashore (Genesis 22:17).
___________________________ 2. Abraham’s family is the history of redemption and an
___________________________ example of those who fully depend on faith in God
___________________________ a. Abraham was a friend of God, a blood covenant
___________________________ partner with God; Jesus is a descendant of
b. Abram changed to “Abraham” and Sarai
changed to “Sarah” (added “ah” to both names)
___________________________ • Even in their names they made a covenant
___________________________ with Yahweh (God).
___________________________ 3. Abraham is the father of the Jewish people and of all
___________________________ other Christians.
B. Ruling In God’s Kingdom
1. Authority was given to Abraham and Sarah–they did
not work for it or gain it on their own.
___________________________ 2. In the kingdom of God you never lord your authority
___________________________ over people, you hold it under them—support them.
___________________________ C. What Does It Mean to Be a Friend of God?
___________________________ 1. Example: being a friend of God
a. Abraham was a faithful friend of God, he did not
give up his friendship with God even when he did
not hear from God for a long period.
___________________________ b. You care about making your friend look good
___________________________ above your own needs or comfort.
___________________________ c. God valued Abraham’s opinion about all things,
___________________________ but God wanted to interact with Abraham in
decisions. God withholds his strength, he is gentle
with us and speaks our language rather than
suppressing us with his power.
___________________________ d. Covenant means continuing to include people;
___________________________ God continues to include us in what He is doing;
___________________________ we are allowed to be part of the process so we can
___________________________ fulfill our destinies.
e. When God is our friend, He is always on our
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1007

D. Goodness Does Not Qualify You for a Covenant ___________________________

1. God chose Abraham not based on his goodness, but ___________________________
based on his obedience.
2. God rewrites our history and makes us a hero—we
are all candidates to be used by God.
3. Even when we sin, God knows we are still learning ___________________________
and if our hearts are upright He will use us (Romans ___________________________
11:29). ___________________________
a. God can restore all of the mistakes and the ___________________________
years; God will redeem the mistakes by equipping
us and allowing us to reach people with the
wisdom we have gained from our mistakes.
• We can extend grace and sensitivity because ___________________________
God showed us grace. ___________________________
b. God can take our dirt and turn it into soil, where ___________________________
seed can be planted. ___________________________
4. Salvation came to the world (Jesus was a
descendent of Abraham) because of Abraham’s
friendship with God; in the same way we will bring
revival to the world because of our friendship with God. ___________________________
a. Abraham’s presence changed the equation and ___________________________
because you have a friendship with God, you will ___________________________
change the equation of a situation to be in favor of ___________________________
a godly outcome.
VII. Account of the Patriarchs: Joseph (1:02:55)
A. Joseph Is a Foreshadowing of Jesus ___________________________
1. Was highly favored by his father, but he was ___________________________
rejected by his brothers. ___________________________
2. He resisted temptation and married a Gentile bride ___________________________
(Jesus married us-Gentiles).
3. God allowed Joseph to be sold into slavery (Jesus
to die on the cross) in order that he would be brought
into a place of favor and promotion where he could ___________________________
save all of Egypt, and his family would become a great ___________________________
nation. ___________________________
B. Joseph and His Dreams ___________________________
1. The Holy Spirit will often give us dreams to instruct
us in the night, our spirit is awake and alive at night.
Survey of the Bible, Lesson 1 | Bernie Ooley

___________________________ a. God will speak tremendously to us when we are

___________________________ in a place of rest where we stop striving.
b. We need to remove ourselves from the society
of works and performance and let God speak to
us; God wants you to rest.
___________________________ 2. Pray about your dreams, write them down, but
___________________________ be careful about who you share them with—people,
___________________________ especially at home may not appreciate or understand
___________________________ your dreams.
a. Ponder these things in your heart and share
them with people you trust.
C. Rest Means Success
___________________________ 1. Learn to run and rest!
___________________________ a. A hunting bow that is tightly strung all of the time
___________________________ will lose its accuracy. If you unstring the bow, to
___________________________ let it “rest,” and then restring it again, the accuracy
will remain.
2. Three Ways In Which Ministers Fail
a. In money.
___________________________ b. In the way they relate to the opposite sex.
___________________________ c. In the way they take care of themselves.
___________________________ • When they are very tired and have pushed
___________________________ beyond the level of grace—they make mental
and can even make moral mistakes.
3. Ask the Holy Spirit for ideas of how to rest, be
___________________________ D. Current Day Joseph
___________________________ 1. To be a controller or distributor of the kingdom of
___________________________ God.
___________________________ 2. It means we all had a dream, to come to ministry
school, but not everyone understood or accepted our
dream. But He brought the dream into the light and
allowed us to come; we are becoming Josephs.
___________________________ 3. Josephs are modern-day dreamers. If we are
___________________________ faithful in the small things, God will trust us with the
___________________________ big things. Joseph had honor and God allowed him to
___________________________ influence people in high places, even governments.

Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1007

4. God is blessing us with innovation, creativity, ___________________________

wisdom, inventions, and answers so that we can take ___________________________
back the Seven Mountains, the mountains of influence.
a. Joseph had dreams, and he helped other
people with their dreams. His prophetic giftings
brought him to prominence. ___________________________
b. The gifts of God will allow you to find favor, ___________________________
fame, and fortune, but if you do not have the ___________________________
character to stand, you will fall. ___________________________
c. Joseph was taken away from his family so that
he could be matured and come into a place of
d. Joseph demonstrated sexual purity. ___________________________
E. Character and Power ___________________________
1. Joseph had both character and power; which ___________________________
allowed him to demonstrate mercy to his brothers and ___________________________
to stay holy in a position of power.
2. Fame has never increased the quality of one’s life.
a. A call to fame is really a means to an end;
fame’s purpose is to influence people around you ___________________________
for the glory of God—to demonstrate God to them. ___________________________
F. Joseph’s Triumph ___________________________
1. Joseph entrusted the situation to God and God ___________________________
brought divine justice.
a. Potiphar could have had Joseph executed, but
he threw him in jail instead.
b. Joseph brings the Israelites into Egypt where ___________________________
they escaped wars and famine; here they could ___________________________
flourish and grow into a great nation (1:24:50 end). ___________________________
Related Documents (see attached):
1. “Daily Bible Reading List”
Survey of the Bible, Lesson 1 | Bernie Ooley

___________________________ Review Questions:

1. Why is being created in the image of God significant?
What is our place in the creation?
Being created in the image of God means that we are
___________________________ set apart from all other living things, we are made to rule
___________________________ and reign with Him and to reflect His glory. It is significant
___________________________ because God made us to commune with Himself, to have a
___________________________ relationship with Him. Our identity does not come from the
fall of satan, it is not our nature to sin—we were made in
the likeness of God—we are a representation of our Father.
He created us and ordained us to rule, to be creative, to
___________________________ re-present God to the world. If Jesus is inside of us, then
___________________________ we are also to walk in the same demonstration of power
___________________________ (signs and wonders) and character that He did. Through
___________________________ a representation of love, we are to take ownership of the
earth, ruling over creation and demonstrating the gospel in
power. In His image, we will demonstrate the power and
love of God to the world.
___________________________ 2. What does the account of Abraham (Gen. 12 - 25) teach
___________________________ you about being a friend of God?
Abraham was a friend of God, a blood covenant partner.
Out of that covenant, God blessed Abraham by multiplying
his generations (Jesus is a descendant of Abraham),
___________________________ giving him authority, and by increasing his territory and
___________________________ possessions. More importantly, God treated Abraham as a
___________________________ friend. God was not looking for perfection, but obedience;
___________________________ Abraham chose to obey God out of his love for Him. They
interacted about decisions and God did not suppress
Abraham with His strength, but embraced his friendship by
valuing Abraham’s opinion. Abraham was also a faithful
___________________________ friend who remained true to God even when it seemed
___________________________ God was silent or when waiting for unfulfilled promises
___________________________ grew tiresome. God even used Abraham’s mistakes for
___________________________ His glory. In the same way, God wants a personal covenant
relationship with us—He is not expecting perfection. Out of
our love for Him, we chose to obey Him and value Him as a
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1007

friend. He wants to provide for us and bless us. God wants ___________________________
us to be a part of what He is doing so we can fulfill our ___________________________
destinies. He wants our friendship.
3. Describe what it would mean to be a current day ___________________________
Joseph. ___________________________
Joseph has been described as a controller and distributor ___________________________
of the kingdom of God. He started out with a dream and ___________________________
although he was mocked by his family and thrown into
slavery, God was setting him up for success. Passing tests
of character and faithfulness to God, Joseph came into a
place of power and position in Egypt. He entrusted each ___________________________
situation to God and God brought divine justice. Joseph ___________________________
also brought the Israelites into Egypt where they escaped ___________________________
wars and famine; he brought them to a place where they ___________________________
could grow into a great nation. A modern day Joseph
would be someone who uses their fame to influence the
people around them for the glory of God. Like Joseph, we
are called to take the high places—the Seven Mountains ___________________________
of influence (Church, Home, Government, Media, Arts, ___________________________
Education, and Commerce). We are to help establish the ___________________________
government of God in each area of influence. God has ___________________________
blessed us with innovation, creativity, wisdom, inventions,
and answers to influence the world. We are to walk in both
character and power—not holding our authority over people,
but holding it under them. ___________________________
Discussion & Activation: ___________________________
1. Read the Ephesians 1 & 2. Then highlight all of the
phrases that say “through Him, because of Jesus, in
Him, etc.” Meditate (fill your mind and heart with God) ___________________________
on these passages soaking in the fullness of who you ___________________________
are in Him—your identity. ___________________________
Survey of the Bible, Lesson 1 | Bernie Ooley

___________________________ 2. Make a two-column list of your Talents/Skills and your

___________________________ Dreams. Review the list and then, based on the skills
and experience you already have, think about which of
the Seven Mountains you are called to influence; there
may be more than one. (Do not limit yourself by what is
___________________________ on the list, God will give you whatever you need to fulfill the
___________________________ destiny on your life.) Pray and ask God to make you a
___________________________ Joseph in that area of influence, that He would give you
___________________________ creative ideas, favor, and keys to take back the high
places of that mountain.
___________________________ 1. Jack W. Hayford, The Hayford Bible Handbook (Nashville:
___________________________ Thomas Nelson Inc, 2004).
___________________________ All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken

___________________________ from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960,

1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The
Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)
Reference Material:
___________________________ Baylis, Albert H. From Creation to the Cross. Grand Rapids:
___________________________ Zondervan Publishing House, 1996.
___________________________ Richards, Larry. Teacher’s Commentary. Cook
Communications Ministries International, 1987.
Walton, J.H., Mathews, V.H., Chavalas, M.W. The IVP Bible
___________________________ Background Commentary. Downers Grove: Inter Varsity
___________________________ Press, 2000.
___________________________ Wilkinson, Bruce & Kenneth Boa. Talk Thru the Old Testament.
Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publications, 2005.
Daily Bible Reading List

Course: Survey of the Bible

Teacher: Bernie Ooley

Objective: To survey the Bible in one year while gaining a better understanding of the supernatural power
of God working in and through the past, present, and future. This assigned daily Bible reading will keep
you submerged in God’s Word, while the Review Questions will help to pull out some of the high points of
the messages.

Each week, please read the assigned passages and answer the Review Questions before you come to
class; we will review them in class.

School Year Reading:

September 16: Joshua 22-24 15: Psalms 111-114
14: Genesis 1-3 17: Judges 1-4 16: Psalms 115-118
15: Genesis 4-6 18: Judges 5-8 17: I Kings 1 & 2; Psalms 37, 71
16: Genesis 7-9 19: Judges 11-13 18: Psalms 119
17: Genesis 10-12 20: Judges 14-16 19: I Kings 3 & 4; Psalms 72
18: Genesis 13-15 21: Ruth 20: Song of Solomon
19: Genesis 16-18 22: I Samuel 1-3 21: Proverbs 1-4
20: Genesis 19-21 23: I Samuel 4-6 22: Proverbs 5-8
21: Genesis 22-24 24: I Samuel 7-9 23: Proverbs 9-12
22: Genesis 25-27 25: I Samuel 10-12 24: Proverbs 13-16
23: Genesis 28-30 26: I Samuel 13-15 25: Proverbs 17-20
24: Genesis 31-33 27: I Samuel 16-18 26: Proverbs 21-24
25: Genesis 34-36 28: I Samuel 19 & 20 27: I Kings 5-8
26: Genesis 37-39 29: I Samuel 21 & 22; 28: Psalms 148-150; I Kings 9
27: Genesis 40-43 Psalms 11 & 59 29: Proverbs 25-28
28: Genesis 44-46 30: I Samuel 23 & 24; 30: Proverbs 29-31; I Kings 10
29: Genesis 47-50 Psalms 7 & 27
30: Exodus 1-3 31: Psalms 120 & 28; December
I Samuel 25 - 27 01: I Kings 11-13
October 02: I Kings 14 -16
01: Exodus 4-6 November 03: I Kings 17-19
02: Exodus 7-9 01: I Samuel 28 – Psalms 121, 04: I Kings 20-22
03: Exodus 10-12 Psalms 123-125 05: II Kings 1-3
04: Exodus 13-15 02: II Samuel 1-3 06: II Kings 4-6
05: Exodus 16-18 03: II Samuel 4; Psalms 6, 8 - 10 07: II Kings 7-9
06: Exodus 19-21 04: Psalms 14, 16, 19, 21 08: II Kings 10-12
07: Exodus 22-24 05: II Samuel 5 & 6; Psalms 133 09: II Kings 13-15
08: Exodus 25-27 06: Psalms 1, 2, 15, 22-24 10: Jonah
09: Exodus 28-30 07: Psalms 100, 101, 105, 132 11: Amos 1-3
10: Exodus 31-33 08: II Samuel 7-9 12: Amos 4-6
11: Exodus 34, 35 & 40 09: II Samuel 10-11; Psalms 20 13: Amos 7-9
12: Joshua 1-3 10: II Samuel 12-13 14: Isaiah 1-3
13: Joshua 4-6 11: II Samuel 14-16; Psalms 3 & 4 15: Isaiah 4-6
14: Joshua 7-9 12: II Samuel 17-19 16: Isaiah 7-9
15: Joshua14, 20 & 21 13: II Samuel 20-22 17: Isaiah 10-12
14: II Samuel 23 & 24; Psalms 5 18: Micah
19: II Kings 16 & 17 February 24: I Corinthians 15 & 16
20: Isaiah 13 & 14 01: Ezra 7-10 25: II Corinthians 1 & 2
21: Isaiah 26 & 27; 02: Nehemiah 1-3 26: II Corinthians 3 & 4
II Kings 18:1-8; Psalms 48 03: Nehemiah 4-6 27: II Corinthians 5 & 6
22: Isaiah 28-30 04: Nehemiah 7-9 28: II Corinthians 7& 8
23: Isaiah 31-33 05: Nehemiah 10-13 29: II Corinthians 9 & 10
24: Isaiah 34-36; Psalms 76 06: Esther 1-3 30: II Corinthians 11 -13
25: Isaiah 37-39 07: Esther 4-6 31: Acts 20:1-3; Romans 1 & 2
26: Isaiah 40-42 08: Esther 7-10
27: Isaiah 43-45 09: Malachi April
28: Isaiah 46-48 10: Matthew 1-3 01: Romans 3 & 4
29: II Kings 18:9 - 19:37; 11: Matthew 4-6 02: Romans 5 & 6
Isaiah 49 12: Matthew 7-9 03: Romans 7 & 8
30: Isaiah 50-52 13. Matthew 10-12 04: Romans 9 & 10
31: Isaiah 53-55 14: Matthew 13-15 05: Romans 11 & 12
15: Matthew 16-18 06: Romans 13 & 14
January 16: Matthew 19-21 07: Romans 15 & 16
01: Isaiah 56-58 17: Matthew 22-24 08: Acts 20:4 - 23
02: Isaiah 59-61 18: Matthew 25-28 09: Acts 24-26
03: Isaiah 62-64 19: Luke 1-3 10: Acts 27 & 28
04: Isaiah 65 & 66; 20: Luke 4-6 11: Colossians 1 & 2
II Kings 20 21: Luke 7-9 12: Colossians 3 & 4; Philemon
05: II Kings 21-23 22: Luke 10-12 13: Ephesians 1 & 2
06: Zephaniah 23: Luke 13-15 14: Ephesians 3 & 4
07: II Kings 24 & 25 24: Luke 16-18 15: Ephesians 5 & 6
08: Habakkuk 25: Luke 19-21 16: Philippians 1 & 2
09: Jeremiah 1-3 26: Luke 22-24 17: Philippians 3 & 4
10:Jeremiah 11-13 27: John 1-3 18: I Timothy 1 & 2
11: Jeremiah 17-19 28: John 4-6 19: I Timothy 3 & 4
12: Jeremiah 30 & 31 20: I Timothy 5 & 6
13: Jeremiah 32 & 33 March 21: II Timothy 1 & 2
14: Daniel 1-3 01: John 7-9 22: II Timothy 3 & 4
15: Daniel 4-6 02: John 10-12 23: Titus
16: Daniel 7-9 03: John 13-15 24: I Peter 1 & 2
17: Daniel 10-12 04: John 16-18 25: I Peter 3-5
18: Ezekiel 1-3 05: John 19-21 26: Hebrews 1-3
19: Ezekiel 4-6 06: Acts 1-3 27: Hebrews 4-6
20: Ezekiel 7-9 07: Acts 4-6 28: Hebrews 7-9
21: Ezekiel 10-12 08: Acts 7-9 29: Hebrews 10-13
22: Ezekiel 13-15 09: Acts 10-12 30: II Peter 1-3
23: Ezekiel 16-18 10: Acts 13-15
24: Ezekiel 28 11: James May
25: Ezekiel 33-35 12: Galatians 1-3 01: I John 1-3
26: Ezekiel 36-38 13: Galatians 4-6 02: I John 4 & 5; Jude
27: Ezekiel 39-40 14: Acts 16-18 03: Revelation 1-3
28: Ezekiel 47-48 15: I Thessalonians 04: Revelation 4-6
29: Joel 16: II Thessalonians; Acts 19 05: Revelation 7-9
30: Ezra 1-3 17: I Corinthians 1 & 2 06: Revelation 10-12
31: Ezra 4-6 18: I Corinthians 3 & 4 07: Revelation 13-15
19: I Corinthians 5 & 6 08: Revelation 16-18
20: I Corinthians 7 & 8 09: Revelation 19 & 20
21: I Corinthians 9 & 10 10: Revelation 21 & 22
22: I Corinthians 11 & 12
23: I Corinthians 13 & 14
Summer Reading:

22: Leviticus 1 & 2
23: Leviticus 3 & 4
24: Leviticus 5 & 6
25: Leviticus 7 & 8
26: Leviticus 9 & 10
27: Leviticus 11 & 12
28: Leviticus 13 & 14
29: Leviticus 15 & 16
30: Leviticus 17 & 18
31: Leviticus 19 & 20

01: Leviticus 21 & 22
02: Leviticus 23 & 24
03: Leviticus 25 & 26
04: Leviticus 27
05: Numbers 1 & 2
06: Numbers 3 & 4
07: Numbers 5 & 6
08: Numbers 7 & 8
09: Numbers 9 & 10
10: Numbers 11 & 12
11: Numbers 13 & 14
12: Numbers 15 & 16
13: Numbers 17 & 18
14: Numbers 19 & 20
15: Numbers 21 & 22
16: Numbers 23 & 24
17: Numbers 25 & 26
18: Numbers 27 & 28
19: Numbers 29 & 30
20: Numbers 31 & 32
21: Numbers 33 & 34
22: Numbers 35 & 36
23: Deuteronomy 1 & 2
24: Deuteronomy 3 & 4
25: Deuteronomy 5 & 6
26: Deuteronomy 7 & 8
27: Deuteronomy 9 & 10
28: Deuteronomy 11 & 12

Intercession Beni Johnson
DVD Session 1008

Session Outline: My Notes:

I. Introduction to Prayer & Intercession (0:00 minutes)
A. Wake Up Your Spirit!
1. Example: Cirque du Soleil (Quebec), acrobatic show
in Las Vegas, Nevada ___________________________
2. Learn to see things through a prophetic eye and ___________________________
spirit. ___________________________
a. Listen with your spirit, not just with your mind ___________________________
b. Let your spirit be warmed to what God is saying.
B. An Open Heaven
1. A region where heaven, the reality of the kingdom, ___________________________
flows freely (healings, prophetic, encounters with God, ___________________________
etc). ___________________________
2. 3 Realms of Heaven ___________________________
a. 1 Heaven/Realm – what you see, the earth
b. 2nd Heaven – the demonic realm/warring place,
where the angels of God and the demonic battle
c. 3rd Heaven – heaven, God’s realm ___________________________
3. When you are under an Open Heaven, all three of ___________________________
these realms are in operation—you can feel and see ___________________________
into these realms. ___________________________
4. How do you handle these realms?
a. Stay focused, do not give way to all of the things
that are pulling you and confusing you.
b. Know the love of the Father, not in your head, ___________________________
but truly know in your heart that He loves you. ___________________________
• Isaiah 26:3 “The steadfast of mind You will ___________________________
keep in perfect peace, because he trusts You.” ___________________________

II. Seeing and Feeling Gifts (8:20)
A. Territorial Spirits
1. You may feel joyful and encouraged in one area and ___________________________
then move or travel to another area and struggle with ___________________________
depression, fear, etc. ___________________________
Additional Teacher’s Manual 93
Intercession | Beni Johnson

___________________________ a. Example: Beni’s anticipation of vacations; fall

___________________________ retreat
2. Realize that what you are feeling may not be your
own, it is what you are picking-up from the people or
territory around you—it is called “territorial spirits.”
___________________________ a. You are entering into an area with different
___________________________ territorial spirits, ones that you are not familiar with.
___________________________ • When you are not familiar with them, you
___________________________ tend not to recognize them before you pick
them up as your own.
B. Familiar Spirits
1. A spirit that you once struggled with, like depression,
___________________________ can easily attach to you again when you get around
___________________________ people that are carrying the same spirit.
___________________________ a. These are called familiar spirits because they
___________________________ are ones that you have known before.
C. Being Yourself Is Best
1. Understand that we all have things we are working
___________________________ a. Do not worry or become depressed about the
___________________________ amount of things you have to work on, just allow
___________________________ God to heal you; on the other side is great joy.
___________________________ 2. God loves your personality and He wants to work
through and in you.
a. He does not want you to be someone you are
___________________________ b. All of us are going to be used just the way we
___________________________ are supposed to be used.
___________________________ III. The Start of Renewal (12:39)
A. Renewal Started In 1996
1. Started at a women’s retreat in Mount Shasta, CA
where a woman struggling with suicide gained freedom
___________________________ by being honest with God, reading her Bible and
___________________________ talking to God every day.
___________________________ 2. Breakthrough began by redeeming the use of flags,
___________________________ releasing the presence of God through raising/waving
them and through their different colors.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1008

a. New Age/Witchcraft people already know about ___________________________

the flags and the colors, that they release things in ___________________________
the spirit.
b. Example: Color blue – means the Holy Spirit
and revelation
3. The Holy Spirit came upon Beni and she began ___________________________
weeping, it became a memorial where God removed ___________________________
her fear of speaking in public. ___________________________
B. Continued At a Church in Toronto, Canada ___________________________
1. It was the height of renewal there. 25,000 people
were lying all over the floor.
2. A man who was “inebriated/drunk” in the Spirit lightly
touched Beni’s arm and she went flying to the floor. ___________________________
For 20 minutes she was plugged into a light socket— ___________________________
shaking without control. ___________________________
a. God was shaking the things out of her that we ___________________________
not her and stirring up the things that she truly is.
3. Every time someone mentioned a testimony of
revival, Beni began to weep.
a. Although she loved Jesus and had been in the ___________________________
church her whole life, she was now falling in love ___________________________
with the Holy Spirit. ___________________________
C. Past Strongholds ___________________________
1. When things are spoken over you, they can become
strongholds and you actually become what people say
about you. What you believe can have power over
you. ___________________________
a. Example: Shy/introverted stronghold spoken ___________________________
over speaker as a child ___________________________
• God can remove strongholds through en- ___________________________
2. Once free from the stronghold, satan may try
to bring it back. However, when God removes a
stronghold, He also gives you the tools/equipment you ___________________________
need to say “no” to the stronghold and not allow it to ___________________________
come back. ___________________________
Intercession | Beni Johnson

___________________________ IV. Prophetic Intercession (21:46)

___________________________ A. Falling In Love With the Holy Spirit
1. In praise and worship (lost in God) your spirit begins
to awaken and you learn to see what God is doing.
a. Example: worshiping in the mornings during
___________________________ transition to Bethel.
___________________________ 2. In coming into agreement with what God is doing,
___________________________ you are connecting with the 3rd Realm/Heaven.
___________________________ a. You understand God’s purposes.
b. You will begin to see visions, faces, situations,
B. Definition of Prophetic Intercession
___________________________ 1. Prophetic intercession is hearing from heaven and
___________________________ praying it out of your mouth.
___________________________ 2. When you come into agreement with what God is
___________________________ doing you will see fruit from your prayers.
a. When you repeat and prophesy God’s purposes
your prayers will be effective.
3. Everyone is an intercessor; if you are tapping into
___________________________ the 3rd realm of glory, into the heartbeat of God, you
___________________________ are an intercessor.
___________________________ 4. We often pray too much!
___________________________ a. Learn to see things and declare what God is
doing, not just asking for things in prayer.
C. Speaking Positively
1. Do not put emphasis on or watch what the devil is
___________________________ doing, watch what God is doing.
___________________________ a. Example: Friend’s failing business
___________________________ b. Stop agreeing with people’s negative words and
___________________________ instead watch God turn the situation around.
2. Declare what God is doing and prophesy over the
D. Waiting On God
___________________________ 1. Sometimes it is difficult to see or hear what God is
___________________________ doing, it may even appear as though God is keeping
___________________________ silent for a season.
___________________________ a. Wait, be patient, stay focused, and learn to hear
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1008

V. Peace Is a Military Move (29:36) ___________________________

A. Stay In a Place of Peace ___________________________
1. A peaceful person is blessed, the opposite of peace
is fear.
a. Example: Brian and Jen Johnson’s 2nd baby
b. It’s just warfare, just say ‘no’. ___________________________
2. In the midst of trial, stop and ask God what He is ___________________________
doing. ___________________________
a. Do not partner with fear! ___________________________
3. Praying Positively
a. When you sense or feel negative things in
the spirit, just pray the opposite—this will be in
alignment with what God is doing. ___________________________
4. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He stayed in a place ___________________________
of peace in the midst of the storms. ___________________________
5. If you can have peace in the midst of your storms, ___________________________
you will have victory.
B. Happy Intercessors
1. Intercessors should be the happiest people in the
world because they know what God is doing and ___________________________
saying. ___________________________
a. Isaiah 26:3 (Message Bible) “People with their ___________________________
minds set on you, you keep completely whole, ___________________________
steady on their feet because they keep at it and do
not quit.”
b. Example: 1,000 people left Bethel when
Renewal first started. ___________________________
c. In prayer there are times when we need to ___________________________
earnestly pursue results. ___________________________
C. Getting to a Place of Peace ___________________________
1. Soaking–becoming saturated with God’s presence
and finding His heart.
a. Example: close your eyes and recognize His
presence, soaking is the same thing, only for a ___________________________
longer period of time. ___________________________
b. When you soak you’re not praying, reading ___________________________
your Bible, prophesying—it is simply being in His ___________________________
presence, recognizing His presence, practicing His
Intercession | Beni Johnson

___________________________ c. It is not going with an agenda or a list of prayer

___________________________ requests, it is going to meet with God.
• Examples: women loosing weight; personal
2. Encounters with God come by being one with Him.
___________________________ 3. You can attract His presence wherever, but there is
___________________________ a deepness that comes when you are lying down and
___________________________ enjoying His presence.
___________________________ D. God Wants to Talk to You
1. When you are soaking, God will often show you
things for which to intercede.
a. Whatever He shows you, just come into
___________________________ agreement and pray it out.
___________________________ 2. Often you will think of new and creative ways to pray
___________________________ during times of soaking; it will stir up things in heaven.
___________________________ E. Walking Out of Fear
1. Read your Bible until your heart matches heaven.
2. Have a thankful heart; think of things to be thankful
for and praise Him, even if they are small.
___________________________ 3. Pray in tongues.
___________________________ a. God inhabits the presence of our praise, and
___________________________ angels like praise too.
___________________________ • Angels can come in human form, light
streaks, bubbles, blue orbs, etc.
VI. Questions & Answers With the Speaker (43:12)
___________________________ 1. What is a blue orb angel?
___________________________ a. It is a blue round circle. It is an angel of revelation,
___________________________ a symbol of God’s presence.
2. Is praying in tongues a good tool in intercession?
a. Absolutely, it is a powerful tool. Any time you see in
the 2nd realm, speaking in tongues will pull you out of
___________________________ that negative realm.
___________________________ 3. How do I press through more into the 3rd Heaven rather
___________________________ than staying in the 2nd realm?
a. Practice His presence on a consistent basis
(spending time in Prayer Chapel) so that when you
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1008

encounter the 2nd realm you will be able to draw from ___________________________
the 3 realm because you already know what it feels
4. Can intercession be passed on like a gift?
a. Intercession can be passed on to others, but it is ___________________________
also given to certain ones as a mantel. ___________________________
b. Intercession is also a gift of “helps” because ___________________________
intercessors stand in between the problem and God ___________________________
and act as kind of a lawyer.
5. When we have bad dreams/feel terror how should we
respond? ___________________________
a. Pray in tongues and then focus on what God wants ___________________________
to do. Release the opposite of what you feel. For ___________________________
example, if you feel terror then release peace. ___________________________
6. Is weeping and repentance in intercession wrong?
a. There are many types of intercession; sometimes it
involves crying and repentance. But intercessors must ___________________________
come out of this so it does not lead to continued self- ___________________________
evaluation, depression and worldly sorrow. ___________________________
b. There are enough people walking around with ___________________________
sorrow and depression, we are to be bearers of joy
and light.
7. Does speaking in tongues out loud or in your mind have ___________________________
the same effect? ___________________________
a. It may not have the same effect; there is something ___________________________
about the sound, the verbal release, which comes out ___________________________
of your mouth.
8. How much emphasis do we place on our emotions,
especially if we have had experiences in the past? ___________________________
Sometimes emotions are deceitful. ___________________________
a. Sometimes you learn by trial and error. When you ___________________________
mess up and did not have the word of the Lord, just ___________________________
apologize—we are not perfect. You have to learn to
hear God and know the difference.
Intercession | Beni Johnson

___________________________ • This is a safe place where you can learn.

9. If I wake-up in the morning speaking in tongues, is that
prophetic intercession or are angels singing over me?
a. Your spirit never sleeps, you are doing a lot of stuff
___________________________ in your sleep.
___________________________ • If you are speaking in tongues while you sleep,
___________________________ that is really good—it means your spirit is very
___________________________ awake.

10. How do I know how long to pray for something?
a. God may give you seasons to pray for something
___________________________ and then it will lift. It may come back again, even in
___________________________ cycles. Just pray for whatever God is showing you.
___________________________ b. Develop a private history with God. Sometimes
___________________________ what God shows you is not to be shared with everyone
around you.
• Sometimes it is supposed to be a secret between
you and God. Just ask him what is to be shared
___________________________ and what is to be kept between you two.
___________________________ 11. When you focus on the Lord, what specific things do
___________________________ you think about or visualize?
a. Some people need to read out of the Bible (Psalms)
and meditate on a passage. Meditation is not
emptying your mind of everything; it is filling it with
___________________________ God.
___________________________ b. Music is also another means; look for music that
___________________________ has passion, music that “breathes heaven.” Lie down
___________________________ and listen to the music until your spirit connects with
heaven. If your mind wanders, bring it back to focusing
on the Lord. Train your mind to submit to your spirit.
___________________________ 12. What about entering into the 3rd realm through
___________________________ meditation and trances?
___________________________ a. The new age (witchcraft) does do this, but it
___________________________ is something that they derived from true God
experiences. It is really an ancient Biblical way of
communing with God called contemplative prayer.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1008

It is a really deep place that is wonderful, but not ___________________________

everyone can get there. ___________________________
13. How can God be sovereign and still use us or need us
to accomplish His goals.
a. God likes our ideas; God chose David and liked his ___________________________
ideas. God wants to partner with us; He made us so ___________________________
he could commune with us. ___________________________
14. I saw a huge purple presence next to Bill Johnson at
two different conferences that he was speaking at, what
was that?
a. Purple is royalty and intercession; most likely it was ___________________________
an angelic presence. ___________________________
15. When I pray or try to worship, I speak in tongues ___________________________
constantly and cannot stop. Is this intercession or why am
I unable to enter into worship by singing?
a. It is uncommon for people to not be able to stop
speaking in tongues. There is a strong anointing when ___________________________
people speak in tongues. ___________________________
b. Prayer Servants are not allowed to speak in tongues ___________________________
on the prayer line because people cannot understand ___________________________
c. As an exception, we sometimes use people
speaking in tongues to release/break things off of
others. ___________________________
Students are led into a time of “soaking” with soft ___________________________
instrumental music for about 20 minutes where they rest ___________________________
and encounter God (1:03:50 end).
Intercession | Beni Johnson

___________________________ Review Questions:

1. What are the 3 Realms of Heaven and which do you
want to focus on?
The 1st Heaven/Realm is what you see, it is the natural
___________________________ earth. The 2nd Heaven is the demonic realm where the
___________________________ angels of God and the demonic battle; it is the warring
___________________________ place. The 3rd Heaven is God’s realm, it is what we
___________________________ commonly call “heaven.” When you are under an “open
heaven” all three of these realms are in operation and
you can feel and see into these realms. If you are often
tormented by spirits or you see/feel battles going on in the
___________________________ spirit, you may be seeing into the 2nd heaven. You need to
___________________________ learn to use your giftings and stay focused on what’s going
___________________________ on in the 3rd heaven. Do not give way to all of the things
___________________________ that are pulling you and confusing you. Know the true love
of the Father deep in your heart and keep a steadfast mind
towards Him (Isaiah 26:3).
___________________________ 2. How do you know if you have seeing and feeling gifts?
___________________________ Not everyone has these gifts. If you feel joyful and
___________________________ encouraged in one area and then move/travel to another
___________________________ area and struggle with depression, fear, etc. you may be a
feeler. This gift often picks up on the spirits and issues of
the people around you or even in a territory. People who
are seers will often see pictures of angels or the demonic,
___________________________ many times God is allowing them to see what is going on
___________________________ in the 2nd and 3rd Heaven. The point of both of these gifts is
___________________________ to either agree with what God is doing in the 3rd Heaven or
___________________________ release the opposite of what you see in the 2nd Heaven. For
example, if you see angels flying over a city and releasing
the love of the Father, then come into agreement with this
picture and verbally declare what you see. If you drive
___________________________ into an area and feel depressed, then release the joy and
___________________________ freedom of the Lord over that area. Remember that there is
___________________________ great power in the spoken word. Also, realize that everyone
___________________________ has “issues” they are working on; God is showing you what
is going on in the spirit realm so that you can influence it for
His glory.
Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1008

3. How can negative words spoken over you affect your ___________________________
destiny? ___________________________
Sometimes when things are spoken over you, they can
become a stronghold and you actually become what people
say about you. What you believe can have power over
you. If from your youth someone begins telling you that you ___________________________
are stupid and you begin to believe it, the lie can become ___________________________
a stronghold over you—you may even believe that you are ___________________________
unintelligent as an adult because that lie still has root in ___________________________
you. God can free you from the stronghold just by shedding
His light on the lie and bringing truth. What you believe has
power over you, so if it is not in alignment with what God is
saying about you, then do not believe it. Once freed from ___________________________
the stronghold, satan may try to bring it back. However, ___________________________
when God removes a stronghold, He also gives you the ___________________________
tools you need to say “no” to the stronghold and not allow it ___________________________
to come back.
4. What is prophetic intercession and why should ___________________________
Intercessors be happy people? ___________________________
Prophetic intercession is hearing from heaven and praying ___________________________
it out of your mouth. It is connecting to the 3 Heaven—
seeing pictures, smelling smells, having visions, and
dreaming dreams. In understanding God’s purposes you
partner with Him by declaring what you see is in His heart.
Everyone is an intercessor, although some carry a specific ___________________________
calling for this area. All intercessors should be happy ___________________________
because they should be tapping into the 3rd Realm of glory ___________________________
and listening to the heartbeat of God (Isaiah 26:3)—that ___________________________
is the only place from which to be praying. Never put an
emphasis on what the enemy is doing, keep your focus on
God and what He is doing. When you repeat and prophesy
God’s purposes your prayers will be effective. Remember ___________________________
that God inhabits the praise of His people; pray positively ___________________________
and declare what you see God doing in the 3rd Heaven. ___________________________
Intercession | Beni Johnson

___________________________ 5. How is peace a military move? And how do you get to

___________________________ a place of peace?
The opposite of fear is peace. If you have peace in the
midst of a storm, you will have victory over the storm.
When you are in the midst of a battle, the one who is
___________________________ steadfast and makes decisions out of a place of peace—
___________________________ wins. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. When you pick-up
___________________________ on negative things in the spirit, just pray the opposite; this
___________________________ will be in alignment with what God is doing. Jesus is the
Prince of Peace; he stayed in a place of peace in the midst
of the storms. You can enter into peace by soaking in God’s
___________________________ This can be done anywhere by simply closing your eyes,
___________________________ recognizing His presence and letting his peace wash over
___________________________ you. You can attract His presence anywhere, but there
is a deepness that comes when you are laying down and
enjoying His presence. Remember Isaiah 26:3, “The
steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because
___________________________ he trusts in You.”
___________________________ Discussion & Activation:

1. Pay attention to your senses this week, watch to see
if you feel emotions or see things that are not normal.
___________________________ Ask the Holy Spirit to heighten your giftings. If you
___________________________ already see into the 2nd and 3rd heaven, spend this week
___________________________ focusing on the 3rd heaven and coming into agreement
___________________________ with what God is doing.

Additional Teacher’s Manual | DVD Session 1008

2. If there is any stronghold over your life because of what ___________________________

people have spoken over you, take time to forgive them ___________________________
and break the lies. You can break the lie by denouncing
it and then declaring the truth over yourself. (Example:
Stronghold of fear? Quote II Timothy 1:7 over yourself.)
Find scripture that speaks to the specific lie; memorize ___________________________
the scriptures and then speak them over yourself in the ___________________________
car, while you walk, even while you wait in line at the ___________________________
bank. ___________________________
3. Spend 10-20 minutes soaking in God’s presence, let
Him love on you and refresh you. ___________________________
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken ___________________________
from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by ___________________________
Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ___________________________

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