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ELSEVIER Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265

Drainage and valley asymmetry

in the Tertiary Hills of Lower Bavaria, Germany
Rainer Wende
School of Geosciences, The University of Wollongong, Wollongong, N.S. W. 2522, Australia

Received 17 May 1994; revised 1 April 1995; accepted 12 May 1995


Valley asymmetry with steeper west-facing valley sides is a common feature in the Tertiary Hills of Lower Bavaria. Several
previous studies have altributed these forms to microclimatic differences under periglacial conditions during the Pleistocene
glacials. However, little attention has been given to the pattern of drainage networks in this area as a means of explaining valley
asymmetry. Drainage networks show asymmetry both in length and number of tributaries on either side of the main stream.
Drainage asymmetry is very likely primarily the reason of a drainage development in competitive situations. Four possible
causes have been identifed: ( 1) the position of an initial channel in relation to its adjacent parallel or subparallel drainage lines,
(2) different rates of headward erosion of tributaries on either side of an inter-stream divide, (3) drainage development oblique
to an initial terrain slope and (4) tilting of a landsurface and the resulting preferential headward erosion of consequent running
streams. Thus, asymmetric drainage development causes differences in slope dimensions and an imbalance in run-off and
sediment yield on opposite valley sides leading to the development of asymmetric valleys.

1. Introduction Due to a supposed lack of other explanations, most

previous studies have attributed the differences in slope
angles on opposite valley sides of this region to micro-
Asymmetric valleys are a characteristic feature of
climatic differences under periglacial conditions during
the Tertiary Hills of Lower Bavaria. Generally, valley
sides facing west are relatively steeper, but valley the Pleistocene glacials (e.g. Poser and Miiller, 195 1;
asymmetry is not limited to north-south trending val- Helbig, 1965; Karrasch, 1970). It is implied in these
leys as relatively steelper valley sides occur facing in theories that a more or less symmetrical valley has
every direction (e.g. F’oser and Miiller, 1951). evolved into an asymmetric valley due to differences
A general lithological or structural control of valley in the slope processes operating on opposing hill slopes
asymmetry in the study area is not evident (Helbig, and unilateral stream erosion causing a shift of the
1965; Karrasch, 1970). The frequent facies changes in valley axis towards one side of the valley (Fig. 6A).
horizontal as well as vertical directions (Figs. 1, 2A, Any shift of the divides in respect to the streams is not
B), the general weakness of the exposed rocks, and the explicitly mentioned.
lack of substantial faulting and folding or other well The major reasons for this variation in slope proc-
developed geological structures, all rule out variable esses and differential fluvial attack has been the subject
lithology, structure or warping as general causes for of persistent disagreement between researchers. Some
the valley asymmetry i.n the Tertiary Hills. authors (Biidel, 1944; Helbig, 1965) have suggested

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256 R. Wende / Geomorphology 14 (1995) 25.5-265

that solifluction and slope flattening was most active and interfluves which are related to each other by the
on east-facing slopes during the Pleistocene due to pref- interaction between streams and adjacent hillslopes.
erential snow accumulation and the resulting soil sat- During the development of such erosional topography,
uration on valley sides leewards to the prevailing asymmetric transverse valley profiles have been seen
westerly to northwesterly winds. Furthermore, the to result from a lateral migration of streams and asso-
increased sediment supply from the declining valley ciated changes of drainage pattern (Schumm, 1956).
sides would push the streams against the western valley In early studies, like those of Siilch ( 1918) and Krebs
sides, causing undercutting and steepening there. Oth- ( 1937), basic causal relations between drainage and
ers (e.g. Poser and Mtiller, 195 1) concluded that soli- valley asymmetry were suggested for the Tertiary Hills
fluction must in fact have been more active on west to and other regions, but as noted, these ideas were dis-
south-facing slopes causing a “primary valley asym- regarded by later authors working on the question of
metry” restricted to the valley headwaters with steeper valley asymmetry. Sijlch and Krebs saw the link
slopes facing in northerly and easterly directions. Fur- between drainage and valley asymmetry in unilateral
ther downvalley unilateral stream erosion and slope stream erosion caused by variations in sediment supply
steepening on these west- to south-facing slopes would due to drainage asymmetry. Various possible factors
then have been more effective than the slope flattening causing asymmetric drainage development were pro-
by solifluction, resulting in a “secondary asymmetry”. posed, including deferment of tributary junctions,
The trigger for this lateral shift of the channels was seen existing terrain slopes prior to dissection (e.g. large
in rapid and prolonged thawing of the slope base upon alluvial fans), and tilting of an existing landscape.
favourable exposure to sunlight. Karrasch ( 1970) sup- Underlying geological trends have traditionally been
ported this proposal of Poser and Miiller ( 195 1) , add- seen as a major reason for the development of certain
ing that in valleys with a length of more than drainage patterns elsewhere, and a number of studies
approximately 10 km the stream’s capacity to laterally support this assumption (e.g. Abrahams and Flint,
erode must have been high enough to erode both valley 1983; cf. Mock, 1976). In regions without a geological
sides despite any differences in resistance due to vari- control on drainage or valley development, other causes
ations in thawing. In larger valleys, relatively steeper such as variations in microclimate (Beaty, 1962), or a
slopes could therefore occur on either side of the valley, forced lateral shift of a trunk stream due to a deflection
but still more frequently orientated in southerly to west- of the river mouth (White, 1966)) have been suggested.
erly directions. And studies on tributary arrangements and topological
These views have been important in interpretations properties of channel networks indicate that the spatial
of fossil valley asymmetries for the entire Pleistocene requirements of subbasins, available relief and valley
periglacial area of Middle Europe. However, these the- winding have a considerable affect on the topological
ories, although based on evidence from the same and length properties of drainage networks as well
region, are contradictory in many major aspects. Even (Abrahams, 1984).
more problematically, Helbig ( 1965) has critically In situations where adjacent basins have common
examined the principal hypothesis suggested by Poser divides, the growth rates of these basins will differ due
and Mtiller ( 195 1) and found it to be not conclusive, to differing degrees of competition between the basin
but saw the ideas of Biidel ( 1944) confirmed. Karrasch (Faulkner, 1974), and such network growth in com-
( 1970) on the other hand, supported Poser and Mill- petitive situations can result in drainage asymmetry
ler’s theory and rejected Biidel’s and Helbig’s. where tributary development is influenced by the con-
In contrast to detailed studies of asymmetric valleys straint of available area. For example, the development
in Lower Bavaria, little attention has been given to the of new streams along major tributaries which enter the
drainage networks in this area. It is well known that parent stream at high angles can be favoured on the
network evolution and valley development are closely obtuse side (upslope side with reference to the parent
connected and drainage evolution in general is a pos- stream) of the joining tributary (Horton, 1945) or, if
sible cause of valley asymmetry (Kennedy, 1976). the angle is relatively small, on the acute (downslope)
This is especially important in fluvially dissected land- side (Flint, 1980), depending upon which side of the
scapes where the topography is determined by valleys tributary area is more limited. Variations in the distance
R. Wende / Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265 257

between the trunk channel and the divides in general this area sands, marls, and clays of the Hangendserie
creates an imbalancle of drainage which can result in are exposed, while further to the east and north the
the asymmetric development of tributaries (Flint, older coarse elastic sediments of the Northern and
1980). Moreover, drainage asymmetry as a cause of Southern Main Gravel dominate (Fig. 1) . The facies
lateral stream migration and resulting valley asymme- change frequently in horizontal as well as vertical direc-
try has been theoretically modelled and simulated by tion (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2A, B) . The youngest documented
Band ( 1987). faulting predates the deposition of the uppermost sed-
In the Isar-Inn Hill Country, a part of the Tertiary iments of the Upper Freshwater Molasse (Unger,
Hills of Lower Bavaria, many drainage networks have 1987). During most of the deposition of the Molasse
an asymmetric arrangement of tributaries in relation to drainage was mainly to the west, but in the east a rever-
the parent stream. ‘This coincides well with valley sal of the drainage probably began with the termination
asymmetry and appears to be a simple explanation for of the Molasse sedimentation at the end of the Upper
the asymmetry of larger valleys in the area. These drain- Miocene (Unger, 1989). Uplift of the Alpine Foreland
age asymmetries are probably the result of drainage in the Pliocene, with a higher rate in the west, resulted
evolution under various competitive situations, and the in an eastward descending surface on which the drain-
purpose of this study is to examine the relation between age of the Danube developed (Fischer, 1989). As a
this drainage and valley asymmetry and to review the consequence, the evolution of contemporary landforms
possible causes of drainage asymmetry. began with the development of the present day drainage
system, probably some 5-7 million years ago.
During the Pleistocene glacials the Isar-Inn Hill
2. Regional setting Country was characterized by periglacial conditions
and loess accumulated preferentially on northeast- to
The study area is located in the Isar-Inn Hill Coun- east-facing slopes. Underneath the loess, asymmetric
try, a part of the Tertiary Hills of Bavaria in the northern valley cross profiles can generally be found which indi-
Alpine Foreland (Fig. 1). Here the outcropping cate that asymmetric valley development had com-
unfolded Tertiary sediments of the Upper Freshwater menced prior to loess deposition (Karrasch, 1970).
Molasse are unconsolidated and large quantities of Long lasting fluvial erosion in combination with
material are available for transport. In the southwest of weathering and denudation has resulted in dissection
258 R. Wende / Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265

0 25 5mm
I 1

C C’

Fig. 2. (A, B) Generalized geological profiles. (C) Simplified profile through the western part of the study area. Note the different extent of
incision of adjacent major drainage lines.

Fig. 3. Drainage network of the study area based on the blue-line network of the topographic maps 1:2CO,OOO. Boxes highlight networks shown
in Fig. 4.
R. Wende / Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265 259

crenulation n e t w o r k “...“’

stream order: 1st e-.__

snd __I

. . -._bi.;/

Fig. 4. Selected asymmetric drainage networks. Blue-line networks, topographic map 1:25,000. Lines indicate the location of the profiles in Fig.

of the landscape into a dense network of branching is true for the Kleine Vils, Bina and Rott. Further down-
valleys and chains of rounded hills of low relief. In stream the larger tributaries of the Vils are south of the
general, the slopes are gentle with maximum angles principal watercourse and the distance between the
often below 10 degrees, but locally steepened slope main channel and the right or left watershed of the basin
sections can be as steep as 30 degrees. The crests of the is therefore unequal. On that side of the stream with the
interlluves and major divides are well rounded and the shorter distance to the watershed, the tributary catch-
average maximum relief within an area of 25 square ments of low order are characterized by shorter basins,
kilometres is 80 m. a similar basin relief, and resulting higher relief ratios,
compared with the tributary basins on the other side of
the parent stream.
3. Asymmetry of the drainage networks In a more detailed observation (blue-line network of
1:25,000 topographic maps) these tributary catchments
Fig. 3 shows the general drainage pattern of the study of low order themselves show a basin asymmetry sim-
area based on 1:200,000 topographic maps. The main ilar to that of the larger basins. A good example is the
streams flow roughly parallel in north to northeasterly Kirchlemerbach (Fig. 4B) where the larger part of this
directions and their tributaries generally enter at large basin’s area, with the longer tributaries, is north of the
angles. These tributaries are often parallel, and in the trunk stream. Along the Eibach (Fig. 4C) and Gassauer
western part of the s#tudy area northwest-southeast Mtihlbach (Fig. 4A), however, the longer tributaries
trending tributaries dominate (Fig. 3). The distribution enter from the west. The most eastern and northern
of the tributaries along the northeast to east trending second order tributary of the Kirchlemerbach also has
main streams is not symmetric and more numerous and an asymmetric drainage network (Fig. 4B).
longer tributaries enter the GroRe Vils, for example, In the north-south trending tributaries of the north
from the northwest than from the southeast. The same to northeast running main rivers, extension of the drain-
260 R. Wende/Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265

age networks was apparently favoured in westerly the horizontal distance between slope base and slope
directions. This is readily recognisable on the 1:25,000 end is not equal for both valley sides. But for catch-
topographic maps of the area. Helbig ( 1965) described ments of higher order the slope profiles end at isolated
basin asymmetry as being a common feature for the hills along the interfluves and the asymmetric location
tributary valleys of the Rott in the Isar-Inn Hill Coun- of the stream is not necessarily directly geometrically
try, and similarly for other parts of southern Germany related to the horizontal slope length or to any other
and Austria. He stated that in these regions, the north- morphometric slope property.
west-southeast, north-south and northeast-southwest To identify the geometric characteristics of the asym-
trending valleys receive more frequent and longer dells metric valleys higher than first order in the Isat-Inn hill
(elongated denudational slope hollows) from the country, valley cross sections at random locations were
southwest to northwest than from the southeast to examined. A random sample has been used to avoid
northeast. But the catchments and valleys he studied in personal bias. The slopes were determined from the
the Tsar-Inn Hill Country receive not only more large slope base to the slope crest. The maximum slope angle,
dells from westerly directions, but also a greater num- slope length (horizontal), slope height and slope form
ber of longer perennial watercourses. were measured from 1:25,000 topographic maps, the
accuracy of which for the purpose of this study, was
found to be satisfactory, since the general slope char-
4. Geometric characteristics of the valleys acteristics were of more interest than absolute values.
Generally, the valleys are characterized by sides with
In catchments of low order, especially first order distinctly different slopes. The slopes with the higher
catchments, there is an obvious geometric relationship maximum slope angle are also significantly shorter than
between an asymmetric position of the stream and slope the slopes on the opposite valley sides (Table 1).
asymmetry. Since the valley slopes end at the divides, Slope heights on opposite valley sides are similar, and
Table 1
Slope dimensions of valley cross profiles

Valleys with streams of 2nd or 3rd order Valleys with streams of 4th or higher order

Relatively steeper Relatively gentler Relatively steeper Relatively gentler

N= 32 N=32 N=4 N=4

Height H (m)
Mean 33.4 34.2 33.3 36.5
Standard deviation 9.3 12.9 9.3 6.2
Standard error 1.6 2.3 4.7 3.1
f-test significance level n.s. ns.
Length (horizontal) L (m)
Mean 515 851 538 1663
Standard deviation 223.4 398.8 168.9 595.3
Standard error 39.5 70.5 84.5 297.7
t-test significance level CO.01 0.05
Mean slope angle HIL
Mean 0.07 0.044 0.064 0.025
Standard deviation 0.027 0.016 0.013 0.011
Standard error 0.005 0.003 0.006 0.006
t-test significance level CO.01 0.05

Profiles are grouped into relatively steeper and gentler slopes based on the observed maximum slope angles. The mean, standard deviation and
standard error were determined for each group. The significance of the observed differences between the means is given as a t-test significance
N = No. of observations.
R. Wende IGeomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265 261

the shorter slope with the higher maximum slope angle being on the southern side of the stream with a shorter
is, therefore, the slope with the higher average slope distance to the watershed. Just before its confluence
angle as well. The geometric properties of the northeast with the Rott, the steeper slopes switch to the northern
to east trending valle:ys of higher order are found to be side of the valley, facing southwest.
the same as for their tributary valleys of lower order Basins of lower order show the same coincidence
(Table 1). The form of the slopes are most often between drainage network or basin asymmetry and val-
straight to slightly convex, although many complex ley asymmetry as do basins of high order (Fig. 4).
slope forms do occur. Concave segments at the foot of Along the valley of the Eibach, the steeper valley side
the slopes are, if present, only short. Convex breaks in is facing generally westward (Fig. 5C); along the Kir-
slope are prominent in the lower parts of the slopes and chlemerbach it is facing to the north (Fig. 5B). On the
are common on slopes located opposite to where larger upper Gassauer Mtihlbach the steeper valley side of the
tributaries enter, or near the mouth of tributary catch- second order segment faces to the west (Fig. 5A), but,
ments on the downstream side of the valley with ref- after the valley’s distinctive change of direction, it faces
erence to the parent stream. In the field these steepened to the south. In the westernmost second order tributary
lower slope segments show signs of recent earth slides of the Kirchlemerbach, the steeper valley side faces to
and the channels are frequently located at the imme- the southeast (Fig. 4B).
diate base of these slopes. Beside valley-wide asymmetries characterized by
Valley side slopes are commonly segmented later- different maximum and average slope angles and dif-
ally into alternating spurs and hollows and areas with ferent slope lengths on opposite valley sides, there are
straight contours are rare, seeming to occur more often also localized asymmetries. These occur when the
on the steeper valley side where the divide is closer to shorter valley side with the smaller mean slope angle
the main channel. Presumably, slope length is below is locally steepened at the lower parts of the slope,
critical distance required for erosion and channel devel- resulting in a higher maximum slope angle than on the
opment (cf. Horton, 1945; Dunne, 1980). Along the opposite valley side.
sides of valleys of higher order, slopes that drain
directly into these valleys are often restricted to the
mouths of the catchments or the inter-basin areas which 6. Discussion
are generally the lower parts of interfluves with laterally
convex extending slopes. Differences in slope length in valleys with a similar
slope height on opposite sides are a characteristic of
the study area. Within the asymmetric valleys, the
5. Drainage asymmetry and valley asymmetry shorter slopes are also generally steeper. Although
these differences in slope dimensions can cause “auto-
Asymmetry in greater than first order valleys in the asymmetry”, they are not an explanation for valley
Isar-Inn Hill Country is easily identifiable in the asymmetries since they are themselves the result of
1:25,000 topographic maps. A relation between drain- other factors (Kennedy, 1976).
age asymmetry and v,alley asymmetry is also obvious. Because of the remarkable coincidence between
The shorter and steeper slopes are on the side of the drainage asymmetry and valley asymmetry throughout
valley with the fewer and shorter feeder streams and the region it seems very likely that the evolution of the
shorter distances to the watershed. The relatively asymmetric valleys is related to the evolution of the
steeper valley side of the Kleine (Kl.) Vils, GroBe drainage networks. The most obvious and best docu-
(Gr.) Vils and Rott is south of these rivers (Fig. 3). mented controls on specific drainage patterns are lithol-
Downstream of the confluence of Kl. Vils and Gr. Vils ogy and geological structure. In the study area, tributary
the steeper valley sidle of the Vils switches with the basins and their parent basins are often further extended
decreasing distance between northern watershed and into directions transverse to each other. This can hardly
channel to the northern side. The steeper valley sides be explained by a variation in lithology or tilted strata
along the Bina in a downstream direction face west in the presence of frequently changing facies and the
then northwest, north and finally northeast, always absence of dipping beds extending over areas suffi-
262 R. Wende/Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265

s 5 0 0 --

% 4 6 0 --
4 6 0 --

,460 --

g 460 --


420 1
5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 -2000

Dirhnee [ml
Fig. 5. Opposite interfluve (solid boxes) and adjacent tributary valley profiles (unfilled boxes) for a 2nd, 3rd and 4th order valley (Fig. 4). The
broken line (diamonds) is the inverted mirror image of the valley profile. Note the remarkable line fit along the lower parts of the intertluves.

ciently large enough to enhance a systematic uniclinal sufficiently strong enough to influence the development
shifting of strike streams (Figs. 1, 2A, B). However, of drainage in smaller basins, but the disagreement
as for the asymmetric valleys (e.g. Karrasch, 1970)) a about the nature and rate of processes on slopes of
general structural or lithological control of the drainage different exposure within the area (c.f. Poser and
pattern in the study area seems to be very unlikely. Miiller, 195 1; Helbig, 1965) seems to indicate that
A microclimatic influence on drainage evolution has local variations in intensity were high and differences
been suggested in studies from other places (e.g. Beaty, due to variation in exposure not very pronounced. Fur-
1962). In the Tertiary Hills, under periglacial condi- thermore, drainage and associated valley asymmetries
tions the microclimatic variations on slopes of different like those of the Kirchlemer Bach (Fig. 4B), or the
orientation, a somewhat controversial issue (e.g. Poser larger northeast to east running streams (Fig. 3), are
and Mtiller, 1951; Helbig, 1965), might have been clearly not a result of preferential lateral erosion due to
R. Wende /Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265 263

favourable exposure to sunlight since their steeper and

shorter valley sides face in northerly directions. Also
the changing location of the larger part of the drainage
area of the Gr. Vils and Rott Rivers in a downstream
direction from the northern side of the channel to south-
ern side (Fig. 3) contradicts the idea that prevailing
northwesterly to westerly winds had considerable influ-
ence on their drainage evolution.
If drainage asymmetry is assumed to be the result of
a lateral shift of the main channel to one side of the
basin then streams like the Rott upstreamof the junction
with the Bina (Fig. 3) would have shifted some 5 to 6
km to one side without leaving any evidence for this
evolution, except for the asymmetry of the drainage
itself. Any variations, in microclimate powerful enough Fig. 6. Asymmetric valley development assuming: (A) a lateral shift
to trigger a process like this should have resulted in a of the valley axis, (B) asymmetric extension of tributary valleys on
opposite sides of the main valley. Resulting tributary valley profiles
similar shift of the Kollbach, located just a few kilo- (dashed lines) and interlluve profiles (solid lines) have different
meters northeast of the Rott. The same line of reasoning gradients on opposite sides of the main valley. Interfluve profiles
can be applied to question an assumed “climatically” coincide with the slopes of the main valley.
triggered differential headward extension of the tribu-
taries instead of a lateral shift of the main channel. As watershed is shorter (Fig. 5). Furthermore, the slopes
neither lithological variability and geological structure, of the larger valleys are laterally dissected into alter-
nor variations in microclimate appear to be plausible nating spurs and hollows, or interfluves and valleys,
explanations for drainage asymmetries in the study and as a consequence the valley sides with the steeper
area, the cause of the asymmetry especially of the larger interfluve profiles also have the steeper slope profiles.
valleys remains questionable. An alternative explana- In other words, shorter and therefore steeper tributary
tion is thus required. valleys have steeper intefluves associated with them.
In the Isa-Inn Hill Country, the differences in slope Therefore, a differential extension of the tributary val-
dimensions are closely related to the arrangement of leys on either side of the main valley generates an
the drainage networks. In valleys where the slopes asymmetric main valley (Fig. 6B).
extend from the valley floor to the watershed, the slope Drainage and main valley asymmetry are not only
height and slope length is directly restricted by the linked through a functional relation between interfluves
distance between the valley floor and adjacent water- and adjacent valleys, but also through the influence of
shed. In valleys of higher order the slopes end fre- the tributary stream on the lateral position of the main
quently on isolated hills along interior watersheds. The stream. In catchments or valleys with closely spaced
profiles are located in the inter-basin areas between tributaries which are relatively large in respect with the
adjacent tributary basins and are the lower parts of parent stream, drainage asymmetry is a simple expla-
interfluves. Slope height and slope length are therefore nation for the maintenance of valley asymmetries. Mel-
determined by the profiles of the latter. The interfluves ton ( 1960) found that the position and activity of the
themselves are functionally related to the adjacent val- channel in respect to the valley-side slopes is one direct
leys, and in fluvially dissected regions their longitudi- cause of valley asymmetry. In many valleys of the Isar-
nal profiles are an approximate inverted mirror image Inn Hill Country the principal stream receives longer
of the valley profiles (Ahnert, 1984). Since opposite and more numerous tributaries from one valley side.
tributary basins in the study area have approximately Alluvial fans at the mouths of larger tributaries, the
the same relief but a different length on either side of position of the larger channels at the base of the oppo-
the parent stream, the logarithmic profiles of the valleys site slope, and the frequent local steepening of this side
and the related profiles of the interfluves are steeper on of the valley indicate that the entering tributaries fre-
that side of the parent stream where the distance to the quently divert the main stream to the opposite valley
264 R. Wende / Geomorphology 14 (I 995) 255-265

side. Indeed, recent earth slides on the steepened lower

slope segments are evidence of the activity of basal
erosion under present conditions. The characteristic
imbalance of feeder streams in asymmetric drainage
networks probably causes a diversion of the main chan-
nel to the opposite valley side causing a series of locally
steepened slopes there. A similar relation between
drainage and valley asymmetry was suggested by Siilch
Drainage asymmetry causing differences in slope
dimensions and an imbalance in run-off and sediment
supply on opposite valley sides appears to be a logical
explanation for the lack of symmetry of valleys in the
Isar-Inn Hill Country. However, the question as to
what causes drainage pattern asymmetry remains.
A major factor influencing drainage patterns is the
spatial arrangement of the drainage networks. Where
this arrangement involves evolution of drainage in cer-
tain competitive situations, asymmetric drainage can Fig. 7. Competitive network development and resulting valley asym-
metry. (A) Different spacing of parallel/subparallel major drainage
be produced. Four hypotheses are suggested as possible lines. (B) Different rates of downcutting. (C) Development of trib-
causes for the drainage asymmetries in the study area: utaries oblique to an initial terrain slope (modified after Horton,
(1) The position of a channel relative to adjacent 1945).
parallel or subparallel drainage lines restricts the exten-
sion of the catchment, particularly in the direction of could be the result of two further special forms of drain-
its closest neighbour, and may therefore result in drain- age development in competitive situations:
age asymmetry (Fig. 7A). A special case of this situ- (3) Horton ( 1945) argued that on a surface with
ation is the differential tributary development near the low relief and an initial slope, the tributary of a con-
junction of subparallel basin as described by Flint sequent parent stream that runs oblique to the original
(1980). terrain slope will extend its catchment further to the
( 2) Different rates of headward erosion of tributaries upslope side than to the downslope side because of
on either side of an inter-stream divide, caused by dif- enhanced catchment areas and gradients in this direc-
ferent rates of downcutting of their parallel or subpar- tion. The enlargement of the basin and the development
allel parent streams, may lead to a gradual shift of the of a new generation of tributaries on the valley sides of
dividing watershed towards the minor channel (Fig. the parent valley could therefore result in an asymmet-
7B). The position of the watershed of the upper Rott ric drainage network, with more numerous and longer
is very likely the result of drainage area losses to the tributaries upslope of the parent stream (Fig. 7C).
adjacent Isen, which has a considerable erosional (4) Tilting of an existing landsurface could also
advantage. Other drainage networks in the study area cause preferential headward erosion of consequent run-
indicate the same process (Figs. 3 and 2C). Eventually ning tributaries and finally drainage asymmetry (Siilch,
different rates of downcutting lead to capturing which 1918)) particularly in the Isar-Inn Hill Country (Krebs
can cause not only drainage but also valley asymmetry 1937). However, there is no direct evidence of tilting,
(Kennedy, 1976). The sudden change of direction and although the Pliocene uplift of the Alpine Foreland
its associated valley asymmetry along the Gassauer might have resulted in an initial terrain slope dipping
Mtihlbach appears to be the product of stream capture northeast to east for the area of the Isar-Inn Hill Coun-
since there is no indication for a lithological or struc- try and could have possibly provided the conditions
tural control (Fig. 4A). necessary for the development of asymmetric drainage
The apparently preferred extension of the smaller networks.
north-south trending basins in westerly directions
R. Wende / Geomorphology 14 (1995) 255-265 265

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striking coincidence with the drainage asymmetry, sup- ranges. Am. _I. Sci., 284: 103.5-1055.
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major cause of valley asymmetries. The link between Suppl., 10: 99-l 10.
Beaty, C.B., 1962. Asymmetry of stream patterns and topography in
drainage and valley asymmetry in densely fluvially dis- the Bitterroot Range, Montana. J. Geol., 70: 347-354.
sected landscapes is the functional relationship Bildel, J., 1944. Die morphologischen Wirkungen des Eiszeitenkli-
between valleys and a.djacent interlluves. The slopes of mas im gletscherfreien Gebiet. Geol. Rundsch., 34: 482-5 19.
larger valleys are dissected into alternating valleys and Dunne, T., 1980. Formation and controls of channel networks. Prog.
interlluves and are, therefore, related to the character- Phys. Geogr., 4: 21 l-239.
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Acknowledgements Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen, Mathematisch-Phy-
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