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We have been disturbed by many facts from centuries and few of them are How do humans come to
existence? Do superpowers exist? Is immortality possible to be achieved? Do we really have something
called soul in our body? And the biggest question could we understand all this using science? So here is
a theory that will clear all your concepts regarding this fact and will take you to a new window from
where we can look at everything differently and can get answers of all our questions. And achieve things
which we call impossible today. A new vision will be introduced to us after reading this complete theory.
And according to this theory humans are biological machine and as this theory of human being machine
comes into existence there one more questions comes in our mind that if we are machines then for sure
we need a creator then there is one more theory which relates Hindu mythology and big bang theory
comes into existence. So get excited and tight your seat belts to see this world with a unique vision.


Human brains is a biological machine so it's a machine that uses biologically derived molecule to store,
gather and process data and perform computational work. Human brains being biological machine do
need software or we can say piece of command to run on. We most of the time talk about hardware
functionality of human being but we very less talk about how software works on human brain. So we
have to compare the future version of technology we are using today to the human brain in order to
understand it better because it is not possible for us to understand the brain in a good way if we just
compare it to today’s limited resources of technology. According to the theory human brains run on a
complicated piece of code similar to neural network we use today. This code is written in such a way
that it grows with time and the growth of the program completely depends on the data it is given to get
train with. And if the data is of good quality the model becomes better or if feed improper data the
model will not be able to give proper output and will have low accuracy. So this program which we are
talking about here grows with time and the growth of which completely depends on the type and
quantity of data they are given. Let's assume a baby is born with this program in his brain(bio computer)
so what happens as with time that baby starts collecting data and then feeding it to its program the
program start to grow and the growth of the program completely depends upon the data that baby
collects using all his senses.


Let's take a better view on how a child grow with time taking all this fact into consideration .Assuming
that a baby just took birth with a base code (neural network type complex code with lots of algorithm)
now how does this base code is passed to the baby this code is passed to the baby by their parents in
form of DNA,gene and other forms of proteins elements. So after birth this code is already present in
the babies brains and as the baby comes in this world he starts collecting all the data by all his senses
like collecting images with eyes, listening using hears and that we very high quality of data. Then all this
collected data is passed on to the biological computer of the baby so called his brain then first brain
structure this data using algorithms and then brain use the data to get trained and also write further line
of commands according to the data. And so assuming a baby is born with x lines of code so this code
grows at exponential rate with time. Making the brain function more complex with time and helping the
baby solve complex problems and let him deal with all different kind of difficulty.

(Biological data/base code)

Imagine that there is a container in every human brain that have lots of data to help us survive and help
us set with this natural of the earth according to this time. This container is passed to a child by his
parents and then the child grows using the commands from this container and he edit few commands,
remove few, add few more and then pass it to his children and his children does the same and this
process goes on and this is the programmed theory of human evolution.

Emotional growth of humans also completely depends upon the data he is feed with and also emotional
data is also passed to a child with that container we just talked about. By birth child too have few
expressions to give and other he learns with time, so where does this expressions comes from when the
children itself has a no trained model for expression this expression are also passed to the children by
their parents. How does data affect the growth of code in human brain? -Human brain completely
depends on the data it is given to grow. Let’s take an example to understand this fact better. Imagine a
child born in a family where father and mother both are to calm and then the child at its initial stage of
growth is take from the family and is then send to a family which promotes violence and anger and all
the bad activities as if we observer in future after 10 to 20 years the child will grow into a bad man
whereas the real jean in him is of good family. So what happens that the code which comes in that
container from good family gets overwritten by the bad code and the child becomes bad in nature. So
this shows that our program that runs in our brains is completely based on the data that it is given. And
the data in our mind and in that container is continuously overwritten according to input and output of
different situations. How this exponential growth of code goes on in our mind? Exponential growth of
code starts after our birth but don't go on forever there is a limited time period after which this growth
is on but at a normal rate. And that period is called saturation period when this is achieved.


Let us assume that in future we created a time machine and we can then use this time machine to
travel back in time. So what we did we went back in ancient time and took a baby from there which was
just born and the brought him to this world and then passed this baby to a good family to look after.
But when the baby will grow up into man we will observe that this baby is abnormal this world and all
it's data is too complex for him to understand. This is due to the absence of proper hardware as well as
software in the children. This problem arise because the base code (the container data) passed to the
baby was not that much evolved and was not ready to get introduced to the complex data of this world.
So here we can see that all human features are same as that can be induced in a machine so this
conclude that human has a very high possibility of being a complete biological machine created by some
entity that is far beyond our imagination. And let’s take a practical example of this concept. Imagine
after few years we have technologies to collect all the data as human are collecting from the
surrounding in a very high quantity and we have algorithms to structures them all very fast in terms of
all there v(volume, variety and velocity) and after that we created a piece of code similar to the code
that is available in that children's brain when he come to this world. Then what we did we put all these
sensors on all the senses of a just born baby and keep on collecting data from the child and passing it to
our code that was ruining in a super computer(as fast and complicated as human brain) and continue
this process for around 10 years nonstop. So after 10 years we will have a complete replica of that
children and this replica can give same reaction as that children will think exactly how the boy thinks and
will be a complete replica. And as our code which is stored in super computer will also grow with same
speed. So after a period of time our code itself will be complex, the complexity will be very high.

**Facts to take in consideration:-

*we are here talking of use of future technology because it is not possible at that extend with the use of
today’s limited technology.

*we are talking about humans being biological machine. So if we are machine someone for sure created
us. A very complex and powerful energy that has intelligent far beyond our imagination who created us
and left us with abilities to evolve and this evolution made us more complicated with time.

[1] A Brief introduction to neural network by David kriesel.

[2]Journal of biotechnology and biomaterials; biological computers-Their mechanism & applications by


[3]A brief history of time by Stephen hawking.

[4]Relativity: The special and general theory by Albert Einstein.

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