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Home » INGLES III 90121A_471 » Monitoring and evaluation ® Activity 6 : Quiz 2 Unit 2 Started on Saturday, May 5, 2018, 2:28 AM State Finished Completed on Saturday, May 5, 2018, 2:50 AM Time taken 22 mins 17 secs Question 1 Correct 2,00 points out oft.do Question 2 of.6o Question 3 2.00 points out orto Points 14.00/15.00 Grade 65.33 out of 70.00 (93%) Unit 2 : Accepting and Refusing Invitations and Suggestions Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs: + Wout you he Jy to ak ~)/ a cfs wth me tonight? Unit 2 : Prepo: Complete the sentence taking into account coherence and sens jonal phrases ‘+ The police are looking the recent series of robberies in the area Select one: a. around X Wrong! Your answer is not the correct one. b, through «. into d.on Your answer is incorrect. ‘The correct answer is: into Unit 2: Reading Comprehension ‘Taking into account “Maddy's story”, answer this question: + What lesson did Maddy learn? Select one: 2, School is fun with new shoes, b. Practice makes perfect. «/ Congratulations! That's the correct sentence. ©. Be careful what you wish for, d. Do not ride a scooter with pink shoes. Your answer Is correct. ‘The correct answer is: Practice makes perfect. Question 4 Unit 2 : Accepting ad Refusing invitations and suggestions cosonts out A€€ording to the picture, what is the guy saying to the girl in a very formal way? Select one: 2, Want to marry me? b. I was wondering If you like to marry me? ¢. Would you like to marry me ? «/ Excellent! This is the correct option according to the picture: d. Wanna go out tonight? The correct answer is: Would you like to marry me ? Question S Unit 2: Word Order - Sentence Structure Dopoints out -A€COFdIng to the picture, choose the best option: of.00 Select one: a, They are fighting on the microphone. b. They sang a song last night. «/ Excellent! This is the correct option according to the picture. €. They singing a song together. 4. They song a sing together. ‘The correct answer is: They sang a song last night. Question 6 Question 7 Question & Correct 2,00 points out oft.00 Question 9 1.00 paints out of.00 Unit 2: Reading Comprehension Answer this question according to the reading “Authors of English Literature * Who studied music when was young? Select one: a. Eric Blair b. Thomas Eliot ¢. John Synge «/ Congratulations! That's the correct sentence. d, Edward Forster Your answer is correc. ‘The correct answer is: John Synge Unit 2 : Tag Questions Complete the sentence with the correct tag question: ‘+ Mary has started her new career, { hasnt she? ~}y Unit 2 : Present Perfect Tense Select the best option to complete the dialogue: Janet: I'm afraid I can't accept your invitation. Mary: On! that’s a pity! I'm sorry. Janet: So am I, but Bob me to dinner tonight Select one: 2, has invited «/ Correct! This sentence completes appropriately the dialogue. b. have invited . had invited 4. invite ‘The correct answer is: has invited Unit 2: Reading Comprehension Answer this question according to the reading "Authors of English Literature": + Who of them traveled to another country after the college? Select one: 2, Edward Forster and Thomas Eliot b. Thomas Eliot and Jhon Synge «. Eric Blair John Synge d, Eric Blair and Edward Forster «/ Congratulations! Thet's the correct sentence. Your answer is correc. ‘The correct answer is: Eric Blair and Edward Forster Question 10 Question 11 Question 12 100 points out of 3.00 Unit 2: Reading Comprehension According to the reading “Maddy's story”, answer this question: + What does the word "PROMISE" mean in the reading? Select one: 2. That Maddy might learn to tie b, That Maddy cannot learn to tie. ©. That Maddy will earn to tie. «/ Congratulations! That's the correct sentence. d. That Maddy wants to learn to tie. Your answer is correct, ‘The correct answer is: That Maddy will learn to tie. unit 2 : vocabulary Choose the correct option according to the definitio ‘+ Person who steals valuable objects from other people Select one: a, Butler b. Burglar / Correct! Burglar Is a person who illegally enters a house to steal things. ©. Lawyer d. Butcher ‘The correct answer Is: Burglar Unit 2: Reading Comprehension Answer this question according to the reading "Authors of English Literature": ‘+ Who was famous for writing about social movements? Select one: a, Thomas Eliot b. John Synge . Eric Blair Congratulations! That's the correct sentence. 4d, Edward Forster Your answer is correct. ‘The correct answer is: Eric Blair Question 13 Unit 2: Future tense Correct Complete the text taking into account coherence and sense: “ + Every Sunday, my best friend Camila and I play basketball, but next week we will not play because my parents us to the mountains for a walk. Select one: a. will go b. will take / Congratulations! Your answer is the correct one. c. would take d. would go Your answer is correct, ‘The correct answer is: will take Question 14 Unit 2 : Present Perfect Tense Correct Dosoints our S@lect the best option to complete the dialogue: of.00 + Mother: _ your homework? ‘+ Daughter: No, I have just come home from school. Select one: 2, Have you already done «/ Correct! This sentence completes appropriately the dialogue. b. You have done already ©. Have already you done d. Have you done already ‘The correct answer is: Have you already done Question 15 Unit 2: Present Progressive with Future Meaning Coo suints ou Select the correct word after reading the definition: of t.00 ‘+ The activity of buying things from stores. Select one: 2. go getting b. go moving . go dancing 4. go shopping «/ Congratulations! That's the correct sentence! Your answer is correct, ‘The correct answer is: go shopping hitplicampus04 nad edu.cofnvl2aimadiquizireview.php?attempt=34720 55

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