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∞Love Peace and Harmony
∞01-31st of January 2011 - 01-31 Ocak 2011∞


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 6:30pm

4 Ocak’ta Yeni Ay Güneş tutulması gerçekleşecek. Bu güneş tutulması 2011’de gerçekleşecek

olan dört adet (kısmi) güneş tutulmasının ilkidir. Aynı yıl
içinde dört adet kısmi tutulmanın gerçekleştiği yıl 2000 idi. 4 Ocak’ta
Avrupa, Afrika ve Asya Güneşe eşsiz bir hilal şekli veren bu görsel fenomene
şahit olacak.

Ocak ayı ayrıca başka güçlü astrolojik görünüşlere sahip olacak, 3 – 5 Ocak’ta Jüpiter ve
Uranüs birbirlerine çok yakınlaşacak – bu hizalanma her 14 yılda bir
gerçekleşiyor. Sonra Quadrantid meteor şovu var, 3 Ocak gece yarısı ve 4 Ocak
arası zirve yapacak.

4 Ocak Kısmi Güneş Tutulması

2011’in ilk güneş tutulması doğu Yay burcunda Ayın yükselen düğümünde gerçekleşiyor.
Kısmi tutulma Avrupa, Kuzey Afrika ve orta Asya’nın çoğunda görülebilecek.
Gölgeli tutulma önce kuzey Cezayir’de 06:40:11 UT’de (Türkiye saati 08:40)
Dünya’nın yüzeyine dokunuyor. Gölge doğuya yolculuk yaparken Batı Avrupa
gündoğumunda kısmi tutulmayı görecek.

En büyük tutulma 08:50:35 UT’de (Türkiye saati 10:50) kuzey İsveç’te gerçekleşiyor. O anda
Ayın gölgesinin ekseni Dünya’nın yüzeyinin 510 km üzerinden geçecek.
Kuzey Afrika, Orta Asya ve Merkez Asya’nın çoğu gölgeli tutulmanın yolu
üzerinde bulunuyor. Kahire, Kudüs, İstanbul ve Tahran geniş büyüklükte kısmi
tutulmaya tanık olacak. Kısmi tutulma, gölgeli tutulma Dünya’yı 11:00:54
UT’de (Türkiye saati 13:00) terk ettiği zaman sona eriyor.

4 Ocak’ın Enerjisi & Astrolojisi

- Yeni Ay – Güneş Tutulması - Quantranti Ateşi -

Hatırlayın: Tutulmalar Enerji Üreteçleridir:

Yalnız & Toplu Olarak Meditasyon Yapma Zamanı

2011 için Niyet Oluşturma Zamanı – Yeni Yıl İçin Kararlar Alma Zamanı

4 Ocak Üçlü Yıldız Tutulmasıdır:

(1) Yeni Ay – Yeni Başlangıçlar, ‘Tohumlar’ Ekmek

(2) Quantranti Meteor Şovu: Gökyüzü – Ateşi Mini Kuyrukluyıldızlar vasıtasıyla

Güçlenmiş Tezahür için Akaşa Bilinç Birimlerini Getiriyor

(3) Güneş Tutulması - Dönüşüm, Vizyon & İçsel Arayış için Mega Enerji Patlaması

4 Ocak Güneş Tutulması Yeni Ayda ve Quantranti Meteor Şovunda gerçekleşiyor. Bu olayın
enerji imzası, insanlığın son 21 günde yıkanmakta olduğu yoğunluğu

hafifletecek. Yenilenme, uzun zamandır beklenen yeniden enerji yüklenme günü
olacak. En gerçek anlamda, 4 Ocak (1 Ocak değil) 2011 ‘Yeni Yıl Kararlarınız’
için en iyi gündür.

Ve bunun astrolojisi rahattır (değişim için!)… Yeni Ay her zaman yeniden doğum, yenilenme,
‘tohumlar’ ekme ile ilgilidir ve bu 4 Ocak’taki Yeni Ay güneş
tutulmasının ve Meteor Şovunun gücü ile supra – yüklüdür. Güneş Tutulması
kısmi olduğu için, sadece belirli bölgelerde görülebilir olduğu için, sadece
Güneşin bir kısmını kapladığı için, bunun enerjisinin aşırı güçlü olmadığını
düşünmeyin. Bu bir ‘Mega Olay’dır, enerjiyle kaynamaktadır! Bu yüksek bir
enerjidir ve aslında kullanılacak özel bir gündür!

Tüm tutulmaların, özellikle sonraki 24 ay içindeki tutulmaların zenginliği & etkisi çok
güçlüdür. Bunlar ışık kodludur ve 144 – Kristal Izgaraya geçişi
hızla değiştiriyor ve aynı zamanda Dünyayı & İnsanlığı değiştiriyor.
İster kısmi olsun ister tam tutulma olsun, tutulmalar kendi bütünlüğünde
gezegen ızgara sistemini etkiliyor ve oluşan enerji titreşimleri tüm gezegene
eşit olarak dağılıyor.

Son zamanlarda 21 Aralık’ta Gündönümü – Dolunay Tam Ay Tutulmasında muazzam bir

enerji dalgası deneyimlediniz, Merkür gerilemekteydi. Merkür 30 Aralık’ta şu
andaki gerilemesini tamamlıyor ve tam 4 Ocak Güneş Tutulması, Yeni, Meteor
Şovu zamanında ileri doğru gitmeye başlıyor.

Çok gerçek, çok amaçlı kurguda, 4 Ocak kodlanmış, bezenmiş Tutulma, 21 Aralık’ta başlayan
enerjisel labirenti tamamlıyor. Bu, Tünelin sonundaki gerçek Işıktır. Bu
enerji İnsanlığa sunuluyor ve yenilenme, vizyon ve niyetleri tezahür ettirmek
için harika bir zamandır.

4 Ocak 2011 Güneş Tutulması 13 derece 39 dakika Yay burcundadır. Sabit yıldız Ascella’ya
bitişiktir. İyi talih, iyimserlik dalgaları yansıtır ve neşe ve mutluluğa
enerji kapılarını açar. Yeni Ay ile “Yeni etkili dostlar, değerli armağanlar
ve İlahi Dişil enerjileri onurlandırma”ya astrolojik olarak programlanmıştır.

Ascella Yıldızının ortaya çıkan belirginliği 4 Ocak Tutulması sırasında önemlidir. Ascella

Yay (Sagittarius) burcundadır, Kabalacılar onu “Aşıklar” tarot kartı
ile ilişkilendirir. Muhtemelen onların üzerindeki Aşk tanrısının okçu gibi
yayını ve okunu çekmesi nedeniyle. Sag sözcüğü “Aramak” anlamına gelir. Ve bu
nedenle astrolojik olarak belki de bu yeni bir partner veya eş bulmanın
enerjisi olacaktır. Elbette enerji dalgaları yeni başlangıçlara veya şu
andaki ilişkilerin yenilenmesine olanak sağlayacaktır.

Yeni Ayın yaptığı tek gezegensel veçhe, Satürn ile kare oluşturmaktır. Kareye rağmen,
yıldızların etkisi mutlu, talihli, iyimserdir ve Satürn etkisini durulmayı
aramaya ve çok çalışmaya getirmekte. Bu, uyumun, yenilemenin, kopan bağların

yeniden bağlanmasının, partnerliğin enerjisidir. İnsanlar bir araya çekilir,
iletişim kapıları açılır ve birbirlerine güvenirler.

4 Ocak’ın en önemli kullanımı tohumlar ekmektir. Yeni kararlar almaktır. Kuyruklu yıldızların
ve tutulmasının enerjisi ‘bilinç birimlerini’ veya ‘Kristal
Akaşayı’, düşünce tezahürünün inşa edici bloklarını aktive eder ve sel gibi
akar. Gündönümü Tutulmasında engelleri temizlediniz, şimdi 2011 için yeni
amaçlar, yeni davranışlar tezahür ettirmenin ve dilediğiniz bolluğu ve
olayları yaratmanın mükemmel zamanıdır.

Önemli bir şey, 4 Ocak Güneş Tutulmasının hemen dört saat sonrasında, üç adet Jüpiter –
Uranüs Kavuşumunun sonuncusu var. Ayrıca 2010’daki gibi Neptün ve Şiron var.
Ama şimdi bunların hepsi geriliyor ve geriye dönme etkisi altındalar. Bu kez
o direkt ve tezahür için güzel enerjiler ekliyor.

Böylece 4 Ocak Güneş Tutulmasının ‘Üçlü Yıldızı’nın enerjisi yenilenme ve büyük rahatlama
enerjisidir. Zamanlama 2011 için plan yapma ve kararlar almak için
mükemmeldir. Satürnden gelen kareyle zayıf taraflar veya tatsız duygusal
dramalar olmayacak. Hisler, “olaylarla geçinmeye, anlaşmaya” ve berraklığa ve
pratikliğe geri topraklanmaya zorlayacak. Önünüzdeki yılı organize edin.
Gerçekçi tohumlar ekin. Arzu ettiğiniz ve planladığınız şekilde tezahür edecek
ve büyüyecek tohumlar. Bu dramasız – sanrısız bir Tutulmadır. Tekrar iyi
hissetme zamanı, kolları sıvayın ve sıfır noktasına geri dönün ve yenilenin.

2010’un Büyük Kardinal Haçının ve Mega Gündönümünün iniş çıkışlarından geçtiniz. Bu,
2011’in 2010’dan daha az güçlü olacağı anlamına gelmiyor, aslında vitesi bir
diş yukarı alacak. 2011’in enerjilerinde başka 5 tutulma (2 ay tutulması ve 3
güneş tutulması) ve ekinokslar ve belki de en yücesi 11-11-11 Üçlü Tarih
Portalı var. Ama 2010’un engelleyici gidişatından dolayı, daha kuvvetli
büyüdünüz ve 2011’in güncellemelerini biraz daha kolay idare edeceksiniz.
2011’de temizliğe başlıyorsunuz! Bu enerjiyi kullanın. Günü Yakalayın!


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)


A Meditation to Begin 2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 6:38pm

Today, hold the past in your hands. Hold your two hands out in front of you and allow them
to fill with the past, your past, every moment of it. All that happened and did not happen, all
that was wonderful and all that simply was.
Let it all fill your hands.

And now, as you continue to hold your past in your hands, turn your inner vision to your
heart. See how your heart is clean and clear, free of any regret or longing. Your heart is
beating in this moment and this moment only.

And as you gaze at your heart, you begin to sense the river of love that runs through it. You
see your heart beating softly and feel it being cleansed and purified by the river of love, the

great river of love that runs through the
universe, the great river of love that unites us all.

And as the river runs through your heart, the love now overflows and runs down your arms
and into your hands, and it begins to heal and purify the past that lies within your palms.

On and on the river flows, cleansing, healing, purifying, making all well. And as it flows into
your heart and through, down your arms and through your hands, flowing, flowing, you begin
to feel a deep peace. The peace that comes
when you know, absolutely, that you are deeply loved and a treasured being
within all that is.

You are a part of the flow. You are a part of the knowing. You are one with this flow and this

And the deep peace pours through you, through your heart and body as they are in this
moment, and through your past, healing it, making it all well.

Every emotion associated with your past is healed, cleared and purified. All is well.

And now, as the river of love continues to flow, it begins to turn to joy. It begins to bubble
and play, moving around in joyous eddies, bubbling up in joyous rhythms and melodies. The
river of love is becoming a song of joy, a
song that celebrates life, life as it is and as you are, just exactly this, as
things are in this very moment.

And you can begin to feel and sense that this joy is your birthright, to be full of joy no matter
what, simply because you are alive and the sun has risen on another day, another day for this
love to flow, another day for this peace to
build within, another day for the love and the peace to bring you to joy.

So sing it now, your song of joy, of joyous life. Sing it now and let it fill you.

And now, we will take one step further and deeper. Now, begin to feel how the love, the
peace and the joy are turning to power. Begin to feel the power building within you, the
power of life and creation, the power to be who you
are, fully and vibrantly, and to express it in this lifetime, each and every
moment, this power that is you, this wonder that you are, this greatness that
you are, greatness expressed, power unleashed, you.

And so, say it aloud. I am. I am wonder and peace and love. I am joy. I am power,
unleashed into my own life, with all of my creativity and force and vibrant being. I am the
power in my life, I am the creation, I am the being. I
am the force that creates my life, creates from my mind, from my body, from
these hands.

Ah, look now at your hands. Look now and see them, how they are glowing with a golden
light. All of your past, all that was is now a golden healing light. And the light of the past,
washed clean with love and purified with peace, is a
force, a powerful force in your life. Everything that you were, you are.

Everything that was is a part of you. There is no need to dwell on it. And
there is certainly no wish for it to be other than it was. Because however it
was, has made you what you are in this moment, and in this moment you are full
of power, of strength, of love and joy and peace. That is who you are, the
wonder of you.

And this is your moment, this is your moment to shine out, to shine out from the power and
wonder that is you, letting the river of love flow through you, letting the light of who you are
shine brightly into the world.

Here I am! Here I am! Watch me shine. Watch me glow. Feel my love, my joy, my peace.
See my light. Here I am.

Systematique, Inc. for

PO Box 893
Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274


World Healing Day

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 6:41pm

At noon Greenwich time, December 31, 1986, men, women, and children around the world
gather to participate in the most comprehensive prayer activity in the history-- a
planetary affirmation of peace, and love, forgiveness and understanding
involving millions of people in a simultaneous global mind link. the purpose: to
reverse the polarity of the negative force field in the race of mind, achieve a
critical mass of spiritual consciousness, and usher in a new era of Peace on
It was called World Healing Day, the World Instant of Cooperation, World Peace Day-- a
moment of Oneness to dissolve the sense of separation and return human kind to Godkind.

Whatever the term or label, it was the New Beginning in restoring this world to
The majority of individuals and organizations participating were operating under the umbrella
of the Planetary Commission, a world wide
non-denominational, non-political movement functioning as an extension of The
Quartus Foundation. It was a grass roots cooperative effort to unite people in a
common bond of love and bringing our planet back into balance.
The first formal announcement of the Commission was made on January 1, 1984, designating
December 31, 1986 as World healing Day. Noon
Greenwich time was selected as the time for the healing meditation as it
would encompass all time zones during that 24-hour period.
Word quickly spread, and when that moment in time arrived on December 31, 1986, the mind-
link totaled more than 500-million people representing all religious faiths on seven
continents, in more than seventy countries, and in every state in the U.S. Over
500 spiritual and peace-related organizations around the world
We saw the results in the years that followed. In a report from the Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute, Walter Stuetzle, the Institute's director and a former West German
Undersecretary of Defense, said that there was "remarkable progress toward a
potentially more peaceful world... There was a clean break in the pattern of a
constant increase in the number of major conflicts with which the world had
grown accustomed." Now the Commission is expanding and gathering strength each
year as greater awareness of the Event spreads around the world.

You are asked to participate, not only in Global Mind-Link each December 31st, but actively
communicating the concept, date and hour at every opportunity. We now have
provided The Planetary Commission in pdf format for free for everyone
to have.

World Healing Meditation

In the beginning The one Light of Love, Peace and
In the beginning God. Understanding is moving.
In the beginning God created the heaven It flows across the face of the Earth,
touching and illuminating every soul
and the earth. in the shadow of the illusion.
And God said Let there be light: And where there was darkness,
and there was light. there is now the Light of Reality.
And the Radiance grows, permeating,
Now is the time of the new beginning. saturating every form of life.
I am a co-creator with God, and it is a There is only the vibration of one Perfect
new Heaven that comes, Life now.
as the Good Will of God is expressed on All the kingdoms of the Earth respond,
and the Planet is alive with Light and Love.
Earth through me. There is total Oneness, and in this Oneness
It is the Kingdom of Light, Love, Peace we speak the Word.

and Understanding. Let the sense of separation be dissolved.
And I am doing my part to reveal its Let mankind be returned to Godkind.
Reality. Let peace come forth in every mind.
I begin with me. Let Love flow forth from every heart.
I am a living Soul and the Spirit of God Let forgiveness reign in every soul.
dwells in me, as me. Let understanding be the common bond.
I and the Father are one, And now from the Light of the world,
and all that the Father has is mine. the One Presence and
In Truth, I am the Christ of God. Power of the Universe responds.
What is true of me is true of everyone, The Activity of God is healing and
for God is all and all is God. harmonizing Planet Earth.
I see only the Spirit of God in every Omnipotence is made manifest.
Soul. I am seeing the salvation of the Planet
And to every man, woman and child on before my very eyes, as all false beliefs
Earth and error patterns are dissolved.
I say: The sense of separation is no more;
I love you, for you are me. You are my the healing has taken place,
Holy Self. and the world is restored to sanity.
I now open my heart, and let the pure This is the beginning of Peace on Earth
essence of and Good Will toward all,
Unconditional Love pour out. as Love flows forth from every heart,
I see it as a Golden Light radiating from forgiveness reigns in every soul,
the and all hearts and minds are one in perfect
center of my being, understanding.
and I feel its Divine Vibration in and It is done. And it is so
through me,
above and below me.
I am one with the Light.
I am filled with the Light.
I am illumined by the Light.
I am the Light of the world.
With purpose of mind, I send forth the
I let the radiance go before me to join
the other Lights.
I know this is happening all over the
at this moment.
I see the merging Lights.
There is now one Light.
We are the Light of the world.



If Only Locating The Underlying Cause
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 6:42pm

If only I had a new car or a new house. Turn external

thinking into internal thinking, it isn't about the car or
Often, when we're unhappy, we fall into the habit of
thinking that, if only one or two particular things in our
life would change, everything would be fine. We might focus
on the fact that we need a new car, or a raise, or a change
in our living situation. We dwell on this one thing and
strategize, or complain, or daydream about what it would be
like to have it. Meanwhile, underneath the surface, the real
reason for our unhappiness sits unrecognized and
unaddressed. And yet, if we are able to locate and explore
the underlying cause of our discontent, all the surface
concerns have a way of working themselves out in the light
of our realization.

Maybe we really do just need a new car, and maybe moving to

another city would improve our life situation. However, it
can only help to take some time to explore what's going on
at a deeper level. Sometimes, when we take a moment and stop
focusing on external concerns, we get to the heart of the
matter. We might realize that all our lives we've been
dissatisfied, grasping at one thing after another, only to
be dissatisfied about something else once we get what we
want. Or perhaps we'll notice a pattern of running away from
a place, or a relationship, when things get too hard. We
might then wonder why this keeps happening, and how we might
work through the difficulty rather than just escaping it.
The point is, slowing down and turning our attention within
can save us a lot of energy in the long run, because it is
very often the case that there is no external change that
will make us happy.
Once you've taken the time to inquire within, you can begin
to make changes that address the deeper issue. This can be
hard at first, especially if you've grown used to grasping
for outside sources in order to quell your discontent, but
in the end, you will be solving the problem at a deeper
level, and it will be much less likely to recur.


A Channeling from the Akashic Records of
January 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 6:44pm

January 2011 Message

There is a unique place in the Akashic Records for every period of time, including each
month. As we approach a new month, the
possibilities and probabilities of the month come into form, and can be
understood as a general energy that each of us works with individually. The
Akashic Transformations monthly channeling is offered to you by Jen Eramith in
order to facilitate your life experiences as you move through the

A Channeling from the Akashic Records of January 2011

What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2011?

What can we do to work with this energy?
What else do the Keepers want to tell us about this month?

A Channeling from the Akashic Records of January 2011

What energies and experiences can we expect in January 2011?

There is so much light available on Planet Earth this month. There is a sense of things moving
forward, and things being out in
the open and available for you to work with. This is a month when you do not
need to get lost in the mystery of things or feel overwhelmed. The image that
they are giving to describe what this month can be like is surfing on the waves
of the ocean. You are the surfer and this energy is swelling up and lifting you
Just like with the sport of surfing, occasionally you might get swamped. You might get
knocked over and tossed about, but this month it is more possible
for more of you to achieve a balance where you can be on top of things. This
month it is more possible to see the big picture and get things done -- and
where you can feel like your life is moving in the direction you want. Even when
things do not go your way, you have a greater ability to steer yourself this
month than usual.
Do not tolerate anything that disempowers you this month; do not accept things that
overwhelm you. Find a way to get on top of them or get
out of the way. Move on, do something different. This is not a time for
wallowing; it is not a time for feeling paralyzed. If something is not working
for you and you cannot find a way to get on top of it, walk away from it and try
a new solution. Do something different.
This month is about light and visibility. There is a sense that there is not much room for
secrets or
deception this month. This means you are likely to see big secrets being
revealed this month. You might find that things in the news will appear,

revealing secrets that have been long held by different groups, organizations or
institutions. Be prepared for scandal and do not buy into the drama and fear in
the stories of those scandals. Instead, allow yourself to feel a sense of relief
that the truth is finally coming to light -- finally you can all look at it and
move on. Do not get mired in drama. Do not bother with people who want to stir
the pot or make trouble. Do not bother with deception. Step out into the light,
take things as they are, and find a way to work with it and move on.

What more can we do to work with the energy of this month?

An important mantra you can use when things are difficult this month is to brush
yourself off and try again. When you fall down, when you make a mistake, when
you are not sure what to do -- find a way to stand up, recover, get a new
balance and start again.
Try again is a great mantra for this month because just like surfing, you will fall over
sometimes. There will always be another
wave. There is so much energy available this month that you do not need to worry
about you have missed your chance or run out of choices. There will always be a
new way to accomplish what you really want. This month that new path, new
resource, or new approach will arrive pretty quickly if you just stand up, shake
yourself off and find a new balance. Try again.
That might be the most important thing you can do this month in addition to avoiding the
drama and fear
that might come up from others. Do not stick around for gossip or conspiracy
theories. Instead, step toward the light, step toward the parts of your life
where you can feel good things are happening. Put your attention there this
month. The other things will fall into place eventually.

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about January 2011?
This is a very intense time, but also a very hopeful time on Planet Earth. There is a lot going
on, you all have many challenges, but every single one of you is stronger than
you have ever been before. Every single one of you has more resources available
than you have ever had before. Do not imagine that when you feel overwhelmed
that you are actually going to fail. Feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you are
stepping into something big, something new, and something that you have always
Have faith in yourself and draw upon your resources. Take quiet moments to listen to your
intuition. Reach out to your friends and loved ones.
Take good care of your bodies, use all of your resources to set you up for
January 4 will probably bring many of you a sense of a real challenge. Do not let yourself fall
over that day. If you do fall over -- do not
fall apart, just pick up and try again. If you pay attention on January 4, most
of you will find that whatever challenge comes to you that day will continue to
be a challenge for you in months to come. This day can be an opportunity for you
to get a preview of what is to come and start to get a handle on that challenge.
You will not respond to the challenge perfectly on January 4, instead it is an
opportunity to try something and see how it works and then collect information
about what worked and what did not. That is a good way to use the day of January
Otherwise, the month seems to have mostly and expansive energy with gentle, undulating

waves. You will all go up and down in your own rhythm this
month, so just take those waves as they come.

Aos Sidhe Blessings

Faery Warrior
"Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive.. the risk
to be alive and express what we really are." Miguel Ruiz


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 6:59pm

1. Her akşam yatmadan önce o gün içinde, sizin yaptığınız veya söylediğiniz
ama yapmış ya da söylemiş olmaktan memnun olduğunuz üç şeyi yazın.
Bunlar basit, küçük şeyler de olabilir.

2. Yine o güne ait sizin dışınızda gelişen ve sizin sadece tanıklık ettiğiniz üç güzel şey bulup
Belki yağmur sonrası toprağın kokusu veya yaşlı birine yardımcı olan bir genci görmek gibi…

3. Yatağınızda uyumadan hemen önce listenizdeki her bir örneği üç kez kendinize
İnsan beyni uyarıcıya aç bir şekilde yaratılmıştır.
Uykuya daldığımızda artık beş duyu organı dışarıya kapalı olduğundan beyne uyarıcı
Bununla birlikte her gece uykuya dalan ve bu şekilde dinlenen bilinçli zihnimizdir.
Bilinçdışı zihnimiz uyumadığından ve
dışarıdan da yeni uyarıcı gelmediğinden
bu kez uyumadan önce aklımızdaki en son konu bilinçdışı zihnimizce ele alınır.

Bu teknikle bilinçdışımıza biz uykuda iken düşüneceği bir sürü olumlu şey vermiş oluruz.
Bunlardan ilk üçü, kişisel başarılarımız olduğundan kendimize güvenimizi artıracak;
diğerleri de geçmişte ne olursa olsun,
dünyada hala birçok olumlu şeyin var olduğuna
ve her şeye rağmen mutlu olabileceğimize bizi inandıracak
ve bunun sonucunda da daha sağlıklı bir hayat


Celaleddin Uzuner; Senem Uzuner


HEAVEN #3690 Happy New Year from
God, January 1, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:05pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3690 Happy New Year from God, January 1, 2011

God said:

Here it is. The first day of a New Year. Why, it looks like any other day. It is winter or
summer. There is daybreak. There is weather, and there is a radio that announces the weather.
There are clocks that tick and clocks that are
silent. Where did the cuckoo clocks go?

This is a splendid New Year’s Day. It has been getting itself ready for you for Eternity. This is
the year you have been waiting for. Wait for it no longer. It is here. The day you have longed
for is here. It is here right now. It is a
beautiful dance floor prepared for you. All you have to do is to get up and
dance on it. Are you ready?

Everything is here. Everything you could possibly want is here. Everything is yours for the
choosing. In fact, you have chosen this most wonderful year of your life. Yes, it is here, and
you are here, and what can be wanting? This is
the year that your dreams come true. Your dreams are served to you on a silver
platter. Your dreams are canapés. You request them, and they are served to you.
You serve them to yourself, you understand. Oh, well, yes, with a little help
from Me. You have desired all the good that is to come at My urging.

Now I urge you to get up and avail yourself of the glory I have laid out for you.

It is not a scavenger hunt. All is laid out right on the table. Serve yourself. There is nothing
that you cannot have except selfishness, beloveds. Selfishness, you cannot have. How to
explain this? You cannot have unselfishness
either. It is not an issue. How can there be selfishness or unselfishness when
love rules? Giving love is the same as serving yourself. There is no better
service to you or anyone. That you love is what I desire above all. That you
love is My New Year’s resolution. That you love is what I have always wanted.
You must have known that.

From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the one to give love. You would be the sun
that helped the world to grow and blossom and bear fruit of divers kinds. I saw you, and I
knew you were good and the world was good. It is
good, and now you are going to make it a world of splendorous love. You are
going to polish love and make it shine. You are going to shine the world and see
My face everywhere, for, of course, I am the Face of Love.

This is the New Year of God. Of course, I am the same as always, and yet this is the New Year
of God. This is the year that My wishes are fulfilled. This is the year that I can sit back and
leave the world to you, and I can say, “It is

This is the year I can lie in a cloud and look up and look up to My heart’s content. I have
asked you many times to look up at Me, and now I look up at you. I recline, and I look up at
you for you are moving Heaven forward.

You are My heart’s desire, and you are the fulfiller of My every dream. My dreams are never
wasted. They always come true, and you are the ones who make My dreams come true. All
along, you thought it was I who was the fulfiller of
dreams, and now you learn that it is you. You are the dream and you are the one
who makes dreams come true.

Happy New Year.


Jesus/Jeshua: The Highest You Can Give

Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:10pm

December 28, 2010


am Jeshua. I have been the representative of a new energy on earth, which is the Christ
energy. It is a kind of energy or consciousness that acknowledges the oneness for
everything and everyone. It is the energy of connection, which brings
oneness back to earth. My goal was and is to recover the sense of
belonging among all creatures that live on earth, the key to which is
the heart. The heart connects. The heart is a place where you can come

Home. Feeling at home has to do with being connected, connected to your
deepest self. Your deepest self is always connected to the whole.

What the whole is cannot be described with words. You can come up with words such as
universe or cosmos, but the whole is neither a thing nor an entity. The whole is the
unspeakable source of being, an infinite realm of probabilities. Each
individual life has its own specific place within the whole. All of you
are part of an infinitely huge entirety that is eternal and at the same
time dynamic and variable. Life moves constantly in an endless dance of
manifestation and withdrawal, birth and death, creating and letting go.
As a human being, you take part in this creative dance in your present
form as a man or a woman. At the same time, there is a divine and
indestructible core inside you, which is independent of form.

Imagine that you, in your current body, are connected with the incomprehensibly huge
entirety. In your mind you cannot reason out how and why you are part of the whole
and which place belongs to you. However, you can feel it by heart. You
are embedded in the whole, connected with the beating heart of the
cosmos, for which you don’t have to do anything. It is a fact. It is an
inseparable part of who you truly are.

You have a unique place and a unique role within the whole. Finding your place and letting
your light shine makes you feel deeply fulfilled. It makes you feel happy and
joyful. Being at this unique spot and fulfilling your unique role
activates the highest of you that you can give. This is what I am going
to talk about today: the highest that you can give.

Many of you wish to be aligned with the source of light that you are at the deepest level, to
exist from the Source, to give and to shine in this world. Feel the Source
from the inside out, since it flows through all your cells. It connects
everything within you, although you cannot see it. Please feel it…feel
the living flow that carries you. Life knows which place is meant for
you and which role is yours. Feel your desire to embody the highest of
you, the angel of light you truly are, independent from time and space.
You are here temporarily, in this body, so that you can bring the light
that you are to this place. Earth is a place that you love. Feel it.
Feel how you are connected with the heart of earth deep inside.

Let go your thoughts of how difficult it is to live on earth, how hard it is to cope with the dark
aspects of human society. Connect with earth itself only, with the
essence of the planet. Think about the extensive forests on earth, the
oceans and the broad sky. Think about the abundance of animals, trees,
plants and flowers. Connect with earth…and feel how she is embedded in
the entirety of the cosmos, within which she takes her own path.

There is a place for you, here and now, on earth. Believe in yourself; know that you are
connected with the whole and that there is a path that leads you to the manifestation
of your highest self.

How to find this path? And how do you know whether you are developing and manifesting
your highest self? I shall mention three aspects by which you can recognize whether
you are ‘giving the highest of you’.

The highest that you can give is unique

The first aspect is that the highest of you, the highest that you can give on earth, is unique to
you. Your contribution is a unique combination of characteristics and
qualities, with its own vibration and flavor. Essentially, you are
giving yourself. The highest you can give is you! What distinguishes you
is not what you have learnt from others, such as certain skills or
knowledge. The highest that you can give does not come from outside of
you. No, you are the decisive link.

Of course you have gained knowledge and information from others, from books and through
education. Of course you are formed by your culture and upbringing. However, you
have integrated these influences into your nature in your own way.
Because of everything you have been through in your life - in this life
and in lives before -, you possess a unique charisma. You shine your
light on life in your manner. People are attracted to this unique light.
It is the light that shines from your place on earth; it is the light
that makes you shine.

Your unique light is a mixture of earthly and heavenly qualities. In this life, you are a man or
a woman, who has had a certain upbringing and education. You are formed by
the worldview of the society you live in. This is as it should be, for
this formation has helped you gain intimate knowledge of human life.
Since you have been through all these hard experiences, you have
obtained deep insight into how it feels and what emotional ups and downs
you might experience as a human being on earth. Through your own
journey of exploration, through darkness and light, you have walked a
unique path. Thus, what you have to give to others is also a unique
mixture of qualities.

Always maintain your individuality in the area of creativity and work! No matter what you
do, as a baker, a teacher, an artist or a spiritual therapist, giving the
highest of you corresponds to expressing your individuality and sharing
it with the whole world. The world is not complete without you. The
universe is waiting for your contribution instead of the copy or
reproduction you have made of somebody else’s contribution. The
universe wants to encourage you to let your unique energy flow. Thus,
embodying your highest self refers to being yourself and expressing your

To give the highest of you is to receive the highest for you

The second aspect is that to give the highest of you always implies that you receive the
highest for you. These two streams are in fact inextricably bound up with each

When you let your unique light shine, open your heart and give from your heart, you
experience deep satisfaction and fulfillment. You are allowing yourself to be yourself
completely, to shine your light without reservations. You feel it is
right, natural and sincere to do so. When you give yourself so openly
and freely, you receive something very special at the same time. The
greatest gift you receive is that you come home. In the moment you are
truly yourself, you are naturally united with the greater whole, with
God. You are at home with you and the universe at the same time. There
are no judgments passed either on you or on others. No more judgments
that separate. You are Oneness.

By daring to be true to yourself and express your highest self in the outside world, you attract
good things to your life. The necessary material things and the right people
for you shall appear automatically. The universe will support and
nurture you. It will offer you the right circumstances to manifest your
soul’s energy. In this way, the giving stream is replied by a receiving
stream, which fulfills and enriches you in all areas of life. At the
deepest level, you have given yourself all of this by having the courage
to let your own light shine. Life shall say yes to you whole-heartedly
if you say yes to life without any reservations.

The whole of creation, within which we all have a role to play, is like a huge jigsaw puzzle
and each of us represents a piece. The puzzle is not complete without you. The
moment the jigsaw piece that you are is put in the right place, you
contribute something to the puzzle which nobody else is able to add to
it. In that very moment, you also receive something very precious: you
come home. You feel that you are in harmony with the greater whole, that
life is supporting you and that you are safe. You know you are making
an essential contribution and you feel received by the whole with joy
and appreciation. To give the highest of you is to say yes to yourself
in a profound way and to allow yourself to receive everything you need
to blossom and shine.

To give the highest of you actually means that you are not separated from the whole anymore.
You are not an ego, not a separate individual at that moment. The question
‘how to balance the two streams of giving and receiving’ in fact
dissolves in that state of being. The balance is taken care of
automatically; it happens naturally. When you express yourself from the
sincerest part of you and let your light shine, you are the light and
receiving it at the same time. This is the experience of oneness that
you all long for.

Now you might ask yourself: how do I do this? How can I become aligned with the highest of
me, my unique gift, my true light? This brings me to the third aspect I wish to
mention about giving the highest of you.

You give the highest of you if you are able to connect with the lowest of you

You give the highest of you if you are open and willing to connect with the lowest of you. By

the lowest I mean the fear, doubt and depression, in brief, the darkness
that is in your soul as a result of unresolved pain experiences.

Your highest self shall shine at the moment you welcome the darkest part of you. When you
invite the lowest of you to enter your awareness, you let your light shine without
judgment on those parts of your soul that have felt rejected and cast
out. This is the part of you that has become angry, sad, bitter and
lonely due to painful experiences. Please have compassion for this part
of you that lives in the darkness and seeks solutions from the darkness,
which often take you even farther away from the light.

In the darkness, you develop survival mechanisms which keep you from feeling what is really
going on inside you: the fear, despair, depression and loneliness. You turn away
from them. In fact, you are often taught to do so by the world around
you. ‘Turn away from negative emotions. Be positive. Do your best. Be
useful.’ This kind of warnings and invocations create fear inside you
about your own darkness and they alienate you from your deepest

You all have a deep desire for light, for the freedom inherent in surrendering to who you truly
are. Please realize that you ignite the greatest light inside if you are
willing to reach out to the darkest and most neglected parts of you.

I invite you to do so now, at this very moment. Please take a look and see whether there is a
negative emotion or thought inside you that shows up constantly and needs your
attention. First realize that this dark emotion or thought is part of
being human. Imagine that this dark area inside you is a child that has
been neglected. You might find him/her hiding in a corner. Is it a boy
or a girl?

Take a look and see whether you can find him or her, whether you can make contact with the
child. Start with eye contact and then stretch out your hand carefully. Look at the
child tenderly and see how hard he or she has tried to survive. This
child is filled with joy and passion for life. However, he or she had to
endure so much that the power of joy and passion has been distorted.
The original energy of the child has become trapped in all kinds of
masks and survival mechanisms, due to which their life force began to
work against itself. But now, the child is allowed to be who he/she
truly is. Please stretch out your hand and let your light shine. Welcome
the child with your eyes.

Let the child come to you, in his/her own pace. Wait patiently, hold him/her in your arms and
press him/her against your heart. What the child needs to relax and recover is
to be seen and soothed by you. Observe how you shine with warmth, love
and understanding when you are in contact with this helpless and
agonized child. Inviting your darkest part in, welcoming it and bringing
it home, brings out the lightest part of you. You understand how this
child feels. This understanding heals. The child in the dark represents
the part of you that has been carrying a lot of pain without being able
to understand why. By surrounding this pain with understanding and

compassion, you shine your light on areas that used to be the source of
negative emotions and thoughts. At the moment you embrace the agonized
child inside you, you become a human angel. You bring light into the
darkness, which is exactly what humanity needs right now.

Humanity doesn’t need saints and guru’s who teach from a pulpit or pedestal, but real flesh
and blood people who have experienced darkness and light by themselves and are
able to embrace both without judgment. You become a human angel at the
moment you dare to face and accept your own darkness. This will make
your light pure and powerful. Life shall support you. You will be drawn
to opportunities and places where you can reveal your highest self in an
easy and natural way. You don’t have to work for it. You don’t have to
pretend to be somebody else, since it is your own unique vibration and
energy that inspires people and brings joy to them. It is you! You
represent the love of God in your unique way, because you are willing
and able to face and embrace your own darkness with understanding.
People experience openness, tenderness and inspiration in your presence,
in the way you listen to them. Whatever you do in expressing and
manifesting your highest self on earth, it will invite people to shine
by themselves and believe in their own unique power and talents. To give
the highest of you encourages other people to do the same.

Copyright © Jeshua.net - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the
condition that the URL www.jeshua.net is included as the resource and that it is distributed
freely. E-mail: aurelia@jeshua.net *


1-01-11 World Meditation and Planetary
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:12pm

1-01-11 World Meditation and Planetary Transmission



2011 - A Year of Unity a message from
Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:16pm

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark

I Kuthumi greet you in peace, in the glory of God and all that is.

I am asked by this one to share insights for your coming year, 2011. This marks the year of
great spiritual advancement for mankind. Many more souls will awaken to their higher
purpose and
remember the knowledge of their soul. For as the vibration is raised, so
is the veil of spirit. The higher you vibrate in Light, in awareness,
the thinner the veil until a pivotal point is reached where you begin to
flow in Soul Light and as one with all. With the vibration of the
Universe, the Earth and fellow souls. You flow with the vibration of God
the Source – all that is. So it is and shall be.

World Monetary System

Your year of 2010 bought many catalysts forward in preparation for further awakening
through outer transformations. The entire monetary systems as you know them will change.

This is a change
bought about by greed and power. However we are aware and so turn this
situation to a higher purpose where you will seek your peace beyond the
material level as your soul memories are awakened once more.

Realize all you need is within you. It is not outside of you. It never has been. As I have said
many times in preparation of this time – simplify your life in all ways. As the fight against
in big business intensifies more will cry out for fairness and peace.
Many countries and races will unite. People in towns will unite. This is
your strength. The strength of extended families. This will lead you
forward in victory my friend. Victory over the corruption and the
changes of the Earth. It is time to come together, to share your crops
and gardens and your knowledge. Help one another as never before. The
time of separation is over. All foundations which are not strong will

Reap What You Have Sown

What have you sown in your life thus far? Have you helped others freely as you are able with
an open heart? Or have you begrudged offering assistance to others even on the smallest
level? What does your
heart tell you? What will your life be like now?

For it is by your actions alone that decide your future. This will be strongly evident this year.
Remember there are two levels, the inner and the outer. The inner, your heart, your
with God/Source. Are you at peace within? Do you see the wonder and
beauty of creation? Do you respect yourself and therefore others? These
are important questions to ask yourself. I urge you to take time, begin
now and ask.

What is contained in the inner is reflected on the outer. How can you respect another if you
cannot respect yourself? How can you share with others when you live in fear of lack? For
some of you this fear is so great you are chained to negative imaginings. Yes, imaginings. For
you fear what has not happened. You fear the future. A future created in your imagination.
Why do you give these mind imaginings so much energy? It is wasted energy.

Everything I have taught through my transmissions with this one has been to prepare you for
this time. Prepare you for the awakening and the higher steps each must now take to succeed
in your process of evolution.


2011 is your year of awakening fully in your mind and your heart. A year of dispelling your
fear and your imaginings of what may or may not be. This year is a time of birth. The birth of
a new consciousness. A new way of thinking.

It is a time to focus on a happy future. A time to simplify your life. To release debt, clutter and
outdated emotions. Yes, much of your food has a ‘use by’ date does it not? I say to you old
emotions of pain and resentment also have a ‘use by’ date. That final date was December

Use By Date

So it is time now to throw away the old hurtful memories. For this is what they are now –
memories. It is time to throw them out. Time to clean out the closets of your emotional body.
Time to let go. To
be free. They’re past their ‘use by’ date.

My friend, when you complete these things you will feel reborn. When you sit and ask the
question, are you at peace within? Can you see the beauty of all creation? Is your heart an
‘open’ heart? When
you look at yourself honestly and clean out your emotional closet fully
you are reborn. Reborn in Light, in freedom. I urge you to meditate
with the meditation I have given to this one. It will help you complete
this process.

Pivotal Point

This is waiting for you. Each of you. In freedom and a new peaceful confidence you can unite
together, no matter what your outer circumstances. You see all of this I speak of is within you.
It is what
no one can take from you. No one. This is truth. From this pivotal point
you begin to create the new. You birth new Light awareness into your
being. The Light remains with you, in your soul. When you pass over,
your physical body will remain on the Earth plane. Your soul will travel
to the higher dimensions of the Soul Plane.

The Light you have built within will assist you on that crossing and will remain contained in
your Soul essence. All that was in the material will fall away. The material with which you
have measured
your success will fall away. None of this can you take with you when you
cross. It will remain a soul memory of experience. But the Light, the
higher awareness, the love of all, that will travel with you to the Soul
Plane. And there, you will partake in a great celebration. A
celebration of a successful incarnation where you succeeded in birthing
the new Unity of Mankind.

Year of Unity

I urge you throughout this year of 2011 to stand fast in the Light. Let it be your armour to all
that is negative. Stand strong in awareness, in Light. In this way you can confidently unite
with others
of similar awareness in strength, in comfort.

Earth will also undergo many changes and complete many cycles. There will be Earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions. It will be a year of water, much water. In various places the sea floor
will rise
considerably. The Earth fluids will be displaced. So I say 2011 is the
year of unity for mankind. It is a pivotal year for your entire future.

Master Kuthumi

Shamballa - 7th Day of the Mayan Calendar

This is a meditation for beginners and advanced alike. For all are now being aligned through
the new energies on Earth, activating our spiritual centres, awakening our soul memories.

Master Kuthumi takes you to a sacred space, of Soul, of Light, of Divinity. Here you release
one cycle and prepare for a new cycle, a new year. A year of Unity with all.

Begin here at a soul level, with this amazing channelled meditation at Shamballa.

Prepare now for the full manifestation of the Mayan Calendar - the seventh day of spiritual
Bliss - As Above - So Below.

Copyright 2001 - 2011. All rights reserved. Kuthumi School of Wisdom.

May not be copied or changed in any way.


For the Turning of the Worlds - webinar by
Therese Emmanuel
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:17pm

For the Turning of the Worlds - webinar by Therese Emmanuel

Join us this New Year’s Eve for a special vigil dedicated to

the Seven Mighty Elohim, Jesus and Gautama

"For the Turning of the Worlds"

9 pm-1 am MST
(following the Self Awareness Fellowship Prayer vigil)

This special service for Lightbearers Worldwide will highlight

teachings by Elizabeth Clare Prophet that challenge darkness

and raise up the light on a planetary scale,

clearing the way for 2011.

There will also be a Holy Communion blessing.

You can access the broadcast in two ways:

By computer webinar ( includes visuals)

Go to

starting at 9 pm MST.

By phone

Dial 702-473-3463, access code 484373#

Then, please mute your phone by pressing *6.

Happy New Year!


What I have learned in 2010 by Mark
Stearn 27th December, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:18pm

What I have learned in 2010

by Mark Stearn

27th December, 2010

It is forever time to begin letting go of all that no longer serves. This is what
earth is inviting us to do. We can become overloaded when we
donot release. Letting go allows the divine space to move within us.
When we clear the way for ourselves we can more accurately perceive
reality. The invitation is forever there. It is dropped as gentle hints

from the great reservoir of our hearts. We have all we ever need already
within us. We do not need to look outside ourselves. Jeshua, Krishna
and Babajii all say the same thing.

The wisdom here is timeless and great teachers have moved throughout history
to gently guide us on our way. So what do you wish to do or say
today that will really empower yourself into love? Look only to your
heart and you will already find the answer resting there. It is a joy
that is neverending when we connect with our heart. We do not need any
other to feel comlete. Those seeking love are always pointed back to
their own hearts.

The searching can be so ceaseless and at times with great desperation and
frustration that an answer is sought. The silent wisdom of the heart is
forever the guiding light and it is within each one of us. So always
reach out to those who appear to be stumbling on their way. I wished to
share this with you all. These have been the lessons that I have learned
in 2010. I have had many powerful teachers along the way and I am
forever in gratitude.

My love to you all,

Mark Stearn.

Mark Stearn. Building the New Earth.



'It matters not how you connect with the silence, as long as you do!'
~ Mark Stearn.

Tags: www.buildingnewearth.webs.com


The Year Ahead 2011- Mid Point of Trinity
Triad Archangel Metatron via James
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:20pm

In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the Power
of Love. It will take time, but do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. It
begins initially inside each of your hearts, and Dear Ones, that is happening now".

- Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet each of you,

individually,lovingly, in a vector of timeless space. I embrace you in the Now time that you
read these words, and surround you in an energy of Unconditional Love.

Dear Ones, as we have told you, the world remakes itself now and whether or not
humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is
truly a moot point as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly today than it did
yesterday in linear sequence. Accordingly will 2011 impel the expedition of light acceleration
and your lucid interpretation of consciousness. With thissurge your cognitive expression of
life, will in-kind shift into higher tempo. You see, all is quickening, time is accelerating as the
Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of
mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.

Each Moment Matters

Masters, it is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly important
each moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, theNew Earth and to
you. Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate
your awareness and light quotient. And Dear Ones, your ability to hold greater light
embellishes you ability to express love. That Love begins with not only accepting , but truly
loving the Divine Self.

You are beginning to understand how beautiful you truly are, and that Dear Humans, is so
important in these Ascending times. You all have within you the power of God, and we call
upon you to allow that recognition, that renewed self acceptance, that immaculate LOVE to
wash over you. It is your calibrated birthright and it is beautiful. You are rediscovering this
ecstasy of Immaculate Love in your meditations, for a transitional expansion is occurring in
this new energy. You are now opening to more clearly see how important your lives are, not
just to the Earth but to the grand Cosmos as well. Oh yes, this is so true!

You see the vibrations of this deep meditative expansion is over-flowing into the
physical realms that you live in...and YOU made that happen. The veil between dimensions
has thinned, and the part of you that is on 'the other side' of the veil is tenderly reaching
through to touch your heart. And the part of you in higher dimension is the quantum you, the
real 'you' that is dreaming this profound experience of life. That higher self wants you to
know, as do we of the Angelic Realm, how much you are loved, how important and
magnificent you truly are. Dear Humans can you fathom this?

You Are On Path

You so often have doubted yourselves. So often felt your lives were headed nowhere. Oh Dear
Ones, if you only knew and will accept the truth of what a difference you have made and are
continuing to make. There have always been the doubters, the naysayers that said the
Ascension would never occur, that humanity would not consummate this sacred graduation
into higher consciousness. But you have effectuated that achievement, the Ascension is now
an absolute certainty. It is manifesting! Indeed it has been for two decades, and most of you
do not credit yourselves for navigating it into reality. Many of you still do not realize that the
work you have done on both sides of the veil over the past 25 years has changed the earth you

were born on into a completely different frequency and paradigm.

You are responsible for it, and mankind does not yet comprehend what you have
done or own the credit of this achievement. Masters what you have done is the very

And so allow me to honor you as we speak of the coming year, for you have grown
much stronger than you realize. You have taken a quantum leap....and regardless of the
calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year! It is a year of Quantum-
Leap !

2011 The Year Ahead

And so we speak of 2011. Indeed it is an exciting year of invigorated time, and

will be a period of quickening.

But we tell you Dear Ones, 2011 will not be a less intense energy than was 2010,
in fact it will be amped a notch or two higher. But fear not, most of you on the
path, will none the less find it much easier to manage. Is this not a testament
to your frequencial growth?

Now, 2011 contains within it 12 of the extremely potent energy amplifications phases
that you are becoming more accustomed to, but understand that these magnifications
are part and parcel of your accelerated growth process.

Indeed you must learn to operate at higher frequency, and so the years of the Trinity
Triad, 2010, 2011 and 2012, are in a sense a rigorous training program that will
allow you to strengthen and increase your auric fields as the ground-zero of the
Ascension nears.

Trinity Triad - Jacobs Ladder

In truth the energies of the Trinity Triad are merged in one program, and as such
from our perspective the events of 2010, 2011, and 2012 are part of the same process
of the Ascension. It is our purpose here to focus on the aspects of 2011 that lie
so near to your unfolding.
Masters, the heralded Ascension it is not an abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical
script, but rather a natural and requisite expression of accelerating planetary
It is Jacobs's Ladder, and Dear Ones, when you are on a ladder; you are ascending,
descending or standing still. It is one of the three you see. It is always so. And
I Metatron tell you that you are moving up, whether you see it or not, mankind is

As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field of an incredible
crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light
Bodies are, through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion. It is energy as
desire expressing itself and so your work calls forth now an even finer frequency.
Imagine that if you will take vitamins for your physical body they must be such
that they can be absorbed by the body to generate wellness, well being, and better

health. And so it is the same with the Crystalline Transition, its frequencies and
energies are indeed vitamins of light expansion for the light body.

The crystalline resonance now surrounds you in ways that allow you to absorb their
pristine symmetries into your energy fields, transferring them, converting them,
and amplifying them into your own work, into your desires, into your fulfillment
and into all ways that touch earth and humanity.

Alpha & Omega

So these words are brought to you from the alpha and omega into the center of your
new being. These symmetries of crystalline coherent light are expressed to you,
projected for you from the center of my being so that they will touch you energetically
and so re-create themselves fortuitously in the days and weeks that come forward
in 2011 and 2012. All is indeed, in perfections pathway.

For within these time-sequences the 144-Grid completes into full conscious projection,
and that projection is indeed a tool of and for your own expansion. Such it is
with the crystalline grid you see, it too is a system that will allow your nurturing
into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling expression.

For that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye
it will be done! In my realm it has been done already you see, and indeed it is
a wondrous event. One heralded throughout the Universe and observed by many on this realm
and others.

Ascension Triggers

What then remains for the Ascension program in 2011 and 2012 are specific astrological
gravitation refinements and frequencial boosts needed to complete & polish the Crystalline
Grid and refine the Crystalline Transformation of the Earth as it reinforces the
spanning of humanity into great and greater dimensionality consciousness, and that
is indeed Crystalline Consciousness.

And so we will speak of these frequencial events as they unfold in 2011.

Equinoxes of 2011

The Equinoxes and Solstices of 2011 are exceptional powerful and multi purposed.
These are in fact Ascension catalyst and triggers. These potent days should be
used for group prayer and meditation and indeed deep self review. The solstices
and equinoxes remaining in the next two years are complex and flamed with multiple
hologramic inserts for the Ascension of both mankind and the planet. We assure you
that these astrological events are infinitely more powerful than the equinoxes and
solstices in the past several millennia. We urge each of you to discern and utilize
them as suggested. Gather on these days, and the power of Group Consciousness will
flower exponentially.

Eclipses of 2011

In addition, 2011 will have an extremely rare aggregation of complex coded eclipses.
There will be a total of 6 eclipses in 2011, and 3 of these will occur in a 30 day
phase between May 30- 1 July 1st. This period will be punctuated with the June
Solstice. This 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year is quite
rare, only occurring about once each generation. We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities
for energizing change. Masters the eclipses of 2011 are an offering to make any
necessary shifts that you discern appropriate in your individual and collective
life stream. These are best afforded by synergizing them through the contemplation
and review that are available on equinoxes and solstices.

2011 Jan 04: Partial Solar Eclipse

2011 Jun 01: Partial Solar Eclipse

2011 Jun 15: Total Lunar Eclipse


2011 Jul 01: Partial Solar Eclipse


2011 Nov 25: Partial Solar Eclipse


2011 Dec 10: Total Lunar Eclipse


The ancient savants of enlightened eras always recognized such power-filled events
and utilized them as days of prayer, meditation, and inward search and mobilized
the eclipses to turbo-charge the changes they desired toward higher good.

Between the period of November 25th and December 21st will be a solar eclipse, a
total lunar eclipse and the December solstice. This will be extremely intense.


Vernal Equinox

Mar 20 2011

23:31 UT

Summer Solstice

Jun 21 2011

17:16 UT

Autumnal Equinox

Sep 23 2011

09:04 UT

Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2011

05:30 UT

The March Equinox of 2011 will create an incredibly powerful energy that will feel
like a full moon X10. It will enter through crystalline portals and be triggered
to the Pyramid bases built on grid points across the Omni-Earth. Within this energy
will be the continuation of the coded activation termed the 'Cosmic Trigger'.

The Ascension of the planet is around the Crystalline Transformation of the planet.
And by crystalline, we are referring to a greater clarity, a pristine frequencial
order that is coherent. It is the frequency of impeccability. It is the crystalline
transformation that allows for the dimensional access expansion of the planet above
the level of the third dimension. The crystalline transformation truly only begins
at the initial level of the 5th dimension, and continues to the 12th dimension.

The Cosmic Trigger occurring on the March 20, 2011 Equinox furthers the transformation
of the planet and in addition further activates the functionality of the Crystalline
Light body emitted from the 144-Crystalline Grid.

The most aligned receival point of the Cosmic Trigger to activate myriad crystalline
points in the Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody Pyramid Complex. The
Moody Pyramids will be aligned to Giza, which is the primary receival point in the
eastern hemisphere. Both Giza and Moody are tri-pyramid complexes, and the two are
in direct latitudinal alignment ( 29 degrees latitude) . Both are triangulated in
correlation to magnetic north. It is the combination of the three pyramids in-situ
within a synergistic tri-harmonic alignment that allows their greater facility and
power. As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew, pyramids in specific triangulation
are extremely potent when celestially aligned and carefully placed in relation to
one another.

2011- Sacred Sites as Tuning Forks

During the Equinoxes of 2011, specific points on the Earth will be portals of Transduction,
indeed these will become instruments of transducing the faster speed of light into
quickening time on the Earth. The Grid Points, power nodes, sacred sites, phi complexes
and portals that dot the planet in specific patterns and specific purpose are the
distribution mechanisms of the higher energy required to up shift the resonant frequency
pulse of your planet.

They are tuning forks, inspired by perfection of First Cause. These exude the energy
of 'home', of well-being, and those of you who enter into them in spiritual intent

recognize this immediately. Accordingly one cannot help but want to be within them
and absorb the pattern emitted within such areas in order to grow into and share
the expansion of perfection.

Those who dedicate themselves to this tuning can experience a nearness to Source
that they feel is less available to them elsewhere. But the truth is that these
fine-tuned energies are osmotic frequencial schools, and once absorbed, once matriculated,
the energy is retained within the established individuals Mer-Ka-Na.
Many areas on the planet have then already ascended, via portal-lattices that may
be called the stairways to heaven, and other areas require a bit more work. This
clearing and coding will be up shifted. Specific areas that are a bit denser now
require more work to clear, and as a tertiary effect of the March 2011 Cosmic Trigger
and harmonic crysto-magnetic code awakening, the pyramidal portals will bring in
the pristine lighter energy for that specific purpose. You see global frequencial
balance must be attained. Each of you Earth-Keepers plays a role in this. Indeed
you become portable resonators.

Potent Entry into 2011

Tighten you seat belts Masters! On December 21st of 2010, a full moon total lunar
eclipse will occur on the Solstice. This extreme double edged surge will be the
entry into 2011 and is a taste of what is to come in the year ahead! This will
create a mighty blast of high frequency energy that will span the planet and carry
forward into a solar eclipse occurring on January 4th of 2011. This will be a powerful
but supremely benevolent energy. This solstice of December 21st is a day for meditation
and resolve, and indeed a day to combine your energies to create the year ahead
and bath the planet in the impeccability of the powerful OMM-Wave.

The 11-11-11

The validity of the Triple Date Portals is evidenced in myriad ways. The TDP points,
which we first shared with you over a decade ago, are hologramic insertions that
effect the crystalline transformation of the planet through the crystalline grid.
The point of initial surge is the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

On the 9-9-9 your media reported via local radio that an unusual green fog had formed
over Mt Magazine as the Emerald Master Crystal flashed into activation from long
dormancy. The Crystal created the emerald mystic-mist, and it confused many because
it was not of water vapor, rather it was the green haze that naturally occurs in
the magnetics of trans-dimensional portal activity. It not only covered the mountain,
it was viewed from satellites. Its energy also short circuited the electrical grid
in the area for a short period.

Arkansas Earthquakes

On the 10-10-10 earthquakes took place in areas of Arkansas where they had not been
recorded before. Although one exceeded 4.1 on the Richter scale, no injuries or
real damage occurred. And these significant measured quakes were unique in other
ways, the usual 'white-out' in terms of the frequencial 'song' of the Schumann
Resonance that precedes seismic releases did not occur, the birds continued to sing

and the animals were not afraid. It was the Crystal Activations, Dear Ones, these
were caused by the pulse of the Master Crystal Activations beneath the massive chasms
of the Crystal Vortex. It is quite true, quite real. and their energy is magnificent.

Watch for these confirmations, for they will become more tangible and baffle your

We tell you that on the 11-11-11 another validation will occur.

The Triple-Date Portal of November 2011 will be perhaps the most potent singular day of the
year. Masses of humanity will form the human grid and tie into the Cosmic Energy that is
amassed in the final stages of activating the 144-Crystal Grid. On the 11-11-11 the Atlantean
Master Crystals will further activate with the initial awakening of the Crystal of
Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex.

This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.

These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of
zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, and a light-code that can only exist in the 5th
dimension and above. On the 11-11-11 the Sun Disc of the Crystal Vortex will be activated
beneath the area of Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, and this will complete the energy of the
Arkansas Vortex and then network the new DNA codes across the planet.

The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blue print for the unified crystalline field
in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. Indeed these are being reprogrammed
by and within the Crystalline 144 Grid!

The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a 12-strand helix, in a spiraling energy that
will serve, as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the 144-Grid.
Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and
reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth.
They are energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like
when viewed.

Now as your Ascension completes itself, you will have greater access to the multi
dimensional aspects of yourselves. In truth, for some of you, the Ascension has,
for the most part, already occurred, in terms of multidimensionality. Do you understand?

The New Firmament Begins in the 2011 Trinity Triad

So we tell you that as the grids grow into completion that beyond the 144 Crystalline
Geometry will be the Polyhedron 120 Geodesic sphere. This begins formulating in
2011, initiates in 2012, and completes in the year of 2024. While multidimensional
access will be fully achieved within the 144- Crystalline grid in 2012, the new
firmament is spawned thru its completion.

Consider the geometric-crystalline completion of the geodesic grids as a flower

achieving full bloom, at which point a cosmic pollination will occur and an energetic
seed- field will come into effect. You see the very completion of the perfect geometric
form germinates a new field from its unified perfection...and that field may be

called the (new) Crystalline Firmament.

It will emerge as two great elliptical bands of energy that intersect at 90-degree
angles around the planet.

One will carry the color and essence of platinum, the other of gold. One will be
crysto- electrical in nature the other crysto-magnetic. Their energies will circulate
in modulated opposition, and the field between the two will encompass the planet
in a spherical manner.

And from this a conscious self-aware field of the OMM WAVE circumnavigates the planet
to allow for an even greater perfection of the Earth. This Crystalline Firmament
will allow for what was termed by the ancients as the 1000 years of peace.. The
crysto-electromagnetics of the planet will be in optimal balance.

Now the Earth and Human Kind will have need for the Crystalline Firmament, and will
call it forth. It will assist in many roles, perhaps more than you imagine.

It will change the way the human body receives sunlight. It will assist in the translucent
luminous transformation of the body physical. It will trigger the transition of
the human body from carbon to silicon base. It will in kind change the nutritional
needs of the human body physical. It will defend the earth's magnetosphere by deflecting
meteorites and comets, it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earth's atmosphere. It
will come forth by a natural and scientific effort, it is the natural off spring of the completed
144-crystalline grid. The New Firmament begins formulating in 2011, and in the process the
arc - swing of the pendulum of duality will begin to drastically decrease.


Dear Ones, inclosing, let me express unequivocally that I and the Angelic Realm
are in a special role of supporting you far more than you may realize. For you too
are Gods in creation, sparks of the Divine becoming violet flames of the All That

We love each of you, all of you, and beyond the veils you are part of us.

We spin a light vortex of great honor and appreciation to you, We are sending this energy to
each one of you in the 'NOW' moment that you read these words, Can you feel it, open your
heart and receive what we send forth in love.

We sincerely honor you as you move into the final two years of Earths Crystalline
Ascension. And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the
critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries. All in free
will, all by choice. And in that time, there will be no global war, no mass starvation.

You see on December 21, 2012, the Earth Ascends, and Ascension for Humanity is available.
But do not expect the 3d Earth you see around you now to instantly follow suit.That will
occur in two to three centuries, but it is the expanded energy of the planetary Crystalline
Transformation that you call the Ascension that will allow for mankind's transition...one heart
at a time.

In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the power
of love. Do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. This transformation occurs
one heart at a time, inside each of you. As such you must BE the change you want
to see!

It is a future of Ascension that you are creating...and we tell you that this period
of less than three centuries is the blink of an eye. We salute you. You are on the
appropriate path !

Before you lies an incredible awakening and completion. 2011 is the midpoint of
the Trinity Triad, and a time of omnipotent calibration, amplification and indeed celebration.
You each have made a difference, and you will depart this planet a greater light, than from
hence you entered. And you did it your way. In Love. I invite you to feel joy, for you have
earned it !

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

And so it is...

The above channel is copy-written to

It may be posted on websites as long as the text is not altered or abbreviated
and reference to website and authorship is included. For permissions to print


Transformation through Relationships:
How to Find Love in 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 7:21pm

a message from The Council of 12 channeled by Selacia

31 December, 2010

Note from Selacia:

"This New Year message from The Council of 12 provides a guide to relationships in 2011. In
their message, The Council speaks about the
unique energies of these times, and the impact on relationships. They
provide a checklist you can work with now and regularly throughout the

year to track your progress with relationships. The Council's message
addresses many reader concerns and questions about the often confusing
dance of relationships. We welcome your input over the coming weeks.
Wishing you a New Year that sparkles with love and joy!

The year is about to end, and a brand new one is beginning. Consider what kind of year you
want to have. Since relationships are a vital component
of life, focus on the sort of relationships you would like to create or

Invite your inner wisdom to speak to you as you contemplate these questions:

· Do you want new people in your life?

· What would your ideal relationships look like?

· Are your current relationships fulfilling?

· If not, why?

· If your relationships are fulfilling, why?

· What relationships cause you distress?

· Why do you feel troubled?

· What relationships catalyze uplifting feelings?

· If you could stand in the shoes of your best friend and view yourself,

how would you describe your good qualities?

· Imagine standing in the shoes of a person who frequently causes you to doubt yourself.

If you were this person, interacting with you, what would you criticize?

Your answers to these questions will give you insights into yourself and how you relate to
others. Your relationships are your biggest
transformational catalyst. Think of each as a gift.

Consider returning to this list monthly over the coming year, noticing how your responses
have changed or stayed the same. Pay attention to when you
continue to have troubles with the same people, and when you have the
same types of difficulties with different people. Observing this will
help you to spot repeating patterns, and to obtain a big-picture
perspective of your relationship skills.

Do Not Relegate Love to the Back Burner

Your relationships are the key to how you will experience transformation in these
unprecedented times. If you have relegated love to the back
burner, thinking that you are too busy, think again. Love is pivotal to
the success of all types of relationships -including romantic partners,
family members, friends, coworkers, customer service representatives,
and strangers.

Your ability to love, under all kinds of conditions, will determine how well you will cope with
the coming chaotic changes.

Why? You live during the greatest reconfiguration of society ever known, and it's global.
Wide-reaching changes are under way, impacting every
element of how life is lived. How you relate to other people, things,
and circumstances will determine your personal experience of the

People relate to others in two basic ways -through love or fear. The second method is the one
humanity has learned over thousands of years. It is
ingrained in you. You inherited fear-based patterns in your DNA.

The love-sourced way of relating is the one that you were born to remember and master in this
life. Love is as natural to you as breathing, for it
is a part of your divine essence. Your conditioning, however, left you
with amnesia about how to fully express love.

The Crossroads of 2011

The year 2011 will be a crossroads for you and everyone that you meet. It will be another year
of reconfiguration, with people on every continent
addressing broken systems. There is a big gap between your ideal world
and the one that you live in now.

Your task is to join with others in finding ways to close the gap between the existing
dysfunctional societal structures and those based on more
enlightened ideals. Old-paradigm
approaches being updated in this reconfiguration include those involving family life,
friendship, and social networking.

Love is the glue that will anchor the new, light-filled structures in place.

If you are skilled in relating to others in a loving way, and you apply those skills regularly,
you will glide over the bumps in your path. This
will be crucial in 2011, when the already bumpy ride becomes bumpier as
the pace of life quickens.

Discover how to be more loving, and the road ahead will become easier to travel. The need to
become more loving is universal. You may be single or
married - it makes no difference. Even a single person without family,
working alone in a home-based business, will need to develop loving

responses to others if he or she wants to find balance in the coming

Checklist for Finding Love in 2011

· Are you searching for a new romantic partner? Before looking for this person, first
becomecomfortable with you. Learn to enjoy your own
company. Discover how to accept yourself - the good, the bad, and the
ugly. Clear up the residue from past hurts by healing unresolved issues
with previous partners. Find out how to look deeply within, developing a
strong connection with your inner knowing. In that process, you develop
more self-trust while learning to get your own answers to life's
questions. By doing these things, you can develop the level of self-love
needed to bring a new partner into your life.

· Know that finding and creating a new love partnership in today's uncertain times will be a
unique experience. Why? Humanity's awakening
is accelerating, and as that happens, the approach to relationships is
shifting. The entire landscape of relationships is changing - impacting
what a relationship looks like, how it starts, and what is acceptable.
Examples include how people meet and how transparent they are in the
early stages of relationships. Three topics that until recently were
relatively taboo during courtship - money, sex, and time - today are
coming into conversations in meaningful ways. Couples are talking openly
about their values much earlier. Thereare frank discussions about
financial views, for example, that many couples in the previous
generation did not have, even after marriage. In recent decades, studies
of discordant relationships showed thatpartners argue most over issues
of money, sex, and time. It is a sign of these more transparent times
that couples are addressing potentially
thorny issues, even during the courtship stage.

· A new love partner could be right around the corner, or even already a part of your life. Do
not underestimate the hidden factors involved in
manifesting your partner. Remember that there is divine timing to
everything. You may feel ready right now to meet your soul mate. You may
even feel a sense of urgency to do so, in tandem with having other
intense feelings about being alive now. The best way to find your life
partner is to live a life that supports your awakening. This involves
learning how to share, how to care, how to be intimate, how to let go,
and how to simply be.

· Are you happily single? There is nothing wrong with being single during these pivotal
moments of time. You do not need to have a partner to
become enlightened. You do not need a partner to keep you sane during
the great shift inconsciousness. You do not need a partner to be happy.
If ideas like these come into your head, question them. Investigate the
source of your thoughts and feelings. Chances are, ideas like this about
being single are not coming from your heart. Your heart knows better.
It speaks truth. If you could hear your heart right now, it would remind

you of these things. It would tell you that you are alive now to help
create new approaches to relationships. Being single is one viable

· Are you already in a love relationship? Consider that there is always room to create more
love, right where you are. Start with you. Each day
you have a choice of how to be with yourself and others. You can choose
to love unconditionally, like a mother would do with her son or
daughter. The love you generate will radiate out into the world,
including the part that you share with your partner. There is no
guarantee, of course, that your partner will be more loving simply
because you are. Your experience of the relationship will be seen
through the eyes of love, though, and this changes everything.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature,

we surround you with our love and blessings.

We are The Council of 12.

Wishing you love in all of your relationships this next year!


Copyright 2010 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved *



Wake up Call: Archangel Michael by Nancy
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 10:30pm

December 30, 2010

I am Archangel Michael, and I wish to tell you of something that is

taking place in the skies around your planet. There has been an ongoing tirade
of energy taking place in the cosmos. With this tirade has been an ongoing
example of what it will be like on earth in the coming months. Look to this
winter to be one of cleansing and movements within earth’s crust that will
dispel any lost incidences of old negativity that may be trapped within the
regions in the crust that have sealed over.

This will continue to take place, for within the confines of Gaia’s
equilibrium comes the totality of what is bringing about the continuance of the
turmoil on her surface. As these pockets of negative energy disband and release
themselves to the winds they will be filled with the light of the Creator. This
will bring about the kind of freedom that is referred to as the one that is
forever and always. There will be no turning back from this release, for the
energies that added to the negativity are leaving the planet and the hearts and
souls of all life on Gaia.

This is a revolution in love and peace for all of you. Through the eons
of life on planet earth there has been a great deal of stored up energy that
has been relegated to places that have been opened to the negativity. With this
dissipated and gone forever, there will be no more of that kind of energy to
draw upon itself. That means that as Gaia is cleared and as all of you are as
well, there will be a freedom that you have not in your time on earth
experienced before.

I tell you this because as you are going through the clearing
yourselves you are experiencing much turmoil and an elevation of expectation as
to who will come and help you through it. That is because we are here, all of
us, to stand by you and to assist you through the worst of it. Without your
permission in this we would only be able to stand by and watch as you
experience the release. Because you saw on a soul level what you would be doing
at this point in your evolution, you agreed as a whole body that it would be
necessary for our assistance when called for at the time.

We are here now beaming out love brightly to you. We apply to that light
our love and our energy of being able to interpret your own ability to rise
above what is taking place within each and every one of your physicalness. This

is enabling you to determine how much to release at any given time, and in what
way. Yes, you are the setters of the map to your freedom. We supply the
necessary energies that are not accessible to you at this time.

Realize that before too much longer you will be able to access those
energies within you, for they are inherent with you since the beginning of your
existence. With so much of that energy lying dormant for so long, we are
helping you to energize that very seed that has been with you forever. Now you
are reawakening that seed of creation within and in that awakening you are
remembering bits and pieces of what it is that you are endowed with.

That will be the creation energy with which you carry through the next
phase of your lives on earth. You will be recreating your life on Gaia’s
surface and you will be doing it in harmony and co-operation with her. It will
be a majestic and incredible happening, for nothing like this has taken place
in this universe before. You are the keepers of the flame of re-creation and as
you run with the flame of truth you will express in so many ways how it is and
what it takes to be who you are, and to live in peace, joy and love

I entrust my sword of light to all of you as you come down through the
ages of history on planet earth and wipe clean the slate of indecision and
futility. You will fill the spaces with all of the love and creativity in the
harmony and balance that you are capable of, and that is an infinite amount. So
be happy dear ones and experience these next few months with the knowledge that
as you clear out all that has been accumulated you are making your way toward
the destined outcome that you are sensing now is in your favor.

See all that comes about in the coming months as the celebration of the
house and body clearing that exemplifies all that you have been preparing for
and will live in a way that is so refreshing as to topple even the worst towers
of forbidden fruits there could ever be. You are on the homestretch, and we are
here with you all the way to the Promised Land. It is of your making. Celebrate
this New Year from this moment on. It will enable you to flow through what is
ahead, for you’ll know that at the end of the rainbow is the pot of gold that
surpasses all others.

I leave you now to your day, and I encourage you to sing your hearts
out and dance to the winds of change for they are your creation and heaven
applauds your ingenuity, for the potential expressed in the name of destiny.

Thank you dear Archangel Michael,

Nancy Tate



Heavenly skies provide inspiration for angel
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 10:30pm

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 12:59 PM on 1st January 2011

Floating serenely in the sky, this beautiful angelic cloud provided the photographer with the
inspiration for a new charity.

CJ Holding was travelling through Somerset when she glanced up to see the fiery scarlet-
framed head with its glowing yellow body and turquoise
wings.The image left a stunning blue trail in its wake.

Majestic: CJ Holding's unique cloud picture provided her with the inspiration to set up a

Miss Holding, 32, said: ‘The angel picture was actually taken during a despairing moment in
my life nearly seven years ago.

‘I was travelling through a small village in Somerset on my way to the coast.

‘I looked up through my tears and saw the most amazing sight of my life.’

Miss Holding, from Henley in Oxfordshire, said: ‘I thought to myself, that cloud looks so

‘It lingered in the sky for about 15 to 20 minutes before I took a picture of it, then it vanished.

‘I thought I'd imagined it and it wasn't until I got home and printed the image that I would let
myself believe what I had seen was real.’

Up in the air: This huge blue heart floats across a sun-dappled sky

Scientists at the Met office said the unique image was one of the most interesting they had
The amazing effect has been attributed to a phenomenon called a sun dog where sunlight
refracts thought the ice crystals contained in the cloud.

Miss Holding said the picture was developed from a roll of 35mm film and had not been
cropped or enhanced in any way.

‘I've had such amazing feedback from people who have let me know what the image means to
them,’ she said.

‘I am fascinated by the natural world and this image sparked something in me to pursue my
The photographer has built up an impressive collection of inspirational aerial images, which
spurred her on to set up her business and charity.

‘It's called the Angel Trust and it funds art workshops for people with learning difficulties and
disabilities,’ she said. ‘Art and creativity
is a key part of how we can help them. Funding is a real difficulty and I
wanted my photography to contribute to that and do some good in the

She added: ‘If it hadn't have been for that photograph I wouldn't have had the motivation to
go ahead and make this positive change.’

Sunny outlook: The feathery clouds soar high above the beach

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1343273/Heavenly-skies-prov...

Tags: www.dailymail.co.uk


MICHAEL * LM-1-2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 10:43pm


Michael's Monthly Message



Beloved masters, once again we, the messengers and servants of our Father/Mother
God, sound the Clarion Call for all the mighty
forces that comprise the Legions of Light to come forth and unite. You, who
have been scattered throughout the universe over these many past Ages, are now
gathered here on the blessed planet Earth to assist in the birth of a New Age
and a new reality.

You have created and built a sense of separation, giving your power to those who
gained strength by dividing and
conquering. THAT TIME IS PAST, dear ones! It is time to claim mastery over your
lower nature, and then begin the process of reuniting with all the myriad parts
of yourself as a harmonious, loving vehicle of Light. You must reestablish
communion with the harmony of your mental body. You must return to the
realization that stored within your brain structure is a fully functioning,
perfect unit of wisdom and power that is called your Sacred Mind. You must calm
and restore your emotional nature so that it is centered within your Solar Heart
Center. You must stop looking outside yourself for validation of self-worth,
love, success and truth. You have within you all that is necessary for spiritual
awareness, happiness, abundance and, yes, ascension. You have within you your
own Divine I AM PRESENCE, and your own
individualized God-consciousness. It is not out there; it is within you.

At the urging of your ego-desire body, many of you have become enamored with the
sensations of power
and acquisition. Indeed, you came as cocreators to build, perfect and enjoy the

material realm on the beautiful planet Earth. But somewhere along the way, you
became so caught up in your accomplishments-

-possessing, owning and hoarding-- that this became your measure of love and success: if you
were powerful and influential enough, you would be worthy of love, or if you had the
greatest storehouse of riches and possessions, you would be admired and

Focusing all of your energies on these external manifestations creates only momentary
satisfaction, as well as constant
frustration and dissatisfaction. What happens if your riches and power are
taken from you? What happens if you lose your possessions? What do you identify
with then? It is as if you have lost all that represents who and what you are.
This is why so many lose all desire for life, some even going to the extreme of
taking their own life because, from their perception, all that they loved and
treasured has been taken away, along with their sense of being worthy of love
and respect.

You must learn to focus on your inner world or the Sanctuary of the Soul. The Soul,
the physical vessel and particularly the
mind have their own rhythmic cycles and agendas. The Soul's desire is focused
on becoming en-Lighten-ed. The mind is focused on attaining and retaining
information. The physical body is focused on experiencing via the senses.
Humanity is constantly experiencing cycles of growth, stagnation and decay,
which makes way for a new cycle of growth and expansion. The master turns
inward and strives for an enhanced quality of life, while the unawakened souls
seek outwardly for stimulus and gratification via pleasurable, physical
sensation and material possessions. Love as an external focus, exterior to
yourself, will always bring a sense of vulnerability, always needing constant
validation by someone or something. Love as an internal focus projected outward
is a constant flow of self-assurance, of
self-acceptance, always striving to incorporate and project more of this blissful feeling of
unity and harmony with
all creation.

Love is the Essence of all Creation. Love is contained within the Adamantine
Particles of Light which pour forth from the
heart center of the Supreme Creator in great streams of Cosmic Life Force
substance in ITS never-ending desire to experience more of ITSELF. It is a
blessed gift to be used by all Creation--at all levels, from the highest, most
powerful, to the lowest, most diminished; however, there are conditions. It is
your birthright to bring forth your own unique self-expression through loving
cocreation in harmony with the Divine Blueprint, which is always in perfect
accordance with the grand design of the Creator. How loving are your creations,
dear ones? What kind of temple have you created for your Soul? Do you identify
only with your body and then, through constant judgment and focus on your
imperfections and comparison with others, fight an ongoing battle, ultimately
assuring failure and validation of your
distorted point of view (a love/hate relationship with yourself that keeps you frustrated and
mired in self-inflicted

misery)? What kind of world have you built with your constant thought forms?
What kind of example have you been for your mate, your children and loved ones?
Do you project a sense of pride-in-self, an awareness of how precious the gift
of life is? Do you set an example by striving to perfect the myriad of facets
within yourself?

There is a path open for each of you to follow, no matter at what station or
circumstances you may find yourselves, a
golden opportunity waiting to enable you to assume your power, tap into your
creativity, bring to the fore those many latent abilities you have stored deep
within your memory banks. And now, as never before, we are close by, observing,
waiting to assist, encourage, create the miracles, smooth the way and assist you
in moving onward and upward.

It is time for all of you, as brave Bearers of Light, to break and cross the boundaries of
disempowerment and limitation. We dare you, as women of Spirit, to become
beacons and examples as masterful women among men. We implore you, as men of
valor and integrity, to become compassionate men among women. By this we mean,
erase and eliminate the lines and barriers between you, offering and accepting
the gifts and attributes of each other as you integrate these sorely needed
energies into your mental and emotional bodies. Your truth lies in your level
of awareness, your assimilation of the cosmic gift of God-consciousness. You
must integrate the knowledge you acquire, and then you must demonstrate that you
have the ability to live by that new level of wisdom. You are judged by your
own Higher Self and your Divine Presence as to your readiness to proceed along
the spiral of initiation. We have told you that
the path of ascension is a very solitary, secular process. Your initiations are designed
specifically for
you and you alone, for you are like no other. And yet, precious ones, each gain
you make that lifts you another fraction, or a step along the narrow path of
mastership, also lifts humanity as a whole. You are in the process of becoming
the One in Essence, but at One with All.

One of the most wondrous gifts that will be available to you when you step onto the
path of
ascension is to tap into the bliss state of the higher dimensions. Once you
have achieved that goal, you are forever seeking it again, for you have gained a
glimpse of your true State of Being. Beloveds, as you integrate more Adamantine
Particles of God Consciousness within your Sacred Heart, you will begin to feel
a state of bliss more and more. You will feel the fullness and expansive power
of love, and at times you will feel as if your heart is overflowing with this
Divine Elixir of Life. You may tap into the realms of bliss while in
meditation, especially if you meditate while in your crystal pyramid; however,
your ultimate goal should be to attain that bliss state while functioning in
your daily life. That is called being in the world, but not of it. Envision
your guardian angel perched on your shoulder as you go about your
daily tasks, and stay centered in your Sacred Heart so that you are constantly aware
of the Spark of Divine Love/Light that is blazing within. When you can do that,
you will be well on your way to creating your own private Heaven on


The Law of the Circle insures that the vibrational patterns you send forth will be
returned to you along with an accumulated
measure of similarly-qualified energy (or vibrations of the same frequency
patterns). You are the center of an energy vortex that is made up of a
circle/loop of vibrational patterns that you have projected out into the world
of matter via your Solar Power Center. Your solar plexus is aptly named; for
just as the Earth and humanity receive cosmic energy from the sun of your solar
system, each of you also radiates Life Force energy from your own Solar Power
Center. For a moment, envision yourself as the central focus of your world. You
are the power source, and your thoughts, actions and intentions radiate forth
from you in a loop of energy that connects with like energy. That energy
magnifies and manifests in the world of cause and effect and then returns to
you, reinforcing your picture of
reality. Your body absorbs a portion of that energy, creating pain and suffering or joy and
blessings, depending on the
frequencies. The remainder flows out behind you, creating the other loop of
your Infinity pattern, while the residual higher frequency energy gradually
flows into your personal Wheel of Creation. You are constantly adding to your
personal prison of negative, impacted energy, or your vehicle of Light and your
ever-expanding Self-awareness. Have we not told you that you came to Earth as
cocreators with the God Force?

Each of you has the ability to contribute something personal and unique to the Divine
Blueprint now being
designed for the future of humanity and the Earth. You have been given an
extraordinary gift by the Creator, the unprecedented privilege of participating
in the creation of your own destiny. Each of you has the potential of becoming
a glorified mortal. You are becoming Spirit-infused mortals which assures your
immortal status. You are multi-faceted and have consciousness on many more
levels than you can comprehend at this time. You are an Immortal Soul with a
mortal mind and body. You are in a process of Soul expansion and Light

It is time for each of you to step to the fore, take a stand and be heard. Begin where
you are, at your highest level of
understanding, seeing through eyes filtered by love, feeling with a heart filled
with compassion and functioning with a mind that is not clouded by guilt, fear
or judgment. That is the way you will find your truth, beloved ones. That is
the way that your world and reality will be filled to overflowing with love, joy
and abundance. That is the way of the master, the way of truth, the way back

Beloved beacons of Light, you cannot comprehend how powerful you are becoming.
You, the new World Servers, are creating a
mastermind, mass-consciousness which is gradually infiltrating and changing the
old third- / fourth-dimensional collective-consciousness belief patterns, thereby assisting
others to release their deeply ingrained fears, sense of
shame, unworthiness, guilt and impoverishment. As you expand your awareness and

tap into the higher dimensional frequencies and then make a commitment to live
your truth as you know it, you begin a process of creating a mass-belief
structure of higher, refined frequencies which will join with the Light-infused
patterns of others, thereby radiating the vibrations of Love/Light out into the
world of cause. And as you join with others of like mind, you create a synergy
that expands exponentially into an ever-widening circle of refined group

We honor you for your bravery. We know that your journey has been long and
arduous; however, we tell you this, sweet
friends: your time of pain and suffering is gradually becoming a thing of the
past-a memory that will slowly fade away. The time of miracles is at hand.
Each day, we eliminate more of the restrictive energies between us as we
dissolve more of the negativity that swirls in the ethers. We give you our
assurance that soon you will have your validation as to what the coming Age of
greatness will be like. And you will know, without any doubt, the integral part
you have played. I was with you when you first stepped onto planet Earth so many
Ages ago, and I will remain to guide, inspire and sustain you until you are
ready to return to your true estate in the glorious realms of our Father/Mother
God. I AM forever your friend, guardian and companion in Spirit. I AM
Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim
the universal copyright in the name of
Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information
is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and
website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or
public print with permission from : E-mail:RonnaStar@earthlink.net

Dearest friends, I channeled AA Michael's January message early in preparation for my throat
surgery on Wednesday, December 15. I expect to recover quickly.
However, I also must prepare the two Webinar lessons we will present in January,
as well as get our holiday cards in the mail and prepare for our simple holiday
celebration with our family. To make it a little easier for me, Beloved Michael
graciously brought forth some original information, and then he directed me to a
number of passages from past messages which are relevant for what he wishes to
convey to you at this time. It is an amazing process, and I wish each of you
could see the magical way he directs my hands and my mind to exactly the right
message and paragraph. It is a simple but profound message, and yet it reminds
us of many of the things we need to be constantly aware of as we move deeper and
deeper into cosmic wisdom as we traverse the narrow path of

My mind is bursting with new information which AA Michael is endeavoring to

clarify for me so I can accurately transmit it to
all of you at some later date. I am astounded and almost overwhelmed with some
of the complicated concepts he has given me a glimpse of, and I hope we can
share it with all of you soon.

It has been a wonderful, often magical, and sometimes disturbing year for us all. I

know that so many of
you are experiencing great difficulties in many areas of your life; however, may
I please remind you that never before have we had so much help from our
wonderful unseen friends, and never before have we had such a grand opportunity
to claim our mastery and tap into our personal treasure chest of abundance and
all the wondrous blessings that await us as we prepare ourselves to receive the
radiant Love/Life/Light of the Supreme Creator via our Blessed Mother/Father

I wish to thank each and every one of you for your loving thoughts. I have had such an
awesome outpouring of loving best wishes and
prayers; my heart is filled with joy and gratitude. I am looking forward to the
procedure and, once again, having a strong, clear, voice and a pain-free throat.
There have been so many miracles in this test, I feel so very blessed. AA
Michael's tells us that it sometimes takes a while to see the blessing in a
negative event, but there is one and we will understand at the right time. He is
right; as always. My deepest love, gratitude and angel blessings,

P.S. The surgery was a great success. My throat is still healing and my voice is getting
stronger every day. It is going to be a
glorious year of challenges, miracles and blessings. An affirmation I have used
many times over these past years is: "THIS IS A TEST, I WILL PREVAIL." Please
join me in our group Pyramids of Light as we move forward together into the
wondrous Age of Enlightenment. Big hugs & bounteous blessings,

www.RonnaStar.com * www.QuestForMastery.org www.AskArchangelMichael.com *



İnsanın İç Mücadelesi _Apocalypto_

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 10:50pm

İnsan dedi ki; “Daha iyi görmek isterdim”. Akbaba şöyle karşılık verdi; “Benim gözme
gücümü alacaksın”
Ve yine insan dedi ki; “Çok güçlü olmak isterdim”, jaguar cevap verdi; Benim gücümü

Sonra insan yine dedi ki;Yeryüzünün sırlarını bilmek isterdim” Yılan cevap verdi; “Ben sana


Sonunda insan tüm hayvanlardan kazanacağı tüm yetenekleri alınca gitti.

Baykuş bütün hayvanlara dedi ki; “Artık insan çok şey biliyor ve çok şey yapabilir”.

Geyik dedi ki; İnsan tüm istediklerine kavuştu. Artık kaderi son bulacak.”

Yine baykuş; “Hayır, o insanda bir delik gördüm. Asla doyuramayacağı açlık kadar derin bir
delik. Onu hüzünlendiren
ve daha fazlasını istemesine neden olan şey bu.

Durmadan almayı sürdürecek ve ta ki dünya şöyle diyene kadar ” Daha fazla veremeyeceğim
verecek bir şeyim kalmadı ”


Balance for The Earth

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 10:51pm

Bir Sioux Duası:

"Ey yüce ruh, ki esen rüzgarda duyduğum ses senin sesindir ve bütün dünyaya hayat veren
senin nefesindir. Senden önce geldim senin çocuklarından biriyim. Ben küçük ve
güçsüzüm. Senin gücüne ve bilgeliğine ihtiyacim var. Güzellikler içinde yürüyeme
izin ver ve gözlerim kırmızı ve mor gün batımını ayırt etsin. Ellerim saygı
göstersin senin var ettiklerine, kulaklarım sesini duyacak kadar keskin olsun.
Beni öyle bilge yap ki, insanlarıma öğrettiklerini, her bir yaprağın ve her bir
taşın ardına gizlediğin derslerini anlayabileyim. Güç ver bana, kardeşlerimden
üstün olmak için değil fakat en büyük düşmanım olan kendimle savaşabilmek için.
Yaşam batan bir günbatımı gibi solmaya başladığında, temiz eller ve korkusuz
gözlerle sana gelmeye daima hazır yap beni, öyle ki; ruhum sana saf ve lekesiz

Sarı Atmaca, SIOUX SEFI

Chief YellowHawk's Prayer

"O Great Spirit, Whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me, I come before you, one of your children. I
am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and

make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the
things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I
may know the things you have taught my people, the lesson you have hidden in
every leaf and rock. I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers, but to
be able to fight my greatest enemy, myself. Make me ever ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset, my
spirit may come to you without shame."

Chief YellowHawk


1 “”””””””qa

Free the Master Within

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 1, 2011 at 11:05pm

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 01:37 PM PST

the Master within today! There's no need for the mass consciousness to
give forth any decrees other than unconditional love. When love comes
from the heart, and all can give love to those who are outside of their
close associations, heaven can be created on Earth. Answers to all of
today's disturbances can be found, and all of mind's fear can be
eliminated. The cost of this change is nothing. The time needed for this
is one minute or less. What can do it? Your conscious decision to
delete all negativity from your thinking.

Once this commitment has been made, ask the consciousness of the body to give you all of it's
reasons for gratitude. As an answer, the body may cry, or create
movements, or deny the question. Ask again. Ask until happiness can be
accepted by the mind. Happiness is a characteristic the Master within
gives to a body.

Mental concepts have been the cause of lack for most of the things now disappearing. Change
is now the most controller
dominated area of interest, one of these controlled areas of interest
being the world money supply. Could this be a concept that could be
deleted? Can the heart be more creative than these men, in the countries
that manage these things? Of course it can, God can do anything!

Cancel their control with heart consciousness. Give them their walking papers
when they ask for more than they deserve. Be their conscience. How? By
giving them heart led answers.

My call cannot be completely clarified right now, but when they are taking away more than
deserve, give it all without a negative answer, and ask God for the next
step. You will be cared for. I cannot guarantee the exact details yet,
but wait for the next days' events to unfold. Get ready for a dream come

My words today will seem a bit vague, for a reason. I want you to anticipate a great beginning
of the New Year, because it will be

a year of new and different, and the opportunity to Awaken and glow!

Have a great New Years Day.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 2, 2011 at 1:04am


Bu canlı kanallık Seattle, Washington’da verildi

Selamlar sevgililer, Ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon’um…

Ve bunu her zaman söylüyorum. Bu, onun çokboyutlu olduğu anlamına geliyor, çünkü bu
gezegende hala yanlış anlaşılıyor. Bu, realitenizin
kuantum niteliğidir ve yaşamınıza dökülen birkaç şeyden biridir. Ben
kuantum şekilde size hizmet ediyorum, ama Ruhun mevcut olduğu kadar

Bir an gevşeyin. Bugünün mesajı çok fasetlidir ve güçlüdür. Tarih ile ilgili bir mesajdır ve
bunda bugün konuşulacak olan sözcüklerin ötesinde bile okunacak birçok şey vardır. Odada
bulunanlardan daha büyük bir dinleyiciye konuşuyorum. Şu anda dinleyen
ve okuyan birçok insan var. Bu sayfadaki gözlerin, buradaki kulakların
potansiyellerini biliyorum. Ve burada yüz kişi veya daha fazla insan
olsa da, dinleyen binlerce insan var. Bana göre, onlar şu anda
dinliyorlar. Bana göre, onlar şu anda okuyorlar.

Bugünkü mesaja “Tarihin Sonu” başlığını veriyorum ve bu bir kıyamet değil. Bunu lineer bir
tarzda alın veya kuantum tarzda alın. Eğer başlığı lineer
tarzda alırsanız, korkabilirsiniz, çünkü zamanın sonu gibi görünüyor.
Eğer başlığı kuantum tarzda alırsanız, bunun tarihsel enerjinin sonu
olduğunu söylüyoruz. Gezegende gerçekleşmekte olan bir değişim var ve
bu mesajın sonunda bu bildirime geri döneceğiz. Bunu doğru şekilde ve
uygun şekilde yapmam için, belirli bir şekilde eğitilenlerinizde
edinilmiş olan tarihsel enerji nedeniyle bazılarını kızdırabilirim. Bu

nedenle sabırlı olmanızı ve mesajı size verirken benimle birleşmenizi

Sizi geriye götürmek ve bazı şeyleri açıklamak, tarihsel zamanlarda olanların resmini çizmek
istiyorum. Tektanrıcılığın babası İbrahim’e geri gitmek istiyorum. İbrahim sizlerin
modern spiritüel inanç dediğiniz şeyin tarihine bakmak istediğimiz
yerde, çünkü dünyanın düşünme şekli bu. Oh, ondan önce birçokları vardı.
Bazılarınız Lemuryalısınız ve ne demek istediğimi biliyorsunuz. Ama
İbrahim sizin gezegendeki büyük dinlerin babası dediğiniz şeyin
başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Size, gerçekleşen şeylerin tarihini vermek
istiyorum ve buna dikkatle bakmanızı istiyorum.

İbrahim, Musevilerin Babası

Şu anda modern Irak’ın bir parçası olan Ur’da doğan İbrahim’i [Abraham, Abram]
onurlandırmak istiyorum ve oğullarını onurlandırmak istiyorum,
oğullarının hepsi Sara’dan değildi. Sözünü etmek istediğim İsmail.
İbrahim Musevidir… büyük Musevi peygamberi. İsmail onun oğludur.
İsmail’in Musevi olmadığını söyleyemezsiniz. İsmail Hebron’da doğdu.
İlave olarak, o çok İsraillidir. İsmail Musevidir.

Şimdi bazıları Musevi soyağacının erkekler [anne tarafı] tarafından hesaplandığını

savunacaktır. Ama Ruh DNA’ya ve Akaşik soyağacına bakar,
bu nedenle spiritüel olarak İsmail Musevidir. Musevilerin soyağacının
parçası olarak gelmiştir.

Siyasi nedenlerden dolayı İsmail Musevi insanlarda bile gündemden düştü. Sonra İsmail tüm
Arapların atası oldu… Arabistan’ın babası. Bundan dolayı, Arapların Musevi kanına sahip
olduğunu, İbrahim’in kanının onlarda aktığını söyleyebilirsiniz. Ama
ilk zamanlarda Museviler İsmail’i toplumdan dışladılar. Böylece tek bir
Tanrınız ve tektanrıcılık olmasına rağmen ve Tanrı’nın sevgisi ve
Tanrı’nın birliği prensibiniz olmasına rağmen, bir bölünme oldu. Gerçek,
gerçek olmayan şeylerle karıştırıldı, bugüne kadar bile, Haremi
Şerifte neredeyse kurban edilecek olanın Isaac değil de İsmail olduğunu
söyleyecek olan bir milyar İnsan Varlığı olurdu. Onlar ayrıca onun
Musevi olmadığını söyleyeceklerdir.

Buradaki gerçek nedir? İnsan Varlıklar birleşmek için yapılmadı. O günlerden bu yana ve
hatta doğduğunuz günlerde bile eski enerjide, üzerinize örtülen enerji sizi
birleştirmek için değil, ayırmak içindir. Ve bu nedenle buna eski enerji
diyoruz. Oh, daha iyi bilen bilge adamlar ve kadınlar vardı, ama
ayıran ve bölen eski enerjidir ve aslında “hepsi Musevi” olan
milyonlarca insanda nefretle ayrılıklar yaratan eski enerjidir.

Muhammed’in Güzel Birlik Mesajı

Size Muhammed peygamberden söz edeyim. Muhammed İbrahim’in soyağacından olan

İsmail’in soyağacındandır. Bundan dolayı, Muhammed Musevi kanına
sahipti, bu onun soyağacı idi, ama kültürü olması gerekli değildi. Ama

onun Akaşik soyağacı İbrahim’dendir [Kuran’a göre İbrahim İslamın

Muhammed’in bir melek varlık ile bir kereden çok güzel buluşmaları oldu. Melekler o
zamanlar insanlar ile basit 3B şekillerde konuşurlardı. Ama o zamanlar İnsan Varlıkları ile
meleklerin çoğunun Musevi soyağacından olanlarla konuştuklarını kaçınız
düşündünüz? Muhammed gibi, Musa gibi, İsa gibi, İbrahim gibi. Çünkü bu
tarihin oluşturulmasının parçasıydı, Musevi soyağacını insanlığın
çekirdek Akaşası için önemli yapan şeyin parçasıydı, daha önce
“Museviler nasıl giderse, Dünya öyle gider” demiştik. Aslında, orada
önemli olan bakılacak bir şeyler var ve bu yakında değişecek. Çünkü
bizim gözlerimizde “Museviler” Orta Doğudakilerin hepsidir.

Muhammed’in meleklerden aldığı bilgi şuydu: “Arapları birleştir ve onlara İsrail’in Tanrısını
ver.” Ve o yaptı! Aldığı bilgi güzeldi ve daha
sonra takipçileri tarafından yazıldı. Bunların hepsi Tanrının inanılmaz
sevgisi ve insanlığın birliği ile ilgiliydi. Muhammed peygamber
ayrılıkçı değil, birleştirici idi.

Muhammed’den uzun süre önce İsa geldi – Musevi İsa. O sizin bugün Hristiyanlık dediğiniz
şeyden sorumlu oldu. Onun tüm havarileri Musevi idi. Hristiyan
kilisesini başlatan balıkçı Peter Musevi idi. Ve size burada bir
birliğin olduğunu hatırlatmak için bu şeyleri anlatıyoruz. DNA’nın 12
katmanının İbranice isimlere sahip olmasının belki de bir nedeni
vardır, sevgililer. Aslında bu, Muhammed, İsmail, Isaac, İbrahim ve
İsa’nın soyağacı dahil, üstatların onurunadır. Bunların hepsi orijinal
spiritüel dilin parçasıdır [İbranice].

“Oh, Sümerliler ve ondan önce Lemuryalılar vardı” diyebilirsiniz. “Sanskrit ve Tamil ve

birçok başka çok eski dil var”. Doğru, ama bugünün dilinden konuşuyoruz
– gücü olan, ilginiz olabilen dil. Ve bu, gezegende yürümüş olan
üstatların saf soyağacı tarafından konuşulmakta.

İnsanlık tüm bunlarla ne yaptı? Musevi üstatların verdikleri tüm bu kutsal bilgi ile ne yaptı?
Savaşa gittiler, çünkü İnsanlar şeyleri ayırırlar.
Onları bir araya getirmezler. Tek güzel Tanrı ile, tüm varolanın
Yaratıcısı ile birlikteyiz ve buna inanan milyonlar var, buna rağmen
onlar Tanrı’nın söyledikleri hakkında, hangi peygamberin en iyi olduğu
hakkında, Tanrının hangi grubu en çok sevdiği hakkında birbirleriyle
savaşa gidiyorlar. Bu çok eski bir hikayedir, binlerce yıllık bir
hikayedir. Ama eski enerjinin ne ile ilgili olduğunu tam olarak

İnsan Doğası?

Şimdi, bazılarınız “Bu İnsan doğasıdır” diyeceksiniz. Bundan dolayı, İnsanlarda olan şey bu
ve bu kendisini tekrar tekrar yineleyecek ve bu
bazılarının asla değişmeyeceğini söyledikleri İnsan doğasının
çorbasında yıkanmış tarihin enerjisidir. Bu nedenle, bunun tekrar

tekrar gerçekleşeceğini söylerler. Bunun, gezegende tarihi sona
erdirecek olan bir şeyler gerçekleştiği için olmadığını size anlatmak
için buradayım sevgililer. Bu tarihin eski enerjisini sonlandıracak.
Eski İnsan doğasını sonlandıracak, çünkü bu evrimseldir.

Doğuştan İtibaren Nefret Öğretiliyor

Bugün dünyada, İsrail’de doğan birçoklarına doğuştan itibaren etraflarındakilerden

hoşlanmamak ve güvenmemek öğretiliyor. Bu dünyada
tarihte bu zamanda, İsrail’in çevresindeki ülkelerdeki insanlara
doğuştan itibaren Musevilerden nefret etmek öğretiliyor. Dikkatle
öğretiliyor. Her şeye rağmen, onlar bu ayrılıktan gurur duyuyorlar,
çünkü bu söz konusu atalarının soyağacıdır ve onlar tarihi protokolu
izlemek isterler. Ayrı kalmak isterler. Yine de bunun değişmekte
olduğunu size söylemek istiyorum. Oh, bu gerçekten değişiyor!
Beklemediğiniz yerlerde değişiyor. Kudüs’te değişiyor. İran’da
değişiyor. Ve çocuklar uyanıyorlar ve şöyle diyorlar, “Onlardan neden
nefret etmem gerektiğini tekrar anlat? Onlar ne zaman, ne yaptılar?
Onlar değildi. Onların ataları idi. Şimdi burada olanlar tarihe
katılmadılar. Bana tekrar anlat, çünkü bunu hissetmiyorum”

Anne babalar kafalarını sallayıp şöyle diyorlar, “Söylediğimiz gibi yap, çünkü gelenek ve
tarih onların bizim düşmanımız olduğunu ve daima
düşmanımız olacağını söylüyor.” Ve çocuklar şöyle diyor, “Hayır. Bunu
yapmayacağım, etrafımdakiler de yapmayacak.” Bu, gezegende yavaşça bir
fark yaratıyor ve kaydedilmiyor. Çünkü dünya çapındaki medyanızın bu
yeni enerji ile ne yapacağına dair fikri yok ve onlar için haber olarak
bile görülmüyor. Onlar eski İnsan doğasına batmışlar, ayıran şeyler
haber, birleştiren şeyler haber değil. Buna rağmen bu, bu gezegenin
bugün gördüğü en büyük enerjilerden biridir. Bunun gerçek olduğunu
anlatmak için buradayım. Oh, size bildirmek istediğim başka şeyler var.
Kalıp Şekillendirildi

-Birlik Çalışıyor

Avrupa’dan konuşalım – Doğu ve batı Avrupa. Tarihe bakın. Avrupalıların tarihine bakmanızı
istiyorum. Onlar hakkında ne biliyorsunuz? Okulda onlar ile
ilgili neler öğrendiniz, Amerikalılar? Tüm o tarihleri ve olayları
öğrenmek zorunda kaldınız. Yaklaşık 200 yıl yaşındaki bir ülkede
oturuyorsunuz ve yüzlerce yıl süren tüm o savaşları ve tüm o fatihleri
ve tüm o ordu özelliklerini hatırlamak zorundaydınız! On dört yüzyıl,
1300’ler – şu andaki yüzyıla kadar düzenli olarak birbirlerini
fethettikleri görülüyordu. Birbirleriyle okyanusun dalgaları gibi
savaştılar, sürekli olarak ve tahmin edilebilir şekilde. Bundan
yoruldukları zaman, başka kıtaları fethettiler. Tek başına küçük İspanya
ülkesi tüm Güney Amerikayı, orta Amerikayı ve hatta Kuzey Amerikayı
fethetmekten sorumludur. Bugün milyonlarca insan onların dilini

Napolyon’un orduları bir nehirde akan su gibi Avrupanın her yanına yayıldı, yolundaki her
şeyi fethetti. Bugün Avrupa’da hala hangi ülkeye ait olduklarını bilmeyen bazı şehirler var!
Bunun nedeni onların sınırlarının sık sık değişmeye devam etmesidir!
Şimdi, bu tarihtir. Buna dikkatle bakmanızı istiyorum. Yine, “Bu
insanların yaptıkları şey. Onlar sınırlar ve kültürler yaratır ve
savaşa giderler. Bu İnsan doğasıdır” diyenler olacaktır.

Elli yıl önce, bu yeni enerji gelmeye başladı. Oh, hizalanmalar yavaş ilerliyor, sevgili İnsan
Varlığı, ama o buradaydı. Başlıyordu;
başlangıç idi. Elli yıl önce, Avrupa’da bir şeyler oldu ve o zamandan
bu yana bununla ilgili pek bir şey duymadınız. Bazı çok berrak
düşünürler II nci Dünya Savaşından sonra bir araya geldiler ve şöyle
dediler, “Eğer farklı bir şeyler yapmazsak ve bugünün düşünce kutusunun
dışına çıkmazsak, bu tekrar gerçekleşecek çünkü yaptığımız şey bu.
İnsan savaş yapar.” Amerika adı verilen genç ülke bile savaşa girdi.
Amerikanın kendisi o savaştan önce neredeyse bölünüyordu, çünkü insanın
yaptığı şey budur. İnsanlar iyi şeyleri ayırır, bölerler. Yeni bir
şeyler deneyebilecekleri o bilge adamlar için açıktı, işe yarayacak bir
şeyler – ayrılık yerine bir birlik. Ve böylece bir fikir oluşturdular.
Size bunun ne olduğunu anlatayım.

Kendilerine şöyle dediler, “Yapabileceğimiz kadar çok sayıda ülke, ‘ülke eyaletler’in
toplanmasını kabul etseydi ne olurdu? Eğer buna şimdi başlarsak ve
yavaşça ilerlersek, en sonunda sınırların kalkacağı, kontrol
noktalarının ve pasaportların olmadığı noktaya kadar birlikte ticaret
yapabileceğimiz bir sisteme sahip olabilirdik. Tüm bu kültürler ve daha
önceki düşman ülkeler hepsi birlikte eşit olarak ticaret yapardı ve
bunun gerçekleşmesi için ortak bir para birimine bile sahip
olabilirdik. Amerika Birleşik Devletlerine bakın, çünkü orada bu şekilde
işliyor. Avrupa bir daha asla kendisiyle savaşa girmezdi. Savaşa
giremezdi, çünkü finansal olarak müttefik olurdu.”

Elbette, buna güldüler! Bunu duyan herkes bunun yapılamayacağını ve çözülmesi gereken
çok fazla sorun olduğunu söyledi. Buna karşı gelenler şöyle
dediler, “Hayır, hayır, hayır. Yaptığımız şey bu değil. Çok fazla
sayıda farklı kültürlerimiz var. Güçlü para birimi olanlar var, zayıf
para birimi olanlar var. Çok fazla engeller var. Sınırda kontrol
edilmeden bir ülkeden diğerine gidildiğini hayal edin? Bu işe yaramaz.
Siz kimsiniz ki böyle şeyleri öneriyorsunuz?” Ve ileri düşünceli
olanlar şöyle dediler “Bizler birleştiricileriz. Ve bunun iyi bir fikir
olduğunu düşünüyoruz, kuvvetimiz olacak ve bir daha asla
savaşmayacağız” Bu iki nesil önceydi, 50 yıl önce.

Bugün, Avrupa Birliğiniz var. Her zaman fazlası var, üyeler orijinal ülke sayısını geçti.
Bazıları kabul edilmek için sırada bekliyor! Sınırlar
gitti ve kontrol noktaları yok ve Euro adı verilen para birimi
Dünyadaki en güçlü para birimi – sizinkinden bile güçlü [ABD]. Şimdi,
size bunu neyin yaptığını anlatayım. Bu, 50 yıl önce gelişmekte olan
bilinç değişimidir. İki nesildir, bu özgür düşünürlerin yavaşça daha
önce hiç bir araya gelmeyen şeyleri birleştirmesini sağladı. Sonuç? Bu

ülkeler birbirlerini tekrar fethetmediler, çünkü “tarih” o anda sona
erdi. Avrupa için yeni bir paradigmaya başladılar ve insanın bildiği
tarihsel bir profile sahip olmayan bir paradigma idi. Bölgenin eski
tarihi gitti ve kendisini tekrarlamayacak.

Avrupa’nın eski Doğu Bloğunda olanlar, bugün hala çok az birleşme olan yerde bulunanlar,
şöyle diyecekler, “Tarih kendisini yine tekrarlayacak. Biz onun
kurbanlarıyız. Bu yalnızca zaman sorunu.” Ama onların hepsi bu şekilde
hissetmiyor. Kendi kültürlerinde daha önce konuşulmasına hiç izin
verilmeyen spiritüelliğin birliğini hissetmeye başlayanlar var. Onlar
eski paradigmanın kutusunun dışında olan özgür düşünürlerdir. Bu

Podyumlarda ve kürsülerde duranlar ve “Tarih sona erdi. Bu ıstırabın sonudur. Diktatörlüğün

sonudur. Bizi küçültecek olanların sonudur. Kim olduğumuzu keşfetmenin başlangıcıdır” diye
ediyorlar. Ve bunları tam sözcükleri ile söylemeseler bile, içlerindeki
yaratıcıyı keşfediyorlar – Tanrının birliği. Böylece bu, Meleğin
Muhammed’e anlattığı şeye tam bir geri döngüdür, öyle değil mi? Çünkü
birlik barışın anahtarıydı ve hala öyledir. Bu kutsal bir prensiptir ve
asla değişmez.

Bunun gerçekleşeceğini kim düşünürdü? Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin kurucuları 200 yıl
önce şöyle dediler, “Daha önce hiç denenmemiş olan bir sistemde fiziksel sınırları olmayan
ülkeler grubu oluşturalım. Bu birlik olacak – Amerika BİRLEŞİK
Devletleri.” Oh, bunun sınavları vardı, ama birleştiriciler kazandı. Ve
bu nedenle bu ülke bu durumdadır ve olduğu şey ve yaptığı şey için
saygı duyulmaktadır. Çok genç bir ülke, ama yeni enerjiyi temsil

Bağımsızlık Bildirgesi kanallık ile alındı. Bunu biliyor muydunuz? Tanrıdan yardım isteyenler
tarafından kollektif bir çabayla kanallık edildi. Onu okuyun ve içindeki kutsal olan şeyi
hissedin, çünkü o birleştirir ve ayırmaz.

Güney Amerika ve Yeni Enerji

Güney Amerika aynı şeyi düşünmeye başlıyor. Partnerim oradaydı ve o topraklardaki

potansiyel geleceğin enerjisini görmesine izin verdim.

Güney Amerika ile ilgili olarak sizin için tarihi resmetmek istiyorum. Her bir ülkenin bir
diktatörü olduğu bir zaman vardı. 15 yıldan daha az süre
önce, ekonomileri başarısızlığa uğradı ve para birimleri
değersizleşti. Sıkıntı, çatışma ve öldürme standart hale geldi. Yağmacı
uyuşturucu lordları açıkça sokaklarda öldürüldüler ve her yerde
yozlaşma vardı. Politikacılar bile korku yarattılar ve bir gecede
birçok insan yok oldu, bir daha hiç görülmediler. Bugün bu şekilde
değil. Bugün, devam eden bir istikrar var, birbiri ardına ülkeler
kültürlerine yeni, pozitif, istikrarlı bir enerji getiriyorlar.

Herhangi türde çok uluslu liderlik veya yönlendirme ile yoğunlaşmış
çaba olmadan, 15 yılda bu nasıl değişmiş olabilir?

Tüm kıtada, sadece tek bir diktatör kaldı. Neler oluyor? Bunun şaşırtıcı olduğunu
düşünüyorsanız, henüz işitmeyeceğiniz hazırlanmakta olan bir
hareket var. Ama onlar tam şimdi bunu tartışıyorlar, size onların ne
düşündüklerini anlatayım, “Bu ülkeleri alıp sınırları yok etseydik ne
olurdu?” Aşina geliyor mu? Onlar bunun hakkında konuşuyorlar. Hiç
kimsenin bu konuşmaları rapor etmediği arka odalarda, şöyle diyorlar,
“En sonunda Kolombiya’nın tepesinden Şili’nin tabanına kadar tek bir
para birimine sahip olma planına ne dersiniz? Güçlü olurduk ve
birleşirdik.” Ve sevgililer, bunun işe yarayacağını ve 50 yıl
sürmeyeceğini anlatmak için buradayım. Yakında tek diktatör de gidecek
ve birleşme başlayabilecek.

Bu gezegende gerçekleşmekte olan bir değişim var.


Bunun sizin farkında olmadığınız başka bir yerde gerçekleşmekte olduğunu anlatayım –
Afrika ülkelerinin birliğinin başlangıcı. Yakında kıta daha
önce hiç sahip olmadıkları bir şeye sahip olacak ve o kıta iyileştiği
ve AIDS ve büyük hastalık olmadığı zaman, sizin sahip olduklarınızı
isteyecekler. Evler, okullar ve yozlaşma olmadan çalışan bir ekonomi
isteyecekler. Nesillerdir “Afrika’nın Tarihi” adı verilmiş olan şeyde
güç için kendi nüfuslarını öldüren dar görüşlü liderler ile işleri
bitecek. Yakında Afrika’da tarihin sonu olacak ve yeni kıta ortaya

Kuvvetin beklenen bölgelerden gelmeyebileceğinin farkında olun, çünkü yeni liderlik

mayalanıyor. Orada nüfusun çok hazır olduğu çok fazla topraklar var, iki nesil ve artı 20 yıl
gezegendeki en güçlü ekonomilerden biri olacak. Ve bu, birkaç kişi
tarafından bir araya getirilen birleştirici bir fikir nedeniyle
gerçekleşecek. Bunlar gezegenin potansiyelleridir ve bildiğiniz
şekliyle tarihin sonudur.

Yaklaşık 70 yılda, bu Afrika kıtasını refaha ve barışa götürecek olan siyah bir adam olacak. O
bir başkan olmayacak, ama bir planlayıcı ve devrimci ekonomik düşünür
olacak. O ve onunla birlikte güçlü bir kadın tüm kıtada planı
gerçekleştirecek. Onlar birleştirecekler. Bu potansiyeldir ve plandır.
Afrika yüzyıllar süren hastalığın ve çaresizliğin küllerinden yeniden
doğacak ve gün için iyi ürünler yaratabilen işçilerle tutarlı ekonomik
güç yaratacak. Çin’in ekonomik olarak güçlü olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz?
Çin kendi tarihinin eski yollarının gizliliği ve önyargısı ile
kösteklenerek yaptığını yapmak zorunda. Çin en sonunda özgür
düşünürlerin ve hızlı değişimin toprağı olan Afrika ile rekabet etmek
zorunda kalacak. Çin’in, özgür İnsan ruhunun ilerlemesine hiçbir
kültürel engeli olmayan büyük bir rakibi olacak.

Buradakiler, gezegenin geleceğini tekrar değiştirecek olan yaşlı ruhlardır, bunu bugün kendi
yolunuzla yapıyorsunuz. Bugün ışığınızla bilincin
karanlığına karşı çarpışıyorsunuz ve dinin üzerinize yerleştirdiği son
savaşlardan birini yapıyorsunuz. Bu nedenle buradasınız, şefkatli
düşünceleriniz ile gezegene ışık getirmek için. Bu, “Işıkişçisinin

Kuzey Amerika’da Spiritüellik

Amerika dediğiniz bu yerde, 350 türden fazla Hristiyanlık vardır. Tek bir Kurtarıcının
hikayesi var, ama onun söyledikleri, ne denemek istediği
ve kim olduğu hakkında birçok fikirler var. O fikirlerin her birinin
dallandığı ve yeni bir kilise yarattığı görülüyor. Tektanrıcılığın
Tanrısı yüzlerce parçaya bölünmekten muzdarip.

Kilisenin hikayesi o kadar olağanüstü olmadı, eğer tarihin kilisesine vermiş olduklarını
bilseydi Peter mezarında ters dönerdi. Hristiyanların
köyleri dolaştıkları, köylüler onların kurtarıcısına inanmadıkları için
köyleri yaktıkları ve yağmaladıkları bir zaman vardı. Bu, İspanyol
Engizisyonu sırasındaydı. Onlar terörist idi! Bunu dinlemelisiniz
sevgililer ve duygularınızı uyandırmak istemem ama şunu söyleyeceğim:
Herhangi bir ruhsal inancı kötü olarak etiketlemeden önce, tarihe
bakmalısınız: Hristiyanlar da çok erken zamanlarda bunu yaptı.
Museviler de yaptı ve ilk Müslümanlar da yaptı. İbrahim’in radikal
fanatik çocukları yüzyıllardır birbirleriyle savaştı. İnsanların
yaptığı budur.

İnsanlık bunu yapıyor. İnsanlık ayırıyor. Tanrı için savaşa gidiyor. Yaratıcı enerji tek bir enerji
olduğu zaman, kendisini bile kutulara ayırıyor! Tarihin bu söyleminin sona erdiğini
anlatmak için buradayım, çünkü İnsan doğasının parametresi değişmeye
başlıyor ve çocuklar bunu biliyor! Ve onlar bunu görmeye ve bir araya
getirmeye başlıyorlar. Görüyorsunuz, bu gezegende gerçekleşen bir
değişim var.

İnternet – Birleşmenin İlk Dünya Çapındaki Aleti

Şimdi size düşünecek birkaç şey veriyorum: tarihi olarak İnternet ile ilgili ne
düşünüyorsunuz? Dünyadaki tüm ülkelerin vatandaşları birbirleriyle
elektronik sınırlar olmadan konuşabiliyor. O ulusların genç insanları
birbirlerini görebiliyorlar, birbirleriyle konuşabiliyorlar ve
fikirlerini ifade ediyorlar. Hangi ülke bunu baskı altında tutarsa
tutsun, onlar bunu yine de bir şekilde yapıyorlar. Onlar bilincin,
birliğin, çokkültürlü bilincin ağını oluşturuyorlar. O kalmak için
burada. O yeni enerjinin bir parçasıdır. Genç insanlar bunu biliyor ve
yolu gösteriyorlar.

10 yıldan fazla bir süre önce bir kehanet verdim. “Herkesin herkesle konuşabileceği, bu
nedenle komplo olamayacağı” bir günün geleceğini söyledim. Çünkü komplo ayrılığa ve
gizliliğe dayanır – sadece birkaç kişinin bildiği karanlıkta saklanan
bir şey. Son zamanlarda haberleri gördünüz mü? Neler oluyor? Bu, tarihe

karşı olduğu görünen, gerçekleşmekte olan yeni bir paradigma olabilir

Yeni Çağ

Sonra Yeni Çağ var. Size 20 yıl önce gerçekleşen bir şeyi anlatayım. Bu partnerimin geçmek
zorunda kaldığı bir şeydir: Batı bölgelerinizden
birinde [ABD’nin], Kryon’u yüzyılın şeytanı olarak etiketleyenler
vardı. Yeni Çağda saygı duyulan ve iyi düşünülen bazıları tarafından
partnerime saldırılar yapıldı. Bu, birçok kitaplar yazmadan önce,
mesajıyla Birleşmiş Milletlere gitmeden önce onu durdurmak isteyen bir
enerji idi. Kanallığının üçüncü yılında idi ve onun mesajını yok saymak
için organize bir çabaya dahil olan birçok insan vardı. Partnerim
dizleri üzerinde bana sordu, “Neden? Neden sevgi üzerine kitaplar
yazanlar başkalarının çalışmalarını öldürmeye çalışıyor?” Ona şöyle
dedim, “İnsanların yaptığı bu. Onlar fethederler, bölerler ve bunun
kendi çalışmalarının hayatta kalmasının parçası olduğunu hissederler.”
Sonra ona onların her zaman bunu yapmayacaklarını ve bunun İnsanlığın
bilincinde olmadığı bir zamanın geleceğini anlattım. Bu nedenle
partnerim burada, yeni enerjiyi kolaylaştırmaya yardımcı olmak için.

Eğer bir Arap ve bir Musevi birbirlerine bakıp Akaşik soyağacını görebilirlerse ve tek bir aile
görebilirlerse, umut vardır. Eğer
farklılıklarının artık birbirlerini öldürmelerini gerektirmediğini
görebilirlerse, o zaman tarihte değişimin başlangıcı olur. Ve şu anda
gerçekleşen budur. Hangi spiritüel inanca sahip olursa olsun tüm
insanlık birleşme yerine ayrılığın tarihi tuzağına düşmekten suçlu oldu.
Şimdi bu değişmeye başlıyor. Gerçekleşmekte olan bir değişim var.

Bilge Kral

Sizi çok bilge bir kral olan Süleyman’a geri götürmek istiyorum. Bu çok ünlü bir hikayedir,
iki kadın aynı çocuğun annesi olduklarını iddia
etmektedir. Her ikisi de tek bebeği ona vermesi için Süleyman’a
yalvarırlar ve sorunu çözmesi için Süleyman’a bırakırlar. Kararını
vermeden önce sonucu bilen bilge kral, çocuğun ikiye kesilmesini
emreder. Kadınlar çocuğun yarısını alacaktır. Süleyman ne olacağını
bilir ve bu gerçekleşir. Kadının biri hemen bembeyaz kesilir ve “Çocuğu
öteki kadına verin” der. O zaman Süleyman çocuğun kime ait olduğunu
hemen anlar. Çocuğu diğer kadına verendir. O gerçek annedir. Bunu nasıl
bildi? Çünkü şefkat gezegendeki en bilge şeydir ve çözüm ve birleştirme
ile doludur. Bu dünyayı süpüren bilge, ilahi, dişil annenin şefkatidir
ve yerküre değişimi hissederken Kundalini bir kıtadan diğerine

Bazıları süreçte umutsuzca yalnız hissediyor ve anlamıyor. Eğer bir bilgisayarın bilinci
olsaydı, onu kapattığınızda ve yeniden açtığınızda nasıl hissedeceğini hayal edin. Olmuş olan
şeyin anısını kaybedecektir. İnsan bilinci, tarihin bir sonra neler
olacağını kontrol etmediği başka bir paradigmaya kendisini yeniden

açarken (yeniden yüklerken), şu anda İnsan bilincinde de aynı şey
geçerli. Ve hissettiğiniz şey budur – herhangi türde İnsan doğası
tarihine sahip olmayan bir pradigmaya potansiyel yeniden yüklemede
yalnız hissetmek.

Şefkat ve Birlik Yeni Enerjidir

2012’nin enerjisi 16 yıldır sizinle birlikte idi ve 20 yıl daha sizinle birlikte olacak. Galaksi
ekvatorunun merkezinde hareket ederken,
hizalanma bu şekilde çalışır. Ekinoksların presesyonu [yerkürenin
yalpalaması] etkisini gösterirken ve siz hizalanmanın ortasına
ilerlerken, bu 36 yıllık bir deneyim penceresidir, bir kış gündönümü
tarihindeki artı gösterge değildir. Siz bu enerjinin içinde
yaşıyorsunuz ve birkaç yıldır bunun içindeydiniz, Yeni Çağcılar.

Şimdi, sadece bu odadakilere konuşalım; dinleyicilere değil, okuyuculara değil. Odadakiler ile
konuşmak istiyorum. Bu enerjide oturanlarla
konuşmak istiyorum. Bugün buraya geldiğinizden farklı ayrılmanızı
istiyorum. Meleksi olan, içinizdeki yaratıcı enerji olan, size bilgelik
verecek olan aktivasyon ile gitmenizi istiyorum.

Buradaki herkes kanalın yaptığına inanmıyor ve bunun önemi yok. İşte bugün için sınavınız,
talimatlarınız. Onlarla aynı konuda düşünmeseniz bile
buradakilere aile olarak bakabilir misiniz? Onları sevebilir misiniz?
Bu yerden çıkıp “Pekala, bir daha bunun gibi bir toplantıya
gitmeyeceğim. Onlar çılgın” deme seçiminiz var. Veya şöyle
diyebilirsiniz, “Bir daha bunun gibi bir toplantıya gitmeyeceğim, çünkü
onların düşündüklerini kabul etmem gerekmiyor. Ama onları seviyorum ve
herhangi bir zamanda evime gelebilirler. Benimle akşam yemeği yemek
isterlerse, bu tamamdır. Ve onlarla şakalaşabilirim ve onlarla birlikte
olabilirim ve ellerini sıkabilirim. Hatta onlardan biriyle
evlenebilirim de, çünkü tek bir Tanrı olduğunu, tek bir Yaratıcı
olduğunu ve hepimizin içinde olduğunu kabul ediyorum. Onlarla aynı
fikirde değilim, ama kendimi bütünleştirebilirim.”

Böylece fikirlerinizin ve farklılıklarınızın artık sizi ayırmadığı anlayışına sahip olursunuz.

İnsan Varlıklar sınırları olmadan birbirlerinin yanında
var olan ülkeler gibi bir arada var olabilirler. Onların kültürleri
hala eşsizdir ve hala kendi ülkelerine sahipler. Ama şimdi daha büyük
bir planda birlikteler, birbirleriyle bir daha hiç savaşmayacakları bir
plan. Savaşamazlar. Onların varoluşları birbirlerine bağlı. Birleşme
bunu yapar. Süleyman bunu biliyordu ve sır şefkattir.

Sevgililer, bu yerden birbirinize şefkat duyarak ayrılın. Evinize gidip televizyonu açtığınızda
ve politik olarak sizinle uyum içinde
olmadıkları için aynı fikirde olmadığınız birilerini gördüğünüzde,
onları sevebilir misiniz? Ne olursa olsun onların içindeki yaratıcıyı
görebilir misiniz? Onların, birlik içinde birlikte çalışmaya
zorlanmanız için bu ülkede kurulan şeylerin oyununu oynadıklarını
görebilir misiniz? Herhangibiriniz bunu gördü mü? Birlikte çalışmak

için zorlanmak. Uzlaşmaya varmak için zorlanmak. Birlik olmak için,
ayrı olmamak için zorlanmak. Bunu siyasette gördüğünüz zaman, gerçek
olduğunu bileceksiniz.

Size anlattığımız budur. Bunu arayın. Eski enerji yavaşça terk ediyor, ama eski enerjinin
gitmiş olduğu bir gün gelecek. Bu bir nesil sürebilir! Bazılarınız, “O zaman burada
olmayacağım” diyebilir. Size diyorum ki, “Oh, evet burada olacaksın!”
Çünkü finali kaçırmayacaksınız! Yuvanın enerjisi veya herhangi melek
enerjisi sizi geride tutamayacak. Geri geleceksiniz ve spiritüel
tarihinizde herhangi bir şeyden daha hızlı olan bir geri dönüş zamanı
olacak, çünkü tarih önemli değildir, spiritüel tarih bile. Gidip hızla
ayrılacaksınız. Her zaman Dünya’ya geri döndün, yaşlı ruh. Bu nedenle
sizi böyle seviyoruz.

Gezegende yaptıkların için şimdi ayaklarını yıkamak istiyorum, yaşlı ruh. Birilerini sevme,
onları kuantum şekilde görme, onları tek olarak değil birçok olarak görme
fırsatını al. Tüm İnsanlara onların soyağacının ışığında bak. Onları
kendin gibi önemli olarak gör. Onlarla birleş. Görüyorsunuz, bu
gezegende gerçekleşmekte olan bir değişim var ve siz bunu temsil

“Ve öyledir” sözcüklerini söylediğim zaman, enerjiyi taşıyın. Kendi hızınızda ayrılın. Eğer
isterseniz bir süre oturun, sonra sessizce ayrılın. Bir daha gelinceye kadar burası kutsal
bir yer olarak kalsın. Alkış yok, gürültü yok – sadece birlik, sadece
birbirinize karşı sevgi, sadece gezegenin önünde olan şey hakkında
kuantum düşünce, sevgililer.

Şimdi önünüzdeki bulmacalar hakkında farklı hissediyor musunuz? Böyle olmasını

umuyorum. Çözümlenebilir, her biri.

Ve öyledir.



(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Farkındalığın "Aydınlık" ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla....


Eğer yeniden başlayabilseydim yaşamaya...
 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 2, 2011 at 3:22pm

Eğer yeniden başlayabilseydim yaşamaya, ikincisinde daha çok hata

yapardım !..Kusursuz olmaya çalışmaz, sırtüstü yatardım..! Neşeli
olurdum, ilkinde olmadığım kadar. Çok az şeyi ciddiyetle yapardım.. Daha
çok riske girerdim, seyahat ederdim daha fazla..Daha çok güneş doğuşu
izler, dah...a çok dağa tırmanır, daha çok nehirde yüzerdim. Görmediğim
bir çok yere giderdim..Dondurma yerdim doyasıya, daha az bezelye. Gerçek
sorunlarım olurdu, hayali olanların yerine..Yaşamın her anını gerçek ve
verimli kılan insanlardan olurdum. Farkındamısınız bilmem ?..Yaşam
budur zaten !..An' lar, sadece anlar, siz de an' ı yaşayın..Hiçbir yere,
yanına termometre, su, şemsiye ve paraşüt almadan gitmeyen
insanlardanım ben. Yeniden başlayabilseydim, ilkbaharda, papuçlarımı
atardım ve sonbahar bitene kadar yürürdüm çıplak ayakla..! Bilinmeyen
yollar keşfeder, güneşin tadına varır, çocuklarla oynardım, bir şansım
olsaydı eğer !..Ama işte, 85' imdeyim ve biliyorum ; Ölüyorum...! *

Jorge Luis Borges


Kuantum ve Yaşam Programında Bu hafta
David Doğan Beyo Ile Birlikteyiz :)
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on January 2, 2011 at 3:30pm

Kuantum ve Yaşam programı; her pazartesi 19:00 ile 21:00 arasında TNA TVde. Bu
programda keyifli bir yaşam yolculuğuna çıkıyoruz. Programı www.tnatv.tv linkinden
izleyebilirsiniz. Bu haftaki konuğumuz sitemizin kurucusu CAN dostum David Doğan Beyo.
Programın konusu Ses Frekansları ve Kuantum Evren olacak. Bu keyifli sohbette beraber
olmak arzusuyla. Keyifli seyirler :)

Programın tanıtım filmi aşağida :)


Farkındalığın ışığinda Sonsuz sevgilerimle :)


Except From - Quantranti - The New Moon

Solar Eclipse of Jan 4th
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 7:32pm

The Solar Eclipse of January 4th is triple-embellished, occurring on a New Moon and amidst
the turbo charge of the Quantranti Meteor Shower. The
energy signature of this event will be to lightened the intensity that
humanity has been bathed in over the past 21 days. It will be a day of
renewal, of long waited re-charge. In the truest sense, January 4th (
not January 1st ) is the optimal day for your 'New Year Resolutions'
for 2011.

And the astro-logic of this is easy ( for a change ! )... The New Moon is always around
rebirth, renewal, the planting of 'seeds' and this one
is supra-charged by the potentcy of the solar eclipse and the comets of
the Meteor flash. So don't think that because
this Solar Eclipse is partial, only visible in specific regions, only
covering a portion of the Sun, that its energy is not.extrremely
powerful. It is a 'Mega-Event', teeming, buzzing with energy! It is a
supreme energy and indeed a special day to utilize ! ....

New Moon - Solar Eclipse

A New Moon Solar Eclipse will occur on January 4th. This solar eclipse is the first of four
(partial) solar eclipses that will take place in
2011. The last time four partial eclipses occurred in the same year was
2000, and eight of the last 11 years had none. On January 4th, Europe,
Africa and Asia will be treated to this visual phenomenon, which gives
the Sun a unique crescent shape.

January will also play host to a number of other potent astrological spectacles, including
Jupiter and Uranus being 'exact' , extremely close to each other on 3rd - 5th of January - an
alignment that occurs only ever 14 years - and this is then
teamed with the Quantranti meteor shower, whose peak is expected from
midnight on 3 January into January 4th. Quite a line-up !

January 4, 2011- A Day of Extreme Potency-Eclipse, New Moon, Meteor Shower

Partial Solar Eclipse of January 04

The first solar eclipse of 2011 occurs at the Moon's ascending node in eastern Sagittarius. A
partial eclipse will be visible from much of Europe, North Africa and central Asia. The
penumbral shadow first touches Earth's surface in northern Algeria at
06:40:11 UT. As the shadow travels east, Western Europe will be treated
to a partial eclipse at sunrise. The
eclipse magnitude from European cities like Madri (0.576), Paris
(0.732), London (0.747), and Copenhagen (0.826) will give early morning
risers an excellent opportunity to photograph the sunrise eclipse with
interesting foreground scenery. Greatest eclipse occurs at 08:50:35 UT in northern Sweden
where the eclipse in the horizon will have a magnitude of 0.858.

At that time, the axis of the Moon's shadow will pass a mere 510 km above Earth's surface.
Most of northern Africa, the Middle East and
Central Asia also lie in the penumbra's path. The citizens of Cairo
(0.551),Jerusalem (0.574), Istanbul (0.713), and Tehran (0.507) all
witness a
large magnitude partial eclipse. A sunset eclipse will be visible from central Russia,
and northwest China. The partial eclipse ends when the penumbra
leaves Earth at 11:00:54 UT.

Energy & Astrology of the January 4th

- New Moon- Solar Eclipse - Quantranti Fire -

Remember: Eclipses Are Energy Generators:

Time to Meditate in Solitude & Mass

Time to Set Intent for 2011 - New Years Resolutions

January 4th is a Triple Star Eclipse :

(1) New Moon - New Beginnings, Planting 'Seeds'
(2) Quadranti Meteor Shower : Bringing Akash-Consciousness Units for Enhanced
Manifestation via Sky-Fire Mini Comets
(3) Solar Eclipse- Mega Blast of Energy for Transition, Vision & Inner Search

The Solar Eclipse of January 4th is triple-embellished, occurring on a New Moon and
Quantranti Meteor Shower. The energy signature of this
will be to lightened the intensity that humanity has been bathed in over
the past 21 days. It will be a day of renewal, of long waited
re-charge. In the truest sense, January 4th ( not January 1st ) is the
optimal day for your 'New Year Resolutions' for 2011.

And the astro-logic of this is easy ( for a change ! )... The New Moon is always around
rebirth, renewal, the planting of 'seeds' and this one
is supra-charged by the potentcy of the solar eclipse and the comets of
the Meteor flash. So don't think that because this Solar Eclipse is
partial, only visible in specific regions, only covering a portion of
the Sun, that its energy is not.extrremely powerful. It is a
'Mega-Event', teeming, buzzing with energy!

All eclipses, especially the ones over the next 24 months are omnipotent in reach & effect.
They are light-coded and are shifting
the rapidly transitioning 144-Crystalline Grid and the Earth &
Humanity in kind. Eclipses, you see, whether partial or total effect
the planetary grid system in its entirety, and the resulting energy
pulses are evenly distributed over the entire planet.

You recently experienced an enormous energy surge on the Solstice-Full Moon Total Lunar
Eclipse of December 21st, with Mercury in retrograde.
Mercury completes the current retro- backspin on December 30th, and
begins forward movement just in time for the Solar Eclipse New Moon
Comets on January 4th.

In a very real , very purposeful construct, the coded, embellished Eclipse of January 4th
completes the energetic labyrinth that began on
December 21st. It is the virtual Light at the End of the Tunnel. This
energy is offered to Humanity and is a wonderful time to refresh, to
vision, to manifest intent.

The Solar Eclipse on 4 January 2011 is at 13 degrees 39 minutes of Capricorn. It is conjunct

the fixed star Ascella "Of the nature of
Jupiter and Mercury. It projects waves of good fortune, optimism and
opens energetic doors into joy and happiness." With the New Moon
astrologically programmed to "New and influential friends, valuable
gifts, and honoring the Divine Feminine energies."

The emerging prominence of the Star, Ascella is important during the Eclipse of January 4th.
Ascella is in the constellation Sagittarius,
the Kabalists associate it with the tarot card "The Lovers".
Presumably because of the Cupid above them drawing his bow and arrow
like the archer. The word Sag means 'To seek out'. And so the astro -
logic is that perhaps this will be an energy for finding a new partner
or mate perhaps. Certainly the waves of energy would be conducive to
new beginnings or renewal of current ones.

The only planetary aspect the New Moon makes is a square to Saturn. Despite the square, the
stars influence is a happy, fortunate,
optimistic one and just makes the Saturn influence more about seeking to
settle down and work hard. This is an energy of harmony, of rebuild, of
reconnecting broken bonds. partnership. People pulling together,
opening the doors of communication and trusting each other.

Now easily the most important utilization of the January 4th timing, is for planting seeds.
Making new resolves. The energy of the comets and
eclipse will activate and flood in 'consciousness units' or
'Crystal-Akash', the building blocks of thought manifestation. You
cleared obstacles on the Solstice Eclipse, now is the perfect time to
manifest new goals, new behaviours and the creation of abundance and
events you wish for 2011.

Importantly just four hours after the January 4th Solar Eclipse, the last of three Jupiter-
Uranus Conjunction's goes exact. We also have Neptune and Chiron like in 2010. But unlike
now they were all retrograde and under the backspin influence . This
time it is direct and adds beautiful energy for manifestation.

So the underpinning and energy of the 'Triple Satr' January 4th Solar Eclipse is one of
renewal and great relief. The timing is perfect to
plan and resolve forward into 2011, with a much clearer idea of where
you want to be. There will be no blind-sides or untoward
emotional drama with the square from Saturn. The feeling is compelling
around 'getting on with things' and being grounded back into clarity
and practicality.
Organizing for the year ahead. Planting realistic seeds. Ones that will
manifest and grow the way you desire and plan them too. This is quite
a drama-delusion free Eclipse. No smoke & mirrors, or grandiose
promises . Time to feel good again, roll up the sleeves and get back to ground zero and

You made it through the rollercoaster of the Grand Cardinal Cross and Mega Solstice of
2010. Not to say that 2011 will be less potent than 2010, in fact it will amp up a notch. The
energies of 2011 have another 5
eclipses, 2 more lunar and 3 more solar, potent eclipses and equinoxes
and perhaps the most magnanimous, the TDP ( Triple Date Portal) of the
11-11-11. But because of the obstacle course of 2010, you grew
stronger, and you will mange the upshifts of 2011 a bit easier. In 2011 you start clean ! And all
the wiser. Perfect start. Use this energy...Seize the Day!


Weekly Science Report - December 31, 2010
by Steve Detwiler - pdf
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 7:34pm

Weekly Science Report - December 31, 2010

by Steve Detwiler

“May God stand between you and harm

and all the empty places where you must walk.”

Ancient Egyptian Blessing

News Articles

Paleontology, Evolution and Prehistoric Studies

Neanderthals ate a well balanced diet


Fish Swam the Sahara, Bolstering Out of Africa Theory


Prehistoric man drew maps


New work casts doubt on Out of Africa theory


Ancient rock art's colours come from microbes


The Study of Human Remains: What does it really tell us? Part 1


Discovery rekindles debate on origins of multi-cellular life


A Fossil Hunt in Ethiopia’s Mush Valley


Some fossils are out of time at small Bakersfield museum


Neanderthal face is not cold adapted


Ancient rodents give clues to evolving man


Human remains spark spat


Ancient sea scorpions probably were pussycats


New Prehistoric Crocodile Found in "Kitchen Counters"


What triggers mass extinctions? Study shows how invasive species stop new life


Did Early Humans Migrate Across a Watery, Green Sahara?


Fossilized Bird Brains May Yield Secret of First Flights


Ancient and General History

Slavery paintings coming down from Atlanta office


DVD touted by Glenn Beck stirs up archaeological spat


Ancient Bible fragments reveal a forgotten history


The scientist pope who lit up the Dark Ages


Family of WWI veteran looks forward to 110th birthday


SAS 'for hire' after Iranian embassy siege in 1980


Q&A: Dead Languages Reveal a Lost World


The Forgotten South: Exploring the Middle Woodland Period in the Deep South


NM gov. declines to pardon outlaw Billy the Kid


Exhibit opens on Curious George's wartime escape


Lab scans bones that may belong to Amelia Earhart


Christmas 'star': Some theories on what the Magi were following


Ancient Cyprus: Where East Met West


The Mediterraneans



Archaeologists to probe Sherwood Forest's 'Thing'


Mexican archaeologists look back on a banner year


Mosaics found in SE Turkey lead to unearthing of ancient Roman city


Artezian, a fortified settlement on the Crimean Peninsula


German Archeologists Uncover Celtic Treasure


One of King Solomon's fortresses wasn't, after all


Archaeologists trying to unravel why ancient southwestern Illinois city suddenly ended


Ruins of jade, stone object processing workshop discovered in east China


People power saves historic Banganga tank from poor restoration work

Massive hoard of Chinese coins uncovered


Prehistoric artifacts neglected in Vietnam


Ancient stone alignments in Connecticut?


Experts: Persepolis will collapse with a small tremor


Ancient stone tablet unearthed in Xinjiang


Possible prehistoric bead is found in Suffolk


BLM deal to fund northeast Nevada archaeology site


Colonial Williamsburg acquires historic Spanish letters describing threat at Jamestown


Wind Farm Works Could Unearth Long-Lost Secrets


Armageddon Site Giving Up Its Secrets


Mayan King's Tomb Discovered in Guatemala


The purpose of Aztec blood rituals part 3


China cultural, archaeological news in brief: 2 mural tombs found near Yellow River


In Search of Herod’s Tomb


Sacred Shoshone site to be protected from further damage


Jamestown unearths 400-year-old pipes for patrons


A Primer for Disaster Archaeology


Unearthing Prehistoric Tumors, and Debate



21st century Welsh technology to save 27th century Egyptian Pyramid


Ancient Egyptian Priests' Names Preserved in Pottery


General Science

Artificial intelligence to transform web: Russian tycoon


Enter the robot self





Physics, Earth and Space Sciences

Don't send bugs to Mars


Scientists drill beneath Dead Sea in search of priceless data


S. American mountains hold key to electric car's future: lithium for batteries


Solar Sail Flotilla Proposed to Divert Asteroid


A Battle Over Uranium Bodes Ill for U.S. Debate


Dec. 30, 1924: Hubble Reveals We Are Not Alone


NASA May Merge Human Spaceflight and Operations Divisions


What's new with Titan? Five intriguing findings about Saturn's moon


What’s living in the Ocean?


Environment, Climate Change and Alternative Energy Sources

New solar fuel machine 'mimics plant life'


Now, power in pants to charge your phone


New dyes improve solar technologies for generating clean electricity and hydrogen fuel


Inuit lives and diets change as ice shifts


Firms look to up solar power presence in India


Obama to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants


For New Year's Resolution: Climate Change Perspective


Climate Models Miss Effects of Wind-Shattered Dust


Biological, Genetics and Medical Sciences

Cancer Vaccine Developed -- And Ignored


Crunch time for stem cells


Scientists find gene clue to 130 brain diseases


Simple rubber device mimics complex bird-song


Rare 'panda cow' born in northern Colorado



Futurology: The tricky art of knowing what will happen next


Tibetan monks studying science at Emory in Atlanta


Additional Informational

Civil War Message in a Bottle Decoded: Big Pic


What in the World— Ancient and Modern Foods from the Tarim Basin


Research Notes—The Luohan that Came from Afar


X Prize Contenders Race to the Moon: Slide Show


Pictures: Ancient Roman Spa City Reburied in Turkey


The Biggest, Boldest and Baddest Space Missions of 2011 : Slide Show


Geraldine Huff Doyle, WWII Icon, Dies: Big Pic



True Giving is Holding a Space of Peace
and Bliss for Others By DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 7:34pm

True Giving is Holding a Space of Peace and Bliss for Others By DL


Now that holiday festivities are past, it is a good time to consider the
gifts we will share with others throughout this year. There is nothing
wrong with offering others gifts as tokens of your appreciation, though
holiday gifting in a material sense is a pale reflection of each
person's potential in terms of true giving. By this we mean sharing with
others the true gifts and blessings of one's spirit.

Even amidst suffering and disharmony, it is possible to stand inside the

light of your spirit and hold a space of peace and bliss. This portal of
bliss is a doorway to peace and love that others can access to raise
their vibration and align more strongly with their higher self.

This portal is dedicated to the experience of joy and unconditional

love. Inside it, it is possible to harmonize and center one's energies
with perfect awareness of the love being held there. Those who sometimes
experience a lack of joy and love in their life can heal by entering
this space.

Those who hold this space for others are able to consciously enter this
space anywhere at any time by intending to do so. This constant
communion over time transforms all life circumstances, allowing one to
become an ever brighter light on the planet, guiding the way on the
inner planes.

Bliss Transforms All Life Circumstances

When you live in a state of joy and bliss, you are able to see

everything from a higher perspective. The person who chooses to reside
in the frequency of joy has made a decision to view every circumstance
they encounter with acceptance and gratitude, even those that are
painful and challenging.

When you have existed in this vibration of joy for a period of time, you
find your life circumstances becoming more peaceful and loving. It is
important to understand when you initially choose the path of joy you
may find your self still experiencing manifestations of the past, some
of which may have been created from a less than joyful place. This is
because on the Earth plane there is a space of time between the seeding
of a creation and its arrival in physical reality.

If you are able to remain in a state of joy and bliss even as these past
creations arrive in your present moment, you will soon find yourself
sailing the serene waters of a peaceful sea.

Bliss Makes Love Bio-Available at the Cellular Level

The experience of bliss has the ability to heal the past, transform the
present and create a future less hampered by the burden of illusion. It
does this by making the vibration of love bio-available at a cellular
level. This vibration of love is the most powerful vibration in the
universe. It is the essence of life force energy. Imagine spirit as
having its own DNA. By bringing your self into alignment with the
vibration of love, you are able to merge your own DNA with that of spirit.

It is inside the portal of bliss that you are able to merge with the
highest vibration in the universe. Inside this space, you become a
powerful portal anchoring heaven to earth - a doorway through which
others can enter into the experience of bliss and peace. This experience
is the true antidote to the suffering that exists within the world. It
is only through entering the portal of bliss and becoming a conduit for
love and joy that you are able to truly help alleviate the world's

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and

Transformation by DL Zeta


Multidimensional News - Special New
Year’s Blessing from Gaia by Suzan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 7:40pm

Special New Year’s Blessing from Gaia

Dear Children of my Land,

I am Gaia, your Earth Mother. I wish to speak with you this evening on the last day of my
year 2010 to tell you that I AM so Proud to be YOU.
Yes, I AM YOU, for dear humans, we are ONE.

You have come onto my body for myriad lives, during myriad civilizations, and NOW you
have come to me to live your final physical incarnation.

Dear Children, you have done so much to assist me in this, your closing
incarnation, so that we may travel Hom to our fifth dimensional
expression as ONE Being.

We, you and I, have suffered many assaults at the hands of those who could not see the Light,
but these assaults are coming to an end, for we have
remembered. You, dear ones have remembered, as have I; we have
remembered that the “time” has come to “end the game.”

We have come to the completion of the lessons of this frequency and desire to return to our
true, fifth dimensional resonance. We long to be
within the Oness from which we were born and to live within the
unconditional love and multidimensional light of that reality.

Those who have feared the concept of that return have forgotten that they too are magnificent
beings of light. Therefore, in these final times of
illusionary life, I ask of each of you, my brave warriors, to ease your
fist and open your heart.

Fear and fight will feed the dark, whereas love and light will awaken a spark within the
ATMA of their hearts.

There is NO ONE who does not have an inner ATMA, a Three Fold Flame of Wisdom, Power
and Love, as it is that which allows a human to maintain a
body. Therefore, my brave children, I, yourmother, ask that—instead of
fear and anger—send to these lost ones the Wisdom, Power and Love that
resides within your OWN Three Fold Flame.

As you have learned, that which you send out into my world, will return to you, and me, three
fold. Because of this Law, which I know you
remember, the best way to assist me now is to Forgive those who have
harmed US.

Use your mighty Wisdom, Power and Love to send unconditional love and forgiveness to the
ones who have forgotten and cannot remember. As you
bless them see my true beauty. Envision my mighty oceans, rivers and
streams, my beautiful mountains, vast prairies, lush forest and
courageous deserts. See my many life forms of plants and animals as they
bask within your unconditional love.

As your forgive these lost ones, please tell them that I, Gaia, hold no remorse for my choices,
nor should they. Each of my beings has chosen to
play a role in the drama of “Life in the Third Dimension.” Those who
cannot awaken are merely those who cannot remember their true SELF. As
these lost ones awaken, they shall contribute so much to our planetary
ascension, that, at last, they will
understand why they have chosen to play the role of the villain.

As we come to the final act of this great drama, we remember the last words of a beloved, yet
widely misquoted hero. With his dying breath, he
sent forth forgiveness as he said,


Soon “they” will know what they are doing and these ones who have chosen to incarnate, as
the villain will need your unconditional love to heal. The
higher the climb—the steeper the fall, also reads as, the steeper the
fall—the higher the climb.

My dear, dedicated children, I ask in this final turn of illusion that you choose love, for it is
only through the power of unconditional love
that forgiveness can be sincere.

Let we, Person and Planet, hold these words within our heart and mind,
“Forgive them for they know not what they do.”

With these words we use the power of our unconditional love and forgiveness for ALL LIFE
to merge the polarities of our third dimensional expression
and ascend into the fifth dimensional Unity of the ONE.

The ONE awaits us NOW.

Our Return is imminent!

Please click


to listen to the hour long New Year’s Eve airing of


Please visit :








 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 9:00pm

11 boyutlu “Süper Sicim Teoremi”, kuantlarin noktasal olmayip, birer sicim

(iplikçik) olduklarini belirtir. 1988 yilinda ispatlanan bu teoremde, evrenin
yapisi, 11 boyutlu (kendisi 1 boyutlu) sicimlerin dokusudur. Bunlar, enerji
düzeylerine göre sürekli titresmektedirler. 11 boyutlu “Süper Zar (Membran)
Teoremi” ise, bunun bir asama ilerisi olup, kuantlarin birer yüzeyi oldugunu
(iki boyutlu oldugunu) ve bunlarin evren hacminde dinamik olduklarini belirtir.
Fizigin 11 boyutlu olarak birlestirilmesi, simdilik bu ikinci teori
asamasindadir. Yani evrenin yapisinin, simdilik, 11 boyutlu sicimler, ya da
zarlar üzerine kurulu oldugunu anliyoruz. Bunlara, “Süper Teorem-1” ve “Süper
Teorem-2” diyoruz. Fizik evrenin tamamini açiklayan her iki teorem, Zig-Zag
Grubu’nca basarilmis ve matematiksel ispatlari yapilmistir. Böylece, noktasal
(boyutsuz) kuantlar yerine, “1 boyutlu sicim” veya “2 boyutlu zar” teoremleri

Gelecekte, kuantlarin, sadece 11 boyutlu (açik, ya da kapali tüp biçiminde)

zarlar degil, “evren küpü” (kürsi) biçiminde olduklari ve bir mekanda dinamik
halde bulunduklarinin anlasilmasiyla Kuant Teoremi sonuçlandirilmis olacaktir.
Bunu, bize, Bakara Suresi’nin 255. ayeti, “Allah’in Kürsisi’nin tüm evrenleri
kapsamasi” sirri ile bildirmektedir.

Süper Sicim ve Zar Teoremleri, evrenin yapisinin bir iplikçikler (sicimler)

sebekesi oldugunu belirler. Bu sebekenin iplikçikleri, “bozon”lardir. Bozonlar,
“Evrende her sey Allah’i zikreder” ayeti uyarinca sürekli olarak titresim
halindedirler. Bu titresimin kalici olanina, kararli madde (stabil kütle)
diyoruz. Çevremizde gördügümüz her sey, aslinda titresen bozonlardan (zikreden
dalgalardan) ibarettir. Simdiki halde, Süper Zar Teoremi ile ulastigimiz nokta,
“evren sicim agi”, ya da diger adiyla “evren zari” üzerindeki cisimlerin birer
madde degil, “madde dalgasi” oldugudur. Bozonlar, fermionlar, ya da yaratilan
her cisim, sadece ve sadece dinamik bir sekilde titresen (bu titresimlerle
Allah’i zikreden) dalgalardir.

11 boyutlu süper “zar”in yedi “mesani” boyutunun sakli oldugu Hilbert Uzayi,
Takyon Evreni’ne, dolayisiyla Süper Uzay’a açilmaktadir. Süper Uzay ise, (Hizir
Tezkiresi’nde anlatildigi gibi) “üçte bir, üçte iki” oranlarinda somutlasabilen
“Hudut Evren”den baslar. Oradan, bizim bulundugumuz evrene intikal eden “Sonsuz
Özenerji” (Ennur), tizken (yüksek hizli iken) pesleserek (hizini düsürerek)
madde dalgalarina dönüsür. Madde dalgalari, zari dokuyan titresim halindeki
iplikçikler (sicimler) demektir. Yani, evrenimizdeki her sey, “Allah’i
zikreden” dinamik rezonanslar (titresimler) halindedir. Maddi evrenimizin öteki
yüzünde ise, takyonik (esiri, soyut) evren baslamaktadir. Takyon Alemi,
meleklerl, ruhlari ve akla gelebilecek her türlü bilinçli varligi (süper
maddeleri) kapsar.

Kuantum fizigi, maddenin kuant denilen temel birimlerden kurulu oldugunu

anlatir. Kisaca, kendi sinirlarini belirlemekle, maddenin fizigi
belirlenmistir. Bu arada, ardinda, kuantlasmamis bir Sonsuz Özenerji
bulundugunu ve “besinci” bir boyut olan, gözleyen, akilli varligin “bilincini”
(K80) haber vermis, böylece madde ötesine ulasilmistir. Kuantum Teoremi,
baslica, düalite, nedensellik, belirsizlik ve isik hizi yasalarina baglidir.
Eger isik hizi asilirsa, maddi evreni tanimlayan kuantum fizigi çalismaz. Isik
hizi asildiginda, nedensellik ilkesi tersine döner; enerji (Nar), asli olan
Sonsuz Özenerji’ye (Nur’a) dönüsür ve maddi evren ortadan kalkar; Takyon
Alemi’ne (Süper Uzay’a, Misal Alemi’ne) iade oluruz.

1900 yilinda, Zig-Zag Grubu’nun ilk mensuplarindan Max Planck ile baslayan bu
uzun yolda basarilan görkemli teoremlere, Hizir Tezkiresi ve KMA kapali devre
yayinlari sayesinde erisilmistir. Zig-Zag Grubu’nun, iyi zamanlamalarla Tezkire
alametlerini (sembollerini) çözümlemeleri ile bu sonuca ulasilmistir.
Özellikle, “renk dinamigi”, “kuarklar” ve “kuark iplikçikleri”, baslibasina
Tezkire sifrelerinin çözümlenmesi sonucu bulunmustur.


Bir tek kuant, yani bir tek iplikçik (string), dört boyutlu relativitede, bize
tek boyutlu gözükür. Yani, sadece uzunlugu vardir; bir kalinligi ve eni yoktur.

Bes boyutlu relativitede (Kaluza-Klein boyutuyla) bakildiginda, sanki bir
büyülteç kullanilmis gibi, sakli dairesel boyutlar oldugu ortaya çikar. Buradan
anliyoruz ki, kuantlar, ayni zamanda sakli (mesani) “mini-tünelcik”lerdir.
Fakat bunlar, Hilbert Uzayi Mesafesi’nin ardinda, dolayisiyla Planck
Mesafesi’nin altinda kaldiklarindan, bize, tek boyutlu soyut iplikçikler
(sicimler) gibi görünmektedirler. Kaluza’ya göre, elektromagnetizma, bu sakli
dairesel boyutlarin bir sonucudur. Bu görüsü ispatlayan Klein’in bulgusuna
göre, besinci boyut, sürekli bir daire çizmektedir. Bu daireler bitisik
olduklarindan, ortaya “tünel” dedigimiz ve ispatladigimiz en mini “Sur Borusu”
(Corn Hole) çikmaktadir. Bilincimiz (besinci boyut), melekler, sakli olarak
göremedigimiz her sey bu minicik tünelin içindedir. Bu tünelin Kur’an’daki adi,

Kaf Suresi’nin 16. ayeti söyledir:

“Yemin olsun ki, insani biz yarattik. Nefsinin ona neler fisildadigini da biz
biliriz. Biz ona Sahdamari’ndan daha yakiniz”

Bu su demektir: Bizim Allah kati ile her türlü baglantimiz, rizkimizin ikmali,
tüm Süper Uzay düsünce fonksiyonlarimiz, canlilardaki içgüdü ve benzer
fonksiyonlarin tamami, bu mini Sur Borucuklari ile saglanmaktadir.Alıntı...


Sizin yasadiginiz yerde ev odevlerinin

durumu nedir?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 9:24pm

Sizin yasadiginiz yerde ev odevlerinin durumu nedir?

28 Aralık 2010 12:48 tarihinde Irem a href="mailto:irembray

%40yahoo.com">irembray@yahoo.com> yazdı:
Pazar gunu saat 6, 8 yasindaki kizim Amazon ve 7 yasindaki arkadasi Nazar
gunun cogunu odevlerini bitirmeye calisarak gecirdiler. Nazar'in odevi
Amazon'dan daha da coktu. Sanirim bunun sebebi gecen hafta Amazon'un yapmasi
gereken odev miktari konusunda okula gidip ogretmenleriyle kacinci keredir
yaptigimiz konusma olsa gerek. Okul genelinde etkisi olacagini umarak, sinif

ogretmenimizin alinma riskini goze alarak sorunu müdürle sohbetimizde dile

Yasadigimiz beldede ebeveynler ikiye bolunmus durumda. Bir kismi

cocuklarinin 6 ila 10 sene sonra girecekleri sinavlarda basarili olmalari
icin bundan baska bir yontem olmadigini dusunuyorlar. Pidecimiz Ali ise
isten eve dondugunde cocugunu aglar, karisini sinirli buluyor. Nedeni 7
yasindaki Arzu'nun yaramazligi degil, ev odevlerini bitirmeye calisirken
bitap dusmesi. Ali'de bizim gibi cocuklarin okuldan soguyacaklarini
düsünüyor bu kadar odevle.

1999 yilinda Time Dergisinde `Odev Ailemi Bitirdi' isimli bir yazi
yayinlanmis. ilk bakista bizim yasadigimiza benzer bir sorun zannettim.
Ancak su istatistigi okuyunca durumun ne kadar farkli oldugunu anladim:

"Michigan Universitesi'
nde yapilan bir arastirmaya gore 1981 yilinda 6-9
yas arasi cocuklar hafatda 44 dakika ev odevi yaparken 1997'de bu sure 2
saate cikmis. 9-11 yas arasi cocuklarinki ise 2 saat 49 dakika iken ev odevi
yapma sureleri 3 1/2 saati gecmis. "

Ne yazik ki bu saatlerin bizim durumumuzu yansıtmalari icin hafta

yerine gun koymamiz gerekiyor!

Bu odev konusuna egildikce ev odevinin hem aile yasaminda gereksiz stres

yarattigini hem de 10 yasin altindaki cocuklarin ogrenme surecleri uzerinde
olumsuz etkileri oldugunu ogreniyorum.

Acaba sizin yasadiginiz yerlerde kucuk cocuklar icin uygun olarak kabul
goren odev miktari konusunda beni bilgilendirebilir misiniz? Odev miktari
cok oldugu durumlarda cocuklarin aile icinde vakit gecirme ve oyun oynama
haklarini korumak icin neler yapildigi ile ilgili bilgi paylasimi olursa cok


İrem Hanım,

Öncelikle tüm grup üyelerine öncekileri aratmayacak iyi bir yıl

geçirmelerini diliyorum.

Az önce iletinizi okurken bir öğretmen olarak kendimi bir kez daha
sorguladım. Çocuk olmanın ötesinde bir öğrenciden ne bekleneceği
konusunda... Ben sorumluluk duygusunu ne kadar benimseyip ne kadar
uygulayabildiğine ve yıllar içinde bunu ne kadar geliştirebildiğine bakmaya
çalıştım hep öğrencilerimin. Sınıf öğretmeni olarak bunu gözlemleyebilme
fırsatı bulabildiğimiz için sonuçları ortaya çıkarabilmek daha kolay oluyor.
Ben 44 yaşında biri olarak kendi çocukluğumu ve benden
beklentilerini anımsadığımda şimdiki çocukların çok daha şanslı olduğunu
düşünüyorum. Ama bizler daha umutluyduk bunun çok farkında ya da bilincinde
olamasak da. Onlardan istenen ve beklenen her ne kadar daha çok gibi
görünüyorsa da aslında çok daha az. Çünkü sınırsız kaynağa ve olanağa
sahipler. Bu da onları kolaycı yaptığı için yapmaları istenilen en basit
ödevde bile zorlanıyorlar. Çünkü zihinlerini yoracak çok fazla ayrıntı var
yaşamlarında. Televizyon, bilgisayar, türlü türlü oyun ve oyuncak...
Kendi adıma öğrencilerimin okuldan eve gittiğinde "en az" iki saat okul
eşyalarıyla zaman geçirmeleri gerektiğine inanıyorum ki, günlük en az yarım
saat ders dışı kitap okuma süresi de buna dahil. O gün işlediği konuları
tekrar gözden geçirip benzer uygulamalar yapabilmesi ve ertesi günün
konularına bir göz atıp hazırlanabilmesi gerekli ve şart günümüz
koşullarında. Çünkü yeni öğrenci merkezli sistem biz öğretmenleri yol
gösterici ve denetleyici konumda görmek istiyor. Doğrusu da bu zaten. Bunun
yanı sıra özellikle hafta sonlarına denk gelen zamanlarda araştırmaya ya da
daha kapsamlı açıklamaya gereksinim duyulan uygulamalı ödevler vermeyi doğru
buluyor ve uyguluyorum. Yalnız sınav yarışına uygun bir sistematik
geliştirebilme adına şu kadar soru çöz ya da yaz-doldur ödevleri mantığından
çok hazırlık-plânlama-denetleyici tekrar kavramlarını çocuğa
benimsetebilmeli. Hepsinin üzerinde olması gereken "anlamlı kitap okuma" ve
okuduğundan sonuç çıkarabilme bilinci kazandırılamayan bir öğrenci en ileri
soru çözme teknikleri kazandırılabilmiş de olsa ne kendine uygun bir yüksek
okulda okuma fırsatı yakalayabilir ne de yakalasa bile yaratıcı zekâsını
kullanabildiği bir öğrenim yaşamı sürdürebilir. Takdir edersiniz ki dünyanın
geldiği noktada insanlar yalnız öğrenimini gördükleri alanlarda
çalışabilmenin ya da iş bulabilmenin ötesinde kendilerini ifade
edebildikleri ve mutlu olabilecekleri bir yaşamı kurabilmenin savaşını

Sizin öğretmeninizle daha yakın ilişki içinde olmanız ve, onun ve sizin
çocuktan beklentilerinizle sınıf ortalamasına göre öğrencilerin bu
beklentileri karşılama düzeyleri öğretmenin ödev miktarları ve zamanı
konusunda belirleyici olmalıdır. Ailelerin eğitim düzeyleri ve çocuklarıyla
paylaşımları bu ölçülerin asıl belirleyici unsurudur. Çocuğunun yalnız

karnını doyurmakla mükellef olduğunu sanan ebeveynler olduğunu ve bunların
sayısının sizlerden çok fazla olduğunu sakın unutmayın.

Saygı ve sevgilerimle




HEAVEN #3691 Like a Group of High-

Flying Kites , January 2, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 9:25pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3691 Like a Group of High-Flying Kites , January 2, 2011

God said:

There is love that surpasseth understanding. Everything surpasses understanding. Search for
understanding is search for understanding love. You not only desire love. You desire to grasp
it with your mind as well as with your
heart. The mind wants to be in on things. Nevertheless, the mind cannot join the
sorority of love. Only the heart can.

The heart holds membership in the sorority of love. The mind, on the other hand, is deep in
thought rather than deep in love. And yet the mind is driven to trying to understand love, to
delineate it, to master it, to rule it, to take it
apart, to test it, to disassemble it and ascertain what makes love tick.

How does the mind understand anything? It computes, yet cannot quite make it through to the
finish line. Of course, there is no finish line to love.

What is there to understand about love? It is better to love than to understand. It is better. Can
the Infinite be understood by the finite mind? The heart has the advantage of being infinite. Its
reach is infinite. There is no
limit to love. Yet, in the world, love seems to start and stop, start and stop.
Objects of love may start and stop, yet there is no stopping love. The mind is
in hot pursuit of love, unmanageable love. Love is its own free agent. Love
covers it all. Love is not a reporter. Love is an imbiber, and love rides the
rails. Love is not an interpreter. Love is an understander, yet love does not
seek to understand. Love seeks to expand its boundlessness and reach and reach
and reach shores beyond itself. Love is inescapable. It is a world traveler.

The mind is more like a hustler. The mind wants to come to conclusions. The heart never
wants to conclude. The heart is ever upward and onward and taking other hearts with it like a
group of high-flying kites. The mind is insular. The
mind is flighty.

Let Us come to a consensus of the heart and mind. Let the mind follow love. Let the mind
become close behind love and yet not on its trail. Let the heart seek love, and the mind be
content. Let the mind bask in the sun of love. Let
the mind relax at the beach of love and not try to get into the middle of it.
Let the mind and heart meet in love and never back away from each other. Let
love, which has no language but itself, have the last word.

Let love consume you, not the mind. Love is eternal and a leader. The mind is a fugitive who
flees. What mind can come to an understanding of love which is beyond understanding? And,
yet, the mind is an inspector of love, an analyzer,
an auditor of love, a revenuer of love. The mind is on the trail of love. It is
a bloodhound after love, and never quite catches up to love. The mind hurries
and yet cannot keep up.

What figment of the mind is the mind? The mind wants to smoke out love. It wants to hold
love in its hand. It wants to capture love and get the essence of it. The mind goes click, click,
and yet cannot take a picture of love. Only the
lens of love can take its own picture.

Love is at the heart of it. Love is at the heart of the Universe. If the mind had a heart, the mind
would be love. As it is, the mind is the detective, the scout, the chaser of love while love alone


Children of the Sun Humanitarian
Foundation ~ January 2, 2011 New Moon
Solar Eclipse and the Planetary Grid
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 9:27pm

Tuesday, January 4

We gather as One Family of Humanity in New Earth Crystalline Matrix this Tuesday during
the New Moon Planetary Grid Transmissions.

We are seeding the grand garden of affirmative opportunity for this next,
most pivotal year... a year of great Hope, Rejuvenation and Rebirth
for the mass of Humanity.


Healing, Clearing, Alignment

During the Planetary Grid Transmissions

 High Frequency Light Transmissions through the planetary Crystalline Grid, also
referred to as the Rainbow Bridge!
 This energy works with your specific soul inspired intentions for personal healing and
transformation as this is aligned to your highest

 Our Light Transmission Team consists of nearly 1,900 facilitators who have all
registered to help in the raising of our brothers and sisters of light

Beloved Family,

In 2011, we are placing great focus on the raising of our Group Family Frequency so that we
become much stronger
in helping ourselves, each other and all people of
the Earth.

This healing program is set into powerful momentum through our

intention as a Group Avatar. It is through this
unified intention that our group has matured as a very
grounded and very powerful entity now capable of raising every
single person who is involved in its
activity...either directly or indirectly.

Since the great initiation of the Solstice, we have made transition from working alone (with
all of the personal self
processing) to now operating from a true group frequency. In
this, we encourage everyone to give all pain, all suffering,
all resistances... to the group and to our family energy of
Children of the Sun.

Clearings and activations will be super accelerated from this point forward
as we all give and receive, not from one but from the many...
each and every time we ask for the support.

This Solar Eclipse...surrender the self processing, surrender

the pain to your Group Soul Family and to the Divine. We are here to
share our energy with you, to help balance all of your
personal energies and to unify your consciousness into a great
river of Light and Love.

More info and Registration

The suggested energy exchange is a love donation

or "pay it forward" for those who are economically challenged.
New Moon Solar Eclipse
and the
Planetary Grid Transmissions
Tuesday, January 4

Sydney, Australia: 8 pm
Country of India: 8 pm
Paris, France: 8 pm
New York, USA: 9 pm
Time Conversion

Program Info

Detailed Focus


Davranış Bozukluğu
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 2, 2011 at 9:32pm


bozukluğunun temel özellikleri başkalarının temel haklarına
saldırıldığı ya da içinde olunan içinde olunan yaşa uygun olarak
başlıca toplumsal değerlerin ya da kuralların hiçe sayıldığı,
tekrarlayıcı bir biçimde ve sürekli olarak görülen bir bozukluktur.


1- Çoğu zaman başkalarına gözdağı vermek, korkutmak ve üstünlük taslamak, kabadayılık.

2- Çoğu kez kavga ve dövüş başlatmak.

3- Sopa, taş, kırık şişe, şiş, bıçak, tabanca gibi başkalarına ciddi bir biçimde fiziksel olarak
zarar vermek, yaralamak.

4- İnsanlara fiziksel olarak acımasız davranmak.

5- Hayvanlara fiziksel olarak acımasız davranmak.

6- Diğer insanlara saldırarak soyma, hırsızlık, silahlı soygun yapma.

7- Cinsel olarak diğer insanları taciz etme, zorlama.

8- Yangın çıkarma.

9- Başkalarının eşyalarına zarar verme, kırma, dökme.

10-Başka insanların evine arabasına zorla girme.

11-Bir çıkar sağlamak ve sorumluluktan kaçmak için çoğu zaman yalan söyleme.

12-Başka insanların değerli eşyalarını çalma.

13-Mağazalardan kimse görmeden mal çalma, sahtekarlık.

14-Onüç yaş öncesinden başlayarak ailenin yasaklarına karşı çoğu zaman geceyi dışarda

15-Onüç yaşından önce başlayarak çoğu zaman okuldan kaçma, kuralları ciddi biçimde

16-Onsekiz yaşından sonra antisosyal davranışlar gösterme.

Yukarıdaki tanı ölçütünün, son 6 ay veya 1 yıldır, en az üç tanesi olması halinde davranış
bozukluğu teşhisi konulur.


Davranış bozukluğu olan kişiler, diğer insanların duygularını, arzu, istek ve beklentilerini
umursamazlar ve empati yapamazlar. Saldırgan bireyler,
belirsiz ortamlarda diğerlerinin niyetlerini düşmanca ve tehdit edici
olarak algılarlar. Saldırgan tepkiler verip, bu tepkilerinde de haklı
ve mantıklı olduklarına inanırlar. Bu bireyler katı, arsız olup, duruma
uygun suçluluk ve pişmanlık duyguları da göstermezler. Çoğu kez
arkadaşlarını ele verip, kendi suçları nedeniyle başkalarını suçlarlar.
Güçlü görünmeye çalışırlar ama kendilerine güvenleri genelde düşüktür.
Öfke atakları, irrite - gergin hal, engellenmeye karşı tolerans
düşüklüğü ve sık sık kaza yaptıkları görülebilir. Okul başarıları yaşa
ve zekaya göre beklenen düzeyin altındadır (okuma ve sözel becerilerde
sıklıkla). İntihar düşünceleri ve intihar girişimleri, rastgele cinsel
ilişkilerle hastalık taşıma ve okuldan atılmalar görülür.

Anne ve babanın reddi ve ihmali, huysuz bebeklik dönemi bakımında ve eğitiminde

tutarsızlıklar ve baskı, fiziksel ve cinsel sömürü - dayak -
denetim eksikliği, çocuğun sınırlarının çizilmemesi, bakım veren
kişilerin sık sık değişmesi, ailedeki büyüklerin sayısının fazla olması,
suçlu çocuk gruplarıyla arkadaşlık etme de, aileden kaynaklanan

Davranış bozukluğu son 10 - 20 yılda artmıştır ve kentlerde daha sık görülmektedir. Erkek
çocuklarda görülme sıklığı biraz daha fazladır. (18 yaşın altındaki erkeklerde % 6 - 16,
kızlarda ise % 2 - 9 arasında değişir)


Davranış bozukluğu 5 - 6 yaşlarında başlayabilir. Daha çok geç çocukluk ya da erken ergenlik
döneminde başlar. 16 yaşındansonra nadir olarak
başladığı görülmüştür. Gidişi değişkendir. Erken başlamışsa Antisosyal
kişilik bozukluğu riskini artırır. Duygu durum bozukluğu, anksiyete
bozukluğu riskleri de vardır.

Genetik ve çevre şartları ile oluşan bir bozukluktur. Alkol bağımlılığı, duygu durum
bozukluğu, şizofreni, hiperaktivite bozukluğu, davranış bozukluğu gösteren
ailelerin çocuklarında bu bozukluk sık görülür.

Karşıt olma - karşı gelme bozukluğu ve dikkat eksikliği - hiperaktivite bozuklukları ile
birlikte bulunabilir. Manik epizod geçiren çocuklarla
ve uyum bozukluğu olan çocuklardan ayrılmalıdır. 18 yaşın altındaki
bireylere antisosyal kişilik bozukluğu tanısı konmaz.

(DSM IV'den yararlanılmıştır)

(Bakınız karşıt olma - karşı gelme bozukluğu)

Normal Dışı Davranışlar

bozukluğu nedir sorusunun yanıtı tarih boyunca insanların ilgi alanı
olmuştur. Çin- Mısır -İbrani ve Yunan dillerinde yazılmış yapıtlarda
davranış bozukluğu gösteren kişilerde ilgili öykülere rastlanır Yunan
mitolojisinde Herkül'ün sara nöbetleri geçirerek insanlara saldırdığı
"Deli İbrahim" 'in büyüklük duygularına kapılarak tahtından indirilmesi,
Mozart'ın bestelerini yaparken zehirleneceğine dair inancı, Van
Gogh'un kulağını kesip bir fahişeye yollaması tarihte "davranış
bozukluğu "olarak tanımlanmıştır.

Davranış bozukluğu günümüzde gelişmiş ülkelerde en önemli sağlık sorunu olarak kabul
edilmektedir ama hangi davranış normal, hangi davranış anormal
konusunda yapılan çalışmalarda net bir bilgiye ulaşılamamıştır.
Psikologlar ve Psikyatrlar birbirleriyle teşhis koymada çelişkiye
düşmüşlerdir (Zubin 1967)

Bugün bir çok insan normal ve normal dışı davranışlarını kesin bir çizgiyle ayrılarak bir
yandan normal davranış gösteren kişiler, bir yanda da davranış bozukluğu
gösteren kişiler olduğunu sanmaktadırlar.

Bilimsel açıdan böyle bir ölçüt yoktur. Bedenin fiziksel yapısı ve işlevleri bilindiği ve
görüldüğü için, yani somut olduğu için, fiziksel hastalıklardan
"Normal olmayan"ın tanımlanması kolaydır. Oysa Psikolojik düzeyde kabul
edilebilecek bir normal modeli yoktur. Bu konuda bilimsel
araştırmacılar karşıt iki karşı görüş oluşturmuşlardır.

1-Toplumsal normlara, ilkelere uyma normali;

2-Toplumsal kurallardan sapma oranı ise davranış bozukluğunu yani normal dışını
belirlediğini söylediler.

Birinci görüşü benimseyenler toplum kabul ettiği sürece belirli bir davranışın normal dışı
sayılmayacağını söylerler.

İkinci görüşte olanlar belirli oranda toplum kurallarına uymak, toplu halde yaşamak için
gereklidir. Bu olmazsa birey hem kendisine, hem de topluma
zarar verebilir ama normallik için ölçütü toplumun onayı değil,
kişinin kendini iyi hissedebilmesi olduğunu savunurlar. Bireyin kendi
potansiyellerini kullanması ve isteklerini de gerçekleştirmesi de
önemlidir, "Toplum bireyin yaratıcılığını bastırmamalıdır" derler. Bu
düşünceyi savunan bilimsel araştırmacılar, bir davranış toplumun
isteğine uygun ama kendi gelişimini engelleyen ve durduran bir
davranışsa normal dışı yada davranış bozukluğu olarak tanımlarlar.

J.G.Jung bireyin toplumsallıkla bireysellik arasında ortada bir yerlerde durması gerektiğini
şöyle açıklamıştır. Dünya, dünyanın bir çekim alanı
bu çekim alanında belli bir itim mesafede duran bir gezegen vardır.
Eğer dünyanın bir çekim gücü olmazsa gezegen uzayın boşluklarında

kaybolur. Ama gezegenin belli bir itim gücü olmazsa dünyaya yapışır. Bu
benzetme ile dünya toplumu gezegende bireyi temsil eder. Eğer birey
aşırı toplumsallaşırsa gezegen gibi kendi olamaz ama dünyanın yani
toplumun çekim gücünde kalmazsa da uzayın yani toplumun dışına itilerek
kaybolur gider. Birey toplumla kendisi arasında kendine bir yer

Özetle tüm bilgilerimizi toplarsak kendine, çevresine ve topluma zarar veren davranışlara
sahip kişilere davranış bozukluğu gösteren kimseler diyebiliriz. Ya da bu tanımlamayı
ve Psikiatrlara bırakarak bize uymayan ama bize zarar vermeden yaşayan
insanları yargılamamayı öğrenmeliyiz.

Antisosyal Davranış Bozukluğu

1- Başkalarının mallarına ve bedensel bütünlüklerine yönelik saldırgan ve duyarsız


2- Başkalarının alanlarına, sınırlarına yönelik mesafesizlik, saygısızlık.

3- Dürtüsellik, dürtülerine göre harekete geçme. Bu insanların uzun vadeli planları olmaz,
kısa planlar yaparlar. O anda akıllarından
geçtiği gibi davranırlar.

4- Duygu ve öfke patlamaları. Aniden dürtüsel olarak veya önemsizde olsa, bir nedene bağlı
olarak bağırıp çağırıp kavgaya girişebilirler.

5- Duyarsızlık. Bu insanlar başka insanların yaşamlarında yol açtıklarıhasarlara karşı

duyarsızdırlar. Pişmanlık duymazlar.

6- Yalan söyleme ve hırsızlık. Yalan söyleme ve hırsızlık aslında aynı şeylerdir; yani gerçeği
çalmaktır. Kendi dünyalarından dışlamak için
gereksiz ortamlarda dahi yalan söylerler. Hırsızlıkları çok yoğun
değildir. Genelde sabıka almazlar.

7- Kendine duyarsızlık. Sorumsuz araba kullanmak gibi davranış bozukluğu gösterirler. Kendi
başlarına gelebilecek olumsuzlukları da umursamazlar.

Bu insanlarda samimiyetin doğal olmayan bir kısmı " mesafesizlik" vardır. Çocukluk
öykülerinde iletişim kopukluğu, kurallara uymama, evden kaçma
gibi hikayeler vardır. Henüz ergenlik çağına gelmemiş gençlerse hemen
"kişilik bozukluğu" tanısı konmalıdır.

8- Kurallara ve otoriteye baş kaldırma ve uymama vardır. Genel kuralları çiğnerler ve öfke
patlamaları ile karşı çıkarlar. En yoğun duyguları öfkedir. Bu öfkeyi
maskelemezler ve toplumsal sorunlar yaratacak şekilde dışa vururlar.

Bu kişilerde sevgi arayışı ve kabul edilme önemlidir. Kendilerini algılayamaz, anlayamaz ve
kendileriyle ilişki kuramazlar.

Diğer belirtiler :

· Öfke patlamaları, kurallara itaatsizlik, hırsızlık, yalancılık

· Vicdansızlık

· Kendisine güçlü görünme isteği. Dışarıdaki insanlara öfke ile güçlü göründüklerini
varsayarak, içlerinde güçlü olduklarını sanırlar.

· Ortamı bilgi ile değil, agresyon gerilimi ile kontrol etmek isterler.

· Kendilerini anlamaktan uzak ve her problemde çözümü dışarda arayan kişilerdir. Öfkeyi dış
dünyaya akıttıkça kendini savunmuş olur; ama daha
çok öfkelenerek bir kısır döngünün içinde kalır. Köşeye sıkışmış
hisseder, riske girer, çaresizliği ve çözümsüzlüğü hep öfke

· Bu insanların öfkesini bastırıp yenebilen tek duygu kaygıdır. Kaygı yaşarlarsa öfkeleri


Çocukluk yaşantılarında sevgi beklentileri verilemediğinden, ya da onların ihtiyaçları olduğu

kadar verilemediği için, öfke duyguları gelişmiştir.
Esasında hissedebildikleri tek duygu da budur.

Çocukluk yıllarında ebeveynlerinin tüm beklentilerini yerine getirdikleri halde, sevgi

alamama haksızlığına uğrama onların kurallara uymamalarına neden
olur. " Ben kurallara uydum. Sizlerin tüm beklentilerini yerine
getirdim ama gene beni sevmediniz. Kurallara uymuyorum, onlara çok
öfkeliyim" diye düşünür. Sevgiler verilmediği halde ortalıkta dolanan,
sevgi arayan, sevgi dilenen, zavallı, sefil çocuk halini görmek
istemez. Antisosyallerde bir SAYGI sorunu vardır. Kendi tarzında hala
bugün de sevgi aramaktadır. Ancak parası olunca ailesini görmeye gider.
Kendine saygı duyamama ve hala sevgi arayan kendime saygı duyamama,
kendisine ve diğerlerine hala sevgi aradığı için duyduğu öfke vardır.

Antisosyaller başkalarını önemsedikleri zaman sevgiye ihtiyaç duyabilecekleri ve bunu

alamayacakları korkusu ile sevgiye yatırım yapmazlar.

Alkolizm, madde bağımlılığı gibi, aşırı hız gibi kendilerine zarar veren eylemlerde bulunurlar.
İç dünyaları fırtınalı ve çok hareketlidir.
Duyarsızlıkları bir maske, sevgi açlıklarına karşı giydikleri bir
savunma elbisesidir ve denge bulmalarına yardım eder.

Antisosyallerin nörolojik bozuklukları da olabilir. Çocukluktan kalma skelleri olabilir.

Dürtüsellik, kısa vade davranışları, rahatsızlığın ana yapısını oluşturmaktadır.

Tedavi ilaç ve psikoterapi iledir.

Histerionik Davranış Bozukluğu

Histerionik Davranış Bozukluğu aşağıdaki davranışlarla ortaya çıkar :

1- İlgi ihtiyacı

kişiler ilgiye öylesine ihyiyaç duyarlar ki, kendilerini hep ilgi
odağı yapacak davranışlar sergileyerek merkezde olma, odak olma
çabaları vardır.

2- Abartı

Duygularını, üzüntülerini, sevinçlerini, öfkelerini ( öfkeyi saldırgan olmadan ) abartarak

ortaya koyarlar.

3- Abartılı anlatım

Küçük bir olayı çok daha derin bir içerik taşırmış gibi anlatırlar.

4- Abartılı yaklaşım

Kişilerle mesafesizdirler. Yeni tanıştıkları kimselerle doğal olan mesafeyi hızla kapatmak

5- Cinselliği kullanma

çekim yaratmak ve cinselliği vurgulayarak, karşı cinste etki yaratmak
isterler. Giyim ve davranışlarını bu yönde kullanırlar.

Bu kişiler genelde yüzeysel ve derine doğru ilerleyememiş bireylerdir. Bu insanlara

yaklaşılırsa şişirilmiş bir balon gibi yüzeysel bir
genişleme görülür. İçleri boştur ve bir balon gibi sönerler. Çünkü
abartılı duygusallığın karşısında YÜZEYSELLİK duygusunun ifadesinde
hemen görülür. " Üzüldüğün zaman ne oluyor ? Nasıl yaşıyorsun ? Korku
sana ne yaşatıyor?" denildiğinde birşey belirleyemez. Duygu derinliği
yoktur. Karşısındaki kişinin ilgisini çekip, ilgiyi aldıktan sonra
derinliğe dalamazlar. Bir şekilde narsist bireyleri hatırlatırlar.

Histerionik kişiler, Antisosyal kişiler gibi DÜRTÜSELLİKLE hareket ederler ve ötekini


Öfke vardır. Dikkati çekemezlerse ilgisizlik karşısında hemen öfkeye kapılırlar.

"KAYGI"lıdırlar. Bu, ilgiyi çekememe kaygısıdır.

Gerçek anlamda kişilerarası ilişkiyi bilemediklerinden, " Abartılı davranmazsam, kimse benle
ilgilenmez " düşüncesi vardır.

Dışardan ilgiye muhtaçtırlar, ama dış dünyadaki kişilerle yakınlık kuramadıklarından ilişkileri
sığ kalır. Evlenebilirler ve evlilik
ilişkileri de belirli bir sığlıkta kalır. Partner buna razı ise
evlilikleri sürebilir.

Histerionikler zeki insanlardır. Sosyal gruplarda dikkati çekmek için herkesi eğlendirip
palyaçoluk yapabilirler. Yaşamda başarı söz konusu olduğunda ise orta ölçekte

İlgisizlik, başarısızlık ve ilişkilerde sorun yaşadıklarında hemen TERKEDİLME kaygısı

taşıdıklarından DEPRESYONA girerler. " Ben daha başka güzel ilişkilere layığım " diyerek
aşk, abartılı istekler adına ilişkilerini kaybedebilirler. Ya da
ilişkilerinde dengesizlik yaşayarak yaşantıları sürer.

Depresyona girmezlerse tedavi ihtiyacı duymazlar. Tedaviye gelmişlerse, bilinçlendirme ve

bilgilendirme terapileri önem kazanır. Hızlı
yüzleştirmelerden hoşlanmazlar, terapiyi bırakabilirler. Sadece
sorunları olduğu zaman terapiye gelmek isterler. Bir süreklilik ve iş
disiplini göstermekte güçlük çekerler.

Paranoid Davranış Bozukluğu

IV'e göre, paranoid kişi ergenlik yıllarından başlayarak insanların
kendisine kasıtlı olarak kötülük yapıp zarar vereceğine inanır. Kişiler
içinde bulundukları duruma göre zaman zaman böyle süreçler
yaşayabilirler; bu normaldir. Ancak paranoid kişiler, sosyal ortam,
kültür ve kişiler değişsede, kültürden bağımsız olarak daima herkesin
kötü olduğunu, tehlikeli olduğunu, zarar vereceklerini söyleyerek
herkesi itham ederler.

Genelde aile ve iş arkadaşları onlardan bıkar ve terapiye getirilirler; ama onlar kendilerinde
bir bozukluk olduğuna inanmazlar ve hep çevreden yakınırlar. Terapiste de
güvenmezler ve haksızlığa uğradıklarını söyler dururlar.

Hiçbir yeterli kanıtları yoktur ama daima sömürülüp, zarar görecekleri inançları nedeniyle
herkese ve herşeye şüpheyle yaklaşırlar. Sıradan
olaylar ve konuşmalardan, kendilerini küçük düşürücü anlamlar
çıkarırlar. Gerçek bir olay olursa hemen saldırır ve affetmezler.
Şüphecilikleri nedeniyle kendileriyle ilgili hiçbir şey konuşmazlar ve
paylaşmazlar. Partnerlerinin sadık olup olmadığından sürekli şüphe
içindedirler. Sürekli arkadaşlıkları yoktur. Dünyanın güvenilmez ve ne
yapacakları belli olmayan, kötülük düşünen insanlarla dolu olduğuna
inanırlar ve sürekli anksiyete yaşarlar. (Ogden, 1986)

(Bakınız Paranoid Kişilik Bozukluğu)

Narsisistik Davranış Bozukluğu

Narsisler herşeyi kendisinin en iyi yaptığına inanan, içlerinde çok önemli işleri
başaracaklarına dair düşünceleri olan, eleştirilere kapalı,
tepkisel kişilerdir.

Eleştirildiklerinde, kıskanç, kendilerini çekemeyen kişilerle karşı karşıya olduklarını

düşünürler. Kendilerinden yukarıda tanımladıkları insanları da, onların elde
ettiklerinden dolayı kıskanırlar.

Bir empati (kendini karşındakinin yerine koyabilme) duygusal iletişim kurabilme eksikliği,
hissedememe, sevinci paylaşamama vardır.

Kendi amaçlarına ulaşabilmek için, başkalarını hiç vicdan azabı duymadan kullanabilirler.
Narsisler, antisosyaller gibi saldırganca değil, sakin
bir şekilde başkalarının imkanlarından yararlanırlar.

Devamlı övülme ve saygıya muhtaçtırlar. Karşılarındakinden hayranlık ve saygı alma

ihtiyaçları çok yükselmiştir.

Özel bir yaklaşımı hakettiği düşünceleri vardır (Örneğin bir ödeme için sıraya girmemek,
rezervasyon gereken otel ve lokantalarda onlara yer
açılması gibi).

Öfke patlamaları ve tepkisel davranışlar gösterebilirler (Dürtüsellikle aniden aklına eseni

yapma gibi)

Narsisler gergin insanlardır. Havada gerilim vardır, kendimizi denetlememiz gerekir gibi

Terkedilmeye toleransları yoktur. Öfke ile cevap verirler ve bir süre partnerlerini bırakmak
istemezler. Ama sonra sükunet gelir. Bazen kendilerini
terkedeni aşağılayarak "Git !" de diyebilirler.

Özsaygı eksiklikleri vardır. Kendilerine iç dünyalarında duyamadıkları saygıyı ve beğeniyi

başkalarından almak isterler.

Narsisler çocukluklarında hakettikleri halde sevgi alamamışlar ve hep almaya çalışmış

çocuklardır. Hiç ümitlerini kaybetmeden, vazgeçmeden çaba
sarfedip sevgi almaya çalışmayı sürdürmüşlerdir.

Yetişkin yaşamlarında " Sevgi almak için ne çok çabalamıştım " diye kendilerine kızarlar ve
öfke duyarlar. Kendilerine saygı ve sevgi almak için
insafsız davranırlar. Genelde başarılı insanlardır ve yüksek mevkilere
yerleşirler. Entellektüel kişilerdir.

Narsisler depresyona girerlerse, psikoterapiye başvurabilirler. Depresyon kendilerini suçlama

nedeniyle oluşmuştur ama ben beceremeyen biri olarak geldim
demezler. Paranoid, kuşkucu tarafları vardır. Bundan dolayı
terapistlerine başlangıçta güvenmeyebilirler. Kaygı ölçekleri de yüksek

olduğundan, narsislerle psikoterapi alanında çalışmak, özel bir dikkat
ve itina gerektirir.

(Bakınız Narsisistik kişilik bozukluğu)

Yukarıdaki bölümler, Uz.Dr.Serdar Çorum'un, "Jung Analitik Psikoterapi" eğitim çalışması

ders notlarından yararlanılarak hazırlanmıştır.


(İntihar olaylarında ön teşhis kriterlerinin araştırılması)

Hemen hemen tüm toplumlar yakın zamana dek intihar olayına değişik bir açıdan bakmışlar,
onu incelemek ve anlamak istememişlerdir. Pek çok
milletin kanunlarında ve dinlerinde intihar edenlere karşı cezalar
düzenlendiği hemen hepsinin de bu olayı yasakladığı bilinmektedir.

20. yüzyılda Freud'la başlayan psikanalitik görüş ilk defa intihara bilimsel yönden yaklaşmaya
gayret etmiş, " Self Hostilitiy - Self
Destruction" görüşleri tutmamıştır.

Son yıllarda psikiyatride büyük gelişme gösteren bir kol olan, Sosyal Psikiyatri konuyu daha
anlamlı ele almış ve sosyokültürel faktörlerin büyük
önemini ortaya koymayı başarmıştır.

Freud'un "death-instinct" ve "meninger" in öldürme arzuları ile sarılmış olma gibi pek yeterli
olmayan açıklamalarından sonra, Schnidman ve
Fareberown, psikososyal bir görüşle intiharın nedenini incelenmesi ve
saptayabildikleri sebepleri görüyoruz.

İntiharı daha iyi bir şarta geçiş ve onur kazandırıcı bir açıdan görenler, Japonların Harakiri\'si,
bazı din ve mezheplerde görülen üstün derecelere ulaşma
isteği, bitik, yaşlı, hastalıklı veya şiddetli ağrısı olanların bir
kurtuluş olarak intiharı seçmesi.

Psikozda şiddetli sıkıntı halüsinasyon (Hayal görme) ve illüzyona (Olmayan sesi işitme,
yanılsama) bağlı olabilir.

Ölümleri sonucu yasa ve üzüntüye düşürecekleri kimselerin sevgisini kazanıp bu insanları

sürekli bir üzüntü ve pişmanlık içinde bırakmak düşüncesi

Yalnızlık, arkadaşsız kalma, birlikte yaşama mecburiyeti, mal ve para kaybı, sevilenlerden
ayrılık ve uzaklık veya onları kaybetme, Homoseksüellik, umutsuzluk, idama mahkum olma,
herşeyini kaybetme, iflas, yabancı bir çevreye uyum sağlayamama.

Son yıllarda alkol ve uyuşturucu maddeler ve sinir sistemi uyarıcılarının çok yüksek sayıda
kullanılması ile intihar olayları büyük ölçüde

Amerika ve Avrupa'da yakın zaman içerisinde ölümcül hastalığı olan, yoğun biçimde acı
çeken insanlara kendini öldürme hakkı (Ötanazi) verilip verilmemesiyle ilgili tartışmalar


Ölümle sonuçlanan, kendini yok etme eylemi " intihar" olarak tanımlanır. Eylem ölümle
sonuçlanmamışsa " intihar girişimi" adını alır.

İntiharla ruhsal hastalıklar arasında önemli oranda bir ilişki vardır. İntihar eden kişilerin
%85'inde ruhsal bir hastalık saptanmıştır. Depresyonda
olanlardan % 40, psikolojik hasta olanlarda % 2, alkol kullananlarda %
20 oranında olduğu saptanmıştır.

İntihar ve depresyon arasında yüksek bir ilişki vardır. Depresyondaki temel çatışmalardan ve
üzüntü, bitkinlik, isteksizlik, boşluk gibi duyguların bozuklukları,
intihar öncesi kişilerde görülmeye başlar. Korku, kaygı, öfke,
kızgınlık gibi duygulara suçluluk duygusu veya cezalandırma isteği de
yerleşebilir. Depresyonda kişinin çevresinden ayrılarak
yabancılaşmamasına karşı, intihar olaylarında hastada çevreye ve
kendine ilgisizlik, geriye çekilme, kendini yetersiz ve değersiz
hissetme duyguları şiddetlenir. Yardım istemez çünkü yardım almayı
haketmediğini düşünür.

Kişi kendini intihara götüren tüm bu duygulara ve düşüncelere karşı olumlu, çözüm getirici,
acısını dindirebilecek ve yaşamını değiştirebilecek çözümler tasarlayamaz.
Kendinde olumsuz yaşam koşullarını ya da ilişkilerini değiştirecek gücü
bulamaz. Çaresiz hisseder. Ölümü çözüm getirecek, huzur ve dinginlik
sağlayacak bir çıkış yolu olarak algılar.

<span><span>Yazar: Dr. Tülay Aksu - Psikom.com


Meditasyon ve Beyin Dalgaları

Teknolojisinin Kesiştiği Nokta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 1:00am

Meditasyon ve Beyin Dalgaları Teknolojisinin Kesiştiği Nokta

Evrenin yaratılışını mistik felsefe, tek bir enerjiden yola çıkarak

anlatır. Tıpkı bugün kuantum fizikçilerin anlattığı şekilde. Mistiklere
göre yaratım anında bu tek enerji kendini kutuplaştırmış ve aşikar
dualitelere ve zıtlık görünümlerine bürünmüş; iyi ve kötü, dişi ve
erkek, yukarı ve aşağı, burada ve orda. Aşikar duaite ve zıtlık
görünümlerine diyoruz çünkü, her bir zıtlık birbirinden tamamen aynı
görünse daha varlığı açısından diğerine muhtaç. Tıpkı bir paranın iki
yüzü gibi. "Sıcak" olmadan "soğuk" nasıl olabilirdi. Ya da
olmasaydı "iyi" nasıl var olurdu. Doğunun mistik felsefelerine göre
evreni tezahür ettiren zihnimizin içindeki bu zıtlık çiftlerinin
arasındaki gerilimdir.

İlginçtir ki bu zıtlıkların arasındaki gerilim insan beyninin yapısında

da kendini göstermektedir. Sağ ve sol yarıkürelere bölünmüş olan beyin
de bunu yapısal olarak görmek mümkün. Beyin lateralizasyonu olarak
adlandırılan bu hali aslında hepimiz biliyoruz. Sol yarı küresi bedenin
sağ tarafını idare ederken, sağ yarısı da bedenimizisol tarafını idare
etmektedir. Beyindeki filtreleme ve tercüme sistemi bu şekilde ikiyi
bölünmüş olduğu için biz şeyleri ayrı ve karşıtlık içinde algılıyoruz.
Büyük üstatların ya da son birkaç on yıldır kuantum mekaniklerinin
söylemi içindeki birlik halini ve aradaki bağlantıları göremiyoruz.

Sayfanın üstündeki yazıları görüyoruz ama sayfayı görmüyoruz. Sokakta

giderken insanları, binaları, arabaları görüyoruz ama onların varoluşuna
imkan veren mekanı-uzayı görmüyoruz. Görünen ve görünmeyen, bilinen ve
bilinmeyen arasında bir karar veriyor zihin, tıpkı bilgisayar gibi. Açık
ve kapalı devreler arasında. Üstelik birisinin kazanmasını istiyoruz
hep. İyi kötüye, zenginlik fakirliğe üstün gelsin. Hep ışık olsun,
karanlık kaybetsin istiyoruz. Mümkün mü ? İmkansız. Kötü kalksaydı,
iyiyi nerden bilecektik? Karanlık olmasaydı ışığı nasıl bilecektik?

Beynin bu yapısı bizim deneyimlerimizi biz ve dünyanın geri kalanı

olarak algılamamıza yol açıyor. Çocukluk programlanmalarımız ve eğitim
sistemleri de bizi acıdan kaçmaya ve zevke yönelmeye, kötüden
sakınmaya-iyiyi yapmaya itiyor. Beynin iki yarısı arasındaki ilişki ne
kadar kopuksa biz o kadar ayrılık fikri büyütüyoruz. Korkularımız,
stresimiz, endişelerimiz ve yalnızlık duygumuz büyüyor öyleki
fonksiyonlarımızı kaybedebiliyor, "bağımlılıklar" yaratabiliyoruz.

Geleneksel meditasyon beyni bir şekilde bir noktaya odaklayarak bu

bölünmüşlüğü azaltmaya çalışıyor. Dualar, mantralar, nefesin takip
edilmesi, bir mum alevine sürekli bakılması ve benzer tekniklerin
müşterek amacı beynin iki yarısını dengede tutabilmektir. Bunu sürekli
yaptığınız zaman gelen içsel barış, mutluluk ve huzur duygusu ise
evrenin geri kalanı ile bir bağlantı kurabilmiş olmanızdan
kaynaklanıyor. Ne kadar odaklanabilirseniz, o kadar iki yarı senkronize
oluyor ve dolayısıyla siz evrenle bağlantınızı hissederek derin

meditatif hallere geçebiliyorsunuz.

1975 yılında Herbert Benson, Doçent Dr. Harvard Universitesi, Gevşeme

üzerine bir araştırma yapıyor. Ve deneklerini yirmi dakika gözleri
kapalı bir şekilde oturarak, "bir" gibi tek bir kelimeyi sürekli
tekrarlama şeklinde odaklandırdığında, tıpkı geleneksel meditasyon
yapanlardaki gibi bedensel verilere ulaşıyor.. Kan basıncının düşmesi,
kronik ağrıların azalması, unutkanlığın geçmesi gibi. Bensonun
araştırması beynin bir konu üzerine odaklanması neticesinde meditatif
sonuçlara ulaşıldığını göstermesi açısından çok önemlidir.

Oadaklanma halinde beyin bilim adamlarının söylediğine göre, gündelik

uyanık bilinç halinde kullandığı beta beyin dalgalarından, daha gevşemiş
haldeki alfa beyin dalgalarına geçiyor. Yıllar süren meditasyonlardan
sonra meditatör daha derin beyin dalga alanlarına ( teta) girerek daha
rahatlıyor ve bu alanda kısa gezintiler yapabiliyor. Bu alanlara
girildiğinde gevşeyen varlığın beyninin iki yarısı arasında haberleşme
başlıyor. Başlangıçta kısa süren bu deneyim halleri giderek
uzayabiliyor. Beyni dengelendikçe strese bağışıklı hale geliniyor.

Bundan yola çıkarak diyebiliriz ki, beyin dengelendikçe, dış dünyadan

giderek bize gelen şeyleri kaldırabilme eşiklerimiz yükselmekte ve biz
strese yola açan olaylara karşı bağışıklık kazanmaktayız. Ancak
meditasyon veya odaklanma yoluyla elde edebildiğimiz bu sonuçlara
ulaşmak çok uzun bir süre alıyor.

Meditasyon dış dünyayı algıladığımız filtreleri değiştiriyor. Beyinde

senkronizasyon arttıkça dünyaya geldiğimizde başlamış olan tüm bölünmüş
kategoriler birliğe doğru hareket ediyor. Dualiteler daha az bölücü
oluyor. Şeyler arasındaki birlik ve ilişki daha netleşiyor ve onları
ayrı ayrı algılamak yerine birliklerini görebiliyoruz. Kendilerini
meditasyona adamış kişilerin yaşamın iniş ve çıkışlarına tepkileri
neredeyse yoktur. Korkusuz ve yargısızdırlar. Başkalarını manipule
etmeye kalkmazlar, otomatik negatif tepkileri yoktur. Kısaca ayrılığa
dayalı zihinsel programların sınırlamalarından kurtulmuşlardır.


1970 YILINDA Hintli bir yogi olan Swami Rama, Emler Gren isimli doktor
tarafından laboratuar ortamına alınarak, beyin dalgaları incelendi. Dış
koşullardan oluşan içsel tepkilerin nasıl istem içine alınarak kontrol
edilebileceğini gördü. Bunu transandaltal meditasyonla ilgili yapılan
nice araştırma takip etti.

Zaman içinde araştırmalar beynin kademeli olarak daha uzayan ve

yavaşlayan beyin dalgalarını buldular. Ve onlara yunan alfabesini
kullanarak bazı isimler verdiler.


En hızlı 13-100+Hertz (Hz, devir/sn). Normal uyanık bilinç hali.
Genellikle dört beyin dalgası kategorisinin kombinasyonu içinde çalışır
beyin. Çoğu insan için, beta dalgaları diğerlerinden daha baskındır. Son
çalışmalar bize yüksek (30 Hz ve daha üstündeki beta dalgalarının)
bizde endişe, stres ve rahatsızlık zamanlarında ortaya çıktığını
göstermektedir. Beyin yüksek dozdaki beta dalgalarında çalıştığı zaman
davranış bozuklukları, bağımlılıklar, sinir nevroz, ayrılık duyguları
yaşanır. Bilim adamlarınca "kaç ya da döğüş" adını verdikleri
davranışlar bu düzeyde oluşur.


8-12.9 Hz arasında kalan daha yavaş bir dalga kalıbıdır.gözlerinizi

kapatarak dinlenme moduna geçtiğiniz anda devreye girer. Alfa beyin
dalgaları iç gözlemle ilgilidir. Alfa durumunda iken beyin rahatlatıcı
kimyasallar salgılar. Yüksek ucunda iken süperöğrenme dediğimiz hali
yaratır.Bir kitaba derin bir şekilde daldığınızda beyniniz alfa
dalgaları üretiyordur. Uyku öncesi ya da uyanma başlangıcında düşük
düzeyde alfa dalgaları üretir.Derin alfa düzeyi, düşük seviyeleri, iç
huzuru ve hoşnutluk, dinginlik getirir. Geleneksel meditasyonun en temel
beyin dalgasıdır. Beta kaç ve döğüş modelini yaratırken alfa gevşeme
modelini yaratır. Dış dünyadaki tehlikeler yerine içe döner, gevşemeyi
ve rahatlamayı öğrenir. Kendini yeniler.


Bu kalıp 4-7.9 Hz arasında daha yavaş bir dalga kalıbıdır. REM uyku
düzeyindeki kırpışan göz kapağı modunda oluşur.Uykuya geçiş hali
diyebileceğimiz bu dalga düzeyi yaratıcılık, hazfa, şifa, geçmişteki
bilgi parçacıklarını birleştirerek aha dediğimiz deneyimleri yaşatan hal
ile ilgilidir. Genel olarak derin meditasyon deneyimi yaşayanlar dahi
çok kısa anlarda bu dalganın getirdiği hali deneyimlerler. Zen rahipleri
üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar meditasyon sırasında ani yükselen teta
dalgaları göstermiştir. Psikologlar teta halinin şuuraltına giriş kapısı
olduğunu söylemektedirler.


En düşük kalıptır. 0.1 ila 3.9 Hz arası. Düşsüz uyku halidir. Carl Junga
göre tüm insanlar tarafından paylaşılan kolektif şuur alanı ile temas
kurduğumuz haldir. Büyük bir birlik ve teklik deneyimlenir Aynı zamanda
bu hal içinde az biraz beta, alfa veya teta kalıpları da varsa uyanık
olmanız da mümkündür.İnsanlar her zaman sürekli olarak belli dozda delta
dalgalırını taşımaktadırlar. Ama meditatörler yoğun bir delta haline
girmezler, uyumadıkları sürece, uyudukları zaman da zaten meditasyon
değildir o artık.


Beynin delta dalgaları yayması halinde en büyük gelişme yer alıyor.

Bunun geleneksel meditasyon ile yapılması çok uzun yıllar neticesinde
elde edilebiliyor ve çok kısa an dilimleri içinde. Teknolojik yardımlar
alarak bunu kısa sürede gerçekleştirebilmek ise mümkün

Uyku süreci içinde girdiğimiz alfa ve teta beyin dalgaları yayılmaya

başladığında zihnimizin şuuraltı dediğimiz bölgesindeki veriler
taranmaya başlanır. Yeniden düzenlenir ve işleme tabi tutulur. Biz buna
rüya diyoruz. Zihnin şuursuz bölgelerinin farkına varırız. Yani otomatik
olarak çalışan, dış dünyada istediğimiz neticeleri almamıza yardımcı
olmayan, eski ve uygunsuz duygularla ilgili zihinsel programlara
gireriz. Teta durumunda bunları ele alarak işe yarar kaynaklar haline
çevirebiliriz.Delta halinde ise girdiğimiz bölge, insan olmakla murat
edilen ilk ve temel programların depolandığı yere gireriz. Deltanın
düşsüz uyku hali olduğunu söylemiştik. Bu hale gene teknolojinin yardımı
ile, üstelik tamamen uyanık olarak girmek mümkün. Deneyimlerimden
biliyorum ki şuuraltımın en derin düzeyine depolanmış bilgilere anda ve
uyanık ulaşabilmem mümkün oldu. Aslında meditatif halde iken yapılan
değişikliklerin farkında olmamız da gerekmiyor. Yaşam içinde entelektüel
anlayışa ulaşabiliyoruz.

1950 yılında, New York Mt. Sinai Tıp Merkezinde çalışan Dr. Gerald Oster
meditasyon ve beyin dalgaları üzerine araştırmalara başladı. Elde
ettiği neticeleri Ekim 1973 te Scientific Americanda yayınladı. Buna
göre, ses dalgaları beyin dalgaları üzerinde etkiliydi. Ses dalgaları
kullanılarak, beynin istenilen dalgayı yaratması, meditasyon sırasında
ulaşılabilen derin deneyimleri yakalaması mümkündü.

Dr.Oster, tek bir ritm yaratacak ama çok az farklı iki frekans
kullanıyor ve bunları ayrı kulaklardan aynı anda dinletiyordu. Bu sesler
beynin olivary nucleus (zeytin çekirdeği) denilen bölgesinde bu
tonların çözünürlüğü neticesinde tek ve tutarlı bir dalga haline

Tabi ki hemen bir sanayi gelişti bunun etrafında. Sizi belli bir şekilde
seslerle uyulmayıp, değişik ruh halleri içine alabiliyorlardı. Bunda

eksik bir şeyler olduğunu düşünenlerde vardı.

Bundan yirmi yıl kadar önce araştırmacı C. Maxwell Cade beyin

dalgalarının hareketlerini gösteren EEG ler üzerinde çalışmaya başladı.
Yüksek şuur hallerine rahatça geçebilen yüzlerce kişi ile birlikte
çalıştı. Onların beyin dalgalarını inceledi. Benzerliklerini saptadı. Bu
insanların beyin dalgaları ile diğer insanların beyin dalgaları
arasındaki farklılıkları tespit etti. Bu insanlar beta dalgasından

alfaya geçiyorlar, sonra alfa azalıyor deltaya geçiyorlardı. Biraz
çalışmakla beta, alfa, delta kayboluyor ve teta haline geçebiliyorlardı.
Bunu yapabilen insanların EEG leri ile Zen rahiplerinin EEGleri
birbirilerinkine benziyordu. Araştırmalarına devam eden Cade, doruk
deneyimleri yaşayan insanların bunların ötesinde bir başka hale
geçtiklerini fark etti. Doruğa çıktıklarında beyinleri büyük miktarda
alfa ve teta dalgaları yayıyor aynı zamanda da beta ve delta
aktivitesini de güçlü bir şekilde taşıyorlardı.

Bu her tür dalganın yoğun şekilde varlıklarını sürdürdükleri hale Cade,

uyanmış zihin adını verdi. Doruk deneyimleri yaşayan bireylerin okurken,
matematik hesaplar yaparken, ya da herhangi bir konuşma sırasında da bu
dalgaları aynı yoğunlukta taşıdıklarını buldu. Bu bireyler, alfa
dalgalarının gevşemişliğini, teta dalgalarının yaratıcı, belleyici
halini, delta dalgalarının şifa verici, insanı topraklayan enerjisini
aynı anda taşırken bir yandan da beta dalgalarının dış dünyaya yönelik
konsantrasyon ve dış uyumu da bir arada yaşıyabiliyorlardı.

Burada işleyen bir başka sistem vardı. Belli bir beyin dalgasına
geçmekle beyin taşıyabileceğinin üstünde bir yük taşımaya zorlanıyordu.
Zihinsel ve duygusal taşıma eşiklerinin üstüne çıkmaya zorlanan beyin
yeni dalganın haline uyumlanıyordu. Beyin tıpkı bir koşucunun yavaş
yavaş ısınması gibi halden hale geçerken onlara uygun yapısal
değişiklikleri de kendi içinde yapıyordu. Başa çıkamıyacağı uyarılara
karşı kendini geliştirerek ve yeniden organize ederek onları
kaldırabilecek yeni bir yapıya ulaşabiliyordu. Ulaştığı yeni yapısı
farklı ve de daha yüksek zihinsel ve ruhsal halleri destekler. Bu yeni
yapıya sizler de ulaşabilirsiniz



New Year's Message

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 10:30am

Welcome to the year 2011, the year of the changes you've been made aware of since 1970. Are
you ready? Are you Awake? Can we count on you to hold
light when things get difficult?

Many were called, and many offered to come, to live through the next consciousness
shift that man must go through to create a New Earth. Some have forgotten their
chosen destiny, but many have gotten through a very dense awareness to find
their own truth. Practices to take you into the inner world have been good, and
now, that world is going to become your outer world.

Major change is about to begin, and no change is bad. Welcome it, and be
grateful for all that is available to take away the dis-ease that has been
contracting Mother Earth. Failure to care for her needs must be cancelled, and
a new delivery, of honor and respect, conveyed by all. As the changes occur, be
willing to give her that respect.

Make this the year of Awakening. Put aside all the dreaming, and get to the
truth about all that has been taught by non-enlightened beings. None of it has
any truth to it at all. Only an Awakened being has clarity about what is truth
and what has mental deception included.

Much consideration has gone into how these changes could be made, and we can
now tell you this: your world will be completely altered by the day that
follows the next New Years celebration. One more year of change is ahead.

Twenty-million can ascend if they are ready. Only about five-million are ready
at this moment. How can all the others get to their chosen destiny? Meditation,
cancelling their negativity, and asking for help to transcend their ego.
Once this help has been asked for, we can deliver the dream movements needed
for more awareness.

Meditation is not light sleep, and dreams are only more of the mind's drama.
Awakening the Master within requires breath awareness during meditation, so the
mind can get quiet, or be observed as an object. All that the mind
delivers to awareness is not the truth. Only mindlessness can provide access to
truth, but awareness must also be present. Awareness is the consciousness of I
AM that remains when the mind gets quiet. This awareness is the truth of who
you are!

Meditate and delete all of the contractions caused by mental and emotional
disturbances. These are the tools mind can use to lead you to an Awakening. All
the rest is in the control of the inner Master.

Should you be afraid of the future, get quiet about that with deep breathing,
whenever the feeling of fear arises. Fear is not an answer to change that has
any positive value. Healing the cause of that fear is congruent with the goal
of Awakening. Pause, gather your awareness to the cause, and ask the Master
within to help you let go of the fear. Mastery is fearlessness. Your inner
Mster has all the answers you need. Get that relationship going!

Welcome change. Welcome "new and different". Greet each day as the
most wonderful experience. Pay attention to your thoughts as an observer of
them, not as their creator. You are not your thoughts! Nor are they more aware than
the Master within!

Change is inevitable. How it will appear can be difficult to experience, but it

is all for the good of mankind and Mother Earth. Many days of darkness can
result. Have candles to do necessary activities. Computers may be down. Get used
to not being able to use them. Use of cell phones can be disconnected. Get in
touch with those who live nearby. Give assistance as you can. Need assistance?
Ask to be a contributor to another's need. As you give, you shall receive.

When you dream: you are reviewing other lives that are occurring as you observe
them. No lives are actually linear. All occur NOW. One soul does all of their
"lives" at the same time, it just appears to be in linear time to
allow man to accept it. Nothing actually exists in time, this is mind's

What does the Master within do when an active mind always leads the body?
Nothing. It waits. Waits for the mind to begin looking for Truth. When this
occurs, there is great excitement on other dimensions, as the divine call has
come for all.

When the call came to you, did you immediately agree to go within to get more
aware? Are these calls always answered in this way? No, but we will keep

calling as long as there is one more left to Awaken.

Open to the light within your own heart, and allow it to become fully radiating
so it touches others. This can take a bit of your time, so the sooner you
begin, the better. Our realm is awaiting the lights to all be glowing, because
they will light the dimensions in between.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


2011 Message From The Council-Happy

New Year
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 10:38am

Dear Ones,
As some of you know I channel a group of spirit guides called "The Council" occasionally. As
I sat down this morning watching the sunrise sipping my jasmine tea, I was called to channel
The Council's message about 2011. I am writing it
below to share with all of you
Many blessed moments to you in this coming year, may connection with god feeding your
soul bring you a deep joy of the heart. Love you all

Greetings with love from light;
We welcome your essence, your soul, your human... we ask you to hear these messages from
your heart center of your human with your soul present.

You are a magnificent being.... We honor your journey on this planet...

Your place is very important to create light and love in this time of the planet
We ask you to seek the light that is offered to you in your every day

Your heart center is closed, it has been this way for the history of humanity, many wounds of
humanity have been carried over energetically. There is a so much desire at the moment to
open the heart center to become one with soul
and spirit.
We ask you to do exercises to expand the heart center everyday. The wounded mental center
has gained much power over the history of humanity which created the gap between light and
lack of light.....the humanity is on the verge of
opening the gateway to the soul in many ways and the urge is more powerful than
it has been for a long time. The human being has a need to understand
himself/herself, this can only happen in oneness with self/others through

You need to gather more in your new lunar year. Feel each other, look at each other as you are
looking at a rare piece of creation, talk to each other as your spoken energy goes directly into
the heart, see each other like you have
never seen such beauty before. Listen to each other to hear god's messages. Your
inner power needs that...

In 2011 your DNA will come into changes, the ancestral energies will seek more guidance, it
is time for most of you to set yourself independent of the limiting energies of your ancestors.
Like going through a time tunnel you will
seek to go through time to let go of these ancestral attachments, time will go
by very quickly..

Many of you will need more water, more oxygen and higher energies. Be with your body..it is
a gateway. Your blood may run thicker, your feet may ache. Cleansing your body is a must,
most of the parental energies reside in your
liver, most of your own negative energies reside in your digestive track. For
you to have the balance of the body you need go through cleansing your body

Many of you will go through initiations, this is to adjust you to new energies which require a
pure and open heart center. The initiations will happen suddenly and most of time without
your understanding. You may feel at times
lost, confused and not easy in your body. When you feel those feelings make sure
you rest more for a couple of days, let the universe do its job.

Many of you will receive guidance from angels, they are guides that work closest to humanity.
There are many of them on Earth at this time to help humanity to ignite the fire in the heart
center....Listen to them, feel them, do
not try to seek more than you receive, remember you are receiving to the
capacity of your being. Elevation will happen from time to time, when you

experience high vibrational energy change, such as ecstasy, joy, bliss make sure
you ground yourself afterwards. It is important you do not leave your body

We are always here to help, many guides are waiting for your call. Stay focused on your
connection with your soul, be present. There is immense love for you... always...

love,laugh,live your best


"If there is ever to be peace on earth, human beings must evolve and learn to live with each
The Council by Naz


HEAVEN #3692 The Image You See,

January 3, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 10:43am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3692 The Image You See, January 3, 2011

God said:

You participate in life, and you observe. You are the watcher who watches yourself.

When you are angry, you believe someone has perpetuated anger upon you, yet anger is a card
you deal yourself.

The most prevalent anger is vanity. Anger arises from ego and says: “How dare they? They
can’t say this or do this to me or overlook me or disdain me like this. I won’t let them get
away with this.”

This anger comes from your lack of sense of self. You insist that others must give you what
you do not give yourself. And so, when someone speaks amiss or acts amiss, you flare up and
are sure that others have to retract their words or
actions and turn their lack of regard of you onto themselves. You insist on
this. “They can’t get away with this,” you say. “They can’t take me so lightly.
I am a person. They had no right.”

Yet you were the offender of yourself, and now you are the arbitrator of the others who did
not give you the homage you must feel you need so badly. You make a fool of your own self
to right a perceived wrong. You make a fool of yourself
and slip into a place of futile anger. You box with yourself in a mirror, and
you are furious with the image you see. You like to think you are standing up
for yourself when it is your ego that has perked up its ears. Ego whispers to
you that you must defend yourself. “Retaliate,” anger says.

It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Offense is also in the eye of the offended.

First of all, you do not need the regard of another. Regard or lack of regard don’t mean much.
Both are a dime a dozen. Both regard and disregard are illusory. Value yourself enough not to
be caught up in that which does not truly
concern you.

And so, a customer service representative, for instance, who doesn’t know you at all, gives
you poor service and so the misrepresentative of service, in your eyes, becomes your enemy.
What does their poor service have to do with you that
you take affront? Because they don’t know better or bother to do better, what
does that have to do with you who are only a voice on the telephone? That’s all
the other is as well, a voice on the phone, someone sitting there and not doing
a great job. Must you take it personally? Must you get up in arms? To what gain?
Your anger does not show strength. It shows weakness. Anger is your weakness,
not someone else’s. When someone else gives poor service, you do not have to
give a poor return.

Shoddy service representatives, representing a company or representing themselves, are not

the making or undoing of you. When you flare up in self-righteousness, are you representing
Me at all? How well are you doing your
job? How well are you representing Me?

Instead of lowering yourself, raise yourself. Instead of promulgating war, promulgate peace.
You do not have to continue something that creates or continues strife. You are not lowering
yourself to rise higher. Did you think
you were?

You don’t have to continue on the phone with a customer service representative, nor do you
have to hang up on them. You can get off.

I speak of customer service representatives because it is so easy to see that, truly, they have
nothing to do with you. When it comes to those who are closer to you, the same is true, and
yet it is harder to see. Nevertheless,

others’ dissatisfaction is theirs, and yours is yours. Put down your fists,


Special New Year's Blessing from Gaia

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 10:44am

By Susan Carol

Dear Children of my Land,

I am Gaia, your Earth Mother. I wish to speak with you this evening on the last day of my
year 2010 to tell you that I AM so Proud to be YOU.
Yes, I AM YOU, for dear humans, we are ONE.

You have come onto my body for myriad lives, during myriad civilizations, and NOW you
have come to me to live your final physical incarnation.
Dear Children, you have done so much to assist me in this, your closing
incarnation, so that we may travel Hom to our fifth dimensional
expression as ONE Being.

We, you and I, have suffered many assaults at the hands of those who could not see the Light,
but these assaults are coming to an end, for we have
remembered. You, dear ones have remembered, as have I; we have
remembered that the "time" has come to "end the game."

We have come to the completion of the lessons of this frequency and desire to return to our
true, fifth dimensional resonance. We long to be
within the Oness from which we were born and to live within the
unconditional love and multidimensional light of that reality.

Those who have feared the concept of that return have forgotten that they too are magnificent
beings of light. Therefore, in these final times of
illusionary life, I ask of each of you, my brave warriors, to ease your
fist and open your heart.

Fear and fight will feed the dark, whereas love and light will awaken a spark within the
ATMA of their hearts.

There is NO ONE who does not have an inner ATMA, a Three Fold Flame of Wisdom, Power
and Love, as it is that which allows a human to maintain a

body. Therefore, my brave children, I, yourmother, ask that—instead of
fear and anger—send to these lost ones the Wisdom, Power and Love that
resides within your OWN Three Fold Flame.

As you have learned, that which you send out into my world, will return to you, and me, three
fold. Because of this Law, which I know you
remember, the best way to assist me now is to Forgive those who have
harmed US.

Use your mighty Wisdom, Power and Love to send unconditional love and forgiveness to the
ones who have forgotten and cannot remember. As you
bless them see my true beauty. Envision my mighty oceans, rivers and
streams, my beautiful mountains, vast prairies, lush forest and
courageous deserts. See my many life forms of plants and animals as they
bask within your unconditional love.

As your forgive these lost ones, please tell them that I, Gaia, hold no remorse for my choices,
nor should they. Each of my beings has chosen to
play a role in the drama of "Life in the Third Dimension." Those who
cannot awaken are merely those who cannot remember their true SELF. As
these lost ones awaken, they shall contribute so much to our planetary
ascension, that, at last, they will
understand why they have chosen to play the role of the villain.

As we come to the final act of this great drama, we remember the last words of a beloved, yet
widely misquoted hero. With his dying breath, he
sent forth forgiveness as he said,


Soon "they" will know what they are doing and these ones who have chosen to incarnate, as
the villain will need your unconditional love to heal. The
higher the climb—the steeper the fall, also reads as, the steeper the
fall—the higher the climb.

My dear, dedicated children, I ask in this final turn of illusion that you choose love, for it is
only through the power of unconditional love
that forgiveness can be sincere.

Let we, Person and Planet, hold these words within our heart and mind,
"Forgive them for they know not what they do."

With these words we use the power of our unconditional love and forgiveness for ALL LIFE
to merge the polarities of our third dimensional expression
and ascend into the fifth dimensional Unity of the ONE.

The ONE awaits us NOW.

Our Return is imminent!


Re-Writing Our Experience of the Great

Shift Why are things so intense? by
Norma Gentile
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 10:51am

Re-Writing Our Experience of the Great Shift

Why are things so intense?

by Norma Gentile

Most of the wounds that we who are incarnating into the Western culture experience express
themselves as distortions in the lower three chakras of the body. The wounds in the our 1st
chakra are particularly evident as we move into and through the year of 2012. This chakra has
to do with the most basic instinct of survival; fear of not existing tomorrow. These sort of
extreme fears come from wounds that our soul has experienced in multiple lifetimes. Many of
these energies are not issues that will be resolved in this one lifetime here in the 3rd

In order to help us clarify what of these survival issues are ours to work with and which to
release, there are a series of eclipses from now (December 2010 through 2013. Each eclipse
brings us to the point of experiencing fear, frustration, disorientation andunexplainable
emotions as a way of helping us locate and release patterns of energetic distortion related to

Many people who consider themselves to have followed a spiritual path believe that they have
moved beyond the 1st chakra. But they haven't. The primary issue facing those living in
society is based in the 1st chakra. Survival. Will the human race
survive or destroy itself in the next five, thirty or hundred years?
Will we make the transition into an Aquarian Age, which honors the
strength of our shared collective consciousness, or will we perish
trying to escape the cycle of change by creating artificial structures
that will ultimately collapse upon us?

As long as what is done is best for one person but is not useful for another person, we are
climbing upon the shoulders of another human as we try to escape and save ourselves. In this
scenario many souls who
have been incarnate in human bodies will make the transition into the

Aquarian Age without their physical bodies. This has happened in
earlier shifts and simply means more work for the soul upon
reincarnating back into the physical (or near physical) dimension. One
of my guides, Thoth, suggests that humanity will move its consciousness
into a new type of physicality in the next thirty to sixty years. Those
souls who incarnate will be returning to a physical reality, but it
will not be of the same vibration as the one we have been exiting for
several hundred years.

Many people have read about or have found their own memories of the last Great Shift about
13,000 years ago. Most accounts tell of a profound upheaval and loss of life upon the Earth
near the time of the
Great Shift. Electro-magnetic changes within the Earth were accompanied
by physical Earth changes, including the physical re-location of the
North and South Poles. Within this same emotional memory is the
destruction of the continent we know as Atlantis, the lose of life by
most of the inhabitants of that continent, and the survivors fleeing to
other lands and seeding new civilizations around the world.

Is it no wonder then that as we have entered the energetic pattern of another Great Shift that
our consciousness, both as individuals as well as our shared collective consciousness, is
remembering the fear and tumult that accompanied the last Great Shift
13,000 years ago? Popular media attention upon the date of December 21,
2012 is bringing the current emotional energies associated with the
past Great Shift into focus upon this date. Our human instinct is to
grab hold and control the Earth so that she will not upend us as before!
Our fear arises that those we love will perish in great chaos, and
that all we know will again be gone.

But that was then, and this Great Shift is very different. Although our bodies and our
collective consciousness are experiencing the same vibrations of change as 13,000 years ago,
this Great Shift is also a shift back into a stronger connection to Spirit. The previous
Great Shift was a movement away from the collective voice of Spirit into
a time of exploring our Free Will. And during this time we explored
our ability to create apart from God / Spirit / All That Is quite
successfully. I would say successfully because we are aware of much of
human history in the past 13,000 years, and are able to bring that
knowledge forward with us as humans into this present Great Shift.
Bringing our knowledge with us as living human beings into the vibration
of the new Aquarian Age (into which we are moving simultaneously)
allows for our experiences while in this state of individuation to be
shared with all conscious beings in all dimensions.

So often people have spoken about receiving information and insight from angels, guides or
other Beings of Consciousness whom they perceive as helpers. Now we are able to be of
service to all those
beings who have surrounded and supported us in the past. Our experience
of living apart from Spirit / God / All That Is and having Free Will to
chose our own path brings a wealth of new energies and experiences back
to the collective consciousness of Creation. It is like God

re-examining God and finding something new.

For this reason I believe that many people are experiencing both a remembrance of the fear
they experienced during the last Great Shift as well as an anticipation of returning home to a
celebration. These two
great currents of emotion are moving through our personal lives as well
as our human society. And fear is abundantly reawakening within our 1st

Those who have followed my work may anticipate my suggestion for dealing with the
reawakening of fear patterns within your own 1st chakra. Begin by noticing your fear and do
not dismiss it. Turn and face it. Ask the fear if it is yours. Is it all yours? Is it in tune with your
male or female body? Is it in current time? Is the time period that it believes to be its own
time period this present moment?
Allow it to move to wherever in the time line it belongs.

A pattern of thoughts or emotions cannot be changed when it is out of sync with its
surroundings. A pattern can only change when it is in its own time period and connected to
whatever or whomever it is meant to be working with and connected to.

Too often we sense patterns of deep emotion that were part of our soul's other lifetimes, and
believe that we can fix, change or heal them by taking them into this life. But we cannot. The
energies of the
emotions we experience in each lifetime can only be changed within the
context of that particular lifetime. We must therefore allow the
emotional energies to return to their own time period.

When we address and heal the fear or other emotion that is within our lifetime here and now
that same emotion receives a healing within its own time frame. It is similar to a chain of
dominos. When you remove one domino from the chain then the movement stops and all the
remaining dominos cease to fall down. When you replace that one domino, the motion that
was begun at one end of the chain continues. In this same fashion the changes you make
within this lifetime naturally affect all the other lifetimes of your soul. You need not
consciously heal
energies from other lifetimes within this lifetime. You need only heal those issues that your
soul is presenting to you now to address.

As we move into and through this present Great Shift we need not re-experience all of the fear
and grief from the last Great Shift. We need only address the fear that is naturally arising for
us as humans in this time period. What portion of fear is really yours in this lifetime? What
portion belongs to your body and your soul? Allow those portions that are not in tune with
your body or your soul in this
present moment to go to their own time frame or lifetime. In order for them to evolve, grow
and healing they must be in place to receive the changes that are coming their way. Heal what
is yours to heal now.
That is enough.

Norma Gentile

This essay comes from a live channeled phone meditation (Manifesting in the Aquarian Age)

which is now available as a free podcast or at-cost CD. See the "Meditation CDs" page on
Norma's website for more information.

Copyright 2010 Norma Gentile. www.healingchants.com

About Norma Gentile

Norma Gentile, sound shaman, is a natural intuitive and channel for Mary, Archangel Michael
and the Hathors. She maintains a private healing practice, offering sessions in English and
Spanish, as well as singing healing concerts and teaching workshops. Her CD of live sound
healings, Songs of Spirit, is available in the Maat Shop. To see and hear her sound healings,
articles and podcasts at her website www.healingchants.com.

Norma's CD Songs of Spirit, is available in the Ma'at Shop.

PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48197

info@healingchants.com or 734-330-3997

Tags: www.healingchants.com


January 2011 - Videos of Spirit of Ma´at
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 10:51am

January 2011
Spirit of Ma'at Video Showcase

We hope you enjoy this month's selection of movies and video clips.

There's something for everyone so check it all out or take your time and take your pick!


From YouTube

Author of the 'Pyramid Code' and 'Angels and Archetypes', Dr. Carmen Boulter talks with
Project Camelot's, Kerry Cassidy about the coded information
and our misconceptions about Egyptology that make it
difficult for us to know for sure that what we've been told about the
Pyramids has any basis in truth. Carmen Boulter is an incredible source
of information on Egyptian mysteries and history. Those of you who enjoy
connecting the dots will love this crash course in Egyptology with a
lady whose research makes everything we have been taught seem virtually

Video at YouTube (1 Hour 55 Minutes)


From YouTube and our good friend Bill

With ET disclosure all over the news and UFO's showing up all over the planet, remembering
the ones who died in their efforts to expose the
alien cover-up long before it became suitable for mass
consumption seems more than appropriate. Those of you who remember what
happened back in 1996 know that Phil Schneider sacrificed everything for
the truth — those of you who have never heard of the Phil Schneider
story, or the Dulce Incident, will be well educated by the following
series of videos.

"Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys,
US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground
base, was found dead in January 1996, due to what appears
to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment with
a piano wire wrapped around his neck. According to sources, it appeared
that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed. Seven
months prior to his death, Schneider did a lecture on the forces he had
discovered at Dulce.

This brave man's final acts should not go unnoticed..."

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7


From You Tube and our Good friend Bill

Five years after Phil Schneider was murdered, William Cooper, otherwise known as 'the man
who knew too much', was also assassinated by the
powers that be. One of the first, and most eloquent whistle
blowers, Bill Cooper sacrificed his life so that the rest of us might
know the truth. Before anyone else had the courage to speak out he was
talking about the Alien cover-up and the long term secret government
plan to invent an artificial threat big enough to justify instituting
what is now referred to as a 'New World Order'. If you already know
about William Cooper, these videos will remind you who he was — if
you've never heard of the man, tune in to these lectures and listen to
him speak about the things that got him killed by the Apache County
Sheriff's Department, in a government raid on his home, in November of

"William Cooper's FBI file, promulgated by the investigation required by his security
clearances while in military service, was one of those
unlawfully in possession of the White House in what has become
known as, "Filegate". Shortly after this discovery President Clinton
ordered all federal agencies to begin investigation, persecution, and
prosecution of Mr. Cooper to shut him up."

Video at YouTube


Video at YouTube


From www.think-aboutit.com



Sent to us by our good friend Cynthia

This is a full length written article that covers the situation in the Gulf of Mexico in great
depth. For those of you who know that the truth about
the Deep Water Horizon Disaster has been totally
suppressed , this article will provide you with details that, to date,
no other media source has had the courage to address.



Free energy freaks will love this; all you weird science nuts are in for a treat!



From Bill Corey

If you're politically correct or the least bit academic, skip this one! There's a lot of what you
already know in this series of videos. What we
find interesting about it is the idea that it was made
for mass consumption and a LOT of people will see it. This makes us
wonder if the 100th Monkey is about to wake up. Check it out and see
what you think:



From YouTube and our good friend Cynthia

Mr. Gilliland takes ten minutes to remind us of the God within

Video at YouTube


Sent to us by our good friend Bill

"Thirty facts evidencing that the Rothschild league of bankers planned the Gulf oil crisis". Dr
Horowitz can get a little over the top but if you can
get past his energy, the information he dispenses can be
useful to anyone who is trying to connect the dots. Check this one out;
if it doesn't put you off, it just might help you understand things a
little better.

War on We The People


From Jeff Rense and YouTube

Jesse Ventura's investigation into the Gulf oil spill covers territory that's familiar to most of us
by now; what interests about this series of 15
minute clips includes testimony from Lenny Horowitz
and Sherri Kane. For those of you who haven't seen it, Jesse Ventura's
"Conspiracy Theory" is a prime time TV show that airs every Friday night
here in the states — which means that this information has filtered
into the public arena and is no longer a well kept secret. Whether or
not it's wise to trust the media, or Jesse Ventura, to fill us in on
conspiracy theories is the question that comes up for us here at the
office; but who are we to judge? Check this out and see what you think.



From YouTube

Gulf of Mexico residents are sick and dying. We can't ignore this situation — it is real.

Video at YouTube


Sent to us by our good friend Bill

Will we wake up before the-powers-that-be take away the right to heal ourselves? Are we
ready to kiss our vitamins goodbye? Those of you who
have been tracking the progress of the Codex Alimentarius agenda can
follow this link to an interesting article on the way things are going
in Canada.



from You Tube and our good friend Bill

British witnesses claim that the secret experimental aircraft, called the Aurora is a frequent
visitor to a remote base in Scotland. A
British-born resident of Las Vegas says that he has seen the Aurora
flying into nearby Nellis Air Force Base and it looks "just like a
shooting star." He set his camera up outside the base and let it roll
all day and he captured images of what he believes to be the Aurora,
flying at up to 10,000 mph.



Click Here And Watch Them All Or Take Your Pick:



From You Tube and our good friend Bill

This is a ten-minute clip that opens the discussion on the New World Order and the plan to
stage a fake alien invasion.

Video at YouTube


From YouTube, UFOTV, and our good friend Bill

Brazil is becoming a major player on the world stage in the UFO ET Disclosure process. At
the recent 'X-Conference, X-PAC (Extraterrestrial Phenomena
Political Action Committee) and the Paradigm
Research Group, took steps to get the US government to formally
acknowledge the Extraterrestrial presence here on planet Earth. The
videos that follow include presentations by all of the speakers who were
invited to the X-Conference events.

Video at YouTube


From UFO TV and our good friend Bill

This is a really interesting video seminar on the history of the Black Sea, and the ancient
civilizations that lie submerged beneath its shorelines.

Video at YouTube (56 minutes)


Sent to us by our good friend Bill

All we can say is check this out and read for yourself what David has to say about our current
situation. His reports are always long, but they are
full of great information. Just to give you a preview of
what Mr. Wilcock is talking about this time:

"China's big counter-move against the 'Powers that Were' began in October.

"Packages that had been hand-delivered, by courier, in July were ordered to be opened on
October 13th.

These packages were given to every head of state of every country in the world. Little did
they know they had just received a time bomb —

Every head of state, in over 120 countries worldwide, did open their boxes — but many
waited until the 14th just to be sure.

Inside every box was an identical set of goodies.

This "care package" included comprehensive documents outlining how to build free energy
technology — as well as many other secrets that should no
longer be classified. Working free energy
prototypes, with all the plans to reproduce them, were also in the box.

One such example is a battery that lets your car run a thousand miles on a gallon of water.

The clear message is "Stand down and let us get free energy out to the world. We want
Disclosure, we want peace, we want an end to poverty and
hunger and we want it now."

If this sounds interesting, click on the following link to read more about it.



Great source of information for those of you who like to keep up with the truth



A Special Solstice Interview with Drunvalo

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 10:54am

To celebrate the season, and as a special gift to all of you, Cyrilla Gallagher invited Drunvalo
Melchizedek to join her on the show this month. In an hour long
interview, the man who needs no introduction covers the Great Shift,
the ascension phenomenon, the Mayan prophecies, and the news on the
thousands of recently discovered Codices that will hopefully give us a
clearer understanding of what it means to be alive at this time.
Portions of the conversation tie all ofthe above in with the
Extraterrestrial presence and the extent to which our Star Brothers are
here to guide us through the End Times and ease our transition into
Unity Consciousness. You will also hear what Drunvalo has to say about
the Inner Terrestrials and the importance of their role at this stage of
the game. If you think you've heard it all, guess again! We invite you
to tune in to a totally wonderful, enlightening, and mind blowing hour
with one of the most amazing men on the planet.

Cyrilla Gallagher and Aspiro Life show.


Live interviews with host, Cyrilla Gallagher

About the Show

Aspiro Life

is a show about living, about embracing the best and the fullest parts of life. I strive to
positively inform about our purpose, our personal growth, and the development of
our own wisdom. Another focus of the show is to help make sense of the
shifts we are all experiencing during these unprecedented times of
change on our planet. The style and approach of these dialogues will
befluid and organic in nature. Specific discussions may form around, astrology,
numerology, Mayan culture, spiritual teachings, healing modalities, and
health. Topics will be presented monthly and listeners are encouraged
to submit questions prior to the show. This show will be of interest to
people who want to increase their vitality, ignite their spirit and
refresh their lifestyle.

Interview with Cal Garrison

Audio Recording MP3 (1 hour, 9 Mb)

Audio Recording WMA (1 hour, 9 Mb)

Interview with Freddy Silva

Audio Recording MP3 (1 hour, 8 Mb)

Audio Recording WMA (1 hour, 9 Mb)

Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek

Audio Recording MP3 (55 min, 13 Mb)

Audio Recording WMA (55 min, 13 Mb)

About Cyrilla Gallagher

Cyrilla Gallagher

is the Host for Aspiro Life on the Spirit of Ma'at Network. Cyrilla currently works as a
professional radio host, coach and facilitator. However, over the last 25 years she has gained
from her roles as a mother, business entrepreneur, health advisor,
designer of retail and personal space. She has had the great opportunity
to learn from and converse with some of today's best known teachers and
researchers in the area of holistic health and wellness, science and
spirituality. Cyrilla assists individuals and groups, helping them to
understand the energies and elements that impact their lives. Her
clients come away knowing how to navigate life more effectively and in
doing so, how to realize their highest potential.

Cyrilla is personally fascinated with life and its mysteries. A self professed hedonist who
loves her family, friends, great food, the occasional glass of wine, nature, art, design
and beauty in all forms and (mostly) peaceful living. Cyrilla wants to

share with you her
passion for living in these amazing times of change and transformation and use Aspiro Life as
a catalyst for
breathing life into old thoughts, ideas and behaviors.





Solar eclipse times on January 4, 2011 by

Bruce McClure
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 11:00pm

Tonight is January 03, 2011

Written by Bruce McClure

Courtesy U.S. Naval Observatory

January 4th, 2011 - Tonight

Photo above courtesy of junction’s photostream, some rights reserved.

This post has a video of a partial solar eclipse

A partial solar eclipse will occur today – January 4, 2011 – for those in Earth’s eastern
hemisphere. Given clear skies, the following places will see the partial
solar eclipse: most of Europe, northernAfrica, the Middle East, and the western
and central portions of Asia. Sorry,
North and South America … no eclipse for us. The next solar eclipse
visible from the U.S. will be on May 20, 2012.

Here are some eclipse times and circumstances for selected cities, provided by Sky &
Telescope, which also has a post on watching the eclipse safely:

Begins: sunrise
Midpoint: 8:12 am
Ends: 9:31 am
Sun will 67% covered

Begins: sunrise
Midpoint: 8:52 am
Ends: 10:06 am
Sun will be 47% covered

Begins: sunrise
Midpoint: 9:09 am
Ends: 10:30 am
Sun will be 65% covered

Begins: 7:52 am
Midpoint: 9:10 am
Ends: 10:38 am
Sun will be 61% covered

Begins: 9:02 am
Midpoint: 10:31 am
Ends: 12:06 pm
Sun will be 44% covered

Begins: sunrise
Midpoint: 9:42 am
Ends: 11:05 am
Sun will be 79%

Begins: 8:05 am
Midpoint: 9:28 am
Ends: 10:58 am
Sun will be 70% covered

Begins: 9:08 am
Midpoint: 10:37 am
Ends: 12:12 pm
Sun will be 63%

Tel Aviv
Begins: 9:09 am
Midpoint: 10:41 am
Ends: 12:16 pm
Sun will be 47% covered
Begins: 10:38 am
Midpoint: 12:04 pm
Ends: 1:30 pm
Sun will be 74% covered

Begins: 10:32 am
Midpoint: 12:04 pm
Ends: 1:35 pm
Sun will be 42% covered

Begins: 2:04 pm
Midpoint: 2:46 pm
Ends: 3:25 pm
Sun will be 3% covered

More local circumstances for partial solar eclipse of 2011 Jan 04

A solar eclipse can only happen at new moon. When the moon totally covers over the sun, it’s
called a total solar eclipse. However, since the moon only blocks out
part of the sun today, it’s a partial solareclipse. The percentage of sun that
gets covered over by the moon depends on
your place in the viewing zone. From southern Scandinavia, and the
northern, central parts of mainland Europe, the moon blocks out more
than 80% of the sun’s disk.

Remember to use proper eye protection when watching today’s eclipse!

Eye safety during solar eclipses

This is the first of 4 partial solar eclipses in 2011. There are a minimum of 2 solar eclipses in
one calendar year, and can be as many as 5 solar eclipses. Five
eclipses in one calendar year is quite rare, however. In
fact, it won’t happen until 2206. Even 4 solar eclipses inone calendar year is
fairly rare. It won’t occur again until 2029.

Although we in the United States won’t be seeing a solar eclipse until 2012, our friends in
Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia get to see a solar eclipse
today, on Tuesday, January 4, 2011. We are wishing you
all clear skies!

When is the next total solar eclipse in the U.S.?

When is the next total lunar eclipse for North America?

Are lunar eclipses more common than solar eclipses?



~ The New Moon Solar Eclipse and 2011

Focus ~
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 11:27pm

~ The New Moon Solar Eclipse and 2011 Focus ~

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

On January 4th, 2011, we experience a partial Solar eclipse of the Sun, as the new Moon
passes between the Earth and the Sun, visible from sunrise in most
parts of Europe, Africa and Asia.

Through this dance and reflection of Divine Light, we are offered an opportunity to set the
focus of our Highest Potential for 2011 through
the copper-gold flame of Solar Service and the primary quality of Manifestation,
and further to this, to activate the keycodes of the Divine Feminine
through the pink-orange flame of Illumined Truth, so that all Life can
experience the essence of unconditional Love through loving kindness,
compassion, insight and understanding.
We are invited to travel into the Healing Chamber within the Sun and Solar Core Overlighted
by Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logoi, and from here, to enter into the Eleventh Ray of
Illumined Truthand receive and activate the Divine Feminine keycodes of Light .

We are further requested through the focus of the Divine Feminine keycodes of Light to assist
as these first wave Souls in human embodiment of the
I Am Avatar Blueprint, to anchor and activate the blueprints of the
Crystalline Cities of Light within Mother Earth through the primary vortices and sacred sites
within and around this earth plane, Overlighted by the Company of Heaven.

~ Invocation for the New Moon Solar Eclipse ~

I call upon Mother/Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally
acknowledge, as I now merge with my I Am Presence, and
ground myself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.

I now find myself traveling in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the Ascension Seat of
the Ray of Solar Service, into this beautiful copper-gold flame of Light, Overlighted by
Helios and Vesta.

I now find myself in this Healing Chamber of Light within the Solar Core, letting go of any
issues I may still be working with, and releasing old karmic patterns, false beliefs and
within this sacred healing space amplified through the vibration of all
twelve rays with a focus on Love-Wisdom.

I now bring a focus to my Highest Potential as a co-creator and Master Being; allowing
myself to step into a deeper level of my service work,
and bringing with it greater joy, abundance, spiritual leadership,
passion, creativity, responsibility, and Love.

And now, I experience the primary quality of Manifestation through this copper-gold flame of
Light, merging through these timelines into this Now, with all the gifts and skills I need to
magnetize, co-create and manifest a reality of One Unity Consciousness.

And now, as part of this core group of I Am Avatar Souls in human embodiment, I find myself
within the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth, within this Ascension Seat, wrapped in a
beautiful pink-orange flame of Love.

I now experience a merging with my I Am Presence, as my heart and third eye chakras are
now activated through the keycodes of Light of the
Divine Feminine in scrolls of Light.

And now, all the chakras are activated, as the atoms and molecules and sub-atomic particles in
the body spin faster in these increased
frequencies of Light.

Through these keycodes of Light, I experience the qualities of compassion, understanding,

strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, equilibrium and balance,
organization, and discernment.
And now, I am given additional keycodes of Light which will assist in the anchoring and
activating of the Crystalline Cities of Light within and
around Mother Earth.

I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light, connected to the Light workers and Beings of
Light from On High assisting in the templates of
Light through the Divine Feminine and in the creation of the Crystalline
Cities of Light.

I now take these Divine Feminine key codes frequencies of Light, surrounding Mother Earth
and all her Life in this beautiful pink-orange

flame of Light Overlighted by the Company of Heaven.

I now assist in anchoring the templates for the Crystalline Cities of Light through the Divine
Feminine keycodes of Light and appropriate
vortices and sacred sites, knowing that they will be activated on

I Am a Keeper of Light.

I Am a Child of the Sun.

I Am a Master Being of Love and Light.

I Am All That I Am.

Happy New Year!

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek: www.pleiadianlight.net

Production and co-creation by Adi Selena: www.newlightfusion.com

Music: Angel Love by Aeoliah www.aeoliah.com

Artwork: Aeoliah www.aeoliah.com

Daniel B Holeman www.awakenvisions.com

Join Anrita Melchizedek on BBS Radio for the New Moon Lunar Eclipse

BBS Internet Radio ~ Tuesday January 4th, 2011

7pm GMT, 3pm EDT, 12pm PDT

10pm South Africa/8pm London/ 3pm N. York/ 12pm California

This radio station is located in the States and is internet based.

Click on this link to listen free via the internet


Or phone via skype to the States on 712 432 0075

using the access code 652957#

Following the theme of this beautiful invocation, Anrita will take you on a magical journey
through a channeling by the Elders.

Come celebrate, and experience these powerful energies LIVE on BBS Internet Radio with

Anrita and Light workers around the globe.

Anrita will further be taking questions in the second half hour of the show on 888-815-9756
toll free if you are local to the States or Canada.
Otherwise, call in on +1-530-413-4522.

Find us on Facebook


Tags: www.pleiadianlight.net


Çocuklarınız Sizin Robotlarınız Değildir!

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 11:30pm

“Her birimiz bir feneriz. Işık

saçmaya devam ettikçe, mutlu çocuklar ve gençler azınlık olmaktan
Dünya değişiyor… Kabullenmek bazen kolay olmasa da; işe yaramayan ve ömrünü
doldurmuş eski düşünce tarzlarımızı da değiştirmemiz gerekiyor.
Alışılagelmiş tutumlarımızdan ötürü uyarılıyoruz önce. Karşımıza çıkan
insanlar ve olaylar sürekli bir şeyler anlatmaya çalışıyor bizlere.
Kırıldığımızı zannediyor ve kendimize paramparça olmuş muamelesi
yapıyoruz. Lakin arkasında yatan gerçeği çok azımız görmek istiyoruz.
Kaç yaşında veya nerede olursak olalım, aslında büyüyoruz…
Değişen dünya realitelerinden çokça etkilenen gençlerimiz ve çocuklarımız oluyor
ister istemez. Eski düşünce sistemi içerisinde yetişen anne-babaların,
yeni dünyanın çocukları ile bir araya gelmesi, çözülmesi zor, çok
bilinmeyenli bir denklem oluşturuyor sanki. Uzman Psikolog İrem Bray,
bizlere bu problemiz çözmemiz için yardımcı olabilecek ipuçlarını
Röportaj: Altan Akay

Altan Akay: Türkiye’deki çocuk-genç nüfusun fikir yapısına ve dünya

görüşüne baktığınız zaman neler söyleyebilirsiniz?

İrem Bray: Tabii, ebeveynlerin duruşları çocukların bakışında çok
belirleyici oluyor. Bazen benzer değerleri devam ettiriyorlar bazen de
tepkisel olarak zıt görüşleri benimsiyorlar.
Normal kesim ve ayrıcalıklı kesim olarak ayırayım isterseniz. Normal
kesim derken Türkiye’nin dört bir yanında yetişen gençlikten söz
ediyorum. Bu gençlerin dünyasını, ebeveynlerinin yaşadığı hayata ek
olarak en çok televizyon ve internet etkiliyor. Örneğin çocuk, anne
babasının, o okula giderken verdiği dolmuş parasını zor denkleştirdiğini
görüyor; sonra bakıyor dizilerde, magazin programlarında lüks arabalar
ve giysiler içinde yaşayan insanlar da var. Bu durum bir yandan
yetersizlik duygularına, öfkeye, bir yandan da ekonomik gücü yüceltmeye
neden olabiliyor. Hayattan beklentileri, yakın çevrelerinin bakış
açılarına ve yaşam biçimlerine bağlı olarak görece daha alçakgönüllü
olabiliyor. Yani köydeki çocuk belki bir şarkıcı olmayı isteyebilir ama
bilim insanı olma hayalini kuracak ortamı olmuyor.
Ayrıcalıklı gruptan kastım ise özel okul sisteminde olanlar. Bu kesim,
özellikle büyük şehirlerde halktan kopuk büyüyor. Konuları arasında
markalar, yurtdışı geziler, yeni çıkan
var. Bu çocukların anne babaları
yoğun profesyonel yaşamları olan insanlar oldukları için bakıcıları var
ve çocukları ile geçirdikleri zamanlar daha sınırlı. Bu gençlerde sınır
sorunları, tatminsizlik, kendini önemseme, farklı olanı küçümseme ve
dışlama durumu var olabiliyor. Bu nedenle gelecekle ilgili kaygıları da
daha çok; diğer kategoriye düşmek istemiyorlar.
Her iki grup da, farklılıkların desteklenmediği, yargıların olduğu, eğitim
sisteminin çocuktan becerisinin üstünde performans beklediği, çocuğun ve
gencin kendini dürüst bir şekilde ifade edip duyulamadığı, ihtiyaçlarına
duyarlı olamayan ortamlarda bilgisayar oyunlarına, yapmacık ilişkilere,
nesnelere sahip olarak statü kazanmaya sığınıyorlar. Başardıklarından ve
sahip olduklarından çok, yapamadıklarına odaklanıyorlar. Bu da genelde
mutsuz bir gençlik demek oluyor.
Biliyorum biraz olumsuz bir tablo çizdim ama durumun çarpıcılığını
göstermek istedim. Her birimiz ebeveyn, öğretmen, arkadaş, abla, ağabey
olarak duruşumuzla alternatif yaşam biçimlerini ve bakış açılarını yeni
kuşağa aktarıyoruz. Sistemin genel bozukluğuna takılıp umutsuzluğa
kapılma lüksümüz yok. Her birimiz bir feneriz. Işık saçmaya devam
ettikçe, mutlu çocuklar ve gençler azınlık olmaktan çıkacaklar…
Yeni ve eski ebeveyn bilincini göz önünde bulundurursak, eski
ebeveynlere, yeni çocuklara yaklaşımları konusunda ne gibi önerilerde
İnsanın doğayla uyum içinde yaşadığı dönemlerde, çocuklar hayatta
kalabilmekle ilgili bilgi ve becerileri topluluk içinde öğrenirlerdi.
Oyunlar oynanır, yiyecek, yakacak toplanır, av avlanır, şarkılar
söylenir, kutlamalar yapılır, günlük yaşam aileyle birlikte geçerdi.

Endüstri toplumlarının ilk dönemlerinde ise çocuklar üretim aracı olarak
küçük birer yetişkin olarak görüldüler. Aile üyeleri bölündüler,
günlerini fabrikalarda makine başında geçirmeye, akşamları bir araya
gelmeye başladılar. Artı, değer çoğaldıkça çocukların okula gönderilerek
eğitilmesine doğru bir geçiş oldu.
Şimdi hızla ilerleyen bilgi çağındayız ve çocuklar değişime çok hızla
adapte oluyorlar. Ebeveynler olarak bizim de adapte olmamız gerekiyor.
Teknoloji bizi korkutmasın, çocuklar hep çocuk, bize olan ihtiyaçları
hep aynı.
Tarihe baktığımızda ebeveynlerin çocukları ile geçirdikleri zaman
giderek azalıyor. Çocuklarımızla birlikte geçirdiğimiz zamanın değerini
bilelim derim. Görevimiz onlara iyi birer rehber olmak.
Davranışlarımızla örnek olalım. Düşünce süreçlerimizi paylaşalım ki
düşünmeyi öğrensinler. Mükemmel olmamız gerekmiyor, çocuklarımızın da
mükemmel olması gerekmiyor. İhtiyaçlarına duyarlı olalım. Onları
dinleyelim ve oldukları gibi kabul edelim. Kendimizi sevelim,
onlarında kendilerini sevmelerinin her şeyden daha önemli olduğunu hep
aklımızda tutalım.
Annenin ve babanın ideal olduğunu düşünürsek, onların dediklerini
dinleyerek ve yaparak hayat gerçekten öğrenilir mi? Deneyimin önemi
Kitaplardan hayatı ne kadar öğrenebiliyorsak, anne ve babamızı izleyerek
de hayatı o kadar öğrenebiliriz. Tabii ki çok şey öğreniyoruz onlardan,
ama cam fanusta da yaşamıyoruz. Zaten deneyimi durdurmak mümkün değil.
Her yeni gün yeni deneyimler getiriyor, çocuk okula gidiyor,
öğretmeniyle, arkadaşlarıyla ilişki kuruyor.
Evrimsel olarak ergenlik diye bir dönemin olması da anlamlı diye
düşünüyorum. Bu dönemde genç, ebeveynlerinin dünyasından çıkıyor, onunla
zıtlaşıyor ve kendi yolunu buluyor. Kişiliğimizin gelişmesi için bu
deneyimlere ihtiyaç duyuyoruz.
Okullar kurallara uymayı öğretiyor. Ama bizler robot değiliz, birey
olarak kurallara ne zaman uymayabileceğimizi, esnek olmayı da
öğrenmeliyiz. Yoksa hayatımızda yaratıcılık, irade, yaşam sevinci olmaz.
Gençlerin duygusal hayatlarındaki hayal kırıklarını, giden aşkları ve
özlemleri göz önünde bulundurursak, onlara ne gibi düşünce şekilleri
Gençlere şunları söylerim: Önerilerimi, ben dediğim için değil de,
her tutumu deneyip işinize yarıyorsa, hayatınızı kolaylaştırıyorsa, daha
iyi hissetmenize, ileriye gitmenize yardımcı oluyorsa, hayatın getirdiği
zorluklarla daha kolay baş etmenize yardımcı oluyorsa benimseyin.
Elinizde olanlara ve kendinizi geliştirmeye odaklanın. Bunun aksi zaman
ve enerji kaybı oluyor.
Hayatta her şeyden çok kendinizi sevmeye ve her halinizle kabul etmeye
ihtiyacınız var; kendinizi sevin.

Her an üzerinize düşen sorumlulukları en iyi şekilde yerine getirmeye
çalışın ve gelecekte her şeyin yolunda gideceğine inanın.
İlişkilerinizde kendinize nasıl davranılmasını istiyorsanız sizde
başkalarına öyle davranın.
Kıskançlık, rekabet duygularınızı tanıyın, ama onlara fazla önem
vermeyin; hep kendinizi bir adım ileriye götürmeyi amaç edinin.
Gençlerin duygusal hayatlarında yaşadıkları üzüntülerin derinliği,
yetiştirilme şekillerinden kaynaklanabilir mi? Bu bağlamda kendine
güvenen ve kendini seven çocuk yetiştirebilmenin önemi hakkında neler
Kesinlikle doğru bir değerlendirme yapmışsınız. Uzmanlar olarak biz,
çocuklara yönelik şiddetin her türünün, sözel veya fiziksel istismar
olduğunu biliriz. Çünkü şiddet ortamı, çocuğun benlik duygusunu zedeler;
kendini değersiz hissetmesine neden olur ve çaresizlik duyguları
yaşarken tüm hayat enerjisini, umudunu, neşesini alır götürür. Bunun
yanında başıboş bırakılan, kuralsız, sorun olmadığı sürece kimsenin
karışmadığı, hiçbir şeyin anlatılmadığı çocuklar vardır. Bu da bir
istismardır, çocuklar üzerindeki etkisi benzerdir.
Hayat düz bir çizgi şeklinde ilerlemiyor; inişleri çıkışları var. Her
zaman istediklerimizi elde edemiyoruz, bazen büyük kayıplarla baş
etmemiz gerekiyor. Kimi zaman bizden beklenenler becerilerimizin
üzerinde oluyor. Bazı durumlarda yoldan çıkmış arkadaşlar bizi kendi
aralarına almak istiyorlar. Bu durumlar karşısında etkili ve doğru
tutumlar seçebilenler ayakta kalıyor ve yollarına neredelerse oradan
devam ediyorlar. Bunu beceremeyenler kaçışa geçiyorlar. Bağımlılıklar,
ruh sağlığı sorunları, başarısızlık gibi sonuçlarını gözlemliyoruz.

Gerçekten de doğru tutumlar seçebilen gençlerin ortak özelliğinin

destekleyici, sevgiye dayanan aile ortamı olduğunu görüyoruz.
Ailelerin, çocukların ve gençlerin düşünce yapısını görmezden gelerek,
onlardan zorla ve inatla yüksek ve kendi istedikleri tarzda başarı
beklemeleri konusunda neler söyleyebilirsiniz? Bir ailenin “benim
çocuğumun yapabileceği de budur” demesi neden zordur onlar için?
Zorla yapılan ya da
yaptırılan hiçbir şeyden olumlu bir sonuç çıkmaz. Bir kere bunu netçe
ortaya koyalım.
Hiçbir ebeveyn bilerek çocuğuna zarar vermek istemez; ama gene de
çocuklarını belli kalıplara göre yetiştirmek için zora başvuran çok aile
var. Bunun nedeni aslında, ebeveynin kişi olarak kendini
gerçekleştirememiş olması bence. Yani ‘kendisi olarak’, sevdiği,
sevildiği, ürettiği, kabul edilip takdir edildiği tatmin edici bir
hayatının olmamasını kastediyorum. Kendi yapamadıklarını çocuğunun
yapmasını isteyerek, onu kendi yaşadığı tatminsizlik duygusundan
korumaya çalışır. Ancak korkuların bir özelliği, kendilerini

gerçekleştirme eğilimleridir. Ebeveyn de bu tutumuyla tam da çocuğu için
korktuğu duygunun oluşmasına ortam hazırlamış olur.
Bazen de ebeveyn bazı yönlerden başarılıdır ve başarının sadece ve
sadece bir tek tanımı ve yolu olduğunu düşünür ve bu inancına göre
çocuğuna baskı yapar.
Her iki halde de çocuk ebeveyn ilişkisi zarar görür; çocuğun benlik saygısı
ve kendine güveni zedelenir. İlköğretim 2. sınıf Hayat Bilgisi ders
kitabının ilk dönem derslerine bakmalarını öneririm. Herkesin her konuda
iyi olamayacağını, güçlü ve iyi olduğumuz özelliklerimizin farklı
olduğunu o kadar güzel anlatıyor ki! Çocuğunuzun zayıf olduğu konuda
başarılı olması için baskı kurmayın, zaman içinde sabırlı ve düzenli
çalışmayla her şeyi öğrenebileceğini, yapabileceğini söyleyin. Yoksa
başarısızlık kültürü yer ediyor ve çocuğun kimliği haline gelebiliyor.
Güçlü yönünü keşfedin birlikte ve üzerine gidin, başarı duygusunu
yaşayabilsin; siz onunla gurur duyun, ona bunu hissettirin. Büyük şeyler
olması gerekmiyor. Matematiği zor öğreniyor olabilir ama hızlı
koşuyordur. Zamana karşı derecelerini not edin, kendini aşsın, mutlu
olsun. Daha sonra matematiğe odaklanıp geliştirmesi çok daha kolay olur.
Bilmem anlatabildim mi?
Bu devirde çocuk ve
genç olmak neden zordur?
Şu anki kültür ortamımızda şiddet ve materyalizm ön plana çıkan değerler...
Çocuklar ve gençler, çizgi filmlerde, dizi filmlerde, haberlerde,
gazetede, evde, okulda şiddetle iç içe yaşıyor. Para kazanmak toplumun
%98’inin birincil motivasyonu ve insancıl değerler ve ihtiyaçlar yokmuş
gibi, önemli değilmiş gibi davranılıyor.
Ev ödevleri ve okul sonrası dershane sistemiyle eğitim çocukların ve
gençlerin gelişiminden çok bastırılmasına, çocukluklarını
yaşayamamalarına ve sorunlu bireyler olarak yetişmelerine ortam
hazırlıyor ne yazık ki!
Eğitimin amacı; sanki mutlu olmanın ön koşuluymuş gibi, iyi para
getirecek bir iş sahibi olabilmek olarak görülüyor. Eğitim sisteminde
başarısız olmak hayatta başarısız olmakla eş anlamlıymış gibi
algılanıyor, oysa bu doğru değil. Eğitim sisteminde başarılı olup, iyi
para getiren bir işi olan ama aynı zamanda son derece mutsuz insanlar
var. Bir kısmının iyi bir işi de yok. Aynı şekilde hayatta mutluluğu
yakalamış birçok insanın da eğitim sisteminde başarı gösterememiş
olduğunu görüyoruz.
Bu devirde çocuk ve
genç olmak neden kolaydır?
Bu dönemde çocuk ve genç olmanın en büyük avantajı bence bilginin bu denli
ulaşılabilir olması. İnternet sayesinde, vizyonu olan bir genç, fazla
bir maddi olanağı olmasa bile kendini yetiştirebilir, kendisi gibi
düşünen insanlarla iletişim kurabilir.

Türk ebeveyn yapısının, çocuklarına geleneksel olarak yansıttığı en
olumlu ve en olumsuz yan nedir sizce?
Tabii genelleştirmelerden bahsedince biraz durumu basitleştirmiş
oluyoruz ama bence Türk ailesinde çocuklar iyi bir evlat olma yönünde
yetiştirilir. Bir başka kültürde kendi kendine yeten, onurlu ve mutlu
bir birey olmak ön plana çıkabilirdi.
Bizim kültürümüzde özellikle büyük erkek çocuktan beklenen, büyümesi,
para kazanıp, anne babasına ve varsa kardeşlerine bakabilir olmasıdır.
Anne-babalar, çocuklarını ekonomik bir kaynak ve gelecek garantisi
olarak görme eğilimindedirler; yani yaşlanınca onlara bakmaları
beklentisi çok belirgindir. Yani çocuklar ebeveynlerinin bir
uzantısıdırlar ve onların kendilerini iyi hissetmelerini sağladıkları
sürece sevilir ve desteklenirler.
Bu olmadığında ise oldukça acımasızlaşma potansiyelleri vardır. Dışlama,
sözel ve fiziksel şiddet, maddi manevi desteği çekme gibi ciddi travmaya
neden olan tepkiler gösterebilirler. Bağımsız olma, kendi başına karar
verme özellikleri pek desteklenmez. Bu durumun olumlu yanı; çocuğun
arkasında uzun süre ailesinin desteğini hissetmesi, zor anında ailesine
dönebilmesiyken, olumsuz yanı; birey olarak kişilik gelişiminin ve
farklılıklarının desteklenmemesidir. Anne ve babaların vizyonları ile
sınırlı olunca, bizim toplumumuzda gençler, potansiyellerini
gerçekleştirmekte zorlanıyorlar.
Bu anlamlı soruları bana yönelterek fikirlerimi paylaşma fırsatı sunduğunuz
için çok teşekkürler.
değerli bilgilerden dolayı bizler de çok teşekkür ederiz. Sizin de ifade
ettiğiniz gibi; “ Her birimiz bir feneriz. Işık saçmaya devam ettikçe,
mutlu çocuklar ve gençler azınlık olmaktan çıkacaklar…”
İnsana dair her şeyi konuşmak için yeni konular ve yeni sorularla, Aile
ve Evlilik Terapisti, Uzman Psikolog İrem Bray ile tekrar birlikte
Siz ve hayatınız, her ne şartta olursa olsun. Değerlisiniz.
Gülümsemeniz dileğiyle. Hayat güzeldir. Hayallerinizi ertelemeyin…
Uzman Psikolog İrem Bray


100 Ways to Save The Environment

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 11:30pm

In Your Home – Conserve In Your Home In Your Office Ways to Use Less
Energy – Reduce 49. Copy and Water
1. Clean or replace air filters on Toxicity print on 73. Check and fix
your air conditioning unit at least both sides any water
once a month. of paper. leaks.
29. Eliminate 50. Reuse items
2. If you have central air mercury 74. Install water-
conditioning, do not close vents like saving
from your envelopes,
in unused rooms. home by devices on
3. Lower the thermostat on your folders and your faucets
purchasing paper clips.
water heater to 120. items and toilets.
4. Wrap your water heater in an 51. Use mailer 75. Don't wash
without sheets for
insulated blanket. mercury, dishes with
5. Turn down or shut off your water interoffice the water
and mail instead
heater when you will be away dispose of running
for extended periods. of an continuously.
items envelope.U
6. Turn off unneeded lights even containing 76. Wash and dry
when leaving a room for a short se mailer only full
mercury at sheets for
time. an loads of
7. Set your refrigerator temperature interoffice laundry and
appropriat mail instead
at 36 to 38 and your freezer at 0 e drop-off dishes.
to 5 . of an 77. Follow your
facility envelope.
8. When using an oven, minimize when community's
door opening while it is in use; it 52. Set up a water use
necessary bulletin
reduces oven temperature by 25 (e.g. old restrictions or
to 30 every time you open the board for guidelines.
thermomet memos
door. ers). 78. Install a low-
9. Clean the lint filter in your dryer instead of flow shower
30. Learn sending a
after every load so that it uses about head.
less energy. copy to 79. Replace old
alternative each
10. Unplug seldom used appliances. s to toilets with
11. Use a microwave when- ever employee. new ones that
household 53. Use e-mail
you can instead of a cleaning use a lot less
conventional oven or stove. instead of water.
items that paper
12. Wash clothes with warm or cold do not use 80. Turn off
water instead of hot. correspond washing
hazardous ence.
13. Reverse your indoor ceiling fans chemicals. machine's
for summer and winter 54. Use water supply
31. Buy the recycled
operations as recommended. right to prevent
14. Turn off lights, computers and paper. leaks.
amount of 55. Use
other appliances when not in use. paint for
15. Purchase appliances and office discarded
the job. paper for
Ways to
equipment with the Energy Star
Label; old refridgerators, for
32. Review scrap paper. Protect
labels of 56. Encourage Our Water
example, use up to 50 more household
electricity your school 81. Revegetate or
cleaners and/or mulch
than newer models. you use.
16. Only use electric appliances company to disturbed soil
Consider print as soon as
when you need them. alternative
17. Use compact fluorescent documents possible.
s like with soy- 82. Never dump
light bulbs to save baking
money and energy. based inks, anything
soda, which are down a storm
18. Keep your thermostat at scouring
68 in winter and 78 in less toxic. drain.
pads, 57. Use a 83. Have your
summer. water or a
19. Keep your thermostat higher in ceramic septic tank
little more coffee mug pumped and
summer and lower in winter elbow
when you are away instead of a system

20. Insulate your home as best as 33. When no disposable inspected
you can. good cup. regularly.
21. Install weather stripping around alternative 84. Check your
all doors and windows. s exist to a car for oil or
22. Shut off electrical equipment in toxic item, Ways To other leaks,
the evening when you leave find the and recycle
work. least
Protect motor oil.
23. Plant trees to shade your home. amount Our Air 85. Take your car
24. Shade outside air conditioning required 58. Ask your to a car wash
units by trees or other means. for an employer to instead of
25. Replace old windows with effective, consider washing it in
energy efficient ones. sanitary flexible the driveway.
26. Use cold water instead of warm result. work 86. Learn about
or hot water when possible. 34. If you schedules your
27. Connect your outdoor lights to a have an or watershed.
timer. older telecommut
home, ing.
have paint 59. Recycle Create
28. Buy green electricity - electricity
in your printer
produced by low - or even zero-
cartridges. Less Trash
pollution facilities (NC home 87. Buy items in
tested for 60. Shut off
Greenpower for North Carolina - bulk from
lead. If electrical
www.ncgreenpower.org). loose bins
you have equipment
In your home-reduce when
lead-based in the
tohttp://www.seql.org/100ways.c possible to
paint, evening
fmxicity. reduce the
cover it when you
leave work. packaging
with wall wasted.
paper or 61. Report
smoking 88. Avoid
other products with
material vehicles to
your local several layers
instead of of packaging
sanding it air agency.
62. Don't use when only
or burning one is
it off. your wood
stove or sufficient.
35. Use traps About 33 of
instead of fireplace
when air what we
rat and throw away is
mouse quality is
poor. packaging.
poisons 89. Buy products
and insect 63. Avoid
slow- that you can
killers. reuse.
36. Have your burning,
smoldering 90. Maintain and
home repair durable
tested for fires. They
produce the products
radon. instead of
37. Use cedar largest
amount of buying new
chips or ones.
aromatic pollution.
64. Burn 91. Check reports
herbs for products
instead of seasoned
wood - it that are easily
mothballs. repaired and
cleaner than have low
In breakdown
Your wood. rates.
Yard 65. Use solar 92. Reuse items
38. Avoid power for like bags and
using leaf home and containers
blowers water when
and other heating. possible.
93. Use cloth

dust- 66. Use low- napkins
producing VOC or instead of
equipment. water-based paper ones.
39. Use an paints, 94. Use reusable
electric stains, plates and
lawn- finishes and utensils
mower paint instead of
instead of strippers. disposable
a gas- 67. Purchase ones.
powered radial tires 95. Use reusable
one. and keep containers to
40. Leave them store food
grass properly instead of
clippings inflated for aluminum
on the your foil and cling
yard-they vehicle. wrap.
decompose 68. Paint with 96. Shop with a
and return brushes or canvas bag
nutrients to rollers instead of
the soil. instead of using paper
41. Use using spray and plastic
recycled paints to bags.
wood minimize 97. Buy
chips as harmful rechargeable
mulch to emissions. batteries for
keep 69. Ignite devices used
weeds charcoal frequently.
down, barbecues 98. Reuse
retain with an packaging
moisture electric cartons and
and probe or shipping
prevent other materials.
erosion. alternative Old
42. Use only to lighter newspapers
the fluid. make great
required 70. If you use a packaging
amount of wood stove, material.
fertilizer. use one 99. Compost
43. Minimize sold after your
pesticide 1990. They vegetable
use. are required scraps.
44. Create a to meet
wildlife federal 100.Buy used
habitat in emissions furniture -
your yard. standards there is a
45. Water and are surplus of it,
grass early more and it is
in the efficient much cheaper
morning. and than new
46. Rent or cleaner furniture.
borrow burning.
items like 71. Walk or
ladders, ride your
chain bike instead
saws, party of driving,
decoration whenever
s and possible.
others that 72. Join a
are seldom carpool or
used. vanpool to

47. Take get to work.
that use
s (e.g., to
ward off
pests, plant
in a garden
instead of
48. Put leaves
in a
instead of
them or
away. Yard
debris too
large for
bin should
be taken to
a yard-


Serpil Doğançay - 4.01.2010 Tutulması
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 11:33pm

Sevgili Arkadaşlar,

4 Ocak 2011 Salı günü saat 10:51 civarında Oğlak burcunda yeniay ve Güneş tutulması

21 Aralıktaki Ay tutulmasının ardından, hemen yeni yıl ertesi gerçekleşen Güneş tutulması
2011 yılına yeni enerjilerle girmemize vesile

Güneş tutulması öncesindeki 3 gün karanlıktır, Güneş ve Ay birleşirler, tutulmayla birlikte
yeniay başlar ve birkaç gün içinde yeni doğan
Ay’ı görürüz gökyüzünde. Tutulmanın 1 gün öncesi ise en karanlık gecedir…Bu
günlerde içimizdeki karanlıklar bize kendini gösteriyor olabilir, paniğe
kapılmayalım, girelim içine o duyguların içine ve serbest bırakalım. Avatar’daki
ormanın karanlıklarını hatırlayalım yine…karanlıklarda IŞIK, muhteşem
güzellikler ve henüz buluşmadığımız bilgiler saklı. Korkuyla baktığımızda ise
acı, savaş ve sevgisizlik görüyoruz karanlıklarda.

Oğlak burcunun gezegeni Satürn zamanın efendisidir. Bu günlerde bize “zaman

içinde sıkıştığımız anıları gösteriyor olabilir. Unuttuğumuzu sandığımız bazı
anılar su yüzüne çıkıyorsa, hala “o zamanda” yaşıyor gibi hissediyor olabiliriz.
Sanki zaman kompartımanlarındayız ve hep aynı yerde dönüp dönüp duruyor bir
parçamız…Açalım kapıları bırakalım o kompartımanda kalmış olan parçamız
özgürleşsin artık…O parçamızı kendi bütünlüğümüze davet edelim

Ne yaptıysak yaptık, ne deneyimlediysek deneyimledik. Belki kendimizi, belki sevdiklerimizi

zorladık geçmişte veya bizi zorladılar.
Mevlana’nın dediği gibi, “Hamdık, piştik, yandık”…Yaşamın ortasındaysak eğer,
cam bir fanus içinde korunmadıysak, mutlaka ama mutlaka, hamdık, piştik ve

Aslında iç ve dış bilgilerimizle bu güne kadar kendimizi mükemmel bir şekilde

gerçekleştirdik hepimiz! İşte 21 Aralık ve tutulma tüm bu iç ve dış
bilgilerden özgürleşme fırsatı veren ve İLAHİ YARDIM aldığımız çok önemli bir

Yine çok önemli bir tutulma var önümüzde. Yarın.

Oğlak burcu içine doğduğumuz SİSTEMİ simgeliyor. 26 Haziran 2010 tarihinde yine Oğlak
burcunda çok güçlü bir tutulma olmuştu Pluton ile kavuşum yapan. O tutulma Ay
tutulması idi ve var olan sistemin sonlanması için destek

Yönetici konumundaki arkadaşlar bilirler Ye kuşağını…ya da 18-25 yaş grubunda çocukları

olan ebeveynler bilirler, bu kuşak var olan sisteme
uymuyor. Otoriteye uymuyor. Sadece söylendiği için yapmıyorlar hiç bir şeyi.
Anlam bulmak istiyorlar. Gereksiz baskıyı, kişilikleri bastıran “geleneksel
sistemi” umursamıyorlar. Bazı büyük kuruluşlarda bu kuşağa yönelik yeni
uygulamalar başlatılmış. Yani, bu kuşak var olan sistemi değiştirmeye başladı
zaten bir süredir. İçine doğduğumuz korkuya ve dış dünyanın gücüne, paranın
gücüne, ünvanın gücüne dayalı olan sistem artık değişiyor! Döngüsü 26
Hazirandaki Oğlak tutulmasıyla kapanmıştı…

4 Ocaktaki tutulma ise yeniay ve Güneş tıutulması…


Ekonomi, yönetim, para politikaları, ünvanlar ve var olan dış dünya etkisine yönelik eski
döngü ve eski enerji artık görevini tamamladı.
Hem de muhteşem bir şekilde. Artık yeni bir döneme gidiyoruz 2011’den itibaren.
Ye kuşağını nasıl anlamsız kurallar içine alamıyorsak, biz de sınırlanamayacağız
artık yeni dönemde.

İçsel özgürlüğümüzü ve içsel gücümüzü elimize alıyoruz. Çünkü gerçek GÜÇ dış dünyadan,
paradan, toplumun onaylamasından vs.
den değil, sadece ve sadece KENDİ İÇİMİZDEN geliyor.

Pluton ve Kuzey Ay Düğümü tam Tepe Noktasından köklü değişimi tetikliyor. Bizi gerçekten
olan hedeflere yönelik doludizgin gitmemiz için nerdeyse arkadan itiliyoruz bu
tutulma ile. Ancak eğer bulunduğumuz yerden hoşnut değilsek artık yeni bir yola
girme zamanı geliyor. Ait olmadığımız ortamlarda, çalışmalarda kalamayacağımız
bir döneme girdiğimizi söyleyebiliriz. Bunun için de kendimizi görebilmemiz
gerekiyor. Odağımızı dış dünyadan kendimize döndürerek yolumuzu görebiliriz.
Bize ne söylendiği değil, bizim ne gördüğümüz önemli olan!

Ruhumuzun ihtiyacını fark etmeye başlayacağımız bir dönem başlıyor bu tutulma ile.
Spiritüel gelişim, felsefe, kendimizi ve insanlığı anlayabilmeye uyanış, var
olan tüm öğretilerdeki ve inançlardaki derin ve ötesi anlamları kavrayabilmeye
uyanışa tetikleniyoruz. Tüm bilgiler, öğretiler, inançlar ve hatta gökyüzü,
şimdiki bilincimize yönelik ne söylüyor bize? Toplumsal ayrılıklarda, inanç
ayrılıklarında daha ne kadar kalabiliriz ki artık? Açılan yol aydınlanma
yoludur. GERİ adım atmayı bekleyebilir miyiz?

Tüm kalıplardan ve bizi tutsak eden toplumsal bilinçten çıkabilir miyiz? Buna cesaret edebilir
Paramıza, sosyal statümüze, toplumda kabul edilen ünvanımıza, toplum tarafından
onaylanmaya, göz önünde olmaya, medyatik olmaya, emeklilik sigortamıza, sağlık
sigortamıza vs. ne kadar bağımlıyız???

BEN NEREDE tüm bunların arasında? Bir gün elimizdekiler artık elimizde olmayabilir! Oysa
BENimiz her zaman bizimle
ve gerçek gücümüz de sadece ve sadece ondan geliyor.

İşte bu bilinç hepimizin içinde tetikleniyor 4 Ocak tutulmasıyla.

Para ya yönelik yeni bir dönem başlıyorJ Para da tüm maddeler gibi enerji…Ona GÜÇ
olarak , korkuyla
ve rekabetle değil, SEVGİ olarak ve yaptığımız işe inanarak, bize gelmesini hak
görerek yaklaşırsak, bereketimiz çok daha fazla olacaktır. Aynı işi herkes
“kendi” olarak yapar ve eğer biz işimizi rekabetle değil sevgiyle yapıyorsak,
bunun karşılığında bereket mutlaka gelecektir. Para onunla tüm eski kalıplardan
özgürleşerek enerjisel bağlantı kurmamızı bekliyor. Sözde değil!….gerçekten
inanarak ve hissederek!


The Year Ahead
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 3, 2011 at 11:36pm

a message from Allison Rae

30 December, 2010

The past dissolving, future not yet formed, all of creation rests in the dark emptiness, the
shadow, between. This is the next eclipse, and it's coming right up.

For those of us in the Americas, the partial new moon solar eclipse will happen overnight
Monday going into Tuesday morning. Across the Atlantic, the eclipse is Tuesday, January 4. A
darkening of the Sun will be visible in Europe, the Middle East, Africaand much of Asia.

Solar eclipses are super-charged new moons. Whether seen or merely felt, this eclipsed
meeting of the Sun and Moon signals not only the beginning of a new year but also an
enormous energy shift into the next evolution on Earth.

If you're feeling excited, jittery, disoriented, lethargic, apprehensive, elated or any

combination of the above, you're probably highly sensitive and already
picking up on this potent planetary configuration.

Something big is indeed about to happen.

Eclipse details

Eclipses are special alignments of the Sun, Earth and Moon that happen twice a
year, in pairs or triads. The electromagnetic energy shifts associated with eclipses affect the
tides, weather and seismic activity on Earth. With an event of this magnitude, we can feel
unsettled in our bodies at eclipse time.
Since ancient times, eclipses have been viewed as portents of change. This is because the

shifting electromagnetics help break up energy patterns so something new can take shape.

Eclipse periods are also potent times for manifestation. The creative potential in the January 4
event requests our attention.

This week's eclipse is paired with the galactically charged Total Lunar Eclipse on the
December 21 Solstice, and energy patterns have been shifting around intensely for the past
two weeks. What's been held deeply in the subconscious has surfaced, provoking healing and
integration. With a little bit of focus on Monday-Tuesday as the Sun and Moon meet in
Capricorn, a new matrix clicks into place, and away we go into 2011.

The impact of our thoughts and prayers goes quantum with this powerful alignment at the
beginning of a brand new year. How perfect it is to energize our intentions for 2011 in this

Here's the timing:

Eclipse begins 6:40 AM GMT (January 4)

Greatest eclipse 8:50 AM GMT
Eclipse ends 11 AM GMT

To convert to your time zone:


What it's about

In a solar eclipse, as darkness crosses the face of the Sun, we're transported into the quantum
field of infinite possibility. The cosmos fuels our intent.

In this alignment, the Sun and Moon meet in mid-Capricorn. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld,
and Mars, the Warrior, are also transiting Capricorn. The Sabian symbols for their positions
speak volumes about the meaning and potential in this alignment.

14 Capricorn (Sun-Moon): An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a

long-forgotten culture. An alternative description reads: A vast pile of Mayan ruins in tropical
America discloses a perfectly preserved bas-relief carved in the granite.

And, as the Sun crosses 13 Capricorn on the way to meet the Moon, the symbol is: A fire
worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.

5 Capricorn (Pluto): An American Indian encampment rests by the side of a canoe-filled
stream and on shore the war dance commences.

21 Capricorn (Mars): Excitement fills the grandstands during the relay race as each runner
springs to his place with eagerness.

Amid the ramped-up energies of the new year and the many challenges and changes we face
in this dawn of the next world age, a message is embedded in the sacred remains of the
Ancient Ones, a cellular
activation, memory of home.

Jupiter and Uranus contribute galactic overtones as they align for an exact conjunction in late
Pisces, square to the Galactic Core.

Communing with the Ancestors, the elements and spirit world, the Earth, Sun, Moon, the
other planets, the stars and the Great Beyond fuels our manifestation
process as divine co-creators embarking on the journey of a lifetime.

Expect miracles

A lot of people are asking about life purpose these days. Even if you're not clear what your
purpose is, or the next expression of it, now is a perfect time to make a commitment to serve
in the awakening, the evolution of consciousness on Earth.

Capricorn asks us to take responsibility. Pisces connects us with spirit guidance and the
unseen realms.

Imagine the future you long for future generations to inherit. Dream big. Open
to the ways you might, in this life, help bring about your vision. Find others who share a
similar vision. As I wrote in my 2011 Astro Forecast, evolutionary forces support the kind of
quantum shift that will help our dreams manifest suddenly.

Within this moment of infinite possibility, open to the miraculous. Om Shanti

More about the December-January eclipse series:


Astro Forecast 2011-2012 and Beyond:


Here's a lovely opportunity to connect with others in global meditation at sunset leading into
the solar eclipse alignment:

2011 Astro Forecast Interview with Carl Munson - January 4, 2011

Carl Munson with Barefoot blogspot radio has invited me to talk about the forecast for 2011
in a special interview just after the eclipse on Tuesday.

Click here to tune in. The interview will also be posted in the archives for later listening.

2011 Astro Forecast Teleconference - January 11, 2011

Join others from around the world for a 90-minute program previewing the
celestial energies and quantum potential of 2011. The event will be recorded, so you don't
have to be live on the call to receive the information.



2011 Astro Forecast Presentation in Morro Bay, CA - January 12, 2011

If you're in central California, you're invited to a special live presentation. Veteran astrologer
Harry Farmer and I will team up for a two-hour astro forecast event at Coalesce Bookstore's
Garden Chapel in Morro Bay.





PYHORAS (PİSAGOR) (İ.Ö. 596-500)...
 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 4, 2011 at 12:08am

Samos’lu Pisagor’un, İsa’dan önce 596 yıllarında doğduğu tahmin ediliyor. Doğumu gibi
ölüm tarihi de kesin değildir. Hayatı hakkında çok az bilgiler vardır. Bu bilgilerin birçoğu da
kulaktan kulağa söylentiler biçiminde gelmiştir. Yunan filozofu ve matematikçisidir.
Ülkesinde hüküm süren politik baskılardan kaçarak, İtalya’nın güneyindeki Kroton şehrine
gelmiş ve ünlü okulunu burada açarak şöhrete kavuşmuştur.
Söylentilere göre, Pisagor’un matematik, fizik, astronomi, felsefe ve müzikte getirmek
istediği yenilik, buluşlar ve ışıkları hazmedemeyen bir takım siyaset ve din yobazları halkı
Pisagor’a karşı ayaklandırarak okulunu ateşe vermişler, Pisagor ve öğrencileri bu okulun
içinde alevler arasında İ.Ö.500 yıllarında ölmüşlerdir. Pisagor’un ve öğrencilerinin
yaptıklarının birçoğu bu alevler arasında yok olup gitmiştir.
Geometride, aksiyomlar ve postülatlar her şeyden önce gelmelidir. Sonuçlar bu aksiyom ve
postülatlardan yararlanılarak elde edilmelidir düşüncesini ilk bulan ve ilk uygulayan
matematikçi Pisagor’dur. Matematiğe aksiyomatik düşünceyi ve ispat fikrini getiren yine
Pisagor’dur. Çarpma cetvelinin bulunuşu ve geometriye uygulanması, yine Pisagor tarafından
yapılmıştır. Yaşayış ve inanışı, ilimle açıklama ve yorumlamayı o getirmiştir. Gerçel eksenin
sayı sisteminde kullanılmasını düşünmüştür.
Pisagor’un adını 2.600 yıldır andıran, onu ünlü yapan ve insanlığın varolduğu sürece de
sonsuza kadar da andıracak meşhur teoremi şudur: Bir dik üçgende, dik kenarlar üzerine
kurulan karelerin alanlarının toplamı, hipotenüs üzerine kurulan karenin alanına eşittir.
Pisagor teoremi, rasyonel sayılarla ölçülemeyen uzunluğun da varolduğunu gösterir.
“Evrenin hakimi sayıdır. Sayılar evreni yönetiyor.” Sözleri de Pisagor’a aittir.
Pisagor’un mistik tarafları çoktur. Evren hakkında bugünkü gerçeklere uymayan düşünceler
de ileri sürmüştür. Bunları bir tarafa bırakırsak, yine yaşadığı çağa göre matematikçi yönü çok
ağır basar. Pisagor, Mısır’da ve Babil’de çok gezdi. Rahiplerden ilim öğrendi. Yaşadığı çağ ve
aldığı rahip eğitimini göz önüne alınırsa, bunda yadırganacak pek bir şey yoktur. Matematiğe
ispat fikrini getiren Pisagor için, sosyal ve şahsi yaşantısı bu kadar eleştiriye değmez.
Pisagor’dan önce, geometride, şekillerin aralarındaki bağlılıklar gösterilmeksizin elde
edilenler, görenek ve tecrübeye dayanan bir takım kurallardı. Bu nedenle, daha önce gelen bir
yetkili ne demişse o sürüp gidiyordu. Pisagor’un matematiğe ispat fikrini sokması bu yüzden
çok önemlidir.



Are you are ready to take the Cosmic
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 4, 2011 at 12:18am

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - Message from Palenque Mexico - Dec 8-9, 2010

The following is the part ONE of messages that we received, during our most recent journey
to Palenque, in December of 2010. You can find other and future messages posted on our
at www.AlunaJoy.com under the link
entitled "Articles on Personal & Planetary Transformation ". We are sharing
this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with little
editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that
we receive are not just for our groups, but are for humanity also. So as you
read this, just imagine that you were there with us . . . the Masters and Star
Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be
transmitted to you. You might want to imagine that you are sitting with us in
the Maya Temples.

During our opening circle in Villahermosa, on December 7, the Star

Elders showed Aluna a large diving board, and they asked her "Are you ready to
jump?" Little did we know that the diving board was going to be quite a
significant symbol to us all during our pilgrimage.

As we entered Palenque for the first time . . .

The Star Elders say Palenque (and soon the entire world) is a clean slate, and because we are
on the Earth physically, our
energy will become a clean slate too. The energy at this time is very neutral.
The only feeling that is here is that of pure energy with no definition attached
to it. This is why it is hard for us to feel anything today. This energy of the
cleaning has been going on since we were in Peru in September, so I am not
surprised to feel this. Palenque is expressed as heart energy very much like the
high, Peruvian Andes. They are similar energies.

We are sitting in the hall of records inside the main palace. Palenque is a cosmic university.
Star Elders would encourage teachers and students to stand in the center of this
place and speak from spirit . . . speak from their hearts. It really put the
pressure on the student, because you were asked to let something deep inside of
you out. If you were not brave enough, the student would get pushed and prodded
until they did. It is a little like life right now don't you think? We all know
that we have this special place inside of us, that place that we have all been
struggling to let out. We know it is the last piece of a grand puzzle. This is

what they taught in Palenque; how to let that last piece out so we can be fully
integrated and whole. As I look inside, I see a dot of light blue color . . .
and when I open my eyes, all of your faces are turning gold. I hope we learn
what this means as we go along (we did by the way!).

December 09, 2010 - near The Temple of the SUN

OK . . . I am sitting here in the moment, and I feel all kinds of stuff that I can't describe. I ask
for help and the Star
Elders say "Just start talking". And I respond by saying "What do you mean
"start talking"?" And they said "Just start talking, and follow where it leads."
The Star Elders say that life on Earth from this point on is going to come from
a constant NOW moment. So we won't get an idea of what the next message is going
to be until we open our mouths and start talking, or start taking some form of
action. I told them "What you are asking is going to be uncomfortable, because I
don't know what I am going to say or do yet." And the Star Elders say but that
is the way it is going to be for all of us. We are going to feel uncomfortable,
because we won't know what the next thing IS until we ARRIVE, because the only
thing that actually IS, is NOW. Does that make sense? So they are making me talk
from a very uncomfortable place for my ego.

The Star Elders are saying that the energy that we felt last March, which was 260 days ago,
has already
integrated. It has rebooted the site. That is why they wouldn't let me make a
sacred site essence last year, because the process was not finished. They say
that now it has fully integrated, and the slate has been cleaned. What is left
is this pure energy, pure potential. The best way we can describe the energy
today is welcoming. There is a feeling like we belong, along with a powerful
heart energy, but there is no definition.

So I ask The Star Elders "Well, are WE supposed to ADD definition? Or. . . Are we supposed
to stay in
this place where there is no definition?" Well I didn't get a direct answer. No
surprise. The Star Elders say it is all of the above. We have options . . . We
can stay neutral, and stay in this neutral undefined place, and live from an
eternal moment. Or we can add definition by creating something in this energy.
It is up to us what we create in this energy now. The out of date history and
the out of date energy of this place has been wiped clean, but the energy that
was anchored in truth, that relates to the new world, is still here in Palenque
and on Earth. This is for us to uncover now. A lot of events in history are not
relevant for what is coming next. Even the ancients knew that at this time the
value of sacred sites would change dramatically. The ancient ones anchored their
knowledge and wisdom in these temples in an age long past. This is not the age
that we are entering into now. There is some appropriate knowledge and wisdom
here from that age long past, but it is very subtle. This truth is something
that we might absorb without ever knowing it with our minds, but we will hear it
in our hearts. All the words that I am using here are not working appropriately,
but the heart energy, the welcoming energy, the feeling of home that this has
been left for us is quite appropriate.

This new, clean energy is anchoring inside of us now, as it is with the rest of the world. From

clear, clean point, we will have the ability to begin to re-create a better
world. We will apply what the ancients have left us here, and raise it to a
whole evolutionary level higher. Sometimes we go to sacred sites, and we think,
the ancients had it, and that we don't. We think that what they had is better
than what we have right now. This is not true. What they left us is a strong
foundation stone in which to build something even better. Even Jeshua said "What
I have done, you can do also and greater things." Now the time has come where
the slate has been cleared, and greater things are upon us, and it is our job to
create them. We have the ability to do that now.

An issue which we all face today is that we are still trying to create in the ways of the past.
We say
. . . "Okay, what do I want to do? Where do I want to move to next? Where do I
want to live? What do I want to eat? What do I want to study?" We are trying to
create something new by doing it the old way. That is not going to work as we
are starting to find out. We say we will do this, and we will do that, and then
all of a sudden the cosmic brakes go on, and we realize that we can't do it. It
is not working. We are not feeling it. We are going through the motions, but it
is all feeling rather empty. Does that make sense? We are feeling a real,
profound emptiness in everything, even though we are doing things which were
once more meaningful. The universe is beginning to erase our memory of how we
used to do things, so we can learn to do things in a new way. This is why when
we do things the same old way, even if we change it up, or think that we are
doing something different, it feels empty. There is something inside of us that
is trying to burst forth that is different in every way, and this new way is
going to relate to the new world that we are entering into. Does that make

I am telling the Star Elders that we need some kind of foot hold in that new world, because we
have to start building with something like a
foundation stone, and right now there is only undefined energy. So, what we need
to ask in each one of us is to ask for this foundation stone. We need to ask for
the "constant" that exists in all dimensions. If we don't uncover our foundation
stone, we will try to create it, but it will feel like we are spinning around in
circles. Like a hamster on a wheel. Nothing will feel quite right, and we won't
get anywhere. We are looking for a new foundation stone, a constant, on which to
build something brand-new. The Star Elders always say to expect the unexpected
and to keep our minds open. What we are looking for might not be what we expect.
It might be a completely different direction which we never thought. We might do
something which we thought we might never do. Expect the unexpected.

When we arrived yesterday, the site was completely empty of any persons, except for
guards. There was nobody here. This was a great blessing and gift from the
ancient ones. They began to infuse us with this new undefined energy. That is
why when Donna said "I don't feel anything", it was so great, because she was
speaking the absolute truth, and was not afraid to do so. What we need now is
courage like that. It is going to take courage, because we are going to be doing
things that we didn't expect we would do, or feel things that we didn't expect
to feel. We won't know what they are, because we have never experienced them

before. We are going to feel things, but we will not understand how to describe

Example: There is an old Maya story about when the conquistadors came over in their ships,
and they started coming toward the Yucatán and the
Mexican peninsula. The shamans knew something was up, because they could feel
something shifting. Something was different. At first they couldn't see the
ships, because nobody had trained them to see a ship. It wasn't in their
consciousness or programming. So they didn't understand what was out there. So
the shamans kept digging and digging, because that is what shamans do; they
excavate, and they track energy. Pretty soon they got a very small glimpse of
it, but it didn't make sense to them. But they had to be brave and begin to
share the small piece with others, even though they didn't have the entire
picture yet. The shamans started drawing what they thought it might be in the
sand. Pretty soon the shamans could see the ships, and shortly thereafter,
everybody could see the ships. You see this was an energy that they had not been
exposed to. So that energy didn't have a definition based in their memory and in
their bodies. Does this make sense? So that is where we are. We are in a huge
potential of unlimited energy right now. We are getting exposed to it now.
However, we don't understand it, and we can't define it. I can't imagine a more
perfect or pure place than Palenque to be exposed to this new energy.

There are things beginning to develop in this new creation . . . this new world . . . , because
we have been dreaming them into existence for some
time now. We have been dreaming and cooking up ideas, and we have been planting
them in the future. All of these dreams have started to manifest in spirit. Just
now we are stepping into this new energy. The number seven, today's number in
the Maya calendar, represents being in between the spirit world and the physical
world. It is the doorway in between. Our group energy is seven Etznab, the
mirror. And what does a mirror do? It reflects anything that you are feeling and
thinking. The first thing we do before we create anything is we have an idea.
Everything gets created in spirit first. So that is what we have been doing. We
have been creating in spirit for years in preparation for building a bridge. I
think we are crossing over this bridge this year. I think this is so because I
watch. Many people are complaining about feeling bored. They say "I am trying
everything, and nothing seems to be work." Many are letting go of their entire
lives in order to set themselves free, yet they don't know where they are going
to fly to. Remember on the first day the Star Elders showed us a big diving
board? And I asked "What is it? or Where does it go?, as I stood on the diving
board to look over. It was the entire universe. We have the ability to use the
energy of the entire universe to create what we want. So what I feel we need now
is just that one foundation stone . . . one little, tiny, eansy-beansy thing
that we can grasp on to define, so that we can start building on the other side
of the world instead of being the hamster on the wheel in this old world.

This is what I call spiritual archaeology. You just kind of have to dig and dig and dig with
your soul, with your heart and with your spirit to find
what is next. What is next is not what we will expect it to be, and we might not
recognize it right away. We needed the clean slate to make room for what we are
receiving now. Be choosy and particular about what you draw into yourself now,

because what you will receive now will be the pieces of the construction
material that you are going to need to build this new world.

The ancestors have been telling me that they got us this far down the path, but now
it is on our shoulders, because we will be the ancestors of the future
generations. So what they did in this age, when they built these places, was an
anchoring for this whole age, which has now become a stepping stone to get us to
the next level.

We have to let go of everything from this world. Some people are doing that in the physical
reality. They are letting go of their
jobs, their houses, they are moving, they have set themselves completely free,
and they are just fluttering around like the butterfly, not quite knowing where
they are supposed to land, because we don't have that foundation stone set in
the new place. Because we are going to be the new future ancestors, thousands of
years from now, people are going to look back and say "What were they
thinking?", and "What does this mean?" The Star Elders have been telling me for
20 - 30 years that we are going to be the ones that they are going to look back
on and say "Wow! What's that?" And I know it is not going to be the banking and
oil companies and all the big buildings that we see now.

We were all born asleep with very little consciousness, and we need clues from the ancients
to help us get up to speed. It is good that we are born with just a little bit
of consciousness, because what happened in past lives was not necessarily a good
thing. We don't want to stock pile all those memories on top of one another,
because by the time we arrive, after 10 or 20 lifetimes, we are a mess. We have
to be cleaned out. So . . . our physical form passes away, we return to the
stars, and then we are cleaned up and rebooted. Then we are left with a small
seed or foundation stone, so that when we arrive back here in another
incarnation, we can rebuild our life without all the baggage that we collected
in a past life.

So this New World which we are entering into is like another life in which we are being
reborn BUT . . . we are still retaining our
physical body. It is a more profound transformation, because we are not being
physically reborn. We are being spiritually re-born. We are staying in this
body. To do this, we have to learn to let go of the memory that we have inside
of us without the assistance of leaving our bodies and rebooting. The ancestors
can't help us with this process. Shamanism and ceremony was a way to help us not
lose that little seed inside of us. These traditions have helped us get to this
point. Now we are going to be the new shaman's and future ancestors of the next
world, and we don't know what that is going to be, or how it is going to look.

So, what we are asking for is that seed, that foundation stone, to a new world that we can
grasp on to. We want good, pure, construction materials for
the new world. It might show up as ideas. It might just be a feeling. It doesn't
matter what it looks like or where it is. If it feels right, I do it. For other
people, it might be the way it looks, or the way it smells, or how it all comes
together. Everybody is going to create differently, because each one of us is a

different day sign. So we are all going to relate to the world in a different
way. But when we all come together, and we start building this new world, we
have a whole picture.

Clues I have seen in the future . . . I think we are going to end up in a new world where there
will be no leaders. The only
reason we allow leaders in this world now is because we don't believe in
ourselves. We still are relying on shamans, gurus, governments, doctors and
teachers to tell us what to do, because we don't trust ourselves. For a time,
this was good, because we needed experts to help us get to this point. But now
it is time for us to trust what we feel, and get out and express that piece.
That piece may be different from anybody else's piece, but when you put the
entire puzzle together, it will create a whole picture.

So what we can do now is to keep watching and see if we can manifest that one, little,
foundation stone. Because once we have it, it is a done deal. Once we have that
foundation stone in place, then we can build anything upon it. This stone might
feel like it is full of love. This is the best that I can describe it. It is
just pure, loving, cosmic energy. I still feel the ancients here. It is just
that they cannot help us any further, and now they are waiting for us to do the
greater things, just as Jeshua said. This is a big responsibility, but it is
also something we must take lightly. As with lightness and laughter and
silliness, it will just come out of us. Be AS a little child . . . don't be a
child, but AS a child.

Our guide Enrique shared: "When the Maya's marked the last date of the calendar in 2012,
they could have written the
beginning dates of the next long period but they didn't. They left that empty
for us. So we can make a new count based on the Mayan calendar. They left some
space for us and a chance for us to feel the new things."

So stay in the NOW… Keep your hearts open, and we will automatically attract to us and
express the highest. Being in the NOW and in our HEARTS is part of the new the
foundation stone.

ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site
guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. She inspires and
encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and
connection to God. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak)
Clairvoyant, or seer of living energy. Copyright © 2010 -
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition
that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and
that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - PO Box
1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Webpage:www.AlunaJoy.com


HEAVEN #3693 On the Ocean Wide, You
Will Sail , January 4, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 4, 2011 at 10:25am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3693 On the Ocean Wide, You Will Sail , January 4, 2011

God said:

The gears of your mind are shifting, and that is a good thing. Life as you know it is shifting. It
may feel to you that the ground is being removed from under you. The fact is that rising is not
always comfortable. Getting up does
not have to be comfortable. Comfort is not the determinant of your life on
Earth. Change is!

You object to change. You didn’t know life would be like this. You wanted a garden party, and,
instead, you find yourself on shifting sand and have to let go of your grip on life as you have
perceived it to be. Life is coming out of
itself. It is shedding its skin, as it were, and a new world is rising like a
lotus flower. And you are shedding your skin and becoming a softer newer you.
You are taking off to a higher plane. You are a shifted being.

There is no more status quo. You will get used to a new life just in time to shift again.

All your premises are changing. You are clearing the slate. You are rising on an elevator of love,
and you do not get out at the same floor you got on.

Externally, all may seem the same to you, yet you are on a higher floor.

In order to rise, you have to let go. You have to let yourself go. You have to stop holding on.
You have to let go of the banisters and railings that you have been holding on to for dear life.
Now, for the sake of dear life, you let
go. No longer do you keep yourself back. Now you fly free.

Flying may seem disconcerting until you get used to it. You can’t fly and stay attached to what
held you in place before. You are letting go of the bonds that held you. You can’t be bound and
boundless at the same time. Let go of the
walls that have hemmed you in. No need to clutch to mere wood or ice. In any
case, they are not there for you any longer. You are making a clean break with
the past.

You have always glimpsed the horizon in the past. Now you are at the horizon. You are flying
higher, and you can almost peek over the horizon to see the grandeur there. Don’t be afraid or
hesitant about the sights before you. You
won’t fall. Once you have risen, you have risen. There is no going back.

And if you have not yet risen, you still can’t stay where you are. Say bye-bye to the past and
welcome the new. You are new. Welcome yourself to advancement. You are graduating. Once
out of high school, you’re not in high
school any longer. You longed for graduation. Yet, now, for a while, you feel
unsettled. What is life going to be like now? You simply have to find out.

What is the water like? Jump in and see. What unseen gifts are waiting for you? What wonders
are you going to perform?

So what if your legs are shaky. You are vibrating to a different tune. You will find your sea legs.
And on the ocean wide you will sail. You will learn the language of the sea, and you will
become proficient at it. Soon enough, sailing
will feel natural. It will feel right.

You have set sail, and there is no turning back. You will gain speed, and forge right ahead. I am
here, waiting for you to rush into My arms.


SUNUYORUZ" Başmelek Mikail-1-2011
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on January 4, 2011 at 1:00pm

Ronna Herman Kanalıyla

Sevgili ustatlar, bir kez daha Baba/Anne Tanrimizin habercileri ve hizmetkarlari olan bizler,
Isik Lejyonlarini olusturan tum gorkemli guclerin one cikmalari ve birlesmeleri icin eylem
cagrisi yapiyoruz. Bu son Caglarda evrene yayilmis olan sizler Yeni Cagin ve yeni realitenin
dogumuna yardimci olmak icin simdi burada, kutsanmis Dunya gezegeninde toplandiniz.

Gucunuzu, bolerek ve fethederek kuvvet kazananlara vererek ayrilik duygusu yarattiniz ve

insa ettiniz. O ZAMANLAR GECTI, sevgililer! Daha dusuk doganizin uzerinde ustatliga
sahip cikmanin ve sonra uyumlu, sevgi dolu bir Isik vasitasi olarak kendinizin sayisiz
parcalarinizla yeniden birlesme surecine baslamanin zamanidir. Zihinsel bedeninizin ahengi
ile birligi yeniden olusturmalisiniz. Beyin yapinizin icinde saklanan, Kutsal Zihin adi verilen
tam olarak islev yapan, mukemmel bir bilgelik ve guc birimi oldugu kavrayisina geri
donmelisiniz. Solar Kalp Merkezinizde merkezlenmesi icin duygusal doganizi sakinlestirmeli
ve yeniden duzenlemelisiniz. Kendinizin degerinin onaylanmasini, sevgiyi, basariyi ve
gercegi kendinizin disinda aramayi birakmalisiniz. Ruhsal farkindalik, mutluluk, bolluk ve
evet yukselis icin gerekli olan her seye icinizde sahipsiniz. Kendi icinizde Ilahi BEN’IM
VARLIGINIZ var ve kendi bireysellesmis Tanri – bilinciniz var. O orda disarida degildir,

Ego- arzu bedeninizin baskilariyla, cogunuz guc ve kazanim heyecanina tutuldunuz. Aslinda,
bu guzel Dunya gezegeninde maddi alemi insa etmek, mukemmellestirmek ve keyfini
cikarmak icin birlikte yaraticilar olarak geldiniz. Ama yol boyunca bir yerlerde, basarilariniza
cok fazla yakalandiniz – sahip olma, edinme ve biriktirme – bu sizin sevgi ve basari olcunuz
haline geldi: eger yeterince guclu ve etkili olacaksaniz, sevgiye layik olmaliydiniz ya da en
buyuk zenginliklerin ve mal mulkun deposuna sahip olursaniz, size hayran olunurdu ve saygi

Tum enerjilerinizi bu dissal tezahurlere odaklamak sadece gecici bir tatmin yaratir, ayrica
surekli bir hayal kirikligi ve doyumsuzluk yaratir. Zenginliginiz ve gucunuz elinizden alinirsa
ne olur? Mal mulkunuzu kaybederseniz ne olur? O zaman ne ile ozdeslesirsiniz? Bu sanki kim
ve ne oldugunuzu temsil eden her seyi kaybetmissiniz gibidir. Bircok insanin tum yasam
arzularini kaybetmesinin nedeni budur, hatta bazilari kendi yasamlarini sona erdirme uc
noktasina bile gider, cunku onlarin perspektifinden tum sevdikleri ve deger verdikleri her sey
ve bunlarla birlikte sevgi ve saygiya layik olma duygulari da gitmistir.

Ic dunyaniza veya Ruhun Mabedine odaklanmayi ogrenmelisiniz, fiziksel beden ve ozellikle

zihin kendi ritmik dongulerine ve gundemlerine sahiptir. Ruhun arzusu aydinlanmaya
odaklanmistir. Zihin bilgi elde etmeye ve bunu alikoymaya odaklanmistir. Fiziksel beden

duyular vasitasiyla deneyimlemeye odaklanmistir. Insanlik surekli olarak buyume, duraganlik
ve bozulma donguleri deneyimlemektedir, bu da yeni bir buyume ve genisleme dongusune yol
acar. Uyanmamis ruhlar hosa giden fiziksel duyumsamalar ve maddi servet vasitasiyla
uyarilma ve doyumu dissal olarak ararken, ustat icine doner ve daha guclu, zengin bir yasam
kalitesi icin gayret eder. Dissal odak olarak sevgi her zaman bir incinebilirlik duygusu getirir,
her zaman birileri veya bir seyler tarafindan surekli onaylanma ihtiyaci getirir. Disa dogru
yansitilan icsel bir odak olarak sevgi surekli bir kendine guven, kendini kabullenme akisidir,
her zaman tum yaradilis ile birlik ve uyumun bu mutlu hissini butunlestirmeye ve yansitmaya

Sevgi tum Yaradilisin Ozudur. Sevgi, KENDISININ daha fazlasini deneyimleme hic bitmeyen
arzusunda Kozmik Yasam Gucu maddesinin buyuk akislarinda En Yuce Yaraticinin kalp
merkezinden dokulen Adamantine Parcaciklarinin icinde icerilir. En yuksek, en gucluden en
dusuk, en kucugune tum seviyelerde tum Yaradilis tarafindan kullanilmak uzere kutsanmis bir
armagandir; ancak, sartlar vardir. Yaratici’nin harika tasarimi ile her zaman mukemmel
uyumda olan Ilahi Mavikopya ile uyum icinde sevgi dolu birlikte yaratim vasitasiyla kendi
essiz benlik ifadenizi getirmek dogustan hakkinizdir. Yaratimlariniz ne kadar sevgi dolu,
sevgililer? Ruhunuz icin ne tur bir tapinak yarattiniz? Sadece bedeninizle mi
ozdeslesiyorsunuz, en sonunda basarisizligi ve carpitilmis bakis acinizin onaylanmasini temin
ederek, surekli yargilama ile ve kusurlariniza odaklanarak ve baskalariyla kendinizi
karsilastirarak, suregiden bir savas mi yapiyorsunuz? (hayal kirikliginizi surduren ve kendi
kendinize olusturdugunuz sefalete batiran kendinizle sevgi/nefret iliskisi). Surekli dusunce
formlariniz ile ne tur bir dunya insa ettiniz? Esiniz, cocuklariniz ve sevdikleriniz icin ne tur
bir ornek olmaktasiniz? Kendinle gurur duyma duygusu, yasam armaganin ne kadar degerli
oldugu farkindaligini mi yansitiyorsunuz? Icinizdeki sayisiz fasetleri mukemmellestirmeye
cabalayarak bir ornek mi olusturuyorsunuz?

Kendinizi hangi durakta veya hangi durumda buldugunuza bakmaksiniz, her birinizin izlemesi
icin acik bir yol var, gucunuzu kabullenmeyi, yaraticiliginiza erismeyi, hafiza bankanizin
derinlerinde sakladiginiz bircok sakli yetenekleri one cikarmayi saglayacak beklemekte olan
altin bir firsat var. Ve simdi daha once hic olmadigi gibi, size cok yakiniz, sizi gozluyoruz,
cesaretlendirmek, mucizeler yaratmak, yolu duzeltmek icin yardimci olmayi ve ileri ve yukari
dogru ilerlemenize yardim etmeyi bekliyoruz.

Cesur Isik Tasiyicilari olarak, ayrimciligin, gucsuzlestirmenin ve sinirlamanin sinirlarini

parcalama ve gecmenizin zamanidir. Ruh’un kadinlari olarak, erkekler arasinda egemen
kadinlar olarak yol gostericiler ve ornekler olmaniz icin cesaretlendiriyoruz. Yigitlik ve
dogrulugun erkekleri olarak, kadinlar arasinda sefkatli erkekler olmanizi rica ediyoruz.
Bununla, bu cok gereksinim duyulan enerjileri zihinsel ve duygusal bedenlerinize
butunlestirirken birbirinizin armaganlarini ve niteliklerini kabullenerek ve sunarak, aranizdaki
cizgileri ve engelleri silmenizi ve yok etmenizi kastediyoruz. Gerceginiz farkindalik
seviyenizde, Tanri – bilincinin kozmik armaganinin ozumsenmesinde yatar. Edindiginiz
bilgiyi butunlestirmelisiniz ve sonra bilgeligin bu yeni seviyesiyle yasama yetenegine sahip
oldugunuzu gostermelisiniz. Inisiyasyon spiralinde ilerlemeye hazir olup olmadiginiza, kendi
Yuksek Benliginiz ve Ilahi Varliginiz hukum verir. Yukselis yolunun cok issiz, uzun vadeli bir
surec oldugunu anlatmistik. Inisiyasyonlariniz ozellikle sadece sizin icin tasarlanir, cunku
baskasina benzemezsiniz. Ve yine de, kiymetliler, sizi baska bir bolmeye yukselten veya
ustatligin dar yolunda adim attiran edindiginiz her kazanim, butun olarak insanligi da
yukseltir. Sizler Ozunde Bir Olma, ama Her Sey ile Bir olma surecindesiniz.

Yukselis yoluna adim attiginizda sizin icin elde edilebilir olacak en harika armaganlardan biri
yuksek boyutlarin vecd haline erismektir. Bu hedefe ulastiginizda, onu ebediyen tekrar
ararsiniz, cunku gercek Varolma halinize bir bakis atmis oldunuz. Sevgililer, Kutsal
Kalbinizde Tanri Bilincinin Adamantine Parcaciklarini daha fazla butunlestirdikce, daha da
cok vecd hali hissetmeye baslayacaksiniz. Sevginin tamligini ve genisleyici gucunu
hissedeceksiniz ve bazen kalbiniz bu Yasamin Ilahi Iksiri ile dolup tasmis gibi
hissedeceksiniz. Meditasyonda iken vecd alemlerine erisebilirsiniz, ozellikle kristal
piramidinizde meditasyon yaparsaniz; ancak, nihai amaciniz, gunluk yasaminizda islev
yaparken bu vecd halini elde etmek olmalidir. Buna dunyada olmak, ama dunyadan olmamak
denir. Gunluk islerinizi yaparken omuzlarinizda koruyucu meleginizin oturdugunu gozunuzde
canlandirin ve icinizde isildayan Ilahi Sevgi/Isigin Kivilciminin surekli olarak farkinda
olmaniz icin Kutsal Kalbinizde merkezlenmis kalin. Bunu yapabildiginiz zaman, Dunya’da
kendi ozel Cennetinizi yaratmanin yolunda iyi olacaksiniz.

Dongu Yasasi gonderdiginiz titresim kaliplarinin, benzer nitelikli enerjinin (veya ayni frekans
kaliplarindaki titresimlerin) birikmis olcegiyle size geri donecegini temin eder. Siz Solar Guc
Merkeziniz vasitasiyla madde dunyasina yansitmis oldugunuz titresim kaliplarinin
dongusunden olusan bir enerji vorteksinin merkezindesiniz. Solar pleksusunuz uygun sekilde
isimlendirilmistir; cunku Dunya ve insanligin gunes sisteminizin gunesinden kozmik enerji
almasi gibi, her biriniz kendi Solar Guc Merkezinizden Yasam Gucu Enerjisi yayarsiniz. Bir
an icin, kendinizi dunyanizin merkezi odagi olarak imgeleyin. Siz guc kaynagisiniz ve
dusunceleriniz, eylemleriniz ve niyetleriniz sizden benzer enerjiye baglanan bir enerji
dongusunde yayilir. Bu enerji neden ve etki dunyasinda buyutulur ve tezahur eder ve sonra
size geri doner, realite resminizi guclendirir. Bedeniniz bu enerjinin bir kismini emer,
frekanslara bagli olarak aci ve istirap ya da nese ve kutsamalar yaratir. Kalan yuksek frekansli
enerji giderek kisisel yaratim Carkiniza akarken, enerjinin kalani Sonsuzluk kalibinizin diger
dongusunu yaratarak arkanizdan akar. Surekli olarak ya negatif, sIkIsmIs enerjinin kisisel
hapishanenize ya da Isik vasitaniza ve surekli genisleyen Ben farkindaliginiza ilave
yapiyorsunuz. Tanri Gucu ile birlikte yaraticilar olarak Dunya’ya geldiginizi anlatmadik mi?

Her biriniz, su anda insanligin ve Dunya’nin gelecegi icin tasarlanan Ilahi Mavikopyaya
kisisel ve essiz bir sey katma yetenegine sahipsiniz. Size Yaratici tarafindan olaganustu bir
armagan, benzeri gorulmemis kendi kaderinizin yaratimina katilma ayricaligi verildi. Her
biriniz ovulmus beser olma potansiyeline sahipsiniz. Olumsuz statunuzu temin eden Ruh ile
asilanan faniler oluyorsunuz. Siz cok fasetlisiniz ve bu zamanda kavrayabileceginizden cok
daha fazla seviyelerde bilince sahipsiniz. Siz olumlu bir zihin ve bedeni olan Olumsuz bir
Ruhsunuz. Ruhsal genisleme ve Isik asilamasi surecindesiniz.

Her biriniz icin one adim atma, saf tutma ve isitilme zamanidir. Bulundugunuz yerden
baslayin, sevgiyle filtrelenmis gozlerle bakarak, sefkatle dolu bir kalple hissederek ve
sucluluk, korku veya yargilama ile bulutlanmamis bir zihinle islev yaparak en yuksek anlayis
seviyesinden baslayin. Gerceginizi bulacaginiz yol budur, sevgililer. Dunyanizin ve
realitenizin sevgi, nese ve bolluk ile dolup tasacagi yol budur. Bu ustadin yoludur, gercegin
yoludur, yuvaya donus yoludur.

Sevgili Isik fenerleri, ne kadar guclu hale geldiginizi kavrayamazsiniz. Siz, yeni Dunya
Hizmetkarlari, eski ucuncu/dorduncu boyut kollektif bilinc inanc kaliplarini suzen ve
degistiren kitle – bilinci yaratiyorsunuz, boylece derine gomulmus korkularini, utanc,
degersizlik, sucluluk ve yoksulluk duygularini salivermeleri icin baskalarina yardimci
oluyorsunuz. Farkindaliginizi genisletirken ve yuksek boyutlu frekanslara erisirken ve sonra

gerceginizi yasamaya soz verirken yuksek, saf frekansli kitlesel inanc yapisi yaratma surecine
basliyorsunuz, bu baskalarinin Isikla asilanmis kaliplarina katilir, boylece neden dunyasina
Sevgi/Isik titresimleri yayar. Ve sizler benzer dusuncede olanlara katilirken, saf grup
bilincinin surekli genisleyen cemberine ussel olarak genisleyen bir sinerji yaratirsiniz.

Cesaretinizi onurlandiriyoruz. Yolculugunuzun uzun ve zahmetli oldugunu biliyoruz; ancak,

size sunu soyluyoruz, tatli dostlarimiz; aci ve istirap zamanlariniz giderek gecmisin bir anisi
oluyor – yavasca solup giden bir ani. Mucizeler zamani yakinda. Biz her gun, eterlerde girdap
gibi donen negatifligin daha fazlasini cozerken, aramizdaki kisitlayici enerjilerin daha
fazlasini elimine ediyoruz. Gelmekte olan yucelik Caginin neye benzeyecegi ile ilgili olarak
yakinda kendi dogrulamaniza sahip olacaginizin teminatini veriyoruz. Ve herhangi bir suphe
olmadan oynadiginiz butunsel rolu bileceksiniz. Caglar once Dunya gezegenine ilk adiminizi
attiginiz zaman sizinleydim ve sizler Baba/Anne Tanrimizin yuce alemlerindeki gercek
mulkunuze geri donmeye hazir oluncaya kadar, rehberlik yapmak, ilham vermek ve
desteklemek icin yaninizda kalacagim. Ebediyen sizin dostunuz, koruyucunuz ve Ruhsal

Ben Basmelek Mikail’im.


Kopyalayabilir ve paylasabilirsiniz. BASMELEK MIKAILIN MESAJLARINI


(Ceviri: Saffet Guler)


Yaşamı Özgür Bırak..
 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 4, 2011 at 2:03pm

Zamanların birinde,parlak tüyleri, rengarenk kanatları olan bir kuş varmış.

Bakanları büyüleyen,yaşam se vinci veren göklerde özgürce uçmak için yaratılmış bir
hayvanmış.Günün birinde kadının biri bu kuşu görüp ona aşık olmuş,kalbi yerinden
fırlarcasına,gözleri heyacandan parlayarak kuşun uçuşunu seyretmiş.

Kuş onu yanına çağırmış ve ikisi birlikte,anlatılamaz bir uyumla uçmuşlar.Kadın kuşa
tapıyor,onu kutsal sayıyor,yüceltiyormuş.

Ama günün birinde düşünmüş kadın belki uzak dağları keşfetmek ister diye korkuya
kapılmış.Aynı duyguyu başka başka bir kuşla yaşamayacandan korkmuş kıskanmış kuşun
uçabilme yeteneğindeni kıskanmış.Kendini yalnız hissetmiş.Ona bir tuzak kurayım,diye
geçirmiş içinden.Bir dahaki sefer,kuş tekrar gelirse,artık gidemesin demiş.

Kadın kadar aşık olan kuş,ertesi gün tekrar sevgilisini görmeye gelmiş. Ne var ki tuzağa
düşmüş ve kafese hapsedilmiş.Kad ın hergün gelip ,kuşu seyrediyormuş.Vurgunmuş ona ve
onu gösterdiği arkadaşları ne şanslı bir insansın diye haykırıyorlarmış .Ne varki,duygularında
alışılmadık bir değişim baş göstermiş.Artık sahibi olduğundan,kalbini çalmasına ihtiyaç
kalmadığından kadının kuşa olan ilgisi azaldıkça azalmış.Uçamayan,hayatını anlamını dile
getiremeyen hayvancık da sararıp soluyor parlaklığını yitiriyor,çirkinleşiyormuş.Kad ında
artık karnını doyurup kafesini temizlemekle yetiniyormuş.

Günlerden birgün kuş ölmüş.Kadın son derece üzülmüş.O andan itibaren sevgili kuşunu bir an
bile aklından çıkaramamış.Ama kafesi hatırlayamıyormuş bile.Aklında onu ilkkez,mutluluk
içinde bulutlarla yarışırken gördüğü an varmış sadece.

Kendinle başbaşa kaldığı yalnızlıkları artmış.Kuşun onu dış görünüşüyle değil,özgürlüğü

,enerjisi ve sürükleyici tavrı olduğunu fark edermiş.Sevgilisinin yokluğunda kadının yaşamı
da anlamını yitirdikçe yitirmiş ve sonunda eçel gelmiş kapıyı çalmış.

Niye geldin diye sormuş kadın,ölüme.Tekrar onunla birlikte göklere uçabilesin

diye,yanıtlamış ölüm.Neden ama ölüm diyebilmiş kadın.

Yaşamı özgür bırakabilseydin eğer,ona olan sevgin,bağlılığın hayranlığın artardı ona

kavuşabilmek onunla yeniden uçabilmek için bana muhtaçsın.

Paulo COELHO - On bir dakika


Yargılama Ve Çok Gelişmiş Toplum Düzeni
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on January 4, 2011 at 10:30pm

İnsanın tek düşmanı suçluluk ve korkudur, bu büyuk gerçekliktir.

Çok gelişmiş toplumlarda, bu toplumun hiçbir üyesi asla yargılanmaz ve herhangi bir şey için
suçlu bulunmaz. Yalnızca bir şey yapmış oldukları gözlemlenir ve yaptıkları şeyin
sonucu, etkisi onlara açıkça anlatılır. Sonra onların bu konuda ne yapacaklarına
karar vermelerine izin verilir. Birbirlerine hiçbir şey yapmazlar. Cezalandırma
fikri onların aklından geçmez; çunkü cezalandırma kavramı onların anlayamadıği
bir şeydir. Neden BİR Varlık bir başkasını incitmek istesin ki. Zarar veren bir
şey yapmış olsa bile, neden Kendine yeniden zarar vermek istesin ki? Bu ayak başparmağinı
bir taşa çarpmak, sonra misilleme yapmak içn iki katı gücünde bir yere tekme
atmak gibidir.

Tabii ki, kendini Bir olarak görmeyen ve kendisini Tanrıyla bir olarak görmeyen bir toplumda,
bu örnek bir anlam taşımayacaktır. Böyle bir toplumda yargılama
mükemmel bir anla taşiyacaktır.

Yargılama gözlemleme ile aynı şey değildir. Gözlemde bulunma yalnızca bir şeyin öyle
olduğuna bakmak, yalnızca onu görmektir. Diğer yandan, yargılama gözlemlenen şeyden
dolayı başka bir şeyin öyle olması sonucuna varmaktır.

Gözlemlemek tanıklık etmektir. Yargılamak sonuca varmaktır. Yargılamak cümeye bir "onun
için" eklemektir. Aslında, bu bir cümle olur, çoğunlukla acımasızca
söylenen bir karar cümlesi.

Yargılama ruhu dağlar, çünkü yargılama daha derindeki gerçekliği gözden kaçırarak ruha sizin
kim olduğunuz Yanılsamasının damgasını vurur.

Ben sizi asla yargılamayacağım! Çünkü siz belirli bir şey yapmış olsanız ble, Ben onun öyle
olduğunu gorerek yaptığınız şeyi gozlemleyeceğim. Kim olduğunuzla alakalalı bir
sonuca varmayacağim. Aslında, sizin kim olduğunuzla ilgili bir sonuca varmam
olanaksızdır, çünkü siz kendinizi yaratırken hiçbir zaman bir sonuç durumuna

gelmezsiniz. Siz devam etmekte olan bir süreçsiniz. Siz kendinizi yaratmay
bitirmediniz ve hiçbir zaman da bitirmeyeceksiniz.

Siz hiçbir zaman bir sn önce olduğunuz kişi değilsiniz. Ve Ben sizi öyle görmeyeceğim, sizi
şimdi olmayı seçtiğiniz kişi olarak greceğim. Bunu her zaman anımsayın

Kendini yaratma asla sona ermez :)

Neil Donald Welsch-Tanrıyla Birlik


Çocuklarınıza Gerçekleri Öğretmek (ya da

 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on January 4, 2011 at 10:30pm

Bu gerçekleri çocuklarınıza öğretin.

Çocuklarınıza mutlu olmaları için kendi dışlarinda hiçbir şeye -hiç kimseye, hiçbir yere ya da
şeye- gereksinimleri olmadığinı öğretin. Onlara kendi kendilerine yeterli olduklarinı

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza başarısızlığın bir kurgu olduğunu, her denemenin bir başarı olduğunu, her
çabanın zafere ulaşan bir adım olduğunu ve ilkinin de ikincisi kadar onurlu olduğunu öğretin.

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza Yaşamın tümüyle derin bağları olduğunu, herkesle BİR olduklarını ve Tanrı'dan
hiçbir zaman ayrı olmadıklarını öğretin.

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza son derece bollukla dolu bir dünyada yaşadıklarını, herkese yetecek kadarı
olduğunu ve en fazlasını almak için toplamak değilen fazlasını paylaşmak gerektiğini

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza şerefli ve mutlu bir yaşam sürdürmeye hak kazanmaları için yapmaları gereken
hiçbir şey olmadığını, kimseyle herhangi bir şey için yarışmalarının gerekmediğini
ve Tanrı'nin ihsanının herkes için olduğunu öğretin.

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza hiçbir zaman yargılanmayacaklarını, her zaman doğru anlamaları gerektiğini

düşünerek endişelenmelerinin gerekmediğini Tanrı'nın gözünde mükemmel ve güzel olmak
bir şeyleri değiştirmek ya da "daha iyi" olmak zorunda olmadıklarını

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza bir şeyin sonucuyla cezanın aynı şey olmadığını, ölümün var olmadığinı ve
Tanrının kimseyi asla kınamayacağını öğretin.

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza sevginin hiçbir koşulu olmadığinı, asla sizin sevginizi ya da Tanrı'nın sevgisini
yitireceklerinden endişe duymamalarını ve onların koşulsuzca paylaştıkları
kendi sevgilerinin dünyaya verebilecekleri en büyük armağan olduğunu öğretin.

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza özel olmanın daha iyi olmak anlamına gelmediğini, birinden daha üstün
olduğunu idiia etmenin onları Gerçekte Oldukları Kişi olarak görmemek olduğunu ve
"benimki daha iyi bir yol değil, benimki sadece başka bir yol" diye
düşünmenin iyileştirici bir özelliği olduğunu öğretin.

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Çocuklarınıza yapamayacakları bir şey olmadığını, cehalet yanılsamasının yeryüzünden

silinebileceğini ve herkesin tek gereksinimi olan şeyin onlara Gerçekte Kim
olduklarını anımsatarak onları kendilerine geri vermek olduğunu öğretin.

Eğer onlara bunu öğretirseniz, onlara çok önemli bir şey öğretmiş olursunuz.

Bunları yalnızca sözcuklerinizle değil edimlerinizle, konuşarak değil göstererek öğretin.
Çünkü çocuklarınız yaptıklarınızı taklit edecek ve siz nasılsanız ö¥le olacaklar.


Gaia’dan Özel Yeni Yıl Kutsamaları
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 5, 2011 at 1:22pm

Toprağımın Sevgili Çocukları, Ben Gaia’yım, sizin Toprak Ananız. 2010’un son günü olan bu
akşam sizinle konuşmayı umudediyor ve Ben, Siz olmaktan ne kadar gurur duyduğumu
söylemek istiyorum. Evet Ben SİZ’im sevgili insanlar, biz BİRİZ. Sizler, sayısız medeniyetler
boyunca sayısız yaşamlarla benim gövdeme geldiniz ve ŞİMDİ ise son fiziksel
enkarnasyonunu yaşamak için geldiniz bana. Sevgili Çocuklarım, şimdi bu son
enkarnasyonunuzda, bana yardımcı olmak için çok şey yaptınız, şimdi artık birlik içinde, Bir
olarak EVE, 5. Boyut ifadesine yolculuk edebiliriz.

Biz, siz ve ben, ışığı göremeyenlerin ellerinde çok saldırıya uğradık. Ama artık bitti, çünkü
hatırlıyoruz artık. Siz, sevgililer artık benim gibi –hatırlıyorsunuz; Artık hepimiz “oyunun
bittiğini ve zamanın geldiğini” hatırlıyoruz.

Bu frekanstaki derslerimizi tamamladık ve kendi gerçek 5. Boyut titreşimine dönme arzusu

içindeyiz. Uzun zamandır içinde doğduğumuz birlik içindeyiz, koşulsuz sevgi ve gerçekliğin
çok boyutlu ışığı içindeyiz .
Bu dönüş kavramından korkanlar da ışığın muhteşem varlıkları olduklarını unuttular. Bu
nedenle bu illüzyon yaşamlarımızın son demlerinde, benim cesur savaşçılarım, her birinize
söylüyorum, yumruğunuzu gevşetin, kalbinizi açın..

Sevgi ve ışık kalplerindeki ATMA içinde bir kıvılcım uyandırırken korku ve kavga karanlığı
İçsel ATMA’ya sahip olmayan kimse yoktur, bilgeliğin, gücün ve sevginin üç katlı alevi;
bunlar insanın bir beden sahibi olmasına izin verir. Bu yüzden benim cesur çocuklarım, ben

sizin Dünya Ananız olarak, sizden korku ve öfke yerine, bu kaybedenlere KENDİ üç katlı
alevinizde var olan Bilgelik, Güç ve Sevgi yollamanızı istiyorum.

Bildiğiniz gibi, benim Dünyamda yolladığınız her şey size ve bana üç katıyla geri gelir. Bu
yasa yüzünden – biliyorum ki hatırlıyorsunuz, bana yardım etmenin en iyi yolu, bize zarar
verenleri affetmektir.
Kudretli bilgeliğinizi, gücünüzü ve sevginizi kullanarak, unutmuş olanlara,
hatırlayamayanlara koşulsuz sevgi yollayın, bağışlama yollayın. Onları kutsadıkça benim
gerçek güzelliğimi görürsünüz.
Güçlü okyanuslarımı, nehirlerimi, benim güzel dağlarımı, geniş ovalarımı, yemyeşil
ormanlarımı ve korkusuz çöllerimi düşleyin!..

Sizin koşulsuz sevginizle kendinden geçen bitki, hayvan formlarına bir bakın.
Siz bu kayıp olanları bağışladıkça, onlara, benim; Gaia’nın; seçimlerimden hiçbir zaman
pişmanlık duymadığımı söyleyin lütfen; onlar da pişman olmasınlar. Benim her bir varlığım,
“Üçüncü Boyutta Yaşam” dramasında bir rol seçti. Daha uyanamayanlar sadece kendi gerçek
BEN’lerini henüz hatırlayamayanlardır. Bu kayıp olanlar uyandıkça, haini, caniyi oynamayı
kabul ederek gezegenimizin yükselişine ne kadar büyük katkıları olduğunu anlayacaklardır.

Bu büyük Dramanın sonuna geldikçe, sevdiğimiz ama hala yanlış zikrettiğimiz

kahramanımızın son sözlerini hatırlayacağız. Son nefesinde hala insanların bağışlanması için
“Ne yaptıklarını bilmedikleri için bağışla onları Tanrım…”

Çok yakında biliyor olacaklar ne yaptıklarını, ve onlar, yeniden doğmayı seçmiş olanlar,
hainler ve caniler, sizin koşulsuz sevginize ihtiyaç duyacaklar şifalanmak için..
Yükseğe tırmanan, yüksekten düşer, derler.

Benim Sevgili, adanmış Çocuklarım, bu illüzyonun final zamanında sevgiyi seçin diyorum,
Biz ve Gezegenimiz olarak bizler, bu sözcükleri kalbimizde ve zihnimizde tutalım,
“Ne yaptıklarını bilmedikleri için bağışla onları Tanrım…”

Bu sözcüklerle koşulsuz sevginin ve tüm yaşamı bağışlamanın gücünü kullanıyoruz, 3. Boyut

ifademizdeki kutupluluğu birleştiriyoruz ve birleşmenin 5. Boyut birliğine yükseliyoruz.
Birlik Bizi Bekliyor.
Dönüşümüz yakındır, kaçınılmazdır.

Ceviren : Güneş Kurtulan


Message from Posid - Part 1 Galatril
through the beloved Aurelia Louise Jones
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:00pm

Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters!

I am Galatril, third-level member of the Council of Posid, beneath Mato Grotto in the country
of Brazil. I have been in this position for many of your lifetimes, and I have spent much of my
service reaching out to heal the energies of the past.

We, who inhabit the resurrected city of Posid, now a wondrous and beautiful abode of Light in
the fifth dimension, and all of us living in other Atlantean energy cities within the Earth,
recognize that there is great distrust for our vibration from many of you who experienced the
cataclysms of the fall of Atlantis. The energies of that time and the masculine overwhelm of
mental energies over the feminine balance of the heart are still creating emotions of fear and
anguish within many of you who would be now interested in initiating any kind of
communication with us.

For this reason, we ask that you please allow yourself to release the prior connection with us
that you hold through the mind, and bring the energies of our deep love for you, once again
into your heart. Since the destruction of our continent, we have done much work to evolve our
consciousness and to embrace the energies of love from the heart. We have toiled long and
steadfast to rebalance the energies we so carelessly used in the past. Today, it is with much joy
and deep gratitude that we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to reach out to you and
speak to your heart. We now come from a place of love, and if you allow it, we can bring
great healings to your soul from the past traumas that so many, if not most of you on the
surface, have been subjected to in the past.

We, who held ourselves in such high esteem in the Atlantis of old, and who rocked our planet
so violently with our egos and misuse of technologies, have spent much of our time since in
the service to the Earth and the earth’s interior. We have been in service to the elementals and
nature spirits of this planet, and in service to our beloved Lemurian brothers and sisters, to
rectify the damage and the deep pains that we inflicted to them and to all of you. We have also
learned much about the cravings of the soul for knowledge and how these desires must be
balanced by the deeper knowingness of the heart.

After the sinking of Atlantis, it was our Lemurian brothers and sisters who have offered
themselves and their expertise to become our mentors in our next evolutionary step. Many of
the guides, healers and teachers who held the energies of compassion, wisdom and
understanding on our behalf to allow us to evolve from our former tragedies, have been from
Telos! Many were from other Lemurian cities as well. For a very long time, their assistance,
their love, their acceptance of us has been for many, myself included, the only Light that
shone in a very dark place within our heart and soul. Our connection to them was the bond

that has carried us higher and higher into the consciousness of love and true brotherhood. We
now invite humanity to do the same.

We live beneath the region of Brazil because of the highly crystalline nature the Earth in that
area. We are here now as guardians of these energies to keep them from being manipulated
again by those who do not reflect nor understand the Divine Plan. Whereas in the past, we
would have insisted to utilize the tremendous force of this energy for power, dominion and
control, today, we are its protectors. It is now very appropriate for us to be the guardians of
those energies because we have a very great understanding of those energies, and we have
also experienced the negative effects of their misuse. We can follow their flow with great
perceptivity of observation. We do this in service for our Lemurian brothers and sisters, which
we now consider to be our very dear “family”. They are the synthesizers and harmonizers of
this energy at this time of planetary transformation.

In many aspects, our lifestyles are very similar to those of Telos. All of us hold positions of
responsibility within our community. We also spend much of our time in service to the planet
and to our brothers and sisters now incarnated on the surface at this time. A great deal of our
work consists of programming many of the crystal tools that are emerging on the surface at
the present time. We have the technology to create from the organic structure of the
subterranean levels of the earth a new form of crystal that emits a much higher vibration of
energy than what has been previously available on the surface.

These crystals are now beginning to surface and will interact with the environments into
which they are introduced to provide a detoxifying effect on all levels of denser vibrations.
They are very open to the conscious intents of the individuals who wish to work with them,
and will work with all who ask them. However, they will express only one intention at a time,
and only within the vibrations of the Divine Plan. This is the first layer of healing tools that
will begin to emerge in a near future. These crystals will also reflect the color vibration of the
individual person who will currently be working with them, and may change color vibration if
or when transferred to a different person.

Our buildings in Posid are made of a very similar crystal material. This energy has greatly
contributed to the healing of our toxic emotions, as well as the toxic emotions of the Earth
herself where we live. We hold in our hearts a great desire to be of assistance to the surface
populations when the appropriate time emerges. We wish to contribute and support you in the
creation of your own cities of Light with these same healing materials. In addition, these
crystals will be available to heal your soil, the re-energizing of all your food supplies and
many other uses.

We want to assure all of you that all of us hold a very great desire in our hearts to manifest in
all of our actions and interactions with you, the love and the compassion that is needed to
recreate a united civilization on this planet. It is our most heartfelt goal to assist the
manifestation of this unity of consciousness in all of Her dimensions and realms. We wish to
experience with you again, face to face, the love that will bring the highest joy and grace to all
of you living on the surface, sharing this planet with all of us living within the earth’s interior.

It has become appropriate for us now to say that in the higher realm of the fifth dimension,
Atlantis and Lemuria are fully manifesting the energies of the original plan for these
continents. Atlantis representing the energies of the Divine Father and Lemuria representing
the energies of the Divine Mother were meant to work together in the consciousness of divine

union, to assist in love and unity of consciousness, not only the people of their respective
continents, but also to become loving guides and mentors, role models of unity for other
civilizations evolving here, younger souls with less experience.

In recognition of the many lifetimes that many of you have spent attempting to distance
yourself from the original vibrations of Atlantis, we ask you to work with us now on a simple
meditative exercise. We hope this meditation will assist you in cleansing the vibrations of old,
so that the new vibration may seed itself in the evolving consciousness of the planet.

There are many skills and technological resources that were created in Atlantis that many of
you have direct knowledge of. It is now time for these technologies to resurface, albeit in a
vibration of love and service, not ego and power. As you clear your resistance to old energies
and experiences, all that was good, all the wonders of Atlantis will rise to the surface through

The continent of Atlantis, as with the continent of Lemuria, will not rise again in the physical.
It will be reborn instead through the energies of those who are incarnated at this time. The
gifts and resources of these civilizations will be recreated and re-manifested, in new and
shining forms, by those of you who are living on the surface today.

We invite you to journey with us now into the crystal heart of your soul. Envision a glowing
center that resides behind your heart and transmits energy in undulating, pulsating waves
throughout your bodies and into the energy field of the Earth herself. Your crystal center
vibrates in resonance with the crystal center of the Earth. As you focus on your own crystal
central sun, reach out with your knowingness, with your love, to the crystal central sun that
sits in the core of Earth.

Follow the trail of energy as it leaves you and travels into the Earth and watch for the images
that appear along these waves of energy. These images may appear to you as colors, or
sounds. They may be scenes from the time of Atlantis. They may be geometric shapes or the
images of people you have known. In each instance, reach out to these images, bathing them
and surrounding them in the pulsating waves of love that are emanating from your crystalline
sacred heart.

Do not try to explain or interpret these images. That knowledge will come in a time of its own
choosing, when appropriate. Simply envelope these images, these energy transmissions from
the time of Atlantis in the overwhelming love that you now offer in service to the planet and
humankind. Bring each of the remnants of these orphan energies into the oneness that exists
between your central sun and the central sun of the Earth.

Allow the pure energy of the Divine to heal and reform these energies. Allow and surrender to
the Divine plan that holds all of us in its loving hands. And most of all, allow yourself to
release eons of pain and sadness, of guilt and shame. You who are incarnated now are not
responsible for the errors in judgment that were made during the time of Atlantis.

You are not responsible for righting any wrongs, for in truth, there were no wrongs. There
were merely the lessons learned by a civilization that had chosen a path of understanding. And
that path involved one of the greatest collective initiations ever presented on this planet. We
who lived in the time of Atlantis, and many of you were with us, did so with the life choice
that we would experience from every angle, the separation between mind and heart. We chose

experiences that heightened that understanding, and we entered into them by choice.

Today, we reach out again, in greater knowingness, to communicate to you all that we learned.
We ask those of you who were there with us to also reach out with your understanding from
these times, and communicate the same to those living around you. We do not wish to recreate
the Atlantean cities of old, but we wish to create with you new communities; communities
that grow and evolve from the love that we share and the desire to do this together.

We will never again introduce to you technologies that will create a separation of mind and
heart. We will only bring these technologies into your consciousness when you yourselves
have reached an anchored vibration of love and community. You will then create these tools
again in the fourth or fifth dimensional plane of your existence. You will also add to them new
and wonderful tools and technologies of your own.
We have learned much wisdom from our previous civilization that perished because of our
lack of vision. We are longing to share what we have learned with those who administer your
surface governments at this time. With open hearts, we invite all of you who desire and all
those who have connections with us from your incarnated experiences on our former
continent, to visit us here in Posid. Visit us in your etheric bodies and study with us the
consciousness that lead to the fall, and eventual destruction of Atlantis. We now open our
doors and have created special quarters in our city to receive all of you who wish to reconnect
and interact with us. We invite you to come and observe, with love and without attachment,
the weaknesses and imbalances that were created then, and to carry these lessons back to the
surface, where the wisdom gained can imprint the consciousness of those who now govern
your dimension, and have inclinations to create the same mistakes again.

While the halls of visitors and nightly classrooms of Telos are overflowing with an ever-
increasing number of you, almost doubling your number each month by the thousands,
enjoying your new training and reconnecting with so many former friends and family
members, ours are almost empty. With great anticipation and love, we invite you to come here
in your dream states, and visit us also in our Atlantean abode. There is so much our hearts
long to share with you. We promise to give you just as pleasant and heartfelt reception in
Posid than you are receiving from your Lemurian brothers and sisters in Telos. As much as
you are longing to reconnect with your Lemurian family, we are longing to reconnect, heart to
heart, with all of you as well. Nearly all of you, if not all, have had several incarnations in
Atlantis as you did in Lemuria, and we consider you as well, our former family members.

The former exquisite beauty that Posid once held in the physical has been replicated by us in
the fifth dimension, and of course, with a much greater level of beauty and perfection. You
will be just as delighted to visit Posid, as you are Telos and other Lemurian cities. We also live
a life of magic and para-dise that we wish to share with you in a near future.

The doors of Posid are open for all of you now who wish to rekindle the friendships of the
past. Eventually, we will also play our role in association with the Lemurian emergence to the
surface, and be once again, walking among you. We thank you for your understanding and for
this opportunity to be heard through this publication. We bless you for your hearts that love us

I am Galatril, Atlantean brother of the past. On behalf of my brothers and sisters of Posid, we
send you our love and compassion, and we also send you our deepest friendship and our

Taken from the book "Telos 2. Messages for the enlightenment of a humanity in

For any comments or asking for the second message from Posid: carloslemuria@hotmail.com


HEAVEN #3694 Paths in Your Heart ,

January 5, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:07pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3694 Paths in Your Heart , January 5, 2011

God said:

From love you came, and to love you return. Meanwhile, it is like you are a juggler with love.
You toss it up in the air, and you catch it. You practice. Sometimes you fumble. Nevertheless,
love needs no practice. You need practice in disassembling attachment from love. Attachment
interferes with love. You have to get your hands off love. Love can do very well without your
mandates. Mandates interfere with the freedom of love. Attachments are mandates. They are
rules and regulations. Love, in order to be love, has to be free. You have to let your love free,
and, also, you have to let another’s love for you be free. Love stays of its own accord.

Love isn’t really what you have thought it was. Love goes much further and deeper and wider.
Love does better without boundaries. Boundaries stifle. You don’t want to stifle love. Mastery
over love is gained simply as you free it. Give love, and let it go. Receive love, and free love
to itself. The more you free love, the more love finds you. Keep the door of love unlocked. No
keys turned on love.

Love is not a prisoner. Love is not bound. Love is not a measurement. It is not an assessment.
Love is what it is. Long wave the flag of love. Love is sufficient unto itself. Personal love is
not your personal property. It is not your possession. Love is not a fish that you catch.

Nor is love a patterned cloth. Nor is love a dictum you follow. Nor is love appearance, and nor
is love disappearance. The world is rife with love. Love overtakes you, sometimes in surprise,
yet love itself is no surprise. Life is made of love and nothing but love. From stem to stern,
love shines.

Be in step with love. Surmount your hold on love, and you will be in step with love. Hold
love’s hand but not tightly.

Love is universal, and yet each love has its own shade of meaning and unique place in your
heart. Love holds certain paths in your heart, and not one love equals another. Each has its
own trickle of Oneness. When you say to someone, “You have a place in my heart,” that is
true. And no one else can fill that particular space. Love is the same, and yet no two loves are

Love for an individual laid a claim to your heart, and the individual raised a flag. This is his
claim. No one else ever quite fits that landed claim. A mother has ten children, and each child
has its own claim. One does not fill another’s. Love is love, and yet each individual stream of
love has its own holding place. No matter how many places are taken, there are always more
places available. You have a heart without end. You have an expandable heart, your heart that
is full of love.

Some loves only enter your heart part way. Still, that love is precious. It may be for a teacher
that you weren’t even aware of until now that you loved, and you love the teacher uniquely.
All the way, you loved that teacher. You didn’t even like the teacher at the time, and now you
know you hold that teacher in love.

As time goes on, beloveds, you discover that you have loved everyone including those you
didn’t. You loved all the time. It is just lately that the love sinks into your heart. What a cast of
characters there has been in your life. Now you bow to each one as they pass before you. The
ones you liked and the ones you fought, you loved them all. They are woven into your heart.
All along you have loved.

You might as well start now knowing that you love, and you love everyone.


The Direction Of Happiness Leaving A
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:12pm

January 4, 2011
The Direction Of Happiness
Leaving A Relationship

When attempts at working out issues in a relationship aren't working, it may be time to
examine moving on.

One of the hardest decisions we ever make in life is leaving a long-term relationship that just
isn't working. When attempts at repairing and working out issues aren't working, it may be
time to examine moving on. We are emotional creatures, and when our heartstrings are tied to
those of another, separating from that person can feel like an act of courage. It is not
something most of us will take lightly, and many of us will struggle with our desire to stay in
a relationship that is unfulfilling simply in order to avoid that pain. We may question whether
the happiness we seek even exists, and we may wonder if we might be wiser to simply settle
where we are, making the best of what we have.

On the one hand, we almost relish the idea that true happiness is not out there so that we can
avoid the pain of change. On the other hand, we feel within ourselves a yearning to fulfill our
desire for relationships that are vital and healing. Ultimately, most of us will follow this call,
because deep within ourselves we know that we deserve to be happy. We all deserve to be
happy, no matter where we find ourselves in this moment, and we are all justified in moving,
like plants toward the light, in the direction that leads to our greatest fulfillment. First, though,
we may need to summon the courage to move on from the relationship that appears to be
holding us back.

Taking the first steps will be hard, but the happiness we find when we have freed ourselves
from a situation that is draining our energy will outshine any hardship we undergo to get
there. Keeping our eyes trained on the horizon, we begin the work of disentangling ourselves
from the relationship that no longer fits. Every step brings us closer to a relationship that will
work, and the freedom we need to find the happiness we deserve.


2011~A New Cycle Begins by Elizabeth
Jones - Master Astrologist
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:15pm

Many have an awareness that the times in which we live are different and somehow
significant, even special and unique. Great emphasis has been placed on 2012, for one, but
whether you place much credence in that or not, there are many other indicatorsthat this is a
turning point for humanity. Certainly it is true economically, politically, culturally and in
regards to our institutions of education, government and religion.

Trying to make any sense of it and then to try to figure out "what to do about
it" can be quite bewildering and even overwhelming.

Two Critical Questions

If you are on a path of consciousness or a Spiritual path of some kind, then you
may be asking yourself two very important questions these days:

From a practical viewpoint you wonder how you are to thrive, or just survive, in
the times we live. This may be financially, regarding your job or work situation
or personal relationships and/or family life.

From a spiritual viewpoint you may ask something along the lines of: Why am I here now?
What is my part to play at this critical juncture? How can I be of service?

And very importantly, how do these two dynamics intersect in my life? Where do they merge?

One of the key shifts available in 2011 is this: to get the order of these two right.
Meaning, to see that in order to thrive in a practical sense, you have to make it
your priority to better understand the relationship between your spiritual path
and your life path.

In fact, the merging of these two is where the alchemy occurs and magic happens.

Where To Start?

A good place to start is this:

1. Recognizethat you do have a part to play at this critical time on planet Earth,
and then claim it.

2. To do this you must raise your vibration, up your game, step up to the plate
and own your significance.

You signed up to being here now. And you consented to doing something, to being
a vehicle for a higher purpose in some way or another.

Does it need to be grandiose and involve a huge effort? Not necessarily. What it
needs to be is authentically yours. For doing so is what will give you every tool,
every resource and all the support you need to carry out your Soul Purpose, or what I often
call "Your Task".

Keep in mind that your task may not be an "out in the world thing" and could be
more of an inner experience. Opening to the Light on the inner brings Light to all
that are near and can have a significant impact in raising the vibration on the

And this is the year, I feel, many will experience a shift from seeking or trying
to do this to actually manifesting it. But again, getting clear about the order
of this is a must.

The Astrological Cycles at Play

One of the great gifts of Astrology is that we can see the bigger cycles at play.
And this year, a new cycle is about to begin.

For seven years, Uranus has been in the sign of Pisces. All astrological influences

have an agenda and Uranus in Pisces, during this last seven years, was clear: open
a channel from our higher mind to our lower mind. This was so we increased our capacity
to grasp new knowledge and insights.

The impact of this influence has, over time, opened our minds and hearts to new
wisdom and understandings. Most of you have also likely experienced an increase
in your own intuition and inner knowing during these years. Hopefully you have also
come to trust it more, even rely on it.

During these 7 years, many changed how they saw things and this could have created
a kind of chaos as the old way of perceiving didn't seem to fit aspects of the new
insights and higher knowledge now available. The old patterns stubbornly held their
position in our psyche, often resisting this new information. But over time, and
with the help of other astrological influences during this past few years, the
beliefs and ways of perceiving your life have likely changed.

The old patterns and precepts served their purpose and now don't seem to fit. This
can be uncomfortable as going back isn't even possible anymore. This may be to a
career path, how we support ourselves or relationships to our family, friends or
partners. It can feel as though the path has actually dissolved when we look back.

I have heard many say such things . . . that significant aspects of their life now
seem "old, out dated and just no longer an option." Yet it would seem that a kind
of limbo set in for many in 2010, because the "next steps" or new path were not
really all that clear. Or perhaps it was clear but just not happening for one reason or another.

On To 2011 and The New Cycle

Yes, I feel we are entering a New Cycle. The planetary energies, patterns and shifts
point in this direction.

Yet to the degree that we are in sync with the energies, is the degree we will be
able to truly avail ourselves to the magic pulsing through them.

In other words, to embrace this New Cycle, we must align ourselves through exerting
our personal will, in a conscious way that embraces and stabilizes the natural rhythms
of life, as these are the "carriers" of the current of the creative/creator, or
the Pulse of Life itself.

"Rhythm is the carrier of Life."

~Rudolph Steiner

There are lots of ways to get in sync with thia natural flow of life, and some are
quite simple to do, such as:
* Breathing exercises.
* Through movement: such as dancing, walking, yoga, tai chi, etc.
* Normalizing your daily patterns, such as eating and sleeping

What is most important is to be consistent. This is what will increase your capacity
to be able to bring this Universal Energy into your life.

Yet if you are out of sync in other, fundamental ways, these may not be enough.

Another, effective way is this:to align your life, at least to some degree, to the
cycles of the Heavens, using Astrology as your map to do so. I simply know of no
other body of knowledge that better shows us how to get in sync with the natural
order of things than Astrology.

Key Events In 2011

Next, I want to address the keys that I see as most significant to the New Cycle
we are entering, particularly in the first half of the year:

1. The Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces in the first week of the year.

2. Jupiter entering Aries the 3rd week of January.
3. Uranus entering Aries mid-March for 7 years.
4. Neptune entering Pisces briefly for the first time in over 140 years.

1. Right out the door~Jupiter is conjunct Uranus!

When I look over the year ahead certain days or series of days will jump out at
me as being of particular significance. This year, it is interesting because one
of the most potent one is this week, January 4th, and the few days surrounding

The 3rd of three meetings of Jupiter-Uranus is happening this week (there were two
last summer). This time it is occurring at the end of Pisces, which are the final
degrees of the Zodiac. The influence of the conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus this
week will last another 2-3 weeks.

These are powerful planets and their combined energies set the tone for the year
for all of us. (Also on the 4th is the first New Moon of the year, which also happens
to be a Solar Eclipse! This adds yet more potency to this week, and says that the
seeds and thoughts we plant now are especially important to our entire year ahead.)

As we enter this year, it would be good to reflect not only on the past year, but
the last several years.

For they are the foundation to better understanding what this year is about, and
what it isn't about.

A major theme is to seek freedom from limiting beliefs and patterns, to forgive
others and yourself and to let go of whatever holds you back. During this time,
if you have done the "work", such as reflection and being willing to be responsible
for your part, "just letting go" is absolutely possible during this time! This alone
will open the space within for what comes in the new cycle.

Say Good-bye Old Programming!

We all have programs that run someplace in the background of our unconscious that

sets our limits and says "yes" or "no" (mostly "no"). And of course some of those
are necessary and just common sense. Yet others are based on old precepts of what
we are capable of, what we think our best is, what we think we deserve or are able
to do.

And yet, to grow, to become more of who we are and to accomplish what you set out
to do this lifetime we must at times reach far beyond our "no's". I know we have
all heard some version of this . . . yet we still find it hard to actually manifest
the desired expansion in our lives.

One reason may be that we haven't opened aspects of our own being to accept this
expansion and so we fit our dreams into the old form, or formula. And then wonder
why they don't manifest. What can you conceive of? What do you think is truly possible?

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is a most expansive influence, happening now, right

in the first few weeks of the New Year, inviting us to open to the part of yourself
that can increase your consciousness, your capacity to accept your own higher self
and your greatness.

Now is the perfect time to broaden your current perception of the reality of your
life and then to see new possibilities. "What we can't conceive of we can't create."

This energy is blowing the top off our own limitations, opening us to a new capacity
to see what we are capable of!

There are keys to turning this lock open.

First it is no mistake, I feel, that you are reading this. I say take that as a
sign in and of itself that you are open and ready for this year to be a dynamic
one for you. Believe that it is time, that you have all the resources and support
you need to take whatever is your task to a higher level.

Take the next 2-3 weeks to focus on the inner. Surrender to your path, even if you
aren't exactly certain as to what that is. This, in itself, is an act of trust and
faith in you believing that you have a purpose. Allow not knowing as to what is
coming in. Most importantly, acknowledge that the past is no longer an option.

This can wake us up to what is possible. You may well sense that something is stirring
and indeed it is. There may even be a feeling that your life is about to take off.
Trust and nurture that!

The emphasis is now on taking part in your own life in a more dynamic and proactive

2. Jupiter in Aries ~ Activator of Enthusiasm

On January 22nd, Jupiter enters Aries until June 4th. Jupiter goes through each
sign every 12 years and while in Aries can spark enthusiasm and bring some form
of excitement into our lives. How amazing that it is happening now, in the first
few months of this most amazing year.

Here are some keywords for while Jupiter is in Aries: Being bold and having courage
to be who you are; be pioneering and entrepreneurial as it encourages new beginnings.

Qualities to focus on while Jupiter is in Aries: Optimism, inspiration, faith. Being

open to change that brings more joy to your life. Doing things that are being true
to yourself and increase your confidence.

Questions to ask during this time: Where am I ready to change and grow? Am I open
to see what is truly possible? Am I willing to expand even if it means real change?
If I were feeling bold and confident, what might I do? Do I wait for others to act
before I take action?

What to watch out for during this time: While Jupiter is in Aries is great for expanding
in many ways, yet you do need to be careful to not take on too much, too fast. Excesses
of any kind are possible and need to be avoided.

This heralds a dynamic time, one that will usher in many changes, some you may have
been working towards for some time.

3. Uranus in Aries ~ Enters the Spark

Uranus in Pisces has done a lot to lay a new foundation for spirit to enter our
lives, for

Light to enter our being. Yet it has been primarily on the inner and hasn't really
been conducive to outer manifestation. If we try to take action on something prior
to it's time, before the inner landscape hasn't been laid, it is very possible that
it will not sustain in physical form. So timing is everything.

Uranus is entering Aries in mid-March until May 15, 2015 and will act as a spark
and catalyst. We can lay the logs on the fire but without the match it will not
provide us with heat. And once Uranus is in Aries there will many sparks to keep
the fire, through enthusiasm and renewed optimism, going.

Further, the channels that were forged in the last seven years are now ready to

Light in a more dynamic way. We can more easily see how the insights that came through
in that time now directly apply to our life.

Keywords for while Uranus is in Aries: Expect unusual, unpredictable events that
change how you view things. There is an acceleration of energies and a feeling
that everything is happening very fast.

Qualities to focus on during this time: Being open to change that will bring you
more aliveness and vitality. This is a primary element of all this-to feel more
alive by being open to the life-giving pulse of Spirit. If you feel stuck, ask
yourself if your lower will is still out of alignment with your higher will.
Questions to ask now: Am I willing to change those things that will truly change

my life? Or do I back away from them, fearful that I will loose what is familiar?
What would be the first thing I would change in my life that would make it better
if I could?

What to watch out for during this time: Being erratic and making changes without
any forethought. Seeking freedom and independence in impulsive ways. Resisting
new ideas and information.

To attune to the higher frequencies of this Uranus influence, find ways to be yourself,
to be authentic to who you are, be willing to be different, to step away from the
crowd or the norm. The pulse of the Divine aspect of self is strong and it has a
unique signature that is yours alone.

4. Neptune enters Pisces ~ The Pull Towards The Divine & The Life We have Chosen

Neptune in Pisces is a major part of the New Cycle we are entering. It is the beckoning
of the Divine and draws us towards our higher self. Our devotional natures increase
under its influence as we yearn for our God-connection to become stronger and more

The heart opens to unconditionally loving ~ ourselves, others and the life we have
chosen. The sense of separation between ourselves and God and ourselves and others

It is the missing piece to the puzzle and where our willingness to surrender to
our own life agenda, set forth before we were born (and indicated in your natal
chart) can now exist and come into being with less resistance and greater ease.

This is a long-term aspect, one that will be influencing us until 2025. It hasn't
been in Pisces in over 140 years).

As we enter the new cycle, again, it is critical that we find ways to get in a sync
with the energies as this is where we will find our strength and courage on an ongoing
basis. I encourage you to check out the Astro Currents Monthly [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?
page to learn more.

It is an exciting year, one that I feel many have been waiting for a long time.
Maybe even lifetimes.

My prayer for you this year is that you open to your true self, and that you know
many blessings along the way,

~Elizabeth Jones

- www.AstrologyofLight.com

© 2011 by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to forward this article onto others, post on your blog or site or share in your
social networking circles but please do so without change or alteration, and giving credit to
Elizabeth Jones and linking to


Tags: www.astrologyoflight.com


World Healing Opportunity......A Message
From St. Germain Thro' Aruna~4th
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:20pm

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 12:43 PM PST

When my message compliments your life experience, this means we are being led by the
same source. Are the things I have said creating the cause and effect difference that I
intended? What more do my words need to convey? I've given many discourses on ascension,
awakening, brotherhood, community, controllers, deceivers, enlightenment, future events,
God, gratitude, happiness, Mastery, Earth changes, waking-up, health, dreams vs. reality,
consciousness, manipulation, awareness, giving, caring, death, denial and fear. What else do
you think you need to understand?

My next messages are to be less wordy and more defined. I will deliver a message that goes
directly to the heart. What my words convey is less important than the mandate they call for.
Bring them into your heart to FEEL what my message is about.

Today's new message is about caring: Move your attention out of this written material, and
direct it towards someone who has been disturbed recently. Make them a new caring container
with your imagination. Cover them with a green aura. Mentally conceive of them getting
completely contained in this green glow. Wait ten seconds, then dip a mental image of a
needle into liquid gold. Then proceed to close up the aura around this being with a needle and
thread action, using the needle you imagined, and the liquid gold thread you also thought into
creation. Allow this cocoon to set for awhile, as the mental cause of its existence tells the
being inside the following words:

"You are the most cared about human that ever existed. Your mother loves you more than
anything. Your father does also, and all the brothers and sisters in your family are here to give
you the love you need now. Allow them to hold you. Turn over all your concerns to them.
Give them the distress you have been holding. Let them take care of it."

Now, give this last comment with no dates or times added:

"I Am God, the one who cares for you as your mother, father, sisters and brothers. I am the
one who wants your disturbance. Give me the pain. Give me the memories of the event. My
God-like creation, you are the one that has the light that others need. Heal the mind and come
out of the cocoon when you are ready to let go of the past. I am waiting."

In this ceremony you have given another a love and caring creation that can provide them

with a great healing. Assist anyone that needs this. It can be done without their agreement, as
no demand is made of them.

Can you imagine the complete love this conveys? Use it and don't ask for any comments
about it. Be an anonymous giver . . .

Can you do this for those who are not getting their basic needs met? Can you do this for
mental patients? Can you do this for anyone that needs assistance? Give God's love to those
who cannot remember how much God loves them. You can be of great assistance to world

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


New Moon-Solar Eclipse of Jan 4th - New

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:37pm

oday Is A Day Of Amazing Energy

Prayer Request
On this powerful day of manifestation we send our support and love to all across the world
who are in need. We send a special wave of prayer and loving support to those in Eastern

Australia who are victims of the massive flooding taking place. We ask the waters to recede in
highest good.

In This Earth-Keeper Newsletter

* New 2011 Forecast from Astrologist Elizabeth Jones

* Including the Energy of Today's Eclipse-New Moon

Note: By popular request we are extending the Double Event Attendance Discount for
Equinox in the Pyramids & The 11-11-11 in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas for 2 weeks, as
many were on holiday travel . Scroll down for registration link and details if you wish to take
advantge of this special low rate.

What's Up in Arkansas ? ... Many of you are aware of the 'mysterious' occurrence of 5000
birds dropping from the skies in the Crystal Vortex 3 days ago on the 1-1-11. There will be
information on this provided by Archangel Metatron soon in an upcoming Earth-Keeper
Newsletter. We will say the Crystals are moving into hyper activity, and as Arkansas is the
largest deposit of natural quartz crystal in the Northern Hemisphere, unique (quartz
-magnetic) electrical activity is not uncommon in the areas of quartz bearing strata. Quartz in
one of 3 piezo-electric mineral crystals, and Arkansas contains specific areas of magnetic lode
stone within the crystal vortex parameters & regions. The combination of these two properties
can and does stimulate ionics in the atmosphere, and often attracts unusual electro-magnetic
phenomena as well as lightening. As the Master Crystals are awakening, incredible energies
are stimulated. ...more to come, stay tuned.

2011~A New Cycle Begins

- By Elizabeth Jones - Master Astrologist

Many have an awareness that the times in which we live are different and somehow
significant, even special and unique. Great emphasis has been placed on 2012, for one, but
whether you place much credence in that or not, there are many other indicators that this is a
turning point for humanity. Certainly it is true economically, politically, culturally and in
regards to our institutions of education, government and religion.

Trying to make any sense of it and then to try to figure out "what to do about it" can be quite
bewildering and even overwhelming.

Two Critical Questions

If you are on a path of consciousness or a Spiritual path of some kind, then you may be asking
yourself two very important questions these days:
From a practical viewpoint you wonder how you are to thrive, or just survive, in the times we
live. This may be financially, regarding your job or work situation or personal relationships
and/or family life.

From a spiritual viewpoint you may ask something along the lines of: Why am I here now?
What is my part to play at this critical juncture? How can I be of service?
And very importantly, how do these two dynamics intersect in my life? Where do they merge?

One of the key shifts available in 2011 is this: to get the order of these two right. Meaning,
to see that in order to thrive in a practical sense, you have to make it your priority to better
understand the relationship between your spiritual path and your life path.
In fact, the merging of these two is where the alchemy occurs and magic happens.

Where To Start?

A good place to start is this:

1. Recognizethat you do have a part to play at this critical time on planet Earth, and then
claim it.
2. To do this you must raise your vibration, up your game, step up to the plate and own your

You signed up to being here now. And you consented to doing something, to being a vehicle
for a higher purpose in some way or another.

Does it need to be grandiose and involve a huge effort? Not necessarily. What it needs to be
is authentically yours. For doing so is what will give you every tool, every resource and all
the support you need to carry out your Soul Purpose, or what I often call "Your Task".

Keep in mind that your task may not be an "out in the world thing" and could be more of an
inner experience. Opening to the Light on the inner brings Light to all that are near and can
have a significant impact in raising the vibration on the planet.
And this is the year, I feel, many will experience a shift from seeking or trying to do this to
actually manifesting it. But again, getting clear about the order of this is a must.

The Astrological Cycles at Play

One of the great gifts of Astrology is that we can see the bigger cycles at play. And this year, a
new cycle is about to begin.

For seven years, Uranus has been in the sign of Pisces. All astrological influences have an
agenda and Uranus in Pisces, during this last seven years, was clear: open a channel from our
higher mind to our lower mind. This was so we increased our capacity to grasp new
knowledge and insights.

The impact of this influence has, over time, opened our minds and hearts to new wisdom and
understandings. Most of you have also likely experienced an increase in your own intuition
and inner knowing during these years. Hopefully you have also come to trust it more, even
rely on it.
During these 7 years, many changed how they saw things and this could have created a kind
of chaos as the old way of perceiving didn't seem to fit aspects of the new insights and higher
knowledge now available. The old patterns stubbornly held their position in our psyche, often
resisting this new information. But over time, and with the help of other astrological
influences during this past few years, the beliefs and ways of perceiving your life have likely

The old patterns and precepts served their purpose and now don't seem to fit. This can be
uncomfortable as going back isn't even possible anymore. This may be to a career path, how
we support ourselves or relationships to our family, friends or partners. It can feel as though
the path has actually dissolved when we look back.

I have heard many say such things . . . that significant aspects of their life now seem "old, out
dated and just no longer an option." Yet it would seem that a kind of limbo set in for many in
2010, because the "next steps" or new path were not really all that clear. Or perhaps it was
clear but just not happening for one reason or another.

On To 2011 and The New Cycle

Yes, I feel we are entering a New Cycle. The planetary energies, patterns and shifts point in
this direction.

Yet to the degree that we are in sync with the energies, is the degree we will be able to truly
avail ourselves to the magic pulsing through them.

In other words, to embrace this New Cycle, we must align ourselves through exerting our
personal will, in a conscious way that embraces and stabilizes the natural rhythms of life, as
these are the "carriers" of the current of the creative/creator, or the Pulse of Life itself.

"Rhythm is the carrier of Life."

~Rudolph Steiner

There are lots of ways to get in sync with thia natural flow of life, and some are quite simple
to do, such as:

 Breathing exercises.
 Through movement: such as dancing, walking, yoga, tai chi, etc.
 Normalizing your daily patterns, such as eating and sleeping

What is most important is to be consistent. This is what will increase your capacity to be able
to bring this Universal Energy into your life.

Yet if you are out of sync in other, fundamental ways, these may not be enough.

Another, effective way is this: to align your life, at least to some degree, to the cycles of the
Heavens, using Astrology as your map to do so. I simply know of no other body of knowledge
that better shows us how to get in sync with the natural order of things than Astrology.

Key Events In 2011

Next, I want to address the keys that I see as most significant to the New Cycle we are
entering, particularly in the first half of the year:
1. The Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces in the first week of the year.
2. Jupiter entering Aries the 3rd week of January.
3. Uranus entering Aries mid-March for 7 years.
4. Neptune entering Pisces briefly for the first time in over 140 years.


1. Right out the door~Jupiter is conjunct Uranus!

When I look over the year ahead certain days or series of days will jump out at me as being of
particular significance. This year, it is interesting because one of the most potent one is this
week, January 4th, and the few days surrounding it.

The 3rd of three meetings of Jupiter-Uranus is happening this week (there were two last
summer). This time it is occurring at the end of Pisces, which are the final degrees of the
Zodiac. The influence of the conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus this week will last another 2-3

These are powerful planets and their combined energies set the tone for the year for all of us.
(Also on the 4th is the first New Moon of the year, which also happens to be a Solar Eclipse!
This adds yet more potency to this week, and says that the seeds and thoughts we plant now
are especially important to our entire year ahead.)

As we enter this year, it would be good to reflect not only on the past year, but the last
several years.

For they are the foundation to better understanding what this year is about, and what it isn't

A major theme is to seek freedom from limiting beliefs and patterns, to forgive others and
yourself and to let go of whatever holds you back. During this time, if you have done the
"work", such as reflection and being willing to be responsible for your part, "just letting go" is
absolutely possible during this time! This alone will open the space within for what comes in
the new cycle.

Say Good-bye Old Programming!

We all have programs that run someplace in the background of our unconscious that sets our
limits and says "yes" or "no" (mostly "no"). And of course some of those are necessary and
just common sense. Yet others are based on old precepts of what we are capable of, what we
think our best is, what we think we deserve or are able to do.
And yet, to grow, to become more of who we are and to accomplish what you set out to do
this lifetime we must at times reach far beyond our "no's". I know we have all heard some
version of this . . . yet we still find it hard to actually manifest the desired expansion in our

One reason may be that we haven't opened aspects of our own being to accept this
expansion and so we fit our dreams into the old form, or formula. And then wonder why they
don't manifest. What can you conceive of? What do you think is truly possible?
The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is a most expansive influence, happening now, right in the
first few weeks of the New Year, inviting us to open to the part of yourself that can increase
your consciousness, your capacity to accept your own higher self and your greatness.

Now is the perfect time to broaden your current perception of the reality of your life and then
to see new possibilities. "What we can't conceive of we can't create."

This energy is blowing the top off our own limitations, opening us to a new capacity to see
what we are capable of!

There are keys to turning this lock open.

First it is no mistake, I feel, that you are reading this. I say take that as a sign in and of itself
that you are open and ready for this year to be a dynamic one for you. Believe that it is time,
that you have all the resources and support you need to take whatever is your task to a higher

Take the next 2-3 weeks to focus on the inner. Surrender to your path, even if you aren't
exactly certain as to what that is. This, in itself, is an act of trust and faith in you believing that
you have a purpose. Allow not knowing as to what is coming in. Most importantly,
acknowledge that the past is no longer an option.

This can wake us up to what is possible. You may well sense that something is stirring and
indeed it is. There may even be a feeling that your life is about to take off. Trust and nurture
The emphasis is now on taking part in your own life in a more dynamic and proactive way.

2. Jupiter in Aries ~ Activator of Enthusiasm

On January 22nd, Jupiter enters Aries until June 4th. Jupiter goes through each sign every 12
years and while in Aries can spark enthusiasm and bring some form of excitement into our
lives. How amazing that it is happening now, in the first few months of this most amazing
Here are some keywords for while Jupiter is in Aries: Being bold and having courage to be
who you are; be pioneering and entrepreneurial as it encourages new beginnings.
Qualities to focus on while Jupiter is in Aries: Optimism, inspiration, faith. Being open to
change that brings more joy to your life. Doing things that are being true to yourself and
increase your confidence.
Questions to ask during this time: Where am I ready to change and grow? Am I open to see
what is truly possible? Am I willing to expand even if it means real change? If I were feeling
bold and confident, what might I do? Do I wait for others to act before I take action?
What to watch out for during this time: While Jupiter is in Aries is great for expanding in
many ways, yet you do need to be careful to not take on too much, too fast. Excesses of any
kind are possible and need to be avoided.
This heralds a dynamic time, one that will usher in many changes, some you may have been
working towards for some time.

3. Uranus in Aries ~ Enters the Spark

Uranus in Pisces has done a lot to lay a new foundation for spirit to enter our lives, for
Light to enter our being. Yet it has been primarily on the inner and hasn't really been
conducive to outer manifestation. If we try to take action on something prior to it's time,
before the inner landscape hasn't been laid, it is very possible that it will not sustain in
physical form. So timing is everything.
Uranus is entering Aries in mid-March until May 15, 2015 and will act as a spark and
catalyst. We can lay the logs on the fire but without the match it will not provide us with heat.
And once Uranus is in Aries there will many sparks to keep the fire, through enthusiasm and
renewed optimism, going.

Further, the channels that were forged in the last seven years are now ready to receive

Light in a more dynamic way. We can more easily see how the insights that came through in
that time now directly apply to our life.
Keywords for while Uranus is in Aries: Expect unusual, unpredictable events that change
how you view things. There is an acceleration of energies and a feeling that everything is
happening very fast.
Qualities to focus on during this time: Being open to change that will bring you more
aliveness and vitality. This is a primary element of all this-to feel more alive by being open to
the life-giving pulse of Spirit. If you feel stuck, ask yourself if your lower will is still out of
alignment with your higher will.
Questions to ask now: Am I willing to change those things that will truly change my life? Or
do I back away from them, fearful that I will loose what is familiar? What would be the first
thing I would change in my life that would make it better if I could?
What to watch out for during this time: Being erratic and making changes without any
forethought. Seeking freedom and independence in impulsive ways. Resisting new ideas and
To attune to the higher frequencies of this Uranus influence, find ways to be yourself, to be
authentic to who you are, be willing to be different, to step away from the crowd or the norm.
The pulse of the Divine aspect of self is strong and it has a unique signature that is yours
4. Neptune enters Pisces ~
The Pull Towards The Divine & The Life We have Chosen

Neptune in Pisces is a major part of the New Cycle we are entering. It is the beckoning of the
Divine and draws us towards our higher self. Our devotional natures increase under its
influence as we yearn for our God-connection to become stronger and more real.
The heart opens to unconditionally loving ~ ourselves, others and the life we have chosen.
The sense of separation between ourselves and God and ourselves and others dissolves.

It is the missing piece to the puzzle and where our willingness to surrender to our own life
agenda, set forth before we were born (and indicated in your natal chart) can now exist and
come into being with less resistance and greater ease.
This is a long-term aspect, one that will be influencing us until 2025. It hasn't been in Pisces
in over 140 years).

As we enter the new cycle, again, it is critical that we find ways to get in a sync with the
energies as this is where we will find our strength and courage on an ongoing basis. I
encourage you to check out the Astro Currents Monthly page to learn more.
It is an exciting year, one that I feel many have been waiting for a long time. Maybe even

My prayer for you this year is that you open to your true self, and that you know many
blessings along the way,

~Elizabeth Jones - www.AstrologyofLight.com

© 2011 by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved.

Please feel free to forward this article onto others, post on your blog or site or share in your
social networking circles but please do so without change or alteration, and giving credit to
Elizabeth Jones and linking to AstrologyOfLight.com.


Gerçek Kaderimizde yazan hayatı sürmek
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:46pm

Çoğumuz hayatımız boyunca gerçek kişiliklerimizi saklayan sosyal maskeler takıyoruz.

İnsanlığın tüm renklerini sergilemek yerine;

dünyanın olmamız istediğini "sandığımız" kişinin heykeli haline dönüyoruz.

İnsanların söylememizi istedikleri şeyleri söylüyor,

giymemizi istedikleri kıyafetleri giyiyor

ve yapmamızı istedikleri şeyleri yapıyoruz.

Kaderimizde yazan hayatı sürmek yerine

başkaları gibi yaşıyoruz.

Böylelikle de yavaş yavaş ölüyoruz.

'Ölüm ölmenin birçok yolundan birisidir.' demiş Kaşif Alvah Simon.

Aile Bilgeliği - Robin Sharma


Bırak hayatına eşlik etmek isteyenler gelsin

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:48pm

"Kimseyi değiştiremezsin hayatta..

Ve kimse için de değişmemelisin !
Bırak hayatına eşlik etmek isteyenler gelsin seninle ..
Ne sen başkası için mecburi istikametsin, Ne de bir başkası senin için...
Yanındakiler seni mutlu ettiği sürece kalsın hayatında....
Bu Yüzden... İstediklerim yanımda.. İstemediklerim yolunda olsun............"


"Olduğum kişiyi sevdim mi?.."

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:53pm

Aynaya bakarken ya da yatağınızda uzanmışken

“kendimi seviyorum, kendimi seviyorum” diyorsanız…
Ve eğer bu sadece zihindeyse, kendiniz için daha da büyük bir çatışma yaratırsınız.
Çünkü buna inanmayan bir parçanız vardır.
Benim bahsettiğim, kendinizi hakikaten, gerçekten sevmeniz.
Her şeyinizi sevmeniz, yalnızca iyi olanları değil..
“Bazı yönlerimi sevebilirim ama daha üzerinde çalışmam gereken şeyler var” demeniz değil,

“daha müsait bir zamanda kendimi seveceğim”,
ya da o anda hayatınızdaki kaos neyse “bu bittikten sonra kendimi seveceğim” demeniz değil..

Kendinizi tam şu anda gerçekten sevmeniz..

Hatta, hatta meteliksiz olsanız,
duygusal sorunlar yaşıyor olsanız,
ruhsal sorunlar yaşıyor olsanız bile.
Tam şu anda olduğunuz kişiyi hiç düzeltmeye çalışmadan,
onarmaya çalışmadan, ertelemeden sevme iznini kendinize verin.
Hemen şimdi, her nerede olursanız olun, neyi deneyimliyor olursanız olun,
onu bütünüyle, tam anlamıyla sevin.
Bu ne demek?
Bu şimdi durun demek, tam şu anda biz konuşurken durun.
Hayatınız çok hızlı ve çok ama çok meşgul olmaya meyilli.
Genellikle bir dolu dilekle, arzuyla, hedefle ve yapmak istediğiniz onlarca şeyle dolu.
Ama bunların hiçbirinin önemi yok.

Hayatınızın sonuna geldiğinizde, ölüm döşeğinizdeyken

ya da diğer tarafa geçmişken,
geriye dönüp bakacaksınız
ve kendinize tek bir soru soracaksınız.
Bu soru gerçekleştirdiğiniz hedeflerinizle ilgili olmayacak,
diğer insanlardan daha başarılı olmanızla ilgili olmayacak.
O tek soruyu soracaksınız.
Olduğum kişiyi sevdim mi?
Bu kadar basit olacak.
Maddi birikimlerinizle ilgili olmayacak,
kaç kişiye öğretmenlik yaptığınızla ilgili olmayacak,
kaç insanı spiritüelliğinizle etkilediğinizle ilgili olmayacak.
Kendinizi sevip sevmediğinizi soracaksınız.
Dünyadaki yaşam ve ölüm süreci deneyimlerime dayanarak konuşuyorum.
Ölümle yüz yüze geldiğim zamanlarda
ya da diğer tarafa geçtiğim o anda her seferinde karşıma çıkan şey buydu.
Sanki daha yaşamım başlamadan önce kendim için oraya yerleştirdiğim bir soru gibiydi.
Ölümün kaçınılmaz hale geldiğini anladığım zaman karşıma çıkan ilk soruydu.
Kendimi sevdim mi?

Ve şimdi size soruyorum.

Bu soruyla yüzleşmek için ölmenize gerek yok.
Kendinizi seviyor musunuz?
Sevmek kabul etmektir.
Sevmek kendinizi, bedeninizi besleyip bakmaktır, özen göstermektir.
Bütün o egzotik diyetleri uygulamanızdan söz etmiyorum.
Aldığınız her lokmada kendinizi sevmenizden söz ediyorum.
Yediğiniz şeyin et mi yoksa yulaf ezmesi mi olduğu umurumda değil.
Vejetaryen olmanız ya da abur cubur yemeniz umurumda değil.
Kendinizi seviyor musunuz?
Bedeninizi seviyor musunuz?
Kanser nereden geliyor sanıyorsunuz?
Kendinizi sevmemeniz bedeninizi etkiler.

Adamus’un size bahsedeceği gibi, zihnin ve ruhun da kanseri vardır.
Bedeninizi sevmediğinizde kanser diye bildiğiniz bir ölüm süreci tetiklenir.
Kendinizi sevdiğinizdeyse bedeninizle, zihninizle ve ruhunuzla mucizeler
Cevap ellerinizde, ayaklarınızın dibinde.
Cevap kendinizi sevmek.
Ve öyledir.




 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 2:59pm

Kanser en çok neyi sever?

Her doktor öğrenciliği sırasında Otto Warburg'un buluşunu

1930'lu yıllarda Warburg kanserin en temel biyokimyasal
sebebini, yani sağlıklı bir hücreyi kanser hücresinden
ayıran şeyin ne olduğunu bulmuştur.
Bu, o kadar önemli bir buluştur ki, Otto Warburg'a Nobel Ödülü
Otto Warburg'a göre kanserin bir temel sebebi vardır.
Bu da, vücudun normal hücrelerinin oksijenli solunumunun, oksijensiz - anaerobik- hücre
solunumuyla yer değiştirmesidir.
Warburg'un buluşu bize başka neleri anlatmaktadır?
Birincisi,kanser, normal hücrelerden çok farklı bir biçimde metabolize olmaktadır.
Normal hücreler oksijene ihtiyaç duyar; kanser hücreleri oksijenden kaçınır.
Hiperbarik oksijen terapisi alternatif kanser tedavisi uygulayan kliniklerde kullanılan bir
Bu buluşun bize anlattığı başka bir şey de,
kanserin bir mayalanma (fermantasyon) süreciyle metabolize olduğudur.
Kanserin metabolizması normal hücre metabolizması ndan 8 kat
daha büyüktür.
Yukarıda söylediğimiz her şeyi birleştirirsek ortaya şu tablo çıkıyor:

Vücut, kanseri beslemeye çalışırken mütemadiyen kapasitesinin üstünde çalışır.
Kanser devamlı açlıktan ölmenin eşiğindedir ve vücuttan kendisini
beslemesini talep etmektedir.
Besin alımı kesilirse kanser açlıktan ölmeye başlar.
Tabii kendisini beslemek için vücudun şeker üretmesini
sağlayamazsa. ..

Proteinlerden şeker ÜRETİMİ

Bu ziyan sendromuna kaşeksia (cachexia) denir.
Kaşeksia vücudun proteinlerden (evet, doğru duydunuz, karbonhidratlardan veya yağlardan
değil de, Proteinlerden)
"glükoneogenez" (yeniden glükoz yapımı) işlemiyle, şeker elde etmesidir. Bu şeker kanseri

Vücut sonunda, kanser hücresini beslemeye çalışırken kendisi açlık çeker.

Şimdi, kanserin şekerle beslendiğini öğrenmişken, onu şekerle beslemek mantıklı geliyor mu
Yani karbonhidratlardan zengin bir diyet uygulamak?

Bugün, kansere karşı uygulanan birçok besin terapisi mevcuttur

(işe de yaramaktadırlar)
çünkü günün birinde birisi şeker ve kanser arasındaki bağlantıyı görmüştür.
Bu terapilerde, karbonhidratlar bakımından zengin gıdalara izin verilmez.
Terapilerin hiçbirinde şekere de izin verilmez çünkü şeker kanseri beslemektedir.

Peki doktorunuz bu gerçekleri size neden söylemez? Kim bilir?

Belki doktorunuz kanseri tedavi edecek kişinin siz değil, kendisi olduğunu düşünmektedir.
Belki Otto Warburg'un buluşunu duymuştur ama
geri kalan parçaları tamamlayamamıştır.
Belki de beslenmeyle ilgili hiçbir şey öğrenmemiştir.
Aslında 1978'e kadar ABD'nin resmi kuruluşlarından biri, beslenmenin kanserle bir ilgisi
olmadığını iddia etmekteydi!! !!
Kanser ve şeker bağlantısından haberdar olanlar ise, dikkate
değer terapilerle ortaya çıktılar.
Bunlardan biri 'Laetrile'dir.
Kaşeksialı hastaların yüzde 50'den fazlasında glükoneogenez sürecini durduran hidrazin sülfat
bunlardan bir diğeridir.
Bugün, Minnesota Üniversitesi kemoterapi alanında bir
"akıllı bomba" üzerinde çalışmaktadır.
Akıllı bomba diyebileceğimiz ilacın üzerinde bir
kaplama vardır.
İlaç, vücutta oksijensiz bir bölge ile karşı karşıya geldiğinde bu kaplamayı üzerinden atar.

Kanseri yok etmek için kemoterapiyi serbest bırakır.
Çünkü, vücutta oksijensiz tek alan, kanserli bölgedir.

Kanser hücresini aç bırakmaya çalışan besin terapileri de

Kanserin ne sevdiğini bilen hasta, bunları yemekten kaçınır.
Kanser, çiğ yiyeceklerdense, pişmiş yiyecekleri sever.
Pişirme işlemi, besinlerdeki enzimleri ve vitaminleri yok etmektedir.
Bir de, kanserin şeker sevdiğini aklınızdan çıkarmayın.
Kanserinizi sevmiyorsanız, onu beslemeyin!

Şeker yerine tatlandırıcı kullanmak çözüm değil

Şeker yerine tatlandırıcı kullanmayı düşünüyorsanız, başka bir tuzağa düşmüş olursunuz.
Tatlandırıcıların da vücuda ciddi zararları olduğu, yapılan araştırmalarla kanıtlandı.
Örneğin, Amerikan Gıda ve İlaç Dairesi (FDA), sakarin içeren her türlü gıda maddesinin
"Sağlığa zararlıdır. Hayvanlar üzerinde yapılan testlerde kansere yol açmıştır." ibaresinin
konmasını şart koştu.
Aspartam ve sükraloz gibi diğer tatlandırıcılar da yan etkileri nedeniyle uzak durulması
gereken gıdalar arasında.
(Editörün notu: Ama maalesef hiç birinin üzerinde böyle bir ibare yok).
Kaynak: International Wellness Directory

Son iki yüzyıldır şeker tüketimi nasıl arttı?

İngiltere'de 1815'de 5 kg cıvarında olan kişi başına yıllık çay şekeri tüketimi,
1970'de 50 kg'ın üzerine çıkmıştır.
1970-2000 yılları arasında ABD vatandaşları önceki yıllara oranla
yılda 100 litre daha fazla şekerli meşrubat tüketmişlerdir.

Türkiye'deki durum da artık çok farklı değildir.

Çocuğu ile büyüğü ile çılgınca şeker ve beyaz un kullanılmaktadır.
Bütün bu bilgiler kanserlerin
niçin arttığını göz önüne açıkça sermektedir.

Aşağıdaki tedbirlerle kanserlerin en az üçte ikisi önlenebilir;

* Un ve şekerden kaçınarak insülin direncini yenin.
* Hiçbir şekilde tatlandırıcı ve tatlandırıcı içeren 'light' hafif yiyecek ve içecek tüketmeyin.
* Katkı maddesi ilave edilmiş, paketlenmiş gıdaları yemeyin. Taş devri diyetini uygulayın.
* Bol taze sebze ve meyve yiyin.
* Yeterli omega-3 alın; ayçiçeği, mısır, soya, pamuk ve margarin gibi yağları diyetinizden
Bunların yerine zeytinyağı ve doğal hayvani yağları (tereyağı, iç yağı ve kuyruk yağı) yiyin.

* Kefir, yoğurt, turşu, sirke, nar ekşisi ve boza gibi probiyotiklerden (faydalı mikroplar)
zengin gıdalarla beslenin.
* Özgür dolaşan hayvanların etini ve yumurtasını yiyin.
* Pastörize sütlerden mümkün olduğunca kaçının. Kutu sütü tüketmeyin.
Mümkünse marda (?) sütü kullanın. Süt yerine süt ürünlerini (yoğurt, peynir) tercih edin.
* Günde iki diş sarımsak ve/veya 1 baş kuru soğan tüketin.
* Günde 1-2 tatlı kaşığı zerdeçal tozu tüketin.
* Yeşil ve siyah çay tüketin (şekersiz!!!! ).
* Stresten uzak durun.
* İyi uyuyun.
* Çevresel toksinlerden ve sigaradan uzak durun.
* D vitamini düzeylerinizi yükseltmek için dengeli bir şekilde güneşlenin ya da D vitamini
takviyesi alın.
* Yeteri derecede egzersiz yapın!!!!
* Aşırı alkol kullanmayın.
* İşlenmiş soya ürünü yemeyin.
* Yemekleri geleneksel yöntemler (buğulama, buharda pişirme)
ile pişirin. Turbo fırınlar da kullanılabilir.
* Hızlı pişirme yöntemleri (mikrodalga gibi) besin kayıplarına yol açar; ayrıca kanserojen
olabilirler !!!!
* Daha çok toprak (güveç), cam ya da kalaylı bakır kapları tercih edin.
Emaye ve çelik tencere daha sonraki tercihlerdir.
* Teflon ve alüminyumu ise kesinlikle kullanmayın.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet AYDIN

İÜ Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fak.
Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları ABD
Metabolizma ve Beslenme Bilim Dalı Başkanı


Christopher R. Endler Principles of Earth
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 3:00pm

Principles of EarthCharter


1. Respect Earth and lifein all its diversity.

a. Recognize that allbeings are interdependent and every form of life has value regardless of
itsworth to human beings.
b. Affirm faith in theinherent dignity of all human beings and in the intellectual,
artistic,ethical, and spiritual potential of humanity.

2. Care for the communityof life with understanding, compassion, and love.

a. Accept that with theright to own, manage, and use natural resources comes the duty to
preventenvironmental harm and to protect the rights of people.
b. Affirm that withincreased freedom, knowledge, and power comes increased responsibility
topromote the common good.

3. Build democraticsocieties that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.

a. Ensure that communitiesat all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and
provideeveryone an opportunity to realize his or her full potential.
b. Promote social andeconomic justice, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful
livelihoodthat is ecologically responsible.

4. Secure Earth's bountyand beauty for present and future generations.

a. Recognize that thefreedom of action of each generation is qualified by the needs of

b. Transmit to futuregenerations values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-
termflourishing of Earth's human and ecological communities. In order to fulfillthese four
broad commitments, it is necessary to:


5. Protect and restore theintegrity of Earth's ecological systems, with special concern for
biologicaldiversity and the natural processes that sustain life.

a. Adopt at alllevels sustainable development plans and regulations that makeenvironmental

conservation and rehabilitation integral to all developmentinitiatives.
b. Establish and safeguardviable nature and biosphere reserves, including wild lands and
marineareas, to protect Earth's life support systems, maintain biodiversity, andpreserve our
natural heritage.
c. Promote the recovery ofendangered species and ecosystems. d. Control and eradicate non-
native orgenetically modified organisms harmful to native species and the environment,and
prevent introduction of such harmful organisms.
e. Manage the use of renewableresources such as water, soil, forest products, and marine life
in waysthat do not exceed rates of regeneration and that protect the health ofecosystems.
f. Manage the extractionand use of non-renewable resources such as minerals and fossil
fuelsin ways that minimize depletion and cause no serious environmentaldamage.

6. Prevent harm as the bestmethod of environmental protection and, when knowledge is

limited, apply aprecautionary approach.

a. Take action to avoid thepossibility of serious or irreversible environmental harm even when
scientificknowledge is incomplete or inconclusive.
b. Place the burden ofproof on those who argue that a proposed activity will not cause
significantharm, and make the responsible parties liable for environmental harm.
c. Ensure that decisionmaking addresses the cumulative, long-term, indirect, long distance,
and globalconsequences of human activities.
d. Prevent pollution of anypart of the environment and allow no build-up of radioactive, toxic,
or otherhazardous substances.
e. Avoid militaryactivities damaging to the environment.

7. Adopt patterns ofproduction, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth's

regenerativecapacities, human rights, and community well-being.

a. Reduce, reuse, andrecycle the materials used in production and consumption systems, and
ensurethat residual waste can be assimilated by ecological systems.
b. Act with restraint andefficiency when using energy, and rely increasingly onrenewable
energy sources suchas solar and wind.
c. Promote the development,adoption, and equitable transfer of environmentally sound
d. Internalize the fullenvironmental and social costs of goods and services in the sellingprice,
and enable consumers to identify products that meet the highest socialand environmental
e. Ensure universalaccess to health care that fosters reproductive health and
f. Adopt lifestyles thatemphasize the quality of life and material sufficiency in a finite world.

8. Advance the study ofecological sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide
application ofthe knowledge acquired.

a. Support internationalscientific and technical cooperation on sustainability, with special

attentionto the needs of developing nations.
b. Recognize and preservethe traditional knowledge and spiritual wisdom in all cultures
thatcontribute to environmental protection and human well-being.
c. Ensure that informationof vital importance to human health and environmental protection,
includinggenetic information, remains available in the public domain.


9. Eradicate poverty as anethical, social, and environmental imperative.

a. Guarantee the right topotable water, clean air, food security, uncontaminated soil, shelter,
and safesanitation, allocating the national and international resources required.
b. Empower every humanbeing with the education and resources to secure a sustainable
livelihood, andprovide social security and safety nets for those who are unable tosupport
c. Recognize the ignored,protect the vulnerable, serve those who suffer, and enable them to
developtheir capacities and to pursue their aspirations.

10. Ensure that economicactivities and institutions at all levels promote human development
in anequitable and sustainable manner.

a. Promote the equitabledistribution of wealth within nations and among nations.

b. Enhance theintellectual, financial, technical, and social resources of developing nations,and
relieve them of onerous international debt.
c. Ensure that all tradesupports sustainable resource use, environmental protection, and
progressivelabor standards.
d.Require multinationalcorporations and international financial organizations to
acttransparently in the public good, and hold them accountable for theconsequences of their

11. Affirm genderequality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development

andensure universal access to education, health care, and economicopportunity.

a. Secure the human rightsof women and girls and end all violence against them.
b. Promote the activeparticipation of women in all aspects of economic, political, civil,
social,and cultural life as full and equal partners, decision makers, leaders, andbeneficiaries.
c. Strengthen families andensure the safety and loving nurture of all family members.

12. Uphold the right ofall, without discrimination, to a natural and social
environment supportiveof human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with
specialattention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.

a. Eliminate discriminationin all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual
orientation,religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin.
b. Affirm the right ofindigenous peoples to their spirituality, knowledge, lands and resources
and totheir related practice of sustainable livelihoods.
c. Honor and support theyoung people of our communities, enabling them to fulfill their
essential rolein creating sustainable societies.
d. Protect and restoreoutstanding places of cultural and spiritual significance.


13. Strengthen democraticinstitutions at all levels, and provide transparency and

accountability ingovernance, inclusive participation in decision making, and access tojustice.
a. Uphold the right ofeveryone to receive clear and timely information on environmental
matters andall development plans and activities which are likely to affect themor in which
they have an interest.
b. Support local, regionaland global civil society, and promote the meaningful participation of
allinterested individuals and organizations in decision making.
c. Protect the rights tofreedom of opinion, expression, peaceful assembly, association, and
d. Institute effective andefficient access to administrative and independent judicial
procedures,including remedies and redress for environmental harm and the threat of
e. Eliminate corruption inall public and private institutions. f. Strengthen local communities,
enablingthem to care for their environments, and assign environmental responsibilitiesto the
levels of government where they can be carried out mosteffectively.

14. Integrate into formaleducation and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills
needed for asustainable way of life.

a. Provide all, especiallychildren and youth, with educational opportunities that empower
them tocontribute actively to sustainable development.
b. Promote the contributionof the arts and humanities as well as the sciences in sustainability
c. Enhance the role of themass media in raising awareness of ecological and social challenges.
d. Recognize the importanceof moral and spiritual education for sustainable living.

15. Treat all living beingswith respect and consideration.

a. Prevent cruelty toanimals kept in human societies and protect them from suffering.
b. Protect wild animalsfrom methods of hunting, trapping, and fishing that cause extreme,
prolonged,or avoidable suffering.

c. Avoid or eliminate tothe full extent possible the taking or destruction of non-

16. Promote a culture oftolerance, nonviolence, and peace.

a. Encourage and supportmutual understanding, solidarity, and cooperation among all peoples
and withinand among nations.
b. Implement comprehensivestrategies to prevent violent conflict and use collaborative
problem solving tomanage and resolve environmental conflicts and other disputes.
c. Demilitarize nationalsecurity systems to the level of a non-provocative defense posture, and
convertmilitary resources to peaceful purposes, including ecological restoration.
d. Eliminate nuclear,biological, and toxic weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
e. Ensure that the use oforbital and outer space supports environmental protection and peace.
f. Recognize that peace isthe wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other
persons, othercultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are apart.

Life often involvestensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices.
However, wemust find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom
withthe common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual,family,
organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences,religions, educational
institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmentalorganizations, and governments are all called
to offer creative leadership. Thepartnership of government, civil society, and business is
essential foreffective governance. In order to build a sustainable global community, thenations
of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations,fulfill their obligations
under existing international agreements, and supportthe implementation of Earth Charter
principles with an internationallegally binding instrument on environment and development.
Let ours be a timeremembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve
toachieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace,and the joyful
celebration of life.


As never before in history,common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal
is the promiseof these Earth Charter principles. To fulfill this promise, we must
commitourselves to adopt and promote the values and objectives of the Charter. Thisrequires
a change of mind and heart. It requires a new sense of globalinterdependence and universal
responsibility. We must imaginatively develop andapply the vision of a sustainable way of life
locally, nationally, regionally,and globally. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and
differentcultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision. We mustdeepen and
expand the global dialogue that generated the Earth Charter,for we have much to learn from
the ongoing collaborative search for truth andwisdom.


2012 - Passing Into the Energy Cloud
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 3:00pm

On Christmas Eve, 2009, the startling hypothesis that our Solar System, the Sun and all its
planets, are moving into a potentially dangerous and destabilizing interstellar energy cloud,
was resoundingly sustained. In their research paper, "A strong, highly-tilted interstellar
magnetic field near the Solar System," published the December 24, 2009 issue of Nature, a
highly respected scientific journal, M. Opher et al report on data transmitted from Voyager,
the twin spacecraft that have been exploring the outer reaches of the Solar System since 1977.
"We have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system. This magnetic field
holds the interstellar energy cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can
exist at all," says Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason
University. He explains that this energy cloud is at least twice as strong as had previously
been predicted and that the Solar System has begun to pass into it, adding that this field "is
turbulent or has a distortion in the solar vicinity."

In fact, most scientists had either minimized the possible significance of the interstellar energy
cloud or dismissed the whole notion of its existence altogether. But not Dr. Alexei Dmitriev,
the esteemed Russian space physicist whom I visited in Akademgorodok, a clandestine
scientific research city outside of Novosibirsk, Siberia. In my recent book, Apocalypse 2012:
An Investigation into Civilization's End, I detailed Dmitriev's conclusions, based on his team's
analysis of Voyager data, that the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are
inexplicably excited -- immense storms, mammoth eruptions, plasma arcs jetting from the
planets' surface to their moons. He reasoned that this turbulence is caused by an external
injection of energy into the planets' atmospheres: to wit, an interstellar energy cloud which the
leading edge of the Solar System has now entered.
The Nature article does not examine the earthly ramifications of moving into the energy cloud
beyond suggesting that we could face an increase in cosmic rays, which could affect
everything from space travel to rainfall. But the prescient Dmitriev, who has been publishing
on the subject for the past fifteen years, observes that passage into this interstellar cloud has
already begun to perturb the Sun, causing solar outbursts that are leading to hurricanes,
earthquakes and volcanoes of unprecedented ferocity here on Earth. He is on record as
predicting that we will face global catastrophe in "not tens but ones of years." When pressed,
Dmitriev guesstimates that the Solar System will remain within this turbulent energy cloud for
something on the order of three millennia.
The confirmation of Dmitriev's interstellar energy cloud hypothesis marks the third time that
major predictions made in Apocalypse 2012 have been validated since it was published in
2007. Much of the book concerned the potential impacts of solar turbulence on climatic and
seismic events, on the global satellite network and also the electrical power grid. Lo and
behold, in December, 2008, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) issued a 100+ page
report detailing the grave vulnerability of the electrical power grid to solar blasts, which, by
scientific consensus, are next expected to climax in late 2012 or early 2013. The NAS
concludes that up to 130 million people could find themselves without electricity for months
or years due to solar mega-storms shorting out the grid. Without telecommunications, water or
gasoline (the pumps are electric), refrigeration, and basic law enforcement or military
security, civilization as we know it would be brought to its knees.
Apocalypse 2012 also reported extensively on evidence that the Earth's protective magnetic
shield is showing signs of realignment and deterioration, a hypothesis emphatically validated

in December, 2008, THEMIS, a squadron of five NASA research satellites unexpectedly flew
through a giant, pole-to-equator breach in our planet's magnetic field. The astrophysicists
attached to the THEMIS project were utterly astonished by the e data, with David Sibeck, the
project leader, going so far as to declare that "it was as though the Sun rose in the west." The
shields are down, Scotty, and the Sun is going to begin pummeling us big time in late 2012 or
early 2013.

Our space neighborhood is changing, and not for the better. We need to take precautions to
defend our home planet, our way of life, starting right now.
Lawrence E. Joseph
Author, "Apocalypse 2012"


Read more: http://www.thegic.org/profiles/blog/show?id=2358184%3ABlogPost



2012 - Passing Into the Energy Cloud

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 3:00pm

On Christmas Eve, 2009, the startling hypothesis that our Solar System, the Sun and all its
planets, are moving into a potentially dangerous and destabilizing interstellar energy cloud,
was resoundingly sustained. In their research paper, "A strong, highly-tilted interstellar
magnetic field near the Solar System," published the December 24, 2009 issue of Nature, a
highly respected scientific journal, M. Opher et al report on data transmitted from Voyager,
the twin spacecraft that have been exploring the outer reaches of the Solar System since 1977.
"We have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system. This magnetic field
holds the interstellar energy cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can
exist at all," says Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason
University. He explains that this energy cloud is at least twice as strong as had previously
been predicted and that the Solar System has begun to pass into it, adding that this field "is
turbulent or has a distortion in the solar vicinity."

In fact, most scientists had either minimized the possible significance of the interstellar energy
cloud or dismissed the whole notion of its existence altogether. But not Dr. Alexei Dmitriev,
the esteemed Russian space physicist whom I visited in Akademgorodok, a clandestine
scientific research city outside of Novosibirsk, Siberia. In my recent book, Apocalypse 2012:
An Investigation into Civilization's End, I detailed Dmitriev's conclusions, based on his team's
analysis of Voyager data, that the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are
inexplicably excited -- immense storms, mammoth eruptions, plasma arcs jetting from the
planets' surface to their moons. He reasoned that this turbulence is caused by an external
injection of energy into the planets' atmospheres: to wit, an interstellar energy cloud which the
leading edge of the Solar System has now entered.
The Nature article does not examine the earthly ramifications of moving into the energy cloud
beyond suggesting that we could face an increase in cosmic rays, which could affect

everything from space travel to rainfall. But the prescient Dmitriev, who has been publishing
on the subject for the past fifteen years, observes that passage into this interstellar cloud has
already begun to perturb the Sun, causing solar outbursts that are leading to hurricanes,
earthquakes and volcanoes of unprecedented ferocity here on Earth. He is on record as
predicting that we will face global catastrophe in "not tens but ones of years." When pressed,
Dmitriev guesstimates that the Solar System will remain within this turbulent energy cloud for
something on the order of three millennia.
The confirmation of Dmitriev's interstellar energy cloud hypothesis marks the third time that
major predictions made in Apocalypse 2012 have been validated since it was published in
2007. Much of the book concerned the potential impacts of solar turbulence on climatic and
seismic events, on the global satellite network and also the electrical power grid. Lo and
behold, in December, 2008, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) issued a 100+ page
report detailing the grave vulnerability of the electrical power grid to solar blasts, which, by
scientific consensus, are next expected to climax in late 2012 or early 2013. The NAS
concludes that up to 130 million people could find themselves without electricity for months
or years due to solar mega-storms shorting out the grid. Without telecommunications, water or
gasoline (the pumps are electric), refrigeration, and basic law enforcement or military
security, civilization as we know it would be brought to its knees.
Apocalypse 2012 also reported extensively on evidence that the Earth's protective magnetic
shield is showing signs of realignment and deterioration, a hypothesis emphatically validated
in December, 2008, THEMIS, a squadron of five NASA research satellites unexpectedly flew
through a giant, pole-to-equator breach in our planet's magnetic field. The astrophysicists
attached to the THEMIS project were utterly astonished by the e data, with David Sibeck, the
project leader, going so far as to declare that "it was as though the Sun rose in the west." The
shields are down, Scotty, and the Sun is going to begin pummeling us big time in late 2012 or
early 2013.

Our space neighborhood is changing, and not for the better. We need to take precautions to
defend our home planet, our way of life, starting right now.

Lawrence E. Joseph
Author, "Apocalypse 2012"


Read more: http://www.thegic.org/profiles/blog/show?id=2358184%3ABlogPost



2011 Predictions
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 3:10pm

We are once again at the dawn of another year, which is another

opportunity for us to fine-tune the integration of lessons we have

been learning for several decades and beyond that, multiple lifetimes.
What 2011 brings is more clarity, understanding, transformation and
growth as long as we approach this from the point of detachment,
observation, unconditional love and acceptance. These will be our big
lessons for this year because wherever we remain connected, involved,
unforgiving and unable to accept and release is where we will receive
more lessons that will show us how to integrate these things in our
life. We can no longer pretend we don’t know what we are doing—we are
entering our mastery and it is time for us to accept its

Will this be a challenging year? It depends on how we define the word

‘challenge’. It will be challenging if we are afraid of what we will
lose instead of viewing each loss as a release so that something else
can take its place. When we set our intention for transformation
everything that does not resonate with what we wish to become
disconnects from us. This can be very painful emotionally but on a
spiritual level, it is in alignment with what we have asked for. It is
time for us to see ourselves from a whole perspective, including all
of our aspects, body, mind, emotions and spirit, so that we can view
each step as a process of release and replacement. Letting go of the
old will be a big theme for 2011, as well being able to integrate the

We must become receivers in order for us to accept the benefits that

are ours when we step into our mastery. This is a year for us to
acknowledge our ‘great-ness’, to view ourselves as wonderful,
powerful, blessed, divine and deserving of the blessings that we have
been rejecting because we felt powerless and unworthy. Everything we
wish for is part of our field of potential and belongs to us. The only
way to receive and integrate it into our lives is to know that we
deserve it.

2011 will be a year of mixed blessings for those who have not yet
explored their healing potential and for others, this year will bring
so much in the way of the manifestation of long held dreams and the
opening of doors that have been closed. We will know who has done
their healing work by what is happening in their lives. They will
learn through the pain and challenges they choose. Our challenge will
be to assist them without become their servant, to learn to give
without becoming a martyr to someone else’s pain. We can be
compassionate teachers through the example of how we allow blessings
to flow to us instead of limiting our growth in the face of others’

Here are some general themes for this year:

Opening Hearts

This is a year where we will become more aware, as we began to in

2010, of how others’ hearts have been broken through their lifetimes
of pain. There will be so many opportunities for people to open their
hearts through compassion vortexes, new relationships, becoming
powerful, understanding divinity and accepting mastery. Every painful
experience is an opportunity to open ourselves to more love. Who we
give to is less important than why we are giving—the question we must
answer truthfully is what we want and need from others, where we are
seeking love from outside ourselves instead of connecting to our inner
resources of love within. Becoming the love we seek will be a global
lesson, and this extends to all areas of our life.

Energy Portals and Vortexes

We will see many new energy portals open and some majors ones close in
the next two years. This process began in 2001. Three ancient
vortexes, in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, will close by the end
of this year which means that we will see more violence, bloodshed,
war, natural and man-made disasters and unrest in these areas as those
who wish to see them remain open resist their closure. We are each
conduits of the new portals so if we focus on transformation in these
areas, we will assist in bringing in the new energies that will allow
these vortexes, which bring in very destructive energies, to finally
be closed.

Earth Changes

We are afraid of earth changes because they can bring so much trauma
and disruption to our lives. In 2011 we will not see as many earth
changes, such as storms, earthquakes, volcanoes or other things we
call ‘disasters’ as we did in 2010, but two of them may be more
violent or destructive than those we have experienced before. The
earth is also going through its own ascension and in 2011 it will be
‘cleaning house’ and reminding us that we are partners with the earth
and stewards of her resources. The earth is a sentient being, just
like everything else on the planet and we need to be reminded of this
from time to time. When we send love and appreciation to the earth, we
empower it in its ascension journey. That said, this year will bring
cleansing and many energetic changes to parts of the earth, especially
those where vortexes are closing.
The ongoing Ascension

Ascension is not a mystical event that will happen in 2012 and beyond,
it is happening right now. Every day is another day in our ascension
journey and each moment holds the blessings of ascending into our
divinity, experiencing its joy and learning to be in joy. When our
focus is on the present moment, we are aware of how we are
experiencing our ascension. We cannot create the future if we cannot
leave the past behind us and in 2011 we will have many chances and
choices to release the past. Can we let go of disappointments and what
we think we have missed and be powerfully in the present? It is

something we must learn because the only place where we have any power
is in the present.

Love and Relationships

It has been so long since many of us have had a romantic relationship

that we are beginning to wonder whether that will ever happen. 2011
will open that door but with a twist. There will be choices to make
and it is very important to have an intention for relationship. Are
you going to be the healer or are you willing to be with someone who
does not need your healing? Are you open to receiving the love that
you are so prepared to give to someone? Even though you may not see
how someone will ever enter your life, be prepared by knowing what you
want and setting your intention for it because it will happen when you
least expect it. By the end of the year and even before the end of
August, many new relationships, with long term potential, will be

Power Periods

These are periods when waves of energy are sent to the earth which are
very different from those we are familiar with. These often clash with
our own energetic vibrations and they can make us very uncomfortable
and even physically ill. We call these ascension symptoms and they are
part of our ascension journey, for we need to bring new energy to the
earth as part of our mission of creating ‘heaven on earth’. With these
power periods we may see earth changes, strong storms, floods,
earthquakes or unusual weather. In our own lives we can experiences
sudden endings, disruptions, changes of heart or mind or even physical

There will be seven power periods in 2011:

January 15 to 20th: During this time we will experience a tsunami-

like energy download that will bring new realizations and
understandings, like an ‘aha’ moment. For some this will be an
immediate shift into the 5th dimension, which will take place on an
emotional and mind level. Others may decide to complete their time
here and cross over.
March: The spring equinox will bring a more peaceful energy as we
begin to experience new potentials for our reality. There will be many
experiences of instant manifestation as we have an opportunity to
experience how powerfully we move energy. Be careful of your words and
thoughts at this time.

June through August: These three power periods are grouped together
because they will be a progressive flow of energy downloads,
transformation, physical, and emotional and mental upheaval which are
stepping stones into new energies and a process of growth where each
step forward occurs when we are willing to let go of the one before.

Many people will experience job loss, the end of relationships,
geographic moves and powerful changes in thinking in this time.

October: This is a 2012 choice point for the earth and its people.
”Where do we want to go from here” will be what we are asked to
answer. Are we willing to hold the energy for transformation while
remaining detached from what we think should be happening? During this
period we will be challenged to be co-creators and stay focused on our
vision for heaven on earth, no matter what appears to be happening in
the world.

November 21 to 30: This is the last power period of 2011 and the one
which will seem deceptively easy but in reality, what we will
experience is the flow of the energy and how easy it really is. We
will process all we have experienced in the year and understand how
divine order works. This period is key to establishing the energies of
2012, and what happens in this period will be another deciding point
for many people. We will hear of many deaths as there will be many who
decide their time here is finished. There will also be an unusual
number of births, dramatic life changes and sudden changes in
governments, politics and economic conditions.

The Year’s Key Theme

A key theme this year is to expect the most wonderful, best outcomes
for yourself, to move from a state of hopefulness to a state of
knowing, where you know that what you want will manifest, or you will
receive something even better. Be sure to set your intention with
‘this or something better’ so you can be prepared for all outcomes.
And be ready to receive, for this is how we

A Year of ‘Great-Ness and to be Great-ful’

Archangel Uriel calls 2011 a year for us to acknowledge our greatness

and to become ‘great-ful’, not in a sense of feeling better than
anyone else (we’re all connected so that is not possible), but to
acknowledge ourselves and who we are in the world. We are divine
beings, no less than anything else in the Universe. We are children of
God and of the Light, powerful beyond our human comprehension and co-
creators of our reality as well as that of the world and the universes
beyond it. How we express that greatness in our lives is entirely up
to us. We have legions of angels to support us but they cannot help us
unless we ask and are unable to give us more than we are willing to
accept and receive. When we remember that we are powerful and in
control of every aspect of our reality, within and without, we become
masters and step into the miracle vibration.

Happy 2011, and I wish each of you the blessings of your heart's
desire and an abundant, joyful, miraculous year.

Many blessings,

Jennifer Hoffman and Archangel Uriel

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia,

Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now
and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s
name and website, www.urielheals.
com are included.




 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 3:34pm

Greetings My Beloveds,

I greet you in great happiness as you celebrate the beginning of your new year. This is a time
of looking back and giving thanks for theyear that has been completed and a time of
celebrating as you move
forward into your new year.

It is a time to review what you have accomplished and what spiritual advancements you have
made. We in the Higher Realms have beenwatching over you, and we are pleased with the
steps you have taken to
move to higher levels on your ascension path.

As you focus on your accomplishments, focus first on your spiritual advancements, for they
form the foundation for the way you live yourlife and for all other accomplishments. As you
think about the
enhancements you have made in your spiritual qualities, remember that
these are the qualities that are always with you. They are what will
carry you forward into your next phase of ascension.

Perhaps you had kind words of appreciation for those who helped you. You may have made a
conscious effort to send loving thoughts tothose with whom you spoke and to all of humanity.
You may have assisted
Mother Earth with your loving actions to help her sustain her beauty.
Whatever actions you took to enhance your spiritual qualities will be
your beginning point for new advancements.

Then reflect on other accomplishments you have made. Perhaps you achieved a goal of a
physical, social or material nature. All of thespiritual qualities you have developed, along
with concrete actions you
took toward your goal, helped you to accomplish what you did. Your
conscious specific actions enabled you to reach your goals.

As you look back on your past year and think about those things that you did to move
forward, remember the feelings that accompaniedyour accomplishments. Focus on those
feelings and bring them forward,
for they will be your foundation for what you wish to add in the coming
year. When you focus on feelings of accomplishments, you vibrate at a
high frequency; you put yourself in an energetic space to receive higher
and higher gains during the coming year.

Whatever loving and positive things you did, focus on these things and the feelings that
surround them. Focus on these feelings of lovefor yourself, for all of humanity and for all of
Creation. Let this
love build and flow forth from your Sacred Heart Center until it reaches
higher and higher levels.

This puts you in a place to rise higher in your own ascension process
and to be of greater service as a loving example to all with whom you
come in contact. As your Light grows brighter and brighter, you attract
higher and higher vibrational opportunities.

You may wish to set aside some quiet time to focus on what you would like for the coming
year. Think about what qualities you wouldlike to enhance in yourself. These qualities may
range from greater
Love for all to kindness to benevolence in thought, word and deed. When
you focus on these qualities within yourself, this is what you will
radiate out to others, and in turn, this is what you will attract back
to you. This provides the backdrop for creating and manifesting the
highest good for yourself and the greatest good of all. Remember to ask
for this or something better, for when you ask for the greatest good of
all, this allows us to work with you.

In your review of the past year, if there are situations that you do not wish to carry forward,
surround them with the Violet Flame, andlet any discordant energies be transmuted and
transformed into
harmonious, loving ones. See and feel harmony surround the situation,
and fill it with beautiful, loving particles of Creator Light.

Releasing these situations with a desire for your highest good and the greatest good of all
allows the highest outcome to manifest. Theloving vibrations that you send forth will set the
stage for your path

A periodic review of your accomplishments and plans, as well as a yearly review, can be very
beneficial. Just as the new year is a newbeginning, so are each day and each moment. You
are constantly being
offered the opportunity to review where you are and make adjustments.
When you review each day, you are living in the present. In this way
you can adjust your thoughts, deeds and actions as needed to be in
alignment with your goals.

For example, if one of your goals is to be more loving toward your fellow human beings and
you find that you have had a thought that wasless than loving, you can substitute a thought
that would have been more
loving and then feel that wondrous feeling of love for your fellow
human beings. This resets your energy field to be in alignment with
your goals. In the next moment you are proceeding on toward your goal
with a higher vibration.

Anticipate positive things. It is about preparing self first. This can be compared to preparing
the soil in a flower bed prior toplanting the flowers. When you prepare yourself first by
discordant energies and transmuting them with the Violet Flame, you are
in a position to bloom and grow just as a flower does when it is planted
in rich soil.

You have done the work by preparing yourself daily through focusing on the spiritual qualities
you want to be; by monitoring your thoughts,words and actions; by transmuting and
transforming discordant energies
within yourself through the Violet Flame; and by allowing your
Love/Light to flow through you and shine as a beacon to all.

Beloveds, you are needed to perform this vital function. There are many who are searching
for a new beginning. When you conduct yourselfat the highest possible level, you are giving
hope to those who follow

Time and energy are moving at a fast pace, and having a monthly, quarterly or other periodic
review allows you to move with the energiesas they change. You will be riding with the flow
of the energy, and
this will assist you on your ascension path.

Beloveds, we rejoice with you in your new beginning and your progress. Know that we are
ever here to work with you. Allow us toassist you in manifesting your qualities and dreams
for the advancement
of all.

Know that you are loved beyond measure.

I AM Archangel Zadkiel
And I send you many blessings of love.

Tags: www.personalpathwaysoflight.c…


Akashic Records for January 2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 3:46pm

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

1 January, 2011
What energies and experiences can we expect in January 2011?

There is so much light available on Planet Earth this month. There is a sense of things
moving forward, and things being out in the open and available for you to work with. This is
a month when you do not need to get lost in the mystery of things or feel overwhelmed. The
image that they are giving to describe what this month can be like is surfing on the waves of
the ocean. You are the surfer and this energy is swelling up and lifting you up.

Just like with the sport of surfing, occasionally you might get swamped. You might get
knocked over and tossed about, but this month it is more possible for
more of you to achieve a balance where you can be on top of things. This month it is more
possible to see the big picture and get things done -- and where you can feel like your life is
moving in thedirection you want. Even when things do not go your way, you have a greater
ability to steer yourself this month than usual.

Do not tolerate anything that disempowers you this month; do not accept things that
overwhelm you. Find a way to get on top of them or get out of the way. Move on, do
something different. This is not a time for wallowing; it is not a time for feeling paralyzed. If
something is not working for you and you cannot find a way to get on top of it, walk away
from it and try a new solution. Do something different.

This month is about light and visibility. There is a sense that there is not much room for
secrets or deception this month. This means you are likely to see big secrets being revealed
this month. You might find that things in the news will appear, revealing secrets that have
been long held by different groups, organizations or institutions. Be prepared for scandal and
do not buy into the drama and fear in the stories of those scandals. Instead, allow yourself to
feel a sense of relief that the truth is finally coming to light -- finally you can all look at it and
move on. Do not get mired in drama. Do not bother with people who want to stir the pot or

make trouble. Do not bother with deception. Step out into the light, take things as they are,
and find a way to work with it and move on.

What more can we do to work with the energy of this month?

An important mantra you can use when things are difficult this month is to brush yourself off
and try again. When you fall down, when you make a mistake, when you are not sure what to
do -- find a way to stand up, recover, get a new balance and start again.

Try again is a great mantra for this month because just like surfing, you will fall over
sometimes. There will always be another wave. Thereis so much energy available this month
that you do not need to worry about you have missed your chance or run out of choices.
There will always be a new way to accomplish what you really want. This month that new
path, new resource, or new approach will arrive pretty quickly if you just stand up, shake
yourself off and find a new balance. Try again.

That might be the most important thing you can do this month in addition to avoiding the
drama and fear that might come up from others. Do not stick around for gossip or conspiracy
theories. Instead, step toward the light, step toward the parts of your life where you can feel
good things are happening. Put your attention there this month. The other things will fall into
place eventually.

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about January 2011?

This is a very intense time, but also a very hopeful time on Planet Earth. There is a lot going
on, you all have many challenges, but every single one of you is stronger than you have ever
been before. Every single one of you has more resources available than you have ever had
before. Do not imagine that when you feel overwhelmed that you are actually going to fail.
Feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you are stepping into something big, something new, and
something that you have always wanted.

Have faith in yourself and draw upon your resources. Take quiet moments to listen to your
intuition. Reach out to your friends and loved ones. Take good
care of your bodies, use all of your resources to set you up for success.

January 4 will probably bring many of you a sense of a real challenge. Do not let yourself fall
over that day. If you do fall over -- do not fall apart, just pick up and try again. If you pay
attention on January 4, most of you will find that whatever challenge comes to you that day
will continue to be a challenge for you in months to come. This day can be an opportunity for
you to get a preview of what is to come and start to get a handle on that challenge. You will
not respond to the challenge perfectly on January 4, instead it is an opportunity to try
something and see how it works and then collect information about what worked and what did
not. That is a good way to use the day of January 4.

Otherwise, the month seems to have mostly and expansive energy with gentle, undulating
waves. You will all go up and down in your own rhythm this month, so just take those waves
as they come.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith,
M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the
contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.



Letting Nature Work

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 4:01pm

Silent Change Often, when we are not looking, in the silence of nature's embrace, the miracle
of change happens.We all see things about ourselves, our relationships, and our world that we
want to change. Often, this desire leads us to take action toward inner work that we need to do
or toward some external goal. Sometimes, without any big announcement or momentous shift,
we wake up to find that change has happened, seemingly without us. This can feel like a
miracle as we suddenly see that our self-esteem really does seem to be intact, or our partner
actually is helping out around the house more. We may even wonder whether all of our hard
work had anything to do with it, or if it just happened by way of grace. As humans, sometimes
we have relatively short attention spans, and we can easily lose track of time. We may worry
about a seedling in a pot with our constant attention and watering for several weeks only to
find ourselves enjoying the blooms it offers and wondering when that happened, and how we
didn't notice it. Nature, on the other hand, has infinite patience and stays with a thing all the
way through its life. This doesn't mean that our efforts play no part in the miracle of change
they do. It's just that they are one small part of the picture that finally results in the flowering
of a plant, the shifting of a relationship, the softening of our hearts. The same laws that govern
the growth of plants oversee our own internal and external changes. We observe, consider,
work, and wonder, tilling the soil of our lives, planting seeds, and tending them. Sometimes
the hard part is knowing when to stop and let go, handing it over to the universe. Usually this
happens by way of distraction or disruption, our attention being called away to other more
pressing concerns. And it is often at these times, when we are not looking, in the silence of
nature's embrace, that the miracle of change happens.

DailyOM: Letting Nature Work


Saint Germain Yeni Yıl Mesajı
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 6, 2011 at 12:00am

2011 yılına hoş geldiniz, 1970’den beri farkında olduğunuz değişimlerin yılı bu yıl… Hazır
mısınız? Uyanık mısınız? İşler zorlaşmaya başladığında ışığı tutacağınız konusunda size
güvenebilir miyiz?
Bir çokları çağırıldı, bir çoklarına; Yeni Dünya’yı yaratmak için bir sonraki bilinç sıçraması
boyunca yaşaması önerildi. Bazıları seçtikleri kaderleri unutmuşlardı, bir çoğu, kendi
gerçeklerini bulmak için yoğun farkındalıklara girdiler. Sizi kendi iç dünyanıza götürecek
uygulamaların tümü iyi.
Büyük değişiklikler başlamak üzere ve hiçbir değişiklik kötü değil. Hoş karşılayın, Dünya
Ana’yı saran tüm hastalıkların gitmesini mümkün kıldıran herşeye minnettar olun.
Dünya Ana’nın gereksinimleri artık karşılanmalı, herkesin ilettiği mesaj, onur ve saygıyla
yeni bir başlangıçtır. Değişiklikler başladıkça, ona saygınızı sunmakta istekli olun.
Bu yıl uyanış yılı olsun. Koyun bir kenara düş görmeyi, aydınlanmamışların öğrettikleriyle
ilgili gerçeği görün. Hiç birinde ama hiçbirinde doğruluk yok. Sadece aydınlanmış bir varlık,
kimin gerçek, kimin zihinsel aldatmaca içerdiği konusunda netlik taşır.
Değişikliklerin nasıl olacağıyla ilgili bir çok düşünce üretildi, ve şimdi size diyoruz ki:Bir
dahaki yeni yılı kutlayacağımız günün ertesinde dünyanız bütünüyle değişmiş olacak.
Değişim bir yıl daha ileride.
Yirmi milyon yükselebilir, eğer hazırsa. Şu anda beş milyon hazır. Şimdi nasıl tüm diğerleri
kendi seçtikleri kaderi yaşayabilir? Meditasyon, negatif duyguları yok ederek ve egolarını
aşmak için yardım isteyerek.
Meditasyon hafif uyku hali değil, rüyalarsa zihnin dramalarının biraz fazlası. Aradaki ustayı
uyandırmak nefes farkındalığını gerektiriyor meditasyon sırasında, ki zihin sessizleşsin,
gözlensin bir obje gibi. Zihnin farkındalığa tüm verdiği sadece gerçek değil ama farkındalık
da orada olmalı. Farkındalık, zihin sustuğunda, geriye kalan BEN bilincidir. Bu farkındalık,
kim olduğunuz gerçeğini içerir.
Meditasyon yapın, zihinsel ve duygusal rahatsızlıkların sebep olduğu küçülmeleri silin.
Bunlar, zihnin kullanabildiği aletlerdir sizi Aydınlanmaya götüren. Tüm geriye kalan içsel
ustanızın himayesindedir.
Gelecekten korkar olursanız, korku denen duyguyla karşılaşırsanız, derin bir nefes alın ve
sessiz kalın bu konuda .
Korku pozitif değer taşıyanı değiştirebilecek güçte değildir. Korkuya neden olanı
şifalandırmak, aydınlanma hedefiyle uyumludur. Duraksayın, farkındalığınızı duruma
odaklayın ve bu korkuyu bırakmanız için içinizdeki ustadan yardım isteyin. Ustalık,
korkusuzluktur. İçinizdeki usta gereksinim duyduğunuz tüm yanıtlara sahiptir. İlişkinizi
sürdürmeye başlayın.
Hoş geldin Değişim. Hoş geldin, “yeni ve farklı olan”. Her günü en harika deneyim olduğu
için selamlayın. Onların yaratıcısı değil bir gözlemcisi olarak düşüncelerinize dikkat edin.
Sizler düşünceleriniz değilsiniz. Ne de düşünceler içinizdeki usta’ dan daha fazla farkında!
Değişim kaçınılmazdır. Görüneni deneyimlemek zor olabilir, ama hepsi insan varlığın ve
Dünya Ana’nın iyiliği için. Birkaç karanlık gün olabilir önümüzde. Bırakın mumlar gerekli işi

Bilgisayarlar çökebilirir, onları kullanamamaya alıştırın kendinizi. Cep telefonlarınızın
bağlantısı olmayabilir. Yakınınızda oturanlarla ilişkiye geçmekle başlayın. Elinizden
geldiğince yardımcı olun. Diğerlerine yardım edin. Verdiğiniz kadarını geri alacaksınız.
Rüya görürken: Onlar olmaktayken siz diğer yaşamları gözlemliyorsunuz. Hiçbir yaşam
gerçekte lineer değildir. Herşey ŞİMDİde gerçekleşir. Bir ruh tüm “yaşam”larını şimdi aynı
zamanda yaşamaktadır, sadece insanın kabul etmesine izin veren lineer zamandır. Aslında
hiçbirşey “var” değildir zamanda, bu aklın kanaatidir.
Aktif bir zihin bedene hakim olduğunda içinizdeki usta ne yapar? Hiçbirşey.. Bekler.. Zihnin
gerçeği aramaya başlayacağı ana kadar bekler. O an geldiğinde, diğer boyutlarda büyük
heyecan başlamıştır, ilahi çağrı herkes için gelmiş olur.
Bu çağrı size de geldiğinde, farkındalığınızı arttırmak için hemen yanıt verdiniz mi? Bu
çağrılar hep bu yolla mı yanıtlanır? Hayır, ama uyanacak son bir varlık kalana kadar biz
çağırmaya devam edeceğiz.
Kalbinizin içindeki ışığı yakın ve ışımasına izin verin ki diğerlerine de dokunabilsin. Belki
biraz vaktinizi alabilir, o zaman ne kadar erken başlarsanız o kadar iyi. Bizim alemimizde tüm
ışıklar parlamak için bekliyor çünkü aradaki boyutları aydınlatacaklar.
Yükselmiş Üstat Saint Germain
Aruna Kanallığıyla

Ceviren : Gunes Kurtulan


Call of the Clearest Star
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 12:30am

When we came here

I had the best navigator
by my side:


The wisest thing

I've ever done
is return to you.

But then, I could not help myself.

For I would vanish into oblivion,
scattered into cosmic dust
without you, my Clearest Star.

How did I find you?

I followed the call of the
Clearest Star resonating
invisibly in my heart.

This is the ancient way

within cosmic design
for Twin Flames
to find one another,
but I could not remember
how it was done
until now.

Whole lifetimes passed

lost in sorrow and chaos,
without the Unity of You.
I could not even remember you.
Little did I know that I was
feeling you all along
in the depths of my
resonating heart.

You, my Clearest Star,

have ever been the brightest
in my Universe. Now I know
to look within to find you.

Feeling the highest pulse

of our resonating hearts
the frequency of love eternal ...
now the search is over
I've merged with you,
my Clearest Star.


Thank you beloved Jacques


Yeni Dünya Enerjileri: Ocak 2011 Başmelek
Mikail ~ Celia Fenn kanalıyla
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 3:15am

Yeni Zaman Çizgisine Geçiş ve Dünya’da Barışın Tezahürü

Yeni Realitede Özgün ve Ruhla Dolu Bir Hayat Yaşamak

Yeni Dünya Enerjileri: Ocak 2011

Başmelek Mikail ~ Celia Fenn kanalıyla

Sevgili Işık Ailesi, Dünya’nın 2010’da Büyük Haç hizalanması zamanında başlayan geçişi
tamamlaması ne kadar sevinçli ve harika. O zamanda, Gezegen kendisini Beşinci Boyuta ve
Yeni Zaman Çizgisine geçişinin son aşamalarına yeniden hizalamaya başlarken, dünyanızda
gerçekleşmekte olan o büyük değişiklikleri biliyordunuz. 4 Ocak’taki Güneş Tutulması
zamanına kadar, Dünya yeni yörüngesine ve yeni frekansına tam olarak hizalanacak, bu onun
Galaktik Zaman Kapısı ile randevusu ve “zamansızlığa” ya da “sonsuzluk frekansına” girişi
için Aralık 2012’de zamanında ulaşmasını sağlayacak.

Aslında Sevgililer, 2010’un son aylarında yapılmış olan geçiş öncelikle Zaman ve sizin
Dünya Gezegenindeki yaşamlarınızla ilişkili olarak Zaman Algınız hakkında oldu. Işığın
Beşinci Boyutuna geçiş, Bilincin Yüksek Frekansına geçiştir. Bu seviyedeki enerji Üçüncü
Boyuttakinden daha yüksek titreşir ve daha hızlıdır. Ama, burada dikkat etmenizi istiyoruz,
çünkü burada Yeni Realite deneyiminiz için önemli olan bir çelişki var. Işığın Beşinci
Boyutunda, hızlanmış frekans yavaşlamış zaman olarak deneyimlenir! Üçüncü Boyutta, yeni
frekans daha hızlı zaman olarak deneyimlenir ve olayların çok hızlı ilerlediği görülür.

Dünya’nın kendisi şu anda yeni Beşinci Boyut Zaman Çizgisine tam olarak geçiş yaptı, ama
bir lütuf eylemi olarak, Dünya 2012’ya kadar Üçüncü Boyut Zaman Çizgisinin devam
etmesine ve yeni zaman çizgisi ile birlikte var olmasına izin veriyor. Bu nedenle Dünya’nın
nüfusunun yeni frekansa ve zaman çizgisine ayarlanması için zamanı var. 2012’nin ortalarına
kadar her iki zaman çizgisi de seçenekler olarak var olacak. 2012’nin ortalarında Dünya 2012
Zaman Kapısından “Zamansızlık/Sonsuzluk Frekansı”na veya Sonsuz Bilinç bölgesine
yolculuğuna başlarken, eski Üçüncü Boyut zaman çizgisi çökmüş olacak. O zamanda, Dünya
üzerindeki her şey Işık ve Barışın Yeni Çağına “bilinç evrimi”nin dev sıçramasına
hazırlanmaya başlayacak.

Sevgililer, sizler bu geçişin öncüleri oldunuz ve şimdi, sonraki on sekiz ay boyunca zaman
algınızın kişisel geçişiniz için ne kadar önemli olacağının farkında olmanızı istiyoruz. Ne
zaman çıkmaza giren eski zaman paradigmasında olduğunuzu ve ne zaman yeni zaman
paradigmasında ve ileri giden yolda olduğunuzu bilmeyi öğreneceksiniz. Eski zaman
çizgisinde, frekansın hızlanmasını zamanın çok hızlı aktığı, stresli olma, acele etme, endişeli
olma ve yapılacak çok şey olduğu hissiyle deneyimleyeceksiniz.

Yeni Beşinci boyut zaman çizgisinde, her şey yavaşlamış ve gerekli olan şeyleri
gerçekleştirmek için bol bol zaman varmış gibi hissedeceksiniz. Sakin ve huzurlu
hissedeceksiniz ve yaşamınızdaki her şeyin İlahi Düzende olduğunu bileceksiniz. Maddi
durumunuz nasıl olursa olsun, Bolluk ve Esenlik duygusu deneyimleyeceksiniz. Ve, Dünya
üzerindeki yaşam macerasında ilerlerken, yaşamınızda mucizelerin olasılığının duygusuna
sahip olacaksınız.

Yeni Zaman Çizgisine Topraklanmak

Sevgililer, kendinizi bu yeni Zaman Çizgisine topraklamanız ve Işık Bedeninizin ve Fiziksel

bedeninizin bu yeni frekanslara ve titreşimlere alışmasına izin vermelisiniz. Çünkü bedeniniz
enerjisel olarak artan bir hızda titreşiyor olacak, ama hayatı daha yavaş deneyimleyeceksiniz.

Başlangıçta, bazı içsel karışıklıklar deneyimleyebilirsiniz, bedeniniz koordine olamamış ve

ağır hissedebilir, hantal ve kendinizle senkronize olmamış (uyumsuz) hissedebilirsiniz. Ayrıca
bedeniniz yeni zaman frekansları ile başa çıkarken endişe, uyku düzeninin bozulması,
tükenme, sersemlik, baş dönmesi ve mide bulantısı deneyimleyebilirsiniz. Bedeniniz yeni
frekanslara ayarlanırken ve alışırken, bu geçici semptomlara “taşıt tutması” diyoruz.

Fiziksel Bedeninizin de geçiş sürecinde olduğunu ve 2012 Zaman Kapısı vasıtasıyla Sonsuz
Zamana geçmeye uyumlandığını bilin Sevgililer. Bu nedenle, bedeninizi sevgiyle ve özenle
beslemenizi ve dengeli bir yaşam sağlamanızı öneriyoruz. Geçmişten kalan eski dramaları
salıverin ve Sevgi ve Bağışlamanın enerjisine tam olarak girin. Ve her gün düzenli olarak
Fiziksel ve Işık Bedenlerinizin İlahi İradeye hizalanmasını sağlayın.

Buna ulaşmak için, size yardımcı olacak günlük bir aktivasyon ve meditasyon sunacağız. Bu,
sunduğumuz son meditasyona benziyor, ama 4 Ocak’taki Güneş Tutulmasının
tamamlanmasından itibaren çalışacağınız yeni enerji değişimlerine adapte olması için
güncellenmiştir. Enerjinizi Kalbe odaklayarak başlayın ve derin nefesler alın. Beşinci Boyutta
bilincinizin Kalbinizde demirlendiğini bilin. Bu realiteyi Koşulsuz Sevgi ve Tüm Var Olan ile
Bağlantı derin duygusu olarak deneyimleyin. Ayrıca o Bilincin parçası olan derin Huzuru

Sonra, bu enerjinin aşağıya doğru solar pleksusa, sakral ve kök çakralara ve aşağıya
ayaklarınızın hemen altında Dünya’nın içinde yerleşik olan Dünya Yıldızı Çakrasına inmesine
izin verin. Şu anda enerjinizi Dünya’ya, Beşinci Boyutun Yeni Kristal Izgaralarına nasıl
demirlediğinizi hissedin, bunlar Dünya Yıldızı Çakranız ile bağlantılı. Şimdi, bu enerjinin
daha aşağıya inmesine, Dünya’nın merkezindeki Kristal Kalbe bağlanmasına izin verin.
Burada Dünya Ana’nın derin ve koşulsuz Shekinah Sevgisinin yukarı çıktığını, Dünya Yıldızı
Çakrasından size aktığını ve Kalbinize geldiğini hissedin. Bu Sevgiyi Kalbinizde tutun ve
Dünya Ananın sizi derinden Sevdiğini ve Beslediğini bilin, Gezegenin Çokboyutlu Realiteye
evrimiyle ifade edilen, Dünya için İlahi İradeye Hizalanmış olduğunuzu bilin.

Şimdi, enerji bedeninizden yukarı aksın, Boğaz, Alın ve Taç çakralarına ve yukarı başınızın
biraz üzerine yerleşik olan Ruh Yıldızı Çakrasına aksın. Burada, Ruhunuza ve Yüksek
Benliğinize, BEN’İM Varlığınıza bağlanıyorsunuz. Ayrıca burada, şu anda yeryüzünde olma
Amacınıza ve İlahi Özünüze bağlanabilirsiniz. Bu yaşam için Yüksek Amacınıza hizalanırken,
Ruhunuzun Koşulsuz Sevgisini ve Güzelliğini hissedin. Bu harika hissettiriyor ve parlak ve
ışıltılı ışık ile dolu. Şimdi, bu enerjinin Işık Boyutları vasıtasıyla Tüm Var Olan’ın Büyük

Kozmik Kalbine akmasına izin verin. Burada Kaynağın Tüm Var Olana Sonsuz Sevgisini
hissedersiniz. Bu titreşimi ve ışıldayan ışığı Kalbinize çekin ve orada tutun.

Şimdi, kendiniz ve Dünya için İlahi İradeye uyumlanıyorsunuz. Bu uyumlanmada,

hizalanmada olduğunuzda, Beşinci Boyut Zaman Çizgisine topraklanmanın ve Huzur,
Sakinlik ve Bolluğun enerjilerini deneyimlemenin basit bir konu olduğunu görürsünüz. Lütuf
ve Sevginin bu yeni Zaman Çizgisinde size gelecek olan İlahi Rehberliği izlerken, Yaşam
Basit ve Berrak olacaktır.

Yeni Dünya Zaman Çizgisinde Barışı Tezahür Ettirmek

Sevgili Işık Ailesi, bu zamanda çok önemli olan Barış enerjisi hakkında biraz konuşacağız.

Barış yalnızca savaş ve çatışmanın yokluğu değildir. Barış, Koşulsuz Sevgi, Şefkat ve Her
Şeyi Kabullenme yayan farklı bir enerjidir. Barış, dışsal realitede deneyimlenebilmeden önce,
öncelikle Kalpte işlenmesi gereken içsel bir enerjidir.

Sevgililer, son yıllarda iç huzuru deneyimlemeye girmenizi engelleyen tüm o içsel çatışmaları
ve öfkeleri iyileştirmek için çok çalıştığınızı biliyoruz ve şimdi birçoğunuz bu içsel neşe ve
huzurda yaşıyorsunuz ve bu nedenle Yeni Dünya’da bu enerjiler için demirleme noktaları

Sevgililer, bu enerjileri başkalarıyla paylaşabilmeniz için, iç huzuru ve hafifliğin bu güzel hali

için çalışmanıza devam etmenizi istiyoruz. Bu iç Huzuru halinin anahtarı bilincinizi Kalpte
demirlemiş olmaktır ve her zaman bilinçli farkındalık ve bağışlama halinde yaşamaktır. Her
zaman bağışlamaya ve salıvermeye hazır olun ve iç huzuru halini ne zaman ve nasıl
kaybettiğinizin bilincinde olun. Bu bilinçli halde, iç Huzurunuzu uzun süre devam
ettirebileceksiniz ve etrafınızda Barış ve Sevgi enerjisini yaratabileceksiniz. Bu enerji Yeni
Dünyanın ve Yeni Dünya Zaman Çizgisinin tezahürü için bir tohum noktası olacaktır. Buna
erişen her insan bir Işık Üstadı olur ve tam şimdi yaşamlarında Yeni Zaman Çizgisinde Yeni
Dünya’yı tezahür ettirmeye başlayabilir.

Sevgililer, 2012 Zaman Kapısına gireceğiniz zamana kadar, birçoğunuz Işık ve Zamanın
Üstatları olacaksınız ve İnsanlığı Zaman Kapısına ve Yeni Realiteye yönlendireceksiniz. Şu
anda bu ustalık ve yetenekler ile yoğun bir şekilde çalışmaya başlamanız isteniyor, böylece bu
zamanda Dünya’ya gelme amacınızı gerçekten gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.

Özgün ve Ruhla Dolu Bir Hayat Yaşamak

Sevgililer, bunun günlük yaşamım açısından ne anlamı var diye sorabilirsiniz? Ve bu Yeni
Zaman Çizgisinde yaşamınızın daha “özgün” olacağını ve Ruhunuzun ve İlahi BEN’İM
varlığınızın enerjisi ve Işığı ile dolu olacağını söylerdik.

Günlük yaşamınızda Ruhsal Işığınızın akışının farkında olursunuz ve Yüksek Kaynaklardan

gelen yönergeleri ve önerileri işitirsiniz. Bu yönergelere güvenmeyi ve Yüksek Benlik ve Işık
Üstadı olarak Ego Benlik arasındaki yaratıcı partnerliğin akışında gerçekleşen eşzamanlılıklar,
arzular ve mucizeler ile akmayı öğrenirsiniz. Bu, “ruhla dolu” bir hayat yaşamanın anlamıdır,
her gününüz Ruhun ve Yüksek Benliğin tutkusu, ışığı ve rehberliği ile doludur.

Sevgililer, bu şekilde yaşadığınız zaman, yaşamınız tüm seviyelerde Kim Olduğunuzun özgün

ifadesi haline gelir. Yüksek Benlik ve Ego Benlik harika bir partnerlikte birlikte çalışır, bu
partnerlik kendi yaşamınızda Yeni Dünya Realitesini tezahür ettirmeye başlarken varlığınızın
tüm seviyelerinde huzur ve sevinç deneyimlemenizi sağlar.

Ve böylece Sevgili Işık Ailesi, önünüzdeki bu yılda, harika bir şekilde öğreniyor ve
deneyimliyor olacaksınız. Bu yıl sizin için en önemli tarih 11 Kasımdır, 11/11/11 Yıldızkapısı
Dünya’nın 12/12/12’deki Galaktik Plan hizalanmasına yolculuğu ve 21/12/12 Zaman
Kapısına Yolculuğu için son yeniden ayarlanmalarını sağladığı tarihtir.

Böylece Sevgililer, 2011 Yılında Yolculuğunuz devam ederken sizlere Sevinç ve Sevgi

© 2011-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)


Todas las religiones son una misma
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on January 6, 2011 at 11:30am


The New Earth Energies : January 2011
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 7:12pm

The Shift into the New Timeline and the Manifestation of Peace on Earth
Living an Authentic and Soul-Full Life in the New Reality
The New Earth Energies : January 2011
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

The Light Frequencies for 2011.

Image by Jhadten Jewall at http://www.sacredspaces.net.
Beloved Family of Light, how joyous and wonderful it is that the Earth has completed the
transition that began at the time of the Grand Cross alignment in 2010. At that time, you knew
that major changes were occuring in your world as the Planet began to realign herself for the
final phases of her shift into the Fifth Dimension and the New Timeline. By the time of the
Solar Eclipse on the 4th of January, the Earth will be fully aligned with her new trajectory and
her new frequency, which will ensure tat she will arrive on time in December 2012 for her
rendezvous with the Galactic Timegate and her entry into "no time" or the "infinity
Indeed, Beloved Ones, the shift that has been made in the last months of 2010 was primarily
about Time and your Perception of Time in relation to your lives on Planet Earth. The shift
into the Fifth Dimension of Light is a shift into a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. The
energy at this level vibrates at a higher and more accelerated rate than at the Third Dimension.
But, and here we ask for your attention, for there is a paradox here that is important to your
experience of the New Reality. In the Fifth Dimension of Light, accelerated frequency is
experienced as slower time! In the Third Dimension, the new frequency is experienced as
faster time and things seem to be moving too fast.
The Earth herself has now shifted fully into the new Fifth-dimensional Timeline, but as an act
of Grace, she is allowing the Third-dimensional Timeline to continue and to co-exist with the
new timeline up until 2012. The population of Earth thus has time to adjust to the new
frequency and timeline. Both will be available as options until mid 2012, when the old Third-
dimensional timeline will be collapsed as the Earth begins her journey through the 2012
Timegate into the the "No Time/Infinity Frequency" or the zone of Infinite Consciousness. At
this time, all on the Earth will begin preparation for the giant leap of "conscious evolution"
into the New Age of Light and Peace.
Beloved Ones, you have been the pioneers for this shift, and now we ask you to become
aware of how your perception of time will be crucial to your personal shift in the next
eighteen months. You will learn to know when you are in the old time paradigm heading for a
dead end, and when you are in the new time paradigm and on the path forward. On the old
timeline, you will experience the acceleration of frequency as a feeling of time passing too
fast, of being stressed, rushed, and anxious, with too much to do.
On the new Fifth-dimensional timeline you will feel as though everything has slowed down
and that there is plenty of time to accomplish what is necessary. You will feel calm and
peaceful, and you will know that all is in Divine Order in your life. You will experience a
sense of Abundance and Wellbeing, no matter what your financial situation might be. And,
you will have a sense of the possibility of miracles in your life as you move forward on the
adventure of life on Earth.

Grounding into the New Timeline
Beloveds, it is important that you ground yourselves into this new Timeline and allow your
Light Body and your Physical Body to become accustomed to these new frequencies and
vibrations. For, your body will be vibrating energetically at an increased rate, but you will
experience life more slowly.
Initially, you may experience some inner confusion, your body may feel unco-ordinated and
heavy, you may feel clumsy and out of synch with yourself. You may also experience anxiety,
disturbed sleep patterns, exhaustion, dizziness and nausea, as your body deals with the new
time frequncies. These temporary symptoms are what we would call "motion sickenss" as
your body adjusts and recalibrates on the new frequencies.
Know too, Beloveds, that your Physical Body is also in this process of shifting and aligning to
pass through the 2012 Timegate into Infinite Time. So, we suggest that you nurture your body
with love and care and that you ensure that you live a balanced life. Release any old dramas
that remain from the past and enter fully into the energy of Love and Forgiveness. And, on a
daily basis, ensure that your Physical and Light Bodies are aligned with Divine Will.
In order to achieve this, we will offer here a daily activation and meditation that will be
helpful. This is similar to the last meditation that we offered, but it has been upgraded to adapt
to the new energy shifts that you will work with from the Solar Eclipse completion on the 4th
of January. Begin by simply focussing your energy into the Heart and breathing deeply. Know
that in the Fifth Dimension, your consciousness is anchored in your Heart. Experience that
reality as a deep sense of Unconditional Love and Connection to All That Is. Feel also the
deep Peace that is part of that Consciousness.
Then, allow that energy to move downwards through the solar plexus, the sacral and the base
chakras and down into the Earth Star Chakra, located within the Earth just beneath your feet.
Feel how you are now anchoring your energy into the Earth, into the New Crystalline Grids of
the Fifth Dimension as they connect with your Earth Star Chakra. Now, let that energy move
further down to connect with the Crystal Heart at the center of the Earth. Here you feel the
deep and unconditional Shekinah Love of the Earth Mother coming up to you, through the
Earth Star Chakra and into your Heart. Hold that Love in your Heart, and know that you are
deeply Loved and Nurtured by the Earth Mother, and that you are in Alignment with the
Divine Will for the Earth, as expressed through the evolution of the Planet into Multi-
dimensional Reality.
Now, let the energy move up your body, through the Throat, Brow and Crown chakras, and up
into the Soul Star Chakra that is located just above the head. Here, you connect with your
Soul and your Higher Self, your I AM presence as it anchors into your Physical Form. Here
you can also connect with your Purpose for being here now, and with your Divine Essence.
Feel the Unconditional Love and Beauty of your Soul as you align with your Higher Purpose
for this lifetime. It feels wonderful and filled with brilliant and radiant light. Now, let that
energy move upwards through the Dimensions of Light to the Great Cosmic Heart of All That
Is. Here you feel the Infinite Love of the Source for All that Is. Draw that pulsating and
radiant light back down into your Heart and hold it there.
Now - you are aligned with Divine Will, for yourself and for the Earth. When you are in this
alignment, you will find it a simple matter to be grounded into the Fifth-dimensional Timeline
and to experience the energies of Peace, Calm and Abundance. Life will become Simple and
Clear as you follow the Divine Guidance that will come to you on this new Timeline of Grace
and Love.
Manifesting Peace in the New Earth Timeline
Beloved Family of Light, we would now speak to you a little about the energy of Peace that is
so important at this time.
Peace is not just the absence of war and conflict. Peace is rather a distinct energy that radiates

Unconditional Love and Compassion and Acceptance of All. It is first an inner energy that
must be cultivated in the Heart, before it can be experienced in the outer reality.
Beloved Ones, we know that you have worked hard in the last years to heal all those inner
conflicts and angers that have prevented you from coming into the experience of inner peace,
and now many of you are living in that inner joy and peace and so are able to be anchor points
for these energies on the New Earth.
We ask, Beloved Ones, that you continue to work for that beautiful state of inner peace and
lightness, that you may share these energies with others. The key to this state of inner Peace is
to have your consciousness anchored at the Heart, and to live always in a state of conscious
awareness and forgiveness. be ready to forgive and release at all times, and become conscious
of when and how you fall out of the state of inner peace. In this conscious state, you will be
able to maintain your inner Peace for longer periods, and so to create that energy of Peace and
Love around you. This energy will be a seed point for the manifestation of the New Earth and
the New Earth Timeline. Each person who achieves this becomes a Master of Light and is
able to begin to manifest the New Earth on the New Timeline in their lives right now.
Beloved Ones, by the time that you enter the 2012 Timegate, there will be many of you who
will be Masters of Light and Time, and you will be the navigators that will guide Humanity
through the Timegate and into the New Reality. It is now that you are asked to begin to work
intensely with these skills and abilities, so that you may truly fulfil the purpose for which you
came to the Earth at this time.
Living an Authentic and Soul-Full Life
Beloved Ones, you may indeed ask, what does this mean in terms of my day to day life? And
we would answer that in this New Timeline your life will become more "authentic" and filled
with the energy and Light of your Soul and your Divine I AM presence.
You will become aware of the flow of your Soul Light in your daily life, and you will hear
those directions and suggestions that come from the Higher Sources. You will learn to trust
these directions and to flow with the synchronicities and desires and miracles that occur on
the flow of the creative partnership between the Higher Self, and the Ego Self as Master of
Light. That is what it means to live a "soul-full" life, where each day is filled with the passion
and light of the guidance of the Soul and the Higher Self.
When you live in this way. Beloved Ones, then your life becomes and authentic expression of
Who You Are on all levels. The Higher Self, and the Ego Self, work together in a wonderful
partnership that ensures that you experience peace and joy on all levels of your being as you
begin to manifest the New Earth Reality in your own life.
And so, Beloved Family of Light, in this year that lies ahead, you will be learning and
experiencing in a wonderful way. The most important date for you in this year will be the 11th
of November, when the 11/11/11 Stargate will provide the final recalibrations of the Earth for
its journey to the Galactic Plane alignment on the 12/12/12 and the Journey through the
Timegate on the 21/12/12.
So, Beloved Ones, we wish you much Joy and Love as your Journey continues in the Year of
© 2011-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global


The Planetary Population Protection &
Atmospheric Air Purity Act by
Congressman Ron Paul
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 7:25pm

Millions of tons of Aerosols which

are now determined to contain Aluminum Oxide, Barium, Strontium, and
Sulphur Hexafluoride Toxins appear to have been already sprayed upon
the population of this country, Great Britain, Canada, Ireland and
other nations on Earth.

Please Route:

A Congressman Ron Paul supporter is in Washington, D.C. to attend a meeting tomorrow

1/5/11 in Congressman Paul's Office regarding

"The Planetary Population Protection & Atmospheric Air Purity Act."

The topic of discussion about geoengineering weather programs/chemtrails

is below and attached.

Please contact Ron Paul's office at :


Or call toll free 1-866-220-0044

if you would like a Committee set up to investigate this issue or would like to submit your

You can make a difference if you take action now!

Whitepaper Proposed

by Ron Paul Advisor


Henceforth, from the passage of this Bill, all spraying of Aerosols, Gases, and/or Metal
Particulates (whether they be considered toxic or not) into the atmosphere over any portion of
the United States or its terrorities shall be considered a crime against all the people of this
Nation. The preservation of this Planet depends upon the air that we breathe. It must remain

pristine and pure. Therefore, committing any Acts of Atmospheric Poisoning shall be
considered a crime punishable by Death or Life Imprisonment without possibility of parole.

Within seven days after this Law is enacted, the Congress shall instruct the United States Air
Force to shoot down any plane from any Nation flying over the United States or its territories
that violate this Act. Considering the fact that millions of tons of Aerosols which are now
determined to contain Aluminium Oxide, Barium, Strontium, and Sulphur Hexa-Fluoride
Toxins appear to have been already sprayed upon the population of this country, Great Britain,
Canada, Ireland and other nations on Earth. One can only conclude, without evidence to the
contrary, that these horrendous crimes of astronomical proportions have already been
committed against us.

It would appear that the Money Monarchy that rules the United States & Great Britain has
declared War upon Mother Earth and the people who inhabit this Planet. It has become clearly
evident that this “Cabal of Criminals” (that create our currency & control our commerce) has
determined that 90% of the Earth’s population are expendable and merely “Useless Eaters”…
and are to be terminated to clear the land for the Elite (See Georgia Guidestones for

The fact is, that we have been, and are now being bombarded with Toxic Particulates from the
air above us. This is Fact - not Fiction & we’re paying for it. It is killing our birds, our fish,
our trees, the animals that live on the land and the sea mammals in the waters that surround
us. This “dumping of poisonous toxins” upon our people is bringing about Alzheimer’s,
Autism, & Respiratory diseases to this Nation as never seen before. We are witnessing an Act
of Treason - the size of which has never been experienced in the history of the World. The life
of every living creature on this Planet is literally at stake.

Our right as a people to protect ourselves from any Predator, President, or Politician as
guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence has not changed. It has not been extinguished.
It has not been amended. Regardless of how many legions of lawyers have levied laws upon
us in an attempt to repeal our rights to protect ourselves from them, our right of self
determination, life & liberty remain.

What we are witnessing with the Aerosol “Death Dumps” that are dropping upon our people
each day is most evident. War against the people of this Planet has been declared. The goal of
these Globalists is to radically reduce the population of the Planet. This has been planned for
well over a century and is now being perpetrated by Malthusian-Minded-Men like David
Rockefeller, Jacques Cousteau, Bertrand Russell, Zbignew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger,
Prince Philip & the Rothschilds to kill off 9 out of 10 people now living on this Planet, and to
establish Global Government under a New World Order. The current method of their madness
is to make the air unsafe to breathe and the water too toxic to drink.

The crimes against our country are now so intolerable that it has become necessary that We,
the People, conduct an independent investigation. It must be both private and apart from all
Government Courts and their Alphabet Agencies. They can’t be trusted to investigate
themselves and try their own criminals. These hearings will be conducted to consider the
removal of both the elected and selected “Leaders,” who have allowed these atmospheric
crimes to be perpetrated upon the innocent, ignorant & unsuspecting amongst our society .

If it is found in our investigations that “beyond all doubt,” there is a War for the World that is

being carried on upon us and all living things on this Mother Earth - we are left no other
choice or option, but to demand that the individuals who are responsible for this crime be
brought to trial for crimes against humanity. This must be done by Courts of our own making
with Judges and Jurors constituted by We, the People, of the United States of America and not
by those who are attempting to establish a New World Order upon the Death of our

The time has come that it is now necessary to invoke the Declaration of Independence and
reinstate its guarantees for the protection of our Citizens with regard to the crimes that have
been and are now being committed by Agents and Apparatchiks of this Criminal Cartel that
are conducting these atmospheric atrocities upon our people.

Our Declaration of Independence clearly states: “That whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers
in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for
light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more
disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing
invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is
their right , it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their
future security.”

The time has come to exercise our rights, secure our liberty,

and regain our freedom.


AA Raphael - talking about health and
changes to our bodies by AA Raphael
thru Peter December 26, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 7:28pm

by AA Raphael thru Peter

December 26, 2010

Dear family,
I had a 2 hour session with AA Raphael this morning. I was quite surprised as it came out of
the blue for me, but got explained later, when my wife, who is in the USA with her family
right now, told me that she asked Raphael last night to help her with some health related
questions she had, and if she'd be not able to receive, if he could please talk to me instead. I
guess he could and he did.

It is not a Christmas message, but kind of a medical update about what's happening to our
bodies these days. This was to be shared, so here is what he said:

This is Archangel Raphael speaking.

I am here to talk about the increase of certain conditions, which we could call "The Ascension
Syndrome", and which are about to go full speed. These [syndromes] are comparable to the
pain called "growth-pain", experienced by some teenagers at the time when their bones are
about to reach their full size.

With ascension shifting into a higher gear, you also will experience the necessary changes of
your physical structures in a higher speed than you were used to. Not many of you were aware
over the years, about your body's preparation for ascension in general, and the lift-off for
evacuation in particular. Some have described expanding fontanelles and the like,
accompanied by dizziness, irritation and pain of their head bones, and heart-irregularities,
mostly perceived as a faster rate of your heart-beat.

Those in the knowing, embrace those conditions for what they are - growing pain. Those in
the unknown, usually tend to be afraid, if they consult a physician to confirm those
conditions, and who will most likely receive an explanation, based on the old paradigm
knowledge about health. Now, this picture does not offer the greatest outlook for those
concerned, as, for example, a more rapid heart-beat is an indicator for either an increased risk
of a heart-attack, or for an increased risk of other fatal sicknesses.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Most of you need certain corrections in your etheric
constellations as well as your physical bodies, to be able to be lifted, if that case becomes

Changes in your physical DNA are not a necessity for the successful use of the elevator-
beams, but as we work on you and your bodies at nights or during meditation and rest times,
and as we handle everything in a holistic way, we use our presence at the time, for fixing
minor scratches on your physical surface as well.

We usually do not treat physical conditions, as we need only to balance your etheric bodies,
which will ultimately manifest on the physical planes. But since time speed up and became of
the essence, we combine the necessary tasks to offer the ones asking, their fair chance to reach
the physical benchmarks desired for this time at hand.

Start to tell your brothers and sisters about me and my staff, as one has to ask to be prompted
an answer. This is important: You have to ask. Do not shy away. Do not put yourselves lower,
and throw away, with that, your ability to be of help. You have to be fixed first, so you can be
in your highest possible condition, to face the dire destinies of those not prepared. This is how
we prepare them, we prepare you so you can stay in your powers to help them.

Here is a list of recommendations:

First: restrain from eating meat and products involving meat. There is a deeper reason than the
obvious animal cruelty to that, which has to do with the Chi.

When there is a violent death, the Chi sustaining the living body, transforms immediately into
fatal toxins, separating your life-force from the physical image of your soul [if ingested]. This
has an immediate impact, visible as shadows overtaking your aura.

Second: Alcohol. We recommend to avoid alcohol altogether, and that includes products with
added sugar, which can produce alcohol as it might be stored in your bodies and start to
ferment. Alcohol, as they call it a "spirit", has the ability due to it's etheric atoms and
molecules to enter the blood-brain-barrier without being detected by your body's own
preventing mechanisms. Following this, will replace real spirit with the essence of alcohol, to
the effect of gradual losing one's sanity.

Third: Further notice has to be given to people using prescription drugs. We are reaching a
time, were all of you, using prescription drugs should consider getting off those on a day to
day base. We cannot go into all the remedies and side effects of your modern time medicine,
but we need to advise you, that they have a great potential to counteract divine energy-work,
in their pursuit to shut down the very channels and close the pores necessary to be in-
circuited. After they placed themselves on key positions inside your physical body, they are
sending out chemical messengers to your astral bodies, damaging the accessibility of the

Our fourth recommendation touches the aspect of your own created mental disabilities. As the
three earlier topics lead your attention to outside products having a not desired influence for
you and your body, I will now speak of self inflicted inner damages you can do to harm

You have heard it from several messages now, and it is true, the old paradigm ceased to exist,
and the new one is fully operable and set in motion.

As this is not necessarily clearly detectable on the plane you are inhabiting at this time, it
seems to many that the reign of the old paradigm is still nevertheless active. But it is only as
active as you use those thought patterns and behavior patterns, defined by the old paradigm.
We say it again - Think new - Think pure - Think right - if you think at all. Best is to chose to
let go and flow with the energy pouring in from the universe and pouring out from you.

Visualize yourself as being one with the Father. This is by now the only way there is to define
this precious future, as not many of you have been gifted to see. And even if you saw,
remember, you are a human, you are making mistakes. So visualize yourselves as being one
with the Father, as for then, His mercy, love and responsibility will embed you and help you
to help yourself, to be able to help the Father helping His children.

My friends, this, your inner poisoning by your own thoughts and emotions, is hurting us the
most, as we have no means to interfere positively on this level. This is likely also the hardest
of the habits to change, since it is so subtle, non-physical and morally justified over centuries.
Make this an equal step, which needs to be followed up.

Now, when you get up in the morning, rinse your mouth with warm water as your first act. Do
not swallow it, just gurgle and spit it out, rinse your mouth and you are good to go. Over
night, most of you get worked on heavy detoxing on all levels. All those loosened toxins
travel from the outer bodies into your physical body over the course of those sleeping hours,
and collect themselves in your saliva.

Most people drink something when they get up, and with that, they are taking those
concentrated toxins right back in. This is heavy and dark concentrated Chi, which is not
supposed to be in your body anymore, and if you rinse your mouth as described above, you
will easily get rid of a good amount each night.

Eat as much raw fruits and raw vegetables as you can to replenish your astral bodies, as those
carry the most lively Chi. Best would be if you can eat them right of the tree or the field, as
the chain would be the most uninterrupted. Chi has to be seen as a food itself, it goes bad, it
expires, if the umbilical cord to it's natural appearance is cut off. The longer it is cut off, the
more the good Chi evaporates, as it needs to find an alive host to fulfill it's very purpose of

Some of you might grow in hight as well, as gravity is slowly lifted to accommodate your
change in dimension. These symptoms might also be accompanied by growth pain and other
freaky appearances of unknown source. Be in the knowing now, my friends. Be in the
knowing, that I, Raphael, and my staff as well as many Midwayers are constantly surrounding
you to help you to reshape. This is a basic assumption for ascension and possible evacuation,
so it has to be done in preparation. And since time is running short, it has to be done now.

This is not meant to be a warning, quite the opposite, this is meant to be an explanation for
some of your physical experiences, which, if not explained properly, tend to become a source
of fear in the human psyche, and fear is never desired by us.

Try to heed these words as much as you are able to. Try to be an example for those in the
unknown, so you may help us in our task, and do not lose your positive outlook, as it is
positive indeed.

Discipline your mind and your emotions to be a rock in the surge. This is not the storm yet,
but the dark clouds have clearly formed a front on the horizon soon to be faced, so use these
last calm days for the sake of your health - and if you do not want to do it for your health, do
it for the Father, as He loves you to ascend.

This is Archangel Raphael, sky-doc + team. Always at your service in the Light and Love of
Thank you for your attention.

Candace: Regards the "sky doc", that is what we purposely called AA Raphael when I did 3
pieces with him back in 2005. He did not want to Identified for good reason at the time.
Many just assumed he was a doctor from the capricorn or whatever. He has I think 3 hospital
craft and his team performs a lot of those medical "miracles" people report although there are
craft here from other planets helping out their ones incarnate medically etc. also. I chat with
Raphael frequently, one of my best friends and he is truly my "sky doc". I only see earth docs
to get my needed medicines at this time, which are exactly 2, my estrogen and my pain

medicine I require. Raphael has performed several stem cell procedures on me which I have
covered from time to time. One of those was the replacement of my dead pituitary gland,
freeing me of living on replacement hormone pills, which do not replace everything properly
at all.

In fact on that first procedure with my pituitary, I only knew I got a miracle, as I was needing
less and less of my cortisone pills. (You cannot live without cortisone, it is necessary to life).
Ditto the thyroid. It had been medically proven on earth my pituitary had died from the
results of several hemorrhages for various reasons and other intense stresses of life and
multiple surgeries. Later Raphael let me sense him when he was around or his team and I
began to carry on telepathic chats with them and eventually he simply gave his name as
Raphael and then I read someplace about the "healing angel Raphael" and asked if that were
he and he said yes. I was floored frankly at the time. I had said I would commit to CM some
time before but said this body had to work better to allow that.

I had a repeat procedure of the stem cells a few years ago, to further enhance the process,
maybe 3 years ago not sure, and that one was done in my bed with me fully awake. I felt
them open my skull, and close it when they were done in fact, but no pain, just sensations of
pressure and the like. It felt like I had an opening, a hole and then the closing. It was just
obvious the way it felt. I was able of course to ask questions as he worked since I was fully

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by

©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found



2011: The Year of the Indigo a message
from Archangel Michael channeled by
Doreen Virtue
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 7:30pm

Archangel Michael by Peter Fich Christiansens

2011: The Year of the Indigo

a message from Archangel Michael channeledby Doreen Virtue

2 January, 2011

At the end ofeach year, I sit in quiet silence and connect with the presence of the
mightyArchangel Michael, and ask him for messages about the coming year. I hear
hisanswers as clearly as if I were having a conversation with a wise teacher. Ifind Archangel
Michael to be the loudest and clearest angel of them all.

I recorded the messages on a free video which I have posted on YouTube,

if you’d liketo watch or listen


Here’s a summary of the conversation:

Archangel Michael conveys themes and messages regarding each year, usuallyrelated to what
he’s guiding us to work upon. For 2011, Michael conveyed thatit is a year where:

* Indigos will step out of their comfort zone and take on importantleadership roles. Indigos
are strong-willed individuals who arehighly-sensitive to energies. Indigos have an accurate
barometer as to whethersomeone is in integrity or not, because they have an inner truth-
detector. AndIndigos TRUST what they feel. Congratulations, Indigos: 2011 is YOUR year!

* 2011 is very supportive for changing careers, especially for those who areopening their own
business. He said that the world economy will continue toimprove.

* He asked us to lose any thoughts or beliefs of victimhood, and to empowerourselves (he will
help if you ask).

* He did say that there will be a military escalation and build-up and heasked those who are
guided to speak up and make their opinions known publicly.Don’t be shy! Remember the Dr.
Seuss book, “Horton Hears a Who,” about the onelittle person whose voice saved the planet.
And Indigos, we’re especiallycounting upon you to speak up!

* He said that environmentalism and connecting with nature are essential in2011. He asked us
to spend a lot of time outdoors, and to take personal stepsto help the environment, such as
recycling, reducing, and reusing. He also saidthat those who’d like environmentally-related
careers will do well in 2011.

* Archangel Michael emphasized that some people will be afraid as we near2012. He’s
assured me that 2012 is just like Y2K: a non-event. It is NOT theend of anything. The Mayans
would have continued their calendar, but they wereinterrupted abruptly and had to vacate their
villages where they were workingon this project. However, we will see an increased focus
upon spirituality thisyear (just like we did in 1999), by those who want to get their life in
order“just in case.” He likened it to: “There are no atheists in a foxhole” effects.The bottom
line was that he appealed to us to stay centered in LOVE and giveany worries to God, the
ascended masters (i.e., Jesus), and the angels.

* 2011 will be a very positive year for the majority of people, especiallyafter the February 3
New Chinese Year. He said that the “Year of the Tiger”really did have an aggressive effect on
the world, and that the new “Year ofthe Rabbit” will be more peaceful. Rabbit years are filled
with a lot ofindustrious activity, which fits with Michael’s guidance for us to take
guidedaction to help with issues that are important to us. He said a few times, “Hewho
hesitates is lost,” and that there will be many windows of opportunitiesopening that we must
walk through as they appear.

* Everything happens exactly as it is supposed to, including the seeminglynegative and

painful things that you’ve endured. Ask your angels to find thehidden lessons and blessings
within each event, relationship, and situation,and they’ll help you to find peace and

* Most of all, he emphasized for us to ENJOY this moment, no matter what.Embrace and
inhale the pleasure, joy, and divine perfect of each and everyminute. And remember that you
can always call upon Archangel Michael forsupport, courage, protection, and guidance. He’s
completely unlimited and canhelp everyone who calls upon him simultaneously.

Happy New Yearwith love,


Doreen Virtue

holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, and is alifelong clairvoyant
who works with the angelic realm. She is the author ofmore than 20 books about angels,
chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children,health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit
issues, including the best-selling

Healingwith the Angels, Messagesfrom Your Angels


AngelNumbers 101.

For more information please visit her Website:


You can also listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call her for areading, by visiting

-© 2009 Angel Therapy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tags: www.angeltherapy.com

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Indigo and Crystal Children - a message
from Akashic Records channeled by Jen
Eramith MA
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 7:30pm

Indigo and Crystal Children

a message from Akashic Records channeledby Jen Eramith MA

3 January, 2011

What are indigoand crystal?

How many arethere and are they still being born?

The terms"Indigo" and "Crystal Children" are used to describe theidea that children who have
been born in the last two or three generations havebeen bringing a new kind of light to the
human experience. This is somethingthat was new 30 or 40 years ago. For thousands of

years, human beingshave been born with the same basic contract for what it means to
behuman. Any given person brings part of their soul's energy and experiencewith them to
become part of their personality and life mission -- yet youforget most of your soul's

In order tobecome human, it was necessary to forget who you truly are. That dynamicof
remember a little bit of your soul, but forgetting most of who you reallyare, has been
relatively steady for thousands of years. Beginning in the1960's, and increasing greatly in the
1980's, there have been babies born witha different kind of contract. Their agreement is to
remember more of whothey are and to bring that light into their human experiences. This
helpsall of humanity evolve toward remembering more of who you really are. Butit is
difficult to be one who holds more light than those around you, and thisis what distinguishes
an Indigo or Crystal child from their peers.

In the 1960's,you might say that one in every thousand children had an Indigo contract. In the
1970's the rate increased to something like one in every one hundredchildren. By the 1990's,
about 70 or 80 percent of babies born had acontract to bring more light to Planet Earth. And
this light iscrystalline energy -- it is the pure light of Love that creates everything inthe
universe. When more children had this contract than not, you began tofind ways to
distinguish differences among them, so you came up with namesbeyond "Indigo" to describe
them. All these names point to thesame basic dynamic, and offer help understanding
differences among them.

Becausehumanity has adjusted to the crystalline energy being brought by thesegenerations,

there is now room in the basic human contract. It is nowpossible for everyone to remember
more of who they truly are and to carry withyou the light of your soul during your human
lifetime. During the 1980's,a series of harmonic alignments occurred, including the Harmonic
Convergence,that opened an even more expansive and enlightened contract for humanity. It
was after this time that Crystal Children began to be born.

This is allpart of the evolution of humanity. Humanity has evolved enough that it isnow true
that if you are alive on Planet Earth at this time, you are connectedto crystalline energy.
There are enough of you moving throughenlightenment at this time that is now possible for
any one of you to move intocrystalline energy. Moving through enlightenment means
renegotiating yourcontract in order to include more light and remember more of you who
reallyare. It no longer matters whether you were born with and Indigo orCrystal contract.
You can become an Indigo or Crystal adult through yourown enlightenment process. It was
important for you to recognize Indigoand Crystal children and to support them, and now it is
most important that yourecognize that all of you are special. All of you are divine. Everyone
one of you chose to be alive on Planet Earth at this time becausehumanity is evolving toward
light and you play a fundamental role in thatevolution.

It can be veryuseful to look back and realize that you were an Indigo child. It can bevery
useful to acknowledge the children in your life and what contracts andspecial needs they
might have because they are Indigo, Crystal, or otherwisespecial. But ultimately the most
important thing you can do is torecognize that the crystalline energy is simply a shift in how
you see yourselfand how much light you bring into your life and carry in your body. Thatlight
becomes brighter as you heal the things that hold you back, let go ofyour own darkness and
shadow, and step into more love in your everydaylife. You -- every one of you -- can be
Indigo or Crystal. In fact,you are becoming so every day as you move through

enlightenment. And justas you would take very good care of a special child, it is time to take
verygood care of yourself.

You areprecious!

(January 2011)

Copyright ©Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The MonthlyMessage Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith,
M.A.Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews providedthat the
contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it isfreely distributed.



Message from Melchizedek by Marlene

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 7:30pm

December 25, 2010

Beloved Ones,

I come forth this day to bring you tidings of great joy, knowing that manygreat and wondrous
changes are upon you all. We bring to you the gifts ofspirit and all each of you has to do is
take the time to ask each day toreceive our gifts. Each of you is being opened up to all that is
in your fieldof potential, all of your latent abilities and capabilities, all of the skillsthat your
Soul holds in Oneness with All That Is. Hold to your Light and yourhighest visions and ask to
receive the gifts that are offered to you at thistime.

Take time each day to open your heart chakra to all the Love that is beingpoured down upon
you, for this Love is yours for the asking and for thewillingness to receive it. You have all
been tried and tested for such a longtime and now you are ready for a spiritual rebirth into the
glorious Being ofLight and Love that you truly are. Allow any feelings to rise up that are
notwho you really are, acknowledge these feelings and intend to just let them passthrough and
away from you. Ask for assistance with this process on a dailybasis, for we stand ready to
help you to move forward in leaps and bounds.

No matter what occurs in the World around you, hold to your Light and yourfaith that all is
well, that every detail in the ascension of this Planet hasbeen carefully reviewed and that this
Divine Plan is now coming into fruition.Each of you reading this will know very soon the part
that you have chosen andvolunteered to play in this great Awakening process in the coming
days, weeks,months and years. Truly you are heading into a whole new way of living
uponyour Planet, a way that will eventually result in a Peace across the PlanetEarth that has
not been experienced here for an incredibly long time.

Each of you is the Peace Bringer, and the Peace Maker. It is the choicesthat you have been
making in every situation that you have been experiencingthroughout the long months of the
year 2010 that is now quickly passing, neverto return. Let all that does not resonate with the
total alignment with yourGreat I AM Presence be released, transmuted and taken from you.
Surrender yourhuman will to the Creator’s Will that the Great Work be accomplished in
Divinetiming as the days of great change come forth. Gather in your groups to assistin
creating these changes, Beloved Ones, and know that where two or more aregathered, there
you will also find legions of Angels and Archangels from thehighest realms of Light and

We come to bring Divine Order to your World, we come to fill your cups tooverflowing with
our Light and our Love. Drink deeply, Beloveds, for this isnow freely available to all and all
that is required is the awareness of it andthe remembrance to ask each day. Trust that your part
in the Divine Plan willbecome much clearer to you as the days move forward into the New
Year of 2011.Be ready to change within your four body system, for as you release and let
goand let God, so too, will a greater Light begin to penetrate into every cell ofyour Being.
Become an observer of your thoughts rather than give power to themby dwelling on them.
Just observe and let go and replace with a power statementsuch as “I AM the Master of all of
my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. I AMnow totally aligned with the Ascension timeline
and with my Great I AM Presence.Not my will but thine be done in and through me for the
highest good of all.”If you find yourselves being sucked into the thoughts and feelings instead
ofjust observing them, go out into Nature and sit by a member of the Tree familyand ask that
they give you assistance to ground into Mother Earth and cleansethese thoughts and energies
from you, that your auric field be cleansed andrepaired and kept pristine and pure.

The key here is that you must ask, Beloved Ones. You are surrounded by Legionsof Angels
and Divine helpers and whatever difficulty or challenge you areexperiencing at any time can
be lessened considerably by your consciousdecision to verbally ask. We already see and know
the challenges you are goingthrough and can offer guidance and advice on how you can best
overcome these sothat you can go through your current Initiation with greater ease and grace.

Lastly, I speak to all of you who work with me and the Melchizedek Order andI request that
you begin to work with us all in a much more conscious way, toestablish a stronger
connection to our realms so that we align together in amuch deeper and more profound level
that the Greater Good for the Earth, all ofher Kingdoms and all of Humanity may become the
new Reality, the new Template.Your willingness to do this is greatly and deeply appreciated
and you arehonored for your service. Know that you are each Loved beyond measure
andsurrounded by your Family of Light.

I AM Melchizedek

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff



Osho* Ego Nedir?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 8:30pm

Ego Nedir?

Ego senin gerçek özünün tam tersidir. Ego sen değilsin. Ego toplumun yaratmış olduğu ve
senin bu sayede oyuncakla oynamaya devam edebildiğin ve asla gerçek şeyi sormadığın bir
kandırmacadır. Bu yüzden ben egonu bırakmadığın sürece kendiniasla bilemeyeceğin
konusunda ısrar ediyorum.

Doğduğun zaman hakiki benliğine sahiptin. Sonra sahte bir benlik yaratmaya başladılar:Sen
Hıristiyansın, sen Katoliksin, sen beyazsın, sen Almansın vesen Tanrının seçilmiş ırkısın,
senin dünyayı yönetmen lazım ve bunun gibi pekçok şey. Seninkim olduğunla ilgili sahte bir
fikir yaratıyorlar. Sana bir isim veriyorlar vebu ismin etrafında hırslar, şartlanmalar

Ve yavaş yavaş —çünkü bu neredeyse hayatının üçte birini alır — yavaş yavaş onlarokul
aracılığıyla, kilise, kolej, üniversite aracılığıyla egon üzerinde çalışırlar.Üniversiteden
çıktığında masum varlığını tamamıyla unutmuş olursun.Artık senin altın madalyalı, birinci
sınıf, üniversitenin en başarılısı olmuş çok büyük biregon vardır. Artık sen dünyaya adım
atmaya hazırsın.

Bu ego her türlü arzuya, hırsa sahiptir, her şeyin her zaman zirvesinde olmak ister.Sen bu ego
tarafından kullanılıyorsun. Ve bu asla sana hakiki, gerçek benliğin hakkında en küçük bir
ipucuna dahi izin vermez ve senin hayatın kendi hakikatinin içindedir. Bu yüzden bu ego
sadece mutsuzluk, acı, kavga, hayalkırıklığı,delilik, intihar, cinayet; her türden suçu üretir.

Hakikati arayan birisi tam bu noktadan başlamalıdır: Ne zaman toplum tarafındanbir şey
olduğun söylenirse ondan kurtul. Kesinlikle sen o değilsin. Çünkü senin dışında hiç kimse
senin kim olduğunu bilemez: Ne anne baban, ne öğretmenlerin,ne de din adamların. Senin
dışında hiç kimse kendi varlığının mahremiyeti içinegiremez. Bu yüzden seni hiç kimse
tanımıyor; senin hakkında ne söylerlerse söylesinler hepsi yanlış.

Onu bir kenara fırlat. Tüm egoyu paramparça et. Egoyu yok ederek, kendi özünü
keşfedeceksin.Ve bu keşif mümkün olan en muhteşem keşiftir çünkü o mutlak saadete
doğru,sonsuz hayata doğru bütünüyle yeni, kutsal bir yolculuktur.

Seçebilirsin: Ya hayal kırıklığı, acı, mutsuzluk; o zaman egoya tutunmaya, onu beslemeye
devam et. Yahut huzur, sükûnet, saadet. Fakat o zaman masumiyetini yeniden kazanmak
zorundasın. Osho


Zero Point and Schumann Resonance by
Gregg Braden
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 8:30pm

It will be interesting to see if the above date happens to correspond withwhat Gregg Braden
calls Zero Point - when the Schumann Resonance (heartbeat of Mother Earth) reaches it’s
maximum of 13Hz at which point the Earth’smagnetic field goes to Zero.
If this happens, the ‘cover’ will be gone and in that moment we willreceive a massive wave of
light and consciousness (we are already receivingbursts of this now). This may be why the
messages have been saying we mustraise our vibration by a certain time – we would need to
be at a certain levelof consciousness to be able to receive this light without being destroyed
byit. From that level of consciousness we would be in a state of instantmanifestation, adding
to the reason it is so important to clear our emotionaland thought fields now to be of as high a
vibration as possible.
Zero Point is also said to be the time when theEarth’s core stops spinning (theories
range from 3 days to 2 weeks) and thenre-starts going back the other way. This time has been
associated with a PoleShift, although whether this is a geographical physical pole shift, or
poleshift in consciousness (going from Mind to Heart Consciousness) time willtell. When we
get to Zero Point, obviously half the world would be indarkness for a few days and half in
daylight. I have been getting strongmessages to let people know if this happens, don’t be
scared, there is nothingto be scared of. It is a natural event, just like a solar eclipse albeit
alonger lasting event. In times when people didn’t know what a solar eclipse wasthey were
scared the world was ending or they were being punished by the godsbecause it looked like
the sun disappeared. So too, if we do have a fewdays of darkness many will fear that it’s the
end but it is not the end. It issimply the beginning of our new beginning.
Excerpted from
January 2011 Monthly Visions:The Year of Revelations by Dana Mrkich



Thank you Gregg Braden

The Shift ofthe Ages has already begun!

Ancientprophecies predicted it. Indigenous traditions honor it. Changes within

theEarth are affecting your sleep patterns, relationships, the ability to regulateyour
immune system and your perception of time. You are living a process ofinitiation that
was demonstrated over 2,000 years ago, preparing you to accepttremendous change
within your body.

That change ishappening now.

* Migraineheadaches, tiredness
* Electricalsensations in the limbs and spinal column

* Cramps in themuscular networks
* Flu likesymptoms
* Intensedreams.
Thesecould all be caused by the changes taking place on Earth now!
* The humanbody will become more sensitive as a result of the new vibrations.
* The resonanceof Earth (Schumann Resonance) has been 7.8Hz for thousands

Since 1980 ithas risen to over 12Hz. This means that 16 hours now equate to a 24 hour
day.Time is speeding up!
* The physicalbody has already begun to change. A new light body is being created.
* Our DNA isbeing re-programmed from the Universe (as predicted in the Mayan
Prophecy). Weare going from 2 strand back to 12 strand DNA.
* Greaterintuitive and healing abilities will emerge. Each year these will increase 10
* Eyes willbecome catlike in order to adjust to the new atmosphere and light.
* All childrenborn after 1998 will probably be telepathic at birth.

Geophysical Condition

Earth's RisingBase Frequency: Earth's background base frequency, or

"heartbeat,"(called Schumann Resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it
variesamong geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8
cyclesper second. This was once thought to be a constant; global
militarycommunications developed on this frequency Recent reports set the rate at
over11 cycles,and climbing. Science doesn't know why, or what to make of it.

What is a Schumann Resonance?

Believeit or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit.

The atmosphereis actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge,
itsexisting electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. There is a'cavity
'defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of theionosphere 55 kilometers
up. At any moment, the total charge residing in thiscavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There
is a vertical current flow between the groundand the ionosphere of 1 - 3 x 10^-12
Amperes per square meter. The resistanceof the atmosphere is 200 Ohms.

The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightningmoment
worldwide. Each produces .5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively accountfor the
measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity.

The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves thatexist
in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all thetime, but have to be
'excited' to be observed.

They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or itscore. They seem to
be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere,particularly during times of intense

lightning activity. They occur at severalfrequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per
second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26,33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about
+/- 0 .5 Hertz.

So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains aboutthe same,

these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some changedue to the solar
sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response tothe 11-year cycle of
solar activity. Schumann resonances are most easilyseen between 2000 and 2200 UT.

Given that the earth's atmosphere carries a charge, a current and avoltage, it is not
surprising to find such electromagnetic waves. The resonantproperties of this
terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the Germanphysicist W. O. Schumann
between 1952 and 1957, and first detected by Schumannand Konig in 1954. The first
spectral representation of this phenomenon wasprepared by Balser and Wagner in
1960. Much of the research in the last 20years has been conducted by the Department
of the Navy who investigateExtremely Low Frequency communication with

For more information, see: "Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics,vol. I", by

Hans Volland, 1995 published by the CRC Press. Chapter 11 isentirely on Schumann
Resonances and is written by Davis Campbell at theGeophysical Institute, University
of Alaska, Fairbanks AK, 99775. There is also a history of this research and an

1. Time willappear to speed up as we approach Zero Point. A 24 hour day will seem to
about16 hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or "heart beat" ofMother
Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of years, but has been risingsince 1980. It is
at about 12 cycles at present. It stops at 13 cycles.

2. Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancientpeoples for
thousands of years. There have been many shifts including the onethat always occurs
every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000 year,Precession of the Equinox.

3. Zero Point or a flip of the magnetic poles will probably happen, withinthe next few
years. It could possibly sychronize with the Earth's four cyclebiorhythm that occurs
every 20 years on the 12th of August. The next occurrenceis 12th August 2003. The
Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project (secretmilitary time travelling) both
locked up tothe 12th August/20 year biorhythm.

4. It is said that after Zero Point the Sun will rise in the west and setin the east, approx.
Past occurrence of this change have been found in ancientrecords.

5. Interestingly, the New World Order plan to be in power by 2003. This mayor may
not happen, depending on many factors and agendas. Stay centered andfollow your

6. The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension.Here,
everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes loveand fear. Our
INTENTION will be of utmost importance.

7. Most technology that we know will cease to operate. Possible exceptionscould be

technology based on so called "Zero Point" or free energy.

8. Our physical body is changing as we approach Zero Point. Our DNA isbeing
"upgraded" to 12 strand. A new light body is being created. Weare becoming more

9. The Mayan Calendar predicted all the changes that are occurring now.They say we
are going beyond technology and back to the natural cycles ofnature and the Universe.
By 2012 we will have entered the 5th Dimension (afterthe flip to the 4th Dimension at
Zero Point).

10. Be prepared for changes that will bring in the new age of light.We are going
beyond time where fear based concepts are totally dissolved.

Future well tell



Kabuldeki Huzur
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 8:48pm

alinti: internet
ceviri: Lale Kulahli
Birisi istemedigimiz bir sekilde bir sey yapiyor veya yapmak uzereyse ve bunu kabul
edemezsek, kizariz.
Halbuki birisi istemedigimiz bir sekilde bir sey yapiyor veya yapmak uzereyse ve
bunu kabul edebilirsek, toleransli oluruz.
Birisi bizde olmayan birseye sahipse veya birisi bizim elde edemedigimiz sonuclari
ortaya cikarabiliyorsa ve biz bunu kabul edemezsek, kiskaniriz.
Birisi bizde olmayan birseye sahipse veya birisi bizim elde edemedigimiz sonuclari
ortaya cikarabiliyorsa ve biz bunu kabul edebilirsek, ilham aliriz.

Birisi dusuncelerimizdeyse ve fakat fiziksel olarak yanimizda degilse ve bunu kabul

edemiyorsak "seni ozluyorum" deriz.

Birisi dusuncelerimizdeyse ve fakat fiziksel olarak yanimizda degilse ve bunu kabul

edebiliyorsak "seni dusunuyorum" deriz.

Duygusal denklem oldukca basittir:

Birsey + kabul = pozitif duygu

Birsey + filtrelenmemesi (kabulsuzluk) = negatif duygu

Dolayisi ile kendimizi pozitif veya negatif hissetmemize neden olan "birsey" veya
"birisi" degildir. O birsey veya birisini kabul etmemiz veya kabul etmeyisimizdir.

Dunya degil ama dunyaya verdigimiz tepkidir (kabul veya kabulsuzluk) duygularimizin
kalitesini tespit eden.

Bir dahaki sefere negatif bir duygu ile rahatsizlik hissettigimizde kimin veya
neyin bizi rahatsiz ettigini sormak yerine, kime veya neye gosterdigimiz direncin
(kabul edememe) icimizdeki rahatsizliga neden oldugunu arastiracagiz. Direncin
yerine kabulu koyacagiz ve negatif duygu pozitif bir duyguya donusecek.

Duygularin idaresi, birseyi veya birisini suclamaktan vazgecip, hayata "kabulle"

yanit verme sorumlulugunu almaya baslamakla olur..

Sevgi ve isikla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi


HEAVEN #3695 One Ocean of Love ,
January 6, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 8:48pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3695 One Ocean of Love , January 6, 2011

God said:

How love assails itself in hearts. Love is truly a one-man show. Love is from yourself and to
yourself. Love is from Me and to all of Me. Yes, love is a monologue. In the world, there are
shades of love, degrees of love, love found, love unfound, varied demonstrations and silence
of love, love an inner dialog. You are the speaker of love and the listener. You are the receiver
of it, and the giver.

We could say that love is a soup on the stove, and you stir it. The soup makes eddies as it is
stirred, and yet the pot of soup on the stove is still the same pot of soup before it was stirred.
You are a stirrer of love.

When you pick fruit from an apple tree, you can only pick apples. The Oneness of apple trees
bears many apples, not two exactly the same, and yet apples are apples.

How innocent is love. Love is not complicated.

Love has been compared to magnets that attract.

In Our case, one magnet attracts itself. All the hearts in the world are One. All the love in the
world is One.

And I have said enough that all that exists in the world that seems to be made of so many
things is love. Nothing else exists. No matter how many dictionary definitions of a million
other concrete and abstract words, love alone is. Everything is love, and everything you know
is made of love. Life is made of love. Without love, life would not be. Life is love made
manifest, or, is it love that is life manifest? Who can tell the difference?

I have told you many times that you are love. No matter how bedraggled you feel your love is,
you are love any way you slice it. You are not a little love or big love. You are love, and that’s
all you are.

Yesterday I told you that all the people in the past that you have seeming exiled from your
heart, you really loved them even as you held them as an object of your dislike. All the while,
they were yourself that you also have seemingly ousted from your own heart due to one
reason or another or no reason at all except that was one of the habits you gleaned from the
world. The world has often played the role of a seeming critic, and how this critic pans and
pans love and pulls it out of shape. The world judge bangs love over the head and says it’s not
love, and so the world dubs itself unlove and, therefore, unloving.

Nevertheless, love remains firm. It is the world that is wiggly jello, not love. It is the world
that is runny custard, not love. It is the world that is a leaky faucet that comes in dribs and
drabs. Nevertheless, there is love, and love alone. No matter what mishmash is made of love,
love is all that is.

Let’s come back to love. Let’s make no bones about it. A human being is a Being of Love. A
world made of Beings of Love can only be a world of love. Love disguised, love squeezed
here and there, love turned on or off here or there, love, no matter how battered, trammeled,
dented is nonetheless love, and love is all there is.

No longer see yourself as a frog trying to get out of a little pond. You are a Great Being in a
Great World that is really an Ocean of Love.


A Message From SaLuSa~Thro' Mike

Quinsey ~5th Jan.'11.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 8:50pm

SaLuSa 5-January-2011

Like you we wait and hold our breathe, knowing that the old system is creaking at the joints
and cannot hold together much longer. We can see the domino effect taking place once the
first part falls, and there will no shortage of people coming forward to support the Light. Once
it commences we can see quite clearly that there will be no shortage of people coming
forward to support the Light. You are spread across the globe, and your persistence in pushing
for change is about to pay off. Clearly it cannot all happen at once, and some will by the
nature of what is involved take many months to complete. The important thing is that you the
people see the beginning of real action, and know that it cannot be interfered with. For our
part we are involved because you have so often pleaded for help, and we have been given the
necessary authority to do so.

We often speak of justice and refer not to Man’s but that which respects Universal Laws.

Absolutely no one gets away with a single act that causes any harm to another, and you will
be the sternest judge of your own misdemeanours. You will agree to what is needed to
overcome any weakness that you may have had, and set up another challenge in this or a
subsequent life. Each time you will expect to achieve success, but will try yet again if
necessary. You agree to such testing through your Higher Self, and are aware of the need to
progress spiritually. Because of duality and your many lives experiencing the dark side you
constantly experience so many different challenges, that often you can face the same problems
several times in any one lifetime.

You surely know by now that “like attracts like” and when you question why certain things
happen in your life, you may trace it back to your own desires. It may also be the “mirror
effect” where you attract to yourself exactly what you despise or hate because of the energies
you give out. The Law of Attraction does not qualify or filter your energies to determine
whether or not they are of the Light or dark. Where your thoughts and actions are directed to
is exactly what you get back. Think for a moment if you supported hanging for some crimes,
would you not conversely attract violence to yourself? To take the life of another soul in any
circumstances is a violation of spiritual laws that clearly state “thou shalt not kill”. You will of
course come up with situations where it happens in the defence of yours or another ones life,
and we would say that the Law of Grace can be exercised in some such circumstances.

You come to Earth to experience according to your spiritual needs and the goal is to evolve,
and with Ascension within your reach there is an added prize for those who are successful.
How else Dear Ones would you know whether you were ready to ascend, without facing
yourself and your ego. The question is whether you are prepared to change the direction of
your life, or are you so enamoured with materialism that you cannot let go. Having abundance
is not the same, as it fulfils the promise of equality and sharing in a fair way that covers all of
your needs. This is quite different from the unabated drive to acquire as much material wealth
as possible, often at the expense of others. Spirituality does not however require that you live
as a pauper or give up all of your possessions.

However, in any event not one person can take their wealth or possessions with them into the
higher dimensions. Firstly it is unnecessary as everything you need is provided for, and
secondly you can create whatever you desire for your personal pleasure and enjoyment. For
example if on Earth you have a cherished painting, you will only have to visualise it to re-
produce it. It will be of light energy and be more alluring and “alive”, just as the original artist
tried to interpret and paint what was in his vision. Enjoy what you have and realise that you
have much more to gain through rising up into the higher dimensions.

The lower vibrations are continually assailing you, and your protection is your own energies
of Light. Keep calm and hold your focus at all times, and you will be beyond the reach of the
dark Ones. Where you meet them face-to-face you have nothing to fear, providing you
maintain your position centred within your Light. Continue spreading your love far and wide
and you will do all that can be asked of you. As more of you do so, you create a thoughtform
of Light that becomes exceptionally powerful. Your energy feeds into the grids of Light and
these help keep the balance upon Earth. You are a steadying influence that can lessen the
potential of the changes to create major disturbances.
We of the Galactic Federation are still surrounding your Earth, and nothing that happens
escapes our notice. We are particularly aware of the attempts to place weaponry in Space, and
it has been planned and attempted for quite some time. We have foiled such attempts and have
warned your military and government representatives that it will not be allowed. Even so, we

can neutralise any nuclear weapons wherever they are, and it is pointless in attempts being
made to deceive us. You are therefore perfectly safe and guaranteed to see out the last two
years of this cycle, without any major incident. It really is time that the dark Ones admitted
that their plans have been foiled, and allowed you to fully focus on your Ascension.

President Obama is surrounded by the dark Ones but nevertheless able to make some
progress, and will continue to lay down the foundation for his final years of office. His best
work is still to come and he is well aware of his destiny to lead the people out of the darkness.
He is a highly spiritual soul, and will with our help and protection work with us to speedily
transform your experiences, into ones of happiness and release from the draconian laws that
rule your lives.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see our coming together getting nearer as each day passes. Our
presence continues to come to your notice, and we shall keep up our plan to open the
awareness of as many people as possible. The attempts to make you fearful of us can no
longer hide the truth of our peaceful intentions. We wish you to share the joy and happiness
that we bring for you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


Secret to Mastery"
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 6, 2011 at 8:54pm

This live channelling was Given in Moscow, Russia

Saturday May 15, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a
kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given
in Moscow in May, 2010.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. As my partner says, linear time goes
quickly and here we are at the end of a two-day event. The entity called Kryon, however, is
not linear. I really represent an energy instead of an entity, and it's never the same. There are
attributes of it that you've come to expect, but it's never the same. If you've noticed, this
energy grows in intensity over time as the Human [Lee] allows the portal of awareness to
open bigger. The largest part of this process is yours, for you won't receive any of the energy
unless you try to match what he is doing, within your own awareness. He opens the doors as
wide as he can and this gives an allowance of information to come through a sacred, personal
portal. As my partner channels, the information passes through his Higher-Self, and that is the
meld that you see now. It is his style and is what he allows, what he permits with his
consciousness. You are asked to do the same. This, then, generates still another energy, which
is called "the third language." We've mentioned this process many times before. It's the
language of catalytic energy.

It's important that you hear his voice. Did you realize that? Even if you don't understand his
language. [Lee is speaking English, and it is being translated into Russian.] For within the
audio are the actual vibrations in the air and a catalytic language of spirit, which is energy in
the room. It is felt, and it rides on top of whatever it is you are perceiving as the message here
that is linear.

So that is what you feel now, dear ones, if you allow yourselves to feel, tonight. The highly
intellectual and the academic Humans who are here may choose not to feel. They may choose
not to involve any emotion at all. And if that's the case, there's no judgment of that. But in
their process, they put a barrier between a beautiful thing and themselves. How many of you
can allow the portal to open and absorb this simple message? Those who do will receive all
the energy that is given - and some of it may actually be a healing energy.

This is not going to be an endurance channel. Instead, it's going to be a sweet punctuation
mark on a beautiful two days together. What is it you're going to take away from our time
together? Memories? Perhaps there could there be more? In a multidimensional state, you can
carry energies out the door with you that you didn't bring in. They are appropriate, light, and
can be life-changing as you consider the ideas of who you really are.

In the process of channelling, my information teaches mastery. That is what comes through
me, given to my partner [Lee]. For 21 years, we have been teaching this in various stages, in

various ways, and through many subjects. It's all about opening the door and seeing a "larger
you." The lecture today that my partner gave [earlier in the day] is one where we gave
concepts to show you that there is a restraint on your thinking [a bias]. However, even with
this bias, many of you are ready to open this multidimensional door wider. So in these few
remaining moments, I'm going to give a simple message. I'm going to call it this: "The Secret
of Mastery."

Is it the "implant?"

What does this really mean to you? Who is a master to you? Is it possible that you might
change yourself to the degree where you could say, "I have mastery?" What does that mean in
your life? Well, perhaps some of you have looked at the Kryon work for answers. Twenty-one
years ago, I gave you a concept of an energy that was called an "implant." At that time, my
partner told me that it was not a good word to use, for many times humans believed this to be
an evil thing. It made many back up and look at it and examine it. "What is it?" they would
say. Some were afraid of it and many ran the other way, never examining what it might
represent. Some even burned the Kryon books.

This is exactly the reaction we wanted, much to the dismay of my partner. But it was
appropriate because once a Human accepts it, it starts a process of epiphany. After all these
years, it is now defined as the "implantation of permission to shift." Maybe some of you did
that? Perhaps you gave that spiritual permission and things started to change? Many did.
Maybe now you're one who did that and is sitting here, and you now know, "This implant
must be the secret to mastery, for it started a massive change in me and here I sit today with
full knowledge of my spiritual quest. Kryon, is that the secret to mastery?" No, that is just an
intuitive step. The implant was a good process to start with back then, for it involved that
thing you hear so many times, pure intent to shift and allowance of spiritual change.

Is it with the Higher-Self?

"Well, then perhaps it's the acknowledgement of the Higher-Self? That must be it, Kryon. Am I
right?" Some of you have opened the door metaphorically to your heart, and you've aligned
the three-dimensional part of you with the multidimensional part of God. This is a major shift
and some of you are so different today than when you started this esoteric journey. You are so
different! You feel it and you know it. You believe that perhaps you're actually touching
pieces and parts of the Higher-Self. You can feel it actually re-patterning things in your life
that you thought could never change, and you're right. "So that must be it and that must be the
secret of creating mastery - connection to the Higher-Self. Right, Kryon?" That's not it, either,
but that's very important. It's one of the most important things you can do. There are so many
messages we have given on that, and so many years we invited you to do exactly that.

Can you be bigger than you think? Can you open your heart tonight? Listen.

Let me ask you a question. In this culture, in this society [Moscow], it would be a courageous
thing this evening to be loved, would it not? What if you were to drop your guarded heart long
enough to feel something here? What would happen to you? I'll make you a promise; If you
will open that guarded area of yours, just for a few moments, and absorb what is coming, you
can then close it right up again if you don't like the energy. This is a safe place to be right
now. Can you do that?

Is it in the DNA?

What is the secret to mastery? Some have said, "Well, it must involve the newest Akashic
teaching, for in the last two years, Kryon, we have heard what you've said about the Akashic
record inside our cellular structure. You even have a book about this!"

Indeed, this is an amazing dimensional tool where past lives are no longer past. In this new
energy, the Human Being can dip into the seeming metaphoric soup of past life energies and
bring up what they need in everyday life. Today, a Human Being can go inside and pick up the
things that they need from the past. They can create a quantum state with the lifetimes they
have earned and lived and have a multidimensional experience with time, spiritually going in
and getting the things they need. They've lived those energies, and they still own them and
deserve them. They can have peace over anything. They can remove drama from their lives
and even heal their cellular structure. This is one of the most powerful tools we've ever
discussed with humanity. I only opened the door to the concept of mining the Akash within
the last two years. What a concept! Think of the power there. Only masters could do that in
the past.

"So Kryon, is that it? Is that what you're talking about? That's the secret to mastery, isn't it?"
No. It's a new concept for you, and a good one, but it's not the secret, not really.

You see, that's why we call it a secret. Because when I tell you what it is, you're going to
think, "Well, that's just a little too easy - not much of a secret." Well, if it was easily seen, then
all of you would be doing it, wouldn't you? It hides, and it's not that easy to accomplish.

Is it the new intition information?

"Perhaps it's what was being taught about the power of intuitive thought? Kryon, you've
talked about intuition as a new tool that is becoming a map of co-creation abilities, almost
like a multidimensional antenna that you raise, letting you feel the potentials of the future. Is
that it?"

Intuition is the new action tool, allowing you to know when to turn left and when to turn right
and how to act at certain times based on the energy before you. What a beautiful tool this is,
for it honors a proactive approach, replacing the non-active "let go and let God" energy of the
past, where you sat and waited for answers. Not all of you have heard of all these tools, but
I've been giving them to you for a long time. Intuition is an actual map you can use on a daily
basis to make sense of life. It isn't something that tells the future, but rather something that
gives you immediate direction when you reach the point where you need it. It represents the
energy of the entourage that is with you all the time, which is aware of all that is. "Yes! That
must be it, because the masters who walked the earth had that ability! Kryon, is that it?"


"Well, then, Kryon, it must be the last one we can think of. It's got to be all about what you
taught about Layer Nine of DNA. That was yesterday's channelling, and the newest
information." [Moscow Channelling #1]

That was, indeed, powerful information. Now you can join the three-dimensional and
multidimensional parts of the immune system and create a healthy body. I explained that last

night. "So, is that it, Kryon? That's got to be it. There's nothing left."

No, dear one, that's not it either.

The Secret of Mastery

Human Beings tend to look at lists and stair steps, ladders and processes. These things are all
needed in 3D, for that's the way Humans move from one point to another. That is the linearity
of your reality, so it is needed. It's also helpful for learning, and it makes sense that you would
list these things and ask if the secret is within them. It isn't. Instead, the secret of mastery
overlays every single one of those attributes on the list, and it's not something you can
accomplish easily or memorize.

It's hard to define what it is, but I can try and give it to you. It's called love of self. Can you
love yourself? Can you fall in love with the face in the mirror? Can you look at yourself as
divine and beautiful? Immediately, you let out a sigh and say, "Well, that's too easy. Of course
I can. I can do that." But you're not doing it, are you?

Let's pretend for a moment that your very essence is a little child. Let us pretend for a moment
that the most sensitive part of you, the soul core, has the feelings of a child. What would you
say to that child, dear Human Being, dear adult? Well, let me tell you what I hear you say to
the child within yourself:

"You're ugly. You're not worthy. You're never going to make it! Things might get better on
Earth, but not very soon, and besides, you may not even be around for it since you are not
going to live that long. Somebody more important than you is coming to do the work. You'll
never do it."

Would you say that to a child? Would you say that to an infant who looks up at you with
innocent eyes with their feelings exposed? You are the boss, and there is nobody else to listen
to. Would you say that? The answer is no. No! Then why do you say it to yourself, dear one?
For that is what we hear. The innocent child is that core of you, which is waiting for the secret
of mastery. It's a beautiful core energy of love and it constantly looks at your own body and
consciousness for answers. What does it hear?

Pretend you have a little child. Listen to these words.

"Oh, how beautiful you are! Look at the Creator inside there! I see it in your face, oh,
precious little one. Look at the seeds of God sparkle in your heart! Wow! With that energy,
you're really going to go places. You're magnificent! There isn't anything you can't do."

What does the child do with that, dear one? The little one smiles, swells up, and takes their
power. They love it!

"Really? You see that? Oh, thank you!" Then the child walks out of the room with the seeds
planted to grow into a being who knows about how to treat himself and others. The truth is
then acted upon and his power increases each day that he walks the earth. Without the rocks
of doubt in his path, he accelerates to a new level, helping all around him and helping the
earth itself.

What if you could do that with yourself? What if this was the dialogue you gave yourself in
love every day of your life? What would you call that? That's called falling in love with
yourself. Now, that's not easy, is it? You're going to have to rearrange your thinking, aren't
you? What if someone comes up to you to ask, "How are you?" Talk to the child.

"I feel great because I am a magnificent master!" You might say that, but you don't, do you?

Humans have learned that if they become negative, it gets attention.

"How are you today?"

"Not well." (Immediate attention.) Let's have a little drama stirred in:
"Because something happened."
"What was it?"
"It was this, it was that… bad things."

You see, I've been listening to how humans communicate. I live with you. Did you know that?
I am a piece of the creative energy that is around you all of the time. I know who you are, I
know who's here. Listen to these words come out of your mouth as you speak them. Quite
often it's a bad habit, but it tells the cells how you feel, since they are listening, too! It
reinforces a negative energy. Is there joy there? Often not. If there is not, then there is no love
of self.

Who wants to talk to a complainer or one who is in drama all the time? Would you seek this
person out for help with your spiritual quest? Yet many of you claim to have spirituality, but
you walk with a dark cloud around you all the time. How can this be?

All of the things I've mentioned today are just a ladder of processes. You can have as much
academic and intellectual information you can carry, but if you have no joy, you are nothing
but a book with words that lays there unread.

Perhaps you'll eventually get a piece of paper that says you graduated and that you understand
everything that Kryon teaches? But the angels around you will cry in sorrow, because you
never understood the little child inside. That's the secret of mastery - understanding the
emotion of self-love and the energy it creates.

I want you to envision for a moment your favorite master. Who was this person? Perhaps it
was Christ? Perhaps the mother of Christ? More recently, perhaps it was the Prophet
Mohammed? Perhaps it was more ancient and the Buddha? Perhaps it's very recent. Perhaps
it's a guru like Paramahansa Yogananda? Perhaps it's one of those? It doesn't matter, for they
all taught the same basic message for their culture - unity of humanity and the love of God
inside. So visualize them before you.

Look in their faces. What do you see? You see a Human Being at peace with himself. What
are the masters known for? Peace, patience, lack of drama, love and understanding - all of
these things. Do you think this came with an intellectual pursuit? What have you been told
about their lives? Perhaps you were told that where their footprints were, flowers grew. Their
faces would shine like the sun and little children would come around them. Even animals
knew who they were! All this because they were in love with the God inside. That is the secret

of mastery. If you have trouble with that, I'll give you a vision.

Look past the face in the mirror and see the beauty of God in you. While you look at yourself,
love that. Slowly, you'll start loving yourself. Do you dare be loved tonight like this? Do you
dare open your heart and feel these things? Why not? What are you afraid of? Do you think
it's going to hurt? Is it culturally inappropriate? Your real family is here, invisible before you.

So that's the request of Kryon at this time, in this place. A piece of the Creator is before you
[the Kryon energy]. It's what you're hearing and feeling in this third language. Some of you
are feeling it even as you read this and you are wondering what it is. Well, that's the way truth
presents itself when your door is open! Those with an open door right now know this is real.

There's validation of the energy being presented here. Some of you here who can see the
colors on the stage around my partner know that this cannot be faked or created artificially.
Neither can the epiphanies that are happening in the room or the healing that is going on at the
moment in one of the chairs here. Leave this place different than you came. That's the love of
self. That is what the masters had that you cannot learn with steps or processes or with the
intellectual mind. You must become it.

And so it is.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 12:55pm







Compassion for ourselves

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 1:03pm

Compassion for ourselves

"It's useless for us to look back and feel shame

for what we didn't know years ago. Our actions
are according to our understanding at that time.
So rules have to be taken for our understanding
of now. We must have understanding and
compassion for ourselves. Sometimes what we
didn't know wasn't necessary to know. Sometimes
the veils are providential. We could not awaken
if we had not been in sleep. It could be

harmful if it's too sudden an awakening. Veils
can be a protection."

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan


HEAVEN #3696 The Garden of Pride,

January 7, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 1:20pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3696 The Garden of Pride, January 7, 2011

God said:

However you do things in life, there are other ways for you to do them. There are other
platforms to come from. Because you have always been a certain way doesn’t mean you must
continue being the same way. I ask you to adjure from saying: “That’s how I am. That’s how I
will always be.” Why would you close the door on life? Why would you let so much in, and
no more, and feel virtuous about it? I have seen those who sometimes are smug in telling
someone off, for instance, as if that were a proud thing to do. How can that be a proud thing to
do? Why would anyone wish to be proud of that?

You may want change in your life, yet you may want change without your changing. Let Me
put it this way. You want change in your life, and, at the same time, you don’t want to have to
change. You may want new gifts from life, and yet want everything else as before. It is your
life I am speaking of. Life is meant to be a flowing stream, not a stationary object.

What is so hard about letting a little change in? I am suggesting you change your mind about
something. I am suggesting you let the past go. Past ways are of the past. They have not
always held you in good stead.

In a sense, when it comes to certain areas of life, you have been rigid. You have been for one
thing and against another. You have held prejudices. You have said: “I will never change my
mind about this.” And you have held on to an opinion as if an opinion were a rare antique to
be polished. An opinion is just an opinion. Opinions do not have to be permanent. Your stance
in life does not have to pretend to be permanent. If you feel you have been casting pearls
before swine, you have some changing to do.

You do not always have to be at the peak of the mountain. Gain a wider frontier. Be humble
rather than prideful. If you play baseball, learn how to pitch more gainfully, learn how to
catch more gainfully. Take a chance on change.

Even when you are unwilling to budge, odds are that life will pull the carpet out from under
you. Life is patient, yet it does not stay still. True, you are a creature of habit, yet you are
more than that. Do not purse your lips quite so tightly. Do not be quite so sure that you know
all the answers.

Rather than be smart, be kind. Rather than show off, don’t show off. When you put someone
down and make him or her feel small, you don’t make yourself big. Rather, you are showing
your size. Add to your arsenal of ways to reveal yourself in the world. When it comes to
kindness and thoughtfulness, you are on the right track. Do not close out life by squashing
anyone else.

Kindness and thoughtfulness do not mean that you put up with everything. It’s just that you
don’t always every minute every time put yourself first. There is some truth to the idea that
the one who comes last comes first when he who comes last is not inordinately proud of
himself. Do good deeds, and disappear from the garden of pride. Be virtuous without pinning
medals on yourself.

You don’t have to have the last word. You are not to punctuate life. You are to serve. You are
not to capitalize on your assets in life. You are not to make a big thing of them.

Be kind and courteous. Be considerate of your fellow man. If this means changing your ways,
then, by all means, change your ways. Be the sun that shines. Add to the happiness of your
corner of the world.


bir söz: "sakın vazgeçme.. çünkü.."
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 1:29pm

"Herşey üstüne gelip seni dayanamayacağın bi noktaya getirdiğinde

sakın vazgeçme !
Çünkü orası gidişatın değişeceği yerdir".


Hiçbirşey için RiSK almayan kişi
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 1:30pm

Hiçbirşey için RiSK almayan kişi, belki acı ve üzüntülerden korunabilir...

AMA büyüyemez, SEVEMEZ , değişemez, hissedemez, öğrenemez...

Kendi KAPALI SINIRLARI içinde Kalır ..

Garanti arayışlarıyla zincirlenmiş bir köle OLARAK yaşarken,

bedelini; özgürlüğünü KAYBEDEREK... öder. ..
Yenilenmek, Genişlemek, Değişmek , SEVMEK için
BEDEL ödemeye Hazır olan
ve BUNLAR için RiSK ALABiLEN kişi hürdür...



Acceptance As Giving Allowing Ourselves
To Receive
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 1:30pm

DailyOM - Allowing Ourselves To Receive

Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

January 6, 2011
Acceptance As Giving
Allowing Ourselves To Receive

When we can allow ourselves to receive as well as give, we do our part to keep the channels
of abundance open.

Giving and receiving are part of the same cycle, and we each give and receive in our own
ways. But we can lose our balance when we try to be too controlling on either side of the
cycle. On the receiving end, we may feel that we don't deserve the effort made if what we
gave was easy for us to give. But perhaps there is a different lesson there for us. We may be

receiving not only gratitude, but a chance to see the world through the eyes of another. We
may be learning that just because we gave easily, it doesn't diminish its value. Or perhaps the
universe is giving us an example to hold close to our hearts, to encourage us on some future
day when our own generous act of giving is not met with a visible act of receiving. When we
can allow ourselves to receive as well as give, we do our part to keep the channels of
abundance open for ourselves and others.

Sometimes we may find ourselves struggling to respond to others' gifts in the same ways like
responding to an expensive present with something equally expensive, or feeling like we have
to throw a dinner party for someone who has thrown one for us. But when these are done out
of a sense of obligation, their energy changes from something that shares to something that
drains. If this sounds familiar, we can decide next time to allow ourselves to receive with
arms, minds and hearts open and simply say thank you.

Accepting a person's gift is a gift in itself. Sincere appreciation for their acknowledgement
and their effort joins our energy with theirs in the cycle of giving and receiving, and nurtures
all involved. If ever we find we are still having difficulty, we can decide to allow ourselves to
be conduits for gratitude and accept on behalf of a loving, giving universe.


The Light Path - a message from Kuthumi
channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 5:46pm

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark

29 December, 2010
.I Kuthumi come forward again, to guide you forward, to embrace your true Soul Light with
the loving power of God, the Creator of all that is, Universe upon Universe, Light upon Light.
On your wondrous planet you also have great power to create, to step into your full Soul

Are you ready my friend? Do you choose to let go, to release your past totally, fully, and
prepare to walk a new path. You face a new year in your linear time. A fresh start. I ask you
how many suitcases of baggage will you take with you? Some of your suitcases will contain
baggage of long ago. Old experiences you have placed deep within you, only remembering
when one of your senses triggers the deep anger and resentment you so carefully tried to
conceal from your mind. You see these deep memories all contain a level of anger, sometimes

so subtle you don't see. You mask it with guilt, self hate, injustice, pain. Yet I tell you under
this is anger, still, waiting to be awakened by a smell, a word, a feeling, a visual picture.


Other 'suitcases' will contain more recent events. Feeling forced to complete work you don't
enjoy, yet feel you have to in order to pay your bills. A recent argument. A comment from a
friend or loved one you ' took to heart', then promptly pushed it deep within you feeling the
comment wasn't justified, or was quite unfair leaving you feeling hurt. Yet you couldn't let go
of it, no. So, another 'suitcase'. There are many incidents, many situations. Some of you will
have a lot of luggage. Others only a little. I tell you it matters not how many 'suitcases' you
have. What matters is your decision. What you choose to do with your baggage. I keep
reminding you of your choice do I not? This is truth. You see you are able to choose. You have
free will. Free will to create. Many here- myself and The Council of Light- seek to help you,
to guide you through. Indeed I myself will lead you in a meditation to release fully all your
baggage. To let go totally. But first you must choose. I can guide you, show you how. But I
require a determined yes. This is your part my friend.

Travelling Light

Your new year as I have said is a pivotal year in your evolution. Your time is speeding up
along with the higher vibration of mankind and the planet. No longer can you sit on the fence
and think 'I'll do it later'. You cannot. For letting go, travelling light - if you will pardon my
pun - is only the beginning. The second step is adjusting to this new feeling of Light, of peace
of true happiness. Yes, you must adjust. Lifetime after lifetime you experienced light and
dark. Some of this you still carry within you. Some of you have been unable to clear the pain
and anger from these experiences. So you have simply re-acted the same way, and piled more
pain and hurt on top of the original pain. So it deepened. It became too difficult to deal with,
so you turned away. You may ask "why do I carry what happened in another life time? When I
pass, does it not leave me?" Not always, no. The deeper the pain, the more the core experience
is repeated, not dealt with, and the core pain is built on, becoming larger and deeper. The Soul
memory contains all, both positive and negative. All of you have experienced positive and
negative, Light and dark, love and hate - all of you have.

You cannot know love without knowing hate, you cannot choose Light without understanding
darkness. Both must be experienced to understand. I have spoken recently of the importance
of balance of the left and right brain. Now it is time to completely clear out your baggage. The
'suitcases' of baggage you have held for so long. This is a process that may take you some
time. This matters not. Some will be more ready than others. Yet I urge all to prepare
yourselves. I urge you to begin now.

Light Path

In this way you become ready to embrace your new year. A year of beginning a new path
forward. Many of us here have joined together to prepare this new path, a Light Path for you.
It is time now. What you choose to create after you have let go of your baggage will be new to
most of you. You will no longer simply wish for a situation in your surroundings to be
different, you will desire to create it. To bring the change into your reality. To create a better
life. To walk a Light Path of peace, of stability, of love. This is why I come today. This is why

I assist you to let go, to release. You are all a part of God. You also contain the power to
create. You have forgotten your soul power for many years.

I tell you - awaken, Remember. It is time. Walk your Light Path.

Master Kuthumi.

Copyright © 2010 Rev, Lynette Leckie-Clark - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form.



2011: The Energy of Joy - a message from

Archangel Michael channeled by
Meredith Murphy
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 7:30pm

New Year's Message from the Archangel Michael

Channeled by Meredith Murphy | www.expectwonderful.com

Telepathic Transmission Transcribed from Luminous Being Event - 31 December 2010

2011: The Energy of Joy

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

31 December, 2010

Beloved ones: You are evolving.

Becoming the New Humans.

There is much to celebrate today for what has transpired within you is facilitating the
emergence of heaven on Earth.

Going within is always the most beneficial pathway for each of us—you, me, all of us in
individual focus. It is there we commune with our Divine Presence beyond time/space, the
oneness we are and the uniqueness of each of our energies. In this communion and with this
information as energy is fulfilling. Entirely. Within this connection we experience an
equilibrium of our nature in all forms of focus and we also can experiment with potential
pathways of future creativity as well as flow inspiration in response to all we encounter.

Learning to walk and talk and be in this expanded connection is the focus at hand in your
experience at this time.

More and more you come together in expanded focus and create—this too is highly

It is especially important to visualize and expect a smooth transition for the Earth from the
new hologram and while the old hologram is dissolving. You can assist this process by
aligning your energy with peaceful, beautiful outcomes in regards to the Earth shift and not
diluting this focus with what you don’t want to happen—there’s no need to even contemplate
that, just stay focused on ease, grace, peace, natural organic flow happening. Allowing.

To expect, anticipate, and watch for, and enjoy the magical alignments and mysterious
synchronicities which you co-create and which guide each of you forth into the blossom of
being the New Human.

Intuitive you know what to do.

Within your gut, the ganglion tissue of your para-sympathetic nervous systems is being
upgraded to receive expanded information from the 144 Crystalline Earth Grid. The
Crystalline Grid of Earth is a spiritual grid that stores the energy of humanity, it lays on the
Earth and you are increasingly connected and in alignment with this grid.

The Crystalline Earth Grid is the new grid based on the etheric energy and sacred geometry of
144. This number is a code which liberates light energy in a new constellation around the
Earth from the Great Central Sun. Begin to realize that you receive more than air from what

you experience as “outside of yourself” or “your environment.” You are influenced, sustained
and your entire experience is influenced from energy systems beyond that of your physical
vessel, or more accurately which are connected to your physical vessel in etheric, meaning
spiritual, ways—not visible, but entirely real nonetheless.

Orienting within is the way one learns to attune themselves to the new Earth grid and to begin
to live in harmonic balance with this. The Grid is also changing as you are changing; it’s all
becoming more quantum. What you do as you do it—live is transferred to the grid. This is
new and is the reason you feel things speeding up. This also means the energy of Human
Civilization is affecting the overall vibration of the planet moment to moment. Your focus is

Living in this kind of dynamic, you are increasingly learning to attune yourself. You are
increasingly working with harmonics and as you shift to crystalline structure, you are attuning
yourself again and again to all that you encounter; it’s a continual process of getting in sync.

You are learning to ground the light that is coming into you and live with this increased light
which is creating new experiences for what it means to be human. Human potential is
undergoing an explosive expansion of vast proportions and implications. You are the reason

You are increasingly orienting yourself from the expanded perspective of your own Divine I
AM Presence. This presence has a twin flame. Your twin flame and you are two parts, and it
is the specific signature mirrored into male and female which you are attempting to unify
within you. It is the specific signature you organized into upon differentiating from One I
AM. All versions of you are informed by this divine expression of Source Energy and each is
an opportunity to diversify and further develop the organism, so to speak, which you are.

In each expression of focus which you imagine and thus give birth to, you find ways to
interact with the energy in your focus and this triggers the inspiration which is you naturally
expanding and harmonizing with All-That-Is. This harmony may create a cacophony to later
be resolved by yourself or another, or it may amplify harmonics and thus create immediate
deepening of resolution and wholeness. Or a combination of these. It is a vibrational
configuration you are in the process of refining and expanding and from different perspectives
it is as though you hear different themes of your main melody, expounded upon, sounded,
echoed, amplified, distorted, dissipated, reunited, remembered.

You are radiating this divine presence whenever you allow your energy to expand beyond the
old templates and as you encounter others in this open, expanded state, the energy of joy on
the planet is increasing!

This is aliveness. It’s always vibrational. For you it is significantly visual and auditory, as
well as kinesthetic. There is the olfactory system, there is taste—there are many other senses
are involved—knowing for example is a sense, there is a sense of timing, of alignment, of
balance…there are many senses in play all the time and your vessel and increasingly your
energy field is developing expanded ways of transducing input from multiple systems:
chemical, light systems, energetic, systems of one structure/form or another. Your energy
field is developing expanded ways of transducing input into perception.

You will find that you have more and more ways of taking new and vaster avenues of input in,
and not only realizing it consciously, but utilizing it perceptually in a way which expands your
awareness and capacity.

All of these depend on the particular structural form your identity uses to participate in
various points of focus. You participate in civilizations and other realities which have no
structure that would even make sense to you conceptually—they are so beyond the ways your
organize space, time, light--but in these realities you too are participating with capable focus
and creativity.

Perception depends on the particular structural form you are using to relate to wherever you
are in focus. This entire sunrise of newness if for the purpose of expansion and joy.

Joy ripples out to the edges of All-That-Is and burns them forth into new territory, much like a
volcano creates new form on Earth. Energy and light combine as heat and newness is birthed
in the galaxies and the Universe continues in endless expansion.

Infinite. Whole. Changing. One. Carrying a clear sense of identity. Identity having nothing
to do with form and yet entirely expressed or chosen to not be expressed in form; all from the
focus of the Divine I AM Presence’s inclinations. YOUR inclinations and desires to
experiment and cultivate an increasingly whole sense of understanding the oneness which
lives within the One I AM as the one you.

Noticing what you are drawn to. Realize that your navigation system is within. Finding
happiness within your own energy field is natural. Joyously commune with your cells.
Welcoming change and newness! All of these are natural expressions of your innate and
eternal capacity to BE.

I have shared much with you today that may feel new. You’ve done this before and your
certainly are completely prepared for all that is taking place here and now my beloved ones.
Don’t forget you are creating this.

Remember to choose more, do less.

It is in creating that you participate more and more fully in the very Being you came here for.

Enjoy yourself and never ever ever ever stop pursuing the experience of all your ideas, ideals
and desires. All-that-is benefits enormously from the unique perspective which is you.

Beloved ones, I see you Luminous Being, with familiarity, with love and with delight for all
that you are, are becoming, and are yet to even imagine. Together let us turn our focus to the
leading edge and explore our very souls. Know that you are profoundly loved!

I AM Archangel Michael. And it is so.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications


– You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions:
You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not
alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear
to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the
permission of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by
the author.

Tags: www.expectwonderful.com


Vibratory Healing and Forgiveness
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 7:47pm

Forgiveness is a very powerful tool in the healing of ones vibration. It raises our heart to a
new dimension where there is a much greater capacity to experience love. Forgiveness toward
ourselves and others can release negative karmic patterns and debts - and restore our vibration
to one of pure light and love. Love widens the channel for the flow of healing Divine energy
into this dimension. Integrating this dimensional energy heals us on every level and facilitates
spiritual awakening and a deep understanding of reality.

The acceleration of the Earths vibration has facilitated the excitation of all of our cells - as a
result many of us are now experiencing challenging times because of the release of previously
dormant cellular karmas into our being.Negative emotions that arise from within at these
times is the result of unresolved karmas. These energies create challenge and growth
situations if we are able to recognise the karma and not become attached to it.

Karmic debris in our being usually consists of residual old emotions and other emotional
baggages that influence our current behaviours , thought patterns and actions. Attachment to
the baggage perpetuates further suffering and a separation from the Source - so the cyclic of
karma continues. Vibratory acceleration and healing comes when we change our response to
karma and instead consciously decide to work with the complexes. All karmic complexes
(knots) can only be done through the recognition of Source / The Infinite Love. Instead of
playing out a story of continued pain and fear - we can welcome in the karma - accept it - and
just respond to it with love. Recognise it as illusions - its just old emotional garbage being
cleansed from our being. Welcome it - send it love - we can affirm - I love you - I forgive you
- I let you go now - I release you joyfully and with love.

This response of love toward the karma dissolves the karmic knot, bring resolution, expansion
and major shifts in vibration. These shifts take us to places where we are predominantly in the
love space and are free of emotional afflictions or any vibratory impediments such as fears,
attachments, control dramas, resentments and ill will. All these are gone - no longer part of
our reality. Having broken the chains of karma we are free in the moment to begin cretaing a
new reality. No longer bound by past events and rooted in love one can be in the moment
reborn and anew. We then have the experience of an immense amount of clarity and power
which arises from love. Vibrationally we are strong.

Karmic healing is essential for the ascension. Detoxification of the body and the purification
of the heart (including all fear) can raise our consciousness significantly. However if we still
meet resistance there is likely karma beneath the surface of our lives. Karma cannot be
circumvented or avoided. Resolving karma breaks the karmic wheel and frees us from the
effects of hidden causes (the arising of karmic debris). For when we are purified in our hearts
and karmically clear we can see all of our consciousness and raidly clear away anything
outstanding. Loving awareness transmutes and dissolves karma.
Karmic healing can be assisted through the practice of forgiveness. When experiencing
conflict, we can choose to let go of the stories of attachment, hurt, control dynamics. Its just
stuff. With non attachment we can see beyond it and instead unconditionally love the person .
We can challenge ourselves to grow and expand by trying this - experimenting with saying I

love you - I forgive you - I accept you. These affirmations heal ones usual habitual responses
that create further karma and give the other person an opportunity to heal too. The letting go
of the ego created stories facilitates the arising of forgiveness and unconditional love.
Forgiveness raises our vibration high enough to be able to tap into the vibration of pure source
love. Further karmic healing can cause repeated vibratory spikes into Divine territory which
become longer as learn to integrate and ground this new vibration.

Forgiveness is a doorway into another dimension of infinite love filled with Beings of
Light .This Divine Vibration of Love heals us on every leve in a major way. Releasing karmas
heal the fear of love which open our heart and enable us to become familiar with this vibration
in a more intimate way. We can surrender ever deeper into the vastness of the Divine Love -
as far as we want to go - as far as our fearlessness will take us. As we dismantle the illusory
projections of the ego we are presented with a much more abundant, loving reality where we
can rest in the illuminated consciousness of the Source. Old limitations that our karmas
created are removed and our consciousness becomes far more expanded. We become
vibrationally strong as our being is restored to perfect health and balance. At the same time
the hearts capacity to love is profoundly expanded. A sense of empowerment follows as we
recognise the vast potential of our being and we realise how we are infinite beings with
unlimited resources, consciousness and love.

We then make the ascension and integrate the new paradigm shifts into higher dimensional
consciousness free from the laws of karmas and the effects of vibratory impediments. Then
we find the Source. Fusion with the Source is possible through the full surrender of the notion
of ego self and one can experience the pure wave vibration of our being - multidimensional
liquid light energy. The healing and abundance this can bring to our lives is mind boggling
and off the scale as the channel for love becomes fully open. Integrating these vibrations
triggers karmic healing in others and raises the overall consciousness of the collective with
then in turn heals the vibration of the planet.

As well as ourselves and others we can love the Earth too. Send it love, ask it for forgiveness
for ones mistakes. We can heal the Earth like this and assist its final passage into the higher
dimensions. Forgiveness allows us to keep up with the Earths higher vibrations and make the
ascension free from suffering. For those still in their pain, committing horrendous deeds of
murder, wars, control,and environmental pollution see if we can send them love too. Send out
the thought they are loved and forgiveness is possible regardless of what has been done. The
emanation of unconditional love from our being can awaken others and bring about deep
karmic healing and the complete healing of humanity

much love and many blessings

Free Spirit


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 7:55pm

06.01.2011 (29.12.2010)
– China Daily News

JARUSALEM- İsrailli Arkeolojistler, Pazartesi günü, Modern

İnsanın mevcudiyetine dair en eski kanıtları bulmuş olabileceklerini
söylediler, ve eğer o gerçekse, İnsan Orjinine ait Teorileri yıkabilir.

Tel Aviv Üniversitesinden bir grup araştırmacı, İsrailin

Merkezinde yer alan bir Mağarada, Bilimsel olarak Homo Sapiens olarak bilinen
Modern İnsanın “Diş” lerine benzeyen, 400.000 yıllık bazı Diş ve İnsan
kalıntıları buldular.Daha önce bulunan en eski Homo Sapiens kalıntıları bunun
yarı yaşı kadardı.

“Bu sonuca varmak çok heyecan verici”, dedi Arkeolojist Avi

Gopher, ve onun ekibi bu sonuca, Dişlerin bulundukları yerdeki yer tabakalarının yaşı,
Karbon Metodu
ve X Işınları ile yapılan incelemelerle varmışlardı.O, bu sonucu kesinleştirmek
için daha ileri araştırmalara gereksinim olduğunu vurguladı ve “Bu buluş, bütün
İnsan Evrimi resmini değiştirebilir” dedi.

Kabul edilmiş Bilimsel Teori, Evrimleşmiş ilk İnsan olan Homo Sapiensin
Afrika kökenli olduğu ve oradan diğer Kıtalara göç ettiğidir.Gopher, eğer
kalıntılar günümüz Modern İnsanının atalarına bağlanabilirse bu, ilk İnsanın
Orjinal olarak İsrail-Ortadoğu kökenli olduğu anlamına gelecektir dedi.

Cambridge Üniversitesinden Tarih öncesi uygarlıklar Uzmanı

olan Sir Paul Mellars, bu çalışmanın çok saygın olduğunu söyledi ve “Bu buluş
çok Önemli , çünki kritik bir zaman periyodundan çıkan bu kalıntılar çok nadir
bulgulardır, fakat o kalıntıların İnsana ait olduğunu söyleyebilmek için henüz
çok erkendir”, dedi.

“Onların o alanda bulduğu kanıtlar çok zayıf ve açıkçası çok

uzak bir olasılıktır”, diye söyledi Mellars.”Kalıntılar daha fazla, Modern
İnsanın akrabaları olan Neanderthal İnsanla ilişkilidir.”

Bu günün kabul gören Bilimsel Teorisine göre, Modern İnsan

ve Neanderthaller , bundan takriben 700.000 yıl önce Afrika Kıtasında yaşamış ve
hepsinin Atası olan bir İnsan türünden gelmektedir.
Aşağı inen bir Grup Avrupaya
göç ederek orada Neanderthal İnsanını geliştirmiş ve sonrasında ise nesli
tükenmiştir.Bir başka Grup ise Afrikada yerleşmiş ve bu günün Modern
İnsanına-Homo Sapiense evrimleşmiştir.

“Dişler, sıklıkla kabul edilebilir bir Orjinallik göstergesi
değildir, ve İsrail Mağarasında bulunan kafatası kalıntılarının analizleri,
türün tanınmasında daha fazla kesinlik arz eder.” Dedi Mellars.

İsrailli Arkeolojist Gopher, ekibinin bulgularından emin

olduğunu ve kazılara devam ederken daha fazla Kafatası ve kemikler
bulacaklarını söyledi.

Bu Tarih öncesi “Qesem Mağarası”, ilk olarak 2000 yılında

keşfedildi, ve kazılar 2004 yılında başladı.Araştırmacılar Gopher, Ran Barkai
ve Israel Hershkowitzin bu çalışmaları, Fiziksel
Antropolojinin Amerika Haberleri dergisinde


Çn: Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...


Pencerelerimizi temiz tutabilmek dileğiyle...

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 8:00pm

Genc bir cift, yeni bir mahalledeki yeni evlerine tasinmislar. Sabah kahvalti yaparlarken,
komsu da camasirlari asiyormus. Kadin kocasina ' Bak, camasirlari yeterince temiz degil,
camasir yikamayi bilmiyor, belki de dogru sabunu kullanmiyor.' demis. Kocasi ona bakmis,
hicbir sey soylememis, kahvaltisina devam etmis.

Kadin, komsusunun camasir astigini gordugu her sabah ayni yorumu yapmaya devam etmis.

Bir ay kadar sonra, bir sabah, komsusunun camasirlarinin tertemiz oldugunu goren kadin cok
sasirmis 'Bak' demis kocasina ' Camasir yikamayi ogrendi sonunda, merak ediyorum, kim
ogretti acaba ?'

'Ben bu sabah biraz erken kalkip penceremizi sildim' diye cevap vermis kocasi.

Hayatta da boyle degil midir ?

Baskalarini izlerken gorduklerimiz, baktigimiz pencerenin ne kadar temiz olduguna baglidir.
Birini elestirmeden ve hemen yargilamadan once zihin durumumuza bakmak ve 'iyi' olani
gormeye hazir olup olmadigimizi farketmek guzel bir fikir olabilir ...

Pencerelerimizi temiz tutabilmek dileğiyle...


SaLuSa from Sirius through Mike Quinsey

- 01072011 SaLuSa 7-January-2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 8:00pm

SaLuSa fromSirius through Mike Quinsey - 01072011

SaLuSa 7-January-2011

We see you atdifferent stages of understanding and in preparation for the coming
changes.Your approach has a lot to do with your personal beliefs and what it is youactually
want to happen. Much of this results from your own programming, andeven subconscious
memories of past lives. What is going to make a differenceand enable you to make an
enlightened choice of which path to take, will dependif you have kept an open mind. It is
certain that every soul alive today has atdifferent times, been faced with the truth about
Humanity and its divinedestiny. Some will ignore it and follow their mindset that has become
sostrong, that there is little leeway if any to change. We are not suggestingthat such an
approach is wrong, because it is you who determine the pathwaythat you follow. However, it
will become somewhat easier if you consider whatis put to you. Allow for the fact that you
might be in error where the truth isconcerned, and when you find it placed before you it will
be easier tointegrate it into your beliefs.

One certaintyis that all in time will come to understand that the God you all worship is
oneand the same. Names are meaningless and even ancient history has to be readwith certain
reservations, as it goes back to days when much was handed overonly by word of mouth. You
cannot therefore take everything as read today asafter many years it carries inaccuracies, and
not least of all because of thenumber of times it will have been translated. Discussion
therefore becomes anecessary and healthy way to become discerning and able to adjust to the
truemessage. We must mention the false gods that were on Earth some 5000 years agoas they
were responsible for misleading Man into believing that those whothought different to you
were your enemies, and should be killed. That beliefstands true to today, yet on examination
and in respect of the higher teachingsreceived over many centuries, we believe it will be
understood that the One Godis Omnipotent and is absolute Love. Furthermore, it has no
religious connectionand given to all souls regardless. It is a point to reflect on, because if
youdesire to ascend there is no place in the higher dimensions for anything butUniversal

We have oftentold you that there is not much you need to do to ascend, and if you can
simplyfind it in your heart to love all souls then everything else will fall intoplace. You are
sparks of God and what indeed would you expect of yourselves asthe sons and daughters of
God. The Earth has carried you far and as dualitycomes to an end, you will shake off the last
of the lower energies so that youbecome a radiant Being of Light. You are beginning to realize
that much of whatyou have become to accept as real, is in fact of your own creation and is
anillusion. Your civilization has reached that point where it has little left toteach you about
duality. However, for those who refuse to release themselvesfrom the controlling ways of the
old paradigm, there is due allowance made sothat they may evolve as they have chosen. That
is your privilege granted to youby the Prime Creator, and in accordance with the freewill also
given to you.

There will sooncome times when we will address all of the problems that you have created
foryourselves, and we will lead you onwards to the final days of this cycle. Itwill be
sometimes be hectic but our presence is your assurance that you willnot be left “to stew in
your own juice” as you are inclined to say. We areloving souls that give of ourselves with
unlimited love, and wish we couldfully convey to you the extent of the service we are here to
give you. Meetingus will do a lot to remove any doubts you may have, and we are happy for
you tojudge us by our actions. Forget the ages old comic pictures of what aliens aresupposed
to be and look like, as we are in some instances every bit as humanlooking as you are. It is not
as if we have never been seen by you previously,and various civilizations of our Federation
have been contacting certainindividuals for many years of your lifetime.

Alreadyalthough only a few days have elapsed since the New Year started, you arehearing of
various activities and not all necessarily exactly what you wouldlike. As we have told you
before, the dark Ones are also operating within theLaw of Freewill, but the Light has reversed
the balance and now leads the wayhome. The dark Ones do however have an obstinate desire
to carry on evenalthough they know it will bring their demise. There comes a point where
theymust allow the Light to take over as the dominant power, and with the help ofour allies
we are pushing hard to break their resistance. So you are due forsome surprises that may
possibly come without much advance notice. However,many of you who keep abreast of what
is happening all around the world, arepicking up the clues to what is about to happen.

Have no fearDear Ones, have you not been told that victory is already yours. Just allowsome
time for it to manifest upon Earth and off you will go with a joyful stepand happiness in your
hearts. The best is clearly to come, and we have theanswers to the financial collapse that
hovers over you. Out of all the travailsyou have had or are to experience, will come the
sweetness of success. So weask that you stay cheerful and confident regardless of the outer
happeningsbecause the changes are upon you. Just be patient a little longer as youeverything
to gain, and in real terms very little to lose. The plan for you isimmaculate and your destiny,
and provides for all that is necessary to see youfirmly step on the path to Ascension.

I am SaLuSafrom Sirius, and tell you that the Galactic Federation is a tremendous force
forgood, and we will not allow you to be taken advantage of any longer. There maybe scuffles
but we certainly will prevent any plans that may further damageMother Earth, as she has
lovingly carried you on her back for eons of time andlike you she also has to move towards
Ascension. As we have mentioned a numberof times, such a Universal event is to happen on
an enormously large scale. Youwould find it difficult to comprehend what it entails, and the
great Beingsthat are holding the power to move a Universe into a higher dimension.
TheCentral Sun powers the whole Universe and its energies are creating changes inall kinds
of matter, so that Ascension is achieved according to the Creator’sPlan.

Thank youSaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

Please do notuse the above email address, it is one way only.

My address is



New Moon Message: 2011 the Birth of a
New Humanity: Shifting Timelines and
the Bible Code
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 8:34pm

Without a doubt you have been feeling, thinking and dreaming about 2011. The year that
stands before the end of the old world. What will it bring? What will we create? Will the Shift
take place? Would you be ready if it did?

This year is the year where experiential time will speed up so much that you will have to
make choice after choice after choice. These choices, whether made consciously through the
strength of your mind power or effortlessly through your intuitive hearts longing, will lead
you either into another lifetime or two of being subscribed to the world of corporate gain
orientated mind control, called television, or it will finally lead you into the whole new realms
of relating and being part of this new One Reality. In this light 2011 is really the weighing of
hearts. 2011 is the time and place where you decide which time-line you want to be part of.

The Time-line of the New Unfolding Paradigm

Reality is created in each moment, by us as an individual and as part of the collective.

Quantum physics has proven this fact over and over again. This year critical mass about this
knowledge will break through and this will cause a shift in our collective awareness. We will
jump yet another time-line, coming closer and closer to a line where Unity can be moved into
effectively. People tend to think that all people will come to know this, believe this and
practice this new form of living with Life, unfortunately this is will not be true, yet. This has
to do with free will and balance in consciousness at least up until the big turn is here.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, within the books known as the Torah, mathematicians and
scientists discovered a coding system that has led to some startling revelations, predictions
and foretelling of both past and future events on planet earth. For thousands of years there has
been one golden and sacred guideline that accompanied the reproduction of the Torah; Never
to change one letter, one spacing or one anything. We have now found out why. All major
events that have taken place on Earth and even the less globally impactful events are to be
found in the Torah, with time or dates encoded along with it. From the bomb of Hiroshima to
discovery of new planets all events are encoded within the matrix called: the Bible Code, in
fact everything significant that ever happened since the creation of the Torah seems to be
encoded within this matrix of Hebrew coding.

What we'd like to point out in reference to the Bible code is that all events relating to the Holy
Wars, the destruction of Jerusalem, the killing of millions of people, the assassination of
presidents leading again to wars, the dying of millions of people because of global flu
pandemics, even nuclear wars, destruction of sacred cities on earth and the start of the 3rd and
final World War killing off all life have all not been fulfilled. Now you might think, 'so than
this Bible Code is a fake, or at least not accurate', good observation, but if you study this work
you will soon understand that we as a collective humanity have changed our destiny, we have
jumped potential Time-lines and created a different outcome. Not just once or twice but we
have been shifting and rearranging our collective outcome with great effect since the late 90's.

We are on a ramping rage to continue to constantly change the future outcome of our
collective reality and you are part of this! This is where your dreams go into.

This is what Para PachaMama is about. This is one of the purposes of our template. It allows
people to make adjustments in the amount of energy they put out one way or the other. With a
focus of cushioning the Shift for the ones that are still sedated or intoxicated with a dream of
separateness and or fear, we feel we carry a great potential and responsibility for collective
change. If you change your mind that changes outcome. If we change our minds together we
change the world. Once enough people have changed their minds and our world has finally
changed in the way we relate to Life, we can become one with our Earth.

This is the direction for 2011. Awakening of the 100th Monkey, the Birth of a New Humanity.

Send this to the people you love and care for. Sign up for the Resonance List at


Twin Flame Prayer.......7th Jan.2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 11:26pm

THIS DISCUSSION HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED. Originally Posted by Brenda Tenerelli on

August 18, 2009 at 2:44am in TWIN-FLAMES REUNITED

A Prayer for Twin Flames

We can accelerate our progress on the spiritual path if we daily ask our Higher Self, or God

Self (the I AM Presence) to establish a spiritual contact at inner levels with our own twin

"In the name of the Christ, I call to the blessed God Presence of each of our twin flames for
the sealing of our hearts as one for the victory of our mission to humanity. I invoke the light
of the Holy Spirit for the consuming of all negative karma limiting the full expression of our
divine identity and the fulfillment of our divine plan."

In this way, even if you live worlds apart, you can unite spiritually on higher planes and help
balance your mutual karma. This inner contact intensifies the light we each have and releases
the power of our love, enabling us to stand strong in the face of the tests of life, balance our
mutual karma and fulfil our divine plan.

The Violet Flame

One of the keys to changing past karma and fulfilling your divine mission with your twin
flame is the violet flame - a unique spiritual energy that has the power to literally erase the
negative karma that keeps you from your twin flame and God. While you can’t go back in
time, the violet flame transmutes the cause, the effect, and even the memory of our past
mistakes, and the resultant negative karma.

Calling forth the violet flame daily is one of the quickest and most effective means for
accelerating spiritual growth in preparation for our ultimate reunion with God and our twin
flame. The only true and lasting union of twin flames is for each of you first, together or
separately, to achieve union with God. Then you, your twin flame and God are united and
inseparable forevermore.

Love, Light, and Blessings, Brenda



Celebration of A Special Life by Patricia

Diane Cota-Robles
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 11:35pm

Celebration of A Special Life

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Joao Cota-Robles
April 9, 1968 - December 29, 2010

Our precious Joao passed away unexpectedly on December 29, 2010. He was 42 years old.

Joao is survived by his wife Denise, sons Dylan (20), Hayden (19), and Griffin (5), his parents
Ricardo and Patricia, his sister Tori Ratchford (Jeremy), and his three nephews Dexton,
Wylder, and Revel. He is also survived by his paternal grandmother whom he called
"Grammita" and many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.

There will be a Celebration of Life Service for Joao Saturday, January 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.

St. Pius X Catholic Church

1800 N. Camino Pio Decimo
Tucson, Arizona 85715

If you can join us we would love to see you, but if you cannot please pause for a moment on
that day and send your Love to our Beloved Joao.

From the time Joao was a little boy he has had a deep-seated relationship with God. He used
to talk about God all of the time and he often shared very profound things with me. Once he
came to me and said, “Mom this is a very special time and there are thousands of Light
Beings being born on Earth who are going help all of us.” I said, “How do you know that?”
He said, “Because I saw them. They are descending from the Higher Realms and when they
reach the Earth they are being born as babies all over the world.”

When we go through the transition that we refer to as death, it is like taking a journey across
the ocean. On one shore our Loved Ones are waving good-bye and feeling very sad, but on
the other shore our Loved Ones who have crossed over before us are awaiting our arrival with
open arms.

Joao had many challenges in his life, but everyone who knew him experienced his
magnificent Loving heart and his amazing sense of humor. He never entered a room without
giving everyone in his family a kiss, no matter where we were. And he never left a room or
completed a phone conversation without saying “I Love you.”

One of his favorite people in the whole world was his Granddaddy, Frank Cota-Robles. Joao’s
Grammpa passed away in 1995, leaving a very big void in Joao’s life.

I AM going to share the words of a very special song with you, but first I would like to give
you a little background about that song.

A couple of years ago our cousin Tommy passed away and Joao, his Dad, and I went to
Tommy’s memorial service. At the reception we were sitting at a table with some other
members of our family and there was music playing in the background. At one point Joao
said, “Mom, listen to this song. This is the song I want you to play at my funeral.” I listened
to the first line or two and said, “Joao, I am not going to listen to this song, I am going to be
long gone by the time you have your funeral.”

When Joao passed away on December 29th, I knew I had to find that song, but I didn’t have a
clue where to begin looking. I did not know who the artists were. I didn’t know the name of
the song, and I didn’t even know the words. So I prayed to Joao and said, “Joao, I want to

play your song for you, but I do not know what it is. You have to help me find this song.”

After we were through at the hospital, we went to Joao’s Grandmother’s house to be with the
rest of the family for a while. When we were through we all went home. That night Joao’s son
Hayden turned off his music ipod and put it on the charger to recharge it. At 3:00 o’clock in
the morning the ipod turned on by itself and began playing a song. Hayden did not know
anything about what Joao had said at Tommy’s service, but the words of the song that was
playing were so meaningful to him that he downloaded them onto his ipod. In the morning,
Hayden and Dylan came over to our house to share the song with Dickie and me.

I was on the phone, so Dickie listened to the song first. After hearing the song he came and
got me and said, “You have got to listen to this song.” The moment the song began playing, I
knew it was Joao’s song.

The words to the song are listed below. Please read these words carefully and take them into
your heart. This is a very special message that Joao wanted to share with ALL of you during
this sacred time of his transition, so that you would be able to experience with him the JOY of

When I Get Where I’m Going

Brad Paisley & Dolly Parton


When I get where I’m going

On the far side of the sky
The first thing that I’m gonna do
Is spread my wings and fly

I’m gonna land beside a lion

And run my fingers through his mane
Or I might find out what it’s like
To ride a drop of rain


Yeah when I get where I’m going

There’ll be only happy tears
I will shed the sins and struggles
I have carried all these years
And I’ll leave my heart wide open
I will love and have no fear
Yeah when I get where I’m going
Don’t cry for me down here

I’m gonna walk with my Granddaddy

And he’ll match me step for step
And I’ll tell him how I missed him
Every minute since he left
Then I’ll hug his neck

[Repeat Chorus]

So much pain and so much darkness

In this world we stumble through
All these questions I can’t answer
So much work to do

But when I get where I’m going

And I see my maker’s face
I’ll stand forever in the Light
Of his Amazing Grace
Yeah when I get where I’m going
There’ll be only happy tears

I will love and have no fear

When I get where I’m going
Don’t cry for me down here

(from Wikipedia ... Song was written by George Teren and Rivers Rutherford and recorded by
American country music artist Brad Paisley. It was released in October 2005 as second single
from his album “Time Well
Wasted.” The song features harmony vocals from Dolly Parton.)

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization



{ SanandasEagles } Planet Alert Jan.2011
By Mahala...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 7, 2011 at 11:37pm

a rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
href="http://www.mahalasastrology.com/">http://www.mahalasastrology.com/> email:

Happy New Year everyone and may this be the best year ever. We are now in
the year 2011. What will happen in this wonderful New Year? Will we continue
to think with our hearts and glow with the light of God? I sure hope so
because it is time for us to manifest a new reality of magic and miracles.
When we feel joy or bliss in our hearts everything will start to open for
us. We have a blank screen in front of us ready for our creations.

We finished a 26,000 year cycle on Dec 21, 2010 and have now moved into an
entirely new reality. The solstice and lunar eclipse in December signaled
the end of the Kali Yuga Vedic Astrology cycle, and the end of a 26,000 year
cycle of Capricorn. Capricorn rules materialism, controllers, big business,
governments and structures and is ruled by the planet Saturn which has been
considered the karmic planet. This means our karma is over, and we have

moved into the Golden Age of Aquarius which will bring us joy and happiness.

We moved into the transition period of the Age of Aquarius in February of

1962 when several planets lined up in that sign. We went through the roaring
sixties and then entered the space age. Before we knew it we had computers,
and eventually the World Wide Web. What a marvelous invention. Now we can
connect to anyone, anywhere in the world, at the touch of our keyboard.
Isn't that fun?

I know there are many people out there who are still caught in their trauma
and drama and they need our help. We can help them by being who we are and
shining our light. We can heal them simply by our presence. We have been
told in the past that there would be three different waves of light or
ascension. I believe the first wave happened on December 21, 2010. The
second wave will happen on October 28, 2011, and the third wave will happen
on December 21, 2012 which I believe is the end of time as we know it.

We are still in the transition phase and Mother Earth will continue to
cleanse herself by natural disasters like storms, earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, fires, snow, rain, and floods. We have sure seen a lot of storms
and flooding in the past year. This has been from all of the Pisces energy
from Uranus and Jupiter both being in that water sign. Now the planets are
beginning to move. Jupiter goes into a fire sign on January 22, 2011. This
will cause more fire events like fires and volcanic eruptions. Then when
Uranus goes into Aries there will be fire energy for seven years. Fire is
our passion within and lots of creative juice will be flowing through us,
including the fire of our Kundalini energy.

Then Chiron enters Pisces on February 10, 2011 where it will stay for eight
years. This will bring bliss to many people. Then the node moves into
Sagittarius on March 3rd, and the 9th wave of the Mayan calendar starts on
March 9th and time will start to speed up really fast. If you think time has
been going fast in the past few years it will be nothing compared to how
fast time will speed up this year until we reach the time of no time on
December 21, 2012. We will then be living totally in the Now.

We are about to have lots of changes. We start the New Year of the Rabbit on
February 3rd, which is a much gentler year than the year of the Tiger has
been. There will be more cooperation with leaders around the world, and this
may just be the beginning of peace on Earth. There will also be more
cooperation with those who have started thinking with their heart.

The United States has been the leader of the world for a long time and our
president Barack Obama has the signature of Ben, the Red Skywalker as his
Mayan Dreamspell glyph. This means that he is a time-space traveler who can
jump dimensions to assist you in realizing heaven on Earth. Ben is unlimited
in form but often chooses the form of the angelic messenger. Ben is at the
forefront of conscious thought and ahead of its time, for it is a frequency
that anchors a new vision.

Doesn't it sound like we have the right person as our leader for this time
period? Isn't it time to support our leaders and quit fighting them? How can
we create peace on Earth when there is so much dissension, critism, and
fighting everything our leader tries to do? It is time to speak up, but do
it in a peaceful way. Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.
Maybe it is time to stop listening to the negative and fear thoughts that
are so prevalent on the web and in our news right now. When I hear something
negative happen I say 'that is not my reality'. I choose to live in peace,
love and abundance. All is well in my world.

I honor all the people who have brought out information to educate people on
how much we have been controlled by the bankers and the secret world
government. And of course the UFO information was also covered up. Many
people lost their lives because of the information they brought forward. All
of this negativity had to come to the surface for everyone to look at and
see for themselves what has been going on in our world and more will
probably come to the surface this year. We do have to deal with what is in
front of us, but I think it is time to forget about the conspiracy theories
and vibrate to the new energy. If we start to vibrate high enough, our
problems will cease to exist. We will then be manifesting a new reality.

In numerology this year can be either a 4 or a 13 vibration. It's 2011! Many

people look at it as a 11 year which can manifest as peace and cooperation.
Others see a 4 or a 13, or even a 22. I prefer the number 13 because that is
the vibration of Goddess energy. It's also the number of change and
transformation. Four is the foundation of something, and this could be the
foundation of the new reality we have just entered.

We also start the New Year with a solar eclipse on January 4th on 13 degrees
Capricorn. This degree will affect Washington, D.C. which is 13 degrees
Cancer, and run all the way down to Florida and the Caribbean. We do have
new government leaders that are about to start their new jobs. Let's send
them lots of light for their highest and best good.

This eclipse also affects the longitude lines from 60 to 90 degrees west
longitude, which is basically the area from the Mississippi River to the
East Coast. Arkansas is around 94 degrees longitude. What caused all those
birds and fish to die? Was it gas from an underground volcano in that area?
Is it showing signs of erupting, or is the New Madrid fault ready to go? The
energy from the December 21 solstice was directly over the New Madrid fault.
Check out an old article on my blog about the Gulf oil spill
www.mahalasastrology.com a rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
href="http://www.mahalasastrology.com/">http://www.mahalasastrology.com/>; the forecasts
in that article have started to happen with the stopping of the Gulf Stream.
Chili and Argentina are both within the 60 to 90 longitude where seven plus
quakes have already happened. The other side of the world will also be
affected like China and the South Pacific. The areas affected by the
darkness will be North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

The meaning of 13 degrees Capricorn is 'a fire worshiper meditating on the

ultimate realities of existence'.

The mystery of fire has always captured man's imagination because it is the
mystery of all transformations wrapped in the enigma of death. This brings
us to the stage beyond life itself. Are you ready to transcend into a higher

When the node moves into Sagittarius in March, and Mars and Jupiter move
into Taurus in May and June of this year I think we will start to see the
beginning of a new monetary system. This could be a system backed by gold.
Neptune will be moving into its own sign of Pisces on April 5, 2011. Then we
can welcome higher consciousness into our reality. Neptune is a beautiful
feminine, magnetic planet that rules water and the oceans. It manifests a
higher frequency than Venus. There will be lots of changes this year. Some
will be considered negative and some positive. Out of the chaos will come a
new reality. So Be It!

I send you my love and blessings. *****

Mahala Gayle *****

On December 30th I was on the Tazz and Paula Internet radio program. That
program is now on my blog at www.mahalasastrology.com
a rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
href="http://www.mahalasastrology.com/">http://www.mahalasastrology.com/>; for your
listening pleasure.

Donations are always welcome through Paypal-look for planetalert@hotmail.com

Thank you in advance!


Google Map of Dead Bird Sites, Worldwide

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 1:59am



Twin Flame and other Soul Relationships
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 2:04am


Falling from Grace

Before coming to our Earthly existence we are given a chance to watch the film of our lives
and sign agreements with God if we believe this will benefit our learning experience and
service best. At first we are the Spark of one Flame, whole in essence. But upon coming to our
existence we are stripped of our knowledge and we forget who we really are. The further we
are from the Source the less we remember. And the circle goes on until we remember the
moment of our primal separation from God. The time when One flame became Two! The time
when the Search begun and the Repetition of patterns started. When we split up from
ourselves, we split up from God, and we split up from our Angelic nature. This blog, previous
posts, and the ones that will follow are part of a memory, a story of nurturing and re- igniting
the flame within...And the process of healing the pain from primal separation and the illusion
of loss! This is how it goes.
Once upon a time there was a powerful warlock. He had lightning in his eyes and held
thunder in his hands. With one word he could master the wind, and calm a storm. He Was the
Wind and the Storm! He spoke with animals. Snakes were his best friends. He was a healer,
he did not heal with with herbs and potions, and he healed with his eyes only. His will was
powerful; he could turn water into stone, and people into dust. He never used his power for
anything else but for healing for this was his contract with God. He carried the Flame, the
Antivirus that could turn around the Virus that once had fallen on humankind. He had clear
vessel for conscious communication with God and was a pure being above all. And he was
born like that, did very little to fill up his knowledge from others.
He lived in caves far away from the world but people came to him for counsel, and healing.
King was relying on him for all advices. And he was living to the expectations.
But the dark forces were on to him. This big power working for good was not in the best
interest of the underworld. Jealousy, fear and selfishness drove many into hating him and
setting him a trap, the one that he could not foresee for all his wisdom. Those who could not
understand him feared him. In a kingdom near by, a witch lived. A witch of small power but
great beauty that made her vain. She lived on making potions and lotions for returning lost
lovers and could not do anything else much. She wanted a warlock to be her teacher and her
lover but he refused her. He refused as he knew that there was no power in her and that the
knowledge he could give her would kill her. She did not understand. So she swore she will
have her revenge. She found some teachers in lands far away, teachers of little power and
moral so instead of strengthening her power she managed to put malice in her heart. And she
hated the warlock even more. After a long search she found one of his weaknesses. He loved a
youngest daughter of his king. Although he knew better than to get attached he could not
ignore the inklings of his heart because he knew that heart is always right. She was sent to

him to learn the Magic and he grew fond of her. Seeing her on a daily basis only strengthened
that love. Luckily she loved him back. Nothing was ever said between them on this matter but
he knew, by the way she looked at him. And he wished for a normal life, he wished for having
a family and wife. He spoke to God and God promised happiness. King gave his consent too.
Everything was as it was supposed to.
But the wicked witch decided to use this situation to her advantage. And combine the powers
of all that hated and feared warlock and create a big swirl of negativity that she will send his
way. As she could not hurt him, she sent it to the princess. She invited all the forces of evil to
help with this, and waiting for the good to fall they gladly helped. Princess got sick and was
becoming sicker and sicker every minute. But she did not die as the witch knew warlock
could accept it as Gods will. She wanted him to doubt God, to hate God. So she went to speak
to princess and told her she will only get better if she leaves warlock for good. She created
lies telling her that his power is making her ill and will eventually kill her, as she is human, he
is not! Thus putting doubt into her heart the potion for hate that she prepared worked better
than she would expect it herself!
The princess got better but hated warlock as she held him responsible for her illness. She
feared him now and did not want to see him. As if the love never happened before, she
married her father’s first knight.
Warlock was devastated, but with all his wisdom and power there was nothing he could do.
She made a choice and God does not interfere in free will of humans. He prayed and prayed,
and cried and begged. God wept but all he could promise was to mend his brokenness and
give him love again. As God always tries to make some good out of bad...
But this was not good enough for the warlock. Half mad from pain and loneliness of his cave
he decided he has a free will too. As he was in pain he did not pay attention to the messages of
good spirits, the bad ones were stronger. God worked through his heart but he refused to feel
Him, especially when he heard that the princess was with a child. The warlock decided he will
use his powers and do what ever he wants. As he thought she run away from him because of
his powers, because she thought he was making her ill, he decided to make her ill. He used all
his powers and she died within a day. But then he was even sadder, and growing sadder and
sadder he was letting more and more demons into his heart. He became dark and ugly. So he
thought if people fear him, they should have a reason. Then he evoked all the storms and
winds and destroyed the kingdom. He moved far away and became known for his wickedness.
He started using dark rituals only to move away from God. He was helping anyone who
seemed slightly bad and slightly mad. Because he was so angry with God, He took his love
away and no one came to hear him cry while he was helping everyone. He decided he will do
his best to destroy Gods creations. So he was sacrificing even unborn children for the sake of
his magic to work. The magic was stronger but his powers were weaker and weaker. Because
his power came from God. And again he blamed God and again he was vicious even more,
ripping hearts from living human beings to use for his sorcery. He was much feared but much
sought as he was resolving people of their troubles, and their enemies. Because people did not
think on how their acts will affect others, they only wanted themselves to be ok.
The warlock turned his heart into a black rock and was horror to all living things.
Through all this time God tried to put he back on his way but he never wanted to talk
to him anymore. One night villagers decided to put this to an end so with a little help of our
well know wicked witch that sent deep sleep onto him, they used venom of a poisonous snake
to paralyze him and then they drowned him into the near by lake. He never knew what hit him
as his powers were so week, he could not perform anything without the help of a dark side.
And this time they honored the agreement made with the witch. As they never had one with
him, he had one with God that he abandoned so he was the power of good that needs to be

When he came back to the Kingdom of Heaven and stood before God he saw all that
happened and only wept. But he had already fallen from grace. He asked God what he can do
to make this better. And God decided he will be given chances for repentance due to his
previous existence that was always in Light, as long as he always serves the humanity. But he
will have to search for his true nature through centuries until he remembers who he really is.
And to make his chances better God split him into two flames, one male, and one female.
They are to change incarnations and forms of existence, always to meet, never to be together
until they both remember when they were One flame, existing in one person. They will
always search for love as it was love that first brought about the separation and fall. They will
be powerful healers but never will their powers be in one as it would be when combined. She
would have words, he would have eyes, she would have hands he would have mind. She will
be storm, he will be wind. She will be serious, he will be jolly. She would have insight and
intuition; he would read minds and rise energy. She will be sorceress, he will be magician.
Together they will channel God! In separate worlds, in separate states, in separate religions,
separate age...All that can separate them will separate them. And they went on their way, to
meet at the end of time, at the end of their incarnations when they will finally remember and
work together to fulfill their mission to humanity. They will know each other for their hearts
will rejoice and nothing else will be the same as love will strike its way.
Agreeing on this, the warlock flames went separate ways, as they understood this will be in
better service for God as he could ever be as one. For God always tries to make some good
from bad...And he knew their human forms will cry and would want to give their contracts
away, and they will suffer in their hard lives, as they won’t understand, that this is how angels
are made. They need to be conscious and freely choose their way. Others will have their
saying in this journey too and will try to stop Gods way so he promised to protect Her more
and even interfere as He made her fragile and sensitive, unable to get angry, putting thus a lot
more on her way.
And this is how He shaped her heart...


HEAVEN #3697 Love Is the Healer,
January 8, 2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 10:56am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3697 Love Is the Healer, January 8, 2011

God said:

O, My beloveds, sit here now and hear what I say to you. I am your heart speaking. This must
be so because I am the Heart of the World. My heart is yours, as your heart is Mine, as We are
One-Heart. Can you imagine the love in Our One Heart and how bountiful it is?

There is something going on between Us. No need to analyze. Let’s just let love be between
Us. Not between Us but of Us. Let there be no delineation between your heart and Mine. Life
will play itself out, and sometimes life, as it plays itself out, wounds your heart. Life holds
only rubber knives. Knives come out as if they never had been.

Your heart is not really so fragile as you make it out. You are the Strong-Hearted. You are a
valiant knight in King Arthur’s Court. Of course, you are more than that, yet I dub you
Valiant. Of course, when you are fitted with My love, there is no need to be valiant, for Our
heart is love. Your personal heart is love too, notwithstanding.

There is no exception to this. I didn’t say your heart is tough. A heart of love is tender. No
matter how much a human heart is wounded, it bounces back. Wounds are temporary. Wounds
heal. Let them heal in a flash. Do not nurture wounds. Wounds are not noble. Love is not
noble either. Love just loves. Pride heals no wound. Pride is a false bandage. Love is not a
band-aid at all. Love is healing in and of itself. Love is the healer. And, yet, despite the
notebooks you fill with heartache, love needs no healing. To say that a heart of love needs
healing is like saying that healing needs to be healed. Love just needs to have its say.

Filled with love, you say to your vagrant self: “Enough about me. This so-called injury is a
passing fancy like any other. I am not damaged. I am love. I am God’s love. Therefore, I am
supreme in love. Love does not analyze woundings. Love kisses imagined wounds goodbye.
Love has better things to do than hold wounds to it. Love does not pout. Love moves on,
upwards and outwards. Possessed of a heart of love as you are, you do not dwell on pin-
pricks. Not for one moment, do you. Not for one moment any longer do you savor wounds.
Isn’t that what you have been doing? Have you not been squeezing all you can get from love
forlorn? Haven’t you made a star of it, a cause célèbre? Hearts do not break.

Yet you have held heartbreak to you. You stab your own heart. You betray it. You belie the
heart. Do you really think your heart is so dependent upon another? Do you really thing your
heart cannot survive without a billet-doux every day? I send you a billet-doux from My hand
every day. I write My heart’s love out to you. My love for you never ceases, not for one
moment. In the world, love is fickle. We are beyond the world.

What more is there to say? Life on Earth is itself ephemeral. It is wonderful, yet it is
ephemeral. Our love is eternal. It is infinite. We can’t help it. Our love is here to stay.

Human beings love. As you and I become closer in your awareness, so grows your human
heart, and your heart cannot be vacant of love. We are lighting the fire of love for other
humans now. There will be no putting out this love. Love is here to stay.


Can We Talk?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 11:06am

Can We Talk?

Follow most channels, and be convinced that things are getting to ascension right on track.
Most are saying that hearts are now open, and love has become the more dominant
commodity. To be connected to one's neighbors has no consideration in these comments.

My dear ones, these deceivers are getting more and more outrageous in their claims. Now is
the time to be gathering together in groups for consultations about how to manage during hard
times. "Cancel these dismal calls for destruction", say the deceivers, "WE are going to take
care of all your needs, and alter the consciousness that created these disasters"."Cancel these
negative concepts, and live as though all things are normal,and great things are coming", say
the deceivers. Yes, great things are coming,after the difficult, great destruction that is being
controlled by a cabal of not very caring beings. All of the claims of the deceivers, who are
using channels that are not aware of their deception, are false. What does the channel have to
do with this? They are non-aware co-conspirators, who are duping the public into giving no
thought to changes that are now needed.

Can you claim to be able to take care of your needs during major change? Needs,like a place
to gather to live if one cannot keep their home? Adequate meals to eat? Companions for those
who are alone? Care of homeless? Care of children who lose contact with their family? Are
you able to keep up an adequate health condition during natural disasters? Are there enough
beds to let others lie down and get some sleep? Are there dreamers who cannot accept their
new conditions and are not capable of caring for themselves? When the dam breaks,will there
be ample caring beings around to assist those who need aid? Africa is no longer the continent
needing the most aid. The North American continent is, only its citizens don't accept it yet.

Control of the news media has gotten so dense, that the media doesn't give any truth about the
actual conditions most Americans are about to face. Can they

leave for other countries? No, because their government has made this nearly impossible due
to its control of their money. When Homeland Security became the law enforcement counsel
of the US, all personal freedoms were taken away. No citizen of the US has sovreignty.

Change of this craving for power came into being when Mr. Bush, Sr. was in office. It was all
designed and demanded of his son when he became news worthy as a potential candidate. The
son's greed cancelled his inner guidance, and he took over the deception. Now, an already
designed collapse of the Americaneconomy is underway, and there's nothing anyone can do to
cancel this. We (TheGreat White Brotherhood) have been attempting to give enough notice to
alter the awareness of those who will be effected the most. And we conceived of a mass
ascension that could delete the difficult days on the continents as money disappears.

Can we have your attention now? Are you willing to create this mass ascension for the many
who chose this? Are you ready to give this a try? Can you acceptthe challenge of awakening
as your entre to ascension? Should deceivers haveyou convinced that nothing need be done to
ascend, you will live throughdifficulties you never imagined. After the days of darkness,
another wave of ascensioncan occur for those who are no longer denying their birth right.

When the call comes, are you going to hear it? Can you go to the place that youwill be asked
to go? Are you able to let go of all of your attachments? Can we count on you to leave, and

not distrust the consciousness that lies within you?

My words must be heard by as many as can accept them. Ascension can occur forthe masses
on an average day, when no attempt to get ready has been made. A call will come from within.
Should you follow that call, the dawn of the New Earth will be your next adventure. Not able
to hear? God needs to be heard. How many times do I need to tell you to get quiet and
meditate? Only quietness can allow the voice of God to be capable of reaching you.

Twenty million can ascend. Are these messages getting them ready? We will findout when the
moment comes. I cannot tell you an exact date, but my commentscome today as an urgent
call. Wake-up, and have contact with the divine. Nothing gets our attention, to do this asking,
as much as the deceivers'controlling the death of our ascension candidates.

Face the fact that help comes to those who help themselves. Ignoring our warnings gets you
nothing but negative consequences. Giving hope to all does not include deception. Giving
accurate details creates opportunities for adifferent outcome.

Please give me the opportunity to gather an ascension that can make a big difference. Bring
the heart home. My goal is to lead 20,000,000 out of darknessin one leap. Come along and
you won't regret it. Negate my message, and get on with the life you did not want to live.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


Chief Joseph. an. 7, 2011.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 11:24am

Chief Joseph. Jan. 7, 2011.

This tells some things that Chief Joseph
has to say.

Well worth reading......We CAN do this!


Chief Joseph Newsletter

Conversations With Chief Joseph & John Cali

January 4, 2010

Can H-aling Your Physical Body Be Easy?

Chief Joseph and I are sometimes criticized for

so often saying life -- and physical he-ling --
should be easy.

John Cali

Many years ago I had a personal experience of

how quickly our bodies can heal. Here's a slightly
edited excerpt from an article I wrote about that

"One night last month I was baking my dinner

in the oven. When it was done I carefully removed
the hot pan and placed it on the stove top. A moment
later, without thinking, I picked up the pan with a
bare hand.
A searing pain surged through my hand and up my
arm. I dropped the pan, staring in disbelief at the
huge red burn marks in the palm of my hand.

"My hand was throbbing. I placed my other hand on

the burned one and visualized healing energies
pouring into it for a few moments. My burned hand
still hurt, but the pain had subsided, though the burn
marks looked dreadful.

"The next morning I'd forgotten all about the incident.

My hand didn't hurt any more. So I wasn't even
thinking about it. Later that day, remembering the
burn, I looked at my hand. It was perfectly normal.
The burn marks had vanished and there was no pain
or discomfort whatsoever. A serious burn had
completely healed in less than 24 hours.

"Then I realized the old axiom, 'Time heals all wounds,'

was not necessarily true. It's not time that hea-s us.

It's our belief and our own inner resources that do
the -ealing.

"Our beliefs can heal us in an instant. Or in a few

hours. Or they can take years. Or they may never
heal us, in this lifetime at least. It all depends on the
beliefs we hold. Time has nothing to do with it."

Joseph has talked about healing many times. Among

the things he's said are these:

Time is totally irrelevant when it comes to healing.

The real key to total healing is always within us.

Our most powerful -- and only -- healer is within.

All healing -- no exceptions -- is always self-healing.

We talked about Dr. Eric Pearl in this week's

email reminder. He's been able to accomplish
remarkable healings with his patients, often

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

We know many humans believe healing, physical or

any other kind, takes time. Certainly that old axiom
John mentioned about time as a healer does seem
to be true. But, as he also said, time is not the healer.
It's simply the medium, if you will, through which
you experience the healing.

You are your own best and most powerful

healer. All the other "stuff" -- d-ugs, surgery,
medical d-ctors, non-traditional healers, all the
methods and techniques -- are only the
catalysts. Nothing more. They stimulate that
healer within. If they do not succeed in stimulating
that healer within, they "fail."

Your belief has something to do with all this. You've

all heard stories of people being "miraculously"
healed through the power of their belief they would
be healed.

But that's only a part of the explanation. There is

far more to it than that.

As we have said many times over the years, the
real healer for all of you is within you. If that
healer is, for whatever reason, not working,
you will not be healed.

So whatever can stimulate that inner healer

will appear to heal you.
But, again, it is only your inner healer that
does the real healing.

The most powerful healers in your human

history -- Je--s, Harry Edwards, Edgar Cayce,
the D-vine Love healers, and many others, are
successful because they know how to invoke
the powers of the inner healer. That is the
"se-ret" of their success. It is not magic. It is
not a m-racle. It is not anything beyond the
natural healing power you all possess.

Your bodies' natural state is that of perfect

health, perfect balance, perfect well-being. If
left to their own resources, and if you stayed
out of their way, your bodies would heal
themselves. And often instantaneously. There is
no so-called terminal d-sease from which
your bodies cannot be completely and
permanently healed.

When you allow your physical bodies their natural

state -- which is to be connected to s-irit, to
your s-uls -- they will be healed, they will be
healthy. The real power of the healers we've
talked about -- and also Dr.. Eric Pearl -- is they
have the ability to reconnect people with their
own spi-its.

Healing your physical bodies really can be easy.


Since 1992, John Cali has been communicating
with a non-physical entity called Joseph. In one of
his many physical lifetimes, this s-irit was
i-carnated as the legendary Chief Joseph of the
Nez Perce tribe in what is now the state of Oregon
in the northwestern USA. These messages are a
blend of information from Joseph, other spi-its in

the "Joseph group," and John.

Copyright © 2011 by John Cali. All rights reserved



Pozitif Düşünme Sanatı...

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 12:00pm

Pozitif Düşünme Sanatı...

Farkedilmiştir ki, olumlu düşünen insanların başına her zaman olumlu şeylergelirken,
olumsuz düşünen, kafasından olumsuzu geçiren, olumsuzu çağıran kişilerin ise başına sürekli
kötü şeyler gelmekte. Bu yüzden gün içerisinde,başımıza ne kadar olumsuz olaylar gelse de,
zamanımızın bir kısmını da pozitif düşünmeye ayırmalıyız.

Pozitif düşünce nedir; tanımlayalım:

- Her zaman bir alternatifin olduğunu benimser.

- Öğretilerin dışına çıkabilir, sınırların ötesindedir.
- “Daima bir çözüm yolu vardır” felsefesini benimser.
- Hızlı değişime açık bir düşünce şeklidir.
- İnsanı başarıya götürmeye yöneliktir.
- Gülümsemeye büyük bir önem verir.
- Durum her ne olursa olsun, psişik ve organik yapımıza pozitif dönüşüm sağlar.
- Hızlı ve sağlam karar vermesi öğretisi içerir.
- Düşünce özgürlüğünü en fazla önemsemeyen düşünme sanatlarındandır.
- Özgürlüğün, düşüncede gerçekleşmesini sağlar.

Pozitif düşünürken bazı kabullenmeler ve onaylara ihtiyacımız olacak. Peki bunlar neler ?
Sıralayalım :

- Kendimi her nasıslsam o şekilde seviyor ve kabul ediyorum.

- Ben güzelim ve en az herkes kadar sevgi hakediyorum.
- Mutluyum ve başarabilirim.
- Yetenekliyim ve paylaşımcyım.
-Tüm çevremle sağlıklı bir uyum içerisindeyim.
- Hayatta bildiğim gibi ve emin adımlarla ilerliyorum.
- Doğru zamanda ve olmam gereken yerdeyim.

- Yaşamla bütünleştim,bolluk ve bereket beni buluyor.
- Tüm düşlerim zamanla gerçekleşiyor.
- Maddi ve manevi bir huzur içerisindeyim.
- Sağlıklıyım.
- Geçmişimi affetmeye hazırım.

Pozitif düşünme sanatını benimseyip hayata geçirmek için öncelikle şükredebilen bir insan
olmayı öğrenip, hayatımızı bu doğrultuda yaşamaya çalışmalıyız. Eğerki şanslarımızın
farkında olursak, kendimizi bir anda bu sanatı uygularken ve yüzümüzdeki bir tebessüm ile
bulabiliriz. O yüzden hiç bir zaman ümitsizliğe kapanmayıp; elimizdekilerin kıymetini
bilmeliyiz. Pozitif düşünme sanatı bunu amaçlar.



*Frequency Upgrades Usher in New

Timeline on Planet Earth By DL Zeta *

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 2:23pm

The energies of 2010 transitioned to a new octave with last week's solar
eclipse. Last year, numerous energy shifts were designed to shake things
up and break us lose from old belief systems and old ways of being. With
many of these strongholds broken down, the "frequency upgrades" of 2011
usher in a time of enhanced creativity when we are able to enter a place
of calm within ourselves and envision a very different future.

Now that we're shook loose from our moorings and cast adrift in new
waters, we look around and see a crystal clear calm. In this calm and
tranquil state, we gain clarity about our intentions and actions. We
enter new levels of inner seeing and from this calm, clear place, we
began to plant the seeds of future times.

This is the perfect time to examine our present course, decide how we
will move ahead and set down new footprints.

2010's Rites of Passage and the New Paradigm on Planet Earth

2010's "trials by fire" led us through many new levels of clearing. At

times you may have felt yourself to be a small raft being tossed about
on a restless and turbulent sea. This was the passageway that allowed
you to align your consciousness more strongly with the new paradigm on
planet Earth.

This new paradigm has always been available but it was necessary for you
to undergo numerous frequency upgrades to be able to align with this new
location on the map of your consciousness. Your spiritual practices,
your inner searching and questioning, your openness to realities beyond
the physical world - these are some of the factors that have over time
brought you into greater proximity with the new energies. To
breakthrough to a new level, there is always a "rite of passage" that
allows you to strengthen your resolve, to stand strong in the light of
your spirit and allow your higher self to guide you past the ego's dual
challenges of doubt and disbelief.

The Present Moment as Access Point to Higher Consciousness

As you align more fully with the new time, you will learn to work with
the energies that are now ready, accessible, and "coming online" within
your being. If you receive a vision, ask the part of you that knows how
to carry out this vision to step forward and assist you. If the vision
appears too far afield from your current location, look for access
points within your present moment. Your higher self will never ask you
to commit to a course that is too far out of alignment with your present
location in consciousness. It may ask you to undertake a journey that
will carry you in a certain direction, but this journey will always have
a starting point from within your present moment.

The January 2011 Solar Eclipse and Clarity of Purpose

Last week's solar eclipse was clear-cut and straightforward. There are
no hidden meanings, no convoluted passageways. You are simply asked to
gain clarity about your goals and desires. As you gain clarity about
your purpose, it becomes much easier to burn through all in your life
that has ceased to serve your higher purpose. Once you've "cleaned
house", you are ready to cultivate the qualities that allow you to live
more fully in the new paradigm: self-discipline, creativity,
unconditional love, passion and motivation. These qualities in coming
weeks will prove beneficial in nurturing any seed you plant now.

A solar eclipse is a great time to bring something new into your life.
That is because the Moon has been at its darkest point and then begins
to show light. These first rays of light are the true seeds of all new
beginnings. In coming weeks, you will be guided to nurture those seeds
and take actions that help them grow into the light.

Releasing Old Timelines of Suffering and Struggle

Those who choose to do so can continue to follow the old timelines but
it will be with increasing difficulty as the new energies continue to
shake up old paradigms. Those who are ready to leave behind densities of
suffering and struggle can step into the new "upgraded" timelines now
available. In order to align fully with these new reality threads, it
will be necessary for you to reaffirm your belief and trust in the
higher power of love and blessings. Bless those who continue to exist
along old timelines. Do not allow yourself to fall back into them
through judgment and criticism.

Bless all that comes before you now, knowing that there are many shifts
and changes you won't be able to fully embrace with your conscious mind.
Trust your heart and intuition now and go into a place of stillness to
ask for guidance whenever you feel overwhelmed. All is possible now as
you trust and allow the greater light to shine through you.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org


HEAVEN #3698 All for All, January 9, 2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 2:32pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3698 All for All, January 9, 2011

God said:

If you are My representative on Earth, this means that you are to act in My place. Just as there
are those who take the place of parents on Earth, you are to act on My behalf. My role is to
serve others, and so your role is the same. That’s it in a nutshell. And so you act in My place,
even though I never vacate My place.

Have in mind that you serve Me. That may make life easier for you, for it is well-known that
you do not always want to serve others. I believe you can always find it in your heart to serve
Me, I, Who serve you.

How to say this: I have no individuality for you to resent. I have no little myself. I am One
Great God who has erased myself, as it were. I have no little myself to consider. I have no
boundaries before Me. Love has no boundaries, and I am 100% love. Ego cannot find
anywhere to get into Me.

I understand very well that you may have thought that either I commit ills or that I carelessly
didn’t set life up right in the first place. Do you think now that that is true? Do you really
think there is a moment that I am out to get you or that I negligently put a sloppy structure in
place? Remember the disclaimer, beloveds. I gave you free will. I gave you the free will to
disregard love. I gave you the free will to think negatively. I gave you the free will to hurt
others and yourself. I gave you the world of free choice to command. If the world is your ship,
you are at the helm.

I do not punish. I do not wreak revenge. I am the furthest away of all from the concept of tit
for tat. My concept is rather: All for all.

I know that you disapprove of death. That is because you regard the body as all-important.
The body is beautiful and wonderful and deploys itself well. At the same time, it is
inconsequential to you. You don’t need it. You don’t require another person either in order to
be whole. The body is not real. To you it is the most real. Of course, it is, for you are attached
to the physical, and therefore you have boundaries.

Let Us get back to your deportment. You are meant to deport yourself as I do. I sail silently
throughout the world. I shine as the sun, and I am the stars and moon as well. I am the rain
and the wind as well. I am the foundation of the mountains, and the crests as well. I am the
depth of the Ocean and the waves of the Ocean as well. And I am you.

Now, will you march to the beat of My drum? Will you recline yourself back to My image?
Will you let the posturing of other Gods before Me go? They are imposters you have imposed

upon yourself. I am referring to the gods of money, power, and all that other stuff that has
risen on Earth, infiltrated the world really. Now, turn money into love. Turn power into the
true power of love. Do you really think that anything comes before love?

You really must, or you wouldn’t perpetuate all the other things you do, like greed,
selfishness, fear, imposition, attachment, haggling and so forth. You are not really tied to the
lesser things. You can choose love this moment. Now you can let go of the all the other things
that have prevented you from letting love have its full expression.


Frequency and how it affects our

relationships by Toby Alexander
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 3:00pm

And what happens is that theparents or grandparents who try to "keep the family together",
don'trealize that it is all about frequency, and they try to force everyoneto "get along" :)

Frequency and how it affects our relationships

by Toby Alexander

Everyone has a certain frequency - the vibratory-oscillation rate oftheir DNA. It ranges
between about 50 - 150 Ghz. Frequency is extremelyimportant because of RESONANCE.
You have a certain frequency and youresonate with people, places, times, things, and events
that havesimilar if not identical frequency.
How does this affect your relationships with other people? Well, itworks as follows.

Two people do not get together or have "something incommon" unless

they are at the same or very similar frequency.

This isso important to understand that I would like you to re-read the lastsentence and think
about it.
It doesn't have ANYTHING to do with LOOKS, cultural background,education, skin color,
finances, nationality, interests, etc.

Two people will only get together and stay together

if they have the same frequency, period.

For example, if you walk into a restaurant and look at the peoplesitting at a specific table, you
will notice that they all have similarfrequency. This is why friends "get together". And this is
ALSO whyfriends or spouses separate. If one of the person's frequency rises,and the other
stays the same, then soon the 2nd person will FALL rightout of the other's hologram. They
will fall out of the frequency rangeof the other person, so they cannot connect no matter how
hard theytry. Have you ever thought about why some of your friends from highschool are no
longer your friends and you don't have contact with themanymore? It's because your
frequency changed and you literally cannot"see" them anymore. We are able to perceive as
reality the thoughtformsof the collective masses as they were placed within the frequency
bandsthat now exist one dimension below the frequencies within which ourpresent focus of
collective consciousness is stationed. So for example,if you have 5 strands of DNA activated
and your consciousness isstationed in dimension 5, then you will see as solid the
thoughtformsof dimension 4. This is why different people perceive "life" totallydifferently.
Because of the level of their consciousness and DNAactivation level.

Think about all the really strange combinations of couples out there -people that you would
never dream would get together :) They aretogether because they have the same frequency.
When you look at it thisway (frequency-wise), you can also see why you are not together
withcertain people anymore, and you don't have to feel so bad about the"relationship not
working". If the frequency is not similar, then the 2people will not stay together. On the same
note, if you are working inan environment that you don't resonate with, you will not be able
tostay there. You can actually FEEL that you don't resonate with theplace or the people, and
eventually something will "happen" to allowyou to leave. This may be unpleasant or
disappointing at first if youdon't know the laws of frequency.

Also, during the holiday season when family members get together for Christmas or celebrate
other things, the frequency element becomesreally obvious :) Most people have certain
siblings or family membersthat they just don't resonate with. And what happens is that
theparents or grandparents who try to "keep the family together", don'trealize that it is all
about frequency, and they try to force everyoneto "get along" :) This is why there is so much
drama in families,because of the differences in frequency and consciousness levels.
Justbecause you incarnated into a specific family line doesn't mean thatyou should

automatically resonate with everyone in your family.Oftentimes, our past-life worst enemies
actually incarnate into oursame family line and become our fathers, mothers, or siblings. This
isvery common actually. Why do they do this? To heal the hatred and allowthe person to own
it wisdom and evolve spiritually.

One thing that really confirms the way that everything is governed byfrequency is when I try
to connect to one of my coaching clients forthe first session. If the client has the frequency,
we will connectimmediately through Sightspeed and the communication will be great. Ifthe
client doesn't quite have the frequency, there will always be some"problem", that appears
technical or internet related, but in actualityis because the frequency doesn't quite match. So I
will then do asession or two on the person to help raise their frequency and removeanything
blocking us from connecting, and as soon as I finish that, weare always able to connect with
no problems, without changing anysoftware setting, etc.

So how then do we raise our frequency?

Well, there are 3 main ways :

Do sessions or energy work to remove the lower vibrating energeticblockages, karmic
imprints you inherited from your parents at fetalintegration, and activate dormant DNA to
allow you to draw and holdhigher frequency from your soul and oversoul levels. This work
cancommence with the Auric Clearing, Karmic Sessions, and DNA Activationsand can
continue with expanded knowledge of how to work on yourself.

Exercise mental body control and only emotionally energize highfrequency thoughts such as
unconditional love, joy, bliss, gratitude,and exuberance.
Avoid fear, anxiety, worry, despair, and depression, as all of theseare very low frequency
thoughts and will attract you to the samefrequency of people and situations.


Getting into as deep a mental state as possible through meditation,yoga and other techniques -
like theta or delta states. When you are inthese deep states is when you are closest to your
God self and arebeing the "observer" in quantum physics, collapsing those energy wavesinto
space/time sub-atomic particles as in thought manifestation.

I hope you RESONATE with this information and hope it helps you understand how
frequency affects all aspects of your life.


To schedule your sessions, counseling, or coaching please visit here:


Waves of Love, LaVa


Kryon Book Twelve - The Twelve Layers of
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 3:08pm

Excerpt from Kryon Book 12
(by Lee Carroll)

I am Lee Carroll, the original channel for Kryon, and an author and lecturer in the New Age. I
tell you this since I'm assuming that you picked up this book well aware that it is esoteric
information channeled by a beautiful energy from beyond the veil. That means that almost
everything to follow is from a source that is metaphysical in nature, and not a scientific study.

I travel the earth channelling Kryon to thousands of attendees in auditoriums in very exotic
places - Moscow, Jerusalem, Santiago, Caracas, Paris, Geneva, Bogota, Riga, Sao Paulo; my
work takes me to areas that I thought I would never see. For 21 years and with 14 other books,
I have expounded on the messages of Kryon, now in 24 languages worldwide. Since 1989, I
have been delivering messages of self-empowerment and spiritual guidance through this
loving entity, and have been invited and channelled seven times at the Society for
Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations in New York City. Never in my
work, however, has there been a single subject that would occupy such a long ramp-up in
learning, or an entire book, until now.

In 2003, Kryon began giving me indications that something special would be revealed that
would create a book unto itself. At that point, I never thought I would be required to learn
Hebrew words or study numerology to present it. But this obviously was part of the plan.
Kryon began giving me the full esoteric meanings behind the DNA energy within our bodies.
He did it carefully over a long period of time so that it would stick within my memory and be
written down and studied.

There are a total of 12 energies or layers of study around our DNA, and each one has a
Hebrew name. In addition, each Hebrew name is a "name of God." To make it even more
esoteric, each one also has a numerological energy and a complex interaction with the others
in the group of 12. This means that instead of just a "list" of the DNA layers, I would have the
revelation of a "system" before I was done... a system of sacredness and purpose, and one that
knocks you over with an overall message of love and appropriateness.

You can't read this book and not be aware of your magnificent place in the Universe. When
you are finished and put the book down, you have to take a deep breath and ponder... "If this
is all true, then I really am part of a Universal plan of God!" You would be right in this
proclamation, for this is really what the book is about.

Eventually, each layer will be presented one by one, with the appropriate teaching around it.
In order to really get something out of this book, you have to see all of this, however, not as a
study of 12 things, but a study of the enormity of a system that somehow places "pieces of
God" on the planet, and then asks them to discover "the rest of the story." That's us! Could it
be true? If so, what will you do with the information?

Don't read this book if you just want some more things to add to your list of what you know.
Instead, read it with the idea that there is a great deal more you are about to discover about
yourself. Then also realize that with self-discovery comes change, often big change, and many
more questions.

The first chapter after this introduction is a discussion of why this information and energy is
invisible to the logic of our minds, and especially why it is that you cannot see it with your
eyes. We are all beginning to "connect the dots" these days with what science is starting to
also acknowledge. Science is not beginning to prove our esoteric points, but rather it is
beginning to provide a scientific bed for our esoteric information to lay in, which gives us
permission to move our previously "strange ideas" to the "possibility of reality" to the eyes of
many. Simply put, what is happening is that there is a confluence of scientific fact that is
beginning to fit with this very study. Spirituality and science may, indeed, someday be so
similar that it will be hard to separate them.

After that I will give you the lineage of this study and discuss those who participated,
willingly or not, so you can understand where some of the Hebrew and numerology is coming
from and why things got arranged the way they did.

There is a discussion of the structure of DNA following that, and a revelation of things that
are "out of logic" becoming far more logical. This includes the latest on "junk DNA," what it
might be, and why it was ever called that.

My favorite discussion is entitled, "Things nobody every thinks about." There are things in
front of our very faces that defy logical thinking, yet we ho hum our way through life, never
even looking at the dichotomy they represent! I cover some very controversial and esoteric
information that is the basis behind the Kryon teaching. You have to know a larger picture of
what has happened on the earth before you can then launch into this study of what is in your
DNA. For much of what Kryon lists in our DNA is historical and carries within it more than
100,000 years of "who you might be." This is a big chapter, divided into several parts. Don't
miss the part about me in Australia, with the flies.

In the chapter called, "The Teaching," I'll speak of how Kryon wants us to see DNA, and how
he wishes us to consider it. I'll also discuss basic numerology in that chapter, and it's a far
more comprehensive topic than some may think. It's a multidimensional discussion and as
complete as I can make it as an introduction to that science.

Next, the discussion begins, layer by layer, of what Kryon speaks of regarding Human DNA -
the names, the energies, the purposes, a blueprint of "mastery inside." The discussion has a
twist at the end, as you will see, but I am not going to give it. Kryon is.

As you read this book, you will see that the actual definitions and teaching about the
individual layers is not the actual majority of the book. This is on purpose, for the book does
not exist to give you still another list of things to have in your metaphysical locker. Instead, I
hopefully wish to surround you with the profundity of what DNA actually might be, and what
it really means to us. Within the layer discussion, Kryon often opens up to other subjects,
some stories, and even attributes of ET's! So it's a lively discussion to say the least.

Next I will present four channellings by Kryon about the activation of DNA, Human scientific
bias, and the multidimensional existence in general. These channellings were given in the last
months of writing this book and are an excellent way to bring the practical applications of this
esoteric teaching into a larger focus.

Sometimes there are duplications in information within the book, and especially within the
live chanellings. Just walk through it, for the live channellings are given independent of the
information within this book, so there are several explanations of the "junk" DNA being the
real energy of our spirituality. To edit this out diminishes the energy of the live experience.
Anyway, I personally don't think we can hear it too much!

Be aware that all through this book, Kryon and I use the word quantum interchangeably with
multidimensional. The real physics meaning of the word quantum refers to a minimum unit of
matter or energy in a transfer process. The word comes from the Latin "quantus," or how
much. However, we are using the word as a popular colloquialism, specific to what people are
hearing today, instead of the actual physics terminology. Therefore, a "quantum state" means
"a multidimensional state" in this book. Probably the reason this term took on this popular

meaning was because most of physics refers to things in a pure, empirical state. However, the
theory of quantum mechanics gave us the beginning of the understanding of things that
seemed to be in a "random" state, or what some even call "chaos." This randomness or
"probability-based reality" may only be the way we perceive it and not random at all by the
standards of new physics laws we don't yet have or understand.

Lastly I give you some current events to ponder. What do you think Spirit's reaction is to
Human organ transplants? If DNA is absolutely unique, and contains our Akashic record,
what is the spiritual integrity of a transplant? Should it be done? What if the person is going to
die without it? There are some very good common sense answers in this section.

Then I discuss the latest "creation of man-made life," the very small DNA molecule that has
been totally created in the laboratory in 2010. Is it proper? Does it affect us? What are the
ramifications of it all? Again, it's current and there is common sense presented within the
answers... which always seems to have the energy of offending at least a few.

In the very back of the book are the beautiful full color channelled illustrations of the DNA
layers by artist Elan Dubro-Cohen. These are truly a beautiful addition to this book! It's the
first time any Kryon book has had color within its pages

The last remarks will be about the fact that this book will be copied and called something
different, added to, reworked with another name, made into the evil manifesto of the century
and other common things that all happen to my books.

But hey... without that, where would the fun be?



Beyond Behavior Defense Mechanisms
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 3:19pm

Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

January 7, 2011
Beyond Behavior
Defense Mechanisms

Defense mechanism behaviors that have worked for you in the past may not fit you anymore
and need to change.

We all have defense mechanisms that we've developed over time, often without being aware
of it. In times of trouble, the behaviors that have worked to get us past challenges with the
least amount of pain are the ones that we repeat; even when part of us knows they no longer
work. Such behavior is a natural response from our mental and physical aspects. But because
we are spiritual beings as well, we have the ability to rise above habits and patterns to see the
truth that lay beyond. And from that moment on, we can make choices that allow us to work
directly from that place of truth within us.

Most of our defense mechanisms were developed in childhood; from the moment that we
realized crying would get us the attention we craved. Passive aggressive ways of
communicating may have allowed us to get what we needed without being scolded, punished
or laughed at, so we learned to avoid being direct and honest. Some of us may have taken
refuge in the lives of others, discovering ways to direct attention away from ourselves
entirely. Throwing ourselves into projects or rescuing others from themselves can be effective
ways to avoid dealing with our own issues. And when people are truly helped by our actions,
we get the added bonus of feeling heroic. But while defenses can keep away the things we
fear, they can also work to keep our good from us.

When we can be honest with ourselves about what we truly desire, then we can connect our
desires to the creative power of the spirit within us. Knowing that we are one with the energy
of the universe allows us release any need for defense. Trusting that power, we know that we
are exactly where we are meant to be, and that challenges bring gifts of growth and
experience. When we can put down arms raised in defense, then we are free to use our hands,
minds, hearts and spirits to mold and shape our abundant energy to create and live our lives.


Kutup Degisimi Ucak Kazalarina Neden
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 4:00pm

Rusya Hava Felaketi, ABD Havaalaninin Kapatilmasinin Nedeni Kutup Degisimi

Sorcha Faal

Bugun Kremlin’de dolasan, Rusya Hava Kuvvetlerinin Baskomutani General

Alexander Zelin tarafindan Cumhurbaskani Medvedev icin hazirlanan bir rapor,
gecen hafta bati Sibirya kasabasi Surgut’tan Moskova’ya giderken dusen Kogalymavia
Airline ucaginin, Yerkurenin manyetik kutuplarinin hizla degisen gecisini telafi
edemeyen Tupolev – 154 elektronik havacilik sistemlerinin ‘kritik aksamasi’
nedeniyle dustugunu soyluyor.

Bu rapora gore, bir ucak havalanmadan once bircok kesin degiskenler kullanilarak
“yakit – hava oraninin” hesaplanmasi zorunludur, buna ucak bilgisayarlarinin deniz
seviyesine gore dogru yuksekligini bilmesini saglayan manyetik yeri de dahildir.
Ancak, Kogalymavia Airline ucagi kalkmadan once, “rutin bakimin” parcasi olarak
onun havacilik bilgisayarina bir “yazilim guncellestirilmesi” girildi.

Yerkurenin manyetik kutuplarinin surekli ve hizla degisen pozisyonunu “karsilamak”

icin, yazilim guncellenmesinin kurulmasindan sonra havacilik bilgisayarlarinin son
guncellenmesi manuel olarak tamamlanmaliydi (pilotlar veya teknisyenler
tarafindan). Pilotlarin ve/veya teknisyenlerin bu manuel karsilamayi yapmakta
aksamalari, ucak bilgisayarlarinin yuksekligin 5,000 metre yukaridaki Dzhugdzhur
Daglarinda oldugunu hesaplamasina neden oldu, ama aslinda gercek yukseklik
Surgut’ta 61 metre idi.

Bu rapor, Kogalymavia Airlines ucaginin Surgut’tan havalanma tesebbusunde, yakit

hava oraninin dogru yukseklige dayanmadigini ve motorlarina epeyce yanici yakitin
“muazzam selinin akmasina” neden oldugunu bildiriyor. 124 yolcu ve murettebattan
sadece 3 kisinin olmesi mucize bir olaydi. Acil Durum hizmetleri sozcusu Vadim
Grebennikov daha sonra guclu bir patlamanin Tu – 154 ucagini yok ettigini ve
alevlerin 1000 metre kareye yayildigini ifade etti.

General Zelin’in raporunu alinca Medvedev tum Tupolev-154 ucaklarinin Rusya’daki
kullanimini sorusturdu ve yeni raporlar ucaklarin ucustan men edilebilecegini

Rusya’nin havacilik gozlemcisi Rosaviatsia’nin gecen ay Tupolev-154 ucaklarini

indirmekte basarisiz olmasini not etmek onemlidir, Dagistan’a gitmek uzere
havalanan Dagistan Havayollari Tupolev-154 ucagi, Moskova’nin Vnukovo
Havaalanindan kalkisindan birkac dakika sonra uc motoru bozuldugu icin acil inis
yapmisti, Bu rapor buna havacilik bilgisayarinin Yerkurenin manyetik kutuplarinin
degisen yerine dayali olarak yuksekligini dogru sekilde telafi etmekte basarisiz
olmasinin neden oldugunu soyluyor.

Yerkurenin manyetik kutuplarinin degismesinden etkilenen sadece Rusya degil, ABD

Tampa Bay Online haberden sunlari okuyabiliriz:

“Bilim insanlari manyetik kuzey kutbunun Rusya’ya dogru ilerledigini soyluyor –

Tampa Uluslararasi Havaalani. Havaalani, Yerkurenin manyetik kuzey kutbunun
yerinin degisiminin hesaplanmasi icin hizlanma pisti sinyal sistemlerindeki sayisal
belirteclerin yenilenmesi icin 13 Ocak’a kadar ana pistini kapatti.”

Amerikan halkina bildirilmemesine ragmen, Yerkuremizin manyetik kutuplarinin

hizla degismesi ABD Uzay Iklim Hizmetleri Bolumu, NOAA Uzay Iklimi Tahmin
Merkezi Baskani Dr. Rodney Viereck tarafindan son zamanlarda onaylandi.
Gunesimizin artan istikrarsizliginin bu olayi daha da fazla hizlandirabilecegi
uyarisinda bulundular.

31 Aralik 2010 raporumuzda, Gunesin artan istikrarsizliginin su andaki kuresel kaosa

neden oldugunu yazmistik ve 10 Aralik raporumuzda, bunun su gunlerde Gunes
Sistemimizde gerceklesen “bilinmeyen” faktorlerden dolayi oldugunu soylemistik.

Rusya, vatandaslarini su anda Dunyamizda gerceklesen bircok felaketlerden korumak

icin hizli sekilde bomba siginaklari (yalnizca Moskova’da 5000) yapilmasini
emrederken, Avrupa Birliginin, insanligin tekrar baslayabilmesi icin Kiyamet Tohum
Kasasi denilen seyi stoklamaya devam etmesini not etmek ilginctir. ABD sadece bu
gecen ay bilginin yayinlanmasina izin vermeye basladi. Space.com haber servisinin
1Aralik 2010 makalesinde sunlar yaziyor:

“Gunesimiz, gunes sisteminin kiyisindan kuyruklu yildizlarin duzenini bozan bir

refakatciye sahip olabilir – Jupiter’in kutlesinin 4 kati kutleye sahip dev bir gezegen.
Gecen yil firlatilan NASA uzay teleskobu, gunes sistemimizi milyarlarca buzlu
nesneyle cevreleyen, kuyruklu yildizlari doguran Oort bulutunun uzak buzlu
aleminde gercekten mevcut ise, gunesimize gizlice eslik eden boyle bir gezegeni

yakinda belirleyebilir.

Arastirmacilar, potansiyel jumbo Jupiter gezegeninin muhtemelen cok soguk

oldugunu, bu nedenle yerini belirlemenin zor oldugunu soylediler. Gunesimizden
30,000 astronomik birim mesafede olabilir. 1 Astronomik Birim, Dunya ve Gunes
arasindaki mesafedir, yaklasik 150 milyon km.”

Bu son haberin, tum Dunyadan kadim insanlarin Dunyamizin tarihi gecmisinden, bu

“gizemli ziyaretciler”in geri donusu ile ilgili uyarmasini hatirlatmasi ilginc, her
kulturde insanlik bu bilgiye sahip. Kadim Babil ismi Nibiru, 20 nci yuzyil ismi
Gezegen X. Zecharia Sitchin’den Immanuel Velikovsky’nin yazalarina kadar,
gelmekte olan seyin kaniti tartismanin otesindedir.

Dunyamiz Tufandan bu yana en buyuk krizleriyle yuzlesirken, bir kez daha belki de
en fazla hazir olmayan ve hukumetleri tarafindan aldatilanlar Amerikalilardir. Bunun
bircok nedeni var, ama en onemlisi ana gorus denen seyin curumus hukumetleri
adina surekli olarak onlara yalan soylemesidir.

Bunun en buyuk ornegi gecen hafta ana gorus ABD medyasinin gezegenimizdeki
yaban arilarinin ve bal arilarinin neredeyse hepsinin yok oldugunu bildirmesi, ama
bu felaketin neden gerceklestigini Amerikan halkina aciklayamamasidir, bunun
nedenini ana gorus medyasindan degil, Black Listed News isimli siteden okuyabiliriz:

“Colorado’lu bir ari yetistiricisi son zamanlarda ABD Cevre Koruma Ajansinin (EPA),
populer bir tarim ilacinin bal arilarini oldurdugunu bildigini, ama yine de surekli
olarak onaylayarak buna izin verdigini ortaya koyan bir dokumani ele gecirdi. Kendi
bilim adamlarinin karsi cikmasina ragmen, EPA yetkilileri, 1993’te Bayer
CropScience’in toksik tarim ilaci clothianidin’e, Bayer sirketinin kendi kusurlu
guvenlik arastirmalarina dayanarak onay verdi. Ama simdi EPA’nin clothianidin’in
tehlikelerini basindan beri bildigi ve bunlari gormezden gelmeye kadar verdigi ortaya
© 7 Ocak 2011 EU and US all rights reserved.


(Ceviri: Saffet Guler)



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 4:00pm

Sorcha Faal

Rusya’nın Olağandışı Durumlar Bakanlığı (MCHS) tarafından hazırlanan bir rapor,

dünyamızın şu anda gezegenimizin üst atmosferine nüfuz eden “zehirli uzay bulutları”nın
“saldırısı altında” olduğu uyarısını yapıyor. Bu uzay bulutlarının atmosfere sızmasının nedeni
Yerkürenin manyetik kutuplarının “hızlanmış hareketi”dir ve bu bulutlar tüm dünyada
bildirilen kitlesel hayvan ölümlerinden sorumludur.

Önceki raporumuzda, gezegenimizin kutuplarının değişiminin uçaklara nasıl zarar verdiğini

anlatmıştık, şimdi MCHS raporu durumun daha da kötüleştiği uyarısını yapıyor.

Bu rapora göre, gezegenimizin kutuplarının hızlı değişimi, Yerkürenin manyetik alanını sarsan
solar rüzgarın normal akımlarının alt atmosferimize saniyede yaklaşık 700 kilometre hızla
girmesine izin veriyor. Solar rüzgar kendisiyle birlikte bu son birkaç yılda tüm dünyada büyük
sayılarda “gizemli şekilde” ortaya çıkmakta olan ölümcül uzay bulutlarının parçalarını taşıyor.

Bu ölümcül uzay bulutlarına Batılı bilim insanları tarafından Noctilucent (Gece parlayan
bulut) Bulutlar adı verildi ve belli belirsiz bulut benzeri fenomen olarak tanımlandı. Bunlar
derin alacakaranlıkta görünür olan, üst atmosferdeki polar mezosferik bulutlar adı verilen çok
daha parlak ve yayılmacı polar bulut katmanının düzensiz kenarı olarak tanımlandı.

Noctilucent Bulutlar Dünyamızda ilk kez 1885’te ortaya çıkmaya başladı, o tarihlerde
dünyamız Endüstri Devrimini tam olarak kabul etmeye başladı.

Rapor, bu bulutların yalnızca gizemli olmadığını, ayrıca Hidrojen Siyanür zehirli gazından
oluştuğundan ölümcül olduğunu söyleyerek devam ediyor. Hidrojen Siyanür bulutlara elektrik
mavisine benzeyen bir renk veriyor.

Hidrojen Siyanür ilk kez çivit boyasından izole edildi, 1704’ten bu yana bilinmekteydi, ancak
yapısı bilinmiyordu. Şimdi karmaşık bir yapısı olan düzenleşim polimer olduğu ve deneysel
formülünün hidrate demir siyanür olduğu biliniyor.

1752’de Fransız kimyacı Pierre Macquer, koyu lacivertin demir oksit ve uçucu bir bileşene
dönüştürebileceğini ve bunların boyayı yeniden yapılandırmak için kullanılabileceğini

göstererek önemli bir adım attı. Yeni bileşen şu anda hidrojen siyanür olarak bildiğimiz şeydi.

Hidrojen Siyanürün ayrıca iki büyük yoldan biri vasıtasıyla yıldızlar arası bulutlarda
oluştuğunu not etmek önemlidir: nötral – nötral tepkime ile (CH2 + N → HCN + H) ve
çözülmeli yeniden birleşim ile (HCNH+ + e- → HCN + H). Çözülmeli yeniden birleşim yolu
%30 baskındır; ancak HCNH+ lineer formunda olmalıdır. Yapısal izomeri H2NC+ ile
çözülmeli yeniden birleşim özellikle hidrojen izosiyanür (HNC) üretir.

Solar rüzgarın Yerküremizin manyetik alanına girmesiyle, bu zehirli Hidrojen Siyanür

Noctilucent Bulutları alt atmosfere taşınır, burada yolu üzerindeki kuş sürülerini “saniyeler
içinde” zehirler. Kendi başına bu rüzgarların kuvveti muazzam travmaya ve anında ölümlere
neden olur.

Bu fenomenin neden olduğu kitlesel ölümlerin bir örneğini Londra’nın Daily Mail haber
servisinin İtalya’daki trajik olaylarla ilgili haberinden okuyabiliriz:

“Tüm dünyada kitlesel hayvan ölümlerinin artan miktarında, bir İtalyan kasabasında binlerce
ölü üveyik kuşu çatılara ve arabaların üzerine yağmur gibi yağdı. Faenza’da yaşayanlar
kuşların gagalarında garip mavi lekelerle yere ‘küçül Noel topları” gibi düştüğünü anlattılar.
Kuşların 8000 tanesine yapılan ilk testler, mavi lekeye zehirin veya kanda oksijen eksikliğinin
neden olmuş olabileceğini gösterdi.”

Bu fenomen sadece kuşlarda kitlesel ölümlere neden olmayabilir, bu MCHS raporunun

belirttiğine göre, bu zehirli uzay bulutları gezegenimizin sularına çarptığı zaman, sudaki
yaratıklar da ölür ve bunun bir kanıtı olarak sadece bu geçen hafta ABD, Güney Amerika,
İngiltere, Tayvan, İsveç ve Yeni Zelanda’da milyonlarca balık ve yengeç ölümleri bildirildi.

Önemli olan bir diğer konu şu: MCHS bu kitlesel ölümlerin ‘24 ve 58 Kuzey’ ve ‘8 ile 24
Güney’ arasındaki çok belirli enlem aralığı ile sınırlı olduğunu söylüyor; bu Yerküremizin üst
atmosferinin iki ayrı ucunun bu zehirli uzay bulutu gazlarının alt atmosfere girmesine izin
verdiğini gösteriyor.

MCHS raporu, Yerküremizin manyetik alanındaki bu yerlerin, bu zehirli uzay bulutlarının

kitlesel ölümlere neden olmaya devam etmesine izin vererek ne kadar süre açık kalacağını
söylemese de, bu fenomen bugünkü dünyamız için yeni olsa da, aynı şeyin kadim insanlar
için söylenemeyeceğini not etmek yol göstericidir.

“Bu Dünyanın Tahtı İçin Savaş Başlıyor: Einherjar Savaşçılarının Dönüşü” kitabında, Sorcha
Faal atalarımızın kadim mitlerinin bugün yaşadığımız dünyaya nasıl eşdeğer olduğunu
anlatıyor. İnsanlar “tanrılar” olduklarını düşünürlerken, sadece kendilerinin değil, Dünya adını
verdiğimiz bu gezegen üzerindeki tüm yaşam formlarının toptan yok oluşuna başlıyorlar.

Ve eğer bu kadim mitler doğru ise, o zaman bir kez daha, küstah insan ırkının “alabora
olması” önümüzdedir, o zaman “denge” yeniden kurulur. Gelecekte bu zamanlar üzerine
yazılacak olan tarih, ABD, Rusya ve Çin gibi ulusları, bizim bugün Atlantis, Mu ve
Lemurya’yı huşu ve saygıyla anmamız gibi tanımlayabilir.

© 8 Ocak 2011 EU and US all rights reserved.


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 4:02pm




UFO görünmesi olaylarına daha fazla aldırmayış olanaksız

olduğunda, özellikle, 20. Yüzyılın ortalarında sık sık UFO karşılaşmaları oldu.Özel
Servisler, Hava Savunma Askerleri
için Özel Bölümler kurmaya başladı,ve
gizli Laboratuvarlar bu Fenomen üzerinde çalışmak için
organize edildi. Servislerin, hali hazırda Uzay Gemileri ve hatta Uzaylıların
kendilerine dair bilgi parçaları üzerinde çalışacakları, kurallandırılmayan bir
fırsatı vardı.

Zaman, Bilimin bu sorunla ilişkili bazı şeyleri söyleme

zamanıydı ve o oldu.SETI (Uzaylı Zekaları
Araştırma Projesi), bağımsız ve
ticari olmayan bir organizasyon olarak, sansasyonel bir açıklama yayımladı.

Üç Devasa Uzay Gemisi doğrudan Dünyaya geliyordu.En büyük olanı 240 km

genişliğindeydi.Diğer ikisi ise daha küçüktüler.Şimdilerde bu “Nesneler” Pluto Gezegeni
Ayının ötesindedirler.

Uzay Gemileri “HAARP” araştırma sistemi tarafından bulgulandı.Alaskada temellendirilmiş

bu Sistem, Kuzey
Kutbu Işıkları fenomeni üzerinde inceleme yapmak için düzenlenmişti.SETI
Araştırmacılarına göre bu Nesneler, Uzay Gemilerinden başka hiç bir şey
olamazdı.Onlar, olabildiği kadar kısa bir zamanda Marsın Uydusuna
ulaştıklarında Optik Teleskoplarda da görünür olacaktı.ABD Hükümeti bu olaya
dair bu bilgiyi haber verdi.Uzay Gemileri 2012 Aralığında Dünyaya

Dünya Dışı
Uygarlıklarla uzaysal bir ilişki kurulması muhtemel bu zaman akla, 21.Aralık.2012 de sona
erecek olan Maya takvimini getiriyor.O sadece bir tesadüfmü? En olası
düşünce, SETI Araştırmacılarının gerçekleşmesini istedikleri şey için hata
yaptıklarıdır; Elli yıllık sabırlı bir Uzay
Gözlemi, her hangi bir sonuçla hala meyvesini vermemişti.

Yine de, İnsanoğu sadece uzayı keşfetmeye

başlıyor.Biz yalnızca, bu keşfedilmemiş ve Devasa
Dünyaya yeni dahil oluyoruz.Bir
çokları Uzayda, bizim Uygarlığımız
gibi daha bir çok Uygarlıklar olduğuna

Ay üzerinde bulunanlara dair bir çok bilgiyi, Amerikalıların sınıflandırdığı üzerine

dedikodular var.1988 yılında, ileri gelen ve Uluslararası Uzay Programının
bir üyesi olan bir Çinli yetkili, Ay yüzeyindeki
bir “İnsan
Ayak İzi” resmini açıkladı.Yetkili, bu bilgiyi güvenilir bir kaynaktan
aldığını ve bunun, Amerikalıların bu bilgiyi
saklamasına neden olduğunu ifade etti.Bu

fotoğraf, Amerikalı Astronotlar Armstrong ve Aldrinin
20.Temmuz.1969 yılında Aya ayak
basmalarından iki hafta sonraki bir tarih olan 3.Ağustos.1969 yılına tarihlenmişti.Bu yüzden,
Ay Görevi Materyalleri, NASA
tarafından üzerinde çalışılıp sınıflandırıldı.

15.Mart.2009 da, New York Times bir başka sansasyonu

yayımladı.Aynı Çinli yetkili Mao Kan, Ay yüzeyinde sadece İnsan
ayak İzini değil, hatta yanısıra bir çok İnsan döküntüsünü, yemek
artığı vb. betimleyen 1.000 (bin) den fazla gizli NASA Fotoğrafını
ele geçirdiğini ifade etmişti.Ve, bazı yemek artığı kemiklerin yok edildiğini
söyledi Çinli yetkili.Bir Uzay Gemisinden Ay yüzeyine inen bir İnsan heyeti,
bu numuneler üzerinde doku araştırması yapmak üzere toplamıştı.

Bu fotoğraflar , bir Ay Sondası tarafından

alınmıştı.Havanın yokluğu, Ay Sondasının
dakikalık detayları yakalamasını
olanaklı kılar.İnsan döküntüsü ve artıkları resimleri çok netti.

Nasa daki Ay Alma

Laboratuvarı, Fotoğraf Kontrol ve Data Bölümü eski yöneticisi olan Dr.Ken Johnston, ABD
Astronotlarının Ay üzerinde, yapay orijinli Eski Kalıntılar bulup
fotoğrafladıklarını söyledi.Denildiğine göre, ABD Astronotları, Ay üzerinde büyük ve
bilinmeyen bir Mekanizma görmüşlerdi.Bu Bilgi ABD Hükümeti tarafından

Bütün bunlar sadece istenilmeyen bir şey ya da fantastik, inanılmaz bir

gerçekmi? Hiç bilemeyecekmiyiz?



Çn: Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 9, 2011 at 4:02pm

"GOLFSTREAM"-Körfez Akıntısı, Meksika Körfezindeki BP ye ait Derin Su

Petrol Kuyusunun patlayarak aylarca durdurulamayan Petrol fışkırması ile
parçalanıp, dağılarak durma noktasına geldi.Büyük bir Çevre Felaketinin
yanısıra, Dünyanın en temel ve İklim belirleyici Akıntısının da
parçalanmasına neden olan bu felaketin etkisi, ilerleyen günlerde aşırı
bir şekilde görülmeye devam edecek görünüyor.İlk etkilerden birisi
yığınsal Kara ve Deniz Hayvanları ölümleri ile yaşanmaya başlandı ve
diğer büyük etkisi ise, değişen hava sirkülasyonu ile Kuzey Yarıkürede
muhtemel bir "MİNİ BUZ ÇAĞI" yaşanması olabilecek. Ve şimdilerde tüm
Dünyadaki Bilim İnsanları bu etkileri ve alınabilecek tedbirleri
tartışıyor. Bu olay çok yakında Dünya Medyasına adeta bir "BOMBA"
etkisiyle düşecektir...

Altta Golf Streama dair Ansiklopedik

bilgilere erişerek, Akıntı haritasını inceleyip olayın önemi ve
büyüklüğü hakkında bir fikir edinebilirsiniz.

"Golf Stream ya da
Körfez Akıntısı Kuzey Atlantik Akıntısı'nın bir parçası olan, Meksika
Körfezi'nden başlayıp İngiltere'nin kuzeyine kadar devam eden sıcak su
akıntısı.Kuzey Ekvator Akıntısı'nca beslenir. Avrupa'nın kuzeyindeki
iklimi yumuşatarak yaşanabilir kılar.


akıntısı, yolculuğuna Meksika Körfezinden başladıktan sonra Kuzey
Amerika'nın doğu kıyılarını takip ederek, Florida kıyılarına oradan da
Newfoundland'a hareket eder. Akıntı bundan sonra Atlantik Okyanusunu
geçer ve 30°D, 40°K dolaylarında ikiye ayrılır; bir kolu Avrupa'nın batı
kıyılarına ulaşır, öteki ise Batı Afrika kıyılarına doğru hareket eder.

Hızı ve Sıcaklığı

Meksika Körfezi'ndeki hızı 3,5 knot(6,5 km) olarak ölçülmüştür.
Buradaki debisi 30 milyon metreküptür ki Missisipi Nehri'nin birkaçyüz
katıdır. Hatteras Burnu'nda hızı düşer. Kıta sahanlığından akan
akıntının sıcaklığı Kıtanın sahilinden akan soğuk güney akıntısıyla

Soğuk Duvar adı verilen yapıyı oluşturur. Burada akıntının derin mavi
suları diğer sulardan rahatlıkla ayırdedilebilir.


Akıntısı'nın en temel etkisi, Avrupa'nın kuzeybatısının ısınmasını
sağlamasıdır. Matematik konumu düşünecek olursak, Kuzey Avrupa Sibirya
ile aynı enlemdedir. Ancak akıntı, Kuzey Avrupa'nın , özellikle de
İngiltere'nin iklimini ılıman ve nemli olmasını sağlamaktadır.Bölgede
limon ve çeşitli astropik bitkilerin yetişmesi buna bağlıdır...


Farkındalığın "Aydınlık" ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...


 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 9, 2011 at 4:22pm

Sevgili Dostlarım, OG MANDINO'nun Dünyanın En Büyük Mucizesi Adlı Kitabından alınan

bu yazı Bir dönem Sirius Ufo Uzay Bilimleri ve Araştırma Merkezi'ni yayın organı " X "
Dergisinin Kasım 2004 sayısında da yer almıştı. sizler ile paylaşmak ve yüreğinizi ısıtmak
için paylaşmak istedim sonsuz sevgi ile

Gönderilen : Sen
Gönderen : Tanrı

Beni dinle.
Ağladığını duyuyorum.
Sesin karanlığı geçip, bulutlardan süzülüp, yıldızların ışığında parlayıp,
güneşin ışığında kalbimin yolunu buluyor.
Kapana kısılmış bir tavşanın çığlığı, annesinin yuvasından düşmüş bir serçe,
bir gölde umutsuzca çırpınan çocuk bana acı verir.

Seni duyduğumu bil. Huzurlu ol. Sakin ol.

Acının sebebini ve ilacını biliyorum ve sana kurtuluşunu getiriyorum.
Yıllar içinde dağılan çocukluk hayallerine ağlıyorsun.
Başarısızlıkla yıkılan özgüvenine ağlıyorsun..
Harcanan yeteneklerine ağlıyorsun.
Acıyla kendine bakıyorsun ve havuzda gördüğün aksine dehşetle sırtını
dönüyorsun. Utancın kansız gözleriyle sana bakan bu insanlığın yüz karası da kim ?
Tavrının asaleti, bedeninin güzelliği, zihninin açıklığı, dilinin zekası ?
Kim çaldı onları ? Hırsızın kim olduğunu biliyor musun, benim gibi ?
Babanın tarlasında başını çimenden yastığına koyduğunda ve bulutlar
katedraline baktığında, Babil 'in tüm altınlarının bir gün senin olacağını
düşünmüştün. Kitaplardan okudukça, tabletlere yazdıkça, Süleyman 'ın
tüm bilgeliğinin sana geçeceğine inanmıştın.
Ve mevsimler yıllara dönüşürken, kendi Cennet Bahçe 'nde yüce
hükümranlığını sürdürecektin. O planları, hayalleri, umut tohumlarını içine kimin
ektiğini hatırlıyor musun ?Hatırlayamazsın.
Annenin rahminden çıktığın ve benim elimi yumuşak alnına dayadığım o anı hatırlayamazsın.
En iyi dileklerimin senin olması için kulağına
fısıldadığım sırrı hatırlayamazsın.
Sırrımızı hatırlıyor musun ? Hatırlayamazsın.
Geçen yıllar, anılarını yok etti, zihnini korku, şüphe, endişe,
nefretle doldurdu. O canavarların barındığı yerde artık neşeli anılara yer

Ağlama artık. Ben seninleyim. ve bu an yaşamının dönüm noktası. Her
şey, tıpkı annenin rahminde geçirdiğin zaman gibi geçip gitti. Geçmiş
Bugün sen, yaşayan ölü olmaktan kurtuluyorsun.
Bugün ağzımı ağzına koyuyorum, gözlerimi gözlerine, ellerimi
ellerine ; ve etin sıcak yine.
Bugün sana gelmeni emrediyorum. Mahşerin mezarından çıkıp yeni bir
hayata başlayacaksın.
Bugün senin doğum günün. Bu senin yeni doğum günün.. İlk yaşamın.
Tıpkı bir tiyatro oyunu gibi, öncekiler yalnızca provaydı. Bu kez perde kalktı.
Bu kez dünya izliyor ve alkışlamak için bekliyor. Bu kez kaybetmeyeceksin.
Mumlarını yak. Pastanı kes. Yeniden doğdun. Kozasından çıkan bir
kelebek gibi uçacaksın.dilediğin kadar yüksekten uç. Başında benim elimi
Benim bilgeliğime katıl.
Doğarken duyup, unuttuğun sırrı, seninle yine paylaşmama izin ver.
Bunlar duyduğun ilk sözcüklerdi. Sonra ağladın. Herkes ağladı. O
zaman bana inanmadın.ve bu inançsızlığını giderecek hiçbir şey olmadı, bunca
yıldır. En aşağılık işleri bile beceremediğini düşünürken nasıl bir mucize
olabilirsin ? En önemsiz sorumluluklarla yüklenmişken ve kendine güvenini
kaybetmişken nasıl bir mucize olabilirsin ? Borç içine batmışken ve yarınki
ekmeğini nasıl kazanacağını düşünerek uyuyamazken, nasıl bir mucize olabilirsin ?
Yeter. Olan oldu artık. Oysa kaç peygamber, kaç bilge, kaç şair, kaç
ressam, kaç besteci, kaç bilim adamı, kaç filozof ve mesih gönderdim, hepsi
de ilahiliğinden, tanrısal potansiyelinden ve başarının sırlarından bahsediyorlardı. Onlara nasıl
davrandın ?
Hala seni seviyorum ve şu anda bu kelimelerle seninleyim. Tanrı 'nın insanların yaralarını
iyileştirmek için elini ikinci kez onların üzerine
koyacağını söyleyen peygamberi doğrulamak için.
Elim yine üzerinde.
Bu ikinci kez.
Sen benim kalıntımsın.
Bunu söylemeye gerek yok, bilmiyor muydun, duymamış mıydın, en
başında sana söylenmemiş miydi ; dünyanın yaradılışından anlamamış mıydın ?
Bilmiyordun, duymamıştın, anlamamıştın.
Sana özel bir eser olduğun söylenmişti ; sebepleri asil, şekil ve hareketleri etkili, hayranlık
verici ve meleksi, Tanrı gibi anlayışlı.
Sana toprağın tuzu olduğun söylenmişti. Sana dağları bile oynatmanın
sırrı verilmişti, imkansızı başarmanın. Sen kimseye inanmadın. Mutluluk
haritanı yaktın, zihninin huzurundan vazgeçtin, zafere giden kaderinin
yolundaki mumları söndürdün, sonra tökezledin, kayıp ve korkmuş bir halde,
kendine acımanın karanlığında, kendi yarattığın cehenneme düşene dek..
Ağladın sonra. Seni düşüren talihine küfür edip, göğsüne vurdun.
Kendi miskin düşüncelerinin sonuçlarını kabul etmedin, tembelliğinin ve başarısızlığının
sorumluluğunu yükleyecek bir günah keçisi aradın.
Hemen de buldun.
Beni suçladın.
Engellerinin ,başarısızlığının, fırsat bulamamanın Tanrı 'nın isteği olduğunu haykırdın.

Yanılıyordun !
Elimizdekilere bir bakalım. İlk önce engellerine bakalım.. Araçların olmazsa,
yeni bir yaşam kurmanı nasıl isterim ?
Kör müsün ? Güneşin doğup battığına şahitlik etmiyor musun ?
Hayır görüyorsun. ve gözlerine yerleştirdiğim yüz milyonlarca alıcı,
yaprağın büyüsünden, bir kar tanesinden, bir gölden, bir kartaldan,
bir çocuktan, bir buluttan, bir yıldızdan, bir gülden, bir gökkuşağından
ve aşk dolu bir bakıştan zevk almanı sağlıyor. Hayır duası et.
Sağır mısın ? Bir bebek sen duymadan gülüp ağlayabilir mi ?
Hayır. Duyuyorsun.kulaklarına yerleştirdiğim yirmi dört bin tel, ağaçlardaki
rüzgarla titreşiyor ; kayalıklardaki gelgitle, operanın haşmetiyle, bülbülün
çığlığıyla, oyun oynayan çocukların cıvıltısıyla ve "seni seviyorum" sözcükleriyle. Yine
Dilsiz misin ? Dudakların ileri geri oynayıp yalnızca tükürük mü
üretiyor ?
Hayır. Konuşabiliyorsun.diğer hiçbir yaratığımın yapamadığı bir şey bu.
Sözcüklerin sinirliyi sakinleştiriyor, umutsuza umut veriyor,
vazgeçeni heveslendiriyor, yenilmişe destek veriyor, cahile öğretiyor.ve "seni
seviyorum" diyor. Tekrar şükret.
Sakat mısın ? Muhtaç vücudun yer mi işgal ediyor ?
Hayır. Hareket edebiliyorsun. Sen ufak bir alana hapsolmuş rüzgar ve
dünya tarafından rahatsız edilen bir ağaç değilsin. Gerinebilirsin, koşup
dans edip, çalışabilirsin, sana beş yüz kas, iki yüz kemik ve yedi mil
sinir teli verdim, hepsini ben ayarladım senin için. Yine şükret.
Sevilmiyor ve sevmiyor musun ? Gece ve gündüz, yalnızlık mı
sarmalıyor seni ? Hayır. Artık değil. Artık sırrını biliyorsun, sevgiyi alabilmek
için onu karşılık beklemeden vermelisin. Kendini iyi hissetmek, tatmin olmak
ya da gurur için sevmek, sevmek değildir. Sevgi karşılığı beklenmeyen bir
Bencil olmadan sevmenin artık başlı başına bir ödül olduğunu biliyorsun.
Sevgi karşılık bulmasa da kaybolmaz, verdiğin sevgi sana geri döner, kalbini
temizler ve yumuşatır. Bir daha şükret. İki kere şükret !
Kalbin mi zayıf ? Kanıyor mu ya da yaşamını sürdüremiyor mu ? Hayır.Kalbin
güçlü. Göğsüne dokun ve ritmi hisset. Kalbin saatlerce, günlerce, gecelerce
atıyor. Her sene otuz altı milyon vuruş yapıyor. Altmış bin damardan
yılda altı yüz galon kan pompalıyor. İnsanoğlu asla böyle bir makine icat
Tekrar şükret.
Bir cilt hastalığın mı var ? Sen yaklaşınca insanlar korkuyla kaçıyorlar mı
? Hayır. Cildin temiz ve bir harika, onu yalnızca sabunlaman ve ona
bakman gerekiyor. Zaman içinde tüm çelikler yıpranır, paslanır ama cildine
bir şey olmaz. En güçlü metaller bile kullanıldıkça yıpranır, ama seni
sardığım o tabaka yıpranmaz. Sürekli kendini yeniler, eski hücreler yerini
yenilere bırakır. Tekrar şükret. Ciğerlerin mi kirli ? Yaşamın nefesi vücuduna girerken
zorlanıyor mu ?
Hayır. Yaşama açılan lombarların kendi yarattığın en pis ortamlarda
bile sana destek oluyor ve sana yaşam veren oksijeni getirip vücudunu
artık gazlardan arındırıyorlar. Bir daha şükret.
Kanın zehirli mi ? Su ve cerahatle mi dolu ?
Hayır. Kanının içinde yirmi iki trilyon kan hücresi, her hücrede

milyonlarca molekül ve her molekülün içinde, her saniyede on milyon defadan fazla
titreşen bir atom var. Her saniye iki milyon kan hücren ölüyor,
yerine iki milyon yeni hücre geliyor ve bu doğduğun günden beri oluyor. Her
zaman içinde olan, şimdi dışında da oluyor. Bir kez daha şükret.
Aklını kullanamıyor musun ? Artık kendi kendine düşünemiyor musun ?
Beynin evrendeki en karmaşık yapı. Biliyorum. İçinde on üç milyar sinir hücresi var,
dünyadaki insan sayısından çok daha fazla.. Her gördüğünü, her sesi, her tadı, her kokuyu, her
hareketini doğduğundan beri dosyalıyor.
Hücrelerinin içine, bin milyar protein molekülü yerleştirdim.
Yaşamındaki her olay yalnızca hatırlanmayı bekliyor orada. Ve beynine vücudunun
kontrolünde yardımcı olsunlar diye, vücuduna dört milyon acı hissini
sağlayan yapı, beş yüz bin dokunma detektörü ve iki yüz binden fazla
ısı detektörü koydum. Hiçbir devletin altını senden daha iyi korunmuyor.
Hiçbir antik harika senden daha yüce değil.
Sen benim en iyi eserimsin.
İçinde, dünyanın en büyük şehirlerini yok edebilecek ve yeniden
kurabilecek güçte atom enerjisi var.
Fakir misin ? Cüzdanında hiç altın ya da gümüş yok mu ? Hayır. Sen
zenginsin. Şimdi servetini birlikte daha iyi hesapladık.
Listedekileri tekrar say ve iyice öğren.
Neden kendine ihanet ettin ? Neden tüm hayır dualarının elinden
alındığını düşünüp de ağlıyorsun ? Neden güçsüz olduğuna ve hayatını
değiştiremeyeceğine inanarak kendini aldatıyorsun ? Yeteneğin,
duyuların, zekan, zevklerin, içgüdülerin, hislerin ve onurun yok mu? Umudun yok
mu ?
Neden gölgelerde sürünüyorsun, cehennemin rutubetine çağrılmayı
bekleyen yenik bir dev gibi ?
Çok şeyin var. Hayır duaların bardağından taşıyor. Onları sana öyle
bir cömertlik ve sıklıkla verdim ki lüks içinde şımarmış bir çocuk
gibisin, onların farkında değilsin.
Cevap ver bana.
Kendine cevap ver.
Yaşlı, hasta, sakat, muhtaç ama zengin bir adam, senin hafife aldığın o
kutsallığa sahip olabilmek için, kasasındaki tüm altını verirdi.
O halde, mutluluk ve başarının ilk sırrını öğren.. Bu senin hazinen,
bugünden başlayarak yeni ve daha iyi bir gelecek kurmana yarayacak araç gereç.
O yüzden şimdi sana diyorum ki şükretmen gerekenleri gör ve şimdiden benim
en büyük eserim olduğunu bil. Bu yaşayan bir ölü olmaktan kurtulmanı
ve dünyanın en büyük mucizesini gerçekleştirmeni sağlayacak ilk kural.
Yoksulluk içinde öğrendiğin derslere şükret. Çünkü az şeyi olan,
fakir değildir ; yalnızca çok isteyen fakirdir. Gerçek güvenlik insanın
sahip olduklarında değil, sahip olmadıklarındadır. Başarısızlığına sebep
olan engellerin nerede ? Onlar yalnızca senin zihnindeler.Şükretmen gerekenleri gör.
İkinci kural da birinciye benziyor. Nadideliğini ilan et !
Kendini ufak tefek şeylerle uğraşmaya mahkum ettin ve orada başarısızlığını
affedemeyerek, kendi nefretinle kendini yok ederek, kendini cezalandırarak,
kendine karşı ve başkalarına karşı işlediğin suçlardan iğrenerek öylece yatıyorsun.
Şaşkın değil misin ?
Sen kendini affedemezken, benim seni nasıl olup da affettiğimi,

günahlarını ve acınacak halini nasıl bağışladığımı anlayamıyorsun. Şimdi sana üç
neden sayıyorum. Bana ihtiyacın var. Sen sıradanlığın gri yığını içinde,
yok oluşa doğru giden bir hayvan sürüsü değilsin. Ve sen bir nadidesin !
Rembrandt 'ın bir resmini, Degas 'ın bronz bir heykelini, Stradivarius 'un
bir kemanını ya da Shakespeare 'in bir oyununu düşün. Bu kadar
değerli olmalarının iki nedeni var. Onların yaratıcıları ustalardır ve
sayıları azdır. Ayrıca onların bir eşine rastlamak mümkündür.
Bu yüzden sen dünya üzerindeki en değerli hazinesin, çünkü seni kimin
yarattığını biliyorsun ve sen yalnızca bir tanesin. Dünya kurulduğundan
beri, senin tıpatıp aynın bir kişi daha olmamıştır.. Dünyanın sonu
gelene kadar da asla, senden bir tane daha olmayacaktır.
Özelliğinin ve tekliğinin hiçbir zaman farkına varmadın. Yine de
dünyadaki en nadide varlıksın.
Yüce aşk anında babandan sayısız aşk tohumu aktı, dört yüz milyondan
Hepsi, annenin içinde yüzerken öldü. Bir tanesi hariç ! Sen.
Annenin sevgi dolu sıcaklığında yaşadın, diğer yarını, annenden tek
hücre, iki milyon tanesi ancak bir meşe palamudunu dolduracak kadar ufak bir
hücre arayarak.
Yine de sen tüm imkansızlıklara rağmen o karanlık ve felaket okyanusunda
yaşadın, o ölümsüz hücreyi buldun, onunla birleştin ve yeni bir yaşama
başladın. Senin yaşamına.
Sen geldin, her çocuk gibi, henüz insandan umudumu kesmediğim
mesajını getirdin. İki hücre bir mucizede birleşti. İkisinde de yirmi üç
kromozom ve her kromozomda yüzlerce gen olan, her biri gözlerinin renginden,
davranışlarına, beyninin ölçüsüne kadar senin özelliklerini taşıyan iki hücre.
Tek buyruğumla, babanın dört yüz milyon sperminden biriyle, annenin
ve babanın kromozomlarındaki yüzlerce genden birini birleştirip, her biri
diğerinden farklı, üç yüz bin milyar insan yaratabilirdim.
Ama kimi yarattım ?
Seni ! Tek bir tür. En nadide. Paha biçilmez bir hazine. Zihni, konuşması,
görünüşü, hareketleri, davranışları yaşamış, yaşayan ve yaşayacak hiç
kimseye benzemeyen.
Bir kralın hazinesine bedelken, kendini niye kuruşla ölçüyorsun ?
Seni aşağılayanları neden dinledin ? Daha da kötüsü onlara neden
Artık nadideliğini karanlıkta saklama. Onu göster. Dünyaya göster.
Kardeşinin yürüdüğü gibi yürümeye, liderinin konuştuğu gibi konuşmaya,
vasatların çalıştığı gibi çalışmaya çalışma. Bir başkasının yaptığını yapma.
Asla taklit etme. Şeytanı taklit eden örneği aşar, iyiyi taklit eden
yetersiz kalır. Kimseyi taklit etme. Kendin ol. Nadideliğini dünyaya
göster ve onlar seni altınla yıkasınlar. İşte bu da ikinci kuraldır.
Hiçbir engelin yok. Sen sıradan değilsin. Kendini aldattığını kabul
Sıradaki şikayetin ne ? Hiç mi fırsat çıkmıyor önüne ?
Öğüdümü dinle. Hepsi geçecek, çünkü sana her türlü işte, başarının
kuralını veriyorum. Yüzyıllarca önce bu kural atalarına bir dağın tepesinde
verilmişti. Bazıları kurala uydu ve yaşamları mutluluğun meyveleriyle,
başarıyla, altınla ve huzurla doldu. Çoğu dinlemedi, büyülü yollara

başvurdular, garip yollara girdiler, ya da yaşamın zenginliklerine
kavuşmak için şans denen şeytanı beklediler. Ümitsizce beklediler. tıpkı senin
gibi, sonra ağladılar, senin ağladığın gibi, şanssızlıklarını bana
Kural basit. Genç ya da yaşlı, dilenci ya da kral, siyah ya da beyaz,
erkek ya da dişi. hepsi sırrı kendi yararlarına kullanabilirler. Başarının
tüm o kuralları, sözleri, yazıları içinde yalnızca bir metot hiç başarısız
olmamıştır. Onunla bir mil gitmek için çaba gösteren, iki mil gider.
Bu, üçüncü kural. bu zenginlikler yaratan ve rüyalarından bile daha
öteye giden bir sır. Bir mil daha git !
Başarının tek yolu, senden beklenenden daha iyisini yapmaktır, işin
ne olursa olsun. Bu, dünya kurulduğundan beri her başarılı insanın
yaptığı şeydir. Kendini sıradanlaşmaya mahkum etmenin yolu, yalnızca
karşılığını aldığın kadarını yapmaktır.
Eğer aldığın gümüşten fazlasını vermişsen, aldatıldığını düşünme.
Verdiğin güzelliklerin bir terazisi vardır ; eğer bugün karşılığını almazsan,
yarın mutlaka on katını alırsın. Sıradanlık bir mil bile gitmez, neden
kendimi aldatayım diye düşünür. Ama sen sıradan değilsin. Bir mil daha
ilerlemek kendi rızanla elde edeceğin bir ayrıcalıktır. Yapamazsın, onu
engellememelisin. Eğer bırakırsan, diğerleri kadarıyla yetinirsen,
başarısızlığının tek suçlusu sen olursun. Sebep ve sonuç, araç ve
hedef, tohum ve meyve, bunlar ayrılamaz. Sonuç sebepten doğar ; hedef,
araçların içinde vardır ve meyve her zaman tohumundadır.
Bir mil daha git.
Takdir bilmeyen biri için çalıştığını düşünüp kendine dert etme. Ona
daha fazla hizmet et. Ve onun yerine bırak alacaklı olduğun ben olayım. O
zaman bileceksin ki her dakika her verdiğin ekstra hizmet benim tarafımdan
karşılığını bulacaktır.
Ödülün zamanında gelmeyecek diye endişelenme. Ödeme ne kadar
gecikirse, senin için o kadar daha iyi.
Başarıyı çağıramazsın, ancak onu hak edersin , ve artık onun az
bulunan ödülünü almanın sırrını biliyorsun. Bir mil daha git.
Sen benim en büyük mucizemsin.
Sen dünyanın en büyük mucizesisin.
Başarı ve mutluluğun üç kuralı var.
Şükretmen gerekenleri gör ! Nadideliğini ilan et ! Bir mil daha git !
Sabırlı ol. Bunlar göz açıp kapayıncaya kadar olmaz. Zorluklarla
kazandıkların elinde daha uzun süre kalır.
Yeni hayatına başlarken korkma. Her soylu başarı, risklerini de
beraberinde taşır. Birini kazanmaktan korkan, daha fazlasını hiç kazanamaz. Artık
bir mucize olduğunu biliyorsun, ve mucizede korku olmaz.
Gururlan. Sen dikkatsiz bir yaratıcının bir laboratuardaki deneyinin
ürünü değilsin. Anlayamadığın güçlerin esiri değilsin. Sen yalnızca benim
gücümün özgür bir dışa vurumunun, yalnızca benim sevgimin ürünüsün. Sen bir
amaçla yapıldın. Elimi hisset. Sözlerimi duy.
Bana ihtiyacın var. ve benim de sana.
Yeniden inşa edeceğimiz bir dünyamız var. Bunun için bir mucize
gerekiyorsa bundan bize ne? Her ikimiz de mucizeyiz ve şimdi birbirimize sahibiz.
Seni dev bir dalgadan alıp, çaresizce kumlara çarptığım günden beri
sana olan inancımı hiç kaybetmedim. Zamanı ölçmeye kalkarsan, bu beş yüz

milyon yıl önceydi. Otuz bin yıl önce kusursuzluğa ulaşana dek, bir çok
model, şekil, ölçü denedim. Bunca yıldır seni düzeltmek için hiç çaba sarf etmedim.
Bir mucize nasıl düzeltilebilir ki? Sen bir mücevherdin ve ben de
memnun olmuştum. Sana bu dünyayı ve hakimiyetini verdim. Sonra tam
potansiyeline ulaşman için, bir kez daha sana elimi verdim, evrendeki hiçbir
yaratığa bahşedilmeyen güçler verdim.
Sana düşünme gücü verdim.
Sana sevme gücü verdim.
Sana seçme gücü verdim.
Sana gülme gücü verdim.
Sana hayal etme gücü verdim.
Sana yaratma gücü verdim.
Sana plan yapma gücü verdim.
Sana konuşma gücü verdim.
Sana dua etme gücü verdim.
Seninle sınırsız bir gurur duyuyorum. Sen benim son eserimsin, benim en
büyük mucizemsin. Tam bir yaşayan varlık. Her iklime, her güçlüğe, her
zorlamaya uyum sağlayabilen. Benden yardım beklemeden kendi kaderiyle
başa çıkabilen. Kendisi ve insanlık için en iyiyi, içgüdüleriyle değil düşünceyle gösterebilen.
Böylece, başarı ve mutluluğun dördüncü kuralına geldik ; hiçbir meleğime vermediğim bir
güç bu.
Sana seçme gücü verdim.
Bu armağanla seni meleklerimden de üst seviyeye koydum ; çünkü
meleklerin günahı seçme hakları yoktur. Sana kaderinin tüm kontrolünü verdim.
Kendi özgür iradenle kendi yaradılışının doğasını belirlemene izin verdim.
Ne cennete ne de dünyaya ait olmak zorundasın, kendini istediğin şekle sokmakta
özgürsün. En düşük yaşam biçimini benimsemekte özgürsün, ya da ruhunun
değerlendirmesiyle, en yüce formda yeniden doğabilirsin ki onlar ilahidir.
Senin yüce gücünü, seçme gücünü elinden almadım hiç. Bu inanılmaz güçle ne
yaptın ? Kendine bak. Yaşamında yaptığın seçimleri düşün ve hatırla, şimdi
o acı anları yaşamamak için bir şansın daha olsaydı, dizlerinin üzerine
Geçmiş geçmiştir. Şimdi dördüncü büyük kuralı biliyorsun, mutluluk ve başarının dördüncü
kuralını. Seçme gücünü akıllıca kullan.
Sevmeyi seç.nefreti değil.
Gülmeyi seç.ağlamayı değil.
Yaratmayı seç.yok etmeyi değil.
Azmi seç.vazgeçmeyi değil.
Yüceltmeyi seç.dedikoduyu değil.
İyileştirmeyi seç.yaralamayı değil.
Vermeyi seç.ertelemeyi değil.
Büyümeyi seç.bozulmayı değil.
Dua etmeyi seç.küfretmeyi değil.
Yaşamayı seç.ölmeyi değil.
Artık şanssızlıklarının benim isteğime bağlı olmadığını biliyorsun,
tüm güç senin içindeydi ve seni insanlıktan çıkaran davranışların ve
düşüncelerin senin yaptıklarının sonucuydu, benim yaptıklarımın değil. Senin küçük
doğan için benim güç armağanlarım çok fazlaydı. Artık büyüdün, akıllandın
ve toprağın meyveleri senin olacak.
Sen harikalıklarla dolusun. Potansiyelinin sınırı yok.

Yarattıklarımın içinde senden başka kim ateşi buldu ? Kim yerçekimi kanununu
keşfetti, gökyüzünü delip geçti, hastalıklara şifa buldu?
Bir daha asla kendini aşağılama.
Hiç bir zaman yaşamın kırıntılarıyla yetinme.
Bugünden itibaren asla yeteneklerini gizleme.
Bugünden zevk al.ve yarından, yarınlardan.
Sen dünyanın en büyük mucizesini gerçekleştirdin.
Sen yaşayan bir ölü olmaktan kurtuldun.
Artık asla kendine acımayacaksın ve her yeni gün senin için başarı ve neşe olacak.
Sen yeniden doğdun.Daha önce olduğu gibi, başarısızlık ve mutsuzluğu
ya da başarı ve mutluluğu seçebilirsin. Seçim senin. Seçim tamamen senin.
Ben ancak, önceki gibi, izleyebilirim.gururla.ya da acıyla.
O halde, mutluluk ve başarının dört kuralını anımsa.
Şükretmen gerekenleri gör.
Nadideliğini ilan et.
Bir mil daha git.
Seçme gücünü akıllıca kullan.
Diğer dördünü gerçekleştirebilmek için, bir şey daha yap. Her şeyi
sevgiyle yap.kendini severek, başkalarını severek ve beni severek.
Gözyaşlarını sil. Uzanıp elimi tut ve dik dur.
Bugün sana şu bildirildi ;
Sen Dünyanın En Büyük Mucizesisin


 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 9, 2011 at 5:30pm



Yine bir kez daha bir başka yılın şafağındayız, bir çok başka yaşamlarımızda ve yıllardır
öğreniyor olduğumuz derslerin bütünleşmesini daha iyi ayarlamak için bir başka fırsat..
Tarafsızlık, gözlem, koşulsuz sevgi ve kabul yoluyla yaklaştığımız sürece; 2011’in bize
getireceği, biraz daha berraklık, anlayış, değişim-dönüşüm ve büyümedir. Tüm bunlar, bu yıl
bizim derslerimiz olacaklar çünkü ne zaman bağlantılı ve kuşatılmışsak, bağışlamayı, kabul
etmeyi ve serbest bırakmayı beceremiyorsak; bu durumları yaşantımıza nasıl dahil
edebileceğimizi bize gösterecek yeni derslerin geleceği kesindir. Artık ne yaptığımızın
farkında değilmişiz gibi davranamayız. Bizler ustalaşıyoruz ve sorumluluklarımızı kabul

etmenin zamanı geldi.
Meydan okuyucu bir yıla mı girdik? Bu “meydan okuma” ya yüklediğimiz anlama bağlı. Evet
meydan okuyucu olacak; eğer, kaybedeceklerimiz için, her kayıba bakıp, onu bir serbest
bırakma olarak algılayarak, yerinin başka bir şeyle dolduğunu izlemek yerine,
kaybettiklerimiz için korku duyarsak…

Değişim-dönüşüm ile ilgili niyetimizi belirttiğimizde, olmayı arzu ettiğimiz şeyle aynı
titreşimde olmayan durumlar bizden uzaklaşır. Bu duygusal olarak sancılı olabilir ama ruhsal
düzeyde, istediğimizle aynı sıradadır. Bu şimdi artık kendimizi, beden, zihin, duygular ve ruh;
yani her bir halimizin dahil olduğu bütünsel bir perspektifte görme zamanıdır, ve artık her
adımı serbest bırakma ve yerine yerisini koyma sürecidir. Eskiyi salıverme, ve yeniyle
bütünleşme, 2011’in en önemli konusudur.
Ustalaşmaya adım attığımızda bizim olan güzellikleri kabul edebilmek için alıcılar olmaya
başlamalıyız. Bu yıl artık bizim için “azamet”imizi algılayacağımız, kendimizi harika, güçlü,
kutsanmış, ilahi hissedeceğimiz; bunu yanında; güçsüz ve değersiz hissettiğimiz için geri
çevirdiğimiz kutsamaları hak ettiğimizi göreceğimiz bir yıldır. Arzuladığımız ve dilediğimiz
herşey bize aittir ve potansiyel alanımızın bir parçasıdır. Onlara ulaşmak ve yaşamımıza
entegre etmenin tek yolu, onu hakettiğimizi bilmektir.
2011, şifacı potansiyelleriyle henüz tanışmamışlara lütuf gibi gelecek, diğerleri için uzun
süredir beklenen hayallerin tezahürü ve kapalı kapıların açıldığı bir yıl olacak.

Bizler, yaşamlarınıza bakarak kimin şifa ödevini yerine getirdiğini anlayacağız. Onlar,Acı ve
kendi seçtikleri meydan okuma yoluyla öğrenecekler. Bizim görevimiz, onların hizmetçisi
olmadan, onlara yardımcı olmak, başka birinin acısı üzerinden olmadan, vermeyi öğrenmek.
Diğerlerinin acıları üzerinden büyümeyi kısıtlamak yerine kutsamaların bize akışına nasıl izin
verdiğimizi görerek şefkatli öğretmenler olabiliriz.

Bu yılla ilgili bazı temalar:

Kalplerin açılması

2010’da başladığımız gibi, bu yıl daha da farkında olacağımız bir yıl, diğerleri yaşam boyu
acı yüzünden kalpleri kırılmışken… Şefkat vorteksleri boyunca insanların kalplerini
açabilmeleri için bir çok fırsat olacak, tanrılığı ve ustalığı kabullenirken, yeni ilişkiler
güçlenecek. Her acı veren deneyim, kendimizi daha fazla sevgiye açabilmenin anahtarıdır.
Kime verdiğimiz, neden verdiğimizden daha az önemli. Doğru bir şekilde yanıtlamamız
gereken soru, diğerlerinden ne istediğimiz,kendi iç sevgi kaynaklarımızla bağlantıya geçmek
yerine dışarıda sevgiyi nerede aradığımız... Aradığımız sevginin kendisi olmak küresel bir
ders olacak ve yaşamımızın her bir alanını kaplayacak.

Enerji Portalları ve Vorteksler

Önümüzdeki iki yıl içinde, bir çok yeni enerji portalının açıldığını, ve bazı büyük portalların
da kapandığını göreceğiz. Bu süreç 2001’de başlamıştı. Orta Doğu, Asya ve Afrika’daki üç
kadim vorteks, bu yılın sonuyla birlikte kapanacak, bu da bu bölgelerde daha çok vahşet, kan,
savaş, doğal ya da insan yapımı felaket ve huzursuzluk; vortekslerin kapalılıklarına direnç
gösterip açık kalmalarını görmek isteyenlerde de kargaşa göreceğiz anlamına geliyor.
Her birimiz yeni portalların kanalları halindeyiz, eğer bu bölgelerde değişim-dönüşüme
odaklanırsak, bu vorteksleri oluşturacak yeni enerjilerin gelmesine yardımcı olacağız,

kapanmadan önceki enerjiler yıkıcı enerjiler olacaktır.

Dünyadaki Değişiklikler

Yaşamlarımıza travma ve karışıklık getirdiklerinden dünya üzerindeki değişiklikten

korkuyoruz. 2011’de; fırtına, deprem, yanardağ patlaması gibi felaket diye adlandırdığımız
durumlarla geçen yıl olduğu kadar karşılaşmayacağız ama ik tanesi belki de daha önce
deneyimlediklerimizden daha vahşi ve yok edici olabilir.

Dünya da kendi yükseliş sürecinden geçiyor, 2011 yılı, “ev temizliği” ne sahne olacak ve biz;
dünya ile; onun kaynaklarının temsilcileri ve partner’i olduğumuzu hatırlatıyor olacağız.
Dünya, gezegende var olan diğer herşey gibi son derece duygusal ve sezgiseldir, ve bizim
zaman zaman bunu anımsamamız gerekir. Dünyaya sevgi ve hayranlık yolladığımızda, onu
kendi yükseliş yolunda güçlendirmiş oluruz.
Bu yıl dünyanın belli bölgelerinde, özellikle vortekslerin kapandığı yerlerde temizlik ve
enerjetik değişiklikler olacak.

Devam eden Yükseliş

Yükseliş, 2012 yılı ve sonrasında vuku bulacak mistik bir olay değildir, tam şu anda
gerçekleşmektedir. Her gün yükseliş yolculuğumuzda bir başka gündür ve her dakika, sevinç
ve neşe içinde olmayı deneyimlemenin ve öğrenmenin, kendi ilahiliğimize yükselmenin
kutsamaları ile doludur. Şimdiki ana odaklandığımız zaman, yükselişimizi nasıl
deneyimlediğimizin farkında oluruz. Geçmişi geride bırakamazsak geleceği yaratamayız ve
2011’de geçmişi bırakabilmek için pek çok fırsat ve seçeneğe sahip olacağız. Tüm hayal
kırıklıklarımızı ve kaçırdığımızı düşündüklerimizi serbest bırakıp güçlü bir şekilde şimdi’de
olabilir miyiz? Bu öğrenmemiz gereken bir şeydir çünkü güç sahibi olduğumuz tek yer,

Aşk ve İlişkiler

Bir çoklarımız romantik bir ilişkiye girmeyeli çok oldu, ve endişelenmek üzereyiz. 2011
küçük bir değişiklikle bu kapıyı açacaktır. Bir çok seçimler olacak ve ilişki için edilen niyetler
önem kazanacaktır. Bir şifacı mı olacaksınız ? Ya da sizin şifalandırmanıza gereksinim
duymayan biriyle mi birlikte olmayı seçiyorsunuz? Başkasına vermek konusunda çok hazır
olduğunuz aşkı almaya da açık mısınız? Birilerinin yaşamınıza nasıl girdiğini görmemiş bile
olabilirsiniz,istiyor olduğunuzu biliyor olmanız ve niyetiniz yüzünden hazırlıklı olun çünkü en
beklemediğiniz yerde başınıza gelebilir. Bu yılın sonuna doğru, hatta Ağustos’un sonudan
önce uzun süreli olma potansiyeli taşıyan bir çok yeni ilişki yaratılmış olacaktır.

Güç Dönemleri

Bu dönemler; bizim tanıdıklarımızdan son derece farklı olarak dünyaya yollanan enerji
dalgaları dönemleridir. Bazen bizim kendi titreşimlerimizle ters düşerek bizi rahatsız hatta
fiziksel olarak hasta edebilirler. Bizler bu gibi durumlara yükseliş semptomları adını veriyoruz
ve “dünyada cenneti yaratma” misyonumuzun bir parçası olan yeni enerjiyi dünyaya getirmek
için yükseliş yolculuğumuzun bir parçası olarak algılıyoruz. Bu güç dönemleri boyunca belli
değişiklikler, güçlü fırtınalar, depremler, seller, olağandışı hava durumları ile karşılaşabiliriz.
Kendi yaşamlarımızda da, ani bitişler, engeller ve hastalıklar deneyimlememiz olasıdır.

2011’ de yedi güç dönemi olacaktır:

15 – 20 Ocak : Bu süre zarfında, yeni bir anlayış ve idrak getiren, tsunami benzeri inen bir
enerji deneyimleyeceğiz. Bazıları için bu, duygusal ve zihin düzeyinde gerçekleşen, 5. Boyuta
hızlı bir sıçrayış olacak, diğerleri zamanlarını burada tamamlamayı ve boyut değiştirmeyi

Mart : Bahar ekinoksu daha barışçıl bir enerji getirerek bizim kendi realitemizdeki yeni
potansiyelleri deneyimlememize olanak verecek. Enerjiyi güçlü bir biçimde hareket ettirmeyi
deneyimleyebileceğimiz anlık tezahürlerle karşılaşacağız. Bu zamanlarda, sözlerinize ve
düşüncelerinize dikkat etmelisiniz.

Haziran – Ağustos Arası: Bu üç ayrı güç dönemi, aşamalı enerji akışı yüklemeleri
olduklarından birlikte gruplandırıldı, yeni enerjiye giden sıçrama basamakları olan fiziksel,
duygusal ve zihinsel kargaşa,ve birinden çıkıp diğerine adım attığımızda beliren yeni
adımların gelişme süreci.. Bir çok insan iş kaybı deneyimi yaşayacak, bazı ilişkilerin sonu
olacak, düşüncede güçlü değişiklikler ve coğrafi hareketlilikler yaşanacak.

Ekim: Bu tarih dünya ve insanları için bir seçim noktasıdır. “Buradan nereye gitmek
istiyoruz?” sorusu yanıtlanmak üzere bize sorulacaktır. Değişim-dönüşüm için gerekli enerjiyi
tutmaya istekli miyiz aynı zamanda ne olması gerektiğini düşünmekten alı koyacak mıyız
kendimizi? Bu süre zarfında ikinci yaratıcılar olmak adına meydan okumaların ortasındayken,
ne olursa olsun; dünyadaki cennet vizyonuna odaklanmış olarak kalmalıyız.

21 – 30 Kasım: Bu tarih 2011’in son güç dönemidir ve çok kolay gibi görünse de, gerçekte;
deneyimleyeceğimiz enerjinin akışı ve aslında ne kadar kolay olduğuyla ilgilidir. Tüm yıl
boyunca deneyimlediklerimizi gözden geçirecek, ilahi düzenin nasıl çalıştığını anlayacağız.
Bu dönem, 2012 enerjilerini oluşturmak için bir anahtar dönemdir ve bir çokları için de karar
verme zamanıdır. Bir çoklarının burada işinin bittiğine karar vermesiyle çok fazla ölüm haberi
alacağız. Alışılmadık miktar da doğum da olacak, dramatik yaşam değişiklikleri, hükumet,
siyaset ve ekonomik durumlarda ani değişiklikler söz konusu olacak.

2011’in Anahtar Teması

Kendiniz için en şahanesini beklemek bu yılın temasıdır. Artık umut içinde olma halinden
bilme haline geçmek, istediğiniz şeyin tezahür edeceğinden ya da daha iyisinin geleceğinden
emin olmak. Niyet ederken, “daha iyisinin de gelebileceği konusuna da dikkat etmelisiniz;
yani gelecek olana ve onu almaya hazır olun.

Muazzamlığın ve Minnettarlığın Yılı

Başmelek Uriel, 2011 yılının, muazzamlığımızı anlamak ve minnettar olmak - diğerlerinden

daha iyi olmak adına değil (hepimiz birbirimize bağlı olduğumuzdan, bu imkansız) ama
kendimizi ve bu dünyada kim olduğumuzu bilmenin yılı olduğunu söylüyor. Bizler; evrende
olan hiç bir şeyden daha az olmayan ilahi olanlarız. Güçlü insan anlayışımızın ötesinde ve
dünyamızın hatta evrenin olduğu kadar kendi gerçeğimizin yaratıcıları olarak Tanrının ve
Işığın çocuklarıyız. Bu muazzamlığı yaşamımıza nasıl geçireceğimiz de bütünüyle bize bağlı.
Bize destek olmak için bekleyen ama biz istemedikçe yardım edemeyen; alabileceğimizden
çok daha fazlasını verebilecek bir melekler ordusuyla kuşatılmışız. Güçlü olduğumuzu ve
kendi gerçeğimizin içinde ve dışında her bir halinde kontrol sahibi olduğumuzu

hatırladığımızda ustalaşırız ve mucize titreşimine adım atarız.
2011’iniz kutlu olsun. Kalbinizin arzuladığını kutsuyorum, bereketli, neşeli, mucize dolu bir
yıl diliyorum.

Jennifer Hoffman ve Başmelek Uriel

Ceviri : Guneş Kurtulan


Gizemli 'Zaman Kuyusu' Keşfedildikten

Sonra Dünya Liderleri Afganistan'a Akın
 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 9, 2011 at 8:21pm

Rusya’nın Dış İstihbarat Servisi (SVR) tarafından Başbakan Putin için hazırlanan özel bir
rapor, Alman başbakanı Angela Merker’in bu ay Afganistan’a ‘sürpriz bir ziyaret’ yapan Batılı
liderlerin sonuncusu olduğunu bildiriyor. Bu ziyaret, ABD Başkanı Obama (3 Aralık),
İngiltere Başbakanı David Cameron (7 Aralık) ve Fransa cumhurbaşkanı Nicolas Sarkozy (8
Aralık) ziyaretlerinden sonraydı.

Bu rapor, sadece Sarkozy’nin yolculuğunun saklandığını söylüyor, çünkü o bir ABD ordu
uçağı tarafından Afgan savaş bölgesine aceleyle götürüldüğünde, Hindistan’a bir ziyarette

Batı Dünyasının bu en güçlü liderlerinin Afganistan’a gitmek için ani koşuşturmalarına neden
olan neydi? Bu rapor, bunun nedeninin ABD Askeri bilim adamlarının “Zaman Kuyusu”na
hapsolmuş “Vimana” olarak tanımlanan şeyi keşfetmeleri olduğunu söylüyor. Bu zaman
kuyusu en az 8 Amerikan askerinin tahminen 5,000 yıldır orada gizlenmekte olan Vimana’yı
mağaradan çıkarmaya çalışırlarken ortadan kaybolmalarına neden olmuştu.

Sanskritçe epik Mahabbarata’da bulunan kadim hikayelerden, bir Vimana’nın çevresinin 12

cubit (eski bir uzunluk ölçüsü) ölçüldüğünü, dört adet güçlü tekeri olduğunu biliyoruz.
“Ateşlenmiş füzelerinden” başka, Mahabbarata dairesel ‘yansıtıcı’ ile işleyen diğer ölümcül
silahların kullanımını kaydediyor. Devreye sokulduğu zaman, bir ‘ışık şaftı’ üretiyor ve
herhangi bir hedefe odaklandığında onu anında ‘gücüyle yakıp yok ediyor.’

Vimana’yı çevreleyen “Zaman Kuyusu” ile ilgili olarak, bu rapor bunun elektromanyetik
radyasyon – yerçekimi alanı olduğunu söylüyor. Elektromanyetik radyasyon – yerçekimi ilk
kez Birleşik Alan Teorisi olarak Albert Einstein tarafından kabul edildi ve uzun zaman sonra

bunun 1943 yılında Amerikan 2 nci Dünya Savaşı deneyinin arkasındaki şey olduğu
konuşuldu, buna Philadelphia Deneyi adı verilmişti. Bugün Afganistan’daki askerlerin
kaybolması gibi, ABD askerleri aniden ortadan kayboluyordu.

SVR raporu, bu gizemli “Zaman Kuyusu”nun bitmez tükenmez güç kaynağının Edward
Leedskalnin’in teknolojisine dayalı olduğunun göründüğünü söylüyor. Edward
Leedskalnin“kadim insanların Gizli Bilgisini” keşfettiğini iddia etmişti ve 1923 – 1951 de
Coral Şatosu olarak bilinen Dünyanın en gizemli başarılarından birini yaratan bilinmeyen bir
işlemle 1,100 ton mercan kayasını “tek başına ve gizlice” oymuştu.

Bu raporla ilgili en etkileyici şey, yanlızca bir Vimana’nın keşfedilmiş olması değil, aynı
zamanda Vimana’nın keşfedildiği mağarada bulunan kadim yazılardır. Bu yazılar Vimana’nın
“gerçek sahibinin” Zerdüştlük (Zoroastrianizm) adı verilen ve tüm zamanların en önemli
dinlerinden birinin kurucusu olan kadim peygamber Zerdüşt ( Zoroaster) olduğunu iddia

Bugün Dünya tarafından çok az bilinse de, Zerdüşt’ün dini felsefesinin insanlığın amacının,
tüm diğer yaradılış gibi aša’yı (gerçek) sürdürmek olduğunu söyleyen tüm bilinen dinlerin
temeline sahip olduğuna inanılmaktadır. O, insanlık için, bunun yaşama aktif katılım ve yapıcı
düşüncelerin, sözlerin ve eylemlerin uygulanmasıyla gerçekleştiğini ifade etmişti.

Birinci yüzyılda yaşayan Romalı yazar, doğabilimci ve doğal filozof, ayrıca erken Roma
İmparatorluğunun donanma ve ordu komutanı olan Pliny the Elder, Zerdüşt’e “Sihirin
mucidi” ismini verdi. Tarihçiler, MS 391’de Hristiyan Roma İmparatoru Theodosius I
tarafından yok edilmesi emredilen Kadim İskenderiye Kraliyet Kütüphanesinde Zerdüşt
hakkında yazılan “iki milyondan fazla satır”a dayanarak bunu söylüyorlar.

Bugün, Zerdüşt’ün yaşamış ve ölmüş olduğu söylenen ve Marco Polo tarafından Dünya’nın
“asil ve büyük şehirlerinden biri” olduğu iddia edilen Afganistan’ın Balkh şehrinde, yeni bir
Küresel İmparatorluk, ABD, bu kadim Vimana’nın keşfiyle hem geçmişimizi hem de
geleceğimizi kendi ellerinde tutuyor.

© 21 Aralık 2010 EU and US all rights reserved.


(Çeviri: Saffet)


 Posted by Karin Wesselius on January 10, 2011 at 12:26am


Beloved I AM Presence bright,

Round me seal your Tube of Light.
From ascended master flame,
Called forth now in God’s own name.
Let it keep my temple free,
From all discord sent to me.

I AM calling forth Violet fire,

To blaze and transmute all disre,
Keeping on in Freedom’s name,
Till I AM one with the Violet Flame. 3x


I AM Forgiveness acting here,
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free,
With wings of cosmic Victory.

I AM calling in full power,

For Forgiveness every hour,
To all life in every place,
I flood forth forgiving Grace. 3x


Lovely God presence, I AM in me,

Hear me now I do decree:
Bring to pass each blessing for which I call
Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all!

Let violet fire of freedom roll

Round the World to make all whole
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance Shinning through!

I AM this action from God above

Sustained by the hand of heaven’s love
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear.

The full power of freedom’s love

Raising all eart5h to heaven above
Violet fire now blazing bright
In living beauty is God’s own light

Which right now and forever

Sets the World, myself, and all life
Eternally free in Ascended Master perfection!
Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!

Bij de tube of light kun je visualiseren dat er een witte zuil van licht om je heen staat, en bij
de violette vlam visualiseer je natuurlijk de violette vlam of de kleur violet die over je heen en
door je heen gaat, en visualiseer ook moeder aarde in de violette vlam natuurlijk!
Aan het eind van de meditatie bedank dank de meesters , de engelen en alle mensen die aan
deze meditatie hebben meegedaan.
Onze volgende groep meditatie zal plaatsvinden op 21-01-2011 hou alvast een plekje vrij in je
Graag wil ik ook nog even de mensen bedanken voor hun leuke reacties van de vorige
meditatie, en ons eigen meditatie groepje, bedankt voor jullie inzet, we maken er een liefdevol
jaar van met z’n allen, maar vooral HAVE FUN !!!


aanmelden bij



Işık Yolu Kuthumi Mesajı

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 10, 2011 at 2:48am

Işık Yolu
Kuthumi Mesajı
Lynette Leckie-Clark kanallığıyla
29 Aralık 2010

Ben Kuthumi’yim. Size rehberlik etmek, evrenin üzerine evren, ışığın üzerine ışık, herşeyin
yaratıcısı tanrının sevgi gücüyle gerçek ruh ışığınızı kucaklamak için yine buradayım. Bu
harikulade gezegeninizde sizin yaratmak adına; ruh ışığınıza adım atmak adına olağanüstü bir
gücünüz var.
Hazır mısınız arkadaşlar? Geçmişinizi kolaylıkla ve bütünüyle salıvermeyi ve herşeyiyle yeni
bir yolda yürümeyi seçmeye hazır mısınız? Lineer zamanınızda yeni bir yılı karşıladınız. Yeni
bir başlangıç. Soruyorum size, kaç tane bavul alacaksınız yanınıza? Bir çoğunuzun bavulları
geçmişin yükleriyle dolu, sadece bir duygunuzun, zihninizde dikkatlice baskılanmış olan
derin kızgınlık ve öfkeyi tetiklediği zaman hatırlanan, içinize gömdüğünüz eski deneyimlerle..
Bu derin anıların hepsinin belli kızgınlık dereceleriyle dolu olduğunu göreceksiniz, o kadar
narindirler ki, farketmezsiniz bile. Onları suçluluk, kendinden nefret etmek, adaletsizlik ve acı
ile maskelersiniz. Ama bu öfkenin altında diyorum ki size; hala bir koku, bir söz, bir his, bir
resim aydınlatmaya yetecektir sizi.
Diğer bavullarda daha güncel vakalar var. Zevk almadığınız bir işte çalışmaya zorlanmak,
ama faturalar var ödenecek, mecbursunuz. Yakın zamandaki bir tartışma. Yakın bir arkadaş ya
da sevgilinin bir sözü yaralar sizi, ve derhal haksız olduğu ve sizi incittiği duygusuyla
sarmalanarak içinize, derinlere itilir. Ama hala bırakamamışsınızdır, yani bavulda başka bir
“yük.” Bir çok olaylar, durumlar vardır. Bir çoğunuzun çok fazla bavulu var. Bazılarının az.
Söylüyorum size, bavullarınızın “kaç tane” olduğu farketmez. Farkeden sizin kararınızdır.
Bavulunuzla ne yapmayı seçtiğiniz. Size hep seçimlerinizi anımsatıyorum, değil mi? Gerçek
bu. Seçme şansınız var, biliyorsunuz. Özgür iradeye sahipsiniz. Yaratmak için özgür irade. Bir
çokları, ben, ve Işık Konseyi, size yardım, rehberlik için bekliyoruz. Ben kendim sizi – tüm
bavullarınızı bırakmanız için bir meditasyona götüreceğim. Bütünüyle bırakabilmek için. Ama
önce seçim yapmalısınız.Size gösterebilirim, rehberlik edebilirim. Ama kuvvetli bir “evet”e

ihtiyacım var. Bu da sizin üzerinize düşen..

Yolculuk Feneri
Yeni girdiğiniz yıl, daha önce de söylediğim gibi; tekamül yolunda esas yılınız. İnsanlığın ve
dünyanın artmakta olan titreşimi yüzünden zamanınız hızlanıyor. Artık çitlere oturup, “daha
sonra yaparım” diye düşünme şansınız yok. Erteleyemezsiniz. Bırakabilmek için; yolculuk
feneri, benzetmemi bağışlayın- sadece bir başlangıç. İkinci adım, bu ışık, barış ve gerçek
mutluluk duygusuna ayarlamak kendini. Evet kendinizi ayarlamalısınız. Yaşamlar boyu hem
ışığı, hem de karanlığı deneyimlediniz. Bunların bazılarını hala taşıyorsunuz kendinizle.
Bazılarınız deneyimlerinizden acı ve öfkeyi ancak temizleyebildi. Yani basit anlamda, aynı
şekilde davranarak esas acının üzerine daha fazla acı ve üzüntü yığdınız. Böylece acı derinlere
indi. Sonunda durumla uğraşmak zorlaştı, bırakıp gittiniz. Bir başka hayatta olup biteni niye
kendimle taşıyorum? Diye sorabilirsiniz. Oradan geçtikten sonra beni bırakması gerekmez
mi? Hayır, her zaman değil. Acı ne kadar derinse, çekirdek deneyim çözülmeden tekrarlanır
ve çekirdek acı büyür ve derinleşir. Ruh hafızası hepsini içerir; hem pozitif, hem negatifi.
Deneyimlediğiniz pozitif ve negatifi, ışığı ve karanlığı, aşkı ve nefreti, hepsini.
Nefreti bilmeden sevmeyi öğrenemezsiniz, karanlığı anlamadan ışığı seçemezsiniz.
Anlayabilmek için iki tarafın da deneyimlenmesi gerek. Sol ve sağ beyin arasındaki dengeden
söz etmiştim bu yakınlarda. Şimdi bavullarınızdaki yükü bütünüyle boşaltmanın tam zamanı.
Taşıdığınız yükler dolusu bavullar. Bu biraz zamanınızı alabilecek bir süreç. Önemi yok.
Bazıları diğerlerinden biraz daha erken hazır olacak. Hepinizin hazırlanması için zorluyorum
sizleri. Şimdi hemen başlamanız için zorluyorum…
Işık Yolu
Bu yol, yeni yılınızı kucaklamak için hazırlayacak sizleri. İleri doğru olan yeni yolun
başlangıcı. Bir çoğumuz bu yeni yola hazırlanmak adına birleşti. Işık yolu için. Şimdi tam
zamanı. Bavullarınızdaki yükleri boşalttıktan sonra yaratacaklarınız adına seçimler yapmak
bir çoklarınız için oldukça yeni. Artık bundan sonra, çevrenizdeki olayların farklı olmasını
arzulamanıza gerek yok, sadece yaratma arzusu içinde olacaksınız. Kendi gerçeğinize
değişikliği getireceksiniz, daha iyi bir yaşam yaratmak için…Barışın, kararlılığın, sevginin
ışıklı yolunda yürümek için.Bugün bu yüzden geldim buraya. Bu yüzden bırakmanıza
yardımcı olmak niyetindeyim. Hepiniz Tanrı’nın parçalarısınız. Hepinizde yaratma gücü var.
Çok uzun süredir unuttunuz ruhunuzun gücünü…
Üstad Kuthumi


HEAVEN #3699 Free Will and God’s Will,
January 10, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 12:04pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3699 Free Will and God’s Will, January 10, 2011

God said:

When you hire people to work for you, it is good to give them ownership of their work. Wise
employers will give their employees all the tools they need to work with, will give clear
instructions, and then let the employees own what they do. Own, in this case, means to take
their work to heart and have the opportunity to do more even than they are asked. They can
run with it. They can exceed expectations. Wise employers give their workers the opportunity
to soar.

That is how My Heavenletter translators operate. No one stands over their shoulders. No one
edits their work. There is no one around to do that, and that is a good thing because this way
translators’ hearts can go full-blast. It is their prerogative. Having prerogatives is a good thing.
It gives you a wide range. It gives you great opportunity for growth. You are not hemmed in.
You can solo. You can take off in your airplane.

This is the same as how I give you free will. I give it. I don’t give you just a little bit of free
will. I give you free will. You can soar with it. You can use your free will to make the world a
more loving place, or you can take liberties with free will. It is your free will to do with as
you choose. You can choose even weakness. That is your choice. You can choose neglect if
you so will. You can choose to hurt others and yourself. You can choose anything you choose
to choose.

Although all My children are entwined, you nevertheless can solo. Others can go higher than
you or lower. You can choose right or left, up or down. You can choose havoc. You can choose
blessing. You can choose havoc and blessing. It is up to you what you choose. You have free
will. You have been given carte blanche.

You can choose from the menu as you wish. You can write in alternative menus. You can do
anything you want. What you choose, beloveds, is your own reward. Of course, reward is not
always even-steven. Nor is discomfort. Yet, given the long view, somewhere somehow it
evens out. And there is always the expression: Virtue is its own reward. There is great merit in
this expression. To do that which nourishes the world feels good. It is that simple. Nourishing
the world feels better than catering to your single-minded ego.

By and large, choices made are their own reward or punishment. Your will garners a solid
foundation, or it is based on flaunting ego. Of course, you can get away with lesser choices.
The world has been doing that for a long time. Like a fugitive who has been getting away with
murder, free will that takes advantage of others does not feel good. Even though the one who
lowers the world gets off free, there is a shadow that follows him. His foundation is rickety.
He has perhaps made a lesser choice for the assurance of some gain, and yet the gain is short-
lived and not worth the price of choosing small.

Dissembling gains no honor. You may pretend to think well of a choice, yet you have a hollow
victory. It has no substance. For a moment’s gain, you give up too much. You give up your
heart of love. You give up your soul for a potage.

Now your heart and life are to become one. Within yourself, free will and My Will become
One and the Same. My Will exalts you, and you are exalted.


Master Hilarion's Weekly Message -

January 9-16, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 12:43pm


January 9 – 16, 2011

Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,

Many of you are stepping into your new roles as the Light Emissaries upon the Earth. This is
a great responsibility and requires that One has total self mastery on all levels of Being. You
are beginning to realize the power that you hold within yourselves, that you have the power to
heal or the power to hurt with just a few words. There can be only one choice as you progress
and that is to choose the way of Love. Do you see now that wielding power is not for the faint
of heart, that true power requires constant self discipline at all times, thus the need for the
immense testing that each of you has been going through.

As you continue to experience the power of kundalini rising within you, you are learning
about the ways and means of balance. The most important element of this is to ground your
energies into the Earth each day and sometimes more often in order to maintain balance and
equilibrium. This is a time when your Higher Self is slowly coming into your lower bodies
and ‘testing’ the waters, so to speak. If your Higher Self came in all at once, it would most
likely burn your circuits very quickly, and so great care is being taken to acclimatize your

physical vehicles to the higher energies to make this process more filled with grace and ease.
Your Higher Self is a Being of Immense Power.

There will continue to be great changes taking place in each and every one of you, Dear Ones,
and you will find yourselves shunning and avoiding any lower energies that manifest within
your fields until you have mastered the art of shielding yourselves from the energies of others.
This is a difficult lesson to learn as you go about your daily lives, for you usually have
interactions with many people throughout your day. It is important to start your day clearing
and connecting to your own energy so that you can recognize when you start to take on
someone else’s. The Tube of Light decree and intention at the start of each day is very helpful
to set up a radiant field of protective Light to help with this possible occurrence. This can be
found on the Scribe’s website on the “Decrees” page.

The mind is very busy and talks non-stop and so it is time to learn how to detach and
disengage from the constant barrage of ‘ego talk’. What might be helpful is to distract
yourselves with something else each time this happens in order to train yourselves to
substitute life enhancing thoughts for every thought of worry and anxiety that bombards you.
If you can make this a new habit, you will soon find yourselves in control and able to choose
your thoughts in the direction of your true goals and spiritual progress. This practice alone
will free up so much energy within you that you will be amazed and you will also feel so
much freer in your physical bodies.

The more you walk upon your Path of Light, Beloved Ones, the narrower it becomes in terms
of leaving behind earthly pleasures and concerns and you will find yourselves easily choosing
to say no to habits and patterns of thought and action that will become undesirable to you in
your more Light filled state. You may even find yourselves composing poems of great joy,
perception and beauty to take the place of the former thoughts that consumed your every
waking moments and the habits that kept you from feeling fully alive in your physical body
and World. The more the denseness is transmuted, and the poisons removed from your cells,
the more aliveness you will experience. The rewards are great for those who continue to
persevere upon their Path and the feeling of joy will become a constant companion.

Walking this Path is not easy, we know, since we also once walked as you walk, that is why
we have chosen to stay close to the Earth in order to be of service in this most amazing of
times. Remember to call upon us, just choose one of the Ascended Masters or Lady Masters
with whom you resonate and call upon them. We are here to help, guide and lead you into the
new Golden Age. We just love to be called!
Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is
included. www.therainbowscrib
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


Spiritual Development And Ascending
Towards Higher Vibrations...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 1:09pm

Contemplation vs. Meditation:

The benefits of contemplation are feeling more relaxed, focused and closer to nature.
Contemplation develops an awareness of the beauty that surrounds us, and a connection to all
living things. Meditation will help you delve into your inner self and the Universe, where
contemplation helps you to feel one with all living things, including our Universe.

The art of contemplation is a simple one. Instead of meditating on being closer to nature, go
outside and be quiet. Look around you. Breathe in the air, feel the trees, the rocks, the ground
beneath you, and focus on their beauty. Contemplate on the beauty and your connection to our
living, breathing planet.

You will find that eventually you will hear a humming sound with your audible ears... and you
will feel the breathing planet moving beneath you with every breath it takes. You will feel
totally one with our Mother Earth. You may begin to see the auras around the trees, plants &
animals... and yourself. You may begin to hear the trees whispering to each other, and sense
their unique personalities... and their unique gifts to us.

This information is based on my own experiences, and feeling one with the planet and all its
Beings is a beautiful experience. Through living in harmony with nature, I became telepathic
at a very young age. To this day, I telepath with the trees and the plant-life, and they surround
me with a peace beyond words. There is so much that I learned from trees, such as how they
are able to think and what they feel (it's interesting that recently scientists have been exploring
this, and wrote books on the subject). They also give to us in many ways (and not just
oxygen). The pine trees being peace & harmony, the Horsechestnut trees are very nurturing.
All the different species of trees communicate in different ways and have different

When you feel totally one with nature, and with one another, a whole world opens up to

In the 1960's, James Lovelock, a notable scientist, came to the realization that the biosphere is
one Holistic, functioning ecology... a complete and integrated organism. This is the Gaia
Theory: The Earth is a self-regulating, information feedback machine, and one
ecological system is in communication with other regulatory processes simultaneously.

Being Heart Centered:

The benefits of being heart-centered are that you will have more compassion for yourself and
all living things. It will be easier for you to not hold judgment of yourself and of others, and to
remain in a loving state of consciousness.

The mind has become an active force in our evolution, rather than the passive structure and
tool that was originally intended. The heart knows everything , will always offer the best and
highest guidance, and will always direct you to your highest good. If you truly listen to your
heart, then the mind can take action and formulate steps to achieve the goals that your heart
intended & directed.

For many years I would ask my spirit guides questions about which direction to take when
facing a crossroad in my life, or what should I do about this or that, and they always said,
"Follow your heart". For a long time I didn't realize that what they meant was so literal, and
so true! Listen to your heart, and be guided by it. Your heart will never lie to you.

The mind's original purpose was to be a faculty in service to the heart, and not the other way
around. It is the mind's role to learn and analyze. It is the heart's role to choose and do.
Hearts connect, while minds separate. Living in the place of the heart brings unity (feeling
one with others & all life, including plants and nature). Living in the place of the mind brings
duality (or feeling separate from others).

Awakening to a 5th Dimensional Consciousness:

The 5 th dimension is a vibration. All dimensions resonate at certain frequencies, and it's just
a matter of tapping into the particular frequency of the vibration or dimension you wish to
visit or stay in. The 5 th dimension resonates with unconditional love (for yourself & all
other life), and with non-judgment . Love and be non-judgmental of yourself and others at all
times, and you will begin to vibrate at the 5 th dimensional level. Below are 4 steps or
exercises you can practice to help you become the compassionate, non-judgmental person you
wish to be - living in a state of grace.

The Four Steps = The Evolution of Self:

 Step One - Learn to question yourself, as to who you are and your belief system, but
not from the insecurity of the ego or the lower mind. Let go of all you think you know
about yourself, and discover your forgotten Source. Question your Belief Systems and
witness your contradictions. This takes some deep delving into your soul essence.
Gratitude raises the frequency of the heart, and helps us realize that living in duality is

an illusion (an interpretation that contradicts "reality", as defined by general
 Step Two - The recognition and dismantling of belief in all that you think you know
(Belief Systems & what we've been taught). Compassionately allow all of the other
possibilities of creation that your human mind has not yet awakened to. Develop faith
in yourself that you are a master who is capable of co-creating with the universe all
that is possible. Whatever you can imagine can become reality.
 Step Three - Experience a sacred communion with your soul as a doorway to your
GodSelf. Your soul contains every emotion you ever experienced, and relates to all
experience in the now moment. De-construct the belief system that keeps you asleep
and in illusion. Heal all that holds you back. Make a list of the belief systems that limit
you, and reclaim your energy from them.

1st List - Make a list of the Belief Systems that limit you. Before you detach permanently
from the belief, you must reclaim your energy from it, or part of you will continue to be in
separation from self.

2nd List - Make another list of what you know, in the depths of your heart, to be true about
yourself, and be non-judgmental. Move aside old teachings and delve beneath the layers of
limitation. This list comes from the heart in the form of vibration.

3rd List - Make a list of judgments you still hold about yourself. Release these judgments.

 Step Four - Contemplation & Compassion. Take time every morning to contemplate
your being, honestly and without judgment. Throughout the day, work with the
energies of love, trust, faith, compassion, grace & gratitude. Each evening, recognize
and embrace all that you have given yourself that day.

**Every strand of the DNA is designed to evolve the physical body very rapidly based on
shifts in consciousness.

Meditation: Fill your body and your whole being with healing love (rose pink color), then
healing light (emerald green color). Breathe in the colors, and as you exhale, let the colors
permeate your whole being.

The 7 Keys to Ascension (Rising to a 5 th Dimensional Consciousness):

 1st Key - You must first desire this level of perfection and state of consciousness with
all your heart, mind and soul.
 2nd Key - Renew your intentions to reach your goal. Constancy is the 2 nd key.
 3rd Key - The fountain of youth and rejuvenation you are seeking lies within you
always. Your DNA will shift as your consciousness shifts.
 4th Key - Your DNA is another key to your infinite vitality. It evolves at the speed that
you evolve your consciousness & increase your love quotient.
 5th Key - Your thoughts, words and feelings bring up the subject of the quality of your
internal dialogue from moment to moment. How well do you monitor your thoughts,
your feelings and the words you speak to yourself and others with each now moment?
How do you feel about yourself and your body?
 6th Key - To activate with this wondrous fountain, you must first unite with it and
become it. The true fountain of youth is a fountain of pure light, a 5 th dimensional

tool. In order to activate it within self, you must increase the light in all the cells of
your physical body and also in all your other bodies and more subtle bodies (your
entire Being). Cleanse your emotional body of negative human emotions; monitor
your thoughts and begin to think and act like a master would.
 7th Key - Begin to live your new truth, and the results you are seeking will follow. It
cannot be otherwise.



Ask Saint Germain About " Infinite
Intelligence And New
Conscousness."From Joy And Clarity....
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 1:10pm

We receive many requests for guidance from our subscribers. Some of these come to us during
private channeled sessions with Saint-Germain, others are sent during webcast events, and
still others come up during our online workshops, or at retreats that we hold at different times
of the year. We like to share these questions-and-answers with you, our subscribers, because
they are often helpful to many people. This is always done with the permission of our clients.

Question: "How do I find clear access to my own source of Infinite Intelligence?"

Saint-Germain: You are asking us about finding a clear connection to the source of your own
Infinite Intelligence. Infinite Intelligence is an attribute of your Divinity. It is something
different than, but related to your human intellect.

To answer your question, I would like to lead you to the place where intellect merges with the
deeper compassion and wisdom that lie within you. You see, intellect, while highly prized in
the modern world, is a little overrated.

When intellect is not allied with other attributes of your Divinity, such as compassion and
wisdom, then it can be easily commandeered by the ego. But when intellect is guided by your
Divinity through the qualities of compassion and wisdom, then it works best for you, and it
serves you intelligently.

When human intellect is directed by the compassionate wisdom of your Divinity, then it
provides you with a portal of access to the Source of Infinite Intelligence that is the Mind of
the Creator.

To begin to access Divine Intelligence, first become silent. Quiet the intellect with all its
worries, and let go the preoccupations of your ego. You don't need to project yourself into the
world by trying to impress anyone, or even yourself. Just connect to the essence of Who You
Really Are, – connect to your Divinity.

As you do that, something inside of you will shift, and you will begin to open widely to the
place where wisdom, compassion, and intellect provide you the information and guidance you
need. It will flow to you from the Source of Infinite Intelligence.

That information will be clear and easy to understand because you will not be driven by
ulterior motives, but just by your willingness to be informed by that Higher Mind. Thank you
for your question.

Question: "Can you please share your insight on the energy of the New Consciousness center
and school that we are creating, and the potential for funding from sponsors?"

Saint-Germain: This is a wonderful idea that you are initiating and co-creating together. You
have connected to an energy that is ready to be manifested on Earth, and that will serve
humanity in acknowledging your Shared Divinity.

You have put a lot of creative effort into this project, and others have helped you. I would
encourage you to continue to follow your intuition regarding this project, and to take the steps
that you feel inclined to take. You are well-guided in this.

Now, if at some point you don't feel that there is anything more you can do to advance the
situation, that doesn't necessarily mean that the project isn't evolving nicely. You see, this
project was created first in the non-physical realms. And while it stands complete there, here
on the Earth, there are still ideas coming to you that need time to be developed and

Many times, human beings like to advance things sooner than they are ready to evolve. So, be
patient with the changes that are coming, and allow this project the time it needs to evolve at a
pace that suits it. Everything will be fine, and the financial support that you are calling, will
come when it's necessary. Don't assume that this project will only come into full manifestation
through the acquisition of funding in the way that you are expecting it. This project already
exists in the non-physical realms because it is a part of your energies, and you are involved
with it so intimately. So, stay with it, and watch it grow before your eyes. Taking part in the
process of growth is a grand experience in itself. Enjoy it! Thank you, indeed, for being
committed to offering this to the world.


Too Many Things Spoiling Our Children

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 10:23pm

Too Many Things

Spoiling Our Children
When you spoil your children with material goods, where is that motivation coming from,
your own inner child?

One of the greatest things about children is that they have the ability to entertain themselves
for long periods of time with something as simple as a cardboard box, a container, or a set of
measuring spoons. It makes you wonder why we feel the need to buy them so many toys that
they won't even have time to play with them all before they grow out of them. Often, if we
take the time to question our compulsion to constantly give our children new toys and clothes,
and to spoil them with food that is not even good for them, we will find that we are trying to
fill up the space to avoid our own difficult feelings and pain. If you feel yourself wanting to
spoil your child with material possessions, take a moment and see if you can feel where your
motivation is coming from.

We may be inundating our children with things they don't need out of our own desire to create
a feeling of abundance that was lacking in our own childhood, or out of a need to feel liked by
our children. Both of these motives tend to be unconscious, stemming from unresolved issues
from our own upbringing or even our adult life. These unresolved feelings naturally come up
when we find ourselves in the role of a parent, often as our child reaches the age we were
when these traumas were most pronounced. Spoiling your children will not save you or make
your pain disappear, only acknowledging and working on your emotional issues can do that.
What our children really need us to provide for them is both a sense of safety and a sense of
freedom and love of which there can never be too much. If we are able to do this well,
material possessions need not take center stage.

We all want to provide our children with a good and happy life, but most of us know deep
down that material possessions play a very small role. We confuse our children when we seek
to make them happy through buying them things. When we do this, they take our cue that
happiness comes in the form of toys and treats, rather than in the joy of being alive,
surrounded by love, and free to explore the world.


Observing the Power of Fear by the Creator
channelled through Natalie Glasson -
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 11:00pm

Observing the Power of Fear by the Creator

channelled through Natalie Glasson - 10/01/11

The energy of divine love flows like ribbons of light all around you, embracing you
gently and softly vibrating within your aura. Love is the complete truth and this is the energy
that I the Creator embrace you in now. As light and love beings upon the Earth, I care foryou,
honour and respect you as we are one.

Many people make this statement thatthey are one with the Creator but how many of
you actually realise thiscompletely, know it within your heart and feel it so powerfully within
yourbeing. It is time to contemplate upon the statement that, 'I am one with God,God is one
with me,' understanding that this is your truth, there is no otherstatement that can be so
important, so simple and yet have such vast andexpansive meaning or understanding
connected to it. In order to understand thisstatement you must realise that it automatically
means that you are love, thatyou are held in love and that you create from and in love. It also
implies thatyou are the magnificence of the Creator, the sacred qualities and energies ofthe
Creator that exist as and within love. To understand the Creator there is aneed to feel,
experience and accept love; a love that extends deeper than aromantic love between partners.
It is a love that fills you completely,encompasses you, heals and guides you. Now say this
statement to yourself withits meaning fresh in your mind.

'I am one with God, God is one with me,'

Now say this statement out loud,say it louder and louder placing energy behind the
words. Now try standing upand saying it, try moving your arms as if you are trying to get
your pointacross to yourself and anyone who wanted to listen. Try marching, jumping
ordancing around the room saying the statement out loud to yourself, feel the energy and
enthusiasm you are creating. Go mad if you want to, do whateverfeels right to you, shout it
from the rooftops if you like.

Then when you are ready sit downagain and breathe deeply, feeling the energy, the
determination that you have created, essentially the life or life force energy you have created.
Let theenergy of the Creator flow and feel the peace, security and love that it brings.

If you really knew that thisstatement was true, not just understanding it in your mind,
but identifying itin your heart, extending it into your actions and reality, all lessons of growth
and discovery would dissolve. You would remember the truth. To reachthis stage of realisation
and knowingness requires a tremendous amount of focusand concentration because the Earth
holds many distractions, it is your missionto remain aligned to the Creator at all times. Some
may see this as impossible butonce you devote a part of your day to aligning with the Creator
then thisalignment spreads, it will be like a mist spreading across your day. There isalso a
need to let go of the lower or ego self to reveal the soul self. Yoursoul already understands
that it is one with the Creator; that it is in Holy Communion with the Creatorat all times
because it respects itself as the Creator. As the personality youmay not have yet accepted the
true presence of your soul and so maybe relyingon the ego to guide your way and to create the
reality that you live within.This is perfectly fine and acceptable after all the ego cares about
you andwants to assist you in every way it can. Why then do you not feel fulfilled,wish for
something better, know you deserve more, know that there is more toyou and your life on the
Earth. For many it can be as if there is sadnessinside, as if everything is going wrong for them
or as there is something missing from their life. The ego can only support you for a certain
period inyour life before you begin to notice that your ego is creating your reality but it is
creating it mostly from fear and control, hindering you from seeing thetruth. The truth is
seeing the Creator in everything or seeing love ineverything. The ego's longing to have
attention and to be loved is so strongthat it emphasises everything, taking a single feeling or
desire completely outof proportion. If you have a small fear that just pops into your head have
younoticed that it is like a seed that grows into a mighty tree, this is the influence of your ego
or lower self. To love, forgive and dissolve your ego is a greatgift to yourself, your soul and to
the Creator.

"I wish to explain further the influence of the ego."

If you imagined that every singlething on the Earth including your body was an
illusion, it was fake, all a partof your imagination, how would you feel? You would most
probably feel fear thatyou had trusting a fantasy or a false impression. You may feel sad as
there arethings about your life which you love and are attached to. You would probably
grievefor your life as it is yours and so familiar to you.

Realising that everything was a fantasyyou would probably want to find the truth and
to detach from your reality. Ifyou were to let go of or detach from everything while still
holding the feelingthat you appreciate and love everything but did not necessary need it, do
youthink this would make you feel better? For a start you would be detaching fromthe false

impression and you may then be able to see the truth but it is mostprobable that you would
then feel alone, lonely, vulnerable and lost. Why doyou think you may feel alone and
vulnerable? It could be because your ego isstill deluding you, still affirming to you this reality
and you believe it wholeheartedly,you must do otherwise you wouldn't create it so vividly or
feel the pain andsuffering so deeply. You may feel that there is no purpose to your life or
thatno one needs you anymore, these are also delusion. There is a need to lookinside yourself
and ponder where suffering and pain come from. Are they putonto you or caused by others?
The answer to this is No, there is no person orbeing in theentire universe that can hurt you or
cause you pain. If you realisethe cause of suffering and pain then you will know this to be
true. It could beyour past experiences and past lifetimes that have caused you suffering but
intruth this as an illusion. They may have caused you upset or an imbalance for awhile, even
creating a false belief but your experiences cannot cause you pain.I must stress that I am
speaking of emotional and mental trauma as I know thatyou understand how delicate your
physical body can be, but this is because itis allowing you to sense and feel in order to
understand how energies influence, nourish or stagnate within you.

The ego can build a picture foryou that you are vulnerable and alone, feeling pain and
misery, that there isnothing else to life and you are condemned to suffer for the rest of your
life.The ego will paint this picture until you believe it and of course you will becauseeven
though you know everything around you is a fantasy created by your mind,you are still
trusting in the words and beliefs of your ego. The ego feels asif it is protecting you, your ego
feels that the more it creates fear aroundyou allowing you to exist in a hell, the more you will
love it. Your ego willfeel loved because you are catching hold of its creations and giving
themattention. Don't children always feel loved when they have the attention ofanother? By
this stage the ego is thinking that it is doing well, you areloving your ego and making it a
large part of your life so it feels happy, butthe ego forgets the power of the soul, of the Creator
aspect within you. Theego is only like a fog that surrounds you; it can be blown away by you
when youbegin to redirect your attentions. Your focus needs to be placed upon yoursoul, the
love aspect within you, the wise and expansive energy that is yourgod aspect. This part of
your being knows and understands all that it needs; itdoesn't succumb to illusions, fantasies or
false impressions. Your soul willhunt out the truth and always bring it to your attention. When
you think andact in align with your soul which is to be aligned with the Creator
theneverything is created with or from love. It may seem utterly impossible that aperson can
ignore the love, security, beauty and wisdom that exists withinthem, but they can and do
easily, all because of focus.

The important thing to realise frommy explanation is that the ego can control and
delude you all the time, in someways it can be tricky and cunning. Your soul will never
deceive you and willalways lead you to the truth, to the Creator and to love, how can you not
allowyourself to accept the blissful reality that the soul has to offer? The answeris that you are
so influenced by your ego that nothing else is apparent to you.So even when you understand
that you create your reality, that most of your realitycould be false. Even when you make a
decision to view your reality from love,holding the understanding that you don't necessary
need anything but situationsand people will flow to you with divine timing, you could still
feel sufferingand pain because you are allowing your ego to control your thoughts by creating
fear. You can feel alone when your ego is in control but you never are. Whenyou engage the
soul asking your Creator or god self to come forward and alignto the Creator then your soul
dissolves the ego and you feel fulfilled, viewingthe truth and feeling a love that is so brilliant
and inspiring. You realisethat all you ever needed was a connection with your soul and the
Creator, withthis focus you can gradually dissolve the influence of the ego and understandwho

you truly are. So if you are feeling down, depressed, lost, fearful or are sufferingknow that
this is a false impression, fear of any kind is a false impression.It may feel so real to you but it
is simply your ego's influence. Your soul isn'thurting or suffering, your soul is simply
emanating the vibration of love. Ifyou attune to this vibration of love you can transform your
reality and beingcompletely, becoming enlightened and free.

Freedom is something that manydesire, they see it as a freedom to do as they please

but it stems deeper, itis a desire to be free from suffering that the ego causes. Free yourself
now byconnecting with the Creator and your soul. Your soul will remind you of all youneed to
understand and enact on the Earth.

It is important to remember that the ego creates fear; fear is one of the greatest
illusions. If you imagineyourself as the Creator you would realise that love dissolves all fears.
The powerof self love, a love for the Creator and for your fellow beings on the Earthmeans
that you always feel safe and secure, you are always loved. Everything thatyou fear, doubt or
worry about cannot exist in the reality of the Creator it isimpossible because the Creator and
your soul will only speak to you of love andso you will only speak of love to others and so it
grows until all of humanityare knowing, feeling, experiencing and speaking love. What a
beautiful image toend upon I think.

My message to you is to love,forgive and honour yourself as the Creator for you are
the creative energy ofyour reality, through alignment and focus you can create a reality that is
morebeautiful than you could ever imagine. There is a need also to become aware ofyour
thoughts, beliefs and ego, changing them to focus upon the Creator aroundand within you.

With sacred love, I am the Creator, which ever label you choose to address me as I am
the essence of life and you.

On the 13thJanuary only, you can purchase the Foundation Course- Soul Activation
withoutfirst completing the preparation or cleansing course. This opportunity has beenmade
available to those who truly feel the yearning to connect with their soul.

The Sacred School of Om Na offers special online courses which have been
channelled from Master Kuthumi throughNatalie Glasson which aid you in connecting with,
discovering and experiencingyour soul in your reality. These courses, Foundation 1- Soul
Activation Courseand Foundation 2- Soul Development Course are design to give you tools to
workwith in order to become accustomed to your soul's guiding presence, energy and
influencein your life. For one day only on the 13th January you will have the opportunity to
bypass the Cleansing Course and begin the Foundation 1 Coursestraight away. This
opportunity is offered in love and inspired my guides asthey wish for more people to be given
the opportunity and tools to connect withtheir soul. The course practiced at home by yourself
requires dedication andcommitment to the teachings. It is also important for you to ask within
youwhether it is appropriate for you to be guided by Master Kuthumi and todiscover the Om
Na Soul Activation Course channelled through Natalie.

For more information please visit


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bir söz: "Hakikatın kanıta ihtiyacı
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 11:01pm

bir söz: "Hakikatın kanıta ihtiyacı yoktur,.."

Hakikatın kanıta ihtiyacı yoktur,

o sadece öyledir.
Ne kendisi ne de aksi ispat edilebilir.
Parlaktır, ışık saçar o.
Varlığı anında hissedilir;
ama sadece onu hissedebilecek yüreğe sahip olanlar tarafından.



Official Opening of the Para PachaMama

Global Community Network
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 11, 2011 at 1:30am

On the New Moon of February we will launch the New Global Commuity Network that is set
out to unite, gather, build, energize and motivate the awakened Tribes of Earth. So that we,
together, can become a force front for change, for awakening of the Global Mind. We here
share one vision in common: "We are the Ones that we have been waiting for." Let's live and
share that truth and encourage eachother and our relations to rise up and get connected to
eachother and most imprtant to our most precious Mother Earth.

This is about cushioning the Shift.

This is about being the change we want to see.
This is about our Earth that is calling us to awaken our friends and families.

This event is FREE as Para PachaMama ~ Spirit of Earth is a NEVER for profit initiative.



Titreşim ve İlişkilerimizi Nasıl Etkilediği

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 11, 2011 at 1:54am

Toby Alexander

Herşeyin frekansa bağlı olduğunu anlamayıp herkesi “anlaşmaya” zorlayan, “Aileyi birlikte
tutmaya çalışan” ana-babaya, dede-nineye ne olur?:)
Titreşim ve İlişkilerimizi Nasıl Etkilediği

Herkes bir frekansa, yani titreşime sahiptir. Yani DNA’nın salınım oranı. Bu titreşim 50 ile
150 Ghz arasında gezinir. Rezonans yüzünden, frekans son derece önemlidir. Bir titreşime

(frekans) sahipsiniz ve yakın titreşimdeki diğer insanlarla, yerlerle, zamanla, olaylarla
rezonansa girersiniz. Bu durum sizin diğerleriyle olan ilişkilerinizi nasıl etkiler?
İki insan, aynı ya da birbirine yakın frekansta iseler ancak ortak bir şeylere sahip olur ya da
yanyana gelebilirler.
Bunu kavramak o kadar önemli ki, son çümleyi tekrar okuyup üzerinde düşünmenizi isterim.
Bunun dış görünüş, kültürel geçmiş, eğitim, deri rengi, mali durum, ülke, ilgi vs ile en ufak
bir ilgisi yoktur.
İki insan ancak aynı frekansa sahipse, yanyana gelir ve birlikte olurlar.
Örneğin, bir restorana girdiğinizde, belli bir masada insanların birlikte oturduğunu görürseniz,
onların hepsinin yakın frekanslarda olduklarını farkedersiniz. Bu yüzden arkadaşlar yan yana
gelirler. Yine bu yüzden arkadaşlar ve eşler birbirlerinden ayrılırlar. Aralarından birinin
frekansı yükselir; diğeri aynı kalırsa, ikinci kişi diğerinin hologramından düşer. Ne kadar
uğraşırlarsa uğraşsınlar, diğerinin frekans aralığının dışına düştüğünden bağlantı kuramazlar.
Hiç düşündünüz mü, okuldan bazı arkadaşlarınız artık arkadaşınız değildir ve onlarla hiç bir
bağlantınız yoktur? Çünkü frekansınız değişmiştir ve literal anlamda onları
“göremiyorsunuzdur” artık.
Bizler gerçeği, şimdiki kitlesel bilincimizin odaklandığı bir alt boyutta var olan frekans
bandlarının titreşimlerinin alt frekanslarının içinde olan kollektif kitlelerin düşünce formları
şekliyle algılayabiliyoruz. Yani örneğin DNA sarmallarınızın 5 tanesi aktive olmuşsa, ve
bilinçliliğiniz beşinci boyuttaysa düşünce formlarının 4. Boyuttaki gibi yoğun (katı) olduğunu
görürsünüz. Bu yüzden farklı insanlar, yaşamı bütünüyle birbirlerinden farklı algılarlar. Bilinç
ve DNA aktivasyon düzeyi farklılıkları yüzünden…
Düşünün bakalım dışardaki gerçekten tuhaf kombinasyon oluşturan çiftleri, asla yanyana
gelmelerini hayal bile edemeyeceğiniz insanlar birliktedirler. :) Birliktedirler çünkü aynı
frekanstadırlar. Konuya frekans açısından bakarsanız kendizin de neden artık bir takım
insanlarla birlikte olmadığınızı görürsünüz ve ilişki “yürümüyorsa” kendinizi kötü hissetmek
zorunda kalmazsınız. Eğer frekansları uyumlu değilse 2 kişi yanyana duramaz. Aynı şekilde
eğer rezone olmadığınız bir çevrede çalışıyorsanız, orada fazla kalamazsınız. Gerçekten de o
çevre ve oradaki insanlarla aynı titreşimde salınmadığınızı hissedersiniz ve sonunda sizin
oradan ayrılmanızı gerektirecek bir olay vuku bulur. Eğer titreşim yasalarından haberdar
değilseniz, bu hoş olmayan ve sıkıcı bir durum gibi gözükebilir.
Yine, ailenin biraraya geldiği Noel ya da benzeri tatillerde bu frekans konusu gerçekten de
çok hissedilir bir hale gelir. :)
Çoğu kişinin birlikte rezonansa giremediği kardeşleri ya da aile üyeleri vardır. Ve olan şey, bu
durumun frekansla ilgili olduğundan haberdar olmayan anne-baba, büyükbaba-büyükanne
gibi diğer aile fertlerinin “aileyi bir arada tutabilmek için” herkesi “geçinmeye” zorlamasıdır.
Bu yüzden bir çok dram vardır ailelerde, frekans ve bilinçlilik hallerindeki düzey farklılığı
yüzünden. Belirli bir ailede enkarne oldunuz diye, otomatik olarak tüm aile fertleriyle aynı
titreşim seviyesinde olmanıza olanak yoktur. Zaten genellikle, eski yaşamlarımızdaki azılı
düşmanlarımız bu hayatta aynı ailede doğmayı seçerek, bizim annemiz, babamız ya da
kardeşimiz olurlar. Bu son derece sık rastlanan bir durumdur. Bunu yapmalarının sebebi,
nefreti iyileştirmek ve kişinin kendi bilgeliğini kazanarak ruhsal anlamda tekamülü içindir.
Bir durum, Her şeyi yönetenin frekans olduğunu gerçekten kanıtlıyor, genellikle
danışanlarımdan bir tanesiyle ilk görüşme için iletişime geçmeye çalışırken oluyor bu. Eğer
danışanımın frekansı bana uyuyorsa internet’ten hemen bağlanıyorum ve harika bir iletişime
geçiyoruz. Eğer frekans uymuyorsa mutlaka teknik ya da internetle ilgili bir “sorun” oluyor –
ki aslında titreşimimiz uymuyor. Sonra yaptığım bir iki terapiden sonra, bizi iletişime
geçmekten alıkoyan blokajları kaldırıp ona titreşimini yükseltmesi için yardım ediyorum, bu
işlem biter bitmez herhangi bir sorun olmadan internet üzerinden bağlanabiliyoruz.
Peki, titreşimimizi nasıl yükseltebiliriz?

3 temel yol var:
1) Enerji çalışmalarına katılın
Titreşiminizi düşüren enerji blokajlarını, ailenizden miras kalan karmik damgalarınızı
kaldırmak, ruhunuzdan ve ruh düzeyinden daha yüksek frekans çekmeniz ve tutmanızı
sağlayacak uykudaki DNA’yı aktive etmek için enerji çalışmalarına katılın. Bu çalışmalar
aura temizliği, karma çalışmaları ile birlikte başlayabilir. Ve DNA aktivasyonları kendi
üzerinizde nasıl çalışacağınızla ilgili genişlemiş bir bilgiyle birlikte devam edebilir.

2) Zihin bedenini kontrol eden egzersizler

Sadece koşulsuz sevgi, neşe, mutluluk, minnettarlık gibi güç veren duygusal yüksek frekanslı
düşünceler içinde olarak zihin bedeninizi kontrolünüz altına alın.
Korku, anksiyete, umutsuzluk ve depresyon gibi durumlardan uzak durun. Bu durumların
tümü düşük frekans taşıdığından, size düşük frekanstaki insan ve durumları çekerler.

3) Mediyasyon / yoga yapın

Mümkün olduğunca meditasyon, yoga ya da diğer teknikler yoluyla, teta, delta dalgaları gibi
derin zihin hallerine girin. Bu gibi derin haller, sizin Tanrı kimliğinize ve kuantum fiziğinde
“gözlemci” denen duruma en yakın olduğunuz, düşünce tezahüründe, enerji dalgalarının
uzay / zaman atom-altı parçacıklarının içinde çöktüğü anlardır.

Umarım bu yazıyla rezonansa girmiş ve titreşimin yaşamımızın her halinde nasıl etkili
olduğunu farketmişsinizdir.



Yeni Enerji ve Uyumlanma-Kryon-Deniz
Şiva Oflaz Kanallığıyla
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on January 11, 2011 at 4:30pm

Selamlar sevgililer, Ben manyetik hizmetten Kryon;

Havada çok yüksek bir birleşme ve sevgi enerjisi var ve buna duyduğumuz tanımlanamaz
sevinci dile getirmek istiyoruz. Şu an aktarıcının etrafında oluşturduğumuz o sıcak enerjiyi ve
sarılma halinin sıcaklığını yaşıyorsunuz ve her birinize sarılıyoruz sevgliler. Bu çok boyutsal
ve zaman ve mekandan öte bir mesajdır sevgililer anlıyormusunuz. Okuyanlar arasından
içinizde dolaştırdığimız bu sevgi dolu enerjiyi hissedenler olacaktır. O okuyanlara
sesleniyorum her biriniz üstadlarsınız. Bir şey yapmaya bir şey bilmeye ihtiyacınız yok evet,
içinizdeki BEN BEN'im farkındalıgının ışığı bulunduğunuz her bir yere hatta boyutların
ötesinde evrendeki tüm atomlara ışık olacak, birilerinin önlerini görmesine vesile olacaktır.

Sen kendini bir ışık çapası olarak gören varlık, senin kalbinin aktığı, gitmek istediğin yerler
vardır, belki bir yerlere çekiliyorsundur. Nasıl ki sizin enerjisel denge sorunlarınızdan
kaynaklanan hücresel bozulmalarınız olur ki siz buna hastalık diyorsunuz (Kryon gülüyor)
dünyanın da belirli bölgelerinde nasıl sizin enerji merkezlerinizdeki kara delikler gibi düşük
enerji vorteksleri vardır. Siz bir yere çekilirsiniz içsel olarak. Oralara gidin. Bir şey yapmayın,
birilerine bir şeyden bahsetmenize gerek yok. Gidin, keyifli bir tatil gibi düşünün ve o sonsuz
huzur ve neşe halinizle gidin. Çevrenizdeki o insanların bir süre sonra yüzlerinin değiştiğini
göreceksiniz. Burada ne olmaktadır bir benzetme ile açıklayalım ki aynı şeydir. Aramızda
şifacılar var onlar içsel olarak aynı şeyi yapıyorlar. Ellerini enerji dengesi bozulmuş hasta
bölgeye koyduğunuzda, niyetiniz sonucu enerjinin akısı ile enerjisel olarak çekildiğiniz
bölgelere seyahatler yapmak aynı şeyin biraz makro halidir. Fark şudur: Ellerinizi
koyduğunuzda bir kişiyi ama ışığınızı taşıdığınızda karşlaştıginız her kişiyi ışığinizla

sararsınız. Içinizdeki o huzur ve koşulsuz sevgi halinin gücü sadece tanıştığinız değil
yanınızdan geçen tüm insanların önlerini görmelerini sağlayan bir ışık olacaktır. Kendi
tanrısal yönünü görüp görmemek tabiki onların tercihidir ve her ikisi de uygundur ama bu
şekilde yaptığınız işin büyüklügünü görebiliyor musunuz. Ki söylüyoruz biliyorsanız da
düşündüğünüzden çok daha öte bir şey yapıyorsunuz ki bu işi üç boyutlu görünen realitenin
ardında evrenle ilgili bir iştir. Bu şekilde hareket ederek çekildiğiniz yerlere giderek orada
bizim tabirimizle bir ışık çapası olursunuz. Oralarda arzu ettiğiniz kadar kalın. Ama sizin
hareket etmenizi engelleyen ve bir yere bağlanmanızı sağlayan o korkularınızı atın ve
yürüyün. Bunun için gereken tüm araçlarınız yol üzerinde olacaktır.

Bir önceki mesajımızda 10.10.10un öneminden bahsetmiştik. Ve bu enerji kapısının birleşme

enerjisi olarak açığa çıkacağını ve artık birleşmenin daha fazla olacağinı söylemiştik. Peki o
tarihten sonrasını bir izleyin, görüyor musunuz kapıdan sonraki değişimi. Insanlar daha çok
ve sık biraraya geliyor, eş zamanlılıklar hızlandı ve çoğaldı, bazen yolda yürürken birinin
gözlerinin içine baktığını ve yeni karşılaştığınız birinin sanki hep tanidığınız biri olduğunu
daha çok hissediyor musunuz. Evet sevgililer bu birleşme enerjisidir. Ve bundan sonra da
bununla çok karşilaşacaksınız. Bu enerjiye direnmeyin ve çekildiğiniz insanlarla daha fazla
biraraya gelin. Tek başıniza sahip olduğunuz enerjiden kat kat fazlasının açığa çıktığını
göreceksiniz ve bazen hatta bu enerjinin yoğunluğundan çeşitli komplikasyonların açığa
çıktığını göreceksiniz. Bunlar, baş ağrıları, sırt ve omurga sorunları, diz ve eklemelerde hafif
ağrılar, baş donmeleri, ve kendini boşlukta hissetme gibi komplikasyonlar olabilir. Yeni bir
enerji akımı ile karşılaştığınızda, başka bir boyuta geçiş yaptığınızda hücreleriniz ve DNAnız
henüz o titreşimsel boyuta hazır olmadığndan, uyumlanma süreci içerisinde eski enerjide
varolan içsel sorunlarınız açığa çikabilir. Aslında bu komplikasyonlar enerjiden meydana
gelmez. Sizin eski enerjide taşıdığınız kalıplarınızın su yüzüne çıkmasıdır. Bu vücudunuzun
artık bu eski enerji kalıbını bırakman gerekiyor çağrısıdır. Ayağına bağladığın o taşlarla yeni
enerjide kalamazsın çağrısıdır. Burada seçiminizi yapın sevgililer. Bırakın o korku, endişe,
yargı içeren tüm yanlarınızı ve kalıplarınızı. Ve engellerinizi attıkça bu geçişlerin daha
yumuşak olacağinı söylüyoruz. Artık süreç biraz keskinleşmektedir. Bu ne demek kryon
diyeceksiniz, ki korkmayın, eski enerji ile yeni enerji arasındaki uçurumun artık daha fazla
arttığını belirtmek istiyoruz. Onlarla çatışmayı, onlara bir şeyler anlatma ve kanıtlama
arzunuzu bırakın ve yalnızca ışığınızı en yüksek noktaya çıkarın. Bu dönemde bu
komplikasyonlar için bol su içmenizi öneriyoruz. Suyu niyetinizle beraber kullanın, bu sizin
için bir dengeleme ve topraklama aracısdır, ve hücreleriniz içinden enerjinin daha rahat
akışını sağlar.

10.10.10 da yapılan enerjisel değişimın biraz teknik yönünden bahsetmek istiyorum.

Dünyanın belirli bölgelerindeki kristallerin aktive edileceğinden sözetmiştik ki öyle de oldu.

Ben kendi görevim olan manyetik ve kutupsal ley hatlarını yeni enerjiye uyumladım. Kristal
yapının enerjisi hologramik bir yapıya sahiptir. Bir hologramın en küçük parçası büyuk
hologramla eşdeğer yapıya sahiptir ve tüm özellikleri içinde barındırır. Aslında çevrenizde
gördüğünüz her şey o hologramların yansımasıdır. Bunlar kendi içinde de boyutları olan çok
boyutlu yapılardır. Sizin atomlarınız da bu hologram yapıya sahip olduğundan hologramların
enerjisel değişımleri sizin hücrelerinizi ve DNAlarınızı etkiler ve dönüştürür. Buna DNAların
yeni titreşime uyumlanması işlemi denir ki, DNA artık yeni enerjiye uyumlanacak şekilde bir
mutasyona uğrar. Ve DNAnın 2li helix yapısından öte 12 enerjisel katmanlılığının boyutları
arasındaki iletişim artar. DNAlarınız sizinle alakalı evrenle alakalı bir çok bilgiye sahiptir ve
ilk yaratılıştan bu yana bunlar kayıtlıdır. DNAlarınızın enerji katmanları arasındaki boyutsal
iletişim arttıkça, siz DNAnız içindeki bilgiyi daha çabuk aktive eder hale gelirsiniz. Şimdi
DNAnız içinden hangi yonünüzü açığa çikarmak istiyorsunuz. İşte hepsi oradadır. Artık daha
kısa sürede daha çok bilgiyi açığa çikarırsınız. Çünkü sizler giderek daha çok kristal enerji
haline gelmeye başlıyorsunuz ve DNAlarınız kristalleşiyor. Bu dönemde yeni gelen kristal
çocuklar da bu kristalleşmeyi dengelemek ve kristal enerjiyi demirlemek için geldi. Onları
ngözlerinin içine bakın. Orada o yaşlı ruhu, o üstatlığı göreceksiniz.

Kristallerin daha fazla aktive edilmesinin sonucu DNAlarınızın dönüşümünun getirdiği bir
çok yeni aletiniz olacak bunlar boyutsal alet çantasındaki aletlerinizdir. Zaman ve mekandan
uzaklaşma ilk söylemek istediğımiz aletinizdir. Artık çok boyutsal varlklar olarak boyutlar
arasında daha sık gezxmeye başlıyorsunuz. Aranızda mekanı bükenleriniz var. Nasıl
yaptıginızın farkında değilsiniz fakat bazen enerjiniz yükseldiğinde ya da yüksek enerjili
arkadaşlarınızla biraraya geldiğinizde o mekandan uzaklaştıgınızı birden sanki o mekandan
çok kendinzi bir boşlükta hissettiğinizi göreblirsiniz bu mekanın bükülmesidir. Şu an onu
kullanmaya başlıyorsunuz. Mekandan çıktığınızda boşluğa düşersiniz önce. Ama o boşluktan
nereye gideceğinizi bilmediğinizden boşluk hissi sizin için biraz rahatsız edici olabilir.
Yapacağinız, arzu ettiğiniz yeri seçmektir ve oradasınız. Zaman boyutlarında gezen ve zamanı
büken de bir çok üstad var aramızda ki onlar da nasıl yaptıklarını sorsanız bilmiyorum der :).
Zaten bilseydi yapamazdı diyoruz biz de :) . Zamanı büktüğunüzde daha kısa süre içerisinde
daha çok şey yaşarsınız. Ve o kisa süre içerisinde yaptıginız işe siz de şaşırırsınız. Bunun
yolunu bilmek istiyor musunuz. Bunu gerçekleştirmenin anahtarı niyet ve ona olan
inancınizdır. Niyetin enerjisi çok güçlüdür ama hücrelerinizin onu yapamayacağınıza ya da
zor olduğuna dair kalıbınızı ve inancınızı kaldırmanız gerekir. Yeni çağda sizin bir şeyi
yapmanızdaki iki büyük güç niyet ve inançtır. Zaman içinde daha sahip olduğunuz bir çok
alet çantanızdaki araçlardan bahsedeceğiz.

Kasım ayı ıçerisinde İstanbul boğazındaki sularda bazı enerjisel uyumlamaların yapılacaği ile
ilgili bir soru geldi. Cevabımız evettir. Istanbul boğazı suları ve altı önemli enerji geçitlerine

sahip ki buna ayrı bir celsede değinmek istiyoruz. Kasım ayı içerisinde boğazda ben manyetik
üstad olarak ve bir çok üstad DNA ile alakalı enerjisel uyumlamalar gerçekleştirecek. Bunu
sağlayan da sizin niyetinizdir. İstanbul da yaşanan biraraya gelmenin yoğun enerjisi burada
bizim enerjisel ayarlamalar yapma görevimizi açığa çikarmıştır. Ben manyetik üstad olarak
ley hatlarını DNAların bazı bölümlerini aktive edecek şekilde hizalayacağım. Bunun için de
yine bizim enerjisel olarak kullandığımız 11i seçtik.

Sevgililer, bu çok önemli bir zamandır ve evrende böyle bir zaman daha önce vuku
bulmamıştır. Kutlayın, kutlayın ve kutlayın, bu tüm gelişmeler bizim size verdiğimiz değil
sizin açiğa çikarmaya niyetinizle zaten sahip olduğunuz şeylerdir. Biz de sizin yalnizca
sevgiyle yardım eden hizmetkarlarınız olabiliriz ve bunu keyifle yapıyoruz. Bizim
bulunduğumuz boyutta müthiş bir sevinç var ve tüm evren ve tüm varlık sizi neşe içinde
izliyor. Ayaklarınızı bu mutluluğumuzdan duyduğumuz gözyaşları ile yıkıyoruz. Ve
ayrılmıyoruz hep buradaydık hep buradayız bu büyük görevde yardımcılarınız olarak. Sizi
sonsuzluktan gelen saf sevgimizle sarıyoruz.

Ve de öyledir.

Kryon-Deniz Şiva Oflaz kanallığiyla



2011: Stepping Up & Out by Lauren C.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 12:00am

"We would like to congratulate the warrior brigade for your collective emergence into true,
authentic beings of light. The year of 2011 is one where those of actualized, authentic
spiritual descent will be emerging as the risen leaders of the new paradigm…those who will
be followed to the new day."

-Pleiadian High Council

Happy New Year!

Can you believe that we made it to 2011? I seriously remember thinking in 2006…

"how will we ever get through another year of this"

…let alone five more. DOH

For all you path-pavers and pioneers of the new timeline... granted, it's been pretty odd to
calculate the journey to now with the increasing compression of time...but somehow,
someway, we all made it here together in one collective piece (checks all ten fingers and toes).
The last decade+ of consciousness expansion happened so incredibly fast, yet morbidly
slow…it seems like yesterday was a lifetime ago, but went by in an instant.

And tho most of the journey to this point was akin to running waist high in mud, if we look
back at the contrast of who we were before we naively embarked on our soul travails, its
mind-blowing to see, feel and comprehend the rate and result of our personal evolution thus
far. (And nothing highlights this contrast like a Christmas visit with family...yikes) On a
personal level, its surreal to think that I started writing about this stuff in my twenties…and
now I am like 88…in dog years. Feels like we have lived 20 lifetimes in the last ten…weeks.

Tho time is getting increasingly more janky by the hour…and will speed up like 20 fold for
the masses this year…things will begin to level out for each of us, individually, as we are
personally able to break thru to new ground. Once we snap into place…meaning, align our

hearts/minds (merge male/female), the feeling of time rushing past us, or gasping to catch up
to ourselves and our lives, will cease to exist…in fact, when we are fully operating from the
space of no-time, we will ironically have more control over time than we ever knew possible.
More on that below.

What's to come?

Though really there is no such thing as prediction anymore (since we are creating everything
from here on out), I am hearing that 2011 will be a year of rapid transformation for many…a
year of physically dividing ourselves from all that no longer serves us as we move more
deeply and rapidly into the flow of all good things.

Up until now, our transformations have been, for the most part, internal. In 2011, we begin to
traverse a new era thru the consciousness of co-creation... the complete alignment of all four
bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional & physical) enabling the full descent of our spiritual
mastery into form, and resulting in the outward manifestations of our inward transformations.
This means that this year it becomes absolutely vital and essential that our thoughts are clear
and in alignment with who we really are and what we really want.

Since the eclipses, we are definitely in new (unknown) territory…THE space required to be
all we came here to be and to do all we came here to do. But we still have some inner/outer
aligning and integrating to do (most likely until the March equinox) before this becomes
totally clear to us. That said, we will begin to see big chunks of our new lives come into plain
view and land in perfect alignment starting mid-January, if they are not already apparent to

That unbelievably powerful eclipse sandwich portal that blasted us out of our past for good
created a massive separation between our old identity and our new sense of trueness. You may
not even recognize yourself in relation to that person you were even 6 weeks ago and thru
relentless self-questioning and re-questioning you may have many more realizations and
clarity that are supporting your confidence to be who you truly are now.

The chasm created from the eclipse period was to prepare us to redirect our focus to our new
life and roles, which meant embracing more of our true selves and leaving behind some of
those things that we either "thought" we would be doing, or at the very least it forced us to
take an objective look at what is real and what we really want to bring with us into the new.

Most of us have built a solid portion of our foundation for our new lives, however, in some
cases the last 6 weeks may have forced you to tear down and rebuild portions of it. This may
have been jolting, however, it will be well worth the struggle in this brand new reality we are
just beginning to figure out.

At 4am this morning, the Pleiadians said to me:

"if your life was about to become all that you've ever dreamed of, what would you need to do
right now to prepare yourself? This is where your focus needs to be"

Tho I am still processing this colossal question, my feeling is that these

preparations...whatever is left in our lives to resolve or set up...is paramount to our successful
take-off...that any undone details will inhibit our ability to fly.

In addition to the extensive self-nurturing and receiving that our bodies still need, we are also
being urged to apply the masculine energy of structure, discipline and organization in our
lives... to tighten up the ship and fully anchor our foundations so that we are ready to freely
set sail. This is not the fun stuff, it's hard work, but we need to have it all balanced and in
place for our future…even if we can't see all of what's on the other side of this yet.

The good news is that our hearts (feminine) have become so finely tuned and in equal power
with our nearly pulverized will (masculine) that it is easier now to determine where we need
to put our energy and when, and to take inspired action when prompted. As well, we have
become acutely aware of what we absolutely must have in our lives so we can effectively and
quickly weed out all that we do not want.

Stepping Up

All of these tireless growing pains…especially the last 3 months...are not without their
rewards. Though 2010 was a very sobering year of internal and external realizations and
expansion, the most important thing that it provided for us was the ability to strip away any/all
pretense and to become, without exception, exactly who we came here to be. This year it will
be like we have completely unzipped ourselves from all that we thought we were so we can
step up to who we really are.

Yes, this year we will all have our "Tootsie" moments where we will pull off our wigs and
expose ourselves to the world in our truest form. This will probably be nothing like we
expect, but it will stem from the inability to hide or remain inauthentic in any way. This
coming out process has been happening slowly over many years…both in the macro & the
micro... but in 2011 it will be more obvious than ever. It has been a never-ending work in
progress to feel safe enuf to become more transparent, to allow ourselves to be seen with all
our perfect imperfections, and to give our transparency a voice. Now, we literally have no
choice left but to be true to ourselves, to engage our full potential, or suffer the contrasting
backlash in an instant and brutal way.

The necessity of becoming authentic has been circling us like sharks the last two
months...especially as it pertains to our passion, purpose, and potential. We got hit with a
MASSIVE wave of energy that served to clear out some last minute goo in preparation for our
new year. The lunar to solar eclipse wormhole period served to sandblast any remaining
vestiges of our ego-identity so that we could become purer, clearer reflections of our
YOUniqueness as we prepare to direct much more of our focus and energy into our new earth

It's time to step up. Our roles are changing to adapt to the new frequencies and tho this meant
many grueling weeks of unplugging, upgrading and fine-tuning, it will result in our ability to
emerge and remain fully aligned as we step out into the world…to find our most authentic
voice and muster up the courage to use it.

Stepping Out

"The moment that each of you decided to put forth your focus into physicality was the moment
that you decided to take part in the greatest evolutionary leap in human consciousness."


In the coming days of this final year of transformation (the 9th and final level of
consciousness according to the Mayan Calendar that will commence around February/March
of 2011 and conclude on October 28, 2011), and prior to the heralded galactic gateway freeing
earth thru the completion of this evolutionary cycle, those who have been prepping
themselves to lead the planet and her people to the 5th dimension will be doing so en masse.
This means that those who are activated and aligned with the new timeline will be stepping
into roles of active service (play)…putting forth our authentic voices and reclaiming our
power to lead by example.

This means one thing in particular:

time to walk our talk.

"...those who have become the fine-tuned masters of their inner world will be displaying many
new gifts and traits now in your outer world. Those fully connected to their inner guidance
systems will be strongly urged to come together with others of like mind & vibration to
support the teachings of new earth changes for those who are still following any source
outside of themselves...for they will begin to awaken to the truth within this year, and will
begin seeing new ways of understanding that will be more aligned with the 5th dimensional
ways of the heart." -PHC

Many reading this are here to teach in some way but keep in mind that teaching will take
many different forms which include: personal action, writing, speaking, creativity,
art/film/media, science and even applications of interactive unconditional love (acts of
kindness) will be inspirational teachings in action.

"Those of you who have always gravitated toward the arts and creation sciences will be
longing to reconnect to your roots…to your inner foundation that has been recovered through
your personal ascension process. Those of you who have always gravitated toward the social,
public and political sciences will also be drawn to reconnect to your origin plan thru the
activation of your specifically encoded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is programmed
with your individual source code…the original intention of your soul spark for these
momentous times." -PHC

In other words, as of the eclipse sandwich, we are now ready to activate our next-level of
service and highest purpose as participants in the new timeline of 5th dimensional creation.

What does this mean?

All kinds of things yet unknown to us as well as those things we have been consciously
working toward….things that we will create based on our new clarity and higher level
understanding as fully integrated divine/galactic-humans exploring and implementing our
new-human capabilities. This year we will be engaging in the gifts and grace of spirit in form
as we collectively reroute human consciousness to a higher level of potential and possibility.

In earth terms, this means that we will finally have the energetic means to support our long-
held intentions, the capabilities of our fully actualized GOD-self as we bring forth the full
essence of our soul's desires in physical form. As we step into greater life roles, we will be

spending the year honing our skills at maintaining balance in the fields of unity/oneness.

This balance comes strictly from heart-centering…aligning ourselves with our feeling-based
knowing at all times, regardless of the outside world. As we do this, as we are non-wavering
in our ability to remain neutral to outside events and turbulent circumstances, so too do we
exhibit the example required to lead others to peace, to harmony and to the expanded state of
awareness required to ascend beyond the dimensions of polarity.

The Pleiadian High Council brings this to our attention for the purpose of clearer
understanding of our roles as way-showers, that we are here to lead others through our
centeredness, non-reaction and peaceful understanding of the many shifts and resulting
circumstances yet to come. In most cases, we will not be required to do or be anything other
than we already are... for we are all that is required already.

New Understanding of Time/Space

Our relationship to time is/has been changing for quite some time but now scientists are
beginning to discover that time itself is changeable and therefore, malleable. This discovery
will lead to many new advances in technology beginning this year that will revolutionize our
world…mostly by way of industry. For the next decade or so, this branch of science will be
highly studied and will offer humanity the proof required to move into a new understanding of
time and space and how it relates to our personal and collective evolution.

Up until this particular point in time, humans have understood evolution only by way of a
linear timetable…that is to say: past, present & future. From this understanding we grew to
learn that evolution required the passage of time. The fifth dimension is not spatial, nor is it
temporal. Rather, it is a dimension that brings space-time into relationship with the timeless
and eternal…so from 5D "upward", time in relation to evolution is no longer required and
human beings who have moved beyond the confines of karmic (polarity-based) creation will
be capable of quantum changes that are vibrational in nature…where energy is proportional in
magnitude to frequency.

In a non-polarized 5D matrix/unity timeline we can see the inter-connectivity between all

things, so evolution takes place collectively… beyond the confines of the self-defined ego,
which is in relationship to itself, and where a group or collective understanding of love, life
and goals must be harmonized.
Since the spiritual, or ascension path involves disconnecting from our ego/personality traits,
naturally, those with an understanding of this energy/science will consciously move forward
into the new day with greater ease, joy and anticipation, while those without this
understanding may spiral into confusion and fear thru the perceived threat and loss of
personal identity. Again, it will be for way-showers...those who understand, who have
actualized their visions...to lead the way for humanity. (no pressure : ))

A Word from Our Sponsor

"Welcome to the era of co-creation! This is an era of collectively defined and accepted values
toward the greater good…an era of understanding the needs of the whole thru the
nourishment and development of each individual. This is the era of creating through the

power of intent which is bound by the universal laws of attraction and reciprocity...a time
when all things are possible, not by sheer will alone, but by universal and vibrational
consent. This is the moment of truth…of stepping so fully into your authentic selves that you
fail to see anything beyond what is real and true.

For those of you who will be joining in the shared resources of the 5th dimension, we say to
you…welcome home! We have been waiting a long "time" for you!

We are the Pleiadian High Council, and with deep abiding love, we look forward to joining
with you on your new crusade to even greater understanding. "

To our next, first steps!




 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 12:30am

Güncelleme 7,
k.2010-www.eutimes.net Link: www.eutimes.net/2011/01/birds-and-fish-are-now-dying-all-

Dünyada garip bir şeyler oluyor.İlkinde yetkililer bu Kuş ve Balık ölümlerinin soğuktan
olduğunu iddia ettiler ancak şimdi, Dünyanın bir çok yerinde hatta sıcak bölgelerde dahi kuş
ölümleri görülüyor. Böylece bu Hayvanları öldürenin soğuk olmadığı ortaya çıktı.

Dünyanın her tarafında olmasının tespit edilmesiyle bunun, bir Su veya Hava zehirlenmesi
olmadığı anlaşıldı.Suyun ve Havanın aniden bütün Dünyada zehirlenmesi olanaksızdır.(Çünki
bundan İnsanların da etkilenmesi gerekir çn.) Şimdi burada, gerçekten neler oluyor? Henüz
hiçkimse hiçbirşey bilmiyor ve herkes kendi Teorisini yaratıyor.

Bazıları bir Masal adasında bir Peri hikayesi uydurmaya cüret etti, “Kuşlar, 1.Ocak.2011 Yeni
Yıl gecesi patlatılan Havai Fişeklerce korkutularak öldürülmüştü”, Peki, ya Balıklara ne
demeli? Ve bu geçen yıl neden olmadı, geçen yılda Havai Fişekler kullanılmıştı.

“Güncelleme 7” de İtalyan yetkililer, Gökten binlerce Kumrunun hazımsızlık sonucu

düştüğünü açıkladı.

Bu gizil, yığınsal ölümlerden HAARP sorumlu tutuldu, fakat HAARP Alaskada

temellendirilmişti ve o Dünyanın her yerine ulaşabilir ve onları etkileyebilirmiydi?

Güncelleme 5- Bir çok ziyaretçimiz, Dünya çapında bu Hayvanların toplu ölümünden

HAARP’in sorumlu olabileceğine inanıyor.İşte bu noktada her şey mümkün.Bu olaylar diğer
Ülkelerde de benzer olabilirdi.Onlar konuyu irdeleyebilmek için bize şu linkleri gönderdiler.


Gerçekte ne olup bittiğini hiç kimse bilmiyor ve herkes spekülasyon yapıyor.Bu Dünyada olan
bu tuhaf olaylar kesinlikle tarafımızdan atlanılmayacaktır.Bu her gün olan normal, rutin bir
günlük olay değildir.Bu olaylar şimdi vuku bulurken bunların bazıları bir kaç ay önce
olmuştu, fakat hiç listelenmeyen daha eski bu olaylar bize, şimdi Dünyadaki bu garip olaylara
dair bir ip ucu verebilir.

Bu sayfa, her hangi bir zamanda böyle gizil, beklenmedik ölümlere karşı düzenli olarak
güncellenecektir, bu nedenle arada bir onu kontrol edin.

Şimdiye kadar, yetkililere göre, bütün bu zavallı Hayvanlar soğuk ve hazımsızlıktan öldü,
fakat burada bir sorun var.Tayland, Vietnam, Filipinler, Brezilya ve ne de Yeni Zelanda da
böyle bir soğuk yok, bütün bu Kuş ve Balıklar aniden gelişen yığınsal bir hazımsızlığın
kurbanı olarak ölebilirmiydi?

Burada olan tuhaf bir şeyler var.

Bu gizil “Kıyamet” fenomeni şimdiye kadar altta belirtilen yerlerde oldu;

Brezilya : Kıyılarda gizil Balık ölümleri, link: www.parana-


Güncelleme 1- Manitobada 10.000 kuş ölü bulundu, link:
Güncelleme1- Ontariodaki St.Clair nehrinde Kuş ve Balık ölümleri rapor edildi, link:
Güncelleme1- Goldstrem Taşra Parkın, Goldstream nehrinde Victoria parlak yeşile
döndü,link: http://www.facebook.com/l/9004cD1kq203sjAbt9EAxSAB_XA;news.national...
Güncelleme 6- Kanadalı bir Çiftçi, Quebec şehri batısında, St.Agustin-de-Desmaures de sürü
halinde Kuş ölüsü buldu,link: www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2011/01/09/Canadian-

Şili: Güney Amerika göklerinden binlerce Kuş yere düşüyor, link: www.youtube.com/watch?

Çin: Çin göklerinden Kartal ve Kuşlar yere düşüyor, link:


Haiti: Gizlice balık öldürmeye yasak istendi, link:


İtalya: Binlerce Güvercin ölüyor, link: www.geapress.org/ambiente/faenza-la-pioggia-delle-

Güncelleme 3- İtalyada Kuşlar ölüyor, Binlerce Kumru Gökten yere düşüyor, link:

Güncelleme 5- Gökten düşüp ölen ve Gagalarında mavi bir leke olan binlerce Kumru, aşırı
yeme ve hazımsızlık nedeniyle suçlandı, link: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-

Japonya: Japonyada ölü Kuşlar bulunduktan sonra alarm verildi. Link:


Yeni Zelanda: Yüzlerce “Isırıcı” (muhtemelen bir kuş-yada yengeç türü çn.) sahillerde öldü,
link: www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?
Güncelleme2- Penguen, Petrel ve diğer deniz kuşlarının yığınsal ölümü, link:

Güncelleme2- Bölgede yaşayanlar, Barangay Lboda, yüzeyden ölü balıkları topluyor, yiyor,
link: http://www.facebook.com/l/9004cghBfpNWeMuUp2Ezd1UbeVw;globalnation....

Güney Kore: Ölü Teal Ördek kanında Kuş Gribi bulundu,link:


Güney Afrika: Cape yollarında gizil Kuş ölümleri, link: www.iol.co.za/news/south-



İsveç: 50 ölü Kuş bulundu, link: www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/05/dead-birds-
w.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/05/dead-birds-sweden_n_804600.html --

Tayland:Güncelleme 6- ABD, İsveç, İngiltere, Tayland ve Brezilya ve ötesinde kuş ölümleri,

link: www.examiner.com/environmental-news-in-charleston/bird-deaths-u-s-

İngiltere: Abergavenny yakınındaki Marina Kanalda ölü Balıklar bulundu, link:
Güncelleme 1- 40.000 Şeytan Yengeci sahillerde ölü bulundu link:

Vietnam: Balık çiftliğinde tonlarca balık öldü, link: http://www.facebook.com/l/9004cMVl-


ABD-Arkansas, gökten yaklaşık 3.000 kuş ölüsü (belki de canlıydılar, yere düşünce öldüler
çn.) yere düştü, (Televizyonlardan izlediğim kadarıyla, bu Kuşlar gökte ölüp yere düşmüyor,
çünki bazılarının hala yerde can çekiştiği görülüyor ekranlarda, olaylarda bir şeyler
çarpıtılıyor veya gizlenilmeye çalışılıyor gibi...çn.)İlk Kuşlar düştükten sonra bu sayı 100.000
e ulaştı.link: www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/01/02/dead-birds-fall-ark-
Güncelleme 4- Sadece kuşlar değil, İnsanlar da sinekler gibi düşüp ölüyor (Burada, bölgedeki
Kanser vakalarından bahsediliyor link: (www.eutimes.net/2011/01/not-just-birds-and-fish-but-
s.net/2011/01/not-just-birds-and-fish-but-people-dropping...) çn.)

Florida: Spruce Creekde binlerce Balık ölümü,link:

Illinois: Güney illionisliler tarafından ölü kuşlar bildirildi, link:

Kentucky: Güncelleme 1- Yığınsal Hayvan ölümleri, Kentuck ve İsveçte ölü Kuşlar ve

İngiltere kıyılarında ölü Yengeçler ,LİNK

Lousiana: Ölü kuş araştırmaları bir bilmece, link: www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/04/birds-

Arkansastan 300 mil ötede Lousianada, sabah saatlerinde tekrar gökten ölü Kuşlar düştü link:

Maryland: Maryland körfezinde 2 milyon Balık ölümü, link:

Michigan: Lincoln Parkında yüzlerce Balık ölümü göründü link:


Kuzey Karolina: Topsial kıyılarında ölü Pelikan sayısı artıyor, link:

Güncelleme 1- Topsial Sahilindeki Pelikanlar neden öldü,

Tenessee: Güncelleme 3- Wilson Kasabasında ölü Kuş sürüsü bulundu, link:


Teksas: Güncelleme 1- Şimdi Doğu Teksasta yüzlerce kuş ölüsü rapor edildi, link:
Güncelleme 1- Uzmanlar, Teksas çevresinde ve Dünya çapında yığınsal kuş ölüsü raporlarını
inceliyor, link: www.khou.com/news/local/Texas-Officials-Weigh-in-on-Dead-Birds-

Çn: Süleyman Kaya,

Not: Değerli dostlar, Google’ın ingilizceden Türkçeye çeviri sayfasına baktığımda çok ilginç
ve düşündürücü bir şeyle karşılaştım.Kuş Ölümlerinin listelendiği Ülke isim sıralamasında,
Orjinalinde Kanada ve İngiltere olan Ülke isimlerinin Google çevirisinde “Türkiye” olarak
gösterilmesine çok şaşırdım.Amaçlarının Türkiyeyi de bu işe bulaştırmak gibi bir şey
olduğunu düşündürdü bu bana.Bu anlamda zaten güvenilirliğini yitiren her Hükümet destekli
Yabancı ve Yerli yayının, bir kaç kez daha süzgeçten geçirilmesi gerektiğine iyice kani
oldum.Kuşkusuz çevirilerde ben Google’a itibar etmedim, ki zaten o oldukça yetersiz ve

Ayrıca, bütün bu raporlar, veriler ve bildirimler, bu esrarengiz “Hayvan Ölümleri” ni, (belki
bildirilmeyen daha birçoğu var ve bu başka türlerde de olabilir) açıklamaya yetmiyor ve
bunlar sadece haber niteliğinde, bunun arkasında kesinlikle saklanan bir gerçeğin varlığı
görünüyor, ve bütün bunların nedeni hala ortada yok ve sanırım artık tüm Dünya İnsanlığı
tarafından çok açık bir şekilde anlaşıldığında ancak açıklanabilecek ve o zaman da zaten
kimseye bir söz hakkı düşmeyecek, ne oluyorsa "Uygun" Olarak Olmuş Olacaktır...

Farkındalığın”Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...


Starseeds of the Future a message from

Mother Mary channeled by Judith Coates
11 January, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 12:30am


Starseeds of the Future

a message from Mother Mary channeled by Judith Coates

11 January, 2011

Beloved one, you are in training. Did you know this? You have agreed that you will incarnate
to be in the world, but not of the world. You have agreed that you will serve the divinity of
you while wrestling sometimes with the challenges of the world. And, you have agreed that
you will make demonstration of the Light, and the joy of the Light.

You have come as a starseed from other planets, other constellations. This is not your first
incarnation anywhere, and it is not your first incarnation upon holy Mother Earth. You have
volunteered, in what you would see as linear time to be a long, long time ago, to come to
bring a remembrance of divinity, of wholeness, and to walk amongst the brothers and sisters
—who may be from different cultures and are from different star constellations—to bring
your culture, your knowing, your remembrance to bear upon whatever challenge seems to be
happening at the time.

You have seen that there are many different cultures in the world at this time, and you have
seen ones approach life from generational teaching, what the ancestors have taught and have
said was of value and should be revered. And you have seen ones go toe to toe, sword to
sword, and now with other technology, to try to preserve what they have felt was important in
generational thinking; in other words, in their culture, because they are from other
constellations that knew other ways of being.

You are a starseed of Light. You have come from a planetary mass that knew Light and knew
itself to be Light, and you desire to know that again. That is why you seek. That is why you
pray. That is why you read the books that you read. That is why you go to the teachers and the

You remember how it feels to live in harmony. You remember how it feels to be in Light and
to feel light; even on the physical level to feel lighter than air and to know that you are the
creative One who creates every experience. And yet sometimes you bump up against the
world and you wonder, “How can I feel the Light at this time in this circumstance?”

And then you take the deep breath and you come to a place of peace within yourself that then
opens a door to the remembrance that you are much more than the body, much more than the
personality, much more than all of the books that you have ever read, much more than even
what your teachers tell you.

Your teachers are great because they give you clues. They push you. They nudge you,
sometimes in reverse psychology. They are very good teachers. The experiences that you
bring to yourself are very good teachers, even though sometimes those experiences may feel
scarier than death itself. But the experiences are teachers to allow you to come up over, to
ascend to a place of knowing the Light that you are.

You have fashioned the body out of the energy that you are, the Light that you are, and you
have fashioned the body with a most wonderful piece of equipment within the body that
secretes a chemical that when you are in drama you get very excited about it. It is called
adrenalin. You seek the adrenalin rush because it allows you to feel alive. It allows you to feel
more energized than the usual mundane feeling of daily life. So therefore you seek out drama
for the sheer joy of it, for the adrenalin rush. It is a good way for you to access more of the
Christ energy that you are.

As a starseed of Light you have come through many of the different cultures and many of the
different centuries, as you measure the linear time. You have come through what has been
called the Dark Ages where the main goal was to sustain the body, exist, to be able to come to
a certain point in that lifetime and then release the body, hopefully easily.

You have played with everything and as everything that you can imagine. You have the
computer programs in you for all of the experiences of anything you can imagine. You can
call it up seemingly as imagination, and yet if you can imagine it, you have already lived it.

Your science fiction, as it is called, is a most wonderful doorway to remembering what you
have done as you would measure the linear time, what you have done in the past and what you
may want to move into in the future, or not.

You are in training to come up over the belief in duality, the belief in darkness. You are in
training as the starseed of Light to come to the place of realization of the lightness of you; not
only the Light as the Christ Light, but the lightness—to take yourself lightly.

Do not worry about the morrow. Do not worry about what the world is going to say to you.
Do not worry about what the co-workers and the friends, acquaintances are going to think of

you. Their judgment is passing and fleeting and it is arbitrary, because as you have seen
throughout the centuries of different cultures, that which was deemed to be most beautiful and
most desirable changes. It is arbitrary and temporary.

As a starseed of Light, you are in a most wonderful playground called the world, a wonderful
place to try out various techniques of remembrance, various rituals, various teachings to see
which ones resonate and bring forth the most light feeling within you. That is what you are
seeking to know. You want to know freedom from the shackles of the world, the shackles of
darkness, the shackles that say there has to be suffering.

You have had generational teaching that has taught you that the more you suffer in this life,
the more your reward in the hereafter. Well, I say unto you, that is not how it works. You do
not have to suffer. The hereafter is going to be what you make it, and the Now is going to be
what you make it. So therefore, choose lightly.

Choose your thoughts. You have control over your thoughts. Yes, I know that the news media
loves to play with your thoughts, loves to report to you all of the machinations of the leaders
and the ones that are seemingly in power; the media loves to bring you the news of fresh
disasters and ask you to judge them.

You have choice what you will allow within your house, your mind. You have choice whether
to dwell upon what was said to you, what may happen tomorrow, what you have to have ready
for tomorrow, etc. You know all of those feelings. You do not have to live in a struggle within
the mind.

No one controls you. Ones can suggest, but in the end you are the one who makes choice, so
choose lightly. There is nobody who is going to come back and have power over you to say
that you chose wrongly. Now, separated ego will love to play that script with you. But truly,
every choice that you make brings a wealth of experience to you. Every choice that you make
makes you more knowledgeable about results. If you did not choose whatever it was that you
chose, you would not know what was down that road.

As a starseed of Light, your divine birthright is to live in Light, to take yourself lightly, and to
allow others to feel lighter when they are with you. That is your assignment, and you may
take it or not. In other words, the choice is up to you. But you have found that as you go
through a day feeling happy about something, feeling that you are truly okay—because you
are—others can feel your joy, your happiness, and then they are uplifted.

You have a saying in your holy Scriptures that, “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto
me”—women, as well. I, if I be lifted up in my consciousness, lifted up into that Christ
knowing, lifted up into love which is unconditional and unbounded, I will draw all men—and
women—unto me to that place of higher consciousness. And then you go with a lighter step.
The ones around you can feel lighter, as well, because you are not putting forth the heaviness
that the world expects you to put forth.

A starseed of Light: that is who and what you are. You have come from many other
constellations, many other planetary bodies, a long, long time ago, so long ago that you can
barely remember it, and yet it is true. You, as a small one, have said to the parents, “Where is
home?” And the parents have said, “Well, right here; you’re home.” “No, that’s not what I
mean. Where is home? I want to go Home.”

Truly, anywhere you are, you are home, because you are Home. You carry it within you. You
seek outside of yourself that which you carry with you all the time. You seek in the books and
the teachers, the gurus, the friends, “Teach me, tell me who I am.” And all the while you carry
it within you, the Christ that you are, the power that you are.

Allow yourself, even in this evening, before and as you put the head upon the pillow, to take a
deep breath and to say to yourself, “Hey, you know, I’m alive; therefore, there must be some
divinity about me. Maybe what I’ve been seeing of myself is just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe
my divinity is within, within my consciousness, within me, and I can choose my thoughts.
Wow! I think I’ll sleep on that.” And you will. You will sleep well.

I can say unto you with surety and a guarantee, you will not have another incarnation like this,
because you are not going to be the same. You are probably going to choose another
incarnation — not necessarily on holy Mother Earth — and you are going to be a starseed of
Light fully realized in that incarnation and in the incarnations to follow.

That is why you are going through what seems to be rigorous training in this lifetime, so
count it all as good—everything. You are past the boot camp. You did that a long, long time
ago. You are into what you would call some of the advanced teachings, and yet the only
teaching that really matters is coming to know yourSelf—capital “S”—knowing with a
conscious awareness that, “I AM all that I will ever be; the love that I am, the power that I am,
the creative expression of the divinity. That is who I am, and that is what I am going to be,
always. I may out-picture it differently in different incarnations and different experiences, but
that will be for the adventure of it.” And you do love adventure.

All that you will ever be, all that you can be, all that you want to be, you are right now. Take
that deeply within the consciousness and celebrate it. It is no mere thing. Separated ego says
that cannot be, but what does separated ego know except separation from the All That Is. So
whenever separated ego comes and speaks to you—and it knows you well, it knows all of the
little buttons to push—you thank it and say, “Okay, you’re excused. You’ve read your part of
the script. Now let me get on with something else that feels better.”

Get to know yourself. Celebrate yourself. Allow yourself to live, knowing the radiance of the
Light that you have brought to this plane. Allow yourself to believe in the best of yourself, to
believe in the best of each other, to believe in the best of all of the happenings. For every
disaster, so-called, is an opportunity to look beyond the appearances of it and to see the Light
in it.

Always, anywhere you are, anywhere you go, you are the Light. Why is it that when you see
your pictures of me, the paintings of me, there is a great light usually around me? It is the
same around you. All of the “enlightened”ones who have been portrayed in the paintings have
what is called the halo light around them. It is also around you.

Let your Light shine. Look in the mirror and behold the Light that you are. See yourself as I
see you. Know that you have purpose. Know that always you will be that which you are, the
Light come forth to express and to experience the divinity of you, Beloved Starseed of Light.

So be it.

- Mother Mary in expression through Judit

Copyright © 2007 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to

anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address



Message from the Great Council of the

Grandmothers to those who wish to be of
service at this time
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 12:30am

Message from the Great Council of the Grandmothers to those who wish to be of service at
this time:
--"A Net of Light now the Earth
"We are calling you to service. Throughout the cosmos, within your bloodstream and every
particle of life on earth there is a great net, web, or grid of light. We have spoken before of the
Net of Light and have told you that it will hold the earth steady during the times of change
that are upon you. We are calling you now because more are needed to activate this construct.
The conditioning of your culture has not taught you how to work in the way that is required
now, so we will explain.

"The Net of Light holds everything. Whether or not you are aware of it, everyone is part of
this Net. All. Forms of the Divine that have been worshiped throughout the ages infuse it
while the light within the Net infuses the breath in your body.

"Because it connects everything, whenever you focus on the Net of Light, you activate its
power, sending support to life everywhere. And because so many today live in fear, feeling cut
off from the Source, the Net of Light must be activated. Most of you have felt a sense of
isolation at one time in your life so you know how miserable it feels. Such suffering, however,
is unnecessary as the thought of being alone in a hostile world is a great lie. Each of you is
part of the elemental fabric of being, part of the radiant Net of Light.

"When at last you open to the reality of the Net of Light, your every breath will resonate with
light. You will know the rightness of your existence. Furthermore, because the Net of Light

holds not only you, but all life, as you awaken to your connection to the Source, everything on
earth will begin to awaken.

"There is NO effort involved in 'working' with the Net of Light. You cannot make this link
with your ego, your personality, or by effort of any kind. 'Working' with the Net is effortless.
And because activating the Net of Light is so important, we will teach you how to make this

"You may begin by thinking of or imagining your connection to us, (the Great Council of the
Grandmothers), to Allah, Jesus, Buddha, or to any form of Love that draws you. This form of
Divinity will immediately touch your heart and link you to the Net of Light. Or, you can go
directly to the Net by thinking of it as a vast fishing net that covers the earth.

"Take time to make this connection, and observe your response. Notice how you feel. Then sit
with your body open, palms cupped, and ask to receive from the Source. This will be easy to
do as this posture invites reception.

"Breathe in the goodness coming into you from the Net of Light and as you do, you will
automatically breathe out whatever prevents you from receiving it. This goodness is your
birthright and the physical pose you have taken will encourage you to absorb it. Your body
will not only teach you how to receive, it will also record whatever takes place within you as
you open to the Net. As you receive from the Net of Light you will feel more and more at one
with the Source and as this happens, stress will simply leave.

"After you've sat for a while, ask the Divine to give you the qualities you personally need. If
you need courage, ask for it and as courage fills you, watch as fear melts away. Take time to
breathe in courage/breathe out fear until you feel complete with the transfer of energy. Then
move on to the next quality you want. If you want strength, ask for it and weakness will waft
away. If you want peace, let yourself absorb peace and observe as worry fades. You are
working with the Source of all that is, so ask for what you want. And when you have done
that, rest in the Net of Light's embrace. Pay attention to how you feel. Relaxed? Warm? Cool?
You may sense the Net as a sparkling hammock or bed where you can rest and absorb light.
"Because you are part of the whole, your link to the Net of Light is fundamental. The Net of
Light is beneath, around, above, and within you. It is the radiance of your heart that empowers
the Net of Light and the radiance of the Net of Light that empowers your heart.

"Whenever you think of amplifying your union with the Net of Light you also amplify its
union with everything that lives. And because humans, animals, plants and minerals are
connected to the Net, this happens automatically. The Great Holding of the Net cradles you
and cradles everything.

"Because the 'work' of amplifying the Net of Light is so important, we ask you to begin to do
it now. We know we have given you a lot to comprehend today, but this is just the beginning.
We will give you more information soon. But for now, simply rest in the Net and let it hold
you and as light and love pour through you, pay attention to how your body responds.

"As you open more fully to the love within the Net of Light, ask that all life also open and
receive it. Intention underlies everything. Therefore, whenever you think the thought of
unifying with the Great Love/the Great Net, your intention enables others to do the same. Do

"By calling on the Net of Light you bless yourself and bless all beings.

"We, the Great Council of the Grandmothers, have come to call you to this work. Greatness is
now afoot and we invite you to play your part in the awakening of this Greatness."

For more on working with the Net of Light, go to


Up-coming Grandmothers Speak events:

Seattle WA, Call to Power, Women of Wisdom Conference, Feb. 19, 2011

Laguna Beach, CA, Fifth Annual Gathering of the Grandmothers, March 18-20, 2011

Birmingham, AL, Call to Power, April 30, 2011 http://www.grandmothersspeak.com

Up-coming Grandmothers Speak events:

Seattle WA, Call to Power, Women of Wisdom Conference, Feb. 19, 2011

Laguna Beach, CA, Fifth Annual Gathering of the Grandmothers, March 18-20, 2011

Birmingham, AL, Call to Power, April 30, 2011


DailyOM: Remembering To Pause
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 12:46am

Remembering To Pause
Beyond Reacting
Our initial response to situations may not always be best, learning the art of pausing before
reacting can be helpful.

We have all had the experience of reacting in a way that was less than ideal upon hearing bad
news, or being unfairly criticized, or being told something we did not want to hear. This
makes sense because when our emotions are triggered, they tend to take center stage,
inhibiting our ability to pause before we speak. We may feel compelled to release the tension
by expressing ourselves in some way, whether it’s yelling back at the person yelling at us, or
rushing to deliver words of comfort to a friend in trouble. However, there is much to be said
for teaching ourselves to remember to pause and take a deep breath before we respond to the
shocks and insults that can come our way in life.

For one thing, our initial response is not always what’s best for us, or for the other people
involved. Reacting to childish rage with childish rage will only escalate the negativity in a
situation, further ensnaring us in an undesirable dynamic. Similarly, when we react
defensively, or simply thoughtlessly, we often end up feeling regret over our words or actions.
In the end, we save ourselves a lot of pain when we take a deep breath and really tune in to
ourselves, and the other person, before we respond. This doesn’t necessarily mean we don’t
say anything, although in some cases, that may be the best option.

Some situations require a fairly immediate response, but even just a moment of grounding
ourselves before we do so can help enormously. The next time you find yourself wanting to
react, try to pause, and in that pause, take a deep breath. Feel your feet on the floor, the air on
your skin, and listen for a response to arise within you, rather than just going with the first
thing that pops into your head. You may find that in that moment, there is the potential to
move beyond reaction and into the more subtle and creative realm of response, where
something new can happen.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 2:00am

Wherever there is unity, there is peace

wherever there is true love, evil cannot exist

wherever there is hope, despair will go away

wherever there is joy in one’s heart, frown will not stay

and energy and enthusiasm will fill your day

wherever there is love,

there is goodness and peace

harmony will be with you,

and you will feel at ease

call for strength, whenever you feel weak

be happy always,

be humble and meek

when you feel alone,

talk to someone, online or by phone

When you feel hurt in your heart,

Let go of it and don’t harbor any hate

A loving heart and a happy face

Spread the happiness wherever you will stay

~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan


Frekansın Yükselmesi Dünya Gezegeninin
Yeni Zaman Çizelgesinde Yeni Çağı
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 12, 2011 at 2:30am

2010’un enerjileri, geçen haftaki güneş tutulmasıyla birlikte yeni bir oktava geçiş yaptı.
Geçen yıl, çok sayıdaki enerji değişiklikleri bizi sarsacak, eski inanç sistemlerinden ve var
olmanın eski halinden sıyrılmamızı sağlayacak şekilde tasarlanmıştı.Bu zorlu kalelerin bir
çoğunun yıkılmasıyla, kendi içimizde sakin bir yere girebildiğimizde 2011’in “yüksek
frekansları” bizi üst düzey bir yaratıcılık algısına sokarak son derece farklı bir gelecek
tasarlamaya yöneltiyor.
Biz şimdi demirimizi almış, gevşekçe salınıyoruz, akıntıda; yeni sulara doğru savruluyoruz,
etrafımıza baktığımızda kristal berraklığında bir sükunetle karşılaşıyoruz.
Bu sakin ve huzurlu halde, kendi niyetlerimiz ve eylemlerimizle ilgili saflık kazanıyoruz.
İçsel gözlemimizin yeni seviyelerine giriş yapıyoruz, bu sakin ve huzurlu yerde,
geleceğimizin tohumlarını ekiyoruz.
Şimdi’mizi gözden geçirmek, nasıl davranacağımıza karar vermek ve yeni ayak izleri
ayarlamak için mükemmel bir zamanlama...

2010 Geçiş Ritleri ve Dünya Gezegeninde Yeni Paradigma

2010 bizi temizlenmenin bir çok seviyesine götürdü. Kimi kez kendinizi dalgalı ve çalkantılı
bir denizde savrulan küçük bir sal gibi hissettiniz. Bu Dünya gezegenindeki yeni bir
paradigma ile daha güçlü bir bilinçlilik haline hizalamaya izin veren geçit oldu.
Bu yeni paradigma hep vardı ama sizin bilinçliliğinizin haritasındaki bu yeni yerle
hizalanabilmeniz için bir çok enerji ayarlanmaları (yükselmesi) geçirmeniz gerekiyordu.
Ruhsal çalışmalarınız, içsel arayış ve sorgulamalarınız, fiziksel dünyanın ötesindeki
gerçekliğe olan açıklığınız – sizi yeni enerjiye daha da yakınlaştıran etmenler oldu.
Yeni bir seviyeye geçiş yapabilmek için, niyetinizi güçlendirmek, kendi ruhsal ışığınızda
güçlü durabilmek ve yüksek benliğinizin; egonun şüphe ve inançsızlık üzerine ikili
oyunlarından geçebilmeniz konusunda size rehberlik etmesine izin vermek için her zaman bir
“geçiş riti” vardır.

Yüksek Bilinçlilik Haline Geçiş Noktası olarak Şimdiki Zaman

Yeni zamanla daha fazla hizalanmaya başladıkça, sizin varoluşunuzla birlikte çalışan,
erişilebilir ve şimdide hazır olan enerjilerle çalışmayı öğreneceksiniz. Eğer bir vizyon
alırsanız, vizyonu nasıl taşıyacağını, sizi nasıl bir adım ileriye götüreceğini bilen tarafınızdan
yardım isteyin. Eğer gördüğünüz vizyon şimdi bulunduğunuz bölgeden uzaktaymış gibi
görünüyorsa, şimdiki anınızdan erişim noktalarını arayın. Yüksek benliğiniz, bilinçte şimdi
bulunduğunuz yerden çok uzaktaki bir dersi işlemenizi istemez sizden. Ancak sizi belirli bir

yöne taşıyacak bir yolculuk istemiştir ama bu yolculuğun başlangıç noktası her zaman sizin

Ocak 2011 Güneş Tutulması ve Niyetteki Berraklık

Geçen haftaki güneş tutulması kesin ve anlaşılır oldu. Hiç bir gizli, dolambaçlı anlam yoktu.
Tek yapmanız gereken hedefleriniz ve arzularınız konusunda netlik kazanmanızdı. Amacınızla
ilgili netlik kazandıkça, yaşamınız boyu sizi daha yüce amaçlara hizmet etmekten alıkoyan
şeyleri yok etmeniz kolaylaşacaktır. Birkez ”evinizi temizlediğinizde” yeni paradigmada daha
dolu yaşayabilmenize izin verecek nitelikleri geliştirmeye hazır olursunuz: Öz disiplin,
yaratıcılık, koşulsuz sevgi, tutku ve motivasyon. Gelecek haftalarda bu nitelikler, şimdi
ektiğiniz her bir tohumu beslemekte yararlı olacaktır.
Güneş tutulması, yaşamınıza yeni bir şey getirmek için en harika zamandır. Çünkü ay, en
karanlık noktada durur ve yavaşça ışığını salmaya başlar. Bu ilk ışınlar yani başlangıçların
gerçek tohumlarıdır. Gelecek haftalarda bu tohumları büyütmek ve ışığın içinde beslenmesine
yardımcı olacak eylemleri gerçekleştirmek için yeni rehberlikler alacaksınız.

Acı Çekmek ve Çabalamanın Eski Zamanlılığını Salıvermek

Bunu yapmayı seçenler, eskiyi izlemeyi sürdürebilirler ama, yeni enerjilerin eski paradigmayı
yeniden örgütlemeye başlaması, zorlukların büyümesine sebep olacaktır. Acı çekmek ve
çabalamanın yoğunluğunu geride bırakmaya hazır olanlar, şimdi uygun olan yeni
“yükseltilmiş” zamanlılığın içine adım atabilirler. Bu yeni gerçeklik algısına bütünüyle
hizalanabilmek adına inanç ve güveninizi, sevgi ve kutsamaların yüksek gücünde
tekrarlamanız gereklidir. Eski zaman çizgisinde olmayı sürdürenleri kutsayın. Onları
yargılamaktan ve eleştirmekten alıkoyun kendinizi.
Bilinçli zihninizle kucaklayamayacağınız birçok değişikliğin olacağını bilerek, şimdi sizden
önce geleni kutsayın.
Şimdi kalbinize ve sezginize güvenin ve bunaldığınızda rehberlik isteyebileceğiniz sessiz bir
yere gidin. Yüce ışığın sizin yolunuzla parlayacağına izin verip güvenirseniz artık herşey

Daha fazla bilgi için, http://www.celestialvision.org

Çeviren: Güneş Kurtulan


 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 12, 2011 at 12:19pm

Ne verirsek evrene ,o bize döner,gelir ve başkasına yaptığımız her şeyi aslında kendimize
yaparız...Bir BÜTÜN'ün parçalarıyız ve her yaptığımız bize de yansır...İçimizdeki

niyetlerimizin ve bilinçaltımızın gücü her ne
barındırıyorsa,aynı frekansta yaydığımızın titreşimlerin benzerini de kendimize çekmiş
oluruz...Egomuz bizi durdurmaya çalışsa da onu bir kez de olsa altettiğinizde,affetmenin
ne kadar kolay olduğunu görürüz ve ve alışkanlık haline bile getirmiş oluruz
da...Bazılarımıza affetmek henüz zor gelse de hiç olmazsa gün boyu değilde
molalarımızda yapmaya çalışalım...ve sonuçların zincirleme olarak bize nasılda olumlu
yansıdığına bir bakalım...hadi bakalım...



Archangel Gabriel - Gateways of Power -

1.11.11 by Shanta Gabriel - January 10,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 6:30pm

Archangel Gabriel - Gateways of Power - 1.11.11

by Shanta Gabriel - January 10, 2011

Archangel Gabriel speaks

Dear Ones,

Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to
support you. The Archangels hold the pillars of this gateway, so you can walk through into the
new life you have carefully envisioned and intended for the Earth as well as yourself.

More and more in this Year of Alignment – 2011, the openings into new realms will occur,
empowered by the frequency of Oneness. 1.11.11 is the first Gateway. The choice is there for
you to be receptive, while you focus on this incredible opportunity to create a new world of
Love. No matter what it looks like in your physical vision, this empowered frequency is more
available than ever before.

When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the
portal provided by the Archangels during this time. The Gateways of Power are clear
openings established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy
systems. You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher
frequencies in a condensed moment of time. Once you sense the alignment within yourself,
you are forever changed.

You have all been asked to prepare yourselves for a new Earth that harmoniously supports the
gifts of Nature, Peace within each heart, and those who honor the sanctity of the planetary
shifts occurring. Within each being is the sacred spark of the Divine. It is this aspect of your
spirit that is enhanced as you encounter the Gateways of Power. Focus on your most
authentic, Divine Self will be paramount and allows a gateway to be clearly delineated and
imprinted upon your path. Hold your most sacred idea of life within your mind and heart as
you take the ritual steps forward through the gates. Energy portals will continue to be revealed
as this year unfolds, but none serve the profound ability to connect you to your Source as this
gateway of 1.11.11.

As you walk through the gateway, symbolically or literally, you will leave behind outmoded
forms and patterns of existence that do not fit the energy stream of unity consciousness
occurring on the planet at this sacred time. Create the model of your new life through your
intentional setting forth of exalted ideas even if their form is still unclear. Lift your vibration
through prayer, inviting the guiding wisdom of your soul and the Archangels to lead you.
Embrace as a new level of your inner being, your Divine Self, the one that beholds new
Harmony, Joy, Peace and Love for your own life and for the Earth.

Take sacred time during the 24 hours of 1.11.11, most especially at 11:11, to hold these
intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power. The Archangels who guard the way are
holding this expansive Portal of Light open for you. See them standing there, massive wings
of Light expanded in dedication to your own evolution and that of the Earth, bringing to you a
blessing from God. When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision of new life on
Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world.
That which does not align with these new frequencies of energy drops away. The old
frequencies and energy systems cannot exist in the same place, when your Soul becomes
aligned with its purpose in an empowered integrated way.

The path on the other side of the 1.11.11 Gateway of Power may not unfold for you all at
once, although you may be shown a glimpse of the new vision to give your heart a boost of
hope. Do know that as you walk through the gate, you are aligning with the Beings of Light
who guide you, and you are never alone. Your demonstration of this intention to live in
Oneness with a new planetary grid, allows you to receive greater guidance and sets the
patterns of Unity and Harmony within your being. This allows you to experience greater faith
to take the next steps along your path into an unknown future, knowing that you have aligned
with your Soul’s Purpose and are being guided every step of the way.

Join with others for a profound opening though the Gateway of Power initiated during this
day of 1.11.11 – the Alignment that opens your way into Oneness. It offers Unity within you,
and connects you with the Source of All That Is Divine. Give thanks for the Grace that
descends during this precious period of time. Receive it deep within your being, and
acknowledge the Archangels who hold the Earth in Sacred Unity.

You are blessed, and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel



Neil H - Resonation Of Angels(Meleklerin

Yankisi)-2002 Mp3
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 7:00pm


01 - Gabriel 7:41
02 - Zadkiel 7:55
03 - Uriel 9:10
04 - Chamuel 9:42
05 - Michael 10:05
06 - Raphael 9:30
07 - Jophiel 7:55

Meleklerin Yankısı:Çoğu insan, tanrısal varlıkla veya bir yüksek benlik ile insanlığın
bağlantısını kuran bir ruhsal varlık olan melek fikrine sahiptir. Bazı insanlar, hepimizi
gözeten yalnızlık ve zorluk dönemleri süresince bize rehberlik eden bir meleğe sahip
olduğumuz fikrine sahiptir. Çünkü, yaşamın ruhsal alanlarında çalışmış olanlar, gerekli
durumlarda bir şifa aracı olarak kullanılacak, meleklerin ruhsal enerjilerine kanallık edecek
yeteneklerle kutsamış aydın kişilere rastlayacaklardır.

Carolyn Bowyer, Başmelekler hakkındaki anlayışını ve bilgisini, düzenli olarak melek

enerjileriyle çalışan birisiyle çalışmak isteyen Neil ile paylaşan , Birleşik
Krallık’ta/Cornwall’da tanınmış bir şifacıdır. Carolyn, Melek uygulamalarında çalışır ve
hangi şifa için hangi meleğe ihtiyaç olduğu belirleyecek kanallık yardımıyla şifa verir.
Perranport’taki Cornwall Yeni Çağ festivalinde katıldığı bir şifa uygulamasında, Neil bu
canlı albümü meleklerin yaratıcı enerjilerinin katilimiyla hazirladi.

Uygulama esnasında, önce herbir Başmeleğin sesi yankılandı, Carolyn meleklerin her
birinin şifa elementleri, renkleri ve onların nasıl enerji getireceği konusunda açıklama
yaparken, katılımcılar meleklerin resmini yapmaya odaklanacaktı. Yedi Başmelek tabloları,
Carolyn’in kızı Sunny Swallow tarafından yapıldı.

Önceki yılda hazırlanan “Planetlerin Yankısı”daki gibi, Melekler, yumuşak flüt, piyano, harp
ve yaylılar kadar iyi, bir Meleksi özellikte yumuşak ses tonları kullanarak tamamen
doğaçlama yolla provasız kaydedildi. Zihinsel ve bedensel olarak gevşeyerek sadece oturup
herbir Meleği hissetmek için, iyileşme ve meditasyon için iyi bir albüm

Resonation of Angels - most people have an image that they hold of an angel being a
spiritual being that links humanity with a higher self or god-like being. Some people that we
all have an angel watching over us, one that can guide us through troubled and lonely times.
For those who have studied the spiritual realms of this life will have come across enlightened
individuals who have been blessed with the powers to channel the spiritual energies of the
angels to be used as a healing medium for those in need.

Carolyn Bowyer is a renowned healer in Cornwall and the UK who has shared her
knowledge and insights, about the Archangels, with Neil as he wanted to work with someone
who works with angelic energies on a regular basis. Carolyn runs Angel workshops and also
gives healing treatments by channelling through which ever angel is needed for what ever
healing. It was in sharing their creative energies that Neil was able to produce this live
album, at a healing workshop held at the Cornwall New Age festival, in Perranporth.

During the workshop, before each Archangel sound was resonated, the participants would
focus on a painting of each Archangel whilst Carolyn explained about each of their healing

elements, colours and how to bring their energy through. The Seven Archangel paintings
were painted by Carolyn’s daughter Sunny Swallow, for information on her please go to the
links page.

As with the previous year with Resonation of the Planets, Angels was recorded without
rehearsal in a totally intuitive way using gentle sound sweeps with an Angelic flavour as well
as soft flutes, pianos, harp and strings. A good album for meditation, healing and just to sit
and feel each Angel relaxing the mind and body.



Children of the Sun Foundation ~ January

12, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 7:00pm

Children of the Sun Foundation

~ January 12, 2011

The Cosmic Platinum Light

about to make Grand Entrance

The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union


For Planetary Light Servers

Full Moon, January 19
during the Planetary Grid Transmissions

with MP3 Audio Meditation Support

The Platinum Cosmic Light

The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union

For the first time in the history of Humanity, the race is soon to receive bold entrance of a
mighty Solar Ray to incarnate within our lives, and, bringing with it, a new system of energy
in which to assist in our multidimensional evolution.

Through an act of Divine Compassion, the highly potent Platinum Cosmic Light will sweep
the Earth in unstoppable waves, emitting through the frequency harmonic of unity
consciousness. Through its very intense penetrating influence, all life will be cleansed,
illuminated and resurrected out from the timeline of duality and suffering.

The Platinum Cosmic Light, a multi-universal ray which synthesizes all life into Divine
Union, is propelling us through a stargate of knowledge and into the language of light.
Through its influence, all lifetimes become merged in this eternal now. Spontaneous
transformation and miracle manifestations will be created through the field of Zero Point

This highly potent and highly transformative metallic platinum frequency is sourced at the

multi-universal level and is bridged to the Earth through the vast consciousness energy fields
that we refer to as Melchizedek/Metatron/Mahatma.

Platinum Light comprises all Seven Rays

Described as white gold and spherical in its radiatory effect, the Platinum Cosmic Light can
be viewed as a "stepped up", all inclusive container of the seven primary ray energies that
have, up to now, sustained life on planet Earth in its system of energy. These Seven Rays, of
which many of us are familiar, have been the primary channel and manifesting characteristic
from which the energy of the Solar System flows, giving certain qualities and governance to
life in all of Earth's kingdoms.

This epoch making moment is significant in that the Platinum Ray comprises the manifesting
qualities of all of the seven planetary rays and their sacred fire activity. It can, in a sense, be
regarded as a Rainbow Ray of Creation, uniting all of the seven primary rays and their
qualities as One. It brings unimaginable unity and fused triangulation of the male/female/child
aspects in all forms of matter.

Platinum Light brings Holy Trinity

The Platinum Cosmic Light can be regarded as the light of family, the Sacred fire of Divine
Union. It catalyzes sacred triangulations of energy as the foundation to a pure, unified form.
This triadic quality can be viewed as the internal balance of the Divine Masculine, Divine
Feminine and Divine Child within bringing through a perfect at-one-ment with Self.

Through the multi-universal qualities of...

 Compassion
 Illumination
 Resurrection

...the Platinum Sacred Fire will greatly assist to lift the last veils of illusion so that humans are
able to clearly perceive everything as a unity...for example, when we see a tree and make real
connection with it...our energy and the energy of the tree blend together as one, in full sacred
exchange with each other. This scenario applies to all relationships. All people will regard
everyone and everything as part of their total sacred self.

The Platinum Light helps us to merge our left and right brain hemispheres so that our
perception of reality is correctly perceived from a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and multi-
tasking whole brain perception at all times. It will help us to ground if we are too dreamy or to
be more intuitive if we are too logical. Whatever we need in a specific situation will come to
us instantaneously, either logic or feeling, or, a combination thereof.

Platinum Light builds our Antahkarana....the Rainbow Bridge

Through the Platinum Cosmic Light, we are creating a prominent and mighty stream of
consciousness referred to as the Antahkarana, that which bridges the personal energy with the
divine energy and merges them into one. This is another triangulation in which an illumined
pathway forms that connects the personality with the Soul and the Soul with Monadic I AM

The building of the Antahkarana is a process of consciousness fusion brought about through
the Platinum frequency, to bring full union within our new system of bodily energy and
awareness. When this bridge is fully constructed, we will experience an unimpeded flow of
consciousness to and from Divine Source. This will bring an end to the fear of death, suffering
and negate all sense of separation and divisive tendencies.

Platinum Light Transforms Suffering on Planet Earth

The Platinum Cosmic Light is the miracle of life that transforms the dual into the one,
suffering into joy, war into peace, hatred into love. Hope for Humanity comes to us now
through this stellar frequency as Gift from God.

 It is the light that illuminates the Divine Path.

 It is the light that nurtures the species.
 It is the light that regenerates the nature.
 It is the light that penetrates the hearts of every human.
 It is the light that heals and transforms.
 It is the light that lifts all pain and suffering.
 It is the light that brings union to the world.

Platinum Light is the Sacred Fire for Group Avatar

The Platinum Light will dynamically strengthen all of us like empty bamboos, strong and
flexible in our role as Divine Conduits. Through this multiversal, multi-purposed Ray, we will
work with the Elohim and elemental kingdoms to expand their qualities in each region of the
Earth, through our Zero Point group energy field, the void where the Power of Creation

With this exquisite Sacred Fire energy, we will cleanse and transform, unifying the extremes
of polarity into harmonic balance... negative with the positive, masculine with feminine, yin
with yang... creating unification through its diamond ascension flames. As the blinders are
lifted from humanity's consciousness, we will fill the void right away with the platinum rays
so that humanity's rebirth is faster and more complete.

Spontaneous healing come from the Platinum Cosmic Light. We are encouraged to invoke and
use the platinum frequency in all healing and transformative activity from this point forward.
We will be increasingly shown how to use this great gift of Sacred Fire for miracle

Platinum Light emits a Spherical Radiation

Platinum Light emits a spherical radiation through its pulsations to the Earth...with a
harmonic expression that seeks to create total inclusion and fusion. From its Great Central
Sun point of origination, this light brings an eternal vibration and the evolutionary Divine
Direction for Earth and Humanity, as a microcosm of the macrocosm.

It is this platinum spherical frequency that we will implant into the Crystalline Grid to
activate the power of life here on the Earth as a unified field of energy operating in absolute

balance. This conscious seeding will assist to open the platinum stargate, bridging Earth to
universal dimension.



For Planetary Light Servers

Full Moon, January 19

In the New Earth Crystalline Matrix

during the Planetary Grid Transmissions

Children of the Sun Foundation



HEAVEN #3700 Ascend, January 11, 2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 7:35pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3700 Ascend, January 11, 2011

God said:

Of course, you can pursue happiness, yet happiness doesn’t usually work that way. Happiness
is more like a by-product. As you give, so you receive. As you give of yourself, and the more
of yourself you give, the more that comes back to you. Yet to gain return is not meant to be
your purpose. Your purpose is to serve, beloveds. That about sums it up.

To have for yourself alone lacks luster. You may think that you do not like to share, yet that is
not true. What can keep you from sharing but the idea you may have, that as you share, you
lose. No, of course, sharing is gain.

Happiness is gain. And happiness is your privilege.

There is not one good reason why you should lack happiness. Be careful that unhappiness
isn’t just a predicated mood. Serve happiness well, and you shall have it. You were created for
happiness. For what other purpose would I possibly have created you?

Remind yourself today that you are made for happiness.

Remind yourself that you are God’s creation.

Remind yourself that you are to soar far and away and above the ordinary. I created you
extraordinary. Ascend to where you already are. You are cream, wonderful thick cream,
soothing to the palate, rising to the top.

You are to be a taste of wonderment.

You are an epicure of love, a testament of love, a document of love, a blush of love, a flow of
love, a fountain of love supreme.

You are not to stay convinced that you have an imperfect flow of love, love stopped up, love
intermittent, love uncalled for or love fluctuating, or love unreciprocated, or love needing to
be reciprocated, or love needy, or love unfulfilled, or love on strike or love doting. Plain
simple unquestioning love is yours now. Love that is steady and happy to be. Love like a light
rain, not a storm, love like full sun that yet does not burn.

Now you are love that is bright and steady and fulminating like a blossoming flower, love that
stays and has a life of its own independent of drama, love on its own, love satisfied to be
itself, as it is, love that reaches but does not grip, love giving and love undemanding, love that
gives and gains from giving, love secure, love content in itself, love glad to be and love fully
gratified, love promising, love fulfilling its promise, love content to be love issuing from your
heart of gold, your heart pouring love, love free and not piled up, love sallying forth on a
sunny day, love sufficient, balanced, love blossoming like the reddest rose, or the whitest or
pinkest. Love in bloom. Your heart is a rose of love.

The way of love is love. There is no other way.

Love given not for plaudits. Love given because it must and it likes to. Love given as an
offering of one seeming heart to another seeming heart, love handed over for God’s sake, for
My sake because I want My love circulating all over the world, through hill and dale, through
oasis and desert, climbing mountains and sailing seas, the kind of love that is beautiful to see,
to give, to feel, to receive, to have, to enjoy, to relish, to like, to serve the Universe, not love
on demand, but love undemanding, love undemanded, love free to be love as it is, for what it
is worth, for what it is worth is a King’s ransom, love fulminating in more love and more love
until the world is filled with love and nothing but love so help you God.


Parallel Realities as Fifth-Dimensional

Doorways by DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 11:00pm

Parallel Realities as Fifth-Dimensional Doorways

by DL Zeta

Fifth-dimensional realities are always on your menu of possibilities. They run parallel to
dense, physical-based options and all variations in between. With discipline, intention and
awareness you can shift from one parallel thread to another, consciously choosing the threads
you experience.

Perceiving and Energizing Parallel Threads

Within the space of every moment you are able to still your mind to perceive a vast,
interconnected network of reality threads, each thread capable of carrying you into a different
location on the map of your own consciousness. These threads already exist so you are not
creating realities from scratch. Instead, you are perceiving what is already there and choosing
to energize it with your focus and attention.

It is by perceiving and choosing high-vibrational reality threads that you're able to experience
more of your infinite being. The greater "you" exists beyond the confines of your present-
moment identity, and contains wisdom, knowledge and spiritual understandings that can assist
you in living the realities of your choosing.

This greater you includes all you have ever been and all you will ever be. It holds the power
to tap into the universal storehouse of unconditional love and wisdom.

Fine-tuning your Power of Inner Perception

All of this is accessible as you fine-tune your inner perception. You hone the skill of inner
perception by healing and clearing the static of unprocessed emotions. It is equally important
to daily still your mind and bask in the calm, clear frequency of your higher self. As you
perceive all that is within you and all that is around you through the eyes of your higher self,
you become aware of the glowing threads of alternate realities that exist within the space of
each moment.

Crossroads in Consciousness: Access Points to High-Vibrational Realities

The threads immediately accessible to you are those in resonance with your present energy
field. Within any "field of resonance" you are able to perceive threads that allow you to enter
energy fields of slightly higher resonance. This is a true crossroads in consciousness when
you perceive access points that allow you to enter higher-vibrational realities. This is the
moment when you consciously choose to access a reality thread that will expand your
consciousness and, in doing so, transform your daily life as you experience it in the physical

Once you choose a higher-vibrational reality, you begin to experience realities energetically
consistent with that thread. New rites of passage, new challenges, new joys and new
opportunities accompany each new level that is accessed.

It is in this way that you are able, within any moment, to enter parallel reality threads that
allow you to expand into new locations in consciousness that can ultimately bring you a
greater experience of the fifth dimension and beyond.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see

The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness

by DL Zeta

For more information, visit



DailyOM: Creating A Harmonious Home
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 11:25pm

A Home Of Love
Our homes can become chaotic; it is at these times that we have the power to decide to bring
more love into our homes.

At their best, our homes act as our sanctuaries. They are the nests we return to for rest and
nurturing nourishment before we venture out once again to spread our wings and fly. But
there are times that we may feel quite differently about our homes—times when we feel
surrounded by turmoil rather than harmony, or mired in chaos rather than immersed in peace.
It is at these times that we have the power to decide to bring more love into our homes.

When we choose love, we are choosing to begin within. With a deep breath, we close our eyes
and ask that when we open them again, we will see where we can make shifts to create greater
harmony. These may be inner shifts, such as accepting others’ personality traits and working
with them rather than against them. Or they may be changes we can make with items around
the house--removing the ones that cause frustration and displaying things that make us feel

good. Then, we reach out to the people with whom we share our homes--whether they are
family members or another combination of people who share our space. We can help to shift
their perceptions toward the positive by asking each person to think about their ideal living
situation. After allowing some time for reflection, gathering to discuss each person’s ideas
may lead to the discovery that there are conflicting concepts about what your shared home
should provide. Once this information is out in the open, we have a roadmap f! or creating
balance and harmony from seemingly disparate desires. Together, agreements can be made to
enable all to take the steps needed to create a unified vision.

When we have consciously chosen to make our home a place of harmony, then love’s energy
can expand throughout the lives of all who live there. Each person will be nurtured, allowing
them to take that peace and serenity with them into the world, sharing it with whomever they
may encounter; and making every space they enter a warmer and more loving place for


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 13, 2011 at 12:00am

Bizler Bedenli Ruh Varlıkları olarak 3.Boyut Dünya Vasatında yaşıyoruz.Ve kuşkusuz bu
yaşamın öğretisine göre düşünüp, Ruha, Varlığa sınır koyuyor ve onu bir Kalıba sokmaya
çalışıyoruz.Ama gerçek öylemi? Hayır.Gerçek, Varlığın Çok Boyutlu ve aynı zamanda da çok
parçalı bir Bilinç Bütünlüğü olduğudur.Buna, moda tabiri ile Kuantum Düşünüş diyorlar, ama
isim önemli değildir, sadece onu kavrayıp algılayabilmek önemlidir, böylece gerçeğe bir adım
daha yaklaşılır...

Bu düşünüş şekli, "AN" ın ne kadar sonsuz ve çeşitliliklerle dolu olduğunu ve herşeyin bir
Bütünsellik içinde ve birbiriyle iletişimli olarak aktığını anlatır, her ne kadar bunu bu
Boyutsallık içinde yeteri kadar kavrayamasak da.İşte o AN, bir GÜLün kokusunu size verdiği
o AN da, sizin Sevginizi ona verdiğiniz o Anda saklıdır.O Anı çoğaltıp
ölümsüzleştirebilirmisiniz? O zaman ne olur? İşte Varlığın sonsuzluğu ve sonsuz mutluluğu
bu GÜLün kokusu ve Sevgidir, o bu AN dadır ve o An sonsuzdur, şayet algılanıp
Varlık, sınırsız ve sonsuz olduğu veçhe herşey o AN dadır.Ama bu An bize 3.Boyut algısında
farklı görünür.Ve biz onu Kategorize eder, saniyelere, dakikalara , günlere ve yıllara
endeksleriz.Bu bizim algıladığımız zamandır, ona bu yüzden doğrusal, Lineer Zaman
denir.Biz kendi algımız olan bu zamanda yaşarız.Oysa Varlık öyle değildir, onun zamanı
yoktur, yok olduğu için o AN dadır.Yani bir diğer deyişle o "Zamansız"dır.İşte bu nedenle
herşey, tüm Yaratılış onun önünde bir olasılıklar yumağı olarak durur ve Varlık bu yumakları
dilediği şekilde ve dilediği biçimde sahneye koyar ve hatta onlarla bütünleşerek, her bir
veçhesini ayrı ayrı, ve ayrı Varoluşlarda da bütünleştirerek o yumakların niteliğini ve

zamanını deneyimler.Bu oyun bittiğinde bir başka oyuna geçer, çünki onun zamanı sonsuz ve

Oradan bakınca, herşey önünde durur ve Varlık, işte bu noktada daha önce yaşamış olduğu
ancak beğenmediği veya daha farklı bir versiyonunu yaşamak istediği Geçmiş veya Gelecek
yaşamını yaşamak üzere onu değiştirebilir ve hatta Akaşık kayıtlardan silebilir.Yepyeni bir
olasılık Potansiyeli yaratıp önüne koyabilir.Çünki Akaşık Kayıtları ve dahi madde Alemini ve
diğer Alemleri Yaratan da Varlığın bizatihi kendisidir.Çünki o Tanrının bir parçasıdır ve onun
ÖZünü taşır.Tanrısallığın Özü onda yansıyarak her Varoluş zerresine, parçasına bir Kayıt
olarak işler.Nihayetinde Varlık dilerse, olmaz diye bir şey yoktur, o dilerse, geçmiş ve
geleceği değiştirebileceği gibi onların tutulduğu ve kendisinin bir "Arşivi" olan Akaşık
Kayıtları da değiştirebilir, silebilir, yeniden yazabilir, potansiyeller ve yeni Varoluşlar
yaratabilir...Bunu düşünebilirmisiniz? Zihninizi buna açabilirmisiniz? Bu size aslında sizin
"KİM" olduğunuzu hatırlatıyormu?...

Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın "Aydınlık" ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...


SaLuSa: There is a testing period
immediately ahead
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 13, 2011 at 1:30am

Thank You SaLuSA

You are achieving a wonderful turn around in your lives, from having touched the depths of
darkness. The way back to the Light has been a torturous path where you have successfully
met challenge after challenge, and proved your ability and intent to stay fixed on your goal to
ascend. Somewhere from within you have mustered the strength to rise above the lower
vibrations. Now you are firmly established on a new a path, that promises completion within
this cycle of duality. For eons of time it is what you have worked for, even if in latter times
you have only known it through the promptings of your subconsciousness memories. It has
always been the plan for your release from the lower energies that have held you back. Every
credit is given to you for having overcome many obstacles, and today you stand tall and are
beacons of Light in the darkness.

There is no reason to drop back although there is a testing period immediately ahead. There
will be ups and downs that will cause emotional reactions amongst you, but stay calm when it
comes to the final battle between the dark and Light. The Light works in subtle ways that
maintain the balance, so that it continues to transmute the lower energies. In the maelstrom
that will occur the Light will act as a line of defense, so that the dark Ones cannot make any
progress. It will ensure that they continue to be in array, and there will come opportunities for
our allies to push for disclosure. The pressures are mounting from many quarters for it to go
ahead, and when it does it will trigger more happenings that will lay bear what has been
happening. Quite a few countries are prepared to go ahead with many new innovations, and
that again is an area that has until now been manipulated by the dark Ones. There is so much
to reveal and in all cases it will be to your advantage.

There has to be the release of various energy saving devices, and particularly those that
remove your dependence upon oil. The Petrochemical Industry has squeezed the life out of
you, whilst causing much harm to Mother Earth through the resultant pollution. It must stop
and plans are in place to put a end to such archaic means of producing energy, when it has
always been freely available. It is ironic that whilst you are saddled with the costs of oil-based
products, there are secret military bases that enjoy all of the benefits of new technologies. It
was never intended that they should be used exclusively for the advancement of military
power. You are all One and should be sharing anything and everything that improves the
quality of life, whereas you are deliberately held in a time lock to feed the ambitions of the
Illuminati. Dear Ones the time has long passed when you should be moving beyond the
restrictions imposed upon you. You are beginning to realize it, and your calls for changes are
going to bear fruit before very long.

We of the Galactic Federation will be instrumental in bringing an end to your experiences of

lack and the denial of your rights. Certain of our representatives are already briefed and
protected to ensure that the truth cannot be held from you for much longer. It will all be done
above board, although where necessary we shall use our superior technologies to give us the
advantage. We will empower our allies in such a way that no obstacles placed in their path
will be able to affect the final result they seek. It does take time and we tread carefully so as

not to infringe anyone’s freewill. If we did that would go against us, and we do not intend to
allow that to happen. With the Brotherhood of Light on our side and yours, we will benefit
from sound spiritual advice that will result in a glorious victory for Mankind. It is nothing less
than you deserve, and as yet you have little realization of how magnificent it will be. You are
souls of Light that have run the gauntlet of all the dark Ones could use against you, but have
still retained your dignity and sovereignty. It is only fitting that you should enjoy the
experience of a well-earned and well fought victory.

Stay within your Light at all times, and do not be swayed by any disinformation that is around
that attempts to take your eye off the goal to Ascension. Creating confusion is a tactic well
used to distract you, whereas if you are sufficiently enlightened you will see through it. Check
everything against the provision that what is of the Light works for the good of all. It does not
create fear, or feed your ego where it seeks only that which is for the benefit of self alone. In
reality everything you have needed is available to you, except that it has been kept from you
to prevent your independence. That will totally change as the months roll by, and your time
will be spent in more enjoyable pursuits as you participate in projects that will jump you into
the future. We are to eventually become One, and with Ascension that will be achieved.

Like you we are waiting for a breakthrough that will allow us to enter your lives more fully. It
is all part of the Divine Plan that has been laid down well into the future. In actuality virtually
all of you have had awareness of us from many previous lives, and in some instances full
contact. That is why we are not seen as the threat that the dark Ones would like to make you
believe. In fact it is they who have rubbed shoulders with the more negative Space Beings,
and allowed them secret bases upon the Earth. In the context of freewill that is not something
we can interfere with, as it is covered by the Law of Attraction. You have in fact learnt a lot
about it in more recent times, and having done so can use it to draw light to yourselves for
your advancement and protection. The Universe is built upon the Laws that hold it in place,
and accordingly will soon change as all ascends. It is an orderly Universe in spite of the
apparent adversities you sometimes experience, that are themselves brought about by
imbalances that are caused when all fails to move in absolute harmony.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our combined efforts have at last curtailed the
activities of the dark Ones. They have not get given up but their belief in their invincibility
has been seriously undermined. They will not be allowed to regain their powers and as they
disintegrate, their weaknesses will provide the necessary opportunities for our allies to expose
them. We must clear the way for open contact, and be ready to prevent any form of retaliation.
We want a peaceful end to their reign, and that is what we are working for. We bless you all
with the Light of our Being.

Thank you SaLuSa,


Geleceğin Yıldız Tohumları
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 13, 2011 at 1:45am

Geleceğin Yıldız Tohumları

Meryem Ana’dan bir Mesaj
11 Ocak 2011
Judith Coates Kanallığıyla

Sevgililer, sizler eğitimdesiniz. Bunu biliyor muydunuz? Dünyada (dünya için değil;
dünya üzerinde) enkarne olmayı kabullendiniz. Kimi zaman dünyanın koşullarıyla
mücadele ederek, kendi ilahiliğinizi hizmete sokmayı kabullendiniz. Işığı, ışığın neşesini
sergilemek üzere anlaşma yaptınız.
Sizler, diğer gezegenlerden ve takımyıldızlardan yıldız tohumları olarak geldiniz. İlk
enkarnasyonunuz değil bu, özellikle bu kutsal Dünya Ana’daki hiç ilk değil. Sizin lineer
zamanınıza göre, çok çok uzun zaman önce, ilahiliğin, bütünlüğün hatırasını getirmeye
geldiniz ve, farklı kültür ve takım yıldızlardan gelen kardeşlerinizle birlikte yürümeye,

kendi kültürünüzü, bilginizi, anılarınızı durum ne olursa olsun mücadele ederek getirmeye
gönüllü oldunuz.
Şu anda dünyada bir çok farklı kültürün var olduğunu gördünüz, bazıları, atalarından
aldıkları öğretilerle yaşıyor, atalarının değerli ve saygın gördüklerine, değer veriyor ve
saygı gösteriyorlar. Bazıları ise ayak ayağa, kılıç kılıca, ve şimdi diğer teknoloji ile, kendi
kuşaklarından gelen önemli olduğunu hissettikleri bilgileri korumaya çalışıyorlar, bir
başka deyişle onlar başka takım yıldızlarından geldiklerinden başka türlü olmayı
Siz Işığın yıldız tohumusunuz. Siz, Işığı bilen, ışığın kendisi olmayı bilen gezegensel bir
kitleden geliyorsunuz. Ve şimdi tekrar Işık olmayı hatırlamak istiyorsunuz. Bu yüzden
arayıştasınız. Bu yüzden dua ediyorsunuz. Bu yüzden okuyor olduğunuz kitapları
okuyorsunuz. Bu yüzden öğretmenlere, çalışmalara gidiyorsunuz.
Uyum içinde yaşamanın nasıl bir duygu olduğunu hatırlıyorsunuz. Işık içinde ve Işığın
kendisi olmanın nasıl hissettirdiğini hatırlıyorsunuz; hatta fiziksel seviyede bile havadan
daha hafif hissetmeyi ve her deneyiminizi yaratan yaratıcı olduğunuzu biliyorsunuz. Ve
hala bazen dünyaya karşı gelip, “Bu zaman ve koşullar altında Işığı nasıl hissedebilirim?”
dediğiniz de oluyor.
Sonra derin bir nefes alıp kendi içinizde huzurlu bir köşeye çekildiğinizde, bir bedenden
ve bir kimlikten, okuduğunuz bütün o kitaplardan, öğretmenlerinizin size öğrettiklerinden
çok çok daha fazla olduğunuzu hatırlatan kapı açılmaya başlar.
Öğretmenleriniz harikadır, çünkü size ip uçları verirler. Sizi zorlarlar, bazen ters psikoloji
ile dürterler. İyi öğretmenlerdir onlar. Edindiğiniz tecrübeler de iyi birer öğretmendir,
bazen ölümün kendinden bile korkunç olsalar da… Ama tecrübeler, sizin oluşmanıza , Işık
olduğunuzu bileceğiniz yere yükselmenize neden olurlar.
Siz olduğunuz enerjiden biçimlendirdiniz kendinizi, olduğunuz Işıktan; ve kendinizi, gizli
bir kimyasal taşıyan; bedeninizdeki en muhteşem donanımla biçimlendiriyorsunuz. Ona
adrenalin diyoruz. Bir dramın ortasında bile heyacanlandırıyor sizi. Adrenalinin peşinden
koşarsınız çünkü günlük yaşamın sıradanlığından çıkarıp canlı ve enerjik hissetmenize
neden olur. Adrenalin hücumunun kapıyı açtığı neşe yüzünden dramlara düştüğünüz bile
olur. Mesih enerjisine erişmenin en iyi yollarından biridir bu.
Işığın yıldız tohumları olarak siz, lineer zamanınızla ölçtüğünüzde, bir çok farklı kültür ve
yüzyıllardan geldiniz. Karanlık Çağlar denen, esas hedefin sadece var olmak, bir bedeni
ayakta tutmak, yaşamın belli bir noktaya gelip sonra bedeni mümkünse kolayca
bırakmaktan ibaret olduğu dönemlerden geldiniz.
Düşünebildiğiniz her ama herşeyle oynadınız. İçinizde, düşleyebileceğiniz tüm
deneyimlerin programlarına sahip bir bilgisayar taşıyorsunuz. Siz adına düşlemek
diyorsunuz ama düşleyebilmeniz için yaşamış olmanız gerekir.
Aslında, sizin bilim kurgu olarak adlandırdığınız olgu, lineer zamanınızla ölçebileceğiniz;
geçmişte yaptıklarınız ve gelecekte yapmayı seçeceğiniz durumları hatırlayabilmeniz için
harika bir giriş kapısı konumundadır.
Sizler, eğitimdesiniz. Dualiteye ve karanlığa olan inancınızın üstesinden gelmek için
eğitim görüyorsunuz. Işığın yıldız tohumları olarak sizler, içinizdeki aydınlığı algılama
noktasına erişmek için; sadece Mesih ışığı olarak değil, ama aydınlığı kendinize çekmek
için; eğitimdesiniz.
Yarın için endişelenmeyin. Tüm dünya size ne diyecek diye endişelenmeyin.
Arkadaşlarınız, iş arkadaşlarınız, tanıdıklar sizinle ilgili ne düşünecekler diye de…
Onların yargıları kısa süreli, geçici ve keyfidir, yüzyıllar boyu farklı kültürlerde de
gördüğünüz gibi en güzel ve arzulanan her zaman değişmiştir. Çünkü keyfidir ve geçicidir.
Işığın yıldız tohumları olarak, adına Dünya denen şahane bir oyun bahçesindesiniz.
Hatırlamanın türlü tekniklerini deneyeceğiniz, çeşitli ritüeller, içinizdeki en süptil

duyguyu ortaya çıkaracak öğretilere uyumlanacağınız bir oyun bahçesi. Tüm bunlar,
bilmeyi seçtikleriniz. Dünyanın prangalarından, karanlığın prangalarından, çile çekme
gerekliliğinin prangalarından özgürleşmeyi bilmek istiyorsunuz.
Bu dünyada çile çekerseniz, öbür dünyada ödüllendirilirsiniz diyen geleneksel bir
öğretiden geliyorsunuz. Şimdi size söylüyorum. Sistem böyle çalışmaz. Çile çekmek
zorunda değilsiniz. Bundan böyle, ne yaparsanız o’dur, Şimdiki an da ne yapacaksanız o
olacaktır. Öyleyse, ışıktan; hafiften yana seçin.
Düşüncelerinizi seçin. Düşünceleriniz üzerinde kontrole sahipsiniz. Evet, biliyorum;
medya düşüncelerinizle oynamayı sever, liderlerin ve güç sahibi olanların entrikalarını
size bildirmeyi sever; medya size taze felaket haberleri v ermeyi ve onları yargıladığınızı
görmeyi sever.
Ama evinize ve algınıza neyi dahil etmek isteyeceğiniz kendi seçiminizdir. Size
söylenilenin üzerinde durmak, yarın neler olacağı, yarın için neyi hazır etmeniz gerektiği
sizin seçiminizdir. Tüm bu duygulara aşinasınız. Zihninizin içinde bir mücadele yaşamak
zorunda değilsiniz.
Sizi kontrol eden hiç kimse yok. Size ancak öneriler gelebilir, ama sonunda seçim yapacak
olan sizsiniz, öyleyse ışıktan yana seçin. Üzerinizde baskı uygulayacak ve yanlış seçim
yaptığınızı söyleyecek kimse yok. Şimdi, ayrı düşmüş ego bu oyunu oynamayı sever. Ama
gerçekte yaptığınız her seçim size tecrübe zenginliği kazandırır. Yaptığınız her seçim sizi
sonuçlar konusunda daha bilgili kılar. Eğer seçtiğinizi seçmemiş olsaydınız, yolun
sonunda ne olacağını bilemezdiniz.
Işığın yıldız tohumları olarak, ilahi varlık hakkınız Işık içinde yaşamak, kendinizi hafif
hissetmek ve diğerleri sizinle birlikteyken kendilerini hafif hissetmelerine neden olmaktır.
Kabul edin ya da etmeyin bu sizin görevinizdir. Bir başka deyişle, seçim size kalmış. Ama
artık biliyorsunuz ki, güzel bir gün geçirirken, kendinizi gerçekten iyi ve mutlu
hissettiğinizde, diğerleri de sizin neşenizi ve mutluluğunuzu hissederek yükselirler.
Kutsal metinlerinizde bir cümle geçer, “Ben eğer yükselirsem, diğer herkesi yanıma
çekerim, kadınlar dahil. Ben, eğer kendi bilincimde yükselirsem, Mesih bilincine, sınırsız
ve koşulsuz sevgiye, tüm erkekleri ve kadınları yüksek bilince çekeceğim." Sonra hafif bir
adım atarsınız. Etrafınızdakiler de daha hafif hissederler; çünkü siz artık dünyanın sizden
beklediği ağırlığı ortaya koymuyorsunuzdur.
Işığın Yıldız Tohumu: Sizin “ne” ve “kim” olduğunuzdur. Başka takım yıldızlarından,
başka gezegenlerden, çok ama çok uzun zaman önce geldiniz. O kadar uzun zaman oldu
ki hatırlamıyorsunuz, ama gerçek bu. Siz, küçücükken, ana-babanıza sordunuz:”Evim
nerede?” Dediler ki, “Tam burada, sen evindesin.” “Hayır ben bunu demek istemiyorum,
yuvam nerede? Ben yuvaya dönmek istiyorum.”
Gerçekten de, her nerede iseniz, yuvadasınız, çünkü siz; zaten yuvadasınız. Onu içinizde
taşıyorsunuz. Her daim içinizde taşıyor olduğunuzu dışarıda arıyorsunuz. Kitaplarda
arıyorsunuz, öğretmenlerde, gurularda, arkadaşlarda; “Öğret bana, kim olduğumu söyle.”
Oysa içinizde taşıyorsunuz, Mesih’i de gücü de… İçinizde taşıyorsunuz…
İzin verin kendinize, tam da bu akşam, başınızı yastığa koyar koymaz; derin bir nefes alın;
ve sonra, “Ben canlıyım, öyleyse ilahi bir varlığım. Belki de görebildiğim buzdağının
sadece görünen kısmıdır. Belkli ilahiliğim bilincimin içindedir, ben’im içimdedir ve ben
düşüncelerimi seçebilirim. Ve bunun üzerine uyuyacağım.” Deyin kendinize. Ve de öyle
olacaktır. İyi uyuyacaksınız.
Size şu söylediğimi garanti ederim ki; böyle bir enkarnasyon daha geçirmeyeceksiniz,
çünkü artık aynı olmayacaksınız. Kutsal Dünya Ana üzerinde olmasa bile; başka bir
enkarnasyon daha seçeceksiniz, o seçtiğiniz ve izleyen yaşamlarda, Işığın yıldız tohumu
olmanın tüm farkındalığıyla yaşayacaksınız.
Bu yüzden bu yaşamınızdaki eğitiminiz biraz disiplinli, biraz sert.. İyi tarafından alın;

hepsini. Askeri eğitimi geçtiniz. Aslında çok çok uzun zaman önce gerçekleştirdiniz bunu.
Şimdi, sizin gelişmiş öğretiler dediğiniz yerdesiniz, aslında şimdi önemli olan tek öğreti;
Kendinizi – Büyük K Harfiyle – bilinçli bir farkındalıkla bilmek. “BEN her zaman
OLAN’ım; SEVGİ’yim, GÜÇ’üm, İlahiliğin yaratıcı ifadesi’yim. Ben O’yum ve her
zaman O olacağım. Farklı enkarnasyonlar ve deneyimlerle resmin dışına da çıksam, bu
sadece macera içindir.” Ve sizler macerayı seversiniz.
Her zaman olacağınız, her zaman olabileceğiniz ve olmak istediğiniz tam şu anda sizsiniz.
Bunu derin bir biçimde bilincinizin içine çekin ve kutlayın. Olan sırf bu değil. Ayrı
düşmüş ego olamaz der, ama ayrı düşmüş egonun tek bildiği ayrı düşmek… Ne zaman
ayrı düşmüş ego – iyi tanır sizi , bütün düğmelerinizi bilir – gelse ve konuşsa sizinle; ona
teşekkür edin. Ve, deyin ki, “ Tamam seni affediyorum. Sen senaryondaki bölümünü
bitirdin. Şimdi izin ver de kendimi iyi hissettirecek şeyler yapayım.”
Kendinizi daha iyi tanıyın. Kendinizi kutlayın. Bu aleme getirdiğiniz Işığın aydınlığının
farkına vararak yaşamak için kendinize izin verin. Kendinizin en iyisine inanmak için
kendinize izin verin, başkalarının en iyisine inanmak için kendinize izin verin, olanların
en iyisine inanmak için kendinize izin verin. Her –sözde- afet, görünüşün ötesine bakmak
ve Işığı görmek için bir fırsattır.
Her zaman, nerede olursanız, nereye giderseniz, siz Işık’sınız. Sizce neden benim
resimlerimde, tablolarımda etrafımda parlak bir ışık var? Aynı ışık sizi de çevreliyor. Tüm
“aydınlanmış” olanlar, etraflarında ışıkla resmedilirler. Siz de aynı ışıkla sarılısınız.
İzin verin Işığınız parlasın. Aynaya bakın ve sahip olduğunuz Işığı seyredin. Kendinizi
benim gördüğüm gibi görün. Bilin ki bir amacınız var. Bilin ki her zaman bu olduğunuz
olacaksınız, Işık; ifade için, ilahiliğinizi deneyimlemek için öne geçecek, Sevgili Işığın
Yıldız Tohumları…
Öyleyse Olun.



 Posted by Karin Wesselius on January 13, 2011 at 9:46am

There is inside you

All of the potential
To be whatever you want to be;
All of the energy
To do whatever you want to do.
Imagine yourself as you would like to be,
Doing what you want to do,

And each day, take one step
Towards your dream.
And though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue,
Hold on to your dream.
One morning you will awake to find
That you are the person you dreamed of,
Doing what you wanted to do,
Simply because you had the courage
To believe in your potential
And to hold on to your dream.

by: D. Levine


Yengec Burcunda Dolunay Meditasyonu (19

Ocak Carsamba)
 Posted by Peril CANTÜRK on January 13, 2011 at 7:22pm

"Eski Anilardan ve Duygulardan Ozgurlesme"

19 Ocak Carsamba gecesi saat 23:23'de Zodyagin dorduncu burcu olan Yengec'in son
derecesinde 2011 yilinin "Ilk Dolunayi" gerceklesiyor.

Dolunaylarda Ay isigini cok guclu bir sekilde yansitir ve bilincaltimizi aydinlatir. O yuzden,
dolunayda farkindaligimiz artar. Ay donemleri cok guclu zamanlardir ve bu zamanlarda
evrenden umutlarimizin ve hayallerimizin gerceklesmeleri
icin yardim isteyebiliriz. Bu zamanlarda ozgun ve saf bir niyetle yapilacak meditasyonlar bize
yuksek guclerle cok daha cabuk temas kurmamizi saglar.

Dolunay tamamlanma ve gerceklesme zamanidir. Ayin isigi icimizde onceden gizlenmis

konulari ve sorunlari aydinlatarak gormemizi saglar. Zihnin ve ruhun aydinlanmasi dolunay
tarafindan adeta tesvik edilir. Bu adeta buyulu bir
donemdir. Gunes ve Ay'in karsi karsiya gelmesinden dolayi enerji inanilmaz olcude
kuvvetlenir. Bu da bizi, bir taraftan degisim ve donusum icin zorlarken, ayni zamanda psisik
guclerimizi de inanilmaz sekilde artirir.

Bu dolunay kendi yonetici burcu olan Yengec'te gerceklesiyor. Bu, yilda sadece bir kez olusan
bir durumdur. Ay ve Yengec'in bulusmasinin ortaya cikardigi sevgi,
merhamet ve guven enerjisinin yuksekligi, kalplerin dogal olarak acilmasini, sevgi ve

merhametle dolmasini saglar. Bu dolunay bize gercek kosulsuz sevgiyi deneyimleyebilmenize
olanak taniyor. Eger sevgide inanci ve guveni yitirmisseniz
veya karmasa icinde bir iliskiniz varsa, bu dolunay onlari sifalandirmaniz icin size cok buyuk
bir olanak sunmaktadir. Bu Dolunay ayni zamanda zitlarin karsi karsiya geldigi bir
dolunaydir. Anneyi temsil eden Ay, besleyen, doyuran Yengec'te, babayi temsil eden Gunes de
otoriteyi ve kural koyucuyu temsil eden Oglakta karsilikli bir konumda gelmis durumdalar.
Oglak enerjisi ile Yengec enerjisi karsilikli olarak birbirlerini etkilerler. Yengec Oglagin karsi
burcudur. Ikisi karsilikli olarak bir araya geldiklerinde, Isigin butunlugune ulasmamiz
mumkun olur.

Bu dolunay bize gercek manada kosulsuz sevginin ne anlama geldigini, bizim icin sevginin ne
demek oldugunu anlamak ve bilincaltimizdaki sevgi ile ilgili kaliplari gozden gecirme zamani
oldugunu hatirlatmakta. Bu gece hem kendimizi, hem
partnerimizi zor zamanlarda da sevmek icin niyetinizi ortaya koymaniz icin cok uygun bir
zamandir. Bu dolunay ayrica bize Yengec burcunun golge yanlari olan; bir olay karsisinda
kendini ifade etmeden ice kapanma, alinganlik yapma, asiri
duygusal olma gibi ozellikleri birakmamiz icin de bize firsat taniyor.

Yengec burcu duygusal sifayi yonetir. Ayni zamanda da besleyen, bakip, buyuten anne
arketipini temsil eder. Bu burctaki kisilerin en onemli ozelliklerinden bir de,
baskalarinin gereksinimlerini kendilerinkilerin uzerinde tutmalaridir. Baskalarina yardim
etmek, acinin azalmasi icin caba sarf etmek bizi guclendirirken, baskalarini hice saymak,
ihmal etmek ise bizi zayiflatir. Bu dolunayin enerjisi
bizi baskalarina yardim etmeye ve acinin azalmasi icin caba sarf etmemiz icin adeta tesvik
etmektedir. Bu enerjiyi icsellestirebilir ve gerekli degisimleri yapabilmemiz icin
yonlendirebilirsek, onumuzdeki gunlerde hayallerimizi ve
kendimizi gerceklestirmek uzere yeni bir yola sapabiliriz.

Bizler, 19 Ocak Carsamba aksami gokyuzunun bu enerjilerini en yuksek ihtiyacimiz icin

yonlendirme niyetiyle bu dolunay icin bir araya gelecegiz. Dolunay enerjisiyle butunlesmek,
onu hedefimize kanalize etmek ve bu enerjinin bize
verdigi mesaji icsellestirmek icin hep birlikte bir dolunay meditasyonu yapacagiz.

Sizleri bu dolunaya ozel enerjilerin yardimi ve her birimizin katkisiyla olusturacagimiz

sinerjimizi bu gunun enerjisinin gucuyle butunlestirerek, kendimiz ve butun icin hep birlikte
sifa, baris, birlik, beraberlik ve dengeye yonlendirmeye
davet ediyoruz.

Yengec Burcunda Dolunay Meditasyonu

19 Ocak, Carsamba


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 1:30am

"T" harfinin üzerine oturtulmuş küçük bir daireden ibaret olup çoğunlukla haç'a benzetilen
fakat Hristiyanlıkla pek alakası olmayan (hatta hiç denilebilir) en yaygın eski Mısır
sembolüdür. James Churchward'a göre daire Mu'da ilâhî bir semboldü; "T" sembolü (Tau) ise
"Ta-Ha" diye okunurdu ki anlamı "yıldızlardan gelen sular" dır. Ezoterik bilgilere göre de su
sembolü tesirleri ifade eden bir semboldür. Sembolün “T“ kısmı Maya İnka Hindu Çin ve
Kalde yazıtlarında rastlanan birçok alfabede de kullanılan bir harftir.

İsis misterleri inisiyasyonunda kullanılan bu sembole birçok Mısır ilahının elinde

rastlanmakla birlikte en çok İsis’in elinde rastlanır.

Daire Raul Emmanuel gibi kimi teozofi yazarlarına göre görünmez hiyerarşiyi
simgelemektedir. T'nin yatay çizgisi ise görünmez hiyerarşi ile insanların birbirinden ayrıldığı
bölgeyi gösterir. Bu durumda alt kısım hür iradesiyle insana ayrılan yaşamı temsil eder.
Sembolde aktif ve pasif erkek ve dişi yer ve gök ikilemi nin ifade edildiğini düşünenler de
vardır. Ejiptologlar ise sembolün dairesinin isa'yı temsil ettiği kanısındadırlar ki ezoterik

bilgilere göre Ra'nın yıldızı fiziki güneş (Güneş) değil "süptil güneş" yada "güneşin ardındaki
güneş" olarak ifade edilen 'Sirius'tur . Bu durumda sembol Sirius ile ilgili bir anlam
taşımaktadır. Nitekim Ankh'ın biraz değişik bir biçimi olan "İsis düğümü" Sirius'u temsil eden
İsis'in (isis ve Osiris) adıyla anılır. İsis düğümü Dünya'daki tüm yaşam tezahürünün besin
kaynağı olan 'yaşamsal akışkan'in sonsuz özünü temsil ederdi ki bu İsis'le özdeş kabul
edilirdi. Ankh sembolü diğer semboller gibi kullanıldığı yere göre farklı anlamları olan bir
semboldü. Örneğin alnın ortasında tutulduğu zaman 'misterler'e inisiye olmuş bulunmayı ve
sırrı gizli tutmayı ifade ederdi. Yani bu inisiye olmayanlara (arkanlar`a) kapatan anahtardı.
Psişik yetenekleri açığa çıkarak görünmez hiyerarşi ile vizyon veya sezgi yoluyla temasa
geçen kimse yani öte âlemin tülünü aralamış kimse misteri kaybetmeksizin kimseye

Mumyaların üzerine konulan Ankh sembolü ise mumyalananın tanrılara (görünmez

hiyerarşiye) benzer duruma gelene kadar doğum-ölüm süreçlerinden (reenkarnasyon)
defalarca geçeceğini ifade ediyordu
Sembole "kulplu haç" (crux ansata) da denilmektedir.

Sözcük anlamı “yaşam” olan ankh işaretinin simgelediği 12 anlamdan 4’ü şöyle açıklanır:

*Ankh sembolü genel anlamıyla ya da semavi ve dünyevi alem arasındaki irtibata ilişkin
anlamıyla kullanıldığında daire Semavi Yönetim’i “T”nin yatay çizgisi olan kol yeryüzü ile
semavi alemi ayıran sınırı simgeler; sütun sembolizmini içeren aşağı inen kol ise iki alem
arasındaki iki yönlü her türlü irtibat ve iletişimi temsil eder.

*Sembol inisiyenin alnının ortasında iki gözünün arasında yani üçüncü göz hizasında
tutulduğunda misterlere inisiye olmuş bulunmayı ve sırrı gizli tutmayı simgeler. Bu arkan
denilen sırlara açılan kapıları inisiye olmayanlara kapatan anahtardır. Yani bu öte-alemin
tülünü aralamış durugörü gibi psişik yeteneklere sahip olmuş ve görünmez hiyerarşi ile
vizyon veya sezgi yoluyla temasa geçmiş inisiyenin sırları kimseye açıklamaması gerektiği
anlamına gelir.

*Ankh sembolünün kulpundan tutulan bir anahtar olarak kullanıldığı sembolizmlerde ise bu
anahtar onu taşıyan kişinin İsis gizemleri (misterleri) inisiyasyonundan geçmiş biri olduğunu
simgeler. O kimsenin göğün kapısının anahtarına sahip oluşu İsis ve Osiris’le temsil edilen
semavi vazife organizasyonunda artık şuurlu olarak hizmet edebilecek bir duruma gelmiş
olmasını ifade eder.

*Mumyaların üzerine konulan ankh sembolü mumyalananın ilahlara benzer duruma gelene
kadar doğum-ölüm süreçlerinden (reenkarnasyon) defalarca geçeceğini simgeler.

Sembol haç kısmından tutulması İsis’in elinde olması gibi farklı bağlamlarda daha farklı
anlamlarda kullanılmaktadır.

Ansiklopedik bilgiden sıkılanlar için:

Ankh'ın şekil olarak neyi temsil ettiği egyptologlar tarafından sürekli tartışılmıştır.

Kimileri şeklinin insan vücudu olduğunu söyler. En yaygın kanılardan biri de budur çünkü
ankh ölümün ardından yaşamın sembolü onun anahtarıdır. Şekil itibariyle cift cinsiyetli
olduğu söylenir ki bu da kadın veya erkek ayırt etmeksizin köle ırk haric bütün insanlari

temsil eder.

Kimileri ise seklinin nil nehri olduğunu savunur. Dogduğu yer ince ucu döküldügü
iskenderiye deltasi yuvarlak başi sağa ve sola açılan kollar ise nil'in doğu ve batı yakasıdır.

Bir başka teoriye göre ise ölüm ile bir tutulan çarmıh'ın üst bölümü yuvarlanmış şeklidir.
Bilinmektedir ki çarmıha germe yalnızca romalılar tarafından değil o dönemde gerek
yunanlılar gerekse mısırlılar tarafından sürekli uygulanan bir cezalandırma yöntemiydi. Bu
haç şeklinin tepesinin yuvarlanıp bir elips/halka şekli olusturmasının sebebi ise sonsuz bir
döngüyü işaret etmesi böylece ölümden sonra yaşamı sembolize etmesidir.
(Değişik Kaynaklardan derlenmiştir)


Trusting in the current..

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 1:57am


The past few days have brought up feelings of insecurity and the feelings of `wanting to go
home’ have been rising to the surface …

I feel as if I have been cut from my moorings and I am floating down stream much like those
images of debris going wherever the current is taking it which are currently on view in

Change is the only constant I know but it does seem as if change is never ending with no gaps
in between…. no time to catch your breath.

I have experienced constant flux in my life and used to take it in my stride but the past few
years have seen me holding on to the grass on the riverbank just so that the scenery would
stay the same for at least a little while.

Last night I had a medley of strange dreams. One of which involved a childhood memory of
me at about 8 or 9 years old bringing home a monk for a family bbq. Yes … that is right. I
remember a Benedictine monk visiting our school and I was really taken with him. I must
have met him when I was down the beach ( our church and school were next to the beach) and
invited him back to our place. It must’ve looked so funny .. me walking into our backyard
holding hands with a monk …. but , that was me

I have no idea why that memory came back to me last night but lately all kinds of memories
are returning from all over the place.

Not for the first time along this ascension path have I been reminded of giving birth. There
was that time when I was certain that I could not go through with it ..although plainly I had no
choice being in the 1st stage of labour. I remember literally climbing up the back of a bed ,
looking for any way out of what lay ahead. It was not until I finally realised that the only way
was through that things got better and I got on with the task in hand.

I have felt this way over and over again for the last few years. There have been many times
when I thought that the going was too rough …

Lately I have felt physical discomfort again … the lower back and stomach and then the
cartwheels in my solar plexus.

It was not until this morning, after receiving a text from a friend who is stuck in New York
because of a snow storm who was saying much the same thing about feeling alone, not feeling
any security but going wherever the current was taking her , that I remembered a channelled
message I had posted on here at the start of the year which spoke about these feelings coming
up during the month of January.

It was a message from Gabriel

Robert Baker

Here is part of the message:

In January, you may find awareness of deep-seated, primitive experiences rising… from the
early part of your childhood. Anything that has kept your in survival consciousness. This first
chakra will shake up the structures and forms, how you have manifested.

This will be a time to re-structure old forms that are tainted by your “unfinished business” and
unhealed feelings. It is a month of revelation. Some will be inspiring as well. new ideas,
concepts, deeper truths will rise into your consciousness as the soul hints at connection to the
personality. As you continue through all four months, which will lead to new, inspired
choices, a desire to express your creativity in new ways as well.

The 7th Ray of the 1st chakra will also increase, which also is about re-structuring form. It is
the Ceremonial Order of Magic. This is the Ray that governs the laws of energy in the
universe. There will be a lot of outer conflict, where you will see what has always been going
on, but mostly behind the scenes.

Different groups and individuals who are a part of deceptions and corruptions will become
more apparent. The way you have created laws in your physical world have been based on the
moralism of right and wrong, good and bad, reward and punishment… all held in place by
herd consciousness.

Children who want to please someone else in positions of authority or leadership. And now
you will find that those in many of the positions of leadership have been wounded children,
acting out their defenses as well. So some of the revelations will be about disillusioning the
survival consciousness.

You will be inspired to wake up to deeper truths, which will encourage you to grow up and
take deeper responsibility in your own lives. You will now see the tricks that have been there
to manipulate and keep you in fear. As the soul connects, the five physical senses will become
more acute as well.

This will help you to perceive the truths about the objective, physical world. You will begin to
awaken to deeper insights and truths. In your personal lives, if you have survival actions that
you have indulged in your patterns, that keep you in denial and separation and confusion, you
will find greater insights about these patterns and how they no longer serve you.

The physical body will have upheaval in the lower torso as the 1st chakra is activated. As the
soul radiates from your core, it will reveal what is held out of balance in your physical body.
So you may have more symptoms to negotiate and nurture. Some of those may include pains
in the lower torso, from the stomach to the lower back.

You will sometimes experience nausea as the old emotions attempt to move and goes into
friction in the solar plexus. There may be an accelerated release in the excretions from the
body, as well as some blockages. There may be issues in the legs and feet, such as pain or
itching. You may get rushes of heat and then chills, sometimes only in specific areas of the

Keep in mind that the challenges that rise are there to inspire you to respond and nurture
yourselves into greater balance.

So .. on it goes .. and the only thing for it is to go with it.

Let go of the riverbank and trust in the current.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 3:16am

Families are at conflict due to lack of love and forgiveness

Couples are not in harmony due to lack of trust and forgiveness

Countries are at war because of selfishness and unforgiveness

So be kind, embrace love and forgiveness

It is through forgiveness that one can love themselves

It is through forgiveness that one is able to respect one another

It is through forgiveness that we can live harmoniously together

It is through forgiveness that we can advance further

Through forgiveness, you will have peace

Through forgiveness, you will have happiness

Through forgiveness you can give light to the darkness

Through forgiveness you will be at ease

~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan

*filed under free verse


DailyOM: Removing Obstructions
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 3:17am

Allowing Our Light To Shine

When we don’t feel ourselves shining, we can tune inward to find the block that prevents us
from shining our light.

There are times when we may not feel at our best and brightest. At those times we can take a
look at what we might do to let our inner light shine to the fullest. Because we are physical,
mental and spiritual beings, we need to determine where our spiritual light is being filtered or
blocked. We can work from the outside inward, knowing that we are the only ones with the
power to dim our lights, and as we clear away the layers we can get out of our own way to
feel the warmth of our own light shining again.

As vehicles for our mind and spirit, our bodies require proper maintenance. Caring for
ourselves is like polishing--helping to clear away the accumulation of physical debris that
keeps us from operating at our fullest capacity. A simple shift in our thoughts can positively
affect our mental state, moving from complaints to gratitude and applying the powerful light
of love to any shadowy thoughts. A change of scenery can allow us to see the world in new
ways too.

Once we are free of our restrictions, we can become still and connect to the power at the
center of our being. It is always there for us, but when we forget to connect, or siphon our
power in too many directions, we cannot make the most of our energy. Starting from the
inside out may direct us to take the right steps for our journeys back to the light, but
sometimes it can be difficult to find the stillness if our bodies and minds are in the way. As we
practice steps to keep our energy flowing freely and without obstruction, we shine our light
brightly, illuminating our own paths and making the world around us glow as well.


Grand Canyon - Egyptian Connection
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 3:23am

A Lost City in the Grand Canyon?

On April 5, 1909, the Arizona Gazette published an article detailing the discovery of a great
underground citadel located in the Grand Canyon. The discovery was purportedly made by G.
E Kinkaid (or Kincaid as both spellings are used), while he was traveling down the Colorado

The southwest is home to many ancient ruins from cultures such as the Hopi, the Chumash
and the Anasazi, but the city described in the Gazette article is clearly different. The article
states that the race who once inhabited the cavern were of oriental origin, possibly from

Upon entering the cave, Kinkaid describes finding mummies as well as a shrine containing:
"�the idol, or image, of the peoples god, sitting cross-legged, with a Lotus flower or Lily in
each hand. The cast of the face is Oriental, and the carving shows a skillful hand, and the
entire is remarkably well preserved, as is everything in this cavern. The idol most resembles

Kinkaid also finds what he believes to be hieroglyphic writing similar to that found in the
peninsula of Yucatan. Two animals are depicted in the pictorial writing. Curiously, one is of
prehistoric type.

An idea of the scale of the discovery can be determined by Kinkaid¹s estimate that upwards of
50,000 people could have once lived in this system of tunnels and caves.

Was the story faked?

The article mentions two people by name: G. E Kinkaid/Kincaid and Professor S. A. Jordon
from the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian records from 1900 to 1914 do not mention
either individual. Inquiries posed directly to the Smithsonian by other researchers have
yielded consistent denials of any records of a G. E. Kinkaid or a professor S. A. Jordan ever
having worked for the Smithsonian.

The 1909 article also describes G. E. Kinkaid as ³the first white child born in Idaho.² I
followed up on this lead with the Idaho State Historical Society and received the following
response: "Regrettably, we find no word of a G E Kincaid in any of the pre-1900 federal, state
(Idaho) or local (Idaho) records we consulted. There appears to be some confusion about Mr.
Kincaid's status as the first European American child born in Idaho. That distinction belongs
to Eliza Spaulding, the daughter of missionaries Henry Harmon Spaulding and Narcissa
Spaulding, who was born at Lapwai, Idaho, in 1837."

It is possible that Kinkaid believed he was the first Caucasian child born in Idaho and he was
merely mistaken. It is also possible that further research will reveal additional details of
Kinkaid¹s past, but so far this lead has turned into a dead end.

Could the Story be True? There are a few points that would seem to indicate that the 1909
article describes a genuine discovery. If the article were a late April Fool¹s joke or merely a
fictitious article created to fill space on an otherwise slow news day, one would assume that
the mention of the story would be a one time occurrence.

The article begins: "The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now
regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archaeological discovery in the United States, but
one of the most valuable in the world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette."

There was a previous story printed in the Gazette about the explorations of G. E. Kincaid. On
March 12, 1909 a short, mundane description of Kincaid's journey is given. Only the last
sentence, "Some interesting archaeological discoveries were unearthed..." gives any indication
of the fantastic discoveries made on his trip. It seems unlikely that such a short,
straightforward article would have been fabricated to set up a fictional story that would not be
printed for another three weeks.

The March 12 article states that Kincaid traveled the entire length of the Colorado River and
that he was the second man to make this journey. So what of the first man to make this
journey? That honor goes to John Wesley Powell who explored the Colorado River and the
Grand Canyon from 1869 to 1872.

In his book Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons, Powell describes his journey
through the Grand Canyon. As he is passing through an area known as Marble Canyon,
Powell sees in the canyon walls great numbers of caves that are hollowed out, and carvings
are seen which suggest architectural forms, though on a scale so grand that architectural terms
belittle them.²Powell may be using the term architectural forms to describe the beauty of the
natural formations, but the fact that he includes mention of a great number of caves in the
same sentence is certainly curious when viewed in the context of the 1909 Gazette article.

Later on, Powell describes a curious discovery. He wrote

"I walk down the gorge to the left at the foot of the cliff, climb to a bench, and discover a trail
deeply worn into the rock. Where it crosses the side gulches in some places steps have been
cut. I can see no evidence of its having been traveled for a long time. It was doubtless a path
used by the people who inhabited this country anterior to the present Indian races-the people
who built the communal houses of which mention has been made. I returned to camp about
three o'clock and find that some of the men have discovered ruins and many fragments of
pottery; also etchings and hieroglyphics on the rocks."

Compare Powell's discovery to the entrance described by G. E. Kinkaid:

"There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards from what was at the time the
cavern was inhabited, the level of the river."

Both accounts describe stone steps carved into the rocks. The Gazette article also describes
Kinkaid's discovery of 'tablets engraved with hieroglyphics.'

Powell also speculates that the creators of the steps he found were a race of people who came
before the Indian races. He does not speculate on their origin, but it appears possible that both
Powell and Kinkaid are describing discoveries that point to the same culture.

Photo taken by Michelle Emerson

The Smithsonian

The 1909 article clearly states that the Smithsonian is involved with studying and excavating
the site. However, the Smithsonian denies that any such discovery ever occurred. This brings
up the larger question that if this was a true story, why would the Smithsonian have covered
up what certainly would be one of the most significant archeological finds of the twentieth
century? Believe it or not, there is precedence for the Smithsonian losing information about
discoveries that are deemed to not fit in with currently accepted dogma about the history of
America and its interaction or lack thereof with other ancient civilizations.

Egyptian Ruins in the Grand Canyon?

Archeological Coverups by David Hatcher Childress

Perhaps the most amazing suppression of all is the excavation of an Egyptian tomb by the
Smithsonian itself in Arizona. A lengthy front page story of the Phoenic Gazette on April 5,
1909, gave a highly detailed report of the discovery and excavation of a rock-cut vault by an
expedition led by a Professor S.A. Jordan of the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian, however,
claims to have absolutely no knowledge of the discovery or its discoverers.

The World Explorers Club decided to check on this story by calling the Smithsonian in
Washington, D.C., though we felt there was little chance of getting any real information. After
speaking briefly to an operator, we were transferred to a Smithsonian staff archaeologist, and
a woman's voice came on the phone and identified herself.

I told her that I was investigating a story from a 1909 Phoenix newspaper article about the
Smithsonian Institution's having excavated rock-cut vaults in the Grand Canyon where
Egyptian artefacts had been discovered, and whether the Smithsonian Institution could give
me any more information on the subject.

She said, "The first thing I can tell you, before we go any further, is that no Egyptian artefacts
of any kind have ever been found in North or South America. Therefore, I can tell you that the
Smithsonian Institute has never been involved in any such excavations."

She was quite helpful and polite but, in the end, knew nothing. Neither she nor anyone else
with whom I spoke could find any record of the discovery or either G.E. Kinkaid and
Professor S.A. Jordan. While it cannot be discounted that the entire story is an elaborate

newspaper hoax, the fact that it was on the front page, named the prestigious Smithsonian
Institution, and gave a highly detailed story that went on for several pages, lends a great deal
to its credibility.

It is hard to believe such a story could have come out of thin air. If this story is true it would
radically change the current view that there was no transoceanic contact in pre-Columbian
times, and that all American Indians, on both continents, are descended from Ice Age
explorers who came across the Bering Strait.

Is the idea that ancient Egyptians came to the Arizona area in the ancient past so objectionable
and preposterous that it must be covered up? Perhaps the Smithsonian Institution is more
interested in maintaining the status quo than rocking the boat with astonishing new
discoveries that overturn previously accepted academic teachings.

Historian and linguist Carl Hart, editor of Word Explorer, then obtained a hiker's map of the
Grand Canyon from a bookstore in Chicago.

Poring over the map, we were amazed to see that much of the area on the north side of the
canyon has Egyptian names. The area around Ninety-four Mile Creek and Trinity Creek had
areas (rock formations, apparently) with names like Tower of Set, Tower of Ra, Horus
Temple, Osiris Temple, and Isis Temple.

In the Haunted Canyon area were such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister,
Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple. Was there any relationship between these
places and the alleged Egyptian discoveries in the Grand Canyon?

We called a state archaeologist at the Grand Canyon, and were told that the early explorers
had just liked Egyptian and Hindu names, but that it was true that this area was off limits to
hikers or other visitors, "because of dangerous caves."

Indeed, this entire area with the Egyptian and Hindu place names in the Grand Canyon is a
forbidden zone - no one is allowed into this large area. We could only conclude that this was
the area where the vaults were located. Yet today, this area is curiously off-limits to all hikers
and even, in large part, park personnel.

I believe that the discerning reader will see that if only a small part of the "Smithsoniangate"
evidence is true, then our most hallowed archaeological institution has been actively involved
in suppressing evidence for advanced American cultures, evidence for ancient voyages of
various cultures to North America, evidence for anomalistic giants and other oddball artefacts,
and evidence that tends to disprove the official dogma that is now the history of North

The Smithsonian's Board of Regents still refuses to open its meetings to the news media or the
public. If Americans were ever allowed inside the 'nation's attic', as the Smithsonian has been
called, what skeletons might they find?

Front page of The Phoenix Gazette of April 5th, 1909

Explorations in the Grand Canyon

Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern being brought to light

The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists as
not only the oldest archeological discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable
in the world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought to the city
yesterday by G.E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great underground citadel of the Grand
Canyon during a trip from Green River, Wyoming, down the Colorado, in a wooden boat, to
Yuma, several months ago.
According to the story related to the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaelogists of the
Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the expeditions, have made discoveries which
almost conclusively prove that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid
rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing back to Ramses. If

their theories are borne out by the translation of the tablets engraved with heiroglyphics, the
mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and
whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be
linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the

A Thorough Examination

Under the direction of Prof. S. A. Jordan, the Smithsonian Institute is now prosecuting the
most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last link in the chain is forged.
Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main passage has
been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of
passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.

Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main
passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds
include articles which have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless they
had their origin in the orient. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp-edged and hard as steel,
indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the
scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies,
and the force will be increased to thirty or forty persons.

Mr. Kinkaid's Report

Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all his
life, thirty years having been in the service of the Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly
recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque.

"First, I would impress that the cavern is nearly inaccessible. The entrance is 1,486 feet down
the sheer canyon wall. It is located on government land and no visitor will be allowed there
under penalty of trespass. The scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear of
archeological discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic hunters. A trip there would be
fruitless, and the visitor would be sent on his way. The story of how I found the cavern has
been related, but in a paragraph: I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone,
looking for mineral. Some forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I
saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2,000 feet above the river bed.
There was no trail to this point, but I finally reached it with great difficulty.

Above a shelf which hid it from view from the river, was the mouth of the cave. There are
steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards to what was, at the time the cavern was
inhabited, the level of the river. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I
became interested, securing my gun and went in. During that trip I went back several hundred
feet along the main passage till I came to the crypt in which I discovered the mummies. One
of these I stood up and photographed by flashlight. I gathered a number of relics, which I
carried down the Colorado to Yuma, from whence I shipped them to Washington with details
of the discovery. Following this, the explorations were undertaken.
The Passages

"The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet toward the farther end.
About 57 feet from the entrance, the first side-passages branch off to the right and left, along

which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today,
though some are 30 by 40 feet square. These are entered by oval-shaped doors and are
ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls are about three
feet six inches in thickness.

The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by an engineer. The ceilings
of many of the rooms converge to a center. The side-passages near the entrance run at a sharp
angle from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction.

The Shrine

"Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which
are found the idol, or image, of the people's god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or
lily in each hand. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving this cavern. The idol almost
resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it
represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that this worship
most resembles the ancient people of Tibet.

Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in form; others crooked-necked
and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cactus with
protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of
hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all
descriptions, made of copper. These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this
metal, which has been sought by chemicals for centureis without result. On a bench running
around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process.
There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancients smelted ores, but so
far no trace of where or how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore.

"Among the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, made very artistic in
design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels. Another passageway
leads to granaries such as are found in the oriental temples. They contain seeds of varous
kinds. One very large storehouse has not yet been entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be
reached only from above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, which indicates that some
sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded, as the materials of which they are
constructed, I think, is a ver hard cement. A gray metal is also found in this cavern, which
puzzles the scientists, for its identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Strewn
promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call "cats eyse', a yellow stone of no
great value. Each one is engraved with the head of the Malay type.

The Hieroglyphics

"On all the urns, or walls over doorways , and tablets of stone which were found by the image
are the mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to
discover. The engraving on the tables probably has something to do with the religion of the
people. Similar hieroglyphics have been found in southern Arizona. Among the pictorial
writings, only two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type.
The Crypt

"The tomb or crypt in which the mummies were found is one of the largest of the chambers,
the walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. On these are tiers of mummies, each

one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench, on which is found
copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with clay, and
all are wrapped in a bark fabric.

"The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher shelves are reached, the
urns are finer in design, showing a later stage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all the
mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here.
This leads to the belief that this exterior section was the warriors' barracks.

"Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no skins, no clothing, no
bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for water vessels. One room, about 40 by 700 feet,
was probably the main dining hall, for cooking utensils are found here. What these people
lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south in the winter and farmed in
the valleys, going back north in the summer.

"Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the caverns comfortably. One theory is that
the present Indian tribes found in Arizona are descendants of the serfs or slaves of the people
which inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good many thousands of years before the Christian
era, a people lived here which reached a high stage of civilization. The chronology of human
history is full of gaps. Professor Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and believes
that the find will prove of incalculable value in archeological work.

"One thing I have not spoken of, may be of interest. There is one chamber of the passageway
to which is not ventilated, and when we approached it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our
light would not penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will not know
what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but other boo-hoo this idea and think it may
contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells
snaky just the same.

"The whole underground installation gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a
weight on one's shoulders, and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker.
Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back through the ages that have
elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space."

An Indian Legend

In connection with this story, it is notable that among the Hopi Indians the tradition is told that
their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose between
the good and the bad, the people of one heart and the people of two hearts. Machetto, who
was their chief, counseled them to leave the underworld, but there was no way out. The chief
then caused a tree to grow up and pierce the roof of the underworld, and then the people of
one heart climbed out. They tarried by Paisisvai (Red River), which is the Colorado, and grew
grain and corn.

They sent out a message to the Temple of the Sun, asking the blessing of peace, good will and
rain for people of one heart. That messenger never returned, but today at the Hopi villages at
sundown can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the housetops gazing toward the sun,
looking for the messenger. When he returns, their lands and ancient dwelling place will be
restored to them. That is the tradition.

Among the engravings of animals in the cave is seen the image of a heart over the spot where
it is located. The legend was learned by W.E. Rollins, the artist, during a year spent with the
Hopi Indians.

There are two theories of the origin of the Egyptians. One is that they came from Asia;
another that the racial cradle was in the upper Nile region. Heeren, an Egyptologist, believed
in the Indian origin of the Egyptians. The discoveries in the Grand Canyon may throw further
light on human evolution and prehistoric ages.

Conclusions: It is interesting to speculate about ancient Egyptians or Tibetans flying to the

Grand Canyon in Vimanas - but that does not seem likely. If this were true - additional
archeological evidence would suport those facts - photographed and uncovered by 21st
century - as humanity searched for its ancient ancestors.

Native Americans tribes - perhaps the Anasazi who entered the region around 500 AD - lived
in the mountains and caves much like the African Dogon. Caves were often used as burial
chambers. Anasazi groups, widely scattered across the southern Colorado Plateau and the
upper Rio Grande drainage, defined their similarities and their differences largely in terms of
their multi-storied, multi-room pueblo Great Houses or cliff dwellings. It is what tied them
together, even though the individual groups themselves often bore more differences than
similarities. Perhaps this is what the explorers found and misinterpreted as ancient Egyptian

In any case - without physical proof - there is no evidence to support the hypothesis that
ancient Egyptian and Tibets visited the area long ago. Yet for some people - their souls tell
them that there is a truth here somewhere.



Sun Rises Two Days Early In Greenland
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 3:27am

Translated for you.

In Greenland, the sun after the polar night of this year has risen by two
days early. According to the KNR Radio Greenland showed the central star in
Ilulissat, on Tuesday at exactly 12:56:57 Clock. Normally, the sun rises in
the West Greenland settlement, however, until 13 First time in January again

An expert from the University of Vienna suggests that the observation may be
due to the recent strong accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet. One
thing is certain - the constellation of the stars has certainly changed.
AP / Michael Kappeler Ilulissat is located in West Greenland and living from
fishing and tourism.
Inhabitants of the third-largest city with 4,500 inhabitants of Greenland,
made because of the early sun appeared worried. "Here in the place the sun
comes up until 13 January. Since one or the other probably does not, "cited
a 74-year-old KNR locals in a report on its website.
No change in the Earth's rotation
Scientists rule out any case that the observation could have geophysical or
astronomical reasons. "In the constellation of the stars has not changed,"
said Wolfgang Lenhardt, head of the geophysics department at the Central
Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) in Vienna. "There would
have been an outcry around the world." The data of Earth's axis and Earth's
rotation would be monitored continuously and meticulously.
Horizon decreases
Thomas Posch from the Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna
completed astronomical reasons for the premature end of the polar night also
made. He suggests that the observation is due to a change in the local
horizon. An accelerated by the melting of the Greenland ice sheet of lower
horizon appears as "by far the most obvious" explanation. According to
Lenhardt it could possibly also to an atmospheric phenomenon - act - for
example by ice crystals caused a mirage.
Glaciers are melting rapidly
The alarming message about the decline of the Greenland ice sheet is also
evidenced by the current climate studies. A report by the World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO) shows that Greenland's temperatures were
an average of three degrees Celsius above normal. This led in recent years
to increased glacier melt summer.
Weather Records in December
And the year's winter has not done much that the snow and ice is growing
again. In December, the temperatures were in the populated coastal regions
around the zero point, which is well above the long-term average. Instead of
snow in the south of the island was even rain.
KNR announced in December, several weather records from the Arctic region. It was
raining in the town of Kuujjuaq on 1 December for the first time since records began
half an inch. In Salluit in Hudson Strait, it was at Christmas plus three degrees.
Normally there are at Christmas time between minus 19 and minus 27 degrees Celsius


 Posted by ayfer iğdebeli on January 14, 2011 at 3:30am

Yaşamınızı sürdürebileceğiniz üç halka vardır. Gücün ilk halkası, gayri ihtiyari bir dünya ve
içinde bulundurduğu tüm somut varlıklardır. Bu dünyada yaşamak doğal ve normal görünse
de, ayakta kalmak inanılmaz bir güç gerektirir. Bu kadar kolay görünmesinin sebebi,
doğduğunuz andan itibaren dünyayı gözlemlemeye koşullandırılmış olmanızdır. Dünyayı,
ilginizle ayakta tutarsınız, ilginiz kayarsa, sizin bildiğiniz dünya da sarsılır.

Gücün ikinci halkası, Ruhun soyut dünyasıdır. Bu alışılmadık bilinç dünyasına insan, enerji
çoğaltımıyla girmeyi öğrenir. İkinci halkanın diyarını keşfetmeniz için size yardımcı olacak
pek çok uygulama vardır, ama bunu başarmak, inanılmaz bir odak ve disiplin gerektirir.
Gücün üçüncü ve son halkası, iki dünyayı kaynaştırabilme becerisidir. Bu üçüncü safhaya
eriştiğinizde, iradeniz ve isteğinizle ikisinde ya da herhangi birinde yaşayabilme becerisine
sahipsiniz demektir.

Modern bilim şimdi, mistiklerin yüzyıllardır bildikleri şeyi onaylıyor. En büyük hata, sizin
somut fiziksel bir varlık olduğunuz inancıdır. Fizikçiler, somut olarak görünen şeyin, tam
olarak 99,99999 boşluk ya da Ruh olduğunu onaylıyor. Örneğin, bir zamanlar atomun katı
olduğunu düşünmüştük. Şimdi, bir atomun bir futbol sahası genişliğinde büyütüldüğü
takdirde, elektronların stadyumun etrafında uçuşan pirinç taneleri ile atomun çekirdeğinin bir
pirinç tanesi olacağını biliyoruz. Anlaşılan o ki, geriye pek çok boş alan kalıyor.

Büyük ustalar kendilerini, daha büyük bir enerji alanında işlev yapan enerji alanları olarak
görürler. Güç, toplayabildiğiniz, yoğunlaştırabildiniz ve artırabildiğiniz enerji miktarıyla ölçü-
lür ve yapabildiğiniz seviye ve derece, sizin kişisel gücünüzü belirler. Enerjinizi, daha yüksek
bir frekansa ve sürate ulaştırmak için, çok daha yüksek bilinç seviyelerine ihtiyaç olacaktır.
Yüksek sonsuz benliğinizle direkt bir kişisel deneyim yaşamadan sonsuz olduğunuzu
bilemezsiniz. Spiritüel gelişime en büyük katkı, bilincin alışılmadık hallerinin içinden

geçmektir. Sadece bu şekilde sınırlı, fiziksel benliğinizle ayrışmaya başlarsınız. Kendinizi
gücün ikinci halkasına dâhil etmeniz gerekir. Toplu bilinç ilerlemesi olarak gelişme umudu
taşıyan her spiritüel yasa, önce ikinci halkayı benimsemelidir.

Spiritüel yasalar, kendi kimliklerini her şeyin başı ve sonu yerine, araştırma merkezleri; daha
yüksek bir bilinç seviyesinin kişisel keşif ve tecrübesine odaklı bir laboratuar olarak
görmelidir. Tüm önemli öğrenme yasaları gibi, spiritüel araştırma merkezleri, kendilerini
gereksiz kılmaya çalışmalı. Özgürlüğü ve kendine dayanmayı öğretmeyen her yasa, hatalıdır.
İnsanın sonsuz spiritüel kavramları korkuyla açıklaması, insanileştirmesi, sınırlı aklından
geliyor. Gücün ikinci halkası, ruh dünyasına bir adımdır. Bu adım, tüm gelenek ve âlimlerin
söylediği, daha üstün bir seviyedir.

Cennet kelimesi, anlamı "genişleme" ya da "genişlemek" olan, Yunanca "ouranos"

kelimesinden gelir. Bu yüzden insan aklının bulutların üzerinde bir yere dönüştürdüğü cennet,
aslında genişleme anlamıdır. Diğer bir deyişle, kendi kişisel bilinç ve gücünüzün evrimi ve
genişlemesidir. İsa'nın söylediği şudur: "Cennetin krallığı içimizdedir" ve "Cennetin krallığı
elimizdedir." Her iki ifade de, açıkça içsel gücünüze ulaşmanız gerektiğini ifade eder; Tanrı
ruhtur ve bu ruh içimizdedir. Sizin temel kimliğiniz ruhtur; geldiğiniz yerden dolayı, bu
formdan başka bir şey olamazsınız. Tüm bunların başlangıcı ruhtur ve sonuç olarak siz tüm
kişi ve şeylerle birsiniz. Yaşamınızda daha fazlasına mı sahip olmayı seçiyorsunuz? Daha
güçlü olmak mı istiyorsunuz? Öyleyse, kaynak içinizde ve ona erişmek için önce kendi
kimliğinizin farkına varmalısınız. Siz, genişleme görevinde spiritüel bir enerji alanısınız.
Spiritüel kimliğinizin farkına varın ve gücün ikinci halkasına adım atın. Sonrası size

James Arthur Ray


A CALL TO LOVE! by Patricia Diane
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 3:40am


Precious Hearts, a monumental shift is taking place at this moment that transcends the
perception of our conscious minds. Please go within to the deepest recesses of your heart and
read these words from that sacred space where Divine Intelligence prevails. We are being
called, on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth, to release the greatest

expression of Divine Love we have ever experienced. This very moment, focus your attention
on the person you Love the most in this world. Tangibly feel your Love flowing through your
Heart Flame into the Heart Flame of your Loved One. Now, feel your Love expanding and
expanding until it envelops every particle of Life on Earth. Ask the Presence of God pulsating
within your heart to increase this expression of Divine Love daily and hourly with every
breath you take from this moment forth.

On Saturday, January 8, 2011, which numerically was an 11:11 day, we held a Celebration of
Life Service for my beloved son Joao who passed away unexpectedly on December 29, 2010.
The service was held at Saint Pius X Catholic Church in Tucson, Arizona at 10:00 a.m. There
was an overflow crowd of over 700 people physically present and tens of thousands of people
all over the world joining with us in consciousness to send their Love and support.

At 10:10 a.m., during the exact moment that Tucson was being flooded with Love and support
from all over the world, an unprecedented act of violence took place which took the lives of
six people and seriously wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and eleven other
people. Those who were killed included a Federal Judge and a nine year old girl who was
born on September 11, 2001.

The focus of the world instantaneously turned to Tucson, and people everywhere began
invoking the Light and praying for healing and comfort for the people involved. This
outpouring of Love and Compassion created a powerful forcefield of Light that enveloped the
planet and paved the way for a shift of consciousness that has the potential of lifting
Humanity into a Higher Order of Unity Consciousness and Oneness than we have previously
experienced. The success of this opportunity is up to us. Let’s all accept responsibility for
being the Open Door for a perpetual influx of Divine Love. Let’s all hold the sacred space for
Humanity to remember the Oneness of ALL Life.

The banner for the memorial service that was held in Tucson on January 12th in honor of
those who lost their lives stated, “Together We Thrive.” During that event, President Obama
and many other dignitaries who had come to Tucson for the service expressed the need for all
of us to set aside our differences and for us to cocreate a new level of civil communication
and interaction. It was expressed that it is time for us to reaffirm our commitment to each
other and for us to build a more sensible and caring world. We were all asked to unite in a
mission of recovery, and to honor the fallen by going forward in ways that heal and do not

President Obama said, “What matters is not wealth, or status, or power, or fame, but how
well we have Loved.”

We must all strive to be better people in our private lives, better friends, better coworkers,
better neighbors. We cannot use this tragedy as one more excuse to tear each other down.
Instead we must use this tragedy as a catalyst to catapult us into a Higher Order of Being. We
must align our values with our actions. If we do this, the lives of those who died will not be in

My Faith in your ability to accomplish this mighty feat is beyond measure. I Love you, and I
Trust you. Listen to the Divinity within your heart and you will know how to God
Victoriously accomplish your facet of this Divine Mission. Be at Peace. Know that when we
work together, Victory is Ours!

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose

PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as
long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


A new message from Karen Bishop 1-11-11

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 3:42am

December 12, 2011

Greetings everyone!

Hello everyone!

It has been an interesting few months of twists, turns,

trials, and experimentations with the energies in regard to
the ascension process, but nonetheless, everything has been
designed and implemented in support of the end times, and
adjusted in accordance with how things have chosen to
unfold..and always, but always in unpredictable ways in

recent times, even though the end result will remain the

Below is a brief update of the latest news offered to you as

a support and validation of your own experience, as well as
yet another way of touching base while my latest book
promised to you is still in the writing stage (I am still in
a seeming endless transition as my new geographical,
spiritual, personal, and professional destination abruptly
changed in accordance with how the planet chose to
experience the end times). Please know that for various
reasons, I am currently without a website and have also shut
down my PayPal account, so for now, e-mail (not my favorite
modality) is all that remains for communicating to large
groups when needed. If needed, my mailing address is posted
at the end of this e-mail, and mail will be forwarded from
there to the temporary address where I am currently

Below is a brief planetary update:

Generally speaking, things are right on track in regard to
our spiritual evolutionary process as a planet, even though
things unfolded in a very different way than expected.
Currently, there is very little darkness left, and what is
left is up and out.the very last tendrils which are just
hanging on by a thin thread.

We have made tremendous progress, even though it may not

seem like it at times. Many of the tweaks and attempts at
holding together the higher energies did not stick, so other
things too complicated and long-winded to describe here were
tried. While all these things were occurring, a new
structure was being implemented nonetheless, and during this
time, the remaining darkness was allowed to run rampant. The
light, or those holding most of it, was encouraged to go
underground, lay low, and conserve itself, and this
manifested in various ways (described further on). The
reason the light had to hold tight within itself was because
there was nothing to tap into at this time, and because the
darkness was being allowed to run rampant so that it would
implode or destroy itself as part of the remaining purging
process. In addition, allowing the darkness to go as far is
it could with no interruption would also allow many souls on
the planet to finally wake up to the fact that something
indeed needed to change. But mostly, things were being put
into place from above and we simply needed to be removed
from the old grid during this time. It was hoped that the
souls on the planet would take over on their own, holding
the light and higher ways on their own (thus, all the
attempts at trying things this way that were not

successful), but this did not happen, and now we will be
receiving light from the outside in times to come (more
about this as well, further on).

The purging of the remaining darkness is unfolding in some

of the final stages right now. This means that old energies
deep within the earth are rising up to be released. Old
darker energies in regard to old battles, ancient energies
of the past, races and indigenous cultures of long ago and
even in recent centuries, and so forth, are now rising up
from the earth where they have been held and will be
released. Prior owners of land or races and residents of
land areas are all being shuffled around now, as the old
earth and all its history will no longer be. A massive
cleansing is at hand.
Because of this situation, it can feel as though there has
been a lot of darkness in the air that we breathe or rather
in our surrounding energies. And because so much of the last
remaining energies are being purged right now, we can at
times wonder if we are living in hell and have fallen down
into a deep black hole of darkness with an inability to get
up. In addition, any parts of us that are connected to the
old energies are leaving as well. We may find ourselves
cleaning out closets, getting rid of old signature jewelry
and the like, as we rid ourselves of this old planetary
energy. During this time, I found myself ridding my house
and my jewelry box of anything that was of southwest or
ancient energy, as these energies were no longer a part of
me. This has been a life-long energy of mine, now to depart.
And all part of the many endings that we will now experience
as part of this final stage (this is what my new book is all

With this "allowing" of the darkness to run rampant, it can

feel as if the earth has gone mad and that who knows what is
now at the helm. We can feel as if we can no longer breathe,
as if there is absolutely nowhere left to go, as if all our
coping and self-nurturing mechanisms have been depleted and
exhausted, and as if we have been beaten down too low to get
our heads up once again. With so many removals and nothing
new to tap into, thereby forcing us to rely on our own
personal energies, these times can serve to severely deplete
During this time, there has also been a lot of energy around
our hearts. We may have experienced esophagus problems (an
inability to swallow what is occurring out there), or lung
and breathing problems (an inability to breathe in the
darkness). As our hearts are opening very naturally through
the on-going ascension process, what are they currently
opening to? Nonetheless, our hearts are expanding still and

this process may result in chest pain and pressure, middle
back pain, and the like. And as always, these symptoms are
not always related to the ascension process, so it is always
best to consult a health care professional.

During this time of the release of darkness, we are of

course, releasing the remaining darkness or imbalances
within ourselves as well. The higher energies are here, even
though it may not feel like it at times, and these energies
are molding and forming us into the purer states of being
that we were always intended to become. We are being pushed
and molded into a pure gold nugget with nothing extending
outside of our new pure boundaries. If you are an over-giver
or over-helper, you will be encouraged to discontinue this
practice, as it is now all about self and center without
reaching (and always has been). If you are a perfectionist
and like things the best that they can be, you will be
encouraged to see that everything is really all about love
and that is all that really matters. If you have believed
that you are here to make something happen on the planet and
to make change, you will be encouraged to realize that you
are simply here to experience and create and love one
another. These are but a few of the higher states of being
that we are naturally being pushed and shoved into now.

While these last stages of the ascension process are

unfolding in regard to the removal of old planetary ways of
being from the old world, we are being encouraged to
conserve our energies and keep them close to the vest. There
is a reason behind this. We are all being taken care of and
all our needs will be met during this time. There is no
question about this. In this way, we
are not receiving any big bursts of money, manifestations,
new creations, and the like. We are being encouraged to lay
low and stay steady and wait. It has not been time for new
creations quite yet. We are still waiting for the new grid
to become steady and solid. It has taken some time to form,
as the majority of souls chose old patterns and ways, and
chose not to change, grow, and look within. Being knocked
down countless times always serves as a great vehicle for
the removal of remaining ego, as well as placing us in a
more gentle state of being.

But things are about to change. With the last tendrils of

darkness now in the forefront sadly serving as our
entertainment at times and blocking us from moving forward
or creating anything new, we are nonetheless making
progress. With each purging of darkness comes more stability
into the higher realms. With each date of 11 (November 11th,
or January 11th, for instance), we move oh so slowly into

the higher realms. 11-11-10, or most recently 1-11-11,
pushed us forward as we move through the opening of the 11
portals. At these times, we can feel that everything is
going to be just fine, and that we are now more stable, but
then over time, things fall again. It is a step-by-step
process.one tiny step at a time. So even though it may feel
that the darkness has taken over, it is simply just the
final purgings that are taking place.

Part of this process also involves a massive removal of the

old for each of us. Again, massive endings are part of this
process and must occur if we are to move forward into a very
new reality. Anything and everything that no longer fits us
will fall away, be taken away, or simply leave. This process
can be grueling, acutely depressing, and shocking at best,
but once through the thick of it, the arrival of our own
personal new is well worth it (the new book outlines the
stages and feelings associated with it).

February will bring in a new anchor and things will really

grab. But it is with the equinox in March that we will
really see great movement, and it will be a movement like no
other. It is now possible to predict these things with more
accuracy as we are now no longer dependent upon human beings
to make things change and grab. This philosophy did not
work. Human behavior was more unpredictable than ever
imagined, and sadly so. So in this way, with the light now
arriving from the outside once again, planetary changes in
energy will much more easy to predict, as they will not be
dependent upon human beings. We will be returning to the old
stages and methods of the ascension process that were
utilized in years past (prior to the last three years when
we were supposed to take over on our own). For instance,
solstices encourage going deep and equinoxes encourage
forward movement and manifestation, along with numerous
other supports from our other celestial bodies at differing
times along the way.

Come March and especially into April, we are scheduled for a

massive influx of movement and of receiving. It is finally
time. This is because so much darkness has been removed in
recent times, and also because the new grid is becoming more
solid. With the arrival of the light, the old will now begin
to fall away more rapidly and we will feel much more at the
helm with something more solid to now hold onto. And
hopefully, if we have learned from all we have been through
so for, we will finally wisely utilize what we receive.

Wishing you starlight in your soul, heaven in your heart,

and miracles in your life during these miraculous times,

Karen Bishop
P.O. Box 15196, Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87174

Good news for all of us is on the horizon. Aplogies for any

rambling or unorganized writing...I am recovering from acute
bronchitis and still in a weakened state.

Much love to you all,


Karen Bishop, P.O. Box 15196, Rio Rancho, NM 87174, USA

com~Where we believe in miracles and
magic~Offering a variety of Personal
Readings, Spiritual Guidance & Healing Sessions. Coming
soon, Classes by Mystiblu~
I believe in the sun...when it's not shining. I believe in
love...even when I feel it not.
I believe in God...even when he is silent.~Irish Wisdom


Empowerment Thro' Surrender, Awakening

And Divine Love ~ By Dawn Maclntyre.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 10:00am

Empowerment through Surrender, Awakening and Divine Love

by Dawn MacIntyre

Making most of our time here on earth is not difficult but does require us to develop certain
states of mind as well as the higher qualities of our soul. This includes empowering ourselves
to succeed and enjoy life, learning to trust and surrender to a higher power, our Divine Selves,
and stop trying to do everything by ourself from the place of our personality and finally,
becoming fully awakened by developing higher states of being.

How can I transform my victim mentality to one of authentic empowerment

and truly succeed in all areas of my life?

We are, by and large, born with an authentic sense of our own power;one that is unfettered by
the consciousness of our parents, family, teachers and society. We are innately aware of our
innocence and our intrinsic capability to fulfill our soul's mission easily and gracefully.

As we grow up we become unconsciously transformed to possessing a victim mentality,

especially as women, in at least some area of our life if not in most areas. We are run by
anger, fear and worry by the time we are adults. Again, while some of this mentality is known
to us, much remains unconscious and will continue to do so until we choose otherwise.

It is imperative to take responsibility for our lives and choose empowerment through the
process of loving ourselves more fully and deeply, by accepting ourselves as we are in this
moment, with all of our strengths and weaknesses, being willing to forgive ourselves and
others completely and finally by letting go of our past ….letting go of our pre-conceived
notions of who we are and instead become unlimited in our spiritual power and magnificence
as women.

Love, acceptance, forgiveness and letting go ….these are the secrets to self-empowerment. It
becomes easier for us to develop these deeply within when we are able to finally acknowledge
that we are ultimately responsible for the peace, happiness, and personal power that we so
richly desire and deserve. Now is the time for us to step up and be fearless in our pursuit of
expressing our inner beauty and greatness.

About two months ago I experienced an attempted break-in at my home …I startled the
robber as much as he startled me. Fortunately he ran away before any harm came to me. For

that one day I allowed myself to feel the shock that comes with the invasion of our privacy
and places we deem as our sanctuaries however, the next morning I woke up and chose to not
feel like I victim in this situation. As a result I was able to see the gift in the experience and
empower myself to act on its blessings.

We will no longer be victims when we choose not to be. And we will become authentically
empowered instead.

Why do we need to surrender?

When we move from the victim mentality to one of empowerment we are so busy planting
seeds for the manifestation of our desires. This is a time when we work very hard and act on
all of our hunches, our intuition, to move forward and lead fulfilling lives.

During this process we will be challenged with certain obstacles and things may not seem to
be going according to our original plans and/or in accordance with our timing.

The only solution for this is to surrender and TRUST in the divine process, in divine timing
and in the fact the universe is co-creating with us every step of the way. And sometimes our
job is to simply step back and let the universe do its job.

If we try to force things, our results are far from what we envisioned and likely won't last. On
the other hand when we surrender and trust, we enter into a state of allowing things to happen
easily and gracefully, in perfect timing and with end results that are far greater than we could
have imagined.

This is how the universe works and it is a beautiful thing …if only we would let it be.
Regardless of how far down the spiritual path we are …this is a constant lesson that will show
up for us until we get it …believe me, I know! As evolved as I am, I still get caught up in the
timing of things and am learning the art of surrender right along with you.

It may seem that being surrendered is a lazy, inactive way to go about doing business or
creating your dreams. The truth is there is no greater act of faith and confidence in our
trusting that our divine blueprint is indeed being fulfilled, even when we can't see it, than
when we are totally surrendered, at peace and celebrating our accomplishments thus far.

In the end, if we do surrender and enjoy the process, things actually do come together more
quickly because we have gotten out of our own way. Solutions magically appear where none
were to be found no matter where you looked. It is that simple.

God wants you to be happy ….when you feel stuck or things aren't happening exactly as you
had hoped simply "Let go and Let God".

You're worth it and then some.

Why is awakening so important to leading fulfilling lives?

An awakened state of being is ultimately blissful. After mastering the art of trust and
surrender we can more easily enter into conscious states of grace, gratitude, beauty,
compassion, forgiveness and divine love for ourselves and others. The gift of each of these

states is separately magical and collectively heaven on earth.

* Grace: to live in a state of grace simply means that we are mentally and emotionally
centered and grounded regardless of outer circumstances and behaviours. In each moment we
are able to feel the gift of life and see the best in people and experiences.

* Gratitude:

to live in a state of gratitude asks us to take nothing and no one for granted. To see the
blessings that have been bestowed upon you, daily and over time ….and as you do this you
will create much more of the same. We always have a choice to focus on the good, or the bad.
Choose to focus on all that you have to be grateful for, every day!

* Beauty:

to live in a state of beauty means that we honour the existential beauty within all people and
we appreciate the beauty of nature with more reverence…. the beauty of nature, which exists
without our forcing anything, is the best example of our unlimited capacity to create beauty in
our lives with as little effort.

* Compassion:

as compassionate beings we see the bigger picture. We also see people as doing the best they
can given their current level of consciousness ….in being compassionate we create the space
for the acceptance and therefore, the growth of others.

* Forgiveness:

Although I listed this one last, forgiveness is paramount to living an awakened life. Radical
forgiveness of ourselves and others frees us to become more conscious and awakened ….and
to experience the daily miracles life has to offer.

Does this mean we have to live in these states of being all of the time? Absolutely not! We
can, at best, only ask of ourselves to come back to these states as quickly as we can. The key
to awakening is to be aware of the moments and days that we exist in lower states of being
and to have the courage to lift ourself up and out of them, with ease and grace.

And through the Divine Love of ourself,

this becomes second nature.

Dawn MacIntyre

Circle of Divine Light



HEAVEN #3703 Your Star in the Sky,
January 14, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 10:17am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3703 Your Star in the Sky, January 14, 2011

God said:

There are two ways to take life. One is very seriously, and the other is without attachment. I bet
you never thought of the opposite of serious as without attachment. That’s what taking life
seriously is about however – attachment to it. That is when life becomes very serious, all
serious. Perhaps another way to say seriously is to say tensely. Holding onto an idea of what life
must be and what it must look like is attachment, and bound to bring tension.

Life does not have to be like a wild safari fraught with danger. Life can be a ride up and down
the river of life. It can even be paddling in a canoe, or sailing on a paper sail boat. It can be a
whistle while you walk in the park of life where there is much mingling and activity, yet still the
walk an amble.

Adapt an ambience to life. Give life all you’ve got at the same time as you let it be, waterfalls
and changing weather, and varied terrains. As you walk through life, you don’t race. You don’t
drag your feet. And when you stumble, you simply set off again on this blessed unknown

Have you had the idea that the journey you are on must be proscribed? The journey you are on
is the journey you are on. It is a unique never traveled before journey, and it is yours. It is no
one else’s. It is yours. It is bound to have surprises and unknown turns. Life cannot be known
until the moment it appears. You are a traveler on the road of life, and yet you are not a
wayward traveler. You are on the journey you set out for. Regardless of its twists and turns, you
are on your journey.

You don’t have all the say of it. There are too many factors in this life on Earth for you to have a
designated map. However, at any turn in the road, life can change in a flash, and you can decide
much of the turn. You can welcome life, or block it, or fuss about etc. to whichever degree you
choose. You have been doing that right along, and now, today, you can welcome what life offers
you. You can lean in the direction you want to go.

It is not necessarily that you are exactly ready for all that life holds, yet you can welcome the
known and the unknown just the same. Are not the known and unknown the elements that make
up life? It is as if you have two reins in your hand, and you do not hold on more tightly to one
rein than you do the other. Hold the reins lightly, beloveds. You and life can be affable. You can
get along good-naturedly.

Let go of resistance, and follow your star in the sky. You have a star. It is there. Even when you
don’t know which star is yours, it is there beckoning you. Certainly, your star could be any
number of bright sparkling stars, yet one is yours.

The stars are calling to your heart. Your star pulls you along sometimes as if you were a sled,
and sometimes your star lets you race uphill and downhill. You have your own route. Consider
your star the energy of life that holds you firm and also lets go of you. There is the Will of the
Universe, and there is your free will, and sooner or later the twain will meet.

You will enter into a divine route where only love exists and you soar. It is inevitable that you
come to this path and stay on it. No longer do you vacillate. You will reach up to the stars, and
the stars will swing you as in an embrace, and you will sail through the galaxies right to where

you want to be and always were before you got caught up in the illusory changeable and forgot.


Energy Shifts and Power Plays a message

from Jennifer Hoffman - 10 January, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 11:30pm

Energy Shifts and Power Plays

a message from Jennifer Hoffman - 10 January, 2011

Read all of the predictions for 2011


In 2011, as in previous years, we will experience a number of vortex shifts and the influx of
new energies as we progressively move towards the energetic recalibration of the family of
humanity (which includes the earth) into higher vibrations and dimensions. We have been
involved in this process for more than a decade and each wave builds on the preceding one as
they work together to alter our physical, physiological, psychic, emotional and mental bodies,
allowing us to incorporate more of our spiritual beings into our human bodies through a
process that releases density and replaces it with light.

New energies alter our bodies on every level and we react with physical symptoms that can be
as mild as a headache to as debilitating as a chronic illness. On a personal level they bring
wide-ranging changes that can include total disconnection from our current life path as
everything we know is removed so we can create something different. Each energy wave
allows us to release a layer of density, awakening us to every limitation we have lived with.
Our physical and life changes are the result of the release of this density and the recalibration
of our vibration to incorporate a higher energetic frequency. Sometimes this release process
feels like a physical death, and it is in a way. But once we are beyond the release process, we
will feel better, until the next energetic shift.

Vortexes are concentrations of energy, reflecting either extreme beauty or violence. And
portals are openings in the earth's energetic field through which energy flows. As we
collectively raise our vibrations lower energy portals can close, which will shift the energy
dynamics of the planet, as we are seeing now and which will continue throughout 2011 and
beyond. This process expands exponentially as our ability to assimilate higher levels of
energetic vibration increases. That is why time appears to be speeding up because we are
leaving the limitations of linear time and moving into Universal, multi-dimensional, non-
linear time where we move closer to what we are, pure energy with unlimited potential for

As energy in motion we are profoundly affected by any shift in energetic frequencies. Our
sense of our personal power is heightened with each energy shift, as being at a higher
vibration allows us to access our true power, which is divine and internal. Powerlessness
resides in density so removing density also removes the limitations to our power. It is our
soul's destiny to ascend and this has been the focus and goal of our many lifetimes. The more
we understand our role in ascension, our partnership with the earth and that this is an
energetic process which is reflected in the physical and material world, we can participate in a
balanced way, with grace and ease. 2011 will bring many changes to us on an individual and
collective level and one day the density we know will be a thing of the past. Until then, we
will continue on this joy ride of expanding energy as we all ascend into miracles and come to
know ourselves as masters.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material
is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its
entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com

are included.


The Nature of Angelics & Light Archangel

Metatron via James Tyberonn
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 14, 2011 at 11:30pm

The Nature of Angelics & Light

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light!

We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We
nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always
been so !
And so we speak on the nature of Light and of the Angelic Beings of Light.

Currently humanity is entering an expansive stage of extra and intra dimensional access. This
is due in no small part to the galactic positioning of the Earth at this time that mankind refers
to as the Ascension.

The Earth, and the Milky Way Galaxy as we have shared in earlier assays, has entered an
extreme illumination cycle, a 'no-spin zone' which cast no shadows. Its effusive influence is
that cognition is placed in first position, an extreme thinning of the veil, so to speak. A
magnification of dimensional reality-overlap is now overseen by cosmic forces that are
unique to the present planetary Ascension.

Misconceptions are being cleared away, as Humanity's Myths of Cosmology evaporate into

mist. It is a time to 'get real', in your vernacular. It is the era of undilutedTruth. You are
uncovering knowledge that is already within you, for humanity is a species with amnesia.
Time to awaken, time to remember. And that is indeed, Illumination, and Illumination, Dear
One, is all aboutLight.... Crystalline Coherent Light. And we tell you in sincerity, you are all
at source, amazing Beings of Divine Light.

The Coded Nature of Light

The Earth is diversely luminous, receiving and disseminating light in a variety

of unique frequencies, formats and bandwidths, each offering its own benefits and qualities.
Light contains information, codes and colors in its spectrum of varied oscillations which
support the Earth and indeed, Humanity.

While the sun of your solar system is the primary source of light received on the
earth, it is important to note that it is by no means the only source. Other sources
include the Great Central Sun, stars, white-holes, and 'Light Beings'. In a valid
manner of speaking Light Beings, those far beyond your scope of Angels, provide
a light that is unimaginable to you. We add the caveat that all light from all sources have a
natural filtering matrix and dimensional spectral distribution.

Most humans are only able to 'physically' perceive quanta of light that occurs in
the 'visible range' of the light spectrum. You are aware that humans require sun
light to sustain healthy physical bodies, yet we tell you that the beings that live in the 'inner
earth' also receive light as a necessary nutrient. (We offer an angelic wink as we give a wry
notification that many of the planets in your particular corner of the Cosmos, including the
earth have more advanced 'humanesque' life-forms internally than on the surface.)

So what is the source of their sustaining light? It is a polychromatic light emitted

from the crystalline core of the earth, well above the 'visible' range.

Polychromatic 'Whole-White' Light works directly with the 12 chakras of the Mer-Ka-Na. It
is pristine and complete, containing all frequencies, all spectra, all creation codes in both
wave and particle format. Sunlight does not. You will in time inhabit the 'Inner Earth'.

The 2012 completion of the Crystalline Grid will bring changes to the way the earth and
mankind will receive light. The 144-Grid will begin over the next two to three centuries to
influence the direction of light waves. It will have the capacity to attract, refract and
disseminate light from one dimensional medium into another. The wave velocities received
will be different from the velocities refracted. It will be capable of singular and double
refraction. It will be capable of refining polychromatic light into singularly coherent factions
and coherent light polychromatic. New forms of light in crystalline and nonpolar morphous
will be emitted. The grid itself will breathe, and that respiration will enact even more complex
geometries beyond the double penta-dodecahedron of the 144.

The physical matrix of humanity will symbiotically evolve, as a direct result, into formats that
embed and spawn greater abilities to retain morphic coded light. The body will become a
source of light appearing semi-translucent, less fixed in density, mass and gravity. Humans
will physically evolve from carbon based life to silicon base. It is crystalline Illumination, for
silicon is unique in its crystalline symbiosis to light itself.

A New Sun

Your sun is changing. It has been a conditional sun, in aspect to the Earth. It
has played an unperceived role in the duality aspect of planet earth since the fall
of the firmament. When the new 144-Crystalline Grid completes in 2012, it will begin to
create the seeds of the New Firmament. This will in kind allow for the sun to provide
'Unconditional Light'. The very manner in which humanity absorb light will up shift as will
the ability to perceive above the current visible spectrum limitations.

The Crystalline Transition of the Earth is the base source of the planetary Ascension. It offers
greater light, more complex light to humanity. Accordingly, a greater aspect of light is
becoming available to humanity, and light removes shadow, and offers greater understandings.
The Angelic Realm is an enormous part of your expanded awareness in the Ascension.

The Angelic Realm

Dear Ones, the state of 'Enlightenment' is just that, it is Beingness within Light...Integral
Coherent Crystalline Light. The Ascension is around the Crystalline transition of the planet
Earth. In kind this crystalline transition makes available not only greater access to higher
dimension, but also the shift of humanity into Mer-Ka-Na, Crystalline Light Body. The Mer-
Ka-Na is able to absorb more light, you see, and thus allows you to carry greater energy as
you become capable of interfacing more synergistically into crystalline dimension and the
Angelic Realm.

The Angelic Kingdom is greatly misunderstood in certain aspects of its nature and core

Angels are indeed 'Messengers of God'. But what does that mean?

Angels are Multidimensional Beings of Light that serve a far greater function than
guardianship and bearings of messages. We will attempt to review the greater aspect of
Angels, but before we do, we will tell you that as Beings of Light, Angels are conscious
Beings of the Divine Essence of the key frequency for assisting humanity evolve...and that is
Love. We add the caveat, that Love is a frequency far more complex and much much higher
than the just the emotional feeling you think of as love. LOVE is a complex science.

As we have told you previously the highest form of Love is 'Unconditional Love'.
And whilst Unconditional Love can be sought from the stance of the 3rd dimension, it can
only be grasped from the level of the 5th dimension. That is because Unconditional Love is
integral, and the 3rd dimension is a conditional (not unconditional) plane. Those of you who
achieve the initial aspects of Unconditional Love, only do so on the level of the fifth
dimension, you see.

Angels As Place Holders of Physics

You think of Angels as nurturing guardians, messengers of 'God'. We are that and
more. Most of you will agree Angels are 'Beings of Light'. In the latter definition
you encompass a Truth that is vastly more far reaching than the initial description. Beings of
Light, Angels, are the place holders of the Laws of Physics, conscious in scopes you cannot
even imagine.

Angels have a reciprocal nature and aspect in dimensional Light, meaning that Angelicsexist
within the field of antimatter in Fractal Light and fold inward into physical realms in
Geometric Light. In so doing they are core energetic holders that consciouslyhold the special
laws of dimensions intact.

Angels are without form, occupy no physical space, in your terms, we have no mass. We are
Divine Thought and intact in manifestation. We are 'tonal' and have a spectrum of frequency
at our disposal. That frequency is LOVE.

We tell you that there is both a plural and singular aspect within the Angelic
Realm. And while it may seem paradoxical, even the 'singular' aspect of Archangels is plural
in consciousness content. Accordingly individual names humanity assigns to Archangels are
more to do with humanities limited concept of Angelic attributes than to an individual
Beingness. You interpret Angelics and Light Beings as having 'personalities'. In Truth we are
reflections of attributes of the most powerfulenergy in the Cosmos, and that is LOVE. Yet our
essence is received and interpreted to humanity in duality as having attributes you logically
consider to be individual personalities. We are Divine Mind with loving nurturing aspect,
devoid of ego, devoid of what you term negative emotion. We support, we hold energy in
place, and do so as a fundamental purpose. Love is our foundation.

Symbiotic Levels of Hierarchy

I, Metatron exist on two separate but symbiotic levels, the most familiar and accessible to
humanity is as Archangel Metatron, yet on the higher level, I exist as Metatron ,Lord of Light,
but even this analogy cannot encompass or define my nature, and is only capable of doing so
in aspectual terms.

As 'Lord of Light, I am a generator of the base units of realities, and universes.

This level is devoid of what you would term personality. It is analogous to an engine, a divine
conscious computer, of energy intensites beyond the gamma, illumination unimaginable to
you. And there are levels well beyond me.

As Archangel Metatron, I nurture life.

I communicate with the channel Tyberonn not in words, but in light code 'packets'. He
receives this communication by pre-earth agreement. A 'contract', if you will of service for
these times. In higher aspect Tyberonn is originally Pleiadean, and a member of the Cosmic
Council of Light. We have had service together in othersojourns and dimensions. These codes
are emitted from my higher aspect, transduced on the Archangelic level, and received in his
higher self, intact for interpretation and transcription.

It can be said that on the higher aspect, I contain the plurality source, generate
and emit the geometric frequencial consciousness codes of all that are transduced
into the Angelic Realm of Light. As such there is both a hierarchal and non hierarchal aspect
of the Angelic Realm, that is self determined by conscious crysto-light and light physics. It
can be said that the Light-Beings of the Angelic Realm, in Metatronic terms are conscious
units of 'Source Divine Thought' and Beyond-Thought that create Light and 'Beyond Light'.

The Angelics of the Metatronic Realm generate and embellish Coded-Light. Such light

intermelds matter, antimatter, time and space. This is obviously not a conceptual view of
Angelic function that is held by the masses of humanity, much less understood.However, in
this context lies the glue that irrevocably adheres the sacred scientific to the sacred spiritual
aspect of reality that forms the integral unified circle key to humanities evolving beyond

Indeed in the present era of Ascension, you are evolving in ability to absorb greater light, and
light is TRUTH, Universal Cosmic Truth of All That Is. The enigma that has obstructed full
unity of humanities consciousness in duality, especially in your present, is that science has
omitted the sacred and the spiritual has excluded the scientific.

It may then surprise some of you to know that there are Hierachies of Angelics dedicated in
functional purpose to what you may term as Keepers of Physics. In that role as conscious
constructs of 'Laws of Physics' that enable dimensional realities. And we realize that the idea
of angels being scientists and engineers will confuse most of you. We are smiling!

We tell you that the new metaphysicians, the new 'Light-workers', and Earth-Keepers, in your
vernacular, are the scientists. Indeed those you refer to as the 'Crystal Children' are the
'sacred-savant' scientists that will in the next generations complete the circle of understanding
and join the spiritual with the scientific. They will not be religious in the traditional sense, but
we tell you, humanity will come closer to understanding 'God' through science than through
religion. It is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Coming Full Circle

None of your present major religions offer the 'full circle', the complete truth
on the veritable nature of your reality. Each hold a piece, but are riddled with
inaccurate insertions. None even acknowledge the obvious premise of humanities
true 'extra terrestrial' heritage. Most speak in skewed metaphor. Many seek control through
archaic fear and reinforce mental programming that obstructs avenues of self empowerment
by instilling the concept of original sin and fires of hell and damnation.

All of Humanity are Beings of Light, powerful spiritual consciousness, that are
sparks of the Divine. The difference between Humanity and Angels is that Humans are an
aspect of the Divine that evolves back into God expansion plurality having chosen to
experience free will and relearn creation through that magnanimous lens.

Angels ARE, exquisitely and splendidly ARE, and always have been 'Keepers of Light' place
holders of this space and non-space of the eternal expanding 'NOW' of Alpha and Omega. .

Supreme Gestalt

We will also tell you that the religious teaching of 'Fallen Angels' is also a fear
based inaccuracy. There is indeed a 'Conscious Keeper' of the specific Law of Physics that
enables polarity/duality, which is the force that enables the 'University of Earth'. And within
that school of the duality causal plane, humanity is able to master the responsibility of
creative forces.

There are no evil or fallen Angels! Period.

There is no vengeful God in the heavens. There are no Angels to fear. Instead,
it's a magnificent family partner with a hand out.

It is indeed a skewed, archaic misunderstood analogy of the duality force. The only demons,
the only evil that exists in duality planes are those created by inaccurate thought in the
learning process of 'free-will'. There are no 'fallen angels'. How could a Being of Light created
by Divine Source divert from what it is? Angels, do not have 'free-will' in your terms. Rather
they have Divine Will.

The Supreme Gestalt of 'All That Is' is the substance of the reality that underlies
all appearances and manifestations that are called Life, including matter, anti-matter, non-
matter, energy and non-energy, thought and the absence of thought. And we tell you, there is
that which exists even beyond this.

You may not fully comprehend this axiom from your duality perspective , or perhaps do not
feel that this is within your field of conception, yet I would tell you
otherwise. But it is your discernment, ever, that must be honored in order to expand as you
grow into greater awareness of your God Self.

Humanities Angelics Images

Although humanity assigns gendered names to Archangels, the Angelic Realm is

androgynous, in your terms, neither male or female. Because you consider certain attributes
ofLOVE, such as nurturing and compassion as feminine, and attributes such as strength to be
masculine, you give gender to Angelics. Gender only exist in polarity. Wee are far above
polarity. We are integral. The Beings of Light that are of the Angelic Realm are plural/multi-
dimensional forms of integral conscious energy. Our plurality consciousness is the reason we
do not refer to our selves or relate our messages to you in the ' I ' of singular pronoun. Yet in
seeming paradox, we are also singular in unification.

Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the
misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular
male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither
male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course
Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no
means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and
reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind
in 'his' own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal male with a humanesque

. It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form.

Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus
it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing
with the Divine.

There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly
different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so

understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.

.Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers,
Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not.

The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified
entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative
and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a
body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced
beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen
to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has
experienced life on earth.

Discernment is Key

Think NOT that we desire to forcefully impose or have you change your chosen stance on
God, religion or the nature of your own being. Your beliefs, values and chosen opinions are
sacred steps of your free-will and are fully endorsed by the ' All That Is', of which you are a
Divine Aspect.

The mode and manner, the expediency and format of your evolution is your own creation, and
that is by individual design. There can be no other way to complete the University of Earth. It
is not the role of the Angelic, nor the Ascended Masters Councils to make choices for you, we
are holders of information that you may utilize, refashion, reject or accept. It is your choice,
and we tell you that each of you will graduate in time. Love is ever the key, and cause and
effect are great and greater teachers that all of you will learn from. Experiencing duality and
learning Mastery in route, is why you entered the course.


Masters, a beautiful completion is occurring on the Earth. It is a sacred event

that all of you have co created. It is time that you illuminate to the great and
greater aspect that has always been within you. The dreamer is awakening. The expansion of
Light is the expansion of Truth, of Understanding and is the doorway to the return home. Like
the Angels, you are Beings of Light.

As yet, most of you have no idea how important you are, and how the evolution that you have
created in your selves has expanded the Cosmos.
Before we complete, we ask you to do something very special. Take a moment, and
direct your energy to feel the energy of Light, of Angels.

Feel us.

Be absorbed in this angelic countenance of peace and well being. It is a moment

of solace, is it not? It is the energy of Source, of home, of Light, of Love.
It is Angelic, and you Dear Ones are feeling the frequency of our nature...of your
source nature in Angelic Beingness of Sacred Light. It is nice isn't it ?

Every Enlightened Being who has walked the Earth in final Mastery, exuded an energy that
feels a lot like what you just felt. People were attracted to them, loved them. All life

responded, blossomed in their presence. They created joy, effortlessly, because that is the
energy of LIGHT...and Dear Ones, you are human angels, and can and will evolve in kind as
you return home.

And in that sacred path, we of the Angelic Realm honor you. We await you, and promise to
leave the lights on for your serendipitous return.

I Am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.

And so it is...
Metatron Channel is transmitted through James Tyberonn. As receiver of this information
James Tyberonn claims the universal © copyright in the name of Archangel Metatron.
Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, abridged
or added to, and credit of authorship and website address

is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print only

with expressed permission granted by email from Tyberonn@hotmail.com


Sevgi Gücünün Evrendeki Yeri

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 15, 2011 at 12:22am

Ergün Arıkdal
17-18 Mayıs 1989'da Eskişehir'deki T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi
Kültürel Çalışmalar ve Çevre Eğitimi Merkezi'nin düzenlediği
Sevgi Düşüncesi" seminerinde sunulan tebliğdir.
Sevgi temelde soyut bir kavram değildir. Yani sevgi izafi bir değere, izafi bir varlığa sahip
değildir. Sevgi bütün varlık dizileri, varlık grupları içerisinde mevcuttur; hayvan
topluluklarında ve hatta bitki aleminde dahi, yapılan çeşitli tecrübelerle, bu sevgi olayının
somut örnekleri görülmüştür. Sevgi, metapsişik görüş ve anlayış çerçevesinde evrende
bulunan bir güçtür. Onun bir güç, bir kudret tarzında oluşu, aynı zamanda sevginin her şeyi ve
her yeri kaplamasıyla alakalıdır. Bu güç, sınırlı bir güç değildir. Bu güç, varlıkların dışında
mevcut olan ve bütün varlıkları kendi bünyesi içerisine alan ve varlıklar tarafından da kendi
niteliklerine, tekamül seviyelerine ve realitelerine göre yorumlanan, tezahür ettirilen bir
güçtür. Bundan dolayı da sevgi, tanrılık ya da ilahi bir südur, yani bir emanasyondur, bir
Sevgi bizzat Yaradan'dan südur eden bir güç değildir. Bu önermede sevgi gücünün
Yaradan'dan südur ettiği ifade edilmiyor; söylenebilecek husus, onun tanrılık, yani ilahi bir
mahiyet taşıdığıdır.


Sevgi her varlık kademesinde zorunlu olarak tezahür ediyor. Yani bir gereklilik, bir icap
vardır. Bu neye benziyor? Bu, yeryüzündeki çekim gücü, yeryüzündeki manyetik alan ve
kozmik birimlerin aralarında görülen cazibe gücü gibidir; gereklidir ve zorunludur. Eğer bu
çekim gücü, yani Genel Çekim Yasası'na bağlı olan bu çekim gücü ortadan kalkarsa, bütün bu
yerleşik düzen, bütün bu birlik ve ahenk darmadağın olur ve kaybolur.


Tıpkı bunun gibi sevgi de tanrılık bir südur olarak bütün varlık realitelerinde varlıkları
birbirine dıştan ve içten bağlar. Bunu daha kolay bir şekilde ifade etmek gerekirse, sevgiye
tanrısal çekim gücü ismini vermek mümkündür. Maddenin ve madde evreninin nasıl kendi
arasında bütünlüğünü ve birliğini muhafaza eden bir genel çekim varsa, aynı şekilde varlıklar
arasındaki birliği sağlayan da bu tanrısal sevgi veya tanrısal çekim gücüdür.
Sevgi, Evrensel Çekim Yasası'nın insanlardaki tezahürü gibi de kabul edilebilir. Tabii ki,
Evrensel Çekim Yasası iki yüzlüdür: Bir yüzü maddesel aleme ait bir çekim, diğer yüzü de
manevi, ruhi aleme ait bir çekimdir; aynen kumaşın tersi ve yüzü gibi. Dolayısıyla bunlar
Birlik ya da Teklik Yasası'na bağlıdırlar. Esasında tek bir Çekim Yasası vardır; bunun bir
kısmı maddi, bir kısmı manevi bir görünüm içerisindedir.


Evrensel Çekim Yasası'na bağlı olmak üzere sevgi, varlıklarda fenomen tarzında ortaya
çıkıyor. Daha doğrusu bu bir görünüştür ve ismine "sevgi" deniyor.
Sevgi, temelde duygusal bir olay değildir. Bizim önermemiz budur. Fakat insan, almış olduğu
etkiyi ancak çeşitli mekanizmalarını kullanmak suretiyle tezahür ettirebilir. Etkileri görünür
hale getirebilmek, realiteye yansıtabilmek için insanın bugünkü gelişim düzeyinde
kullanabildiği en önemli aygıtlarından biri de duygularıdır. Dolayısıyla sevginin yorumu
ancak duygusal tarzda ortaya çıkmak mecburiyetindedir. Yoksa kökende sevgi, sadece insanın
kendi bünyesi içerisinde, kendi şuursal faaliyeti içerisinde, kendi duygulanmalarıyla alakalı
bir şey değil, ona dışarıdan gelen bir etkinin sonucunda ortaya çıkan bir olaydır. Yani sevgi,
kendiliğinden bir olay değildir. Sevgi ancak bir etki sonucunda ortaya çıkan bir tezahürdür.
Bu evrensel çekim gücünün, bu tanrılık çekim gücünün, atomik seviyede nükleer çekim,
astronomik seviyede büyük gök cisimlerinin kütlesel çekimlerini, bitki ve hayvanlarda da
otomatik olarak çalışan içgüdüsel çekimleri meydana getirdiğini ve nihayet insanlarda da
duygusal sevgi tarzında kendini gösterdiğini biliyoruz. Işık bir prizma tarafından kırıldığı
vakit nasıl yedi renkte kendini gösterebiliyorsa, bir ışık tarzında düşünebileceğimiz sevgi
gücü de, canlı ve cansız varlık kademeleri arasında, aynen yedi rengin gösterdiği tarzda ayrı
ayrı nitelikler gösterebilir. Bu, kiminde nükleer çekimdir, kiminde kütlesel çekimdir, kiminde
sevgidir, öbüründe içgüdüsel tarzda yapılan hareketlerdir, hatta bitkilerdeki tropizmdir.


Sevgi duygu değildir, ama sanki ısıyı algılar gibi duyularla algılanır. Isı bir duygu mudur?
Değildir, maddenin bir özelliğidir. Titreşimsel değişimden meydana gelmiş bir özelliktir.
Değişik titreşim seviyesinde olan moleküller, yani havanın içinde bulunan nesneler,
duyularımızın yorumu ile bir ısı şeklinde tezahür eder. Sesin yayılışı gibi ısının da yayılışı
vardır. Moleküler titreşimlerin bizim duyularımızın üzerinde meydana getirdiği bir eylemdir.

Bizim duyularımız bu sırada künt olsa, çalışamaz halde olsa, biz bu titreşimleri hissedebilir
miyiz? Hissedemeyiz. Isı kaynağı da, ısı da varlığını sürdürdüğüne göre, sevgi de bizim
duyularımıza bağlı olan bir şey değildir. Sevgi, ısı gibi her yerde dolaşıyor, ama biz ona ayna
oluyoruz veya olamıyoruz, hissediyoruz veya hissedemiyoruz. Algılama gücümüzü
geliştirdiğimiz oranda, sevgi gücünden aldığımız pay artar.
O halde "seviyorum-sevmiyorum", "hoşlanıyorum-hoşlanmıyorum" sözleri tamamen rölatif
kavramlardır. Bu, doğrudan doğruya insanın kendi devreleriyle ilgili, duyuş fazlarıyla alakalı
bir durumdur. Bazen insanların birdenbire birbirlerini sevdiklerini, birbirlerine aşık
olduklarını görürsünüz. Yani sevdalanmak, duyusal algılamanın bu genel sevgi enerjisini
alabilmekte, ritmik düzeyde, en iyi olduğu bir devredir. Ritmik olarak en yüksek, en güçlü
olduğu devrede varlıkların istilaya uğramasıdır. Varlıklar bu istilayı, birdenbire aşık olmak
tarzında ifade etmektedirler.


Her varlık, aldığı bu emanasyonu kendi şuur düzeyine göre yorumlar. Ve böylece insanlar
arasında çeşitli seviyelerde sevgi örnekleri ortaya çıkar. Bu emanasyona, yani bu güce karşı,
varlıklar direnç gösterirler; tıpkı elektrik enerjisinin çeşitli metallerde uğradığı rezistans gibi,
sevgi çok çeşitli şekillerde görünüyor. Bunun sebebi, insanın algıladığı sevgi gücüne karşı
gösterdiği dirençtir; maddi ve manevi bünyesinin direncidir.
Birçok insan, birçok meseleyi kolaylıkla anlayamaz, kolaylıkla kabul edemez, kolaylıkla
hissedemez. Bir etki, herkes üzerinde aynı ve gereken cevabı uyandırmaz. Bu, bir direnç
olayıdır. Çünkü etki her şeye ve herkese gitmektedir; güneş ışığının her yere aynı şekilde
dağılması gibi. Sevgi bir güçtür, bir emanasyondur dedik. Bu güce varlıklar direnç
gösterebilirler. Yani bu etki alınır, fakat herkes kendi tekamül düzeyine göre bir direnç
gösterir. Hepimiz biliyoruz ki, elektrik akımının kaba bir nikelden, demirden geçişi ile
altından, platinden geçişi arasında çok fark vardır. Madenler asallaştıkça kayıplar azalır,
geçirgenlik gücü artar, kayıp giderek sıfıra yaklaşır.
Dirençler çok şekillidir: Zihni, manevi, felsefi, fiziki dirençler vardır. "Komşunu seveceksin."
ifadesi, bir direnç numunesidir. "Herkesi seveceksin." ifadesi, bakırdan gümüşe ya da altına
geçiş gibi daha genişlemiştir. "Müslüman müslümanın kardeşidir." denmiş, sınırlanmış. Bu,
bir kısım insanlar diğerlerine direnç halindedirler demektir. "İnsanlar kardeştirler." ifadesi ise,
tüm dirençlerin kalkmasını anlatmaktadır.



Varlığın direnç niteliği azaldıkça sevgi emanasyonunu absorbe etmek kabiliyeti artar. Bu
direnç nasıl çalışır? Dinlerin, felsefelerin, manevi eğitim sistemlerinin, ahlakın, gelenek ve
göreneklerin gerçek fonksiyonu, bu direnci azaltmaya dayanır. Varlık düzeyinde meydana
gelmiş olan bütün bu müesseseler, tanrılık bir sudur olan bu enerjinin, yani sevginin, varlıklar
tarafından daha fazla alınması, daha fazla absorbe edilmesi, yani soğurulması, çekip alınması
ve daha çok tezahür ettirilmesi için kurulmuş müesseselerdir. Onun için sevmek, tanrılık bir
kanundur. Sevmek, evrensel bir kanuni mecburiyettir. İnsanlar için bir gerekliliktir. Hiçbir
varlık bunun dışına çıkamaz. Yani yaradılışı itibarıyla, bu gerekliliğin dışında hareket
edebilme kabiliyeti ve gücü yoktur.


Direnci azalmış ya da sevgi emanasyonlarını almak kapasitesi artmış bir varlıkta bunun

tezahürü nasıl olur?
Bu insanların kendi kendini tanıma çabası hızla artar. Kendi kendini tanımanın,
kendini bilmenin, kendini anlamanın sadece bilgi düzeyinde, kendi varlığının
sebep ve yasalarını öğrenmek düzeyinde herhangi bir araştırması yeterli
değildir. Kendi kendini tanıma, esasında direncin azalması ile mümkündür.
Rezistanslarımız çoksa, her şeye karşı bir direncimiz varsa, genelde gelişmeye
karşı bir direncimiz var demektir. Gelişmeye karşı direnci olan insanların
elbette ki, kendini tanımaya karşı da direnci fazladır. Çünkü kendini tanıma,
kendini bilme fonksiyonu, önce kendi duyularının fonksiyonunu anlamayla başlar.
Çünkü insan yaşarken çoğu kez kendi duyularıyla ve duyularının kendisine
kazandırmış olduğu duyumlarla, izlenimlerle, bilgilerle harekete geçer. Yani iyi
ve kötü, hoş ve nahoş kavramlarını gözden uzak tutamayız.
Beşeri münasebetlerde; dostluk, arkadaşlık münasebetlerinde bu duygusal ölçü, duygusal
alış veriş çok önemli yer tutar; birbirimize karşı olan sevgi ve nefretimiz,
itme ve çekmeler gibidir. Kendini tanıma çabası içinde olan bir varlığın, bu
itme ve çekmelerin temeline inmesi gerekir. Bunların kendi varlığı üzerindeki
etkilerini mümkün olduğu kadar bertaraf etmesi gereklidir. Yok ettiği nispette,
o itme ve çekme arasındaki mesafe, giderek kısalır. Ne kadar çok kısalırsa,
rezistansı da o derecede düşüyor demektir.


Direnç azalması varlıkta toleransı, hoşgörüyü, sevgiyi ve sabrı meydana getirir. Ahlaki veçhe,
yani alınan bu enerjinin bizde meydana
getirmiş olduğu manevi görünümler bundan ibaret değildir. Çok çeşitli manevi
görünüşler vardır, ama temel bunlardır. Bilhassa insanlara ve haklarına saygı
göstermek, onların tekamül çabalarına yardım etmek, tekamül çabaları içerisinde
yürürken yollarını kesmemek, onlara engel olmamak; bütün bunlar, hepsi bir
müsamahanın, bir sevginin tezahürüdür. Eğer biz bunları yapamıyorsak, sadece
birbirimizin yüzüne bakıp tamamen çıkarcı bir sevginin içinde kalıyorsak, ki
insanlık bugün bu durumdadır, kendimizi tanıma yolunda ve manevi gelişme yolunda
olduğumuz pek söylenemez.
Direnci azalmış ya da sevgi emanasyonlarını alma kapasitesi artmış bir varlıkta tezahürler
nasıl oluyor? Buna ait, metapsişik
araştırmalarımızın sonunda, bizden önce de yüzyıllar boyunca çeşitli kesimlerde
tespit edilmiş büyük gözlemler vardır.


Bu insanların; yani rezistansı azalmış insanların, sevgi enerjisini almak ve kullanmak, kendi
varlığına geçirebilmek kapasitesini giderek
yükselten varlıkların önce davranışları pozitifleşir, özverili ve özgeci
tavırları belirginleşir. Halleri daima pozitiftir ya da mümkün olduğu kadar
pozitiftir. Düşünce ve hareketleri diğerkamca, eril, yani verici bir
Kendi üretmiş olduğu iç gücünü dışarıya yansıtma uygulamasındadır. Yaşamı, almak ve
vermek tarzında değildir. Çünkü ruh varlığı,
kendi kendine enerji üreten bir varlık demektir. Madde ise, ancak dışarıdan
aldığı enerjiyi kullanan varlık demektir; aldığı enerji ile varlığını
sürdürebilir. Ruhun özelliği, varlıksal olarak kendi kendine yeten, kendinden

enerji üreten bir varlık olmasıdır. Verici bir varlık demektir.
Rezistansı azalmış, sevgi seyyalesini şuurlu olarak alan kimse, insanlarla olan ilişkisinde
hoşgörülü, merhametli, yardımsever, şefkatli ve adildir. Kişisel etkileme gücü
artmıştır. Çevresindeki insanlarda, pozitif düşüncelerinden dolayı, daima
pozitif ve sakin bir etki uyandırır. Aydınlatıcı, sakinleştirici, ümit, şevk ve
cesaret verici, teselli ve sevgi dağıtıcı bir rol oynar. Bunlar psişik
Sempatiktirler. Yani her ne olursa olsun, bu kimseler, eğer sürekli olarak toplum içerisinde
bulunuyorlarsa, onların başkalarına antipatik
geldiğini görmek pek mümkün değildir.


Şahsi tasarruf ya da insanlara etki etmek kabiliyeti yükselmiştir. Onun hoşgörülü, merhametli,
yardımsever, şefkatli ve adil olması,
aynı zamanda bu varlığın sosyal çevre içerisindeki durumunu da tayin eder. Bu
insan sosyal bir insandır. Yani insanlarla düzenli bir uyum içerisinde
yaşayabilen, onlarla yürüyebilen, onlara yardım eden, köstek olmayan, sadece
kendi egosuna bağlı olarak durmadan bir şeyler alma yarışı ve projeleri
içerisinde yaşamayan bir insandır. Pozitif insan, kafasında kendi egosunu tatmin
edecek projelere çok az yer veren varlıktır.


Bu insanda, mistik tezahürleri genişlemiş bir varlık sevgisi doğar. Yani artık insan farkı
gözetmez, cinsiyet farkı gözetmez, inanç
farkı da gözetmez. Ayrıca, mistisizm tarihinden de biliyoruz ki, doğasındaki bu
rezistansı hem şuurlu, hem şuur dışı olarak mümkün olduğu kadar sıfıra indirmeye
çalışan bir varlıkta, çok çeşitli mistik tezahürler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu,
sufiyane bir deyim içerisinde tanrısal bir cezbeye girmek şeklinde ifade
edilmiştir. Bu cezbe, gerçekten de, mevcut sevgi enerjisinin o varlık tarafından
en az dirençle, sürekli olarak kendi bünyesinden geçirilmesi ve büyük bir
kısmının da muhafaza edilmesiyle, yani bir çeşit kondansatör haline gelmekle
Birçok insanda rezistans azaldıktan sonradır ki, bir teksif, enerjiyi biriktirme durumu ortaya
çıkar. Burası önemlidir. Bu enerji her yerdedir.
Hindular, havada bir prana, bir hayat enerjisi tasavvur ederler. Biz, her nefes
alışta sadece oksijen, azot ve değişik gazlardan ibaret bir atmosferi
solumuyoruz. Aynı zamanda, esiri bir şekilde mevcut olan pranayı da çekip
alıyoruz. İşte biz, tıpkı prana enerjisini alışımız gibi, sevgi enerjisini de


Bu güç insan varlığının bünyesinde yeterince toplanmadığı sürece, insanların mutlu olma,
memnun olma sorunları
hiçbir zaman bitmeyecektir. Hayatın kendilerine vermiş olduğu yüksek değerdeki
sevinçleri; sevgi enerjisinin kendi bünyelerinde odaklaştıramadıkları için,
biriktiremedikleri için, hiçbir zaman doğru dürüst tadamayacaklardır. Ve bu
yüzden de, bugün insanlığın içine düşmüş olduğu materyal bir sevgi, materyal bir

tatmin, materyal bir arayış mütemadiyen devam edecek ve artacaktır.
Bugün insanlar sevgisizlik, sevgi açlığı içerisindedirler. Tatmin olmak, mutlu olmak
çok kullanılan bir kelimedir. Ve en basit bir hareketle bile mutlu olmanın
yolları aranmaktadır. Çünkü gerçekten, mutluluğun ilkelerini insanoğlu
kaybetmiştir. Bunun sebebi, bünyelerindeki dirençlerdir.
Mutluluk eşyadan insana yansımaz; insandan eşyaya yansır. Bu, temel bir ilkedir. Mutluluk
değil, insandan yansır. Yani mutluluk, bir şuur olayıdır. Eşyanın bize vermiş
olduğu bir etkinin kazandırdığı bir güç, bir tatmin, bir kudret sahibi olmak
olayı değildir. İçsel bir olaydır. İnsanlara bunu yeniden öğretmek, tekrar
tekrar anlatmak gerekir.
İktidarın en büyüğü, dışarıda olan iktidar değil, içeride olan iktidardır. Ve bu iktidarın en
büyük destekleyicisi, taşıyıcısı da
sevgi gücüdür, sevgi enerjisidir. Bunu kendi bünyemiz içerisinde biriktirmek,
çeşitli mihraklarımızı, çeşitli manevi melekelerimizi harekete geçirmek
Bu manevi, yüksek melekelerimizin, yani biraz önce saymaya çalıştığımız ahlaka dayalı,
insanlığa dayalı; merhamet gibi, yardımseverlik
gibi, şefkat ve adalet gibi melekelerimizin gelişmesi, dışarıdan bize gelen bir
etkinin değil, bizim kendi iç varlığımızda meydana gelen bir değişikliğin
Eşya, insana adaleti öğretemez, eşya insana şefkati, yardımseverliği, merhameti öğretemez.
Bu bir şuur olayıdır ve bunu ancak biz
kendimiz çeşitli tecrübelerle öğreniriz. Tecrübe edinmekten maksat da, işte bu
yüksek sevgi enerjsini almaktır. Adı sevgi olan bu enerjiyi almaktır.
Mistik tezahürlerin yanı sıra metapsişik birtakım olaylar da meydana gelir. Bu tanrısal
çekime tutulduktan sonra, bu evrensel sevgiye yakalandıktan sonra, direnç çok
azaldığından, madde üzerindeki hakimiyet artmaktadır. Maddeye olan hakimiyet
arttığı zaman da, birtakım metapsişik olaylar meydana gelir: Şifalar,
kehanetler, zamanı ve mekanı aşan çeşitli rüyetler gibi. Bunlar için çoğu kere
azizlerin tezahürleri, evliyaların kerametleri, tanrısal inayetler tarzında
çeşitli ifadeler kullanılmıştır. Bunlar sevgi enerjisinin yüksek düzeydeki


Varlığın bir amacı da , evrende mevcut sevgi gücünü kendi bünyesinden geçirmek ve bunu
nakletmektir. Tüm varlıkların vazgeçilmez ihtiyacı olan sevgi enerjisini tezahür
Sevginin iletişimi, varlıktan varlığa intikali nasıl olur? Sevginin başkasına iletilmemesi,
varlığın ıstırap çekmesine sebep olur. İnsan,
sevgi iletişimini ve kapsamını artırmaya böylece zorunlu hale gelir. Çünkü
ıstıraptan kaçmak, elemden kaçıp hazza doğru gitmek tarzındaki ikili sistem
insan otomatizmasında mevcut olduğundan, bu direnç yüzünden de ıstıraba düştüğü
için, otomatikman hazza koşmak mecburiyetindedir. O halde ne yapacaktır? Sevgiyi
iletmek, sevgi iletişiminde bulunmak, dostane yaşamak, insanca yaşamak
Bunlar şuurlu yapıldığı müddetçe varlıkta bir yükselme, bir gelişme sebebi olabilir. Yoksa
diğer haliyle otomatik bir yaşayıştan
ibarettir. Güncel durumda, insanlar otomatik olarak elemden kaçıp hazza ulaşmak

gibi bir sevgi arayışı hali içindedir. Dünyamızı, içinde bulunduğu duruma
getiren de işte bu haldir. Bu reel bir durumdur. İnsanlar daima, elemden kaçıp
hazza koşmak peşindedir, ama otomatik olarak ve şuursuz bir şekilde.
Sevgi intikalinin olmayışı çoğu kez, kibirden, bencillikten, kabalıktan ve
anlayışsızlıktan kaynaklanır. Sevgi iletişimi kaba yöntemlerle yapılmaktadır.
Yani bencillik, bencilce sevmek, kibirli, gururlu, büyüklük taslayarak sevmek,
kendinden daha aşağıda gördüğü insanlara karşı yapmış olduğu, sözüm ona
diğerkamca hareketlerle sevgi göstermek, içtenlik taşımasa bile bütün bunlar,
yavaş yavaş, insanı gerçek sevgiye alıştıran birer etkendirler. Daha başka
ifadeyle, kibir gibi, bencillik gibi, ululanmak gibi nefsani olayların arkasında
sevgi intikalinin, sevgi aktarışının olmadığını görüyoruz.
Eğer varlık gerçekten direncini azaltmış, sevgi enerjsini kendi bünyesine alabilmiş olsaydı,
o enerjinin o bünyede meydana getireceği yüksek seviyeli değişiklikler, onun
için mukadder olurdu. Bugün insanların kibir, bencillik, nadanlık,
merhametsizlik gibi hor gördüğü, beğenmediği olaylar ortaya çıkmazdı. Eğer
çıkıyorsa, bu gene sevgi enerjisinin alınıp, fakat büyük bir direnç gösterilerek
bünyede muhafaza edilmesinden doğuyor.


Kendini sevmek, almak ihtiyacından, sahip olmak, her şeye malik olmak ihtiyacından doğar.
Bu, negatif bir yönelmedir ve
kainat içerisinde buna, dişil prensibin işleyişi denir. Yani dişil prensibe
sahip olan negatif yönde gelişir, hep almak ihtiyacındadır. Bunun diğer bir
ismi, kendini sevmektir.
Başkasını sevmek, vermek ihtiyacından doğar. Pozitif yönelmedir ve eril prensibin işleyişidir.
Dolayısıyla "sevgi ahlakı" kapsamında
en az iki türlü sevgi vardır: Bunun bir tanesi diğerkamca sevgidir; pozitif,
verici sevgidir. Diğeri de, bencil sevgidir; alıcı sevgidir, almak için
Sevgi-rezistans ilişkisinde de üç türlü sevgi vardır:
1- Aldığı kadar vermeyenler:
Bunlar bencil, çıkarcı sevgiyi uygularlar. Dirençleri çok fazladır.
2- Aldığı kadar verenler:
Bunlar sevgi tacirleridir. Orta dirençli varlıklardır. Ne alırlarsa, onu verirler. Hiçbir şey
almazlarsa, hiçbir
şey vermezler.
3- Aldığından fazlasını verenler:
Bunlar diğerkam sevgiyi yaşarlar. Dirençleri çok azalmış varlıklardır. Aldığından fazlasını
Dirençleri az olduğu için hayatın çeşitli dönemlerinde kendilerinde sevgi
enerjisi birikimi artmıştır, üstelik kendileri de üretmektedir. O halde bir
alıp, üç verebilirler.
Aile, toplum ve millet olarak yaşayış, insanların, sevgi gücünü çekmeyi ve bunu yansıtmasını
öğrenmelerine vesiledir. Sevgi
ihtiyacı tatmin edilmez, nakledilmezse dengesizlikler, bunalımlar, stresler
doğar. Bu, bütün bir toplumu kapsayabildiği gibi, her ferdi, her aileyi, her
grubu da kapsayabilir.
Daha ziyade psişik ve nevrotik mahiyette bulunan bir yığın rahatsızlığın temelinde sevgisizlik
yatar. Sevgisiz olarak yetişmiş,

sevginin nasıl alınıp verileceği öğretilmemiş veya karşısına bu imkan
çıkarılmamış varlıklarda, sevgisizlikten doğan birtakım yan arızalar ortaya
çıkar. Kendine güvensizlik, aşağılık duygusu, sadistlik, nefret, kendi içine
kapanma gibi birtakım problemler ortaya çıkabilir. Daha aile yuvasındayken sevgi
enerjisini almayı, kendi varlığında tutmayı, çoğaltmayı öğreterek, yavaş yavaş
çocuğun gelişmesini sağlamalıdır. Önce çıkarcı bir sevgiyi, ondan sonra sevgi
tacirliğini öğretmek, daha sonra da diğerkam sevgiyi çocuğa öğretmek lazımdır.
Zaten çocukların gelişimi genellikle böyledir.
Varlıklardan bahsederken, sadece insan varlığını değil, hayvan ve bitkileri de kastediyoruz.
Hayvanlar ve
bitkiler arasında acaba bir iletişim var mıdır? Elbette vardır. Hayvanlar
arasında sevgi iletişiminden doğan koruma ve fedakarlık örneklerinin sayısı
çoktur. Hayvanların birbirlerine karşı gösterdikleri fedakarlık ve koruma,
içgüdü ismiyle anılmış olsa da, esasında büyük bir sevginin A, B, C'sini tezahür
ettiriyorlar. Sevginin A, B, C'si içgüdüseldir. Bunu sadece hayvanlara
atfedemeyiz. Çünkü insanların da çoğunun sevgisinin başlangıcı içgüdüseldir.
Bazen anne-evlat arasındaki sevgilerin büyük bir kısmında bu içgüdüsel sevgi
dahi tezahür etmeyebiliyor. Yavrusunu öldüren, yavrusunu satan, bir cami
avlusuna bırakıp giden anne yok mudur? Bir güvercinin yapmayacağı şeyi insan
yapabiliyor. Hiçbir kuş, yavrusunu yuvadan aşağı atmaz; ta ki, uçma zamanı
gelinceye kadar. Bu da zaten atmak değil, onu uçmaya alıştırmak içindir, ilk
harekettir. Leylek yavrusunu yuvasından atar, ama uçması için.
Bitkiler arasında acaba durum nedir? Bitkiler birbirini severler mi? Bitkiler bitki
olmayan canlıları severler mi? Severler. Özellikle bitkiler daha da
hassastırlar. Çünkü "Bitkilerin Gizli Yaşamı" isimli kitapta ifade edildiği gibi
ve bugün de hala büyük çalışmalar halinde sürdürülen, bitkiler arasında "Baxter
Etkisi" olarak bilinen mükemmel bir telepatik alışveriş mevcuttur. Yani
birbirlerinden hoşlanan-hoşlanmayan bitkiler, bitkilerin hayvanlara karşı
tezahürleri, bitkilerin insanlara karşı tezahürleri bilinen
Demek ki, sevgi evrenseldir, her yerdedir, her bünyenin içerisindedir. Atomun da, insanın da
içerisindedir; bütün kainatı sarmıştır. Bu
genel çekim, yani tanrılık cezbe her yerde mevcuttur. Her şeyi kendi kudretli
eli içerisinde tutan bu güç, sevgi ismini verdiğimiz güçtür. Yoksa kavram olarak
düşündüğümüz sevgi değildir.
İnsanlardaki doğa, hayvan ve bitki sevgisinin asıl sebeplerinden biri şudur: Bitkiyi bitkiye,
bitkiyi hayvana, hayvanı
hayvana, hayvanı doğaya ve bütün bunlarla beraber daha şuurlu olan insana
bağlayan bir bağ olması lazımdır. Bu sadece görgül bir mesele, yani görmekten
dolayı, duyularla hissetmekten gelen bir birleşme, bir tabii kaynaşma değildir.
Bu, her varlığı kendi içinden saran bir güçtür. Doğa, bitki, hayvan ve insan
ancak birbirlerini içten sararak yakalayabilirler.
İnsanlardaki bitki, hayvan ve doğa sevgisinin sebebi, bitki ve hayvanların sevgi enerjisini çok
daha az
resiztansla almalarıdır. Onlar kesinlikle herhangi bir rezistansa sahip
değiller. Dolayısıyla bizim onlara verdiğimiz sevgi, onlar tarafından çoğunlukla
aynen kabul edilmektedir. Ve böylece onlardan bize saf bir sevgi aksetmektedir.
Ama bu insanlar arasında mümkün olmuyor. Çünkü insanlarda direnç var; bitki ve
hayvanlarda ise yoktur. Neyse odurlar. Alıyor ve veriyorlar. Dolayısıyla
insanların bugün bitki ve hayvan beslemeye karşı, doğaya karşı maydana gelen

sevgi artışının sebebi, bitki ve hayvanların sevgi enerjisini çok daha az
rezistansla almaları ve vermeleridir.
Gerçekten insanlar insanlara sevgi vermiyor. İnsan hep menfaatle alakalı olmak üzere, belki
de sürekli negatif
tepkiler alıyor. Nefretler alıyor; zıt çekimler içerisinde bunalıyor. Ama ne
hayvan, ne de bitki insandan nefret etmiyor. Hayvan ve bitki sevgisinin çok
yayılmış vaziyette olmasının sebebi bize göre işte budur. Tek başına kedisi ile,
köpeği ile, bitkileri yaşayan yüzlerce, binlerce insan bunun


A Glorious New Dawn For Earth And

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 12:25am

Geophysical and Biological Changes

Everything in this world is changing through mutation and

transmutation, taking place not only in the physical but also
in the psychic sphere of living beings, and in the dormant
psychic sphere of non-living objects awaiting awakening.
Animate and inanimate objects are awaiting expression. In the
psychic sphere gigantic changes took place after the first
Ice Age. Big animals came up, and after the second Ice Age
there was another big change and no big animals.

In the later portion of the Pliocene Age the forebears of

human beings came. Human beings were first born about a
million years ago. After about a million years there will be
no human beings on this planet and future generations of
other intelligent species similar to humans will see only the
fossilized skeletons of the present generations.

In all the areas of life metamorphosis must occur.

Metamorphosis is taking place not only in the realm of
physicality but also in the realm of psychic structure.
Changes are fast coming in the psychic arena and in all the
realms of human expression. They are not only coming, they

have just begun - we have crossed the threshold of a new era,
a brave new dawn is unfurling.

You know, human existence is not only an existence of

physicality, an existence in physical structure, it is a mesh
of vibrations of so many wavelengths. So if the physical
waves change, if the climatic conditions undergo a certain
gigantic metamorphosis, certainly the emanations and
perceptions of nerve cells and nerve fibers will be changed,
and be disrupted. It may be for the good, it may be for the
bad, but change is a must. In the case of such a change in
the physical order and also in the physico-psychic order, the
change is sure to take place in the realm of spirituality. We
hope that the movement -- that is, the movement of humanity,
and of each and every living being -- is from matter to
consciousness, from extroversion to introversion, from
mundanity toward subtlety. So the thought waves of human
beings will be more of a spiritual nature than they are at
present so that humanity, in that developed condition, will
be more spiritual-minded than it is today.

We know another Ice Age is coming on the earth. It will bring

an entire change in the structural side of the earth. Before
the coming Ice Age there will be intellectual change and
great biological change in human beings and animals -- in
every entity, animate and inanimate. You will find changes in
the seasonal order, in the psychic arena, in the
socio-economic-political and cultural spheres, in biological
structure. All are undergoing metamorphosis. The poles have
also started shifting. Are you ready?

As an intelligent person you should be ready for such an

eventuality, for such gigantic changes.

History moves in rhythmic waves -- in a systolic flow. It

moves continuously as it must, then there is a galloping
jump. Again it moves and moves again, then there is another
galloping jump, and so on. All of a sudden there are
galloping jumps -- epoch-making eras. We are now at the
threshold of this jump. We are not only at the threshold, we
have just crossed the threshold of a new era in the evolution
of this planet and a new dawn of human excellent in this
magnificent evolution here on this Earth. Do you realize it?
We are no long at the threshold -- we are "in" the threshold!
You should be ready for great changes, otherwise balance will
be lost, both in personal and collective life.

Once upon a time the downtrodden people of the world were

under the impression that communism was the panacea for their
problems. But after the communist leaders went against

humanity, rationality and human psychology, and disturbed the
very base of human civilization, the masses are now
challenging their leaders for killing millions of innocent
people. A vacuum has been created by their downfall. This
vacuum should be filled by your intellect and ideology -- by
you and other people of conscience to establish a morally
just and equitable society. All this will be accomplished in
the very near future. This brooks no delay. There is no

Magnetosphere Will Shift And So Will Humanity

The poles are shifting their positions. In the past, such a

shifting took place several times -- in the annals of Earth
and also in the history of so many other planets in our solar
system and beyond. As a result of this shifting, as a result
of this changing, people say that satellites moved in and out
of Earth when its outer crust, its lithospherical body, was
not so solid as it is now. And some are of the opinion that
as a result of this emergence of the Earth's lithospherical
body, the Pacific Ocean was created. According to old
astronomy and astrology, Mars also came out of Earth, but it
did not move around the Earth as its satellite, thus they
name Mars Kuja: Shani raja Kuja mantrii (Saturn is the king,
Mars is the minister). Ku means earth and Kuja means born out
of ku. So in the physical sphere such a change took place in
the past and will take place in the future, perhaps expelled
from the South Pole, fully encircled as it is with deep and
active faults and fully connected to from three to five
similarly deep faults running north to south along Earth's
current axis.

The poles shift their positions. Now as a result of this

shifting in the past, so many times, the time taken by the
Earth in moving around itself varies, and also the time taken
by the Earth in the moving around the sun -- that is, its
year -- also changed. Day and night together were not of 24
hours, and the year was not of 365/366 days. Two million
years ago Earth had 385 days in a year, and the Atlantic
ocean was much higher in relationship to the northern coasts
than it is now. So as a result of these changes in polar
positions, seasonal order also changed and its relationship
with Mars varied so many times. And the order of our
calendar, the system of our calendar had to be changed in the
past. If the poles change their positions again, the time
taken by the Earth to move around itself will certainly be
either lessened or increased. And similarly the time taken by
the Earth in moving around the sun will either increase or
decrease. That is why sometimes we see the seasonal orders
are not maintaining proper adjustment with the months: this

shows that the shifting is taking place fast. Now as result
of this change, not only the adjustment between the months
and the seasons will be lost, but the environmental order as
well as the ecological order of the Earth will be disrupted.

Pacific Freezes Over

After the coming Ice Age, there will be changes in tropical

regions and huge biological changes -- a special order shall
be created. Do you feel that the seasonal order is changing
and has been disturbed? The North Pole is moving closer to
the tropical regions and the South Pole is coming closer to
the western hemisphere on the opposite side of the tropical
area. If in the eastern hemisphere the North Pole moves from
north to south and in the western hemisphere the South Pole
moves from south to north, what will be the effect in the
earth's hydro sphere? The polar ice will melt and the ocean
levels will rise. It will have its impact on the tidal waves
throughout the globe. The Pacific Ocean will become colder
and then frozen. Many of the existing ports will close. The
seasonal patterns will change. Rainfall and climatic
variation will have an impact on flora and fauna. All these
things together will have their impact on thinking processes.

As a result of this change the magnetic structure of this

Earth will change, as a result of which other planets and
satellites of the solar system will also undergo certain
remarkable metamorphoses as all planets, people, all living
beings are undeniably intertwined in a mutually integrated
relational whole. And if the magnetic order is disrupted on
one planet, then certain remarkable changes, certain
remarkable metamorphosese in the electromagnetic vibrations
of this Earth and also of the entire solar system, will
occur. As a result of this type of change in the
electromagnetic vibrations, human thought waves will
certainly be affected.

Spiritual Progress And Social Changes

This is why in more enlightened times, it is said that the
rule of the dark ages does not apply - that "mental crime is
no crime." Mental crime is crime, for a volitional action to
be taken, it must be predicated by forethought, and that
forethought is from whence the action is taken. For anyone
who has ever been in a loving relationship with anyone, with
anything, they have each and every one experienced how mental
violence is felt by the other whether the motor organs are
engaged or not, so in this subtler age, this more enlightened
era we are entering into at this time, mental crime will be
crime as well, for each person will be better able to feel
the thriving sentience within each and every other person,

each and every living being, and will readily contribute to
their wellbeing through their thoughts, their words and
indeed their deeds for a more morally conscientious and
loving human society.

Our progress in the arena of science depends much on the

progress of our knowledge in electromagnetic waves,
electromagnetic emanations. Our progress in the fields of
both humanities and science will suffer much, will be much
assailed as the result of this change in Earth's geosphere
and magnetosphere. We should be prepared for such change, and
that change may take place in the very near future, indeed
even within your lifetime.

Due to this disruption, there must be physical and biological

changes in the structures of all living bodies, all living
creatures, including plants. The plants of Tertiary Age could
not be found in the Craterian Age. The plants and animals of
the Craterion Age could not be found in later ages, such as
the Pliocene, Miocene, Obligocene, Mesazoic and Caenazoic
Ages, because their existence, their births and deaths also
depend on ecological balance. And as a result of the change
in position of the poles, some people say that in the eastern
hemisphere, the north pole is moving from north to south and
in the western hemisphere, the south pole moves from south to
north, and it cannot be assured that their relative distance
will remain unchanged. So we should be prepared for the
future; we should be prepared for the resultant of these
changes in polar positions, in environmental order and also
in ecological structure.

Humanity will be more meditative and will accept the sublime

essence, the Cosmic Cognitive Faculty, the Source of this
vast Universe as its object of ideation in a better and more
scientific way. One must not think that anything is fixed or
stationary in this universe. Everybody moves -- certainly the
poles move -- and they have already started their function of
shifting their respective positions. And you see as a result
of such a change, especially if the change takes place very
fast, then another ice-age may occur here on Earth. Between
the pre-condition and post-condition of the ice-age there may
be a long gap -- that is, the pre-age and the post-age will
have a long gap between them - a very long Ice Age. But we
have much expectation and hope from human intellect; and we
hope, if a catastrophe comes, the human intellect will be
able to overcome such a catastrophe and arrange for shifting
the population to some other planet having suitable
environmental conditions and a better ecological order. Let
humanity rise, and let this development of humanity be
progressively more spiritually-oriented!

Venues and opportunities for exploitation must be eliminated,
modified and leadership of society made available solely to
morally conscientious human beings with the wellbeing of all
held within their loving hearts and strong exceptional minds
invested in fulfilling the human potential for everyone. A
healthy human society would never let a mentally or morally
diminutive mind ever escalate into a major decision-making
position affecting the wellbeing of others, and surely never
let such a dangerously ignorant psychological or moral retard
menace to become president of any country - a healthy society
would never let that happen, and we should never glorify
pre-meditatedly ignorant barking airhead bimbonics as a
congratulatory climax of what humans can achieve in their

In the past it has by no means been easy to do two noble

things : (1) To make the people understand the need to create
a great, magnificent and unified planet based on the sublime
expression of humanity in all its realms, and (2) to infuse
the requisite strength and vigor in the masses of humanity to
strike the calumnious opponents of human progress, their
nefarious stranglehold upon the material and psychic progress
of humanity, in order to create this great threshold into a
healthy human society. All the saints worth of that name want
to establish such a social order, wherein members of society
would get ample scope to discharge their social obligations
and evolve toward their desideratum at the soonest possible
time. In the past it was not at all easy for such saints to
introduce such a sadvipra samaj.

Brothers and sisters, that day has come. The people of our
planet are connected to each other today more than at any
other time in the history of Earth, and as the rancorous
beasts of pre-meditated ignorance rumble their fissiparous
roar of their pompously dismissive howls and barks, such will
be the last of their rapacious expression as they meet their
inevitable demise into the annals of humanity's history of

A common base of integrity and unity amongst the exploited

members of society will have to be established. This is
essential because at the time of extraordinary changes in
society there will be an all-out fight against antisocial
activities and corruption. The revolutionaries will have to
fight against three forces -- outside exploiters, internal
exploiters and other inner evil forces. All these three
forces are powerful. Yet the moral, psychic and spiritual
strength of the revolutionaries will be the cause of their
victory, because physical weapons are not the only source of
power. Moral and spiritual power is infinitely stronger than

physical force. As a result of this change the magnetic
structure of this Earth will change, as a result of which
other planets and satellites of the solar system will also
undergo certain remarkable metamorphoses as all planets,
people, all living beings are undeniably intertwined in a
mutually integrated relational whole. And if the magnetic
order is disrupted on one planet, then certain remarkable
changes, certain remarkable metamorphosese in the
electromagnetic vibrations of this Earth and also of the
entire solar system, will occur. As a result of this type of
change in the electromagnetic vibrations, human thought waves
will certainly be affected.

This document formatted at 62 spaces across for better forwarding using:


Mystical Sadhu




Mysticism is a never-ending endeavour to conjugate the intersection of the finite with the


Ağaçlar kutsal varlıklardır.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 12:31am

Ağaçlar kutsal varlıklardır. Onlarla konuşmasını, onları işitmesini bilen, gerçeği de yakalar.
( Hermann Hesse )

Tell Europe not to ban traditional Herb

 Posted by IA on January 15, 2011 at 12:36am

Tell Europe not to ban traditional Herb Medicine

It is serious

Deadly serious!

This time it's starting from Europe and will, once it has become law, likely arrive The States,
other continents as well. Beware the beginnings. They're telling us it's for our security!

Please act for the benefit of your health and soundness of your children. PIG Pharma MUST
not take over in questions of health. (Americans can petition too)

Sign petition in your language:

Français (French)
Deutsche (German)
Română (Romanian)
Español (Spanish)
Ελληνικά (Greek)
Svenska (Swedish)
Italiano (Italian)
Português (Portuguese)
Polska (Polish)
Български (Bulgarian)
České (Czech)
‫( עברית‬Hebrew)
Danske (Danish)
Save your right to medicinal herbs!


[Sign Petition]


The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD) is presented as a service to
European citizens and as simple to apply. However, close examination of its methods in
practice demonstrates that the reality will be an egregious abridgement of the rights of
individuals to obtain and use the health treatments they choose.



Rabindranath Tagore “Son Şiir”

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 15, 2011 at 1:04am

Genç bir çift birbirlerine aşık oluyorlar ve hemen evlenmek istiyorlar. Kadın diyor ki, ‘Bir
şartla…’ Çok kültürlü, sofistike, zengin birisi o.
Adam, “Her şart kabulümdür, ama sensiz yaşayamam,” diyor.
Kadın, “Önce şartı bir dinle; sonra üzerinde düşün. Sıradan bir şart değil bu. Şöyle ki, aynı
evde yaşamayacağız. Benim geniş bir arazim var, içinde güzel bir göl, ağaçlar, bahçeler ve
çimenler olan. Sana kendi evimin tam karşısında bir ev yaptıracağım,” diyor.
Adam diyor ki, “O zaman evliliğin ne anlamı kaldı?”
Kadın, “Evlilik birbirini yok etmek değil,” diye cevap veriyor. “Ben sana kendi yerini
veriyorum, benim yerim de ayrı. Arada sırada, bahçede yürürken karşılaşabilliriz – tesadüfen.
Veya bazen ben seni çaya davet edebilirim, ya da sen beni.”
Adam, “Bu çok saçma bir fikir,” diyor.
Kadın, “O zaman sen unut evliliği,” diyor. “Tek doğru fikir bu – ancak o zaman aşkımız
büyüyebilir, çünkü hep taze ve yeni kalırız. Asla birbirimize özen göstermekten vazgeçmeyiz.
İkimizin de birbirimizin davetlerini reddetme hakkımız var; özgürlüklerimiz hiç kısıtlanmıyor.
Bu iki özgürlük arasında güzel aşk olgusu büyür…”
Rabindranath Tagore
Akhari Kavita “Son Şiir”


Horoscope Hang-Up: Earth Rotation
Changes Zodiac Signs
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 2:00am

[I heard about this through someone that was doing a reading on me last year. I guess it's
been around for YEARS and was hidden from us when they brought in the Gregorian
calendar that we follow right now.

The truth is coming out, people! T]

January 13, 2011

If you’re the type of person who relies on mysterious-sounding locations of stars to determine
your personality and outcome in life, get ready to be shocked.

The field of astrology, which is concerned with horoscopes and the like, felt a major
disruption from astronomers, who are concerned with actual stars and planets. The
astronomers from the Minnesota Planetarium Society found that because of the moon’s
gravitational pull on Earth, the alignment of the stars was pushed by about a month.

“When [astrologers] say that the sun is in Pisces, it’s really not in Pisces,” noted Parke
Kunkle, a member of the group’s board. Your astrological sign is determined by the
position of the sun on the day you were born, so that means everything you thought you
knew about your horoscope is wrong.

It turns out that astrology has had issues from its inception. (Aside from the fact that it tries to
link personality traits with positions of the stars.) Ancient Babylonians had 13 constellations,
but wanted only 12, so threw out Ophuchicus, the snake holder. Libra didn’t even enter the
picture until the era of Julius Caesar.

According to the Minnesota Planetarium Society, here is where the real signs of the Zodiac
should fall. Get ready for your world to change forever.

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.

Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.

Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17. (Yep, this one is new — read all about the Ophiuchus way of
life here)
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.



Give Thanks for Being Alive

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 2:20am

Today, stand in
no matter what your life holds. Be grateful to be alive, to be drawing this
breath, to be standing where you are, poised to take one more step on this
glorious adventure.

Does it not seem glorious?
Then release your expectations about what you wanted this moment to hold.
Release your disappointments and frustrations. Release that pressure to have
something occur within a certain time frame. Release all that and instead just

Now, is it not glorious?

Look up at the sky and let that wide wonder fill you. Look at a leaf and study
the detail. Is it not wondrous how each leaf is unique, each and every leaf on
every tree, carved out with the wonder and glory of the universe?

And you, are you not

wondrous? You are as that leaf, unique in all the world and yet a part of the
tree of life. You are full of potential and the possibilities to use that
potential are sparkling all around you.

Appreciate what is. Give

thanks for being alive. And now, from this place of gratitude, open your
heart. Open yourself wide and connect with the wonder. Feel your oneness.
Feel how truly blessed you are.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.'

The Universal Heart Center



Planet X And Earth Changes To Come ~
Posted On "OV" By Margaret ~15th Jan.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 4:21pm

What do you think?

Planet X

Dear friends

Like me, you may have heard about Planet X in the past and didn't know what to
think. I have read several Web sites on the subject and still did not know
what to think about this seemingly bizarre claim.

In his February Last Call Gospel Ministry newsletter, Pastor F.M. Riley gives
us an excellent summary of what he has found and his opinions on the subject.
I pass this on for your information.
"Official" sources say there is no such thing. Decide for yourself.




We first broke the news about Planet X in the August, 2002 issue of our
newsletter. In our January, 2003 issue we gave our readers an update on Planet
X. Due to the many inquiries we have received, in this issue I want to again
review the subject and update the information we have about Planet X.


Planet X is a planet that the ancient Sumerians referred to as "Nibiru." This

ancient Sumerian word literally means "Planet Of The Crossing." The Sumerians
gave it this name because every 3,630 years Planet X crosses Earth's orbit.
The Sumerians counted it as the twelth planet in our solar system because they
regarded both the Sun and Moon as planets. However, modern astronomers have
dubbed it as Planet X, meaning that it is the tenth planet in our solar
system, the "X" standing for "ten." Planet X has a highly elliptical orbit,
rather than the usual circular orbit, more resembling the orbit of a comet
than of a planet. It's orbit carries it far out into space, far beyond our
known solar system, but then every 3,630 years it returns to the inner solar
system and crosses the orbit of Earth.

Planet X is a humongous, giant planet over five times larger than Earth, and
having over 100 times the mass of Earth. It has a magnetic core that is so
powerful that it clashes with the electromagnetic fields of other planets in
the solar system. It was because of this electromagnetic disturbance of other
planets that astronomers in recent times figured out that there had to be
another huge heavenly body in the outer reaches of the solar system. The
search for this unknown heavenly body began over 400 years ago. There is a
great amount of literature available on the subject for those who want to
research it.

Astronomers finally discovered Planet X in 1982. It was in that year that NASA
acknowledged the existence of it. A year later (1983) IRAS (Infrared
Astronomical Satellite) actually spotted a large mysterious object in the
depths of space. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory also acknowledged its

existence. News items about its discovery were printed in the Washington Post
and the New York Times. But shortly after these public announcements the great
coverup began.


After the discovery of Planet X in 1982, astronomers began to study it

seriously. They soon discovered that it was inbound, headed towards the inner
solar system again. It was determined that it would cause massive earthquakes,
volcanoes, tidal waves, the melting or shifting of the polar ice caps, sudden
fluctuations in temperature and climatic conditions, and probably a shift in
the polar axis of Earth. This information was passed on to the political
leaders in our government, and presumably the political leaders of other
nations. After some consultation, it was decided that if the news about Planet
X and the worldwide disaster that it is expected to cause was released to the
public, the public would react in fear, hysteria, panic, and anarchy. The
result would be the total collapse of the world economy. Wicked men will
protect their precious dollars at any cost, counting them of more value than
the lives of their fellow human beings. So, a decision was made to suppress
all information about Planet X, classifying it as "Super Top Secret." Yet, in
the years since 1982-83, NASA and other agencies have continued to diligently
study Planet X, accumulating a vast amount of information about it. In spite
of the best efforts of astronomical and political leaders, working in
collusion to suppress all information about Planet X, there have been leaks.

It is now known that the Hubble Space Telescope has been repeatedly used to
observe Planet X, but all information obtained by it has been hidden from the
public. Only a select few top scientists and government officials have been
allowed to view the photographs of Planet X picked up by Hubble. It has also
been revealed that the Hubble telescope is equipped with special technological
equipment that prevents any interception of its signals by anyone other than
NASA. Since it is only taking pictures of things in the heavens, why is it so
important that only NASA receive those pictures? Do they have something to
hide? They sure think they do!

It has also been revealed that since 1982-83 the government has quietly
financed and built eight new observatories, equipping them with the most
advanced technological equipment available, for the specific purpose of
studying Planet X. These observatories are in various locations around the
U.S., with two of them being in New Mexico. But the public was never told
about these observatories being built with their tax dollars. Why?


During the twenty-two years since the discovery of Planet X, the governments
of the wealthy industrial nations of the world have quietly built vast
underground complexes (bunkers) capable of housing thousands of people. These
bunkers are intended to guarantee the survival of certain wealthy political
leaders, ultra-rich bankers, corporate heads, etc., and others deemed
necessary for their survival and pleasure. These bunkers have been stocked

with enough food, water, clothing, medicine, and technological equipment to
guarantee the survival of the occupants for several years. Those "selected" to
use the bunkers have also placed various treasures in them (art; money;
automobiles; alcohol; etc.) in order to preserve these things for their future
use. At the proper time these "special" people plan to enter their secret,
reinforced, earthquake proof bunkers, where they expect to "ride out" the
devastation caused by Planet X, emerging only after the chaos and danger is

But what about the masses of people on Earth who have no bunkers? Too bad! So
sad! The ultra-rich political and financial leaders of the world could care
less about the survival of the "common man." The only important thing to them
is that they survive. They are the "nobles." They must survive in order to
rebuild a "New World Order" and rule over whatever "peons" may survive the
devastation caused by Planet X. Sic!

BUT GOD.....

As I read these various reports now coming in, I have been made to marvel at
the absolute accuracy of God's inspired Word. There is no question that the
coming of Planet X is going to cause Earth to tremble and shake like it has
never been shaken previously in human history, Haggai 26-7; Matthew 2421;
Hebrews 1226-27; Revelation 1618.

Now read Isaiah 210-22, noting especially verses 19-21.

"And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the
earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth
to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver,
and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the
moles and to the bats; To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops
of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty,
when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth."

And when this happens to these wicked men, "He that sitteth in the heavens
shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision," Psalm 24. See also Psalm
591-8 and Proverbs 122-31.

All of these grandiose plans being made by those who consider themselves the
"elite" of humanity, are going to come to naught. Not only does Isaiah 2 tell
us that their treasures will be left "to the moles and to the bats," but James
51-3 tells us that their "gold and silver" will become "cankered" and will
"rust." Glory to God! Folks, these vast underground bunkers that the wicked
ultra-rich of the earth have built, may very well become their tombs. There is
no way to guarantee that the entrances of these bunkers will not be buried
deep beneath the earth, sealed forever by the terrible earthquakes that are
going to occur with the coming of Planet X. Neither is there any way to
guarantee that the areas of the earth where these bunkers are located won't
sink beneath the seas in the coming devastation, carrying their occupants to a
watery grave. Someone once wrote, The best laid plans of mice and men often
come to naught." This is precisely why Isaiah 222 warns, "Cease ye from man,

whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of?"

Folks, the only security for anyone in view of the coming of Planet X, is to
know the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal, saving relationship. Sometime before
Planet X (or some other heavenly body) devastates Earth, the Lord will remove
His people "from this present evil world," Galatians 13-4. Read again 1
Thessalonians 413-18, and this time believe it. Are you ready?


Is the information we are reporting about Planet X reliable? Is Earth really

going to be devastated when Planet X (or some other heavenly body) comes
flying past? Where am I getting my information? These are questions that every
reader has a right to ask, and they deserve to be answered. Read on!

In our January newsletter I mentioned that some 70 websites (or more) are
dispensing information about Planet X. Our readers can check these websites
out for themselves. In the "Search" area of your computer, just type in the
words "Planet X," then click "Go" and it will bring up several sites. Take
your choice or investigate them all.

Warning.....Some of the sites carrying information about Planet X are

promoting the New Age movement, Humanism, various cults, Occultism, etc. They
are taking advantage of the coming of Planet X to promote their own deceptive
agenda. There is also a website called "Zeta" that should be avoided. It
appears to be a front for government propaganda, and is dispensing a lot of
disinformation, trying to make the whole subject of Planet X look like a three
ring circus. Beware!

On the other hand, there are websites that are reliable, responsible, and
dedicated to informing the public about the coming of Planet X and the danger
it poses for all mankind.

I have received much of my information about Planet X from reports issued by

Dr. James McCanney. Dr. McCanney is an Astrophysicist that is known and
respected in the scientific community throughout the world. He graduated from
St. Mary's University in 1970 with a double degree in Physics and Mathematics.
He obtained his Masters Degree from Tulane University in 1973 in Nuclear and
Solid State Physics. In 1979 he joined the faculty of Cornell University as an
instructor in Physics. For several years he served in a consulting capacity to
NASA. He also provided copies of his scientific publications dealing with "the
electrical nature of the cosmos" to fellow scientists connected with the
Russian government. A number of his studies on planetary electromagnetism have
been published in scientific journals around the world. He has written at
least one book (probably more) that I am aware of on the subject of "The
Electromagnetic Componet Of The Solar System." He has also written a 60 page
manual for the public on how to prepare for the coming of Planet X. Dr.
McCanney has known about the coming of Planet X for several years, but while
he was obligated to NASA and other government funded institutions, he was
sworn to absolute secrecy. Dr. McCanney no longer has any ties to NASA or

other government agencies, and he is now "blowing the whistle" on the
government coverup. As far as I know Dr. McCanney is not a Christian. He does
not appear to write from a Christian perspective. Yet he is so concerned about
the danger to the public, that he has a daily radio broadcast and a website
dispensing information about Planet X. I don't know where a person could be
found that is more knowledgeable, qualified, and reliable, to speak about
Planet X than Dr. James McCanney. Those who choose to ignore his warnings will
do so to their own hurt.

I also receive information from Mark Hazlewood, author of "Blindsided," a book

about the coming of Planet X. Mr. Hazlewood keeps up with Planet X on a daily
basis, and is in contact with other Planet X researchers. His information has
proven to be highly reliable.

There are other websites that also carry reliable information on Planet X. The
sources mentioned here should be sufficient to convince our readers that
Planet X is not just a figment of my overactive imagination. Planet X is real!
Its coming is being predicted by some of the top scientific minds living
today. The effects of it will soon be knocking at your door. Are you ready?


According to the Astronomers, Astrophysicists, Cosmologists, Geologists,

Meteorologists, and various others scientists that are seriously studying the
coming of Planet X.....

The Sun.....Planet X is already having a tremendous effect on the Sun.

Astronomers and scientists began keeping a record of solar flares
(explosions...Coronal Mass Ejections) on the Sun in the 1700's. Over a period
of time it became obvious that solar flares reach a maximum every eleven
years. Once the peak is reached, then solar flares decline for approximately
five and a half years.
The the next five and a half years they increase until they peak again in the
eleventh year. This eleven year cycle has been going on ever since men of
science began keeping records of their observations. But something has

The last eleven year peak was reached in 2000. After 2000 scientists fully
expected solar flares to decline, just as they always have done in the past.
But they didn't! Instead, they have steadily increased in both frequency and
intensity. The largest solar flares ever recorded have occurred since the
eleven year peak in 2000.

What is happening?

Dr. McCanney and other Planet X researchers are convinced that the increase in
solar activity is due to the electromagnetic field of Planet X interacting
with the electromagnetic field of the Sun. As Planet X comes closer, it is
expected that solar flares on the Sun will continue to increase in frequency
and intensity. Many centuries ago, God inspired the prophet Isaiah to write,

"Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the
light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day
that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people, and healeth the stroke of
their wound," Isaiah 3026.

It is an established fact that the Moon has no light of its own, but is rather
a reflector of the light of the Sun. But the Sun only gives off light
according to the amount of heat being produced by its nuclear fusion
electromagnetic generator. Therefore, when the light reflected by the Moon
becomes as bright as the light of the Sun is today, and the light of the Sun
increases sevenfold, consider the "heat" effect it will have on Earth and its
inhabitants. Read Revelation 87 and 168-9 and believe.

The Earth.....Planet X is also already effecting the Earth. The effects of it

were recognized by planetary scientists as far back as 1995. Its magnetic
field had probably began to effect Earth even earlier. Remember "El Nino" and
the 500 year floods of 1993? Weather patterns have changed dramatically,
producing "strange" weather. Climatic conditions are changing. The polar ice
caps and mountain glaciers are melting. It has been revealed that in 1995 a
worldwide "disinformation" campaign was launched by government "insiders,"
blaming the strange weather patterns on "Global Warming." But a number of
highly respected scientists, who were not in on the "coverup," rejected
totally the theory of "global warming." Rather, they [rightly] pointed out
that the polar ice caps and mountain glaciers are melting from underneath, not
from the surface. Why?

Due to the approach of Planet X, solar flares are increasing on the Sun. The
Sun is ejecting massive amounts of electromagnetic energy into space. Some of
this electromagnetic energy is being attracted and absorbed by Earth's
magnetic core, causing the molten iron core of Earth to heat up. The increased
heat from Earth's core is filtering through the mantle of Earth to the
surface, causing the melting of the ice caps and glaciers from beneath. There
is no "global warming" being caused by household sprays and fossil fuels, and
never has been. Such a claim is disinformation put out by those involved in
the coverup. A recent news release revealed that there is now somewhere
between 20 and 200 feet of water under the polar ice caps. This amount of
water under the ice caps serves as a lubricant, and in the event of a major
earthquake and polar shift, could cause the ice caps to suddenly slide into
the ocean. When that happens, it will cause massive tidal waves that will wash
over whole continents.

In Psalm 462-3 we read, "Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be
removed [out of orbit], and though the mountains be carried into the midst of
the sea; Though the waters thereof roar [Luke 2125] and be troubled, though
the mountains shake with the swelling thereof."

In Amos 56-8 Israel is urged to "Seek Him that maketh the seven stars and
Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day
dark with night that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out
upon the face of the earth the Lord is His name." This is repeated a second

time in Amos 96. It clearly predicts that tidal waves are going to sweep
across the continents, or parts of them, during the coming Tribulation. Read
also Habakkuk 310, carefully noticing the context. Are you beginning to see
the picture? Are you getting the message?

The Solar System.....Psalm 10225-26 distinctly states that "the heavens" and
"the earth" are going to be "changed." This is exactly what planetary
scientists are predicting is going to happen as Planet X passes through the
solar system. Planet X is not alone! It has its own moons orbiting it and a
long tail behind it that stretches out millions of miles across space. Because
of the tremendous size of Planet X, the force of its electromagnetic field,
and the huge amount and long trail of space debris that is accompanying it,
Dr. McCanney and other planetary scientists are expecting it to cause great
destruction and "change" as it passes through our solar system. Isn't this
exactly what Psalm 10225-26 predicts? You know it is!

Isaiah 516 also predicts that "the heavens shall vanish away like smoke." When
Planet X comes flying through our solar system, it will pass between Earth and
Mercury, passing closer to Mercury than Earth. Mercury is a very small planet.
Because of the tremendous size of Planet X and the power of its magnetic core,
planetary scientists are expecting Mercury to literally explode, and the
debris of it to be drawn into the tail of Planet X. Just as the Scripture
says, Mercury is expected to "vanish away like smoke." This same thing may
also happen to one or more of the other planets in the solar system, depending
on how close they are drawn to Planet X as it passes.

The Coming.....Planet X is coming into our solar system from almost directly
beneath the south pole of Earth. This position is considered a "blind spot" by
astronomers. This explains why Planet X is not already visible in the night
sky. But very shortly it will rise high enough in the sky, from our
perspective on Earth, to become visible. It can already be seen by the huge
telescopes in various observatories around the world. It is expected that by
March 15th it will be visible to amateur astronomers using good telescopes or
powerful binoculars. Then approximately 45 to 60 days in advance of its
passing Earth, it will become visible in the night sky to anyone who wants to
look. This will be approximately April 1st, and it could appear even sooner.

The Passing And Aftermath.....As I write I have before me a detailed

scientific sky map, drawn to scale, showing the exact route that Planet X is
expected to take as it passes through the solar system. According to this map,
Dr. McCanney and other planetary scientists believe that Planet X will pass
between Earth and Mercury on May 15-16. However, because of the magnetic
forces at work between Planet X and other heavenly bodies, the speed and
trajectory of Planet X varies slightly. It is possible that its arrival could
be delayed until sometime in June, although that is not expected to happen.

Approximately four days after Planet X passes between Earth and Mercury, it
will then "cross over" the orbit of the Earth [the orbit Earth follows as it
revolves around the Sun]. This should occur approximately May 20-21. But it
will take Earth another fifteen days to reach the same point in space. This

means that Earth will reach that intersection about June 5-6. At that time
Earth will plow headlong into the trail of debris stretching out behind Planet
X. Because this trail of debris stretches out across space for millions of
miles, Earth will pass through the tail of Planet X every year for
approximately the next seven years. Hello! Is God's Word precise or not? Glory
to God!

The Dates.....I want our readers to carefully note the dates being predicted
by planetary scientists who are studying Planet X.
May 15-16 is the date of Israel's 55th birthday as a nation. On that date 55
years ago, May 15, 1948 [Jewish reckoning], Israel became a nation again. God
must have taken notice, for on May 16th there will be a spectular eclipse of
the full moon; "a blood moon." Coincidence? Hardly!

June 5-6, the date that Earth is expected to plow into the tail of Planet X,
is the 36th anniversary of the Six Day War of 1967. Didn't God say He would
"avenge" the blood of His people, Israel, on the Gentiles? "For I will cleanse
[avenge] their blood that I have not cleansed [avenged] for the Lord dwelleth
in Zion," Joel 220-21. Glory! Give praise to the Lord!

Conclusions.....Folks, it ought to be clear to any honest Bible student that

the Lord is going to use Planet X (or some other heavenly body) to fulfill
many of the Tribulation prophecies. But before the Tribulation begins, He who
is "faithful" is going to keep His promises to His people, and remove them
[rapture] from "this present evil world," Galatians 14; John 143; 1
Thessalonians 413-18; 59; Revelation 310. The rapture of God's people is at
hand! Praise the Lord!

In view of the coming of Planet X, and how it harmonizes with the prophetic
Scriptures, I personally feel that the Lord is going to begin the 70th Week of
Daniel, Daniel 927, right where the 69th week terminated, allowing for the
intervening Dispensation of Grace. The 69th week of Daniel's prophecy (483
years) ended at sundown, Abib 10, 31 A.D. See Luke 1928-44. It now appears
that the Lord will begin the 70th week of Daniel (7 years) on Abib 11, 2003
[April 12th], 2000 prophetic years from the time the 69th week ended. Then
some thirty days later Planet X will come flying past Earth, literally
fulfilling 2 Peter 310, Isaiah 136, and Joel 115. Are you ready?

The preceding Bible study was written by Pastor F. M. Riley, director of the
Last Call Gospel Ministry, 3201 N. Kentucky #57, Roswell, NM 88201. It was
originally printed in our February issue newsletter, one of a series of three
newsletters dealing with Planet X. Anyone desiring to receive our newsletters
or Bible Studies can contact us at the above address, or at
fmrglorybound@aol.com via email. There is no charge for our newsletter or
Bible Studies. We depend strictly on the Lord to touch the hearts of those He
wants to help us with this ministry. May God bless every reader.


bir söz: "mutlu olmayı yarına bırakmak.."
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 4:30pm

bir söz: "mutlu olmayı yarına bırakmak.."

"Mutlu olmayı yarına bırakmak,

karşıya geçmek için nehrin durmasını beklemeye benzer"
Ve bilirsin, o nehir asla durmaz..!
Jean-C. Grange


~ Awakening to the Divine self within ~

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 4:30pm

~ Awakening to the Divine self within ~

Being spiritual is not about which religion you were born into.
It is about the truth that your heart holds concerning what it values most in life.
These values are of the soul.
For the soul creates the deepest longings and the deepest loves of the heart.

Light Omega, P.O. Box 9301, No. Amherst, MA 01059, USA


bir söz: "eğer bir insandan nefret

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 4:31pm

bir söz: "eğer bir insandan nefret ediyorsan.."

Eğer bir insandan nefret ediyorsan,

O'nun içinde sana ait olan bir parçadan nefret ediyorsun demektir.

Hermann Hesse


Sekhmet On Manifesting YOUR Intentions-

New Periwinkle Crystal Throw-Jan 18th
Free Call

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 4:40pm


Sekhmet, on The Power of I AM, Manifesting Your Intentions and for World-wide Peace**

"Well, I'm thrilled to be back. Took a little time out, sipped some water, and got the throat up
to absolute maximum capacity, because this is about power, empowering your intentions.
We've got this great year, Ashtar calls it 2-0-1-1. Here we are on this fabulous day! Now we
know that you can't all see the solar eclipse and the meteor showers. The new moon is pretty
obvious Worldwide, although there are some places where the clouds will be somewhat
obscuring the place where the moon is not shining anyway.

"But let's just review the power that we have here; first of all new moon. Well you all know
about starting intentions, or resolutions, but we like the word intentions because it's just an 'I'
word that's a lot more powerful. So we're doing intentions for the year 2-0-1-1, and the day of
the new moon. Wow, what a great beginning!

"Now let's talk about the solar eclipse. You all know that in some parts of the World the solar
eclipse is visible and in some parts of the World it's not. That's OK because it's happening, and
the energy of that is happening for everyone World-wide and beyond. And what is the solar
eclipse anyway? It's fabulous energy for beginnings. Double Wow! And the fact that there
was that lovely meteor shower - that's just more light, bright, fabulous energy visible.

"You know the energies that are coming in at this particular time on your calendars in Earth
time have been so conducive to change. They've been literally shaking everybody up, rooting
out some of the old concepts and beliefs, and even dogmas have fallen by the wayside. We
particularly like that one, because if you believe that power exists outside of yourself to
change your life, to guide you, direct you, or in any way tell you what to do, or what is best
for you we should say - oh we know there's rules and regs and laws, and all of that, and we're
not suggesting that you step outside of those. You might be getting some ideas for which ones

you want to keep, and which ones you don't, because your time to raise your voices about
that is coming real soon. But what we want to say here is that it's really important for
everybody walking the Planet in human body to know where your seat of power is. It's not
outside somewhere. It's not the priest, or the judge. It's within each and every one of you.

"Beloved Ones, that's where your power is. That's the power of I AM. And, here come those 'I'
words again. Isn't this fun? Everything leads to everything else, and back again. That's why
we like spirals so much. You know they spiral around and they come back and then go in and
out and in and out, and it's delightful. It's a wonderful way to picture energy and to use energy,
and why not? Why wait any longer for somebody else to say, 'Oh, OK you can have enough
money so that you don't starve, but you over there, uh uh, you have to starve, because that's
the way we're making it happen.

"You don't have to do that anymore. It's your intentions, coupled with the partnering with the
totality of who you are, which includes your intuitive thought forms, your answers that you
get. And when you put those two 'I' words into use within the totality of who you really are,
you create miracles the likes of which the World has never seen.

"Do you think Sananda in the body of Jesus was the only one who could ever work a miracle
on this Planet? Do you think the 144,000 were the only ones that could succeed in
accomplishing miracles, or beings such as Gandhi, and Mother Theresa and the Buddha, and
all of that. Think again!

"Each and every one of you is a creator of miracles. It just depends on what you want to
create. And if you've created some things that you consider to be not exactly the way that you
want your miracles to turn out to be, then power up, and that's what we're here to do. We're
going to power up. We're going to power up each and everyone of us here present on this call,
because I've got my arms around each and every one of you - well my paws, but my nails are
retracted. I have rather long ones you know, so just consider that my loving arms are around
each and everyone of you, and we're all connected. And here we are, and while we're at it let's
turn up the Lights shall we?

"So you can close your eyes if you want too, and just see beautiful, see that meteor shower in
your mind's eye. Just see it. Feel the warmth of those glowing Lights. Feel the awesome
beauty of it coming in. Just open up and allow it to come in. You know you can open your
fields to allow what you want, that which you see as being higher vibrational energy,
absolutely let it in.

"Your security fence is for astral plane and lower kinds of energies. All righty we've got that
handled. The high vibe energies just pass right on through, because you welcome them. You
draw them to you like magnets, because you're putting out high vibe intentions, and you're
enabling your intuition to be heard throughout your entire being.

"So you've got your act together, so to speak. Now turn up those Lights even more, and just
let them come and flood your entire being. Yes, here we are all of us together. The Lights are
on high. They are beautiful, beautiful, in our minds' eye, and they are coming gently into our
fields, Lights of Empowerment, Lights of Beauty, oh yes, Lights of Joy.

"Now hold out your intuitions, your intentions is what we are meaning to say. We're a little bit
ahead of ourselves here, we're so excited. Hold out your intentions, written, or thought forms,

whatever form or non-form they're in. Hold them out. Let everybody see them And let these
Lights shine upon them and illuminate them, because they deserve to be illuminated, because
they're your creations, and you have done so well to bring them to this place.

"Now breathe in these Lights. Breathe them in, and we shall make a statement, drawn each
and every one of us from our intuitions, but I Sekhmet shall give examples softly. Listen to
your own intuitions now, statements of empowerment for these beautiful intentions that you
all have, that we hold dear and stand with you to share.

"Oh yes, the entire company is here, the Mentors, and your Guides, the Angels, the Ascended
Ones, the Christed Beings, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia as well. And we stand in
this great circle of Love and high vibrations and beautiful Lights shining upon you and your
beautiful intentions. And now see, coming up the year, coming up in crystalline form, coming
up from below your feet, rising up so that you can see it above, and it shines forth 2-0-1-1.

"Now create lines of energy, high beautiful lines, silver, gold, platinum and beautiful colors
coming from that year that is shining in front of you to your intentions and to you. Yes! And
feel the empowerment of these energy lines coming through your entire being and going back
again. Now send them back through your intentions to 2-0-1-1. And let this go back and forth
while you listen to your intuitions. And allow your intuition to give you words to further
empower these beautiful intentions for 2-0-1-1.

"This is the year when it all happens, Beloved Ones. Whatever delays have been are gone.
Your intentions carry into this year of manifestation, of total creation, of all of the wondrous
miracles that you have brought with you. And so to anchor them firmly, and to keep this
energy flowing throughout this entire year, we shall empower these intentions to do exactly
that. Here are some words. Use them if you choose, or continue to say your own words
coming from your own beautiful god, goddess selves, carried, carried to you on the waves of
your intuition. Here are the words:

"This is the year 2-0-1-1. All of these intentions are presented to be empowered now in this
gathering, that they may truly be manifest in this year of wondrous wonders, in this year of
accomplishment of miracles, in this year of true recognition by the entire Planet, willingly or
not, that this is the Golden Age, that the Golden Age is the bridge to our Ascension as a
Planet. And that all who choose to go, should go upon this path of Ascension, are hereby
empowered to do so, and that these intentions are empowered to stay the course to keep all
who choose to be upon the Path of Ascension unequivocally and eternally upon that path until
the Ascension status is accomplished, and that would be in the following year. And so it is to
stay forever upon the Path with these intentions brightly lit, glowing, showing the way,
illuminating this high road.

"And we bring these intentions with such Joy for this purpose! And while the road is the
Ascension Path, this part of the road is intentions empowered for 2-0-1-1. And, Beloved Ones,
because you have shared so beautifully, these intentions are drawing all of the intentions of
the Planet which are born from the gods and goddesses, from their Divinity, from their Divine
intuitions for higher dimensional Ascension living.

"And so now the intentions for Peace, for Worldwide Peace, for Love, for Joy, for the
Planetary Ascension are empowered, lit, and bright for everyone upon the Planet, and all of
the Kingdoms represented, and those who dwell below, and those who come into the

atmosphere above. And let this go out to the entire Universe, this Light, these intentions,
and let the Universe respond with even more Love Light coming, even more Joy, and even
more facilitation of the Path of Ascension, that it stays brightly illuminated, that everyone
who chooses to even open their eyes, with their wisdom eye will see the Lights, and know this
is the year that it becomes visible to all, all of these intentions which lead to the ultimate
Ascension, are hereby empowered permanently!"

"Yes, grrrrr, and so it is. We have accomplished a great accomplishment on this day of days.
Those of us who join you from what you call the higher dimensions thank you, Beloved Ones,
and we honor you for being participants, for bringing your energies, your Love, your
intentions, and your intuitions to this grand gathering. Remember always and keep in your
hearts, the Joy of this gathering, of this accomplishment, and know that the entire Planet Earth
has taken a great leap because of what you brought, what you came here to do, and what
you gave to this gathering. We see your hearts, we see your fields shining bright. And we say
to you, Beloved Ones, Thank You and Namaste! "

Transcribed by Arnold Neal Troeh.

Given through Susan Leland, January 4, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar on the
Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be
distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is
altered or deleted.

* http://www.ascensionenergytools.com/free_call_tues_4_jan_2011.html


HEAVEN #3704 The Possible Titles of Your

Life, January 15, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 5:10pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3704 The Possible Titles of Your Life, January 15, 2011

God said:

You are so eager to turn the next page of your life, either to turn the next page or hold on tight
to life as it is right now. Life seems like so many opposites, like holding on or letting go, like
seen or foreseen or unseen, believed or unbelieved. Yet even when life is held onto tightly and
believed, there seems to be an undercurrent of disbelief. How on Earth can this mixed-up life
possibly be true, really true? It happened, and yet it could not have happened. Who could make
up life as it exists, yet how can it be true? Regardless of life’s earthiness, you know life is
fleeting and gone before it started. Certainly life is made up. Life is the stuff stories are made of.
What else can life be then but real-life fiction?

Life is mighty, and life is absurd. It is stranger than fiction, yet fiction nevertheless.

Life on Earth is acting out, as if you can’t help yourself. You take on a part, and you can’t let go
of it. You accept a fictitious name and call it true. You bear a different name from the one given
to you on Earth. You know you are more than the identity given to you on Earth. Now you are
beginning to identify yourself. You have a Greater Identity, and, as it were, no identity at all, no
identity, no mask, no charade. You who are Vastness are more than you ever dreamed and yet no
more nor less than you thought.

Expand your thinking, and you are expanded. Your extant life is your thinking. Your life is not
what happens. It is your perception. That’s what it means to say that life on Earth is relative. It
is as it seems to be to you. You may see, perhaps, a small portion. You have a great fortune, and
you see the small change. There is much more than what the eye sees. You have been judging
the book of your life according to its cover. Beyond the painting on your cover lies the bare
canvas it is painted on.

It is almost certain that you read your own life mistakenly. You have mis-entitled yourself. You
have called your life The Adventures I Have Been On. Your book is more truthfully called:
Beingness. On varying levels, you could also call your life The Great Beyond, The More Than I
Can Say, Made-up Ideas of Life, What Lies Beyond, What Never Was Yet Seemed to Be. The
Road Traveled, The Road Less Traveled, The Seeking of the Sought, Lost and Found in a Land
of the Blind, The Found in the Land of the Seeing, The Tempest in the Teapot, I Had a Dream
One Night, I Dreamed of Day and Night, I Turned On and Turned Off the Stars, I Rode a Comet
through the Sky, I Hitched My Wagon to a Star, There Is an Ocean and Yet the Waves Tell Not
the Whole Story, The Unvarnished Truth, Behold Glimpses of the Truth, Night Rider, Day
Trader, Playing My Old Banjo, Giddyap Little Pony, Over the Rainbow, Beyond the Horizon.
What Cannot Your Life Be Named, and Why Stop There, An Unending Tale of Strife and Life,
No Finish Line, Mountains Climbed and Unclimbed, The Climate of Change, the Discovery of
Self and Non-Self, Beyond the Far Horizons, The Fathomed Fathomless Ocean, The Tour de

Force, The Land of the Living, Life Is But a Dream, Undreamed of Life, Life Emblazoned
Across the Sky, Tripping Over Life, Riding the Waves, Riding the Air Waves, Surfing, A Sketch
of Life, An Oft-Heard Tale, If Truth Be Told, If Lie Be Believed, As If Anything Is As It Seems,
As If I Know Nothing, As If I Think I Know Everything, As If I Could Go On and On, An
Arrow Shot from God’s Heart, A Splinter in My Eye, The Beginning, There Is No End, There Is
Everything and Nothing Wrapped into One, Life Is Not an Open and Closed Case, I Wish Upon
a Star, I Stand Up, and I Stand Down, I Forget, I Remember, Life Is Unstoppable, and so on.


Create Your Own Multidimensional Portal

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 5:30pm

Create Your Own Multidimensional Portal

Anyone in human form can call for these clearings

This is a New and Improved version of this prayer which I have experienced amazing results

I asked Spirit to show me a way to Improve this prayer so That It would be more effective. I
got the Impression that Because of these end times that I needed a bigger crew to Assist. I
decided to add to this prayer and call other beings of Light. I added many other beings to this
prayer and asked that All Inter-dimensional doorways be closed and sealed * Well, that Did
the trick. I have this portal set up now to cover this whole Neighborhood. By doing this, it will
cut down on a lot of the Clearings. However, It needs to be repeated sometimes, Especially If
you live in an area with a lot of lower light people With dark energy like I do.

This has been an absolute blessing to me as It's giving me More time To do other things * You
can also ask these beings 0f light to set up these one way multidimensional portals Anywhere
in the world. Distance Is no barrier. Think of the Progress we could make in this world by
asking to have these Portals set up over places like Haarp, The White House, Justice Systems,
places of war. The Military that are spraying the Chemtrails etc , et, etc, The list goes on. We
all know that Those seeking to harm us are controlled by the dark forces. Having these
Portals set up over places of corruption could Well speed events up.
Use your Imagination and lets do It. Pass this prayer far and Wide, so other lightworkers can
help themselves and Participate In having our planet cleared of all that Is Interfering With
our ascension and blast all the dark energies off this Planet

In Love & Light,



Inspired by: Diane Stein, Reliance on the Light (CA: The Crossing Press, 2001).
Please gift yourself with this book full of many processes to heal your multidimensional life.

Before beginning, State:

“I ,your name ___Decree I Am Dedicating myself to The Light Now:

, “I Am asking for and invoking the presence and assistance of Christ Michael, the Archangel
and The Light Force the Powers of Light, the Lords of Light, the Legions of Light, the
Warriors of Light, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Grace, the Lords of Protection, and the
Divine Director, I also ask for Assistance and support from The Dolphins, The Elementals,
Tree's, Nature Spirits, The Light Beings from Arcturus, Nomo's, Sirius, 0rion, 0rionus, and the
special Light Beings from Telos and The Hollow Earth, The Army of The Lord Christ and The
Guardians of the planet now:

I am asking you all to establish and activate a one-directional multidimensional portal with I,
{ your name } __________ for the purpose of automatically removing all lost, trapped,
misplaced, and Illegal entities and energies and all demons of darkness. Demonic forces from
in and around I { your Name }__________ and transporting them to where they belong now. I
am asking you all to station 1000's of guards with this porta l to ensure It's operation as an
automatic, one-directional portal with Maximum efficiency and minimum effort now. I am
asking you all to make this portal Immediate, Permanent—Instantly,past, present, future—
throughout all time, space, dimension—now.

I am asking you all to establish and activate a one-directional multidimensional portal at

{ your Address/ town/ country }__________ [location] for the purpose of automatically
removing all lost, trapped, Misplaced, and Illegal entities and energies and all demons of
darkness, demonic forces from in and Around this location and transporting them to where
they belong now. I am asking you all to station Millions of guards with this portal to ensure its
operation as an automatic, one-directional portal with Maximum efficiency and minimum
effort now. I am asking you all to make this portal Immediate, permanent—past, present,
future—throughout Time, space, dimension—now.

I ask for this assistance to be fully, completely, permanently, and forever through all the levels
and Components, all the dimensions, all the connections, all the systems, and between them,
through all Multidimensions and between them of the multidimensional being.

I ask for this assistance through all the levels and all the bodies. I ask for this assistance
through all The lifetimes on earth and all planets, and beyond. I ask for this assistance through
the DNA level. I ask For this assistance through the history level. I ask for this assistance
through the core belief level. I ask For this assistance through the core soul level and beyond.
I ask for this assistance through the karmic Contract level. I ask for this assistance through the
ascension level.

I ask for this assistance from beyond the moment of self to below the center of the earth and
from Beyond the pure light above creation to below the well of life and the fire of life at the
center of the earth, And all planets, and beyond and between all of these. I ask and Intend that
all Inter- Dimensional Doorways be closed and sealed that are being used by beings with
negative agenda's to Access me and mine now and forever.. I ask and Intend that this
assistance be Immediate, Instant, past, present future. I ask and Intend for this assistance to,
be sealed In The Light and 0nto protection Immediatly, completely and on a full and
permanent basis now

And So It Is !

It Is done ! It Is done ! It Is done !




ABC of Faith*
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 5:34pm

A - Accept everything with joy and peace will then dwell in your hearts.
B - Be willing to change in those areas that are preventing growth
C - Cleanse your soul and live, live the beatitudes
D - Depend on the Divine and He will give you the strength needed.
E - Each must use their time wisely on this earth.
F - Fervently trust, trust, the Divine's mercy and love.
G – Give thanks for all trials and blessings.
H - Have hope, and be patient, kind and loving.
I - It is so important to remain hopeful and live each day with joy
J – Joy is given to those who do the will of the almighty.
K – Keep your hearts open to the Graces.
L – Let go of hate; and love, love one another.
M – Many Graces are given to those who gather and pray
N – Nothing is impossible with God, so please trust and know that He is with you.
O – Open your hearts fully to God’s love and mercy.
P – Peace cannot exist if there is unforgiveness and division in your homes, and community.

Q – Quiet time will truly help to nourish your prayer and spiritual life
R – Receive the grace needed to live a pure and holy life.
S – Share those gifts God has blessed you with.
T – Take a moment today and reflect on all that God is teaching you.
U – Unite in prayer and encourage each other to live a pure and holy life.
V – Victory over evil can be achieve if you keep your focus on the good and worthy virtues
W – Walk in love and walk as children of light in order to bear fruit.
X – Xeric habits that prevent growth of the soul and spirit must be avoided
Y – You must be more patient with those around you.
Z – Zeal and faithfulness is needed to live a good and blessed life.

~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan

*inspired from the messages of the BVM


Tasarlamak, Yaratmak ve Tezahür Ettirmek

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 5:57pm

Tasarlamak, Yaratmak ve Tezahür Ettirmek

Alan üyeleri arasındaki en büyük sorulardan biri ‘yaratım ve fikirlerimi nasıl tezahür
ettirebilirim?’ sorusudur. Bu makaleyi tam da ateşleyen de bu konu üzerinde yakın zamanda
yaptığımız bir sohbet oldu.

Bilinçli yaratım süreci genellikle esinle gelen bir fikirle başlar. Bir gün duşta olabilirsiniz ve
aniden yeni bir şarkı yazma, daha iyi bir fare kapanı kurma, yeni bir yazılım geliştirme ya da
özel bir restoran açma fikri geliverir. Bu, insanlığa yardım edecek ya da hayatınızdaki küçük
bir problemi çözecek bir fikir olabilir. Bu, size zenginlik ya da ün getirecek potansiyele sahip
olan veya tutkunuzu körükleyen bir şey olabilir.

Bu esin tanımlayıcı bir andır. O, sizin kendi ‘rüya’ âleminizden gelmiştir. Diğer bir deyişle
diğer âlemlerde, çoğu fikrin doğduğu kendi yaratıcı alanınızda bu ilhamı tasarlamakta ve
keşfetmekteydiniz. Şimdi insan gerçeğinizdeki bilincinizi bu fikri ‘hatırlamak’ üzere açmış
oldunuz. Bu anlar genellikle sevinç, akış, coşku, iyimserlik ve büyük resmi görme yeteneği ile
doludur. İlham öylesine dinamiktir ki onu nerdeyse tadıp hissedebilirsiniz.

Fikir, bilinçli aklınıza gelmek için doğru fırsatı bekleyerek yaratıcı âlemlerinizde süzülüp
durmaktaydı. Yaratıcı âlemlerde, fikir yoğun 3B sınırlamalarıyla ya da insan gerçeklikleriyle
engellenmiyordu. Fikir, zaman, maddi kaynaklar, insani süreçler ya da reddedilme korkusu
tarafından sınırlanmayan özgür bir kuş gibiydi. O sadece doğmayı bekleyen mükemmel ve
ham bir fikirdi.

Bundan sonra olan şey çok önemlidir: Fikri fiziksel olmayan âlemlerde tutmaya devam
edebilirsiniz ya da tezahür etme sürecini başlatmayı seçebiliriniz.

Bu anda, net ve bilinçli bir seçim yapma yeteneği, tezahür ettirmede en önemli faktörlerden
biridir. Çoğu insan, hâlâ içlerinde coşkuyla dolu olsalar da, bu seçimi yapmakta başarısız
olurlar. Sonra tezahür etme süreci zihinselleşmeye/sınırlanmaya başlar ve insan gerçekliği
tecrübesinin bir parçası olma gerçek şansına bile sahip olamadan yaratıcı âleme geri döner.

Tutkulu enerjilerin yanı sıra tezahür ettirmek için net bir seçim yapmak, fikri bu fiziksel
gerçeklikte demirler. Şimdi onunla bağlantılı enerjiler, bu âlemde diğer destekleyici enerjileri
toplamaya başlayabilir. Diğer bir değişle, onu bu hayata getirme sürecinde yardımcı olacak
diğer insanlar ve kaynaklarla bağlantı kurmaya başlayabilir. Pek çok fikir, yaratıcıları
enerjilerini burada dünyada demirlemek yerine diğer boyutsal alanlarda tuttuğu için gün
ışığını asla göremez.

Bu aşamaya ulaştığımda genelde defterimi çıkarır fikirleri yazmaya başlarım. Zihinsel ve

sınırlı olma eğilimine karşı dirençli olurum. Zamanın ve paranın nerden geleceği konusunda
endişelenmem. Düşünceleri organize bile etmeye çalışmadan fikrin kâğıt üzerinde
genişlemesine izin veririm. Sadece anahtar kelimeleri not alır, küçük resimler çizer ve rastgele
aklıma gelen şeyleri kaydederim. Bazen karalamalar ve notlarla bir düzineden fazla sayfayı

Sonra hepsini birkaç gün kenara bırakırım. Bu, aklım onun üzerinde meşgul olmaksızın ya da
niçin gerçekleşemeyeceğine dair tüm o nedenlerin içine gömülmeden, fikrin bu gerçeklikte
adeta kuluçkaya yatmasına izin verir. Fikre birkaç gün sonra geri döndüğümde,
potansiyellerin ayakları daha yere basan sezgisel hissine, kendi hevesimin daha iyi bir
kavrayışına ve hepsini gerçekleştirme arzusuna sahibimdir. Bu bir diğer önemli karar anıdır:
Bu projeye gönülden bağlanmaya hazır mıyım, yoksa onun yaratıcı âlemlere geri dönmesini
kabulleniyor muyum? Fikri takip edeceğimi farz ederek fikrin ilk çıkış yaptığı orijinal hisse
geri dönerim. Projenin 3B zorlukları daha sonra beni baskıladığında, onu daha sonra devam
ettirebilmem için bu hissin sağlam bir şekilde yerleşmesine ihtiyacım olacaktır.

Şimdi tezahür ettirme zamanıdır. Fikre bağlı olarak, paraya, profesyonel yardıma, zamana, bir
kitap yazmak için sabra, pazarlama asistanına vs ihtiyaç duyabilirisiniz… Bu liste böyle
uzayıp gider. Tüm bunları nasıl bir araya getireceğinizi merak ederken bu noktada kolaylıkla
hevesiniz kırılabilir. Bunun sizi durdurması yerine, fili her seferinde bir ısırık alarak yemeğe
başlayın. Yaratımın bir noktasında çıkmaz sokakla karşılaştığınızda, bir diğeri üzerinde
yoğunlaşın. İnternete girin ve araştırmaya başlayın. Sezgilerinizin sizi doğru web sitelerine
nasıl yönlendirdiğine inanamayacaksınız. Size rehberlik edebilecek ya da sizi bir başkasıyla
tanıştırabilecek kişilerle konuşmaya başlayın. Proje sizin tahmin ettiğinizden iki kat daha
fazla zaman ya da para gerektirecek gibi görünmeye başlarsa ümidiniz kırılmasın. Genellikle
öyle olur. Kişisel tecrübeme dayanarak hemen her ana projede aksaklıklar çıktığını size
söyleyebilirim. Birileri sizin tahmin ettiğiniz gibi çıkmayabilir. Kanuni ya da maddi sorunlar
baş gösterebilir. Paranız çabucak bitebilir. Bu noktada moral bozukluğuyla havlu atmak, hatta

bunun zaten çılgınca bir fikir olduğunu düşünmek çok kolaydır. Bu tam da fikir ilk geldiğinde
hissettiğiniz o ilk coşkuya geri dönme zamanıdır.

Fikirleri bu gerçekliğe taşımak bir sanattır. Herkese yaşamının şu ya da bu anında esin

gelebilir, fakat çok az insan gerçekten onu tezahür ettirebilir. Onların en büyük korkusu işe
yaramayacağıdır. Ancak gerçek bir Yaratıcı aslında bunun hiç de önemi olmadığının
farkındadır. Gerçek keyif, yaratma sürecinin kendisindedir. Çoğu insan birkaç engelle
karşılaştığında vazgeçer; oysa gerçek Yaratıcı engellerin kendi yaratıcı becerilerini geliştirmek
için sadece yeni fırsatlar olduğunu bilir.

Yaratımı, bir Yaratıcı olduğumu bana hatırlattığı için seviyorum. Erişkin hayatımdaki
fikirlerimin yaklaşık yarısı başarılı olmuştur ve diğer yarısı da yarı yolda kalmıştır. Fikirlerin
çoğu bir noktada başka insanları da içermiştir, ve diğerleri kendi başıma tezahür ettirebildiğim
fikirlerdir. Bu fikirlerden biri bir gün bir müşteri ile öğle yemeğinde gelmişti. Onu, bir
peçetenin arkasına not almıştık. Bugün o fikir, 300’den fazla çalışanıyla uçaklara internet ve
iletişim sağlayan önde gelen bir şirkettir. Eşim Linda ve Joe Rumbolo ile birlikte geliştirilen
başka bir fikir ise şu anda doğum aşamasındadır ve bir aydan kısa bir süre içinde ortaya
çıkacaktır. Bu fikir, uluslararası spiritüel haberler ve bilgi radyo ağı olan the Awakening Zone
(Uyanış Alanı)dır.

Yaratmanın keyfi gibisi yoktur. Temel prensipleri anlamak korku ve belirsizliğin çoğunu alıp
götürmektedir. Bunun akıllı ya da şanslı olmakla ilgisi olmadığını anlamaya başlarsınız. Her
şeyin, kendinizin bir Yaratıcı olmasına izin vermenizle alakası vardır.

Yazan, Geoffrey Hoppe

Çeviren : İlker Ünlü

Geoffrey Hoppe’nin Shaumbra dergisinin Aralık sayısına yazdığı makale.

Daha fazla bilgi:www.crimsoncircle.com

Devamı: http://www.maddeveruh.org/ruh-ve-madde/1/1030/Tasarlamak-Yaratmak-v...



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 6:23pm

Bir çok İnsan Varlığın Ruhu, yaşamsal çelişkileri (Dualiteyi) deneyimlemek için 3.Boyuta,
Dünyaya bir "Beden" alarak gelir.Aslolan, var olup olmamaya, yaşayıp yaşamamaya dair
böylesi en keskin ve "Uç" çelişkilerle başa çıkabilip, herşeye rağmen yaşama tutunarak, onun
getirilerini veya götürülerini İyi veya Kötü olarak yargılamadan "Kabul" edip, adeta bu
İnanılmaz bir Öykü olan Yaşamın bir izleyeni ve kuşkusuz onun en büyük destekçisi

Ruhun sınavı budur, kendisinin yine kendisi için yarattığı Yaşam sınavı budur... Onu iyi
değerlendirmek ve sevgiyle kucaklamak gerek.Bedenler bir gün ölebilecektir, ama onu
Yaratan ve onu "Narin ve Muhteşem" bir elbise gibi giyen Ruh Varlığı ölümsüzdür ve o
Tanrının bir parçasıdır.Eğer İnsan Varlığı, kendisine bahşedilen bu "Bedenli Yaşamı"
sonlandırmak ister ve dahi sonlandırırsa, unutulmamalıdır ki onun
aynısını ve belki de çok daha beterini çok daha sıkı bir şekilde yaşamak
için Yaşama, 3.Boyuta geri dönecektir.Ve aynı istenilmeyen yaşam, ta ki "Kabul" edilip,
severek yaşanılana kadar yeniden doğuma yani "Reenkarnasyon" a endekslenecektir.Bu,
sadece burada bu Dünyada değil, Evrenlerdeki tüm 3.Boyut yaşamlarında kurulmuş olan İlahi
bir Yasa ve İlahi bir Plandır... Bir daha bu 3.Boyut yaşam acılarını yaşamak, deneyimlemek
istemeyen İnsan Varlığının yapacağı tek şey, tüm gücüyle yaşama sarılıp, onu sevgiyle Kabul
edip, Yüce Ruhun yolunda ilerleyerek yaşamaktır. İşte bu İnsan Varlığının, bu yaşamda
yaşarken bile, gerçekte "KİM" olduğunun farkına varacağı, varabileceği büyük bir Yoldur, o
AYDINLANMA YOLU dur.Beşer İnsan Varlığının sonsuz ve sınırsız Özgürlük ve
Mutluluğuna giden Yoldur.Kuşkusuz, Özgür seçim Gezegeni olan bu Dünyada İnsan Varlığı
istediğini, dilediğini kendi İradesi ile seçebilir, dilediği şeye İnanır veya İnanmaz, ancak
sonucunda o, o Yaşamı yaşar ve o yaşam onun aynı zamanda geleceğidir de, onun şimdide
yaşadağı "KARMA" sıdır.O seçimi ile bunu belirler... Şimdi siz neyi seçiyorsunuz, yaşam
acılarının bir daha olmaması için yaşamayımı,yoksa bu yaşamınıza son vererek veya
verdirerek Enkarne olup tekrar aynı şeyleri yaşamayımı? Hiç şüphe yok ki seçim yine değerli
İnsan Varlığınındır ve onun seçimi her ne olursa olsun asla İlahi Plan tarafından
yargılanmaz, ve o her kararıyla ve dahi İnanç veya İnançsızlığıyla
yine, daima sonsuzca sevilir.Ve tüm Evrenler, tek bir şey için
Yaratılmıştır, o da "O SEVGİ "dir ve O Sevgi herşeyin çözümüdür... Bedenli Yaşamınızı
sevin, çünki o Kutsaldır.Bedeninizdeki o Tanrısal Kutsallık, sizin DNA larınıza o"Yüce Ruh"
tarafından adeta ince, güzel, sonsuz bir "Nakış" gibi işlenmiştir.Bedeninizi sevin, onu ve onun
bu yaşamını da "Kabul" edin, çünki o, sizin gibi Kutsal ve İlahidir...
Süleyman Kaya
Farkındalığın "Aydınlık" ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...


Size Sarkilar Soyluyorum
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 6:52pm

Tanri dedi ki:

Ellerinizi Cennete dogru, yukari kaldirin. Elleriniz, Kainatin enerjisini almak
uzere acilmis birer canak gibi olsun. Ellerinizden yansiyan enerjiyi hissedin.
Enerjinin nabzini hissedin. Cok hos degil mi. Bu enerjiyi her zaman aliyorsunuz.
Cennetle nasil da baglantida oldugunuzu bir tahayyul edin. Basinizin uzerindeki tactan neyin
nufuz etmekte oldugunu bir tahayyul edin. Bu muazzam ve naif enerjinin nasil da icinize
isledigini bir tahayyul edin. Hayat enerjisidir bu.

Bu enerjiyi sadece almakla kalmaz, onu yansitirsiniz da. Devri-daimseldir o. Dunyanin nasil
dondugunun, sizin nasil varoldugunuzun ve hayatin nasil oldugunun da bir izahidir.
Kalbinizin bir nevi davul gibi oldugunu farzedin, onun tam-tamlari cok uzaklara erismektedir.
Her yerden duyulmaktadir bu sesler Farkedilmeyebilirler, lakin isitilir onlar.

Dunyaya bahsedilmis nadide bir parcayken ve aslinda, bulundugunuz heryerde Cennetin

enerjini yansitmak uzere, Cennetten sunulmus bir armagan oldugunuz halde, belki de
kendinizi sadece kendisi icin varolan, munferit bir insan olarak dusunmekteydiniz. Vermeniz
icin sizindir o enerji ve kudret. Bahsedin onu.

Agaclar sizin icin soluk alip vermektedir. Oksijen hizmetinizdedir. Aldiginiz hersey vermeniz
icin sizindir.

Kainati tek bir muazzam nabiz olarak farzedin. Bu nabiz, dunyanin bileklerinden
hissedilmektedir ve Kainatin boynundan, Kainatin kalbinden de hissedilmektedir o.
Bu hayat enerjisi her daim atmaktadir. Bu atis sevgiyi ifade etmektedir, tekrar tekrar sevgiyi
yinelemektedir o. Bunu yapmak onun keyif aldigi bir seydir. Kainatin Nabzinin soyleyecek
bir baska seyi yoktur. Onun sessizliginde, sevginin nabiz atislarindan baska bir sey ifade

edilmez. Asla tahrif olmaz o, hicbir zaman.

Sayet sevginin nabzindan baska bir seyleri isitiyorsaniz, yaniliyorsunuz demektir.

Kulaklariniz tikanmistir. Yureginizi ne denli cok acarsaniz soylenmekte olan bu sarkiyi da o
kadar iyi duyarsiniz. Cok ozel bir sarkidir o. Bu Benim, size olan
cagrimdir. Bu Benim, Kendimi size ilan edisimdir. Meleklerin, isittiginiz kanat sesleri sadece
Benim sevgimin dalgalaridir.

Oldugunuz her sey ve yaptiginiz her sey Benim sevgimin enerjisinden kaynak bulmaktadir.
Onsuz bir adim dahi yoktur. Bu sevgi caglayayanini idrak etmiyorsaniz sayet, ki ne yazik,
sevgi ayni sekilde yine de sizindir. Size vermekte oldugum
sevgiyi hicbir sey azaltmayacaktir. Idrak edeceginiz zaman ise size baglidir.

Yeryuzundeki sevgi o denli bariz bir hale gelecektir ki onun tahrif oldugunu ya da gizlendigini
nasil olup da dusundugunuze hayret edeceksiniz. Sevginin yeni bir
hamlesi soz konusu degildir aziz cocuklarim. Her zaman ayni sevgiydi o, lakin artik onu farkli
bir seviyede idrak etmektesiniz. Kalbinizin gozleri daha bir aciktir artik. Herdaim varolani,
herdaim sizin ve herdaim Bizim olani kesfetmektesiniz sadece. Kainatin biribirinden
ayrilamayan baglantilarini, Benim soylemekte oldugum Tek Bir Dizeyi kesfetmektesiniz.
Benim soyledigimden daha hos bir sarki olabilir mi hic? Daha iyi bir sesle soylenebilir mi o?
Sizin icin seslendirmekteyim onu Ben.

Sessiz bir ses her yere ulasir. Yuksek bir ses ise kisilir zamanla. Benim sesimse ezeli ve ebedi
olandir. Kendi kendine caglar o. Gucu Kendisindedir ve boylelikle yureginize yerlesir sevgi.
Belki de asla yoklugu cekilmeyenden, vermeniz icin sizin
olandan, sinir tanimaksizin vermeniz icin sizin olandan yana tasarruf etmekteydiniz.
Solugunuzla Benim sevgimi icinize cekin, Benim aziz cocuklarim, sonra da solugunuzla
disari verin sevgimi; ki boylelikle onun menzilini bilesiniz
ve onun Kaynagina geri verilmek icin oldugunu bilesiniz ve Bana ne kadar da benzediginizi
bilesiniz diye.

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural


Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi


Reiki ve Schumann Rezonansı

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 7:00pm

Dr Robert Becker ve Dr John Zimmerman tarafından 1980 ‘lerde yapılan bağımsız

araştırmalar, insanlar Reiki gibi terapiler uygularken ne olduğunu inceledi.
Yalnızca, uygulayıcının ve alıcının beyin dalgası modellerinin alfa durumunda,

derin gevşeme ve meditasyon karakteristiğinde senkronize olduğunu (eşleştiğini)
aynı zamanda beyin dalgalarının Schumann Rezonansı olarak bilinen Dünya’nın manyetik
alanı ile aynı zamanda (birlik içinde) titreştiğini/nabız gibi attığını buldular.
Bu anlar esnasında, uygulayıcının ellerinin biyomanyetik alanı normalden en az 1000 kat daha
ve içsel beden akımının bir sonucu değildir. (Ondan kaynaklanmaz)
Toni Bunnell (1997) uygulayıcı ve Dünya arasındaki enerji alanlarının bağlanmasının
uygulayıcının ‘sonsuz enerji kaynağı’ndan veya ‘evrensel enerji alanı’ndan Schuman
Rezonansı vasıtası ile enerji çekmesine izin verdiğini öne sürüyor.
The Matter Myth (Madde Miti)’nde (1991), Prof Paul Davies ve Dr John Gribben
her şeyin ‘birbirine bağlı yaşayan bir web’ içinde bağlı olduğu ‘yaşayan evren’ kuantum fiziği
görüşünü tartışıyorlar.
Bunların hepsi düzenli olarak Reiki alan veya kendine uygulayanların, ‘birliğin’ ve
‘genişlemiş bilinçliliğin’ öznel deneyimini destekler.

A.B.D.’de Zimmerman (1990) ve Japonya’da Seto (1992),

enerji uygulayıcılarının çalışırken ellerinden yayılan geniş nabızlar vuran biomanyetik alanını
daha ileri incelediler.
Nabız atışlarının beyin dalgaları ile aynı frekanslarda olduğunu keşfettiler
ve 0,3 ile 30 Hz arasında gidip geldiğini, çoğunlukla 7,8 Hz’e (alfa durumu) odaklandığını
Bağımsız tıbbi araştırmacılar frekansların bu aralığının bedende iyileşmeyi hızlandırdığını
ayrıca farklı dokular için özel frekansların uygun olduğunu gösterdiler.
Örneğin, 2 Hz sinirin yenilenmesini, 7 Hz. Kemik gelişimini, 10 Hz. bağların tamir edilmesini

ve 15 Hz. kılcal damar oluşumunu teşvik ediyor.

Bu prensiplere dayanan fizyoterapi ekipmanı yumuşak doku rejenerasyonuna yardımcı olmak
için dizayn edilmiştir
ve ultra ses teknolojisi genel olarak tıkalı damarları açmak ve böbrek taşlarını parçalamak için
Ayrıca, iyileşmeyen bir kırığın etrafına elektrikli bir bobin yerleştirmenin
kemiğin büyümesini ve tamir edilmesini hızlandırdığı yıllardır biliniyor.

Becker ‘beyin dalgalarının’ beyinde kapalı olmadığını,

tüm sinirleri çevreleyen bağlayıcı dokuların kılıfları olan perinöral sistem vasıtası ile tüm
bedende dolaştığını açıklıyor.
Bir tedavi esnasında, bu dalgalar uygulayıcının beyninin talamusunda göreceli zayıf nabız
atışları olarak başlar
ve elleri de kapsayan bedenin peripheral (çevresel) sinirlerine akarken kümülatif güç toplar.
Aynı etki tedaviyi alan kişide aksettirilir ve
Becker bu sistemin diğerlerinden daha çok yaraların tamirini ve sistemin yeniden
dengelenmesini ayarladığını ileri sürüyor.
Bu, Reiki’nin (ve benzer terapilerin) özel özelliklerinden birini aydınlatıyor,
hem uygulayıcı hem de alıcı tedavinin faydalarını alırlar, bu onu çok etkili yapar.
Dr. Becker’in çalışmasını değişik kültüre sahip özneler ile yapması ve
onların ve hastalarının inanç sistemlerinin, ne olduğuna bakmadan tüm testlerin aynı olmasını
not etmek ilginçtir.

Reiki’nin popülerliğinin artmasının bir nedeni;
bir inanç seti empoze etmemesi ve herhangi bir geçmişi ve inancı olan veya hiç inancı
olmayan insanlar tarafından kullanılabilmesidir.
Bu nötrallik tıbbi bir dekor için özellikle onu uygun yapıyor.


Yeryüzünü çepeçevre saran gaz tabakasının bütününe Atmosfer denmektedir.

Sınırları tam belirgin olmamakla birlikte Atmosfer ; (Yeryüzünden yukarıya doğru) Traposfer,
Stratosfer, Mezosfer ve İyonosfer şeklinde 4 katmandan ibarettir.

Kozmos'dan ve Güneş'imizden gelen, Enerji yüklü Atom Altı Parçacıklar Atmosferin en üst
katmanında bulunan Oksijen, Azot ve Hidrojen Atomlarının elektronlarını kopartmakta, onları
İyonize ederek (+) Pozitif Elektrik yüklü İYONOSFER tabakasını meydana getirmektedir.
Yeryüzünden 500–600 km. yüksekte oluşan İyonosfer tabakasının sıcaklığı 1700 oC dereceye
kadar çıkmaktadır. Atmosfere giren Göktaşlarını yakan, Onları yok ederek Dünyayı koruyan
bu tabakadır
İyonosfer tabakası aynı zamanda Dünya Isısını belli seviyelerde tutarak Canlılara yaşam
imkânı sağlamakta, Radyo Dalgaları için yansıtıcı-ayna görevi de yaparak Televizyon, Radyo
ve Telefon haberleşmesini mümkün kılmaktadır.

Kozmos'tan ve Güneş'imizden gelen Enerji yüklü Atom Altı Parçacıkların enerjisiyle devamlı
yüklenen İyonosfer tabakası, Bu enerjileri, Yeryüzü ile İyonosfer tabakası arasında kalan
boşluğa, Şimşek ve Yıldırımlar şeklinde durmaksızın boşaltmaktadır.
Öyle ki her saniye 1000'nin üzerinde Şimşek ve Yıldırım şeklindeki Elektrik Enerjisi,
Yeryüzüne akmaktadır.
Yeryüzü ve üzerindeki Tüm Canlılar da aşırı Elektron akışı nedeniyle genelde (-) Negatif
Elektrik yüklü bulunmaktadır.
Şimşek ve Yıldırımlar olarak Yeryüzüne akan Elektrik Enerjisi,
Yeryüzü ile İyonosfer arasındaki boşlukta çeşitli Elektro Manyetik Rezonans sahaları
yani değişik frekanslarda titreşen Elektro Manyetik Alanlar meydana getirmektedir.
İşte Bu Elektro Manyetik Alanların titreşimine SCHUMANN Rezonansı denmektedir.
(Bir gücün etkilemesi sonucunda ortaya çıkan titreşime Rezonans denir.)
Zira Bu Rezonansların mahiyeti ilk defa 1952 yılında Alman Fizikçi W. O. Schumann
tarafından açıklanmıştır.

Schumann Rezonansı, Yeryüzü ile İyonosfer tabakası arasındaki boşluğun Doğal titreşimidir.
Tespitlere göre Schumann Rezonans sahasının frekansı 7,8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 ve 45 Hertz
aralıklarında değişmektedir. (Hertz = 1 Saniyedeki devir sayısıdır.)
Diğer bir ifadeyle, Yeryüzü ile İyonosfer tabakası arasındaki boşluk 7,8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 ve
45 Hertz aralıklarında titreşen Yedi Elektro Manyetik Alan halindedir.
Ancak en büyük Manyetik Alanın frekansı 7.8 Hertz' dir.
İyonosfer tabakasından Yeryüzüne akan enerji ile meydana gelen Elektro Manyetik Alanlar,
Tüm tabiat olaylarını ve Tüm canlıları etkilemekte ve tetiklemektedir.

Zira Hepimiz Bio kimyasal süreçlerle Elektrik üreten, ürettiğimiz Elektron akımlarıyla elektro
manyetik alan yaratan, düşünen, hisseden, kaslarımızı ve bedenimizi hareket ettiren, çalışan,
konuşan ve faaliyet gösteren varlıklarız.
Yani tüm madde âlemi nasıl atomlarının titreşimi nispetinde ürettiği enerji kadar etraflarında

Elektro Manyetik Alanlar teşekkül ettiriyorsa, Tüm canlılar da hücresel vibrasyonları
nispetinde ürettikleri enerji kadar çevrelerinde Elektro Manyetik Alanlar teşekkül
Sahip olduğumuz Elektro Manyetik Alanlar da, çevresel Elektro Manyetik Alanların
değişiminden ve frekansından etkilenmektedir.
Tüm Dünyayı çepeçevre sararak, Tüm Doğayı ve Canlıları etkileyen Schumann Rezonansı bu
nedenle çok önemli olup Dünyanın önde gelen fizik araştırma merkezleri tarafından devamlı
ölçülerek kontrol edilmektedir.

Schumann Rezonansı kayıtlarını tutan Merkezlerin verilerine göre, 1980 yılından sonra
yapılan Schumann Rezonası ölçümlerinde, ortalama 7.8 Hertz olan en büyük Manyetik Alanın
Frekansının yükseldiği ve 11 Hertz' in üzerine çıktığı, Ayrıca saniyede 1000' nin üstünde olan
Yıldırım ve Şimşek çakmalarının da, saniyede 2000' ne çıktığı tespit edilmiştir.

Yani Tüm Dünya' yı çepeçevre saran en büyük Elektro Manyetik Alanın, çok uzun süreden
beri sabit olan Frekansı 7,8 Hertz' den 12 Hertz' e çıkmış,
Aynı zamanda İyonosfer tabakasından Yeryüzüne akan elektrik enerjisi de Toplam olarak
eskisinin 2 katına çıkmış bulunmaktadır.
İlim, bu artışların kesin nedenlerini açıklayamamakta, Güneşin 11 yıllık periyotlarından
kaynaklandığını tahmin etmektedir.

Schumann Rezonansı' nın 1952 yılında keşfedilerek açıklanmasından çok önce diğer Alman
Bilgini Hans BERGER, Beynimizin çeşitli aktivitelere göre, değişik Elektrik Dalgaları
yayınladığını keşfetmiş ve Elektroensefalografi denen veya kısaca EEG denilen bir aletle
Beynin çıkardığı değişik Elektro Manyetik Dalgaları kaydetmiştir.

Beynimizin yaydığı Elektro Manyetik Dalgaların 5 ana frekansta olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Delta Dalgaları (1–3 Hertz) = Derin uyku, Bilinçsizlik halinde Beynin çıkardığı Elektro
Manyetik Dalgalardır.

Teta Dalgaları (4–7 Hertz) = Derin gevşeme, Uyuşukluk, Hafif uyku halinde Beynin çıkardığı
Elektro Manyetik Dalgalardır.

Alfa Dalgaları (7–11 Hertz) = Relaks halde iken ve Uykudan önceki safhada Beynin çıkardığı
Elektro Manyetik Dalgalardır.

Beta Dalgaları (11–25 Hertz) = Aktif çalışırken, Dikkat ederken, Bilgi alıp ve verirken Beynin
çıkardığı Elektro Manyetik Dalgalardır.

Gama Dalgaları (25–60 Hertz) = Öğrenme, Anlama, İdrak için zihnin zorlandığı sırada
Beynin çıkardığı elektro Manyetik Dalgalardır.

Daha sonraları yapılan çalışmalarda ise Beynin değişik Düşünceler düşünürken dahi değişik
frekansta Elektro Manyetik Dalgalar çıkardığı tespit edilmiştir.
Yani İnsanın Elektro Manyetik bir varlık olduğu, her hareketinin, her düşüncesinin Elektro
Manyetik Dalgalar halinde yayınlandığı anlaşılmıştır.
Nitekim Bugün Düşünceden komut alarak çalışan Bilgisayarlar deneme aşamasında

Bir Piyanoya yakın bir yerde, belirli bir müzik sesi çıkartılırsa, Piyanodaki tellerin birinin
veya bir kaçının (Hepsinin değil) titreştiği görülür.
Piyanonun titreşen telleri, çıkartılan Müzik sesiyle aynı Frekansta olanlardır.
Bu olaya Fizik İlminde Akustik Rezonans denmektedir.

İşte son 20 yılda devamlı arttığı tespit edilen Schumann Rezonansı, Akustik Rezonans Yasası
Schumann Rezonansı içinde yaşayan Tüm İnsanları ve Canlıları etkileyerek, Onların Beyinsel
olarak yayınladıkları Elektro Manyetik Dalgaların frekanslarını yükseltmektedir.
Diğer bir ifadeyle Schumann Rezonansını 12 Hertz'e yükselmesi demek
genel olarak İnsanların Alfa Dalgaları (7–11 Hertz) frekansından, Beta Dalgaları (11–25
Hertz) frekansına çıkartılması demektir.
Başka bir ifadeyle Bu durum, İnsanların Relaks halden-Uykulu halden uyandırılarak Bilinçli
hale getirilmesidir.



Yeni bir şey, yeni bir zihin, yeni bir bilinç
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 7:05pm

Yeni bir şey, yeni bir zihin, yeni bir bilinç doğuralım
Her türden koşullanma zehirdir. Bir kimsenin kendisini Hindu olarak düşünmesi, kendisini
tüm insanlığın karşısında düşünmesi demektir.
Birisinin Alman, Çinli olduğunu düşünmesi, insanlığa karşı olduğunu düşünmesidir; dostluk
değil düşmanlık terimleri ile düşünmesidir.

Kendini bir insan olarak düşün. Şayet birazcık zekân varsa kendini basit bir insanoğlu olarak
Ve zekân birazcık daha geliştiğinde insan sıfatını dahi bırakacaksın;
kendini bir varlık olarak, sadece bir varlık olarak düşüneceksin.
Ve varlık her şeyi içerir; ağaçlar ve dağlar ve nehirler ve yıldızlar ve kuşlar ve hayvanlar.
Büyü, kocaman ol. Niye tünellerin içinde yaşıyorsun?
Niçin küçücük karanlık kara deliklerin içinde sürükleniyorsun?
Ama sen büyük ideolojik sistemlerin içinde yaşadığını düşünüyorsun.
Sen büyük ideolojik sistemler içinde yaşamıyorsun çünkü büyük ideolojik sistemler diye bir
şey yok.
Bir insanoğlunu içine alabilecek kadar büyük bir fikir yoktur; var olmak hiçbir kavramın içine

Tüm kavramlar sakatlar ve kafa karıştırır.

Bir Katolik olma ve bir komünist olma; sadece bir insanoğlu ol.
Tüm bunlar zehirdir, tüm bunlar önyargıdır.
Ve çağlar boyunca bu önyargıların içinde hipnotize edildin.
Onlar, senin kanının, senin kemiğinin, senin iliğinin parçası oldular.
Bu zehirlenmeden kurtulmak için çok uyanık olmak zorunda kalacaksın.
Bedenin zihnin kadar zehirlenmemiştir.
Beden basit bir olgudur, kolaylıkla temizlenebilir.
Eğer vejetaryen yiyecekler yemiyorsan bundan vazgeçebilirsin; bu, çok büyük bir şey
Ve eğer et yemeyi bırakırsan, üç ay içinde vücudun vejetaryen olmayan yiyecekler tarafından
yaratılmış olan tüm zehirden tamamıyla özgürleşecektir. Bu basit bir şeydir.

Fizyoloji karmaşık değildir. Ancak, psikoloji ile birlikte problem ortaya çıkar.
Bir Jaina rahibi asla zehirlenmiş, vejetaryen olmayan herhangi bir yiyecek yemez.
Fakat onun zihni hiç kimsenin olmadığı kadar Jainizm tarafından kirletilip zehirlenmiştir.

Gerçek özgürlük tüm ideolojilerden özgür olmaktır.

Hiçbir ideoloji olmadan basitçe yaşayamaz mısın?
Bir ideolojiye ihtiyaç var mı? Niçin bir ideolojiye bu kadar ihtiyaç var?
Ona ihtiyaç vardır çünkü o senin aptal kalmana yardım eder,
Ona ihtiyaç vardır çünkü o senin zeki olmadan kalmana yardım eder.
Ona ihtiyaç vardır çünkü o sana kullanıma hazır cevaplar sağlar ve sen onları kendi başına
bulmak zorunda kalmazsın.
Gerçekten zeki bir insan hiçbir ideolojiye tutunmayacaktır; niçin yapsın ki?
O kullanıma hazır cevapların yükünü taşımayacaktır.
O yeterince zekâya sahip olduğunu bilir, bu sayede hangi durum ortaya çıkarsa çıksın ona
yanıt verebilecektir.
Niçin geçmişten gereksiz yükler taşınsın? Onu taşımanın ne anlamı var?
Ve aslında geçmişten ne kadar çok şey taşırsan,
şimdiki ana o kadar az yanıt verebileceksin
çünkü şimdiki an geçmişin tekrarı değildir, o her zaman yenidir; her zaman, her zaman
O asla eski değildir; bazen eskimiş gibi gözükür ama eski değildir, bazı temel farklar vardır.
Hayat asla kendini tekrar etmez.
O her zaman tazedir, her zaman yenidir, her zaman gelişir,
her zaman keşfeder, her zaman yeni maceralara doğru yol alır.
Senin kullanıma hazır eski cevapların yardımcı olmayacak.
Aslında onlar seni engelleyecek; senin yeni durumu görmene izin vermeyecek.
Durum yeni olacak ve cevapsa eski olacak.
Bu yüzden sen hayatın içinde bu kadar aptal gözüküyorsun.
Fakat aptal kalmak ucuz gibi gelir.
Zeki olmak çaba ister, zeki olmak gelişmek zorundasın demektir ve gelişmek acı vericidir.
Zeki olmak devamlı olarak uyanık ve farkında olmak zorundasın demektir;
uykuya dalamazsın, bir uyurgezer olarak yaşayamazsın.

Ve zeki olmanın birkaç tehlikesi daha vardır.

Zeki olmak çok zordur çünkü aptal kalabalıklarla birlikte yaşamak zorundasın.
Kör insanlarla yaşayıp gözlere sahip olmak tehlikeli bir durumdur; onların senin gözlerini yok
etmesi kaçınılmazdır.
Onlar sana tolerans gösteremez, sen onlar için bir tehditsin.
Bu yüzden İsa çarmıha gerilir, Sokrates zehirlenir, Hallac-ı Mansur öldürülür, Sarmad’ın
kafası koparılır.
Bunlar yeryüzünde yaşamış olan en zeki insanlardı ve biz onlara karşı nazik olduk mu?
Sokrat’ın zekâsındaki bir adam niçin öldürülmek zorundadır?

O, dayanılmaz hale geldi. Onun varlığı o kadar tehdit edici hale geldi.
Onun gözlerinin içine bakmak, aynaya bakmak demekti.
Ve biz o kadar çirkiniz ki çirkin olduğumuzu kabul etmektense,
çirkinliğini unutup aynayı yok etmek ve
dünyadaki en güzel insan olduğu rüyasını tekrar yaşamaya başlamak daha kolaydır.
Sokrates’i yok ettik çünkü o bir aynaydı.
Dolayısıyla insanlar sıradan kalmanın, aptal kalmanın daha iyi olacağına karar verdi.

Daha bir gün önce bir haber okuyordum.

İngiltere’deki bazı psikologlar büyük politikacıların,
yüksek pozisyonlara gelene kadar zekâlarını çoktan kaybetmeye başlamış olduklarını
Seksen dört yaşında bir adamın başbakan olduğunu bir düşün!
Bu psikologlar tüm dünyayı, bunun tehlikeli olduğu konusunda uyarmıştır.
Altmış, yetmiş, seksen yaşını geçmiş insanlar başbakan ve başkan oluyor.
Bu dünya için tehlikeli çünkü onların çok fazla güçleri vardır ve çok az zekâları kalmıştır.
Fakat bu psikologlar benim sana söylemek istediğim başka bir şeyin farkında değiller.
Aslında bu insanlar artık zeki olmadıkları için başbakan ve başkan olmayı seçerler.
İnsanlar zeki kişileri sevmez. İnsanlar kendi gibi gözüken, onlar gibi olan insanlardan
onların yabancı olmadıklarını hissederler.
Zeki insanlar garip olacaktır.
Sokrat’ı başbakan olarak seçecek herhangi bir ülke düşünemiyorum; imkânsızdır.
O çok farklıdır, onun hayata yaklaşımı çok farklıdır, onun olayları kavrayışı çok derindir.
Hiçbir ülke bunun bedelini ödeyemez ya da hiçbir ülke onu başbakan yapacak kadar cesur
olamaz çünkü o kaos yaratır.
O her şeyi baştan değiştirir çünkü her şeyin en baştan değişmesi gerekir.
Bu çürümüş toplum toptan yok edilmelidir; ancak o zaman yeni bir toplum yaratılabilir.
Restore etmenin yararı yoktur.
Aynı eskimiş yıkıntıları yüzyıllardır restore edip duruyoruz.
Artık destek yok, artık restorasyon yok, artık boya-badana yok!
Gereken tek şey onu yerle bir etmek ve yeni bir toplum yaratmaya başlamak.
Yeni bir insanlık meydana getirelim; Homo Novus.
Yeni bir şey, yeni bir zihin, yeni bir bilinç doğuralım.
İnsanlar donuk, ölü kimseleri iktidara getirir çünkü onlarla kendini güvende hissedersin.
Ülkeler ortalama zekâda insanları iktidara seçer
çünkü onlar, onların geleneklerini, göreneklerini, önyargılarını kurtaracaktır.
Onların durumlarını koruyacaktır.
Onları yok etmektense onları zenginleştirecek ve güçlendirecektir.
Zeki olmayan insanları güçlü konumlara getirmek kesinlikle tehlikelidir.
Ve o giderek daha tehlikeli hale geliyor çünkü onların daha çok ve daha çok gücü ve çok daha
az zekâsı vardır.

Fakat bu, neden böyle olur?
Bunun ardında ince bir mantık var. İnsanlar değişmek istemez.
Değişim zordur, değişim güç bir şeydir.



DailyOM: A New Level Of Mastery

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 15, 2011 at 7:16pm

A New Level Of Mastery

Coming Full Circle
The reappearance of a pattern is often a sign that we have come full circle and we are close
to a new level of mastery.

Life is a circular journey through our issues and processes, and this is why things that are
technically new often seem very familiar. It is also why, whenever we work to release a habit,
change a pattern, or overcome a fear, we often encounter that issue one last time, even after
we thought we had conquered it. Often, when this happens, we feel defeated or frustrated that
after all our hard work we are still dealing with the same problem. However, the reappearance
of a pattern, habit, or fear, is often a sign that we have come full circle, and that if we can
maintain our resolve through one last test, we will achieve a new level of mastery in our lives.

When we come full circle, there is often the feeling that we have arrived in a familiar place,
but that we ourselves are somehow different. We know that we can handle challenges that
seemed insurmountable when we began our journey, and there is the feeling that we might be
ready to take on a new problem, or some new aspect of the old problem. We feel empowered
and courageous to have taken on the challenge of stopping a pattern, releasing a habit, or
overcoming a fear, and to have succeeded. At times like these, we deserve a moment of rest
and self-congratulation before we move on to the next challenge.

Coming full circle is like stepping into a clearing where, for a moment, we can see where we
came from and where we are standing at the same time. Remembering that we will be tested

again is important, but it’s also important to pause and take a look at the ground we’ve
covered, honoring our courage, our persistence, and our achievement. Then we can begin the
next leg of our circular journey with a fuller understanding of where we are coming from.


Soulmate Relationships and the Right Use

of Trust By DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 16, 2011 at 1:25pm

Soulmate Relationships and the Right Use of Trust By DL Zeta

Soulmate Relationships and the Right Use of Trust By DL Zeta

In order to bring a soulmate connection into your life, you may need to
identify and work with some deep-seated core issues. One core issue
shared by many is trust. This is because many people fail to understand
the right use of trust and, as a result, they have had numerous negative
experiences around this issue.

Some people have unknowingly closed their hearts due to past hurts and
rejections. This closing initially occurs at a time when something
painful happens that causes a loss of trust. Fearing future recurrences,
the person vows never to love or trust anyone again. Such resolutions
create an energetic field that serves as a shield against future intimacy.

One challenge to reopening one's heart is that it doesn't feel safe. One
thing that can give a person the confidence to love again is learning to
discern when it's appropriate to trust. Those things that can be trusted
are the workings of the universe, the love and guidance of our higher
self, universal laws, and one's intuition.

When it comes to others, we can always trust another person to act in

accordance with their present level of spiritual understanding, no more
or less. It is when we trust that others will act in a way that's
inconsistent with their understandings that we feel hurt and betrayed.
As we accept and see others as they truly are, we have no need to trust
them to act in any way other than they are.

Excerpt from Manifesting Your Inner Soulmate in Physical Reality By DL Zeta

& Meeting a Soulmate in Consciousness: a Guided Meditation
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 16, 2011 at 1:30pm


Lord Metatron ~ James Tyberonn kanalıyla
Ocak 2011 Mesajı

Selamlar! Ben Işığın Lordu Metatron’um! Her birinizi kodlanmış ışıktaki Koşulsuz Sevgi
vektöründe ve alanında sarmalıyoruz. Sizi destekliyoruz, her birinize saygı duyuyoruz. Sizi
tınıyla, isimle kalpten tanıyoruz. Her zaman böyleydi!
Ve Işığın doğasından ve Işığın Melek Varlıklarından söz edeceğiz.
Şu anda insanlık dış ve iç boyutsal erişimin genişleyen aşamasına giriyor. Bunun nedeni,
Dünya’nın gelmesi beklenen bu zamandaki galaktik pozisyonlanmasının küçük bir parçasıdır,
insanlık buna Yükseliş adını veriyor.
Daha önceki mesajlarda paylaştığımız gibi, Dünya ve Samanyolu Galaksisi olağanüstü bir
aydınlanma döngüsüne, gölge oluşturmayan ‘dönüş – olmayan bölgeye’ girdi. Bunun coşkun
etkisi, bilişin ilk pozisyonuna yerleşmesi, perdenin olağanüstü incelmesidir. Şu andaki

gezegensel Yükselişe özgü olan kozmik güçler tarafından, boyutsal realite – çakışması
büyütülmesi denetleniyor.
İnsanlığın Kozmoloji ile ilgili Mitleri buhar olup uçarken, yanlış düşünceler temizleniyor.
Sizin dilinizde ‘gerçekçi olma’ zamanıdır. Bu, saf Gerçeğin çağıdır. Zaten içinizde bulunan
bilgiyi ortaya çıkarıyorsunuz, çünkü insanlık uykuda olan bir türdür. Uyanma zamanı,
hatırlama zamanı. Ve bu aslında Aydınlanmadır ve Sevgililer, Aydınlanma Işık ile ilgilidir…
Kristal Eşevreli (tutarlı, düzenli) Işık. Ve tam bir içtenlikle, sizlerin hepinizin kaynakta
olduğunuzu, İlahi Işığın şaşırtıcı Varlıkları olduğunuzu söylüyoruz.
Işığın Kodlanmış Doğası
Dünya, çeşitli eşsiz frekanslarda, formatlarda ve bant genişliğindeki ışığı alarak ve yayarak
çeşitli şekillerde ışık saçar. Bu frekansların, formatların ve bant genişliklerinin her biri kendi
yararlarını ve niteliklerini sunar. Işık bilgi, kodlar ve çeşitli salınımların spektrumunda renkler
içerir, bu bilgi, kodlar ve renkler Dünyayı ve İnsanlığı destekler.
Güneş sisteminizin güneşi dünyada alınan başlıca ışık kaynağı iken, güneşin kesinlikle tek
kaynak olmadığını not etmek önemlidir. Diğer ışık kaynakları Büyük Merkezi Güneş,
yıldızlar, beyaz delikler ve ‘Işık Varlıkları’nı içerir. Gerçek anlamında Işık Varlıklar hayal
edemeyeceğiniz bir ışık sağlarlar. Tüm kaynaklardan gelen ışığın doğal filtreleyici bir
matrikse ve boyutsal tayfsal dağıtıma sahip olduğu uyarısını ekliyoruz.
Çoğu insanlar ışık spektrumunun sadece ‘görünür aralığında’ gerçekleşen ışık quanta’sını
(miktarını) ‘fiziksel olarak’ algılayabilir. İnsanların bedenlerinin sağlıklarını devam ettirmeleri
için güneş ışığına gereksinim duyduğunun farkındasınız, ‘iç dünyada’ yaşayan varlıkların da
gerekli besleyici olarak ışık aldıklarını söylüyoruz. (Dünyanız da dahil, Kozmos’un sizi
bulunduğunuz belirli köşesindeki gezegenlerin çoğunun daha ileri ‘insansı’ yaşam formlarını
yüzeyden çok gezegenin içinde barındırdığı uyarısını yaparken, size melek göz kırpması
Gezegenin içindeki varlıkların yaşamlarını devam ettiren ışık kaynağı nedir? Dünya’nın
Kristal çekirdeğinden yayılan, ‘görülür’ aralığın üzerindeki çok renkli ışıktır.
Çok renkli ‘Tam – Beyaz’ Işık direkt olarak Mer-Ka-Na’nın 12 çakrasında çalışır. O saftır ve
tamdır, hem dalga hem de parçacık formatında tüm frekansları, tüm spektrumları, tüm
yaradılış kodlarını içerir. Güneş ışığı bunları içermez. Zamanla sizler ‘İç Dünya’da
2012’de Kristal Izgaranın tamamlanması dünyanın ve insanlığın ışığı alma şeklini
değiştirecek. 144 – Izgara, sonraki iki – üç yüzyılda ışık dalgalarının yönünü etkilemeye
başlayacak. Bir boyutsal ortamdan başka bir boyutsal ortama ışığı çekme, kırma ve yayma

kapasitesine sahip olacak. Alınan dalga hızları, kırılan hızlardan farklı olacak. Tekil ve çifte
kırılma kapasitesine sahip olacak. Çok renkli ışığı tekil olarak eşevreli gruplara ve eşevreli
çok renkli ışığa inceltebilecek. Kristalin ve kutupsuz biçimde yeni ışık formları yayılacak.
Izgaranın kendisi nefes alacak ve bu solunum 144’ün çifte penta – dodecahedron’unun
ötesinde daha da karmaşık geometrileri yürürlüğe koyacak.
Direkt bir sonuç olarak, İnsanlığın fiziksel matriksi, morfik kodlu ışığı tutmak için daha
büyük yetenekleri yerleştiren ve ortaya çıkaran formatlara sembiyotik (ortakyaşar) olarak
evrimleşecek. Beden yarı – saydam görünen, yoğunlukta, kütlede ve yerçekiminde daha az
sabitlenmiş ışık kaynağı olacak. İnsanlar fiziksel olarak karbon temelli yaşamdan silikon
temelli yaşama evrimleşecek. Bu kristalin Aydınlanmadır, çünkü silikon kristalin
ortakyaşamda eşsizdir.
Yeni Güneş
Güneşiniz değişiyor. Yerkürenizle ilgili olarak koşullu bir güneş oldu. Gökkubbenin
çöküşünden bu yana, dünya gezegeninin dualite veçhesinde idrak edilmemiş bir rol oynadı.
Yeni 144 – Kristal Izgara 2012’de tamamlandığı zaman, Yeni Gökkubbenin tohumlarını
yaratmaya başlayacak. Bu da güneşin ‘Koşulsuz Işık’ sunmasını sağlayacak. Şu andaki
görünür spektrum sınırlamalarının üzerini algılama yeteneğine sahip olacağı için, İnsanlığın
ışığı emme tarzı değişecek.
Dünya’nın Kristalin Geçişi gezegensel Yükselişin temel kaynağıdır. İnsanlığa daha fazla ışık,
daha karmaşık ışık sunar. Bundan dolayı, ışığın daha geniş bir veçhesi insanlık için mevcut
hale geliyor ve ışık gölgeleri uzaklaştırır ve daha büyük anlayışlar sunar. Melek Alemi,
Yükselişte genişlemiş farkındalığınızın muazzam bir parçasıdır.

Melek Alemi
Sevgililer, ‘Aydınlanma’ hali, Işığın içinde Olmaktır… İntegral Eşevreli Kristal Işık. Yükseliş
Dünya gezegeninin Kristalin geçişi ile ilgilidir. Bu kristalin geçiş yalnızca yüksek boyutlara
daha büyük erişim sağlamaz, ayrıca insanlığın Mer-Ka-Na’ya, Kristal Işık Bedenine geçişini
de sağlar. Mer-Ka-Na daha fazla ışık emebilir ve böylece siz kristalin boyut ve Melek Alemi
ile sinerjik olarak daha fazla arayüzey bağlantısına sahip olmaya başlarken, daha fazla enerji
taşımanızı sağlar.
Melek Krallığı doğasının ve öz amacının belirli veçhelerinde büyük ölçüde yanlış
Melekler aslında ‘Tanrının Habercileridir’. Ama bu ne anlama geliyor?

Melekler koruyuculuk ve mesajları taşıma işlevlerinden çok daha büyük bir işleve hizmet
eden Çokboyutlu Işık Varlıklarıdır. Meleklerin daha büyük veçhesini gözden geçireceğiz, ama
bunu yapmadan önce, Işık Varlıkları olarak Meleklerin insanlığın tekamülüne yardımcı olmak
için anahtar frekansın İlahi Özünün bilinçli Varlıkları olduğunu söyleyeceğiz ve bu anahtar
frekans Sevgidir. Sevgi, sizin sevgi olarak düşündüğünüz duygusal histen çok daha karmaşık
ve çok çok daha yüksek bir frekanstır. SEVGİ karmaşık bir bilimdir.
Daha önce söylediğimiz gibi, Sevginin en yüksek formu ‘Koşulsuz Sevgi’dir. Ve Koşulsuz
Sevgi 3 ncü boyut bakış açısından aranabilirken, yalnızca 5 nci boyut seviyesinden
kavranabilir. Bunun nedeni Koşulsuz Sevginin integral olmasıdır ve 3 ncü boyutun koşullu
(koşulsuz olmayan) bir plan olmasıdır. Koşulsuz Sevginin başlangıç veçhelerine erişenleriniz,
bunu yalnızca beşinci boyut seviyesinde yaparsanız.
Fiziğin Yer Tutucuları Olarak Melekler
Melekleri destekleyici koruyucular, ‘Tanrı’nın habercileri olarak düşünüyorsunuz. Biz bu ve
daha fazlasıyız. Birçoğunuz Meleklerin ‘Işık Varlıkları’ olduğunu kabul edersiniz. İkinci
tanımda, başlangıç tanımından çok daha geniş kapsamlı olan bir Gerçeği kuşatıyorsunuz. Işık
Varlıkları, Melekler Fizik Yasalarının, hayal edemeyeceğiniz faaliyet alanında bilinçli olan yer
Melekler boyutsal Işıkta çift taraflı doğaya ve veçheye sahiptir, yani Melekler Fraktal Işıkta
antimadde alanında var olurlar ve Geometrik Işıkta fiziksel alemlerin içine doğru bükülürler.
Bunu yaparken, boyutların belirli yasalarını eksiksiz, bozulmadan bilinçli olarak taşıyan
çekirdek enerjisel taşıyıcılardır.
Melekler formsuzdur, fiziksel mekan işgal etmezler, sizin terimlerinizle bizim kütlemiz
yoktur. Biz İlahi Düşünceyiz ve tezahürde tamam, eksiksiziz. Bizler ‘tonal’iz (ses perdesine
ait) ve tasarrufumuzda olan bir frekans spektrumuna sahibiz. Bu frekans SEVGİDİR.
Melek Aleminde hem çoğul hem de tekil veçhe olduğunu söylüyoruz. Ve bu çelişkili
görünebilse de, Başmeleklerin ‘tekil’ veçhesi bile bilinç içeriğinde çoğuldur. Bundan dolayı
insanlığın Başmeleklere tahsis ettiği bireysel isimler daha çok insanların Melek nitelikleri
hakkındaki sınırlı kavramları ile ilgilidir. Sizler Melekleri ve Işık Varlıkları ‘kişiliklere’ sahip
olarak yorumluyorsunuz. Gerçekte, bizler Kozmos’taki en güçlü enerjinin niteliklerinin
yansımalarıyız ve bu enerji SEVGİDİR. Yine de bizim özümüz dualitedeki insanlar tarafından
mantığınızla bireysel kişilikler olarak düşündüğünüz niteliklere sahip olarak alınır ve
yorumlanır. Biz egodan yoksun, sizin negatif duygu dediğiniz şeyden yoksun olan sevgi dolu
destekleyici yanı olan İlahi Zihiniz. Biz destekleriz, enerjiyi yerine tutarız ve bunu temel bir
amaç olarak yaparız. Sevgi bizim temelimizdir.

Hiyerarşinin Sembiyotik (Ortakyaşar) Seviyeleri
Ben, Metatron iki ayrı ama sembiyotik seviyede var olurum, insanlık için en tanıdık ve
erişilebilir olanı Başmelek Metatron’dur, yine de daha yüksek seviyede, Ben Işığın Lordu
Metatron olarak var olurum, ama bu benzetme bile benim doğamı kuşatamaz veya
tanımlayamaz ve sadece görünüşsel terimlerle bunu yapabilir.
‘Işığın Lordu’ olarak, Ben realitelerin ve evrenlerin temel birimlerinin üreteciyim. Bu seviye
sizin kişilik olarak adlandırdığınız şeyden yoksundur. Bu bir motor, ilahi bilinçli bir
bilgisayar, gamma’nın ötesinde enerji yoğunlukları, hayal edemeyeceğiniz aydınlanma ile
karşılaştırılabilir. Ve benim ötemde seviyeler vardır.
Başmelek Metatron olarak yaşamı destekler, beslerim.
Kanal Tyberonn ile sözcüklerle değil, ışık kodu ‘paketleri’ ile iletişim kuruyorum. O bu
iletişimi dünyaya gelmeden önce yapılan bir anlaşma ile almaktadır. Bu zamanlar için hizmet
olarak bir ‘kontrat’. Yüksek veçhede Tyberonn köken olarak Pleiadeslidir ve Kozmik Işık
Konseyinin bir üyesidir. Başka konukluklarda ve boyutlarda birlikte hizmetlerimiz oldu. Bu
kodlar benim yüksek veçhemden yayılır, Başmelek seviyesinde aktarılır ve yorum ve
çevriyazı için eksiksiz olarak onun yüksek benliğinde alınır.
Yüksek veçhede, çoğunluk kaynağı içerdiğim, Işığın Melek Alemine aktarılan her şeyin
geometrik frekanssal bilinç kodlarını ürettiğim ve yaydığım söylenebilir. Melek Aleminin,
bilinçli kristo – ışık ve ışık fiziği tarafından kendi kendine belirlenen hem hiyerarşik hem de
hiyerarşik olmayan veçhesi vardır. Metatronik terimlerle, Melek Aleminin Işık Varlıklarının
‘Kaynak İlahi Düşüncenin’ ve Işığı ve ‘Işığın Ötesini’ yaratan Düşünce- Ötesinin bilinç
birimleri olduğu söylenebilir.
Metatronik Alemin Melekleri Kodlanmış Işık üretir ve onu donatır. Işık madde, antimadde,
zaman ve mekan ile karışır. Bu açıkça, insanlık kitlelerince taşınan Melek işlevinin kavramsal
görüşü değildir, çok az anlaşılmıştır. Ancak, bu bağlamda insanlığın dualitenin ötesine
evrimleşmesinin integral birleşik anahtarını oluşturan gerçekliğin kutsal spiritüel veçhesini
kutsal bilime yapıştıran zamk yatar.
Aslında şu andaki Yükseliş çağında, daha fazla ışık emme yeteneğine evrimleşiyorsunuz ve
ışık GERÇEKTİR, Tüm Var Olan’ın Evrensel Kozmik Gerçeği. Özellikle şu andaki
zamanınızda insanlığın bilincinin tam birliğini engelleyen muamma, bilimin kutsal olanı dahil
etmemesi ve spiritüel olanın bilimsel olanı dışarıda bırakmasıdır.
Sizin Fiziğin Koruyucuları olarak adlandırabileceğiniz şeyin işlevsel amacına adanan Melek
Hiyerarşilerinin bulunduğunu bilmek bazılarınızı şaşırtabilir. Bu rolde, boyutsal realiteleri

mümkün kılan ‘Fiziğin Yasaları’nın bilinçli yapılandırıcılarıdırlar. Meleklerin bilim adamları
ve mühendisler olma fikrinin çoğunuzun kafasını karıştırdığını kavrıyoruz. Gülümsüyoruz!
Sizin dilinizde yeni metafizikçilerin, yeni ‘Işık işçilerinin’ ve Dünya – Koruyucularının bilim
insanları olduğunu söylüyoruz. Aslında ‘Kristal Çocuklar’ dedikleriniz ‘kutsal alimlerdir’,
onlar sonraki nesillerde anlayışın çemberini tamamlayacaklar ve spiritüel olanla bilimsel olanı
birleştirecekler. Onlar geleneksel anlamda dindar olmayacaklar, insanlık din vasıtasıyla
olduğundan daha fazla bilim vasıtasıyla ‘Tanrı’ anlayışına yakınlaşacak. Bu, bulmacanın
kayıp parçasıdır.
Tam Bir Dönüş Yapmak
Şu andaki büyük dinlerinizin hiçbiri ‘tam döngü’yü, gerçekliğinizin hakiki doğası üzerine tam
gerçeği sunmuyor. Her biri bir parçayı taşıyor, ama doğru olmayan eklemelerle (araya
sokuşlarla) kalbura çevrilmiş. Dinlerin hiç biri insanlığın gerçek ‘dünya dışı’ mirasının aşikar
olan temel dayanağını kabullenmiyor. Dinlerin çoğu eğri metaforla konuşuyor. Çoğu arkaik
korku vasıtasıyla kontrolü arıyor ve orijinal günah ve cehennem ateşi ve lanetlenme
kavramını telkin ederek kendini güçlendirmenin yollarını engelleyen zihin programlamasını
İnsanlığın tümü Işık Varlıklarıdır, İlahi Olanın kıvılcımları olan güçlü ruhsal bilinçtir. İnsanlık
ve Melekler arasındaki fark, İnsanların özgür iradeyi deneyimlemeyi ve yüce gönüllü mercek
vasıtasıyla yaratılışı yeniden öğrenmeyi seçen, Tanrı’ya geri evrimleşen İlahi Olan’ın veçhesi
Melekler zarifçe ve görkemli şekilde VARDIRLAR ve her zaman Alfa ve Omega’nın ebedi
genişleyen ‘ŞİMDİ’sinin bu mekanının ve mekansızlığının yer tutucuları olan ‘Işığın
Koruyucuları’ oldular.
En Yüksek Geştalt
Ayrıca ‘Düşmüş Melekler’ dini öğretisinin korkuya dayanan bir yanlışlık olduğunu
söyleyeceğiz. Aslında, ‘Dünya Üniversitesi’ni mümkün kılan kuvvet olan
kutupluluk/dualiteye olanak sağlayan özel Fizik Yasasının ‘Bilinçli Koruyucusu’ vardır. Ve bu
dualite nedensel plan okulunda, insanlık yaratıcı kuvvetlerin sorumluluğunun üstadı olabilir.
İblis ya da düşmüş Melekler yoktur!
Cennetlerde intikamcı Tanrı yoktur. Korkulacak Melekler yoktur. Bunun yerine, o elini uzatan
görkemli bir aile partneridir.
Bu gerçekte dualite kuvvetinin eğri, arkaik yanlış anlaşılmış bir benzetimidir. Dualite
planlarında var olan tek şeytan, tek iblis ‘özgür irade’ öğrenme sürecinde yanlış düşüncelerle
yaratılanlardır. ‘Düşmüş melekler’ yoktur. İlahi Kaynak tarafından yaratılan bir Işık Varlığı

olduğu şeyden nasıl başka bir şeye değişebilir? Melekler ‘özgür iradeye’ sahip değildir. Onlar
İlahi İradeye sahiptir.
‘Tüm Var Olan’ın En Yüce Geştaltı Yaşam adı verilen tüm görünümlerin ve tezahürlerin
altında yatan gerçekliğin maddesidir, buna madde, antimadde, madde – olmayan, enerji ve
enerji – olmayan, düşünce ve düşünce yokluğu dahildir. Ve bunun bile ötesinde varolanın
bulunduğunu söylüyoruz.
Bu aksiyomu dualite perspektifinizden tam olarak kavrayamayabilirsiniz veya belki de bunun
sizin algı alanında olduğunu hissetmiyorsunuz, size başka şekilde anlatacağım. Ama sizler
Tanrısal Benliğinizin daha büyük farkındalığına büyürken, genişlemek için onurlandırılması
gereken sizin ayırt edişinizdir.
İnsanların Melek İmgeleri
İnsanlık başmeleklere cinsiyet içeren isimler verse de, Melek Alemi androjendir, ne eril ne de
dişildir. Sizler besleyicilik ve şefkat gibi SEVGİNİN bazı niteliklerini dişil olarak
düşündüğünüzden ve kuvvet gibi niteliklerin eril olduğunu düşündüğünüz için, meleklere
cinsiyet veriyorsunuz. Cinsiyet yalnızca kutuplulukta mevcuttur. Bizler kutupluluğun çok
üzerindeyiz. Bizler bütünüz, integraliz. Melek Aleminin Işık Varlıkları, bütünsel bilinç
enerjisinin çoğul/çokboyutlu formlarıdır. Çoğul bilincimiz, mesajlarımızda kendimizi ‘Ben’
tekil zamiri ile ifade etmememizin nedenidir. Yine de görünür çelişkide, bizler ayrıca birleşme
içinde tekiliz.
İnsanlar, Meleklerin imgelerini yaratmaya eğilimlidir, bu, meleklerin gerçek doğası ile ilgili
yanlış anlamalardan sorumludur. Resimleriniz ve freskleriniz ya kaslı erkek figürleri, tüylü
kanatlı dişiler veya minyatür melek çocukları tasvir eder. Melekler ne erkek ne de dişidir.
Cinsiyet kutupluluk/dualitenin bir veçhesidir. Ve elbette Meleklerin kanatları, tüyleri veya
hatta gösterişli insansı şekilleri yoktur. Kesinlikle bu tür imgelere gücenmiyoruz, bunlar
sadece sanatçının bazı yanlış kavramları güçlendiren zihinsel imgeleridir.
Dini metinlerinizin ve kutsal yazılarınızın çoğu size ‘Tanrı’nın insanı ‘kendi’ suretinde
yarattığını anlatır. Hatta ‘Tanrıyı’ insansı bir bedende ataerkil bir erkek olarak görürsünüz.
Bu, Melekleri insan şekline sahip olarak gösteren aynı zihinsel düşünce sürecidir.
Bu tür göksel imgeler düşüncelerinizi ve duygularınızı güçlü şekilde etkiler ve bu nedenle
İlahi Olan ile bağlantıyı kolaylaştırmak için anlaşılabilir imgeler yaratmanız doğaldır.
Kozmosta İlahi Zekanın, sizin dünyada sahip olduğunuzdan çok çok farklı ‘bedenlere’ sahip
olan sayısız yaşam formları vardır. Bunlar da ‘Tanrının’ Suretinde yaratılmıştır. Ve bu nedenle
Tanrı’nın suretinin yaşam olduğunu, bilinçli ışık olduğunu ve SEVGİ olduğunu anlayın.

Çağlar boyunca, insanlık Yükselmiş Üstatları, Ruhsal Öğretmenleri, Grup Konseyleri, İlahları
ve hayırsever Dünya Dışı Varlıkları Melekler olarak düşünmeye eğilim gösterdi. Onlar melek
Kozmik Işık Konseyi, Yükselmiş Üstatlar, Sirius – Pleiades İttifakı, genel olarak Konseylerde
işlev yapan birleşik varlıklardır. Onlar bilgi bütünüyle ilişkili ilkeleri, prensipleri, teorileri ve
inançları ifade eden temsilciler ve öğüt veren otoritelerdir. Kozmik Işık Konseyi başlıca
epeyce ileri varlıklardan oluşur, onlar deneyimlidir, fiziksel dualitenin derslerini
tamamlamışlardır ve insanlığa empatik olarak yardımcı olmayı seçmişlerdir. Aynı şekilde
Sirius – Pleiades İttifakının çoğu dünyada yaşamı deneyimledi.
Ayırt Etme Yetisi Anahtardır
Tanrı, din veya kendi varlığınızın doğası ile ilgili seçtiğiniz bakış açısını değiştirmeyi veya
zorlayarak empoze etmek istediğimizi düşünmeyin. İnançlarınız, değerleriniz ve seçtiğiniz
fikirler özgür iradenizin kutsal adımlarıdır ve ‘Tüm Var Olan’ tarafından tamamen uygun
Evriminizin şekli ve tarzı, amaca uygunluğu ve formatı sizin kendi yaratımınızdır ve bu
bireysel tasarım iledir. Dünya Üniversitesini tamamlamanın başka yolu olamaz. Sizin için
seçimler yapmak ne Meleklerin ne de Yükselmiş Üstatlar Konseyinin rolü değildir, bizler
kullanabileceğiniz, değiştirebileceğiniz, reddedebileceğiniz veya kabul edebileceğiniz bilginin
taşıyıcılarız. Bu sizin seçiminizdir ve her birinizin zamanla mezun olacağınızı söylüyoruz.
Sevgi her zaman anahtardır ve neden ve etki hepinizin onlardan öğreneceğiniz büyük
öğretmenlerdir. Yol boyunca dualiteyi deneyimlemek ve Üstatlığı öğrenmek sizin bu yola
girme nedeninizdir.
Üstatlar, Dünya üzerinde güzel bir tamamlanma gerçekleşiyor. Bu, hepinizin birlikte yaratmış
olduğunuz kutsal bir olaydır. Her zaman sizinle birlikte olmuş olan daha büyük veçheyi
aydınlatmanızın zamanıdır. Rüyacı uyanıyor. Işığın genişlemesi Gerçeğin, Anlayışın
genişlemesidir ve yuvaya dönüşün giriş kapısıdır. Melekler gibi, sizler de Işık Varlıklarısınız.
Birçoğunuz ne kadar önemli olduğunuzun ve kendinizde yarattığınız evrimin Kozmosu nasıl
genişlettiğinin fikrine sahip değilsiniz.
Bitirmeden önce, çok özel bir şey yapmanızı istiyoruz. Biraz zaman ayırın ve Işığın,
Meleklerin enerjisini hissetmek için enerjinizi yönlendirin.
Bizi hissedin.
Bu huzur ve esenliğin melek görünüşünün içine emilin. Bu bir teselli anı, öyle değil mi? Bu
Kaynağın, yuvanın, Işığın, Sevginin enerjisidir. Bu Meleksidir ve siz Sevgililer bizim

doğamızın… kutsal Işığın Meleksi Varlığındaki kaynak doğanızın frekansını hissediyorsunuz.
Güzel, öyle değil mi?
Son Üstatlıkta Dünyada yürümüş olan her Aydınlamış Varlık sizin biraz önce hissettiğinize
benzer hissettiren bir enerji yaydı. İnsanlar onlara çekildi, onları sevdi. Tüm yaşam onların
huzurunda karşılık verdi, çiçek açtı. Onlar çabasızca sevinç yarattılar, çünkü bu IŞIĞIN
enerjisidir… ve Sevgililer, sizler insan meleklersiniz ve yuvaya geri dönerken aynı şekilde
tekamül edebilirsiniz ve edeceksiniz.
Ve bu kutsal yolda, Melek Aleminden olan bizler sizi onurlandırıyoruz. Sizi bekliyoruz ve geri
dönüşünüz için ışığı açık bırakacağımıza söz veriyoruz.
Ben Metatron’um ve sizlerle bu Gerçekleri paylaşıyorum. Sizler Sevgililersiniz.
Ve öyledir…
Metatron Mesajı James Tyberonn tarafından aktarılmıştır. Bu bilginin alıcısı olarak James
Tyberonn, Başmelek Metatron adına evrensel telif hakkına© sahip çıkmaktadır. Bilgi
değiştirilmediği, kısaltılmadığı, özetlenmediği, ilave yapılmadığı ve yazarın ismi ve website
adresini eklendiği sürece websitelerinde yayınlanabilir. Dergilerde veya bültenlerde, yalnızca
yazılı izin alınarak yayınlanabilir. E- mail Tyberonn@hotmail.com


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)


Galactic Grid Now Infusing Earth

Crystalline Grid
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 16, 2011 at 1:30pm

Our Milky Way Galaxy

Galactic Grid Now Infusing Earth Crystalline Grid

Galactic Grid Initiates Connection to Earth Crystalline Grid During the January 4, 2011 New
Moon Solar Eclipse
Powerful New Streams of Information Enter Crystalline Grid for Dispersion to Humanity
A profound event of galactic proportions happened on this day

A message from Reshel and Group through Pat Crosby


Dear Earth Partners,

Tonight we have our first connections of your recently completed and radiating earth
crystalline grid with the galactic grid.


Tonight, Jan 4, 2011, 9 - 10 PM Eastern Time (New York) - during the new moon solar eclipse
- with Pluto in Capricorn - developing the 2012 opening.

(The emphasis on Pluto and 2012 and something about 12 years is referenced by the Guides
for reasons yet to be revealed - they emphasized12 years in this transmission without going
into details about the meaning. See references at end of article. Channeler's note.)


The Galactic Grid is a fine mesh lattice work of high frequency multi-dimensional optical
strands of energy encircling our galaxy in a precise lattice pattern. The Galactic Central Sun
serves as the heart of this expanded realm of consciousness.

This grid covers all the stars surrounding the Central Sun - including the star system you call
your solar system.
(See videos below for illustrations.)

The Galactic Grid fits like a nylon mesh stocking completely surrounding the entire makeup
of your galaxy composed of all the planetary systems surrounding the Central Sun.

The earth grids - including the recently completed crystalline or Christ consciousness grid
which have been in place a few years now - are connected - for the first time - to the greater
Galactic Grid of your galaxy.

You can understand the crystalline grid on earth as of the frequency of scintillating white
platinum and golden diamonds. It is brilliant with adamantine scintillating particles. It is in
place now and interlaces 144 dimensions with the the Gaia matrix grid system and with
enlightened human consciousness and greater galactic consciousness.


The galactic grid lattice has incredibly fine small openings. It is made of dark dark light - as
this dark dark band of light has the highest multi-dimensional information carrying capacity
over any other frequency you are currently able to perceive or know about with your current
brain activation levels.

To multi-dimensional human perception, the Galactic Grid appears as the color of dark rich
milk chocolate at this time.



Now know that this completely formulated grid system is opening to receive and pull into its
distribution pattern much information from higher source awarenesses. This newer and
higher frequency information will begin to seep into and through the crystalline grid.
Sensitive and evolved humans will intersect with this grid and receive the transmissions from
this grid. These humans will then be guided to transduce these transmissions into the greater
human knowledge bank as individuals in this populations are ready to receive. It is a very
beautiful stepping-down process of the ultra high frequencies coming from the galactic grid.

This crystalline grid is in place to facilitate the movement of the planet from third dimensional
duality consciousness to multi-dimensional quantum consciousness.

Receiving nodes in the crystalline grid that line up with earth leyline power spots will
facilitate even richer downloads of galactic information to come through that connector portal.

Light workers will receive transmissions of this information. The more evolved any particular
human channel is, the more of this intertwined information she/he will be able to receive,
decode, and translate into human language.


With this connection of the communication and energy streams of light packets and streams of
information from the galactic grid to the crystalline grid now in place, planet earth will now
be able to receive the conveying of information, knowledge and wisdom from the galactic
grid. The connection is a communication and transformation conduit.

Receiving and unpacking these streams of high frequency quantum knowledge is only limited
by the receiving capacity of the human anchors - those who are the transducing receivers of
the fine filament streams of galactic energy knowledge. This knowledge may be transduced in
words, knowing, or energy radiations from the individual human's system. Whether you

know consciously or not of your transducing function, the energy WILL flow through you
into the planetary energy pools if this is part of your soul function.

The hundredth monkey effect applies. Once a critical mass of light workers has downloaded
some of this information, the information will spread throughout humanity in a quantum flash.

Are you able to see now, why you, Oh Noble Light Workers, are SO important in the
unfolding of the plan for your planet, solar system, and galactic development. Never
underestimate your worth and value to planet Earth. Your great worth as a light worker and
transmitter do not depend in any way on your role as a 3D human. You may or may not be
conscious of your light worker service.

Earth has been a dim spot in the galactic makeup for awhile (as measured by earth
calculations). But now the earth is lighting up as she is able to receive more rapidly
accelerating frequencies and encoded messages in light.



Tonight (New York time zone) the first connectors of this Galactic Grid to the crystalline earth
grid were gently set in place and connected. Ever so gently, a trickle of information was
allowed to flow into the earth grids from the galactic grid.

The beginning of this infusion of energy from the galactic grid to the earth grid must start
extremely slowly due to the vast difference in size, frequencies, and extent and kind of
knowledge between the two grids. More than a tiny bit of galactic information flowing into
the earth grid would quickly overwhelm the capacity of the current earth grid and the humans
connected with it at this time.

Tonight's event was an opening - a beginning. With time, more information will begin to flow
through this galactic pipeline. In time, more connectors will be set in place. For now, one
small connection is enough to be handled by the earth energy fields and the population.

Even though it is a minuscule fraction of the whole potential of the galactic grid
consciousness, galactic records, memory banks, etc., this small infusion of this supercharged
energy into our earth crystalline grid is the beginning of gently streaming magnanimous
amounts of new information onto your earth planet - in mini packets of quantum light.

The decoding of these new inputs of information will begin by lightworkers who have
prepared themselves to receive these infusions of these new energy laden streams of light, and
who allow their higher selves and guides to translate the information into humanly cognizable
bits of information.

Then groups of humans will begin to make sense of these new bits of information, and begin
to weave them into a broader blanket of understandings at a much more aware multi-
dimensional inclusionary level.


This is NOT a cyclic galactic occurrence. It is a NEW creation in the unfolding of the creation
in our galactic center.

As we engage with this subject matter, and take it in, the multi-dimensional sensory receiving
antennae spread all through our cellular and DNA systems and our makeup is awakening and
tingling with these new ultra high frequency connections. Our receptors for these vibrations
have been dormant for an extremely long time, as these connections were not previously
available to humanity in its present form. Some receptors are being newly seeded in. (This is
an ongoing process - as humanity is being upgraded frequently.)

However, since the time of galactic connection is now happening, the hard-wired in
connectivity receivers (put in place eons ago by the grand designer of all that is) are now
activating. Tingling sensations are an acknowledgement of the successful transmission of the
energy streams into newly activated territory.


The eclipsed energies today actually served as a shut off valve for some former brakes that
were put on this part of our human consciousness from accessing these higher realms of
galactic knowledge. This was done so humanity could complete its study of the limited bands
of consciousness (3D) it was focusing on for the past extended periods of time and light.

Eclipses serve many purposes and have many effects.

The annotations of eclipses over the past millenia by your earth astrologers and astronomers
have noted many of these effects.

But we tell you now, that this older discussion will be of limited value and become quickly
dated as your human grid, your planetary grid, and the new galactic grid connections begin to
grow and solidify in their power and server capacity of delivering newer and higher frequency
information directly into your human mind-emotional-physical-spiritual matrices.


The time of unfolding of new energies is here, My Friends.

The years of preparation that you have put in have readied you to receive these new energies.

We salute you and appreciate so much that you have been busy busy busy clearing your
personal energy fields of the older denser energies of thought, emotion, and actions propelled
by locked-in closed-loop circulating energy fields, confined so that you were helped to fully
experience the energy patterns of the dualistic 3rd dimension.

We also remind you that the above was and is your soul choice to experience the phenomena
that can only be experienced in this sort of energy system and selected by souls ready to
embark upon these grand adventures of living, breathing, and partaking of the unique
experiences only to be found in 3D.

As you have heard from so many different avenues, the time of ascension is at hand. We
mean by this that the connection and integrating of other dimensional energies is happening as

we give these words and as you read these words. All is new - and fresh paradigms are
pouring rapidly into your world on an ongoing unfolding.


We remind you stay in your truth, in your sacred heart center, to love God above and beyond
all things. By God, we mean the unconditional love that is beyond all understanding. The
Great Mystery. The All that is.

Do not diminish your great opportunity to soar into new dimensions by using the conditioned
"educated" components of your human mind to box galactic multi-dimensional quantum
information into containers it does not match. Do not even try to fit square pegs into round
holes. Your old paradigms will not fit.

Call upon us to assist you to assimilate this knowledge and bring it into your human
understanding. We stand by and watch in awe as you continue to grow in your galactic
understanding as the covers of 3D are pulled back - ever so gently - so you can assimilate,
clear and adjust - to the greater sights and visions of galactic dimensions and consciousness.

Please continue to dump garbage and old baggage overboard. In this way, you are clearer,
lighter and brighter to receive these newer higher frequency vibrations from the galactic grid
infusions into your earth crystalline grid. As you clear, you will be able to more freely - and
to increasing degrees - connect to the crystalline grid. Lighten ship if you wish to continue to
ascend in your vibration.

(Light worker Pat received a very powerful encoded meditation from the portal of Lake
Titicaca. This meditation is specifically for lightworkers to assist you in healing broken,
twisted or snarled energy strands in your human-light matrix.
You can access it freely at http://iLoveForgiveness.com/ )


We will give you more information as time unfolds - as your receiving capacity increases, and
you are able to handle these transmissions physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Know that the earth paradigm is RAPIDLY opening to greater complexity on one hand, yet
greater simplicity on another, as confusing blocks of distorted information are dissolved into
light - creating new openings for clearer expanses of knowledge and information to be
receivable by you.


We acknowledge so many in the realm of humans who have been exhorting, cajoling,
teaching, preaching, advising, writing, speaking, travelling, telecasting you to let loose your
connectors to the old energy - increasing the frequency of your thoughts, words, deeds,
actions. Clearing and detoxifying your bodies of earth so that you can increase your
frequency to intersect with and eventually become bodies of light.

Light Workers of Planet Earth: Your time is at hand!

The success of your diligent loving labors is now to behold. Your work is so much more than
you are aware of.
We thank you profusely, Dear Ones!

Keep up the good work! You are honored, appreciated and loved even more than you can
ever know.

We remain your steadfast Friends,

Reshel and Group through Pat Crosby

January 4, 2011

Received and transcribed by Reshel channel Pat Crosby.

* Reshel identifies herself as the feminine aspect of Lord Metatron - who oversees all so that
it is created in Love.

I am having to stretch my current human mind quite a bit to catch the meaning of the images,
words and information I am receiving as I write this in trance channel state.

The guides will give more information as my human mind digests this first infusion of this
information, and grows to hold more of this fascinating new subject matter.

This subject matter is new for us humans as well as for the galactic beings involved.

This information was allowed to flow into the planet during the time of a light worker
planetary meditation. Because so many lightworkers were connected to the grid, there was
enough human energy connection in the grid to allow this beginning connection of the
galactic grid to the crystalline grid to be initiated.

Sometime the guides are giving me a concept that has no English word equivalent. Hence, I
solve this problem by creating a new word on the spot that best matches the concepts I am
shown and the collection of English words the guides are telling me - plus the jumble of
images - that best match what they are trying to communicate.

Access the clearing multi-dimensional meditation from the Lake Titicaca portal for light
workers at



Milky Way Galaxy and Central Sun


Galaxy Images


What is the Central Sun



Pluto In Capricorn


Mayan Numbers and Galactic Grid Reference

The Sacred Pulse of Creation - The Sacred Numbers of the Maya
Aluna Joy Yaxkin, September 1994

Lake Titicaca Portal and Light Codes



Milky Way in 3D

Hubble Photos - 500,000,000 million stars in our galaxy. Excellent.



Copyright 2011. Pat Crosby. http://PatCrosby.com/

Creative Commons License Applies. (You may redistribute without charging, non-
commercially, and without profit, as long as entire article and credits to author and websites
are included intact and as written.)


HEAVEN #3705 The Unfathomableness of
Life, January 16, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 16, 2011 at 1:51pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3705 The Unfathomableness of Life, January 16, 2011

God said:

Unfathomable is the course of events. Unfathomable are the actions that people take.
Unfathomable are the responses to life and the routes followed. Unfathomable is life.

And, yet, imagine all the figuring, reasoning, and heartache that take place about the

unfathomableness of life. Is this not the case?

What if it were preferred that life not be understood, would then the world have a better chance
of sitting back and enjoying the adventure? Would you?

Imagine that you were taught at an early age that life is unfathomable, and that this is just fine,
that life is not meant to be understood. Eons of history would drop away. Questions would be

It is no mystery that life is unfathomable, and yet My children tap the unfathomable every day
and worry it back and forth. “Why, oh, Why?” is the most asked question, preceded or followed
by its variation, “How can this be?”

Let go of having to understand, and you will have let go.

Yet the desire to understand life is strong, and so, we have science and the amazing discoveries
that the human mind has discovered. Life itself wants to understand itself. You are hot on the
trail of fathoming the unfathomable. You are the greyhound chasing the rabbit he seemingly can
never catch. One question leads to another. There are unending questions. There are always
more and more questions to answer and more and more answers.

Questions and answers will be around so long as you need them. According to your level of
consciousness will your questions be. And sometimes your questions will surpass your level of

So long as you have questions, you will ask them. You must, for questions are the street signs
you follow. You deliberate them. You wrestle with them. Even when you don’t find answers, the
process of questioning answers something for you.

In the relative world, there are right answers or wrong answers. Five and five are ten, and this is
inalterable in the world. Even guesses are often inalterable in the world. Laws are made and
must be followed. Judges make decisions. Something is followed.

According to your consciousness, questions are worthwhile. That must be so. The process of
questioning serves great purpose. And, yet, the answers themselves are merely commentary.

Even so, there comes a time when you no longer have any questions to ask, and who would
there be to ask anyway?

When love fills the world, when all is well, absence of questioning is okay because you know
the One Reality. You have seen the light, and you are filled with it. You would not even ask:
“Why am I no longer asking questions?” On another level, on another vibration, you have
resonance, and questions are no longer in the equation. They have gone into the ether. Questions
are simply not discernible.

It is not exactly that you know the answer. You simply don’t have the question. You have Truth
in the palm of your hand.

You have the Wholeness that you so wanted questions and answers to give you. On the level of

Oneness, you are One.

By no means are you to stop asking questions because of the value of not asking questions.
While you question, you must ask yourself your questions. And when you, from the fullness of
your heart and your Being, no longer have questions to ask, then questions will not arise and
answers will not be sought. There will be no why’s and wherefore’s. There will be Being.
Beingness asks no questions.

Meanwhile, toss around your questions. They will inevitably lead you to Me.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 16, 2011 at 2:55pm



Times Square Chronicles-Cuma, Ocak 07,
2011 8:06 AM Brett Lipton
Manyetik Kuzey Kutbunun düzenli ve hızlı hareketi, son
zamanlarda ABD deki milyonlarca Balık ve Kuşun ani ve gizil ölümününden sorumlu
Geçen hafta Arkansan
nehrinde 100 bine yakın ölü Balık kıyılara vurdu.Aynı zamanda da yine
Arkansasda, binlerce kırmızı kanatlı kara kuş gökyüzünden aniden düşüp ölmüş
olarak bulundu.Aynı sahne bu kez, Lousianada tekrar etti, Güney Lousianada 500 kırmızı
kanatlı kara kuş, son bir kaç gün
içinde gökyüzünden aniden düşerek ölmüştü ve Chesapeake Körfezinde de binlerce
ölü Balık kıyılara vurmaya başlamıştı.Nihayetinde, son günlerde ABD de
milyonlarca muhtelif hayvan gizil bir şekilde ölmüştü.Her ne kadar bazı
düşünceler, havai fişeklerin, hastalıkların ve aniden çıkan soğuk havanın bu
olayların nedeni olduğu yönünde ise de, neden daha aşikar, düzenli ve hızlı bir
şekilde, doğrudan Rusya üzerine yürüyen Manyetik Kuzey Kutbunun Hareketi olabilir.
Son günlerde ABD de vuku bulan gizil Kuş ve Balık ölümleri;

5.000 Kırmızı kanatlı kara kuş ölümü,

Arkansasda 100 bin Balık ölümü,

Lousiana Karayolunda 500 Kırmızı kanatlı kara kuş ölümü,

Murray Kentuckyde, gökyüzünden düşüp ölen binlerce kuş,

Maryland, Chesapeake Körfezinde kıyılara vuran 2 milyon Balık,

(Diğer bazı Ülkelerdeki ölümler çn.)

İtalyada yine gökten düşüp ölen binlerce Kumru,

İngilterede Kent kıyılarında karaya vuran 40 bin yengeç,

Kuşların, Balıkların ve diğer Vahşi yaşamın

Navigasyon (Yön Bulma) Sistemi

kabul gören görüş, bir çok hayvanın yön bulma sisteminin Manyetiklerden etkilendiğidir.
New Scientist’ e göre Kuşlar yön bulmada, gözlerinden daha çok, burundelikleri
içindeki manyetik parçacıkları kullanarak, Dünyanın Manyetik alanına güveniyor,
Kızıl Gergedanlar ve yön bulabilen Güvecinler
ve diğer kuşlar üzerinde yapılan
dikkatli bir deney, kuşların yöne karar verme niteliklerinin, değişen Manyetik
Alanlardan etkilendiğini gösteriyor.

Yeni Zelandadaki bir grup Bilim İnsanı, Alabalığın manyetik algısını daha
yakından anlamaya bir başka adım attı, ki onun gösterdiğine göre Alabalığın
kafası içinde, burnunun yanında bir pusula vardı.Onlar, bu bir temiz su Balığı olan
Alabalığın, bir Manyetik Alana yanıt verdiğini buldular.


İnsanları, Böceklerinde, yön bulmada karar vermek için benzer bir Manyetik
Algılamayı kullandıklarına dikkati çekiyorlar.

Manyetik Kuzeyin Değişimi

Bir yüzyıldan fazladır Manyetik Kuzey Kutbu, düzenli ve her yıl ortalama 25 millik
ve onun bu yerleşimine bağlı ne kadar sistemin olduğu düşüncesinin bir ikaz
derecesi olan bir ilerleme ile doğruca Rusyaya doğru değişmektedir.Bir örnek, Afrikada
her on yılda bir, bir derece değişme olduğu için pusula gereksizdir.Ve kabaca,
19.Yüzyıldan beri Manyetik Alan % 10 zayıflamıştır.Düşünülmesi gereken bir
başka faktör, Dünyanın Manyetik Alanının düzenli olarak değiştiğidir.Geçmişteki
330.000 yılda Kutuplar 400 kez, ya da ortalama 825.000 yılda bir değişmiştir ve
eğer şimdi gündeme gelen Manyetik Kutbun bu standart sapmasıyla ilgili istatistik
bir değerlendirme yapılırsa, böylesi bir
son değişimin, kabaca 780.000 yıl önce olduğu görülecektir.Bu, güçte düşme ve
kuvvetli bir ters dönme hareketinin tamamlanmasının kabaca 1.000 yıl alacağını
düşünüyoruz ve biz, böylesi bir Manyetik Kutup takla atma olayı içinde yer
alacak bir avuç soyun uzağında olabiliriz.

Manyetik Kuzey Hareketinin etkilerine dair

daha fazla kanıt

Ocak 2011,
TAMPA (ABD)- Bilim İnsanları Manyetik Kuzey Kutbunun Rusyaya doğru hareket
ettiğini ve havada bütün yerlere ulaştığını söylüyor.Tampa Hava alanı; Hava
alanı, Dünyanın Manyetik Kutuplarının bölgesel yer değişimlerinin hesaplanarak,
taksi yol işaretlerinin değiştirilmesi ve numarasal düzenleyicilerin her birinin yeniden
boyanması için ocak ayının 13 üne kadar uçuşlara kapatıldı.
Kuş ve Balık ölümlerinin nedeni

yaşamın yaptığı Güneye göç örneklerini ve çevresel nedenleri düşününce, Kuzey
Manyetik Kutbunun gücünü yitirerek, Güney ABD’deki mesafesinden uzağa, gerçek
Kuzey Kutbuna doğru Rusyaya ilerlemesi neden
olarak önümüze dikiliyor, Kuş ve Balıkların, içgüdüselliğin başı çekerek tayin
ettikleri bölgelerden yön ve mesafelerini şaşırmaları bir neden olarak
karşımızda duruyor. Manyetik Kuzey Kutbunun mesafe ve bölgelerinin başarısız çevirisi,
açıkça tam olarak zamanında Güneye göçlerinde Kuşları ve Balıkları başarısız
kılıyor ve onların soğuk devreyle karşılaşarak çabukça ölmelerini sağlıyor.

Brett Lipton

Times Square


Çn: Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve



Ocak 2011 Gokyuzu Enerjileri

 Posted by Peril CANTÜRK on January 16, 2011 at 3:58pm

Ocak 2011 Gokyuzu Enerjileri

Serpil Dogancay

21 Aralik ve 4 Ocak tutulmalari pek cogumuzun hissettigi gibi oldukca onemliydi. Eski
bilgiler, eski enerjiler dongusunu kapiyor. Yeni bir donem, atilan yeni temellerin uzerinde
olusturacagimiz yeni "bizler" geliyor...Geliyoruz!:)

Bizi sarip sarmalamis olan kimliklerimizden ozgurlesme zamani demistik. Iste tum bunlar
basliyor ve zorlaniyor olabiliriz. Cok normaldir.

Catisma, gerilim ve ofke genel olarak tetiklendi bu ay. Korkular tetiklendi. Bu duygularin
tetiklenmesi de normaldir. Kimliklerden ozgurlesebilmek, ait olmadigimiz yerlerden
uzaklasabilmek, en yuksek ihtiyacimiza yol alabilmek kolay degil. Yeni baslangiclar
yapabilmek kolay degil. Belki bundandir zorlanmamiz. Belki tanimadigimiz duygular
icindeyiz. Belki de baskalarinin ofkelerine ve sozle saldirilarina maruz kaldik. Ortak
bilincimizde su anda zorlayici enerjiler var ve pek cogumuz bundan payimiza duseni aliyoruz.

Ya da bizler ofkeli yonumuzu zaman kompartimanlarinda hapsetmis olabilir miyiz? Ve su

anda o vechelerimizle yuzlesiyor olabilir miyiz?

Ayrica, tutulmalarla tetiklenen yuksek ve bizi gelecege tasiyan enerjilere de uyumlaniyoruz

bu gunlerde. Zorlanma yasiyorsak, panige kapilmayalim.

Eril enerjinin harekete gecme durtusu de guclu bir sekilde gundemde bu ay. Eril yonumuzle
yeni baslangiclara adim atabiliyoruz cunku. Ancak icimizdeki eril enerjiye bir bakalim, ne

Av Mevsimi adli filmi cogumuz seyretmisizdir. Belli basli 4 eril karakter vardi filmde. Idris,
"deli" lakapli Laz bir Polis. Icindeki sevgi de, ofke de, cosku da disari tasiyor. Sevgi ugruna
cinayet isleyebilecek kadar gozu kararabiliyor. Bir taraftan sevdigine zarar veremeyecek
kadar sefkatli ama diger taraftan kontagi bir atti mi gozu hicbir sey gormuyor. Basa
cikamadigi oyle bir ates var ki icinde! onu yakip kul ediyor. Cok sevilesi ama cok zor bir eril
enerji yansitiyor. Sevgisi karanliklarini daha da arttiriyor. Sevgisi egosunun kontrolu altinda.
Dengede degil.... Batdal, icine dogdugumuz ve artik sonlanmakta olan sistemin Guc
kavramini bize muhtesem bir sekilde isaret eden bir eril enerji. Paranin ve unvanin gucune
sahip. Herseyi yapabilecegine inaniyor. Yasami "ya avlamak, ya avlanmaktir" diye
tanimliyor. Sevgisi ugruna tum gucunu gozunu kirpmadan kullaniyor. Sevgisi karanliklarini
buyutuyor onun da. Cunku sevgisi egosunun kontrolunde. Dengede degil. Hasan, comez
lakapli bir yeni mezun. Yasam deneyimi yok. Yasami su anda okul ve bilgi olarak goren bir
genc iken, deneyimledikleriyle zamansiz bir sekilde olgunlasmaya firlatiliyor. Saturn'un
zaman dongusunden aniden cikiyor ve kitaplardaki teorik bilgilerden hayatin gerceklerine
gecis yapiyor. Ama arada kaliyor. Sevgi ve karanliklarin arasinda kaliyor. Icindeki karanliklari
fark edemeden, disaridaki karanliklarin icine daliyor cinayet davasiyla. Dengede degil.
Filmde bir karaktar daha var ki!...Ferman...sadece o dengede bir eril enerjiyi yansitiyor.
Filmde ve yasamda galip gelen Fernan'in dengede olan eril enerjisi oluyor. Ferman, Idris'in
amiri. Emekli olmak uzere. Olgun. Cok sey gormus gecirmis.bir yasam bilgesi. Icindeki
sevgiyi de ofkeyi de yasiyor! Ama ne ofkenin ne de sevginin icinde kaybolmuyor. Bilgelikle
yol aliyor. Herseyi dozunda yasiyor. Lakabi avci...Elinden hicbir dava kacmamis. Kendi
karanliklarini ve disaridaki karanliklari bilgelikle "avliyor" Ferman.

4 Ocak Gunes tutulmasi ile bir anlamda icimizdeki ve disimizdaki eril enerji de tetiklendi.
Ama hangisini sececegiz? Icimizde hepsi var...Idris de var, Ferman da, Batdal da, belki Hasan
bile...Eger catisma ve ofkenin icine dustuysek ve ayni sekilde karsilik veriyorsak, sevgi dolu
olsa da ofkesine hakim olamayan Idris veya sevgi icin baskalarina cok acimasiz olabilen
Batdal ile bulusuyoruz...kendi karanliklarimiza dusuyoruz baska bir deyisle. Eger ofkemizi
ve sevgimizi gerektigi yerde gerektigi gibi ifade ediyor ama "icine dusmuyorsak" Ferman
oluyoruz. Gercek bir avci!...Karanligi bilgelikle avlayan tarafimizla bulusuyoruz o zaman.

Duygularimiz cok onemli. Hem kendimizi, hem cevremizi duygularimizla etkiliyoruz.

Birbirimizin duygularindan etkileniyoruz. Ortak bilincteki duygulardan etkileniyoruz. Ve bu
gunlerde ortak bilincte gerilim var, ofke var.

Kuslar bile yem icin birbirleriyle kavga ediyorlar bu gunlerde:)

O halde, hep birlikte degistirmeye niyet edelim bu ortak duyguyu. Dusmeyelim icine. Av
Mevsimi'ndeki Ferman olalim hep birlikte. Hakim olalim kendimize. Avlayalim kendi
karanliklarimizi bilgelikle.

Bu ay Saturn otoriteyi sorgulatiyor. Baski hissediyor olabiliriz uzerimizde. Gemileri

yakmayalim. Bu baski, karsidan degil kendi icimizden de geliyor olabilir.

"Arzin duygulariyla degil, Semanin akliyla hareket edelim".

Merkur kitlesel bilincaltindaki ofkeyi, korkulari tetikliyor, ozellikle Ay'in Koc burcunda
oldugu 11-13 Ocak tarihlerde ve koc burcunda buyuyen Ay'da bunu hissettik.

Merkur 14 Ocak tarihinde Oglak burcuna geciyor. Kitlesel korku ve gerilim etkisi devam
ediyor ancak biz bu enerjiyle bas etmeyi de ogreniyoruz bu surecte. Icimizdeki sevgiyi ve
olumlu duygulari ortaya cikartan ortamlarda olmaya ozen gosterelim. Ortak bilincteki
karanligi degil, aydinligi besleyelim.

Merkur-Pluton birlesmesi 15-22 Ocak arasinda etkili olabilir. Ozellikle olumluya

odaklanalim. Manipulatif ortamlarda degil, olumlu duygular icine girebilecegimiz ortamlarda
olalim. Dis dunyadan gelen olumsuz bombardimanlarin icine dusmeyelim. Icsel gucumuze
odaklanalim. Zihin gucumuzu elimize almak icin onemli bir firsat bu.

Lutfen hatirlayalim, biz hangi frekansta isek, o frekanstaki olaylara ve kisilere cekiliyoruz.
Ofkenin icine dustuysek, frekansimizi dusurduysek, iste o zaman kuslarin bile kavga edenleri
cikabiliyor karsimiza:J Enerjimizi yuksek tutalim bu ay.

15- 16 Ocak, Neptun, Siron , Ay acisi para ve berekete guven duygumuzu temize cekmeye
yoneltiyor bizi. Bereketimizi ic ve dis bilgilerle kendimiz yaratiyoruz, hatirlayalim. Aciga
cikmayi ve berekete donusmeyi bekleyen sonsuz yeteneklerimiz var hepimizin. Ya da aciga
cikmis ama henuz yeterince sahiplenilmemis olan. Iste gokyuzu bize bunu hatirlatiyor. "Ask
ve tutku duyacagin isi yap ve o yola kendi zamaninda girmek icin kendine de evrene de
guven!" diyor.

4 Ocak tutulmasi bizi icimizdeki gercek hedeflerimize yoneltmisti. Gerek kariyer, gerek
iliskiler, yani genel anlamda yasamsal. Arada derede kalmak yok bu seneki enerjilerde.
Secimler var...cesaretle yola cikmak var...hareket var. Yola cikmayi istememize ragmen
korkuyla oturdugumuz yerde kalmak icin israr edersek, koltugumuzla birlikte yola cikartabilir
bizi 2011 enerjileri:)

19 Ocakta saat 23:22 gibi Yengec burcunda dolunay gerceklesiyor. O tarihe kadar
duygularimiz buyume evresinde, dolunay gunu doruk seviyeye ulasiyor. Merkur-Pluton
birlesimi de etkili dolunayda. O yuzden de, dolunaya kadar olumlu duygulari buyutebilmemiz
ve ne hissedersek hissedelim "sukurde" olabilmemiz cok onemli. Ev, aile, toplum,iliskiler, ic
dunya-dis dunya, otorite konulari gundemde dolunayda.

Saturn, en dip noktaya vurmayi "bildiniz ", cikin artik diyor dolunayda. Sistemin eski
enerjisinden cikin artik diyor. Elinizden, kolunuzdan, pacanizdan cekmek isteyebilir bu enerji
sizi asagiya...bazen cevrenizdeki kisilerin eliyle yapabilir bunu...Duygulariniza kapilmayin.
Dusmeyin, yola devam edin diyor.

"Arzin duygulariyla degil, semanin akliyla hareket edelim".

20 Ocak'ta Kova burcu basliyor. Bu sene de gecen sene oldugu gibi sert olabilir hava
kosullari. Bazen firtinalarla gelebilen ozgurluk ve foton enerjisi Kova. Biz ne kadar guclu ve
ne kadar gercegimizde olursak ic ve dis firtinalarla o kadar kolay basa cikabiliriz. Ferman
olabilmeyi hatirlayalim:)

22-25 Ocak iliskilere yonelik onemli farkindaliklar, gelismeler ve bazilarimiz icin

iliskilerimizde sifalanmalar yasayabilecegimiz gunler olabilir.

26 Ocak 14:58 gibi Akrep burcunda kuculen Ay var, oldukca onemli. Karanliklar kuculuyor!
Mutlaka degerlendirelim! Hem kendimiz hem dunya ve insanlik icin niyet ve dua,
meditasyon vs. yapalim.

En buyuk bolluk ve bereket gezegeni Jupiter 22 Ocak aksam saatlerinde Koc burcuna geciyor.
Koclar icin ve hepimizin Koc alani icin yeni bir donemi ve firsatlari tetikliyor. Koc burcu
kendimize gidisi simgeliyor. Jupiter'i olumlu bakisla ve sukurle karsilayalim.

Saturn 26 Ocaktan itibaren Terazi burcunda geri gitmeye basliyor. Bize verdigi bilgiler daha
derin ve daha sorgulayici olabilir. Iliskilerimizde idris'ler, Batdal'lar degil, kafasi karisik
Hasan'lar degil, Fermanlar olmamizi hatirlatacak bize. Sevgimizi egomuzdan bagimsiz
yasamamizi, karanliklarimizi bilgelikle avlayarak aydinlatmamizi da. Cunku karanliklarda da
sevgi var...ama kendini sevmeyen bir sevgi o...

30 Ocak aksamimdan baslayan, 31 Ocak sabahina uzanan Pluton-Ay birlesimi var Oglak
burcunda. Ruyalarimizda sifalanma yasayabilir, bilgi alabiliriz. Olumlu niyetlerle yatalim.

Kendi icsel gucumuzde ve dengemizde kalmayi hatirlayacagimiz ve birbirimize

hatirlatacagimiz bir ay diliyorum. Yasama baktigimiz pencereyi dis mudahalelere maruz
birakmayalim:). Temelimizi attik Ocak ayi basinda, cesaretle yola devam:)...

Sevgi ve isikla,

Serpil Dogancay



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 16, 2011 at 6:00pm

Because lotuses grow out of the mud pure and clean, like morning dew from Heaven or water
in springtime from a flower creek, lotus decorations and designs are everywhere the eye turns.
Even other flowers-like these magnolias-are piled into lotus shapes.

Chinese poets also use lotus flowers to inspire people to continue striving through difficulties
and to show their best part to the outside world, no matter how bad the circumstances may be.

This is understood as being just like the lotus flower, bringing beauty and light from the
darkness at the bottom of the pond.

Another symbolic characteristic of the lotus flower

leads from the observation that the plant's
stalk is easy to bend in two, but is very hard to break because of its
many strong sinuous fibres. Poets use this to represent a close
unbreakable relationship between two lovers or the members within a
family, showing that no matter how far away they might live nothing can
really separate them in heart.

In Buddhism the lotus flower symbolizes faithfulness. The golden lotus that is mentioned in
Buddhist sutras has two meanings, one is the symbol for the achievement of enlightenment
the other points towards a real flower which is beyond our normal perception.

The influence of a lotus flower painting is to open us up to beauty and light. A good lotus
flower painting can act as a reminder of the miracle of beauty, light and life. This reminder,
communicated on an emotional level, is said to aid both spiritual and practical understanding
of Tao, the world and our place in it.

Chinese poets also use lotus flowers to inspire people to continue striving through difficulties
and to show their best part to the outside world, no matter how bad the circumstances may be.
This is understood as being just like the lotus flower, bringing beauty and light from the
murky darkness at the bottom of the pond.

Lotuses are perhaps the most spectacular plants in aquatic environments. The Chinese say
once having seen the growing lotus, you never forget it. The lotus flowers have color from
pink, pale yellow to creamy white. A separate, long, tubular stalk supports each flower and
each large round leaf.

The sacred Lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, is an extreme important spiritual symbol in Eastern
religions. It represents purity, divine wisdom, and the individual's progress from the lowest
to the highest state of consciousness.

Seeded in muddy waters, the lotus rises above the mud and produces beautiful and fragrant
flowers. The big showy bloom may be 8-12 inches (20-30 cm) in diameter. The flowers open
just three days. Then each petal falls silently into the water, one by one, at a short period.
The large green seed head or pod remains on the top of the stalk for a long time, and gradually
turning to dark color and ripe. The seeds impeded in the cone-shape pod with flat surface at
the top. The pod then reverts to the water, where it floats face down, allowing seeds to take
hold in the mud. The seeds then germinate in the following Spring and give rise to new lotus

All parts of lotus are edible. The immature seeds can be eaten raw or cooked, they have
chestnut like flavor. Ripe seeds are roasted and ground into flour, or boiled to extract oil.
Lotus roots produce starchy tubers and have the flavor of sweet potato. The young, unrolled
leaves are cooked as a vegetable.

Lotus seeds have very hard, impermeable seed coats, and can remain viable for very long
time. Sacred Lotus seeds, the most long-lived of all angiosperm seeds, have been known to
germinate after more than 400 years! American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) can germinate after a
dormancy of 200 years, and recently, lotus seeds of 1,200 years from China had been
What's an incredible plant!

Bright blooms from the muck

"Purity, trustworthiness, the Buddha, the virtuous man: these are what the lotus signifies,"
writes Huang Yung-chuan, assistant director of the National Museum of History, in his book
Chinese Flower Arranging. Buddhism came to China in the Wei and Jin dynasties, at which
the lotus, which had been simply a source of food, became a symbol for purity and the subject
of many poems.

"Bathing in the clear water of the spiritual pond, the lotus' roots dig deep into the soil."
For the literati, the lotus represented distancing oneself from vulgarity. It was a metaphor
that related to contemporary utopian notions, but was surely connected as well to the Buddhist

ideal of "keeping apart from the world, like the lotus."

"My Love for the Lotus" by the Song scholar Zhou Dun-yi has exerted an influence on the
Chinese down to the present. In this essay, the lotus is compared to a man of great virtue
for being able to live in muck without being tainted by it. Qian Zhong-shu, a Republican-era
writer, wrote that Zhou's "inspirations" stemmed from Buddhist ideas.

Buddhism explores how to transcend the troubles of human existence, to leave behind the sea
of pain, the house of fire that is human existence. Becoming Buddha-like is the highest ideal.
Out of the muck the lotus springs forth beautiful blooms, much as Buddhas free themselves
worldly worries. In the Middle Works of Hinayana Sutra, the Buddha says, "In this way the
heart doesn't give rise to evil desires or evil thoughts. It's like the blue, red and white
lotuses that grow in the water but bear no water."

Chinese literati believe that a lotus is a pure world unto itself in which both body and soul
are clean. According to the book Jian Nan Shi Gao, when the Song dynasty poet Lu Yu was 78

years old, he once dreamt that an ancient spoke to him: "I am the lotus scholar and responsible

for the mirror lake," he said. "But now I am leaving, and I was wondering if you could take
place minding the moonlight, wind and dew and protecting the lotuses?

Every month you will receive 1000 jugs of wine in payment." Afterwards Lu couldn't forget
this beautiful dream. A few years later, when he was very ill, he had another dream in which
walked amid 10,000 acres of lotus flowers. Lu's dreams can be said to combine Buddhist,
and Taoist elements.

Muck is a field of blessing

In comparison to the literati's notions about not getting tainted by the mud, the Buddhist
description of the lotus leaving the muck has even broader meaning.

Mahayana Buddhism stresses finding a release from worldly affairs while in the world, taking
the path of a bodhisattva amid the five filths of the world. The bodhisattvas take the human
masses as their "field of blessing"-the muck is luck, evil is good, pollution is purity and no
clear dichotomies can be made. Hence, Mahayana Buddhism stresses the idea that "this
doesn't grow in the highlands but rather it blooms in the vile swamps." The root and flower
merge into one, in which there is no distinction between pollution and purity.

Apart from pursuing inner cultivation, meditation and deep thought, experiencing muck is
also a form of cultivation, for it tests one's ability to endure misfortune and to sacrifice.
Only by going to hell and being tempered by fire there, can one rise to religious exaltation
and radiate the brightest and most beautiful light.

Collectively, the numerous different descriptions of the lotus are fitting, in that each
lotus bloom is a magnificent world in itself. It is quite natural that images of the lotus
are everywhere to be found in Buddhist lands.

In one of the Dunhuang Caves, you can find yourself surrounded on four sides by the
petals of a giant lotus decoration, in which one peaceful Buddha after another sits in front
of its own huge lotus petal. Since lotus petals and leaves have unusual shapes, you can
always tell when a lotus flower is being depicted no matter if it has been stretched long,
pressed flat, or molded into a square. Apart from actual representations of lotus flowers,
petals and leaves, the ways gourds, dahlias, pomegranates and a variety of other fruits
were depicted "were all adaptations and extensions of lotus designs," notes Lu.

White flowers from heaven

When Chan (Zen) Buddhism bloomed in China, the lotus did not lose stature, but Buddhist art
more subdued, and the use of color in depictions of the lotus declined. After the Song dynasty,
folk culture
grabbed hold of the lotus with gusto, giving it symbolic meaning that was no longer purely

In mass-produced art works, fat babies danced

while holding lotus leaves or lotus flowers. These were used in the
hope that people would give birth to several boys in succession (a
Chinese character meaning "one after
another" is a homonym for the character meaning lotus). And the
lotus leaves provide protection for goldfish under them, which to the
Chinese symbolize abundance year after year. In the folk uses of lotus
flowers it is
often hard to discern whether there is any connection to religious
belief. For instance, in the Tang dynasty one
Buddhist deity was depicted as a baby holding a lotus flower and
laughing. On a festival for unmarried women
on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, children would come
out onto the city streets and imitate him. Is
this deity somehow connected to the idea that lotuses would help
mothers produce boys?

"Chinese flower arranging also has roots in the Northern Dynasties' Buddhist 'flower offering'
ceremony," writes Huang Yung-chun, assistant director of the National Museum of History.

Down to the present, even if Chinese don't understand the Lotus Sutra or lotus-related Zen
esoterica, they will surely know that you light lotus lanterns on the Ghost Festival and that
Songzi Niangniang allowed the Gold Boy and Jade Girl to get on a lotus and float to the
of men. In which case it's not hard to imagine that a small lotus pedestal can remove bad
direct souls of the deceased to proceed with reincarnation, and help cultivate one's inner spirit.

Purity, not fragrance and beauty

Nitpicking botanists might note that a lot of the explanations Buddhists have for the lotus
are now far removed from the realities of the living ecology. When the lotus flowers, its
cupule and shape are beginning to form but are not fully mature. This entomophilous flower
insects to gather pollen in order for its fruit to ripen, and thus to say that it flowers while
bearing fruit is not strictly accurate. Yang Yuan-po, who has researched water plants, says that

the unusual platform-like cupule is shaped the way it is to attract bugs to its pollen, rather than
to get human beings to imagine what it would be like to sit on it.

As for the way the lotus and the water lily close up, nimosa grass does the same thing. Chen
Chin-yuan, a graduate student in the department of horticulture at National Taiwan University,

says that flowers close up to make it easier for the plants to control their inner circulation of
water, so as to avoid being affected by the weather, the humidity or even being touched by

The Diamond Sutra urges people to "cultivate the heart of a Buddha, by living nowhere."
don't clutch tight to phenomena of this world and to things you are not supposed to desire.

Letting go of the lotus pedestal to find enlightenment is similar to the idea that you can only
get to land by leaving your boat!

The Lotus Effect (the lotus flower's physical properties).

Author: Hans Christian Von Baeyer

January, 2000

The secret of the self-cleaning leaves of the lotus plant, like the
subtlest applications of high technology, is simplicity itself.

THE LOTUS FLOWER IS REVERED throughout the world. Its name is actually shared by a
number of different
plants with blossoms of various colors, but the most celebrated in art and literature is the
sacred white
lotus of the Hindus: Nelumbo nucifera. Its huge, almond-shaped petals form a shallow bowl
around a seedpod
that is vaguely reminiscent of the nozzle of a sprinkling can. This magnificent blossom, rising
on a tall
stalk from a flat base of large, round leaves, is endowed with an exotic aura. In Buddhist
lotus blossoms mark each of the seven steps in ten directions taken, paradoxically,
by the newborn Buddha. But without a doubt the color of the lotus--or, more properly, its utter

absence of color--a blinding whiteness that speaks of unblemished purity, underlies its

magical allure.

The lotus was an important icon in ancient Egypt, the inspiration for the Phoenician capitals
preceded the Ionic order of design, the sacred flower of Hindu religions and the object of the
mantra of Tibetan Buddhism: om mani padme hum, which means "Hail, jewel in the lotus."
Given the
mechanical efficiency of prayer wheels that symbolically repeat those words without pause,
the lotus
may be the most frequently invoked plant in the world. In various parts of the world it has
been a
symbol of fertility, birth, beauty, sunlight, transcendence, sexuality and the resurrection of the
dead. A twelfth-century Sanskrit poem extols Brahma, "the lotus of whose navel forms thus
our universe."
But above all, the lotus represents purity.

What an enchanting paradox, then, that the lotus grows in muddy waters, emerging from them
and untouched by pollution.

An ancient Indian text refers explicitly to that wonderful quality:

The white lotus, born in the water and grown in the water, rises beyond the water and remains
unsoiled by the water. Thus, monks, the [Buddha], born in the world, grown up in the world,
after having conquered the
world, remains unsoiled by the world.

The surface of the lotus leaf is covered with a dense layer of pointy little moguls. The
botanists had
stumbled upon the secret of the lotus. To celebrate their discovery, Barthlott coined the term
lotus effect.

To demonstrate the phenomenon dramatically, Barthlott likes to squeeze a droplet of water-

liquid glue onto a lotus leaf. He smears the droplet a little with his finger, then steps back to

The glue quickly pulls itself back together, reforming the droplet, and the droplet rolls off the
at a stately pace. Not even glue can stick to an area as small as the tip of a microscopic mogul.

Just as impressive is Barthlott's demonstration of the cleaning power of water: when a lotus
leaf is
covered with a dusting of fine powdered clay, and a drop of water is added, the water rolls
gathering dust as it moves. In its wake is a long, clean path, like the shiny trail of a snail.

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT, THE SECRET of the sacred lotus: its purity derives from its

nubbly surface.
Is that all? Does the solution to this little mystery of nature somehow diminish the spiritual
of the sacred lotus?

For me, the opposite is true. When I see a lotus blossom now, or, what is more likely, the leaf
of a cauliflower or tulip, I marvel at the ingenuity of nature in bringing forth, after a hundred
million years of evolution, such pristine beauty through such an exquisite design. My
enhances my appreciation.

For more information on Mr. Von Baeyer's article on The Lotus Effect visit here.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art
and science." - Albert Einstein


Discipline is Freedom and Love

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 16, 2011 at 6:38pm

Quado's Garden: Discipline is Freedom and Love

Discipline is Freedom and Love

Today, learn to see discipline

as freedom and love. Discipline is love of yourself, because it is the pathway
to achieving what you wish to achieve. You may think that control is that
pathway, that trying to change and control the outer circumstances of your life
will open it up and finally bring you the happiness you seek, but it is not so.
The only control you can ever successfully exert is over yourself. The only
person you can change is yourself.

Leave off trying to control

others. Leave off trying to control what swirls around outside you. Instead,

focus on yourself, on building the habits and practices which will bring you
knowledge, accomplishment, skill and inner peace.

And from this will spring

freedom, the freedom to do many different things well, the freedom to express
yourself exactly as you wish to, because you have the skills necessary. Give
yourself the freedom to shine as an outward expression of your inner self, so
that your appearance, talents and manner all express exactly what you wish them
to express, because you have invested in yourself through caring discipline,
steady patience, day by day, every day, building a foundation of great strength.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com



Garden of Eden - Initiation into the
Twinflame Heart
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 17, 2011 at 12:30am


The Return to the Garden. The End of Ego's Hold.

Circle of Light Gives Purpose to the Hearts that Gather Here

Come and join the Sacred Fire the Circle of your Heart

As you open your heart and you still your mind and you expand your awareness through your
heart to the Real, with a great sigh of joy you remember. You remember that you are filled
with light and that My presence is alive in you every single moment. You remember that your
heart has wings and that your nourishment is the nectar of Love, fed directly by Me. As you
sigh in joy, as your heart remembers its wings, you are filled with exquisite Love - Love that
washes you in tenderness and lifts you up in ecstasy - Love that sings your very being in its
passion that has no limits at all. Here in this cascade of Love so real it is like a waterfall, the
grip of the ego-mind loosens and then gives way.

Suddenly everywhere you look, on every side in every direction, be it as vast as the stars or as
small as an atom, you see the family of your spirit. Not family of your limited
physical life but family of the living heart. You remember, tentatively at first, the
steps to co-creations dance:

*There is an open heart into which Love flows

*There is the touch of My Love, everywhere
*There is only Love so precious and Real
*There is an open womb waiting to be filled
*It is the womb of Love, the Twin Flame heart,
*Waiting for the immaculate conception of light
*Where the great Rivers of Life come to meet and
*Make Love with the Twin Flame consciousness.
*Once done, once held in the clear heart space,
*The pure gold white light does the quickening.
*At the same moment, truth is everywhere born in
whatever form you wish to name it.

Beloved ones, I Am reminding you that we have a treasure to be revealed. It is the

communion of your spirits with the great Twin Flame heart that is Mine. It is the return, at
last, to the Garden. The Garden is the original self, the one shared heart that is The All. In it is
the symbol that is the Tree of Life, made up of our energies - yours alive in Mine like a
thrumming pulse. Mine alive in you as the heart's consciousness. In the center of it all is the
great Twin Flame Double Helix that IS the Tree of Life. This Double Helix now has entrance,

at last, into the life on Earth through the vortex we have made together and all the energies of
precious hearts on Earth in alignment with it.

Now that the Tree of Life is anchored once again in the center of the shared consciousness
alive on Earth, all that is symbolized by the Garden (of Eden) can be returned to
Earth again. Ah, beloved ones, it is your faith-filled hearts and your true deep
awareness of the one truth of Love that allows this time to come that is the release of
the human ego and the return to the Garden of Love's real choice that is now your
own sweet center, too. In this you create the magnet of Love that now allows the ego
of humanity to be transformed. As yet you have no real idea of what this means for

What I can tell you is this. There cannot be a vacuum. So dearest ones, you who are conscious
now, I need your assistance in making every life a life of Love's purpose. This means
that I Am asking you to create the New World through your heart in the Real, that
when the ego structures fall for humankind, there is already a conscious creation for
each heart to which it can be magnetized.

The magnetic presence of the world of Love, of the living faith in humanity's choice, of the
energies of eternal Love can bathe the world and shift each heart, fueling each life
directly. So there can be a place of feeling the Twin Flame Reality. So there is active
awareness of how humankind shall live, and so there is one vision, a great blending
of heart and will and the connection with Me that will lift each precious heart into
the glorious River of Life. This is a vision that comes only from the Real, from those
hearts and those minds that can open to accept it, using symbols to speak to the
collective consciousness - symbols of the Garden (of Eden), symbols of the New

Dearest ones, you have no idea how powerful this edict is, this dispensation that now allows
the whole of humankind to be free of the ego. What you do know, deeply, is that it
means Twin Flames can now manifest on Earth without the ego drama -- without the
need to Reconnect every old heart's belief. Rather, each person has the Real choice to
release the old ego identity and shift to the new heart of Love, the Twin Flame heart
in its power and grace, and to live it here "on Earth."

So, dear ones, My Circle of Light, Love and consciousness, I ask you to make this power
known to every person possible along with the Message about the Twin Flame. Since
many don't know what it has been like until now to connect with the Twin Flame
while living on Earth, I ask you to simply describe to them how it was and how it
now shall be, On this day many Twin Flames from the realms of Love are going to
begin making contact with their Twin Flame on Earth.

Please share this news and ask everyone to be conscious -- to open, to say "Yes," and to let the
Twin Flame in. Into the whole of their ego-free hearts!

Thus do we open the way for the great "tools" of Love to make all human life become the
Real heart of God I Am. Ask every person you possibly can to open his or her heart,
no matter what their old thoughts, trusting that the ego-dream is ending and all
separation now falls away. Let us paint for them all the energy picture of what life in
the New Worlda Shekina Rose


The New World will be the great Twin Flame hearts alive for the first time for everyone on
Earth, leaving no one untouched by true Love. It will be for each person unending
joy and so much Love it may seem like magic, but it is not. It is the truth of God I
Am, coming at last to be embodied in the world. Every moment will be perfect -
more perfect than the moment before, because Love always expands. Out of every
communion of a Twin Flame heart, more beauty comes forth in the symbols of the
world, which enhances the joy of living the truth.

In the New World, Love is supported in every way, and those who want to pass judgment on
others will find their own hearts bombarded by Love's insistent call until the vision
of a world of Love takes root and grows in them. Everywhere such ease and grace
and beauty and tender giving will exist. Each life is supported by Me and gaining
confidence in what the heart feels.
In the New World all nourishment comes directly from Me, nourishing every cell and
atom with life and every heart with pure Love's energy. One of the very first things
for every person to do is to Reconnect all heart's belief of human parents, replacing it
with the awareness on every level, even cellular, that I Am each one's Divine Parents.
Once done, each cell is reoriented back to its own central heart, central light and the
truth of this can be deeply accepted.

Then, in the second step, the human identity itself must be Reconnected, so that you can have
the experience of being My heart, My Love, unique, yet ever united with all Love.
Then the Twin Flame can be called and each person can accept being the center of
the Garden of Life, the great Double Helix of Divine Masculine and Divine
Feminine. When these two energies are fully embodied by both, whether together in
consciousness or "alive" on the Earth, then the Tree of Life is activated. The Forces
of Creation rise through the Double Helix and through the energy "bodies," until they
join in both the heart and the crown, igniting the co-creative magnificent Twin Flame
heart into the unity that is the crown of all Creation (Kether in the Kabbalah, the top
of the living Tree of Life).

Those who are drawn to Circle of Light will find their purpose here. You and all who join you
are the torch of light here at Circle of Light that is set here where it is, in order to
calibrate the Earth. Everywhere a conscious Twin Flame heart makes the
commitment and deeply says "Yes" to this work, to My Messages and this Love, they
become one with this vortex. They too become the center, active through you. Yet
active on their own. It's impossible in words because all who embody Twin Flame
Love are the center point. Your work -- now that ego's hold releases in two weeks --
is to connect each one to this pure Real life and to make clear to them that being here
is My delivery of their purpose - that they take this pure vibration and My Messages
of Love and bring them forth to the world.

If this is done and they carry forth the Messages, then they will carry the vibration of
this pure Love. Once the ego's hold is gone, only speaking the truth and assisting the
shift will allow people to leave the old world behind and to live the joy of their
hearts. Egos want many things. Hearts want only to give Love purely. This is who
you are, what you model, while living the life yourself in service for the world.
You are all My Love active in the world

See also special Twinray Art visit gallery/store by clicking on the Twinray Artwork

Twinsouls, Twinflames, Twinrays are this incredible LOVE


~Galactic Free Press~ 1~16~11

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 17, 2011 at 12:31am

~Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure~
















~Nothing increases your relationship with God more quickly than continuous expressions of
gratitude. The more you are thankful to God for whatever you have been given the more you
will be given. When you are thankful for the dreams and guidance you have received you will
be deemed worthy of receiving more and more. When you act on …these dreams then your
entire life will become one of complete fulfillment and joy~



~Let’s live for love and truth. Forget about the illusion this is our moment to remember and be
the change we want to see…. right now!~

~Mind cannot by ANY process be made intelligent because mind means memory. Mind means
a mechanism that accumulates past experiences. Mind means the known, and intelligence
means exploration of the unknown — and not only of the unknown: when the intelligence
reaches to its ultimate flowering it enters into the world of the unknowable~

-Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


~It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give


~ Kahil Gibran



~What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul~

Yiddish Proverb


~Affirmation for today!!!~

~I am grateful for all creation for life for animals and for all there is.

I am grateful for all my experiences in life for that is who I am today

I am grateful for the sun and the rainbows that shines the light of infinity

I am grateful for the gifts and blessings of all creation

I am grateful for angels and archangels every teacher a master and ascended master who
guide and protect me from negativity in all levels of past present and future.

I am grateful to be part of a global awareness movement to bring the heaven on earth

I am grateful for you

There is a reason for every season and this is the season

There is a reason that you are here

We are one

One Love~

~Showers of grace and infinity love~



~Know in truth, with all your heart, that all is happening in Divine timing, in Divine order
with pure Divine Love….FOR ALL IS DIVINE…♥

Our journey has been long and tough at times. But it all has been worth it and has served a
higher purpose for ALL of humanity. Our time of pain and suffering is gradually becoming a
thing of the past-a memory that will slowly fade away. The time of miracles, light, love and
peace is at hand. It is our time, and that time is NOW..♥

We cannot comprehend how powerful we are truly becoming. We are creating a mastermind,
mass-consciousness which is gradually infiltrating and changing the old third/fourth-
dimensional collective-consciousness belief patterns, thereby assisting others to release their
deeply ingrained fears, sense of shame, unworthiness, guilt and impoverishment…WE ARE

~Your future has nothing to do with getting somewhere you think you need to be. It has to do
with the awareness that getting THERE means BEING here~ by Carl A Hammerschlag.

~I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells.

For when …you are at the centre within yourself,

and I within mine, we shall be as one~

~ Crazy Horse ~

~A human being is part of the whole called by us universe … We experience ourselves, our
thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of
consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task …must be to free ourselves from the
prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of
nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the
sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially
new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive~

- Albert Einstein


~ ♥ You incarnate with a magnetic pull towards your Twin Flame, the other part of your Soul.
In the beginning when God first decided to create more, he/she sent forth a beam of light.
That beam of light separated and became two distinct frequencies. It became as two beings,
with two polarities, and two directions. They moved away from one another – going forth
through stars, through galaxies, through other planets.♥~

~There has still been a bit of a nagging fear from some in the spiritual community about your
future. You cannot base your future vibration on what you have experienced in the past. Life
is a continuum and you are not even the same being you were last week. If you do not want to
experience certain things than why are the thoughts entertained? It can be sent down the road
from whence it came. The upcoming times for many that have been working and preparing
themselves is a graduation and celebration; not a revisiting of where you have been. ~

The Keepers from 10/25/10


~I know “Love conquers all” may sound cliche, but it’s absolutely true. Do you really think
people would war against their fellows if they truly loved each other? It’s simply not possible
when there’s love there. War in all its forms will cease to be and the whole idea of an external
conflict of good fighting against evil will be seen as insanity, not courage. Love conquers not
through division, but through communion. Through a simple revealing of what is Real, and
what was illusion~


RLW5: hello


RLW5: well working on me again..having that feelings again..started this am….working very
hard on dispelling them


RLW5: fear u know


RLW5: all the crap i thought bad was going to happen never did so why don’t i learn this and
stop it,was managing well


RLW5: yes and i know i dont control anything



RLW5: u know i have been praying more mediating more…more course in miracles..and i
crap out and dont stay positive and balanced..




RLW5: yes i know that…i was so good about things ..then it gripped..slowly then faster…it
takes over your eating..so you dont want to..then your body gets cold…and as we speak i
mentally know the difference


RLW5: a lot of people have felt this since dec 21

yo yo effects



RLW5: dye quickly


RLW5: so many of my friends on fb all have this energy waves lol pls dont get well


RLW5: i must have had a strong ego



RLW5: everyone one us feeling this



RLW5: yes so much fear…fear of punishment fear of disappointments





RLW5: gift of love or feeling this


RLW5: ok



RLW5: thank you for listening



RLW5: love you right back


~Take responsibility for what you feel. Don’t project onto others, blame them, or take your
negativity out on them~

Deepak Chopra


~Life is short, Break the Rules.

Forgive quickly, Kiss SLOWLY.

Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably

And never regret ANYTHING

…That makes you smile~

~ Mark Twain

~As the bridge between Creator and created gradually appears in the coming years, it will
widen so more and more people can cross it and feel the vibrational influences of their
Creator. It’s like the lifting of a fog, and despite all the evidence to the contrary, the future of
humankind is as bright as a star and even more enduring. Our planet’s future is
glorious~James, WingMakers


~You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say~

~All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will
receive what they have asked and desired, although not in the hour or in the measure, or the
very thing which they ask. Yet they will obtain something greater and more glorious than they
had dared to ask~

~I believe that unarmed TRUTH and unconditional LOVE will have the final word in reality.
♥ ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

~We must be willing to LET GO of the LIFE WE HAVE PLANNED so as TO HAVE THE
LIFE that s WAITING FOR US ~ Joseph Campbell





I AM in all as all are in me

I AM awake

I AM aware

I AM present

I AM walking the way of Divine Lights Pure LOVE paving the path for potential to follow

I AM surrounded in the Light of all that I AM

I AM engulfed in the LOVE of all that I AM

I AM living & LOVEing all that I AM ~

~What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God~ ELEANOR POWELL

~All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident~ Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)

Archangel Gabriel

Meaning – “Strength of God”; “The Divine is my strength”; “God is my strength”

… Gabriel is known as the “messenger” Angel and is one of the four Archangels named in
Hebrew tradition and is considered one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judeo-Christian
and Islamic religious lore. Apart from Michael, Gabriel is the only Angel mentioned by name
in the Old Testament. GAbriel is a powerful and strong Archangel, and those who call upon
Him will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results.

Gabriel can bring messages to you just as he did to Elizabeth and Mary of the impending
births of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. If you are considering starting a
family, Gabriel helps hopeful parents with conception or through the process of adopting a

Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision is therefore blocked. If
you wish to receive visions of Angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in. If
you wish to receive prophecies of the changes ahead. If you need help in interpreting your
dreams and vision.

Gabriel helps anyone whose life purpose involves the arts or communication. Acts as a coach,
inspiring and motivating artists, journalist and communicators and helping them to overcome
fear and procrastination.

Gabriel also helps us to find our true calling. Ask for Gabriel’s guidance if you have strayed
from your soul’s pathway, if you wish to understand your life plan and purpose. Gabriel can
also help if you can find no reason for being or if changes are ahead and you need guidance.
If you are contemplating a house move, major purchase or thinking of changing careers.

Call Gabriel if your body is full of toxins and needs purifying and if your thoughts are impure
or negative and need clearing and cleansing. Gabriel is also very helpful for women who
have been raped or sexually assaulted and feel dirty as well as being under psychic attack or
if you feel that you have absorbed someone else’s Problems


Love Natalie


Straight out da ghetto…

Spittin blood, brimstone n fire…

Is I & Iah, JahFIRE, designed to take you higher…

I’m a high flyer…

Wid a passion & desire…

……To spit Truth n Love…

Breakin da chains dat bind yu…

They say absolute Power corrupts absolutely…

That may be True, but the real’s what I see…

Promotin Love, da peace, da unity…

Ordainin plenty Power, but still I flow free…

ALL of this Power it wont corrupt me…

Elevated in Spirit, my wings dem are free…

Share because I care, it’s how I desire to be…

I’m on a roll….

Lika footballer I’m scoring goals…

I don’t sign on so I don’t collect dole…

Check for ma soul…

Lovin da Power of Love…

But no way will I take advantage of…

The Power in me cos it’s Divine…

Eatin up egotisticals for breakfast….

With Power of mind…

Lyrics don’t stop burnin…

Lyrics don’t stop churnin…

Truth is lickin on yu inner….

Now yu be learnin…

And I’m earnin…

A couple brownie points…

Ma Truth touchin down…

Blowin up joints…

If yu no like it well that’s jus too bad…

Do I touch yu ego?

Do I mek yu mad…

Or maybe even sad…

Or maybe soundin like yu Dad…

Search your inner for the answers…

Don’t take nothing for chancers…

Keep movin n advancer…

These words are just enhancers…

~People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how
character is built.~Eleanor Roosevelt


L.I.V.E Life is valued everywhere

L.O.V.E. let our value evolve

L.A.U.G.H love, always understand, give hope














Email: mothergod1111111@gmail.com

Skype: father.mothergod.amon.ra

Facebook:FathermotherGod Amon Ra http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1776897761

web: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/



With ALL our Love Unconditionally

Father~Mother God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 17, 2011 at 12:55am

This is an important prayer to say. I have been feeling like death warmed over for
so long and I did all the prayers and was told by my guidance to do this one
too. When I woke up this morning, for the first time in a long time, I actually felt
human and was clear and felt good all day. I felt a very noticeable shift overnight. I
had done this prayer before quite some time ago, but didn't notice a shift at that
time. In one part of this decree It terminates redemptive vehicle and Crucifixion
Contracts. That really triggered some memories when
I was going through some very hard challenges and being in a dark night of the
soul. when your in a place like that, you do feel like you are being crucified. I have
heard many people's life experiances and most say the same thing. That at times in
their lives It felt like they were going through a crucifixion.
that's where I had an AHA Moment. Maybe that's why so many of us have had a
lot of suffering in our lives ? Maybe, we have had these crucifixion contracts ? All I
know is that , It made a great differance in my health + well being. There's
other contracts that are in this decree to cancel to change your life. I'm going to say
this prayer everyday for awhile * L & L, Krystael


Source: www. Lisa Renee www.energeticsynthesis.com

As the 12-D Avatar and the Light of Creator Source that I am, I cancel all contracts and/or
agreements that I have made with any entity, any being, any guide in this timeline or in any
reality that were not in my highest alignment and expression of my Light Source in the Law
of One. I terminate all false matrices, or illusions that may have obscured my highest Creator
Source purpose and soul mission, from the past, present and future. I terminate redemptive
vehicle and crucifixion contracts and their related phantom systems from impacting my
consciousness and all of my 12 bodies. I further declare that the cancellation of all such
contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities.

Further I ask my Avatar to return all unity codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies
and parts of bodies that have been misdirected or usurped and ask to return them NOW to the
Rightful Owner in the name of Self Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence. I
invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve them into the One
Source-Creator Source Light through the Eternal Love of Forgiveness and Forgetfulness.
Completely Heal and Seal my personal Auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all
energies and essences that are in divine right order NOW. I call back NOW All that is my self

sovereign Creator Source power and right. I choose my perfection to stand in the Eternal
Light and represent my full sovereignty and freedom for all human beings on this planet. I
receive this Gift now as I will Share this Gift with ALL. All is One with the Light. I AM
UNITY. Beloved Creator Source, thank you!


Documentary: Home. Such a beautiful

planet we are living on! Amazing scenery
and information. Open eyes, open mind,
open heart.
 Posted by Cenk on January 17, 2011 at 3:00am

Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way
we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and
HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible.
EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit

HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

HOME official website



TNA TV'de Deniz Şiva Oflaz ile Kuantum

ve Yaşam'ın bu haftaki konusu Indigo ve
Kristal Çocuklar
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on January 17, 2011 at 3:36pm

TNA TV'de bu akşam saat 19:00-21:00 arasında Kuantum ve Yaşamdayız :). Bu günün
konusu Yeni Çağ çocukları, yani İndigo ve Kristal çocuklar. Çok değerli konuklarımız
Şebnem Özkan (MS-Master of Science) ve Yaşam Koçu Özlenen Deniz Uzun. Bu keyifli
sohbette görüşmek üzere :) Her daim sevgiyle OLsun :). Kuantum ve Yaşam Her Pazartesi
19:00-21:00 arasında TNA TVde. Izlemek için www.tnatv.tv linkini tıklamanız yeterli. Iyi



Forgiveness Meditation By Pat Crosby

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 2:44am

Your Special Gift ~ Free Audio ~ Guided ForGIVEness Meditation

I Love ForGIVEness ~ Special Report for Your Sacred Journey into ForGIVEness

* Your Special Gift ~ Free Audio ~ Guided ForGIVEness Meditation

* Search Your Special Gift ~ Free Audio ~ Guided ForGIVEness Meditation

Dear Heart,

Thank you for caring enough to practice the special gift of ForGIVEness.

This short, powerful, effective guided meditation is a gift to you from the spirits of
ForGIVEness ~ also known as the Angels of ForGIVEness.

Listen to this audio as often as you need to ~ more frequently if you are going through a

After awhile, the ForGIVEness Meditation will just come up spontaneously within yourself
anytime some difficult, unpleasant, or challenging incident presents itself to you.

The old energies we have all accumulated form a thick, heavy ball inside our hearts ~ similar
to a snarled up mass of compacted rubber bands, like we find inside of golf balls.

The Angels of ForGIVEness will pull apart this snarled mass of old energies ~ IF we just ask

This guided meditation will do just that ~~~ put you in touch with the Angels of ForGIVEness
to help you move forward on your journey into freedom and unconditional love and joyous

CLICK this link to get the audio meditation.

Be sure to BOOKMARK this link so you can access it again and again.

You can also download online (for a small fee) a printed copy of the meditation in full color.
This little booklet includes the guided meditation, plus some extra inspirational quotes and
other material to support your growing practice and skill in ForGIVEness. A portion of the
profits from this download will be donated to organizations helping people ~ such as Habitat
for Humanity.

Your willingness to lighten yourself and clear old negative energies from your heart are
deeply appreciated by me.

The Angels of ForGIVEness have said that it is most important now for humanity to let go of
all the old heavy negative patterns and energies in their beings so that our planet can move
forward into the new energies of light, love, joy, and fulfillment.

Thank you again for all you are doing to enlighten yourself, and consequently our beloved
planet Earth.

In the Loving Light of ForGIVEness,

Pat Crosby


The Opening of the Mouth Activation by
Archangel Uriel January 17, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:00am

Uriel, right, in the Virgin of the Rocks

(Louvre version) by Leonardo da Vinci

The Opening of the Mouth Activation by Archangel Uriel

January 17, 2011

I am the Archangel Uriel, Angel of the Presence and Archangel Reversal.

Beloved Children of Light, I am that the last few days of your time, officiating at your Flip.
I've never been as qu'Archange, as close to your consciousness, like your Earth. My and my
Radiance resonance enables the particles Adamantine Light, Light themselves, bringing them
into resonance, allowing them to aggregate within your structures and your consciousness.
Beloved Children of Light, each of you can now call on my and my Radiance Radiation. Each
of you may now feel, through his own presence to itself, my own presence. I am the Angel of
Presence, Presence you laying in your Crown Radiant Heart in the Unitary Triangle Tri-
Christ, Mary and Michael, who is registered, you can establish yourself in the Joy in the Truth
and the Peace. I am Angel of Flip.

Thus, in a process called j'officie mouth opening, corresponding to the activation of your 11th
body (ndr: naso-labial fold, hollow in the middle of the upper lip), and place Word Creator of
Flip, passage of the throat, Passage from one state to another. This passage, each of you at
your own pace, beginning to live. Passage Dimensional accompanied, as you had stated, that's
exactly one year, the beloved Sri Aurobindo, a switch mechanism of the Conscience. So far,
this switch allowed to move from ego consciousness to the Consciousness of the Heart.
Today, this switch allows, not the passage from one to another, but the merger of one into the
other, corresponding to your state you live intermittently. These statements, which gradually
will become your habit, your life, before becoming your total reality. The activation of what is
called the 11th body of the Earth, through the activation of the Merkabah interdimensional
Earth, is now carried in full. The crystalline core of the Earth can begin, and the iron layer
which is immediately above it, to change its rotation. The Earth is released, you know it.
Yourselves, are being released. This too is a reversal. Move from limited to unlimited.
Moving from darkness to light, transcending the duality Shadow / Light. Having found, built
your own shadows, you allow your Spirit to unfold in full within this world. I am Angel of the
Presence. Call me, call on me and I will attend. Select the new path set by Michael, at the OD
- RE - MI - SI - AL your head (ndr: statement of Michael January 7, 2011), and I'll be at your
side. Beloved Starseeds, today, freedom comes. The end of suffering, the end of separation, if
that is your insight, if that is your Vibration.

I am the Archangel Reversal working within dimensional gateway, which is currently happen
to the Earth and all life forms present on it, as inside it. Communication of the Earth and the
Sun is becoming increasingly important, still allowing a number of increasingly important
Ultraviolet radiation and particle Adamantine, to pour into you. Welcoming the Light is now
an act of joy. Welcoming the Light is now a measure of truth. This act of Truth allows you to
build gradually, through our joint presence, Presence to Presence, settle into your new Truth.
The hour of liberation is coming. What you see and observe more and more on Earth does that
translate that. Release, as you Metatron announced last summer, the four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse: release items, releasing what was locked up, imprisoned and forced. End of
Illusions. Disclosure and revelation. Key word in your state. Key word of what you are. You
give birth to yourself. Earth gives birth to itself.

Rite of Passage, known as mouth opening, which, by breathing through the mouth, to live it.
It's time to live. The time has come to be free. Vibration is your consciousness. This, you

know. Beyond your ordinary consciousness, beyond even your body beingness present in the
Sun is the beingness which now comes to you for a merger, an alchemical wedding of your
personality with your essence , leading you to live your state called Ki-Ris-Ti or Christ, to
reveal your potential for Burning Son of the Sun, Children of Light, Children of the Law of
One, Child of Truth. Personality dissolves. Some have resisted and failed. Whatever. One is
your choice. One is your destiny and chose what he is destined to be.

Presence and Truth. Presence and Joy. Presence and Peace. You are that and nothing else. All
the rest are only outdoor screenings of Truth that led you to live and establish your
consciousness in the Illusion. Even if, for some of you, those illusions you still seem tough
and real, they are not. They will dissolve more each day. You have nothing else to tie you that
you become the Light. Everything else is called to dissolve.

I am Angel of the Presence and Flip. I am personally for the fulfillment of this passage by
opening your mouth and open mouth of the Earth, produced by the activation of a growing
number of volcanoes, changes in distribution of electric charges on the surface of the Earth,
involving changes in vibrational distributions in the plates, called tectonic Earth. Interior
shake you live is the trembling of the Presence, announcing the switch, announcing the
passage of the mouth. The Earth is living it, you live it every day a little more. Each day, the
light vibrates a little more. Each day, Unity Consciousness take the step, a little more on the
consciousness of personality. Rejoice, Be Peace. It's time to experience the bliss of release.
Nothing of this should keep you busy. As you had said Christ: "Seek the Kingdom of Heaven
is within you. All the rest shall be added unto you. " And this is also not want anything more
to say. You are the Light of the world, you are Children of Light. This is not an empty word
but Revelation Vibratory that you live every day.

I'm Uriel, Angel of the Presence. Presence. Call Presence and become a presence. Re-turn
and the light will appear. The balm is light, the light is comforting. It is Joy and Peace. All this
you know. You have to experience it, integrate it, to manifest it. Beloved Children of the Law
of One, I am Presence and Flip. It's time to live for which you came. It's time to find your
affiliations and your freedom. Presence and vibration. Beloved Starseeds, disruption is an
interior upheaval outside. Anchored in the Light, Light stabilized, centered in the Light, this
change can do nothing, or within you or outside you. As long as you accept your own shine
Presence, you live and what Flipping the Switch more easily. As you said the Archangel
Michael, the only source and the Earth itself know the end of this passage, but you definitely
are, and we're with you, in this mechanism of Passage. For many of you, all new DNA strands
is now enabled or activated.

Realize that you Are at a level that has never happened on this Earth is done today. Do you
realize what the rites of passage, by the rites of the presence of radiation from the Heart leads
you to live the reunification with the All. Gradually, the lucidity of what you are, that is
unified, not separated, and the Whole itself, you will be clear by the Vibration and the
mechanisms of consciousness itself, aware of itself. The pace and sequence of this passage
and your presence will continue to go crescendo, every day, every breath. This aspect of
crescendo is also the guarantor that you are aligned, centered and ready to surrender to the
truth of what you are, drop by the Light. As you said the Archangel Michael, do not dwell on
symptoms of your body but, more to the clarity of what you live, that is what is happening in
your Conscience, directly.

I'm Uriel, Angel of the Presence. Every day, you will be given the opportunity, through your
own presence and by my presence, to get closer to the Abode of Supreme Peace. It is within
this state of supreme peace are all foods that you are. It is within this state of supreme peace
that you feed them and be satisfied. The rest of your life, you usually call your life will be
filled with synchronicities, evidences, facilitation, provided that you leave, as always, work in
you the Truth of Light. By the end of this month, I'll come back with the Archangel Michael.
Then we will seal, both accompanied by the Archangel Anael, the return of Archangel
Metatron, for it boots, too, the final phase, which, I remind you, scheduling of Light,
scheduling new life plan and program of life within the new dimensions.

I'm Uriel, Angel of the Presence. From this moment, now, here and elsewhere throughout this
Earth, I decreed the opening of the mouth of the Earth in full, the mouth opening of the Sun,
in its entirety. Communion. Resonance. Presence and Unity. Beloved Children of the One,
now, my presence with you. You have total freedom to decide to reveal and disclose your
dimension of Christ. My blessings are with you.

See you soon.

We share this information seamlessly.

Thank you for doing the same,

if you distribute them by reproducing the entire text and citing its source



Patricia Cota-Robles' FREE Seminar In
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:01am

FREE SEMINAR - In Tempe, Arizona


presented by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


January 30, 2011

Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Tempe, Arizona

Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel Tempe

1600 S. 52nd Street
Tempe, Arizona 85281

This is a time of new beginnings. We have all been going through a purging process that has
pushed to the surface anything in our lives that is not serving our highest good. This necessary
cleansing process is often confusing and sometimes even overwhelming, but we have no other
option than to walk through it. We are not being given the luxury of ignoring our
dysfunctional relationships and our negative situations any longer. If we try to, more painful
things surface to get our attention and to motivate us into action. This awakening process is
being orchestrated by our God Selves, which is the Divinity within us that is always striving
to move us forward in the Light. If we want the insanity to stop, we must remember who we
are and why we are here.

The good news is that we are not being given anything that we cannot handle, and we have
everything we need within us to accomplish this facet of our awakening process quickly and
relatively easily. We have just forgotten how to do this. It is time for us to realize that we are
not our fragmented, fear-based human egos. We are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and
we are powerful beyond our knowing.

In this Free Seminar you will be reminded of the techniques that will allow you to clear the
surfacing negativity quickly. You will also remember how easy it is to create the life you

This seminar is a gift from my heart to yours. Please do not let this opportunity pass you

Limited space. To guarantee seating, please call to register now:

Phone # 888-310-4488 http://eraofpeace.org


by Patricia Cota-Robles


Humanity has recently experienced a very powerful shift of energy, vibration, and
consciousness. This has allowed us to transcend our human egos. Now our I AM Presence,
our true God Self, is integrating into our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies
filling the void where our human ego used to abide.

As this process unfolds day-by-day, our lives are being transformed, and we are able to hear
the "still small voice" of our I AM Presence more easily. The Divine Intent of this YouTube
video, "THE ANSWER IS LOVE" is to help each of us accelerate this process.


Brief Bio:
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for twenty years. During that time she
cofounded the nonprofit, educational organization the New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose.
Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. She has written the ten books listed
below and produced tapes, CDs and DVD's that supplement her work. For over 30 years,
Patricia has been helping awakening souls all over the world take charge of their lives.
Books by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Take Charge of Your Life

The Next Step
Your Time Is At Hand
The Awakening...Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty
Stargate of the Heart
What On Earth Is Going On?
It Is Time For You To Be Financially Free
HOME...Heaven On Mother Earth
The Violet Flame...God's Gift to Humanity
I AM Cocreating the New Earth...A Book of Invocations


DailyOM: The World And In Ourselves
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:10am

The World And In Ourselves

Feeling Fed Up With Humanity
We are all capable of the best and the worst that humanity has to offer, and remembering this
keeps us in check.

From time to time, we may all feel fed up with humanity, whether it’s from learning about
what’s going on around the world, or what’s going on next door. There are always situations
that leave us feeling as if people are simply not capable of behaving in a way that is coming
from a place of awareness. Often it seems as if people are actually geared to handle things in
the worst possible way, repeatedly. At the same time, none of us wants to linger in a
judgmental mood about our own species. As a result, we might tend to repress the feelings
coming up as we take in the news from the world and the neighborhood.

It is natural to feel let down and disappointed when we see our fellow humans behaving in
ways that are greedy, selfish, violent, or uncaring, but there are also ways to process that
disappointment without sinking into despondency. As with any emotional response, we honor
our feelings by feeling them fully, without judging or acting on them. Once we’ve done that—
and we may need to do it every day, as part of our daily self-care—we can begin to consider
ways that we might help the situation in which humanity finds itself.

As always, we start with ourselves, utilizing our awareness of the failings of others to renew
our own commitment to be more conscious human beings. We are all capable of the best and
the worst that humanity has to offer, and remembering this keeps us in check, as well as
allowing us to find compassion for others. We may find ourselves feeling compelled to serve
people who are suffering injustices at the hands of other people, or we may begin to speak out
when we see something that we don’t think is right. Whatever the case, the only thing we can
do is pledge to serve the best, rather than the worst, of what humanity has to offer, both in the
world, and in ourselves.


Master Hilarion's Weekly Message:
January 16-23, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:14am


January 16 – 23, 2011

Beloved Lightworkers,
Welcome back! In the coming week you will find many of the perplexing questions you’ve
had burning in the backs of your minds begin to be answered and all the puzzle pieces will
start to fall into place. You will begin to see more clearly what has been behind the events and
situations in your lives. Most of you will be happily surprised to find that you were serving a
higher purpose and function than the seeming dilemma’s and situations that you have been
struggling to balance and bring into equilibrium. True, some of this is personal karma, but a
lot of the happenings in your life have been the result of the great Love you hold for all of
Humanity and the Earth and your willingness to take on more than your individual load in
order to transmute greater amounts of density upon the Earth.

Each of you volunteered on the Higher dimensions to do this in order to ensure greater
stability within and upon the Earth. Most of you are now in completion of this and many other
agreements that you have made before you chose to incarnate upon this beautiful Planet. You
will find yourselves experiencing a feeling of greater freedom and the sense of the lightening
of a great load from your shoulders. The feeling of joy and happiness is now taking firm hold
within your hearts and emotional bodies and it will be much easier for you to stay in a
positive frame of mind with grace and ease, rather than the sense of struggle you experienced
before. Know that we are ever with you and speak to you often, guiding and encouraging you
upon your Path. You are truly never alone. Your shining Light attracts those of a Higher
frequency to you easily and you are all known to us.

Your Love and dedication to anchoring in the Higher Cosmic energies through your physical
vehicles, while processing the situations that have been occurring in your lives in the past year
have brought about a greater understanding of that powerful force called Love and you are
finding that there are many facets and degrees to this force called Love which has enabled you
to open more fully your heart chakras. This, at times, can create symptoms that seem to
indicate ‘heart problems’ and what is happening is an adjusting and balancing of the higher

energies within your heart space. This occurrence is usually of a temporary nature and if you
do not have heart conditions in your genetic lineage, then this will gradually lessen in its
frequency of occurrence.

Focusing more of your attention upon your heart chakra at this time will help to open up more
of the many facets of your human heart attributes and will allow more of the Divine attributes
to enter this space and begin to manifest in your outer lives. It is a time to nurture yourselves
in any way that feels good and gives you great comfort, for the process of inner
transformation is upon you and will undoubtedly have an effect upon your physical bodies.
Once again, we remind you to drink large amounts of pure clean water, for this helps move
the energies through your system in a more harmonious way. Also, deep rhythmic breathing
will help to move the new prana through your physical bodies in a way that will give you
more vitality and energy. Breathing in to a count of 7, closing both nostrils to a count of 7 and
then breathing out to a count of seven and doing this 7 times in repetition each day will help
to balance your four body system.

The most important thing to remember in this current week is to feel and experience more joy
in every moment of your lives. Seek out that which brings you joy and indulge yourselves in
it. It is there for the asking and is easily created by your intention to have it as an experience
in your daily life. If there are any worries or concerns that come to the surface, substitute
joyful and happy thoughts instead of dwelling on the worries.

Remember that you are training yourselves to become the masters of your four body systems
and it can be done. You have all done this before many, many times in your sojourns upon
many Planets. The knowledge is within you, all you have to do is do it diligently and it will
automatically begin to function within you.

We are as One, Beloved Ones. Listen for our voices, our sounds and tones. We are calling, can
you hear us?
Until next week…..

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is



Open Your Mind - Expand Your Options
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:19am

Open Your Mind - Expand Your Options

a href="http://spiritlibrary.com/selacia">http://spiritlibrary.com/selacia> Description: Selacia

a message from a href="http://spiritlibrary.com/selacia">http://spiritlibrary.com/selacia>


Friday, 5 November, 2010

Note from Selacia: "This November message from The Council

of 12 came in response to questions and feedback from
readers worldwide about this chaotic phase. If there were a
chaos monitor, it surely would be up several notches these
past several weeks! The Council's message addresses many
reader concerns and questions.

Imagine what would happen in the world if millions of people

began to focus on what is right instead of what is wrong?
You can be one of those millions today. Trust that this
makes a difference. Your light and focus does matter. It
will change your life, and your world.

To be sure, there is a need to know what needs correcting,

but the tendency in recent times is to focus on problems
with tunnel vision. You are seeing this tendency playing out
in the political arena, in business, and in personal

Narrow mindedness can be found within people on every

continent. In a typical scenario, a person rigidly holds on
to his or her opinion, insisting that it is the only answer.
There is not room for compromise. There is not room to see
that other ideas may also be valid.

Moving Into Expanded Thinking

A narrow point of view will keep your world small and

limited. This is the opposite of what you want. Your
new-paradigm Earth cannot fully manifest until people learn
to move from narrow-minded thinking to expansive thinking.
When you are thinking in an expansive way, you have openness

to other points of view.

When you have an open mind, you are not threatened by the
ideas of others. You welcome them. You have a choice about
whether to adopt new ideas, in part or in full. You can
consider all points of view with your intuitively guided
reason and then make your own choice.

To be most effective in your focusing on ideas, remember

balance. When your focus is in balance, you avoid the chaos
of trying to wrap your mind around too many ideas at once.

Focusing with Enlightened Consciousness

A Divine Changemaker learns to bring an enlightened

consciousness into focusing on issues. As you focus in on
your life, realize that you cannot effectively focus on
everything at one time. As you awaken, you discover that
putting the spotlight on everything at once distorts your
ability to discern truth. You could miss details, overreact,
and be unable to distinguish fact from fiction.

Making your optimal choice is easier when you are not

stressed by over thinking. If you become too stressed, your
mind can become clouded, and your emotions can negatively
influence what you do next.

Remember that even when you choose nothing and take no

action, your choice to do so is still a choice. There is
energy in everything you do, feel, or think. Make your
choices wisely. Your power comes from being present and
aware of your choices, and if necessary, altering them for
your highest good. Likewise, you access more potency when
you stop worrying about past and future choices. The power
to change your life comes from today's choices.

Tips for Balance

The following are some suggestions for staying in balance

during these chaotic times. Review this list when you begin
to feel on overload, when you realize that you have multiple
decisions to make, and when you are either anxious or

1. Step back from thinking-and-

doing mode and tune into your
heart. Your heart will help guide you to the next steps.
Sometimes that next step is to be still. In the stillness,
you can better hear your inner wisdom, and you can be
refueled for greater creativity.

2. If you are seeing troubles at every turn, remember that
it is the energy of goodness that fuels creation. At a core
level, the quality of goodness is within you, and it is
within everyone you meet. Focus on wishing others goodness -
without agenda or condition - and you generate a positive
vibration. It is easier to wish goodness like this for those
you love. The path of the Divine Changemaker is to wish
goodness for all, including strangers and those who oppose
you. Becoming skilled at this is a part of your path. Set
your intent to see the goodness in the world, and in other

3. When you are facing a problem, consider talking about it

less. Give the dilemma less energy by focusing on it less.
This means reducing the amount of time you think about it,
talk about it, and worry about it. Set your intention to
give your energy to positive changes and to noticing things
to be grateful for.

4. Even in your darkest moments, you can cultivate a feeling

of gratitude. When you do this, you raise your frequency. It
is like an energy tonic. When you are feeling expansive from
expressing gratitude, your naturally generate positivity. A
more positive point of view can open the door to new
possibilities and innovative solutions for your life.

5. Some days when life has become complex and stressful, it

may be challenging to access your center. It may be
difficult to appreciate your circumstances, or to feel a
real connection with the world. In those moments, think of
something bigger than you that inspires you-something that
reminds you of the interconnectedness of all life. Think of
something that's more beautiful than what you are seeing in
your life. Examples include a double rainbow, a majestic
redwood tree, and the sun setting on a sparkling blue ocean.

6. Let go of trying to fit in or have what others have. When

you go into nature, the flower or tree that catches your eye
is not a carbon copy of others. It stands out because of its
uniqueness. There is something different about how it
catches the light, its color, or its overall feel. Know that
you are like the flower or tree. It's okay to be different.
You don't need to look like the others, or be like them
either. You shine most brightly when you are genuine and not
pretending to be like the crowd.

7. Do you want to have more joy in your life? Consider

lightening up as you approach your work, your relationships,
and yourself. When you take life too seriously, you become

too attached to outcomes and are less able to accept what
is. A too-serious approach will kill your joy because you
will be trying too hard. Lighten up today, then, and
discover the joy that's naturally there.

8. When you want to feel more peace, think of a beautiful

nature scene with water or go there if you can. Imagine the
calm, life-giving water. Invite into your energy field the
element of water. Intend that this opens you to a flow of
goodness and love. This energy flow is boundless. You have
plenty for yourself, and plenty to give to others. Give some
away! You then expand the flow of goodness and love in the

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine

nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are
The Council of 12.

Copyright 2010 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 *

All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

a href="http://mystickblue.com/">http://mystickblue.com/> Description: MystickblueLogo

Mystickblue.com~Where we believe in miracles and

magic~Offering a variety of Personal

Readings, Spiritual Guidance & Healing Sessions. Coming

soon, Classes by Mystiblu~

I believe in the sun...when it's not shining. I believe in

love...even when I feel it not.

I believe in God...even when he is silent.~Irish Wisdom


The Ultimate Gift by Master Jesus
channelled through Natalie Glasson -
17/01/11 -
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:30am

The Ultimate Gift by Master Jesus

channelled through Natalie Glasson

- 17/01/11 -

My beloved brothers and sisters of the light, I honour you now as I come forward to speak and
share my consciousness with you.

Let me hold your hands in mine; let me wash them with the love of the Creator. May
everything and every person that you touch from now on be charged with the love of the

Let me hold your feet in my hands; let me wash your feet in the love of the Creator.
May every step you walk upon theEarth be a step of love.

Let me embrace you in my arms; let me wash your being in the love of the Creator so
that you may know and feel that you are never alone. The Creator is within you always.I use
the love of the Creator to dissolve all fears that you may have of realising yourself as a
magnificent being of love, a sacred vessel of Creator love. Let the love of the Creator wash
away fear so that you may realise that there is nothing to fear and you are loved
unconditionally and eternally by the Creator. Do not shy away from the love of the Creator, it
is your divine right, know that you are worthy of the love of the Creator because you are so
magnificent, precious and sacred. Do you realise that you are loved every moment of your
day, every moment that you sleep? Do you realise that you are loved so completely and
absolutely with every breath you take? The love of the Creator will never and can never be
taken away from you, it is yours to accept, realise hold and express. The love of the Creator is
the essence of life; if you do not allow yourself to feel, experience and express the love of the
Creator then you haven't truly experienced life on the Earth. There are so many wondrous
sights, smells and experiences on the Earth but none are greater than feeling the love of the
Creator, knowing that the love of the Creator is around and within you at all times and will
never be taken away from you. The love of the Creator is the only true thing that you can
depend upon whether you are on the Earth or on the inner planes. It is our right and a need as
soul's of the Creator to place our trust and faith in the love of the Creator. When you realise
the love of the Creator within you, when you trust wholeheartedly in the love and the will of
the Creator, then you will understand that there is nothing more that you need because you
will feel completely fulfilled on all levels of your being.

Your most deepest yearning is for the love of the Creator and yet my brothers and
sisters there is no need to suffer any longer, the love of the Creator is yours to grasp and
treasure now. If you just dissolved your fears and held courage you could recognise the love
of the Creator and bathe yourself completely in blissful, joyous and healing energies. Your
guides and I are here to help you, you do not have to achieve this on your own, all you need
do is ask and you will receive with divine timing.

My aim is to help you understand how precious you are, how precious those around
you are and how you are never alone. This is my greatest aim as a being of love to share and
awaken the love of the Creator in others.

I am worthy of the love of the Creator.

I am loved by the Creator unconditionally and eternally.

I am fearless and loving at all times.

I recognise with ease the love of the Creator around and within me.

The love of the Creator embraces, heals and awakens my being.

I am the love of the Creator; I am the purity of love in manifestation on the Earth.

You can say these statements to yourself, but don't just say them, understand and feel
the words and their meanings to you.

Let me embrace your soul in the love of the Creator to allow the truth and essence of
your soul to be magnified, nurtured and intensified. Your soul is after all the essence of the
Creator within you. Recognising your soul is to remember the truth of your being and who
you are. Feel, sense or acknowledge the love of the Creator swelling from within you. I am
here to support, protect and cradle you in my love; I am devoted to assisting you now, let
yourself be devoted to your unity with the Creator and acceptance of love.

In order to truly feel the love of the Creator which is naturally within and around us,
there is a need to surrender to the Creator. To surrender is to give up or let go of anything that
is no longer needed. To surrender to the Creator is to submit all that is causing you pain and
suffering, all that is hindering and limiting you to the Creator. It is to detach yourself from any
negativity you may be experiencing and to give it up to the Creator. The Creator can
transform all negative energy into positive loving light but when we give negativity to the
Creator we are asking for the highest vibration of light to cleanse and heal us. To hold onto
negativity is simply harmful for the mind, heart emotions and physical body. To surrender all
to the Creator shows a detachment from the negativity, a realisation that the negativity or pain
is not your truth nor is it needed. Sometimes we are unable to let go of an unneeded energy as
easily as we might like but this is because there is a lesson waiting to be learnt through the
situation or feeling. Remember that you do not have to go through your life alone; the Creator
is here to help you and will take away all appropriate negativity if you ask this of the Creator.
We are all so greatly honoured when we learn that there is an energy that is composed of pure
love that loves us unconditionally and eternally. What a wonderful gift we have been given.
With this understanding you can realise that you are so precious, you must be as you have
been blessed beautifully and perfectly. I believe that this is the ultimate gift that a soul could
receive, to be loved unconditionally and eternally, there is no gift that is greater. Now is the
time to accept your gift, it is yours to experience now.

Whenever you feel down or negative remind yourselfthat you have been given the
ultimate gift of unconditional and eternal love, recognise this love within you and then say out
loud or in your mind,

'I surrender all false energies, illusion, pain, suffering, negativity and lack of love to
the Almighty Creator. I detach from these energies and allow them to be transformed into
light of the highest vibration.'

Breathe deeply,

'I ask that the energy of joy and love emanates and is magnified from my soul now.'

To surrender to the Creator is also to trust in the Creator's will and divine plan for your
reality on the Earth, to understand that you are experiencing the divine perfection of the
Creator at all times of your reality and to trust in this completely. With this belief you allow
the perfection of the Creator to manifest and you naturally step onto the path that is most
appropriate for you to aid you in being of service in the most perfect way. To trust in the will
of the Creator can be difficult when you are experiencing chaos or pain but it is your most
healing tool after love, it is to trust that everything has a purpose and that positivity arises
from all situations.

To surrender to the Creator is to submit yourself to the Creator for complete and
absolute healing. The more you achieve and practice this the more connected you will becom1


Disclosure War at Critical Mass: Birds, Fish

and Political Deaths by David Wilcock
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:36am

Disclosure War at Critical Mass:

Birds, Fish and Political Deaths

by David Wilcock ,

15 January 2011 09:53

Birds and fish are dying in masses as the Old World Order uses HAARP to defend its
remaining assets. The tragic mass shooting distracted the public from this stunning issue -- but
Disclosure will not be stopped.


The mass, worldwide bird and fish deaths are obviously not due to fireworks or cold weather.
Nor can they be blamed on a thinning ozone layer or toxic gases.

I believe the birds are casualties in a worldwide war for Disclosure that has now reached
critical mass -- complete with frantic political assassinations in a last-ditch attempt to stave off
the inevitable.

Brazil, Russia, India and China have all apparently been contacted by positive ETs who are
finally intervening to stop these negative forces on Earth -- by physically destroying their
classified, back-engineered military equipment.

My insiders have told me the damage to the classified military infrastructure has been vast
and unrelenting. This arsenal would otherwise have been used to fake an alien invasion -- in
the hopes of creating a worldwide dictatorship.

HAARP is being used to 'shield' the areas that are being zapped -- but in the process it is
causing obvious, mass deaths of birds and fish worldwide. The war has now reached critical
mass -- where it is starting to become obvious.

These same positive ETs have told the Indian government they intend to openly reveal
themselves to humanity in December of next year. We are finally close enough to this event
that 'Management' is now allowing the ETs to do some housecleaning.

The written clues I will share in this piece are a mind-blowing new advancement in the case. I
have waited an entire year for the right moment to unveil this new information.

I will lay out all the evidence so you can make up your own mind -- and link to an awesome
two-hour radio show where I discussed all of this last Sunday.


I also want to tell you about a stunning experience in my personal life that involved UFOs
directly contacting a close friend of my family -- at an incredibly significant moment on New
Year's Eve, just one hour before 5000 birds fell from the sky in Arkansas.

Honestly, in terms of a direct, physical manifestation of ETs at a precisely-calibrated moment

for maximum impact, this sighting is one of the single most fantastic developments in my
journey as a UFO investigator.

The sighting happened at the exact moment that I watched a video of myself on the season
finale of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel -- telling the world how the ETs may be
preparing us for open contact.


My brother was contacted in February 2002 by a blue orb that turned into a massive Stargate-
type vortex on his ceiling -- and gave him a telep...

The voice was as clear and clean in his mind as if someone were speaking to him directly --
and it went on for several minutes. Here is what Michael said in his own words about it:

The message said that ascension is an incremental process that happens in stages. Seeing this
energy for myself eradicated many of my doubts about unexplainable spiritual dimensions
and energies, and solidified the foundation for the belief in a power greater than myself.

Up until this point, this type of divine energy had only seemed to exist in my imagination and
in subtle synchronicities and psychic occurrences -- not an orb of light HOVERING OVER

It became clear that this message was a very personal one; this was the first step in my
ascension. It seems that ascension is something completely unique to each individual. The
discovery of divinity and the movement toward that energy is a completely individualized
experience. This was a part of what I was told.

These ascension experiences will be very moving and pertinent to the one who is
experiencing them and will probably vary greatly from person to person.

The idea of an ascension in stages was a totally new concept for me. I had always pictured
David's ascension model as something that would happen in one fell swoop, a "spontaneous
evolution" as he says -- but this new understanding showed me that the experiences could be
individualized, and occur over a period of time.

The trigger for Michael's contact occurred when I was meditating in a field and saw what may
have been a UFO. I said, internally, "Now all I need is to see an orb of light that gives me an
intelligent message." Michael's vision was in that same time window.

This New Year's Eve event seems to be a direct follow-up to that original incident. This
phenomenal new sighting, involving five different UFOs, happened to a close friend of

This also occurred within one hour of the mass death of 5000 birds -- which really raised
public awareness that "something is going on."

I haven't told the History Channel producers about this yet, but it is a remarkable
development. I have no idea where it is going or when, at this point, but something very big is
going to happen. That much is clear.


The UFOs appeared before our friend at about 11:50 pm, on New Year's Eve in Upstate New
York -- Eastern time. The fallen birds were first noticed just before midnight in Central time --
almost exactly an hour later.

And no, the ETs did not hurt the birds. I believe the UFOs manifested as a sign of hope that
this madness is almost over.

The birds' bodies displayed blunt trauma. They were crushed on the inside to a much greater
degree than would occur from them falling out of the sky.

This requires a weapons-level force in the atmosphere and / or the ocean. This CNN article
spelled it out (emphasis added):

Bird Deaths Caused by Massive Trauma


(CNN) -- The thousands of birds that fell from the sky just before midnight New Year's
Eve in Arkansas likely died from massive trauma, according to a preliminary report released

The birds, most of which were dead when they were found, were red-winged blackbirds and
starlings. They were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little
Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said.

Keith Stephens, a spokesman for the commission, said the birds showed evidence of trauma
in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity and a lot of internal bleeding. All
major organs were normal.

He cited a preliminary report conducted by the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission.

"Further tests will be done to rule out other causes, but the birds suffered from acute
physical trauma leading to internal hemorrhage and death. There was no sign of any
chronic or infectious disease," the report said, according to the game and fish commission.

As of Saturday, between 4,000 and 5,000 birds had been found dead, said Stephens.

Karen Rowe, an ornithologist for the game and fish commission, said the incident is not that
unusual and is often caused by a lightning strike or high-altitude hail.


This incident was later blamed on 'fireworks' -- and that became the mainstream media 'spin'.

Fireworks are much more likely to be fired off on Independence Day than New Year's Eve.
There is no evidence of blasts sufficient to kill five thousand birds over a small town near
Little Rock, Arkansas.

If there was such evidence, the media would have been all over it.

Nor does this ridiculous government lie explain why the birds are now dying off all over the

Other ridiculous debunking stories as this has become a worldwide phenomenon include the
idea that birds all over the world are now suddenly 'ov...

Little Rock Air Force Base is in the same 40-mile vicinity as the m... -- and many insiders
have said the Air Force is more involved in the UFO cover-up than any other military branch.

The ETs may very well have been attacking military assets stored at this base -- which
triggered the use of the HAARP shield.


Let's back up a bit and look at the bigger overall picture.

Things were already looking rough for the Old World Order last year with Wikileaks, which
you will notice was quickly buried into oblivion once it was clear that real damage was being
done. And it's not over.

Another major sign of trouble on the horizon is the shocking new revelation, on CNN, that
fully five thousand, two hundred people in the Department of Defense purchased child
pornography on the Internet:

Benjamin Fulford has extensively discussed a campaign by "good guys" in the Pentagon to
cleanse the system of many toxic elements to pave the way for Disclosure -- part of which
will reveal that we already have usable Stargate technology.

This has been independently verified by my own sources in enough detail to convince me it is
absolutely real.

We are now seeing the blatant, public revealing of this campaign to purge the negativity in the
Pentagon -- and it aired on CNN as of January 6th, 2011.

Until this internal cleansing is complete, we cannot safely have Disclosure. Too many people
would be killed and it might not ever even happen.

This assassination dilemma is all being spelled out in NBC's groundbreaking series "The
Event," as we have discussed in earlier articles.


If you are thinking the "good guys" might be among the 5200, I thought the same thing. What
if this is a blanket campaign to smear and discredit anyone who tries to make Disclosure

I soon realized that idea simply doesn't make sense. It's the equivalent of trying to cure a
headache by amputation. 5200 employees is an absolutely staggering number. How many
Pentagon employees are even left after that?

We are talking about a massive, unprecedented purge. Do you really think this story is going
to just disappear? I highly doubt it.

Believe me, the insiders do not EVER want damning information like this to get out into the
open. You can't get much more sociopathic and sick as a person than to be a pedophile.

Victims of these crimes carry permanent scars most of us could never even imagine -- leaving
them heavily traumatized and often collapsing into suicidal rages and hours of violent
screaming and crying that threatens to tear the walls off of the house.

We're not talking five, ten, one hundred or even one thousand perpetrators. To raise that
number of criminals to 5200 people is to create the most fatal indictment of any government
or military system in the history of human life on Earth.

This is a huge story -- and the loyal opposition will do anything to stop it from going public. I
commend CNN for their bravery and courage in reporting this information.

CNN aired the story on Thursday, January 6th. The mass shooting happened two days later.


The mass bird and fish deaths are also a sign of true, absolute desperation. Technology like
HAARP is now being used on a widespread level because the insiders literally feel they have
no other choice.

Again -- their goal is to avoid detection at all costs. They have never used this technology so
blatantly before because they never needed to.

This technology can be used to energize the atmosphere and create a protective shield over a
given area. Such a shield can effectively block energetic attacks that use a non-
electromagnetic beam technology the Russians call 'torsion fields'.

The problem with creating shields like this is that any living thing that swims or flies through
it will not make it out alive -- and their bodies will show mysterious blunt trauma.


In case you somehow missed this story, it is vast in scope -- truly a worldwide phenomenon.
Here is one decent summary of the bird deaths written by Mary Rose:

The mass animal death epidemic began in Beebe, Arkansas when about 5,000 birds fell from
the sky on the New Year's Eve. Right on the next day, 100,000 fish reportedly died along
Arkansas River and another 2 million dead fish were found in Maryland.

Then, another 500 dead birds continued falling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana... Southeastern
Sweden, Kentucky, Canada all reported the same phenomenon. Besides dead birds, 2 million
fish died in the Chesapeake Bay and approximately 40,000 crabs were found dead in Kent in

The massive numbers of dead animals remain a mystery. At first, officials blamed fireworks
on New Year’s Eve and extremely cold weather as the main reasons for the occurrence.
However, fireworks were flying around only on one night, which doesn't fully explain what is


Here are some additional links on the scope and severity of this sudden new problem to help
get you up to speed:

Huge List of Animal Deaths – Mostly US and Europe


Mainstream Media Covers Massive Worldwide Bird and Fish Deaths


Bird Deaths Officially Explained as Caused by “Overeating”


More Bird Deaths – This Time in California


Dead Blackbirds in Alabama


Global Phenomenon Shows No Sign of Abating


Map of Reported Bird and Fish Die-Offs Worldwide



The Daily Mail came right out and named HAARP as a likely explanation for these
mysterious events:


Those who are wary of the U.S. government have preferred to point the finger of blame at
its High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme, or HAARP, which conducts
research into the defence implications of harnessing the upper atmosphere’s ionosphere.

Some suspicious minds — reportedly including the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez —
believe the project’s research instruments are death rays that can excite electrons in the
ionosphere and so create earthquakes, storms and power failures.

The UN Environment Programme yesterday played down Apocalyptic explanations, but said
more research was needed into mass animal deaths.

‘Science is struggling to explain these things,’ said a spokesman. ‘These are examples of the
surprises that nature can still bring. More research is needed.’

Greg Butcher, director of bird conservation at the National Audubon Society, the U.S.
equivalent of the RSPB, said he was enjoying the speculation so much he ‘feels guilty’
debunking it — claiming that, in fact, fireworks are the most likely answer.



Again, these HAARP shields appear to be a faltering, desperate attempt to block ongoing
energetic strikes that are systematically destroying any and all classified military assets of the
Old World Order.

These strikes began with the widespread, dramatic powering down of public-domain military
and civilian assets in September, October and November of last year -- as part of what I called
"China's October Surprise."

I highly recommend reading and / or hearing all four previous installments of this series to get
the full context:

CHINA'S OCTOBER SURPRISE, PART ONE: Disclosure and "The Event"

CHINA'S OCTOBER SURPRISE, PART TWO: Earth's Quarantine Has Lifted




Last summer, in one single day of coordinated effort, China delivered packages to the private
palaces of every world leader of every country. They were ordered to open the containers on
October 13th, 2010.

The leaders were told the packages would destroy everything within a six-mile radius if they
were tampered with prior to this date, and / or if they were not opened soon after this date.

On that fateful day, the leaders were shocked to find working free-energy prototypes inside
these packages, as well as detailed plans on how to build them -- along with many other
amazing documents.

Every leader of every country in the world is now in possession of these materials. Someone
will 'break ranks' soon enough. The negative factions were ordered to stand down and
completely surrender. They did not.

They rushed over to China and begged them to reconsider over several days of tense, hand-
wringing negotiations. China refused. The war started immediately thereafter.


Nine days after the packages were first opened, a brand-new British nuclear submarine, the
HMS Astute, lost all pow... -- as a dead mass of steel.

The very next day, the US lost fully 50 different ICBMs in a single, cascading failure -- the
largest ever recorded in American history.

Eight days later, on October 31st, 2010, a French nuclear aircraft carrier completely lost all
electrical syst... -- to beef up the US military presence there.

Three days later, the largest nuclear power plant in America had massive electrical f... and
powered down for nearly a month.

The next day, Quantas Airlines had a massive electrical failure in an Airbus 380 ... forcing
them to ground all their Airbus 380 jets.

Then, the very next day, Quantas had electrical failures in a Boeing 747-400 -- forcing them
to ground all of those planes as well.

Quantas is the official Australian airline -- and Australia is a very key player in this
geopolitical battle.


Three days after the stunning defeat of Australia's airline fleet, on November 8th, we had four
different significant events:

1. Quantas was forced to announce even more engine problems -- which now plagued
their entire fleet.

2. Two American nuclear power plants shut down within a single hour of each other.

3. Carnival's premiere cruise ship, the Splendor, lost all propulsion and communications
systems and became dead at sea.

4. Time Warner lost all their cable channels in Cleveland, Ohio for 90 minutes -- during
the exact time George W. Bush was on NBC, followed by the next episode ...


The very next day after all these things happened, November 9th, a huge missile was launched
off the coast of Los Angeles -- another highly embarrassing moment for the crumbling Old
World Order.

A rocketry expert confirmed it was a solid-propellant missile on CBS News. This missile
launch occurred three years to the day after the Chinese surprised US forces with a nuclear

Then, only one day later, on November 10th, a strange "line of fire" was seen in the sky off
the coast of New York City.

As a sign of the positive intentions of whomever did this, not one death was associated with
any of these events.

The missile and 'line of fire' was basically the peak of publicly-visible events. There were
some oil refinery failures in Texas, Kansas and Louisiana after this, but not a whole lot else.

The systematic destruction of classified military assets continued after this -- even as the more
obvious, public displays stopped happening.

In the 'normal world', nothing obvious or visible was going on to suggest this war was still in
progress -- but all of that changed when the birds and fish started dying in mass numbers,
beginning on New Year's Eve.

This sudden, worldwide use of HAARP defense shields appears to have been in direct
response to a new, deeper escalation in the ETs' campaign against these classified military


Many people have written in to voice their concerns about China wielding this power. I do
understand that.

It is very important to understand that China may have fronted this effort, but they did not act
alone. They are part of a greater worldwide coalition, which also heavily involves Brazil,
Russia and India -- working in an alliance with ETs.

You will see new evidence that makes this case, very compellingly, in just a minute. I have
waited an entire year for the right moment to bring this out.

No one believed the ETs were even allowed to do something like this. It went against THE
RULES -- a set of seemingly unbreakable natural laws which included a Quarantine of the
earth against any ET intervention.

You can choose not to believe me if you want to -- but after I was told about China's
ultimatum to the world elites, either to Disclose or suffer the consequences, all these crazy
things started happening.

The only defense the elites can possibly try to use is a HAARP shield. They are frantic and
desperate. That's why we're seeing all these deaths happening around the world. The
mainstream media has had enough and is starting to tell the truth.


If the ETs working with Brazil, Russia, India and China were not actively destroying the Old
World Order's secret military infrastructure, we would probably experience a devastating, fake
alien invasion some time soon.

In fact, the "Alien 9/11" may have already happened by now if it were not for these
countermeasures. The ETs were likely able to see when this was going to happen, using time-
viewing technology, and they took actions to prevent it.

This fake invasion would have been the final 'trump card' the insiders would have played to
cling fiercely to their remaining shreds of power -- and get the entire world to unify against an
'Alien Menace'.


The insiders have been telegraphing their plans for many years with 'alien invasion' movies.

Don't think for a minute they were wasting money. They planned on really doing this when
they needed it most -- and that time would be right now, based on all the evidence we've been

It is therefore no a surprise that the alien invasion TV show 'V' has suddenly been dusted off
for a second season, after a long hiatus -- as if no time had elapsed.

The human-looking, seemingly benevolent ETs are now going to reveal their true, hideous

ABC Dusts Off ‘V’ for Second Season – Makes Insectlike Reptilian Aliens

Even evil Visitors deserve a makeover.

The green wasp-waisted creature, pictured here in a rendering by the production design team,
is a Visitor in ABC's alien-invasion series V underneath its human-looking skin. It's a far cry
from what the extraterrestrials looked like in the '80s cult classic.

The depiction, seen exclusively in USA TODAY, "is really cool," says Morena Baccarin, who
plays Anna, the queen of the visually deceptive Visitors.

"What I like about it is it doesn't look like any particularly recognizable species. It's like a
conglomeration of all these different lizard types. It even looks prehistoric. There's something
like a T. rex about it, with a lizard mixed with a Komodo dragon."

Bits of the Visitors' physical appearance will be revealed over the 10-episode second season,
which begins tonight (9 ET/PT), with the full creature appearing in the season finale.

Executive producer Scott Rosenbaum first needed to develop the back story of the Visitors
before coming up with a visual look. One helps explain the other.


No one on the inside expected there to be any tangible opposition to their Alien 9/11.

This widespread destruction of their assets is the endgame maneuver in a plan that stretches
back for over half a century, as I've been reporting in the previous articles of our "China's
October Surprise" series.

There is absolute shock and horror within the insider ranks now, based on everyone I am in
contact with who is at the necessary "need to know" level. Every 'toy' they own is being
destroyed. It is bad for them and terrific for everyone else.

Once they are sufficiently defeated, we will have a Disclosure event that will stun the world --
and will almost certainly become the most significant event in recorded human history.

Multiple plans are in place to reveal the truth -- but it won't work until "Murder Incorporated"
is finally brought under control.


It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. A massive number of weird equipment failures
happened in October and November last year. Birds are now dropping dead all over the world
from blunt trauma. Something is going on here.

These energetic technologies are no longer a 'fringe' discussion. The story has gone totally

The insiders do not ever want to be detected. That is the worst thing that can happen. Believe
me, they know they are creating a massive spectacle by having dead birds dropping out of the
sky all over the world and fish washing ashore in mass numbers.

Fireworks? Please. Why don't you just say it's "swamp gas" so we can all have a good laugh
about this?

The reason why this is happening is because they feel they have no other choice. I doubt these
bird and fish-killing countermeasures are even working, but it's all they've got.

They're going for broke. They know the public is going to find out the truth. Full Disclosure.

They wouldn't dare use this destructive shield technology unless it were truly Checkmate --
and they had no other moves left to make.


What can you do when you're backed into a corner? Delay. Distract. Divert. Create a
humanitarian catastrophe that will dominate the headlines.

Right on cue, we had a massive tragedy -- a political assassination attempt against one of
Obama's close friends and allies in Congress.

This diverted everyone's attention from what otherwise could have been a story that reached
'critical mass' in mainstream awareness -- the use of HAARP and the 5200 Defense
Department personnel who were caught downloading child pornography.

Giffords was announced dead by NPR and other news outlets, who then had to post an
embarrassing retraction:


NPR and other news organizations reported earlier Saturday that Giffords had died.

NPR member station KJZZ in Phoenix reported the recently re-elected Democratic
congresswoman and six others had been killed by the gunman, based on a source in the Pima
County Sheriff's office.


This tragic, disgusting and despicable act may have bought the Powers that Were a little time,
but at this point it's like trying to use a Dixie cup to bail out the Titanic.

They have only delayed the inevitable. Once this story runs out of 'juice' they will try to create
another one of equal or greater intensity to keep the momentum going.

They do have tools that can create natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes,
hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis, but these energetic signatures are visible well in advance
of the event -- and can be counteracted.

As I've said before, we're in for a rough ride here, and this is all part of it -- but the results of
all this will ultimately be very positive.

I highly doubt Gabrielle Giffords was expected or intended to survive, which may explain the
initial announcement of her death -- and that's part of what makes this such an amazing story.


I've been documenting and analyzing my dreams on a daily basis since September 1992, and
have had thousands of undeniably accurate prophecies of future events over the last 18 years.

I had a series of dreams beginning in late December that told me a significant disaster was
going to impact global consciousness. At the time I did not know exactly what it was.

The last dream was the day before the shooting -- and very clearly seemed relevant.


In the first dream, I was riding on the back of an airplane with my mother and brother. It was
similar to riding on the back of a giant bird, and was quite a marvelous experience.

Suddenly our plane plunged out of the sky. We experienced a sickening fall into the ocean. It
was so fast that I barely had any time to react -- except to put on a lifejacket and pray that I
wasn't going to die.

We landed in the water. Smoothly. I was not harmed. In fact, I didn't feel any impact and
wasn't even wet.

The plane sank. It had been a part of our family, but now it was gone. We didn't have time to
think about that -- we just had to keep on going.

My mother and brother then had boogie boards that fired up like jet-skis. They were
motorized, and you could ride them without any trouble. I apparently had one too -- and as I
floated there in the water I was trying to figure out how to get mine started.


The image of riding on the back of a plane, like a bird, and then having it plunge out of the
sky may have been describing the bird deaths, which had not yet started by this point.

Water in dreams is emotion. The more water, the more emotion is involved -- so this was
clearly predicting a massive emotional event. My dreams often predict coming world events
due to my experience and public position.

The dream did have a 'happy ending' -- as we were not harmed by our landing. Things
changed, but we just kept right on going.

Gabrielle Giffords' husband is an astronaut -- and until the Space Shuttle came along,
astronauts had to land by making splash-downs in the ocean.

He and his wife were obviously brutally traumatized -- but they did make a safe landing.


I also had two ridiculously intense dreams where volcanoes went off. In both cases, they
looked tremendously destructive, and almost certainly not survivable. The second volcano
dream showed up the day before the shooting.

In the first dream, I was staying at a conference facility on a beautiful small island surrounded
by water. It appeared to be Hawaii. The only visible thing in our majestic view of the ocean
was a pyramid-shaped volcano.

There was a charity event that was getting ready to happen for disabled children. However, it
was poorly organized. There were not enough seats and hardly anyone was showing up. No
one seemed to care.

Let's not forget that Obama was born in Hawaii and there has been a great deal of fake
controversy over his birth certificate. The volcano looked a lot like the classic 'Illuminati'
pyramid on the back of the dollar bill.


Suddenly, everything shook. I rushed over to a big picture window and was horrified to see
the volcano erupting to an incredible extreme.

It literally looked like a massive flamethrower. Rivers of lava were blasting out so fast, at
such high pressure they were almost shooting straight up.

They shot so high in the atmosphere, and were surrounded by such withering black smoke,
that it was unlike anything I could have even imagined. No other dream I've ever had in my
life featured such an intense spectacle as this.

This did not look like anything you would normally associate with a volcano -- it seemed to
be much, much bigger and much worse.


Before I even had a chance to breathe, tongues of lava raced across the surface of the ocean --
right towards where I was standing. All I had time to do was to say, inside my head, "Well,
this is it -- I'm about to die."

Then, at the last possible second, the river of fire split in half, and diverted around the island.
We were spared!

It wasn't over. Massive chunks of airborne lava smashed down into the ocean around the
volcano. As they hit the ocean's surface, they triggered a massive tsunami.

Oh $#!@.

The wave was now coming. Fast and furious. There was hardly any time to run.

The wave hit the picture window and smashed it into thousands of tiny pieces. Just like it had
been hit with gunshots.

Water (a surge of emotion) rushed into the hotel (the public's home consciousness), but I
could still move quickly. There was now about a foot of water on the ground. It was going to
rise fairly quickly, I felt.

I ran into another room and there were a series of life preservers there. I grabbed a yellow one
and put it on -- and there were others.


I immediately saw a highly advanced motorized yacht to my right -- ready for escape.

There, standing by the yacht and waving to me, was a person who I had a major professional
falling-out with in real life.

In the dream, this same person brought me to the island in the first place -- some time ago. An
obviously wealthy, elite man owned the boat and was about to zoom off as its captain.

Immediately, whatever differences we may have had between us were gone. I was offered a
rescue off the island and I took it. The boat was actually quite luxurious and was stocked with
delicious food and drink.

There certainly was tragedy, but we made it. We survived. It was not the end. Just a change.

Again I zoomed through the "ocean of emotion" quickly and easily after a major disaster. In
the airplane dream it was a motorized boogie board. In this dream it was a motorboat.


This dream may very well have been about President Obama and the threat of his own
assassination. This shooting made it very personal and in-your-face. I believe this is why my
dream had obvious Hawaii references.

However, the dream also suggests that Obama may now be allying with former enemies in the
Pentagon against a common enemy.

The highly advanced nature of the yacht may well indicate the ET-back-engineered
technology the Pentagon is planning to disclose to humanity once the Big Moment finally

This scenario, reinforced by my dream, is consistent with other insider data I've been sharing
with you.


This dream was also interesting in that before the volcano erupted, no one seemed to care
about the disabled children. Now, in the wake of the mass shooting tragedy, there has been a
huge backlash against violent rhetoric in the media. It may well create a permanent change.

As one real-world example, after the shootings, the CEO of Fox News ordered everyone on
his staff to "tone it down."

Three days later, Glenn Beck had a remarkable change in tone that would have been nothing
short of a miracle had he not obviously been ordered to do so:


This is probably the best speech he has ever given, and with all sincerity, thank you Mr.
President, for becoming the president of the United States of America last night.

If you want to see and read Obama's speech for yourself, you can go here:



Arianna Huffington expressed how important it is that this tragedy be used as a vehicle to
permanently change how politics and media run -- by public demand:


While we don't know all the facts yet and the story is still unfolding, we know enough
to know that we need more than a little soul searching.

The fact that the gunman is clearly mentally unbalanced does not absolve us of the
responsibility to consider the atmosphere in which the shootings occurred. "Shootings

of political figures are by definition 'political,'" writes James Fallows. "That's how the
target came to public notice; it is why we say 'assassination' rather than plain murder."

And the atmosphere in which this horrible tragedy was born, nurtured, and carried to its
wretched fruition is toxic.

Of course, there are always going to be unbalanced people, just as there are always
going to be viruses in our environment -- but what most determines whether those
viruses make us sick is the strength of our immune system. When it is stressed and
compromised, infections can easily take hold.

And there is no doubt that our collective immune system is worn down, making us
more susceptible to the kind of infection that turned that Arizona parking lot into a
killing field.

While there has never been a golden age in our democracy's history, there have been
many times in which our national immune system was much stronger.

"The press is our immune system," Jon Stewart said during his now-more-prescient-
than-ever Rally to Restore Sanity. That's true, but I'd take it a step further: we are all the
immune system of our democracy.

And this calamity should serve as a wake-up call that we need to bring more urgency to
strengthening it.

It's very easy, as we've seen over the last few years, to ignore the toxicity -- partly
because we're swimming in it. But it's time to recognize the obvious: our society is in
danger of coming apart at the seams -- from our overheated political rhetoric and
crumbling infrastructure to our rising poverty and shrinking middle class.

This is not a call for passionate debate to come to a halt. But there is a huge difference
between passionately disagreeing with your opponents and crudely demonizing them,
between considering them as adversaries to be engaged and treating them as enemies to
be targeted.


This event may also be Sarah Palin's Waterloo -- by the direct design of her handlers.

All the chest-thumping threats of violence, including putting Gabrielle Giffords' district in the
crosshairs of a rifle o... has come back and bitten her savagely.

Palin's lack of personal culpability or genuine remorse in her publ...

Even worse, she used a highly anti-Semitic term in her speech -- "Blood Libel" -- which refers
to Jewish people being accused of sacrificing babies and drinking their blood. Here are her
exact words:

If you don't like a person's vision for the country, you're free to debate that vision. If
you don't like their ideas, you're free to propose better ideas.

But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should
not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence
they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.

There are those who claim political rhetoric is to blame for the despicable act of this
deranged, apparently apolitical criminal. And they claim political debate has somehow
gotten more heated just recently. But when was it less heated? Back in those "calm
days" when political figures literally settled their differences with dueling pistols?


Everyone quickly realized what Palin had said. The term itself is highly unique and it is very
unlikely that she knew what it meant:


Palin -- after remaining essentially silent for three days -- amped up the rhetoric in a
pointed counterattack, accusing "journalists and pundits" of manufacturing a "blood
libel" against her by suggesting that she somehow is to blame for the toxic political
atmosphere in Arizona.

There are few more freighted phrases in the history of hate than "blood libel," which is
the ancient and false accusation that Jews secretly murder Christian children as part of
their religious rituals. This anti-Semitic attack has resulted in countless pogroms and
massacres through the ages.

Saint Sarah, it seems, is now comparing herself to one of those martyrs.

Notably absent was any second-guessing of a single word or action of her own over the
last two years.


Remember -- Palin's violent website, as well as this speech, was very likely manufactured by
others. Therefore I consider this to be a deliberate "controlled demolition" of Palin's political
career. The shootings occurred less than four months after her website featured Gabrielle
Giffords' district in the bullseye.

Most likely, the reason her political career was torpedoed is that she is too much of a free
thinker and 'maverick', and cannot be trusted to follow orders.

Her handlers appear to have deliberately sacrificed her to try to draw negative attention away
from themselves for inciting violence on such a mass scale through all this rhetoric -- through
networks like Fox.

This also helps create a power vacuum so another contender, who is more controllable and
capable of actually winning an election, can secure the Republican presidential nomination for
The difference between Palin and Obama's speeches couldn't have been more blatant, as this
New York Times editorial revealed.


Rather than screaming in weeks of trauma, the public has a marvelous story of triumph to
cling to. Gabrielle Giffords is alive. She is now thinking and responding -- opening her eyes
and moving her body with intelligent responses to commands.

She may still end up with a physical or mental disability, as the children in my volcano dream
-- though I am praying that will not be the case and she has a full recovery.

Either way, this event will profoundly increase public awareness and sympathy for those who
have such challenges in their own lives.

Furthermore, the healing between factions at the end of the dream also suggests the political
divisions will quickly evaporate in the wake of this event. People are realizing that we are all
human beings and we all need to pull together and support each other.

Those who continue to insist that violence can solve our problems will be isolated,
quarantined and expelled from the body of the public like a virus. This is all part of the Great
Shift we are going through.


The second volcano dream came in the day before the shooting. It was Friday, at 3:30 AM.

By this point I knew something big was about to happen. I did not post anything here as I was
frantically working to finish the final round of edits on my book. In hindsight I wish I had --
but I was just too busy.

In this dream, a mountain erupted right near my house. The mountain was sitting next to the
same ocean where our plane had fallen in my first big disaster dream.

In this case the volcano did not spew lava. It belched out a thick gray goo that haphazardly
slimed many different areas. It was followed by a sickening burst of blood-red liquid. After
this, everything stopped.

It was literally as if the Earth itself had just vomited and bled.

My house was completely covered by this material. It was higher than the height of my roof.
How could I ever make it back in there?

The driveway had a river of gray and blood-colored goo running down. There was no way to
even try to access the property. It seemed like quite a disaster. I lost everything.


Strangely, upon closer inspection the grayish goo looked exactly like cooked oatmeal. The
reddish goo running over the top of it looked identical to raspberry jelly.

I didn't actually try to taste it, but the whole thing did appear to be an eruption of nourishing
'comfort food', in the greater sense. It was enough to feed thousands, if not millions of people.

Firemen and police were standing by. Officials like this are usually a symbol of ETs in
dreams. They told me that this would all clear away naturally when the rains came.
Everything would be fine -- and I would again be able to get back into the house.

They told me the clean-up would take until the following Sunday -- which is the day I am
posting this article. After this time I would be able to access the house again.

The very next day we had the mass shooting. I finally put the pieces together. I was under
such strict deadlines with my final edits that I had to wait until I could create a decent window
to write this up.

All three of these dreams seemed to have been prophetic of what just happened. I was actually
glad it wasn't any worse.

Each of them featured a disaster that pulled people together, looked impossible to survive, but
ended up being OK. Thematic elements of volcanoes and oceans linked all three of them
together as a whole.


Now as we head into Part Two, I will share the stunning new information I've been quietly
holding onto for the last year. We will also explore the political assassination of John Wheeler

Click on the link below to continue.

Disclosure War at Critical Mass: Birds, Fish and Political Deaths

Part Two

Part Three

Previous Page - Next Page >>


Tags: www.divinecosmos.com


Final Warning
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:42am

Over the past month the Native Americans have been sharing their
messages from the elders and chiefs. These messages are inline with the
same messages our Guidance has been trying to give now for a number of
years, and have now grown more immediate.
" through the spiritual Brothers Elders Chiefs; these SPIRITUAL messages
were received Dec. 21, the night of the Winter Solstice Full Moon
Eclipsein SACRED CEREMONY by the Turtle Island Sacred Way of the Canupa
(Sacred Pipe),
Sacred Prayer Way of Grandmother White Buffalo Calf Woman (Pte San
Cigana Waste Win).
O sa da dv
Mitakuye Oyasin :
" things will be difficult in the very near future, but we can do
something about it and "...start drying foods and saving water and so
on." We were also told that "We should not wait for anyone. Don't wait
for anyone."

" . . . I was told back many years by older and greater elders than
myself that, "the future doesn't belong to the development of modern

technology, but to Spirituality, the Evolution of the Spirit." In order
for us tap into that Energy is to have Love & Compassion.

"The cities in the United States are in tremendous trouble. Tell your
relatives to get out of the city. Spirit has told us that when you see
the eagle in the city, it's time to go home/back to nature/Mother Earth.
Spirit also said about the cities, "It's going to be so bad in the
cities that a mother wouldn't want her child to survive in it at the
time of the changes/shift."

"So, it depends on where you are at when the Big Shift occurs. This
energy grid will be non-existent in many areas if not everywhere. If
someone has an alternative energy source, then your chances of survival
increase dramatically. To remain in prayer and ceremony will be an added
chance of survival. Our whole
paradigm-thoughts/emotions/knowings/sightings will increase and
intensify. Anatomically, we will be different.

"It's this part, "DIFFERENT" that lots of people don't understand. This
unknown concept is what people need to condition themselves for. That
conditioning is Spirituality, not Religion. I understand Religion to be
man-made doctrine that changes as man's ideas change, but Spirituality
never changes. It is the I AM CONSCIOUSNESS.

"It's ALLLL about the heart - listen to your heart if there's any
possibility that it's resonating with this message, then, as Spirit
guided them night before last ... "Don't wait for anyone." this was
repeated twice for emphasis... there may be VERY little time for our
final preparations for the most amazing event ever throughout the
Universe and from the very beginning of time. We're here now and we get
to participate!!! Yay!!! BUT, we need to be awake and aware and we need
to know what we are doing.... Stay in LOVE, Keep your faith and be EVER
diligent and strong... Pray for our precious Mother who is transitioning
now and who wants to take us with her..... :) love, Paula Corn Woman
And from Standing Elk: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 18:44:44 +0000

. . . Implosion of thought has begun. The poor have out numbered the
rich. Therefore, the energy of those that have been in chains, through
the manipulation of thought, are free to dream again. The mind of those
that have been manipulating others into thinking thoughts, that are not
of the light, will be dancing to a new song. The revolution to bring
forth the Light of Light has begun. The new government of light is
sending forth the command to all those that have been waiting, IT IS NOW
TIME TO AWAKE, the awakening of Aquarius..

1-11-11 is the beginning of the fall of all false prophets. All false
governments will slowly decline and will no longer be in service unto
themselves. Structures that do not serve the light will implode and the
government of Light will slowly emerge when the Fire of Truth

is revealed. This is the cycle that humanity has created for
themselves. It is the rhythm of life. . . A new creation of the end of
the grand illusion and the Awakening of a New World within and without
has begun..

. . . The beginning of the end of darkness has begun. Those that are
within the structure that think they will control humanity will become
victims of their own fear. The structure creates fear for those that
are within their creation. they will look at each other with distrust
and they
will turn in on each other. They will create a spy vs spy within their
ranks. The system will collapse as all systems do. They will chase each
other as animals chasing their own tails. There will be many tails to
chase and each tail will have a tale. The leadership within will become
a leadership without. Allow evil to destroy evil.

The poisoning of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water will stop within time. .
. Aquarius is about water, therefore all aspects of water will arise.
From the poisoning and cleansing, all knowledge will be released and
karma will become a friend or a foe. . . Keep our water Healthy and
Clean! . .Water is you and you are water.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Sungdeska Sapa Itancan

Also, resonating with recent events of bird and fish die-offs:"Last

century an old wise woman of the Cree Indian nation, named "Eyes of
Fire", had a vision of the future. She prophesied that one day, because
of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when
the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the
birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish
being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind
as we would know it would all but cease to exist. There would come a
time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and
myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us
to health, making the earth green again. They would be mankind's key to
survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow". There would come a
day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New
World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit. .
." - Cree

So what does all this mean? I asked Standing Elk how many of his people
would pay attention to these messages. He replied: " Peter, we have over
4000 in our tribe. many follow the church and religious ways. we do have
a group that were born with being in touch with Spirit and the Land.
They know the songfsa and the ceremonies that have existed for 16,000
years. I am assumming that 1000 know, but my assumptions are that 1/4
will act on the warning.eagleMitakuye Oyasin
Sungdeska Sapa Itancan

With all the people I've had the opportunity to deal with over the years
I would estimate that perhaps 4 or 5 are truly ready to deal with what's
about to take place. Unfortunately, one of the New World order's
greatest successes is to instill in us, the slave population it has
created to do its work, the sense of it can't happen to us. Most of us
had thats same feeling at the various sinkings of Atlantis too. I've
worked with so many who were there at those times and at the destruction
of the planet Maldek and the breakup of Lemuria as well. And you know
what? It did happen to us then, and it is about to happen all over again
. . although this time for a much better reason, and with the grandest
results Creation has ever seen accompanying the ascension of an
individual planet.
This is the initial idea presented in the Superman movies when Jor-el
sends his son, Kal-el -Superman, in a spaceship to escape the breakup
of the planet Krypton. Comic books are so 'in' right now, just as
fantasy and science fiction books and movies have been. And in all of
them there are warnings, there are visions, there are reminders of who
we truly are and where we truly came from. But just as with movies,
people's self-willed egos console themselves with "it's just a movie,
it's just a book, it's just a comic book story.' It's not, its the
lingering cosmic history of our races that surround us in a thousand
different ways and yet which we refuse to pay attention to even though
it resonates so clearly within our hearts.
It's coming around again. All the signs are there. All the pieces to the
puzzle that fulfill so many different prophecies and visions of the
future. Every single aspect of Guidance has led me and others to prepare
for what's about to happen. When so many people say to me about their
health 'you hit the nail right on the head' when doing long-distance
viewing and healing, then as I have to say to myself every day lately,
THEY're right with the 99 percent of things THEY lead me to do every
second of every day, maybe, just maybe THEY're right about what THEY"re
leading me to prepare for and when.
You can read ten thousand websites, books and articles about surviving
the coming Earth Changes, but trust me when I say, without a very very
strong and personal and immediate connection with your own spiritual
Guidance nothing you're preparing will do you any good, for without
Guidance telling you where is safe and how to be safe during the
transition time, being where you are . . particularly those of you in
cities, will do you no good at all. Storing up some extra food and
water is useless if you're in a place where you won't survive the
initial onslaught of what you cannot even imagine. Also, if you don't
fully understand and are prepared to live the motto of the new
paradigm, 'it takes a village', then even surviving these changes would
mean you will find yourself unwelcome in a new world built solely on
what the elders said: "the future doesn't belong to the development of
modern technology, but to Spirituality, the Evolution of the Spirit."
Friendly warning, not much else anyone can do for you. Don't be attached
to anyone living or dying during this. Everyone's going to go to those
places they have earned with their actions and their intent. Put the
oxygen mask on yourself first before you try and help others. Learn to

connect with your Guidance as fast as possible and stay connected. Ask
where it is you should be for the coming events, what you will need to
survive there, and when it is you need to leave for that place. And no
matter which decisions you make here and now and in the very near
future, you are always loved by Guidance and those who tried to help
In service, Peter

Peter R. Farley


Preparing Children for Ascension

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 3:55am

Preparing Children for Ascension

Many chelas are denying their ability to ascend. In the next days, we will need their conscious
choice, to be able to determine how to proceed. Children who are meant to ascend will do so.
Should a child need the consciousness development that abandonment would give them, they
will get that lesson. All children were able to write their own chosen destiny contract prior to
this incarnation. No accidents are to occur. Children only needing to make one more gift to
mankind can ascend, as this will fulfill their contract.

Parents must let go of their ownership attitude. Give children love and guidance, not
overbearing protection. Allow them to make their own choices and call their own lessons to
them. Pause before demanding they not take risks. Children need to control their own
movement in consciousness. As a parent, give them the courage to do the things they must do
to advance. Will they ascend with you? Most are already aware of this chioice and are looking
forward to its occurrence. Choose only for yourself.

Attachment is not as loving as detaching. Attachment means to others: dependency. It

communicates that you have no ability to be happy without their connection - an unhealthy
message. Children are not chattle. Giving life to a child does not come with the obligation to
control its choices. Life is a gift to them, and an opportunity for you to grow from the lessons
they will offer you.

What does this have to do with ascension? Nothing, it is in the contracts made beween a child
and its two conceivers. Ascension, on the other hand, is a contract between one of these with
Almight God, the one who created each of them in the concept they chose.

Following the heart's call means looking only at your own contract to decide. If you still need
to decide about this, you may be looking for someone else to decide for you. What could be
any more important than the contract you made for ascension? Only an ego would even
consider anything else. And that is because an ego is still in charge and an ego is not aware of
what the true picture is. A full Awakening has not yet occurred for those still considering
anything other than ascension.

Make your decision, and don't be concerned about the choices of other members of your
family. They all have a contract with God, and what is contained in that contract is what they
need to choose. Whether or not their choice coincides with yours, matters not. They need to
determine their own destiny. You are not responsible for choosing their destiny, only giving
them the lessons they need to get in your care. Next, you must be detached enough to allow
them choices youto be attached to you.

What would God want for them? Ask this of yourself when developing their childhood. God
would want them to be confident, charged with life force, and able to care for themselves with
an awareness of what is good for them and others. Can this be what you give them as a
parent? Not just a name and choiceless management. Parenting calls for detachment.

When you truly love, attachment is not an element of love. Attachment means clinging. Love
is giving, without any demands on them to be a certain way. Changing from attachment to
genuine love must be done, as a lesson in caring and control. Control is not the same as

Child therapists are attempting to empower the child to care about his choices. Negative
reactions to a child's choices from its caregivers negates the therapist's direction. In most
instances, parents need the therapy more than the children.
Courage is a quality to foster in a child. When a child doesn't want to take risks, it is more
than likely afraid of upsetting its caregivers.

When ascension is an option, taking a risk must be done. It will be the risk of letting go all of
this world's comforts and appearances, to discover a totally different new world. Are you and
your children willing to go to that world? Are they courageous enough? Are they competent to
go through the higher dimensions on their own? Encourage them to face their fears and be
wiling to let go of their attachments, so they can succeed in their own chosen destiny. Free
them, don't control them. Love them, don't attach yourself to them.

After ascension, those who remain on Mother Earch can ascend on the one final ascension
wave. When this will happen depends on the conditions that occur after the first
disappearances. Maybe those whom you adore, who did not ascend with you, can ascend on
that wave. It may depend on the courage you can empower them with now.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


Uriel's Message -- Live Through Your
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 1:43pm

You enter the world as a master, with the knowledge and understanding that are
required to fulfill your life purpose of healing and ascension. The struggles
you experience during each lifetime arise because the earth challenges your
mastery and fear reminds you of the powerlessness that is one of many options
available to you. Sometimes you must experience fear and powerlessness as part
of your soul lessons in a lifetime and you deliberately choose this so you can
be reminded of your mastery.

Each human incarnation is made at a specific energetic frequency that you can
transform with your mastery. But there is a challenge inherent in this process,
which comes when you become that frequency to experience its effects. Then you
forget your mastery and become a victim of the frequency you came to transform.
This is why many of you stay within your soul groups for multiple lifetimes,
you learn the same lessons and while you know there are different paths
available to you, cannot achieve them. You are experiencing life as a victim of
what you have come to transform.

There is no life situation you cannot master because you possess the mastery
to transform your energetic experience of life. You cannot be a victim of life
because you are its master. You cannot be a victim of fear because you are a
master of the light. You cannot be powerless because you are a master of power.
But your mastery will remain hidden by your humanity until you bring it to the
forefront. It is already yours and you will experience life through your
mastery when you remember that your path is one of transformation that can be
experienced in many different ways.

Ascension is an evolving flow of energy from lower to higher frequencies and as

masters you understand this movement and know that you choose different levels
of vibration for their transformation because you already have the mastery
necessary for their transformation. But whether you become their victim or
their master depends on whether you can remember your life purpose of
transformation. This is your purpose and that of all of humanity. Each thing
you experience is something you have come to transform. So live through your
mastery, choose power over fear and light over darkness then you can live your
life through your mastery and create heaven on earth.

Visit the Uriel Heals website at www.urielheals.

com for more information,

archives, articles and events.

Jennifer Hoffman


Ressam SERHAT KOCAK a destek olalım
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 2:30pm

Son saatler Ressam SERHAT KOCAK a destek olalım


Londra'daki unlu Saatchi Gallery'nin actigi yarismada genc Turk ressam SERHAT KOCAK
dunya capında 4500 ressam arasindan ilk 4 arasina girdi.



Inanilmaz bir basari!!! Bu turu da gecerse FINALE kalmis olacak ve eseri LONDRA'DA
SAATCHI GALLERY’DE sergilenecek.

Hadi oylayalim ve tum arkadaslarimiza oylatalim. Sadece 10 sn suruyor !!!

Yari finali gecmek ve finale kalmak icin oylariniza, desteklerinize ihtiyaci var,

desteklerinizi bekliyoruz...

Oy vermek icin :


linkinden facebook uyeliginizle giris yapip SERHAT KOCAK'a oy verebilirsiniz!!! Eger

facebook uyeliginiz yoksa ayni linke tikliyorsunuz, gerekli bilgileri girerek siteye uye
oluyorsunuz ve yine ayni linki kullanarak Serhat Kocak'in eseri uzerinde yer alan "VOTE"
kutusuna tiklayarak oy verebiliyorsunuz.

Facebook'ta duvarinizda yayinlayabilirseniz ve ilgilenebilecek arkadaslariniza bu mesaji

iletebilirseniz cok seviniriz. Artik son 2 tur oldugu icin rekabet kiyasiya devam ediyor. Cok
cekismeli geciyor. 1 oy dahi fark yaratabilir. Lütfen destek olun !!

Saatchi Online



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 2:47pm


tomografiye yasak geldi
Vücüdun maruz kaldığı radyasyon
Hiroşima'da atom bombasından kurtulan kişilerdeki kadar.

Normal röntgenden onlarca kat fazla radyasyon verilmesine neden olan

tomografi çekimlerine İngiliz Sağlık Bakanlığı'ndan yasak geldi. Sağlıklı
kişilerin vücut tomografisi çektirmesi yasaklandı. Bakanlığa göre, vücüdun
maruz kaldığı radyasoyn Hiroşima'da atom bombasından kurtulan kişilerdeki

Bu yasağa gidilmesine gerekçe olarak tomografi sırasında yayılan

ve vücuda nüfuz eden radyasyon oranının çok yüksek olması gösterildi.
Tomografi çektirmek geçen yıllarda
osteoropoz, kalp rahatsızlığı, damar tıkanıklığı ve diyabet gibi
hastalıkları önceden tespit edebildiği için sağlık uzmanları tarafından
sıklıkla tavsiye ediliyordu.
Sağlıklı bireylerin her 5 yılda bir tomografi
çektirmesini öneren doktorların bu tavsiyesi üzerine harekete geçen bakanlık
tüm vücudu tarayan tomografinin normal bir röntgenden 400 kat daha fazla
radyasyon yaydığını tespit edince yasak kararı aldı. Tomografiye sağlıklı
giren her 50 hastadan birinin maruz kalınan radyasyon nedeniyle çekim
sonrasında kansere yakalandığı belirtildi.

1 tomografi 442 röntgene bedel

Yayınlanan raporda sık tomografi çektirenlerin vücutlarındaki birikmiş

radyasyon seviyesinin II. Dünya Savaşı'nda Hiroşima ve Nagasaki'ye atılan
atom bombalarından kurtulanlarla eş seviyede olduğu belirtildi. Sıradan bir
röntgen vücudu görüntülemek için tek bir ışın gönderirken tomografide daha
detaylı bir görüntü elde etmek için art arda birçok ışın gönderiliyor. 2009
sonunda California Üniversitesi'nde görevli Prof. Rebecca Smith-Bindman'ın

1.119 kişiyi inceleyerek yürüttüğü araştırmada tek bir tomografinin 442
göğüs röntgenine ve 74 mamografiye (meme röntgeni) eş oranda radyasyon
yaydığı ortaya çıkmıştı. Uzmanlar tomografideki bu riske karşın MR'ın hiçbir
yan etkisi olmadığı konusunda görüş birliğine vardı. MR çekimleri sırasında
sadece radyo dalgaları kullanılıyor. Bunlar da insan sağlığına zararsız.

Etkileri 30 yıl sonra ortaya çıkar.

Dr. Murat Yaşar

Astroloji: 13.Burc
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 2:55pm

Astroloji: 13.Burc




HEAVEN #3707 Say No to Ego, January 18,

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 2:58pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3707 Say No to Ego, January 18, 2011

God said:

Where do you get naughtiness from? From ego, I expect.

Where do you get the idea that you need to set others straight? Or even put them down? Where
do you get the idea that you have to be above all? What makes you think so? Ego, I expect.

Although love makes the world go around, ego has been known to overtake love, push love
aside and insert itself. Ego sees need. Ego wants to triumph, and you lose. The world loses
when ego struts its stuff. Ego makes a lot of noise.

Ego listens to its own drummer. It doesn’t listen to Me. Ego wants homage given to it. Ego
makes you forget that you are to serve. Ego is very needy. It is a pickpocket. It is a marauder.
Ego is short-sighted, and yet ego twirls its baton, and you follow it. Not thinking, you get
caught up in ego. You march right behind it. There are the times, no matter what, when you
surrender to ego.

True, you are sorry later. Beware of what ego tells you is necessary. Ego is necessary to itself.
Ego is a strumpet who leads you astray. What do you think ego really gives you? It gives you

You never did need ego. Do not adore ego’s false promises. All its promises are false. When ego
wins, when you become on top of the world, what does it matter? You have a moment of
glamour, and then you are left bereft because what ego gives you is nothing. Ego is such a
culprit. Ego is the con-artist of the world. Ego does a good job at what ego does.

Ego is slick. Ego is glib. When ego beckons, you do not have to be under its spell. You do not
have to follow. The next time ego taps you on your shoulder, promises you rewards, builds you
up, tempts you, wants to pull you away from your path, smile and say: “Thanks but no thanks.”

The only thing ego has to give you is bluster and wrong turns. You can only in the end be
embarrassed at your compliance with ego. You were taken in, and now you pay the piper. Ego
waltzes off to find another sap to beguile. Ego purveys a false trail. Ego will trip you up every

To be egotistic is to be egotistic. All ego can give you is hot air. The bubble bursts. It has been
said that pride goeth before a fall. Pride is the fall, beloveds. Pride is a fall from grace. In pride
you sell yourself out. You accept dross for gold. A pox on ego. Stay away from it.

And yet here I do a bio of ego. I am making ego important by my very diatribe against it. I tell
you to be beware of ego, and so I call your very attention to ego. I tell you to be egoless, and yet
My topic is ego. I tell you to erase ego, and I make ego important -- important that you not have


And yet I will continue. Ego itself has no pride. It has no shame, no embarrassment. Ego is
pretty sure you will come back to it. Ego is a drug dealer on the street corner. Ego gives you a
little triumph, and then takes the false joy away and leaves you panting for more. Invariably,
ego pulls the carpet out from under you. It wasn’t much of a carpet. Like ego, the carpet was

How many countless times will you be taken in before you wise up to ego? Say No to ego.


Hearing, Seeing and Feeling Angels or

Divine Presence by Seraphia Presto
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 19, 2011 at 1:30am

Hearing, Seeing and Feeling Angels or Divine Presence
by Seraphia Presto

The spiritual shift in man and the general evolution towards a higher conscious, has given us
the opportunity to communicate with Higher Divine Realms. This is a true gift and not one
that is to be considered to belong to the `rare few'. We are all made in the image of God, the
Divine if you like, so we are all an aspect of Him. That does not make any the more inferior
or superior to those around us. With this in mind, we are all able to see, hear or feel our
Guardian Angels or Angel guides.

Below is a list of ways Angelic presence can be discerned. Bear in mind though that there
really is no right or wrong way of determining Divine presence as we are all different and
therefore have different experiences. It lies ultimately in what you believe and what resonates
with you.

There is a degree of difficulty though as one must be centered, clear of any judgment, love
unconditionally and call upon Angels only for the highest good. They appear when they are
called upon patiently and lovingly and only with the highest good in mind. They also appear
after one has realized and truly accepted that they exist and when serenity lies within.

Meditating or praying helps clear one's souls thus opening a channel to higher realms. Do not
feel insecure if you do not see or hear from your angel the moment you ask for his presence at
first. Wait patiently, quietly, believe and he will arrive.

Hearing Angelic Presence.

• What may be heard is a voice in the distance. It is soft, soothing and very accurate. It does
not beat around the bush nor does it say too much. It is not direct nor rude nor demanding. It
is a beautiful soft voice but may become hard when your guide is trying to avert danger.

• The advice given is exactly that – advice. Angels do not feed egos, do not come up with
money making schemes or the lotto numbers. They guide in your daily routine or problems.
Their advice is sound and safe. It never ever denotes anger, violence or hurt.

• They may be usually heard, now this is a little difficult to explain, on the periphery of our
ears. The message reaches our ears once it's completed but already heard .It may be something
like a distant voice but distinct and clear.

• The language is `proper'. There are no slang terms or any rude language. Nor, will they ever
say `I told you so!' Angels guide us with the decision we have made as long as it is for the
highest good. Remember though that the voice you hear is really a vibration and the accent
may just as well resonate with your mother tongue.

• Some hear music. This can be experienced in dreams as well. The music is soft, gentle and
• Sometimes, you may hear nothing! This can happen numerous times. Upon asking why
there is no guidance you may receive `You know the answer.' After some thought, the answer
is there but the angels do not interfere with the lesson one must learn in life. He is there to
help you get through the lesson and learn from it.

Seeing Angels.

• Angels can be seen as people, which is quite rare or as angels. That is normal angels with
flowing robes or gowns and their wings are there but invisible in a way. Some, like myself,
may be able to see their faces and characteristics.

• One can also see their colours but in my personal experience not say the exact colour. It's
either yellowy, bluey and so forth.

• Angels can be seen as sparks of beautiful colour, flashes of light or beautiful bubbles or
clouds of light.

• Colours – generally it's blue for Archangel Michael, yellow for Uriel, red for Gabriel and
green for Raphael. As mentioned, everyone's experience is different. Personally, Archangels
come through in Gold for me – but that is only my experience, yours could and probably will
be different.

• Feathers in the oddest of places are also seen whenever one needs to be reassured that
Angels are in your presence or to remind one that we have not called upon them.

Feeling Angels.

•One always feel a safe, warm presence. Even in summer when it's very hot their warmth is
felt but it does not make you hot. Sometimes Angels have do through as cool but there is a

feeling of elevation and joy there.

• When an angel is presence you are truly in a higher vibration. You may feel a flutter all the
way from the torso to the head. It is a wonderful feeling, something like being dizzy but
aware. It is a safe feeling and it fills one with joy and happiness. Sometimes, it overwhelms
but in a positive way.
• Other times one may just feel them next to them . End of story. You know they are there – no
heat, warmth or coolness just their presence. But it is a very safe feeling, very harmonious and
very loving.

Basically, these experiences are to reassure us that it really is them with us. Some of you may
not even have these feelings aroused but know that they are with you. For me, I no longer ask
to see, hear or feel them but just ask for their presence. Luckily, I have built my faith in them
to know that they are with me and do guide me. I only hear their voices if need be but I know
they are present.
This is of course from experience and it resonates with me. You however may feel you need to
see their wonderful presence – there really is nothing wrong with that. Our angels are from the
Divine. They are sent to help, guide and heal us. They are here to help us tread the path of life
as smoothly as possible and to lift us up when we fall and falter reminding us that we are here
to learn and teach and grow spiritually.

Circle Of Divine Light



HEAVEN #3708 Different Languages,
January 19, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 19, 2011 at 12:42pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3708 Different Languages, January 19, 2011
God said:

When people have grown up in a different country from you, and they speak the language of the
country of their birth, you don’t think it so odd that they speak a different language from the one
you speak. It is not a surprise. Language is an amazing thing, and you may even admire that
they speak a language you don’t know, and that they speak it so fluently. You may not
understand the language they speak, and yet you understand how it is that they speak a different

Nevertheless, when some others do not believe in what you believe, in politics, in religion, in
God, in what you see as simple common sense, there is a tendency for you to get perturbed, if
not downright angry, simply because this person has a viewpoint different from yours. “How
can they be so ignorant,” you think. “What is the matter with them?” And you fume.

Beloveds, what is the difference between this person and someone who grew up in another
country and speaks another language?

Even if others grew up next door to you, they grew up in another country, as it were. They grew
up in a different context. They speak a language different from yours, and you see that as a
defect. You are impatient with them.

Even people who grew up in the same home as you may see the world entirely differently.
Would you really want everyone to see eye-to-eye with you? Your ego would like that, but do
you have to want that?

Even in small matters, when others don’t see as you see, you may look askance at them. You

may like contemporary furniture, and they may like Victorian, and you think: “What is the
matter with them?”

You may favor one color, blue, for example, and they favor purple, and you may disdain their

There are even those who like the color of their skin and look down on skin another shade of
color. Did you ever hear of anything so foolish?

Beware when you think something has to be only the way you see it. Preferences are not the
making of anyone. They certainly are not the making of you.

Why be proud of being opinionated?

Maybe you look down on someone who is short. You may think he or she is less than you who
are tall.

The concept of brotherhood does not mean selective brotherhood. It is not a pick and choose. It
means caring for all, not just for some that you consider allowable. You are not wonderful to
care about some and dismiss others. It is better to think of human beings than classes of human

In the same way, it behooves you to be caring of all animals, not just some. You are to be gentle
with all.

There are prejudices you have, pro and con, that you are conscious of, and there are prejudices
that you are unaware of. When you are aware, you have a good chance of removing old

Once again, We are speaking of letting go of the past. You don’t have to worry about letting go
of your very foundation. The past is not your foundation. Love is your foundation. I am your
Foundation. You don’t really think that I prefer one corner of the world to another, do you? Or
men over women? If you wish to consider that I have a preference, my preference is all, I prefer
all, the lame, the halt, the brilliant, the slow, the rich, the poor, the old, the young. I prefer all.
Even those with eyes that cannot see, and ears that cannot hear, I prefer you too.


DailyOM: Graceful Guidance

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 19, 2011 at 12:49pm

Graceful Guidance
Working With Angels
Angels are symbols of grace and gentle encouragement; they can offer us comfort as they
enfold us in their wings.

At some point in our lives, we are likely to find ourselves asking for help, perhaps from no
one in particular, and without knowing where help could possibly come from. We may have
raised our eyes skyward or whispered our need under our breath only to find that somehow
we were heard, and the help we needed arrived. It might have come in the form of a person
who appeared at the right time, or perhaps it came in the form of luck, chance, or divine
intervention. However assistance appears, these are times when we can be sure that there are
angels watching over us.

We may find ourselves asking for their help with simple things—like finding a parking spot or
to watch over loved ones—but then we forgot to call on them when we found ourselves alone
or in pain. We don’t need to be aware of them to receive their assistance, but there is comfort
in the knowledge that they are there for us when we need them. And when we remain open to
their presence, we can call on them whenever we need them to connect and be nurtured by
their ethereal and heavenly energy.

As symbols of grace and gentle encouragement, they can offer us comfort as they enfold us in
their wings or lift our spirit as they take flight. We may be warmed by their glow, guided by
their gentle nudges or inspired by their whispers in our ears. We may hear the name of our
angel and feel a personal connection, but it isn’t necessary. All they need is to be heard, to see
us benefit from their guidance and perhaps to hear a word of thanks sent their way every now
and then. Whether they appear in the guise of a helpful stranger, or as a thought that suddenly
occurs to us, angels are our loving guides from the spiritual realm, who with a brush of their
angelic wings help us to make the most of our human experience by balancing it with the
spiritual awareness that all things are possible and that we are not alone.


What Happens in 2012? The Mayan
Calendar by Thomas Michael Murasso
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 1:30am

What Happens in 2012?

The Mayan Calendar

by Thomas Michael Murasso

Hundreds of websites, books, videos, workshops, and discussion groups are devoted to the
Mayan calendar and why it ends on December 21st, 2012. Looking closer, we see one side
who speaks of mankind’s total annihilation in a few years while the other side tells of the
coming planetary transformation. Predictions can be anything from a reversal of the magnetic
poles of the Earth, a galactic vibratory wave affecting the planet, to extraterrestrial spiritual
‘masters’ arriving to save humanity.

At the time of this writing (2008), we see our planet is highly dysfunctional. Or is it? Firstly,
there are the terrorists and the need to kill every one of the infidels. There’s rampant
imperialism and the need to elect better people to govern. Declining morality requires a
return to family values. There’s the environmental crisis where our dependence on oil will
cause the world to come to a grinding halt when the supply ends and let’s not forget that the
burning of the black gold has poisoned the air we breathe. Fifty percent of the money supply
is owned by two percent of the population. Meanwhile, millions are starving and still others
live on less than $1.00 per day. We lose 10,000 species every year. One-third of the world’s
coral reefs have died. The ocean’s fish are being depleted. There is a shortage of drinking
water. The climate is hotter. There are foreclosures on home mortgages, spiraling credit card
debt, the world’s population keeps increasing, and the threat of a global pandemic.

The signs are all around us. From the writings of Gordon Michael Scallion, the predictions of
Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, to the legends of the Hopi Indians, we can see something is
going on. Disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes are
becoming a common occurrence in this first decade of the 21st century. We have arrived at a
dangerous moment in the history of civilization. We have virtually raped the planet of her
resources. Fossil fuels, metals, trees, air, and water – our natural resources are becoming
scarce and will soon be gone. I’ll speak more about this in a bit, but let me get back to the
Mayans and 2012.

We can find plenty of resources on the Internet dealing with the Mayan ‘long count’, ‘short
count’ and how after considering data from astronomy, archeology, and iconography, J. Eric S.
Thompson determined that the Mayan’s calendar date of ‘’ corresponded to the
Julian date of August 11th, 3114 BC. The research is available for those interested in further
study, but for our purposes here, the Mayan calendar’s ‘13-baktun’ cycle (5,125 years)
calculates to end December 21st, 2012. The calendars wrongly attributed to the Mayans were
really developed by the Pleiadians.

December 21st, 2012 also corresponds to a ‘shift of ages’, or the phenomenon called the
‘precession of the equinoxes’ which occurs because of the slow wobbling of the Earth’s axis.
Although known about by the Egyptians and Babylonians, the Greek astronomer, Hipparchus,
is generally thought to have discovered the precession. The Earth axis has a 23½ degree tilt
which gives us our seasons. Hipparchus proposed that the axis around which the heavens
seemed to rotate shifted gradually, though very slowly. The rate is about one full zodiac cycle
in 26,000 years and every 2,160 years the points of the equinoxes move backward through the
zodiac signs. We’re currently in the Age of Pisces and moving into the Age of Aquarius.

The Mayan called the passage from August 11th, 3114 BC to December 21st, 2012 the ‘Great
Cycle’ but it’s not really a measurement of time – it’s rather a measurement of our planet’s
passage through the harmonic wave generated from the galactic core and this wave measures
5,125 years wide. This frequency wave has a vibratory resonance of 7.5 mega cycles which
just happens to correspond to the alpha state of the human brain. Basically, this means we are
in conscious alignment with the third dimension. Within the last 200 years the resonance has
been building. It has become faster and extruded humanity to great technological
achievement. Does this mean, as the vibratory wave continues to accelerate, humans will
move past technology? As the saying goes… time will tell.

(Click HERE for Part Two)

From "The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness"
© 2008 Thomas Michael Murasso


Tom Murasso (pronounced Mer-Ah-So) is a self-empowerment author, speaker, and talk-show

host. Visit his website for lots of free resources and more tools and techniques for taking the
Law of Attraction to the next level.

Tags: www.BornToManifest.com


Marianne Williamson Talks About Inner

and Outer Peace
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 1:46am


Arielle Ford

If you’re learning ways to find inner peace, are you really helping create world peace? We
asked best-selling author and peace activist Marianne Williamson, whose nonprofit Peace
Alliance is working to create a U.S. Department of Peace, what “being peace” looks like.

Q: Do you believe world peace is really possible?

A. I think a fundamental change of heart is possible and necessary. I think we’re nearing the
tipping point, actually. Millions on this planet are getting sick and tired of being sick and
tired. Even in this country, people are finally waking up to the monstrosity of this war in Iraq
— for our own people, and for others as well.

So of course peace is possible; peace is our natural state. Happy, secure people do not wake
up in the morning and try to kill other people.

We’ll begin to have fundamental success at creating a peaceful world when we make
alleviating unnecessary human suffering our highest priority — when as nations and
individuals we are alert to human despair and make ourselves available to help.

I’m not talking about co-dependency, lack of human accountability and all that. I’m talking
about the greatest nation in the world seeing 350 million children in the world going to sleep
hungry every night, and thousands dying of hunger each day, as totally unacceptable.

What the United States usually calls our “vital national interests” reflects an obsolete,
unsustainable worldview. The short-term economic and geo-political interests of a relatively
small group are placed before the health and well-being of the majority of human beings on
the planet. The people of the world will no longer tolerate that.

With the plethora of weapons of mass destruction on the planet today, if we don’t move the
world in the direction of greater peace somehow, a global catastrophe could conceivably
occur. So how can anyone find inner peace without doing all they can to help bring greater
peace to the outer world as well?

We need to be inner activists and outer activists.

How can each of us be an “inner activist”?

The idea that any individual is supposed to “bring peace to the world” has a grandiose ring to
it. But what I’ve experienced is a maturation process of starting to appreciate that all of us are
here to help heal the world.

I realized that I myself was not at peace, though probably no more or less than anyone else.
My primary responsibility was to find my own inner peace through forgiveness, self-
awareness, redemption and atonement ... a constant, never-ending process. From there I would
be able to radiate peace to others.

Whoever you’re not forgiving, forgive. Take a brutally honest look at where you harbor hate
and judgment — and give it up.

Believe me, I know this is not always easy. But when it’s hard, if I pick up “A Course in
Miracles” and read it almost anywhere, I’m given some extraordinary help.

Nothing is a more powerful peace-building force than genuine spiritual practice. Gandhi said
that “The end is inherent in the means.” So only as we ourselves release our anger, can we
bring peace to the world.

Many people might say, “Oh, but I don’t hate anybody.” Yeah, sure. Look again ...

How can each of us be an “outer activist”?

We spend many billions of dollars on waging war; we spend a tiny fraction of that on waging
peace. Every time we help a child, we wage peace. Every time we build a school, we wage
peace. Every time we feed the hungry, we wage peace. Food, medicine, education, economic
opportunity — these are the building blocks of true peace.

There are simply too many desperate people on this planet. And in many cases, even if their
despair was not directly caused by the policies of the United States, it wasn’t addressed by the
policies of the United States either. That has become a security risk.

Desperate people strike out in their despair. Desperate people become easily vulnerable to
ideological capture by extreme, hate-filled groups — whether it’s inner-city gangs or terrorist
organizations. And then we have, as we do now, a very serious problem on our hands.

Do you think world peace will happen in your lifetime?

It’s almost irrelevant whether we will live to see total world peace. Our own lifetime is just a
tiny piece of the puzzle. We need to begin to live for the ages.

Susan B. Anthony gave her entire life to the cause of women’s suffrage; she didn’t live to see
the passage of the l9th Amendment, but I always feel that whenever an American woman
votes, Susan B. Anthony’s soul — wherever it is — must tingle.


SaLuSa 19-January-2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 2:11am

SaLuSa 19-January-2011
Everything comes to he who waits, and certainly you have needed much patience over the last
few years. Yet for all of the frustration and waiting the process of Ascension has proceeded
uninterrupted. At times it has seemed that progress was held back but in spite of all the delays,
the original goal is still within our sights. Most importantly those of the Light have continued
to keep focused on Ascension, and helped raise the consciousness levels on Earth. The
important changes that you have been anticipating have now become compressed into a
shorter period of time, but will be none the less effective. They will fulfill your expectations
and have already galvanized many people into action. You are seeing the results beginning to
materialize around you, as the world responds to the energies creating change. It causes
unrest, demonstrations and even violence, which is regrettable, but nevertheless is a sign that
the people are restless and demand change. We wish that everyone were informed about
Ascension, as that would negate the need for violence of any kind. Then the energies would
remain positive and put to good use.
We of the Galactic Federation are more active than ever, not that we would expect you to
necessarily be aware of what we are doing. With what is tantamount to the last big battle
between the dark Ones and the Light, we are supporting our allies to ensure that matters do
not get out of hand. Where there is even the hint of using nuclear weapons, we are preventing
such a happening. So we can assure you that regardless of what you may hear or read in the
Press, there will not be a nuclear war. It was a long time ago that such a Divine instruction
was given to us, as so much damage and pollution has already been caused by their use or
testing. Man has learnt little since the first Atomic Bombs were dropped on Japan, and even
that act was unnecessary to gain a peaceful surrender.
What a difference you will find when you arrive in the higher dimensions where there is
harmony and peace, such a gentle energy that you can feel it totally embracing you. Each soul
you meet will surround you in their love, and you could hardly imagine such a beautiful
peaceful feeling. You will feel as if you are floating around on a cloud of gossamer. There is
not the slightest presence of discord or negativity, and the joy of being there is an ecstatic
experience. Whereas the Earth has become your living Hell, so the higher dimensions will be
your Heaven. What you can be assured of is that every soul you meet, is there through having
raised their vibrations to those higher levels. You cannot therefore meet with Beings of a
lesser vibration, who will have found their own levels elsewhere.
The Earth has been a great meeting place and a sorting house for souls from all different
levels, and from many different civilizations. For that reason some of you are drawn to certain
ones, that will most likely prove to be your star family. Many of you volunteered to take an
incarnation on Earth to help mankind through this very period. It has meant dropping your
vibrations to do so, and losing the memory of your background. You have invariably brought
some knowledge and skills, most important for helping those who are awakening and choose
Ascension. For some of you your best work is yet to be done, and you will come to the front
after disclosure. From that time things will move forward with leaps and bounds.
Do not despair if you are anxious to help in these end times, and do not yet appear to have
been called. If it is part of your plan to be involved you will be for certain, as everyone is
known by us for their abilities and experience. It is not that we are without adequate
personnel, but we want Man to be an integral part of the projects that will commence in the
very near future. We should say that it is your planet, you are the guardians of it and
responsible for its present condition. By karma you are therefore expected to play your part in
helping Mother Earth to recover. It will be a happy task as so much is owed to her, and she
has so to say also been the Mother to the Human Race. She has not always had your respect or
treated as she should have been, but has never asked that you should be removed from her.
Now you both prepare for the unique Ascension that shall be a most glorious occasion,

welcomed throughout the Universe. Yes, Dear Ones as we have mentioned previously, you
may have been isolated on Mother Earth and at times seemed to be alone, but in fact your
great acts of service in experiencing duality are well known.
Be uplifted by acknowledging you own place in the scheme of things, because each and every
one of you is equally loved. Unconditional Love does not have its favorites or pick and
choose; you are all God’s children. We see the real you behind the outer body and know that
you are all Godsparks exactly like us. When you can finally join us you will find that our
energies are little different to yours, except that we have fully activated our chakras and they
radiate out a lot further than yours. You will also return to that degree of illumination with a
fully activated Crown Chakra. In the end you will find out that all is energy in its various light
forms, and that everything has levels of consciousness. That knowledge is perhaps what has
been lacking on Earth, and resulted in so much lack of care where other life forms are
concerned. It is not easy for example for you to comprehend that some animals are in fact
more spiritual than humans.
With understanding the purpose of life becomes clear, and as you evolve your place is to serve
others following the path to Light. You do this because you are One, and you cannot progress
further until the last one joins you. You will move on to group consciousness, which explains
why some channels do in fact talk in one voice for their group. We hasten to add that you still
retain your individualism, and are not bound to stay with one group forever. Evolution is
about choice and choosing your pathway back to the Source. In fact all that you do is about
your choice, and nothing is placed upon you unless you have first agreed to it.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, wishing you every success in your appointed tasks, as you carry out
your personal plan that completes your time in duality.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey


IMPORTANT: Today´s Full Moon

Transmission The Platinum Cosmic Light
Activation January 19, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 3:11am

Beloved Family,

Please, be aware that today and the next days to come, it is strongly recommended to surround
yourself with love and compassion. It is also very important that we embrace the new concept
of the one Family, in our case, the Family of the Sun, who are here to embrace you, to listen
to you and to comfort you.

The Platinum Cosmic Light may go straight to your past, direct to the experiences that need to
be forgotten, eliminated, or purified. In other words, these are the experiences that keep you
separated from the fullness of love and union with our Creator. It could very well be that you
spend one or a few nights having dream after a dream. This energy works especially at night
during your sleep. You might feel tired, although you will recover very soon. Please, if you
are working, be gentle with yourself. If you feel a headache or are nauseated, do not worry... it
is the cleansing. You might feel, when you are out in the world, that you are rather confused
and feel further and further removed from the old world matrix. This is due to the old patterns
of the third dimensional matrix that are quickly releasing, or, that have completely left leaving
a sense of being in a void.

We are making quantum leaps now to a multidimensional awareness and will quite quickly
start seeing things from a much different perception. Your third eye and inner vision are going
to open more greatly, which is also another effect of the Platinum Energy.

All of the above have been experienced by some members of the Foundation these last couple
days, included the one writing this e-mail. When you get involved or immersed in this
Platinum frequency, its effect on your mental and emotional body and its powerful healing are
going to be fast and intense. Please know you are not alone...our experiences are ours and
ours are yours.

Please be prepared for the positively powerful but intense transmission of this Full Moon.



Cocuk Oyun Parklari

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 12:34pm

2. kitap 20. seslenisden alinti (http://www.onlardan.com/onlardan/kitaplar_2.htm)

Sizlere Sevgi temelinde bir KOZMIK KUTSAL ALANDAN soz etmek istiyoruz. Bu
KOZMIK KUTSAL ALANDAN soz edecek olmamizin asil nedeni, seylerin hic de sizlerin
sandigi gibi olmadigini anlatmak istememizle ilgili.

Sizler, Evrensel ve Kozmik Olgular, konular, gorevler, ugraslar ve benzerleri soz konusu
Ufolar, Piramitler, Kehanetler, Uzaylilar, Mucizeler ve digerleri. Illa kutsal yerler, kutsal
ayinler ve ritueller, Sifa Seanslari, Ruh Cagirmalar falandan asagisi sizlere hitap etmez.

Oysa bizler sizlere isin pek de oyle olmadigini, umulmadik alanlarda umulmadik surecler
yasanabilecegini gosterebilmek icin KOZMIK KUTSAL BIR ALANI tanitmak istiyoruz. Ki


Bulundugunuz zaman-mekân duzleminde EVRENSEL BUTUNLUK ve de GAIA ANAMIZ



Neden mi?

1- Ozellikle buyuk kentlerde ve de ozellikle 2000 yilindan itibaren dogan Cocuklarin onemli
bir bolumu yeni BIR KUSAK VE DALGADIR. Onlarin her seyleri farklidir. En once de

2- Cocuklar, SAF NESE VE SEVINCTIR. Dunyalari, isleri gucleri OYUNDUR. Ve de

Dunyanizin ve sizlerin bugun en cok muhtac oldugunuz sey budur; NESE, SEVINC VE
OYUN RUHU. Bu oyun parklarindan tum civara yapilan NESE, SEVINC VE OYUN RUHU
frekansi yayini HUCRESEL SIFAYA VE DENGEYE BUYUK KATKIDA bulunmaktadir.

3- Cocuklar, hele de bir aradayken COK GUCLU BIR MANYETIK ALAN

TRANSFERE OLANAK TANIMAKTADIR. Negatif ve alcak enerji ve olusumlar
temizlenmekte yerlerine Pozitif ve yuksek enerji ve olusumlar aktarilmaktadir. Bu alanlar ve
yakinlarinda kanal ve telepatik irtibatlar daha kolay ve saglikli olmaktadir. Uzay gemilerimiz
ATMOSFER DENGELEMESINI VE ISLEVLERINI daha rahat yerine getirebilmektedir.
Ziyaretciler dunya inislerini bu alanlarda daha rahat yapabilmektedirler. Ic dunyanin tesirleri
dis dunyaya daha saglikli ve yogun aktarilabilmektedir Hayvanlar ve bitkiler, ozellikle de
kuslar dengelenmek icin guc alani bulabilmektedir.

4- Cocuklarini oyun parkina getiren yetiskinler, bu alanlarda KENDILIGINDEN ICSEL BIR

YOLCULUK VE ARINMA YASAMAKTADIRLAR. Ve ozellikle civarda bulunan cay
bahceleri, yemek evleri ve evlerde oturanlar dogalligiyla bu halden yararlanmaktadirlar.

5- Cocuklarin el ayak cektigi zamanlarda -ozelliklede geceleri- FARKLI AMA BIRLESIK

ZAMAN- MEKAN daha dogrusu TITRESIM DUZLEMINE AIT Enerjetik Varliklar BU

Aslinda daha da sayabiliriz. Ama gerekli degil. Bilenler biliyor, aktarici dostumuzun da kucuk
bir cocugu var ve onunla gittigi zamanlar Oyun Parkinda bir INSAN GIBI
GUZELLIKLERI bu parkta yasamistir. Bizlerin ona rahat ulasabildigi alanlardan biriside

Bu nedenle bugun dunyaniz icin en spiritik hizmetlerden biri de, Cocuk Oyun Parklari
yapilmasina, korunmasina vesile olmak ve destek vermektir. Kim ki oyun parki yapar,
yaptirir, kim ki oyun parkina cocuklarin gelmesini saglar, kim ki kendisinin veya komsusunun
cocugunu alir oyun parkina goturur, O OLAN ALLAHIMIZDA ONUNLADIR.

Yeni Cagda Yeni Insan icin dostlarimiz, Ibadethanelerin basinda Oyun Parklari ve Ibadetlerin
basinda da cocuklari bu parka goturmek gelir. Ve en hayirlilarinizdan biri de Oyun Parki
yapaninizdir. Iste Yeni Cag boyle bir Cag, Yeni Insan da boyle bir Insandir. Cocuklarinizsa,
Ibadethanenizde Ibadetinizle yoneldiginiz O'ndan baskasi degillerdir. Gonlunuze, cocuk
yaniniza, oyuncu yaniniza ithaf edilir.

Askla Kalin. Hayata ve onun tum ifadelerine askla.

0 N L A R ( O' n dan gelenler - ON ON gelenler - O'n larla gelenler - O' nunla

gelenler - O' na gelenler )

2/20- 25.10.2005

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi


David, İyi ki varsın, Harika paylaşımlar

için herkese teşekkür ederim. Bende
yaşadığım bir deneyimi mi sizlerle
paylaşmak istiyorum daha doğrusu
yaşadığım mucizeyi.
 Posted by jülide Sert on January 20, 2011 at 4:52pm


İyi ki varsın, Harika paylaşımlar için herkese teşekkür ederim. Bende yaşadığım bir deneyimi
mi sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum daha doğrusu yaşadığım mucizeyi.


DailyOM: Making The Decision

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 10:26pm

Making The Decision
Saying Yes To The Universe
By acknowledging the existence of what’s not working for us, we can begin the process of

The hardest thing about saying yes to the universe is that it means accepting everything life
puts in front of us. Most of us have a habit of going through our days saying no to the things
we don’t like and yes to the things we do, and yet, everything we encounter is our life. We
may be afraid that if we say yes to the things we don’t like, we will be stuck with them
forever, but really, it is only through acknowledging the existence of what’s not working for
us that we can begin the process of change. So saying yes doesn’t mean indiscriminately
accepting things that don’t work for us. It means conversing with the universe, and starting
the conversation with a very powerful word — yes.

When we say yes to the universe, we enter into a state of trust that whatever our situation is,
we can work with it. We express confidence in ourselves, and the universe, and we also
express a willingness to learn from whatever comes our way, rather than running and hiding
when we don’t like what we see. The question we might ask ourselves is what it will take for
us to get to the point of saying yes. For some of us, it takes coming up against something we
can’t ignore, escape, or deny, and so we are left no choice but to say yes. For others, it just
seems a natural progression of events that leads us to making the decision to say yes to life.

The first step to saying yes is realizing that in the end it is so much easier than the alternative.
Once we understand this, we can begin examining the moments when we resist what is
happening, and experiment with occasionally saying yes instead. It might be scary at first, and
even painful at times, but if we continue to say yes to every moment through the process, we
will discover the joy of being in a positive conversation with a force much bigger than


The Angel Therapy Handbook

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 10:30pm

Help from the Angels

– Book Excerpt from Doreen Virtues:

The Angel Therapy Handbook

We don’t pray to, or worship, the angels. We give all glory to God. The angels are
nondenominational and work with people of every belief. They work alongside Jesus and the
ascended masters of all religious faiths.

The angels have a purpose to enact God’s will, which is peace upon Earth, one person at a
time. These beings know that if each of us is peaceful, then we’ll have a world of peaceful
people. So, really, your life’s purpose is to be at peace, and the angels want to help you with

While it’s true that challenges do help us grow, the angels also say that serenity leads to even
bigger growth spurts. Through tranquility, our schedules and creativity are more open to
giving service, and our bodies operate in a healthy fashion. Our relationships thrive and
blossom, and we’re shining examples of God’s love.

Sometimes people say to me, “Well, God already knows what I need, so I won’t ask for
anything.” True . . . however, we were created with free will. This means that God and the
angels can’t intervene into our lives without our permission. In other words, we must ask for
their help before they can assist us.

It doesn’t matter how you ask, but only that you do. You can say your request aloud, silently,
or in writing. You can sing, whisper, type, or even scream your request for Heaven’s guidance.
You can word it in positive, affirmative ways or as an appeal of supplication. Any form of
asking for assistance is enough to give God and the angels permission to intervene.

I also hear people say, “I don’t want to bother Heaven with my small tasks.” To celestial
beings, though, nothing is too small or too large. They simply want to help us with whatever
brings us peace, and many times it’s the small favors that result in long-lasting peacefulness.
The angels say that it’s also the small stressors in life that erode peace. So ask for help, as
your contribution to world peace.

If you don’t know what to ask for, that’s okay. You can simply say, “Please help me to be at
peace,” and they’ll get to work on your behalf. Or request something specific and say, “This,
or something better, please, God,” since Heaven always has higher standards than our own.

Just don’t hand God and the angels a script about how to fix a situation. Similarly, don’t waste
time or energy worrying about how Heaven will help you. The “how” is up to God’s infinite
Divine wisdom. Your job is only to ask for help and then to follow the guidance sent to you
(more on this guidance later).

I’m sometimes asked, “Why should I talk to angels when I can talk to God?” This is an
excellent question! When I posed it to God and the angels, here’s the reply I received:

“When people are afraid and most in need of Heavenly help, their vibrations are too low to
hear and feel the pure love of God. The angels, who are closer to Earth, are easier to hear and
feel when someone is fearful or stressed. Then they can lift the person’s vibrations and help
him or her be unafraid and at peace and return to a clear connection with God.”

Everyone can hear and talk with God and the angels. You don’t need to be specially trained,
qualified, or deserving. All are equally qualified and deserving of Heaven’s love and help.
You were created in the image and likeness of God. So you share the Divine qualities of love,
abundance, health, beauty, and goodness. We all do.

You might ask, “Since everyone has guardian angels, why is there evil and suffering in the
world?” Another excellent question. If everyone listened to their guardian angels, we’d have a
world of loving and peaceful people. There would be no evil, which stems from fears about a
lack of resources, which in turn causes people to act selfishly.

When you work with angels, in contrast, you begin to understand that there is no need to
compete, because there is plenty of everything to go around for everyone. You begin to share
freely, without fear of running out of resources.

Angels are different from departed friends and relatives. While these people can act like
angels, they’re still humans with egos and fallible opinions. There’s no problem in talking
with your grandma or other departed loved ones to keep in contact. To get pure Divine
guidance, though, you’ll want to direct your conversations to God and the egoless angels (and
Jesus or other ascended master with whom you feel aligned). (In Chapter 3, we’ll focus on
mediumship, which is the art of connecting with loved ones in Heaven on behalf of yourself
and others.)

The spirit world, where angels live, isn’t a faraway place. Heaven is all around us, in a
different dimension. This is similar to the frequency bands of different radio stations all
existing simultaneously.

Your angels are celestial beings who have not lived on the earth before as humans, unless they
were previously incarnated angels, who manifest into human form either temporarily to avert
a crisis, or for an entire lifetime so that they can more directly help and guide people.

Doreen Virtue

has taught her Angel Therapy Practitioner course since 1997, helping thousands to learn the
skills of spiritual healing and psychic readings in concert with the angels and archangels.
Now, she has amassed the tools, secrets, and exercises that she teaches her students in a
comprehensive handbook. Whether you’re a professional healer, or just want to polish your
natural spiritual gifts, this handbook is a vital reference tool that you can refer to again and

To Learn How to Obtain Not Only Your Own Copy of this Book

– But also Bonuses valued at well over $1000 Visit….

The Angel Therapy Handbook



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 10:44pm

2011 brings the discovery of a totally new purpose that we didn't know about. The revelation
of our New Purpose is possible because we are now emerging as True Ones. Our New
Purpose doesn't appear as ideas or concepts –– it's more like the waft of a fresh breeze. But in

the moment that it's felt, we know it to be Real and True. When we try to see our New
Purpose more clearly so we can define it, it elusively slips away, but the feeings remain. If we
try to apply old methods or old concepts to describe it, we quickly see that none of them
apply. Our New Purpose is something totally new. It comes from far beyond our present
perceptions. Each time that the fresh breeze of our New Purpose returns, we recognize it by
the feelings that it evokes within us and because it triggers our knowingness of what is to
come, even if we cannot put it into words.

When we get a glimpse of our New Purpose, it is on such a vast level and so far reaching that
it almost takes our breath away. But we won't feel overwhelmed. This is because it is such a
natural extension of who we are.

Our New Purpose may utilize skills that we didn't realize we had. Or skills that we knew were
within us, but didn't take seriously or use much. They might be skills that we used for a
hobby. Or we may take our already well developed skills and apply them in a totally new
manner which is much more creative and fun. Or we may feel complete with our old skills
and decide to develop totally new ones. It's our choice. Our New Purpose is totally new and
unexpected. It might lead us in a direction that we never considered. We might do something
that we'd never thought of doing. Yet when we find our New Purpose, it's exciting and fresh
and feels stunningly right.

In order to discover our New Purpose, we must, first of all, become True Ones. We also must
get rid of any thoughts that we cannot do something new or cannot do something that we
failed at in the past. These limiting thoughts prevent us from seeing our New Purpose because
our New Purpose cannot be perceived through the filter of "I cannot". Without this filter, we
are able to see myriad possibilities that were previously hidden from us.

Our New Purpose might require that we step out of our old purpose before we can see it. We
definitely won't find it by thinking about it. Our New Purpose might appear as a Wild Idea
coming from "Out of the Blue". It will come to us when we thoroughly align ourselves with


Let Them in...

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 10:47pm

Self healing might come from within but it can be helped along and encouraged by others...
Let them in...
Some might say I have too much time on my hands, but I am a writer and when I write the
pain goes away. We will get to the why of that soon enough as we take each step – each new
day to another level we will explore how fulfilling your purpose and finding your joy will
help to heal your body, mind and spirit...

One of the most important things I believe about self healing is recognizing the fact that you
do not need to do this alone. Yes it is true the healing has to come from within as ultimately it
will be your state of mind that will insure the healing process begins, continues and ends
successfully but the knowledge to do so may come from others. I would point out that you
already know how but it is possible as you are in a state of unwellness that you may not
remember how so do not be afraid to accept the help and guidance of others.
Keep in mind as you explore different methods that not all of them will work for you, you
may find that something that another person swears to be a sure fire cure may do absolutely
nothing to alleviate your pain. That does not mean that the thing that will work for you is not
out there, it is, you just need to find it. Ask questions, as frequently and as honestly as
possible to others about their own experiences. Seek out others who have gone through the
same thing and share your stories with them. Utilize the tools and information that you gather
to put together a personalized programme that works for you and do not be overly hard on
yourself when you do not always stick to it. Miraculous healing is of course possible, that has
been proven yet not everybody believes that is so and many feel that there is a process to
getting better. Still even if you don’t believe in miracles (and by the end of this I am hoping to
prove that miracles do happen) you may find it easy to put faith in the fact that your healing
can be sped up. So let’s work on turning things up a notch.
Out there in our wonderful world of diversity there are several methods of alternative healing.
Energy healing for example has been used for thousands of years by practitioners to bring into
balance the energy of the patient in question to help them heal faster. Running on the theory
that we are all made of energy and that our physical being is only a manifestation of that
energy these teachers and healers utilize methods that allow the energy to flow more easily
through the body thereby initiating the healing process.
Herbal medicines have also been used for centuries as well as the old fashioned tried and
many times proven true method of altering your diet and exercise routines. If you are
choosing to go this route it is recommended that you be sure to do your research and again as
you seek out the assistance of healers you must be honest with them about your condition.
They may ask some very personal questions in order to gain a more clear understanding of
why your body is not cooperating as it should. Be honest, open and willing to share your fears
and concerns. They cannot help you if they do not understand the full scope of what ails you.
It is also important to make them aware of whatever treatments you are undergoing that have
been recommended by your doctor, as most healers will wish to work in concert with the
doctors not against. If you are exploring herbal remedies also be sure to inform your doctor
about any herbs you are taking including teas as they may interact with any medications that
the doctor has prescribed. Although many doctors still do not believe or support alternative
medicines as times change so too do their opinions on things that science up unitl recently did
not wish to understand. Again I encourage you to be open and honest with your doctor about
your ideas. If for example you are seeing a Reiki master there is no harm what so ever in
sharing that information with your doctor. It could in fact have beneficial results just not for
you but for other patients as well. When you heal and heal you will, the doctor may be
amazed by the results and may wish to include the information about your alternative methods
in their documentation of your case. This benefits us all, as it furthers the understanding and
encourages a marriage of traditional healing practices with that of modern day medicine.
Again understand as you go through this not all days will be good days, that is ok – take note
of your bad days and your good days, if you are so inclined, keep a diary. You may find a
pattern emerges, something that will help to indicate the root cause of your physical ailments.
Perhaps exposure to certain places or people either helps to alleviate your pain or increase it.
Various thoughts and feelings may also come to light as either being helpful or detrimental to
your condition. Having awareness and understanding of these things is important to your

When having bad days – accept that they are bad days and rest as your body is telling you to
rest, do what you can on your good days and work at finding a balance between active living
and resting. Do not push yourself to go beyond where you are comfortable going yet be
cautious of complacency that leads to apathy. There is a danger in accepting that there is no
cure – a danger is accepting that this will be your future.
Another important step is to accept your anger about the situation and share that as well with
your doctor and other healers you may be working with. There is no shame in being angry
about your situation and facing that and acknowledging it is a very important part of the
healing process.
Others may see things that you might not see for yourself, especially to a well trained healers
eye they may be able to recognize that within your life that is making you unhappy and
unwell, that which you may not be willing to for the moment to accept as being no necessarily
beneficial for your own personal growth and healing. Try to keep an open mind to the
suggestions of others and try not to see them as criticisms. It may be extremely difficult while
you are wrapped up in your pain to accept the possibility that choices you have made are
contributing to your suffering but it is often easier for others to see truths about our lives that
we are not yet willing to see for ourselves. Discuss, be open and do your best to listen with
your heart not your mind. As I have often pointed out though admittedly I do not always listen
to it myself your heart will tell you what you need to know – all you need do is listen.
Your body will also tell you what is best for it if as a good friend of mine pointed out you are
willing to open up a conversation with it. No joke, talk to it, ask it what it would like you to
provide for it in return for it also providing good health to you. It is after all a part of you and
it may very well have a few things to say about how you have been treating it. As your
troubles have become physical it does stand to reason then that getting back in touch with that
part of you that is physical will help to further your progress. My friend did however make a
valid point when he cautioned that I not make promises I can’t keep. While he was telling me
via a Skype call to ask my body what it wanted or needed I was getting the message loud and
clear – ‘ I would really like more water – I like water – water is good for me – do you think
you could give me more water’ . When I mentioned this to my friend however he reminded
me of a couple of things – the most important I think is not to promise I will up my water
intake – and do it for a week then suddenly stop. Then I am breaking the agreement and there
is no doubt my body would be exceptionally disappointed with me; it may even cause a minor
setback as my body rebels against my inability to keep my word. So only agree to that which
you can provide. Instead to 8 glasses a day or even four – start with one – maybe two – then
work your way up. At least that way you won’t be back tracking and you won’t have to
undergo the shock of a rather large alteration in your daily routine.
Back to that accepting help thing. As you learn to be more open and honest about yourself
both to yourself and to others there may be some things you will discover that you may wish
to let go of. This too can be scary, but in asking for assistance both from the people in your
life and the energies that surround us things will come your way to replace those things that
you are choosing now to let go of.
If as in my case being a waitress is no longer an option, both physically and spiritually other
jobs and means of income will come along once the conscious decision is made to walk away
from where you now are. Again this is where listening to your heart is important, and
following your instincts. As opportunities arise it is important to recognize them as such.
Equally important to follow your inner voice, and if for example you get the strong urge to
pick up the phone and call an old friend you have not heard from in a while it is probably in
your interest to pick up that phone. Who knows they may have a suggestion as to a hobby, job
or even career that you might not have considered yourself. It may be something that you are

able to do even with your physical restrictions, something that you may enjoy, something that
you may find yourself loving. If that is the case then run with it, consider it a blessing that you
are being given this opportunity and follow whatever path ends up being laid at your feet. You
might just be amazed at how quickly your body responds to your happiness.
If I am to be completely honest, which I did after all promise to do, in my case I am well
aware of the fact that writing is my souls desire. It makes me happy to write things that inspire
and bring joy to others. It brings me comfort in times of trial to put pen to paper. Writing
however does not always pay the bills, and as I have a daughter to care for and feed it has
been difficult for me to let go of the one job that provides an income for my household. So
how do you get around that, well I imagine that apart from my own issues with regards to fear
and doubt I also managed to convince myself on a subconscious level that the only way I
would ever quit work is to be too sick to work. Sounds farfetched to some I am sure but it has
been proven more times than I care to admit that thoughts become things. So if I would not
consciously quit my job as a server, would not have enough faith in my own skill as a writer
to give up the security of a pay check perhaps my subconscious mind worked out a plan
unbeknownst to me with my body on how to get me out of the restaurant and back onto my
Now the trick is to get my health back so that I can follow my dreams now that I am not
following my fears of not being able to pay my bills.
Of course this is not something the average person would see for themselves, there is usually
and intermediary of some sort to point out these things. Be thankful for that person, do not
begrudge them their judgements as they have a clear – outside – not interfered with by
emotion view of your situation.
This is why it is good at times to have friends you consider to be wiser and more experienced
than yourself, when you have respect for the advice of those around you also tend to listen
more attentively to that advice.
So explore your options, and explore you thoughts and feelings and those of others who you
know and trust to tell you truth. Perhaps you will find that the truth that irritates you today
may just the truth that saves and uplifts you tomorrow.
Jean Victoria Norloch


Earth Humanity’s Planetary Awakening &

Federation of Light Will Neutralize any
Attempted "Negative Alien Invasion" or
"Faked E.T. Rapture"
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 10:52pm

Channeled August 29, 2010

"Greetings in the Light of our Radiant One, this is Lord Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command,
wishing to comment upon what this Channel read regarding a report of a supposed "crashed"
UFO craft near Fresno, Calif., on Aug. 21st. As this channel had initially tuned into, that this
was, indeed one of the many such "tests" of these "back-engineered" black op Earth UFO
antigravity ships, that have been manufactured for many decades on Earth by the cabal.

It is no so-called "accident" that there were some civilian witnesses to this incident, which
was partly because of certain factors occurring now around planet Earth regarding the very
powerful planetary frequency shifts. These are part of Mother Earth’s Spiritual Ascension out
of the old 3 D level into the Higher 5th and Higher Dimensional frequencies that are
occurring upon this New Higher Dimensional Time Line, now Overshadowing and merging
with the old time line. These black op and much cruder and more limited technologies of the
power elite and of that termed the "industrial military complex" can not function as they did
in the old 3D time line, where the power elite were able to more easily manipulate Earth’s

humanity with all their covert plans and technologies for world control and enslavement.

We of the Federation of Light and specifically the Ashtar Command, has been surrounding
this planet in Guardian Action for many years, with many more Light Ships from many other
fleets and Commands of other galaxies and worlds of the Intergalactic Federation, now
recently joining the ranks of those of us who have been here for many decades (actually for
many ages, off and on), as we gear up for the long planned mass planetary Divine
Intervention & World Wide Evacuation. Those of the cabal have also known about these plans
for many years, not only because of our earlier emissaries, messengers and contactees who
shared, initially, more general information regarding this ultimate plan that would inevitably
occur. And a few, such as Lady Tuella when she was alive on Earth, had channeled the more
specific details of these plans beginning the process to more openly Prepare Earth’s humanity
for this historical moment, by publishing her "planetary Ground Breaking" book, "Project:
World Evacuation By the Ashtar Command". This book was in many ways a very important
mile stone in this Preparation work and mission to help set the stage for when we do, in fact
fulfill, what has always been a "Sacred Promise" and "Cosmic Done Deal" by God, our
Divine Creator of the Universe and by we of the Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy.

And, of course, much more recently, with the publication of this channel's book, Prepare
For The Landings!. This book, which was also very much supported and inspired by those of
us in the Federation of Light, has helped to expand this original Preparatory work and mission
much more openly now out into the mainstream and masses of Earth’s humanity, as we gear
up for this inevitable and Divinely Destined event.

It is also a fact, of course, that those of the cabal, secretly amongst themselves, did take
these two books, and similar published material from other sincere contactees and clear
authentic channels for the Federation, scattered throughout the planet, very seriously, that so
many others had earlier received from those of us of the Federation. But, of course, within
that termed the UFO community, many of those who claimed to be "professional UFO
investigators", which this channel has learned that when one usually uses that term or phrase,
it really means a "spin doctor" or disinformation agent who still has "ties" with the cabal and
the black-op, covert "alphabet soup agencies" of the industrial military complex.

And as this channel and other sincere and authentic contactees have experienced through
the decades since the ‘50’s and early ‘60’s, when our contactees were indeed having physical
contacts with us, the UFO community has been used to promote the agenda of suppressing
any positive reference to the majority of those of us from other worlds who are benevolent
and human appearing. While these so-called "UFO experts" have ridiculed these numerous
positive, Empowering and uplifting contacts with those of us of the Federation, they have
"promoted" those entities referred to as the greys and of Disempowering tales of negative
abductions. which we refer to as "Cosmic Civil-Rights Violation cases", or just speak of so-
called "mysterious unexplained lights in the sky". Yes, anything, as stated, that is uplifting and
Empowering is usually suppressed and ridiculed by so many of these so-called
"professionals"--many, who, originally became "UFO experts" literally almost "over night,
when they were recruited for the shadow government in their covert agenda to attempt to plan
to create an eventual ‘"negative alien invasion" scenario .

As anyone who has really been researching, without any bias or hidden agenda, all of the
"UFO & ET" related events that have occurred during and since the early ‘50’s, who uses well
developed qualities of Discernment and that termed "Cognitive Deductive Reasoning’ along

with an ability to attune to the Higher Frequencies now manifesting all over the planet, as well
as to what we of the Light are Cosmically Downloading to those of you who are attuned to
Truth and Accountability, it becomes very obvious of this agenda by the power elite. To
attempt to suppress and manipulate the true facts about those of us who are having contact
with those of you on Earth, and our reasons for this interaction. It also becomes very clear and
obvious, of the intent and the plans of these same forces to ATTEMPT to "Fool the Elect’--
and especially the masses of humanity with their own faked version(s) of ET activity, for
more control and manipulation through F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). But when
these three "elements or dynamics of manipulation" are gone, that is F.E.A.R.., surprise and
stealth, are no longer able to be used--well, the cabal’s plans and all their hidden agendas
always fall apart and become unable to function.

This also includes now and more intensely in the very near future, the ending of the actual
FUNCTIONING of these covert black op technologies. This is because something designed
merely for control and manipulation, which is not in harmony to the Sacred Laws of the
Universe as is our Higher Elohim Consciousness Technologies,it will ultimately begin to
also why this particular black op Earth UFO antigravity craft had been observed having
"technical issues" and was forced to come down rather abruptly. And also why these same
Higher Cosmic Energies that are forcing Accountability upon everything upon Earth and
causing all so-called "conspiracies" and covert activities of the cabal to be totally exposed,
also made sure that it would be observed by CIVILIAN WITNESSES, despite the attempt to
cover up this event.

Never-the-less, these "denial spirits" of the cabal, are right now desperately
ATTEMPTING, in their extreme desperation, to ultimately create either a so-called "faked
negative alien invasion" or a ‘faked rapture" using their back engineered Earth UFO
antigravity fleet and also that termed "project blue beam". This particular technology has the
ability to project false, but realistically appearing holographic images into the sky to make it
appear that our Commander-In- Chief of our Intergalactic Federation, Lord Jesus
Christ/Sananda, Himself, is really up in the sky floating among clouds, which. of course, He
would not be. And to broadcast the images of the different Beings, Avatars and Spiritual
Masters who have been worshiped by the various cultures scattered all throughout the planet,
to try to somehow manipulate Earth;s humanity with these covert "tricks up their sleeve". It is
true, that "project blue beam" was tested out briefly during the Iraq war, but we of the
Federation began to step in and neutralize other attempts to extend this initial holographic
manipulation. And we also helped expose this earlier attempt, to certain ones within these
other governments to be very Discerning about any future attempts to manipulate and Fool
them as the cabal would like to do.

It is also true, which I want to confirm, that SOME of what that individual referred to as
"anonymous" in that blog/web site listing, who mentioned about how these black op
technologies have been demonstrated and tested. This is true, just as we in the Federation,
who are in Guardian Action around Earth, have been very closely monitoring these kinds of
so-called covert, black op activities, and their PLANS to more officially and openly activate
their ultimate agenda of covertly ATTEMPTING to deceive everyone on Earth Yes, I repeat
that word--these are the PLANS of the cabal, and they have never been "set in concrete".

As I had requested, and it has been wonderful to see the heart felt response from so many
of you, when I asked in that earlier channeling about fulfilling what has been termed "Official

Cosmic Petitioning" through "Intergalactic Protocol Procedures" that gives us of the
Federation of Light Authority to more openly and overtly Intervene not only in the Gulf oil
disaster, but all other planetary challenges that you have been facing.

So, too, as with this covert "negative alien invasion" and "faked rapture" agenda, to
attempt to fool Earth’s humanity with this kind of desperate tactics to keep control over the
fast Awakening masses of humanity. It is also important for humanity to take as much
personal responsibility as possible in this matter, and to Officially ask and Petition the
Federation of Light with the desire that you do not need such a "test of discernment" that
might, in fact, initially, fool some of Earth’s humanity. Since these "possible plans" are now
also "officially out of the bag", so that those three elements that the cabal was able to use in
the past: F.E.A.R., surprise and stealth, are now being eliminated by our actions and those on
Earth who are hip to these plans, the ability of the cabal to totally and affectively succeed at
fooling the masses is about to become almost totally neutralized anyway. But to make these
plans totally inoperable, as stated, it is also the ability of the majority of the population to
consciously acknowledge and recognize these plans that were in the process of being
developed and that it is time to only allow the use of such technologies to be used only for
humanitarian purposes rather than for more control and manipulation that has occurred up
until now.

It is also true, that as has been discussed by this channel and which we have confirmed,
that as in a form of "Consciousness Time Travel", that many of those of you who are reading
this Channeling-Transmission, are part of a "Cosmic Team of Consciousness Time Travelers".
Whose Future Over Soul Selves, from the future have merged back into this present-past time
line that is now in the process at this very moment of being altered so that these plans to "Fool
the Elect" and the masses with a faked alien invasion scenario, which did, briefly occur on the
old time line, is now being changed and will not occur as this newer time line is being created
in place of the other.

I wish to again state very passionately for the record that we in the Federation of Light
will be helping these very powerful Cosmic Energies of Light and Love and Joy and
Accountability to end the reign of the cabal and their control over Mother Earth and the
Awakening masses of humanity. We will not stand by and allow Earth’s humanity to continue
to be manipulated against their will when it is obvious that most on Earth truly desire the end
of all war and all forms of control and manipulation, It is not only unfair that such tactics are
allowed to be used to FOOL THE MASSES with the use of such sophisticated technologies--
without us at least balancing the slate, by helping to Overshadow and influencing everyone on
Earth who truly desires greater Freedom and sovereignty and choice, with the greater ability
to discern and use their God-Given Cognitive Deductive Reasoning, which is also connected
with these new Cosmic Frequencies now sweeping over the planet.

There will be many more dramatic crashes and malfunctions of the cabal’s technologies as
they are observed and documented by more and more witnesses, as many of their own
original programed black op agents and personnel DEFECT TO THE LIGHT. Just like the
thousands who have already in recent years chosen to go "spiritually awol" and have become
"whistle blowers" against the cabal [such as those on "Project Camelot" on the internet].
There are to be many thousands more as a vast majority will accept our invitation for what we
have termed the "Cosmic Silent Witnesses Program". Except in our Program, these
"Witnesses and government whistle blowers do NOT HAVE TO BE SILENT--AND IN
FACT, MUST SPEAK OUT WITH PASSION--as we of the Federation protect them--AS

THROUGH THE "COSMIC LAW OF GRACE". They are forgiven for any of those things
that they were ordered to do that compromised their innocence and ethical standards of truth
and justice.

It is also true that right now, as this channel and others have observed through 3rd
generation military grade night vision goggles, of the intense "Cleansing of the Heavens" that
is going on as was prophesied in Revelation of the Bible. As we who are termed the "Angels
of the Harvest" of the Celestial Host, clears the skies around Earth of any "Cosmic rift-raft" of
the last vestiges of any renegade alien forces, as well as those ships of the cabal who have
attempted to leave Earth and go to other places. These craft, which as this channel has used
the very rough analogy of comparing them as "model T’s" with our Merkabah Light Ships
being "Jaguars and Maseratis". These battles that have been observed through night vision
goggles are always one sided, because when Earth UFO craft actually are ordered by their
cabal leaders to fire upon our ships, the particle beams from their ships bounce back and ends
up blowing themselves up, even though we warn them to please do not attempt to fire at our
Federation ships.

But as in numerous other more mundane cases in years past, of the more recognized
military such as Air Force pilots being ordered to fire upon our ships, we always made sure
that we would not endanger these military pilots. In a few instances because of what they
were ordered to do which would have endangered their lives, we took evasion action that
saved the life of the pilot, even though their aircraft ended up crashing back on Earth. These
pilots usually chose to stay with us rather than going back to earth to actually be imprisoned
and in many cases forced to end their military careers and locked away as a "prisoner of
conscious". As it was very clear to them, once having had contact with us and being around
those of us of the Federation, and the wonderful loving consciousness and fellowship that we
enjoy on our level, most, as stated do not want to return back to their more mundane and
lower consciousness level of Earth.

Also, in many cases, besides this wonderful Fellowship and Higher vibrations of spiritual
love that they experienced, they had also come into contact with their Cosmic True Love, one
of our gorgeous Goddesses, Ladies, female Commanderesses aboard our Light Ships, that
they had known prior to taking Earth embodiment. And in fact, many of these incidents were
actually part of their mission to have such an encounter of returning, of having actually
written this incident into their Life Script prior to taking Earth embodiment. In a benevolent
sense, to have "infiltrated the war machine on planet Earth" and by their experience, they are
able to help to eventually end the "National Security State" that has allowed the war machine
to continue to operate for the power elite.

So, too, these black op military crews who have been trained to pilot the Earth UFO anti
gravity ships of the terrestrial cabal space fleet, who are programed and ordered to attack and
fire upon our ships, we compassionately understand this intense mind control and
indoctrination of being made into "superior feeling Universal soldiers". But usually, when
their own ship is about to blow up from their own weapon’s beam bouncing harmlessly off of
our force field, and we beam them off of their exploding-disintegrating craft, they usually
experience suddenly being freed from all of this intense, heavy and negative programing.
They usually, quite quickly, come back around to the Light and willingly choose to join us,
and to help us to also "recruit" numerous other fellow former black op terrestrial space fleet
personnel. These "Cosmic Recruiting Tactics of Universal Fellowship and Compassion" and

regaining their true sovereignty once again, with all the unconditional love and joy that they
are allowed to experience is a MIGHTY "WEAPON" AGAINST THE TACTICS OF THE
CABAL AND ALL THE INTENSE and so-called fail safe "Manchurian candidate MK-Ultra"
type brainwashing & programing that these black op warriors are put through. This earth level
reprogramming used to be much more able to control these members of the covert military
"alphabet soup agencies". But our Master "Cosmic Psychotherapists", like Voltra and other
experts who have developed very powerfully effective "Cosmic Psychotherapy Techniques"
through our "Elohim Consciousness Technologies", these negative programing techniques of
the cabal are no match for our more powerful Technologies and techniques. In short, we are in
the process of "Cosmic Consciousness Recruiting Program for the Light" of these former
agents and personnel of the cabal. And as "Cosmic Consciousness" now replaces their former
negative programed state, they are, of course, no longer of use to the cabal, and we welcome
them back into their and your "Cosmic Extended Family" and as official members of the
Federation of Light!"

So do "Keep Your Eyes On the Skies" as these type of witnessed incidents do occur now
more often as your "Deliverance Draweth Near" and ever closer and as we of the Celestial
Host finish up the "Cleansing of the Heavens"--and the Recruiting and salvaging of many
souls who have been controlled and used by the cabal. Now you also have a much clearer and
thorough understanding of what is happening "behind the scenes" all over Earth and in the
Heavens. Many BLessing in the Light to you all, This has been Lord Ashtar for the Ashtar
Command and Federation of Light now signing out! Adonai Vassu Berogus!"

Michael: That was a most enlightening and insightful communication that I just received
from Lord Ashtar regarding this and many other related incidents with the black op forces of
the cabal, and confirming what many of us had already known or suspected, but giving more
detail to the plans of the cabal.

I Am sure that many of you may have heard about British UFO researcher Gary
McKinnon, who was arrested for "hacking" into the the highly classified UFO files of the
Pentagon that actually listed and documented the members of this terrestrial anti gravity Earth
space fleet. The U.S. government wanted to force him to come over to the U.S. to face
charges for his supposed "crime" of "hacking" into the Pentagon computers. The only reason
that the officials were so upset about this particular case of so-called "hacking" was because
of the particular type of information that he uncovered and exposed to the public, which did,
as stated, verify and document the fact that this "terrestrial space fleet of black op antigravity
ships does in fact exist.

The statement by the "Anonymous" person that Ashtar was referring to that was
mentioned at the end of the article about this "UFO crash" incident, is quoted here: (For those
wanting to read more about this incident, go to latest-UFO-sightings.net Also, James Gililand,
who I have recently interviewed again on my "Cosmic Connection" show, at
VortexNetworkNews.com, posted this article at his ECETI News posting on 8/28/10 at
3;20:24 PM):

Anonymous said:

"I witnessed one of these craft while on a training operation while in the Guard. These are
partially lighter than air craft with static lift and also turbine lift engines on each corner. These

are to be used in a disinfo campaign. I do not know the reason, but a project blue beam type of
faked Alien invasion was brought up at the breakfast table by the other Guard and Air Guard
folks who also witnessed this craft. They also mentioned our holographic tech, and the real
reason Iraqi troops gave up w/out a fight in Gulf War I. It was not carpet bombing but them
believing they were seeing their great prophet in the clouds speaking to them. The craft we
saw, well it ws not just big, It was HUGE, this was a day light sighting so certain components
were very visible. Draw your own conclusions, but if you see an announcement that we are at
conflict w/an Alien race with live video of MANY dozens of these craft around the world in
an Independence Day type of scenario. Do not drop to your knee's and give up all of your
rights out of fear. Nor if you see the prophet of your religion on the clouds. Many will be
deceived. They say intel ops are like magician shows. People believe w/they see way to easily.

My 2 Cents on this obvious and by the book disinfo project."

3:57 AM, August 29, 2010

This was indeed, if we accept [most or at least some] of what this person has stated as
truth, quite an "eye-opener" for most people. Though I have heard other similar stories from
other whistle blowers, many who have shared their experiences on Project Camelot and at
some UFO and Conspiracy conferences in recent years. Ashtar and the Federation of Light
had already communicated to me briefly about these events, but now with this Channeling he
had verified much more in detail of these events, and this quote from "Anonymous" only was
one more of many verifications and confirmations that such activity has indeed been going on.
Except that now it is wonderful to understand how the Federation of LIght has also been in
the process of recruiting many of these former members of this cabal terrestrial space fleet
and that such incidents will most likely become more prevalent as we approach 2012 and



Hangi kalıplarla çalışıyorsun?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 11:00pm


Kendimizdeki kalıpların, işlerliği olmayan düşünce sistemlerinin farkına vardığımızda

kişisel ilerleme yolumuzda büyük bir adım atmış oluruz.
Diyelimki değersizlik kalıbıyla çalışıyorsunuz.
Bu demek oluyor ki; bu kalıbın farkına varmak için değer/değersizlikle ilgili kişileri ve
olayları kendinize çekeceksiniz.
Kendi değerinizi bilmiyorsanız bunu size göstermek için yardım edecek oyunun amacına
uygun kişilerle buluşursunuz.
Durup dururken tanımadığınız biri bile sizi aşağılayabilir, küçümseyebilir
ya da siz birilerini eziyor, küçümsüyor
ya da kendinizden çok değer veriyor olabilirsiniz.
Bu senaryolar size özgüdür ve sizin tarafınızdan, seçimlerinizle şekillenir.
Aslında tüm bunlar; siz kendi değerinizi bilin, değersizlik kalıbınızı farkedip sevgiye
dönüştürün diyedir.
Hepimizin hayatlarında henüz ışık almamış yanları olabilir.
Önemli olan henüz sevginin yayılmadığı bu yanlarımızı, düşünce kalıplarımızı, sistemlerimizi
farkedip sevgiye dönüştürmektir.
Böylelikle özümüzün ışığı hayatımıza daha çok yayılabilir.
Siz özünüzün ışığının yayılmasına izin verdikçe, niyet ettikçe de
sevginin, neşenin, huzurun, bolluğun ve bereketin katlanarak hayatınıza aktığını görürsünüz.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 11:04pm


3.Boyutta yaşayan Beşer İnsanın yaşamını destekleyici Yaratımlar olan 2.Boyut Varlıkları
Hayvan ve Bitkilerin, sadece İnsanlar tarafından yenilerek onları desteklediği
düşünülmemelidir.Onların Ekolojik olarak tüm Dünyasal yaşamları destekledikleri hususu
yenilmelerinden çok daha fazla öncelik ve önem taşır.Eğer böyle olmasaydı İnsan Varlığının
yaşayabileceği bir ortam kuşkusuz ki oluşamazdı.3.Boyut yaşamı dışındaki üst Boyut
yaşamlarında, beslenmek için Varlığın fiziksel bir nesneye gereksinimi yoktur.O tüm Evrenin
yaratıcı Enerjisi ve kendisinin de Özü olan "Işık" Enerjisi ile beslenir ve bu anlamda da
"Suptil" yani şeffaf bir Bedene sahiptir.Ve dilerse Fiziksel Form alarak diğer Fiziksel
yaşamları da deneyimleyebilir...

Dünyasal yaşamda ise, aynı Özden yaratıldığının bilinmesi ile belirli bir "İdrak", yani "Şuur"
taşıyan hayvan Varlıklarının yenilip yenilinmemesi ise yalnızca Beşer İnsanın kendi Bilinç ve
Sevgi düzeyine bağlı olan bir "Tercih" tir.Her iki tercihte kullanılabilir ve bu kullanımdan
ötürü de Varlık İlahi Plan tarafından asla "Yargılanmaz".Ancak, özellikle şuurlu Hayvan

Varlıklarının yenilmesi öncesi, Beşer İnsan Varlığına sağlamış oldukları tüm yaşamsal
değerler için ve onun bu yaptığı hizmetin Bilincinde olunduğunun ona bildirilerek onun
Onurlandırılmasıyla onun besleyici ve destekleyici bu özelliği yararlı olur.Aksinde ise İnsan
Bedenine bir çok hastalığın getiricisi olarak bu büyük bir yer tutar ki Bilimsel Tıp bunu
bilmekte ve bu nedenle de Etin tüketimine kısıtlamalar ve ön koşullar getirmektedir.

Kadim Atalarımız bunu bilmekte ve öldürmeden veya Kurban etmeden önce o hayvanlar için
bir "Ritüel" düzenlemekte ve onları onurlandırmakta idiler (Avustralya Aborjinleri en bilinen
örnektir) ve bu sayede oldukça sağlıklı bir yaşam sürmekteydiler.Bu gün ise bu Kadim ve Asli
olan öğretilerden ve uygulamalardan oldukça uzak bir uygulama yapılmaktadır ve bu
uygulamalara ise sadece "Katliam" denilebilir.Beşer İnsanlığın Ruhsal dahil, tüm Fiziksel
rahatsızlıklarının büyük bölümü de, her ne kadar onlar bunun farkında olmasalar dahi bundan

Bir diğer 2.Boyut Varlığı olan ve Hayvanlara istinaden, Tedrici bir "Şuur" veya "İdrak"
taşıyan Bitkiler de aynı şekilde, yenilinmeden önce, sağladıkları bu, onları yemek dahil, her
türlü yaşamsal destekleri nedeniyle Onurlandırılmalı ve onlara da küçük bir "Ritüel"
düzenlenilmelidir.Ortak Yaşamın gereği budur ve Onların hepsi bunu fazlasıyla
hakediyorlar.Esasında hepsi için, "Yaşamımıza sağladığınız bu yaşamsal destekler için sizlere
minnettarız" gibi bir kaç Onurlandırcı söz bile yeterlidir.Ve onlar bunu, taşıdıkları aynı ÖZ
nedeniyle duyacak ve "Bilecekler" dir...

Sonuç olarak, Sevgi herşeydir ve herşeyin çözümüdür.Beşer İnsan Varlığı, doğuşundan

itibaren Özünde taşıdığı Sevgisi ile Kalbinin yol göstericiliğine güvenip, onun sesini
dinleyerek güzel ve kendi Varlığına en yararlı olanı her zaman bulabilir.Böylesi bir Bilinçle
yapılabilecek her "Tercih" "uygun" olacaktır ve bundan ötürü de o asla, hiç bir şekilde ve hiç
bir kimse veya hiç bir başkaca Varlık tarafından Yargılanmayacaktır, çünki o sonsuz
Yaratıcının bir parçası ve onun "Suretinden" Yaratılmıştır ve yine sonsuzca Sevilmekte ve
sonsuzca "Kabul" görmektedir...

Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın "Aydınlık" ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...


bir söz: "kaderiniz.. karar anlarında.."

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 11:21pm

"Kaderiniz karar anlarınızda biçimlenir"


Insalarda beğendiğiniz davranışlara

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 11:25pm

insalarda beğendiğiniz davranışlara odaklanın..

İnsanların beğenmediğiniz davranışları üzerinde odaklanırsanız,

onların aynı tip davranışlarının daha da artmasına neden olabilirsiniz.
İnsanların daha yüksek nitelikli davranışlar içinde olmalarını kolaylaştırmanın bir yolu,
onların davranışlarındaki beğendiğiniz yanlarını övmektir.

Bunu bir sevdiğinizde deneyin. Bu kişi beğendiğiniz bir hareket yaptığı her seferinde , onu
Beğenmediğiniz davranışları görmemezlikten gelin.

Bir adam bunu karısının üzerinde denedi ve sonuçlarından hayretler içinde kaldı.
Yaklaşımını değiştirmeden önce , karısının almış olduğu fazla kiloları vermesi için sürekli
ısrar ediyordu ve onun beslenme alışkanlıklarıyla sık sık alay ediyordu.
Daha sonra , onun iyi göründüğü ya da sağlıklı beslendiği her seferinde karısını övdü.
Karısına sanki yeniden flört ediyorlarmış gibi davranıyor, ona sevildiğini ve özel olduğunu
Onu Kilo aldığı için kınamaktan vazgeçince ,
kadın yemek yeme alışkanlıklarını yavaş yavaş değiştirmekle karşılık verdi ve giderek
Bu şekil de olduğu gibi hayatımızda yaşanan bir çok olaylarda bu olgunlukta davranabilirsek
bir çok şey mükemmele dönüşecektir.

İnsanları eleştirmek hemen her zaman onları yabancılaştırır.
İnsanların çoğu eleştiriden çok övgüye yanıt verirler.
Sevgiliniz ya da eşiniz gelip de sizdeki bütün beğendiği şeyleri size anlatsaydı nasıl tepki
Belki o şeyleri daha sıkça yapacaktınız.
Bu kişinin size söylediği başka şeyleri de dinlemeniz olasılığı artabilirdi.
Siz insanlardaki iyi nitelikler üzerinde odaklandıkça,
iyiliklerini ifade eden davranışlarını çoğaltmaları için onları güçlendirmiş olursunuz.
Ama yapılan bu olumlu olgun davranışın sevgi ile ve içten , gönülden yapılması ancak karşı
tarafa etki eder.
Yapmacık , düzelsin diye yüzeysel yapılanın , etkisini ne derece gösterir ki.
Takdir sizlerin…



HEAVEN #3709 The Ladder That Reaches

Heaven , January 20, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 11:37pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3709 The Ladder That Reaches Heaven , January 20, 2011

God said:

From the valleys of your heart comes love. Love springs up. It arises of its own accord. Love
needs no mastering. Love needs to be allowed to be. This welling up of your heart is the easiest
thing in the world unless you order love around. Of course, you have been ordering it around.
You have told love where to go and where not to go, how to swim around the shoals, when to be

false and when to be true, when to be bold and when to be hidden. When it comes to love, you
have directed traffic. Don’t be a traffic cop when it comes to love.

Most of My children and many of you here who read My words have fears about being hurt,
fears about being loved for a while and then loved no longer, or fears that your love will
become a runaway, and that you will have to follow. Love will make you get up from the chair
you sit on. It is not other’s love to and for you that are your concern. Nor is your own heart’s
love to be a concern. Let love be what it is.

Once again, I remind you that love and attachment are two different things. Love lets go.
Attachment holds on to another’s love as if your very life depended on it. You don’t have to
receive love from other human beings. You have to give love. You have to let your love roll.

What if you give a smile to everyone you see today, the people whom you already know and the
people you are seeing for the first time? What if you give love impartial? Impartial love is very
good. Love everyone according to your love, not their love. Love is meant to have a life of its
own. It is not meant to possess nor to be possessed. Love is meant to fly its own flag. Oh, to
love without attachment. Letting go is such an accomplishment. Freeing your love is such an
accomplishment. Freeing is not withdrawing. Love, once given, is. Love, not given, is
remorseful. Never deny love again.

Why is your need so great to be a special love, a favored love, a notable love? Love given to
another is still love given to you. Love, by its very nature, is shared. It is communal. It is
universal. Love is not like a teabag that is meant for one cup. Love is more like a shining star
that shines on all those who look up at it. Love never has to rub its eyes. Love sees clearly with
its eyes of love. Love is a strong-winged bird that flies. Love needs no target. There is the pure
joy of love much like the pure love of flying. When you have wings, how can you not fly?
When you have love, how can you not give it? Donate your love to the Universe.

Love is not money to be counted. Love is a gold coin that reaches everyone everywhere. There
is no such thing really as a drop of love. Or, if there is such a thing as a drop of love, it is potent.
It is very potent. Love has the strength of a giant, the free-flow of a whale, and the light of the
sun. Love is the water you splash in. Love belongs to all. Splash more. Splash high, and splash
low. Splash.

Love is the Ocean and the Tide of the Ocean. How natural is love. Love does not evaporate.
Love goes on and on. It is the ladder to and from Heaven. Climb on it.


DailyOM: Guilty Pleasures
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 11:40pm

Guilty Pleasures
Feeling Guilty about Being Happy
Some people feel guilt over being happy or feel they don’t deserve to be happy; it is our
birthright to be happy.

Happiness is an experience we all long for and deserve in our lives. We may wish for the
happiness that comes with a much-needed vacation or an exciting new love affair, yet when
the actual experience of happiness emerges, we may be too overcome with guilt to enjoy it. If
guilt is interfering with your ability to feel joy, you may find relief in looking at the beliefs
you hold about yourself and what it means for you to be happy.

Guilt about feeling happy can arise for different reasons. Deep down you may believe that

you don’t deserve to be happy because you hurt someone in the past, had more than others
growing up, or maybe you received a mean comment from someone you admired. Perhaps it
once seemed that painful experiences always followed happy ones; now whenever you begin
to feel happy, you find yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop. Happiness may even just
feel uncomfortable because you’ve gotten so used to feeling down. The truth is that when you
feel too guilty to let yourself enjoy positive emotions, you are denying a part of yourself that
has a right to exist. By limiting your life experience to just the negative feelings, you are
cutting yourself off from the fullness of life - which includes all of the positive emotions as
well. Fortunately, you can begin to shift the way you respond to happiness even in this

From now on, when happiness begins to blossom in your heart, try to accept it, relish in it, ask
it to stay. It’s okay to feel happy even if you believe you don’t deserve it. Feeling good is an
expression of your wholeness and your connection with life. The next time happiness appears
for you, try not to feel guilty about it. Instead, welcome your happiness in like a long-awaited


Update by Sheldan N-dle for the Spiritual

Hierarchy Jan 18, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 20, 2011 at 11:43pm

Date: Tue Jan 18, 2011

1 Etznab, 16 Chen, 7 Ik Selamat Jarin!

We come again with more things to discuss

with you. Right now, some breakthrough developments
are taking place around your planet and a new series of
meetings has brought us to the brink of your deliveries.
These meetings are setting the stage for the events
marking the start of the changes we have all been waiting
for so patiently. Ever since we arrived en masse above
your world, we have been waiting for the global changes
that are the precursors to first contact. These
much-needed events are getting ready to be presented
to you. Federation personnel who are at these meetings
have informed us that the last obstacle is being worked
out, and at the same time, the delivery schedules are
being finalized. The change in governance and the
deliveries need to be synchronous, and it was the inability

hitherto to achieve this critical timing that resulted in
the seemingly unending delays. But now, the dark
c-balists have been given to understand that their future
safety may be in jeopardy and this has caused some of
them to alter course.

We can also report that several of their associates

have been forced to step aside. This breakthrough has
much heartened our Earth allies. The dark ca-al has
been able to keep a number of nations and their
respective b-nking systems from joining the growing
movement for a new global financial system, and the
recent developments have put this movement for
banking change back on track. Further, a number of new
c-iminal trials are close to happening, which will put these
obstacles to rest once and for all. Indeed, it is the threat
of these upcoming trials that triggered this most welcome
change of heart, and we look forward to seeing a sequence
of progressive events roll out like a domino effect. The
prospect of the looming economic disaster proved too
much even for the dark and its cronies to contemplate!
This scenario would have pulled the rug out from under
the present system and led to an unbelievable rise in
global chaos. In short, the change of heart was induced
by the twin specter of unpleasant legal repercussions
and a financial crash that would bring no relief to the
dark's present dilemma.

We stand at the edge of the precipice! Several

adjustments in personnel have been made to
composition of the first cabinet of the interim P-esident.
It is important that the caretaker go-ernment be able to
operate cohesively in carrying out the programs announced
in the official broadcasts. We are pleased with the way
our Earth allies are using the remaining moments to
prepare for the grand charge. The first month in office
requires that the scheduled agenda be dutifully and
quickly brought into being. We see that each of the
departments of this new gove-nment is prepared to
institute several new precedents on policy, and this
applies to many other gover-ments worldwide. A global
effort is underway to establish a policy of debt
forgiveness, new ba-king and finance, and even worldwide
cooperation. These initial policies will be followed
speedily by a full disclosure of our existence and
benevolence, which will lead to our full cooperation
with these new regimes in bringing out formerly
suppressed technologies.
These new technologies are to lay the foundation
of a new paradigm, beginning with the sciences, which

will turn over a new leaf for humanity and reveal the
truth of your origins. We watched as numerous individuals
in the physical and social sciences pioneered new directions
in scientific research. These forays into new methodologies,
initially pooh-poohed by their peers, are now being
recognized, and we respect these pioneers who were
courageously showing the way to a new science. We are
putting together a series of educational broadcasts that
will introduce these heralds to you by name, thus pointing
the way to a more sp-ritual science. This will be the
prologue that will introduce you to the science that we
use every day in our monitoring and upkeep of Gaia. As
your responsibilities grow, you can rally to the challenge
of developing a science of consciousness, which can
enable you to pick up the slack in taking care of your
global society and the living planet that sustains you.
What is happening on your world is not only a quiet
r-volution in go-ernance and finance; it is a re-olution
that vaults you into full consciousness! Just think for a
minute what this implies. You are moving into a realm
filled with spir-tual responsibilities. These things constitute
our prime reason for existence. Physical Creation is a most
special part of the infinite h-avenly realms. It exists to
provide many unique experiences that are vital to all
spiri-ual Beings, the most important of which is the concept
of 'time.' Time in Hea-en has little meaning, and whether
it is seen as sequential or as the omnipresent, eternal Now
makes little difference. All things in Heav-n are immortal
and each moment simply a given. Time is an element needed
for physical Creation; it is time that regulates the process
that turns inter-dimensional Light into matter, and it is
matter that shapes all of physical Creation.

As you begin to see the physical universe through the

lens of spirit-al science, you come to better understand
how physicality is put together and how it relates to the
Divine. You begin to see why you are here and how best to
interact with your fellows. This leads inevitably to galactic
society. We see our societies as a sac-ed, organic meld, in
which each Being can visualize their part in society and get
the necessary feedback from their fellows, enabling them to
potentialize their abilities to the utmost. This is best
achieved by what we call fluid group dynamics, which is a
system of give and take that we find solves all problems
creatively. We intend to impart this to you both before and
after you return to full consciousness. You are a most
magnificent group and you possess in abundance the logic
needed to achieve this.
As you approach the start of your transformation process,
keep in mind how precious is the world you are living on. It

is one thing to consider yourselves to be 'masters of
.........................reveal very different approaches: the first is
self-serving, indeed 'savage'; the second, sp-ritual and Loving.
A 'master' rules as one who is the predominant and prime
species of the realm, but this is not responsible nor is it the
Truth. We repeat, you are a very special group of Beings and
the ground of your Being is Love! It is your nature to see
'beyond' and to perceive the vast interconnected web of
mutuality that is Life.
Maintaining this web in its most potentialized form is vital
to the preservation of all.

This web of life is something you can actually see and

feel once you regain full consciousness, and as a result,
you will immediately perceive how upside down and
back-to-front the operation of your society truly is. We have
seen many societies rapidly restructure themselves as
they rise in consciousness, and this is now the case with
yours. It is becoming quite apparent to many influential
thinkers on your world that this is a time of immense
change. A grand transformation is required to save humanity
and sustain Gaia. We have come to know these wonderful
visionaries and have done what is div-nely permissible in
bringing into being what they are trying to tell you. In any
event, your society is on the brink of great change, leading
you to reunion and transformation!

Today, we explained more of what is happening on your

world. You are on the verge of things that on one level are
deeply longed for, but that on another will be truly shocking
to many. We come as a div-ne messenger and mentor,
whose prime purpose is to return you to the stars, and your
world to her former self. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of
Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity
of Heave- are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat

(Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address:

P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 |
E-mail: info@paoweb.com | Website address:

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com


The New Landscape for 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 1:00am

The New Landscape for 2011

January 15, 2011

Dearest Beloved Children of God,

New spiritual light of the highest frequencies is now anchored in the Earth's physical and
energy bodies, and is creating a whirlwind of transformation that has become visible
physically in the massive weather changes on the Earth that have moved to a new level of

These changes are not only the result of environmental imbalances, they are also part of a
massive vibrational change that is happening on the Earth, that will one day allow all beings
to see, feel, and know God's presence as a living reality. The previous era of separation
between the physical and spiritual realms is no more.

Your love and prayers are needed for the millions of people that are being affected by these
devastating weather events, and also for those who are experiencing the other effects of this
time of transformation, which includes emotional and physical purification, transformation of
family relationships, and many unknowns in relation to livelihood, and economic stability.

At this time when so much is in flux dearest ones, a new light is being born that that be felt
from within. The heart can feel the light that is present, which is familiar because it is the
divine source of all being, from which all souls are created.

For some, the new light is bringing forth buried emotions that feel too intense to bear. The
energies of despair, fear, anger and hopelessness can feel completely overwhelming when
they are released into consciousness. In these situations what is needed is a way to be able to
feel and know the other part of ones self, which is light and truth.
All souls are created pure and beautiful, and are light at their essence. Through their long
journeys in physical form, many souls have lost contact with their light, and have
accumulated layers of pain, hurt and darkness. This new time, which brings the strongest form
of light that has ever manifested on the Earth, offers a profound opportunity for healing and

All that is needed is the willingness and desire for healing, which then activates the light and
magnetizes the people and events that are needed to bring forth the healing process. Spiritual
supports such as the Calendar of Awakening can provide light and understanding for the new
experiences that are arising in this new spiritual and energetic landscape that exists now.
* www.worldblessings.net/public/Calendar_of_Awakening.cfm *

Beloved ones, a notable effect of this new level of spiritual light is now manifesting for many
people who are experiencing significant changes to their physical and energy bodies. This
same light is deeply affecting the emotional self, and all relationships which are now being
revealed for what they are.

All relationships are at their essence spiritual relationships. Even what seems to be the
simplest connection with another has spiritual significance, and has effects that ripple far
beyond their apparent boundaries. All of life is sacred, and all souls and their connections with
one another are sacred as well. This is a profound new reality that will continue to be revealed
in the times ahead, as all of humanity continues to awaken to the miracle that is, that lives in
all and that exists in all.

Beloved ones, this miracle of life exists even in the midst of the pain, suffering and
devastation of this time. God's light is present, holding all in the divine embrace of love and
forgiveness. Your heart is calling you now to step forward into this new time, this new light,
towards that which your heart and soul most desires.

We give great thanks for your love and participation in these messages.

With all love and blessings, Amen.


* www.worldblessings.net * www.lightomega.org *

World Blessings * P.O. Box 8741 * Bend, Oregon 97708 * USA * (541) 388-4692 *
The website has been constructed with help from the spiritual realms, from my beloved
husband Doran, and from my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large
measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic whole evolves, with anticipation

that there will be growth and change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to an
awakening world. *


Full Moon @ 30′ Cancer 1-19-11 by

Kachina Houska January 18, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 1:32am

Full Moon @ 30′ Cancer 1-19-11

by Kachina Houska

January 18, 2011

The Full Moon @ 29°27 Cancer/Capricorn

occurs on January 19th, 2011 at 4:22 pm EST.

A note of interest is that we find the Moon degree of this Full Moon to be the exact-to the-
minute degree (29 CAN 27) of the Total Solar Eclipse of July 21st-22nd, 2009. The duration
of effect of the July 2009 Solar Eclipse extends through 2012 so it is likely that events
stimulated by the July ’09 event will find resonance within this current Full Moon.

This current Cancer lunation is the 4th in a series of 5 consecutive Full Moons that occur on
the last degree of their respective signs. A degree of transition, the 29th degree represents the
end of the matter in relation to the concerns of said sign and when we arrive at this point it is a
time of culminating the wisdom and beneficial works from said sign while eliminating
anything that is non-beneficial and cannot be carried forward into the next sign for further
development. There are often last minute efforts to bring to culmination matters of said sign
and leaps of faith are on occasion taken when one feels a situation is just under the closing

Due to it’s transitional nature this last degree can also be a space of oscillation for when a
planet resides in this degree there is a revolving door effect. Gravitating between spaces and
feeling as if one is neither able to go back nor forward this oscillation dynamic can be quite
stressful if one attempts to find a solution or take an action based upon either/or perceptions.
To bridge this transitional space as seamlessly as is possible elimination of either/or thinking,
and often the Surrender to a “Higher Power/Wisdom”, becomes necessary.

The focus for this Full Moon is upon the Cancer-Capricorn axis with Moon/Cancer concerns
(domestic issues, family concerns, nurturing, early life, the past and the emotions) being
brought to the fore while the Sun in opposition to the Moon highlights Saturn/Capricorn
concerns(public, responsibility, practicality, ambitions and endurance) and shows where we
may need to adjust Moon/Cancer concerns to form a more harmonious relation between our
Cancer and Capricorn life areas.

With the Moon in her home sign of Cancer and upon the exact degree of the July ’09 Solar
Eclipse this should be quite a productive period of culminations over the next 2 weeks!

The specifics for this lunation:

A conjunction is forming between the Sun to Mars in early Aquarius while Mars is applying
in opposition to the Moon. Aquarius being a future oriented sign reminds us, via Mars, that
actions taken during this Full Moon period should be considered in relation to the future of
our goals and how they adhere, or not, to the well-being of the collective while the
conjunction of Mars to the Sun in Capricorn encourages being mindful of our integrity as we
preform any public related duties. These endeavors should be measured in relation to the
concerns of the Cancer Moon(family,home,past, emotions etc) as we are seeking a balance
that allows for one to preform their public responsibilities while also honoring the needs of
home, family and one’s emotional well-being.

Jupiter @ 30° Pisces is in a very tight applying trine to the Moon and sextile the Sun bringing
support through divine protection. As Jupiter upon the last degree of
Pisces(culmination,compassion) is the final dispositor for all planets (except the Moon at
home in Cancer), should any personal endings still need to occur before we step completely
into our new beginnings via the return of Jupiter(Jan.22nd) and Uranus(March 12th) into
Aries, blessings are to be found in dealing with such endings with as much compassion as is
possible for one’s self and any other involved.

As this is the 4th of our 5 consecutive 30th degree Full Moons following 2010′s intensive
transits we have been sorting, rebuilding and stabilizing many area’s of our lives for a while
now. While this will continue a bit longer we also are quickly approaching the arrival of the
energies of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries that will bring new opportunities and some very
exciting fire energies back into our days so if you too are just as weary as I am of this stage,
keep moving!

Aries, here we come!

Many Blessings!

Kachina Houska

Copyright Notice:

Permission is granted for circulation and usage of non-commercial purposes for any and all
materials that are offered at Into The Mystic and for which Kachina Houska retains all
ownership rights as the author of said materials. It is requested that the material be shared in

its original format with author and site credit given. A link back to the original work is
appreciated whenever possible. Thank You!

Tags: www.in2themystics.com


Teslimiyet Yoluyla Güçlenmek, Uyanış ve

İlahi Aşk
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 21, 2011 at 2:00am

Teslimiyet Yoluyla Güçlenmek, Uyanış ve İlahi Aşk

Dawn Maclntyre

Burada, Yeryüzü’nde zamanımızı geçirmek zor olmasa da, aklın ve ruhun belli niteliklerini de
geliştirmemiz beklenir bizden. Bu niteliklere; başarabilmek ve zevk almak için kendimizi
güçlendirmek, güvenmeyi öğrenmek, ilahi kimliğimiz gibi yüksek bir güçle sarmalanmak,
herşeyi kendi başımıza, kimliğimiz noktasından yapmaya çalışmayı bırakmak ve son olarak,
daha yüksek bir oluş seviyesi geliştirerek bütünüyle uyanışa geçmek de dahildir.
Kurban Zihniyetimi nasıl gerçek bir yetkinliğe çevirebilir, yaşamımın her noktasında gerçek
başarıya ulaşabilirim?
Bizler; gerçek anlamda kendi gücümüzün algısıyla doğduk, ana-babamızın, ailemizin,
öğretmenlerimiz ve toplumun bilincinden bağımsız bir algıyla… Bizler, masumiyetimizin ve
ruhsal misyonumuzu kolaylık ve zerafetle yerine getirmenin içsel kapasitesinin doğuştan
farkındalığına sahibiz.
Büyüdükçe, özellikle kadınlar olarak, yaşamımızın her alanında olmasa bile bilinçsiz bir
noktadan kurban zihniyetine sahip oluruz. Yetişkin olmaya başladıkça, öfke, korku ve endişe
tarafından idare edilmeye başlarız. Yine de bu zihniyetin bir kısmı bize aşina olsa da, bir
kısmını bilinçsizce yürütür, diğer türlüsünü seçmedikçe böyle davranmayı sürdürürüz.
Kendi yaşamlarımızın sorumluluğunu üstlenmek, kendimizi daha tam ve derin anlamda
sevmek sürecinde güçlü olmak, şu anda olduğumuz halimizle gücümüz ve zayıflılığımızla
kendimizi kabul edebilmek, kendimizi ve diğerlerini tümüyle bağışlamaya istekli olmak ve
son olarak geçmişi salıvermek bir zorunluluktur.
Kim olduğumuzla ilgili önyargılı kavramları salıvermek ve onun yerine, kadınlar olarak
ruhsal gücümüzde limitsiz ve görkemli olmayı seçmeliyiz.
Sevgi, kabul, bağışlama ve salıverme… Bunlar öz-yetkinliğin sırlarıdır. Arzuladığımız ve hak
ettiğimiz barış, mutluluk ve kişisel gücün sorumluluğunu taşıdığımızı idrak edebildiğimizde;
bu özellikleri içimizde oluşturmak çok daha kolay bir hale gelir. Şimdi, içsel güzellik ve
ululuğumuzu ifade etmenin peşine korkusuzca düşmeye adım atmanın tam zamanıdır.
İki ay kadar önce, bir hırsızlık deneyimi yaşadım. Soyguncunun beni korkuttuğu kadar ben de
onu korkutmuştum. Neyse ki bana bir zarar veremeden kaçtı evden. O gün için, kendime,

kendi özelimize ve bizce kutsal olan yerlere saldırılmasına karşı hissettiğim şoku yaşamaya
izin verdim, ama ertasi sabah uyandığımda, bu olayda mağdur bir kurban gibi hissetmemeye
karar vermiştim. Sonuç olarak deneyimdeki hediyeyi görmüş ve kendimi bu lütfu alabilmek
konusunda güçlendirebilmiştim.
Seçmediğimiz sürece kurban olmak zorunda değiliz artık. Bunun yerine gerçek anlamda
yetkili hale gelmekteyiz.
Neden teslimiyet yaşamalıyız?
Kurban zihniyeti yerini güçlü ve yetkili bir algıya bıraktıkça, bizler, arzularımızı tezahür
ettirmenin tohumlarını ekmeye başlarız. Böylelikle, sezgi ve önsezilerimiz üzerinde ciddi
anlamda çalışarak ileriye taşınır ve dopdolu yaşamlara ulaşabiliriz.
Bu süre boyunca, belli engellerin bize meydan okuması ve orijinal plan ve zamanlamamıza
uymayan durumlarla karşılaşabiliriz.
Bu duruma en uygum çözüm, teslim olmak ve ilahi sürece, ilahi zamanlamaya ve evrenin
yoldaki her adımda bizimle birlikte yaratıyor olduğuna GÜVEN duymaktır. Ve bazen, bize
düşen, bir adım geri atıp, evrenin kendi işini yapmasına izin vermektir.
Eğer olanları zorlarsak, sonuçlar öngördüğümüzün aksi ve olumsuz olur. Diğer yandan eğer,
teslim olup güvenirsek, olanların, mükemmel zamanlama içinde, kolaylıkla ve zarifçe,
tasarladığımızdan çok daha iyi bir şekilde olmasına izin verme haline geçeriz.
İşte bu evrenin işleyiş biçimidir ve mükemmeldir… Eğer gerçekten izin verebilirsek…

Ruhsal yolumuzun neresinde olursak olalım… Bir yerlere ulaşıncaya kadar karşılaşacağımız
en sabit dersdir bu, inanın… Ben de yolumda ne kadar ilerlemiş olsam da inanın, sizin kadar
şeylerin zamanlaması tarafından yakalanıyor ve teslimiyet sanatını yeniden öğreniyorum.

Teslimiyet; iş yapmak ya da düşlerinizi gerçekleştirmek anlamında tembel ve pasif bir yol

olarak gözükebilir. Gerçek şu ki, göremesek bile, ilahi mavi kopyamızın gerçekten yerine
getirildiğine inanmamızdan daha büyük bir inanç ve güven yoktur, gerçek bir teslimiyete
vardığımızda barış içinde başarımızı kutlayabiliriz.
En sonunda, teslimiyeti yaşayıp süreçten memnun olduğumuzda, arzularımız daha çabuk
yerine gelir çünkü kendi yolumuzun üzerinden çekilmiş oluruz. Nereye bakarsanız bakın
bulamadığınız çözümler; sihirli bir şekilde ortaya çıkar. Bu; bu kadar basittir.
Tanrı sizin mutlu olmanızı istiyor… Saplanıp kaldığınızda, ve işler umduğunuz gibi
olmadığında; sadece “Serbest bırakın, Tanrıya bırakın.”
Siz buna değersiniz.
Uyanış yaşamlarımızı oluşturmak adına neden bu denli önemli?
Uyanış hali, eninde sonunda mutluluğa erme halidir. Teslimiyet ve güvenme sanatında
ustalaştığımızda, kendimiz ve diğerleri için lütuf, minnettarlık, güzellik, merhamet, bağışlama
ve ilahi aşk haline girmek çok daha kolaydır.Bu her bir olma halinin armağanı ayrı ayrı
büyülü ve toplu halde; dünyada cenneti yaratmakla eşdeğerdir.
• Lütuf: Lütuf hali içinde yaşamak, dış olay ve durumlardan bağımsız olarak basitçe zihinsel
ve duygusal anlamda merkezlenmiş ve topraklanmış olmak demektir. Her bir an yaşamın
armağanını hissedebilir, insanlar ve olaylar içindeki en iyiyi görebiliriz.

• Minnettarlık: Minnetarlık içinde olmak, hiçbir şeyi ve hiçbir kimseyi hafife almamayı
gerektirir. Size bahşedilmiş güzellikleri görebilmeniz için… bunu gerçekleştirebildiğinizde,
aynı güzellikleri yaratabilirsiniz. Her zaman iyiye ya da kötüye odaklanma seçimlerine
sahibiz. Her gün minnettarlık duyabileceğiniz şeyler üzerine odaklanın.
• Güzellik: Güzellik hali içinde olmak, insanlığın içindeki güzelliğin varlığını onurlandırmak
ve doğanın güzelliğini daha büyük bir saygıyla idrak etmek anlamına gelir. Bizim zorlamamız
olmadan var olan doğanın güzelliği, küçük bir eforla yaşamlarımızda güzelliği

yaratabilmemiz adına limitsiz bir kapasiteye sahip olduğumuzun en önemli örneğidir.
• Merhamet: Merhametli varlıklar olarak daha büyük bir resmi görürüz. Aynı zamanda
insanların da sahip oldukları bilinç seviyesinde ellerinden geleni yapmaya çallıştıklarını da
görürüz. Merhametli olmak, kabul duygusuna yer açar ve diğerlerinin de gelişmelerine
yardımcı olur.
• Bağışlama: Bağışlamayı listenin en altına yazsam da, uyanış hali içinde olmanın en üst
rütbesidir. Kendimizi ve diğerlerini temelden bağışlama bizi daha yüksek bilinçlilik ve uyanış
haline sokar. Ve yaşamın sunduğu mucizeleri deneyimlememizi sağlar.
Tüm bunlar kendimizi hep bu hallerde yaşamaya zorlamamız anlamına mı geliyor? Kesinlikle
hayır! Ama kendimizden bu hallere daha çabuk uyumlanmayı isteyebiliriz. Uyanışın anahtarı,
var olmanın düşük seviyelerinde olduğumuz an ve günlerin farkına vararak, kolaylık ve
zerafetle kendimizi yükseltmenin cesaretini taşımakta yatar…
Gerçek doğamız olan Kendimizin ilahi aşkına doğru…

Dawn MacIntyre
İlahi Işık Çemberi

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 21, 2011 at 3:23am

2011, hakkında hiçbir şey bilmediğimiz, bütünüyle yeni bir niyetin keşfini getiriyor. Artık bu
yeni Niyetimizin açıklanması mümkün; çünkü artık Gerçek ve Doğru olanlar olmaya
başlıyoruz. Yeni Niyetimiz, fikir ya da konsept şeklinde çıkmıyor ortaya – daha çok taze bir
meltem gibi... Ancak Anda hissedildiğinde, Gerçek ve Doğru olduğunu bilebiliyoruz. Eğer
Yeni Niyetimizi tanımlayabilmek için daha net görmeye çalışırsak, ele geçmez, kayıp gider.
Onu tanımlayabilmek için eski metotları uygularsak, hiç birinin işlemediğini görürüz. Yeni
Niyetimiz bütünüyle Yeni. Varolan algılarımızın çok ama çok dışından geliyor. Yeni
Niyetimizin taze meltemini hissettiğimizde, bizde oluşturduğu duygudan tanırız onu; çünkü
gelmekte olanın biliş halini tetikler, sözcüklere dökemesek de...
Yeni Niyetimiz, öyle geniş bir seviyededir ki, ona ulaşmak nefesimizi keser, ama alt üst
olmayız çünkü kim olduğumuzun doğal bir uzantısıdır o.

Yeni Niyetimiz, sahip olduğumuzun farkında dahi olmadığımız becerileri kullanmamıza sebep
olabilir. Becerilerin farkındayızdır belki, ama ya ciddiye almamış ya da kullanmamışızdır.
Belki de sadece hobi maksadıyla vardır yaşamımızda. Şimdi artık zaten yeterince gelişmiş
olan becerilerimizi daha eğlenceli ve daha yaratıcı olan başka alanlara kaydıracağız. Belki de
var olan becerilerimizi bir kenara burakıp bütünüyle yeni olanlara yöneleceğiz. Tüm bunlar
bizim seçeneklerimiz. Yeni Niyetimiz, bütünüyle yeni ve beklenmedik... Hiç dikkate
almadığımız durumlara yöneltecek bizi. Daha önce hiç düşünmediğimiz şeyleri yapmaya
başlayabiliriz. Dahası, yeni Niyetimizi bulduğumuzda, öyle heyecan verici, öyle taze ve
hayret verici şekilde doğru ki...
Yeni Niyetimizi keşfedebilmek için, her şeyden önce, Gerçek Olanlar olmalıyız. Ve “yeni bir
şeyi yapamayız, geçmişte başarısız olduğumuz bir şeyi tekrar deneyemeyiz” duygusundan
sıyrılmalıyız. Bu sınırlı duygular, bizi Yeni Niyetimizi görmekten alıkoyar çünkü, Yeni
Niyetimiz, “yapamam” filtresinden idrak edilemez. Bu filtre olmadığında, daha önce bizden
saklanan sayısız olasılıkları görmeye başlarız.
Yeni Niyetimiz, eski Niyetimizden sıyrılmayı gerektirebilir. Onu, hakkında düşünceye dalarak
bulamayacağız. Yeni Niyetimiz, ani ve beklenmedik bir şekilde ortaya çıkacak, ancak ve
ancak kendimizi DOĞRU YER ve DOĞRU ZAMANA hizaladığımızda bize gelecektir...


Çeviren: Güneş Kurtulan


Message From Archangel Michael, January
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 11:47am

Michelle Coutant

Message From Archangel Michael, January 2011

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

“Anchor The Diamond God Light”

Dear Ones,

Remembrance, remembering. It is the process which each of you is going through right now.
It is an intense cleansing, a purging of all that no longer serves your highest good. You must
stay steady in the light, with diligence, with great strength and courage, with perseverance.
We are with you in every now moment and we remind you of this. It is a time of remembering
your heritage, remembering who you are at the deepest levels of your being. It is a time of
remembering every aspect and facet of who you are, your individual heritage, this blessed
inner wisdom, the God Self which you each are and display in great joy, through your
thoughts your actions, your words, your feelings.

We ask you to dig deep beloved ones, dig deep to the very core of your being, your God Self.
The unconditional love, the great wisdom of the Cosmos awaits you in this now moment.
Each now moment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your Godliness, to be the
personality of God. You have the opportunity to embody God in every now moment. Choose
wisely dear ones. This lifetime is but a breath of eternity. It is a now moment which fleets by
on the wings of light. Waste not one God moment of eternity. It is more precious than you
know, each moment providing you with the opportunity to return to your Glorious divine
heritage, your birthright, to be and demonstrate God.

Within each of you is the radiant core cell of diamond light, blazing forth in every now
moment. This radiant core of diamond light has been activated and it is up to each of you to
make use of the diamond light radiating and flowing and expanding upon your earth in every
now moment. This light is rarified and of the highest vibration we may give you access to at
this time. It is the clear diamond light of God, at the highest levels, yet stepped down so that
you may access it, integrate it wisely and fill your diamond core God cell to overflowing, with
this light. The miracles abound, as your earth moves into her crystalline form, and as you dear
ones move into your crystalline form. The diamond light provides you access to greater
manifestation. The radiation of the light in your fields allows you greater access to your
divine heritage of abundance, unconditional love, joy, peace and harmony, with absolute ease
and grace.

The diamond light has been anchored on earth through the many brave souls who are
incarnating at this time, and it is now being given as a gift, to those of you who are ready to
anchor it in greater increments. This is a great gift and holds great responsibility for those of
you who are ready. Misuse of the diamond light causes imbalances in your auric field, and
imbalances in your thought processes. This gift will only be given to those who are ready to
step into mastery. This light will not be given to those who will misuse it. You must each
choose to make use of the diamond light with ease and grace. Sit down in meditation and call
in the diamond light. Feel it, absorb it into your field. Feel it light up you who are now
polishing the diamond that is you, to a bright and brilliant shine. The diamond light is a great
polisher, yet misuse, will dim your diamond to lack luster proportions. Feel the flow of the
diamond light, and begin to radiate this light to and through your field, filling yourselves with
its brilliance.

You each have a crown of light which has been dimmed over the eons, and it is now time for
you to wear your crown of light with strength and courage and to stand in the truth and
integrity, the impeccability that is you. Your crown of light blazes forth with the Twelve Rays
of God, in perfect balance and harmony, perfect brilliance, and the diamond light
complements the Rays and fulfills the radiance of you. See your crown of light blazing forth
with ease and grace, in balance and harmony. Wear your crown of light with great
responsibility and great wisdom, yet wear it lightly, in love and joy. Each morning, place your
crown of light upon your head and fill yourselves with the diamond light, as you bring in your
Divine I Am Presence, to think through you, feel through you, speak through you, act through
you, and see through you, in every now moment. Make this a part of your morning ritual
which we have recently given to you, dear ones. Stand in your light with all your glory and
radiance shining forth, and as you do so, your auric field touches those around you and they
too, will awaken and move forward on their path into the Divine light.

Rest in God, beloved ones, relax in the now moment and know that you are loved, supported
and divinely guided. See yourselves being held in the palm of God in perfect grace, in every
now moment, and all is well. Feel the shower of God light, feel the support and the
unconditional love of God, as you rest in the palm of the Father/Mother God.

We of the higher realms are here beside you, in unconditional love and support as you rest in
the palm of God.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety,
giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:

Visit Michelle’s website at: www.transformingradiance.com

Email: michelle@transformingradiance.com

All my Love and Blessings,



David Doğan Beyo - Çalışmalarımız
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 5:30pm

David Doğan Beyo

Ben kimim ?

''Sevgiyim, güneşim, toprağım, okyanusum, gökyüzüyüm, tüm varoluşum, sonsuzluğa doğru

genişleyen sonsuz bir ışığım, aşığım.''

1981 yılında Istanbul'da dogdum, 13 yaşında hayatı ve yaşamı sorgulamaya başladım. 15

yasinda içsel anlamda derin bir açılım yaşadım , bu açılım ile birlikte hayata korkunun değil
sevginin penceresinden bakmaya başladım. O gunden beri yaşama ve içsel tekamül
yolculuğuma bilinçli bir şekilde devam etmekteyim. 15-19 yaşları arasında bir çok eğitime,
workshop a ve çalışmaya katıldım. Eğildiğim konular belirli bir öğreti ile sınırlı olmadı. Bir
çok öğretiden kendime katabileceğim kadar katmaya çalıştım ve bu süreç sonsuza dek devam

İçsel çalışmlarla geçen yoğun bir dönemden sonra üniversite eğitimi için 1999 yılında Kudüs
Unvirsitesi Psikoloji Bölümüne girdim, 1 yıl hazırlık döneminden sonra , Psikoloji eğitiminin
ve Psikolojinin insanın gerçek doğasına , özünün derinliklerine inemediği gözlemledim ve
egitimimi yarıda bırakıp, Türkiye'ye geri döndüm.

2000-2003 yılları arasında 3 sene Thailand'da (2 sene Bangkok , 1 sene Koh Phangan)
yaşadım. 3 sene boyunca Kamboçya, Laos, Malezya, Singapur ve bir çok diğer asya ülkelerini
dolaştım. Güney Dogu Asya'nın ve Thailand'ın doğası ve orada aldığım eğitimler ve yaptığım
meditasyonlar ve çalışmalar beni derinden etkiledi ve değişim ve eğitim sürecime birçok
katkısı oldu.

Sonrasında Türkiye ye geri döndüm , Askerliği ve Üniversiteyi aradan çıkardıktan sonra ,

yaptığım çalışmaları insanlarla paylaşmaya başladım.

Temmuz 2008'de tüm dünyada spirituel ve ruhsal paylaşımların çoğalması ve sevginin,

barışın, birliğin ve uyumun gerçek değerlerinin hatırlanması ve yaşatılması adına Love Peace
and Harmony i kurdum.

2009'da çalışmalarımı bir çok merkezde seminerler ve meditasyon grupları olarak yaptım. Şu
an'da Ruhsal Koçluk , Yeni Çağ Enerji Uyumlamaları ve Meditasyon hocalığı yapmaktayım.

Ruhsal Koçluk

Zamansızlık boyutunda bir akış ve şifa terapisidir. An içinde danışanın içinde bulunduğu
farkındalığa ve hale uygun olarak ihtiyacı olan aynalama ve çözülmenin gerçekleştiği çok
boyutlu bir çalışmadır. Bir seans ortalama olarak 2-5 saat arası sürmektedir.

Yapılan çalışmalardan örnekler ;

· Aile Çözümlemeleri

· Nefes Çalışmaları

· Mucizeler Kursu

· Psiko-Analiz

· Tantra Öğretisi

· İlişki Çözümlemeleri

· İçsel Telkin Çalışmaları

· Sağ ve Sol Beyin Dengeleme Çalışmaları

· Affetme ve Geçmişten Özgürleşme Terapisi

· Bilinçaltı Temizleme ve Farkındalık Terapisi

· Dişil ve Eril Enerjilerimizi Dengeleme Terapisi

· 3.üncü Göz ve Epifiz Bezi Aktivasyon Çalışmaları

· Çakralarımız ve Enerji Alanları Üzerine Çalışmalar

· Kuantum Bilinç, İmgeleme ve Olumlama Çalışmaları

· Reiki ve Yeni Çağ Enerji Uyumlamaları ve Şifa Seansları

· Meditasyon Teknikleri ( en basit meditasyon tekniklerinden Vigyan Brahirav a ,

Vipassana’ya kadar)

Şifa Seansları

Yeni Çağ Enerjileri ve kristaller ile yapılan arınma ve enerji aktarımı çalışmasıdır. 1.5 saat

Kadın-Erkek İlişkileri Terapisi

Çiftlerle Kadın-Erkek İlişkileri ve Tantra üzerine farkındalık terapisi ve çalışmaları.

Dönüşüm Oyunu

Dönüşüm Oyunu Hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi ;


Çalışmalarımız Tarabya’daki home-ofisimde ya da arzu edenin kendi mekanlarında

Çalışmalarımla ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi ve randevu almak isteyen arkadaslar beni arayabilirsiniz.

Ruhsal Koç-Enerji Sistemleri Uzmanı-Meditasyon Hocası

David Doğan Beyo

Cep; 05376316762 – 05077568088

Ofis; 02122234576


SkyView Astrology: First Full Moon 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 10:48pm

SkyView Astrology: First Full Moon 2011

January 19 Europa and Americas, January 20 Asia and Orient

The game is over!

This first Full Moon of the year 2011, with the sun on the very last degree of Sagittarius and
the Moon in Cancer, is a constellation which is not possible in Tropical Western Astrology,
where the opposites always orderly are in the opposite sign. But what is going on in the world
now is beyond the ordinary, beyond fixed order and believes. The Western Astrologers also
don’t bother with a 13th sign, this would make things complicated. Already the fact that in the
sky the star signs are not in a nice 30 degree order seems to be too much and they simplified
the system accordingly.

It is no wonder that we experience such a split right now, in the time where a new discussion
and controversy has come up about Ophiuchus, the 13th sign in the Star Constellations.
SkyView Astrology always had this little mark in the sign of Scorpion indicating the 13th
sign. It is very important if we look at the fact that the great alignment of 2012 has something
to do with this sign. The sun is rising in this time in Ophiuchus in alignment with Pluto and
the Central Sun Alcyone.

I just heard from Werner Neuner that in Greenland the sun rose 2 days too early instead on the
polar night of the 13th it already on the 11th around 1 pm. Also here there is no explanation
but one thing is clear: nothing is in the old order anymore and humans have to comprehend
that we only can go along with this dynamic process of changes if we give up to believe in
fixed orders and control and move back into the consciousness of the heart. He points out that
the ignorance of humans is simply not tolerable anymore and it’s time to look at things, there
is nowhere to hide anymore.

The beginning of this year brought a very strange incident that is absolutely not explained and
when I tried to check out links again after a few days of the happening, there was no hint that
this topic ever existed! On the night into the new year, around three- to fife thousand birds fell
dead from the sky, a few days later around 500 in the state Louisiana and in the dark moon
night from Jan 4th the scenario repeated itself in Sweden where another around 100 birds
dropped dead from the sky. What happened? Nobody know and most people just move on and
don’t ask any further questions! There are explanations but they can’t talk about it because it
would reveal that there are methods around that are far beyond the normal persons
comprehension of manipulation and control.

The AC here in Thailand and Venus in this chart stands in Ophiuchus and if we look at the
Chart for Europe, Ophiuchus is down by the IC. But first let’s talk about the Sun/Moon

The moon reaching out from it’s own sign Cancer into Sagittarius shows a quite painful
“overstretch” of the emotional body. Noting is what it was, there is nothing we can hold on
and relay on. After the discussions and trying to justify things, to explain and understand,
there is nothing left. Now it’s up to us if we want to reconnect with the soul, the path of the
soul or still pursue the ways of the Ego. Things have changed and most people are not ready
to acknowledge this and do the only little thing that needs to be done to change the world:
change oneself! The outside will not change because it’s our mirror… so simple it is!
Therefore we see what we believe in, what we empower and energize. You chose if you take
the red or the blue pill.

The Sun Conjunction with Mars, which is already in Capricorn, also shows the conflict of two
singns and in addition the “orange” triangle that is connected with the Full Moon constellation
shows that is has something to do with old patterns, believes and karma. It shows the fact that
most people have given up their power. Voluntarily! A certain resignation and “what can I do”
is the mainstream and a lot of sadness prevails. Many are sick. But this is part of the cleaning
and cleansing. Every time when the body is sick this indicates that the self healing mechanism
is in action trying to restore the harmony. But also here we often run to see doctors who are
trained that any inconvenience has to go away as fast as possible and block the healing
process with all kind of medicine and pain killers. Then the patient can go back to his/her
routine without changing anything! The question is only: how long?

How can we realize what is going on if we don’t go to the boundaries and experience the
“outer ring” of our routine? If there we might look further and beyond. To see something we
have to take a step away and look form a distance. Only then we can have an overview. In this
case it’s a big step that we have to take and look over the fence of our habits, beyond the
timeframe of millennia’s to understand what is happening to us. The Sun is ready to move into
Capricorn, the sign where the structures are revealed and nothing can hide anymore. The
bones are visible and every thing which is not real or attached is laid open. This is maybe also
why things are so urgent. I hear from many that in the last week they experienced strange
energy patterns, shifts, headaches and other physical symptoms. This happens often when a
new energy is coming in so strongly and especially when alignments, like Full or Dark Moons
or aspects of two or more planets, reach into constellations which are bringing controversial
energies together. In this chart we also can see Chiron/Neptune conjunction, stretching from
Capricorn into Aquarius, connected with the Moon.

This aspect between Neptune/Chiron and the Moon is a so called “last chance” or “divorce”
aspect. This aspect is a key to the constellation showing the choice we have. Either we start to
look from a different perspective and experience healing or we are stuck in the old and
dogmatic ways and we get sick. This is just the two sides of the same coin. No judgment!
The difference between the chart for the Western and Eastern World is significant. It shows
the different reaction to the happenings. It seems that more people in the Eastern hemisphere,
probably also due to the influence of Buddhism, have less resistance to surrender and look at
themselves before blaming every one around them for their misery. Through the teaching of
Karma they are more willing to accept the fact that they “made bad karma and now have to
pay for it”. Which is also dogmatic but maybe easier to handle without major fighting.

In the Western world we find more the fight of the ego and discussions, excuses and
especially the approach to try to fix things. But there is nothing to fix anymore. The structures
that have become rigid don’t serve the good of the whole and will fall. Like the cancer dies
with the patient after he completely destroyed the order of the body.No matter where you live,
in the East or West, one is for sure: only the way that will lead the path is the way of the heart,
the way of love. Only the consciousness of “paying forward” will bring solutions because the
old ways didn’t work, they brought chaos, illness and destruction and there is nothing that can
fix this anymore.

You might ask why I mentioned and what this all has to do with Ophiuchus? Why I come out
of the blue with this topic? It’s not out of the blue at all, I just mention this now because the
topic has come up in the press. And Tropical astrologers are still trying to comfort people
(even seen in News Channels) that they are still born under the same sign and still a Scorpio,
Sagittarius etc. One lady said totally desperate, just believe, there has nothing changed. What
a irony this from someone who calls herself an Astrologer!!

Those who know me also know that I don’t agree Western Astrology at all, because we can
not identify ourselves with a sign, with a principle because I am simply “I Am” – I am not my
hand, my body, my mind, my emotions and no Leo (etc). I have a body, hands, mind and
emotions, but for sure I am not born in the sign of a Cancer (in my case) as they say because
if I look into the sky there is a different sun constellation than in my true chart. The Western
Astro-chart shows the sun going through the season. It is a ego based system because the sun
represents the ego and consciousness of a person. Therefore this system does not really
deserve the name Astrology because they pretend that the sun is in a certain sign which in fact
it is not. And layman think that this is a astronomical fact. So at least they should have the
decency to call it differently!

To look at the real star constellations reveals a lot about one’s life but does not tell anybody
who that person is but shows the path one has chosen in this life time. Ophiuchus has a major
role in this play but it’s more convenient not to mention it. It’s like in the fairy tale the 13th
fairy was not invited, but non-the-less the energy was there and she had her saying!
In the same way, if we believe it or not, if we ignore it or look at it, Ophiuchus has a saying
too in our lives. And this has something to do with the mystery of healing and rising of the
kundalini energy. In the mythology we find the stories telling us in Symbols the truth. But this
is not the place to go into details.

In this year, the first full moon is announcing that there will be a lot of revelations to come, a
lot of things we can’t overlook anymore. There is probably a very big difference how it is
being handled by the eastern and western people. A lot of activity is happening visibly in the
West, we can say that there are more explosion and in the East more implosion. None of them
is better than the other, it’s just the way of a different approach.Therefore get ready of a year
with great changes and it’s up to you what you experience in them. Many who already have
adapted the new spirit and consciousness of love and care, they will have a fantastic year of
moving forward, of realizing projects and helping Mother Earth, experience her full support.

Those who are stuck in the old paradigm and ways of doing and trying to fix things might
have a difficult time and getting stuck in a dead end. The only way forward for every one will
be to find the way back to the heart, to look through the heart and see from the heart.

To learn to see again, to feel again and to realize that we are all living on the same planet and
are connected more than most people want to admit. Therefore it’s easy: change yourself and
you change the world; act from the heart and become a true human again.

Namaste, Katharina Bless

**SkyView Astrology (outer circle) works with the real star-constellations. Western/Tropical
Astrology (inner circle) has nothing to do with the stars anymore and their 1˚ Aries is 28˚
apart from the true star constellations, the Vedic/Indian system is 6˚ degrees different.
SkyView Astrology does not tell you who you are, but shows the blueprint/roadmap of one’s
life and the time quality. It also is no fortune telling tool and can’t predict the future. The
Western Astrology has nothing to do with the Stars, but is a method to show how the sun
moves trough the season – which makes a certain sense in the northern hemisphere, but
doesn’t make any sense bear and below the equator in the southern hemisphere – for more
information go to www.silverdove.net
For your convenience I list the dates when the sun enters the signs:Aries: 25° April 18,
Taurus: 36° - May 13, Gemini: 28° - June 21 Cancer: 20° - July 20, Leo: 36° - Aug 10, Virgo:
44° - Sept 16, Libra: 23° Oct 30, , Scorpio: 25° - Nov 23, Sagittarius: 33° - Dec 17,
Capricorn: 28° - Jan 20, Aquarius: 25° - Feb 16, Pisces: 37° - March 11 The
dates of the transition of the sun are based on the guidelines of IAU (International
Astronomical Union).** Katharina Bless is Author of “SkyView Astrology - Applying the real
Star Constellations to our Life’s Journey and Soul Evolution” and “Flower Healing Power”
and has a sound meditation center in Chiang Rai, Thailandwww.silverdove.net


2011 Predictions, Ascension Symptoms &
Ancient Mother Revelation Codes 13
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 11:30pm

2011 Predictions, Ascension Symptoms


Ancient Mother Revelation Codes 13

a message from
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
21 January, 2011

This year will open a star gate of the 11:11 that carries the alchemical power of the 13 and the
10:10. The mystical frequency of 13 the Ancient Mother Frequency, the Goddess of Creation
will bring all things of unbalanced power into alignment out into the open for all to see that
brings a great shift in world conscientiousness The 10:10 brings wholeness and completion of
old karma, soul and planetary agreements, contracts and patterns so you may truly be free and

ascend. You will see 55 and 555 Archangel Michael’s protection codes of action, clearing and
powerful transmutation. 33 and 333 will bring the sacred heart and the rose ray to soften the
powerful transformational energies, and shifts of the ascension and 2012. These frequency
vibrations will increase with velocity until the year 2013.

Magical opportunities will present themselves that will placed you in your positions of where
you can serve the highest good and where you can best be served. Many of you have been
waiting for the 11:11 –13 –33 –333 and 10:10 gateway to open. Now you may ride the
ethereal plane of higher consciousnesses and feed your new evolutionary new earth bodies
with the manna of heaven and galactic star essence.

Only the ones that have purified themselves and have gone through the pathway of the sacred
heart will be allowed entrance to the11: 11 13-333 and 10:10 gateways. This gateway will
create a frequency vibration within you of untouchable power to the lower density
conscientiousness energy patterns of corruption, structures and systems of life.


Ascension Symptoms for 2011

Feeling dizzy upon waking or feeling as if you spinning or that the earth the ground beneath
you is spinning and your are not.

Seeing an increase in number patterns and sequences that include 444, 13, 33, 11:11, 12:12,
13;13 10:10, 55, and 136.1

Digestive issues will be paramount for most of you shifting frequency. This will be one of the
biggest signs of your new evolutionary earth body and increase in your light vibration.

Rise in vegetarianism

Increase in beings becoming empathic

Heighten sensitivity to toxins, food and lower density consciousness with consciousness of
inhuman treatment of animals. This may caught you off guard, as you watch media and feel
sick when you eat certain animals. You could find yourself unexpectently feeling nausea, and
wanting to cry as you pass by the meat and poultry aisle of your food stores.

Feeling lighter and actually hearing your cells vibrating

Periods of extreme exhaustions this is from intense cellular mutation and rejuvenation of your
cells to your Divine original blueprint

Increase in your empathic and telepathic communications and connections to Nature,

extratressial and galactic liaison

Blue Ray, water angelic and elemental forces will influence and draw you to increase your
vibrational frequency through water sources. The need to purfiy and detox yourself though
cleansing baths and increased need of minerals. The need, lack, and importance of the
resource of water and minerals will become a theme for your world for many years to come.

Body temperatures shifting

Continued abnormal weather and climate changes this trend will continue for over the next 13

Increased and decrease solar activity that brings aggressive world behaviors and increase of
ultra sensitivity that can cause periods of depression, inwardness and anxiety.

Predictions and the energies for 2011

Butterfly symbols and butterflies

Unity consciences and soul mates

Green and green technology

Power in all in its forms


Star Gate and Star Gate technologies in the world and in your body

Star gate and Star Gate Technologies

Relazation that your pineal gland is a star gate that will increase your brain power and
telepathic abilities. This is encoded cellular memory activated by the harmonics of the
Galactic core and 2012 ascension. There will be other discoveries and reactivations of the star
gates, new charkas and God meridians points of your body.

Dramatic food changes and Increased awareness of toxins and genetically altered foods and
how that effects the chemistry, brain, body, moods and DNA of humans.


Divine Mother Frequencies Harmonics 13 –33

A profound shift to the awareness and activation of the Divine Mother Frequencies Harmonics
13 –33- and Mother Earth 136.1 Hz will create an electromagnetic Unity Field of
Consciousness to ensure that the Codes of Creation and Holy Grail knowledge are used for
the highest good of humanity and earth. Her harmonic essence is bringing the return of the
language of Light from the galaxies and universes of Light that brings enormous miraculous
blessing to all that have an open heart.


The return of the Mother Frequency of 13 –33 and 136.1 Hz of empathy and compassion and
through the forms of Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene Quan Yin, Shakti
and all her deities will create new paradigms that can lead to increased harmony and peace on

33 -22

Goddess Temples Reemerge on Gaia 11:11 13 –33 -33

Many of you will be greatly awakened and activated by the Mother Frequency that will attune
you to a fuller richer experience in your life. The 13 –33 Mother Frequency will activate in
you a deep hearts longing though her divine Grace to restore and create the Goddess temples
on earth that were here and active in the times of Atlantis, Lemuria (Mu) and ancient Egypt.
This will create incredible balance in the electromagnetic Unity Field of Gaia to ensue the
new era of light.

333 ~ Shamanic Phantom Death, Soul Contracts –Crossing Over and still being alive on

After the Cosmic Galactic alignment of 10:10 10 the end of soul and karmic contracts, many
of you may feel a loss of connections to earth, relationships and your current life. Your cycle
may feel so completed that may wonder what is your place here on the planet now. In the

Phantom Death it feels like you are crossing over but still alive and could also be going
through heath issues.

You living as a Shaman, Angelic Human and trans medium channel

Your energy vibrational resonance may have shifted so dramatically that you feel alone and
isolated from having difficulties relating to your life and world in the way you normally have.
For some you may feel you are now between worlds living as a Shaman, Angelic Human or
trans medium channel experiencing, feelings, seeing and sensing what others are not. Is it the
ascension of 2012 and the power of the core of your Soul in its raw and pure state that has
brought you to this place of the Shamanic Phantom Death. As a soul you have a few specific
periods of cycles where you may leave the planet. This is where you choose where your soul
can best serve and where you maybe come the resurrected phoenix being reborn here on Gaia.

These will be unparallel times of the greatest revelations at your deepest core soul level where
major break through shifts will occur that you did not know where possible. After your

Phantom Death you may reach a level of Soul Cosmic power that has been reserved only for
Saints and ascended masters.

Return of the Language of Light the lost ancient 528 Hz Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

Science has rediscovered the 528 Hz Love and Miracles and the Ancient Solfeggio
Frequencies that are part of the Sound Codes of the Ancients also called the Language of
Light. This ancient sacred technology of higher Communication activates your Divine
blueprint your God DNA. It is through the alignment of the Galactic Core and new age that
these keys of the holy Grail, heavens higher communication are coming available to you
through music, sounds, sacred art and multidimensional awareness. Using the Language of
Light will become a powerful tool for your ascension and transformation for you to reach new

levels of consciousness. The Language of Light will transmute negativity instantly and open
celestial gateways that are available for your full mastery of divinity.

In 2011 expect paradigm shifts changes that will bring unexpected blessings and wholeness.
For some it will feel that you have been thwarted or stopped in what you have desired to do
13. This is a message to surrender to what you have normally done in the past and allow for
the universe to show you a new higher way that in many cases in easier with greater flow and
grace. 13 –33 You are living in unparallel times of transformation where the veil to the higher
and cosmic realms are thin here on Gaia and where we; your star and angelic family of light
maybe one with thee and send to you the holiest of divine love, light and peace, have a
magnificent year!

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came
from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of
humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

“Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray.
Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment
of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect
of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of


- Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that
the URL www.shekinaspeaks.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely
and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: shekina444@yahoo.com


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 11:38pm

It is not at all unusual for the period leading to the end times
to be chaotic, but as the old drops away so a new pathway
emerges. By now you should be able to see the direction you
are heading in, and it will conform to the plan for Ascension.
For each individual there are the personal experiences, as
you notice the changes in your consciousness. You are
finding that you are more able to keep centered and are not
so easily disturbed by outer happenings. The end times are
a great test that determines how far you have evolved. You
have to deal with the constant assault upon your senses, and
the sight of d-ath and destruction that seems to constantly
occupy the media. When you can give of your love and
compassion to those involved, and are not adversely affected
by the emotional tug of your heartstrings, you are placing
yourself beyond the reach of a negative response. The anger
that it evokes in some people simply adds to the fear that
already exists, and feeds the very ones who are trying to
unsettle you.

Look around you and you should able to find enough good
news to lift up your expectations. The signs are there that
indicate that the dark Ones are rapidly losing the fight for
control over you. Notice how the Chinese leaders are making
concessions to the West, and that they are using their power
to prevent the I-luminati from making further footholds in the
They are a part of a growing movement to stabilize the world,
and root out the influences that have tried to lead you into
another war scenario. We cannot stop minor altercations or
confrontations, but we will prevent any escalation into an all
out war. That is within our authority, and it is also in response
to the rising consciousness levels that seek peace for all
people. The few can no longer dictate the course of mankind,
and the path is opening up for the final stages of duality, as
you know it.

Over many lives and through many civilizations you have

experienced virtually every r-ligion and culture, and today you
stand as an extremely advanced s-ul. Your intuition has been
heightened by them, and you have little else to learn except

to apply your knowledge to the everyday situations. That way
you should be able to make decisions that maintain your place
in the Light. Your links with any aspect of the dark ones
activities should fall away, as you answer to your Higher Self. It
will become the normal way in which you lead your lives, and
harmony and balance will result. Man’s Laws are a poor
reflection of the Universal Laws, and sometimes you will have
to fight them to obtain justice. With our coming, changes will
be made and the Constitution restored with small amendments,
for a population that is fast recognizing the need for such action.
The dark Ones have by no means had things all there own way,
the difference is that until recent times they have carried out
their deeds quite openly. The Light however has worked mainly
behind the scenes, and prefers anonymity for reasons of safety.
In fact the Light has never ceased working for your upliftment.

Now you wait for G-vernmental changes, Disclosure and

Abundance programs to sweep you into the remaining period of
this cycle. They are progressing and at the appropriate time
we will swing into action and life will change quite dramatically.
Our initial announcements will be so important to gain the
confidence and support of the people, and much attention is
being given to that aspect. There will be confusion, but the truth
about your recent history will go a long way to clearing away
false or misleading information.
You have been deliberately mislead and kept in the dark over
many events, that as Sovereign Beings you have every right to
know about. For example there is vast and undeniable proof
that life has not only existed on your Moon and Mars, but still
does to this day. It is also known that there is an Inner Earth
that houses advanced Beings, and we are not referring to bases
under the Earth that hold both Humans and Extraterrestrial
Beings. You really have so much to learn to set the record
straight, and some information will be both shocking and

It will be most important that we can prove beyond doubt

whatever information we give you, and that we can do in ways
that will astound you by gong back into the past. You love your
mysteries but you will enjoy the answers more so, and you
could take the Great Pyramid as an example. It has caused so
much speculation as to when it was built and to its purpose.
Some investigators have found out much in this respect, but
the vast numbers of you have little idea at all. Let us say that
it goes back some 10,000 years and was built by
Extraterrestrials, who created a network of such giants all
around the world as you are discovering. In the main your
history about them is very limited, and inaccurate as applies to
much of your past 12,000 years or more. What is interesting is
that you were your own ancestors. Hence it explains why some

of you feel such a strong pull towards certain civilizations. It
can affect your taste and preferences even today, and is
apparent in many homes. It will thrill you when we show you
exactly how the Great Pyramid was really built, by bringing
the past to you.

Dear Ones, knowing what lies ahead of you, find joy and
satisfaction in that knowledge. The dark Ones will no longer
have any say in the matter, and will have been removed from
all positions of power. Great spiritual Beings will have replaced
them and Mankind will at last be led out of the darkness into
the Light and Truth of Understanding. What happy times are
just around the corner for you, and we know because we are
part of them. Can you imagine how much weight will be lifted
off your shoulders, and how quickly stressful situations will be
changed. To be really free is in itself such a great step forward,
but it comes with the recognition of the Oneness of All That Is.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and can tell you the we of the Galactic
Federation are getting excited, at the nearness of our presence
being officially acknowledged all around the world. We wish to
help diminish the suffering that goes on in deprived countries,
and of course anywhere else in the world. We have all of the
experience needed to change matters quite quickly.
We can in fact see much deeper into them than you can, and
know exactly what is required to be active straight away. Hold
on Dear Ones, as help is coming soon in a most efficient and
gentle way.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


New Earth Rising: Wolf Moon /Leopard
Moon and Living in a Vertical Reality by
Celia Fenn
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:00am

New Earth Rising:

Wolf Moon /Leopard Moon and Living in a Vertical Reality

by Celia Fenn

Last night was the Full Moon for January, the first Full Moon of 2011 and the first since the
powerful Full Moon in December that lifted the Earth into her new trajectory for the Fifth
Dimension. It was a powerful and beautiful Full Moon, indicating midwinter in the North and
Midsummer in the South. Here is a time lapse picture that was taken in France, courtesy of the
Spaceweather website


The Moon is called the Wolf Moon by the Native Americans in the North because in the
midwinter when the land is covered by snow, the howling of the wolves can be clearly heard
at night. I attended a Full Moon circle on a beach near to where I live last night, and it felt to
me very much like the midsummer Full Moon energy was that of the Leopard. Leopard

energy is powerful, silent and regal, very much like Jaguar energy in South America. I love to
work with Jaguar energy in South America, and so working with its "brother/sister" energy in
Africa was really wonderful for me. In the course of our circle the rain began to fall gently,
and it felt like a loving cleansing from mother nature, although I was freezing by the time I
got home!

But, speaking of rain, brings me to the topic of the deep trauma that is being experienced on
so much of our Beloved Planet as the Earth shifts into the Fifth Dimensional matrix and
allows the deep cleansing that is needed. But, for us there has been much stress and loss of
life in Australia, Brazil and Sri Lanka. We are all one, and so, on a deep level, we do feel and
experience with those who suffer. Those of us who are awakened are also able to send our
energy of Love and Light to these places to assist in bringing comfort and sustenance to these
ones who are affected.

As we move into the Fifth Dimension and the New Earth reality, we have to begin to think
differently and to accept responsibility for what we are creating. The rain cleanses, but much
of the damage and destruction is due to the way in which we are working with the land and
our lack of awareness of what our actions are doing. We need to make a conscious step to ask
forgiveness of the Earth to let her know that we love her and all her peoples. In Australia, the
Great Barrier Reef has been threatened by the levels of pollution that have been sweept into
the sea by the flood waters. Yes, that is what floods are designed to do, to be cleansing agents,
but when the cleansing takes toxic chemicals from agriculture such as pesticides, and heavy
metals from the mining industry, into the Ocean, then life in the Ocean is also threatened. We
are all connected, and the actions that we take today will have effects for many years to come.
In Brazil, the deforestation of the hills and mountains and the building of unsafe low cost
housing, has resulted in many deaths through landslides that could have been avoided. Here in
South Africa, in our biggest city, we are about 12 months or less from a major ecological
disaster. The extensive mining below the city, for over a hundred years, has created a network
of tunnels that are filling with acidic water. The intense rains and flooding in the area means
that the water is rising rapidly, and is expected to pollute the fresh water sources and overflow
into the streets and rivers within the year.. So far, no one knows what to do.....

The Earth is asking us to think and feel and to begin to be responsible. We are, of course,
being helped in this process in every possible way from the Spiritual Higher Dimensions of
Light. In the course of this month, we have been activating the Cosmic Diamond Light Body,
that is giving those of us who make this shift immense energy and power and immediate
connection to Cosmic energy sources. That is why so many of you have been experiencing
strange energy phenomena in your lives, and strange accidents and events. The power of this
new energy flow, connected to the Platimun Ray and the creative power of the Shekinah,
creates intense vortexes and eddies of light in your Light Body as it comes on line and settles

But, when it does, you feel the most immense peace and joy, and yes, the power to begin
solving things that seemed impossible, both in your own lives and within the Planetary

For myself, as I have spent these last two months in my own home, I have finally felt that life
is manifesting the way that I want it to, and that I am living with peace and calm in my heart
and soul. In this space, I am able to come to know myself better, and to know what it is that I
want for my life and what it is that my higher self wants for me at this time.

This includes living in more conscious and sustainable ways in relation to the Earth. But, I am
also guided to remember that I am now living in a "Vertical Reality". The third dimension was
a "horizantal reality", where movement on the horizantal axes of time and space defined life.
It was important to "do" things and to keep moving forward in order to make life work for
you. But now, on the vertical axis of the Fifth Dimension, it is necessary to first connect with
the consciousness of the Higher Self and the Divine Mind, as well as the Earth consciousness
as expressed through the Earth grids, before making any movements on the horizantal or
material planes.

This means that the Divine Feminine energy is what takes primacy in the New Earth. To work
with this new energy, means first to center in the Heart in Peace and Calm, to feel what is
asked of you within that space and in connection with All That Is, and then to make choices
for your life based on what is felt on a deep level. The Feminine energy takes the first step,
and then the masculine energy can act in the world. And, with the powerful new Platinum
Shekinah energy that is infusing the new grids, there is a powerful creative energy that is
leading to almost immediate manifestation in the material realms.

It is this power to manifest at accelerated speed that creates the unstable energy that some of
us feel around us, and that can produce small accidents and "blow outs" until we have
grounded the energy into our Light Body field and begun to flow the power in ways that are
supportive of our new reality.

Please remember that this is a high frequency energy, and working with it is like learning to
drive a sports car after you have been driving a bus. You need to be very careful and pay
attention, until you get the hang of it, and then it will be such fun!

So, essential skills for coping with "right now" if you are having this experience. Don't panic,
stay calm and be calm. Enter into the Heart Space and breathe deeply. Feel.....what is going on
and what needs to be done. Until you feel an answer, don't do anything, If you need to rest and
be peaceful, do that. Rushing around and pushing for solutions will only take you to a dead
end now. The answers come in the Peace and in the Heart Space, and then the solutions
manifest almost immediately.

We really are living in a New Reality, and it can be an adventure if you get the hang of this
new way of being in the flow of Creative Energy and within the Divine Power of Who You

The song that keeps going through my head right now

is this one by Miten, called "Vertical Reality".


© 2006-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global www.starchildglobal.com - You are free to copy,
distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the
author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform
or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the
license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from
the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

Tags: www.starchildglobal.com



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:00am

Çok Önemli 2011 Yılına Hoş geldiniz!

2011 yeni MUA veya Büyük Evrimsel Döngüyü doğuran üç yıllık aşamanın son yılıdır.


2010, bize uzun zamandır beklenen benzeri görülmemiş ölçekte derinlemesine dönüşüm
deneyimleme fırsatını veren parlak bir yıldı. Birçoğumuz, eski paradigmamızdan bağlantıyı
koparmamıza yardımcı olan eski koordinatlarımızdan özgürleştik. Ekim ayının sonlarında
Bali’deki 11:11 Dokuzuncu Kapısının Aktivasyonu sırasında, yeni koordinatlamıza hizalandık
ve birçoklarımız Hakiki Olanlar olarak ortaya çıktı. Hakiki Olanlar tüm dünyada ileri adım
atarken, tüm yönlerde, yolundaki her şeyi değiştiren en uzak ufkun çok ötesinde düşen
domino taşlarının dizileri gibi, muazzam bir tetikleyiciyi harekete geçirdi.

O zamandan bu yana, Hakiki Olan rezonansın (tınının) demirlenmesi tüm seviyelerde

ayarlamalar gerektirdi. Öncelikle, içsel varlıklarımızı yeniden ayarlamak, uzun zamandır
içimizde gizlenmiş olan derine gömülmüş eski davranış paketlerini, sınırlayıcı kalıpları,
kadim korkuları ve duygusal kalıntıyı salıvermek zorunda kaldık. Bunlar içimizde taşıdığımız
ve en derin çekirdek seviyelere ulaşmış, farkında bile olmadığımız şeylerdi. Daha önce
olduğundan sonsuz kez daha fazla özgürleştik.

Yıl boyunca, etrafımızdaki her şeyden artan şekilde bağlantımızın koptuğunu hissettik. Bazen,
kendimizden bile kopuk hissettik. Bazen aynaya baktık ve kendimizi tanımadık – çok farklı
olmuştuk. Sayısız Sıfır Bölgelerinde yolculuk yaptık, ama bunlar bizi artık tamamen dümdüz
edecek güce sahip değildi. Ne kadar şiddetli olduklarına bakmadan muazzam cesaretle
Mükemmel Fırtınalarımızın öfkeli rüzgarlarına bindik. Geriye bakıp varolmanın eski
yollarının yanan köprülerinin uzun hattını gördük. Bazen, geçtiğimiz köprüler ayaklarımızın
altında yanıyordu. Ama bu bizi engellemedi, sadece hızımızı artırdık ve Yeni ve Hakikate
doğru ilerledik.

Her şeyin, kendimizle ilgili sevdiğimiz bazı özelliklerin bile bizden soyulup alındığı Kara
Deliklerin spirallenen merkezkaç merkezinde yolculuk yaptık. Bu bazen çok aşırı acı verici

oldu ve bizi kırılgan, şeffaf ve çıplak halde bıraktı. Ama bizi daha Gerçek Ve Hakiki kılma
işini yaptı. Bizi tamamen Yeni Dünyaya çekti.

İçsel öz varlıklarımız Hakiki Olmanın rezonansına giderek yeniden hizalandı, dışsal

manzaramız sayısız şekillerde dönüşmeye başladı. Bu önce süptil olarak gerçekleşti. Bir
tiyatrodaki sahneyi bir apartmandan bir ormana yavaşça değiştirmeye benziyordu. Bir
sandalye ortadan kayboluyordu, sonra onun yerinde bir ağaç ortaya çıkıyordu. Tik tak eden
saatin sesi yerine şarkı söyleyen kuşların sesleri geliyordu. Tavan yavaşça yıldızlı bir
gökyüzüne dönüştü. Şehrin kasvetli renkleri taze yeni yaşamın canlı renklerine dönüşmeye

Değişiklikler o kadar yoğun, o kadar geniş kapsamlı ve hayat değiştirici idi ki, 2010’dan
çıkıncaya kadar yeni bir insan olduk... Hakiki Olan.

Bilinenin eski haritasından serbest bırakıldık ve tamamıyla Yeni bir Dünyanın ilk tadını
deneyimledik. Ve bu Harika 2011 Yılına girerken, bulunduğumuz yerdir.


2010’da, eski manzaralarımızın kancalarından kurtulmaya başladık. Bu bizim niyetimiz veya

arzumuz olsa da olmasa da, bu gerçekleşti. Eski yaşamlarımız gittikçe uzak ve anlamsız
hissettirdi. Bildik aktivitelerimizin çoğu artık tatmin edici değildi. Bazı en sevdiğimiz
yiyecekler elde edilemez oldu veya en sevdiğimiz market veya restoran kapandı. Yakın
arkadaşlar uzaklaştı; işimizi kaybettik veya bir ilişki aniden sona erdi. Şeyleri yapmanın eski
şekilleri artık daha önce olduğu gibi aynı etkiyle çalışmadı. Hatta bazılarımız bildiğimizden
çok daha farklı olan yeni bölgelere taşındık.

2011’de, geçmişten gelen bu bağlantısızlık hissi üssel olarak çoğalacak. Gerçekte, eski
Bilinen Haritamız ellerimizde ufalanacak ve geçmişle ilgili anılarımızın çoğu silinecek.
Yalnızca sayısız geçerliliği olmayan unsurlar, eski durumlar yaşamlarımızdan çıkmayacak,
ayrıca kişisel yaşamlarımızın gerçekten rahatlatıcı olan bazı unsurları bizi terk edecek.
Birçoğumuz yeni bölgelere çekildiğimizi göreceğiz, bu bildiğimiz ortamdan çok farklı bir
bölge olabilir. Etrafımızdaki insanların muazzam konum değişimi olacak. Bu zaten
gerçekleşmeye başladı.

Yıl boyunca, dışsal manzaralarımız herhangi bir uyarı olmadan gerçekleşebilen beklenmedik
değişimlere maruz kalıyor. Bunların bazıları, şu anda gezegende gerçekleşmekte olan şiddetli
iklim değişimlerinden dolayı olabilir, örneğin yazın Avustralya’da kar veya Hindistan’da ciddi
soğuk gibi; diğerlerine dramatik yerküre değişimleri veya sosyo, politik veya ekonomik
çalkantılar tarafından yaratılan olaylar neden olabilir. Bu değişimler, eski enerjileri
temizlemek için gereklidir. Dualite dünyası her tarafımızda sıfırlanırken ve dualitenin
küllerinin yanan korlarından anka kuşu gibi yükselen Hakikate dayanan yeni bir dünya
doğarken, 2011 derin değişimler yılıdır.

Bu gerçekleşiyor, çünkü dualitenin eski paradigmasından çıkıyoruz ve Birliğin yeni

paradigmasına giriyoruz. Paradigmalardaki bu değişim nazik bir salıveriş veya eski
durumlardan çıkmaya zorlandığınızda zorlayıcı bir tahliye olarak gerçekleşebilir. Bu nasıl
gerçekleşirse gerçekleşsin, bunu deneyimleyeceğiz. Bundan kaçınmanın yolu yok, ne de
kaçınmayı istemeliyiz, çünkü bu en çok gerekli olan şey. Hepimiz dualiteden Birliğe bu çok
önemli geçiş sırasında burada olmayı seçtik ve bu süreçte hepimizin oynadığı bir rol var.

Çağdışı spiritüel kavramlar yavaş yavaş yok oluyor. Bazı örnekler, Aydınlanma ve Yükseliş
ile ilgili eski inançlarımızdır. Bir kez “Aydınlandığımızda”, daha fazla yapacak bir şeyimiz
olmadığı veya “Yükseliş” zamanı geldiğinde, toplanıp gezegen dışına, daha iyi ve daha rahat
bir yerlere götürüleceğimiz inancı. Sonunda bunun gerçekleşmeyeceğini kavradığımızda,
zaten “Aydınlanmışızdır” ve dışsal bir kuvvet tarafından “kurtarılmayacağız”, biz kendi
özgürleşmemizden sorumluyuz; bu, umutlarını doğru olmayan bir şeye bağlamış olanlar için
moral bozucu olabilir. Aniden, gerekli olan şeyin fiziksel dünyadan kaçmak değil, tüm
varlığımızla BURADA ve ŞİMDİ tam olarak yerleşmek olduğu kavrayışıyla günlük
yaşamlarının çıplak gerçekliği ile yüzyüze bırakılmış olurlar. Nerede olduğumuza
bakmaksızın ve dış dünyada neler olduğuna bakmaksızın Hakiki Olanlar olmak.

Eski dualite dünyası giderek parçalanırken ve Yeni Manzaramıza ilk girdiğimizde, bizde
yanlış olan bir şeyler varmış gibi hissedebiliriz. Bunun nedeni Yeni Dünyanın
beklediğimizden çok fazla farklı olmasıdır ve sahip olduğumuz şeylerin eski manzaramız için
yapılmış olmasıdır.

Kendimizi ölmekte olan dualite paradigmasının kancasından kurtarırken, tamamıyla Yeni bir
Dünyada ortaya çıkarız. Yeni Dünyada attığımız her adım Yeni Haritayı daha berrak yapmaya
yardımcı olur. Üstat Sörfçüler bile Yeni Haritada sörf yaparken meydan okuyucu zamanlar
yaşayacaklar. Üstatlığın zirvesine eriştiğimizi düşündüğümüz zaman, Yeni Haritaya itiliriz ve
keşfedilecek engin Yeni bir Dünya olduğunu görürüz. Önümüzdeki öğrenme eğrisi uçsuz
bucaksızdır ve geniş kapsamlıdır. Bu, aynı anda içimizin derinlerinde her zaman taşıdığımız
gerçek bilişe güvenerek, bilmeyişin kabullenilmesi olan gerçek üstatlığımıza adım attığımız

Eski durumları Hakiki Olanın yeni tepkileriyle karşılamayı öğrenmemiz önemlidir. Bazı
insanlar yeni, gerçek yerlerine taşınırlar, ama onları geride tutmuş olan eski sınırlayıcı
kalıpları bırakamazlar. Bu onların beklenmeyene açılmalarını ve kendi realitelerini tam olarak
kucaklamalarını engeller. Yer yenidir, ama onlar yeni değildir. Ayrıca orada olayların nasıl
olması gerektiği ile ilgili beklentiler olmadan, Yeni Dünyamıza ardına kadar açık kalmamız

2011’de kendimizi Hakiki Olanlar olarak tamamen yeniden yaratmak ve en çok yaşamak
istediğimiz hayat türünü tam olarak yaratmak için bizlere altın fırsat veriliyor. Hakiki Olan
olarak Hakiki Bir Hayat. Bu ultra boş bir tuval, ama ondan gözümüzün korkmasına gerek yok.
O heyecanlı ve ilham verici.


Yeni Dünyanın ilk tadını aldığımız zaman, o naziktir ve bizi iyi karşılar. Bu, Ekim ayında
Bali’de Dokuzuncu Kapı Aktivasyonunda Yeni Dünyanın kapısını açtığımızda bizim başımıza
geldi. Sonra Yeni Dünyaya daha derin adım attığımızda, eskinin muazzam sıyrılıp atılmasını
deneyimliyoruz, bu bir Kara Delikten geçmeye benziyor. Yeni Dünyaya bu dalış nazik değil.
Sanki zaman/mekan engeline itilmeye benziyor. Bilinenin Haritasından fırlatılıp atılıyoruz.

Yeni Dünyanın kıyılarına vardığımızda, bir şok halindeyiz. Bunun nedeni Yeni Dünyanın
güzel bir yer olmaması veya olmak istemediğimiz bir yer olması değildir. Bu, böyle
tamamıyla farklı bir ortamda olmanın şoku ve iyi geliştirdiğimiz yeteneklerimizi ve bilgimizi
nasıl uygulayacağımızı bildiğimiz ve her şeyin nerede yerleşik olduğunu bildiğimiz tanıdık
eski haritada olmamanın şokudur.

İlk önce, Yeni Dünyamızda çok fazla demirleme noktası yok. Bazen, özellikle çok geniş
bilinmeyen sularda iken, minik bildik adalar yaratmak yardımcı olur. Kahvaltı yapmak veya
elbiselerimizi yıkamak gibi günlük yaşamın küçük işlerinde rahatlık bulabiliriz. Bizim için
kişisel olarak kutsal olan nesnelerle minik bir yer yaratabiliriz. Sonra Yeni Hayatımız
gelişirken, yeni dostlar edinmeye başlarız, sevdiğimiz bir restoran buluruz ve kendimizi yeni
çevremizin besleyici, destekleyici doğasına uyumlarız.

Yeni Dünyada, davranışlarımız değişir ve daha önce hiç yapmadığımız şeyler yapmaya
başlarız. Kişisel bir örnek olarak: Tüm yaşamım boyunca düzenli olarak hiç saat takmadım.
Sadece uçakla seyahat ederken bir adet takmıştım. Şu anda, saate ihtiyaç duyulmayacağı
düşünülecek olan Peru’da yaşıyorum, ama aniden her zaman saat takmaktayım! Ve bunu
görmek oldukça yardımcı…

Yeni Dünyamıza varır varmaz, eski, otomatik reaksiyonlarımıza ve tepkilerimize düşmemek

için epeyce ihtiyatlı olmalıyız. Çünkü eğer bunu yaparsak, bizim Yeni Dünyaya tam olarak
yerleşmemizi engeller. Olaylara eski varsayımlar ve önyargılarla bakmaya son vermeliyiz,
çünkü bunlar artık gerçek değildir.

Bazılarımız, hiçbir şeyin eskisi gibi aynı olmadığı tamamen yeni fiziksel ortamlara
taşınıyoruz. Oraya gittiğinizde, şeyler hemen yerine oturmazsa şaşırmayın. Bu önce rahatsız
edici ve uygunsuz olabilir, çünkü Yeni Dünyalarımız bütünüyle yeni bir ayarlanma ve ustalık
seviyesi gerektirir. İçine girdiğimiz çok dik bir öğrenme eğrisidir. Ama ayrıca, neredeyse her
şeyi eskisi gibi aynı şekilde yapamadığımız Yeni Dünyamız çok farklı olduğu zaman epeyce
yardımcıdır. Yeni Dünyamız farklı bir dil kullanmamızı, yemeye alıştığımız besinleri
bulamadığımız çok farklı bir kültürle etkileşim kurmamızı gerektirebilir. Bu, eski
kalıplarımızdan çıkmayı daha kolaylaştırır, çünkü eski kalıplarımızı böyle farklı bir ortamda
sürdürmek imkansızdır.

Başkaları yeni bir bölgeye taşınmayarak, ama şu andaki yerleşim yerlerinde yaşama şeklini
değiştirerek ortamları değiştirecekler. Bize her zaman yaşama şeklimizi değiştirme fırsatları
verilecek. Bunların bazıları daha önce iş kaybı, doğal afet veya bir ilişkinin bitmesi gibi
talihsiz durumlar olarak yargıladığımız şeylerle olabilir. Tüm bu olaylar sadece eskinin
kapısını kapatır ve daha tatmin edici bir yaşama yepyeni bir kapı açma şansı verir.

Bazen, bu eski üstatlığımızı kaybedeceğimiz korkularını getirebilir – ve onu kaybedeceğimiz

doğrudur. Yine de, bizler ayrıca tamamıyla yeni alanlarda üstatlık geliştirme fırsatına sahibiz.
Gerekli bilgiyi topladığımız, faydalı temaslar kurduğumuz ve o anda gereksinimimiz olan
şeyleri öğrendiğimiz labirentten geçerken bu, sürekli hazine avı gibi hissettirir. Eğer direkt,
lineer tarzda yolculuk yapsaydık, bu gerekli deneyimleri kaçırırdık.

Ardına kadar açık olmayı sürdürmemiz gerektiğini biliyoruz, ama bazen bu boş bir kavram
haline gelir ve bunu uygulamaya koymayız. Yeni ve beklenmeyene, beni rahatlık bölgemin
ötesine uzatan şeylere açıklığım her gün test ediliyor. Kendimin epeyce açık olduğumu
düşünüyorum, yine de sürekli olarak açık olmadığım yollar buluyorum. Bu gerçekten iyi bir
ders. Örneğin, Kasım ayının başlarında Peru’ya taşındığımdan beri yaşayacağım doğru evi
aramaktayım. İlk birkaç haftamı bir otelde geçirdim, sonra geçici kiralık bir ev buldum. Bu
evin sahibi bir hafta içinde geri dönüyor, bu nedenle çok yakın zamanda yaşamak için yeni bir
yer bulmalıyım.

Yeni evime bu labirent yolculuğu bir zorluk olarak görmek veya neden direkt olarak yeni
evime yönlendirilmediğimle ilgili şaşkın olmak benim için kolay. Zaman zaman, bir şeyleri
yanlış yaptığım için kendimi yargıladım. Yine de, şimdi yolculuğumun her adımının epeyce
değerli olduğunu kavrıyorum. Ev arayışımda birçok yeni insanla konuşmak zorunda kaldım.
Yol boyunca, bazı sevgili dostlar edindim ve onlarla yaşadıklarımdan çok şey öğrendim.
Peru’ya ilk vardığımda, eğer direkt olarak doğru evime taşınsaydım, zamanımın çoğunu orada
geçirecektim ve bu değerli deneyimleri, gerekli bilgiyi ve yeni bağlantıları kaçıracaktım.

Bu nedenle her zaman ardına kadar açık kalmalıyız ve Hakiki Olanlar olarak, gerçekten her
zaman DOĞRU ZAMAN – DOĞRU YERİN göbeğinde olduğumuzu bu nedenle
hatırlamalıyız, orada olduğumuzu hissetmediğimiz zaman bile.

2011’de Yeni Manzarada İlk, İkinci & Üçüncü Dalga ve Köprüler


İlk Dalga bu gezegende çok uzun zamandır bulunmakta olan yaşlı ruhlardır. Onlar buraya
Yeniyi Demirlemek için 11 Üstat Rakamı altında geldiler. Çok fazla Dünya deneyimleri vardır
ve bol miktarda bilgelik ve bilgi topladılar.

İlk Dalga önce Yeni Dünyaya ulaştığı zaman, bu oldukça zorlayıcı olabilir. Aniden çok iyi
gelişmiş olan üstatlıkları artık etkili değildir. Artık kontrolde olma duygusuna sahip olmazlar
ve bunun yerine dinlemeyi öğrenmeye ve yeni yöntemlere açık olmaya gereksinim duyarlar.
Yalnız başına yaşamaya ve çalışmaya alışık olsalar da, yalnız olmak artık doğru hissettirmez.
Birçok insanın etrafında olmalarının zamanıdır. Onlar rahatlık bölgelerinin çok ötesine
ilerleseler bile, Yeni Manzarayı keşfetmekten keyif alırlar. Şimdi Yeniyi Demirleme eski
amaçlarını tamamladıkları için, kendilerini tamamen yeniden keşfetmeye ve kendi Yeni
Amaçlarını kucaklamaya hazırlar. Ellerinde bedava Birinci Sınıf bilet olsaydı bile, kendi eski
dünyalarına geri dönmezlerdi!


Köprüler İlk ve İkinci Dalgaların birleşimini içerirler. Bazı Köprüler İlk Dalgaya daha
derinden uyumludur, diğerleri İkinci Dalgaya daha fazla uyumludur. Onlar 33 Üstat
Rakamına aittirler.

Köprüler iletişimleri kolaylaştırmak ve sanat yaratmak için daha büyük etkililiği olan yeni
kavramlar yaratarak geri planda çok çalışmaktaydılar. Bunların sonuçları 2011’de görülecek.
Köprüler, dışsal manzarada en çok problemlere sahip olan gruptur, çünkü onlar tamamen açık,
tanımlanmamış, finansal olarak belirsiz veya oluşturulmuş kuralları olmayan durumlarda
huzursuz hissederler. Elbette, Yeni Dünyada ortaya çıkmak açık ve tanımlanmamış bir duruma
girmektir. Bu çoğunlukla onlara güvensiz, korkmuş ve ezilmiş hissettirir. Onların bazıları
kendi eski sınırlı, tükenmiş realitelerinde kalmayı bile düşünebilir.

Yeni Manzarada, Köprüler için küçük, iyi tanımlanmış alanları öğrenmeleri yardımcıdır. Bu
onlara daha rahat hissettirir. Bunlar, hızla uzmanlık geliştirebilecekleri fiziksel aktiviteler
olabilir. Bu onlara Yeni Manzaranın daha fazla alanlarında ustalaşma sağlayan gerekli
rahatlığı ve güveni verir.


İkinci Dalga Dünyada daha az yaşamlara sahip olan daha yeni ruhlardır. Buraya Yeniyi İnşa
Etmek için 22 Üstat Rakamı altında geldiler. Bol miktarda taze enerji ve yeni fikirlere
sahiptirler ve Yeni Dünyayı yaratmak için sabırsızdırlar.

İkinci Dalga önceden eyleme sıçrama yaptı. Onlar eski ıvır zıvırları sonlandırmak,
ustalıklarını geliştirmek ve daha büyük eylemlere hazırlanmakla meşguller. Ama eyleme
atlamaya hevesli ve istekli olmalarıyla ayartılmamaları önemlidir. Yeni Manzarada tam olarak
oturabilmelerinden önce saflaştırılmaya veya dönüştürülmeye gereksinim duyulan eski
davranışlarını ve huzursuzluklarını değiştirmeyi ihmal etmemeleri önemlidir. Bu yapılır
yapılmaz, Yeni Manzaraya tam olarak girebilecekler ve yoğun armağanlarını


Üçüncü Dalga taze yeni bir dünyadan gelmektedir. Onlar tam farkındalıkla ve birçok faydalı
yeni yöntemler ve yeteneklerle gelirler.

Yeni Üçüncü Dalga tam güven ve hevesle doludur. Tam şimdi, harekete hazırlanmaları için
ısıtılan motorlara benzerler. Güç ile gürlüyorlar. Üçüncü dalgalar, bu bazen daha çok oyun
gibi hissettirse de yaratıcı bir seviyede hazırlanıyorlar. Ancak, onların oyunu oldukça etkilidir.
Onların gerçek amacı bu yıl daha sonra ortaya çıkacak.

Üçüncü Dalga Yeni Manzarayı görür görmez içine atlar. Doğmakta olan Yeni Dünyayı
gerçekten severler ve ona ayarlanmakta problemleri yoktur. Onların problemleri eski dünyaya
ayarlanmaktı; Yeni Manzara beklemekte oldukları şeydir. Diğer Üçüncü Dalgalara katıldıkları
zaman, eylemleri yeni bir kutsal geometri yaratır.


2011, hakkında bir şey bilmediğimiz tamamen yeni bir amacın keşfini getiriyor. Yeni
Amacımızın açığa çıkması mümkündür, çünkü bizler şimdi Hakiki Olanlar olarak ortaya
çıkıyoruz. Yeni Amacımız fikirler veya kavramlar şeklinde ortaya çıkmaz – daha çok taze bir
meltemin esintisine benzer. Ama hissedildiği anda onun Gerçek ve Hakiki olduğunu biliriz.
Onu tanımlayabilmemiz için Yeni Amacımızı daha berrak görmeye çalıştığımız zaman, ele
geçmez biçimde kayıp gider, ama hisler kalır. Eğer onu tanımlamak için eski yöntemleri ve
eski kavramları uygulamaya çalışırsak, onların hiç birinin uygulanmadığını hızlı bir şekilde
görürüz. Yeni Amacımız tamamıyla yeni bir şeydir. Şu andaki algılarımızın çok ötesinden
gelir. Yeni Amacımızın taze esintisinin geri döndüğü her seferinde, onu içimizde uyanan
hislerle tanırız, çünkü onu sözlerle ifade edemesek de gelmek üzere olan şeyin bilişini tetikler.

Yeni Amacımıza bakış attığımız zaman, öyle engin seviyede ve öyle geniş kapsamlıdır ki
neredeyse soluğumuzu keser. Ama boğulmuş, ezilmiş hissetmeyiz. Bunun nedeni onun, kim
olduğumuzun doğal bir uzantısı olmasıdır. Yeni Amacımız sahip olduğumuzu kavramadığımız
yetenekleri kullanabilir. Veya içimizde olduğunu bildiğimiz, ama ciddiye almadığımız ya da
çok fazla kullanmadığımız yetenekler. Bir hobi olarak kullandığımız yetenekler olabilir. Veya
yeni gelişmiş yeteneklerimizi almış ve bunları daha fazla yaratıcı ve eğlenceli olan tamamıyla
yeni bir tarzda kullanıyor olabiliriz. Ya da eski yeteneklerimizi tamamladığımızı hissediyor
olabilir ve tamamıyla yeni olanları geliştirmeye karar vermiş olabiliriz. Bu bizim seçimimiz.
Yeni Amacımız tamamıyla yeni ve beklenmediktir. Bizi hiç düşünmediğimiz bir yöne

götürebilir. Yapmayı hiç düşünmediğimiz bir şeyler yapabiliriz. Yine de Yeni Amacımızı
bulduğumuz zaman, o heyecanlı ve tazedir ve şaşırtıcı şekilde doğru hissettirir.

Yeni Amacımızı keşfetmek için, her şeyden önce Hakiki Olanlar olmalıyız. Ayrıca yeni bir
şeyler yapamayacağımız veya geçmişte başarısız olduğumuz bir şeyleri yapamayacağımız
düşüncelerinden kurtulmalıyız. Bu sınırlayıcı düşünceler Yeni Amacımızı görmemizi engeller,
çünkü Yeni Amacımız “Ben yapamam” filtresinden algılanamaz. Bu filtre olmadan, daha önce
bizden gizlenmiş olan sayısız olanakları görebiliriz.

Yeni Amacımız, onu görebilmeden önce eski amacımızdan dışarı çıkmamızı gerektirebilir.
Kesinlikle onu düşünerek Yeni Amacımızı bulmayız. Yeni Amacımız “Damdan Düşer Gibi”
ortaya çıkan Çılgın Bir fikir olarak ortaya çıkabilir. Yeni Amacımız kendimizi DOĞRU
ZAMAN – DOĞRU YERE hizaladığımız zaman bize gelir.


Yeni Manzaraya doğru seyahat ettiğimiz yol Sevginin Yoludur. Sevginin Yolunda SEVGİ
almaya veya vermeye gereksinimimiz yoktur; Sadece SEVGİYİZdir. Sevgi bizim doğal
varolma halimizdir. Sevgi Yolunda yürümek sevgimizi yaptığımız her şeye getirmek anlamına
gelir. Bulunduğumuz her yerde SAF KALP GERÇEK SEVGİSİNİ yayarız. Bu herkesten ve
her şeyden hoşlandığımız anlamına gelmez ve herkesi ve her şeyi hoşgörmek zorunda
olduğumuz anlamına gelmez. Önümüzdeki insanlara, onların etraflarında olmak
istemediğimizi söylerken, onlara SAF KALP GERÇEK SEVGİSİ yayabiliriz. Bu sevgimizi

Yalnızca Hakiki Olanlar Sevgi Yolunda yürüyebilir. Ama ayrıca Sevgi Yolunun, Hakiki
Olanların yürüyebileceği tek yol olduğu da doğrudur. Başka hangi yol olabilir ki?

Hakiki Olanlar Sevgi Yolunda üstatlık geliştirir. Bu onların diğer varlıklarla SAF KALP
GERÇEK SEVGİ seviyesinde etkileşme en derin arzusudur. Sevgi Yolunda sevgi ve dürüstlük
ile iletişim kurarız. Özel yumuşak tonla konuşmamız veya belirli süslü sözler kullanmamız
gerekmez – saf ve açık kalbimiz her durumda nasıl Hakikatle etkileşim kuracağımızı bize
gösterir. Aynı fikirde olabiliriz veya olmayabiliriz, kabul edebiliriz veya reddebiliriz,
destekleyebilir veya durabiliriz – SAF KALP GERÇEK SEVGİSİNDEN gelen herhangi bir
eylem veya tepki uygundur. Ve diğer kişi dürüstlüğümüze sinirlendiği zaman bile, daha derin
bir seviyede sonunda anlayacaktır.

Arada bir Sevgi Yolunda tökezleyebiliriz. Hiç sevemeyeceğimize inandığımız bir insanla
karşılaşabiliriz. Bu insanlar, sevgimizi onlar olmadan mümkün olmayacak şekilde sevgimizi
derinleştirmemize ve kuvvetlendirmemize yardımcı olurlar. Bazen, artık Sevgi Yolunda
olmadığımızı hissedebiliriz. Bu, kapalı hissettiğimiz, dünyanın bizim için çok fazla olduğu ve
kalbimizi başka insanlara açma problemlerimiz olduğu zamandır. O zaman sadece yaptığımız
şeyi bırakırız ve gülümsemeye başlarız. Eğer birdenbire gülümseyemiyorsanız, o zaman
eğlenceli bir durumu, sevdiğiniz bir insanı veya geçmişte yaşadığınız sevgiyle ilişkili bir hissi
hatırlayın. Gülümsemenizi sevgiyle doldurun ve sonra onu kalbinize gönderin. Bunu gerekli
olduğu kadar yapın; genellikle sadece kısa bir süre gülümsedikten sonra etkisini

Sevgi Yolunda uyumsuzluklar ve anlaşmazlıklar ile karşılaşabiliriz. Sevgimiz içimizdeki ve

diğer insanlar ile mücadeleler ve üzüntülere karşı bir koruma değildir. Sevgi Yolunda

olduğumuz için, içimizdeki ve etrafımızdaki her şeyin uyumlu ve güzel olacağını
düşündüğümüz zaman, Sevgi Yolu yanlış anlaşılır. Hiç de bu şekilde olmayabilir. Bu, Yeni
Çağ “Sevgi&Işığ”ı değildir; bu GERÇEK ve HAKİKİdir.

Hakiki Olanlar Sevgi Yolunda ödüller beklemeden yürür. Rahat ve tatminkar hissettiğimiz tek
yol olduğundan, Sevgi Yolunu yürüyoruz.

Artan sayıda insan Hakiki Olanlar olarak ortaya çıkarken, SAF KALP GERÇEK
SEVGİSİNİN rezonansı daha da güçlü hale gelir. Bu SEVGİ insanları daha önce hiç olmadığı
kadar bir araya getirir. Daha önce birlikte etkileşim kurmayan birçok farklı tipte insan şimdi
Birlik ve Hakikat içinde birlikte dokurlar. Bu derin SEVGİ ayrıca BİR’e hizmet edecek olan
yeni yaratıcı girişimlerin temeli olacaktır. Bu eylemdeki gerçek Tek Varlıktır.


2011 güçlü, güçlü bir yıldır! Eğer geçen yıl çok fazla değişimler olduğunu düşündüyseniz,
sadece bekleyin ve bu yıl neler olacağını görün. 2011 ile karşılaştırınca 2010 sakin ve sessiz
görünecek. Bu İNİŞ YOK – GERİ DÖNÜŞ YOK yılıdır, Şeylerin Olduğu Gibi Olma Şekline
giden yol kapalı olacak.

2011’de kaderin Büyük Çarkı dönüyor olacak. Birçoğumuzun uzun zamandır heyecan
duygusuyla beklemekte olduğumuz çok önemli bir yıldır. 11:11 Kapısı vasıtasıyla yirmi yıllık
dönüşümsel yolculuğumuzun zirveye eriştiği yıldır. Son iki 11:11 Kapı Aktivasyonlarının bu
yıl gerçekleşecek olmasının nedeni budur. Bu, çok uzun bir evrim döngüsünün çok önemli
bitişini müjdeleyecek.

Birçoğumuz çok büyük bir şeyin gelmekte olduğu hissine sahibiz. Ve böyledir. Dramatik
değişiklikler tüm yıl boyunca gerçekleşiyor olacak. Bu, MUA’ların üç yıllık döngüsünün son
yılıdır. (Mua, “Başlangıçta, başka her şeyden önce” anlamına gelen Tahiti dilinde bir
sözcüktür. Tamamıyla yeni, evrimsel bir döngünün başlangıcını belirtir.)

Dualite dünyası çökmeye devam edecek. Yozlaşmanın ve doğruluğun yokluğunun daha fazla
katmanları açığa çıkacak. Yanlış temeller üzerine inşa edilen her şey ya parçalanmaya ya da
değişmeye başlayacak. Bazı şok edici olaylara hazır olmalıyız. Bunlar tüm dünyada
gerçekleşecek, ama bu iki bölgede (ABD ve Avrupa) olaylar 2012’ye dek
gerçekleşmeyebilirse de, özellikle ABD ve Avrupa’yı izlemeliyiz. Şiddetli iklim değişimleri
ve yerküre değişiklikleri devam edecek. Nelerin olacağı çok önemli değil, BİZİM
OLANLARA NASIL TEPKİ VERDİĞİMİZ önemli. Eğer Hakiki Olanlar kalırsak, HER ŞEY

Dualite çökerken ve Dünya kendisini yeniden dengelerken aynı zamanda bir SEVGİ ve
DOĞRULUK dalgası olacak. Artan sayıda insan eski kalıplarından çıkacak, değişimleri
kucaklayacak ve Hakiki Olanlar olarak ortaya çıkacak. Daha da çok sayıda insan doğmakta
olan Yeni Dünyada oturmaya başlayacak.

Bu yeniden doğuş zamanımızdır. İnsanlığın yeniden doğuşudur. Hakikatin yeniden doğuşudur.

Dünya Gezegeninin yeniden doğuşudur. TEK VARLIK olarak bir araya gelişimizdir. Tüm
doğumlar karmakarışık ve kanlı olabilir, buna rağmen son derece gereklidir ve mucizelerle
doludur. Doğum sancılarımızın ortasında iken, herhangi geçici, değişken durumların anında
etkisiz hale getirilebileceğini veya dönüştürülebileceğini hatırlamak önemlidir. Dualite

parçalanacak, ama bu şok edici olaylarla gerçekleşmek zorunda değil; Birlik ile hizalanmış bir
şeye döndürülerek hızla ve nazikçe dönüştürülebilir.

2011, Yeni Yaşamlarımızın başlayabilmesi için doğru pozisyonlarımıza girmeyi vurguluyor.

Eğer doğru yerinizde olduğunuzu hissetmiyorsanız, doğru yerinizin nerede olduğunu bulun ve
yapabildiğiniz kadar kısa sürede oraya gidin. Herhangi bir şeyin sizi geride tutmasına izin
vermeyin. Birçok insan “güvenli” olan bir yerde olmak hakkında kaygı duyar. Eğer Gerçek
Kalbinizin sizi olmanız için yönlendirdiği yere giderseniz, doğru yerinizde olursunuz. Neyin
“güvenli” olduğuna kaygılanmamız gerekmez, sadece bizim için neyin doğru hissettirdiği
önemlidir. Hakiki Olanlar her zaman DOĞRU ZAMANDA – DOĞRU YERDEDİR.

Bu ayrıca diğer Hakiki Olanlar ile bir araya gelme zamanıdır. Yalnız münzeviler olma zamanı
sonunda bitti. Bu yıl hayal bile edemeyeceğimiz şekillerde birçok yeni insanla etkileşim

Tüm yıl boyunca, oluşturulmuş rollerimiz değişecek. Örneğin: bir ofiste çalışan bir insan
aniden şef olmaya karar verebilir veya her zaman aynı büyük şehirde yaşamış olan bir insan
küçük, uzak bir köye taşınabilir. Ama roller sadece meslek veya yer değişiminden çok daha
derin bir seviyede değişiyor. Lider pozisyonunda olan bir insan, başkalarıyla daha fazla
birlikte – yaratıcı seviyede çalışmak için bunu tamamen bir kenara bırakabilir. Her zaman bir
izleyici olan birisi aniden görevli olma sorumluluğunu üstlenebilir. Birçoğumuz, her şeyi en
başından öğrenmek zorunda kalacağımız yeni durumlara ve yeni rollere istekle ve hevesle

2011 hızlı ve verimli çalışma ve çaba, artı tam varlığımızla katılmayı gerektiriyor. Sürekli
cesaret gerektirecek, çünkü Bilinenin Haritasının dışında ve rahatlık bölgemizin önceki
sınırlarının çok ötesine yolculuk yapacağız. İçsel bilişimizin dışında herhangi rehber
kitaplarımız veya haritalarımız olmayacak. Anlamayacağımız çok fazla şey ve öğrenecek çok
şeyimiz olacak. Her şey bize tamamıyla yeni olacak. Ve onu eğlenceli ve heyecanlı ve bazen
da sıkıntılı ve boğucu yapacak olan şey tam olarak budur.

Şimdi yaşamlarımızı tam olarak istediğimiz gibi yaratabiliriz; kendimizi yeniden yaratabiliriz.
Hakiki Olanlar olarak Hakiki Yaşamlar yaşayabiliriz. Bunu yapmak için, bu dünyada ve
ötesinde olduğumuz her şeyi, şimdiye kadar olmuş olduğumuz her şeyi alıyoruz ve onu

2011’in ilk yarısı, Yeni Dünyada daha tam olarak ortaya çıkabilmemiz için doğru
pozisyonlarımıza girmeye odaklanacak. Pozisyonumuzda olur olmaz, Yeni Manzaramızda
nasıl seyredeceğimizi öğrenmek zorundayız. Sıklıkla, Yeni Seyir rüzgarlı bir labirenti
geçiyormuşuz gibi hissedilecek. Olaylar direkt, lineer bir tarzda gerçekleşmeyecek. Olması
gerektiğini düşündüğümüz şekillerde gerçekleşmeyecek. Yine de, bize mükemmel
deneyimleri, özel temasları ve en çok ihtiyaç duyulan bilgiyi verecek olan, Yeni Dünyamızın
keşfedilmemiş alemlerindeki bu dolambaçlı yolculuktur. Bazen, kafamız karışmış veya
ezilmiş hissedebiliriz, çünkü henüz anlamadığımız çok şey var. Yeni Dünyaya tamamen
girmek, sürekli cesaret ve şimdiye dek eriştiğimizden daha fazla açıklık gerektirecek.

2011’in ikinci yarısının odağı, Hakiki Hayatları yaşayan Hakiki Olanlar olarak Yeni Dünyada
tam olarak oturmaya başlamak ve Eylemdeki Tek Varlık olarak Yeni Amacımıza
hizalanmaktır. Bu, Yeni Hayatlarımızın resmi olarak başladığı ve en Çılgın Hayallerimizin
gerçekleşmesi hiç hayal etmediğimiz şekillerde tezahür ettiği zamandır.

2011 eylem, atılımlar, çökmeler, SEVGİ, cesaret, berraklık, çaba, etkinlik, zorluklar, muazzam
dönüşüm ve tam parlaklığın yoğun, güç ile dolu yılıdır. Nerede olduğumuz ve kimlerle
olduğumuz çok önemlidir. Eğer doğru insanlarla doğru yerde isek, her şey çok daha kolay ve
daha eğlenceli olacak. Bu, GENİŞLEMİŞ BURADA VE ŞİMDİDE tam olarak yaşamaya
başlama yılıdır, çünkü bu bizim hakim olan gerçekliğimiz haline geliyor ve yakında var olan
tek şey bu olacak.


2011 Harika Yılı

En Çılgın Hayallerimizin Çiçeklenmesiyle,

Yeni Amacımızın Tamamlanmasıyla

Ve Tüm Sevgilerin Sevgisiyle

bizi doğru yerlere ve doğru insanlara götürsün.



Copyright Solara 2011

All Rights Reserved

(ÇEVİRİ: Saffet Güler)


Quado's Garden: Follow Inner Truth
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:15am

Inner Truth

When you
are feeling tense and anxious, it is important for you to see if your anxiety is
caused by a fear to follow your inner truth through courageous action.

Sit quietly with pen and

paper nearby. Breathe down to a quiet place and reach your center. Clear away
the worries over the future and regrets over the past. Things are as they are
right now, and your goal right now is to alleviate your tension through right

Find the calm pool of peace

within you and ask, how shall I approach this situation? Then write down the
very first answer that comes; capture it before your mind has a chance to
second-guess or edit.

If the answer is that you

are to be patient and wait, good, then do so calmly, peacefully and without
fear. If the answer is that you must deal directly with the situation, then
take a deep breath, fill yourself with courage and prepare yourself to speak
your truth, calmly, clearly and directly. And if the answer is to meet with
others, one on one, listen and learn as you quietly work out your differences,
then do that.

Fear and doubt prefer that
you deal with situations in anger or that you do nothing except worry and
complain. To fear and doubt, a wonderful solution is to revert to your old
patterns of overeating and drinking, while taking no constructive steps toward
resolution. Fear loves gossip, anger and manipulation.

But you are more than

this. You are strong and capable and full of truth and rightness, which direct
you each step of the way. Reach down to them and find what you should do, what
right action you should take to alleviate the tension and anxiety you feel.
Then take a deep breath and act, and fear will give way before you.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com



Şu an aklından ne geçti?..
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:18am

Bir an için durun ve aklınızdan geçen geçen ilk düşünceyi yakalayın.

Şu anda ne düşünüyorsunuz?
Düşünceler eğer yaşamınızı ve deneyimlerinizi biçimlendiriyorsa aklınızdan geçen bu
düşüncenin gerçeğe dönüşmesini ister misiniz? Eğer bu endişe,öfke,acı ya da intikam içerikli
bir düşünceyse bu düşüncenin size nasıl geri geleceğini düşünüyo...rsunuz?Neşe dolu bir
yaşam istiyorsak neşe dolu düşünceleri geçirmeliyiz aklımızdan.Zihinsel ya da sözlerle
gönderdiğimiz mesaj bize aynen geri dönecektir.

Söylediğiniz sözcükleri dinlemek için kendinize zaman ayırın..Eğer bir sözcüğü üç kez
yineliyorsanız bunu bir kenara not edin.Bu sözcük artık sizin için bir kalıp niteliği
kazanmıştır.Haftanın sonunda da oluşturduğunuz listeyi inceleyin,kullandığınız sözcüklerin
sizin deneyimlerinizle nasıl uyuştuğunu görüp şaşıracaksınız.Sözcüklerinizi ve
düşüncelerinizi değştirmeye istekli olun ve yaşamımızın değişmesini izleyin.Yaşamınızı

denetim altına almanın yolu sözcükve düşünce seçiminizi denetlemekle gerçekleşir.

Sizden başka hiç kimse sizin zihninizden geçenleri bilmez..



HEAVEN #3710 For God's Sake, January

21, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:26am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3710 For God's Sake, January 21, 2011

God said:

A heart is soft and pliant. No heart is meant to be hardened, any more than bones are meant to
be soft. What a price is paid to have a cold heart, a reckoning heart, a debilitated heart. Be
advised to soften your heart, not harden it. Be advised to warm your heart, not cool it. What are
hearts for but to love and love well?

If you have sewn your heart closed, remove the stitches now. Open that beautiful heart of yours.
Open the avenues of your life on Earth this round. Let your heart bleed if you must. Get that
circulation going. Let your heart be a whiz-bang of a heart. Let it be molten gold. Let your heart
melt other hearts. Let your heart be a warming oven.

A heart that does not allow love is cold. In the matter of hearts, cold is cruel. Meanness means
smallness. Be big-hearted. Be giant-hearted. Have the biggest heart in the world.

The Great Ones opened their hearts wide, and they let everyone in. If they could do it, you can

do it. You can intend your heart to be the Statue of Liberty and welcome all to its shores. Why
haven’t you already? What has stopped you? Some kind of reluctance, I suppose. Some kind of
fear, I suppose. Better that you fear a closed heart over an open one. What a terrible thing to
close a heart, yours or anyone else’s.

And have you not only closed your heart but also, in the process, closed other hearts as well?

Bear in mind that the Great Ones were not push-overs. They were not fools. Their great hearts
did not lead them astray. Their great hearts led them more fully to Me. We had a mutual
attraction, just as you and I do, only they walked right in My door. They did not even knock.
They knew the welcome mat was out for them, as it is for you.

What is the difference between you and the Great Ones but that they dared, and you do not yet
dare. You hold back. They did not hold back. They ventured forth. Somewhere in their lives,
they made a decision to go forward, and then the arms of the Universe lifted them up higher and
higher. I spoke through their open hearts. I spoke through their love. They were higher than the
high, and yet they were not above the world. They lived in it. They enacted My dreams. They
walked the Earth for Me.

For whom do you walk the Earth?

What are you afraid of, little lambs?

Come walk the Earth in My Name. Come walk the Earth with Me. Follow Me, and others will
follow you right to My door.

Enter My heart, beloveds, and claim what is yours. Is there something else you must do? Where
am I in your list of priorities? Just a little opening of your heart lets Me and the Universe and
every soul on Earth deep into your heart where everything is possible.

As you open your heart, you open the veil that has kept the extant world in dimness. Enough
dimming the light. Enough darkness. Open to a world of all possibilities.

It is even possible that you are My True Love, and I am Yours. It is more than possible. It is
inevitable. We are betrothed, and it is inevitable that Our banns will be announced. It is
inevitable that We shall become One in your reality, beloveds, right where you are right now.
For the love of God, you are Mine, and I am Yours, and there is nothing more to be. We are
Greatness, and you have come to Earth for My sake.


Seal of Solomon Crystals
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:30am

These beautiful hand carved crystalline geometries come just in time to help us address what
needs to be healed, balanced, and loved back into its natural order. The carved hexagram upon
these beauties is aligned with balancing the divinity within. The hexagram has been a sacred
symbol from earliest times. Anthropologists claim that the triangle pointing downward
represents female sexuality, and the triangle pointing upward, male sexuality; this
combination symbolizes unity and harmony, divine alchemy the sacred marriage. The
triangles symbolize *"fire" (up) and *"water" (down) together; they represent the sacred
marriage of opposites, original creation and a divine promise.

Many believe the six points of the hexagram symbolize God's rule over the universe in all six
directions: north, south, and east, west, up and down. One school of thought is that a six-
pointed star receives form and substance from its solid center. This inner core represents the
spiritual dimension, surrounded by the six universal directions The triangle pointing "up"
symbolizes our good deeds which go up to heaven, and then activate a flow of goodness back
down to earth symbolized by the triangle pointing down.

The Seal of Solomon (aka the Shield of David) is a hexagonal figure consisting of two
interlaced triangles, thus forming the outlines of six-pointed star. Upon it was inscribed one of
the sacred names of God, Of all holy talismans, the Seal of Solomon powers were most
powerful. it was believed that it could extinguish fire, prevent wounds in battle, and perform

many other miracles. The Seal of Solomon was associated with Solomon, son of David. He
was seen as a prophet, as well as a great miracle maker. His miracles took on mythical
proportions. The Seal of Solomon Seal provided protection from all earthly danger and helped
in the physical rejuvenation of the body.

the Seal of Solomon was used from India to Spain to adorn and decorate the bottom of
drinking vessels, coins, decorations on buildings,. The kings of Ethiopia, claiming direct
descent from Solomon, instated a Knightly Order of the Seal of Solomon in 1874.

These Seal of Solomon crystals come to help balance us and help us stay afloat durng the
changing seasons and turbulent seas of life. As you hold the crystal trace the outline of the
hexagram, a six-pointed star, with your finger. Feel the healing energies coming in thru the
crystal into your body then turn it over and do the same on the other side now use your other
hand and do the same. You can feel the right and left sides of the brain start to sing different
and become more in harmony. These crystals are a natural touchstone of balance and peace.
Carry them with you and when you are feeling overloaded energetically or emotionally.
Move your awareness into the harmony and balance of these beautiful energies.


Babilin Asma Bahçeleri
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:30am

Babilin Asma Bahçeleri

Milattan önce 7. yüzyılda Babil kralı Nebukadnezar tarafından yaptırılmıştır. Babil'in çorak
Mezopotamya çölünün ortasında, ağaçlar, akan sular ve egzotik bitkilerin bulunduğu çok katlı
bir bahçedir. Coğrafyacı Strabo'nun 1. yüzyıldaki tanımına göre:

"Bahçeler birbiri üzerinde yükselen büyük direklerden oluşuyordu. Bunların içleri

çukurdu.Büyük bitkilerin ve ağaçların yetişebilmesi için toprakla doldurulmuştu. Kubbeler,
sütunlar ve taraçalar pişmiş tuğla ve asfalttan yapılmıştı. Yüksekteki bahçeleri sulamak için
Fırat Nehri'nden zincir pompalarla su yukarılara çıkarılıyordu. Bu şekilde üst seviyelere
taşınan su, bahçeleri sulayarak teraslardan aşağıya yukarı Söylentiye göre Nebukadnezar bu
yapıyı sıla hasreti çeken karısı Semiramis için yaptırmıştır. Semiramis Medes kralının kızıdır.
Söylentiye göre Mezopotamyanın düz ve sıcak ortamı onu bunalıma itmiş, kral da karısının
hasretini sona erdirmek için yapay dağların olduğu, suların aktığı yemyeşil bir bahçe

Babil'in asma bahçelerinin günümüze gelen kesin izleri yoktur. Fakat, bölgede araştırma
yapan arkeologlar, Babil'deki sarayın kuzeydoğusunda görünüşü garip olan temel ve tonozlar

buldular. Bunların Babil'in Asma Bahçelerine ait olup olmadığını düşünülmektedir. Babil'in
Asma Bahçeleri, klasik yazarlar tarafından ayrıntılı bir şekilde tanımlanmıştır. Günümüzde bu
tanımlara göre çizilen resimler bulunmaktadır. Küçükken sandığımız gibi bu efsanevi bahçeler
bir yerlere asılı fidan değildir, sadece sütunlarla desteklenen taraçalar üzerinde kurulmuştur.



Power Game Dynamics and The Return To

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:30am

A human being once whole receives infinite love and spiritual nourishment from the Source.
Wholeness is found from healing fears, working with self love issues and practising
forgiveness for those who have hurt us.

Before reaching this ideal level of healing, humans find themselves caught up in power games
and control dynamics which cause confusion, conflict, broken relationships, disillusionment,
negative karmas and the playing out of the continuing victim story. These dynamics play out
as humans attempt to draw energy from another to compensate for an inner sense of lacking
and a craving to be loved which can only be resolved through the return to wholeness. This
playing field of power games is a thick , dense, karmic soup of suffering where anyone
desiring lasting healing , clarity and love would be well advised to extricate themselves from.

The process of extrication from this soup comes from recognising the power games at work
and healing our part in them. The process can be long and calls for us to look at what control
games we play, as well as what we allow others to put on us. Control is an outer
manisfestation of fear. We fear not having enough - so one attempts to control another through
playing on their fears in order to subconsciously take energy. Karmically it causes suffering
and does nothing to heal the connection to source. The suffering created causes further
negativity and energetic depletion, so fuelling the cycles of conflict and pain as we attempt to
find another to enact the old stories on.

All human conflict is derived from this inner sense of lack and frustration. There are four
main power games at work and three categories of development. Extrication from power
game dynamics requires a return to love which ultimately can see through any power or
control game known to humanity.

The three stages of development are

1)Healing our own control dramas. Here is the most intense phase. Here we are often
seriously lacking and carrying heavy duty karmic and emotional baggage. Accumulations of
fear will drive us to seek out others in which to enact revenge or subtler control dynamics in
order to try and redress the suffering felt by a lack of love earlier in life. Recognition that this
approach is futile in drawing into our lives any kind of love brings about a turning within and
a beginning of the healing process. Completing this stage brings us happiness and peace as we
surrender all desires to control another.

2)Boundary healing - Having found love we then become a target for others in stage 1
development who may attempt to feed from us energetically. Extrication from the soup is not
possible until we have also completed boundary healing. Until we have we are still
susceptible to energetic drain from others. Boundaries are healed by developing healthy
attitudes toward relating and healing/forgiving all aspects of our lives that involve having had
our boundaries trashed in earlier life. Often in childhood a difficult experience has left us
confused as to healthy ways of loving and these must be learned so as to repair our energetic
boundaries and return to wholness

3)Completeness - At this stage we are immune to control and have no desire to control
another. We are nourished from the Source directly. We accept everyone as they are and no
longer play power games (which are often an attempt to change another person to meet our
needs). Here we own our lives, take full responsibility for them and find inner empowerment
which does not come at the expense of another. In this stage we have full clarity into all kinds
of power dynamics - the boundary healing and inner empowerment cuts through the confusion
and sees through all the illusory masks of deception and pain that are worn by those in stage 1

The masks are an attempt to hide the wounded self and portray a false sense of self to the
outside world. The mask can only be maintained by deception and manipulation. Truth and
love sees straight through the mask, and the embodiment of truth and love in our own being
enables us to put our mask down and start being true to ourselves.

These are the ways in which people draw power from another (outlined in the Celestine
Prophecy books and expanded upon here). Recognition and understanding of them brings
about transcendance of them.

1.Poor me - Poor me's are continually lacking in love and stuck in a victim story. Always in a
state of crisis, they are always needing from others. Rather than taking responsibility for their
own lives - they shirk away from emotional maturation and draw energy from others by
always needing assistance. Relationships with Poor me's often are unworkable as they will
continue to drain more and more from the relationship rather than to nourish themselves.

Poor me's were often abandoned in earlier life and play out the victim story by behaving in
ways that create further abandonment scenarios until they heal the underlying cause. Poor
me's often choose to remain victims even when resolution is offered because of the fear of
facing themselves. Poor me's need compassion, appropriate assistance and clear boundaries
which heals both sides of the intercation.

2.Aloofers - Aloof people simply hide away and draw energy. Those that make commitments
and pull out at the last minute and then cannot be found for days are in essence stealing
energy by offering themselves and then retracting.Withdrawal patterns (being loving and then
cold) in intimate relationships is the game of an aloof which is to draw more and more energy
by being less available and the other must invest more to receive the love. Aloofs often have
validation and self love issues that prevent them from being in intimacy without fear. Aloofs
need boundaries too. Those stuck in poor me or aloof relationships must heal their self worth
issues to extricate themselves from these ever cycling dynamics of energetic depletion.

3.Intimidators - These people are usually deeply afraid and use threats to achieve their aims.
Violent people are in this category and have often been deeply abused at some point in their
lives and have not forgiven the perpetrator. Instead they play these dynamics out elsewhere -
drawing energy from other peoples fear of violence if their is non compliance. Those stuck in
relationships with intimidators must address their own self worth/ need of approval issues and
their self love issues so as not to be afraid of being alone. They are then free to leave the

4.Interrogators - These people use undermining techniques to constantly erode self worth in
those susceptible to this kind of control behaviour. Attempted brainwashing, put down
behaviour and attempts to implant negative seeds into the other are carried out in order to
bring about the capitulation of the other party who then can be used for the aganeda of the
interrogator. Interrogators are usually deeply afraid people carrying deep pain who will
attempt to interrogate in order to deflect attention away from their issues. Interrogators will
often blame other people and engage in projection. Those stuck in relationships with
interrogators need to find approval within, heal their boundaries and self worth issues and so
become immune to further emotional wearing. They are then free to leave the dynamic.

Those who remain in any of these situations whilst complaining about it (playing out the poor
me) are holding to the victim story. Doing this automatically gives the power to the other
person keeping us stuck in the dynamic. Healing the victim story is about taking full self
responsibility for what we have attracted into our lives, relinquishing blame and adressing our
part in the story. Forgiveness and love for ourselves and others are crucial as well as
developing our own connection to Source. Connection to Source brings infinite love and
ample nourishment - extracting ourselves from the fields of human conflict and restoring our
lives to perfect harmony.

love and blessings

Free Spirit

Read more: http://www.thegic.org/profiles/blog/show?id=2358184%3ABlogPost%3A67...


March 9, 2011: Dawn of the Unity Wave by
Carl Calleman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:35am

Last year large numbers of people gathered in the Conscious Convergence event on July 17-
18, 2010, setting an intention to manifest unity consciousness as the Ninth, and highest, of the
Mayan waves brings the universe to its highest state of existence. This event served as a base
camp for intention setting and ascension towards Unity consciousness; We celebrated in joy in
the most varied forms, ranging from the temples of Bali to the Mayan elders in Guatemala and
from the Sami in the North to the Bushmen in the Kalahari. We could for the first time ever
see our planet emerging as a sacred space encircled by a global medicine wheel.

We are now approaching the actual beginning of this wave of unity consciousness, which
begins on March 9, 2011. This is the ninth wave also known as the Universal Underworld.
This wave includes thirteen uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods that propel a process designed to
lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness.** The purpose
of this article is to provide some additional background to this wave, its initiation date and
suggest how the energy of the wave may be used in the most beneficial way. This requires that
I again summarize the basic structure of the cosmic time plan as understood from the Mayan

Many people have in recent years come to know about the existence of the Mayan calendar
and its purported end date, but surprisingly, not so many have assimilated what the ancient
inscriptions are saying about it. In fact, there is only one known ancient inscription that
mentions the calendar end -- Monument 6 from Tortuguero*** describes what will happen
when the calendar comes to an end. The current reading of this ancient inscription by

professional Mayanists is that we will then “witness the display of Bolon Yokte Ku in his full
costume and regalia.” So whatever else you might have heard associated with the end of the
Mayan calendar such as a pole shift, the end of the world, a galactic alignment, solar flares,
radiation from the center of the galaxy, etc., actually lacks foundation in any ancient Mayan

Yet what obviously does have a background in an ancient Mayan inscription is Bolon, the
number nine. At first sight, the reading of the Tortuguero Monument may sound cryptic and
difficult to understand. There is however a lot of surrounding information about Bolon Yokte
Ku that allows us to make sense of this insciption.*** Crucial to understanding is that Bolon
Yokte Ku is the Nine-Support, or Nine-Step, entity of “period endings.” Bolon Yokte Ku, in
other words, is a name for a cosmic pyramid in nine steps. Through extensive factual
verification this pyramid has been shown to symbolize the nine levels of evolution the
universe undergoes on its climb to its highest state of consciousness

Each level of evolution, of Bolon Yokte Ku, the cosmic pyramid, is then developed through a
series of thirteen time periods. These range from the hablatun (1.26 billion years) on the
bottom level to the uaxaclahunkin of 18 days at the ninth level. This means a twenty times
frequency increase and speed-up of time with every single step to a higher level. Soon, as of
October 28, 2011, the energies of the nine waves are then all going to manifest fully. This
final manifestation, I believe is what the ancient inscription refers to when it says that it will
be witnessed how Bolon Yokte Ku will appear in his full regalia. The fruits of the nine waves
will then appear in their fullness as these are simultaneously completed. This is no longer
confusing if we accept that the ancient peoples of the world, including the Maya, would tend
to personalize the cosmic forces describing them as “gods”, while, in the modern world, we
would probably only describe this as nine energy waves.

As of March 9, 2011, the ninth and highest wave of the Bolon Yokte Ku will be activated. It
seems to me that the purpose of this particular wave of 13 x 18 = 234 days is to cap the entire
evolution of the universe that so far has been propelled by the eighth lower waves. From what
we know about the changing polarities of consciousness of the nine waves it will do so by
providing energies that are conducive to the human beings cocreating unity consciousness.

This is the purpose of the Ninth wave. So let us stop for a moment to contemplate the
momentous place in time in which we find ourselves. Life, and especially human life, has
evolved to the eighth level. Those that have actually climbed a physical Mayan pyramid, such
as the pyramid of the Great Jaguar in Tikal, may be able to relate to the feeling of coming
close to the top at the eighth level catching breath for the ascent to the top. We are now then
about to start the climb to the ninth and highest level of life. It was to prepare for this
momentous opportunity that many participated in the intention setting event of the Conscious
Convergence last July. We now can follow the intentions we set at this event and actually
manifest through co-creating Unity Consciousness. It is now time for us to follow up, and
actually manifest the Unity Consciousness that was the intention of this event. The meaning
of the unity wave that is now about to begin is for us to cocreate the appearance of Bolon
Yokte Ku in its full splendor, the completion of the cosmic plan and its nine levels of
evolution. As March 9, 2011 arrives, we are called to begin co-creating Unity Consciousness;
March 9, 2011 is the dawn of the wave of unity.

Thus, the year of 2011 is not scheduled to be just like another year. Very likely this is our last
chance to live up to being co-creators with the cosmic plan. As this Gregorian year began, the

messages that circulated reflected our heightened ambivalence to the passage of time. On the
one hand there were the every year kind of messages like: “Hope you will have a great 2011”
or “what do you want to create for yourself in 2011?” as if this would just be like another
year. Messages centered on the individual, based on a linear view of time made up from years
following one after the other.

On the other hand, around the New Year reports started to come about the “aflockalypse.”
Large numbers of fish, birds and animals simply died for no apparent reason. This instead
pointed to anything but a linear continuation of time in 2011. The aflockalypse is possibly due
to the frequency increase that the nine levels of the Mayan pyramid undergoes combined with
the extreme degree to which humans have now pushed the ecology of the planet off balance.
If this is true, it would call upon us to adapt to this new frequency and also shift completely
from asking for things for ourselves and what we as egos or individuals may want from 2011
to what our egos may do to serve the delivery of the divine plan. The ninth wave of unity
would then be calling for a complete shift in our way of being, to manifesting unity
consciousness, which is the intended end result of the cosmic plan. If this is to happen, it may
also call for extraordinary cosmic energies to fulfill the cosmic plan. In fact, maybe the ninth
wave will be a Judgment Day that will save the world.

If there is a twenty-fold increase in frequency with every wave, the Ninth Wave, or Universal
Underworld, will have a duration of 13 x 18 = 234 days and would then start March 9, 2011.
It will progress through seven days and six intermediate nights, each being a uaxaclahunkin.
In Mayan calendar language, this means an 18-day period. The 18-day periods can be
subdivided into two nine-day counts (two days off from the classical nine lords of the night
count) since they will have both an ascending and a descending phase and in this way we may
see more clearly the link to classical Mayan calendrics. If the ninth wave is all about creating
harmony from what has evolved previously then our task would be to ask the divine for
guidance as to what we would do to arrive at this. If we are asking for global harmony we
cannot however simply ask for our egos to guide us. Instead we will from the outset have to
ask questions like: “What can I do to serve the cosmic plan?” or “What shall I do to further
the manifestation of unity consciousness?” If the days of the ninth wave are the time periods
most conducive to generating such unity consciousness then we will have to turn for spiritual
guidance from the divine in phase exactly with these days of the Universal Underworld.

The ninth wave here joins the alpha to the omega in that for the first time in history it brings
the nine-day count to the forefront of evolution. These will be extraordinary times and it is
possible that we here will be confronted with a choice of truth versus tradition. The reason is
that if the ninth wave will have the strength that we may expect from the evolution of a new
underworld then it will be energetically more powerful and stronger than the traditional
tzolkin count of 13 x 20 days. The Ninth level will, in other words, bring in a nine-day count
that transcends the tzolkin in power and is more meaningful to follow for those seeking to
align themselves with the cosmic plan. Still, of course, the tzolkin will continue to live on as
an undercurrent of energies.

The rhythm of the Universal Underworld is then a nine-day climb of increasing intensity
starting on March 9, 2011 followed by a descending intensity for the next eighteen (9+9) days
until a new descent begins of eighteen (9+9) days. We will then have to learn to ride this wave
in order to ultimately climb to the top of the pyramid to be able to witness the appearance of
Bolon Yokte Ku in “his” full regalia. Calendars to follow this eighteen (or nine day) count are
available in German (can be ordered from christiane biebl christiane.biebl@web.de,

See also www.indalosia.de) and Swedish (www.livsstrommen.se), but also on web sites in
English and French (http://4-ahau.com/Home.html).

We are calling for everyone to be part of the initiation of this new wave on March 9, 2011.
Each of you is welcome to make use of the web site www.treeoflifecelebration.com for
communicating with others who share the same intentions. I feel it should be clear that it is
something fundamentally new that is proposed here. A frequency of evolution, the nine-day
count, which previously has only been vaguely discernible, will come to be the chief guiding
rhythm. And if you think about it, it would be truly remarkable if the transformation to a new
world could be the result of a mere linear continuation of calendars that have been used for

The call for events or celebrations to initiate the ninth wave on March 9, 2011 only means to
point out that this is the beginning date, the initiation of our opportunity to move into unity
together. We would also like to encourage you to find means of celebrating and transforming
into unity consciousness during times that work for you, such as weekends around the first
eighteen day period, as well as holding the intention for the beginning of true unity on March
9, 2011. In fact, the idea is that this process of transformation generating the unity
consciousness of the ninth wave should not end. It will continue to October 28, 2011 and
beyond.**** There is no single right answer to how this transformation to unity
consciousness is to be brought about everywhere. Yet, there are tools available that can be
used and further developed by all those who share the common intention of manifesting unity
consciousness. Everything starts with an intention and if the intention is aligned with the
purpose of the cosmic plan, it will be increasingly bearing fruit.

On March 9, 2011 we will remember the intention of unity consciousness we collectively set
at the conscious convergence of July 17-18, 2010 joined by many who are now setting it for
the first time. This time it will be our task to actually deliver the unity consciousness by
applying our collective creativity to a new arena. Be there, wherever you are in the cosmos,
for this final countdown.


Please read: http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/Recreation_GlobalTreeOfLif...

or listen to http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/audioPop.jsp?episodeId=375217&...
See also http://tetonrainbows.com

The word “consciousness” has become one of the most popular buzzwords of our time and
yet there is little agreement as to what it means. My own view is that consciousness is
fundamentally a relationship to the Tree of Life and so when the Tree of Life alters its
polarities the filter of consciousness changes. Thus shifts in consciousness brought about by
polarity shifts in the tree of life are what drive human history and all of evolution forward.
Every Underworld, or wave, thus brings a consciousness dominated by a particular polarity
and so as we climb the cosmic pyramid consciousness will evolve to higher and higher forms
of manifestation. Many who use the word consciousness are not aware of this crucial link
between the Mayan calendar and the evolution of consciousness and hence tend to give the
word a different, sometimes entirely different, connotation. Many people who use the word
consciousness in fact give this the specific meaning of unity consciousness, which in reality is
just one of its many possible expressions.


For a comparison of the proposed 4 Ahau end date of December 21, 2012 and the 13 Ahau of
October 28, 2011 please listen to my interview with Mark van Stone in three parts:


Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. is the author of three books about the cosmic plan as this may be
understood from the Mayan calendar: Solving the Greatest mystery of Our Time: The Mayan
calendar (2001), The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (2004) and
The Purposeful Universe (2009). He has also been part of initiating several global events
based on shifts in the Mayan calendar such as most recently the Conscious Convergence of
July 17-18, 2010.

Tags: www.calleman.com


A Message From Saint Germain Thro'

Aruna....Masking Human
Disturbance....20 Jan.'11.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:38am

Masking Human Disturbance

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 05:09 PM PST
Human being means: being the human you came into a body to be. No conditions are an
excuse for being less than the Ascended Master you really are, when the character your body
is pretending to be falls away. Centering, and becoming aware of what this change of
orientation can mean, cuts through many disturbances in a man's original contract. Awakening
deletes disturbances, but not the conditions that can trigger a disturbance in you. Can you
understand that all the conditions being discussed on this blog do not really matter? They do
not disappear from the body's senses when an Awakening precedes them. No, they continue,
and are observed as any other man would observe them. What doesn't change are the
conditions. What does change is the heart of the man's consciousness, so what he observes no
longer matters to him.He is neither mentally nor emotionally disturbed by anything he

Many New Age channelings are making the comment that the life experiences that mind
desires are the only ones it will create. Not accurate. Group mind determines actual
occurrances, not individual mind. Individual mind determines the way man acts as he
observes his environment, how he thinks about what he observes, and how much he thinks
about it.

Personal conclusions draw to man those things he dismisses or negatively attacks as a

reaction. Negativity draws to man all that he dislikes. Creative visualization creates more
awareness of those things man dislikes, as he asks for things that he does not include on his
"non-acceptable" menu. Are his desires fulfilled? Maybe, if his negativity against what is not
on his manifestation list does not override his desires. Picture a man standing in a hole. If he
is thinking "I don't want it to rain", it could quite likely attract some rain. If he thinks, "give
me more sunshine", the amount of energy he is exuding against rain could override his desire
for more sun. Whatever you dismiss will come to you, if the avoidance carries a stronger
charge than the desire.

As man desires new and different conditions for himself, he dismisses what currently exists
and deletes messages his brain tells him about his desires. What now exists gives him his
nurturing, and carries him into his future, so dismissing it negates his need to have the current
condition carry him into his next one. Adding two more layers to what he already ignores is
not going to create anything better than what he has. Being happy with what already is
available, can create more of what is desired than deleting what already exists from one's
mental drama. Cause and effect considers dismissal of something to be the same as negative
thinking. Can this be the reason you get what you don't want? Yes, you always get the things
being dismissed as undesirable.

Mother Earth needs the love and caring that all of her children want for themselves.
Communicating what is desired for Mother Earth tells her you don't want her as she is. Can't
you love the one who has been wounded? Can you appreciate the contract you made with God
to give her love and caring? Are the things being deleted from your needs list less important
than the material acquisitions being asked for? Are my words making sense? Are you getting
my meaning? Mother Earth needs open hearts and caring demonstrations now! We need her to
ascend as the mass ascension occurs. We need all who are able, to give an added dose of
healing consciousness to Mother Earth now, and daily, until the ascension. Is there a group
available to do this? Can this loving energy be disbursed at the light of day on an ongoing
basis? Those who are awake can do the same thing by being totally present, not thinking.
Content in the mind requires focusing that content towards light and delivering the attention
of the masses to the light.

Huge crystals are now activated to dismantle the continents. They were contacted by a group
of non-aware controllers who have programmed them on their terms. These crystals are
loaded with tasks to generate from them immense contact with the deliverers of change. When
Hezbollah mounts the crest of their anchoring of darkness, and Hamas controls Gaza, many
decisions will need to be made by the US and Israel. These decisions are critical to move the
mass consciousness towards another, higher awareness, or they will delete the cry to move
ahead by dismissing the content of these couriers of darkness. Choosing to dismiss them will
cause them to attack. Are you able to understand me now? Welcome them to communicate.
Act like they matter. Give them your attention. Work with them. Giving them no attention will
attract exactly what is not wanted.

Begin your day by welcoming Mother Earth and ALL of her children to live, love and laugh

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


Archangel Gabriel: Your Greatest Teachers

by Marlene Swetlishoff
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 12:41am

Image Source

Archangel Gabriel: Your Greatest Teachers

by Marlene Swetlishoff

January 19, 2011

Dearly Beloved Ones,

And so it is that I come forth to begin a series of discourses through our beloved Scribe. She
is of my own lineage and it is I, Gabriel, who has been guiding her every step upon her Path
of life. The Scribe has been a messenger for the Divine in many other lifetimes upon Planet

Earth and serves the role as Herald, much as I have done and continue to do. Her training
started a long time ago, walking the lonely Path of Light, and it is only now that her greater
role is beginning to blossom forth.

For our first discourse, we would like to talk about the meaning of Love, unconditional Love.
What exactly does the word ‘unconditional’ mean? In the actual practice of unconditionally
loving a person individually or as groups of people, what is required is the graceful
acceptance of them as they are in this moment, seeing those areas that according to our
perceptions ‘need work’, recognizing these and continuing to love them anyway, knowing that
each of you are in the process of fulfilling and manifesting the lessons and experiences that
you have each come to learn.

Many times, we see so many people look at another with judgment and criticism within
themselves and we would ask you at those times to look within to see what it is that is within
yourselves that needs to be brought to the surface of your consciousness, in order that you
might discern those areas of your own attributes that you might not see easily in yourselves
that may need to be addressed in your own lives, for the others around you, especially your
own family members, are all playing their parts to help you clear these blind spots from your
own perceptions, to act as mirrors to you, that you may move along your chosen Path with
grace and ease.

These family members willingly took on these oft times unpleasant roles in order that your
Spiritual growth may take place as your own Higher Self has chosen. No matter how difficult
any relationship may seem, realize that this Soul who manifests through that physical body, is
a Being who loves you dearly and one who agreed to withstand the pressure of bringing to
your attention those aspects of yourselves that have been deemed less than desirable by your
Higher Self, in order that you evaluate and change these aspects to those that are more in
alignment with your own Divinity.

As such, give honor to the people closest to you in your life at this time and thank them for
the role that they are playing, whether they be Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Husband, Wife
or any other close family relations, for this is what you chose to experience upon your sojourn
into physicality in order to move forward into greater and greater Light and embody greater
amounts of unconditional Love. As you recognize what it is that you chose to learn through
these wonderful Beings, you also begin to embody more of the attributes of unconditional
Love and you learn to let go of all that does not resonate and align with the Being of Light
that you aspire to once again remember and become. The more friction involved in this
process, the greater and more quickly the lesson can be learned, for it is in friction that
movement takes place. The bottom line of each encounter should be the feeling of Love and
gratitude, for it is not easy to play the role they are required to play on your behalf.

Many times, these lessons are not recognized until there is a distance created between you, or
perhaps the passage of time brings the value of their gift to you into your awareness.
Remember that most of you incarnate in the same Soul families often so that great growth in
awareness happens in bearable ways. Your family members are your greatest teachers about
yourselves. It requires the openness of mind necessary to think of your family members in this
Light. You ARE loved beyond measure and your journey through life is being blessed by their

We ask that you look upon each other with Love and lightness of Being, looking always and
ever for the good about them, and you will find that you can write a whole page filled with all
the gifts they bring you to fill your life to overflowing with more blessings than you could
ever imagine, for they are the ones who helped you to achieve the uniqueness of your own
Being in this now moment.

These are the thoughts to ponder until our next discourse.

My Love is always with you, Dearest Children of the Divine.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is


Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


Ashtar's 1-11-11 Report - Jan 25th
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 22, 2011 at 1:10am


Ashtar addressing the January 11, 2011 teleconference:

"Well Good Evening everyone! And this is a most auspicious day of days, is it not? Day of
sacredness; day of 11:11 repeating; day of sacred seven, day of eight almost, to add all of the
numbers in this day, almost done. Everything is in place. Everything is ready. And here we
are, Beloved Ones, to share that message with the Planet, below, on, and above, and with the
Universe beyond. And it is our Joy, and our mission, that we come together to do this. But
first we shall give some updates and some additions to that which you have already heard.

"There can be no doubt, and indeed there is no doubt in the consciousness of the world, that
all of these events which have created chaos - we acknowledge that -they have been designed
to create fear. And while there has been some fear, and there is some floating out there, we're
going to take care of that in our Exercise that we do. For it is the right of everyone upon the
Planet, yes, even the dark hats, to be in the relaxation of Peace, and security and safety. Now,

by their acts these ones are going to have some time out, and for some of them, the darkest of
them, it may be necessary to "curtail" them even more.

"But our concern, or our mission, concerns itself with that which you call Forgiveness, and so
we invite you all to practice Forgiveness, even in the face of these events, and we know full
well how you feel. We feel your emotions, Beloved Ones. We know how you are feeling. We
know that you are, in some respects, grieving even, and feeling the sadness of all of these
events which seem to be just coming one after the other with such intensity, and such wanton
destructiveness. Well, that's how the dark hats want it.

"In the midst of all of this, remember there are gifts. The consciousness of the World has been
together ever since the Gulf Oil Spill. And while there are those Wayshowers and
Lightworkers who are clamoring for those responsible to be put in front of the World Court,
you all know that this was part of the plan. And thank the plan's execution as it has been thus
far for the wake-up, which it has given to the World.

"And yet the dark hats have persisted, they have gone farther. If the World and the
consciousness of the people did not give up over that attack, then they felt that they must
pursue and carry on, because they keep hearing from us that their days are numbered, and
they are hearing more and more from you, Beloved Ones, that it's time for Love and Peace on
Earth, and therefore to them what that means is, 'Oh no, the World is going in an opposite
direction from what we want.' And so they have done more.

"They have tampered with the weather. They have tried to create a pole shift which would
destroy the Planet, or at least that part of the Planet they want destroyed. They have released
toxins into the air. They have bombarded, not just the air, but the waters as well.

"And now in the State of Arizona, which is such a state of duality with so many energies there
which seem to harbor and approve of violence - and now come these brave people to
participate as victims, in a way. At least they are looked upon as the innocent victims of what
we can best describe as another black ops operation. They've been going on for years and
eons of time, these black ops. Some of them have been quite blatant. In more recent years, the
events have been made public, but 'who done it' has been not told, or not told entirely. This
shooter had his mind under the control of the dark hats.

'How do they do this, anyway, to innocent people? Well they start when they're young. If you
are not familiar with that, and if you can be calm and relaxed as much as possible during the
more violent scenes, you can watch the Bourne movies. We have spoken about this, and we
are now speaking to this group. There are three movies. It is called the Trilogy, and it explains
very well how this black ops mind control works.

"You see it's out there. People have been unable to see it, particularly young people. They play
these violent video games, and they watch all of this violence on their television sets and their
computers and their movie screens and they think, 'Oh well, that's out there; it's not going to
happen to me.' And then some brilliant, beautiful, Lights are extinguished, or are attempted to
be extinguished.

"And you have the face of this child, a Star Child to be sure, one of great knowing. And you
have a judge, who is known for his fairness, and his Compassion, and you have this fabulous
woman, and by the way, we are with her, and all of the ones who took the bullets. And we

have already welcomed those who left their bodies on this occasion, and they are in the Light
very much.

"And we have honored and thanked them for what they have done because it is huge, it is
magnificent, because the World is coming together in Compassion for all involved. Candles
are being lit, and we invite you to light candles, if you so choose. The candle in the dark is
symbolic of what you have been hearing, which is that the Light is prevailing. There is going
to be no plunge into darkness. The Path of Ascension is wide open, and the Planet is not being
derailed by these events, and that is the good news here.

"And while it is possible that there may be some continuance of violence, those who have
been advocating violence are being curtailed, let us just say. Now the World knows more.
Now the World can see where condemnation, and where setting people up as targets and so on
and so on, where that leads. This is not just a video game, or some movie. This is for real. And
so it is wondrous indeed that so many people Worldwide are lighting candles, sending prayers,
doing meditations, empowering the energies of Peace, along with Courage, along with coming
together, united in this grand calling out.

"You are not victims, Beloved Ones, you are Warriors of Peace. You are beings of Light, and
you are not helpless to stop this. We shall be putting forth our collective energies, and we have
a very full company tonight of all of you in your human mission uniforms, shall we say, and
all of us who come to sit at your feet, to hug you, to hold hands with you, and to be one in the
solidarity, and in the purpose of this mission. And we are in awe of you for all that you have
already done to help bring Peace to the Planet, and for that which you are about to do, even

"And people are finding the Courage to speak up, not just empty rhetoric, but words of
passion. Yes, some of them are lying, and you can tell who the liars are. They're being
somewhat hypocritical, because they're part of the group that have been working so diligently,
covering up the fact, nevertheless working diligently to take over the entire Planet, but they're
not getting there. They are having temper tantrums of the worst, most heinous kind in order to
try to keep going with their program. But we're stopping them, Beloved Ones, All of Us, not
just those of us from the ships, and the Lighted Realms, but All of Us, All of Us together,
because it is you opening your hearts to our presence, giving us permission, and being One
with us, coming together in Family, so that we might together stay upon this high road.

"And while it is true that those of us who come from the Lighted Realms, as you call them, do
not have Ascension to accomplish, we want you to know that we're right there with all of you,
and we can see the end of the chaos. We have told you many times there will be chaos before
this great event occurs. There has to be. Institutions are falling apart, and you, Beloved Ones,
can lead the way toward rebuilding what you need, to really serve the Earth with Love,
Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, instead of with what these dark hats have built to
enslave you.

"Honest people are coming forth more and more. People are calling forth more and more for
the changes that will benefit, rather than hurt and destroy. If you could see a list in front of
you with all of the different agendas, and institutions, and groups, who even as we speak are
receiving their, what you call their pink slips - they're done. Well, we only suggest that you
might tune into that, if you so choose. And what is it that is happening instead? Well the
Violet Ray and the Blue Ray of Truth are quite busy these days. Saint Germaine and

Archangel Michael are causing the Truth to shine forth, and then to transmute that which no
longer serves Planet Earth, and to bring forth that which does.

"There is much Joy. There is infinite, infinite benefit with higher dimensional lifestyles to be
lived on Planet Earth, and it's all coming forth even as we speak. There is a great Light at the
end of this tunnel, Beloved Ones, and that great Light is you! We see that, and we say to you,
'See what your destination is, even as you are walking through that tunnel. Light it up
wherever you are, and your path shall be that much more joyful!' And this is not idle words,
Beloved Ones, this is Truth. Truth coming from the highest of the vibrations in all of your
energy fields. So we can only say, 'Let's get on with it!'

"There is much to do, that is true. But we have ways of coming and joining with you to
facilitate and make it easier. You already heard about an invention that is already here,* and
there are many more. And there is great help and assistance coming in all aspects of your
lifestyles, and most of it is already here, it's just not public yet. But there are those who know
about it, and are most anxious to come forward with it. So if you are feeling that there are
some obstacles still remaining, just know that these obstacles are shrinking into nothingness
as the Violet Ray is applied.

"Just know that you have the Courage in your heart to get through whatever remains of the
chaos, and to come safely through whatever darkness you might feel, and transmute it. You
have that ability to transmute it. What do you think would empower the dark hats the most at
this moment? It would be if the consciousness of the Planet were to spiral down into total fear.
They feed on fear. Love is toxic to them. They feed on fear. But you don't, Beloved Ones.
Fear is not your natural state of being, Love is. So keep that Love in mind. Keep it energized!

"If the events of the day create feelings of fear, which you cannot find a way out of quickly,
then retreat from the events of the day, and do not focus there at all. Call upon your Guides.
Use your tools of empowerment. Find that Courage in your heart to say 'no' to fear, and you
do that by transmuting it, by getting in contact with the totality of the Divinity you are, by
connecting with your Guides, by using your empowerment. Change the subject, Beloved
Ones, change the subject to what gives you Joy, to what causes 'ahha' moments, 'I see the
Truth of who I AM,' to joining with others in pleasurable, passionate pursuits of Joy!

"Whether it is to group together, to bring Joy to the schoolchildren for instance, or to help
people who have no homes or whatever it is when your heart opens, creating Joy for someone
else, you cannot possibly be down in the dumpies, as we call it. Now you are protected to the
extent that you choose to be, because you still have free will. So call upon us to join with
you, invoke the White Light of the Christ to surround you. Go forth into the market place and
beam radiant smiles to all, because that's what you're here to do, Beloved Ones.

You know you have a saying and it can be interpreted as being somewhat physically war-like.
The saying is: 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.' What this means is when you
are tough Love with yourself, when you say to yourself: 'I have no place in my being for fear,'
or better yet, 'I have only room for Love in my being!' That shows your Courage - that shows
Who You Are. That tells the World, and if you have any doubts go look in the mirror, say into
that mirror ten times if you wish or more, 'I have only room in my being for Love!' Pretty
soon you're going to say, 'I feel only Love in my being. I AM only Love. I AM!' Now that's a
great path to be on, and it empowers you, and your neighbors, and your family, and your
friends to be all that you came here to be. No more shrinking back, no more fear.

"And if your neighbor comes to tell you he saw a movie and the Ashtar Command is here to
be conquering Planet Earth, or, if he/she heard the rumor that the Ashtar Command has left
- don't get into that belief system, don't buy into it. Just look your neighbor in the eye and say,
'I know the Truth, and I will share it with you if you'd like me to share it with you.' But look
into the mirror and see the Truth of who you really are, and call forth the Truth, and by the
way if you'd like to use the Sword Excalibur, you are entirely welcome to do so.

"There are those who are changing, becoming courageous with Love. And sometimes it takes
Courage to open to Truth, Beloved Ones, let us acknowledge that. And people are beginning
to acknowledge that there is one direction that they have created all of this chaos. We must
add that it is for each and every one of you to look upon yourselves as having been a
contributor in some way, if only because you came here to observe it . Now what does that
mean, anyway? Well it means you came in knowing that some of these things would happen.
And you came in anyway, knowing that when the time came you would find the Courage to
do something to transmute it, and in the meantime, you would come and observe so you could
get all the Truth out of it, and have your facts straight.

"There are many who are bringing forth this similar message, the same message really. And to
the dark hats the message is: 'It's over Rover; you're done; you're finished here!' And they're
not liking what they're hearing, and so they are doing everything that they can to distract and
destroy that which has been built thus far upon the foundations of Love, Compassion,
Forgiveness and Gratitude, or any teachings of any of the masters, and all of the teachings that
you are now finding residing in you, and within your heart and mind, and your wisdom center.

"We're moving upon the path to support you, to enable you to see more of Who You Really
Are. You can look upon us as mirrors, if you wish. The Truth of it is, we are One with you in
solidarity of Love. And there is nothing we cannot accomplish upon this Planet and we are
proving so. So stand up and be counted. Light those candles for Planet Earth and all of Her
Kingdoms, below, on, and above. Speak out your Truth and know that the Truth of your Truth
is that it comes on the Blue Wave, and you know where the Planet is headed, and you know
that you are making a huge contribution to this direction!

"Send compassionate Love to all, and yes, empower that one's great voice, the one we call
Gaby to speak again. She is a very special messenger. You might call her an envoy to Planet
Earth. She and her husband know full well the Truth of Who We Are, and why we're here.
There are no accidents - she was targeted as a warning to others to look away from us, or to
form a different opinion of us, than that which is Truth of what we speak. It was to inspire
fear. And there are other events that are going on. There are those who are being targeted still,
and you're hearing about them and you're wondering why are they letting this go on. The
Truth of it is, Beloved Ones, because the World needs to see. The World needs to come

" 'Will there be another 9/11 event, is that what you're talking about, Ashtar?' No indeed! But
there are some individuals who come with so much Love, and so much purpose, and so much
passion for being in service that they take part in these events, so that others can wake up, feel
the Truth and know what it is that they choose to call forth, because that is what they're here
to do. This is not limited, Beloved Ones, this is not limited to the Kingdoms of the humans.
So treasure the animals, all of them, and the plants, who volunteer in a way, in their own way,
to be a part of this. And if you grieve, allow it, but come together in passionate Love, and light

the candle and speak to them directly, the Love and appreciation you have for them and for
the service they are performing in the name of Love.

"There are many of us with Gaby and with the others, as we have said. And she does have the
will to join the Truthtellers. We are doing at her invitation that which we can do to help her
physical self to recover, but we can assure you that she knows that we are with her, and most
particularly she is safe in the arms of her Angel. And that during this time out is an
opportunity for everyone to send the Love, and the healing energies to her and to all involved,
and indeed to the Planet as a whole. So we shall join together in that mission, and in that
purpose, because when there is Love that heals, then the outcome is Divinely assured. And
that is what we are here to do, Beloved Ones, to rise to these multiple occasions, to be
connected with All That We Are, our higher selves, our spiritual selves, with the Divinity we
are, and with each other.

"And we come together in mission, and service, and purpose. And if you choose to repeat this
Exercise you have only to ask for the recording so that you may repeat it, and if you do,
remember that you can give intent to be back once more with this group, as we co-create this
exercise of Peace for the Planet, and for the Universe beyond.

"We shall be transmuting fear, and moving into the highest vibrations, that which is Love.
And so I, Ashtar, choose now to express my Love to each and every one of you, and to thank
you, Beloved Ones, for coming, not so much to hear the words, because you already knew at
least enough of the Truth, and we are confirming that which you know, but to move beyond
into the High Realm, and to join together once more in holy, sacred, Divine and purposeful
mission, because together we can help the World to move beyond this time of violence, and
into the Golden Age of Love. Let Peace prevail for all! And so it is!

"I, Ashtar, and the entire Ashtar Command, and this great Company gathered together, salute
you Beloved Ones, and thank you for being with us. And so it is! Salut! "

*The Thorium car mentioned by Tara and Rama in their report on this call.
Given through Susan Leland, January 11, 2011 www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On
The Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved.

We understand you may also be interested in watching President Obama's State of the Union
speech which happens to be scheduled at the same time as our teleconference this Tuesday. If
you wish to join in the energies of our January 25th teleconference after the fact, the audio
link will be available right after the call to all who register and send an email request to Fran
ashtarwebmaster@msn.com .

We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar Teleconference on Tuesday, January
25th. The call begins with sign-ons at 6:15 PST and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with
5 minutes of late-breaking news from Tara & Rama -
http://www.2013rainbowroundtable.com/, followed by Ashtar and the Masters.

Please register here by NOON PST on January

25th: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/2108034.htm or click on
'Conference Calls' here: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/productsservices.html
All information about the call, including the pin number, will be sent to you after
you register. If, after registering, you do miss the call, you can still "join in" by emailing Fran

at ashtarwebmaster@msn.com to send you the audio recording link and playback
number which enable you to listen either by phone or computer.

We remind you that Jim Gow has kindly put together step-by-step instructions for
downloading and using Skype voice over internet to join our teleconferences. If you have a
high-speed internet line and follow his clear instructions, you will experience a clear
connection and free long-distance:


We look forward to our continuing co-creations with you!

Namaste and Mahalo, Susan, Fran and Elise


Mutlu Olmaktan Suçluluk Duymak
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 23, 2011 at 12:00am

Bazıları, mutlu olmaktan suçluluk duyar ya da mutlu olmaya layık görmez kendini; oysa
mutlu olmak doğuştan gelen hakkımızdır.
Mutluluk, hepimizin hasretini çektiği ve hakettiği bir deneyimdir. Çok arzulanan bir tatille
birlikte arzularız mutluluğa ulaşmayı ya da yeni bir aşk macerasında; ama gerçek mutluluk
deneyiminin içine girdiğimizde, nedense suçluluk duygusu galip gelir. Eğer suçluluk duygusu
hazzı hissetme yetinizle çakışıyorsa kendinizle ilgili tutunduğunuz inançlara, bir de
mutluluğun sizin için ne anlam taşıdığına göz atarak ferehlayabilirsiniz.
Mutluyken suçluluk hissetmek bir çok sebepten kaynaklanır. Derinlerde bir yerlerde, geçmişte
birilerini incittiğiniz yüzünden mutlu olmayı haketmediğinize inanıyor olabilirsiniz, belki de
hoşlandığınız birinden kötü bir söz işitmiştiniz. Genellikle acı dolu deneyimler hep mutlu
olanları izliyor gibi gelir insana. Şimdi ne zaman mutluluğu hissediyor olsanız, kötü bir şey
olacağı duygusu baskın gelir. Hatta mutlu olmak rahatsızlık verir çünkü kendinizi düşük
hissetmeye alışıksınızdır. Gerçek şu ki, kendinizi, pozitif duyguları hissetmeye izin
vermeyecek kadar çok suçlu hissettiğinizde, var olmayı hakeden bir parçanızı inkar
ediyorsunuz demektir. Yaşam deneyiminizi sadece negatif duygularla sınırlayarak kendinizi,
tüm pozitif duyguları da içeren yaşamın bütünlüğünden alıkoyarsınız. Neyse ki, tam şu anda
bile mutluluğa karşı olan tutumunuzu değiştirmeye başlayabilirsiniz.
Bundan böyle, kalbinizde mutluluk filizlenmeye başladığında, kabul etmeye çalışın, hazzı
alın, ve sizinle kalmasını isteyin. Haketmediğinize inansanız dahi, mutlu hissetmek tamamdır.
İyi hissetmek bütünlüğünüzün bir ifadesi ve yaşamla olan bağlantınızdır. Bir dahaki sefere
mutluluk kapınızı çaldığında, bunula ilgili suçluluk hissetmemeye çalışın. Bunun yerine onu
uzun zamandır yolunu gözlediğiniz bir arkadaşınız gibi karşılayın.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


2011 İçin Yeni Manzara

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 23, 2011 at 1:30am

2011 İçin Yeni Manzara

15 Ocak 2011

Sevgili Tanrı’nın Çocukları,

Dünyanın fiziksel enerji bedenlerine, en yüksek frekansların yeni spiritüel ışığı şimdilerde
demir attı ve yeni bir yoğunluk boyutuna geçen Dünya’da büyük hava şartları değişiklikleri
artık fiziksel anlamda görülebilen bir değişim-dönüşüm fırtınası yaratıyor.

Bu değişiklikler sadece, çevresel dengesizliklerin sonuçları yüzünden değil, aynı zamanda şu

anda Dünya’da tüm varlıkların, Tanrı’nın varlığının yaşayan bir gerçeklik olduğunu
görmesine, hissetmesine, ve bilmesine neden olacak büyük kitlesel titreşim değişikliğinin de
bir parçasıdır. Bir önceki, fiziksel ve ruhsal alemler arasındaki ayrılık çağı bitmiştir.

Bu harap edici hava şartları değişikliklerinden etkilenen ve duygusal-fiziksel arınma, aile

ilişkilerinde değişiklik, kazanç yolları ve ekonomik durgunluğun da dahil olduğu değişim-
dönüşüm zamanının getirdiği etkileri deneyimleyen milyonlarca insanın, sizin sevginiz ve
dualarınıza gereksinimi var.
Her şeyin değişmeye başladığı bu zamanda sevgililer, içeriden hissedilmeye başlanan yeni bir
ışık doğuyor. Kalbiniz bu ışığın varlığını hissedebilmekte, çünkü tüm ruhların yaratıldığı
varoluşun ilahi kaynağını tanıyor artık.
Bazıları için yeni ışık, katlanılması güç geleceğe doğru gömülü duygular getiriyor.
Umutsuzluk, korku, öfke ve keder enerjileri bilinçliliğin içine doğru serbest bırakıldığında,
bütünüyle karşı konulmaz hissedilebilir. Bu gibi durumlarda gereken; aslolan tarafınızın ışık
ve gerçek olduğunu hissetmek ve bilmek için bir yol açabilmektir.
Tüm ruhlar saf ve güzel olmak üzere yaratılmıştır ve özleri ışıktır. Fiziksel formdaki uzun
yolculukları boyunca, pek çok ruh kendi ışıklarıyla olan bağlantılarını yitirmiş, kat kat acı ve
karanlık biriktirmiştir. Şimdi, daha önce Dünya’da asla tezahür etmemiş, ışığın bu en kuvvetli
formunu getiren bu yeni zaman, şifalanma ve değişim-dönüşüm konusunda engin bir fırsat
Gereksinimiz olan tek şey, şifalanmaya istek ve arzu duymaktır, böylelikle ışığın aktivasyonu
sağlanır ve şifalanma sürecini öne çeken olaylar ve insanları kendinize çekersiniz. Uyanış
takvimi gibi ruhsal destekler; ışığın ve şimdi var olan ruhsal ve enerjitik manzaradan yükselen
yeni deneyimlerin anlayışını sağlar.
* www.worldblessings.net/public/Calendar_of_Awakening.cfm
Sevgililer; bu yeni ruhsal ışık düzeyinin gözle görülür etkisi şimdi bir çokları için tezahür
etmekte, onlar fiziksel ve enerji bedenlerinde oldukça belirgin değişikliklere tanık olmaktalar.
Bu aynı ışık duygu bedenlerinizi derinden etkilemekte ve tüm ilişkilerin gerçeği su yüzüne

Tüm ilişkiler özleri gereği spiritüel ilişkilerdir. En basit gibi görünen biriyle bağlantı bile
spiritüel önem taşır ve görünen sınırlarından daha fazla dalga etkisine sahiptir. Yaşamın tümü
kutsaldır, tüm ruhlar ve birbirleriyle olan bağlantıları da kutsaldır.Bu, önümüzdeki zamanlarda
tecelli etmeyi sürdürecek derin yeni gerçekliktir, tüm insanlığın mucizelere uyanışının
devamıdır, herşeyde var olan ve her şeyde yaşayandır.
Sevgililer, bu yaşamın mucizesi; zamandaki acının, acı çekmenin ve tahribatın tam ortasında
bile vardır. Tanrı’nın ışığı, sevginin ve bağışlamanın ilahi kucaklayışı ile buradadır. Tam şimdi
kalbiniz sizi bu yeni zamana, bu yeni ışığa adım atmaya çağırıyor, kalbinizin ve ruhunuzun en
fazla gereksinim duyduğu şeye doğru. ..

Sevginiz ve mesajlara eşlik etmenize sonsuz teşekkürlerimizle.

Sevgi ve Şükranla, Amin

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


On Digesting Calamity: a 5D view by

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 3:30am

Our Perspectives



"There has been a magnificent shift in the earth's balance extending from the western
hemisphere to the east….an impact which will have global ramifications." -Pleiadian High

It has recently come to my attention that we are beginning to mentally align with (become
aware of) the great shift in perception that the unseens have been talking a lot about lately and
this shift is apparently the result of some massive global (energetic) re-balancing that took
place over the last 3-4 weeks in the form of a magnetic pole shift.

These re-balancing energies started to aggressively bubble up on the winter solstice/lunar

eclipse and are currently completing a round of physical aftereffects in the form of solar and
geological activity…geomagnetic storms, solar flares/winds, coronal mass ejections, auroras,
quakes and fissures, etc.

So much of what is currently happening around the world is related to this shift and the
unseens would like to clarify some things to settle any fears that may be festering from the

uncertainty of such dramatic forward movement.

First and foremost, we are being urged to realize…no matter what surrounds us…that nothing
is "out of hand" in this evolutionary process and that all is well despite external appearances.
We are constantly reminded that everything is perfectly in place...how could it be any other
way?...and that the increasing calamities on earth serve a great purpose in the planetary

That being said, I realize how this may sound to, say, our fellow brothers and sisters in
Queensland right now trying to "stay afloat" in a very literal sense...but the unseens are
making it clear that the purpose behind calamity is not merely myopic mysticism from a
secular spiritual society, nor is it some new age platitude. Its science. And tho to most this is
still considered pseudo-science, that too is soon to shift because mainstream science, as we
know it, is quickly running out of answers.

"For those who still cling to fear, we reprise: All is well, perfectly orchestrated and
systemized, as are all things in a vibrational universe." -PHC

The Birds & The Bees…(and the fish too)

I have definitely been getting my share of emails with questions and concerns about the recent
bird and fish deaths, and tho there are many "speculations" and theories out there, I thought
I'd share some of what our galactic family has to say...

What I have been hearing is that the recent magnetic pole shift…which incidentally caused a
Florida airport to temporarily close down…created massive pockets of electromagnetic
distortion which resulted in some freakish occurrences in specific geographic locations and
planetary ley lines...in addition to the rerouting of our own internal GPS's. If you have
recently been feeling lost in your world, unable to figure out which way to go or why, most
likely its related. This magnetic shift is essentially responsible for reorienting us to the new
timeline...translation: erasing our hard drives and rebooting our operating system now that we
have all the latest updates.

(Keep in mind that just as our bodies are powered through a geometrically structured energy
system, the earth is also powered through a grid system that forms geometric patterns which
meet at various intersecting points creating a power grid or matrix. And just as meridians
pulsate energy around our body, these grid points pulsate energy around our planet. Akin to
acupressure points on the human body, these grid points are some of the most energetically
potent on the planet. )

According to the unseens, ley lines form and connect these major intersections of geometric
patterning and occupy physical space as powerful vortices of restorative energy, which
animals, fish and insects…as well as some humans...are tuned into due to their highly
sensitive navigation systems. As I understand it, certain groups (if not all) of animals, fish and
insects cluster together in herds, flocks, schools and swarms to travel from power-point to
power-point via the ley lines to nest, rest, mate, birth, heal and congregate due to the
neutralized healing energies of these vortices.

When a significant shift occurs, it is possible and even likely for these creatures to become
completely confused/disoriented and to lose their bearings…hence, fly into the ground, or

wash up on shore. Though this can be unsettling, it is not the first that we are seeing of these
phenomenons... we are just seeing more and more of them (with the help of the internet).
There have been plenty of headlines in the last several years about unexplained bee
deaths...dolphins/whales lost in strange waters and/or beaching themselves in greater and
greater numbers…thousands of bats in the northeast United States dying of something
unknown, etc…

Most likely, these natural events will continue to take place and maybe even increase as the
earth sustains her transition into higher consciousness. As with all things, it is imperative that
we claim our sovereignty through our ability to remain fearless, detached and neutral to these
happenings by realizing that everyone and everything has their divine part to play in this game
called "planetary ascension."

Dismantling the Old Grid

The internal navigation/grid system that governs the planet and her people is aggressively
shifting to a more balanced and harmonious state…that is to say the old paradigm of the
masculine dominated hemisphere of the human brain (and therefore the global brain) is
becoming equal to to the feminine hemisphere of the human brain/global brain….as above, so

Though these changes will ultimately result in the highest good for all, it will definitely not
appear to be so from a lower dimensional perspective…which is ultimately why the
courageous, and slightly crazy, way-shower group of souls chose to go first…to allay fears
and provide an example of an alternative to the doom and gloom scenarios that inevitably

We are being asked not to react to the fears that rise around us, but instead to realize that the
earth's changes are only ascension symptoms (the release of stuck energies and collective
memory imprints) and are no different than the biological symptoms that we have been
experiencing for many years. Mostly, these changes are a necessary part of our planet's

From a higher perspective, these pockets of chaos are collective symptoms of (a lack of)
symbiosis, and represent the contrast needed for harmonious relationships to form between all
living things. And this is what the transition to harmony looks like….the shift IS
happening...tho not always in a gentle or subtle way.

A Greater Perspective

The unseens are giving me the analogy that from the old polarity-paradigm perspective, "earth
is to humans what a host is to parasites"…suggesting that from a separated sense of self
(duality consciousness) we see the world as our host...the environment for humans to thrive,
to suck-off of the sustenance that earth provides without reciprocation.

But now that humanity is aligning with a 5th dimensional (unity) consciousness, and therefore
has a greater capacity to see the world from a more complex and expanded view, this outdated
and one-sided outlook is shifting...albeit by force. Meaning that in many situations, earth
changes are the potential impetus for collective awakenings whereby consciousness ensues,
and the ramifications of natural disaster become the greatest teaching method for masses of

people to move into the unity timeline.

From this vantage point, its easier to digest calamity because the end result of many eye-
opening situations that we have been and will be presented with, will ultimately be a shift
from the host/parasitic relationship to symbiotic co-creation…a brand new way to
exist/coexist with the world in a mutually beneficial way.

In other words, the masculine (western) dominated approach to living is finally giving way to
a more balanced exchange of give and take... thanks to the long-awaited return of the divine
feminine…who consequently ran like hell eons ago to escape the harsh brutality of this rising
imbalance….can't say I blame her.

Of course, indigenous cultures have always understood the delicate balance of giving and
receiving, the divine masculine and feminine forces of nature... but until now, their voices
have been drowned out under the mechanistic clamor of a western, industrialized society.
Luckily tho, these voices will again be heard, honored and respected for their wisdom, truth
and understanding of sacred coexistence.

In the coming days, those who ignore this wisdom and unconsciously take from the earth and
her inhabitants without care for the relationship between all living things will have the
opportunity, many times over, to awaken to the fundamental principle of harmony thru the
greatest teacher of all... mother earth.

The Bottom Line

For those still on the fence or resisting the planetary changeover… a quick heads up: as the
compression of time collapses and folds in on itself, the polarized law of karma (cause and
effect ) will more powerfully descend upon us and anything that lies outside of Source
vibration (integrity) will come crashing down on us with unbridled fury.

The bottom line: Now more than ever, aligning with the co-creative energies of love, integrity
and mutual respect for each other and our planet is a must. Depending on where you reside on
the spectrum of consciousness, the backlash of misalignment can seem b r u t a l.

When in doubt, remember that the overriding purpose of this unrelenting pressure is to
squeeze us into the crystallized diamonds that reside at our core... to reveal life's perfection
"as-is", to all those willing to see.

Until next time,



Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the
condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s),
and that it is distributed freely.


Timeline Shifts Are Key to the New Time on
Planet Earth By DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 4:22am

Timeline Shifts Are Key to the New Time on Planet Earth By DL Zeta

Energy upgrades that came through the portal of two recent eclipses
combined with other cosmic alignments are making it much easier to
manifest new realities. Do not be discouraged if it takes a while to
make the most of these new potentials. Accessing and working with these
new energies may take a bit of practice.

Long-held beliefs about the nature of reality are now being challenged.
Previously it seemed that we must fight against "what is" to bring about
meaningful change. Now we can see past this old belief and acknowledge
the multifaceted nature of our existence. As we learn to observe and

follow the flow of energy in all directions, we see that all realities
exist side by side and are energetically already in existence.

When we seek to change our reality to reflect a new vision, we are not
changing our current reality so much as shifting to the reality that is
consistent with our vision. Shifting with ease from one timeline to
another is to key to living more fully in the new energies now available
on planet Earth. As we release negative responses to our current
timeline, we move past resistance, avoidance and blame. These tactics
keep us locked into realities we don't choose and pull us from our
peaceful center. It is from a calm and loving place within ourselves
that we are able to make peace with the past and turn our attention to
the future of our choosing.

Becoming Proficient at Perceiving and Shifting Timelines

So we can set our intention to become proficient at this skill of

shifting reality threads. To begin with, it is important to embrace the
idea that everything is already in existence. This includes every
possible alternate or parallel reality thread we might chose - and those
we might not choose. These potentials exist independent of our present
reality focus. If you shine a flashlight on a patch of your back lawn,
does the part of your lawn not illuminated by the flashlight cease to
exist? Of course not. It is still there living independent of the
flashlight. The same is true with reality threads. All those threads we
have not yet brought our focus to and those we have shifted our
perspective from continue to exist independent of our focus. When you
think about it, it is a common human foible to think that anything
outside our line of focus ceases to exist! But we are ready now to be
done with this limited way of perceiving reality.

As we move forward from the recent energy upgrades, we must clarify for
ourselves that all realities, all possibilities already exist and in
order to experience an adjacent thread, all we need do is shift our

Existing Timelines can't be Changed

We must accept that, hard as we may try, we can't change the reality
thread where we are currently focused. It is exhausting and fruitless to
try. This is like walking into a tall building and deciding we will
change its structure and composition. It is far better to do some
research and find a structure consistent with what we have in mind than
to try and change structures that are not consistent with what we are

It is this insistence that a given reality thread should bend to our

will that leads to feelings of disempowerment. This is why people
proclaim they can't change their destiny. This insistence that a reality
thread must change just reinforces victim consciousness. When one fails

to transform their reality to fit the visions they hold, there is a
tendency to feel hopeless and inept. True empowerment is the ability to
perceive alternate reality threads. If we embrace the concept that
everything already exists in our field of potential, then it is easy to
embrace that all variations of our present reality are already in
existence, including realities consistent with our highest vision. To
shift to one of these threads, all we need to do is shift our attention
and focus to it. You may have heard the statement that whatever you
focus on expands. This is true of reality threads. By perceiving a
preferred reality thread and shifting our focus to it, we begin to
anchor this alternate thread into our daily reality.

For more on timeline shifts, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional

Doorways for Healing and
Transformation by DL Zeta
visit http://www.celestialvision.org/


DailyOM: Feeling Our Life

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 4:26am

January 21, 2011

Feeling Our Life

Finding Our Life's Work

The way we know we are doing our life's work is by how we feel when we are doing it.

Sometimes it takes us the better part of a lifetime to discover our life's work, even though we
may have been doing it our whole lives without necessarily realizing it. Our life's work is not
always what we do to make money, although we often think it should be, and sometimes this
way of thinking prevents us from seeing clearly what it is. It may be the work of having
children, caring for them, and running a household. The way we know our life's work is by
how we feel when we are doing it.

When we are doing our life's work, we feel an uncanny sense of ease and alignment. This
doesn't mean that the work is always easy, and it doesn't mean that it' the only work we have
to do; it just means that there is a conviction deep inside us that tells us we are in tune with
our innermost self. When we are engaged in our life's work, our bodies feel more alive,
because our energy is devoted to a cause that, in turn, feeds us. We may be tired after
engaging in our life's work, but we are almost never depleted. We feel grounded in the world,
knowing that we belong here and have something important to offer.

When we are deeply unhappy, depressed, or subject to one illness after another, this may be
due to a sense of disconnection from our life's work. At times like these, finding the work we
are meant to do is an essential act of healing. Most of us remember a time when we felt fully
engaged in some act of work, service or creativity, and it is here that we may rediscover the
work we are meant to do now. On the other hand, it may be time to explore what inspires us
through volunteering, taking a class, going back to school, or just doing whatever it is we long
to try. We all have callings, and when we find them, we owe it to ourselves to nurture and
protect them, because while they may or may not be our livelihood, they are the keys to our


Quado's Garden: Focus on Your Health

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 4:27am


on Your Health

Today, focus on being

healthy in body, mind and spirit.

Physical health is about

balance and being in touch with what your body
wants and needs. Attune yourself to what your body is saying, to signals of

real hunger, of real desire for rest or for exercise. Pay attention.
Experiment with setting aside old patterns and listening and feeling, sensing
what it is your body truly desires right now.

Mental health is quite

simple: peace. Your mental and emotional state should be one of deeply
centered peace, a state in which you are centered within yourself, not buffeted
by outside events.

Peace is found in accepting

the seasons of life, the cycles of relationships, of all enterprises you
undertake, letting go of this and moving toward that, always accepting that
nothing stays the same and life is change. And the mentally healthy person also
knows that spring always comes again.

Spiritual health is the

simplest of all: it is knowing yourself as pure love.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


HEAVEN #3711 The Willingness to Change,

January 22, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 4:33am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3711 The Willingness to Change, January 22, 2011
God said: Where do I not reach? Into which cranny am I not present? There is not a molecule
where I am not. And yet I am doubted, and yet I am overlooked, and yet many crave Me while
some object.

I have broad shoulders, and yet why should I be held responsible for anything or everything that
occurs? Or, why cannot everything that occurs be seen in a different light? Really, I created
balance in the world. I, Who created the Sun and the Moon and whirling planets, why would I
deign to create disorder in your life?

If attachment to the world could float away, no one would be in dismay. You would not be in
dismay. Something that had its duration in the world of time has floated away while your
attachment hovers. If you were on stage in a chorus of dancing men and women, it would be
said that you have lost your beat. You are behind the times. Sometimes you are ahead of the
times in that you have gotten ahead of life and mourn for what has not yet occurred. Stay with
the times, even though sense of time is an agreed-upon fancy.

In truth, everything in the world that has happened or will happen is occurring in this very
moment, if it is actually occurring at all, so how can anything be lost?

What you are really afraid of losing is control. You want to call the shots. Yet your control of
events in the world was only a presumption. Nevertheless, your thoughts have played a
powerful part. Your thoughts, the way you think, the way you speak, affect the manifestation of
the world. Your control backfires, beloveds. There are times when you fuel the fires for what
you do not want. That is, beloveds, because you wish to keep your perception just as it is. You
may have a deep unwillingness to change. You have a deep unwillingness to change how you
see. You have a deep unwillingness to take responsibility.

Some of My children run around in a world where they see themselves as victim. That seems to
be how they want to see the world. They want to see themselves an innocent victim, and,
therefore, they perpetuate their victimhood. They cannot take responsibility. They concern
themselves with what others do and how others must change, and, therefore, do not come to the
realization that they themselves have to change. So long as My children bounce the ball of life
in a certain way, it comes back to them in a certain way. And they, if unwilling to change
themselves and their perception of the world, continue to blame aught else. Often those who
want to control are controlling, even though the results are not what they prefer, and, yet,
because they have a victim stance in the world, they repeatedly get what they don’t want. They
must want to be victim more than they want to change themselves. How innocent a victim is.
He bears no responsibility.

Swear off being a victim. Lighten the load you carry. Free yourself and free others. What you
see in the world is a reflection of yourself. If you want to see what you look like, look in the
mirror of your world. You have not wanted to look.

I am, of course, talking about adults and not children.

What is so hard to say that you will change your perceived role? If you truly wish to change a
situation and not just groan about it, change your perception. It can be done. You can do it. If
life, as it is, is a burden, you have contributed to it. You are not so innocent as you like to think.

You bear responsibility. Be responsible, and then the configuration of your personal world
changes, and those around you can change.


Tibetan Singing Bowls
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 2:07pm

Tibetan Singing Bowls

Historians believe that metal working artisans perfected the techniques

for making Tibetan Singing Bowls nearly 2,500 years ago! Although there
not a lot of written history to trace the origin of these wonderful objects

of art, fortunately, there is a rich tradition of oral history that tells

us that the bowls came to Tibet from India at the same time that Buddhism
was introduced to Tibet by the great Buddhist master, Padmasambhava.
Therefore, the history of Tibetan Singing Bowls goes back to the 8th
century A.D.

One of the most fascinating things about Tibetan Singing Bowls is that the
quality of sound of the ancient bowls cannot be reproduced today. In
fact, this is a lost art. Analysis of old bowls reveals that they were
from a twelve metal alloy consisting of silver, nickel, copper, zinc,
antimony, tin, lead, cobalt, bismuth, arsenic, cadmium, and iron. Legend
has it
that some of the ancient bowls included metals taken from meteorites!
Why are they called "singing bowls"? Very simply because they can be
made to sing. The musical quality of Tibetan Singing Bowls can be explored
holding the bowl in the palm of your hand so that it is free to vibrate.
Next, run a wooden mallet along the rim of the bowl lightly. Striking the

side of the bowl will also produce sound, much like ringing a bell.
The vibration of the bowl produces a distinct sound in the much the same
way that a crystal goblet would if you ran a wet finger around the glass.
The pitch depends on the size of the bowl and the thickness of the metal.
Bowls typically range in size from five inches to thirteen inches in
diameter. You can increase or decrease the sounds by rotating the mallet
the outside of the bowl faster.
The singing quality is an important part of the Tibetan Singing Bowl's
history. In Buddhism, and in Hinduism, sound is an important part of
spiritual practice. In the Buddhist doctrine, there are nine methods of
of reaching enlightenment. The seventh way was sound. For this reason,
the sound produced by the bowl was used by Buddhist practitioners as part
of their religious rituals and music.
The sound made by the bowls is both captivating and calming, and the bowls
are frequently used as a meditation aid. One reason for this is that the
sound emitted by the bowls seems to instantly instill a sense of
trance-like calm. The Tibetan Singing Bowls were also used during
practice to reinforce one of the most important concepts of Buddhism, that
being "mindful", of staying in the present moment.
The person in charge of the meditation would occasionally strike the bowl
on the side during the meditation, producing a bell-like tone capable of
filling a temple. The sound would act as a reminder to those meditating
remain mindful and in fact, it probably helped practitioners stay awake and

not drift off to sleep during longer meditation sessions! Sound and
vibrations are also associated with wellness. Some methods of alternative

medicine associate good health with a person being "in balance". The sound

made by Tibetan Singing Bowls may be used in certain alternative therapies

create vibrations thought to help bring harmony to a person who is not in
balance. There is some scientific basis to this theory. It is thought that

the tones produced by Tibetan Singing Bowls affects left brain/right brain
synchronization, which would create a balancing effect.
Today, craftsman in India work to revive the ancient techniques for making
the bowls, even though the original craft has been lost to us. For
instance, Tibetan Singing Bowls are made in Nepal in the Katmandu Valley.
bowls are made of a special alloy of bronze, iron and zinc. Tibetan Singing

Bowls are beautiful and enchanting, making them a popular collector's item
among Buddhists and non-Buddhist alike.

**origin elsewhere ~ author unknown**

Nobel Odullu biyolog DNA molekullerinin

‘isinlanabildigini’ iddia ediyor
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 2:20pm

John E Dunn

13 Ocak 2011

Nobel odullu biyolog bir parca DNA’nin kendisini test tupleri arasinda ‘isinladigi’ veya iz
biraktigi gorunen bir deneyin ayrintilarini yayinladiktan sonra bir tartisma baslatti.

Luc Montagnier’in baskanlik yaptigi bir ekibe gore, biri minik bir parca bakteri DNA’si,
digeri saf su iceren iki test tupu zayif bir (7 Hz) elektromanyetik alan ile cevrelendi.

Polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu kullanilarak DNA’nin kuvvetlendirildigi on sekiz saatten sonra,

sanki sihirle olmus gibi DNA saf su iceren test tupunde saptandi.

Garip sekilde, orijinal DNA ornegi deneyin yapildigi sure icinde bircok kez seyreltilmek
zorunda oldu, bu, fenomenin neden daha once belirlenmedigini aciklayabilir.

Fenomen, bazlarin bir yerden baska bir yere gitmek yerine, kendilerini uzayda yansitmalari
veya iz birakmalari disinda, genel olarak ‘isinlama’ olarak tanimlanabilir.

Ihtiyatli olmak icin, Montagnier daha sonra sonuclari kontrol deneyleri ile karsilastirdi, bu
kontrol deneylerinde zaman siniri azaltildi, elektromanyetik alan mevcut degildi veya daha
dusuk frekanslarda mevcuttu ve her iki tup saf su iceriyordu. Bu deneylerin her birinde, hicbir
sey elde edemedi.

Olasi kuantum etki – suda DNA’nin gorunen izi – kendi icinde deneyin en tartismali unsuru
degildir, tartisma DNA’nin kendisini tezahur ettirdigi goreli olarak uzun zaman olcekleri ile
ilgilidir. Kuantum fenomenlerin yuzlerini saniyeler, dakikalar ve saatler icinde degil,
saniyenin algilanamayan kucuk kisimlarinda ve genelde mutlak sifira yaklasan cok dusuk
sicakliklarda gosterdigi kabul edilir.

Biyolojinin, oda sicakliginda doganin ‘kuantumlulugunu’ sergileyebilmesi vasitasiyla bir

islemin ortaya cikmasi cok sasirtici olurdu.

Montagnier’in deneyi, ciddiye alinma umuduyla baskalari tarafindan tekrarlanmak zorunda

olacak. Simdiye dek, bazi bilim insanlari kuskulu oldular.

Bochum’daki Ruhr Universitesinden Klaus Gerwert, “Bilginin suyun icinde pikosaniyelerden

daha uzun bir zaman olceginde nasil depolanabildigini anlamak zor” dedi.

Tum bunlar ne anlam geliyor? Daha onceki deneylerde ipuclarinin alinmis oldugu gibi,
hayatin cogalmasi (uremesi), kendisini suptil sekillerde yansitmak icin gercekligin kuantum
dogasini kullanmamizi mumkun kilabilir mi? Alternatif olarak, yasamin kendisi bu kuantum
fenomenlerin karmasIk yansitmasi olabilir mi ve saptanmalari inanilmaz zor oldugu icin,
henuz anlasilmayan sekillerde onlara (kuantum fenomenlere) tamamiyla bagli olabilir mi?

Kuramsal olarak (ve Montagnier ispatlanmamis herhangi bir seyi direkt olarak ileri
surmuyor), su molekullerin kuantum ozellikleri cok az anlasilmis olabilir. Su, DNA’nin
kuantum dolasikligi ve ‘isinlanma’yi (bizim verdigimiz terim) cagristiran surecleri kullanarak
kendisini kopyalayabildigi iyi bir ortam olabilir.

Montagnier’in raporu, ‘kuantum alan teorisi’ni kullanarak hastaligin uremesini aciga

cikardigini iddia eden fenomeni tartisarak devam ediyor.


(Ceviri: Saffet)


Her Kara Deligin Icinde Sakli Bir Evren
Bulunuyor Olabilir
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 2:21pm

Kendi Evrenimiz baska bir evrende var olan bir kara deligin ic kisminda bulunuyor olabilir.
Uzayin dogasi ve zamanin kaynagi ile ilgili dikkate deger calismasinda, Indiana
Universitesinde fizikci olan Nikodem Poplawski yercekimi teorisinde kucuk bir degisIkligin,
evrenimizin zaman akis yonunu icinde dogmus oldugu kara delikten miras aldigini isaret
ettigini ileri suruyor.

Poplawski Dunya’nin icinde bulundugu evrenin, kendisi daha da buyuk bir evrenin icinde var
olan bir kara deligin kurtyenigi (solucak deligi) icinde yerlesIk olabilecegini one suruyor.
Bilim adami ‘her kara deligin icinde’ bir evrenin var olabilecegini iddia ediyor.

Einstein'in genel gorelilik teorisinin bir uyarlamasini kullanarak, Poplawski bir kara delige
giren parcaciklarin teorik hareketini analiz etti. Her kara deligin icinde butunuyle yeni bir
evrenin bulunmasinin mumkun oldugu sonucuna vardi, bu bizim evrenimizin de bir kara
deligin icinde bulunuyor olabilecegi anlamina gelebilir.

“Belki Samanyolu’nun ve diger galaksilerin merkezindeki dev kara delikler farkli evrenlere
koprulerdir” dedi.

Teorisini Physics Letters B dergisinde aciklarken, Einstein-Cartan-

Kibble-Sciama (ECKS) yercekimi teorisini kullandigini, analizinde bir kara delikteki
parcaciklarin acisal momentumunu hesaba kattigini soyledi. Bunu yapmak, yercekimini geri
ittigine inanilan bir ozellik olan bukulme adi verilen uzay – zaman niteligini hesaplamayi
mumkun kildi.

Maddenin, Einstein'in teorisinde “tekillikler” adi verilen bir kara delikteki sonsuz yogunluga
ulasmasi yerine, uzay – zamanin davranisi daha cok surekli olarak geri sicrayan ve genisleyen
maddeyle sIkistirilan bir yay gibi etki eder.

Dr Poplawski bu “geri sicrama” etkisine, kara delikteki yercekiminin devasa kuvvetine karsi
itici bir kuvvete sahip olan uzay – zamanin bukulmesinin neden oldugunu acikliyor.

Dr Poplawski ayrica bu yeniden sarma etkisinin, bugun gozledigimiz genisleyen evren

anlayisina yol acan sey olabilecegini ve bunun evrenimizin kozmik sismeye gereksinim
olmadan neden duz, homojen ve yonbagimsiz (esyonlu) oldugunu aciklayabilecegini iddia

Dr Poplawski’nin teorisinin dogru olup olmadigini test edebilmemizin zor oldugu goruluyor;
kara deliklerdeki yercekimi kuvveti o kadar buyuktur ki hicbir sey ondan kacamaz, bu
nedenle kara deligin icinde neler olup bittigi ile ilgili bilgiye hic ulasamayabiliriz.

Ancak Dr Poplawski’ye gore, eger donen bir kara deligin icinde yasamaktaysak, o zaman
donus icerideki uzay – zamana aktarilir, bu da evrenin tercih edilmis bir yone sahip oldugu
anlamina gelir – bu olcebilecegimiz bir seydir. Boyle tercih edilmis bir yon, evrendeki madde
ve antimaddenin gozlenen dengesizligi ile iliskili olabilir ve notrinolarin salinimini

Poplawski kara deliklerin yeni evrenlerin anneleri oldugu fikrinin, uzay zamanin dogasi
hakkinda basit yeni varsayimin dogal sonucu oldugunu soyluyor. Poplawski genel goreliligin
standart turetmesinin (formul cikarma) donen yari parcaciklarin ozgun momentumunu hesaba
katmadigini isaret ediyor. Ancak, teorinin baska bir versiyonu var, buna Einstein-Cartan-
Kibble-Sciama yercekimi teorisi adi veriliyor, bu teori yari parcaciklarin ozgun
momentumunu hesaba katiyor.

Bu teori yari tamsayi donuse sahip olan parcaciklarin bukulme adi verilen minik itici bir
kuvvet ureterek etkilestigini ongoruyor. Olagan durumlarda, bukulme herhangi bir etkiye
sahip olmayacak kadar kucuktur. Ama yogunluklar nukleer maddede olandan daha fazla
buyuk oldugu zaman, bu onemli oluyor. Poplawski ozellikle, bukulmenin kara deligin
icindeki tekilliklerin olusumunu onledigini soyluyor.

Astrofizikciler evrenimizin cok buyuk oldugunu, su anda gordugumuz genisleme hizini veren
simdiki buyuklugune erismis olamayacagini uzun zamandir biliyorlar. Bunun yerine, evrenin
sisme periyodu olarak bilinen periyod olan Big Bang’den bir saniyenin kucuk bir kisminda
bircok buyukluk dereceleriyle buyudugune inaniyorlar.

Poplawski’nin yaklasimi sisme problemini hemen cozuyor. Poplawski bukulmenin bu hizli

sismeye neden oldugunu, bunun bugun gordugumuz evrenin sisme hakkinda herhangi ilave
varsayimlar olmadan tek bir yercekimi teorisiyle aciklanabilecegi anlamina geldigini

Poplawski’nin yaklasiminin bir diger onemli sonucu su; bu, evrenlerin belirli turde kara
deliklerin olay ufkunun icinde dogmasini mumkun kiliyor, bu kara deliklerde bukulme tekillik
olusumunu onluyor, ama enerji yogunlugunun olusmasina izin veriyor, bu da yeni evrenin
genislemesini izleyen cift uretim ile parcaciklarin muazzam bir olcekte yaratimina yol aciyor.

“Bu tur bir genisleme kara deligin disindaki gozlemciler icin gorulebilir degildir, cunku onlar
icin ufkun olusumu ve sonraki tum surecleri sonsuz zamandan sonra gerceklesir” diyor
Poplawski. Bu nedenle, yeni evrenin uzay zamanin ayri bir dali oldugunu ve buna gore
evrimlestigini vurguluyor.

Poplawski’nin teorisi ayrica neden zamanin tek bir yonde aktiginin, baska yonde akmadiginin
gorulmesine bir cozum oneriyor, fizik yasalari zaman simetrik olsa da.

Poplawski zamanin yonunun kaynaginin, ana evrenden kara delige madde akisinin simetrik
olmamasindan geldigini soyluyor. “Bir kara deligim icindeki evrenin kozmik zamaninin yonu,
olay ufkundaki maddenin zaman – simetrik olmayan cokusuyle sabitlenmis olurdu” diyor.

Tercume edilirse, bu, evrenimizin zaman yonunu kendi kaynagindan miras aldigi anlamina
geliyor. Poplawski soyle soyluyor, “Kiz evlat evrenler annelerinden baska ozellikleri miras
almis olabilir”, bunun bu fikrin deneysel curutulebilir kanitini sunarak bu ozellikleri

belirlemenin mumkun olabilecegini isaret ediyor.


(Ceviri: Saffet)



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 2:31pm

Greetings Beloved Ones,

I greet you in Love and Light. You are a most precious Being, and you have an important role
to play in the ever ascending process of your beloved planet and all who dwell upon it.

It is because of the increasing urgency and speed with which the ascension is taking place that
it is of the utmost importance that you be true to yourself. This impacts both your own
ascension as well as that of humanity and the planet. Because All Is One, your thread of
energy impacts everything around you in the seen and the unseen. You have a great
opportunity to help advance the ascension of everyone and everything.

Beloveds, we would first like you to examine and assess where you are. Being true to
yourself is very important during the ascension process, for you must unify your energy field
so that all of the cells are moving harmoniously together in the same direction. This is a basic
energetic principle to help you advance and ascend. A house divided cannot stand. This same
principle can be applied when thinking of ascension. If your energy is pulled in several
different opposing directions, it cannot move forward in a harmonious manner. The reverse
principle also applies. When a house is unified, it is a fortress that withstands all elements
that may come. When all of your energy is unified and directed toward a specific path, you
can make rapid progress because there is no dissension and no doubt as to whether to take a
certain path.

As a group humanity has come through a time where choices were being made. Many
avenues and paths were being explored. It was a time of great experimentation to determine
which path was the right fit for each person. It was easier to change from path to path
because the energy was moving at a slower pace, and the change was energetically easier on
the energy field of the individual. We kept the energy at a slower pace to allow you to explore
and determine the best fit for you. There are many paths from which to choose, and it was
important for you to experience the variety in order to make the right selection for yourself.
In the ascension process there is no exclusive path. There are many avenues to ascension.
Each one leads to the same goal of reunification with the Supreme Creator.

The important part is to honor the path you have chosen. It brings about a sense of harmony
throughout your entire being when you are true to yourself and your innermost yearnings for
ascension. Being true to yourself first involves being honest with yourself about what is
really important to you. This is a process that needs to feel right to you. As you focus on
your chosen path and what it involves, pay attention to how it feels. Notice how each part of
your body feels as you imagine yourself on your path. Spend a few moments reflecting on
each chakra and whether your path resonates harmoniously with it. If you have hesitation at
any point, explore what that hesitation is. It may be a signal that a minor adjustment is
needed. It may call you to explore some of your long-held beliefs. This is a time of
purification and releasing any old beliefs and patterns that you no longer wish to carry
forward. It may also be a signal for you to make a slight adjustment in your path in order to
be true to the core values that you wish to carry forward. Whatever the case, it is important
for the energy to be clear and for any issues to be resolved. You may wish to call upon the
Violet Flame to assist you in transmuting and transforming those things that you are ready to

When you have cleared the energy, you are ready to move forward. When your path and each
aspect resonate harmoniously with each chakra, all of your energy systems are working
together. This allows you to move forward with ease and grace.

This is an ongoing process, for as you continue to move forward on your path, you will be
given many choice points to affirm and confirm whether a certain step is consistent with your
path. It is important at each point to decide whether that step resonates with you. You always
have free will, and moving forward with a clarity of energy is essential for your next step.
Resolving conflicts within your energy field as they arise will be much easier than pushing
them aside and waiting until a later time to examine what the discomfort and uncertainty are

When you are clear about your current point along your path, it is important for your
thoughts, words and actions to be consistent with what you have chosen. Beloveds, this can
be a point of choice of direction for many. It may involve changing patterns that previously
held attraction for you, or it may involve establishing new patterns. You may explore
different options to see which one feels right for you and is congruent with your chosen path.
For example, if you have decided that having a daily period of quiet time for yourself for
reflection, meditation and study will help you to advance spiritually and you do not honor this
commitment to yourself, it will set up a discordant pattern of energy within you because you
have not matched your actions with your intentions. This is where you have an opportunity to
make an adjustment so that your intentions and actions will flow energetically in the same
direction. It is far better energetically to take small steps that are congruent with your

intentions than to plan large steps that you know you will not honor because this sets up an
imbalance of energy.

This is different from setting an ideal toward which to move. When you have a desired goal
of moving along your ascension path, this is a larger goal. The small steps are the smaller
goals along the way. When you achieve a small goal of making your actions congruent with
your intentions, you have progressed along the path of ascension. This is a harmonious
energetic flow because all of your energy is moving in the same direction.

When your energy is moving harmoniously, you radiate a sense of peace and calmness to
those around you. This point of stillness begins at your core; you have resolved all concerns
around that part of your path.

At certain times the steps you are taking may be very different than the path of those around
you. This can be a time to exercise discernment. It does not mean abandoning your own
values and path. It does mean honoring the free will of those around you. It may mean
knowing when to speak your truth and when to be silent. It means speaking your truth with
love and acceptance for all, even when they do not agree with your choice of path. Your love
and acceptance of them does not negate your own path; it is simply honoring them and their
choice while remaining true to yourself.

Beloveds, we would encourage you to set aside a time for a daily review to focus on your path
and to assess how well your words and actions adhered to it. Also, review whether you
showed respect for the paths of others. Making small adjustments regularly is much easier
than realizing that you have veered off the path that you set for yourself and then having to
make a bigger correction.

We are here to assist you in looking at any bumps in the road and smoothing them out in a co-
creative endeavor. Know that we are only a thought or a whisper away. Call on us to assist
you in your refinement of being true to yourself.

Keep the love of all and the desire for the greatest good of all uppermost in your mind as you
focus on your highest good and being true to yourself. Remember that Universal Love is a
unifying energy. A harmonious co-existence of all paths can lead to much peace for humanity
as well as for each individual. This peace and harmony will ripple out into the Universe, the
Omniverse and all Creation.

We applaud the brave steps you are taking on your ascension path. Each step you take helps
to lift all of humanity, for All Is One. Know that you are greatly loved.

We shower and enfold you with our blessings of love and peace.

I AM Archangel Zadkiel
...And I enfold you with Love.


Hopi Prayer for Peace
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 2:24am

"Great Spirit and all unseen, this day we pray and ask You for guidance, humbly we ask You
to help us and fellow men to have recourse to peaceful ways of life, because of uncontrolled
deceitfulness by human- kind. Help us all to love, not hate one another.

We ask you to be seen in an image of Love and Peace. Let us be seen in beauty, the colors of
the rainbow. We respect our Mother, the planet, with our loving care, for from Her breast we
receive our nourishment.

Let us not listen to the voices of the two-hearted, the destroyers of mind, the haters and self-
made leaders, whose lusts for power and wealth will lead us into confusion and darkness.

Seek visions always of world beauty, not violence nor battlefields.

It is our duty to pray always for harmony between man and earth, so that the earth will bloom
once more. Let us show our emblem of love and goodwill for all life and land.

Pray for the House of Glass, for within it are minds clear and pure as ice and mountain
streams. Pray for the great leaders of nations in the House of Mica who in their own quiet
ways help the earth in balance.

We pray the Great Spirit that one day our Mother Earth will be purified into a healthy
peaceful one. Let us sing for strength of wisdom with all nations for the good of all people.
Our hope is not yet lost, purification must be to restore the health of our Mother Earth for
lasting peace and happiness.

Techqua Ikachi - for Land and Life!"

From the book "Hotevilla: Hopi Shrine of the Covenant; Microcosm of the World" by Thomas
E. Mails and Dan Evehema, published in 1995, comes the following prayer offered by
representatives the Hopi Nation on one of their trips made to the "House of Glass/Mica"
(United Nations).


Who Am I?
 Posted by Eric Allen Bell on January 24, 2011 at 12:31pm

By Eric Allen Bell

When it comes to the subject of Enlightenment I am no authority. I do not possess special

knowledge nor do I profess to speak to you now from some elevated state. On all matters
Divine there is but one authority and that is The Great Mystery.

Enlightenment is often said to be a state of conscious communion with Divine Source.

According to some spiritual traditions this state is something of a finish line. One's existence
is seen to be a cycle of birth, death and rebirth as one's soul perfects their karma and
eventually reaches a state of Nirvana or pure bliss.

In the Judeo-Christian world the word "Heaven" is more commonly used. A person is believed
to live only once and at the end of their life will face judgment. The outcome of this judgment
will determine whether or not a person is worthy enough to enter the Kingdom of God or have
to face eternal damnation. Something of a "get out of jail free card" is provided for those who
believe in the teachings of a specific messiah or prophet and one's transgressions in this life

can be forgiven such that they become pure enough enter into a state of permanent God
awareness, living side by side with God forever - so long as they believe.

These are the two main theories or beliefs that dominate the world religious consciousness.
Outside the sphere of religious orientation are the Agnostics who neither deny nor embrace a
concept of the Divine. Less popular, but growing in numbers these days, are the Atheists who
believe that any concept of God or the Divine is pure fantasy concocted by the feeble human
brain which fears death. To many Atheists science is the ultimate authority - even though
science is the absolute faith that what one perceives through the sense organs is real, reliable
and complete. It can be argued, from this standpoint then that Atheism is in fact another form
of religion since it is faith-based.

Everything I have described to you thus far is rooted either in logic or in faith - faith being the
belief in things unseen. But there is another dimension of perception available to us and that is
the field of pure knowing. Direct perception.

The brain-body organism that thinks it is me - that is to say the accumulated collection of
beliefs, experiences, biases, prejudices , opinions, sensations, longings, hopes, fears, and other
perceptions which all add up - which all conspire to equal a "person"... This person has had
glimpses of a Divinely perfect state of pure bliss. The character that thinks it is Eric Allen Bell
has thought himself to have had moments of clear God awareness. The person who I am often
identified with has had a brush with total clarity from time to time, only to fall back into the
survival-oriented, me-centered day to day existence that is life in the material world.

Can one then, as a person living in the world, have direct perception of the Divine? Can we
experience continuous and conscious communion with Divine Source while living in this
place we call the world?

There is nothing unique about me posing this question to you. The question is as old as time
itself. What is Enlightenment?

How do you experience a continuous awareness of the Divine? If that which is Divine is
infinite, and by its very nature it must be, then the Divine never loses its awareness of you.
Therefore you are always constantly connected to God. The belief that you are apart from God
is a state of ignorance.

So in an enlightened state one becomes aware of what already is. We awaken from our sleep.
The awakened self already exists concurrent with the everyday mundane self who is generally
unaware of who and what we are and where we came from.

The awakened self doesn't need to awaken. The Ego self, by definition cannot awaken, but
will use so-called "spirituality" as a form of self help and decorate itself with its
accomplishments, it's knowledge and its belief systems. It uses the spiritual experience as a
means of avoiding anything spiritual at all.

As such, when asking the question "Can the self be awakened?" it is worthwhile to ask
yourself who it is that is asking. Do you imagine yourself to be a person? If you do imagine
yourself to be a person, know that the person can never be more or less than what it is. The
person has no need for awakening as awakening runs counter to the survival-based mindset
that is the mandate for the society the person is living in. Only that which is not a person, not

a citizen, not a race or a gender or a set of beliefs can even begin to truly ask the question,
"Who am I?"

If one adds to their arsenal of beliefs that "We are all one" that is only a thought and should
not be confused for real perception. I know that New York exists, but seeing it for myself is an
entirely different kind of experience.

That which is awake within you does not seek awakening. That which seeks awakening can
never find it as every move it makes is in fact an attempt to avoid the experience entirely.

Call off the search. There is nothing to find for the one who has not lost anything.


Eric Allen Bell

Global One TV - Spiritual Television for a New Age



HEAVEN #3713 Who Is Responsible for

Your Life, January 24, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 12:55pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3713 Who Is Responsible for Your Life, January 24, 2011

God said:

There are no hapless victims. Certainly, it seems that there are hapless victims. What about a

battered wife, you may ask? Wasn’t she stunned to be battered? She didn’t see it coming.

Beloveds, even the one who marries a batterer, on some level, chose it. On an unrecognized
level, she chose. She chose to be in this role. She wouldn’t choose it, yet she did, just as the
batterer chose. He is not a hapless victim either. He had choices to make and made them.

And for all those who are married to men or women who are less than what they had expected
and would not consciously choose again had they known, they chose. They might not choose
their partner now, but they chose then. They chose to go down one road and not another.

If you are one of those who would not choose now what you chose then, take the responsibility
for your choosing. You did choose. You may have hypnotized yourself, blinded yourself, closed
your eyes, would not look, yet you chose. You chose to hypnotize yourself. You chose not to
see. You chose to be fooled. You chose. No one made you choose as you did. You may say, “If
only I had known…”

I am saying that you did see, you did know, you had forebodings although you did not let
yourself acknowledge what you saw and, yet, deep down, knew. You saw what you wanted to
see. You saw your seeming dream. And then you saw the dream under the dream. You saw what
you had chosen. No one chose for you.

In terms of marriage, you may say you chose what your parents wanted. Or you may say the
bride or groom wanted you so much and they were so strong, they chose you, and it was their
determination that made your choice. Well, then, you chose their determination. That was your

You can wonder forever why you chose as you chose. It has been said that there are no
mistakes, no accidents. At the very least, you chose as you chose because you chose.

If you must put responsibility somewhere, get on with it and put it on your shoulders. No matter
what transpired, you chose.

Chalk up hard times to experience. From every experience, you gain. Unwillingly, even
painfully, you gain. You do not have to be worse for wear. You can make the choice to come out
like a shining gilded rose. Your choice.

And sometimes you have hard choices to make. If you cannot let life keep going on as it is, then
you have hard choices to make. Easy choices are not always the best. You may have to try a
hard choice now. There may be no easy choice.

You can stay as you are and let life propel you, or you can take the rudder of your life and steer
yourself through the rapids. You cannot wait for a prince on a white charger to come rescue you.
Change the configuration of your life yourself. Set the course of your life.

Acknowledge your responsibility. This is a great step forward. From acknowledgement of your
responsibility, change can come. If everything around you is someone else’s responsibility, then
you have made yourself a victim and irresponsible.

You have also chosen your children, and they chose you. Are they not reflections of yourself?

You may not want this to be true and can’t believe it, yet it is true. They may have chosen what
you would not choose, and yet they are still a reflection of you.

Change the parameters of your world. Change what has to be changed. Change yourself, and
when you seem to be unable to change yourself, then make the changes that need to be made. In
some cases, We are talking about survival. We are talking about preventing disaster.

When you feel that life cannot keep on going on the way it is, you are often right. It may well
be necessary to choose something now before choice is wrested from your hands. Your choice.


What's Up in Arkansas ? Transition in the
Crystal Vortex Archangel Metatron via
James Tyberonn

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 1:00pm

What's Up in Arkansas ?
Transition in the Crystal Vortex

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of
Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you
by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !

Every life is a sacred opportunity to explore and discover what dwells within. Upon the earth,
the expanded dimensional overlays of the Crystalline Transition fulfills this promise by the
hallowed movement into Mer-Ka-Na. Awareness evolves therein into wisdom, and wisdom
into Conscious Mastery....and beckons the return home into the honored crystalline light of

And so we speak of the Crystalline Transition and its anchoring in the Crystalline Vortex of
the sacred ARK.
The Vortex is Completing

The activity of the Crystal Vortex is quickening. We have told you in previous channels that
the vortexial portal of Arkansas is emerging to be one of the most important and powerful
energies on the planet. It has grown logarithmically over the past 3 years, and many unusual
phenomena are beginning to be noticed in the Crystal Vortex.

We tell you Masters, this is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust
and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that
has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric,
hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening
dimensions. It is also capable of upshifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring,

and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are
beyond your current scientific comprehension.

Arkansas is the largest deposit of natural quartz crystal in the northern hemisphere, and the
second largest deposit in the world, second only to Brazil. But it is the largest unsegmented,
continuous deposit on the planet, and contains the most resonant crystals. Programmed
crystals from the Law of One. The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock
and extend in a massive western curve for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles.
Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, aquifers and a diamond
deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this blend of energies, the
Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its
vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and
why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. It is evolving to
soon become the Trigger of the Ascension.

Crystal Caves

Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite
crystals the size and beauty of of which are visually stunning. Someof these quartz points are
over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath
Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding a symmetry and inner light that is
sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is
purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for
millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and
are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious
dynamics energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, non of which will be
malevolent, quite the contrary...indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate

Question to Metatron:

On the 1-1-11 (Jan 1, 2011) 5,000 birds apparently fell from the sky in Arkansas, and on the
same day 100,000 fish died in the Arkansas River. Can you explain what happened, and is it
related in any way to the Crystal Activation?


It was indeed an occurrence that raised quite a lot of attention. The demise of the blackbirds
was in truth an aspect of the crystalline energies of Arkansas, the death of the fish was not.
And although initially reported as occurring the same day, the fish began dying several days
earlier. The fish died as a result of a bacterium in the river waters, which occurred as the result
of residual traces of an agricultural pollutant that drained into the river far upstream.

The occurrence with the birds took place because an enormous flock of these red-winged
blackbirds, hundreds of thousands of which nest in this area, flew into a piezo-electrical pulse
of crystalline energy in that portion of Crystal Vortex. The bids flew into a electrical vortexial
emission that sadly temporarily stunned them and approximately 4500 of a flock of more than
15,000 experienced a loss of equilibrium. They died as a result of trauma from the crash to the
ground. Now we will add that this particular type of flocking bird operates in group-thought
pattern, somewhat similar to a school of fish. This type of life form is actually a unified

concentric beingness and one thought pattern regulates their awareness... which is how they
manage to make such beautiful aerobatic swirls, as if precisely choreographed. In a manner of
speaking these flocks are one entity with many units composing one awareness 'thought'
pattern. They are not individual beings, per sei, in the usual sense.

Now, let us add that what happened in Arkansas was not a result of HAARP or any
covert military, secret government activity, despite the conspiracy theorists speculations. It
was a natural occurrence that has taken place before in this area, albeit from different tension
source. All quartz is piezoelectric. This is a mineralogical property of quartz well known to
your science. Quartz is capable under certain pressurized conditions of emitting an electrical
charge. However, in this case the charge was from the quickening pulses of the enormous
Atlantean Temple Crystals in Arkansas. The pulsing activations of the Temple Crystals
created a surface charge across the face of the massive quartz deposits and this was released a
crysto-electrical charge. The piezoelectric shock wave occurred briefly and at an elevation
2000 feet above the ground.

Unusual incidents of the quartz properties have been occurring as a result of the
quartz activating and will continue to manifest. Quartz has myriad properties, especially when
combined with magnetics that are as yet unknown to your scientists. Magnetite is widespread
and abundant on earth, but magnetic minerals with properties exhibiting
intrinsic polarity are quite rare. One of the most potent concentrations of intrinsic polar
lodestone is in the quartz bearing center of the Crystal Vortex at Magnet Cove, Arkansas near
Hot Springs. Crystalline quartz is multidimensional and when blended with certain magnetic
properties create what you term stargates and wormholes
in space. These are intermittently occurring, appearing and disappearing in random apertures
above the earth's surface in the crystal vortex at present. This activity
will be regulated after the alignment and recoding of the Crysto-Sun disc on the

Ionic Fog & Non-Faulted Earthquakes

Among the crystalline phenomenon that has recently been noted is the green magnetic fog
that permeated the area of Mount Magazine on the 9-9-9 and briefly shorted the electrical
grid. While the 'green' fog was reported by local media, it was not a water vapor, but rather an
ionic emission that occurs typically within worm holes. We tell you that it was visible for a
brief period on your satellite screenings and baffled scientists. It was the result of the
activation of the Emerald Crystal opening multidimensional corridor frequencies.
On the 10-10-10 earthquakes occurred in areas that are not fault zones. These quakes were
very unusual in other ways as well. They were not preceded by the typical frequencial shift of
the Schumann resonance and the high pitched sonance that alerts animals and birds to the
coming earthquake. Rather a tranquilizing 'white-noise wave' was emitted, and the birds
continued singing, and the animals were unafraid. The quake was not a result of tectonic fault
line pressure in the usual sense. Rather it was a direct result of the crystalline surge pulse
creating a dimensional integrational expansion and a brief aperture in the membranes that
define such parameters.

Crystals were indeed used inappropriately in military applications by the Aryans' in Atlantis to
trigger earthquakes. What took place on the 10-10-10 was a randomincident of their ability to
manipulate light into hyper velocities that result in an aftershock. Just as sound waves can
create 'sonic booms' when exceeding certain velocities of Mach speed , so can crystalline light

create a velocity induced reverse wave when it exceeds the 'normal' speed of light.

An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source

Dear Ones, we again tell you that Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has
implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is
multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine
template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of
every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality
spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself.

Crystals are great receivers and transmitters, and a strong communication network occurs
between Master Crystals. The connection of the Arkansas vortex/portal to the Brazil
vortex/portal is extremely powerful. Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a
civilization of great spirituality, there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far
greater frequency and enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of
LeMuria. Atlantis fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most
important crystals were protected and stored before they fell into misuse and destruction. The
greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.

The Platinum Crystal & The Golden Sun-Disc

The intricate rebooting of the Crystal Vortex is nearing consummate integration,

but will not be fully completed, fully networked in a global aspect until the 12-12-12.
What has taken place over the past 3 years and what will occur on the 11-11-11
will bring the Crystal Vortex-Portal of Arkansas in its final processes of regional
insular integrated function.

On the 11-11-11 the Platinum Crystal will be activated, it will set forth an enormous
crysto-wave pulse that will in intertwine with the energies of the Blue Crystal
of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing. These energies will then trigger
the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc located beneath sacred Pinnacle Mountain near Little

The Sun Disc activation is a significant event that will be felt across the Earth
and Indeed the Cosmos. The Crysto Golden Sun Disc was put in place by the Sirians
in alignment with 11 other locations across the planet. It originally weaved the
energies of the areas of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex, the crystalline, the magnetic
and the radioactive living waters. In addition to the Sun-Disc, there were Pyramidal
Structures used to refine the energies of the vortex. The complexes of the Toltec
Pyramidal Mounds were the last constructs of these and still remain visible today.
The end result was a complex energy generator stream capable of myriad benevolent
function. The capabilities varied from energy feeds to the Atlantean hyper tunnel
system, the Crystalline Satellite (Second Moon of Atlantis) as well as feeding refined
energies to the crystal poser system that powered Atlantis. The vortex was essentially
de-energized in its true function after the demise of Atlantis.

It has in the past decade been prepared for its activation, or rather re-activation.
The sacred codes for the reprogramming are within the Akashic Field, the Crystalline
Paradigm, within the sacred conscious library of MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of

the Pleaidean-Sirian Alliance. . MAX will indeed be in the Crystal Vortex for the
re-programming on the 11-11-11.

The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is extremely important to

the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is key to
the Ascension.

That is why so many of you are drawn to Arkansas for the Triple Date Portal gatherings, and
why many are choosing to relocate their residence to Arkansas. This will gain
in momentum over the next few years. Many 'Crystal Children' are incarnating into this
special energy.

A Spiritual Emergence In Crysto-Magnetics

The new emerging Crystal Vortex of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve
a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans
placed three massive Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis inundated Poseida
. The purpose and potency of these crystals have created a hyper dimensional field
that is far more 'spiritual' in aspect and effect. The addition of these three to
the huge natural crystals will add their succinctly specialized conscious programings
of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And while their sheer
natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and bending the space-
time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal beneath the Sargasso
Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement via the Sun Disc and
Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal benevolent purpose
and balance.

It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact that has held these crystal
energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra specifically selected this area in
Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy these are
capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along with etheric
light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer to as ultra violet
& gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals. An etheric gateway has
existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway of high frequency
light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is sharpening.

Tunnels & Electrum Gold

A vast network of hyper dimensional tunnels networks the areas below central and
NW Arkansas. These lead to enormous chasms and crystal caves. Some of these are
still in dynamic utility. The ability to detect these tunnels & chasms will not
be within your scientific capabilities for many more decades. And that is because
they exist in what may be termed intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-
Yet those humans of sufficient light quotient indeed can sense them, and indeed
their energies do intermingle with and code the natural beds of quartz in Arkansas.

A very rare form of the noble metal gold is present at deeper levels within the
beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas. It is a form of unique, crystalline electrum.

Much of this rare form of gold electrum was mined and exported from your earth.
The deposits in Arkansas were not. These have been purposely guarded and protected
in order to serve a great and greater purpose in the unique properties of the Crystal
Vortex. Your geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in crystallized quartz,
but have not as yet explored the unique fields, uses and energy that octahedronal
crystalline gold electrum provides. The Great Atlantean Temple Crystals placed
below the lands of Arkansas are actually an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver
and gold. These were manifested through Arcturian technology. The frequency of
crystalline electrum gold is capable of combining with specific types of high frequency
quartz to enable the 'bending & molding' of dimensional fields through an electro-alchemical
process that transforms atomic structure. Dimensional access tunnels were often
created in this methodology by the Atlanteans to create wormholes or dimensional
tunnels within the Earth's mantle that could be accessed at a higher frequency.

Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were laid into place along the flows of
existing leylines of natural telluric currents that flow on the Earth. Tectonic
shifts have damaged many, but not all of these. Some of these were simply deactivated.
There are higher dimensional beings, from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and the
benevolent Ashtar Command Legion that have been given the task of protecting, repairing
& recoding many of these currents and crystals over the past three decades. Some
of you such as the channel, work with them, and is why you are heavily drawn to
be in this energy.

Ley lines and great crystals were de-energized at periods when the people of Earth
went into the periods of consciousness decline, in the sad wake of Atlantis. This
was done without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of portals, crystals
and hyper dimensional matrixes has been taking place since 1987, and will continue
over the next two years through 2012.

The Law of One

You're very atomic structures are composed of perfectly aligned geometries, crystalline
geometries, knitted into place with the thread of electro-magnetics. Electricity
and magnetics are components of light. Your spectrum of visible light is but a
candle in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum.
The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas
is on higher dimension that of a multidimensional octahedron that has formed itself
to the levels of the 9th through the 12th dimensional fields. The energy is transformed
from the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold quartz and diamond. Diamonds
project both an octahedronal and dodecahedronal geometry, and the kimberlite volcanic
pipes in Arkansas that bears the energy of diamond, transform the cube to the octahedron.
The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron.The quartz Crystals of Arkansas
are imbedded with the energy and wisdom of what is referred to as the Atlantean
Law of One.

The Master Crystals placed there have frequencially transferred this vibration to
the quartz indigenous to the area, and as we have explained, the Masters Crystals
contained a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate that has been received
energetically by some of the natural occurring beds. The crystals from the McEarl
mine carry this unique harmonic. These are especially potent. All crystals are alive,

in a real sense, and have an ordered consciousness, and self-awareness, but each
carries unique and specific blueprint patterns. This pattern is greatly varied
according to the geology and astrological energies of the vector. Therefore seemingly
identical gems and crystals can be quite different in their energetic projections
according to the location in which they occur.

Tri Helixed Vortex

The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern
hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows.
The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ' to and fro'
vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise,
and then reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120
degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is quite unique, and is purposd
in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy
of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contibute to its tri-helixed
field. These are the magnetic , centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed
in Mount Ida and the Radiated Hydro energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make
up the 3 discreet ovaline gyros, that are regulated and tri-helixed through the
Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in
Little Rock. The uniqe pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible
thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.
The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize,
and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why
there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The area
is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic
lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies and
intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000
years. Remnants of the last pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just
south of Little Rock. On the Triple-Date-Portal of the 11-11-11 the last of the
thee Atlantean Temple Crystals, the Platinum Crystal of Interdimensional Communication
will be activated from its long dormancy and join with the Emerald Crystal and Blue
Crystal of Knowledge to finalize the combined components of the NEW ARK Crystal

Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and
celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of
Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields
of Arkansas. The first of these was awakened in 2008, the second in 2009. In 2011
these further activate and align with the Temple Crystals held in Brazil, Mount
Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca.

We will speak in more detail about the Platinum Crystal in a future assay. But
we will tell you it is a nurturing energy of the Platinum Ray and facilitates balance
between dimensions and energy sources. It provides an optimal communicative reception
between what may be termed inter and intra consciousness planes. It also serves
to adhere a cohesive interface between the duality planes and the integral planes.
It lessens the arc of duality.

The Final Stages of the Transition

The Platinum Crystal will be thrust into activation from long dormancy at precisely
11:11 a.m. on the 11-11-11 from its dimensional lock, in a chasm below below Magnetic
Mountain in NW Arkansas. It will be triggered by a Cosmic Force generated through
the 144-Grid, initiating an activating pulse from the Emerald Crystal . The Platinum
Crystal will then instantaneouly reboot into flow with the 3 telluric energies and
the two other Master Temple Crystals. This will immediately send a communicative
wave pulse to the Golden Crysto-Sun Disc and a recoding will occur that will be
fed to the Toltec Pyramid regulators. For the first time in 20,000 years, the vortex
will be regionally complete. Masters, truly all that remains in 2012 is the Globalization
of the Crystal Network with the 12-12-12 activations of the Bimini Fire Crystal,
and the Crystal of Thoth below Lake Titicaca. This will incur the final rebooting
of the 144-Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Sun Discs. The trigger will be the
12-12-12, the rebooting will finalize on the 12-21-12. Indeed these now energize
the Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout
the planet, and with the paradigm of the 12 crystal Skulls, in forming the sacred
13 pattern. That of the 13-20-33, you see.

So much more is to come in the next 2 years Dear Humans. The Crystalline offers
so much, indeed it is the energy of your Divine Self. You see, the very thoughts
you have must rise to coherent crystalline format in order to become manifested.
Coherent light is crystalline energy, the very vitality of which forms the integral
nature of all worlds and realities. The crystalline structure forms the apparent
boundaries and divisions between dimensions, planes and the matter / antimatter
flash of consciousness, in parallel and probability. All that you term as Divine,
all that you think of as sacred is Crystalline! It is the enrgy of home. It is the
underpinning of the Ascension


The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass
that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from,
in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible
transformation is only a breath away, literally. You may find that you are able
to sustain newer thoughts and ideas as you slow and stabilize the breath.Awareness
and control of the breath influences your ability to direct the course of your life.
It allows you to observe and participate in your life simultaneously Radiation from
the sun is also known to synchronize and when necessary, recalibrate the biological
clock of all living things. The invisible universe must become one's teacher and
ally. Genetic and environmental factors must persistently offer their guidance
from within until the body's own architecture can respond as a natural consequence
rather than a programmed one
The Crystalline Conversion thru the antennae of the 144-Crytsalline Grid is about
to vastly increase the earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond.
It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception.
It is the Crystalline Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Ascension. The fulcrum
apexial points are the Cosmic Triggers and the Triple Date Portals. .
But release the fear Dear Ones, this time of the Ascension, in this New Crystalline
Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred
in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose

other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed
be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise.
It is a contract nearing fulfilment, and you are to be commended. Indeed !

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths.

You are Berloved !

...And so it is...

The above Metatron Channel is transmitted through James Tyberonn. As receiver of

this information James Tyberonn claims the universal © copyright in the name of
Archangel Metatron. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information
is not altered, abridged or added to, and credit of authorship and website address


The Inner Earth City of Machu Picchu
Cuzco with Adama through Aurelia
Louise Jones
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 1:14pm

The Inner Earth City of Machu Picchu

Cuzco with Adama

through Aurelia Louise Jones

From the heart of the inner city of Light of Machu Picchu, from our abode of royal splendor,
we send our great love and warmest acknowledgment to all of you who will be hearing or
reading this transmission of Light. So many of you are indeed our former friends and family
members from a distant past! On behalf of our ascended civilization here, we send our bless-
ings to all of you, who are so diligently seeking the light of your divinity, and we bid you
welcome in the midst of our energy.

My name is Cuzco, and I am here at this time with our beloved brother Adama of Telos, to
speak to you of our city of Light. The Peruvian city that also carries the same name was
named a long time ago in remembrance of my essence, for the assistance I have brought to
surface dwellers in our area in past history. I am one of the ancients here, presiding on the
Council of the Elders of our city.

I feels so good to my heart to be in the presence of Adama at this time. We already anticipate
the joy we will experience, and as you read our published transmission, we will be whispering
in your ears our song of love and friendship.

Three miles beneath the outer community of Machu Picchu in Peru, a Quechua word literally
meaning "Old Mountain," also thrives another evolved civilization inhabiting a beautiful city
of Light, also called Machu Picchu. Our city is similar to Telos in many ways, in the sense
that our people also embody a fifth dimensional consciousness. We have been here for quite
some time, almost as long as Telos has existed beneath Mount Shasta, just a couple thousand
years later.

Nevertheless, the history of our city is different. At one time and for eons of time parallel to
the time of Lemuria, we lived above the ground, forming small communities of Light and true
brotherhood, where the surface community of Machu Picchu now exists. We did not always
live underground. But eventually, after the great flood and the destruction of both continents,
it came obvious to us that the peace and the beauty we so enjoyed could eventually become

As the negativity began rising on the surface again, and darker and more violent than before,
it became imperative for us to also recreate our city within the Earth, like the Telosians did
before us. We also desired to create a city of Light to prepare an abode of Light for those of
the members of our Inca civilization who would eventually ascend to the higher dimension.

We set up our intentions to preserve our culture and all its treasures underground, knowing
that eventually, it could be at risk from the negativity of mankind. Like the Lemurians did a
few thousand years before us in building their city of Telos underground to preserve their
culture and the most important treasures of Lemuria, we proceeded to do the same. Many of
you still wonder where the Incas went when, at some point, whole communities disappeared
from the surface of the planet almost "overnight". And I now tell you that they came to the
inner city of Light of Machu Picchu.

For many, they did not have far to go. They came inside our mountain through a secret
passage in the sacred valley, not so far from where they had been living.

Although the Earth's civilizations have come from a wide variety of galaxies, star and
planetary systems, most of you in your long history of incarnations on this planet have chosen
to experience a wide range of possibilities, and have taken embodiments more than once in all
of the main civilizations that have graced the Earth through its long period of evolution.

This means that no matter where you come from originally, what planet or star system or
universe, in your incarnation cycle, you have all at some point experienced life here as
Lemurians, Atlanteans, Mayans, Incans, Egyptians, etc. What does it make you now? Know
that in our realm, we no longer need those labels to identify ourselves. We thrive to live in the
Oneness of the Creator. Everyone conceived ultimately comes from the heart of the Creator,
and everyone has also left their imprints and aspects of themselves everywhere in all the
universes, galaxies and planetary systems.
Aurelia - Who now inhabits your city?
Cusco - Our inner city was inhabited at the beginning primarily with our people, the ascended
Incan civilization. Eventually, some Lemurians and Atlantean scientists joined us, and little by
little, more Lemurians and Atlanteans increased our number. Our city is now inhabited
mainly, but not exclusively, by beings of those three civilizations. Our number has expanded
much since the beginning, as more brings have joined us. Aurelia, you have several friends
and former family members living here. Your family is not just in Telos; you have family in
several inner cities.

We all live together in Oneness, in the spirit of total harmony and true brotherhood. You
know, once you ascend, you are not limited to live only in one place. There is much freedom
to move around and experience living in many places. Some people come to live here for a
while and move on, and others stay for a very long time.

The way we live can very much be compared to the way of Telos. Our creation process is by
thought, just as it is in Telos. Though every city has its own particulars, all ascended cultures
live on the same universal principles, and the way of life is not so different from one city to
the other.

The size of our city has now reached a little over one million people. What makes it different
than Telos is that the inner Machu Picchu community is composed of a mix of three cultures,
while in Telos the Lemurian culture is the main civilization. Many of the citizens in Telos

have been alive in the same body or incarnating in the Lemurian culture for so very long, that
they can almost be considered the originators of the Lemurian race. Adama is such a being
and so is Ahnahmar, among many others.

As you well know, a few hundred years ago, the Spanish conquerors came to South America
and ruthlessly destroyed most of the beautiful and elegant cultures living there at the time. In
their greed to acquire all the gold they could put their hands on, they respected nothing and no
one. There was then a very peaceful and thriving Inca community of our people living on the
surface at Machu Picchu. When the Spanish bloodshed and destruction began, we invited
them to join our city, and they have not been seen since. They vacated the surface, taking their
treasures with them, and moved inside. They are still here alive and well to this day.

In our city, we are beings at the level of the upper fourth and fifth dimension. As with Telos,
we can say that there are many levels and dimensions of it. Some of it has physicality as you
understand it, and other levels are purely etheric levels. We can grade Telos from holding the
upper fourth dimension level consciousness, all the way up to the tenth and twelfth
Aurelia - What do you do and what is your main purpose ?
Cusco - Actually, we are quite involved in the preservation of the "Rain Forests" which is so
important for the life and welfare of the planet. Because of greed, the lack of respect and of
honoring of the Earth from the surface populations, without our intervention, there would be
none left at this time. We are trying to stop the destruction as much as we are allowed to.
Although none of us from the higher dimensions is yet allowed to perform direct intervention
in your dimension, we are doing the best we can.

We are promoters of peace and harmony. We also do planetary service in our work with
Nature. We have become quite adept at understanding the creation of nature, and when the
time is right, we will assist the planet in restoring her original beauty and perfection. Though
we will not be the only ones doing this, we will join the greater team. When we emerge
among you in a few years, it will be our great pleasure to teach you what we have learned.

In the meantime, we make a formal invitation to all of you to come to our classes at night if
you want to develop what you term "a fifth dimensional green thumb." We can teach you as
well many of the wondrous secrets of nature that have been lost to the surface knowledge. In
due course of time, you will be delighted to apply, with ease and grace, all this new
knowledge into your daily life to create around you the beauty and perfection of nature we
have created here. In Telos, they have also acquired this knowledge, and this is why they have
created so much beauty in their surroundings.

Another service we perform from our city is with color. Because there is so much pollution in
your world and so little oxygen left in the atmosphere, without the daily replenishing of
oxygen and purifying of the air by millions of angels and ascended beings, life on your
dimension would no longer be possible in most places.

What we do as a collective, when you sleep at night, is send huge beams of a specific green
light frequency in the atmosphere of the surface, purifying the air and replenishing and
repairing the Earth's atmosphere. Without this, the death toll on this planet would rise over
1000 times more globally each day. There are also many teams of beings from other cities of
Light doing a similar but slightly different work as we. A great many of us contribute to your
well-being by assisting the smooth functioning of the Earth and keeping humanity alive until

the day of the "great cleansing," which is soon approaching. Expect it to start manifesting now
until the end of this decade, and some more beyond that.
Aurelia - Do you have tunnels ?
Cusco - Indeed, we have tunnels going in all directions, all over South America and beyond.
We also have tunnels going directly to Telos. Actually, beings like Adama can travel between
Telos and Machu Picchu in less than a couple minutes of your time. In fact, there is a whole
network of underground tunnels going all over Terra.
We also have a very close connection from the inner city of Quetzalcoatl at the Equator. This
is a city inhabited by those of the ancient Inca and Aztec cultures. They live pretty much the
way we do and we have very heartwarming exchanges with them. Basically, we are of the
same origins and culture, and in the past we have assisted each other greatly. There is a direct
tunnel between the two cities.
Aurelia - Do you have a leader?
Cusco - We have leadership, yes, but not a real leader, as you understand it. We have learned
to govern ourselves. We attained that level of spiritual maturity a long time ago. Of course, we
have a high council like all cities do, and that is the governing board of our city. When people
have reached a high enough level of evolution, the great governor of your soul and life is your
Divine Presence.
Aurelia - What are your homes like?
Cusco - Most of us live in pyramidal-shaped homes made of crystal materials created with our
minds. Many of our public buildings and teaching places are circular in shape and also made
of crystal of various textures and colors. Our creativity is rather expanded and our city very

In Telos, it is rather the opposite. They live in circular homes and most of their public
buildings and gathering places are pyramidal, and always conceived from elegant imagining.

Thank you, Aurelia, for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves again to the many
seekers of truth through your published books. We bless you with our flame of love, gratitude
and harmony.
Aurelia - You are welcome. I did also have some forgiving to do regarding Atlantis, and
bringing these messages from your realm is my way of showing that I have fully forgiven

Taken from the book "Telos 3. Protocols of fifth dimension", channelled and written by
Aurelia Louise Jones and published by Mount Shasta Light Publishing.


Uriel's Message -- Are You A Seeker? by
Jennifer Hoffman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 9:00pm

In your lifetimes you follow the path of the seeker, looking for the things you
hope will give you the peace, comfort and solace of what you remember from your
spiritual home. But your life can feel like an endless quest as you look for answers
from things that are questions waiting for your answer. You cannot find what you seek
because you do not really know what you are looking for, it is a memory or feeling that you
are trying to find on earth. But what you are seeking is yours
to create and bring to earth.

You can seek love in the world but the world is looking for the gift of love that
you bring to it. Peace does not exist in the world, because you create peace, and
the world seeks peace from you. Every time you seek joy you are often disappointed because
joy is waiting for you to create it; joy is not found as an answer to your

question, it is the answer you create when you allow joy to be an energy on earth.
The path of the seeker ends when the seeker realizes one important truth, that the one who
asks the question is also the one who has the question's answer.

Why do you ask the Universe for answers when you are the answer you are seeking?
What you want out of every experience, the lessons you have to learn, the healing
that is available to you and the peace and understanding your soul seeks is already
within each experience. You can go from one lesson to another seeking answers but each
lesson has the answer for you, only one is required. Every lesson is a complete
experience when you pause long enough to allow yourself to hear the answer. And
the answer is always within you.

The path of the seeker is one you choose from your belief that you are unworthy
of experiencing humanity through the fullness of your Source connection. The ego
knows life as a seeker and cannot imagine life when all questions are answered
and there are no more questions. But this is your path of ascension and in higher
vibrations there are no questions as life becomes a path of unfolding creation,
where you are no longer a seeker and become the answer to your quest through your
re-connection. As co-creator with the Universe you create the answers to each question
so you no longer have to ask and you can simply receive.

Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity, amazing insights and more.
Click here
for more details and to schedule a reading.



You Are Developing Your Individual

Sunlight - Ronna Herman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 9:21pm

You Are Developing Your Individual Sunlight - Ronna Herman


Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence and you are the flame it feeds. It
is important you understand that you are developing your individual SUNLIGHT, which is a
reflection of your own God Essence. The human intellectual thought process must evolve
beyond the limitations of language. There is a vast wealth of information awaiting humanity
via inspiration. You must develop your intuitive abilities in order to receive the wisdom of the
Cosmic Council of Light. It will not come from outside you. It will well up within your own
Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. You must reach up and grasp it, for it will not come down into
the effluvia of the Earth planes and seek you out.

Mature spirituality is not an unconscious experience. You must develop a self-sustaining

Divinity, whereby you are constantly breathing the rich Pranic Breath of Life / Adamantine
Particles of Creator Essence, so that you may receive spiritual sustenance from the River of
Live via the Eighth Chakra, your Soul Star. The empowering Breath of Infinity opens the
pathways that lead to the multidimensional levels of Creator consciousness. You must broaden
your inner perspective as you gradually change your way/mode of thinking and perceiving.
The Spirit of the Creator cannot be isolated. Spirit permeates everything in existence to one
degree or another. You must expand your consciousness to incorporate the vastness of

You must accept the fact that the Heart Core of our Father/Mother God is the focal point and
the basis of all religions. It is not the dogma, superstition, rules and restrictions, but the love,
power and perfection, which result in the ability to create and enjoy worlds of beauty, balance
and harmony. When the mind and heart of God become manifested within you, you become a
facet of the Collective Messiah. It is the creative fulfillment of your destiny.

You are a Spark of the Creator–a manifested Divine facet of consciousness–a Still Point
within Creation. You either enrich the world you live in or you help to contaminate it. How
bright and warm is your Sacred Fire? Does it blaze brightly and warm the hearts of others? Or
is it a feeble flame, not even strong enough to warm your own heart? “Cold-hearted” is not a
term associated with a true Bearer of God Light. You may journey through the shadow lands
with those who helped create them, or you may walk with delight in the radiance of God

All of you are familiar with the Twelve Rays of God-consciousness, which you are currently
striving to integrate and claim as your own. However, there has been a very important facet of
Creation that has been withheld from the masses until now. All manifestations in the
Omniverse are composed of organized Energy from the Heart Core of the Supreme Creator.
There is a Master Creator Core of Cosmic Consciousness which contains an allotment of the
Full Spectrum Essence of the Supreme Creator.

The Father and Mother God of this universe were endowed with a portion of these Creator
attributes, qualities and virtues. This is the primary source of Creator Consciousness within

this universe, and all is balanced--all is equal--all is harmonious. Before the God Rays of our
Father/Mother God were radiated out into the great void, there was an incalculable number of
powerful Supreme Creator Rays sent forth out into the cosmic void. These Creator Rays
became great regions of space with different Light densities and time-consciousness cells,
which contain infinite Divine schematics of material world possibilities. There are membranes
of Light that create barriers so that there is a firm demarcation between each sub-universe.
These Light-line barriers cannot be penetrated or crossed without special Divine dispensation.
Some of these great Creator Rays are much wider than others, and there was also a number of
thin membranes of Light which contain time
cell encodings within pyramids of Light. There are living pyramids of Light/life within every
energy field and dimensional space of Creation. Creator Light pours forth from the pyramid-
shaped treasuries of Light to be used by the Elohim and the Builders of Form in making new
creative designs as mandated by our Father/Mother God. Each star in the galaxy is a node of
energy vibration. Each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying
harmonic frequency vibrations according to his/her level of consciousness. As you are now
aware, these frequencies are called your Soul Song. You are a point of Light, a vibrant Spark
of the Divine. This universe is composed of one gigantic Celestial Soul Song.

From the Heart Core Essence of our Father/Mother God, the Essence of the Son/Daughter
Cocreators was made manifest. These wondrous Beings are stepped-down refractions of the
power and majesty of our God Parents–just as our Father/Mother God are a stepped-down
refraction of the Supreme Creator.

There are three major divisions within this particular universe. Our explanations are greatly
simplified, for the creative process is much too complicated for the human mind to

From the Essence within the Master Core of Cosmic Consciousness (mentioned above), there
was a specific number of sub-universes created within this universal whole with both
feminine and masculine attributes, virtues and qualities of Divine Light in perfect equality and

However, when the major portion of the sub-universes was created, the predominant forces of
the creative process were allotted to either the masculine or the feminine attributes of Creator-
consciousness. In half of the sub-universal Divine Blueprints/plans, the Father/Son qualities
of Divine will, power and purpose, the mental/outward-focused attributes of the Creator were
emphasized, while the Mother/Daughter attributes of compassion, nurturing, intuition,
inward-focused qualities were in a support position.

There is also an equal number of sub-universes with the Mother/Daughter qualities and
virtues in the leadership role, while the Father/Son attributes took the secondary position.

Have we not told you that this universe could be called a universe of great and unique
diversity? It was created as a univers-ity of learning for you, the Star Seed of the Omniverse.
Essentially, however, the indeterminable diverseness and magnitude of Creation were
designed so that the Creator could experience unlimited variations of ITSELF.

Our own sub-universe has been primarily a Father/Son universal experience from its
inception. Our Mother God and the beautiful Goddess qualities have always been present, but
not in the full glory and Essence of her Beingness. It is now time for the Mother/Daughter and
the Father/Son aspects of the Creator to return to equal partnership. This is the wondrous
evolutionary process now in progress within this entire universe and within all its creations.

All dimensions and sub-dimensions contain an infinite variety of Fields or States of

Consciousness, from an almost total state of unconscious awareness of self, to the ultimate
state of absolute awareness, the I AM THAT I AM of our Father/Mother God. The awakening
of Self from an unconscious state of Being is one of the most dramatic steps in the
evolutionary process of humankind. In order to become Self-conscious, you must become
aware of what is happening in your personal world. You must sharpen your thinking process
and learn to live in the moment or the NOW as it has been called. In order to gain experience
and wisdom, you must think about what you want to remember, what you wish to retain in
your memory bank. The unconscious-of-Self person drifts randomly through life, usually not
thinking of what the consequences of his/her actions will be–seemingly tossed about by the
whims of fate.

You, as seekers on the Path, must be initiated into the Pyramidal functions of Light before you
can be advanced to the next level of evolution; the next consciousness time cell. Human
creation is only a small part of a much greater and grander creative process. That is why we
have placed such emphasis on creating your personal Pyramid of Light in the fifth dimension,
and why we have given you instructions in great detail as to the various pyramids of Light
available to you, and the important part they play in the ascension process. You are called Star
Seed for a reason, for as you return to Self-mastery, you will initiate the process of creating
Crystalline Seed Life Codes, a new evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming
Golden Galaxy. This process is a part of the Wheel within the Wheel Creative Process which
we will reveal to you in the near future. In the meantime, we ask you to study what we have
revealed, and endeavor to get the
universal schematic we have created firmly within your mind so that you will understand the
next phase of the wondrous cosmic events that are unfolding before your eyes.

QUESTION: “Some people seem to come into this life with obvious gifts: healing, psychic
abilities, etc. How does the average person know what his/her gifts to offer mankind truly are
when they are not obvious to themselves, other than a burning desire to be of service in
conjunction with other Light workers?”
RONNA’S ANSWER: “Dear hearts, there are very few people who are aware of their

creative/spiritual gifts early in life. There may be an interest or desire in learning or perfecting
certain talents; however, everyone I know has had to experience many facets of life, as well as
many trials and tests, in order to gradually, over time, develop their talents. Although I had
some spiritual experiences at various times throughout my lifetime, I did not develop an
intense desire to seek spiritual wisdom until I was in my late fifties. The gifts gradually come
forth as you seek to balance and harmonize the many facets of your Being. A facet of your
Higher Self is always waiting to connect with you or take up residency within your Sacred
Heart, and with each download of your Soul Self, more gifts / talents / wisdom will be
available to you.
It takes work, dedication and tenacity; however, I can attest, it is well worth the effort. We are
on Earth to be cocreators with our Father/Mother God. The gifts of Spirit are available to each
of us, but we must do the work and turn inward and reach outward to attain them. Beloved
Michael has told us many times:”
"Eliminate those things in your life that you do not like while you are seeking to develop your
talents and find your passion. If you do nothing more than become a Beacon of Love/Light, so
that you may shine the radiance of our Father/Mother God out into the world, it is enough.”



You must tap into, develop and perfect the gifts and talents you bring forth to experience in
each lifetime. There will be an emphasis, a desire or preference to perfect certain
underdeveloped talents and abilities. However, you must make the effort and take the time to
become accomplished in each chosen endeavor. Occasionally, a person who is well on his/her
way to mastery will incarnate with certain genius abilities which he/she has perfected in
previous lifetimes. This is happening more and more frequently with the old Souls who are
incarnating during these accelerated times of transformation.

There will be some negative traits or addictive habits which will be emphasized so that you
may release, modify or refine them, thereby returning to balance and harmony so that you
may begin the process of Soul expansion and Self-awareness.

There will be things you do not like or that you will have strong opinions about, things you do
not approve of which can cause discord and make you unhappy or uncomfortable. Some of
these will be things that you cannot change, and therefore, you must accept them and
endeavor to make the best of the situation or condition.

However, the most important life’s lesson is to strive to engage your Soul Self and begin the
journey of reunification with the many facets of your Divine nature; all else will follow.

My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through
these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place

throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to
open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each
of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your
Pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel
lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you
with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal
copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL


Living the Light Grid

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 10:00pm

As We Are Being, We're the Light Grid

Discovering who we are and how we (consciously or unconsciously) create/communicate our

lives in relation to the energy grid, is the topic for this group.

How are we incorporate the plethora of Light Grid information into our daily lives, activities
and relationships? Living lives of conscious, moment to moment, awareness can be a gracious
art form, continually unfolding before us. The smallest observation or occurance can unfold
layers of information.

Living the Grid will explore our experiential side of our connections with the Grids (the
energy, we are, which is connected to all other energy in the universe-in existence actually,
but for now, let's relate to our backyard-this itty bitty universe of ours).

We Are, each, an active part of the Grid, as we're each our own energy Grid, within the greater

We are the Grid, along with the rest of the universe.

Let's explore the Grid, briefly:

It's all about energy isn't it? Every part of existence is, fundamentally, energy in motion (we
now know through discoveries in quantum physics); even what we believe to be empty space.
Our thoughts, emotions every bit of our essences, contains an energetic pattern, which is
being transmitted throughout the Grid (or energy field). It's a communication bonanza going
on constantly.

We may have heard of it before, right?

The Grid, the field, the Leylines, the

electromagnetic/Crystalline/planetary/Golden/Violet/Christ/Universal GRID...

Yes that the one :-). These are all varying energetic parts of an interconnected energy tapestry.
As we discover and work with different areas, we're helping to access information, as we
anchor these parts to ourselves, our lives, our planet, solar system, etc. You get the idea.

"Hey," I'm hearing a little voice say. "I thought we were discussing real life here."
We are...we always are. In fact, with constant energy connection and communication, it's
infinitely a now moment. These fields are ongoing and inseparable.

We Are One, energetically

Our Lives As A Language

As this is about daily life, in relation to the Grid, it can be helpful to see that all of ourselves
(emotion, mind-thoughts, body, spirit, action, meditations/dreams) are in continual
interaction .
It is with the Grid, energy connection, that we energetically communicate with our
environment; how we co-create our existence here, while in these physical bodies, of ours.

Every action, thought, emotion and more rides the energy waves, throughout our
environment. It's part of how all forms of energy healing, prayer, meditation and all other
forms of energy-effort, travel.

Once we understand that this communication is occurring, we can begin to understand that

our lives are speaking to and with us. With patience, intent and acceptance, we become
increasing fluent and active co-creators of this living, breathing inter-dimensional language:

Let's explore...


The Heart Chakra by Master Jesus
channelled through Natalie Glasson -
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 3:00am

My beloved sacred and divine brothers and sisters, I return once more with a heart full of love
to share with you as well as bestowing my words of enlightenment to inspire your spiritual
awakening. I honour you with every aspect and energy of love within my being; it is the
deepest of honours to speak the truth of the Creator and to connect with your energies. The
fact that you are awake and aware of me is magnificent, it is a true blessing. Even people on

the Earth do not get a chance to speak their truth to other humans, so it is a great honour to be
able to connect with you even though we exist on two different vibrations of light. This of
course doesn't mean that we are separated, we are always one energy, one being of light, one
aspect of the Creator, interlinked more than you could possibly imagine at this current stage.

In my previous communication with you I spoke of how precious you are because you have
been granted the ultimate gift of unconditional eternal love from the Creator. The mighty love
of the Creator can never be taken away from you, it is yours to experience, appreciate, express
and cherish. Even now as people exist on the Earth whether they are spiritually awake or
asleep they have been granted the ultimate gift. The easiest way to accept the ultimate gift of
the Creator's unconditional love is to love yourself first, unconditionally, and to surrender to
the will of the Creator; to surrender all negativity to the Creator and to focus upon accepting
the unconditional love of the Creator. If you are able to experience the unconditional love of
the Creator during meditation and when you are following your path on the Earth, you will
realise that there is nothing else that you will have need of. With acceptance of the ultimate
gift you are allowing the Creator to treasure you, take care of you and guide you perfectly, so
not only will you cease all suffering but you will gain a great sense of freedom in your reality
and your ability to create. Remember this always that you have been granted by the Creator
the ultimate gift of unconditional love so there is no need to fear.

When you accept the unconditional love of the Creator it naturally nourishes your soul, the
Creator aspect within your physical body. Your soul already holds a wealth of unconditional
love which is its essence and truth. Your soul wishes for you (as your physical body,
personality, emotions and mind) to bathe in its unconditional love. I say 'its unconditional
love' because for many of you the soul and the aspect of your being that you are familiar with
appear to you as being separate, this is an illusion. Every aspect of your being is integrated as
one, what is there to stop the flow or to put barriers between you and your soul, monad or the
Creator? Nothing, the only truth is love; love is eternally flowing and constantly builds bonds
and connections. If you imagine a person at a party, they are talking to a few people and are
emanating such a profound love, joy and bliss, have you noticed that others in the room
become drawn to this person like a magnet, captivated by the love that is oozing. This shows
that love is integrated with everything, if you hold love then you allow your natural
connections with the Creator and those around you to enhance and manifest fully.

Your soul naturally holds love, a love that is pure and easy to share because it is continuously
being created by your soul, through your soul's intention and alignment. When you accept
your ultimate gift from the Creator you also begin to realise that your soul has the ultimate
gift of unconditional love for you also, as does your monad or soul group. Realising this you
become aware that every person that you meet, every person walking the Earth has an
ultimate gift which they wish to give and share with you. Think about this for a moment, how
amazing it is that everyone wants to give you a gift of love and that you want to return this
gift of love. This is of course everyone's soul, as the personality is unaware of the ultimate gift
which is your divine right. This is essentially the ascension process and the result of the
ascension process, when everyone realises the ultimate gift on all levels of their being. How
fortunate we all are to be given such a beautiful gift of being loved unconditionally. Let us
saver this thought.

The heart chakra is essentially the main aspect of your being that can express love wholly and
expansively. It has the strength to hold an abundance of love within its sacred chamber and to
radiate it to all of humanity or to an individual. Yet the heart chakra is very delicate, it can

accept and hold onto pain, negativity and suffering if you command it to, which occurs often.
In many ways the emotions of a human are linked with the heart chakra, this is due to training
from a young age. The heart chakra can succumb to tremendous pain and torture because it is
so sensitive. It easily can express love but this also means that it can easily accept negativity.
Many people hold the suffering that they believe others have caused to them within their heart
chakra. If we imagine that the heart chakra is your treasure box, everything that is important
to you is stored within your treasure box, but you have programmed yourself to believe that
the painful or negative experiences are precious and so you place them within your treasure
box. Of course negative experiences allow us to grow and develop, they are lessons of truth
realisation, but this doesn't mean that they have to be held onto. When pain is held within the
heart chakra it stagnates and lowers the vibration of the heart chakra, eventually causing the
heart chakra to close and become guarded, because it doesn't want to be hurt any further.
When the heart chakra is closed or shielded then it makes it very difficult for the person to
love themselves unconditionally, feel the love of others and express the essence of their soul.
The ultimate gift of the Creator can become an elusive reality to those who hold pain in their
heart chakras, and a separation can be experienced between the soul and the reality.

Your soul will be aware of the state of your heart chakra but will be unable to assist as you
have free will on the Earth; you have to ask before you can receive. When the heart begins to
close because of the shadows that it is holding then experiences that point to lack of love can
occur, such as another abusing or controlling you, feelings of being unworthy or unimportant
in the world. Illusions can develop and because the soul is not able to guide as it may wish the
mind and ego can become very powerful.

In order to combat this there is a need to ask for your soul and your guides to work on your
heart chakra, to dissolve negativity and to charge it with love. There is also a need to
understand why you are holding onto the pain in your heart chakra. Remember that it is not
your heart chakra holding onto the negativity but you as your mind and personality making
your heart chakra suffer. Why do you want yourself to suffer? Do you deserve to suffer?
Asking questions of yourself helps you discover buried beliefs about yourself and from the
past. A simple realisation can allow a release.

There is then a need to focus in your daily life on aligning your heart with your soul and
letting the light of your soul flow into your heart chakra, this will open it further. Beyond this
there is a need to treasure and love your heart chakra. Your heart chakra holds its own
vibration of energy and so you can speak with your heart chakra and it will reply to you.
Conducting a conversation with your heart chakra can help you understand the needs of your
heart chakra and whether further healing is needed. You may also surrender your heart chakra
to the Creator to be cleansed and healed completed. This doesn't mean that your heart chakra
will leave you but that a healing process can take place and that you are asking the Creator to
assist you. Remember that your heart chakra has a voice as every part of your being does.
Now is the time to honour your heart chakra as it is the link between your soul and your

I hope that you have found my words of benefit to you,

You are sacred light and love on the Earth and I bless you,

Your brother and friend,

Master Jesus

Natalie Glasson


Güç Oyunları Dinamikleri ve Bütünlüğe

Geri Dönüş
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 25, 2011 at 4:04am

Bütünlüğe ulaşan insan, kaynaktan gelen sonsuz aşk ve ruhsal besini almaya başlar. Bütünlük,
korkuyu şifalandırmakla başlar, kendini sevmekle, ve bizi incitenleri affetmeyi
Şifalanmanın bu ideal seviyesine ulaşmadan önce insanlar kendilerini; karışıklık, çelişki,
bozulan ilişkiler, hayal kırıklığı, negatif karma ve süregelen kurban hikayesine sebep olan güç
oyunları ve kontrol dinamikleri içinde bulurlar. Bu dinamikler, yokluğun içsel algısını telafi
etmek için insanların başkalarından enerji çekmeleri ve sadece bütünlüğe dönüş yoluyla
çözülebilecek sevilmeye şiddetli özlem hissetmeleri hallerinde çeşitli roller oynarlar. Bu güç
oyunları alanı; herkesin sonsuz şifa, netlik ve sevgi aradığı, acı çekmenin yoğun ve ağır
karmik çorbasıdır, ve tavsiye edilen ise insanın düze çıkmasıdır.
Bu çorbadan düze çıkmak, iş ortamında bu güç oyunlarını tanımak ve içinde üstlendiğimiz
rolü şifalandırmakla mümkündür. Süreç uzun olabilir, ve hangi kontrol oyunlarını
oynadığımızı, ya da diğerlerinin üzerimize hangi oyunları yüklediğini görmek için süreçte
çağrılar olabilir. Kontrol, korkunun dışsal bir tezahürüdür. Yeterince alamamaktan korkarız, -
böylelikle diğerini, bilinç altında enerji çekmek adına, onların korkuları üzerinde oyunlar
oynayarak kontrole yelteniriz. Bu durum karmik anlamda acı çekmeyle sonuçlanır ve
kaynakla olan bağlantıyı zedeler. Istırabın yarattığı koşullar, yeni olumsuzluklara ve enerji
tükenimine neden olur, bir başka eski hikayeyi oynamaya girişerek,çelişki ve acı döngülerini
Tüm insani çelişkiler içsel yokluk algısı ve düş kırıklığından türer. Çalışma yaşamında dört
ana güç oyunu ve gelişimin de üç ayrı safhası mevcuttur. Güç oyunları dinamiklerinden
sıyrılmak, eninde sonunda, insanlıkça bilinen tüm güç ya da kontrol oyunlarını alt eden sevgi
enerjisine geri dönmekle mümkündür.
Gelişimin üç devresini şöyle açıklayabiliriz:
1) Kendi kontrol dramalarımızı şifalandırmak - Bu en yoğun devredir. Bu bölümde, biz sık sık
ciddi anlamda yokluk hissi; ağır karmik ve duygusal yükler taşırız. Korku birikimi bizi,
yaşamımızın erken devirlerindeki sevgi eksikliğinin neden olduğu ıstırabı doğrulamak adına
diğerlerine yöneltilmiş intikam ve ince kontrol mekanizmaları oluşturmaya iter. Bu

yaklaşımın sonuçsuz olduğunu ayrımsamak ve yaşamlarımıza sevgiyi sokmak bir dönüş
noktası ve şifalanma sürecinin başlangıcıdır. Bu süreci tamamlamak, diğerini kontrol etme
arzusundan sıyrılmak, bize barışın ve mutluluğun kapısını açar .
2) Sınırlarımızı şifalandırmak – Sevgi’ye erişmek, gelişim’in birinci safhasındaki, enerji
anlamında bizden beslenenlerin hedefi haline getirir bizi. Sınırlarımızı şifalandırmadan,
karmik çorbadan çıkmak olası değildir. O döneme kadar, diğerlerinin enerjimizi tüketmeleri
konusunda hassas bir noktada dururuz. Sınırlar; erken yaşlarımızda sınırların zarar görmesine
neden olan yaşamın tüm vechelerini şifalandırmak/bağışlamak, o dönemlere karşı sağlıklı
tavırlar geliştirmek suretiyle iyileşirler. Genellikle çocuklukta yaşanmış zor bir deneyim,
sevmenin sağlıklı yolları konusunda aklımızı karıştırmış olabilir. Bu durumları açığa çıkarmak
ve enerjetik sınırlarımızı iyileştirmek, bizi bütünlüğe ulaştırır.
3)Tamlık – Bu safhada, kontrole karşı bağışıklık geliştirir, diğerlerini kontrol etme
duygusundan bağımsız davranırız. Kaynaktan direkt olarak beslenmeye başlarız artık. Herkesi
olduğu gibi kabul eder, ve güç oyunları oynamayı bırakırız. (kendi ihtiyacımızı karşılamak
için diğerini değiştirme girişimi) Burada, kendi yaşamımızı sahiplenmeye başlar, eksiksiz
sorumluluk taşır, ve başkasından gelmesine olanak olmayan içsel yetkinliğimizi buluruz. Bu
safhada her türlü güç dinamiğine karşı netlik oluştururuz – sınırları şifalandırmak ve içsel
yetkinlik karışıklığa son vermiştir, gelişimin birinci evresinde takılan, aldatmacanın ve
ızdırabın tüm göz boyayan maskeleri saydamlaşır.
Maskeler, örselenmiş kendimizi ve dışarıya sergilediğimiz sahte portremizi gizleme
girişimleridir. Maske ancak aldatma ve manüplasyon ile korunabilir. Gerçeklik ve sevgi
maskeyi saydamlaştırır, varlığımızda gerçekliğin ve sevginin şekillenmesi maskeyi
çıkarmamıza ve kendimize karşı dürüst ve gerçek olmaya sevkeder bizi.
Aşağıda sözünü ettiklerimiz, insanların birbirlerinden güç çekme yollarıdır. Onları anlamak ve
tanımak, onlara üstün gelmeyi sağlar.
1. Zavallı ben – Zavallı ben durumu, sürekli bir sevgi eksikliği ve kurban hikayesine
saplanma halidir. Her zaman kriz içinde, diğerlerinden bir şeyler isteme gereksinimidir. Kendi
yaşamlarının sorumluluğunu almak yerine duygusal olgunluktan kaçınır, yardım isteyerek
diğerlerinden enerji çalarlar. Zavallı ben’lerle ilişki kurmak, genellikle kendilerini beslemek
yerine, ilişkiyi boşalttıklarından, neredeyse imkansızdır.
Zavallı ben’ler, genellikle, erken yaşlarda kendilerini bırakmışlardır, altta yatan sebepleri
şifalandırıncaya kadar daha fazla vazgeçme senaryoları yaratan davranışlar sergiler, kurban
hikayelerini sürdürürler. Bir çözüm önerisinde dahi kendileriyle yüzleşme korkusundan,
kurban olmayı sürdürmeyi seçerler. Zavallı ben’lerin şefkate, uygun yardıma ve net sınır
ifadesine gereksinimleri vardır.
2. Soğuk-Seyirci – Seyirci olmayı seçen insanlar, basitce gizlenir ve enerji çekerler. Bu,
vaatlerde bulunan, son dakikada kendilerini çekerek kaybolan ve günlerce bulunamayan
insanlar, kendilerini önce sunup sonra geri çekerek, enerji çalmak konusunda ustadır. Yakın
ilişkilerde geri çekilme kalıbı, (önce sevgi dolu sonra soğuk), seyirci olmayı seçen insanın
oyunudur, daha fazla enerji çalabilmek ve daha az müsait olmak, diğerlerinin sevgi alabilmek
için daha fazla yatırım yapmalarının gerektiği bir oyun… Genellikle korkmadan samimi
olmalarına engel teşkil edecek onaylanma ve kendini sevme sorunları vardır. Hem zavallı
ben’ler hem de soğuk – seyirci kimselerin enerjetik tükenim döngüsel dinamiklerinden
kurtulmak için kendine değer verme konusunda şifalanmaları lazım gelir.
3.Tehditkarlar – Bu insanlar, genellikle derin anlamda korkaktır ve isteklerine ulaşmak adına
tehdit unsurunu kullanırlar. Zorba insanlar bu sınıfa girer ve mutlaka yaşamlarının bir yerinde
derin bir suistimal yaşamış ve faili affetmemişlerdir. Bunun yerine, başka yerlerde aynı
şekilde davranmayı sürdürür, diğerlerinin şiddet korkusundan enerji çalarlar. Tehditkar
insanlarla ilişkilerde sıkışmış olanlar, kendi değerlerini bilme, kendini sevme ve onaylanma
konularında kendilerini ifade etmeli ve yalnız olmaktan korkmamalıdırlar. Daha sonra

dinamikten serbestçe ayrılabilirler.
4.Sorgucular – Bu insanlar, alt kazıcı teknikler kullanarak, bu tarz kontrol davranışına karşı
hassas olanların sık sık kişisel değerlerini kemirirler. Kasıtlı beyin yıkama, yargılayıcı
davranış ve diğerlerine negatif tohumlar ekmeye teşebbüs; karşı tarafı yıldırma amacıyla
kullanılır. Sorgucu tipler genellikle, sorunlarına oluşacak ilgiyi saptırmak için sorgulayan;
derin bir acıya sahip, oldukça korkak insanlardır. Bu tipler, diğerlerini suçlar ve projeksiyona
başvururlar. Sorgucu insanlarla ilişkilerde sıkışmış olanlar, içsel onaylama yapmalı, sınırlarını
ve öz-değer sorunlarını şifalandırmalı ki, ilerideki duygusal yıpranmalara bağışıklık
kazanabilsinler. Daha sonra dinamikten ayrılmakta serbest olurlar.
Şikayet halinde olmalarına rağmen bu koşulları sürdürmeyi seçenler,(zavallı ben’i
oynayanlar) kurban hikayesine saplanmış olanlardır. Bunu sürdürmek, otomatik olarak bizi
dinamik içinde tutan tarafı güçlü kılar. Kurban kimliğini şifalandırmak, kendimize
yaşamımızda neyi çektiğimizin tüm sorumluluğunu üzerimize almak, suçtan vaz geçmek ve
hikayede kendimizi görmekle ilgilidir. Bağışlama, kendimizi ve diğerlerini sevmek kadar,
kaynakla olan bağlantımızı geliştirmek de önemlidir. Kaynakla bağlantı, sonsuz sevgi ve bol
besin getirir bize, insan çelişkileri yumağından sıyrılmamızı ve yaşamımızı mükemmel uyuma
taşımamızı sağlar.
Sevgi ve şükranla,

Free Spirit

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


Dünya Gezegeni Üzerindeki Yeni Zamanın

Anahtarı: Zaman Çizgisi Kayması DL
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 25, 2011 at 12:37pm

Son iki tutulmanın portalları yoluyla gelen enerji yükselmesi, diğer kozmik hizalanmalarla
birleşerek, yeni realiteyi tezahür ettirmekte kolaylıklar sağlamaya başladı. Bu yeni
potansiyellerin tümünden faydalanmak biraz zaman alsa da, cesaretinizi yitirmeyin. Bu yeni
enerjilere geçiş ve onlarla çalışmak sadece biraz pratik gerektirmekte.
Gerçeğin doğasıyla ilgili uzun süredir sürdürülegelmiş inançlar, artık sorgulanıyor. Eskiden
anlamlı değişiklik adına “neyi” getireceğimiz konusunda savaşmamız gerekiyordu. Şimdi ise,
varoluşumuzun çoklu-vecheli doğasını algılıyor ve bu eski düşüncenin vaktini doldurduğuna
tanık oluyoruz. Gözlemlemeyi öğrenip, tüm yönlere enerji akışını izledikçe, tüm
gerçekliklerin “var” ve “yan yana” olduklarını görebiliyoruz.
Realitemizi değiştirmek için yeni bir resim düşlediğimizde, realiteyi kaydırarak, resmimizle
uyumlu olan şimdiki realiteyi çok fazla değiştirmiş olmuyoruz. Dünya gezegeni üzerindeki
yeni enerjide daha dolu yaşamak için bir anahtar olan, realiteyi bir zaman çizgisinden diğerine

kolaylıkla kaydırmak artık şimdi mümkün.

Şimdiki zaman çizgimizde negatif yanıtları salıverdikçe, geçmişteki direnç, sakınma ve

suçluluğu da terkederiz. Bu manevralar bizi seçmediğimiz realitelerde kilitli tutar, huzurlu
merkezimizden kaydırırdı.Şimdi, içimizdeki sükunet ve sevgi dolu bir yerden geçmişle
barışıyor ve dikkatimizi seçim geleceğine yöneltebiliyoruz.
Zaman Çizgilerini İdrak Etme ve Değiştirmekte Ustalaşmak

Artık, realite çizgilerini kaydırma becerilerinde ustalaşma niyetimizi edebiliriz.

Herşeyin hali hazırda “var” olduğu fikrini kucaklamak, başlangıç için fazlasıyla önem taşır.
Bu, seçebileceğimiz her olası karşılıklı ya da paralel realite parçacığını içermektedir. Bu
potansiyeller şimdiki realite odağımızda bağımsız olarak mevcuttur. Eğer bir el fenerini arka
bahçenizdeki çimlere doğru tutarsanız, fenerle aydınlanmamış bölgelerdeki çimler var olmayı
keserler mi? Elbette ki hayır. Hala orada fenerin ışığından bağımsızca var olmayı sürdürürler.
Realite parçacıklarıyla ilgili olan da bunun aynısıdır. Odağımıza getirmediğimiz ve
perspektifimizden çıkardığımız her bir parçacık bağımsızca varlığını sürdürür. Odağımızın
dışında kalan herşeyin varlığını sürdürmüyor olduğu algısı insan olma zaaflarından biridir
aslında! Ama artık realiteyi algılamakla ilgili bu sınırlı düşünme tarzını bırakabilecek
Şimdiki enerji rampasından ilerilemeye başladığımızda; tüm realitelerin, tüm olasılıkların hali
hazırda var olduğunu ve bitişik bir tarzı deneyimlemek için tek yapmamız gerekenin
dikkatimizi değiştirmek olduğunu netleştirmeliyiz.

Varolan Zaman Çizgileri Değiştirilemez

Ne kadar zor olsa da kabul etmeliyiz ki, şu anda odaklanmış olduğumuz realite tarzını
değiştiremeyiz. Değiştirmeye çalışmak boşuna ve sonuçsuzdur. Bu, yüksek bir binada gezinip,
yapısını ve tertibini değiştirmeye çalışmaya benzer. Aradığımızla tutarlılık taşımayan yapıları
değiştirmeye çalıştırmaktansa, yeterince araştırma yaparak aklımızda var olan tutarlı yapıyı
bulup değiştirmeyi denemektir.
Varolan realite çizgisinin kendi isteklerimiz doğrultusunda bükülmesi ısrarı yetkisizlik
duygusuna yol açan unsurdur. Bu yüzden insanlar yazgılarını değiştiremediklerinden
yakınırlar. Bu realite çizgisinin değiştirilmesi ile ilgili ısrar kurban bilincini pekiştirir.
Taşıdıkları hayal gereğince realitelerini dönüştüremeyenlerde umutsuzluk ve beceriksizliğe
doğru bir eğilim gözlemlenir. Gerçek yetkinlik, bir diğer realite çizgisini sezebilmekte yatar.
Eğer herşeyin potansiyel denizimizde var olduğu gerçeğini kucaklayabilirsek, şimdiki
realitemizin, en yüksek hayalimizle uyumlu olan realiteler dahil, hepsinin tüm çeşitlemelerini
karşılamak kolaylaşır. Bu çizgilerden birini kaydırmak için tüm yapmamız gereken,
dikkatimizi kaydırmak ve yeni olana odaklanmaktır. “Neye odaklanırsanız onu büyütürsünüz”
ifadesini duymuş olmalısınız. Bu realite çizgilerinin gerçeğidir. Tercih edilmiş bir realiteyi
sezmek ve odağı o yöne kaydırmak yoluyla, bu bitişik çizgiyi günlük realitemize demirlemiş

Zaman çizgisi kaydırmalar ile ilgili daha fazlası için, Ruh Portalları: Şifalanmanın Çok
Boyutlu Kapıları ve Dönüşüm
DL Zeta

visit http://www.celestialvision.org/
Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


Acı Beden
 Posted by Peril CANTÜRK on January 25, 2011 at 1:27pm

Acı beden, çoğu insanın içinde yaşayan yarı otonom bir enerji biçimidir ve duygulardan
oluşan bir varlıktır. Acıktığında ve kendini yenileme zamanı geldiğinde, uykusundan uyanır.
Buna ek olarak, herhangi bir zamanda herhangi bir olayla tetiklenerek de harekete geçebilir.
En önemsiz olayı, birinin söylediği ya da yaptığı bir şeyi ve hatta bir düşünceyi tetik olarak
kullanabilir.Eğer yalnız yaşıyorsanız ya da o sırada yakınınızda kimse yoksa, acı beden sizin
düşüncelerinizle beslenir. Aniden, düşünce sisteminiz belirgin bir şekilde olumsuz hale gelir.
Genellikle, bu olumsuz düşünce krizi başlamadan önce zihninize olumsuz bir duygu
dalgasının girdiğini fark etmezsiniz; endişe ya da öfke gibi.Bütün düşünceler enerjidir ve acı
beden şimdi düşüncelerinizin enerjisiyle besleniyordur. Olumlu -olumsuz düşünceler; aynı
enerjidir ama farklı bir frekansa sahiptir. Acı beden, mutlu ve olumlu bir düşünceyi

Her şey, sürekli hareket halinde olan enerji alanlarıyla titreşirler...Düşüncelerin kendilerine ait
bir frekans alanı vardır ve olumsuz düşünceler daha alt seviyelerde kalırken, olumlu
düşünceler daha üst seviyelere çıkar. Acı bedenin titreşim hızı, olumsuz düşüncelerin titreşim
hızıyla aynıdır ve acı bedenin sadece olumsuz düşüncelerle ve duygularla beslenebilmesinin
nedeni de budur.

Acı bedenden yayılan duygu, kısa süre içinde düşünce sisteminizi etkisi altına alır ve zihniniz
acı bedenin kontrolü altına geçtiğinde, düşünce sisteminiz de olumsuz hale gelir. Kendinizi
tamamen o sesin söyledikleriyle tanımlar, bütün bozuk düşüncelerine inanırsınız.O noktada,
mutsuzluk bağımlılığı yerleşir.

Sorun olumsuz düşünce trenini durduramamanız değildir; durdurmak istememenizdir. Acı

beden için, acı zevktir. Bütün olumsuz düşünceleri iştahla yutar. Aslında, şimdi zihninizdeki
ses, acı bedenin sesidir. Acıbeden ve düşünce sisteminiz arasında kötücül bir döngü oluşur.
Birkaç saat ya da birkaç gün sonra,kendini tazeleyip beslenmesinitamamlayarak uykusuna
geri döner ve arkasında enerjisi tükenmiş bir organizma ve hastalıklara karşı daha açık bir
fiziksel beden bırakır.Eğer bu size psişik bir asalak gibi göründüyse, haklısınız, çünkü
gerçekten öyledir ..


The Order of the Unified Heart!
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 10:00pm

The Evolution of Manifesting Forward

The Order of the Unified Heart!
Through Aluna Joy, Lord Pacal, and the Star Elders
Palenque, Mexico Temple of the SUN - December 14, 2010

The following is the part FOUR and last of

messages that we received, during our most
recent journey to Palenque, in December of
2010. You can find other and future messages
posted on our website at www.AlunaJoy.com
under the link entitled "Articles on Personal &
Planetary Transformation ". *** We are
sharing this message here with you just as we
received it, in present time, with little editing.
We do this for a very important reason. We
know that the messages that we receive are not
just for our groups, but are for humanity also.
So as you read this, just imagine that you were there with us . . . the Masters and Star Elders
assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. You
might want to imagine that you are sitting with us in the Maya Temples.

The Mayans have a word called Zuvuya. It means that in order to understand something
completely, you have to look at it in reverse. The Star Elders take this idea even further, and
say that we have to look at things spherically or from many dimensions at once in order to
understand them fully. What the Star Elders are showing me this morning is that humanity and
Earth has actually pulled a cosmic Zuvuya. We have been living/creating backwards, and that
is why life sometimes didn't feel right to us. We didn't feel like this reality was home to us,
and it didn't make much sense either. Because we have been creating the world backwards,
manifesting reality got knocked out of balance, creating everything from war, pollution,
negative ego, illness, aging, separateness and duality.. and maybe even death! The universe
has been going through a process of flipping our reality. The divine plan of the collective
consciousness is beginning to manifest this flipping, and we are being placed back on track,
which includes a way of creating that is in balance and harmony with the natural laws of the

As above, so below . . . Our SUN completes magnetic polar shifts every 11 years. The last flip
was in 2001. The next magnetic flip will be in 2012. NASA states that "The Sun is like a
snake that sheds its skin." On Dec 13th, 2011, there was a huge global eruption on the sun.
The sun sent this energy to the Earth. I think this CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) blast
anchored the energy of flipping evolution on earth.

Remember when we were in Yaxchillan, and we saw the cosmic hourglass? Well today The

Star Elders say that there is enough weight in the collective consciousness on the future side
of the hour glass to tip the balance to the side of harmony (Read about the hour glass in a past
message at www.AlunaJoy.com). We have been living backwards for a long time . . . for a
huge cycle of time. Now we are moving forward. It will be an adjustment, because humanity
will have to do a 180 about face to align with this forward evolution. We have been creating
backwards, and it went against a natural universal code that is inside of us. Now that we are
moving forward, things that are out of alignment will dissolve away. So today, we are in the
first steps of creating forward. We have been living in between dimensions for quite some
time. Now we are starting to create forward instead of living backwards. Does that make

Okay, something else is coming in . . . I can see, what looks like, a big stone face of one of the
ancestors, and I am looking to see if there is anything that he wants to say. It reminds me of a
huge stone face in a site called Itzmal. David Catherwood drew this face in the 18 hundreds,
but the site no longer exists. It was destroyed. This stone face is the representation of the day
sign Ik, the wind, which is about change. He has an open mouth like he is blowing air, and he
is sending a lot of information.

When energy shifts, it is wobbly. Sometimes we can see it with

our eyes, and/or we might feel queasy. I noticed today that I
feel a little fuzzy, like I am not quite here. Is everybody feeling
that kind of fuzziness? We need to pay attention to the shifts in
energy to know what is going on in the world. We are really
starting to understand the difference between energies, because
we have been here in Palenque (and earth) a long enough time
that we have created a frequency baseline. We understand what
it felt like on one day, and then the next day, and the next day.
You can see that the sites and the world changes/evolves from
day to day. We have been in Palenque during this time where
evolution flipped and rebooted. So this can make us feel like we are in a dream. We might feel
confused about what is real and what is not. We might have some pressure in the front of our
foreheads. Our eyes may feel like we are not seeing right, and we keep blinking trying to re-

So, we are at the end of a very large cycle . . . 104,000 years, which is four 26,000 year
cycles, or four cycles of the completion of the procession of the equinoxes, our traveling
around the Pleiades. What we do in these next steps will be our foundation stone in the new
world. Before we came to this temple today, The Star Elders synchronized our hearts. This
process didn't take very long, because we were nearly in sync anyway. They just anchored it
and sealed it, so we will stay in sync. So now, when we go out into the world to live our lives,
we are going to bring more and more people into this new synchronized heart. We are going
to bring people into a heart space that is the natural legacy of Palenque. Lord Pacal just
jumped in and says "It is the Order of the Unified Heart." So… We are the first members of
the Order of the Unified Heart. Pacal is filling our space with a tremendous amount of his
energy which I call profound neutrality. It is not just peace and harmony. When we say the
word "peace" in this world, it means a lack of war. What he carries is the neutrality that
Jeshua carried. It is one of the reasons why Jeshua came to Palenque to meet Pacal, because
he and Pacal carried similar energies of the heart. Like frequency attracts like frequency. It is
why Palenque holds this beautiful unique vibration.

If this is your first sacred site you don't know the difference in energy, because you haven't
been to other places that feel differently. This is why sacred site travel is so helpful in our path
to awakening. We might think in our minds that all sacred sites feel this way. They don't.
Palenque one holds a particular quality of heart that I find "Home" in. It is good that we learn
about the differences in frequency.

Lord Pacal is sending us an ocean of his wonderful energy. This is helping us comprehend the
magnitude of the Order of the Unified Heart. We (and those reading this) have been initiated
into this sacred order. Now when we go out, and when we touch other people, we will
magnetize them into this order. It is a secret order. It is something that we know inside of
ourselves that we never speak of. It is something that we do without thinking. When we do
simple acts of kindness, people will be compelled to enter this secret order called the Unified
Heart. This order won't be known by a name but by a quality of heart.

Over the years, we have been talking about the butterfly man (see past articles on
www.AlunaJoy.com). It is unexpected, because this is the first trip in several years where we
have not talked about the butterfly man. The reason is that the butterfly wings are no longer
flapping. They have come together in stillness. The flapping wings were our hearts working to
live in two worlds at once. But now that time is over now. We have arrived. As these two
wings come together, we have more and more awakening moments . . . more and more of
those "Aha" moments. The wings, like our the two sides of our hearts, are now unified. The
old world is being absorbed by the new world. Just like one small light can eat up the
darkness. All that is no longer needed from the old world will be dissolved way. We are
entering a place of total neutrality where even duality starts to dissolve away.

There will be symptoms that have to do with the dissolving away of duality. Right now, in our
DNA, we understand everything by comparing it to something else. When we lose duality, we
lose the ability of comparing and, along with it, the ability to understand things. Right now we
know the day, because we have a night to compare it to. We are going to start understanding
things as simply frequency just as the Star Elders do. We will not limit anything by a
definition or a comparison anymore. Definitions limit and separate everything. If we define it,
we also limit it from evolving. Nothing stays the same, all creation is a continual evolution.
Now we are ending the limitation of the physical reality.

There is a harmonization beginning and profound peaceful neutrality in this Order of the
Unified Heart. Archangel Michael popped in, and now he has a joke. He says "No, you are the
order of the jungle cough." We all have the jungle cough, and that is breaking up the
blockages and things around our hearts. So maybe it is why Tarzan did this (Aluna beats her
chest) . . . to break apart the energy around our hearts. We are
coughing out things that we don't need anymore. We are
coughing out the blocks and the duality, so the only thing left
will be the unified heart. We are becoming one (when we got
home, we heard about what doctors are calling the 100 day

Well, this is interesting . . . it looks like the Star Elders have

decided to work on us. They are here with Lord Pacal, and
they are working to give us new skin. We are changing skin
and shedding the old skin like a serpent. Shedding of the old
skin is a completion of a cycle and the start of something new.

This is a time when the serpent catches his tail and consumes itself. When we get swallowed
up by the serpent, it means that we are awakened and reborn because the serpent digests all
the garbage in us, and the only thing left is the awakened kundalini, that we use for creating a
new world. There are many stone carvings in the Maya lands that show an awakening human
being coming out of the mouth of the serpent.

Enrique: "If you see on the facades of places along the south part of Campeche, and like in
Labna, they are the so-called monster facades. The entrance is like a mouth of a big serpent.
The jaws are above and below the doorway with the teeth showing, and are prepared to
receive the shaman or the priest to enter the spiritual world. You are eaten by the serpent. So
you literally, physically walk into the mouth of the snake . . . and remember, Palenque is the
house of the heaven serpent." Na Chan Kan. Na is the house, and Chan is the snake in the
local Mayan tongue from here."

So they are showing me that stone face that was supposed to give us a message. It feels like
he is drawing us to him. He is asking us to come along. He is a teacher, but he is also a way
shower, and he is going to help us create a new path. He is going to assist each one of us in
knowing the proper decision to make in each moment. As we create a new world, he will help
us make the right choices, because we are used to going backwards. The way things worked
before, won't work the same way now, because we are going in a different direction. We have
done a Zuvuya. We are now creating forward in the Order of the Unified Heart. This is a path
that we will not find with our head. It is a path that we will feel with our hearts. This Stone
Elder doesn't speak with his mouth. That is why we can't see his mouth. He sends messages
from his soul, and the eyes are the windows to the soul.

This Stone Elder is from the first people. I see Greek Gods, Atlantean, Egyptian and
Lemurian. It goes back to ages past that we don't have names for. This is an old being . . . a
very old one. It is like the gods that helped to create this Earth, and it is helping us create a
new one. His message goes right to our hearts, and our hearts will know the right steps to
take. Doors will open, and opportunities will arise. We will know which paths to pick,
because he will be assisting for a short while, not very long, but just while we are learning our
first few steps. We need to get used to the idea of creating forward. It is like training wheels
on our first new bike. Once we can navigate this new energy, this elder will fade away,
because this is our world to create. It is our new world. We are the ancestors of the future. We
are the ones that are setting the foundation stones for a brand-new world.

Now the Stone Elders face is morphing all over the place. He is shifting into different beings
that we have known through history. It is almost like an energy field that keeps things
evolving. This is the energy of evolution. We need to be able to step forward and consciously
create. We need this energy of a new evolution inside of us. He is asking if he can place this
new forward energy of evolution into our DNA. It is a cosmic and natural level of evolution.
So if you will, you can allow this process. Again . . . only do what feels right to you. This
Stone Elder is the archetype for the energy field, or model that maintains the energy of
evolution. We have been creating backwards for so long that we need to be reminded how to
create forward. He is beaming forward evolution out of his eyes toward us, so we can absorb
this wisdom. This is important, because in this shift of the ages, we are taking our physical
bodies with us. This energy of evolution of our soul will help us tolerate the new energy
physically while we are going forward.

Over the eons, we have been working on different ways to work and evolve the soul. In Peru,

they anchored their souls in the physical body. These are the living mummies of Peru. In
Egypt, they anchored souls in pyramids and magnetically sealed the chambers so the
knowledge would stay inside. There were also living mummies there, but they had to be
magnetically sealed, so their knowledge would not leave the planet, and so we could go back
in later and obtain that knowledge. Here, in the Maya lands, they anchored their souls in
stone. So we have learned a lot of different ways of working with the soul. The soul is who
we are. We are not our physical form that we see in the mirror. Yet, we want to keep the soul
in the body and evolve it forward during this shift of ages. This is why we are getting new
skin. The new skin is going to be a way to help us handle the vibrational shift of creating
forward instead of the more familiar backwards. We will be harmonized and unified so we can
do this. The ones that don't want to evolve will cross over the old-fashioned way, and come
back by reincarnating in the next age. Some people don't want to do this work. It is their
choice, and that is okay. There is no right or wrong way to do this. All are participating in this
new evolution if they know it or not.

We are the ancestors of the future. We are leaving a legacy for those that will follow us.
26,000 years from now, that which we anchor here in this new world is what future humanity
will be working with. It will be their foundation stone. So Archangel Michael popped in, and
he says "You know that sounds like a really big job, and that is a hell of a weight to put on
everybody's shoulders." But the Star Elders say…" it is NOT going to be a hard or heavy job,
because we are working from our hearts." We just need to stay in the heart, and it will unfold.
We are living in the flow of the universe that is already in us. We will be creating forward, and
forward is so much easier. It is like going downstream in a canoe with paddles, instead of
going upstream without a paddle. Life is now more in tune with the natural self. It is more in
tune with our soul. There is no resistance when you are in this flow.

There will be some adjustments because we are losing the ability to compare things to
understand them. Duality is fading. We are learning to understand things by frequency instead
of those things "written in stone". When we understand things by frequency, all is allowed to
evolve and grow. If we understand things by definition, we separate everything and limit their
evolution. We use to compare things to other things so we could understand. That is the only
way we could survive when we were creating backwards. Now that we are creating forward,
we are going to lose that ability to compare. So, we are slowly being schooled in learning how
to understand things by frequency only. Remember the outer world will still be creating
backward for a time. So don't be fooled by outer illusions. This is why the Stone Elders are
going to keep sending us that energy of the new evolution. This is why Pacal continues to fill
us with his unified heart energy because the first few steps in this forward motion could be
wobbly ones. We will just be in the world, and interact in the way we have been interacting
with each other here at this time. This new evolution is very contagious. Good energy is
always contagious. What we are taking back to the outer world is a virus; a very, very good
virus that will spread across the planet in a good way.

It WAS and IS our job as ancient star beings to help wake up this planet . . . bit by bit . . . we
populated it, we brought it back to life, and we raised its vibration. We came to help all life to
be in sync . . . like our hearts which are in sync. It is time to have our planet in sync with all
the other planets. This is why we have not been able to perceive life on other planets, because
we are just a little out of sync with the universe. It is my guesstimate that we are about 60
seconds a day out of sync with the universe. If the Earth slowed down its rotation, we would
sync up with the main cycle/calendar that goes through the entire universe. I don't know
where the brake pedal is for the Earth, but we are only off by about 60 seconds a day. We

won't have leap year when this happens, and we will be totally in sync with the sacred
calendar. Scientists know that the Earth is slowing down it rotation.

Group member Howard shares: My feeling is that whatever it did, it tilted the planet and that
took us from 360 days to 365 days a year.

Aluna: Yes there has been a couple of those wobbles. One of them was when the dinosaurs
were on the earth and a meteorite hit. It hit at an angle that sped the planet's rotation. At that
time, the Earth was like a skipping record, and everything evolved physically, but it didn't
evolve intellectually. At that time, the Earth had giant dinosaurs with a brain the size of a
walnut, but it didn't evolve. The Earth needed to speed up so there could be evolution. It is
difficult to explain, but this is based in Maya cosmology and too long to go into here.
BUT . . . what we are going to do NOW is to evolve the Earth WITHOUT these kinds of mass
catastrophes. We are going to harmonize the Earth and solar system with our unified
consciousness, because now we are awake enough to do so. We will not need catastrophe to
evolve further. Remember, the Earth is always going to change. There are always going to be
earthquakes, storms, volcanoes and those kinds of things. But we are NOT going to have mass
catastrophe. That is just catastrophobia that is based in our unconscious ego and just an echo
of history that does not have to repeat.

Our guide Enrique shares: So it will be a conscious change; not a change by default.

Aluna: Exactly. No more creating by default. We have been going against our own soul's flow,
and now that the Earth has flipped over, and I think that is what the whole thing in Yaxchillan
was about . . . the hourglass and the stars going through, and the ocean of creation. It is a
different kind of shift then we have ever experienced before. There have been a lot of dry runs
and practices and dress rehearsals. This one is the one that we go all the way. It is no dress
rehearsal. The Star Elders have already told me that we are going to be successful. So I don't
worry about the future no matter how scary the outer world looks. We are now initiated into
that which can evolve consciously and have the energy to do it.

This story links to something that I experienced in 1990 when I was here in Palenque and I
spent the night. They showed me the energy of evolution, and the history and the creative
force of the universe, but they would not let me touch it. They put the knowledge inside of
me, but they wouldn't let me use the energy. I think now we are getting a taste of being able to
use this energy now. We are actually being held responsible and accountable for using this
energy. Because how we use it is how we are going to create our life. So you see that each
day, the story unfolds bit by bit.

It is interesting that we are all starting to see the same things and at the same time now. I have
been hoping that we could do this, and we have been doing it a little bit by little bit. I know
we can all do it together, unified. Okay . . . they say "That's it." The Star Elders don't know
how to say "good-bye". They don't know how to end things gracefully. They just say "Okay,
enough." We are done. We are cooked. It is time to go home and spread the good virus of
forward evolution. :)

ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site
guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. She inspires and
encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God.
In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak) Clairvoyant, or seer of living

energy.Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the
condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is
distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339
USA Webpage:www.AlunaJoy.com
*** If you would like to comment on this article,
instead of writing an e-mail to us,
you can post at this link so EVERYONE can read it : )

The Love Avalanche!

Do you know how many people it would take sending unconditional love to humanity to open
and awaken the hearts of mankind . . . permanently? Well, we don't either! But we would
like to find out. :)

During this one hour global meditation/healing . . . *** Raphael, along with The Angelic
realms, will be transmitting healing energy. *** Aluna Joy will be calling on the Star Elders
and Ascended Masters, and they will send their clarifying energy/message to all those
participating. A transcribed message, of what messages Aluna receives during this one hour,
will be e-mailed the next day to all that signed up.

*** You will be receiving Unconditional Love from the Angelic Realms (and their healing
energy). We ask that you bask in this Love Energy and then with intent, forward it to who and
whatever you like . . . friends, family, loved ones, all countries, the oceans, and the entire
planet, etc...

Love can thaw the coldest of hearts!

One Hour - One Avalanche - for ONE people - ONE planet - ONE Unified Heart!

DATE: Valentine's Day, February 14th at 9AM MST (Mountain Standard Time)
If you would like to be included and participate in The Love Avalanche, please click on the
following link titled "Sign Up For The Love Avalance Here". Simple instructions will be
forwarded to you about one week before February 14th. Included with the instructions email
will also be a coupon code that you can use to receive 33% off of all of our Archangel
Essences, I AM Blessing Water Essences and Sacred Site Essences.
Sign Up For The Love Avalanche Here
Please pass this link on to others.
With Love and Bendiciones,
Aluna and Raphael


Birth Day Invocation ~ By Anrita
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 10:00pm

Birthday Invocation

You Tube http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

On this sacred earth day,

celebrating the day of my birth on earth,

I acknowledge my Self,

and wish my Self "Happy Birthday".

I now ask to be placed in a "Birthing Chamber of Light",

to consciously re-experience my physical birthing on earth.

I am now placed in a three-dimensional rectangular multi-colored grid of


Overlighted by my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High

that I personally acknowledge,

my master guides, my friends, family, star and Soul family of the Light.

And now, through the appropriate Planetary and Cosmic Configurations of


and surrounded by my family of the Light,

as well as the dolphins and whales,

Mother Earth, and my I Am Presence,

I re-experience this sacred birthday through steams of Divine Light,

in sonic vibrations of Light, color and vibrational frequencies,

bringing in the essence of Love, joy, and appreciation of my Self and my


knowing that I am here with a purpose and passion.

I now take on again these key codes of Light,

of potentiality, creativity, Self-appreciation and Self-Love,

and all other Divine qualities I wish to integrate in this Now,

anchoring and activating them through my body, energy field and


and now, into Mother Earth and the Unity Grid of Light.

I now merge with my I Am Presence, taking on the I Am Avatar Blueprint of


I recognize I am here to be of Service to all Life, in Love and joy,

abundance and harmony.

In this sacred space, I acknowledge I am connected to all Life, I am One

with all Life,

I am a sacred Master Being, a Divine loving Being, worthy of loving and

being loved.

I am unique and special,

with my gifts and puzzle pieces,

I manifest all that I need,

As a co-creator to the Company of Heaven,

And bring my creations into my reality in this Now,

As my birthday gift to my Self.

On this special day,

I truly acknowledge my preciousness,

and wish my Self, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

~ Credentials ~

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net

Production and Co-Creation Adi'El www.eshata.com

Music by Aeoliah www.aeoliah.com


WELCOME to Sacred Forms: What are

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 10:23pm

Hello all and welcome to Sacred Forms.

The birthing of this group is, well, sacred to me :-), and is here after much time, deliberation,
prayer~meditation and help from our Light Grid family; even coming up with the right name,
has been a process.

Thank you, SOnja, Arctorus, and all for your listening, support, guidance and mostly,
patience. For all, there is much gratitude here and I pray that it shall be reflected in our forum.

Sacred Forms, is mostly reflective of sacred geometry; it shall also include forms, pattern
science~Fractal Geometry, Bio-geometry, Higher Harmonics and other sciences/arts, which
are not typically thought of in fundamental sacred geometry, yet are interrelated. This broader
heading will allow us to explore relationships between multiple forms and the whole, as all of
creation (as creation potential) is sacred.

Sacred geometry does provide a rich, scientific, spiritual and well established base for a
platform and starting point.

The following information, is offers information on sacred geometry, and then some; read or
scan and let me know if you'd like an expansion on anything presented here.

Sacred Geometry and more


Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient
science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and
reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every
natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes.
As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully
patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes,
pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we

spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know
them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow
us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the
inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.

The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education
of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm
and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the “sacred” had particular significance
involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness ….. the ultimate sacred
wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the
experience of self-awareness.

The Platonic Solids

As far back as Greek Mystery schools 2500 years ago, we as a species were taught that there
are five perfect 3-dimensional forms -The tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron,
dodecahedron, and icosahedron. Collectively these are known as The Platonic Solids -- and
are the foundation of everything in the physical world. Modern scholars ridiculed this idea
until the 1980's, when Professor Robert Moon at the University of Chicago demonstrated that
the entire Periodic Table of Elements -- literally everything in the physical world -- is based
on these same five forms! In fact, throughout modern Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, the
sacred geometric patterns of creation are being rediscovered, but often without the greater
context of spiritual understanding which protects against their misuse. One of our intentions
with lightSource, is to provide a bridge to an intuitive spiritual understanding that is in
alignment with the appropriate use of this knowledge.

Sacred Geometry
Geometric shapes actually represent the manifest stages of 'becoming'. To see and work with
unity and wholeness in geometry can help abolish our false notion of separateness from nature
and from each other. Through Sacred Geometry we can discover the inherent proportion,
balance and harmony that exists in any situation, all manifest reality and even the
circumstances of our day-to-day life.

It was Marcel Proust who said, “ The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new
lands but seeing with new eyes.”

The Energy in Action

Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who introduced to Europe and popularized
the Hindu-Arabic number system (also called the decimal system). He contributed greatly to
number theory, and during his life published many important texts. He is also known for the
Fibonacci Series, a numerical series found frequently in the natural world.

The Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two numbers in the list together
to form the next and so on and so on.(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...). Divide any number in
the Fibonacci sequence by the one before it, for example 55/34, or 21/13, and the answer is
always close to 1.61803. This is known as the Golden Ratio.

One of the most profound and significant activities encompassed within sacred geometry and

lightSource is the 'Golden Mean Spiral', derived by using the 'Golden Ratio'.

The Golden Mean was used in the design of sacred buildings in ancient architecture to
produce spiritual energy that facilitated connectivity with spiritual realms through prayer. Our
reality is very structured, and indeed Life is even more structured. This is reflected though
Nature in the form of geometry. Geometry is the very basis of our reality, and hence we live in
a coherent world governed by unseen laws. These are always manifested in our world. The
Golden Mean governs the proportion of our world and it can be found even in the most
seemingly proportion-less (active) living forms.

Clear examples of Sacred Geometry (and Golden Mean geometry) in Nature and matter:

All types of crystals, natural and cultured.

The hexagonal geometry of snowflakes.
Creatures exhibiting logarithmic spiral patterns: e.g. snails and various shell fish.
Birds and flying insects, exhibiting clear Golden Mean proportions in bodies & wings.
The way in which lightning forms branches.
The way in which rivers branch.
The geometric molecular and atomic patterns that all solid metals exhibit.
The way in which a tree spans out so that all its branches receive sunlight
Another, perhaps less obvious but most significant example of this special ratio can be found
in Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) - the foundation and guiding mechanism of all living

The understanding of geometry as an underlying part of our existence is nothing new, and in
fact the Golden Mean and other forms of geometry can be seen imbedded in many of the
ancient monuments that still exist today. The Great Pyramid (the oldest of these structures) at
Giza is a good example of this. The height of this pyramid is in Phi ratio (e.g. the Golden
Mean Ratio) to its base. In fact, the geometry in this particular structure is far more accurate
than that found in any of today's modern buildings.

This explains why popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres
(e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a
synagogue). These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type
of penetrating carrier wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named negative green (which
acts as carrier-like radio waves that carry sound information). The vibrational quality of the
Golden Mean gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with
higher realms in prayer.

We live in the 3rd dimension, or the 'Plane of Manifestation'. The Golden Mean is an intra-
dimensional doorway though which matter emerges into manifest 3-D reality. For example,
when a star is born it follows specific number sequences or universal rules, the same rules of
life in the expansion process. Then we see the light!

Thus the Golden Mean is, considered by some, to be the "fingerprint" of creation. When we
re-create this moving and always expanding sequence, we have in effect - 'the exact
movement of creation in the expansion process'. When lightSource is playing, one is
encountering and literally being bathed in this 'Golden Ratio' creation activity...undeniably
one of the most harmonious, balancing experiences one can interact with.

The Magic of Geometry

Bio-Geometry is a science that deals with the effect of geometrical shapes on life functions
and the design of shapes that interact with earth's energy fields, to produce special pre-
calculated effects on biological systems.
It was developed by Dr lbraham F. Karim D.Sc. in Cairo, Egypt, who has been conducting
research in these disciplines since 1968. The tools necessary for the measurement of the
energy of geometrical shapes are based on the science of Microvibrational Physics, or
Physical Radiesthesia, as it was named by the French radiesthesists, Chaumery and De Belizal
around the years 1930-1940, (and later developed by Dr. Karim).

Research in Bio-Geometry was, and still is, mainly dedicated to the development of a new
form of architecture that would enhance the human biological system and give a new meaning
to the concept of Home.

To upgrade the energy quality of existing homes so as to cancel the potentially harmful effects
of unchecked energy fields due to the architectural design, furniture layout, electrical wiring
and modem appliances, specially designed decorative elements are strategically placed to
neutralize negative energy and add a positive quality to it.

Bio-Geometrical shapes, when designed or engraved on jewelry, have shown positive effects
on the body's energy field, and reduce the potential health hazards caused by cellular phones,
computers and other modern appliances.

In many ways the science and metaphysical discipline of Bio-Geometry provides one of the
underpinnings to support what many know today as Feng Shui.

Higher Harmonics Within The Golden Mean:

The Magic of Geometry and Light/Color

The understanding of geometry as an underlying part of our existence is nothing new and in
fact, the Golden Mean and other forms of geometry can be seen imbedded in many of the
ancient monuments that still exist today. The Great Pyramid at Giza (the oldest of these
structures) is an example of this. The height of this pyramid is in Phi ratio to its base. In fact,
the geometry in this particular structure is far more accurate than any found in today's modern

These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating
carrier wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named 'negative green', which acts as carrier-
like radio waves that carry sound information. The vibrational quality of the negative green
gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with higher realms
in prayer. This explains why popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and
hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church
or a synagogue).
A revival of the ancient design criteria, or canons, in moderm architecture was attempted by
the Swiss pioneer of the modem architecture Le Corbusier, with his "modular" system which
comprised two scales of dimensions based on the Golden Ratio. The Russian researcher,
Scariatin, who wrote under the pseudonym of Enel and published his first books on
radiesthesia in Egypt in the forties, was the first to discover that one aspect of the negative

green vibrational quality was an integral part of spiritual energy fields and increased with the
spiritual evolution of the person.

Inspired by Scariatin's work, Dr. lbraham F. Karim has done extensive research and found that
Bio-Geometrical shapes have three primary vibrational qualities: (1) negative green, (2) a
higher harmonic of ultra-violet, and (3) a higher harmonic of gold. Only shapes which
produce energy fields with all three components are Bio-Geometrical.

lightSource produces and emits all three components: negative green, a higher harmonic of
ultra-violet, and a higher harmonic of gold.

Negative green turned out to have other properties, however, which make it potentially very
harmful under certain circumstances of continuous exposure. Dr. Karim has done considerable
research into this type of energy, and the different components have been identified. The most
important component in spiritual energy fields is a specific type of the negative green. (This is
a vibrational quality that is in resonance with the grey between white and black). It is at the
core of all energy centres in the body and power spots in nature. Pyramids and hemispheres
produce this vibration along their central axis. In spiritual energy fields, however, only the
horizontal component of this energy is found. The vertical component, which is the harmful
part of this energy, is cancelled.

Within all the 13 sacred shapes of lightSource, only the horizontal component of negative
green is present when the shapes are active.

The second component is a higher harmonic of ultraviolet, an invisible light that is the
environment of angels and other light beings. It is a very purifying and relaxing vibration,
which balances overactive organ functions and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The higher harmonic of ultraviolet is present in all 13 shapes of lightSource when the shapes
are active.

The third component is a higher harmonic of gold, which, although on a much higher
vibrational plane, is in resonance with physical gold (it is depicted by the halos around the
heads of saints). It enhances wisdom and prosperity in a broad sense. On the physical level, it
has an energising effect that balances the body's immune system.

The higher harmonic of gold is present in all 13 shapes of lightSource when the shapes are

The Final Element …You!

You are the unexpected magical element and a very Sacred Form –the creative alchemist,
mixing geometries, palettes and sound with the surprising and ever revealing artistry of your
own consciousness. By trusting the “hidden reserves” of your own mind, emotions and soul to
creatively guide your experience here, you will receive that which is uniquely appropriate for
you at any given time.
Applications of these collective energy Sources

Catalyst for creativity in any medium. One that evokes an unlimited array of dynamic

interactions in the realm of movement, color, shape and sound.

Balancing and healing, with/in your environment:

Higher Harmonics in relation to light and music. Many anecdotal reports indicate that there is
a feeing of more balanced energies within the environment when light/energy Source is
playing. Much is being done in the realm of sound geometrics and frequency healing
(mantras, toning, Solfeggio sounds, M. Emoto-crystallization patterning and healing with
music/meditation/prayer, crystal/Tibetan bowl sounding patterns and more)

Kinetic art displayed on an interactive canvas to esthetically enliven our techno environments.

De-Stressing Tool When used as a simple meditation tool, lightSource can lower stress within
the viewer within minutes of encountering the program

Engaging screensaver that channels the pulse of Creation to enhance the energy and tone of
any environment.

Multi sensory explorations of the origins of manifest reality.

Shifting your personal frequency to create the reality you desire.

Vehicle for the kinesthetic experience of sound, music, pattern and color.

Fractal Geometry and Bio-geometry, pattern/wholeness study in therapeutic relationship to

emotional/spiritual/physical healing.



Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook, by Bruce Rawles (Elysian Publishing, Eagle Point,
Oregon. 1997). intent.com

A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature,

Art and Science—A Voyage from 1 to 10, by Michael S. Schneider (New York: Harper
Collins, 1994).

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: An edited transcript of the Flower of Life Workshop
presented live to Mother Earth from 1985 to 1994, Vol. I and Vol. II, by Drunvalo
Melchizedek, realized by Live Cherish. (Flagstaff: Light Technology Pub., 2000)

Sedona: Beyond the Vortex: The Ultimate Journey To Your Personal Place of Power, by
Richard Danneley Sedona, AZ: The Vortex Society, 1995 )

lightSource was independently verified by Dr. Robert J. Gilbert, scientist and author of:
The Seven Keys to Creation: Sacred Geometry and the Patterns of Life

Sacred Geometry and the Initiation Secrets of the Great Spiritual School

Egyptian and European Energy Work, Volume 1: Essential Knowledge

Egyptian and European Energy Work, Volume 2: Methods and Tools

Dr. Robert J. Gilbert has a multi-faceted background in both spiritual and scientific studies.
He is a former U.S. Marine Corps Instructor in Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Warfare
Survival; since leaving the service in 1985 he has conducted independent research into the
Geometric basis of modern science and new technologies. Dr. Gilbert is also a Rosicrucian
with more than 20 years of experience in Sacred Geometry and its hidden uses by the world's
great spiritual traditions. His non-sectarian approach is inclusive of individuals from all
spiritual traditions. Dr. Gilbert holds a Ph.D. in International Studies and is a published
academic author in that field, contributing to the first academic textbook in the new field of
Transformational Politics.

In 1997 Dr. Gilbert began for the first time to teach publicly the results of his two decades of
intensive research. Today he teaches both publicly and privately in Asheville, NC. Dr. Gilbert
also offers a small number of his VESICA series of special seminars throughout the United
States every year. His recent speaking engagements include the keynote address to the
American Society of Dowsers, guest speaker for the international Holographic Repatterning
Association conference, and the Labyrinth Society Meeting. Website: http://www.vesica.org/

Animated gifs of the Platonic Solids Copyright © 1999, 2000 by Rüdiger Appel


bir söz: "Dünyadaki her şeyin bir sebebi
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 11:17pm

bir söz: "Dünyadaki her şeyin bir sebebi vardır..."

Dünyadaki her şeyin bir sebebi vardır.
Her bitki bir hastalığı tedavi etmek için büyür.
Ve her insan bir görevle yaratılmıştır.



Kıskançlık Üzerine...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 11:19pm

Kıskançlık kıyaslamaktır. Ve bize kıyaslamak öğretilmiştir, biz kıyaslamak üzere

koşullandırılmışızd...ır, her zaman kıyaslamak. Başka birisinin daha iyi evi var, başka birisinin
daha güzel bir bedeni var, başka birisinin daha çok parası var, başka birisinin daha karizmatik
bir kişiliği var. Kıyasla, yanından geçen herkesle kendini kıyaslamaya devam et ve sonuç
büyük bir kıskançlık olacaktır; bu kıyaslama koşullanmasının bir yan ürünüdür.

Aksi takdirde, kıyaslamayı bırakırsan kıskançlık kaybolur. O zaman sen basitçe bilirsin ki sen
sensin ve sen başka kimse değilsin ve buna hiç gerek yok. Kendini ağaçlarla kıyaslamaman
iyidir yoksa çok kıskanabilirsin: Niçin sen yeşil değilsin? Kendini kuşlarla, nehirlerle,
dağlarla kıyaslamaman yararınadır yoksa acı çekeceksin. Sen sadece insanlarla kıyaslama
yaparsın çünkü sadece insanlarla kıyaslama yapmaya şartlandırıldın; tavus kuşlarıyla ve
papağanlarla kıyaslamazsın. Aksi takdirde kıskançlığın çok daha fazla artacaktır: Kıskançlıkla
o kadar dolu olacaksın ki yaşayamayacaksın bile.

Kıskançlık çok aptalca bir tavırdır,çünkü her kişi eşsizdir ve kıyas kabul etmez.
Bir kez sende bu anlayış yerleştiğinde kıskançlık kaybolur.
Her kişi eşsizdir ve kıyaslanamaz.
Sen sadece kendinsin:
Ve sen de hiç kimse gibi olmak zorunda değilsin.



Koşulsuz Kabul...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 11:21pm

Kim seni bütünüyle, koşulsuzca kabul ederse değişmeye başlarsın.

Onun kabulü sana böyle bir cesaret verir.

Olduğun gibi kabul edilmen seni bütünleştirir, seni kendine güvenli kılar,
seni kendin gibi hissettirir.
O zaman beklentileri yerine getirmene gerek yoktur, sen olabilirsin.
Bu yüzden sevgi bu kadar besleyicidir.
Seni basitçe, sırf sevgi uğruna seven bir erkek ya da kadın bulabildiğinde,
sevgi dönüştürür.
Ansızın tüm üzüntü kaybolur; yüreğinde bir dans, bir şarkı bulursun...

[ Osho ]


HEAVEN #3714 Beyond the Dream,
January 25, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 11:24pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3714 Beyond the Dream, January 25, 2011

God said:

Life seems as it seems, and yet nothing is as it seems. The ground you walk on is sturdy and
strong, and yet it is not really there. Your steps may be firm, and yet you are walking on
illusion. The idea that this life on Earth is a dream is accurate. There is a flip of a switch, and
you adhere to life on Earth. It becomes your domain, yet your dream is an extended dream, and
you play it out.

You are in a movie theater, and yet there is no theater to be in, and no movie. It is a pretend
movie that everyone seems to exist in. There are colors and heroes and mad dancing and music
so exquisite that you are transformed. The seeming you, the modified you, is transformed. From
great energy, from great love, the music of the spheres is heard, and it is held in your heart, and
it is held as a reminder of from whence you came, and where you actually are now.

Everyone sees you as a body standing or sitting there, and yet the body is made-up fiction, and
there is, in truth, no one there to see your body so heartily believed in. This is the way of life. It
is a made-up journey told at great length. It is a haunted house, and it is a princely kingdom, and
it is nothing at all.

Until you wake, you believe the dream you only dream. Of course, you do. Dream on, beloveds.
Cavort in this lingering dream. Soon you will wake up to that which seems like only a dream to
you right now. Even though your finger can bleed, even though everyone believes in what they
see, there is a greater dimension not yet seen, heard about yet not fully known or realized at all,
yet is hinted at and circled around.

And yet the dawn of Truth will arise, and you will rise with this dawn. You will rise to your full
stature which is not pie in the sky but the very foundation of the dream you dream. You are a
soul walking around on Earth, and you know it not. You would like to know it, yet you know it
not. You crave this full state of Being, and yet it seems like the dream to you. The dreamer

The dreamer wanders alone in his dream. He believes utterly in his dream. He believes more in

what is not than he believes in what is. This is a fine kettle of fish, isn’t it?

Even so, you are growing beyond the borders of your dream. And, even as you do not grasp the
Truth of it, underlying all the illusion, you do know. You see the frame and believe in the frame
more than the true picture within it, and, yet, and yet, you know more than you let yourself
know. You know there is something incredible that is almost too much to ask for, and yet you
live this deeply incredible state. You don’t know it. You don’t really accept it, and, yet, at the
same time you are awake. Truth and fiction are going on at the same time. You can’t get away
from the Truth. The boundless Truth is where you are at, and yet you give credence to the dream
and have not yet awakened to Reality. You are in Truth, and yet you believe the dream is the
truth even when you have an idea that it is not.

Could We even talk about Truth unless you had some realization of what is beyond the dream?
What would We be talking about if Truth were not in your sight?

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Master Kuthumi and Ganesh Through
Natalie Glasson The Period of
Preparation for Transformation
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 12:00am

Master Kuthumi and Ganesh


Natalie Glasson

The Period of Preparation for Transformation

We, Master Kuthumi and Ganesh draw close to those now who are focused and determined in
achieving their goals of mastery. The time that lies before us is a period of preparation for all
those who wish to rise to a new level of consciousness and awareness. It is a time when all the
lessons that you have experienced and achieved can be collected, viewed and integrated with
your being. Lessons and reoccurring patterns in your life must now be submerged with light
to break away from the old energies and anchor the new abundant and loving energies of
2009. From 8th August 2008, higher vibrations will be pouring into the Earth, into those who
invoke and anchor its energies. This will instigate a boost of vibration and light quotient for
many allowing them to tie up lose ends in their lives and realities, mastering many aspect of
their beings and personalities in order to obtain a new level of consciousness. The energy
entering the Earth with such force and vigor is the golden light of the Christ Consciousness; it
endeavors to anchor and manifest love onto the Earth through the souls and energy systems of

Ganesh and I have come to make many aware of this stage of preparation that will soon be
developing; we wish to make you aware of your mission while offering you valuable

guidance. This period of time has been planned for sometime by the inner planes of the spirit
world and many of your guides have been directing you to achieve a certain level of
awareness and consciousness in order to be ready for the wonderful challenge ahead. It is a
challenge to humanity to gain and anchor the Christ Consciousness and their Ascended Master
Consciousness into their beings.

Love needs to be anchored constantly into your being in order to release old energy patterns
and the negativity of the past. Love must be anchored and integrated with the mind so that
positive thoughts flourish and negative thoughts of doubt, fear and poverty may be eliminated
eternally from the mindsets of many. Love is the key to all periods of transformation, as you
integrate the Christ Consciousness which essentially is love into your being, you will manifest
a reality of love for you to exist within. This will allow you to constantly experience the
powerful influences of pure abundance in your spiritual and physical lives on the Earth. The
energy of abundance and peace will be the final result of this transformational period if all
focus on mastering their minds and anchoring the Christ Consciousness into every aspect of
their being. Abundance, peace and love will develop from within each soul. As courageous
souls share their light with others these divine qualities will seep across the world.

This may sound like a difficult task but I assure you that it is achievable. If you place your
determination and concentration on achieving this goal set by the Creator to raise the energy
vibration of humanity as a group consciousness, you will be submerged with support,
guidance and light to ensure your safe passage to a new level of consciousness with ease.

During meditation invoke the Christ Consciousness to anchor and integrate into your being,
descending into your crown chakra at the top of your head. Focus on the light melting into
your mind. You can ask for your mind to be reprogrammed with positive thought forms and
beliefs. You can also affirm positive statements about yourself and your desires to ensure they
manifest into your reality. Manifesting with the mind is one of the challenges of this period of

Imagine the golden light integrating into your soul and descending down through your
chakras into the Earth. As you emanate your soul light you allow the golden light of the Christ
Consciousness to expand and melt into your aura. The Christ Consciousness begins to
shimmer as it unites with your energy field. This shimmering works as an activation,
stimulating the higher frequencies and energy vibrations of your aura and soul to come to the
forefront, manifesting into your reality.

Allow yourself to take advantage of the vast amounts of new energies being poured into the
Earth and humanity. Allow yourself to anchor these energies into your being. The energy will
assist you in mastering your mind, producing positive thought forms and expressing the love
of your soul to many across the world.

Allow love to be your focus and you will reap the rewards of mastery abundantly. Effort must
be put into motion now but the short period of focus will manifest a greater loving and
prosperous life in all ways for yourself. Don't be taunted by the term 'mastery' we only expect
you to rise to a new awareness gaining the next step of your journey of mastery on the Earth.
Mastery develops over time so don't doubt yourself but allow yourself to easily access a new
level of vibration, frequency and awareness, integrating it into your being.

With blessings and love,

You may invoke us to assist you in this process.

Master Kuthumi and Ganesh


Lord Krishna Through Natalie Glasson

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 12:09am

Lord Krishna Through Natalie Glasson

I honour the divine within you,

I am Krishna, I am Krishna, I am Krishna.

I am a manifestation of the Creator. I embody the Creator in my heart, soul and


I am the sun that shines so brightly onto your face. I am the sky, the wind and the
stars. I am the water, the land and soil. I am the Earth in all its bounty and beauty. I am the
love, peace and harmony that exists on the Earth and in the Creator's spiritual world. I am
your soul in manifestation on the Earth. I am your movements when you dance, the noises of
joy when you laugh and the ecstasy of your jubilations. I am your kind thoughts, your loving
actions and your devotion to the Creator in its purity. I am one with you, we exist as a whole.
Nothing can separate our union for we are united in the name, soul and light of the Creator.

My dear sweet children of the Light, I am integrated and united with every aspect
of the Creator's kingdom, this is not because I am an ascended master but because I am my
truth, in complete existence. You are united and integrated with every aspect of the Creator's
soul and universe, you are simply unable to comprehend this yet but a time will come when
you will experience the love of every other aspect of the Creator's soul pour into your being
and you will be in bliss.

Existing within your human body is almost similar to living within a cage; you are
unable to escape while consciously awake. You are able to feel a connecting with others and
to integrate your energy with the Creator soul, but there is an aspect of your being that is
separated from the Creator due to your physical body. This is not a hindrance; it is a precious
and valuable experience that allows you to focus on the divine contained within your physical
body, discovering, analysis and honouring your inner energy, until it is such a major influence
in your life.

My dear children value every moment of your time within a physical body,
integrate your divine soul and sacred energies into your physical body as this is your true
purpose on the Earth. It is the purpose of the separation created by the physical body. You
must love yourself in order to eliminate these boundaries. As you open to the energy of your
soul and embody love the restrictions of your physical body will disperse. This doesn't mean
that your body will disappear but that it will rise in energy vibration, allowing you to exist
with greater integration and vastness in a physical body. When you connect with your inner
divine energies you are able to reach out and share your love and light with those around you,
increasing your expansive energy and unity of your light with other aspects of the Creator's
light. With this progression you will gradually learn to become integrated with every aspect of
the Creator's soul, becoming the Creator and the beauty of the mighty soul of the Creator on
the Earth and throughout the universe.

Integration is to ascend and to become enlightened. When you expand your soul
and integrate it with the aspects of the Creator's soul you become sensitive and aware of
everything that occurs on the Earth and the inner planes. Your awareness and sensitivity
expand to all across the Earth because you are integrated with all. You are able to assist and
guide many from the spiritual planes because you are an aspect of every soul incarnation on
the Earth and in existence on the spiritual planes. This, my dear children is the way that we
are able to be by your side each and every day guiding you forth. We are ascended masters,
divine light beings of the Creator and an aspect of your soul. When you invoke our guidance
and advice we are able to assist you with ease. Time and your physical body are your only

restrictions on the Earth, but they aid you in discovering the sacred jewel and golden droplet
of enlightenment that you are. Once this is understood then you are able to accept yourself as
a vast and expansive energy of the Creator that is integrated with every living soul not just on
the Earth but in spirit form as well.

This comprehension allows you to realise that there is an aspect of your soul within
every person that you meet and greet. You are one with the Earth and the universe. You are the
Creator in manifestation on the Earth, and let it be.

I share with you the bounty of love that stems from my soul. I honour the divine
within you; I respect and love you unconditionally. May you now honour the divine within
your soul and love yourself unconditionally.

Allow the waves of Krishna's energy to immerse your being.

I am Krishna


The Fairy Kingdom Through Natalie
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 12:11am

It gives us great pleasure to be allocated this time and space tocommunicate with you and to
share our message of wisdom. Our message today we believe is vitally important for the
wellbeing of humanity and Mother Earth, to enhance the harmony between each existence.
We hope that you will share our message with your loved ones and friends so that we on the
Earth can unite and gradually aid the raise in consciousness of humanity.

We are beings of light known as the fairies; we speak to you now as one vast community of
light from the fairy kingdom on the inner planes. We are the carers of the Earth, nature world
and of course the souls in manifestation as humans and animal. We are your protectors and
guardians. Each of you have at least one fairy guiding you on the Earth, it is the mission of
your fairy guide to assist you in reconnecting and integrating with Mother Earth and the
nature world, through this bond enlightenment and comprehension will be discovered. We
hope that you will open your hearts and souls to the fairy kingdom and your fairy guides, as it
is this link and connection among many others that will assist in restoring harmony, peace and
love on the Earth.

As fairies our entire being is composed oflove, the energy of the Creator flows through our
beings constantly. We act out the will of the Creator to assist souls in manifestation in growing
and understanding their reality, lessons and why they are present on the Earth. All these goals
can be achieved by humans when they reconnect with the fairy kingdom and nature world,
most importantly accept their body as a loving creation of the Creator's mighty soul.

Love is a pure energy that exists within the soul of the Creator but is present within every
living or vibrating energy on the Earth. When we learn to love ourselves unconditionally we
accept the divine energy within our beings. We learn to respect ourselves as more than we can
currently see or understand ourselves to be on the Earth. Acceptance doesn't connect with the
ego, believing that it is better than others because its body is a pure manifestation of love. It is
simply a realisation of the truth within. When we learn to love ourselves we learn to honour
and respect ourselves, our actions and the people or animals who also live on the Earth.
Respecting yourself and others is the issue that we wished to bring to your attention. Respect
stems from love and devotion for one's soul and the Creator. It is the quality of respect that is
missing in the lives of many on the Earth, once this quality is adopted then it will cause a
great raise in energy vibration and consciousness that would benefit all on the Earth.

We fairies love ourselves unconditionally and respect the divine energies, abilities and power
of our souls. We respect the Earth as a sacred jewel and Mother Earth as a wise and holy
goddess. We devote our time and energy to the will of the Creator, knowing and trusting that
we are working to enhance the learning of many.

We respect the sun for the light that is shared, the moon for its glowing presence in the black
night. We honour the wind, the rain, all forms of elements and weather. We understand that
when we honour and respect these qualities which are again manifestations of the Creator's
soul we restore balance in the climate and weather across the entire world. We respect the soil

because we appreciate that love flows through each granule and know that it offers us a
natural and safe haven to live on, to build homes, families and a sacred reality for learning.
Soil is like golden dust and it assists the nature land in thriving abundantly. We ask the
humans to learn to respect the gifts that the Earth has to offer. The nature world and animals
are so precious, there are so many things, beings and experiences on the Earth that you can be
thankful for, honouring Mother Earth and the Creator with your prayers of blessings and
thanks. Our dear human friends, by simply learning to be thankful for your reality on the
Earth and to honour the divine that exists within every living creature, person or vibration of
light, you will restore the natural balance of the Earth. Many negative situations are being
caused by human's disrespect for the Earth and each other. When we honour the divine within
our souls we will discover that the same divine energy exists within every manifestation on
the Earth. We will learn to honour, love and respect in a way that has never been experienced
before on the Earth. This is the will of the Creator. Be thankful for what you have now and
you will attract abundance in many forms into your life. Honour and respect the nature world
and its many kingdoms and you will gain the trust of Mother Earth and us the fairy kingdom,
allowing us to work in harmony and love together.

We hope that you will accept, honour and respect our message today, we love you
unconditionally and will never judge you.

We are united, integrated and exist as one with you,

The Fairy Kingdom


The Melchizedek Disciples Through Natalie

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 12:13am

The Melchizedek Disciples


Natalie Glasson

From a universal level a beam of platinum and golden energy descends onto the Earth, the
source of this energy blazes brightly into the sky as its rays touch the Earth like the sun
watching over theplanet. From this luminous light the Melchizedek Disciples emerge as many
light bodies working and existing in unity, they spread their light body arms wide in a gesture
of warmth and acceptance of us and our mission on the Earth. From their hearts purity is
formed, from their minds a great intellect emanates and from their bodies the will of the

Creator is evident. They stand as figures of enlightenment, love and devotion to the Creator's
mighty soul. Through their ambiance they state that we can become and are one with them.
They send us the will and determination to follow our spiritual paths, they give us the heart of
the Creator to love all with and they give us the intellect of the Creator so we may discard
negative limitations and free our being to understand the truth while on the Earth. Their
energy is of a high vibration and they exist at a cosmic level assisting Lord Melchizedek with
his role as universal logos. They are the equivalent to the Buddhas who assist Lord Buddha
with his role of planetary logos.

The Melchizedek Disciples, allow you to invoke their energy and assistance in your life, there
are thousands of them, many are extremely evolved ascended masters that hold the high
vibrational presence of the Creator within their energy beings, they are simply comprised of
light and it is their purpose to share this abundance of light with every soul who invokes their
energy as well as amplifying the energy and work of Lord Melchizedek. There is only need
for you to call on their energy and assistance once or twice (at the most) a day as their energy
is of a high frequency which will give you a tremendous lift, abuse of this energy can harm
the physical body and cause these divine beings to believe they are disrespected. They honour
and assist very person on the Earth and will never fail to help us but we must be respectful for
not just their energy but our own physical bodies.

It is not the purpose of the Melchizedek Disciples to assist us with physical problems but with
the acceleration and advancement of our light bodies. You can ask the Melchizedek Disciples
to place light packets or orbs filled with comic energy into your aura. The light of this orb will
slowly melt into your being throughout your day and will continue while you sleep. With
these high vibrational beings there is only need to ask once.

It is possible to ask the Melchizedek Disciples to shower their light onto and into your being
while meditating, you may only be able to accept their energy for a few minutes but it will
have a transformational affect on your being on an unseen level.

You can ask the Melchizedek Disciples to place a small orb of their platinum and golden
energy into your mind to eliminate confusion, enhancing clarity and clear vision of the mind
and third eye.

Finally you can ask the Melchizedek Disciples to anchor the platinum and golden energy of
the comic level into your being, this can be achieved by asking and then sitting peacefully
receptive to their energy, again ten minutes is sufficient to anchor and experience the intensity
of their powerful energy.

The Melchizedek Disciples offer us these gifts under the condition that we will respect their
intense energy and respect our own physical bodies. The Melchizedek Disciples ask that you
use one gift a dayso that they can focus their energy and work with you on the spiritual
evolvement techniques that you have requested. While we are in the habit of constantly
invoking the energy and light of many ascended masters on the spiritual planes, the
Melchizedek Disciples ask you to use their techniques and gifts as a booster to the energy that
you already receive from the other masters and not use it as a main source of your energy.
They also ask you to connect with your soul to understand whether it is appropriate for you to
work with these divine beings at your current spiritual growth process and level.

Although the Melchizedek Disciples have been serious in their instructions a wealth of love
and devotion towards the people on the Earth flows continuously from their souls, which is
unmistakable from the pool of truth within the source of the Creator. They ask us to invoke
their loving presence and techniques wisely guided by our souls and spiritual guides.

Melchizedek Disciples


Archangel Michael and Lady Mary
Through Natalie Glasson
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 12:15am

The energies of Archangel Michael and Lady Mary descend onto the Earth and into the hearts
of those who are receptive and open to the energies of the Creator. Archangel Michael and
Lady Mary unite energies today so that they may bring this special message to humankind on
the Earth.

At this stage of the Earth's spiritual evolvement we stand as beacons of the Creator's light,
emanating our scared and loving energies into the Earth. We visualise the Earth as a small
green and blue jewel of light that we can hold in the palms of our hands. We unite our hands
and channel the energy of our souls through our palms and into the Earth jewel. Our
combined energy sends a blaze of light through the Earth jewel and into its magnificent aura.
We channel the love and light of the Creator into the Earth and direct it into all who are
receptive to our energies.

As light workers on the Earth you may join us in emanating light into the Earth and its
inhabitants. Simply meditate, invoke our energies and ask to stand beside us as a beacon of
light with the ability to channel your magnificent energy and light into the Earth or the Earth
jewel that will be placed into your hands. During this practice you may visualise the Earth
receiving healing and immense light, as our light wraps around the Earth jewel like a soft
loving silk blanket filled with the purity of the Creator. You may also visualise your energies
integrating with our presence and soul light as you stand between us with your hands united
with ours holding the Earth jewel. This will deepen your connection on the Earth with us on
the inner planes.

Alternatively you can meditate and ask to access the light that is beaming forth from our souls
into the Earth. You may simply ask us to channel and anchor our energies into your being.

The purpose of this special anchoring of our light and energy into the Earth and your being is
to accelerate all receptive beings to achieve the next stage or level of consciousness. We sense
that many of you are feeling stagnate in your spiritual evolution and wish to offer you a
helping hand to gather speed forth. Every person on the Earth exists at a certain level or
process of growth; there are many levels of spiritual vibration, awareness and education to
achieve while on the Earth. As humans and light workers you can use our energies to assist
you in achieving and attaining the next level of consciousness that is available to you. Our
energies will boost your energy vibration, directing you to achieve the lessons of your near
future with greater clarity and understanding. You may obtain the next level of your growth
allowing you to accelerate forward beyond your current limitations. As humans you are
always striving to achieve spiritual goals, this is a process of your education, we wish you to
access our energies to help you to accomplish your next spiritual goal, whatever level you are
vibrating at. We offer our energies and light, as encouragement, support and nourishment to

aid integration. This is a gift and energy boost that we feel is most certainly needed on the
Earth. When accessing our energies they will aid you in removing any blockages or obstacles
from your life, helping you to move forth with confidence and certainty to achieve a greater
spiritual awareness than you have previously gained or existed with on the Earth during your
current lifetime. Our gift of these divine energies is to anchor greater love into your being and
to allow you to achieve greater vibrations, illumination or enlightenment. If you feel stuck, in
need of assistance, clarity or advice, it is our combined energies that you may invoke and
anchor into your being.

We, Archangel Michael and Lady Mary channel a glorious light into the Earth and its
inhabitants that is of a soft blue, green and pink colour. I Archangel Michael will aid your
protection and offer spiritual guidance. I Lady Mary will pour the purest love into your soul,
heart and being to aid your spiritual evolution and acceptance of the Creator's energy within
your being.

We wish you to understand that we are united in a love and devotion to the Earth and the
Creator's soul extensions. We wish to aid you in every way we can but ask you to connect and
to invoke our energies to surround you, asking us to integrate the love that we share with the
entire world into your being and reality.

Meditate with us and help us to channel the energy of the Creator into the Earth to raise the
energy vibrations and consciousness of the Earth. Integrate with our energies and we will
boost your energy vibration and consciousness allowing you to access a greater level of

The energy and love of Archangel Michael and Lady Mary surrounds you now.

With the deepest of love from the core of our souls,

Archangel Michael and Lady Mary

You are automatically subscribed to Natalie Glasson's FREE Channelled Weekly Messages
from Wisdom of the Light and the Sacred School of Om Na. Natalie wishes to share the
wisdom she receives through her channel from numerous light beings, guides, Angels,
Ascended Masters, Goddesses, Fairies and Unicorns with you each week, to aid your spiritual


Koşulsuz Sevmek
 Posted by savas bolukbas on January 26, 2011 at 1:10am

Koşulsuz sevmek insanları doğayı hayvalnları biliyorum şuan bu yazıyı okuyan her insan
gerçekten herşeyi sevdiklerini söyleyeceklerdir şöyle biraz düşünün hiçmi eksik yön yok
sevgimizde ben çok eksiklikler var herşey çok güzel herşeyi seviyoruz ama egomuz nediyor
dünya düzeni ve maddiyat işe karıştığında biraz olsun sanırım geride kalıyor çok basit örnek
cebinizde sadece otobüs paranız olsun evinize diyelim 1 saat yürümek zorundasınız hava
yağmurlu ve soğuk ve karşınıza biden bire bir eli ayağı tutan yetişkin insan çıkıyor ve sizden
otobüs parası istiyor sizde vermiyorsunuz tabi o anda devreye ego giriyor içinizden şu geçiyor
aman gencecik adam yürüsün ben işten yeni çıktım yorgunum değilmi nerde koşulsuz
insaniyet yaradan insanları herzman test eder ama bizler pekde göremeyiz sadece bu yazıyı
okuyan insan lar bir günde 2 kişiye buşekiide iyilik yapsa inanın bana devamı gelir karşılık ve
menfaat beklemeden ve hiç yargılamadan yapılan iyilik sevgidir huzurdur mutluluktur ve
şuana kadar gördüğüm kadarıyla bir çok sitede kimse kimseye karşılıksız tek bilgi vermiyor
yardım etmiyor dostlarım kimse kusura bakmasın ama hiç kimse kendine bakmıyor her insan
gibi bizlerde suçu herzaman başkalarında arıyoruz hepimiz gerçek ten arınmalıyız bende dahil
yaradana koşulsuz şükran duyalım mesela şu işim olsun şukadar para vereceğim fakire yada
bir kurban keseceğim falan filan lütfen yardımlarımızı herzamn yapalım dileklerimizi
yaradana içten ve asla koşulsuz dileyelim inanın en iyisi bizim için gerçek olacaktır kouşul
sevmek bence budur seni sevmeyenide içtende olsa sevmek unutmayın ne ekerseniz herzman
onu biçersiniz sevgi eken yıllar sonra mutluluk ve huzur biçer hepiniz sağlıcakla ve sevgi ile
kalın .......


Kalp Çakrası - Master Jesus

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 26, 2011 at 3:53am

Kalp Çakrası
Master Jesus
Natalie Glasson Kanallığıyla

Benim Sevgili Kutsal ve İlahi Kız ve Erkek Kardeşlerim,

Br kez daha sevgi dolu bir kalbi sizlerle paylaşmak, ruhsal uyanışınıza ilham kaynağı olsun
diye aydınlanma ifadelerimi size bahşetmek için geliyorum. Sizi varlığımdaki sevginin her bir
vechesi ve enerjisi ile onurlandırıyorum. Bu, Yaratıcı’nın gerçeğini konuşmak ve sizin
enerjinizle bağlantı kurmak onurların en derinidir. Gerçek şu ki, sizin uyanmış ve benim
farkımda olmanız muhteşemdir, gerçek bir kutsamadır. Dünyadaki insanlar bile, diğerleriyle
kendi gerçekleri hakkında konuşma şansına eremezken, ışığın iki ayrı titreşiminde yer alsak
da sizinle bağlantı kurabilmek büyük bir onurdur. Bu ayrı olduğumuz anlamına gelmez, her
zaman tek bir enerji, Yaratıcı’nın tek bir vechesiyiz ve bu sahnede tahmin edemeyeceğiniz
kadar birbirimize bağlıyız.
Bir önceki iletişimimde, Yaratıcı’nın sizlere koşulsuz ve sonsuz sevgi gibi ebedi bir hediyeyi
bahşetmiş olduğu için ne kadar değerli varlıklar olduğunuzdan söz etmiştim.
Yaratıcı’nın kudretli sevgisi asla sizden geri alınamaz, o; deneyimlemek, takdir etmek ifade
etmek ve beslemek üzere sizindir. Bu sonsuz hediye, şu anda bu Dünya’da var olan, ruhsal
anlamda uyanmış ya da uykuda olan herkese bahşedilmiştir. Yaratıcının bu sonsuz hediyesi
olan koşulsuz sevgiyi kabul etmenin en basit yolu ilk önce kendinizi koşulsuzca sevmek ve
Yaratıcı'nın iradesine teslim olmak, Yaratıcı’nın koşulsuz sevgisini kabul etmeye
odaklanmaktır. Eğer Yaratıcı’nın koşulsuz sevgisini meditasyonlarınız sırasında deneyimleme
şansına eriyorsanız ve Dünya’da yolunuzda ilerliyorsanız, başka hiçbir şeye ihtiyacınız
olmadığını farkedeceksiniz. Yaratıcı’nın sizi hazinelendirdiği sonsuz hediyeyi kabul etmekle
Yaratıcı’nın, size mükemmel anlamda rehberlik etmesine ve korumasına izin veriyorsunuz,
böylelikle sadece tüm acılarınızdan arınmakla kalmayacak, yaratma yeteneğinizde ve
realitenizde de büyük bir özgürlük hissi edineceksiniz. Bunu her zaman hatırlayın; sizler
Yaratıcı’nın koşulsuz sevgisi ile donatıldınız, bu yüzden korkuya yer yok.
Yaratıcı’nın koşulsuz sevgisini kabul ettiğinizde, bu doğal yollarla ruhunuzu besler, yaratıcı
fiziksel bedeniniz içinde şekillenir. Ruhunuz zaten kendi özü ve gerçeği olan koşulsuz
sevginin zenginliğini taşıyor. Ruhunuz sizin (fiziksel bedeniniz, kimliğiniz, duygu ve
zihniniz) koşulsuz sevgide yıkanmanızı istiyor. Ben “koşulsuz sevgi” diyorum, çünkü bir
çoğunuz aşina olduğunuz ruhunuz ve varlığınızın vechesini birbirinden ayrı zannediyorsunuz,
ama bu bir illüzyon. Varlığınınzın her bir vechesi, bir olarak birbirine bağlıdır, öyleyse siz ve
ruhunuz arasındaki akışı durduran, araya bariyerler koyan nedir? Töz mü? Ya da Yaratıcı? Hiç
bir şey... Tek gerçek sevgi’dir, sevgi sonsuzca akar, sürekli bağlar ve bağlantılar kurar. Hayal
edin, bir insanın bir toplantıda arkadaşlarıyla konuşurken derin bir sevgi, neşe ve mutluluk
yaydığını hayal edin. Diğerleri insanı büyüleyen sevgi enerjisi yüzünden bir mıknatıs gibi ona
çekilirler. Bu sevgi’nin her şeyi tamamladığını gösterir. Eğer sevgiye dolu olursanız
çevrenizdekiler ve Yaratıcı ile olan doğal bağlantınız çoğalır ve fazlasıyla tezahür eder.
Ruhunuz doğal olarak sevgi ile doludur. Saf ve paylaşılması kolay bir sevgi enerjisi ile.
Çünkü o sürekli olarak ruhunuz tarafından üretilmektedir, ruhunuzun niyetleri ve hizası
doğrultusunda... Yaratıcı’dan sonsuz hediyenizi kabul ettiğinizde, aslında ruhunuzun da “bir”
ya da ruh grubunuz olarak, size koşulsuz sevgi hediye ettiğini anlarsınız. Bunu anladığınızda,
karşılaştığınız her insanın, bu dünya üzerinde yaşayan her insanın size vermeyi ve paylaşmayı
arzulayacak sonsuz bir hediyeye sahip olduğunu farkedersiniz. Bir dakikalığına bunun
üzerinde düşünün, ne güzeldir herkesin size hediye olarak sevgi vermek istemesi ve sizin de
onlara aynı şekilde karşılık vermek istemeniz... Bu elbette, herkesin ruhundan gelendir,
kişilik, ilahi hakkınız olan bu hediyeden habersizdir. Bu yükseliş sürecinde gereklidir,
yükseliş sürecinin sonucu, herkes sonsuz hediyesini varlıklarının her düzeyinde farkeder.
Hepimiz koşulşuzca sevilmenin sonsuz hediyesini alabildiğimiz için ne kadar şanslıyız...
Kalp çakrası sevgiyi tamamiyle ve genişleyerek ifade edebilen varlığınızın esas vechesidir.
Kutsal odası içinde sevgi bereketini saklayacak, bu sevgiyi tüm insanlığa ya da tek bir insana
yayabilecek güce sahiptir. Çok da narindir kalp çakrası, acıyı, olumsuzluğu, ıstırabı da kabul
eder, tutunur da; eğer emir verirseniz... Olur bu çoğu kez... Bir çok yolla, çocukluktan kalma

alışkanlıkla, insan duyguları kalp çakrasına bağlıdır. O kadar duyarlıdır ki, dehşetli acı ve
işkenceye yenik düşer. Sevgiyi kolaylıkla ifade eder, ama bu olumsuzluğu da hemen kabul
edebileceğinin resmidir. Çoğu insan, kalp çakraları yoluyla diğerlerinin sebep olduğuna
inanarak, ıstırabı muhafaza eder. Eğer kalp çakranın sizin hazine sandığınız olduğunu hayal
edersek, ve sizin için değerli olan herşeyin orada saklandığını; ve siz de kendinizi acı ve
olumsuz deneyimlerin sizin için değerli olduğuna inandırdıysanız, tüm bunları kalp çakranıza,
yani hazine sandığınıza koyardınız. Tabii ki olumsuz deneyimler bizim büyümemize ve
gelişmemize neden olurlar, gerçeklik algısının dersleridir onlar; ama onlara tutunmamız
anlamına gelmez... Acı, kalp çakrasında muhafaza edildiğinde, çakranın titreşimi durgunlaşır,
düşer, ve sonunda kapanarak korunmaya alınır, çünkü daha fazla acı çekmek istemez. Kalp
çakrası kapandığında, kişinin kendisini koşulsuzca sevmesi, diğerlerine sevgi duyması,
ruhunun özünü ifade etmesi çok zorlaşır. Yaratıcının sonsuz hediyesi kalp çakralarında acıya
tutunanlar için ulaşılamaz bir realite haline gelir, ve ruh ile gerçeklik arasına ayrılık girer.
Ruhunuz, kalp çakranızın durumundan haberdar olsa da; Dünya üzerinde özgür seçime sahip
olduğunuzdan, yardımcı olma şansına sahip değildir, almadan önce istemeyi bilmelisiniz. Ona
tutunan gölgeler yüzünden kalp kapanmaya başladığında, bir başkasının sizi kontrol etmesi ya
da kötüye kullanımı, değersizlik ve önemsizlik duygusu gibi, sevgi eksikliğinden kaynaklanan
deneyimler başlayacaktır. Ruhun isteyip de yardım edememesi yüzünden illüzyonlar devreye
girer, zihin ve ego güçlenmeye başlayacaktır.
Bu durumun üstesinden gelmek için, ruhunuz ve rehberlerinizden kalp çakranız üzerinde
çalışmasını istemeniz gerekecektir. Olumsuzluğu çözmek ve sevgiyle yeniden doldurmak
için... Bir de neden kalp çakranızda acıya tutunduğunuzu anlamanıza gereksinim vardır.
Unutmayın; olumsuzluğa tutunan kalp çakranız değil, zihin ve kişilik olarak siz kalp
çakranıza acı çektirmektesiniz. Neden kendinizin acı çekmesini istiyorsunuz? Acı yı hak mı
ediyorsunuz? Kendinize bu soruları sormak, kendinizle ve geçmişle ilgili derinde gömülü
inançları ortaya çıkarmanıza yardım eder. Basit bil farkediş; salıvermeyi başlatabilir.
Sonra günlük yaşamınıza odaklanmaya gereksinim başlar, kalbinizi ruhunuzla hizalamak ve
ruhunuzun ışığının kalp çakranıza akmasına izin vermek için, bu biraz daha fazla açılıma
sebep olur. Bunun ötesinde, kalp çakranıza değer vermeli ve onu sevmelisiniz. Kalp çakranız
kendi enerji titreşimine sahiptir ve eğer onunla konuşursanız, sizi yanıtlar. Kalp çakranızla bir
sohbet, onun gereksinimlerini belirleyecektir. Kalp çakranızı tümüyle temizlesin ve
şifalandırsın diye Yaratıcı’ya teslim etmek de bir yoldur. Bu, kalp çakranızın sizi terkedeceği,
ama bir şifa sürecinin başlayacağı ve Yaratıcı’nın sizi asiste edeceği anlamına gelmez.
Hatırlayın, kalp çakranızın bir sesi var; her bir parçanızın olduğu gibi... Şimdi kalp çakranızın
onurlandırmanın tam zamanı... O sizin ruhunuz ve realiteniz arasındaki bağlantıdır.
Umarım kelimelerim size yarar getirdi.
Siz Dünya’daki kutsal ışık ve sevgi’siniz ve ben sizi kutsuyorum,
Kardeşiniz ve arkadaşınız,
Master Jesus
Natalie Glasson www.omna.org
Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


Degisim basladi
 Posted by Cenk on January 26, 2011 at 7:10am

Cok olucaksin cok, az olmayla gecen hayatina anlam katicaksin

Kendini genisleticek, yarini bugunu gelmisi gecmisi sarip sarmalayacaksin
Iste boyle cogala cogala buyuyucek yerlere goklere sigmayinca hayatinin asil amacini
Her gun daha az az daha cok cok olacaksin.

Coklastikca korkmayacak, yalnizliga huzne nefrete boyun egmeyeceksin

Coklastikca gelisecek buyuyecek adam gibi adam kadin gibi kadin olacaksin
Sen gelisip buyudukce Mevlana ve Buddha kulaklarina fisildiyicak evrenin sirlarini
Isa'yi Muhammed'i Musa'yi yeni kulaklarla dinliceksin.

Ancak cogaldikca an'a demirliceksin ve ancak cogaldikca gercek aski anlayacaksin, ilk defa

Cogaldikca en iyi dostun olucak agaclar bocekler, yine cogaldikca anlicaksin sessizlikteki
Bugun kendi sukunetin icin yarinsa dunya barisi icin cok olacaksin
Dunyanin artik azliga ne zamani ne sabri kaldi degisim bugun sende basladi. Degisim bugun
bende basladi.


The Beauty is in the Flaw

 Posted by Eric Allen Bell on January 26, 2011 at 2:00pm

The whole of God is greater than the sum of its parts.

The Sum of God can be found in any one of its parts.
God is Infinite and therefore you can never be at odds with "God's Will".
Everything that has ever happened is God.
Everything that will never happen is God.
Everything has already happened,
but is also always happening.
It never ends and it never started.
Order and Chaos are the same thing.
Beauty and Ugliness are the same thing.
There is no mine and yours, no us and them.
Right and wrong are an invention of the mind.
Everything is always perfect.
You are perfect.
The beauty
is in the flaw.

- Eric Allen Bell


Uriel Mesajı – ARAYAN MISINIZ?
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on January 26, 2011 at 4:08pm

Uriel Mesajı – ARAYAN MISINIZ?

Jenifer Hoffman

Yaşamınız boyunca; size huzur, rahatlık, teselli gibi ruhsal yuvanızdan hatırladığınız şeyleri
verecek bir Arayan’ın yolunu izlersiniz. Ama, yanıtlanmayı bekleyen sorulardan yanıtları
aradıkça yaşamınız, bitmek bilmeyen bir sorgu halini alır. Aradığınızı bulamazsınız, çünkü
gerçekten bilmiyorsunuzdur ne aradığınızı, dünya üzerinde bir anı ya da bir duygudur bu.
Ama aradığınızı kendiniz yaratıp getirmelisiniz Dünya’ya…
Dünya’da sevgi arayabilirsiniz, ama Dünya da sevgi armağanı beklemektedir sizden. Barış
yok dünya’da; siz yaratırsınız barışı ve Dünya sizden bekler onu. Neşe aradığınızda, hayal
kırıklığına uğrarsınız; çünkü neşe, sizden onu yaratmanızı beklemektedir; neşe sorunun yanıtı
değildir, ama bir enerji olarak Dünya’ya yayılmasına izin verdiğinizde yarattığınız yanıtın
kendisidir. Arayan’ın yolu son bulur önemli bir gerçeği anladığında… Soruları soran, yanıtları
da biliyordur…
Neden yanıtları evrenden bekliyorsunuz, aradığınız yanıt kendinizken?
Her deneyimden istediğiniz, öğrenmek zorunda olduğunuz dersleriniz, sizi bekleyen şifa,
huzur, ve ruhun aradığının zaten her deneyimin kendi içinde var olduğunun anlayışıdır.
Yanıtları arayarak bir dersten diğerine koşarsınız ama her bir dersin size bir yanıtı vardır, bir
şartla… Her bir ders eksiksiz bir deneyimdir eğer yeterince soluklanıp yanıtı duymak için
kendinize izin ve zaman verirseniz…Ve yanıt her zaman sizinledir.
Arayan’ın yolu kaynakla olan bağlantınızın dolgunluğu yoluyla insanlığı deneyimlemek için
değersiz olduğunuz inancından seçtiğinizle birdir. Ego yaşamı bir Arayan gözüyle bilir, ve
tüm soruların yanıtlandığı, daha fazla sorulacak sorunun olmadığı bir Dünya düşünemez bile.
Ama bu sizin aydınlanma yolunuzdur ve daha yüksek titreşimlerde, yaşamı izah edilmesi
gereken bir yaratılış haline sokan yol yoktur, artık bir Arayan değilsinizdir, tekrar bağlantı
yoluyla sorgunuzun yanıtı haline gelirsiniz. Evren’le beraber yaratanlar olarak, her soruyla
birlikte yanıtları da yaratır, artık soru sormadan, sadece yanıt alanlar olursunuz.

Başmelek Uriel

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


DailyOM: Finding Our Own Paths
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 9:23pm

Finding Our Own Paths

Entering Awareness
We all enter the arena of awareness differently, it doesn’t matter how we get there or how long
it takes.

Entering into our own spirituality is a private journey. Each of us will be drawn to a different
gateway to begin on our personal path to awakening to a greater experience of ourselves.
Even though we may be taught certain philosophies or beliefs as children, we still need to find
our own way of understanding and applying them in our lives. For those who are raised
without a spiritual framework, they may not even know their process as a form of spirituality.
But at some stage in their lives, whether in youth or adulthood, they are likely to recognize the
resonance of their beliefs, the ring of truth in their philosophy, and their dedication to their
chosen purpose.

Our inner guidance will lead us, so that we will be drawn to the right doorway for us--a
doorway that only we can recognize by the way it makes us feel inside. It could be a picture
of an angel or the gift of a crystal. We may meet someone special who shares their
experiences with us in a way that we find intriguing. While visiting the home of an admired
friend, we may notice a book or statue of a diety, and ask why they chose those tools. Or a
word or phrase may catch our attention in a song, or a lecture. For some they may find their
way by walking through the experience of illness before they begin the search for what will
help them to truly heal, while others may seek physical improvement and stumble across yoga
or meditation--only to find that it leads them to an unexpected place beyond the body.

As we awaken to ourselves and to life, we will become more attuned to what is right for us.
The universe speaks to all of us through infinite channels, but we each have our own
frequency. Others may share what worked for them, but only we can decide what truly makes
us feel inspired, awakened, connected, fully conscious, aware and alive. Whatever our path, it
is perfect and is meant especially for us.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 9:46pm

Focus your intentions on joy. When lower energies pull you down allow yourself to feel those
feelings & recognize the emotion. Is it sadness, anger or afraid?

Do not identify with those old patterns of belief. Focus your attention on being happy. The
higher energies inform the lower energies & you are abl...e to find better feeling thoughts.

"Negative emotion is your indication from your Inner Being that the action you are
considering is not in harmony with your greater intentions." - Abraham-Hicks

"Your Emotional Guidance System. Your Emotional Guidance System lets you know if you're

directing your life toward pain or toward pleasure. Like a smoke detector beeping to warn you
that its batteries are low, negative emotion is an indication that your connection to Source
Energy is weak, that you're headed away from pleasure and toward pain. The purpose of
emotion is to give you feedback about the vibrational content of your thoughts. This is crucial
information because the vibrational content of your thoughts determines what you are
attracting and creating.

The feedback we receive from our emotions is similar to the feedback we get when we touch
a hot stove. Although we appreciate the warning from a hot stove, most of us have been
trained to undervalue the information we receive from our emotions. Negative emotion is a
warning that redirection is in order - that we're headed toward something we do not want. By
referring to the Emotional Guidance Scale below, you can determine your current vibration as
well as your dominant vibration:

Emotional Guidance Scale (from the book, Ask and It Is Given)

Joy / Knowledge / Empowerment / Freedom / Love / Appreciation


Enthusiasm / Eagerness / Happiness

Positive Expectation / Belief






Frustration / Irritation / Impatience









Hatred / Rage


Insecurity / Guilt / Unworthiness

Fear / Grief / Depression / Despair / Powerlessness

Chutes & Ladders. Do you remember the children's board game, Chutes & Ladders? It applies
perfectly to the Emotional Guidance Scale. Imagine a ladder going up from the bottom of the
scale and a chute coming down from the top. Choose a positive thought and you climb the
ladder. As you climb the ladder, you feel more Well-Being. You're more empowered. You
attract more of what you want. Choose a negative thought and you slide down the chute. On
your way down, your connection to Source Energy is weakened. You feel powerless and
befuddled. You attract people and things you don't want in your life.

With an understanding of your Emotional Guidance System, it becomes clear when you
choose a thought that zooms you up the ladder and just as clear when you choose a thought
that sends you down the chute. Feel Good Thoughts are ladders that raise your vibration just
as Feel Bad Thoughts are chutes that lower your vibration.

Climb the Ladder. To climb the ladder toward Empowerment and away from Powerlessness,
monitor how you feel, then choose a thought that feels better. With a clear understanding of
your Emotional Guidance System, when you feel bad, you always have an option to feel
better. You can always climb the ladder by choosing a thought that takes you up the scale.

If you get sideswiped by some event and take a fast ride down the chute, the best response is
to look for a ladder to climb back up on. Look for any thought that feels better than where you
are and deliberately guide your thoughts toward what feels better. Each time you choose a
thought that feels even a little better, you climb up another rung of the emotional scale and
soon you will be back where you want to be. When you hit bottom emotionally, you can either
freak out and pretend you're powerless OR you can take back your power by choosing
thoughts that feel better.

Just keep climbing the ladder and you'll be back in alignment - feeling joyful, empowered,
and appreciative. As you continue climbing the emotional scale, you will enjoy the supreme
confidence of knowing that you are truly the Master Creator of your own Life! As you
continue choosing thoughts that feel better, you will KNOW with certainty that You Can Be
and Do and Have and Feel whatever you desire!"~Kate Corbin


Quado's Garden: Observe
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 9:47pm

Quado's Garden: Observe



Today is perfect
in all its unfolding. Today it will unfold as it will unfold, a combination of
your energies and the energies which are coming toward you, a combination of
things already set in place and things that will occur just in the moment. All
of this will be unfolding and your job is to create wonderful, positive energy,
which encourages those things that are beneficial to you and to be very alert
and observant, responding to things as they are in the moment.

Listen closely. Watch

closely. Be open and receptive and willing to make great shifts to your
previous ideas of how things should be.

Opportunities are most

often missed when you are trying to fit the circumstances into a preconceived
shape. Let things flow and be as they are. Let life take shape as it will.
Just step back and watch and listen before you act.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Youthing, Not Aging

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 10:04pm

Youthing, Not Aging

By Jeanie Marshall

"I'm youth, I'm joy,

I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg."
- James Matthew Barrie

Tell a friend about this article

"Creative Visualization" Program

It is not a new concept that "you are as young as you feel." This is great news, unless, of
course, you feel old.

As you wake up to living in the new paradigm of a more peaceful life, it is important to let go
of obsolete, outdated beliefs. Symptoms you attribute to old age are: slowing down, feeling
aches and pains, poor eyesight and hearing, forgetting important information, getting sick, etc.
These are all the same symptoms of toxicity. Quite simply, when you do not release toxicity,
you decline as you get older.

So, how about it? Do you want to grow young or grow old? You have a choice. The sooner
you activate your option of growing younger, the sooner you can experience yourself healthy
and young and wise.

I have chosen the above quotation because of its delightful meaning of youth. A chick or bird
works hard to break out of its egg. Mother bird can assist somewhat, but it is the
determination of the babe that breaks through the calcification of the egg shell.

Breaking Your Shell

What is the calcification in your egg shell? Is it anger or jealousy? Is it a memory of the past
or fear of the future? Is it competition, separation, or worship of money?

Knowing what it is you must break through is important to your evolution. It is not, however,
necessary to dwell on it or analyze it to the point of exhaustion. Simply recognize the
breakthrough issue in a word or two and then ...... break through.

The chick needs to recognize "shell" or "calcium" and even uses its nutrition. It does not
blame its mother or God for putting the shell there nor is it angry that the shell did not break
sooner. The chick simply knows, now is the time! And it is born.

Thoughts Create Reality

What great power is knowing that thoughts create reality! If you cannot accept that this is
true, assume for a few moments that it is. If your thoughts create your reality and you are not
content with your present reality, all you need to do is change your thoughts. The level of
consciousness with which you put the thoughts into the universe determines the speed with
which the new reality manifests.

So, if you have an untenable relationship with your boss (or spouse or neighbor) and you
accept this condition as true and affirm it in your self talk, you continue the relationship as it
is. If, however, you consider that the uncomfortable aspects of the relationship are temporary
and can be changed, you take the first step in changing the relationship. This is not simply
about positive thinking (though that is a good start). The change must be deeper than just
"thinking about." You must first want the change. Then you must believe it, deep in your
heart. You must know that it is possible. You must feel the idea, as well. A passion for change
fires the vision that puts the new reality within your grasp.

Perhaps you are not all that enthusiastic about a change. That is fine, also, because you can
just relax and let your reality change. Letting go of the belief that you must control the

outcome is an important part of the change process. If your thoughts are positive and
optimistic and joyous, the changes will take place in those directions.

And just in case that all I am saying is incorrect, consider how much more satisfying will be
your relationship with your boss (or other) if you have positive thoughts and compassionate
feelings and view both of you as being able to change.

Activities for Youthing

Play. Play at what you love to play. If your "play" is competitive or intense, find some leisure
play to balance the intensity.

Laugh. Laugh at something. Or just laugh. Laughter brings oxygen into your body and
exercises inner muscles and facial muscles.

Play with Children. I recently visited a friend who is a retired kindergarten teacher. At age 66,
she looks 46 and has the spirit of a 22 year old.

Monitor Your Self-talk about Age. Listen to yourself. For example, do you say...... "Oh gosh, I
really feel old today." Or, "Well, what can you expect after age 40?" Or, "I'm just too old
for ...." Stop, stop, stop! These and many other beliefs and expressions are responsible for the
declining with age that you observe and accept as inevitable. These false beliefs become real
only because so many people believe them.

Listen to Guided Visualizations. Many are on the market. You may want to focus particularly
on health and well-being and vitality or other attributes you associate with youth. We even
have some online for your listening with my healing voice.

Look at Yourself as a Child. Find a happy picture of yourself at an early age, say 3-6 years of
age. Look at this picture often. While you may not want to be three years old again, or even
eight years old, you want the child-like feelings of wonder and playfulness. In your maturity,
you can claim these.

Take Care of Yourself. Do those self-care measures that you believe support your health and
well-being. Do this for only one reason: self-love!

Affirmations for Youthing. Here are several affirmations that you can use everyday. They are
especially useful on your birthday.

Each day I grow younger and wiser.

I love life.

I am beautiful. I feel beautiful.

I am healthy and strong.

I have all the time I need to do all I love to do.

I claim my birthright to be healthy, happy, and free!

You can find other affirmations at DailyAffirm that support you in being young, healthy, and
positive. Please also visit the DailyAffirm BookStore for suggested books and other resources
on affirmations and on each of the twelve themes.

©1994, 2006, Marshall House, http://www.mhmail.com. Jeanie Marshall, a Personal

Development Coach specializing in deep transformation and personal success, writes
extensively on subjects related to personal development and empowerment. She assists
professional coaches and consultants to write their knowledge, wisdom, and experiences.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 10:53pm


And there was...
This is a vitally important quote to remember because it will be a large part of the healing
process. The only difference is it will be YOU who says ‘LET THERE BE LIGHT’.
I think the turning point for me in this little adventure into pain was on Christmas Day when
an old friend gave me a call. I had taken some time to do an article about him a few months
ago in the hopes of getting him some support for his work on helping those he worked with
fight against a union that was treating them unfairly. I found him through another friend and
as I worked with him and his team on gaining an understanding about what their concerns and
issues were I also began to get insight into the depths of the man’s heart. He is one of those
people who will fight for what he believes to be right no matter what the costs to self may be
and for him what is right is what is fair. Honesty and integrity seemed to be his guides and I
grew to both respect his work and him as a person.
Christmas day found me lying on my back yet again in pain, but surrounded by what is now
my family, my boyfriend, my daughter, roommate and her boyfriend. I was hurting yes but for
the moment content to stay on my couch and essentially do nothing. I knew that there was
danger in accepting where I was and not doing what I could to get off my couch but the pain
had me trapped it seemed and as much as my heart told me I had to start moving forward
again on the path that I had chosen two years ago I could not find the motivation or the will to
do so. I realize of course that my guides and teachers have been trying to drill into my head
for more than a year that the actions and feelings of others are not my responsibility but there
is yet a part of me (and always will be I both fear and hope) that will not wish to write unless
what I write can touch and inspire the hearts of others. As I was feeling like much of what I
had done was not making a difference I could not bring myself to continue. This of course
was not a healthy attitude to have and if I had just taken the time to take stock of all those in
my life who have supported my work I would have already been on the road to wellness; I
didn’t, so I wasn’t.
He called me in the afternoon and his reason was enough to make me revaluate and rethink
where my heart and mind currently were; pain or no pain it seemed what I do and have done
as a writer mattered and that was all I needed to get back some of my strength. He wished me
well, told me that our mutual friend had passed onto him that I was not and he wanted to
remind me that there were people out there who were praying for me. He explained that
though I may not know how my work had touched their hearts or their lives I should trust that
it did, that I did. He said that in this busy life we do not always take the time to stop and let
people know how much we appreciate them but that does not mean that they are not
appreciated. To remember that all that I do, all that I say and all that I am affects others was in
his mind something that I might need to hear. To let me know that I was in his heart and his
thoughts was his Christmas gift to me and is was the gift that on that day meant more than any
other I could have received.
Everybody needs a turning point, a moment of clarity to remind them that they are needed and
loved. Everybody needs that moment of light. It is a moment that you may or may not choose

to recognize. Those moments, they are important and they are there for you to have and hold
and call your own if you are willing to open your eyes, your mind and your heart. People
come into our life for a reason and what you choose to do with that gift is also up to you. Lost
in the dark and seeing no way out is a scary scenario for any person but a choice needs to be
made to seek out the guiding light in your life. Sometimes it goes hand in hand with finding
and living your purpose, sometimes it goes hand in hand with hearing a reminder that you
already are.
Life is full of magical moments and we forget sometimes to stop and appreciate them
especially when we are at our lowest, when we are sick or suffering loss. We forget to see that
there is beauty in all things even those we may not for the moment understand as being
beautiful. We forget and are reminded by those who share our world, those who the angels
have sent our way to reach out a helping hand and raise us up.
Yet seeing these things – acknowledging them is as I said a choice. It comes with choosing to
want to be and feel better, with wanting to fulfill and live your dreams. Yes I know it may
sound impossible, to one who is going through a situation where they seemingly have no
control over their own body let alone their future. It may seem impossible to somebody who
lives day to day never knowing if tomorrow will bring joy or pain but then we must also
remember that even the healthiest and strongest of us can fall. There is much to be said about
the truth of our thoughts being both our power and our reality. If you allow yourself to never
see the help offered, the way out, the helping hand, the light in the dark then in the dark you
will remain.
Today you may make a choice; you may choose to see that in your life which inspires you and
makes you feel whole. You may choose to see that in your life which brings you joy or you
may choose not.
You may choose to accept that you have limitations and that there is much you are not able
anymore to do – or you may choose to list the things that you CAN still do. The doctors bless
their hearts are very good at making sure that you accept the things your body cannot handle,
but it is not often that they will ask you to list the things that you CAN do...
Thankfully you need not wait for them to ask, you can do it yourself once you decide that it
will help you to do it. That too is a choice. My doctor made me go through all the things I
cannot do, but that was not of his choosing, it was the forms you see that the government
wants filled out. It’s how it is worded, how the question is posed that affects how we think
about our illness. I say we can also choose to switch that up – to turn it around. I say instead
of listing the things you are no longer capable of that instead you list the things you ARE
capable of, add to that while you are at the things that you enjoy and now you have something
to see the light in. Life is what we make of it as I am often reminded of by the various
challenges that I face while I continue this journey. Life is what we take out of it, what we see
in it, what we perceive it be and I am absolutely positive that it is a truth that limitations do
not further our mission when working at getting well. Sure it makes sense to not strain an
already damaged body, but does it not also make sense to be aware of and appreciate what
that damaged body is able to accomplish.
Whatever we can do to heal heartache, to heal the loss of those we love we can also use to
heal ourselves on a physical level. In fact it is often said that healing the heart, mind and spirit
are an absolute sure fire way to heal the body. With that in mind let us keep in mind that to
heal the heart one must see, feel and be love, to heal the spirit one must live in harmony with
it, to heal the mind one must both use it and appreciate what it too is capable of. In effect to
heal – one must see all the good there is, in their life, in our world and even in the unfortunate
situation one may be in.
‘God said let there be light, and there was’
You say let there be light, and there will be...

Jean Victoria Norloch


DailyOM: Full Release

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 11:00pm

Full Release
Water Meditation
Meditating with water can be a powerful way of aligning ourselves with an element that
sustains us.

Our bodies are over fifty percent water, so it makes sense that human beings have always
considered water to be a sacred source of life and healing. It is literally half of who we are,
and well over half of the earth’s surface is water. Water cleanses and hydrates, contains and
produces nourishment, and when we enter it, holds us in an embrace that leaves no part of us
untouched. Meditating with water can be a powerful way of aligning ourselves more fully
with this support system that makes life both possible and pleasurable on so many levels.

We may wish to conduct our meditation while in physical contact with a body of water,
whether in the intimacy of our bathtub or the vast container of an ocean. We might float on
our backs in a swimming pool or sit with just our feet submerged in a pond or creek. On the
other hand, we may simply close our eyes and choose a location based on our imagination.
Whatever we choose, we can begin by closing our eyes and listening to our breathing. At the
same time, we tune in to the particular music of the water we have chosen—the loud rushing
of a river or waterfall, or the surreal silence of the world beneath the surface of the ocean. We
might consider how the type of water we choose reflects what we seek—the peace beneath the
hectic surface of life, the cleansing power of a river racing through a canyon, or the mood
lifting, melodic bubbling of a lively creek.

As we move between awareness of our breath and awareness of the water in which we find
ourselves, we can begin to release the things we no longer need into the rushing river, or
release ourselves completely into the water’s embrace as we float, in our minds, in the watery
womb of an ocean or a lake. When you feel you are ready to return to more solid ground, ease
your body back onto earth, in your mind or in reality, and lie flat on your back, allowing the
water to bead and roll off your skin, soaking the earth and evaporating into the air, leaving
you cleansed, healed, and renewed.


HEAVEN #3716 In Whose Image You Are,
January 27, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 11:09am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3716 In Whose Image You Are, January 27, 2011

God said:

You are the Holy of Holies. Hard to believe, isn’t it, and yet that is the bare bones of Truth. I
love you as Myself, and now you are learning to love all others as Myself, yourself, and all the
others who only masquerade as the seeming in between.

Holy is the heart of you. Holy is the soul of you that accompanies you in your portrayal of your
journey of life on Earth. Life on Earth is truly your soul’s journey. You are on My Journey of
Life on Earth. Who else’s journey could you be on? What else could you be doing here on Earth
but fulfilling Me? What else is there to do? Watch television? Run uphill and downhill?

Oh, yes, there is plenty of monkeying around. There is plenty of looking away. Your attention
wanders. Your eyes wander looking for something, looking for cookies maybe, or looking at the
way a man or woman walk, or seeking a book to read. Read Me, beloveds. Read Me. Hold Me
in your backpack, as it were. Pull Me out often. Devour Me.

Show Me the sights. Show Me you. How beautiful you are as you draw closer and closer to Me.
There is nothing else to draw closer to. I am all there is. That is the whole story. That is the plot.

You seek and seek and know not what you seek. You seek diamonds and pearls and rubies
beyond compare. You seek companionship in life here and there and everywhere, and I am the
only Companion. I am the Companion of note. I am the Jewel you seek, and you wear Me in
your heart.

You have climbed up the mountain and slide down again and again. You are the peruser of
yourself and therefore of Me.

I am the Badge of your heart. Only you bandage your heart. You keep it for safe-keeping, and
yet you are safe with Me. You, the love of My life, are safe with Me. I am indebted to you. I
hold you carefully and tenderly. You are precious to Me, even disguised as you are. I know you.
I know the depth and breadth and height of you. I know well what you have seemingly
forgotten. You perpetuate loneliness upon yourself. How can you be lonely when I am in your

Do you seek loneliness? Have you been seeking to prove loneliness? Prove otherness, and you
will have proven loneliness. Loneliness is not My dream for you. I am My dream for you, as
you are My dream for Me. You are My Dream Child, fashioned the day the Earth was born.
Without you, I was God but not Father or Mother. When you came into existence, you created
Me, as it were. You gave Me a Name, and the Name was God. I existed before you, and yet, at
the same time, you also created Me. I was before the world, and I always was, and, yet, there is
the sense in which the world manifested Me, made Me be known.

I want to be known. It is not fame I want. It is you I want. I want you in My Arms of Love. I
want you at My side. I want you to be the necklace I wear, so beautiful are you. I want to be the
woolen scarf you wear that keeps you warm. I want to be the shade of the elm tree that cools
your forehead on hot summer days. I want to be known to you. Take off your mask so you may
see yourself, so you may see in Whose Image you are.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 6:50pm

There are seven mighty Archangels who are particularly radiating light onto us and helping all
of us on Earth now.
In accordance with Spiritual Law we must, of course, ask for their help.

Ray 1. Archangel Michael works with the blue ray of protection. He appears with his sword
and shield to protect you and will place his deep blue cloak around you to keep you safe, if
you ask. He gives you strength and courage and helps you to bring about positive results. He
will use the power of his sword to cut away negative cords, which attach you to people,
thought forms or objects.

His etheric retreat is in Banff, Canada, which you can access during sleep or meditation.
Executives, leaders, military, commanders, policemen, sports people and public servants are
often on the deep blue Archangel Michael ray.

Ray 2. Archangel Jophiel works with the yellow ray of wisdom and illumination. He uses his
might and power to inspire and light up the mind, so that people become open minded and
wise. . His special task is to help all aspects of education and learning and he is particularly
available to students and teachers, ambassadors and artistic people. He will help you to be
tactful and have foresight in difficult situations. His etheric retreat is south of the Great Wall,
China, which you can access in sleep or meditation.

Ray 3..Archangel Chamuel works with the pink ray of love. He expands the flame of love in
your heart and helps people to find compassion and forgiveness. Artists and peacemakers,
philosophers, metaphysicians and musicians are particularly enfolded in his light.

His etheric retreat is in St Louis, Missouri, which you can access during sleep or meditation to
be filled with more love.

Ray 4..Archangel Gabriel.works with the white ray of purity. He offers guidance and helps
people to find their next step in life or their divine mission. When you invoke him he brings
joy and grace, clarity, and order into your life.. He opens you up to sympathy, understanding
and generosity and will help you purify negative emotions and beliefs, which are locked in
your energy system.

His etheric retreat is in Mount Shasta, California and he has a retreat at Findhorn for
purification and awakening. Spiritual leaders, spiritual scientists, astronomers, biochemists,
physicists and musicians are often enfolded in this ray.

Ray 5..Archangel Raphael works with the emerald green ray of balance, healing and
abundance. He helps travelers and healers and stands for vision and truth, so he will enable
you to find a sense of justice.

His etheric retreat is at Fatima in Portugal and doctors, surgeons, inventors, mathematicians,
chemists, electricians, engineers and researchers work with his ray.

Ray 6..Archangel Uriel works with the purple and gold ray of wisdom and peace. He directs
the angels of peace and helps you soothe conflict so that you can find serenity, brother and
sisterhood. He breaks your mental and emotional chains and frees you from fears.

Missionaries, priests, ministers, healers, lawyers, social workers, blue-collar workers, farmers
and business people tend to be on this ray.
His etheric retreat is above the Tatra mountains, Poland

Ray 7..Archangel Zadkiel works with the violet ray of transmutation and ceremonial magic
He directs the angels of joy and mercy to transmute lower energies and help people to find
forgiveness, diplomacy and tolerance. He is associated with St Germain and the Violet Flame.

Visionaries, diplomats, mystics, leaders, royalty, community organisers and high priests and-
priestesses often work with this ray.

For more information about the Archangels read A Little Light on Ascension or listen to
my tape A Little Light on Angels.

Here is a very powerful and beautiful invocation and meditation, which will help you to align
with the energy of the Archangels and bring them into your aura. You may care to put this on
tape so that you can concentrate on the energy coming into you.

Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Michael to stand at my right hand side. I ask him to
pour courage and strength into me and bring about positive results to my endeavours. I now
request that he cut all my negative cords and attachments with his sword. I ask that the deep
blue cloak of protection is placed over me so that only that which is of the highest and purest
light may enter my aura.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Michael can complete this work and communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Gabriel to stand at my left hand side in his pure white
ray. I ask that he pours his pure white energy into my aura and brings me guidance about my
next step or my pathway. I ask that the symbols of my lifes mission be illuminated and
activated now. Please bring joy, grace, clarity, understanding, generosity and order into my

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Gabriel can complete this work and communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Uriel to stand in front of me and fill my aura with
his purple and gold ray of wisdom and peace. Help me to soothe all conflict in my life and
replace it with serenity, brotherhood and sisterhood. Please break my mental and emotional
chains and free me from all my fears.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Uriel can complete this work and communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Raphael of the emerald ray to stand behind me. I ask
that he pour healing and abundance into me. I ask for protection on my journeys and that I be
impressed with justice, truth and vision.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Raphael can complete this work and can communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Chamuel of the pink ray to expand the flame of love
in my heart. Please help me to find compassion and forgiveness for myself and for everyone
I have ever harmed knowingly or unknowingly. I ask that my heart be opened at a personal
and cosmic level.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Chamuel can complete this work and can communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Jophiel to pour the golden light of wisdom and
illumination onto me through my crown centre. I ask that his wisdom light up and inspire
my mind, helping me to learn and teach at the highest level. I ask that the symbols of wisdom
I have accumulated throughout my lifetimes be lit up and activated now.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Jophiel can complete this work and can communicate
with you if he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Zadkiel of the violet ray of mercy, joy and
transmutation to pour the violet flame into my aura. I ask for all my negativity to be
released and dissolved and replaced with joy, diplomacy and tolerance.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Zadkiel can complete this work and can communicate
with you if he wishes to.

Your aura is now filled with the energy of the Archangels and you are connected to your
mighty I AM presence. You are blessed.



Building the Electronic Ring Our Mantle of


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 7:06pm

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation ~ January 27, 2011

Building the Electronic Ring

Our Mantle of Invincibility
 Charging and Expanding our Electronic Ring
 The Vehicle of the I AM Radiation
 Invincibility expands our Field of Influence
 Harmony advances our Planetary Service
 Group Activation of our Electronic Ring - FEB 3

See end of mail for MP3 download and details.

Building the Electronic Ring

Our Mantle of Invincibility

As we move about in the outer world, it has become quite tangibly evident that
monumental change is taking place. All life everywhere is being dramatically affected by
the incoming streams of transforming cosmic light.

As the Earth and Humanity passes through this time of growing challenge, we, as the
Planetary Light Servers, are depended upon to hold high levels of peace and harmony so
that we may be used (without limit) in invoking and sometimes directing God qualified
energy to assist our planet to make as smooth passage as possible.

Many of us can attest to the discipline required in holding a grounded center especially
when required to travel within the increasing wobble of the outer world and its enormity
of escalating energetic interference. Due to the growing requests for assistance from
family members, especially as this concerns mental and emotional stability, we feel that it
is in the highest Divine Order to place immediate focus upon the building of our field of
protection to unleashing negative thought forms and any chaotic discordancy.

During this New Moon cycle, we are remembering that it is... through our own
consciousness... that holds the master control to accept, transmute and/or redirect, if

necessary, any and all disturbing energy that we meet.

Charging and Expanding our Electronic Ring

Through the power of our attention, we are greatly inspired to begin consciously building
our personal mantle of INVINCIBILITY, a shield of pure God essence and radiation
around us. Once firmly re-established, this luminous, spherical field of influence
instantaneously short-circuits any disturbing energy entering into our personal space.

The Electronic Ring is a highly charged, electronic emittance of perfection that we

constantly maintain and charge with the impenetrable Sacred Fire as we go forward into
advanced planetary service. It is where the potent Platinum Cosmic Light and all of the
planetary rainbow rays can be stored and become available for our spontaneous use.

The Vehicle of the I AM Radiation

This miracle influencing, protective ring of fire holds the wellspring of Divine Power as
transferred into the four lower bodies by the I AM Presence. Surrounding the flesh body,
this a personal atmospheric space of tremendous radiation that expands and expands,
always furthering its reach and influence as our momentum in service builds.

It is how the great Avatars of the Earth were able to affect the multitudes through their
personal energy field alone. This same momentum is how the Ascended Masters and
other cosmic beings can now come to many of us, simultaneously, while also tending to
their other cosmic services. This same type of charged electronic belt exists around stars,
suns and globular systems holding each celestial body in Divine Perfection.

It used to be that all humans naturally radiated a very large field of luminous light
substance reflective of their own God Presence. As the evolution of the human race fell to
extremely low levels of density, this electronic circle ripped and became severely
weakened. Those of us who often feel influenced, bombarded and fatigued by opposing
forces do not have the needed reinforcement within the intimacy of a personal and highly
charged electronic field of energy.

Each and every one of us can greatly benefit from a determined focus to build this
electronic rainbow-rayed mantle while strengthening our level of invincibility to the
outer world.
Invincibility expands our Field of Influence

Electronic light substance always responds to the creative power of thoughts and feelings
as wielded by an intelligent consciousness. As this electronic sphere of radiation is
consistently charged and qualified through our conscious attention and invocation, our
Great God Self can more fully descend and its powers transferred for our greater use in
advanced levels of planetary service.

As we draw more and more of this electronic light around us, we create an impenetrable
ring of influence on the 3rd dimensional plane that is absolutely invaluable to the
Spiritual Hierarchy in their service through us as the Divine Conduits. When there is a
call that we make or a transmission of energy that is intended, the light that we release
can become like a love bolt of penetrating energy. This influence will blaze forth in

answer to our call out of a reservoir of the Sacred Fire that has built up within our field of

Harmony advances our Planetary Service

The degree of our soul's evolution determines the intensity of the rays of radiation that
pass from us. The more expanded we are in consciousness, the greater is the area covered
by our outgoing energy waves. Likewise, the more expanded we become, the greater our
responsibility to selflessly serve from the ever increasing circumference of our Electronic

It is very important to realize that, as we begin to build our radiation to affect a much
greater part of life... absolute harmony, peace, poise, serenity, kindliness, tolerance,
understanding, love and gentleness must be expressed without waiver. The repercussion
from the slightest imperfection upon the Law of Harmony is much greater when our
energy field is expanded to such a large extent due to its causatory effect.

It cannot be emphasized enough the need for all of us to maintain an undisturbed state of
harmonious expression for it is through a poised sphere of influence that greatly assists
the endeavors of the Divine Plan to raise and redeem our planet and the human race.

Group Activation of our Electronic Ring

This New Moon ~ February 3

Mp3 Audio Support

Please save and refer to this link

Join Children of the Sun this New Moon as we gather in the New Earth Crystalline Matrix
with Ascended Master, El Morya, and other great beings representing the Blue Ray of
God's Will, Strength and Divine Protection.

Through the power of our attention, we are consciously building and charging our
Electronic Ring and personal mantle of invincibility.

In this activation, we are using three strong visuals to support our journey. Please
repeatedly view these images, especially prior to listening to the audio download.

1. Activation Key Code - Electronic Ring of Invincibility

created for Children of the Sun Foundation by Nyako Nakar... www.nyakonakar.com

2. The Planetary Crystalline Grid and Rainbow Aura of the New Earth

created for Children of the Sun Foundation by Erial

This is representative of the Christ energy as the star shines in rainbow hues to annoint the
fledgling "new" planet into resonance with Divine Dispensation. This is the Birth of the
Universe of the 5th Creation.

3. The Geometry of the Octahedron which activates the fusion of the spiritual with the
physical, bringing a perfection of balance with all planes and dimension. We are placed
inside a matrix of octahedrons during the Electronic Ring activation.

Children of the Sun Foundation


A Message From Ashtar On The Road ~
Sananda And Shekhmet...27th Jan.'11.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 7:09pm


SANANDA 1-11-11

"Greetings, Beloved Family! It is I, Sananda, come once again to this grand company, to this
great Light together We ARE. And there stand with me Archangel Michael with the Sword
Excalibur, and St. Germain with the Violet Ray, and we come to join with you in service to
this wondrous Planet Earth. And in the midst of what might seem to be far too many
disturbances, imbalances and violence everywhere, we come to tell you that there is Peace.
There is a Peace which dwells in the heart of each and every being upon the Planet, and in
some cases it is as though it has been locked in, held prisoner, and it is to release that Peace
that we come. And there are those who have indeed felt the Peace and are creating even now
more of it for the Planet, and that is you, Beloved Ones, and that is you.

"We know that each one of you might have some moments that do not seem peaceful, but you
are learning how to transmute those moments. You are learning how to call forth the Truth of

the moment, that you may get the wisdom from it and move beyond. You are so beautiful,
your lights shine and your divinity is felt around the world because you are here in service.
And no matter what it is that you are doing in your life, you are serving beautifully. And so
we shall move together, coming together, and we ask that you just lift up a bit. We are here to
meet you - take our hands - let us just move up a wee bit so that we actually encircle the earth.

"And we are all turned inward to see at the very center of this circle, an altar of sorts. And
upon that altar, there are beautiful crystals, and these crystals are what we are going to
program, to broadcast continuously to the entire planet and the universe beyond. And these
crystals are so powerful, they are unlike any known at this time upon this planet. So let us
take a close look at these crystals. You will see them reflecting beautiful colors, but there are
three in particular and they are occupying the center of the altar.

"The one in the middle is beautiful, beautiful white and crystal clear. The light from this one
is beyond anything you have ever seen. And on one side of it sits a crystal which is violet,
and it too, casts a light out such that it is violet light. Feel it, allow it into your fields. It has
an energy to it of movement, and as it mingles with the white light you might feel a tingling,
an upsurging of movement in your energy fields of the totality of who you are. And
remember, that is more than your physicality - you are actually a bit beyond your physicality
and more in your light body. So feel it come into you, and such is the empowerment of the
white light and the violet light that you actually can feel it increasing your vibrations and
moving you up even higher.

"Now focus back again upon this beautiful altar, and there amongst all of the crystals upon it,
there is on the other side of the white, White Light of the Christ crystal, there is a blue one,
ah, breathtakingly blue. And feel the energy from that coming up, and feel whatever cobwebs
or doubts or indecisions you might have literally melt away, and know the Truth of Who You
Are! Absolutely Divine. Gods and Goddesses you are, perfectly made by Mother/Father
in her/his own image, and here you are!

"Gather around this altar, encircling the Planet of Earth, and here are these beautiful, beautiful
energies coming into each and every one of your energy fields, and into ours. And our hearts
open even wider to allow them to come in. Let them circulate throughout. Now you will
notice certain things. A new kind of empowerment. Quiet and yet loud. Soft and loving,
and yet so powerful. And above all else there is this tranquil Peace, and yet it surges through
with a life of its own, coming to join you in all of your beings. This is powerful Peace, and
notice if you will, that any remnant you may have had of doubt, of not feeling that you were
quite up to the task, or of doubt that you are empowered to help the world to Peace, vanishes
in this beautiful blue light, this energy that is now surging through your entirety. And notice
also that if you were feeling th at there might be some little dark spots pulling you down into
lower vibrations, little glitches, or situations, or relationships, or whatever, notice that they
have all been transmuted by that beautiful violet light into absolute blissful beingness within
your being, so that all memory even of whatever it was that might have been, is now
transmuted and transformed into absolute empowerment, and the Joy that goes with it. And
now feel that white light of your own divinity, spiraling through the totality of your being,
that’s it, that’s who you really are! The Truth is shining forth in you. The transformation has
taken place, and you now understand that you have it and it has been within you all along, this
Love, this Joy and yes, this great Peace. This Peace of the Christed Master is within each and
every one of you!

"And we feel it now because as our hands are joined, our hearts are joined, and we feel it
coursing through our fields even more because you, Beloved Ones, are sharing it with us,
even as we share with you. And the lights on this altar keep getting brighter and brighter and
we send the programming back to these wondrous crystals, and we engage with them. They
are sentient, they are receivers of this grand energy. Now altogether, Beloved Ones, breathe
in this light and send it out. We are already encircling the Planet, send this light out to the
entire Planet Earth, below that is, within it, on it, upon it, everywhere. And to all of those who
dwell in the atmosphere above the planet, this great Love, this great Peace, this great Joy.
Truly this is Joy to the World, this is the new dawn, this is the light of the Golden Age. And
its three most sacred components, the violet, the blue and the white , shine forth. And now all
of these crystals are being programmed by this, all of the crystals upon this altar, there is an
infinite quantity.

"Now, instruct the three largest crystals upon the altar, the blue, the violet and the white, to
continue transmitting this Love which you continue to transmit to them, continue transmitting
to these smaller, yet mighty crystals that you have empowered and programmed. And now,
send these crystals out to encircle the Earth, to find places of lodging where these programs
can be transmitted infinitely, indefinitely, Peace upon the planet, Love and Joy. And that
means the crystals voices carry your messages everywhere upon the Panet. Give them freely,
there is no end to them. This, Beloved Ones, is the gift, the gift of Light, the gift of Love, and
this is the gift that transmutes the fear and enables Planet Earth to rise higher upon its
Ascension Path. And it is for all those who will receive these crystals, the messages they
contain, and who will welcome this Love, this Peace, and thi s Joy, upon the energies of
Transmutation, Transformation, Truth and the Christ Consciousness. Let them be joyful as
they receive these gifts. These gifts are more precious than all of the gold in the universe
because you, Beloved Ones, have given them with your loving hearts and your beautiful
minds. Rejoice, rejoice!

"Now before you leave the altar, be sure that you take the crystal that has been programmed
precisely for you. Remember it will be receiving the energy of the Christ, the energy of Truth,
the energy of Transformation. So select your crystal from the altar. Call it to just rise up, and
allow it to come into your fields of energy. Allow it to settle in a place where it will transmit
indefinitely and infinitely to you, because it’s home now - home in your hearts, and in your
beautiful glowing bright light energy fields, and know that you have served the entire planet,
and helped all who choose to be on the Ascension path, to go even higher upon it. And you
have helped all who have been asleep to receive this gift, this programmed crystal into their
fields, and they can use it and they can open their eyes at any time they choose. Know that
already eyes are opening and hearts are receiving! And this, Beloved Ones, is the great Joy of
our coming together.

"So I, Sananda, St. Germain and Archangel Michael, and all of us who come to be with you in
fulfillment of this mission, this exercise of Peace, this dispelling and transmuting of fear into
the highest realms of Joy and Love, we thank you for being with us. It is you, Beloved Ones,
the lighted beings in human bodies, who make it possible for us to come so close and to do
this. And so we thank you from our hearts to yours. We say unto you, 'Well done, Beloved
Family, well done, and Peace be unto you evermore.' And so it is."

SEKHMET 1-11-11

This is my time …. Ah, we love you so much, you are so precious and you are so courageous
to be with us! We are in awe of you and we have a new Light shining all over the planet on
this most auspicious day in earth time. And it's 1-11-11 everywhere. And the Light shines
bright, and the crystals are broadcasting and you, Beloved Ones, have the hearts of Courage,
and the Peace and the Love and the Joy in full view. So let your lights shine and keep your
crystals polished up because we've got a whole new day beginning! And so it is. Namaste!"

Transcription by Deborah Urquhart.

Given through Susan Leland, January 11, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar on the
Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be
distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is
altered or deleted.

Our next Ascension Energy Tools free teleconference will be Tuesday, February 1, 2011
beginning at 6:30 pm Pacific Standard Time. Our guest speakers will be Sekhmet and the one
she calls "the boy wizard," Arthur Franklin. General information about these calls including
the phone number and pin (which is always the same) and links to audio recordings of
previous calls can be found at this link:


We recommend you read the new updated instructions for installing Skype on your
computer for domestic and international calls at no charge, including our Ascension Energy
Tools and Ashtar On The Road teleconferences:


Our We The People For Peace website has a new home page and mission, to seek out news of
groups of people anywhere in the world coming together for common purpose. We invite
your input of such stories with links that we can post here for the inspiration and upliftment of
all. We are continuing to post visions of the New Earth and the New America as well as
names for giving and receiving loving energies. Please send your visions, names and stories
of unified purpose to Fran at peace@wethepeopleforpeace.org.




Namaste and Mahalo, Susan, Fran and Elise


Esoteric Astrology as news for January 27 -
February 2, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 7:11pm

Esoteric Astrology as news for January 27 - February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year, Groundhog Day, New Moon, Candlemas

The recent controversy (unnecessary flap) around astrology was short lived &
distracting. I received, as did many astrologers, hundreds of emails asking what was
the truth. Here’s the information. There are two different types of astrology for two
different parts of the world & two different types of mind – 1) tropical (for the
western mind) & 2) sidereal or Vedic (for the eastern mind, religion, training &
sensibilities). The tropical zodiac is based upon the seasons (using equinox & solstice
points. Vedic astrology (or the sidereal zodiac) is based upon the zodiacal
constellations. Though 24 degrees apart, both are correct yet different. This seems a
paradox, but it’s not.

The winter months, January, February & March, can
seem rather empty without the winter festivals. This
Wednesday, Feb. 2nd (midwinter, increasing light), we
have multiple reasons to be festive - Chinese New Year
of the White Metal Rabbit (more next week), new
moon (2nd of the year), Candlemas, Groundhog Day
(divination) & Imbolc. The last three are fire festivals
bringing Epiphany to a close and the halfway point
between winter solstice & spring equinox. The new
moon (14 degrees Aquarius) is Wednesday evening.
The meditative seed thought that explains the building of
the personality in Aquarius is “Let desire in form rule.”
The air of Aquarius constantly seeks shape, form &

Each day, beginning at winter solstice, through winter & spring, the NGWS joins the
Hierarchy in preparing for Wesak & the Three Spring Festivals. The Great Invocation
is recited daily. Join us, everyone for the new Aquarius moon festival & our

ARIES (March 21-April 20): Who are your friends? What

groups do you belong to, if any? What are your hopes, wishes,
dreams for the future? How do you see the future? These are
some of the questions posed by the present astrological energies,
while offering opportunity to review specific life issues. We
work hard in our lives. There are times when we must pause, set
our sites on future endeavors, find, identify, join our friends. And
then we set about helping others. This is your time.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21): More and more you’re being

identified as a leader with extraordinary organizing skills, who
understands and mentors collaboration, a leader who leads with
not only great intelligence but also willingness to have love. A
group or community looks to you for direction. Although
preferring to be behind the scenes, you’re being called out is a
new developmental stage. Come into the greater light of
recognition. We are grateful.

GEMINI (May 22-June 20): And so, the same message, over
and over. You are to travel somewhere, not wait. There is a place
you’ve considered. It’s time to make plans, reschedule the next
several months making room for not only travel but study,
entering and experiencing new village life, community
endeavors. You need to expand out from where you presently
are, see a different world a bit. It’s your future.

CANCER (June 21-July 20): Are you concerned about finances,

reviewing cash flow, considering consulting an advisor for help
with taxes, assets, resources? Do not remain silent. Have at least
one person you can speak with. Also, it’s time to consider end of
life (you are not dying) preparations, so those who remain here
on Earth know what to do. What do you want done after you
die? This includes resources.

LEO (July 21-Aug. 22): Whom do you love these days? Soon it
will be Valentine’s Day. Someone must be on your mind. Or
perhaps you’re on another’s mind. It seems that whomever
you’re attracted to must be very unusual, almost revolutionary.
You like this. However, your Leo pride hides it. You want to be
innovative, too. Which you are, when you focus on creativity,
presently in need of attention. Perhaps a trip somewhere will
activate it. Love calls to you. Can you hear?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Do you feel overloaded and

overwhelmed with work, tasks, chores, errands and just about
everything calling you to do more, faster, quicker without rest?
Something’s changing concerning your work and work
environments, in the way you do things. You think about
community, health, a needed spa experience. You’re running
here, there, everywhere. Where are you going?

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Although the energetic focus in your

life remains at home, it’s shifting to the creative arts. It’s good
to, with a group of friends, meet at a museum, theatre, dance
performance, art gallery, and party after. You need more fun.
Invite friends over. Don’t take monetary risks or gamble. In the
meantime, amidst this artistic activity, think about what gifts &
talents you possess. Humanity needs them.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Where’s your family, how are
they doing, what is your relationship to them? What was your
early life like and how does it affect your present life now?
These are questions for the month. You may want to visit family
(whomever you consider family), be in touch and in contact
(which releases Love), send messages to those far away. In
between, tend to home with loving attention. Soon more work
calls to you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): And so the upcoming days

may feel like a puzzle that must be completed in very little time.
There will be many activities to tend to, many people to talk and
confer with, decisions to be made, possibly more deadlines.
You’ve walked into the future and will need to juggle
present/past & future time. This is not a test. You’re perfecting
how you work on multiple levels within time & space. And then
you must tend to your social life.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): Are you concerned about

money & resources? Is there not enough? Do you need to balance
what’s coming in, what’s going out? Is there something that must be
purchased? It’s good to think about and save for the future, to use
resources to put things by (like the Mormons), to consider the idea
that a greenhouse is an important investment. Are you saving &
tithing? You know the spiritual rule for tithing, yes?

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb.18): More and more, day after day,

events in your life are creating a new self-identity. Because of
this it’s good to have new clothing, shoes & hairstyle, discover
new colors never worn before. How you present yourself to the
public, how you look & what you say, is remembered always.
Confidence and a sense of well-being makes you feel festive,
creative & alive. People want to be with you. Then they too
become confident.

PISCES (Feb. 18-March 20): It’s time to tithe, giving to

organizations you believe in so they can serve others. It may be a
community (Aquarius), a hospital (St. Jude’s) or a school for
children. It may be Oxfam or the Heifer Project, sending money
so families can raise bees, ducks, chicks, farm animals. It could
be Doctors Without Borders, Catholic Charities, or Unicef (for
children). Service calls you. You understand this. Where are

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies &
Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient
Mysteries tradition.
Risa can be reached at risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Make Yourself Ready

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 7:17pm

Yourself Ready

The actions
take toward your dreams--the classes, the disciplines, the preparations-
-are the
strongest signal you can send to the universe, much stronger than mere
visualizations of an outcome.

When you are truly ready,

you have a demo of your latest song ready when the universe sends a record
producer to the same party you attend. Your belief in yourself and your talents
is so great that you invest your time and energy in their blossoming. And your
faith in the great gifts of the universe is so solid that you know you will be
presented with opportunities continually and gracefully, as a natural unfolding
of yourself within the flow of the universe.

Make yourself ready, fully

ready. Then relax and allow the universe to deliver. Be relaxed, open and
alert. Notice how articles you need to read just happen to be lying open before
you, how someone you meet happens to know someone you should call. Then take a
deep breath, fill yourself with courage and act, lift up that phone, talk to
that person across the room you feel drawn to.

When you truly devote

yourself to readiness, you will be amazed at how strongly the universe
responds. And you have what it takes to follow through. After all, you are

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


When The Earth Changes ~ A Message

From St. Germain Thro' Aruna....26th
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 1:25am

When the Earth Changes

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 12:29 PM PST
My dear ones. Fasten your seatbelts bcause "new and different" is NOW! Welcome to the
close of the most non-aligned consciousness that man could deliver. It will be a great day
when it actually disolves. More of this dismantling will go on for many of your generations,
and then the New Earth will be born.

The New Earth comes after there are no more convoluting mental disruptions to clear. It will
contain the most caring consciousness, with absolutely no disturbances in human dynamics,

as One family of man. Mankind wil be living as light Masters.

When the continents are in their new locations, and the natural answers to life return, we of
the Great White Brotherhood will be complete with our names and personalities, and can
move on to the One designation that has no differences. There will be no more directors on
other dimensions to guide you, as there will be no need for guidance. Your own awareness
will guide you in all circumstances.

Fancy designations of galaxies and contracts wil not contain any meaning. All will be treated
as man's destiny, no matter what God designs. After the destruction, the design of man's
environment will give comfort to all, and no messages that reveal denied attitudes will be
needed. Chief no-name and girl no-name are all of equal status. Police are not needed. Former
criminals won't commit any crimes. Absolute delight in the helping of others will allow all to
feel valued.

Broken hearts will not be a concern, as attachment is not the law of marriage - only mutual
attitudes will bring divine beings together, not sexual desire or need for contact.

When we disappear, there will be no intermediary body to deal with. All of those living on
Terra will have our consciousness. Multiple levels of consciousness will collapse, and only
One will exist.

No contracts with other universes will need overseeing, as their mis-aligned awareness will
also be gone. As the "dance of leela" was designed, no control of a man's body was designated
to a living counterpart in another dimension. As man could not depend on his own decision
making process to teach him his awareness lessons, other demonstrations of consciousness
were developed on other dimensions that demanded his attention. As that control got more
deceptive, man had an opportunity to fear it, make out it didn't occur, or give it the attention
needed to learn of his own drama's needs. Next dimensional beings caused disturbances to
learn about. Next dimensional actors in the movie that was made for man's graduation classes,
did more on these realms than ever before, to lead man to different levels of awarness. All of
these teachers have the opportunity to ascend now, along with their students. There will be no
more dark and light on man's continents to be caught in.

Happiness is the only new delivery to be directed, and this will come from inside all of those
who ascend, and are asked to live once again in human form. It will be a new experiment that
the Creator has designed. Can you apply for this adventure? Only if you ascend.

Give ascension your attention. New and different adventures await.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


What is the Soul and what is its purpose?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 1:27am

What is the Soul and what is its purpose?

I see the human Soul as the membrane though which the Universal light shines. We have all
seen the computer projectors for doing PowerPoint presentations. The projector contains a
membrane which can be reprogrammed by the computer to give the colour and density of
light needed to project the correct image onto the screen.

Date: 2/28/2008 10:36:33 AM ( 3 y ) ... viewed 913 times

I feel the human Soul plays the same role; the only difference is that the image that is
projected is our multi-dimensional human body. So the Soul is like a holographic plate which
sits within the junction point between this world and the rest of the Universe.

When we transcend the physical structure of our human body by going down the layers back
to its source, i.e. transcending through the organs, cells, molecules, atoms, fine particles back
to the light body and beyond to the source where the light is shining through this holographic
plate, on the other site of the plate we have the whole universe, where light is coming from
every star and every dimension to shine out from the Eternal Continuum.

Through our thoughts and visualizations we can re-programme the holographic plate which is
our Soul, thus restructuring our physical body and modifying what we draw to us in the world
through the Law of Attraction. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and visualization images reset
and re-programme the Soul to draw to us the highest vision we hold about our Self.

Everything in the Universe is made of Energy, which flows through light and solidifies into
matter to create our human body. The subtler aspects of matter form the electromagnetic field
or aura, which we experience as human consciousness and awareness.

All our five senses detect vibration and energy flow and split our awareness into five channels
to receive sensory knowledge and awareness of our environment. What we see is light waves,
with the different frequencies giving different colours. What we hear is sound waves, with the
different frequencies giving the different tones and amplitudes. In what we touch, we sense
the vibrations in the molecules and atoms and sense their frequency and level of excitation.
The same with taste and smell – we are sensing the subtle vibration of the molecules in the
food we eat and the air we breathe.

The Universe and Soul is a field of all possibilities. It is our belief and thoughts that structure
the holographic image which creates our reality. There is a dimension to us too that we inherit
from our parents through our genes, which are like mini-programmes that we have created in
the past; they keep on running till we bring them back up to the surface of our consciousness
for re-programming and recreating in the highest vision we hold about our Self and our
life’s Purpose.
Self-love and positive thinking can help re-programme the Soul to shine brightly and bring
lots of source energy into our human body, giving us a presence or charisma that makes us
like a magnet and gives us a strong influence on our environment. Clear thinking and purpose
in life helps the Law of Attraction work and helps us lead a supported, purposeful life.

Meditation and conscious breathing help us to connect to the subtler layers of our body. Self
awareness helps us to become aware of our gifts and allows us to use the natural laws of the
Universe to manifest success in our life.

We are all equal and all part of the whole; there is no separation – we are all one. We are the
entire universe and a part of the Universal Mind. As each of us grows in our personal
awareness we see synchronicity and orderliness growing in society. When we fully realize we
are all one, this process will be complete; wars will have ceased, and business will have
become a co-operative sharing of resources. We will instinctively honour and support our
natural environment.

We are all creative beings: let's start to choose wholeness and Self-love; let's think positively
within our visions and dreams, creating a loving environment for all life to blossom and grow



The Spiritual Nature of Human

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 1:28am

The Spiritual Nature of Human Consciousness

During sleep, I am noticing more and more the spiritual nature of human consciousness. It
becomes very clear as our awareness evolves and the veil between us and our spiritual nature
becomes more transparent in our experience.

Date: 12/11/2008 8:49:35 AM ( 25 mon ) ... viewed 740 times

I am increasingly noticing this as I move between states of consciousness in my sleep. I have
witnessed my sleep for many years and, if my awareness just watches consciously what is
going on in my sleep and dreams, I can have a clear experience of what is happening.

Over the past few days some things have happened to make this natural experience even more
vivid in my awareness.

A couple of days ago, in the early morning my two and a half year old grandson came and

jumped on me as I was sleeping, bringing me abruptly back to the waking state.

This allowed me to observe the very clear contrast between where I had been in my dream
and the reality of waking consciousness.

In my dream I was being given a guided tour of another world. I was swimming on the
surface of a slow-moving river of crystal clear water. Swimming along underneath me were
figures with human bodies but eyes like ping pong balls on the outside of their heads a bit like
insects’ eyes.

As I swam along with my companions I was hearing telepathically a voice which informed
me that they were my ancestors; we were related and a part of the Universal Life Force which
everyone shares as a common source.

The veil between our waking reality and other dimensions is getting very thin and it is easy,
by relaxing and releasing, to allow the awareness to merge with the subtlest of energies

When you consciously relax and allow the mind to settle – perhaps by using conscious
breathing, i.e. being aware of the breath as it enters and leaves your lungs; feeling the oxygen
spreading throughout the body, and taking time to thank all the different cells within the body
for working together in a happy, peaceful frame of mind – when you take the conscious
mind down through the layers of the body in this way, it is easy to become aware of the cells,
molecules and atoms which make up the physical body and its corresponding energy fields or

From there it is only a short step to transcend the physical as you become aware that the fine
particles which make up the atoms are switching from a particle to a wave: from physical
matter into light.

Then with another very short step you transcend the light of the body's electromagnetic aura
back to its spiritual source, where you come to the junction point between all the dimensions
of physical and non-physical reality.

This is currently being called by physics the zero point field, and by religions communion
with God. It is a state of conscious awareness where you feel at one with everything – in
union with the whole universe.

When we transcend the body in this way, we come back to our true nature, which is an eternal
spiritual being. We can leave the physical behind for a while and move our conscious
awareness around our spiritual nature, tapping into all the other dimensions, which are also a
part of our Self and make up the greater wholeness of our conscious awareness.

In this state we feel a heightened awareness – a raising of our vibration; it is as though we
can feel around us angels’ wings swishing and thrilling in ecstasy. The more we research
these subtle levels with our conscious awareness, the more consciousness we breathe into
them and the livelier they become for us.

Therefore, as you enjoy your sleep experience at night, be aware of what you are feeling and
bring that awareness back into your waking consciousness; help make your life more aware

and integrated with the greater wholeness of who you are.

by George E. Lockett - HealerGeorge –



"kendimize duyduğumuz sevgi..."

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 1:39am

"kendimize duyduğumuz sevgi..."

Kendimizi sevmeyi öğrenirken,

sevgi dolu dünyada
sonsuz bir ruh ile yaratımın ortakları haline geliriz.

Kendimize duyduğumuz sevgi, bizi kurban etmekten çıkarıp, kazanan olmaya götürür.
Kendimize duyduğumuz sevgi; harika deneyimler yaşamamızı sağlar.

Kendilerini iyi hisseden insanların, doğal bir çekiciliğe sahip olduğunu hiç fark ettiniz mi?
Genellikle kendilerini harika gösteren bir şey vardır?
Hayatlarıyla mutludurlar.
Her şey onlara çabasız ve kolay gelir.



DailyOM: Circling the Wagons

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 2:59am

Circling the Wagons

Surrounding With Protective Light
Sometimes we need to circle the wagons in our own life which means asking for help and

There are times when we may know of someone who is in great need and wants help, but we
may feel at a loss about how best to help them. It is at such times that we can ask for help in
surrounding them with support and protection, just like the pioneers once circled their wagons
in the middle of unknown territory. Whether this means turning to an already established
community such as a service organization or gathering support from diverse sources, a group
of people can be brought together to help an individual or an entire community. It doesn’t
always take money to help someone either--cooking, cleaning, driving, fund raising, or
offering emotional support are all valuable and have the added benefit of the closeness of the
human touch. In any case, the universe sends angels in the form of willing friends or strangers
to gather their individual lights to surround those in need with the warmth of compassion.

Some people may have difficulty accepting or even recognizing aid when it appears in
unexpected guises from unlikely sources. All we can do is to follow our inner guidance, give
when we are moved to do so and shine our light to the best of our ability. As we join our
energy with those in the circle, we become part of something that is larger and more powerful
than the individuals within it.

When we act as part of a community of service like this, we are reminded that we are not only
assisting an individual or select group in the moment, but we are serving the greater good. We
are creating a better world, and can rest assured that help will be there for us as well. As we
offer our own light to the collective glow to help someone through a time of darkness, all of
our lights become brighter. We can live every day from this place of light, knowing the
freedom from fear and worry that allows us to receive and share the protective and supportive
light of life.


 Posted by Eric Allen Bell on January 28, 2011 at 8:30am

Love is the cosmic gateway to deeper understanding.

It's forms are many.

Love inspires both bondage and liberation.

It requires deep reflection and must be experienced first hand.

Love is the great teacher.

Through love, the seeker is guided back to the Source of all existence.
The Source is all that is real.
That which flows out from it, flows back to it.

Cycles are endless until they are understood and thus transcended.
Love is the thread which runs through everything.
Follow the thread of love toward liberation.

The thread extends beyond the boundaries of time.

It weaves a tapestry through every dimension.
The thread expands outside the scope of comprehension.

And though the Universe seems to appear and disappear,
flashing on and off,
through existence and non-existence,
at once real and unreal,
to an invisible heartbeat -
love is constant.
The thread forever unbroken.

And as time is turned upon itself,

unraveling entire histories,
revealing mysteries,
the power of love reigns supreme,
its essence remains Infinite.

Love is the true Messiah personified throughout time,

through many incarnations,
love is both death and resurrection.
Love is the only true redemption.

- Eric Allen Bell


A Timely Link a message from Kuthumi

channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark 15
January, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 7:30pm

Timely Link

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark

15 January, 2011

I Kuthumi come once more into your presence with my words of guidance. My words which I
hope will help to guide you through your transitional stages of life. I spoke recently of the
need for deep release on your emotional body where I used the metaphor of a suitcase. I was
reminded of this as I accompanied this one as she walked through the paths of her garden after
much rain. I noticed her reaction to the small weeds that had broken form their seed capsules
and had begun to grow. Previously the path had been clear of any weeds.

I thought of your path. So many of you have worked very hard to move forward on a soul
level, many will say they have spent much time clearing away their personal emotional debris.
Indeed for a time they will experience and act from a higher level of consciousness. Their life
will flow with peace and they will feel happier.

Old Ways

Suddenly however, an event will occur which will set you in emotional turmoil. A “weed” has
sprouted on your life path. Fear creeps in and more “weeds” sprout. At this point you may
choose to give away your own power through excess food, alcohol abuse,or too much sleep to
try to escape. You seek comfort through these things. Your awareness drops to a lower
dimension of understanding. Yet this need not be, no.

The key is to be aware .

The instant your inner balance is challenged – by a comment, an event, a loss of something,
then be aware. For at this moment more than ever, you need to draw on your inner power of
higher awareness. By being aware of your inner balance you can notice any emotional
changes through your feelings. Feelings are


Soul Power

Throughout the Ages you have forgotten about your Soul Power. There was a time you lived
by this power, in peace and love, in a state of Divine Grace. But over time great fear, worry
and anxiety became the rulers of your emotional bodies. These emotions took root and gained
control, ruling your choices and actions through the ego. Occasionally, a great soul incarnated
on Earth to shine Light and higher guidance for all. But your fear was great. Many simply
feared what they couldn't’t see. They feared losing their life-style, even though in many cases,
it did not provide total happiness. There were only a few who listened to the wisdom of the
Light. Only a few listened to their own soul pushing them forward to listen, to pay attention to
the messages of wisdom.

Now mankind is at a pivotal point again. This time there are millions who have chosen to
listen to their soul, to listen to the wisdom contained within, fueled by messages from ones as
myself. Yet still your paths are not always clear. You are still residing in transitional times. So
I come to assist you. To provide guidance for the times when your inner balance is disrupted.

The Link of Light

It is time to remember your Soul Power, your own Soul Light – always. In the good times and
most importantly, in challenging times. You see to remember, to acknowledge your true
power, will carry you forward. The remembrance provides a wonderful intent. An intent to
remember you have a choice. Yes indeed. The remembrance and the intent are linked you see.
When ignited they provide the opportunity to stamp out old limiting behavior, old re-actions.
This provides space for the Light to shine through from your soul. Inner power suddenly fills
you. No longer falling back to fear mode and old behavior, you retain your power and take
appropriate action to maintain your inner balance and Soul Power.

Sometimes you will need to take charge of a situation, sometimes have the courage to say no,
sometimes have the wisdom to acknowledge another is not yet understanding higher
knowledge, and so your compassion is required. In all of these scenarios there is a higher
awareness operating. Yet I tell you, you may not always succeed. Do not berate yourself.
Simply begin again. This is part of your higher learning, part of your journey of soul. With
each step, each experience, you grow. You become more aware. You infuse more Light into
your being. All enjoy the calm, the peace and tranquility the Light provides through higher
wisdom. Know it is yours, as much as you can hold. It is familiar to your soul, so familiar.
The Light is your soul. It contains higher awareness.

More than ever in your history you are in a time of great remembrance. As you awaken to
more Light you desire more. You cannot go back, only forward. Yet once you experience the
joys of love and tranquility- the flow of life- you understand what has been missing from your
existence. This is what I come to tell you today. To remind you. And yes, there is a meditation
here to assist you in remembering. It is time to take charge of your own evolution. You have
the choice. I say to you now – walk in the Light, remember. Own the power of your soul.

Master Kuthumi

The Feel Good Meditation

Master Kuthumi has channelled this meditation and teaches you how to connect and feel your
own Soul Light. To experience your divine Soul Essence - the true you.

When you need renewal, when you need solutions, when you need peace, you need to connect
to your own inner wisdom, your own Soul Power in higher awareness, anytime, you need to
feel good, repeat this meditation.

Master Kuthumi shows you how. Through Lynette - his chosen channel..

Copyright 2001 - 2011.

All rights reserved. Kuthumi School of Wisdom.

May not be copied or changed in any way.



Several Volcanoes Have Just Set Off

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 8:30pm

Several Volcanoes Have Just Set Off

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

Just two days after my Yellowstone Update, several volcanoes have erupted.
Japanese volcano 'Shinmoedake' in the southern Kyushu region erupted
Wednesday, leaving fields in nearby towns coated with ash and prompting
limited voluntary evacuations overnight.

Yellowstone Article - http://bit.ly/dP6JrU

Heavy clouds of smoke spewing from the Shinmoedake volcano on Mount Kirishima
prompted the Japan Meteorological Agency to raise the volcanic alert level to a 3, warning
people to clear the area within a mile of the volcano.

Full Article - http://bit.ly/flGtHX

Colombian authorities have raised the risk level of the Galeras volcano to orange alert,
meaning an eruption is likely within days or weeks.

The Colombian Institute of Geology and Mining (Ingeominas) declared the alert on the
Galeras volcano in south-west Colombia Wednesday because of "fluctuating levels in the
occurrence of seismicity," according to a statement issued by Ingeominas.

Full Article - http://bit.ly/hIUXIR

Indonesia's Mount Bromo in East Java province has increased its volcanic activities,
discharging lava 200 meters high. Most residents of Jember district of East Java remained
indoors on Thursday after Mount Bromo spewed its ash. Residents are urged to wear mask
and glasses as the ash could pose a danger to eyes and respiratory system.

The Center of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation raised Bromo's status to red
alert. Several airlines canceled flights to and from the Indonesian resort island of Bali due to
hazardous volcanic ash from Mount Bromo volcano on Java island that erupted on Thursday.
The latest eruption has disrupted schedules of Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, Virgin Blue
and Jetstar which have been redirected.

Full Article - http://bit.ly/gcZdJb

Are we witness to an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity? The answer is "yes".
But perhaps the more important question to ask is "why". The answer is coming to you next
Tuesday February 1st.
Watch for the next ECM newsletter ................

Mitch Battros Research of the Sun - Earth Connection and 2012

Mitch Battros presents fascinating, and sometimes shocking, research from the world's top
scientists. After years of dialogue with these experts, Mitch has been accepted into the
guarded halls of NASA, NOAA, ESA, Royal Observatory, the US Naval Observatory and
other highly esteemed scientific bodies. In addition to the latest research on the Sun's
influence on our "weather".

Mitch also presents ground-breaking evidence of how the Sun and other celestial orbs
produce 'charged particles' and their impact on humanity.

Just as the Sun's solar activity affects the Earth's magnetic field which has a dramatic
affect on Earth's "weather" i.e. earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, hurricanes; so does this
wave of electrical currents affect the human body's magnetic field. Mitch also reveals a little-
known development from modern medicine known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(TMS). TMS provides empirical evidence of how magnetic fields can influence human

Solar Cycle 24 has begun - and it has been predicted by NASA, NOAA and ESA to be up to
50% stronger than its 'record breaking' predecessor Cycle 23 which produced the largest solar
flare ever recorded. The Sun will reach its 'apex' (maximum) in late 2011 into 2012.

"I believe it will be the magnetic influence produced by the Sun which will usher in what is
described by our ancient ancestors as "the transition" bringing us to a new state-of-being".
(Mitch Battros)
Email: newsletter@earthchangesmedia.com
Web: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com


The Lighted Way
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 8:37pm

The Lighted Way

The entire zodiac can be approached and understood from the angle of light. This light is the
inner light, soul light, and its unfolding and increasing radiance is the manifestation of our
divine nature. Our dedication to this continuous "growth of light in light" provides Humanity
with the revelations necessary for us to evolve to our divine destiny.

A study of the ideas that follow will reveal the symbolic story of the growth of the light body,
within the Soul of Humanity (the Macrocosm) and within each of us (the Microcosm), and
will finally make clear the very purpose of God.

The 3 Major Spiritual Festivals

1. Aries. — The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the
cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the "searchlight of the Logos, seeking that
which can be used" for divine expression.

2. Taurus. — The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth
from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.

3. Gemini. — The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which
opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. It is the
conscious light of that relationship.

The 9 Remaining Full Moon Approaches

4. Cancer. — The Light within the form. This is the diffused light of substance itself, the
"dark light" of matter, referred to in The Secret Doctrine. It is the light awaiting the
stimulation coming from the soul light.

5. Leo. — The Light of the Soul. A reflected point of light logoic, or divine. The light
diffused in Cancer focuses and reveals eventually a point.

6. Virgo. — The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen — bright and strong, the light of
form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and
the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini.

7. Libra. — The Light that moves to rest. This is the light that oscillates until a point of
balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down.

8. Scorpio. — The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet — the light of
form, the light of soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.

9. Sagittarius. — A beam of directed, focused Light. In this the point of light becomes the
beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the centre of the light.

10. Capricorn. — The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the
mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.

11. Aquarius. — The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which
ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified
until the dark has gone.

12. Pisces. — The Light of the World. This is the light, revealing the light of life itself. It
ends for ever the darkness of matter.

Adapted from Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey, p 329–330;

descriptions of the 12 Zodiacal Lights are directly quoted.

Questions? Answers? Comments?

Visit WeCycle Wisdom ~ SouledOut.org's Living Wise Blog


13 Moon Natural Time Calendar

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 8:53pm

"I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path."
-His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Listen to a new Interview with Eden Sky on Cosmic Love
Recorded on Jan 1, 2011
A passionate conversation about calendars, time, prophecy, personal and planetary karma,
and what it means to be a human in these precarious, precious moments on Earth...

New Blog Post by Eden Sky:

"2011" Courage we must have ~ Courage we must BE!


In honor of the globally observed "2011" Gregorian Calendar New Year point,
I'd like to take a moment and invite us to contemplate what the Gregorian Calendar
at large signifies for us personally, and as a planetary species.
What role does it play in our daily lives?
How is it serving to guide us within this Universe?

Read the whole article here:


December 25, 2010 Begins a New 260-day Galactic Spin Cycle!

Listen to Eden Sky's Solstice Radio Interview on SkyTalkEarthWalk Radio
This 1-hour interview offers much holistic & practical insight into navigating our human
through these intense, accelerated times! PLEASE LISTEN AND SHARE!
The information and inspiration on this interview is timelessly relevant!

Important Message Rec'd by Eden Sky:

"A Call To All!"

Listen To Eden Sky's Radio Interview with James Gilliland of ECETI
(Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence)


New Book Featuring Eden Sky of 13moon.com:
"2013! The Beginning is Here"

This anthology features 13 authors,

intended to offer wide-ranging views by various experts
regarding the end of the Mayan Calendar Cycle in 2012,
as well as related prophecies and associated physical changes of Earth's structure.

Eden Sky is honored to be published in this book,

alongside her teacher Jose Arguelles,

and many other messengers sharing their key insights
for our personal and planetary awakening process
during these times of Living Prophecy!

Now available as a pre-publication sale here at 13moon.com!

Click here for Book Features, and to reserve your copy today!

(Note: We will be shipping out pre-orders as soon as we have them in hand from the

Subscribe to our 13moon.com mailing list

New post on Eden Sky's


"Accelerated Times on Planet Earth

Call For Sharper Focus On The Light Within"

New products now available from 13moon.com:

Luminous Cocoon Crystal Singers CD

Om Baby, Child of The Universe Children's Book

Hand-Drawn Glyph Sets Finally Back in Stock!

Listen to a Radio Interview with Eden Sky of 13moon.com

This interview offers much insight into

the distinction between natural time and mechanical time,
the affects calendars have on our consciousness,
the basics of the 13-moon calendar system, and
Eden Sky's perspective on the Prophecy of 2012!

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Personal Destiny
Oracle Readings
Deeper Reflections into your Dreamspell Galactic Signature
with Intiana
As she does not wish money to be an obstacle for those who feel called to work with her!

Artwork by Narada Das - Firebird: www.oneearth.ws

by Eden Sky!

It is said
The Ancient Hawaiians
had a prophecy
that there would come
a time on the planet
when there would be so much chaos
it would require many to emerge
as Agents of Calm
It feels these times have arrived…
Read the full post @ Awakening Galactic Culture!

Check out our new 2012 Update!

Please enjoy this video featuring Dr. Jose Arguelles.

May it inspire you to join us in activating the Rainbow Bridge Meditation!


published by SkyTime's Eden Sky!
Featuring Natural Time Updates, Poetry and Cosmic Musings!

Listen to The Prayer of The Seven Galactic Directions

By Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan


"As of Sat Sept 13, 2008 - Yellow Cosmic Star,

we have reached a threshold point -
a sacred landmark on our journey as a collective evolving consciousness:

As of this date, by the cosmic reckoning of the Ancient Maya,

we now have exactly six “Galactic Spin” cycles left
until the completion of the entire 5,125 year cycle of this current World Age,
this Creation Cycle which spans August 13, 3113 BC - December 21, 2012...

Read the whole article here:




Enjoy this compilation of art, essays, poetry, and spirit -

put together to showcase Planetary Art,
as inspired by the 13:20 Natural Time Frequency!

We invite you to check out this new article by our Beloved friend,
Paul Levy, White Crystal Wizard
who has much insight to share regarding the nature and magic of synchronicity:

Catching The Bug of Synchronicity

"Synchronicities are expressions of the dreamlike nature of reality,

as they are moments in time when the timeless,
dreamlike nature of the universe
shines forth its radiance
and openly reveals itself to us,
offering us an open doorway to lucidity."
-Paul Levy

Read the full article here!

Visit Paul's website: www.awakeninthedream.com

~The Mythic Call~

Listen to this inspiring message from Ariel Spilsbury,
author of the Mayan Oracle

The Opportunity of Now

Listen to a Time is Art PodCast

Jeffrey Milburn of The Omni Art Salon interviews SkyTime
discussing Calendars, Time and Prophecy...

Listen to a Podcast with Dr. Jose Arguelles - Valum Votan

Discussing this Time of Living Prophecy!
Interviewed on Creating Peace by Being Peace by Gabriel Cousens
Scroll "Content Library" to find his Interview on 3/16/07

Decode Your Birthdate's

Galactic Signature

-Flash Movie-
Galactivation Animation

Journey of the Cosmic Seed

Take a Visual Odyssey through the Wavepell of the Year

Connect with other Calendar Kin on

The Tortuga.com Message Board!
For those who would like to dialogue with other 13-Moon Calendar trackers,
there is an active message board at http://www.tortuga.com/portal/forum
Everyone is invited to bring their energy to this community exchange!

Join the Global Calendar Change



Global Meditation for the Transition to the
Universal Plane - Deutsch - Espanol -
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 9:00pm

Welcome to the year 2011, dear beacons of light. A year that holds the potential for many
adventures and for the manifestation of all our miracles. Healing on all levels wants to take
place and even in the Mayan Calendar, the year 2011 has a very special meaning.

On 10.02.2011, we will be entering a new cycle together with Mother Earth, the Universal

For this occasion, I was invited to create a global meditation, as I experienced a moment of
„spontaneous heart-opening". This originally German text is also translated into Russian,
Bulgarian and French. (Further translations are very welcome if you like to do so).

Please help to spread this information, so that as many beings as possible can join consciously
in this event.

If you want to be part of this meditation, please take about 30 minutes of your time on 10. 02.
2011 at 19:00. No matter where you are on this planet, choose 19:00, ensuring that the
collective energy of love is being released for a certain length of time on this day. If 19:00 is
not suitable for you, then just tune in with the beings who are currently

meditating when you have time.

Take a crystal that has been cleaned the day before and placed outside for 24 hours. This
crystal is a gift for Mother Earth, so choose one that you are prepared to return to Her.

The energetic potential of the Universal Plane will remind humanity of its connection to
Mother Earth and return us to a life in unity.

Mother Earth has served humanity patiently and devotedly for a long time. She gave us
nourishment, She gave us our bodies, and She was there for us so that we were able to
experience ourselves as human beings at all.

Now it is time to thank Mother Earth and to pursue a new path, a joint path in harmony and
unison with the heartbeat of the Mother. It is time to show our Mother that we are ready for it
and return something to Her as a token of our gratitude for Her generous gifts. Your chosen
crystal is the symbol for your willingness.

The meditation is very simple:

Sit down comfortably and mentally count to 7, while inhaling slowly trough your nose.
Visualise how light enters through your base- and crown-chakras, brushing along your spine
and collecting in your heart-chakra.

Then count to 7 again, holding your breath. Become aware of the ball of light in your heart-

Mentally count to 7 once more, exhaling through your mouth, visualising how the light
spreads out in all directions thorough your energy-field, cleaning and removing all that is stale
and spent.

Now count to 7, holding your breath and observe what happens.

Repeat this breathing-technique 7 times and then simply allow the energy to move around.
Often one feels so light, as if the wind could carry one away. Experience this feeling of

Let a few minutes pass before entering into the conscious connection with Mother Earth and
Father Heaven. Allow a ball of love for Mother Earth to develop in your heart-centre, by
simply reminding yourself of all the wonderful places She has already shown you and send
this ball of light into the centre of Mother Earth. Then just simply wait, wait until She answers
you and answer She will, because She loves you. Let all Her love flow into your body and
move in your energy-field.

Now allow a ball of love for Father Heaven to develop in your heart-centre, love for
everything that exists outside planet earth.

You may want to remind yourself of a starry, clear night-sky and send all your love to Father
Heaven. Wait until He answers you. He sends you his love. Let it flow into your body and
move in your energy-field.

You are now connected in love with Mother Earth and Father Heaven.

Enjoy this connection for about 10 minutes.

Then imagine yourself floating in the universe, above the earth, together with all other beings
who are meditating right now. You are forming a circle around Mother Earth, holding hands.

Now think of everything you want to thank Mother Earth for. Voice it silently or mentally:

„Mother Earth, I thank you for my physical body, I thank you for your beauty, I thank

you for all that nourishes us, I thank you for your patience with us, your children. Etc."

Stay with this image of connectedness and thankfulness for about 10 minutes. Should no more
things to thank for enter your mind, start from the beginning.

Then return to your body and take the crystal, you have lain out and hold it to your heart-

Breathe deeply into your heart and imagine a bright sun there. This sun is now charged with
all the love and thankfulness you feel for Mother Earth. Breathe in deeply for another 10
minutes and experience the sun shining brighter and brighter, exhaling allow all the love and
thankfulness to flow into the crystal. Charge it with love and thankfulness from your heart.

Then slowly return to the here and now.

If you wish, you can download a 30-minute piece of meditation music, which stops every 10
minutes here:


As a last step, you return the crystal to Mother Earth, now or in the next few days. Choose a
stretch of water near you, a river, a stream, a lake or the sea, if you live nearby. Throw the
crystal into the water and allow the love and thankfulness to be carried around the earth by the
power of the water, so that all other beings will be reached, who are still caught in the deep
dream of forgetting.

If you receive an impulse to repeat this ritual with other crystals, please do.

We thank you for your support, we thank you for your BEING. Together we will bring the
love for Mother Earth back into human consciousness. The time is NOW.

Greetings from our hearts

Shari and Anna

. Übersetzungen dieser Infos siehe hier: ( http://www.sternenkraft.at/news-
empfehlungen/globale-meditation/ )

Zu diesem Anlass wurde ich in einem Moment „spontaner Herzensöffnung“ dazu

aufgefordert, eine globale Meditation ins Leben zu rufen. Dieser Text wird ebenso Erde
zurück zu geben.


( http://www.sternenkraft.at/news-empfehlungen/musik-zur-meditation )

Meditacion Global para la transición al plano universal

Bienvenidos queridos seres de luz en el 2011. Un año que lleva el potencial de muchas
aventuras y las manifestaciones de todos nuestros milagros. Sanación en todos los niveles
quiere pasar y tambien en el calendario Maya el año 2011 tiene un significado muy especial.

En el 10.02.2011 vamos a entrar en un nuevo ciclo. Vamos a entrar en el plano universal

juntos con nuestra Madre Tierra.

Por eso, en un momento de una espontanea apertura de corazon he sido invitada a iniciar esta
meditación. El texto tambien será traducido al ingles, ruso, frances (mas traducciones son
bienvenidas si te sientes llamado a hacerlo)

Por favor ayuden a compartir y difundir esta información, para que lo mas personas posible
puedan participar concientemente en este evento.

Si quieres participar, tomate ca. 30 minutos a las 19.00 horas, el dia del 10.02.2011. No
importa en donde

estes en el planeta, empieza a las 19.00 h. Asi, entre todos, se va a liberar la energia del amor
durante una temporada constante en este dia. Si no puedes a las 19.00 h entonces unete
mentalmente al grupo de personas que estan meditando a la hora que puedas.

Búscate un cristal, que limpiaste el dia anterior y déjalo afuera durante 24 horas. Este cristal
será un regalo para la Madre Tierra. Por eso elige uno que quieres devolver a la Madre Tierra.

El potencial energético del Nivel Universal va a llevar la humanidad a recordar su conexión

con la Madre Tierra y volver a llevarles a una vida en la unidad. La Madre Tierra ha servido a
la humanidad durante mucho tiempo con mucha entrega. Nos ha dado alimentos, nuestro
cuerpo, ella estaba aqui, para hacer posible que pudieramos hacer nuestra experencia como
seres humanos.

Ahora es tiempo para agradecerlo a la Madre Tierra y entrar en un nuevo camino de la

harmonia en concordancia con los latidos de corazon de la Madre.

Es tiempo de demostrar a la Madre que estamos listos para eso y que simbolicamente
queremos devolverle algo que ella nos ha ofrecido con su imensa generosidad. El cristal que
eligan es el simbolo de su disposición.

La meditación es muy facil:

Sientate en una posición cómoda y cuenta mentalmente hasta 7 mientras estás respirando
lentamente por la nariz. Visualiza como la luz entra por tu chakra de la coronilla y tu primer
chakra, fluye por tu columna vertebral y se acumula en tu chakra del corazon.

Cuenta mentalmente hasta 7 mientras vas conteniendo el aire. Observa la bola de luz en el
centro de tu corazon.

Cuenta mentalmente hasta 7 y exhala por la boca. Imagínate como la luz sale po tu campo
energético hasta fuera y imagínate como va limpiando lo desgastado y como lo saca.

Cuenta mentalmente hasta 7 y contén el aire. Observa lo que pasa.

Repite esta técnica de respiración 7 veces y despues simplemente deja fluir la energia. En la
mayoria de los casos uno se siente tan ligero, como si se podria dejar llevar por el viento.
Experimenta este sentimiento de libertad.

Algunos minutos despues puedes continuar y entrar concientemente en la conexión entre

Padre Cielo y Madre Tierra. Deja crecer una bola de amor para la Madre Tierra en el centro de
tu corazón. Recuerda todos los lugares maravillosos que te ha enseñado y envia esta bola de
luz al centro de la Madre Tierra. Espera hasta que te responda. Ella va a responder, porque te
ama. Deja fluir todo su amor por tu cuerpo y tu campo energético. Deja crecer una bola de
amor para el Padre Cielo, para todo lo que existe afuera del planeta.

Recuerda por ejemplo un cielo claro lleno de estrellas y envia todo tu amor al Padre Cielo.
Espera hasta que el Padre Cielo te responde. Te envia su amor. Dejala fluir por tu cuerpo y tu
campo energético.

Ahora estas conectado con amor con la Madre Tierra y el Padre Cielo. Disfruta esta conexión
hasta que

pasen los primeros 10 minutos.

Despues imagínate como estas flotando con todas las personas que van meditando al mismo
tiempo encima del planeta tierra en el universo. Estan formando un circulo alrededor de la
Madre Tierra y se toman de las manos.

Ahora piensa en todo lo que agradeces a la Madre Tierra. Expresalo en voz baja o

„Madre Tierra, gracias por mi cuerpo fisico, por tu belleza, por los alimentos, por la paciencia
que tienes con tus hijos, etc…."

Quédate durante 10 minutes con este imagen, donde estas flotando por el universo tomando
los otros de la mano y expresas tu agradecimiento a la Madre Tierra. Si ya no se te ocurre
nada mas, empieza de nuevo desde el principio.

Despues regresa a tu cuerpo y toma el cristal que preparaste antes y ponlo en el centro de tu

Ahora respira profundamente a tu corazon y imagínate alli un sol luminoso. Este sol ahora
estaá energetizado con todo el amor y el agradecimiento que sientes por tu Madre Tierra.
Respira profundamente durante 10 minutos mas y mira como el sol va brillando cada vez mas,
exhala y deja fluir el amor y el agradecimiento a tu cristal. Carga el cristal con el amor y el
agradecimiento de tu corazon. Despues poco a poco regresa al aqui y ahora.

Si quieres puedes bajar del internet una música de meditación con una duración de 30
minutos, que está interrumpida exactamente cada 10 minutos.

( http://www.sternenkraft.at/news-empfehlungen/musik-zur-meditation/ )

El ultimo paso es que ahora o en los dias siguientes entregas el cristal a la Madre Tierra.
Busca algun rio, un arroyo, un lago o el mar, si vives cerca de el. Tira el cristal al agua y
permite que con el poder del agua el amor y el agradecimiento estan llevados por la Tierra
para llegar a todo la otra gente, que todavia estan soñando el sueño del olvido.

Claro que puedes repetir el ritual con otros cristales si te da el impulso.

Les agradecemos su ayuda, gracias pos su SER. Juntos vamos a llevar la Madre Tierra a la
conciencia de la humanidad. El tiempo para eso es AHORA.

Saludos de corazon

Shari y Anna


Rendlesham, Animal Die-Offs, & Extreme

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 9:30pm

Rendlesham, Animal Die-Offs, & Extreme Weather

January 28, 2011

On Thursday's show, investigative reporter

Linda Moulton Howe


shared four updates. In her first report, she described returning to Rendlesham Forest with
former USAF Airman John Burroughs and Sgt. James Penniston, on the 30th anniversary of
their 1980 encounter with lights and a craft of unknown origin. The two believed they located
the area in Rendlesham Forest where Penniston touched symbols on a black, glassy, triangular
craft. He recalled seeing a binary code of zeros and ones when he touched the symbols.
Further, when Penniston was in a hypnosis session, put under with sodium pentothal, he
suggested that the visitors in the craft were time travelers from our future, who had come back
to retrieve chromosomes to help sustain the children in their time period, she reported.

In the wake of 26 separate instances of mysterious bird, fish, and animal die-offs in December
2010 and January 2011, Linda shared an update on the strangely killed seals off the coast of
England and Scotland, which continue to take place in 2011. The seals have unexplained
corkscrew slices running across their bodies. She interviewed marine biologist Neil Wellum
who has been tracking the occurrences. According to the Sea Mammal Research Unit, the
slicing may have been caused by a "ducted propeller system whereby the seals are being
drawn through that and these propeller systems in some cases also have a knife cutter, which
is designed to cut through rope if it gets around a propeller," he explained.

A leaked EPA document blames Bayer's pesticide clothianidin in the honey bee die-offs,
Linda announced in her third segment. She interviewed Tom Theoblad, the owner of a honey
farm in Colorado. He received a call from an EPA whistleblower, who revealed that Bayer's
registration approval for clothianidin is not based on sound science. Not only is the pesticide
toxic to honey bees, but it may also be contaminating soil and groundwater, he warned.
Theobald and his colleagues suggest people push for an EPA ban of clothianidin. EPA contact
info is posted at the end of Linda's full



The extreme weather seen this winter may caused by a rare combination of La Nina in the
Pacific and the formation of a North Atlantic oscillation, Linda detailed in her last report. She
also interviewed two people about reported changes in the Earth's north magnetic field. Tampa
International Airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan described repainting compass
markings on their runways to reflect the change in location of the magnetic north pole which
is moving closer to Siberia. Dr. Stefan Maus of the University of Colorado, suggested it was a
natural "westward drift," and that compasses closer to the North Pole would be far more
affected by such changes. It will take around 1,000 years from now for there to be a pole
reversal, he added.



DailyOM - Let It Roll Off Our Back
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 10:23pm

January 27, 2011

Dodging And Deflecting
Let It Roll Off Our Back

One of the most difficult challenges in life is learning not to take things to heart and hold on
to it.

One of the most difficult challenges in life is learning not to take things to heart and hold on
to it. Especially when we're younger, or if we're very sensitive, we take so much of what
comes our way to heart. This can be overwhelming and unproductive if it throws us off
balance on a regular basis. When we are feeling criticized or attacked from all directions, it
becomes very difficult for us to recover ourselves so that we can continue to speak and act our
truth. This is when we would do well to remember the old saying about letting certain things
roll off us, like water off a duck's back.

Most of the time, the attacks and criticisms of others have much more to do with them and
how they are feeling than with us. If we get caught up in trying to adjust ourselves to other
people's negative energy, we lose touch with our core. In fact, in a positive light, these slings
and arrows offer us the opportunity to strengthen our core sense of self, and to learn to dodge
and deflect other people's misdirected negativity. The more we do this, the more we are able
to discern what belongs to us and what belongs to other people. With practice, we become
masters of our energetic integrity, refusing to serve as targets for the disowned anger and
frustration of the people around us.

Eventually, we will be able to hear the feedback that others have to offer, taking in anything
that might actually be constructive, and releasing that which has nothing to do with us. First,
though, we tend ourselves compassionately by recognizing when we can't take something in
from the outside without hurting ourselves. This is when we make like a duck, shaking it off
and letting it roll off our back as we continue our way in the world.


Kendinizi Affedin
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 10:33pm

Tanri dedi ki:

Bir baskasini istemeden incitmenin basli basina, ayri bir izdirabi soz konusudur.
Bunun boyle olmasini istememissinizdir. Asla da istemezsiniz. Sadece agzinizdan
cikanlar konusunda dikkatsiz davranmissinizdir ve simdi de kendi yureginizdeki
sizinin mahsulunu bicmeniz gerekmektedir. Bu sizi, ektiginiz acidan daha da
derinlere gider; cunku bunu olmamis kilamazsiniz.

Her nevi aci ve kirginligi serbest birakmaniz elzemdir. Bir daha kendinizi ifade ederken
Yeryuzundeki hicbir ruhu incitmemeniz gerektigine yonelik bir ders cikarmanin haricinde,
onlarin iceriginde hicbir iyilik yoktur. Hicbir varligi incitmemek ilkesi fiziksel hasarin
otesinde bir anlama sahiptir.

Duygulariniz incindiginde bunun sizi etkilemeyecegini; cunku bunun sizinle bir ilgisinin
olmadigini soylemistim size. Diger kisiyle ilgilidir bu, dolayisiyla da kirginligi uzerinize
almaktan muhafsiniz sizler. Fakat, izdiraba neden olan kisiyseniz sayet, bundan
mesulsunuz ve simdi de bunu serbest birakmaktan mesulsunuz. Hataniz suclanmaya
reva degildir sevdiklerim. Yapilan pek cok hatadan biridir o sadece ve dikkatinizi ondan
uzaklastirarak bu hatayi duzeltebilirsiniz.

Kirginlik sizin icin iyi degildir, bir digeri icin de iyi degildir o. Ve dunya icin de iyi degildir.

Acinin ve kirginligin kaynagi ne olursa olsun, onun serbest birakilmasi gerekir.

Onu serbest birakmaniz gerekir.

Dolayisiyla kendinizi affetmek durumundasiniz; omuzlarinizi silkin, onu serbest birakin

ve bir daha olmasina da izin vermeyin. Bagislanma talebinde olmayin. Bagislamak sizin
mesuliyetiniz dahilindedir artik. Size aittir, bir baskasina degil. Bir baskasina yuklemeyin onu.

Su andan itibaren herhangi bir durumda ofkelenip kopururseniz sayet, bekleyin.

Iyisi mi, ilk anda kopurmeyin hemen. Telaslanip parlamanizi gerektiren, bu kadar acil
ne vardir ki sevdiklerim? Disari sacacak alevleriniz olmasin. Agirbasli ve temkinli olun.
Sagduyulu olun. Zihninizi sakinlestirin, bu vesileyle ne kendinizinkini ne de bir baskasinin
kalbini incitirsiniz. Derin bir nefes alin ve sakinlesin. Nekadar da yerinde tavsiyelerdir bu

Simdi derin bir nefes alin ve onu disari birakin. Izdirabin nasil da disari ciktigini gorun.
Size ait olmadigini bilmektedir o. Haddini astigini bilmektedir. Pismanlik ve vicdan azabi
izdirabin bilesenleridir. Kildan bir kazak giymeniz gerekmez. Izdiraplardan, incinmisliklerden
soyunurak onlari Dunyanin yuzune firlatmaniz gerekir. Bakin, izdirap ve kirginliklar alcak


Sizin esenlik halinizi sizden calar onlar; dolayisiyla buna izin vermemeniz gerekir.
Esenlik halinizi her ne tehdit ederse etsin, bu sadece bir tehdittir aziz cocuklarim.
Izdiraba boyun egip itaat etmeyin. Izdirabin, kirginlik hissinin sizi yildirmasina musaade

Herhalukarda bloften ibarettir onlar. Izdiraba teslim olmak ve ona bir mihrap sunmak
degildir varolus nedeniniz.Yerine sevgiyi koyun. Nasil da muazzam bir fark yaratir sevgi!
Gorun sizi nasil da yukseklere tasidigini. Izdirap sizi alcak seviyelerde tutacaktir.
Eger musaade ederseniz sizi derinlere gomecektir o. Izdirabi tasimak soylu bir davranis

Bayagi bir seydir bu. Izdirabi sevgiye donusturun. Izdirabi altetmenin yolu budur.
Sizler onu altedecek olanlarsiniz ve yolu da budur. Once kendinizi sevin ve sonrasinda da

Sevgi oncudur. Sevgi hukumdardir. Sevgi kalbin yoludur. Izdirap degil.

Bir tekmeyle savurun izdirabi.

Yureginizden disari atin onu.

Muhatap olmayin onunla. Dikkatinizi yonelterek odullendirmeyin onu. Hicbir degeri yoktur

Ote yandan, sevginin degeri ise agirliginca altindir. Izdirapsa pasli bir tenekedir. Atin gitsin

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural



The Art of Blessing and Fifth-Dimensional
Timelines By DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 11:05pm

The Art of Blessing and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines By DL Zeta

Today we would like to talk about a simple but sometimes overlooked

practice that can transform your life and bring greater access to the
expanded energies now available on the earth plane.

Mastering the simple art of blessing can grant greater access to

fifth-dimensional timelines where you are experiencing radiant health,
limitless abundance, unconditional love, boundless creative energy and
all your other highest and best visions.

Life's Choices: Problems or Perfection

At the heart of the art of blessing is an acceptance of all you see, all

you imagine and all you encounter. There will always be those situations
that seem challenging, unfair, unloving and tragic. There will always be
perfectly justified reasons to focus on what is wrong. However, the
choice to place your focus on these situations will bind you to
lower-vibrational timelines.

It is a choice to see the divine perfection of the universe. Implicit in

this acceptance is a nonjudgmental, non-preferential attitude of seeing
the blessings in all that comes before you. Even those situations you
don't prefer hold blessings. We might say blessings exist especially
within those situations you don't choose because they hold the greatest
potential for transformation.

Blessings are Present in Every Situation

Many people are still bound to their past by energy they hold around old
situations. This is because they have not yet chosen to see the
blessings in those situations. This can be changed within any moment by
looking at an old situation with new eyes. This can be done even if you
must employ a strong magnifying lens in order to see the blessings.
Blessings are always present in every situation. Maintaining a positive
outlook in the face of the worst scenario imaginable requires mastery in
the art of blessing.

Negative Energies are like Viruses

To respond to any situation with negative feelings and negative thoughts

is to feed more energy into your "negative bank account." This insures
your future "withdrawals" will be imbued with the same undesirable
essence. Negative feelings divide you against yourself because they set
you against the calm, loving part of yourself that sees the world in the
light of divine perfection. As long as you are divided within yourself,
you will find it difficult, if not impossible, to remain in a calm,
clear place within yourself.

Negative, lower-dimensional energies are like viruses - they are

everywhere around you. They float through the airwaves looking for a
host. Those who are on the same frequency with these energies are
susceptible to them. This susceptibility can result in one feeding their
energy to the virus and having their life force energy drained. Having a
low life force prevents one from being in resonance with
higher-vibrational timelines.

Those who exist on negative frequencies unintentionally become energy

vampires, draining all who come into contact with them. This is a
learning experience many souls pass through. Bless those who are having
this experience and any other experience you do not choose. To judge,
criticize or have a negative response will surely pull you into the
energy field of what you don't choose and magnetize you to those
timelines you don't prefer. By blessing everyone and everything, you

become immune to lower-vibrational energies.

The Power of Stillness and Inner Peace

Stillness of mind and inner peace are at the heart of being able to
exist in a positive and high-vibrational state. When your mind is clear
and still, you are able to see the blessings in every situation and
become transparent to any negative, lower-dimensional energies you may

By choosing to align with your highest and best perspective, you see the
blessings in all your experiences. By blessing everyone and everything
that comes before you, you shake off the tentacles of lower-vibrational

Unconditional Love aligns you with High-Vibrational Timelines

Unconditional love is the highest vibration in the universe. When you

exist on the frequency of love, you access and energize timelines
aligned with your highest visions. From these timelines all is possible,
all is healed, and all is understood. Whenever you feel yourself out of
balance, come home to the blessings of love and you will automatically
energize timelines of eternal bliss and limitless possibility.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/


HEAVEN #3717 Your Heart Sees Far,
January 28, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 11:15pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3717 Your Heart Sees Far, January 28, 2011

God said:

You are already on the other side of the mountain that you climb. You already are where you
think is far away. You are already enjoined with Me. There is no far away except in your
perception. From your perception, come your beliefs. Your beliefs are not always true. If you
believe you are far away from the heart of God, or that God is far away from you, then such
beliefs are most certainly not true. Oneness is true. The sun shines on all the same.

Looks are deceiving.

At the same time, there is something sweet in your search for Union with Me. There is
something sweet in your searching for that which is already yours. There is sweetness in your
attempt to find Me, even though I am already yours.

On every level, it is a sure thing that you will locate Me. It is a sure thing that I will be found in
your heart. Perhaps, without My Presence in your heart, you would not search for Me. The fact
is that your heart is dependent upon Me. Without My Presence, your heart would not exist. Isn’t
that obvious?

Now I am going to say two opposites. What fool would think he could create himself? And yet I
created Myself in you, yet no fool am I. I duplicated Myself, so I suppose you could say you
created yourself. Of course, you recreate versions of yourself daily. Your evolution is to see
more clearly Who you are and always were. Truth cannot depart from Truth. Truth can only be
Truth. Whether Truth feels like Truth to you at any given moment is beside the point. Truth is
what is and not what you say is.

You are an explorer in the world on My behalf. You are an explorer and discoverer. You
discover your own True Self. You are not the stick figure you drew. You are not the ragged

figment of your imagination. You are not a mythological departure from Me, sewed by your
hand without full sight. You are not really blind. You are blinded, however. How dazzling is the
Truth of You, the Truth of you and Me. We are partners to the degree that We are One. We
cannot be anything else but One. When it comes to Me, fragments are not possible. Fragments
can be deduced but impossible. Of course, there is the human side of you that makes such
deductions. There is also the soul side of you – a preponderance of soul – that knows better.

Your mind cannot encompass that which your heart knows. That brilliant mind can go only so
far. The heart that beats in your breast knows all. Your heart has no limits, no borders, no
restrictions except, of course, for those the mind overlays on your heart. Love the mind just the
same, even though it tries to shackle your heart. The mind doesn’t know all. The mind misreads.
It cannot see what it doesn’t see.

The day will come when your mind moves over for your heart, and then your mind will be in
awe. Your mind will bow down to your heart. Heart waves will take precedence over brain
waves. Heart and mind will become One, and the eye will see, and your heart will venture
beyond the horizons that the mind once set up.

The mind apologizes. Forgive the mind because it knew only what it knew and didn’t know
what it didn’t know and couldn’t see.

It is your heart that sees far and leaps over the horizons of the mind.

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 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:00am

Tek başına kalmış, bunca rüzgar görmüş ve hala sakin. Neden al aşağı olmamış ya da yan
yana istiflenip kaderine yol almamış, bilemedim. Gözden kaçmış olamaz. Öyle parlak, öyle
albenili ki… Ve apaçık, gözler önünde. Hatta sanki hepsinden önce de burdaydı, hepsinden
sonra olduğu gibi. Yanında kardeşleri yok. Tek. Varmış da bir zaman, hepsi binbir yere
dağılmış. Uzun hikaye… Şimdi tek. Ama korku yok… Zaten O’na bakınca, güveni
görüyorum. Ve sabrı kuşkusuz… Şüphenin küçücük bir esintisi bile yamacına erişmiyor, belli.
Teslimiyetin sıcağında kalıp, oluşundan bu kadar emin durulabilir mi? Durulur demek…

O, koca yaşam bahçesinde, tüm mevsimlerden, bi başına geçmiş. Tek bildiği, yaşama
kendisini olduğu gibi vermekmiş. Olduğu gibi…

Cesur, güçlü, benzersiz ve şahane. Topraktan gelmiş, dallarda yükselmiş, ucunda durmuş ve
her an, düşmenin mi dersin, evrilmenin mi, işte onun arifesinde, kendini o muhteşem çembere
açmış, kaygısızca salınıyor. Bütün olan mucizeye denk, denk olmasına da! Bahçenin dalda
kalan sonuncusu olmaktan gurur da duymuyor, vay be ben neymişim de demiyor, yalnızlık da
çekmiyor. Hele hele sıkılmak, hiç! Kendiyle olmaktan alası mı var? Buyrun işte, O besbelli
tam da bunu yaşıyor.

O, O yani...

Ahh… Oluşuna şükrediyorum. Sonra coşup ağlıyorum sevinçten... Çünkü benimle konuşuyor.
Bu sihir değildi de ne?

Beraber olmak için, değişiklik yapıp, orta boyda, bol sulu ve çekirdekli bir mandalina kılığına
bürünmüş. Dediğine göre hangi isimle, hangi şekilde olursa olsun, buluşmak harikaymış.
Bunun öyle kıymetli hediyeleri varmış ki… Az kalmış, hepsine kavuşacakmışız.
Birbirimize sarılıp sarmaladıkça kalbimizden yeni bi şey doğacakmış. Doğacak olan doğunca
ne olacağını O da bilmiyormuş. Ama, dediği o ki, MUCİZE yakınmış. Bunu söylesin diye ben
çağırmışım onu buraya. O’nun kalbi olduğuna şaşırsam da, inanmasam da normalmiş bu, kim
olsa, “yahu bu bildiğin mandalina, ne kalbi, neresine sarılayım ben bunun” dermiş. Ama ben
bundan, KENDİM KADAR emin olabilirmişim.

Gülümsemişim farkında olmadan. Buna şaşmadığımı görünce hayret etmiş önce. Ama “dur
duuurrr” demiş oluşu O’na: “Bakın, görün! Tam da bunun için bu olanlar… O buna hazır
olmasa, sen O’na nasıl görünecektin? Sihre inandığını, şimdi buraya gelmesen, nerden
bilecektin? Ben sana; kapı açık, ama ancak buluşunca gireceksiniz, OLANA HAZIR OLUN
diye, boşuna demedim.”

Tombul turuncu haberciye ister inanır, ister es geçerdim. Ruhun fısıltısı, zihnin
gümbürtüsünde boğulabilir, o alışık olduğum düzen, kendini seve seve tekrarlayabilirdi. Ama
GERÇEĞİN SESİ’ni susturmaya bildik hiçbişey yetmedi.

Ben, Ben’i seçtim. Ben, sihre inanmayı seçtim.

Çünkü biliyordum, Ben zaten, başından beri ve sonsuza dek, sihrin ta kendisiydim.

Sevgili Yeşim e bu güzel paylasımı için çok teşekkürler


The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before
You Die
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:19am

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die

by John Izzo, Ph.D.

printed with permission

What are the secrets to happiness and meaning? Why do some people find a deep sense of
purpose while they are here and die with few regrets while others end their lives bitter and

About two years ago, I set out to answer that question by asking several thousand people to
identify the one person they knew who had lived a long life and found true happiness. It
seemed to me that each of us knows at least one person who achieved true success. After
receiving over 1,000 nominations, I interviewed 235 people from the age of 59-106 (who had
over 18,000 years of life experience) asking them to reflect back on their lives: What brought
happiness? What gave meaning? What did they regret? What did they wish they had learned
sooner? What did not matter in the end?

These wise elders were an incredibly diverse group ranging from a town barber to CEO's,
from poets to native chiefs, Holocaust survivors to war veterans, and represented all the major
religions and cultures of our society. My goal was not to interview famous people but to
identify ordinary people who had found extraordinary happiness. What I discovered were five
clear themes of what it means to live a happy and meaningful life (and to die with a smile on
your face). In my new book The Five Secrets You Must Discover before You Die, I share the
five true paths to finding meaning in life and show how we can live these secrets.

The first secret I learned from these interviews is Be True to Yourself. Each one of us is on a
unique human journey, and the path to true happiness is to be true to ourselves. This means
knowing what brings us happiness and focusing our life on what matters to us. It means
reflecting on a regular basis as to whether our life fits our soul. In our daily lives, it means
knowing what brings us joy and ensuring that we fill our life with the right elements. It also
means following our unique destiny. One of the people I interviewed was a Latino woman
who talked about the importance of following our destina. The idea is that each of us has a
path that is most true to us, which is not so much a destination as a way we are meant to be in
the world. For example, I am a teacher and philosopher by nature, and when I stay close to
that path, I experience true joy.

Being true to self often means drowning out other voices that would ask us to live their

dreams instead of ours. Ron, a gifted chiropractor, told me the story of how he planned to
become a medical doctor but when he visited a chiropractor shortly before starting medical
school, he discovered a profession that connected to his true self. Others told me I was crazy
but I knew it was my path. He told me that to follow your heart you must have the discipline
to listen and the courage to follow. This means asking if the life we are living is true to our
deepest sense of self, and it sometimes requires a step of courage to follow our soul. Are you
being true to yourself right now?

The second secret I learned is to Leave No Regrets. It seems to me that what we fear most as
we age is not death, but rather to come to the end of our life feeling that we never truly lived.
The saddest words ever spoken at the end of life are I wish I had. Tom, a native healer, told
me that the great fear at the end of life is the great incompleteness; that you did not do what
you came here to do. One of the most interesting things I discovered in talking to 235 wise
people is that almost no one regretted risks they took that did not work out, and most said they
wished they had risked more. When I asked these people about major crossroads in their lives,
many of them talked about taking risks - sometimes large and sometimes small - which
wound up bringing great happiness. One of the keys to moving towards what we want instead
of what we fear is to focus on the best possible result and not the worst. Are you going for
what you truly want in your life or acting with fear?

Become Love was the third secret I learned from these people. Not surprisingly, the greatest
source of happiness for people and the largest place of regret had to do with people. What I
discovered is that those who made people a priority in their lives and who developed deep
personal relationships found true happiness. Many of them told me that things rarely brought
true joy, whereas family and friends brought lasting happiness. One way to focus on
relationships is to set intentional goals for our personal relationships just like we do in our

Yet the most interesting thing I uncovered is that being a loving person, the choice to give
love, is even more important in determining happiness than getting it. These people talked to
me about the importance of choosing love and kindness as your way in the world. They taught
me that when we choose to be a loving person, we find a deep sense of meaning in life.

The fourth secret was to Live the Moment. One of the most common things people told me
was how fast life goes by and how important it is to enjoy each moment. One woman told me
when you are young you think sixty years is an incredibly long time, but when you get there,
you realize it was only a moment. Among the secrets they shared were how important it is to
live in the present, to fully enjoy whatever experience you are having (and not to wish you
were somewhere else), and to live with gratitude focusing on what you are grateful for rather
than what you don't have. They told me that we have no power over the past and little power
over the future. Many of them said that whenever you find yourself saying I will be happy
when or I will be happy if that it is important to remember that happiness is a choice we make
inside. One woman told me: You have to stop judging your life and start living your life. Stop
keeping score trying to decide if you are winning. Instead, live each day fully and stay in the
moment. Are you living with gratitude right now, focusing on enjoying your life rather than
judging it?

The fifth and final secret was to Give More Than You Take. When I asked people what gave
their life the greatest meaning, people told me again and again people that being of service
and knowing that you made things better because you were here was by far the greatest source

of meaning. I learned that whether in career or personal life, that it is what we give, not what
we take, that gives life meaning. Many of them also reminded me that we have little control
over what we get from the world every day (whether people will love us, whether we will win
the lottery, etc.) but we have complete control over what we give to the world (whether we
choose to be kind, charitable, and to give to others). These people reminded me that
everything we take from the world dies with us, but everything we give to the world gets
recycled. A wise woman named Susan told me that when we are young, we cry for ourselves,
but as we age we learn to cry for the world. Indeed all the spiritual traditions remind us that
true happiness comes from focusing on being of service, and in the process, joy finds us. Are
you focused on giving or getting each day?

What I also discovered is that it is not enough to know the secrets, we must live them. One
man told me many of us know what is important but it is not enough to know, you have to put
these things into practice. These people taught me a great deal about how to live the secrets as
well, and I share many of their techniques in the book. One of my favorites was sixty-four
year old Joel who told me about how he reminds himself each day to live the moment. When I
wake up, the first thing I do is say a prayer thanking God and the universe that I get to live
one more day, and I pray that I will treat it as a gift. At night, just before I go to bed, I have a
time of meditation and remember all the things that I am grateful for that day and ask for one
more day.

Someone once told me if you want to live a happy life; ask someone who has lived one. This
past year I had the privilege to sit at the feet of 235 of the wisest people I have ever met and I
was amazed how clear they were on what mattered, what didn't matter, and how each of us
can create a life of meaning and happiness.

The above is an excerpt from the book The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die
by John Izzo. Published by Berrett Koehler, January 2008, $15.95 U.S., 978-1-57675-475-7.
Copyright 2008 by John Izzo, printed here with permission.
John Izzo, Ph.D., is the bestselling author of Second Innocence and host of the public
television series The Five Things You Must Discover Before You Die. Holding advanced
degrees in religion and psychology, Izzo has spoken to over one million people on four
continents about living more purposeful lives. More information about Mr. Izzo can be found
at theizzogroup.com.


Kime eğitimli diyeceğim?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:29am

"Kime eğitimli diyeceğim?

Ben ,öncelikle koşullar tarafından yönetilmek yerine onlara egemen olan,
her fırsatı yiğitçe karşılayan ve zekice hareket eden,
tüm iş ve ilişkilerinde onurlu olan,
huysuz kişilere ve olumsuzluklara karşı iyi yaklaşan,
ayrıca zevklerini kontrol altında tutan
ve talihsizliklere hiçbir zaman boyun eğmeyen,
başarıyla şımarmayan insanlara eğitimli derim."



bir söz: "Tek umursadığım; kişinin insan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:31am

"Benim ne ırk önyargım var,

ne sınıf önyargım var,
ne de din önyargım var.
Tek umursadığım; kişinin insan olması
ve bu benim için yeterli.. "

Mark Twain


Sacred Geometry
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:41am

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient
science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and
reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every
natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes.

As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully
patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes,
pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we
spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know
them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow
us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the
inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.

The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education
of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm
and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the "sacred" had particular significance
involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness ….. the ultimate sacred
wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the
experience of self-awareness.

As far back as Greek Mystery schools 2500 years ago, we as a species were taught that there
are five perfect 3-dimensional forms -The tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron,
dodecahedron, and icosahedron. Collectively these are known as The Platonic Solids -- and
are the foundation of everything in the physical world. Modern scholars ridiculed this idea
until the 1980's, when Professor Robert Moon at the University of Chicago demonstrated that
the entire Periodic Table of Elements -- literally everything in the physical world -- is based
on these same five forms! In fact, throughout modern Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, the
sacred geometric patterns of creation are being rediscovered, but often without the greater
context of spiritual understanding which protects against their misuse. One of our intentions
with lightSource, is to provide a bridge to an intuitive spiritual understanding that is in
alignment with the appropriate use of this knowledge.

Sacred Geometry
Geometric shapes actually represent the manifest stages of 'becoming'. To see and work with
unity and wholeness in geometry can help abolish our false notion of separateness from nature
and from each other. Through Sacred Geometry we can discover the inherent proportion,
balance and harmony that exists in any situation, all manifest reality and even the
circumstances of our day-to-day life.

It was Marcel Proust who said, " The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new
lands but seeing with new eyes."
The Energy in Action
Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who introduced to Europe and popularized
the Hindu-Arabic number system (also called the decimal system). He contributed greatly to
number theory, and during his life published many important texts. He is also known for the
Fibonacci Series, a numerical series found frequently in the natural world.
The Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two numbers in the list together
to form the next and so on and so on.(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...). Divide any number in
the Fibonacci sequence by the one before it, for example 55/34, or 21/13, and the answer is
always close to 1.61803. This is known as the Golden Ratio.

One of the most profound and significant activities encompassed within sacred geometry is
the 'Golden Mean Spiral', derived by using the 'Golden Ratio'.
The Golden Mean was used in the design of sacred buildings in ancient architecture to
produce spiritual energy that facilitated connectivity with spiritual realms through prayer. Our
reality is very structured, and indeed Life is even more structured. This is reflected though
Nature in the form of geometry. Geometry is the very basis of our reality, and hence we live in
a coherent world governed by unseen laws. These are always manifested in our world. The
Golden Mean governs the proportion of our world and it can be found even in the most
seemingly proportion-less (active) living forms. Clear examples of Sacred Geometry (and
Golden Mean geometry) in Nature and matter: All types of crystals, natural and cultured. The
hexagonal geometry of snowflakes. Creatures exhibiting logarithmic spiral patterns: e.g.
snails and various shell fish. Birds and flying insects, exhibiting clear Golden Mean
proportions in bodies & wings. The way in which lightning forms branches. The way in which
rivers branch. The geometric molecular and atomic patterns that all solid metals exhibit. The
way in which a tree spans out so that all its branches receive sunlight Another, perhaps less
obvious but most significant example of this special ratio can be found in Deoxyribonucleic
Acid (DNA) - the foundation and guiding mechanism of all living organisms. Click this
picture of the Sri Yantra to see how it is it created :) The understanding of geometry as an
underlying part of our existence is nothing new, and in fact the Golden Mean and other forms
of geometry can be seen imbedded in many of the ancient monuments that still exist today.
The Great Pyramid (the oldest of these structures) at Giza is a good example of this. The
height of this pyramid is in Phi ratio (e.g. the Golden Mean Ratio) to its base. In fact, the
geometry in this particular structure is far more accurate than that found in any of today's
modern buildings.

This explains why popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres
(e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a
synagogue). These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type
of penetrating carrier wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named negative green (which
acts as carrier-like radio waves that carry sound information). The vibrational quality of the
Golden Mean gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with
higher realms in prayer.

We live in the 3rd dimension, or the 'Plane of Manifestation'. The Golden Mean is an intra-
dimensional doorway though which matter emerges into manifest 3-D reality. For example,
when a star is born it follows specific number sequences or universal rules, the same rules of
life in the expansion process. Then we see the light!

Thus the Golden Mean is the "fingerprint" of creation. When we re-create this moving and
always expanding sequence, we have in effect - 'the exact movement of creation in the
expansion process'.

In nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles, to
expressions of life discernible by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. These inevitably follow
geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational
resonances. They are also symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the
inseparable relationship of the part to the whole. It is this principle of oneness underlying all
geometry that permeates the architecture of all form in its myriad diversity. This principle of
interconnectedness, inseparability and union provides us with a continuous reminder of our
relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things


The Sphere
(charcoal sketch of a sphere by Nancy Bolton-Rawles) Starting with what may be the simplest
and most perfect of forms, the sphere is an ultimate expression of unity, completeness, and
integrity. There is no point of view given greater or lesser importance, and all points on the
surface are equally accessible and regarded by the center from which all originate. Atoms,
cells, seeds, planets, and globular star systems all echo the spherical paradigm of total
inclusion, acceptance, simultaneous potential and fruition, the macrocosm and microcosm.

The Circle
The circle is a two-dimensional shadow of the sphere which is regarded throughout cultural
history as an icon of the ineffable oneness; the indivisible fulfillment of the Universe. All
other symbols and geometries reflect various aspects of the profound and consummate
perfection of the circle, sphere and other higher dimensional forms of these we might

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Pi, is the original transcendental and
irrational number. (Pi equals about
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511...) It cannot be expressed in
terms of the ratio of two whole numbers, or in the language of sacred symbolism, the essence
of the circle exists in a dimension that transcends the linear rationality that it contains. Our
holistic perspectives, feelings and intuitions encompass the finite elements of the ideas that
are within them, yet have a greater wisdom than can be expressed by those ideas alone.

The Point
At the center of a circle or a sphere is always an infinitesimal point. The point needs no
dimension, yet embraces all dimension. Transcendence of the illusions of time and space
result in the point of here and now, our most primal light of consciousness. The proverbial
"light at the end of the tunnel" is being validated by the ever-increasing literature on so-called
"near-death experiences". If our essence is truly spiritual omnipresence, then perhaps the
"point" of our being "here" is to recognize the oneness we share, validating all "individuals"
as equally precious and sacred aspects of that one.

Life itself as we know it is inextricably interwoven with geometric forms, from the angles of
atomic bonds in the molecules of the amino acids, to the helical spirals of DNA, to the
spherical prototype of the cell, to the first few cells of an organism which assume vesical,
tetrahedral, and star (double) tetrahedral forms prior to the diversification of tissues for
different physiological functions. Our human bodies on this planet all developed with a
common geometric progression from one to two to four to eight primal cells and beyond.

Almost everywhere we look, the mineral intelligence embodied within crystalline structures
follows a geometry unfaltering in its exactitude. The lattice patterns of crystals all express the
principles of mathematical perfection and repetition of a fundamental essence, each with a
characteristic spectrum of resonances defined by the angles, lengths and relational
orientations of its atomic components.

The Square Root of Two

The square root of 2 embodies a profound principle of the whole being more than the sum of
its parts. (The square root of two equals about 1.414213562...) The orthogonal dimensions

(axes at right angles) form the conjugal union of the horizontal and vertical which give birth
to the greater offspring of the hypotenuse. The new generation possesses the capacity for
synthesis, growth, integration and reconciliation of polarities by spanning both perspectives
equally. The root of two originating from the square leads to a greater unity, a higher
expression of its essential truth, faithful to its lineage.

The fact that the root is irrational expresses the concept that our higher dimensional faculties
can't always necessarily be expressed in lower order dimensional terms - e.g. "And the light
shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (from the Gospel of St. John,
Chapter 1, verse 5). By the same token, we have the capacity to surpass the genetically
programmed limitations of our ancestors, if we can shift into a new frame of reference (i.e.
neutral with respect to prior axes, yet formed from that matrix-seed conjugation. Our
dictionary refers to the word matrix both as a womb and an array (or grid lattice). Our
language has some wonderful built-in metaphors if we look for them!

The Golden Ratio

The golden ratio (phi) has some unique properties and makes some interesting appearances:
* phi = phi^2 - 1; therefore 1 + phi = phi^2; phi + phi^2 = phi^3; phi^2 + phi^3= phi^4; ad
* phi = (1 + square root(5)) / 2 from quadratic formula, 1 + phi = phi^2.
* phi = 1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/...)))))
* phi = 1 + square root(1 + square root(1 + square root(1 + square root(1 + square root(1
+ ...)))))
* phi = (sec 72)/2 =(csc 18)/2 = 1/(2 cos 72) = 1/(2 sin 18) = 2 sin 54 = 2 cos 36 = 2/(csc 54)
= 2/ (sec 36) for all you trigonometry enthusiasts.
* phi = the ratio of segments in a 5-pointed star (pentagram) considered sacred to Plato and
Pythagoras in their mystery schools.
Note that each larger (or smaller) section is related by the phi ratio, so that a power series of
the golden ratio raised to successively higher (or lower) powers is automatically generated:
phi, phi^2, phi^3, phi^4, phi^5, etc.
* phi = apothem to bisected base ratio in the Great Pyramid of Giza
* phi = ratio of adjacent terms of the famous Fibonacci Series evaluated at infinity; the
Fibonacci Series is a rather ubiquitous set of numbers that begins with one and one and each
term thereafter is the sum of the prior two terms, thus:
1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144... (interesting that the 12th term is 12 "raised to a higher
power", which appears prominently in a vast collection of metaphysical literature)

The mathematician credited with the discovery of this series is Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci
and there is a publication devoted to disseminating information about its unique mathematical
properties, The Fibonacci Quarterly Fibonacci ratios appear in the ratio of the number of
spiral arms in daisies, in the chronology of rabbit populations, in the sequence of leaf patterns
as they twist around a branch, and a myriad of places in nature where self-generating patterns
are in effect.
The sequence is the rational progression towards the irrational number embodied in the
quintessential golden ratio.

This most aesthetically pleasing proportion, phi, has been utilized by numerous artists since
(and probably before!) the construction of the Great Pyramid.
As scholars and artists of eras gone by discovered (such as Leonardo da Vinci, Plato, and

Pythagoras), the intentional use of these natural proportions in art of various forms expands
our sense of beauty, balance and harmony to optimal effect.
Leonardo da Vinci used the Golden Ratio in his painting of The Last Supper in both the
overall composition (three vertical Golden Rectangles, and a decagon (which contains the
golden ratio) for alignment of the central figure of Jesus.

width=200 height=200 style="margin: 10px; float:left "alt="Omega432™ The Flower of

Life" title="The Flower of Life" border="0"/> The outline of the Parthenon at the Acropolis
near Athens, Greece is enclosed by a Golden Rectangle by design.
The Square Root of 3 and the Vesica Piscis
The Vesica Piscis is formed by the intersection of two circles or spheres whose centers exactly
touch. This symbolic intersection represents the "common ground", "shared vision" or
"mutual understanding" between equal individuals. The shape of the human eye itself is a
Vesica Piscis.
The spiritual significance of "seeing eye to eye" to the "mirror of the soul" was highly
regarded by numerous Renaissance artists who used this form extensively in art and
architecture. The ratio of the axes of the form is the square root of 3, which alludes to the
deepest nature of the triune which cannot be adequately expressed by rational language alone.

This spiral generated by a recursive nest of Golden Triangles (triangles with relative side
lengths of 1, phi and phi) is the classic shape of the Chambered Nautilus shell.
The creature building this shell uses the same proportions for each expanded chamber that is
added; growth follows a law which is everywhere the same.
The outer triangle is the same as one of the five "arms" of the pentagonal graphic above.

Rotating a circle about a line tangent to it creates a torus, which is similar to a donut shape
where the center exactly touches all the "rotated circles."
The surface of the torus can be covered with 7 distinct areas, all of which touch each other; an
example of the classic "map problem" where one tries to find a map where the least number of
unique colors are needed.
In this 3-dimensional case, 7 colors are needed, meaning that the torus has a high degree of
"communication" across its surface. The image shown is a "birds-eye" view.

The progression from point (0-dimensional) to line (1-dimensional) to plane (2-dimensional)
to space (3-dimensional) and beyond leads us to the question - if mapping from higher order
dimensions to lower ones loses vital information (as we can readily observe with optical
illusions resulting from third to second dimensional mapping), does our "fixation" with a 3-
dimensional space introduce crucial distortions in our view of reality that a higher-
dimensional perspective would not lead us to?

Fractals and Recursive Geometries

There is a wealth of good literature on this subject; it's always fascinating how nature
propagates the same essence regardless of the magnitude of its expression...our spirit is
spaceless yet can manifest aspects of its individuality at any scale.

Perfect Right Triangles

The 3/4/5, 5/12/13 and 7/24/25 triangles are examples of right triangles whose sides are whole

numbers. The graphic above contains several of each of these triangles.
The 3/4/5 triangle is contained within the so-called "King's Chamber" of the Great Pyramid,
along with the 2/3/root5 and 5/root5/2root5 triangles, utilizing the various diagonals and

The Platonic Solids

Here are LOTS of math details and images of the Platonic Solids and Archimedean Solids.
The 5 Platonic solids (Tetrahedron, Cube or (Hexahedron), Octahedron, Dodecahedron and
Icosahedron) are ideal, primal models of crystal patterns that occur throughout the world of
minerals in countless variations.
These are the only five regular polyhedra, that is, the only five solids made from the same
equilateral, equiangular polygons. To the Greeks, these solids symbolized fire, earth, air, spirit
(or ether) and water respectively. The cube and octahedron are duals, meaning that one can be
created by connecting the midpoints of the faces of the other.
The icosahedron and dodecahedron are also duals of each other, and three mutually
perpendicular, mutually bisecting golden rectangles can be drawn connecting their vertices
and midpoints, respectively. The tetrahedron is a dual to itself.

Here are some animations of counter-rotating polyhedra and images of the Platonic solids
showing their relationships as duals.
Here are fold-up patterns for the Platonic Solids.

The Archimedean Solids

There are 13 Archimedean solids, each of which are composed of two or more different
regular polygons. Interestingly, 5 (Platonic) and 13 (Archimedean) are both Fibonacci
numbers, and 5, 12 and 13 form a perfect right triangle.
Here are fold-up patterns for the Archimedean Solids.

Stellations of The Platonic Solids and The Archimedean Solids

This is a stellation of a dodecahedron where each pentagonal face is capped with a pentagonal
pyramid composed of 5 golden triangles, a sort of 3-dimensional 5-pointed star.

Metatron's Cube

The simplest means of constructing Metatron's Cube is to begin with a cube flattened along a
diagonal that passes through its center, such that it becomes a 2D figure, equivalent to a
regular hexagon divided via its own diagonals into six equilateral triangles. The vertices of
this 2D figure are then connected with additional lines. Several steps later, the full Metatron's

Cube figure is formed. There is much, spiritual and geometrical significance assigned to
Metatron's Cube; to be discussed later (and hopefully added by our group members).

The Flower of Life

Indelibly etched on the walls of temple of the Osirion at Abydos, Egypt, the Flower of Life
contains a vast Akashic system of information, including templates for the five Platonic Solids
and the key to 432hz music.

The Flower of Life is the modern name given to a geometrical figure composed of multiple
evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern
with a sixfold symmetry like a hexagon. The center of each circle is on the circumference of
six surrounding circles of the same diameter.

It is considered by some to be a symbol of sacred geometry, said to contain ancient, religious

value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. In this sense, it is a visual
expression of the connections life weaves through all sentient beings, believed to contain a
type of Akashic Record of basic information of all living things.

If the, Flower of Life, geometrical figure is perceived as a 2-dimensional section, of a 3-D to

5-dimensional form, then a grid(with countless forms, located within) is conceivable.
(theory~Plato described the Earth as having a dodecahedron grid.)

There are many spiritual beliefs associated with the Flower of Life; for example, depictions of
the five Platonic Solids are found within the symbol of Metatron's Cube, which may be
derived from the Flower of Life pattern. These platonic solids are geometrical forms which
are said to act as a template from which all life springs.

Another notable example of that which may be derived from the Flower of Life is the Tree of
Life. This has been an important symbol of sacred geometry for many people from various
religious backgrounds. Particularly, the teachings of the Kabbalah have dealt intricately with
the Tree of Life.

According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the stages which
construct the Seed of Life are said to represent the seven days of Creation, in which Elohim
(God/concept of divinity) created life; Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 23:12, 31:16-17, Isaiah 56:6-8.
Within these stages, among other things, are the symbols of the Vesica Piscis (an ancient
religious symbol) and Borromean rings (which represents the Holy Trinity).

Flower of Life in History and Culture


The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest known examples of the Flower of
Life. Precisely how old these inscriptions are is unknown. Suggestions that they are over
6,000 years old and may date back to as long ago as 10,500 B.C. or earlier are entirely
speculative and not based on any factual reality.

The most recent research shows that these symbols can be no earlier than 535 B.C. and most
probably date to between the 2nd and 4th century AD, based upon photographic evidence of
Greek text, still to be fully deciphered, seen alongside the Flower of Life circles and the
position of the circles close to the top of columns, which are over 4 metres in height. This
suggests the Osirion was half filled with sand prior to the circles being drawn and therefore
likely to have been well after the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Possibly five Flower of Life patterns can be seen on one of the granite columns and a further
five on a column opposite of the Osirion. Some are very faint and hard to distinguish. They
have not been carved into the granite being drawn in red ochre with careful precision.


Christianity has many symbolic connections to the Flower of Life. Most notably, the Seed of
Life and components within the Seed of Life have strong Christian meaning to them. Such
components are the Spherical Octahedron, Vesica Piscis, Tripod of Life, and Tree of Life
(Kabbalah). Also the symbol of Metatron's Cube is delineated by a component of the Flower
of Life and has appeared in Christian art.

Kabbalah / Judaism

The Kabbalah, which has historically been studied by the followers of Judaism, holds some
symbolic connections to the Flower of Life.

The symbol of the Tree of Life, which may be derived from the design of the Flower of Life,
is studied as part of the teachings of the Kabbalah.

Additionally, the symbol of Metatron's Cube, found by connecting the centers of each circle in
the Fruit of Life, is seen in early Kabbalist scriptures.

New Age

In New Age thought, the Flower of Life has provided what is considered to be deep spiritual
meaning and forms of enlightenment to those who have studied it as sacred geometry.There
are groups of people all over the world who derive particular beliefs and forms of meditation
based (at least in part) on the Flower of Life. FlowerofLife.org, for example, coordinates
workshops at locations all over the world, in which they teach their New Age beliefs,
methods, and interpretations of the Flower of Life.

Other Religions

The concept of the Tree of life has been adopted by some Hermeticists and pagans. The
symbol of the Tree of Life may be derived from the Flower of Life.

One of the earliest known occurrences of the Vesica Piscis, and perhaps first, was among the
Pythagoreans, who considered it a holy figure. The Vesica Piscis is a basic component of the
Flower of Life.


Components of the Flower of Life have been a part of the work of Alchemists. Metatron's
Cube is a symbol derived from the Flower of Life which was used as a containment circle or
creation circle.

Alchemy of Time and Consciousness

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. He drew
the Flower of Life itself, as well as various components such as the Seed of Life. He drew
geometric figures representing shapes such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus, etc., and
also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower
of Life design.

Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

Star of David Merkaba

Sacred Geometry Golden Ratio - Spiral of Consciousness

Composition of the Flower of Life in Stages

The "Seed of Life" is formed from seven circles being placed with sixfold symmetry, forming
a pattern of circles and lenses, which acts as a basic component of the Flower of Life's design.

According to some researchers, the Seed of Life is a symbol of depicting the seven days of
creation in which God created life; Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 23:12, 31:16-17, Isaiah 56:6-8. The
first day is believed to be the creation of the Vesica Piscis, then the creation of the Tripod of
Life on the second day, followed by one sphere added for each subsequent day until all seven

spheres construct the Seed of Life on the sixth day of Creation. The seventh day is the day of
rest, known as the "Sabbath" or "Shabbat."

In the 13th century, a Cabalist group from France succeeded, through geometric
interpretation, in dividing the entire Hebrew alphabet into an order using the Seed of Life. The
resulting alphabet was remarkably similar to that of the Religious sage Rashi who wrote his
commentaries on the Old Testament at that time in France.

The Grids and Geometric/Sacred Form

When we speak about the grid, many of us are reminded of the grid as it has been depicted in
some books-a matrix of angular energy lines extended above our planet. This of course is
correct, however there is far more to the grid than this.

Grids are actually fractal and holographic, and they span all of creation including its many
dimensional levels. They are not just on Earth, but correspond to the physical universe. The
physical universe does not exist without these grids. They are needed to ensure the
appropriate distribution of life-force energy, provide the templates needed for material
creation, and much more. Not only that, but they are a physicalized expression of the sacred
code of creation itself. They are not inanimate "objects" - they are a blueprint of
consciousness itself, expressed in a harmonic form.

The concept of grids is easy to understand if one has done some investigation of sacred
geometry. In order to delve deeper into the understanding of consciousness grids, we will
need to lay some groundwork first. For those who are new to sacred geometry, let me first say
that grids are expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by
principles of sacred geometry and they span the entire multidimensional universe. What is
sacred geometry? Everyone knows what geometry is, and anyone can draw a geometric form.
But when you relate Great Spirit, consciousness, or "God" and the opening of the heart to
geometry, you are creating sacred geometry.

Sacred geometry is the expression of geometry related to the evolution of consciousness,

mind, body, and spirit in geometric terms. True sacred geometry is not just static angular
forms. It is organic and living-it is in constant evolution (transcendence) or devolution
(materialization), ascending or descending from one form to another.

So the grid of the planet is an actual geometric and energetic expression of the principles of
creation that can serve as a bridge between our planet's physical and energetic manifestions.
To get an idea of how vast the grid actually is, let's look first at our planet. On this planet, in
order for the smallest particle, element or compound to congeal and materialize, it needs a
blueprint and a template for its construction and purpose of existence.

The blueprint and template for our planet is the grid itself. The grid serves as a guide or
blueprint around which muons, quarks, positrons, electron, atoms and finally compounds
organize. The grid ensures proper distribution and alignment of the needed elemental
components, which are the building blocks for creation. It also insures the proper distribution
and alignment of life-force energy and the many frequencies needed to maintain an effective
energetic phase relationship of the planets frequency spectrum. (Phase relationship ensures
coherency, but that is a subject too vast for this article.)

So actually there exists a stratification of grid templates needed for any element to form. This
stratification occurs from spirit to the etheric, to the electrical, to the gaseous, fluid and denser
material. Consciousness moves through varying graduations of fabric density in order to
affect each level from the very sublime to the dense.

Let's examine an example of grids that organize physical matter. An organizing grid is needed
for each of the 108 elements in the periodic table in order to maintain order and functionality
in the atomic configuration, otherwise without a grid template, it would soon lose its ability to
maintain self organization. Likewise, a grid is needed for every species of bacteria, fungus,
plant, insect, animal and mammal.

Let's look at the electron diffraction pattern in elements such as Beryl and Salt:

Electron View of a Salt Electron View of a Beryl

Crystal Crystal

In the photos above, we can see the atoms stretched across the grid in an organized fashion.
These round electrons line up to form a mandala pattern just like a platonic solid or a
combination of platonic solids.

If we look at Hans Jenney's work called Cymatics we can see examples of how placing sand
on a circular metal plate capable of holding a musical tone when struck causes the the sand
particles to form geometric patterns for each note. Change the note and you change the
geometric configuration. When we look at Masaru Emoto's work from "Messages from
Water" or Dr. Lorenzen's "Clustered Water" we can see the geometric pattern even in the
atomic levels of water.

When we look closely at our 3D reality, we can see sacred geometry in all things. Minerals
organize themselves in sacred geometric proportions and we can see this in most gem and
mineral books, which lay out their respective geometric blueprint.

The planetary grid then is like a garden "trellis". The garden trellis guides vines and other
plants to stretch and grow out and up across the latticework in a certain "shape". The two
principal elements of a grid are the latticework and the fabric. Both have qualities or
characteristics. We could call the latticework the masculine aspect and the fabric the feminine.
Both work harmoniously with each other to integrate the diversity of life. This is similar to the
metal ribs and the waterproof fabric of an umbrella. The metal structure allows for the fabric
to be stretched across it so its full functionality can be expressed.

With human beings, we have a similar analogy. As spiritual beings in a human body, our
spiritual aspect is born of a fabric that is so all-encompassing and holographic that it is
literally connected with and spans all life and all of creation. To place the immenseness of all
that into a physical body means that we have to fold up the vast umbrella of our being into a
kind of butterfly cocoon and temporarily close it, awaiting the time when we unfurl our fabric
and remember who we truly are. Nested and folded within all of us is an infinite expanse of
fractal and holographic fabric of tremendous interconnection with all of creation.

The Christ Consciousness grid is the planet's version of this umbrella analogy - a fully opened

fabric of creation that keeps us connected to our origins and stimulates us to evolve forward
into reunification.

Consciousness grids hold the memory of cosmic interconnectedness, thus stimulating self-
actualization, for those who attune to them.

We are, seemingly, interwoven networks of energy and communication. There is much to

explore and be explored, as we continue to evolve, folding and unfolding.

~As above... so below/As within...so without~



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:54am

'' Moral kıymetler; sevgi, merhamet, şevkat, yalan söylememek, insanlara karşı dürüst
davranmak, kendine karşı samimi olmak, fedakarlık ve vericilik gibi üstün davranışlardır.
Bilgiyi aramak, bilgi peşinde koşmak, bilgiyi dağıtmak, ruh varlıklarının madde ile olan
ilişkilerinde düşüş ve kalkışlarında onlara yardımcı olmak, kendinde var olanı biriktirerek
tekrar vermek yüksek moral kıymetlerdir. Bunların tekamülümüzdeki yeri çok büyüktür...''

Ergün Arıkdal


Quado's Garden: Release Your Wonder into

the World
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:58am

Release Your Wonder into the World

Your day lies

you like a pond of water. Create a beautiful thought and drop it into the
pond. See how your thought causes ripples that reach out across the pond. Take
an action, full of love and wonder, and watch the ripples go across the pond of
life. Call in loving, benevolent assistance and see how the golden ripples
reach further and run deeper than ever before.

Every time you drop in your

action or thought, the pond is different, full of the ripples sent out by others
as well as the changing energies of the pond itself. It is never the same
twice, so what you do today may have an entirely different effect than the same
action did yesterday.

Create your beautiful
ripples and then release them; let them go. Continue to broadcast your beauty
and wonder, over and over, no matter the result. One day, that beautiful and
wondrous ripple of yours may release at just the right moment to change the
entire world.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com



The Merkaba ~ Vehicle Of Light.....For

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 2:00am

Ancient mystical traditions (such as the Kabbalah), and contemporary channelled

information (such as the "Keys of Enoch") speak of the Merkaba as a vehicle for inter-
dimensional travel. As we approach the moment of the Shift, formerly secret teachings about
the Merkaba are coming to light. Is it possible to create a living Merkaba field through

Does such a field facilitate communication with your higher self?

Is the Merkaba a means of Ascension?


The word Merkaba is made up of three smaller words — Mer, Ka, and Ba, which, as we are
using them, came from ancient Egyptian texts. It is also pronounced in various languages as
Merkabah, Merkava, and Merkabah. Though there are several pronunciations of the word,
generally we can pronounce it as if the three words were separate (i.e., with somewhat equal
accents on each syllable).

"Mer" refers to a specific kind of light that what understood in Egypt only during the
18thDynasty. It was seen as a two counter-rotating fields of light spinning in the same space,
which are generated under certain breathing.

"Ka" refers to the individual spirit's interpretation of its particular reality.

In our particular reality, "Ba" is usually defined as the body or physical reality.

In other realities where spirits don't have bodies, Ba refers to their concepts or interpretation
of the reality that they bring to them.

So, the Merkaba is a counter-rotating field of light that affects spirit and body
simultaneously. It is a vehicle that can take spirit and body (or one's interpretation of reality)
from one world, or dimension into another. In fact, the Merkaba is much more than this,
because it can create reality as well as move through realities. For our purpose here however,
we will focus mainly on its aspect as an interdimensional vehicle (Merkaba means "chariot"
in Hebrew), that will help us return to our original higher state of consciousness.

Once the Merkaba field around your body is initiated, it will create a disk that extends 55ft
out of the base of your spine, which actually looks just like a flying saucer. When you are in
the Merkaba, your thoughts and feelings become thousands of times more powerful. You will
also be able to create a magnetic field that will keep your memories intact so that you will
become immortal. In other words, there will be no break in your memory. Those who are
unable to initiate their Merkaba's will ultimately have their memories and minds erased when
the magnetic field around the Earth collapses, and they will have to start all over again. You
see, it is not exactly like re-incarnation. It is more like unplugging a computer and losing all
of the programming.

You'll be able to move through the dimensional levels, but you will lose awareness on the
other side. However, certain highly evolved people (two, working together to construct a
Merkaba), will be able to bring approximately 150,000 people with them.

To be clear, returning to our original state is a natural process which can be easy or difficult
according to our belief patterns. However, just becoming involved with the technical
relationships of the Merkaba, such as correcting our breathing patterns or mentally realizing
the infinite connections to all patterns of Life, for example, is not enough. Indeed, there is at
least one other factor that is even more important than the Merkaba itself, and that is the
understanding, realization, and living of Divine Love. For it is Divine Love (sometimes
referred to as Unconditional Love), that is the primary factor that allows the Merkaba to
become a living field of light. Without Divine Love, the Merkaba is just a machine, and this
machine will have limitations that will never allow the spirit that created it to return "home",
and reach the highest levels of consciousness — the place where there are no levels.

We must be experiencing and expressing Divine love in order to move beyond a certain
dimension (and the world is fast heading toward that higher place!). Indeed, we are moving
away from the place of separatism where we see only ourselves inside the body looking out.
That view will be gone soon, to be replaced with a different view of reality, where we'll have
the sense of absolute unity with all life; and that sense will grow more and more as we
continue to move upward through each level on our journey HOME.


Although "Mer-ka-ba" is usually considered to be an Egyptian word, it also appears in the

Hebrew language. In the English versions of the Bible, it is usually translated as "chariot".
The Hebrew letters that spell out the word Mer-ka-ba are Mem-Resh-Caph-Beth, from the
root word, Resh-Caph-Beth, meaning to "ride". Mer-ka-ba, and two related words, mer-kab
and re-kev, are usually translated as "chariot", or sometimes as "wagon", but they really are
equivalent to the English word "vehicle", or "conveyance", that is, something that transport
you somewhere. This root has come down in modern Hebrew in the word rakevet, which
means "railroad".

Now the story gets more interesting when we remember that the most ancient teaching of the
Kabbalah, (i.e., the occult and mystical tradition within Judaism) was the Merkaba meditation.
The Talmud mentions the Merkaba meditation when it says that Judah the Prince forbade any
mention of it in the Mishnah, presumably because it was mystical teaching. However,
references to it in the Tosefta, which is kind of a appendix to the Mishnah, as well as some
surviving manuscripts point to Merkaba meditation being practised at least as far back as the
second century B.C.

Although we can only speculate, it appears that Merkaba practitioners combined meditation,
prayer, and yogic postures in such a way that they ascended, or descended, in their Merkaba's,
in their "vehicles", to realms where they literally saw Angels, celestial halls, and the throne of
glory itself. Now one question that comes to mind is, "Where did the Kabbalists really go?"
The answer would seem to be that, "they travelled to other dimensions of reality."

Both the scientific community, and those of mystical/occult leanings seem to be headed
toward a shared understanding that, as far as reality goes, what we see, isn't all we get, that is,
the physical reality that we perceive isn't the only one that there is. It's the only one we're
tuned to, and it is increasingly clear that there are other realities, or dimensions of reality, if
you will, that exist simultaneously in time and space with this one. It is sought of like
channels on your TV. If someone said to you, " My TV doesn't get SBS, but last night I
hooked up a satellite dish and I watched a movie on SBS", you wouldn't say to him, " You
only dreamed you watched SBS", or "You only hallucinated that you watched a movie on
SBS". We would accept that the satellite dish allowed him to tune into a wavelength that his
TV couldn't normally receive. In a similar way, the practitioners of the Merkaba meditation,
and the prophets as well, I would propose, had mastered an art of tuning into different, and
higher, dimensions of reality.

The multi-dimensional nature of reality, as well as the ability to move between dimension,
also explains how beings such as angels are able to disappear at will, merely by tuning into,
and then out of our dimension of reality. Devas, faerie, and Ufos can be similarly explained.
In fact, the Masters teach us that the dimensional levels are separated by a wavelength ( e.g.
the 3rd dimension has a wavelength of 7.3 cm), and 90 degrees. You may have heard stories
of Ufos striking across the sky, taking a 90 degree turn, and disappearing. The beings on this
UFO have linked together their consciousness, and made a specific change inside of
themselves, which happens to be related to this 90 degrees. When they do so through their
breathing and their connection, they can make the entire ship disappear, and move into the
dimensional level that they tuned to. But let's get back to the Bible.

The most striking example of Merkaba meditation is found in yet another prophetic book,
second Kings, in the story of Elijah. Now in the Jewish tradition, Elijah is the most beloved of
all the prophets. A glass of wine for him at the Passover seder, and a chair is set aside for him
at ritual circumcision. These symbolic gestures invite Elijah to join in these celebrations. Why
is Elijah invited, and not any other figure of the Bible, or Jewish history and legend? Because
Jewish tradition holds that it will be Elijah that comes to announce the arrival of the
Redemption. In the Gospels, Elijah is mentioned over 24 times (under his Greek name
"Elias"), and it is always in this connection. So why does Elijah have this honour? Why not
Moses, or King David, who after all, is the root of the line that is supposed to produce the

Jewish tradition holds that Elijah will be the forerunner of the Messiah because.....ELIJAH
NEVER DIED!! It says so in the Bible! In the second chapter of the second book of Kings,
we read that Elijah, and his disciple Elisha, were on a walking tour of Judah. At Bethel, the
brotherhood of prophets came out to greet Elijah, and 50 of the brotherhood follow them to
the ford in the Jordan. Who were those brotherhood of prophets? The Hebrew phrase that
describes them is b'naiha-nevi'im, and it appears NOWHERE ELSE in the Bible. This fact
alone hints at something very special, perhaps these brotherhoods were ancient Jewish
mystery schools, akin to the mystery schools of Egypt and Persia, where inter-dimensional
travel was taught.

The story continues. Elijah and Elisha cross the Jordan. Suddenly a Merkaba of fire appears,
and Elijah disappears in a whirlwind. That is it. On the third dimension of reality, the one
we're are tuned to, Elijah has disappeared!

Now most scholars of the rationalist bent explain these verses in the following way: Elisha
had a "vision" of a war chariot of fire, and in his disassociated state, he "imagined" something
chaotic (the "whirlwind"), and that this was how he experienced the physical death of his
master. Nevertheless, we find something very curious going on with this word "whirlwind",
which indicates, one could believe, that we are dealing here with more than a hallucination.

It is known that inter-dimensional travel involves counter-rotating energy fields, vortices if

you like, or "whirlwinds" if you are viewing it from the perspective of 850 BC. This detail in
the story supports the notion that Elijah travelled somewhere else. For many people, this
seems far-fetched, and so, perhaps one more detail which suggests very strongly that there is
some mystery hidden in the story of Elijah's Ascension. And that is that these two verses, and
nowhere else in the Hebrew bible, the word for "whirlwind" is misspelled.

For the Masoretic scholars in Tiberius, who fixed the pronunciation of the Hebrew Bible in
900 AD, to have misspelled "whirlwind" in only these two verses, implies that there was an
oral tradition that was kept alive since the Babylonian exile, that is, for 1400 years that said,
"Spell it s'oroh everywhere else in the Bible, but in these two verses, spell it suh-orah!" The
survival of this odd pronunciation, diligently passed on orally from generation to generation,
through all of the wanderings and dislocations of the Jewish people, indicates something very
special in these verses.

Any interpretation of documents and traditions this ancient, it open to question. Nevertheless,
it seems obvious that this unbroken tradition of the misspelling of the Hebrew word for
whirlwind is meant to alert us to something very uncanny in this story. Would it be far-fetched

to say that this is saying to us: Do not accept that Elisha has a vision of a war chariot of fire,
and a whirlwind that Elijah seemed to disappear into.

Imagine, rather, that Elijah entered a Merkaba, a thought-formed vehicle, and ascended out of
our dimension of reality, in counter-rotating fields of energy, the whirlwind, without leaving
his physical body.

In a little-known Kabbalistic text, the Midrash to Proverbs, Rabbi Ishmael says:

If there comes before God one who is learned in the Talmud, the Holy One says to him: "My
son, since you have studied the Talmud, why have you not also studied the Merkaba, to
perceive my splendour? For none of the pleasure I have in my creation is equal to that which
is given me when scholars look beyond the Torah and see and behold and meditate on: My
throne, and the hashmal seen by Ezekial, and the fiery streams under my throne, and the
bridges that cross it, and the ofanim [a class of angels], and the gilgalim [another class of
angels]. And is this not my greatness, and My glory and My beauty: that my Children know
My splendour by seeing all this?

Rabbi Ishmael concludes:

And this is what King David meant when he wrote in Psalms:

"O Lord, how manifold are thy works!"


Let's go back to Atlantis, when things began to fall apart on the dimensional levels. We, at
this time, fell from a very high level of consciousness, down, down, down, all the way to this
third dimensional Earth, which is almost the bottom of the barrel of consciousness, or self
awareness. In fact, science tells us that we are the highest beings on the planet, but nothing
could be further from the truth.

Indeed, before we fell, we use to breathe in a way that was totally different than today. The
air around you is filled with oxygen, hydrogen, carbon-dioxide, and all the trace elements.
However, there is something else beside the air that the Hindu's call "prana". It is the life-
force energy itself. However, prana, unlike air which cannot pass through walls and solid
matter, is able, and does, pass through anything and everything, even great voids—prana is
everywhere, and is everything.

We used to take air in through our mouths, nose and lungs, but we also took in prana via the
top of our heads (the Crown Chakra), and from below our feet, via the Base Chakra, and then
through a tube in the centre of our bodies, that still exists today. Even though the tube is still
there, it is only being utilised by a few highly trained people like certain Tibetan Lamas.
Otherwise, the average person walking the street is not even aware of it, and thus it does not
function as it should. In fact, when we breathed in that way, the prana, as it came through the
top of the head, would pass directly through a particular gland known as the "pineal gland".

The pineal gland is located deep, and almost centre, within the brain, and it used to play a
huge role in consciousness. This gland has degenerated from its original size (comparable to a

ping-pong ball), to its present size comparable to a dried up pea. This is because we forgot
how to use it a long time ago—and if you don't use it, you lose it.

According to Jacob Liberman (Light, the Medicine of the Future), this gland looks like an
eye, and in some respects, it is literally an eyeball. It is round, it has an opening on one
portion, and in that opening is a lens for focusing light! It is also hollow, and it has colour
receptors inside. It's primary field of view ( though this has not been determined
scientifically) is upward, toward the heavens. Just as our eyes on our face can look upto 90
degrees away from the direction they are set, the pineal gland can also "look" as much as 90
degrees away from its set direction (up). And just as we cannot look out the back of our heads,
the pineal gland cannot look down.

Held inside the pineal gland (even in its shrunken size), are all the geometries and
understanding of exactly how the Reality was created. It's all there, in every single person.
Most of us lost our memories during the fall, and are only just now starting to re-remember
and access this higher knowledge.

Indeed, without our memories, we began to breathe differently. Instead of taking prana
through the pineal gland, and circulating it up and down our central tube, we started breathing
it in through the nose and mouth. This caused the prana to by-pass the pineal gland, which
resulted in our seeing things in a totally different way—through a different interpretation of
the Reality called "polarity consciousness".

Polarity consciousness sees everything as either good or bad, black or white, female or male.
We see ourselves as inside a body, and everything out there is totally unrelated to everything
else. But we don't see that because of the way we breathe. This "new" way of breathing also
triggered us to take up other "new habits", like eating food which we never did before. Our
bodies became denser and denser, thus pushing us into a denser level of existence.


Like the sun, we must breath, radiating out to all life. And from all life we will receive our

Begin by creating a place in your home that is used only for this meditation. Make a space
where no one will walk through or disturb you, possibly in your bedroom. A small altar with a
candle and a cushion or pillow to sit upon may be helpful. Make this place holy. It is here that
you will learn to create the MER-KA-BA around your body and make conscious contact with
your higher self.

Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time comes when you are a conscious
breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection with God.

To begin the meditation, first sit down and relax. Let the worries of the day go. Breathe
rhythmically and shallow. Be aware of your breath and relax. When you feel the tension begin
to fade, begin to open your heart. Feel Love. Feel Love for all life everywhere. Continue to
breathe rhythmically, being aware of your breath, and feel the Love moving through your
spirit. When the FEELING of love is in your beingness, you are ready to begin to move
towards the experience to the MER-KA-BA. Without this Love, no amount of knwoledge will

create the MER-KA-BA. To the degree you are able to Love, will be the degree you will be
able to experience the MER-KA-BA.

The following is an overview of the meditation to reach the MER-KA-BA. There are
seventeen breaths to reach completion. The first six are for balancing of the polarities within
your eight electical circuits, and , also, for the cleansing of these circuits. The next seven,
which are quite different, are to reestablish the proper pranic flow through your body, and to
recreate Spherical Breathing within your body. The fourteenth breath is unique unto itself. It
changes the balance of pranic energy within your body from third dimensional to fourth
dimensional awareness. The last three breaths recreate the rotating fields of the MER-KA-BA
within and around your body.

The instructions:

The following instructions will be broken down into four areas:




Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you must at least open to this
love as much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.


Become aware of the male tetrahedron (the apex facing up to thge sun, the point facing to the
front for male, the point to the back for females) filled with the brilliant white light
surrounding your body. Visualize it the best you can. If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it
surrounding you.


At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first
finger touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch
each other or any other object. Keep your palms facing up.


At this same moment, with empty lungs, begin to breath in a complete yogic manner. Breathe
through your nostrils only, except at certain places which will be described. Simply put,
breath from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. Do this in one
movement, not three parts. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and
relaxing the stomach, slowly releasing the air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the
chest. The most important aspect is that this breathing must be rhythmic. Begin by using
seven seconds in and seven seconds out, but as you get familiar with this meditation, find
your own rhythm. The following instructions for a complete Yogic Breath are from "the
Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath" by Yogi Ramacharake. Perhaps this description will be

Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which
is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphagm, which descending exerts a gentle
pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen. Then fill
the midddle part of the lungs, pusing out the lower ribs, breastbone and chest. Then fill the
higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest, including the
upper six or even pairs of ribs. At first reading it may appear that this breath consists of three
distinct movements. This, however, is not the correct idea. The inhalation is continuous, the
entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest point of the chest in the region
of the collar bone, being expanded with a uniform movement. Avoid a jerky series of
inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action. Practice will soon overcome the
tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and will result in a uniform
continuous breath. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds after a little

Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little
and lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs. When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the
chest and abdomen. A little practice will render this part of the exercise easy, and the
movement once acquired will be afterward performed almost automatically.





Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back
for males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light


Keep the same mudra.


Do NOT hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation. Exhale quite slowly,
approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the lungs, without
forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to
breathe again, after about five seconds or so, then do the following:


Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the female tetrahedron located in the
horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the sternum. In a flash, and with a pulse like
energy, send taht triangular plane down through the female tetrahedron. It gets smaller as it
goe down and pushes out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron all the negative energy of the
mudra or electrical circuit, a light will shoot out of the apex toward the center of the Earth.
The Mind exercise is performed along with the following BODY movements.


Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other words, slightly cross your eyes. Now
bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other words, look up. Also, this looking up
motion should not be extreme. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area
of your third eye . You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can. You
should feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The MIND and BODY must
coordinate the above mental exercis e with the eye movements. The eyes look down from
their up position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane of the female
tetrahedron move down to the apex of the female tetrahedron. This combined exercise will
clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into your electrical system.
Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is associated with the
particular mudra you are using. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, you
change mudras to the next one and begin the entire cycle over again. The next five breaths are
a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:

Second breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together Third breath mudra: Thumb and
third finger together Fourth breath mudra: Thumb and little finger together Fifth breath
mudra: Thumb and first finger together (same as first breath) Sixth breath mudra: Thumb and
second finger together( same as second breath)

The first part, the first six breaths, the balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your
electircal system is now complete. You are now ready for the next part, the next seven breaths.

Here an entirely new breathing pattern begins. You do not need to visualize the star
tetrahedron at this time. Only the tube that runs through the star, from the apex of the male
tetrahedron above your head to the apex of the female tetrahedron below your feet, needs to
be seen and worked with. This extends one hand length above your head and one hand length
below your feet. The diameter of YOUR tube will be the size of the hole formed by YOUR
thumb and forefinger touching.



Love. There is another refinement here that can be used after you have perfected this
meditation. It will be discussed in class.


Visualize or sense the tube running through your body. The instant you begin the seventh
inhale, see the brilliant white light of the prana moving down the tube from the top and up the
tube from the bottom at the same time. This movement is almost instantaneous. The point
where these two light beams meet within your body is controlled by the mind and is a vast
science known throughout the universe. In this teaching however, we will only be shown what
is necessary , that which will take you from third to fourth dimensional awareness. In this case
you will direct the two beams of prana to meet at your navel, or more correct, within your
body at navel level, inside the tube. The moment the two beams of prana meet, which is just
as the inhale begins, a sphere of white light or prana is formed at the meeting point about the

size of a grapefruit centered on the tube. It all happens in an instant. As you continue to take
the inhale of the seventh breath, the sphere of prana begins to concentrate and grow slowly.


For the next seven breaths use the same mudra for both inhale and exhale, the thumb, first and
second touching together palms up.


Deep rhythmic Yogic breathing, seven seconds in and seven seconds out. There is no holding
of the breath from now on. The flow of prana from the two poles will not stop or change in
any way when you go from inhale to exhale. It will be a continuous flow that will not stop for
a long as you breath in this manner, even after death.



The prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow. By the time of the full exhale, the
prana sphere will be approximately eight or nine inches in diameter.


Do not force the air out of your lungs. When your lungs are empty naturally, immediately
begin the next breath.





The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energy and grow in size



The prana sphere continues to grow in size and will reach maximum size at the end of this
breath. This maximum size is different for each person. If you put your longest finger in the
center of your navel, the line on your wrist defining your hand will show you the radius of the
maximum size of this sphere for YOU. This sphere of prana cannot grow larger.



The prana sphere cannot grow larger, so what happens is the prana begins to concentrate
within the sphere. The visual appearance is that the sphere grows BRIGHTER. <_P>
BREATH: Sphere grows brighter and brighter as you inhale.



As you exhale, the sphere continues to grow brighter and brighter.



About half way through this inhale, as the sphere continues to brighter, the prana sphere
reaches critical mass. The sphere ignites into a sun, a brilliant blinding ball of white light. You
are now ready for the next step.



At the moment of exhale, the small sphere two hand lengths in diameter bulges to expand. In
one second, combined with the breath talked about below, the sphere expands quickly out to
the sphere of Leonardo, out at your finger tips of your extended arms. Your body is now
completely enclosed within a huge sphere of brilliant white light. You have returned to the
ancient form of spherical breathing. However, at this point, this sphere is not stable. You
MUST breath three more times to keep the sphere stable.


At the moment of exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out your air with
pressure. As you feel the sphere begin to bulge, all within the first second of this exhale, let all
of your air out rapidly. The sphere will expand at that moment.



Inhale and Exhale


Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two poles and meeting at the navel
and then expanding out to the large sphere


Breath rhythmically and deep. At the end of the thirteenth breath you have stabilized the large
sphere and are ready for the important 14th breath.





On the inhale of the 14th breath, at the very beginning of the breath, move the point where the
two beams of prana meet from the navel to the sternum, the fourth dimensional chakra. The
entire large sphere, along with the original sphere, which is also still contained within the
large sphere, moves up to the new meeting point within the tube. Though this is very easy to
do, it is an extremely powerful movement. Breathing from this new point within the tube will
inevitably change your awareness from third to fourth dimensional consciousness, or from
earth consciousness to Christ consciousness. It will take awhile, but as I have said , it is


This mudra will be used for the rest of the meditation. Place the left palm on top of the right
palm for males and the right palm on top of the left palm for females. It is a mudra that


Rhythmic breath and deep. However, if you continue to breathe from your Christ center
without moving on to the MER-KA-BA, which is what is recommended until you have made
contact with your Higher Self, then shift to a shallow breath. In other words, breath
rhythmically but in a comfortable manner where your attention is more on the flow of energy
moving up and down the tube meeting at the sternum and expanding out to the large sphere.
Just feel the flow. Use your feminine side to just be. At this point don t think, just breath, feel
and be. Feel your connection to All Life through the Christ Breath. Remember your intimate
connection with God.

The Mer-Ka-Ba, The Vehicle Of Ascension

The Last Three Breaths

You are asked not to attempt this FOURTH PART until you have made contact with your
Higher Self, AND your Higher Self has given you permission to proceed. This part is to be
taken seriously. The energies that will come into and around your body and spirit are of
tremendous power. If you are not ready, you could hurt yourself. If your Higher Self gives you
permission to enter into the MER-KA-BA, then don't fear, for you will be ready.




MIND: Be aware of the whole star tetrahedron. Realize that there are three whole star
tetrahedrons superimposed over each other. One is the body itself, and is locked in place and
never, except under certain conditions, moves. It is placed around the body according to
maleness or femaleness. The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature, it is electrical, is
literally the human mind and rotates counter-clockwise relative to your body looking out, or
to put it another way, it rotates toward your left side. The third whole star tetrahedron is
female in nature, is magnetic, is literally the human emotional body and rotates clockwise
relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it rotates toward your right side.

To be clear, we are not telling you to rotate the male tetrahedron one way and the female the
other way. When we say rotate the whole star tetrahedron, we mean the whole thing.

On the inhale of the fifteenth breath, as you are inhaling, you will say to yourself, in your
head, the code words, EQUAL SPEED. This will tell your mind that you want the two
rotatable whole star tetrahedrons to begin spinning in opposite directions at equal speeds at
the time of the exhale. Meaning that for every complete rotation of the mind tetrahedrons,
there will be a complete rotation of the emotional tetrahedrons.


Continue the mudra of the folded hands from now on.


Breath Yogic and rhythmically an deeply again, but only for the next three breaths, after that
return to the shallow breathing.



The two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning. In an instant, they will be moving at exactly
one third the speed of light at their outer tips. You probably will not be able to see this because
of their tremendous speed, but you can feel it. What you have just done is to start the MOTOR
of the MER-KA-BA. You will not go anywhere, or have an experience. It is just like starting
the motor of a car, but having the transmission in neutral.


Make a small hole with your lips just like you did for breath Number Ten. Blow out in the
same manner, and as you do, feel the two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning.



This is the most amazing breath. On the inhale, as you are inhaling, say to yourself, in your
head, THIRTY-FOUR - TWENTY-ONE. This is the code to your mind to spin the two sets of
tetrahedrons at a ratio of 34-21. Meaning the Mind tetrahedrons spinning to the left will go
around 34 times while the emotional tetrahedrons spinning to the right will go around 21
times. As the two sets speed up the ratio will remain constant.


Breathe rhythmically and Yogic.



As you let out the breathe, the two sets of tetrahedrons take off from their one third speed of
light setting to two third speed of light in an instant. As they approach two thirds speed of
light speed a phenomena takes place. A disk about 55 feet in diameter forms around the body
at the level of the base of the spine. And the sphere of energy that is centered around the two
sets of tetrahedrons forms with the disk to create a shape that looks like a FLYING SAUCER
around the body. This energy matrix is called the MER-KA-BA. However, it is not stable. If
you see or sense the MER-KA-BA around you at this point, you will know it to be unstable. It
will be slowly wobbling. Therefore Breath Number Seventeen is necessary.


Same as breath 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. It is at this
point that the speeds increases. As you feel the speed increasing, let out all your breath with
force. This action will cause the higher speed to be fully obtained and the MER-KA-BA to be



Remember, unconditional love for all life must be felt through out all of this meditation or no

results will be realized.


As you breathe in, say to yourself, in your head, the code NINE TENTHS THE SPEED OF
IGHT. This code will tell your mind to increase the speed of the MER-KA-BA to nine tenths
the speed of light which will stabilize the rotating field of energy. It will also do something
else. This third dimensional universe that we live in is tuned to 9/10 the speed of light. Every
electron in your body is rotating around every atom in your body at 9/10 the speed of light.
This is the reason this particular speed is selected.


Breathe rhythmically and in a Yogic manner.



The speed increases to 9/10 the speed of light and stabilizes the MER-KA-BA.


Same as breath 15 and 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. As you
feel the speed take off, let all your breath out with force. You are now in your stable and Third
dimensionally tuned MER-KA-BA. With the help of your Higher Self, you will understand
what this really means.


This very special breath will not be taught here. You must receive it from Your Higher Self.
It is the breath that will take you through the speed of light into the fourth dimension. You will
disappear from this world and reappear in another one that will be your new home for awhile.
This is not the end, but the beginning of an ever expanding consciousness returning you
HOME to your FATHER.


Significant Energy Dates of 2011 by James

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 2:00am

Significant Energy Dates of 2011

by James Tyberonn

Timeshift - 2011
Allison Rae

Ready or not, here comes the next big wave.

If you're feeling edgy, apprehensive, maybe a bit fearful and sometimes ecstatic,
you're tuned in to the next phase in the quantum evolutionary journey that is 2011.
With six eclipses this year, four planets changing signs and volatile outer-planet
configurations on the way, 2011 is bursting with potential and equally enormous
Notice the massive upheaval we've already seen in the first few weeks of the new
year, including historic flooding in Australia, political revolution in Tunisia,
and tragic loss in an attempted assassination in the United States. And then there's
the mysterious "aflockalypse" afflicting land, sky and sea creatures around the
world as the environment continues to deteriorate.
The challenges are great, but we're up to it. As the waves of change come faster
and faster, this year offers a rare opportunity to revolutionize our reality, and
it's going to require vigilant focus and great love to do it.
The next two months will give us an idea how all this volatility will play out.
The Line-Up
Today the gas giant Jupiter completed his journey in the spiritual depths of Pisces
and entered the initiating fire of Aries. On March 11, Uranus, planet of chaos,
will follow. Between now and then, Saturn turns retrograde in Libra, Chiron enters
Pisces, and the final underworld of the Mayan calendar begins.
The period of February 2-4 is especially potent with the Aquarius New Moon aligning
with the cross-quarter gateway of Imbolc (or Lammas if you're in the southern hemisphere)
and leading into a potent Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius on February 17/18.
In March the energies ramp up when Uranus blazes into Aries, igniting the Leo Full
Moon just before the March 20 Equinox. On April 4, transiting Neptune joins brother
Chiron in Pisces, opening a multidimensional gateway of illumination that will be
confusing as well as enlightening.
And that's just the next two months!
The Universal Underworld in Carl Johan Calleman's interpretation of the Mayan calendar
is the single most intriguing element of the 2011 landscape. Beginning March 9,
the rate of consciousness evolution speeds up by a factor of 20, so a shift in consciousness
that took a whole year from 1999 until now (or 20 years prior to 1999) will take
only 20 days. This phase, and all nine underworlds in Calleman's system, end on
October 28 of this year.
If Calleman's right, and I believe he is, life on Earth will look radically different
before the end of the year.
Time as we've known it is collapsing, and we'll notice the biggest shift yet beginning
in March. So thoughts turn into reality faster, and we're flooded with possibilities
each moment. This new way of being is chaotic, but also exhilarating once we get
the hang of it.

The Ninth Wave by Allison Rae


Allison Rae

In Cosmic Time, Allison Rae explores cycles of time, our relationship to the cosmos
and what's to come as the evolution of consciousness accelerates on Earth. A gifted
natural clairvoyant and passionate teacher, Allison offers individual consultations
by phone, and leads workshops, retreats and sacred sites journeys with groups. Visit

for more information.

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae


Significant Energy Dates of 2011

January 2011

January 3, 4 - The Quadrantids Meteor Shower: are

meteors radiating from the constellation Bootes. Meteors

heighten energy, amplify and bring insight.

New Moon

- January 4, 09:03

Partial Solar Eclipse - January 4

Saturn Moves Into Retrograde - January 26

Full Moon - January 19 - Full Moon of the Orange Ray

February 2011

New Moon - February 3, 02:31

Full Moon - February 18 - Full Moon of the Red Ray

March 2011

New Moon - March 4, 20:46

Cosmic Trigger : March 19-20 - Intense Crystalline Transitional Phase of ther Planet

Full Moon - March 19, Full Moon of the Violet Ray

Equinox - March 20 The Vernal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 23:31
Mercury Goes Retrograde - March 30

April 2011

New Moon - April 3

April 3-4: Saturn at Opposition. The ringed planet will be at its closest approach
to Earth.

April 9- Pluto Goes Into Retrograde

Full Moon - April 18, Full Moon of the Emerlad Ray

Lyrids Meteor Shower. April 21, 22 - The Lyrids are meteors radiating from the
constellation of Lyra .

Mercury Leaves Retro & Goes Direct - April 23

May 2011

New Moon - May 3, 06:51

Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. May 5, 6 - The EtaAquarids are in the constellation

Full Moon - May 17,Full Moon of the Platinum Ray

June 2011

New Moon - June 1, 21:03

Partial Solar Eclipse. June 1 - The partial eclipse will be visible in most parts
eastern Asia, Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland. But keep in mind the Energy
of Eclipses are effecting the entire planet through the Crystalline and Gravity
Grids & the energy is felt by ALL. An excellent time for taking action for manifesting.

Neptune Goes Retrograde - June 3rd

June 13-Saturn Goes Direct

Full Moon - June 15, 20:14 - Extreme Power Date - Full Moon of the Purple Ray

Total Lunar Eclipse. June 15 - The Full-Moon Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible
throughout most of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia

Solstice - June 21

July 2011

New Moon - July 1, 08:54

Partial Solar Eclipse. July 1 - This partial eclipse will only be visible off the
coast of Antarctica, but is occurring during the New moon and will effect the entire
planet energetically. Excellent time for meditation, inner clearing and renewal.Set
intent !

Uranus Goes Retrograde- Jul 10

Full Moon - July 15, Full Moon of the Golden Ray

Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. July 28, 29 - The Delta Aquarids will be
in the constellation Aquarius.

New Moon - July 30, 18:40

August 2011

Aug 3- Mercury Goes Retrograde

Perseids Meteor Shower Peak: August 12, 13 - The Perseids is one of the best meteor
showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their climax..The radiant
point for this shower will be in the constellation Perseus

Full Moon - August 13, Full Moon of the Blue Ray

August 15 : Comet Honda

August 22 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue planet will be at its closest approach
to Earth.

Aug 26 - Mercury Goes Direct

New Moon - August 29, 03:04

Aug 30 - Jupiter Goes Retrograde

September 2011

Full Moon - September 12, -Full Moon of the Golden Ray

Sept 16 - Pluto Goes Direct

September 23 - The Autumnal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 09:04 UT.

September 25 - Uranus at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest

approach to Earth.

New Moon - September 27, 11:09

October 2011

Full Moon - October 12, -Full Moon of the Silver Ray

Orionids Meteor Shower: October 21, 22

New Moon - October 26, 19:56

October 29 - Jupiter at Opposition. The giant planet will be at its closest approach
to Earth

November 2011

Nov 9 - Neptune Completes Retrograde and Goes Direct

Full Moon - November 10th - Full Moon of the Diamond Ray

The 11-11-11 - November 11 at 11:11 am- Crystalline Recoding of the Planet - Mer-Ka-Na
Transition and Activation of Master Crystals-The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface

Leonids Meteor Shower.November 17, 18 : The Leonids is one of the better meteor
showers to observe, radiating from the constellation Leo

Mercury Goes Into Retrograde- Nov 24

New Moon - November 25, 06:10

November 25 - Partial Solar Eclipse. This partial eclipse will only be visible over
Antarctica and parts of South Africa and Tasmania.

December 2011

Full Moon - December 10, Full Moon of the Pink Ray

Total Lunar Eclipse. December 10 - The eclipse will be visible throughout most
of Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and the North America.

Uranus Completes retrograde and Goes Direct - Dec 10

Geminids Meteor Shower. December 13, 14 - Considered by many to be the best meteor
shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known for producing up to 60 multicolored
meteors per hour at their peak. The radiant point for this shower will be in the
constellation Gemini.

Dec 14 - Mercury Goes Direct

Solstice December 21 - occurs in the northern hemisphere at 05:30 UT. The Sun is
at its lowest point in the sky and it will be the shortest day of the year. This
is also the first day of winter

New Moon - December 24, 18:06

Dec 25- J upiter Goes Direct

Eclipses of 2011

2011 Jan 04: Partial Solar Eclipse

2011 Jun 01: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Jun 15: Total Lunar Eclipse

2011 Jul 01: Partial Solar Eclipse

2011 Nov 25: Partial Solar Eclipse

2011 Dec 10: Total Lunar Eclipse

All Eclipse, Equinox & Solstice Timings Shown in UT (GMT)


Vernal Equinox - Mar 20 2011 - 23:31 UT

Summer Solstice - Jun 21 2011 - 17:16 UT

Autumnal Equinox - Sep 23 2011 - 09:04 UT

Winter Solstice - Dec 22 2011 - 05:30 UT

2011 Planetary Retrogrades:

In 2011, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

are in standard retrogrades. Venus and Mars do not go retro in 2011.

The energy of a retrograde planet is expressed more on an inner level Sometimes
the individual has difficulty expressing the energy outwardly. Some part of that
planets energy is held back. Retrograde planets often cause one to stop and reconsider
the consequences, so that spontaneous expression is blocked in some way, yet inner
exploration is enhanced. As such the outward behavior becomes exaggerated in an
attempt to reconcile the inner doubts.

2011 Full Moon Dates

Peak Full-Moon Times are listed in Universal Time (UT -GMT)

January 19 21:21
February 18 08:36
March 19 18:10
April 18 02:44
May 17 11:09
June 15 20:13 - Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)
July 15 06:40
August 13 18:58

September 12 09:27
October 12 02:06
Novovember 10 20:16
December 10 14:36 - Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)


HEAVEN #3718 Your Mind Has a Number

System, January 29, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 2:06am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *

* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3718 Your Mind Has a Number System, January 29, 2011

God said:

God has infinite patience and takes no offense, yet it is not patience that God has. Patience has
an impatient side. Patience is patient despite its impatience. Impatience is the dark side of
patience. In Truth, God has neither patience nor impatience. God does not wait. God does not
put up with anything. Humans cluck their tongues and put up with things in the name of
patience which is just another side of impatience. God knows better.

What can a God wait for when there is no time to wait in? God does not tap His foot, waiting
for you to fulfill yourself. God already knows you are fulfilled. He knows that you are already
with Him in Heaven. In Heaven no one taps his foot.

On Earth, no one faults a newborn baby for not walking. And, so, I do not fault you for your
assumptions and your inability to see as far as I can see. I know you will. I know you are simply
on baby steps of evolution and that you are climbing as fast as you can. Even as your climb is
slow by measured Earth time, I know you are climbing as fast as you can. I also know you will
climb faster. I know that, in a blink of an eye, you will be here, and you will have forgotten that
you ever thought you weren’t right here with Me. You will have woken from your colorless
dream, for you only dreamed in gray, as it were. You dreamed in blur. Am I to be impatient for
that? Am I to forgive you? For what? For having the dream you had and taking all the time in
the world to wake up? Certainly, I understand that your journey is your journey. It is not
someone else’s.

I never stopped embracing you. I never paused. I never saw you as you seemed to see yourself.
I see all. I know all. I know you. I have more than a vision. I see Reality. Part of Reality is that
you, also, will see. You are beginning to see now. You are half way up the mountain. You are
already beyond the point of no return. No return to past illusion for you. You do not slip back,
beloveds. You keep climbing. Your falls from grace are only illusion. You have been steeped in
illusion. Even a teabag comes out of the cup it was in. Do you not know that you are far more
than a teabag? As lovely as tea in a tea bag or without a tea bag is, you are far greater. We could
say with tongue-in-cheek that you are My cup of tea. I brewed you long ago, and you are just
about ready. Do you begin to feel it? Feel your readiness? Do you begin to sense that you are at
the top of the mountain and you are taking a peek at all there is to see from the mountain peak?
You are so close. It is effortless now. It is simply a question of your opening your eyes and
looking at what is. It is no great accomplishment really. Of course, the contrast is great. The
contrast between what you thought and what is actually true couldn’t have been greater. The
distance was a mile wide. The perceived distance was as far as far can be, and, yet, there was no
distance at all. The mind conceived distance. The mind just couldn’t quite add that one and one
is One. The mind had a number system it couldn’t quite get out of.

Now it can. Now it will. And you and your mind will laugh at the joke once you get it.


DailyOM: Temporarily Out Of Balance
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 2:09am

Temporarily Out Of Balance

Going Through A Phase
In the process of becoming, we can become out of balance temporarily, but know it is only a
phase and will pass.

We are all almost always in the process of learning something new, developing an underused
ability or talent, or toning down an overused one. Some of us are involved in learning how to
speak up for ourselves, while others are learning how to be more considerate. In the process
of becoming, we are always developing and fine tuning one or the other of our many qualities,
and it is a natural part of this process that things tend to get out of balance. This may be
upsetting to us, or the people around us, but we can trust that it’s a normal part of the work of

For example, we may go through a phase of needing to learn how to say no, as part of
learning to set boundaries and take care of ourselves. During this time, we might say no to just
about everything, as a way of practicing and exploring this ability. Like a child who learns a
new word, we want to try out this new avenue of expression and empowerment as much as we
can because it is new and exciting for us and we want to explore it fully. In this way, we are
mastering a new skill, and eventually, as we integrate it into our overall identity, it will resume
its position as one part of our balanced life.

In this process, we are overcompensating for a quality that was suppressed in our life, and the
swinging of the pendulum from under-use to overuse serves to bring that quality into balance.
Understanding what’s happening is a useful tool that helps us to be patient with the process. In
the end, the pendulum settles comfortably in the center, restoring balance inside and out.


Partaking From the Solar Winds
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 2:13am

Partaking From the Solar Winds

This message deals with the KA body (a term from ancient Egyptian Alchemy), and discusses
how you can utilize this unique energy-body to draw to yourself ascension-energies from
increased solar activity. For those unfamiliar with the KA—your KA body is an “invisible”
second body that is the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body both
envelops the physical body and interpenetrates it. This body is sometimes referred to as the
etheric double or spiritual twin. The KA shares similarities with what is called the Chi body in
some traditions (Taoism) and with the pranic body or etheric body in certain yogic traditions.
By its nature, the KA can draw to itself, and then into the physical body, highly benevolent
energies that accelerate one’s spiritual evolution.

The Message

You are now entering a more volatile time in terms of planetary change.

Your Sun, the solar star of your planetary system, is increasing its energetic potential and is
entering a period of increased volatility, solar flares and magnetic storms. While these actions
will create real problems for you in terms of your telecommunications and weather patterns,
there is also an immense evolutionary potential within this solar activity that we wish to

Like you, your Sun has an etheric body, a solar KA, if you will. This etheric body of the Sun
extends millions of miles beyond the boundaries of the Sun itself. Your Earth is well within
this auric field of the etheric sun, and, as the solar flares and solar winds that drive charged
particles through your vicinity affect you physically, they also affect you etherically. Indeed,
these very charged particles that pose a challenge to your physical dimension are a type of
nourishment for your KA, your own etheric body.

Your mental attitude and emotional/vibratory state is what determines whether these solar
particles are a source of nourishment and evolution, or rather a source of annoyance and de-

In this message we do not intend to discuss the many physical challenges that will emerge for
you during this period of increased solar activity, rather we will focus on things that will assist
you to take the greatest evolutionary advantage of what is occurring with the Sun of your
solar system.

Just as there are eruptions of fire and photonic energy from the Sun during solar activity, so
too, there are bursts of spiritual or interdimensional light from within your KA body. Indeed,

from one perspective, increased solar activity equates with an increased activation of your
own personal KA.

There are several things we suggest regarding taking advantage of this evolutionary catalyst.
This catalyst of which we speak will extend well beyond 2012 and has to do with the flow of
what we call the solar winds. These are distinct flows of photonic and magnetic energy that
pass through and around your Earth. By opening yourself to these distinct forms of energy,
and by incorporating them into your KA body, you strengthen your KA and greatly accelerate
the ascension process for yourself.

As these solar energies increase, so will the volatility and uncertainty of your physical world,
as well as your mental and emotional worlds. Irrationality and impulsive behavior will be on
the rise. Challenges to cognitive functioning and memory will also take place during
heightened cycles of solar activity.

The first step in utilizing these solar energies for your ascent in consciousness is to understand
their nature and not to resist their effects.

It is important to understand that the causative agent in the increased solar activity at this time
is not originating from within the Sun itself, but rather it is originating from the Central Sun
of your own galaxy. This flow of highly catalytic energies from the Central Sun to your Sun is
the primary reason for the evolutionary potentials of this particular cycle of solar activity. In
turn, the Earth herself is also being affected, especially through her KA—her own etheric

So the first thing to understand is that there is no escape from this evolutionary catalyst. You
are here to ride it out, whether you like it or not. So the first step is not to resist that which is

The second step is to embrace it and to utilize these energies with mastery—to ride the tail of
the dragon, so to speak. In this instance, the dragon is referring to the Sun itself and the tail to
the solar winds. You can ascend to great heights in this period, if you but find the courage and
method to do so.

The third step in this utilization of the solar winds is to allow them to affect your KA directly,
through an invitation, and this is done through your heart. Specifically you choose, through an
act of personal will, to enter into the vibrational harmonic of appreciation or gratitude.

It is important to understand why we are suggesting this. You are not expressing appreciation
or gratitude to the universe for the solar winds, per se. You are choosing to enter into one of
these high emotional states because they will create an Energy Attractor. In other words, you
are entering into a state of appreciation or gratitude for pragmatic reasons.

These emotional states increase the receptive harmonics of your KA, which transforms your
entire KA body into a receptive vortex, drawing to itself the photonic and magnetic energies
of the Sun, rapidly accelerating the rate of vibration within your KA, your own etheric body.

And it is through your KA that you enter into the ascension process. There are, needless to
say, many paths and ways to enter the ladder that leads upward into higher states of
consciousness, but regardless of how it is done, or through what spiritual lineage it is

accomplished, the KA, your KA, is the foundation.

Creating an Energy Attractor

In this simple but highly effective method, you place your awareness in your second body,
your KA. This energy body is the same shape and size as your physical body, but it is
energetic in nature, rather than made of flesh and blood. It permeates every space of your
body, and thus every cell of your body is within the KA. Your KA is also highly receptive to
subtle energies especially to all forms of light and to the charged photons and magnetic
energies that comprise the solar winds.

As you rest your awareness in your KA, you consciously and intentionally generate the
feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude through an act of personal will. This shifts the
harmonics of your KA to a higher vibratory rate, which is necessary for it to become an
Energy Attractor.

As you continue to hold yourself in the emotional harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, know
(realize) that you are immersed in the photonic and subtle energies of the solar winds. You are
literally bathing in these energies whether you are consciously aware of them or not. As you
hold this awareness, along with the emotional state of appreciation or gratitude, your KA will
automatically draw into itself the ascension-enhancing energies of the solar winds.

Spend as long as you can in this state of high receptivity, partaking from the solar winds, and
allowing your KA to receive these potent transformational and uplifting energies.

You will benefit greatly from the solar winds if you regularly and often engage this simple

The Crystal Palace Within Meditation

We also suggest that you experiment, from time to time, on a regular basis, with the sound
meditation we gave previously entitled The Crystal Palace Within. (Links to the instructions
for the meditation, which include the audio track for this sound meditation appear at the end
of this message.)


As we view your current probable future, you collectively stand before a great storm. The
birthing of this tempest is from the very heart of the cosmos and is nothing less than the
harbinger of immense change. Do not fear its intensity. Embrace it and ride it to the heights of
your own consciousness. By doing so, you will become a light to yourself and to each other.

The Hathors.
January 3, 2011
(Information given January 3, 2011; posted January 27, 2011.)

Link to the Instructions and audio file for the Crystal Palace With...


Zaman geldi...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 4:42am

Zaman geldi...

Devrim başladı.

Yıllardır değişimler hakkında konuşuyoruz;

dünyayı iyileştirebilmek için görmüş olmamız gereken

ve gelecek nesillerin mutluluğunu garantileyen değişimler

Ancak şimdi biliyoruz ya da bilmeye ihtiyacımız var ki

sadece konuşma zamanı sona erdi.

Birleşme, paylaşma ve hizmet zamanı

ve gereken değişimi görme zamanı


Dünyayı iyleştirebileceğimiz gerçeğine uyanırken

bunun ancak beraber başarılabilecek bir şey olduğunu da


Çünkü her birimiz, evrensel barış planının

elzem bir parçasını

varlığımızda tutuyor ya da saklıyoruz.

Bu sebeple bu mütevazı iddiayı sunuyoruz;

öyle ki bilinen ve bilinmeyen

her şeyin aşkına

söylediğimiz sözleri

kalbinizle duymak için

birazcık zamanınızı ayırabilirsiniz.

Çünkü bu bizim en derin arzumuzdur,

hayatımızın tek yolu ve amacı

nasıl birlikte çalışabileceğimizi öğrenmektir

ve mümkün olduğunca fazla sayıda insana ilham vermektir;

yeni bir barış ve harmoni dünyasına girmek için

hep beraber


Bütün dünyada insanlar bu gerçeğe uyanıyor;

öyle ki insanlık

ve dünya

artık yükseltilmiş bir aktivite fazına giriyor

büyüme ve genişlemedeki

ayrılmaz yolculuklarında.

Bu hızlanma, güneşin artan parlama aktiviteleri ve

güneş sistemimizdeki neredeyse tüm gezegenlerin

artan sıcaklığı ile kendini belli ediyor.

Bu sırada dünyada, zamanın kendisi

hızlanıyormuş ve kaosa götürüyormuş gibi görünüyor

çünkü fiziksel ve algısal gerçekliklerimizde

gitgide artan bir hızda

fenomonel sapmalar oluyor.

Bu hızlanma hissinin arkasındaki en basit açıklama

gezegenimizin titreşim frekansının yükselmekte olduğudur.

Bir çok eski kültürün "Hızlandırma" olarak

tanımladığı varsayılan bu olay


Ve bu bizim zamanımızın en büyük fırsatıdır.

Güneş sistemimiz kozmostaki yolculuğunun bir döngüsünü tamamlarken,

çok yakında galaksimizin ortasından geçen düzlemle hizaya gelecektir.

Gezegenimiz hizaya gelirken

bu yüksek titreşim alanı ile beraber

yüksek frekanslara kendini ayarlayarak

bize en büyük onuru gösterir

ve bir vasıta haline gelerek

gerçekten değişmek isteyenleri

yeni bir dünyaya

ve yeni bir çağa taşır.

Dolayısıyla, şunu anlamak esastır;

her bir bireyin bilinci öyle bir minimal seviyeye yükseltilmelidir ki

yeni dünyaya erişebilecek kualifikasyona sahip olabilsin.

Çünkü geçiş aşamasında başarıya giden anahtar


Ve kişi değişimin ötesinde onunla kalmak istiyorsa

gezegenin daha yüksek frekansları ile uyum içerisinde olmalıdır.

Bu yüzden şunu anlamak zorunludur ki

sadece sevgi gösterimi

bieyin bilincini ve titreşim hızını

yeni dünyaya başarılı bir geçiş yapacak seviyeye kadar

pozitif yönde etkileyecektir.


Her insan şu anda titreşim hızlarını yükseltmek için

o harikulade fırsata

ve kendi ruhlarına karşı spiritüel sorumluluğa sahip

ki böyle olabilir bu değişim zamanlarında.

İstesinler ya da istemesinler,

anlasınlar ya da anlamasınlar,

her bir insan kısa bir zaman içinde bir seçim yapmak zorunda kalacak.

Bu seçim hem spiritüel gelişimlerinin mevcut seyrini

hem de geleceklerini, sayısız inkarnasyonlarla derinden etkileyecek.

Ve burada şu vurgulanmalı ki

bu seçim sadece her kişinin

kendi kararını uygulaması ile belirlenecek

çünkü kişinin,

bilincinin titreşim hızını etkileyecek olan seçimini

eylemlerle ifade etmesi sadece o kişinin kudreti ile olabilir.

Ve o kişinin yeni ve canlı olanla birlikte hareket etmeyi

ya da kaçınılmaz ve kalıcı olarak dünya gezegeninden eliminasyonunun

hazırlıkları yapılan ve bir ölüm hali içinde olan

eski dünya bilincinin bir parçası olarak kalmayı seçtiği

bu kişiye has eylem ve kudret ile


Ve burada insanlığın seçimi yatmakta:

eski dünyanın kaçık ve parçalanmış yapısının içinde bulunduğumuz kişisel yeri

iyileştirmek için yaşayarak o yapıyı desteklemeye devam mı edeceğiz?

Yoksa görmeyi arzuladığımız değişimlerin

ancak ve ancak kişisel hırslarımızı bir kenara bırakarak,

bütüne yapılan samimi, bencil olmayan hizmet için bir araya gelerek gerçekleşeceğinin
farkına mı varacağız?

Değişim kapasitesi her birimizin içinde mevcuttur.

Bir değişimin gerekli olduğu konusunda hemfikiriz,

Görmek istediğimiz değişimin bencil ego-besleyen sistemden,

hükümet ve yetkililerden gelmeyeceği konusunda da

hemfikir olabilirsek;

daha derin bir tarafımızın

bu değişimi bir başkasından beklediğini farkedebiliriz.

Bu konuyu daha derinlemesine incelersek farkına varırız ki;

bizden başka kimse yok.

"Biz beklemekte olduğumuz başkalarıyız"

Ve şu anki kendine hizmet zihniyetinin

bizi kendi yıkımımıza götürdüğü gerçeğini kabul etmeye hazır olanlar için

harekete geçme zamanı şimdidir.

Farkına varma noktasına ilerlemeliyiz,

Öyle bir gün ki adalet, kardeşlik, barış...

(Cevap) toplumun her yerinde yaşıyor.

Öyleyse ne yapabiliriz?

Dünyada görmek istediğimiz değişimleri nasıl etkileyebiliriz?

Cevap, iyi ki, birçok kişinin sandığının aksine çok daha basit

Kaydedilen tarihin şafağından itibaren,

bir grubun ya da bireyin,

başkalarının duygu ve düşüncelerini değiştirerek

dünyayı değiştirebileceği şeklinde genel bir yanılgı olmuştur.

Bu gezegende ne kadar insan varsa o sayıda fikir olduğuna göre;

ve, tarihimizdende kanıt bulunabileceği gibi, bu fikirlerin hepsini tek bir görüş ile hizalamaya

sadece abesle iştigal değil, aynı zamanda diktatörlüktür.

Bu kendine hizmet anlayışı ile diğerlerine baskı kurarak onları değiştirme isteği

bugün gezegenimizdeki bütün çelişki ve çatışmaların sorumlusudur.

Ne mutlu ki, bizimki çok daha kolay bir iş,

değişmez bir gerçekten yola çıkarak,

"dünyayı değiştirmek için kişi sadece kendini değiştirmelidir."

Aslında tek bir insanın kendini değiştirmesinin etkisinin

dünyamızın göreceli kaosunda farkedilmeyeceği doğru olabilir;

ancak şu anlaşılmalı ki, dünyada barış ve uyum isteyen herkes

kendileri için yaşamaktansa

bu ideallere göre yaşamaya başlarsa

dünya değişirdi.

Gezegenin her yerinde sizinle aynı değişiklikleri görmek isteyen

ve bir fark yaratacak olacaklarını bilseler

şu anki egoist sistemi destekleyen rollerini

bir kenara bırakacak olan yüz milyonlarca insan var.

Fakat şu an bekliyorlar,

aynı sizin beklediğiniz gibi

dünya için daha iyi bir şey isteme konusunda yanlız olmadıklarını gösteren bir işaret için

Ve burada olduğumuzu

ve beraberce bir fark yaratabileceğimizi bilmelerine izin verene kadar

kaçınılmaz yokoluşumuza giden yolda

ağır adımlarla ilerlemeye devam edecekler.

Yani, dünyayı nasıl iyileştirebileceğimiz konusunda bizim desteklediğimiz cevap

başkalarının duygu ve düşüncelerini değiştirmekten geçmez,

ancak onlara ilham vermekten,

doğru olduklarını bildikleri gerçek doğrultusunda,

barış ve harmoni içinde,

rekabettense işbirliği içinde

bütünün ulvi iyiliği için yaşamalarından geçer.


Öyleyse topluluklara kalplerini dinlemeleri için nasıl ilham verebiliriz?

Kendimizinkini dinleyerek.

Şu an yapabileceğimiz en ulvi eylem,

kalplerimizin bir araya gelme çağrısına kulak vermektir

ve dünyanın iyiliğini dileyen bizlerin burada olduğumuzu dünyaya bildirmektir.

ve aslında,

biz her yerdeyiz

Ve eğer siz bencil olmayan hizmette birleşme fikrine katılıyorsanız,

o zaman hizmet etmek ve sizinle beraber yaratmak istiyoruz,

böylece zamanımızın gerçeklerini beraberce yayabiliriz

yaklaşmakta olan ve herkesin yapması gerekecek olan

seçimi dünyaya duyurabiliriz

Bu nedenle, lütfen bizimle iletişim kurun,

bir araya gelebilir ve şimdiden gezegenimizi taramakta

ve yeni dünyaya olan yolculuğumuzu hazırlamakta olan

yükselen sevgi dalgasına beraberce katkıda bulunabiliriz.

İnançlı olun,

çünkü biz...

Bir Olarak Uyanıyoruz

Bu Yaz

Dünya burada olduğumuzu bilecek...

ve aslında





izlemek için


ve görmek için beraber nasıl

(yolu birleştireceğimizi...)

yeni dünyaya giden

"Aranızda yüce olanlar...

sizlerin hizmetkarı olacak."

-the bodhisattva Issa

Yazının Türkçe altyazılı video linki : http://dotsub.com/view/2fb38dc0-489b-42bc-b2d6-



Enerjiyi Oluşturma Yasası
 Posted by sisifos on January 30, 2011 at 1:00pm

1.ENERJİYİ OLUŞTURMA YASASI: Fizikte, bütün hayatımızın üzerine kurulu olduğu

temel bir kanun vardır. Daha önceden de bahsettiğimiz gibi, sabit her görüntü biçimi enerjiden
oluşur ve başka bir biçime dönüşebilir. Bu yasa ayrıca enerjinin hiçbir zaman kaybolmadığını,
sadece şekil değiştirebileceğini söyler. Enerji değiştirilebilir, nakledilebilir ama hiçbir zaman
yok edilemez. Doğa filozofu Demokrit (M.Ö 460-371); Dünya’daki hiçbir şeyin gerçekten
kaybolmadığını, sadece değiştiğini keşfetmişti. Bugünün fizik bilgisi bu teoriye dayanır.

Bizim konumuz olan “doğru istemek” açısından bunun anlamı nedir?

Madde, nasıl başka biçimlere veya bizim göremediğimiz bir enerjiye değişebiliyorsa, önce
görünmez olan bir enerji de maddeye dönüşebilir. Ve formların bu değişimini etkileyebiliriz.
Yeni formlar yaratan, sadece enerjidir. Enerji, bilinçaltı sayesinde yönetilebilir ve muhafaza

Ne düşünüyorsak o, maddeye dönüşür.

Bu imkansız gibi görünebilir. Tıpkı bir yıl içinde iki araba kazanmak, hayatının aşkını
bulmak, ideal işi, ideal evi veya sadece ikinci el bir çamaşır makinesi bulmak gibi.

Zira her dilek, bir enerjidir. Dilek gönderilir ve dilek kendini gerçekleştirmek ister, yani
maddeye dönüşmek ister. Yayılan düşünceler ne kadar yoğun ise, enerji o kadar güçlü olur. Ne
kadar güçlü duygu yüklenilirse, o kadar itici güç alırlar. Maalesef negatiflikler içinde bu
böyledir. Bizim ne düşündüğümüz, enerjinin umurunda değildir. Enerji iyi ile kötü arasında
ayırım yapmaz, ahlak nedir bilmez ve de yargılamaz. Neye dönüştüğü umurunda değildir.
Sadece biçim değiştirir. Bu esneda şu temel yasaya uyar:

Enerji, daima dikkatimizi takip eder.

Mutsuz olduğumuzda, evrene çoğu zaman olumsuz düşünceler göndeririz. “Ben çok
mutsuzum”, “çok kötüyüm”, “acınacak durumdayım”, “hiç umut yok”. İşte tüm bunlar, evren
için yoğun etkili emir cümleleridir. Mutsuzluğumuz güçlenecektir. Ama aynı prensip bizim
lehimize de çalışabilir. Düşünce enerjileri yayınlanır ve yoğunlaşır. Değişik enerjiler buluşur,
insanlar bunları yakalar, kendi fikirleri zanneder, bunlara eklemeler yapar, üzerlerinde çalışır
ve birdenbire arzu edilen partner veya çoktandır istenilen bir eşya, kapının önüne gelir. Herşey
enerjinin bir biçimidir.

Tam olarak düşünürsek, dünyamızda herşeyden inanılmaz bir arz mevcuttur. Bu, sadece bir
dağıtım sorunudur. Herşey vardır. Herkes içindir. Bizim içinde. Bu, sadece bir arz-talep
meselesidir. Biz yoğun etkili bir biçimde ne istersek, o bizim hayatımıza girecek şekilde
dağıtılır ve yapılır. Yokluklarla dolu bir hayat yaşıyorsak, bu yoklukları bilinçaltımız
tarafından biz istemişizdir. Biz bu yokluk içinde yaşarken, belki komşumuz zengin bir hayat

sürmektedir ve bu sadece onun hayatında zenginlik istemesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Her
şeyden, çok miktarda mevcut olduğunu ve bizim hayatımızın sadece bizim istediklerimizden
oluştuğunu anladığımızda, hayatımız tamamen değişecektir. Zira enerji, her biçimi alabilir.

Her şey, fazlasıyla mevcuttur; sadece talebe göre dağıtılır.

Dilemek, devasa ve yoğun istek enerjileri ile çalışan bir değiş tokuş borsasından başka bir şey
değildir. Arayan bulur! Biz, enerji yayarız, enerji alırız. Dünyamızı, kendi hayal dünyamıza
göre kurarız. Biz biçimlendiririz, yoğunlaştırırız, engel oluruz veya bozarız. Enerji, her zaman
mevcuttur ve onu, uygun bir biçimde kendimize çekeriz. Burada çekim yasası devreye girer.

2. ÇEKİM YASASI: “Benzer benzeri çeker” Buna karşılık, değişik olanlar birbirini iter. Hatta
benzer, benzeri ile güçlenir. Yani yoğunlaşır. Bunu, piyangodan da biliriz. Bir tuşuna
basıldığında, aynı akortlu telleri de titreşime başlarken, başka bir frekansa ayarlanmış diğer
teller hareketsiz kalır. Düşüncelerimiz de belli bir frekansta titreşen enerjidir. Yani biz, her ne
düşünürsek, aynı titreşimleri harekete geçiririz.

Bu tabii tersine de işler. Orada, dışarıda düşüncelerimizle aynı frekans da titreşen herşey, bizi
de harekete geçirir. Düşüncelerimiz, kendine benzeyenlerin hepsini kendine çeken, görünmez
bir mıknatıs gibidir. Neden zaten çok şeyi olanlara, daha çok şey gelir? Çünkü öyle
düşünürler. Çünkü düşünce dünyalarında başka birşey mevcut değildir. Çünkü zenginliğe ait
titreşimlerde yaşarlar.

Başarı, Başarıyı Çeker; Mutsuzluk Daha Çok Mutsuzluğu.

Eğer aşıksak, aşktaki mutluluğumuza paralel olarak, diğer herşey de yolunda gider. Tabii zira
dünyaya pozitif gözlerle bakarız. Pozitif düşünceler, pozitif bir dünya yaratır. O zaman
herşeyi becerebiliriz. Kullandığımız cümleler artık: “çok mutluyum”, “bütün dünya elimin
altında”, “herşey yolunda” şeklindedir.

Ve Gerçektende, Dünya Elimizin Altındadır, Zira Evren, Tüm Bu Cümleleri Yakalar Ve İşleme

Ancak biz, fikrimizi değiştirdiğimiz anda ve aşkın artık bizi kucaklamadığını hissedersek,
dünyayı tenkit ederiz ve dilek cümlelerimiz artık çok farklıdır: “O artık beni sevmiyor”,
“Zaten beni kimse sevemez”, “Güzel değilim”, “Kendimi küçük ve çirkin hissediyorum”,
“Bütün dünya bana karşı”. Ve bizim dilek cümlelerimizin değişmesine uygun olarak, kısa
zamanda, yaşananlar da değişecektir.

İnsan, kendi durumunu kendisinin yarattığını fark etmeden, düşündüklerinin teyidini almaya
başlar. Eğer bir gün boyunca kendi kendimizi inceleyecek olursak, bu tür emir cümlelerini,
içimizden devamlı olarak söylediğimizi fark ederiz. Titreşim, titreşimdir ve bizim
düşüncelerimizle ve tavırlarımızla yoğunlaşır.

BİRAZDA BİYOLOJİ EKLEYELİM: “Ben sadece gözümle gördüğüme inanırım”, “Enerji,

titreşim…bana bunları önce göstermen gerekir” Bu ve buna benzer cümleleri, kemikleşmiş
“realist”lerden sık sık duymaktayız. İşin esprisi, bir de bundan gurur duymalarıdır. Bunun
neden bir espri olduğunu ve ara sıra bu tür cümleler kurduğumuzda, aklımıza bunları nasıl
açıklayabileceğimizi bu biyoloji gezimizde öğreneceğiz.

Temel olan, etrafımızdaki gerçekleri çok küçük bir parçasını duyu organlarımız ile

Gözlerimizle, mevcut ışık yelpazesinin sadece yüzde sekizini görebiliriz.

Gerçeği anlayamayız. Yani gerçeğin % 92’si bizim gözlerimizden kaçmaktadır. diğer duyu
organlarımızda, durum daha da kötüdür. Bu % 92′nin mevcudiyetini bilmemize rağmen, bu
hiç yokmuş gibi davranırız. Ve bunu da sadece, idrak edemediğimizden yaparız. Ve
idrakımıza, gerçeğin aslından daha çok güveniriz.

Yani önce şunu bir tespit edelim: Bizim idrakımız, gerçeği algılamamız, o kadar da gerçek
değil. Bunu daha anlaşılabilir yapan bir hikaye de mevcuttur: Birkaç kör insan bir fili ellerler.
Filin bacağını elleyen kör: “fil yuvarlak ve serttir” derken, filin hortumunu elleyen bir diğeri
“fil, incedir ve sürekli oraya buraya uçar” der. Biz de aynen böyle, kendi resmimizi çizeriz.
Algılayabildiğimiz azıcık şeye eklemeler yaparak, kendimiz bir resim yapar ve sonra da
bunun gerçek olduğuna inanırız. Peki bu resmi hangi kriterlere göre biçimlendiririz?

Şimdiye kadar öğrendiğimiz şeylere göre! Peki bizim en azından duygularımız sayesinde
anlayabildiğimiz şeylerde durum nedir?
Gerçekten algılayabildiğimiz “ufak bir miktar” olan yüzde sekiz ile ne yapıyoruz? Bunun
hepsini algılayabiliyor muyuz?

İdrak Edemediğimiz Şey, Bizim İçin Yoktur.

Gerçeğin % 8′i olsa bile, her gün milyonlarca çeşit etki altındayızdır; Sesler, gürültüler,
resimler, düşünceler, konuşmalar, müzik, şamata. Tehlikeli durumlara, heyecanlara reaksiyon
gösteririz; mektupları, telefonları, e-postaları cevaplarız; kendimiz ve başkaları için kararlar
veririz; kitaplar, dergiler okur, reklam bombardımanına tutuluruz, hayal kırıklıkları ve
reddedilme durumları yaşar, diğer insanlarla iletişim kurarız. Her gün bilgi üzerine bilgi
işlenmek zorundadır. Aslında, ancak çok azı hakkında gerçekten düşünürüz. Zira gerçekten
düşünmek demek, bunun için zaman ayırmak demektir. Ama zamanımızda çok sınırlıdır. Bu
sebeple de akıl, herşeyi işleyemez ve de işlemek istemez; bu durum da zaten kapasitesini

Akıl, bu yüzden de bazı şeylere kendisini kapatır. Kendini kapattığı şeyler de genelde, zaten
tanıdığı ve bildiği şeylerdir. Mesela daha sonra sorulduğunda, bir otobüs durağında beklerken
önünüzden kaç araba geçtiğini kesinlikle söyleyemezsiniz. Zira bu durum, bununla
ilgilenecek kadar önemli değildir. Dikkatimizi gazeteye vermişizdir veya biraz sonra büroda
yapılacak toplantıyı düşünmekteyizdir.

Algılanabilir dünyanın sadece ufak bir parçasını bilinçli olarak algılayabiliriz. Ve bu, bizim
kendimiz için önemli ve doğru bulduğumuz parçasıdır. Bilinçsiz olarak, saniyede tam 11.000
etki alır ve bunları istemesek de beynimizde depolarız. Bilinçli olarak, saniyede dokuz kadar
etkiyi anlarız. Bunun anlamı, bilinçaltımızın, bizim haberimiz olmaksızın sayısız şey
depoladığıdır. Üzerimize akan etkilerin, bilinçli olarak, sadece 1000/1 algılarız.

Tüm şeylerin 100/8′inin de 1000/1′ini bilinçli olarak algılar ve bunu, her şeyi içeren gerçek
olarak kabul ederiz.

Yani yaşadığımız gerçek bizi saran tüm hakikat ile mukayese edildiğinde, kaybolacak kadar

Dünyayı tüm büyüklüğü ile algılayamayız. Her gün bilinçli ve çoğu zaman bilinçsiz olarak,
algılarımızı neye yönlendireceğimize karar veririz. Diğer şeyler, bizim için yoktur.

Peki biz, bize daha fazla olanak sağlayabilecek, daha renkli bir gerçek içinde yaşamak, daha
değişik görüşleri olan bir resim yapmak istersek ne yapacağız? Hayatımıza başka bir realite
davet etmek istersek ne olacak?

İlk yapılacak şey, şimdiye kadar algıladıklarımızdan çok daha fazla şeyin mevcut olduğu
bilincine varmamızdır. Akıl, daha derin kademelerdeki şeyleri, en az üç kere okuduktan veya
duyduktan sonra algılar. Bu aklımızın, ezberlediği düşünce kalıplarından kendisini
kurtarmasına yardımcı olur.

İkinci yapılacak şey, dikkatimizi, arzu ettiğimiz alanlara yönlendirmektir. Yani, hayatımızda
istediğimiz değişik ve yeni şeylerin olabilmesi için, başka düşüncelerimize yoğunlaşmalıyız.

TİTREŞİM FREKANSINI YÜKSELTMEK: Bu radyodaki bir kanalın değiştirilmesi gibidir.

Olayları algıladığımız frekansımızın düğmesini birazcık oynatırız. Ama bunu nasıl yaparız?
Mesela titreşimimizi güzel şeyler düşünerek, dua okuyarak veya pozitif affirmasyon,
olumlama cümlelerini tekrarlamak bile düşünsel titreşimlerimizi, şimdiye kadar bilmediğimiz
alanlara yükseltir ve bu sayede dıştaki, görünür dünyada ulaşılması mümkün olmayacak gibi
görünen şeylerin hayatımıza girmesine olanak sağlar. Kendimizi, arzu edilen frekansa
açmadıkça, onu anlayamayız da. Onu ne duyar, ne elleyebilir, ne de evimize davet edebiliriz.
Doğru istemeyi arzu ediyorsak, kendimizi yeniliklere açmalıyız, yoksa gerçekleştiğini de

Gerçek olan, bir şeyi yeterince uzun bir süre bilincimizde muhafaza edersek, bunun dış
dünyada da maddeleşmek zorunda olduğudur. Ancak ve maalesef bilincimiz, muntazaman
enerji yayan tek merci değildir. İçimizde çok daha inatçı ve istekleri olan bir parçamız daha
BİLİNÇALTIMIZ... Bilinçaltımız bir boykotçudur.
Bu gerçeği şöyle açıklayalım: Eğer dileklerimiz olmuyorsa, çoğu zaman birinci dilekten daha
güçlü ikinci bir inancımız vardır bu da bilinçaltımız da saklanmaktadır. Yani boykotçumuz.
Bu ikinci inanç, mutlaka birinciye karşı çalışır ve de daha sürekli, daha büyük ve önemli bir
azim ile. Dileğimizin gerçekleşmesi adına yaptığımız çalışmamızı bir kere dikkatlice
incelersek görürüz ki, günde 10 dakika bu dileğimizle ilgilenmişizdir. Bu çalışmamızda
dileğimize güç verir, belki iç gözümüzle hayal bile ederiz, yani vizyonumuza dahil eder, ama
sonra tekrar gündelik yaşantımıza devam ederiz. Ama geriye kalan 23 saat 50 dakika bilinçaltı
boykotçumuz bunun zaten olamayacağını, bunların zırva olduğunu, aslında zaten bu
dileğimizi karşılayacak şeylerin bizim hakkımız olmadığına bizi inandırır. Zaten hep mağlup
olmuşuzdur. Hep başkaları mutludur.

Çoğu zaman, bilincimizdeki dileklerimizle bilinçaltımızdaki inançlarımız çok çelişkilidir,

birbirine benzemez ve hatta birbirine muhaliftir. Dileğimizin gerçekleşmesine ramak
kaldığında bile ne yapacağımızı bilemeyiz ve bu şans kullanılamadan uzaklaşır. Bu durumda
insan, kendisi için çok yoğun bir biçimde birşey ister, ama içten içe bunu kabul etmeye hazır

BEN DEĞİŞMEYE İSTEKLİYİM olumlaması bir kapı açar.

Tüm gün bu olumlamayı gözlerimizin görebileceği bir yere koymalıyız hatta zihnimizi bir
askı dolabı olarak düşünerek içerideki askılardan birine bu olumlamayı asmalıyız. Aklımız
daima buna takılı kalırsa değişim başlar.

Bu sırada önemli bir kaç etki vardır,

◦Doğru formül “ben…im” prensibidir. Çok para istediğinizde, “ben zengin olmak istiyorum”
şeklindeki emir cümlesi kurmak çok yanlıştır. Doğru formül şöyle olabilir: “Ben hayatımda
zenginliğe hazırım”, “Ben zengin ve mutluyum”,”benim için ayrılmış bir para zaten var ve
hayatıma gelmek üzere yolda”
◦Doğru istemenin ve dilemenin turbosu Teşekkür etmektir. Dileğimizin sonunda “Amin” veya
“teşekkür” diyerek mühürler ve kapatırız.
◦Her zaman, şimdiki zamanı kullanarak dileyin; gelecek zamanı değil. Sanki isteğinizin şimdi
size verilmiş olduğunu düşünerek hareket edin.
◦İsteklerinizi kağıda yazın, böylece isteğiniz güçlenir. Doğru formüller “işim var”, “mutlu bir
ilişkim var”, “ihtiyacım olan herşeye sahibim”, “ben sağlıklıyım”. olmalıdır.
◦“Herşey benim iyiliği için olur” inancınızı kuvvetlendirerek içimizde minnettarlıkla
birleştirmek bizi başka mucizelere götürür.
◦“Dilediğimiz her şeyin gerçekleşeceğini; bunun, bizim hakkımız ve hep emrimize amade
olduğunu biliriz” anlamını irdelemek ve unutmamak.

◦“Şüphe” isteğin veya dileğin iptal edilmesi gibi birşeydir. Şüphe, aksini istemek gibi bir
şeydir. Şüphe zaten birşey olamayacağı bilgisini yayınlar ve tüm siparişler iptal edilir.
◦Doğru istemek konusunda başarılı olmanın çok önemli noktasından biri isteğimiz
gerçekleşene kadar hiç kimse ile bu konuda konuşmamaktır. Gevezelikle enerji etkisini
yitirir.Unutmayın tüm büyük fikirler, ketumlukla oluşur.
◦Tesadüflere daima açık olun, evren sevkiyatı süpriz yollarla gönderir. Evren, isteğinizi
gerçekleştirmek için her zaman en çabuk ve en kolay yolu bulur.
◦Sezgi, insanın kendisine izin vermesidir. Sezgilerinize güvenmeyi öğrenmelisiniz. İlk anda
garip veya komik geliyorsa bile içinizden gelen ilk hareket veya karar daima doğru olandır.
Tereddüt etmek enerjiyi tüketir.

Son Olarak;

Gerçek, çoğu zaman, dış dünyada istenilen şeyin iç dünyamızda hissedilen eksikliğidir.

Mesela dileğim, “Beni şartsız sevecek birini istiyorum” şeklindeyse, bunun gerçekteki
karşılığı, “Ben sevilmiyorum. Ben sevilmeye değer değilim. Ben kendimi sevmiyorum”dur.
Yani çoğu kişi, sadece kendisini sevmediği için, kendisini şartsız sevecek birini ister.
Bu dileğin temeli aslında: “Aşkı kabul etmeye açığım ve hazırım” cümlesi ile kapıyı açmaktır,

“Ben, olduğum gibi sevilmeye değerim. Tüm isteklerimi ve hatalarımı kabul ediyor ve
kendimi, şimdi olduğum gibi kabul ediyorum. Ben kendime özgüyüm, güzelim ve her gün
kendi sevgime biraz daha yaklaşıyorum. Kendime duyduğum sevgim nedeniyle, beni aynı
kendimi gördüğüm gözlerle görecek bir insanı çekiyorum. Ben kendi sevgimi ve başka bir
insanın sevgisini kendime çekmek konusunda açık ve hazırım. Engellerime ve blokajlarıma,
bundan sonra izin vermiyorum ve sevgi, benim içimde rahatlıkla akabilir. Sevginin hayatımda
meydana çıkmasına açık ve hazırım”

Bu bağlamda eğer kendimi kabul etmeden, beni sevecek birini isteyecek olsaydım, bana

sunulan sevgiyi kabullenemeyecek bir durumda olurdum. Ancak içten hazır olursam,
ihtiyacım olan şeylere izin verebilirim. O zaman aramama gerek kalmaz ve bulurum. Zira
hazır olursak, bizim ihtiyacımız olan herşey bizi bulur.

Unutmayın, Evrenle iş birliği yapmak, kendi başımıza didişmekten çok daha kolaydır. Doğru
istemek bütün dünyamızı değiştirmekle kalmaz çünkü sonuçta aradığımız aslında daima
SEVGİ’dir. Bizi mutlu eden hep SEVGİ’dir.

Pierre Franckh / Doğru İstersen Olur


A.CHAMUEL-Resolution of Vows and
Promises from the Period of Avalon-
Eliminación de Promesas y Votos de
Tiempos de Avalon(ENGLISH/SPANISH)
 Posted by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on January 30, 2011 at 9:44pm


The Meaning of the Different Frequencies

The Meaning and Origin of the Drops of Blessing

Melek Metatron:

Resolution of Vows and Promises from the Period of Avalon

I Am Chamuel. I am bearer of the light. I am the cosmic grid, the great star tetrahedron of
love. Chamuel greets each single one with the words OMAR TA SATT.

It is a pleasure for Chamuel to convey the messages through the medium today. From the
spiritual world it has been brought to you that there are many different frequencies in the
universe. To name them all would not be possible here. But we have noticed that many human
beings do not know the meaning of these different frequencies. Thus Chamuel has the task
today to report about these frequencies, for each single frequency contains an energetic
pattern which is transferred to you when you call a certain frequency. You will be brought the
energy, and at the same time the energetic pattern of this frequency is laid in your Light Body.
Chamuel does not speak of the individual masters or angels, but of certain frequency sections.
Many human beings still know very little about it.

Thus I would like to begin with the frequency of El'Shaddai. When you connect yourself with
the frequency of El'Shaddai the energetic pattern of wisdom, power and also protection is laid
in your Light Body. At the same time you are drawing these energies into your Light Body.
When, for example, you are feeling weak, are not in your center, when you think you need
protection, it is very helpful to connect yourself with the frequency of El'Shaddai.

If, however, you are very tired, for example, then it is better to connect yourself to the
frequency of Shekina. Shekina lays the energetic pattern of femininity, of sensitivity and also
of clairsentience in your Light Body. But Shekina is also very powerful.

When you ask for healing and would like to pass on creative healing through a channel for
instance, it would be highly advisable to connect yourself with the frequency of the Elohim
for that is where the highest healing angels are. When you suffer from Light Body symptoms,
when you are afflicted with headaches or other Light Body symptoms, connect yourself with
the frequency of the Elohim.

If you would like to absorb magnetic love energy, go into the universe of the frequency
Quadril 5. The energetic pattern of the new energy will be laid in your Light Body. Many
human beings are of the opinion that they have already absorbed enough magnetic energy. But
Chamuel brings you the message: The more magnetic energy you have in your Light Body the
more your cells can transform and can your Light Body expand.

When you feel things such as annoyance in your everyday life or when you are angry, when
somebody has just hurt you, when you are sad, then go into the Christ energy. The Christ
energy lays the energetic pattern of peace, of forgiveness and of redemption in your Light

When you connect yourself with the frequency of the angels you connect yourself with many
other frequencies at the same time, such as, for example, the one of compassion or also of
healing. When you would like to invoke certain healing angels who are very close to you,
such as Raphael, then go into the frequency of the angels. They lay the energetic pattern of
compassion, of the new energy and of awakening in the Light Body. Especially in the
frequency of the angels you find the alignment of manifestation.

When you are too strict with yourself, when you have too little zest for life in your everyday
life, when your intellect bothers you, then go into the frequency of the Starseed, for the
Starseed lay the energetic pattern of cheerfulness, of joy and of love of life in your Light
Body. The Starseed are connected with many, many frequencies. It is a big inked net which
covers many areas of the universe and it works. When you simply open yourself for all that is
then you automatically connect yourself with the Starseed. And as this pattern is highly
noticeable with the human beings the High Council decided to convey these messages.

The different frequencies comprise much more again than what we can convey. When you
absorb different frequencies because you invoke different masters or angels from the different
levels or frequencies, then sometimes your energy, your masculine and feminine energy, is not
balanced. Then go into the frequency of Ashtar. As Ashtar has the priority in the universe to
travel everywhere, he carries all the energies united within him and looks after balance. Ashtar
lays the energetic pattern of balance in your Light Body.

Now Chamuel will get to something which is very important to the High Council. I would
like to make known once more, here and now, that it is a great honor for Chamuel to bring
these words to you through the medium. For Chamuel may explain to you today what the
drops of blessing of Metatron effect. For this I would like to bring you the message that the
drops of blessing originate from the Source itself. When there was the great fall for the Earth,
the Earth removed itself from the magnetic God lines and, as you know, a separate form of
energy developed, God stopped breathing. What this comprises I would like to explain to you

The drops of blessing of Metatron, the divine Source itself, are called God's Breath in the
universe. In a cycle of 48 hours in your time the divine Source dedicates itself and spits out a

huge fountain of light. This fountain of light explodes in the universe. That is the exhalation
of God. They are the drops of blessing of the Source itself which keep the entire universe
alive, the entire expansion.

But at a time when the Earth had removed itself so far from the magnetic lines, these drops of
blessing, or God's Breath, did not get through the denseness of the energy. That is why the
human beings felt so very abandoned and alone. For the great energy days, when the first
Light Body level was activated in each human being, this fountain of light, God's Breath, was
also poured over the Earth for the first time. Smaller fountains have found their way since
Jesus, the Christ, was on Earth. Drops of blessing are God's Breath which keeps all that is
alive. When these drops of blessing are brought to Earth it means that the human beings are
being awakened to the real life, for with each of God's drops they are being guided into
recollection more and more, noticeable who they are.

After the grid of love was tied, God's Breath gets through the veil of density to your planet
more and more often. But when you human beings come together in a collective of love and
the drops of blessing are poured out it means that for this gathering, just for these people, the
divine Source pours out a fountain of light and brings it directly to you. This fountain of light,
these drops of God are brought to you by Nuni boosts with magnetic waves. It may be the
biggest gift of God that these boosts of light from the divine Source, these fountains of light,
are poured out over you so often. Thus we will do this also for you today.

But before we do this I would like to talk about the Angels of Grace, for the Angels of Grace
have the task to drag the fountain of light which pours out of God's Source and explodes like a
big net through the universe. Through God's Breath grace and the Angels of Grace come into
being. You will all of you receive God's Breath now. For this I ask you to rise.

(A powerful song is played)


Chamuel would also like to tell you: When the Earth removed itself from the magnetic lines
there was separate light through Lemuria and through the Venusians. Thus life continued. But
there was also a time in which the divine Source wanted to inhale. When Jesus, the Christ,
went to Earth the fields were opened and God's Breath was spread on Earth through Jesus.

Very often the human beings ask about the ascension into the other dimension. One question
among them is, how all the human beings will awaken in themselves. Chamuel tells you: The
closer the Earth gets to the magnetic lines, the lighter the veils get, the faster God's Breath

It is very difficult to convey this to you in words as this kind of time does not exist in the
universe. But, in order to clarify it for you: Through the grid of love which was erected
fountains of light come to Earth in magnetic waves every 48 hours. At the change of
dimensions the divine Source will bring light fountains to Earth every 3 hours. Perhaps you
can now understand even better what it means when, specifically for a collective of love, for
human beings who are in the intention to expand, a fountain of light is brought to you out of

Chamuel, who loves each single one of you so immeasurably, says AN'ANASHA.

And hear the words of Metatron which follow now.

I Am Melek Metatron. From the spheres of El'Shaddai I greet you OMAR TA SATT. Call
everyone together to accompany you in order to resolve promises, vows, utterances of any
kind which are no longer of service to you at this time, which you once made in Avalon, with
the power of the divine Thought Field and the angels. Call the Lord of Hosts in order to bring
the energies of El'Shaddai as comprehensively as is of service to you into this room with the

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai 'Tsebayoth.

Thus Melek Metatron asks you: Breathe the light of love into yourself. While you are
breathing, unifying and orientating yourself towards your divinity, Metatron will ground you
at all levels. Thus perceive the word of Metatron and the energetic pattern which surrounds
this word for, more than any word it is the energy of Metatron of El'Shaddai, who touches
your soul, who loves you so immeasurably.

A ni o'heved o’drach.

At a time in which you lived, in an epoch which is called Avalon, you were highly energetic
and yet human being. Specially you who have got together, especially the human beings of
the golden-blue light served the light in the epoch of Avalon. But make yourself aware that all
promises and all vows of this epoch which you made carry themselves like cosmic threads as
far as this incarnation. Sangitar has asked us to resolve these vows, these structures once more
so that in your everyday life you are free and without bonds which no longer serve you.

Thus Metatron asks you, lay your hands on your legs with the palms facing up. With the
energy of Michael, after you have opened your channels in the intention of love, the rivers of
Michael will guide you into recollection. Take a little time and, if it is possible for you, go
back into the incarnation of Avalon. You have experienced several incarnations in Avalon, not
just one. It was a very long epoch. See what pours into your heart and what pictures develop.
If you do not see pictures simply give yourself to the energy. The deeper you connect yourself
with Avalon at this moment, the easier it is to dissolve the crystalline structures. Use your
original name for the recollection.

When Metatron himself, the Eye of God, calls you now to repeat the words of Metatron
Michael will at the same time sever any connections with his sword which no longer serve
you at this point in time.

Thus Metatron asks you to speak these words with the whole intention of your love:

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

I am my ideal light structure.

I permit myself to free myself here and now of all vows and promises which I have given in
any incarnation of Avalon and which no longer serve me at this time.

I permit Angel Michael to sever these crystalline structures with his sword and call the Source
of Metatron:

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai 'Tsebayoth.

I am my ideal light structure.

So it has happened. You may feel a little tired in the next days. Then go into the frequencies
of Shekina and also go into the frequencies of El'Shaddai.

Melek Metatron is with you with the immeasurable love. In this love you may feel secure and
in good hands.

So it is.


Explanatory note:

Even though some have often carried out the severance of old vows of Avalon it is possible
that these still work. Sabine Sangitar noticed this when she saw these connections in many
Light Bodies after the Kryonfestival.

No other promises and vows have such an intense effect as those of Avalon. They can concern
many areas of life, such as abundance, task or relationships. Therefore it is useful to free
oneself of them with one's entire intention.



El significado de las Diferentes Frecuencias

El significado y formación de las Gotas de Bendición

Melek Metatron:

Eliminación de Promesas y Votos de Tiempos de Avalon

Yo Soy Chamuel. Yo soy el Portador de la Luz. Soy la rejilla cósmica, el gran Tetraedro
Estelar del Amor. Chamuel saluda a cada uno con las palabras OMAR TA SAT.

Es una alegría para Chamuel el poder transmitir hoy los Mensajes a través del Medium. Se
os ha comunicado desde el Universo que existen Diferentes Frecuencias en el Universo. No
sería posible nombrar todas aquí. Sin embargo hemos comprobado que muchos Seres
Humanos no conocen el significado de estas diferentes Frecuencias. Por eso tiene Chamuel
hoy la misión de informaros sobre estas Frecuencias, porque cada una de las frecuencias
contiene un modelo energético que te es transmitido cuando llamás a una determinada
frecuencia. Te es traida la energía y te es anclado el modelo energético de esta frecuencia en tu
Cuerpo de Luz. Chamuel no habla de los Maestros o Ángeles, sino de determinados
segmentos de frecuencia. Muchos Seres Humanos todavía saben muy poco sobre esto.

Por este motivo deseo empezar con la Frecuencia de El´Shaddai. Si te conectas con la
Frecuencia de El´Shaddai, es anclado en tu Cuerpo de Luz el modelo energético de la
Sabiduría, la Fuerza y también de la Protección. Al mismo tiempo atraes estas energías a tu
Cuerpo de Luz. Si por ejemplo te sientes sin fuerza, no te encuentras centrado, si crees
necesitar fuerza, es muy beneficioso que te conectes con la Frecuecia de El´Shaddai.

Pero si estás muy cansado, es mejor que te conectes con la Frecuencia de Shekina. Shekina
ancla el modelo energético de la Feminidad, de la Sensibilidad y de la Clarividencia en tu
Cuerpo de Luz. Pero Shekina también tiene mucha fuerza.

Si pides Sanación y deseas seguir transmitiendo por ejemplo Sanación creativa a través de un
Canal, es recomendable que te unas a la Frecuencia de los Elohim, porque allí están los
ángeles más elevados de Sanación. Si tienes síntomas del Cuerpo de Luz, si tienes dolores de
cabeza o otros síntomas del Cuerpo de Luz, únete con la Frecuencia de los Elohim.

Si deseas acoger energía magnética de Amor, ve al Universo de la Frecuencia Quadril 5. Se

anclará el modelo energético de la Nueva Energía en tu Cuerpo de Luz. Muchos Seres
Humanos tienen la opinión que ya han acogido suficiente energía magnética. Pero Chamuel te
trae el mensaje: cuanta más energía magnética integres en tu Cuerpo de Luz, más pueden
transformarse tus Células y tu Cuerpo de Luz puede expandirse.

Si sientes en tu día a día, emciones como Enfado o si estás enojado, si alguien te ha dañado, si
estás triste, entonces entra en la Energía de Cristo. La Energía de Cristo te ancla el modelo
energético de la Paz, del Perdón y de la Salvación en tu Cuerpo de Luz.

Si te conectas a la Frecuencia de los Ángeles, te unes al mismo tiempo con muchas otras
frecuencias, como por ejemplo la de la Compasión o Sanación. Si deseas llamar a
determinados Ángeles de Sanación que están muy cercanos a ti, como Rafael, entonces entra
en la Frecuencia de los Ángeles. Ellos te anclan el modelo energético de la Compasión, de la
Nueva Energía y del Despertar en tu Cuerpo de Luz. Especialmente en la Frecuencia de los
Ángeles encuentras el Ajuste de la Manifestación.

Si eres severo contigo mismo, si tienes demasiado poca Alegría de Vivir en tu día cotidiano, si
tu mente trabaja mucho, entonces entra en la Frecuencia de la Semilla Estelar, porque la
Semilla Estelar ancla en tu Cuerpo de Luz el modelo energético de la Alegría, de la Felicidad
y del Deseo de Vivir. La Semilla Estelar se conecta a muchas, muchas frecuencias. Es una
gran red de conexiones que se extiende y tiene efectos por muchos ámbitos del Universo. Si
simplemente te abres a todo lo que es, entonces te conectas automáticamente con la Semilla
Estelar. Y porque este modelo es muy reconocido en los Seres Humanos, el Consejo Supremo
ha decidido transmitir estos mensajes.

Las diferentes Frecuencias contienen muchas más cosas que lo que podemos transmitir. Si
acoges diferentes frecuencias porque llamas a diferentes Maestros o Ángeles de diferentes
planos o frecuencias, entonces a veces tu energía masculina y femenina no está equilibrada.
Entonces entra en la Frecuencia de Ashtar. Ya que Ashtar tiene el Derecho de viajar por todo
el Universo, porta todas las energías unificadas en si y garantiza Equilibrio. Ashtar ancla el
modelo energético del equilibrio en tu Cuerpo de Luz.

Ahora llega Chamuel a algo que es especialmente importante para el Consejo Supremo.
Quiero dar a conocer ahora y aquí que es un gran honor para Chamuel el poder transmitiros

estas palabras a través del Medium. Porque Chamuel puede explicarte hoy lo que son las
Gotas de Bendición de Metatron. Para ello quiero comunicaros el mensaje que las Gotas de
Bendición llegan de la mismisima Fuente. Cuando sucedió en la Tierra la gran Caida, cuando
la Tierra se desvió de las lineas Divinas magnéticas y produjo una forma de energía propia,
Dios dejo de respirar. Os quiero explicar lo que esto contiene. Las Fuentes de Bendición de
Metatron, la Fuente Divina, son conocidas en el Universo como la Respiración de Dios. En un
ciclo de 48 horas de vuestro tiempo la Fuente Divina emite una gran Fuente de Luz. Esta
Fuente de Luz explota en el Universo. Esto es la respiración de Dios. Son las Gotas de
Bendición de la mismisima Fuente, las que mantienen vivo todo el Universo, toda la

Pero en un tiempo que la Tierra se había alejado tanto de las lineas magnéticas, las Gotas de
Bendición o la Respiración de Dios ya no consiguieron pasar por la Densidad de la Energía.
Por esta razón se sintieron tan desamparados y solos los Humanos. En los grandes días de
energía, cuando se activó el primer paso del Cuerpo de Luz en cada Ser Humano, también se
derramó por primera vez la Fuente de Luz, la Respiración de Dios, por la Tierra. Fuentes de
Luz más pequeñas se han buscado su camino, desde que Jesús el Cristo llegó a la Tierra.

Las Gotas de Bendición son la Respiración de Dios que mantiene todo lo que es con vida.
Cuando son traidaas las Gotas de Bendición a la Tierra, significa que los Seres Humanos son
despertados a la verdadera vida, porque con cada Gota de Dios son cada vez más dirigidos a
sentir quien son. Después que fue establecida la red de amor, la respiración de Dios llega más
frecuentemente a vuestro planeta a través de la Densidad del Velo. Pero si os juntáis vosotros
los Seres Humanos en un colectivo de Amor y son derramadas las Gotas de Bendición,
entonces significa que para ese encuentro y justo para esos Seres Humanos, la Fuente Divina
derrama sobre vosotros directamente la Fuente de Luz. Esta Fuente de Luz, estas Gotas de
Dios, son llevadas a vosotros a través de Impulsos-Nuni con Ondas Magnéticas. Es tal vez el
regalo más grande que lleguen a vosotros estos impulsos de Luz desde la Fuente Divina. Esto
también lo haremos hoy para vosotros.

Pero antes de que hagamos esto, quiero hablar sobre los Ángeles de la Gracia, porque los
Ángeles de la Gracia tienen la misión de extender la Fuente de Luz que fluye y explota desde
la Fuente Divina, en forma de gran red por todo el Universo. A través de la respiración de
Dios surge la Gracia y los Ángeles de la Gracia. Ahora recibiréis la Respiración de Dios. Para
ello os pido que os levantéis.

(Se toca una canción fuerte)


Chamuel todavía os quiere decir: Cuando la Tierra se alejó de las lineas magnéticas, hubo
Luz propia a través de Lemuria y los Venusianos. De esta forma siguió la vida. Pero también
hubo un tiempo en el cual la Fuente Divina quería aspirar. Cuando Jesús el Cristo llegó a la
Tierra, se abrieron los campos y la respiración de Dios se distribuyó en la Tierra. Los Seres
Humanos preguntan muchas veces sobre la Ascensión a la otra Dimensión. Una pregunta es
cómo van a Despertar todos los Seres Humanos en sí mismos. Chamuel te dice: Cuanto más
se acerque la Tierra a las lineas magnéticas, cuanto más luminoso se vuelva el Velo, más
rápido tiene sus efectos la Respiración de Dios.

Es muy dificil transmitiros esto en palabras, ya que en el Universo no existe este tipo de
tiempo. Pero para que lo comprendáis mejor: a través de la rejilla del amor que fue
establecida, llegan cada 48 horas las Fuentes de Luz en forma de Ondas Magnéticas a la
Tierra. En el Cambio de las Dimensiones enviará la Fuente Divina las Fuentes de Luz cada 3
horas a la Tierra. Tal vez comprendáis ahora más lo que significa cuando os son llevadas
Fuentes de Luz fuera del tiempo para un colectivo de amor, para los Seres Humanos que se
expanden en la intención. Chamuel que ama a cada uno de vosotros tan
inconmensurablemente, dice AN´ANASHA.

Y ahora escuchad las palabras de Metatron.

Yo Soy Melek Metatron. Desde los ámbitos de El´Shaddai te saludo OMAR TA SATT.
Llamad a todos para eliminar con la fuerza del Campo de Pensamiento Divino cualquier
Promesa o Dicho que hayas hecho en el tiempo de Avalon. Llamad al Señor de las Entidades
Celestiales para traer con tanta abundancia la energía de El´Shaddai según la necesitéis con
las palabras: Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai `Tsebayoth.

Ahora te pide Metatron: respira la Luz del Amor dentro de ti. Mientras respiras, te Unificas y
te dirigas hacia tu Divinidad, Metatron hará que tomes contacto con la Tierra desde todos los
planos. Por eso reconoce la palabra de Metatron y el modelo energético que cubre a esta
palabra, porque más que cualquier palabra es la energía de Metatron de El´Shaddai la que toca
tu Alma, y el que te Ama inconmensurablemente.

A ni o’heved o’drach.

En un tiempo que vivistes, en una época del tiempo que se llama Avalon, eras altamente
energético y al mismo tiempo Humano. Justo vosotros que os habéis reunido, justo los Seres
Humanos de la Frecuencia Azul-Dorada, estuvisteis sirviendo a la Luz en la época del tiempo
de Avalon. Pero se consciente que todas las promesas de este tiempo que diste, llegan hasta
esta Encarnación como hilos cósmicos. Sangitar nos ha pedido que volvamos a eliminar estas
promesas, estas estructuras, para que estés libre y sin esas conexiones que ya no te sirven en
tu día a día.

Por eso te pide Metatron que sitúes tus manos sobre tus piernas con las palmas hacia arriba.
Con la Energía de Miguel, cuando hayas abierto tus canales en la intención del Amor, te
llevarán a estos recuerdos las corrientes de Miguel. Déjate algo de tiempo y si te es posible,
vuelve a la Encarnación de Avalon. Has tenido varias encarnaciones en Avalon, no sólo una.
Fue una época del tiempo muy larga. Observa lo que fluye en tu corazón y las imágenes que
se forman. Si no ves imágenes simplemente entrégate a la energía. Cuanto más
profundamente te conectes a Avalon en estos instantes, más fácilmente se podrán eliminar las
estructuras cristalinas. Aplica tu nombre de origen en este recuerdo.

Cuando Metatron mismo, el Ojo de Dios, te pida ahora que repitas las palabras, entonces
eliminará Miguel al mismo tiempo con su espada todas las conexiones de ese tiempo que ya
no te sirven. De esta manera te pide Metatron, con toda la Intención del Amor, que repitas las

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

Yo soy mi Estructura ideal de Luz.

Permito eliminar ahora y aquí todas las promesas que hice en todas las encarnaciones de
Avalon y que en estos momentos ya no me sirven.

Permito al Ángel Miguel que con su espada separe las estructuras cristalinas y llamo a la
fuente de Metatron:

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai `Tsebayoth.

Yo soy mi Estructura ideal de Luz.

De esta forma ha sucedido. Tal vez sientas cansancio durante los próximos días. Entonces
entra en la frecuencia de Shekina y ve también a la frecuencia de El´Shaddai.

Melek Metatron está contigo con el Amor inconmensurable. En este Amor puedes sentir el
cobijo y la seguridad.

Así es.



Aunque algunos ya hayan hecho en el pasado la eliminación de promesas de Avalon, es

posible que todavía estén en Efecto. Sabine Sangitar ha notado esto después de haber visto
estas conexiones en muchos Cuerpos de Luz durante el Festival de Kryon.

Ningunas otras promesas y juramentos tienen tanta intensidad como los de Avalon. Pueden
manifestarse en muchos ámbitos de la vida, como en la Abundancia, Misión o relación de
pareja. Por esta razón es importante volver a eliminarlos con toda la intención.



Grid of Light for Release of Anger, Fear,
Pain and Struggle
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 2:15am

Metatron gives us a Grid of Light for Protection and Transmutation with the Turquoise-Blue
Bubble of Light of the Silent Watcher.
Beloveds of my own heart I am Metatron.

Presently, the energies of Earth have a tendency to shift suddenly from one moment to the
next. This can cause those with sensitive constitutions to experience energies of dross, anger,
pain and fear coming unexpectedly to the surface. The experience may be at subconscious
levels. You may be led to believe that it is your own personal circumstances that cause your
moods to change. You may not realize that part of what you experience is externally induced
and relates to the pain and the dross that is being released on behalf of Earth and the
consciousness of all souls. Those of you who are higher initiates on the Path of Light are
taking on this dross to transmute it on behalf of Earth and others. These energies, even though
externally induced, are recalibrated through your own physical bodies for transmutation. They
move through your physical body and are released from the atmosphere of Earth and the
consciousness of souls. This is your service to the Light. For this reason I would like to offer
you a Grid of Light to lighten your load during this time and help you cope with the energies

of anger coming to the surface of Earth and the consciousness of humankind.

You may experience this anger as if it appears from nowhere, causing you emotional
upheaval, grief, struggle, fear and pain. This Grid of Light will release the anger from your
bodies and prevent any external lower vibrational energy from penetrating your body and
your being. When you use this Grid, you may not be aware of the anger at all but it will
nevertheless continue to assist with the transmutational process, from your personal as well as
global point of view. Its benefits are to free you from many lifetimes of accumulated anger,
fear and pain and free the Earth from carrying the pain of Humanity in her atmosphere and her
auric field. Lightening the load will free all souls and the planet, leaving you all in a much
greater state of harmony and peace. Once these energies are released, peace will follow and a
state of harmony and calm will be induced.
Meditation for the Release of Anger, Fear, Pain and Struggle

Visualize standing in the center of a circle with the Angelic Forces of the Four Directions
forming a circle around you. Archangel Uriel is standing in the direction of North, directly
facing you. Archangel Michael is standing in the direction of South, directly behind you.
Archangel Rafael is to your right in the direction of East, and Archangel Gabriel is to your left
in the direction of West. Archangel Uriel will be beaming the Inner Light in the color of
Yellow from his heart and from the palms of his upraised hands. Archangel Rafael is sending
you the Pink Light of Divine Love from the heart and palms of the hands. Archangel Michael
is beaming the Ray of Compassion and Mercy in the color of Aquamarine-Blue. Archangel
Gabriel is beaming the Healing Light in the color of Emerald-Green.

The Great Silent Watcher, a great being of love and Light, is hovering above this entire Grid.
From the space of her heart, she is sending a Bubble of Light in the color of Turquoise-Blue.
This bubble forms around you and the four Archangels. The energy substance of this Bubble
holds the texture and qualities of the precious stone Turquoise within it. Turquoise removes
negative energies from the physical body, the emotional body and the mental body. It prevents
anger, pain, jealousy, envy, fear, worry, and panic, from penetrating into your being. It
protects you from the external elements that cause anger and discomfort.

Visualize yourself at the center of this Grid of Light with the four Angelic Forces all around
you, each sending you the Light of their respective Ray and the qualities that they carry.
Lower vibrational energies will now come to the surface to be transmuted. For the
transmutation of these energies, I now call forth an inferno of the Violet Flame to create a
cylinder of Violet Light around you. Visualize Violet Light spiraling from the base of your
feet upward, winding its way all around you, spiraling counterclockwise and reaching to the
top of your head. A cylinder of Purple Light is now forming around you which will
encompass your entire body. This cylinder is about five feet wide and extends from the
ground all the way to the top of your head and further up, releasing all lower energies which
come to the surface. The spiraling whirlwind of the Violet Flame moves upward and outward
from the base of your feet to the top of your head and beyond. It only moves in one direction,
up and out. Energies such as anger, fear, pain and dross are being pulled from your own body
into the Violet Cylinder of Light and transmuted upward and outward away from your body.
The spiraling Violet Flame is releasing pain and dross from your mental and emotional and
physical body, freeing you from many lifetimes of pain, anger, hardship and struggle and
helping you transmute what you pick up from the surface of Earth and the collective
consciousness of humankind. Take a few deep breaths and continue to visualize this entire
Grid of Light. Continue to keep this visualization and take a few deep long inhalations

followed by slow long exhalations.

Now I give you a mantra to repeat:

Mantra for Release of Anger, Fear, Pain and Struggle

In the Violet Light of Transmutation I stand

In the Turquoise Light of the Silent Watcher I Am

In the Blue Protective Light of Michael I Am

In the Pink Light of Rafael I Am

In the Yellow Light of Uriel I Am

In the Green Light of Gabriel I Am

I release all dross from all dimensions and realities

I offer this dross through the intercession of the Great Silent Watcher

For transmutation into Pure Light

The Brilliant White Light of Paramatman I Am

The White Light of Undifferentiated Source I Am

The Golden White Light of Ellah I Am

The Blue Light of God-Source I Am

The Gold Light of YHWH I Am

The Pure Light I Am

I Am That I Am

I Am, I Am, I Am

So it is.

It is done.


Use this Grid for a twenty-two day period of time. It is best to do it consecutively, however,
do not worry if you miss a day. Continue by adding the missed days at the end. Start this Grid
while the present energies are coming forth to help protect you during this time of release.
Repeat this exercise whenever you feel energies of anger, fear and pain come to the surface.
These energies are accumulated through many lifetimes of pain, struggle, rejection,

abandonment and betrayal. It is helpful to use this Grid, especially when you feel an onslaught
of angry thoughts or emotions. After the first phase of clearing, you may use this Grid of
Light whenever you feel the need. Ask the Great Silent Watcher and the Angelic Forces of
Uriel, Rafael, Michael and Gabriel to continue to work on your body and being around the
clock for the full release of all negativity and lower vibrations.

I hold you in my own heart, I Am Metatron.

Excerpt from Path to Enlightenment, Book II, The Golden Throne, by Nasrin Safai.


Ashtar's 1-25-11 Report - Special Guest on

Feb 1st Tools Call
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 3:39am


Ashtar addressing the January 25, 2011 teleconference:

“Well, Good Evening, everyone! This is a delightful evening and a real turning point for the
Planet and for its progress. The reason, of course, is that the course is being changed even as
we speak. Of course, we all know that many, many changes have come forth and that many
more are to come. But the evidence is making itself known, even in the headlines of
publications that do not normally support, nor are they wanting to be supportive, of what is
happening now. It’s simply that they have no choice because there is a real rush to be on top
of the news reporting, although it’s quite distasteful to those with the dark hats.

“We will focus for a moment, as an example, upon that which occurred in the eastern part of
the United States of America, and that is the arrest of over one hundred members of what you
call the mafia, and it included some of the top personnel in the ranks of the mafia.

“Now, let’s make some connections here. You all know that the mafia is involved quite
heavily in certain illegal activities. And you all know that they set up legal activities as what
you call ‘fronts’ for the illegal. But did you know who some of the beings are who contract
with the mafia for such things as money laundering and assassinations? Government officials.
Oh, yes. Government officials from various countries and even the Vatican itself. The Vatican
is falling apart because of its financial dealings, because of its sexgate activities and also it’s
falling apart because it is losing one of its arms, which is of course the mafia.

“The mafia carries out many, many business actions for the Vatican even though the Vatican
has its own, well, it’s kind of the equivalent of the CIA. It does have an organization for that
purpose, but the mafia actually is responsible for collecting funds for the Vatican which it
launders, and it increases the Vatican’s wealth. Now these kinds of connections are going to
come out with a great deal more rapidity than what has been going on in the past. So when we
are discussing this, you can figure that all kinds of things are tumbling out. And it’s not just

“The mainstream publications have to report on this and have to be on top of the news. Now
you are not going to get it in-depth, at least not at this moment, but you see, the NESARA
announcement is coming very close. Yes, we know, no dates, but it’s coming very close along
with notification that, yes, we do exist! It is imminent. It has to be. We cannot have these
disclosures coming forth in all aspects of the lifestyle of the third dimension without having
massive changes take place.

“The remedies are known. You have heard some already tonight. There will be more, there are
remedies coming in every area. But first, the reason for the remedies has to become known.
So the reasons, in other words, where the problems are, the blockages, have to be exposed, so
to speak, have to be revealed. So we are in a process of revelation and behind the scenes, what
you call ‘clean-up and cleansings’ are about to become very public. And then even more will
happen in an even shorter time flow, because we have the technologies waiting in the wings,
you might say.

“There are some of the technologies already in what you might call hidden away places,
places where there are no reporters yet. Can you imagine the doors flinging open, the gates
flinging open? No guard dogs, no barbed wire, no human guards or otherwise, and all of a
sudden it’s ‘Come on in and take a look at what is here for Planet Earth!’ Well, that’s coming
very soon. Can you imagine landings of ships bringing materials unheard of? Or almost
unheard of - it is true that some are already in consciousness awareness. Can you imagine the

technologies streaming forth? Can you imagine even now that clean-up is happening on
Planet Earth?

“We are breaking down and taking down the installations, for instance, which are responsible
for the extremes of the weather. Oh, there will be more blizzards and floodings, and so on.
They’re not quite over, but they are close to being over. It makes no sense to go and build
homes for people and then have floods or earthquakes destroy them, yes? There is a falling of
the dominoes here, too, or what we call ‘the flow of the sequential events.’

“And so as these new technologies are brought forth, obviously the Planet has to be ready to
receive them. And we are speaking of the Planet in its entirety, not just the kingdoms of the
humans, but all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and of Mother Gaia herself. Now if we take
away the abilities of the 'naughties,' the dark hats, the illumanaties, to create situations of great
distress and destruction worldwide, then we can come in with our human partners, you,
Beloved Ones, the Lightworkers and the workers - the ones who just say, ‘Wow, this is a great
thing; I am a carpenter I can help!’

“Yes You Can, and we’ll give you technologies by which you can multiply your work many
times over, even though it’s you doing it. We will work hand-in-hand, side-by-side with you to
do all of the things that you can possibly envision to help the Planet, all of the kingdoms and
Mother Gaia herself. Now, Mother Gaia is wanting to relax even more. She still has shiftings
and changings to do, but do not think that the coasts of the Americas, for instance, are going
to fall into the ocean. That is not what is seen to be the program, or the plan. We are not
prophets as much as we are your partners in bringing about Peace to all aspects of your
lifestyle. So when we look at what you call your future, we can say we do not see this
horrendous tumult coming, not in the Golden Age of Planet Earth.

“Now, you may have heard that there is another Earth that is so much a 'clone' of Planet Earth,
that those who go there will not recognize the difference. You may have heard that, yes, they
are not going to have all of these changes and clearings and cleanses happening and that some
of the conditions that are currently in existence on our Planet Earth will continue there.

“Well, what we’re going to tell you is this: think about it, Planet Earth is a planet of free will;
the new Earth, or we don’t want to confuse you so we can say the 'Earth clone,' will also be a
planet of free will because humans are given free will, so the humans who go there will have
the ability to shape the events and the conditions as they choose. So you may be saying to
yourself, 'Well if that’s all it is then why would they choose such horrendous conditions?'
Well, it’s because, again, remember the contracts, you all signed contracts, in a way, you all
agreed to come in and experience what you experienced.

“Now you’ve got beings here who are in contract to be the leaders of the changes. Obama is
one such person. You see, Obama communicates quite regularly in different ways. He can get
on the telephone or the internet and communicate with other world leaders and other world
changers. He is also able to communicate into other dimensions. This is something that will
be going on all the time as you make your Ascension. It is something that you can start
working on now - we’ve mentioned it many times. Get into your telepathic goodie box and
start communicating! You all have the gifts and you can all do it. Take it one step at a time.

“There are those who can leap into new beingness, but most of those of you who are in the
human bodies need to do things one step at a time. Do one step. The next step might be doable

that very day, later on in the day as you measure time. Or it might be a week or a month
before you, and the totality of who you are - that wondrous, wondrous spirit in the human
body and with all of your bodies and aspects - it might be a month or so before you can do the
next step but we can assure you that among the changes are the clearings and the cleansings,
and the blockages are being removed even as we speak.

“There are other clearings and cleansings going on. We have already started a clean up of the
Gulf waters. There are humans who have simple, yet effective, technologies; they’re there and
they’re working on it. Sometimes it is necessary to be somewhat silent about it; sometimes it
is even necessary to put the cloak of invisibility over it. Sometimes it is necessary to get
everything all ready and then – voila! – off comes the cloak and it’s all revealed. Relate that in
terms of levels of dimensionality, Beloved Ones, and know that you are getting there. Now,
how does that sound?

“You have a saying that Rome was not built in a day but we can come real close to it, the
higher Planet Earth rises in the third dimension. Think about that. You can spend your time in
the bottom of the third dimension or you can aim for the top! And here’s a refreshing tip: You
don’t have to ascend your bodies to do that. Rising to the top of 3D is your Ascension path,
that’s where it goes. It’s a stop along the way but you can create that now. See your path; see
going to the highest levels of 3D!

“What does that mean? It means Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude in action. It
means making 'Ho’oponopono' your favorite quickie word, with feeling. It means facilitating
in every way that you can the clearings and the cleansings that are going on. There is so much
happening. We are working even now to balance out the energies which sometimes can be an
overload here, and an underload there. And we are working to be offering more even and
balanced distribution to the world.

“What does that mean? It means that changes are coming everywhere; changes of upliftment,
changes of high vibration; changes of moving up so that those who are on the Ascension path
are in the high vibes of 3D. Now you all know how to go beyond. We shall be doing that in
our Exercise* tonight. It’s much more of an out-of-body kind of an experience than in-body
because your physicalities need to go through the Ascension preparation process before you
actually ascend and take your whole body, your physicality - but the rest of you can go! And
we’ll be doing that tonight in our Exercise.

“Come on aboard the ships, see for yourself these new technologies. Take yourselves there in
your remote viewings and in your out–of-body travels. Amazing what we have to show you,
and we are so anxious! We are like, in a way, the parents or the family who stand back in the
room on the day of Christmas and we see our young ones coming in, not that you’re young, in
terms of your souls, but anyway, it’s just a picture for you, so you be the child, bring your
inner child and run in to that Christmas tree and see what gifts are there and we, the parents
who have put the gifts there, are so excited to see you open each and every one of them. Don’t
forget any of them!

“Yes, you have to do them one at a time, in other words, one step at a time, but we are thrilled
to see you open them. Now, we shall tell you that among the gifts that you are about to open
are new ways of hearing the news. There are changes going on right now in personnel, yes,
we know about beloved Keith,** and you do, too, and we will simply tell you all is well in his
kingdom. And he’s going to be broadcasting in new ways and he’s going to have some new

things to say that he could not say even on MSNBC. And you may also know that at this
moment the other people who are still there have announced that there will be no changes in
their abilities to go as far as they have gone. Keith has given himself the freedom to go
farther. So stay tuned! We’re so fond of saying that.

“Alrighty, let’s move right along. There are changes going on in what you call the corporate
world despite all of the stealings and thievings that the corporations have done, despite the
purchasing of elections by the corporations in league with you know who. It’s falling apart!
The corporations are dying. Well, the Supreme Court has given them body status so I guess
we could say they’re dying. That seems like a fitting way to describe what’s going on. There
is panic in the ranks.

“Yes, it’s true there are many, many people who are without any means to earn income at this
point, but the corporations are finding out that they haven’t been so smart after all with their
bottom line cost-cutting so that those at the top could take all of the money that they could
possibly steal. It is that the corporations’ very foundations are teetering, and they are going
down like so many dominoes. And why is that? It’s because they do not have the support, they
do not have the goodwill of the people of Planet Earth.

“Let’s talk about Monsanto, shall we? Now there’s a nasty one! And who do you think is
benefiting from what Monsanto is doing? You've got it, the same owners own the oil
companies - the rape, pillage and plunder of Mother Earth; the same ones who thought that
they would control the Earth by controlling the food supply. Well, guess what? They’re
finding out that they are not so smart after all. Their escape routes have been cut off, first of
all. They’re not going to the moon and they’re not going to Mars, and they’re not going
anywhere to escape what they have created and it is out of control at this moment.

“The creations of Monsanto are running amok. Why is that? It is so that people will start
realizing what’s happened. Now what the naughties don’t understand is that we’ve got the
remedies for all of it, to totally restore the plants of Mother Earth, to totally heal the animal
kingdoms, and the humans, and this plan to starve the population in order to diminish it
drastically so that what would be left would be slaves, is totally canceled. Oh yes, you’re
going to hear about some shortages here and there and there is some disinformation going
around even now about that, and so on and so on.

“Know, Beloved Ones, in your hearts, get up into that highest level of 3D and know that all is
looking real good there. NESARA is coming, we are here. Well, NESARA is here, too, but the
announcement is coming and so is the announcement of our presence. And remember, just see
the ships and see all the goodies rolling out, and see all of the help and the wealth and the
abundance for everyone that is truly healthy, truly wealthy, true abundance. Yes there’s gold
for everyone, but it goes waybeyond that. It’s called abundance of a time to relax, it’s called
abundance of freedom, it’s called abundance of expression, it’s called abundance to be
creative, it’s called abundance to live your passions with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and
Gratitude for all.

“There are tears of joy and everyone will have those. There are crocodile tears too, you’ve
seen those on national television perhaps if you’ve been looking at the one called Boehner.
Crocodile tears, well don’t tell anybody I said so, but he is pretty scaly, you know. And so on,
and so on. The exposures, the bringing into the light and the shining of the Love are
increasing exponentially, so let’s get to what’s really important and that is, yes, envision

everything clean, clear and happy and joyful and healthy and abundant for all. Absolutely, that
is the greatest vision that you can create!

“Envision NESARA announced, envision everybody getting it, even those in your family who
think that you might be a little bit cuckoo in your nest. Well, all of that is about to end,
Beloved Ones, there is more and more, we shall share this with you, it is so delightful. Even a
member of the Voice’s own family started agreeing for the first time ever about some of these
basics. Ohh, he’s not there yet, but he’s getting there.

“So, there is hope; which is not exactly 'I hope, I hope, I hope it happens,' but it is: 'Here is the
light at the end of the tunnel.' If you are envisioning a tunnel of any kind, we would suggest
that you look up and see the opening in that tunnel and just elevate yourselves up and out of
that, Beloved Ones, because this is the time for you to be taking in all of these wondrous
energies which are coming, literally soaking them into your beings, and you are
becoming changed yourselves. Aha!

“We can talk about cleansings and clearings of the Planet, we can talk about making all of the
kingdoms healthy, well, what about you, Beloved Ones? You deserve it, and you are here
holding the Light for the Planet. So, look within yourselves and see what there is that you
might want to create, then get the ‘want’ out of the way and go for it. We have given you
many tips and hints and there will be more forthcoming. Mother Sekhmet takes great delight
in teaching about those things so we shall not get into that to any great degree.

“Any time there is a situation presented to you which is not happy, which comes up in the
news, because there are still those among the news reporters who really want to get you all
upset - now mostly they’re on that Foxy channel these days and that might be a good one to
avoid - but there are changes going on there. There is one in particular who I shall not name,
but whose initials are GB, and he is losing his stations that carry his broadcasts. Oh you may
not be hearing about it because those on the Foxy channel want to stifle that, but he’s gone too
far. He’s over the edge and he is going to lose even more because his credibility does not
equal what is coming out of his mouth. His heart is not there.

“Now, what does that mean? It means his heart is not open to being a compassionate person.
He might want you to think he is, but he’s not. Loving the world? No. Forgiving? Absolutely
not. And Grateful? No. Not really, unless he’s sitting in his treasure room counting his dollars,
perhaps then he has some Gratitude. So he’ll be leaving, as will the others, leaving the
airwaves so that you do not have any conflict going on there. Truth is the heroine of the hour.
Truth is what will remain and what will be the big news in all aspects of the lifestyle of Planet
Earth - not the clone - but Planet Earth.

“Yes, perhaps the disinformation people will go to the clone and have long careers. And that is
wondrous indeed! Send them your Love and send them off, you know, that’s a good thing.
What is it that they say? Oh, yes, you can say, ‘sayonara,’ or ‘bon voyage-y,’ Ha! That’s a
good one! Yes, let’s send them off. Give them a big send off with Love, Compassion,
Forgiveness and Gratitude. It is so wondrous indeed that they have been spilling all of this
disinformation because now more and more people are recognizing it for what it is and
saying, ‘Oh, that does not resonate with me because I am awakened and I am on the high road
and I want to get up to the highest levels of 3D and go beyond. I am committed to Ascension
and now I am just removing all of the layers of muck that these ones have tried to put out

there, so as to keep me in the fog and the lower levels of 3D, enslaved, down in the dumpies
and just generally not making any upward progress.’ You see?

“That’s where we are. That’s what happening, that’s the State of Planet Earth at this moment.
Clearings and cleansings are going on everywhere, and there are more and more who are
coming to the Light. And we want to especially welcome all of those who have, shall we say,
turned in their dark hats and resigned. Now for some of them, the only way that they can see
to get out of this is to leave their bodies. So we want to thank them and express Gratitude and
Compassion, and yes, Forgiveness.

“Everybody leaves their bodies, or has left their bodies in previous lifetimes, not really by
accident, although sometimes they make a sudden turn and it happens rather quickly. But
there is a part of every human - it’s built into every human to leave the body at some point, if
you don’t ascend. Why? So you can come back and do some more discovering of Truth,
waking up, bringing in the Light, sharing your Love and generally helping the Planet to
evolve as you evolve. So there is nothing wrong with someone leaving the body, and some of
these ones, shall we say, naughties who have decided to be nice, are doing it in that manner.

“Some of them are saying, ‘Okay, I’m coming over to the Light but I’m going to stay in my
dark disguise a little bit longer because I can help to bring someone else to the Light who
doesn’t quite have the information that I have, so I’m going to tippie-toe around my
organization and I’m going to see who else wants to get out of this dark place.' Bravo! Yes
they can! Because we are going to help them with our Love. We are already helping them and
we shall continue to do so. Yes!!!

“And then there are those who have just plain said ‘I am walking away from you, and by the
way I’ve got some stuff stored away in case, you know, it’s needed. I am no longer going to
live in fear, I’m going to live in Love.’ Ooh, that makes them really, really upset. But more
and more of what you might call middle management is supporting these moves. And yes,
there have even been some defectors from the highest levels.

“How do you think that the FBI and the CIA and all of the alphabet organizations, all 800 of
their representatives, got so much information so as to be able to deliver the papers, you
know, fill in the forms, so that so many of that group of dark hats*** could be arrested all at
the same time? Don’t you suppose there may have been one or more – oh, they may have
been bargaining and negotiating, but they also were working for the Light. And what happens
when someone comes over, is that things lift off. If they really want to become loving beings
we jump right in there and we assist. And yes, we can even provide some protective, energetic

“And this is happening worldwide. As a matter of fact we want to say something, even though
it has been generally acknowledged worldwide that the United States of America, with its
marvelous Constitution and its Declaration of Independence and so on, are the contemporary,
or the modern times, world leaders in the subjects of independence and freedom and
abundance for all, and all of that - we want to share something with you! There are
enlightened beings in every country, in every part of this Planet. In some cases they are living
the tribal life and they are more free, more independent and have a better concept of Love,
Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude than a lot of these citizens of the U. S. of A. and the
other 'first-world' - that’s an expression, you know - countries.

“And in some cases there are enlightened leaders springing into the positions of leadership.
They have been waiting in the wings. And you have that kind of leadership available here in
the United States of America. There were some who were already in position. We shall speak
of Representative Alan Grayson; we shall speak of that dearly beloved Gaby, and others, who
were in position, who for one reason or another are no longer occupying the seats that they
had. Well, we want to tell you it’s the same as with beloved Keith,** they’ve got big things to
do. We are with Gaby, and as it is seen in this moment she will recover.

"She is a shining light even now, and inspiration to the country, and her contributions have
only just begun, nmatter how much recovery she calls forth, and you call forth, Beloved Ones,
because we’re all in this together in our support of her and her recovery and healing. So let’s
remember that. Now, Representative Alan Grayson is not going to be quiet. He has
opportunities to speak where people have not heard him speak before, because he’s been too
busy speaking in Congress, preaching to the choir and its opposite. Now he will be able to get
out and speak and write and produce, and the internet is going to be a major source of
communication for him and others.

“And you heard the word, we’re moving toward a whole new internet, which becomes the
innernet, and we’re talking telepathy again. But wait, we’re still in the process of moving 3D
up into 5D. So there is much that is going to be coming forth out of your internet, watch the
headlines there. That brings us to discernment. We’re covering a lot of topics - stay with us!
We still have our Exercise to do.* That brings us to discernment.

“When you see some information, it comes in an email or it’s on a website, or however, and
you say, ‘Hmm, something doesn’t quite feel right here, something doesn’t quite add up. I’m
not sure if this is really a good thing for me to get involved with,’ or, ‘That just doesn’t really
bring my passion out.’ Then step back, give yourself some time and then go back to it. You
can do testing along the way, that’s always wonderful to do. Check in with your guidance
group - ask to have the answer in the morning – put your wand under your pillow, or in your
pillow case, or just empower yourself in some manner to know the answer in the morning or
get more clarity or information.

“Do not feel that just because changes are so rapid, you need to jump everywhere in every
direction and buy into everything that presents itself as the latest word or news, because we’re
not eliminating the Astral plane. All we can do is suggest that you eliminate any messages that
you get from that source. Now you can do that real positively by calling forth only from the
highest realms, we’ve discussed that before. But if something comes across your desk, or your
computer screen, and it doesn’t resonate with you then you can say, ‘Is there anything here
that is my Truth?’ And you can do some things like that, but mainly you can put it on hold
until you have an opportunity to get the answers.

“Don’t buy into everything that you see and hear because there’s plenty of disinformation
going around. What else are they going to do, Beloved Ones? We’ve told you they’re on the
edge of the cliff dangling by what remains of their fingernails, which are getting pretty worn
down by the process of trying to hang on. They don’t have much left in the way of fingernails.
Let’s move right along from that rather grizzly picture. Shall we?

“What else are they going to do besides flood you with information, disinformation, lies, fear?
If you get a message that creates fear within you, then you might not want to take it seriously.
If it is something that is in the news that you know has happened and it creates fear then you

might want to clear the fear and shine the Light of Compassion upon it, move up higher in
other words. Call forth your guides, your angels. Call upon me, Ashtar - I’m here, I’m there,
I’m everywhere! I love being in my mission and I’m here for each and every one of you and
all of the members of the kingdoms of mother Gaia. Check in. Check in and discern for
yourselves the Truth!

“Now, we know none of you need to hear this as true but we’re going to emphasize it. What
Obama has to say is all Truth. It’s coming from higher levels, some of it. So have fun, listen to
his speech, or listen to it again. He’s got a lot of messages for the Lightworkers in his speech,
and it is a most highly inspired speech. If he says something that seems to be somewhat
conciliatory or negotiating, remember, he’s trying to bring all of those naughties into the light,
most particularly those in the Congress and the Senate of the United States of America, and a
few of the governors, actually lots of them, and so on, and so on, and the alphabet agencies,
and so on and so on.

“So allow him some negotiation but remember he is leading to the Light and he has
inspirations which you, Beloved Ones, and we, are in support of. And how do we support?
With our Love, with holding him up in the highest Light, and his family, and all who he is
working closely with at this time. And you know that he is working with some of us who are
not in human bodies, as are other members of the group that he is working with, in the human

“So, we have covered quite a bit. You may want to re-listen to this, and we invite you to do so.
All you have to do is send an email to Fabulous Fran and she’ll hook you right up, well, she’ll
send you the way to hook up, if you choose. There’s a lot in here, there’s a lot more going on.
Be looking for it, be into your intuition, your own intuition, call forth from the highest levels
of your being and from the highest levels of dimensionality, and from the highest levels of
Christ Consciousness. Call forth your Truth and you can call forth your own current event
news stories if you choose. Meanwhile stay tuned, there will be a lot more.

“This is the most exciting year ever on planet Earth!!! And we, Beloved Ones, are so excited
that you have made it! And you’re going to go all the way. There is not one in this Family
who is not on that great path, we call it Ascension, you can call it Home. And so, Beloved
Ones, we thank you for joining us. We know that there is excitement and exhilaration and we
know that this is a day of days, a day of turning; a day of another milestone being reached on
this great path.

“And so we thank you for tuning in, and remember, if you tune in after this live call, to give
your intention to be apart of this live gathering, and so it is you shall be, because you have the
ability to transcend the 3D barrier of time. And so we thank you, Beloved Ones, for being
with us, and we say that we love you beyond words. Now let us gather, hearts and minds
connected, as we hear some more news confirmation and then we shall be together for our
Exercise,* our Peace Exercise of the Heart. And so it is, Salut!"

* Ashtar was followed by Sananda, who led the Exercise for Peace.
** Keith Olbermann who had suddenly just left msnbc.
*** The recent mafia arrests.

Transcription by Brian Coe.

Given through Susan Leland, January 25, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar on the
Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be
distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is
altered or deleted.

We remind you of our upcoming Ascension Energy Tools *Free Call on Tuesday, February 1st
with special guests Sekhmet and Arthur Franklin. Please see the details here:

For both the Ascension Energy Tools calls and the Ashtar On The Road calls, we invite you to
read Jim Gow's instructions for installing Skype voice over internet and consider downloading
it to have a clear connection without long distance charges.

* We do not charge a registration fee for the Tools Calls, but as always, you are responsible
for your own long distances charges.

We look forward to our continuing co-creations with you!

Namaste, Susan, Fran and Elise


Path to Peace
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 4:00am

Path to Peace

Knowing the power of group meditation, we chose three principles from the Ageless Wisdom,
to be our theme for meditation. We are calling this teaching the Path to Peace.

A message to be taught prior to any future peace

consists of the following three clear and practical truths.
- Alice A. Bailey (1)

#1 The Principle of Sharing

The errors and mistakes of past centuries are the joint errors and mistakes of humanity as
a whole. This recognition will lead to the establishing of the principle of sharing, so
needed in the world today.

To read meditative impressions on

the Principle of Sharing ... click here

#2 The Principle of Responsibility

There is a blood relationship between all men and women which, when recognised,
dissolves all barriers and ends the spirit of separativeness and hate. The peace and
happiness of each is the concern of all. This develops the principle of responsibility and
lays the foundation of right united group action.

To read meditative impressions on

the Principle of Responsibility ... click here

#3 The Principle of Cooperation

There are no problems or conditions which cannot be solved by the will-to-good.

Goodwill nourishes the spirit of understanding and fosters the manifestation of the
principle of cooperation. This cooperative spirit is the secret of all right human relations
and the enemy of competition.

To read meditative impressions on

the Principle of Cooperation ... click here

From time to time since the beginning of consciousness, certain universal Principles and Laws
have been given to humanity. These Principles and Laws embody the formulated Purpose and
organized Will of that unfolding Life in which humanity lives and moves and has its being.

Read about the Principles & Laws of the Kingdom of Souls

If you are inspired to participate in meditating on the Principles of Sharing, Responsibility and
Cooperation comprising the Path to Peace, we encourage you to share your impressions on
WeCycleWisdom, SouledOut.org's Living Wise Blog.

Peace Seeds
World Peace Prayers

Peace Linkups
Websites Devoted to Peace

Be "the Path to Peace"!


The Concept of ARCHETYPES

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 4:18am

The Concept of ARCHETYPES

The work of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (1875-1961) has become of greater and greater
interest to the general public. His works or their summaries are part of almost every seeker's
list of books to read. The growing interest in Jungian Psychology (or Depth Psychology)
stems from the fact that it answers the needs of many people as a means for relating to
"internal" as well as "external" reality. These people are seeking a fuller understanding of the
meaning of life in such areas as dreams, fantasy, compulsive behaviors, and self-exploration
or spiritual enrichment.
The main focus of Jung's work stressed the search for meaning and the development of
individuation, psychological wholeness, or integrity of the personality. Jungian therapy
opened the door to the collective unconscious for many, not only to their subconscious desires
and motivations but also to their higher spiritual aspirations and potentials.
Jungian psychology describes the meaning of symbols and events on the spiritual quest for

self-actualization in non-religious terms. It is extremely useful for self-analysis. By gaining a
working knowledge of the temperaments of our various facets and how they interrelate, an
integration or synthesis of personality becomes possible. This results in high well-being and
increased creativity.
In practical terms, Jungian therapy includes developing awareness of internal guiding
principles, or archetypes. You don't need a personal therapist to discover these archetypes
within. We can discover them ourselves if we know what to look for during periods of
reflection or introspection. Knowing the patterns, they can strike us directly when we catch
ourselves in the act of watching them act through us.
An archetype is an innate, or in-born pattern, part of our hardwiring, which functions as the
underlying matrix behind any event. They are not necessarily transmitted through our genes,
but they are fundamental to our method of perceiving nature, God, and man. They are the
very substance of our experience of life. They act like filters or lenses for our perception.
Archetypes may be seen as embodiments of specific functions, and their characteristic
patterns may be personified by giving each a name. In this way, we can learn to recognize
archetypes when they appear in our lives affecting styles of behavior, thought, emotions,
attitudes, and dress. By personification, identifying and naming them, we can take up a
meaningful relationship with these characters of our internal world. We gain the option of
holding imaginal discussions with them about their attitudes, desires, and opinions.
The Jungian perspective sees the human perception of "reality" as originating in a projection
from an internal motivating factor (or archetype) onto our environment. Since we do not
perceive the universe of experience directly, but through the filters of our senses, we
experience archetypes through sight, touch, taste, smell, and sounds, and the metaphorical
equivalent of these senses in our imaginal life.
They also appear in human typology, and the various functions of feeling, sensation, intuition,
and thinking. Because of their nature's we are introverted or extroverted, thinkers or feelers,
knowers or doers. They are constantly maneuvering our human lives as if we were puppets.
In the ancient past, when these powers of the archetypes over the human will were intensely
dramatic, or negative, this phenomenon was termed "possession,

" and it could be demonic or spiritual in nature.

On a more common level, archetypes are constantly affecting our value judgments, priorities,
emotional relationships, work situations, and daily life responses in the physical world in an
unconscious way. Sometimes these appearances of archetypal patterns are appropriate, in
tune with conscious goals; but sometimes the archetypes seem to have a goal of their own,
independent of (and perhaps self-destructive to) our personalistic ego desires. "They" don't
seem to know or care what we want. How can we be self-directing when their influence is
capricious and subconscious?
Civilization is largely the result of mankind's conscious understanding and taming of
primitive instinctual forces of the archetypes. With fewer and fewer "taboos" to control our
society, we need to understand our own emotional upheavals so that we aren't overwhelmed
by them. We can evolve to an understanding of our subtle and not-so-subtle inner urges, in
which case they cease to compel us and begin to work on our behalf. Thus, we can grow out
of counterproductive behaviors into the ability to actualize our higher goals.
It is these underlying matrix patterns within the psyche which produce the outer behavior.
When we can see that archetypes are motivating factors, it is also possible to intuit how a
knowledge of their particular characteristics cold be useful in understanding the complexities
of life.
But, are these gods and goddesses real in the objective sense? Can they really manipulate our
behavior so subtly without us noticing them? According to Jung this is true, and we all share

this condition. Even those trained in these areas maintain psychological "blind spots" where
we fail to see the archetypes moving us.
Jung saw man, not as an isolated individual, but as being linked with the whole of mankind
(and mankind's abilities) through the collective unconscious. This unconscious manifests in
the multiple forms of gods and goddesses. These figures take different, though analogous
forms in the various mythologies of the world's cultures.
Thus the goddesses Isis (Egyptian), Artemis (Greek), and Diana (Roman) all share a common
essence and use the same lunar symbolism. The same generic form is also behind the
Catholic's Blessed Virgin Mary, and all are derived from the theme of Celestial Queen.
These forms, or archetypes, should not be thought of as nouns (things), but rather as semantic
metaphors. They represent powers or qualities, but when we personify them it is "as if" we
take up a relationship with another entity. They assume an anthropomorphic form in
imagination in order to make a dialogue easier. This dialogical exchange is just a variation of
the I-Thou communications of mysticism.
Archetypes represent an "as if" reality. Therefore, it is "as if" archetypes compel our behavior
until we develop this conscious relationship with them. They are constantly calling to us in
psychosomatic disorders, through our emotions, in the bedroom or in the boardroom. They
fill us with aspirations, drives, and repulsion, influencing -- even dictating -- what we think,
feel, and do.
We like to believe that we have free will -- that we are independent mature adults, but in effect
it "as if" we repeatedly act our these eternal patterns or stories, over and over. They create our
attachments, or destroy our relationships on a whim, taking over the human aspects our
existence, our personality. We may each have our personal histories, but we draw from the
common repertoire of archetypal dramas. These themes are chronically repeated every day,
oftentimes though we wish we have no part in them.
Each archetype has a group of correspondences (symbols or imagery, moods, etc.) or
characteristics which define its appearance and are recurrent. The relationships of eternal
archetypes with one another and to individual mortals are related in various myths, and appear
in all the cultures of the world with certain consistent elements.
In the past, these archetypes were recognized as coming from a divine origin so they were
worshipped as gods or goddesses. We "worship" them today when we turn or fixate our
attention on aspects of their archetypal embodiment and their effects on us and our behavior.
These eternal, recurring patterns -- forces of nature -- exemplify primordial, or fundamental
patterns of existence. They appear nightly in our dreams, often disguised in modern dress.
The personal experience of archetypal energies or dynamics is radically different from mere
intellectual conceptions of them. This requires a conscious interaction with the subconscious
which may be done through active imagination. Remember, we each contain all of the gods
and goddesses, in potential at least. As we come to understand ourselves, the entire "cast of
characters" will appear before our conscious perspective. If we bother to try observing, we
will see them playing out their cyclic dramas in ourselves, our friends and family.
When we realized how they are coming into our daily lives, we realize them within ourselves,
and this personal discovery adds another dimension to the experience of life. It also helps us
realize when a former guiding myth is no longer an ally and a new emergent story wants to
coming into realization. The result is that we find meaning when we are living the myth of
the "wounded healer," "jilted lover," or "captain of industry."
These typical social roles all have an archetypal core at the heart of their complex of symbols,
forms and behaviors. When possessed by the divine forces of life we are more than mere
stereotypes. We consciously enter the sacred dimension of daily life, and become permeated
with spiritual energy. This consciousness leads toward greater psychological sophistication
and self-awareness, and greater liberty from otherwise subconscious and automatic themes.

We can now choose to play an active role in the drama that is our life, creating a new self
Archetypes underlie our occupations and preoccupation's in life. This does not only mean
those tasks for which we are paid, but the latent and actualized tendencies that lie within us
all. We can go through major life changes when a different archetypes seizes us within. We
might change lovers, jobs, or locales, not to mention attitudes and goals.
Sometimes these changes are 180 degree turn-arounds. A vocation differs from a job in that
there is an "inner calling" to a particular type of work. Archetypes are the motivation behind
our feelings of belonging or "a sense of destiny." This "calling" comes from the god which is
the core underlying the expression. In this regard, form follows function. The archetype
enters the material world through its characteristics patterns, symbols, and behaviors -- it's
For example, a blue-collar worker who wins a million dollars in a lottery may remain in his
same social and employment position. But the money may allow him to pursue a "road not
taken." He might, for example, return to college for further training and become a
managerial-type. he might even change political parties, and social circles. Given the
resources to actualize a different potential, he switched archetypal dominants in the
meantime. He changed from the blue-collar theme of Hephaistos to the white-collared Zeus,
with the fateful appearance of Hermes, luck of the gambler and lord of boundaries who led
him from one state to another.
Archetypes are the emotional and aesthetic vocabulary of the subconscious. They affect our
personal style, the way we dress, the image we project, the colors we like, our mannerisms
and lifestyles. And we are not limited to one. For example, a person who seems introverted
or reflective, dresses mostly in blues and beiges, and lives alone would be strongly lunar in
character, whether male of female. The dominant archetype here is likely the virginal aspect
of Artemis (or perhaps homebody Hestia), especially if the individual is spiritual or deeply
religious. On the other hand, an aggressive, bellicose individual who enjoys the military life
or style could be seen as living under the dominion of Ares or Mars. Their color would be
red; their style "spit shined" or detailed..
Do we present ourselves to the world as a radical punk, a conservative three-piece suit type, a
redneck, scholar, an erotic fantasy, California 'laid back,' a go-getter entrepreneur, corporate
clone, geek, salt of the earth, new age 'bliss bunny'? Each is its own archetype motivated by a
certain godform. But, we are many of those archetypes at different times or different phases
of life. We are versatile as individuals and may display many facets.
We can learn how to perceive archetypes in daily living, use the model of archetypes as a
method of self-analysis and understanding, learn the relative values of the various pantheons,
the relationship of archetypes to the tarot and astrology, the four levels of experience
(physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual). Archetypes can be a means of Self-Realization,
revealing what was previously hidden or unknown. There are practical techniques for finding
and realizing the gods within. Mythical living helps reveal our personal mythology and helps
us discover our inner story. It combines creative imagination with a mythical perspective on


HEAVEN #3719 A Flying Carpet of Love,
January 30, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 4:27am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3719 A Flying Carpet of Love, January 30, 2011

God said:

There is nothing that is too much for you. Think a moment. Momentary is not permanent.
Nothing is permanent. That is how it is in the relative world. All is relative. Pain seems long,
and joy seems short, and yet all is perception. All is what you think it is. Sometimes it is hard to
know the difference between pain and pleasure. All of life in the world lasts but a moment. It
begins, and it ends, life in the world. Life in the world is an interlude. It is an entr' acte. An
intermission. Very short. It is a moment. In the world, a moment seems long. In Reality, Eternity
is no time at all.

Real life is ongoing. There is no interruption. Real life is full force and splendid. It is steady. It
is not a pause. If it were a pause, it is the pause that refreshes. In truth, you are always
refreshed. You have everything. You are everything. On Earth or in Heaven, truth be known,
you are in Heaven.

You might as well enjoy life in the world while you have it. It is so short. It is over in the blink
of an eye. It is a quick passage. You go from A to Z in record time. Enjoy rosebuds while you
may. Enjoy the love and life in the world the way life in the world is meant to be loved. Of
course, it must be that you must enjoy the furor, or you wouldn’t have it. Why participate in
what you do not enjoy? Why narrow joy and spread out agony?

Instead, let Us take a quiet limousine ride on an avenue or ride in a canoe on a peaceful lake.
Leave the driving to Me. You will actuate love, and nothing else. And, if you must enter wild
traffic, then cross the street calmly and enjoying helping old ladies across.

There is a golden chariot that carries you through thick and thin. You are never without it. Do
not think otherwise. There is no percentage in thinking otherwise. Do not waste your time.
Catch a ride with Me. We will coast together, uphill or downhill, it is the same.

We fly on love, and We land in hearts. There is nothing else to land on. All else is for naught.
And you are not for naught. You are for something. You are for something wonderful, and now
you begin. Hold My hand. I will show you the way. I will teach you a dance. Our hearts will
dance. We shall dance across the Universe. We will amp the world. See how bright it is. See its

glory. This is the world I created for you. With Me at your side, you cannot stumble. You can
only soar. Keep that in mind. Whatever may befall, you are soaring with Me. We fly on a flying
carpet of love, and We see the sights along the way. Everything is beautiful. Everyone is
beautiful. Look out the window and see as I do see. See as if for the first time. You were born to
see. You see through a camera of life, and you take pictures. This is a magic camera that sees
with My eyes. You are clothed in silk. And I am at the helm of this magic carpet.

The rudder is love. It is love We sail on. Love takes Us across the Ocean of Love. There is no
arrival nor is there departure. It is all the same, for We are love and beholden to love and
beholden to nothing but love. Love I AM, and love you ARE. Let love be known.


Hathor Gezegen Mesajı Tom Kenyon

Kanalıyla Solar Rüzgarlardan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 4:42am

Hathor Gezegen Mesajı

Tom Kenyon Kanalıyla

Solar Rüzgarlardan Faydalanmak


Bu mesaj KA bedenini (kadim Mısır Simyasından alınan bir terim) ele alıyor ve artan güneş
aktivitesinden kendinize yükseliş enerjilerini çekmek için bu eşsiz enerji bedenini nasıl
kullanabileceğinizi tartışıyor. KA bedenine aşina olmayanlar için – KA bedeniniz, fiziksel
bedeninizle aynı şekil ve büyüklükte olan “görünmez” ikinci bedendir. Bu enerji bedeni
fiziksel bedeni hem kuşatır hem de onun içine nüfuz eder. Bu bedene bazen eterik çift veya
ruhsal ikiz adı verilir. KA, bazı geleneklerde (Taoizm) Chi bedeni denen şeyle ve bazı yoga
geleneklerinde pranik beden veya eterik beden adı verilen şeyle benzerlikleri paylaşır. Kendi
doğasıyla KA, kişinin ruhsal evrimini hızlandıran oldukça faydalı enerjileri kendisine ve
sonra fiziksel bedene çekebilir.


Şu anda gezegensel değişim açısından daha fazla değişken, istikrarsız bir zaman giriyorsunuz.

Gezegensel sisteminizin solar yıldızı olan Güneşinizin enerjisel potansiyeli artıyor ve artan
istikrarsızlık, değişkenlik, güneş patlamaları ve manyetik fırtınalar periyoduna giriyor. Bu
hareketler telekomünikasyonlar ve iklim modelleri açısından sizin için gerçek problemler
yaratırken, ayrıca bu solar aktivitede yoğun evrimsel potansiyel vardır, sizlerle bunu tartışmak

Sizin gibi, Güneşiniz de eterik bir bedene, solar KA’ya sahiptir. Güneşin eterik bedeni,
Güneşin kendisinin sınırlarının milyonlarca mil ötesine uzanır. Dünyanız eterik güneşin bu
aurası içindedir ve çevrenize yüklü parçacıklar püskürten güneş patlamaları ve solar rüzgarlar
sizi fiziksel olarak etkilerken, eterik olarak da etkiler. Gerçekte, fiziksel boyutunuzda
zorluklar doğuran bu yüklü parçacıklar KA’nız, kendi eterik bedeniniz için bir tür besleme,

Bu solar parçacıkların beslenme ve evrim kaynağı mı, yoksa sıkıntı ve gerileme kaynağı mı
olacağını belirleyen zihinsel tavrınız ve duygusal/titreşimsel halinizdir.

Bu mesajda bu artan solar aktivite periyodu sırasında sizin için ortaya çıkacak olan birçok
fiziksel zorlukları tartışma niyetinde değiliz, bunun yerine güneş sisteminizin Güneşinde
gerçekleşmekte olan en büyük evrimsel avantajlardan yararlanmanıza yardımcı olacak şeylere

Solar aktivite sırasında Güneşten gelen ateş patlamaları ve fotonik enerji olduğu kadar, KA
bedeniniz içinden spiritüel veya boyutlararası ışık patlamaları da olur. Aslında, bir
perspektiften, artan solar aktivite kendi kişisel KA’nızın artan aktivasyonuna eşittir.

Bu evrimsel katalizörden faydalanmak ile ilgili önerdiğimiz birkaç şey var. Sözünü ettiğimiz
bu katalizör 2012’in ötesine uzanacak ve bizim solar rüzgarlar dediğimiz şeyin akışı ile
ilgilidir. Bunlar, Dünyanıza nüfuz eden ve etrafına akan fotonik ve manyetik enerjinin farklı
akışlarıdır. Kendinizi bu farklı enerji formlarına açarak ve bunları KA bedeninize
bütünleştirerek, KA’nızı kuvvetlendirirsiniz ve kendiniz için yükseliş işlemini büyük ölçüde

Bu solar enerjiler artarken, fiziksel dünyanızın istikrarsızlığı ve belirsizliği, ayrıca zihinsel ve

duygusal dünyalarınızın istikrarsızlığı ve belirsizliği de artar. Mantıksız ve fevri (dürtüsel)
davranışlar artacak. Solar aktivitenin yükselen döngüleri sırasında, bilişsel işlev ve hafızada
zorluklar da gerçekleşecek.

Bilinçte yükselişiniz için bu solar enerjileri kullanmakta ilk adım onların doğasını anlamak ve
onların etkilerine direnmemektir.

Bu zamanda artan solar aktiviteye neden olan etkenin Güneşin kendisinden

kaynaklanmadığını, kendi galaksinizin Merkezi Güneşinden kaynaklandığını anlamak
önemlidir. Merkezi Güneşten Güneşinize gelen bu epeyce katalizör enerjilerin akışı, solar
aktivitenin bu özel döngüsünün evrimsel potansiyellerinin başlıca nedenidir. Bu da sonra,
Dünyanın kendisini etkilemektedir, özellikle onun KA bedenini etkiliyor – onun kendi eterik

Anlaşılması gereken ilk şey, bu evrimsel katalizörden kaçış olmadığıdır. Sizler bunun
üstesinden gelmek için buradasınız, bu ister hoşunuza gitsin ister gitmesin. Bu nedenle ilk
adım yakında olacak olanlara direnmemektir.

İkinci adım onu kucaklamak ve bu enerjileri üstatlık ile kullanmaktır – deyim yerindeyse
dragonun kuyruğuna binmektir. Bu örnekte, dragon Güneşin kendisini ve kuyruğu solar
rüzgarları ifade eder. Eğer cesaret bulursanız ve bunu yapmanın yöntemini bulursanız bu
periyotta büyük yüksekliklere yükselebilirsiniz.

Solar rüzgarların bu kullanımında üçüncü adım, bunların KA’nızı direkt olarak etkilemesine
izin vermektir; bu, davet ile ve kalbinizle yapılır. Takdir veya minnettarlığın titreşimsel
armoniğine girmeyi, kişisel niyet eylemiyle belirli şekilde seçersiniz.

Bunu neden tavsiye ettiğimizi anlamanız önemlidir. Aslında, solar rüzgarlar için evrene takdir
(değerbilirlik) veya minnettarlık ifade etmiyorsunuz. Bu yüksek duygusal hallerden birine
girmeyi seçiyorsunuz, çünkü bu haller bir Enerji Çekim Merkezi yaratır. Başka deyişle, pratik
nedenlerle takdir veya minnettarlık haline giriyorsunuz.

Bu duygusal haller KA’nızın alıcı armoniklerini artırır, bu da tüm KA bedeninizi alıcı bir
vortekse dönüştürür, kendisine Güneşin fotonik ve manyetik enerjilerini çeker, KA’nızın,
kendi eterik bedeninizin içindeki titreşim hızı artar.

Ve siz KA’nız vasıtasıyla yükseliş işlemine girersiniz. Söylemeye gerek yok, bilincin yüksek
hallerine çıkaran merdivene girmenin birçok yolları ve şekilleri vardır, ama bunun nasıl
yapıldığına veya hangi spiritüel soyağacı ile başarıldığına bakmaksızın, KA’nız temeldir.

Enerji Çekim Merkezi Yaratmak

Bu basit ama epeyce etkili yöntemde, farkındalığınızı ikinci bedeninize, KA’nıza getirirsiniz.
Bu enerji bedeni fiziksel bedeninizle aynı şekil ve boyuta sahiptir, ama doğası et ve kan olmak
yerine enerjiseldir. Bedeninizin her yerine nüfuz eder ve bedeninizin her hücresi KA’nın
içindedir. KA’nız ayrıca süptil enerjilere oldukça alıcıdır, özellikle her formda ışık ve solar
rüzgarları oluşturan yüklü fotonlar ve manyetik enerjiler.

KA’nızın farkındalığında dinlenirken, kişisel niyet eylemiyle bilinçli ve istekli olarak takdir
veya minnettarlığın hissediş – halini üretirsiniz. Bu KA’nızın armoniklerini daha yüksek
titreşim hızına değiştirir, bu da bir Enerji Çekim Merkezi olmak için gereklidir.

Kendinizi takdir veya minnettarlığın duygusal armoniğinde tutmaya devam ederken, solar
rüzgarların fotonik ve süptil enerjilerine daldığınızı bilin (kavrayın). Bunların bilinçli olarak
farkında olun ya da olmayın, gerçekten bu enerjilerde yıkanıyorsunuz. Takdir veya
minnettarlığın duygusal haliyle birlikte bu farkındalığı taşırken, KA’nız solar rüzgarların
yükselişi güçlendiren enerjilerini kendisine otomatik olarak çeker.

Bu oldukça alıcı olma halinde yapabildiğiniz kadar kalın, solar rüzgarlardan yararlanın ve
KA’nızın bu güçlü dönüştürücü ve yükseltici enerjileri almasına izin verin.

Eğer bu basit yöntemi düzenli olarak ve sıkça uygularsanız, solar rüzgarlardan büyük ölçüde

İçinizdeki Kristal Saray Meditasyonu

Ayrıca zaman zaman, düzenli olarak daha önce verdiğimiz İçinizdeki Kristal Saray ses
meditasyonunu yapmanızı öneriyoruz. (Bu ses meditasyonu ile ilgili talimatları ve audio
parçayı içeren link bu mesajın sonunda veriliyor.)


Biz şu andaki olası geleceğinize bakarken, kollektif olarak büyük bir fırtınanın önünde
duruyorsunuz. Bu şiddetli fırtınanın doğumu kozmosun tam kalbindendir ve yoğun değişimin
habercisinden farksızdır. Onun şiddetinden korkmayın. Onu kucaklayın ve ona binip kendi
bilincinizin yüksekliklerine çıkın. Bunu yaparak, kendiniz ve birbiriniz için bir ışık olursunuz.


3 Ocak 2011

Tom’un Düşünceleri ve Gözlemleri

Hathorlar’ın Enerji Çekim Merkezi Yaratma yöntemi bu mesajın merkezi noktasıdır. Bununla
birçok kez ve çoklu durumlarda çalıştığım için, bunun bekleneni yaptığını dürüstçe
söyleyebilirim. Ve özellikle bu hızlanmış evrim (solar rüzgarlar tarzında) gibi optimum
zamanlar sırasında, yükseliş enerjilerini denemeyi dileyenler için dikkate değerdir.

Bu basit, ama zarif yöntemin güzelliklerinden biri, KA’yı oldukça hızlı inşa etmesidir ve bu
herhangi bir hokus pokus olmadan yapılabilir, yani herhangi bir ön hazırlık olmadan birkaç
dakikada başlayabilirsiniz. Ama yöntemde daha ileri açıklamalar için faydalı olacağını
düşündüğüm bazı kritik geçiş aşamaları var.

Biraz dikkat tavsiye edilir

Devam etmeden önce, burada bir uyarı yapmanın iyi olacağını hissediyorum. Bu, zaman
öldüren meraklı arayıcılar için olan bir yöntem değildir. KA bedeni aşırı enerji ile yüklemek
güçlü ve derin bir girişimdir, (benim fikrime göre) hafife alınmamalıdır.

Bunun bir nedeni, KA enerjilenirken, fiziksel dünyayı yanıltıcı olarak deneyimleme

olasılığında belirgin bir artış olmasıdır.

Örneğin, (Enerji Çekim Merkezi) Yöntemi ile özellikle kuvvetli seanslardan sonra, çoğunlukla
(her zaman değil) KA’mı, fiziksel bedenimi algıladığım kadar canlı biçimde gerçek olarak
deneyimliyorum. Bu durumlarda, (beş duyumla) fiziksel çevremin her zamanki gibi
farkındayım, ama o gerçeküstü tonal niteliğe sahip ve bazen aynı anda iki bedende olduğum
farklı izlenimini yaşıyorum – fiziksel bedenim ve KA bedenim.

Aslına bakarsanız bu, KA ile çalışıldığı zaman gerçekleşebilecek olan başlıca dikkat
değişimlerinden biridir. Ve bu olasılığın farkında olmanın becerilebileceğini düşünüyorum. Bu
nedenle, bu ortaya çıktığı zaman/ortaya çıkarsa, realiteyi zihinsel kavrayışınızı kaybettiğinizi
düşünmeyin – bu nedenle bu konunun üzerinde duruyorum.

Yöntemi uygularsanız, en sonunda fiziksel gerçekliği yeni şekillerde duyumsayacağınızı
söylemenin uygun olduğunu düşünüyorum – özellikle KA’nız kritik kütleye eriştiği zaman.
Kritik kütle ile, KA’nızın realite algınızı etkileyen noktaya kadar yüklenmiş olduğu anları

Bu anlarda, devam edebilirsiniz ve muhtemelen dünyayı beş duyuyla deneyimlersiniz, ama

ayrıca Maya’nın oyununu da görebilirsiniz (Maya; duyuların ve duyusal dünyanın illüzyonu).
Bu eğlenceli, neşelendirici ve çok keyifli olabilir veya oldukça kafa karıştırıcı olabilir.

Aslında, daha önce bahsettiğim gibi KA’yı yüklemek aynı anda iki bedene sahip olma çok
garip algısıyla sonuçlanabilir – biri fiziksel ve diğeri enerjisel beden. Bu gerçekte KA’nın
gelişimi açısından bir ilerleme işareti iken, eğer buna hazır değilseniz zihinsel olarak zorlayıcı

Dünyayı bir illüzyon olarak görmenin neden olduğu zihinsel karışıklık küçümsenmemelidir,
özellikle eğer bu tür bir algıya entellektüel ve felsefik olarak hazır değilseniz.

Elbette bu bizi felsefik bir muammaya götürür – dünya gerçek mi yoksa kuantum aleminin
garip olayları ve kuarklarıyla güdülen atom altı parçacıkların dansıyla oluşturulan bir illüzyon
mu? Bana göre dünya hem gerçek hem de gerçek dışı. Ve onunla ilgili algımızı belirleyen şey
beyinlerimizde gerçekleşen şeye bağlıdır ve KA durumunda, eterik ikizimizde gerçekleşen
şeye bağlıdır.

Etik Kısıtlamaların Niyama’sı (Niyama: Hint fakirlerinin felsefesindeki ikinci aşama...

temizliği, huzuru, arzulardan sakınmayı ve tanrıyı tanımayı içerir... yogilerin olmazsa olmaz
ahlak kuralları bütünleyeni)

KA’sını yükseliş – enerjileri ile yüklemeyi seçen herhangi birinin, kişisel etikler ile ilgili bazı
felsefi temellere sahip olması gerektiğini hissediyorum – örneğin, ne yapmanıza izin
vereceğiniz ve ne yapacağınıza izin vermemeniz.

Bunun nedeni, KA’nız enerjilenirken, bazı türlerde zihinsel/ruhsal güçlerin doğal olarak
ortaya çıkmasıdır. Bazen bilincinizin negatif veçhelerinin de ortaya çıkabildiğini anlamak
(benim fikrime göre) çok önemlidir. Bu doğası gereği rahatsız durum (örneğin içinizde negatif
bir şeyler olduğunun alçakgönüllü kavrayışı) aslında daha büyük kendinin - içgörüsü için bir
fırsattır (eğer bilinçsizlik yerine kendinin – farkındalığını kucaklamayı seçerseniz.)

Çok basitçe söylemek gerekirse, Kısıtlamaların Niyama’sı ister aşikar olan (yani dış dünyada
olan) ister süptil olan (yani iç dünyalarda) davranışa sınır koyarak size yardımcı olur.

Hangi etik kısıtlamayı seçeceğinizi belirlemek size bağlıdır. Ama bu konuda çok fazla
düşünmemiş olanlar için, basit, oldukça faydalı bir niyama sunuyorum:

“Kendime ve başkalarına zararsız kalmak için çaba göstereceğim.”

Var olmanın yüksek hallerine giden kendi bilincinizin Merdivenini tırmanırken, kendinize ve
başkalarına zararsız olmaya çabalayarak, size ve başkalarına hizmet eden zihinsel bir müttefik

Ama… eğer bu basit davranış kısıtlamasını veya kendi seçtiğiniz başka bir kısıtlamayı
kucaklamaya istekli değilseniz veya bunu başaramazsınız, o zaman KA’nızı inşa etmenin bu
yolundan uzak durmanızı kuvvetle öneririm.

Pratik Öneriler

Hathorlar’a göre, enerjileri ister çağırsınlar ister çağırmasınlar, canlı olan herkes solar
rüzgarlardan etkilenecek. Bazılarımız için, bu enerjiler tümüyle can sıkıcı ve başa çıkması zor
olacak. Diğerleri bu aynı enerjileri yükselmiş farkındalığın tonal ölçeğinde yükselmek ve
ilerlemek için kullanacak.

Yükseliş sürecinin birçok dereceleri veya aşamaları vardır ve eğer Zaman Çizgilerinde
Sıçrama Sanatı (linki aşağıda) başlıklı Hathor mesajını okumadıysanız, okumayı düşünmenizi
öneririm. Yükselişin temel kavramını ve nasıl uygulayacağınızı açıklıyor. Bu mesajı
websitemizin Hathor Arşivinde bulabilirsiniz.

Eğer bu yöntemin getirdiği hızlı farkındalık gelişimine ve KA’nızın aktivasyonuna hazırsanız,

birkaç pratik önerim var.

Her şeyden önce, denge noktanızı bulun. Yöntem ile çalışırken, kendi kişisel rahatlık
bölgenizi bulacaksınız, yani KA’nızda ne kadar fazla enerjiyi tolere edebileceğinizi
bulacaksınız. Yöntem ile çalışmaya devam ettikçe, daha fazla enerji ile başa çıkabileceksiniz.
Ama sınırları zorlamayın. Kendinize karşı nazik ve ılımlı olun.

Ayrıca bunu uykuya dalmadan hemen önce yapmanızı önermiyorum, uyuyamazsınız! Yine,
her birimiz farklıyız ve bazılarımız bunun harika bir yatıştırıcı olduğunu görebilir. Ben

Yöntemin Geçiş Aşamaları

Bu teknikte üç temel aşama vardır.

Birinci Aşama

Farkındalığınızı KA bedeninize, ruhsal ikizinize veya eterik çiftinize getirin. KA, fiziksel
bedeniniz ile aynı boyut ve şekle sahip olduğu için, bu enerji bedeni tüm fiziksel bedeninizin
iç mekanına nüfuz eder.

İkinci Aşama

Dikkat odağınızı tüm KA bedende tutarken (başınızdan ayak parmaklarınıza kadar),

duygularınızı takdir veya minnettarlığın armoniğine değiştirin. Bunu basitçe takdir veya
minnettarlık hissini hatırlayarak yaparsınız. Bu Enerji Çekim Merkezini inşa etmek için
gerekli armoniği yaratır. Bu duygusal ton (tavır), Hathorların mesajlarında tanımladıkları gibi
Enerji Çekim Merkezini yaratmak için kesinlikle gereklidir.

Üçüncü Aşama

Zihinsel farkındalığınızı KA’nıza odaklamaya devam ederken ve aynı anda takdir veya
minnettarlığın armoniğini taşırken, fotonik ve manyetik enerjilerin denizinde olduğunuzu

kavrayın (bilin). Herhangi bir şey yapmak zorunda olmadan solar rüzgarlara dalmış
durumdasınız. Dikkatiniz KA’nızda iken ve takdir veya minnettarlığın armoniğini taşırken bu
kavramı başarıyla taşıdığınızda, KA’nız solar rüzgarların yükselişi – güçlendirici enerjilerini
otomatik olarak çekmeye başlar.

Bu yeni başlayanlar için karmaşık bir aşama olabilir, çünkü solar rüzgarların fotonik ve
manyetik enerjileri kendilerini beş duyu vasıtasıyla sunmazlar. Bu enerjiler duyular ile
belirlenemeyecek kadar çok süptildir. Ancak, KA bedeni bunları belirleyebilir ve belirler ve
(biyolojik bir metafor kullanırsak) bir bitkinin suyun varlığını hissetmesi ve suyu kendisine
çekmesi gibi, bu enerjileri kendine çeker.

Yine, her insan fiziksel dünyayı ve bilincin süptil dünyalarını nasıl algıladığında eşsizdir.
Enerji Çekim Merkezinin yaratılmasıyla gelen keşif sürecinin parçası, bu süptil fotonik ve
manyetik enerjilerin kendilerini size nasıl sunduğunu anlamaktır. Yöntem ile çalışmaya
devam ettikçe, bu eşsiz süptil enerjileri kişisel olarak nasıl deneyimlediğinizde daha fazla
rahat ve aşina olursunuz.

Bilinç ve Şifada Bir Deney

KA’ya enerji çekmenin bu yöntemiyle ilgili büyüleyici şeylerden biri, bunun fiziksel bedene
iyileştirici ve dönüştürücü enerji göndermek için kullanılabilmesidir.

KA, fiziksel bedenin her yerine nüfuz ettiği için, KA’nın dışında olan doku, organ veya sistem
yoktur. Bunun sonucu olarak, yükseliş – enerjilerini (solar rüzgarlar vasıtasıyla) sadece KA’ya
değil, fiziksel bedene de çekmek mümkündür. Elbette bu, sizin kendi direkt deneyiminizle
gerçek olup olmadığını kanıtlamanız gereken teorik bir ifadedir.

Yöntemin (Enerji Çekim Merkezi Yaratma) bu uygulamasına Bilinç ve Şifada Bir Deney adını
veriyorum, çünkü her birimiz bunun iyileştirici potansiyelleri ile çalışmanın bize eşsiz olan
şeklini bulacağız. Belki kendimle bu şekilde çalıştığım zaman fark ettiğim birkaç şey,
başkalarına da yardımcı olabilir.

Kendi kişisel deneyimim şu; solar rüzgarların enerjilerini KA bedenime çektikten sonra ve bir
süre KA bedenimin kendisini inşa etmesine izin verdikten sonra, dikkatimi bedenimin
“şifaya” ihtiyacı olan bölgesine değiştiriyorum ve enerji farkındalığı izlediği için, süptil
enerjiler KA bedenimden, odaklandığım bölgeye hareket ediyor.

Bu konsantrasyon değil. Tekrarlıyorum, konsantrasyon değil. Nefes almak veya bir tüyü
kaldırmak kadar kolay. KA’nızdaki süptil enerjiler dikkatinizi odakladığınız bedeninizdeki
herhangi bir yere çabasızca hareket eder – eğer harekete izin verirseniz.

Süptil enerjilerin akışı KA bedenimden, fiziksel bedenimin “desteğe” veya “şifaya” ihtiyacı
olan bölgesine akarken, o bölgedeki dokuların enerjilendiğini hissediyorum, sanki KA
bedenim solar rüzgarlar ile enerjilendiği zaman hissettiğim gibi, ama daha az yoğunlukta.
Benim için, hücrelerimin bu enerjilenmesi odaklandığım bölgede ya rahatlatıcı ve/veya
enerjilendirici olan fiziksel duyumsamalar olarak kendini gösteriyor. Bazen ışık ve bazen içsel
(veya psişik) sesler gibi boyutlararası algıların çeşitli gösterimleri oluyor.

Eğer kendiniz için bu olasılıklar alemini keşfetmeyi seçerseniz, iyileştirici süptil enerjiler
KA’nızdan fiziksel bedeninize akarken, bunları nasıl deneyimlediğinize aşina olacaksınız.

Göz önüne alınacak bir şey, KA’dan gelen iyileştirici ve dönüştürücü enerjilerin (fiziksel
bedene ilişkin olarak) daha hızlı titreşime sahip olmasıdır. Bu nedenle, eğer odaklandığınız bir
organda veya bedenin bir bölgesinde çok fazla enerjisel tıkanma varsa, bir tür psiko – spiritüel
detoksun gerçekleştiğini görebilirsiniz.

Herhangi rahatsız edici tepkiler olmadan iyileştirici ve dönüştürücü enerjiyi KA’dan fiziksel
bedeninizin bir bölgesine göndermek elbette mümkündür. Ancak, özellikle zihinsel/duygusal
türde rahatsızlık yaşarsanız, bir süre önce yazdığım Psiko – Spiritüel Toksin Giderme:
Düşünceler ve Gözlemler başlıklı makalemi okumayı düşünebilirsiniz – bu makaleyi
websitesinde Makaleler bölümünde bulabilirsiniz.

Eğer (Bilinçte ve Şifada) Deneyi yaptıktan sonra fiziksel bedeninizde özellikle kuvvetli bir
tepki deneyimlediyseniz, diğer önerim su içmektir.

Son Düşünceler

Başlangıçta Yöntem (Enerji Çekim Merkezini inşa etme) ile deneyler yaparken kısa seanslar
yapmanızı öneririm. Rahatsız edilmeyeceğiniz bir zaman ve mekan bulun. Başlangıçta 5 – 10
dakika yeterlidir. KA’yı yükledikten sonra, KA’nızı, fiziksel bedeninizi ve yakın çevrenizi
duyumsayarak birkaç dakika geçirin, bu kendisini size beş duyu ile sunar. KA’nızın, fiziksel
bedeninizin ve çevrenin duyumsanması yüklenmiş enerjilerin daha etkili şekilde
bütünleştirilmesine yardımcı olur. Hatırlayın, KA’nın realitesi fiziksel dünyanızın veya
fiziksel bedeninizin realitesini engellemez. KA, fiziksel olana güçlendirmedir; gerçekte o
bilincin başka bir boyutudur.

Yöntem ile ne kadar uzun ve ne kadar sıklıkla çalışacağınız, tamamen kendinize düşen öznel
bir çağrıdır. Bu çalışmaya merakla girmenin yanı sıra, en önemli şeylerden birinin, Enerji
Çekim Merkezi yaratırken neşeli olmak olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bununla birlikte, bir yaratıcı
olarak, yarattığınız şeyin parçası olmanın neşesini istemez miydiniz?

Telif Uyarısı: ©2011 Tom Kenyon Tüm Hakları Saklıdır. Herhangi bir şekilde
değiştirmediğiniz, para almadığınız, yazarın ismini ve bu telif uyarısını eklediğiniz sürece, bu
mesajı kopyalayabilir ve dilediğiniz herhangi bir ortamda dağıtabilirsiniz.


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Zaman Çizgilerinde Sıçrama Sanatı;


Meditasyon: İçinizdeki Kristal Saray



Sekhmet-Yes I Can 101! - Feb 1st Free
Ascension Energy Tools Call
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 1:00pm


"Self trust, Self belief, “Yes I Can 101!"

Sekhmet Speaking at the Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference 1-18-11

"Well, good evening, everyone! Thank you so much for coming to this engagement, wherein
we engage your faculties, your gifts, and the totality of who you are, so that you can engage,
perhaps with a higher degree of what you call success, or delight, or Joy in all of your
endeavors. Now we understand that humans just naturally come equipped with this part that is
called the ego. Now the ego has a job, a function - it's to protect you, it's to keep you safe.
Sometimes that means that the ego would prefer that you hide in the dark, rather than come
into the Light, and let it shine into you, and through you.

"The ego broadcasts fear, and there are certain outgrowths of fear, such as, 'I don't really think
I can do this,' or 'Well I just don't think I can believe, or trust in myself,' or The information
I'm getting, yes, it sounds good and maybe it works well for that guy over there, but it's not
going to work for me,' because my ego said it's not.

"So, you can test, and we have discussed the pendulum, yes how to test, and that is available
on the Energy Tools Website if you're not sure what we're discussing. We're not here to review
self-testing. You can test. You can say: 'Is my ego going to overwhelm this conversation I AM
about to begin?' And if your ego wants to play a big role in it, then what you need to do is a
little message, 'Hello ego, it's a wonderful day, but you know you've been working so hard! I
just love you, and I really appreciate you, but I'm telling you right now it's your nap time,' or
however you want to say it.

"In other words, it is important to have your ego at rest, and so that you're not picking up a big
heart thumping, 'No you can't, no you can't, no you can't!' Your ego is the seat of what you
call power and control dramas, and your ego would really like to be the master of all you are.

"So the first thing to do is to calm your ego, quiet your ego, have a discussion, you know,
'Down Rover,' or whatever it is you need to do. That's important before you begin an exercise
of self-empowerment, and from there evolve into self-healing, or helping someone else to
empower, to heal, to balance, to change attitudes and habits, or whatever it is that you want to

"That is the end result. We're talking about preparation here. Now, when you do that, you are
clearing the way, so to speak. You're allowing yourself to shine forth in all of your Divine
glory, and to know that you are in charge. Now you can bring in any helpers that you desire.
But be sure you bring them in from the highest realms.

"You know, so many people get sabotaged at the beginning by some message, or messenger
from the astral plane. So here you go: develop a mantra, program a crystal and hold it, or
stand before it, or sit it in front of it. Do whatever it is that you want to do. You can use your
nano-wand if you want to program. Call forth the energies and the guidance to you come from
the realms that are higher - the Lighted Realms are higher than the astral - or another way of
saying it, is from the highest realms of 4D and above, because the highest realms of 4D are

the Angelic Realms, and the Fairy Realms, and so on. It's only the lower that is the astral. You
just don't want anything to sneak in from the astral.

"Your ego is real big about picking up messages from the astral, and then thump, thumpety
thump, it's broadcasting it throughout your whole being. You might consider that your ego is
the prime receiver for communication from the astral. So you want to avoid all of that, so you
clear your fields.

"Now those are tips and hints to get you ready. You can use a mantra, you can use a sign like
the Voice does, a reminder to you. Some people Love to plaster sticky notes on their mirrors.
Clear your fields, and then utilize whatever it is that you want to utilize to connect in with the
totality of who you are.

"Why is that important? Well, when you do, you bring in the higher dimensional energies, and
while you're at it, if you want to call forth your Guides to be in assistance with you, that's
great! One of the things that the Voice likes to do is to ask her Guides to give her a little
tingle, a little buzz, you know. She greets them. She calls them forth from the Highest Realms,
and then she waits. They might do a little tingle of a message, or they might do a whisper like
a little wind blowing through the energy fields, or you might feel a sudden warmth, or you
might feel a little cooling breeze, however it is.

"Again, you can test: 'Oh, is this my very own personal Guides from the Highest Realms of
Light, yes or no?' If you get a 'no,' and you think an astral guy has snuck in there somehow,
you can always say, 'I now command you to leave my fields forever!' Guess what - the Law
of the Universe says that one has to leave, that thought form, that wave, that energy has to
leave. Now we understand we're giving you a lot of rapid fire advice and that is so we can
have time for what you like to call the 'Q and A,' because we know we might generate a little
bit of that, and that's ok, so we're just kind of imparting everything that we can.

"This is self trust, self belief, 'Yes I Can 101!' That's kind of a magic number isn't it? You've
already passed 100 - you're here. So we're just doing a little bit of a round-up of everything
that we can give to you in a way of tips and hints. We like to call then tips and hints, because
that sounds so doable. So reach out and bring all the ones into your being that will be helpful
to you. So you can plaster your home space with sticky notes, you can stand or sit in front of
your altar, you can go in front of a mirror. Now that's a really good one!

"You can call forth any Guides that you choose, too. If you are feeling as though you want
some lavender Angels to come and be in assistance to you in this monumental thing that
you're doing, then call forth your lavender Angels.

"Now humans have this kind of habit of thought that is actually rescinded in The Course in
Miracles and other great inspired works, but humans have this thought that, 'Well if I can do
something little, then I can be sure that I have the power, and so I'll move up into a bigger
intention and creation, and so on, and so on.' Well that's ok if you want to start there. Do you
want to know what did it for the Voice on the physical level? She cleared up a planter's wart
on her foot. Now that doesn't sound very glamorous does it? But nevertheless it made her say,
'Oh, wow, I did it!'

"If you want to start small it's ok. You have dispensation to do that, but please also tell
yourself there is no big or small: 'I can create any miracle I choose to create.' That's a good

book, The Course in Miracles. You might want to just stop off at your favorite book store, or
in the Library, if you are not familiar with it, and just read the first few pages about miracles.
That's good stuff, and if you have the ability to somehow find that in a place where you are on
the internet, it's ok to print it out. Print that out and hang it on your wall, read it every day for
a week. That is empowering. That's from Sananda, you know.

"He's kind of well known as a healer, as Jesus. But Sananda's the first one to tell you that you
can do it for yourself. Connect with his energy if you feel so inclined. Call upon Sananda to
be in support of your energies, to meet you energetically, to help you hold that wand for
instance, to create the miracle. I tell you when Sananda joins in your fields that's a real high
vibration, and you're going to feel that high vibration!

"If you want to play a little bit of rock and roll music - I like "rocky rolly" music you know
- and start dancing to get your vibes up, do that! You are going to have a much easier time
creating when you're in high vibes. We know that has already been mentioned, but, that's
another part to this whole thing. Now, as you get more proficient at it you can just use your
hands, or pull out that wand and just say, 'I choose Love. I choose to be in the vibration of
Love, and I create out of Love.'

"Do you want a little red sports car like mine? Get into the high vibes, because that's what you
need to do. Don't forget the sticky notes, don't forget the mantras, don't forget if you're going
to do something really big, that if you can get your brain relaxed into at least the alpha state,
and maybe even theta state, so that you are not having monkey-mind chatter - ego beta-brain,
interfering and disrupting what you're doing - then create your vision around your intentions.

"In other words here's the thing: 'I now create absolute balance and harmony in my body.'
Here's what it looks like: 'I move with ease and grace. All of my joints and muscles are
supporting me in my graceful and flexible movement.' This is great for arthritis, you know. 'I
AM calm in all of my being. I AM relaxed, and I feel my energy flowing through me
gracefully and easily to every part of my physicality.' I AM in great Joy, and my emotional
body is reflecting that into my physicality. And I know that I AM in absolutely the highest of
vibrations, and my brain is reflecting that into my entire physicality, and I feel the Light of the
Divine Being I AM, and I feel that connection with my totality, and with my spirit self, with
my Higher Self, with my God/Goddess within me, and so it is, I AM, and I'm sitting in the
seat of my shiny red sports car,' or whatever it is you desire.

"You got it? High vibes intentionally stated from a positive manner. Not, 'Oh, I'm so tired I
wish I had more energy. I'll just wave my wand a bit and I'll get energized.' You can feel that
that doesn't do it. And that is a validation to you that it's not going to happen. So why put that
intention out? Why do you want to say: 'Oh, I'm going to sabotage this thing right from the
start,' because that's what you're doing. You're broadcasting your intention to sabotage your

"You're taking yourself out of the driver's seat and putting blessed, blessed, ego in. Because
ego says, 'Wait a minute, wait a minute. You don't want to get up that high. You don't know
what might happen. You could fall, or some such silly thing.' Allow your ego to make friends
with your inner child, and thank your ego for keeping you from falling out of that tree when
you were eight years old, and your ego has done a great job. Kudos, medals to your ego, you
know medals of appreciation. 'It's nap time now for you my beloved partner, and I'm going to
get into the driver's seat, and I'm staying in the driver's seat by the way.'

"So you've got a lot of things, components, that we've already put out here. But if you felt the
high vibe when we took that little ride in my little red sports car up into the highest vibrations,
you got the picture, because it's the vision. And it's more than a picture, because visions have
sound, they have feelings, they have Lights! So you get into that vision for yourself. Keep it
simple. Keep your statement of your intention simple, and always in the command mode. You
know that's something that Abraham has been teaching for a long time, and The Secret tells
you the same thing, and any number of references, and great Master Teachers, 'Believe unto
"Now that brings us to another point. If you have someone, even someone you live with, let
alone somebody you have appreciation for, respect for, that you honor, care about, love, and
so on, and they're not where you are on your path, they don't have the same vision of you that
you do. So why do you listen to them? It could be that their egos are telling them: 'You'd
better watch out because this one is going to leave you behind in the dust, so you'd better give
them the message that you don't believe in them.'

"Beloved Ones, picture the lifetime of Yeshua. Picture the lifetime of Gandhi. They had lots of
people telling them, 'No you can't.' But they went ahead and did their mission, and they gave
to the World from the highest levels of their being, and they did miracles for the World.

"Now we're going to talk about something else. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT! Many of
you have been persecuted, tortured and killed in past lives for your very abilities to do
miracles. Those of you with the female, or even the male, because it was not unheard of to
persecute a male who had exceptional powers, but who was more gentle than the chief of the
tribe, or whomever, and they too were subjected to that kind of treatment.

"Someone could say: 'That man has the Devil in him!' and the next thing that man knew he
was being hauled off to the burning stake, and you all know about the persecution of the
women, of the women in the World, the female energies. Now we are looking at this Family,
and we are here to tell you that you've lived both roles. You see the Family of Ashtar is old
souls, and we've had many lifetimes. Lifetimes of triumphs, lifetimes of achievement,
lifetimes of praise for your achievements, other lifetimes of great achievements, but you didn't
get the praise. You got what you might call the raw end of the deal, and it hurt. You must
come to resolution on this, Beloved Ones. It does NOT mean you need to go back and relive
every lifetime. You don't need to do regression technique unless you really are inspired to do
so. What you can do is do Ho'oponopono for yourself and all those involved.

"It is so interesting the way the human mind wraps itself around a genetic memory, or a soul
memory, and it's not there for you to see. It's just there, and guess who wants to remind you of
it? That beloved precious part of you called your ego. And your ego says, 'Well you better
watch out because you might get burned again,' or whatever.

"Beloved Ones, here is Truth for you. Nobody's going to burn you this time around. This is a
lifetime for triumphs, this is a lifetime for Ascension. This is the lifetime for you to bring all
of your gifts forward with Joy. Now you don't need to step into an arena of doubters, of power
and control people, who are so busy listening to their egos that they're not going to listen to
the Truth that you have to tell them. You don't have to do that. You are becoming more and
more magnets for those who want Truth, anyway. You are becoming more and more magnets
for those who want your services. So why not empower that intention and say, 'I call forth to
be of service to those who want my services, those who seek what I know, those whom I can
help to empower, and so on, and so on, and so on.' Write yourself a piece on that, stick it on

your refrigerator, big letters so you can read it across the room. Become magnets for all that
you choose to attract, and that includes people, animals, plants, yes indeed, even crystals.

"You might have passed by a crystal shop a hundred times on your way to the grocery store,
but on the 101st time - remember look at those numbers in there, there's an 11. You say, 'Oh, I
need to go in there!' And perhaps you go walking around the store, and you stop, and there it
is, the one that wants to go home with you, because that's the one that you can empower to be
of great assistance to you in all that you're doing.

"Or perhaps you've not received a nano-wand yet. Maybe it's time. Maybe you want to get on
the list.* Whatever it is - perhaps you want to take your hands and rub them together, and
when you rub your hands together you can spiral them in a way that is small circles, and
you're not even losing the contact with your hands. Try rubbing them back and forth and then
try spiraling, and see where the heat builds up the fastest, and the hottest. That heat, Beloved
Ones, is energy, and it's powerful, it's your empowerment. And you can then take that energy
and put it anywhere you want on your body.

"Congratulations! You have just learned a basic aspect of what is called the art of Reiki. Now
for those of you who already know the art of Reiki, you know there's more to it, but you can
do that. You can do that. This is empowerment of the first degree, and we ask that you engage
the totality of Who You Are in accepting Who You Are. And do a little reading on that, or do
some ho'oponopono's.

"If you're still carrying the memories, or the attitudes that come from the memories, 'Of no
you can't, because you've got a fear that you're going to get burned, or boiled in oil, or
whipped, or abandoned, or outcast, or exiled, or whatever' - crucifixion time is over! For some
of you it may need some inspiration, some reading. Again you can call upon whomever you
wish to call upon. Sananda stands ready to come to each and every one of you, and empower
you with his Love, and the Love of the Kumara Family, to simply feel that Love within
yourself, because that's your power.

"And of course, I Sekhmet, am always available, so if you have a particular question - how
are we doing with the clock? Can we do a question or two....." (Sekhmet proceeded to answer
questions, which will be posted on our www.AscensionEnergyTools.com website.

* The Grants of Grace list of people requesting Nano wands


Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, January 18, 2011 www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On
The Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may
be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is
altered or deleted.

Join us for our February 1st Free Ascension Energy Tools Call with special guests Sekhmet
and Arthur Franklin, inventor of the Crystal Blankets and maker of the Genesa Activators!
Sekhmet will be continuing her discussion on "Yes I Can 101!" Bring your questions for
Arthur or email them to Elise Angellightinmotion@gmail.com


Free** Ascension Energy Tools Call Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
Sign-ons start at 6:15 pm PST, the program starts promptly at 6:30 pm PST

Phone: **1-712-432-0075 Access Code: 942540#

* While there is no registration fee for this call, you are, as always, responsible for your own
long distance phone charges.
**The phone and pin numbers for these tools calls are always the same.
Save on Long Distance Charges - Jim Gow has graciously provided an easy walk-through
process to download the free Skype dashboard to your computer, so you can join with us on
our teleconferences without long distance charges if you have a high speed connection.


Namaste, Susan, Fran and Elise


Grab the bar with BOTH hands...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 1:16pm

It is this basic, this simple and it is this that we wish now for you to understand. All things are
one with God; in and of God, though apart from God, still a part of God. God is one with all
things; in and of all things, though apart from all things, still a part of all things.
An excerpt from my second novel and most assuredly one of my favorite topics...
How do we define God; is it a far off and distant spirit that watches over us, protects us and
guides us or is God in fact a part of us existing at the very core or our being? Would you
humor me with trying a little experiment?
Do me a favor and imagine yourself standing on a trap door - not so hard if you are used to
this living thing as by now you have probably noticed that every once in a while the rug does
as they say get pulled out from under you...
Now just above your head is a bar that you can choose to grab at any time should you feel the
floor under you starting to give way. Let’s test the bar... if you have faith in God (The Great I
AM) then raise your right hand and grab the bar, it is solid yes? Ok let go... Now if you have
faith in You then raise your left hand and grab the bar, it is no doubt as solid as before. Now -
raise both your hands, grab the bar and while you are hanging there contemplate for a moment
how much longer you will be able to hold on now that you are using both hands...
Now my question... What does the bar represent?
It is where you and God (The Great I AM) become one...
Where you join, where you meet, where you touch and come together... This is your safe
place... the one thing you can hold onto secure in the knowledge that as long as you don’t let
go then you will in fact never fall. You might at times allow one of your hands to slip but as
your other hand also begins to lose its grip instinct will encourage you to put both hands back
on the bar.
We were never meant to be apart you see, the Great I AM and I – we are a we, ever
interconnected with a deep intimate understanding of each other and our nature. Just as we are
ALL interconnected with each other and all that exists so too are we connected with the Great
I AM for it is ALL that exists.
So peaceful that feeling of knowing that your you is an extension of such a vast and powerful
source of light, and what strength might be derived from acknowledging that connection. So
important this knowledge and so easily lost and forgotten when faced with our fears and our
God save me, help me, guide me... and God says no – child save yourself, help yourself, guide
yourself – I am with you as I have always been – you need but remember how.
Sound too religious? Too spiritual? Too deep – ok fine let’s keep it simple...
Why on earth would you use only one hand when you have the option of using two? Are they
not stronger together? Grab the bar with BOTH...
Jean Victoria Norloch


Hello to the Golden Age By: Scott Mowry
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 1:45pm

Hello to the Golden Age

By: Scott Mowry

2011 is both the end and the beginning of the greatest period in all of human history.

As the year 2010 comes to a close (thankfully)

, we are sitting at the dawn of a grand new age for humanity. An age of beauty, massive
evolution, and deeply profound significance. Life as we have come to know it is about to
dramatically change. "for the better".

The year 2011 is both the end and the beginning of the greatest period in all of human history.
We are literally leaving behind an old way of being and moving into something far greater and
far grander for the entirety of the human race. As a matter of fact, 2011 promises to be
perhaps the most extra-ordinary, the most amazing year ever. That's right, EVER!

The Earth and the human race have been on a steady yet carefully managed evolutionary path
for a long, long time. It has been a 16.4 billion year journey that is about to come to a
conclusion in 2011. A 16.4 billion year time frame is a nearly unfathomable number to
comprehend for the feeble human conscious mind yet here we are. We know this to be true
because we can plot out the historical record and clearly see that human evolution has been
accelerating through various distinct stages or cycles. And now we are about to reach the
pinnacle of evolution within this third dimensional reality in which the Earth dwells. So, this
means we have arrived at the point where a great shift must take place simply because a
change has become absolutely necessary. In other words, we have evolved as far as we can
within our third dimensional experience and we now must graduate (or ascend) to another
level of existence.

This evolutionary path that we have been on can be summarized in one word -consciousness.
The flow of consciousness can be precisely measured and it tells us that we have reached the
final hour. We are now evolving at such an ever-increasing rate that we are poised to shift into
the highest level than ever before. Have you been feeling that your life is moving very
quickly, maybe even faster than you able to keep up with? That is accelerating consciousness
evolution that you are feeling.

According to one of the twenty different Mayan calendars, specifically the one known as the
Tun calendar, we are sitting on the cusp of the 9th and final level of consciousness that will
commence the first quarter of 2011, and conclude on October 28, 2011. This means as much
evolution that has occurred over the last 16.4 billion years will unfold from February to
October! Also, the amount of change that used to take a year's time will now unfold every 18-
20 days! That is twenty times faster than the previous cycle. Why nine levels? The number

"9", is very significant within numerology as it is symbolic for completion. This is why many
of the pyramids built by the Mayans and later discovered in the jungles of Mexico and Central
America contain nine levels or steps to their structures.

The Mayans knew more about time, consciousness and evolution than any of our scientists or
our religious leaders do today. They were one of the most extraordinary peoples to have ever
lived upon the Earth. Incredibly, they figured out that we would complete this evolutionary
cycle in the year 2011! The Mayans tell us after we conclude this final and 9th stage, we will
enter into a period known as "the time of no time". For time is both an illusion and a prison,
that has trapped us within this 3-D existence. But all of this will begin to transform in the
coming years. In essence, we have nearly completed the human experience and are now ready
to move onto to something much greater -- the 5th dimension and a transition to a new Earth!

Can you see how exciting these times are? Yes indeed, the future looks very, very bright for
all of us! The Earth has been perhaps the most challenging planet in all of the universe to live
upon. The energy is so heavy and ponderous that it has been nearly impossible to know our
way around. It is as if we have been fumbling in the dark, not having a clue how to survive.
This is why the human race appears to be in such an overwhelming crisis at this time. But
now, with this great shift of consciousness, it will seem as if we are moving from mostly a
dark, black and white world to one transformed into full blown, glorious rainbow. Can you
imagine how exciting that will be?

This 9th and final consciousness level has been termed the "consciousness of co-creation".
The year 2011 has also been declared "the Age of Miracles". I think you will agree, that
sounds very promising indeed. In the consciousness of co-creation we are going to discover
the true power of our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs than ever before. Due to the fact
that the consciousness of the planet will now be, co-operating with us instead of hindering us.
These changes times will be announced in the New York Times or be reported by CNN. Will
our government or world leaders tell us all about the real significance of these times?
Probably not! Will our religious leaders help guide us through these tumultuous times upon
the Earth? Highly-un-likely. And finally, will everyone even be aware that something this
dramatic is happening on planet Earth? In-a-word, NO.

Realize that this will be very much an individual experience. Everyone will be entirely
different -- depending on where your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes lie. But, if you
tune into these rapidly evolving energies and frequencies that are now pouring into the planet
you will feel them.

However, it is important that you allow yourself to let go of the fear and anxiety that always
arises when humans are faced with great changes -- and these will be the greatest changes of
all. Instead, focus on the positive and have faith you will be guided through this temporarily
bumpy transition by a gentle Divine hand as we venture our way onto the new Earth.

As this Earthly human experience becomes sweeter and sweeter moving into the years ahead
of us, these changes will happen in the blink of an eye or happen overnight. No, to promise
that everything will be smooth sailing. Life will not suddenly be perfectly rosy on October 29,
2011 nor anytime in 2011 necessarily. This is only the beginning of the unfoldment. For those
who are ready, who have opened their hearts, they may experience very rapid transformations
in their lives, that will take them into enlightened states of consciousness.

For others it may take more time to achieve these states. The bottom line, it is all up to you.
However, within the next couple of decades all human suffering, problems and conflicts will
completely disappear. All violence, war, strife, oppression, poverty, injustice, lack, limitation
and every other negative human condition will vanish. And all karma will be wiped clean.
Forever! We will learn to overcome all illnesses, diseases, physical ailments and even death

Great wisdom and teachings will emerge. Great technologies long suppressed will come out
of hiding. Amazing miracles will be openly visible on an everyday basis. We will get to
experience what true, unconditional love is and it will be the most sublime, most glorious
feeling you have ever felt. Guaranteed! And after an interminably long period of separation,
we will be reunited with those who live among the stars in one of the greatest, most wonderful
family reunions for the ages. And best of all, the human race will finally come together as one
where we finally achieve the long awaited Heaven on Earth, 1,000 Years of Peace -- upon the
new Earth! Then we will come to the realization that our long, long journey has been all
worth it.

In summation, these are the times we had all hoped we would live to see. The times when the
greatest events ever would unfold and we would finally begin to witness the Golden Age
unfurl before our very eyes. Those times are here now but again, we are only at the beginning
stages of this transformation. But we are in the home stretch of the evolution of consciousness
as we return to where we started from -- living our lives connected to the Divine and God,
instead of separate from -- now moving very, very rapidly towards the finish line.

Remember, as one era of the human experience comes to a closure, a whole new more
glorious world is opening up right behind it. No matter what you will see on the news or read
in the headlines, be grateful you are here and now to participate in these absolutely incredible

For references and more information go to:


Lisa Day


Mystical Sounds
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 1:46pm

Mystical Sounds

The use of sound as a healing tool is becoming ever more commonly known and recognized

by the mainstream. For example, on December 21, 2010, a New York Times article told how
humming can "ease sinus problems." Reduced airflow is a significant factor in sinus
infections. The vibration created by humming stimulates the sinus areas and increases airflow
through the sinuses which results in the beneficial release of nitric oxides by up to 15 times
normal volume. There are many other ways to apply sound to the physical body, from simple
and straightforward crystal bowls, tuning forks and gongs to more complex sound wave
frequency machines that generate audible sound waves for specific body parts and conditions.

The sounds of music have become so ubiquitous-from homes, workplaces, restaurants and
elevators to personal music devices-that their restorative properties can be taken for granted or
ignored. However, not all sounds or music is beneficial. The work of Masaru Emoto, Ph.D.,
has shown this beyond a doubt. It is important to be selective. New genres of music are
emerging from the harsher sounds of rock and roll to create more soothing sounds to balance
and support the mind and body. From ancient cultures and religious rituals to secular
gatherings, the profound effects of music's influence on healing have been powerfully
experienced by spiritual leaders and practitioners, who apply the energy of sound and channel
it appropriately. Now higher consciousness is coming forth into a new paradigm in music,
which incorporates healing and spiritual dimension. Shamans, with their powerful intent to
heal, can guide people to interact therapeutically with sounds and music.

A new genre of 'mystical sound' is emerging in our society. One local Atlanta group has come
forth with more nurturing, health-enhancing music. Calling themselves The Flying Mystics,
this unique musical group skillfully blends improvisation with ceremony in an open rather
than directed content. The Peruvian and American makeup of Zepi Morelli (guitar), Flournoy
Holmes (flutes, percussion, bowls), and Todd Roderick (hand drums, percussion) uniquely
combines their range of influences. Each of these instruments produce sounds that lead the
listener into a devotional state that is essential to true healing. When used in concert, the effect
is multiplied. In addition, the traditions of Buddhism, shamanism, and yoga in combination
with equally diverse musical sources inspire the "The Flying Mystics" unique sound to further
amplify the beneficial sound wave vibrations. Consequently, their audiences experience the
holistic and transformative power of sound while allowing themselves to take the deeply
spiritual journey. In the words of Glenn Mullin, Buddhist scholar and meditation teacher, "The
Flying Mystics indeed live up to their name. Their music is created beyond expectations,
transporting the listener high into the spacious world of joy, freedom, and beauty."

The group's first CD, "Begin Within," was released last year to the acclaim of many, from
yoga teachers who use it to create a contemplative space, to parents giving musical sustenance
to their children. The group's intention is to produce music that not only affects listeners in a
positive way, but also portrays a deep, hopeful and optimistic resonance that can provide a
profoundly helpful path towards healing body, mind and spirit. In the words of one reviewer,
"These three wizards cast a magical spell of the pure essence of music." Notably, The Flying
Mystics is the only Western group to perform in the inner sanctum of the Drepung Loseling
Monastery in Atlanta.

The International Sound Therapy Association (ISTA) a nonprofit organization based in

Atlanta, has sponsored concert performers like Steven Halpern, Norma Gentile and Jonn
Serrie, "There's nothing like the experience of live healing music," says Lois M. Grant, Ph.D.
and past President of ISTA. The Flying Mystics will present a concert at the International
Sound Therapy Association'

s all-day "Temple of Sound" event on February 26 in Atlanta. www.flyingmystics.com.



HEAVEN #3720 An Entrance to a Gold

Mine, January 31, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 1:55pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *

* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3720 An Entrance to a Gold Mine, January 31, 2011

God said:

99% or so of the ideas you have came from somewhere and were tossed into you. For the most
part, your ideas are not original. They were sewed onto you. For you to see otherwise may not
even occur to you. Guilt, for instance. There is a big to-do about guilt, and that it must be long-
lasting, as though guilt were a virtue, as if penance were a virtue, as if you were to expiate guilt.

What is guilt but not knowing then what you know now? Tell Me, is that a bad thing? Regret is
the same. Regret is another time-and-heart waster.

What are the worst things in the world, so says the world, but death and illness. What if death
and illness were seen as friends and not enemies? What if death were a reward for living rather
than a death sentence? What if illness were a good doctor who removed ill-health and restored
balance? Certainly, illness means to be curative.

Death is an entrance to a gold mine. Death is a ride in a tram car that takes you over the
rainbow. What if death were seen as a non-event to be rejoiced in? What if death were a
graduation from body and soul to exclusively soul? What if there were applause for death, and
death were not seen as the Grim Reaper? What if death were seen as a culmination of life, more
like a knapsack one carries over his shoulder as he passes down a certain road? Death is a free
pass given one at a time to all those who are ready to move on. Sooner or later, bodies die. And
everybody will receive that free pass that ushers him into a world beyond the senses.

What if there were no such thing as leaving another? Even if one departs, as funeral homes like
to say in a solemn voice, what if there is no solemnity to death? What if mourning no longer
starred in the world?

Death has not yet visited you who stay behind, and you carry on as if you were guilty of a loved
one’s death. Death of the body was destined long before you arrived on the scene. The body is
only the body, after all. It held a recipe for life on Earth. There is nothing to mourn but a body
that remains. How dear and magnified is the might of a beloved body.

Precious to you are the now remains. No matter, the body was a car that had a due date. The
body is only all you say it is. Yet sooner or later, it is a vehicle you turn in.

Leaves fall from trees. Childhood grows into adulthood. The body was ever a changing thing.
No one keeps it forever, and why would you think so? Practically speaking, what would the
advantage be?

The body is a false idol, beloveds. Love the body, but do not make a shrine of it. True, it housed
a soul, a mighty soul, and now the soul has gone on to greener fields. Its time is over. Such a big
deal does not have to be made over a body. A body is, after all, only a body. The known but
unseen soul had a good send-off back to where it came, and, from where, actually, it never left.
The soul of the body was always where it is now. There never was a leaving. A circle was

rounded. All loose knots were tied. Of death of the body, you do not have to make such a big to-
do of it. Enjoy the moments of life. Give up mourning and guilt and regret and all such things
and rev up life instead.


bir söz: '' MIŞ gibi..''

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 2:00pm

'' MIŞ gibi..''

"Öyle insanlar var ki, düşüncelerinin arkasındaki niyetin farkında değiller;

sözü, gözü, eli başka telden çalar.

Bu insanların yaşamına ‘mış gibi yaşam’ diyorum.

Çevrenize bir bakın,

aklı, düşüncesi çocuğuna yardım etmekle dolu olduğu halde
asık yüzlü, kırıcı sözlü, ilgisiz gözlü anne ve babalar;
öğretmen olduğunu söyleyen ama hiç kitap okumayan insanlar göreceksiniz.

'' MIŞ gibi..'' yaşamayın ....



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 2:20pm


"Yaşamın pürüzsüz bir şekilde akmıyorsa,
keşkelerin varsa,
yaptığın şeyden memnun değilsen,
Yaşamında her şey ters gidiyor, nedenini bulamıyorsan,
dünyayla barışık değilsen, yaşamında iniş ve çıkışlar varsa,
yaşam şeklinden ya da yaptığın işten hoşnut degilsen,
para kazanamıyor, bolluk içinde değilsen,
çevrendeki insanlarla uyum içinde olmakta zorluk çekiyorsan,
sevgilin bile seni aldatıyor, yada terk ediyorsa....
Bütün bu Memnuniyetsizliğin ve tatminsizliğin için
iletişimde olduğun insanları ve içinde olduğun koşulları ve durumu suçluyorsan
Eğer başka bir yerde olsaydın herşeyin iyi olacağını ve huzurlu olacağını düşünüyorsan,
Sen kendi içinde mükemmel bir HUZURA sahip olduğunda,
NEREDE ve kiminle olduğunun,
veya ne kadar SIRADAN ve günlük bir iş yaptığının hiçbir önemi yoktur.
Sen kendi içinde mükemmel bir DENGE ve UYUMA sahip olduğun zaman,
hiçbir şey seni rahatsız edemez ya da senin dengeni bozamaz.

İçinde olduğun koşullara karşı SAVAŞMAK yerine,

onlarla birlikte AKMAYI öğren
ve böylece içinin derinliklerindeki o iç HUZURU, DENGEYİ ve anlayışı BUL…

Bu Dengeyi oluşturduğun zaman..

Sen SEVİNCİ, NEŞEYİ, ve MUTLULUK la birlikte SONSUZ ŞİFA yi bulursun..

Ne kadar küçük olursa olsun ilk adımı isteyerek at.

İyileşmeyi ve öğrenmeyi tüm içtenliğinle iste,
MUCİZELER mutlaka gercekleşecektir.

Cavit Çağ


bir söz: "bir ilişkide güvensizlik varsa, orda

sevgi yoktur
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 2:23pm

bir söz: "bir ilişkide güvensizlik varsa, orda sevgi yoktur

"Bir ilişkide güvensizlik varsa orda sevgi yoktur .

Ve Unutmaki güvenilmek, sevilmekten daha büyük bir iltifattır... "

George Macdonald


bir söz: "sen doğruyu adama bağlı olarak

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 2:24pm

bir söz: "sen doğruyu adama bağlı olarak tanıma

Sen doğruyu adama bağlı olarak tanıma!

Evvela 'doğru olanı' bil sonra doğruya bağlı olanı tanırsın."


Sahte BEN'i 7 kez farketmiştim;
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 2:27pm

Sahte BEN'i 7 kez farketmiştim;

1. Onu yükseklere ulaşmaktan kaçındığını gördüğüm zamandı.

2. Onu topalın önünde topallarken gördüğüm zamandı;

3. Kolayla zor arasında seçim yapması gerekip de, kolayı seçtiği zamandı;

4.Bir yanlış yaptığı ve kendini başkalarının yanlışlarıyla avuttuğu zamandı;

5. Güçsüzlüğe sabrettiği ve sabrını güce yorduğu zamandı;

6. Bir yüzün çirkinliğini hor gördüğü ve onun aslında kendi maskelerinden biri olduğunu
anlamadığı zamandı.

7. Bir övgü şarkısı söyleyip de, bunun bir erdem olduğunu sandığı zamandı.


Sevgili Gülden e teşekkürler


Electromagnetic Effects & Mystical

Experiences January 31, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on January 31, 2011 at 10:59pm

Electromagnetic Effects & Mystical Experiences

January 31, 2011

On Sunday night, guest host John B. Wells ( email) spoke with scientist, filmmaker and
mystic ecologist

David Sereda


about his latest research on the Earth's pole shift and why the sunrise has been early, the bird
die-off, quantum electro-dynamics, and 2012, as well as new children being born with
advanced abilities. Pointing out that the human body has an electrical magnetic field, he noted
that it can be affected by activity on the sun, as well as energies coming from different parts of
the galactic plane, as the Earth moves through it.

A big shift of energy could be coming in 2012 that is going to affect every living thing on the
planet, and possibly trigger quakes and other sudden earth changes, he said. The solar system
may have entered such a new field of energy on December 22, 2010, which set off a chain of

events, including the largest storm ever recorded on Saturn, the strange bird and animal die-
offs, and an early sunrise in Greenland (related to a wobble of the Earth and the moving of the
magnetic pole), he outlined.

Children born into the current cosmic energy have new DNA that enables them to talk to
angels or with entities on the Other Side, he suggested. Or in some cases, they can even
physically pop in and out of dimensions and disappear for a time, he reported. Their higher
vibration of consciousness may tie into the idea of the Rapture, with people moving into
another dimension. Sereda also shared some of his personal mystical and paranormal
experiences such as seeing a ball of light fall into his daughter's head (on a night vision
camera), just as his wife was sending a prayer for an angel to protect her.

Tags: www.coasttocoastam.com


The Balance of Devotion by Master Jesus

 Posted by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on January 31, 2011 at

Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message


The Balance of Devotion by Master Jesus

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-31/01/11

My beloved brothers and sisters I extend my love to you now and honour the sacred existence
that is your truth and natural being. Let us take a moment to attune to the love of the Creator
and bathe in the sacred vibrations, energy and wisdom that is the Creator. Let us feel this love
embracing us now from the outside as well as the inside of our beings.

I have been graciously allowed to come forward to share a teaching with you once more
through Natalie, which is a great honour. Time and a space to share ones thoughts is so sacred
especially when I know that many ears and hearts are listening, to you I send my thanks.

I come to you today my beloved brothers and sisters with a story which I hope will bring
enlightenment and insight to your own spiritual growth. The story is to assist in understanding
the energy of devotion and to acknowledge where balance is needed.

To begin my story let us imagine a woman of great spiritual potential and connections, a
woman with a pure heart and a great desire to return to the truth of her being. This woman
was on the Earth many years ago living a simple life within a small community living off of
the land. An understanding of the Creator was evident within the community and many would
take time to pray and attune to the energies of the Creator and the Earth, understanding this as
a way of moving forward with their reality and ensuring their protection. The woman who we
shall not name was due to be married and to begin a family life with a man that she felt fondly
for, but her spiritual practices and dedication to the Creator were of greater intensity than any
other within the community. She felt a compelling desire to be at one with the Creator, to
mediate and link with her own truth, energies and essence. This desire and drive enhanced
each day and gradually she became so attuned to the Creator that nothing else in her realty
seemed to have meaning or purpose. She was aware of herself disconnecting with community
life and wanting only to be at one with the Creator. Understanding more of the truths of the
Creator she removed herself from the community and her future partner and travelled to a
mountainous area in seek of solitude, peace and spiritual refuge.

As a much loved member of the community, the woman was missed greatly; their inability to
understand her move away from them stirred both sadness and anger. It was the community's
belief that through connection and communication with each other they would discover the
truth of the Creator.

The woman was happy in solitude; it was what she needed in order to explore her energies
and to discover the energy of the Creator within her. After many years the woman became
lonely, she missed the touch of another person, the interaction between people and the caring
nature of another. She had explored the energies of the Creator and felt truly connected and at
one with the Creator. With the goal achieved she decided that she must return to the
community to integrate into life once more and continue from where she left. Unfortunately
the reception that she received was far from welcoming, the community had grown and
evolved in their own way, her once future partner had married another and her friends felt
suffering and pain from the rejection they had felt from the woman leaving without
explanation. The woman tried to clarify to the community all the wonderful experiences and
insights she had gained and her wish to teach them to become one with the Creator. She was
not prepared for the suffering and pain that the community had experienced due to her loss
nor was she prepared for the abuse that followed as they tried to portray her as being of evil
intent in order to justify their fears.

The woman retreated back to the solitude of the mountains, she realised that her devotion to
the Creator and the solitude experienced had been needed and was an essential aspect of her
spiritual growth. The lesson that was prominent was that she should have remained connected
with the Earth, realising that life and to experience life was a great gift from the Creator. The
woman now saw that through a mixture of solitude, an eternal connection to the Creator and
acknowledging the Creator within all other humans and beings of life, she would have created
a complete life and spiritual development for herself that would have allowed for a true
experience of the Creator's love. Her devotion to the Creator had been so strong that she had
neglected the other aspects and gifts of the Creator.

With this realisation come tremendous pain, anger and fear which consumed the woman. She
began to blame herself so strongly. No longer could she see the essence of the Creator within
her, it was her own hate, darkness and despair that was evident now. The woman suffered in

this way from many years, she couldn't find a way out of the suffering that her ego was
causing her. She was reverting into a victim and pushing away all the blessings she had gained
from the Creator because of the loneliness that she felt. The Creator and her guides never left
her side, they loved her constantly but she became blind to her truth, her eyes focused only on
suffering and pain. The woman didn't realise that the Creator was offering to her the greatest
test yet, it was a lesson to finally be rid of her ego and to love those who didn't understand her,
knowing love to be the greatest healing and the most powerful energy of connection. If she
had remained in a state of love and connection with the Creator the attitudes of the
community would have altered and forgiveness would have flown through the community.
The woman did begin to connect once more with the Creator but her despair remained close
to her heart.

Let us agree that this story has notes of sadness but there are many lessons to be grasped from
my story. Firstly as a being awakening on the Earth there is a need for you to spend time
alone, being at one and happy in your own energy and attuning to the energy of the Creator.
To make time for your spiritual practices is essential as you must learn to feel and understand
your own energies and the Creator's presence within and around you.

Secondly there is a need to appreciate everything that you have in your life and reality, your
life is your creation, it is the Creator's creation as you are the Creator. Whether your reality
holds good or bad aspects appreciate that you have been given free will, the right to live a life
as you choose and to think as you wish. Your life is essentially the foundation for your
connection to the Creator; it is precious and must be valued. To love life is to love yourself
and the Creator as all are intertwined and are one. Your life on the Earth is so important every
moment will bring you closer to the Creator every second will help you learn and overcome
spiritual lessons. This doesn't mean that you must go crazy in your life and experience
everything; it indicates that you treasure everything that your soul guides you to achieve on
the Earth and you value your connection with others. It is through our relationships with
others that we can link on a deeper level with the Creator. Value all that you have in your
reality as it was created by the Creator through you and your thoughts. The woman isolated
herself from everyday life and missed the opportunity to watch the light of the Creator grow
in others, to be a healing and inspirational support to others. She was unable to experience
living as the Creator in a physical life which is the greatest gift. To be aware, loving,
compassionate, healing, understanding, supportive, at peace with the ability to anchor and
express the Creator's light and love is a wonderful experience.

The woman's life indicates to all that when we are following a spiritual path balance must be
obtained between our focus of being on the Earth and connecting with the Creator, but
balance goes beyond this, it is to remain balanced or aligned to the Creator while you
experience life on the Earth, this is such an amazing experience as you see the truth of the
Creator all around you. In the past it may have been appropriate for individuals wishing to
connect with the Creator to isolate themselves from society to focus and devote themselves
but now the challenge is to accept and experience all that you would if you were to enter into
solitude while conducting a life that allows you to integrate with others. Solitude for a period
of time may be appropriate but being of service and sharing your light and growth is also

Thirdly there is a need to train your mind to think that everything in your reality is a lesson of
growth and greater unity with the Creator. There are no mistakes, there is also no pain or
suffering. If you can see everything as a lesson from which you can gain understanding about

yourself, maybe habits that need to be dissolved or a realisation to remove boundaries aiding
your connection with the Creator, then you will never miss golden opportunities. When you
are suffering or are in pain, say to yourself,

'There is no need for me to suffer, I am attuned to the Creator, there is a lesson here that I
must learn from.'

Then ask yourself what the lesson is, what you must gain from the experience. When you can
understand the lesson, you can then release the suffering and pain knowing that it is only a
reaction to an experience or thought; it is not true nor is it essential in your reality now. The
truth behind the suffering is the real enlightenment that the Creator wishes you to discover.

The purpose of my story and communication was to assist you in understanding that-

Solitude and connection with the Creator is needed for spiritual development in a way that is
appropriate for you and your growth.

Appreciation of life and all that you have is an essential way of honouring yourself and the
Creator, ensuring that you remain grounded into your reality and centred within your being.

Being fully present and aware within your reality allows you to acknowledge growth that
needs to be made or understood by you, as well as assisting you in being of service to others
in a humble and loving way.

Balance must be gained between the physical and spiritual realities but balance must also be
obtained by the person remaining attuned to the Creator at all times.

You can gain understanding, attunement and enlightenment within every moment of your

Suffering and pain are simply reactions to an experience or thought; they mask the true
meaning and purpose of the experience. Look beyond your suffering to see the truth and the
lesson that must be grasped. A person will never suffer without a reason; there is always a
higher purpose for everything.

These are simply a process of thought and understanding that I wished to alert you to.

I hope that you have found my words of benefit to you,

You are sacred light and love on the Earth and I bless you,

Your brother and friend,

Master Jesus


Wanja the wanderer
 Added by linda on January 1, 2011 at 5:55pm


Welcome Home
 Added by Georgios Sotiropoulos on January 3, 2011 at 1:32pm


May Peace Prevail On Earth (Happy
Peaceful New Year 2011 )
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 5, 2011 at 3:13am


Nightnoise-A Different Shore
 Added by linda on January 7, 2011 at 4:16pm


Beautiful Earth
 Added by linda on January 7, 2011 at 4:24pm


La Revelacion Cuantica I.wmv
 Added by Sallyblues on January 7, 2011 at 9:52pm


Gurdjieff - Meetings With Remarkable Men

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 12:41pm


396 Hz Frequency Liberating Guilt and
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 7:03pm


~ Love Light Unity Peace ~
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 8, 2011 at 7:04pm


Jackie Evancho ~ America's Got Talent 2nd
 Added by linda on January 9, 2011 at 2:06pm


O Holy Night Jackie Evancho 9 years
 Added by linda on January 9, 2011 at 2:15pm


 Added by linda on January 9, 2011 at 2:20pm


Universal Love - Unconditional Love

 Added by Karin Wesselius on January 9, 2011 at 2:57pm


"The Gospel of John" Exclusive Trailer
featuring Jeff Danna's music score
 Added by linda on January 9, 2011 at 5:38pm


Colour Affirmations
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 10, 2011 at 10:25pm


Google Personal Growth Series: Mindsight
 Added by Cenk on January 11, 2011 at 7:26am


The message of Pachamama and Senia
Melchizedek. ( the full movie )
 Added by Karin Wesselius on January 11, 2011 at 9:43am


Calming music lifescapes 03 In the glory of
the sunset
 Added by linda on January 11, 2011 at 10:34pm


Lifescapes - Zen Garden

 Added by linda on January 11, 2011 at 10:36pm


11:11@ 11.11
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 12:18am


Loving Earth Meditation
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 12, 2011 at 1:18am


Twin Flame Reunion
 Added by linda on January 14, 2011 at 11:34am


2012 - Apocalypse or New Sun ?
 Added by savas bolukbas on January 16, 2011 at 12:29am


 Added by savas bolukbas on January 16, 2011 at 12:34am


Secret Garden - Prayer
 Added by linda on January 16, 2011 at 2:01pm


 Added by linda on January 17, 2011 at 11:25pm


Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and

 Added by linda on January 17, 2011 at 11:29pm


Reiki - Tranquility
 Added by linda on January 17, 2011 at 11:40pm


Deep Meditation Experience
 Added by linda on January 17, 2011 at 11:59pm


OM ~ art as meditation
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 12:05am


Kamal - Whale Dreaming
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 12:16am


Dreamcatcher - Kamal
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 12:18am


Dolphin Samadhi
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 12:24am


Whales, Dolphins and Chakras - Lemurian
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 12:24am


Daily Meditation
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 12:29am


Way to Heaven - Reiki Music
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 2:03am


Soul Journey
 Added by linda on January 18, 2011 at 2:09am


Platinum Light Activation
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 2:32am


Remembrance Towards The Light
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 18, 2011 at 2:42am


Universal Life Energy
 Added by Karin Wesselius on January 19, 2011 at 12:22am


 Added by linda on January 19, 2011 at 11:20pm


Om Tryambakam - The LIfe-Giving Prayer

 Added by linda on January 20, 2011 at 12:09am


Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel
Michael January 19 20 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 11:44am


Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa
January 19 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 11:49am


Soft Diamond Light, Only love matters
 Added by linda on January 21, 2011 at 1:53pm


Earth SOS (part 1): The Crisis

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 21, 2011 at 1:58pm


2012 Emergence of Higher Intelligence
 Added by linda on January 21, 2011 at 1:59pm


Let It Be (Across The Universe)
 Added by linda on January 22, 2011 at 12:42pm


Across the Universe
 Added by linda on January 22, 2011 at 12:47pm


David Arkenstone - Magic Forest
 Added by linda on January 22, 2011 at 11:38pm


 Added by linda on January 22, 2011 at 11:43pm


 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 12:01am


Enya - On your shore
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 1:06am


Merlins Magic - Root Chakra (1 of 7)
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:55am


Merlins Magic - Sacral Chakra (2 of 7)
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:56am


Merlins Magic - Solar Plexus Chakra (3 of

 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:56am


Merlins Magic - Heart Chakra (4 of 7)
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:57am


Merlins Magic - Throat Chakra (5 of 7)
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:57am


Merlins Magic - Third Eye Chakra (6 of 7)
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:58am


Merlins Magic - Crown Chakra (7 of 7)
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:58am


New Age-Merlins Magic-Chakra
Meditation Music-Reiki the light touch
[Part 6].flv
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 2:59am


Colours of my soul-Deuter
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 3:09am


 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 4:29am


The Call - "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt. 1
 Added by Karin Wesselius on January 23, 2011 at 12:40pm


Hamed Nikpay - Beyond Reproach (Pand
Az Koja)
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 23, 2011 at 5:08pm


Deva Premal - Moola Mantra Part 1
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 8:57pm


Deva Premal - Om Hraum Mitraya
 Added by linda on January 23, 2011 at 11:51pm


The Power And Beauty Of You
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 24, 2011 at 1:20pm



 Added by linda on January 24, 2011 at 7:00pm


"Dizzi Jig" Folk Medieval hammered
dulcimer music by dizzi
 Added by linda on January 25, 2011 at 7:02pm


azam ali innal malak
 Added by linda on January 25, 2011 at 7:04pm


11:11(To ascend from duality into Oneness)
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 10:12pm


Insight (Prologue) | A Theta Meditation
with Binaural Beats
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 25, 2011 at 10:19pm


 Added by linda on January 26, 2011 at 2:08am



 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 9:17pm


The Lightworker's Manifesto
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 26, 2011 at 11:29pm


What The Bleep Do We Know? Down The
Rabbit Hole. Uncut
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 12:23am


Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 1:47am


Zeitgeist: Addendum - 2008 by Peter Joseph
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 27, 2011 at 1:53am


Family of Light II
 Added by Karin Wesselius on January 27, 2011 at 8:26pm


"Dance of the Unicorns" Hammered
dulcimer music by dizzi
 Added by ilyas on January 27, 2011 at 9:20pm


"River Flow" Medieval Hammered
Dulcimer Music by Dizzi
 Added by ilyas on January 27, 2011 at 9:22pm


The Secret of the Universe 1 of 6
 Added by Sallyblues on January 27, 2011 at 11:20pm


The Secret of the Universe 2 of 6
 Added by Sallyblues on January 27, 2011 at 11:24pm


The Secret of the Universe 3 of 6
 Added by Sallyblues on January 27, 2011 at 11:29pm


The Secret of the Universe 4 of 6
 Added by Sallyblues on January 27, 2011 at 11:30pm


The Secret of the Universe 5 of 6

 Added by Sallyblues on January 27, 2011 at 11:31pm


The Secret of the Universe 6 of 6
 Added by Sallyblues on January 27, 2011 at 11:32pm


(Part 3/3) Importance of being in our Heart
NOW!!!!! - Drunvalo Melchizedek
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 2:42am


Awakening - Deva Premal & Miten with
 Added by linda on January 28, 2011 at 1:14pm


Blind Man Can See Again In Amazing

Healing , Estes Park
 Added by Anne M Stewartaree on January 28, 2011 at 2:17pm


12.10.10 -Women Paralysed For 7 Years
Can Stand_v2
 Added by Anne M Stewartaree on January 28, 2011 at 2:19pm


11.27.10 -Partially Blind Man Sees Again in
Heart-Touching Story
 Added by Anne M Stewartaree on January 28, 2011 at 2:25pm


Soul Masters - Movie Trailer
 Added by Anne M Stewartaree on January 28, 2011 at 2:50pm


Eden Sky - 2012 We Are the Living
Prophecy .mov
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 28, 2011 at 9:02pm


 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 29, 2011 at 3:19am


 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 29, 2011 at 3:34am


Galactic Federation Pleaidian Masters &
Sirian High Councils Of Light January 26
27 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:20pm


Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa
January 26 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on January 30, 2011 at 1:38pm


Jisa Hala Me by Darshini
 Added by Sukadev Bretz on January 30, 2011 at 7:13pm


© 2015 Created by David Dogan Beyo


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