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A turn-around is a cadence used at the end of the tune in order to lead back to the

beginning. It normally consists of two bars, but not necessarily. It is based on the II-V
cadence, extended by a sequence based on the circle of fifths. So, in the key of C major,
the simplest form of a turn-around would be:

Em7 Am7 | Dm7 G7 | Cmaj7

IIIm7 Vim7 | IIm7 V7 | Imaj7

This could be further enhanced by adding tensions to the original turn-around form. That
could be achieved by using the secondary Dominants to replace some of the chords of
this progression. So, the same turn-around would look like this:

E7 Am7 | D7 G7 | Cmaj7
V/VI Vim7 | V/V V7 | Imaj7

Or like this:

Em7 A7 | Dm7 G7 | Cmaj7

IIIm7 V/II | IIm7 V7 | Imaj7

Or like this:

E7 A7 | D7 G7 | Cmaj7
V/VI | V7 | Imaj7
(When using a sequence of Dominant chords – we did it in class, but I don’t have my
notebook here, so I don’t remember the name of this phenomenon, we just label the first
and last one)

Finally, we can also use Substitute Dominants, and create all possible combinations of
primary, secondary and substitute Dominants. And don’t forget that, when using the
Substitutes, we have a related key available, which is a tritone away from the initial one.
So, in the case of C major, this would be G@ major (or F$ enharmonically):

Tritone of the G7 chord: B# – F

Chord having the same triton (enharmonically): D@7
In this case the tritone is F – C@.

So, the basic turn-around in G@ major would be:

B@m7 E@m7 | A@m7 D@7 | G@maj7

And everything is interchangeable, because all types of Dominant chords (primary,

secondary, substitute) between these two scales have the same triton relationship. So, you
have really a great lot of possibilities!!!
On the next page, you’ll find my homework on this topic and I’m sure you’ll get the idea.
Dimitrios Katharopoulos

Bα7 Eα7 A α maj7

C m7 F m7

%α α ∑ ∑ ∑

Bα7 Eα7 A α maj7

C7 F m7

%α α ∑ ∑ ∑

B α m7 Eα7
C m7 B7 D maj7

%α α ∑ ∑ ∑

C m7 B7 A7 D maj7

α ∑ ∑ ∑

Bα7 A α maj7
C m7 F7 A7

% α ∑ ∑ ∑

F ∀ m7 B α m7
F7 A7 D maj7

% α ∑ ∑ ∑

F ∀ m7 B α m7 Eα7 A α maj7

%α α ∑ ∑ ∑

F ∀ m7 Bα7
B7 A7 D maj7

% α ∑ ∑ ∑

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