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26. Any person affected by a motor vehicle accident can apply for a compensation claim to:
b. √ The Accident claims tribunal.

27. A person convicted of driving a motor vehicle under influence of drugs faces:
a. √ Imprisonment up to six months, fine up to Rs.2,000 or both.

28. Before leaving a vehicle parked, you should:

b. √ Stop the engine, lock the ignition, remove the key, and set the hand brake.

29. On expiry of a licence, a person may drive without renewal of motor driving licence for:
c. √ 30 days.

30. A motor driving licence issued in a state:

a. √ Is valid throughout India.

31. Any person may hold:

b. √ Only one licence.

32. Lending of a motor vehicle to person who is not holding a valid licence is:
b. √ A serious offence.

33. A person driving a vehicle must always carry with him:

c. √ His driving licence, tax card, insurance certificate, registration certificate and emission
certificate (and in the case of a transport vehicle, the permit and fitness certificate also).

34. Extra head lights, other than standard lights fitted on the vehicles:
c. √ Are not as per the law, unless authorized specifically by the authorities.

35. Driving a vehicle having pollution values above the limit specified by law:
b. √ Is an offence under the law.

36. Attachment of anything to the glasses of a motor vehicle, which makes the glasses shining from
c. √ Is not recommended as it is against the law.

37. Abrupt braking shall not be resorted to:

a. √ Unless it is absolutely necessary.

38. Having something attached to or hanging from the rear view mirror is:
a. √ Against the regulations.

39. In traffic moving two lanes in each direction, the car directly ahead of you is waiting to make a
right turn. You may:
b. √ Pass the vehicle from left side.

40. When passing a procession, body of troops, or men at work, we should:

c. √ Proceed at not more than 25 km/hour and carefully.

41. Which are the vehicles which have got free passage:
c. √ Emergency vehicles.

42. To stop the motor cycles:

c. √ Apply the front and back brakes simultaneously.

43. While traveling together (group riding), two or more motorcycles should maintain a position so
as to:
b. √ Maintain the lane in a staggered file position keeping a proper distance between motor

44. While approaching a section of roadway where there is deep sand or gravel, you should:
c. √ Slow down and change to a lower gear before entering.

45. The best way to conserve fuel is to:

c. √ Drive at moderate constant speed as recommended.

46. While riding a motorcycle, all hand signals must be given by:
a. √ The Right hand only.

47. When an officer in full uniform demands your driving licence, you:
a. √ Driving Licence.

48. To drive a vehicle with expired insurance, one:

a. √ Shall drive cautiously to avoid any accident and subsequent loss to the third party.

49. Parking of vehicles should be such:

c. √ That they are always at right angles to the kerb.

51. An endorsement on a driving licence is made when:

b. √ The driver is guilty of a serious act.

52. Registration number plate must be:

a. √ In English language with Arabic numerals.

53. A vehicle under temporary registration number plate:

a. √ May be used on roads for thirty days.

54. In the case of a non-transport vehicle the number plate:

b. √ Should be black letters on Yellow background.

55. In the case of transport vehicle the number plate:

c. √ Black letters on white background.

56. Over speeding or dangerous driving:

c. √ Is an offence and is punishable under the law.

57. Riding on clutch means:

b. √ Keeping 'Half clutch' position consistently.

58. If you are driving at a speed of 60 km per hour, in one second your vehicle covers the distance
b. √ 16 meters

59. Double solid lines on the street indicates:

c. √ No overtaking.

60. While driving, it a flashing red or blue light of an emergency vehicle is seen, you should:
c. √ Pull to the left and stop.

61. You are permitted to open the car door on the traffic side:
a. √ When traffic is clear.

62. The best way to get your car out of a skid is:
c. √ Turn the steering wheel in the direction the car is skidding.

63. Person holding a licence to drive a motorcar:

c. √ Can drive motorcycle if licence authorize him to do so specifically.

64. Fitment of a multi-toned horn to a motor vehicle:

c. √ Is against the law.

65. During heavy rain, or frost, if the wind-shield and windows of the car become cloudy you
b. √ Stop driving until you have cleaned off windows and windshield .

66. Before parking your vehicle on a ascent or a hill, you must:

c. √ Turn the front wheels away from the kerb (edge of road).

67. When parking downhill, you must:

c. √ Turn the front wheels towards the kerb (edge of road).

68. You wish to take a ‘U’ turn at an intersection controlled by a traffic light. You should:
b. √ Wait until the light turns green before making the ‘U’ turn.

69. Flashing yellow light means:

a. √ Slow down and proceed with cautions.

70. While driving near an intersection you observe a yellow light following a green light, you
b. √ Stop at the cross walk.

71. Flashing red traffic light means:

a. √ 'Stop and proceed' sign.

72. A pedestrian is crossing the street at an intersection in an unmarked cross walk, you should:
a. √ Yield or give the pedestrian the “right-of-way’.

73. You are approaching a circle which you are about to enter. You shall:
b. √ Give way to right hand traffic.

74. While waiting to make a right turn when the traffic light turns green you should:
c. √ Signal and turn when oncoming traffic has cleared.
75. On observing a signal to stop at an intersection, motor vehicle must be stopped:
a. √ Behind the stop line painted on the road near the signal.

76. While approaching an intersection when the light is green, a funeral procession is passing
across, you should:
c. √ Proceed on green light only after entire procession has passed.

77. You approach an intersection that does not have traffic lights, a policeman or traffic signs, you
a. √ Slow down and use caution.

78. You have a valid learner’s licence to drive a car. You should:
b. √ Have some one with a valid driver’s licence on the seat beside you when you drive.

79. Emergency vehicles mean:

c. √ Ambulance and fire service vehicles.

80. Drivers of vehicles shall not use horn on:

c. √ In ‘Silent zone’.

81. During day time if you have already entered a narrow bridge and you see that another vehicle is
coming in the opposite direction, to stop him at other end:
c. √ Switch on the head lights.

82. The registration mark should be illuminated by:

b. √ White light

83. Double yellow or white line in center along the road indicates:
a. √ No crossing under any circumstances.

84. Of the tyres, 2 tyres are radial and 2 tyres are ordinary, option of using it is:
c. √ Radial tyres at rear and ordinary tyres at front.

85. Carrying kerosene in motor vehicle in a can is:

c. √ Not permitted.

86. Maximum emission limit for all four wheeled petrol driven vehicles:
b. √ 3.0% of volume.

87. When the Motor Vehicle Inspector demands any information:

b. √ It is obligatory to furnish it.

88. Mandatory signs are exhibited in:

a. √ Circular shape.

89. Cautionary signs are exhibited in:

b. √ Triangular shape.

90. Racing and trial of speed:

c. √ Not allowed.
91. Informative signs are exhibited in:
c. √ Rectangular shape.

92. What should you do in heavy city traffic?

b. √ Adapt your speed to the flow of traffic within the permissible limits.

93. In Karnataka a School bus can be identified by:

a. √ Yellow paint.

94. An endorsement by court on the driving licence is made when:

c. √ The driver is guilty of a serious offence.

95. To top up the battery:

b. √ Distilled water is to be filled.

96. While you intend to take a right or left turn, first you have to do in sequence is:
a. √ Gear-Mirror-Signal.

97. When visibility is low during rainy season:

a. √ Use head lights even during the day.

98. Every motor vehicle must be insured because:

c. √ It compensates life, property, damages in an accident and also theft.

99. Rash and negligent driving:

a. √ Licence is liable for suspension or cancellation.

100. During night time when you have already entered a narrow bridge a signal to be given to stop
the vehicle approaching in opposite direction at the other end:
a. √ Dip & dim the head lights.

101. To move a vehicle from stationary position, the sequence of operation is:
b. √ Start-Gear-Mirror-Signal-Move.

102. Why do we have speed limits?:

a. √ To keep the traffic within a safe speed for existing condition.

103. The driver of a motor vehicle approaching an intersection where both are main roads:
b. √ Allow only right hand side traffic.

104. The safe way to stop the vehicle:

b. √ Press brake and then clutch.

105. Overtaking from left side of another vehicle is permitted:

a. √ Always.

106. When you approach a barrier, it is:

c. √ Caution to stop the vehicle.

107. Driver driving a vehicle in a public place without a licence, is liable for:
c. √ Issue of warning notice.

108. While driving at 45 kms/hour distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead should be
b. √ 2 vehicle lengths.

109. If your vehicle broke down during night :

c. √ Remove immediately to left of the road.

110. The registration certificate is valid from the date of first registration:
a. √ For 10 years.

111. Maximum permissible smoke density in diesel vehicles is:

b. √ 65 HSU.

112. The braking action has reduced after washing the vehicle, what can be done?
c. √ Normal braking action can be restored by operating the brakes several times at a slow
driving speed.

113. Which type of parking is more accommodable on wide road:

c. √ Inclined.

114. You have four tyres wherein one pair is retreaded and the other is new, your option of using
these for your car should be:
c. √ New once for front and retreaded for rear.

115. Carrying of loads which projects laterally & horizontally beyond the vehicle is:
a. √ Not permitted ordinarily.

116. When a cow is standing across the road:

c. √ Pass it from behind.

117. Carrying of pet dogs in cars and motor cycles is:

c. √ Not allowed.

118. Road tax paid on a vehicle in Karnataka State:

b. √ Is valid in Karnataka only.

119. Painting of olive green colour to private vehicles is :

a. √ Not permitted.

120. For higher power, the gear to be used:

a. √ 1st gear.

121. Vehicle registered in other states and kept in Karnataka without reassigning of registration
a. √ Can be used up to 12 months.

122. Braking a vehicle by driver abruptly:

a. √ Is allowed for safety reason.
123. Vehicle with left hand controls:
c. √ Can be used in India with a signaling device.

124. Person sitting or standing by the side of the driver hampering his control of the vehicle:
b. √ Is not allowed.

125. Driving by a drunken is punishable if the quantity of alcohol in blood:

a. √ Exceeds 30 mg. Per 100ml.of blood.

126. An accident victim can be treated by:

b. √ Any registered medical practitioner or doctor.

127. While turning to the right, the driver shall:

a. √ Draw to the center of the road along which he is traveling.

128. Overloading of any kind is:

a. √ Prohibited under law.

129. While driving, it is sufficient:

c. √ To use both light indicators & hand signals.

130. While parking your vehicle in down gradient, in addition to applying hand brake the gear
should be:
c. √ In the reverse gear.

131. A free left turn to a road can be taken in a junction, if the vehicle on that road:
c. √ Takes its right turn.

132. A vehicle traveling in the same direction intends to overtake your vehicle, you should:
b. √ Decelerate.

133. The registration mark of your vehicle shall be:

b. √ According to specification as laid down in the rules.

134. A driver shall drive in 'one way':

a. √ Always in the direction specified by sign board.

135. On mountain roads, the driver of a motor vehicle traveling a narrow road down hill shall:
c. √ Give precedence to opposite vehicle.

136. If you are fined for any traffic violations you must feel:
c. √ To correct your attitude in future.

137. If you feel sleepy or drowsy while driving, you must:

a. √ Stop driving for a rest.

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