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Warwick Mathematics Institute 2013-2014

MA3H5 : Manifolds

Solution of Assessment I

Exercise 1. 1. Der(C ∞ (M, R)) is a C ∞ (M, R)-module.

Indeed, if f ∈ C ∞ (M, R) and δ1 , δ2 ∈ Der(C ∞ (M, R)), (δ1 + δ2 )(g) := (δ1 (g)) + (δ2 (g)) for g ∈ C ∞ (M, R)
is a well-defined derivation on C ∞ (M, R) and so is (f · δ)(g) := f · (δ(g)) and one easily checks that
(Der(C ∞ (M, R)), +, ·) is a C ∞ (M, R)-module.

D is C ∞ (M, R)-linear :

Indeed, DX+Y (f ) = df (X + Y ) = df (X) + df (Y ) = DX (f ) + DY (f ) for any f ∈ C ∞ (M, R) and any two

vector fields X, Y on M . And Df X (g) = dg(f X) = f dg(X) = (f · DX )(g) for any f, g ∈ C ∞ (M, R) and any
vector field X on M .

2. Cf. the course.

3. Let p ∈ Bn . By the integral Taylor’s theorem applied to f ∈ C ∞ (Bn , R) at p, one has,

Z 1
f (x) = f (p) + dtx+(1−t)p f (x − p)dt = f (p)+ < gp (x), x − p >,
R 1 ∂f
where gp (x)i := 0 ∂x i
(tx + (1 − t)p)dt for any i ∈ {1, ..., n}. By the very definition of gp , one has
gp (p) = ( ∂xi (p))1≤i≤n .

4. By linearity, it suffices to prove the result for the unit constant function, that is for the function c ≡ 1 on Bn .
Let δ ∈ Der(C ∞ (M, R)). Then, δ(c) = δ(c · c) = c · δ(c) + δ(c) · c = 2δ(c). Hence, δ(c) = 0.

D is surjective : let δ ∈ Der(C ∞ (M, R)), f ∈ C ∞ (M, R) and p ∈ Bn . By the previous question, f = f (p)+ <
gp (·), · − p > on Bn . As δ is a derivation,
δ(f )(p) = δ(f (p)) + δ((gp )i (xi − pi ))(p)
X ∂f
= 0+ δ((gp )i )(p)(pi − pi ) + (p)δ(xi − pi )(p)
= df (X)(p) = DX (f )(p),

where X(p) := (δ(x → xi ))1≤i≤n .

5. Let δ ∈ C ∞ (M, R) and U be an open set of M .

(a) Let f be a smooth function on M such that f = 0 on U and x ∈ U . Let φx be smooth function on M
such that supp φx is compactly supported in U and such that φx (x) = 1. Then, clearly, f = (1 − φx )f on
M and δ(f )(x) = (1 − φx (x))δ(f )(x) + δ(1 − φx )(x) · f (x) = 0 · δ(f )(x) + δ(1 − φx )(x) · 0 = 0. Hence the
result, since this holds for any x ∈ U .

(b) Let x ∈ U and let ψx and φx be two such bump functions. If g is a smooth function on U then let gx ,
(resp. gx0 ) be the function built with the help of φx (rep. with φx ). Then, by construction, gx = gx0 on
an open neighborhood Vx ⊂ U of x. By the previous question applied to gx − gx0 and to Vx , we have
δ(gx − gx0 )(x) = 0. That is, δ|U (g)(x) does not depend on the choice of such bump functions.

By definition of δ|U , if g1 , g2 are smooth functions on U and if x ∈ U ,

δ|U (g1 + g2 )(x) = δ((g1 + g2 )x )(x) = δ((g1 )x + (g2 )x )(x)
= δ((g1 )x )(x) + δ((g2 )x )(x) = δ|U (g1 )(x) + δ|U (g2 )(x),
and, since, (g1 ·g2 )x = (g1 )x ·(g2 )x on a neighborhood of x, by the previous question again, δ((g1 ·g2 )x )(x) =
δ((g1 )x · (g2 )x )(x). Since δ is derivation, one conclude that δ|U (g1 · g2 )(x) = δ|U (g1 )(x) · g2 (x) + g1 (x) ·
δ|U (g2 )(x).

Let f be a smooth function on M and x ∈ U :

(δ|U )(f|U )(x) = δ((f|U )x )(x).

Now, (f|U )x = f on a neighborhood of x. Therefore, by the previous question again, δ((f|U )x )(x) =
δ(f )(x). Hence (δ|U )(f|U ) = δ(f )|U .

(c) Let g1 , g2 ∈ C ∞ (Bn , R) and x ∈ Bn ,

φ∗ δ(g1 + g2 )(x) := δ((g1 + g2 ) ◦ φ)(φ−1 (x)) = δ((g1 ◦ φ) + (g2 ◦ φ))(φ−1 (x))

= δ((g1 ◦ φ)(φ−1 (x)) + δ((g2 ◦ φ)(φ−1 (x)) = φ∗ δ(g1 )(x) + φ∗ δ(g2 )(x),

and, since (g1 ·g2 )◦φ = (g1 ◦φ)·(g2 ◦φ), we also have φ∗ δ(g1 ·g2 )(x) = φ∗ δ(g1 )(x)·g2 (x)+g1 (x)·φ∗ δ(g2 )(x).
This proves that φ∗ δ is a derivation on C ∞ (Bn , R).

(d) Let Y be a vector field on Bn and g be a smooth function on U . Then, if x ∈ U ,

(φ−1 )∗ DY0 (g)(x) = DY0 (g ◦ φ−1 )(φ(x)) = dφ(x) (g ◦ φ−1 )(Y (φ(x)))
= (dx g ◦ Tφ(x) φ−1 )(Y (φ(x))) = dx g((Tφ(x) φ−1 )(Y (φ(x))))
= dx g(((φ−1 )∗ Y )(x)) = D(φ−1 )∗ Y (g)(x).

Hence the result.

(a) For any i ∈ I, δ|Ui is a derivation on Ui by the question 5.b. Now, by the question 5.c, φi ∗ δ|Ui is a
derivation on Bn . Therefore, by the result of question 4, there exists a vector field Yi on Bn such that
φi ∗ δ|Ui = DY0 i . By the previous question we conclude that δ|Ui = DXi where Xi := (φ−1
i )∗ Yi .
If i, j ∈ I, we have on Ui ∩ Uj , using several times the result of question 5.b,

D(Xi|Ui ∩Uj ) = (DXi )|Ui ∩Uj = (δ|Ui )|Ui ∩Uj

= δ|Ui ∩Uj = (δ|Uj )|Ui ∩Uj = (DXj )|Ui ∩Uj
= D(Xj |U ).
i ∩Uj

By injectivity of the map D being the corresponding derivation map on Ui ∩ Uj , we claim that Xi|Ui ∩Uj =
Xj |Ui ∩Uj .

(b) By the previous question, there exists a well-defined smooth vector field X on M such that for any i,
X = Xi on Ui . Moreover, this vector field satisfies for any i, δ|Ui = DX|Ui . Therefore, by the result of
question 5.b, if f is a smooth function on M :

δ(f )|Ui = (δ|Ui )(f|Ui ) = (DX|Ui )(f|Ui )

= d(f|Ui )(X|Ui ) = (df (X))|Ui = (DX (f ))|Ui .

Hence δ = DX and D is surjective.

Exercise 2. 1. Let H (n) := {B ∈ Mn (C) | B ∗ = B} be the vector space of Hermitian matrices.
Let Φ : GLn (C) → H (n) be the map defined by φ(A) := A∗ A. Φ is well-defined and is smooth since the its
coefficients are polynomial in the entries of A.
∗ ∗ −1
The differential of Φ at A ∈ GLn (C)
 is DA Φ(H) = H A + A H for H ∈ Mn (C). If A ∈ Φ (In ) = U(n)
and if B ∈ H (n), then Φ 2 = B. That is, DA Φ is surjective for any A ∈ U(n), that is, In is a
regular value of Φ. Therefore, by the level set theorem, U(n) is a closed submanifold of GLn (C) of dimension
dim GLn (C) − dim H (n) = 2n2 − n2 = n2 . Moreover, if A ∈ U(n) and if v ∈ Cn , then kAvk = kvk, in
particular, kAk = 1 and U(n) is bounded and closed in Mn (C), hence compact.
The tangent space of U(n) at In is given by ker DIn Φ which, by the previous computation, is exactly the vector
space of anti Hermitian matrices {H ∈ Mn (C) | H ∗ + H = 0}.
Finally, one easily check that U(n) is a group. Therefore the proposition on Lie subgroups tells you that U(n)
is actually an embedded Lie subgroup of GLn (C).

2. Let’s consider the map det : U(n) → C∗ . det is a Lie group homomorphism. Moreover, if A ∈ U(n), then
1 = det(In ) = det(A∗ A) = | det(A)|2 , that is det : U(n) → S1 . As S1 is an embedded submanifold of C∗ ,
this map is still a Lie group homomorphism. By the proposition on kernel of Lie group homomorphisms, we
claim that ker det is an embedded Lie subgroup of U(n) of dimension dim U(n) − rank det. The rank of det is
constant by the corollary of the Equivariant Rank theorem on Lie groups homomorphisms and it is either 0
or 1. It cannot be zero since this map is not constant and by construction, ker det = SU(n), hence the result.

3. Let U ∈ SU(2). A priori, U can be written as

α β
U= ,
γ δ

for α, β, γ, δ ∈ C.
Using the fact that this matrix is both in U(2) and in SL2 (C), we get the following equations :

|α|2 + |β|2 = |γ|2 + |δ|2 = 1,

αγ̄ + β δ̄ = 0,
αδ − βγ = 1.

From these, we conclude that γ = −β̄ and δ = ᾱ and this writing is unique.

4. GL2 (C) acts smoothly on C2 . By restrcting the source, since the inclusion map SU(2) → GL2 (C) is smooth,
SU(2) acts smoothly on C2 . Now, this action preserves the 3-sphere which is an embedded submanifold of C2 .
Therefore, by the proposition on the smoothness of a map when its range is restricted to a submanifold, we
claim that SU(2) acts smoothly on S3 .
This action is transitive. Indeed, let v = (v1 , v2 ) ∈ S3 ⊂ C2 . Then the matrix
v1 −v¯2
v2 v¯1

sends the vector (1, 0) ∈ C2 to v.

Take any matrix A in SU(2) defined by  
a b
A= .
−b̄ ā
Then the following path γ(t) defined for t ∈ [0, 1] is in SU(2) and connects A to In :
1 t + (1 − t)a (1 − t)b
−(1 − t)b̄ t + (1 − t)ā
|t + (1 − t)a|2 + |(1 − t)b|2

5. We claim that the map f : S3 → SU(2) defined by

z1 −z¯2
f (z1 , z2 ) := .
z2 z¯1

is an equivariant diffeomorphism. Indeed, by the result of question 3, this map is bijective. Moreover, as S3
is an embedded submanifold of C2 , f is a smooth map as a map from S3 to GL2 (C). Again, as SU(2) is an
embedded submanifold of GL2 (C) and as the image of f is contained in SU(2), according to the course, f is
smooth. f is equivariant with respect to the action of SU(2) since, if A ∈ SU(2) and if z = (z1 , z2 ) ∈ S3 , then
f (A · z) = A · f (z), that is, if A is written as in question 3,
a b z1 −z¯2
· = f (az1 + bz2 , −b̄z1 + āz2 ).
−b̄ ā z2 z¯1

As the action of SU(2) on S3 is transitive by the previous question, we are in a position to apply the Equivari-
ant Rank theorem to f . Therefore f is a constant rank map that is bijective. By the result of question 8 (my
apologies for that) applied to M = S3 and N = SU(2), we know that f is a submersion between two manifolds
of same dimension, hence f is a diffeomorphism !

6. The fact that V is a R-vector space is left to the reader. Write an element A in M2 (C) as
α β
A= ,
γ δ
for α, β, γ, δ ∈ C.
If such a matrix is in V , we get the following equations :

<(α) = 0, <(δ) = 0, α+δ =0

β + γ̄ = 0.

Therefore, A is necessary of the form

iu w
A= ,
−w̄ −iu
with u ∈ R and w ∈ C and this writing is unique. Therefore, V has real dimension 3. Now det(A) =
v 2 + |β|2 ≥ 0 and det(λ · A) = λ2 · det(A) for any real λ. Therefore, define for two elements A and B of V ,
the following map < ·, · > by
< A, B >:= (det(A + B) − det(A − B)).
With the above matrix decomposition, one checks that < A, B >:= u1 · u2 + < w1 | w2 >, where < · | · >
denotes the usual scalar product in C = R2 is a bilinear map such that < A, A >> 0 unless A = 0. This shows
that det induces a scalar product on V .
The action of SU(2) by conjugation on V is well-defined since the trace is invariant by conjugation and since,
if A ∈ SU(2) and if v ∈ V , (A · v)∗ = (AvA−1 )∗ = (A−1 )∗ v ∗ A∗ = −(A−1 )∗ vA∗ = −(A∗ )−1 vA−1 = −AvA−1 .
Finally, with the same notations as above, det(A · v) = det(AvA−1 ) = det(v) det(A) det(A−1 ) = det(v), that
is the scalar product induces by det is invariant by this action.

7. Define a map φ : SU(2) → O(V ) by φ(A)(v) := AvA−1 where A ∈ SU(2) and v ∈ V . This map is well-defined
by the previous question since < φ(A)v, φ(A)v >=< v, v > for any A ∈ SU(2) and v ∈ V .
φ is a group homomorphism since if A, B ∈ SU(2) and v ∈ V , φ(AB)v = ABv(AB)−1 = A(BvB −1 )A−1 =
φ is continuous and SU(2) is connected by the question 4. Therefore φ(SU(2)) is connected and φ(I2 ) is
the identity map on V , so in particular, φ(I2 ) ∈ SO(V ). As SO(V ) is the connected component of O(V )
containing the identity, it follows that φ(SU(2)) ⊂ SO(V ).
Now, φ, as a map from SU(2) to GL(V ) is smooth since it is polynomial in the entry of A ∈ SU(2). Since
SO(V ) is an embedded submanifold of GL(V ) (cf. the course), φ is smooth as a map from SU(2) to SO(V ).
Therefore, φ is a constant rank map because of a corollary of the Equivariant Rank theorem.
I am afraid that the hint was not correct, one cannot prove easily for the moment that this map is surjective
except doing it by hand (quite tedious).

8. Let M and N are smooth manifolds, and let f : M → N be a smooth constant rank map which is surjective.
Assume it is not a submersion, that is k := rank(f ) < dim N . By the rank theorem, if p ∈ M , there exists
centered charts (U, φ) at p and (V, ψ) centered at f (p) such that ψ ◦ f ◦ φ−1 (x1 , ..., xn ) = (x1 , ..., xk , 0, ..., 0),
if (x1 , ..., xn ) ∈ φ(U ). Since any open cover of a manifold has a countable sub cover, we can choose countably
many smooth charts (Ui , φi )i for M and corresponding smooth charts (Vi , ψi )i for N such that the sets (Ui )i
cover M , f maps Ui into Vi and the coordinate representation of f : Ui → Vi is as above. Since f (Ui ) is
contained in a k-slice of Vi , it has measure zero. Since f (M ) is a countable union of sets of measure zero,
f (M ) has measure zero. In particular, the image cannot be N . Contradiction.
9. Let G, H be Lie group and let f : G → H be a Lie group homomorphism. First of all, as f is a group
homomorphism, ker f is a normal group of G. Therefore G/ ker f is a group. Moreover, as f is continuous,
ker f is closed. By the first theorem in the Homogeneous space section, we know that G/ ker f is a topological
manifold and has a unique smooth structure such that πG : G → G/ ker f is a smooth submersion.

Now, let mG := G×G → G denotes the multiplication map of G, πG×G = πG ×πG : G×G → G/ ker f ×G/ ker f
denotes the product map of πG by itself. Then, if mG/ ker f is the multiplication map of the group G/ ker f
then mG/ ker f ◦ πG×G = πG ◦ mG is smooth as a composition of smooth maps. Moreover, πG×G is a surjective
submersion, therefore, according to the course, mG/ ker f is smooth. One can prove in the same way that the
inversion map of G/ ker f is smooth. Therefore G/ ker f is a Lie group and we get for free that πG is a Lie
group homomorphism since it is always a group homomorphism.

10. Let A ∈ ker φ. Then for any v ∈ V , φ(A)v = v, that is Av = vA, that is, A is commuting with V . In
particular, A is commuting with all antisymmetric real matrices ((with the notations of question 6, take u = 0
and w real) and real symmetric matrices (with the notations of question 6, take u = 0 and w pure imaginary).
Therefore, A is commuting with all real matrices. In particular, A is a homothety in SU(2), that is A must
be ±I2 .
By the previous question, we know that SU(2)/{I2 , −I2 } is a Lie group. Moreover, φ induces an injective
Lie group homomorphism φ̃ : SU(2)/{I2 , −I2 } → SO(V ). Therefore, as a Lie group homomorphism, it has
constant rank.

Now, a constant rank map f : M → N between smooth manifolds which is injective is an immersion. In-
deed, assume k := rank(f ) < dim M . By the rank theorem, if p ∈ M , there exists centered charts (U, φ) at
p and (V, ψ) centered at f (p) such that ψ ◦ f ◦ φ−1 (x1 , ..., xn ) = (x1 , ..., xk , 0, ..., 0), if (x1 , ..., xn ) ∈ φ(U ).
Then, ψ ◦ f ◦ φ−1 (x1 , ..., xk , 0..., 0) = ψ ◦ f ◦ φ−1 (x1 , ..., xk , , ..., ) if  > 0 is sufficiently small, such that
(x1 , ..., xk , , ..., ) ∈ φ(U ). Therefore ψ ◦ f ◦ φ−1 is not injective. Contradiction.

Therefore, φ̃ is an injective immersion between manifolds of the same dimension. Hence, φ̃ is an injective local
diffeomorphism. In particular, φ̃ is an open map : the image of SU(2) by φ̃ is open and is also closed since it is
the image of a compact set by a continuous map. As SO(V ) is connected, we must have φ̃(SU(2)/{I2 , −I2 }) =
SO(V ) and φ̃ is Lie group isomorphism.

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