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Behavior Therapy 49 (2018) 113 – 123

Do Self-Incentives and Self-Rewards Change Behavior? A

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Emma M. Brown
University of Manchester and University of East Anglia
Debbie M. Smith
University of Manchester and Leeds Trinity University
Tracy Epton
University of Manchester
Christopher J. Armitage
University of Manchester and NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre

meta-analysis is therefore the first to evaluate the unique

Encouraging people to self-incentivize (i.e., to reward effect of self-incentives on behavior change. Effect sizes were
themselves in the future if they are successful in changing retrieved from 7 of the 10 studies. Analysis of the 7 studies
their behavior) or self-reward (i.e., prompt people to reward produced a very small pooled effect size for self-incentives (k =
themselves once they have successfully changed their 7, N = 1,161), which was statistically significant, d+ = 0.17, CI
behavior) are techniques that are frequently embedded [0.06, 0.29]. The weak effect size and dearth of studies raises
within complex behavior change interventions. However, it the question of why self-incentivizing is such a widely
is not clear whether self-incentives or self-rewards per se are employed component of behavior change interventions. The
effective at bringing about behavior change. Nine databases present research opens up a new field of inquiry to establish:
were searched alongside manual searching of systematic (a) whether or not self-incentivizing and self-rewarding are
reviews and online research registers. One thousand four effective behavior change techniques, (b) whether self-
hundred papers were retrieved, spanning a range of incentives and self-rewards need to be deployed alongside
behaviors, though the majority of included papers were in other behavior change techniques, and, (c) when and for
the domain of “health psychology”. Ten studies matched whom self-incentives and self-rewards could support effective
the inclusion criteria for self-incentive but no studies were behavior change.
retrieved for self-reward. The present systematic review and

Keywords: self-incentive; self-reward; isolation; behavior change;


Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from
funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors
but was supported by the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research
Centre. RESEARCH ON LEARNING THEORY shows that incentiv-
Address correspondence to Christopher J. Armitage, Ph.D., izing or rewarding progress toward a particular goal
Manchester Centre for Health Psychology, NIHR Manchester is likely to lead to desirable behavior change,
Biomedical Research Centre, Division of Psychology and Mental
Health, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine,
particularly when the individual has prior knowledge
and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; e-mail: that this incentive will be administered (Skinner,
chris.armitage@manchester.ac.uk. 1953). Positive reinforcement in the form of exter-
0005-7894/© 2018 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
nally administered incentives (e.g., money, vouchers,
Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. social recognition; coded as 10.8 “incentive” in the
114 brown et al.

Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy v1 [BCTT distinction between “self-incentives” and “self-
v1]; Michie et al., 2013) has shown promise in rewards.” According to the BCTT v1 (Michie
changing health-related behavior (Giles, Robalino, et al., 2013), a “self-incentive” is defined as a
McColl, Sniehotta, & Adams, 2014; Mantzari et al., “plan to reward self in future if and only if there
2015). However, the use of externally administered has been effort and/or progress in performing the
incentives has been associated with two main behaviour” (BCTT v1 10.7), whereas a “self-
limitations, specifically: (a) the logistical difficulties reward” is defined as to “prompt self-praise or
associated with externally administered incentives self-reward if and only if there has been effort and/
(i.e., agreement and acceptability of these incentives or progress in performing the behaviour” (BCTT v1
to participants and the general public; Hoddinott 10.9). Thus, self-incentives are plans to reward
et al., 2014), and (b) the possibility that externally one’s self in the future if one is successful in
administered incentives might undermine intrinsic changing one’s behavior, whereas self-rewards are
motivation (once the incentive is removed, the prompts to reward oneself after having successfully
likelihood of long-term behavior change is decreased changed one’s behavior. However, historically, the
and relapse may be imminent; Deci & Ryan, 1985; terms “self-incentive” and “self-reward” have been
Gneezy, Meier, & Rey-Biel, 2011). The present used interchangeably. For example, a systematic
research provides the first systematic review and review investigating the effectiveness of tailored
meta-analysis to assess whether self-administered programs to increase physical activity found that all
incentives (“self-incentives”; BCTT v1 10.7) and 18 qualifying studies incorporated self-rewards
self-administered rewards (“self-rewards”; BCTT v1 alongside other behavior change techniques such as
10.9) are a viable alternative to rewards and goal setting (BCTT v1 1.1) and building social
incentives that are administered externally. support (BCTT v1 3.1; Kahn et al., 2002). However,
Self-incentivizing involves encouraging people to what had been defined as self-rewards in this review,
plan to incentivize themselves contingent on a would better fit the BCTT v1 (Michie et al., 2013)
pre-specified goal, whereas self-rewarding involves definition of a self-incentive (BCTT v1 10.7).
prompting people to reward themselves after they Despite the popularity of self-incentivizing or
have achieved an important goal. Both self-incentive self-rewarding as a feature of behavior change
and self-reward overcome some of the limitations of interventions, their use may be described as more
externally administered incentives because key fea- “evidence inspired” than “evidence based” because
tures of the incentive or reward (e.g., magnitude, very little is known about the unique effects of
schedule, type) are under the control of the individual. self-incentives or self-rewards on behavior change
Thus, self-incentives and self-rewards are: (a) likely to (Michie & Abraham, 2004). This is because
be more acceptable than externally administered self-incentives and/or self-rewards are typically
incentives, (b) less likely to undermine intrinsic deployed alongside several other behavior change
motivation (e.g., Deci & Ryan, 1985), and (c) more techniques and contrasted with “treatment-as-
likely to lead to desirable behavior change than usual” comparator conditions. Thus, it is not yet
externally administered incentives (Skinner, 1953). clear to what extent successful behavior change can
The positive features of self-incentives and self- be attributed to self-incentivizing or self-rewarding
rewards (e.g., likely to be more acceptable) have per se, which is important because self-incentivizing
influenced the frequent deployment of these behavior or self-rewarding may exert null or even negative
change techniques alongside several others within effects and are therefore worthy of examination in
complex behavior change interventions across a range their own right.
of behaviors including smoking cessation (Belles & We therefore decided to undertake the first
Bradlyn, 1987); weight loss (Sciamanna et al., 2011); systematic review of the literature to evaluate the
and self-management of pain, sleep quality, and daily effectiveness of self-incentivizing and self-rewarding
living activities related to juvenile fibromyalgia (independently) on behavior change. This systematic
(Degotardi et al., 2006). Reference to, and promotion review has two key objectives: (1) to calculate the
of, self-incentivizing and self-rewarding as effective effect size associated with the effects of self-
behavior change techniques is common in guidance incentivizing and self-rewarding (independently),
administered to practitioners charged with helping and (2) to try to understand when and for whom
people to lose weight (Irish Nutrition and Dietetic self-incentives or self-rewards might change behavior.
Institution, 2013), quit smoking (Michie & Abraham,
2004), and in health behavior change more broadly Method
(Michie et al., 2008). This systematic review was conducted in accordance
The behavior change technique taxonomy v1 with guidelines provided by the Preferred Reporting
(BCTT v1; Michie et al., 2013) makes explicit a Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes
do self-incentives and self-rewards change behavior? 115

(PRISMA) statement (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & bases were searched due to a dearth of studies
Altman, 2009). matching the inclusion criteria.
The search strategy utilized relevant search terms
eligibility criteria for an incentivizing or rewarding aspect (e.g., self-
Both published and unpublished randomized con- treat, self-incentive, self-reward [BCTT v1 10.9]; see
trolled trials were eligible for inclusion if they fulfilled supplementary material S2–S5 for the search strate-
the following criteria: gies used). Manual searching of relevant systematic
reviews, online research registers (clinicaltrials.gov,
1. Consisted of human participant populations ISRCTN), and general web searching was undertaken
with no limitations for age, medical conditions, to identify further studies that matched the inclusion
or language the manuscript was published in. criteria. The reference lists and citation searches of all
2. The self-incentivizing or self-rewarding con- the included studies were also screened for additional
dition could be compared to an alternative relevant studies.
intervention (e.g., self-monitoring [BCTT v1
2.3]), if self-monitoring was also used in the study selection and data extraction
intervening condition), usual care, or no other After the removal of duplicates, one researcher
intervention. (E.M.B.) independently screened the titles and
3. Self-incentives or self-rewards were utilized in abstracts of all retrieved papers to exclude those
isolation of additional behavior change tech- that were irrelevant to the eligibility criteria. Full
niques, or could be controlled as the only texts of the remaining papers were obtained and
difference between the intervention and com- independently screened by one researcher (E.M.B.)
parator conditions. 1 to identify those that met the inclusion criteria (see
4. The self-incentive or self-reward and kinds of supplementary material S7 for a list of excluded
incentives or rewards (e.g., material incentive; papers with reasons). Additional researchers (T.E.
BCTT v1 10.1) chosen are contained only & D.M.S.) independently screened 10% of the titles
within the intervention condition and are not and abstracts, achieving very good agreement
found in the comparator condition. (Cohen’s kappa N 0.8; Peat, 2001) and 10% of
5. The outcome measure was behavior with no the full texts, resulting in moderate agreement
limitations in terms of the target behavior. (Cohen’s kappa = 0.5). This lower Cohen’s kappa
6. Behavior was assessed using self-report and/or value at full-text stage is representative of the low
objective measures at least one point in time number of studies screened at this stage (26 studies)
following (including immediately following) with only one disagreement. Any disagreements at
the intervention/comparator. title, abstract, and full-text stage were resolved
through discussion, and a third reviewer was not
data sources and search strategy required.
Electronic databases were searched without date Data were extracted from all included studies by
limits up to the date of the search (December, 2015). one researcher (E.M.B.) using a data extraction sheet
These included the Allied and Complementary created for this purpose. Additional researchers (T.E.
Medicine Database (AMED); Applied Social Sciences & D.M.S.) also extracted data from all included
Index and Abstracts (ASSIA); Cumulative Index to studies for accuracy, resulting in above moderate
Nursing and Allied Health Literature plus (CINAHL); agreement (Cohen’s kappa = 0.7) with any disagree-
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials ments that arose being resolved through discussion.
(CENTRAL); Embase, Health and Psychosocial Information extracted from the included studies
Instruments (HaPI); MEDLINE; PsycINFO; Science consisted of sample characteristics, study design,
Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED); and interventions used, all outcomes, and results. Data
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Several data- were also extracted if available to address questions
about the effectiveness of self-incentivizing or self-
Unexpectedly, very few studies met our inclusion criteria, despite the rewarding in relation to compliance, administration,
fact that we included both “self-incentive” and “self-reward” as search
terms. Although self-incentives have been frequently deployed within
and duration.
complex behavior change interventions, many of these studies have not The nature of self-incentivizing and self-rewarding
followed a randomized controlled trial methodology (see Figure 1). We
considered relaxing our inclusion criteria and re-ran the search to include
was coded using Adams, Giles, McColl, and
any studies that utilized self-incentives or self-rewards alongside other Sniehotta’s (2014) framework for describing finan-
behavior change techniques (i.e., self-incentives or self-rewards were not
used in isolation). However, this search yielded just four further studies,
cial incentive interventions. They consisted of: (a)
none of which included the appropriate measures, such as the frequency of how frequently the instances of behavior were
self-incentivizing that would allow us to proceed with moderator analysis in
order to evaluate the effectiveness of self-incentives on changes in behavior.
rewarded/incentivized, (b) how immediately the
We therefore decided to retain the original inclusion criteria. reward/incentive was received, and (c) whether the
116 brown et al.

reward/incentive was the same throughout or if this used to calculate the effect sizes to be pooled within
varied (e.g., increased in value as the behavior was the meta-analysis to allow for the most appropriate
maintained). representative effects based on the self-incentivizing
or self-rewarding interventions. All but two studies
risk of bias did not report an additional follow-up time point
Risk of bias was rated for all included studies by one once the intervention had ceased, or had used a
researcher (E.M.B.) following criteria recommended delayed intervention for the control group at which
by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (2009; point the control group was no longer an appropriate
see supplementary material S8). A second researcher comparator.
(T.E.) rated all of the included studies to check for
agreement, which resulted in moderate agreement meta-analytic strategy
(Cohen’s kappa = 0.6). Any disagreements at this The following procedures were implemented to com-
stage were resolved through discussion. pute the standardized mean difference (i.e., Cohen’s
d; Cohen, 1992) for each study included in this meta-
data synthesis analysis in order to calculate the overall pooled effect
The included studies were grouped together in size. A bias-corrected function (Hedges & Olkin,
order of relevant psychological field (based on the 1985) was used across all included studies to correct
divisions of the American Psychological Association) for bias in standardized mean differences, which
in a tabular form for narrative synthesis (see has been previously suggested for studies that con-
supplementary material S7). If studies reported tained samples of fewer than 20 participants (Hedges
more than one relevant comparison condition, then & Olkin, 1985).
the comparison based on no intervention was For each study comparison, effect sizes were
favored, with the other comparisons being excluded calculated based on the available data (see supple-
as irrelevant. For example, the included paper by mentary material S6). The preferred method of effect
Castro and Rachlin (1980) had four possible size calculation was to subtract the posttest mean
conditions, which included: (a) self-incentive from the baseline mean for each intervention and
(BCTT v1 10.7), (b) self-monitoring (BCTT v1 comparator condition, and divide the result by the
2.3), (c) self-punishment, and (d) control, in which pooled baseline standard deviations of the two
the self-incentivizing and the control conditions were conditions. The statistics required for the preferred
analyzed for the present review. method of effect size calculation (namely, baseline
If it was not possible to compare the intervention and posttest means, standard deviations, and sample
condition with a no-intervention control, then a sizes for all conditions) were available for 3 of the 10
comparison condition such as the utilization of included studies (Armitage, 2014; see French, Jeffrey,
another behavior change technique was included. & Oliphant, 1994, for two separate analyses).
For example, the paper by Chapman and Jeffrey When these data were not available, the second
(1978) had three possible conditions, which included: preferred method of effect size calculation was to use
(a) self-monitoring (BCTT v1 2.3), (b) self-monitoring tables that compared the frequencies of participants
plus goal setting (BCTT v1 2.3 plus 1.1), and (c) self- whose behavior did change with those whose
monitoring plus goal setting plus self-incentive behavior did not change for both the intervention
(BCTT v1 2.3 plus 1.1 plus 10.7). In this instance, and comparator conditions at post-treatment. This
Conditions 2 (self-monitoring plus goal setting), method uses the frequencies as outlined above for
and 3 (self-monitoring plus goal setting plus self- both the intervention and comparator conditions
incentive) were analyzed for the present review, as the to calculate an odds ratio. From this, the odds ratio
only difference between these conditions was the is converted into Cohen’s d by multiplying the
inclusion of a self-incentive. Analysis of Chapman natural logarithm of the odds ratio by the square
and Jeffrey’s (1978) and related studies in this way root of 3, and
pffiffiffi dividing this value by the number pi
ensured that the effect size could not be attributed (d ¼ lnOR 3=π; Hasselblad & Hedges, 1995). The
erroneously to a behavior change technique other statistics required for this method were available in 2
than self-incentive. of the 10 included studies (Hailey, Lalor, Byrne, &
Differences between the delivery (e.g., immediately Starling, 1992; Solomon et al., 1998).
self-incentivizing/rewarding, self-incentivizing/ The final and least preferred method of effect size
rewarding weekly) and choosing of the self- calculation used the one-tailed p value reported for
incentive or self-reward (e.g., instructed how to the intervention and comparator condition alongside
self-incentivize/reward) were also included where the sample size. For this calculation, the z value
available. Where multiple follow-up time points were associated with the one-tailed p value was found
reported, only the post-intervention time point was (using a z table provided by Field, 2009). From this,
do self-incentives and self-rewards change behavior? 117

using the method proposed by Rosenthal (1991), the they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Full-texts of
z value was divided by the square root of the total the remaining 265 papers were screened and 9 papers
number of participants across both the intervention that met the inclusion criteria were included in the
and comparator conditions to calculate Pearson’s r. present review (see Figure 1 for PRISMA flow
Finally, the method proposed by Friedman (1968) of diagram, including reasons for exclusion). One of
2 multiplied by r, divided by the square root of the the included papers (French et al., 1994) incorporat-
term (1 – r 2) was used toffi convert Pearson’s r into
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ed two self-incentivizing intervention conditions and
Cohen’s d (d ¼ 2r= 1−r 2 ). Two of the 10 included two comparator conditions with the only difference
studies provided only the one-tailed p values to between the intervention and comparator conditions
calculate the effect size between the intervention and being self-incentive. Taking these additional condi-
comparator conditions to allow for the investigation tions into account within the study, overall 10
of the effectiveness of self-incentivizing in isolation self-incentivizing comparisons were analyzed.
(Castro & Rachlin, 1980; Jackson & Molloy, 1985). Although we included both “self-incentive” and
The bias-corrected function (1 – 3/(4(intervention “self-reward” as search terms in the present sys-
sample size + control sample size – 2) – 1)) as proposed tematic review, none of the interventions described in
by Hedges & Olkin (1985) was used for all of the the retrieved comparisons could be accurately
above calculations to correct for any sample size described as “self-reward” (i.e., people are prompted
biases present. to self-reward after the behavior has already
The remaining three studies lacked the reporting of changed) but did meet the definition of a “self-
any data (e.g., means, standard deviations, frequen- incentive” (i.e., people are asked to plan to reward
cies, F values, t values, or p values) that could be used themselves in the future if they are successful in
for the accurate calculation of effect size between the changing their current behavior) according to the
intervention and comparator conditions (Chapman BCTT v1 (Michie et al., 2013).
& Jeffrey, 1978; Grady, Goodenow, & Borkin, Risk of selection bias was low across all included
1988; Greiner & Karoly, 1976). All authors were studies. There was no allocation bias in one study
contacted and asked to provide access to these (Armitage, 2014), which reported all randomiza-
additional data, but the data could not be retrieved. tion procedures and concealed condition allocation.
Therefore, the remaining three studies were analyzed Allocation bias was high for the remaining nine
in the following three ways: (a) omitting these studies. Detection bias ranged from moderate to
studies, (b) assuming that the effect size was zero, high across all included studies, due to a lack of
and (c) calculating an effect size assuming that p = .5. information about whether the assessors, and/or
A random-effects model, weighted by sample size, those who administered the intervention were blind
was used to calculate the pooled effect size, con- to condition and also how blinding was assessed.
fidence intervals, significance of heterogeneity, and Attrition bias was low for one study (Armitage,
extent of heterogeneity for all outcome variables, 2014), with the remaining studies lacking informa-
using the revised metan command in STATA Version tion about participant withdrawals, and the use of
12.1 (Stata, 2011). Random-effects models were intention to treat analysis.
conducted due to differences in the included studies The sample sizes for four out of the seven studies
(e.g., effect sizes), which were expected to be meta-analyzed within the present systematic review
heterogeneous. Levels of heterogeneity were assessed were considered small (ranged between 20 and 32
through the I 2 statistic based on suggestions that an I 2 participants per condition) and for this reason, the
over 50% equates moderate heterogeneity, and over meta-analysis was weighted by sample size. Social
75% equates high heterogeneity (Higgins, Thompson, desirability bias may also be present for six of the
Deeks, & Altman, 2003). seven studies analyzed because self-report measures
Potential moderators of self-incentivizing or were used to assess behavior change. Research in
self-rewarding (e.g., type of self- incentives/rewards behavior change has been heavily reliant on
chosen, schedule of delivery) could not be explored self-reported outcomes (Cascio, Dal Cin & Falk,
due to the dearth of studies that were eligible for 2013; Webb & Sheeran, 2006) due to underlying
inclusion in the present systematic review. issues of cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and ethical
considerations of objectively assessed outcomes
Results (Brener, Billy, and Grady, 2003). While subjectively
study characteristics assessed outcomes are not ideal due to the potential
One thousand four hundred papers were retrieved. to provide inaccurate information, self-reporting of
After the removal of duplicate papers, the titles and some behaviors (e.g., smoking) has been previously
abstracts of the remaining 1,255 papers were suggested to be highly accurate (Velicer, Prochaska,
screened: 990 papers were excluded at this stage, as Rossi, & Snow, 1992).
118 brown et al.

Records identified through Additional records identified

database searching through other sources
(N = 1400) (N = 45)

Records after duplicates removed

(N = 1255)
Records excluded
(N = 990) where 549
Records screened excluded at title
(N = 1255) screening and 441 at
abstract screening

Full-text articles

assessed for eligibility Full-text articles

(N = 265) excluded with reasons
(N = 256)

Did not manipulate self-

incentive/reward (N =
Papers to be included in 109)
qualitative synthesis to Was not an RCT (N =
date 76)
(N = 9; 10 studies) Not a human population
(N = 2)
Not an appropriate
control (N = 46)

Did not report

appropriate outcome (N
= 23)
Papers included in
quantitative synthesis
(N = 6; 7 studies)

FIGURE 1 PRISMA flow diagram of selection and exclusion (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, &
Altman, 2009). Note. RCT = randomized controlled trial.

narrative synthesis If the type of self-incentives chosen by the

Of the 10 included studies, 3 studies focused on participants was provided within the included
breast self-examination (Grady et al., 1988; Hailey papers, then these were also coded as material
et al., 1992; Solomon et al., 1998), 2 studies focused (BCTT v1 10.1), social (BCTT v1 10.5), or non-
on weight loss/control (Castro & Rachlin, 1980; specific (BCTT v1 10.6; Michie et al., 2013). The
Chapman & Jeffrey, 1978), 2 on physical activity types of self-incentives that participants planned to
(see French et al., 1994, for two separate analyses), implement were unclear in 7 of the 10 studies because
1 on fruit consumption (Armitage, 2014), 1 on participants were asked to self-generate their own
academic performance (Greiner & Karoly, 1976), self-incentive. Two studies asked participants to
and 1 on task performance of arithmetic problems use money as the (material) self-incentive (Castro &
(Jackson & Molloy, 1985). Four studies recorded Rachlin, 1980; Jackson & Molloy, 1985) and 1 study
from where participants had been recruited, with 3 (Armitage, 2014) asked participants to self-generate
studies that collected data from the United States self-incentives that were either material (e.g., shop-
(Grady et al., 1988; Hailey et al., 1992; Solomon ping) or social (e.g., meeting friends). Authors of the
et al., 1998), and 1 from Romania (Armitage, 2014). remaining 7 studies were contacted in an attempt to
The remaining data were likely collected in the provide sufficient data about the type of self-incentive
authors’ countries of origin, namely, the United that participants had chosen. However, this informa-
States (Castro & Rachlin, 1980; Chapman & Jeffrey, tion was no longer available due to the prolonged
1978; see French et al., 1994, for two separate period of time since the data were originally collected.
analyses; Greiner & Karoly, 1976) and Australia The schedule of self-incentivizing varied across
(Jackson & Molloy, 1985). the 10 studies. One study asked participants to
do self-incentives and self-rewards change behavior? 119

self-incentivize immediately after one instance of self-incentives in both the intervention and compar-
the target behavior (Jackson & Molloy, 1985), and ator conditions after the initial follow-up measures
5 studies asked participants to plan weekly self- had been recorded and thus would no longer contain
incentives (Armitage, 2014; Castro & Rachlin, a relevant comparator to analyze in the present
1980; see French et al., 1994, for two separate meta-analysis. The lack of additional follow-up
analyses; Greiner & Karoly, 1976) contingent on measures within the included studies determined
successful changes in behavior. One study asked the use of only initial follow-up or postintervention
participants to plan weekly self-incentives for chang- measures to calculate the effect sizes within the
es in eating behavior and monthly self-incentives for present systematic review and meta-analysis.
changes in physical activity (Chapman & Jeffrey, Of the 10 included studies, 5 studies produced
1978). The final 3 studies asked participants to statistically significant results for the self-incentivizing
self-incentivize on a monthly basis (Grady et al., intervention condition compared with a relevant
1988; Hailey et al., 1992; Solomon et al., 1998) comparator. Those that produced significant results
immediately after breast self-examination. (Armitage, 2014; Castro & Rachlin, 1980; French
The use of self-incentives by participants was not et al., 1994; Jackson & Molloy, 1985) utilized
specified in four studies (Castro & Rachlin, 1980; self-incentivizing-based interventions across a range
Chapman & Jeffrey, 1978; Greiner & Karoly, 1976; of populations (students, general population), target
Jackson & Molloy, 1985). Three studies mentioned behaviors (increase fruit consumption, weight loss,
that participants used self-incentives equally across physical activity, and problem solving), and alongside
all conditions, although participants within the additional behavior change techniques (e.g., self-
comparator conditions had not been encouraged to monitoring) utilized within both intervention and
self-incentivize (Armitage, 2014; see French et al., comparator conditions.
1994, for two separate analyses). The remaining
three studies recorded participants’ use of self- overall effect of self-incentive
incentives within the intervention conditions at The pooled effect size for self-incentives (see Table 1
11% (Solomon et al., 1998), 39% (Hailey et al., for individual effect sizes), excluding those studies
1992), and 51% (Grady et al., 1988) with only one from which effect sizes could not be extracted (k =
study reporting the spontaneous administration of 7) and including 1,161 participants overall, sug-
self-incentivizing in the comparator condition (5%; gests that the effect of self-incentivizing is very small
Solomon et al., 1998). The final and only follow-ups (between 0.1 and 0.2; Sawilowsky, 2009) and
for the majority of the included studies ranged from statistically significant (d+ = 0.17, CI [0.06, 0.29],
immediately following a problem-solving task in one I 2 = 0.0%; Q = 4.05); see supplementary material
study (Jackson & Molloy, 1985) to 12-months S1). The pattern of findings was similar after
post-intervention (Solomon et al., 1998), M = 20 including three studies from which effect sizes
weeks. While three studies reported a further could not be extracted and assumptions of d = 0
follow-up after the initial follow-up, only two studies (k = 10, N = 1,286, d+ = 0.16, CI [0.05, 0.27], I 2 =
(see French et al., 1994, for two separate analyses) 0.0%, Q = 4.74), and p = .5 (k = 10, N = 1,286, d+ =
measured and reported additional further follow-up 0.16, CI [0.05, 0.27], I 2 = 0.0%, Q = 4.87) were
outcomes of which relevant comparisons could be followed. Potential outliers were explored using
analyzed. The additional study (Castro & Rachlin, Tukey’s method boxplot 1.5 interquartile range
1980) that reported a further follow-up used a (Hubert & Vandervieren, 2008), which is resilient
delayed comparator condition that incorporated to extreme values and more appropriate for small

Table 1
Effect Sizes for Self-Incentive (Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis)
Study N (intervention) N (control) d (at postintervention) d (after intervention)
Armitage (2014) 77 79 0.21 Not reported
Castro & Rachlin (1980) 10 10 0.76 Delayed follow-up (no longer an
accurate comparator)
French, Jeffery, & Oliphant (1994) (1) 14 14 -0.09 0.03
French et al. (1994) (2) 14 14 0.14 -1.19
Hailey, Lalor, Byrne, & Starling (1992) 62 54 0.40 Not reported
Jackson & Molloy (1985) 14 14 0.21 Not reported
Solomon et al. (1998) 373 412 0.13 Qualitative data only
120 brown et al.

data sets. Regardless of the variations in effect sizes arises as to why the effects of self-incentivizing are so
across the included studies, no studies emerged as small. It is notable that 6 of the 10 retrieved studies
outliers within this analysis. made reference to participants’ failure to self-
incentivize as a possible implication of the effective-
Discussion ness of the self-incentivizing intervention—however,
Self-incentives are used frequently within complex only 1 study (Grady et al., 1988) accurately measured
behavior change interventions but have rarely been and reported self-incentive fidelity toward the behav-
tested without potentially confounding variables. ior change outcome.
The present research is the first systematic review Grady and colleagues (1988) found that rates of
to evaluate the unique effect of self-incentivizing breast self-examination increased from 25 to 71%
on behavior change. The principal findings were: when self-incentives were successfully adminis-
(a) self-incentives produce very small effects on be- tered, with 51% of participants administering self-
havior change when used in isolation, (b) people incentives after instruction. Unfortunately, data
frequently fail to administer self-incentives even were unavailable to establish the effects of self-
when asked to do so, and (c) despite the fact that incentivizing for just those participants who did
“self-rewards” are frequently referenced in the successfully administer self-incentives, and the
literature, it is clear that self-incentives are typically effect size calculated for this study was based on
mislabeled as “self-rewards,” which illustrates the assumptions of d = 0 and p = .5 through a lack of
importance of adopting taxonomies to describe sufficient data between only the self-incentivizing
behavior change techniques accurately (Michie intervention and relevant comparator condition.
et al., 2013). The following discussion considers Additionally, Grady et al.’s (1988) study produced
the theoretical and clinical impact of the present the highest rates of successful self-incentive admin-
findings. istration at 51%, through monthly postal prompts,
The overall effect size for self-incentives was compared to an additional study that provided no
positive and statistically significant, d+ = 0.17, CI means of encouragement to self-incentivize with
[0.06, 0.29] but very small (Sawilowsky, 2009). associated rates of 11% (Solomon et al., 1998) and
However, in comparison with previous meta-analyses a very small effect size of d+ = 0.13 (Sawilowsky,
that have assessed the unique effects of behavior 2009).
change techniques, the number of included studies However, Hailey and colleagues (1992) instructed
and size of effect for self-incentivizing was very small. participants to choose self-incentives that would be
For example, Mento, Steel, and Karren (1987) realistic for: (a) the participants to administer, and
found a small mean effect size (d+ = 0.42) across 49 (b) the target behavior (breast self-examination).
studies utilizing goal setting (BCTT v1 1.3); Kluger Additionally, the participants were instructed to
and DeNisi (1996) found a small mean effect size choose self-incentives in relation to the time and
(d+ = 0.41) across 131 studies that utilized feedback place of intended behavior performance, and self-
on behavior (BCTT v1 2.2); Harkin et al. (2016) incentive administration. Hailey et al.’s (1992)
found a small mean effect size (d+ = 0.40) across method produced a small effect size of d+ = 0.40
138 studies that utilized self-monitoring (BCTT v1 with only 39% of participants complying with the
2.3); and Mantzari et al. (2015) found a small mean self-incentive instructions (i.e., intervention fidelity).
effect size (d = 0.34) across 34 studies utilizing Hailey et al.’s (1992) findings suggest that poor
externally administered incentives (BCTT v1 10.8) treatment fidelity, rather than the effectiveness of
toward changes in habitual health-related behav- self-incentivizing per se, might be investigated
iors. Several alternative behavior change techniques further.
therefore show more promise than self-incentives in Although the present review evaluates the available
terms of designing future complex behavior change evidence with respect to the effectiveness of
interventions—however, the lack of available stud- self-incentivizing to produce changes in behavior,
ies and the appropriate measures within those the potential limitations should also be acknowl-
studies (i.e., frequency of self-incentivizing) means edged. First, despite the use of very broad search
that it was not possible to proceed with moderator terms and an extensive search strategy, the low
analyses to evaluate or infer the effectiveness of number of self-incentivizing studies retrieved coupled
self-incentives alongside other behavior change with the poor reporting of procedures and data
techniques. reduced considerably the power of the meta-analysis.
Nevertheless, with just the 7 self-incentivizing Additionally, the lack of self-rewarding interventions
studies available to analyze and the popularity of found within the present systematic review (as defined
self-incentivizing as a component of behavior change by the BCTT v1; Michie et al., 2013) precluded any
interventions (e.g., Kahn et al., 2002), the question analyses to explore the unique effect of this behavior
do self-incentives and self-rewards change behavior? 121

change technique, on behavior change. This discovery interventions and expand the representativeness of
provides a clear need to conduct primary research such systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
using randomized controlled trial methodology into In conclusion, the present review raises the question
the unique effect of self-rewarding in future research. of why self-incentivizing is such a widely employed
Second, allocation bias was high due to the lack of component of complex behavior change interven-
information on randomization and allocation, attri- tions when there are reasons to doubt its effectiveness.
tion bias was also moderate due to a lack of The answer is that there is a dearth of primary
information about withdrawals and dropouts, and research into the effectiveness of self-incentivizing,
detection bias ranged from moderate to high due to and indeed self-rewarding, that needs to be urgently
the poor reporting of blinding procedures. Due to the addressed. There is considerable need for future
low number of included studies, excluding these research to establish whether: (a) the effectiveness of
studies in sensitivity analyses was not warranted. In self-incentivizing and self-rewarding can be im-
the future, better reporting procedures should be proved, (b) self-incentives and self-rewards need to
followed with a particular emphasis on issues relating be deployed alongside other behavior change tech-
to bias in allocation, attrition, and detection within niques, and (c) self-incentives and self-rewards are
behavior change interventions. effective for diverse populations and behaviors.
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papers from major fields of behavior modification The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
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