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AI-lciE.1Jl eft ~i STI/I:!-l Co M f"I£N ~R.'r 0 f.I Sc~ PT\.I.t.

Now Te~'b:",~

t.i,i," ~t l101t\Q$ C. Ok", ~ Q,ri~to~t.{'" A:H.. /I
Gt--l 5lrlr>r
'"tlIoMas C. Oh~

(IItt. . V«r~;t~ fr~'!

Dowllu-! Golt. l\li"ol~


"Comp"'~d. in the .. yle <>1 the grut mfdi.v~1 ,a""~,, this ne"" .n'h<>l~ ef pa"i>tic
comm.ntary on Holy Scripture •• onvenienely arranged by dUp'er an.! . ....,
willl>< ~ valuable 'elource for ptay... • tudy and pcodam.adon. flyeall,ng New TEST .. MENT
.".nrio" ro rhe rkh Ch,'"i." heri,.ge p reced.ing rh ... par.ticn.I>< " .... n Ea .. ~n(t
W .. , and botw«n P ro,."~"t .n.:! Ca,holi • . rhi •• ede. will petform . nu';':'r II
..""ice ,o . he cau •• of ttu"",niim.·

L~w .. " <t J. M eGi nl" Prof.uPr of Rd i: ;o n ,,"<I So,iet,
Ford!. ..", U.;v.,. ilJ
"Th. Scrip ture. have be.n ,Old with 10 .. and . ",,,, io,, for "ea rly tWC thou •• "d yurS .
• nd lin.ning '" the ~ok. o fbelievo .. from p...,viow .en,uri•• of'<'" u. '0
unapcc ..d in.ight and de.p<ned ruth. ThM.: w ho .tudied Scripture in ,he u""' ries
doses,.o its writing. rh. <enturies duri"g and following f'<r ..cu ,ion IlIId •
martyrdom. 'P'''"' with p' «"ul.. . uthori ty. T he Anden, Chri.,ion
Commo:n.aty on Scrip.u re will bring '0 life th" tr",h .tu , we.re in.isibly IUHounded E D I TED BY
by a 'g=' do-udor wi<nu,,,:·


Co,'".. ... t4lor, N~lio" .. 1 PMhli< R.. ,Ii.
"For mo .. who m ink m.t church hi>toty began :u-o"nd 1941 wh~n th~ir p... tor w:u born.
,hil Comment><y wiU I>< a gr.. , .u'pti". Christianl throughout th~ «n,uti.. have
,~ad th .. bibli<:al . ". t ~nd ,.." ..... rheir Ipi, i,. with it and then applic:d it.o their
live •. Th~mmmen ..... rie. rd!« • •hat m~ wim .... of' h" Ho!y Spirit wu pte •• nt in hi.
chu rch threughout the ce n""i • •. A l l r~.u!,. we can profir by .Ilowing ' he TH O MAS C. QOEN
~""i.n , Chri.,ia", to of'<U to UI today."

H .. D D<)N Ro9'''IION
H ~rolJ Joh" a,h":,, Di./i" t u;.h,d Pr~f,u. r pf Preaching
° °
G. rJ n' C n... <I! Th e. l" gic ~1 5,,., in .. r]

"AI! who Ire inc.,.ned in the in'.'Pr~t ..i"n of the Bi bl. will welcome
.h , forthcoming mullivolumc •• ri ... Ancient Chri .. ian C ommen tary on Scrip,,,re. H e ••
,he in.igh .. ofICore, of early church fathe .. will ~ a .. =bled .nd mad. readily
available fo r .ignificant p'''"ge. throughout ,he Bible and rh" Apocrypru.. Ir iI h.rd to
.l\i,,1< of . mOte wo rm y ",u meo ieo.! p,ej«t to bo undertaken by the pu blish«."
S" UCB M . MBT"Z<l11l
ProJ" Htr of New T ~". "' UI . E..... i.M.
Pr;" r ... " T &<oI.fi~al S.",i"a ry
! n!~r\"o"it\" Pr","
o.,""e'" G[()~e lJIine;;

.. -IL.om

£.-,;10 .....''7''''""- G eN fi ~ ALE D I T D ~

OI,.,.~tbt l'~""'ofa..'K.oIClri_s...I",{=~ n. ..... c.a...-4cw.,.,......t.H.04. ThamuC. Oden

AI.;p,,,,,",,i.~"P«<.jau_,",,,W''''''''''''',J''',,,,,,,,,,_,w .. ''',,,,,,~_,''''' '" '''V'''''', I'<1..
A ss DC ' A T ~ Eo I T D R
Ch.iocophuA . I·h ll


,_<j... --...o..o<dof ... O", ..... <jOwlot ..... U.... S'..,'<jA" ......... _..w.],...'_'''1."".,
10<$<",.." .,..,..""'''''' " .. _,.I ........... ,r.- ... Rn ... Sl........ V",_<j .... I.W. . .."...,.,...
......... ... " ...... 0/0.-;"",.
Ag,;t!>t''' ....-.4.
&l .. ]otlSu "Jrtll
n..j.-._ ......-..... <j,......,~_,.,..,... .. ,.,.jMtM"'.,_ ...,....,.. ......_ ...........J_,..'"...... E DITORI. L S!RYJ<:l $ DIRiCTDR
re s.Io<tM''''''P''f-on..-.<j*a...Jo.,.-..~CI'''', UO<J.,,..........<jC.''''''''U., .... ' l".,_.Pn... S ....... Ki,,< .
FCF~ $<I«<<OI,_fro.. f .. "'G;..,.I'<oII....... R..........,n..F .... ~O, ....... .,(G<<t:><TN."........!.""" .,..I
_ • .,., F........ "'. I<""'- ...... t;,."lW_ ... .''''""''' ",_"c.,,..,., 0 ' '''. U""Tl"""i,,'" <jf..J. 8..:1. T ~ A" SL. T I 0" Eo I TO It

5<1""';,,,,'1"'''''' 11<4<,", v_.Ho. H...;r'.... d"G",!,<~_ l_"", n·. .., ....."."", T_"' .~, . ..... p. ... H.,"O.$~. Cor",,",
C l.. ,. U"'., P""''''''' <fCi"",,,, J>.bI~,, "".
iF I sM".;''"'?''fr, ·.... J...,.. , ,..; .~'hc F",.,•• Y... "" E... 1"..1<11.0, ,,,, ... Co>p)"' ..... C ,'I!IJ 1'""Ci'J Pr,u. A.""".. ",."""~ .. <(loO... Ci<]
,.,"'>1,.. ,.,............" Vi"'tnIBacolr Ptl" Gil"trl
)UI:s.-'E,.., ••'... c..._..,.""T_·.D.........--,""~;,.hT, ...... Do"oFa...,,,S.."l'S,......'-IS109. T,.. ~ .. jol. F,<IIIJtGipson
S~''"t]w Bgi,~
c.~~·)OO...!of_Si ..... 5on'-<o<1.c:..p,..r.O I..J.U... ",...,...,.;,.,o/CJ4-.Iu'"'...,.J ....... Ed"'4rdBI4i" Mi,h4dGluwp
tCC' StIut.-oI~r-Eutp-O<ri., ... f ........ w."1ofOorio< ... a.-.' . tLC]nIC.~c.,.,.;pOIH.l.U... ~
,.....:.-<j"''''~JM>o'''''''- .. Bri,,~ 8r~w !r P4tri,i"r,d~nd

LCCJ .w..'d<>='7"fro .. ~of .... t,.,.,f.d...d ..."""ofQ~ _ ... CIo,,,,,J.f.. EJ_dH .n1J.c.,,,.,...OIJ~.U,,H, ............ Thom~j Bw,han ''If.nKuJt~sl~grr
<fW"'''' '''''''J'''''''''~ Pr"" ]iIIB"'"tII
LCC.SM".''"''F''''''.C" ilofJc'''' ..... ''oN .....iwof Em .... L'...,,]<fO'-;.,; •• c .. " "," f ol. Wii" .. T' iI<'.c.p,,ij<C I95 5.U,,' .,
M •• s".ng L. Che ; Th oma, Maurc
7""''''~.'J",,,, ..'''''''''''''K ... P,,,,,
~.:.~';.;:.., "" _ n .s..nJ.qs.. .....,of .... G,... F.....,... _ T "... "..J .... "'_ • . T..'c.".;,rr.Ol_U".",......,;.. o/ JotlElowsky
Mi<!' .... IMonOJ
Ko"S/""c ;n G, ... il~i" W~.lq Ti"k
I$W<I-IJOJ.l ..'" Bu"i~ V.." D~ W<L/It
......... 1o .wU..... s..... of~ -. Ell
Ubr''I'oI"Coo" ... C..""",,,,.,,,.,,W,,..... O,,.
"'.... /,ji.,•.,n.-" c. OJ'" "a.o!"",.....A,H.<l COM P UTRR &- TE C H N I CAL SL' P PO RT
T"'~ ... 2)""--{A""""c;.""'" ,'''''''''"'''1'''' Si,'F''''-''''''' Mid,4.1Kipp"
l ..w".~~ .. ",.,,,,,,, ... ,,,.....
l$atlQ.UOl-, ..1",r"""'''''',.,..)
'.WIt. .".T. Mri----e-.__ ..... l. ' ....... of"'"""'.... AUM !"'STA. r , v~ ASS'STANTS
J.llrll<. N.T' '' ~ '''''1'"_",,.-H ''''''7-
Eorl]""' ...... u.~,_I.O".~C.R ..... Rob~rl4Kiskrr

=C"M~IJI~~ Collt~ " V.." O~ W4!!~



GENERAL I N T RO DU CTION · · · · · • xi

THIS COMMENTARy······ ;'( iii

AaBREVIATIONS.· · •• · xvii

INTR OD UCTION T O MARK·· · · · · xxi

COMMENTARy · · · · · · 1

THE EARLY EXEGE S IS OF MARK· · · · · · 25 7


AN D W R I TI N G S · · · · · · 261

A U iHORS/WRIT I NGS I N DE X · · · · · · 26 3

SUBJ ECT I NDEX ' • •••• 264

S CRIP T U RE INDEX·· · · · · 274


The Anci ent Chri"ian Commcnt ~ry on S'riptur~ h .... a.'I in goal th~ r~vitaliucion of Christian teachinf
bas~d on clanic.l Ch,ist ian exegesis, 'he intensified smdy of Scripmre by l"y persons who wish to

chink. with the early church .beUt .he canonical rex<. and .he uimuluion of Chri"i.. n historical.
biblical. theological an d pastoral s.:hobrs tow<lrd fi.mher inquiry intosniptural interpretation by
anciem Christian writus.
T he rime frame of fficsc documents spans seven cenrnciesof engcsis. from Ckment of Rome to John
ofOam.ucw, from rhe endofrhe NewTut:uncnrera ro 1..0. 750, including d~ Veneubk Bede.
Lay readers are ouki ng how they might study ucred u~rs under the inslfll('rion of Ihe gr~a[
minds of rhe anci~nt: church. This commentary has been in cenrion:illy prepared for a general lay
<ludienceofnonp rofessionals who study the Bible regula rly and who eun csdywishtohaveclassic
Chdsdan observation on [he ..,~{ readily ava ilable 10 Ihem. Th e ,eoics is targeted co anyone who W<lQts
rO reflect and meditate with che early ChllfCh about the plain sense. theologi cal wisdom and moral
A comment:uy dedicated (0 allowing ancienr Chrinian exegcces to s~ak. for thent.Jelvc.s will
refrain from th e tempu[ion to r,x.atcendle» lyuponconumporary<:ririci$m. R,a.her. it will ,tand ready
ro provide rutu.u resources from a distinguished history of exegesis which hu temain ed nuui\'Cly
inacceuible nd shockingly disregarded during the w. century. We ,eel<; <0 r=ke ~v"ilable to our
preunt-dayaudience.themulticultural.multilingual,transgen([ational oesourcesoftheeadyecu·
menicaIChristian <radition.
by che e~rlicr esteemed "adi[ion of Co mm. m, Largelyconv.rging on those wrirU$ that bcst reflected dassic
Christian consen.ual thinking. Preaching at the end of the seco nd millenniwn has revened th at pattern.
It has so forgot.en mOSt of these classic commenu that thty are vexing to find anywhere. much less in
con.-.:nientform. and even when l<>C:Ited rheyare nften av.aibbk only in archaic edicion s and inadequate
translations. The preached word in our time h» remained larg<:ly berdi: of p[eviouJl)' influential pann!ic
· '"
Th issericsprovide.thepoutor. exegeu, studentandlayrcadcrwithconven;ent means to See
wh at Arh;llusius or John Chrysonom a. the desert fHheu and mothers had to say a'oour a particular
text for preaching, for study and for medintion. There is an emerging awarenCU among Calholic.
Protcscam and Onhodox laity that vital bibJic;t.! pre.ching and spiritual formation needd •• pcr

groundingbcyondthescopeof.hehio.oricoal·ni •• coalorienruiorutha,have gove rned bi blical st udies
in Our day.
H ence.his wo,k is direcled toward a much broader audience rh "n Ihe highly techni ca! and
sp eci~lized Ic holarly fidd of parris,k studi •• • Th e "udience iI not limited to .he univer$iry scholar
concen trating on chestudyoflhe hi!loryofth e.n nsm inion of the leXI Or ro rh ose with highly focused
phil ological interem in cumal mo rphology or hisrorical·criricaJ tuues. T hough th,,$C are nuei"l Several furu r.,. have been iflcorpor;l.rcd irlro the design of thiscomm"",uy. T he following comment<
eon«rn. fOr.peciali ..., Chey He nOr th e puamount intc re" ofrhil le ries. arc in ren ded to aSl isr reade rs irl making fu ll use ofrhl, vol"me.

T hi. work is a Chrilt ian T almud. The Tilmud is" J"wish collection of rabb inic arguments and
PcrkOpelor S"tip!ure
CommenU On the Mish n"h, which epitomized rhe laws of th e T o .. h. Th" T almud originated in
"pp roxi~cely .he u rn" period thu the panuti( wrlren were commen ting On le>!!. of Ihe Ch ri.rian Thescriplural l CJ!.hubcendivickd in!op"rko?<,s. or pa..s nges, u.suallysevera! vtrse s in lengrh. Each
rradirion.Christians from the larc pat risric age through.he med ievalperio dhaddocum" ntsanoalogous of t he.e perkope5 i. given ~ headi ng which .ppears at Ihe begi nning of rhe pcricope. For eumple. the

to rhe Jewh Talmud:tnd ~·l idr:l.lh Oewish comment.:l.ies) availab!,,!o thcm in rhegl" u4"rdiM4ria and b"r one io -Mark 1:1·5, T he Beginning ofrhe Gospe l. - This headi ng is fo llowed by the Icriprur>.l
Carerla traditions. tWO forms of compiling cUraers of patristic exegesis. In T almudic f".hio rl rh e sacrt d pa.ss~ge qUO!ed in Ihe Re vised S '~ndMd V t raion ( RSV) >.CrOSl the fu Uwidth of the page. T he Scrip!ure

l exl of O"l$. i.m Snipru.e W2S Ihus clarified ~nd interpr"ted by ,he du"c co mmerlta!OrS. pa.nag~is provided for Ih~ convenience of reade rs, but it is >.1&0 intended to evoke r1~e mcd ievalglo,,"

Th e Ancient C hri sti~n Commtm"ryonSc r ipture h01.S venerable an!e(e.u ntsin medi"valexegesi~ orainaru.in which rhe ci tarioflS of the Fnhetl were arranged ao-ound the tu!of Scrip!ure.
ofbo.h eastern and w<:soern .ndil 'o ns,:u well ;lll in Ihe Reformation tradition. It offers for t he lirn
o..~r";cw ofArgument
time in th is (e rl'u ry !he url iest Christian commenrs arld reflectiofl' on the Old and New T e.o rame nrs
toamodernaudien(e. rn trin.icall)" an .cum .ni c~pr ojeCl,rh i ls e ricsis des ignedro serveP ro! esr;l.nt, Fo!Jowirlg eachp ericopeof Markantexr is aove rvi cwparagraph ofrhecOre argument.h>.r nuy be
Catholic an d Orth odox lay. ~coroal and K hob rly audiences . rr",ed rhroughrhe ancienlChri.s,iancommerluttorS. The formatofthiloverview will vary from volume

In cases where Greek, Latin. Srri.c and Cop.i c teUS have remained untranSlaled inlo lirlglish, !ovo!ume oflhi sserics,depcending on therequiremen"oftht sp"tifi~bookofScrip rure.

w e provide new Inrula,ions. Wherever CUrrent English Ir;mslatioD$ arc ak=d.y well t endered, they The furlction of Ihe overview i, ro provide a b rief summary of all rhe COmme nt. to follow. It

will be utilized. b",r if necena ry rheir language will be broughr ~p ro da te. We seek to p re5erll fresh .racks a rea.o nably cohesive rhread of argumenl among palr"tic commerl!S, even [hough they are
dy namic equi valency uanslarions oflong'rleg!ecrcd IUls ",hichhisloricoally h;l. vebttn regarded as .urived from diverl-( so" rees an d gerlerario ns. T hus the l um maries do not proceed ch ron olOgically o.
aurhorirarive modelsofbi blical im erpre<alion. by vers e sequencc. Rather thcy setk 10 rehears.c rhe overaU courseofrht paeristie Commenl on , ho,
Theu founclarional 10urcCS art finding chei t way into many publie libtariesan d inrotheco re
bookco lleclio n,efmanypas rors arld layptr50n • . lt iso uri", enrarld lh c p .. blish er"s commitment t o We are not auumirlg ,hal the comm"nca,or. ,hemulvcs an ticipated Or expre'sed a formally
keep the whole series in print for many years to come. received cohesive ...gumen., b" t ra th er rh>.t , he various arguments rend 10 Row in a pl .. ".ible,
recogniublep.a rtcrn. Modernrudtts.url .h usgli mps<:aspccrsofeontirlu ity in .he Rowofdiverlt
ex~getical tradition •.
Thomas C. Oden
Gene ral Editor
Topical Hcadinp
Mark is a fas!.moving <U.rtarive. and thcreis an aburldancc of highly varied patrisric co mm enr On each
episode. Fo r thil reaso nwchanbrokenthe pcerico pe5 inloropicoalsectiorur htfrequenrlydividcve.~
into two or mOre paru. The section. in tUrn have top ical headings that 5 um mari ~e the e'5(na of the
parri"ic commen rary that fe llow •. This fca rure pTovides a bridge by which moder n re...ders Can enler
into the heart of the patri stic Commen •.

:Ki t xiii

Iden.ify'ns·hcP"u-'sticTu" ,on tnt ofc~<h rext un be further invenigated by rhe ;ntueSled re.der,3nd (6) the printed lexts .1 1'
Following .he .0pic~1 heading of ~."h s((lion of commen' .he n~me of .h~ patri$ti~ ~omm(nUlOr i. fJr more up, n.;vc ~nddifficulllO find in a.ingle location, since roprovide rhem all in one p!". ,
given. A [.ansiation of rhe pa"i«ic ~o'nmcnt is th en given, This i. imm edi~tdy followed by the title rcqu;reIJtlexallenrrcsearch lib rary .
of the patri. tic work ~nd ,hen the I"Km,,1 ,derence. A foot note numbe r dire.:" readers [0 che nore. S"mc re~d.r~ will have better a"CSI . however, '" t he Migne series Th~n to ~h e ""mpu,."
at the bOHomofth e , ight -h. ndcolumn. In ch e foomote. we have give nthc Engli.hcditi.:.n(s) of'the d~tJbJ~'s. Tbey can find the G reek refercnce5 by fo llOWing rhe English or Tl G p~ge or .eni,,·,
tex .. andf", where [h e texts m~y be found in . unda rd edition. of th e originab (a key to Ihe rd~ren,e. We nave h~nd·.euched the pap er edition. of th e Migne Pa rro logi~ Graec~ (PG) WhereH '
~bbreviali on. is pr",vi ded on pages xvii·xix). needed ro lupplement TLG. If one wishes to lee whe re a particular teKt is found in the Mig :><
Pa«ologia Larina(PL),onecan find the t h e PL referenceby tracking it from eirherche English chapte,.
Th., Tunsluions secnon or page refere tlces, or from .hedigi[al refercna in me Cercdoc, or by runn ing a search in (h,·
W hu e Greek.. u tin and Syriae I(K[$ have remained untransb.oo into English. we provide new Ch~d"'Y(k Htaly Purologia l anna (Migne) database. Those wh o are nor prepared ro work in Greek
nan.la. ion •. Wherner current English cransluions are alrudy well rendered, t hey are utiliud, bUI or utin can still make use of Ihe TIG and Cecedoe referenc .... in order TO loc~ce the Migne .. olom~
where nece.ssarytheY3resty lisrically updaced. A single asterisk(') indicun Ihal a previous Engli.h and column numbers. Or rhe ch~pter and section numbers that Can be found in most uses in Engli'"
rran.lation has been updo.!ed (0 m"dern English Or amended fo r easie r re ading.Thedoubleasterisk tramlalion. Regrettably, in .ome c.... es the TLG or Ceredoc reference does not correspond precisel.\'
(.. ) indicates either Ihata neW crandationhu been provided or rha r.ome extanr"an, l..ionnllbeen co th e English cranslationwith regard to book"ha pterand.eCli"n reference•. Thil is sC)melimes du e
signifi ca ntly amend~d. We have sundudized spellings and made gram muical v~riab les uniform so to anomalies in the various edit ions of ch e G reek and Latin teKt s and sometimes due to anomal ies ill
th atourEnglis hreferences wi ll not re fl""tth foddJp dlingvari~b lesof theolderEngli ,h t,ansblio n •. rheEnglishtranslalion's&cetiondi vi l ions. W e have tried ",providesuffidenr ,eferenoe on u ch
For ease of ,uding we have in.ome ",.seS ediced Out superfluousconjun crions. se lection for general readers who arc not specialists so they c~ n loeate the English IUI in ,ransbli""
Each lelc-Clion i. refc.-enced finr by iu tide. book an d ch.aprer number (~ nd s"bch.pf~r where Or in sevcral rran$lHions ;n some USC$, and for specialists so [hey can find che text in iQ; original
necenary), .nd then fooCllmed by an abbrevi~[cd o. full cituion (norm~lly ciring rhe book.. volume JanguageiR iumostreli.rnleschol:"iy~ndcriricJ.!cdition.

and page number) either in English orin ill original soura or series. In SOme nus rhefootnore There are several digits rhar make up the T l G and Cctedoc references. TLG cituions nonnall),
indicalU the location of other n anslarion. or purine-m additional SoUrCes. In cau. where more than follow lhi.s p~1te rn: a fir~1 series of digits gives rhe T LG aurhor number (fou r digi,,) followed by title
one e"iatinglr.ns1at io" issuirabl~,wehaveindicatedourorderofp reference. In cases where there i. number (three digits); asecondserics of digits gives t hevolll me number, page !IlImber and line numb<:r
ny serious ambiguity or texlua! problem in the Iclectio". i,hasb ccn scru""izedinrelationlo l heb<:sr (this i. always che Clle if the .election is from Mignc PG; if nOt from Migne. the order may vary; in
available rextual cradirio". 'onlecasesit ;srirle, book, chapter, section and lin e) . Thus aT LG r~fcrel\ ce to aparricll lar text in
Th e T hesaurus Linguae Graceae (TLG) is [he Greek comp uler darabase for mo.. oF-he Greek Buil', Co rnrn rMMJ o~ the Proph u lI"j,,~ reads: TLG 2040.009.
texts we haH used.lr is availab le on CD· ROM disks fto m the U nive t~ity ofCalifortliall Irvine. The The Cetedoc series of numbers refers fir't (0 the title of the w"rk (no aurhor number) as """rded
Centre cl.!: Textcs el Documents (Cctedoc. lomedmes noted as CLCL T) i. the Latin [ompu ler in the Sr:vlda~ (Clavis Pattum) edition of pnristi<: tid". . followed by the second series of digits which
datablle, availabkon CD·Rom disks from the BrepoLs Press in Tumhout. Belgium. TLG and Celedoc refen eithertoaermon,episrk,homilyorbooknumber. This ismen foIlowcdbythesmnvolumenumbcr
arc frequen. references in .his edirion. Borh ,he novice rcader and th~ s?"cialisr need '0 undersrand ( .... hether From Migne, Sou"",, o,":'ienncs. Corpus Chrisrianorum or Corpus Scriprorum Ecdcsi.a.sti-
howthescreferencesarcid enrificdand ut<1ized.Bo!hTLG andCetedocarevasrdigi.a1darabasc.sthat corum liIdnorum), followed eirherby ,he column or the p"g<' number. and men rhe line number(.). Th""
m:Ute available the mo.. rdiable cri(i<al tur in the Gre~k or Larin original. ~ ~cedoc reference ro a p"rticuJu text in Augustine's Tr«talC 0" Joh" rcad$: Cetedoc 0278, S.'.25.
We have referenced TLG and Cc(cdoc more often than fI,·l igne or orher prinred Greek or urin
SOurces beca use (I) th~ lexrs are more easily avail~b le in a single location, (1) the texu arc mor e reliable
and in a h.!lIer critical edilion. (3) we believe that in IhefuI<.I(t Ihe sedigira l texts will be f.. r more
widely a"essedbolhbynov icesand.puiaJis ~s .(4)silorc s electiotl.can be ea.i ly downlo.ded. (S) Ihe


ACes T. C. Od~", ~d. A"ci...,. Chri,';." Commen.ary On Scrip.u.~. DowM<S Grove, JU~ I n'~rVI<siry
AC W J. Qu..... n et al., ed. Anc ien . Ch,i"i~n Wri •••" Th. Worly of th. Fa,he " in Translation.
SS voh. Ne,.. York: Newman, I~ ·.

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XI/iii x ix
INTll,O~UCTl o NToM""K


This in tro duc tion is mUnt to prep~ re the w;.y for readers to explore Mark through th e eyes of the
~ncient Ch".[i~n writers . Ou r first u . k i. tc. enmine Marhn authonhip a' viewed by hi. euli.,r
iroterpreten. Nut Wc will uplore the unique ~nd honorcd ItUlU of ~brk among u dieSt ap<K.olic
rerts. Finally we will acco un t for Ou r specific method of invc.stigation intO ea.ly interpruen of Muk.
T hen we will di,cuss mDdern problems in reading the fu her ••

How Early Ch.isdan Wdto .. Viewed the Authorship ofM~.k

Our purpou here is nO' to establi.h th e Petrine fountain of M ... k· .. G o.pd on rh . b.... i, of a crirical
evaiu.uion of (he hisrorical evidence. Rather, mOre modestly, wc are asking how the u rly ch urch
rusoned and wh at it cOMensually concluded about the aurhorship and al.lthority of Mark on the buis
ofa!lrheevidence thcyhad . v:Lilab le.This i,anu "derlyingptemiseof this wholc"scries: We are nOt
here erying to correcr the ande"t Christian wd'e" from the viewpoint of modern hiuo.i,,] cri.e tia,
but rather to /i.ltn to them .cuon Out of their own premi&es 0" &uch questions;u the aut honhip of
Th e early chu...:h widely regarded the author of Matk's Go~ p el as the ~uthentic vo ice and
inrerp.etcr of Peter. T hi. view w;u euly ual ed, largely I.Incontrovened during the early Christian
cen tu ries and ecumenically received by the church. The primary rurual eviden" for this viewpoinr is
strong and ancient, as we wi!l.how.
The earliest evidence of Mukan allthorship is set forth by Pap ia, (c. 60-00), ,h ... bishop of
Hieropelis in Ph rygia, in Ihe vicinity of the New Testament churches ofColol ...... and l:aodicu, Wc
findrh is te"imony in a pri mitive Ch ri.rian fragmentp. eservcd by Eu.ebiu",
Sut now wemusr add co the word.<ofhis (Papiu ] which wehavealr~dy quoted r)" rrad ;!iQn whi,h
he gi_r, jn Trg"'" r~ M ...k, rheautl>or ofdle G ospcl ,. is in the foUowingwords.: "This aI&oJohn
the Presbyrer' .:Lid: Mark. h~ving become .he int trp r tltf of Pr"', wrOte down :Kcur~rdy, though
nO( ;n~ in o<der, whatoverhe remembered of the things .:Lid or done by Ch.;<t. Forh e neit her
heard the L.ord noraccompaniedhim,bl.lt.afte~td, .u l..aid, he was in company with Peter, who
used m offet tcachingu neccs.sityde=ded,b ... twith no inrenrion of giving a conncctC"d:OCCOURt
of the La,,:!,. discourses. So Mark committed no errOr in thus wri .ing SOme single poims u he
remembered ,hem. Fo. upon one thing h" fi.o<ed his . [[encion: co [cave out nothing of ",-h.t he had

' EUkbiu.o 'h o~gh tth .. P.pi .. di"iniui.l>.d b<, .... <n '_J~~"'" Fi, ... ,h"po<rl,who;' nurnb< .. d.,.>oog""".po>«t ..
wh"", witn ... bdonvd ". "" p..u. >od wO< ,d •• od by rh.,;, ~ • ...., ... , ch, _~d " ,all«l p... by.er aM • di><ipl. of m.
Lo.dlik'A""ion,,..i>o ...... ifn' ... , .u,gi.. n in p""on' (P'pi .. S, EF.C449).

he:lrd and to nuh no f2lu. IIatemeT\tS in rhcm.~ ( Fr:lgmen ts of P~pi;l.S, from EUlIwius CH 3.19)' of the Go.pd •• in the following manner; "The Gospel.! containing the gen ealogies. he uys, were
Papi .. is remem bered by lronaeu... Ha man of primidve age, • hearer of John , a comp"n ,on of writt en first. The G ospel accotding to Mark had this occasion. As Perer had preached .he W ord
Polycarp. "' Born around A. D. 60 (.bout the lime Paul tlrst pruched in Rome). Papi.as was qui.e publicly at Rome, and d"dared the Gospel by the S pirir, many who were present rcq"~ted that
possibly a con.emporary of John. In any CHe he had rhe privilege of hearing at lcu~ ~he s.,ond Mark, who had fol!owc d him for alo ng [;me and reme mbered well whal he had .aid, should
genera rion andpo .. ,bly the firsr generation ofapo.ro lic pruching. an dp ...uedon th e Johanninr wrile ,hem OUI. And ha~ing composed the Gospel ht gave it 10 (hose who had requ~led it.
tuditionlhalhehadrcce ivecLPapw livcdina regionwherelhego.spelt[aditionnou,uhoedquiteurly. When Peter leuned of .his, he neither directly hindered nor encouraged ir. ~ (Fragmen ts of
a.s is evident from r aur. mis.<ion ary itinerary reported in Acu 16:6 and 18:23.' And we read of person., Clement. Eusebius CH ei.14.S.7)"
from Phrygia beingpresen( inJcrwalemon the dayofPentecoS! (Acts 2;10). Papias undu stoodhimsclf Far from Phrygia (Papias), A[eund"a ( Clement) an d Caesar.,. (Eusebtu.). rhe .econd-<enrury
10 ~ simply pauing along a [radirion already s.olidl y u lablished. T here is no evidence to suggest that rraditi on in . ou thern G aul abo ut Muk waJ si milarly toca lled by lrenaeus (c. 11 5·202). H e .115 0

Papiu was reco nfiguring rhetrad.irionor in venrivcly reshaping it. taught t hat rhemol< ancientguardi.ns of,he canonical lrad i,ionval ued Mark as rhe disc iple and
This urlieu Ph rygian tradilion a!tuu to five key points of ancienllr adi l ion reguding M~rkan in rerprert r of Peter. • nd t hat he recorded his Gospel "fUr Peter's death.' Irenaeu.·s testimony
auth orship: should be understood in rhe light of hi. ch ~ris hed remembrance of Pol ycarp, who him.elf had
o MukinrerpreredPeter.ccurately been directly acq"",inted wI. h 'he apostle Jo hn and thus med iued the [[adition of the first
o Pern wu Mark's chid access ro the recoHections ofJelu.!. gencrarion after the apon!es. Iren.eus left a wrirren record ofrhe S myrnean rraditio n he had
o M. rkdidnorrecordt h etradition~inorderH received abo llt Mark's identity. The te rms echo the traditions of Phrygia and Alua ndria, as we
o Peler pruennd the Lord's luch ing as the situarion demanded, but wirh no inlention of giving a read Iherccord in Eweb ius:
connetted aUo unl of ~he Lord', discoursu Since, in the beginningofthi. work,. wc promised to gi~e, when needfu l. the words of the ancien!
o Norhing crudal wu di.uorted or omitced presbyters and writers of the church, in which they have decure<! those 'l1Idition. which came
Within decadcs after t he duth ofPapiu, Clement of Alcundria (c. 150·215) is found in an down to them concerning ,he c~nonical books, ;>nd sin ce Iren acus WH one of them, We will nOw
entirely differen r Io<:ale, in Egypt, reconfirming rh e tradi.';on th. r M .. k wa.. ,h e rdi. ble in terpre'er of give hi, words and. first, what he ~ys of the sacred Gospels: "Matthew published hi. GOSpel
,h e nan~tive of the Lord attested by Peter, T he im plication is t h.. the tradition of the tarliut among the H ebrew. in their own language. while Peter and Paul were prC.lching and foundin g
prC$byte r. of Alexandria known to Clement .ssum ed rha' Mark h~d been , ss o<:iatcd with Pe ter over the church in Rome. Aft.er t heir depa rrure M ark, tIle di. ciple and in,erpret er of Peter, also
along period of time, that Peter was .w.Ut th.t Mark had wrirte n down Pete r S narr ative , and thal tt>lUm itced to U, in wri ring thou Ihings which Pere. had p.cached. H (F.agments of Irenacw,
Pet er had no objection to h is doing so. a1rhough Peter did nor directly promote Or prompr if. Mark i. Euscbiw C H 5.8)'
po rtrayed as res ponding ro Ihe requests of many bclievn~ to wri ' e OUt Peter's widely re"osn i2ed and Origen (c. 185·c. 254), who had wide fir .. hand lequalnrance with the Palestinian, Alexand rian and
authoritarive public teaching about Ch,u, while Peter w .... at Romc. Roman tradi tioru , also confirmed this assumpt ion tint Mark reliably wrOte according to Pnef's
These luumption. were in place a.s an established, received tradir;on in Alexandria. T here it gos pel, and Origen believe d that Pet et hi m.elf had in$llucted M~ rk to write it. Thue ..ad itions,
w as steadily held Ih.! Mark h.ui preached in Egypt and founded Ihe African church in Aleundria accord ing (0 Orig~n, assumed rhat M~ rk was t h e same individua l commended by t he apostle in
(ElUebius CH 2.16. 24). He..., ate the wofd. ofClemenr as recited by Eusebius: 1 Pe te r 5:13 .. ~my s.on . ~

Again, in the same books , Clement give. the [[.ditio n of th e u rliesr pres byter5,' as to the ordu Am ong the four Gospds, which are the only indispur~ble ones in rhe church of God unde r
heaven. I ha.".. lear","", by ..adition that the first wa.s wrinen by Marthew. who was onCe.
'NPNF 2 H n·?J' . iull".dded (d. Ki"opp w. tr.ru]"lon, f.""." TO. E,d",,, ,,,oI H i".,)" (LeL lSJ C.m~d! •. public3n. bUI afterwards ~n apostl e of Jesus C hri«, arid ir W a.! prep .. red for rhe con V"". from
M..... , H., ..,d Uni •• "i<y P ..... 1926) 1,297;w..ANF US4).
'AI.;." H.m;', s.n.-I.
"'Tt.. ...tiqui'l'0fPt.l}'IionChrUrio.nity .. <Vid<<><o>d ' n. Mkby Eu~'"'' CH 8.u...ho .<p<>«<4 ,ha< .....Ir" ,h, t'm< "r-,"P"F11 ,26I. d. CH2}<1
.~r:::,}:::~:.h'"' ''''''' oily in Ph,yti' in whi,h 'v.,.,. .",,1 w., Ch"",,". 'L'«nHr.h ;'d<?""~,, .
":--!PNf 2 1,222.

x;cii xxiii

judais n., and publish ed in th e Hebrew bngu~ge. Th. ,e,ond is by Mark, who compo",d jt of !elSer ch~racter, and have Ic..cr confide nce in ,hose of grcuer characte r. And th at would
auurding to the in. [[ ,,,,;ons of Pete r, who in his Catho lic ep isde aclmowle dg~s him ;U a son, clearly be tendentiou • . How could it be th~lt h,u would f~lsify the aCCO unt of his dearh~ What
uyi ng. "The chutch that is ar B:tbylo n' elected together with you, u.!u,,,, you, and sodoe, /l.hrk, would be their motive in writing down deed. he never did, Wore all the.e rhings and everything
my lOll." (Fragments of O';gen, Eusebi u. CH 6.25.4_5)'0 like them in the Go.pels mcrdy drumed up by rounrnfeit discipl.., Or take another tw isted
T hus by an uuaordinary coalesecn,. of diver,.., t est imony from wi&ly diverse a,e ..... s wc have reliable hypothuis, tharwt$houlddisrrust the more glonous and lofty part. ofrhe repon, yet credit
teKru..t1 evidence thac the second and chird genera(ion ofCh, i"ian t ea cherl vicwcd Mark as echoing on ly t he ordinary parts ofrhe report IJ Ituchful! How rouldrhcydo 50 anddoub tthesec.mdid
the n~rrative vo ice of Peter. ,"por<sofignom iniou.urion.! Howcould rheyrea$On.bly support.u.chan unreasonab le typ e
of select ivi ty! To uy that th e same witne •• e. spoke the truth and at the same time lied is to
F,omEu$Ob;ulroAugunine predict contrarin about rhe u me people at the ume time, They report his hands and feet being
T he Palestinian tradi(ioll a'gued 'p"cifically for the rru.[wonhiness of Mark·. transmiuion of P ete r . piuced, hi.beinggiven vinegar todrink, u ruckonrhe <he ekwitharced,and reviled by those
gospeL Eusebius of Caeurea (c. 263-0::_ 339), who had acCe" to rhe best library in Pale"i ne, thought who looked upon him. Were these rhingsand all else like them in the GO$pdssimply by dubious
thu there was sufficient internal evidence in the te.1([ of Mark's Gospel t o confirm Mark's reliability: wl tllcssu-the insults and blows 10 his faO', the sOJurging of his back, the crown of acanthus
M ark write. thus, and through him Peter bean w itness, for t he whole of Mark is said re be a seron h is h eldinade meaningway,andfinally hi.carryingofhisowncrO$s, and hi. being nailc.:!
record of Per er's reach ing. Note how scrupulously the discip le. refu sedto record tho.e thing. to it! If i, was t heir aim re deceive, and to adorn t heir master with fabe word., they would n ever
that might have given rh e imprU$ion of ,h eir fam e. Not~ how they hand ed down in writing have wri llcn th ese demeaning acCOunts of hi. pain and agony,tharh e WHdislurbedrnspitit,
numerous sl:Lf1de.. ~gainst themselves <0 unforgetting agu, and accusarion. of sins, whi~h no and rhat t hey t hem.e!ve, furso okhimandfled,orth'll Petcr the apost! ea nddisciplewhowas
o nc in IOlrtr yurs would ever have known about u nlen hear ing it in the;, Own voice. By thus ch ief of them all. cknicd him three timu, unless they had an exnaordinarily high stand.:i rd of
honutly repon ing their own faulrs, ir is rtaso nable 10 view them as relatively void of Wst truth-teliing. ( EU$CbiusPOG3.S,italiuaddcd)"
speaking and egoism. Th i5 h~bit gives plain and dea r proof of rheir truth,loving dispo&it ion, As Euscbius thought he had goodcause to conclude that Mark was "<I writeen monument ofche doctrine
for mose who imagin e ,he disciples inve nted and lied, and slandered rhem$Clve. as de<:.ivers, which had been (by Pete r] orally communi",,,d ", {hem" (POG 3.;)." Accordingly, Mark·, GOlpd
oughtsuchcriticsnortobeco mea laughing'st""kITheythereby~onvict th emselves Llready as early and',eadily rceeived ecum enic.>.! sanction ro speak with apostolic au thoriry.oucoberud in
accomp lices of envy and malice , as enemi es of .. uth ,teUing itself. For ,hey demean those who Lord·. Day.ervi cea in the church es everywhere.
have .a.lready .~hibit.d in their o wn lives credible proof of their integrity, whose a bsolutely A rr~diti"n.o widely d.is"'min~ted as Rome, Pales tine, Ant;o<:h, Ccnu:mtinople, Glou l, Ph rygia
sincerecharacrer:Lfld trustworthine" .hinu through their very words. Munwh ile lh ei r denac- and Alexandria could hardly h.. ve been easily invcnled or suh$cquendy b bricared, lt uun likelythat
10(1 imagine thar (he Evangelists arc rascals and clever sophists who merely fantuized t h ings Ckment in Aleu ndria w:u relying on P~piu in Phrygi2,. Or that Ircnaeus in Gaul "'"as relying On ,he
that nevet t ook place. How could believers of s uch character ucribe falsely 10 their own Lord Alex.and.w. <nldition, Rarhee these tt3dition$ were more likooly widely separared, and perhaps
things he never did! This il why I think it hu been rightly said ,h~r "On. mu5t pu t c()mplere indepcndenttradition. reponingthe .ameviewof,h,authorshipofMlrkudi re<:t1ydcpcnd.nton
confidence in rh. d isciples of Jesus, or none at all." For ifwr a" to ailtrusr th oSt ~fs",h the preaching of Peter. Arhan ..,ius wrOte: "M ark the Go'pel wri,er ..• u,es ,he "'-me voice (as Perer
u"iml'ea,hab Je ,h",,,",,, we reasona bly m~ " "ho aiHruH all "",ie"t wrjr t" on tl, . same did in hi. confession ofJe, u. a. M eu iahJ, sptaki ng in harmony with the ble.sed Pet e r" (Sermon On
pri~(iplr. Wc must disrrust any who ~l any time have compiled, .irher in Greece or anywhere, riot N~tivilJ ~fCh"'st, 28)."
livC&and historics and records ofp"fSons of their Own timcs. celebrating thei r noble achieve· H e nCf the re is lirtle doubt that a general ecumeni(.>.! consen$U$ csisted on Markan authorship
men". Otherwise we would be considering i( as reasonable to have greater confidence in rhose qui<eearly,poniblyin Ihefinrcenruryamonglhecl&rsofAleundru and Ph rygia, .. nddoubrlq.in

'P",b.b ly R.~",<. b ~t;t,h""ld.bo""m.mbo<red rl.... rh . ancient ,hu,d..;n.n< old city of Cairo ",a. in. f.rt"" " .. "P'OGl4().41·.
" llode.by l." "POG141.
" NP:-;F21,27). ''TLG 20)$ .DIl9.2a.968.17.


.h. udy ' econd ceMucy in Asia, and soon .hccuf.. r in mOSt other places. t hemselves in their own .imu ~s person.< ofrhe ch~ra"'~r which wowd indu€<' rhe church 10 yidd
The phj]ologic~l1y adept and .ut... l1y critical ~ti n writer Jerome, who was widdy acqU.3in.ed .hemits confidcncc,andtoadmillhcir compositionIIOthelcvclofc:anonicalauthori<yofholy"";r.
with the cradicions of Rome, Dalmatia. Gaul, Antio,h, Constntinoplc and P~lesrine, thought the These$purious ac.:ouna w.... wfi(rcnbypttsons whocouldma.. no legirinur~ claim .ob.: CTMirM
anci en. consensus wu den and ,,:>nfi,mabl e thu in(hcirnarration • . ln adec~icfUlmann" rtheyintroduced intotheir writingcetlainm.:ltterJ which

Matk the discip le and inte.p.ece. of Peter wrOl. as hot. Gospdat th c requesrof.h ebrerhren a,cconde mneda.onccbythcca. holicand aposrolicwlcoffai,h, andby ,ounddoc<rin~ ...• Butthe
at Rome embodyi ng what h. had heard Perer lell. When P eler had heard .his, he approved i. f.lcr i.tharjuslas [thesc roUt J each received Ihe giftofiMpiration. th<!yabsrai nedfromaddinglo
and publl3hed it to rhe churches.o be rud by hisauthoriry, as Clement in the sixth book of his Ihcir va.ious narrarives any superfluous or syn.he,ized. compositions. For Manh ew"understood
H ypo<yposu, and Papi u, bishop of H iera poHs, record. Peter also ment ions . h is Mark in hi s ro have t:lken il in hand to OOMtrun me ",rord of the incarnarion oft he Lorda<ccordingro rheroral
first epistle, figuratively in dicuing Rome under che name af Babylon: "She who i. in Babylon lineage, and to give an acCOllnt of a grea. deal dhis deeds and wo rds as they <rood in celarionto rhis
elec•• ogelhe. with you ,aIlIrcs yOll and so do es M ~rk my son ." So, r~ing .he Go.pt! which he present li fe of men. M~rk fo llo ws him closely. and looks lik. his " ..oc:iar. and epitomize •. For in
himulfcomposed, he wen r to Egypt and first preaching Chri.. ar Alenndr ia he formed a church Mark·snarrativc hegivtsnothing inconc ..... withJohn ap"rtfromth.othe ... ... Takenbyhimsc:If.
w admirable in docrrine and continence of living Ihat hecon. nained ill followersofCh,i...o Muk ~ rebtively little exclusi vely to ",cord, and crun in conjunction wi.h Luke own kss. In
Ihis example. Philo, most lurned of rheJews, suing rhe firs. , hu"h ~I Alellnd ria" sriJIJcwi .h concurrence with M anhew, Mukh.asagrcatct'numberofpas~.Frequendyhe narratesinwo<d<

in a degree, wrOte a book on thei, manner or life u somerhing c. ediClb le to his nnion teHing almost num..-n.::tlly andiden cically me """"", tholeuscdby Matthew. (H~r",o~J oflhe Ga'p.l< 1.2 )"
how, u Luke u y., the bcli ever& h~d all.hings in co mmon at J erusalem, so he recorded whal he Wc hav" alrudy seen Euscbiul relace rhe restimon y of C l,m~n' that M ark was Ih~ fi rsl to esrablish
s.aw was d one ar Alexandria. unde, th e learned Ma.k. He died in rhe eigh.h year of Nero and rhech urch in Alexandria. " H e furthnconfirrru th is Ir>.dition:
was buried at Alexandria, Annianussucceeding him. (Li~tI oJlllwllriowl Me", 8)" And they u y .ha. [h is Ma. k was . he fi rst Ihar w .... ,cn. '0 Egypt, and .ha. he proc:bimed the
Jerome notonlyacceptedtheeariy tradition that Muk was PCle.·sdisciple and interpreter, but fu"her Gospel which he had w riteen and fi ... established churches in Alexandria, And rhe mulrirude
argued, beyond Cle ment, Ihar Peter had inspected and ap proved M ark 's report, and thar Mark took ofbd ievers, bo .h mcn and women, rha. Were coHeered rh~re at the ve ry ourlet, and lived lives
Peter"s go. pel co Alerandria anddiedthereas first bi. hop ofAleundri a. EIsewh ereJer ome go es so far of rh e mOSt phi lo sophical and ext reme asceti,i,m, w"s so great, th at Philo th ough~ ic wo r(h·
as to .... cr ibe the Go.pe l of Mark euenrially 10 Perer (Liv" of III"'I,iOWl M, n, 1)." while .0 du'r ibc .heir pursui u , their m ~~t ings , t heir en.~rrainmenu, and . ht; r wh ole m~nn~r

Thus by the time of Augustine (3S4-430) it had become a long·. canding ecumeni~ eradi.ion oflife.(Eus.:bi us C H ,2. 16)'·
(.httt ,.nrur i., old) that the Holy Spi.it h~d supcrviJro rhe accurat e transmission of the gospel 1 Bur did Philo actually meet Perer in Rome Or regard Mark as the disciple of Peter in AlcUMrla!
tradition from the eyewirneu .poltles to the <ottscnting ch urch .hrough Mark and Luke who ACLo rding rO a highly questionable but nonetheless intriguingrradi.i onrepo ..edbyJ erome:
credibly received aCCoun " with which th ey had beco me acquainted in a rrus.worthy mannec They say that unde, C."ills CaliguI~ he [PhiloJ venrured '0 Rome, wh ere he had been scm :IS lega.e
thro ugh che instrumen.al ity of .CllIaI followe<5 of the Lo,d as he man ifeSted h im.elfin che fle.h, of his narion, and that when a second lime he had ~Ome 10 Cl.udiw , hc spoke in rhe umt ~ity with
and lived in the comp.my of those disciples who werearrcndinghim. Divine providence, th rough Ihe apostle Peter and enjoyed his fricnckhip, and for this reason also adotnoo rhe ~dhe",nts oft-obrle,
the agency of .he Hol y Spiric, has ra\u,n e>re .ha. they who were intimate ass",i~tes of the firse P"tCrs disciple at A[exandr~ with his praises.. (U"", of m~" rio" , M c.. , 11):>1
apo.desshollldbc g;ven authoritytopreachthegospc l,and al.orocompo .., an accounC ofit in Jerome nuy have confused Phi!o's co n,menda.ion of the ThcrapWIU at Ale~andria with early Ch ,i.. i""
writing. Ap>.rt from these four Evangelist., alllh o~e orhu individual, who have atte mpted or co mmuni'; "s. Philo (c . 20 !l.C.·A ,D. 50) was .rill alive in A.D. 41. Eusebills (260·339 ) had fant:l.!ie~ Ih a•• he
dared to offer a wri«en record of.he aCts of the Lord o. the apostles, failed 10 ~ommend Jcwish ascelics de5cribed in Philo', COllw"plali", Life, Ihe Thetapo:ucae. were Chri<.i~n groups." Whil~

"J«- "",do .M .....0""""" ».Iumptio~ dut PMo wu ",r"",ng ro Chri.""" "'" J~... "h. ""m<rWniria. lIu, du. <om< of "NPNF I6,n.7S·.
<~J~com"mniri.. w«<inv'';'''''''>C''4f"""";onb> ...."do,,i><i>ni<ri>I<kcly. ~~~"1~~~~r;:.mtr. ift Du.- .itw, In.1( Mw.
"N PNFlM6",
" NPNf l l ,J6 I, ·Th.n roo ,h< GO'p<I .",."ding <0 M"k. who "'''' hi, [P,,«', j dis.: ipl • •nd in«,p"''', i. .. <rib<d <0 him "KP~F 2J,16S
[P",<l ' "E".. b;"''''tir.. th .. Ph; lo·h .. 'h~,o .. y.b<>" ''h<'hu'''h'';'''''''''lofAJ<nnJ ,i.j, 'l n ... ." hoLl<. ,h .... i, .holy

xx vi xxviI
I"'T"OOUCT 'O"'TQM~,,)(

Philo w:u doubtkl. de.cribin g, J Jewi,h (ommuni<y in AI«~ndri.>. Euuoius md Je rome ,hough! he 9)." No Gospel wu urli~r or mO re dea rly Or cons"n.ually <eceiv~ as d~sign aleJ for u~ in publi o
W;I$ d6cribing ,he church in AI. ~atldria. of whkh Mark. according 10 Iromi,;on, W;l.S ,he lOund~r. wor,h iplhan:\-lark.
We ~r. h• ..., "}fing <0 esraoL.<h Whlt the an cient (On.ensuallradition con5idered f.l.cm.u concerning Allglllrin~ m3inl~ined Ih~[ ."" ark. who wu not one of ,he Twelv~, w~s cho sen by Ihe Hol y
rhe aurhorship ofM ..k. Th •• pe..-uI~riOl\ll about Philo arc le<.< crucUJ to letde hcre ,han that cl'e Paleuinw. Sp iril. like Luke. 10 demon .,,;>;te Ihat Ihe founl~ i n of grac .. h ad nOr dr ied up wilh th e twelve
•• adi tio n ,eg'lrCkd a highly honored and independcnt source, Ph~o,;uconfirmingrhe already-existing ~po.cks. "Th. H o ly Spirit willed co ch oo ... for ,he wriling of Ihe G ospel IWO f:Vbrk and Luhl
ecumenic.u tTadi,ion conc.ming the rcUabili,y of Mark. Thu. b,err...,! •• which , .. Heer 19rowing tendency who were nOI ev~n frolll ,hose who m~d~ up th~ T welve. so Iha! i l might ,,01 b.. rhought that che
10 ;u.simib,e Philo into proro·Chruwn pieI)', mer.!y lay th~t Philo menrioned an .u«nc group, chat 'hi' g r ~ce of ~ vangel iz;l;,ion had come only rO Ihe apo .d ~ s an d chat in th em ,hc fOllnla,n of grace had
d(i~d up· (Serm on 239.1).1>
Ancien t traditio n preserved in Ma,IJ,dom of P<lul ""d Pt/a agr ...., with the reckoning of Did Mark write in Hebrew! So t ho ught John Ch rysoSlom who, in ~rguing thal M.nhew
J erom .." in placing r he de"h of M>rk in Alexand ria in abouc Ihe year 62: · Wh en Nuo w.:lS in the I · composed hi s G ospel in the language of the Hebrew • •" add"d: "And Mark '00, in Egypl, is uid
eighth ynr of his reign, Ann~nus sllcceeded Mark the ev~ngdisl in Ihe adminiura'ion of the pari. h to h~ve doue [hi , .elf· ume Ihing ~I rhe entreaty of th. djscipl es~ (Th' GOlpd of Sr. M~[[he",
of AIe>r;>ndria~ (M ~ r!yrdom of Powl ~nd P~ra, 2S}_" 1.7):'"
Ic hom .uw~ys been evident that Mark prcseneed a .horter version of .he go.spd rh an Matthow ,
Th~ U niq ue and H o nored PI ~ce of M ork Among Earl y Apouolie Tu ,s bUI the premiJe of lircrlry J!prnd e" ,y was nol generally recognized. The view thu Matlh tw and
W .. find eady Chrisei~n I""" quocing rhe G ospel of Ma rk in literatur~ originaling in every locale of Luke dircoc!yrelied on Mark did no,develop in full fotmunril Ih e nineleen Ihcenrury. ~ndwhileit

Ihe early chu"h 's mission~ry and panoral acrivily-Afr ica. A,ia .nd Ihroughom t he norlhern holdsthtm.jorityo pinion.m(lngJourc .. ·CTili'~l scholars'o-day,i<i.stilldeb .. ~d;l;ndlh(rea,enOlable
Mediterranean. The e vi de n", pcin" 10 Muk'$ Gospel boting a norma tive parr of ,he urly Christian proponenl5 ofrhe dependence of Mark On Mallhew.
corpus of liturgicals.ou"e,. At an urly d.rc the church received it into Ihe canon of New T ell.me",
wrilings by wide ("nd appar.. ndy unanimous) agr.em" nr. From the beginning of Ihe worldwide Reading Scr ipl .. rewi'h~Chu rch F~lh.u

Christian wimess, Mark hu boten IiSled.:lS a part of every preac her', armamentarium of sourC ... for Th . purpose oflhi l commenuty il nOllO ""5<)lve rh .. deone between ,he merits of anci . nl and modern
knowingjc,usCh rist." ueses; •. I, is to presen< the .ommenIJ of Ih" ~nc ienl inte rp reters with ;ulitcle inlerfe rtnce a. possible.
EusebillS argued that Mark's ~wo,k obtained Ihe unction of{P., ...-.] authoriry fo r [he purpose We I..ave ie 10 olh<'rs 10 discuS! tne merits of ~nc jenl VtUUs modern mt'hods of ."ege.li... Bur thi$
ofboting uuJ in the ," .. rdu, · (CH 2.16, based on Clement', <estimony)." j eromeagreed that Pccer canne< be done adequalely wirholl' fi rs' uamining Ih~ p;>;lristi, t e,, " them. elves. And unlil now we
had"approvediundpubli,bed if /0 Ih"h"rch .. to be re"d by ni. a~lhor;rJ '(Liv($ oJlllusrrious Me" have nO , had easy accns to these lext£. Thi$ i,wh~c<hisseriesil'!rel'!dstoprovide.

Th.pu,poseof.xeg."i'il'!lhepatriSliep"riod.w~stoseeklhetruthth e Scr;pturuconvey. [ t
eh'mb.r ,.&lkd. """"'"''1'" "~'<tJ'. · wIt<~,hel«l<bt ... in .. du. ;o" rh. my" .. i., ..fm • ..,n~~ed ~f"" (Ewe
b;w. 11.14. HCCC91). was nOI offercJ <0 cl'o.se who were as yet llnready to PUI ir inlo praclice. In ,h.... resp~cu mod~rn

::Z:~~:;;u:;,;:~::~~~~!~: ~~~.'i'" /.i:"",.,,, ~ SO,"" (Mi" ... poI;', For"'''. 199J). tx eg~ .• is ir d ifferent: It does not always a!Sume Ihe [furh of Scriplure a. divine rev<'ial;on, and il does
n otrequire'ha,read.C5inl end<opr~"i«ilu"pr.. mi.leOftrulyh~aringi r.
"'NPNFll" 28.
" lNhyw.to'he,cro.. '."d onlrfourG<>IJ>d"'T~.>«ond-<en<u,ych""h " .. oo\.d.\>ou"hi. no' by.rl.l>"'rr""'by .... logy Today's 'eade" sho uld nol impose on ancien< Chcisrian uegesis modern ass umption, about
'0 ,h. fo u, winds th~, ~,h< ,.«n. >nd d:cl'w., pm.... ' 0' eo,n,,, 0/' hildin~, hen,,,,,, "._d on ,h; • .,.",';'«.-ic.r .....
valid reading of Sn;pl urc. Th~ ancient wtiters offe r a CO ntran, challenge to <hese ,ilenr modern
""n;ngll'0u,o-l.dinh;'mi.'~' -I .i."<><::o"'N<' h"<h .Go.p<l.""b.",h .. """.. o,f<-,o.. r;nnumbertha"fou,.
For .• ince ,he..... fou. zo .... idi.,«io .... ).....""mp.";<>g.rl. 1e•• iOS "", .. on< [nor<~."'um.uu.<>d"'<o,)of ,h .wotld ,o as.ump,ion,. If one begins by as.5uming nlaciern crilical met h(ld • .:lS normariv( and judge, ,he anci~nt
",hieh ",.1; ••. , od four p n n";p.1 ",i"d> I,he.n",ionhcr<;"o"four< .. holicspi,,,.:o,!"e ... haI.~f.t1 ",ind •• i,\Y,dun' .
.... allyl. ",h;l. ,h , ,hurd. i, K.".r.~ ,bNoshO",.1I rh< ",'od./..,.J ,he 'pilla, ...diNUC"<;· (I Tim lol l! a/,he ,"",ch i. writers ~norili cally by Ihue ",anda.cisalo ne, they are always go ing [0 COm~ off looking witless or
rhcg<:>.pellln<lth .. . p;ri, Qf[if.,i'ioA""'gdw>b..</oou/d h'.cf""'p ill",.ofT"ring i"'p"r"h, hl<;n.p;,..;"nonall.id ••.
• ~d";';fr;nS·.llh"..,..n;'1 •• cr.fresh-(At.u""H"""<"'.I l.S.AN F 1,4U).ln,h"woym< iol •• ,bor,h« • • ",t"o.t,,,,
«ind G ... prto: ..... "'rr''''i<all,<onft«<od w;,h rhe ,"o,Tdwid, rn, ... ion of pr.""hi"i' h ..... rh .. p<ou.-..JorJ in " ';p<",,1 ty' "NPNFlk)64.;Io)i<soJJorJ.
~~~n;;l'7:.'"'logy •• ndno< m.«lr'/'i.o).,u.oke",,,;"n~orJonn",,,.roIogy.

xXV'I' xxix

we~k, Or in SOme insr~ncu comic Or qu~nt Or even ~uocioU5, unjun and opprusive . Dif<o... ring Patri.,ic Com men. on Mu"
With few n:cep t ;on~, the pnrinjc model. of el<:egesi. do nOt co nform to com mOn mOOern It should be kep t in mind thu SOme pa ..aget of M3rk are 3ccompanied by an exunsive commenta ry
os.umprions about what a commentary should be. Our comemporary .... umpeion. t ~nd to resist Or or homiletic .radi,ion, while others hl ve 1inl. or nOne. We have sdected an average of about t wo
m]e OUt chai ns ofscrip,uul reference, which a r"ofren dem ea n" da • • ppalling proof· texting. SUI in pal<iJlic commentl pc r Mlrlcan verse . cr about adozen ..,lee" ons pcr peri copc:. Th is is a broad 3vcug~,
Iheviewofthe ancientChrisrianwritetssuch chaimof biblicalreferencewerecrudal inth inking abou . for in many cues we hayesdccled as many as a IuIf":!ozcn p.uristicco mmenlS for J single crucial verse
[h" . ur ;n re[arion to the whole l u{imony of s.a.crcd Scrip[ur". Utiliting th e an alogy of f .. irh {hey and no ne for tho •• on which comment WaJ in.ufficient. \Ve hIve triN no •• o dacken our crile ria in
cOnstantly co mp .. red u l; red ,exc with ",., red re;",. This an("ient proc"d ure i. neither fu ndamentali sm 'Mc.nces where 3 meag~' pudsric comm"ntuy rradirion is to be found.
n orbibliullile,ali.m.lt isanalogicalle~tual reason i ng. In CJCuu, ing OUt compu.n ... arches of patriSlic material (see the appendix), some ot" .he mosr
We ough. nOt .0force Ihe anumprion s of twen t ielh-centu ry fundame ntalism or of nine- important commentary On Mark wa< found embedded in O rige n's, C hrysoscom's or Augustine's
teen.h...:en.ury narun liS!ic r«iuClion i,,"n, histork ism Or egalitarianis m On .he ancient Chrisrian commenurie.l or homilies On Matthew or John . nor juS! on Mark. This i1I U5trnes t he prevailing
Write". The y kne w noth ing of ,h ue au umption s . Their m ethod was not " fundamentaliS!, ' principle in anden, Ch ristian exeges is, each t.~t is illumi ned by other sacred teXts an d by the whole
beGlu sc ,hey were not reaering against modern natu ,aEs, ic reduction ism. They were conluO{ly giu nf the his tory of revela tion. H ence we find in parristi. commen ts on a given . ex. many other
proteSli ng a mue liceral or pl~n-sen$e view of t he tUI. almost ~ hu ys ",a rchi ng for irs spirit ual ,ubt""lS interwoven in order to ilIom;ne that CUt. A patriStK wri.er is ofren com menting On Mark
and monl meming. Modern fundam en lll ism is a defensive mOvement understa ndable only Wi l h in witilefocUJing on apasuge in Onc oftheorhu.hree Gospc:ls.
modernity, a moveme nt which ind~ed ofte n loo ks far mo re like modern his<o ricism than an cient Ma,kp rese nts a special prob lem for the hi. tory ofexegesis. Whe, e>.l Matthew . LukeandJo hn
typological reason ing. This m~ kes libual and fundame,u;>.list exeges i, mu ch more like each other haYeall benefited frombeing thtsubjecrcfseveralline-by. linepatrisr ic ccmmenrari"", chere ar e no
[h:an eilher is like rharoflheancientC h risrian w riters, because.hey borh appeal to historicist (omplete commentar;"" of Mark .tu. have survived the patristic pe riod. There is a manuscript by o ne
","sump.;or" invented in ,he Enligh tenment, ove r a .housand yu n afur ,he lut of the and ent Victor. a presbyter of Antic>ch (c .....D. 'iOO) who i. wrongly identified :u t he author of a brief
commenfato,shadp u5 ed away. '" commentary on Mark, but this ' co mmentary' is itse lf an early CUena wh ose mai n sourceS a,e the
Ancient Chri stian eugeres chuaCle ri stica!1y weaved m any sacred ''''''.5 roge,hc<- Th ey homilies on Matth ew by Chr ysosro m, Origen, Cy[il of Alexandria, Tiru. of eou .. and Theodor of
seldom limi l ed rhemse lvu to commenl on a single text. as some mod ern exegetes insist, but Hcraclu.. " Aside (romshort work.1 by Jerome, Dionysiusand Bede, thereisno.hingexlensiveon Mark
con sca nc!y related onc CUt co anothcr by an alogy, using typologkal reasoning, as was so charac- ustUh. T heophylact come s cOO lat e to be induderl within our pa,amecers.
Ieri"ic of the rabbi nic mid,a. him ofche U me period. Whil e m odern e"ege.is advocate. allowi ng Hence if we are to , tcOn l trUer wh at th e early Ch ristian writers had to ny abo ut Mark, wc muse
th e H eb rew Bib le 10 spe:tk fo r itself wi chou, Ihe in .. usion of New Te" .. menr a.uump,;ons, dO lo from the various references found s... u.red in ho milies.leu." and tt earises. This make. th is
ancienc exegesis con stantly deligh " in view ing Old T es"'ment event. and ch aracrers as anl ic i p~t· vgl um. on Mark a more d.tun.ing challenge in some ways t han any of the ocher chree G 05peb. T he
ing fulfillmen[ in the New. Hebraic figuru and events are often seen from the point of view of same prob lems will fue ACCS volume editors who work On tu" .uch as Samuel and Kings which
ch eir having been ful fi lled inJe.u s Chri$t. have almo st no cohes ive commentary trad ition. We have had ' 0 rely On com puter ,earch e$ of all
Th e despairing mOOern attempt to re"d th ( N ew T esramenl while ,uling gu t the limrgical. possible SOu rces commenting on M~rk, and then we h~ve sifted and garh ered the resultS.
evangelical and missiona! assu mptions chn preyailed in the ancienr co mmunity of faith would have
seem«!. a very rh in en ... rprise inde«i to chose w ho ea rly . h:ared thoie auumptiona and were w illing Reflecting .heCon.l~n$ual Tradjfion

t o die fo r .hem. Wh en we today try to make SenSe of the N ew Tes tament while ruling OUt the W e have sought to sd eer th o$e passage, ch~t best con vey th e COn5 "nS u~j tradition of early Chdsti an
plau.ibility of th e Incarnation and res urrectio n which was held firm by those who Wrote it, th e effort ~xcg .. i"notfixatingonpro blcm:lticedgesorcontrovertedpoin" bullookingfor those commen..
is 100 haroand ... ns.,(ess nOt [obe found discouragi ng. T he anc ien. uegetes proc eeded by allowing t h. would be mOSt widely received by the whole church, Easr and West.
the texIS their own premiscs.
" Ror"en"d hOT< " Pleudo -V""or of "'n<ioxh . Migo<. PG . rf. M. Go" .... CPG (Tu ,nh<>",. D.t~;um' !lre"" I•• 1974)
>OFor f~rtl'<rd; .."",ion o f ch i•• no"'.ly. ... T. O d. n. Ai'" ,\lo""" i,, W O".' (Grand Rop id>. Mi<h., Zorui<rnn. 1 ~9) 1,§~6Sl\l , <f. LTI( IQ. 79 1, EC 1:/ <1 $00.
Th i, is not to suggest or imply th at ~ll parri.tic wriren ag.ee. Upon ruding t hese sd ecr;ons us wh o arc deeply com mitted 10 . "'o"eli ng th~ Uten3 n adition .0 show il' u"" fulnes. and se rvice
rudtr$ "'ill nosily grup that within t he boun<hries of orthodoxy chere ne ",.any view. poloSible about ability.
a gi ven ten Or nar ra tive and t har rhese differen, view s may be It,ong!r affecte d by varied ,o , i~1 I. is co nceiva ble th a, ~o nle m ig h r sec rhi, co mmenrarr aJ a "",otch ' ~ped md ange of .~cerpfS with
.nvironmnts and contexu. Ctilic~ study orl he hi5<ory of exegesis ha. one n focuud on {h. conA iC[ing no C"helion ,,,,d no att..:mpt ~t comell",~Ii::ing diverse quotalions. \Ve poinl oul in r(spon.se ch:l.l W(
vi.",s and vu ie<i""ofinterprcradorn; to such an ntem {ha< i, hu edipudany in<e'p,erativecohesion. ha"euriliud th croornores pn=cisc!yf""hosepasugurhat rcquirefurrhcrdarificado n of,hecontex t
Bu(the fact that patri5tic inre rpruarion waS acco mpan ied by enorm Ou. cul '"ral varie 'y does not imply or co ntain re>: , ual p roblem s. Wc h ~ve prefer red nOI rO sd (ct exce rp« Ihat inrrinsically require huvy
th at i, wasc haracreri%ed by counctr·apostoHcdocuine. T he. d cction. in Ihis volume show much mOff or in •• icatt comexcual iza[ion. And we luve u""d oV(rvie ws and hudings cO as..isl ru<kn in glimpsing
,on,e",ualicy l ~difference,""enamongth o'ecommenla,otSfromthemo1<distan( cultural.e trings , he cohesio nof pal.istic comme nt o n ap ~"icu(upericopc.

- fo , eu mpl e, Ep ht em the S y,ian and AuguSti ne of H ippo. On th e ot ho< hand. we have no' ;!vo ided In th ~ case of Mark'J G ospel. t ntre are prac ti cally no line-by· li nt patriscic (o mmenluies
sclect ions showing alter native in.. rp retations. These uample. show how ntensive i5 ,he .oom for (excep.ing the b.ief atena under the name of onc unknown Victor of Anlioch). I[ would have been
variabl.inlerprfiario n undtr t hc ecumenical umbrcll.t. eH ier 10 have om ined ,h ose bibl;c~1 books fo r which , h~ .. are few if any line· br-line co mmenrlries -
e.g .• Samuel. C h ro nicles . Kingl. H aggai and Mark- but th is fli e! in the f~(e of th~ fact t ha r rhere are
Emj>uhi%ing wi . h the AUegorical lmagination e:rlensive pa<ri5tic remad ... and homili es on M~rk U w~U:u these orher IUU o r Scriplure. We Ihink
T hu," is a prevailing modern Proles[an ~ steleOtype rh .. ancie ntChrist;.n eK ege,;s is so :l<!lura..d wilh .he mOrt !aborioU5 approach of d igitally tutchingd ocumems f.. beyo nd ~he ra nge offermal co m men -
f~,;ful all ego ry as 10 make it almo.! useless. T he sd ecrio n. in ~hi. co mmenrary demon 'l rale !h a~ in raries il well j u.Sfifi ed by rh e rcs u],. W e kavc i[ to thepattiuic re>: .. [hemsclv.. tosho ...... hat t he ••
bol h Aleundrian and Anrio.:hene tradirioM of exegesis we will find an in[erest in [he plain sClUe:U various lit erary genres co m ribute signifi u ndy to cias.sirn Christian Scr;pwf1: interpretalion. T he
wdlas in [he spiritual, mon l and myst ic.l.ense• . These selecrion, sh ow th.1 il is wrong to usumc poetry of Ephre m t h e Syri an o r P ruden t;u. brightly i!1uminarn the biblical rer,. bur i, wou.ld h:!ve
th at t he Alexand rians hadli .de or no im ereJ ' in the pl ain sense. ort ha, ,he Ant iochen es had minim.l been ruled OUl On t he bas is of modern ide.s of what a com ment3ry should include.
inlCrcifin . hespiriru:llscrn;e. Further. ir must be kcptin mind . harthecarena i. not intended 10 sup planr his.orical exegesis .
Afler maki ng GUf selecrion s On th e basis of o ur cr;reri~. we were ourselves su rpri sed al Ihe limited buttogi ve a voice toth eea rlies ,p ri m arylayuso(interp rc ,ari o nwith ou~ ove rbu rd . n i ng ,h "se voi c e.

e~ te nto f p r orr:lcted all ego ric>.lp:u ..g... J1 W hi leal1egory ;s. n accep ' ablemodelofexege. i,for the with heavy addit ional laye rs ofscco ndary modern interp.etation. Ou .,nkisno,[oprotectrtader,
ancien. Chris. ian writers. especially t hO&e of rhe Alua ndri= school. it does nOt tu rn Out re be a again.st . he voice o f ,he aru;ientCh risri an in«rpretcr.even if some eHgetkal misju.dgmenrs mighl have
dom;natinga ndtalmenical fealureo f ancienle>:egesisof " llrk. hen m ~ de. but to allo w , hat interpreter a voi ce. Wh,ere th e Fa th ers in{e rpre! Scrip ture ineptly. Wc
Some may wish wc had rejected allegory alrog.. her. But suppose we had 'rbi",•• ily eli minated do not want to hide Ih eir Lapsu or ru. h fooluhLyto. heir defense. bur ra.hu 10 revcal accun. d y and
allallcgorical reaso ning o n t he grounds ofirs offen.sivcness t o comemporary ffa detS. Would rhis h."" make accus ible w hac (hey in fOle' are doing in their own words as ,h ey encounl er the le>:t. Wc might
bee n fair 10 pa tri"ic exegesis or a rea.lisri~ ,,>:pres.ion ofil! Others. on tne o t her hand, w ho Ue s"y th al we willl.. th~m stand Or fall on ~h e plausibility of their Own exegetical pro fici. ncie,. bu t fro m
p.rcicula rly intrigued by allego ry may comp lain Ih;![ we have induded far tOO liu le of it. thei r point of view. uege rical profici ency took:l $tcond place to the power of ,he Holy Spiril {O elid,
wn$Cnsus in ,he worshi pingcommun iry. Wc sce no good realOn ro o,·e .load Ihi. cO!!e<:tio n. howeve r
T he Case for Renewing the Ca •• n. T radition wirh the WO rst exam ples o f th eir least heJpfu l imc'prelations.
The style of Ih i. A ncient C hristian Co mmentary on Mark i. very much along the lines of the ca.ena Some may objeCl even more .adic~ly .hat it i5 ilI ·ad"ised to refer to any patrisric qllotation
cr~dition. th~t ancient sryle of commentary in whi~h ~ chain of UCCrplS f.om puri. clc u eg..i. was wi,houl placi ng it de libera,dy and even elaborately in it. h istorical. scci al and philological conte>:t
use d (0 elu~id~ te a "r'plural t exI. Som~ may obj ect to ,h. ve ry con cep' of 01 caten a. l, migh t be ~rgu .d T hos e who focus m o re on conteI< than on whar rh ~ IU, its elf u ys have a differen, Iclation ' 0 the 'eI<
that th( catenaformitu lf isnotonlyall tiqu.acedbulunuli5facro .yasag~n.e.lf .o. itfalls l othouof .han do [he 3nci"nl Chri5ti:tn writer•. The temp'a{ion 10 contUIu..!i%. infinitely hu iudr a vaudevil-
li~n Gurcome. [fno One can quo te ~n y thing w i thou~ first placing it in con,ex '. ,h en no one c.. n quote
'' In.<<kinll,od<<e,,,,in<.tlo!''"opo rtion o/ou, ..,I.<t;on.w; ,h , d,<i.;.< , liegori"ld;o\<n1 ion . w, "" d< ,,,,,,,,bl coun, anyrhing. Even Ihe apedic!ic imp erative '0 co nt' J{lUali:;:. muSI il, elfb .. placed in a conc~xt . T aking this
. n.d found I... ",.~5 p<".n.w«< .II .gori<>.I.

x xxiii

~rgum~n(.o ur,cn'~>. ,h~ S, nl'",r" i!.<<"If mul,1 U'" kf"""."dy hr 'I'''''e,1 ",ul",,,, ~"el.,b"'.\l ~ worJ ;rJlowillg rh e primary patr isric loci '0 l urfact in a <on venien. form. much as would Ihe '~xrs of the
" .."lyon each "' u,J ~n,1 ~ ,k.3ikd <o.: iol"gi<31 .. ",I) ,,! ,•. ,. h 1'~"~lle. "h ~r of (O,,"e would be 3 T alnlud o. rh_ ~on,mentJri es of T homas Aq l1in as .
"On S ~~rt~r for prca.:h ing and ~p i, it ,,~1 fo, m.lli"". ",hi,1> i" th" 1" ",ury ,,"e,e.' " f ,he ~n,i"nr Christi~n Th is Anci~nt Chri$ti~n Commentary o n r..brk il founded On Ih~ wnviction thar Ih ~ anci e nri dca
write rs . S uch ~ p ru~ed"re mi gh t keep h is", ri.", ~ [," ,<r . but u w" "I.! h .. " lI y le,,'e Ihe w"rshiping. of ~ (omme mary i, s, ilI a yalid and viabk en((rpfiseand tha< . he chu.eh and i.s proa.:hing per~ "niilly
proclaiming communi.y. A. le ...~. ir is cleu fro", .h~ h ... ",,, .. 1 cv"I""a .ha. d,i, i.• no. the ",ay th e needs to h .."e rudy a"eSOl'O rhe be.. and most truslworthy COmmen. in Ihe hisroty of exegesis . !e i.
ea rly Ch ri stian co mmun i'y read Sc, ipl u'e or quo"',1 \l "r "".tn"o",,! ,ts funClion within the wofship. in this spi, i' rh ~ t rh . following comm e ntary il offered to rude " at rhe dawning of the third
mg eomml1niry. millennium.
Classic Christian comme nta'; e• • • w:h.1.I ,ho~" " f O ng<·". A", b ro.i,,~t c ,.Jcro"'e. Augustine. Cyril ef
Ale.undri. ""d Theodorer of Cyr. focus on tI,,, "'''''.d .m", sI''' "u _,1 m~"ning of tb" ten for preachi ng and
spiriru.ol fo rmation. and no. simply on ,he pb,,, 0, lus'oHeil scn<cof lhe lext. Anera lin,,-by -!ine
cOmm ent~ry tradition had .everal c"nturic. of dc"dol'",cnr .• hcr~ appeared the catena format, whi.:h
offuedcaten., oreh . ins. ofd usiccom nlC,u,<,HI .he !e~!, From ,he fifi:h ce ntury 10 the modun per"",. ,he
classic Chris';an concepl of a -commenr~ry' "n Scripture I.>rgcly consisted of a collection of the Commen ts
f.omthemostrespcct<"dwri,crsofrheuegc.ic lradiriononrhat U(:rcdrex •.
Some might Mgu e ,hat Ihi s is 1'001 in th e mod. rn SeMe a commenl~ry at all, bU I mord y ~n

expos;.ory cxt reise with little inrerest in hi• •ori city. Here it mus r be pointed out Ih ~r ,h ere are .wo
competing defi nit ions of ", hat a commentary is. The.e arc clani' ve" u. modern h i' torici~. (O"" p'
tion. of .he ~uy natu re of a com menrary. As rh. ritle of this5eriC$ indiea, • •• • his work is not ;n.ended
10 be mistaken for It modern com mentary. (t has no claim or de.i re 10 be ~ commcnt~ry in ,he Iypic~l

modern l enu bUI on ly in its anci enr .. nse . Nor is il a modern co mm"n.~ry 01\ ,he ~nc ie'H Ch ri$[i~n

exegeres. Ra.htr it is . rare opporcuniry for the anciem Ch ristian exegcte. '0 spc3k for therrlSc\ve< ntl
cachlext, an op porlunityw hi chth eyhave la rgdy nOlt>c,cngi~enbyb;bhe.I .,hola ...

M odern histori cis m h al a consuming i," er"" in wh ,,, .h" pa.riui c wril.,. ,alled (h~ plain or
historical .~n le of Scripture. and onl y s~~onJa ri!y rhe Jpir i'"al and mora l moan ing of thc text. H enc~
it ~b persuasi~e powe r locondude roo abrupdy. or ",;,ho", u amining ' h~evide "ce, tlut rh e rn od~rn
concep tion of .he commentary is Jlways prima f~cie superior aod .hus should rule .IDJolu.elyover the
clas.ic ddi ni, ion of a Scrip.ure <o ",memuy _The a nc i~n . Ch ri"'. n cxc&c.u (on, inue fO chall~ nge .h~
uncr;ric~lba.isof'hcauurnp'ion ,of ",odcrn5upcriori!y .

Th e n, oJcru h istorici •• con,eptioo of a COm",eO<MY ;s ~n.irdy differe"t. lr has as iu pri n,ary

obje.:rivelhcplaeingofc.l<h ! cxli"<onreXl,lh~ di.<£,,!Siouo(philologicaland.utu..:r1difficult;es.th(

id.ntific~.ion e f "", ho rs!.i p. ~n d J pecu l a tion~ on ho w .he ,ex t WR' rransmirred -an in,u~ ..;ng and
si gnHlc3n. qu<"nionl. but no. qu~ srion s rh" th e d~«ic ex eg( 'cs wo"ld all ow.o di~pla,c their pdm~rr
i"'etest in .he revd a.ion of Go;wl through th ~ ...cred tOt by the power of rhe Sp iri t.
W"a r~nol op posi nghisro.icaJ -c.iti<al inquiry. Weinvi.ei.andenco"ugeir.butnOf2.Sif

Pd ..isri~ (~ ~gesi, did no, ~~i$< or il nOt worthy t o be investig~ ted On i[1 ow n t erm ,. Ou. intu ~I is in

xxxi II


'The beginning of the gospd of Jesus CbriH, th e Son o/God.

2As il is writt en in Isaiah rhl' prophet,
-Behold, r und my mnSfnger befort rn, faa,
who ,hrlll pn'part thy way:
't ht vf1ice oj"Jllt crying in the wildUll tJJ:
Prepare tht way of rh I" Lord,
make hil pathsltraight -"
~ohn th e bllptiurappeared in th t wilderncH,preoch ing a baptism ofrtptntaruefor
theforgivtrltH of sin s. SAnd the re went out to him oU the country ofJudeo. and all
the people of jerusoltrn ; ond they were bapliud"y him in the riverj,ndan. cOnft Hing
tbdrsins .

OVIIII,,,,.w,The beginning of the goopel i3 blended judgment ~nd mucro repenun,e

inrrinsicallycon nectedwirhrheprop hctic and faith (AM IIROSE).John's bapcism prco
promistsofHebrew Scripcure (OR1Ge N). pared theway fo[ th e baptiHn that would be
The rwo Te513ffients do notanrlou nce first rno re fuHy express ed in the future remis5ion
onc God and then anoth er but the on e true of sins that came with rh e dearh of the one
God who wor ks th rough a developing hi so he baptio:cd(TuTl!LLIAN,JHRoMB).T he
toryofrevelation (IRESAEuS, CnuL oF power of John 's baptism w;J.S in accord with
JeRUSALSM). Marcion's view rh u rhc tWO cheju5ticeof ~ jus! man,yet5tillofamere
coven~ntsareseparablc isdire<:dycounrered rnan • .1lthoughone who had m:eivedgrace
by Mark'sbeginning poinr(AuGUSTIN8).in from me coming Lord (AUGUST' NIl). The
whichrheprophericvoic'"'of l.... iahand Lord inc.;tmaredid not shrink fTom idenrifjting
Malachi blend (OR 'GEN, )EROME). No himself with sinners who nu.:! regeneration
p, opherugrurcr rhan J ohn (CYRIL OfJU.uo (CrPRIAN).
~ALEM),thelolirarymcssengerfromt h edeo
sert prophesied by Malachi (TU TULLU.N, 1:1a The Beginning
Eus~DIl! s) ,whowascaIledtoprcparethc
way for Christ (TBRTl! l UA "'), wb osc voice PRE PARING T HE HEAR T, OR1GB N' Th e way
of th e Lord must b e prepared within th e writteninthel;twwithdisrespccr. . . In say- p el foc us upon the expectations of the holy
h eart; forgre;tt and spacious is the heart of prophets. At once it points OU t tha t th e One
man. as if it wer~ a who l~ world. But see its whom th cyco nfess ed :lsGodandLord. th e
gre:ltness.norinbodilyquantity.butinthe Father of our LordJ«sus Chri,t. wh o had
power of th e mind which enables it to en-
comp:lss,o great a knowledge of the truth.
Prep:lre.therefo re. in your h earts th e way of
th e Lord. by a worth y manner of life. Keep THE TN"UGURATOROF THS NEW T~ST'" powerofElijah."'2 " Prep a rcthcw~yofthe
straigh t th e path of your life. so that th e MENT. CYR1L OF JERUSALEM' \Vith baptism Lo rd, make his pa,hs stra igh t:" For the
wo rds of the Lord may en rer in without hin· the old covcn:lnt ends and the n ew begins. prophets did not ann ounce first one God
drance. HOM[LY 2!.' This is seen in the fact th at tne inaugura· andthc n :lnother. " but one ~ ndth esam e
tor oftne N ew T estament is John th e Bap- G od under complementary aspecfS,and with
TH~ B~o[NN[NG POINT. AUOUSTIN~: Note ti.t. "Among thos e born of women th ere is manyv:lriousn;tmes.AGAlNSTHE RESIES
that Markmenrions nothing of th e nativity non e greater t hanJohn."'Hc is the crown 3. ro .5."
or infancy or youth of th e Lord. Heha. of ;tll th e prophe tic tr:lditi on: "For all the
made his Gospel begin direcdy with the prophe,s and th e law prophesied umil WHY JOH:< W"s V,EWEO AS AN ANGELIC TilE AU'l'HORITYOF JOHN'S B"PTISM.
preaching of John. HARMONY OF n.~ Gos- John."'Ofth e gospeldispen.;ttionhe was MtiSSENGER. TERTULLlAN: Now he AUGU STI:<E: The efficacy ofJofm's baptism
PELS2.6.1 S.' lhe firstfruits. for we re;td "the beginning a lledhim an "a ngel""on accou nt of the is attested by the holy way he livedasaper-
ofthcgospd of Jesus Christ" and after great consequence of the migh ty deeds Son. His baptism was in accord with the ju, -
l:lbThe Gospd .Ome words "John did bapti::e in th e wil - which he W:I< ro accomplish. comparab le to tice of aj ustm;tn.yet still :l mereman.but
derness:'" THE C"TECHETIC AL LECTURES those mighty deeds of Joshua the son of Nun one who h;td reccived extraordinary grace
OLD " ND NEW TESTAMENTS BRIDG~D. 3. 6 ." about whom you have read.John served in fromtheLord . agr :lcesogreatlh ~ l he was
ORIGEN: Thego.pel is primarily concerned the office of a prophet to a nnounce God', deem ed worthy to precede the final Judge of
withChristJes u •• whois the head of the 1:2 My MrH eng er will, ;ts th e rorerunner of the Anointed One. history,;tnd 10 point him OU! with his finger,
whole body of thos e wh o arc being sav ed. ' The Spirit. speaking in the voice of the Fa· and 10 fultill th e words of tha t prophecy:
l\.larkconveys this poim when he S:lp. "The THE VOICE OF ON ti CRYl,,·o. lREN"EUS' lher, call ed John an "angel" in accord with "The"oic e ofon~ crying out in th e desert.
beginrung of the gospel concerning ChristJe· Ho wplainlyd oeslhebegi nningofthegos- the promis~ declared by Malachi, "Behold, I p repare the way for the Lord.""'TR"CT"TE
su •. " .. . lnitsunfoldingthegospdh:lsabe- send my messenger to prepare the way be· 5·6.2.1)
ginning. a continuing middle and an end. fore me."" It is nor a novelry ,hat the Holy
Th e beginning can be view ed either as th e Spirit would call th o<e he h;ts appo inted min-
entireOldTestament,withJohntheBaptist ist ers of his power "angels. " AN AN SW ~R TO
being it< summarizing type . or (because he THEJ EWS 9."
stands at thejuncture of the new with the
old) the final stages of the old cOven:lnl. H,s SUOO EN ApPE""'''SCE. EUSE BJl'S: H~
This runs counter to thos e' who would as- emerged from the desertdothed in a stra nge
sign th e two covenants to tWO different ga rment. refus ing all ordinary social in ter -
Gods. COMMENT" RY 0:< JOH:< [.14.' COurse. He did not even s harc th cir COmmon


ORIG~N: Those who deepen in th e knowl·
edge ofChriHianity do not treat the things
MA.I\ K!:r·s

1:33. TIll Vai n a/ One Cryi ng no t wrine n in lsaiahatall,butinMalachi, penf~n,e"were d e~l , with as ifcandid"re' Till! FUTDRII RBM Is s rON o ~ S ,N S, J EROME;,
the losr o f t h erwdvepro pheu,L eti gnorant pre paring:forth~b a pti .' mal remission and T h e b~ pti5m of j o hn did nOt so much COn -
TII Il YOICE AN D TII II CIl YINj OllN') PRII ..CH- p rnumption solvcr hi. nkeque sc ionif it un.:tificarion rh~ e were SOOn ro fo llo w in siu in the forgi "encss of sins as in be inga
. NC. AMBROS I!; Yo ice and crying go together, ca n.lwiUaskpardonfo rb eingi nth e wrong th e minis~ry of Christ. When John b~pt i.rnofreptnt:iLnce fur the rem is.ion of
th e voice p reach es faith; th e cry calls for re· . .. The apos tlehasnorrendered h is original pruch~d baprismfo r "c h e remission of sins, tnaris,for a furure re nlissio n, which
p entance; the voicc, comfon; the cl'}' . dan · wo rdforword,buclUingapa rap hrase,he Jins: '1 the decilration WaS mad e wi th ref· was tofo ll ow,h rough thesanctifica rion"
ge r;thevoicesingsmercy; t h ecry annour,,~s h a $g iv e n th~ se ns ei ndi ffe rent t crm s . " L u · er~ncc to a fwl wrt remission. Ifso. ) ohn·$ ofCh ri$(. THE DI ... LOGUE AOAI NST T H ij
judgment. SI! RMON 6 4 ." TERS, To P"'.IM .. CH/lIS, 57.9. 11 call to repencancei s to lead.he way.and LUC / F ~R IAN S 7."
aCl ual remi ss ion is to follow. Thi~ i. whu
1:3bPrep"" 'h e W"Y oft hr Lord 1:4 T h, Baptis", ofRtpt n,,,",e for th , is mean t by "p rcpui ng eh e war."M But o ne Tvp13.S OF B.. pT< s ... . GR EG OIt,Y NA Z 1.. NZHN:
Fo rg iv," cH ofS in$ whopreparC1 do~ 5 not him self perfect. but Lctu5h tretrea,b rieflyofthe diff~rcnrkinds
T in S OU IlCBS OF M ARK's PIt DPII .T tC R BF- rarhermakes read yforanorhe rroper fe(t . of baptism.Moscsbapti2:ed.bu rinwate",ill
Ul'sCII. OR/G EN, Mark took tWO prophe- TIIII B APTl S10I OF RaPijSTANCIl- TERTV~LJ "'l'I' ON BAPTISM 10." th e doud andin the sea; buc this hcdidfigura.
cies spoken in diffe re n t places bye wo John callcd for thc bapri.m ofrepentan(e to rivcly.)ohnal.sob.:opriud.nor indecdinthe
proph ets and conilated rhem i nroon~,so prepare the way for the Lord. He him.sdfled THfi B.. PT/:z;a .. ... ND TH ~ BA I'T r Z ED . rite of th e ]ews, not solcly in warer. b"t also
as to decl"...,; "As ic is written in Is aia h the inth atwayby m~ns ofthesignand seal ofre. CY PRI",N,ThcLordwasbapti::ed byhisscr. for the remission of sins; yec not in an enrircly
P rophet ... • "Th e voi", o f one crying in pentanee for all whom God W01S calling vanr. T he ho!y One who was destined to spi rirualm~nner,for h ehadno t added: " inthe
rh" w ildcrneu,"'! which is indeed re- througn grace to inhc ri ' the promise surd y gr:r.n,remissiorlofsin. d id not himsclf dis· spirir."Jesus baptized,but in the Spirir;:md
corded im mediately a fter th e n arra tiv e made to Ab raham .... He called us to purge dain to submit his body Mro be de.ansed with ttr isispufoctio n . Ther~js also a fou 'thbap .
;l.bout Hr:>:ekiah 's , eco vuy from his sick· our minds of whateVer impuricy error had irn' the wate ro fr cg:en en tion." T HBGoooOF ti5rn, which is wrough t by martyrdom and
ne ss."This is t h en co nflate d with "Be - parccd. whateverconlamin:r.rion ignorance had P ... TIINCEJ'i."" blood, in wh ich Christ h imsdf was also ~p_
h old I se nd my m essenge r to p repare the engendered. which rcpentancewould Jweep ri:>:ed, whichi s far rnorevcner; blcrhantheo,h_
way befo re me," from Mala chi." Bo th and scour away, and Cast Out. So prepart ,he P RE PAR. N" FO" PAIt DON. CHRYSOSTO.,,: ers,;n as much as it is not soiled by repeated
john a nd M a rk com press in various ways home of your heart by miling ie dan for the Since the Yicr im h ad n o ~beenoffered, conr~gion. The re is ycr a fifth, bl,lt more labor;·
the q uo tation from Isaiah, M ,u k by read- H oly Spiric. O l'l Ripcl'lTANCE 1.H nor h ad th e Holy Spirit yet desce nded. of ous. by re.a rs; with which David e:u:h night be·
in g" Hi! paths" for "th e paths of ou r wha t kind wu thi s rem iss ion of s ins! . dcwedhisbed,washinghi.couchwitbuars.
God" and by omitti ng "befo re me." C OM- MAK rNO RB"OYFOR A"'OT I! ~R. TE R'I' UL' Fitti rlgly th crdor e. when h e had sa id th ar OIl ... TION 39 ....
M ~NTAItY ON JO HN 6.24 ' " LI .. :-::Tho.sewho $Ough tthebaptismofre. hccame"pruchingth ebapdsmofrepen.
unce."h~adds, "for ,he remission of
" "'", 19," ".\lk IA. '"ll lo?6. "C".J<>< 00J8. LO.Jl
TU HB ~HN D / NC o p P ROPHBTIC YO/CIlS. sins"; as if to say, he persuaded rhcm to ...r.:F3067. .. . John·. b.p.ismpr.p.udl'Mrh.b.p,i<mt!ut
jl!ll.o l>u; The q uo tarion is made up from ,.GM'-... · . J"".~.,.d .... tq' ...<fcf.... d,nJohn ·.p(..rn rtpent o f th eir sins. so rh at late r rhey i' l"',fe".J, n <h."n<who mj ohn b.p'i.. d.j Q~n·.b.p" .. n

~2.~:~;~ ;;.~, ~.~'~~~l~:.1 ~~I~~~"I.

tW O prophets, M a la chi ;t. nd Isaiah. From mig ht mo re usily rcceive pa rdon through of«'!'.nt."'"'c .. Iooki"!f<u"'.n1'!t.<ccmi.. ionof.'B ..... hJ<
th e fir$[ part' " Behold I send my messen- -oQ,3. "j<."""< "";... ,h;,,,, &fcndhis >pprooo:hm,,, ..
believing in Christ. For unl ess b ro ught!o ,cmluion. "I-I',lK>dy.boingu","" fil.d. n«d.d ""ct,,",
ger to prepa re th e w ay be fore me," 0'- !><iof,., -r ,..,d" .."",f., .. ",<,nofwofdfo'W.fJ'.- L"" . it br rep"rltance. th ey wo ul d not seek fo r 'ni. "&p,u.m,mpli<d,h<n.. dfo'"p"hfic""",b<f"",

c urs a t the elose o f M al:r.chi. l" Bue Ihe 57.S.NI'NFL6.LL3. H<II orgu;"lIm..bo.hd... ic .... d pardon. H is baptism rhercfore ser..ed no
Ch';" i.nw"w , n ... follow. d<hi' p""" du".H,th,o :::;:
s eco nd pa rc , · Th e voice o f one crying." 0.he r endth ana5apr e pa r", rio nfor bt!ief fimio" wirh .in~." . Cf. M, j,I J.17: Ut l,21 ·~}' "C<,o-.l",
IUflUrollm'u' .. ....p •• ttu,....., ... chuM.u1cdid""' ."'·
etc .. we read in h :r.iah. IO O n wh ae groun d in Ch riSt. TtI£ GOSPEl. Of S T. M ... TTIIE W, 0048.6.118; FC J6.261>" . "SSGFL ,74"f.TLGl<l6l.l5l.
rhen has Mar k in the very beginning of h is ~~~~~~~·~·:;::::h~·';'~~:·~;:."5~~;.~~::~ HO MILY lo. l." S7.I~J ;"hgn' PGS7,/8 ). '>-n, ••• tlins>!'--'" .rCh""on
NP:-;F2 ~1l6.1r ·.M>,kdidn",krlcompoll.dro •• r.. <h.cro .. fo.h"oo<..t, ion .. Ro-.l«m<" , t·.2Co, VJ()
boo k set th e wo rds: " A $ iti s wr ite en in rhe
<no:e ,h .... quo<ooin p'<C;,.. d<uUhy' r<eel)·<onfl,,"d , ~, .. C.. o-.l"'0608.7./70.JO:S'PS'Fl6,J1 J..John·.b'f'"....
p rop her Isai~h . Beho ld I se nd my messe n- .. )'.n' ...... of,holWOP<"Fh<'icroic... "Otodod/OLo. 1:5 Th ty W ert Bap ti:n d ill tJu River p,unti«d .nJ,nfi.ip. "d.fu<u, • . full " "' i"ion af '; n,
ger; wh e n, as we have sa id . itis [in parr) 2.1~ ; AN F), 6S8· Jo rdllll " SSG F /:7•. 7S:cf. I'.6:7.
rh e dclert. Se~kingCh rist wilhhi, cyes, he rh" hea[ rhy eup of mode ration, live in aman_
1: 6-8 TH E P RO C L AMA T ION O F JOHK T H E B APTIST rcfused to look at anything else. H is rough nu thu is ~roming and temperate. l et UlI
garb,hisgirdlemadeof,kinl,h ildiel oflo- giv~ ourselves in earnts r to pr ayt r. And if we
custs and wi ld honey wue all alike designed do nOt receive that fo r which w e pr" y,luus
toencouragevirrueandcontinence. larer perseve re th"twe m3Y rec eivei r. And if we
6Now John was dOlhe d wilh ,amers hair, ,1Ild had akalhn girdle around his waisf, the spiriflu l dcscendants of the proph en, do re<:e1Veitlh en, [et us perseve re all the
,md at~ /OCl'S/. a>ld w ad hon ey . ?A nd IJ~ pr~ ilChc d, sayi>lg, ~ Afl~rme , omes he wh o who were the monks of the Old Testament. more, for wh at we have received. Foritis
I, "'ig/'ti~r than I, the th ong of wh ose sandals I am not worthy to stoo p down and would build for rh emselves hlln by th e wa- no t his will to withhold t h e g ift we ask for,
:"Hi,' . ~l hal!e bopfiud y ol' w ilh waltr;bul be willbapliuyol' witb tb e H oiySpiril,8 rersof Jordan and forsakingthecrowdedcit- bur in his wl$dom, 10 encourage our perse·
iesiive in these en porrage .. ndwild herbs. ' verance by delaying ie. T HE G OS PH OF ST.
As long as YO Il a,e at home make your ceU MATTHl\W, HOMln 10.'
OVHRV,IIW: T he repentance c"Ued for by h umanbnguage,w( can nott herdorecea.se you r p:o radise,g.uher there !h~ varied fruits
John W.lS like" snake sh edding its old skin to attempt ro speak of it ( BASil). ofScriplure, l~tth embey()llrfavoritecom­ EUJAH ANO JOHN. J lI ROM E:J ohn, too, wears
by pushingehrough a narmw pl ace; so do panions, and take iUprecep u to your heart.' a leath er girdle aoout his [o inl; and there
Ihose preparing for baptism ready them- 1:6.a Clothed with C4Jt1tI'S Hai, lETTUI,S, To RuST ICUS I15.7.! was noth ing soft Or effem ina te in Elijah, but
selves by rep~ntance (C VR ll OF JUl/5 AlIiM), every bie o{him was hud and virile. He, tOO,
J oh n, do. hed in coneri.;o n " nd si mpiicity of SP IRITUAL FOOD IN TilE DES~Jl. T. CLEM ENT PRECURSOR of .. HI G If~1t PRJliST IIOOD. certainly wal a sh aggy man.'" H'OM.LY !ft, ON
llfe,savored the sweCt and spiritllal food o f OF AlEXANOltIA: Th e blessed John disd .. ined BWE; H e esteemed rhc high priestiyga r- TH E Exoo us."
the desert to p repare for the [ow ly minisrry hai r obtained from f\oc~ of sh eep as smel[· ment woven of gold d Olh ofleu value than a
of the u. rd (C l"", aNToF ALtiXANORIA). ingof!uxury. InHe;u;l he ch ose ca mel's h.air. garmenr made o f ca mel's h .. ir. girded with a 1:6cHe Ate Locu$ls and Wild Hon ey
Th~prephcts bdore Jo hn wcregiven g race making his Iifc's partern on e of simp liciry leath er bell." Why! Was it not that he who,
to fo reteU rhc coming of Ch rist, but to and frugaljlY. For he a[so~ate locuSfs and by reason of a m ore perfecrjustice, had re· FItIlEDOM FItOM NUD. C HRTSOSTOM' It was
j o hn it W:l.S given borh to forcteU him in wild hone y:'l wecr and spiritual food. pre· ceivedforhimself au thoritytopreach,rh at necessary rh at the precurso r of the One who
hi s a b. e ncca nd to beho[dhi min his pr cl' pn ring for rhe humb le and self-cont rolled he migh r show. even by the neglect of his an· waS to undo the age-long burdens of men.
eMe( A ucus TlSE ). j oh n·.b .. ptismoffcrcd ways of the Lord. H ow co uld John have pos· c«n al righ l [0 the high priesthood, how ccr- such as toil. maledicdon. pa in an d sweat,
repentance. while Christ's baptism offered sibly worn a purple robe! H e was One who tainly he wuche henld and prccursorofa sho uld in h il OWn person giv e some . oken of
g race (B AS IL, A."9R OSE ). A powerful avoided all fals e pretenses of the city a.nd moreeXCeliCll[highpries[h ood!' H oM ILt BS the gifts to come,sO :l,.S to stan d above th ese
model of iSce tic di scip lin e stems from 1i vedacal mexistc ncei nthedes~rt apart ONTIf! GOS PELS, H OM .LY 1. 19! tribulation,. And SO it was th arhe neit her
j o h n's mission, according to the rype of Eli· from aU frivoloU5pu rsuits, from anything ig- tilled the earth , nor p lowed th e furrow, nor
j ah U ERoME). By relinquishing hi s ;lnCe5 - noble or mean. TH li INST Rl/<;T OP;, l.11.' 1:6b A Lt ~lhtrGirdle Aro und His did he e.. t bread ofhi5 own sweat, for hi s ta-
rral right. o th~ pri cl~ hood.J ohn became W .. is t ble w:l.Sea5i ly prepated. and his cloth ing
r heheraldandpre~ u T$or ofG od ' sow n T il l!En &C TOF J OH N'S PRI!A CH'NG ON more easily than his table, and h is dwelling
pries tly self'givin g (B6 0 E). [nJohn rh e Jaw C II RIS TlA" DI SC I "Lt N~.J E RO~E:John the FO R H uvy LABOR,. CIfRYSOSTO M' You may mo re easi ly Ihan hi s clorhing. For he had
is behel d clorhed in the peni tent hait of Baptist h:l.d ~ rdigio us moth er and his f~rher a. k,wh ydid h ewea r a [eath~rgird [e? .. E[i- need neitherof roof,nor bed, no r table, nor
rhe desert c.lmel; the coming grac e w euld Was a prieS[. Yet neirberhis mothcr'saff",· jah also w3ssodorh ed,and likewise many
be dor h ed in rhe tunic of [ he 13mb tion nor his fathcr'samuencecould induce Others among holy men, eitherbecruse !hey 'Cf.l Kinp 4:j.8.J<j;&. \.Z. ' Cf. p, !1~:69. 'C<t<do< l>6l!).
0 6ROM E). T he (e XI, however, doe. no t of- h im toli vcinhisparents' housea tthe risk were engagcd in hu vy labor, or were Ilp oll a IlS.SIi.7.111.4, NPKFl 6,;!46".H"'n! " <nCn""wirn
fer acomp.uiso n of t he min istries of John of th e world's temprations. So he lived in jOllrney, or in any other neccss ity rhar in- hil.y ... h< •• fuudtolook.,."y,h;"IId... 'Th< u..u. iI
and Jes.u, for Joh n h imself up th ... th ey vol,·edlabor,andbecauscl heydHpi5edorn~­
... hyJohn •.nu..:tm<_<oIrilh t'<>highp~thood.
'Cf. Hob 3,[; 4,1", HO; 6,~. 'C<t<d<x IJ;\7, 1.!~. l6;
are not comparab le (CH RYS OSTOM). Al - 'M l< I~: />1 , ),4. 'TLG ()';;;.ool .~.!O. 11 2. 1,d. AN F mem,andfollowed an alls terc wayo flife. .. H OG 2d 90 " . ' SSG FI ,S7' ,TLGXI6Z.1S2,S7. !96
tho ugh th e mystery of ba pti£m e!udcs our 1:2~ Lttus, putl ingaw:l.yaHe""eu, .. ndd rinking j02K;npl ~. " Cd<docOlSOI.IIl ,F CS7,l.oo.
any$uch Ihing. But even while sciU within born of women there is none greater than therefore, in rhe hair of a camd. for he could Watcrofforgiveness,but oftcpemance. H e
Ihisf1esh of ours he lived .. n almost angelic J ohn."1O Not "born of virgins.~ observe! but not wear ~ tu n ic of t" ~ bmb of whom it is pointcdrQwardChrist·sbaptism.fu[]ofinex-
life. His dorhingwas put together from che "bor n ofwomen.~HTHIi CATECI1ETlCA~ L[c- sJid,"Behold rhe lamb of God who tJkes preS5iblegif".John,~cmstobeuy i nll:·On
hair ofcamds, so Ih.lteven from hisgar. TURES j.6 .'" aW:ly thesinofthcworld,""Olnd agai,,, "He being wld ,h~t h~ .omu after me. you must
ments he might tcac h us that we free our- i$t cd like~tOlmbtotheslaughter."""rn the not think lillhtl)· "fhimbecause he comes
sclvesofhuman ne"ds. and need not be THB BAPTISM OF JOHN AND C HRISTIAN law, w~ cannot wear a tunic from rh~r Lamb. late r.Wh enyouu"d ~rstJndthepowerof
bound to th is eanh. but that wc !1Iay rer1,lrn BA PTlS.... AMIIROS~' Neither repentance HOM1H7 5 Y Chr ist'sgift,rouwiIl seet hJt l ni dnothinll
10 the prinine digni'yinwhich Adam firSl :tvails without grace, nor grace withour re- lofty Or noble when I uid' l am unworthy to
lived. before he had noNofgnments orof pentance; fo r repentance musr first condem n MOIII T IIAN A PROPIIET. AUGUSTltoIE:john llntie the thong of his SOlnda.[.' When you
clothing, THEGosPE~ OF ST. MATTtoEW, sin, thar gr;uoe may blot it Out. So then jQhn, therefore was a foreteller of Christ. nea.rerCO hear, ' He is might;erthOl<\ I: do noc imagine
HONr~Y l o.Ll who was a type of th e Law, came baptizing him in time than all who went before h im. thal I said rhis by WOly OfCOfllp.1r'son. ForI
for repenrOlnce, while C h rist came to offer And becauu all the righ.eous ones and ~mnorworthy,oberanked somuchas

StolOOINO SXII.THROUG H A NAIl IlOW PAS' grllCe.E p'STU;B4. l1 prophetsoffonnerlimes desired to See the ful · amongChr ist 'ssc<"ams,no,noteven lhe
SAC I.CfIlI10FjERUSALE.,,:Hefedon locusu fiUment of what. Ihrough the revelation oflhc 10w.stofhisservams,<\oTto re.:eiverhe
ID mu.e h is soul grow wing •. S'Hed wit h T HII PllO~OGUIITO BAPnSM.jlllloME' As he Spirit, they foresawshQuld come topau-so le~sthonoredportionofhisminisuy.·
honey, the words he spoke were swcerer him.elf bodily preceded Christ ashi. fore- a/w the Lordhimsdfsays ,ha, u many proph- Thercfore Johndid nOt simpl y say, "hissan-
runner, so Ollso his baptism w:a t he ptologuc
::~:' ~~~:t:i~ :~~~eta~::~ :~.~:~=;6~~::~e
th an honey and of more pr ofit. Cloth ed ina ct$and righreous men have desired to sce
garment of camel's hair, h e exemp lified in to the Lord's bOlptism. Till. D,ALOGUE th os~t h ingsw h ichyousee,andhavenot$een
his ow<\ perso<\ th e holy life .... For every A(lA 'NSTTHE LUC IFERIANS 7." th em; and to h ear those things which you OF ST. MATTHEW1!.S.'1
snu.ep utloffitssig<\ sofagebYP1,lshing hur.andhavenothurdthem.w"Thercforeit
thr01,lgh some narrow place,andgeu tid of TilE futllOF TH E CAMlll AND THII TUNIC 01' wasuidofjohnthathewa.smorerhan:r. J'SaBap tiztd .... irh Wattr
;ts oldapp.1rel by squu:!:ing it off. From then T" Ii LAM ... J EIlQMII' ~One mightier tha n I is prophet, and thOlt among all mu WCI"<' born of
on it is young again in body. So "enter ;n at coming after me, the thong of whose sandOlI. women there w;U none grea,,,. th= he," be- W Il f!.TIIElljESUS 8A .. TIZ"D. OP.JC6N, T he
the 5traighr and narrowgate,wUsqueeu lam not wort hy to noop down and umie. uH nu.s.e to the righ lCOUS who wem ~fore him it Messiahrher(foTedoesnQtb~ptizeinwa.er,
your!dflhroughbyfasting.breakyourulf The mean ing of the words, wH" m ust in- W3S only granred to forctdl the coming of bu r his disciples do. He TCSCrves forhimsdf
away from perishing, "pm off the old nature crease. I muSr decrc:ae'-:O is thOlt thegospd Chrut, bur to John it was given borh ro foretell rhe b~ptism in the Holy Spirit and firt. Co"'-
with it! deeds'"'"THECA TECHHtCAL L!c- must increase, but I, the law, must decr ease. him in his absence and to behold him in bis ME:iTARYONJOHN6.24. '1
"l'URII5).6." John, that is. th"IOlw in john, wasdothed, pre!ence, so thOlt i. should be found.hlt to
him wa.s made manifest what the others bad BAI'Tls ..... UNOER MO SAIC LAW CQ M" AR~ I)
1:1a M ightitrThanI desired. ANSWE k TO THE LETTEIlS OF wlT ujor-n;-'s BAPTISM. BASIL' Th e baptism
"SSCP1,Il6 ' ;cf.)'lign<I'G S7.1!309Z. " M,1,lH4;Lk PETllIAtoI,THR DoNAT!ST 2,17.'" which was handed down through Moses rec

NON I!. GIUIATIIIl TIIANjOIl N. CfIllL OF jlIlU- ognizcd, first. a distinction lmongsins. for
SALEIoI:Eve n though El ip.h the Tish bire was 1:1bTbeThongofWboseS"ndalsl the grace ofp.aroon was nor accorded all
taken up to hea ven, r6 he wa.s notgruter rionofJobn'n<h.h.;u",!,ofu!vorion"';,h.p'<'risio", Am No t WortbJ 10 Stoop D o .... n Dn d transgressions. It also required variousucri-
thanJohn. Enoch roo Wal; rranslated r, but VO"f<' .... nM".... k.adunCh' ..".ulminorinlth.b.. Un ';, fices,laiddownpreciserulesforpurificariQn,
.ndpropMf>y... w>.i,;"g,h • .,..,in,odon •• owhomth"l'
wunolgreaterth:tnJohn./I.'Iosesw:tSthe poinr:s..·,.. ,h.nClCh<nbo,nofwom.n;l.... r.bon ,h<
greatot of lawgivers and all the prophets T " "' Il INCOOlPARAB ILl TT. CHRYSQSTOM:
:;~~'';~;7~~:~7; L:,~<::~7~'~~:::d~; ~;;~~~.
on.bo,nQ{<h • .iTn. »tCC',9J " . T .... ' ,h.",.""""
wereadmirable.burnonegreaterth~n john. J' .... rh"'nQ{wom.n<h.nJohndo .. no'irnprr,h., joh<\ was setting forth the ami ci pltory and
l.17.~7.71. ' \; NPNF 1~,IIZ ·Il ' . "Cf. LkJ'16,jn 1,r"

".didM,n, , .
John"!'..,"".. .. «.d. ,h"o(,h. LordbimJ.<lf,whQw,",
anciltary value of hi. own baptism. showing
[t is not [ who would dare to compare
proph~t wit h proph et. but th eir MaHer and ~~~,:~:.::;: 7~~~~:~:~1~. :'~';3~:~ ~~~:'~:7~' ")0 rhatit had nO other p urpose tha n tol"ad to
),.18·jO. TlG 1()('1.1I2,
J1 17.1,*; d. :-IPNF I lQ,11; W~
\;1". '~rtGI041 .00;, 6 , 14.1U!.).J .. I[
OUr5 who himselfd"cI:tred "Among those },)O repentance. He did no, ,ay he baptized wirh b.?,;%<,b u, " n,rh,HolySp ir', <0 b'p,ioe.
arul segugatedforatimethosewho werein a spu k, noc so :u to diminish th e grum .. s o f
state of impurity and deniem~nt. It appointed che subject, b)' ~n uposition m ~de in weak· 1:9·11 T H E BAPTISM Or:: J ESUS
the observance of days and seasons, and only nessofb o dy~ndwi'htheaidofa formof
rnenb~p£ismw.urc.::eivedasthese.alof pllrifi. reason ing ch~( is set ar n~ughc. \Ve !flU,t
c2rion. T he bap lism of)ohn was F.u more ex· speak to magn ify che greatnus ~nd che long.
cdlenc: h recognized no dist inction of sins, nor s ufferi ngb~ n evol( n ,eofrhegoodGod in tol·
' In tho se daysJeJu~ ,amefrom Naztlferh of Gali1ee and wru baptized byJohn in th"
did it uquirc a v~ri..ry of sacrifices, nO[ did it erating Om summering actempts to ~peak jorda l! . IQA nd when he cam e up out ofllu wat er, imm ea iately he jaw the h eaven,
appo int strict ruies fo r pUrification Or any ob· about rhe prodigies of his love;lnd grace in "pentd ana the Spiril desanding "pon him like a dove; !land a voice came from
scrvan~eofdays orse;uons .lndecd, wichno C hri st ) eJUs. CoNCE R"IN G B"PT' SM.l !.~' " heaven, -Tho" art my beloved So n; w ith tha I am w ell ple ased. -
&by at ill, ""yone who had confessed his sins,
howevernumeroU5orgrave,haducessat Ttu D,sTI,,<;T ' OS BETWIIIN WAT'" ASD
once co the grace of God ~nd his Christ. CON' S "IRIT .J E ROM ~' H e is duwing a comp .. ri· OVERVI EW: Th e dove. wh olly benign. injur_ 1,9Bllplizca by Jo hnin the Jordan
CEflNI"oBAPTtSM3 1•1 .J.O son,therefore,bccw"""the~wand,hegos­ ingnothing,symbo!i::esinnoce nce
pe!. F;lrther.heuys:" l h aveb2ptized YOll (Cl-lR'rSOSTOM). simplicity (BE DE) andgraa Tl-l e HALLO WI,.... OF \VATIER. GRE.GORY NAZ'
1:8bWith rhf Holy Sp irit with water: chat is, the law; "but h e will (A .. GU ST1"E). T hose who studyrh eh~bi" rA" Z.E,,:As man he was bap[i:o:ed. 1bur he ab·
bap(izeyo.. wit h theHolySpirit_"l>th~(;" ofchedovele~rnp ea,e(BEDB) .A&erthe solved sins u God.' He need~d no puri fying
STA.MM~RlN" B~FOR.B THE MTSTl! a T O F BAP' thegospe!. H OM ILY 76." nood. by wh ich Ih e iniqu ity of the old world rices himself-his purpose was to hall ow
TlSM .BAS!L:The bapris mofth cLord,h o w· was d eansed aw ay (afteT. so tosp eak, che Waler. ORATION 29.01'1 T HE SoN.'
ever, surpasses ~ II human powers of THE P " RFECT10N OF BAPTISM. J o; Il0ME: No baptism of the world), th e dove proclaimed
comprehension. lt co n ca ins a glory beyond ba ptism c:m be called perfec t Cl(cept tha, ro the earch che lemper ingof' hewnuhof 1:10 The H . OIVf ni Opened
all that humanity h opes orpr~ys for, apre ' w h ich depend s on the cron and resurrection he;;ven (TERT UU1AN). The dove points to Je-
eminence ofgr~ce a nd power whi,h el(' of Ch ri, I . T HE D'''LOGU.E AaAmST Til E Lu- IllSll the new Noah. the piiot of the na ture TH ~ DIV.NI!-HUMAN RIICONClllAT JO S. Hrp·
cceds th e others" m o rc than t h e sun C1 FERt A.S57.'" thar is everywhere in shipwreck (GIU!GORY PO LYTus,' Doyousec.beloved. how many
oU<5hine < th c Sta... More th an this. ifrhe T HAUM" TU RGU S).I n th e open ing of hcav en and how great b les .•ings we would havc lost
wordlof l herighreo u ,arerec~lIed 10 . reconciliation i,caking pIJabctweenCrea_ if the Lord hadyi eldeci to theel(honation o f
min d. they pto ve ~ ve n more co nclusiv ely J.O FC 9:lSS·. Th.p<~i •• ~, .. ;,h .i~·i, ..,·nd.m.II .. '>< lorand creation th rough the Redeemer by )ohnand declined~prism ?Forlheh eJvens
~fT<r.dim ",<d;u <.'"."'o ,h, ~, ... ofl<p'n'''\'. ;nth , the tutimo nyof the Holy Spiric (HI P'
itsj nco rnp3 rab l~ su pe riority. Yet, we had been shurbefore ch is.' Th e region above
<omingofCIt,;",. "6.pti>",~...u'M~"'Kl> .... n4ynJ<,
muse not th erefo re refr~jn fromspe:oking Joh n·.p..... hi"l':_ "'Fc"3S6·;TlG»Ol.o<;l.)l.L~1I. POLYTU$).r n rneb~pt;"mofJUU5.rheFa. W2S inacceuible. We might descend to the
ofi c,b u,. u si ng th e very u tter a nCe S of "Mk t,s. )OC<t<cio.: O!9o!. l .oIb: FCS7,IJl, Th< h'p'"e, 0' Iher bore witness. rhe Son received witness lower parrs. bUI nOt ascend tothe upper. $0
t<r><~"'nc<w;'h "'''' '' i" h, l..,.."" od"dtt di.r ,n". and lheHolySpiritgave co nfirmacion _ it h ap pen~d not only that the Lord was be·
our LordJesu s Christ as our guides, We
,i<>nofd'el.... >ruI dub 'f"i>m of, t..Spiri, ;'<Il<6r".."
gropealongthcway .~swi th a mirror, or unJ""hed4p"n<"":onof,h<go'pd."C«<dox06Ol!.
Ihusinlhe)ordanrhetrillnemyscerybcga n ing b~pri7.:ed -he also was making new the
th roug b the maz e o f an cnigm;l.. We must 7. \71.6: NPNF16,12l". tobedisdosed (ORIG E" ).rhe Son appearing o[d crucion.Hewasbringingthe ~licnated
n aman and theS piri, :uadove(AuGu s, ll nd ec rhescepre rof adop rion.6 Fo rs traighr.
TIN E).)esusdid not b«ome Son only at his way "the heaveru wcreopeneci to hirn. " A
baptism.fo rh e i5etcrnatlYlhcSonofthe F~. r«oncilia cioll cook pla,e between rhevisible
Iher (ORIGE N) inan ab idingsonship that
ollr lempor..J minds,~nappro,achonlywith
wonder and awe (A.\4aRoH). T hough the ' M,j,t6:U3,ll. 'In 1,19: M,9:2. 'FGFR2'>S. "'rh.
eternal So n had no el(rernal need of bap tism.
!;;::;;:~':<i:<~;;:~:( ~~t:; ~~'~:~yU~!t ~i::::~:~;
he fredr submitted 10)onn', baprism (Gu·
~',: ,h< bmil,orGod ' " .. ,,,,,ludcd by .dop,ionod. R"m

10 11
and the invi,ibt.:. Thc,de"tialorderswer.

onc who was begorrcn ofZechariah; the

One who was born of Mary aft er the flesh.
and nOt the one who was brought forth by
Elizab ethbeyond ;l;ll~"pecration; the One
who waS the fruit of the virginity which he JOHN'S BAPTISM ASDCl-IRIST'S. AU(H!STlNI;;
yet preserved intact. nor the one who was Those who receive the baptism of Christ
the shoot from a sterility removed; the One
who had his encOUnter with you. and not
th~onebroughtupinthewilderness. This
ismy be!oved50n, in whom' am well
ple;;sed: my Son, of th~ sam~ substance with
TtJ~ NEW NOAH. GREGORY Tl-IAlIMA TlIR' mys elf,and not ofa different: of the samees-
GlIs:Andstretchingforthslowlyhi~right sence with mc according ro what is unseen. jOHN 5·5·3. 4·"
hand. which see m~d borh to tremble and [0 and ofrhe same essence with you according world toward h~aven ~ t bet appearing."
rejoice,john baptized the Lord. Then his de- to what is seen. yet wirhout sin. Tl-IE l:lOLik ~ aDov e And in stead of ab ranch of peace from an
tractors who were present, wi th those in the FOURTH HOMILY, ON THE HOLV THEO-
vicinity and those from a disrance, connived PH ANY, OR OF CHRIST'S BAPTISM. " THII IMAG E OF I"NocBNCB. ORIG~N: A
tog~ther, and spoke among themsdves ask- common. THE GOSPEL OF ST. MATTHEW
ing:"Wasjohn then superiortojesus! Was 1:10 The Spirit Desanding upon Him 12.3.

itwirhoutc~ useth atwethoughtJohn of doves. HOMILIES ON LLlKE, HOMILY 27."

this! Is not h e who baptizes pre. ented as the John,whobaptized,stoodby, and behold, TUE ABSENCB OF GALL. TERTULLI AN; The
greater. and h e who is baptized as the less
importanti" Butjust ..sthcy. in their igno-
ranee of the mystery of the divine econ-
omy,llbabbledaboucwithc~choth~r,th e
holy Onc who alone is Lord spoke. Hewho
by nature is the Father of th e Only begotten
(wbo alo ne wa. begotten in unblemished
fashion) instandy rectified rheir blunted
im ..gination".Heopen~dtheg .. tesofthe
heavens ~ ndsentdownth e HolySpiri~in
theformof ~ dove,[ightingupontheheadof ingwirh ;J.no[ivebranch."whichis a signof
j esus, pointing him out right th ere as the peace amongthenations.ONB .... PTlS.\18.'"
neW No ~h . even the maker ofNoah, and th e
good pilot of the nature' l whieh is in ship- THE GENTLE DELIVERANCE. Cl-IRYSOSTOM·
wuek. And h e himself , .. lis with c1~a, voice Butwhyintheformo fadove!Thedov ~i,a

12 13
ceUencl;ving."Moreover.both;l.pp<:~r"nces T rini ty;oppeH!~Cfyc!ear!}":theFac heri n euctly fitstherhi ng towh ic hir iscom- spuk of G od, as when w e speak of bod ies.
surely came in a vis ible manner for Iht sake rhevoice,cheSon i n,h~m a n,lheSpiri . in pued. Buides, when c;an any likeneu in a The genuu ion of rh e SDn is incomprehen-
ofcOl.r""l eyes .Fo rwe muscpau byd ~s rees the dove. Tll .. CT.. TE ON j OHX 6.S.I." cruled bci ngbeappliedt oth eCr eator~ LET­ sible," theFar herb egerswirhourc h anging
chroughthev;s;bles.au ;l.mentsfromlhos<: nil 169 TO EUOOlUS." hi s na rure.Yecthisbegotlenness isofbi m-
things whid, ,,reseenw;ththephpiulqes TH M~II ' NO N•. AUGUSTINE: In rhe Scriprure sdf.l n agesi nconceivablyremorethecrue
tOth05cchi ns s whkhareundersrood spil"itu. many de tailsare mentioned di stitlguishJbly l:l1bMy Bdoved SOil God h as begon en onc Wh D is truly God.
;a lly by rhe mind. For h um"n words m"ke 3 ofea" hofrhe criunePe rsonsindividuaUy, E XPOS ITIO '" O F TH EC H Rr STJ .. N FAIT H
lo und and the n p;l.U away. But when thedi- $uch as CannOr be u id of themjoincly,cve n THE F"T"~FI.'" Vo ,e s. H 'PPO LYTus:"'" For l.IO.67·"
vine W ord is exprnsed . rhJ t which is sig"i- though they are inse parahlytogerhe r. as this reason did the Fa ch er se nd downlh e
fledbyrhewordsdocsnotpa:s..s;l.w;l.Y· u when che}"ue made manif""r b y cDrpo real Hol}" Spirit fmm h eaven upon th e One who 1:11, Wir!l Thee I Am WdJ PJeaHlI
QUEST' ONS ,QU J;STlON4} . '"' sou nds. So in certain pusagc:s of Scriprure was baptiud . ... For whar leason! T halrh e
and rhrougb certain created bein g~ rh~y are fairhfulness ofrhe Farher·s VDicemighrb e TII BWATII1l 5 SANCTI~ '1I0. E ~HRE M TJ.lE
Till; G ' PT. AUGUST' NE: The dove il not for shown separncly and succcssively • .tS rhe Fa- madeknown .. .. LiscenrocheFarhet·s SVIUAN: Today th e So urce of~lJ the graces
ule; itisgivrngrat il .Hencciriscallcd .her in che voice wh ich is heard: "T hou an VD;ce: - This;s my beloved Son, in whom I ofbaprilm comes himsel f 10 ~ baptiud in
grace. T II.AcTATE ONJO HN IO.IS.J.'" my So n,"" and the So n in rheh umann ~ture am well ple-.scd." This is he who is named rh e river Jordan, th ere to makehimsclf
which he rook frDm che Virgin,)O and che thesonofJoseph. who a.ccording co thedi- known ttJ,hewDcld.Scc ing himapproach ,
A STFl.ANOEJI. To MALIc£. Bn'E: The im.lge HolySpiritinth e ph ysicalappur~nceofa vine u,ence is my o nly begotte n. -This;s my Joh n Slretches om h is ha nd 10 hold him
ofa dove is pl Kcd befo re usby Gooso th al doveY T h ese are mention ed di stingu ish ab ly, beloved So n." ye,. non e othe r rhan the One back, pror~st ing: Lord, by you r own b~p cism
we nuy learn rhe simpliciry fa~ored by him. ir i.< true, bur they do noc prove rhal lhe who h;mselfbecomu hu ngry, yet feed.. you un"rify aIJ oth ersl yo urs is rhe true bap-
So lcr us medirat c o n ch e nacure of the dove. T h ree are separaccd. T o explinre this Wc ,ounrlen nu mbers. He is my Son who h im ' tism, Ihe source ofperfKr holiness. How
rhar frD me;ochDncofi rsfeaCIJ resofinno- rake u;on exam ple th e unic}" of ou.r momo lY. selfbe comes wear y, yet gives rest to the can yo u wi sh ro sub mit to minel Burrhe
cence we m;oy leun the principles ofa more our u ndcrsrand ing. our wiU. Alrhough we weary." He h;os no place co lay his h ud: l yel l..Jrd replies, I wish; ttobelo.Comeand
beco ming life. Th" do ve is a stranger to mal- li s. thesc disringuishably, individu:..tly and in bears up all lhings in his hand. H e!uffers, bap(;%e me. Do;as I wish,lOr!urelyyoucan-
ice. 5Drn.ay;oUbinernes.s. angera ndi ndigna - th eir various funcr ions. there is nothing we yer heal, ! uffering5. Heisbe:l.ren,y etconfe rs no c refuse me. Why do you hes itare, why are
dDn bc lakenawayfrDmus, IDgcrherwithaU do or 5-:l.y which proaeds from onc of Ihem liberty upon rh e wodd.·· He i.s p;erud in h is you JO arraidl Do you not realize rhat the
malice. Th e dove injurcs nochingwith its with out the other two." Ho weve r, we arc side:" yct repairs th e s ide of Adam. T H~ D'5' bapdsm f askfor is mine by evety righ rlBy
mourhort;lID nl,nordDesitnDuti.<hitselfDr not to think that rh~ $e thr ee faculties are CO UllSI ON THE H OLY TH I!O PH .. NV ,.'s myb ap rism the waters will be sa ncrified. re -
i rsYDungonrinymiceorgrubs.asdo~lmosl comparedtolheTrin;c)·so;osroruembleir ceiving from me fire and rhe Holy Spi n l ..
all smaller birds. tet us seerhat our r~cth ;"ev~r ypoin t, foracomp .. ri.onisnever ONI; W'THOUT BfiG 'NN'N G. OR'G ~N: This is See the hosts of heaven h lUhed and nill. ~s
ue nor weapons and arrows." H O."IU[S ON given such impocrancein an argumcntrhatir spoken co him b y God, with whom al l time tn call-holy Bridegro om goes do wn in to the
IJ istoo.:ry. Forrhere is no evening wirh God.
TH E G OSH\..S ,.Il. Jordan. NO$ooner is he bapcized rhan he
17Cf.ll,om~ ,!.j D,G .16,8 . "<,:1". 1.1$.1 1. "C«<ci<><0250
as lueit,and there ionDmorning-norh ing
l : lIa A Vo icefrom H rd vt n 1.26.96: FCro,/.·1S· . "'c.,.Jo<Ol73.I0.6.lol;FC 7S,ll" bur rime rharstretchesout,:..tongwirh his "C... doc0261.I&\s.S:FCl(hS4.55.'"Tht.",hor
"1'>.57"'(LXX~ S) . "C~'~ 1 l67.1.1l.I\T"HOG unb"ginningandu ns ..enlife. The day is m- .!.;p"uru:<fT~n. "Cf.;\I, 11<2&-19. "Cf. M,8,lOlLk
"A EG J.07.0"g<~ """rh in h~ f!.",ili" • •
1:1 2()"" · .
TUII TRH,l NlI WIT NESS. ORI QE N: In rbcJo r- day wi th him in which the Son was begor- 9:Sa. " H'l> bJ:<f. Lk':18:2C",U7. "JnI9,).l. "", ..... f
C .. "i,,-Th<n IOr , I" f,,,,,i,,.,. , " , my"'''! of ,h , ·r " ,,,r,.
dan the Trrn iry was manifes,ed m humanity.
~ ~:~~I~~;2j;~:"p~~7~1~1:;;; ~~kC;,~
ren. Th u! the begin ni ng of his birth is 'lOttO :~~l6~~~,~~G<!~~::"~; :;:h~:~:':;On~'h',o:,~,~~.
The Father bor~ wicn~:\S, the Son received be found, as neit he r is rh e d;oy of i r.46Co~­ dur• • ufr......."hu"'"'rn..lopp' .... ..,n.-"..Wo,ddid
witness. and th~ H oly Spi rit g~ve confirma- U2; "',,' [J ,ll, H,b b . "M, 1:2l. 21: l.k2'7. ".~1, J,l,," M i"'TA llY ON JOHN 1.)2."" oo,bt,,,,,,, Son only.,. >.p<<ifo< """ •• w:h .. h.. b>p''''''.
MkUo,UN2,Jnl:J2 . u"""'<=fJ'.~":l<"'.nJi"g
tion.AG .. 1NSTCElSUS2.71. u fo , h, ..·.. . wn. lly<!'<5.>nofth.F"h.,. "Al-o·F 9:)14·
.odW>lJ.,~,h=.n.J~b< <o"".'""dd""",,,;"h..bly.
no,~'n¥.... d"''''·rpn>C""J.F,o",,,"<of'h,m''';fho"' T H.. ETII.N .. t RBI.ATIO,... A:'481l0S£: T hese
"W"h;ft'h<~.,<tOr;<,ol,"" ..mpo<>l "c..:No<OISO.
1.10A9; NP:--IF 2 10,21l"· . H is ~'''nn ... ;'' .",~.J. no,
,heo,h" ,wn. In'hi . ..... yGod" ,h,« Y" on. words ue nOt robe understoo d,wh en we

14 15
MARK''' .! · . .,

comes up frOIll !hcwHus.hissplendor with theobj &1 ofsetting focththe same wh~n h~ SUI us left: alon~ and by our<dve5. sins inbapti.m, wesho u!ddevateoursclv",
shifliflg forrh OVef the <,aHh. Thegu<,s of sense more famil iarly. 50 rh.nwhat ischu5 In rhi.!lumewaydidhe:olsacanfrofllEve in {ovigi ls, fasts, prayers andoth~rspiricuallJ
h~avcn ~rC opened. "nd [he F;1,her's voic~ given bY;111 of them migh, b~ und~rs tood os Ihe !Kginning, having caugh , her alon~ ~nd frui,fulthings,lestw h enwe ;1resl uggish~n,1
is heard: "This i~ my beloy<,d Son in whom if,he exprcuion were; InYou I havc set my .. p ~rtfrom h erhu.band . THIGoSPtlOfST. !e5. vigilant the unclel n s pir it upclled fro,,"
I a m well ple ased :' A ll wh o Me presenr good pleasur e;thatiltosay. byYoul amdo MATTH ~W, HOM ILY '3.1.' our h eart by bapti l m may return, and finJ
sta nd in aw~ as ,hey watch ,h e Spirit d,,· ing what is my pleasure. THE HAIIMONY Of ing us fruitl ~.& inspiritu ~l riches. weig h uS
.cefld to ben witne •• to hi m. 0 come all TI-lEGOSPELS1.14.jl." 1:13 Ttmpt~d '" Satan down ag~in wi~h a seve nfold ~sdlence, an,l
you peoplu. wonhip h im! Praise co you, ou r las[st~,ewould ~h en be woue than ch ..
Lord. foryo\Lrglorio u s~piphanywh ich SUGGJ!STION, DOLIGIIT. eo""UNT. GIIEGORY fitst." Ut us be wlry ~ h ~t we do not relight
brings joy to u s ll.1I! Th~ wh ole world has THE GREAT' T cmp,al,on is brought 10 fulfil!- ,he fires afold (lhses.sions which w(lu!d
beco me ra diant with the light of your m.emby t hree$tages ;sugg~ $tion,del'ght, wrcck us(ln ournewvoyage. Wh,.tever ~or!
mani fu"uion. HYMNS 14."" ,o nsent. And wc in temptatiangene r:illy fall offh.mingsw(l rdit il th acgu ardschedoor
"JF82&.19' Epltr-<mH, ... 'I •. ~14.12..~.17 .• 7.;o,T
,hroughdelight,andth~nchroughconsent; way of p aradist; h as been al[~ady dfecd vely
J.Lo.m,.d..(M""hd<n4<;.o.,o: •• I862·1902) 1.117·
VA IUEO T IIII." S CON VfiY THII SAlOl' M OAN' 18.114.27. ''n,.""h<,E.onr-l;', .. ''ugwrin.;' ..lunc fOr being begotten af th~ sin af ,h~ flesh we e:rdnguishcd for each of th e faithfu l in the
ING. AUGUSTIN E: Whic h ever of the Evangd · w"""h..dt.,,*,<>.>id·wm.Th.."CMkUI )."w,,h bur within w chal t h rough which wc suffer fonrafbapt ism. For rh e unfai[hfu l. h owever,
wl><>m" CM, U7)", 'in Th •• " (U )<22). "C...J""OZIl. conflict. But God. inc~rn ate in rhe wamb of
istS may h ave preserved for us th e wotdsas
2.H.) I. H2. ll, NPNF.M 19·:/0'. H....... ... ""8"' oa,
the gat~ r~maina always formid~b le . l!ld alsa
dle)' We [e liuully uttered by ,he heavenly 'Qbc"." li'",>.li"kin'.. ~i"S ," ,Go,p<[ •• 10,.11 ,hI"<' " virgin. came inw the wa rl d withou, sin. for chose falsely caUed fa i,hfu~ th ough t hey
voic~.theothe rs!' havevariedthctermsonly E•• ngdimm.",.ub",nci.lly,n.um. ,hin, and 50 5Ufferl no con flic,wirhin h imself. H e h ave not b,,~n cha5en . s ince they hav~ no
could. [herefore be tempted by suggestion, fear of ~nt~ngling tht;mselves in sin$ after
but the delighr ofsin cauld nevcr taurh his bapti.!lm. I,i.!Iasrhough,hesamefirepur
mind. Sa:oll {heu ,emptal ions of che devil OUt inbaprism has been rekindled ; fterit
were from withaut, nOI from within Him. hadbeenancee:rtinguis hed . HOM!L!ESON
Soon aft er he hld bun baptized he per· ':--';P NF 110:80"'. Th< ,Mmcofr<mpr::..''''' oIo..c in ,"" wil
UTh.· Spirir imm .. diatdy drove him OiJ! inlO th( wilderntH. 'JAnd he W<l5 in Ihe fa[med~fal,af(orty daysbyhimself.'and
h e taught andin£orm~dusbyhisexanlple
~~ li::;'~'i~~[ ;;,~~:r:.~~;,.~:~ -;:\~,~'M~
wildcrneH forty tempted by S<lt<1n; and he waj with Ihe wild beaj ts; and the 1;1),LIo4:l . '''h J;!:41 ·45,llll:P4 .26. 'C... do<l}67
th at. afte r we h ave received fotgiven~!$o f 1.I2.t74,HOG 1:119·lO" .
allgels mi,dsu red to

OV ER " IE W: The s"tting of J ~sus' lempt~­ 1:12 TIlt Sp ir ;1 D'O H H im O ut into tIn
cion. like that of Ev,,·s. is th"w ild"m~ .. , Wildtrncss .
wi,h its ton din t:U ~ nd vutn n"bi lity
by pr~y~r and fasting ~nd i. followed by You Se~ how tht; Spiric led him, nOI into l
tam~", p<:rscvcrance (BEOE). The dy n;1 m- cicyor publicuena,bucinla;1wildernus.ln
ics of [~mpt~tion proa~d first by sugges- t his desolate place, theSpi r itext~nded ,he
Ii No w afler John was arresrrd.jrSlH came into Galilu, preach ing Ih .. go spel of God,
tion, ,hen by t~king d eligh' in ch" devil an oc casion to tesr him, nor ,,,,ly by
suggestlon, th en by co ns ent (GRBOO R.Y hl.lllge r, bm ;1lso by londin ess . for it is ~h cre !Sand saying, ~The time i, fr.dfiJJed, and the kingdo m cf God is at hand; repent, and
THE GRE AT). mOSt especially that thede\"il"~5lils us, hdieve in the gospeJ. ~

16 17
he,aw Simon and Andrew the brother edll,alioninstmctlh~n:l,ions! . .. Whenhe

J7 An d)esl.ls ~aid to them,

the net!. 20And

hired servants, andfol1owed him.

OVERVIEW: The Lord though, ir bctt~r co
usethc moSt ru,tic;tndcommon persons .., ~nd teach~cs ofholine,s to all the narions, de-
1:16 Thq WHe Fishermen claring them h~ralds of his Own teaching. THE
EUSEBlUS: Reflcnon rhe nawre arrd gran- 1:17 Follow Me, "nd I Will M"k, You
FishcriOf Men 1,18 Immediately They Left Udr Nus


may ",comp.. ny ,epcntanCeUERoME).

1:15b Repcntand B~litve Lord chose to him "aid , "I have tlO me~ns
rolive: O"IDQl ATRyn. L4
THE L\hNGLlNG OF JOY A"'O SORROW. thar the word of ChriH comes to pr~vail


the kemelt:>reaks ,he nUf. So one who de

18 19
M,..c"",, .. P~" CR 1'011, H I1., .AuGusTI "~: property,sdf. imporuncc, social c!.ts.sand him!"l1IAnd Ihe u nc/eall spirit. (o n vuhing him and crying with aloud voice.cameoul
And fromth~td.l.yt heya d heredcohimso usd ess desire. following the holy eumple of
of him. 11 And they w ere all amaud. 10 Ihat they questioned among IhemselvfJ,
resolutdydlOltcheyd id nordcp~([ .... Let the Lord's disciples. James and John left
lL'I,a"'o,ou($elvesbuild~hou$eino u rhQrt their farher Z ebedce and the very boAt upon $<lying, · What i5 t h is! A new teaching! With allrhoril] hecommanal even th e unclean
and make ~ place where he may come ~nd which (heir whole livelihood depended. " spirits, und they obey him ." 18 An d at ontt his fame spread everywhere throughout
reac h us. T"4cT4TI! ON JOHN 7.9.l.1. ,1 M~(rhewlefc his(ounti ng houseandfo[. 0/1 the su"ounding region of C a/i/ee.
low ed the Lord, not merdy leaving behinJ
t h e profi ts of hisoccup3.Tion. butalso~ying
no heed to the dange(s which we re sure to OVI '<YI BW: T he demo n ic powers we,e Ihe 1:24b H IIH You Com t to D ut roy Us?
CO"'''UUNG C4~", J Ii!l.OME: Thuc must
HI S bc: fall both h ims elf and h is family at the first to be confromed by rh e Lord (B EDE ).
haveb.:ensomuhingd ivinelycomptHingin hands of th e magist< ares because he had left Even ifr he demons confessed Ch ris t. wi th . Tow"~D H .. sTY DUT~I,ICTION. AOG IlSTI1<E:
01,11 charity tha l meam nothing (CHRYS OS ' Un clean ~ pi ri r s kne w Ih"t Jes us Ch ri..
{hefaceo r lheSavior.O r h crwis~ t hey would the tax accounts un fini,hed." PaulspeAk5 of
TO M, AMBROSH, AUOVST IN£). W h ile Peter's would come. They had heard it from the an.
nor have actcd so ir rationally ou ro fo l!ow a th e who le wo rldbeingc ru( ifi ~dto h im.and
man whom tk ey had never le~n before. Does h etothe world.'· Thus,thosewhoa re confeuion sou nded alm os t the u me verball y gels. they had heard it from the prophcrs, so
one leave a farh er co fo llow a man in whom stro ngly seized with th e de'ire offoUowing u th e d emoni c confess ion, the cr ucial di tTer· rh ey were elCpec ti ng h im 10 CO me. Forif not,
h e5e~s nOlhing more rk an h ele~s in hi s fa. C hri<lcan no longe r be concern ed wit h any· ence was that Pete r confessed Out ofIove, why did th ey cry OI,lC, "What h" vc we to do
ther!They ldtlh ei rfathcrofthc flesht o fol. thing percaining to this [if~, not even wi th the demons outof fear (AU OUSTlNE). with you l H ave you come to descoo y us be·
low the Falher of th e sp irit. Th ey did nol th~ love of their parent s or oth er (dativ e~ in·
T ruth beco mes mere b ait fo r the de mons fo rc rh e rim e? W e kn ow whoyou :E rc, th e
leave a fath er: rhc yfound a Farhcr. Wh at i. sofa r as this runs cou ntu to th e caIIing of wh o speak the rruth o nly to deceive ho lyoneofGod."'TR.4cT4no Njo HN7.6.z:
rhc poinr o f rh is d igrusio nl To show tkat the Lo rd. TH E Lo ... G RULES, QU~Sl' ! ON 8 .:0 (EOT HYMILIS ). So we are nO t t o b elie ve rh e
ther e was something d ivine in theSavior'S de mo nic po we rs, even w hen they tell rh e 1:24c I Kno w W ho You A rt, the Ho l]
verycou'll enance rhat men, seeing. could truth (AM.$ IO.OS E). Jesus s ilenced th e de· OnrofGod
norresise. H oMIL r 8].'· "ee,«Io<uvs.7.9.l2;FC7M62-6J. '·c..-«loc1);9.f.9.)7; mons bec~use he did no! wish th at th e
FCS7,180" , " ),t k b:!O. "'M,!J,9. "G.16,]4.·6~d"b< tru (h should proceed fro m an u ndea ll DI!MO""C RBcOG HITlo s. IRS ..... EUS: Even
;r/fomme<oJIof)'<><ep,j",h<<<o>.of"... I.o,dj<>u. mo uth (A TH" ... 4SIUS) . h was fi n ing chat rhe demons cried Out. on beholding the Son:
DIrr 4CH' '''G ALL. B4SIL: A beginning 1$ made
by deuching oneself from all uternal goods, ~":;::'!'::~~;;;:'.h"l>«n<TU<'fi<d ",.-..,J I che Iruth should become a mea ns of j udg. "I know who you ace, the H oly One of
mentnoto nly for the sal vario n o f rho Se God ..... urer the devil looking ac h im and
who believe bur also for rh e cond e mnarion cempting him, would s.ay: - If you are the Son
of those who do not be lieve, th ataU o f God. '" All of thue chus recognized the
shou ld be fa itly judged ( h .£" .. E US). Son and the Fac her. yet wil houtbelieving.
Soitwu fitcing rh.1It the lrurh shou ld re ·
1 ; 2 1 ·28 J ESUS I N T H E S Y NA GOGUE AT CAPE R NAUM 1:24a W hllt H ave Yo u t o D o ", jth Vs, ceive restimonyfcomaU. and should become
JUIUof Nllzllrcth? ame~nlofjudgmentfor( h esalvationno(
onlyof (hos~whobdieve.buralso for t he
21Alld thty w e llt into Caper n ~um; and imm l'd iatl' ly on t h~ $~bbath he enteTl'd the T il l E4 'U JU T I ... TI"I4TIO ... O F HIS IDf .... eondemnationofthose who do nOt b-clieve.
1'1TT. B ~O E: It was " ppropr iate, . ince death
synagogue and taugh t . l2And they wtrc .u toniJ hcd at h is t each ing.jor he t aught t~ e n:
fiClt cntered into the world through th e
.u on c w h o had aut hority , and not as th e H rib c.l . 2J And imm edia tdy th ere WIH i'l ~evil'sen vy,l l h atth eh eaIing m ed icin e ofsaI . ' G<n ),15 . 'CM1 29.Cf. HOG 1,121, HOG Hll:G(
th eir Jy nagog ue a man wi tr.. all ~nd e an spirit; z4 an d h e cri ed 0 .. 1. · What have you to _ar ion ~ huuld fir,<t operate agains r h im .. ],]70.M d... hr."'<om'br'h. d''''''~ i"'Q.;u •• rionr. ,,,
do with uI.jel u$ of Naz aretr..? H ave you come t o us? I kn o w wh o you Me, Th e prese nce of the Savior is the rormen r of ~~;:~ ~~ ;~:~~~j,~~~n! ~;;,' 7~:.~;~~ :~~'S!:,2 ~;, ~~ ],24
th e H oly On e of God." ZIB uI j eJ UJ rebuk ed h im, Jay ing. an d ( om e ou l of tke devi l~. HO MIU ES ON THE GOSP ELS 1.13.' ' ''1< 4:!; Lk4,l

20 21
M .. IlK '''9 ''1

Th~ u.,uh: is Th"" all s hould b~ fairly judg~d, and ulkd blessed. Was it bec~use he merely intOlh em, for his purpo se was ro free from puc a bridle in the mouth s of th e demon,
a"d that [he f.. ith in the Fath~ran d Son ,aid, "You :lre the Christ, rhcSorlofthe li v. theirryt:lnnic;tlpower:lllwhowerepredes_ th .. t crie d afru hi m from the tomb •. For .LI
shou[dbe~m anero fd~cis ionfor :! ll, sotho.t ing God":" No, he who pronou<l.edhim tin ed fot hi s kingdom:lndglory, whi ch is rhoug hw h;lt h eyuidwurrlle, :a ndth q
onc meansofs~lvation , houldbe eS[~blished b!essed, regarded not merdy the sound of elcrnaUynue:andnu[yctern.t.Therdore, did no t lit when t hey said. ' You are ch"
forall, re(eivi ngtlL'5timony from~II,Dot h his words,butthe:lrrectionsof h ishe~ rt. hedidnOl m:akehimselfkn owntoth~de · w
Son of G od :and wr he Holy O ne of God. - '
from thos~ hrlonging to it who we re its Compare rh:l t with the wo~ds of Ihe demons mons~the(ife«ern.3.tandtheunch:lnge ­ yel hedid notwisn rhat the Iruth sho ul d
friends , and by thos~ ha ving noconnecrion w ho said a[mosc Ih e s.:Ime thitlg: ' W e kn ow .blelighl which illuminates his true proceed from an unclean mouth, and e,p"
wit h it who were iUl enemies. Farthat cvi - who you ~re, Ihe So n of God:" just :u Pef t r wotshipers, whose he3.rts are purified by ci:ally from , uch as those who underp re-
dence is moH trustworthy and tru~ which h adca nfessed him ..s"Sa nofGod." So wh at failhin him so Ihat they see th:lrlighf.He tense of truth might ming [e with it ch e ir
elicits eve" franl i'S:l dverU rie, srriking turi - is th e dit"fer e",el P e t~rspoke in love, but th e was known ro the demons Ihrough ce rc:lin own malicious devices." To THE BISHOPS
manie, an it,be ha[f. AGAINST HE RES]IiS demons in fnr .... So tell u, how f:lith is 10 rcmporaleffecrso f h ispower,t he ' ignsof opEOYPTJ ."
4 .6.6-7: be d dine d, if ~ve n the devils can believe ~ nd h", hidden preunce, which cou ld hr more
tr~mble:' OnIYlhefaiththatworks byloHis cvide n t co thc ir sense.s,e,"entho.seofm~l ig_ C Il UTlSlNG THIi T OSGUII. Bl o &: T he devil,
FORCE D NOT]C!!. CH"'-YSOSTOM' DolL'5 no de- fa im. SER"'OI'<S ON NEW T ESY""'IiNT LES' lUntspirir$,th.n eo the we:lk perception of beu use he h ad d"Cei ved Eve wlt n his
mon coU[ upon God 's name! Did not [he d e· SONS 40.8. 11 hllm3.nbeings.CITYOfGoO!il.JI." tongue, is punished by the ro ngue, th :lt he
mons uy, ·We know who you are, 0 H oly mighr nOl spe~ k. HOM' ~ ' !l5 ON THE GOSl> E L~
One of G od?"' Did they not say to Paul: KNOWING W ITIIOUT LO VIN G. AUGU STI NE: T il E CONF~SS ION T HAT L,l.CICIIO LOVII. !.8. lJ •

" rhesemenare theservanrsoftheMosr Those word s show cI e:lrly th .. t th e d emon s ATJ(llIS TlN~' F:lith i. mighty, but with out love
High God?"'" T hey d id, bUl only upon h:ldmuchknowledge,b utenlirely [acked itprolirsnothing. Thcdevilsconfes$edChrist,
s<:ourgi ng. only upon compulsion, neve r o f love. T h ey drnded rece iving t heir p unish_ bulbckingcharityil ~V;lIle<lnothing. They
their Own will, never withoUT being mentfrom him.Th ey di dnmlov e th e Aid, "Wh:ll h~ve we to do with your" They '"ec.<do.: 0" l, CG (Penguin), " ...... H . 8.;<,,"
",,,,l67':cf. FCI4:108-9.J... u.kth,,,udfbckno w nby
!rounced. H O",IUES ON FIRST COIUN TH IANS ri ght~ousne$$ Ih:l.l Wlll i n him. H e m~de confeued :I $Oft of f.Uch, bUI wirhou( love. do~<kmo .... ~d.t""",."",-<"""gh,,>li<o<h;.pu<ti.h
29.3 .... him,elfknown to I hem to the extenl he H.nee they Wet"e devils. Do nOl Dout of th:lt m<n,.bu« o'h'. holin< ... tI.~)' I".dno lo .... " Mkl:24.
willed; :!nd h e willed to be made known to f:ai[hth:ltPllrsyouonthe s3.m~!evdwithlhe "C.'«Ioc O'7S,~21.6;NPNF1 7,46-.Th.<k.;I. conf<>.. "
UN WIL LI NG T IiST IMON", A"'BRO$ E: J do nat theextenlt h acwas fitcing.Buth e wa snol dcviIs . ON THa GOS PEL OF ST.jOHN 6. 21." ~~:'~,~~'~~k:,~~;7: ;~~~ ~~:7::~:~.':~~,~~,o;:~~.,,"
m:lde known to th em ~s h e is known 10
~::~'~~nd~,~:~~'16~~~' ~'~~~N';~~;2;.~~~~u~:":~n
accept the de"il's restimony but his confes-
sion.Thedevilspokeunwillingly,beingcom- the holY:l.ngels, who enjoy p:l rticip:l. tion in 1:25 Bf Silent!
JI~d"';'hd~ ..... lic· """Ir ·p,....... of"u'h. UG(
pellcd ~nd rormenre<l. LE TTU :>.2, To H IS h i$ uernity, in tha t he ;s the Word o f
Hn,cf. HOG 1,)16. T b... ,loo dro,1 ;'ch.."kd in > fu<m~
SIST ER. " God . To t he demons h e is known III he BRIOU I<GT II. MOUTH. ATHANASIUS; He "'.y.
h~ d ro be m:l.de known, by striking le rrOr
He has taught uS never to believe t h e de -
mons,ev"n whe<l cheYS:lY what is ostensib ly 'ANF H6'l · . 'Mk 1:24: U' ,).l. ",l.m 16 ,"17. '°:-JPNI'I
Ir ll e. Fot since th ey [ove f..lse hood,and:l.re U,170 · . " C". do.:O I60, 1().7.l2.S:!.J. lJnll; :-JPNF2
mon hostile to us, t hey never speak Ihe 10,440. "Qo,>o,rdinGC l,l72,cF. D(. EmhymiU' (377. 1 :29-45 JESU S H E ALS AT SIMON'S HO USE AN D
""3)" ,,,,,,...,"',rdby'h.P>lt";""nm~,,odi.oon.
truth except ro deceive. T hey make use of .h,,,,,;r ..h.,.<di .. ipl.. fou~J...t ",.1.",,..01' St. Eu.hy· DE P A RT S FROM CA PER NAUM, HEA LI NG A LEP ER
the ttuth ..... ak.indofb .. ir. FRAGMENTS." mi ..... Cf.CyriIQfs.,.-'hopoI ... Li ... , .j,b, "'.nbQj P..:,. '
,in. (K...J..muo<>. Mich.,CIo=<i ... Publi.,rion •• (939).
Th , painti.tI". ,,,,,hbO<"o,,,,,.b"'t I<>'t~. <k..,.,n,,·po ... ·
<" ....ho.pul;'h<"~'hQfllr ,~d""<;'". ".\.1, 16'1~ ").I, And imm~djate1J h ~ left th e
li and entaed the hou se of Si mon and
PROM PETER'S. A<J G tlS T1N~' C~l1 to mind g ,:;>9,Mkl,24, l.ka,2a. "C."do< 02S4. 'lO.38. S(\4.l2,d.
with me dle tim" when Peter w~s pr:lised WSA J/) .• 53. Sermon i'!U: NPNF 16,Jgj' Andrew, with lame, and John. mOlhH-in-law lay s ick with afeller,

22 23
M.. IlK 1:29"45

and im mrdiauly th ey told him o/her. J'Arldh,cameand took herby t h e hand and Faith b~ho [ dsJ~ s us among "S. Tfwe arc u n· 1:40 A Lepa Cam e to H im Bt see(j,i"g
Jb le l oscizeh i~hllnd, k[Ulpro5tr~(Cour_ Him
liftcd ber up, and tbe fever lejl ber; and she served them.
5e1\'Cs~rhisfcct, I fwe a reun~bletorea,h
31Thal eve ning , at su ndown, Ihey broughl le him all who were sick or posS(ssd
hishe~d, le {uswas hhis feet wic h nurrears.' T H~ GOSPEL WIl!TGIl.S' /1,hMOII.Y .
with demons. HA nd Ihe whole city was gathered log~th eraboul Ihe daor. HA nd h e
OurreP<'ntanceis theperfumcoftheS~,· AUGUSTlNE' ! t ;. not in one'sown power,
healed many who were sick wilh various diH:ases, and cast Dui many demons; and ior.See how costiy is the romp;ossion ofrhe howcv~r admirable and rru$rworrhy m:ly
h e wo uld not pe rmit the dem ons 10 speak, bumlse Ihey k rl ~ w him. Savior.Otlr sinsgiv~offa[(rribleoJor;chey be th e knowledge on~ has of the fa.:t s. to
JSAnd in the morning, agreal while befou day, he rose and we nt o uI 10 a londy place, aU rOtte nness, Nev~rr h d ~u, if we repent of determine the ordet in wh ich he will re.:~ll
and there he prUJed. J6And Sim on and those who were with him pursued hI-m, J7an d they ou r siru, chey will be transformed inco per- (hcm 10 memory.u For th~ way i" whi.:h
found h im and said to him, NE very one is searchingfo ryou. -J8And be said 10 th em , "L et fum e by the Lord. Therefore, l~cusask c he on ~ch ingcomes into one's mindberor~or
Lord to gusp our h~nd. "And ~ t on,.,: he after a nNh~rpro cec ds nor ;u wewill,bl.lt
us go on to the next towns, that I may prrach tbt:realso;fortbat is why I came oul. ~J9An d
uys, "thc fever le fc hcr."' !mmediatelyas simply as ic OCCU f5 co us, it is reasonable
he wen l throughout all Galilet, preaching in tbdr synagogues and (oHing out demons . her hand isgus p.,d, rh~fcvetflces . TR, .. c. enough 10 suppose tharcach ofth.:cvangc1.
4(lAnd a lepcr came /0 h im beseedJ ing him . and kneeling said 10 him, NI/you wm,you T "HON MARK'SG oSPE~ l,s ists beli.:ved it to h ave b~en his duty to re.
can make me dean. ~ 41Moved with pity, he stretched out his band ond touched him , and !newh~thehad to relatc in rh:ororder in
said to him, will; be clean." 4!And immediatdy the leprosy left him, and he was made J:35 He l Vu , O,a {O 11 Lonely PI<lu, which it had plnsed God to suggest it co
clean . •3A nd he s ternly charged him, arld sent him away at once, '4 an d said 10 him . · Se e II nd ThcrcHe Pr<lyed his rccollecrio n. HARMONY of THE Gos,
PELS lJ. $I." •
thal you say nothing to anyone; bu.t go, show yourself to the print, and offer for your
TH E H AB IT 00' VIlA TI!R. ORtGEN,Jesus
dealtS ing wh~1 M oses commanded, for a proof 10 th, people.- 45Bu1 he wtnt out and pra yed and did nor pra y in v~in, sincc he 1:41 Ht TouchtdHim
began to talk f ruly abOl.l1 it, and to spread th, new s, so thal)~jl.lJ (Ould no lo nger openly received wh at h e asked for in prayer
en/era lown, bUl was out in tbe country; and people came to him from every quarter. when he might have donc so wirh ou t \VHT 0 ' 0 Ha TOU C H TH E l el'li ll ! OKIGIIN:
prayer. Ifso, wh o a mong us would nc- And why did he couc h h im, sinct rhe 13w
glect to pra y! Mark sap thac "in th e fo [b a dethe rouch ingofalepcr!He
OV EkVlfiw, 8elievers are in a posieion memory of the H oly Spirit (A UGU STI NE). morning , II grnt while beforc day. he tou ched him to show that "aU things arc
analogous co thacofSimon·smOlher"in- rosellnd wenroutroa]onely place, and c1nn to chec1ean.-" Because ch efilrh
law: T hey pray for ch e l or d ro gras p [heir 1:30 Now SimO" '1 Mother ,in-Law Lay there he prayed. '" And Lu ke. ~rs. "He Ihat is in One p er~on do es noradhu e to
han-u an d lifl ch"m II p.SinceJ csu$stJ.nd , Sick wifh a Fevcr was pray ing in a ce rtllin place. ~nd when others. nOr does exte rnal uncleanness d~­
in cheir midsc, beckon in g chem to hulrh, hecnscd,one o f his disciples said 10 file rhe c1un of he an. Sohc couches him
offering himself immediacely 10 Ih~m . it is TU I ROTTUI OOO R of Sn... 8tico,\i U Tl-t E h im, ·lord,reachus topray,'·' and e!Je _ in his unr ouchabilicy. thllc he might in ·
absurd cha[ lhey wollld re maininb~d i n P EkfUMe Of RaP i NT " NCE.J E RO M ~: Can yo u wher e. "And all night h e co ntinu ed in st ruC[U S in h um iliry; that he mighr reach
his presence UEII.OMIi)_Scripwrecon- irrulgineJeswscandi ng beforeyourbcdand pcayer co God. "' AndJohn reco rds his us t hacwe$ h oulddupisenoone,o r ab.
slandyaHcSCs)esll5asamanofprayer you co ntinue sleeping? 1I is absurd rh aryou pra yer.u)"ing,~When)esu s h adspoken
(OIl.IC~ N) . To che pure in h eart. whos e wouldrc mainin bed inh ispr"s~n ce.W her e thes e words , he lifted up his eyes to
hC3rcsare made pure by fairh, nothing is is Jesus ? He is already hefe offer ingh imsdf
;~:·I\~I~'J.~ ;:~l)~. 1:~I~f<'t ~l.Z;~~~:~~I.:'5
hellven and said, 'Fuher , th e hour has
impure (CI-lRUOSTOOO.. ). T he momentary row. " l nrhemiddle,~ hesays, Namongyou come; glo rify your Son ch~r the Son may
~::;:::;i::~';:~g':~;;C:'~';i:~~ I:~'~;:~~' .<1,1.
concealingofche truth of revel ad 011 was he st~nds,whomyo u donol recognize.-'
glorify yo u.' '''T h eoa meevangdi n
commanded temp or arily bllt norperma- "The kingdom of God is in your m idst.'"
nenrly(B Eoe). The varillbleorderofprcs-
wriu$ th a t the lord said rhH he kn~w
N yo u hear nle alway$.~'· All chis d,ow!:
r"'' '>«!"""'' o.\l"kr",ni" r"<om"GO!p<I,. "c<<<
do<OVJ, 2,11 .S I.lS1-J: NPNF 16-0117. T~< y";.bl. ,,N,.,
~1lI acionofevents in the Gospd narrativcs
rh at che On c who pr~ys alw ays is alw~ys ofJ"=<"""onof<v"""",..""'b«""..d.. eJ.~<A,,~ ,"
is not to be con5i d~r ed a defi~it in the LU . Jn 1,26.' Mkl,I S.
h eard . O N PII. AY~R q.!.lL :~:;:::::;::~:,~.olr~:'l',\~~t. "",m.1 " p<<< cf,«":

24 25
hor ,hem. or reg~hl .he", .,~ 1',{I.,l> k . l>c · ~brog;"i"glhebw . For [ir iswrilfen) inrhe
cause of sOme woun ,1 o f d,c,r bo,I)' or some bw thal whoe~cr app<o~chcs a lcperb<:. 2: 1 - 1 2 H EA LI NG OF THE P ARA LY T I C
b lemish for whi .:1l .hq· "))glll be ( Jlkd [() comesrn'pure. . . Heshowedlh"tnaturc
Te"dn.1n~.:cou"' .... So. slrcr chingfonh wasgoodin thalherepaireJi udef«r.U,,-
hi.h.In'\.o.oudl.1hckl'n'. yin"nc.\i.I.ciy CauSc he s<:nl him ,0 Ihepci<:scs, h"lhereby
upheld the priesthood. He alS<.! order"d him
'And whrn hr refurnl'd 10 Cap tTn .:lum aftH ~omt days, if was repo rttd that h ,'
dcpar{S.Thchandofrhe tor.\ is found ro
rom"keanoff"ringforhiscleansing. " Did 01 home_ 2And many w t rr gathe red together, so that thae w<u no longer
h~ vc.o"chcdnor a lcper,bm3bodym.Ide
de:ml Le r\l$ considcr here. bdoveJ. ifrhere h"notlhtLS uphold rhe law, u Moses had th tm , not " vr n aboulth e door; and h e waJ p reaching rh e word to th em.
be anyone here ,hn has ,he IJinr of leprosy mmmantkd.! There were many prescriptions comt, bringing to him a paralytic carried by/ou r 1'11 1" 11. 4And wh en Ihey could "
in hi, soul,o, the conram inalion of su iI. in co nccrningleprosy. But theywereun~blero n( ar him becau5( of th( ( rowd, th t y rem ovtd th e roof ab Oll( him; alld wh t n
his hurt! [fh " ha ~, in$ r.a ndy adoring God. procure omybenefit. The n the Meui.l.b came.
mad e an ope lling, Ih ey let down Ihe paUet an whi," /he paralytk lay . lA lid
le. hi rnsay,"Lord,ifyou wi!J. you can make and. wi,h. hi. word,bestowcdhealingand "bol-
J O Il> laW th eir faith , he said 10 Ih ( paralylic, -My Jon,your , in s artfo rgillen . ·~,\" '''''
me dean. " TH ~ HI!AL ' NCl o~' T Hfi LEPER." ishcd thesemanYl'rec eptswhichlhelaw h ~d
reckoned should exist forlcprosy. CO.'1M BN- so me of the scribe s were litting ther( , qu estioning ill th e ir h taTts, 1 · Why do( s fil II
TA"-YO NT .. TI .. N·sDI .. TESSARON.'" man sp eak Ih",? It is blasph emy! Wh o can forgiv e sins bUI God alonr?~ "t\"J
did nOC simply say. " I will. be duns"d: blll imm ediately Jesu s, p t raiv ing in his spirit th at they Ilall qu estioned within tb ,'''' '
healso"cxcend cJhishand,andtou,hed 1:44S ct That You S"y Notlling to st/VtS, said to them, "Why do yo" q"estion thlU inyo"r h earts? 9w bich is (tllin. I ~
him"-an aCt wedo well to all 3lyzc.lf hc Anyoll e say 10 the paralytic , 'Your sins are forgiv en: or to say, 'Rile, take up y o"r pal!el ",,,I
clcan.ed him merdy by willing it and by walk? tOBut ~bal you may know tha t the So n of man has a"th ority on earlh to f orgJvr
spo:akingi'. why did hc allo add the l ouch of UNSPO "EN BEN HITS. BEnE: In th e perform.
:mceofrhi.mirac!e j esusrequ(s,cd sikn ce,l'
sills"-hesald to Ih e paraly lic_H alsay to you,riSt , talu upyo"rpalle t an dgo hom .. . •
his handiFornoo,her reas on,i.s eemsro
YCI it d id not rcmain con(ealcd in si \cnce for !lAnd ht rose, alld imm tdiate1y took "P the pallet and went out before th em all; J O
me, than th:I< he mighr sign ify by rhis rha.
h ci,notllnderrhe hando f chclnw,butthe lo ng. So it is with the called people of God- Ih:1 th ey were all amaud and gl orified God . Jayil1g, ~ Wt ntvu saw anYlhing /i k .
bwis inh ish.l.nds. H ence,olhepllrein wh il e follow ing his prccepu"nd cxamplc. IhlS!"
hc arr,fromnowon, norhingi,i mpurc. ••
16 lhcy may p refer Ihei r resporuible acrions co
Hr rou(hed rhelcpc. ro signify thu he heals rem.1in unspoken,yetforr heben(fitofo,h.
ers providence m.:I.y allow Ihcm ro become OVIAY' Rw: j esUS charged Ihe paralytic to on canh ro <lCt as God ( CHRYSOSTOM). I f
not as.ervant bm as Lord. Forrhe lcprosy
known conrr.ary to their own wishes. HOMl' perform ~n an ion of w h ich he;r;lrh was the Chrisl forgives si ns h e must be rruly God.
diJ nOldefikhi$ hand,bu, his holy hand
LtESON THE G OSPELS 1.1 0.'" necessary cond ition (A MSROSE). On e n eed fornoonecanforgive$insbUl G od
de"nseJt he leprousbody. TH e G osPELOF
nOt be p::r.ralY4ed bodily , however, to be (III.E N"EUS, NOvATlAN),
pu~ly~ed inwardl y ( A UG USTINE). T he
huling of body ~nd soul OCCurs inlercon '
l:4 3Show Yo u ne/f t o lh t Pri tJt "SSGFhlOl.or. "Cf. Ti<I,I~ ":-';PSF I IO,l 7)·· : -f.
TLG :!O61.1 >~. 2S. H;' rou<h «>nvq<d h" w,w.hip <>V<f
nectedly (Cl.EMF.NT Of ALEX .. NOR'A ). The


{Mlaw•• ru:lh;.h.,l;n< ... ...t.;.,h<>.M"'b.d<fol<d. "),1, miniHryofforgiveness is not {h" cxercise TH RS<:RIf' U' ENT"NGUMRNT. CHRYSOS-
~:2 - J; cf.),Ik I:W.4I, lk S, ll-ll. "~l' a , ~: M~ I, .... ' U. ofanind~p endentpoweror rightbUl TOM: They p crsecutedJesus nOt only be -
' AN:··rryouarewiUins-youcandearlSc ~:l • . "'J SSS2,](!J'. "TM ' .. uei,wh<m" ,O<>ddocd.
poinn to God's o wn s aving work (AM- ca use he broke the S~bba th but also b ecau,~
nl e.' So he $tr erch~d OUr his h"nd.·" In rhis .re ".,'& b<-<f""by ",mo.inin5"~'p"\;<"· "GMI W , cf.
HOGI ,Ul uO$~) .The adm inistrationofforgi veness, he sa id th at God W;LS his Fath~ r, making
Hretch ingoutofhish andh~seemedrob<:
which accordi ng to the scribes is the offi ce hi mself eq ual with GOd, ' whith i . a far mor~
of Go d alone. acu tcly raised rh equesrion
of J es us ' identity. Being God inc arn.1t c, of
thc samenarur ~a.<God . hehad.1uthoriry 'Jr! S, 16- 1S.

26 27
dr ~sticd~'C\ar3{ion. H "confirmedth is G od could forgive SiRS. yelJuus no[onlyfor· rerisri<"~Jly fi ndhimprayingor c;}][jngonh;s no",. AMPROSE: H ~ ch;rgtd th e m;}n to ~T'
th rough his own .. criorl$ . . . Tnescribu gave$ins. but s howed Ih at he had also an - Farher for as.sinan(e. All chesethings,~. )·ou for m an action of which hea lth was thene c.
th emsclv c, haddevi.<ed rnisddi nition.< oth er power th at b~ lon gs to God alon~: rhe discover in rhc text, he did on hi! own (ssarycond irio n,e .. en while the parien t was
T he), themselves had inmKluced [he pre- power to disclo ~e th~ sec rets ofrhe heart. autho rity. ON Tlt B IN ca MPR~IUNS1B L~ NA' nillprayi ngEor~ r emedyforhisdi.ease . .
cept. They themselves nad imerprete<i tne T .' B GOSP EL OF ST. MATTHEW. H OMt LY Tl-'Illi o~ Goo. HOM ILY W.IS!." 11 w .... our Lord's (UStOm co require of chose
bw. But he proceeded ro entanglc them in 29.1.' whom he heal~d some r"ponse Or duty to
thci row n words. In effect he ui d: It is you 2:11 Ta"~ Vp Your Pallet be done. "OF TN~ CNRISTlAN' FAITH 4. 8,S4'
yo"rsdves who have confessed tha t fo rgive - 2:9 Which [s E,ui~ r to Say ~ SS."
ness of sins i.t given to God alone. T H6 PARA - R,IV6RSJI YO UR R1iunoN WITIt SICItNI!SS.
A LEXAN DRIA: Th e physici3n'sarc. accord· Carry the very mat th ac o nce carried you. been a poIralytic inwardly. You did no(take
2:7b Wbo ell n Forgive S i.u but God in g to Dem ocri tus, huls th e di sease. of Change placu , so rhat what W~$ th ( p[oof of ch .. rgc nE yOllT bed. Your bed took ch arge of
Alone~ the b ody; wisdom fT(U th e ~o u l from it. your sicknessmayn o wgiv~teSfim ony to you. ON THij PSA LMS 41.4 .L1
obsessions. Bu t the good Instcucfor. Wis- yoursoundnes.s. Your bed of pain becomes
ONLY GOD FOIlGlVESS"•. IREN AE US: How dom. who is the Word of the Falherwho Ihe sign of healing.. its very weight the meas.
c:m sins be righ dy rcmin ed unless the very ass um ed huma nfle.h,c.l resfo r thtwhol~ ureofrhesrrengthth3[hasN:(lIresrored to
One again H whom one has sin nedgr .. nu th e na cu reo fhiscrea ture. Thcall-s u ffk ienr you. Q", THE H SALI"'O OFTHE PARA LYTIC."
pardonrAGAlSST HE R2SIBSS.11.' Ph ysicia n of hum an icy, the Savior, heal.
both body ana soul conjointly. ~Srand up.~ T HIIC HARGE TO PU.FO R"I AN A CT OF
THE I"'PLl CATION of HIS ACT O F Foua v- h e comma nded the paralytic;-rake the bed Wlt lCH H RA LTH IsA NIiCESSAIl, Co"OI-
1"'<l.NOVATIAN: lfChrisrfo rgivessins, onwhic hyoul ie.andgohome"; a ndimrne .
Christ musrbc truly God because no one di a tely the p aralytic received Hre ngch. lO
can forgive sins but God alone.' TH E TRIN- TI-U INST RUCTOR 1.4."
2:lOAwtb vrilJ on [",tb 2 :13 - } 7 T H E CAL L O F L EV I
In th eir minis lTy ofthc forgive n ess of sin, ACTING UPON H, s Ows AUT HORITY.
p;u;toudo nor exercise the right of some in- CHRYSOSTOM: Whenever there was need to UHe went out Ilga;" be,ide the Jell; Ilnd all the crowd gllthered about him. and h e
dependent power. For not; n rheir own punish Or ro honor. ro forgive sins or to tllughtlhem. l' And ru he paHed on. he $IlW Levi Ihl' JOlt of Alphaeus silling at Iht
name but in the name of the Farher and th e makelaws,Chriltwas fullyau thori:ted to do
ta;(011i((, an d he said 10 b im , ~Foll ow me." And be ros t and followed bim .
So n and the H oly Spirit do th ey forgive it." W h enever C hri sr had co do 3ny oflhese
sin!. Th~y .I.$k, che God head forgives. The much grea tcr thin gs , you will notc harac- u And as he s~t at table in bi s hOIlH , m~nJ tax collec tors and sinners were s illi"g
service is en abled by humans. bu c thegifr Wi/hJesusand hu disciples;fortbere weremalTY who follow ed him. 16 And tht scrib es
COmes from the Power on high. THE HOLY of l he PhllriJeI'S, when they SIlW Ibllt he was ell ling with sinners Ilnd tllxcollulors,
SP IRIT3· IS,I31.' 'Th., on1r Goo.:.n (org'''. 'NP~ F 19:2Ia". 'l£om slIid /0 his d isciples, · Why does be eat with taxcolll'ctors and ,inn ers? ~ 17 And when
2:2~ . 'G MI4S-. Th <i"u<"whoh., ,h";Ih"o (ofgi><
.i~. ' Mt9:;t: Mk 2,5, Lit 5,10_21. 'C<t<d...:OO7l,1l.J7;f'C Jesus h eard il, h.e said to tbem , -Tbole wb o are wdl ba~ e no need of ap hysician, but
2:8 Wby Do You Q'UHioll TbuJ in th ost who are Hd~r J come not to call the right eolls, but sinners ."
YOllrHrArts ~ ~~·.~:::o~~l~~~~~;~:'~~·~.d.
NPNf2Io, lS4.M;ft"'<.. of,hcEudu''',do~o,'';,h<m ·
",I... ha ••• h. ,u'QftQ",.".~ow<f,ofo"i.'. 'JF B&;!. Cf.
D'SCERNl NG SEC RETSO FTHS HE ART. M;gft.MS7 >dt"".,~P N Fll(l, I 90 . I' Mk 2,1l LI TLG OVllRV[m w: Following]es us is nOt $0 much a blamcJ e., us for mingling wirh s inners would
CHRYSOSTOM:The scriN:$a55en edth alonlr IYiS5.002. 2.6.H, AN F 2,210" "Cf..\1< ZS,11I. mo do n o fthefee t aso t· th~h e'lTt(BsDS ). To beli kebl amingaphysic ianforassoci.ting

2S 29
M ...." 1:(J ·(?

closdywirh sick 1'''0l'lc {l;w l',uw¥ N .. 7.1".'< 2:14b F~ II ~w M ~ ingdown over sufl"er ing.>.nd pm ting up with ceruinlyther a pplyc h cknif~withou[~" f ,,,
Z6N). JUSI lOsu1);cry ~"".·s .••h.ltl'l'.lt1l fO vae smell. in o rder re heal th~ si ck. T HE Ssc- ~c n tio n ofinjl.lr ing the PJ ri~"" Sim ilarl y
~ h e bo dy. ~" nUL" (11<"1"<: I,.. ~" ' n " .ln gn L
., h in TH E G ,n of FOLLOW[ NG. BEDE' By "follow" ONOORATIONO NE ASTBR.' what(vermatcria l ~x crescen'ci ... re h ~,d,·"
rhereeovcrings"u[(GH."UW¥OI' N~sS A). h.. meant nO[ ~ much the moveme nt Qf feer ~ ingonour souls, ..... hi,h h aveb~(nmaJ<· ,;."
H e ~h h r~qu;res (h" r~vcrs.l[ ()fb~h '''·;Qr.i of the ht:art.th~c.arryingo utof a wayoflif" 2:173 Those Who Are Well n olvr N o nal by collusio n wit h i nordilla r~ pa. s i O ll~ .
rh at clH .,~ ,1 ill ness ( 1I11' ,.. AIlUS). T h ~ ob,~s· For onc ",,",0 says that he lives in Chris. ought N rt d of aPhysiciall willilc, inc he dayo f thcjudgmcn",uta,,, i
$;ve sinner is lik~ on c ..... ho i"'~gin~s himself hinuetf ro W.ukjU5' as he walked.' nono aim •• s'r~d .>.way by rhe ineffable wisdom and

\Ob~insuchgood heal,h Ihat hepounc". c.rth ly things, not m PUfSUe perishabk gains, T IIBRe VB RSA t U P PRE Vl O Us BEH AV IO R. pow er of him ..... ho. as th e Gospd ~J)'S .
upo n the phy:; ici an (AU<JUSTINE ). Mar· bur m fl«basep raise, tocmbrace willingly the IRE NAEus,W harco mpcrenr do ctor, when "heale d rhosethOll , weresick." For as he SJ)'.
rh~ ..... 'scorrupr pastwas$pen r 3midtho",oc, contemplofaD rha< ... worldly IOr the sake of asW to CUre a sick perso n, would simply fol· - they who are wd l ha ve no need of the ph)"
cupi ed compul. ivdy wirh ove r,~achjng one heavecly glory. ro do good roaD . to inffict inj uri.:s low the desires of rhe p a ~i e nt, and nor act in cian, blltt hey th .:lt ares ic k."Ju$t"s th ccx"
anoth er ( E u s ~~"Js). T hat dght~ou5neS5 for up"n no one in bicrerncss, to suffcr paciendy accordance with th e requirem~"' s of good sionofrhcwangivesOllsharppa;nto c h~
whic h we pny we mU$[ fi rst know about rhose injuri"" mar come to onesdf, ro cl God's medicine? Th~ Lord himsel f (cstific:<! (h al he slcinof{h~ body, so [h~n mUSt [h~,c be so"'.

andwi5h it to be: w e then pray fo r th egr;.ce fi)[givene",forthose whooppress, ne,"~rtoSt:.:k cam~as the ph ys iciano frh ~ s iLk, uy ing, 1l!lgui sh in [he r~cove ring s oll l which h ~5 h.l-i
o f .h ~ Spirit to empo w~ r our wills fO receive one's own glory bur always God's,' :trld to u p' "T hose who are well have no need of a phys;· a u rongbent to evil. T .. "G ReAT C .. n·
it (AUGUST[N E). Chriu , who willed to 5ave hold wM.:ver hdps Onc Iow: heavenly things. cian.b ur those who ueskk; I came not to CH1SM8.1O
~ he ~hings (hat were peri sh ing, di d a far T his is ",,",at is meanr by foUowing Christ. In th L< call th~ righteous. bioI[ sinn ers.· H ow. th ~n,
grea.er wo. kby establishi ngthose rhings way. disregardingeanhlygams, Martkew ar- arc the sick to be mOllde s[rong:' H owa r~sin_ TH I D ELI R IOUS ATTA C K ON T HI P U YS IC I .. ,..

rh ar ue falli ng than by holding up rhos~ =htd himself to th~ b.md offoUowers of Onc ne .. m repcnr~ Is if by me rely holding fast ro AOGOsn .'< E: By those wh o arc ..... ell h~ me~lI>

things ~h.lt w~ r~ standi ng (T HE So,C"LLEO wh o haLl [l{) riche$. For th e Lord himsd£ who what they are pruen tly doing! Or. on th e rhose beingmade rig h .~o l.ls . Si nn c <s areco",

S~ C ONIl LET TE R Of C LE ME~T.JEROME). ourwar,Uy called M.mh~...... by ~ word. inwardly con[Iary, by undergoing a gteat change and pared to those wh o are ilL ut thc.ick man.
Mtowcduponhim d,e.giftofanin,isibkim. rev~rulof[he irprevious behaviof,by wh ich then,no lpr cs ume o nhis ownstr~ ngth ,be·

2: 143 Tlu Tax Off;(e puts< 1-0 ma, h~ wa.s -.b lc 10 follow. HOMIU ES ON th~yh ad btoug h t upon th ems elvesse rious ill· cause "he shaH no t be sav~d by hi$ great
THEGOSP ELS I.2t: nessandm anysins:'Ignonnce,r hemother suength.-llThc screngthofsdf.deceivers is
T HE MI LI ~U OF CQ ..... ULS ' VII ACQUlS[TI\<Ii' of intr;.ctability, is drive n OUt by knowing nOTChatsrrcngth th at wd lpwp!e enjoy. bur
NlISS . E lJSf.~ ' US' T h ~ Ap os tl e Ma" hcw. if 2:I 6 Eatingwi rh Sj"nerJand T ax th e tru rh. The rdo re (h e Lord imp ar ted like those in delir ium . T hey are like those
YQuconsid"r his form~r life, did nOl 1e"v~ a Co Urt ton knowledgellfthe truth ro h is disciples. by out of their minds, who imagine rhemselve5
holyo" up"tion.bu<ca111~fromd,os( ,on. whi'h h ccu red [ hose who wer~suffer ing, in such goo d hn lth rha • • hey do no.cons l.Il!
s U lllcd w i th tJx.g~ther in g;m d ove rre.' hi n g No PllVS lC' ...." C" N A VO IDTH lI ARH N.. Of .:I nd res tr.:lined sinners from sin. So he d id aphp id .:ln. and even fall up on him with
on .. anQlh .. r.' THe P IO.QOf Of THE GOHEL S](;KN ~ SS. GRl!GORY NAZ, .. "ZIi,,: \VhenJe· notspcaktorheminaccordan(~wi ththeir blows as ifhe were an intrud~r! In t h~$ame
).5. ' sw! is an~cked for mixing with $inn"r~ , and prcviousassum ptio ns. nor.:l nsweracco rdin g way, rhes~ ddirious peo ple, with th ~i r mad
rJk.ing as hi. discip le a d es p ised cax collec ror. to rh e p res l.Impt ions of in quirers. but acco rd· pride, fall upon Chrisr with blows, so 10
i\ N Bw N ...'I lI FQR Lll v," BfiI)E:J~US found one might ask, W h.>.t could he pos~ibly ll'lin ing to sound teaching, withom any prc'ense spcak,becOl.u..,th~yh:l.vcfd<nonudofhi5
him sirling in the nrcollc,tor's piJce. bydoingso!' Only the salvation o f si nn ers. or pandering. AG" 'NST Ha1'.tS fEs! kindly help to I hos~ who s~ek to be just ac-
w irh h i! st ubb orn iIHell" ~t ~ vid for .c '''po · T o bl a m~ J ~s us for mi ngling with sinn ers cording tothepr~scriptionsofthe law.Le,

ral gain. Hi. n~W name was Matthew, [he would b~ lik~ blaming a physician for stoop- TH ~TII"' ''ORARY H .. RM DoNIi In S URGER Y. them, (h~n.putawayth;smadne$S. Ler

go.pel S.lp. T he nam e Matthe w in He· GUG01'.l" Of Nyss .. , Th ey who USe rh e kn ife them un dersta nd, as flr Ol. s . heyare able, rha r
br~ wm cl n ' "gra n ted " in Lat in, a nam e orh earroremovcccr[OI.inunnOl.t ural growths
aprlycorrupondingroone who received in the body. s uch.:lS cysts or wan s, do nQt
'NPN F 2 NJJ ·· . "LeC un·-. "'TLG lIlt7.046, NPNF
th~ favor of he avenly grace. HO M". I ~S 0.'< ~~~:~?~C/~~:~~·J~~~~~~f~~~, :;' ;~~r< bring ~o the p er ~on .hey arc se rving a .2 Hal·I\4··. GoJ', ,. v in~ "';o~,om "i,,, .. .. qui.-c. '''''.n
TH E G O~PEl S 1.1 [.' d"" I167, ).!L57,HOGUII? · · . 'C f. lJc IS,2 me rh od of healing that i~ p~in l~-'S . though ~uringDff"i" . "P,lloI6.

30 31
they h ave free will. and that th ey 'Ire called is po:rfec:dy rightwus, Christ has not conle cannot fast. }OTh ~ d ays wi!l come, wh en th t bridegroom is taken away f rol1l thtm,
not to despise the Lo rd's help with a proud tocaU thosc ""ho Olre not there. but the mul.
and du n th ey will fast in that day. lINo oneseW$ apiect ofu'l$hrunk doth on an old
heart. but to call upon him wi<h 'I cO'lIrite citudcs of sinners who a rc there. with who m
hea rt . T h e free will then will be free in pro· the world is tined. remembering the Psalm gM m ent; ifhe d o ~s , the patch ttars away f rom il, tbe new from the old. and a worse
portion as it is sou nd. and sound in propor· which says "Help. 0 Lord, fo r there il no fear is m ad ~. zZA nd n o one puIs new wjn ~ inlo old wineskins; ifhedo es, thl" win, will
don as it is submissive to di vine merq and longer anyone who t. godly.·" AGAI~STT"'F. burs t tbe .. ki ns, an d th e w ine is lo st, and so are the skiM; but new wine is for frrsh
grace. LETTE'RI;1 To H ILAluus." PBLAGIANS2.12." skin,, "

2:17b Npt to C~l1 tbe Rigbt cOU J but TUE G RA,CE TO PRAY FOR R..G .. TEOU5NI\IlS.
Sin,,(ts AL'GUSTrNE: Pray for us th~t We may be OV6 RVIE W, New wine symboli2;e$ Ihegood 2:19 Can tb e W edding GUHts FaH
SOlved by that salvat ion of which itis u id, n"",s that unnol be co mpressed inlolhe pce· Wbile tbe Bridegroom Is with Thcm~
RE sc v "I TIn P fi RI SWNG. TH E SO,CAL LED "They that ate in h ~:Ll.th n~ ed no! a ph)"s i· uilingcaregoriesof rhe p revioushistotyo f
SECO ND LUTE R OF CLF.ME"'T: It is a greater cian. bUf I h~y that are ill; fo r I am nOt com~ revdOllion (TUTULL IAN). The new wine of NOT .. T 811. ..... 0 ALON•. PSEUDO·BASIL:l Tnl~
wotk to estab lish those th ings thu are fan· to call thejusr but si nn e rs. ~'· Pray . then, for the kingdom express"" itself th rough t'a.ith de:uh is nO! ~ result of hunger for breOld nor a
ingthOln those that still stand. Thus~lsodid uS th ~t we may be made uprighl. This is in· active in love (BE DE). T hose who co nti nu e to resultofthintt'orthisrangiblewater,b"rua
Christ desire to Save th o5e who are per ish· d e~d so m e t hingwhich on e cannot do un· we~rtheo ldg;lrmen tof self. indulgence h ave res ult ofa h unger for hearing che word of the
ing. He hall SOlved m~ny by coming ;l!1d call· less h e knows and wishes it; and he will not yet understood serva nthood. which i$ lord. T rue deat h ariSC$ in the $Guls or thew:
ingusjust when Wc were hute,\ing to be come so as con.l3ntlyas he wishu it thcdefi ninggarm(nto f t h ~newera who do not hear. For one d<>e$ "not live by
desctUCl ion. THE SO,CALLED SECOND In· fully-but it will notbe I hrough his own (CHRTSOSTO.'1) . T h e mystical marriage for brea<l alone, but by every word coming out
TEIlUfCLBMENT." efforl th at he is ablt. unleuhc is hu led wh ich thi s new wine is an;lccompanying th rough the moum of God."' T his ill wh)" . . .
andhelpedbythegraceofthe Spirit.Ln. I)'mbol is that rime and occasion when, th e3.ttend.anuo fth e bridegtoomc~nno!f.u,
T II II CALL TO SI>;NERS. JEROM!: Th ere are TER . .. STO ANASTASI!.I$." throughthemysteryoftheinca rnuion, 3.$long u th e bridegroom is with th~m . COM '
t wowaysofinterp reti ngthe.aying·lc~me Chriu joins rhe ch u rch to himself; during MIINTA RYON TH!! PROPHET ISAIAH.'
no t to call the righ teous, butsinners. " The that treuured mOment it wouldb e un fi t·
first is by analogy with the accompanying " C.tdo<026:tISl.44.2.4S).(S,FC2O,]ll". " TlG ting to weep while Go d is dwelling among THE BLISSINO OF MO OIlRATION. PAL ..... OIUS;
phrase' "T hose wno are well have no need of lZ7' . OO2,AF69·':d.ASF7,~L7. "p" 1.1.1. "C.,aj"" us in th e fl es h (GREQOR'I" N ... ZtANZEN). h is "'-'ner to drink wine in moderation than
06lS,l.L2.IS:FCSlo)ll· ·.Th • ...-cond ,"!<'?"'.. ';.,nfy. T ruly to fast is toreftain fr om vice
a physician. but rhose who are sick: The to drin k W3ter in exce$!. Some who are holy
<"",,,ul"'n.n.~."'mpcio" <hn ,;,,« no 0'" ;" ig h" o ~'.
other way is roput a more lirer:Ll.conSttUc· Ch ri""m< fy "h, ,,I.. <io<\of,,,,, ....,,, r........ "Cf. ."h
(PSQUDo-B"'Slt). Itis nOt whelhHone Uls drink wine in moderation. Some who '(juan'
tion on Ihesutement, li ke this: Since no One I>ll·n. " C.. <dodl262.14~."'.S.11l.9:FC~I6l-69'. and d ri nks, bur whether one do~s soi n der warer immoderately may be depraved
moderation or uce.s. tnalindi catesone's and pleasure-loving. S o it appears to m(. Do
good rempenment withi n the reign of G od noctherefore ascrib e blam e o t praiseto th~
(P ... LLAOIUS). eating of food as such, o r to the dt tnki ng of
wine. but tather to rhosc who make proper
2:18·22 T HE QUESTION ABOUT F AS TING 2: 18 Your Disciples Do Npl Fast or improperuseof food3 nddrink. Recall
Joseph who in pauiarch:Ll. times drank wine
TRU a FAsTlN G. BAS lt.: Take n eed that you with th e Egyptians and wuin nO w3yin·
do nOt make f:l.S ting to consist only in absd . jured in h isjl.ldgmenr,havingtak~nheedto
l$No w Jobn'~ disciples and th e Pbar ilets werefaS/ing; and people came and said la ne nce fromrneats. T ruefasdngistotefrain
him, "Why do John's disciples and th e disciples of th~ PhariJe es faH, but Jour from vice. Shred 10 pieces aU you r unjuSt
d isciples do notfast?" !9A n d]esul said to them, ~Can the wedding guests faH while contracts. Pardon your neighbors. Forgive
Ih~m the ir trespasses. HQMILl"oN F"STING.'
the bridegroom is w itb them? As long (15 they balle the bridegroom witb th~m. they

32 33
rh. ~dm""ir"",, ilt hI> 'Ons~'''n<~. Bur rh"n bride is the ch urch, and the friends of the h ow""o ASO O UTWA R l> GlA O l> IIN I NG. For this it w:r..s fitting that new wine be
cQmpa.r~ rh" ,orri",. ex.m,plc., o f j')"dugor;u, b rideg room' a nd of the marriage arc e"ch BEl>I!: !lywine we a re refres h ed inwudlr· $tored in new wine skins and rhat a new
Diogcnh ~"d PI.'L O, ar,,1 with chrm a.1.o rhe andcve ryoneof h isf:aichfu!companions. By a g .. rmem we are outwardly covered. parch be sewed upon ~ new garment." Wh~,
M.lIlicha.~atU,OInJod,(r$,,(rS,'frhilo50- Th" cime of h is ma 'ri;lge is that rime when. Both relHe to the dynam ics ofspi rirual lift. h3d prcv:oiledin days gone by was eith er
phu$,whoJidllorh"".j rh c ~c" dm"nirion s. rhrough [he myslcryofrheincarnation,h"i$ The garmem indicOlces good works per- aboJi.hed,Iikecircumcision. orcomp!etcd,
Some of [hem GUn" t<, slId, a. pi'.:h of sensu joini ng th e holy chu rc h to himself.J OThus it formed ou twardly in orde, to shinci n the like th ~ ,en o fthelaw,orful fi1!ed,l ikethe
~Iity or prided13r rj,cy<v"" r"'gol Ih" God w:u no[bychance,bulforthe»keofa"'r- sigh e of rhe world . By wine and new wine prop hecies, orbroughr fO irspedcct ion, like
of[heunivus.:OI".:!W" rshi l'edlifdcssim. t~in mystical muni ng that he c.. me to ~ ma r· wem ean th atfe rvo r offa ith , hop e;tnd lovc faith itsclf. Evcry thing h ..s bee n ch anged
ag~s. So t h~ bk s.<ed Apos d .: P<t '" and [hose ri ~gecercmo nyoneanhinthecustomary by meansofwhich . i nth~sighc ofour rromcarnal cospiritWll by the newgruc of
who wer~ with him did not hesita.te [0 rC' flesh!yway." sincchedesce ndedfto m maker, our souls are reco vered inwatdly to Go d whi ch, with th e co ming o f the gospcl.
c~ iv cw inc .. nd "" .ke use of it. Itw .. ~j"St be- heaven to ea rth in order to wed the church newness of spirit. H OMru ES os THE Gos- h.u wiped ou t theoJcl eracompleccly. O N
nuseofrhi~{h.lIourLord ·sJ"rrOl"o rs rohi mselfi n spiricu a.l love. Hisn uptial cha m. PE LS, HoMILY ].14·" P"AYE R!. "
a ctivelyre proac h "J dH."r",k "me r ofall~nd ber waS the womb o f h is Yirgin moc hcr.
Iheirteuhu,anJnrOld,,'ompl .. intsagOlinsc T here God w as co njoinro wich human na · 2:22 T he N ew Win e in N ew Win eskinJ
bim. sa ying, "\V hy do nor YOll rdisciplu f.lS C cu re. From thcre he came forth like a bridc-
l ik~ John!" EPISTLE T O L.'USUS. groom to join the ch urc h to hinucl f. TH E N EW CONOI TIONS O F G RA CE. T~ RTU L'
H O MILI U O N THE G OSP ELS , H OMILY 1.14:: u AN:Hehuprescribedforhisnewdisciplcs
No TI" ~TO M oURS. GIlEGO IU' NAZ,AS' of th e New T estament a new form of prayer.
ZE N:(Jn rh c childre n of th e bri dec hamb er 2:2 1 U.uh run k Cloth on ,In Old C"r-
fur while the bridegroom is pn,scn!'!' Why
shou ld lhcy kc<p a bodi ly faSt who arc cffec-
ti"eJycleansed by the Word,whocamein CHIlYSOS
RliS IS TA "'C B T O S BIt,v""'Tll OO O .
bod ily form as visible Wordl T h< t ime of h is T OM :The sou ls of somc arc likc an old ga r-
50journingamungus wasnotoneofmoum. men t, an old win""kin-not as yel renewed
il\g, bUl gl"dncss. THEOI.OG r c:,,~ O RA1'ION S by (ai ch .No r y~ creno vat edinche gractof
J O.IO,O NT II BSON." th e Spirit, chey remain w~ak and earthly. All
ch eir affecti otlsa,etumed toward th is life, lJO n~ s abbat h he w as going through Ih~ grainfitlds ; and as they made their way his
T llIll' llHs lrN<; H01' BEoB: A utfcringafr~r wor1dly5how,lovingaglory
T Il H U R IO )[GIlOO .. .. .
discipl~s btgan 10 pluclc.llI:ads of grain. l4And tb~ Pharisets said to h im, «Look, why
Fromlhetim~ {hd{[heincarnacion o four chat is ep hemera l. Ifs uch as oul sho ll ldi nc i-
are they doing what i$ not lawful on th ~ sa b bath ?~25A nd he sai d to th em , -H ave y ou
S.,vrorwd,r,urpromis~dcot h epa tria rchs , de n t;tlly hear Ihat if he beum~ a (hriu;;tn
It w.n ~l way$ ~ w~itcd by many up right souls he would immedia tely become like a setY:l.n!, Mver retld what David did , when he was in need and was hungry, he and Ihose who
with tCd" an,l mourning-until he came. as if he had a manacle on his foot, he would w e re w ith h im , 26 h ow he entered th e hou se DfGod , when Abiath ar w as h igh priest ,
From ,hOlr rim ~ wh en, ~flCr his resur rect ion, re.::oil w it hi ndi gn ityandh orror fr.o mth t '1 nd are t he bre ad of th e Presena, which il is no t lawfulforany but the priests to Ca!,
he "sctlld~ d '0 heaven, alt th e hop e o f the wo rd as p reached. CONCE ....... IN<:l THE ST.. T - and also gave it to t hose who wcre with h im!" 17And he said 10 the m , -T he sabbath
uint$ hangsuponhisrcturn.ltwuarth e UIIS, HOM1LY liS.9." w as made fo r m an, n ot man f or t he la bbat h;28so th ~ So n of man is lord even of th e
l im~ when he W:l.S ke eping company with h u- sabbath. ~
manitythOlthispresence w;r.sto becele-
brared. Th en it wou!d have bee n un fi tci ng co 'MdH4, .\.{k2,IS, 1.It;~, n. 'LLG ~1.UlOl,PHF 1~;".
w"""p and mOurn. For like rhe bridt, slre ha d 'Cf. Mt9, rs,u. s:H. 10 i, t\tting ' 0 tT'.""rn in <h< F,.kO« OVI!D. V I E W : T he God -man had a body and ~ sibleto thinkof him hunge ring withou t a
him wirh hcr bud il y w ho m she loved sp ititu- ;'~9~;.i~~.~~~: :~r~~ !i~:~::~';/~. ::;::~~C:Cf. soul like ours. As it is uniOlelligible to imag- soul (AU(;USTtNE). At; the lord of me sabbath
ally. T herefore rhe bridegroom is Christ, the 1'llS' ". "NPN~ L9,.4~'. ine him eati ng with out .. body, so it: is impos. ist rulyGod. soheu truly human. As Son of

34 35
DavidsoheislheLoldofDavid. lklonging church of God; dfaw near 10tne Lord an d
th ey migbt a"U5( him. lAnd h ~ 111id to tht man who hlld th~ w ithe red hand . · Corn c
10 lh echildren ofAbraham,yet before Abr.. · confessyoursinstohlm,r~p~ntin g in puyer
hcrc. ·"And he s<lid 10 tb~m, "[s it lawful on Iht ,ab bath to do good or to do harm,
ham he was (NOVAT IA";). andwich~contfitehearl.Allendth e hol)'

and divine Iill.l.rgy: finish your p,ayer a nd do to ,av~ life or to kill.'" But thq were silcnt. SAnd h~ look~d around at them with
2:25 Wh ", O.lViJ D iJ Whe n H e W,u nat le~ '·e before the dismissal. Comemplare anger,grieved at thtir bard ntH ofb(arl, and said to Ih( man, "Stf(uh out Jourhand."
H ungry your mlStCr as he is brohn ~nd di$[ribUl~d, H t $Ir,·t,hed it out . and bis hand was reHort d. 6Tbe Phari5ces w<,nt oul. and
yet nal consu med. If you haveadur con· immediately held co unsel w ith tb e Her"dianJ against him, how to destroy him.
TH I HUSGIIR OFJ SSUS. AUOVST!NB: It is science. go forward and parr.ne of th e boJy
foolish co believe the evangelisr's:...:cOUnt :lnd blood of the Lord. SERMON
rhathe;l.Ieandnot to believe tha che wo.src· 6,1'1.' OYER V"W: The intent ofChris r's deerac- nOr were rhey expecting rhe miraculou s d eed
ally hungry. Yet itdoesnoc follow rhatevery· to rs waS to disc red irhim. They h ad linle of rheo ne who wu aboul 10 work. Bur bcfore
one who ears is hllflgry. Fo r we rHdthat So", OF DAY">' DAY ' o's LoRO. NOVATlA/<: inuru r in seeing rh" sufferer made whole. doing the work. the S.wior plough ed up rheir
eVen an ange! ue .' bur we do nor readth,ll In the Same manner that he, uCQrdi ng to hi, Jtsu$'missionwastosofrenth tirharsh _ mindswirh words. For knowing lheevil "fthe
ne was nungry. N ar does i, fo!low rharevery· hum::mity,i3 [ike Abraham;even so. "ccord . ntU (CHR YSOSTOr.t). Even b y Ihe mea_met mind and its bitter depth, he firsl softe ned
onewno is hungry eats. He may either re · in gtoh is diviniry,he .. beforeAbrm"m. 1 AI o{lhe[aw,doinggood tQ preserve life th em up in advance with wo«ls so as ro tame
urain nims elfd uc to some ob ligarion Or lack he is. according ro hi$ hum"nity. th e So n of would have been pcrmined On tne sab- rhewiIdness of their un derstanding, asking< «Is
food o r the means to ear .... Now. juS! as David:.o is heal$O,as God, the Lo rd of bath. WithoutlOuc h ing the man,Jesu.s it permitted to do good On rhe ubbarh or 10
th e f~ct tharJesus ate food is uninteUigible D~vid.' As. hei$,accord ingto his hl.l.m an iry, openly h ealed mel'd}" through sp eakin g, so do evil; to SaVe a life Or todeslroy one:'"" For if
with oul a body. so the f"ct Ih .. the felt h un· bom .. nder .h~ law,' so is h e:l5 God. the as to "vQid the cha rge o f wor king On the hehadSllidto,h em,"birperminedlowor/c'"
ger is impossible without a soul. AGAINST Lordof[hesabbath.~THETR 1NJT Y 1l. 1G uob .. th ( ATHANAs! u s). Wh ~ n we seeje'IlS· immooiate1yrheywouldhavesaid,"Youao:
THE APOLLtSAR1ASS, QUESTION 80.' Ulger,direcred 10 iu p roper object, we !earn 'p"akingcontTary lolhelaw.· Thenhe~ld
that all forms ofmger are no r vice themwhar was intended by the !.aw,for he
2:28LllrJ of,btSllbb,lIb (AUGUS T(NE).juu as rhe inc ar nate Lo rd spoke as the One who e$tablished me I~ws
'Go. IBA 'u.«i4<02.S\t.&O.IOJ: FC70:2 1O.1l·.Thoi".
l.<>,db.d . b<J dy, nd"",-,llik,,,,,,,. fG. b'<G~IJ
<........,. had a body , he had aso u!wirh the who!e ,on«ming[he:c.1blnrh,~dding..'"excep{thiJ:
Till! SEVENT H DAY. UNOC:NO WN GIIEEI( h.. dly .. , wi,hG~,.bodr··ndh._ldh.rrlIrbthu"'l1' r angeofem olionSlh:lrcharacr~ 'i:zerhehu_ rhnwhichwiUb.edoneforrOesakeofalife.'
..."h""t.scul.$om.h.. ·ri<"oI"'~w«·<k~rin' rl,,'h< mm body -s oul relationship (AvGVSTINE).
AUTHOR: Now e-rery we~k hou seven .uys. Six Again if a person f.ill.s inm a hole On a sabbath,
h..d.boJ,.<>Ih<<<. ",ut )JFBII6 . ~7; Misn. P'G&6/1.
ofrheseGod hugiven to us for work. and One The recipient of grace is neilheraJlowed 10 jewsarepermitte<iropuUrhepcrsonoul. 1
forpraycr,resl,md making repararion fo r Our :~~·!~~I :~~t ;~·r :~~:'.~~ ;~; ~~1,~~2;:~~,::~;:. so co mpletdy rdax as lolea"e everything to This noc only applics tOa person,bu. al.o an
11 . ~},FC67~...09·· . ML>fdofd"t< .."""bb.i.''''ly God nor to imagine Ihal by one·3 OWn exer.
sins, so rhalon lhc Lord'< D:ly we mayarone ox Or a donkey. In this way rhe !aw agrees lh:lt
GGd. .. "'urb""'"'nh< ....... b.>'" u"d ",h.I... , p.,~",i. lion. the whole work is achieved b y human
to God for .. nysins we have commi,ted on the things rdaling to pres ervuion· may bt done.
~~~\)::.~~.r.~::;;.'" I><f<>« Abr.h.,.,. 1>0'" Se>n ofD ••iJ effort (C HRYSOSTON).
otnersixdays.Thereforc.arriveeadY:lllhe hence Jews prep~remealsonlhcsabbath.
Then he u ked lnem about a poi nt on which
):4 [5 11 Lllw1"1 on tbt S lIbb,ub la Do theycould hardl ydisagree, · lsit~rmillcdto
Good! do good,'" But Ihey did no' even so much as
3 :1· 6 TH E H EA li NG O F THE MA N WIT H THE say. "Yes: because by th en th ey were nor in
W I T HERED HAND W' T" " a,,o H ANDS, W'T" CRIIl> I\.Ir N/)S. agoodlemper.H oM1Lla~18.'
ATHA)<ASWS,1In the synagogue of thcJews
W;l.J ~ man who h~d a wi.hered h and. lf h e

!Again h( tntered the 'J7l agog u~ . and a man was Ihrr~ who had a wilh(r~d hand.
wuwirhered in hi$hand,r he ones w ho
stood by were wirhered in th ei r minds . And
:~':'::::::~~":";:. :;~'1M~ ~:::';;:~.'i~ 11,.,
'A,h.n.. iw H, .. llioJ,,,",,,,, Z$; ,f. TIG lO)S.069
lAnd th~J watched him. to jet w "et"~r be w o uld h(al him on Ih( sabbath, $0 that they were nOI looking al Ihe crippled man 2lI. 16S.6--l9;M,,...PG2tl.J4oI-680d".£.A.W.fI~. C·f'i<

36 37
THE h .. TIIST TO D ,SCRED,T. C "U'~SOSTO M : c~ use ofth(irb lindness of hearl. THeCIT'( alone." THE GOSHI. Of ST. MATTHF.W 8l. l • on th e sabbath: BUI if spee~h bC':"Il\~'
Jesus $.:lid to the man with the w i lh~r~d OF GOD, BooK 14.' :ocr of work, lel the onc who h.J.s ~l'.,l.n
hand. ·Com~ here .~ Th~n he ch;lll~nged the 3,sd His H .. nd W ..s Resto red :on object of amazement. S ttetch ,)lI! ! "UI
Phuiseu u to wh"th~r it would b<' lawful 3:5bG rieved 1ft Tf,eir H <lrdn( u of h a nd .~ ... Whileth"withercJh.",d,", •• ,

to do good on th"s .. bb~ th. Notet hetetlder H e"rt STR~TCH OUT YOUR H .. NO FOR "' ''11 POOR.
compassionoft h eL ordwh ~nhedelib eratcly ATHA;-.r"SIUS:IO ButJesus. deepLygric v~d in w ere not. For th ey went OUt and HIH"" 't,
broughlthematlwirhrhe with erro hand THII DrVIHls.T'I"OF H. s FEEU NOJ. hurrarth eh.;;rd ncssof.hci rhurIl,saidin &rely, a~<Otditlg tothe re.J.ditlg,';we,.· .I.t...
rightimothei r p resence.6 H ehoped th~lthe Au eUSTINE: Feelings can nOI uiu in~n)'· effect:~ Lett h eones whoSo!ecom i n ue[osee. ingwhatc heywoulddoroJesus.A '(j''''
mere sight ofr he misfottune might soften thing bur a iivingsoul. Thes.: evenrsshow Let the ones who retUs.! 10 hut do whu d eba(ing what you will do? \~.'orsh,l' h"".,
them, that rhey might become a titd e I~S5 th~r JUSt as Jesus h~d ~ h uman body he had ~ thq wane to do. Let the ones who are hud God. \ Vorship the wonder wo rker. w," ,hI,
spitefulbY leeing th ~ amicrion,andperhaps human sou l. W e read abou.t th e divers ity of in hearr become srone. Buc let your right oncwho wo rkcdgoodt hings onbch.,II .. t."
ou t of sonow mend th~ir OWn ways. But his feel ings in the reports o ft h ~ s.;;mc eVJn· hand becomefullandt~nder . Rise. beg no other." Hedid n ot.ddpLas,cr .• , hew .• , " .• ,
th ey remainedullom and unfee ling. They gclis ts {who.;;ttested his divinityJ:Jcsuswas longu.~" ... In e ffectJ~sus was saying: MOO renduizingwith lo cions. H cdid """I'I,h
pr~fe rred to do harm to the ume ofCh ri.st astonished.'°wu ~ngered,11 was grie.·cd," noteontinuelo~g becau.seof h;llving3 with ­ medical ointments. H e did dris work "1,,.,,1)".
Ihan (0 see th is poor m= made whole. They w:u ebted, I, and si milar emo tive responses ered hand. bUI after you finally have received 1t 3ndi ng intheirmids t,andnoton~I".j .I.·"
berrayed their wickedness no(onlyby their witboutnurnber. Likewise it is d ear tllat lie it heJl ch y and whoLe and havebegutl to way, so th ~ t so me might retOrt: "He al'l'h.·,j
hostility to Chr ist, but also by their doing so experienced the ordinary fully humanexpcri- work,strerchouc your hand to rhe poor." a plant, he Jdded a pl~ster. " hl OMIl. l~S ~~ .'
with suchcontemiousneS$t h a ttheytre~ted ence of interconn ec ted ne ss between hi s body Rile up and stand in thcir mids t. Become .;;
with di, d~i n hi s mercies to oth ers. GOSPEL .;;ndhissoul. H e wash ungry;"hcslept:"he muvd to thou who see. In you rhe SIruggle
"cr. P. 14605; b 41,10; ».7: A«. 21<.ll '\;''''t$~' No·,
OF ST. M ... TTl-IEW, HOMI LT 40.1: was liled frOm his journey.16 Ae ... ' ,"ST THE conceming the ubbalh is finally bei ngron- ."""houIJw<k•• <~'y<hin""G<Hl .. ,{(j,~t.<qu" ,.t
ApOLLINAR' AN S, 80. 17 ,~.(ed. Seand in their midst, so th~t the on~ n",hingofo""'d..... "(,,.h""Id....,r....= ..'"'l,h,"~' .. .M ..
3:5aHe Looked at T hem with Anger who are lam e in rheir legs might stand.. ~:::·"'...~~~~~.~:;';.';;l~:';.;~ ~G<~~.il~,S~~·:'I'h
Stre tcho utyourhJnd. l amn otto uching Mk),6. ,.A.J"u.w~,k«io p.nlym" .. I. ',' ."".<u
PU TTISG Asou: TO Gooo Us •. AuGUSTIN E' rousothalth ey maynotbring ac h3rg~ "'" ... forlh"",h<.tingop<nIY fh"'"Sh u",w""h ,p-
Coo PIIIl"'T'!o;O WIT" GRACI, CHRYSOSTO"' : ag.oin.stme.l amspeakingwithaspeechso "A,h.nooi",Homi!i.4.$ ... ",,, 28,d.Tt.(;.'t))$.IliW.
If :m gry emotions which sp ring from . love
of what is good and from holy charity are to iuhonyol.l.l h JIyounoccard ess\yslumber lhat they may nOI (h ink chJI touchi ng is an ::~:.--r:..~:·::U:U~f:<I:::~~J::~,::~'
be lab<'led vkes, then alL I canuy is thu so as to leave everyl hing to God. Nor, when U t of work. God did no t say. '00 not speak un,,,,,d.alby,h. ,,,,,.d •.
&Ome viccs should be c;illed virfucs. When d i!igent in yourendeavors, imagine th n by
such aff.:ctions u anger are directed to th eir your own ex:erdons tlle wholeworkis
properobjeclS, theyarefuUowinggoodreason. .;;chieved. God d ~s not will lhal we sh ould
ing.and no one should duc to des.crihe them be indoleM. For G od does nOt do the whole
as malad in OT vicious pusio{)ll. This explains wOlk by hi m se\f by fiat. Nor is;1 hi s will
why the Lord h imself, who humbled h ilruelf th at we shol.l.ld be eMi re1y sdf-sufficienL For
to the form ofa servant.' was guilty of nO sin God d~s not co mmit the whole work to uS
whatever as he displayed Ih ese emotions
openlywh enapproptiare.Surelyth~Onewho '.ItlUl withclrt w with his cliHipI~s 10 Ih e HO, and a great multitude from Galilu
assumcd a true human body and soul would followed; a/so from Judea 8and j eru.lal .. m and Icl um ea and from beyond the Jordan
nOt coumerfeit his human affections. Cer- ~::.~ ':9'1:;.O.~~::~~~~:fr~~~~~~~:h IUIdfrom about Tyte and Sidon agttal mu/lilude, htaring aI/that he did. wme to
·C<tdo<OJll.48_14.9.S9:FC1..,~· .IOM,8'I(I."Mk
tainly. the Gosp"! d<>es not f.lh.dy arUlbut~ )'s. "Cf.Jnl[,'5l_n. IIcr.HeI>U,l. I'M ",l;tk~,l him . 9 AIl d he l olcl his disc iples to havt a boat ready for him bera use of Ih ~ cro wd,
~motion5 to Christ wh~n it speaks of him be- ""h.g'2~,Mk4'18 , Lk8,23. ")n 4,/i . "C.,.do<02~~.
ingsaddcnedand~ngcred bythelawye rsbe. SO.M;FC JO,21O · ll " . I'l t they should crus h him; IOjQr he had healed many. so Ihat all who had .Iist ,ut:i

38 39
preHed upo n him t o tou ch him. ll And wh e ne ~c r the iJn deall JpirilJ bdurd him, thty
fell down before him and cried Ollr , ·You <lre rhe Son 0fGod.- JlAnd he Jlriar, 3:13 · 19 THE C ALL O F T HE TWELVE
ordfrcd rh em no r ro m<lke him known .

/lAnd he went ~ p on the mounrai~, ~lId c~lI t d ro him rh OH whom he deJir ed; and
Q VliR VIBW' FOlr b(tt~f , Augustin e mJi ruains, andlh e faith fulconfeu:d Chr i. t."Th oU~rt
~o touch him by f~i ,h chan co touch him Chris', the Son of Ihe living God,') ..... id Pe. tb ey came to !'im. t4A nd be app oinled Iwe/lle, 10 be wilh him , and to be sent out to
withchchandOllonc.Nocct hat evcnwhe ll ,er. "\Ve kn ow who th ou arc. Thou ar ~ eh e preach 15 an d have authoriry to ,rut out demons: I&Simon whom he surnamed Pl"tu;
beholding,mdconfessi ng Ch riS[verbaIly , Son of God,"" said che devils_ r he~r a ,imil~r l'James th e son of Zcbedu and j<lh n Ihe brother of Jam es , whom h e surnamed
the demonic powers WC"" evidencing no confession. b ut I do not find a similar cha r_ Boanerge J, tba t iJ, sonJ oJ
thund er ; IJAlldr ~w , 'lnd Phi/ip , Iln d Bartholomew , and
love. Th~ devils may bdi ev~ and tremble, bur ity. In onc the re is lov e, jn 3noth erfuT. H£ Matth ew , Ilnd Thomas, and j ameJ thl" son of Alphal"us, and Thadda eus, and Sim on
they do nOt tespond in love (AUGUSTIN£). is lovely IOlhosewhoaresons. H tis'~rrible
tb e Cananaean . l~and Judas [J (ar;O I, w!,o betraJ~d him.
10 th os e who are no t sons. ON TN B PSA LMS
3: lO Thry Pru u d upon Him to Touc!' 50.a.'
Him OVBR"'~W: A s the Lord renllmed the parri- ehe, ei5alwa ys a$i ng len~me .lt isrhat spo_
FArTH \VOIUr511t" LovlI. AI.IGI.IS"T1NB: Th~ acchs whenrheYP;)'ss:dlhrough ctTlainlri- k~1l o(him in Exodus: - I am."'ON PItA YEfI,
TOU<;HING HI.'>! at" FAITH, AUGUSTINfi: It is ·f.Uth thatworksbylove, ... isnotthe ..... me als,SOJeSU5 renamed the dis eip lesas rhey :4.2.'
by faith thOlt wc to uch Jesus. And. far better faith rh al demons have. "For Ihe devi ls also be. jou rne yed with him (CHI'l YS OSTO M). T he
rO louch himby faith thOln to touch 0. han- lieve and Ir£mbk,'" bur do they love? rfrhey yeryp hysiologyofrhundcr cxhibits lhtcx. 3:17Sonsof ThuHdcr
die him wilh Ihe hOlnd5 only and nor by had not believed.' they would not have s.aid, plosivcnenofrhelive50f rh ose claime dby
faieh.l rwa5no grearl hingro mcrelytouch 'You arc ehe holy one of God" or "You arc tht th egosp d, as secn in e hosc J tsusc~lled THE SHOUTING Of H a .. vEN. EUSEBIUS'
him manu .. Uy. Even hi50ppressors dOllbtless Son of God.'" BUI if d-u:y hOld loved, they "sons of,hundu" (BASIL), Wh 05~ preach- Th und er h ere rd:rs to the preachi ng of th e
touched him when Ihey Olppreh,mded him, would nor havc s...td: "Wh..t have Wc to do ingw asmad~,hunderoushydiY in e po wc, gospd. Fo,as ~ heavenly shou[ occu rs like a
bound him, and crucified him, hue by their w ith yoUr"° li;.TTIIl 1\14 TO SIJ("fI)S. " ( EUSEBII.IS).Thertn;J,mingofpcrsons im- voic~ofehunder,Jurpll.Eing ~lIh uman
iU-motivated touch they lost precisely wh"l plies.1. revers~1 ofid~ntity (B EDE) . Me ~n· power,inthe samewayal50ehepreachingof
rhe), were laying hold o f. 0 worldwid e while rht etern al does nOI change Ihegospd, which is a heav:nly happening.
ch urc h~ It is b)' touching him faith fully that (O~ I Gfil<), doe'no"onsistofhumanstreng~h. Thegos-
'Cf. r. H ().. 18; .\.\,9:n:MkS,)4:10'~2:lkS;4I!:J"l!J;19.
your "f.lirh has madc you wholc." 'SOl RMo NS. 'Cet~0234,l~.I I6.IOO..8J:GMI 6l-62'·.To'o ....."Il peldid nm fill rhe world by hum3nplanning,
O NE ~S TE"!48 .1 hi", ... i,h,heh."Jbu,wi,ho",r.i,h i.<>foo ... il;b., b u eb~·divine power. COMMENTARY ON
wi<llf.;,htotDY<IIhim!.h<>l"". 'M< 1~'16. 'Mk ),11
U<4,'I1. 'C<t<doc02SJ.J.II..4'I.l.oIO;1'>PNF1&17l.Ev<n
3:11 T!,t Unde ~n Spirits Ft/ I Down B:- ",heot>rt>oidin, . M""nf.., ingCh ,;", th<J<mon i.:pow, T.u ALT l ltr",,, OF NA.'>!U. O .. JGEN: A n;J,me'
fore Him and Crid Out, "You Art rb e en~<d<h.,;t)' . n.<d",,;t.m.y!.o,I;...<.....rt....-mbi<,b<Jo isadesignanon,h.a t sumsupanddescrihes TIIEE;O{I'LOSlv.6N ESSOpbvltS,CLA I.".6DBt"
Son of God" th<~do no< "'l'ood ;n 10,·•. ' G.1 S,6 . 'J .. 2: 19. 'T h, J,· rhep" rricu ia' characte r o{,h e one named. TIIEGOSPil. BASIL: Thun der" is pmdu(cd.
_"'!'O'I; .... d;n''''' ...... ,h.. rh<ybd;<.<drh.''~.wH
... For whtn Ihe characterof"Abram" was
Son of G o<i.y<t"'" "' •• <0 <ru" in h"i"co. "MkJ:1l
TUfi AIlSfiNC~ OFCHAfI, .... y IN DBMoNIC 1!:U<4:J.O.U. IOM,8:l9; .l.Ik5.1,U< &13. "FClIl,we- changed, he wu called" Abraham:1 So when
CON FIISS IOI<.A uGUSTlNE: Botheh: d~vil . ", "Simon·w3.5changed,hewas called"Pe. ' .... .-; ..... d;".n<; ..... <ime •. 'c,oI1,S. 'Mk3:16:Jo
ftr: 1And wh:n "Saui" srapped pers«ut ing U~. ',I,,, IH. 'E<"l<. ·CWS'19-. 'TLG20IS.0J4
Chrin, h e wa. n;;mcd "Paul. .... In th e ca5e of
God.howevcr, whose chauClcr is ectrnally
~:·:;~l::~:;':'~~ ~~~::: ::;~~n~~~: :~6:~~~d",
... a..,r• .,.-w•• nJ'm<.. pho,k.l",pl"~,;,,ft ofw!u.';'
unchang~able and~lwa)'5remainsunalter ed, n,., n'p<><,,,.i!y

40 41
wh~n a dry atld v",I ,'''' ",,,,.1. d".~.1 "I' '" t!o~ 3:1 BAnJ ,\-I",duw
hollows of a doud ,,,,.I ~,,,bulr hurl~.1 uOound
in rh~ G1vitin of rh~ d"".i... ~""k.. ~ p~.u~g~ '00 1',," R~ S"M ' '''G OF M"TTH IIW. BEDS: We
rh eo urside.Th~.:I''''.!5 . •,tl''',., ngrui,r.," .. e,,,,. must !lot pa.~s owr tile facl ,bat ,'v! ur hew had
der lheex,ess;wpr'$S "r~. I"·"·\lIurh~'II.I"'h IWOo n=1es. for he was also called Levi. ""d
sound froon rhc frict"", "f,he ",,,,,t. \I", ,h.1I n~me toob~3U wi meu to [h cSr~ce I'Th ell h~1 wrnf home; .zoand .tbe crowd C<imr tog .. th .. r <ig<iin, 50 flMt thq could 11 01
wh en, like bubblc.<di stclI.icd by'he~ir.'hcy gran'L>droh im.Levimean5""dd~d" " or"taken e~en ~a~. ~nd Wll~ 11 hi S jamzlh h~ard it. th ~y went out 10 ld:u h im,jor p eo ple wcr ,
"uun"blc10 restS' an.\ endure~ny lunger. bU! lip," signiljrins , har he was "Iaken up" through jaying. He IS btSide himStIJ·" And th e fcnbel who lamedo wn fromJrru1al .. m said,
arC violendy torn ~p.,rt .l nd g;v~ d,e ~If' 1'.15' beingcholen by ,he Lord.and"added· to th~
"H t iJ p OSJt 55 ~d by Be ·du bul, and by the prin cr ofdemon1 ht(aHJ o ul th e demOl1s •
uge to the OUter br""::.~. th~y pro..t",~ ,h ... number of the aposlolic b.uld. Ma.rk an d Lu ke
noi5<!$ ofttJ ertJund,·r.And,his norm~lIr gene.ouslychose to u.R this nameaione,so;u 2JAnd ~= tailed th em 10 him , and said to Ih~m in parables, -How can Sat an caS! O~f
(alae.. the fl ~.,h oflightning.It is the Lo rd ,0 not make glaring!y conspicuous his form er Sa tan ? 11 a. kil1gdo~ iJ ~ iVid~d agail1:l/ it self, th<lt kingdom (anl1 ot H <ln d. 25 And if"
who;"; upon rhe "'~tcrs ~nd who "rou.scs the way of!ife, for he was now their companion in h.o ll U IS dlv~ded a~arnst I/HIf, that h ouse will 110/ bt able 10 Hal1d. l&And ifSa l<l11 h,1>
mighry rlOiscsof th cthunda.cd usingsuch.n !he work ofthegospc!.'·l n se,tingdowntllc n sen up agall'llt hrmsrlf Dnd is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming 10 al1 End . 17Bu :
erceed;nglygre~, noiuthrollgh ,hedd k~[e tin of the twelve .. pes tles , Ihey simply called 11 0 one (1111 enlerastr.ong man 's hou sf <indplul1derhisgoods, 1l111ess h efin t bin d;
medium of air.· The cloqu~"t re~,hing which him MarrtJ ew, nor mentioning Lcvi.1O Mar. th~ stro ng man; then II1dud he may plul1der his houu. -
ieads from bapris m ' 0 sa na ifk"rioll is like rhew himsclf,on the orherhand (in accord
thunder ro .he soul. That the gospel is I~ with what;"; written. "The jU$t man is me fi,.,r
Ihundct is madeevidcmby Ih c dis.:iplcs who accuutofhimself:: his friend Catnl' and se:arched OV .... VIIIW:I! waS I1fcessarywilh inrheecon. rhemseJves(AUGUSTlJ<E).
wercgivenanewn ame bytheLord:loOnsof him out"V ' calls himsclfby his ordinary nam e omyo fsa!vation rh at Satan be bound up
Ihllnder."HoMILYl j.)." whcnldlingofbcingcaUedfrom hisl3X<oJlcc:- with Ihe same chains wirh which he had
3:21 Wbtn Hu Famil, Heard Jr, Tb ey
,or'5 place.butaddspointedly "!hepllblican"~_ bound hum anity (b•.ENA"U$, AUG USTIN E). W ent Out t o Sti:u Him,for PlOp le
R.! ....""NG ELlc.Ys .. P"RP RTU"L MII .. ORY. "T homas," he sars, "and Maruw...· che s..[anh~dwiUfuIlyIe dhumanitybydcoeit
Wrrt Saying, "H t Is B" iJe Him stlf'
CURYSOSTOM:James and John tJis bro th er pllblican." In this way he olfers ro pllblicans and inro bonru.gc of rhe will ( IRIiNA.EUS). T he
he caUed "sons of rhunde r. "" Wh y, To s;nnotS gte~ ler confidence in secllring Iheir saiv~. God · m~ n h ~ d to aCt fairly to bind up the will
H IS WOII.RJ.r;O KI N~O LK .J 2RO ME' In rhe
show .ha, he w"s the same On c who, in rion. HOMILIES os THE GosPELS 1.21.11 of rhe strong rn..:t.n. For this purpose Chris!
gospel we rud th~teven his kinsfol k desired
giving'heoldcQ v cna nt, altered,,~mu . came to plunder the S1 rong man 's goods-
ro bind tJ im as on c of weak mind. H is oppo.
who <~Iled Abram ·Ab~ah"m.··' "nd Satai thedevil'sholduponrh e llngodIy. The de- ncntsalso reviled him saying, "you Uea
·Sarah · "and J acob"Israel .·' ~... ltw;os .. lw monicpllrpose wasnotjus[!oenurinrothe
·Cf.I.19,6, '"Mkl,P. "fC46,200.:XW. "MkJ,]7 $;>mariran and haveadcvi J."'LETTEllto8 TO
~CU 5tom ofrhe patr ia rchs tog;v ed~sc rip­ " Cf.G.nt7:1. "eI. G.,,17,!!. "C(. G<nJ2,lS. '"Cf. body Or senses as such but ro s rrike at the in - EUSTO CI!lt.;M.'
ti~(namestopcrsons,:;lS Leahdid."Thisis Gc.~Il;)(J,II,il.la.!O. "NPNFI t"66' . Lik<Y.h· nermo1t volitional Center of th e sd fto make
no 'me r~ "rbj trariness ,bll' in orderthat w .... "'OO"n.m<d,h.I"'riar.:h. wh.n'1>cyp .. S<d it yield ro idolatry. H ence the oneguilcyof
,h'QUih<",.infrial•• J "~1 ren"""d 'h.di.oip l.. .. . pet· 3:23How C'1n Saloln C,u t O .. t Satan?
they may have a hall mark to remind them of no sin Ioosed rhegrip ofrhe devilllpon sin _
p< ..... ""m<>rialolh;,p,<S<n=Thi.o"... ""n'mo';('...-t.·
Ihe goodness o f G od. By rh is muns, "per. o<'pivou '''.n,fo''''' ''''nlin,h<h'''Qryor •• IY'''''n. ners who were being held in bondage ro sin.
T HII Ol'.\tOS IC I!«TI NT To Do" ' !«"Tr; TUE
pe,u almemoryoftheprophccyconveyedby "O, ". jo;";"II: "Mk l,t~:LkS'17. "'Mk j ,ld , Lk6, l!. In thil way the devil was conqueredprc_
"0'..,>13, \7. ").,1,IO,l. "C<t<<!o<1J/i7.1.:1.J4: HOG WILL. AlJ ClJST IN~: Now as for rh e Lord's
rhenamcwu ndsforr h in rhe c.a.tS of those ci.s elyat th epoint arwhic h hescemed lObe
1~ ·.~I ... k·.rep<"'ofM."h",,!,,,,<roUJ.ly •..,;,j«l saying: "s~t~n c=nol drive Out Sata",·' le<t
who receive it. HOMILIES ON ST. JOHN, th. dj,rep""bl< le'''' r ' ~ ;""" whl,h .~I."h .... p<n;".rlr ronquefing (Au GUSTIN~). ln h isSlruggle
HOMIL Y 19." '?I'!l<d,oJ..;",.. If. ~g~'n't demonic pOWef~, ev~" his f~ mily
wonde rcd if J uus had gone berserk 'JnH3. ~0620,IOII.SU~.lll.20' NP;"'F~~~.
OU O""E). The indwelling Spirit brings into Ev< n hisf.miI,'ho,oghrJ ..... nuyh ...."". b...-o<rk .....
"'.., """tin~g'." numbe" (rom f" 'w>r'~ boo ,~"d
unIty thos~who had bee n divi dedag~inst 'M k),ll

42 43
perhaps anyon e using the nam e of some of HSlrOngman'inthispasJagemeansth~ those bonds by which h~ him.df had b.:~n
the lowest powers when driving OUI ~ de- dev il who was able to hold [h~ hum ~ n r~,( I ferrered, that is,.in. For when Satan is
mon should think thi. opinion of the Lord's in bondage. ByhisHgoods,- which Chriu 11 c .oss As V,CTO...... AUGlISTtN",Jtu nOt bound.m~nisset fr(e;s ince "n onecanem"r
to be h1se,Let him undUstVld the point of was com in g to plun d er, the d~vil w"s ke~p. , difficult, [hcrefo r~, ro ~e~ how rhe devil was ~$rrongman ·sho u. eandspoilhis good$,un.
this saying: Sa tan dO". spare th ~ body Or the ing for himself those who would in tirn~ COnquered when he, who wa.sslain by him , less he firsfbind the srrong nun himself."""
se n.es of the body, bu r he tempts the sense s become faith flll , bllt had remai ned in th ~ ro~e again .'6B ut the re is. om~rh inggreater r t isi nthiswaych~thebeeamecxpo.edas
for the pu rpose of dominating the will of the clucches of ungodliness and various sins. Jc and more profound ofcomprehension,ro Sce the opposuofthe Word who madeali
man in que.uion, in a triumph of gruter im·
pOrt, through th e error of impiety. S~t~n
d oes not st rike for th e body as such,but
was for the pl,l rpose of binding up this
Slrong man that John, in the ApoCilrpsf,
saw "an angel coming down from beav~n,
I how 'h~ devilwasconqueredprec i se lywhen
hew.l$thoughc loDeconquering.namdy,
wh~n ChriSt wa~ crucified. For af cha, mo-
rh ings,andsubdu~d by his co",m3 nd.
new man showed him 10 be a fugitive from

rh~ la w, 3nd m ~pmrace from God. H e rhcn

rather for the in nermoSt self in orde t co having rh e key of the abyss and a gtur ment ,he blood of him who had no sin at al l., wu s<."Cu rely bound u a fugitive, and h is
work in him in the manner described by the chain inhishand. And he laid h old on the w;ls~hedforcheremi s$ionofou r .ins . "The gooos ll" hauled aw;ty. These goods arc [h o.e
~postle: "according to the prin ce of th e dragon,rhea ncienr serpenc, who is thf drviJ dIMe"'edly held those whom h~ had who had been in bondage, wh om he had IIn-
power ofth is air, who is now acrive in the devi i and Satan, an d bO l,lnd him fora ,hou. bound by sin to th e con dit io n of deat h. So it justlr u.edforhisownpllrposes. So itwasa
so nsofdisobedien c~ . "For Satanwunot san d yurs .... Th e ange! checked and rf' hppened Ihat One who wu gUilty of no sin j uSt means by which he was leJ captive, who
troublingandrormenring rhesensesof lheir p~eS5eJhispowertoseducea nd posseu freed themjus tly from th is condemn ation." had lcdhu manityi nrocaptivitytlnjusdy.r n
bodies,no r w3s he ban cringtheirbodies, chose destined tobe set fr ee. TH e CJTY OF The strong man was conquered by this para- rhisway human ity was rescued from the
but he was reigni ng in their wills, or berrcr, Goo lO.7.'O doxic~ l ju.ticr .. nd boun d by ~his chai n, rh a, c!urc hes of its possessor by rhe t"ndumercy
in thcircovetousn(ss.E,a HTy-TH R£ aD IF - his vessels" might be rakenaway. Thosc ves- of God the Father, who had compusion On
FERENT Q UfSTIONS, QU BST ION 79.2.S \ VU!CNESS MAD S ST RO,.-G. AUGUST'SE' He Idswhich h ad been vess e1sofwra,h were his ow n handiwork, andg;lvc 10 itsalv;ltio n,
~onquered che devil first by righteousneJ.!, turned into vessels of mercy. 10 ON THE T ... rN- ~estoring if by means of the Word, ChrUt, in
andthenbypower.Fi rstbyrighteGuso~n, 1Tl"!).I;:.19.
order th ar hum~n.irr mightlc~rn fro m this
beC2usc he who had no si n" was siainby anualeventth3t rheyreceiveineorrupribiliry
h im most unjustly. But then by power, be· 3:27b Th:1I IlId~ t d H t May Plunder not of th emsdves,butby th e fru gift of
AG ... 'N STTH S MSIlLVSS. AUGUSTI N E:Men· cau.e hav ing been dead he lived ag~in, never HilHouse God. a AG ... 1NST HERESIE!> s.al.3.:O
tlon has been made of the undean spirir afterwards to d ie. U For Ch rist was cru~ified,
wh om the Lord shows to be div ided again S! not through immo rral power, buc through TU 5S"," E CII A' SS. iRENAElIS; The adve r_
himself.· The H olySpir ir, how ever, is nOt di- che weakness which he too k upon him in ury ~ntic"d humanity to t~ansgress Our "C««IocOJ29.WA.l l.H.lS;N PN FI );In '' . H,,on.
videJ againsc himself. Rather he makes mort.l.l. flesh. \) Of th is weaknus the a?osde m:.ker·s law, and rh"'reby got us into his qU<nId rh .....;c by <h .. <igh",,, ... n,,,w!tkfr.h •• ;n,,,,,
dutches.'" Yer his power cons i~uJ.on!r in

those whom he garheu together undivided neverrheless says, -G od's weakness is
against themselves. bydweUingwirhin rh ose srrongerrhanhuman srrength .H1·ONTHl rcmpting th e human wil1 toward trespass
who hav~ been dunsed, thac they may be lndaponasr. With ehesechains he bound
like [host of whom it is written in th~ Acts up rh e human will. Z) T his is why in th( ~con­ d""OJ2'!l. SIIA .Jl.I l.l; FC4"'196.97. ''aG,n);I-l;. " ... ,
'Ep~ Z'l. 'ec.oda<om. 79.S-, Fe ;00,201' . s.u..... p~,. i.. u.; . .... hy in ,h<pJ.nof,.I",ion I,,,, .. <><<e""y<l,,,,
of th e Apostles, ~The ml,llricude of rhem omyofsa!vation irw:L< necessary tna,h"be

p{"'I.na ,j""'Q'n«';n,c'h.bc'hc,"~."'''''''-to. bound with the same chail"l! by wh ich he
char believ~dwereofonehea(t and of one bu"c .. =h,h<;.", • ......,.,p=oi,ho •• lf f<",h,<u,,,."
souL "' SEI'. M ON S ON THE NEW TESTAMIlNT Qfdomjn"in~rh<wlll'orid=l,oidol.a,ty. 'Tb<.,,"<b< nad bound humanity." le wOllld be thro ugh
~ manthathumanitywollldbesetfre e co re.
LESSONS21.jS.' ~i:::~:'d.h;;;~~~~r~~:~nl:~<~~~~~" h.~~ (IImtoche lord."'Ie:r'·ingth~ adversaryin
hum.ni'r ln,obcnd,~. of'h,w;II . • o'h<G<>J.n"ni,.d
d""O ~ . ?l.7S. \ ()4.~; NPNF I ~no; Do""~,,.n<J. faidy!>curulur~ ... ,llofrh."'on,<!Urt.
3,273 Th e S lrong Man 's H41 US[ S.,moa71.IS.WSJ,.\Il.Z58, · Cf.R.....20-.\·2. "C".J.;.:
O.HI.48.2\J.7.4oI; FC1.;]66°. "(f. 2C",;,21 . "l\"",6~
"Cf. 2 Cn, 1),4. " Cf. \ Co, 1 ;2~

44 45
ryr<m~nifcstsl1nw ave ringfaith,and who in if." All thar th~ God head activdy performs.
3:2 8. 30 BLAS PHEMY AG/\I N S T TI-IE H O L Y SPIR I T rhe [i"csofth~ch35t eembraces the adm ir... <he Spi rit performs. O RATION )1, ON nil!
bit ,on ri n~n,,,o fleal~d chasti ty ." It is rhe HoLY SP HUT ,~. I;
Spirit who, among the wh olech urch, guard.,
the u"" ofrhtLord's re~chi ngu nco r rl1pted R"PE:'OT" NCE FOR BLASPHliM.Y. Au"uSYIl<Ii;
:3~ Truly, I ;(lY 10 ,1/1 s un w,/I b( fV f.'~ i vrn tlu H. ns of m r n, all d whalcvt r ~nd unf:l.int ~d, d~ s(roy s heretics, corr~c u I[ is nOt th:l.t rhis was ~ b bsp hcmy wh ich u n
bla ,ph tmie; th (y wh""va 1> I<I51,hnll" j ,(g ai ns t th e Holy Spirit neverbaj cho~t iner ro r. r~proves unbelie vers, rev ea ls dc r no circumsran.:cs cculd be fo rgiven, for
fo rgiveness, b ur is guilt] of ,II! "/("wl Sill, · S<Jfof , h ey had said, -H e has a ll u ndean impostor5 ,androrrecfsfh ~ wicked.'l T fte even th i$ sh~H be forgi ven if righ( repcn'.. ncc
TII INtTJ 1 9. <J follows il. SER..\lONS 0:< NEW T EST"'''IEN T
Jp iTi/' ~
Less oNS ll·H."
OV ERvt BW; Th ~ Spirit dwdl s III ,h"s~ who
live by f.;.ith. Bur tho se wh o Ol\~~ h.win g
beencounced wOrl hy W sh~r~ ill the Holy
b yt hep hrase , "h e who h usinned again$t
tb e SonofManisworchyofforgiveness.-i
E" ";f ,o, ,, ,;m,, , m,,wU,,,,,,,d;o,
1 He"is rhe subject, not <hc objecf, of hal low.
ing. ~pportioning. participating, filling, sus·
taining. We shartin him; h e shares in
I ' F" ,fu"h.r ,,~,," .ol""tUY'"nt;n<n« ... ""m

Spirit an d then h~ving fi nJ lly ~nJ d~cis i vdy to this d ivine word, even if one falls into ig' nothing." He is Ol1 r inherit:l.nce, he is glori.
rurnedd, eir bJ,ksfro m gracc Mc byth is:l.c t nOrance Ot folly, th e way is not blocke d to fied,coun tedrogerheTwi< h Farher.;.nd Son. :.~~~;.:'~t~:I~'~~:";'l:;.":r.,::;;;,
u id toh~ " c bbsp h cm~d agaillst the Ho ly rrue penitence and forgiveness. But one who He is . dire warning to US, th e "finger of :;~; ~~~::t~~· ;=:~ '~:~:f:~~~~~;r~~;:~~~<H~rAt
Spirir (O lllGEN). Cont~m pt of the Holy h.asonce been coun t«i wonh)' to snare in God.·" The Spiri t is,like God, :I. "fire,"1' " ..." 'ntk .. o,.no." . . .. ....,""'dt.,HolySpiri'io , hcolt.
[i(c in the H oly Spiri t and rh cn fi naUytums :

Spirit is ddi JIlCC of the groll nd of the Chris· This me:l.ns that tht Holy Spirir is of rhe
tiJIl f"irh . nd life,forit is the Spiri. wh o of· back again in apostasy is by this verr aCt and . umeenentialnaturea.the Fath cr." Th e
fers restimon), <0 Christ ( Nov"TI":'O ). Th e
H olySpiriris GoJ h irnsdfenabli ngollT
fJith. G od ,he Spirit is not on ly the one
dud .\.aid co h ave bla.sphemed ag~inst <be
Holy Spirit.6 0N FI RST PRINCt PI.ES [. J.' 1 Spirit is the very One who crea ted l1S and
CtUlt$us ancwlh rough bapcism and resur.
,tction.ThcSpirirknows :Ulthings ,'· ~: ~rr. ;;:'l'~)'~~~n~:l~.~'~/ ~';.~ ~;:~E::~~' !,~:
who m We ",o"hip bur che one by whom wc T II OSB So I Nl>WBI.T WOUI.O N OT CUR.S B '- rcachesalI tbings,'" moves where andwb tn ~:.l~;t~~; ~:;~n ~~l;:S~ ~~f~;~/:~.I.,~~~l~~"
J IISVs. N OVAT<"N: N o one who is mdwelt by ~ and:u strongly :l.s he wills." H e lcads,"

~~~: ::~::7iE?:~:~~~,;.~~~~~~~:~~~I:~: l,l

wors hip (G IlEGORY N"zl":"'! z":"'! ). T he text
doesno ts 'lgge"th at bl~ sphemymakeJ re· the Holy Spirit can imagine sayi~~ ".;.nath· t lp"m, u1 tnds,"' :l.ndscpu;tres thos e who
p.: ncance impossible ( AUGll STl NE). ema" ro Jes us." N o one in rhe SPlnt would ~ "e vexed and tempted. H e reveals," iUu·
FO FR196·97" . n,<Holy Spiri'i. GoJn;It\><li<~.bli"S
deny th :l.t C h rist is rhe Son o f God, o r rejec:t ~. mine.s. lII giveslife. orbettct $.il id, heis him. ourf",h, "o< m<",Iy th< ob,.."cf"",. ""'''hipbu.-ch< 0""
3:28 Wb ontr BI,uphunu Ag"inH rh t
Ho lySpiril ~:~ :~;~::I.;:~·t::y~~i;::~p~~c~~~ :;rs:bSti.
tutealicn o r sacrilegio Ullo.-dinances conrruy
selflight and life. 17 H e makes uS his templt,"
he sancrifi es,"" he makes l1S com.p lcrc. 1O He
bothgoesbcforebaptismand foUowsafter
by .... o><_«.nd,"'p"."oftW<wo"h,p. " C.r«io<
02I4, 7 ].7S-100.u(\3; NP:" Ft 6,)W·: Dom;n;" n <d .. S<, .
mon7t ,J5, W$AJ/J.Wj. " ",umins,righ, « "." ,""«
..~ th iob1.uph<my ""h<fo'i;V<"
T VRN' NG Aw"y FROM F"'TH. O IUGEN: Th c to moral principles. But ifanyone shame·
po w. r of God <h e Fath c< ~ nd God the Son is lessly blasph eme .• against this lame H ol y
arwork in the whole ofaeol.tion. ' The s;tinrs Spirit, h e "d o.:s not h ave fo rgiveness, either
arC those who are fully rec:eiving life in the in this world o r in th e world to come.... For
Ho ly Spirit.' Ac cordingly it is sa id, "No man it is the S pirit who rhrough cllc aposdesof· 3;31 ·3 5 WHO ARE MY MO T HE R AND MY BROTHERS ?
C~n say th ar JeslIs is the Lord excep t in th e fen tesdm onr to Christ,'" wh o in the m~r '
H oly Spirit."' H owever unwoffhy [he apos·
des mig ht h~ve been, they were told: -Yo u 'Cr. Rom uo. 'Cf_ Rem MO: G . 16,e . ' I lm 11, ). ' .0.<1'
s h al1rece ivepowerwhenth eHo lySpiri ti~
llAnd his mOlh ( r 4nd his brothers ' 4me; 4nd H4nding oUIJidc they senll O him an d
1:8. ' M, lJ:l1. "),1< 1 ~' H ·l2 :Mk hl<J. 'O FP \6 _\7 "
come upon you.'" This is what is refer red co 'lCo,!!,). ·Cf.M ,1 2,ll: l.k llo lO_ '·a . F.phH. ' ''lied him. 12 An d " crQwd waJ sitting about him; and In ty la id 10 him, "Yl) urmoth er

and y o"r brothers are outJiae, asking/or YO(I.· HAnd ht replied. ·Who art my mOlbn afrerthe flesh. who"rfirscdid nor believe in
in effcct"'lying' "My mother whom you have
and my brOlhe rJ?· J4 And looking around on tboJe who sat about him. he said. "H ~re him,' he faund dubiaus adv antage in being
called blessed i. bless ed for t h e rea so n rh3t
are my mothtrand my brOlhers! "Whotver does th e will o/Go d is my bro d"' r. and thdrkin.A sforMary.hernearn~s5a.a
$hekccpsrheWordofGod, not that t he
sister,andmol her." mother wouJd have been lirrkhdp for her
Word Wa.< made flesh in her and d welt
wvatio nifsheh a<:! not barnc Christ in her
amangus. " but tha,shekeeps,hevery
hun in a mOre bJessed manner 'h an in the
Word of God through which s he was made
OVEJ>'vIEW: M;.ry W 3ll more blesse d in rc,eiv. SECON D l ETHII. OF CLE M~NT: Let us then fJe!h.'ON VIRGI~ITY J"
and which W3ll onade flesh in h er."TRAC.
ingthc faith of C h rist than in conceiving rhe prai.ehim, nOt with t he mo uth only. but
Tf.TE 10.3.20sJo HN. "
fluh or Ch.;st. She wu bl essed b«~ u.e she from th e h e a,c. s oth a th~m ",y acCep t U3"s T ... GROVN OOf M ... Ry's Bl fiSSEONIlSS.

kept th e W o rd of God, not merely becausc ,on,. For the Lord sa.id, ~My broc hersa.re AUGUSTINE: She did the Fa ther's will. It was
she gave birth. Mary 's d osenas rOJesus as ~ thosewhodo th ewillo( m y Father:' So Ict ml$;n h er th at th e Lo rd mag nifi cd. no,
nuur~l mother would h~v e been little h elp u,do the will of the Fath er who call"d us . mertly rhat her fles h g:I~e birth to flc.sh .. . .
for her salvation ifs he had no t bo rne Christ Ih ..1 We m.. y live p~aceably within chis fam· When he sa.id. "Blessed are thq who hear
in her hean (AU()USTtNE). From rh 1$ pas· ;ly.whereour indinnion 'shaUbeth~pur. tht Word of God ~ nd kee p it, ~IO he was
sage we learn to view u n:hly kins hip in rda· suit ofvi,tue. THE SO,C U LED SECON D
tionto heavenly kinship (AUGUSTINE ). To LETT EII. OF CLEMENT 9:
rhe Lord 's fa mily belong all who do the will
of the Fath er (THE SO,C ... LLEO SECOND LH' 3:35 Who e ver Do es the Willl1fGod h
Tll.R OF CLEMENT). Aly Brotber, Sister. Motber
3:32 His Mother"nd Hi, Brothers W H ~T "U\ M"'II.T \V .. SCLOSU, TO H, M.. S
Camt P"lI.fiNT 011. BE LtBvlllt. AUGUSTINE: W h .. t
else does he her e t~ ac h u s, th an to prefet to 'Again he bega~ to teach btside th e sta . And a v(ry!arge crowd gathered about him,
::et~t: ohne t~aetl::~: boal and sal in il on t he Je~; an~ Ihe whole CTawd was beside
OROlllUNG THE Rn ... TI ON TO F",M ILT. kinsh ip~a(,er the fluh~ OUr d escent Nafter
AUG USTI NE: Ii is he who said thar no one be· th e Spirir."I H e te.lches ,har persons are
Jongs to hl$ family e>:cept those who da th e united by nearness of spirit to [h os~ whoar"
h 'd h J_ ' ,And he ta ught them many tbmgs In parables, and in his leaching

willa fhisFather. To be su re. he gracia usly justandholy.and l ha tbyob"yi ngandmJ.

( sa, 10 1 em ; LIJ/cn!Ajowerwentotltlosow.4Andash e sowed,som,s eedfell
induded Maryhersdf in this number. for lowing they deav e to their te ach ing and con· along r~ e path, and the birds camt and devoured it. SOther seed fell on rocky ground
she was doing ,he will of hi s hthe,. Thus duct. Ther efo,e M uy is more blesaed in ~~I~r~~ldh::! ;:tl ;;:Us':nSOil. a~d immediately il spra~g up. since it had no d epth oj
he spurn ed th e eanhly name of his mother re.:eivingrhef... rhofChriscrhaninconceiv. 7 rOj e 1/ was , co rch ed, and Sin" it had no roo l it withered
in comparison to h ~avenly kiru;hip.... Do ing th e flesh ofCh ris,. Forto rhe one wha
a:J~;d ~Iher .su/ fell among thorns and Ihe thorns gre w up and cho k ed il, an d it
noc b ~ ungrateful, pay you r duty of gratitude ,aid. "Blessed is the womb, which bore you!" •
toyoutmo ther . repay~a rth ly ravor$by$piri. he him.df answered; "Blessed are chey who
~ an d . 0 gram . And o~htr suds fell into good soil and brought forth g rain,g rowin
s p. _ ,"creaung and yielding thirtyfold and sixty/old and ahundredfold.- 9 h:
tu"lones. tempora.l by eternal o ne •. LETTEll hear th e Word of G od and keep i' .... Con· And
Qld. H e wh o has ears to hear. It! him hear.~
24 3 TO l"'~TllS.j ce "'i nghi s ownb rorhers.hisownrda'iv~.

3:34 Hut Art My Mother'Hld My <h-EIlVtllw:Thos e whOobse'l about riches

'Cn"""c026l.l41.~?9.S76. J:FC)bU4.15" . '.\1< I~;..); Ou r human nat ureby,owing ch e.eed of his
Brothrrs! are like fidds of rh is des and rhorns thardo
Lka:21 , ' A"" • .J1 .",~.Iy '~H\mi'm'n". in"~di"~J~ Word through theinca rnarion in t he ground
m"';cdu,;"" 'TLG 117I.(kll; l CC 1:19'" 'cr.R<l<n ~taJlow'h e . eedSO rthekingdom to gro w of au , human .oul. (CLQMEN'l' OF ROME).
B SLONC ING TOT"E F .. MaT. TH E So,C"lLED M·~,G .I ' : 29. 'n 11:17·28 "'" PASTOR Of H ER"iAS). Though God is
Theseedwa.lc»tnot,hroughrhefau [t of
~crywhere. he comCll especially n~:tr to u! in
the SOWer but th rough rhe unr"adiness of

M ....: 'l""

ch" soi l co receive ie (C tU\YSOST OM). Mark Wc do be[[~r nOC co venture to commit to 1I~b«n r"ported in~ ~stcrn r.-gionsin the vi, the word o f compassion. For h ere he call.<
wit hheld elabon.c~ ana.lytical txposition of wriri ng[ho~erhinpofwhi.:h,,,v enaf[er ,inicyofArabia. ofa bird named Ph<Knix.' his rnchingseed, the souls o f men a
the p arables b",ause ehe eh inss signified by much examin~[ ion an d inqu iry, we h"veonly Th is bird is s.aid to be a u nique species. liv. ploughed fielJ, and him.d flh e sower. ON
chem were ~yond ch~ power of ord inary someCIass perc cp cion, w heeher b yguceor ;ng ~rhaps fiv" hu.ndrcd years.When'hc TE,.,PfiIlANCE.'O
word s co uprus (OIUGEN). b y the power of our ow n minds. But .onu fimeofiudissolunon and death arrives. it
basicthings,for thesakcofourown inrcllec. rnakes for iuclf acoffiniik.., ncs[offrankin- 4:4 Sornt Sud fdl Along Ibe J' ,uh
4:2 He T~"gh l Them Mllny Things in cua ldiscipline. a ndch a [ofthosewhom~y ~rueandmyrrhandrh"ofhcrspices.inro

p~,.~"'e, chancetorcadch" ",,wea r"permirredeo which, icstimebeingcomp[creci, i,enrers INDl SCII I"" N"T~ SoW I N G. CHIlYSOSTO,.,: As
somee;<t"nrcosetforch.Co ...... B1<T.. RYON .nd dies. Bur as the flesh dccars. a cectain the lower fa irly a nd indiscriminatelydis-
OIl,';;BN: We Irt"
P .. RAIILES IS BXH .. U 5 T,IILB. M"TTHEWI4.fl. ' worm is born. which is nourishoo by <h" petses seed bro~dJy over ~Il h is field .•0
to think in agenen l way abo ucevery pu- juiCcsof'he deadbi~d andeventua.llrgmws do es God offer gifts to a U, " ma king no di ,
ab le,' r heelabor3leinferprecHionofwhic h 4:3 A $olVuWentOHtlo Sow ",ingi . Th ~n. wh~n IT h;u grown strong. it t inct ion be rw~(n rich and poor, wise and
h:lS not been c~corded by th eevangdist5. !ake~ up charcoffinlike neu containing the fooiish,luyordilig cne. brave orcowardlr
rem e mbering th at Jesus explain ed a.!l THE BtHu .. L OF THE SBRO. CUM ENT Of boneJ of its parenr, and ca rrying th em 3way. He addresses e veryone, fulfil1inghisp ~ r<,
things tohi so wn di sd plesprivaeely.IThe ROME: Think of th e various way s, d~ a r make. iTS way from the country of Ar~bia ro although knowing th e res lllts bcforehand.
wriec rs of rh eGos pe Is hav e withheld any friends, by which the m aSter poinn us to· Egypr. co the city of Hdiopoli.,. There, in ... \Vhy then, tell me, was ~o much oEthe
detaikJ exposirion ofche parables. b~ · ward the coming resurrection. by wh kh the bro.ddaylight in the sight ofalI. it flies to sccdloltl Nor through the sowcr, but
cause the chings s ignified by rhem were be· LordJesus Christwa. mad" the firstfruir rhealt;rofthesunanddcpositsrhemther". throughthegrollndrharreccivcdir_
yondehcpowerof wordsco expre5S.Not wh~n he raised him from rh ~ dead.' Lel u. and then seU Out On its return. which th" mea ning rhesou l that did nor listen ..
even ch c whole world iuelfcould conrain observe. dear friends. how someehing like pries ts who cxamine records rhink occurs a e Ev"nthoughmor"scedwouldb,,[o$[tha<l
th"books th at mig h t be wdtten ro fu!ly res urreccionissooftenanricipatedinlhe tn eendofthe five hundredthye"t. With all survive, thr di3Ciples were nOt to [ose
cla rify and dev elop the parables. But it courseofnarure. Day and nigh t. for exam· the$Cindic3,ions in naeure, why should it heart. Fori t iat h c way of the Lord n(v(r
may h appen chac a receptive hurt will pit; the night fa.lls asle"p, and day arisu: day surpriscusth3,thecreatorofr heuniverse tOIt0P sowing eh c seed, e ven when he
gras p somet h ing of th em. Pur iey o f intem deparcs, and nighe return s. O r consider ehe might bring about rbc rcsurrectionof ,hose know s beforehand t h ~tso me ofiewiJlnot
enables g reater discernmenc of che par· planting of crops: How and in what manner ... hohvese rved him with holiness in cheas· respond. But h ow ea n if be reasonable, one
ab ies, eh acchey mighe become wrinen On does the sowing take place:' T he sowergots iu.anceofagoodfairh.' secingrhat he
the heart by the S p irit of the living God.' fOrlh and casts into thc ea rth each of the shows ro us e"en by" bird the magnific cn'"
But someone mighc ehe n reply chat we aCt seeds.6 Theyfall imo che dry and bare ofhispromisc! L ETTERTO TH ECOIllN' '-T h."...,ofth.pl..,.nilt ..... Uk""wnin.nnq..i,y, .....
ground and decay. T henouloftheirdecay TH1 ..... S.· ..-iddy l>U<I ( .. i,h,.ryinS I.... " uf<...!ulioy) by , ...Iy Ch .....
wie h imp ieey when we wane 10 give the pat-
the rrutjCSty of God's provid"nce raises them
b•• w,i, ...: .. """"", ""'h..... >g<Ow. . foundin P.92:l!
abies symbolic mean ing, as if we had th" (LX X 9L. LJ) ... F4)n.P.noJFinncy""'ftrlucth • • to<yQf
3uchority to expound whae issenccand up. and from bei ng onC seed,manygrow up GOING OUT TO Sow. CHRYSOSTO,,: Whae is th.pll<wni.p,~yotlcin ..edinA.o"'bu{u.. u, ... .d,
and bring forth fruit. Evenmoredrarnati· me meaning of rh is parable! H" went OUt to .ionoolm·ks·...JSy... ....JEp'p,puy.nimpo"&n,rol.
myslical. T his is sometimes clai med even
IfW•• ,~""-oJopfedby""nyculru<,,{hn> .......... ut<l"!.
inC:ises where one might suppose that we cally. recall that remarkable wonder which IOw his seed. From where could he "go ou,"
...... n'_<ld.f<om,h.M.di« ... n.. n"'Chin .. • ... in
had some ru so n ablc knowledge of their wh o is prescnt everywhere, and fi lls ~II a."",nc".klt<"",k<eotin,!ti.,..,m,n y culy Ch""i"".
m eani ng. Bur to this we must r"spond pl~es!Hewenrou [,notintoap [acc,bu t · ... win,k<pho<ni.,p'g"" .... ,icip,,"'"of Chti«i. tlit)··

th3t,ifch ete are tho se wh o have obt ained :~:/ ~:I~~~~:;;.;:p~:~~~:;:.":~;fl><C:: ;:ft'.;~~ inlO a life md inro a hi.toricdispcns arion T"'im>8' of 'h<ph o"'iIO''':u .. ~n , .. lyChril<ian ....

some gift ofaccuuce appr ehension of 2042.0JO.l •. 12.16.2'J :d'.ANF9:SOl.Tlw.. ",ho'""'l"«"

do ...<II".d'ly,o.&C~no...ted~'h .. 'h,ym.",,,I, .. r>l1
• whercin hc saved u5,bcingbroughrcl()se to :;l~~~ ~~;:~~A';~r~:~:~\~~~,~~~~ ~:~i~~'~ ~~y,.,
thes e rhings, th ey know wh a. ehcyoughr \IS by reason of assuming our Ilesh. Since w e i"'h .p ri",.,aJ"oryQf 'h.ph u~ni •. w •• " ' mgh"h""
,hart ofth, .biij ,y '0 >0< ,n'O Ih, o,p,h ofw~'" ,n o 1'''' """'rion .•• "h.n ...d. ... hti<J, doc. y. ,i><."dh, ;ng
rodo. Bue as for us, we readi ly ackno w. [O\lld not enter in. for Ollr sins bad shuc che
ledge that we fa ll short oftheability to see :~; :'fo~i~ ::~~::~,;<';:~ :,o,~,:~:~;~;;'~ ~;:r :~~:~. doortous, hc cameollttoUS .... Hecamc
r.mhfr"i'.S~n.tur . in . o'nt"'.r'F"'viJ.n ri.Il)·" ff"'"

into ehe depth oflhc eh ings h ere si gnitLed. M,Jl:J ·'I; Mk4, '·" Lk3: 5·S. totill ~ndto rake care of the earth: to sow :::S';;;i~i~~~':: ~~:g::'~' !o::~; .;<;.U',i~;i;o~ ~~:;s~y

50 51
asks , 10 SDW ~mong rh. thDrn s, or on the TH II C ... ..," E OF ,VIT" .R'SG AWA ... CIIRl'SOs_ th irtrlTh e difference is the readint lS ofl he f",ren ce. as I h ~"esl;d: some~h "ndrcd fo ld,
rock,or",'on!}$idelhtm~d!t-.hybc;risnor TOM' Now pay particular ~ttent io n. T here is ground,forcvenwh ert thegrolln d isgood, so mesi:uy, andlom.rhirryfold.Asrhe
rcason;lbJeinsufarOl.s itp errains on ly tll not o n~5 inglewayofdes c ruction. R3 th ~r di/ferenc ..sremain in the rc..dinessofsoi!s. mOst '~arned. p~", wrire5: "E.-eryone has hi<
se~ds andeanh,fo r dlebare roc k is nOI there are various ways rhacdiffcr fromol1e the fau l! li es notin the farmer Or th tseed, prop~r gifr from God,· Olle after thi ~ m~n ­
li kdy to lurn inw rillabl e soil. and the anot ile r s igni ficandy. So me, like rhc seed burin thecondido n Dfchela ndirsclf,iudis_ n~r , ~nother afur th~I.'" And We don', fi nd
roadsid c wi ll re m ~inroads idc an dthc ;.!ong th c ro"dside,are[hecoarse-mih([~d. posi tion 10 receive. THE GOSPEL OF S T. MAT- chegood accionsofholy men ro be all of
thor ns, thorns. But inth~caseoffr e ewilb indifferenr,andcardeu.Othe<$"hoseon rH EW, H OM IL1' 44 .6. "
eqlla lmeri r. B"ritbeh"oves u .• co srrive ear_
a nd rheirrtasonabJe in strucI;on, rhis kind the ro ck, ar e like people who fai! from weak.
nesrlyafrcrthdrbtt(eracrions, and rise
ofsowi ngispraisew" rrh y. For the rocky nu s only. T IHi GOSPE L OF ST_ MATTH~w> VAR.III) G' FTs. C YRILOf AL EXAN ORI ... , Note abovt the I""s wonhy; so JhalJ we be re-
soul ca n in rimt rurn inro rich soil. Among HO ~IL""4 .S." th3tChrist has tecoumed th ree ways ofdis- warded bo unt i~''' lly b)' Christ, rD wh o m,
souls, the wayside may come no lDnger tU aorer,2ndrhac three likewise are Ihe grades wilh rhe Farherand Ihe HolyGhosc,bt
berramp!edbyall tha t p~ss,an d mayb",· 4:7 Th t Tb orllJ C rrw Up ""d Cboktd ofglory. For lh~seedrhatfeUuponthewar_
praise and glory I'or eVer. Amen. ON T H e
co me a f.nile fidd. The thorns may be dc, It"m J It Yidd ed Nil Gr"in Jid~wass ei:;:edbythe b irdl.Tha, which GOSP EL."
sl<uyedand lh esucl enjoyfuJlgrDwrh.For Ipr.lllg l,Ip on stony ground quic kly perished.
had rhis not been impouiblt. th is sower CHO K I N G O ..,T FJl "" TFU ~ NIISS. THE PASTOR Th n which grew amid th e Iho rns was
wou ld nOr have SOWn. An d even ifno OF HliRM"'S, T h e rhisrles ar~ rh e ri ch, and choked. But the desi rablegooci ea rrh
changewhatevcrIXcu rsi nth e sou.I,this il the t horns ac e th ose obseued with busi- bfoughtforrh fruit,andwidlarhreefolddif_
no faulr of rh" sower, b",t o f d10se who ar e neu deal s. Th ey rend noc ro remain long
""""mingrobechanged. H ehasdonehis
IH4 4 .;.I ."
with l he servants of God. T hey wander
away,ch o kedbyco mm ercial p rcoccupa-
tions,16Th erkhd ..aveo nlywirh.greacdiffi.
culty !Othe s~ rV3n tsofGod,fear !Rglesl 4;10-20 THE PURPOS E OF PARABL ES
4:6 Sina It Hila No Root It With ered someo ne might ask something of them. t
~~: :fe~~I~'o{~I~r~:~ed;:~:~~~r~:: ~nn;~ f
AW lly
'OAnd wh ~n ht w as al,mt, rhost wbo wue about bim with rht twdve asked him
~;rt~ ;~: :~a:~~r~h;(o:~I~ ~:I;;~e:n::n i
::: (Iln,ern~ng tht purublu. IIAnd he said to Ih~m. " To you hols btengiv~n the >ecrtl
Ihewheatwither,lhatj$notb~causco f to ene er the ki ngdo m ofGod."THE P"'STOR ~ of the kln~dom of God, butfo r Ihos e outs ide ~ verylhiTlg i. in p"rablel; I<SO Iha!
rh e heat, for h e di d not say that irwirh- OF H~ RMAS3.9.20." th,y m ay Indeed scc but nOI perceive, and may indt ed ~e~r b",t n ot understand .
"red because of the hear, bue ~beca ",se it rtJllh~y sb"ul~ turll again , and be forgiven." tJ And hr said 10 them, "Do you no;
h ad noroors."uAnd if that w hich h~ has 4,8 Yielding ThirtyJold IInd SixtyJold understand Ihu parClble? H o w then will YOII ullderS/and 0111 the porables? "The
caughr us is chohd. neither isitrh ~ fau le "nd " Hu ndredfold ~ow'r SOWl the word. lSAnd Ihele lire the o"e. C1long th, pollh , where the word
of the thorns, b""ofrh ose who allow ehem
IS 1.0W~; wh en th ey h ear , Sa tan immediately co me , an d la .~es away Ih e w o rd
cugrow.Foryo",c.a.n, ifyou will,oppose R~AOIN~ S S TO RECE IVE. C HRY50STo.'>I; Why
th eir evilgr owlh. and m3ke fitting use of didon"$Oilburah"'ndred.,o n~sixcy,u nt
whICh IS sown in Ihem . '6 An d these in lik e rnClnntrare Ih, ones sown upon rocky
yourreso ",rces. For this reaSOn hesaysnoc :round, who, wben Ihey bear tht word, immedialely rueive if with jor /land
"thewurld:bllt"tne car e o f,h is world" ; th,y have n.o rool. w Ihemulv~l, bUI end ure for a whil~; ,bell , when trib~lalion
nor "riches,"bllt ": hede'eirfuln (ss of "NPNF 1 IO,lSl~·; d . TlG lIlbl-l,l, S1.oI6..l.ll.. u~I' :;:e rse cullon arnes 0 11 ,,"ou nt of the wo rd, imm edillldy Ih~y fa H aw ay . I~ A lld
IH;; Mk 4,6. "S SC F l,J<)-I : M.gn< PG ~1.<67 ·n
rk h cs."letu.sp",rblame, noton ceuted h eTS ,arc th e onts sown C1mong Ih.orns; thty are those who heurlbe word 19but
"NPNF lIO>u1':<f.TI.GlO6l.Ul.;7.06I.16. "Cf.l
things, bllt on Ih e co rru pted will. O N TEM - T im6:9. "Cf. M, 1 ~~J ·l4; M~ l~n·Z'i; lk IS,ZS. I e (ures of the world, and tht delight 111 riches, C1nd the desire for olhe r thing.
PEIlANC~. 1< ''T l.GHI9.00I,A:-.rFJ.,S0· ' ;<f.Af27&'
ent er ,n and choke th e word, and it proves unfr uitfu l. lOBut thOle t hat were so w:

52 53
upon th e g ood .Joil ar,' th ,' OIH'! LVb" b.-M tb~ word (llld ,!r"pl it and be.or Jr«'I. $ ~ fOrWard termS. The l ord wanted to prev~nt
with the eyts o(th.., body, a p~rabk will ft.
t h irty/o ld ,m d HxtyJold ,lIId ,t !!" " d r,-d/"/d." j j tbe l1n(~ady from being too 5pee<i ilycon .
veal w rheeyeso((hcmind,informingthe
ytrt edand only( o smeticallyhealed .l f~ he
m brlccy ofche inrdlecr by meJ.ns of thi ngs
forgiven. :I.S of ch ~ i r sins w~re lOO tasily ob-
pen.:eivabJeby the senses, an d as ic w..,re ran
O VfiII, V,EW; P",rabk .• ar ~ gr;o<p.:,t wi, h th e porri.:m from rhe side of an organiim, e"en Woe<!, they would soon fall again inm rhe gible. ON THBGoSPEL. '
e}'cs ofth" mind (Cu ,,_ O~ Alex .. ",u lt' A.). in rh atsmall parr you wo ul d f, nd all the e!e. samedi50rde r of sin which ch ey imagi ned
Bymakingspcech visuJI,rilcp.,r.1blcsf,.-ili. m~nr s our of which the whole is composed_ could be currowichou r anyd ifficu lry.ON
4:13 D o Yo uNol UnJ . rstan d Tbis
CaCe n.s y r«ellcc,;on. E3.:h p~r~blc is bc51 nc......s and "cins, bones, anuies and blood, FI a5T P RINCln ~s3·1"
Par~"lt ?
rc.td inreulionrothcwholef~br i co fScrip­ and a sampk as one migh t sar, of the whole
l Ure (C HRYSOSTO M). Th~ \.\/ord b~'o lllc~ ef· lu mp. So lihwi. ewi th regard to the organic
TH II \Vo ... o b M .. o. E FF IlCTlVIi 11 1" ITs O WN
fective in U~ by its own power (C LaMENT O f uniryof theScriptures. In each diSlincr por. '
POWH .... C~ ~ MENT O~ An " "NOlU": Ar t i mc~
ALIiX .. ",Oi\ IA).
lnrhiJ p.lf"bkbdiever$ue t i o n o f wha tis wri t r~ n,o nemay.e" ' h e con. ASO ... N U TTB ..... N C B P .. ... T ... UY V BJ~ .D .
our Savio. spoke , h. Word to ch.., ~ po$[ ks
c al1 edto wo rk ' c .lso"ably!ob~comegood nection wirh the whole clearly appearing. AUGUST.NII:jesusdidnocordinarilyauume
by me~n$ of mysterious $.lyings. For proph.
soil (AUGUSTlNI!). R""d inus for the in- T HI!Gos PE~oF ST. M"TT HEW, H O)'l! u !.8.' thathis t~aching wou ldremai n hidde n .He
ecy ny s of hi m: "H e will open hi s mou th in
dwetlingSpirirrequius .t rigorou5wccdi ng ClIp«lwirro beproclaimro open lyin every
paub les,andwiU dec1a ret h ingskeptsecr~c
oU f ofinord in:ttede siru (EVAGRIIJS). By 4: 11 Fli T Tb ur O ,, ' sid r £"u1 ,h;IIg fJ dirf«ion. Yec ic is passible. in defensi ve ci r.
from the founduion of the worId.·' . .. T he
ca reful cultin rion one may res ide in t his in P ~ ra " Ju (I1m5CinCeS, to ucrer someth ing openly and
effiCiCyofthe Word irsel f, b~i ng"'$t rongand.
world and nOl be choked wic h il s cares yet veiled at t ~e S3~ t time. Something may
pow~rf~J:· graduaUydraw. intO i tse[fsecrerly
(C URYSOSTOM). Only wi ~ h diligence and bewd notsmcrly m S«ret, but in a sce'Ct
and mV15101y everyonc who receives ic.
gr ~{ e C~n ~he ~suul~s of the enemy be de·
f1~ct ed ( h B N" ~ US), T hose wi~ hou r s piti· :z._~~~e~~;ti~d:: : ~::::;~~:~!v:~~< ST... OM"TA 5.11. '·
mal roots wi ll fal!;l.way amid rr ibu lat ion JErhi.s had nOt been spo ken openly, th ere
4 :14 Th e S owerS c ws the lVord
(ATH.. NASIUS). God may hul by deLlyi ng ,..culd have been no sense to the phrJ.se" not
h ~al il1 g. l~sr a prc m~ ru rc recove ry s hould _ing. " The same hearer may not perceive
TU BSuo So WIO ' ''' Au _CV LTVIlU. CUM--
rend", o n~ i ncuub[~ (O R,IG EN ). Jes us chelevt!o n wh ich somc thillg is spoken
B:-< T OP Aux .. NORI .. ,TheGreek culture,
t ,utedwaraytho~ewh050ughtto finda optnly, yct on a not her level secrecly under_
pre tcnsefor crinlin alchargu againHhim along .w.it~iup h ilo sophr,wasp rep"ra rory .
s:ood. The "ery things wh ich hiS detracrors
(AUGVSTINE). 6~ th IS It ~ mad~c1e~r how obliquely, no r
hd heard wirhout understandi ng were such
w,th a strJ.lghr dltecdon,gifrshJ.vc cornc
;u (ouldnoc Withjusri ce Or tru th be turned
from God to humanitY_in th~( miscclla_
4: 10 Th ey AJk ed Him C on ce rning the inro a criminal charge agairut him. As ot'ten
neous wayrhat,howers fall down on th..,
Porablu ;u rhey tried by their qucstio ns ro find 50me.
goo d la nd,and onrh"d ungh ill,andO n rh e
dtingbywhich to accu!C him, he gave rhe m
houses. Thenborhgrass ~ndwhc"t spro tlt.
F,XING M~MoRr . C HRYSOSlOM: H e spew luchr.plles as urterlyconfounded~lJ thei r
Bo, h figs and reckless rrees grow on 5qIul.
in p",...bl"" that he lII.3y:olso nuke his d;s· p1c ts and left no ground fo r rhe ca lu mnies
coune more vivid, ""d fIX th e memory of it in thoydevise<l. TlU cT .. ns ON j OliN, TR.o.c.
th em mo reperf«tly, andb ri ng {heth ing.5~' h Ull].'

fore their sight, as did the prophets aUo. T HE

'NPNF llo-.~S l·_ ' NPN F . 10'01" , n.. .... 01.8;"of5.,..-
tu,."",b.fUun-l,mplidd,in ..."p<p",b!<. '0.<1'<"
CHRYSOSTOM : SUppose a physician e"cis~d a rho ugh" . nd f« ling'

54 55
chen. These things Olre like a figure of the Ar;HJ T hey Fan Away dwellwithin yoLl ;thcni nh;s lov eh~wiIl the body flabb y. THE G OSPSL OF ST. MAT'
trueh d isclosing itself. All enjoy the $ame in. cameandmak.::~ habit ~ [ion with yell; he TH EW, HO","Ll" 44.1."
flu ence of the rOlin." But they do not h ave Ttnr ROOTLESS AM ID TIUU OLATION. AT>l A. "';11 re,ide in you and live in yeu.JO If your
the S:lmegrace as those which spring up in NA SlUS; Lcc us. [b tre fo re,followi"Sthe b<.rt i5 Fure you will sec him and he will
rkh soil. inasmuch as tht'y are withered or fait h efc he apostles. hold r"q'""",omm"" l f seW in yeu th e geod seed et· re fla don upon
pl ucked up . And here we are aidedby lhe ion wic h our Lerd. Fe[c he world is like th( his ~ct;ens and wend~r ac hi s majesty. Th;,; BECO"'. NC GooO SoIL. AUGUS nN E; Wo~k
pa ra ble of the sower. which th e Lord inter · se.. reus,bcloved. efwh ic h ir isw rilltn, wi l1 n~ppenifyoutaketh etroubletcw •• d diligently the soil while you may. Br( ~k up
prered. Finally there is only enecultivator of "There go. th e sh ip~, an d Lev iath ~ n Ih:l.t outfte myou rseulth~ undcrgrew th of5 po­ yo u r fall ow wit h t h e pl ough . Cast aw ~ y
the $eil of the human soul. It is the One who. you'· formed co. spo rr in it."" We fle31 pdic desires, along with ch~ thorns and tares che H e n es frem you c field , and di g c ue the
from rh e beginn ing. from the foundatiensof [his sea, li ke wind. with everyone ti ~d habits. lI ADMONITI ON ON PRAYER.'" !hern~ . Be unwill ing to h ~ve a "hard

th e wo rld. h u bee n sowing living seeds by his ow n wurSe wit b his own free will. Un h eart,· such ..s makes th e Werd of God of
wh ieh al l thi ngs grow. In each ~ge th e d er [he pileuge ef the Werd, one may HoW fu CH"" CtfOKBT HQWORD. C " IWses· ne e ffect." Beunw iUingto h a vea "t hi n
W ord h ~s come dow n upcn ..Jllik., rain. But safely app roach th e port. 8u[, ifpesseued ro",;When[heWerd ischoked.it ~ nOl bye refsei l,·in which rheroorefdivine
th e t im es Olnd places wh ic h received thes e by wayw .. rd incli na[ie M,ene is in per il by me,ely due to the tho[fisu such,bur to the love can find ne depth in whi ~ h [0. ent~r .
gifts~ccountfer[h ed i fferenceswhichcxist. Slerm an d ma y su ffer sh ipwre ck. Feras in negligence oftheJc .. llowing themres pring Be un willing to "choke th egeo d se(d" by
.. . Some cultures h ave rightly sought om [h e ocean rhere are sterms and waves, so in up.There isaway,ifth treisa will,ro h in · thc carcs and the lusts o f th is life, wh en i.
the word ofttut h through unde r.tanding. rhewo rld [h ere Olre man y Olffiicrions de,evilgrow[n and useweal th'Fpropri· is being scattered for your good. When God
<<But Ab r~h am was nor justifie d by we rks, als.The unbeliev ing there fo re. "have no "tly.Forthi5rU$ en h . w a rnedn otef"th ~ is th e so we r and we are th e gre und. we ue
but by fait h.«u lt is therefere of ne advan· root in rhemselves, but endure fo r a world " but ofthc «C.lre efthe world"; ne e caUed co. werk rc be goed greund. ~ SBIt.\.IeN5
tage to. them a fter the end of life. even if then.whentr ibulatien orpe rsecutien i ·, ich~s· 0lS such bue "the dcc(i tfulness ef eN Nsw TESTAloUt<T LESSONS 1J.}.>oi
th ey de good werks new, if they de ne[ on acc oumefthcwerd,immcdiat dythey ';cb.s." Let us net pl .. ce [h e blame on what
have faith. STRCMATA [.1.37.0 fall away,''' jlUr:u the Lord said. Th ey are we pouess. but en our own co rrupt mind. T HE P BR PBTUAL STR.EAM. EI'>lRRM THR SYIl-
nOl likcly toendure rhecemplicarions FOl' it is pOS$ible rein rich and not be de- IAN: T h e fi eld s ha ve but eneseason ofhar-
4:15 S atan Immediatdy CemeJ and wh ich arise from affiictio ns, ifth eYOlrc fixtd ceived. It is possib le to. be in this world. vest; bue from th(Scri p rure there gus h es
Ta~u A way Ihe Word Wb ich Is Sown upon rhe temperal and ne [ co nfirmed in tn~ ~ndnet b. ch oked with its Ca reS. Fet in· ferrh a stream ofuv ing deClr in e. The fi eld
in Thrm fail h. LETTER [9.1, EASTER. 34 7 ....D... dud richeshav(rwocen trarydisadvan - when reaped lies idle, and at t CSt, and the
r~gts;one . • n~i e crover them. wearing us branc hes when ehevine i~srr ipped lie with-
TtUI \VORO TAO<BN AWAl". [llnl",Rus; Wh ile 4:18 Se wn Among Thorns Which ou r. l ndspre~di ngdarkn eu o ver us; .. nd ered and dea d. Th e Scriptures ar ~ g~ rnered
w e are sleeping. th e enemy is sowing w""dJ. Ch olte lh e W o rd dle Olner.l ul<ur y, which makcsussofe. . . each day.y«cheyears of its;nterp~cecn

Thisis w hy th( Lordcem m .. nd edhis disci- De not marvdar h is calling eur lux uries never ccme re an end; and che cIusrus of
pies to bc always en the e utlook. These wn o \V UD ,NG OUT T>lS UN ellRG ROW TU ef TH" · ,horn, .- lfyou are int oxicated in your ;'5 vi n es. which in irar e rh0 5e efh ope.
are ncr acrively bringing fort h fruicsof right- 5ou ~. EVAGRtOS' Allow th e Spirit orGed to .ense yOtl may no t be aware efthi$. One i. though areg .. thered eac h day. are likew;se
eeusness are quickly eOllered ovu and lest in sound healc h who kn owJ th.u luxury witheut end. COMM ENTAR~ eN TA T/AN'S
~ meng the brambles. Yet if rh ey e~e r,ise diU · prickl. harp er dlanany thorn. Luxury DUTUSARON.PReE M."
"Cf. M, ~H5. "R.<>!I'I~, p... ;",. "TLG Q! 55!J04: ANF "'lIes th, .eul away evcn worse rh a n ~nl<i ­
gence and receive rh e werd e fGod as a grafr
into. themsd ves, .hey may again recever che
prisri ne n aturee fhumanity.cr earedafter
~;:i.~·~~£~~s; ;E~~·~;~~;~:~~~~· .ry. [tcauses more grievou s pains boeh ro
bcdy and. euI. For no oneisa.5uic ui ly "'Cf.R.>.. 3,9. "Cf..\h.[),22,Lkt:I_. " CSCOIOlo6ll.
4,11. " NPNF 24,S'7" . A,h. n•• iu. inl<n, ir..J d>< "" ". harm ed byanxiery as by imm oder arc indu!- " r-;P~ Ftlo..iS )J TLG2062.l5Z.57.470. 1S_27. " Cf.P,
the im age and likeness ef God." AGAI NST
pbo,of_d<-u.nc>'by.,!di",«>i.",~"".,pbo,of:h' 'f'j,&; P,o.U, 14; Mk 1 6' 1 ~. "b 1,19--1O; Ho. HHl;tk
H£R~S[ ES S.10.' S genee .. .. It bring! en pr~maeure eld~ge,
pil"tI.... h;pOD'n> .... I<J..,. ...., W;'h'h<Wo,d ... ~..'~ 6041·4lI. ""CrtdocO:!.SoO.1l...\8..41t.15;CMI81" ,.r.
.pil"'in,hi. ~•. Bu"h<>U,.ho.« w; 'hou'J"«<;on'" du lllrhe.e ns es, darhnsour reasemng, NPNF [ 6033.... "'SSCF 2,-44 .... S; v.,.';o. 5<. Ep~,.<m b86
4:17 When T,ibu1",ien or Persec utien .piri,u.I",'l!.will f,U,w'y .midllibul>rion bllnds rhe keen -s ight ed mind. and makes (Col"ll" ,. 1616j;P ,o<m,o M."k9

56 57
rHOllOllGH1 T OUlHS TING THE WORO. B aD E; will b.: ab le to br in g forrh more for ,he he~r .
·1, ! 1·2S A LAMP UNDE R A BUS H E L BA SKET He ruches us to hur hi.. words observand r, ing of others. HO/Olluu 0."" THE Gos P!l-S!
digestingth ~m th Oro ughl~ln omh eart •.
Those wh o do so, by rece,ving much 'cc ':J86.
~'A",I h,' " Hell" Ihnt!, "1$ 1.1"mp brough t in to b.. put und ~ r a bu she l, ,IT
(Jb~d . •",.1 ",H " " ,'JI,II"I? u r"r t/)eu is noth it!g hid , excepti o b.. mllde I
nor i5 ,"'yrh.".I: IrCfr/. t .'cr<'lll to (amI' to light. 2)lf any man ha, car> 10 h~a r, let
4 : 26 -29 T H E P ARABLE O F T H E SE E D
him I,r.tr. ·· ~ 'tI", / lit !lIil/lo rllOII, "Take he .. d whal ]Ol.l hC(lr; Ih t m .. a,urc yo w
giv,' will It,· I/' .. IIIr,'HHt yo u gt"!. and .till more wi1l be g iven Y0tl . HFor to
who ),,,, wil/m"r( be gi,'n,; <lndJrom him wha h<l! na l, cven wh(l, h .. h(l!
r"b'" "w"y."
lIi.A,nd be ,aid, "The k ingdom of God is (IS if a man should scatta seed upon th .
groun d, 17an d sh ould slcep an d ris e night and day, and the Jeed ,hou/d sprout <!lI d
O ..., MV lli W: Goodn eu rejoi(~s in being r~cog­ HfD''''G GOOD WORKS. T EIlTUL LIAI":: Why grow, h e kn ows not how. 2'T he .. arlh produCH afitulj,firH th e blad(.th~n the car.
n.:<·d ~~ wha, if is (TH MTULlIAN). Th e pu r· does th e Lord callus , he liglllofthc Il1tn th efu/I grain in (he ear. But wh en th egmill is ripe, m ona he pu t; i'l.rh e 5i"de,
poscoffhebrnpofwisdonl is nOftobcset worl d~ W h y h as h e ,o mpar ~d uS 10 a city brcau Jt th e harveH ha, come."
"nd~ r~ bed bu.1O be used and seen (C lEM ' on ahill ?l Arc we n Ot called to shine in
~N T ovA L EXAN[}MIA). To lisfcnobservanrly the mids t of d ar kne ss. and stand up high
(hIllVIEW' The kingdom gro,,""S silently
i. fO digc,r word., tho lOughly in our hurts for ~ho se mo s t sunk down ? If you hide shool. and from the shoot emerges ~he
( UIiOtl). you r lamp bene ath a bushel: you will (A MaMoSE ). When ~h e cornlsfully ripe . it is shrub. From there th e bough s and leaves
s oon n orice [h a ~ you yourself will be in Iil<emal ured righ teousness (G REGOR T TH6 garher srrength. and thc .... ho[e .h.H wc call a
412 1 A I. ...np U" der ~ Bed rh ~ dark. You will find o~h crs bum p ing GRur).In f01,lrstage&righ teousnen has .ru ~x pands. Then follows ,h ~ swelling of
imoyo n . Sow ha~ ca n youdo [0 iIIu mine grown wi thin h istory ~fur ~h e f~U , primitive the germen. and from the ger men bu rsts the
nuural dread,cons ci01,lsnusof 'h e[~w .• hc
\VlIrlN \Vlsn .......L r ~s UNUStiU. Cn ...,SNT o ~ th e world:' Let yOllr fait h p~od uc e goo d flower. and from Ihe flower the fruit o!><, ns
Al.ti XAN URIA' A w"I/ , wh en pumped regu- w orks. Be a reflection of G od ', ligh,. righteou.. neu re "ealed in the go. pel and ~he T he frllit i,sclf. pr imid,'C for a wh ile, andun .
brly. pro duc es pur er wa~er. lfne gleered, Th e good is no~ pre occ l.lpi ed wirh dark- . mmlle age of the Holy Spirit (T ERT U1UAN). $hapely,kupingtheSluigh~cou rseofit$ de.
a nd no one us.:s it. i~ changes in [ 0 a ness. I t rejo ices in being ,~en.' I~ eKu lu v ejopmenr.ismlt ure d . lit [k by li ttle,to ~hc
sO llr(eof polllltion . Useheps menl over ,h e ve ry pOinting. wh ich a re mad. 4:28a Finttb, B/ll de, T btn tbe Ell r fuU mcllo wneuofits fuvor.'lnjuscth is way
brig h rer. bl.lt di.use produ ces rust. For. at i ~. Chr ist ian mod es ty nO[ only wish.1 has righteousn eu gro .... n in hi slo ry.'Th.:
in a word,excrciscproduces a hcalthr N b e modest. b u t also it wishes to be GROWTH I N T>I . K , NGDo M. AM8ROSl: pro l<ima terighreo usness fou nd in th e ere·
con d iti o n both in sou ls arid bo di es. S o he ld as w hat it actu ally is. ON Tl-l i Ap· Whilt you a re asleep. 0 m ~ n. and wic hout ued order is grou nded in the holy G od
~No onc lighn a candk a nd pu~s it und.:r PARELOFWOlolliN1.'j." yourb t ing awar e of it, the eart h of it.l elfis whose righte-oll sne"firsremerged in a rudi-
a buw l. b,,, up o n l ca ndlcHi ck. rh at i ~ producing its frui ... S.x DAYS o~ CREA - menrarysuge uan undevelo!><'d na[ural ap_
T'ON ). I
nu r gi~e Jigh~. "' For of wh ~ , use b wis- prehe ns i on in thepres c n,~ o fthcho lyO ne.
de m o if it fail s ~a ma ke ch ose wh o h ~a r it Give n Theniradvancedrhroughrhelawand
wisdSTROlolATAJ .1. 1 PATn RNS O.I NC R~ASR. TE RTUL LIAN: Ob. p rophe~s to ch ild hood. At long la." ~h ro ugh
ICrve how che crcaeed order h~$ ~dv~n(ed lit-
4:22 Thtr~ Is No thi ng Hid, Ex,ept to
S,IS: Mkoj,ll: lk6,1~. 'T lGo;; ~S.OO4 . J tIe by lictle roward fr1,l itfu ln ess. First eomes
A~ Pl, J(l2" . ':.1t 5: 1" 'M , S:l5:lk S: 16:I L)J.
BtMlldt Mlmift51 ·C.,edocOOll,1.IJ.7:A :-I P"'-2S-.
the grain. and From th e grain arise. th e

58 59
of their martyrdom ... . The Lord him~e1f is
th~ grain of mustard seed. H~ waS wi~ho\lt

THE F!!LL CORN. G!O.EGO!O.Y THE GREAT: To 'Ce«ciadX)D , 1.19; ANF ·U7-2S" 'Cot<doe l7W.
4:31 If Is Like a Grain (If Mu$tard Sad
produce "the blade" is to hold the first ren· l.I,\>6;GC I ,3M.
DRIA: Th e word which proclaims the king·
domofheaven is sharp and pungent as
mustard. !t represses bile (anger),and a fac~thatlhis little branch ofwors hipers in
ch ecks inflammation (pride). From thi s Africa'hasb ... enb roke noffftomthegre,,~
,, word Hows rh~ soul's tru~ virality and fitness
. for eternity. To such increased si>;e did the
growth of th e word Come ~hat the tree
tree' which embraas the whol~ world in th e

"A,d h, "id, wh" ' " w, th' "wh" ,'' bI,t " which sprang from it (that is th e Church of
Chris~ now being es~ablish e d over th e whole
to th e root without which thq CannOI have
;~:~n~: is i;;~~~ on earth; 3l yet when i;i~eS::onwi~ ;;GO:st~; ~ , e:tnh) filled the world, so that th e birds of

and become, the greate,t of all ,hrubs, and puts forth large branche5, 50 that thlj : the :tir (thar is, holy angels and lofry souls)
dwel~ in irs branches. FI<AGMEN'rs fROM T HE

birds of the air can make nest, in it, shade." ~ C."T~NA OF N1CETAS, BISHOP OF HEI<ACLEA
33With many Huh parables he 5poke th e word to them, as they were able to h~ar \' ,:
it; J4he did not speak to them without aparabJe, but privatdy [0 his own disciples bll [
explained ~verything. t ': 4:32 Puts Forfh Large Branches

OVERVIBW; From the tiny mustard seed.
which resists infection and adversity, comes
themagnific enttr~eof{heboundless,wodd·

dud ~n im.lge of ell<' k",~,j"", "f (j",1. grew uti; in Ih e Church it became a gre~ t
Chrisc is che kingdom of h.·" ...·", Sown h k~ ~ treep,utingforthin numerab lebr~nche5
4:35-4 1 T HE ST f l ll NG OF THE S TORM
mustard ~ed in ch e ~.or.l~n "r ch~ Vllli""s bJcn with gifls, And now you coo must take
womb, he lir~w up ill[O [h" ['(.~ 01 ,!re ~ "'.« tIle wings ofth" psalmiH's dove, glum ing
whos~ brand, cs ~ [ r~[L h .,,·w.'.' [h " wurld. go ld in rh~ r~ys of divin e slllllignt, and fly to
Cr ush~d in th ~ mun"r "f [h" I,., .<~i,,,,, ics r~Sf for ever anlong rnose sturdy, fruitfu l JIOn that day, wh~n evening had co m e, he said t o them, "Let !lsgo aCrOH to the orh,"
fruit ha.< proou~.:d s~.'-<O["""c"""gh (ur [he brJnches. No snares ue sec to trap you ,iae." A lld leavillg th~ crowd, they took him with th em in the boat, just as he W,(5
fl.ayoringandprCSCTY.I[( ,,"ofevc<)'h .. i"b there; fly o{f,then, wit h confidence and And other boats wl're with him, J1A nd a great sto rm of wind Ilrou. and the wal'<' ,
creatur~ with which il CO"'''~ in ron!.lCl, A.< dwcllsecureJy in its shelter. SUo,"'ONS 11.'·
btat illto Ih~ boat, so that the bollt WIlS Illready fill ing. JfB ut he WIlS in th e 'Urn, Illlr<'j'
long as .. muscard sccJ ,,·[n.cinsi"',"I,iu
properries li e dormant; j"n when it is 4:34 Privately H e Explain ed Everything on the cushlol1; and they woke him and said /0 him, ~Teacher, do you not care if IV,
crushed[hey3r~~xacdingly"v;d"nt.Soit pcrish?·J~And he awok~ and rebuked th ~ wind, and ,aid 10 the sea, ·Peace! Bc still!
was wich Christ; hechosc 10 luvehis body THB ILLv •.,N AT loNOF THE Drsc lPL u. TEII._ And th e willd ceased , alld there was a great clllm . .a He said 10 them, ·Why lire you
crushed.bec~use he would nor h~ve his TUL Ll AN: Christ Juus our Lord duriy de· Gfraid? Have 10U no faith?" ·· And they were filled with awe, and said to one anothf'r,
pow~r (on c ~,. I~d .... Christ b.:c~'ne all clared h imself u to who h~ was while he "Who then is this, that evell wind and ua obey him?'
rhings in order [0 rc'tore ali of us in himsdf. livedone.Irth ... Whothenofsoundmind
The man C h ri~t rece ived [h e "'UH~rd seed canposs ibl y<upposeth~t[hos~wh omt n e
which represents the kingdom of God; ~s Lord ordain~d to be luden .Ind teachers OVSRVIBW: While the sh ip W.IS qu ietly bear- while he Wa.'l .Isleep On the pillow, the Lord
m.In he r~ceiy~d ic, chough ~s God he had were ignor.IntofanYlh ingessencial tOJJlv~_ ;"g j esus humanity, the power of h il God- was (.:JringhisdisCiples,'when a miracle
alw.Iy~ possessed it. He sowed;1 in his g~r­ tion!Whocouldsuppose th~thewhokrpt bDd w.as wonderfully carrying Ih e ship itsdf was wrought Ihat was calculated especially
d~n, ch~t i.< in his brid~, the Churc h. Th~ them, as he did, so close to himsel f in cheir (EPH REMTH£SYRIAN). Themyst~ryofthe topu.even che wick~dtocontririon.For
Ch urch i. agarden cXI~nding over the dai lyatcen.ivcness , in their discipline, in God-m.:l.Ilisseeninthachewhoilchcrescof whenhcaros~,andrebukedt hes ea. Jndsi.
wholcwnrld,rill e dbycheplnughoftne the ir companionship, to whom, when rhc)' the weary himself grew tired (GRl!tlORY N AZ- lenced thestO tm,hep lainlydisdo s~dtwo
gospd,fencedinb ystakesofdocrrineand were alone, he used to expound all things" tANzEN).Hilex-p!icituseofthetetmsofper_ things: thatth ~stormof theseawasnotsim_
discipline, de3red of every harmful weed which were obscure, r~lIing rhem that " (0 sonalauthority tea~hes us of his d ivine ply from winds, bUI from ch~ f~J r of che
by Ihe labor of che apostles. fugr.I'H ~nd them it was given to know those myst.:r- i<knrity:lSetern~ISon(BAsll.).ln thescLlling Lord who walked u pon it! and th~t the Lord
lov~lywirn perennial flowers:virgins' li liu ies,"" which it was nocpcrmined th.:people ofthr5t"rm,thepropheci~sof Habakkuk who rebukcd it was not a U~.Iture, but
and marty rs' rose. set amid th ~ pkasa nt co undcrstand _ now would h e leave them ig- l nd Nahum were fulfi lled (T~RTII~ ' rather its cr~.Iror. LIITT£R 29.'
verdure of all who bear witn eH 'oC hrisr noranri PRE SCI'-lPTrONAcA [NSTHllRBTrCS ~!Ati) . Th~ Lord or th~ se.I, elici ting f~irh
a nd the l end.: , p lants of.IU who h~ve f~idl ~O, u_" through tempol1ll evenrs, e>:hibilCd his awe_ TU8 WOII.D SA'LIIO WITH TIIEM.ATHA_
in him. Such then is ( h~ mustard seed some power in the Jronn (ATHANAsrus). NAS IUS: T hey aw:okened the Word, who was
whi£h Christ sowed in his garden, W hen o..ly the au thor of the deep could still ils sailing wilh th~m, ~n d immediately the sn
h~ promised a kingdom tn the pacti~rchs
tne.e~dtook,ootin them; with rhe
:'~.;':9~,,~~t~2~:; :~~:~l::~~ .;~ ~h'~::;~ ~~: srormlnd walk its sea ( P"'UD~NT.IIS). His
sletp n~d the purpos~ of m~turing th eir rairh
b ec~ me smoo th .It ,he co mmand nf its Lord,
1., ,,, h"Ji"ipl" igno"nt w"h ' "'1"''' r"",y ",.",,, " and they w e r~ saved. They became pro -
proph~ts i. spnng up; with the apostles it "n,•..,,,, ..I''''on (ORlG!N, CUll Of AUXAND RlA), Amid Our daimers and tC.Ichers at the sa me time, ;[ r'
ttmpt.Itions we may awaken the sleeping tescing the mirules of our Savi or, anda!s.o
Gmt in us (AUGUSTINE). te~ching us re imit~te their enmple. LiT,.u
[9,1, E ASTERA.D.)41!
4:36Tbt B o ~t W,u Already Filling


62 63
4:38 A slu p 011 the Cushion, Th ey 4 ,39b P e ll""! Bc S li1/! r.o rd."engthenedt he han ds of Simeon th e
I 5~e rh~ wild winds sudd~nly gro w calm
A wolte H im pricst, thal his arms migh[bearupinlhe
When Christ commands; r sec c h~ sco rm -
B y \ V H OSII AUTH O R ITY . BASIL ' Pay do.,,, u. temp[c chesrrengrh thar wu bearing up all,lO ross~d sea
T,,,; SA IIX OF TH ~ C H \l R<: U. O fl IG BN : Fo r as t ~ ntio n to th " Lord'$ words; w h e never h" i n. so did he srr"ngt hen the feerofS imon In e
ma ny .u "'rc int he littl~, h ip o ffairh "'r~ .ail­
ins with th e Lo rd: lIS m~ny :u ~ r~ in rhe ba rk
SlruC," us abou l the Father, he kno ws rhu

b)'usingrermsofpersonai au rhoriry, .uchas

apos tk th at rhey migh l bear rh em.elve$ IIp
o[l rhewater. "S<l rh~ t name whichbo[e th e
~;~: :i':~'7~~h::;:'[ t:;~~~~l :::;;~~~~ht.
o f holy ch urch will voyag~ wit h rhe Lord " [ w iU; be cl ~an";" and " Pcac ~! Be sti!l!81O and fi m·begotten in the temple W2.S afrerw~rds
As the raging flood $usrains his tread.
across thi s wave-ro5.'e<i life: th ough the Lord " But I say to you ~;17a nd - Yo u deaf and borne up by che fi .. t.begotcen in the sea. ing feer.
hi mselfmay slcep in h oly qui er, he is bur dumb sp itit, I command you-; .... nd Other T fla H HO M ILI ES 50."
H e w;llks d ry-shod upon th c flowi ngriJ e
watch ing yo ur pa!ienceandtndu r~ n'~ : look- similar cxp reuions, we will be l",d to reeog.
A n~~:~rs upo n th~ flood with footsteps
ingfo rwar<i to the re!'<'ntance, and ro rhe n iu: h i. au thority a. master and creato r. By 4:41b Wind an d Sta 0 1t '1 H im
convcrsionofthos..whohave.inne<i. Comc thes e c n co unt"rs w~a re meeting rh e Father
rhen ro him eagerly, ins ranr in praye r. O N of the Son. the Fat her who creal U thtough AWAX6 NING T H I! C HRIST ASLHEI' IN Yo u . Hec:::!~s the winds and bids the temP"llt
MAn :"IEW, H OMI LY 6.' rhe50n. Th is doesnot ins i nua tetha t [h"F~. AtJGUSTlNE: W heny ouh .. v~to Jjs te nro
W ho wOl,lld Command the st ormy gales:
ther'scrurionii impe.fec t, or [ha t the So n'l ablls~, rhat means YOll aceb~il1g bufferedby "Be still,
WUO WAS A S lI!.HP ! G flEGORY N AZIA "' Z,, >l: ene rgy is feeb le. bu t shows theit uni ty of rhcwi nd. Whenyouranger isfoused,you
¥ oursrrongholds keep and leave rh "
H e was t irw ' - yet he is rhe "ru t" ofth" w ill. O N THE H OLT Sp' Rn 8 .3 ' . '~ . are being r<luedby the waves. So when thc boundless sea:
weary and the bu rden" d.'H ew:l.S overcome ",in ds bl o w andl hewaves mounr h igh, rh e
Ex cep t th e Lord .. nd ma ke r ofth ".
by hcavy .lecp' -yer he g<les lighllyover rhe 4 :41:0 Who T bu lJ T h is? bOJ!is inda nger,y ou r he",nis imp eri le d, wind.! . .
.ea. rebukes the wind •. and relicve.s the rOll r hear t i!raking~ ba t (eTing .On hear_
W ho on che sc~ could walk, who wit h firm
drowning Perer! OlVoT/ON ON TlH SOl'': T IIH S II[P , H, s HUM ANI TY AND Ht s D, VIN' ing yo urseJfinsu ltcd, youlongtorecaJiuc; step
~9.~0. 'O , T T. EP HI\EM 1'11 6 SVR' AS: The .hip carried but thejoY<lf revenge brings wi th ita n.
Upo n rh e tlood col,lld widlO l,l t sinki ng Iread
his h u manity, bUI the po we r o f his Godhead other k in d of misfo,tune _ sh ip wreck.
T har p;l.[h with s<llcs upb or ne and feet
SH AIII' IINI "''' T 'lI<uo. P U I\C ~PTI ONS. C YIl.ILOF carried rh c ship and aU th arwas in it. [n or- Why is this? Because Ch risr is as[ec p in
AU XA NDIl./A' And l<l he ,l«p" kavi ng them d t rtha t h e migh t show th at ev"n hi. human· you. Whu do I mun~ , mean you have for.
Exceprrheauchofof ' h ed,,~p, rheSpirit,
in fear, in whkh rhcirserues would be shar p. ity did nOt requ ire rheship,in n ea.dofrhe gortcn his preunce. Rouse him, th en: re.
Po ured fro m the Fnher's lips. that moveJ
encdto pc"eive the .ignifk .. nce <lfwh at W aS pb.nk.s wh ic h a shipwrigh t purs tog"'ther and membe r h im, let hi m ke ep wa tch wi thi n across
t<l come. For no o ne fee(s what t:akesplacein fastens.he,like , h",archi te<: r o f cr~don , you, pay hee d ro hi m . . . Accmpca tio n
T he waves , nOt yet hemmed in by solid
anothe r'. body lIS acu[ely as thu which hap. made Ihe wa ters fi rm and jo ined t he m [ 0- ari.cs: it is the wind. It dinurbsyou: it is sh ores!
pens in his own. Ot< THE GOSPEL." ge, h er,olidly und~r h is fee t. SojUS[ 3S , he the surging<l(these3. Thisi. themom~nt
A H YMN ON T il E T RIS!TY, L' NES 64-9'79.l.
10 awake n Chrisrl ndl ct h im re mind you
4: 393 He R clt ukta tbe Wind of th o5 e wo rds , · W ho can chis be! Even
'SS G F 1,120. T .. "ng of dleApo"I .. . BPC1.Ho.ruI,6;"
lhe winds and th~ SU obey hi m. - SUMONS
O'''''''''''''''.<l'.'''~''' ' "jn4,6. 'M,II023. '/l.h&.2.: 6).I_j."
TU H P I\OI'U HTS F lI ~ FJ~ LHO. T"RTULUAN , 'o.lk 4, J3: U 8, 13. 'TtG 20 22-(109. 20. 2: cf. M, g,2(i
W hen he d i'p"rses its waves,H .. bakkuk·. 14' 1~.l2:Mk4'l9,6:48.S! :tk"' 24: J"6e19.2 1 . ,oFGFR
m. ~9 . Thio i. <he God...un . .. ho "',ocJ, ", to hi. hum""
word . are fulfill~d, wh~ rc he .pe:ilu of the TI{~ A UTH O R O F TIIB D~E P . P R\1 DEN Tl \1S:
Lord -sc",t[cring thtwa(~ rs in hi. passage. Nil
When athis rebukc the sea iscalmtd,Na-
~;~'~:I::::: 'f.;~~'~~;:!~~'~"~'"~~.~~. '~1~~~
l:10(tXX ),'" , ho u d~" J" 'd, ,n. '''0' '''8 w .. ",,-
His p<lwcr ~nd miracles proclaim him God.

"Nmuml,4. " C.,<dodI014.4.0lW.16,ANFH79'.

hum's prophesy i.s fulfiUed: "He rebukes th e
"M,S,): ....1kHl,U S: lJ.'·Cf..\ lk 4,' 9. " 'o., ,; ,l.l.
,ea a~~ make~ it d ry:" AG AIN ST MAROO N '"Mk 9:2S . " O HS 41·.1: TLG 2040.003. 8.21.9: d . NP"F
4· l0 .

64 65
niz e the Son as holy, sovereign God (AnIA '

,'11,,, f,lu"r,
'ht oflhr Ga aHlles. "And when l whole army of demons tak~supre5idence
in .1.singl~ body, the redeema Can tran,form
of the b..,<lr "' . , 1"," '1II'f'~f lombs a mMI with an uncleM
hum.1.nmi, ery into soundness (LACT ANTWS.
(""d'll 1111" "' '"' n il'" blrld hi m ,my more, even with
EfHREM THE SYR! AN). Limited powers are
~<''''I bllll,ul will, "'"" IUU/ rha in ; , but th e chains he remporarilypermi[ tedwth edemonicwres[
)" br,~t III r'ftfH 1111(1,10 one had th e faith (TERTULLl AN). The church continues
<w IIHI"l"IO ,,'.III'I!lollrht·l>\ountaill$hew<1s to petition God [0 del iver the fai[hful from
1JiIH Ulj wllltH""t1,',o\mlwbenhe demonic pow ers (ApOSTOLIC CONSTITU-
worshiped him ; 7",U/ (r""I 'Ill 11.11,1)" loud voia , TIONS, EPHREM THE SYRIAN). The demonic
powers are nor originaUy and direct!y will ed
to do with mt ,Jesu s, S~>I ofl'" M",/II,It Codn lHlju rt you by God,do not torment
by God but are only permitted by God under
me. · 8 por he h<1d said 10 h im, ~ 0"" CI'" of l"c man . you unclean spiric!"iAndjesul
' the conditions of sin, and as a consequence
asked him, HWhm i, YOllr r1ull1"~ fir ",,/led, ~ My nam~ is Legion;for we are many." of taking freedom seriously, rheyplayarole
WAnd he begged him tr'ic rl, ,,0'10 IUltlllle m Oil ! of the country. 11Now <1great had in drawing forth a greater good. They arc aI-
was fe~dillg Ihtrr 0 " flu hl/lllde; Ila nd they begged him, "Send us to the ready being bound up by the ano inced one
~ s rnt er t"tm.~ uS o lie ,MC thcm 'eave. And the unclean spiritl came out, QOHNO F DAMASCUS). The faithful wdayat· 5:3 On~ Who Liv~d Among th ~ Tombs
and entncd th e J wl"el (Irt(l lh t " ud, /lumbering ab ou t tw o thOUJand. rushed down t~5t!hcsanledcansinggracc(GREGORYTHE
Ou stt'~ p b'lIIk. 111 10 'he UII, "rid were drow ned in the se<1.
14Th e1JCrtll/Ut ll jled, Il,ul loltllr in rh e dty <1nd in the ,ountry. And people C<1me
5:1 Th ~ Country of the GeraHn~5
to I t't' wlwl il ",IlJ 11)"1 hmlll(lppcned. II And they came tojesus,and S<1W the demoniac
sitti 'lg dlUlI. "I" IICd IIrtd III his righr mind , the man who had the they GERASA OR GAOARA OR GERGESA~ ORlGE:-<:
wa~ affllM. I'A ,," thOle WllO had seen it told what had h<1ppened to demoni<1( One who aims at fuller unders[atlding ofrhe bodies. SERMONS !7.'
,lIl(i /0 rlIC , willl!. 11 An d I" ~y beg<1n to begjesus to depart from theirn eighborhood. holy Scriptures musr no[neglectthec ... ,efu)
examination of the proper names in it. Con· BEREFT OF REASON. PRo.;O ~ :-<T!US:
l' A,u/ us hc Will gtrrlng inro the bO<1t, th ~ m<1n who had bUll possess ed with demons
cerning P alestinian place names the Greek Then a man bereft of reaso n,
btggt(/ him Ih!!1 he mighr be with him . 19 But he refused , <1nd S<1id to bim. NG o hom~
dwelling in sepulchral cave"
to your frltndJ. Ill1d reil thrm how much the Lord h<1S doneforyou, and how he has
hud mercy 011 yo u." 10 And he went <1W<1Y and began to proclaim in the De,apoJis how
mu chJoui hrld donefor him; and <111 men marvded .

bia. and has no sea or lake near;t. Thecvan.

66 67
whc you .. re, the hcly OM of God;" and, 10 the demons. $howing how much anguish pdnarrativeoflhe swine!'T Oi E OR TOiOOOIC
Boun d withcruel :mdgr indingf"t!e"~nd
·· Ah. wh at have I in common with you. Son hi.slove s <.1ffcrs indes iringthat hum~mshoul d F.. ITH l.l9 .l<>
with u gmgfre nzy torn.
Rush cs fort h ~nd kne els in wors h ip,;ls the o f God! I implore you. do nor torment me."" Iive.Encour;>gedbythewordslhadheard,{
lNCARN ATIONOFT HEWORDP." knc1c down and wept th" re. and spoke bcforc 51 13a Tltt UndeaJl Sp i..its Cam e Oil'
s~v ingChri$tdraws near.'
our l.ord: "Legion received his reqllcst from and Enrer~d rh ~ Swin e
Hr"' N9!
::;!:h:::,::::::~~~y:~ ~~~~;:
T HE GO I).~lAN 8~H E L I) . GI< EGOI<Y N"-':'AN.
S:4NoOnc Hodl h cStrcng fhr o Zfi N: Yes, he i5 rcccgni zed by demons, " TUI! To;MPO"'AR Y P OWSR TO TUT F"' TH.
drives OUt demons,16 drowns deep a legion of TEI>."fULU"N : The d evil"s legion wou ld not
5p i rits "a ndsce sl hep ri ncc of dcmon sf~lIing Gop's ANTIiCEI> BN T AND COSS.I(QI,J I!N"T have h;ld powe r over ,he herd of swine" un·
like Iigh ming." He is stoned. yet not hit;" he W,LLIN G. JOHN OP DAM ASC US: Ont should lessth cyhadgotren it fromGod.Th ust bey
T"'ANS F O "'M I N G TtlB D B P T lfs. L ACTA,. T I US:
prays ye , he heau prayer.lO H e weeps," yet , bobur in rnind charGodan leccdenr!y are hr from having power o ver the sheep o f
" Nei ther could anyone came him .... Gi,'c me
he pu ts an cn d to weep ing." H e ask< wh ere wi\ls all to be saved ;tnd to actain 10 h i. God. Even th e briscIcs of che swine were
a reprobate who is impe tuo us. foul ·mouth ed
L;u;.arus is1)_he was man; yet he raises l.az· kingdom. :tO Fc rh~d idnotform us tobe counted by G od,jusr U We re the hairs o f the
and ove rbeari ng. W ith few words che lord
will render him as ge ntl e as a lamb. G ive me a rusM_ he wa.< God. OI<.. TION l!il.~O, ON chsrised.but losharehisgoodncss, be. hnds ofche jusr." T he devil. it musrbe ad·
one who isco vecous, avaricioWl,graspi ng. T!·IF.S ON.
2i cause h e is inco mp .. rabl y goc d. Ye t,b e' mirted,s ee ms indeed to have power- in this
The lcrd will rcscore h im to Iibenlity. and cause he iJ juSf. itis requ ired Ihac sin be case really his OWn-OVer th ose who do not
hewiH d ispose o f hi s res our""boun,ifully 5:9 My Na m e [ , Legion ' p"nished.S o, ,he first for m of the will of belcng to God. In relation to God the idola·
of his own h and. Show me one who rum· Go d is called his antecedenr will ln d bless· rrous natio ns are all counred as a drcp in the
bles .. rrhe idea of pain and of dea th . and SVRIAi"O'
T fll! SUP,L1C""T' ON. E PHII.IM "T HE ing, which has God as its callse. T he sec· bucket, as d ust on rhe thres b ing floor, as
Look tOO at Legion:"" wh en in anguish he ond isc alled G o d'a cons~quentwill and sp itrleinrhemouth."lIndsothro wnopt'n
soon I will shcw you on e who has !e;l.rned to
disdai ncro5les.flamesandthe bullofPha. begged,ou r l ord permilledlhedemo nt to permiuion,ofwhkh we are a puticipacing {O the devil as if th ey were a fr ce posseS!ion.

entU into the h erd. H e asked (or res pite. c~use. What G od will s as a cons~quence o f But the devil has nopowerovcr tbosew ho
laris.' Ev en onew hc is sensual,adulterous
and giu (tonoWl c;ln be made scber. chaste wi( hour decepti on, inhis:rngui!h.~ndollr c"rsin ningislwofo ld; e it herth ;l.t which belo ng to Ihe househcld of G od. and cannot
and abstinenr.'" DIVINE fN STlT UTBS J.l 6." Lord in his kindness gramed thisrequut. God perm its to conrinue by hi s gracious Cren tbem U if they were his own. T becues
His compassion fo r the demoniac is a reb"h dispenn tio n forourinstructj on a nds ~ l va· marked Out in Seripmre s how when an d for
5:7 Whal Ha ve YO II 10 Do with M c! cLon,orlha twhkh Godfinallyab;l.ndons what reaso ns h e may touch th e faithful. In·
' Mk 5,2.6, Lk ~,U. ' C... do e I'~. 9.~2; FC 43~J. The ".
toce n ainc h as tisemenr. T hese,however, deed ro vindicate fai ch,the power cftrial of
belong to chose things which do not de. a believer is sometimes tempo rarily granted
T,,1I 1N ST...,.. T R.liC C)GN fT ION. A TH"NA5 IUS:
:::::"_7~1·~::;;Y.~;~~:;;'i~~~ pend"pon us. As to rhe things which do 10 rhe devif ro test and challenge f'ai th. J.40 r
Obviously he would nOt be elCpclli ng evil spir· f>nf of ... <..g.. (c.~7()/%S.5~/s-.9B.C.).nd·kj:.~d>tJ
d.p end llpon us. wharever i. good God 10 elicit repentance th e sinne r may be tempo'
irsandpiilagingidols ifhe wereimpo tem, for
the evil spirits would nOt obey one who was .
~:' ~~:~'.::r:::;::;:~:.~~~ :~'~.~lll
S~i3; IC",6-.~II. "GM!98":rf. ANF 7:IU.A«tI>c.J<.
will,antece denrl y andbl eue •. Wh ;l.teveris
evil he neithe r wills antecedent!y norconse·
tlrily h anded OVet ro rh e de~il al though h e
wcreanexecutionerrowhcmbelo nged rhe
impotent.lf.on th e otherhand.th evetyn~m·
ingofhim drives Ihem torch, he dearly is not : :;:. ~:~'I~n::;:;::~~~~,';I:d;,~7~~ ';:;;"~~7; ,~ qUCI\tly. but per mirs th em to the fre e will. inflictingofp unish menc. :l..'i w e sec inthe
lOJ~.ool, )l.4.I;a.NPN F 1.,Sl; lCC3-'6. Th<"''''''''
iflOm e!hing is done u ndtr ccm pul$ion, it
po werless. T he spirits upecially see chrough
unnotbe .. virruous act or ac cording '0
what is unseen by human eyes. They could toU
'fChris. was .. ulMr~bk and refuse h im any
reuon . si nce vircu e muSt be ch ose n. In ;~~~4;1~1;:; ~;. '~~~.'~:~~ I'~" ::;~;~::'.,:::~f. I
Ihf$e ways God provides for all creation
o~dienceatall . As itis.w hathumandisbelicf
;~J'~'I~~.S;!·Clt~ ::~..~1}k ::l~f. }L~~~~~ l::~f'I,~!~
)1,16.'-l>J "". Th< d<","nic powenau no, f<orn rIw ~~.

doubr.s, the evil.pirits see dea rly: that he is

Through al !crc~tio nG oddcesgoodand ~in!("'<e .. ikn"r)wiU<~b)<Go.lbu<.,.p<"ru,,<dl>r
1:U,s..~l:21028. "Cf.JnLl,}'" "C'.JnIL,4j-l4

luches, and he may even use the de mons
God. Fo r that teason they flee from him and HFGFR1S9;TlG2022.JX19.1O.9. Th<d<:non, ..... ,n,1y
fol!l at h isf~et .stiU cryingoutevenut h cyon,e
Ihemselvesfor th is purpo$eofinscrutlion,
«cogmz<one whoi,,, on<o,,,,,y,m,n>nd, ml)' G,,J
cried when he was in the bod y, "We kn ow "Cf. MkSL9;U&.~ l.!htd id inthe case o fJ oba nd inchegos.

68 69
ca.,c of S.tut. " \ 'N I "d" rDu ... ,.o llu .. cu- there al~ho ugh nor llppa ren t. for rheir army f~me d.~r ro all witnesses wh ar rhey would G A£"T:A [egionofdtmonJh as been, ou [ I".
is o fastufF fine r~ ndm()re.ubdeth a nthe h avedone~o pcr$ o n.,Fro mthis we l e3 rn
TlON. '" Ii~vcd, COUt Ollt of nle. I would pr efe r mcr ~h
soul irself. That whole army dwdr in .. single th~rifthedemonshadthepow er to poss.ess to fOrget :LU of this rhar I hav(known~nJ .
\VttY Sw,,.;~ \\'''.H 1) ..... U1~n, J . .. o"' .: [, body. A h ..m dred rimes finer :md mOre .ub- swine, they also co"ld have possessed hu si mply 10 rest a ~ the fee t of the S~vio r. B l!~ I,
ne~ d nOl d'_ ""r!> .•!\)'<>ue d,.t by Ih.lord·. de are th~ bodies of the righteous when tht)' rnans. D I$COURSES Ar." ' .'<STjUDAIZING
it is S41id to me, so strongly as to eompd m~
commanJ ' '''u <I "","nd . wlne wire . I~ i n by areri.enar there. urrection .·)T h eyrcs~m. CH AlSTl,o.NS 8.6." againsrmy wiU,"Goho rn ero yoLl rfri end •.
rhe agcr:"y " f .k ",,,,, •. ~m rc thol. who wit - bk the mind th~t i. abie, if it so wills, . o ~nd tell ,hem how much rhe l ord ha.. don~
nesscdth~ ,,, ir .•,,," w., ,,I,1 n O! h~_ r beli(_ed stretc h out and expand. or. should it wi sh. iNTOTHSM UDD yWATIR.S.PRUOENTlUS:
for you,3.nd now he na. had me"y On
t hal so greJ' "",,,h,t,,.!~ o(demon. h~d totomractand shrink,so a.~i rhertOfocu. Dri ven forth, { h~ wily d(mons, legion you.""EptSTLIS."
go ne our ofr/t,· flU" ""Ieu .tI~(lu~lly _ur on onep lac e or to e"p.. nd to ~nc om pass all named eha t evi l scourge.
n umb~ r of sw j n~ Io.hl , ul hed (0 ru in, , how- pbces. List(n a nd lea rn' A lamp with rhou· Sei%Cuponthesordidfoulneuof~herdof 5:20AII Marvele d
ing th a( ir .... H J I~gl " t\ th.t i rn)l~lIed (hem. sands of rays can exist in ~.ingleh ause. Ten lilth ys win e
THE Lr fE a ~ ST. HIL," Rl a N )J ." r hOU5~ndscen rsc~n(xisti n a si ngle bIos- And into the muddy waters plung~ them. MUT I","C [HlI CUWtl5 H S.... T. PlI.tlDEN-
som. Though locllred in a small space, lhey u[ve,withm~dden edbeaJ[s .o06
T1US :
5: 13bTwo T bollsandSwillt have ample rOOm to euend themsel ves. So it ' HYMN 9,"
Ikhold, a legion hurls headlong {he s.... in~
is with P~rlldis~: though full of spiri tual be. Of Gerasencs, a nd once enchai ned in
w ..s T ,,,s JI;"S'r~ J BAa M ~' Wu if jusl that ings, it is ~mply JP~cious fo r their h~bita. . 5:15 C/othtJ and in Hi, Right Milld tombs. "
twO ~h o us~nd switl c perished so onc $oul lion." HYMN S." Ir loudlygru nrs wirhpllin. From lips
might be s~v(d! One u tking puriry of h~art THI P I TlTION FOR EXORC ISM. CON ST1 TU_ posse.sed
hadb tst nor bc(ome preoccupied wir!-! rh( 5:13cAnd Tilt] W ere Drown(d T'O:<l50FTHII Hot.YAPOSTt.&s,Aflt1" lh is, let h had cried out: "0 J (SUS, Son of God.
nllruralprerogui,·e o (lhtd~moniclegionor the d e~con 5~y: Go out. ca~echumc ns. " in Offspring of D~vid 'l royal lin e, we know
:l nim:lls . lt isbeffu'h~ruc h singlereader \VH Y DRO WNI!D~ CHA YSOSTOM: He did rh is pt"ue.Andafler l h~y havegon(out, l([him
W ho you arc and why you ha_..,come, what
refleC["ponhi s own soul,hisowtlw~yor so that you might know that the demo ns ny: ,(ouenugumens.<'Iafflicted with un - power
li fe, ~nd the ruity of ,r"e excellence. R~me m­ wo uld have done the same thing to hum~n ci.-an spirirs, pray, and let tU all earnesdy
Expels us, at yOUt coming fiU~d wir h
ber when the whole ofJude~ was I~d inro beingsandwould h~ve drown e d'h em if p",y for them,thar Go d,rh c lov er of human- dread.""
~aptivity when N~buchddne.er c~me, ~nd G od h~d allowed them to do so. Bue h~ re- kind,chroughChrist,mayrebuker heun_ Has nOI (h is voic~, J ud(~_ re.achw your
thounnds were diJplaced inro Babyloniaas srr~;n~d the dem ons. $lopped them, and aJ· cl~~n and wi ehd spid~s, and deliv~r th e ears!
prisoner. '"-Jerem iah alon~ w~s Idr praising low(d them to do no s uch rhing. When Iheir fajtnfi.d from rh~ dominion of th~ ~dversary .
True, burir h;u notpiercltdyourd~rkened
God. Atld they threw him into a muddy eis - power w as transferred to th e swin e, it b~ - Mayh e tha!rebuked tn e legio n ofdemons. mind
{cr1 •. " Ne verrhcle... fhesoulofehisone andthedo!<fil"heprinceofwickedne..,even And, driven b~ck. has from rh" threshold
man wu more dec isive for the destiny of Is- now rdl"ke these demons which have
rJd·" rh~n~ll,hcres ,. H OMtLYS4." "Cf.A«.9:1.2. " Cctodo<OOlS_2.5lJ AI'F.4:1t 1°_u", . turned away fro m pie ty. May God deliver his

\ V" ET " .A D W," ONS T .. XE UpSP .. C....

~::h~ ;:;;:;::::n'r,t~:: :~:.':;~:-;:~·~f
260:XI9. h ...... fO,.hc,-lof""""u.,God·. p." ,,,,c!u,
0""" workmanship from rhei r power, and
d"~flIe thou crellrure$ which he h'lS with
EPHR EMTH e SVR I.. N : [ a..kt d thi s too. ,h • • w;o,,,, .... I.inbym"g.n,yofdo,,,,,,, •. " Cf.l glcat wbdom created. APOSTOLIC CONSTITU_
CI"on)(;:2O. >f Cf. Jo ,J.6.-6. "'Wi,ninth,«!!om.of,"" TIO>l5,6001: 8.1 .7."
wherh er Parad,se was sufTk ienr in si:>:e fo~
hi"o,,- of..J... ion. ·' FC4ll: )9()"' ''.Ono goJlr h,,~ .. n ,.J.
all th ~ rig!-!,cous to live th ere. I a$ked about ""r "" k,"'Of< diff... """hon.n unck,n "'~t"""k'"
wh~, is nOr wrirren in Scriptur<:, b"r my in- .,.;....,Io.E"'hbd;...""'<mlookroni. " , h<t o.... ,,"',,J,o S:19 Tell TIJ em H aw MMh th ~ Lord
struction c~me from wh ~r is wti~ten rhere; r."", ,,u,,htl'gi,,,,oi'"nd.!an ' piri,,. "Mk S:'l: Lk 8:JO. ff "sD""e
"Cf. 1 Co.1 S:4l. "H O ~ 104· 5' . s~ ciiff«"" fro m"'''' .
·Coruider the man in whom rher( dwelr ~ le- ""'et......n ofd"""'Qi<' pm.,... ro ~ ,h.n.,.·hcl<I<gioo
gio nof allkin d$ ofd ~mon',"They were ,.n,.ok."p •••id."". in.,i"i1t hu",an!>od)'.

70 71
fl~d.'" Flows from C<lucasian cliffs, .a gend"r <rrUm. be allowed no one t o follow him euept Peler a"d James and John Ihe brorher of
Now seCl the e"~ning .un, where he who A HYMN 0 1'1 TIi ~ TR INITY. "
james . '" W he n th ey came 10 t h e ho " 1(' of the ruler of the sy"agogue , heJaw arumu/t,
Q/ldpeople weeping and wailing loudly. HAnd whrn he had en/tud, he said /0 th em,
The cosy d..wn b"holds th e lord 's adven t.
The f~rvem gospd word "rhuh ild js not dead but s leeping. " 4<J A n d they J(H4gh ~ d al him. B~ t he put them~!l
"U"d«'~<I .... w.h<.,of"'<romingo'-<l.. S.m~'bu,
H as thawed the Scyt hian frosts and Hyr- ", i"if. '~rh<tT""' , .now >.-.dic<"f"lO 'h "~.h'"lof'b, owtside, an d look thl' child's father and mOlher and those who were wirh him, Ilnd
likli...Jjn~fO "><"w. .. hi<hfh<~"""-","
",elll in whur the child was. 4!Taking her by the hand he said to her, "Y~ lit ha,umi';
"c".<l<x l419, 4!~,FCSl'!9· · ,Howw,,,,".lrd,,,,.'h,Jo....
So thac Rhodopeian Hebr U5, freed from of God md,m..<.&w. iID"'n ....'" V\J..-..h .....yd.., .. which mean s, -Little gi rl, r s~y t o y ou , arise .· 42 And immediately Ihe girl g or "p an d
ice,'~ 8'.. ·od,..;.t""'"r ..... wa/lud (she was twelve yran of age), and they wue immediately overcome wich
~maument. ~J An d he st rictly ch arged them ch lit 110 olle Jh o" ld kno w Ihis, and tol d
Ih~m /0 give her $ometh ing to eat.
WITH A HEMOR RHA GE OV1ll'.VI8W' Fairh ha$ powerfulevidences, :u only Want to be made wdl. Bur this man Wa$
s«nin the new life thar itcrcaces a ruler of the synagogue, and versed in the
(ApI-lRA~TEs) .By h ealing andr"is ing fro m law. H e had s~rdy read thar while God crc-
2! And wh ~ n J es us had crossed IIgain in th e boat to tht "ther sidt, 11 gr~at cr"wd , IhtdeadJesU5showedco"lp;lSsionanddem. aredall orher chings by his word. nl<1n had
galhrred abaur him;and he waJ beside till: sea. Z2Yh en cam e olle of th e rulers oflhe on.srrated hismessianic idenrity (PRIJOEN- been creaudb Ylhcha ndofGod.H eS ru sred
TllIs). lr WaS nOI the mer" m<lnu al touching therdore in God rhat his daughter would be
synago gu e, Jairus by nllme; and sedng him, h e fe ll at his feet, lJ alld beso~ghr him,
of th e Lord th ar he aled,but touchi ng the rec reaced, and[estored to lifebyth ~tsame
sllyillg, -My Iinlt daughttr is al Ihe pOill1 of death . Come Ilnd lily your hands on hu, Lord wit h simple f.lirh (B IlOE). She who W:15 hand which,he kn"w, had crea ted her...
so that she may be made well, and 1i~e. ~ ~~And he went with him. perce ivedas bei ngdc.ld wasgiven n.ewlife He wh o laid hand5 on he, t o for m her fmm
And a grea t crowd followed him and throng ed about him. n A nd th~rr WII} 11 simply. hrough the divine addreu (A.., . not hing. once more lays hands ~pon he r to
womlln who had Ilfi"w of blood for rwd~f yelln, ~6llnd who had suffered much I B!!.OS E). The cry of an quish was irs elf a primi . reform her from what had perished. O N Tu a
under many phys icialls , and had spent a H th at sh e h ad, an d was no better b"t tin form offairh O ERO"'E). She <ICe ( 0 DAUGI-lTER OF TH !; RUUR Of THE SU"A -
confirm the aur henticiryofher res urrec rion GO GU E, ~ND
rather grew wonI'. 21Sh~ had heard rhe reports aboutJesu5, alld came up b~hjnd O N TH B W OMA N SU FH RI NG
him in che crowd and touched his ga rmen t. l5 Po r s he said , "If I t o ~ch e ve n bis AN
made ch ildren of God by fOlith . life is re·
g arm e nt s, I sball be made wdl. - 29 An d immediacdy th e hemorrhag e Cf tHed; ~nd !ton.! QUOME). T he sole requisite to receiv. 5,27Sbe T Ollc bed H is Garment
she fell ill her body chat Jhe W41S healed ofherdi>rase. JOAndJes us, perceiving in "'gnew life i~ fait h (A liGUSTt NE, BEDS). rf
himself that power had go ne fo rth f rom him, imm ediat d y tur n ed ~b o~. in rhe she wore a wit nus ro his divi nicy, he in rurn THE CII.T O F A"'GUIS II. JUOME' Th e wo-
cro wd, and sa id, "Who louch ed my garments?" JIAlld his disciples said ro him, WUlwitne.l.S to her faith (EI' Ii RIIM TIi S SYR- man. with th e h emo "h ~gc hads penr all
I~N). The One whose hands formed her from
"Ya" set the aowd prfJJing aro und you, and ye t yo u say, 'Who to ~cb ed m et' that she had On doccors. Hungering and
nothing in cceation reformed her from what thi rst ing, her $piri t haddied withi n her.
n An d h e looked arownd ro su who had done il. .H But the womllll, knowillg w"~1
h~d ptrished (Pn u CHRYSOlOCUS). H avinglos r everythingshepossessed,be.
had been done to her, 'lime in fear and tumbling alldfell down befo r.. him, and
CaWe her life Was wasting away within her,
told him tbe w ho le tr uth. J4And h e said to h er , ~DllWghttr, yo ~r failh h<ls mllde 5:23 Lay Yu"r H'm ds on Hrr s hc criedout lothelordin~nguish. H er
you well; go in pellct, and be healed of your di5tllse." t ouc h onrhehe m ofh i5gar me nr wa~rhecry
J' While he wa> still j pf~king, Ih ere Cli me from the rod e r's h o ~s e so m e who l aid
"Your daughter is dead . Why trouble Ihe Teacher ally furthrr?~ J6But ignoring what
they said,Jesus said Cll th e rulu of the synagogue, "D o nor fear, only believe." J7 An d ' SSGf '!,32J ,M,~<PL Slrol.292.S""'~H

72 73
rhenshe did not yet dare to look up into hi, what he ordered then is done;
fJce.A~long;<sshehadbeencuredirwas Wounds are hea!ed by pious d eansin"
enough for her toding to his feet. Shc"cold swollen flesh grows smooth again ,.

DRAW ING NE"'" TO TH ~ PHYSICUN. P ET[R truth. She waS giving praise to the cru th. Now On eyes. by lifelong darkn ess.
CHRYSOLOGUS: No scas Were ever so trO U- She had been healed by the trutb. HOMILY shrouded from theligh,ofday
faithcure. wh ere humans kil1h Jd fail~d 17.' Thou dO.<r spread a day of healing. m.le! .
through twelve years. ON TH E DAL'GHTER with nectar fmm thy lips;
OF THE RUL[R OF THE SYNAGOGUE. AND 0" 5:34aDaughter, Your Faith Has Made Soon the b!inded orbs are ope ned and
THE WOMA:>! SUFFf.RING FROM AN ISSUE Of y"uWel1 rejoiceinlate -foundsight. ' •
BLOOD I.' Thoudostchideth e;lngryrempest
lesstrea,m"",w. when skill and experience had WHETHBRPROXIMITY ELICITS FAITH. Jndth esavagehurricJ ne,
'0 !ongfuiled. all her substance was gone. This IRONIES OF HER HEALING. EPHIlEM THE SfR_ Am,uSTlNE; Few arc they who by faith Which upheave rhe tossing billows
was notby chance. but divinely ordered. that IAN: Glory to you. hidden SonofGod. be" rouch him; multitudes are they who throng and beset the fr;lgileboat;
she might be healed solely through faith ~ nd cause your healing power i'prodaimed abol.lthim.'SER.'toN6z.+" At thy bidding winds are subject.
humility. whom human knowledge had failed through thc hidden mffering of the afflicud and the rolling waves are stiIled. '7
throughsomanyyears.A,alittledistancc woman. Through thi. woman whom th ey ' TOUCHING rN DOUBT. BEO[: Some "seei ng
~part from him stood this woman. whom couldsec.th e witnesseswere enabledtob~" su noc, Jnd hearing do no, hCJ r."lOSoal.o Then a wom an, weak and timid, touche,i
ho ld the d ivinity that can not be see n. ~om~ who touch. touch not, wh ~n they ap" his sacredgarme nt's hem:
namre h ~ d filled with modesty, whom d,e
law had declared undean, s;lying of her: She Through theSon's own healing power hi. di · pro:lch the Lord not in simplicityof$oul. Instant was theb!~ssed healing. and
sh ..ll b. und ean an d shall touch no holy vini,y became known. Through the afflicted but in doubt or in duplicity. HOMIL!ES o:>! the palior lcft her cheek.
thing.J She fea,s rotouch, lesrshe incu, the woman's bcing healed h er faith was made THE GOSP ELS." Astheh ~morrh ageshehadsuffered

anger of the religious leaders. or the con- through so many years was sropped ."
demnarion of the law. For fear of being 5:34bBe H ealed of Your Disease
talked ;lbout, she dares notspe;lk.lest .,he Lazarus for lour days buried. hidden in
embarrass those about her. lest s he offend THE WAY OF HEALING. CONS TITUTIONS OF th e "lOIeSS tomb.
th eir ears. Through many years h er body THE HoLY ApOSTLES: Provide remedie, H e restores ro iife and vigor, giving
suitab!e tocverypati e nt·~ case. Cllrethem. power to breathe again.
has been an arena of suffer ing. Eve ryd;ly.un-
ceasing pain she can endu,e no more. Th e heal them bY:lllmeans possible. Resrore Andthesolllretuming.entersfl~sh

Lord is p;lssingby sO quickly. The time is TtAN·sDIATESSARON.' themsoundlyro th e churc h. Feed the nowcrllmblingtodecay.1O
short ro th ink what she must do. ;lWare that flock,"norwithinsolcnceandconumpt. HYMN 9.'"
he;llingisnotgiventothesilent,nortothe 5:33Shc Told Him the Whole Truth a,lo,ding it over them."" but a. Jgemle
one who hides her pain. In th e midst ofber shepherd."gatheringthe lambsimoyoll'
co nfllc ting [h ough(S. she sees away. her FAITH AND TRUTH.JEROME: Note the sepa- bosom, and gently le ading those which ar~
sole wayof.alva tion. She would secu,ehcr rJ [esrages; marktheprogress.Aslo ng ~s$r.e with young."" ApOSTOLlC CO>iSTlTIJTWNS
w;r.shemorrhJging.shecouldnotcome'nto '·3·10."
healing by stealth. take in silencewhat~he
hispresence.Sh~wa5healedb)'faith Jnd'hcn
came before him. She feU ar his fut.Ev", TH~ H~A~ING IMPERATIVE. P\l.IJOENTllis:

touches his ga rment. knowing that both

74 75
5:36 Do No t Fear, Onl] BtiitH c~tio n and lewd mu sic. from vain doctrines 5,39 The Child Is NH DtOld but dllres before the eyes of the world. She is
which are instrum ent5 of. he adversary. Slap ing sinki ng into the quieto fde ath .... Alas: wh;-
TUIl Sou; REQL" S' TH "0 RSCIIIV.SG NIIW from ,heal!ure of h oneyed words, frombl..,. arc child ren indifferent to th ese things! Wh y
LI ~!. AP HRAATES: When chech iefofdl~ phemy and nom ad ultery. Do nOt Dear fal~ Ttr~ AWAK BN ISG VO ' C~ OF TH BLORo. AM - acetheynotmindfulofthem!Whyare.hey
synagogue ask~d him about his da ughter,J~' witness or speak with a double tongue. DEM. aROS E' And what shall r s..J.y abou, ,h~ d~ugh. noteagcr to make a rcCurnto rheirparencs
sllssaid.ohim:"Onlyfim'llybeli cveand ONSTRATION 4 " 7 " 9.'1 ler of the ruleroftht synagogue, at w ho~ for thcm! But the 10"cofparen[S gOH On
your daugll(~r ~hallliv~.-ll He bd ieved and daththcp~plcwercmourningandthe neverrhelc'5S;andwh ucvcr parenrsbestow
sohisdaugh[crliv~d .. nd arose . Similarly 5:37 H c Allowtd No Ont 10 Fol1ow f1utepl~ycrsw ere playing th e i,mu$ici !O On upon th eir children, God. the parent oful
when L anrt1~ dicd, ourLord &aidto EX(tpt Pe ter,james alldJohll the ;o.ssumptionthat she was indeed dead, a11,willdlllytepay.ONY HEDAuGHTBROf
Mar,h .., "If you bdicve, your brother shaJ[ sol~mnfun e~al services Were already being THE RUUR Of THSS"-SAGOG UE,AN O ON
rise. " Mar,h a said to him, · Yes. Lord. I be· WilY ONl.Y TH REE~ JEROME: So meone "!lay performed. But h er spirit returned immedi· TH E \VOMAN SUFfE RIN " fROM AN [SSU i OF
lieve.-u And h~ raised him after rour days.. wond cror:l.5 k,Whyarerhuethrceapostlu atcly al the voice oflhe Lord. Sh e ar05e with BLOOo •. "
So le, u.s d .... wnear ,hen. my beloved, ro rnith, always chosen and the others scm away! revived body, and partook offOod ro furnish
since its powen are so many. For faith nised Even wh,m hcw:1.5 [unsfigu redon th emoun. proof that 5he was alivt." ON HIS BIlOTHIlR, 5:43 Give Her Some tbing to E,II
up (EnochJ ro ,he heavell$1l and conquered the t~in, th ue ,hree werc wit h him." Yes, rhue SATYRVS2.hY
dduge.l<FaithcOlusestheb:orrento.prout rh reewcre choscn,Peter, j amesa ndjohn. AVOIOH';G OBLltSION.j EROME: For whenever
rorth.:H lcdeliversfromthesword ." l trai.~ Bllc why only three! Fir5t the re is the mp - . W" 6T" ~R TH. CHlLO WAS D EAD. AtHHJ 5' he ra iscd anyone from the de"d'" he or -
upftom'h epit."It e nriche$the?oo r." ltr~. tery o f the Trinity embedd~d in (his num · TJNE: H ~c omestoth e housc, andfindsthe der ~d th at food.hou ldbegivenhi ~ r oea .,
leasestheo.ptives.ItdeliHr$the~rs.ecuted.19 ber, a nllmbe r s:t.C reci in iue lf. Soco nd. cU$tom.t ry funeraJrires alreadyund erway. lcsttheresurrect ions houldbe,hol1ghta
It brinp down the fire. lIl lt divides thesea." It according to Moses. Jacobsc[{hreepecled and he "'ys to them, "Why do you make a delusion. And rhis is why Laza cus aftcr his
deaves ,he rock. and gives ro. he rhi rsrywater br.lnchc.!l in thc w:u ering {roughs." rumulr and weep! The ch ild is not dead, bllt resurreClion f7 is described ". bci ng ~t the
rodrink.uh"'risfiesthe hungry.)) lt rais~.he Fin.1.lly,it isw ri tten '~Athree - plycordisnot sletping....• He spoke the trurh. She was in a feast wit h ou r Lord. AGA1NSTJ OV IN1ASVS
dead,and brings th em up from Shwl." It stills easily broken ....' P erer is cholCnas onc llpun ctrtainscnse :ulecp-:uleep, th ar is, in re- •. 17.'"
the billows." It hc:w th es ick." !tconquers whom th e ch urch w ould be bllilt." James is ' pccrofhim, by whom she cOllld bc awak-
hosts.'? I,overthrows walls.le It " op' the rhe fi rst of th e aposdes to be cro wned with en~d.So awakening h e r, he r.:storedh er VA Ll OATlNGYIIS RI!SURRIlC7ION. TH tiO-
mouths of lions,-"'and quenc hes the flame of martyrdom.<7Johnis the beloved disciplc" alive to h er parents. SERMON ON N ew TRs- DORETO FCYR:Forsincceatingisappropri_
fire.'" It h umiliar"'5 thc proud. and brings the whose !ovc prefigurcs the state of virginilj:. TAMENTLHSSONS,!S." ate for th ou living this prcscnt !ife. the Lord
humble to honor!' All thne mighty works are HO),l.l.Y?7." nccessarilydemonsrratcd rhis by means of
wrough r by f.tith. Now this is fai,h; when onc T H6 LONG,SUFFIIRING OF PARENTS. P&TU, cating and dtinking, thllS proving the resur·
believes in God me Lord of all, Who madc ,he "cr. Mks,n·)6. "Cf.JnIUJ.21. "Cf.C.nS,2"'H.h
CHRYSOLOGVS' Let us. ifit is pIe<l. ing to you, rection of ,he flesh to th~e who did not
heavens and Ihe earth and these:1.5 and all that 1I,S. "Cf. C.n ,,1_8,22, Hotb 11,7. "Cf. G<n U,l -I .ptilk fClr a moment of the pains an d anxi- ,hi nk irrcal.Thisumecours.e he pllr5ued in
is in them. He made Adam in his image. He H<blldl.l1. " Cf.G.n 12:1. 1!1:H.bl1:17.34, r u.G," cticswhichparenrs taktllponthemselves
17,.8. "Cf,.\lklZ,42_#. "'<.;f.Heb ll ,27.29. lOef l K;rtp
gOlve the I.1.WtO Moses. Hcsent his Spirit llpon andendllreinpatience olltoflove Ol ndaffcc_
18,J.a. " Cf, E~ 14,21 _ " Cf. F.x 17:6. "Cf. Ex 16,15 " (f./>1,9,23 . "Cf. MkS'l.!·~J' Lka,;2.ls. "C",do,
th eprophets .Moreoverhe~nthi.lChristinto wCf. Hotb tUS_ "er. Mt 8,]6, "Cf. Mc 9,2. ~Z, Mk H tion for rhe ir child ren. Herc, s ll~rounded by alP. 2.a2.N4.1, Fe 1l.1))". Cf. Amb .... O. B,~"Ji" ''I,
the world, ,ha! we should beli~vc in (he rCSur· "Cf.H.blt ,34. "er.~t<b II,)(), "Cf.Hobll,)J. "'Cf, hcrfamilyandbythesy mpathyandaffe.;_ il" ...«' i •• I..NPNF1ICkI87.SI>< ... ho ...... p<t<.. wd ..
rection of,hedead; and should also mm in ~. 1!;~. :~:~~~ .~~~~:, ~ 9::'~F..~~:J~~ twnofher relation s, a daughter lies upon
hcr bed of,"ffering. She i. fadinginbocl y.
,he efficacy ofOl1r bJptism. Th i$ is the faith of "'.""im.k'o ... pto<lU«;...."'".;ty. "hcln
'0 <limub .. 911.JS.o;;Jl.I6, NPNF 16>014": d. Ws,o, J/4.~;. Sftmon
the church of God. So dim.nteyou rsdves .,12. "Cf. M, 16<18. "'Cf.... m \2,2. '"Th. b<lo"o;I d,w' Hcrrnther's mind and spirit Olre WOrn wit h 'lB.~.H ....... um<dd .. ,h.nd~n!;n' ... ,ion'ohim ;,
pl,.wh.>Hlo?.n.;';p"" ,h. , .. <li,ionof,,,u.I, ~.";'Y gricf. She is suffering <he inward pangs of I«";n ,!>.lilh, ofh" . ... '~.ni"lltoh;m. "SS(;F 4,)22.
fromalldivinOl,ion~3IIdsorceries andCh:U·
in.p,;"oli.:m;ni" .,. .ef.Jnl ~l6:2O<2;2 1, 7.20. "Fe
de3II arcs and magic. and sllpo:: rfici:l! prayers SN 19' . Within ,h;, ;nn« d,d. w,fi nd ,h. p"fil>'" in. of
htr sickness. H e, unwashed, unkemp t, is ab- !::~.~~~;;rtLI~:2<O~~!::1~~l,7;:~~1~~~~J~.~~ 2
andritesandmoonsand seasons. fromfomi- 'h •• p,;. ,ol>t<. Qf"""'r ,dom.ndQ'p"'i'r~f h •.lfT sorbcd wholly in sorro w. He suffen and en-

76 77
rhec,,",eof LnJ rusandofJairw·daughcer. hdd in honor, but he was hdd in h onor Ou r who!e cratt praises you. who ar,' " . "
Furwh"" he h:l.d raised up ,he 1:I.,cer he or- "Cf. MkH3. ~P;o.JF2),I98.utin,by,"""'''''.J among rhose who w.ere "strangers from rhe ecernalglory.
dcred th ~ < som~chin.g .hould be given he,~o d.......... ' ..'u ,h";, ' .. ~m ,0 XI""llik. ,h~ •• .!id"i"~:1>< covenann,·' che Gen tiles. Onlylec it be M3kefor us a yoke Ih.u u light. even .... .,
"at," D'H O{;U'E 2, 1 ,lE UNC;ONFOUNDH', , .. IL'r~f.t><, .. u".'ri<>n. noced thathC c;!,ughtin their synagogue, noC for uS co bur."
separoltingfromir, and not di sreg:l.rd ing ic.' Esr.olish ch at measure in us in which th,
How C... ,.. ONa \VIIO Is EVBAYWlla K B 8 6
S",II> TI>·CoMa TO· So"" .. PlAC6/ P STE R 6:5a H e Co "Id D o No Mig bty W ork
CH AYSO LOGUS: H ow can he be said to go ouc Tbtu
lHe went awayfra m there and (Ilme to hil own coun trYian d hil discip1elfollowed him. and to come in, whom nO sp ace can endos d
lA rld on (h e Jabhllth h e began to lea<: h in the synagog ue;llnd many who heard him wer( Wh;lt councry can be his, who made. and \VH ... T DOES "COULD NOT" !\oh.... '" IN Go,,'~
ru!onished, saying, ~ Wh w.' did Ihil man gel all Ihis? What is Ihe wisdom given to him! who pouesset, the whole univeuel In [Tuth, C"'$lIf GREUORY NAZ .... NZE:<: One me:l.nin )~
What migbtl works an: wrought by his hands! JIs not Ibis the carpenlC'r, Ibe son of M~ry Chnstg<JC3 out and cum"" in not ofhinuelf, of "cou ld noc " is simply the limits of some
nor for himseif. bur in you, and on behalf of h uman wiH. T alce, for exampl.e,c hepoinc
and brolh er ofjllmes IlndjoStl andjudas and 5imon . Ilnd Ilre not his sisters bere w,th
you,umilh(r(cov(rs you from your ex ile, chatChrisr"coLlldno,NfulfiUanysigns;n
us?" And tbey took offens e III him. 4Andjesus said to th em, - A prophet is no/ witboul
;lnd calls you home from your capriviry.' Naza rethwasdLle~odi.bdief.onth eirpa r< '
honor, except in bis own counlry. and among his own kin, and in his own bouse." !And S~RMO NS 49·' Somet hingess(ncial for healing is required
he (Ould do no mighty work there, eJC£epcchat he laid his hands upon a few sick p~ople on both sides-(ailh on th~ part of the p~'
and healed them. 6 And he mar!le/ed beclluse of thdr unbelief. 6,3 Tbt CII'ptnter, tb e Son of M.,.rJ I;ems, power on that of th e healer. So one
And he went about among th e !lmagel reaching . sidewi,h()uc iT5(OUnterpart~cou!dnoc:~o
COMM ON LA~ OA,Jt"STlN MARTYR'Jesus tOsp"'lk,p~rformchem.As'hiscanbesecn
came as ch e son of a carpenter.' He w ..s noc inm"djcal "ar~.iteanal sobe secninmoL"Jl
O"E"''''~w'J elusblessedoyhisownl.abo r puudo-po wer of unbelief- the refusal of physicallyHlracrive,jusca.cheproph"t. transform~!ion.Similar1yinvo!vingchelim .
theunprecencious vocarion of carpentry God's gifts UOHN C"'SSI"'~), Mean ..... hile had pre<iic,ed of him." H" wa.s m(rely a car· i rsofchewiUarechece",s:"Th~ ..... orld csn ·
( EP HRUd THB S"I"III .....:). A~ a yotLCh h~ did God's g..aciou$ purpou u nOt finally ob· pcnler, making ploughs and yokes, and in- nocnoth~ceyou-and"How(anyoul· spe~k
notsep ~ratehimsdffromhis synagogue sc ru"edbytheresis lanceofanYp<lrticu!ar n mctingus by such symbols of righteo us- good, bei ng evil~17 T he m ~ '.phor of"imp<.>'
tr ~ diti on (ORI G~:<) . At Naz are~ hJesllS recipien!. De'ermined not to CO(fCC free' ness to avoid an inactive li fe. Dl ... LouU E sibi licy"here mu s~mcanfreerefu uloythe
lived an activ~.common life,id entifying dom. God resp ec ts even th e fre"dom that re - WITH TRYPHO 7.7.'
..... ieh chepoor.ob"dient ..... ithin theeco - sistshispromp tings(GREGORYN ... ztA:<U",
nomic order u an ordinary workman PSEUDO·VICTOR OF A"';TIOCH). C... llPENTA" A BI,.R$S ~oCk:cO."'TION, 'Eph2:12. 'cf.M,IJ>5o<. ·AN F9:424; Tt,GlO4L019.
lo.l6.28..44.H< ,.... iu.hOllor«lby,bo.o<<nd.. """""',,,
UU5TINM ...... Tn). Ye< as che erernal Son, EPHREN TII£ SYRIAN' The ordi nary work- 'h.nby,oo..ou,iid.,tn ...k;nlh;'o"'n.hioown,c<.,~J
he came down into our broken huma<l i, y 6:1 H e Came to H iJ OWI1 Co",.t,y men wiU corne to rhe son of Jose ph Ji nging' him""". '(;on)c8,p.2.d;.\I:90!3;18oI 1;U 1S," ·C.'ti
as if we were already his own (PHER "Bless ed be your coming,'~ 0 maste r of 119 ' . Th«t<,n.1Son ' uI'M' 'oourbro"<nh~m'";'r'" if
CHRYSOLOGUS) . As a mag<let is dr:l.wn '0- H BT"'U(; HT IN Sn"AGOGU~, ORI C;~N' "His workersevery wher". our b.ni,hm<n'r,omour n. ".'unfall<nnum.n;,y w""
owncouncry" refers coNaureth ... beuuO( b««n tob<".,,,;,,",,,, ·Cr. M,ll,SS. ·Cf.I. Sl,l. "rLG
wa rd iron, so f.l ich Ls drawn toward God's The imprin t of your labor is Ken in rhe 060I5.oo}.M.7.1,GMtl:!O". '·Cf. P.I !S,16. "ef.Ex
healing power. which may surmount d iso~'
liefbu, works with gTu,er power among 0' . In his own countryJesus ..... asno< '"""
And in the fuh ioni ng o f rh.e cabern3de"
lS,!O·I6. "Cf.e...!6. "Cf.:'>hll,)O. '';<.;P:-tFl
U,lW".H< bk.s«l«>mm<>n:"borbyhi.ownn..ndsth.,
.. ',Jin.<j" ...... k<" .. <'J'wh<"m;p">«~h,p"n;n.
chose who believe (ORI<l~N) , Hum;1n will - Of the congregatio n that was for a rime p...d;n,h<i,numbl,wo,t, " M, l"SS, Mk S,S. "B,a"";
ingcan,emporarilythwartGod'sgifnoy only! of vi pe". "M, 12,)4
its fairh !us ruistance.This il the ironic

78 79
will. The ~me idu a pplies to chose p ...n..ges F.... T H . OIlIGES: And perhaps, as in rhecast ,he ,iclr. is lacking. i, m~y pr~v enr tho~c who heal ing, th~ f:.>.irh oftho$~ wh o need healing.
whic h uy eh ..e whae is im po$$ible for hu man- ofme[anicsubs[~ncest here exiSlSi n .solllea pou~S$lhegif,ofh rali ngfromu erci.ingit. and rhe power of h im who will heal. If ei th"r
icy is possible for God." Noe", abo those pas· n~mrala{[ racrion(Ow a rdsomeol h"rlh;ng, SacoND CON FERENCE 00 ABBOT NESTEROS ofrhesebe wancing,theblcssingofarure
.\.lgcsthat~yehaea~rson ·cannoc-(inone asin ,he m .. gnelfor iron.andinnaplll h3fo, Or" will not readily be 3rrainoo. CO.~ME";T4"'Y
sense) be born a second cime l9 and a needle's fire, so Ihue is an allraClion in such fa ieh 10- oNM ...... "6.'!
rye-cannoc" lee a c:l.mel ehrough." What ward rhe divine power accordi ng to whJr Je· WHITIUR FAITH Is REQUIRED F Oil H U L_
would Stop the$<! evenn happening if God sus said: " If you have F..ith:u a gram of IH.... Ps~UOO-V , CTO ... Of ANTIOCH' T wo " Cet«l«O'lLl. LS.I.~ 26.U: NPNF 1 LI>«5' ; lCC, \\1,>1
wiUedehemdireccJyf"'IBesidesaIlchcscchen mustard s~ed, you shall say uneo rhi. moun· thing$mw; tcoincid~forrhereceptionof ... A,u.i<~ .. . 2st. "GC I,,\l6· .
is .... ;nrhe c.ue wearepresenrly considenng..a eain, ' Move [l) anorherplace: and i,sh.all~

-canno r" in th" sense oflhat which is rot.a.lly in- moved."JO Matthew and Mark wished 10 pre.
conceivab le. We cannor conceive that God can sem: rheall-surpassingvalueofth .. rdivine
be evil or fail to cxist. Ir is inconceivable thar po wer as a pow er thn woru ev en in rh,ue
reality cannor cxisco( two times twO is four. who do not believe. Bl.u they did not deny 6:7-13 COMMISSIO NI N G THE TWELVE
teen. So here it cannot be the CilSe thar che Son ,hat gnc~ works even more powerfuU y
would do anything wh ich the Father would among rho"" who have faith. So it SeemS to me
nor do. THEOLOGl C"'L ORATIONS, ORATION that ehey accu rately.aid nOl Ih ar 'he Lord did
1AJld he called to h im th e twe1v ~ , and bega n to H nd them o ut two by. two , and
30. ON THBSON 30.10 . 11." nor do any mighty works b<cause of th eir un·
belief, but rhath e did not do many rh erc." gav t th ~ m aut h ori ty Ol'er th e unclean spirit L 6He charged [h e m t e take noth ing
I/I'l PlIDlNO Gou's G IFT$.JOHN CASSIAN' In Markdocsnotflatlysayrharhe co ulddo!lo forth dr journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in th eir belts; 9but to
somec:ues he so richly poured forth the mighty work Ihere ataU,and slop " t that w~ar sandals and not put on two tunics. WAnd h e said t o them. "Wh ~ r e yo u e nt er
mighryworkofhealing rhar rheev.. ngelistwas point. bur "ddeJ, "~xc~pr thar he laid his 11 houu, stay [her.! until YOIl leave th t plar e. IIAnd if any place will not ru e/ve
ledloexclaim," H e healed allrheir sick."lI Bu[ hands upon a few sick folk and he:.>.led thcm: 1l yOIl and th t y refllu to h t ar YOIl, wh en YOIl lea ve, Ih ak ~ off th~ dust that iJ on
among orhersthe unf.a.eho~le depth oJ Th us rhe power in him overcam~ ~v~n rh~ir
your f u t for a testimony against Ihem.~ 12S0 th~y went out and preached that
Christ's goodneu was $0 th warted thac it w:U unbelief. COM.\H NTAA't ON MA TT HeW 19. 11
mtn should r~p e nL BAnd th ey ,"st o ul many d t m o ns. and anoint e d with oil
said: - AndJcsus could do there no migtllY
6:5cAnd H , Marl'dtd B CrlllI$t of Their many that w ere Jjck and healed th ~m .
wor\u.beca"seofcheir unbdief.-""Sothe
bounryofGodiaacw.;Ulyrun3l1ed remporarily Unbe1icf
Kcoroing ro the recepciviry of our faith. Soic OVIRY II W, Puning on twO COats implies 6:8 Tak t NCllbing Excep t a S t"J/:No
iss.aidcoone:-Accordingeoyourf:lichnulyic T HE· POWIIR w OF U"'BELlIIF. JOHN C""SI"'" double .mindedness,aburden ofdec~pr;on Brrad, Nil Bag. Nil M oney
be to you."M and to another, -Go your way. If the fa;th o f lhosc who bring rhem orof cha(~r;gomus jou rneydoesnotneed
and as you have believed '0 lec it be to you."" (AUG USTINE). T he apostolic mission musr To W HOM AODIlISS60. JUOME' Are a.I1com·
and to anorher "ler ir be co you according as noe be weighted. dow" with extra"ag~nr manded noc co hav" two COaC5. nor food in
y<'1U wiU;rI and ~g.> ;n to another, "Yo ur faieh ~;~~~~.l~:'~~ ~~'h~:~'~~.l~:;;~~lk !lW, wis hes or mu"d""t yeamings ( P"' Ut>Ii"" their pos.senion, money in their pUTSe. onll'
h:lS made you whole."" THI"'O CoNFERENCI; lOU.oIO. LO.ll,FGFRlbI! "; cf. l CCl:L8l. T .... pl" ... Tl tls) . The ga c" 10 follow th~ command to a naffin the hand and shoe50n the feet! '
·t.e'culd,...,'· ;mp~ .. ""'m1!{.... S..i<Ifl..,.,«Ip'".i.. b."
o~ ABllOTCHAER."'IION IS." tlke no money in aposto!ic ministry i5 re. Are alt command ed to sdI all rh q possess

66h Exapt That H t La id His Hands ~;~:::~;:~~:~~~:~~~:~~4~:~~;~f:(:~: ceivedvoluntuily, not as an oppressive

reglllarionoflaw . lr; sgiv~nto{ho 5ewho
and giv~ it to the poor, and follow J"su" Of
CO Urle nor. This co mm and is for tho. e who
upon A Few Sidt Plop!e alld Healed MkH4,10;\l;Lk3;43:l7:l9. "C<tod<><:O'll. Uebeing readi ed evenmaIly to receive the ~a rn esdy des ire to respo nd fully to grace ..
ll.l \.l9Q .Il; r--;P:-:IF2 ! 1:-Ill·)J·.Qu,unt< ><lu"," '''L\i''''
T hr m fllllne s$ of sancrifying grac~ O ~ROME}. T he Lord says in rheGospe1 to him who had
,,,,I, ;mp<d" God', off,,'ng~, h;, ~;f". " M, L7,20
' l cr. Mk o,S. "Mk6,S. "A:--"F9,41o':TLG2-;H'.Ol'l Only tho5e rightly p'~pa reda re call.d to
D'STINGUIS III";<l Gou's POWIIIl 4NOOUIl ~n~int the sick with oil (C"l'PRIA:-.I ). ' cr. M'LO:9;Mx6:a.

80 81
nor ,he pMsessingoftwo coats. but more
distirlctlyth~wearingoftwocoat" at'he
same ,ime. The words say: "and not put On
tWO~Oa[s."Wh atCOllnselis(onv eyedro
th~mbythis ! Theyoughttowalkno tindll'
wholly matllr~ in fai,h, th." h~ migh t not
pli~ity, but in simplicity. THE HARMONY Of


6:13 Th,y Anointed witb Oi[ Many

Tbat W,re Sick
To wish for nothi"g mor~ than nud de·
CYPR!AN: One who is anointing should be
Isr esrsupr eme .wi[hsi mpl efooda nddr~ss
baptized, so that h aving r~ceiv~d thech,ism
To feed and clot h~ our bodies and 10 sc~k
(th e anointingJ,h~maybeanointedofGod,
No mOre th;ln is prescribed by nature's
and have in him the grace of Christ, Those
chrism;ltion, rece ive th e oil sanccifiedon ,ne
alt .. r of the euch;lrisr. But one who hasnei·
Not anxious for rhe morrow,'lesl for food
[heranal';lrnorachurch cannotdulyconse.
crateth ecr~atmeofoiL Ep!STL~S,69TO

OVU.VIEw:John's life of moral excellence th roughourownwordsfrcelyspok ctl.Su.; h
6:9Wt"rSal1d,,[s and Do NotPut On gaveplaus ibilityrohisrigorousadmoni.
Two Tunics tions (CHRYSOSTO M) . He was imprison ed
for challenging the d egen~rat~ moral behav·
ON No, WEARING Two COA'S. AUGUH1NE: iorofcheroyalfamily(EusEBws),No
What is fo rbidden is neith er [he carrying pri,on,however,collldtakeawayrhefne.
dom to walk th e path th at leads wGod
Nrh. tripped him up in hisgrcarersin,
murder. In chis way as inglc ;lCI ofdi5sipa-

been these power> aH at work in
otb eY! said, "It is And vtben ~rt is a propbet, like one 6:17a Herod SciudJohn and Bou~d
prophetl of 0[01 ," J('But wben Herod beard of it be said, "jobn, whom

HimjllPrisOIl t hro wing the divin~ conl m~ 'lds on marriage. Til l is'faRwa ... vING Of VTCES. AMBR05£: side. Thcrequcsrw... ~bo minabl e,b urshe
\\,ithboldneu,heproclaimeci in the midlc Note how varied .ins are int erwoven in rhi s per5uadedhim, and he gave the order to bri.
T.u SOUL Is NO'f BOUND. T ER'fU LLJ", N: oftheforum,~ltilnotlawfulforyouto OM vicious action! A banquer ofdcath is set dleJohn's holy tongue. But even now ircon.
Sec aJi dcfor amonlcllt chelerm "pdso f\." have you.rbrorh er Philip's wife. '" So Wc o\lrwith rcyal!uxury, andw hcna larger tinu es to speak. For e"~n tod.lY in cvory
Jusccall it a tempor;1.ry redrcmem. Even Ium from him to ad monish our fell ow s~r · g~! h([illgth anusu:r.lh asc ometogether, rhe chun:h,you ca n hearJohn srill cry ing aloud
th ough the body isimpri$oned,cven Ihough vant:u an equal. Do nOt sh rink rrom rhc d~ ...ghrer of the queen. Sent for from w irhin rhroughrheGospe~:an dsayi ng: ~ l risnot
thcfles hi,cof\ fincd,evcrychingnill rcm;1.ill~ duty ofchaMi5ing a b tothe r, eve n rh ough thep,iv3re:r.pUrnlellls.is brollghr forr h ro iOlW{ul for you rohavc the wifeo{your
open co th e 5pirir. Walk back andforch, my one may b.. required to die for ir. N owdo dance inrhes ight ofall.What colllds h e brothet Philip. "I4 H ~,utoffrhe hc ~d buthe
spiri c, not th inkingof,h ady woalks or long no,m ake chiseoldreply,"Whatdoesitrt\.;l.t ~vclearned fromanadu !teress buttheioss did not cut off the voice. Hecurbcdthe
doisr crs, but ofrhe .oadthac leads directly ter to me? 1 h,w e not hing in common wilh of moddt)'~ Is anyrhi ng $0 conducive (Q lust tonguebut hedid not curb t he~eeu$arion.
to God. As ofcen as you shall walk in rhis him." Wit h rh e devil alo ne we have nothing lIS with unseemly movements to U:P05" in Do you sce what swearing leads tol Ir curs
wayin the'pi ri t, so often s hall you find in common, but with aH hu mani,y we have n.altecinen rhose parr, of the body which offch~headso fprophets. You saw the bair.
yourselfnotinpriso ll. 'ON M ... R'fYROO.VI:I..' many things in common. All partake of rhe eirhernal ure has hidden or custom h:r.s Dread, then, Ihe ruin it brings. B,tI'TISM... l
same nacure with Us. They inhabit Ihe Urne veiled, to sporr with looks, to [urn the neck, IN STIlUCTIOSSIO.z6 ...,.,1
6:17bFo r the S"kc of H crodi<ls. His earth. They are nourished with rhe sa me 10 loosen the hair! CONCSRNING VIII.<:aN5

B rotb" P&ifip's Wife. BUIl ,ut He H lld food. T hey have th($.1JJle Lord. Th ey have 3.6.11." SUVIlRI' TO INOR. DT N" TB AFFECT IONS.
Married H er received the same laws. They are illvit~d ro CIl RYSOs..-OM: So much did he value his king.
the sameble~singswi(hourselvcs . Le ru5 nor Cu", MITl as ACC UMU L... 'f.ll. AUC:;US'fI NE: A dom, such :acapri vcwa~ he to his p~ssio n,
TIlB IlE"'SON J OHN W ... ' I.... paISON QO. EUSB' say then that we have nothing in common girl dances, a mother rages, t here is rash !hath e wo uld give ic ( 0 her for her dancing.
BIUS: Nor long afrc r this John the Baplist was with them. CONClRNTNG 'f Ha ST",'f\JU I.J l .' swearing in rhe midst of the Illx urious feast, And why do you wonder th;1.t this happrn rd
b..headcdb)·rheyoungerHcrod.'OISuated and an impiollS fulfiUment of wh at was th en, whe n even now , after so much insrruc.
in rheGospel$.'Josephusal$O records Ihc 6:20 H erod Fured Joh" and H eard ,worn. TH~ HARMONY OF THE G OS PELS tion in so und doctrine, many men gi ve away
same facr, mentio ning H erodias' by name, H imG/"J I, l.ll." theirsoulfotthedancingofth~effeminare
and srui ng th ar, alrhough she w;u the wife young men with no oath neededi They have
of his brocher, Herod made hc r his ow n wife ADMoNlnoN V ... L\J!D IIY Tllosa R.HPROV~D. 6,2) HeroJ Vowed to Her:A , k been made caprives by rhcir pleasure and Olre
aft er divorcing h is former lawful wife, the CIlR YSOS'fO.... : Mark s.>y. Ihar Herod ex.:...,.j· Wb<lte ve r YouW;,h led around like sheep wherever the wolfmay
dau ghre rofArecas,' ki ngofPe tr..,amisepa. ingly honoredthe rna"Uohn]. even when re· drag chem. B",P'fISM ... L INS'fRUCTIONS 10 . 11. '6
raring Herodi as from hcr hWlband while he proved.'QSo gruc a thing is virme. THB T>l1 TRAP. Cl-i1I,YSOS TOM: So th e pr inc ess
was sliU alive, Ic was on heraccounl also GOSP!LOF M ... T'f HEW 4 8.'1 \bnced and. after the d~nce, com mitted an. TIt ~ ''''PULS TvBO ... r >l . Bl!ol!: W e hur at che
th ar he kmedJohn , .. ndwaged warwi rh Are· orher more serious s in. For she persuaded .ame time ofrhree cv il deeds done, cheinaus.
tas, b..cause of the disguc e in flicted on the 6:22 Wb e'l HerudiM " Daugh ter C<lm e char5 cnsele5Sm ~ ntOprom isewith an oath piciolls cdeb ration ofa birthday, the lewd
daughterofthelatt er. Jostphuswrolethat I" <1",:1 D<I"ced, She Plused H erod <I"J to give her whatever she mighc ask. Do you <ilncing of a girl,and th e rash oath of a king.
in th is w~ r, when they cam~ to b~lde, H is Guuu $U how eoui ly Swearing makes one w irless~ Thi$ i5 Ihe judgment to which Herod feUvie.
H erod 's enti re army wa~ d estroy ed, and that Thus,whateYers heasked,hesworetogive. ,;m, so that he fo und he eith er h ad robreak
he sufferM (hiscal~miryon accountofhi5 What, then, if shewer e ro h ave asked for
crime against John. CHURCH HISTORY 1.11! lo ~ r head, Herod:' Wha r if she were to h;1.ve
'O.I'.<>m!lll. 'C<,<do<OO:Il.S.1.1:A,;.u.>t'J,.,G).IJ ''c"tdo<OI45.1Al6.9;;'':PNFlIO,J3S·. "NPNFI
Jl9', ,(.A NF,069 J.94. 'HeroJA n,;p.>" 'M,1-',l-12,.'>!k ;skedforyourwnolt kingdom' Yet he took 6,140·.Cf. GCI'4C12·}. .... ' ;ngl<dcb.~,l>od.,:c"'.y'om
6:18lt h Not Lawfu! 6,17-1\1. 'H<roJi.. ",.. . Iii"V,,,of"'''lto b"I", ,nd n~ chought of~hese things. Th e dev il h ad set ~;n •• nd .. p,." m.ny",,,u<d fo,nuof.i«, mUfO". tu .. ,

~,:~:r~,~fl~~o;J~~N~<;7~~~'.lA:~%~~G hit {fap, making ir strong. a nd from the mO-

'~:'I::ib~<~~i,':- '~;~:'')'i;7:a~~;.n.;.::=.."
\'1"0 S" AL~ AO . . O"'ISH 'f ltfi K1SG! CI-IRYSOS' ./Of>l.024.49.B.S,t-:PNF 19,143. '·M~~20. "I'Vr-;Fl ~entl hcoarhwas complere, h e bot h c;1.st
IO,29M·;TLG200Z,15I.SM09 ,7 hIS snares and $tretch~d hi~ net on every :~ ,[,;:.%;,;:;:."~f,!~.t~'!~j~' rh. brh•...!,n¥ "'" "'"
l'OM: Joh" saw a man th at was a tyrant over·

84 85
h i$o~lhor,lo avoid bn:akinghis <),:Ilh, locom· muryrdom. H OMILIU 0:< THE GOSPELS is wh~r Hnod did. For he mad" a shameful Noce well the weakness ofrhe tyra nc ,.""
mil ~nodu.·r sh:l.ffieful
act. If it should perhaps l.13.'" promise of rewud.IO a dancer-and th~n pared to thcpowero f th eone in prison.
h .pp-enlh~twe5wearcarele50S1ytosomethlng crueUyperformed\t.DuTl Es ofTHSClEII.OY Hrrodwas not srrongenough rosilen.·.·" ..
whi,h, if carried out, would have mO$[ .. nfor- 6:26a Tb e King W~S Ex~u dillgly Sorr,v, ; .1 ~.76'?1." own tongue. H aving opened it. he opc"" ,1 UI'
lunateconsequences, we should be willing to but BeraUH "fHis Ollth . <I>ld H i. cOUM!cSS other mouth s in its placc and "· ,,h
change ir in acco rd with wiser co unsel. There Gu~ s ts T,u SO",ROW OF TH~ Kr.... G. AM BRoSa: its help. As for John, he immediatelr; n
is an urgem necessity for us to break our oath, Wh en it is n id thal "rhckingwa,sorry.- 's spired fear in H erod afrer hi s murdcr - h ..
rarher than IUrn to ano rher more s.:rious THB PBRILOF SWEARINO. CHR"rS05TOM: [, is rhatdo es nor i ndicuegenuin~ r~pentinCcon fear was disturbing Huod' s consciencc r"
crime in order ro ~void breiling Our oath. ;ndeed a haven of safcry if we do noc swear rh ~p;!rtoftheking.butrathu~confusion such an extent rh3t he believed John had
Davidswore by the Lord rokiU Nabal, a Stu· al ~1I. So whatever storms burSI upon us We "f hilguil r. Th us.~ccordingt orhedesignof been raiRd from rh e dead ~nd was ped",, "
pidand witlr.ed man. and to destroy all h is pos' are in no danger ofsinking. Wh(ther ir be diviMgovcrnance. thou who doev il con· ingmirades!"' ln Ou r own d:l.y and throu)!h
se5.Sions. 6 utarrhefirsr eno:rell.tyofrhe rhrough anger or insulc Or pauion. bewh31 d~ n eherosc!v" by their own confession. allfurure [i me.l h roughout:l.lllheworlrl.
prudenr woman Abigail. he quickly look ba.::k itlTlilY, rhesou! is stayed securely. Even Bue what w~s rhe motive, in (his case: "Be- ]ohncontinue5rorefure He rod.both
his mreats, PUt ba.ck his sword in to its 5cab- though one might have venroo somechanct ca\lSeofhisoa[ h3nd hisguesl.·~Wh.a.r through himsclfand through olhers. For
bard, and did no! fed that he had contracted word that ought not to h.a.vc been spoken, could be more vile rhan a murder done eac h~rso nrepeatedl rreadingrhisGo.>pd
any !!'-lilt by rh u.s breaking his oath in this one i~ not layi ng oneself absolutely lI"der ne to nOI displeue one's gues ts,CoNCSRNINO nys:" Icisnotl..wfuj foryouto h av~th~
way.!? H erod swo re rh at he would give the cess ity or law . . .. For iti5 i nde~das "areof V!1I.0 ! NS3,6.l8.~ wife of Phi li p yO\1r brorher."'" A:nd even
dancinggirlwharevershe as kedofhim,and,to Sat.a. n, this ,wea ring. LetU5burnthcse apart from read ing rhe Gospel. in a$scmb l ;~,
avold being accus<:d of breaking h is oath by cords. Let us bring ourselves into aconditio" 6:26bHt Did Not W~ntto Bre,,/r His and meetings at h omt or in themarkct, in
those who were ..t his banquet, he d~filed the in which ir will be usy not ro swe.a.r." THE Word with Her everypbce .. . even to the very ends ofrh~
banquet with blood when he lTIilde the reward GOSP EL OF ST. MATTHiW IJ.r. e3rTh."you willhear rh isvoice;tndseerh;u
for the d3ncing the deal h of a prophet. HOM I' TH 6 DIU ...." .. OP THS H ... STY O"'''H. A;.,_ right~ous man even now still cryiogout, re ·
Li Ii.5 ON THIII GOS PElS 2 .13·" SHOULD A 6 "' 00"''' H BiI FULFILUD? AM' IIlI.oSE,ltw~sshamefulinlhefirST p!acefora 50und ing loudly, reproving the evil of ch CC)'
.....os E:Agooddispositionought lobeopen lcingdom to be prom ised for a dance. And it r~n r. He will never be silenced nor t he
6:25 Give M t rhe H e~d of Job., 3nd straightforwud, so chat one may utter was crueL in rhe seco nd piace. for a prophee rcproofat 311 weakenoo by rhe pas.sing of
word. wi thout deceit, and poueu one', sou[ tG be IllCrificed for Ih e sake of;tn oarh. time, ON T H ~ PROVIDENCiI OF Goo,ll
\VII SN /I. LUSB ... SIN EUCITS /I. GRB/l.TB .... wic hsingleness ofinrent. and noc delllde an· DUTI ES OF TH~ CLERGY 3 " ~.77.n
BBOB:Hislove forthewoman prcvailed.Shc ot her with false words, and nor prom ise any' HIS TON<;Ufl DID NOT REM ... IN SIL BNT. AM
fon:ed him to lay his ha nds up on a man thing dishono rable.lI If h e h as madc <lIch a 6:27 H t Beheaded Him in tb e Prison 8ROSE,Look,mostsav3ge king. at rhe' pcLLl
whom he knew ro be holy and juSt. Since he promise it is far bcttu for him no[ro fulflll de of your feast. Srrctch ~utyour tight hand
w:uunwillingtorestrainhisleche'Y,hein. it, than ro fulRllwhar is shameful. Some TH E P/l.SS ION ANT ICIP"Tf D. PETER CHII.1" and see rhesrfeams of holy blood pouring
curred rhe guilt of homicide. What was a times people bind themselves by a solemn SO LOGlIS: For then did Iheoldgr~cdydragon
lusersin for him became theoccuion of:l. oat h. and,though they come rolr.now th ar rilSreinlhehcadofrheserv3nrwha. heso ..C..."""OI ..... 2. ·l.IZ.J6.111.S:~PNFllO:80- · . ".\lk
gre~eer sin. 8y God's sIr;ce judgmcne ;e hap· rh eyoughtnorrohavem:l.dethepromisc. thirsttd afrer-rhe passion of the murer. .s.l$·18. "c<l«locOI4S. l.6.lII.1: NPNF2 Lo.l8S-116·.
~nooeohimrhar,asaresulrofhiscrl"ing fulfillirinconsideurionofrheiroath. Thi, S£RMONSI74·"
~~=~;; ~.~~:~1~~~'~~o; :;;~~.
for Ihe adulrcre.u whom h e knew he ought
~ ~~.M~~~\l~:4~1:.i~~~~,~~>c;~~n::~,;t;,~~ ::~~.
ro refu5e, he caused rhe sheddingofrhe
blood ofthep rophct he knew w.u p!ea5ing "Cf. I S.m 2,,1·W. "c<,o.1<!< 1)67.l.l)~!-lOG 1,!)1· ,,,
6:28a The, Brougb t Hi. H ead 0 11 Plato
Ml< S,4: A", ]3,47: Rom I~U". "C. H.U. " ....., )71."
JJ. " il.<", >cd. "'c;.,<edo<1167,1.l).74,I-(()(;N lr.T/t. "]QhnCh'r'Q"om ', O" P,o,i" .. ,,, A T"n>I.,iQn.nd
to God... . Alre:l.dy ho[y.John became more
holy still wh~n . through his otIiccofspread. ::i:h~f ~~~f~;:<d;~I:,~~':,'~:'i~~~'~; ~~;~,~f ~i:Cf. THe W e/l.lI'NIIU OF THE Tnu,ST "'1'10 THe
Th.Dingi" l lnttrpr«uiQn-(Pn.O. di .. .. D,.wUn;•••
. i'r, I9-9l) .joh o·"o;"pm.. J",onge"h ,<I !-l«od·,
ingrhegoodnews,he r c<lc hcd thep31m\~o f POWI. R Of TH ~ BaHII" OED. CHR1'SOSTOM'

86 87
d own bet\"e~n you r fingers. Noth ing is lack· CE p.tH:>IGVmGINS 3.6 .30 -31." brcauU thcy were like sheep witheut ash ep h trd; a>ld he began to teach th em >II<1Ily
ing in your cruelty. Thehungerfor su~hun­ thing!. JSAnd when it g rew lat e, his dis ciples ,ame to him and said . "This is alon~ly
h eard -of cru elty could nOt be satisfied b)' D JlAYH AS A C,,-ows. CH"-Y50S TO r.l: In what
pIa", Ilnd the hellr is now late; J6 send them away, to ge ;nte the Col un try and villages
wOly. then. wou this just man harmed by this
banqueu, or the thirst by goblet.$. SO.;L'! you
demise. rhi. vio!em death,the$"c h ains, Ihi. r()"nd abo ut and buy them selves semething to eat." PBut h ~ anjwered thnl:. 'Yo u
drink the blood pouring from the sdI! flow .
imprisonmem! Who ar" those he did not U t gi~e th em lom ething t o eat. ~ An d th ey said to him , "Shall wego and buy two hundr~d
eyes. Even indurh. th ole eyes are rhe wir- back on the ir f"e l-provided they hada denarii worth of bread, and give it to th em to we" ).lAnd h~ said te th!'m, "How
ncss cs of you r crime, mrning away from Ihe pen itent disposirion-becaus" of what he many leaves have you~ Go a"d ue. " And when they had fe un d O:J/ , th ey s aid, "Five,
sigh toflhedtlicades. T he eyes are dosing, spoke,becal,lseofwharhesuffered,because and tW O fish." J9 Then he co mmand ed th em all te sit dewn by rtJmpank; upon the
o f what he still p roclaims in our own day_
n OI 10 muchowingtodea th, aI to horror of gTern grolss. ooSo they sat dewn in groups, by hundreds and by fifties . ~IAnd tak ing
exces.'l.Thatbloodlasgolden momh,whose the urne rnessag" he preac hed whil e h e was
living. Therefore, do nOf$ay' "Wh y Was tb e fiv e loIaws and the tw o/is h he le aked up to heaven , and blelSed, and broke the
scnrence you could nor en dure. is silen l. and
j ohnallowed ro d ie:" For wh at occu rr ed w;u lo aves, andgan them to th e disciples te ut before t hepeoplc; and hedivided the two
yel it is still dreaded. Meanwhile the tongue,
wh ich even after death is apt to ob$uve its not a de ath , bur a cro wn, nOt an end,butthe fuh ameng them 0111. 42And they all <ue and were salisp!'d. 43 And thl!] teok up twelve
duty as when living, conrinues 10 condemn beginningofa greater Iife. j 'Learn to think bashtsiu!! a/ bra/un piects and of the fi sh. +'And these whe ate the loaves were five
(he incest with trembling motion. CO NCERN- and!iv elike aC hrisr ian. You willno{only re· t~ ousand m en.
INGVIRG1:>lSj.6. JO." mainunharmed b ytheseevents.but wiU
reap th eg reat es rben efit s.)II ON'tHEPROVI-
6:28b He G~ve I t to the Girl DllNcEOF GOD." OVERVlaw: T he brud of life is offered. in a H OM1 \.l U ON THE GOSHI.5 2.1 0.' •
lo~elypl~ce (AMIIROSJ!). T h e God·man . who
once h ungered. nowf~dsth"mul ritude 6:34 H . Beglln to Teach Them Mllny
(G Il~Go P'Y N AZIANZllN. TIi Eo oO ItH Of Things
AM IIROSE: H is head is presented to "C.,cdocOL4S.1.6.)O.i,N PNFlIO'186··.Ewn;nhi .....
Cu.).The faithful receive the bread of the
H erodias.She rejoices. ex ult s as rh ough she
:i~·.',~~~!::o;~;~~!~~'.;:::~"~~;;d l~':~~ gospel from the ap ostles, who firsrr ece ived BRBA KIN G OP ~N 'tH ~ \\'o~o. BROE: AI he
h ad escaped from a crime, because she has H<f.,."'i ...,.i«crr;·fcllow.dbym""",-;"lId ..... ,.:n.
slain h er judge. What uy you, holy women? it from the Lord (B~J)E. PRUJ)~:>ITIUs). By broke up the five I03Ve-s and twO fishes,and
Do Y0l,l see what you ought ro teach,and ~~~,:::: ;:,70~::,!'~~'::':~;.:~~~;. ~h~~~ bl e»ing th eloaves J uus leach es us tobleSJI dist ributedrhem ro his di sci ples. he ope ned
"Cf.).l,lo.U. "C. Hall. " . .... ourdailybread( B EJ)~). Repentance (by fif· their mind5 1o undentand everything that
wha,alsotounteachyour daughteTliCON-
ries):rndfaith(by h undreds)~resymboli- h ..dbeenwrilrenabouthiminrh e la wof
l.. Uy.mbodiedinrhecompani elo f h~lves Moscs and in th( prephersand thepulms. l
:mdwhole. who, humbled on lowly grass, H OM{UES 0"; THE GosP~LS 2.2. 1
are thus preparcdro receive {he bread of
6 :30-44 FEED[N G THE FI VE TH OUSAND God (ORIC E:<I). 6:35 .. T his Is Ilu"d, Pillet

6:31 Th.y H IlJ No Le;!u r. Evu 10 EIlI WHeRe BRUt> Is OFHR~ J). AMBROSE: The
l OThc apontes rewr"ed te Jesus. a'ld teld him all thal they had dcne and tau~ht: ! H4RD\VO R K. eED~:Th egreat h appineJSof
brudoflifc is mostv31 ued nor by lh eidk
JIA nd be s~id te Ihem, ~Come IlIU~y by youndves te a lon ely place, and a wr)lt~. re!; those days can be $ten from the hard wotk
or those who li ve in crowded cities en,om·
passed with rhe ho nors ofrhe world. Itis
Fer many were ,oming and geing, and duy had ne IdS (Jre f ven te eat. -And '~rJ of {hose wh o raught and rhe enrhusias mo f uthu most cherished by those who seek
w",r away in the bo at t o a lo nely place by themselves. JJ New many saw themgomg, rhose who le.arned. Ifonly in our ri me such a
Ilnd knew them, and they ran there onfoo tfrorn 0111 the teWns, an d got th ere ah~ ad (on(ourseoffOlit hful hcarerswouldagain 'Je a lOO; eCL 120. ~ lO · ll . 'a 2~,44_4S. 'c",.Jo< IJlj7
Of them. J'AI he went ashere he JaW agr eat throng, and he had cemp aHien en them, press round the minisreu of th e wotd. !.1.1~HOO&Ja.

ss 89
flesh.tomak~s<1bjec"he a rroganceofthe Set Before th~ P eople
Christ "in ad.:sert pLIL~ _ '· · II ""IIIW 01'<1 TIt_ flesh; sO that each one may becomeapar-
I:lvc loa ves and fishes tWO he orders placed"
SONG OF sONG 5 3. 1"2 .'
AI food before Ihe people ~hrong:irl£ round t~keroftheloavestowhichJesusga ... ehis

'\' hclr Illas\cr, by their hungerundae"ed, bl~ssing. COMMENTARY ON NIATTHEW Il."

6:35b Tbe Hour Is Now 1..,$ , W hu lllindfulnotoffoodforg:otthei,
I O wn~,
6:40 Tb,y Sat Dawn in Groups by
THRONE \VHO G"'RS TI-'1U. L "M r~<)_'\'0r.4 1 Hundreds "nd l>yFiftirs
Thcirfor!s , t heirmlrk~ts,hamlc<s , traJing
Even though rh.: place is d " s . ) I~ IC, yc! •
the one who feeds th~ worl d I.' l'r c.cnl, puStS
Alld cil iu , gbdtofe.:duponhiswords. TilE DIVISION BY COMPANIES. ORIGEN:
And even though the hou r i,IJle, ye! Ih e Since ther e are different d asses of those who
"hc fC$ti v" !\athcring swarms upon the
one who is not subject to !h"hour i. co ll · need the food which J esus supplies, for all
pl~in ;
versingwith you. THE G os,'nl.O ~ S'\'. Uy h und reds rhey redine in friendly band., arenotequalIynourishedbychesame
MATTHE W 5S .' Andluu ndt hccount!cssboardsthcyrange words, on this aCCOu nt I think ,hat Mark
ha.'! writt.:n, "And he commanded them that
themsel ves
6;37 You Give Tbem Som r rlling to Ellt the)' should all sit down by companies upon
To dine on tW Osmall fish and scanty cm.m
He multiplies - kno w nuw that he is God! the green gr~ss; and they sat down in ranks
,\ 1-h MNONT H aT RINIT~ . " byh undredsandbyfifties:· u ... For it W:LS
NAZ1ANZEN: As man he w~s P,l[ ' 0. the.res!, noces5 ~ry th at those who were to find corn-
but asGodhecamelhrou gh v" ,o n ous - fort in the food of Jesus should either be in
6:39 Sit Down by Companies upon tb,
~::' ::n~~:r~~ ~~eO~!:~d~.c~\I:e~';C;:r:~C::: GrrrnGT<lU
the order of the hundred-the sacred num-
bcrwhich is consecrated to God because of
yet he fedthousands. ~~ Is mdced"lIvlI"lg,
h eavenlybrcad."I ' He t h'rst~dLl-:-y e'h e ex­ fifty-the number which symbolizes there-
daim ~d: "\Vhoeva thirsts, let rum cam.: to mi•• ionofsins in acco,dance wirh thernys-
me ~nd drink:" Jndeed he pro~is~~ that teryoftheJubilcewhichtookplace every
bdievers would bec~me fountams. ORA- fifryyears , and of the feast at Pentecost.2'l

THE GoO-MAN. THEOPORET OF C,,"R: For if 6:4laHe Blessed and Broke th e Loaves Thou, our bread, our true rcfreshmeIU.
the incarnation was a fantasy, th en our salva-
tion is a delusion. The Christ was at the G'VI!<G THANKS, BEDE; Nor must we Ovet-
same time visible man and invisible God. H.: look the fact that as he was on the point of
ate~man,quite\ikcoursdves.H e pos­ refreshing the multirude, he gave thanks.
sessed from his humanness th~ same pas- He gave thanks in order ro teach us always
sions we have. 17 He fed the five thousand to give thanks for rhe favors we hav e re-
with five loaves ;IS God." As man he really teived from heaven, and in order to impress
died." As God he rais ed the dead on th.: uponus howmuchhehi msdfrejoicesat
fourthday.lOAs human he slcpt in the " OUt spiritual refreshment. HOMIUES oS TH ~
boat." As God he w,.lked upon th e waters -- Gos POLS , HOMT L,,":'.Z.)\
6:41bHe G"H Tbem to the DiHiplu to
Two Fish

Every sickness now sunenders, so few:
every lisd ess ness departs."
Tongues long bound by chains ofs;lence
are unloosed and sp eak a right,"
While thejoyful paralytic
bears his pa!lctthrough thesrrects. "
HYMNS 9 .'"


B~DE: By th e manifold grace of the Spirit

he disclosed how matte rS that seem~d in -
significanrand unworthy of attent ion
mightb e fruitful, :mdhehanded ~hese
things over to b" administer ed ro all na·
tions by the apostles and their successors.
Henc e ir is a ppropriare rh ;l.t the other evan·
gelist" rel ate how our Lord "dminis ~er ed
the loaves and fishes tn hi s disciples, and
[he disciples then ;ldminis[cred them [0 the
crowd " ! Although the mystery of hum .. n sal·
vation received its s_artby being dedared by
our Lord, it waS confirmed in us by those
who heard it [from him]. He broke up the loS[,
five loaves and tWO fishes, and distributed When men hadfed,or should become the
rhemro his disciples, as he open ed their spoil
mindsrounderst .. nd everythingrh athad Ofwo[vesor foxes or of petty mke,
been written about him in the law of Mos es T wdve men wete charged to he .. p in
and in the prophets and the psalms." HOMI- baskets full
T he gifts of Ch rist fO kccp and spread .. fu.
A HY M" ON nu TRINITy ....
6:43 Twdve Baskets Full afBroken
Pi eces 6:44 Tbose Wbo Ate tb e Loav~ s Were
Five Thousand Men

The banquet end~d, plates still overflow,

"u 6:13. 19. "Mk us. " Mt9,6.7;)o s ,~. "C" , doc
And with the crumbs twelve baskets then 14}S.9.61:FC4J,64'{;S. Th i.fo<>dim p""",,~.J lik~"·
they fill. dom . nd <ho h<.Jingofo",.ffi;':,;"fi •. "M<14'19;Mk
6:41 , Lk 9:16. "Lk 24,44 ·45. "HOG ~l~. w, "CO;," :h.
The stuffed boy stri ves with undigested
b,<.Jof,h<go'F, l i<om,h<."""b.who"<:<i,,d ;<f-
fare, th,Lord . ...C«docI 439, 712,FC SNS.19 ·· .Th,oo< '"
The waite r groans benearh his heavy load. :;<~: in'h< b"ili~go f b,<.Ji:I <h. , <e", o" "J "Je<","
Who can a great feast spread from stores

as mrningr orhesav ingLu, d .Ul1idd,"IU' TUM A", c ll olI's HOO K UNLOOSE D. ,ance1 Arrhc same!ime, too, he came to the wh ohas comc torou , hat youl1,;j )'r<tu rn!
rnu!tof hisown si" ( P "UOIISTlUS). T h us,' PII VI> h,,""IV S: he1pof{hemeninrh"i r 3gitadon ~ ndout try , He himselfb"camc th~ way, and this
(ornpuls;,-.:lypror&::udfrornri.skd"nol Sll1lOn, surnamed Peter/ and saidr'l th"m ,"Beofg<Jod checr,i ris I: Ih rough rhe$u.For[hisreaJonh~walked
grow s<rong in fai lh (O"I~aN). The tlh>U~IH Chicfd i$Ci pleofChriu the Lord , be nOI ~fraid. '" \V h~t is the explanation, onrhe5~a: l·rhalhemights h'l w)"ou th3r
ofj es u' paHinsby evoked a ",i., is Of,[C.i p.lir O T).,d.,y at th.~seto fs\l n thelefo re, of his wish to bypa" rhos~ pcr ' ther e is a w~y upon th~ suo But you. who
that m.tde rh~ disciples all Ih~ more r".,d)· co Wh c nrheev"n i"g skygro w~red, Ion. whom neycn heless h e was preparld to c ~ nnotinanrwayyou,"elfwalkorlrheu •.
cry ou,for hdp ( Al'GIJSTIN II). Un lQOscd his anchor's hook, encourage when they wlre in dcspair? H is in. let yourselves be canied by the~hip, be'~ r'
And filled his sa i], with the swelling wind., ren, inpas5ing bythemwas { oserv~ rhepur_ ricd by th e wood! TRA cnTE 2. 4.3 ot<
6,45 Immcd 'llt d y H e M aJe tb e And m ~de re ~dy to cross rhe sea. pose of eliciting those outcries in respons~ to JO HN."
D iu ;ples G rt ," to tbe B o ~t But night rous"d up a co ntrary g~!e' which he would rhen come robring relief.
Th.ns!irred up rhe d tep~rw3vC$ TH I H.. RMON" 'lP TH E GOSPfil.S 1.47.' 6:5 1b T be W i"d Ceasrd. OInd T hey
FACTIIL EA Rs~nT HROtJG .. R..s". OIlIG &N: Andburfetedr h" lloundcring boat. Were Uttuly AHounded
The S~v io r chus ,ompdl~d ~ he disciples [IJ S houtso ffi s her m cn s truck,h~ s ky, 6:50H~vcNo Fear
enrer inlo ~he bo~< of cesring and to go b<- W ith sh rieks a nd dcspairing groan s T HI ONIj WI<'l CoMMANDS ""'IND A"'0511"-
fore him t'l rhe other.ide, so 10 learn victo ri· Amid the creak 'lfsw.aying ropes. Ho"'" E.o.S IL.. Co.'! I BII S HIPWRECKED. PRtJOetiTlus:
ouslyco pass through difficulties. B\ll when Nor did anyh ~v~ h'lpeofescape PaVOINTlUS: o
mighty i, the poWlr of God ,
th~y got in the midd le of th~ s~a, and of !h~ Fro m shipwreck and a ware ry d~~th, T hUI Tbymyloquacious tongue The p owe, th at all things did-creare,
waves in rhe rempution , and 'lf the concr~ry Wh ~ n th e 'la« rne n ~ U wan with fc3r From th e he~venof. i1~ ncelm!ed ThaI calmeU th e w;;tcrsofthl SU
winds which prevented ,hem from going~way Saw Christ h imsel f nor far ::a way Into pcrih un kn'lwn a nd dark. When Christ upon its surf~e~ walked,
to,h~oth~r $ide, they were no t ;;bk"trug- Treading surdy upon th c mrge, Not as Peter,di$ciple Irue. So tha, in tre;t.ding on the waves ,
gling as ,hey were, to overcome th ~ waves and Just as though on th c ba rren shore Confident in his vinue and fa ir h, He moycd drY ·S hod across Ihedeep,
Iheronrr:uy wind and reach theorh~r s ide He walked over th~ solid ground. lam as one who.k' unnumbe red si"" Norlvl rd id hl We r his soles
withou'J~,u.s. l nthiswayth eWord.t;>kjng AG.o. I.'!ST SVMM.o.C HUS : .s Havl shipwreckc(j on th e rolling S~as .• As ligh t he skimmed rhcsuIgingllood.
comp-.ssiorl upon thosewho haddoncall ,h .., Howusilycanlbeshipwrecked, Hr MN$."
was in th.eir powe r to reach the orher ' ide, 6:48bHe M U lIt to Pau &y Th ~nl Oneuntaughtin seafaring arts,
Came rO them walki ng upon rhe se;l, which for Unlcssyou,almighryCh rilit, 6:56 Th" t T hey M ight Tou ch Eve n tbe
him h~d no waves or wind. CO.\t MENT .o.Rr ON \VII VPASS ByTHIIM! AU~lIST<,.n : \Vh en hl Slrltch forth your hand with hllp divin~.' F, ingl of Hi! GOI,,",nl
MATTH>.WU ·5· ' walked upon the walers, he seems poised [0 AGAI NST 5YMMACHUS z.·
pass by th em. For in what way could t hey HIS VULN ~ RA II ' LIT"TO SL'PPIl R1NG NOT
have undersroOOrhi s,were;t not tha t he 6:511. Tbn H e Got into Ih" B04t wilb TH ROUG H WUKNIISS !!IUT STRIISGTH. AM-
W3S reany proceeding in ~dilTerentdirecrion Tb~m
I!I R os~:T h e L o,dofhostswasnotsign:rling
TII.o. I "" "' GIIYE x IlIIC I SII. O~ I GF. "' : Bll rw h. at from Ihem,a.s if minded to pass rh ose per· wu kness as he gave sight to theb li nd,m ade
is th~ spirifu:d nU.II1a of the bO~f into whic h sons by like strang~", wh o were si:> far fr om TH KW .... BEH un UPO N TI< B511... Al.'GU S_ th~ "ooked ro srand uprigh t, raised ,he dud
J~$U5'OnSlrJmed,hedis'iples'o~ntcr.'bir recogni::inghim , ha t they rook him tobe a TIN"~: BI.!I why W ;t$ he crucified! Bec.aus.e the 10Iirt."anricipatedrhc elT«ctsof medicinea,
p~rhJP$lh" ,on ni.:, of,empl~rion. ~nd diffi- gh o.sr:""'ho, however, i5 so obtuse as nO{10 lIrood of his lowlinus was neCU l.3ry for you.
w lti", i ~( )w h ich a ll yol1 ~is"o rlstr.!in "db y p"t(d,'e,hatr i1isbearsso.nespiri tual siS-nifj, For you had swollen wit h pride and h .. d
thc Word,~ndgoc$unwi1li"gl}'!TheSJvior been cas t forth far from your homdand. The ' M'14:21, Mk6." SO:Jn 6,20. 'C""d",,0271.2.47.\>9.206.22
N PN F 1 MSO". 'cf. Mc L. ,ll. 'c..,oJ"" 14.1.'..1.-14: Fe
wishes to lr~in by ~"crcis" rh" Ji""ipies in "'~yhubeenw.uhed'lu[ byth e wavesof 5J'l~'l ··. Amidou' ''''m.L~>Itip''''''''W<'''"'f''''''' Nm
'TLG 20-02.019. LL. S.l>">: ANF 9!o!JS" . ' . .. NF 9,~J.4 ·: TL~
this boatwh ichisdi srr c.'udby,h"w'lY~$
:!UoI2.0l9. 1I. S.4S. Th<r wct< in , .. in;n~ [0"«,,.. {>im.
this wotld. "-fld rhere is no way to cross ovet to ,Dth..•...·SLotd.mid'l>crum .... 'ofth . .... "'er. M,
and rhe conrrar y wi nd. COMME:<T.o. ltr 0.'1 the homllu,d u nleu yO\l are carried by rhe 1~' 12·JJ: .~k6e~5 · !!;Jn6,16 ·21. "C".Ju.:OZ7.j, 1.4.29:
'O. M[ IO,.'.:"' m )<H. ' Cf..\1'\ ~,24.12: M .6'4S·Il :j"
FC 78 :64". "Cmd",, )44).S .4?I:FC4):Lb4.Th,lorJ<>f
M.o.TTH EWIJ .S. 1 6,16·11. 'C<..,J.,.;J .... ~. 2. J:FC Sl, IW .. wood. UngruefuJ man, do you ridicul~ him .U S0..,m" m.fo<", o(,l.uu«. "M'I I:S

94 95
Our prayers, and cured ,hose who sought af· wounds flowed life co all, from ch ... On~ who and undalland, ISth ere is nothing olllside a man which by going into him Can defile
Cer hiln. T hO$C who merely touched che was the li fe of all. 0 . THE CHRISTIAN FAIT!! bilfl ; lI ut th e th ings which com e out of a man arc what defile him. " I7A lld wh en he
fringe of his robe we re healed." Surely you 4-5-54'55. '"
bad ( nlaed the hO lls e, and left t he people, hi~ d iSCiples as/ud him abOllt the parable.
d idnocthink ir wassome d ivi new eakness,
IIAn d he said to them , "Th'lI are you al so with ou t unda;t and ing? Do you not H e
you specul:uorl,when YOUS<1W him
Ih M whal eva goes into a m an from outside cannot defile him, 19since il enuTS. not
wounded. Indeed {hea were wounds that "Ml6, S6. "Cf. M, 27,}S; Mk lS :14; LklHJ :Ja Hi8.
pierced hi. body," but chey did not demon. )).)7. "NPNF 1100.16\1. He~hinu"'f.,.b<r>bk IQ hiJ heart bllt his Jlomach. and so paUe> on?" (Th~j he de clared allfoods d ea n.) .!(l A nd
srrat e weakn ess but sneng[h. For from th ese , ufl".""S .. J." ,J. nn"h,,,,,r> ... ,>kn... be said , ·Wh at co mes out of a man is what defiles a man. llror from within, DUI of
th e heart of man, co m e evilt hought s,forn iration , theft, murd er, adulte ry , 21c oveting,
widt: edneH. dud!, licentiou sness, envy, slande r, pride,foolishness. lJAlltheu evil
thillgs ,omefrom within, and th ey defile a man."


Ov~. v, ~w: God sus stnigh r th rough OUr andh olincssoflife.IThey followed a rigo r.
ensions co Ou r de epest inw:!.rdin ce ntion ousw:!.y oflife,puct icingucecicismand
(CU104ENT OF ROM I!. CL~M Ii NT OF ALEXM"· sexua!abstinc nce for periods ofdmea nd
INow wlltn the Pharis ees gath ered logelha 10 him, wilh somt of the Hrib t~ , who Dill"'). We.ue made un du n by wh:!.t comes f:!.sting twi ce :I. wee k.' T hey ceremoni:!.lly
hadcomefromJausalem, lthey saw that some ofbis disciples ate with band l defiled. OUt ofour lips, not by w hat goe, into our cle:!.nsed [heir POts an d piaces and CUpS, I :!.S
that is, 11I1 washed. J(For th e Pharis ees, and all t heJt ws, do nOI eM unlcH they wruh lllouch (ORICEN, BIiDE). We :!.ce c:!.lIed co ~b· did che scribcs. T hey observed rhe paying
th ei r hands, ob serving th e tradit ion of tbe eld ers; 4 an d when they co me fro m the lorb censur e p:!.tiently, for one's characc er ofci[hes,' [he offering offirn fruics ,:!.nd
c~nnoc be inw~cdly s ulli ed by ucern~1 re· the recita[ionofmanyprarccs.'ON HE u,
market place , th ey do not eat un /e H thq purify t htmselves; ,md Ihere are many othtr
pro~ch csfromo[ h e r'buronlybywh:!.t StllS I S.'
t raditions whic h they ob save, the was hing of CUp l and pot> and ve lSe ls of bra nu.)
comclfromoneself. Thccydeofi ntcrper.
SAnd the Pharis us an d the H rill es asked him, ·Why do your disdplts nOI li~ lonal bicrerness is broken by forbea r:!.nce 7:6 Tbeir H ear. Is Fa r from Mc
according to the tradit ion of th e d ders, but eat with hand j defil ed?" 6A nd he h lid to (T BUOlUAN ) . Sin [h:!.t is deli be rue is mo re
them, · Well did Isaiah proph uy ofyoll hypocriltJ, as il is written, rulpable(B ... slL). Divinc j udgm entpene. VE.an R.;I,IGlOS. CLEM ENT OF ROME: So
This people hono n me with thdr lipl. !!;oCeS hUm;lnr;lcion;lliz:!.rio nsth:!.t pretend let us devote O<Jrseivcs co rhose at pe:!.cc in
but thtirheart is fa r fr om m e; ro follow che tradition of che dders (IRliN' their devotion to G od,:!.nd not to those who
AEUS, C HllYS0 5TOM,)EIlOM E, J O HN OF DA' seek pc:!.ce thro ugh hypocrisy. For he s~rs in
7in vain do they wonhip m~ ,
11.\5(\15) . o n epl~ce: " Thi$peop lch o norsmewith
teach ing as do ctrin es th e precepts of men . ' chei.lips,bul thei r he:!.rt is far from mc."1
3you leave Ihe commandme nt of God, and holdfaH the tradition of nl en. " 7;4 Th~ PhariHts, Ob serving t he And ag~in: "They blessed with th eir mou ~h,
9And Ile said to them, ·You have afine way ofrejecling the commandment of Gad. Trall;,;o"Of tb", EldfTS but theycuned in [heir hcarc .... And ag:!.in
in ordu to keep YOllr tradition! wFor M olts said, 'H o nor you r falher and your he uys: "They fl:!. ttere d him wi~h ~hei r
mOl her '; an d, 'He who speaks eviloffather or m otha, /el him surdy die' II&uI JO/.l MA.Ie S OF PH A R ISA I C LI V I NG . ) O H/< OF DA'
say. 'lf aman tells hisfatherorhis mother, What yo u would have gain edfrom me is MAS CUS : Phuiseeis a n ~ n\e m eani ng 'Cf. Am 13,5. 'lk 18,12. ')'l~ 7,~. ·Cf. M . 23,2l , n
·[hose who Ue se[ aput. " They followed:!. 11.42. 'Cf.U ~,)J . 'TLG 2\))4.006. 15.1; FC n,t lS"
Corban' (that is, give n to Go d) 11t he n you no longer permit him 10 do anJlhingfor
W~y of life whic h [hey rega rded as most Th"w".~"u«,,,,",,,,,< ..... n, ....ub<equ<n"'...!'
his father or moth er, IJ thus making void the w ord of Go d through yo ur Irlt:i ition p~tfec[ . They esteemed their w ay as sup'"
." o f,~" Ph ....... ",.<.howo . s..J. N..,.ne, . f'." Fol,
'i<J,.p "'l'n'~·"'I·""·f PI"'IJ ... J"j "i' ..
wllich y OIl hand On. An d many such thi ngs you do." nor co others. T heY:l.ffirmedth ... rcsurref;· (Engk..--la.ff>,NJ" P"nri«·H.>It 197Jj. '"nil:
uAnd he called tht people to him again, and said to th em, "Hear me, al! of Yo~. tion ofl hed e:!.d, th e exisrenc e ofange h , Mk 7:6. ·P,62,4.

96 97
mouths: they li"d to him wi th their tongues. TH I< DECI<PTION E"""' ~ ODfiD IN THIS knowledge into pran ice;s dishes but b y the words which p raceed fro no
T heir h~art was nOt sreadfllst toward him; .5 ..... j EROME: T he Lord himsdf di~(u"ed Ev~ nsincommi [[edin;gno. his mout h. 16 0,., P "'TlE S!;!! 8.:7
they were not true ro his covenanr."' THIi Ihat commandment af the l~w which 5.:ly~: nor withou t ri sk. THE M OIl.AL$ 4. '1
LITTIII. TOTH E COlI.tNTHt ... ,., S 14.'0 ~Han orthyfather andthymother.8" He 7:19 Thus H e Declare d All Foo d$ Cle,lII
made it dear Iha l ir is to be int"'l'ret"<i not ' "'0'" M~ "' ''O N O ... CHIiST ..... TI\S TH!! Pay·
Goo SIIU T OUII. II'IW"'II.D CON' ~smere ..... ords,which,whileofferingan

~;.~;;:r:;,5~ ~:::?~::~~~r;:~s,
n,.r'ON. CLE MENT OF ALEIt ... ;-.oOIl.I ... : Goel. con- emptyshaw ofhonortoparcnts,migh tsti!! : ;,: we read in l..evi,icu.'" and Deuteronomy'" of
siders our inwud thoughts. Remember Lot's leave them poor and rh eir neCCs~i[ i es Un re. "rak e away even thos" thmgs th e poor pos- the laws about food a.~ dean :md unclean U,"
wife. All $h e did wasvolunrar ily ro turn her li"v. d.lnstcacith c honorofpare nlss ho llld ~: Christ 53)"', "Emp'y YOllrself of what th e transgr"ssion of which we are censu'ed
head back toward worldly co rru prion. Sh e focusonth eaClualp rovisionof rh e nece"i. , you have"l ,j Mammon says. "Take ~so what byth~legalist5 andb yt h e Ebi onites,who JiI
was Iett a sense!ess mass, a pillar of salt." ties of life. ThcLordcomm~nded'h a rPOOr . t:htr poue": DlI you '-t~ th e opposmon, the fer from th em verylitde),we are no t to
STROM ... T.... , Oft. M.SCELLANIES l.'l paren ts should be supported by th eirchil. ,niftbetw«n them's.:e how it is that one rhink that the scope of th e Sc riptu re i&
dre n who would reimburse c~atobeyboth,butmustrejectonc:' .. found in an y superficial undc r$f~ndi ngof
7:8 You Luve th e Commllndm entoj th ey arc old for ~ll those benefits i Christ s.1ys, 8None af yau Cln become my d i5- them. For "what ever goes into a person from
Co d and Hold f<ut 10 Ila Traa ilion of ,hemseivel re<:eived in childhood. ciplo!i{you donot give up ;illyour~_ the outside cannor defile him, lince it enters
Men JiorIS";1O Mammon SOlyS, "TaL: the brw fTOm nat his h e~r[ but his stomach , and 10 passes
chitdren to honorrheir p.arenrsby uying: d<,hungry." Christ says, "Cover then;Uttd";I' on:'" A.ccord ing ro Mark, th e Savior ~de·
M,x'NO \V"'T~R WITH W,NII. h .B-N ASUS: isco rban,t hu is 10 say. a gift wh ich [ha~e dle (tIher s.ays, "Srrip th e nahd. 8 Chrin uys, clared all food dean," " so we are no t el.efil"<i
The Phariseesdaimed that rh etraditions of p romised to Ih c altar and willpresentuthe -Youshill I1.Ot turn away frorn your own fam· when we eat tho5-t thin gs declar«l to beun·
thdr elders safeguarded the law, but in fact temple,whcrc it will reli eve you as nluchas ~r,lI :and those of rOllr OWn house ; " Mam-
clean by those who still desire to bein bond -
ic,amrav~ned th e lawMoses hadgiven.By if I were to give it to you dir ectly to blly monsaYI,"You &haIl nOfshow mercy to those Jge to ,he lerrer oflhe law. Bu,'weutthen
saying: Your merchants mix Wat er with the food."" So it fre quently happe ned thJt while ' o{rourown family. Though you Sec your defiledwh~nourlips, whi choughttob e
wine,!saiahshowsthatth eeldcr5mixed fatherandmorhcrweredes titute,theirch il. mather or your fath er inwanr,despi5<: bound with goodj udgment as we search for
their wate ry rraditionwirh God',S! ric t d rcnwereofferinguc rifi cesforrhepriesrs rh=:'"' Ho),u u£s 01'1 PHILlPPIANS 6.)1 correc t balan.:e and weight, speak recklessly
commandme n<. T hey e njoined an adulter- a nd scribes to consume. LUTfiIO. 11 3, To and dis.cuss matterS we ought na(. COM.,U;-.o
ared la w at cross -purposes with the divine AGE RU CH' ....'" 7, 15 Tb t Thing' Wbicb Com e Ou . (If a T ... RT ON MATTH"W It.ta."
bw. The Lo rd nu de this clear when he IoIall Are Who . Defile H im
uked lhem: Why d o you rransgr~$S God', 7:12 y" .. No Lo"gt r Permit H im.o Do 7,23 All Tbtse Evil Th i"gJ Co mtfrol1l
camm and mem far the sake afyour lradi - Any thingforHiJ Farhtrar Mother TH I CYeLl o~ B'TTi!II.NI!SS BII.OK E,.. B Y F Oil ' Within
dO 'l?By thcirrra nsgressian they nOl anly ..... II ... ,..C!. T EIITULUAN: Let u$ ,then, his
r~bified God's law, milting wJtcr with th e CO RRUPTEO RELIGION . BASIL: l'h" wndo m· luvann, fo llow our Lo rd and pati ent!y EV IL WILLED. BED E: This is an answer to
win e, b utthcyalsosct.l g.1instirtheirown nation of those wh o have knowledge yet do slIbmitto den unciations thatw c maybe
law , call ed to thi s d~ y rh e Ph arisaic lJ w.In bleuedilf, with slight fo rbe ara nce, I h ea r
rhi ~t h e ;rr"bbi ss upprdssomcofth eco m­ lomeb'tterore ... ilremarkdirect tdag~inSt
· P.7S,36·17. I"TLO 1271.001. 14.S.$: FC 1:21". llO.
"fC9,SI' ,TLG:/040.()'iI.J\.7\7.36. "cr. M,I<r.21: Mk
mandments, ~dd new one~ . and give othe rs me, I may retUrn it, ~n d then I sh~H in ev,- 10,11, u. 14,13. lOCf. Mt 16,14, Mk a,)o, L~ 9.2). »t~
lheirown ;mcrpu[:I.r ion. thusnl~kingthe
law serve rheir own purposes. AG""t-IST
O<nl<),26. "ANF2,361 ':TLGOSSS.(l()oI.2.1•.Hll. ')f
B I12· :SClOO.~.14. "Cf.E.czo,I1;D<-u,S'16:.\11
19,19;Mk1,,0:IO,I9;UI8,lO. "Mk1,11:'·C.,..!u<
DWO.. 123_S6.S.73.1,NPNFl6<l1l·)2'. In m., w,y ",lit;·
lablybecome biner myse lf. Ei,herlhat,or
[ sh~llbe rorme n ted by unexp ressed resent-
G>l6']0. '"'Mk7dl. "ilG106l.160.61.226 .
NP~r ln,lll ".
14,n. " cr..\o!,2S,J4_4O;!.",,1. "1.",,1. "ITimSe3;

"Mk7,IS. "'C««Io<OOOII,8..IS;FC
H I!RES'~S 4.I~. I ·'." ment. If I ret~liate when cursed, how shall 4(UD7·.Jlb..,<bcr",,,,.!"'''ncl,.foron'',cI.. ,..,,,,,=
;Q ... <Ul.. ...,"' ....... ed "'oU ..... om< <oocul f",,,,r<""
l~found,ohavefollowed ( heteachingof
7: 11 What Ya .. Would Havr Ga inea
fro,," '\'I~ h Cor/'an
!""'n"<hn>~m.;.dlild .. ~ · .p;.'1. So"'<'egli;.r.< ,.
,;"...r;<>=,."tu;~'h...,..ghNNlins.....,.., ·kaulJh .. < our lord! For h i5 saying has been handed ~~;c;FE!~;~:<:,~:C~.~~'~7:~~f·~LG
dOwnthHone is defil ed not by undean Z04Z.o19.1I .ll.J;ANF9,4«)··

98 99

GENDERS. TERTl'LLlAN: For rOll, a.s women,

- - ~--~~ - - -~~~~-

7:2 4-30 THE F AITH OF THE ASPlfl.ITL'ALINTERPfl.ETATlON.Ofl. IGEN! 7:26bSh e B egg~ d Him
The Gcntil es, those who dw ell on th ebor·
defs. can b e saved if t he y believe.. El.IC Tn";G TUB LoR.O's COMPAS.~ION.
Think of it this way: Each of uS when he Cl-rRYSOSTOM: H avc you no t hcard oft hc
sins is living on th e borders of Tyre o rSi-
do n o r of Pharaoh and Egypt. They ar e on
the bord~ r' of those who ar e out,id. the sion. HOMILY 24 ON EPHESI AN S.'
inheritance of God. CO.'1MENTARY ON
MATTHEW 11.16 . ' 7:27a Let th e Childr ~ n Be Fed First




7:27bNot Right to Tak e the Children's

Br~ "d and Throw Tt to th ~ Dogs

DIl UTl N(l THE I'. ' K"SIM ... .. (w Qn' I ,. , ' ...
JJA~d taki~ g him t15idefrom th ~ m ultitud e p ri~ atdy , h e put hisJingas into his wrl,
CLEMEN T OF i\11 '~NII.''' ' I ho •• who po••
iJII d he spill and t ouch ed his tongue; J4an d loo king up to hl'a:ren, he sigh d, and soid
~ess th e Ho ],. SI'"'' .~ ... ~ h OUI · ,h. dcel) 7:29 T he D em o n H as L tft Yo ur
le him , ·Ephp h atha,~ that is, «Be opened. ~JS An d his earl were op ~ne d, his tongul'
placesofGo,j "'" ",u,h"wo,d•. ,h.y at . DAC ..gh rtr
t:l.in th~ hi,[,I<,,, l eeler. ,h~1 JUllound released, and he spoke plainly. l'And he chargl'd them to cdl no OM; but the

p~ophecy . flul " 11 (o,bldd.n 10 .harc holy Till! MOT'HlIl'S P Il IlS ' STII1'ICII. ErHItEM T>lE mM e he charged them, the more ua!ou Jly th ey pro claim ed il . J~And thty wa/'
thing,wllhd"ga.u lotl,u lh cy rem.,iu SY RIA"': S he was cry ing Our [315) sh e was fol . IUtonished beyond mtasurt. saying, «He has done all things wdl; he Cl/tn makts th.·
wilo.l. h I ~ "CHr ~Ilprullrl"c to lIilu,,, the !owing .. frer him. "Have mercy On m"." BUI Jeafh earand th e dumb 'p eak. "
pu.e ' rrC~n1 of IU~ir\Uy, th e liv ing W:ltU," he did nOr reply to hCT."Thc si lence of OUr
(". i,,,autldlat arc full ,,( malice. di s. Lo rd elicired 3n even d eep er cry by th e Ca _
tlIrbcdpcnonJ,Jtillwllhout f~irh, who n3~nite wom .. n. H e who W;tS spu rned by Is. OV&JlV'EW: In h is minis rryo f loo 5i ng doors of h is ears. For the ve ty archit e, t of
Mc IIn ..."r~incd in ba '\:ingat the hun r. rJel sp um cd h er by his si le nc ... , but sh e did tongues :md ope ning cars , the Lord w~s thc body itsclf and artificeTofaH flesh had
STlIC,IMA TA 1.7." not give up. Though neglc.:ted,$he did nOt pointing to th e rime wh eu 311 nations would comepersonal!ytohim, .. ndwirhhisgendc
hold b3Ck. On th e con tr ary, s h e again hum. hear and speJk ofGod's own coming in per- voiccttnderlyop<'ncduphi50bsrructedeus.
7:28 fuen Ihe Dogs Und ertht T ACltle bl ed her self and ag~ i n ul ag n ifi ed IH:I"'!, by Jon(LACTA1'ITI<JS , PR UDENTtU S, GREG ORY The n h is mouth which had b..e n so dosed
EACt tbe Cbildren 's Cr.. mbs Iher wo rds ), ~ Eve n the dogs eat from thci, THlGUA.T}. In preaching the Word today, up th ar it could nor give birth ro a word,
mane r." [ cru mbs ):" as tho u gh th ... J ews thtminist.r is5 rmbolicallyto uch ing hum~n gave b irch ro praisc him who mad e irsbal-
DANGE II.S OF D' SCI"Ll1'IAJl" fu CLU. were nU sters of cne Genr iles. H isdi$cipl"" ears{hatthtym3y~op e n ed roth e living re nne55 fruirfu!. The O ne who irl'imedi:l cc ly
AU<l V5TT1'I E: Some people, inten t On sev ere th erefo re dr ew n ear an d begged h im to Wordby rhemys reryofgrace(AMBRosE}. hadgiventoAdamspuchwirhoucreaching.
disciplilUryprc.:rprs, admonishwtorebukc send her ~w~y. IQ • • • She was nor ...,hamed, Th. power th at may not b e h ~ndl ed came gave speech ro him 50 ch J t he could spc3k
the res tle!s and nor to give what is holy to ro he r own benefit, of the nam e o fd ogs. do .... n:l.nd clot hedi rself infleshtharcouldb.. easily a language rhat is learned only with
doi:s," to cons ider a despiser of the ch urch T h ere fore {heuid j , "Grear is yo ur f:lirh, rouched, rhat aU humaniry mighr beho ld his d ifficul ty! HOMI LY 01'1 OUR LORt> 10.'
2sahe:;uhcn," tocut ofTfromtheuuificd o woman .~ll COMM ENTAR Y ON T "TlAN'S divinicy. wh ich rranKen<urhe touch of flesh
"rucrure of the bod y th e me mber who D' AT IiSSAIlO1'l." (EPH RE M THE SYR'A1'I}. T il E FI1'IGEJl OF GOD. GR EGO RYTH!! GRUT'
nusessc3nd-u."ThesemJysodinurbthe The Spirit is ca lled the finger of God. When
pe:lceofthec hur ,h thatrhey tryprema_ 7:33 Ht P .. , His Fingers ill lo H is EArs. rhe Lord put his fingets into thecars oE:the
rurdyrosepar:lreoul the whe:u from the '·L Ca.2,9.Lo. "Cf.Jn4l LO. " FCas ,16I ' :TLG OSSS.0G4. and H e S pMllnd To .. ,hed H is To ngu t d~ ~f m"'IC, he W <lS openi ng the sou! of man
ch~rr'· b eforc rh epropcrdme . 3ndblind ed "l.t,
1.2.7.) ,2. "<f.•'l<7,r,; 1;,26. 1&17. "M'~'IO: La:8- to faith through thtgi ftsoftht Holy Spirit.
9; Mk9,.J1·4g. " "1<0,19. 10. "t:. «do<0294.4 ,6,.t.9:
by this pcetexr, th ey rhem5e!vesthenb..- T I! 2ToUCH OF TlU; LORD. EP HREM THE SYR' HOMllI BS ONEZEK' EL,H oM tLY IO.'
FCl1,~l1" . "M< IS,:U·2). " M' I S:21. "'<.:f. M, lS:ll
com elotp~rJtedfromthcunityofChlist. !lM'IS,lIl. "JSSS1"96..gr. tAN: ThJr powe~ which m~y noc be h3ndltd
c~me do wn and clothed itself in members 7: 348t Op ened
dur may be touched. rhat the desp<'rau mJy
drawnearrohim , th;>tintouc hinghishu. T.n MYSTE ... ' OF O PlN.NG. AM8ROSE'
manity th ey may disce rn his divinity. For Every sabbath we witn e.. rhc "opening up "
7 ; 31 -3 7 HE ALING O F THE DEA F MUTE tha, spcechies.sm:lnlhe Lordhe:oledwirh ofa mystery. It is inoudine form the type of
thefinge" of his body. H epur his fingers
into rhe man's e:lrs 3nd touchtd. his tongue.
At that moment with finge rs d, at may be ' .\l~ 7,32·)7. 'er. G." 1,2'1·28:.t10. '.\;P",F2 l 1,3OiI".
IIThOI he rdurn edfrom che ugio n of Ty re, and went thro ugh Sidon t (1 che S eaojG alila. W;'~Je>u"h "m.lnRnll""h" ,ou' h.'h ,d .. fmu« w.. . ;.
through theugionoJ the D ecapo lil. llAnd ch /') broughl to him "ma n wh o wm deaJ mul, • ...., ... lrb<,n,.ouc!tN~"h< Godh..JwI"'mn
not be touched. Immediately this lOOSI'd the oc.n.h '"uo:h, 'SSGF~,20": M,p' Pt ~6. H"""lr lOon
ACnd had an impediment in his spuch;and th cy besought him to lay his hand Up OIl him. string ofhis tongue .' an d ope ned the clogged E~, bd I. ,'0 1.886

1 02 103
MMI K8:1 ' JO

t hat litu rgicalopening whenthem;ni.ner whicb arc tm e, andworch y ofbcingp"r _

once touched your ears and no~trils.' \Vhat form"d. H~ 100 i~d che tongue.1 of the du mb. 8:1 - 1 0 THE FEEDIN G OF THE FOUR THOU SAND
does this mcan~ Remember in the Gospel, They spoh plainly-a power wortb y ot'ad.
our lo~d Jesus Christ. when the deaf and minrion' even in ilsord inary operarion. But
du mb man was presented to h im. touched there wu also contained in rhis display of
h isearsand hismouth;theears.bec~use he pow~r anorher mnning. it would shortly IJn those days, when "'g",in "'grt lll aowd hc.tdg"'lhtrtd. OInd Ihq h",d nOlhing 10 e Cl!,
w;u deaf; the mouth, because he was du mb. come '0 pass Ihat tho5e who wer~ prCViOllS]Y be ,,,,lIrd his diSCiples tQ him, OInd s",id 10 thtm , 1~r hOl"e ,omp,mion on tbt crowd,
And h e said; "Ephphatha: a H ebrew word, ignora nr ofhuvcnlythings, having ,,"cived bualo t tb ey ba~t bun witb m e now t hru day s , and havf nothing to rat; Jand if I
whichinLatinmean.ad~pHjre [b eopenedJ . rh e instructioll ofwisdom,migh[soon~pc ..k
send th em away hungry /0 th eirhorn eJ, th ey will faint on tht way: and som e of them
In thi~ waythem ini$teri.nowtouching God's own rrulb. DI"INS It-;STITUTES 4.l 6 . IO
have com e a long way . H4An d bis diSCip les answa ed him , wHow can on e feed the se
your ears. th at your earS may be opened ro
rhis sennan and e"hortation. Cat-:cEIll<INO 7:36 H e Eve n M"krs th r D c,,! H COIrOlnd men witb bread here in !fl t d t ure~ SA n d he asked tbem, "H ow many loaves havt
THE MVSTERlES !.4.6 t/u Dumb SpcOIk 10u~· Thty said. WS t llrn,~6And bt commandtd the crowd to sit down on tbe ground;
and he took th t Sl'l'en IOlivcs. and hllVing given rblinks be broke them lind glive them
PIRTlTlaN FORAI~ OP~N W"r.AMeRosE; So TONGV ES U N LOO$EO. PRU VESTIUS ' 10 bis disciples t o set before tht peo plt ; and t hq H I tbem before the trowd. l And
open YOllrea .. and enjoy th e good odor of D~afe n edcar"
of sound un con se iou" they had afe w smallfish: an d having blessed them. h t co mmanded that th tu also
eternol life wh ich has been breathed upon everypas sage blo cked ;u,ddosed,
Jhould be se t before th em. 3 And they att, and Wt fe sat isf ied: and th ey took up the
you by the guu of th e sac raments. This wc At the wo rd ofChriu res ponding,
pOintM out to you as w(celebrated th e mys- ill the portah open wide, broken piects left o ver, seven basket s full . 9And th ert were about four thouJand
teryoftheope ning and said : "Ephphatha," Hear with joy friendly voices and peoplt. iOAnd he unt thOll away; and immtdiauly be got into the boat w ith his
rhat;s. "Be opened: so thare"cryone abour Ihe softly whispered speech." disdplrs. and went to the di$tritl of Dalm",nutha.
rocome[Qtherableofgr~ce m igh lknow Every sickneN now surrenders,
what he was ,,-,ked and remember th e way ever)" liHlenneu departs,"
he once respanded. Ch r;st cc1ebrated this Tongues longbo l.lnd by chains of silen ce OV.l!RVI~W: The incarnate Lord wh o him self pounding holy Scriptures, lam, so rospe:Lk,
mystery in the Go spel,~! we read, when h e ar~ unloose d and spe .. k aright, :' was h ungry inthe desen is now seen feeding now bre~kingb rcad for you. If you hunger
healed the one who wu duf and dumb. While th ejoyful paralyric humanity with th e bread oflife (GR iiClOII.¥ to rcceivei r, your heart wil! sing OUt with
CONC EIlS! NG THE MVSrllRIES 1.)-4.' beanhis palletthroughthesrrecu." N"";/;UNZEN ). The great variery of gifts of the fuHnessofpr~ise.' And if you ar~ thus
HYMNS9·" the Spirit to the ch urch is indic~ted a nricipa· mad e rich in your banquer, why would you
7:35 His EOI,. Were Opull d. Hi. rively in Ih is miracle of th e feeding of the !he n bcnigg~rdlyingoodworksanddeeds
TonglltRtle,ued fou r thouund (At.;GUSTIN E). T ho$e who par- of m~ rcy? What J am disrributing to you is
'A,bap'i,m .nJo:hr;, ,,,,,;on. ·C.roJ""Ol o;\. I .~.\lI). 17: FC
t:Lke andurmorc%csti lyofthewrinen not my own. Wharyou feast u pon, I also
TIIB HURINQ op TttBGSSTIlI!S. L"CTAS - ":2~9 " : ,f. :-lP:-lf 1. !0,) 17. Li". ni,,~ 10 <h . i<"p<i
p r<",h<~ in <", ,,hh,," " " i«; • • r«'p .m[" inn"r,!" li.
Word have less spiritual hunger rem;lining feast upon. SERMO)ilS os N •. w T UT AM BNT
TIUS: He rhereby dedared rh al itwollld a.RDM i). The who le church,and not four
!~r&i"lop< nin,'h" "",y "wt"" d""' i";,,<",m,h ,, LE SSONS4 S.!.2
s h ortly come to pan, that Ihose' who w~ re <..... . nJ"",,,il."'b'l'!l • ..w''lI,.;''r.• ''Qft.T".;...,,, ~ f rhousand only, is now b eing fed by !he one
destituu of [he rev~aled truth wou ld boch O?"";ft,,,"<b.:<lc' ''"'''' ''p''nm<<fj''l!'''<!j.; •.~ .....,.,.J.
' C.. «io<OI'i'i.I-Z.39.6> FC44,s" , "G<",;!"", "",,, ~ )l,
who b re.>ks bread (AUG UST/SE, EPHRE MTHE 8:8a Ate ~nJ ~Vc r~ S4fisjiea
hC:lf and undenrand rh~ maj~slic words of ."'k7,l7. ,oANF 7,l l7"·. "."'k 7,j... ·lS. "U6, 1~ .N. SrRt"N) .
God,Accordingly you may truly c.ul tho5e :':~;:.~. ".1.\, 9:6-7'l" S:9. " C«eda< 1...13, ~,6.:.: Fe NATU.A~ ApPET ITES F, LL IO O. EPH RE~I THE
deaf who do nor hu t th~ huv~nl)' th ing' 8:6 H r T ook th e Sellt ll LOOl VU, ~IIJ SYRU. ... :
H~vingGi ve n Tb"nks He Broke Thelll - - - -- - - ---

BRB""IS(; Tll ii BR.I!"O. AUGUSTIN E:!n e~·

104 105
Gram. Lurd. th~( [and 11105.. d ...l r (0 me learn. HO M I ~ r 78.· Ib~ b01l1. ,sAnd he 'Ilu tion~d t h~m, saying, ~Talu hee d, bewar~ oj the leaven of the
M a ytog"th("[th ~r" pharisees Ilnd Ihe lwwn Of H erod, "16 And t hey d iHu H ~d it wit h onc arlother, slly ing.
Find th" ve ryiasc remna nrS of)'our gift: 8:10 Th ~ D iu r i{t PjDlli mlltlutiJIl
' We hall~ no bread.H PA nd bdng ~waf~ ojit,Je sus said t o them, · Wh y do yO!4 di,.UH
HY.'.1NSON PAKAD I5E9. 2]. l 9, 1
the f act that ycu have no bread? Do y ou not ye t p erceive or und erstalld? Are you r
8:8b Sevc n BIl$kets Full SAM E LOCATION AS M ATTH EW's M AG.IlOAN. hearts hard ened? " Hav ing ey o do you not see , and hailing ears do you not hear? And
AUGU STIN E: After his account of rh" mirad~ doJO u n OI rememb er? J9 W h l.' n r broke t h f fi~ f 10 lllles f o r t hefiliI.' th ousand, how many
N o F IIAG... .Il NTS LOST. AUGU STI NE' Are yuu of lhe sevenloaves .Mark s ubjoin$rhe~ me b ~sktlS f ull of broken piec es d id JOu fake up?" T hey said 10 h im , "Twdvc. lO-An d
hl.lngry?Yoll Wo h ave bcen giventhuebas- transieion "-' iJ given lU in Matthew, only with tbe Hllen for Ihe four t holl5llnd. how many baske tl f ull oj broken piues did YOII lake
kec5. FOT thos "rrag me nrs were not lost . t his diffcren(e: Matthew'se>;pre:rsionforehe ~p? And fhey said 10 him, · Sellen . lJ An d he said to them, "Do you nol yel

FN you, too, b do ng [0 t h e w hole ch ucc h , locaIicyis not Ihlmanu[ha, as is read in cenain

'Ind they u"s u reiy fo r your b<n<fie . SJOII.· codi(es, bur t.hgcd:r.n.' There is no re'lSon,
MONS ON N!; w T ESTA... ENT LESSONS howe\... r,forquoestioning the facr chac ic is me
u me piace t hacisin ccndedunderborh names OVIiltV I 6 W:The Lord wished to avt>i d my th e B Ollt Agllill H ~ D epllrted
For mosl codices,'" even of Muk 's G os!"'l.give impresJit> nthathisp urp osemighrbe ro
8:9A bout F Ollr Thollsllnd W tre P rese nt n ootherreadlngth3nlh alo fM agedan.TH ~ usurp ci vil atlthor ity .Hereleave n signifies HI S SPEEDY ExrT. CHRYSOSTO M: N o sign
H ARM ON YO fT HEGOSPELSl.;I." 1 Jmall or hidde n t hing ,ha r may havea morc impress ed t he crowds t han ;h e miraclcs
WII~ T " ~ R FOlllI. 011. F,VE TH OUSA ND. ~l5teffccr later , as in the touch ofzyme of the loaves. N or only did they Want to follow
J ~P. O M B '
Fro m the less er numb u of me n PUI in do ugh l oma k~ i rs lowly ri .e. ln this him,but alsoseemed readytomako:h ima
lfour eh o u sa n d'/ .Iess remains ; fcomthe 'HOPtol(;' . 'c...:1ocIl;>84,9S.}&SSI.)9:i'I ' >.'JFJ6,"'-'6'. wly)uu,wu nedagainsrm endaci,y ki ng.' In ordu.o avoid all sl.lspidon of us urp·
grea eer n u mbe rf fi uthousand 6 J,moreis <f. WSAihid. 'C(.Mktl.'9. ·a,Mk~. 'Thi. .pL';,u.oJ l mong re!igious leaden. H eadvo(a tcd ing civil authority, hem.;ode ~ $peedy exi r ~frer
lefe over! Fou r t h ousand men- fewer ftlIn><n>IogK.. in""pr .... ,;O" ........ " .....J"'J~'om< .. h.
opencorrec t;onu eherthanta ciru rn ind u l- rhis wonde.-ful work. He did noe even le~ye on
rercai n ly in n u mb er, bu t grearcr in faic h . NpO<I«Iinthenrird>«o...,,, .. ·c....Joc(IS9><.4.~J:FC ,enee. Friends who Uust each o t h er do not foot, lesr t hey chase afrer him, bur tookoff by
T h e one who is greate r in fa ich eaes SMSJ·. A.k><",loftoYefbylhc,..e.,... lcvelof«><UUmp- require special signsof friend..hip boat. G05PELOf ST. MATTHEW Sl.I,·
mo re. and bec a use "e does. chere is less ,io"'.o ""- who ..'mo,.IIc.rtUrof ..... Wocdh..,.;.,.. (CHRYSOSToMj.
«~~o..,.-wt.ict.r««Ipu ..... ·c(.),I,!5,J~,(·[,lf'
leftover! I w ish thac we, to o . mighrear 8:15 Bcwllrc of ch c L Ulltn oj th t
1',""" 'j,. ' A'T" ' in<h><iKC... . o ...... oldl.tingu i>lubl<
mOre n f r h e hardy b re ad o f holy w rit, so " ". ofl.I><'<. "C,,<do<G17),2.51.'06.21s.> , ~ [>N Fl 8: 12 W hy DotJ This G f tl ~ ralio n Su k Pharisu s Ilnd th e Leavcn of H crod
rh31 t h" r" w o ul d b e les s lefr o" e r fo r us dig n ~
T U I NIID fOil. A SIGN. CIIII.YSOSTO M: But learnfairh that rhey (th e PharlsccsJso tlghr
for whae sign fromhea" cn were th ey asking! h im, bUI to seize him. G OSPl! ~ Of ST. MA T'
8 : 11" 2 l T H E L EAVEN O F TH E PH AR I S EE S
Maybf thar he should hold back the sun, of THEWS]· l·'
curb the moon, or b ring down thu nderbolts,
or change the direction ofehe wind. Or some- 8:21 D o Y ou N ot Yet U" d e n t'lIld?
"Tlu Pharia'c5 caml' and began 10 argue with him, seeking from him a signjrom .hinglikerhati ... l n Pharaoh's.imethere
he<lIlCJI. to II'SI him. '!And he sigh~d deeply in his 'pirit, <lnd said, ~Why do~s w;u an enemy from wh om deliver .. nce was
nccded.tBu t fo r o ncwho comesamong (Cf.E.J ~ (5. ':-;Pi'lF llO:llS .29·.Th<h.i!", , <'<ofJ<
Ihis genaa t io n 5~ek a sign? Tr uly, I say to y ou, no sign lhal/ be gillen 10 r hil
friends,rhere sh ould be no need of suc h "'.. «><nmunin'''' " ..·. 'or <nn .... '''i,huu,.p"io1~''''<'f'
genemtion . ~ IJ And he I ~ft them, andgctt in g into th~ &C.H again h~ d ~p arc e d to ';o n', .. f.-i<nd. ,.lk ... itl1 f, i. nd..... h. .... o.ub.<, . .." " ",
~i gns. Gos P BtO FS T. MA TT HEW 53 . 1 . 1
th eo tlu f s ide. ... ~ui ,<d , ' CfJn 6,iS. ':-.rI>~I' I IQ,12a· , J <,u. l.ftth<

'"N ow th ey h<ldjorgotten lo bring bread; and they had on ly o n ~ lo ..j wit h th<'m in 8:13 H e Lef t Th em, Ilnd Caling inl o ~~:7: ~,bu~::::i;::~:~i~r :~;~i;~ C:~~:l~~ mi~h, be wil
106 107
H IS TIlli SC H 41<T R i PIlOOF . CHRYSOST OM: p mv". rh"m . .. . H" even remindi them of 8:22b They Brought to H im <I Bli"d remm'~ he rnigh. durly behold the I rau
C~nyouhearthe i ntensedi$pk'l$urc in h is rh" sp"cific numbers of[o ~ ves ~ndofper_ of hi ••oul wirh [he eye ofa de~n h un.'
M~ "
voicc1 Forllowhereelsedocs heappurto 50ns fed, both tobringthemtorecal!{h~ CO MM£NT4RY ON M 4~" 8.15"
have rebuked them so s rrongly. Why no w; past. and to make them mOre ~tlenriu 10 rlla BLINDNIISS O~ IsR A "L. )~ II.OMP.: W Hc h
In o rd er to cast our th eir prejudi ces about th" futur". GosP ~~ Of ST. M4TTH£W 5) '4.' Ihis very ca refully. Note euc dy wh ~ 1 is S:26 H e S ~ nt Him Aw~y to His H om e
c1e:l.nfoods.· .. For not everyw here is p er· Jaid.ln t h e home villageofthc ~postlcs.
miss iv eneu:l.goodth ing. As hc u rli erh:l.d there i$:I. bli nd man. In the ver)' pl;lce TH~ P~",,,. S EN SE BEGS fOR FURTHIIR
allo wed them w speak freely, now he re- where Ih e ;postlu were born , here is S" IRJTV A ~ rNT tiR ~ RETATION. J EROME:
blindne$$. Do yo u grasp wh at Iamsaying; H ow, then, is his house not in Beths;lidal
Th is blind man in the ver y homeofrhe Note the t~~r u~cdy. If wc con$idc r t he
8:22-26 TH E BLIND MAN O F BETH SA I DA aposde.s i$ likc rhelosccoyenam peop[eof lireral inc upr e{ al iononly,itdou no t
Israel. H OMILY 79.' m ~ke anys~nse. l flhisblind man is
fou nd in Bethsaida ~nd is {~ke n OUt ~n d
8:23 Wh~" He H<la Spit on His EytJ cu red . and heiscomm3n ded; ~ Return to
zZAn d thty ca me to Bethsaid<l. And HHne people hrought to him a blind m~n, and your Own hou se/cerninly. he is bid;
h(gge d him to touch him. 2J An d he took th e hlind mall hy th e hand, and led him out A B4PTIS II1AL AN4 LO G¥. AMBROS E; SO roo "RecurntoBech ui.l:l..·lf,how ey""he re -
ojth e vi1l~ge;and when he had spit on his eyes and laid hi, hand s upon him. he </J.!o:ed he pl:l.ced mud upon YOll,that is. mode sty. turns th ere, wh at is the meani ng of th "
h im, "Do you ue anythingr '~And h e looked up and said."r see men; but they loo k , prud ence, ~ nd consid eration of your comm;nd;" Dono rgoin{o th ev ill aget'
like trus, walking ." <!sTh ( n again he laid his hands upon his eyes; and he looke d frailty .... You w ent. you wash ed. yo u You sce, ch ere for e. rh ;1,t th e in c~rpreta­
came to che altar, you b egan IOset whar l io n i. symbolk. H e is led out from rh e
i" u nlly and was reHored, and saw tl/erylhing cltarly. 26 And he sen t him tlway 10 hil
rouhad n otsee nb"fore.'Thilme~M: houeo f lheJews, from rh" ym;!ge. from
home, saying, "D o no/ ell,.n ~nl~r the villag e. · Through th efon r ofrhe l ord and che the law, from rh" tudition s of t he)ews.
pruchingofr h e lord·spa.o;s ion,yourcyu He who cou ld not be cured in the law is
wcre lh en opened. YOll who leemc.:ibcfore cu,,,d in r hegr~,e of the gOlpe l. I t is s'lid
OVlRV I&W: T he spicde ~ nd mud in I he mir· T H II MEAN'ING OF 8 ~ T II S4 IU4. J EII.OME: They roh ~ "ebeen b (ind inhurrbcg~nco$ce to him, " Rerum to yo u r own h oule"-
ac!e of th e \>lind man are a p rototypc po;nt· ca me. then, 10 Berh uida. into the viU .. ge of thelightof:heuc ram~nts. TII"S4CU· nOt into rh~ house (h at you think . th e
ing !orhew~s h;ng a warofour sinsin An drew an d Pecer,)ameland)ohn.Bet h. one from which h e came o ur, but into
b;prism (AM8ROSE). The blind man was be- ui dameans "hollle offi$hers,' and. in trurh. th e ho use rh ar was also Ih e hou se of
ing freed ro recognize the oth erwi se hidden. fro mrhishouse,h uncerSKndfishnm enar" 8:25 Ht L,lid His Hand, up on HiJ EytJ Abraham, s in ce Abrah a m is th e father of
corrupt,ondilion of his soul. Wc are urged le nc into the whole world. Po nder the te xt. thOH who believe.! HOMILY 79 .'
to pay spcciai attentio n {O Ihe spiriruai sensc The historical facn;redear, the liter.. l senJ.e TII. FILM O. S 'N. )EII.O ME: Christ laid his
acchostpoinls whereth c lil eralscnst~lo ne is obvious. Bur wc mUst now search into ics hands upon h is eyes ch~r he mighr ~e all
m .. y be mi$ltading UUOME). Thus from spi rirua l message. Th~r he Came to Berh· Ihings cleJrly, so rhrough visiblc Ih ingshe
Bechsaida, rhe ~ house of fishers," fisher- ui d'l,th;lr rherewasablindmanch.r., rhat might understand things invi$ible, which the
men would be sen r inco the whole world hedeparred. what is therc remarkablcaOaut eyehunoc seen, ch.. t mu the film of sin i$
10 re[[ of hi, coming. When che lIew law of allthar?Nolhing,butwhac h edidlh~ re;"
rhe Spi ric is given. rhere is no [ea5on 10 great; striking, however, only ifitlhould
ding bli ndly torh e oldiawofrheletter cake p lace today. f<Jr we have ceased to won·
O ~RO M II.J. de r abo ur such things. HOM1LT 79 .1

8:22a T hey Ca me /0 B~th said a ' C<<<J"'0'i9~ . \ .7, Fe S1,lW·.

108 109

17And)tlUS wwt on wltl, 1>" ,/fH I"III.,O 'h.

I'il/jlg's of Cae,area Philippi; 'Ind o~ JIAnd h~ b ~gan 10 Itach them thallh~ Son of man must suffer many filings, and br
th e way h e luke d h il ,1''''l'ln, "W", 1111 "., ,, 'IlY Ih!!1 I am?" 28 An d they told him. rejecf~d by the elde rs and fhe chief prieSIJ and tlte j,ribeJ , and be kill ed, and affa
"John Ihe BapliH: <111'/ "d,(,. 1111. my ..,,, u,,,I o lhen on~ of Ihe proph el5, · 29 And h~ Ihre e day' rise again , 11 And he said Ihis plainly, And Pet er took him, an d began to

asked Ihem, "B ut Wll ,) d" YU I< 'Ill,hll' I lIrIIl" Pr ier a,uwered him , ~You au I~ e reb uke him. 3JBu, turning and seeing his disciples, he ubuk~d Perer, and said, "G el
Christ .HJOAnd he ''''I/ .~ .·d Ihtm /0 ull "0 one (I/Jout him. behind me, Sat an! For you are nOI on the Jide of God, but Of men, • !"And he called
to him the multitude with hi5 disciples, and said / 0 them, ~If any man would come
after me, le t him deny him Jt lf and take up hiJ crOH and follow me, "Fo r whoeva
OVHRV IEw, Th c ven t'r.,h l ~ Ilt d. .... p.d,h. purely human would themselves d ccl "r~ the
5ubdeironyemb~dd".1 ,u lhl.pAu, •• r) • • would Jal'e his life will Iou it; and whoever loses hi; life for my sake and th( gOlpel's
po wer ofererna\ divinitr in him. HOMILlli.S
.us·h umanidcntilrw"brlnlld.clu.dl"a ON TH E GOSI>~LS ,.17.' will 511 ve it. J6 For what does it profit a man, to gain th e whole world ond Jorfeit his
divine voic~ wh de I,, ~ ,U ~,n, Id,n llry WII, he ' lijt?J7Fo r what can a man give in retumJor his life.> 31For w hot vfr is ashamed of me
i ngdeda r~.1 i".1 h"'I1~n ~ok. , W. htcomc 8:29 You Arc rh e Christ and of my word; in this adulterous and sinfwlgeneration, of him will th e Son of man
Chrini~ns wh~n wc ~r. I"oln rt<! by rh e aho be as hamd, when he (omes in 'he glory 0Jhi; Father with the holy angels . "
Um (S p;rit byw h orn.~. nrh , hrl" him · \V,, 1' BE LlEV~1I.5 AIlI! C'LLIO CHII.IST ,.. :-;s.
ulfw,ls,""oinled,To b.ld,nrm.d a, lhe BE1)S: " Me~siah" in {he Hebrew language
Christ is 10 be rceoll"I1:. bl, It Ihe (jod·man means "Ch ri..t" in Greek; in Latin ir is inrer- QV!i_VI8W: A false relationship with th is 510odrhecalJto~ readrtoloseo ne '51;fe
" noinredlouvc humln lly (B.OI), pre rcd:u"theAno;n<edOne." H ence world canno t be the basis for ~ nue relarion· d~snol encou(agemasochisticself.hate

-chrisma" in Grcek me .. ns "anoinri ng" in ship with eremity (AUGUST1NS). To love (AUGUSTIN l j.The right enjoymenl of things
l~( i n. ThelordiJ rLlmedChfist, ( ha(is,the God and the world equallr is to love neither given to usd'p"nds upon their virtuous re·
An oi nted One, b«ause, u Peler say" "God God nOr [he world (T HE So·CULEO SEC· ception (CU"ENT OF ALEX .. HDII.I .. ). Thi5 is
I·h ~ HVM,,,,"Y Moll) DIV INITV I; OR~SIl"O. has "noinred him with dl e Holy Spiril an d ONO LETTER OF CLEMENT), We provoke the mystery of the inumation; His glory
OWI I>. a lOl1 We nOle Ihu the Lord c,ll kd with powec. · o Hence the ? 5aJ.mi.n also God's di spleasure when we love God'sgifrs wa..hid;n hi. suffering in th ~ fluh and only
hinuelr"Son or man:' wh ile N~rh~nad pro· spe:Ut5inhispnise,"God,you rG od,has more than God himself(C' n "RJUS OF AA,· graduallybeg.m to be fully revealtd in his ru·
cbi'lled him "Son orGod."' Simil~rlr is the a noinred you Wilh the oil of gladne ss 3bovc LES). As noone can be a Christian and re· urre"ion (CYII.ILoF ALI!X ...."J)RI.j. The
~c~o um in (he Gospels whcr~ J~sus himself your companion5 .~ H . nll s us hi s compo.n- main a..hamed of Christ (CvrR!"N), 50 ca n glory of the Filher is bchdd in th e crucified
ask' lh ediuiplel who peopie say rhe Son of ions sinceweh"~eaJ..obeenr,,lJyanoin:ed no one both avoid suffering and conf~s Son raised from (he dead (GtleGo II.Y OF
man il, ~nd PClCr ~nlw~rl, " You 3re th e with visiblechrism for rhe reception of the Christ as Lord. Finally;tisone'sown cruci. N1'ss,,). The absurd ity ofrhecrucifixion
Christ, Son of lh" livin g God .'" Tfli5 w"s grace ofth~ H oly Spirit in b~ptism. and we ~orm body th at beco m~s a cross (TEJI,VUL' shows th e radical n3tUrc of God's love,prov.
done" nd crlhcguid~"ceofth e "onomyof are called "Christians" from Christ's nJm~.' u .. ",). We are noccalltd,howev(f,to ing irselfby its very impLausibility (TUTUL'
righl~ousn(Ss. l( show .• dl ~t (he (WO nal ur es H OMILIES ON THE GOSPE LS 1. 16,3 become more burdened by ou r ow n crossn "'N).
of(ilc on ~ mediator Jr ~ .lftirmed: hi s d;viniry dun by his (AU'GUSTINE) . The right reorder·
,,,,dhishumJnily, and auest~.Jbolflbrour ing of ourearrhlr loves i~ made possib le only 8:34a Lct Him Drny Himself
Lord himsdf .",.1 by human moulh s. By rhi$
mc,,, .. <he G'lIl·",.m dc .:l.o rc d <he w~ ak ncss
~~~ ..\~~~ :1~g:.~~I~'~~ 1:~.2:~,:~~~.~;~{~. by grace (C" ES"RI USOF AIlLSS),Bel ievers
are made a.ble 10 fulfil1 this seemingly he"vy WHAV S II NS H .. IlD, Lon M .. KIS EAs y,
H<)Gl,17\". 'AmlQ,\s. ' P,. \,7 , '(f.A"" I Uo
of file hunu,\ity .lS~umed Ill' him. l'ho.~ 'C<<<d"c1l671.16.11I;I1OGl:l74'. requir eme ntb ec a u$e hisgift:s s upplyth~ AUGU'sT! N!:Howh u dandpainfuldoesrhi s
strength fordoinshi$t.lSks. Righ dy under· appear! T he Lord hu tC<juired tha, "who·

liD 111
Over it himself he transformed the narrowest
of tracks in to a royal highway. Two feet are
needed to run along this highway; rh eyare
humility and chariry. Everyone wallts to get
to thetop-well,the first stepro take i,hu
seemS hard in what is enjoined, love makes mility. Why take srrides that are too big for
easy.' SERMONS ON NEW TESTAMENT lEs" you-do you Want to fall instead of going
50";546.1 .' up! Scgin with the fitst StCP, humility, and
you will alr eady be climbing. SE RMONS [59.
CAESARIUS OF ARLEs: What he commands is
not difficult, since h e helps to effecc wh at he 8:36 What D(les It Profit One 1(1 Gain
commands. .. Just as we a re lost through IJu Wh(llcWorJd~
loving ourselves. '0 weare found by denying
ourselve,. Loveof,dfwa, th e ruin of th e THB ENjOYMBN, OF EARTHLY GOODS. CLE.'>!·
first man. Ifhe h"d nOt loved himselfin the "shall lose it: Embed ded in the Same ad- ENT OF AL EXANDRIA; T hose who neglect
wrong order. he would have been willing to moniri onhespeaksmo."openlyofthe goodwo,.ksma yfa ;l(ograspj ~.Hhow
be subj~cttoGo d.pr eferringGodto sdf. profit of gaining on e's life when h eMys: much the good work of God has bcnefited
SERMONS 159.' "He th at los es his life in this world.hall them. H ence the)' are less capablcofpray-
find itullto life eternaL"" LETTERS. 243. ing fittingl)' so as to receive good things
8:34b Take Up His CroH To LAHUS. 1 ' from God. And even if they receive th em,
the), will likely be Unaware of wh,,. has been
BODY AS C ... oss. TF.RTULUAN' "Your cross"~ \\lALKING REQUIRBS Two FEET. CAES ARIUS giv en th em. And even if they enjoy them,
means your own anxieties and your sufferings Of ARLES; When th~ Lord tells uS in the Gos- th ey will nN enjoy worthily wh at rheyhav e
in your own body, which itself is shaf'<'d in " pel that anyone who wams tobe his follower not understood. For from their lack of
way already Jjke a cross. ON TOOLATRYI2.; must renounce himself. the injunction seems knowledge they will not grasp how to USe
narsh; we think he is imposing a burdcn on th e good things given rhem. And from th eir
BEA ... ING WITH VEXATION. CAES ARIU S OF us.1'SUt lnorder is no burd en when it is impulsiveness th ey will remain ignorant of
ARLES: What does this mean,"takeup a givcn by One who helps in carrying it OUt. To how to avail themselves ofrhe divine gifts
cross"! It means he will bcarwith wh atever wh ar place are we to follow Christifnot offered. STROMATA 6.,+"
where he has alre .. dy gone! We know that
hc has ri, en and ... cended into heaven; there, INORDINATE LOVB OFTHE WOR LO. TH E SO.

112 113
uysfarewel ltothcscth ings. \Ve, alHh)l, ·rh .. f~lIhfularc nut as hamed Ih at the Son of 8:38b Wh t n Ht C li m es in ' he GIll,! of sccnding sufT<.'ringa(Cording to his divlnll ,
then,~friend5equallyofboth,bulw~""' ~1 liu.1 w~j"ucified. H<.'nce Ihey arc shame_ tlis FMbtr T h us the ever aSIUte Paul~ays thallhr
say farewell to rhi. tu possess the"lh cr. Wc I~ St in ~ good Se,Ue th rough the ir con t<.'mpl
Word bim;df who is "in the form o(G",[ .
thirl k tha c iri .• bette r to despiu th ~ t h in~., "f.~h.,,"c, :11,,1 fo oli sh in a happ y se nse. Tne TllfiGLO/l.YOF GO D HID ,N SUFFBRING, and equal to God t he F;th er "b~(am~ ",,"
bel ow, fo rrh eyares ma113"dpaS5 in ~ ." ,, 1 cru~ltixi" " W.1 S indee d a shamefu[event,
CV RIL of AL~XANOR IA: He wh o <u God dient even urUo dea th, d "ath a fcll e
p"rislub le, and w love the things whidl ", e vI"wedh"", ,, nJ y. Yes, t he 50n of God died!" .... u beyo nd sufferi ng,suffetcdin hi s own (ro .. ,"" LE TTERS, 5$ . T o AN "ST " 5 r~· .' A " "
truly there, things good and im p~ri,h.lbl~. 'I'll;'. is wbebelievedp reciselyamidit. be. flcs h u a hu ma n being. Wh en h e benme T HI;MoN KS. '·

T UI!SO,C" '.lF.O S~<::O N O LE TT ~ R u~ CU" ~" i ng~" 0(f""5e to h um anity. The So n was fl csh, beingGod,hedidno t in anywJY
ENT6 .~ burkd!" Ho: rOSe from the dead!H T h is fact ceue to be G od. Preciselyu he enrefed HIS UNOIVIO~O GLO Il Y. GIU!GORr OF
is llIadcall thc more poignanc byseerningall inro the created o rder, he ~mained above Nu.sA: The Son d~s nOt divide the glo,y
'Tution. H e rema ined asgiver o fthel;"w withthcFat her,bulreeeivestheglory ol lll~
0 1< R.JG HTLT L O V"iGTU E \VOI. W. CAh ' the mOr~ absu rd,:!6 But how cou ld any of Ihis
SAIIIUS Of ARLE.S: While there i5 mud. '" the be true if h e h imse!fwas not truly Ihe Ooe21 ,..henheca metosc rvc"u nde rl helaw. o " Father in ils emire1y, even as Ihe F3th~T "'
world to love, it is best lowd io relJlion to he made himsel f known to be? ON TH E He tetained th c inv iolable divi ne dignity ceive5 all the g!ory of the Son.)tAGA' '';S,
the One who made it. Th e world is bC:llllifuJ. FLES H O f C H RIST S.'" precisely wh en h e took On "the form oh EUNOM 'L'S2.6.""
blltm uchfaireristhe One whufd.hiu"cdil. sb.ve."" lt was p recisdy 3S only begotte n
Th e world;$ gloriou<, but mo re d di ~htfu l is FM;' N" PERSECUTION. Tfi RTUL L1AN: If I Son th ar h e beca me " rhe firMborn among
th e One by who m the world was « t.lbli .• hc d. [lvo id suffering.lamashamedto co nfcss: m; nybrot hers,~"whilestiHremaining tn c
"G.14'4_ "Ph iI 2,7_ "Rom S,lO. "P h,ll06
Th erefo re, let us labor as much as we c.n, bc· " B lc s ~<.'d
are rh ey wh o suffer persecuti on for only begotten. So why should it seem so
"Fcn,J<l -JI'. Th' lIlo,.,.ofGox!", •• h i~.i<o ill hi, ",,,,,
loved,that lo,'co f lh cwo rld Hsuchm~ ynot my na me 's sake .Hl'> Unha ppy, th erefore, ace n rangc rh a th es houldsufferinth e fl esh I nAb~, u"".J <d;~ h;. "'""O<lioo. "Cf,j" 17:S. ".0..:1' :-.1 1
overwh elm w, "nd d.~c Wc mJY nQt love the thcy who. by run n ingaway, refuse to sufTer aceordi ng to his h um anity, even wh ile tran" lH07

creatllre mOre than rh~ Cn:aCOr. God has as God at rimes requ ires. "He who shall en·
given us e.1rrhly possessions in order Ihat we dure to the en d sh all be uved."IG H ow then,
may love him wil h our whole h~ul Jnd when you as k me to flee, would I be endur-
&oul," But someti mes w e provok~ God's di.\· ing to th e end ? FU(;H T tN T I.\U OF PIRSECU '
pl~.sure against us when we love his gifu nON?." 9:1·8 THE T RANS FIGU R ATI ON
mOre than God h imself. The same thing hap.
pens in hunu n r dat;onsh ips . S u ppose~ume· O N BBlN" UNASHAMEO, CVP /l.IA N: Does he
onc giv es a sp'-, ,;al gift to hi,protegi. But th e think h imselfaChrisrianwho is ei1:her
pro ttg~ th el' bcgin < ro despise th " giver, ~ n d as h amed or fears to be a Chris tian: How can lAn d h ~ said Co them, "Truly , I say t o you, ch ue are some standing h~re who will ' 1,'1
love5theg if,more rhanth eo nc whopH. h e be wi th Christ, wh o either b lush<.'s or
taste d eath hefo re th ey H e th al the ki ngdo m of God ha. co m e with power."
Supposehccomes tQ think of th e giver no fearstob..:lon gto Chrisr1T H ELAl's E o ~S . "
2And afte r six duy s jesUl took with him Peter and lames and john, and led d~ t'I"
longer as friend bu t enemy. J USI so it is with
our relationship with God. We IQve more up 11 high mountuin apllrt hy themselve s; und he was transfigured hefore them, 1,11,,1
thouwholo~eusforourselvesruherthan ~~!:.;;,h:~7."S~ro~'Q:rl:'j:~; :'F;~~~;r< his garmenfs b~,am e glistening, intensely whit e, lIS no fuller on eartb ~ould 111,',1, h
our gifts. 50 God is known 10 love Ihose Jo, 100II,104.159.... 16: FC41::l69"·. "cr. M, 27,$0: M~ them. "And Ihere IIppeared to ' bem Elijllh with Moses; IInd they were Ill/king to jl'5l1 '.
who love h im mOre than the earthly gifts h e ~~:~~~~nk I~~~;J~~;,::; ;~\7~ :;:;;~k~,I:';;;:I~. SAnd P elt r said to j~ JUJ, "MII:sIe r, it is well Chat we are here: ltl Uj make Ihra bOOlb ;,
givn . SElI,MO,\;S 159,6.'" "'Tb.. i. ,h<f.m""" .. nl.n' .... mo<;m •• ".n<I..<J,·h;. on~forJo U and onef or Mos ts and One/O f Elija h, ,, 6Fof he did not know what 10 ;';J .
br·!lm<.n. ,o kb<[i.v.djl>"I>c"Q.. i,;,.~<h.noff,"'.
'0 «a.to n: o, "lb. jj , v,b... u.. i, i•• b,u,d: 17T", iy GoJ fo r th ey we re ( xr a dingly afraid. 1An d ado ud overshadow ed Ih em, and a ~ Qi .. e (,HI:,'
8:38a WhHVH Is Asbam~d ofM~
""iy h~m.n. "C... Joc 0018, S.U;; cf. ANF ),52\" . " M, out of ch e cloud . «This is my belo ved So n: liste n to h im,~ SAn d Hjddw ly luokin g
;,10-11. "'M,IO,Z2. " C. "dox002S,1.1l: AN!: UlO·
T" Jl CONTll"lPTQF SHAM E. TERTU'L L1AN : "C ,,<dodXl42, ZS .SS7: FC)6:~2. arou nd they no IQngcnaw any one with them butjes us only.

J 14 JlS
O"ER" ' ~ W : T h<!: t ran$figu r~tion poims sym- n umber denolin g pe,fe<:rfultillmenc)'che transfiguutionofJesus:lSscenby [ho$cwho
boliullybeyond i riel ( ~nd rowardrhefiruJ who!ewQrld, thi.pcrf«r workofarr,was wene up into rhe lofty mountain ~part fro m
resurrecdon, when rh ep rmenuofrhe f<>.ith· nu.dc.' Burrh c reisO "t whorr~n$<·e ndsaU
rheothers, view wi th me rhe J u us in [he
ful will bt:come white as snow when they are therhingsofthcworld,all lh~tbeIQngsto
Gospeu. Remem~r th~t Jesus w;os more li[·
purified inhu"en (BEDS). In th is tr~nsfigu' IheMsix days .~ 8eingetcmal, rhi$Onebc.
uallyapprehendedbyrhose bclow M.:u:cord.
r.l.tion rhediviMglory is::I.d::l.ptingirulfun. holds nor only what isscen intime,buc ing 10 rhe Aesh""-by those who d id not go
p retrntiouslyro rhediscipl",-,ap:Kityro wh ar is not seen and iSClernal. Ifrherefore u p to rhe 10(1)' mount<>.in of wisdom, who
receive it (EPHRBM THS SYRI"N). Patris<ic a nyonc of us wishesto be r;t/(enby)eJus. did nOl goup rh rough words an d d eeds th .. r
commcnra ryonthe tex[focu~esupon the and led up by him into che high mounr~in, are up lifting. BUlrh cre wen or hers by
morifofbr ill ia ncein the pu rifying lighr.Je- and be deemed worrhy ro wim ess his rr;lnl' 9,2bHr T Ollk ""jIb Him Ptltr,J~mtJ whom he bec~me known no longer after Ihe
sU5' ~plen dorwasma n ifcsted notme relyas figur;l.tionap;l. rt, let him pass beyond th esi~ lI~dJgbn and Lrd Th t m Up a High f1es h,but inh ildiviniry.To thisall the G os-
cMrh ly lighr bu ralch esunof righ teous ness d;l.ys , ~r ;l.uscheno longer beh olds rhe
pets attest. He was beheld in the form of
w lhc childrcn oflighr (OR rGi N). T hes un· s rhings which .. r. seen, nor 10nge rloveJ the God a"o rdi ng ro thei r spiritual knowledge."
glory and rhesnow's puriry are only f:rindy world,norrh e th ings in Ihe wOrld.'COM. HaAD .... TED TO OUR EYES ·rHE S,GHT OF It was bt:fore th ese who ucended and in
their presenc(rh arj es us was transfigu red.
wbt: compued with hi s 11\0rt brilliant glory ME:-ITARY ON MATTHEW 12.,6.' HI1'<5a~F. ErHRE MTH E SYJ1AN '
andpurity (C HR nOSTo M).Tb e bes tofhu · The Lord who isb eyond!TIeas ut e no t to those wh o rem~i ne d below. CO MMEN -
manwi.domis bl ea ~ h ed a ndpurifi edbyhi$ T" E RECKO""SG Of DAYS. AUGUS1"N ti: Lea •. measurosoutnour ish~)emtoall. T.. RYON MATTH8Wl 1.17. lJ •

coming(ORIG EN}. J u u5'idenrity as beloved ingoutof thci rc~lcula rion rhe day on which ad:lptingtoo uI'ey estheJ ightofhimsdf,
Son is dedared in pivotal momentS of the Jesus spoke rhese words, and thtday 0 11 toour hear ing his VOiC{1 9:3aHis Ga rm ellt$ Breame Glistening
Gospel narratives, of which thi s is a defin i· whi'hhee"hibitedth a tme morabl espect~c!e His blessing to ourapp.,Jte,
tiveinsta nce( AMB Ross).Th e three beloved H i~ wi~om to our top~ue.
di .ciplu present at the transfigurario n O R1GB :-I, BUIWhen heis tr ans figut ed,his '
'TI>< ;~«,«<of< .. I)'a.n,d"'''''M .. ;n ,h<.)'mb<Jo;,", face allGs hincsu thes l1ntharh e may~
glimpsed the glory o f God dwdting amo ng ofnumb<"fr<q"""dy",;lc<.~tod<rn ... ><k .... " ... "gc
m~nifCJted tothech ildren ofligh twhohave
humankind (CHRnos To Mj. Since Moses andofr'nfO<'(ro. Y"' .•• A.Quxq...... ,<II,..,"""",,'..
'h .... W H A T WAS D,scLOsE D. C r'RYSOS TOM: Ht

and £Iijah were servanu of t he Lord,anrici· -.. ""<"lycto<Urian.~"'.,.. ..""do<.n"'.Jic«tlyof'..di. d isclosed, it is . :lid. ~ gtimp,.e of rhe God - p ur off the works of darkness and pm on the
paring h is own coming.. three boolh s would ,~dy.m«Irioorh<'ymb<Jli>tn"f'"'mb< .... 'Augu"~,..N'
head. He manifnttd to ther!' the God who armor oftigh l ,"and~reno[onger th e chil­
u ..npl<. «In'cnJ< r~.r rh< my"jra/oru;l "'t"uphork.ll ...
dren ofdarknessorn ighrbuth~vebecome
h ave been a misleading equarion sugg('Sti ng """.. olSCnpruu,.gWJ' ...... n."'y.uryfof.hoHunf•• was dwelling :ut1ong them" ~ UT RO:I US, ...... D
rhei r commens urability to Ch rist. Besides, mil;"'.;,~tht""'goug<ofnu"'b<"'- Th .. j.,<ru.,n T HE VA.... ITYDF RICHES H of''' ~Y 2 • rhe s.cmJ of day, and wa lk honesd y as in the
Peter', propwal was prem~ l ure, for Ihe lime • umb'''' ..... '''';n'<y''' .. pm-of'''.cul''' .. of,h.nn ... day."Beingmaniftsted,he will sh ine un to
..,d i&ftOtl;..,;,ro'Dd><F.th, .... -n..A. ,"n'nfrh.A"S"" rhem nor limply aa the sun, bu t as demo n-
h adnotyet(omefo~l heLord'$fullgloryto
Fn<Dunhn~~ucd;"'W'''' ., .. "iI'''«ddctl".« •• r.
be revealed (ORrGiN,jElloMi). Through u<> tolMb!K-.lnuml-« .... '1p;.-.l <umpl ... ,h. 100(",,,· $rrared loberhe~unofrighleousne$s. '· CoM­

h o ly conlempbtion one can become uni ted ',,,), 6II(...;do ...)....J;o: ..... .-ri<dpcopl<)of, .... "',,l>l< J.... THIIRP,lSS6:-1<:E.ORIOlY.. : Listc n spiritu. ME HT"II,YO",MATTH& W U .37.';
Df,I>< .",.-.... Th, J;t·.l"l"·.«n ..,iof,ofrOO(.".d.
wit h rhe transfigured Lord ( PssuDo- D lo .... Y· fo , ,,,,,.j!>rr~... ' ;gh' : h"".lo."d;.J.~r."," )J,,,,r~ .... J,,,,.
~llyrhat itis no[s~d si mplJ', "hewas rrans·
slU s).Juusi ' lx:held~((Qrdingto h is divin­ .g.. , h"t-om•• poo .....;onof,h •• p,,;,. i.• " i' ..-•• ' .... figu red, ~ b ut with .. cert~n ,..eces~ary
ity by aU tho~e who ascen d above the earth ly «ownofm.''l' 'Jor.'l .. . . Th •• ymbol" ... ofnumb ..... . ,i
.. 1",rrof ",. n";,,, . oJ,,,,,,,~<,,ud;,d;n order ,0 "nJ,, ·
addition. which Matthew a"d Muk have r(- :~f~S~'~~'p '1~~~~!::~~:':~~2~:'~~::F~';'
to be ready to rece ive spi rituaJ kno wledge co rded: fo r, according to boln, "he waS tr~ n s­ .df ' ~""'r li"'k«l<.p>ciry,o'«<i ... ;•. ' Cf.P ,6IU6
".nd. "",."-'d o(" ...",h b.t...,don rh . <ul,u« of:l>'
(ORIGi .... ). .;m<. Th • •hro!og of, h. F" l1 mIu.J nowi. h,o J <.. d,,,· figured bt:fore them" 'o [in t~C presence of ' NPNF1!j,2SS'. " M' 17,1: Mk9-.2. "Cf. 2Co, l G:2
"Cf, PhHl;6, "ANF 9.-170': TLG 10012.0>0. 12.17.29
><lf from"',,,opuj,,,,, ;nJ.-s.:.HCM·6.'Cf,G," Peter, Jamcs and Jo hnj.Th,text suggestS " Cf,]n Ild.6J Rem 13'12: Ep h S:! , "Cf, Rom13, ll:1
9:2aAftcrSix Day s Hl : ExXl, II: Jbl: . '(f, IJ n 1,[S . "'rtG2I)41.0l'l
12.J6.29 , ,t:ANF9, -'<i ~ . Tob<hoIJrh •• ",,,,,] ,,d •• ,,,, ,
tharitwo uld bcpossiblefo( J~sus t~be Th,,,S,S. "cr. MAI 4,1, W;'S:o , " A:--.IF 9,470':TLG

::::;,:~~".,Jw<mU""'I<db<).ondrh< , ,, jb l'. '''d.. IY. ,,,·

trans figured befo re some O(tllsdlSnples, and ;»I2 ,OJ.O.I I.l7.41. H.i.""ni f,m Jno'm", ly .. .."hly
not before orhers. But ify otl wish to see the ligh,bu, .. ,h •• un of'igl" '''''''' ''' ' o rh. ,hHJre," ofliSh'
WHYSIl'! O RI GS.... ' In six days (rheverr

11 6 1 17
As SUN TO THE Evu. AUGUSTINE: What snow, they. being un able tobcar the splen. 9:4:a T btre Appea re d 10 Tb rm Elija" o rherhand,whohas noc yet paid the debt of
this sun is to the eyes of the fles h. th at is th e dor, fd l co the carth. T o EUTRO PlUS .... NO ....ithMQsfJ death, n We u nderst:l.tld those who are going
Lord to th e eyes ofch e he~ rt. 5aR.MON5 ON THB VANITY OF RICHES HOMIL Y 1.IO·IJ." to be found ~live in the flesh ~c thejudgc 's
NEW T ESTAM ENT LESSONS l8." \\-'H1'EUjA,, 1 \VIIY Mos u! ORJGfiN: When (oming. HO/OIl LfES 0'" THE Gosre ts. HOM'
TIII, GAR"~I'l'l"$O FTHB F.. ITHF<JL.. BED~ : If thr Son of God in his transfiguution is.so rl.vl.14. "
9:3blnlu sdy W/'ile AJ No FlIlIer on anyone3sklr wh.at the Lord·sgaTTJlcnts. unders(Qodandbehelda$ifh bF.icewerea
Ellrl/' Could Blelld, Them whkh became white3.'l snow, rcprcsentt y. JI.m, w d hisc!othes whiteutheligh tirself. 9:5.,11 Is Wdl T/'''f We Art Here
pologically,wecanprope dyunderstand irnmedi atdy it wiUappear to those wh o be.
T HE Fut....u..s (CUANERs. P URJ Flaa.s). them as poinringro the.::h urch Qfhis sainu hold Jesusi nthi$wayth~theisconversing HoI." CQNTEMPLATl ON. PSEuoo.DIONYSf{}S:
ORla!!"': Perhaps rhe Nfulie rs upon Ihe [w ho] ... :u the rime ofthe resur rection will with Moses (t he bw) and Elijah (theproph. I n mOSI holy contemplation we shall be eVer
c .. rth- rdeu ro rhe wi se men of this world bcpurifiedftomeveryblemishofiniquity etS). By mun, of the device ofsynecdoche l9 filledwith rh esightofGodsh iningglori.
wh oculti v~ te rh eartofr h eroric. T hey imag. and at the same time from all rbe darktless h~isholdingconvers~ tion not wich one ously atound us as once it s hon e for the diKi ·
ine ch;! their own poor t ho ughts might ~p' ofmo rrality.'l Concerning the Lord'sgar. prophet only. but symboli(ally with all the pies i t the divine tran 'figur~tion .)1 And
pear br ighcand dun bec"U$eoft hei r menrsrheevangeliSlMarkremark.sth~t prophets. Coi>li>ll'.NTARY ON MA TTHEW chere we shall be. Our minds away from p.....
spc ech. ado rnedu it is with vcrbaJ bleach· "rh ey became as bright as snQW, suc h as no n.)8.'" sion and from eanh,and we shall have a CQn
ing.Butthe One whoshows hi sowngat. bleacher on u rth Can make them white."16 It cep tualgiftoflightfromhimand,somthow.
mentsglisren ingtothose wh o h .. vea5' is evident to every one th at there is nO one 80TH HA]) W ITHSTOOD A TVRAN'l". CH II.Y. in ~ way We Canno t know, we sh.U be I,m;red
cended. and even brigh ter than any b!each whQ can live on n.rrh wirhoutconuption SOSTOM : For both thc one and th e other had with him and, Our undersunding ca rried
ingcou ld ever make them, is the Word. and sorrow. So it is evident to all who arc cout~geouslywirhstooda tyrant:onethe away. bJessedly happy, We shall be $lruck br
who ex hibiu in rhe cxpress ion of the Scrip· wise. aithough hcretin denyic. thu th ere is Egyplian. the other Ah ab; and this on bchalf h is b luing light. Marvelous ly. OUr minds
tu ru (which are despised by m'm y) the glis. no one wh o can tive on earth withoutb ei'lg ofap~op lewhowerebot h ungrate ful and will be like those in the heavens above. THE
teningofhis thoughts, w hen the raimem of rouched by some sin. Bucwhar adea'l. i'lg disobed ient.... And both weres imp[c Iln. D, VINS NAMES I."
Jesus beco mes wh ite :and dazzling."CoM ' agenr (rhac is. a teacher of souls or some ex· lcarn~d m~n. One was slow of Ipce.:h and
-"ENTAlI' ON MATTHEW 12.39.'· traord inary purifier of h is body) c:mnOl do wcakofv<>ice. 11 Theothe~aroughmuntry.
otlearth,that rheLo rdw illdoinheavcn.Hc man. And b(lIh werc men who h .. d d~spised
L''' ' T5 OF 'l" HE ANAI.OG IRS OF SNOW AN D will purify t he church , which is hisdothing. the rich es of this world. Fot Mosel pos. AN UN'l"tM BL1' PROPO'AL . J E RO M~ : 0 Peter,
S UN. CHII.YSOS'l"OM: How did he shine! T ell NfromaUdefi!emcnto f flesh an d spi ri •. ' ''re. scssed nothi'lg.AtldElij ahhad'lothi ngbut eve n though yo uh avc ascen ded the moun·
me. Excudi ngly. And how do you express newing [herJ bcsides with etemal bkssed. his sheepskin. HOM'Lr ON THE TIl.ANSFlGt;. r:ain.even choughyou.seeJesus transfigured.
t his; H eshone:o.s the sun!' As the sun, you ness and light offluh and spirit. HO.'''L'GS lATIONS6." even though hisgarmenu are whitt; never·
say!Yes.Whythcsun!Becauseldonot ON THE GOSPILS. HO MtLY 1.204.11 thele", because Ch~ist has nOt yet suffered
know any other luminary more brilIiant. POJNTIN<i TOW AR.OTHSFI NU Rs SURII.E,;'
And he wu wh ite, rou say • .as snow!,,' Why 1'IoN.BEoE:MosesatldElijah.whotaikNl.
"Crt<do<02:SoI.1&.lIA9O.5l:NPNFl6,M7:; c'.WSA
as snow! Because r do not know any ot her wilh the Lord on the mountain. lod spoke l'OA ~1I",.oi"f'""hbr"'hichdrewlrokof.,b""i>pu<
lll,J.tO, S.rmon7a.2. '"Cf.lk9ol'1. "ANF~ro·l1·,
ro"p",o"p'ttlixtl,., ... holc. "'A:-.IFIOei7(l":TlG
subsc.ancewh ich iswhirer. But he did nor TLG2O-I 2.0J0. l2.l9.U·]8,GCS40. "Cf. M,I H. "Cf. lbouthispassionandresurrettion,rcpresent 1041'o}Il12.la.18.Th. b.w·''''I''i!<men, ... d'''<pn>ph
.\1<28,1. "Cf. .\l.l7:6 . "NPNFI9,:iSS".A«orJi"gr. thto radeso fthe law and prophctswhich
strictl y speaking s h ine merely as the SUn <..• .. pr' ... ion • .,.fulf,ll.dinCh'i... "Cf."" .,IO
ch •• n alogyQff.;.h.'h.,~ n·'g l ory;.g' .. p<J~ y ,omp";'1
shin es daily. Th is is proved by what follows:
rhed isciples fell ro the ground.:' Uhe had
;, ... idrG<:rd '•• "<,,God·' F'1'~ ..,ptdbr"""'I'·"n,;'
";dr dr •• ~n· •• Tfw ....... ~ ~ p"t_ wh,t< __ k"" ... boII
werefulfilI~dinthe Lord .... Thcfigu tesof
Moscs.nd Etijah embrace a!l who.refinally
~~~.~,l:~:, ~:r.~ ;,~ ~~~~~: ~c::~~~~~~',s
1.bl.J44.lil, HOGI..n9".Th'''.", fi sura<ionpo''''''rm
shone ou rhesun daily shi ncs the diuip[es ". puri'1i>_prd,nrd..rian'''God·. p~n<l·Th<'u''. roreign with the Lord.JJBy Moses. who boLr..ll,tow..dtA..rxl-'i""'cuu"=rionorrh.~vi ... (fli
w ou[dnorh~vefillen. forthey sawc h ~sun ~~:~:'i~ ~ ::.m:~<:~~~~7:~~.b~;;',~~ gl~~/~Of dicdmdwa..buried. we c.nunderscand jili. "·hoclld"",d>.I>o.t, ... ,, ,.le •• ~p'o~ .... n).nd m.

every day. and did not fall. But in;umuch as 15,42·4-<. " Mk9, l. "lCo , ;,!, "C".d.., 1>67. 1..1<. 1J-!1
HOG 1:nS·l9·.TM<h u,ctr w illbepu,ifitJ'nl><.»'''''
tho$e whoatth~jl,ldgmemar egoingtobe ~~J9'(~~5~~:C~; :~~~;;'~:~~b:~~r ~~:;<~~~:.;~·:;w<
he shone more brilliantly than rhe sun or raised lip from de ath.'" By Elijah. on the '« .; .~'h<fulln~ .. ofh;'(~<'ndp"".,

118 119

foryou,youarestillun.ableroknowrhe set up tents equdly for the Lord ~nd hi s se t_ Ibt] ajked him , "Why do th e scribe s say tha t fint E! ijah. mtl H come?" 11 A nd he $aid
trurh.Ho.">t!lY SO. t> vants. "Th is is my beloved Son; hear him •...,
to tb~m, -Elija" does comefirH 10 rrHorr all things; alia how ij ir wriuen of/he Son
my Son. no t M o.". o r Elijah. They are 5~r.
9:7aA Clowd O Vt f5hilaOIVta T hem va m.; this is t h e Son. This is my Son. or my of man, Ihal he should suffer many Ihing , and be treate d with cQnt em pt.' iJBut I td!
nature, o fmy s ub s tance,abid inginm ~, and yol> I"al Elija h ha5 co m e, and rhey did to bim whatever Ihq pl~'l!ed, as j/ i, w,jurl)
T HJ! TE"'T (IF TH ~ S. 'RIT .JEROM~: It ,eem. h~ is all that I am. This is nly beloved Son. of him. "
romet h ;H.hi$dol.ldis.h c gr~ccof the Holy T hey, toO, indeed ~re deat to me, but h e i~
Spirit. N:l<ur"lly, ~ U,m gives shtlter ~nd my belo ved; h ear h im, chere fore. T hey pro.
ove rshadows tbo ~~ wbo ar~ wi[hin; [h e cbim and tcach him , but you, h ea r him. H . OVI JlV IRw:John Ch rysostom's commentS son to che filcher," but "of'h" filcher to the
doud,t huefore,~rve'thtpurpose ofthe is the Lord and master, thcy are <:ompanions on the tex t focus up on the rela tion of Eli _ son." ' G05PEl O F ST. MA TT HEW, HOMILY
tentS. 0 Pettr, you wh o warltto Set up three in s crvic~. Mo ses " nd Elij~h speak of Ch rist ; jah. J ohn th~ 6 aptist ~ndJesus. Christ
tent1, h'lVcrtg~rdfortheoMtemofth~ they ar" you r feUow servants. Hei$ che a lledJohn Elij ah, becaus e he had fulfill ed
Holy Spirit WflO .hd[ers U$ . qu ~lly. H OMI LY Lord; he ar him. HOM1Lr 80." the ministry of the rypeof Elij ah. Th" 9,12b Th e 5011 of Man Sb oulJ Suffer
80.'" d~u h ofJu us was d arkly fo resh adowed in Many TbillgJ
O NI.yO NII Is SOl<. AUCUSTtNE' Mose s w~s .histextimmediareJyafcerrheconfession
9,7b Tb is '5 Aiy Btfovta Son; Lutrn 10 rhere, and Elijah. T h e voice did nor uy: ofPc[er an d th e tr;lnsfigur ac io rl. In his TtI ~ P R~D1 CT JO'" O PTtI ~ PASS ION. CHRYSOS-

Him These are my be loved so ns. For One only is .110n"ment, (he heart or rhe Farhu was b~ - TOM: "Then"-when! When he was ,on-
(he Son; others are ~dop ted. It is he cha. is ing res tored.o sin ne rs by rh e .elf.givin g of fesscdtobethe Chrisr,.he Son of God.
H,s SO"'S HIP D E<:tAR ~O. AM 8ROSE: In his commended to ch em: H e from wh om the th e Son (C li RYSOSTOM). Again On th e mOllnt~in, when he had show n
b.:iptism he iden(ified him, uying: "You are law ~nd p rophets deriv e th d r glory. S EIl_ th em the marvdollSvision"md thcprophcts
my beloved Son, in whom I am well MONS ON N EW TESTAMENT Lf.SSONs.41 9:9 Tdl No 0", had be~n discollrsing of his glo ry , he re-
pleased.'" He d«l.arcd him on th e mou nt, minded them of his passion. GOSPEL OF ST.
u ying: "This is my beloved Son, hta, h im ...., UNYIL HeSliA lL HA .... Rts III<. CHRYSO~' MATTHEW. HOMILY 57 . l .!
He deda roo h im in hisp:usion, when the TO"': SO H e bound th em to silence. Fu r.
sun h id i.self, and sea and urrh trembled. "Cctc<loc0S94.6.lI6.:FCS1;lM. Th.<im<ludftu,J'« thermore he spoke of his panio n as 9:13 Elijah H<I$ Co me
«,m. r."hi. fuJli1ory.ob., ......lcd. "C... do<0591.
He d ec!ared him in thcccnturion, who said: though ic WCrC che reason why he asked
6.2ll; FCS7. \67.Thtp<<>n\'k<i",mi"i0f,h . Holy Spiri,
"Truly th is was the Son ofGod.-4 I ON TH~ wu'h'i<'p."cdn.,h.cloud. "M,kI1;Mkl<l t;U: .l:ll. them to be sile nt. N o te th at he d id not ceU JOHN AND E~U"'H. CHRYS OST OM : Chrin
HOLrSPIRITl..6." "M . L7,S; Mk 9.7. Lk ~ JS. "M< 17:54: Mk L~,19. " C.,.· them th,H chey must nev"r teU this co any· callcdJohn Elij~h,notbe<auseh( w~s El ijah.
docOI5L.l.6.S7.109.83;NPNF210:Ll2". "M,I7, S;Mk one. ln sread ch ey should n ot tell ic until he b ut be~;lUse h e w;ufulfi[[ ing th emini S[ry of
'}c.7;U~J$. "Cr<<<Ioc09J4.6.l49;fC57.I66-67. "SSGF
T WO SiRVANTS, ONa LOR O.JEROME: Do not l :6):d. C . .. do,OZ8-4,7S,NPN F16adlo<.
hadriscnrromc hedud . In this respect he that prophet. GOSPEL OF ST. MATT HEW,
was sikn t as co wh a t WaS p~inful, and H OM! LY 57.'.'
spoke only ofwh~t was joyful. H OM IL Ies
O ~T HE TflA :-" SPIG UflAT ION 57 .'

9;9·13 TH E C OM I NG OF E LlJAH 9:1 2aElijab D OH Come Fir l l 10 Rut or, :~: ~!~:!:~~iixx~-:J.~::~ ~~ :~~;: ;:~.
Elij.h ,h.Ti>hbi«.b,fo,.th's"... nd g:l~,:ou.d.yof ' h '
All TbiltgJ
,~<,o~"ln '''' ... ".m.n:, ,h " rou 'Yen, th.h.,,,ol
RuTORI"'G YH II HIlAIlT OF TIUI FATlUlJl TO Godd,.F.me, .. ,~",i:.dt ,li\· "Q f.i""",,,,nu..., Ii\· ,,
' And as th ey were coming down th e mOllnlai n, he ch arged them ~o rdl no one whill TH E $oN. CHRY50STOM: No te the extreme ••• hid ,n th.s...n by &i:-h. ·SPt..:f 1 LOdSl.A.,,,,,,,.... ,
of ,h. F"h«,..",b< iog ,,,,ortd ,o,h. So nby hi. ,,If·Si.
Ihey had 5eell, wnlillh e Son of man showld have riun fro m rh e dead. 10So Ihey kepI accuracyof (thepcoph etiLlupression.'He
Ihe m 'll/er to th em,dvel, 'ltleH ioning wha t th e ri5ill g fr o m t he dead meant. HAnd does no. uy "He will rescore thehean ofchc ~.:~~ t~~;fl';';~'~;'~; ~~;;~'<J to th<

120 121
9:l'f A Crl'"r Crowd Abo,,' Tb em ,,,,d convul.scd, while the .uurping spirit was be-
9 : 1 4 "29 AN EI'II I: ['TIC noy HEALED Scri!tu Arguing wirh Them ing convkt~ by the ~wesom e judge. The
e~p ti vew>..S dctJ ined,b urrhecaptorwas

''If. jOYFtlL CROWD AND TH~ PBRPBTtlAL punish ed. Through the w re nch ing of the hu·
D' DAT!. A uc; t! STl N~:Looknow,blessed man body, th e punishm ent o f the devil was
['A nd whe n chey came Co ch ,' ili" I!,!"" .,av (I .l!r~ ( H crowd ab o ~c the m, and JesuS, fro m yo ur holy hill.l See your true be· m~d e manifest.SERMON S Sr.'
Hribts arg~ i ng wich them . ;' Alld <Ill cl,.. cr<!...,d. whcrl th ey saw him, Iicvers with a throng about themwh o de·
wHcgrtady amazed, and rail Up 10 hilll (11ILI.~"·,·rrt! him. I· And he asked them, ·What : lighr in no ch ing but to questio n a.nd 9:21 "How Long H"s Ht H~d This~M
art you dilCuHing will, Ihem?~ 17An d 0/1 .. "i Ih,· (rowd (lI1 swered him, "Teach rr, I 'Onlr~dictandper~tuallyd ispu [e.Ope n Alld Ht SaiJ, MFrom Chjldh~ l) d. M
lheir eyes, 0 Lo rd, that they m~y See you.
brought my Jon to you,for he h.u a dumb J />lril; 16<11ld wherever it Jeius him, it
and being ama:.;ed ~c the beauty of you r T HIl T A . NT OF THE F.RS T TRA NSG RISS 'ON .
dashtJ him down; and hefoams and grind s his I,·,·/h ,HId buomes rigid; and I adtcd Lacki ng the premise oforiginai sin,
tru th, rome running to adore yOOL SERMONS 8ED£:
Jour disciples 10 ca>! it out, and they wrrr nM 'Ible. · ' ~Alld he answered them,·O . ~)4.' whOle possible tause an be imagined in this
faithleH genuation. how long am I t o be with Y<!(L> H ow long am 1 1o bear with you ! youth why he should since childhood have
Bri ng him to m e." loAnd th ey br ~l<ghl du boy co I,im;and whe n che spiril saw h im , 9:18 He P""ms and Grinds His T ee th been v(xed wirh this mon fi erce demo nic
im medi at d y it convulsed th e boy . and h~ fe ll 0 11 ch ( gro l<n d and roUed ab ou t, ~nd Bt ,omu Rigid possessioni Ir Seems clear rha.t no ac tual s in
f oaming al th e mouth. 2J AIl dJtHH aske d hi;f,nhrr, "How long has he had this?" of his own could have e!i cited this. So letrh e
Tlf ll O,V IL'S BUS INESS: UN OOING OTlf ERS, cat holic remember and co nfess th at nO One is
An d he s a id , - From childh ood. 21 A nd ic h(1.\ ofcen case him in to the f ire and into
M!N UCIUsF ELlx: T hesespiriutherefore, born into rhis world fre e from rhe tain t of
th e wattr, to de n r oy h im; but if you can do anything, have p ity on us and help havingl"sr[ h esi mplic ityofthei r rreat ed~. the fi ru u alllgress ion.1 Let h im implore the
us." 2JAnd J es us ,aid to him, "If you (an! All rhings Me pOHible fa him who ing and rhep rim itivefinenessof the itna- grace of God through wh ic h he might bt"de
believes.»14 I mm e diately thefatberofrbc child criI'd out alld said,"r bdieve;help n.tre. are now dogged and laden with livercd from this body o( death through je·
my unb dief!» 2sAnd wbl'n Jesu s saw that a crowd caml' running togeth er, be iniqui ty. Utterly undone themselves, they sus Christ our Lord ...... H OM!LlES ON TH ..
rebuked th .. uncll'an spirit , sayillg to ir, ~yo u dumb and deaf spirit, 1 command mm it their whole business to undo others, GOSPElS •. 1S.'
rorrompanion s in misery. 8 eing d epraved
YOIl., come ou! of him. and Ilt'v cr ~lIur him again . ~ 16 An d after crying out and
memse!ves they would in fu se the same de· 9:22 IjYou Can! All Thing s An
conv ulsing him terr i bly . it ((!me o ur, and rhe boy w a, like a (orPJt; so that mo st pravity inroo rhcrs . . . Whenweco mmand PO Hibl, to Him Who Bdievt$
of th em sa id. ~H e i, d~a d . ff 17Bul Jes us too k him by Ihe han d and liflcd h im up, rhe m by the onc trU e God, rh~ wretch el, bi t·
and he aro se . u And who! h ~ bad ellc ncd che house, h is diu !pl es asked him rerlyagainst th eir will. fall imo horrible Tt'E l:>IflRM FA.TH of TN6 Boy's FA TH"".
p ri vate ly, "W hy (o uld w c nor (ast il ourr 29An d h e said t o ch l' m , «Th is k ind shiverings, and eirher spring scraigh ta.way CHRYSOSTOM: The Scrip ture indicatu that
(annal be driven o ur by anything bill prayer." from the bodies rh ey possess, Or van ish by th is man was extremely weak in (",ith, as i.
degrees,accordingrorhefairhof lheparienr evident al four points: (romChriu'ssaying
or thegr.1teof the phpici~n.O<:TAv rUS14· that "All things are possib lc TO him th ac
O VIIRV 'II"': We pray that W~ may bdiev~ tureofraki ngthechildbyt h eh;lndandJift. 11.1 believes;"' from th e sayingo(t he man him ·
~nd believe that we might pray (AOGus, ingh imup(8E1>E). Those. who b ck theSlU- selfuheapproached,"Helpmeinmy
TlNII). No measure of faith is preserved t~ining power of th e Ho ly Spiric rem~in 9:20 11 Cl) nllUfHd lll e Boy
without prayer OIlROM I>. JOHN C."SSI"~). vulner a.b le to demonic systems and powus
The demon ic comp ulsi ons are bound up (TERTV LL IA :>I. MI~t!C I US F6LIX). A_pects TH I USII""':>IG S"'''!T. P~TER CHRYSO' 'Cf. P, Zc6: M . 'G M! 201' . 'CM! 2O<I";.f. ANF4,190.
o ffaitharercc ogn iz:r.b leup raisewor lh y Th,' o, in< .. of.u.i!,i"o undGorn." in ,h... m, ... ay u
wh en they co me inro the pr ese nce of the LoolIs:Thoughi t wastheboywhofell on
, h,y ,h.m,d • .,h". b«n .o [unta,ilyundon •. ',."do<
in car nate Lo rd (TERTVLLlAN, PET HRC HRY- eve n by thos e w it ho u t fait h ( CAESAR JU S O' rh egro und,irwasthe d evil in him wh o was 0227.Z • .5I,GMI ZI}'; -6'. 'Cf. flom S,I2· I •. ' Cf. Rom 7;24
SO LOOVS). We see this inj esus· s im ple ges- ARLES) in angubh. The poss ess ed boy W>..S merely 'G Mt 206 ·; d . HOG 10240. ' M It 9:lJ

J22 123
MARK g:JO-11

unbelicf;'" from Christ', commanding the not f~[[er . SEII.MO!'<S ON THII N EW T~Sl' A_ Johe furth er exhibited to him the reality of 9:29 T his Kin d Cann ot B e Drjvw O ut
d.::vilro"cncernomoreinro h im;""' and (rom M£NTlESSONS65,1.'· hishununn:trure bycilingh imbYlhe by Anyt hing bUI Pr"yt r
cheman'ssaying~gaintoCh'-;st,·I(youc:ln '- " hand- H O .... ,LlIiS ON TH E GOSPI! ~S [_16 . 21
Seeing chat his faich w~s bei ng d riven by th e 9:28 Why Co uld W~ No t C<I $t le O ut! Lordhimselfconsecucedhisbaptismby a
9:24 I Bd icve;H rlp My U nbelief Waves of Un belief on che rod<.5 which wO<lld fQrrydays ' fa5 r,'":tnd t~ughc u s thatthemore
cause a fearful shipwreclc:,lOheub of the T UB WBAPON OF CHO ICII. TERTUUIAN: Fas t- violent devi13 cannor be overcOme except by
e,>lIIRG6NT FAITH S611"' NG MATURITY. lord an aid co his f:tith,uying- Lord,help ing is ch" we.apon of choice forbattung wich pr::lyer and wring_ Ac;A rNsTJOV INtANUS :.15_:'0
AUGUSTINE: In saying. ~When the Son of meinmyunbelief_-"Sothoroughlydidlhe che mote dreadfu l demons.'" Shou ld we be
Man , hall co me, sh ~11 he find faith upon che :tpostlu and rhos e who !ive in theg<><peJ re- surprised if the upu[sion of the spiri t of in iq-
"C.'l1209', cf. HOG 1'241. >OM, 17:2 1: Mk 9:29. "C",.
earth?" Ou r l ord spoke of that faith whic h is ilh:e char e¥cry thing wh ich ugood is broughr uiry requ ir-es th e indwdlingofche Ho ly <io<0029,2S4.1:A NF 4:107". "Cf. M,4,2; lJ.4:1 · j.
fuUy matured,w hich is sosddom foundon cocompletio nbyth e aidofc he Lord, andnot Spirit? ON FAST[!'<G 8.SY "'C«.duc0610, 2.15.l21.l t:NPNF26:400.
e;mh.Thech urch 'sf.1ithis full,forwho imagine thac fhey could preserve their f>ith un-
would come here if Ihere were nO fid lneu of harmcd bytheir ownstrenglh or fr,"" wiU, that
failhl And wh ose failh when fully matured th eyprayedthat itmigh c~ helped:tnd
would no t move mountai ns,'l l O<l k at the granted to them by the Lo rd. II CONFERENCII
aposdes th emsel ves, who would nOt h3"e OF AallOT PAP H>oIU T!US 16.21 9:3 0 - 32 T H E SE CO ND PR EDI CT I ON OF THE PA SS ION
left:tllt heyh:td,trodden und erfooTt his
world's h ope, and followed (he Lord, if EVIIN TH II FA I1'HLIISS R~COC NI 7.1i TH6
thcyhadoorh adp ropo nion:illygrc:tt VALUR OF FAITH. WI!SAII IUS OF ARLES: So
JOThty went on from tb e re and passtd tbrough GIlIiI~e_ And b t wou ld n ot hlJvt anI
faith. And yet ifth ey h ad al rea d y exper i- grutis(hevinueof faitht hatevenrho~<:
on~ know il; 310r h~ was tt lJching hiJ diHiplt s,H1ling /0 Ih t m, «Th e S o n ofmlJn wil1
ncedac om p lete1ym.turedf.ith,they whor ef<lse to kee p it stiU presume cop rai!e
wo ul d ha" e n Ot said to t he Lo rd, "Increuc it. Truly deservedly is faith extolled, for be delivered in to th e h and .! afmen, and Ihey wi11 kill him ; and wh t n he is k ill ed, afte r
our faith. _" Rath er we find hc re a n emc tg- withollrit no goo d work is ever begl.ln Or tbree days he willriu .- J2 But Ib eydid not underJtand th e saying, and th ey were afraid
ing faith,whichisnotyecfull fait h,inrhar complered. SEIlMoNSU_ I• toaskhim .
fat her who when h c ha d pres""ted to Ihe
lo rdhis sonto ~curtdof:tnc v illp i rit 9:27 Juus Took H im by flu H ,,,, d
andwas~s kedwheth£rhe bdi"v e d,an _ O" lI l1v lI!w'J a h n ChrysoSlom commented buked,l and Mo.es and Elijah h addis-
swered, "Lord, rbeliev~ ,help me in my un - TI1 RH UMAN H ANO OF 1'1111 O[V I"' E LOfl.O, o n how littlc the disciplcs grasped th e mean- coursed,landhadseen th eglo ryofwh acwas
belief.-" "Lor-d," says h ~ ,"r b dicve_" "1 BWII: As he revealed himself to him in the ing of t he clcady predicted death ofrh~ coming,:tndth eF atherh aduc c e red ~ voic e

believe ":the refor<:therew~faith:buc realityofhi.s Godhead by his power to save, l ord. Even aftcr all the.se revealingmirade.s , ftomabove,[and.o many mirades had beell
"help meinmyunbellef":chereforethere af[er fhis distinct unveiling ofJesus idenricy done, and (he res urrectionwu righr :ttth~

was not fullfaith. " SEI1..... 0N5 ON N sw TES- from th e voice from above and aher the di- door (for he said. he ~hould by no means
TA"UNT LESSONS 6SY ·Mk 9:.~. "Mk~2S. " M .~22. L~rtClQ!;1 . 111 . ~S6 I .9:
rect prediccion o f h is death and resur rectio n, abid~anrlong time in deat h,butshouldb e
)-"·Pf.,·F.W:Jj4. "Cf. M'I7:20 , 2t:2 1. L'Lk I7:I. "~jk they mi ssed th e po inrandwer-ep r-eoccupied rai s~d t h ~
third day) ,' even after- all tha t they
1/:14. "Cf. H.t> Hk22. "CrtcJoc02S4, It '.l$.66\. ;~ , N ~SF with rhei r own anxiety (CHRYSOSTOM). did nOt fathom what wa s happeni ng. R2cher
16:4j.4-,<,. W SAJ/4.I'l9_5=non 115.1. ''cf.M<l ]:!2,
AUGUSTIN E: Where faith fails,pr:tyerper_ Mk 11:.14. "c.t<dD<II184, 11~13.66S.[9:NPNF 16:.4W, tt.
they we re troubled. and not merely troubltd,
ishes. For who prays for cha c in which he WSA )/4.I98.S.""on 11'>.1. WlI<n ... pc., rox~ ....,w' 9:32:1. Tb ty Di4 Not Un4er5 ton4
dounot believe? .. So then in order that p<>r,h., ,"" ..ill;-'fwill_ .... va;n r"h;;n:h"w.y
p"y.,.ndf,;m",in'riru.i,,,uyli.u:tJ..:u.JOCf. IT'''' 'Cf.~hl.s,2;'Mk 8'n. ' Cf.M,t?,J:.\1k9.4;Ut9;)O
we may pray, let u! bdkve," ~ nd let us pray ON NO T UNOti RSTAN OI NG. CHRYS051'OM: [t
] :[9. "MkI/:24. "Cf.Lk t7,j . I)SPNF l ll,J27. ",«,. is remar k~ bl e how, wh en Pet, r h ad been rc-
'Cf.M, }.t7: 17, S;Mkt:lt: 9,7ILkl .n. · C f. Jo l.19·
fhar rh is s:tmc faith by whic h we p ray may doclOO8, IQ ). t2.I .!;FC ll;67.

124 125
but c::xceediogly mournfut. ~ Now thi~ ~ ro.e is why thq grieved."TH E GOSPEL Of ST. lends downwards, rh.l,itmay thcnshoot 9:36 Ht Put" Cbild in the jltlid stof
from their be ing ignoum u yet of the force MATTHEW, H OMllr $8.'" fo"hupwards. It fastens i,s rOOt low in the Tbem
of his sayings.& T H~ GOSPEL OF ST. MAT' ground"hatit may send forrh its ropto·
THE W, H OMILY S8., .' 9:32b Tbt, W er e Afrllid III AJk w~rds h... ~ven. Is it not from humility t h at il TH ,CI"~OAS PATT RRN. PASTOR or H ER"
enduvors torisd But wit hout hum ility it "'AS: They ~re as veril~ble infants, whose
THH RIIASO N FOR G lU ef'. CHRYSOSTOM, If BIlHT BY PRE VIOUS ASSUMPTIONS. ANO ,", Y. wiU no' attain to highetthings.' You life h earts do not invent evil, who hardly know
igoorlUlt, how cou ld they be ~orrowful~ Bt· MOVS, T hey were grutJygrievcd" be.:aU5e w" nting 10 grow up imo the air with out " whalcorruption i3, a ndwho havercm.:t.in~d
causetheywcreootalrogetherigoorant. lh eyhad fmmedaverydifferentnotio np re. root. Such is nOt growth, but " collapse. T H£ ch ildlike ror~ver. P~ople suc h as ,hcs~, th~r~ ­
T h ey knew tha t he was soo n to die, for they vious ly in theit minds and hurts. A.TRJ;.A. GOSPi~ OF JOHN, SERMON }8. 1 rore, undoubledly dwell in the kingdom of
h"d continually been told ~bout it. But jU5t TISEONR6 .. APT!SM." God.lH:cause chey in no way deme God's
whuthis du thmighlmean,t h eydidnot 9:35IfAJlyOJlt Wp"ld Be FirJt,He commandments, but have continued in i nno~
graspclur!y, nOr that rhere wouldbe a M"JI Bt Lout of All and Servant of AI! cence all thc days o f their lives in thc same
'Cf. Mr J7,2J. 'Cf. Ml ~j2, lk ~ ,4', 'TlG 206l.lU.
spcedyreco-gniri .... n of it, from which innu· s t~te o f mind. PASTOR OF HSRMAS
S8 .~'.i J, of. NPNF, !O,jSS · Cr. M, 17,21, Mk 9,ll: tk
merable b lessings would flow. They did not 9,4,. ·Cf. Mr lNJ. '''TtG 2062.1,2, S8.SMA1, NPNf I G"'LELiSS COHESION. GREGORY OF NYSSA:
see tharrhere would be a ruurrecdon . T hi s 1O,}5a". "Cf. Mt17,2J. ".o.><F,672' Let vanity be unknown among you. Letsi m· 9:37 Wh ot vtr Re ceiveJ Mc, Rece ives
plicity ~ndh a rmonyandaguildcssa ttitud ... Not Me bul Him Who Stnt Mt
weld the commu nity together. Let each re·
mind himsdfthat he is not only subo rdinare RsCB1VINO AND OF~~II.ING REFRESHMIlNT.
to the brother at his sidc, but to an! If he TE RTllL~IAN' Do nOt receive wlthoutptayer
9:33·37 THE DI S PUTE ABOUT GREATNESS knows this, h e will rruly be a disciple of One whOellterS your house, tspeciallyifthat
Christ. ON THE CtlRISTTAN MODE OF LIFfi.· olle is astrallge r, lcs t he rurn OUt to lH:anan
gdi c mu!cnger.' Do not offe r your earthly
Tu PURSUIT O~ MUKNESS. CHRYSOSTO"" re fres h menlsprior to receiving heavenly re
JJ And they cam e to Captrnaum; and when he WaJ in Ihe house he IUked Ihtm, ~Whal If you are in love with p,ccedenceand the freshmem.ONPRAYlIR16."
were you discuHing on th e way?H JiBu l thty were silent;for on Ihe waylhey had highesc honor, pursue the things in ias r
discuHed wirh one another who was Ihe grrateH. J5 And h e ja/ d own and called the place, putsue beiog the least valued of all,
IwelVt; and h e said 10 Ihem. "If anyone would be fiW, he must be last of all and pursue being Ihelowliest of all, pursue being
Ihesm.illestof all,pursuepl..:ici ngyouTse[VeS ' Cf. Ptoo ,a:zz. :GC 1,2IS". 'Cf. G..J ~" 1·1~. 'FC
jervant of al!. ~ .)6And he l ook a child, and put him in rh e midst of them; and raking sa,l.r. 'NJ>N F I IO,lS9. "AF 184' , <f. TLG 1~1'.oo1.
him in his arms, he said 10 th em, J7·Whoever receives one such child in my name behind others. T HE GOSPEL OF ST. MAT' 10/>. 1.1. 'Cf. H<b I UZ. ·Cr.<do<OOIl7,26.I;.o. NF
rtliw, HoMILYs8' l;69QO••
receives me: and wh oe ver receives me, receives nOI me bur him who senf m e. ~

OV o;" VIIIW, The key mark o( disciplesh ip is (C HRYS05TOM). Childlike innocence is ch~r'
servanrhood (GR.SGORY OF NYSSA). The tel([ acteristicofthosc who dwell in the kingdom
reaches th ~t discipleship grows first by a of God (PASTOR. o~ H ERMAS). 9:38· 41 THE MAN WHO CAST OUT DEMONS
dow nward, lowly movement, as a tree seek· f N J ESUS' NAME
ing roots, in order then to ruc h skywud 9:34 Th ey DiuUJJtd 'Who W'I$ tht
(AUGUSTINS). Be ready to rereive tn e low ly Grrat e>t
n eighbo ras ifsentby Christ (TERTULLIAS).
The diSCiplines of humility are most perti· ROOTING BY DOW"WARD i\IOVEM E"T. ''Jo hn said 10 him, HTeacher, we saw a man ca5lillg ou t demons
n ent to those mostptone to v3nity AUGUSTlS E:O b<crvc a tree, how it first we forbade him, because he WaS nol followin g us.« J9 Butjesu s

126 127
him;for no one who d oel Cl mighty wDrk in my namt wH/ be ablt SDOIl after to lpeak The.e m~y be something c~rhol;c outside ,odiHurbchepeaceoErhechLl reh thar
evil of mt.4OFor h e thal i l not againH Ul is for Ul. ~IFor truly , [ Jay to you, whoever rhe Chllrch catholic. T he nam~ of Ch, in th"'Y,ryt05~pJ.ratethew h eat from the
gives you a cup of wat er to drink becaus e you bear th e nam e of Christ , will by no ,ouIdexist outside che congregarion of ch~ffbeforetheprope r t imc.!· 8 lindedbr

means lose his rtward." Ch,ist, a.o in the c;ue of the man eas ting oUt thise'ror , th~yar er hcmsdv e5 s epatated
d~vll.! in Chrisc's n~me. There m~y byeon. in$re~d from [heunilyof Christ. FAITH
crancxistpretcns"s within.h ~ ch urc h ,ac ho · AND WORKS 4 .6."
OV."",.w, According to Augu)'; n~, .hi.. n ~vertheJ ess est~ems the Ch ristian name 10 li" a, iSl1 n qLl escion~blythecauofchose
P~$S~g~ l euh~s that the judgm~nt of God lies f~r a.s even to wdcom~ Chri. tians and accorn. 'who renounce the world' in words and no! 9:40 Hr T hat Is Nol AgailtH V , ['for
he~"Y uponth(l;$.e who temp' rhechildr.:nof modateonese!fto rheir service for this very in deeds," ~nd yet the p recense is notc~,holic. u.
ligh! . AjCivic virtu~sm ..y befound ..partfrom reaSOn ~nd no o cher-th~c they are Chri$. So:asthcremJ.y b..foundintheeh urchcarho.
Ih~ chuTCh, sodocrrinal corruptions rruty..J'O tians. T his is the typc ofpc rson of whom it tic someching which is nOt catholic, 50 th ere sT"NOING WI"lH THE WIIO U I C"uaCH.
be found wi[hin th~ church. Th ose wh o do w;u sa id that he would not lost his reward. ' maybe found someth ingwhieh is c.atholicoUl· AUGUSTINE: Both declarations arc true: th~,
m'ghtywori<swirhoutfuUparcicip':I.C;onin.he T his does nor me~n, however, that such indi. I-idc the churc h catholic. O N S"P"lISM, "he wh o i. nOt wi th me is agJ.ins{ me, and he
bodyofChrist ~re not to be forbidden. Theun· vidualsoughtpt"emature!ytoimagincth~m. ACA .NS"lTNIi DoN ... TISTS 7.J9 (76).' that gacheTs nOI with me: $ca tter"S a bro~d~;"
baptiz..dwho perform act3 ofkindn"'ls to selves qui tes~fe and5ecure5implyon ~ndalsothc injun'tio n, H F o rbi d hi m not; fo,
,hose who ~<e nor yer incorpor~,ed in(o the account o f thi s kindn~sswhich t heych~rish 9,J9Do Not Forbid Him he th~1 is notag~inSl you is for you."" ThiJ
body of Christ may be more profitable ser· toward C hristians, while ~t [he ume rime re. me~nsth~tonefittinglysha resinthe wor.
vants man ~rt those in the church who dr.ilw m~ining unde~n...,d by Christ's bap,ism, and E~CO IJII."Gl NG
Gooo W O RK$ DOS I IS shipingcommunityinsofara50n~.tands
others into evil deed.!. O ne may do mighty no tt h eteb y incorporated into the unitrof (HllISTS N", .. 1l.. AUG USTINE: Weough c nor withchtwholechurch,andndr againsric.
worksinChri,,·sn:uneandsri][poss.essonly ~ his body. Such perso ns are now already be· be disturbed bec~us~ s o m~ who do not be· Yet th o,e sam e ind ividuds must be re.
crude, prel im.in~ry knowledge of his reg~nera · ing guid ed by t he mercy of God in slIch ~ iong or do noc yet bclong 10 th i5 remple,tha{ proKh~d for separating Ih emsdvu from Ihe
tivepower. lf,heb..Janceberweenrigorand w~y t h at [hey m~y also come to re,eive il, ~mo!"lg whom God does not or does not church, wherever tb e ir gath eri ng i n~d ~er .
rnarityislosrinthe adminisrutionofdisci. these lofr;e r gifrs,and.o d epart thispre· yet dwell, perform 10me worlu of powe r, ~s tenl1ybecomesascatlering. l(thenone
pline,thept:Ol,Ceof thechurchisdisturbed~nd sent world in safety. Such person. 3S. h~ppcnedtorheonewhoc;tStoutdevilsin seek..sreeonciliation with thech" rch ,on e
di.unityincrt.ucd. T hosewhoseparacethcm. suredly ~r~ m Or~ profitable servan" even the nam e ofChrist.'Althoughh ew;unot a does noc need ro receive what onealteady
sd ves from the bod)' of Christ do not need to bdor~ they become ~ part of the body of foUower ofCh ri.sr, Christ ordered th~t he be al· po.uesses,l·bucmerelyneedsto b~ser aright
be ,orrr.;ted on.ill poin[S bur only cho..~e th~c C h risr, th~ n those who, while ~Jready bear· low~d to continue becaU!le it gave~ v..J"able on tho.e points at which one had gone
involve s.cpa rarion (AUC USTINE). God never i ngtheC hristi~ n nam e and part otkingin .tStimonyofhistwTletom.:<ny.... The cfflcu· .tstUf· ON S" PTIS M, ACAISST "lH I> DON ... .
",b wha, is impossible. God's requirement the u.aamentS. recommend courses of ac· rion Corndius also s~w th f ~ngel that w.... sent TISTS !.7 (9)."
comcsin smill me;tSl1res;u grace enables, like t io" whi ch are o nly fi n ed to dr;l.g oth ers tohimrol'lyrh~t hispr.lyershadbeenheard
g,ving~<:upofcoldwat(( in th~nameof ~ I ong wirh them into etcrn~l punishment. and his alms accepted,.6 even before he was in· RBS ISTlNC s"N"llM~N TS AO V.RS " TO P " "CIi.
Christ (GRECOII YOF Nys,s ... ) H "RM ONY OF THE GOS~I1LS 4.6.' ,0rporatedintothiSlemplebyr-egenerarion. AUCUSTIN~'Thisisrh"pri nciple onwhich
UT"TEIlS, T o DAROANUS 187.36.'
9:38~A,\-Ian CaitingO,a Dtmpn s in 9:38b W e Forbad e H im, B ~ ( a~ H He
¥owrNamt Wa s N ot Following U, jUDGM .HSY"'l. ucu..s. AUGUSTIt<E: Some 'I rtbl ;:<"'m,of.Romll:l:IJn2;IS",4. ' C<r<docOlll..
wh o are in ' enton leveredisciplina ,yprinci. 7.19.?7.3B·'i, NPsr 14n()8'·. 'Cf. Mk 9,)8; Ut 9:49.
·Cf.... ,,, tO,I.4. 'C<t.doc0261.li7.s7.ll. uJ.:!O:FC
TH E MER C.FUL W o aKS o~ "l"~ UN" ... r · TII . B READ"lH O ~ C ... T H OI.IC.TY. AUGI:5T.NE: pleswhieh~dmon iahU!co rebuketh e r~$t_ 1O-.lso.'Cf.M,106:I->o.16,.\oIk1,17.·Cf. lo\tj,JO:l_9:
"lI'lII O. AUCuSTINE: His situation w~s in less, not to give wh at is h oly to dOgl, l ro Mkg,'2 ·'! . " C£'Mt ll,29·J([. "C<"doc O~,4.6 .• I.9:
JOlne ways parallel to th~t of one wh o, while consider ~ despiser of the church as ~ hea. FC l1,W ' . "M, 12:)();lk 11 ,n. "Lk9,SQ;of.,\Ik 9:19·

not yet ~mbr~cing the sacramentS of Christ, then, tocut off fromth~unift eds tructureof ~c.:~~~O;.;.~.b~->tS~~:'~;:;<I·:':~:'~~·::~. d,
the body the member which cau.~s $c~ndal,' ";d•• rul".".,thobo>Jy"rCh""dono, "e«i."b<<or·

12 8 1 29
rh cwholcc h urch acts, notcondemningcom· pouible. The love and goodness of his God- as to prcvenl s;nnef"S from awarenus even of should be CU t off, not themtmbcrs. The
mon sacrame nt s among heretics; fo r ill the~e hC.l.d is revealed as richly availab le. It is their ow n slenchand illneu, wh ic h orhers caUSes which allure to.i n arc to be CUt ott
Ih ey are with llS,and they are not against poured. out likewaur I,Ipon aU. God fur· can 5me11e.... ily (CHRYSOSTO M). T h. eye co l- in or der th at oUr th ought. bo rne up on th.
U •. '6 But . he condemns and forbids division nilhe.s to each person according to his wl ll Jlldesin ca llS;ngs;nbymakingan tntryway ch ~ riotofs;ght,may p ush roward rhe 101'"
and separation, or any sellti mem adversero th e ability to do something good. Non~ of inro the h eo>rr (SALV1... N THE PRusn ER). of God, supported by the bodi1y s ense~ ..",'
peace and tru th. For in this re.specr they are th05esuking lo be saved wiU be lacking in Hell is no t merdy a rhetorical hyperbole do nor giv e loose re ills to t he eyes ofrhc
again~t us, pr eclsdy because they a re nOt Ihis ability, given by the one who s;tid, "who- ( BASIL). T he rnderof rhe Word ca nnOl St. fltshasifrouwerewanron horse.,ugct ",
with us, in the se nse th at .md due rothe facr ever gives youacup of wa ter to dr ink be· lecrout comfortable pauages and ignore turn their running away from rhecom m.,,,,1
thatinnot gatheringwilhllS,theyarecorue. cause you bear the nameofChrisr, will by thos e chat make us uneasy (CH!l.YSOSTOM). menrs. Subject rhe bodily s igh r to th ejud,:
quently sca tteri ng." TH E H ", RMONY OF THt no mean! lose hi. reward. "'~ON THE CHRlS. Tempora ry disciplinary rej<'Ction within the menl of the min d. Do nor permit these e)'c,
GOSI'BLS4." TI,,",.; MoD ~O FLIH. <IO chuuhis amin or inconvenience compared o f oun, wh ich God imended to be view.r;
with God's final rejection of ,in (Cus u .!US and witncsseso fhi 5 work,tobecomepro
9:41 A Cup of W .. ter "".don...nl""n.. b<I,onIym-,Iu"ftvoJ...."'u,'<>n. OF ARUs). W hen the sting ofjudgmenl faUs, curers ofevi lde5i re .'RECOGN ITIONSoF
w"i,"o ff<"d •• g' ;N t t h.intr'n.kon<n ... ~[ th .,,",,,rn itis nOt ta punish but to heal (MtiTHOOIUS).
"C(.M k9'19·40,U~~. " Cf.M,12,JO:Lk u:n "ee,.
CLBME NT 7.1.37.'
S""'UCITI" rN SIIRV.CB. GREGORV OF Nus ... , ~oc021l.4.S.6.oI(lO.,o,:--':P:-lF'6.226·. 19-"ltlo,'l,Mk T hose who fi nally rejecr salvation suffer eter·
God neve r;ub hi s servanu to do what is irn· 9:41. "'FCS&i!r. nally in both body and soul (AuGUST INl ). 9:45 If Is Betlrr for fill' to Enlrr Liff
Ou r words become salt wh en they receive th e L"nre Th .. n with Two Feet to Be
wisdom that Rows front the reveal ed Wo rd, Thrownint o Ht11
without which ou r hasty words may inadver.
tendy 5hallerinteg rity(GR~OORY T fjE H ~ LL Is N OT ... HY PBR80LE. B... SIL' Do no,
GR.UT). rh inkthatram thru{tn;ng youwithfal!~
9 :42· 50 ON T E MPTA TIO N
gob lin.likesomemotheror n urse, asrhey
9:42 [f Would Be Bdt" faT Him ifa are accustomed to do with small children.
GreQI Mj/Jj{IIn, W , r, Hung Round H is Whenever rhe child rtn wail wiJdlyand in(c<
•2" Who evercatlu s an t of the se !it tie olles wh o bel iev e ill me to sin, il would b, belte T Nuk /lnd Ht Were Tbrown into the Se .. nndy, they PUt the childre n to siJence by
fo r him if a great millstone wen' hung round his Ileek alld he were (hrawn ill/ o the me~ ns ofbogu$ tales. But th ese th ing. I arn
A TERRJ I'TlNG RIlPBTITION. AUG!}STI NE' He teUingyou are not a licrion. R.arher, they are
sea. 43And if your hand cauus you / 1) sin, (ur it off: il js betler fOT you to enUr life
did nor shrin k from Il.'ling the same wo rds
maim ed Ihall wilh tw o halld s 10> go> to he ll, to the un quen chablefire. 45 An d if yo ur Irue rnson pub licly ptoclaimed wi rh a
three tim es ' over in onepauage. And who is straightfo rward voi ce. HOMILI BS s.·
foot causes JOu 10 sin, CUI it off; il is bttur fOT JOu /0 enter life lame thlln wilh IWO nor terrified by rhis repetilion and by Ihe
fe et t o b~ throwlI ill to hell. 47And if your eye cau ses yotllosin,pluck it our; il is belfer threacoft hacpunish mentu ne redsovehe. 9:47 If Your EJe Ca,.seJ You to Sin
fo r you 10 enter the kingdom of God wilh one eye th an with two eyes 10 be throw n memly by the li ps oflh e Lord him self? TH ~
into hell, -<Swht rt their worm does nOI die, and Ihefire is nOI quenched . .wFOT every CITTOF GOD 21.9.' TH~ COLLUSION OF TH Il ETIl WITH SIN.
on e will be sail ed with fire . lOSalt isgo od; but iflhe salt haJ IO H it s :lalrn eH , how will S ... tvI ... snll!PRES8TTIiR:Knowillgrh arlh~
you JtQ$on it? Hllvt ult in yourselves, and be al pecue with on(" another." 9:43 If Your Hond C"u le$ You 10 Sin, lights of th e eyes are like windows 10 Our

OVERVIew, T he Farhers w~ rn ag~ins, fl...t lit· ENT' ..... ).W~Jrenorreferri"g10(arrh. L.TIlRAUVCUT OFFf CLE"Ie NTII·l.4, ', Let
eralism in in rerpretingthis text, To foUow wOT",.or(3Tlhlylirc.butll"Cndingm ;s~ry none of you think,bIOthet l, that the Lord is
literally the conlm~n d to cu, off th e h~nd (wer willed si n (GREG OkT or NYSSA). The h ere commc ndingthe cuningo ffofme m.
would be co fail to heuits me:tning(CI.EM' Jyn~n,i". of 'empration work so dusivdy bers. H is meaning is that the incentive

130 131
hearts, and rhac ;a].JcorTupC de.sires enrer us 9:48b T be Firt h Not Qllt ntl1td is God's own command.. . O rdained u we be seasoned with Silt, is forbidden to be of_
thro ugh the eyes, as if chro ugh a natu ral nave bun 10 the mini ury of the word, wc fered as an oblarion to the Lord God. Now
crevice, our Lord asks w; to veil chem &om ORVI l<ARy FIREA,,"nETIIRNAL FIRIl.G II,E' mUS\ Ciu.e our hearers discomfonwben itis th ~who l e.piritual m editation ofth eS cri p _
wandering abouc, in o rd~r co resist che GO RY OF NYSSA: NOT. roo, does 3.nything nccesury for them rohear. Wedo Ihis not rures is given ro us as salt wh ich stings inor·
spreading of their roxic i!lusions, so th ose il· whi ch affl icts the sense s her e equal itl tO r. arbitr~r i1y but under co mmand. HOMILIES derto benefit. W ithout this disi n feccion, it
huions will nOt take ever firmer root in OUr m~nl the furure li fe of sinners. Even if We ON FIRST CORINTH IAI<S9.t." isimpossiblc fora sou!. by means ofre;uon,
hearts, having first b udded in rhc eye.' ON de no te ,o me orlhosc torment' by '~rms f~. ro be brought to rhe almighty. T Hl BAN'
THE GOVERNAS(;E OF GOD 3.8.' miliar tou.s here, thcdiffe rencei. not Dr5 CIPLIN .. RY REJ ECTIO N- T ~ "' P ORARV QUBTO FT HETE N V IRGI NS I.!. "
slight. When you hear th e wo rd Mfire. Myou . s!) ETQR.... L. CAESARt!;S Of AII. LEs: Jf to-
9:48a Th eir Wor m D OeJ N ot D ie Il:lve bee n tau ght to thin kof it d ifferently dlr one i . casrouc o f the:l" ~mblyofthis A F tT P , NCH OF SA~T. EPHRE."I TH ~ SYRIAN '
from ordinary fire, since a new f:.cror is dlurchbec.1u5eof someeno~mity, in.how G lory be to God on high,
T If B SY ND ROMB OF UNAWA RBNfSS. add ~d. F,>r th a, fire is not qu enc hed , whilt much grief and uibub tion will h is soul be~ " Who mixed his salt in our minds,
CHRYSOSTOM: Christ has kiUed and buried experience has de,·isedmany W.lp to lf ircau,~su nbcarablepai ntober hrownout His leaven inour souls.
your form er transgress ions, like WOrms. quen~h I h~ fi re we know. And rhere is a of rh is church. where the o ne who is rejecccd H is body b«a.mebrcad, lO
How th en i&it th at you have bredothersl gr eat differe n cebe tw~enfi rewhic h is a n eat ;md drink and speak with others and Toquickenou r deadness.
For sins that harm rhe soul are more deadly quenched and that which cannot be PUt hz th e hope of being caUc d back. how much H YMNS 0 "" THJl N ATlv lTv 'l.1l
than worms w h idl harm the body. And they our. They ar~, therefore, differenT, and not more pain will there be if. b«ause of h is
m~ke a mo rc offens ive st ench! Yet wc do the same. Th en again,w hen a perso n he:l rs . iM,one is separ.. tedfto m thatc hu rch H AVINO SA~T tN O UR S PI!QC II. G R,EGORY
nOr even perreive their rankn eu, and so We the word Mworm , ~ the an~logy must nOt ~ whic h is in h caven, and elerna Uyseparaced THa GR EAT' Wh ~n the counsdor prepares
sense nO urgen cy ro purge th em ou t. So the mis:lpplied dire ctly from the erutuu We from the au emblyofthe angels and the hims elf for speaking, [et him bear in mi nd
drun ka rd fails to recogni.:e how disgusting know to cheeternal. For the addition of company o fall theuints?Forsuc h a per- wi th wbat diligen t ca utio n h e oughr to
stillew i n~is ,w hj[eo n ewhoissob erper· the phraseM ' hat does not dieMsuggtsts th~ son it will not be enough punishment for speak, lesr, ifhe is tOO hurried in speaking.
ceives th e di fference easily. So w it h s ins: one th ought that ,his wo rm is nO t simpl y rhe him to be cast away, but in addit io n he theheartsof hcarersbe ,tfuck withlhe
wh olives sobuly seese:asily themireandrhe crea ture we know. ADDR&SS 01< R.EuG tOUS will be sh ut OUt in to lhe nighc , to be COn· wound of error. Desiring ro seem wi l e, h e
Hain, bu t one who gives h imself up ro wick· INS TRUCTION. " sumedbyanerernalflre. On e whose im· m a y u nwisely sever the bond ofuniry. re is
ednC5.', like onc made d rowsy wit h drunk(n _ pe ni tent bch aviot has w .. runt ed hi s be ing fo r this rea son th ac the O ne who is t ruth
nns, does norev(n reali;:erhat he is ill. T his ,",' ti T NOTSXI. OV~ R SUCH PASSA CIiS~ finallyshutoutofthuhe3 ..enl r Jenualem h u said : MHave salt in yourselv~, and have
is the worsta, pectof evil,r bat itdo c, not al· CH RYSOSTOM: This i~ no tr ivial subj ect of in will not only be de pri .. ed of divine fell o w- peace one with anoth er.M>Z Now b y salt i.
low mose wh o f:.1J into it even to see theseri· quirythatwepropose,butrathe tit co ncern. lihip, but wiU also sl.lffer th e flame.o; of hell, denoted the wo rd of wis d om. Let him,
ousness o~the i r own diseas~d state, bu t a! things mo.!t urgen" and about which m~nr · where rhere ;s weeping and gnashing of therefore, whosrrivcs rospeak w isely fear
rhey lie in the mil"<:, theythinktheY:l.reen _ inqu ire'n~mely,w l1 eth er hdl fireha. any !eeth:L!wh cre rher ewill b e the wai ling of gready, lcst by his eloquence t h e in tegrity
joying perfumes. So they do nor have the end. For rhac it has no end Christ indeed de· iamentarion wirhoutany remedy, where of his hearers be disturbed. PASTORA l
slig ht~st ind ination to free th ~mse lvu. clared wh(n h esaid, MTh(irfi reshallnorb~ thewormdoesnotdie,~ndthc fire is nor CAR!l4·11!'
And when full of WOrmS they act li ke rho»e quenched,and.cheirwormshallnotdie.~L I e>ttinguished; " wh ere de ath woul d be
who priderhemselves in prec ious Stones, ex· Yes, J know a chill (omQ over you on he~ring so"ght as an end to torment. a nd not
ultingin them. For th is rU$o n thty not only these \hing~ . l3l.1rw h atam
Jtodo! Fo rthis found. SE RM ONS 127.4. "
" NPN F1 IZ,49":TI.G2062.156.61.7'i.2l. " C.... riu, i.
have no will tokiJ[th em.but th ey even nout· ..1<i"8how"'mpo<''1""dU<ipli''.''1' ...j'Cfion w i<hi,,<b~
i~h them, and mu ltip ly them i[l tl1emselv es, 9:50H,wcSozltin ¥ owr.tll1tJ ,bo,ch .. to b. <Om",,=! wirh God·.~...J <<je<roon of.;"
un til ch ey send th.:m o n to the worms of the " ),1<2211). "M~9:4S. "C."do< :1)'J3, 1(),FC
66,166'. "l.. 2:U,).[I:..~:oW·SO. "ANF~'Jl( ' " . " CfM,
ag~ 10 come. T Ha EPISTLfi To nu: Ro- THi MIlAN' N<lO,S"LT. METH QD IUS: Ac· Z(;,26: Mk 14:22) Lk12,19. "1'IP.':F2 0>lJ7. n Mk9 ,5I).
MANS, H oMILV 4 0.'" ,ording ro levitical la w, " every gift, u n.less it "C««l""1712, 2.4.~ 1'IPNFlILI2"· .

132 133
10:1-12 ON DIVORCE

10:6 God Mad( Th~m Male and Female

THE LAW of MONOGAMY. TERTULLI AN: I ORIGEN: For the \VordofGodis tobe con
will call YOllr attention to th e law ofmonog.
amy. The very origin ofthehllmarl race Sane·
tions it.' It is abundantly clear that God
ordained it at the beginning as a p attern for
posterity. For a fter he had made Adam. and
had foreseen the necessity of providing a
hdpmate fo r him, he borrowed from his
loins one alone: One woman only did he de-
SARUG: In his mysrerious plans the Father
10:8 The Two Shall Becomt Ollt had destined a bride for his only Son :mdprc
OVERVIEW: God could h ~ve provided an infi- vexed when he was challenged by dec~ptive se mcd her to him under the guise of pro-
nit~ number of partners for Adam but g~ve questioners who hoped mOre for a gaffe tlUrl MUTUAL SERVANTS. EQUALLY SERVING. TER- ph cticim ages. Moses.ppeared;,.nd with deft
him only One. Marriage is no burden when an answer (ORIG""'). TULLIA,;,Wherearewetofindl;,.nguagc ;,.dc- handskerched a p;ctureofbddegroomanJ
the two become equally one in all rhings, los- quatelytoexprcssthchappinessofthat bride but immediatdy drew a veil over it. In
ingan, ~haringall(TERTl'LLl A N), The mys- 10:1 H( Taught Th t m m~rri~ge which the church cements, the ob- his book he wrotc that a man should leav e b ·
tery ofthejoining of one man and one larionconfirms, thcbenedictio n signs and therand mother So as to be joinedtohis
woman in one flesh i,viewed by analogy to PRAY BR FOR REA"[NIlSS TO HEAR HIS 5e~Is,the angels celebrate. and the Father
the joining of God and humanity in the in- T~ACHING.
AUGUSTINE' 0 God. make us holdsasapproved,Forall around th e earth
carnation (OR!GEN). The biblical prorotype hungry to learn wh at your love makes you so
of one flesh is the reiadon of Christ and the ardent to teac h! sERMO:-: 80. 1
church (Augustine). Meanwhilc,the
tempter promotes a permissive view ofdi- 10:2 To Test Him
vorce and rem arriage (CLE~'ENT OF AlEX AN-
ondivorce ~pplies equ;,.lIyto men ~nd
wom~n(BASIL). Fornication evidences the
failme of original int ent in the marriage.
Four adulterers Can emerge from the after-
math of one marriage of twO previously mar-
ried spouse., (AUGUSTlNE).jesus was not

134 135
and woman in this way in o.d",- to fotete!! born ordse marry only once. For a sec. W.UITHIIIl FOR NICATIO N Is AN E:or<; HPTJON. one neV er originally wished to h .. ve a wife
C h rist a nd his church. With aprophec's o nd m:l.rri:r.ge is a veiled:l.dultery. A PLEA AOOU5T1N E: God "«1(<<1 mar riage. As the whohasnotpreservedconjugalfiddi(yro
penec racingga:e hecontem platedChristbc· REG"RO'N G CHRISTIANS no'" un ion is from God, SO divorc~ is from the her husband .TIlA<;TATION J OH.... 9 . ~,1.11
comi ngon~wi th th ec hur(hthr ough the devil. Bur one i$ allo wed (0 divorce a wi fe in
mystery of w ~tc r. '! He saw Christ ~vcn from EQo",.ApPLlCATlOSTOMBNANO\VOM BNo case of fornicati on for rh e precise re" $o n chat
rh e virgin 's womb drawing rhe churcb to BASIl: Thi s dedarati on of che Lord applies
himse lf, andthechurchinrhe wuerofbap- equ:l.Uyco man .. nd woman. [r prohib its de-
dsm d r3 wing Christ to herself. Bridegroom p.1rti ng from marriage ucep t in che CHe of
and brid" were t hus wholly unit"d in a mp - forn ication. " LETT~Rs, 188. To AMPHILOo
d cal manner, wh ich is why Mo.", wrote (HI IJSg.'· 10:13 -16 L ET TH E CHILDREN COM E TO M E
rh atthetwosh ou ld becom e one., .. Wives
a re not unit ed to the irhusb3nd. as closely T,,~ DUII. .. 8IUTYO. T " ~ BONO. AV Gt;sn",!:
uthechun: h istotheSonofGod.Whac "For a woman;..bollnd,aslong:lSherhu$.
lJAn d they were bringing ,hildrtn to him, thllt ht might touch them ; and the disdpltl
husband but Ou r Lord ever died for his wih, band is aJive.~" A.. a consequence, therefore,
:l.nd what bride ever chose .1 crucified man the hus ba nd is aboDound,aslongas his rtb uktd tbemo J48u/ wben ) f'SUJ Jaw it ht was indignant, and said to thtm, -UI tht
as hethusband,Who~vetg3vehi $b lood :1S wife is alive. T his bond renders anyfll tther ,hi/arm 'Om t 10 mt , do no/ hjnd ~ rlhfm;forlo such bdl1ngs Ihrk ingdl'tn of God. JS Truly.
~gift<oh iswifeexc eptrheonewhodiedon Ilnion impossible without the impli cation of 1Jay 10 you. who e ~erdo(s 1'101 re ceive th e kingd om of God lilu a,hild shall not ent a it, "
th ecr"ss and suled t h" marriage bond wirh adult ery. H ence, four adulterers u e proo 16 An d he tooklh e m in his arm s and b b> ~d th em, lay ing his hands ~p()n th ~ m.
hi s w"unct..! Who wu ever seen lying dud ducedofncc;es.sicyfromlhe tWO ma rriJges. if
;1thisownwedding banquetwirh hiswife rhe wife remarries and chehusband mu·
;1t his side seeking to (onsole heuelfby em- riu an adulteress. H owever 0 :I. more infa· OvBIlVIBW: The ancient C hrist ian eKegeles fontisavailingforthcm.HoMILYSO.'
bracing h im' At what othe r cd ebruion . .u mou S adultery is impu ted to Ihe Onc who repeatedly cdebrated the way in which chil-
wh at orherfeaH ii the btidegroom·s bod.y rem arrics a fter rhe dismissal of his wife for drenare wekomed and blessed by the Lord 10:14 Let th, Childrtn Co m e to M t
disttibuted ro the gues ts in t he form of oth e' than the c.. useoffo rnication. Ma co (CVPIUAN. AVO VST1NE). ln this way rb ~ re·
bread! De.. rh sepuitcs wives from their chew spoke of rh is rype ofadulter y."Such ception ofp repararory Or pceveninggra.(e be W" IT HBII. REMISSION Is G"'ANTED TO CHI L'
husb.. nds,but in this case ir isdca t h thu aoneisnoc ch e onlyonewhocommits gins from in fancy (BASIL). T hrue who come OR III'< \ V" o AFTER W"RO BBUI" &. CYPIlIAN:
u nites rh e bride to her bcloved. H OlolI llES.'· .. dultery, bUI,:l.s we read in Mark: "Who_ co the Lord who have not yet cx erciudthe Even rorhe foulcs t offenders, when they
ever pun away hi$ wi fe and marri es an· use of free will art norycr he1dacco untablc .. ft erwardbelieve. remiuion of sin is
10:11 Whoev~r Divoras and Marriu other,co mmits a dultetyaga insth"'; ~n dif for voluntary ~cts that befit repent an ce granted. IO nrhisprem ile noo nei spro hib.
Anothu Commil S Adwlt~ry th e wife pu tS aw~y he t hus band. and mar· (A U(lVS TINE)o it ed fr om baptisln 'lIldgrace.' How much
ries .. nol hcr, she commits ad ultecy."!' more should ~n infant be ad mitted, who,
WH ICH R£ ...... ,ID P ...TY Is A<;<;OUNT' AOVLT&1l0usMAIl II. JAOIS1.g .8.'· 10:13 The] We re Bringing Childr"n t (l just born, h~s nOI sinned in any respect, ex·
.. "LI! CLEMr",y OF AlU .. NOR ... : Guilr in chi! H im, That Hc Might T(luch Th"m cept Ih at, bei ng bo rn of t h e fles h according
doe$ not at[<lch m~rely to the man who di. to Adam. hasin his fir5t birrh co nr rac re d
VOrces her. It <lnaches a)w to rh e man who "Ofb"" i,",. lOJFHI22.11, P.9<dj. n, H,,,,<li,,.,,:,,,., W!{O Is EXEMPT ~ROM REPE"·TA"'C&i the co ntagio n of rhe ~nci"nt dead ly na·
tak"s heron.Jiru:eheprovi<ksme.tarting .\("J"".IJi S·"I,·,,,·I,..!.,(P,ri•• ndl.<iP"J, O,,,,H,,· AV OVS TlSE: Only in f3n ts. when th ey come tur e:Wo uld not such a chil d obtain rcmis·
, .. oo .... 'u.'90S·LO). "FcaS,lS4-:TlGOS;'.IXl4.
point for rhe woman's sin. STRO..... T.. tobaptism,llee:or~mptfromth"aC(ofrepen .
J.l). lo1(\.':cf.A.NFl:J79.A«.,..n'.bili"'''b",..dlr>h·~
1.l3·14 6 ." br.np"ric<,ft<h<btnkiftg~p ..... ,Ii>g<. '"lCC 1,117. tance. For tho:y have not yet rhe use of free
'·n. M,S,11·12: 19, ~ Mk 10:11·12: U. 16,IS, R~m ~:2· );' will. Neverthd",.. for[h~ ircon.ecrationco 'GM I 2l7 . .\I.Th.o"h.r.;,I,or"'.,'I"'enn ••• ,l<fO,"' .....
Co,7,W· II . '"TLG llWO,004. 1SS.8.4$, K 211,W·, "I Co< uAcil,ke1<~f . u<> uo .. biliryil
.«J<h; nspi"uslyb.I •••• o
VIl'~~O AnULTIIR Y. ATHEN"GO"'''S' W e hold 7,)9. "O,M , 19,9. "Mkl<}.IH1.. "C«.cio,03')1.
God and the rem ission oforigin .. l s in, the bucl" .. m""hd<b."J.'Cf.... ml<}.4J. 'O.MklO,16, 1
that a m.. nshould either remain as h eis fairh of rhos epe rsons wbobr ingthemtothe eor I2,1j,'Cf. Ro",\,n

136 13 7
~ i()n o f s ins w i d"h clcud ifficul [y, ~cause whoha dknow n t h e holyScrip turcfr o'\l derivatively to cre;(ed goods (G R~GOU NAZ ' because the quu tion was puc to h im:l.t if h"
nOl his own a ': l u~ l gu il l, bu r ,hatofanotho:r, in fa ncy.' Hc a150 in st ru cted tha[ childrenbe JAN"Z 6N ). God is uniqueiygooo, being goo d were me rely a reac he r of the law. H e rep lied
istobe rc",i[[ed!OllrSentenc.. th crefo r~ , reared "i n thc disciplino: an d correction of in. 1 w1ythlrcann o t~dimi ni$h ed "Why do yo u caU me goo d!"" In orderro
durescbro,hcr.'!l,heCouncil' wa s chac the Lo«l.. ~ 50 we cons ider eve ry time of (AUGUS TI NE). Temporal ~ings are good make known how much h e was (0 be reco~
none by uS should be proh ibired from life, ev~n t h e very earliest, su itable for re. only byp.an icipacion in t heeternalgoodneu n ized and acknowledged as good, he de·
baptism and ,he grace of God, who is ce iving po:r10ns inrotho:com m u n ityof of God (B&OI). T he wholeness of God's clared : ~No onc is good b m God only. ~ 1-1.-
mo:rciful an d kind 10;([.6 LSTT ERS, EpIs, f;ith . T HEL o NG RvusIS .'o goodneu,annoc~~'ribedd i recdytosorne would not have rejected t he at tribute of
TLBS8.' parti;l! good m cre;UOn (Ps ~u Do.D1QNY' goodness if it had been anribu ted to him.l'
SltJS). Th e mcamate Lord h1mself en :lC ts the G od. ON THi TRIN ITY 9.16.'
\ VHBN THB RBC~ I'T I ON OF G Il,A CHB~GIN $. good in an inco mpar:lbly comp let e way by o f·
B"SIL: T he apos tl e pnuud one [TimothyJ feringh imsdfu veritabl e med i:l torofdivine 10:18a Whl Do Y(}U Call M t G oo d~
goodneu to hunun h i.nory(HIL.o.IIY O~ POl'
TI61lS).Gracedocs notcoerco:( hewillbulco' ON R.t "' HT~ Y N .... IX... THII GOOD. EPHRE'"
op<'r.ltts with hUm;ln wiUing (C ~iMBNT OF THE 5Y11.I .. H: Tho: rich man called Jesus
ALEXANDRIA). Those not yet rudy co follow ~good, '" all if he were offeting him a fav(}r, jus,
10:17 - 22 TH E RI C H YO UN G MAN thecomm;nd 10 radi cal respons iveness to .a.s some [avor olhers with honora.ryti des.
grace do well at least to follow the co mmand (The Lord] fled from that by which peop le f.,·
of the law tha t is addressed to th ose Struggling vored h im, 50 (hat he might show that he h.1,1
11An d a J; h e was ufting out on his journey, a man ran up and kn elt b~for~ him, and atprelimil\al}' 1eveU of tesponsivenes& to the roceived (his goodness fro m the Father
divine comnund (C,•. ESAIUUS OF AiU.fiS). The through narure and generacion, and nor (mc"."'
Ilsked him, '"Good TtllChu, Whlll muSl I do 10 inhtrit tltrna"ift?~ " A nd j esu$ laid
young nun went away s.:ad 1":GI.tl~ ho: re· lyJ in n"'me.·Onlyoneisgood. ... [he$.3;dJ,~nJ
to him, · W hy do you 'a/1 me go od? No ant i$ good but God II/on(. 19yo u know Ih~
m.;lined trapped in his own earthly desires did nor remai n silem, bu t added, '[h~ Fnhcr,·
,o mmandm en rj; 'Do not kill, D o n (}, commit adultery , Do no t jtta!, Do no/ b~ar . (AtJGUST IN Ii). sllthathemightshowthatcheSo n isgood;n
f al je witneH, Do not defraud, Honor y our fa ther and moth e r.' » :1tlAnd he jllid t D ju.st the way ch; c lh e Father is good. Co",,,,..,,
him, '"Teacher, a!/ rh ue I have ob H rved fro m my youth ." :IA ll d Jes u$ look.ing upo n 10:17 W hat MUH lD(}/o Inh e rir TAllY ON T AT1.. N'S DIATESSARON.!O
him l o v~d him , an d ja id lu him , · Yoll lark o n e l hing;go . sd I what yo u have, artdgivr Eter"olLijd
to the po or, and you will have treasure in heavtn ; and 'Omt,fol/ow mt.- 22At thAt LATIIR ERRO Il,S E(; HO THESAM Il FALSti P K~'"
T H R FA~SR P IlRIII I SB OF TH6 Q UI!5T I ON. IS II. HIL ARY OF POI TlEIl.S: H e who i.s by n.'
laJing hij coununancefell. and ht went away sorrowful:forht hadgreut posseHi(}lU.
H,LA RY Of PorT IERS: T he young nun be· ture God of God mUSt posse.u t he narur< "f
came l rrogant through the ob~rvance of t he his o r igin. whic h God posso:sses. The mdi s
OVllRVIllw: The to:upo rtr:lp ) es usnot lifo: on :l fals e premise, rhat ofneglen inj) th:lt !aw. He did not recognize t ha t rhe,onsum· tinguishableu n ityofa living nature,annm
merely as teach er of the law but:u Lord of the he is indeed God incam are (H,LARY OFPO I- mation of the law is C hrist.' H e ;'S$umed he be divided by t h e birth of a living n"tur~ LL
law (H! LA RY OF POITl ~RS). The proximate TIRRS,]EROMIi). Th isskewed ;usump tion of could bej uSlified by works .' He was noc But the trou blen of ' hurch uni ry , u <ldcr
goodness o f any creature is best gr:u ped in reh· rhe qucs rioncr colored che reply ( H !LARYOf awnethat Je.5l1S h ;dcome fo r thelost5 heep cover of the saving confession ofthcgo.pd
. io n to m e incomparable goodness of me tri. POlTrEIl.S). One who does not reccive Chdst.u of me house oflu3et 'and that the law
une God (ORIG IiN). Where tho: incarnation is Lord is not in any properposirion ro~J..!ress could noc $;lve except rhroughjuslifying
misunderstood, the human scales of goodn(M him as merely a good (eachet' O£ IIO."E). H~ is faith.' H equescioned the Lord of the law 'Cf. Roonlo.4,G.I,"U 'cf. Rom 4,S; c.! H6. 'ef. M:
none other th an t he SOu<Ce andgrounJ or .,1I and t he only.begotten G od:u ifhewere an IIM>;IS,l4. ·a....' .. n,3'I;IIoml,2O;C.12:\6. 'Mk
are likely to be misk3ding.)uu.s would not
!(U8, Ul&,19. ·MklIH&: LkI~d9. '(..d.>< C<1l.
have rejected th .. d es ignario n of goodness ifit good who ask!;, ' W hy do you call "'C, in hu· ordinary leac her of precepts that were writ-
6ZA.9.16.7, FC n6·l7 ". 'MklO,17: U, l M8. ' ~It )~, J'
h ; dbeen add ressooto himas inc;rnate Lord. man teems, 'good '!" (O!l.IOE N) . Th~ ,er mi,,~·j ten down' in t he law. Hence. th e Lord re· of. Mk 10,1 9, U la,19. ,oJ5552'229.)o··. " CI. M, )6,1'
T he young m.m ques tioned rh e giver of eternal is he re app lied abso lurely to God a" Jon l)' jccted thi 5 decla ratio n ofa spuriolLS faith, 16,jnl,I.18,G ol o,o.

I J8 139
faith,aresubversivdyuyingtorakec:o.ptive fro m origin"lgoodne.. iuelf(jftM.Jtwereoo loWS th ~ 1 evil ~nd ,orrupfion at e, fjn~lly, No P .... T Is WHOLLY Go on. PSSU DO·
the nuth by undumining i<. 8y forcing th"ir therewouldseemrobe~differentgood nes.' tha. which ~comes nothing." This, per· Dlo:-<'nn:s: It is the tndre divine re.>liry which
owninterpret~[ionsonwords$pokenwi[h in the So n from th~t which is in the F~I h .t), h~ps . is what ha.! I~d ,ome [0 affirm that the is ador~d in Scripture.;u that absolute good·
other meanings :m dinrentions,rheya,.e rob· nor nu the goodness th~t is in hint ;lny di •. devili5notcrntedbyGod.~ l nre8p~Lttha, neu defines ~ nd rev~~ l s itsdf to b(.'"' H ow else
bingrheSonofhisdininctiveunitylwith simiLarity or divergence from that of the Fa. he is the devil he is no. the workofGod,bu, are we ( 0 und~rstand the sacred Word of God
,he Fa,herj.L· O"' TH ijTRINI T"I" g.2 ." ther. "Accordinglyweough t not toi,nagine hewho;5 th e devil is~cr eated being. "nd u wh en it dtCbr~ .• [hat the d~ity. speaking of it -
,hutherei,ssomekindofblasph~myinthc acru rure nonethdess remai ns a work of sell; had ,hii to s.;ly: ""Wh y do you ask me
H ow TH E SKSWED P .. IM .,sE SII 4 PRS T II~ saying that "none is good uve one, God ,h. God,sincc thue is nOlhingcreated that is aboul what is good! No One is good bUI God
R"p~y. H[L4!'!.YOF P01Tl ~RS: A co mplete un· F",her:' ''T hes ewo rd~ ;lre nottobe raken not created by God.Think of it this way: A alone.·" I have discussed :ill this elsewhere,
derSf~ndingof l he rep[ynl1l.'lt("omefromthe all a de ni~1 thu eithe r CnriS[: or the Holy lI1urderer is nOt a work of God insofu as he h owinScripture allth e n"mes~ppropriate ro
re3s 0n th at prompted [hequenion, for rh" Spirit is good. BUI, as we said before, the murders. while We m~y still say that insofar Godareprai5<dteg:lrdingthewhoJe.enrire,
~ nswer will be directed rO ,h ~ matter that orig inal goodne ss must be belie"ed to ,.. as h~ is a humm bei ng, God made him. COM' full,and comp letedivinityr"th~r[h"n ;lny"s .
Idrotheinquiry.... H (voicedhisobjec. side in God th e Fath er, and from him boch /IIEN"I" .. >lYO:-<]OHN 1.7·" pectofif.Therallreferindivi$ibly. absolurely,
tiontothet itleofMgoodm:uter~insucha the Son an d H o ly Spirit undoubtedly draw unrescn-edJ)· and'otaUyroGodinhisemirery.
way as w chlll1(nge th e faith oftheques. into th ems elves the natu re of tha t goo d· COM"LI!T~ GOOD:-<ESS BI!LOSCS TO GO D THE DIV!:-<! NA ...H $ l. !. "
fioner r~th erthan thed(.lign;1tionofhimself ness uistingin the font from which the ALOS6. GREGORY NAZ' ASZEN: The words,
a" a maSter or as good. 0:-< TII ~ TRINITY one ;s born and the othet proceeds.'" 'f 'None is good~ 1O are a reply IQ Ihe young GOOD IIY P .. RTIC ..... TION. B~D&: I[ is only by
9·~.'· the n there a re any other t hings (a Uedgood rulerw h o w"st~st inghim a ndhadbo rne partiC ipation in th e divine goodness th~t ~ ta·
in the Scriptures such as a n a ngd ,!Oo r a witness to his goodne.u u a hum~n being. tion.:l.lcre~ture isnpableofbecominggood.."
TH ~ OV ~"TI1R:-<ING OP TilE P""MISE IN TltE man ," or a servanr!lor;l treasure, " or a Consummate goodnes~. he meam, belongs HOMILIES 0." THE GOSPELS, HO,",'LY [1. 4. '"
QIJ UT ION. J~ROME: The question is some· good hearr/'or a good tree/'a l1 these are to God alo ne. though th e word "good" c~n
thing lik(;1 priest who, whileinwardly d(. socalJ ed byan ineKact use of t he word, bcderivatively ~pplied to human beings." 10:19 Y ou Know fh , Cofftltlllndltl t tlf s
spisinghis bishop. yet co nrinuea to addren since th e goodness contained in them i. ac· THEOLO(l[CA~ ORATIONS. Os THE SON
him openly u "bis hop. ~ Whereupon the cide nt,,1 and not esse nri;1i. O N F[!I,ST PRl". lO.I,.l. CO"","U N[)$ THAT LB4" TO Lln, AUGus,
bishop answers, MTo you I am nor the ClfL ESI.a.13·";
bishop; you mayle"ve my presence.· H OM· Goo's GOODNI!SS DISYINGlJlSHtiD fROM
IL"I"SJ·" DIIFlN INCi T It E GOOD. OR!GEN: The good, Or" " .. GOOD$. AuG USTI NE: God. there · ~:; ~h:~:;:.:;:n:;i;h:',i~~'*C~~h~«~~;oo
then, is the same a3 the one who incomp"r~· fore,is uniqudygood.~n d rhi ' hecannol ~J)O · .TLGlO4l..OOS.l.]}.96.I.Tovi<wrlt<:"=·,,cood·

1O:18bNo Onc Is Good but Go d Alone bly is. Over against good is ev il orwi t ked lose. H e is good. H~i s nOt go od by slur . God, ......... " onI'~r,h.m ...u<=l<ft"of«•• "''''t,
p<xI.Ii.,o", ... rt,,~ . n..... ;ck.dn ... of,h.d •• >t
ness. Over "g"inSl th e one who incompu· ing;n I.ny orher good. beca u se th e good mu" no,b<"ft~. J", h;. « ..."",b""..... uch bu, ,oh io
THI! I NCOMP4 ..... IIL" GOO DNUS Of TlU SON. ably is, is merely Ihat which is nOI. So it fol . by wh ich he i& good is hims e[f. Bur, ,,·ill,o do.';L -Mk lO,t8,Lkl,9,19. "a. P> l7,l);
OR! G~N : There is no othe r secondary good· when ~fi nite hum an being i.good, his 111,S,P",,·1l:10- 1l:Am.lh2-l. Uy"LG20ll.Olo.1).14:
FGFRF1'. Good«n b.d"i,.. i•• lr·ppli. d,ohu""ob<·
ness elfLsting in the Son than that which isin "Cf.2P~'1-l. "~td""041l. 6l.o.9.!.t;:-:P~F ! goodness derive s from God. b ec~u.e h e in"o~!rbrrrim>";Irb<;", .ppli...J ",God. "c<,.do.:
the Falh~r . So th" Savior h imself righdy 9,LSS .. . Thi.(w.p' ....... is ......... "'mrsl.. cl;"s ,h_ cannot be h is o wn goo d . All who become OZ61. tSl.4-I.S.oOO9.6; FC 200289··G<:>J i<1Ood in,""Ydu,
""pinrhe Gospelthat"no nei~goo dsllve .. h,[. h" ..... n,.;tlin"p."ici
::~.~~!::;:~·~.·6~:~~ L'!:~~F~;:;~·sn.~ .• ~~:h,:::~:~~'~ go od do so through hi s Spi rit. Our n .. · unno, b<dimi~i.hedo.lo",

one, God me Fuher. " It The purpose of this

,h'q=>'ion.,iswho';"Rqu<>t""'" "c....cJ«OS91.
tur~h u been crealed to an llin !o him f:~~.~::~::~.:~:~ ,~~;::~':':;:~i;~n~~.:
statemC[\{iSIOm;okeilundersloodlnarthe 142.66: FC.o&l79""·. "MkIO,18: Lk 18:19. "C(.J"I[})Cl through acrs ofiu own will. I f we ne 10
Son is nOI of some oth er anciUary "good. " MklO,IS:Lk l9d 9. "Cf. jn J,1 6:1 i :16. " Cf. ToIlS ':!i becomegood,itis im port;l.Ilt for uS lor e· :;.~~:~~<<>;~t~.: ~~~';~~;.":'~7~0·h'
n....s," burofthal alone which is in the Fa· 2 M""" I b6, LS,lJ. " C(. P, P,U, 112,5; P'o,1 2,I,M,
ce ive and hold what h(gives. whois wholo",,, ofG<>d',g<><>dn","nno,b••• «ib<dJi"'''r'0
ll,l5:A"". U,24. 2lCf.Sir 1,lt, Lk 1~11. "Cf T~b4~ ,o',,,p.or.i.t[lO<ld'R<,,,"ion. "Cf.PbitLU:H<btl,20
Iher; whose image he is rightly ralled. For he Lk«4 '. "Cf. Jd,&~&, Wi.l'I;Si'26'4;Lk 3'1S. "Cf.1 good in hi msel f. IF.TYus, 'S3.ToM .. c1· 1[ . "Co<edo< 1161,1.14.l)), HOG Z,Ul. Hur=n • • ~
nei rher springs fro m any other SO urce th an Kings ),1 9: M, 1,[7·19: Lk ~ ,4J. " OFP 27·~8" . DONIUS." ~oodbr r"," i< ,p .. io" ;n ,1I< 00 .. n.Jgoodn ... o fG"J.

140 141
1' IN~:
The rich m~n as ked .h~ good [e~cher hindrJl'lces."Go your way," ch e Lord u id, andwh~tonedes ir es toown,give5 Upthe Fo rtouvetheunwi llingi,~n 3cto f co mplll .
whu he should do .0 gain ~re rnaI life. '" H e "al'ld sell" 1'101. p:lrt of your s "b.taI'lC~ but ,..hole world. LIt1' TBRS. 157, To HtL ARWS." s ion.Buttouve th(willingisthe acto fon~
regarded,hegood r eacherasa ma n~nd "all ch al you h~ve. and give co th~ poor";" showinggr~ce. S.. Lv.. nON OF TH ~ RiCH
nothing mOre (as d iuinct from th" assu mp- nOCtO your fri~ndsor kitUfolkor rdatives, FULL OIl ItOIl~CI!. C AES .. RtUS OF ARus, M .. NU ....
lion Ih~1 H "is good as God incarnate:). Hear nOrtoyourwif~ortoyourch ildr"n .. Wh at rh:lt m~n heard, most bclov(d. wc,
thegoodtcach~r re$po ndlo hi m:ifhc W hen once you h~~~ put your h ~nd to the loo,h;w£ heard. Thegospel ofChrist isi n \VllnHujasu s \v .. s H .. IISI1 T OWARO
wishcs 10 cntcr im o lik he should ke:cp Ihe plough you muSt not look b.ck." When he~~en. b ut iIdO(s nOt c£ase to speak on RICHES. T UTUL LlAN: The rich m~n fol·
com mandmentJ; Ihat h~ should r~mov ~ onc. you stand on the hous etop, you musr urch. L£t usnot b e deadtohim,for hech,m- low( dhi ,ow n counscl,havingrcjcne.i
fr om him,df th~ bittcrn~u of m~lice ~nd thil'lk no mor" of your dorhu within. To es. ders. Let uJ not be deaf, for h ~shoutS.lfyou the prt ~e pt of dividi ng hi s reso ur ces
wkkedne,s;tharhe5 houldnotkill,orcom· eapeyourEgyptian mi nress" yol.lmust aban. 1fe unwilling to co mmit to full obedience. do with the needy. He was~ban doned by
mit adul(ery, or sl eal,orbur fals.c witne ss, don thtdo~kt h atbe!o ngstothisworld. wharyouc~n.Buth" r"i$ theradicaldivine rh ~ Lord 10 his own op inion." T here i~
inorderthu dry la ndoon':lrappe;u~nd Even El ij;oh,in his qu ick u amlation to ~ui rem"nt: ·Sc:Ual1 rnatyouhave,andgiv" nojusri (lcati onfo(~pplyingthelerm
bring forth rhr honor of mothrr and fa th~r heaven could nOt take h is m~nde with him, w [hepoor;andcome, fo!lowmc.-J< The "hHs h nen· on this ~ccou nt 10 describe
and rh( love of ou r neighbor.· ' CONFESSIONS but ldrin [htwodd the garments of [he lesser road offhe !aw uys: You shall nor kill , Chr;n.Fotuch i ndividu ~lfree willis
13. 19 ." wodd."L~TTU.5, TojULIAN u B.'" roushall notcom mil ~dulr~ry,you s hall not ~b!e t o choose to de fil( itsel f. "Beh o ld, I
se"k fals( witneu , you shall not stnl, honor have se t b(fo re you good :lnd ~ vi1.""·
10:20 All Th ~se r Havr ObHrvedfrom INWARD iNTENT, AU CUST1NE' I who write your father and mother, and lov e your neigh- Choose thal which i, good. lfyouc ;l. tI'Hl'
MyYollth th is havegreuly loved the total devotion of bor:lSyou rself."II SERMONSISJ.I." be c1us~youw ill not (for he has s h own
which me Lord spok( when he onc" said to th arYOl1 can if you will, because heh~s
RATION .. LlZING OBSBA.""NCL jEA.OME, He: the rich young 1TWl: -Go. ull wh~t you have 10;21b follow Mc propos(duc h 10 your fr~" will) you
who dtd~red that he had obs~rved all the and give: 10 the poor, and rome, follow m".~1 1 o ught to d(part from himw h ost will you
com m~ndme:nu h:ld already yidded to the h.ve.w!ovedil rh.t I hav(indeed acted upon PIR.FOIUoC INGTHB GOOD. HIl .. R,. OF POl' den nOllO do. ON MONOGAM ' '4'-'
powcrofriche:. from the veryou rse: t. LE1'. it mysdf. notb y my own strength but by hi.:l TIERS: H~ uercisu th e duties of goodn ess
1'RA.s.Toj <.rU .. N!l8. · ' ass isting grace. The aposdes were the first to whenh~open, the tre:l.'lur". ofhe.ven"a nd THII BURos.v OF CHOICIt. At.J(;~'ST IN It' H ,·
follow in rhtpra<:rice of this co mpkte sdf-giv. beco mes him 5elf a gui de to th~m. H e abhors did not follow, Hejusl wanted ~ good
FIIIGN2P RlI.SPO NS1VBN&U. AUGUS TINE: But ing.S2 Ol'le wf10 gi"es up both what on~ owns wh~tever is offered to him m"rely as a man.
t heyoungnu.nwentawaysad.so~nrone Yet he makes it clur that h ~ '" no srranger bu,m. val .. of.hti''''pon>o<didnotokpeJ>d<[""",,,,
canstthowfarhekeptthosecomm~nd­ [0 those qualities attributed [ 0 God. WhiI( ,;w[,_l>owmudt ••'r.•hh<h<y ...~"p.Th.q".... ""
mems of [he bw.1 rhink he spoke wi[h "Cf."hl9:16.M~IO:t7JU La,I~. -"1><
1I1",;on;' '0 recogni:::ing Ihe one God ~s good, h( himsel f ofho ... mudt .... giTC."pd""'ru>,dt, ........ " •• h........ ' ...
th.d'1landoFth ...odu.(cF.E..t4:29j.Augu.rinc'... r... ofth<><,.On.whoiu..;nlno,h,"i" .... "pl,;.1, ,,
mor( prid~ fh~n [ru lh when he ;lnswer(d .n'.,odrylandj,:llum;ncdbyh..... !;«romm"';n,h, speaks oflnd pcrforms thos(very aCIions
lI< ..

nG. . . . . ....,m,y,iuft"", ..-bob.. ;"i"·uck"v.. "p.'I:.11

that he had kept th(m. L STI~ Il5, IS7, T o c·"f"' .. ~"Mfo... '"'Lord ..r"ou"W.. hrou"d,·.. whi ch~re[ har~cteristic oftheincompa rable M'.:18·12;MkN4. "C«,Jo<llliil.1S7 .• 4.4.4ts.. 1S; F,
Ht L.. A.ws ..... "ulI,'p.., me <h<';gh<nFyou,tx;.ywicK.J Il<",of,,,,", power, goodness and nature of God. ON THE lO' lS2 ··. N o<.'h,,<hc'Qmm.nd ;.,o~v'"?no'o " ' i·
w,oni·doing<.k.f.rc w, 1l [I. L I16.t~) . 'O fh", <~<d'y l. "d
TO;'~ITY 9.17. "
Wha< OL .. h.. ..,<.i.o wo .. One d"i«. ,o b.v•. ",\I,
""Y'PPC"'- $.:< "~I>"-";"" C."j"'io~J (New )'0"",' p,~. 1~:ZI: Mk 10:21, Lk 18 ,21. ".'-1< j9 :1~ · 1 9: Mk w".; a
1O:2laGo, SdI What You Havr and IS,:!(l "c..<.loctOO!l. t~.IB. 1.I2;FC.7,J)1··.(j.",,«·,
Gi ve tll th e Po or
r.~~ !::;~~I~~~t:);;:~NL~b t~:~ P:,~::~~;;~. 10:22 Ht W , ,,tAwaySo rr owflll ."dlcs... """"",,,<b.«di«;"gu;"l,,bI •. "er.M. Iq ·~;
1l.t9.6.FClt>l,N". ·'e.«doc06lO. 118.'5.4.~!9_t7, Mkt0:2I,ULS,ll. ..c....!o.:~B.6l ...9.17.10:F(.:
SPNF 16:l~l · ' . H< .... no, .. ady '0 ~< , ,,~.'O,,,. 25:llr'. Th",nattu"L<>I'<lhinuclf.,u«.rlt.II"'..J,""-,
H ow \VI .. LTII OIlSTR UCTS D ' SC' PLESU'P. mondshc,..;Jh,oM.rtN. "e"ed<><0262.I57..w.4.'I7~I: GOD S"'''B.S O NLTTHE \VJLU NG. CLEM£N1'
Juo,"' E: Thi,is why those who are rich find FCJl<J-I:/. "'Cf..\hl9-.14,Mkl(l:2S,nHI:1S. *M,'9:ll, OF ALU A."PO; , .. :Godprovides afairer ~==.~r-;~::. %::~~.h:;~!~'~~;~' "I
.~Ik l(l:ll,UttS,Zl. "Lk9:6l. "G<oJ9:l<. "lKi'r 21.\ .l;<:f.... NF2:S97.Cod·,g.ac<;, "." >no,h<r I",,,.. "I
itha[dto enterthekingdom"fh~ aven."For wind" for more wilIingsoub. 8ur ifth er
l:ll, L1_ "C.".!o,0620. 11~.SS.4.4 J9. IS: NP_'.IF 16:;:;:1'· 'Qmpul,;.",. " M, 19:16-22, MkI0:17·22; l.k 13: '~ ·l7
i[i s .kingd"m whi, bd ~s i resforitscitiztns early ab andon [h e ir ~agerness, the wind
n . "II ,od'>e'pl" h'pi •• lmpl"ndu n<QnJ"'o".li_ " M' ::D4<S~~1~':~~~;.lU: I . I;, 19, j"'" 2'1:15. " C...J,,,, 0.11.;
a so ul lh ~t soars ~lofl fru from ~Il ties al'ld 19:11 :Mk lO,11: U lS,n ''Tk<yh.dno:i, h"wgi'<UP which God provides is therr by obstructed.

142 143
teacher. but he question~d who th~ teach~r sivene5s upon his shoulders!'TRA(;TATE OH natUrc:(THEODOItETOF C VIt). ofpride,lescthe h umb[( richsurpll.!YOu.
w ..... and scorned th e idcntityofthe One" JO >lNj4.8.&jO Bewa re of wicked ne ••. leH the pious rich
whow~$ tuching. ~Hewentawaysad," '--'---------- 10lHFor Those Who H~ ve Rirhu con found you. Beware of drunkenness, leSt
bound up in his dcsiru . "H( w~nt aw;.y '"'Tk. ~o.iquelr ~ onto " M< 19:22, Mk 10:22. 1Ou, •. thesoberexcel you.SE R:>oIONSIS).l.'
s;ul., " ca.rrying a great b1.lrd~n of pones· d""O'7&.14.a. l h FCI'M6~7"·. TH!; RICH Nuo NOT DES"AIIt. CL6M BNT OF
AUXAN DRIA, le( thiste:u:ht heprmpero us TH E Rl CltBS MOST TO Ha DBSIR.!ID. SALVIA'"
thar theyar(notto neg!ccr rtleir own sal"a- THE PRESBYTER: NOte what k ind of riches it
rion,aJ if they had bee n alreadyforedoo med, is rhat God lov es. Note wh a.r wealth does he
"or,ontheoth~rhand,roc:astwealthinto demand thac we should store u p for chi!-
10:23-31 ON RICHES the lea, or co ndemn it as a tr.,iror and :1.n dren. Note what pouessions h e upecially or-
( nemy ( 0 life, but learn in what way and den us 10 guard: faith, fear of G od. modesty.
how to use wulth and ob tain life. SA LVA - h oli nes.s, and disdpl i n~ . Nothi ng urlhly,
lJAnd Jesus lo o ked IIround IInd said to hi, dis ciples. ~How hllrd it will be for thou 110N OF TH i R.!CHM A:-<a.6. 1 norhingb u e. no rhing peris hable or transj _
who have ri ches to enter the kingdom of God!" 2iAnd the diHiples were amazed ,11
his words. But Jesus said to t hem again . ~Chjld ren. how hllrd it is to r nt er th e ONi TENOS TO Lava IT INORD IHA.TeLY.
kingdom of God! 2SIt is eas ier f or a camd to go through the eye of cl nredle than Ja r AUGUSTII<!' Suc h, 0 my sou l, are the miser· 10:25 EJe of 01 Nee dle
o rich man to tnter the kingdom of God." 26 An d th ey were exc eedingly aJtonish e ~, ie. thuattend on riches. They a re gai ned
and said 10 him , "The n who can be Hive d ?" 2)esu s looked at them IInd ,aid. "With with toil and kept wirh fea r. Theyar(en- WHEYHBR THE Roc " CAN Bs SA V.D. CL!M-
men it is impossible. but not with God; fo ral! things are possible with God. - Pttr f joyedwilh danger and losrwith gri ef. Iris ENT O F AUXANDItIA: The S~vior by no
hard to be saved if we have them; and impos - mea ns has ex cluded the rich on acco unt of
beg!lfl to sa] t o him , ""La. w e have left everything IInd followed you." 1?Jesus said.
• ibleifwelovethcm;andscarce[yc~nwe wealth itulf, and the ponession of property•
KTruly, I say to you, there is no on e who has left house orbrothers orsisters ormothu
havelhem,butweshallloV(th ~ minordi ­ nor fe nced off salvatio n against them, ifrhey
o r father or children or lands, Jar my sake and fo r the gospel, lOwh o will not rudllf I\.3tely. Teach us, 0 Lord, this difficult les - are able and willing ro submit th eir life m
a hu nd redfold now in th is tim e. hou Hs and brother s and sisten and m others an~ son: [0 manage conscie ntiously the goods we God 's commandments. and p refer them to
children and lands. with perucutiara,and in the age to co m e t tern allife . J'But man] I pOl.len, and not covero usly de5 ir(more than transito ry things . Let them look to the Lord
tbat rlr~fir$l will be last, rind tb t last firs!. · you giv~ to us. SERMON 1 31.~ with steady eye, ou those who look row.ud
the slight est nod of a good helmsman. whu
WH IT UER THB POOR HA VE A DE(;lsl vaAo- he wishes, what he o rders. w hat he indi·
OVIUO,VIEW' By merely h aving wealth one AII.us).Richnessinvirm~isgreaterlhan f VANTAG!;OVIRTtll!lJC". CAESARIUSOF cates, what signal he gives his mariners,
tends ro love ir inordinately. Hence rh e rich richness in worldly goods (SAL VI ... N THE A RL!S : Th e ric h man "went away sad," as wh ere and when he direcrs the ship's cour!e.
find faith ~xceptionaUyhard (AuGUSTINE). P USBTT6R).Justas read iness to givc up TOil hav~ heard. and the lOld sa ys' NWith . .. Ifone is able in the mid.ir ofwc.alth to
Yet Chri~tianitydoes notleavethew ealt hy w ealth is required. !O is readiness to give what difficulty will rheywho have riches en - turn from its mysriqll~, to en t~rtain moder·
in dupai r (CLaM ENT OF ALEXANOII.I ... ). lf up those most dear to llS, ou r fam1ly, i"so- Ur the kingdom of God!"' At length the dis - ate des ir(s. to exercise self-control. to seek
onc is able in t he midst of wealth to tu rn fOlr as they maybe an obuacle to our ulv ... (iplts becamevCly sad when theyheud this God alone, and to breathe God and walk
from its powerful myStique so as to e~et cisc tion (CUMBNTOf ALBXANDRIA). T hos e and they sa id,"I fth is is so, who th (nca nbe with God. suc h a man submits to rhe com-
self·comm l. seeking God alo ne, one may y~t who seek to live the lifeoffaith are bk.ucd $.,1ved!"'Richandpoor.lisrenmChrisr: la nl
remain unwounded by it (CUMBNT OF ALE" - with the gift ofa worldwide family beyond spcaking to God's people. Most of you arc
that natura l family from which they cam. 'ANF 2S9'l": TLG 0555.006. 26.6 .•. 'G.\H 2>17'4 6. 'M'
ANDIU"'). T he poor do no[thereby h ~vean poor, bu t you toomusr !inen ca refully ro un - 19,1l·2), M~ IO:U· lJ, '),1, 1~ ,25; Mk 10:26: l.k 18::/6.
abs olut e!y pdvilegcd pos;,ion ove r the tich OOH'" CASSIAN). No th ing is impossible to dtutand. And you had beSt liscen even more ·C«cdo<IDOt,104.l5l.1.1: FC47,118 ·_ 6fC1,J76-· .RJck·
with respeceto salvation (C"'BSA RlU S OF God except that which is co ntrary to God's intenrly if you glory in your poverty. ecware n< . . in'i "u· ;'8«· «, m.n,;,h~ ... in,,",,'l.!lrroJ-

144 145
mandrncncs.b.:ingfrcc, unsubducd.freeof BurnO( tobeableina nyoft h ~rc. 10:30 R uc ive "Hundredfold lcf(butonefatherandmotherandhom~ .

d ise~se . unwoundcd by wallh. BUI if nOI, spectsisproofnotofwcakness, bul and as you ha"e done:lO you h;;ve gained
' sooner shall a camd enter through a nee- of infinite power. a.nd to be able 8~ US I .",os \VITHrN OF THti NBW F.. "uL YO F without ~ ny effort o r '~recountless ialhr "
dI e's eye. ch an such a rkh man readl the would certainly be proo f nOt of Goo.J OH N CASSIAN ' For he who for rh~ and mo,hers and brOth ~rs, ~5 we ll as hous.·,
kingdo mofGod."' SALVATlO >l OF TH B RI C H po werburofimp oren~e . ju,e ofChcisc's name distances himsdffrom ;lIld lan ds and most f~ithful serv~nt5 . in JIl·.
MA", ~6.' D ,ALOGUE3.11 his partku!ar bcloved father or morh eror parr ofrhe world to which you go. who re
,lIild,indgives himselfoverrorhcpr.lresr ceivc you a. thei r own family . and wckOIl1<'
ON PASS IN G \VIIALTH TO CH.LDRIIN. 10,29 There Is No O"e Who Has Left love of all who oerve Chtisr. wil! re<etve a and respec r, and ,akeare of you Wilh rh~
SALVIAN THE PRE.S8 YTER: T heee is no corn- Hou Jf orBrorhers hundred timu rhe mcasure ofbrorhers and urmosra rrenr;on.CONFERENCESl·l4·l6."
pelling necessicy for you rosrore up large kinsfolk. I' Insread of bur one he will begin to
urrhly ueasures fur your children. You THE SPIRITUA. L SIIN$E OF L IlA.V ' NG TH E F ..... have$omllnyfa thersandbrorhersboundto
would dob.:ner to make you. offspring ILr. CLE"'~ NT OF ALiXANOR, ... , Do nOt lel him by a still more fervem and admirable af·
treasu res o~ God rh an make them richer in this passage trouble you. P ut it s idc by side f«tion.T halroisissoyoucanproHby "Cf. .\.l,,9:19;Mk,Il:J9.)O,U,I::N·JO. "C,,<doc (l';l :
wo rldly goods.' TH~ FOUR Booxs Of TIMO' w ith th cstill harder s:ly ingJesus dclivered in you rownexperiencc,sinceyouhaveuch 24.26.707.2 1; NPNF2 IHM'
THY TO T HE C HURCH 1 . 4 . 1~ an other place in rhe wo rds. "Who e.·([
h:ltes no, fat h u , a nd m orhcr, and chil-
10,27 All Th illgs AH Po ssib le with God d.en, and hi. own life b es ides, can not be
my d isciple."" Nore rhat rh c God ofpe.ce. 10:32-45 THE REQUEST OF JAME S AND JOHN
WHIITIlIIR ANYTH ING Is IMPoss'BU ~OR who exhorts UStO love our e nemies . do es
GOD. T H EODORET O f CYR' norarbirrarity re qu ire u$ iitc n llyrohare
Orrho· The Lord God wishes nothing in· or abando n chooe d ca.resr to us. But if we
JlAnd th ey were on rhe road. going up jojenualem, and Jesus was walking ahead IlJ
dolt consislent widt his nature, and is arc to love ourenemies, ir mlUt be inac·
cordance with righ t eeason thar, by anal· rh em: a"d they were amllud, ond Ihost who fol/owed We(e IIfraid. And rllking 11,,·
able to do all that he wishes, and
whath"wishe~isappropriateand ogy w e should also love OIl.[ ncaresl Iwel ve IIgain, he beglln to tell them whar wa$ 10 happ elllo him, JJJaJing, «Behold, w,'
ag.eeabletohisownnacure. . . relatives .... Bur in sofar as onc's father. er Qre going up t o JeruslIle m: IInd rhe Son of mlln will be drliv<'Ted 10 th e chiefpri(;! ,
Era· Nothing is impcssible 10 almighty son,orbrothe r.bccomesforyouahin. an d rh e scribes, and they wW co nd emn him to death, and deliv(rhim t o Ihe GtnIib ;
ni stes God. dunce to faith or an imp ed iment to ~odly ~and th ey will moc k him, and spit upon him, and Hourge him, and k ill him; and afta
O"h. Then according ro your definidon life, one s hould rhen not co llude with thar H
three day s h e will rise.
si n i$ possible m almighty God! remptarion.Arrendroth espiri ru al,rather
J5 Andja mes and john, rh e sons of Ze bedee , came forward to him, and laid to him.
Eran. By no meanS. th an the fl es hly, m ean in g ofr h e co mmand.
' Teacher, we want you to do for ~s what ever w e ask ofyou.~ J()A n d he laid to th em.
'What do J O~ wllnt me to do for J"u?~ 31And they laid / 0 him, "Grant us to lit, on ,'
Eran. Because he doeo nOt wish ir.
Orrh. Whydoesheno(wish j ~
Qt Jour right hand and "ne at Jour/eft, in JourglorJ . " 38Burjenll said ro rhem. · Yo u
Eran. Because sin is foreign rohis narure. do not know whlll JOU are osking. Are you able to drink the (ltp that r drink, or to
'M< 19'-l4: Mk 10.25: U '1:25. 'ANF 2,S9e-~': Tl.G &e baptiud with the baptism with which I Qm baptizedr nAnd tht) sllid 10 him.
Orth. T hcnlherearemanYlhingswh ich 05SS.Q06.26.1.J-S. ·Cf.M,6,'9.21. IOfCJ,m". OIT..-
he cannot do, for thue are many 'Wellre IIble. w AlldJes!.lsslIid ro th em. "The (!.Ip Ihlll I drinkyo>l wiUdrink;and wirh
kindsofrransg .. ssion. ~,!;_h;!~;:;~<:'2~~'~';~~'=~ ~;:~~~~"'~;L~ tht baplism with which I am baptized. Jou will be baptiud; oob ur t o sil at mJ right
Er~n. Nothi ngoflhis kind can b~ wished H:2"'·h .. ~·mu"b<undc",o<><l.p;ritu.llr·.",.,;" .. llr.
hand or al my left is nol m int ro grant . bur ir i5 for Ihos e for whom it has bun

On h.
or done by God.
Nor n n thos e things which are
~: ::::o:n'~~,:,~:~';~:;~ ~~~~~~:~.:~<;2~:.:' ;-
." !'.·F 2,597 . R..;"wha<evCf i. d."im."" l '0 " lvu ioo
prepared .· ~IA nd when Ih e ten htard it, they began to be indign<lnt atJames and Joh>!
42 An dJeJ uJ called th em 10 him and sa id to them . "You kn ow th at those who arc
co nlraryto thedivin en;l.,u re... <vmifi,me,n. ,"i"ing on" , n.,ul1l f.nI;lr·
,upp osed to r!.ll e over th t Gentil es lord it over them, and thcir grea t men eurd H

1 46 147

au!bority ov~ r !b ~m. 'l But it sball no/ b~ so amongy()~; but wh o~ver wo~l d love. Sa they did no~disbdieve wards. ON THE INC OMPR EH£NSl BLE NA'
among you must b~ you r servoInt , ""and w hoev~r would b~first alllong you wa s possible chat they woulcl bc sit- TUR!O FGoo8·1I."
slave of all. ~5F or I b~ Son of Ill"') als o (a mr nollo br Hrv~d but 10 s~rve, and ringdoselyon either side of him in the ki ng.
his life as a ranlom Jormany." donr,parricularly when they S:lW tharJ ohn, 10:37 Grilnt UJ to Sit
for his singular purit y of mind and body. wu
held in such gre3t love that he reste<io n his TOI l W .. YTO LOFTIN IIJS. AUGUST' l<E: Pon-
OV~ RV'JlW : The [exr r~ac h cs rh", w~ ar~ shadowed th oae by wh ose h~nd he would brust at suppe r.' H OMtL'T 2.l l.' dc r howprofQu ndth i,is. They were confer·
nOt to ask for privilege in thc kingdo m wi th- dit. Hedoe5 not nlean here the death ring with him about glory. He intendcd to
OUt reacliness roclie for it (CH R,YSOSTOM). upon the cros' as such,buI rh.u rheJews THJlU ' PLEA T RANSC I N"fI" . BEOE: \Vhen precedelof,ineuwith humiliry and,only
The sons of Zebedec were nOt minOlken in would deliver fl im up to the Gent iles, or, the sons o fZebcdeewere . eekingftom Jes ll! thrQugh humililY, to ready the W<ly for !ofri-
rt.:ognio:ing th~t th~y were special r~ip i ems in othetwotds. torhe Ro mans. ForPilate ,ean in his kingdom. he at once ca[[cd th em ness itsclf.For,ofcourse. (venth05cdisci ·
of his love.bUI they were mistaken in imag_ w:u a Roman. and had been sent by the Ro. rodrinkofhischalice.'thui5,lopacrem pleswhow~ntedtosit.theoneonhisr ighr.
ining rhar this would be withou t COst man si nto J udcaa.governor.GO$PHtO~ themselves after the suuggle of his 5uffering. the other on hislefr. were looking ro glory."
(CHRY"$OSTOM. BED~ )_ O nly through h um - JOHN 94 . 5. 1 HOM ILY 2. 2 1.' Tfley were on the !ookour, but clid nol see
bling onesdfdoes onc come inco the glory of by what way. In otder that they mi ght come
the Lotd (AUGUST1NfI ). T he history of the 10:35a T ht Sons oJZrbedee 10:35bDo for Us Wha.ev er \Ye AJk to theirhomtland in dueord er,rhe Lord
martyrs dem onstrates rhatmany have been callecl th emb~cktOlhe n3r,owway. Forth e
unresefVe<ily wiUi ngtoclrinktfl iJsamecup THI PLEA FO R PRIVllflGBO PO SI TION. BEDE: T II II M.STAKIN P RIM ' Sll " FT'l. '" RE' homeland is on high and the way rb iti5
wit h the l ord,ro suffer ancld ie for the T hey knew that among thcclisdp les they QUEST. CHlti,'TSOSTOM: T hey were n:pecring lowly. The homeland is life in Christ; che
rrut h (POLr CA RP). Martyrdom irselfis a 'w ere warmly love d by OUr Lord. du.t [0. him ro enter into [th e kingclomJ,bur not to way is dying wilh Chrisr. Il The way is suffer·
type ofbaprism, in whi ch th~l oveo f t he gcrh er w itfltheblcssedPeterth ey had gOtO th e crou a ncl death. Even tho ugh ing with Christ; the goal i.1 abiding with him
Fat huthrough the Son acts to bury the ofteRbee n infotmedofhidclenmyueries they had hurd. it ten thou.u nd rimes, Ih ey ete rnally. W hy do youuck th e homelancl if
old life of sin and n ise the bdiever into of w hic h the reH wer e unaware. as the could no t clearly u nderStand. Si nce they you a re not 'teking the w~y to it? Tl-u G os·
new life rh rough the Holy Spi rir (C HRY ' t e ~t of the holy gospel freq uen tly ind i· had not gone n a dear and cctCain kn owl · pn OF JOHN 18.5.2. "
SOSTo",j. As Ch rist rose effortlessly fmm eates.1Thus a new name was given to edge of his ttach ings. they th oughr thar
Water hav ing been buried in it,sowe rise rhem,justas it WaS to Pete r. As the One he w~sgoing to ch is visi ble kingdom and J O:)8a YQII Do Not Know Wb .. , You
with him having died ro si n. He sh~ red who was formerly called Simon was would rule in Jerusal em. So the SQ ns of Are Aslting
with uS our punishment bu t notO ur sin given the n~me of Pe ter o n account of Zebedeecaug ht up wirh him on the
(AUGU5TINllj. His incomparable righteous· the strengt h and fi rmness of hi s unassail· road. They thoug ht they had found rhe AN U..-r ' MIIU R.I;Qu~T. C HRYSOSro"" Do
ness,sancdfica tion. re de mption andresur. ablc fai lh,s orhe ywereca[[edB oanerges, oppoTtunemo men t. They PUt the ir re- you see? They did not undtutand what the y
rectiona!l~comeourabyfaith(GREGoRY th uis •• onsoft hunder, ' btca usethq qu est to him. The y had broken away wt rc as kingforwhentheywc rct a!kingto
NAZIANZEN). Wi th out his incarnate humi!i· heard. alongwirh Peter, the voice of the from the throngo fl hedisc iplu and,juSt him about crowns and rewucls and the pdvi·
arion, only the angels would have kno wn his Fathet honoring the Lord" and the), re(' ~s if the wh o!esi tu'll ion had turned out lege of the firlt seacs and honors even bcforc
identity (CHRYSOSTOM). ogni zc d t h~ secre ts of th~ my<teri es eucdy as they wan ted. theyask edabour th~ CO tltcst had begun. Chr i~t WOlS co mmuni -

more than rhe rest of tfle discipl~s. They th( privilege of the firS{ sear. and about cating wi[h them on [WO level~ wh en he said:
10:33 Th e Chief Priu .s WiIf((lnd emn scnsedthat they dUI'Ig 10 our lord with beingfiut among the ot he rs.' T hey
Him'" DcMb and Deliver Him to th e th~ir who le hea rt and e mbr ~ ced him with aske d for this because they auumc d rh~ t
Gentilu eve rythin g was fini shed and rhewho l~ ')nl }:21. 'Co« <i<>.:1)67.2.2 r.42I HOG2: 1U.11 ' . 'C f.
business was over and clone wirh. Th ey Mtzo):2lo.'-Ikl(h1& 'c.,<dacU67.1.2U9:HOG1:.!lr .
' C<t.<l.:.:Il?78, l1~.S. I9: NP:-;F 11:421'- . ' .... i~' ... ',... ·Cf.•\lkIQ.lS-P. ,ofcn:l..'i·. "M,lI):;oo.Z',;l.lll(kJS.
UNDIIR \VH AT AUTHOR ITY HE D l ~o . ~",.,ionn."";."Cf,.\1,1 7 : l-):Mk j,J7, ~ , 2·4: I.J; made th eir req uesc because rheythought 40. "Cr. .\\, 102';, Mk8:JS: U 9:2~: 17:H. "C«<do<
AUGUSTINE: In so spe>.king the Lord ro re· 1...!< 861,9,U!-)O. '.\1. HO· I!. ')..1,1 7". that now w as the ri me for crowns and re· Q27S . !8.S .15, ~ c 88:6·7 "

148 149
~ You do nOl k,,,,w wh~t you .t • .uklll. S"" RBRS WI T.. M a. CHR.'rSOSTO.,: This he i b"c ause byithe cleansed 10,45 To Give His Life as tI R"IIJo mjor
ro r. "'·O n~ w" ., tlw ,h cr w,r, ,.'kh1Illbou' (ails a baptism .• how ingthat from itth e Not only on chis accoum did h( M all}
an ~arlhly kingd",,, .. " ,I h. hid .. Id lIolhll'lll whol(worldwould rcceiveagreatpl.trific~.
aboutrhi •. Thn" t"hl bu n nO .II1\OUI'IC, ' 'iOll.T hc n[heysaytohim:"Wec~n." inthe ~ :~:::~:~ :~:~~i~: ~~~~s~s~:;~t;. ~:r SliTTING FR Hfi CAPTtVES. GREG O RY NAZIA .~
'n~n ror promi s~ "h",", ",.Ibl. kllllJonloll f(rvoroftheirsp irirtheyprom;""immcdi. 2EN: H r: is our sancti fic:uion. a.1 hinuclf bo!in!~
ea rrh.Th" otherw .•s , h .t.wh' II,h·YfOUIIIII ~cely. noc knowing what t h ey .aid, buc look. j::s~;:c:~;e;:h~3~:~:er~ ~f :~et::(::'IY puri ty,thatth(pllre tn:ly be encompas&ed by
.:tt th is timeth ep r iv, I'·g<'"f,h.nr.,.u,. ing to obtain that which thq were asking. po5fsnohindran(e, so,to-o.Chnsr ro~with hispuri[}'.JlHei.\ourr~(mption,b.:caus.:lh'
andthehon orsofh.·.,v~n. whe n Ih,y wl.lllld ... H(forecold great Ihings fur the",; that greacere;uebccaWle h eh ad gone,downinm setS us &ee who were held <:J.prive under sin. , .
to ~ secn a.1 mOre ;lIu"'[lo,,, ~",l lpl~l'Idld is. you shall be hdd worthy of ma rtyrdom. <k;l.th.Andch isis whyhecal1s h"death~ givil'lg himself as a ran50m fo rus,"th ~sacri fi ,'"
thanrhe orh ers, th "ywe,e,,,,, uklnllror you shall l ufTcr rhe things I have.uffered, baptism. 01'1 n'~ Il'ICO .... PR~HBNSIBLI! to make upiation for the world." H e ~ our
these (hings:u Ihe rigl" lim(. The .Imlllll you ,hall end your life with a death &0", via. N"TUll.E OF GOD 8. J$.IJ resurfection,be<.:ause he rai ses up, andb ring5
was prec i.dy wrong. I'orthi .• WaJnOl 'he Icncc. :mdin ,hi. >Jsoyou sh aH be s harers to !.ifeagain, those who were slain by sin."
right time for crow ns or priu&. It w~. the wich me. TH~ GOSP!L OF M .o.TrH~W 6S." 10:44 Wb"'I', r Woul" Be Cretll THEOI.OGICA. LOIlATIONS 4.l0 ."
rime for stTuggles, COIlfc"'~, (Oils . swu" Amollg You MU$! Be S/tlvt of All
wrestling rings ;lIld b.udes. 0 ... nl11 i NCO... • 'I'll" Ga; .. c ti OfFl! •• D IN 8 .. p-.:ts ..... CHRYSO$' TH B PERSONA L ReLIIVANCB OF HI S ACT 0"
PR EHeNSI BLE NATu Re OF GOI) S.p , U ' " TOM; For when wc immerse Our heads in WIfAT LOWLI NESS ACCO MPLI SHED. CHRY' RA NSOM. A"'8 ROS E; It is p rofi ta~le to me tu
che warer. rhc old humanity is buri ed as in SOSTOM: H eerasedchec uts ~.l' hetri . know th ~t fo r my sake Christ bore m y inl,r
lO:38bArr You Able 10 Drillk lIlt Cup a tomb below. and wholly . unk forevu. tlmphedoverde3t h .'i heopenedparadi,e.
1O mides, submitted 10 t h e affecrions of my
Tb,,1 r Dri" "~ T hen as wc raise ch emagain, the newhu. He su uck down sin, he op ened wide the b ody, that for me and for all he was made
manity ri .(Sinirsp l"ce.A'it is casy foru1 V sin and a curse, t hat for me an d in me waS
uulu of the sky. he lifted our first fruits
T HE WILU l'IGI'IESS TO S UP FII ... POR TIU co dip and to lif,our hcads again,ao;c;s to heaven. he filled t he wh ole world wi th he humbled .. nd made subject," t hat for me
TRUTH. POlY CAR P: I b!eu you, Lord, be. cuI' for God 10 bury t he old humanity, godli ness. H ~d roveo ucerror. he l"d back h e is t h e lamb," th e vine,'~t h e ro ck,40 t hc
c:m. eyo llh avede c m(Jmeworrhyoflhi, and 10 lifr upand disp lay the new. And Ihe trut h, he made our fiulfruits mount to servant:' Ihe Son of a handmaid,41 knowin ~
d ay and h our. to take my parr inthe l'Ium · (hi, i, done rhreerimcs , [h aryou m .. y rn eroyal throne . H e accom plished so n ot th e day ofjudgment, for my sake ign ll '
ber of t he m Jrtyrs . in t h(c u pofyo u r Icarn that t b e pow cr of the Father. the manygooddeedschacnei,herinorallhu. ranr of th e day ,mdt h e h OU f. "OP THE
Christ. fOf·r esu n ectiontocrern~llife"'· Son;ndlh(HolyGhoS(1Ofulfill..allch is. manicytogether cQu ldu,r l hembefore CHRISTf.o.l'I FAtTH 1.91...
of soul and body inlh cim",ort alilyoflhe HO.,ILIBSONJOHNl5· l." I your minds in word s. u Bcfore he h umb le d
Ho ly Spirit; "mon8 whom m~y I bc rc · hi msel f,onlyt heange lsknew ni m.Afrer CAN CIILl NG S, N. AutlusnNIi: He shar~
ceived in yourprcse " celhisday"s a ri ch C"o"" .. " CUP. DILO.TII .. S B .. PTls .... hehumbledhi ms e!f,aU h um annl tut e
and acccp tab le sacrifi ce. just as you h~v( CI IRYSOSTOM: Her e C hrist was calli ng his kn ew him. You sce how hi~ hum bling of
p reparcdand rcve .. lcd bdord,~ndand ful· ,ru'ifi"iona ,up~ndhis deathabaptism.il' "rC72:226·. "G.Jl,tO.II. "ICa.IS,SS·S7:1Timl,:o.
himself did noc make him have less but
"Lk21 ,4J : 2Co,11 :4. I1'IC", 15:20. l&Cf.]n21,15. '"0
filled. Oyouwhoar(the'fueGodwilh· HeC.1I1edhiscro .. ~eupbecau. eh ewa. pr oduced countless b~ne fits. co untl ess pnil l06. 11 . "'Fcn211:". JF!lt11;H ... jl l"Al ';~J":· '
o ut any falseh oo d. T H ~ M "lI.l'Y RD OM OF (Omingtoitwirh p leasur(.Hecal[~dhi. rleed.o f virlue, and made his glory shine A ~ ...... ~. oqC8.2. 2s)·SoI. Wi.hou. hi> hu",,~ ~rion .

POL YC"P. P I"Y forth with greaur brighrness.NGod Wants
fo r nothing and h :u need o f nothing. Yet.
" I>".!Oo2l:MklO:ll!. " f(.:nll~·2ti··. toC!.JnS:2>:

mcanr, ofcours,e, t h e cup of hum;l;ry and

~S4 , " I.CCI:II-I·. Th.m •• 'Y"'p... ,h.,,"."" ... ... when he humbled himself. he produc~d Heb7,lf,.;n,9<2.,26;lo,IO·IL "Cf.Jm6,4Q. '"Lee
,' ,h< ...
J< ...•• • ,II,ngn<-U,od"nl th, eup,h.tm.to,dhim. iuch great good. increas ed his hou$( hold, \:192': T t G 2022 .010, 10.32. Hi, i""omp " .b l. "gh «~m

~~ :~~:~~~~;~~~:~~~J~~~;:~~~~E~~~:~~
s uffering. TH E G OSP BL OF jOHN l 8. 5. l. l~
:~:~ ~:I;:~:,::~"~t:~·~~~ ~~;;;~';~;:'~;~F and."tended his kingdom. Why, then. are
youaftaid thar you will becomeJess if you
1'41 1;M,gn.P(;S8.611;ff~",(,6Si~M""h ...... , "'Cf.
IOl3&: Ta Be B"pli~(d with the B~pliHn M, la:l~ , "N I'NF 1 1 4:a~', T LG 2062. (>3. S~. lSl.ll hum ble yo unelf' OS T H ~ ISCO MPR EI-I£ Ns I' l,la. " Cf.M.2.,jI\:Mkll,1l. " C,,<docOI SO.2. 11.J.l
wilh WbidJ I Am B"l'ti:ua "Cf, .\lkIO,r.s. BlENATuREorGoo8.46·47.'" NP:-IF 1 IO,1l6.

150 151
with us our punishment, bur nor Our sin. SONS, FOR THE EASTER SE A$ Q:>I, SER~'ON THE HAR.1.10NYO> THE GOSPELS
D e;l,th is the puni.hm~nt of sin. The Lord)e" 231.2.'"
sus ChriH C;lmeto di~; he did nat come to

"Cf. 2 Cor,:21; H .b4.15; 9,26·28, 1O,! · !~. "C«edoc

02M.23LU6.248.4Z, FC J.8:M


earthly life can offer. EXHORTATION TOTH E


lO:52b He Follow~d Him 011 the Way


Grac e calls for re,ponsiveness on our part.

God'. electing ~nd assuring promise does
nat coerce our will or preempt free response
(CHRYS05TOM). To follow him on th e way is
to take him;l,Sour pattern, receive nou rish-


most rema rkable wretchedness, because, in
;>ddition to being blind, he had also to sit
10:46 The Son of Tim"eu:i
lAnd when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Be!hany, at the Moul1'
THE FALL FROM L OFTINESS. AUGUSTINE: of Olive;, he sent two ofhis disciple;, 2and said to them, "Go into 'he vi11age opposite

152 153

yo~, and immediately al yor.;. enle r it you will Jind a colt tied, on which 110 0',1' h~s !o me to be hinri ng:lrthe circumstance of th"gu p e:prefigured thcp",."ion he was ro
those who .. fterwards would come to be- undergo, pl.lrifying wirh his blood those who
el/er sat; untie it ana bring it. Jlj allY one Jayl to you, 'Wh y are you doing this?' say,
~~ve, but who as yet had n~ve, sar under t he believe in him.'· PJ RS l" ApOLQGY 31.' 1
'The Lord hal netd OJil and will lend il back here immediately.' ~ ' And th,'), went
~uthorityof 'heWordprio rto Jes!lS · com.
away, and found aeoll tkd ut the door oul in ehe open serae; and th ey untied;1. sAnd ing. COM:>1ENTARY OH JOHN 18.' GRAOU"~ O' KOV& RY 0 1' PII,OPH BT'C CORII,II-
tI)O H who stood Ihere said 10 eh em. - Whal are you doing. untying th e roltr 6And LATIONS. AUQUSTINE:~Hisdisciples d id nOI
they told them what)esul had said; ond they let them go. 7 And they bro~ght Ihl'co/t 6~"S"lS Of BURDOIN IN TII 8M£SSIASIC undeut;rnd thi.. at first; bur whenJe.us w~s
to Jesul, and threw th d r garme nts on it; and he sal upon it. ~Alld many spread t~ e ir DU.>IA. EpHReM TH~ SYRIA"'; " Untie the glori fied.thenlheyremembero!drh"rrhi,h~d

garment> on th e road , and others spread leafy branch es which they. had cu tfr~m the donkeyandbringittome .... Hcbeg~nwith3 b.:enwrittenofhim and had been done to
manger and fini sh ed with lIdonkey, in him,""rh at i$,whert he had manifested the
fields. 9 An d tho" who went before and th ose who follow ed ede'd ou t, "Hosanna!
s..thlehem with a manger, inJerusal~m with power of his re$ur.-..:rion ... In short. men-
Blessed is h e who com es in the name of the Lord! lOBlessed is the kingdom of OUr
~donkcr. CO:\1:\1I!NT .. RI' ON T ... T' .. N·S r~llycomp~ringwith[hecont""c..ofScrip(Ure
father David that lj coming! H osanna in the highHt!- DIATE5S... RON.' wh,,[ was accomplished both prior to ~nd in
rhe col.lrse of OUr Lord'spassion, [hey found
1l:2dUn lielt this:Uso in Scripture. [hat it wa.'! in accord.anu
OVIIIl.V I8W: Zuhariah hlld prop hesied th at th~ foalofana,s"nd ~nrer]erl.l.a1em .' F!RsT with the urrerancc of [he prop hen th at he sa.t
the messi,mic king wOl.lld eome from a tiny ApOLOGY 35 . 1 Wil YUNT I ~1 ORlaIN' So me int erpret the on~nass·s,ol[.TlV.CTA TESONJOH NS1.6.L1
vill age (OR!GEN),meekly on a gentle don- ded-upa.sas " refe rence rob eli everlwho
key OUSTl N MARTYR, EPH II,6M THE SYR- ZIICHA IUAH'S P IlOPH ~S'" Fl,ILFILLEO. BEo E; co me from ~he circumcisio n. They were b<'- 11,7 Tbe y Brought the Colt ro)t$u$ and
''' :-1,BEOE) "s"sign of h umiliry, " condes- Say to the d..ughter ofZion, - Behold,your ing freed from many bonds by those who in- HeSo/up o nll
cension of mercy. By this lowly mnns rhe ki ng wiUcome [0 you, gen d e, and sitting struClOed them in the word.'· COM .... "NT... RY
king of"geswould become the king of ou r upon" donkey,anditsf~l,t heofTspringof ON J OHN 18." EMBODVlN(l H UM ILI TY. AUG UST' .... &' The
Souls . "Hounn.." i~ .. spo 'H"neOI.l$ expr es- abe:lS [ofbl.lrden ." T h~da\lghrer ofZioni$ m ..ster ofhl.lmility is Christ who h umbled
sio n of ..m .. zem ent at God's u ving work. the chl.lrohof[hefaithful, a figl.lreofth e 11:4 They Found a Colt Tied at tbe hims elf " ndb.:cameobedienteventodeath.
By st udying S~riptur e th e di5cipl.s gradu- heavenly J~rusal~m, whi~h is th~ moth~r of Do or even the death of th ecross."Thus he does
.. lly recogniuditsprop heticfulfillments us .. l!,ofwhich there then existed a siuable notlo, e hisdivin ity whenhet(lIchesus hu.
(AUGUSTfNE). group among the p<:ople oflsracl.' They h .. d PaSf IGUR.NG T II 6 PASSION.]USTI'" M .. R- mility . . . . Whalgreatthingwasittothe
J king who W2S genrle. for it W2S nor God's TTR:Thepropheey, -binding h is f<Ul 10 the kingof[he"gurobecomethe kingofhu_
1l:2~G CI ill lCldft Villgge ple;tSl.lr~ Iogiveanurthlykingdom,oth( viM. ~nd washing his robe in rhe blood of manity? For Christ was not the king of b ru!
powerful,bl.l,,, he,,venly kingdom 10 Ihegen- the gr"pe,~u conrained symbols of the thi ngs so rhat.he might uacr 1I rax or equip an armr
COMPARINGTHI Vl~~"'GI To TII~ H~"YI"·~. tie. HO:>1 JUES QN THf GOSPBLS 1 . 3.6 that were to h appen to C hris t, ~nd of what wi[h weaponry and vis ib ly vanquish an en -
O R! GE N; Note th",' the p13ce where the "'ss hew"srodo. For the fO:l.1 of an ass stood emy. He wu th e king of hrael in that he::
was found tied was a village. and " vill"ge 11:2cOn W bicb No One Haj EverS,,/ bound ro a vine at th e encrance of ~ villllge. rules minds, in th:l.! he gives col.lnscl fore tcr-
without ~ n ..m • . Fo r in eomparison with the il ndheo[deredhisdi.«:iplesrobringitto
grntwodd inhuven, the whole eu th i..a W il T UNSAl" UPO N! ORIOEN; Here he sums him then. W h en it was brought, he mounted
' T LG lO4~.OO~. 1Q. J!-105.1; ef Al'F9:m_ 'M, 21 :2; Mk
village. COM"' ~NT.lR' OS J OHN 18.' and Ut upon it, and rode inroJerusa.Jem,
11:2. ")SSSl,269. "Cf. ""1J1~4S_ "TLGlO4~.ooo;;
where rhe slately temple of the Jews wu "'NF~J97·9!:I·· . "Gttl49: Jo. ''-n,.lWm.>n'''''-',,,.y«l
1I :2b Find "Colt whichyol.l [RomJnsj" have roued roche ,he , <con<! ",.... pi< u. 4.o.1D. " Ct. Heb ~14_n. "GMI

\VHY .. COI.TI ] uSTI'" M .. RnR: It was

ground_ Aft er thi~ he w~s crucified, in order
rhattherestofth e proph ecybeverified.P or
~~.;I~f:p~~7~~:~. ~,l;<2:~:~, :i~::!:J ~~:'<
Qfrh<><~mph"k,o ...l"rio". onlr · f«,th« '·<n" h.d "'"
foreroId exp ressly tharh e would sir upon the word. "washing his rob e in the blo od of ",,,,-<d."Phil :,$

IS4 155
nitr, in that he lead s into the kingdom of all th eir mighc: "Hosanna to the son of
heaven for those who beIieve, hope, and David.Ble.sedishethatcomesinthename
lov e. Itisa condescension, not an advance· of th e Lo,d." H OMILIES 94. Jl
mem for one who is the Son of God, equal
totheFa ther,theWordthroughwhomaII 11:9 H05anna!
things were made, to become kingoflsraeI.
h isanindicarionof pity,notanincrease in WH .. HOSANNA! JER.OME: The boy. in the
power. TRACTATES ONJOHN 51.3-4.'9 Gospd raised alo ft their branches as the OVERVIEW: T he incarnate Lordhungued t heyp o.ssedbyinrhemorning; a ndth~nto

Savior en teredJ ~ru saIcm. They kept On ~ ry. jUSt:l.'i we do, inorde , toidmtifr himself wh at had taken place on th~s~cond day,
11:8a Mllny Sprclld Their Garm~nt$ on ing: "Hosanna.ff. . . Theyborrowed these withou,humanpove,ty (H,UR.VOF POl· which was the day o n which th e rree was
the Road versicles from Psalm 117." Ho sanMa, mo'e. T1ER.S). As a figure of the law, the ttee was cu rs ed, h e has attach ed what really took
over,istheH ebrewfor"OLord,gr ant sal. cursed at an inopporrunetime, because th e place On the third day- namely , the amaze
SP",EADING THII HIIART BEFORB H,M. vation!" HOMILlES 94 ." law at.m opportune time did not bear fruit ment of th e dis ciples at s ee ing the tree 's
METHOOIUS: Instead of our garments, let us (EPHR.EM TH E SYRIAN). T he Iastacr of Jesus' with ered condition, and the declara ti on
spread our hearts before him. 20 0RATION ON THE MBA NING OF THB EXCLAMATION, ministrr , the cursing of the fig leaves, tranS- which they hea rd from the Lord on the ques
THE PSALMS r." AUGUSTI NE: "Honnna,ff however, is a word mutedth~firstactofhumanhistory,thefig tion of t he power of faith. I THE HAR.M ON..
of supplicating, as some say who know ,he leaves of Ad am and Eve, wh o had nO t borne OFTHE GOS PELS 68.132.1
1l:8b Others Spread L~4fy Branch es H ebrew language, mo re declaring a feeling wonhy frui t (CYRIL OFjERUSALEM). Faith i.
thansignifyingsom et hing .Justas i nth~ called to bea r fruit activdy thtough love 1l:l2b Hr Was Hungry
THET ...,BUTEOFTHE,R VOICES.JI!ROMS: Latin I:mguage there ar~ words which We cill (AUGIlSTIN~. G R.SGO R.Y THE GR.EA T). Merely

An d others cut boughs . .. and strewed interjection.,aswh ~ ninsorrowwes ay, existing wi thout yidding fruit is not the pur- THB LORD OF GLO ..... VULNERABLE TO HUN
them in the way. Th ey cut branches from H ea! Or when we are deligh ted, w~ say, pcse for which hum an beings are given th e GSR. HILARY OF POITlERS: As we behold th~
the fruitbearing trees with which th e Mount Van! Or when w ~ are amazed, we say, "O h, giftoflife(AIlGIlSTlNEJ. mystery of h is tears, l hunger'andth irst.' lc,
of Olives WaS plamed , and spread them in wh at a great thing!" For then on signifies liS re member that the one who wept also

the way; sO aS to make the crooked ways no thingex:cept thef~ding ofone whois 1l:12a On thr Following Dlly raised the dead to life, rejoicing fo r Lazarus.
suaight, and the rough wayssmooth,that amazed. TRACTATSS ONjOHN 51.2." From the very One who th irsted flowed ri,·
Chris t th e conqueror of sin might walk THE CHflONOLOG .. OF DA ..S. AUGUSTINE: ers ofliving water.· He who hungered w~ s
straightly and safely into the hearrs of the Mark, cnhisside, has recorded inconn ec- ab lc rowithet rh e fig rree"Which offered no
faithful. . , . And when they had don e all fruit for his hunger. How cou ld this be, tha t
that was to be do n e by their hands, they of- he who was able to strike the gre~n n ee d~ad
fered also the tribute of their voices; and go- merely by h is word could also have a nature
ingbcfore and foIIowing after the y Cty, not of th e selle .. and buyers from th e temple. that could hu nger!' This was the mystery or·
in a brief a nd wordl.,ss confession, bur with On the other hand, Manhew, after mention- his hunger,grief,and thirst, that the Word
was assuming fle.h. His humanity was en -
tirelr expo.edto our weakn esses, yer eve n

!lAnd he entered Jerusale m, and went into th e remple ;an d wh e n h e had loo );;.·d round
at e vcry thi ng, as it w as already late, he wcnt Old to Beth1111] wi t h th e tw el ve. pIes expres. edat finding the tree dried up as

1 56 157
.hen his glory wu no. wholly pur away U he Iheolllercove ring ofiu buds,youknow dis(erll. Fo r it w~s nOlyet t h ~s~3S0nfor the ca use UerusaiemJhadnoeacc"ptcd Ihelaw
suff~red thue i ndigni'i~s. His we~ping was fhaI511 mmer isn ~a r.~': You &~e that he pro_ uee ro bea r fr u it. Neve rth elns, ~in'e he was hecursed[thefigrr~eJ,soehatehet"migh t
norforhimself, his ,hirstwas not for w;lter, poses it [a. as ymb olj becaLls~oiitsabun_ hungry,helookedforfruitont her ree. 11 no longer be frui t on it,ac(ording to its l;>.w.
nor his hunger merdy for food . H e did no, da nt moisture and in e;>.rly buds. COMMEN _ Does th is imply th;>.[ Christ kn~w less than ... Hesoughl fr uit from the fig tree at a n in-
ear or drinkorweepju""to sa,isfy his appe· TARY ON T ATIAN 's DIAT IlSSARO N.!l wh ateverypus;>.nrco uld ea..i lydisce tn! opportunetime,lhat itmigh tbea sy mbol of
rites. Rath er, in his inc;>.rnare humbling he Surely not. Wouldn' t yo u exp ecr the In aker One who h.td deceitfully withheld rh e fru its
Was demonstrating the reali ,y of his own L.HAVES OF LAW. GRE GORY TH 6 GIl6AT: The of the fig tre e to know wh;>.t the ordinary or· of the law 3tthe oppcrtunetime." For, ifh e
body by hu ngering., by doing what human figs which the Lord had .so ught were the ff\lit ehud worker wou ld know in a sna?" So h ad sought fruit from it ;>.t the opportune
nature does. And when he ate and drank, it of the syn..agogue, which had the ldlves of me when he was hungry he !ooked for li-uit on time, no one would have known Ih al there
wu not a concession to some neces.'liryeKler· law, but not rhe frui( of works. For the CT"e:Irol the rree, but he seemed to be looking (or was a figuraeivemuningembedded here. In-
nal ro himsel f, bUI to show his full paflicipa· of a.ll thingscould norbeignoranflharrhefig somerhing more from Ihis tree. He noted SI""d of the fig eree, therefore, he showed
tionin the h uman cond irion. QN THJ; tree had no fruj,. Tha, was something anyone that the rree had no fruit, bu t was fuU ot that it was Jerusalem that he wu repro.. ch-
TIUNITYIO.14! mighr know, since i( was not the time of figs. leaves. It was at that point that he cursed it, ing.. for he had sought love in her, bur she
LETT ERS, 39, To EULOGIUS.'· and it withered away. So what turib le Ihing had d~spised the fruit o(repentance..
FOil WHAT 0 , 0 H .H HUNGJ; Il! AU GUSTINE' had the poor rree done simply in nOI bearing Why, therefore, did he who was good and
Did Ch rist really want p h pic~lly to reli sh 11:13 1t Wa s Not th e Se asollfor Figs iruit! Cou ld che tree reasonably be faulted gende, who everywhere t ~v tal td greal things
an d co nsume fruit himselfwhen hesoughr for iu fruitless ness! N o. But hu man beings oll.tof li tde things, md co mp letion OUt ofim-
the fruitofl his figtreei And ifheh >.d found D ISCBR NING TH II T,M u. AUGUSTINE; Some who by their own free will decide nOt to bur perfecrion, wh y did he co mm and the fig tree
irrhere,wouldhethenevenh~vee;>.[eni(1 who w itn essed Christ's miracles did not fruit-rhat is a different matter. Th ose to dry up! For he heal~d th e suffer ings of eve-
Did he rully want to drink warer when he undentand wh ar th ey mum, and how found wanring inaccountabiliry in thi s cut 'Yone , chan gedwat~rtowine,madean a bun­
said (0 Ihe woman ofSamaria. «Give me.a they sp oke 10 those who knew rhey h;>.d are those who ha d the benefit ofth~ b w, dancefrom;>. iicde bread,openedt heeyesof
drink"!' When he was on theeros.'l soaying "' specia l muning. They wondered only at wh ich wu m""nt to bear fruie, but (hey had the blind, cleansed iep'"'s and raised the dead
rhirst,",owurhis re.ally all abour his physicai rhe mirRcles themselves. O rhers borh mar· nofru il to sho w for it. T hey had a fuU 10 life. Bu[thisfigtreealonedidhecause to
thirsr~ For whn does Ch, ist hunger more veiled at t he miracles, and auain ed SOme growt h ofleaves (the law),yet they bore no wirher. lr w;ubecausethetimcofhissuffer·
Ihan our good works? For wh ~ r dO<!s ChriST prelimina ry undeurand ing of them. For fruit (works of mercy). SERMONS ON N,w ing was nur, and, lut it be thoughrrhat h(
thirst mOre tha n Our faithful respons ei ON rhis we must come to rh e sc h ool of Christ T IS'l"AMiNT LI.SSONS411.J.'· was captured because he was unab l(ro free
THE PSALMS3S.IS." himse lf. Those fix ed only upon the pbin himseIf,hecursed the figrree, that it might
Se ns e of Scri p ture rend to focu s merely 11:14 May No Oll t E ver Eat Fru irfro m b eas ignfo rb isftiend~,a.n damirade fo tb i s
11:13 No thing bu t Lu vu llpo n miracle fo r miracl es ' uke. H ence Yo u Agaill enemies. T hus, the di<ciples would b(
they may prem ~ turdy conclude tharJesus srre ngthen edbyhi< word,andorhen would
EARlr, MOI ST Buos. EPHREM TH E SYRIAN: hi m.sel fw asignoranroftherimeofthe W'THH OLDING FRUITS. Ep H. R£M THI; Su.· be;>.mazed at his power. Be(:ause he did all
T he nnurcofthe figtre~ is such thar year, so m et hing any ordinary farmer cou ld I.AN: T he owner of the fig tree did nor obey Ihingswell,"and(cherimeJrorhimtosuffer
when ir is c ur. becauseofils moisture, il the law bue spurned il. Our Lord came and was near. icmighcbethoughr,uindeed it
[rcquiresJmanymonthsforirrodryup. found tha t ehere Wali [nothingJ left on it so was. th~c he w;u captured benuse he poa·
Our Lord chose it as a symbol. therdore, 'CnO«io< I14U. /U",]1l.}4.1, NPNF Z ~188". s.;r.i"' rh. hfcursed it,leSlitsowner eatli-omitapin, aessed no power. He showed in advance,
fo,,,,,,fGOOb<h .. ,,..bI<J.hi,,,.. lfan.dhunV,cd .. ,,b.,.i.
ro mah rhe quality o f h is power known . «v.n,fo. m.;no<d«,oid.n<i/7hi", .. lfwi,h"",h .. ",,,, since he had lefe [nothing) for th~ orphan thudote, by mcansofa living plant which
Ihrough ir. Ir is ev ide nr th ;>'l the figHee be· hun,.,. ")n4:7. '"In 19:.za. "C.,.d.x02~). 33.>-1.J..4.1: and widows.... Hecursed thefigtreeandit
comn moisr and lender befote the other
rr ees. H ence om Lordsai d , "From th e fig
~~::<I~:~~!',~.~' ~~,h;4~~~ :~ f~2!~~~:~;; ,~~ss shrivded up to sh ow them th e pcwer of his
divini ty,sothatbym~ans o f[thisl.tction
"Mk I bll . "Cmdo<O~8i. ~.J.6.~2.)~; SPSF 1(04 1).
2,247- . "Cef<docliH,I40• .10.21.)2,NPNF2 I HS' l4·';d.WSA J/ 4.044.4S.S.,mon%.). "O.Mkl l 'lJ
tree lea rn thi s p arabl~. As SOOn as i~s T h. l" v•• 'rmboli~.d ,h. I.w. whioh 1...·k.J the f,~i' of ne.t r at hand which the y could see, they J<,~ ..I<m";I>";Ii';nll l""1. i. p,.,b.bly in«nd<" " " •.
branch b~comes te nde ra!ldopen 511p in 1<>0<1 \\0"0'" might believe th at which was to come. Be- "cr. Mk7:1?

158 IS'
M~R K " ,, " ' I

h"uus"dlowi,hcr. t!lJlh"wo uld have signs. J ustas h"wlSh e.:l dedtow~rdthe that th is an was pe rform~d by the Lord not Rememb er: when he saw tr"-<iers in Ih" 'c'" ,
been ~bl" to destroy Ius <:rucilierJ with a eross, he cursed the figt r«- no< every fig on ~ sing[~ oceu io n, bu t twice over. Only in pIe buying the 5.1CrificiaJ. offi,rings me:u11 to 10.·
word. CO"''''~!'>'TAR r 1)1'1 T AT1AN·S DIATES' nee, but t hat one alone for its symbolic sig. thefirstin $c~ nee was it recordedbyjoh n, madc to him, he was prompt in g<!tting rid "I
SARON. " ni tiunce-saying: " May no one ev er eat but in th~ laub y rh" oth~r three.' HARMONY t hem.' ... Theserhingsshouldc;ouseusgrc."
rruit of you again.· l1 In this way the Cu tse oFT H~ GOSPE LS2. .67.1 po:rturbation, bt;loved: we should dru d rh..,,,
FIG LEAV BS. CY~ ll Of J~RUSA l e M: Remcm" laid upon Adam and Eve waS being revers"d. exceedingly wirh well·deserved fear, and C.1re
b"r at the {im~ o f che sin of Adam and Eve For they had clothed chenudves with fig U:15b He Over/wrned th e Tal./u of th e fu!ly avoid rh em with p.tinstakingdiligenc.·.
chey clothed Ch~l1lSdves-w;th whae Fig leaves. CA TECH eTICA~ LECTU RES 1).18.U Moneychangerl and the Seau ojThPJe lest h" COme une>rpectedly and find Jom"chiu):
!uvu."' T hat w3s th~i r first act arter the fall. Who Sold Pigeons ev;l ;nu.,as ~ resul tofwhich we.hould
SO{lo wJ emsislU~ ki{lgthesamefigu r"of rightlybeKourgedandc:r... our of thechur~ h
the figrrec rh every l"" tcfhi s wondrous DRIVEN OUT. B EOE: He sc~'tered the fraudu· HOM ' ~1~5 1'11'1 T H B GOSPELS 2. 1.'
lent traders. and d rcve them aJlour. toge rher
with the thinglthat h :ui re do wi th the CMry·
ing on of trade. What, m y beloved, do you sup'
pose our Lord wouJd dc ifh" should discover
people involved in disputes, was ting rim"gos ·
210 12;M.ll' 15; lkl9:'5;jn 2'1~. ·C.<.do< 1)67. 2. 1.N
siping. indulging in unsee mlyl~ugh{e r,or en. HQC2:2· J·.Cf.j<ro",.C,., ."" ,"" ,,' /,{.,,., ·.. 2 1. 1'i
1 1 :1 5·1 9 THE CLE AN SING OF T H E TEMPLE g;q:ed in any cther &O re ofwicked actionsi (CCLn, lIll1)

'SAnd th ey came 10 )uuJalul1. And h e entered the temple an d beg an to drive oul
thOH wh o $o ld and thos e wh o bought in th e templ~ , ilnd he o~ e r t urn e d th e t ab le$ of
th e moncy·cha nge n and th e jeat> of th ou who $old p ige ons; 16and h e w ould riot 11:2 0 ·25 TH E MEA N ING OF THE WIT HERE D F IG T R E E
allow anyone to carry anything through the tcmple . '7And h e taught. and said to
them, -Is ir n ol wri/l en, 'My house shall be cal/ed a hou$e of praya forall rhe nlltions'~
Bul you ha~e made it a den of robba$ . ~ 18 An d t ht chief prj~H$ and the scribe$ he"rd lOA$ they passed by in Ihe m orning , t hey JI1W th e fig tree wi rhered I1way 10 irs roots.

it and sought a way to d eHroy bim; for they fea red him, bc"wH ~ !l rhe multiludt zlAnd Pet er reme mbered Md s aid 10 him, -MaH er, loolc! The fig tr ee which yo"
was astoni$h ed at hi$ tea cbing . 19 And wh en e vt'lling came t h"J w ~ nt ou t of tlu d ly . cune d ha$ withere d .~ 22AndJesus answ ered them. «Havejaitb in God. 2JTruly. I jay
to you, who eve r say. 10 this mounta in, 'Be taken up and caH into the ua: and does
not doubt in his h eart, but believes Ihal wh at he sa]!; will come In pcus, it will be donI'
OV~~VIBW' Ekforc glc~ting over rh" drivi ng TII BT wo R. PORTS. AUGUSTINE: T his JC'
out ofrherr"dcrsfromrhetemplc.rcmem· eoun,of rhem"ny.cll~ .. whcwcrccasr otll jnr him. 2'Therefore I tdl you, whar eve r ynu a$k in prayer, believe that you hl1vt
ber th~1 divincjudglU cnl on rh e church in of ( h ~ r~tnplc w." rcporl~J by all the CV.lllgd. received it. and it will be yours . 15 Arl d when e ver you Hand praying, forgiv e . if you
histo ry may Ix equally sevcr" (B EDS). T h" ist s. ;ncludingJoh n. bllt in h is '~sc he ;Illr<l' ha~e anYl hing ag ains t any onei so Iba t y our Father also wh o i$ in h ~a ven m ay forg ive
textu.:devicienee mayind iratc chat ch" due", if in d compl~ldy different ord~r . . . youyourtre$pas$ e$ .-
scourgingofrhcsellershappcnedoncw-odif. J chnproc""dsrorelluJ duthe wemul'to
fcre nr oce asicns (AUGU ST' '''E). jerus.lkmarrh" luson oft hc)cw, ·pJs •.
ovcr. ~I\J when he h~d m~dc ~ scourg" of OVER vniw, Beware cffruitl e"ness. It will obta.ining wh"t is tightly asked for accDrding
11:15aHt Bega n to Drive Out Tho$e s m ~ 1 1 cord. drove OUI ofl hetc mplc !hll~c be cursed (CYRIL Of jER USA L~ M). Fait h prays ~o ~he divine will UCHN CASS IAN) . In th is
Who Sold ~"d ThoH Wh o lI ~ught wh c were Ielling in if. Thll maku ir evide n' wic hout h ~sit3dcn and in dcing so alr eady is way prayer participa~e$ act ively in th e p ow~r

160 161
of d migh ty God (CH R'tS OS TOM) . T h. per- duedth es <rengtho ffire, b ridled th c rage of ir is ce rtain ,h3t no hum an being docs such a also fotgive th em theirs. By thi s you wiJI , ir '
fec tf~ i t h requir ed for moving mou ntain s, lion s, silence d an arch y, ext1n guished wats, thing with out God·s gifr and workings. cu mVent ill·wilI, and b mi sc the head of that
evt n if it is unexampled. i$ nm in tri m ically ap peased the elements , e~ p dl e d demons , Mark we[ l that even if no :l.(; rual instances of anc ien t se rpe nr, " who is eve r on t h ew ~rc h
impossible (AUGUSTlN ll ). T he te xt te:l.chu burstrh echairuo f d eath,en lugedthe gues perfecrri ghtcoumess maybo! fou"d~mong with all su btlery to u"d o yo ur good works
us to forgive in ch", manner in which we ofhuvcn,relieved dise3$es,ave rred.frauds, humans, lh ~tdocsnol rulc out perfe.::trighr. and fruitful aiffi$. Let no day pass b y withoui
would duire to be forgiven (ANONY MOus). res-cued cities fmm dest ruct ion, stayed rh~ ("Ousncss as if it were formally impo5Sible. reading some porrion of the sacred Sc rip.
su n in iuco urse, and :u rcned the progres. F ori tm ighth ~vebeen rulizedifonly,uffi. tures, whenever you h~ve rim~ , and giving
11:21 T Ilt Fig Tru Whi( h YO II Curse d of the thunderbol,. In sum p rayer h as powe. ci£ ntrespo ns ivewillinghadb een ~ppl i ed, so me spac" to m"d i r~tion.Neve r c::r.s t off thc
Has Witb ~ r e d to destr oy wh ~ [ever is ::r.t enmity wi th th£ enough to suffice for 50 gru t a deed . 0" habir o freading th" holy Scriptu res. Noth·
good. I speak not of th e prllye r of rh e lips, TtlSSPIIUTA N D T H B L S TTB R 6 , .10 ingfeeds rh ~ 80 u l ande nriche . the mind s o
A OM o"' Tlo .. 1'0'" THO SII P ItIlP .l. IU .... TO BR butof l he pr;lyer thuascends fro m the in· m uch as rhose ucrcd s mdies. ll EPISTLi TO
B .... Tl ~ II 0. CYRn. OFJ ERUS.l.leM: You ~re most recesseso f . he heart. ON THU INCO,... 11:25 Fo rgive. If YO II Ha ~ e Any /bing LUCIAN9.!4
nowbeingjoined with the holy vine.' If, PII. El-t~Nsr ll' lI TYOFGoD, H o~u l Y S·44, 4 6, Ag"insl A nJon e
then, yo u abide in the vine,you growi ntoa S7,S8."
fru itfu l b r:lnch , bur if yo u do no tw:lbide, OvSRCOMt NG Pfi"'SON.. L ALlE .... Tlo".
L·C~,..!<><OJ.4J. J~.6J.22). tO; :-!PNF 1 5,1 12" . "Som •.
you wiU be b umt in th c fi re . Let us thuefore 11 :24 Belie ve That You Will Rer live It ANONY ..... OUS,u lf ~ 'l inj ury is don e to you,
ti "",• • ",ibucod,o Th<o nu of AI<"ndci • . " Cf. C.n J, IS:
bringforthworthyftuit.For leti tnotc ome andYolIWilI lookw Jcsus Chris t. Eve nasyoudesirethar Romt6,20. " Cf.Jn S,J9:A". 17,11: 2Tim l ,lS. J6
:lbout ,h u it should happ en to uS wha t hap· he mayforgi v~ yo ur s ins, justsoyou mu s ~ " ANF 6,161'
pened to the barren fig tree in the Gospel! FULLCONP IDJ;NC lI, j OH" CASS!A'" Wh il~ we
Let not Jesus Come in th ese days and unu <lire praying. there should be no hesirarion
rhc same CUrse upon the fru itless. But in· thal wOuldinrerveneor b reakdo wn theron·
stud mayallof yo" say , ~ I<lI m l ike agreen ol. fidenceof ou r pe rition by any s hadow of de-
ive tree in rh e house of God."'C ..n c HHI· spair. We know thal by pouring forth OUr 1 1: 27 -33 TH E AU T HOR. IT Y O F JE SU S QUE ST IONED
C A l L E CTU R~ S tA .' prayer Wc arc ob t~ining already what we ue
as king for. W e ha ve no doubr rh at Our
11 :2 3 Wboever Does Not D Oll bt in His pr~ye rs have e ffectualI yreac he d G od.'F or to
H elJ rt bwt B e1ie ves tha t d egree rhat on e believes thar he is r~· l7 And th ey cam e ag ain toJeru ,alem. And as h e was wal ki ng in th e t empl e. tb r cb ief

garded by God.. and th arGod can grant it. prie sts and the sc ribe, an d t he ddus came to him , uand th ty said to him , ~ By what
Til l! POWE"'OF P RA YE.... C HII.YSOSTOM: justsof3 rwillone ~ heardandobta inan aUlho rity are JO II doing Ihese things, or who gave YOII tbis au thorilY 10 do Ihemr
P rayer is an all·e fficienr p <lInoply, a treasure anJ wer.CO!'l fEII.E NCESI·9·3~." 29Jn us :said to tbem, -I willlll k you Ilqlle5lion : answer me, IInd I will / el/yolI by wbat
undimin ished,a mine ncver exhausted,a sky
allthority I d o th ese thi ng:!. lOW as t he baptis m of J oh n fro m h ea ven or f ro m me n.'
un obstmcred by clouds. a hav~nunruffied 11 :23 It Will Be Don e f orHim
Answer m ~ . M ' IAnd th ey argue d with on e anoth er, -If we ~ay, 'F rom h ea ven,' h e wi ll
by " o rm. lti. th e ro ot, the fountai n, and
rh e mothe r o fa thousand ble.uings. It ex· DIV INE G ,VI NG .. Nn H UMAN WILU .. G. say, 'Wby th en did you no t believe him ?d2 B ut ,hllll w e say , 'Fro m m en 't "- th ey were
ccedla monarch·s powC(. . . . 1 speak not of AUGUSTt NE: Not e that Jesus said "fOr him: afraid of the people, fo r all h d d thllt Joh n was a re a! prophet. llSO th ey anJwered
t he p raye r wh ich is cold and feeble and de· not ~for me,'" and not ~for the F.uher." Yet jeJlls, ~We do not knoUl.~ And Jesus said to them , "Neither will I te ll you by what
void of zeal. I speak ofthal which proceeds aUlborily l do theu tb ings .

from a mind ourstrerch ed,rhec hildo fa con·

trit e sp irit,s rh e offspring ofa sou l con· 'Cf. JnIS>'I--6. 'o. .\1cZ U9:.\.lkll,20. 'Cf.P'~l' l
4LCC4:SO". 'Cf. P, J-H 8; b66:2. t CM J 279.SO' ·: d . FC
verted- th is is th e praye rwh ichmo uncs to n, 1S6·S7 . 161.(i2. ' Cf. J"5:lS· 16. ' C."d",, U$12.
OV~RVI ~W: Ru din ess to seek the truth af· kgal expert$ lacked un ders tanding, however
he~ve n . . . T he power of p ra yer h:u 5Ub· 9.12.217. 14: N PNF 2 1l,19S·' . 4T h• Sun. fecrs its disclosu re (BE OE). Lac king faith, the much th ey might know objectivdy abo ut th e

1 62 163
i\-I .... ~ " , 'I

law (TSRTUl Ll A"'). Since chq an5wered che posed by [h e Lord h imself [0 t he leg:ll ~" . ItllllnlS, and went in to lino/her cOllnlry, lWhr n thl' timr (o:I ml', he unl 0:1 serv<1IJI I,' rI"
[ru d'lwi[h .. l ie.J~msdidnocfo rceopenlhe peru. It concerned whet herJohn's bap tism rtnants, rogtt f rom rht m l Omt o/rhtfruil oftht vinq ard. l And lhty took him an,/I,t.l/
doors [h ~ y rh"m. dv~s ha d b:lrri,~ded (Au· wa s from hea ven or from men ,' T hey wee.
him, and H nt him aWelY emply .helnded. ~Ag Olin h e sr ntto th rm anOlher ltrv~ n l. >111,/ r/'rJ
GUST!NB). unable togive :l consis tent :ln swer. Th ey did
waund ~ d him in the head, and IrMted him sh~meJu11y. SAnd he sent a na th ~ r, <!I,d h,..,
nOt unders tand because th ey did not bdi e...~ .
11 :28 By WhM Authority.' O N BAPT ISM 10.' th ey killed ; elnd so with melny oth ers, so me th ey heelt and so me th ey k.ill ed. 6 H ,· li d,1 11,11
ont oth er, el heloved son;finally h e sen t him to th em, saying, Th ey will respect my ,,,,!'
F.A'UNG THE TRVTH. A,,'C; t;S Tl N E: Fearing a 11 :33 N tith er Wi!!ITdl You TBu t thoselen anls said 10 ontmlolhe r, 'Th is ii th e heir; ,o me, lel us killhim,,,w .llht
sroning. bu t f~aring mo re ;l1\ ..dmiuion of ill huitallce wil! be ours: 'And Ihty too k him and killed bim, alld cast him OUI "11h,
rhel(Ur h, lhey answeroolhelrurhwi l ha RRAO[ NBSS TO 58 ..., TRUTfI Af'f'KTS ITs
vintyMd. 9WhC1l will rht ownuofrhe vineyard doJ H e wil/come and destroy the 1.'11 ,11111,
lie,reminisce nlofthe Scripl1.l re," injultite D'SCLOSUR;1!. BEO I!' It is as ifJ esus h ad said:
/Uld give the vineYo:lrd 10 others. ,0H o:Ivc 10U li ar rt ad this scripture:
has lied wil hin he.-sel f." 'For,hey s.:lid,"We ~I w ill not ,ell yo u what I know, since you
w ill no t confc ~ wha, you know:' ln t his
'The vtry stont which the bu ildtrs rejected
know nor: And b~caus e Ihey had UJ UI them'
5elve5 up:lg:linst him, by as sen ing th:lt Ihey way knowledge is h idden from those who
has becom e tbe head of th ecorntr;
did not knowwh:l[they knew, the Lord did wrongly seek it principally fo r IWO reaso ns: lllhiJ was th e Lord's doing,
nOI open up to them beuuse [hey did nO I first, wh en the one who seelu itdocs not and it is mMVe!OUS inour eyu "?"
knock. Fo rit has been.aid, "Knock:lndit h ave sufficie nt c:lp:lcity to unders tand what llAnd they tried to elrres t him, butfeMed the multitud e, Jar they perce ived /1),<1 lit
wiU be opened to you: l But th ey no[ only h e i.. seeking for, and seco nd, w he n t hrough had laid the parable against th em; so th ey left him and went aWelY ,
h ad no r knoc ked Ihat it migh[be opened , contemp[for [he truth one is un worr h y of
bur by rh eird enial rhe y b ar ricaded Ihe door havin g t he subject o f his inqui ry explained to
i[ulfagain$r themselves. And rhe Lorduid him .. .. So [he'Se critics were moSt justly Set OV8I1. Vl l W, T he parab le vindicate5 t he Lord spece w iU be sho wn. God can neith~r b~ In
10 l hem. "Neither do I rell you by wh31 aback. Th ey rem:.:IIed in disgrace. H O M I LI ES of Ihe vineyard. who th rough me resurrecrion doubt. no~can he be deceived. For On",'~n
O N THE G O SPEl-S 1 .11.'
rights the WTOng:J done by the lerunt$. Their only be in doubt who is ignoramofthc fu
aurhoriry l dothese rh ings:' T ..... CT .. nSON
nuJice will be di.sclosroin theresurrocrion. ture. O ne is deceived who has predicre.l onc
Both Falher and Son appear in tne par;ble nor thi ng while ano[her happened. Yerwh~["
11:30 \VII i the Bap tism of JohnfTom to know under parricularhistorica/contingen· plainer rhan the f:lcI that Scripture .n~[C'
H eaurn or from Alell~ ms Wh3! th~ydo knowOlS Godh=l (AM ' th e Father to h:lve said one thingof[hc S"n,
' P.U ,12(lXX);27:12. 'Cf. M ,707) l k 11 ,9. ' M,21 :27,
Mk 11:33: lk20:7. · C<t<d<><027! , 2.9.12,NPN F 17:16:
lUtOSE ). T he outCOme of t he resurrecrion shi fts an dth e s ~ meScriptl.lteprO Ve$an Mh "rtlu" g

FC78:68'. 'Cf.M'll'2S.16: Mkl l 'lO.12: LklO' ~ .7 the whole premise of th e parable. for amid rhe tohavetakenpl~ce!The so nw ube"'" ''
IhlUI ."N"UN"BRSTAN",,,,c;, T ERT!)t UA "':
T he b.ptism a'lOo unced by J ohn form ed the
' C"ed<x 006.10.5: AN FJ,J72.74"', 'M,1 1:17:M k l HJ; fury ofthe oppressors,Jesu. looked $[eadfutly mocked,crucified, and die d. H ~sufferc,j
l k20,8. ' GMl 286 ': cf. HOG 2,120. Kn~..-kdg<;. hidd=
subject, even al lh:" time. of a question pro· toward the re.mrrection (A'/(lU ST1NII) . mu chwoue things int he Aeshthanrhosc
fNmd",... who .!«kitwrongl,
tenanu who h ad been sent to help Out. \V, .
---- - --------------------------~- 12:6 Thll Will RUl'ur My Son the Father d eceived,orwas heignorJnt~nr
was he powed en 10 give help~ . .. N~itha 's
LORD Of Til l VINI;V.o.R D. AM8RoSE' M3t· the Faeher deceived nor does Ihe Son d. ·
thewandMarks-ay:~ H esenl hisonlyson, ceive. II is IhecLLnomof holy ScripmH"t"
12:1· 12 THE PARA BL E O F T H E WICKED T ENANTS -I-Oying 'they will respect my son: "' Lllke speak in Ihe..cm3nyvoice5, 3.II h3wsh.:>wn
$ollnds 0lS Ihough rhe OUtCOme is in doubt, inm:l!l yexampl(s. l nSIlChin!r3r"~S.(j .:>•.l
as t hough he did no t know with out doub t,'
lAnd lu btg eln to ,peelk to th em in parables . "A man planted a vin eyard, and Ht a Bill in M al th ew and Mark he says: "they will
rcs pect my son: [ha[is, it is dedared t h at re·
hedge around it, and dug apitJor th e w ine press, and built a tow er, and let it O ;lt to

164 J6S
feigns no( [oknow what h edoes know. In Wh ile you were gloaring rhat you ha<i killed dble (A UG USTTN ~ ) . C hris ridn intercession for abou t every ~h ing. Thdtw il! no t inj ure us,
this then is sho wn the uni ty of Godhead. A him, he w al sieeping. T he Psaim says, "I t h ~ health ofche sta te does nOI dep~nd upon sinctw",~I;cve,andd.econvinc«lwithout
uniry of ch an ccer is shown ro e>:is r inrhe Fa.· slcpt." j ustw hiletheyweretagingand rtcciving dny temporalbendits from the doubt,th at~verrol'lc w illfi nally el<~rie n Le
rh"r and rh" Son. For a$ God rhe father would kiU me, what w.u I doinS!"I slepr." Jtacc Ol,.1 STJ N M ... RTYR ). T h ~ people of God th e res traimofdivine judgmen[inrelarion
seem..rohidewhnisknown rohi m,&caiso AndiflhJ d nolwilledi t, l would noceven condnuesuildusly toint"rc«lerorthe ro rh,,;r voluntary acrions. Each will be re -
rhe Son, wh o i. the image of G od,'stems (0 h~ve slept, for ~l have power 10 lay down my puce of the society (T ERTUl.lJA N). Unlike quired 10 gi" e .10COUnt for th ~ respo nsi bil i.
hide what is known ro him. OF THE CHRIS- life, and r have power ro take ilup ag~in.'" the in ert and unrt~ po nsiv( physicoU image of ties whk h ht h:u betn given by God. 1 FIRST
TlAN F ... ! TH S· ' 1.ll,,·I S.' So let cheopp resso rs rage. Let th e eau h a ru ler on acoin, redeem«l h umans bur the APOLOGY I].'
eVen be-given inlothe handsofrhe ]ivdy imdge of t h", livi ng God to whom they
12:7 Come. Ld Us Kill Him, 01J J 'h e wic ked,"'let th efle.h~ left to r he h andsa f ~ Iong (A UG U ST IN ~). One freely gives to 12:16 WhO H Ult enus and [,ucr iptiMI
Inla ritotlCl WiIIB" OurJ persec utors, let th em ,us~nd him an wood God precisely Whdt One m US[ wirhhold from Is This !
with naibuansfind,pien:edwithaspear. poli tical auth o riti es, one~ df, o ne' •• on.
Til l D ECIlPTI ONOF THI K' LLBIl.5 . AUGus- The one who lies down an d sleeps sim ply 5cience, one'. sOl,l.l (TI!RTULI.IAN). As God T HII COI N'S UNA W... R BN1!.'!iS OF TIfIl h . ... G B
TlNII.: Bur how will yo u insure rhar ch e in· adds: "I ris( again." ON P5 ... l M 4" ON TIiE freely paid for our freedom from the sl~very IT S .... II5. AUOVSYtNE: Th", image of the
he ri [ ~n,e will ~ yours? Merely beuU$e you Fi ... ST OFTHIIM ... IITYRS9.' of si n, so we a r", c;uled t o receive th e new life Emp ero rapp urs differen rlyin h isson a nd
killed him! H old on! You in fact did kill h im. offreedom he gives us , valuing remporal in a piece of (oin. The coin h.1s no knowl-
yet the in herir;mcc is.rillnor you ts. Do you rhings according to their limited propor- edge of i~s bearing the im~ge of lht p ri nc e.
nOt recall rh e Psalm wh ich $:I.y.: "' lie down 'Cf. ~COt 4,4;CoI US. ' C««Ia< OISO. S.17.5S, NPNF l. tional v.1lue (OR1GEN ). Wh~nJ"s us' adv ers ar_
10.)11·Jl.-. ' Po),';. ~nUU7. 'Job9-.24. ''''''11;6];0\4k
Blltyoll ar"'thecoin ofGoJ, and so far
and ,lecp,"andthenadd.5, "' wake agai n"i ' S,ll; 10,).; lk It,ll. 'C<"'lo.:Dl.SJ. ).11.40.10.); N~ NF 1
ies feigned res pect wh ile plon ing to [rap him h igh ly superior,.u possessing mind dnd
Did you m is s rhatpointi 8,lW- (CHIIYSOSTOM), he at once broke di rectly eve n lift, $0 ~s to know th e One wh ose im.
rhrough their d~ceptions (AuG uSTTNB) . age you bU.r.· SE RM ONS ON NI!W TEST... -
"'~"'T lESSONS 43.'
12,13 To Entrap Him
1 2 :13· 17 THE Q U E STI O N C ON CE R N I NG
12:l7a Rend t rt oCaU II'
wete br(.1thing anger, and s tr~i ni ng toplo t MON IIY TO C"' BS ... R, SB~ F TO G O D. T IIRTU \._
agllinHh im, wh iletheyfeign tdr",!pecr. LI",N' Th at meallS render the image of Cae.
BAnd they H n t to h im so me of t he Ph ari see$ and so m e of the Herodians, 10 entrap T He GOSPEL OF ST. M",TTHEW. HOMILY sar,which ison th tcoin, to Caes.1r,al'ld
him in his tal k . HA nd thty came and said to him, "Ttachtr, Wt know tbllt you art 70.!. ' rhe imageofGod, wh ic h is imp ri nted on
trut, and ran'for no man;for you do not regard Ihe position of men, bUllruly teacb the person," to God. You give to Cae.sar
12:141$ It Lawful to PaJ T axe J to Cat- on!ymoney. BurtoGod,giv(yourself.ON
th t way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or no t? 15S h ou ld we pay the m , or s4rr IOOL... TRY lS.'
sh ould we no !?" Bu t k n o wing t h t ir hy po crisy, h e la id to t hem , · Why put me to tht
te st? Bring m e aco in, and In me look at it.- J6And they brougbt onto And be said ta INTIlR<:I!SS ION FOR G OVERN' NG AUTHOR'_
them , ~Whos e lik~neH and inscription is this? - Thty Hlid to him, ·Caesar's." 17JCSU l
~;~~;:~~~~~<~~S~;I~~:~ :~~~;,~~'12.
TI U .JUS TIN MA II,TYR: So We worsh ip Go<:i
said fa th~m, «Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar 's, and to Go d t ile thillgl only, but inremporal mdtters wegt'ldlys.crve
.ubj«<•• nd"'I ........ ...Ju...J«fon.I.1;·>n.judgtn"",.D>rit·
t ll al are God 's." A nd th ey w ~re amaud a/ him. you, recogni%ingyo u as emperors and rulers,
and prayi ng ~ h a r a.longwi th r ourimperi~l
power you mlly ;uso be rou nd to h~ve ~ ~;'.:·~~~:~'S~~~~~:~;:~~::i;~i~:
G.\{/29S. 6G." 1:26.27; 906: LCo, 11,7. 'Cc,.do<oon,
OV ~ R.VlllW'
In Ch ris t Go d is reclaiming h is ag(. So W( 'pend oursdves as God's own cur- ;Qund mind. Suppose you pay no attention
47.lS;A:-l FJ,:ro-.Ch,"u.n.40"",hono,th.,ul;ngpoli, ;.
own coinag"': humanity made in God 's im- rencyforchuwhichi5incompanblyval u- 10 our prayen and our franksratem(nts "lpo.... " ;n.h· ..........·r'h<rhan""Go.:!

166 1 67

\V ~ P..... y ~1l0'" TIll ' I I ILAM1'. r ...TU l l ' AN: tOO k"ponhimselfr h eformofa sla"e, L<Y~t
We pr ~yforrhc ., .'l c l y"r, lo ecm pe ro r s to doing nothing worldly or servile. Asone 12 :18·27 THE QUE STION CONC ERNIN G
th e ctern aIGod.lh,· ... u~.,hel iv;nsGod . who C;lme in the form of a ll~ve, he p~id U x THE RESU RR ECTION
who m em p~ r on Ih~m,dvu would de';." 10 3 ndt ribur e for us,inthe53me way[hal~ res_

b"benevol"nrtolh~It'. d,,, O ne who IS , ilu rion would be paid for his b lood and thar
~aboveall O{hn~ wl,,, ~I" ulled gods.~ We. ofh ~disciples . . . T huefore, lctanyone
who p05sesse. the things of Caesar rendet [SAnd Sad d ucees came to h im. wh o say that Ih ere is no re surrection; an d th ey ,,,kr ,/
looking up to h c ~ vcn wllh uu,sl.elC hed
h ~ nd5, because wc .>I'C h.mn lc n. wilh nak ed freciythem to Caesar, sot har he may be able bim a q" eHiol'l, saying, '~ · Te ac h , r, Moses wr oU for!.(J that if a man's broth a <I,,"
heads. becau,,, wc '"'c ""I ~5 h"m ed .· with · th en to render freely ro God th e things of and leaves a wife, bur leaves n o cbild . the man mu st take th e wife, and raise "p , hil,I, n'
Ol,lt ~ pro mp,cr.b.:c~usewcp rayfro"'rh e God.... JustOl.Sour Lord paid OUt debl,nOt for his brother. 2° T b ere were se vel'l broth ers; Ih efirs l look a wife, al'ld wh el'l ht· d,,',/
hu.t.co nst.lntlypr., yfur~ n c m pc rors, rhat h avingin itiatedit.no rCll.pcndedir.nor~ .
!tfl no child re n; 1 1a l'ld Ib e H co /'ld too k her, and di ed , leaving /'10 children ; an J tI,(
qu ired ir. nor at any lime made il his own
thcym.. y h 3 ve ~ I"" g h re,a,e~u rc c mpirc. a
pos&e$sion. COr.tM!;/oI T"RY ON MATT H SW
third like wise; 111lnd Ih e seven left no children. uS!
of all the wom an Il/io died . 1',"
safeccnTer of govcr" .",ce,~dequa teddcnse,
11 the res urrec t ion whose w ife w ill she be ! For th e seve n h ad h eras wife ."
a fa.i rhru I5':'ld r". ~ wc l1 ·i nslr ucted people. a 13. 10 •
quie t $tat"-wlldr ~v,,r Cactar would wish lJ es us said to them, "Is not th is why you art' wrong, tha t yo" know n eith n d, (
for himsd f in hi s pub lic ~ nd privar~ u pa, · 12117b Th~y W~re Amated at Him scriptures nor th e power of God.> 15Po r when they ris e from th e dead, they l'Ieili,,·,
ity.' A"ULOGY JO.'" marry l'I or lire gi ven in marriag e, but are like angds in h eavel'l. 26 An d a; for th~ d,', ,,/
G,VING \VHAT IsGoo·s. AUGUSTINE: Ca.eur being rais ed, have yo u not read in tbe boo k of M oses , in th e paHage about tb e bu"I! .
Goo's COI NS. Au ,;uSTI /oI8: We ~re God 's seclu his imOlge; render It. God seeks hi s im·
bow God J ll id to him, 'I am th e God oJ Abrah<lm, and th e God of Isaac, an d t he God
money. Bur we ~r.: li ke coins rhal have wan· age; render it. Do nOt withhold from C~C$u
his coin. Do not keep fro m God his coin. To ofJacob'? l7H e i.s n ot God oJthe d ead , but oflhe li ving; yo u are quit e wrong. "
dered ~w~y from rh e treasury. Whar was
once 5umped upon us" has been worn down this rheycould notlh i nk of ~ny{hing to an·
by o ur wanderin g. The O nc who rest~mp s s wer .Forth eyh ~dbeen senttoslande [him.
OVBRVISW: In arguing all obs,ure point, rh" CIIPTlONS. T SRTU LU .. /oI: Th ey PU t 10 him
hi s im ~ge "pon uS is rh c O n e who firsr Andth eywentb ~ck saying: Noone could
SOldducees Iou s ight ofrhe power of God to the scro ngestca.o;e they could 10 impair h i••
fo rm cdu.<.He himsclf seeks hi s own coin.:;os ans werhim.WhyIB ec ausehe had.h~t!e red
r:Uselhede:Ld(TBR,TU LUAN ). JeSI.l5' Own re.· cred ibility. They f~~h ioned a contort~d ~ r~u
Ca.:u r soughl his co in. It is in rhis sense th eir teerh in thcir mouth. ON THI P SALMS
urrec rion became fin..t proofof his divine ment tO pu!5ue the question which they h.h(
th~ [ he says. "R"ndu to C~ es;or th~ rhings s8.8.'· i&nri ty (T BRTU LL ' ''/oI). Our resl.lrrected bad· ;nitiat( d. T heirdecept;"einquiryconce rned
Iha[ are Cana"s. a nd 10 God [he rh ing... rhat ies will be like Christ·s resunected body rhe Ru h, whet her or not it would ~ subj~d
are God·s.~" [0 Ca ~sar his coins, mGod OO HN OF D .. M.. SCUS). No jeaIolUY will arise <0 marri age Jfte r t he cesu n eclion. T hey a~ ·
you r very sd v~ s. TRAC T" T ~S ONJ OHN .q.o.9 Y in heaven. In th e next life Goo will notse p=>.' sumed th e case of a WOman who h~d marri",(
tatethos e h(hasjoinedinmar,i~geinthlS seven brothers. so ou to make it dol.lb tful as tL>
GOIl·... TIl"'u~' s roOR Us. OR1G EN: For th e ~fe (TijIl,TUI.LI"N). The promises h~ has ~l · which of them she should be restored. ' N ow
s~keof, hos"wh ow e re in ,apti"ity, like th e ready fulfil1~d s tand as a credible guar~Mee let the gilt both of the qucstion ~nd the an·
ho nd ag~ of the Heb rews, t he Son of God of his ru tuTe p romise of the generaJ resurrec· swer be kept steadily in view, and th< d iKUS
tion (AuG USTI~E ). sion is seeded at once in this w .. y: T he S;.d·
ducecs indeed den ied the rcsurr« tio n. while
12:18 Th t Saddu cees, Who S~l Thr re the Lord ~ ffirmed it. [n affirming it. he re·
Is No Ruurrect io" , Cam. to H im

C'ULL.B/oIG I/oIG DIlCIl[ VIlIlS TO D,VII LOti DIl- 'M[ 1l:l).32, Mk 12:18·27, U< &17·40

168 16 9
proa,hro them u being bo.h igno.an. of the 12:25 When Tbey Rise from tbe D ud,
Scrip rures_whichdeda,etheres u rrec- Tb ey NtitberM",rry nO, Arr Gi~~n in 12:28-40 T H E G R EAT COMMAN DME N T
tion- and disbelieving ohh c po wer of G od MMri"'gr , bllt Arr Like Angtls
a able to r~i« the de;ui. H ~ then spoke
wirhoulambiguityofthedcadbeingraiscd. S PI RITU " 1. V"R"T NEl\SHI P.
T EllTUllt .. N: All
UAnd one oftbe u,ibes ,amt: up and heard them di5puting with onc anOlher, and suing
ON TH E RJ,SUII.P.IlCTION OF TH£ FLES H 36.1 th e more we shall be bound to them [our de-
parte d spouses], b ecilusc wc ate de5tine.i 10 tha t b t anJweffd tbem well. aJi(td him, ~Which con:mandment is the fir., of alP·
abetternt:lre,destin edtoriseto :lJp it i tu~1 29jc sus Mlswere d. HTh c first is, 'Hear. 0 [srllel: T he Lord our God. the Lord is one;
12:23 In d:H RH wrrution Whose Wife
WilISh e Bt! part nenh ip. \Ve w ill recogn ize both OUr JOan d yo u shall/olle t he Lord you r God w ith aUyo ur htart, and with all y o ur so ul ,
o wn sel ves and th ose to whom w~ belong. and with allyour m ind, and with al/you r Hrengrb:J1The second is this, 'You shall
T II Il ENOOFJ IlA t OliSy.TE P.TULt, .. N: T o Else how sh;u1we s ing thanks to God 10 ete. · love your neigbbor aJ yourself.' Tbere is no other commandment gnater tbantheu. H

Chriscians. afte, their dep arcure from thi. niry, ifrherc sh all remain in us nO sensc "tld
J2 And th e scrib e sa id t o him . ·Yo u arc righ t , Te ach er; you halle ITlIly said thM h e is
wor!d. noresror~!ion of thecarnalas pe( tof mem.ory of this relari onship! Or if wclhall
one, and th ere is no oth er but he; lland to I OIl t: h im wit h aU the h eart. an d with al1
marn..ge is promised in rhe dayof rhe rUu r- be reformed on!y m.atcrial ly, b ut nor in con_
sciousn css! Consequenrly, we who are ro· the understanding, and wit h all the Hunglb, and to 10 lie one'5 neighbo, a.5 oneulj,
recrion, nansJared u they will be intorhe
is much mo re than all whole burnt offerings and jacrifices. · ~And w henjeStH saw
cond ition and.anctiry of angel in rh e day geth er with God sh all remilin together ..
of tu urrcction no dilemma arisin g ftom sex· In eternal li f~ God will no more sep arate that he an swered w isdy, he said t o him , -Yo u art notfar/ro m th e kingdom ofG od. -
u;u je;uousy will inju re any of her so many th osewh om he hasjoined togeth ert han in And after thM no one dared to as k him any q uest io n.
husbands.evenin.hccueof h crwhomthey rhis life wh ere he forbids the m to be sep.a- HAnd eIs J esus taught in tbe temple, be said , -H aw (an the scribes say that the
ch ose ro represent as h"ving been m.u rkdto ra ted. Ot,[ MoN OOA MYIO.' Christ is/be san ofDallidJJ6David bimself, inspired by the Holy Spirit, declared,
scven brOlhe tl s",cccssively.To HI s Wif E 'The Lord said to my Lord ,
S it a t my right h and.
D AMASCUS: T he body of Ih e Lord after the
till 1 put thy enemies under tby fut :
12:24 You Know Ne itbtr the Scripluru resurrec tion was such rhar it entered
th rough the closed doors with out difficulty, J7D avid him5t1f'lllls him L ord;50 bow is he bi5 50n~· And thegrelll throng heard
northcP olI'tr afGod
and needed neither food, nor sleep. nor bimglad ly .
Hops of Ru UIlUCTION. AUGUS1"I NE: T he drink. "For they shall be," n ys th e Lord. J8And in his teach ing he said , HBe ware of lh e scrib es. who like to g o abo ut in long
Sadducecsdonorhaveourhopefot thercs· - like the angels o fGod.:"· and there sh all no robes, and to have salutations in (ht: market placu J9an d the best Ua(J" in (he
urrecrion,sincc they "know neither rhe scrip· longer be marriag" or the procrntion ofchil· syn'lgoguu 'Ind Ihe places of bonor al j eelS/s, fOwho devOllr widows' houSts and for
tUres nOr the powcr of God ," who is able to d tcn. OR,HODO X FAI,H 4.27." a prt t enst m ake long pray ers . They will rectiv~ the greattr rondemn'ltion. -
restore wh ati5 10s t, totai sewh at i s de~dt o
life,[o revive wh:u: has rotted away, to
gathertogetherwhatiscorrupdbleandfi- QVBRvIIIW: To love God t ruly", fO love God (OIlI(;ENj. JfrheLordof;ulfillsal[rhingsin
nirc .Thc L otdpromis~ dtodorhis,and he with all that you are as body, soui;lRd spirit heaven and tarrh,then there is nOtOOm left
giv es as a guaranrec thepromis~s h e h ... a1- (GREr;OIlY Of Nyss .. ). Lovi ng G od with th ~ fOTasccondsupposed go d(Al"HANAslusj.
ready ful filled. So ler your faith speak ofthil who!t hearr cannot be sp!i[ :l part in to di- T he m"jcsty of God is best h onored through
toyou,sinccyourhopewiUnotbedisap- verse, cfearu reiy loves. The love of God loves low!ysc rvice tClthenudyneighbor. nO t by
pointroeven though your iove may be put to all else inr(Jarion to the onc incomp3tably words a[one(CHRysos;TOM. THE SO..cUlEO
the test. L ~TT6R5. l 6 ), TOSAPIU .... IOV:ible. It emerges only rh rough th e death of S£CONDLETTU.OFCU."ENT).Singlemind-
cru turely idolatries (B .. s n.J.T o confcss th e edly loving God by sh ow ing mercy to th e
one true God is to renounc e...tl fa lse gods neigh botbrings oneto a higher levd ofac-

17 0 1 71
cOlln(abilicy cha n doanyucrificial burn(of- Son is not G od ... The urne one who Fa ther, Son and Holy Spirit.' ON ExODUS, be;ngjt:L!ous,I'butby beingself-conlrolleJ,
fcri ngs (CALLlSTUS). Love of God ~ nd n~igh­ authorizc.s uS [ 0 confess t he Son of God as H OM ILY 8. 4 .' compassionate and kind." And weough( h)
bor c~nnor b~ disjoin~d so tha t on~ is God jusrifies us in p roc laiming the One God, h~ve sym~thy for one ano[her, and noe be ~u
thoughtmo r~ i mporcancchan ch e och er OS THE TRINIT Y$.1-1..' No D' V' S' ON .NTO PARTS. BAs(l' The ex· ricious. By [hese acrionsietusacknowledg<
(BED E). All virtues-prudence, fortitude, pression, · with [he whol~,· admits of no di¥;- him, and no[ by [heir opposites. T H lO So·
tcmpcranceandjuscice-areencompasscd 12:30a Yow Shall Lo ve '''e Lord Yowr sion inlo parts. As much lov., as you shall CA l UO SECOND UTTER OF CL.I!"'ENT 3.4 -10
in th is twofold command (CH RYSOSTO )d, God have squandered on low~robj.,cts.that
AUGUSTINe). Our common capacilY lO rea· much will necesurily be ~king CO you from TilE SU"'''''T OF VIRYU~. CHRYSOS TOM'
sonmak~s usparrnerswith all ocherhu­ SPiS!)IS.. THE POWER Of' LoVII ON WHA T Is ch e whole. EXEGETIC HO,",' LIES, HOMIL r 17.' T h is is che ,ummitofvirrue, the founrlation ",
man beings (A UGU5TINB). Fa ith cannot UNWORTHY. BASI L: Ir is not the privilege of all God', commandments: ro the lov~ofGoJ "
rema in silenc in response to the Arian anychancepersonrogoforwardrorhe perf«. 12:30c With AI1 Your Soul, Milld <Ilia joined also love of neighbof. L7 On e who l""e,
chugc lhac be cause G oci is one, the Son rionofloveandrolarntoknowhi mwhoi, Strength God d~J !'lot neglect his brother, nOr e",~",
, .. nn or be God (HILARY OF POIT!U,S). H e trulybeloved,butofhim wh o hosal ready ·put money more than a limb of his own, but
is SOn ofDavid acc ording to his humanity off the old m.1I\, which is being corrupled T HREEFO LD UNITY IN LOVING WITH ONE'S shows himgreatgenerosity,mindfulofhirIl
and Lord o fDavid acc ording to his divin· throllghiudec~pnve lusrs,andhaspu[onth e WHOLE SSLf'. GRI!GORY Of NYSSA' Human who ha.lllaid," Whoeverdidirtothe!e..,tof-
ity(AuGlISTlN S). To th e exrenC that the in - new man .... which is being renewed [hac it may life consists in a rhreefold unity. Wc are my brothers did i[ [0 m~. -,' He is aw~re th.u
camarcidcnriryoflh cgiv erofthecom - bc recognized as an imagc ofthccreator. More. taught similarly by the apostle in wh at h e theL ord ofaJl con,;dcr$a.ll don~ tohimsdf
mmdr~main c dunrecogni%ed,t h e ques . over. he who loves mon~y and is arous ed by says to the Ephes ians, praying for them that what is done in generosity to the poor in givin )'
tionorwouldremainunr cadyto graspthc thecorruptib!e beauty of the body and esreems che compl.,te grace of their "body and soul relief.Hedoes no[take inroconsider~rionthe
d~prh. of the great commandment , even if exce~dinglythis litdeglory h.,r~. s in ce he has and spirit" may be pr.,served a[the coming lowly appe~rance ofth., poo r, bu[ [he great
'hefo rnl ~l",opeo frhe co mmandi$under- expended the power ofloving on wh at is nor orthe Lord. We us., the word "body: for ACU of ~h t Onc who has promised re acccp' oH
5(ood (HBGBMOSIL'S, HILARY OF PO!T! ERS, propcr, he is quite bUnd in regard re rhc co n- che nutricive part, th ~word for th e vi ral, done co himulfwhat is given to rhe poor."
PHUl'>O·VI/; TO II OF ANTIOCH). remplanon of him wh o is tndy beloved. Ex!· ·sou!," and th e word ·spid[" for rh~ intel _ HO-'+ 'Ll UON GiNES' S, HOM ILY 55.n.'"
GET!cHoMILlES,HoMlLYI7.1 lec tivedi mension. Injust[ his way thc
12:29 The Lll rJ hOne Lord instrucu t h e wrircr of the Gospel LOV ING GOD TH",OUGH NIIIGHIIO",S. BEOE:
12:30b Wi," All Yllur H'OIrt .hac he sh ou ld s." bdoTe every com man d- Neither of rhese!;Wo kinds of lov~ U.,x
Goo FILLS ALL T '''''Gs. ATHANASlUS: Since ment chac lov., 10 God which is «crc ised prused with fu ll ma[uri[y without the
Godisone,: i[is ridkulous [osuppwe[hat R...NOUNCI"G OTHER GODS. ORIGEN; When with all thc h.,a n a nd sou l an d mind.' T his othcr,becauscGodcannoc bc:lov.,o.apart
thcr~couldbcSllll anOlher " w rd'of heaven you decid., (0 k.,.,p th., command of [his pre· sin gle p h ras~ .,mbraces [h., hu nun who le; &om our neighbor, nOr our n~ighbor ap;lrt
.l nd e.lrthinadJuiontotheLordwho is c.,ptand rej.,cr all oth.,r gocb and lords and .he corpor.,al heart, t he mind a.s [h., higher from God.·' He nce as man y rimes as P~cer
one. Tha.: is simply no room for a second h ave no god or tord ~xccpc th~ O n~ God and inceUccruata ndm enralnarure,and[ h~ was asked by our Lord ifh., loved him, and
Lor":of.lll. it'chc one Irue God fills all rhings wrd,youhavedeclar.,o. war o n allochers so1l1 as thei r med iato r. 0". THE MA KI NG OF
in (h~ ~OmpJH ofh.:aven and urth . wit ho ut tru ty . When, the r~fore, we come MAN 8.5.'·
·a, M, za,19. ·FC11'lU.1J.ff""'h.IIY"u<h..",,,,~
1 to the grace of baptism. renouncing all orher
A"A'SST THE H EA 1'HIIS (i.4. loY>t0od,ochc,p,o<lnu«.«mpoullo... m"-" .."' 1x,,
gods and lords. wecon f.,ss the only God, 12:31aLove Your Ncighl1l1ras Yoursdf pl"" ..... 'hlntt.;.f,Vl\eW<l,k.·Fc46,m.lo¥<fo,GoJ
w;<h .pun:h,"'<.nnott><di . ;J.Jo,.ppon:"'~«lin<o
r,,~ o".~ Coo. H'LARY Of PO!TISRS: If Ia - .. tio~.)OO .. fo, •• rio""<f."U''', ·.~lt n,j;JM' l1:}(1
~r" J Itu,h . w h ~1l challenged by blasph~my, CONFasS ING THROUGH ACTIONS. THE 50-
" met by ,i l ~ t1 ce . "v~1l that silence may be
'Cf.D< u<6.~_ ';-'·P:-"Fl"l"',TL0 20)S.OO I. 6. 1il.Brd";·
n;,ioo, th,,,,,mon irb.<>rt< l o ,Jof.il. 'c... J o<OOJ). CA U~D SECOND LETTER OF CLEMENT: So ~:.O'~Cf.·;":~/~'~::~. ':~~J;,~:~~.ll:'l~;~l~_u JNI'N~19,8)'"; <f.FC 1S,IlS . 0CPd, h ,Son •• rh en.brothers,lcrusacknowledgehiminour 6,)4."Cf.EpII4,12, IP<t):8. "AF69·70,cf.fCH7
(,,!sdy co nslT",,,d ~~ CO IlSen[, This is what
'ruirG<:><!... oo"G<:><! t h< FHIl«;, «uly G<>J. 'Ephj .ll TtG 1271.ool. 1.).2. 17 0 . M, 22,19, Mk 11,31; n to.!'
h"" happcn cdin rh ec~seo ftheAri a n auer ­ actions by lovi ng one anorhe r,"by notcommi[ <
2-1. 'FC<6,17S -79_Th,p .. f<,,, lov< of God " ldrn<J onlr " M,lS,fI). "Cf••\-1 <IS,) \ ·46. "'FC er:ll ) ";TLG
rion th~t b ec~use God ;5one, therefor~ his th,ough <h< <o>riy d,,,h Qf;dQI""<I [ing adultery" or slandering on., another" or 2062.112. S4.' SI.2J. ".\-1,12:11·l9, .~l~ 12,3<). Jl; n ~U T

172 173
attested his love, th e Lord addc::d at the end of know no[h ing abour loving ou rse1ves. Wc the f~ith o f beli evers the onc who came ffom
e'lch inqui ry, HFeed my $heep,· or "feed my are:: m.ade beirer by approaching close::r ro the o nc through who m he c;ome. For h e,
lambs,".... a~ifh e wereclearly saying:"There is him than whom nothing is bercet. We go to STl U AT SoM BO' STA"'CJl. PSE UDO-VICTOR G od"nd Locdofhe:lVenand ea rrh,came
only one adequau: confirmation of whole- him nQ( by waIking. but by J,wing. \Ve wiU OF A:--<TlOC H: T o SOlY·yOU are no t far from "n througb It woman as hi~ mother. [1'1 regard to
h ean ed loveofG od-labo ringsteadilyfor th.e h ave him mOre present [ 0 uS in propon io n sugg~S[S Ih.[ th ~ Sl:rib~ was still at some d,s- th e faCt that he was Locd of th e world, Lord
needyinyour mi~ t,excrc;"ingconli nuing (::lre u we are able ro puriJY [he love by which We r.ance fr om th e reign o f God. COM'''II NTARY of he RV en and eurh. he was also,of co uru.
ot d>em." HOM ILl IiS ON THE GOS PE L'l 2.,n.n draw n.,;orro him, fo r he ;"no[ sp r~"d oN M" RK." Lo rd o f "-h ry; and in regard to (he fact thu
through Or confined by corporeal space, he is h e was crn ror of th e world, CrU [Or of
12:31b No Otber CommAndmenl everywhere presem and everywhere wh oll)· 12:36 The Lord Said 10 My Lord h eaven and e"nh, he w:lS aiso the crearo. of
present, - :rnd we go to h im not by rhe motion Macy. Bu t iruorae u it W :lS u id, " made of a
NOTH I NG EUJI RJlQuIIlJlO. CHllysosrOM: of our f~t but by our conduct. Conduc t ;" flot Lo ys AaovIIALL. HIt.AR VO F P O ITIS R~ : Th e woma n, made undet the Law,· " h e W:lS th e
Christ loob for noth ing els e from you, in U5u..Ily discerned by wh:lt one knows but by scribe, rh~refore,isnot f'lrfrcm (h~ kj ng­ $-On of Mary. He W :lS tne Lord of Muy, ne
faCE, Scriptu re:: S3)'$. than loving him wirh..u what one loves; good Or ~ love makes good. ciom of God when h c i ckn owledges [h e one w;u tne son of Mary; he w ~s ,h~ creato r of
yo ur h ean and carrying Out his commands. I Ot bad conduct. LSTTERS,I5),T o MA.CE- God who;s to bc:: lovt'd above all rhings. Bu[ Mary, h e W.;lS cre.u ",d from Mary. 0 0 not b.e
mean, ob vious ly rh e person who lovu him DONJUS,l> he is admoni.h e<l by his own co nfession in ~ ma <:edrh ;.th e i. b ol h 50nandLo rd. Fot "5
in the way h e o ugh t to lo ve is ;ilio cu dy to thathed~$no[fully graspthemyste ry of he was [the 50n / o f Mary, $0. '1bo, he W:lS
carry our his comm;.nds. You see, when one 12;32 Y<luAreRigb r. TuchH dltla w ub.eing fulfiHed inChri st... . The sotid to b.e the so n ofOavid; indeed the so n
is ki ndly disposed to another, he rakes pairu scribe only rtLogni::;ed him accord ing ~o the ofO""idprecise!yb ecauseth e son ofMary.
to cio everything able to artract the loved one A&ov~ BUIlNT OfFBRING". HILARY OF Pal- flesh . nd ~h e birth from Mary. who was de- H eu ch", aposde speaking clearly: "who was
to love fo r him. So, we tOO, if we sincerely YlSIl.S: T he answer of the scrih<: seems to ac- 5Cended from D:lvid, H rath er th an as D avid's born o f th e seedof D:lvid, accord ing to the
Lo[d."' O w THE TItJN ITY9.~6." H
love the Lo rd. wi!l manage ro disch arge his cord with th e words of the Lord. for he roo flesh. )$ H ear that he w~ also (h", Lord of
comman ds and do nothing ca pable of angu _ ~cknowledges the inmost love of one God, and O .. vid;. and let D"vid hi mself ny this: " Th ~
ing oue !oved one. Thi. is th e kingdo m of professes th eloveof one's neigbboras real u 12:37 D a~id H imseifCal11 H im Lo rd. Lo rd s'lid to my Lo rd, '5;( at my righ e
h e::aven; rhis, th e enjcymenr of goods; this. the love of se lf, ~nd plxes love of God and love So Howls He HiJSon! h and .' ~" And Jesus himself proposed Ihis to
blessings beyond nwnber. b.e ing fou nd WOr- of one'sneighbotabove aUrhe burm offeringl rneJeW$, and byi t refu ted them.40 T hc::.efore
th y to lo ve him sincereiy and in th e m"nnet of sacrifkes. ON TH6 T RINITY 9.24."" loRD ""So N. GItEGOIt Y N"Z' ANZE N: W hat JUSt as h e was borh the son and rhe Lo rd of
he d ese rves. Q ue love for him will be genu- is lofty you arC ~o "pply to th e G odhead, and David, the 50n of David according to the
ine if we give evidence of great lov e for our 12:33 More Than AU W hole Burnt Of- m rhar nat ure in him wh ich is s uperior to flesh. rhe Lord of Oavid ;l£co rding to [h ;"] di-
fe llow ser¥ann:lS well u for hi m.:' Ho".. · ftringJ luffering. andirlcorpo tea1;but aUthari s vinity,so he was rhe son ofMary ;.ccording
LI 6S oNGEN 2S IS SS·1I." lowly to rhe composi[e condition of hi m [0 rh~ fl esh and rhe Lord of Mary accord ing
"·I.-cv Is BJlTTER. CAL LISTUS: My brothers. wh o for your sikcs made himseIf o fn o repu - to [h is ] majesty. Because, tn erefore, sh e was
LoVING WH"T Is WOIlTIIVOF Lovs. shun not only the holding. but even the hClr- lation"nd was ine" rnace. TH EO LOC ICAL not the mo[he r of[hisj di .. iniry and what
A UC USTlNE:Thisvit m eccns istsin no[hi ng ing.ofthejudgmentth~tbansmercy. For O"-"TlONS, O S TH~ So,... . B. 16 sn esougn [ would be:l mir:u:le rh tough [his j
else b ut in Ic"i ng wh at is wc rehy of love; it i.s me rcy is better th an ill whole burntoffcr.
prudence ro choo5e thi$.fonitude to be ings and .~crifices .19 T H E S ECON O EPISTl E So,... OF 0" " ' 0 " No LOR D 0 .. OAY IO.
tu rned from it by no obstacles, rem pecance TO ALL TH E! BISHOPS OF GAUL IS.'" AlJGlJSTlN8:For th .. tt h roughwhi~ h M a ry "Mk U,}-4. " CG I,~n T o ,he "" «n' ,h... h~ IP''''' oh".
co be e nticed by nO:lllurements,justiLet o be tudbc::.:nmade was no[dying.bu t th ~t ~:,:;;.<I ::;'~~:dl;"~~~'1~" ;~;.';:~;~7~~~:I~
d iverted by no pride. W h y do we choose Wh ich was made from Mary was dying. The 46: Mk 12, ) S.37: Lk 2(}.41·44. "Ctf.d<><~)), 6l~.9,26.1;
wh ;o t wc exclus ivel y Jove. n cept ch ar we find :{~.~~l!;,l:~ :;~'l'~ I:~;_ ~~.:~H,?~2:~:;~6:I J" e::.erni[}'of[h isj divini[}'wasno[dying.bu[ ~C2S'J.46-47' ·. Tl><A<t;b<d;Jno'g' .. ~.hc ;d.",icroi<""

norhing bette r? Bur [h i, is G od, and if we

prefe r or equare any c~tu re with God, we
ISS."-I.4.<I'I}.1: FC2(UI'·W. '\:.,<tI.x04JJ.6lA_9..!'.!<;
NP N F 2 ~J I6 1- "' I S.m 1$:22: H o. 6:6. "'AN F M W
rhe weakfleu of [hisjfleshw as d ying. Th ere_
fc[e he m~derh.trep ly. disringuishingin
~~:~;;.::S~~~ f;:n~I::_'~~:~·:~l~;~~:]·

174 1 75
di vi nity.heans"",,,.·,! I,n. looked to rhe "tithing of ;misc ':lnd c\lmmin. ARUS). T he Lord paid no attention to the do wilh ~tn rho\lUond lalent5 of gold th~ W' )
and toyou,wom~,,; ~" Bu, oh,," I '''' "',' y ,hH ~"dldt\lndon"th"we ighticrn"'ttersoflh c amounl of b"r money but only 10 rh" abun- thing th~t t he [WO (oin$ u n do. Why? Be '
Ihinklhnlamdcn}'ul")·""."'n)· "',,, h .... ld w.-' Wh ile d"vot inggreat urc to the d~nc~ of he r gen"Tosity. Wh"n those of[im· causewh~neveryou havem'lnYfh;ngsan,1

"M yhourhasnot)'cl ""''''."'' 1 nrlh( .. ~ things which w"r" utcrnal, t hey overlooked ired means respond faithfuUy to the full dcpO$ita luur amount, you have give n
shall[acknowledge)·",""·h,·nlh,·,,,.· .• kncs .• .hosew hichboreuponsalvation oflhcsoul. fl'"lCnro( rhei r me:m.s. th"y up ressdeeper alms. but not lh e same kind of alms that d, ,·
ofwhichyou3rethe",,,,h... h.,,l,.·~,,n '" FQr th"y also paid mu.ch:mcntio n to "greet _ faith th~n do Iho.., of grUfe. means who re- widow gave. For you were nOt de positing 11
h3ngo n thccross. TII. ACTA',"" NJ."'NS.Q." ingsinth"rrurketpbce,-and to the "upper. spond only in pur (CHRrso5ToM). T o thc w;rh the sam" kind ofe.agerncss that she J "l
mon seats at fe:lSts ....'TOlh em t he l.ord scribc's[~ckof c"'lpons;vencsarograc"Mark For she robbcd hel'$elf of"v"q'ching. or
i>UTIlOCTIO~OS H, s Aul·" .... nv. Auc:us · j esus. knowing t h eir perdition, made this contrascs th ewidow'ssimplc unconditional father did nor rob but gave 10 h"rsd fa fre,·
TIN'" He spoke in Ihc hearing of lhosc whom dccbradon: that they attended to thOSe responsiv"ness. Those who hav" no thing gifl. HOMILlB.5 O~ Pl-l tU PPJA NS .'
hc wi.hedp{ofit~bly(O inSln''-l o n hi . ~uthor . things only w hich were external . and de- maypos,w:.o;s all, while rhos" who h ave much
ity, :mdtorurn~wayfromlhccc"d\illg ..r{h.: spised as nrange rho . c things whi cb were may l~cktheconditionoftrulyposs.cssing M.ASIIIlINGT N.YAI.IIBOFG TFTS.j EII.OM e:
sc ri bu.who.ekn .... wlc-dgeo!·Cbrin.,,"ounl cd within. and di d not understand that ht who anything UIIII.OME). Smill b.:ginnings are bet- T he poor widow Casl o nly rwopennies in toJ
then only to this. th~ c h ~ was m~de of 11", seed made t he body mad" .uso th e sou!. THE tc!rhanrichfanlasies(EvAG RIVS). Readi- rhe trea.! \lcy: yet because sh e gave all she h .. .1
ofD avidaccording to Ihe fl es h. T hqd id not DISPUTAT ION WITH MANES ZI.'" neu for rhe kingdo m may require treasures it is nid of her thu she surp assed all.he
understandth at hc wasGod.a ndon dlJ, for the rich Or a widow's penn}' fot th e poor rich in offeringgif~s mGod,l Suchgifr.<ar ~
ground also Ih~ Lord """n ofO.wi.!. TH~ HAll- (AVGVSTlNE),While Mosesteceivedgifts vaIuedno~byrheirwdghtbutbyt h eg""d

MONT OF TNS G OSPELS 1·74·" from~ho&e whohad.j"susreceivedgiftsevcn will with which ~hey ue mad". LE TTEII.S. I' ~
"Jo l,~. ")02,4. "C".d<>< 0273. 5.9.21, Fe 7!, 1!~·90
"c.«docOV J.2,74. 14}.20\6.16:NPNF,6.l67·, ",-\, from rhosc who h"d nOI (HEGEMONIIJS). TOjVtIAN S.'
12:38 BeWIlTe oftl,t 5crihe" Who 2},2l: n 11042. "",-\, 2},6: Mk 11,15, Lk 20<016. "M,2):6.
7; Mk12:35·l9; Lk20,46. "ANF~I""·, Mii"" PG 10, 12:425be Put In Two Coppu Co ills
D t "ourWidow j TH I SONG OF SERAP HTM.j BROME; I pa~. on
;.:~:::~::,:~~~':'~ ::Z:~<~~::,:I~::~ro- ro rhe widow in rh" Gospel who though 5h~
'hos<;nw • • dthinp up'm ..... i<b»l •• hOfld<p<D<b. THI! KIN(lDOM NOT fOR SAL)!. CHII.YSOS- W :i.!l but a poOt widow was yet richa than 311

TOM: Do not despai •. On" cannOt buy hcav- the peOplf cf lsrael.'She had but a grain of
enlythingsw ilhmoney.... lf moneycould mlU tard..,ed. but she pur he r len"n in th e
purchase such ~h ings, th~nthe wom.an who mcasuresofflour;;lRd,remperi ng h"rconf",
d~posiled ~h e two smal] copper coins would sion oflhe FarhCTand ofth" Son with t he
12: 41·44 THE W I DOW ' S GIFT
hav" rcceiveci nothingverylarg". BUI since it grace oflh e HolySpiri[,c:ut he r rwo pen
wu not moncy but rather her intCllt ion t h3t nies inro the rrcuury. All t h esubstancelh~.
pff:Yailed,rhuwo manrcceiveciev"'Yth ing she hacL all her possessions sh" offered in
41 An dh ~ sal down opposite the treaHHy. and wIl"hed t he multitude p"'Uing monq bec..1IUC sh., demonstrated finn conviction. Ihe twO testamentS of her f~ith. Th ese are
into {he treasury. Many rich people PU{ in larg e sums . • 2And apoor widow ,ame,aIl4 Therefore. (.,t US no t uy th~t th" kingdom like the two scraphim which glorify the crin·
put in {WO (opper (oins, whirh m llke a p.. nny. HAnd he called his disciples to him. =y be bo ugh t wich moncy, rt i. nol bought ity with rhrccfold song' and are sro".d
and :;aid 10 th em , «Truly, I say to you, this poor wid o w has p",t in more Iha" allthoH with money, but rarher with an unsuUicdin_ among rhe rrcasures ofrhe chutch. Th"y are
renti on t hat may demonstrat"it...,lfby likerhe tWG legs of the tongs by which liw
who aff co ntributing to the treasury . H F o r th ey al1 contrib"'t ed OUI of their abun·
means of money. Th erefore. on e an swers. i&
dance; bUllhe o ul of her pov ~rty ha, put in everything she had . her wh ole li"ing: there no need for money! Th ere is no need
{Grmoney, bur for a Christian disposition. If 'TLG2061. 1 61l, 61.290.40.<f. NP ~F l !;'2S 1,H.' i ""o
,;cnp,••• ':.d,n",h.,mcn<y. .\1CMy,.nnmhurb]"",.·d
sionsdoes not Count in the kingdom'sauditl you have this.},ou will " ven be able 10 buy
OV~II.VT~W: T h e widow's gif~ was me:l.sured ..... in.h.king<iom. 'M ~ 12'41.44, 'C."do, 061O.
UEROME). A good will alone suffi(u for hu ven wilh two small copper coins. With· 1IS.".5 ,442.4; N P NF26'2~l ·. 'Mk Il,4J, Lk 21,j., . 'I>
notby ilS we igh~ but by th~goodwill by
readinessfo(thekingdom(CAESA II.I~· SOF OUt this d ispo sition. one will not be ab le to &2·3.
wbicb it wa.1 off~red. Tht qu~ndty of po~ ses-

J76 177
cO:lI is c:lugh! up to cl~~nsc the sinner'. lip s.' tention of th e thought, from which the TRAV~LlNG STEP By ST~{'. EVAGR,IU S: If i! 'hewidowwhoforgot herselfinh~rco nce rn
LETTBRS, 54 TO FU RIA.17.' searcherof h earajudges th eo utco m~. better to begin from onc's feeble sute and forth e poor and.thinkingonlyofthelife to
Hence it quite frequently ocwrs thar some end up strong, fO progrus from smlll rhings come, gave away aJl her means of subs is-
12:43 Mo re Tha" All ThoJC personsp" rformgooddeedso fiessec impor. to iarge r. than ro sec your h eart from th<! rence, as thejudge himself bears wirnns.
tancc with agre.: ttecrewardofhea"enly very first On the perf«t wayoflife. then only Othecs, he says, have given oftheirsuperl1 u.
ALL W ITHI.. YOUIl POWE R. CHIlYSOSTOM: grace. T h il is be.:ause ofr heimentionin to ab;mdo n it bter-or ke~ to it solely OU t ous weallh; bur she, pos.sessed of only 1""'0
Whtnalms aregiven,we~tte ndtonothing Iheir hearrs to accomplish greatu good if of h abit, because of what others wiU think- small coi ns and more needy perhaps th an
else exc ept thedisp""ition r~quired. Andif th eycoL.l ld.Others.thoL.lghtheydispl:ty in which caseaUr h is laborwill bcin v.1in.It manyofthep oot-thoughi nspiritud
youl~r that money is n eeded, ~ndhouses gr e:t terworksofvirtue, areallorrcdsmaller is the same wi th peo ple who tr:lvel:ifthey riches she surpaued all the wealrhy _s hc
anddoth es :m dsho es, read those words of rewuds bytheLordonaccoL.lntofth e indif. ti re themselvesoutonrhe very firstd~yb y thoL.lghtonly of the wor1d to come, and had
Chriu, which he spoh concerning the rete nce in their luhw arm hearn. The d""d rushing.1long, theywiHend L.l pwasting such a longin g fot hnvenly treas ure that she
widow.' .1nd stop being anxious. For even if of the widow who contributed rwo copper man y d ays as ~ result of sickn<!Ss. But if they 8ave away, aUaroncc. wharevershehad th ar
yo u are extremdy poor, and amo ng tIt""e coins to rhe temple was preferre<i to the stan o utwalkingat.1gentle pace unrilthey wasderiv«l from the earth and durined rO
that beg, if you cast in you r twosmal1,oifl5, large tonrribu tions of those who were rich have gOt auusromed to walking. in Ihe end return there. Let us then invest with the
you have don e all in your power. T hough by the One who weighs wh:lr is within Our they will norger rired,eve n though th ey Lord wh at he has give n us, fo r we have noth '
you offer only .. b.. r1ey cue, having only this . hea r!s. [j HOMILIES ON TH E GOSPELS. HOM. walk gre3t di stances. Like wise .. nyon e wh o ing rh at dots nOr come from him: we arc dc -
you will have arrived at the heart of the m .. t· rLTl.as." wishes to emb ark on the bbors ofthe victu - pendent upon him foroL.lr very existence ..
ter. THB GOSP~L OF ST. MATTHI!W 51.5.' OL.lS life should rrain himself gen tly,L.lntil he So let L.l sgive back to rhe Lord the gifts he
12:44a They AI! Contributed ou t of gradu~lly re~che$ the fuU extem of h is abil i- has given us. LeI Il S give to him who rec<!ives
THB SIIA.RB OF T" BP OOIl IN TIlB KINGDOM. TbtirAbunJa"ce ties, Do not be perplexed by the many p~ ths in the penon of <!Very poor man or woman .
AUGUSTI NE: But what, b rethren, is more walked by our fathers of old,e.1ch differenr Lerusgivegladly. I say, and great j oy will be
mighty than that nOt on ly Zacchaeus shou ld \ V"'AT T ... I M,seR L...CKS. J& RO .. &: T heu is from theorher.Oonoroverzealoudyrryro ours wh en we receive his p romised rewud.
acqui re the kingdom of h eaven by rhe halfof an old saying thar a tightwad lacks as mllch imitate them <lI1 - this would only upset LnTEII.S34,a·4. lJ
hi s goods,L~ buteventhewidowfortwopen. what he has:ls what heha$ not. One may yourw3yoflif~.Ra ther,choose:lwayoflifc
niea," and that e~ch should pouess ~n eqL.lal haveawhole worldo fwealrh,another nor a thars uits your fe eblestatc; travel On rhat, BEYON!) WHA YMons PRESCRIIIED. HEGS-
sh are Ih ere? What is greate r than thu rhe single scrap. Let cach one live "ou having and you will live, for your Lord is merci ful MON!US: In th at offering truly something is
samekingdomshould be ..... orthrre.uures to nothing and yetposs es'ing .1U. -" LETn RS, and he will receive you. not because of your exh ibited thac goe, bcyondwhat Mo,upre-
Ihe rich man, and a cup of cold WUer 00 tne $lTO P~ULINUS 11." achievem~nts,butbecaU5eo fyourinrenrion, scribedonthesubjecrofrhe rece ipcofmon.
poor!IJON TH E PSA.LMS 111.3." just 3Sh., rcceivedrhe destirutewo man's rys. For he receivedgifis from those who
gift. 211 ADMON ITION ON PRAYER." h ~d;buIJesusrecc ivesthcmevenfromthose
A Gooo WtLL ALON E Is SUFfICIIINT. CAE· ' 1.6:6.7. 'J..... m'L<",,,205l· (LC L ),C."~o<D620. ..... ho h:lve not. THE D ISPUT ~ TION WITH
S~R IU 5 0FARLEs : Therefore,those whopos. S~.SoI.17.434.I~, <f. t>;PSF 2 6,1 1)8. ' Mk 12,.), n 21 ,) -1
12:44bSh e outofHu Poverty M~NES42. 1'
'NP:"F I l o,124·:TLG2062.1S2.j~. S21. 1 9.Th<",igh'Y
sns good ..... ill have everything. T his alone who ~. , m~,h r.. pon~ I,,, f. irhN lIy ,h." d<> <1>< PO<>'
nn be sufficient if th ere ar e no other rhings. """,;,,&11. "nI9c8_ "MkI2,.j2. "Cf.....ItI~'U. rNVllST WtTH TlU LoRD WH~T H I! HAS GESSROS'TY SEEN IN TH! LmHT OF iN T@N-
bu t irir alone is lacking, whatever theypos· "C,t<Joc023J.«HIl_J.5:NPNFI8,;47.Tbepo<><wboo G'VllN. P AU LIN U50F No~~: We have been rlOS . CHRYSOSTOM: When the widow pilI
sess profits nOlh ing. J(it is presen t, il alone ~~f~·:~~;. -:;:6~~~ :t.::.";;!;;,~:'~~~f';conIr enrrusted with che adrninisrr.Icion and uu of into th~ collection box only rwo small
suffices, but everyrhing dse aV3 ils nothing if u mporal wealth for the common good, not
charityaione islacking. I ·SuMO!'ols lh·3." :~;:n:~~:~~~1~:;~~~~;;1~1~~':' ~.';' with th e ev<!rlaning ownership of private
2.lS.lll,H0G2'1\ 9".s.,""P<fr..fr.\lo><>dJ.. J.~fI<>.
p'o?"rty. rfyou accep! thef~ctthatowner_
TH~T WHICH MAKES A Gooo DSSD Gooo. ~7:;;':;;::::1.~:~ ~::<;, ~~':~:~:~~~rIC~~~<;" ~"':<f ship On earth is only fo r .. ti me, you c.. n urn
BED E:T he tr easure in one's h e:lrt i~ th e in· j).S4.l l .46>I. 17, NPr-.'F26,IO.' oo etern .. 1 possession l in heaven. Can to mind

178 179
,I,,, ,,\~.!" d id nO! givf h~r ~ recom-
~Ui'h. ·' will see tha t her store o f generosity d efies de. B8L.. VtiR AS TEMPLE. Q R,G E,...: T he temp le theend li me,1alth oughone m·') J"J'rt,
pc,,'" w,,,!!, only Iwoco i,u. Wh y wu th ~t? scr ipt ion. ON TH~ INCOM PRIH 6NSI BL6 NA' ... u not ovenhrownall a t<H1(e,bulgradu. tails w hich an Other m;ay pass ",.~, u l ~
]h-. ~" '~ 11< I'.IJ 110 ~uelllion to rhe amO Unt TlI RE O. GOl) 6.12.'" ally ~s lime went by. Sim ibrly, every one scrib-e di ffe rently.lUther, I h~r ""I'I .I. ,
ut d,~ muney , Wh~l he ,li d heed wu rhe who welcom es the Word of God into h im _ each oth er when compared, 31,,1 'hU'II~ '"
W(.,l1hufhn.oul. I fyu u ( ~ kul ate byth e selris something like ~ lemple. If, after (om· re((ion to Ihe mind of the re~d ... , .· 1 u, ...
v~lue uf her nlunq'. hu pOVe rty is grUt . If mitting si n he does not completely fall ~w~y 199To H £sTc Hlusas.'
)"uu b,u'g her imcmion into the ligh t. you "Cf. Mkl.M' - . U.:z. I -4. "FC 72: I68-69 from the Word of God, bur still partially p re·
serves in hi rnselftracC5 of&ith ~nd ~c(oum · 13:6M", ,,y Will Co",e i n M y N~ .." • •
~bi l i ty 10 God's comm~nds, he is ~ te mple ;ng, "I A", H e!-
p ~nly destroyed, p~rdy sunding. But h e
who aner sinning has no cue for h imsdf bu[ EXPIIIl,TS AT J"'P~R50N" T!ON. O~"' .N I
1 3:1·8 T HE S IG N S OF T HE PARO U SIA i s alw~ys p rClnetodepa.rtfromfait:h ~nd Chri n is truth. Antich riHfalsi fi ... , ',,,,h
fro m life ~u Cltdi ngto th e gospel,tiUhecom . Ch ri stiswiJ.dom.A nti chr istddd)·.""uJ",.
pletdy departs from rh e livingGCld, heis a wisdom. All ge nui M ellcellen~es h."'r ~ (O'f'
lAnd as h e cam e out of th e t e mpl e, o ne of his discip les said to him, «Look, T eache r, templ e in whic h no stOne CI f doctrin e is lef't spon d .. nce wi , h Chris t. All pr cr"",k,l .. I,
upon an)" 510ne and not thrown down. COM ' tues co rrespo nd with An cich ri st. Furu ( h
what wond e rf~l Ho ne s and what wond e rf~1 b~i!dings ! H2AndJe sus said 10 him, "Do
MENTARY ON MATTHEW 19.' variety o f good which Chrisr cm b<>,J,", 'n
yo~ sa th eH great b~ildings? Tb er e wi/1 not be left here one stone ~pon anoth a,
him selfto buildupthe f~ichful , th ... d""'Qnk
that wil1n ot be thrown down .» 13:2 Not Ont StClne upCln Anoth er will find a w ay of mimi cking in app "~rJ" C'
l And as h e sat on the M ount of o lilies opposite the temple, Pelerandja mes and to dece iveth e faith FLll. 'QCO MM£STAI<YUN
John an d Andrew asked him privat ely , ~ · Te1 1 us, when will t bis be, and what will b ~ TH.TtiMPll IS RUINS. CYRJLOF] ERUS A' M" TT HII W )l."
th e sign w hol th ese things are all /0 be a" omplish ed? n sAndjes us began to Jay to u.'" Amichrisr' will Come a, $u(h ~ li me u
the re shaU notb-e left of the temp le of the THI C OMM ON CON1)IT ION OF NA y "'. ... .
th em, «Take h ee d that no ont leadl you .:Ist ray . 6M any wil/come in my n.:lm f' , u]ing,
Jews · one 5l0ne uponanCl[her: to quote th c AUGUSTINll i A$ eo wars, wh en ha .• die arth
'1 am hel' .:Ind they will/ fa d many .:Ist r.:l) . ?And wben you he.:l,of w <lrs 'Irld rum ors of
senlence prGnoun~ed by the S~vior.' For il is
W.:Irs, do not be .:I/Imn ed; Ib is mulf take p /.:Ice, bur tbe end is not yet. ' For n.:ltion w ill nOlunril aU lhe$lCln es ~re ove [(h town,
r ise againH nation, and k ingdo m .:Igain st k ingdom; there w i/1 b.. e.:lrthqu aSus in wh eth .. rby lhedenyof ~ge,orthtough b-e. ' AEG M ]).14· ,M,,,,, Plllso. 'Cf. 1 Jnl'18 .n. .,.IJ~
..a,io us places, t here will befamines; Ib is is but th" b"ginning of tb e birth . pangs."
~~,:'~I:I~,:;f.~~~n!·I~~ ~'::': ~"';:n::~
ing pulled dClwn for build ing malerial o r in
consequen,e of this or rnatotherhappeni ng.
;,,, •• ""';ng . l>dhiotoric.ollf WC 'pl)'irorh.l,gt,,of,h.,,,, ,
~nd I do not mean merely the 5tones o f th e
thegooJlI essofCh rio;e (O RlCi EN).The ruin
<lu,'."'... wria cn'n J""..Jcm""d a ugi<"n •• ' •• h.... oI
OVIl RV"' ... ' T he d~Jl h of trees. ,oma mi· outer w;tl ls, but the Hoor of the inner te mple i«<u......h. .... ofrh. p'_n'Ch""'hofd«t''''rS.r
n ~ tcd Jir ~lId d,e pollu tion of lh., fruits of oft h eedificeof C hri srian ce,ach ing. as of where the cherubim we re: that Antichrisl ul.:h,. In rh. mic!·fo",rh <.nUll)',.h",. ".,.,u"" h<f""
t hc eJ rl h - alll hesc3rcsignsofthefi n..1 tem p les and bui lJi ngs , does not ha ppen in· ,h. M .... limC<..''l''''''..,d ..... n «ncuciub<r,,''''h,' ·,u
will come · with aII.igns and lying wonders·1
•.dc... !'mar ;""'<>{·,hoc'hcolU.. "'.. l.o'""" .. .o.I"' .... ,~
judgmen t (O RIG~N). T h., Gospels off.,r .1 CO· Sf •• nd y bucgr ad uaHy (O R,QEN ). As long as
treating ;tll rhe idols wi[h disd.tin. C ATE' pul.l od do "'n blUrhc1loo,ofthciro ". ' l< n:pl.~">"II,,,
h es ive ~"uum of hi Hury wh e n they ~r( some po rt ions u f th c temple still remai n in· C"HETlC"ALLECTU!t.ES 15.15.' ua.o..,,.,, ..,,,,,,,,,h,, Crrit ,,,.. f. mil;',,,,,d, ,h. ,,,,
comp lrc d tc,..' by rc¥ t fOsec k ,he Je n$( of tac t. it wou ld be imprope r ro Uy th at the " ".pp.. ttdinhi· J·r·Sin«inh io ,.;<... m.'~'",I"",
th e w h o le (A liQliSTlNH). N ut merel y w~r s dntic h rist hada lreadycome(Cl"R' L o FJ6' h><l nQ!r·r,o,n •. h. ""Jo ro<OOd him•• lf irob" ...", .. d"
13:34 Th ey Asked Him P,iv<ltdy, «Tell dm .. o'rh. bu k dc,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, M tl! . " mp l,,, \ " . '0 .. ,,1
be tw ee n nltion s b u r di$u th e fin ,,1co nfli " "" ",.,). Us, Whe n Will This Be?" tl!. hR.1 d.",,,,~jon c [,h. «mp-l<. ' Aug",, '''''' "k",~
betwee n th e ki ngdo m " r C hri ~ t a n.! S ~ta'l huw th< rU der ;' '" ,..,o n .bour . pp.«nrtr,o ,"l " , ,,, ~ ...
will b e reso lved in rh cc n d ( AUGUSTl NII) 13:1 WhM Wonderful Stones .. nd <Q~ n " ofl." 'hin~. , · Cf. M,24,! ·8: .l.1k I U->!; l k'U
R~"OlNG THE S'GNS. AUGUSTINE: There is ,1. 'C.,.doc 026l.199.S7.9.16S.H;FCJ.(H76" . '"cr..\ I'
Antichrisc f.llsifiul h e tn" h. mimi .: king Wh .. 1 Wonderful Buildings no discrep~ ncyinth e Gospds ~stofacts of 24,14: Mk B, l2. " AEG5 ,1I1·1S·.

180 1 81
become sic k before their de:lth if they do not him who is on the houietop not go down, nor enter his ho"st, to /tlk t tlnJ/hing tlWtlJ;
nOt been scourged by ,hem:ltdifferenrperi-
odsandplaces? To p as.ov err~moteh istory ,
5uffe rviolencefromwithout. :lndin:illu.u !6t1nd Itt him who;s in thefit/d not turn blKk to tokl' his mtlntll'. " And tllasfor thosl'
the w:ly ofsep:lration of soul from body who are with child an d for thos t who give suck in rho:>/' dayl! 1SPray that ir may nor
whenlheb:lrbari;l.nswerecverywh~reinvad .
ing Rom:ln provinces in the reign of Gal -
comes through weak ness, so it happens with happ en in win/fr. '~For in tho se days thert will be jJj,h tribulatio n as has not bun
lienu.s,l l h aw many of our brothers who the whole course of the world crudo n. from th e beg inning of the creation whic~ God creaud ~ntilllOw, and n ever will be.
Wh en th e creation begins to d ecay, h:lving lQAnd if/h e LO Td had not shortened th e days , no human would be savtd ;bur
were th en alive do we think co uld h ave be-
lievedrharrheendw:lsnc:lr,sincelhis h ap- U ith a.bo,hbeginning:lndend,irmust for th e sak.e of th e deer, whom h I' chose, he j ~ortened the ll And th en if any
grow weak before its dissolution. At this
pcned 10ngafrer the ascension o f the Lord! on t Jays to you, 'Look, hrre is th e Chri$l!' or 'Look, there he not believe it.
poin(th et:lrthmay bcfr.e<IUc~ d Y5h :lken
T hus, we do no, know whH the nature of llFalse Christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders, to lead
with e:lnhquake5. The aIT haVing re<:eivcd
those signs wiU be when the cnd is re:illy
some diseased contagion may become OVer- astray , if po ssible. the elect . H BuI take heed; I have laId you till things bejor~hand. ~
nC:lr arhand,i flhcsepresenroncsh.1Ve not
run with pcs tile nce." Moreovcr the vitalcn.
bccnso forccoldIh:ltthey should arleatbe
undetStood in the church. Cc'tainly, ,here ergies of the earrh iudf may suddenly. f... il On""6w:Farfrombci ng nothingncss,the preached ~mong:l1\ the E,hiopians.espe·
are twO nations and tWO kingdoms. namely, and SU:lnglcirs fru; ts. T hcse dut rucl1vc final end for thc faithful is the m OSC com· ci:r.lly among those bt:yond the rive r.' nor
forccs may pollute the regcncr:lcivec;l.p:lcity amo ng: th e sua~, nof in the East. 1 What a re
oneofChfin,rheotheroft~)ed~vil. LlIT· plete tonccivablc fulln ess of being (HIL ... '"
of :Ill trees. COMM.ENT ... RY ON M ... TTHEW 34.\1 OFP O 'T! !Rs) .Origen :lrgu edthatth~co n ­ Wc to 5ay of the B,irons. orofthe Germ:lnJ
TER$,I \l\l TO H U r CH llJS H·
summ:ltionwollldno,o(Curuntilcrucial :llong the ocean,'orofche bubari:r.ns ,
13:8 There WiU Be Earthquakes, There pmpheciesare fulfiI led and not before the Dac i:lns,'Samaritans :lndscythi an5,' th e
WilIB, F~millu gospel is pfeached to che whole world. Since greatest paft of whom have nor yet° he ard
~':sr;;.~r:;~~;.;,= l':g'~~I~~'~·I . "AaG the, c:lre stiH a numbef ofknown nations to th e wordof th egospcl. but who will Ce r-
Eeo LoG JCAL CItJ5IS. OR'GEN' JUSt as bodiC$ S,IU·;MipePl854. whom Ihegospcl h:ld not yet bcenpreachcd, tainly hcaricbythetimeoftheendl lf:l ny
iccould nOt bc argued ch:lt the end has yet o n~ismindcdto5ay rashlyth:ltth egO$pel
come. H ippo!ytusthoughr d",r rhe reference ofc hc kingdom has a1 rcady been pruched
to flight in winter was not mcrclytoa literal in all Ihe world asa testimony to all nations,
winterbultoanunupcctedlyhars h spiri- he will consequently bc tonStu ined touy
13:9-23 TH E DE SO LATING SACRI LEGE rualch:lllenge. Onc h:lt fin otlday, however, that ,he end has alr. ady co me!' That would
rhoSt lackingf:lirh willnotbe sotved,evenif bcamostr;u hs u ,emencindicatinl!lilaekof
rhey setmto be :lbidingwithinthefaithful understanding. COMM ~NT"'Rr ON ,\1 ... T·
9HB ut take nted to your>elves;for th ey will deliver you up ro council,; andyoll will community :lnd in sacraments (C¥PRJ"'N, THEW 39.'
AVCa!STlNB). Th eanrich,ist wiU personify
be beaten in Jynagog un; alld y ou will Hand before gov~rnor.l and king , fo r my s.ak', 13:13 He Who Endur H to tb t Elld
~ny&ecminglyplausibletcaching5(ORl '
to bcarUJlimony before tnem. lQAnd Ine gospel mustflrSl b e pHacned to al! nallOIlI • .•
G~"') ,
!! And whenlhey bring you 10 trial tlnd deliverJou ~p, do not be anxioul" befouh.llld < PRO ,",' SI!Of BL6SSIiONI<S5. HILARV OF POI-
Wh<ll you <Ire 10 stly;buc say whtltever is given you 111 that hour,jor il is nOlyOU wbo 13:10 Tb t Gospel Musl Finl Bt TIERS: Th(refore me Lord e:rch orts uS (0 waic
Ipeak, bUI the Holy Spirit. !lAnd brolher.will deliver up brother 10 death, a~d :t~~ Prt<lcbtd '0 All No lions
jtlrher his ,hild, and ,hildren will ri,e ag~J1IJt parenu tlnd htlve them put to ; wi1; 'Nil<. 'lIc-rondPa"h ... 'Nor.hS<.>. "T.. n'll •• n,.on
WH,n'BR THIS H ... s ALRf. ... I>Y OCClJRUID. ,ho D.n~b<. 'So-:b S<r-h;"n. ,od ~"'~';"IU w ... in th.
lland you will be hllud by aUJo r my ntlme, ,ake. Bj.Jt h e who endureJ /0 Ihe en ,.gion no .. lu>owo .. Buls>,,,,,ndnonhw,,,of,h,Dud,
ORIGU:: It is ev ident that the gospd of the
Su. 'C •. A.D.l30. 'O'~'"II<"'M;'jp", ••• "Jm.. "'h.
be t4~~t:; ·wh en yOI1 jet the deJ olating Jacri lege 'ct up wh ere it ough t not 10
kingdom has noc yet been preach~d in aU th ~
, world. ltis not rcp<me d to have been
"'pmon" ,h" would "'" "',om. kn~wn •• • ...Ii..d
d ",olog)'" ·.~EGHl6. l7· :M ;g:n.1'G8! 7
tn e reade rundentand), then let tho se who are inJudeoJ1ee to the

182 183
wirhp a",·,,,.m,trcvcrc[trfairhu m ilrh , "".I ...... ~(hllllfhi5 hollsetop . Leto!\~ 13:18 Pray That It May Not Happ ell in
~ ..... lnpcfJ~curio "notfailtogoupto Winter
..... hooIHfCop. bul~lso fromthi5hollSetop
... M 1101 tome do wn to scramble for th~ WHEN SLllGG[SII1N R,GHTEOllS"'·ESS. HIP-
........ dvwn bdo w, in his house. HO~HLI~S POLYTus:\Vhen the electpr~y,h;l rrhcirflight
' .... "'IAIII1.1 3( [8) .I' not be on the Sabbach or in rh e wincer, this
of the pron> i.<edblessedness, Th~}' .11" means that God asks us not to let OUtse!ves be
bless~d wh o end ure until the go.,l ,,1 l,~ !rf{' .... 6NIII T uru B~ckto Tak e Hi, M~nae surprised by the things which meer uS unc,,-
happiness is reac hed, when th~ ex]' ,", !~.kwI pcctedly wh en we mighr be sluggish in right-
offaithreachcscowardcompl c,efullilhl'!'fll TMt S.IIUT l,IAL MSANING OF "T AI<ISG cousness (neglecting th e Sabbath Or caught in
Their end is to abide with unb mkw 'ftl lA 0...'. MANT LE." HIPPOLYTUS; Let him not worldly preoccupations). AGAJNSTCAJUS 5.'"
rha,c onditiontowardwhic["hcYM'f1 lfl ItllIrtllot h.troubleofthecor rup tible
endy pressing." ON THE T» ' N'''' H. I'." ""olld,lo th , workso fth~flesh .O sMAT· Kfisp ON" PR.AYING. EPHREM THE SYR IAN:
" lt I W.'· Winter is without fruit and s;lbba,h withour ON THE GOSPEL, HOM[L Y I."
13:14aSet Up Where It o "X'" Nil If labor." Do not let it be you who might be
13:17 Al~sfor Those Who Give Suck ill led away captive under such circums rances - 13:22 Fals e Christ$ Will L ead Astray, I)
THE P~ACB OF SACRII... <: M. IIIO'HI., .tIt ThoH Days! whenyouhaveneith~rfruifnorwork. Pray Possible, th ~ Hut •

of divine Scri ptur e spok.n by

fromMose sonw.1td •• lIndby tht~bu
holy place is to be un dcratood ."." ur'''I
AUGllSTlNE: This is said figuratively, distin·
that captivity does nOr come either of some
el(ternalnecessity,such as chewinter,ordur-
ing a time ofinanentiv enesssuchasth e sab.
Antichrisr is generically one, th ere may be
and aposdes. In thi.holy ...... .,.alh. gWshing those with child from those who give bath. This means that neither the constraint m'lny species of him. It is as ifonewould ,a )
Scripmre." An[ ichrlu, ."' .... Wotd. hu suck. Those who are with child are tbes()Ws of or hers nOr the relaxation of your own will th ar falsehood is generically o ne , but accord ·
ofr~n .'100.1. Thl.I.lht ......nonofdno- shouldbetheoccasiontotakeyou ~way ing to the differences offalse docnines the re
l ~rio[\ . " CO MMilI'iTA.' Off M"nIlMW 4l.ll from the work of the Lord your God . . . Tr arc found many sp ecific falsehoods ... "[t"
isrruethatdistrcsswillcome~ndtharyou poss ible" is a hyperbole. Forhe did no,sug
13:ltlb Ltf Th,t w•• A" inJude a will have ro flee. But keep onpr;l yinglesr gest Or indicate that even the elect ~re to b~
FlufQ,",M •• ",.j". this calamity COme upon you in the winter,
or surprise you on theS'lbb~th when you are
thrown into error, but wis hes roshow thil f
often che wo rds of'he heredes are exceed
\v .. .... " ... 0 W •• •• ITO II ~ ... OIt. I(lEN : He restmg.. .. Winterisrhetimeof[epose inglyplausiblc'lndhavepower ro move
whon..,Ou.IUI OkIlO wlhepbce t(}which from all the work of rhe summer, JUSt as th e even those who hear them wis ely. Every
h' oll,hl 10 Oet, .lId ~I.o to pray that he ubbath is th e time of repos e, the seventh word professing to be rruth while n(}t the
rn~ynolncclnlhctimewhichisop pos edco day, wh en work is not done. COM"'E"'TARY trurh. wh erher among gentil es or barbari·
mgll!. COMM INTA IIY ON MA TT HE W 4I." ONTATIAN·sD' ATESSARON. 2Il 'Ins, is in as enS e Anrichrist, seeking tomi,
ludasthough thc truch, and to se parate
13:15 Ln Him Wl,o Is 0" th e HouHtop 13:19 For in Those Days There Will B, from the Onc who said, "1 am the tru,h :"
Not Go Dow", nor Ent,'r His House, to Such Tribulation As Has Not BHn CO:>tMENT ARYON MATT HEW 46. "
Tllk. A"yth;ng A wily from the Beginning


GR.E AT: Let us keep in mind that th esepre·
. entafflictions are 'IS farbdow the last

18 4 185
13:22 r Have Told Yo .. All Th ings checontagionofdcat h .... l ri';nencmyof 13:24a AI,er Th"t Trib .. I,,'ioll shaken. LETT~IlS. 199 TO Huyc ... rus J9.'
Belortband rhealtat,arebclagainS[C hri$c'ssacrific c,
wh ooffe .. rhcfaithfulfaithleuneu.whois No SP.IICIPICCI IRONOLOGY. VICTORINUS OF \VHI!N Till! TIIDB LIGHT MAKI!.S ST ... I\S SBIIM
Bsw ...... 1I OV Till! ADVEllS ...... V. CVPRIM'" adisobedi~nt.erva[l[.:lnimpious$on.ahos. PETovw",:Wem ustnotinordina[clyfixupon DA ... ". ~EDE'lhcstarsatch cdayo fjudg.
The more the Adversary rages, th e more ci lebrothcr, whode~pisesbishops,whofor. the chronology of what is said in Scripture, be· mentwlll <eel'l\ to be d:lrk, not by any failure
error deceives. S" nsdcssnessmakes itspre· sakc5theddcrs,wh odarestos~!upanorh.r cause frequemly the HolySpirit,l having spo· of their own lllstcr. but in consequence of
ten ses, envyinflarnes, covetousn ess mak es alt:lr to makc:lnoth cr prayer with prohibited kenoftheendofthel>.$trimes.rhen returns the increase ofche rrue light throwing them
blind, impicty depraves, pride puffs up. dis· words, to profane the mHh of the Lord'S of. again to addre5s apreVioWl time, and fiil:s up IntO the shade. HO""L'~S ON THI! GOSPI!U.'
co rd euspentes,angerhurrieshcadlong. fcring. TR"AT!s~s, ON TilE UNITY O~ 1'H~ ....'"athad before~nl"'ft uru.:Ud.Normust
.. Lu th ebrethrcnbewareofthese CHURCH 16"7.:< welookfor a.peci!ic dlronologyinapocalypdc 13:25b Th e Powrn inlbe Huvens Will
th ings,fo r "1 h ave told you all rh ings be· visions,'but rather fou...w the maning of 8eS""I<",,,
forehand. "f- Avoid suc h people. Dr ive Ihose th ings which are prophesied. CoMMtiN'
~·,Mi",.I'GII64.adloc. " ,'d,l4,15;Mkl)<ll. "'eft•.
th em away from your si de and your ears, dodl("'l. 16.010; ANF 5.-41~71' . A...,od ,h. p~"'q ..... of T... RY ON TH I!APOCA LTp!;E 7.' T.UCO,"UNGOFTH&SON. TI!RTULL, ... N: If
as if rheir mischievous convers.1rionwer c you examme this whol", passage of Scrip.
13:24b The Mool! Will Not Give ItJ rur efr omthtinquiryofrhe disdples down
Light co th e parable of the fig tr ee,' you will find
th:lc it makes lense at every point in con -
As P~IlSIICIJTION MOUNTS. A "'RRos~: As in ne' rionwirh the coming of th e Son of Man.
ics monthly edipse. the moon. by reuon of the He will btingboth SOrrOw andjoy. Th rSo n
urm coming b-crween it and che sun, di.ap· of Man is co ming in the mids t of both ca.
pears from view. so liUwLsc rhe ho!ychurch , lam icies and promis",s.bmhth",griefofna.
wh",n the viCCll ofmefksh scand in the way of tioruandrhelongingof[h<:sa;nts. He is the
2t- Bur in Iho ft days, alrer Ihat tri&ullllio", Ihr su" will &r dllrk e"ed, a"d Ihe mool! rhe celestiallighl, can no longer borrow the common element in borh. He who i. com·
will nOI give its fight. 25an d rh e stars will beJallingJrom heaven, and I he powers in splendorofiudivine light from the SUn of mon ro both "'ill cnd rheoneby inflicti ng
th e heaven s will be shllk~n . 26And thenlbe] w ill see Ih eSo n oJmlln toming in dou ds Chrur.... Alsothestars,rhatis,lea<ierssur· judgment on the nations. and will commence
rounded by the prme of their fellow Chris· the other by I'Qlfillingthe longings of the
with grellt power and glo ry. 27And rh e n ht will send out th e angels, and gllther his
tians,shallfall. :l.Ithebitteme.sofp."s<:cutiOn saints. AGAIN~T MARe,o N 4.J9!
eleetfrom th e four winds.from th e ends oflhe t arth to the end s oJhellven." mount! lip. COMMBNTAAY ON LUK~ 10.'
God is restoring th., brokenness of human· 13:25a The Sta rl Wi!lBe Falling MATURGUS, lhe powers above-th e angds
OVIIAVIIIW' T he various inspired texts on
ity. broken in Adam's fa ll , bygHhering guardlngt h e \lnivers e ~willb ",putinto:lc,
th e final j udgment musr be read for their
from th e wh ole world th e ne W human· THmF ... ,TH FULS H... KSN. AUGUST/N.E: When tion in that 5t,um and tumult of an things.
muni n gralh er thanforaspecificchro.
ityi nCh[ist. If w", r",siH h is firsecom· impiouspersecucors rage beyond meaJ<ur"" P~werful men will HOp. Laboring wom",n
nology (VICTOKINUS of P ETOVIU"'). Th e
ing,wew illcremb lear hi ssecond and when rhe forru neof rh is worlds<:erruto w!ll also S<0P.nd flee into the dark places
fina l coming ofliglu will overw h elm the
(AUGUS TI NE). Th e coming Son of Man smile upon them and frar leaves them and
light ofrhe sr3U (BsDE). Wh~nt h epil·
th~s3y: " Peace3ndsecurity,"thenthesr3"
la uofhuvenshakr.ev., ryth ingincru· will judge th e nations and fulfHl the long·
ingsoft hesainrs(TERTuLLlA N). He will shall fall ft omhuven and the poweuof
tion b ecomes vulner.1ble (GIIHlOR Y
come with power in his own body and huve n shall bt: moved. when many who
in the risen bodiuofthe f:lithful seemed to shine briUiant!y with grace wi!!
faithful will b e shaken in the rribulation
(AUGUSTINE). yicldtoch eperucurors,,,,d wiUfall.and
(AUGUSTtNII). Even amid this ca lamity,
even the srrongtsrofthe faithfu! will be

186 187
o(thei r houses. 01< ECCLIISIA,STES n ! his second. ON THE P SALMS 96.14. It
T H" P<LLA US " AICI. BEDI: Whu wonder is 13:27 He Will C.u htr His Elurfrom
il,thu hum .. nbeingsshould bec(o ubled .. c rb eFo", rW i nd s
thisjudgm~nc,c hesighcofwh ich makes the
... ery ~ngdic POW({S tr~mble~ Wh .. c will rh e T"" G ATH IiIt.",O OF A I,.~ TOIII EuCT f ...O", n -From Ih~fig Ira l~arn il5le Hon: a5 500" as ifS bra"ch baome5 tt"der and PU I,
uppo: r p~ru or che house do when the piU..u T"1i \VNOUl WOItLO. AUGUSTINE: That he fort h its leaves . Jo", know rh at summer is near. 29So also. whe" JO'" sec rhtH' rhi"S '
undernuth begin roshake! HOMt Ll ESON will galher his dect from the four winds raking pIII C~, J"'" know rhar h~ i5 n ~ar, af rhe Vtry gllles. JOY'''''y. 1 jay to you, rIll>
THE GosPtLS. IO muns from che whole wo rld. If For AdJl"n generation will not paH away bcfort al! th est thi"gs rake place. jlHtav~n and tllrt "
hims elf, as ( h~ve shown, signifi~s in Greek
rhe whole world, with the fOUT len ers ( ..... 0.
wm paH away, bur my words will nor paH awa)' .~
13:26 SOli of M .", Comillg in rhe Clo ",a5
A.M) . As th~ Green think of th ese matte15.
W'TH GUAT M".lIST Y, A~'GUS Tl:<I: This the fou rquarcers of t he wodd h avc these in· O ......V .ilW: Summer is symbolic of endings ~h e5ignsofchecomingkingdom.AGAL"·ST
could be caken in fwoways: one,rhac he will itialletters. An:l.lole (east),Dysis(west ). andg~therings (HIPPOLYTUS).God. know- M ARC IOS4.J9.'
come in tht church as inacloud,as htco n - Arktos (north), :!.nd M esemb ri a (south). ingthe future as ifitwere presenc. knows
tinuescocom~nowaccordingtoh i s word: Adamafte rthefallh~sbten scatteredo"t r alread y th e whole of history thar is yer ro THIG ATltltUNGOfFRU,TS.HtPPOLYTUS
"Here~fteryousha1l 5ee lhtSonofma n sit­ the whole world." H e was in one place . buc be (AM8ROSE). Gr earworld conflicts sig- T he summer signifi es lhe cnd of the wo rld .
ting On the righc h and ofthe power of God. fel1, andas if crushed in tiny pie, es, hi s prog' nifyfor f:!.irh th e promised coming o f th e because at thar timef~"inareg~thered up
~ndcomingin th edoud,orheaven."" He eny filled the whole world. Buc th e mercy of kingdom of God (TI!R.TULLlAN). The :!. nd &lo red. ON MA TTHEW.)
corru:swithgreatpowerandm.1jurybe.=alUe God is gathe ring toget her rhe fngment& Word of God does nOC p:!.ss away, even if
hisgru!« po wer and majesry wiU appo:uin fromeveryside~ndisfotging!hemtogethe ! an n rthly things p:!.ss aw:!.y (O"'!GEI<) . Th e I3:3bAltho llgh HfAtl t n And Earth
the wnts to whom he will give great power. so by th efireof!ove. andmak.ingonewh~rwas pHsing a w~yor desrructionofth eol din WmpAuAw~J
thMth<:ynuynotbcovercomebysU(hpe rse- pulveri:o;ed. Th:!. r inco mp~rable artis t knew Scripture?"ints to che passing forward r o
cucion. The other WJy in which he will COme JUSt how to do this. So lct noon~despair. I fuller elCpression of the divine gl<l r y WH,o.T Is MBA!'<T By "PASS AWA Y~ M ETHOO'
wiU be in h is body in which he sits at the right T his indeed is agreu work of an. Bue re· (M IITH OOI US). Noth ing is more passing l us: l c isusu a lforrheScrip turestounch~
h.. ndoftheFJther,l:inwhich.:l.h o,hedied Rect upon who t he artisc is. The very one ,hans!X'ech in t h is world,but nor h ing is changeofthewodd fromicspreun[dire
and rmeagain and ascended into he.aven. Lcr- who m:ade shall resrore. The one who more durable in t his world th:!.n G od's condi tionro:!.bercerandmoreglo r ioo s
n ...s, 199 TO HESYCHtUS 4 t." formed. shall reform. W h ere finally shaUwe speech (GItE(;OkY THE GRUT). one by cheidiom of ~desrruction.~ For it s
come to know righ teousness ~nd truth! Ht u r1 it rrormistherebyloS1inthechanJ!~ uf
T ... IUII II,.INO AT H, sSlCoNoCo",,"'O' will g:!.cher together his elect with him to che 13:28 y"" Kn"w T b <lr Summer Is Nfllr ~l1t hinptoastateofgrC:l.tersplendo,
AUC:;UST INE: lnhisbstadvemhewil1come judgmem ... nd t h e rest will be separaced Th is is not aconcradicrion or absurdity
in the clouds to judge che qu ick and che o ut .'·ON THE PSALMS 96.1 $.:10 SP"'OUT' N(;S OF SUM:.U .... TI!"'T Il LllAN: As Pa ul n ys th ac it is not the world as smh
dead.'·juuu he pte:!.chedofdoudsinhis thesprou tings of sma ll nees a fford a sign bu t thc "fuhio n of this world"chu p~.. ~'
firuvoice wh ich sounded fott h in thegos- of Iht appro~ch of summe r lim e, so do tht :!.way. 50 it is 5cripture's h~bit to call th~

I'd: "Th ey will see the So n of m:m coming in gre~cco nfl icts ofthewor1dpointtow~rd passing from WOrse to benet as "destr"'·
clouds with gre~c pow~r :!.nd glory:" v.,.'h~t th e kingdom by preceding it. ' Bot h sign tion." Think ofa dli ld wh o p:!.sses from a
i,< "th en", V.'ill nor rhe Lo rd co me ~g~in in
l~tec t imcs .wh ~ llallrhepeopl esof thc ea[th
~~~o::~~\ 1:';':;2',2,7;',1 ~~~~ ~'~~;,;:C~k ~::~I,C>.,!~!. andching 5 igllifiedbelonglothes~meOne
.... ha orders ~1I. So if conflicts are signs of
ch ildi sh SI~ge to a more mature st~gc. We
<doc 01SJ. J9.95.14.7:N Pt-:FlS,474. "Cf. M, IJ,J1: Mk
shalllamend H~ c~me first in pr eac hing. and IU7, "Cf.G , nH · 24. "Cf.M,21,n "'C... J""OlU the kingdom, as spro uting. ~re of summer,
'M, 24,)2.lJ; Mkll, 2Il.2'J :Lk 21:2'l.) 1. ·C<t<dor OO H.
filled the whole wide world. Let uS not resis! N~t-:F 1 8,474.7S"" f. T''''''",,''J''" th en the kingdom also i~ chec reator's , to 4, 157.20; AEG j' IS6" ,cf, ANF 1:411, 'A ~:G S,I S<i ': 10.:
his first coming, th at we may not tremb le ~t ID.12.2: Fcn,nl .... homche co nflict s~ re a scribed, which are , ;t, O. M"' .,,,,U.2!, ' I Curr,} l.

188 189
somecimu exprus this;lS an undo ing o f 01.1,· youcndurillgandunchangeableisnorendur_ co m e, in the evening , oral midnight, Drat cockcrow, o rin the morning, J6!rs t he come
mod~d patterns. 0" HI E R~SURI\ECTIQN 9·' ingand wi d lOutrhange in eternity. And sudd enly and fin d you as/up. HAnd what r say 10 you r say to all: Watch. M

everyth ing of mine that seems to pass away

13,31b My Word$ Will No l PIIH AWII! i5enduring;md wiThoU!change.Myspctth,
that sccm.topassaway,uttersrhoughrs OUII.VUIW: Augustin e's comm~ nt on this rremblcsdaily for that for wh ic h ir daily
TII~WORD WILL NOT Co."1! TO NOTltINIi. (.~nttntw mantn((l) which endure fore\i~r. p~agefocused u ponthep<rplexingql.les_ h opes (TEllTuLll"I<). Watchfulness for fi nal
OluGss: A1thoughheavenandcarth.andthe HOMIf.[Esl .' tion of the Son's nOt knowing the fin:t1 day. judgment is not occasional but belongs to
Ihingsthatareint""m.may~awaY.Y"this When the Son i5said not to know the finaJ th econtinuillg response of believers (Al'os -
divinc speech tcgardingcoKhindividual,hing. GOD'S MAKING O P THINGS FUTURE. AM. day. it i! nOt because he is ignoun l of it but TO ll(: CONSTITUTIONS). If we knew the fu·
whemet viewed as partS of a whole or spedes "RosB:For just~$hecalls (he thingsthuare because hec~u ses it not to be known by tu re we would eas ily be tempred to ponponc
ofagenus.shill by nomcan$pass~way .·Th e no! as thou.gh theyw~re.'$ohe h:l.'l m~de th em for whom it is nOt expedient to know aJl human se riousness and deby all deci.o:ion
utteranctsofGod me Word,. who wuin Ihe things futu reasthoughtheywer ... ltcannot it.H edo~snot showittothem.andth ey making(AT HAN AS!Us) .Thepridethat pre -
beginni ng with God. will nOt come to no,hing. come to p ;ust h~tthcy $hou ldnotbe . T h o,c will nOr learn it from him. It would nOt have tends one knows something one does not
AGAINST CELSUS S.2l.' thing$th atheh;udi re<:ttd tobenecess:Ui ly been fo r our good to have known everything know iS A greater mo,,,1 danger than a war~ ­
will be. Therefore he who h;u m~d~ the that was known to him. He $poke o f kno w- nus ofii mited knowledge (AUGUSTINE).
Du ....... ,uTT 0 ' MATTER .oNO SPIlRCIt. G RE- things that are tobc. knows them:uready in ing something by analogy, in th e sense of Since everything is nOt yet rev~~led, the teXT
GORY THE GREA T: Noth ing of thi s world is the way in which they are TO~. ON THE knowing th arwhichwufirringthat hurers calls us to humili,y(IRIINAEUS).
more d urwle than the he~vens and the CHRISTIAN FAITH S .4 .I 9~.' O should know from him. The fullness of time
earth,andnothingin the orderof natur e ill not yet hu manly known as present bUI 13:323 Thlll Hour No Onc Know s. Not
p;1SUS away more q l.liclcly than speech. on[ya.furure. Chriu Hknewnot tharday" Evtntht Sun
W ords, u long as they are incomplete, arc withnoorhermeaningth3nth~the,bycon­
' ANF 6,)66": cf. AEO ~: 161, 'Cf, Mt 24,J5: Mk IH I: Lk
not yet words . Once co mpleted they ceue culingit,cau$ooothersnotroknowit.lri. IGNO""'NCII OF TlU FUTURlIls OUIl ORm-
21,n. 'TLG 2042.001. S.22.IJ,d. A:-..IF 4,SB. Tb.Ji"in.
utterly to be. In fact they c~nnot be pe r· ' pff'~ ,,,.t"........~p.,,ri""t..th""..;lI,,OIp... «cord ing ro a common fo rm of speech that NAII.Y H UMAN CoNDITION. ATHA"'A S IU~:
fected except by thdr own pauing away. ."...y. 'C .. ed<>< 1711.1 ,1.4.5:SSGF 1:l9';M ign.PL76, theSonissaidnottoknowwh~the do e$ When h is dis ciples asked him about.he
Ther~forehes.JIys:"Heaven a ndearthshall lan.al.l-Io<nilyl. 'Rom "'l1. "c..cdo<OISO.S.IM6: not reach; h ene .. h e is said not to know what end, he said wi th predsi on: Of that day or
N PNF2 l(/:J,I)Ij".GoJh... difl'".""ei.ti"" ,o,im.
pus away, but my words sh all nor pass." As Ilull .... do.G<><1 .. i".in<t.m.J . imulron.i,r w ;'h . ll
he cause! uS nOt to k now (AUGUSTIN E). th ar h ou r no one know$,nOt even h e hi m_
if he were openly to ny: all that seems to ,;ma.<>d be"". blo.... d"furu,... now. Insofar as h e truly assumes and panici- sdf'-that is, whm viewed acc ordin g to
pates in our ordi nary humanity, Ihe Son the f1esh,becausehe ' 00, as h\lman, lives
shares OUr human limir:ltio ns of nOt scei ng wirhinth e limits ofthehuman condition.
into th e futu re (AntANASJUS). T he not He said th is to show that, viewed as"n or·
knowingi5 artributed to !he humanity of the din atyman. he does nor know the fUT ur e,
1 3 :3 2- 37 THE N ECESSITY OF WAT CH FULNES S incarnate Lord. not to the Godhead (G Il&- for ignor~ nce oflhe future is c h~f3cteriSlic
CO~YNAZ I As'ZaN) .Itisnot a defec t in the of the hum~nconditi o n.lnsofa , asheis
Iruly h u man Son of God that he does nOt viewed~ceordingrohi sdivinityasT he
know the final hour but that it is not yet the W ot dwh o is to co me, to judge, to be br id(·
32" But oflhat day or Inal hOlolr nO on~ know}, nOI even Ih .. angds in ht'aven, northt rime ro speak or within the divine plan roact groom, h owever, he knows whe n and in
Son, bUI only the Fath .. ,. lJ T aiu h eed, watch; fo r you do not kn o w wh en th e t ime (HtLAR YOF PO!T!IlRs).]esus knew the hour wh at hour he willcomt . . . Foras\lpon
will com e. l'!t i'i !ilt/' a man going on ajourney, wh en hI' kavt J home and putS nu ofjudgmem in the n ature of his humanity becoming hum~n he hl.lngeu .• hirHS and
servants in charge, t'act! wifh his work, and commands the doorkeepu 10 be on th e blltnot fro m th e nature of his hu maniry
warch. J! Wa~ c h th ~Hfor e ,for you do not know when t he ma'iler ofth~ hou H' will (GREGOR r TH6 GR EAT). Fa ith watches for
tht day of wh ichitremainsignoranrand

190 191

suffua.' along wi th ~ 1I hum.LIl bc"');,, ,,1111· don not know, he profc$5esignorancein. yOU th rough a continui ngjourney 10 know sionenrire!y familiar to all in dailyconversa _
luly u hu man he does not ~cc d,,· f"'" r~ . deed. but is 110' un dcr the defecr ofigno. yourself, because Abraha m camt to know tion. Wouldany onecallita lierosaytha.
But viewed according to his J iv"'l1y ~ i . li e rAnee. le is nor b«~useofcheinfinniryof hi mself only afrer he had been tried in adver· vineS llrejewc!ed with bu<b:. or rhua grain.
Word :l.nd wisdom of the F;l1hcr. h, know •. Ignor~ncc th~t he does nOl know. bur b«a~ it sity.... )csuswas "ignoram· inch issensc, field WJves, Or rhal " you ng ma.n isi n the
andt h~re i.nothingwhich b"d""." ,,,. I, no. ye • •hc time to.pea\<,orin chcd,vincpbn so rOl peak,a.mong his discipl~s, of rh at flower of his yourh. becausc ht secs in th esc
know. FOUR DISC;OURSIlS A" "' NST· T u ft AM I . .o an .. . . ThisknowiMgcisnot,thcrcrore.a which they w~re nOt yet able [0 know from obj uu neither waves nOr prtcio us sronu,
" N5)·4 6.' (h~nge rromignor""(e,but~oomingofa.fuJI. him.. He on[y s.aid rhatwhich w.as,e:uorWly nor grass. nor trees to w hich the.se expres-
neu ofl;nle. H~ w";u still 10 know. but we can. filling for Ihem to know. Among chose wilh sions would li tual ly apply? LETTERS, 13 0
WH ~T HIIR THII SON I.s DIIFI <; ' ''N~· 'NK NOW~ ' no( , uppoSl' thathc oo.,s not know. Thc.efore mature wi sdom he knew in a different way TO OC6"","US)."
IIOG~. HIL",RYO~ POIT ''' RS; If is soltlelim u hi, not knowing what he knows, and his know. rh an amo ngbabes."O" TH ETR.l"lrr
tu rned into a rtproac h "gainS! d, c only be· ing wh~. he doa not know. is nothing else ch.an 1.11.1)." T u .. TIM e NOT O' 5C ~0$IIDTO F~ESH .
gottenGo dth"thedidno'knowthcd~y a divine «onomy in word and d«d. ON THE AUGUST'NE: Noon~$houldar roga,e toon e .
and the hour. I. is saiJ du ., 'hou~hGod, T IO.I " ITY 9.58 .61.! F,(;lIRAnVHSpaaCHCO"CIIRNI" UW"AT self the knowledge of .hat.imebyany com.
bomofGod,heisnocin.hc perfecrio n ofdl. THaS oN DollS NOT WILL TO KNO W. putation of ye u s. For if th'ltday is ro come
vint n.u u re. since he is subjected co theUml· \V U UTU8R TH IlSo" KNOWS AL~ TH"T TlIII AUGUSTINE; ! a.m by no meansoftheopin. afre. SCVen thOuund yeus, everyone could
tacion of ignorance , namely. to ~n utern~l t:A T" HIl KNOWS. AUGU STI NE: Acc ording to ion that a. figuralive mode o fupres.:rio n can learn iu adve nt simply by add ing u p ye;rs.
for cesr ronge rth.lnhirnsdf.!riuIIlphing.u -Ihe fo rm of God·" everythi ng that the Fa_ be rightly tcrmeda falsehood. For icis no Wh at comes then of the Son's even "not
it wtre, over his wc~kneu . The heretic. in cher has bclongs co the Son: ror "All (hings false h ood fo callad~yjoyous b«aweit kn owin g" this:' This is said with thi s mea n.
thei r frem:y would.ry 10 drivc u. ro .hil Ihalar(mineareyou rs,andyour$are nukes people joyous. A lupine seed is nor ing. rhar his hcarersdo not learn th is from
bla'phemo usin.erpretllrionll huhe il. hul minc. · 1 According to the fo rm ofa slave,t :I<Odb-ecalUe it lengthens rhe face of the eacer cheSo n, no[ th at he by himself does not
captive 10 thi s ulern~llimiurlon, which howeve r, his te'lching is not his own,bucof be,aus~ ofil' bitter taste. Soabo we .a.y know it. le is co be understood acco rding to
makes suc h a co nfeuion inevitable. The . he O nc who senc him. H enc~ "Of th~t day that God · know$" somet hing when he that form ofsptech by which "The Lord
words are .hol e of rhc Lord him.elf. What or hour no one I:.nows. ncither thc':lMgels in makes his he"rers know it (an inscance your God tries you rha.t he ma.y know," "
could be more unholy. wc uk,lhan to cor· htavcn, nor the Son, bu. the Falhcr only.... quoted byyou rs clfi n the words of God to wh ich means, that he ma.y ma.ke you know.
rupt I,il upre u aucrdon by our attempt 10 H e is ignorantofthis in.h especialsenseof Abrah am , "Now [know that you fear Again, .he phrase "arise, 0 Lord··" means
u pl~ i n il awayl Out, before we invescigace making others ignoranc. He did not "know God"II). These a.re by no rne.ans f.a.lse uate· make UI u ;"e. Th IU whe n the Son is s..tid
che mun lng and occuion of Ihue words, lec it · inth~i r presence insucha. wayas t obe m<:n 's, as you youC$(lf rcadily see. Accord- not co know thisda.y. ic is not because he is
uS fint ~pp~~l co cheJudgmencofcollllllo" prepa.red lOr eveali tcoth ~matthat.ime. ingly, (neb lened H il .. ry threw Jighc on 'Ion ignoranlofir, bu. because he t aUSeS Ihose.o
JCnlC. l. ilcrediblc, lh at hc.whouands.o Recall that in a simiLar way it WaS said to obs.cure po int by this kind offigur~. ive er· know it not for who m it is no r yet expedi ent
aJll hinS'u rheaulhor'ofchcirprcsencand Abraham: "Now! know th;c you rear pres.1:ion, showing how we oughc founder· ro know it. for he does not show il to them.
fucurc, . hould noc know aJl rh'ng~~ .. . All God,w ,o in the sense th at now! am taking scandtheword~lh a t ~ hedidnorknow tht OS T HE PS"LMS6.t. I•

(hac I. derivu trom God al o ne iu origin. and day,"" wich no o.her mean ing Inan Ihis, In
hu in him alone the cffi',enr':auu of its pre· proporrion:l.S h~hadmade oth er$ignorant

senc . r~le and (uture devdopnwnt. Can any - 'cf. M, ~,l<Mk 8' 1I,U.I.>46;JnI9,13. 'NI'NF H ,419' ; byconccalinghismea.ning.h~spokeofit \\Cf. l c..-III. 'Th...toc OI2'l. 5O. 1.I I.1: FC45,]4·IS·· .
ching be beyond rh" r"ach orh i~ nature. TLGl'n S.!l4l.l6.Tl>< G.>d ·nun .....".din",ohL>"Om.ln figllutive!y as his own lack or kn owledge. " c;.,n l all. "Cf..\h 24,)6, Mk H'll. "C~,..J.,,; D26l,
iry ,h., . . .... i,h u. ou, .,din.,.,. hun,.n ,ondi"'n Of L ~""" Se by concealing i., he so to spt~k caused 1!!OJ.44. ] .69!.26:NP:--,rF l=S'I1-4S ··: <f. FC .JO;119. Thi/.i • •
rhroughwhichiscffccrcd.andinw hichi$
'''''''f'''"'furu". ' (;f. H,b 12,2. 'C."d",· ()oIJ)
Others not to kn ow it. He did not by this
"y,". rtmon,ftgur.liv. iy "nJ . m<:><>d.for C h,i"kn< w
.:ontain"d,all(h"ti s a nds ha ll bd Jcsus 6lA.9.S$.4,NPNF2 9L I7s.n " ,TI.. hoL""f<t<<J ,.",h, ""tm.. darwi!tIM O<h""'." n'ng m.n,h"o,-by""" .
Chri" kno w~ Ih" rhoughrs of the mind, as it fuIInnaof timor.which l. na,,.,.kno,,,,, .. .,..... n, b-... "
kn . ..·n .. fu,~ ... I, i.n., . d<f"", in m. Sun oiG"J,,,-,,
erplan;cion condone lying. bur he proved
that it was nOr lyi ng to use the common fig .
~:i~~=:~~~.:;~;:t'-;i:.8::~:~~~:~ ,~:.
i<"ow,SI'rrcdbyprcscnrmorives,anda.sic h.doc,no,lmow. bu,;, i> M,y",ht,i<n,IO'p<u. · Cf. Son ;. u.ldn".«>kno .. mu d.y.i,i. n." b«"",.h,i.ip""
will be to morr ow. JrtJuscd by .he impul s~ of Ph i)Z;6. 'Jn I7, 10. '0. I'oil 2,;. ' ),.j,201;Jb,Mkl ) ,ll. ures.i ndudi ngm eca phors,a, afor mof .. n' of i.b~<b«au"h.do •• no<d;. do•• i" 'im.<oth"..
futu~ d.-sires.. . Whenevcr God says Ih~t he '·Cf. GdlU,'2. Ipeechllvailable toa.l!, ~ modeof txprts . fo,,,,ho,,, .hi.lrnowl.dg .... ""ld"" ,b ~h. i ?h.1

192 193
13:32b On', ' he F,ubcr alone}. For the abwl " te and uncondilioned. GR£(;OIl ' TH£ GR U T; Wh~n we speak of a which the Father only knows,~» in ordu
use of t he name ~rhe Son in this pU$age, g[.,d.day,wedonotme~ n rholtthedayitllelf thnafulltrialbe mad eoffallh. and of
\Vll aTH BIl EVRIlVT>UNG Is ALIl"APV RI· without th e addition of whose Son,"'"' !eads lU is glad. b ut that it makes us gbd. So also ch e faith's co ncerned .ince rity which ~wai~ in
VIAL! D. h.!NUUS ; Th~ gnostics presumptu· roco ndude:We areto under$tand theigno. Almight y Son uys t hat he does not know tremb ling expectation. keeping herga:eever
ouslyassumeacquaintanawidl th e cHl' ran[e inthe mos!reverem $~ nse,by ~tt r;but. thtday whkh h e causes n ot W be known . It fjKed on that day. in het perpe cu ~ 1 ignorance
speakab le mySteri~s of God. Rememb er th at ing it to his human nature, and nOt to the ilnot ch at he himself does nO t know it, but of when it wi ll ",rive. daily rrcmbling "t th at
ev encheLo rd, rh~veryS"""fGod. aUowed Godhead. TH EoLO(;r cA L ORA TtONS, ORA TION that h e does not allow it to be known. O nly for which she yctdaily hopes. A T R. 6"TlS&
rh at the Father alone knows t he vcry day 30, O N THE Sot<, SECONO OAAT IO:-; IS." the Fatheri55aid to kno w the future in this ONTH SSOULn."
and hou r of j udgm~nt... . If th~ n the Son ~ln( way.»T h eSon, whoaccord ingto h is
was notuhamed toa..u irn, the know ledge NOT FOR OUR GOOI> TO KN OW An . diYinityi.$ofthcS;1mee.sem ial nalurewith DAILY RB" OlNI>SS. ATH"NAS1US: The ~ nd of
of t hat day to the Father only. but declared AUGUSTI NE' It was not pa rf ofh;s office ou rne Father, has knowledge of tha t wh ich the ~lI lhi ngsiscon(Caledfromus. For in the
w h3 twa$trueregarding lh~ ma n:el, neirner our nuster that through him the day should Jngels areignorant. T heonly-bcgottcn. be. end of all 1.$ the end of euh. and in t he end
let us be ash amed 10 r""e",e for God those 1I«0m., known to us." It remains troe Ihat the ing incarnateand made for uS a perfect man, ofnch is the end of all (on thetut<hyJ.
enigm.aticquescio nswh ichcomeourway. Father knows nothing thac the Son doe. no t knewind~dj"thenatur~of hisincarnale Whereas this time is uncertain an d always ,n
AOAU<ST H IIIlE$11'.S2.27·6 ." know, since his Son, the Word, is h i. wi!-d om, hum anity the day and hour of the j udgment. pros pect. we may advm ce day by day as if
and his wisdom is to know. Bur it w:a.s nOt for but srill it was not fro m the nature of his hu· s ummoll ed,re~chillgforward tothet h ing$
Till! AI.L·KNQW ING GOD. GREGORY NA2:1AN' OOlr good to know everything wh ich was manity as, uchlh ~lhekn ewit.Whatth en before uS and forgetting the thillgsbe hin d.'"
zS N; The lan day and hour no one knows, known to him who came to teach us. H~ he knew in his humanity he knew not from Fo r who, if they kn ew the day oCt he end,
not even rh e So n hims elf, but th e Fath cr.:IIl surely did not COme 10 t~ach U$ t h ~t which il ir. EPlSTUS, 4 1 TO EU LO OlUS:" wo uld nOt disrtgard the interval! Buti figno·
Yet how can t he so urcc o f wisdom be igno· was no~good for us to know. As mas r~r he ran t, would th ey not rn, more ready day by
ranI of anyt hing- that is. wi:r.dom who made borh taugh t SOme Ih ings and left other t hings day! hWUOnl hisaccounrthattheSavior
the world, who J"' rfects all, who rcmodtl.$ all. untaugh t. H e knew both how to [(;>,h us sa..id: MWatch; for you do nOI know when rhe
who is the limit of all th ings thu were made, what W:lS good for us 10 know, and not 10 TKBCo "." NG}UDG"UNT. T ERTU LU"N; H ow time will come. NU Fou lI D,scouR.u
who knows Ihe thing. of God and Ihe spirit teach us what was not for our good to know. usclessl.$theadviceof t hosesirnplistic mor· AGAINST THE ARIA NS 1.49. ).2
ofaperwn,knowi ng rhe things th3.t(jed~p It i.! according to th i.! common form of speech ui.!ta who teach Ihatafter d eat h rewards
wi thin:>l'Forwhatan be more pet"fcct than thac the Son u said «no t to know· wha t he and punishments fall wit h lighter weightl 13:33b You Do Not K" ow When the
t h i.!knowledge!How thencan you saytharaU do>cs no t ch oose to teach. W e are in the daily That is. ifanyjudgmenr at all awa..its the Time Wil/Come
t hings before Ihat hour he know. accurately, h~b it of speakinginthis way .A cco rdinglyheis . .onl! Ra th er it ough t to be assumed thar
and all things that are to happen about the said - not to know" wh at he cause5 us not to judgment will be weightier at th e end of life T .u PR.IlTENSEOf KNowI:-;G SOMSTlUNG
time of t he end. but of th e hourindfhe is ig· know. O N THE PS.,uMS 37.1." than du ri ng it. For no thing is mot e telling UNKNOWN. AUGUSTINE; A perso n does not
norantl For ,uch a thing would rn, likc a riddle. olnd complete Ih an t hat which cOmeS at the go wrong whell h e knows that he does no t
It is as ifone were to say t hat h e knew accu· TH ~ So N'S DISC~R:-;MB NT O F TH~ F~'T URE. very end . So nojudgmenr cOllld be mOre know.omerhillg.b ulo nly when he thinks
rately.aUthat was in front ofthew:ill,butdid complete than God.'s. Accord ingly, God's he kno ws something wh ich he does nOt
not know t he w:ill itsdf. Or that, knowing the judgment will be incompa rably radical and
end ofchtday. he did nOt know the beginning ' "AN F 1,401'. Th. <"" uU. "" «> hwru~'l" "";\I.l4o)6;
compreheR$ive, because it will rn,pro· -Si",a.rt1 _ ..ym.F.. Mt..ro""~_'.IIOf.., ...ol"'.
MkIH2. "ICo,2<:/. uWh.'I><"h'''(~«'''''~'O L~< plydut;,ukoownonly!>r.r-.,F.<h<,>ndIlOfm.s" ...
of t he night. Yet know\edgeof the one neets· nounced at the very last, in an eternal irl"C'vo,
",no(M''l'0<s"oofGoJ. "TlG 1022.o10.15.6;:SP~F Th~ ... ,rulSonknow>wb..ud..",,,,rulF .. h<,~.
sarily implies the orne(. Thus everyone muSf 27:)15--. "Aug"'ti .... ""'l<in.wllcd••"i._~ldh .." cable 'enrence,ooth of pu nish men r and of "NPNFlU:.a·· O",(;.; • ..!d.d), "M,20,16::-1kll:l2.
Sec that the Son knows as God. and knows I>««finoY,goodroh. "'kMwn ...." ,y.hinl 'h" ..... conso lation. T hen sou ls will not conven· "Ct<<<Io<OOI7.J}.72;ANF):21'''"r.AEG5:16-i.Fol,h
nOr as man (if we may for the purpo.e. ofargu, lu<awn ]0 G od. "C<todo<Ql3l. ".16. 1.1.;,NP~F 1 r<m.oln.c.lmin .....d>'nlfo<m<J.yor wflkili'''nuln.ig
e:9 1" . I'i.o"o,ding,0. <omn\onfu,mor ·I"«~ 'h.&, ""
ic nrly dissolve in to se rud esme",but will re· no<onf.ndconlid, n,rv,n; " " , mbli nll dlilyfor m.ufo<
ment disti nguish th at which U di.cerned by s"nu " id no]]o llno",wh" n< QO<' nOl I..,h, h<rt,·"n. ~ turn into their own proper bodi~s . All t h is whk h ifd.ily hop< •. "' Phil):!} . "M1Z5,ll, Mk l );)).
sight fro m that which is discerned by th ough t .. ;d "o, ] o knoww h .,h' '' '' ''.~. n otlo k,,"w OCc urs once for all. on "th ~ t day. too, of "NPN Fl4,4:/o ·ZI·, TLGlll JS.042. 2/).·l2.t:I.11

194 195
know. LnT BII.S. To Hr;srcHlusSl." Co." IN<l SOOO IN LY YO TUOSE UN..... ~P .. Rl l).
AUGUSTINE: Who are rhe "allo [Qwhomhe 1 4:}·9 TH E ANOINTING AT B ETHANY
13:35 YOJ<: Do No l Kilo", Whtu thr .aysthi.ifnot hisc!ecrandhisbdoveJ . [h"
MaHeroflh t HOU JC WillCoul<' m~mbcrs of his body wh ich i. Ih ~ church,'"
Th~rdore,he$aidlhisnoton lylorho.e
lIt Wa5 now two dllYs bl!:fore the PIlHOVl!:rllnd the/l':aH ofUnleavl':nl':d Bread. And
SOIlUR H IIAIlT5.PRU LlBt<TIUS: who Ihen heard him spuking. bur also 10
rh ~ ~hiefprieHs and fh l': scribl':s w ere ueking how 10 arre st him by 5tealth, and kill
"Away," he cr ies, "withdull '~P" s c, rho scwh o came~ftert hemandbefor" u,.
The sleep ofdearh ~nd si"ful sl"r h; 3S wcll as 10 us and 10 Ihose who will tOme bim; 2foT they Jaid, "N ol during thefea5l, lest then be a /umlolh of lh e people.»
WilhhcartsnoW$ob.:r.jusl~nJpure. afr~r \l ' unrilhis finalcom ing.lscha td~y lAnd whill': "I': was at Betha ny in Ihe "ouse of Simon Ihe lep er, a5 "f!: $at at (able, a
Keep w~lch. for I am ve'y n~M : going to encounter only Ihose currently liv. woman came with an alabast er flO$k of ointment of pure nard, very cos tly. and lhe broke
A HYMN FOR COCK,CkOW." ing, or i. anyone likelyro say Ih a! rhcs( Ibt jlO$k (lnd poured it over hiJ head. 4But there w frt $ome who iaid 10 rh emselvt'$
wo. ds areilioaddrc.sscd IOlhedud,w hcn
indignantly, "Why Wa5 the oinl m nll thus waHed? ~Fo r rhis oinlment might have betn
13:37 Whgl r Say to You, I Say to AU, he says, "Warch.!C5the eomessudd.cnly
lo ld for more than fhree hundred denarii, an d give n fa the pO OT. " And th e] reproached
Wgt,h " ncifindsyouas leep"-W hy,lh cn.do(s he
s~Yloallwhacconcernsonly lho.ewho will htr. 6But juu5 said, "Let htr alon f; why do yOIl tTOloIblt ht r? She hru don e a bf!:(l utifloll
FORM". G ooo DBIl1.>5 UN P"'O"'TAllt'" Ap· thenbeliving~Forth&(daywillcomeco fbing to me. 7Poryou always hav~ the poor with you , and wh t nevtryo ~ wi/l,yo ~ ,an do
OSTOLIC CONSTITUTIONS: \\!ar ch th~ r e· cvc rysi ngle one, whenl hedaycomesfo r good to tb em; but you willl'lot always have mt. 'S he h ru do ne whal she could; sh t hal
fore, and pray, thal you do nor sleep untO himlolcaverhislife, $uchu iri.,ro['" IInoinud my body bf!:forf!:hand for bllrying. 'And truly, I say to yOIl, wherevtf Ihe go spel
death." For your former good deed s wi ll judgedonthe[ast day"l Forth~ruson. is prellCl1 ed in th e who le w orld, wh at she hO$ dOne will be told in memory ofber. "
not profit yOU ifin rh e endofyour life you every Chri.tianought 10 watch lcst thecom·
go .;u ruyfromt henu ef" irh." CoNS TI TIJ' ingofthe Lord finci him unprep ared. Bu!
TIO NS OF nlE HOLY ApOSTLES 1.1 . }1. " che lu[ day will find unprepa red anyone OVSllVIEW' Th~ simple, be;l.utiful U"C of a for only a shorr lime, whereas Ihe poo~ wiU
whom this day will find unprepared."This guilcle5$Jude:1.II woman is even now bei ng re· always be bod ily prcsenr 10 welcome Our
HI S SECONO CO MISG. AUGUS TIN E: T he first atle35I wa.certainly clcarlotheaposdes. membered th" world over (CHIlY$OSTO.,,). care (B EDS). T hose wh o hypocr itically cham·
coming ofChri!1 the Lord, God's Son:md our Even if the lo rd d id nOt come in rheir The woman understood Ih arJesus was pion Ihecauseoflhc poor while pilfer.ng the
God.wa!inobscuricy.The secondwiUbe.n tim~ , wh;le .hey were still living here in me lOOUt 00 die and waS anoinringhim for his ch urch's funds for the poor choose Ihep ar!
sight oflhe whole world. When he c.. me in Aesh,yer who would doubt th"t thcy burial (B eOE). The b.oken vesse l was a. re· ofJuda. (ORI(;EN). The brevilyofthe LOld·s
obscurily nO OM reCognilCd h im bUI his walc hed mosl cudully and observed whal minder Ihat the desrrucrion of death pre· e~rrhly life is but unden[ood in rebl ion 10
own stfVants. W hen he comes openly he hesaid toall, lesccoming suddcnlyhemigh. (edes.csurrcctionloiife. The perfume is hi$ etern.dCOOS<lbtion (ANONYMOUS) . The
will be known by b Olh the good ;md the bad, find chem unprep ared! LETU RS, 199 TO bct ter.eleased to all the world rha ns ealed P.u~o ver was the Mosaic Iype ofJesus' sacri·
When h e came in obscurtty, irwas robe H SSYC HIUS 3.'1 up O E ROM ~) . In bap tism believers ate fice u pasch al lamb (BIOE).
judged. When he comeS openly it wiU bc ro ano inted with oil by analogy to his anOinting
judge. He was sile nr at hi5 tri:J.I, uthc GUOME). The faithful arc called nard be· 14,1 Btfore th e P "Hov~ r
prophet forctold. c-•. Silent wh en accused, "C.,.Jo<02~1.\~.57.\J.2!9.16;FC »'1~'''''' . "[.... c~U.<el h (rs h3re by failh in Ihis cos tly, unsui·
he will nOI bcsi lenl as judgc. Even now he <to<14l8,\.S;fC4J,)."Cf.ll lh16 ...C(. E.... 13:24; lied anoincing. which points 10 rh e Lord's T HII P4SC H4 L Lun. BEDE; Ha"';ngobsc rved
doesnorkeepsilen[.ifthere~anyoneto l is.
ten. Bur it says he will nOl kcep si1c nrth cn, ~~~~I~~;~~~~~;~;~;~:;~~~.~~~;:::~~~:~0~::t1~ me..ianicSonship (B 20£). Early ex:egeteS
Ihoughli llikcly th at the wo man who
up to thal poinl [h e observance5 oft h~ old
Pauover,he broughr rhemro perfection.
bec~ ..... e h isvoiccwillbe~cknowledgedev e n doe 026.l. 199.S1.1.246.U; Fe JO.3S9'. W. e~. ~.~ ." pou rcdoinrmen[on Jesus'h ud,asreportcd andhe han dcdovert henew sacraments. o
by . ho.e who despise it . SERMONS 18.1'1. " .t.o""llcdtow.",hfo,h;'«><r.if>C, .. &1<h<"P""I«.
in Mark, was t he s.a.me as she who poured his discip!estobeobscrvtdhenctforth .' . .
oin tment on his feer, as reported in Luke
(BE llE). Jesus WaS wi th th e chur ch bodil y ICf.ll2~14-2(l.

196 197
Ou r Lord is th.., eou nrerpa rt of the paschal pou.nded from spikenard which ..·;ts pUre rurdg"veforrhirs fragrane( . ~" H (rtit iS
world. Why " re you ind ignant, Judas, be-
lamb. Five <uys before h e en.tcred upon his (that is, unt;ti nledand unadulrerared with d ea rly shown th;l r wh:lt Mary on cedidasa e;tuse the alabaste r j ar is broken~ God, who
suffering.hceame to theplaccofhispass ion other d iffercnr kind s), and whichw;u pre_ rype, lf lh c ct\ tircchu rch and every perfect mad e you and;tll rhc narions, is bleuinguJ
roteaehrhOlthewOls th"on clsai ah' hadprc - cious,loimply(hechu(i(yo f pc rftc tf~ith soul dlOUld do :zlw:lYs. HOMtLY 2.4." wirh thar precio us pt rfume . You w anted to
d ieted. HOM1Ll liS ON THE GOS PELS, HOMIlY and action. HO,,"I LI£S os THE G05PHS ,
keep the pt rfume se:rJed up.s.o rhlt it would
2. ) .' HOM ILYl ....• no r reach o thers. T H E H OMI LIU OF SAINT
14:3aA Woman C ame wilh "n HE .. P "NO F'UIT ANOINTEO, B ~o[: Hi s hud, BAPTISMA L ANO.HT ING ANTl CIP.. TED.
AlabaJ/tr j ar o/O in 'mUI whieh Maryan ointed, repr esents thcsubli m_ JU.OME: T h i$ wom:l n hu a very special mes- 14:5 rt Might Ha"" Bun So fJ alld
iry of his deity, His feet indicat e the lowli_ s.;Igeforyouwhoar~aboutr obebapti:::td. Given t o fh cPoo r
WHlCII \VOM"""! BED!;: W c should nor nen of hi. ineamation.1Jl We toO anoinr h is Sh~b roke her alabal rtrjarchatChristmar
d oubt thac rh is wu that same woma n, once feet when we proc laim wi th d "e prais~ rh e mo>ke you "ch rists: his anoi nted . Hu r whac IN D6F11NS~ O FTH . P OO R , ORlG EN: The rcai.
3 sinnu, who, u the evangelist Luke reports, myn cry of che inurnuion which he rool< ir 'OlyS in the Can {i d~ ofC.n ticles: "Your rO r J udall, who in ;tppearance championed
came to our Lord with a n al abu tet vase of upo n himself. We roD ;tnoinr h is head wh en name spoken is a spread ing perfume, thtre_ Ihe cause of ,he poor, said wirh indig nuion,
ointment ~and, st;r,nding behind h im at hu we veneralerhelo «incs$ofhiJIdivinitywirh forethem.lidcnsloveyou. Wcwillfo[[ow "This oin rment might ha ... e been sold fo,
fect, began ro barhe his feet with he r tearS,.1nd a consen c firting to him. HOMIL IE S ON THE you eagtrly in the frag ra nce of your per- more {hanrhree hundredd~n.1rii.Olndtht
sh~ wi ped them with the hair o rher head, and GOSPIiLS,H0ll4ILY2· 4 ·" fl,me!""THE H OMILIES of Sr.JERo.l.lI;, HOM- mOllcygivenrothe poor."z'Dutin realicyhe
kissedhis feetandanointedthemwirhoint- IL YS ... "
"was a thief, ;tnd as he had the mon ey box he
ment." T hi$ is the same woman, bur there, 14:3c S h t Brok e th t j ar used ro 1000kewh ar WaS purinroir."H lf,rhtn,
sh e bent over and anoin ted only OUr Lord'$ WIiSH .. RII ' N HI S ANOI NT ING. B~OE: Wt anyone in OUr time who has the money bOJc
fut, and she did this amid her tear, of rtpen_ WtTI100T B-..,UUNG, TOU: FR.. GR ......CE ls .uC)im our Lord', head when we cherish the ofrhechurc h speoolike)udas;tsi f s peaking
tance.Hcreamidthejoyofher righteo us ac- HIlLO \VIT,""" JUOM E: JUSt a. rh.., grain of sloryofhi&diviniry, ~lo ngwithrharC)f hi& for Ih e poo r, bUI steals whu is placed rhere,
tion she did not hesi[at~ both to anoint his feer whur, unless ir faUs inro rh e ground an d num~ni ty, wirh rhe worchy swteme.. of Jet there be assigned to hi m rh e ume ponion
and tosUI\d up to anoint his h ead also. HOM I- dies , does not bring forth any fruit," so. also, hirh ,hopeandc haricy:U[andj whenw( along wirhJud:ll. COMM IiNT .. RY ON M .. T-
LIUON THf GOSPELS, HOM ILY 2-4.' un less lh e alab;ure rj arbe brok en., weunnot Ipreadchepr~i5eofhis name by living up' TH liW IJ·9.'"
sp read irs fragr:lllCeY THE HOMILt ES Of ST. rightly. We anoinr OUr Lord'$ feec when we
14:3bOfPurt NarJ, Very Costly JER0ll4 E, H O MI LY 8.. Y rcn t w h is poor by a word o(conso!.ation. 50 14:6 A B elu4tifu l Thing
thatrhey may not lose hope wh en rh'")' are
WHY N"'U)~ J EIt.O.'\I E: This worn;tn is o uts ide PROPHIITIC T UT IMONY FVHILLIIO. B ~o~: , under d ure$s. We wipe [rhefeero!J chese B.6T WUS BEAUTY AND NII ~D.J Il"'OM & :
rhe rcm pleandc;trries wit h her;tjaro f oinr. What is aeco mplished here is w har lhe bride ume ones with ou r hair when we share When the apo.rles 17 plead~d that t h ~ oinT
menteontaini ng nud,genuinenard,from glo rifits inrh e cantideoflove, "Whilerhe IOme of what is superAuous to us (toa.!levi. ment was ~;ng w:r.sced, th ey WtTe rebukt'd
which she hu pcepared th e ointment.' This kingw;1S resring [on his couchJ,myspih. ite] the wannofthc needy." H OMILIES OS by che voice ofthe Lo rd. Chrisr d id not nud
iswhyrhefaithful are c all ed~genuine"or TH aGos P E1.S,HoM IL Y ".4,1~
pure nard. Tne ehurch , garhered from rhe

nat ions, is off~ring the Savio r th e ,.bounding 14,4WbyWAHtJ?
faithofb~lievers. The;tlabasterjarwhich
h ~d becnsealcd' isbrokenrh"'t allmay re­ SIfAR' NC THE P HRFVME WI TH Tu " \V HOLIi
ceiv~ its perfume. THE HOM ILIES OF S"' .... T WORL D. JEIt.OME: To him Uudasj, it seemed
ofth.my ....-yo',I><in' .m.. ion.nd""""""IOOri... ,
JE ROM6 , HOMIL YS4,' robewutingtheoinrmentbe,ause the j~r is
~·~;2;.';: ~:~~~,~:':;~::~.<o,~. ::7; ~::,~:. broken,bu r, forus,itwas igreatgoodbc_
Ton ME .. NINGoF N ..... o. BEDE: Ic was com- ,i<>nofd... h p.. «d<ll h, r.. ~rr<c<ion,ol;'" o:a.u.setheperfumtspreadthroughour thc

198 1 99
tho! ointmcnt. Ilor do martyr~ M cd the light ~bsem he will become mo re desired, and be.

ofC:lndles. Yet that woman fruly poured ing more d~sired he will be more u mestly 14:10- 11 THE BETRAYAL BY JUDA S
out t heo intm em in honorofChri$t.:lnd he, 10ught.andbeinglongsoughtmorca'Cept.
h eart ·sdevotiollwas:lccepted . . . Hen ce ablyfound."FRAGM ~NTSY
th,oughout th e whole East ern Church. even
whentherea reno,elicsofth e m ~ rtyr5. 14:8 AnointeJ My Body Befonhandfor lCThenJlldas IHariat, who was one of th e twelve, wen t to th e chi ~fprie Hs in order
whenever th e gos pel is tob.. read th e candles Bllrying tQ ht/ray him 10 them. lI And wh en th ey heard it they were glad, and promised to
ue lighted alth ough the d....wn may b.. red · give him money . And he sOllghl an opportll nity to hetray him .
dening rhe sky, not ofcou .... e to scatter che W HAT SH~ UNI>BlUlTOOD. SliDe: As though
darkness.bucbywayofevidencingou rjoy. Jud.a..wasasking~ninn()(:entquescion.our
Lordsimplyandgen dyexplainedthemys. OVQRYIIW, As JcsU$ was sold. the salv~t ion housc of Caiaphas,' hoping to deceive Our
[ery of wh~t Macy's ~ction meant, namdy of human ity was boughr (GRECORY N ...1/;/A .... . Lord.... Jud....s betr:lyed ou r Lord o n the
th;l.t he hi msdf was about 10 die. and th~t he :ZSN). Nore that t he chronology aher the be· n igh ta$ !he fourth day of the week was COm -
14:7a YOII AlwIIJs H IIVC ,be Poor witb
was to be:lnointed for his burial with the trayalofJud:lS is able 10 betrackedalmo.st ingon .... Onth efotlowi ngday,l h ~fo\,lrth ,
YOII. 'lIId Wbenever YOII Will, YOII C<ln
spICes . . . . Thisis tosayclea rly.·Shewill hOUr/y(Ol DASC ALlA). Jesus remained in th e cusrody of the house
Do Goodco The m
notbe;l.b leto touchmybodyoncela m of the high priest,Caiaphas. O n thi s day rhc
HIS VISITAT ION BR'~F. BEU E: Oesus) was dcad;she has done wh at she was ab le to do; 14:1la They Promistd to Give Him lnders of the Sanhedrin took counsel con·
going to rem ain bodily with the church for sh e has all ticipated. whileI am still alive, the Money cerning him. On the next day, th e fifch of
but3 bridwhile. whereas the poor, for p erformance of the duty of burying me.· cheweek, they brought him befor e Pilate thc
H OMILIES ON THE GOSPE l.5, H OMtLY a ••." WI<AT WAS So LO AND W .. AT Bo UGI<T. Glli' governor.~ndheremainedinthecustodyof
whom alms could be provided. were always
GORY NAZIANZE .... : He is sold, and cheap was Pilate tha t night. As Friday morning broke.
to ~ fou nd in it. H OM ILIES ON TU£ Gas·
14:9 In MemorJ of H er Iheprice-th ircypiec~ofsi lvc£;'yethe they accused him before Pilate. H e wascruri·
PE LS. HOMI U 1·4·"
buYI back the world at the mighty C05t of his fied that day, sulTered si:r hou rs, and rhou
w ..o RE...... I!/IC,,~ ...s H •• ~ CHRYSOSTOM: The own blood.1 A shcep, he is led (0 thcslaugh, hours which he hung On the cfO&S were
14:7b YOII WiI! Not AlwllyJ H IIH Mc
Persians, theln dians,Scythians. Th rac i~ns, le~- yeTheshcphe rdshrael' an dnowthe counted ~s a day: the thr ee hours' dar kness
S:lmaratians, the race o f the Moors and the whole world as wdl.'ORAT10N a9, ON THI as anig hl; three hours from the ninth toe .·c,
o brid.c, lO nordespair. Do not think yoursdf inhabitallts of the British isles celebrate a ning,onedar. DmASCAlIA 3t.'
hopelen if your bridegroom" withdr aws his deed.pcrfo rmcdinapriv atefa milyinJl.ldea
face for a whit e. All things work together for by a woman who had been a sinne r. Ttu
thegoo d, so th at both from his absence and GOSPH OF ST. M ATT HEW, HOMILY 80 .2."
'Cf. M.26:1S. 'cf. !Co,b:1O; 1 Pe< !:I~. 'Cf.Am &: I.!;
his p ruence you gain something berter. H e 105]:7. · Cf.P.i!O:l. 'Cf.Jrtl(),l(.I6. "'GFR2S9;TLG
boch comes ro you. and goes from you. He 2()U.oIQ.20.18·20..Il. 'cr.M'l6'14:).l~ 14'10:l.kU~.
comell to console you. He goes to mak e you "'NPt>OF2'HlO" . :tI-lOGz,w. J...... coUldft,,;bcbodJ' °AEGS:l96'.

auentive,lcstyou rabund:lmc ontenrmcnt .1...,. • ...:mh;.Jisdpl<>.."""""".ludlOd,••., .. U. r ..

p u ff you up. He comes that your l:lnguishing
sou l m:ly be com fort ed. H e goes lest h il fa·
mili:lri ty should become wear is ome. Being· M9. "NPNFI lO:oI41:GMI1SS.

on th e fitS! day of Un leaven ed Bread . wh en they ,acrificed thr palSover lamb ,

. said to him, "Where will yo~ hav~ us go and prepare for yo~ t o eat the

200 201
pIIHover?"IJAnd he H nllwo ofbis diHiples, <lna s<lid 10 Ibem, -Go inlO Ib~dIY'<I"d Judu li fe bul brough t [0 j udgment th~ evillh;ar ing through his own t~eth, COf-tf-t~NT A RY ON
Judu's own will h ad acquired by his own M.. TT HE W50.'
"mlln r<lrfy ing <lj<lr of water will meu you;follow him, [""nd wberever be wten, JQ,]
choice (ORlGEN,jOI<N o~ OA, MASCUSJ. Origen
t o th e houJCholder, 'Th e T eacher lays, Wh ere is my gU t$! room, where r am 10 eat no redlhaI J~5u5 · wayo f con fronti ng h i sbe. 14:19ThlJ Began to Bc Sor rowf ul
th e paHo""r with my di5 ciples ?' IS And he will show you a large upperroomfunlil hed Irayerwas sub cle,br quolinga psalm on du -
and readYithe re prepareforu s.» ' 6And Ih edilc ip les set out an d we nt to the Cit] ,and plicity. T he "woe" is addces sed a.Iso to th e devil TIINO HR"'ESSOFCOSSCIII"' CII.OR!GEN, rf
f(Hmd it al he had t o ld th em; and they prepared the paHo vcr. ~d to all who with)ud as benay Ch rist. Hav- th e eleve n apD'tle. w er~ of good eonsc i",ncc.
ingbeentaughttobesdf.cdrical,eachdis.ciple having not in any way b ~ tuy~d th eir Inc her,
questioned his own conscien ce abou t whelher why were they grieved. as though it might
OV"V IBW, For rhose being bap(iud into 1 4 , 13 A Mdll C<lrrying aJar of Wd r'r hecouldhave bctuyedrhe Locd.lt w<lSfor rhe h~vc ~n rh u he was spe.u.:ing of one of
[he Lord'spus ion, Eilster is an espe<:iaUy fit· \ViflMuIYOU diWples own good (hat Jcsus Icsred Ihar con- them! I lhin k that each of Ihem kn~w from
ringd3y for baptism (T~RTULI.IAN). The .orn(cs by nOI poiming our (he bctuycr di- J uu$ ·t eac h ing . ha[humanfr~edomisinfi.
merap hor of w~ter suggesrs th~ anrici pu ion TII BS .GN OJ'\V .. TU . T U .TUlU""'>: Nor wiU il recdy (OII.lGE N). n il ely c h"mgcabl~ and may ~"sily b~ turned
of bap lis m in rh cpassio n narrative (TERTuL' be inco ngruous loinle[prel figuratively Ihe towa[d evil. I< may h.lpp~n. in th~ urugglc
~!AN). fUI that. when th~ Lord w;o.s aboullo cd~· 14: 1801. As T"~J WU( <I t the T<ll,J( ag~insl pri ncip;l.lities and pow~r5 and rulen
brate th e la.lt P<lSsov~r. he loldthedisdples Ealing of l his worldofdarkn eS5 . rh;lton~m.ayfall
14:12 When They Sacrifice d th e who werescnl !omake prtparation that thq qu ite u n cxp ec!~dly into evi l. either being de·
Pauo verL<lmh would m~et a man beari n.g wa!~r ,l H~ tllI.lS WITH H,s
11S 1) " U N IQUE R EL ATION ce iH d or overcome by d~mon i c powers.
po imsout the p l~"folcelcbraringtheP;us. BBTIU VBIl. CVPRIAN' His wonderful p"- Thu$, eac h di s.ciplefeared l ~sti!mighrb~ h c
E.. STElR .. SD B" PTlSM. T E RTUL ~IAN' The ove r bythesignofwater.ONB.. PTlSMI9 .' ti~l\,ei$$t:eninth ewayhe de"lt with hisdi5' who was foreknown <IS betrayer. COMME~­
Pusover affords ~ mOce than usually solem n ciples. He was even able to tolctue J udas to T"II. T ON M"TTHEW 50.'
dayfor baprism. For th at is the dOly when in 'ANFJ06711· . 'Cf.Mkl<uI;Ull,l o. '''SF J.0678°;<f. m~ end wilh enduring p"cience. H e cou ld
efTecllhe Lord's p3Ssion. into whieh we are AEG$,20L _l.[ ft"' is w.yb.op'lo ... io rlJll, .. i~:y ... lH4Jed Uf (almly with his beluyer. H e [ould pa· 14,2001l( W hllls Dipping Bru d i",o
baptiud. wu completed . ON B,, "Tl sf-t 19.' alrudy;D!h<~;""SlO'1. liently beawue of h is enemy u his own ta· Ib , Dishwilb M,
ble and nor le t on. Hed idno[ even refuu
Ih~ ki" ofthe traitor.' TH ~ G OO D OF PA- T H E BETRATti RCH AL lfiNG ED . ORIGIN' Sec·
n £Ncs6.' ing rh a!rhc disc iplesw~[ediuurbed . Jesus
ca lled th~ betcayec to accountability by
1 4: 17·21 TH E TRAITOR
14:18bOllc of You Will Bdray Me po ignam ly r~calling ch epropheticword! of
the pulmis r, "Even my bosom fri end in
CH .. IlACTU, T UTE O. ORIGE N' Wh ile h e whom r rruned, who ar~ of my bread . h:u
17And when it was evening he came with th e twelve. I&And as they wert at lable ealing. might hav~ u once speciall y poince<i OUt the lirreduphisheel againstmc."" T hisco rre -
Jesus Jaid. -Truly, r say to yo u, om' of you will betray me, on .. who is eating with me." betrayer, he did nOI doso. but SOlid g~netally. spo nds 10 Ihe EVOlIlgelisr's report of him say·
19Thcy beg<ln to be sorrowful, IInd 10 say 10 him one after another, "h il U·~oH~ said to ·One of yoll will beruy me,~Jso (h e ch"r"c' ing: ~ll is one of th~ twelve, one who is
rhem. "11 is one of th e twe/vr, one wbo is dippi ng hread into th r dish with mr. l· Forlh., tU of each might be [esred by the wim~n of dippingb cu.dimorhe dishw ilhme."' J udas
his ;o.stoni5hed hurt. This underscored rh~
Son ofmallgoe~ as it is written ofllim, hUI woe 10 thal man h] whom IbeS on of man Il
goodnus of th e diSCi ples w h o bdieved
hetr<lycd!llwo uldbavebeenbettu fort" alm.:;nijh e h.:;dnolh,,,nhorn." 'cr. .\l,:/6A!.4'1;Utll,47.oIII. 'FC)6,269", ',\I' l~ll'
Chriu', words more than rheir own con·
.\1kL4,I 5;J n IUI. · " EGS,ll9". 'A,EGS,l:l6·,TL~;
sciousneSS,;l ndth",wicke dness of )udas be· 2042.030, od loo. Th, di..,ipi .. h. d by,hi, ';m.b<.~ pte·
O \,IIR V1 ~ W : J ~S US is po nrayeJ as ~;{c~edi ngly J udas waS cursed by his own fredy willed Cause he d id not bdieve the One who kn ew p."d '0 b. inwuely ..,rr.<ri,bl . rnid ,h. ,. mp",ioru of
patient in rh.: f",e ofhi< betr arer (C\'PRL"",J. choice. God did not make a mi5t~ke in giv\t1.g hispla ns.He~ m brac~ dtheobscuri[ybyly. ' pir;,u. r ... " r. f< . ' p,41,9 (LXX 4(1,9). ' MkL4, lO

202 203
MARK "I;ll I1

OVERVI~W: Like the wheat that is sc~ ttered broken bread was scattered over the h, lI ,
the betr'lyer W'lS thrusting his hand into the WHETHER Goo MAOE AMISTAKE IN CIt~At. over the hills and is gath ered logethu 10 be- and was gathered together 'l nd becam,· " '".
very S'lme dish along with Jesus as they 'NG FItE~OOM.JOHN OF DAMASCUS; Know). come one, so does the community of faith, so let you r church be gathered togeth n f" ,,,,
were e'ldng the passover meal. This high" edge is of what exists and foreknowledge is gath ered from the ends oftheeatth,become th e ends of the ea rth into your kingdom
lighted Judas' shamclessness. The very one of wh at will surely exisl in thefuture." For one in the Euch arist (DIOACHE). As the DJOACHE 9.'
who waS being generous ly received to a com- simple being comes first and then good Or bread and wine are consecrated according to
mon table b n rayedJesus who h"d e m- evil being. But if the vety existerrceofthos e • Chrisc's instirution, they become his body HOWTHI! BRBAD Is BROKEN.J USTIN M Al<
braced him with such gre'lt"ffecdon.He who through the goodness of God arc in the broken for uS and his redeemingbloodth'lt TYR: When the president h as given t!un ks
betray ed the besrower of these good gifts future to exist, were to be prevented by th e offers.alvadon (AMBR051!). It is not the vis· andthewholccongregationhasa" ~nt"d
for th"'promis", ofthirry pieces of silver. " fac t that they w",re to become evil of their ib!e brC'ld'llone that has saving efficacy but those whom we call deacons give to e;ld, "I
Isn't this especially characteristic of ex· own choice, evil would have prevailed OVet the word of the mystery of the Lord 's bro- thos epresentaportionoftheconsecral"d
tremely m'llevol",ntpersons-to plot the goodness of God. 'rr this w. y God makes kenbody ;md not the visible wine alone but breadandwine andwater.Theyth en take u
"g'linst those with whom they have shared 'lU his works good,but e'lch becomes ofilS the word of the mystery of the Lord's blood to those absent. This food we call Euch.",." ,
bre"d 'lnd s'llt, who would in no way injur e own choice good or eviL Although,then, the poured out on the cross that saves (ORIGEN). of which nO One is allowed topartake ..-x <""1'1
them: COMMENTARY ON MATTHEW 50! Lord said,MGood were it for th'll marrthat As the new birth is by both w.ter 'lnd Spirit, one who believe. that th e things we tcach
he had never been born,'llhe said it irr con- so the bread of the new covenant is both 'Ire true, and h:>s received the washing fo,
l4:21a Woe to Thld Man 1>y Whom the demnationnotofhisowncreationbUlof commonbreadandhisbodybrokenfotus, forgivenessofsins.ndforrcbirrh.andw ll«
Son oJMan Is 13arayed! theevilwhichhisowncteatureh~dacquired .0 ;l.S to conespond with Adam's compound lives 'lccording to the way Christ h'lnd ed
by his Own choice and through hi s own heed. nature OOHN OF DAMASCUS). Marcion's th e· down to us.' For w'" do not receive th ese
WOE TO ALL BETRAYERS. ORIGES; Th", re less ness. EXPOSITION OF THE ORTHODOX ory ofthe phantom body of Jesus offers no things as com mon bread or common drin k;
w", 'lnother by whom h e was b etrayed, FAIT H 4.2'.') .. dequate premise for deve10ping th e figure but asJesus Christ OUr Savior being incar·
namely. the devil. of whom Judas was the in" ofbread ;o..sbody(TI!RTULLIAN). Allaround nate byGod'sWordtookfleshandblood fOl
srrument.TheuwoeUisnotonlyforJudas, the world by these ordinary creaturely e1e- Our salvation, so also we h ave been taugh t
but for " ll who betray Christ. COMMENTARY mentS the faithful offer to God the first that the food consecrat ed by the word of
ON MATTHEW 50.'0 fruits of his cre'ltures.nd God offets to the praye r which comeS from him, from whi ch
faithful eternal life (Iren'leus). Th e conse· our flesh .nd blood are nourished by tra n., ·
14:21bIt Would Have 13unBtttcrif crated bread and wine are offeted to those form.tion, is the flesh and bloodofthar in ·
H e Had Not13un13orn who have repented and believe OUSTlN MAR" carnareJesus. Forrhe aposdes in the
m). memoirs composed by them, which are
called Gospels. thus handed down wha t w."
14:22:.. He Took 13Had and BieHed and commanded them: that J esus, taking bre ad
14:22·25 THE LAST SUPPER Broke It andhavinggiventhanks,said,"D othi,in
r~ m~mbrance of me. This is my body"; Jnd

AN EARLY EUCHARISTIC PRAYER. 01- similadytakingrhecupandgivingrhanb

OACHE: We thank you, Our Father, for the he said, "This is my blood"; and gave it to
holy vine of David yout servant;' ro you be th em alone! FIRST ApOLOGY 05j-0505.'
gloty forever. Andconceming th",btoken
bread,Weth an kyou, our Father, for the
Iife'l nd knowledge which you made
known to uS through Jesus your serva nt. ,f.ANF?,380. 'Cf. I Cor U;27 ·Z9
to YOII be th e glory fo r ever. Even ~s this 14:22·24; ll22,19_20; I Cor li,23·2S

14:22b T"k e, This lJ My Bo dy T HII BRtiAD AND IT s MYSTBR Y. OR1GEN: TARY ONMATTH EW85·" Zion, afte rhe had utenth~ a ncienrP~ ss­
T h at bread which God th e Wo rd Con- over wirh hi s di.ci ples a nd had fl.l lf1l lcd
CAIIATURIILY ELBM BSTS CO S$IIC RATB D. fe55es to be his own body. is the Word TUB BnAo COS$BCRATBD. AMSROU: Do th e anci en t cove nant. h e w a~ h e d his disc i-
h,BNAEUS: G iv ing directioRs f o hi.dis<;i- !h~l nourishes soul., th e Word pwceeding you wish f O Ic.no w how it is consecu red p!es ' feetl'in co lte nof the holy baptism .
piu fo offer 10 God thefitSl fruitsofhi$ from God . the very bread thar CO me . from with hca v~nly words~ Accep[ wh Jt ch e T h en h ~vingb r o ken bread he g.lVe it to
creatures-no(as if heuood in need of Ihe[ivingbread which iJ set Out upon OUT wo rds are . T he p riest speaks. HesaYJ' them nying, "T ake. Ut, t his is my body
Ihe m,bu (Iha« hey mighl be rhemsclves tab le of whicb was wr itte n: -Th ou · Pcrform fo r us t h i$ obb rion" wri tten. brohn for you for {h e (emi uion of
neit h er unfruitful nor ungratefu!-hc roolt p rep ares t a tab le before me in th e pruence reasonabie, aaeprab le, whic h i5 a figurc of s ins. -" EXPOSIT ION OF THE ORTHOOOX
that crea rcd thing, br ead,a ndgavc tha nk<, _1.
o f my en emies. That drink whi ch God the body and blood of our LordJ es us F .. 1TH 4 ,1),"
and u id,"Th is is my body." And the cup the Word co nfesses tobe hi s blood is (h e Chris (. On the day bcfore he suffcred he
likew ise, whic h i. part of the creation ro W ord th a tgivesrefres hm enta nd exh il a- toolc.bre ad in his h oly hands, look ed ro- 14:23a H rTook"C up
whiehwebclong, h econfened lobe h is ra te$thehurt .. _ Thisdri nkuthefruit ward heaven, toward you, ho ly Farh er om-
blood: and taugh t t he ne w offering of the of the true vin e. Ll t he blood of th at grape nipot.,nc,etcrnaIGod.givi ng t ha nlts, W 1NB. WORO AND BLOOD. AMBRoSI: Be ·
neW eovenanr. T his is what the churc h has (ast in the winepreu of the pass ion. So bles5.,d, broke, and h aving broken it gJ veic fore the word,ofCh rist,lhechalicc is full
rcceivedfIomtheapostleJ aRd rh,oughou( abo t h e bread is the word o f Ch ri st mAd e to th e ap05 t1es and h is discip les," saying: o f wine and wacer; when th ~ words of
th e whole world offer$ to God,whoaf- fromch at(ornwhi ch, fa lli ngo nro rh e "T ake an d cat of this , all o f you; for this is C h ~ist have been added, th~n the blood in
ford~ us nourishm ent as th e fint fruits of good gro und, brought fort h much fruit. " my body. which sh all be broken for effect r~ d eems rh e ?<,ople.So behold in
hi. gifts in the N ew T estament. AG AINST H e was not spealting of t h e vis ible bread many.""Talte noce.Befo re it isconse- what gre~r respects the ~xpr~ssion of Chris t
H IIRBS!&S4.17 .;.' al one which h e was ho lding in hi s han ds H crated, iris brea d; but when Ch rist's is able tochang~.dl things. Then the Lord
he called it h is body. It is the wo rd in the words have been J d ded, it is the body of ]esllS himsclftutified [0 U.'< rhat we tcceive
TH. BODTO FJ uus, T IiRTULUA,." T hen mystery o f wh ich thac bread wu to be b ro_ Christ_THIiSACRAMENTS4.S.I' his body and blood. Should we doubr at .dl
ha vi ng ulten the b read and given it to his ken. NO I d id he call that visi ble d (inkas about h is fairh and tutimony~ TH E S .. CRA -
d isc iplcs, h e mad e it his own body by say - suc h hia b lood, but t h e word in t h e mys - How OO UOUR HUMAN NAYU'" COR". - MENT$4.11.1•
ing"This is my body,"' thar is , the figur e t ery of which that d rink was Co b e pOl.lred spONO WITHTHIS PIIlITUAL BA!AI,>GIV ~N
of m y body , A figure, how ever, th ere could o Ut. For t o what else cou ld the body an d IN RBG SNBRATION/ JO HN of DAM .. SC US: 14:24 Thj~ I~ My Brood ofth t COVt-
no t have bun, unless rh ue had first bee n b loodof rhe Lord refer other than the Hum an beings have a co mp ou nd narur e: nant, Whi( h IJ PQuud Out forMany
a palpable bod y. A phantom or m.revoid atoning Wo rd that nourishes a nd g ladden$ body and spirit. So it i$ fitting th at the
is not eapable of embodying a figure. But th e heart! W h y did h e not say. ri T his is my new b irth ,houldeorrespondro thalcom- W HY BLOOO/ CLEMENT OF ALEXASORIA' He
Marcio n would d aim thae J UU5 only pr e- brud o f the New T est ament- J USt as he pound nature, and ~1so th~r che food of
te nd ed that chebread was h is body be- sa id, "This is m y b lood of lhe New Testa· faith be compou nd. We were th~refore
cause he pres umably had nO bod ily ment!-" Because the bread is th e word of given abirth b othbr wa ter ~ ndb y the "AEG Se26)-64··,<f.TLG2D42.o'lO,odlo<~MignoPGlI98

::;~:~~ ~:r~:'~r.;~~~~;:i'.~ ~nu::;.~;·n

subsu nce, so in th e absence of hi s body he righteou5ncss , b y th e eat ing of whkh $ol.lls Spirit, " ch ui" in holy bapri.m. and with
give s u s brea d. It wouldn't ch ange his th e- arc nourished. Th e ddnk is th e word o,f itfoodthlti, the verybrcadofli fe,even prayer,whi, h .. k.Gad .a.""..,..plilhwh,: wU PfOmi .. J
oryofa phantom body mu ch if we knowledge of Christ acco rding ro ,he mys - our Lot dJuus C h ri s t, who ca me dow n in t ~ L ..., hppo .... ,be b...d iI <on>«md =:<>n!jnl <"
stretched the point to say that t he bread tery o f his birth and pu,ion. CO MMEN - from heaven," Foe when b e was about to Ch,;" ·' ''' ..1<ufioni,be<ome. rhe b<>dyofCkri",M..ti.. aI
wu crucified! But in that cue wh)" would takeonhim$tlfavolunraeyde~lhforour
we need co call his body bread! Why no( ultes.onthe n ighronwhic hh eg~ vehim_ o:nrury .:ofl<to..... i.. ituOAmb"'''''.;,,'<nria ..... Cl.Jn
1)6.!;.{Mli.65.S.1 _ 66.).7,·Cl. .\1I~2B;M~14;2l-l4; l:~. ''I n.s, lS,43.SI. "Cf.lk2l;20. " Jnl:Lol-ll. "M.
rat h e r come upwi th some more intere5t - self up, h e off~fed ~ n~ w covrnant to his
lk22:19-2I):IC". 11:2).2S. ' AN FI>4i1-l ·: ,f,A EG S,l6D. &26. "NPNF29,62-,TLG2934.(OI.~.41)-86S}."Fe
in gediblt rhing, lilteameion, whi ch holy disciples ~nd apos rl ~ s, >Oa n d Ihrough
maybe Marcion had in place o f a heatt! :~:a2.~:.~~~kl~~~2,', ~~. ~~'~;4;2~:;n! :~~~: :;~7,FIM: .\\k them to all whob di e ve on him. Inan up-
44,30S- . llyChri .. '.in"i,u';an,h<wi",.o.;iw.",io""
<upb<co"",{o<u.,h.t<d.<mioi blood,h .. off." .. I.. _
AGAlNH MA RCION 4'4 0,~ 4,i, Lk8:8. "M,26,2S;Mkl .,24,Lk22 ,20;ICorlU<; per ch amber, t hen, on holy a nd glorio u s

206 207
else; after the conSKratlOn it is ulled blood. cu pofsuffedngdoes n orpa.ss'>'w~Ylimply I s h ouldh ~ ve todiewit h t h ee,orbeimp<is
blnsedwi ne, saying, "T ake, d rink, thiS is
And you u .y " Amen: th at is, "It is true." Ltt by being avoided. H is fr<""tychosenobe<ii- oned, r wiU nOt den y rhee, ~ denied him. 0 "
my blood." H e used th e "blood of the e n c~de m o nstrat~s THE PS ALMS, HOMI LY 54. 1
vi nc"11 as a figu re ofth ~ Wo rd w~o ":15 the mi nd within confess wha t the mo uth by its u npretent ious ncss

:~:.a~~NLcc;:~~..~e:::~;y::::,tBhse l~ords Ut·

the eternal mysury of hi s h umiliatio n (HI L-
sh edfor u a forthe r ~ m,s s,on o f sm s , a ARY OPPOITlQ Rs).)esus raughrparie nce in 14 ,34 My Soul IJ VerJ S orro wful Eve n
stream of gbdness. CHR15T TIl S EO OCA.r OR
s!,!ffering by hims d f becomingpar ien r in suf. unto Death
l .p." fering(A uCl l1STrNE). H e fe!t the anguish of
"Cf.G <rI .-J, ll, S; ,W:IS'16, '"M.U,28, "FC,ll,lll ' l2: du dr (EPHREM TH E SYRI... N). H is s.:r.d ness H. s D£IT YDID NOT CANCU O UT H.s
CONS! C...... T'(lN (I F TH E \VII.. E. AMBROS6:Je· TLGOSSS..cm.2.l.JU.lo.Th<l>lot>dof,bc.i"" .. . figur<
was noc cau~d by death as suc h bu t wu fi n· H UMANITY. O KIGBN' H e wu troubled. as wc
sus h imself sp<:aks of his blood. Before the fo"h<d>c.""'''Wo'''whQ>~fF.,«Ifo, .... r.i .... .
"rC44,26·. ishcd and rtmoved by deach. and in this are toId, in the hou r ofdeath ,ashehimself
consecralion it is men lioned;usomelhing sense he wu "sorrowful u ntO dearh: We confuses when h. says. ~ M y soul is sorrow
with our temporally bound minds ca nnoc fu l even unto death.'" He was finally led to
grasp or measu re his almighty power rh :!. t that du th wh ich is considered the most
Jtooped co suffer for us ( H ,uRr OF PO. · shamefulo falLOn rhethi rd d~ y h etos e
1 4: 2 6-3 7 T H E WAY TO G E T H SEM ANE TlEas). again.'When, therefore. wesee inh im.ome
t hingss ohuman r h at th e y ~p p car inno way
14:30 Befo re che C" ck Cro wJ Tw ice to d iffe r from the CommOn frailty of mortaL"

26And when they had JI,ng a hymn , th ey went Ollt .to th ~ M~unt .of Olil/et . n And
and SOme things sO divin e th at rhey He ap-
P IITII R 0 10 N OT KNow H , ,, WII ... K NIIS S. pro pria[e to noth ing else but the prim:r.l and
Jes ll S said 10 th em, " YOII will aU f all aw ay;f oril is wn~ten, I wI Il5/ fl ke the shepherd, AUCll1STIN~' God knows in us eve n what we ineffable natureofdeily , the humOln undc r
an d Ihe sheep wi!! be scallered.' tl BII I afur I am ran ed lip. I w ~lI go b,.e{: re you to ourselves do not know in ou rselves. For Pe· 't.>.nding wirh its own narrow lim itl is b~f·
GDliIu."npel er said 10 bim . "E l/en IbQllgb tbey allfall away, J will nQt. A~dJe5uj ter did noc know his w eakneM when he fled, ~nd s tlUck with amazement at so
sDId tQ bim , "Trllly. I say to JQu.lhis very nigh t. befQre the ,0ck. crQ ~ S I Wlce, yQ.u heard from Ihe Lord th at he wou ld deny him m ighty a wonder. It does not know which
will denJ me Ih ree times ." JIBII! he sDid lIeheme ntly. "If I mllst d l( 14111" YOII, I ",.11 three ti mes.' TUCT... T E ON JOHN 1 1 .5. 1 way torurn, what to hold to. or how to es-
ublish itself. ON Fn'.5r PII; INC IPLES 1.6.z.'O
rl Qt derlY YQu.- And IheyaIlsaid th(sam e. , . 14:3 1 I Will N o t D e llY Yow
32 A n d th ey w en t to a place w hic h was called Gel.bs e ~an e; and he laId to hll
Til E C"'l1SEOF H ,s S"'DNIISS. Hr u, RY OF PO!
discip les , "Si t h ere, w hil e I pray. -ll And h e took w,t~4h' m Peter. and Jam es «and TII! FLlG II T OP PETE .... )EROM E' One of TI ERS: What is meam by "sorrow ful even
Joh n and beg an to ~ e great ly distrelSe d an~ tro ubled. And he sDld to the m, My lw elv e de se rted; eI cvcn remai ned lo yaL u n todeathi"!l It canno c rn~ a nt h esameas
.10 111 ;5 IIHy sorrowful , e l/ en to deat h; re maw here,. and w a t c h . ~l5Andgoing a li.tt!e The CfOU carn e; they f1cd; One r~m a in ed " r o b tsor w wful becaus~ o fd(ath";fo r

fa rt her, be fd! on th e gro und an d praye d tbat, if I t wer~ PO lll ble, I h~ ho ur mlghl. -Perer, o ne with One. T his one hi mself where the re is sor row because of dea,h, i, is
DH frQm him . 36 A n d be said, "Abba. Fatber. all th mgs art pOSl~,ble t~ thee,
fled, an d wou ld that he had! H e de ni ed the dea,h (hatis the cause of the Jadness.

~emQlle th is cu p frQm me;yet nQI what I wil t bil l wbat thQU wilt ." And h I" ca~~ Christ. Wemaysay, th e n.t h" tth~ent i re
human race was 10Sl . Beca uscirhaJpe r.
But a sadncss even UntO death implies rha,
death is the completion. nOt th e uuse, of the
and fQllnd them du ping. and h e said to Pete r , "S imQn, are IQU as!eep~ C ou ished,checom plaintof theLord.::rucified udness. O .. TH"TlI-INITY lO.J6."
yo U nQ l watcbo nebour? is: ~Th e wine prus I h a ve trodden alone,
andofmy people thue w as noone wit h

O VlRl/lllw' Jesus' hum anvulne rabi!i tyis lh e

is speaki ng here in his fully h u man vo icc, me."' Th en was the Psalm fulfilled, "He!p,
o Lo rd! Fo r no onc now is J utifuI. "·
:~~ ~~::~:; l:;,~~k.~:'~;~~~.l~p~~::;~;;: ~~'I~;>S
whichnalurallys h rinks flo md e~ th,a. do es ' M, 2~:J S , Mk 1 ~,1l . ' FC 48:J90. ' Mc 16,}3; M~ 14,]4
frxus ofpatristic comment. T his is clearly "There is no ne wh o does goo d, no not
ours (CHRYSOSToM). Jes us rrcadedthe ' C r,M, 2S,6:MkI6,6;Lk 24,S; I Cor15,4. ,oO FP l lT!l
po n rayed in his ordeal in Gerhs~man t, yet cven o ne.-' H ~ who has promised: "Ev ~ n if " .\1c./6 d,S:MkH:J4 "NPNrI91191.
wi nepress of suffering atone OERO Mt ). T he
wi thou r dinli nishi ng his dei ty(OR. rGBN) , H e

208 209
by h im. Or [itW:l$J 10 leach his dUciplts to PO ITI£RS: Although he wu obedient, it was
14:35,. H e f t/I.o tnt Gro u" d theo:.~" So much sO chat th" hum~n mind
confide their life ~nd death to God. l fh~ . a volunrary obedience. T h e only begotten
cannocgr;up a5 much a, lie. within h;s
who is wise 0" accou nt ofrhe wi.dom of So n humbled himself, ~nd obeyed his Fathe r
HI S HlIMAN Ap P~ CTIONS. A MII ... OS E: He h ~s pow er. ON THE TRINlTY 9. P."
God. as ked for wh;a was fitting fo r him, even to che dearh of th e cross. But wasit u
fully t;>.kenup o nhi mselfthe fl ~s hofhuman ­
how much more (shou ld] ordin~ry ~ople human Or a5 God ch ac he was s ubjected to
ily. ;nd with il human a ffect ions. So you 14:36b Remove T his Co." f ro ," Mt
sunender their will to the On~ who knows chcFached H ;J, ubjectioni$ th ~tof oneto
rudinScripturethat-go ing ~ l itde fa rthe r,
all th ing •.. .. rf h e who is fear!eu was afraid whom all th ings h~ve been , ubjected." T his
he fe!! on the ground and pr;I.yed th.t. ifit PERStiV II R'NG IN P .. AYEII THR.oUGII T u 'lp.
[ofdeath],and as ked to b ~ ddivered fromit, subjection is n or a sign merelyo fa tempo ral
we re possibl e. rh e hour m ight pass from TAnO",. EPH RE." TH E Sno.'AN: H e knew
although he knew th ar it was imposs ibLe, obedience. for hi. al Legiance is ecernal,
him."" He re he speaks not in the voice of wha t he WaS ""ying.o h is F.uher, ~n d wou
howm uc hmoreshould orhefS ~ r3Cverein Ralher it was an instance in rime o f the dU-
God buc ~s fully h u man. Fo r h ow could God weU aW3le (hat th is chaliee could pu, from
prayerbeforete mp<arion,sothu,inlimeof pt'nsation o f rhe eu: rnal myStery o f h is h um.
be igno ran t of the po •• ibility or impossibility him. Buthe had come codfin k it for every _
t~mptation. they may be delivered from it. bling. His a ctuaLhumbling occu rred with in
of anything I Or is anything beyond God's one, in o rder to acquit. (h rough (his chalice,
COMM ENTARYON TAT1AN's DI Are5S ARON." tim~." Yetinit$ve ryunprc re n tio usness it
~bility, wh e n ;>.sSeripture i rselfsays :"F or th e debt of everyone. [a debt] which t b t
displays the ete rnal myste ry o f h is hu mili_
you nothing is im possib ler'· OF THE CH RI S- prophelS and martyrs could nOt Jny with
TIAN FAITH 1I.S.411.'~ theirdeath ... . H eoulumedflesh.He
POI TI U_S ' T h ough with God nothing is im-
clothed himself w ith weakness, caring whe"
possible. yet for human nature it il impo ssi- E"'"OI.> TlN(i 08~DIENCE, AUGUSTINE: To
14:35b If It WertPossib' e hungry.beco mi"g tired~fttrworking,be i"g
bleto igno re tht furofsu ffefing. Only by Ihow5Uffere r$ th~t theyn"edno tdesp"ir,
overcome by deep when weary. It was nttts_
trial can f;oith be proved. Zl Thus as a hurnan the true Savio . be(~me the good teache r by
TH II \ VEAKN IIU TH AT 8 1!1 LONGS TO H u · nry,wh en Ihe time for his death arrived,
being he prays in a h uman mannerrhar the hitnJelf e-pitomiz:ing rh e tru th in h is own ~r'
.. AN NATUR E. C HRno sToM: How is it, that aU chings thu have co do with IheR esh
cup may pass aw~y, but as God from God, Km, H e panicip~tcd in our suffe ring in an
Ihen. thatin hispraye rhesays:"lf itbe woul d be fu lfilled th e". The. nguish of
his will i. in unison with the Fath er·se ffec· ~mpathic w . y, l<l knowing th at through hu -
poss ible?" " H e is showing th e weakneu d eat h in fact invaded h im. to m. nife51 hisna-
rual will. Q N TH£ TR1NIT Y 10.38." man frailty sorrow might s (e~1 in upo n our
thu belongs to a h um" n n;Hu re. Human ture as; son ofAdam, over whom death
he;>.rts amid afflict ions, ;>.nd knowing rt\;>.( we
nu ure would prefer not 10 be torn from reigns,"accordingtoche word ofthe~pos
WH AT PASSU AWAY! H H_A RYOf POITteRS' would overcome it if we yield to Go d's will
rhe present Life. It wo ul d draw back and tle . ... Or akern .. tively, in this hour of his
He does no t pray tha r the cup may piU ~bove our own. m indful th~t God knows
s h ri nk from death. Why! Because Go d has corp ore:!.l de.th. he g~ve 10 the body that
around hi m. He p rays that the cup maypOl.5 s be5t thosewhosewe!1-being h es uperin -
implanted in human n . tu re ~ love for rhe which belonged 10 it, saying chat all Ihe suf-
away from him, but it c;>.n not pass away un_ tends,'~TH Ii H ... RMONY Of THI GOS PE LS
life of this w orld. ON TH~ INCOMPRE II ENSI- fcrings of [his] body wou ld show to .ht here-
less he drink.s it. To pa» ~way docs not 3·4,14·
ilL! NATU RE OF GOD 7.46. 11 tics and schis ma[ics thar his body wu (rulj.
mea n to depa rt from its p lace, but not to el<-
Did not this bodr of h is appear to rhem.jult
is tat alI.l" A"d thi s i5 indeed th e very mean-
14:36aAbbil, falhu, All Things Arc as it Was visible ro cverYO lle e!se?) un as he
ing that the apostles have in mind when they
Poss iblet" Thee was hungry and thiucy, rired and harl need
uy' "Heaven and earth will p~ss ~way, but ")SSSl,291-96-. U1P~'],7. ·'NP:-lF l~192- .... _of
of sleep. so too,he wu afraid. Or, {heuid
my words will not pass away. -"O N TN£ .. (jGd'h<Sc>nh ..."n,c.
WHDTHE .. ALL TH INGS AR E P05S18LE TO that], so that it would be difficul t for p~ople m."uinuni<ywi,h ,hnof GOO,k< Fu hcr. ''If,h'NjI ' '
T RINITY 10.4-"'."
GO I.> . HI LARY OF POlT IE RS: The Fa the r from in rheworld to say th at it was wi thout5 Uf- ,"p... .w, yfin>.lly.itmull b<d,unk.lrdoc. no'p ...
fe ri ngandtoilth atoC!rdcbt. wcrcrcmitt~ d . w.yby ... ;ng .vo>id<d. l f , h« upp ......'ou nd himon.!
who m every namre h as derived ir. j" ws is 14,3& Yel Not What I wmb,lI Wn,H
not subject to the law~ ofnatuTe. T he F~t her
who transc ends every mea~ure of power is
Tb o" W ilt ~:::'~~[~~~~~:.:~;~:~~~~!r~::;c
not l;mit edinanything."ith crbydd;<:icn~y
"Mkl.,)S. " Cf-Ul,)7. "NPNFl IO,218-. ' 0.\1, "a.
wi"';n<im<. Cf. Phil 2>641. 19r-;PNF 29,2 12·'. H ,b
;>/j ,W. "~C n,104. G<JJ ,''' J''~' m. un" hum. " n,,,," W,THI N TIMB FOR ETE RNITY. H ILARY Of 2;9, 1!: 4,15 . " Cf. 2 P.,2;9; j .. !,12. "NP N F I 6: 1&1' "
or by changeabi lity in hi s n:l'urC. Ast heSon ", ,,,.h.><.• n. rur< ,h,, , o"nk, h md,><b. Ll M< I4'J/i
s~id:· Fathe r, allt h ing<"rep'Hs jbkto "F C l S,)\l4", <f NPNF 29. 1<lt). "'Cf.RomS, t4, 17.

"Iut we emer into cemptation.'" For if TH I STRISGTII 0' THISPIRIT A."OT HIl
14:38-42 THE WEAKNESS OF THE FLESH Christdocs nOl gram us grace, ch entheju· WIlAKNI$S OFTH I FUSH. TERTULlIAN: He
du in us betrays. Ifhe d eparts a little way clearly acknowledged that his "soul was sor·
from uS. lhe Pererinwslec:ps"THII H oMI- rowful. even untodeath,8"a nd his flesh
JaWat,h and pray thatyoll. may not tnttr into umplalion; rht spirit indud 1$ w illing , uu OF ST.jE ROM E. H OM ILY 8".' weak. H is intention w~s to show, from his
troubled soul and weak Aesh,thatbothhis
DuI fht fl esh is Wt/dt. d19 And again he went away and prayed, saying th e same words .
CA'" WI Do ByOUIl,,sIlLVI<S WH" y WII P ...... Y soul and body were fuUy human. For some
""And again he came Dnd fDund fbem sleeping. for their qes wert tltry heavy; and FORI AU(lUSTIN~: The Lord has tommanded have wrongly asseCled thar either Ihe flesh
tbq d id nOI know wbat to answer him . • IAnd ht came tbe tbird time. and $aid to WI TO watch aruI pray m ac we enter not inro or sou] of Christ might be enrirely d ifferem
them, "Are you Hill $/etping and taking your rest! It is enough; tin bour has come; temptation. Obviously, if we coukI endow our· from ours. He 50 ughtby anenraordinary
Ihe Son ofrnan i$ belrayed in 10 lIu hands of sinn ers . • 2Rile, let u s b e going; Ja . mJ selves wilh mis gifi: merely by willing ic, we exhibitionof th ebody.soulintuaction,to
betfayeris at band.- would nor be aski ng it in prayer. Ifm e will it· show that ncithcr b-ody nOr soul ha. any
s-elfsufficed to protect uS rrom temptation, we powera ~ allofifSelfaplrtfrom the spi rit.
would not have co pray for it. But ifwewere Thi, is why he state5 fi T$ tthatth~spiriti'
OV"IIII.V"w: We puy for grace that wc Mi· th at is impossible.' We pray ru h er thar we notgivenawiU~tall,wewouldbcunableto willing, so that you may unden t ~nd th~t
dler eHdethcchan engeso fternp~ationnor not be encom pass ed by tempta tion.' ON pr~y.Grant,then, that we",.,ywillitfrcel y, yOIl have within you Ihe sp irit's Hrenglh
be encompassed by Ihcm (ORlGEN). If the PR"niR<'9·1I.' pr~yingthatwe maybe",.,de ablebygrace tO and not merely rhe wu kne ss ofrhe flesh .
will itself sufficed to pro~ect us from tempta· do what we have willed. when by mer'Y we Fromthi. itishopedtharyollm~ yl earn
tion, we would no~ have ~o pray for grace to PIl,AYE R TO N OT ENTER VO LUNTARILY INTO h~ve.[[ained[owisediscernment.L~TTtII..s . what to do under challenge, bywh~c
face tempt'ltion. Thlls we watch and pray THG ARiI"''' Of T IlM PT"T10N. DIONYSlUS Of lIS. T o PA l"TI"'US.'" mun s codo ic. andhow toorderprio ri-
for grace le5t we enrer inro temptadon. no' AUX"NDIU'" This is the fi rst form of cie,. The wuk musc be brought under th e
pr'lyingforwh:uollr nacllrealreadypo.s· not fallinginw cempration, when he WIIAs J[NoTFOR \VH"TW.Ala.ADYIIY strong-che f1uh under che spi rit. T hi.
suus by our own strengch (AUGUSTIN E). counsels the we ak co pr ay nOC to enter NATURIIPOSStiSs.AuGUSTI NE:For,ifthcse willhelpyouavOidmakinge xtusu.a.)·ou
T o p ray that wc notencer incotempcadon into temptation. Thecempt'lrionto ch ings are placed in OU r powu through the are now prone to d o, for the wealtness of
i~prepantory fo r chemorerad;ulpraycr' come, for offenses mUSt come, will rc ' capabililYofnalure and the freedom of the you r fle5h while failing to under..and th e
"not as ! will b1,lf cho1,l-(DIONYSIUS OF AL' q1,lireth arc heypray rh attheyentHnOl Will," anyone can see tha t it would be use- strengt h ofthespitit."ONFLIGHT AMID
EX"NORI" J.lUtherchanmakecxc1,Isesfor into tempt'ltion. But Ihe mor c pe rfect less cO as k them of t he Lord. and eVen de · PIIlSECUTIOH8."
thewukncs50ftheflesh.chef'3ithfulare way of not entering inlo tem pcation is ceicful to p ray. if we ask in prayer for what
calh:dto rely on cheslrengthofthe spiric. w h at he asks for the $econd (ime: "not n our nUUre so constituted alread y pOSSU5cJ r-,."'K ING ExcuslS fOR. TH, \V, " II; N!-S5 OF
Fiesh is called 10 fake strengch fromspiric, I w ill but:L'l thou.·' For God cannOI be by our own strength. Then, the LordjcJus THI FLESH. TUTULL1"S: Let us. however,
as weaker cO stronger. Faich dou not focus tempted, b ut wills to give above wh u we would nOt have said: "Watch and pray.~" noc take premacure comfort in che Lord'sac-
inordin atdy on the weakness of the flesh. :L'lk Or chink. s F RAGM~NTs.· bue only ~ W:uch. lest you en ter into temp· knowledgrMnt of the wnkness of th., flesh.
asif lheweakerwerewith01,lct he stronger tacio n. " He would no[ have said to the Fornotethuhedcclaredfirltof all th a(the
(TERtULLI"NJ. T HE PfiTER IN US SLI!HP$.jEROME: Wc do blessed chief of the apo stles: " r h ~ve spiric is willing. Hc wanted to show which
well to watch h eedfully :md pray c:lrncsdy prayed for you,· but simply: "I warn you,
14:38a Watch ana Pray Tbaf You MdJ or command you. or enjoin you that your

::~~~~~:~ ~~~:~~:~·'::;::i~~.'~~:;i~,~~;,g'i~;\k 'Mc26t4 1:Mkl .'JS,1J;22'~. 'Cf.Jud.2\l.ll ,Z~.ll.

Not Entrr into Temptation faith should not fail."" LETTERS, 17S, To
POP~ INNOC eN T." 'GM1)a) ",cr.FC'M!lO. " FCJ2,!/8". "Augu.rini,

~~~.~~~~,~~;1~~;4~~:~~~~.2~~:'.~;~ ~~.~.~~. t.
u.u" Would i,l><doc';cfuJ ,op .. y[o, •.-n.,ou,."rurtal.
PR"Y HR TO NOT BI ENcoMP",suo 111'
T"IIMPT"TlON. ORIOI!N:Wedonolpray Fd.Q<. <d.. 5,_DiO"]Ji., of "'1'~""'ri. (L<>ndon, SPCK. 14:38b The Spirit Ina u d 1.5 Willing, ;:::~. ~I~:';~J~~ ~~;~;,;:~;!~~I,,~~!~~~:l~~~
thal we will nevtr be tempced at .. l1. For 1915). p. 232: d _AEG U26' but rhtFlu bIs W c<lk 1~.J.4. "C[,'\'\c U,41; Mk 1.,)8. "ANFUlO.Z l"

212 213
one Dught co i>c subjecc cocheocher:rhe reSlw irhthem.QsTHETRISITY IO.j].lO
bim and sti'ud him .•7 8ul on e OfthOst wbo Hood by drew his sword, and struck Ihe
f\ cs his C:l.lIcd cobes ubmissivecoche spirit,
cheweaker coche ltton ger, lo chacchef\esh 14:40 He Found Th em Sleeping slave of the high priest Ilnd cut offh i5 ear. 'dAndJes us sa jJ 10 them, "Hav e you co me
m~y draw urengch from the Ipirit. l et the out as against a robber, wilh swords and club s 10 cllpture me? .9Day after day I wa,
$p irit con v ene wi ththefl~shonthcir co m­ THE MIl",NINO OFT" HIRSUEPING. TERTlIl. with you in th e temple tCllching, and you did not seize me. But ietlhe strip/ures be
mon .....tv~tio n. Do nOt despair over the hud- LIAN:Suscepr ibiliriesto wcakneS5andslorh ilolif!11ed.psoAnd they allforsookhim , andjled.
shi psof pri,on. R.atherthinkaboutr he "re footprints of the devil. When God corn. StA rrd aY0lolrrg m<1r1follo w ed him, wilh nothing bue a linen dOlh about his body;
even tual ouccome of the comest. To THE maClded Abrahamto sacrifia his only son. ir and Ih ey seiud him, 5lbUI he left Ih e lin en cloth and ra n ~way na ked .
M",RT"R54.I-l.1.I wa:< not for th e purp<lS-<: of.edue.ng him ro.
ward ev il,bUl of prov ing hi. faith.11Through
14,39 A gain He Went Away and Prayed Abrah am God sought to offe r a patte rn of OVIIJl VI~ W' The timing of]esu!' b..trayal fdl spoke words even softer than a k.i5S~ For he
one who followed the precept that hc should. between the Pa:<sover, when he ins tituted did nor say, o yOU abo minable one, ortrli.
FOil; WHO"l OlD HI P ...... ! H1L...R.. Of POI - hold no pledge of ~ffec tion deucr than the holy supper, and when he hi rmdf WaS ror, isthiswh.ryoudoinreturnforgre"t
Tti RS: bth" causeo~ this sadnessand Ihis God.1Z l ater wh en the Lord asked his di sci_ sac rific edalaiamb(B~DE).]es uswas pa_ ki ndnesses! H e simply S3 yS ")udu ," using
prayer any longer doubtful! He bids rhe m to piu 10 "pray th at you rnay not enter inro dent even with his betraye~ (DION'I'S IUS OF his fi rs , name. I This i. in the voice of One
watch l nd pu y wit h him for this purpose, remptation."ll the S3me pledge was required. AUX ... NDRJ"'). ] Udas !o.u everyt hing_his commise r.lling,vith anoc heror who wished
that they may not ente r in to temptado n: Yet they were temp ted. They dese ned ch eir money, soul and life (CH RUOSToM) _ and ~ noth e rrocomebackrohim .notthe voke
-(or the spirit indeed is willing.. but Ihe lord by giving way cos!eep rather than per. rh erebybecameaninsranceofteaching of anger. EX~ OITICA l F~At;MBNTS.'
flnh is weak. ""lfthey ha d rCffiained fi rm severi ng in prayer. ON PR.o..YER 8.'" (EPHIlB"ITH IS'I' RJA"' ).
und er th e pro mi se to faith ful souls, th ey 14:46 They S eized Him
would no t have vio lared th eir rruSt. YeT 14143Jud4s ClIme "rid with Him a
chrough th e weaknus of the f1e.h,thcy Cr(lwd with SW(lrd s "nd Cllfbs \VHJlI'< WAS H I!S H I"'~tY. B~o~: At last, after
"FC ~J24" . "M ,26:4 1, Mo 1',33. '"NPNF29d92· .
did faU away. Itisnor, thc refore, for him - Hi,p ")'ffiJ "."forhim><lfbu,fO<hi,diJcipk .. ,o...n.m five days, having:observcduproth arpoinr
self that the l ord is sorrowing and prays. rhecupofJUffain. mq ........ I.." ho,""pdwhcp" ,. TH. T YRANNY OF CoV.TO USNUS. CHRYSOS . the ucraments Cfthe old P:usover, he
Itis fo rt hose wh omheu:horts towa cc h- m. rpu. .... yfromhim,ho..ld ..... w;th' bom. "Cl.C; ... TO"" Consider what befeU hi m, how he simu!. broughc them roperfecrion, and handed
22:1-18. " Cf. D<~' IM-lo, ll,9, M, lO'l7, Lkl~'16
fulnessand praye r, ln t [he cu p of sufl'er- raneousiy lost the money,commirted th e sin. Over the new UCral'llents to his disci p!cs co
"Mt 26,4[, M~ 14,33; U 21,,40. '· ... "F 1 $' . nu, diod·
ing should be their lO t, lest that cup which
he prays may pass aw ay fr orn him should
~:. :,~~::~~:,:.~:~.n pr.yins, ou«umb.d to '''''f'''.
and dest~oyed his own soul Such is m e tyr-
annyofcovetousne5$. He didnotevenenjoy
be observed frori' thar time rotwud. Then,
having gone our eo the Mou m of Olives, he
me mo ney in rhis Iife nor did he have anyhene- was $ei~ed by rh~ Je ws and crucifi ed the Mn
6tsin the life to come. H e losr everyth ing at morning. H e red~cm~d us from the sway of
onceand,br.andedasab.adcharacrercvenby the devil on chat very day whc n rheancienl
hill co-conspirators, hanged him sdfl TH 6 Gos- peopleoftheH ll'brewsrememberedcasting
14:43-52 J ES US TAKEN CAP T I V E PElOFST. M ... TTHEW 85.2.' a:<idetheyokeo( sJavcry undcrcheEgyprians
by the immolation of a Iamb.' HO"lI LI E5 ON
14:44 The O ne I Shall Kiu Is th e Man; THE GOSPELS l.3·&
~3Arrd immediately, while he was slill spellking.jlol da5 came, on e of th e twelve. an d
with him I1 c rowd with swo rd5 Ilnd dubs,from th e chiefprinl $ and th e lcr jb~s and \\' H ... T)lISllST ... llG 'I'TTHROUG H] UOAS .
Juus' RESPONSE W ... , SO FTIIII. TH ... N ... K,ss.
the dde rs ..... Now the betrllyerhlld gill ... n Ihem a sign, saying, "The one I shall kiH iJ DI ON YSIUS OF ALEXA,..D kJ A' H o w magnifi.
the man: seize him and lead him away IoInd er gu ard .~ 4s An d wh en he came. he wenl t. cent is the end urance of evil by tl1e lord 'U.M,r,,'· IO- ':-,·pI'lFI1O:l(JI!,T1GlOQ.ISl.
up to him ae once, and said. ·,\-faster!" And he kiss ed him. ··And th9 la id h~l1ds on who evenlciue dhis own trair or.andrhen ~ .70(). 1 1 · 17. '(f. L~ll'o!,!. • ... NF6, n6·. ·Cf.ExlH .j.(l
' HOG1,!4.

214 215

finaljudgmcnr (CURIAN). The f. llen tern- TElS TEMPLE BUILT 8"1:" HANDS. PRUDENTIUS:
EPHREM TH E SYRIAN: Why did he choose
plea"es,schevulnerabilityof.llourbcn Do no, ,he quarried stones of Solomon
a"istic effOrls(PRUDE"'TIUS). Theccmp le Nowlieinruins,thatt"mplebuiltbyhand,'
to be rebuilt waS hi. body th a, would be Why so! The mortal hand of mason
resurrecred in three days (ORIGEN). Hi. aC- wrought
cusers had to work exceptionally hard to That shon-lived work. Ir I"ightlylies in
indictJem. wirh so litde evidence ruins,
untO slaughter. COMMENTARY ON TATlM;'S Since every work of an r"mrns ronought.
(S ALVIAN TH~ PRESB"I:"HR). Th e priests
D1A TESSERON.' All that is made is doom"d on ~ day ro fall.
did not dispuu the messianic premi.e that
teach] ,h.u . ev~n ifth~reareevilstewards, L~arnwh atourtempleis,ifyouwouId
the true Chrisc musc b e th e Son of God
the stewardship its elf is true. He therefore know;'
buc only asked wh ether he indeed was
washedhisfee,,'[thos~veryfcet]bymean~ It is one rhatno anisan has built,
t ch e Christ,che Son of God (HrLARYOf
POITlERS). Thcspittingoccurredinthe
Asrructure nocofriv"n fir or pine,
Nor re.r ed with blocks of quarried marble
high priesc's house (AUGUSTINE). Death fair.
dissolv ed the body born of woman that Its massiv" w~ight no columns high supporc
14:53 · 65 JESUS BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN che ete rnal F:lther mighc restOre th e Beneach the arches of a gilded vault.
same body in cheresurrection (PRUOS"'- By G~d's Word it was form.ed, nor by his
Tlus). Hi. fint coming was in humility;
his secondwillbeingloryUUSTlNMAR _ But by the everlasting Word,the Word
m) , made flesh."
This cemple is "t"rn;u,wi,houc end,
14:58a1 Will Destroy This Temple This you attacked with sco urge and Cross
and gall.
THSLoRD BOUND IN THS TEMPLE. This remple was destroyed by bitter pains.'
PRUDENTWS, Ics form was fragil" from the moth"r'~
womb, "'
Lo,thehouseoft hewickedblasphemer,
Cai;>ph;lS,h..sfallen, But when briefdearh the mother·spart
Where thes ..cred fac e ofche Christ
The Father's migh,restoI"editin three
was cruelly smitten. 1
d ays.
This destruccion will be the lot
of all rep rob aces inners, THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST."
For their life will lie buried
incrumblingruinsforevet. 14:58b In Thre e Days I Will Build
In this hous e the Lord.toodupright. Another Not Made with Hands
,, ,; bound and tied to a pillar.
And submitted his back as a slave
to th e pitil~ss scourging.

W:::~~s~f ;:;;;~~~'gt~~$e~~~:, still

And instructing us howto lead our lives
freefrom :Ulscourges.
OVBRVIEW'JCSU, silence fulfilled messiank (AUGUSTINE). He remained silen t even
prophecy even on rhe silence ofrhe lamb wh~n5patupon,burwill not be silc,,'i nthe

2 16
/l.hRKI.; :66-?~

W ,, 'CH T '/otP LE WO ULD BII R118UILT! 011.'· The ironic confession hisadveuari es were wh" n h e COmeS in the form of a di shono red not cry OUt and whose voice was not heard
(;~N, Thea« usationstheybrough tagainst inadvertend y forced <0 make s.ands as re· and dying man, and th" second, when as has in rhe streets! Su~ly ir Was he who was not
o<.lrLordJes us Christ ;l,p purro haverefcr· proofoftheirv erymo<:kuy. Hisaccusets been foreto ld he will come from heav en in stubbo rn and who did not murmu r wh en he
encetothisuueranceofh~.· Des<roythis did not recognize Christ when h e Came brxl. glory.'7 FIRST ApOlOG Y51,Sl." offued hisbu:k ro the scourges and his
temple , ;I,ndlwillb uild ilup inth reeday s."' ily. Yet th")' had grasped fi rmly tnu the true chtelu 10 blows. He d id not turn his fue
T hough he W ilS speaking of the remple of his Chri.t musr be the Son of God. Thus, when 14:6 5Some Beg>1n to Spil Oil H im aHd aw ay from their filch yspinle. lO W tJ enac.
body, they n'pposed his words to refer to •he (<lIs<: witnes$C5 whom rh")' h~ d hired toCovtrH isFllfe cusedby th e prints and dders,he.an.w ered
th e temple o f stone. COMMIINTAII.Y ON JOHI< against him d id nOt score any blows, the noth ing"an d.ro.h~amazem"ntof Pil3 te,
!O.l Ll " priest imerroga ted him: kAr e you rh e Christ, HIS RII$PONS II TO ABASII MIINT. CVPR1 ... N: kept a moSt patie nc s ilen ceY TH~ GOOD OF
che Son of che most high God.·" They did Who is this s{rangeone who says th at he PATI &NCR l,?l
nOr teali"e ch~r che myne ry was a.lr e~dy k . had been silent kfore, but would nOt always
W ,TI. WHAT COST! SA LVI AN TH E PR,UBY' ing f<.llfilled in him, Bu. they did, iro nically, be silent! Who is he who was led u a sheep
TEll.: O h. what madness! How mllCh roil recognize char the divin e nature Was th e con·
dition of its fuifillment. T hey did not ques·
to the.l.augh ter andwho, like a ia.mb with· ~{~ :S$~'l~~ll~;~'. 2~~:.\;'~.9;~ :;~~ ~:~~7'
does ir cosr you, w retched peo ple, to obtain oucmakingawundbeforeitss htarer,did Mk 1<:6$, U 22:61. "M , 26:6}: Mlr. 14:61. JJM ,27:,<:
your etern al misery! With h ow much leu {io n th e ass umption that Ch rist would be the not open his mouthl" Who is hewh o did MklS,$. "FC )6t2!6"
u ouble and less contrivance migh l you have Son of God.. T hey on.ly asked whecher he in·
secured your everianing h ap piness. ON THE deed Was the Ch rist, the Son <JfGod. T hey
GOVI!RNAN CE OF GOD." were mistaken about th e person, but nOt
about Ihe Son of God.. They-had nodoubr
that Ch r~t would be the Son of God. So while 14:66·72 PET E R'S DEN I AL
14:61aBut Hc W,H SileHt >1Hd M>1dt
NoAHSWH they aakedwhether heindeedwallche Chr i$t,
they did so wirhou rdenying durrheCh riSlis 66A nd IH Peter WIU bdow in the courtyord,on~ of lb e moids oftbe high priest Clime ;
H,s MBII KN'I!5S. A uotlsT I N~ ' It was not in the Son of God. ON TH II T RINITY 6.50."
61and $teing Pelerwarmingbimself, sh e looked at bim, and said, -YOLl a"o w e re wilh
vain thar the proph ecy had preceded him: tb e NaZare He,J~s us. ~ f>IIBLlt be d enie d it, say ing, HI neith er know nor ulld er5 talld wbal
o As a lamb befo re iu s he arer is dumb, so 14:62 You Wif! Su th e Son ofMd n
Coming witb tbe Cloud s ofHcIIVCH you mean. - And be went out into the gat e way. 6'il An d tb e maid saw him , and began
he op en ed not his mouth ."'2 When he did
nOI open hi s mou th it was ren, in iscen t of again to say to lbe bY$tand ers, "Tbi$ man iJ one ofth ~ m :7!)Bv t again b e d~llied it.
Ihefigureofaiamb. hwunotasoneof Two CO/ot INGS FORIITOlO. JVST1 N M ....TYR: Alld afte r a little w hil" again the bystanders said to P" ier, -Cutaillly you are OM of
bad conscience convi cted of sins, but as In reference to his coming from hea .." n wirh th em;Jor you are a G alilean .- 1J But b e begaH to inllok e a (VT se on bimstlf aHd to
o ne wh o in h is meekne ss wu being ueti· glo ry,rec<lllw hac wasspoke ntorhis effecc
Ihrough Iheprophec, "Behold how IheSon
swellr, ordo not bow tbis man of wb om you speak. 7lAIl d imm e diat ~ ly th e coc k.

fice d for Ih e sins of othe rs. TRAcTA TEsoN crowed Cl stcond time . And Peler remembtTl:d how J esus had said to him, -Bl:fore
JOH N 116.4." ofM ancomu ontht cloudsofhe.aven.· .. ...
Fortheproph et~ foreto ldtwocomingsof
tb e co,k crOW$ twice , you wil/d eny me IbTu times ,- AHd b e bro ke down and w ~p l.
14:61b Tb e H igb Priesl Asked H im, ChriSt-OM, which has already h<lppcned,
"Arc Yo u tb e Cbr;s t, tb ~ SO il ofrhe OVBRvl ~w:Perer,whoh adlhudd(red atth e forces rhereasons Mark was dcsignaledas
Blessed~~ vokeofJ ffiai d, would later be madeco<.lra· Peter's disciple - because hemorefu Uydis.
geousbcfore princes by the power of the res· dosed th e l'a ulu and rtpemance of Peta
LIIARN INO FROM CII RIST'S TORMENTEA.s. ufrected Lord OUO ME). With his , word (CH "VSOSTOM), Tha~ ~h e discip les had an ex·
H ,l", RVOF Pon16RS: If you will nor learn Peter h ad resis n:dcap tors, bu t only wich h is ception ally high standard oftr<.lr h telling is
who Ch~isr is from those who r~ceived him. mouth cou ld he withstand thejudgmenc of evidem from their rtporting their own be·
at lea~t learn from thos~ wh o rej ected him. the lowly maidserv ant. Thi l passage rein· havior, waHS ~nd .all (EtlSEB lUS). As th~

218 219
')t ,

p~ ni l ~nt D~vid ret~ined his k ingship ~her 14t7 1 Ht Began to In llo kt a C .. rH On itsd P. For have they n or r~ke n th ose who actions!Howcou ldthey reasonab lysu ppon
s inning, so did the penitent Petcr remain <In Himsdjand to Swear have u h ibited in th eir Own wo rds good JUChanlln rcasonablecondusion-that.h~

<lposd e (AUGUST1NII), ln the deni;u of Peter proofof rheir inregrity, and rh eirstf<ligh t. ume witnesses spoke rhe tru. h and at rh ~
th eprophtcyofPs.aimSS:Swubeingful· T HE MO . .... NTlI MOF ClI R5I NG. ORIGEr<; The forward <lnd sincerechau([ er, a n d s ug· ume lime lied. Th;1 woul d be to predict
filled UERofoOli). T hedeni<llled lO<lno<lth 5<'condrime hed~niednorsimplybutwith gesred that t hey ar e u scOlls<lnddever comrariu<lboutrhenmepeopleOlt lhe
th;lIledtocursing(OR1GIiN), ;anoarh,the rhird rime aiso with cursing. By Jophists who in venr w h at never ro ok same time. How then are we to disptove
this we<lfe i<uctueted never to promise wieh_ place,<lnd ascribegutuitously to t h eir Iheirasserdon.l! lf itwastheir<limtode·
14:66 I Neither Kll Ow nor U"de rs ta nd out co nsidtta[io n <lny(h inS~boveourhllmJn ow n masrer what h e never d id! T h is is ceive, and to adorn thei rm asterwith[ds~
Wba,YowMt all ability. Co M foO~NTAII.T ON MATT HEW 86.' why I th ink it hu b ee n righrl y said th al words. they would never h ave wri tten
"One mUSt PU t co m plete confide nce in , h e th ue d emeaning aceounrs of his pain and
T HIlCII.'1'IC;'1'I C; DIlNI Il R. CHRYSOSTOM: 0 14:72a Tbe Cock Crowed a Seco"d disciples of Jes us, Or none a e all. ~ And if we agonyandthat h ewasdis tLIrb~d i n.pi rit:,

wh at lu rarlge<lnd remarkab le turns occu r in Tim e H e to d istrust the m, we mUSt <l lso d istr ust that th ey themselves forsook him and fl ed,
these itonic events! Wh en P eter merely saw all writ ers on eh e Same principle, ~ ny wh o o r that Peter the apos tl e an d di sc iplt wh o
his maste r sd 'l:ed, he wiUsoard enl <lS both INTERNA L EV IJ)BNCI! Of THI RBLlABILlTYOf at anytim e h;ave compiled,eirherin was ch ie f of t he apostles denied him th ree
to draw his sword <lndto wh ac k off th e se r· MARK'S ACCOUNT. EUSE II IUS: Mark wri te.l G <ee ce 0< anywhere, lives and h i5tories times, unleu th ey h id an extno tdinarily
vane's ear~' BUI-alas, then when it mi ght th ~s ~ rhings.and!hroughhimPetcrbnrs and records of pe rsons of thei r own times , h igh Jl and ard of tru th· telling. PROOF Of
have been even m.:><e plausible fo<him ro be wi tn ~ss, forth ewhol"of M ark issa i d r obea celebnting their noble ac h ieve ments. Oth · THIIGos pn ).s. '1
even mor e indi gnant, and to be inflamedOlnd recordofPeter's te~ ching. NOl e how scrupu_ crwise we wOl.lId be conS idering it re<ls on·
to burn. upo n hea rin g suc h revilings ag<linst lously the d isciples tefused to record lh ose ab le ro believe othe rs, and to disbelieve th e 14:72bAnd H e Broke Dow" and Wept
h is Lord, chen he became a cringingdenicr things that might have given the imprcnio n evangeli sts o nly. And this would b e d early
... andch<ltinrhep resenceofa!o wlyan d di. o f their fame. Note h ow they handed down invidious. How could it be rhat th e. e . up - ON NOT HI OIN G P~T~R'S FAiHTS,
minurivemaidservant, and not on ly once bUI in writing numerous charges;ag<linst them· posed li <lu would falsify rhe <lccounr of h is C 'HIYSOS"I'O M: In this res pect wc mos t mar·
<lloCcond and th ird [ime,I T HE GOSPEL O~ .elvu tounfo rgetfing ~ges . and<lccusations deathl W h<l' would be their motive in writ· vd<ltMark, b ecau5enotonl y did he tefu s~

ST. MATTHEW, HOMILY 8S·I.' of sins. which no one in l<lter yu rs would ing down deeds h e n ever d id! Th ey C:;m · to hide Peter's fJ,, ]r, but wrorc the acco unt
ever have known about u llless hearing it did ly reporrhis b etuY<l1 by One o f h is of it in grurct deT<lil than t h e o, hen. And
14:69 Tbe Maid Saw H im from Ihei r own voice. By thushonurly re· disciples,'Oexpl ieitaceusat ion. b y d u b ious it isforthisveryreuont hathei.called
porting Ihei r own faults, it is rusonable to witnesses," insults a nd blow s ro h is face,11 Petcr's d isciple."TH. GOSPH Of ST. MAT
TReMBLING ATTHIl MA ID.J&ROMllt Lacking vicwthemOlsrclativclyvoidoff<llscs~al<.ing the scourging of his bac k, th e crown of THBW8S .!.19
rhe power of the Spi rit, S~i n r Peler Irem· <lndegoism.This hOlbitgivespl<lin<lnddclr acanthus set on h is hnd in a d emn n ing
bled at the voice ofa mairuetvant. W ith rhe proofofrhcirctu th.lovingdisposition.A.I way,lI and fin<lll y hi. c~rrying of his own THB \ VUPING APO$TLI, AUGUSTINE' A$
Spirit, he withuood princes and kings" T HE for such crirics who imagine thcy invenred eross, and his b eing nail ed to id" They re· holy David repeRtedfOfhill de3d1ycrimes
HOMILIES Of SAlt<T , EROMe, HOMIL Y65'~ and lied.. and t ry to slander them as deceiv· port his h<lnds ~nd feet bei ng p ierced," h u and still retained his ki ngship, lII so the
ers, shou ld th ey no( [obc(egarded o.sab· bei ng given vi negar to drin k,s trucko n th e b!ts5<'dP(terurnesdy repen'ed,havingd ~ .

14:70B .. , Again Ht D~"i t d If su rd! A<en' t they th ereby bdng convicted Il5 check with a reed, a nd revil ed by tho.e niedrhe l otd, Uld shed such bi tter tears,yer
friends of envy and malice. and focs ofrrut!\ wh o looked upon him." W e re rh ese thi ngs
PSALM 88 R.t!CA LLaD.JIiROMS: "Yo u have and all else li h th em in the Gospds s imp ly
"Cf. Mk 14:44,.;. "Cf. M, l6:S~·6(l, Mk t 4,SS· S6. "er.
taken my friends away from me.~ In the p...,.. inve nt ed Out of whole dorh by the dis ci· M[;!6O!?; Mk 1':65. "Cf. M[V':16·n,Mk tS,l S· 19. " Cl
'C f. ) n 1~,lQ. 'Cf. M'1~ , 6'J,7S; M ~ 14,66·7):, Lkllo!S·!O: piu ! Highly unlikely. Or must We doubt
sion of!he cross. eve n my aposd es fled from
me; ~o com pletely did they shun me that Peter '4
1:;::~~~~ :~~~~~ ~~:~~;GT~;:'.1 .~~, ~~~7,~~.~~ Only the more glorious a nd lofty paru of
th e narrativclHowcouldtheydosoand
himsclf Jaid: "I do not know this man. "' TH E S7,9);S8,18. 'M[26m; Lk lB7. 'G M! <O I' n "NP N F I lGtSO? ' ; TLG 2062. 152, Sa.7'iMl- 5'1; d.
HOM!L! ES OF SA!NT J6ROMB, HOMILY6s.6 ' AEG S,271 do"btth ese candidrep o <tsofignominiou5 A EGS,43a. ""Cf.1S.m U, 1·2!J, 1.4:1 7

220 22 1
rem~ined an ~po $ de." LETT ERS, ,SS TO BON!- the church mighl Ic;arn through his own fall p rec~pnofth eL ord,50 rh a lwhen theday
n.ized. Heisalre"dy kngwn among rh e faithful
F.o.C~." toh3ve comp:a.uion on others.Godrhere. of wrath ;,nd vengc;mce comes, ' we m~r noc
and all Who believ~. When he comes manifesr_
fore fl rs tsho ws him to hinuelf, an d th en be pu nishedwichIheimpious and si"",,,,s
ing hilTllelfin his second mm ing, he will not
places him ovcro [h~rs:tol earnthrollgh his bu t m..ay behonored wic h chcjusr and (hos~
L • .o.II.NI:>IG Co,,", ....SSION . GREGOln' TH E IJ., silen.e. For ~chgugh he was formerly hidden
GRUT: And here we m Ust u k ourselvn . own w eakness how co bcar merc ifully wi. h who fear God. THE GOOD Of PAn iSC!! : 4.'
In hl.lm,li ty, he will come manifested in
why did. ~mighry God. perm it th e one hc the weakness of others. H OM ILI ES o t< nu powcr."TIl BGOOD Df PA TIENCE 2 )."
had placed over thc wholc church to be GOSI'~LS l •. 1<I S' LBNT BBfORII H . s OfI'R II5S0RS. GRE(; OIl,V
frigh tenedbythcvoicco(amaidserv~nr,and. NAZIANZE:>I: A b mb, he is 'iI~ntJ_y~( he is
H, s MU.Nus FtI~ f'LUD MI!.S5 .... "'1C
eVen to deny Ch riu himsclP.'l Th is We know ~~n:I," prodaimed by·cheVOi<eof one cry_ P.gPH&CV_ AUGUSTINE: T his silence of gur
"Cf.M,26:69·7S;MkI4>66·n: Ur.l~SS-6L "'Fe
was agrear dispc:ns.acion of rhe divi ne mcrcy, ingmrhtwilderne5$."'He isweakencd.
»1&'>' -. "Cf.MkH.:I6-72.. ""SS<;Fl:l 'l: Misn, PL76 Lo rd Je.. ,.1S Christ took plu e mOre than
so char he who was to be {he shepherd o f ,,,,. nM, S.,,,,on21. wound~d'-yethec1,lreseverydiscase ~nd
once. It occurred before Ihc chiefpriesr. ~!\d
every weakness .' Heisbrough t1,lp colh elr~~'
!>tfo re Herod, an d before Pibre himself. I. SO
andnailedroi,9- yet bychecree oflifehtr~.
~I w~ nOI in .. .un (h:ac che prophecy rcgard-
Slores' US.,oORATION ~9, ON THESo... lO."
109 him had preceded,· As rhe lamb before
i~ she31"er was d umb, 50 he opened ng t his
15:5}tsru Madr No F .. rtbtr Answer n1 0uth ,"" especially On rhose occasion5 when
htdi d nor answer his qu enioners. Usually
SfRIAN:The Lordbecamclhcdefenderof
rruth, :and came in silcm;e before Piluc, on
:::21:~~ ~as:u::r~oe:~i~~rr::~: ~h~~;e_
lA nd (1J lOon (1J it was m o rning th e chief priests, with the ddtr. and scrib el, and th e ply. The metaphor of rh e lamb i, used ro in _
behalf gfcrurh which hadbeenoppre..std. l!
whole cQun cl1 ht/d a ,omu/talion; an d they bound j eSlH and led him away and delivered diCate thar hiJ silence does nOt imply guilt
Ochersgainviclo'Y lhwughm;Uci ngde_
him 10 Pilate. l And Pi/at e asked him, -Arc you the King of thejew s?- And he an!wtred buc innoc<:nc~. When he did nor open hi s
fenses. bur our LQrd g~ined Victory Ihro\lgh
him, · You ha~ said so ,· J And t he chiefprieH5 ac(ll5ta him of many thing l. ·A nd Pi/at e mouc h a~ h ep;l,ss ed rhr01,lgh rhep ro.;css of
his sile nce, becausc (h e recompenu ofh b
judgment, if Was in t he characte r of a lamb
again askcd him, -H elllc you no allJw er to make!See how many charg e, they bring againH dealh throughdivinesil~nce w3s rhe viccory
chr he did so; th u is, nor all One wirh:an evil
y ou. -!.But j eH" m ade nofurther answer, 50 that Pi/ale wond ered . ofrruere.:och ing. He spoke in ordcr co rrach,
conscience who was .:onvkted ofh,s sins,
bUI kept silent in ehe uibunal. H e was nOI si-
bur ~s One who in his mcckness was sacri-
leneovu Ihatwhieh w;" exalcingus, bU'he
OVEIlVIfiw,J eaus' silence aItcsts his inno- PIlACT.CII Of P ATl6SCII AMID PiRSBCUTlON. fic ~d fOr che sins of others. T IlACT AT~ S ON
did.not s., ruggleagai n5tthosc wh o werepro_ j OHN!16.4."
cence, as u crificiall:a mb (A UGUSTINE, CVPRIA N: What great patience th is is thu hc v.okingh,m.Thewgrdsofhisnlumniators,
El'HR &M THE SYRIA'.). So we ~re calJ~d fO bc who i5 adored in heaven is nor yel avengcd Iikeacrown on hishead,wereasourceofff_
pari~nr wirh others wh ~n we are oppressed onearrM Lerus Ihink of his parience.be· demp( ion. H e kcprsilencsotha rhi5 silcnce
(CH RIA N). The Lo rd's patience does not ell' loved brothers and sislers, in ourperso;u- wouldm;Uc.c Ihem shou t even louder, and so
I~nd inlcrmin,lbl y buc look.. tow;ud che deci· tions and suffering5. uc U5 show forth the thathi &Lr own wOllld be made more bea\l ci.
sivc verdict on rh e day of final judgment fu il obedience th at is inspired by our cxpecu· fu! ch rough alll his d"mol. COMM i NTA IIY OS
(CYPII,IA"). Ou[ofhi$ human silence, tion ofhis coming. Let 1,IS nOChas (cn wilh TATIA,N'sD,ATESSA RON."
woundednessand de;,th comc divine speech, rheimpiousandshamde..sh asleof3SCl>'anf
huling~nd life (GRIiGOR V NAZI ANZE N). rO defend o1,lrsdves before rhe Lord. let uS TH. LIMITS OP SIlIINCIl, CVPRIA" , H e is the
urher persevere and le tu.s labor, and be One who, alth ough he wass ilem in hi s pas-
15:4 Haw y" .. N" Answtr~Stt H"w watch ful with ~U our hn rt and studfast l ion,will no {bcsilenr finallyin lh e d~ yof
MilnJ Ch" ~gu Tht y Bring A gainst Y OII even to lotal resignatio n. Letu.sguardche r«koning.HeisourGod.evenifunrecog_

222 223
cont;nued touy1to the m, ~Why. what cv il of glory on herhud,butsheplaireJacrown
1 5:6.15 TH E SENT E NCE OF D E A TH has he done:?"l T hus by Onc shorr sentenct of thorns for him."Hehad nourished her
he has give n us an idea of matters which w.irhc hoicest food"andhoner.bur~hegavc
rooka longti mcforlh eir ,ransacclon. HA R· h,m gall." H t hadgivcn her pure wine,bu;
MONY OF THE GOSPElS 3.1).4 7.' she olTered him vinegar in a sponge." T he
6Now al IbefeaH he uud 10 rdeau for th~m one prisoner for whom IhtJ Asked. One who had intTodu(cd her inroci,ies, sh"
7An d Among Ihe rebels in prison. who had committed murder in Ihe in surrection. 15:1 5a Ht ReI. AHJ for Th em Bllnbb clS drove out inco thedestrr. T he One who h..J
there WAS A mAn CAUld Barabbas. I And the crowd came up And began to ask Pilole 10 pucshoeson herfcet, she made hasten bare·
do AS he was wont 10 do for Ihem . 9And he answued them. WDo you want mt to T H' 1..0,..,. o. JII5US' CONDIIMNATION COM . foot tow ards Golgorha. ,. The One who had
rdeastfOr JOu the King ofthejews~W 10Fo r he peraived that if was out of envy Ihat POUNOEO. AUGUSTINE: The crimin;L\ es· girded her loinl wilk npphire, she piefced in
c~ped; Ch rist wu condemned.s T he ont thesidewitha lance." When she had Ou t·
th e ehiefprieHs had delivered him up. HBuf the chiefpriHls sti rred up the crowd to
gu il ty of many crimes received a pardon; he ragedth ese rvants[ofGodJandkil!edthe
have him re/ealefor th em Barabbas in stead. llAnd Pilau again said /0 them, - The n
who had remitted the crimes of aU wh o con· prophets. shewa$ led in ro captivity to Bab)·.
what shall I do with chI' man wh om JOu eaU the King ofth e j ew sr u And tb ey cried feu was condemned. And yet the cross itself \on,andwben th e ti me of her pllllishmenr
out again, "Crucify him. « 14And paat e said /0 them, -Why, what e vil ha.s be don e~· also, if you reflect upon it, was a COu rtroom. wascomplel ed,her relurn[fromcaptivi!yj
But th ey shouted all th e more, ·Crucify him. ~ 15S0 Pilat e, wishing to sat iSfy the In th e middle of it stood th e final judge. took place. COM MRSTARV ON T AT1 AN·S
crowd, relea.s t dfor th em Barabba$; and having scourgedje.sus, h e ddi veud him to TRACTAUSONJO HN 31.U.' DIATIISSARO N.!I

becrucifit d. 15:1SbHavillg Scourged jUlls JUDGID WITIITHB Ul<(;OlllY, AUGUSTIl<E:

F orChristwasno ts~paratedfro mth e un.
who cried out th:lt he sho uld be crl,lcified HIS &OllIlG IN(; VINOICATEO. CHR/AN: H e god!y,b~twJ.$judged wi(hrh e ungodly;for
OVBRvlaw: While th~ guilty were receivi ng
were rheLord's real crucifie rs,r<lther Ihan himselfsulTtredthtluh,inwhosen amehis It was lJ.,d about him," H c W3S toumed
pardon, the pardoner was being pronounced
rhos e who simply discharged their se rvice ro u rvants now Kourge the devil and his an· ;~1~~; rh~ wicked.""TucTAns 01'1)011:--1
guilr;y (AUQUSTINE). The tivicjuStice ,hat
their chicfaccording to thei r dury. TH ! gels.' H e who now crowns the marty rs with
failed in fair j udgrnentin the preKnce ofrhe 6·
HARMONYOF THE GOSP ELS 3. 13.49.' eternal garlands W35 himself crowned wit h
naljudgcwin~correctedon' heJas'1by
(AuGUSTIl'<6). Thccb.uicexeg<!tesfoundrhe thorns." T HE GOOD OF PA Tt~SCE 7"
ni..aI fWI of poignant ironies: He who now 15:13Wb" WbAt Evil HAJi Ht DOllt!
crowns martyrs with garbnds was himself 15:15c H. Ddivtrt d Him to Be
once crowned wilh morn.s (CYPluAN).The in· P' LATE'S ASSUMPTION of J I!5US' h rNO ' C··' ifi"
canu.te Lord did not remain alooffrom sin bur CENCa. AUGUST INE;: Mule. w ho s rl,ldiu
brevity more than a ny of t hc Evange];scl. JHIlUSALIIM'S TIlEATMIiNT OF JIi.S US. EP HREM
idenri6~himsdfwichsinners,uking their
has given a concise indicarionofPiLare'sde,
sins upon himself. The viol~nt crowd who vol·
unr...rilysenc him to c!eath w:uevenmorecul·
sire and of his effons to save the Cord's ~: ~::::/~~;h~~:::~~;~~sr;~:~:.
life. For, after giving us the statemenr, The Fuher had w.uhed her from her blood
pable th;ln the soldiers who involunt:lrily
"And they cried again, ·Crucify him·" bu! she defiled his Son with her spitting.'· ,
carried 01,11 the o rders ofothen (AuGUSTINE).
(which makes it de a r that th ey h:ldcried The Fat her had clothed hcr wirh fine linen
Jerus:J.lem repaid him with cvil fo r th e immen·
out befo re for Bara bbastobc reieased) ,he and purp le, bl,lt she dothed him with gar·
siry of his grace (EPHR.IlM THE SrltlAS).
has appended rh ese w ord!.: "Then PilJte rnents ofmocke.,..." He hOldp!aced a crown
15:12 Crurify Him!

WH O CRllCIFllIO J uus1 All(lUSTIN~: Those

'NP:--IF 16,202 '

224 225
(u red the eyes ohhe b lind man .' THE GOOD our thed;ty, II" lhe sun wilhdraw500th its
OFP~ T! UI(1j.7 .· rays·l< .. ndirsere5 Iest it~fofce d togHe
15: 16 - 20 THE MOCK ! NG BY T H E S OLDIE R S
upon the crime of the people." T h ough th e
15:20 Th ey Led Him O"t to Crucify na rs .. re co nfounded al the crucifi>:ion oflhe
Him Lord, hedoesnmspeak,norishemoved,
16An d the so ldiers led him away irllid e the p alac e (that is, th~ p f Mtori um ): alia flu] nordoesheproclaim h ismajesty,evendur.
calle d together I h~ whole battalioll, "A nd th ey cloth ed him in a purple doak, and T u .. P ..... OO K O P HI S BEIS" " Lll" OUT," ing the.luffering itself. H e end ures.l!l things
plaiting a "own of thorns they pu t it on him. " And t lley begall to $alute hi m: "Hail, C YPIII"''' He who has gi ven the food of even to the end with const.l<1t pcrsevn ance
heav en was fed with gal1;,o he whoha.<i of- SO that in Christ .. full and perfec t patience
King of the jew$ !n '9And t hey H ru ck Ilis head witb a reed, and JP ~ upon hIm.' and
fcred us the cupofsalvarion was given vin_ may find its reali~tion. THE GO OD O F P~­
th ey k nelt d ow n in homage to bim. wAnd wben tb ey h~ mocked hIm, tb ey. HTlpped
egar to d. ink." He the inn ocenl,he th ej lU<t, TlllN CE]. "
bim oftbe purp!e do ak, and put hiJ OWt1 dOlhes on hHn, And th ey I,d illm ou t to n;ty rather, innocence itsdf andjust ice itsdf
crucify b im . iJ counred ..mong crimin als," and ttuc h is
concultd by f.ot..e leoo;r imonies. He who is 10 · Cf.MkS,l):jn9>6. 'FCl6,269.10. "Cf. M' 21, ~. "Cf.
M, 21,.s: Mk 15,36; U 2}:36. "Cf. M,l1,}8, Mk lS,27;
judgeisjudged .. nd th e W ord ofGo d, silent, lk n,)l;Jft 1~13, "Cf. Mt 17:45. SI; Mk 15' 1l: n 11,..-1,
OVIIII, V I IIW'Ironies abound; T he giver of ,he cally irwasa fulfillmcnlofproph ecy, for hr
i, led 10 the cross. T h e e1ementJ a re dis- ".\\' 21,.S. ''T,-< p.''i<uI~rJ<w1w11oalkdforhi'<fu_
d 02k of righteolU<ness ,hat hides our sin wa.s indeed was a king.. so even their puody indi-
lur~",lh( canh lrembles, nigh l blo[S cifi.o:j" ... "~C 5(;,110'".
h irruelf stri ppedofhi aearthlye!othing.His recrly "rved d ivine reveluion. Even though
face is coveted with spiltle, who cu red wirh lhey d id il in ~ spirit of derision, slill they
sp inl", Ihe eyes of the bl ind ( Cr!>II,I ",",). Even didic ,andhisregal dign ityw~s brthacsym­
theirmockeryobliquelyser vedtor eve~lthe bolically heralded . So, likewise, though it
revealer, to crown rhe humble d l ord of wu with thorns Ihey crowned h im, it W at
1 5: 2 1 - 32 T HE CRUC IFIXION
glory (CYII, ll OF J BRVS~LIlM). A conclusive still a crown.' SERM ON ON TH~ P~ R~LYT'C
re versal was ~ing co nsummated in human u!
histo ry through h is mock cro wning. The
jud ge isi udged: the Wor d i. si lent 15:19 TbtySp,d upon Him
IIAnd Ihry compelled ap aH ~r - by , Simo n ofCyren " w ho was coming infrom th r
(CYPRI ~N) .
THE SP ITTL£ o~ H ,s R..VlLIJl.S ~"'DTH fi (ounl ry,t h ef"ther of Alexande r an d Ruf us, 10 carry hil crOH. 12 An d t hey broughl
15:17 A PJirplr C lo ak "nd a Crown of S.'TTU IIY \V UIC H H II H II~ LBD . CY PRIM<: him to the p la ce cal1ed G Olg ot ha (whic h m eans th r plare of a skull). nAnd thry
Inlhnvuyho ur o fh is p~n io n and cr oJs , offered him wine m ingled wilb myrrh: but be did nOllake it. 24 An d Ihey audfied
befor e [h ey h ~dcome to th e crue! act of ~im, an d divided h is garm ents among th e m, casting loufor th em , to d~cidt what
hi ~ s/al,l.gh ter and Ihe sh edding of his
Tu .. RBV IIRS4L ' S TtHI F OR'" O F M O CK ERY. ,",h should tllke . 2sAnd it wa. 'he Ihird h o ur, wb en they crucified him. Z6An d
H e wh o now gives true palms ( 0 b lood, whal viole nt ~ blU<es he lis[ene d 10
C YP1!.!"N: tbe inscription of th e cb llrge against him read, « T~e King 0f tb e j ew s. "z7And Wil b
t he vielo," wu buten in the f;lee with hos- with patience,andwhalsh;tmefulinsCllu
hc endur edl H cwa.< even covercdwirh lh c ~ im they aucified tw o robber l, o ne o n nil right an d one on his lefl. ~And ,boH
t ile palm$:' he who clothes all othen w;l h
spittle of his revilers,'wh cn, bU I ;t short who pall ed by d eri d ed him , wagg ing thdr h ead s, an d saying, «Aha! You who
th egarmen l ofimmorrality was st ripped of
his n rthly garment:TH I GOOD OP p~ ­ ti mebefore,withh is own s pirtl e heh ~d wou ld d estroy tbe temple and build il in Ihru d llYs, lOsIIve youndJ, and (ome
T1EN C E ]. ' downJrom Eb, croH!-J1S O also Ihe ,h iejpriel l s mo(k ed bim to Olle anotha with
/ht sc r ibes, saying. "He saved a/h e n; he cannot save bimself. Jl Let th e Chr iH,
Ho w TIl l M OCKR RY EC H O~ D PROPH ECY . Ihe King of IHael, tome down now from Ib ~ crOJJ , Ihar we m ay l ee and believe. -
CYII.I L O ~ JERVS~tE"': When they ·c1othed
Th oH who were crucified with him al'io re viled h im .
him in purple," il Wa$ in mockery, yel iron i-

OV RRv ,aw: No de;!.c h is mor e shameful tha n th e cross, th en, to Simon of the cicy of 15:23a Wine Minglfd with Myrrh SP URN ' NGTlUI CUP. PRUD EN T IuS:
che public ho rror of c rucifixion (EusEB'us). Cyrene, wh o had also twO sons by th e nlm~ Thus did Christ in rh e hour ofcrucifi;tion
It. ironies continue to compound: P rophesy of Ale:nnder and Rufus.1 T hey did th is nOt W HY\V' SEANOMYRRH I CUlL OFJuuu- Spurn the cup thac WOlS offued when he
wn b.cing fulfilled eve n by hi$ tormentors. betiusc they pitied j esus, and wished to LE"" What SOrt of gall did they PUt in my thirsled,"
H e who had turned water into sweet win e is lighte n his load, b urbccau le they el'~ r mo.c mou ch! "They gave him, " it says, - win~ And refusing tod.ink, prolonged hi ,
offe~d vmegar and gall (C YRIL OF J ERUSA' eagerJy wancedlopu t him todcarh speedily. mixedwich myrrh:" Myrrh is like gall in anguish.
LEN, G REGORY NAZIANZEN). The incomp;!.· THE GOS PII.L OF N ICOOEMUS 10.) t~te, and very bitrer. "b the Lord tobe th us HYMN 6.'"
repajdbyyou~-' Are these the offering. you
rab ly innoce nt one casted theex rreme
bin erness of th e degrading dea th of .crimi· THS BURDSN SHIFTED. C HRYSOSTOM: When °
make to your masrer, vine! CA TECHETICAL
15:24 Th ty Crurifit d Him
nai,spurningsupposedcomfo rts th ey went OUt of rhe Praetorium Ch ri.[ wu
(AUGUSTINE, PR UOENTlUS). H is deity w.u catl)'ing ir:buta$theyproceededSimon HIS "" .. lONER 01' DUTf<. EvseB,vs: What
cxpresud through his humiliat ion took it from him and bo re it. H OM' LY ON Tf< ~ TAST' OF 8ITT~RI<E 55. GREGORY deuh is more shameful tha n to be crucified~
(A uaus TINE). He did nOr beco me king of THE P ARALYTI C LaT DOW N THROUGH TH~ N A"Z IA,NZES: H e is given vin egar w drin k' What death worst than this condemnation
glol)' without first being mocked On th e ROOf}: and ga ll 10 ea t'O-and wh o i,hcl W hy, isconceivabIc! Even now he remai ns a re-
cross as kingoftheJews (TERTI.I LU AN). De· Onewhoturnedw3cerimowine,u w ho proach among 31[ who have not yet received
took awa~ , he t3$te ofbitterneu,"w ho is f~i{h in him! PR~PAIlATIO N 01' T H~ G OSPH
rided by cho.e who p.used by .nd mocked
by thechief priest$, hewasreviledevenby all sweetn~S5 a nddesir e. "O~AT 'ON 29, 10·9·"
one of those crucified by h is side (CYRIL Of' TWICB DAWNSD ONII DAY. ANOt;Y .... ous: ON THE So N 1.0."
] UVSAUM). What they did with their Already robed .uking.hcmwtsustain W H"T H ... p ..... EO ON Tf< E C ROSS. JOHN o~
Blows from rough palms. EXCIlaOlNGLY B'TTsR. AUGUST,,,., T he gall DAMASCUS: By nothing else except thecro5S
wnguuo n th e third hour they did with
their hands on ,he sixth hour (AUGuS'rINa). With spit hi s face is cOl'c red. ,, i. mentioned with a view toexprcss the bit· of our Lord j es us Chrisr has death been
The penilen, faithful even .aday pray on the A Ihorn -in woven CrOWn pierce. his head, terness of the potion. And wine ming!ed brought low:
thi rd,sixth and ninrh hour torecall.nd W hilc to the tree he isru:ed. with myrrh"is remarkable for iu bittcrntu. The sin of our firscpue nt desrroyed,
Wine drugged with myrrh is drunk, The fac t may:a.lsobc thatgaU and myrrh to- h~[J plundered,
onceagainparticipate inhistri:i.l,crucifixion
And gall il mixed with vincgar. gether made rh e wine ex ceedingly bitter. resurrectionbesrowed,
His robe is parred andon it lots are CllJt. Again, when Mark u ys th ar "he di d not re- the ~wu given us to despise the things of
The ultimate senrence came no t at me trial thuworld,
Each one keeps for himself what h~ h~ ceive it." we u ndernand rhe phtllSe ,0 de_
but at the eraS.'!. There the fin:i.l judge was rvcnduthirulf,
seized. note that he did not receiveic souac tu:i.lly
placed wich one crimina.! on hi s right ;!.nd In this mu rky gloom, th e road back to the formtr blessedness
oneonh i3 left.uiftoanticipa te fina.!judg- to drink it. He did taSte il. TH E H .. RMONY
God silently ou tbruthed his sou! ftom made . mo oth,
memo H e did not cease being Son of G od on Of Tf<SGOSPELS j.II. 16
fleshly body.
the er05.'l. He who w .... able not to die unless The trembling day took refuge with the
he willed it did die because he willed it 15:23b H t Did Not Take It
(AU GUSTIN E, JO HN OF DAMAscI.IS). Twice dawned o nc day.
15:2 1 They Compelled a PAJJt r-by, cautious and receive the words ofouradver_
Simon ofCY 'fn e suies in otder to spit ,he m OUt, not 10 gulp
them down and ingest them. Do in this in-
WH Y5 ul01< WAS CoM P151.L150 TO CARR Y stance what the Lord did whtn ,hey offered
T'UI C ROSS. T HII. GOS PEL OF NICO DEM US:' him a bitte. drink; he t3stedit, and spa, it
From the many blows and the weight of~he OUt. So a!so should you , rasre and spit.
(rOI$ he was unable to walk.... They gave TRACT .. U ONjOHN 6.11."

228 229
lheg~lesof p~udiseopen«i. waS al rea dy beginning, Pilu.:: is said to tohimas a d ebt forthes e favors. Sotry:u lEM: Those WIIO passed by wagg ~d their
our n a~urc seated a ~ th e right hand of God, havc IJI on thej\.ldgmenl seat. In ru lity buryo\.l can tobe accountablttohiminthe h eads.mockinglhecrucified.fulfillinglhc
and we made children and heirs of God. wh ellt heLor d w as li fred upup ollt hett ee, same way thathebeca me acco\.lnt ablefor Scriplure: "When they see me, they shake
By the eroS.'! a1llhese th ings h~ ve bee n scc itwU l hc si",thhour . . . They had killed you. Or. be nat n owned with flowe rs at all their heads.·"CATECIIETICA l lEC TUR ES
arighl .. . hi m alr eady at the time when Ihey were if you cannOt bear th e tho rn s.1l because 13.30 ,"'"
rtisa $Cal thatrh c de~[t oyerm~y notstrike (ryingo\.lt. Th egovunmcntofficialsa'the with flow ers you cannot be ~ro wned . T HE
w, siJ<!h hour crucified,<he transgresso"of CHA PLET I".!' 15:11 T he Cbief Pdcm Mocked H;m
a raising up ofthosc wh o lie fa!1en, the law at ,he Ih ird hou r cried O\.lt. ThaI
a support for th ose wh osrand, whi ch so me did wich h ands at the six th 15~27aWitb Him Tb,y C rw c ifi~J Two \VtTIt OVTC OM fiL t",BS S.AVGUSTIN E;S \.I ch
astafffor lheinfirm. hour,orhers d id wit h tonguear the third Robbers he a p~aredonth" cro ss.suchw h en
a crook for th e shep herded, hour. More guilty a re th eythal with cry. crowned with thorns did he exh ibil himsclf.
a guidefo rthew andcring.. ing out were ug ing, th a ll they tha t in abe· TilE DIFF IIR.BNC" BaTW"EN TilE Two disfigur ed, an dwit hollt co melin e$S, as ifn e
a p<' rfccI;ngoflheadvane«i, diencewereserving. PSALMS 64.S" " TIIU;VES. CYRIL O F J ERUSA LEM' O f rhe rob· had lost his power. as ifnoc the Son afG od.
salvation for soul and body, bers crucified with him. it' as 5aid, "He w~, Such d id he uem 10 the blind .~1 SElI.."O!'lS
a defleccor of all eviis., 15:25b Wben Tbey Crwdfie d Him teckon ed ama llg the wicked:· 14 Up [0 this ON TH E G OSP~ LS 138 .6., 1
a uuse of all goods, time both wue wick«i. but onc of them was
a destruction of s in, H~ 0110 VO~VNTA RIU·. AUGUSTl",,; H.
wickcdno 10llger. For one was wicked !O the 15:32 Tb e] Wh o Wu e Crucified with
apt...nrofres urrecrion. wh o was able not to die \.Inle.s he willed ir, cn d,yieldillgno[[o salvacion, an d. rhough Him ArJo Reviled Him
and a Iree of eternal life. did die bccaU$e he willed it. So he made a h is handswcrefasten«i.heSlruck bb s·
Ofl.THODOX FAITH 4." show ofprin cipaliries and powers, op enly lri. phemously with his to ngue. CATEC H~T1CAl ONI! W AS PENITENT. CIiUSOSTOM' In ,he
umphing a ver the m in himself. By his death ~. LIiCT IH'E$ 1).30 . lS case of the rob b~rs, one Enngclist says that
15,25alt Was th t TbirJ H o wr the One and mOst teal uc rifice was offered Ihetw oblasphemed,"anothe~that oneof
up forus .Whuev erwere the ch~rgesby 15:27b Oll t 011 HiJ Right alld One 011 them rep roved him who was reviling lh~
WORSI1IP'I<G AT sBT HOURS. ApOSTOLtC which th e p rincipalitieS and pow ers held us ~. i Hi$ Ltft Lord." Y~r in this ~gain thue is no cancradic·
CONSTITUTiON S: Let your prayers be made undcrbondage, he deanscd.. aboluhed,euin· rion, Bot h th ings look pbce, and ~11hcbe.
at"'thelh irdhou r";l' forth m itwas thal guished. l! ON THE T RINITY 4.11,1 7.'" THE COMINC JUIKlM ~NT . AuGLlST !NE: Amid ginningb o thth emenbe h avedb~dly.After'
Pilare gave sente nce upon our Lord af\d sav· the courtroom of the cross, olle robht-r who be· wards whe n signs occurred. wh en ~he eut h
ior to have himcrucificd .... Lctyour 15:26 Tb e King of t'lt J ews liev«iw2.S frced,theol herwho i""ult~dhim shook and the rocks were tOm aparc, and the
praye[s be made also a' th e sixth hour; forac was condemned.'" H e was thell signifying in sun w;u dukene d, oneo(rhemw.speni·
th at tim e hc wascrucifi«i ... . We obsctvc KING o~ GLOR Y. T"RTU ~L IAN' He waS nOI advance what he wo ul d do concerning the liv. rent, became more chastened. recognized th e
abo "th c nif\th hour"ofp,ayer, fo r at Ihat hail edu th eki ngofglorybyth eangels un· ingand the dcad. pun;ng some on his right erucincd One and acknowledged his king·
time the sun was darkened and th e earth tilh e hadbcen ce nsu red a n the cr oss;1S ~nd some on his left. J ' The one rabber was like da m. Tlil! PARAL YT IC LET DO WN THROUCII
shaken Wilh honor. as being no t able to Look - King of th eJews.ff}l ... You owe your life to those who would bc on tht lefr; the olhcr, THE R OO F 3."
\.Ipon tholie b it ter cr\.ldries." ApOSTOLIC to rhose who would be on ,he righl . He who
CONSTIT UT!ONS 8.14 ·'" wasbeing judged was anticipating finaljudg.


Ev angelinsaysth at theLardwascrueified
metlr. T RACTAHsoNJoH" It.II .11

15 ~29 Tbo H Wbo PaHed By Derid ed

~~;:"!;k~~~~~~':;~~.I~~~ ::~:=~~~ ~.
G"m<J.I" , ,,,b«wi" ,d.nd u,,ffii«m,J.
"Cf.l. knl~·
alth.: s;:>;!h hour:' a nd anoth cr at t he Hi", .J. "C(. ).I,2'>o1[.) ) . " ~CMAU· . " !'. 11».1S. ""'FC
640.14. " Ci.h ;J;l. ·''''PNFI6,S14"f.WSA)f4.ll13,
thir d h aur. v Un less w~ \.Inders,and il, w~ ~moJIua.6, "Cf. "h17'44;MkIS'1l."Cf.Ucll:oIO.

arc lefr wondering. When the six th haur TIIB PSA~M REMEMB I RED, Cnl.ll OF JEll. USA· "~ P :-lF \ 9 ' 1I4·.Twobl""ph<m.J."n<"p ,""d

, ,,
230 231
o . TH e THr"J) HOUR. AUGUSTINE; T he his h u man wu1. He had no difficulty being
Lord wascrucifted~t the third hour by the <lma:>:ed ~causcheh ad t"ke nhuman iryfuUy
15:33-41 THE DEA TH ON THE CROSS ,onguuo fthepcpul ~ce, 'atthe six th ho u r to himsel f. In t~ king upon himself<l hum~n
by rh e hands ofrhe soldiers.> When Pilat e so uI. he also took upon him self the affec-
rook his l(:lt before th e tribunal, irw .... tio ns of a soul. As God hew u notdi s-
"3bout th e sixrh hour,H or eariy in th e sixth tressed,but as a hum an he was capable of
HAnd wh e .) the sixth hour had co m e, there Wal aarkn e$! over th e w/iol e I~nd
hour. WhenJ e5 u.was nailed to rh e tree be- being distressed. It was not as God he d ied,
until th e ninth h o ur. J4 An d at the ninth hour Jesus criea with a loud voice, "Elo· i,
twttn rwo th ieYrs, it was rh e end of the but as man. It was in human voice th u he
Elo-i, lama sab ach-than!?" which m eans, "My Go a , my Goa, why fJ alt !holl $ixth h our. Ir was between t hesi"'th and cried: " My God, My God, why have you for-
forsaken m e?"JSA nd some of the bystanders hearing it said, "Behold, h e it calling ninch hour th:it the su n was obscured and uken mt?"" As h um<ln, therefore, he speaks
Elyah. " 36 An d one ran and,filling a sponge fu ll of vin egar, put il on a reed Clnd rhed:trkntuprevailed,aswehave irjoindy o n t he cross, bearing with h im our terrors.
gave it t o him 10 drink, laying, "Wail, let us see wb etb er El ijab will come 11) l<lke <lttestedon the authority of the t h.ee Evan_ For "mid dangers it is <I very hu m~n re-
him down," JlAnd J esus u ttered a loud cry, and breathed hil lall, Jl And the ge!UTS, Mat thew, Mark<lnd Luke.' TRA c, sponse to think ourse1f <lbandoned. As hu-
TAT UOtl JOHNIt1,t.' m"n, rh erdore, he is distressed, weeps, and
curtain of t he temple was t l)rn in fW I), from top to b Olf o m. 19And w he n Ih,
is crucified. OF THE CHIUSTlAN FAITH
,en tll don, who sto od facing him , HiW that he thus breathed hi s last, h e la id,
15:33b Darkneu over the Whole L,md 1.1.S6.'o
"Truly this man was the Son of God!" Until the Ninth Hour
.o/JThere were also women looking onfrom afa r, among w hom were Milry Mag_ ApPROP RI ATING TH ~ P SAUH ST's VOI C! TO
dalene , and Mary th e moth erofJ ames th e you nger and of JOl tS, and Salom e, 41 w ho , TH~JII. UNDBItSTANDtND WAS DARKB NBD. H .MSHLF. AUOUSTIN I!: QU t of t he voice of
when he was in Gali! ee,follo wed him, and miniHered to him; <lnd also mClny other EUSJi8!U5: No te how clearly was fulfiiled t he the p salmis t, which ou r Lord th~n t um -
prophecy of our Savior's passion. It wu to fcrredro himself, in thevoiceof thisinfir_
wome n wh o cam e up with him to Jerusalem .
beadayinwhich "thereshallbeno ligh t.-! mi ry of ou rs, he spoke thes.c wo rds ; -My
-From the sixth hour to rhe n im h hou. God, my God, why h<lve you forsaken mer"
OV lI.V lll w: In repe" ting d'e psalm th,nbe ' was b rough r (0 completion. He bruth td his there wasd<lrknessove raU rh ee<lrth .... .. He is doubtless forwen in the sense that
gins with " My God , my G od, why h;1ve you lannot under nccessity b utvolunra rily . His T his was also fulfilled figur3tivety by his hispleawas not dirC'Cdygranted, Jes us ~p­

formen me!" Christ took on ,he 'peec h of freedom to die demonstrated his power, not priestly perst curors, for among th em c.. me propriared the pulmiu's vo i" to h imself,
our humaninftrmity. By appropriating th e his w,,"kn~ss (AUGU STINS). He received ~nd dukneu , cold and ice, following upon th eir t h e voic e of hum an weakness, T h~ bend;ts
pulmist's voi ce tohimself,hisfuUhu mllnity accepted the tempor~ l m in istries o f wo"'''' indignities to the anointed On e. Their under- ofrhe old covenant haci to b<! rcfusedi n or-
w<l $cvidenced byhislongingtoret~inhi s so rhe harvest of salvation might abou nd to standing also was ci.:rr kened,so rh at the Iighr d er th a tw e migh t le arn to pr ay and hope
life. Hi 5complet~ identjftcarionwithourvul . their honor eternally (CH II.Y S05TOM). O n· ofth egospd did not shine in their hu rts, for the benefits o f th e new cov enant .
n~r"ble h umanityissuninhi se~perien,eof lookers beh eld the incomparablecompa.nion and th eir love to God grew cold. Then in tht Among those goods of th e old cov enam
forsakenness (A UGUSTIN E). As fully human, o fChtistonthecross(AuouSTlNI.). The evening the light of th e knowledge ofrhe whichbeiongedrorh eoldA dam chereis a
t h eaffKcionsof h issoulwerefeeiinglhefuU temple cu rcain and rhe rocks were split apart Christ aron, so mu they who u r in dark ·
we igh r and terroroffors:aken nes.s andso ( EPH lI.ti'" THE SYR'AN), t he tombs opened ness and , he shadow ofdearh saw <lgnaf
were bu ri ng our terrOrs. Yet acco. ding to and J esus was recognind even by th e Ronun light! PItOOF OF THE GOSPEL 10.].- 'Cf. Mk Isao;. 1~ 1",14. 'M, Z7,4S; Mk is,)); Lk 2);4-1

h is divinity ch e incarnate Lord .em:tined se· "nturion as - Son of God " (G I\ ~OOItT NAZ'
renelyf<lithful(AMBROSti ).The hou . was "N2>N). 15:34 Why H~JI Thou Fors~ktn M d
d<lrk not only in the [iteral sens~ bl.lt :1150 in 'Cf.I'9;1;M,4,1'" "TtG2018,005.6,18.44"';POG
B:33a Wh en tb e Sixth Hour Had C~mc HIS RaCO lLECT.O,,· OF PSA LM u. AMB IWSE: l,2!4_ 1S". ' V. ll,l, Mt 17,46; Mk ISd4. "N~NF 1
the sp iritu:ll sense in reference to dark ene d
1[),2,o·' .l n ,h<.ffm;on.ofhi.I,oul h.f.l" .. f"U""of
h ear ts and minds (EUSEIlIUS) . With his las t As hu man h~ doubts . He experienc es ama:>:,, - off<.".k<nn." ,nd , Qbo«our,.«or.. y" .. GoJ· manh<
wo r dsaU th at h:ld been prophesied of him THE S,XT H HOUR R..TlfI BO TItE V~RI>ICT menr. It is not hi s divinity th<ltdoub ts, but . <t<n<lr""r<ouffotlahn n... l1 p,22,1.

232 233
I pedal app~ eite for the prolonging Of Ih is u;hed. "/I> W hat does "h is finished" me~nl YHBSYRI ... :<, T hec uttainw3sTorn.{Thil sun made dark and again flaming o ur; for it
ttmporal life. But this appetite it selfis not All rnu had been pcophuied befo re my pu. was] 10 show thal [theLordJh~drakenthe was fi tling tha r crea rion s hould mou rn with
interminable, for Wt all kno w chat tht day of sio nha.s been fulfilled. What then is there kingdom ;aw~y from them and had given it to itsc rcaror. T hetemp le veilrent,bloodand
dtachwillcomt. YetaJl o(us,o,nearly all, stiU for me ro dolTRACTA TU ON JOliN 37.9." others wh o would bear frui t.'" An alterna- water flOWing from hi s side, rh e One as from
urivt co postpone it, eVen those who believt ti ve interpre ~ati<)n is: By th e anal ogy 0 f th e am an,theo,he r as from What w as above
ehal theirlifeafterde:l.rhwillbeahappier 15:37 H e Breall", d H is L<lH torn eurtain. the temple would be de- m3n;t heu rth shak~n.therocksshartered
one. Such force has the SWett partnership of srroyedbe(ausc his S pir it had gone away ~tauuoftherock;the dnd ri st nto btar
flesh and soul.1! LETT ERS, 14 0 TO HO NORA- A S 'G NOF POWER. NOT NBCESSlTY. Auc us . from ir.S incethehighpriesr hadwrong_ witnts..ltofh~finaland univers aJ reSU rre(-
TUS6." TINE , Th ole robb erscrucifiedne~ll o hi m . fuJJytornhis ro~,th e Spiriltor e the,ur _ tionoft he de;ld. The happe nings at rhe se p-
did th eyb rearhe thei r I.:isl when ch cy t..intop rociai mrhe;ludacity ofrhcpride ulcherand after ,h e sepulchcr.wh ocan
iOENT If'I C"'TION WITH OUR INFI RMITI ES. wanc ed tof'They were htld fasl by the [o f th t J ewsJ,byme a ns ofa nartiononth~ fittingly recoum Them~ Yet no o n" of th em
AUGUSTINII: Inhis most compa5sion:l.te h u- ch;;ains of [he flesh be<:alUe rh ey were nor the leve!ofcreatedbeings. Be,ause(thehigh can be compared to the miud e of m y sal"a-
manity andrhroughhis servanerormwt creuo rsof th eflcsh. Fasten ed by nails. rh ey priu tJhadtornhisp rieslhoodandhad rion. A few drops of blood re new th e who le
may now learn what is 10 be despised in Ihis were tor mented for:l. long time because they ' ;lS(ir from him. [th e SpiritJaisosplitrhe world,and <io for all rllen what th e rennet
life and wha t is 10 be hoped for in eternity." were not mast ers of their infirmity!' But th~ cuft;lin apur .l' Or [;llternatively],ju l t U does (o r th e milk'joi ning us a nd binding us
I"rhat "erYpassion in which his pro udtne- l ord too k on flesh in the virgi n '5 womb thet~mple inwhi 'h Jud;lS hadthrown wgether. ON THE HO LY P ... SCH, OR ... TION
miel seemtdmosttriumphanc.ht roo kon when he Wished it, H e came forth (0 human. down the goldlt was di ss ol ved and re. 45·1.><
tht spe ech of our infirmity, in which ~our iry when h e wished it, H e lived in hiuorya.s jected, so tOO [th e Lo rd] pulled down and
sinful nUUre w..s crucified wit h him·" th .. t Iong Ol.l h e wis hed it. He departed from the ren r ;asunderthe cu nainofrhedoor 15,40a Worne" LooKi"g O"jrom Afar
Iht body of sin migh t be destroyed . .. nd nid: flesh when he wished it, This is ~ sign of through which Uuda5 j h;ldenlered. Or. [ it
" M y God. my God. why h a"e you fm s::.ken power. not ofneccs.sity. TRACTA TES ON wu] because they h ad srripped hi m of bis WHAT WII BEHOLD ON T" II CR,OS S . AUG 05 '
md"" ... Thus the Psalm begins. wh ich WaS JOHN 31.9," garments thOle he rent the cu rtain in two. TIN!: As they wcr~ "looking on. "'s so w~ tOO
l ung so long ago. in prophecy of his pass ion For[hehearro f the rockw~sbufl t asu n ' gaze on his wounds .... he hmgs. We sC<' his
and the revel:l.t!on o ftheguce which h e H IS POWII R OF DYING. AUGUSTINE' He de- dcr, " b ut lheirownhurud id nocrepe nt. blood as he dies. We see rh e price o ffercJ by
b rought 10 raise up his faithful and sec them parredby his {o wn] power; for h e h ad not COMMEN T... II.Y ON T ... n AN·S DIATEs . (he r~ d eemer, touc h thes COir~ of his resu rrec.
free. LETTE RS, 140 TO HONOR.O. TU 5 5. 17 come by necess ity. An d so some marvded 5"1I.0N,1O
tion. H e bows hishead, as if to kiss you, His
more at his power of dying th~n at his power heaT! ismade b areopen.a~ i twere. in love 10
15:36 fiU ing a Sponge full o/Vinegar of performing miracles , T RAC T... rES ON JOHN HIS OUT" AS ... N U,.V8fUNG. GII.!GOII.T you. His arms are cxtended th at he may em·
H NA2'AN2EN' H e surrenders his life. yet he
31.6• brace you. H;.. whole body is displayed for
PS"'U·I 69 RIICALLIID. AUGUSTIN E: Among h.... powe r co rakeir again." YU. lhe ..eiJ ;.. yourredempt'on. Po ndtr ho"W gre~t thue
Ih e other lh ingsprophesiedabour h.im.ir 15:38 ThE Curt"i n of the Temp/t W" J rorn, forchin85o f hea"enare ~i ng (e"uled. rhingsare. Let all thi s be rightly weigh ed in
was also written. "T hey gave m e poison for TornirrTwo roc\ts split. and de;ld men have an eariier you r min d; as h e Wa& once fixed to the crou
food.;lnd for my th irst thqg.. ve me vinegar awaken ing." O AA TlON 19 . 0 ", T H~ So.'1 ~o. " in e..ery part of his body for you, so he may
ro drin k."'" We know in the gos pel ho w ALTHRNATI VII l NTBRPRJlTATlONS. EPH Rl M now be fixed in every part of your soul.16 ON
these th ings h;lppen ed. Fi rst. rh ey gave hi m 15:39 Truly Tbis M .. " WIIS jJu SO" of VIIlCI"' JTY."
gall. He look it. tasled it,;lnd spir ir o ut. God!
L;l(crwhilc hanging on th ec ros.s, rhatall
pro phecics might be fulfilled,nenid, "1 A Fllw OROI'S o~ BLOOO RENEW TOU
thirst.·'" Thcyrook ;l spo ngeful!ofvinegar. WHOLE WORLO. GR~G OII. Y N " ZIANZ EN:
fa st e ncl!it on ~r(cd,andofferedit tohimas Many indeed are the wondrous h.lppenings
hc hung there. Hc cook il ;and said. "It is fin· of thu time: God hanging from a cross, the

234 2 35
\Vll ..... TII . \ VO .... RN \V ERfi STAND' NG. "nd of Joseph and Salomer'l Now "grealer
AUGUSTlNi: H ow can we unders tand the and ltsser" are customarily used tOUtabli. h 15 : 42 · 47 TH E BURIA L OF JESU S
same Mary Magdale ne both to have stood a difference not among chree,butbetwun
a f;lroff alo llg wit hotherwomel\ a~ 'h cac· two. Hence the lesser J:rmn is named "of Al.
COUIlU of Matthew and Mark bear," and 10 ph:reus," in dis tincrion from th egrnte r,
hav e been by the cross, as John tell~ usl)! It who was the son ofZebedee, CO M'''£:-.ITAro,y '2And wh en e ~el1il1g had com e, .ince it was the day ofPreparatiol1, that is, the day
could have been the case that these womell ON ACTS!.l)." befo re th e sllbbarh, i3JoHph of Arimarhea, a rnputed memb er of Ih~ co un cil, who
were ar such a dista nce as made it quire was also himself lookingfor Ihe kingdom of God. look courage and w ent to Pi!llu.
narurairosay aroncerhat[heywerenear 15:41 The Wom e n, Whtn He WIl' in Ilna Ilskea for the body of J eslls. "A nd Pilllle wonder..a ifhe werl Illready dead; and
bccause , hey were ac hand rhere in , he Glllilu, Follow ed Him ~nd Miniuued
summon ing t h e cenlurion. he asked him wh ether he was already dead . ,sAnd when
sigh, o f hi m, and yet afu off in compari. IInlO Him , and Aho A14ny Otber
h e learned from the ,enturion Ihal he WIlS dead, h e grllnted Ihe body to }oseph. <.sAnd
son with , he crowd of people who were Wom en
he bOllghlll lin en shroud. and laking bim dow n. wrllpped him in the linen shroud,
sc. ndi ng round abo ut in clos u vicinity
along with the ce nturion and rh e so!diers. RBC~'V'NGT"II SUPPO RT Of WOME N . Ilnd laid him in a 10mb which had be~n hewn o ul of the rock; Ilnd he ,o/led <l stone
h is open for us, then, to suppose ,har CHil.YSOSTOM: For what rtason then w:rs he ag ainH th e door of th ~ tomb. _7Ma ry Magdllltne and Mary Ih e m other 01JO$(S Jaw
th ose women who w ere present at the being suppo rted by won\en 1"l For womrn.ir wh ere he was laid.
sce ne along with the Lord's moth er, afrer is s:lid,followedhim andmin istered to
he co mmended her w thedisciple,"'l began him." It waS to reach ul from th e first that
t hel'ltorecire withtheviewofexrticating he is readyro receive those wh o do the good.
' hemselvcs from rhe dense mUS ofpeop!e, Could nOt Paul, who supported others by OV8IlV' Ew:JaU$ was placed in a tomb made 15:42 Th e DaJ Before the 51lbblllh
and from a gruter disrance!ookingon a, his o wn hands. have mai nlained himself for someone else to demo nsrr~ te that
what rem ained to be done. THE H ... ",;.coNY w;t houtassi$[a ncefromothers~Butyo u deat h did not belong to this one (AuGu" YESTeRO ... , H E W ... s SU IN. GUGOil.,
Of THS GOSPELS J,1'.SS.·' see him re ceiving and requesting aid. Now TtNt). The Lord o f glory WaS bu ried with N"'zl"'N zE ~: Yes terday che lamb wu slai n,
hea r ,h r reason for it. -Nolbecaule I want uttet,imp lkity.wit houtt heaccouter, and , he door posu sprinkied with his
15:40bMary, tnt Mother of }Ilm u Ih e agift:h esays , -b ut !wantftuitlhatm.l.Y ment, of ric hness ( BEDE). T h~ th ree days blood. while Egy pt mourned for her firu·
abound [0 your account ...., H OMIL'ES 01< are eounred in this W.l.y' H ed i~donthe born. But th e desrroy ing angel and his uc ·
T ITus6 ." first day , was in th e gr:rv e th e whol e of the rific ialknife, fearful and terrifying, paued
\VlUc nJ ... MU! BErlE: How could it be said ,e~onddayanda roseo n rhem o rningof overus,'forwewe rcprotcCledby rhcpre
that the brother of rh e Lord was not the the third day (lGNATIUS, AUGUn ' NB) . W e ~ iou$ blood. This d~ y We have wh olly de·
apos de, bmarhi rdJames, since Pau! a150 ca n be sure that Jes us di ed beca!l$e hi s p:l,, ~d from Egypt, and from Ph ar~ Qh its
giva him rhe I\:lme of an aposrle, saying, "' death was validated to Pilate by a centu· ,"uel [y rant,~ ndhiJ oppreuivcoverseers
saw none of the other apostlesexcept James. 1 don's insp-eccion (AUGUS Tl Nti). The incar' We are frecd fro m Iaboring with briclur
the brorher of rhe Lord-;" and rhe evangeJist n~teWordw:uno[ ( hebodyassuch bur andsruw.'a ndnooneforbids u5celebrate
Mark nama the same man. not a third. bUI was Ihe Word embodied. T he Word was the fesrival of ou r pauing over. our pasch,
onc of ch~ [Wo J:l.meses. saying. -There wer~ nOt ch anged inro bones and flesh but cook and to celebutt not with rhe leaven of
women al~o watching from a distance, upon ilsdfflcsh.Jesu$desanded into , he m~lice and witkedneu bur with the un·

among whom were Mary Magdal"nc and net het world while his body remaiMd in IC3Venedbread of sincerity and nuch.' ..
MarythemotheroftheJ:lmes the youtlger th e tomb (AT ..... NA5IUs).Joseph ofA ti· Yucer day I was cr ucified with Christ; co
mat he a'seo ncealeddisciplcshipbccamcre'
vealed in hi s co urageous actofdevotiOIl
(CHIlYSOSTO M). 'Cf.a.u. '(f, E" . 'er. I CerS.a.

236 237
M"u: 16:1 ·8

,by I am glorified with him . Y~SterdOly 1died him~ elf to death. taking upon h imself rhe en- u ly belong:' W h at has h e 10 do w ith a tomb \Vf< S THER HIS 80DY RSMAINRD IN T" e
wi th h im; roda)' I am giv~n life with him. mityofOlUbyhisaffuriontoJ""'IS.He upon earth,who se sCOlt wa. in hC Olven, Wh at TOM .. WneN HI DfiSCE"DID INT o Till!
Yesu:rdOlY I waS bu ried wirh hin,: today I begged for rhe body and did not de. i.tuntil had h e to do with asepulc h cr, wh o was only NETHeR WOR~O. ATH ANAs , us: T hiJ! above
rise ag .. in with him. ON TH I HoLY P .. SC I-l he obrained ir. Nor only tha t, but by Llying inrheg<avet hreed~ys, n"t somuc hlikeon e all shows thc fooli~hness oftho s ~ wh o s~y
.. NO H,s Qw,,; R.lLuCTANCI.' it in hi 5 own new tomb, he ~ctiv ely dem on_ lying indu th. asiike one res lingin abed?" th arr heWordwaschangedimobonesOlnd
sr rOlred his love Olnd courage.,oTHs GOSPEL Tft~ HARM ONY Of TH R G OS PELS ) .21.,6 flesh. For ifr hi s had b~en so , th ere wou ld
REV'''''' ING THfi CI-lIlO",OLO<lY 0 ' Till OF ST. M"TTHI!W, HO .... ,LV 88." h ave been no need ofa tomb. For rhe body
T HRllfi D .. rs. AU<l L'STlNE: Sc ripture again 15:46aA LilltH Shroud wouldhavegone b}'i uclf ro pcca~ ht o th e
witnes.sestharthespueof rhoserhreedays 15,44 Summllning the ernturio", Pifatr s piri ts in Hades. But as ir was, he himself
did nOt im ply whole days in {heir emir ety. Asked Whether He Wa s Already Orad BUR IID WITH UTTRJt S .... PLlCITT. Bllos: wenr co prcach , whilethe bodythatJoseph
lUth er (he first day il c<>umed 0lS wh ole T he vanityofthe rich, who even in their wrapped in a linen cloth lai d aw ay at Gol-
from its lasrpart, .. ndrh e th ird day is irsdf \V.UTHRR WB C" N BB SUltfi TH AT JESUS gravescannordowi thourrheir riches, re - go{h a."Andso itisdemo n Hr~IedloOlJl
also co unt ed as a whole from irs first p arr; DIEI). AUGUSTI"",AsfheG<»peld.:clares. ce ives its con demnati on from th e simple thatthebodyw~$ notrheWord,butbody
b u(the intcrveningcUY, i.e., rhe second dOlY. those wh o were prcsent particularly mar- and unassuming im errnent of th e Lord. o f the Word. LETTE RS, 59 TO !3 PICTtiTUS
WOlS abso lutely whole with ir s rwcnty-fou r ~e1ed at Ihis: Afru rh e lament in which h ~ H en ce indeed the CUStom of the church 6."
hours, rwclve ofthecby and twelve of the u:pressed the figu re ofsin,he immedi.1lely was derived, thOlI Ih e sacrifice of the altar
night. Forhewas crudfiedfirstbythevoiccs gave up his spirir. For rhosewhowere,us_ should nOt be commemorucd by wrOlpping
rhe element s in silk, or any colored cJoth, ""51:9. '"NPN"F 1 60208; r(.GM'4)}. ]..I. [)e.o,hdid"""
ofthe Jew$ in the third hour, when it WOlS pended on rhe cross were tortured by a lin·
rh c 5ixthday of the week. Then he hung on ge ringdeOl th.Conseq<J endy, rhe legs ofrh e b ut in linen; as the body of th e Lord was ~::;.i :~~,:"~ ;~~. ~:,~~.~t!.l~~:~~~t
the cross itsd f ar [he sinh hour, and yielded thieves were broken, in order rhu thq buried in clean fine lin en. " HOM ILIES ON MO: 15,46: Lk2Ml:]n l~«)..41. -NPN F 2 41Sn. h ......
up his spifit Olr the nin th h our.' ON THR might qui ckly die and be raken down from TH£G OS PILS!4 ..... <hc Word. ... jd ...... 'ornbbw:,h.bod.yo(tI'" Wo<d
Th< Wood,. ... .." ,h.n~.J in,o bM" rod n..h bu, as
TRtNlTY4.6.IO.· the cross bcfore rhe Sabbotth." Bur Iha{he .umeJ","",,1lI<Ifluh.J.I<a<ko"""dc<iinfa,hc .... h..
was found 10 be alrudy dead wu a ca<Jle for 15:46b Thcy Laid Him in " Tomb "'o,ldwhilo h"bo>dr~omin<d;n'ht .....b.
15:43JoHph of Arimathea Went to ama:zc mem. An d we read that Pilate also
Pi/att al'ld Asked for the Body ofJu us wondered at fh i.!, wh en the body of th e Lord
was asked of him for burial." ON THE TRI:-I'
THE S~QU"N<;EO' EVB I'ITS. IGN .. nus: AI ITY 4.t). t6."
th e sixth hour he wa5 crucifi cd. Atrhe ninth 1 6: 1 -8 THE EMPTY T OMB
hourhe yieldtd lip his spirir. Beforesu noet 15:45 H t Granted the Blldy to Jlli eph
he wasbu ficd.During rheubbath he co ntin·
uedunderthe~arthinlhe tombinwhic h A To", .. ,\t..DE ,.Oll A:-IOTHllll. AUCUSTINE:
Joscp h of Arimalhea hOld laid him.' T o THE The Savior is pla ced in the sepulcher of an- lAn d when rhe sabbath wal paS!, Mary Mag dalene . and Mary rhe mother of
TR"~L!ANSSl·· o th er, because h e died for the salva(ion of J41mI':5, and S41loml':, bough t sp ic es, so Iha! they migh t go ,md anoint him. "And
orhers. For wh ucouldheha veto dow;(h very early on th e firH day of the we~k they w ent to rhe tomb wh en th e , un had
THE BOLDNllSS OF JOSEPU. CH RYSOS TOM: a sepulc hct, ro whom de:lth did nor prop- risen. lAnd t hey were s41ying to one allother, ·Who will roll away the stolle for
This was Jou ph, who h ad been conceOlling u s f ro m th e d oor of th e tomb? " 4And look ing up, they saw tha t the HOnt wal'
hisd;scipl ~hip.Nowheb ec:uneverybold, 'S5GF 2:ua, 'Cf.M,27,l J·SO. 'NPNF1 ):74. '0, .\1,
Zl'057-al;.\lkl 504Z •.f1;U~J.SI)."J;Jnl"'lS .• 2. • ... NF
roll~d bad:; it .waj IItry larg e. 5 And e nt.ering th e t omb, rhty Jaw a young man
afterthed~ath ofCh r;S{ .Fornei t hcrwashe
1.70; TlG 144 ).00 1. ~.9.~.1 , ·Cf. Mk 15 :4l: Lk n so. lif tIng on the TIght side. drtssed 11'1 a whltr: robe ; an d th ey were amaud . 6An d h e
anob$Cure person nor unnoticed. He was
'G(f. M,2'.foO:.'.r.kIS:46;lllMJ. "NPN F1 ,O:S22·.
one of rh e co undl. an d h ig hly distinguished, l aid t o them, ND o n o t be am au d;you l~ekJcsu s of N aza re th, who was 'r ~cifi( d.
TtG :.1062.l~1.S8.m.S· lS. "Cf. Jnl~ll ·12. "C(.Mk
and :u wesee,courageoU5.'Fo£ he exposed 1S.4}-••. " FC4S.11l:ct.r-.:P:-lFU8 H e has riJen, he is not h ere; Je e th e plact whut they laid him. ' But g o, ull his

238 239
~iulrltS ,md Peter that he is going before you to will s ec ,him , as braced chains for h is sake. The women the even;ng Wh;Lh was growing on toward
'u told you." SAnd they went out and ]led from the trembling and
, I
pouredolls; th e apostle. poured outthe;r th e dawn of Sunday: we should undersranJ
blood. SERMON 79. ) this thus: rheysrarted to come dur;ng the
41Honis hment had come upon th em; and th ey said nothing to any one, for they wne
evening,burreaLhed the sepulcher as rhe
IIfr'lid. 16:2a Very Early Il/l th e First D",yofthe morning of Sunday was dawning; that is.
Wall: thq prepared the spices with which they
wanted [0 anoint our Lord's body on [Sam r-
OVERV II!W: To behold the resurrection, roJ erusal em inantiqu;tywrotespecifl. THE DAWN. AUGUSTINE: All th e Go~pels r~ ­ dayJ evening, but brought th e spices that
the smne mun b e rolled away from our cally an d in det all of what th ey thought fer to th e period when th e heaven. werejust th ey had prepared in th e evening to thesep-
own heans. Th e women at the tomb weee waS the sepulcher reported;nMark(B~DE). beginn;ngto br;ghren;n the east.' This, of ulcher;nth e morning. Matthew. for the
the first to honor the risen Christ. The cours e, does nOt take place until the sunrise sakeofbrev;ry, wrote this more obscurely;'
apostleswereth e firS[tosufferforhim 16:la Wh~n th ~ S",ltb"t/, W",s P",st is at hand. For;t is the br;ghtness which is but the other ev.. ngelistslUshow nlOred;s-
(PETER CHRYSOLOGUS) . The daily transfor- diffused by the rising sun that is familiady tincdy the order in which it was done. After
mation of the e.. rly morning from d arkness SABBATH AND RESURRBCTION. ATH A- designated by the name of the dawn. Mark our Lord had been buried on Friday. the
to dawn is forever hallowed by theresur- NASI US: In the time of rh e old covenant. does not contradict the other Evangelist who wom en went away from the tomb and p re-
recdon (AUGUSTINE). The resurrection rhe sabbath was highly revered. Now un· us es rhe phras e, "When it was yet dark:' paredsp;cesandointments foraslongas;t
wasr evealedgr .. du .. lly,respectingthe der rhe gospel the sabbath has been recasr. For as th e daybreaks,whatremainsofthe waS perm;tted them to work. They then re-
frailty of beholders to grasp its significance nOW view ed as th e Lord·s res urrection day. darkn ess passes awayjusr in proportion as fra;nedfromactivityonrhesabbath,inac-
(BEDS). The apex mom ent of the diffus ion Th e sabbath fo rmerly had pertained to the th e sun continues to r;se. H ARMONY OF THE cord w;th they commandment." as Luke
ofd-.rkness is the time of the resunection pedagogy and rud;ments of the law. When GOSPELS3. 2 4,6$! dearly reports." When the sa bbath was
(BEDE) . The holy sabba th gleams even the great masrer himself came and fulfilled ovet. as evening was coming on, the time for
brighter under the new covenant as the them all for us, all that h ad prefigured his THE MEANING OF THE EARLY Hou .... BEDE' working had rerurned. Being resolute in
we ekly celebr ation of the resurrection com; ngwasrransformed.Theoldsabb .. th Upon this most sacred early morning hour is their devotion, they bought the spices that
(A THA NASWS) . As the virgin's womb h ad was like a candle lit in rhe night before the bestowed gteat dignity from the glory of the rheyhadnorprepu~d (earlierl(asMarkre ­
been sealed and yet he entered life, sO also rising and appearing of the sun.' HOMI- Lord's victory over dearh . For it was in the cordsit)~othat theymightcomeand ano;nt
the sepulcher was fi rmly sealed and yet he LIES.' earliest inception of that day that th~ h;m." HOMIL!ES ON THE GOSPELS 2.7."

~. :~:e~h~~rc~:;d~r~;:~:~n~:~~~:~;:rt~:rv-
w ..s raised to new li fe (PRUDENTlUS,
BEDE) . The resur r~ctio n is ann ounced by a 16:1b Th ey Bru"ght Spices 16:3 Who Wi11 Roll Away the Ston(for

~! ~~g:::~~:~r~:~n~,e~:~~!:: ~:::utt::~rd
youth as a n allusion that the resurrect ed U5 ~
body would b e developed in full strength \VOMEN FIRST TO HONOR THE RrS EN
(ISIDORE OF SEVILLE) . Christ is present CHRtST. PETER CHRYSOLOGUS: The women and superintendent oft;merose from the TUE 00011.01' THE HBART. PETER CHRYSO-
wher e the sig n of the croSS is rightly el<" w ere first to honor the ds en Ch risr, the dead during the final part of the n;ght. The LOG US; Is;tftOm the door ofthesepulcher,
alted-not the material croSs its dfas a apostles firsr ro suffu for him. The whole of the emerg;ng day is thus mad e a fes- orofyourownhearts, Fromthetomb,or
p;ece ofwoodbllt the crucified one who women were teady with sp;ces; the apos - tival. brightened by th e light of hi., resurrec·
noW liv es OOHN OF DA!>lASCU$). Between rles prepared for scourges. The wom en en· tion. HOM IliES ON THS GOSPEL$ 2.7.'
Jesus" resurrection and the general resur· 't er edthe tomb; th e apostl es would ,oon
rection. deat h is. for those who have fa;th, enter rhe dungeon. The women haHened 16:2h Th ey Went to the Tomb
to express their eulogy; the apostles em-
'Cf.j n 20,26: H<b B,13:R<vl.lO. 'TlG20l;.(j6, ;GM l to its being sa id in th~ gosp el reading that
435" ,n holy women came to See th e sepulcher "on

240 241
Neither the scone nor the bolts ofr h e tomb w hen th ey entued into [h~ sepukher, and 16:5bS iuing 0 11 the Righ t Side, DrcHed
from your OW" eyes? You whos.e h~ ..rt is shur, [ hat Muk has said norhing about the one i .. "White R.,!>c
whose eyes aredosed, arc unabk to d iscovcr wh om they saw .ining ouuide UpOIl [h~
D~ath lks conquered by h im, he h as
th e glo ry ofrhe open gra"~ . Pou' then your oil, "ampledonhe\l· .fi~ryc h u m. $tone. In thi s way they would have seen tWO TUE W o""o OF ET~""N A~ L1H. GR.SOO""Y TH£
ifyouwl~htosee rh ;l.tglory,notonthcbody With him a th rong of ':l.inrs asce nded w angels,arLdhavea.s ~t.lm(dtwostparat =a n ­ G!l.E AT: ArLd let us also rake nore of what ir
ofth c Lord, but on the "Y ~s of)"our he;l.rts. By hcavenly regions, gdic reports. THQ H A R MO:>lY OF T<l B Gos- means lhat the angd is seen sitting on the
rhe lightoff.. ithyouwillrhe"seerhatw~ic h And to mmy he .how ed.hi~~self. letting PELs).l 4.6J.
17 righl sid •. For wha t do el th e left sid e mean
th,oughthedefkicn<:yoffaithnowheshLdd~n th em s.e and touch hIm. ' but this prese nt life: arLdth e right hand.ide,
in darkness.1! SQRMON 81." SCENU F ROM SACREO H ISTORY, 4). THE T U B PILGUM .s' DIISC" U'T ' ON 0 1 ntl T OMS. if nollifeetcrnali ... Andao,si n ceou rr~­
SEPULCHEROF CHRIST." BIDI:Wh uwthave learneda boutt hia,ac- deemerhas nOw pasud over bcyond the
TH1! FRA IlTYOP BI!.HO l Ol>1lS ",," 0 TUBII' cordingco a deacription rel ared by those of mortality of this prC5ent life, righ d ydoc.s the
GItAD UAL RECOG" ITIO ... BE DE: Our Lord T" II STOJ<~ AS Ev, o~l<CII- BeoE' [T he angel] ourcon cemporaries who have bcen inJeru· angel, who had come to an nOunce h is entry
~ndrtdeeme're"eaIedthegl.oryofh isrC"Sur. rolled back the stone nor to throw open a salem who. upon their reruen, left a wric· in to etemal life, 5irat the right side. And he
rectionto h i$duci plesgradually;mdo ver;1 way for our Lord to come fonh, b ur to pro· ten reco rd for usofwh3t they uw th ere, It came clothed in wh ite: for he was annO lln,-
period of time, undoubtedly becm.e 5C1 great vid~evidence ropeoplerh arheh ad al rndy w as 3 vaulted chamber, hol!ow edo ut of ing rhejoyofth isourprnentsolemnity.
w as the viuu e of the m ir acle th at the wuk come forth . As th e virgin'. womb was roek. Jrs hcighrwasuch that a pCr50rL HOMILIE$2!."
h e;ms ofm orrals could nOt grasp [thesignifi- closed, sothesepulc herwasdosed,yethe sta nding in rhe midd le cou ld tou ch the
c;1" ce oflthis allatonce. T hus . heh adre- ent ered the wo rl d through her do~ed womb. aummitwith hi s hand . It s entranCe faced AN GELIC POSTUR ES P R1!FtGt!RfiD H,s
gard for the frailry of those suking him. To andso h e leftrheworldth toughth e close~. uSt,and thegrn t sron e about which the P" ' ESTLY A NO REGAL OHICB. B ~o~: It WaS
those wh o came firs t to the tomb, both the scpuleher. HOMILIES ON TH II GOSP61.S 1·7 · gospe l rel!s us waS placed over it. To rhc fining th J t the her;1ldofhis resunccrioni.
women who were .. fl ame with love for him rig ht uone entus was the pl"ce that was r~porred to h .. vc been ai tt ing.llso th3T by .it·
and the men, he showed rhestone rolled 16:5a Ellrt ,i"g lilt Tomb speeiall yptcparedas arestingp lacefort he tinghe migh t pre figure him who, having tr i·
back. " Since his body had been carried Lord', body, RVen fee t in lengrh,abou[ umphedover the;1ut horof death,would
away, he showed rhem t he linen doths" in \V "~ H fi. T wo ANG Et.S O. 0 .. , . AUGUS- twO fect above th e rest of [he floor. T he as.::end to his seat in his evedasting kingdom.
which it h .. dbeen wrapped lying there alone. Tl .. e, Mark tells usth;1'the women entered opening was nor made like thuofordinary ... Sitringon athronc is t he ..ctofa king.
Then, to the women who w~re Sf'arching thesepulch er,andthetesawayou~gman sepu lcheu, from above, bur e ntirely ffOm an d stlndingat a place of sacrifice is th acofa
e~ge rl y,whowereco nfused intheirm inds sitting on the right side, cove red WIth along th e side, from wh ich the body cot.lhl be high priest. Bccause our redeemer deigned to
about what they had found out about hIm, whitegatmcnt, andth attheyw erefnghr- p lac ed inside. HOM1~ IE SONTH EGOSPSLS becomeforu.atthes ameri m~bothaking
he show ed a vision ofang d ." wh o dis- e n~d Y In Matthew'J version, th e sto ne was 1 .1 0.
and a priest - a pries r to c1 ea rLse us thor -
closed ev id en ces ofr h e bc< th ar h e had alr eady roll ed away from th esepulcher arLd ough ly fro m our sins by be ing a ncr ifici-.l of-
ri5~rL ag~ irL . Thus, with the report of h is th~angelw a. si({ingupon it.I·T heexplan~ 16:5b Thq Saw a Yo ung Mall fering in hi. passion, a king co bestow OnUS
resurrectionalreadyaccomphshcd,gomg rion ma)' be that Marrhew ha. simply !I.:l.id an everlasting ki ngdom. T he angeb who pro-
ahnd of him, the l. ord ofhosuand the nothingaboutt he~ngel whomthcy$"w \VHY A YOUTH! ISH)O~ E Of SE VilLE' Why ~ cla im h i. resurrection appeatcd while !itting
kingofglorr" hi msclf arl~ ngth;1p.peared a young man"?'"T he resurrection of the in order to sign ify rhat he had gone 10 seek
and made d~ar wit h wh at gr ... t mIght he dead, as the apostle &Cures, will be ·umo
h 3 dovercomethe d ea t hhehadtemporar~, the fullness of the ffiC;lsure of the statu re of
ily tasted. HOMI LIES os THE GOSPE [..$ z.g. Ch rist,·lO rh ati$,in the scaonofyouth. I7NPNFlbUO'I· · .n...«p<>tn o(ch< ...... EY'r.g<li>" ....
which rLceds no further deve lopmem m d noc<on,,><lH:<ory. "'Hoc. 2:9>'. "C(.M~16,S. "Eph
16:4 Tht Srone Wa5 Rolled Back which is free from all def«t. co mplcte in
4,ll . "GMI419"'. "SSCF2,H2: Mign<PL 76'01. llLl9.
s." nloll. "Cf.M<1!,2;Mkl 6.!.T n, i,,,,, i,,,,nyM,,k
cvcry res pect, h avirLgfullrLess ofstrerLgth. ..""m <h<roung m. n ...i«ingwhil.i n Luk, rwom<n."
TlfIlSTo .. 1I COU l D N OT HOLD H ,M. SBNT" .. C ES 1.l9·" "."din~


....... ~ "In 11" hc~vrnl)' kingdom ~frrr h n- grave four d~ys," and Ja irus' doughur:! and Bur when!At theendoflhew orld, arthe w ho go down into the water ~s metal is u_
_'hOfll4 dudl. The y ~ppeared a[50 the widow's son."lr is he thOlt raised himsclf ruu~n,cdon of the dead in which we believe
CUt in Ol fumace. It revcal.s to them rhemys_
.......111... 10 .how Iha1 he ~lso inter~edes for bY l hecommandofrhcFat herint he s~ce an d concerning which We do nor doubt. S~R ­ te ries ofimmOrtOlliry; it scals them wirh fhe
MI ,tI"
",y.,.rlu of his I'alher'u a high ofthr~edays, who is rhe pledge of Our reSl1r. MoN23J·j·4."
pledgeofresurrtction.Thesewondcrfulmys .
.. ~ ..., IIO""t IUONn , nGos PH1.S'l..7,IO." rection.Forheuys:·lamthe res u rr ecti~n teri ts arc symbolized for yo u, the newly en-
and the life."" Now th e vcry O ne who HI S RE SURRIICT ION R~ CA I" T U LATiD IN
lig ht ened,e venin cheg,u memsY°l.1Wear.
.... r'lI S ttkJtlfH of N":"l'ttb, Wbo broughtJonah"aliveOlndunhunoutofthe OUR BAPTI S M. BASIL OF SELEOCrA' Christ
Sce how you are cl orho:d in chc outward
W.. ntlfl'~ bellyofthewh~kin thesp:l.ccofrhreerbys. ducended into heJl to liberate irscOlpri"es. signs ofchesc blessings. T he r.adiant bright-
and who brought the three children OUt of In onc instant he destroyed ~II record of ness of you r robe sta nds for incorruptibiliry.
f •• T• •• ,USU\I<.J O.'N of D A MA SCUS: the furn",'e ofB .. bylon and Danid our ofrhe ourancienr debr incl.ltred under ehe law, in Th e white band encircling Yol.lr hud like:l
Wh." ""' ..... or. hlp rhc likene .. ofrhe price- mOlJrh ofrhc !ions."does noc [ack power to otder to !ead us to hea ve n w here there is diadem proclaims your liberty. In your hand
1....,uJUr• .• lvlngcross, we know rhu ir r~ise us upalsO.CONSTJTUTT01'lSOFTIH! no dea ch but on!y([e rnal life and rig hc- )'OU hold ches ign of your victory OVet rh e
' 1 ",Id" Oul of. HU. Wc.He no! honoring HOLY APOSTLES j. I ." eous nes s. By the baptism which you, ,he devil. Christ;s showing you th at you have
,h. H" ". Ulc h (God forbid), but rhe like- newlyenlighten ed,have j ustreceived,you
now share in rhese blessings. Yourinitia-
risen from rhe dead. He does this now in Ol
n ..... " . ymbol o rChri,r. For heui d to T UB DI A TH O F DUT H. AUGUSTINE: He symbolicwOly,bllrl-OOnhewil!revealrhefuli
hl l "'.rlplu •• dmoni,hing them. ~Then died. but he v", n'lui shed deac h; in himself tio n into the life of grace is th e pledge of reality if we keep Ih egarmcmoffai ch unde _
,hili .ppur Ihe lign of lh~ Son of Man in hep uta n c nd to wh at Wc fear-ed; he took yo u r resurrection. You rbap rism is the fi[ed and do not let si n e>cti nguish th e lamp
...."." .. "nl .. nlnglhecross.Andsoalso it upon him s e\f ~ndhtun'luished ic.:asa promise of the life ofhe3Ven. By your im- of grace. If we preserve the crow n oflhe
1--. ..... loflhcruurrccrionsOlidrorhe mighry hunter he capr uredands lew the mersionyou imitated the buriOlI of the
Lotd, bu r when you Ca me OUt of the Wa ter
S pirit,the l ordwillcallfrom heavenina
.....". - You lukJcsus of Na:areth who lion." Where is dcath~ Seek it in Christ, vokeofuemendol.lsmajcsty, yet fuUof ren_
fot it uists nolongcr: but it did e;ll'in and rou w ereconsciousonlyofrhereOllityof
• ., frrotCln.d.·" And Ihe apos t1euid. "We
,,..,h lu lll c rucified."" For lhere:l.rc °
now ir is dead. 0 life, death of death! Be
ofgoodhe:lrl:ilwilldieinus , ~lso .What
theruurrection .... Thegraceofthe
Spi ril works in a mysce ri ous wayinrhe
derness: Come, b!esnd of my Father. n.ke
po ues. ion of the kingdom prepared for you
"',,,, n"med Juu! and many who may si nce rhe beginn ing of the world. To him b~
( 1.1", 10 be Ihc Chrin, bOI we worship chc h:astaken pbceinourheadwil1 1akeplace fonr,Ol nd the ourward appearance musr glory and power for ever, through endless
,M Cf\u:lflcd. He dou nor say pierced but in his members; dearh will d ie in us also. notobsc urethcwonderofit.A[rhough
waeera~rvesasrheinstrume n r, ir;sgr~ce
~gcs, amen. EAsTER, H o"u lT.'"
,utln,d. It behooves us, then, to wors hip
11I•• I, n orChrisr, 1:01' wh crevcr the sign whichgtvcs rebirth. Grace ttOlTl$forms all
m'rb" Ih ere also will hebe. But ic does "Cf..\lkI6:5. "U 24:4, ".... o m.n "ood by ,h.m in d,,· who Olrc pl.l.ced in the font as the seed is
nUl b, hooveu, rO wo .. hip rhe material o f
,ling 'W"d.· "HOG 2.'1;2. 91. Sin« O~, R, d.. m., w., transformed in the wom b. ltrefa.s hions:l1!
!>o<~prie".~dk; ng.,b • ."gc""'hOI''''d.tin"dhiI WU'·
whic h Ihe hnage of the cross iscomposcd. ,.don.ppo"cJin""'po.ocuuofbomp.,-""("."di",, ..
tWen though it IS gold or p~~(ious stoncs. in Lu.j."Jkin'(.i',;ng. ... i.M ... k).·So;:u>di.."'IIi>'P!' .... ·
TII.OKTIIOOO;ll' FAIT H 4.11. " pri".'o_figl";"g..i"ing'oon.n.ti"'S.h ..... ~""\,
,h.""Q,ld .pp..,.d"'nding.'h .. brhi.".nd;nilp...·
16,6b Ht H"s Risen ' ion l htmiSht«p"" ,h. f.",h .. ,h. on. h.",Hp'O. 1 6 , 9-13 RE S URRECT I ON
:::~~~';~~:,:g 1~~d,O2~~~.· :~, ~~:r;;t,~~~;~r
T II .QU ICI<QN IN<i P OWllA OF H,s RBsUAREC- Cocl,z). "r-;~NF29-~:cf.fC)7,jj l . "Cf.jnlbl-44,
T IO "". CON5TrTUTloNSOF THE HOL Y APOs· "Cf.MkS,11.41. "Cf.Ur7,1l·)S. " Jnll,]5. "a.Jon
N.lo. "Cf. D.n },]·lO: 6d·23, ., ANF 7,440' . Th, ?"'"'"
'Now wbtn be rou wrlJ 011 tbe first dllJ of the wuk, be appeared firH to Mary
TLI.r The rnurrectionin whic h we believe
iJ thar which has already beendemoMrrated oFki .... uflc<tioni.,h-cpr'mi .. or"",..W••
«h-cing Magd"lell~,from whom he bad cast out Hven demo ns . rOSb e went "nd told tbou
who had been WI th him, as th ey mou rn ed and w ~pt. llBut wh en tbey h eard tbat he
,. i,cd,on. wlif,b<eml<ofhi,ru ut<<e,kln.whi,hJ,,,,,,n·
in the rcsurrection of Ou r Lord. Foric is he ;';:.': :::~~~ J"", """ I..,.. l">""cr ' 0 ,,1.. u. , 1'0. "Cf.
th,,, .,..ised La~arus .. fte r he had been in the was ,,/ive and bad ba n seen hy ber. th ey w ou ld not helieve it.

244 245
12 Afurthi, hI' ap p ~ared in anothe r f orm to tw o oflh em, <ti thty Wtr~ walking inl o ncrs nn dry, thestrengch of t he dcvi! It s.:~m. as ifsome i mp~dime nt to recogn i-
drained away and demonic armies were Scal- tion had },(,en effcct~d in Ihe ey"s of rho se
I~e co untry . IJA nd l~(] went back and fold the rest, but they d id not b diev~ th ~m.
tered. EASTER HO"II LI El> SI.I"}.' ",·ho beh dd him; and wh en it is pIllinlys.a.id
d sew her e:" Heappea redloc h"m ina norher
s tcad we carry th e newly enligh lened ... \V ' I1' TH I FI RST D AT OFTHIl \V£IlK IS S6T shape"'·-obviously in h is own body with
O"IiII." .Ew,Thedisciplesdidnotrecogn io:"
Th is is t he d.1y in Ih e truescselUe; the day APART. ISIDaRE OF SBVILL.: Th e sacr edneu another apptara nce-some effe ct W:l.'< ptO-
dleriscn l.ord. evenwhenh e w..svi5ibly
o f triumph. th ~ day custom consecr aces to of thc l ord's Day is~ppaTtntfromtheholy duced which uc(d ~s an impediment to p re·
w~lking wilh them on Ihe way, be<:ause t hey
cheresurrection, Ih e day 0 11 which wc Scripture. Thi s was Ihe fi rst day of the ,·enrrh~m,rha'is. ( h eireyeswe r c s ubjected
had fo rgOtlCn hi s promises. U ntilth"bre~k"
adorn our sdves wirh grace, t he day On wodd. On this day Ihe elements of the crea" toa d elay in recognition. LETTERS, '49 TO
ing ofb read Iheir ey es were obslructed nOl
whi ch we p.u uke of the spiriluali~mb. lion w"re fanned. On this day rhe anget. PAtJLINUS. '1
byrhe risen Lord but by dl ei r own lack of
This is I he day on whic h milk is g iven 10 were created. On thi s d ay C hriSt ros e from
p" rceptio n (AuGu5TINE). Resurrec tion d~y,
t h ose born again , and on which G od 's pbn the de~d . On Ihi£ day th e H oly G host came 16:12b Hr] Did Not B t lie ll e Him
thc firstday oflhe week. is l<:r apart u Ih e
for the poor is reaii:ted . Ler us keep i' '''·'th down from heave n on the apostles. On ,h is
marko f newbeginnings,a n.. logoustoth e
giadnus an d rejo icing, nOt by running off !ame day the man na in the wildernes.s wa5 T t<1! D..... NISSOP TH IIII PII! RC BPTI ON.
firstd:lyofcre~tion([S I[)()II&OF5li V!LLE).
to the u verns. bu t by h.1$len ing co che mar· fies t given. ON TH E O RIGIN OF ECCUS1ASTI" AUGtJsTlN!; T heir eyes were obslr ucted,
As i woman (E"e) wu first to last e deat h,
ey u's hrin es;notby eue emin gdrunken" C ... I"OFFICBSI·:l.4·· Ih" Ihey should not recogn i:.e h im un til I he
so ~ woman (Mary Magdalene) was fi rst to
ness, bul by lov ing temperance; nOI by breakingofthebrc~d. And t hus, in acco rd -
ture life. As .. womanw asprescienr in t he
fall, so a woman was prescient in beholdi ng danci ng in th e marketpl ac e, bUI by singing 16:9bHe F irJ I Ap ptartd 10 M~rJ ance wilh Ihe state of IhriT mi nds, wh ich
psalms at h om e .... T h is iS lheda)' on MIIg4"lent. from W hom H e H"d ellst were stiUignoram ofthc Iruth (that the
the dawning of redemption. thu , reversing
wh ich Adam was se l free and Eve d di v· Out Seve n D e mon s Ch ri lr wou lddieandrit.eag~in ), rheiTeyes
t he curse upo n Eve. Thc firsl 10 tcst iry ro
ered from her affi ict ion.lt is Ih e day on were similarly hindered. It was not tha t Ih e
Ihe ri sen lord was a woman from whom h e
whi ch cr uel dealh ~ hudd( ro:d, the strength T.u F"' LLBN W OMAN FIRST TO 5811 T>l1 rrurh himself was mi sleading chem,bul
had casr Out sev en demons (B EDB).
of h ar d sto n"s was , hatt cred andd". R.rU N LORD. Bso", A woman' firsl tasted t3Iherth at lheywerclhems.elv<:$unable w
s!toyed, the bus of tombs wert broken death, but in Magda!en" woman first saw p~tcei"c the tru~h," THE HARMONY Of T H£
16:9a H c RO H Early on tb e Fi rst DIlJ of
and se t asi d e. Itis Ih e day on which rhe the res urrcc, ion. that wo man mig h,nDI },(,3t GOSPE LS J.1S.1 1. "
tb e lVHIt
bod'''' of peop le long dead w ere restored the perpelu.:U guile of (rallligress,on among
to t he ,r for me r life and rh e laws of the un ' men. HOMILIES ON THE G OS VE U ! WHY REcoc""TlO'" CAM E H ARD. Au ..us-
Tt<. T HRiI D U5.I"NHIUS: The day of
preparation, then. comprises t he s uffering
derworl d, h ith erto ever powerful and ,rn' TINE:jesu, ap peare<i; he was visible to their
m utable,w"retepe aJo:d.l l isrhedayo n T HI! FIR 5T ANNO llNC I!MB NT COMBS BT eyes. yet he Wa.'I nOI reeogniud. Th~ mas ter
dea th , rhe Sabbath embuces th eburi;al, l h e
whi ch th e h eavenswer eop enedal chcri," WOM"'N. B Il OE: It wu ~t.o a woman who
Lord's d~yconcainslhe resllr<e<:tion. To
ingofChristthe l ord,andonwhich, fo r firs t announ ced to th e disc ip les that th e
TB II TllALLIANS 9 ·' ~FB"~SClal.Jl'.12- 'O<o"ti"< og;<"" . ", £«1. .
th e good of the hum:1.II uc c, the f!ourish · Lor d had come forth from thccon fincmenr
ingand fru it ful creeoflhe resurrection of the gra ve,' so that "where sin abounded
' .."i" .. ""GMI_.45.Thu,t.. urr..:ri""d..r.'h~~",
O N K UP 1>l G E"ST ~". UNKNOW:-I G RIIE K .uyof,b< ..... I<, .. ""'''l''r:.K<O<dins'om.Chti"i.rt
se Mforth br~nc h. s all o\l<.' r rh e wo rId , as if grace might more abcund. "' CoMME:'<TART '.o<,;ll<. riono;"",""",IMrirn<ofn.wb.S'M;n"""",p,,
t h e wodd w ue a garden. It is t he day on IN ACTS n.lj.· " bk'o,l><fimihr of«.. d on" he w.y of P. n,<co"" nd
day which the Lord has made;ler uS keep it
with g!~dn~.s and rejoicing! Why should we
whic h the lilies ofl he n ewly en ligh te ned ~'::.,'~~:~.n'~~;:to::::::::~~:~; ::::~~ :~hf~;n>·
sp u ngup, th e str eam s thal susl ai ned sin - 16:12aAs They W t rc Wll lking in' " tht
do s01 {kcause the sun is no long"r dark-
en ed; instead eve rylhing is balh ed inlighl.
Country H e A ppe ll rcd in Anothtr Form ~:."':c~ ~~,~ ~:'~;:~.:C:~~Ii~:'~:O:!.:.
to TwoofTbtm dudl;M...<JIM>~"'w .. !II. fi, ... ,o ,.... li f•. \OM~
{kc~use t h" veiJofthe templeisnoJo nger 'A NF1 ,70.T hefl r"d'roi th<w •• k."h.d,y.r.. """ 16,12:Lkl4, 1iS. " FClO,2HAn;n .... cJobtcru<rionof
p • .-coobbo' h.ln", .. ,..."h.",~.'h",.d')".
rent; inscead th e Church is recognio:ed. Be·
cause we no longer hold palm bnnchcs; in"
'C f, p, lla,2~ T HEI R I"' PBOBO R.u ;OGI< ITlON. AJ.:GUSTIN E: ~1. ~;;;,;;k~';~;~;~ ~~;;:~ .. m.1 '<cog"i'io n

246 2 47
pare in the gifts of th~ apostol~te, whose
...... ,lk~,I ..... ,d, Ih~n' ,"l ,h"""':I ; ,:I f~.:r, h" Thcy ..... crc.odismrbed when Ihey $aw him
signs and wond~rs may convict un believers
hanging on the cross th at (h ey forgot his
~~:::~k"::~;'~~;: ;~;: ~:~,i,~~ ;:~:~. r'I~~;'''h:~( ,~,::" r.,aching , did noclook fur his {esu rrcction,
even when words fail (CONSTITUTIONS OF
THE HO LY Al'oSTLijs) . God th e creator,
BBOE: He appnred in tbe brernng of bread
and faikd 10 keep his poomis", in mind. Su-
whose guiding providence is running its eothose who,supposingrhathewua
.... 0 101 135 . 1."
course througho ue all natio ns, seeks to be srranger, inviICd him to share lheir tab le."
known as loving Father OUST!N MARTYR, He will :.Iso be present to us when we will·
dl.lt he ..... o"ld ,Ii~, th~t he would ri~~ again NOVATtA"'). Each believer r ecei v~s gifts from ingly bestow whatever goods We can on
0" Ih~ thi,.,l ,br-h~ had pr"di ((~d :.II; but the Father and Son through the Spirit u- srrangeu and poor people." And he will be
1", d,·.I;h ......n ai ~ 10» of memo,y for them. cordi ng ro each one's capacity to r«eive(A M- prue nt to US in th e bre:.Itingofbrud. when
&ROSH). T hose who study Scripture wirh wc partake with a chaste and simple con-
goo<ijudgment may read and even memori~e Sc1e nce in the s.acr.:uncntofhl$ body, rhe liv-
poisonous, hen:rical ru~ without harm pro· ing bread." HOMtUES ON TH~ GOSPELS 1.S."
videdthey remain faithful to rhe rule offaith
16;14 -18 THE COMMISSI O N TO THE APOST OLATE !earneda t their baptism (AUGUSTINE). 16: 14b He Upbrllided Them for Their
Unbditfllnd H"rdn uJ ofHtllrt
16114a Afterwllrd H e App e llr~d to th e
Eleven Themulllts As Th ey Slit li t WHY H BCIH DEO TltH.... AU(lUSTlN~' T he
HAf( l! rward h t appeared to lh e t/ Hcrl themselves as t h t) sa t at lab le; arid TIILle lordJ u us himself chi ded his discip les. his
he upbraided themfi)r their unbdi efarld hardness ofhear~, baaus t t h ty had not earliest followers who remained clou ro
believ~d thoH who saw h im after he had risen. UAnd he sard to them, ~Go inlO all IN So~u COP. I!.$. JEROME: In s.ome copiu, him, beca""" ,hey did not bc:lieve that he
the world and prtllch the gospel to Ihe whole erelllion. 16He who belit "ts and is and up«iaUy in th~ Gre~k codices, iT is wrir· was now alive, but grieved over him as
ren according ro Mark at the end of his G~­ dead.." They were th.:fathersofthef~ ith,
baptized will be sllvtd; but he w ho d oes no l bt/iue wiU be condemned. l1A n d thest
pe(:"At length Jesus appearedw lheeleven burtheywe renotyetfuUy believers.Th~y
signs wiU occompany tho .. e who belie"e: in my name they wi~1 caH oUI.de mo'HI the] as they were i t u ble.·' AGAINST TH! PELA' di d no tyetbe! ieve,:.Irhoughtheyweremme
will .. peak in new tongues ; "Ihe] will pick up .. e rpents, arid if they drmlt any dead~] GtA NSl'!5! teachers s.o that the whole world mighr bc·
thing, it will ~O l hurt them; th ey will lay th eir harld .. Orl th e .. iclt, and th ey wd! lieve whattheyw~re de$l inedtopreachan d
No EATING WtTIIOUTTEETH.j IiROMB: As what they were going to die for. T hey did
he showed th em real hands and a real , ide, l nOly etbeJie;·~thathe,whomch ey h ad 5een
so he really ate with his disciple.;' rnlly raisingothe" from the ciead. had himself
QVERVlnw: Jerome waS aware of textual dif· GtiST( NE.NoVATlAX" ). Th ~uni[yofthe walktd wit h Cleoph;u;' conversed wirh men arisen. Duerved ly, then, Wete they rebuked.
ficultiesassociated with th e lo nger ending of who le body of Christ derivu from i[l (o nd- with a rul tongue;· really recl ined ar supper;'
Mark OSROMS). Early exeger~~ of th is con- nuitywi(h the leaching of the aposdn (T s!l- w;(hrealhandJrookb read,blessed and
duding pasuge in ~hrk focused brgdy Ttl1.LtA"'l_Thegifi:sofspernngi n rongues broke it, and was offering i( (0 them." ... Do '.\lkl6:14. 'FC'iJ,Jl1.J.""",,·.ph...u·,n..,m.copia"
upon ehe ironies of th~ tut: T hose who u and casringout demonsweregivennote~du­ .ho ..... " .., by m. md of m. foufth «n,uryOui.riarI
not po t Ihe pow~rofrhe lo rd on a level
fine did not beli~ve be<:ame fathns of th~ sivelytorh~firs[.1.postol;cg~neration bur ~w"',."'."'of, •• .....td,;fkWn<-> ... O<iat<d ... irn
wirh rhe tricks of n'agicians, so char he may t!tecndingolM.rk. 'Cf.jnlO:l1. ·Cf.Mk!6:!4. ·Cf. u<
faich for all who would lat~r belicv~ (AuGus, also to rhecontinuingapos tol3,e (AM&ROSE, 2"U,)S, ·Cf.lilH?21. ·Cf.M~I6<14. 'C(.U<2':JO
appear ro have been wha c he was not, and
T1l'ul·Wha c cheaposc!es t hemsetv~shad GltEGORY THE GREA Y). T he command to may be thought to halle eaten without teeth, 'NI'NF 26,Ul'. Tb" .;. no m..gk ""~. H ....... rtO'" tII,
seen andnotbeli eved,theGenrilnwoul d witnelSis add ressedtorh eapos rl~ sand(he walked wi tho ut feer, bro ken bread with Our
d..d.wid, ki ••"u>!t.",n .n~",ith "oi.l...ib •. " Cf. Lk
24:29. "Cf.M,l,,\l.46. "C£.Jn6,$l. "HOGl:7S
Iater bdi evewithout~eei ng.Thus th ere ­
co ntinuingapoSlolaterhar fo!lowsafter hands, spo ken witho ut a tongue, md Wh.n<v<tw<o ff.. b";J'oth<p<>O , o,,,rtfO/ rh,
proof of chcapos t! es w ..sj ustified ,,,,dwas them (AlJG~'sTl"'~) . T hose who ho ld fa,e to showed aside which had no ribs. To PA"" - ",.ni",r h""'"Lo,d ;' p,,.<nt. " Cf. Mltl6o\4
requir ed before rh eir commissioni ng (A u· th e f~i(hofeheapostl est h e m selv espartici .

substqut:nt ch urcht:., ooeafter rne o.her. de. throwhepredi"t:dbyrht:wor<lioftht: We know that those who believe in the Lcrd
rived the rule of faith and the seed.ofdoc. prop hets. H is prov idence indccd runs iu from thcir own hcarc do this ofrht:jr own
TH E GR IIl"T CoM .. ,SS ION. AIIGIISTINE; He lIint:. Even to roday mey conrinue to derive COUTSe through tht:wflolt:cosmositseif. TH" will and free choice. W e who now believe acr
dso showed hinuelf OR Onc final oeea..ion 10 ftOmlh e a~lksrharwhich'. necessaryiR righ tl y when Wc pray ro God for th<»e who
th e eleve n a.. rhey u.,oc{rableroge. her1(l- ordcr tnat they be churche&. tndud. iris fo. refust: to belit\'(. and pray that rhey th~m­
Iha. is, on the fortieth d~y itself. He was Ihis rnso n only.hal tht:y art: able to de.:m TH ~ UTTER . .. os-r P .. RTS O ~ T" 1i F... RTH . sclves may in time fteely w ill tobd ieve. LIT _
now on rhe point orleaving rhem and ascend- themselvcsa..ap<>Sloli<,ubeingrheoff. AUC;U5TINE: The command to rhe aposd"ll
TERS,1 ' 7TOVIT"LlS . 1O
ing into he;lVeR." He wa.. minded on that springof;tpostolicchurchu. As insciencc. to be wirncss..s to him in Jerw.tlt:m, Ju<iea,
memo rab led~yespeciallyro re provechem every gen us fevcruto iu o riginalfQrirsd;u_ Sa ma r i~, and eV~ !1 ' 0 the utte rmost p.. r($ of l6:17a TlotJt Signl Will Atco mp"nJ
forr neir refuw 1'0 bdicve tho$ewho had sificarion, sO with rht: ap<>Stou, ,htlrch. the catch" was nOt add.-e$Sed exdusivdy to Th"se Wh o Bditvt
seen him after he had risen,unl il rheyhad However many Qr grur rht:se churches may mose to whom it was immediardy spokt:n.
seen him themselves. For when rhey would be,tht:yCQmprise but one primitive church, T hey alone would not be the only o nes who T H .II C H U RCH C ONTI N lIliS T O E..I B<) O Y
preachchegospclafttrhisuceruio n.rhe na- fo unded by the ap<>sdes, from which they all would carry such an enormous rasle ro t:om. TH .IISI! G U'T S. GREGORY T HII G RE.. T: b it,
cions themselvcs would be ready ro belie ...e spring. In this way ill ut: primitive. AIJare pletion. Similarly he Stems to be spuking to my brcrhren,because wedo not havcrhest:
w hu mer did not Ut . • . . If. ther efore. Ihey ap<»rolic.Th'1'aU areont:, by means of their theapostks verypt:rsonally wh t:n he says, signs that you do not believe,l These Were
w ere charged 10 preach rh~t those who do tlnbroke nunity,peaccfulcomm\lnion,tirie ~Bcho!d lam withyouevenro th~endofthe net:dt:d lit thechurch's bcginning. T he new
notbc!ievewil!becondemned,whenthey of dt:scent, and bond ofhospiuliry. Theso world, ozs yet who dota nOt know thar he faich needed to be nouns ht:d by miradcs TO
mefl\Klvcs had not beUt:vtd what rht:y had ~rt:privilegtathatnoo[her ruledircccsthan made this promise to me un iver»i church grow. When We plant a vinryard we must
j usrsec n. was it not fitting that tht:y should the one tradi tion of ,he same mystery. PR[, wh ic h wiU last from now eve n to th e con- water the plants till We su they have ~n
rhcmsdvcs fint be thus rcpro ved for rhcir SCR.PTION AGAINST H€RiTICS 1 0.- summation of the world by successive binhs to grow in rheearth,and whent heyhave
OWn refus.al ro believe thou to whom rhe and deatN! LETTu.s, To H UtCH.US 49. lIfi once taken root Wt: Cease to Watt:r them con-
Lord had shown himself ~t ~n urlier Stage 16:15b Pm lC h tb e C U pt! to th e W hole srand y. , .. BultfUclifecanno.beobtained
unti l thcy shollld h~vt: set:n him with their Cre "tio n 16:16 H e Wlo ~ Bclit"ej " nd Is BAptized by means of these oUlwud.sigru by those
own eya! H"l"'OI<Y OF TliE GosP~LS Sh411 BtSQ" td
who perform them. For although corporeal
}.a5·76." T" I! G OS" "L P ItOC I.AI"" ",D T O A ll.. C R i'" works of this kind sometimes do proclaim ao
TIOI<. No v.. Tl "N : He willt:d rhat the apos' W HY THE C " Yi Ct<IIT IC" L P.ACI ~O F B ..... TIS- inner holiness of life. rheydo not btingit
l6:15a Go intl> A Ud, t Wo rld du u spiritual progenitors oftht: neW .... t FAIT .. rs So B-..! u. AlICUSTIN~: The about. Ho),uLlEs 0 :.; T H E GO S PELS l ; . P
hu.tnaniry would be Sen r by his Son into the ecumenicillyreceivcdfai.h is taught in the
C O MMO N M II N W t<o T1!ST ' ~ 'IlD OF TH II UN- enti rt: world,"$Oth~t aUhumansufferen Heed and committed to memoty in a form of T H tI PURI'OU OF Acco ......... S Yl N(; S , CNS.
, CO"''''OI< GIt ... CE. OF GOI). JUSTlN M .. RTYR: might come to the knowledge of their cru· the utmost possible breviry, so as co frame CONST ITUTIONS O~ T "~ H OLY ApO STLQS:
A band of twelve men wen. forth fromJeru- ror. rnsofara.s .. nychO(l.e to follow him, an expression in few words of that which With good reason did he say to all of us 10-
&lIlem, and they were common men, nOI Ihey have One whom rht:y now add.css in wuimt:ndedtobet:Xplained arJ argeaf'ter_ gether, when We beame fuUy aw.>.re of lhost:
rrained in speaking, but by rhe powt:rof the ir pr.. ycrs as Father. Z2 instead of God. His ward~ to person. in a state of formation and giflll that Wete given from him by th~ Spirit;
God they tt:lItificd to t:ve ry UCt: of human- providence has run andat praent runs iu advaoct:ment in knowlcdgt: of God. OF
kind.F " ,sTAI'OLOGY 39." eours.e no. only among individuau bur ~lso F" ITH"'NOT",C R UDt."

through whok cities and Hac CS, whose o~er-

T ,,,! C " lIRC " R IIlM.uNS ONE I N rT S C O IJNT' WHET " ~R B ,U'T IS "" .. t F" ' T H ASSUlusS.. t_
LESS CU LTIJR" L E X P RESS IONS, T~ RTlILLI"' !<; v"Tlo .... AIIGU$TIN~; We know that the
"FC:I8:laJ.~· , ' "Cf.M.2!,16.20:MkI6:1"'li. "O:."k dud who die in the Lord are bku.:d, ,. and
T hen in this sarnt: way the apostles went OUt 16:1~.ZO: U. 2"'SI:A«>1:9: Eph~:.s.IC. ";':PNF 1
to found churchcs in t:very city po£s,blt:.lri.s 6<22(1'. ,oLCC1,1.66. '"ANF 1:2S2'" I'Cr.).h2S:l9'. ~lk they have no concern with what Ihey would
fromrhescaposlolic chu{chesthal aUlht: 16:1S, Ephoklt.ll. "Ci. ~,6:9;Uil:1;R""":lS. have done if they had uved a lo nger time."

250 251
"And th~se signs will ~ccomp:J.ny those who the Son also grant ed ir. OFTH I! HOLV SPIR.IT THII WRITINGS O. HSRETlCS. AUGUSTINB' which ought to be repudiated. even if they
believe; in my name they will c~t Out de- a. I }.ISI." For wh ~ t else are heuing. re~ding and copi- commit to their memory he rericai Sta te-
mons; they wil! spc'lk in ncwtongucs; rh ey ousl), depositing things in th e memory. th an ments which are ded .. red [0 be wonhy of
How TUESE G,F TS ARE DLSTRIIUITEO IS sevetal stagesofdrinkinginthoughu!Th~ diS:lpprov~l.rhqreceivenoharmfromrhe
will pi ck up serpents, andifth~y drink any
TILl! CHURCH T OD ... y. GR.EGORYTHE GR&"'T: Lord, however, forelold concerning his b ith- poisonous~nddepravednatureof (h~e$en­
d~adly thing. it will not hurt them; they will
by t heir hands on the sick,and they wi ll re- There is someth ing to be said of these signs fu! foUower., th at even "ifthey shou!d dri nk I( nees. 0 .. THE SO UL " NO ITS ORIGfN l.ll:)

co vcr, "ll These git'ts were fi cst bestowed o n and powers of .. mOt e veiled n a tur~, " Th e any dcadly thing. it will not hu rt them."oa
uS th e aposd~s when we were ;about to ho ly Chl.lfCh is even nowdoingspirituaUy. And [h tu it h appens th .. t they who read
preach the gospel ro every crearure, L.ater everyday. whar she then d id th rough the with judgrnent. andbesrowtheirapproval
they ofneces sit}'w~tc atTordedto others Jpos tlesco rpor .. td y. For when priesu. by on whatever is commendable acco rding to
who h~d by th e apos tles co me to believe, thegtaceofexorcism. l..yhJndsonbcliev ets the rule o ffairh," ~nd dir.approve of things
T he.segifts werenotgivenfor .headvannoge and forbid evil spirits to in habit their minds,
ofrho s.e who perfor m thcfT\,bu t fot the con- what:lre they doing but - cas ring OUI de·
vicrion of the unbelie vers, th at those whom mons"1 And any believers wh .. rever who
the word did not persuade, t h~ powe r o f hencefott h ahandontheprofanityoftheold
sign. might put to shame , CO)<ST ITUTlOSS life, and l.ltter holy myster;es, and rehearse, 16;19-20 T HE ASCENSION
as best they c.. n. th e praise and power of
the ir m.aker,wh .. t are they doing bl.lt "speak·
16: 17b And The! Will Sptllk in New ing in new rongues~~ Moreover, when by
19S0 th en the LordJesus, afle r he had spoken 10 th em. was tak en up in to heaven, and
the ir good exhortations they remove evil
T ongllu sat down at the right hand oj G ad. lOAnd thty wentjfH th and preached e verywh ere,
from th e heartsofo lbcrs, .. re they nOr "tak-
WllliTH8R A L L ApOSTO LI C G,FTS A .... ingup s.erpents"? Aren't [hese miracles the while Ihe Lord worked with them and confirm ed tbe me Hage by tbe sign s that
R[c81v 81> liT AL L B~lIEVIIIlS , AMBROS E: greaterbee:luse theyarespirilual,hecal.lse attend ed il.Am en.
See, Go d se nt :lpostles, and sc nt proph ets rhey .. rethe meansnot of r~isingupbodies
and tuchcrs, gave the gift ofhe:llings, bu[sou ls! T hese signs then, beloved,you do
which as we h ave fou nd are give n by the ifyouwiU . "' HoMrLI~s l9 ." OVERVIIW' T he ascension confirms wh ~t ZEN , L ~o THE GR~"'T ) . H~a! ing, comforting,
the reSl.lrrecrio n evidences demonsttare: th ar feeding, giving drink,deliveri ngca ptives -
Holy Spirit . .. nd God gave m:lny kinds of
16:18lj The, Drillk Any Dead ly Thing Jesus is the one Lord and cteator who risu thuearecominuingworitsof th"ascendtd
tongu es, 6ut yet .. U .. renota posrles, aU ue
11 Will Nor H url Them from the dead and ucends to receive his Lord (ApH""""ns).
nO l prophets, .. U are not tu(hers. Nor ;all.
kingdom (bENABUS). Th e same Son who de-
s .. ys h e, h ave th . gift ofh u lings, n or do
\VH.I!Ttl 6R T H ti F... ITHFUL ~l.u·S"' FnT REU' scended .. lsoOl,5cen da to h eaven (TE II.Tul· 16: 19.. TalltnUp inloHuvftl
all,uys he, speak with tongues." For rhe
LI"' !<I ). The he:lvenly span transcends u rth!y
wholeungeordiv;negifts c~ nnotex'Hin
caregoriel ofspace(A uGuSTlSE). Th e Go d- WH"r TH i ASCBNSION CONFI R.. S. I R~­
each particular indivi dual. Each,:l ccord ing
to hi$ capacity , receives that which b e
"MkL6,L7, 18. "AN F 7.479. Th o" who hotd f,,,'0 ,h< manabides withusi nourh~a r ts on carth , S"-EIIS: Ashe finis hes his Go sp d . l"lark' £on_
r.oilhorl/>topo>d.. 'ho m.. l.<>p ..... ip.,cin,h."r.. oI even as he abides w;t h the F:lt her in huven dudes: "So thcn the l ord JesU$, after he had
e;thcr dcsire$ or deserves. O F THE H OL Y m.,.po..oLal~. wh"' •• igruol .. on:i.m.h'""lin' .n~
( BEDEl. A. God h e is omniprese nt, wh ile as spokento[he m,W;l$fakenup i ntoheav~n,
SP!II.!Tl.Ij.l jO."
~:~.~:~7:r;:;:~~;.;.n~~<;~ ;~~,;:::~ ;':~:.~::" ". m.. nth e:ls ce nded Lord now dwelLs bodily in and s .. r down at th~ right h .. nd ofGod: 1
TH E F.. THEII. .... O SoN ... sGr v ~R of CH .. RIS-
..... T... AMBII.OSti: As th" Fathergivcs the gift
:i:;:.J:':;;:F"'~·~~·~~c~~;~';'::::o~;i:;f;:'! heavcn in th e same form of flesh in which he
lived (AUGUS TrNE). Our poor hum an nl{ure
' Thi.p ....S•. o~'nd,,,~gk,,o b., l.tc<,ddi,ion ,<> /olork.
ofhealings, so tOO do~s the So n give; a5 th e :~':~~~~~ ;:;:::~~~f.~;;~~:;,'~l:'·;;.~:~ ~~. is t'lken up to he.. venwirh hi m ab ove ange!s ..... "i"'J.dby I""",u, .. ,I>< ,,,,.;•• JM.,lc.n".,;n
"G.\ll~S5 ·, .\.Iign.PL 7",I1&'J TOr herhroneofGod(GR.lGORyN ... ZI ... N- rh.bl<.c<.",d<"",..-.,. 'M kl6=!9.
Father gives the giftof rongues, so rooh ..s

252 253
Th e 'uc~ n s ion confirms wha t had been spo- sionforevery,hingconcerning th e pruching $tool.1I> H e wi ll come again On Ihe clouds of T he Scriptu re sap, with perfect {ruth: "In
ken by Ihe prophet: MTh ~ Lord S<l id ,0 my ofthe gospcl a,\d rhe mystcrie. of the new heave n, justas he ap pea rcdwhtnheas. him We iive and mOVe and a re,"lI yCf we are
Lord,Si,thouonmyrighlhand,ulltil l C<lv enant,o m LordJ~. us Ch ri$ ,wa..raken cended in to he~ ven.2' AOAINST PItAXEAS ) 0.12 nor e verywh e r~pre !l~ n tas he is, but man is
make thy fOe5 rhy footHool."' ThIilG od up to heave n bcforc rhe(yes of his disciples, in God after one m~nn er, while God i, in
who was ann ounced by th e prop hers is truly and so his bodi ly pusence among them W Hen' ER IU""T H "No 15 A LITII ..... L Ru - man quilc d ifferen dy , in his own unique
on e and th e same as God wh o is ce!eb ralW ca me to .. n end. From that time o nward he BR~NCB. A u G U STI N II, \Vhi lesuch r hi ngsaTe
m.anner. God and man in him ar~o ne per-
in the I,ue gospd, wh om wc C h ristians wor· wu toremainatth e Fathcr's ri ghth~nd mystif}tingifwe rakerhem in a carnal sense, ",on,;md borh are theone ) es us Christ who
sh ip and love with rhe wholehe~rt as the llnril the co mplerio n of the p eriod or- we may be wamed thereby 10 rhink of them iseverywherea..God,butin heaven :u man.
m~kerofh C<lvenand earth.~ndofall fh ings d ain ed by God for thc churc h's ch ildren to a.s ineff~bly sp iri tua l. For th is reason, even if l~TT B RS, TS7 TO O AROA NUS 10 . /1
withini r. AG" I:<ST H ER~S lE $3 ·' O ·S·· increas e and multiply, afrer wh ich,in rhe w~ th ink of the Lord 's body, wh ich was
sam e body wi,h which h e ascend ed ,he wiU rais ed from the romb and ucendedinto Da"'TH H as No DOM. N.ON. AUGUS TI .... E;
W ! ASCIINt> WITH H ,.W, G R~GOlty N"'Z!JIN- come again to j udge the living and ,he h uven, on ly u having a h u man appe.arance Having vanqui$hedrhedevilby rheresurrcc.
ZIH":He d ics,1 but he makes alive6 and by d~ad . And so Our redee mer' s vi sible p, u. and p'uu , we are no, to chink rhar he sirs at rion,hesiua[ th e right hand offhe Father,lII
dcathdcstroysde ..,h.' He i5buried,'yct he en cehaspa.scd into theucraments. O u r the right hlllldofth e Father'l in su,h away where he dies no more, and dearh no longer
risesagain.IH c gocsdown toH~des,ye fh e faith is nobler and srronger because empiti. th at th e Fa thet" sh ould seem ro sit [lireralIyj over him shall h ~"e dominion ," ON T H !
!cads sauls Up ,lO ascends '0 hu ven, ">. ndwill cal s ight has been rept ..:ed b y a reli able at Mis left hand,I ndeed,in rha , bliss which P S ALMSn .8, I'
come tojudge th e living and the dud," an d (cach ing whose author iry is accep[ed by be. surpasses hu man u nderuan d ing.. rhe only
'0 probe disc uss ions like these. OP-A.TtON 19. liev inghearts,c nlighte ncd fr om On high. righ rhlllld andrhesamerighthandis a
O N n u SoN ao." SII RMON , ... 1-1." name for th.a t same b tiss . LETUa5,/lO TO
CON"SII NT/ US.'· Hail!Thoukingof ail rheliving;
O UR HIIMM.. N"TII RII IsC"RR lal> UP. LfiO 6:19b He Sat Down "t the R igh t H"n d HaiI!Thoujudgeof .. U rhe dead, "
TH fi G~E " T; And 50 while at Easter it was "fC "d Wtu US 'TT ING IN HU VHN, H Ii IsO,wNr. At rhe ngh r ha nd o f thy Fa ther,
the Lo rd'$ resu rrettionwhic h was thcca usc PRISlNT. AUGUSTIN"fi: Do nOt doubt, then, Tho u artrhroned in high es t power,"
of ou rjoy, ou r presen t rejoicing is due to his ST B PH tN' S VI $ IO N,T~RTlJL Ll A N:ltisthc rhat the man ChristJesus is no w rhere Andfromrhence just judge of sinners,
ascension intoheaven,W irhaUduew lem- Son, too, who asand s to rhe heighrs of whence h e shaU come again. Cherish in yo ur Thou lhalton e daycomeagain.
niry we a re com memorating dut day on h~ aven, "and aIm descends [0 rhe inner memory and ho ld fai,hfuUy ro rh e p tofe ss io n H YMN" 9, A H YMN FOR EVE RY HOUR."
which our poor human nat ure was carried pa rrs of the earrh. U. "He sirs a , rhe Fathe,'$ ofyourChristi:1Il faith th ar he rOle fro m rhe
up in Ch riu above all the hosts of hea ven, righ r hand""-nor the Fa rh er " t his own." dud. a.scended in to heaven, sirs ar the n gh r P II;6SBNT ON E... Il.TH WHILE AT TilE
above ~!1 the ranks of angels, beyond ,hose H ~ is seen by Steph~n at his mutyrdom by hand of rh e Far he r/'and wiU come from no FATHBIl.'sR.JGII T HA NO. B EDI! : Bec ause he
huvenly powers to th e very throne of God sroning, slill sirting at the righ r hand of o,her place b ur rhere rojudge rhe living and who was raken up inr o heaven is both God
the Father. l t is u po n rh ~o rd ereds t ructure God , '~ whue he will con tinu e to sit. u ncil th e dead. He will so come, on th e testimony and a human being, he remains on earth
o f divineactsthatwehave be"nfirmlyes r~b­ the Fa rhcr s h~Umakehistnemieshisfoo,- of the angel's voice, as he was seen going itlto wi th ,he saints in the h umanicy which he
Iish ed, so rh at the grac ~ o f God mar show it- heaven. - rh a, is, in rh e same form and sub- rook from rhe u"h,hu t in rh edivini ry wi'h
.e1f.till moremarvelous when, in spite o f stance of fles h towh ich, ir is true, he gave
thewirhdrawal from OUr sight ofeverr,h ing 'p, u~!. ',,:-IF \ ,026. ' Cf. M, 27:Sl.l; Mk IS, )7: II U-l6: immortaliry, b ur d id no t take away IU n .. _
rhat is righdy felt ,0 command ourrever· Jn I9:30. ' CfJnS,ZI. ·Cf.1T;m 1:10: H<bl,H. 'cr. M, [llrl.According to , h is fle shly form, We are
21060;Ml<IS>l6'LkZ)"SI'Jnl~" 1'4l, I Cor l l,'. ' C(, M,
~n,e. faith does nOt fail, h ope is nor sh aken, no[,othink t h ath e is everyw her~ pres ent.
ch ~r ity do,,~ nOt grow cold . . , It was in or- :,:; ~\~6~:~ !~~6'1~1~'~:~';'~:~~;,;;;;.E~~C;.'; We must beware of so stres.ing th rdi" iniry
da rh u we might b~ ca pable of suc h blessed - T;",H;lP< •• ,S. "F Gf R UoO'. "JFB60-6 ,·, CCL I)8.; of the man rhat wedeslToy rherealiryofhis
n~SS th .. t onlh~ f(lrri~th Jay arter his
resurrect ion. ~rter he had Illadccar..£ul pro vi ·
;:t!;~<:~~;!~;:::~:,~<:;~·:~~:·I~;~:' ~:. body. It does not follow rh.;!t wh ar is in God
isi n him so as '0 be everywhere as God is.

2 54 255
16:20 Th e Lord Confir m ed th, M tu~ge
which h e fill s eart h and he;lve n equ ally h e
rern;li"s "all days. even to rhe co nsummarion
&, t he Sign5 That At tende d It ApPENDI X

of the wo rld.- F,omthiS itis understood

COST I NU. SG S,GNS ACCOJolP ... N YlNG FA I TlL . M~thod oJ In vtHigQt ion
rhat eve n upto rheend,theworld w.illnot
Let uS draw near, Ihen. my~.
APL.U........ TES'
into th ~ Earl, E=guis of Mark
lack those in whom there will b<: d ivine
loved,tof'aith.since ifspowersue sofIlllny.
abiding and indwelling. Nor.should we
FOffaithraisedup(Enoch )tochehClvms."
dOllbt that [hose struggling In th,s world
a ndov e rcame {h ede\uge. ~ l tcaused theb ar­ We wis h to offe r an explicit account of ho w we ap proac hed the tas k af sdecting th e parri" ic
will d~serve to have Christ a~idin~ in th ei.'
rento bringfa r {h. lj ltdelivere dfro~th e comments found in this vo lume. Our procedures were as follows:
hear(s;uaglle S t . andwiUablde wlth ~h rlSt 4t
sword."" Faith n ised up from th e plt. It en- 1. By using Boulean' wotd search tech niques we surched for Greek and Latin words in all
inhis kingdamaftuthe co nt es uofthu
riched the peor.«l!t rel<ased che captive.: ' the ~cienr Chrutian writeu that correlate with a particular phrase OrCOmmellt in Greeker Latin
wo rld . Neverthele..s we should note th,l.\ t~e
1I delive red thepeueculed."h b roughl from the Gospel of Mark. We also sought to identify Markan p<lssagu in the parruric lexts thal
div ine majesty, while uistingeverywhere, IS
down the fin.~ It divided the se:a." Failh could nOI have been referring ro another Evangelis t because they w e Greek word uquences Or
prue nt in one way ro theel« t, in anather to
defl the rock and gave to the rhirscy warer phr~s found only in Mark and not in Matthew, Luke and}ohn. Where pertin ent, we hand-
the condemned. It is prestnl far the con-
to drink.4? Ir satisfied the hungry."ltraiscd seuched in the Greek Septuagint and in th e Old Latin and Vulgateve rsio ns, us ing te:l{tual variants
demned in the power of [God's] incompre-
thedeadandbroughtthemupfrom Sheol.... wh erever required. O ur Drew P roject searching st aff. unde r the guidance ofJod Scandrert and
hensible nature. by which h e knows I tstiUed theb illow s .\O l theal!~d t he.i ck."SI.
eve ryr h ing. the mosr recent happen ings and Swan Kip per, executed th ese enensive comp uter searches, which wo ,.L1d have been unthinkab le
LECTD~M oNSTR.'.T'ONS 1.18. prior to th e advent of compute r tech nology. Serving ably en the Gospelof Mark search team were
th e former anes, unders,ands [human)
thoughu from afar, and foreseu all the_ ways Vincent Bacote, Edward Blai n, T homas Buc han, J ocl E!owsky, Jeffrey Finch , Peter Gilber t,
of each o ne.'1 It u presenl for the cI""l In the Michael Glerup. AUen Kerkesla.ger, Michael Kippcr,Sergey KO%in, Michad Monas, Wesley Tink,
gr;u:e ofhisb<:nevo.lenrprote("rion:b~,:"hich Bernie Van De Walk and CoUeen Van De Walle. Thanks ace also due to Den iu. Ratdiffe for
he draws them, gmding uch o ne ",d,v,du- editorial work conducted at Eastern College. We a re d u ply in.debted to them for this dem~di ng.
:Lllyby hispr es entgifuandc has-[isem~n" time-consuming ;lnd selfless service. Th is proced ure yielded approximately 3.000 p aragrap hs of
to rh epossess ion oftheit future m_hemance text in Ladn and 4,000 paragraphs of text in Gree k. Thcse were stored on ou r project's digital
al a fa ther guides hi. children. HO M, UESON database, from wh ich we then $el~cted the best ma terial according to our editorial guidelines.
i HE GoSPELS:1.8. >6 2. We then ident ified an d pho tocopied all refere ncu to Mark in all English ed itiens' of
patmtic writings.'These extractions were sorted and arrang<!d verse by ve rse and then organized
in(O files at:cording (0 pericopes. T his yielded approxim.nely 3,000 short (cxu of pholocopitd
ma((rial. We then examined all thu material (0 make a preliminary sort, .eI~ting those passages
we though t had some possibiliry of b<:i ng ind u ded in the final commentary. We then b<:gan
building up manuscript drafts on th e bUis of all o f these extracts from all language sources. T hen

::r.t'~':~:~·:;:.~::';·:~~::;,::,:~;:.u~:~:~~~:~:·w.;.." ..,i••. tI>< Ubuq ofChri..w. Clauin .nd <h.

Lo.bUbrU)'.bu. aI ... inpub!i,domain ..... lil:.,h. ANF/N PNF••h.old.o.O>hud."'... ndnumc, ..... ind.pcnd<n,edi•
....... ""'fClo..... o ...rHriu.w • .a<knowl.dgo"". rh2nh,"<h.SP«tUb ...,..'Pn"««KIl1>coIoputScmin.'l'. ".. ~.
::.=C..hoIicuni..... iIy"fA",....;.,._ ""'I)u..,L~fo.-manrkit\dneun.""<-pl<;di<ies_"""yfo ...... of

'. 'All <hu!abo, ..... K<Oa\pIlshed. unfo",,,,,,,.. ly.bolo... ,h.

a ",,,,h F.<h ... CO.RO Mw.. .. allab!t room "" 1'.1«""00.: Bi.
bl<SOCicryondLogo. R.....-mSy".",. ,l f .... h.dt-•• ".« hin,wi'h'h.. do.>b .... w,wouldh ......«1'1'''' d..l of
rim. by doini .be.. KO.oh .. di~,oll~ in ,h. En!li'h 'u,. Om proj«. h. lpcd 'isnifioontly' o fund ,h. '.'ry. diF,aiintion
>Jld"iIIi"lIof.h ...." ofall ,hi'ry.• i,h'volum .. ofth" An .. · Ni •• n. anJ Ni.. n,.ndP""" Nk."" Fa,h, ... joininll,bem
wi'h'h...."h.n(i ... "fLogMR.,..."hSy...", •.

25 7
we exami ned.all these ten~ . ruing ! h ~m acco rd ing IQ "ur edito ri.11 objectives andcri teria.,· have tuled OUt many textS on this buis,If it is no( something we ourselves would wish to h ear
3. Ha.vingidenrifiedsecond-roundselec<ions. wc pro.:ecdcd toltanl lue u ntransb tedte>:[$. referred to in ,he t;uk of spiritual formation. then we have bun len inclined to include it, This
Or to de~rch~i::e those texts [hat needed. furch~r a .. ention,' Where 10ngeT homilies Or parts of simple intuitive test has signi fiundy shaped our selection proceu.
extended comment;!.,ics were di'-Cove,ed and found a ccept~ble. we en tered them in whole or in We wue duly forewuned by rom~ that this volume on Mark pTobablr cou ld or should nOt
pan im o our database, (" trd ated th em with our peri cop" files and selected cirCUmspectly from be a.ttemprtd. It was thought by Jome to be lacking in sufficie nt primary sources. with nOt enough
~mo ng them. u lu~lly C" rlelatin g them with specific vtrsc<.' The above procedures yidded an commentary m~teri.al available for Mark (0 justify the effort, and that Ihe attempt to do s uch a
abunda nce of mare,i:l.l in mOS' <C~tChu. So much <0 [hat a large p"rcentage of the gross mat e,i.al volume on Matk might result in a non~equenti.al puchwork of miscellaneous quorations that
norm..ally h;td to be Set aside, We then seuched Out Srri~c and Copric sources with the intent of would nOt signilkandy ""ptiUte the ten. Some argued rhat th is series mightdo better to confine
achieving ~ fitting l>.1bnce from:t!l Cl<cgetical tudi . ion. of ancienr Christianiry. iuclftothoublblic"!' books where sub$ tanti:l.l numbers ofline-by·linecommentariesare av:lilable;
4. We then proceeded to ~ppend e>:planalory and d:lrifying footnoteS, to make topic.al Ge n~s is, Isaiah, Song of Solomon, Manhew, J ohn and Romans, Th is volume is a demonstnt ion
hndinss~cording tooureditorialcri!cria.a nd[O citebiblic~l and other references as needed. th~t Mark hu an a.mple history of commentary to boi: prese nt ed in (h e form m d traditio n of a
It is im?'lrtan! to note lh~ t in e:<ecu ting o ur compute r searches, we h ad m~ny "hiu" on catena. As genetal editor of this leries. I have accepted this volume a signment as a challenge
Marlnn wets thar by disc riminating $urch techniques and by Greek synoptic hHmo ny compari. pr~ci""ly becaust it was deemed to be the least feasible among the four Gospels,
SOI\S could be show n to be sp«iftc~Uy referencing Mark and not the other Evangeli."s, rcgardleu
of where they might h ave app.:ared in the autho r's corpu.s of writi ngs. H ence lome of the mIni U e GenHis of the ACCS
important commenu on Mark are found embedded in Orisen's, ChrysoSlom's or Augustine', This uries, the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, convened its first meeting a:I.
commentaries at homilies on Matt hew or Jo hn and nOt just on Mark. If ,hue sources had been "feasibility consultatio n· in W ashington, D.e., whjch gathered at th e invit"do n of Drew Univer·
at bitrarily ruled out, we would have bee n d eprived of some of the richest source material on sity in Nove mber of 1993. In April of 1994, short! r afte r the fe uibility study had l igna led
Mark! affirmativdy th at the ACes project should be undertaken, Drew Universiry anno unced the
We candidly invite others to foUow .imiliu- procedures on a given text and compHe how reception of a generous grant from an anonymous donor to fund ,he nine-yur project. At that
their selections might correspond with or differ from o u rs. By th is muns we could be suitably lime no other p roject of this SOrt Wll underway.
admo nished if we unconsc iouslr biased che selections. We solicit suc h counsel. We are not ACCS has been from the ourset decisively committed to produc ing a commentary on th e
defensive about our Ideer ions. wh ich Were made according to our express cri teria in volume whole ofScripturofor paHoral" H andfo rag entral lay awdienee. Whr the whole, (1) Because
editors' guidelines. We ~ knowledge that other criteria would have produced a differe nt selection. various lecrionaryapproach es topatristiccoUectionsalteadyexisr ;(2)boi:eausepastorsprncho n
We welcome the admoni tion ofocheTS to ~ how any of our choices might have been bener made many different texu in th e course of a year, far broader than th ose in (he lectionary or in a few
according to dissimilar criteria. We have repeatedly :lsked ourselv"-", Would it be edifying to hur books of Scripture; m d (3) because the whole of Scripture is commented On by the ancient
rhis pa(rinic voice within a service of common wonhip as an exposit ion of a Scriptu re lellt! We Chris(ian writers. Wc are find ing an abundance of commentary material On vinu..!.ly every tellt
Or pericope we have !ooked at (hus f:l.r.
.A.!'boY l h ...,.limin."d . J..rg<p<".oug.ofth. m.to';.J .. lackingin14m....ay><,o,ding,oo~..di,o'i.Jc<it<,;..w. The origin..!. and continuing ACCS vision of the tllk ha. been to use newly ava ilable
.. ,od.11 mo", ••"ne" on d;,.k;o " , d« fO by,ld ••• n<u..Jlr' uublc ,.w. <!iJi,aJiud d",b... Moll ,h • .., p....!:... computer search tc.:hnology [0 look for <Ill rejuene e! in ~ll lypeJ of palr/lt;' lituatwrc -lctten .
'no• .4.:-.lFfNPNf ."... nin««..m<.n,u<y Vi<:f<Iri>n·Ed. .:otdian U",w.tic«ho<
I.>,io"" ""'". onodo in . 1.> •• M
in. ~ serm"nJ, !lym"! , 40ct r;n"! writing!. as weU ~s spedficllly e:<egetieal works. ,,"chewing (he much
... t...uutd,"",n .. i<o<hoi.>ntUp.bu,u..ro.n.n..dyof ... ""'w\u'w......den .. n'.,...,.coru"urtion.oft""...;thcooloc«.J. e.asierprocedureofworkingmore intensively with fewer tel!t.. orpref~rringcomplet e printed lut5
:~n!::!:th.:::~~...:~:~:. :.~~.~:~.::: :~:!::~n =~~~::"'.!,O~::;::'~b::~~:'~ toel!ten5indigit..!..e~rches,

ACCS has preferred from the OutSe t to , e~kto enlist an ,"urnali"nal ream of voluffieedirors
whose lives are lived out wi thin borh th e univ ersity and Ihechurc h, and often within its.em-
ina ries, T h e choice of volume edi (otS upress e. a strong co ncern for ec I,Imenic.al balance, seeking
.~;:.7:.Ln;:::~~~:::<o:.::'::t~....,k ...."'h...... ili<> di.<O¥C«d (0 bed~plk>cod,~ ,he E.gIi.ohbl;ri<m. _ editors wh ose judgment would prove trustworthy to all communions Eut and West_Eutern
KI.m. Wber< this .... the CAK "'" """'P.,od the bes, «=>' ""~ ,,,n.unon ";,h ,he ,«<i0C<i u.i. o,G....k"K!. Oethodoll, m:linline md evangelical Protest.1nt, and Roman Catholic. ACes h"" intention:t!ly
Wht« ... fd, the be..... >n, E..p~ "..,.J.. M>n ~ in it ."y.hing .h....... Iocking. .... ".NLaud i•• [<osh co,o««do, Of
selected volume editors who have already proven th.msdv~. capable of working .ignifican tly in
,~~'::~:~~~::::i:',i:::':~~j~:::icb~::l~:::m~~.::·Z:::::::n Mark wi.h ,omme"" on o.h.. E..n~d· the whole hi story ofexegesi,inboth Ea.sternandWcncrntraditions.T he :llternative:o.ppro;o.ch
i.... Th;' i. why"" 4UO," p,,,,,,;, , ,,,,,mon,,,i • • on M."h,,,, .nd]"hn in ,hi • • olurn. on M..k. would have been to dis tribute its editorial worlclo.ad on a .ommitc ee basis by assigning teams of

258 259
5<hobrly specialists to meet together and mab editorial d«isions based on the complementarity
ofvariousprofession al sp.::daliutiOlI$.
We rudi ly concede that t here may be various alternative vi sions of a pat ristic commerlt:uy
on t he Bible: a com mentary on the whole Bible versus an ullderriling th~t comments on scle~t ed
portions of Scripture; 'e3"hes "mbracing all genres of p~ui.stic wmings versus $Clectlom


a!.ldience of clergy and laity vermS service prima rily to American historical specialists. In each
case, we have chosen the former.
The following chronology will usis[ r....den in Cyprian ofCan:hage, El. 248.258
A Laboroflov<: loc:;rringpatristicw ri!ers,wri!ingsandrecipi ents Dio nysius rheG reat of AJCl'andria, fl. c. 247-265
Virtually all those involved in this project haw indicated personally (.hat they have. grown ofle.tersrefenedro inthis patri5{iccommen[ary GregoryThallma tllrg,u(the Wondcrworker),c.
spi riruallythrough engaging in this precise, laborious,comple>:: [:uk.Wlthout slackenlll~aca­ on Mark. Peraons are a.rangedchronologically 2H·270/Z75
dem ie rigor, rhis exerciu hu been far more than a m.. tler of mere histOrical curiosity. That It has according to the rerminaIdatc of rheYc:lndu •• Victorinusof Pcrovlum(Peltau),d.c.304
been a joyful taskdoc.!l nOt mue it any less a demanding in[eU«rual pu:t:leand a lengthy struggle ing which they flourished (fl.) or, where that Memo<i;usofPhilippi,d.e.1l1
of he .ott and mind. Irh:u nor been easy to lonte the texts, to sele.:t them pro perly, ro translate canno t be determined, rhe date ofdearh Or ap- lactantius (Africa) ,c.250·)25; fl. c. 304-32 1
t hem suit;l,b ly an d ro edit them with fi tting transitions and foo tnotes [hat will hdp contempo rary pro>::imate darc of writing or influence. Wri[ings EusebiusofCaesarea,b.c.263;fl.c.3 15_340
readers make good sense of them, but dIe struggle has been a labor. of.love. This.sort o~ ,:",ork arc arranged aeco rding to rhe approximate dale Aphr....[u,c.27()..c.345
requires an enormous amount of disciplined solitude and .quiet med](~non o~ anClem wrmngs. of composition. Hegemon;us (Pscudo.Archelaus), fl. c. 325-350
Onc muSt have su.stainN eommitment eHn to enter (h" arena.. I [ IS nor SImply a matter. of CytilofJeru.a1em,c.llS·386;fl.c.348
mech anically punching out bllttons on a computer, but of thinking through the complex meanmg Cleme nt of Rome, fI. c. 80 (92-1011) MacedoniusofConstantinopie, d. c. 362
ofancientte>::tI wrinen in differe nc hisrorical pe riods and langllages. rgnariusofAnrioch,c.1l()..1l2 Hi laryofPoitiers, c. 315·)67; fl. 350-367
On average perhapa ten OU t of a hllndred digital sea rch arrempu have proved to ~ worth Didd(he,c. l40 A[h.."uiusofAicxandr ia, c.29S-373; fl. 325·373
considering.. and of t hose o nly One OUt of a hundred was selca:N ..So the rare discovenes h~ve Hermu, 8. 140/155 Eph rem the SyrUn, b.e. 306; fl. 363-373
I>«n erciting when chey have occurred. Sometimes ,:"e h ave felt Irke explorers, and ofTen like Marcion of Si nO pc, fl. 144,d.,. 154 Basil th e Great ofCaesaru, in Cappadocia, b. c.
foreigners in an alien land. Wc have at rimes felt chagnned to be forced t~ extract .from" lengthy Th e 50·Col1,d Second ulterQj CJemr nt, c.l48 330: fl. 357·379
passage,jllst taking the heart of it and luving the tCSt be hin.d. Bli t such IS the pOIgnant wot k of PolycarpofSmyrna,c.69_155 Gregory Nazi.rn:::en,b. 330,fl. 372-389
(he u'eniu, or of any anthologist or compile. of a compendIUm for general use. )uSlinManyr(of FlaviaNc:lpolisinPalesline), GregoryofNy.s.a. c. 335·394
Often Wc would have likt:d to write u.ended footnote. on t he comext, philology, etymol- c. 100/110-165,ll..c. 148,161 Amph ilochiusofIcnnium, c.340/345'POH394
ogy, social circumst .. nce Or location, md historical uneeruinrie. of a parti.cular te':l. But when Tarian rhe Sydan, c. 170 P~uIinUllofNola,3 55-431;fI.389 -396
f"ad wilh [he breadth and range of rh e [ask at h and, We have had co hmlt our p~rpos e to th e Arhenagora.ofArhen., c. 177 AmbrClse of Milan, c. 333·)Sl7; fl.)74- 3S17
s?"cific tuk of presenting the most salient ancient comment on a given teXt of Scnpture. Irenaeuso fL.yon,b.c.135,f1.I80.I99;d.c.202 Ev:;rgriUI ofPontus, 34S-3S191 f1. 382-3Sl9
Clememof Alcxandria, b. c. l SO.fl. 190-215 Ap~HQ/ir ConHilolfiQIIS, C. 400
T euu!li:r.nofCarrhage,c. ISS/liSO.24D/ 250;f1.c. Prudtnri!.ll,e.~8 · after405
197-222 johnChrYI05tom,344/lS4.407;f!.3S6_407
Callistus ofRome(po?,,),rcgn. 217.222 jeromeofStridon,r.347_420
Hippolyrus ofRame. d. 235 Pall1dius,c.)ti5 --425; fl. 399-420
MinllCiusFelixof Rome,fl.218/235 Honourul of Adcs, ft. 425, d. 429/430
Origenof Alexandria,b.185,fl. c.200_254 AugunineofHippo, 354.430; fI. 387·430
Novari;l,nof Rome,fI.235'258 j ohn C:usian, c. 360·432

260 261
c••"" .,;••• •Jlb. H ol, Ap."u •. lI ·n. H. U·28. JJ-H , "·ll. ' 1· ~1.
SiXTUS ()f o r Rome (pope). r~gn. 432·440 Symm;w:h u5 of Rnmc. 498·51 4 67. n 15. I'" 19<>.22•• 130. 200. J44. SoJ-S2.H, S7.66. 7Il. IJ·U. 90. 97.
Jacob ofS~ rug. 451· 521 9!I· !OI . I07·1.116-19.111. 1lJ.12S.
CyriiofAlexaT1dria, 375·444; fl. 412.444 Crpr;.,.of c;.tth,ge.l. S. 81 -!1.III. ;n, iJI ·Jl.I4&·SJ .161.167.J7Io;4.
Pseudo-Victor of Antioch, 5eh ,t"C. Caeu r iul of Arlc •• 470·542 114. 1)7. I ~J . , '6. 202 -3, 117. 2 19. 177·79. 197, 200. 2OIl , 2)o' 1 15. 219
P~T~rChry.o!ogul.'. 40 5·450 CyrilofScythopo lis. b. 525; fl.c. 5SO AUT HOJl.S/WRI T, ,, o s INVH X
G rcgory ehe G rar (pope), 540-604; regn. 590· Ambro .. o().I iLln.I. ' .6.'. I I· 12.1S Crril of Alu. n.d,ia,n.5S. 6J-6".III. Jonn ofO ...... IoCu<. 6 7.6t.'I7.100,101,
L~o rh~ GrUt of Rome (pope). regn. 440·461
21·z.z.;n·29.S9.61.1J.n.U.B S ·~9. U> 169·;oo.20J·S.207.Zl.'I ·19.1fO. 144
T hcodoru orCy •• 393-466; 11. 447-466
8asilorSdeucia.fl.440-468 ""
hidor ec fScvillc, c. S60.636
ISI.I6S. 1t7. IB9·90.lOS.lIIn. 210 C:;:\~;~:,: :. ~:. :;:_~~. ~~
Jusrin.l.I. n".J>a.79. 15f·SS. 167.205.
Salvian th~ Pr~lbytecofMa rle il1c5 .,.400 ·,. 480 Bcde th e Venerable. 673·735 ~~;~:ft~~~hQI"'Ii" n ~, 12
Apn"."•. 1J. 76, 2lJ. lS6 l<o . h<G" .. , 2H·S ~
Euthymius (Pollutinc). 311.47) ] oh n ofOamascus, t. 645 < . 749
Ap.".li< Co~"".''' . '' s.. co.,,, Oiuftr.;~.oIA lc .. ndti .. 21.2. 215 M«h<Nliu.of ?hilippi. lJl. ill. 156.
PU lIdo-Dionpius rh~ A cropagit~. pos t·482, '.!I'."J,b<H",A,q",..
pre.S32; fl.,.500 ...'''''n...... oI ...Ico..,drit, 21. 2J..J7. "::.:~:;J~,~.~::,~'I~::'J;::: '"
:.!io"o ... Fdu.ofRome.IU·1J
H,S •• S6,6J. 67-joI. 171012. I n 19S. 6.116·17. JlJ. IJ~. 155. ISS-S9. 13S. N".... i. ft of Rom •• ;n.2I!. )6. 46, 14&
21)'J ·JO. 2I S· I6. 222·H. 232, 23 4
A'h . n.g~ , ...
of Am,",. ll • . IJ6 E... , biu. of C.... ..... 1,3. l! · 19, JO,
41.!J·H.11 9·Z1l.221· 2'J. 1J2·Jj
Origen Qf AI. .. nd,i., 1-2, f . 9. Il ,lJ·
IS. U·J9, 1.·15. 41. ./6, JO. S~. 60.
A"",,"!l< oIHippo./oJ.6.9. 11 . 1J.
". 16. l!J.2'S. 27. 29·J2. 15-JIII. 41!. Eud»'mi .... 21.22.22~. 11 6J.ii4.t7.61~.3.7a.80.19·91.94.97.

'J · '9.~5S. 5 1.6Q.6 1 .6j.6S.71.75. Eo>Jri ... ofPonNa. Sol. ';6. In. 17'1 99-IDI.116, 19. 13+3S. 1111.1<10. 15"-

C=6~::.~;~;: :~.;:: ~~''IO~;~.

n.u·fl,'S.9J. 9S. 1011. 101. IOS-6, SS. 167·joI,I7l-72.JIQ.IS.JI9-90.
111· IJ. 116.1 16 n, I. l iI.l lO. ln lf. 1!Y7.1 99,lOJ·6, 2OIl -9. 212 , 217· IJ .
J16,J11 .1'. B 4 . Jl6 .l1 , IH ,14I. ~ S . IH . HI . J41. i5 1. 175. 191 , 194, 201
14'·SI. 160. 162. 164·10. 171. 174· 7J. 121·lj,lU·19. 212. lJS. 2J7. l jJ·jf
110·... 111·84.116-". 191·9>1.196. C «I"'Y <H Ny .... lO. l '. I ll. I U. P.odin ... <HNol.>.l7'9
1011. lIHJ,. 1 16-11. lJO.15. 221!·JI. 1l6-2I!. lJO. lJ2. 111. 173 1'<1:., Ch'l'>O!oguI. 19. 6J. 67. 7)·7i.
HO.42.144.146-SJ.2SJ.25S C .., 0'l'Th.u .... ,U'l"'. 11.1 2.1'6 .. , n -7,.p.lll·2J. 140-fl
G ,.~O'l' 'h, G, .. ,. 16· 17.5 9·60. 61.
:;::d:·n;i~;.~7.~;':7~ ~~'. ~~'7~~ ~:a~7
S.. iI ,h, G,." . 6. 9· 10, li.20.J 3. f l ,
6J· 64.9?· 9! . JJl.IJ4. lJ6·J!. 171·7J 7l, I OJ. lJ I,l lJ. I S7· S~.US. 1 8 9· 91.
59·95. ]0) .•• 196. 217.n~ · 19. 2-10

S9.71.7S.&J , 3S-36,19.91 · 9J..97.~.
H,lMy 011'0;,;. ... lJ3-40. 14.). 1S7.
In. 17'· 7S.IIJ. JIIJ·9J. lO9-J I. 114.
P;;:d,~~~;;;~;!:, ,h< Amp.si'e.
!l O, 116, 1l ~ - 1 9 . Il2·N. 1l9. " 1, P><ucio Nic,0.ofAn, ia<n , 7!.17:l.17S
If l.49, I S<, 160- 61. 151·54. 112 -71 ~:i:r'Y' ''' of Ro , ,". JI, IS, 133·'5. S.lvi. n ,h. P, .. by,,,, lJl,l •• ·.6,
171 . 136-U. 191-200,115.116 -17. Z/ 7·"
219·41. 246-47. 149. 15l. 255 '~ ... ofAnrioch .2$7.1II.H6 S.<o ....Lt"" of Cl...<~,. 11>< S.
C..... m..of"'i<a.IIH4. 1.22. 11" '''' ....... 0(1..1''''. 1·2. 11. 27_U. 3O.JI. CoIl<J.JO.l2.4&.97.JII.I/J·l f.J71.
1J1.IJJ.JJ9. I'J ·4S.!16.1 7! 'J.4S. H, 56,91·H. 191 . 194. 20S.6. on
C.ll i"u. ~fR ~m • • l n , 174 T." ul!i . " ofC'tt h~ . I. J. 4, 11.1J
C... i.n . J~ hn. n . $(). 112, 124. 14-' '"
loido, . of s.:.ill •• 240. 243,2 46· f7 18 -19, H . JS. 5&·60. 6 H~ , 67. 69
,.'.161·61 J...'1>bof Slfu" UJ ~J _ Jf.97. 99·10 1. 111·J2 , 11<. 112.
Ch'f"'>loI'''.S«P.... Ch'T'''loll''' J."''''"'ofS.rido".I..... n.J L5·!.10. 12S-17.IJC.JS. 14J.. 16--i. 161.10. IU·
Ch'l'.oltom. S<'John Ch'l''''''om 13.20.Z"'JO.J1.4J.66.7U,7J·74. v. 119. In 19S.1II1.J05.6.1U·14.
CI ..... n'ofA .... nd,i •. 6.17·2I!, H.SS 76·17. 3J . 97·91. IOS·6. 10"·9. 116, 113.1l3·19. ,5. 1Jo. l~.lSO,1SJ·S'

SI, 60·e l.91-98 , IOO. :02,1ll. l iJ 1I~ , 120, 122. 125 , 1l3. 140.141. 156 T h<odo,,, ofCr··7l. 17, 39.!oO, I'S ,<t(o
I) ' . 1)6. 139. 14J-46, ISJ , 207 176· 7&, 197_ !I9. 208·~. 212· 13. 219 ·lO • Vie,orinu,o ( P"oo;um, 1 !6 .~7
.-' C"",.cn,ofil.ome.SO.97.1J1._]
Cumnui .... IJI.IlI •. J

26 2

ond p... ion.10l~, J

:~:;':::~~~;ol~.~:~ Ho 17. l Oo!

".~, ..",d.SI.,9.!SO.lM·ro. 156. ..ITen.lI
fequ i.. m<n" .f.l l1. 11 •• I .... , 19C '''li.. ,22S·J~
,Ilds."n," ..",on,hood.J4 body"', 11 1·12
.R&<f.l',J7.JlI.215 ."d •.!... io",.Sl .1ld _1. 17J,176,!n mu"h p,.f,!",rd.9J
:::::'. ~~J. 14~ .ndapj.;,. ". 173.1(17 brioloofCh,;u.3-I.61,U5 ·36,!9!I """riou>,4S. 15O.2JO~. U.l.~
SV8J~CT I NPIiX bro.d do<, .. 'on.I01.112.1l.8·n.IJ~·4(I. <n>wn..l.U.J49.lll.llS·26.145
Abb •• lO8. 110 bJodi>cipl... ·1 1I... bluo,ll"'S bi<>.msol.91.IOS.zo.o.l49
.nd<mp<r<omb.119.HI 8>rtho!omew.'1 children',. 10 oIj<s<r.Chns<.""S, ". 114. ISO.
~~: Holy Spirit.. 110 1I>rt.mao.... !Sl
Eu.:1w-;...... 20S·' I5S. 16S.liS
p'«eqw.;,,,,.U ·12
&ndQ,rist,J6 onti<hri .. , 130. 13 1. 1.1 n.&. 1$l·35 mw,ipl;'d. 91.10S ondfili, r",h,,,,, ZIl.,!
ondf.i.h. 56. 1J4 Apoc.lyp .. ofJolm ...... 117 ."dd,mQn•. 21·2Z.~ btidc.J4,62, !35·3 6.!98,200 of ,n.Ho lyS<pul,h«. ISI". & <up. 7, 128, JJQ, H7· ... 150. j 7~, 204
1ndd"~b '.1l3·l~ .162 · H'47·"
~~-:;'~',~;'~~~!.\~:!;: ::::~: i:;.
'po""y,4S' 46 aI"ld HolrSpiri,,<7, IOS 106·11.1H. 227.229
prom;'. '0,'
·r:~·;;;,:'~~:·~t .
tn. 19<5
• ndcb..,.. b.62.206.15o.S1
'ftp.<p"loFChriu.17. 2o.I
",;:;,oF.1J.7S.U.1U.2.J.UI -41•
.. totd'. ~ .rn"n'" lIt
~ od 1',,,,,76.222

.. ""'.61 •.•• 205.2 ... 250

and bul.k, 19 ';N;Um";,lo",JS.IS5 do usfq«.n·78.U.•5.IOO. IIl.2.I'i4.
J.. uo·Loo,.1!7 ..,d~t..121.,' ..,dp<.,..,.Uf.,J61 .;'.... 16.51."· llS.2+1
noma« ..";.,. tOI Eu<han......!.1fJ7 ..,d ... _"'IH~.26 <oo«ounu b,\iry.2OJ cIo<:h.JJ.Jf.,1IS.2Jt Oo.;d. 5. JS·J6.Il.U. ISl. IS'. 156.
rijtI•• n.m,19$, 25! " ,".mpk •• S6.I42 ofdio<iplc •• 17.2O,19.JO,.1 .• 1 doud.5. II S.11O, IM.IA.2!1.155
f.irn"f, 124.2.9 >lid .11..,,00. 101. 2~ J . 2.11 ,ofal,hN.!.2·S down. H O" l
,oIun",)" 167 11«1.210· 11 .... d.i"".lSI·.l2 ofGod. •. • , .S1.lSl,"12.214 ,omml" "".1'8.250 doy.d.y.
Jif.. . nd . igno.2St .S2 . nd .i n.IOO, IO l n. J.IJ7.I f..!
<~:~';.O;~2~2~'~~ 51. 6&, 7J.~,
1O.;nn,,,,.S·6.29.3 1·32. 7'J.167 of ..,en. ion. 15O.lS4
'~m af,h;'f.lJl
. nd E••• 16<l .ndG".p<t.. :w.s .. p,;.....S.16.",ISI. 21 •.••1
hllot.1U ho """f.1 1;>!I ... dund .. ".nding.l~ "1";.;.,.70. 161. IIS. Z25 E....... ZOl. 2'1. 2",'7
!>d;""',.. 2'. 90. 110. us. J.\5.n7. 1i.... oI...,.lr.l.I9.2.t.2.S.2.7
God'oim>g<.]o u ,«bu"' ..... 1J.ll •. f..! ' .... f..oIo ..
mo,"",,,,,,.,..13! dwismo, .. 252 01","""",,,1/1 ofjudzm<n,.JI. 1'7. 190-96,212·2]
....u... ot.Z10.213 • .Jf-=d.lfl duriry.lI.l.I.U.fO.fO~.S.IJJ. 121. bopri...w.lOO (",,,,,. ~ •• flrul)
..,f«<.JS.Zf6 bi,,u.Jl· I'. SI, SJ.60-6 1.'l JJS •. 9. 111. Iff of"""" ..... 11 ·23. 00 1.. <. 19-1.196.22'
.. ....:....,...,..251 bioh"f".HO <h .. riry." .76 ~ ." ,ln
::='1~:3 &poOtoJ;c.76n .4!.'I. Il.14!. lSO,2S2 bluph.mr.4(i··7"'~.JJ.191 'herub-im. l l l
.doprion.ll,ll •. 6,l2n.a, JJ , 120 A .. bi.o,SI.67 bl.".d. 2l."·49,79.9J. I56,1 U,lQS.
odw«ry, i1. IlJ. !3 ~ , lJ6, Ha, 1'2·43 Anon. III 'pi",'?".n", 162 ,,'<n,h. of ... «k..16,liS
bl . .. ini".JJ.J4.91.H7.HS

od",,,0,),.45. 71. 76,1 ! 6 "l.U b,udof.IIXH02 th,u, 116·1!,227,2JI.2'J..i", 2<16
oI.b ...... l\>1·99 blind.h • .!ins o'.11l.!·9,J52 com<foJ .. u.. lJ7 '.,.... 9'
ofd.orb .... 111 ,,,,,"ciLlJ3.216.211.2J1 <I<>,ono.11.205
Chris,·•. 34.1U.IA.Hl.ZW,253 bap.it.tnbr· S dri"l";·bou'.I69 <0",,,,,.24.66. 78.7'J. 165.246 ,'7 ,""
0., ...·•• 1'0",....5.16&.1(11.2001.-.1. cpilcp<i<.lll.lJ """''I', 19. )",p<i>o< ... ISl).SI
John,h.B.p<U,·,.S6 ·U
hono,p....'n ..,9B
.. «0 ...... . .
op;rit«4JJ7./I ofJ.in.oo. 7J. 71·78 .odbap<i..... 1 J.iru.·dou~h' ",.72.n.7S
0,,<1".6,97 ofmarty". J,Z'1 ofUJh,.1l6.1],! 21 M"dM;';",1 ofJ<su.Ch,,,, , 2011·10. 229. lJ2·J6
",on<m<n"I2I.1 21 • • J •• 06 wom.anw"hno wof.72 ·76 osp." e,n.126 ·2 7 ofJonn.h . B.p,il<. Il·88
Bobyl,,"i" 70. 22S. 2'~ Bo. ner ll..· · I,H8 in,h., .. u".«ion.110 ofrn"'f '"19. JSO, 210
b'p,i,m,I.j5 bo".I J.20,H, H,6J, 6S·66,n. 9J·~S " ... u,.. I'o,. 145·<!6 oWi'"c<'o,11 5.JS5.207

d ... ,oyin"Z37
~::,=; ::~~·I~~'S.08
Dcv~ ' o,ZZ5 .ndono"u i""I2.1W "'"" ... 17.'2.69.]6
.. Ju ...· "'...... 142.... Z..... J6 ~~••:.I:~.4;SI <>fo,ri" (... J..... O'riu.bodyoJ) ~::;!"J""'Ch.'" d,uolurionaLllU """"",of. 21 . 152
dlur<h ... 2. 102. 129.196,243
JoIoo"'.&p<i..... J E.u=.101 ondGod.IIS.164 <piriru.l.JJ.4S
k<>a~t51 •. JO'I\I\I.t9! Holy Sp 'ri<.~l. 110 • nd r:>II'<l.l50 • icto 'l'.,..".I!nn'!'.209.lo..l19 .
.ndmm''I • . Ib9.17lI infU"lrl.lJ7 .1ld<kmono,67·6&.?I.I.I2J lifc.I&.I70.I71 n..... 1I 2Jl ·J7.HS ·-Ia
.. .-.'""'i.... IZ9 <>fJ<>u • • S.J5 .IldS,,,,·,9J •. 46 modc,ry. 5I
mini,,",, 16
andPh,n ,.<I.97
~~~~~,j~~: ~~J.6.
h.. l in~ of. 26·27. 72. 7' . 103
nomc,II O.!2S
p<of... ion of. 2SS
ofbl"ph.my. ~6
cvil. 8S , 11 2. 1 2~

264 265
266 26 7

-- - - - --- - - - " ' - -- - -- -- -


Hd>..-.JO, l o.f. IJ(I. I S6 ~.6. 14 'OQoI. 15. '19 ma,<),rdo.",.5.61. 76.'J.I6, I 4.!, l W
I>< I~
I.IO· JJ. ZZ9. 142. US. S•• .,I,. Ur..69. 17J J""'P hw. a< n. "'. 71 . I~.!S1.167.2la 200. lJa.12. _1S, lS<
"' '''".H.I5J.1II7. Z IO~. 1l. 1B Jo.t"... ) • • ,,,,,,,,,,,,(41.151 M~
hel<fic: •• J6~.1.47.111. UQ./fO~.11 . d«,,,,,,,,,,of,J7. Ill. lIJ·I6.2OJ .... io,. 16, IS.n. 104. 121. IlJ. 179. 1901 . • pirinW.lS M.oJdaI.n<.2J2 . .2J6 - 11.2J~.l4 5 .>17
tl«<><i!2·". 107. UJ
,.I... ioruhip.11t
"" ",",." divUti'T0f.J6.~.71.1""Ql.1l0.
j ubil<c.~1
1igh,.41.S..lI6.11.ll'.UJ. 181.111
lion. 2tO, 144
mou..,ofJ.m... 1l2. .2J6. .ZJ9
'7~I><' oI'J ...... Il. 4Il·(9. 7lI_'I9.
H CfodW.s.l7. 1 ~ Judu,0!.7a.(97.(9\I-104.21l. 16.lJ5
unde .. ral><fio&, 10.74.97. rn• .l5Ii Il S-17.155.1S9.17Z.175·76.191· ~0:"'·.)6·(00I
H orodios.8)·U .83 wiU(.. t will.h""",,) 92.19S.I9I·9Il. l I1.lJl·ll.255·se l""".. I.J9.70.IJ.4.I~.Jll.!'i.zoo. M::.n: of Jooa. ZJ1
h .. ,,,,,.I. J. ll.S9.U9.l t l.l60.laIl.
1l9. lU. 134
h" II\Ili'Y.2$.'", !HI. lU. lZ6-17. 1. 5.
"9-Ss' 191. 217.llJ
.. fu lfill ...... ' ,"9 • . JO
a Roinringof. lon."
bod,o(" 4(.~J.2$6 <.o.IIin,ol.I9-20.30.41
hnlina.o. U . 1 9. 16 ~. 17. SI. 91. ItS. " .co ol.J.IO.IJ.IIJ d. yof.JI.151. /17. 1!I4- 95 cominj:of.l96 Goop<lof.• 0.'~1J7. 1 J6,I S ;.
hymn. 16.65.64-72, 75. 7lII. \III, ~l. 95, hu""ni.,of. J.JJ.2a. J'.Ja.49. fi.w..1I9.laD.1M.IBI.m.211. 0( 0,..i<l,.)6.17/.72. 11$.1(\ IM.1JJ. 216. Z.H2
dayof ,h< J6.2(7

100.106, 117. UJ. 196. 1011. 119. Z5S 63- 64. 66. !lO. 101 . IOJ. ltO.115.
<~ .. r<",l4. 36. 64. 1'7, 2$ 1 ldooI.uy. O ... . . S.69.J7I. Jt l. I .... . 124·25.JJ5.151·51. 191·9J.1OII. S"oI,. d.., .Wt ;' 011<. 172 medi<;n<. '3. 2 ( . 11, ~S
<I',ue;'",,<. I~ join . J . 4 ~. 1D. 2;/4. :117 p"';"n of. 202
<ont<mpl •• ion. 1l 9
" ,""plc,lO
igl'Iou nc<. '. 31 . 06. 61. 9Il, 116. I5J.
19H 5,H7
"'.n,i<),of. 62. ?S. !lO.ll o. l 66 ,1 5 1. joI" if"'I<ion.S6.IJ'. 172
,;'..,1t6·.7. 2' 9 • . !l.2"·56
o( .. bb.,h, 35 . .)6
"',,~,,;ry , !4. l l. ' 2, St. It7. 100. 151.

105.1H m<r<y.I • .U,4j , 71.102,12! ,1 J.!, 112

God,H. 6 7 "f.in<Ylfd.1 6J
=;'J.~;.51 10.129'10.lt7
I H .1 7 1.17~, 1 ~.216,2l 2
im>VI. /J· I". 62. 1+0. 244. S" 01" wa,ohh•. J .• m. .... ni", 1.4. J17
ofJew. ,121. :U4, l26-15.210.31
[o.~:: ~~'I {~:~~;hl'~~'
O ne ofGod. J. 12. U.20·ll ,<I().6t Go.:!. irruS' ....:I li);c o. .. of pa.. io. of, ~7. 109·10. 119·2 /. 115 M ... i&!!. ~. 26.! 1O
p"'p le.7. 51. 5l . IS ·SB.1Q7.11 1.:l t l Immo" . li 'T,.0.150, 216. 1. S• .!SS rn .... '.oi<. 154. 23(1. 2.3. 2<1' •. ) 6 me.. i.oi<. IJ •. 16, 7J. 154·55. "7
. """ mcn" . Z07. 21S
S<rip,urcC ... 5.:rip''' rc)
In" 'nati" n. 1J·1• . • 9. 90. Ill . H4.
lJI. 157·S!,1 7S. 198
.. p., ... ~. 30. I I2·Il. 1 1 7 . I . S . I ~ .

155. 161. / 74. 205, 217. 231.1«'''5 '"

lcini dom ofG <>d, 17, 2<, S2·l 1. 59·M,
61 • . J. 6Z. 115. 126-27. (.lO, /J1. 144·
216· 17.2./3
"",up"",, 41 • . a, S6 •. 19.61., I. 79.
H<>!y Spili' Inlq~i'T. 11, 11. Il l . I ll. 125. S" _h o po .... of,62. 65. 71. 91.95. 10'. U2. . nd<lemon•. ZI ·2J.<IO 116 • . 1. 20:/.221.S ... I" , imil<;,yp,
...... in.ing. 110. 148 •• i1; .in:wi,ktdn... 151. 156.207 di. i... 57. IlL 11 ( . !l0. U4. 14 ~ • mind. 2. 14. 17.l7,H. 57,71. J S5,173,
b.p,i. m.5. 6. 9· IO. I!O p..... n«of.65.79.25S. 56 k;;,-::.~ . 2. 2'. J l.n.9\I. 16., m. 20\1· 10
bl.upncm yagainlt,46 and f. ith.21. 21. JJ.H. 4CI.lS1
h ' i.h, I ·1.4, !lO. 96, 9! , I'll «d<<m<t. 11 .14. 67. lJ6. ZC2" J ~i;~:'~~ H. j, 27· 28. 11. 101. 121
<leKendingudove.J2 ./S 1"..1.1 , 02,102,1 09. 139. 154·56. 171 • / la":· J· 9. J97. 91.JOI-2,21s. 2I r .222 . oI'G <..:I, II /. 11(. IJ I. 1) 5.1 47. 171.
..,dg"a.11O. 17J' I n. 117 , .. urr.mo., of,SO. Il l . 1Sa. 1&9. 2 m' " d<, 61 , 106·S, IlS, 15.I, lJ5,152
itld ... U"'i-4. 4 7 •. lJ.125 j><Ob.41. 76. ll S 215, 240-41 ofn. ighbo,. 141.111.74 mWio",6.U.17.'I _f2
;""""';",,,1 71 j.;", •• 7l.7I. 1" L",d,5J.51.1t2 • . 4O, 2J2-11 " f ..If. IIl- U ' _<),.147. 1~5.1Ia.l21.2.!I
I~. IDJ. 110. IlS. 15<i. lSl
lif"m. 46 J- ' ,.ochlngoi.9'9. 14S,I5S.ISI.I7r .. f . ;"' !J2 •. IO mod«",io",1.lJ.I<S
""",,,of. 11
p""kf,<~ Uft .6.I01
bro<h.t"fJ• • ~ ••
7' m d ump'uion (<< . ..",ptulon.of
rpirinul. J4
o{world.llJ·I '
modacy.5.I.l"'''. 1011. I.>
) ..... O'ri.. ) money.t!. Ill. 160. 161-68. In _7J,
"'::::: powo;c,-t6,41 ft .Jl.Ul _ofM. <)', 11l.Zl6.lJ9 wiII (... l"iILofj .. w) 176-n. (10.,,01,.
_orZcbod«.lI·1O. 1J. tJ .i 2,7l. _oi.J9.¥J6.7 NUillcd, U~. ("~.JO.I75.2tO Uuh« .Ih" in." •. 1
16,10&,115. S,,". God;l.ord; M...ah:O<II,· andJlO<pti.l,'. 10. J5. 59-60. 72~ Mandoru .... I.(.I1.
«<..w. ZJl j..w.,.!69.1U,17J b<gon.n; 5o";or; Son. ofOaoH!: 5$.1011 magK.76
ofGod,/1l J..omUh..7D.l.. Son.oI'God:Son.oI' Man; W ord 0I'mo<I"P"',.U5 M alach~LJ'4 motal.46.?9.'J.'01.191
wirh ~96-91 Jow•• S.96.IOZ.10II.14l. 155.15I.21S. M....uc.9.Z6.J7.7""2.n.IlJ.ls,.
of p' . ...... 96.n.lJ., I. l.~
J~~:: ;~l'.~;/ .9. l5<4-se. 159-60.
176.1J'9 •• 11 dcfil.dbr. 97. 99
mo".I ....... IU. Ill. 211. 2'Z
2l2,U•• 2U·15.l.Il.lJ' M .,...
of pn>pI>< ... 7II.7'!I )..... Ou," Job. 69 t..=..rus,61.1'i·7a.157.2'" andubl:»th.J5 b.opril .... ,,{,5.9
Icpl,I6J.6' Sonof(".Son.oI~hn) " ..,n... of. 8
. nointinlof.1I0 John
b.op.iomof.~. 12· /J.11J . 108. ISO Apo<.!yp.. of,u :::~~_~.~7S.IS 9, 1 97 Son of Go.:! a•• 11. /l·I'. \IQ, 11a. Law of. 26.76. 'I.'I.1J.1_J6.I?9
19C. 2ll.lJ5.155{... oI" J''''''
hop<. JJ. Jot.J5. S7. 1J5. 155,170. lit. ~; .. inlin,5.4Il .JJZ
blood of. 5. lO5. 1 rr1
th. (I"pc; ... 1·15.J2·H. '2·BI. 110.
UI.I6J - ~ ~ .. i"h",.56 Ou;It. h umani,yol)
m:"h~;"" firu,.,;on.115.tJ9- 20
hop<[ ...,200 I>odr of. S. J S·lI, ~2. 96, 125. 130. di""ip!<, J5-20.21. 41.42. 11. 76. 1Q,! lif. .tr0"So . J"l heno, rol. %.<j,'j, Ill, 143
h<»anna. I 5<t. 156 /S 1.! 55. l 00, :l00I·7• .! ! O. 11J ,128. 115./17,/27. 147, 1'0.201 .ndwom.n.IJ.·j6 ofJ. m... 2J6.J9
ho· rI,o.Iiry. 250 Ge' p<l of, ' .2S.r 60.6 !, 2J6 cf J.." •. 47. 49. 175, :lJ6C", " "
'"~ Jo.d..n R.i ... , I.J , 7, 11 , 1'.1S. 39.I J' M""00. 2,.5 . 1 •. I4 , 64. lS7. 1.9, Morr: , i",nJ
bond.gt. 44·. 5.61.1 5Z. IM .."', h~ r<h . JJ·14 . o!. 1J4·.lO Jo«p n 206. 22S cfjohn ,htS. p,;', , 6
J.. w Ch,i" Cu 'J ••wCh , i... h". ,orniol of. 6. ~. 4] , !~o, lIS ofAri"""h ..,2J 7·H mlf,i'gc, 3)·)4, ~ 4. 1l4.J6 , 169. 70 1.., • • lJS,I <4, 14 7
mani'Y0rj '001<... 2 1.21. 40, 46, 110.121. 150. Iob.,h•• 76 Mc~n ' 0101. . ... 15J. 156. 180, 208

268 26 9

phr. "'al. H.79. li S

only.b<tO«.n.12. n. 115. 119.192. ..... J2. [LO-II. 119.14). [51.121


ocip<>al"n.S .. ,in._"ruol
""'. ..... 112
p;w<.[.03..1Il[ . 1l9.Z11,Z'.Zlo.Ul.

~p"' .. !(I(I-lo!.r65.161
..-L69·1O.11 •. I.. · . S.IB1~ J.151
S...... 11.ZJ.7I.ISO·,7.19II.lOS.2[1.
lJ<).$.. ooI,_juu,Chrisr

"" r>bk •. 49·6Z.97. I S8.rt><.65 poi>o .... 2l4,UII.1B P'::5'" l4.6J. 9S.97. 14Z, 145, 1a6. 191, .ndb-opr"m. !01.~1 """-"t<.1l.71.Hl.I60.11l,1l1.llS
mou<h.ll..03.97-99. 101. [().I. 213·19. P... <k ••• 60.S"..r.. H<oI,Spiri, po\iduLl6J ofChri ... 10.IIJ.ISS.lJ9·..s ><, ....... 17·29. 'J.96·". 17.·76. 197.
P~~a~:' 7. 17. 10, iSl . HO. S.. 01,. Poi)'U'P, I48.ISO dar.2'IG. 106. U1._.
ID P"'-"
, 11;'(14. 160. 16.J. 197,ll)1, 1I•. ol<k.d.76 Scrip,ut<.s<.57,67,100I. IS .. I6.J, 16S.
......;.:. 76-n p'r>Iy. ;',n.29.9l.ro.o.lu,lU.ZJI ohuy' po-< .. n"I91-lOIJ 116, 211, l14,ZZ7·Z" ZJI ~""',S0-51. 70. 116· 19. 169·70.llS 110. Ili. 115. 1,l1. 107
", •• n ... J9• .!O...s.n.lJ7 ~.I . IU.ll'J u,.f<H",ho. J9.'I·U,99.U"H1 hTo-11S- 19.1lS ....... fII. st.6J·67."·'S.IJl
"':;;~;::~~:'1:~;::' ,0.0. Iq. I~. ", • .,...i •• 130. 146 . 3.111.2<9 , ..... 0'........ 2.J ....
my.. <ty p.>><hol.lf7.98. lJ' • ndfli.b.. 76 j ohnth<~ris, ... ~7 . . (0tI~ ",minI- $ .. J..... (h""" fr·

ofh>p,;'m.6.IO poWon. $ .. J..... Ch.i><.p.... <>nof »>d rid•• 51. I n . ndl<p<,.Z6 ",,"of
ofg •• «.IOJ p' .. io ..... JI.J'.U.9U prin« •• l ..... U, 7l. 167. 1... " .36 ,..,WiOB. I. 9• .IJ. 60. 100HO I. HI. H<d,'9·SJ.SS.57.S9·61.,w.n I7S
hkld<l'.5-t.61.1..s P....,. ••• IW, 197• .201·1.10'1.1117.115 widow'.gih.176.7Y
p:~~.5:~60.!., IIll. Ill). m. 1j8. 125. Uo. r904.116.z,w·J5•••• ,Z.S n .19J..ltl
o( irnmo .-.ality.Z4S p>licnco,H. n.10l· 1. 109. 119. llZ· p<><U .. io",.~.IH . 1 lI. 1.s.J16.n. ,-h<r""'. liB. IJI
1J.22S·17 17I1,1 !-< •. 17.S".I•• ,i(h,.o; ",.al,i> p'ophoq- ridl". SI. H. 11 9,1J8·l9. 142,'6. 1?6-
of ln"",,';on.ll·J'. 1\O. 11!.1 57.
175 , 19! .ZCl'. lOl.1 11 p.<r(.«h •• .w, ..· .2.62 poY< .ty.S«poo. (ulfilled. J5.SS,6<,7I1. Il l. 154· 55. 19. 2l9,S«ol" p""... >ion.; w.,I.h boJi iy, 9J.JJI •.J2

"f",."ri·s·. IJ' Paul, J ~. 10. 20. 21. 41. Sl. liS. 1'9 power ISI6.J9! . 11!.11J.1:l6.22!.llJ ·14. righr<ow.9.29.JZ.7O" J.198 ,omtrlOn. 192
'"Qint ing. 11 0
ri::;.'~~.~~;, ~'S 56, 59·6<1, J ra. 117
:: :!':'::~n:.0~~~_6 pe,,<.U.102, J2!.:w.1Jl.I 46. 16 7 ofb.pt i. m.l.1 0
d. monic. lI, -W, ", ' 5. 67. 69. 7/
lif,of.lS) . oJpmbk •• 55
of . """;r.cad" ,,l J P.lagi ••• J2,:49 . nd H»ly Spiri <,I O:l ...... l S1,1 'J.S .. ol" j ord.nRi ... piain ,I OO, I(I9. ISB
,ock. Sl, U l. lJ2 ·lJ , 2)5 , IJ1.1<,) , 2S6 'pi.i, .. ",. 100, loa. 1 ~6. ~J2
" fT rinity. I I, 7' p.oph.,
divin<. U , 28,'I. 46.55.61·6S , SO. Rom .... I..,.l31.11S • . 4, 112
mr"ia.L JJ.H. SO. 9J. 116 •• I. 136.
9'.1 04.1 2<.150. 159. 170. 1&'.:10.
f.I... l3) '.mp .. d ....

.nd""'o,.7' root.i9,51·S<. 56·S1,6 1·62.126 ·27 ....pIlim.ln
N . bal.!. J~~tbeB.pti.J.r .. , 1·9.&1. 86·57• .. bba,h. 10.11.JS·J I,7I. !OJ.I IS • .. tprn" ..... 16J.H/I, 251
n.."" •• JO.<l _'1.67.111l.11'. H S.1 1 !. off"; ,h. 76 , 7S _BO. H7, 256
heilin" 7&. ' 1
orh .... n., "7
o rHQ\rSf>ir;'.l, 46.J11.:10
1 7I. 1HIU.I~·t5.109.lJ.(I.:lS'
I6&. >a<,,,,,,ne. ,H.IOf.I(I9,l ZJ.IJO.l3J .
J~ . 115. 1"I. IU
<Xrifoa. 10. 150·51. 174. U6. 197.101
b.pclo.mof .. 1J
CIIrl>< ... ~.J8.1H
olGod,I5.U.<1.rI0.llO./Jt .l46. oiloo-e.171 puftiohrnern.12-2J.69.12J.1 2B.IJI.

:,=~11S5.2".14-1 ~161.1J1.m.117.2"
115.r95 P«p', >t;onfo •• 5 1'1,195.215

-'" ri""O<I~''''''L 16J

p',;", ,"- 110. 19S~_ 11.199 •• 17
,.......,.lo.2i. 16.SO.S1,1(J. 101, 150- Satld01U<.,I69·1O

huaun.18.J'.56.U./fI.IU.101. lO<II.l~ ,1.17'.1l1li ";oa.46,III.IM·M.Ul.2H
Pr<I!oso,... H
110-11. l/J. 2S4
P<70-::.... 2
.ndh>ptiom.16-11 oal..n.,m

>nd rn«<' «tioot, SI ~. 9 "fboprl..... 5.10

oflo.", 172. 197.115
>ndf.lirh.I12. Il~, 161
'KOocil"'""" 11,11 • . " 119
l>yChrio •• "-'1.9J. 10[. lOS..2V.
oJ..pt..ni 15. 89. 2011.122
oirI<ndI.'.2J·l'. 29·J2. 1J.76-18.30
N.,.."'.... ' .. 119 l-w<u,,,, ... 19.V,.,.5J.56.61.1O,
Uurruct«l w, 1,64. 71. lU- U, 196.
,ed ......... S"j..... Chtiu...-.d«mer ..,...,0",y«.'J..5 11.9J.100I, 143, 252
Non ..... '" JI .1O-lJ.71·79.151.11t. 11:. 11«, I"'. I"" IV. 211 '-:~1~q. iSl, 1115, lW. 215. hilforyof,I._19.•1 • . [7 ..1....
P .... , ZIl·U.lJO
J........... 1.. 25. 6l. 93.105.101·
..... "'of.11-11 <.""...nded,.20.2J.2~ III
.nd<hll,d>.76 ofdiMiplt•• 126
"'.!>u<haclnu... 1O conf... ionof.21·12.40. II O,111 ::~:::~ 51::;, I;:: :::' lW-' ooJ",oIi",,74
nci~ .... nl26.141·'1.J7P' <kni. lofCh,l... 1~.119·11 "pent""_ "'<piri,.,.dfl.. h.1H.<)(I of' ..... Ch, ...,IOz,r96,116.213.
".moof. ol.l..s IIChi_dl>y.JI,69 ... ,alrh.nd.J<5 19.111·23
~~';; •.lIS; .~~, 117• .201, lOI. m.'4' 1"'",.,0 •. 111.125.161
••b~k<J. Ill, IlS b-optio ","'.!. 4·6, 9. !O~ . J! IInc,;r.",ion,5, IJ.il.41.Il.101
!J. 85-F. 21 0
o .. h. .. '''nlfill~, •• ;. n. 11 5· 20 f"" igh .."u. n.... H.1S1 .ndbLnph.",y •• 7 1~ , 15].H7 ~ _-I

<oI><y.11.6J.65.r..!.t9.IH Ph.....,h ,I OJ.1J7 . ndr<mp .. ,ion,l IZ· H ,,11 £0, •• ·6,64. 1 1. 135 .. nct"y. l70

p,~~~:g,ru'i~<d. 20H
oblodon.1J3.115 S.nh.d,in• .201.116
S"ili. i2 . imil<. 60-6 1,S".'.o m ... pho".ym

Philip.4 1, 5s,a?
:~:~~~;.~' i,U/' J.
S' " '' 16. 17. ' ) -'5 . 13, 56. ' 3, ' 6. 111,
phil~.ophr. SS ofdi>cip!e<.4 1, nlSO. 25.
pi>~o ni • • SI. 51" , 7 ofJ<s",Ch, i" .11. 1' .27, rS5.2J9 inll'nLlOW , 17 bro, h.,ofj .. " , . 78

27 0 271
SU8J&CTI • ...,u
,h.Canan . .. n(,h,Z ,>l ~t), ~I ."dlW<~ 'Y,57 proph"k,I.4.2.3 l$~ ,
151·J3, 15'/. 162·U. 176·76.
Cy,.n •. 227. 11 ....... n•• JI.Jl. 51.JJI ·J2.HI.2 15 ofSc,!prut<. 16~ I&S,lOl.lll·H.1SI (" ••". r... wiQno'p ...... 'Y,IH.90.111
!cp<' .... &.th.ny.l97 , ....... «tiono(, 150'195 "'.... 61.$4, 172 ..;o;r.-1om) ... ri<t<n.IO$.lJl.HI
P.' .... IIl.ZJ..H••1.6VU.I4&.lOI- "";'l',,~ .... m 'h«>pbon,. 11 «. ~ of J"w (b,; ... 24. 2r;, JC. 64 . 101
.oIu.<>f,1O ,him.'IO, J57·5f.134
Thon-w,'! ·t Z
o~::::.;~: .~, 9·11. 15. 1.16, 15I!· .l~. 211. 12$,lJO
.im..J,.",i'y.I9(l •. JO , p.. ch.J9.5~. 102· •• ll9. JJI. 189-91. ofJu.w • .ro1-J "f«...;" ... 4II.116
.in 191.222.2.l-4 thomo."9.52·5J.S6- ond Holy Spiti,. 10. 205. W ofSoun.ll.lOO .... di..... I'a«, 11. 19". $.1'5
"S';""HoIySpitit.46 Ii";ng. 102. l51 ";n.d.41 ·'2.6 J·6$.~ H5. ,"J.II16 ,! U . ndfai,I\. <IJ.J6. 'i.8, 76.IIJ.IU
"0n<m.,,,f.<.J~ J2! . 161 ,hund«. 41· ~ Z. 91. I<&. 162 wolkingon. 65 . 1IO, 9J·94 win. ,J3·J5. 98. 112. 15 9, 20) · 1.125. cf GoJ..l.18.17.Jt,141
,h .."", ; .,i,, 0(.2~, 97. 99. 109. 112 S••ph.n.2S' tomb.75.!I,I50.Z17-<J.255 <n<\winc, 9S. 2OS.207 111·./9 ~~SI.105.1!J, I19.JJ9. HI.
Ch,;" .. d.~, 11. ~J .69 . I ..... ]51·$2. ,~fI'.'ing
0(0."" .....,111, ...
r;:;::~.:. I5 ..,.U. 91. 1(lJ.•. ............21.JI.SI.'J.I04,l!~JJI.

Ch".. witho~',1l.17.JI.'5.1U in f';,I\. 121 .nd ..!>!,., h• .I6 ·J7.185.2'!

,<,"£<"'0" of. 1,10.16 h..lingof, U . Jl. 119 ffodidon. 2. 71. 96-98. 11>9 offl .. h ..... IlS. 1~2. 210. 21 2·1 4 ."';n"wi,h"1.197.200 .nd unbcli.f.7t·IO
f~t;:,!,. I. •. 27·2' . 406. H. of~~/~';!". 69.9S.IU. 16;'201.
:~7.~~':;.'~1~ II~'::;. II~ 111, 11. 119. hu ....... 1IIJ,U7.UI9·1O
of<DMrTf"&.I".UO ofl"",cprion. 2J.24Z .<><Imon.Jl4 . .16 . " .. 0£.he. SI . $7
Trinity.I1 •• 7./C.ll . <6. 47 •. lS. 76.

<><T...I ,I UU7.1.!9 . 21~ wornanh.>.l.dof.72· 75 ofp" ... 20'1 poc> ,.1l6. 79 .M chu «h.61·6Z,ll)6
mniui"".r,5 • • 5, 91.1l7.207 ",n.1J6-19.1 i6·17, llQ.1H·31.1Cli lSO.17l.I77.S"",.uniry, cfG<><I. of _1s..3 • ...d,..u,,,,"';""'lJ~·.f7
<q><.lto(, $. 11. 15. 115 ~ ond .... ngm, .... 9S·96, D l Syropho.ruci.a ... ItXJ.IIlZ coruumnw:lOn 0£; 111. 256
.. 'unUDs'o,IOO' IOB.181 ,";<><.66-61.69·71 'fPC.Z,6.I.U.IOJ.10l.UI.l)ot.I ... ricto<y _«.I,l.Ul WO" u r<ca,ion.116.ISl
• nd"mptuion.IW-JI • ymbol. 11,".$0,19.19.91. 1011. 1!6• 197. 199. 2' 2 •. 1'.S" 01,. "",,, . w<oI'h. S7. !c2. 1"·411. 171·80. S« «c"ion by.7J.IS& d..,h.n.. "d. ll
S,,01,, .... il'iniquicy,wick.dn.. ' 119. 152.lSS. ISI· 60.a9, 225.2" -CS pho~.imil".ymbol 4l'opo, ....... "', rich .. divinc.Cli.6J.H,II5,19J ncth".139
Srm"",,<bus,~ . 95.1JJ • . 5 unbc~.f, 56, 71, 10. 121·1~. 164,2D).
::;!.~~~ ~~ I~ 146 246·50 w;:r~<~;:-'.::~J.I. I SI!. 219. W. of God. 22. ~.t9. 56-51. Ho llI. p".ochcd, 0.!'J.UIIl.191.2~.S/J

S..",,",<I) wick<dn . ... JI. 71. 97. 112. 145.1 66. Ii.in" 103. 106 :~'::':~·, ~J' l4.!l6.2 10
•1. ... IU. H8. IlI.IU, 192. 1 15. 217 ,,,,, ... ZD.29·JQ.<Z.JSS,I6<\·61 unlf)' 201. 225.231.2J7. S .. "" ••• i1,iniq' mw. l/coh. '9.157,Zil$..117.1J7• Jinof,j.IJ
,_her .... , b~"h, 12'·29. 1J9.1 ~'. HO wty,.in m wo .. hip,16,19.lJ.H.J9.<6.66.6II,
diorip~ ... 1I.1 9.62.6J.135.Z20. o(Godttood.64. In·.f(). 166 ( . ..... no. Z4<
w:~~-" S"U
_",159.171.176·" 96, 167.
-'t<y.J67 14&·~ T""iry) wif•• U·.5.&7,1l'·J7,169· 7!l y" r.S 1.ISJ

", il • • 9. 50. 52. 5• • $6·57 Hc1rSpi,i, ... 47, Z51 wUd«n .... I·~. 12. 16. 2Z3. 247 .ndd..do.1 17. U9.171. 192 l""',h.H5.J<1,2+O,H3
;"wCh,i" ... lf , 10.<a·<9. 7J. !9. .W Juw· l.... 1Jl-J~ Z<b«iu.11.20..1.147,"9.1J6
Ill, Ill. I'l. 1".1&0. 17',191, ofScriptU ... 54 "fGod,J.7.lI.4&.61. 69.lO.lOI. of,hcLonl.JJ.174.17lI.lfl1 "Zc<furiili. 12. IJof
.... O•.;d,J6.15l. JU.17J·n, IlS y'; ... 2S.76.96.119.ZII.Zll
.ndpo ...". Jl ,I Sl
.fGod.I . II·16.21 -ZJ . .... oe.0>4. ,"..:h ing y.nity.lll.17,lH
6<\. M. 74. 110. IH, 11 9.21. 1.jQ. . bou,Jud .. I.... io'.21 5. 16 •• iI.llZ.JJS.1JS.1Cli
hum. n.H.3Q. 12. 44 •• 4". ~ .45 , 52
7&·)'9.1 00-101.139.1. 1 " . 33.1'1.
:~~~~~~~~. H 64.101
IS~ 165,jM.I91· 96.111 ·",1U. ondivof«.I)ot( .. , .J,~di.o«.) riJil<.17
115.l5Z-SoO ,"-'% ...... 57.llI.lSS . 162 .IU20~ ~l(I8.
.... Man.27.J;..06. !lO- I1 . 11(j·Zl
1•• ·25.147,' 8.186-88.202,2(\4.
fo,g<>o<!.1 94 '"
y'n'i".ll1.21S.127.Z9. 21 2.n4.S"
112.2 1~ 2 1 '.24-4 hidd.n.s.<·55 oI'· S.l1

:fin • nd H"y 5p;rit. 47. 252

ofP<<<,. l20
ri<Jin.I.U.H.11.H.49.IJ6,2J4 •
.odl>ody. 17J.176. 182 "u•. 2:/3 .i"",.", 60. 69.IH,J H ,1 7'·74.1 73
,h.ng.in, Sl.56,252 'empl. 19. I~I

OIIdf.ith.,J'.I(lJ 1>d~ ..... 1I1 oibon.lll.UJ.Jl7.14l.1Jof

~:t:~.:. ~~~'.~:.';%
hcdoo..o('4.1'1 ~.

heolinJof. 21.21.JO,J5.61 .109.JJJ ofG odtt.cF"h.., J. !4. 16, 10f>.U 5.

163.206,151 """'~<<ion of. 155 ". jJ , 1~0-!1. llD, llS. I'"
O~~C""Cbru'.J5..JI.m.lU,Zj1. fro"'h •••• n.ll -I2.IC.16
o£J..wCh.i... I. n. IOJ. !96.l!lII.
Io~ Godwi th.l!4 . 167. m.ln. 1IO. 112·jJ
o f ""'do.",. "'. 119·10,'41
272 273

l~d7. 4Z
H og';
2Ct22.IU J...."'Ia!>
2&,1 0.57 4,IJ . 214 z..+,..i.o),
)I:'!.IW 29:7.163 9,9.154
22:1. ZJJ. 2H
)8,6, 10
21 : S.2~
M . ~),i 8,;1-4·26,7}
17,14·M. 2<4
},I. J,4 6,16. 64. 7~, .56
2S'1·) ~. 86
ScIlIPTtlRBINDU' 24:10.:4.
25,10.119 ",40
::n~~p;:,~::::;<:~ "'IO.ll9 12,1·20.UJ ~.~~o ... n
M .. ",,-,
~~ :::\<>R:~::':~f:'~ 1,12.199 j,I.J6
5,16,229 1:20.17')
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