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Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition

Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information


❋✾◆✿❚❀❖◆❁❂ ❃❅❧❇●❍❏ ❅▲▼P❃ ❃❤◗

❢P❃P✉◗❯ ❱▼♠❲❧❅●❍●❍❏
❳❨❩❬❬❩❨❂ ❲✉◗s◗❍❃ ❃◗❍s◗s ❭✉◗❪●◗❫❴❯
❢P❃P✉◗ ❃◗❍s◗s ❭✉◗❪●◗❫❴
❵❖✿❩❜✾❞❩❨✐❂ ♠❅❇●❍❏ ❱❤❅❍❏◗s❯
❧●❢◗ ❲❧❅❍s❯ ❲❤✉❅s◗s ❫●❃❤ ❥❦

❘❊❆❉■✁✂ ⑦ ⑧❡❛✥ t✆❡ ❛✝t✠❝✟❡ ⑨✌✠❝✍✟②✳ ⑩✡✥❡✝✟✠✡❡ t✆❡ t✇♦ t✆✠✡❣☛

✄ ☎✆❛t ❛✝❡ t✆❡ ✞❡♦✞✟❡ ✥♦✠✡❣ ✠✡ t✆❡ ✞✆♦t♦☛❄ ☞♦ t✆❛t t✆❡ ✇✝✠t❡✝ ✠☛ t✝②✠✡❣ t♦ ❝✆❛✡❣❡ ❛✎♦✌t ✆❡✝ ✟✠✔❡✳
②♦✌ t✆✠✡✍ t✆❡☛❡ ❛✝❡ ❣♦♦✥ ♦✝ ✎❛✥ ✆❛✎✠t☛❄ ☎✆②❄ ❷❸❹❺ ⑧❡❛✥ t✆❡ ❛✝t✠❝✟❡ ❛❣❛✠✡ ❛✡✥ ✟✠☛t❡✡✳ ❻❛✝✍

✷ ❈✆❡❝✍ ✏✑✮ t✆❡ ✎❛✥ ✆❛✎✠t☛ t✆❛t ②♦✌ ✆❛✈❡✳ ✒❡✡ ❛✥✥ t✆❡ ☛❡✡t❡✡❝❡☛ ❼ ✏t✝✌❡✮ ♦✝ ❽ ✏✔❛✟☛❡✮✳
t✇♦ ✓♦✝❡ ♦✔ ②♦✌✝ ♦✇✡✳ ❾ ❿✙ ✭✤✛✗✙✤ ✢✩✧ ✗✖ ➀✕✛✧✢ ✗✢✙ ✩✤✗✛✦★✙ ✴✫
✕✖✗ ✘✙✚✛✕✘ ✙✕✖✜✘✢ ✙✣✙✤✦✛✧✙ ✗✢✙ ✰✖★★✖✭✛✕✘ ✲✩✫➁
➂ ❿✙ ✭✤✛✗✙✤ ✛✧ ➀✕✲✛✕✘ ✛✗ ✙✩✧✫ ✗✖ ★✙✩✲ ✩
★✙✩✪✛✕✘ ✫✖✜✤ ✢✖✬✙✭✖✤✯ ✜✕✗✛★ ✗✢✙ ★✩✧✗ ✬✛✕✜✗✙
✢✙✩★✗✢✛✙✤ ★✛✰✙➁
✰✖✤✘✙✚✛✕✘ ✛✬✱✖✤✗✩✕✗ ✲✩✗✙✧ ➃ ➅✙ ✜✧✙ ✲✛➆✙✤✙✕✗ ✱✩✤✗✧ ✖✰ ✖✜✤ ✴✤✩✛✕
✗✙✣✗✛✕✘ ✭✢✙✕ ✫✖✜ ✧✢✖✜★✲✕➄✗ ✲✙✱✙✕✲✛✕✘ ✖✕ ✭✢✖ ✭✙➄✤✙ ✗✢✛✕✯✛✕✘ ✩✴✖✜✗➁
✱★✩✫✛✕✘ ✦✖✬✱✜✗✙✤ ✘✩✬✙✧ ✭✢✙✕ ✫✖✜ ✧✢✖✜★✲ ➇ ➈✜✤ ✴✤✩✛✕✧ ✲✖✕➄✗ ✩★✭✩✫✧ ★✙✗ ✜✧ ✬✩✯✙ ✘✖✖✲
✴✙ ✧✗✜✲✫✛✕✘ ✦✢✖✛✦✙✧ ✰✖✤ ✖✜✤ ✰✜✗✜✤✙ ✧✙★✪✙✧➁
➉ ➊✗ ✗✩✯✙✧ ➋✜✧✗ ✜✕✲✙✤ ✗✭✖ ✬✖✕✗✢✧ ✰✖✤ ✖✜✤ ✴✤✩✛✕✧
✘✙✚✛✕✘ ✜✱ ★✩✗✙ ✰✖✤ ✧✦✢✖✖★
✗✖ ✩✲➋✜✧✗ ✗✖ ✦✢✩✕✘✙✧ ✛✕ ✖✜✤ ★✛✰✙✧✗✫★✙✧➁
✸ ❙✵✹✺❑✻✼✽ ☎♦✝✍ ✠✡ ✞❛✠✝☛✳ ☎✆❛t ❝❛✡ ②♦✌ ✥♦ t♦ ➌ ❿✙ ✭✤✛✗✙✤ ✢✩✧ ✲✙✦✛✲✙✲ ✗✢✩✗ ✧✢✙➄★★ ✕✙✪✙✤ ✴✙
❝✆❛✡❣❡ ☛♦✓❡ ♦✔ t✆❡☛❡ ✆❛✎✠t☛❄ ✩✴★✙ ✗✖ ✦✢✩✕✘✙ ✢✙✤ ✢✩✴✛✗✧➁

➍ ➎ ➐

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

❘✂✄☎✆✝✞ ❇✛✜✢❣✣✤✦✧★ ✩✧✪✤✣✫✛✬✩✤✧

1 Books closed. To introduce the topic, write these ▼✭✮✯✰✱✳✴ ✵✶ ✷ ✸✹✺✻✼✽✾✿ ❀✷✺✾ ✸✿✾✷✽✾❁ ❂❃ ❄❅✾❁✵✶❈ ✻✿✹❀✿✷✺✺✾✿
verbs on the board: play, eat, read, text, talk, watch, ❉✷✿❋✼✶ ✉✾✿✶✶✹s ✷s❁ ✵s✵✽✵✷●●❃ ✿✾●✾✷✶✾❁ ✵s ❍■■❏▲ ❖❈✾ ❀✷✺✾ ✵✶
drink. In pairs, students use the verbs to discuss their ✻●✷❃✾❁ ✵s❁✵♣✵❁✼✷●●❃ ✷s❁ ✵s♣✹●♣✾✶ ✸✹●●✾✸✽✵s❀ ❂✼✵●❁✵s❀ ❂●✹✸❋✶ P✿✹✺
free time activities. Tell them to ✟nd three things ❅❈✵✸❈ ✻●✷❃✾✿✶ ✸✿✾✷✽✾ ❂✼✵●❁✵s❀✶ ✹✿ ✷s❃✽❈✵s❀ ✽❈✾❃ ❅✷s✽▲ ❖❈✾✿✾
they have in common with their partners. Monitor, ✵✶ s✹ ●✵✺✵✽ ✽✹ ❅❈✷✽ ✸✷s ❂✾ ✸✿✾✷✽✾❁◗ ❂✼✽ ✻●✷❃✾✿✶ s✾✾❁ ✽✹ ❂✼✵●❁
and encourage them to use the simple present to ✶✹✺✾ ✶✹✿✽ ✹P ✶❈✾●✽✾✿ ✽✹ ✻✿✹✽✾✸✽ ✽❈✾✺✶✾●♣✾✶ P✿✹✺ ✺✹s✶✽✾✿✶▲ ❖❈✾
❀✷✺✾ ❈✷✶ ❂✾✾s ❂✹✼❀❈✽ ❂❃ ✺✹✿✾ ✽❈✷s ❯■ ✺✵●●✵✹s ✻✾✹✻●✾ ✷s❁ ❈✷✶
describe their habits and routines. Ask one or two ✺✹✿✾ ✽❈✷s ❱■■ ✺✵●●✵✹s ✿✾❀✵✶✽✾✿✾❁ ✼✶✾✿✶▲ ❲s ❄✾✻✽✾✺❂✾✿ ❍■❱❨ ✽❈✾
pairs to share with the class what they have in ❁✾♣✾●✹✻✾✿✶ ✹P ❉✵s✾✸✿✷❩ ✶✹●❁ ✽❈✾ ✿✵❀❈✽✶ ✽✹ ✽❈✾ ❀✷✺✾ ✽✹ ❉✵✸✿✹✶✹❩
common. You could extend this by searching for P✹✿ ❬❍▲❭ ❂✵●●✵✹s❪
images of bad and good habits and showing them on
the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), if available. Ask 5 ❫❴❵❜ Ask students to work with a partner and try
students to say whether they have these habits, but to answer the questions from memory before reading
do not say if they are good or bad habits at this stage. and listening again to check. Encourage students to
If you’re using an IWB, the picture description is best underline key information in the article that supports
done as a whole-class activity. Give students a minute their answers. Prompt students to quote this during
to discuss in pairs. Then ask students to describe whole-class feedback and also to correct any false
what they can see. Ask them whether they think it is statements.
a good or a bad habit and to give reasons.
2 Books open. Working individually, students
❝ ☞ ❞ ❢ ❤❛✌ ✍✐✘✘✌✘ ❛✌✎ ✥✓✔ ❛✓✥✐✒✘❥ ❦ ☞ ❧ ☞
complete the exercise. Monitor to help students with ♥ ❢ q✒ ✒✓r✌✘ ✒✌✑ t✌✌r✘❥ ✈ ❢ ❤❛✌ ✒❛✐✑r✘ ✓✑✇✒❛✐✑✗ ✐✘
vocabulary to describe their bad habits. ①♦✘✘✐✥✖✌❥
3 ❙✠❊❆❑✡◆☛ Divide the class into pairs. Students
discuss their answers to Exercise 2 and agree on
which are the two worst habits. Monitor, and help ②③④⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑦④⑨⑩❶④
with any questions. Invite students to share their ❷✶❋ ✶✽✼❁✾s✽✶ ✽✹ ✷s✶❅✾✿ ✽❈✾ ✶✷✺✾ ❸✼✾✶✽✵✹s✶ ✷❂✹✼✽ ✽❈✾✵✿
opinions with the rest of the class. P✷✺✵●❃ ✺✾✺❂✾✿✶▲
4 Tell students they are going to read an article written
by a teenager about her bad habits. Check/clarify: ❹❺⑤⑦❻⑧③❼ ⑩❽⑤⑩⑧④⑦❻⑧
resolution (a decision to change something in your ❖✹ ❁✾♣✾●✹✻ ✶✹✺✾ ✹P ✽❈✾ ✽❈✾✺✾✶ ✵s ✽❈✾ ✿✾✷❁✵s❀ ✷s❁ ✽✹ ❀✵♣✾
life, often made at the beginning of the year). Check ✶✽✼❁✾s✽✶ ✶✹✺✾ ✾❾✽✾s❁✾❁ ✶✻✾✷❋✵s❀ ✻✿✷✸✽✵✸✾◗ ❅✿✵✽✾ ✽❈✾✶✾
understanding by asking students to give examples of ❸✼✾✶✽✵✹s✶ ✹s ✽❈✾ ❲❿➀ ✹✿ ✽❈✾ ❂✹✷✿❁➁
typical resolutions. Also check give up (to stop doing ➂➃ ➄➅➆➇ ➄➆➈➉ ➆➊➋ ➈➌➍ ➎➌➌➏➐➑➆➏ ➆➇ ➒➓➆➃➃➔➃➎ ➈➌➍➊ ➇➔→➋➣
something, such as a hobby or a habit) by asking ↔➅➋➃ ➄➆➉ ➇➅➋ ➓➆➉➇ ➇➔→➋ ➈➌➍ ➓➋↕ ➅➌→➋➄➌➊➙ ➍➃➇➔➓ ➇➅➋ ➓➆➉➇
students to name things they used to do but don’t →➔➃➍➇➋➣
do now. Students read the text quickly to ✟nd the ↔➅➆➇ ➆➊➋ ➈➌➍➊ ➑➆➏ ➅➆➑➔➇➉➣ ➛➌ ➇➅➋➈ →➆➙➋ ➓➔➜➋ ➏➔➝➔➞➍➓➇ ➜➌➊ ➈➌➍➣
answer. To encourage students to practice reading ↔➅➆➇ ➄➆➉ ➇➅➋ ➓➆➉➇ ➎➌➌➏ ➅➆➑➔➇ ➇➅➆➇ ➈➌➍ ➜➌➊→➋➏➣
quickly for gist, give a two-minute time limit and tell ➟✵♣✾ ✶✽✼❁✾s✽✶ ✷ ✺✵s✼✽✾ ✽✹ ✽❈✵s❋ ✷❂✹✼✽ ✽❈✾✵✿ ✷s✶❅✾✿✶ ✷s❁
them not to worry about understanding every word ❅✿✵✽✾ s✹✽✾✶ ✵P s✾✸✾✶✶✷✿❃▲ ➠✵♣✵❁✾ ✽❈✾ ✸●✷✶✶ ✵s✽✹ ✶✺✷●● ❀✿✹✼✻✶
P✹✿ ✶✽✼❁✾s✽✶ ✽✹ ✸✹✺✻✷✿✾ ✷s✶❅✾✿✶ ✷s❁ ❁✾✸✵❁✾ ❅❈✹ ✵✶ ✽❈✾ ✺✹✶✽
but to focus on getting a general understanding of the ✹✿❀✷s✵➡✾❁▲ ❉✹s✵✽✹✿◗ ❂✼✽ ✷✶ ✽❈✾ P✹✸✼✶ ✵✶ ✹s P●✼✾s✸❃◗ ✷♣✹✵❁
text. If you are using an IWB, you could project the ✸✹✿✿✾✸✽✵s❀ ✾✿✿✹✿✶▲ ➠✼✿✵s❀ ❅❈✹●✾➢✸●✷✶✶ P✾✾❁❂✷✸❋◗ ✷✶❋ ✶✽✼❁✾s✽✶➁
article for two minutes, with books closed, and then ↔➅➌ ➔➉ ➇➅➋ →➌➉➇ ➌➊➎➆➃➔➤➋➏ ➔➃ ➈➌➍➊ ➎➊➌➍➒➣
hide it. With weaker classes, you may like to give
them more time. Ask students to compare answers in
pairs before conducting a quick whole-class check.

☞♦ ✥✌ ✍♦✎✌ ✌❡✐✏✐✌✑✒ ✓✑✔ ✑✌✕✌✎ ✖✌✓✕✌ ✒❛✐✑✗✘ ✒♦ ✒❛✌ ✖✓✘✒
✍✐✑♠✒✌✙ ✒♦ ✗✌✒ ✚✐✒✒✌✎

❳ ❚✲ ✁

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

❘✂✄❞✐♥❣ ☎✂t✇✂✂♥ t❤✂ ❡✐♥✂s

6 Students complete the exercise in pairs. Ask them
to underline the language in the article that helps
them answer the questions. Check answers with the
whole class, referring to the language that students
underlined. Encourage students to challenge each
other and o✆er di✆erent answers, because this will
help develop their critical thinking skills. Be prepared
to accept answers that are di✆erent from the answer
key if students are able to justify them.

✶ ❨✝✞✟ ✞✠✝ ✡✝✝☛✞ ☞✌✍☛✎✏ ✑✝✒❛✌✞✝ ✞✠✝ ✞❛✏✞ ✞✠✝➄✓ ✥❛✓✝ ❛
r✝✞✔☛✌✎✍✔✕ ✕✔✎ ✎✔ ☛✝❛✖✝ ✎✠✍✕☞✞ ✌✕✎✍☛ ✎✠✝ ☛❛✞✎ ✥✍✕✌✎✝ ❛✕✓
✎✠✝✕ ✞❛✏✞✟ ✗✘✝☛☛✟ ✙➄✖✝ ✡❛✍☛✝✓✚➂ ✷ ◆✔✟ ✞✠✝ ✓✔✝✞✕➄✎ ✝✕✱✔✏
✝①✝r✒✍✞✝ ✑✝✒❛✌✞✝ ❛✛✝r ☞✔✍✕☞ ✎✔ ✎✠✝ ☞✏✥ ❛✕✓ ✓✔✍✕☞ ✜❛r❛✎✝
✡✔r ✡✔✌r ♦✝✝✜✞✟ ✞✠✝➄✞ ✡✝✝☛✍✕☞ ✌✕✠❛✢✢✍✝r✚

For variety, pair students with di✆erent partners or
small groups than those for Exercise 6. Students discuss
their answers. Monitor, and help with vocabulary.
When students have discussed the questions fully, you
could extend speaking time by regrouping students for
them to present their answers to their new partners.
Encourage students to speak at length without
interruption. Listen to some of their ideas during
feedback with the class.

❚✲ ✁

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

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↔ ↕➙➛➜➝ ➞➟➠➡➟➢➟ ➡➝➤ ↔➝➜➥ ➦➦ ➧➨➩➨➫ ➭➛↕ ✃➲➟➳➟➜➥ ➛➙➝➲➡➛➯ ➵➟ ➸➭➛

↔➜➩ ➥➝➡➠➠ ➥➡➝➝➡➛➯ ➲➟➳➟ ➵➳➡➝➡➛➯ ➝➲➡➥ ↕➙➨ ❐➙➳ ➟❒➭➩➧➠➟➫ ➽➙➚➜➳➟
➭➳➝➡➸➠➟ ➺➙➳ ➝➲➟ ➥➸➲➙➙➠ ➩➭➯➭➻➡➛➟➤ ➥➡➝➝➡➛➯ ➚➧ ➠➭➝➟ ➧➠➭➽➡➛➯
↔➜➢➟ ➲➭↕ ➝➵➙ ➵➟➟➼➥ ➝➙ ➵➳➡➝➟ ➡➝➫ ➭➛↕ ➪➡➛➟➸➳➭➺➝➨ ❮➙➚ ➼➛➙➵
➩➽ ➝➟➭➸➲➟➳ ➵➭➛➝➥ ➡➝ ➝➙➩➙➳➳➙➵➨ ➽➙➚ ➲➭➢➟ ➭➛ ➡➩➧➙➳➝➭➛➝
➾➲➟➜➥ ➭➠➵➭➽➥ ➸➙➩➧➠➭➡➛➡➛➯ ➝➲➭➝ ↔ ➝➟➥➝ ➝➙➩➙➳➳➙➵➫ ➥➙
➠➟➭➢➟ ➝➲➡➛➯➥ ➝➡➠➠ ➝➲➟ ➠➭➥➝ ➩➡➛➚➝➟➨ ➵➲➽ ↕➙➛➜➝ ➽➙➚ ➷➚➥➝
➪➭➽➞➟ ➥➲➟➜➥ ➳➡➯➲➝➨ ➝➚➳➛ ➙➺➺ ➝➲➟ ➸➙➩➧➚➝➟➳
➶ ➩➙➛➝➲ ➭➯➙ ↔ ➩➭↕➟ ➭ ➭➛↕ ➯➙ ➝➙ ➞➟↕➱
➳➟➥➙➠➚➝➡➙➛ ➝➙ ➞➟ ➩➙➳➟ ➟➺➹➸➡➟➛➝ ➾➸➡➟➛➝➡➥➝➥ ➲➭➢➟ ↕➙➛➟
➝➲➡➥ ➽➟➭➳➨ ➘➟➠➠➫ ↔➜➢➟ ➸➠➟➭➳➠➽ ➺➭➡➠➟↕ ➟❒➧➟➳➡➩➟➛➝➥ ➝➲➭➝
➝➲➭➝ ➙➛➟➨ ↔➜➢➟ ➭➠➥➙ ➞➟➟➛ ➝➳➽➡➛➯ ➝➙ ➥➲➙➵ ➵➟ ➚➥➟ ➙➛➟ ➧➭➳➝
➯➟➝ ➹➝➝➟➳ ➺➙➳ ➺➙➚➳ ➵➟➟➼➥ ➛➙➵➨ ↔➜➢➟ ➙➺ ➙➚➳ ➞➳➭➡➛ ➵➲➟➛ ➵➟
➥➝➭➳➝➟↕ ➯➙➡➛➯ ➝➙ ➝➲➟ ➯➽➩➫ ↔➜➢➟ ➝➲➡➛➼ ➭➞➙➚➝ ➙➚➳➥➟➠➢➟➥
➝➭➼➟➛ ➚➧ ➼➭➳➭➝➟➫ ➭➛↕ ↔➜➢➟ ➸➲➭➛➯➟↕ ➭➛↕ ➭➛➙➝➲➟➳ ➵➲➟➛ ➵➟ ➝➲➡➛➼
➩➽ ↕➡➟➝➨ ↔➜➢➟ ➟➢➟➛ ➞➟➟➛ ➯➙➡➛➯ ➝➙ ➭➞➙➚➝ ➙➝➲➟➳ ➧➟➙➧➠➟➨ ❰➙➵➟➢➟➳➫
➞➟↕ ➟➭➳➠➡➟➳➨ ➴➚➝ ↔➜➩ ➛➙➝ ➺➟➟➠➡➛➯ ➵➲➟➛ ➵➟ ➝➲➡➛➼ ➭➞➙➚➝ ➙➚➳➥➟➠➢➟➥
➭➛➽ ➹➝➝➟➳➫ ➷➚➥➝ ➭ ➠➡➝➝➠➟ ➚➛➲➭➧➧➡➟➳➨ ➡➛ ➝➲➟ ➺➚➝➚➳➟➫ ➵➟ ➚➥➟ ➝➲➟ ➥➭➩➟
➬➡➯➲➝ ➛➙➵➫ ↔ ➯➚➟➥➥ ➼➡↕➥ ➭➠➠ ➙➢➟➳ ➧➭➳➝ ➙➺ ➝➲➟ ➞➳➭➡➛ ➝➲➭➝ ➵➟ ➚➥➚➭➠➠➽
➝➲➟ ➸➙➚➛➝➳➽ ➭➳➟ ➝➲➡➛➼➡➛➯ ➞➭➸➼ ➝➙ ➚➥➟ ➝➙ ➝➲➡➛➼ ➭➞➙➚➝ ➙➝➲➟➳ ➧➟➙➧➠➟➨
➝➲➟ ➳➟➥➙➠➚➝➡➙➛➥ ➝➲➟➽ ➩➭↕➟ ➭➝ ➝➲➟ ↔➛ ➙➝➲➟➳ ➵➙➳↕➥➫ ➝➲➟ ➞➳➭➡➛ ➥➟➟➥ ➝➲➟ ➙➺ ➝➡➩➟ ➝➲➟ ➞➳➭➡➛ ➛➟➟↕➥ ➝➙ ➭➸➸➟➧➝
➞➟➯➡➛➛➡➛➯ ➙➺ ➝➲➟ ➥➸➲➙➙➠ ➽➟➭➳➨ Ï➺➚➝➚➳➟ ➽➙➚Ð ➭➥ ➭ ↕➡➺➺➟➳➟➛➝ ➧➟➳➥➙➛ ➛➟➵ ➞➟➲➭➢➡➙➳➭➠ ➧➭➝➝➟➳➛➥➨ ✃➲➟ ➯➙➙↕
➾➙➩➟ ➙➺ ➝➲➟➩ ➲➭➢➟ ➭➠➳➟➭↕➽ ➯➡➢➟➛ ➝➲➭➛ ➽➙➚➳ Ï➧➳➟➥➟➛➝ ➽➙➚➨Ð ➶➛↕ ➛➟➵➥ ➡➥ ➝➲➭➝ ➙➛➸➟ ➽➙➚ ➩➭➼➟ ➡➝ ➝➙
➚➧ ➺➙➳ ➝➲➡➥ ➽➟➭➳➨ ➮➝➲➟➳➥ ➭➳➟ ➥➝➡➠➠ ➝➲➭➝➜➥ ➵➲➽ ➵➟ ↕➙➛➜➝ ➭➠➵➭➽➥ ➹➛↕ ➡➝ ➝➟➛ ➵➟➟➼➥➫ ➟➢➟➳➽➝➲➡➛➯ ➞➟➸➙➩➟➥
↕➙➡➛➯ ➵➟➠➠➨ ➪➭➛➽➫ ↔ ➥➚➥➧➟➸➝➫ ➠➡➼➟ ➟➭➥➽ ➝➙ ➩➭➼➟ ➥➟➛➥➡➞➠➟ ↕➟➸➡➥➡➙➛➥ ➭ ➠➙➝ ➟➭➥➡➟➳➨ ✃➲➟ ➞➭↕ ➛➟➵➥ ➡➥ ➝➲➭➝
➩➟➫ ➭➳➟ ➥➝➳➚➯➯➠➡➛➯ ➵➡➝➲ ➝➲➟➩➨ ➺➙➳ ➙➚➳➥➟➠➢➟➥ ➡➛ ➝➲➟ ➺➚➝➚➳➟➨ ➝➟➛ ➵➟➟➼➥ ➡➥ ➭ ➳➟➭➠➠➽ ➠➙➛➯ ➝➡➩➟➫ ➥➙
↔ ➩➡➥➥ ➩➽ ➞➭↕ ➲➭➞➡➝➥➨ ➘➲➽ ➡➥ ➴➚➝ ➝➲➭➝➜➥ ➛➙➝ ➭➠➠➨ ➾➸➡➟➛➝➡➥➝➥ ➡➝➜➥ ➟➭➥➽ ➝➙ ➯➡➢➟ ➚➧ ➙➛ ➽➙➚➳ ➯➙➙↕
➠➟➭↕➡➛➯ ➭ ➞➟➝➝➟➳ ➠➡➺➟ ➥➙ ➲➭➳↕➱ ➲➭➢➟ ➭➠➥➙ ↕➡➥➸➙➢➟➳➟↕ ➝➲➭➝ ➡➝ ➝➭➼➟➥ ➡➛➝➟➛➝➡➙➛➥ ➞➟➺➙➳➟ ➝➲➟➛➨
↔➜➢➟ ➷➚➥➝ ➳➟➭↕ ➭➛ ➭➳➝➡➸➠➟ ➙➛ ➭➳➙➚➛↕ ➝➟➛ ➵➟➟➼➥ ➝➙ ➺➙➳➩ ➭ ➯➙➙↕ ➾➙ ➟➢➟➛ ➵➲➟➛ ➵➟ ➵➭➛➝ ➝➙ ➸➲➭➛➯➟
➭ ➵➟➞➥➡➝➟➫ ➭➛↕ ↔➜➢➟ ↕➡➥➸➙➢➟➳➟↕ ➲➭➞➡➝➨ ❐➙➳ ➟❒➭➩➧➠➟➫ ➡➝➜➥ ➯➙➡➛➯ ➝➙ ➙➚➳ ➵➭➽➥ ➭➛↕ ➞➟➸➙➩➟ ➞➟➝➝➟➳
➝➲➭➝ ➡➝ ➡➥➛➜➝ ➩➽ ➺➭➚➠➝➤ ↔➛ ➺➭➸➝➫ ➡➝ ➡➥➛➜➝ ➝➭➼➟ ➭➛➙➝➲➟➳ ➥➡❒ ➵➟➟➼➥ ➞➟➺➙➳➟ ➧➟➙➧➠➟➫ ➙➚➳ ➞➳➭➡➛➥ ➵➙➛➜➝ ➠➟➝ ➚➥➨
➭➛➽➙➛➟➜➥ ➺➭➚➠➝➨ ↔➝➜➥ ➙➚➳ ➞➳➭➡➛➥➨ ➯➙➡➛➯ ➝➙ ➝➲➟ ➯➽➩ ➥➝➙➧➥ ➞➟➡➛➯ ➥➙ ➮➳ ➡➥ ➝➲➡➥ ➷➚➥➝ ➭➛ ➟❒➸➚➥➟➱ Ñ➙➙➼ Ò
✃➲➟➽➜➳➟ ➧➳➙➯➳➭➩➩➟↕ ➝➙ ➩➭➼➟ ↕➡➺➹➸➚➠➝ ➭➛↕ ➞➟➸➙➩➟➥ ➭➛ ➭➚➝➙➩➭➝➡➸ ↔➜➢➟ ➹➛➡➥➲➟↕ ➩➽ ➭➳➝➡➸➠➟ ➙➛ ➝➡➩➟➤
➡➝ ↕➡➺➹➸➚➠➝ ➝➙ ➞➳➟➭➼ ➞➭↕ ➲➭➞➡➝➥➨ ➧➭➳➝ ➙➺ ➩➽ ➠➡➺➟➨ ✃➲➭➝➜➥ ➝➲➟ ➭➩➙➚➛➝ ➶➛➽➝➲➡➛➯ ➡➥ ➧➙➥➥➡➞➠➟➤

❘❡❛☎✆✝✞ ✟❡t✇❡❡✝ t✠❡ ✡✆✝❡☛ ❶✱✫❷ ✰★ ❸✲✰✫s✺ ❹✰s❺✯ss ✬✭✪s✪ ✮✯✪s✬✰✱★s✺
☞✌✍✎✏✑✍✎✒ ✓ ✔✕✑✏✎✕ ✖✌✎✒✗➄✏ ✏✎✘✘ ✙✒ ✎✈✎✕②✏✚✑✗✛ ✖✑✕✎✜✏✘②✳ ✢✎ ❪ ✽✾❉❁ ❄❂❀♦❵❜❁✿♦❢❀ ❉❄❂ ❞♦❜ ❣♦✿❢❣ ❁♦ ❻❉❼❂ ❴♦❄ ❁✾✿❀
✗✎✎✖ ✏✌ ✖✕✓✔ ✜✌✗✜✘✙✒✑✌✗✒ ✣✕✌✍ ✏✚✎ ✑✗✣✌✕✍✓✏✑✌✗ ✏✚✎ ✔✕✑✏✎✕ ❀♣✾♦♦❵ ❞❂❉❄❅
✛✑✈✎✒✳ ✢✎ ✜✓✘✘ ✏✚✑✒ ✤✕✎✓✖✑✗✛ ✦✎✏✔✎✎✗ ✏✚✎ ✘✑✗✎✒✳➂ q ✽✾❉❁ ❧♦ ❞♦❜ ❁✾✿❢❼ ✿❀ ❁✾❂ ❀❂♣❄❂❁ ❁♦ ♣✾❉❢❣✿❢❣ ❞♦❜❄ ❵✿❴❂
❴♦❄ ❁✾❂ ❽❂❾❂❄❅
✻ ✧★s✩✪✫ ✬✭✪ ✮✯✪s✬✰✱★s ✲★✴ ✵✰✷✪ ✫✪✲s✱★s ✸✱✫
✹✱✯✫ ✲★s✩✪✫s✺ ❿➀➁➃➅➆➇ ➈➇➀➉➉➊➉➋➌
✼ ✽✾♦ ✿❀ ❁✾❂ ❃❄✿❁❂❄❅ ❇❈❉❄❉❣❄❉❈✾ ❊● ➍➎ ➏➎➁➐ ➑➁➒➓➔ ➈➇➀→ ➇➀➓➃➁➌
❍■❏❑▲ ▼ ▲❖◗❚❏♥❖ ❯ ▲■❏❑▲ ❱❲✐❖✐♥❳ ❨❩❲ ❖■❏ ▲❝■❩❩❤
♠▼❳▼❬✐♥❏ ▼♥❚ ♠❏♥❖✐❩♥▲ ■❏❲ ❖❏▼❝■❏❲❭ ➣➊➒➓➃➉ ➓➎ →➎➆➁ ➈➀➁➃➉➓➒➌
❪ ❫♦❂❀ ❁✾❂ ❃❄✿❁❂❄ ❴❂❂❵ ❣❜✿❵❁❞ ❁✾❉❁ ❀✾❂ ✾❉❀❢❥❁ ❦❢✿❀✾❂❧
❁✾❂ ❉❄❁✿♣❵❂❅ ❇❈❉❄❉❣❄❉❈✾ ❊●
q ❫♦❂❀ ❀✾❂ ❂❢r♦❞ ❂✉❂❄♣✿❀❂❅ ❇❈❉❄❉❣❄❉❈✾ ①●

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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

●❘ ❆ ✁ ✁ ❆❘
❷❸❸❺❻ ❜❞ q❦r ❢❣❞ ❤✐❞ ⑤⑨❞❣❞r❤ q❥r❤③r❢❥❢❣
P✟❡✂❡✄☎ ☎❡✄✂❡✂ ✆✟❡✈✝❡✇✮ ⑦③❤✐ ❼❽❾❼❿➀ ❤❥ q❥⑩⑤❧❦③r ❦♥❥❢❤ ♥❞✐❦④③❥⑨ ❤✐❦❤
✞ ▼❛t❝✠ ✡☛☞t☛☞❝☛✡ ✌❹✺ ✍✎t✠ t✠☛ t☛☞✡☛✡ ❛❹✏ ❛☞✏ t✠☛☞ ⑦❞ ✉❥r⑧❤ ❧③♠❞ ❦r✉ ➁r✉ ❦rr❥❶③r①⑥
❝✑✒✓✔☛t☛ t✠☛ ✕✖✔☛ ✍✎t✠ t✠☛ t☛☞✡☛✡ ✗❛❹✏✘✙ ➂➃ ➅➆➅➇➈ ➉➊➋➉➌➍ ➎➏➊➊➐➑➒ ➓➏ ➋➔➉➎ ➎→ ➣→↔

✚ ■➄✛ s✜✢✣✣ ✥✤✦✤✧★ ✩✪✫✪ ✬✫✢✜✢✭✯ ✜✩✢s ✰✫✜✢✱✣✪✳

✷ ■➄✲✴ ✰✣s♦ ✵✴✴✧ ✸✹②✤✧★ ✜♦ ✯✪✜ ✻✼✪✫ ✽♦✫ ✽♦✾✫ ↕ ➙✑✒✓✔☛t☛ t✠☛ t☛➛t ✍✎t✠ t✠☛ ❝✑✕✕☛❝t ✓✕☛✡☛☞t t☛☞✡☛
✬✪✪✿s ✭♦✬✳ ➜✑✕✒ ✑➜ t✠☛ ➝☛✕➞✡✙ ➟✑✒☛t✎✒☛✡ ✒✑✕☛ t✠❛☞ ✑☞☛
❀ ■➄✲✴ ✥✸❁✹✸✴❂ ✯♦✢✭✯ ✜♦ ✜✩✪ ✯❃❄✳ t☛☞✡☛ ✎✡ ✓✑✡✡✎➞✔☛✙
❅ ■➄✛ ✧❇✸ ❈✴✴❉✤✧★ ✰✭❃ ✻✼✪✫❊ ❋✾s✜ ✰
✣✢✼✣✪ ✾✭✩✰❍❍✢✪✫✳
➠➡➢➤ ➥ ➦➧➨➧➩ ➦➫➭ ➠ ➯ ➲➳➵➸➺ ➵➫ ➻➸➭➧ ➠
❏ ❑✪ ▲✫✰✢✭ ✥✴✴✥ ✜✩✪ ◆✽✾✜✾✫✪ ❃♦✾❖ ✰s ✰ ➼ ➲➡➽➾➺ ➡➚ ➪➸➡ ➡➚ ➤➳➸➸➶➩ ➻➹➡ ➠ ➘➦➫➢➡➧
◗✢❙✪✫✪✭✜ ❍✪✫s♦✭ ✜♦ ❃♦✾✫ ◆❍✫✪s✪✭✜ ❃♦✾✳❖
➠➴ ➲➷➦➬➸➺ ➡➽➚➹➻➳➸ ➤➳➸➸➶➵➫➪ ➮➚➽ ➦➻➚➹➡ ➦
❚ ❍✫✪s✪✭✜ ❍✪✫✽✪✱✜ ✱♦✭✜✢✭✾♦✾s ➨➚➫➡➷ ➫➚➱➧ ➠ ✃ ➲➡➽➾➺ ➭➵➮➮➸➽➸➫➡ ➡➷➵➫➪➤ ➡➚
❯ s✢❄❍✣✪ ❍✫✪s✪✭✜ ➷➸➳➶ ➨➸ ➤➳➸➸➶➩ ➻➹➡ ➫➚➡➷➵➫➪ ❐ ➲➱➚➽❒➺➧
❱ ❍✫✪s✪✭✜ ✱♦✭✜✢✭✾♦✾s ❲❳❨❩ ❮➾ ➨➵➫➭ ❰ ➲➫➚➡ ➱➦➫➡➺ ➡➚ ➤➡➚➶➧ Ï ➳➚➡
Ð ➲➷➦➶➶➸➫➺ ➵➫ ➨➾ ➳➵➮➸ ➽➵➪➷➡ ➫➚➱➧ ➠➡➢➤ ➸Ñ➦➨
❬ ❍✫✪s✪✭✜ ❍✪✫✽✪✱✜
➡➵➨➸➩ ➤➚ ➠ Ò ➲➤➡➹➭➾➺ ➦ ➳➚➡➧ Ó➷➸➽➸➢➤ ➦➳➤➚ ➡➷➸
Ô➹➸➤➡➵➚➫ ➚➮ ➫➸Ñ➡ ➾➸➦➽➧ ➠ Õ ➲➡➷➵➫❒➺ ➦➻➚➹➡ ➵➡
❭❪❫❴❵ ➮➚➽ ➦➪➸➤➧ ❮➚➨ ➦➫➭ Ö➦➭ ➯× ➲➱➦➫➡➺ ➨➸ ➡➚
✚ ❜❞ ❢❣❞ ❤✐❞ ❤❥ ❤❦❧♠ ❦♥❥❢❤ ♣❦q❤❣ ❦r✉ ➪➚ ➡➚ ➘➚➳➳➸➪➸➩ ➻➹➡ ➠➢➨ Ø➹➤➡ ➫➚➡ ➤➹➽➸ ➱➷➦➡ ➡➚ ➭➚➧
①③④❞ ❥⑤③r③❥r❣⑥
✷ ❜❞ ❢❣❞ ❤✐❞ ❤❥ ❤❦❧♠ ❦♥❥❢❤ ⑦✐❦❤⑧❣
✐❦⑤⑤❞r③r① ❦❤ ❥⑨ ❦⑨❥❢r✉ ❤✐❞ ❤③⑩❞ ❥♣ ❣⑤❞❦♠③r①⑥ ✸ ❙✄❊❆❑☎✆✝ ☛✑✕✟ ✎☞ ✓❛✎✕✡✙ ✓✎☞✟ ❛➞✑✖t ❛ ✓✕✑➞✔☛✒
❀ ❜❞ ❢❣❞ ❤✐❞ ❤❥ ❤❦❧♠ ❦♥❥❢❤ ⑤❦❣❤ ❦q❤③❥r❣ ②✑✖✔➝☛ ➞☛☛☞ ✠❛➝✎☞✕✱ ❛☞✏ t☛✔✔ ②✑✖✕ ✓❛✕t☞☛✕✙
⑦③❤✐❥❢❤ ❣❦❶③r① ⑦✐❞r ❤✐❞❶ ✐❦⑤⑤❞r❞✉⑥
■➄✈✖ ✗✖✖♥ ✘✙✚✛✜♥✙ ✢ ✣♦✛ t✜✛✚ ✤✦ ✣✜✛✛✣✖ ✗✧♦✛✚✖✧
❅ ❜❞ ❢❣❞ ❤✐❞ ❤❥ ❤❦❧♠ ❦♥❥❢❤ ❦q❤③❥r❣
✧✖❝✖♥✛✣✦✳ ■➄✈✖ ✛✧✜✖✐ ✛♦ ✜✙♥♦✧✖ ✚✜✤★ ✗✩✛ ✜✛➄✪ ✜✤✫♦✪✪✜✗✣✖✳
❤✐❦❤ ❣❤❦⑨❤❞✉ ③r ❤✐❞ ⑤❦❣❤ ❦r✉ ❦⑨❞ ❣❤③❧❧ ✐❦⑤⑤❞r③r①⑥
✡☞✌✍✎☞☞✍ ✏❛❣✒ ✶✵

❱✬ ❈ ❆ ❇❯▲ ❆❘❨

▼✭✮✝✄✯ ✰✲✭✄✯❡✂ ↕ ➙✑✒✓✔☛t☛ t✠☛ t☛➛t ✍✎t✠ t✠☛ ✒✎✡✡✎☞✕ ➝☛✕➞✡✙

✞ ▼❛t❝✠ t✠☛ ✓✠✕❛✡☛✡ ✍✎t✠ t✠☛ ✏☛✴☞✎t✎✑☞✡✙
✹ ✠✾✢✜ ◗♦✢✭✯ s♦❄✪✜✩✢✭✯ ✺

✚ ❄✰✿✪ ✰ ✫✪s♦✣✾✜✢♦✭ ÙÚÛÜ ÝÞÚß à á âãÜÛ ãä ßÞÛãâåÜæãçÛ Úçè èÞéæèÞè Üã

ê ëÝ ìÚÝÛí à ÜßæÞè Üã î ÜïÞ ïÚðæÜ ãä
✷ ◗♦ ✬✪✣✣
ñÞÜÜæçñ åò âÚÜÞ ãç ìÞÞóÞçèÛí ôãß Üìã ëãçÜïÛ à ñãÜ åò ÚÜ
❀ s✜✫✾✯✯✣✪ ✬✢✜✩ s♦❄✪✜✩✢✭✯ õ Úíëí öåÜ ðÝ ÷ òíëí à äÞâÜ ÛâÞÞòÝø Ûã à ù åò ÛâÞÞòæçñ
❅ ✜✰✿✪ s♦❄✪✜✩✢✭✯ ✾❍ æç ÜïÞ ÚäÜÞßçããçí à ÚâÛã ú ìÚÛÜæçñ ÜæëÞ ãçâæçÞø ðåÜ
❏ ▲✫✪✰✿ ✰ ▲✰◗ ✩✰▲✢✜ ëÝ òÚßÞçÜÛ ðãåñïÜ ëÞ Ú âÚòÜãòø Úçè ÜïÚÜ ìÚÛ ÜïÞ Þçè
✻ ✽♦✫❄ ✰ ✯♦♦◗ ✩✰▲✢✜ ãä ÜïÚÜí ûïÞç à ÛÜãòòÞè ÞÚÜæçñ ëÞÚÜí à ìÚÛ ü ìÞââ
✼ ✱✩✰✭✯✪ ❃♦✾✫ ✬✰❃s åçÜæâ ýãë ëÚèÞ ßãÚÛÜ ðÞÞäí à þåÛÜ ïÚè Üã ÞÚÜ æÜí à ÜßæÞè Üã
ÿ ñããè ïÚðæÜÛ ÚÛ ìÞââ✥ äãß Þ ÚëòâÞø à ÛÜÚßÜÞè òæÚçã
❚ s✜♦❍ ◗♦✢✭✯ s♦❄✪✜✩✢✭✯ âÞÛÛãçÛí öåÜ à ✽ ìæÜï ✁çèæçñ ÜæëÞ Üã òßÚéÜæéÞø Ûã à
❯ ✻✭◗ s♦❄✪✜✩✢✭✯ ◗✢✾✱✾✣✜ ÛÜãòòÞèí ûïæÛ ÝÞÚß às✂Þ ãçâÝ ëÚèÞ ãçÞ ßÞÛãâåÜæãç✥ çãÜ Üã ëÚóÞ
❱ s✜✰✫✜ ✰ ✭✪✬ ✩♦▲▲❃ ♦✫ ✢✭✜✪✫✪s✜ ÚçÝ ßÞÛãâåÜæãçÛí
❬ s✜♦❍ ◗♦✢✭✯ s♦❄✪✜✩✢✭✯ ✜✩✰✜ ✢s✭✿✜ ✯♦♦◗
✽♦✫ ❃♦✾ ✸ ❙✄❊❆❑☎✆✝ ☛✑✕✟ ✎☞ ✓❛✎✕✡✙ ✞✎✡❝✖✡✡ t✠☛✡☛ ❡✖☛✡t✎✑☞✡✙
❀ s✜✰✫✜ ◗♦✢✭✯ s♦❄✪✜✩✢✭✯ ✜✩✰✜ ✢s ✯♦♦◗
✽♦✫ ❃♦✾ ✚ ✑✩✰✜ s✾▲❋✪✱✜s ✰✫✪ ❃♦✾ ◗♦✢✭✯ ✬✪✣✣ ✢✭ ✰✜ s✱✩♦♦✣❄
❢ ◗✪✱✢◗✪ ✜♦ ❄✰✿✪ ✰ ❍♦s✢✜✢❁✪ ✱✩✰✭✯✪ ✷ ✑✩✰✜ s✾▲❋✪✱✜s ◗♦ ❃♦✾ s✜✫✾✯✯✣✪ ✬✢✜✩❄
❂ ◗♦ ✜✩✢✭✯s ◗✢❙✪✫✪✭✜✣❃ ❲✾s✾✰✣✣❃ ✽♦✫ ✜✩✪ ▲✪✼✪✫❩ ❀ ✑✩✰✜ ✬✰s ✜✩✪ ✣✰s✜ ✜✩✢✭✯ ❃♦✾ ✠✾✢✜ ◗♦✢✭✯❄ ✑✩❃❄
❃ ▲✪ s✾✱✱✪ss✽✾✣ ✡☞✌✍✎☞☞✍ ✏❛❣✒ ✶✷

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

●✂❆✄✄❆✂ 3 ❙✦❊✧❑★◆✩ Ask students to complete the exercise in

pairs. With weaker classes, give students some time
Pr❡☎❡✆✝ ✝❡✆☎❡☎ ✥r❡✈✐❡✇✮
to make a note of their ideas and to ask questions
1 Books closed. Write sentences 1–5 on the board or about vocabulary or look up words in a dictionary.
project them if you’re using an IWB. Ask a student Students discuss their problems. Encourage them
to come to the board and underline all the verbs in to think about possible solutions. Monitor students’
the sentences. Invite others to call out and help if use of present tenses and make a note of errors.
appropriate. Give students one minute to work with a Write these on the board, ensuring anonymity, and
partner and name the four tenses. Then ask di✞erent ask students to correct them as part of whole-class
students to come and write each one on the board. feedback.
Next, ask students to open their books and match the
tenses (a–d) with the sentences. ✪✫✬✭✯✫✫✭ ✰✱❣✳ ✴✵
One way to ✟nd out students’ current knowledge
of tenses is this: Tell students that you are going to ❇✳ ✱✿✱✬✳ ✫❢ ❀✫❁❁✫❂ ✳✬✬✫✬s ✬✳❃✱t✳❄ t✫ t❅✳ s❈❁✰❃✳
ask them a question and that (on the count of three) ✰✬✳s✳❂t ✱❂❄ t❅✳ ✰✬✳s✳❂t ❀✫❂t❈❂❉✫❉s❋ ✩✫ t✫ ✩✳t ❈t
they should raise their right hand if they think the ✬❈❣❅t❍ ✫❂ ✰✱❣✳ ✴■■❋
answer is Yes and their left if they think the answer
is No. If the answer is Maybe or We don’t know, they
should not raise either hand. This helps you see ❱❖❏❆▲▼◗❆✂❨
which students are unclear about the answers to the
questions. Ask questions to elicit the meaning of the ❘❯❲✐✆❩ ❬❭❯✆❩❡☎
sentences, e.g.: 1 Books closed. If you’re not using an IWB, write
For 1: Is the speaker sitting at the moment of speaking? phrases 1–7 on the board and ask students where
(Yes.) they have seen them before (In the article on page
For 2: Was the speaker trying to get ✠t four weeks ago? 13). Tell students to ✟nd the phrases in the article
(Yes.) Has the speaker stopped trying to get ✠t? (No.) as quickly as possible. When students have found
For 3: Did the speaker start going to the gym in the past? the verbs and can see them being used in context,
(Yes.) Do we know when in the past? (No.) ask students to try to ✟gure out the meaning of the
For 4: Is the speaker talking about how she feels in the phrases.
present? (Yes.) Books open. Students complete the exercise then
For 5: Is the speaker talking about something that’s compare answers with a partner. Check answers with
happening now? (No.) Is the speaker talking about a the whole class, referring back to the text to clarify
general truth or a fact? (Yes.) meaning. Say the phrases for students to repeat and
Say the sentences for students to repeat, and check check pronunciation.
pronunciation. Make sure students are using the
weak form of been in sentence 2 and, if not, highlight Answers
this sound and model it for your students to repeat. ✶ ☛ ✷ ✜ ✸ ✌ ✹ ✡ ✺ ☞ ✻✓ ✼ ✛

Answers 2 Ask: Did the writer keep his/her resolutions? Students

✶ ✡ ✷ ☛ ✸ ☞ ✹ ✡ ✺ ✌ read the text quickly to answer the question, ignoring
the spaces for now. Check the answer with the whole
Rule class (No.) Students complete the text with the verbs
✶ ✍✎✏✑✒✓ ✑♣✓✍✓✔✕ ✷ ✑♣✓✍✓✔✕ ✡♦✔✕✎✔✖♦✖✍ in the correct tense. Ask students to compare answers
✸ ✑♣✓✍✓✔✕ ✑✓♣✗✓✡✕ ✹ ✑♣✓✍✓✔✕ ✑✓♣✗✓✡✕ ✡♦✔✕✎✔✖♦✖✍ with a partner before whole-class feedback.
If necessary, give students more examples of each Answers
tense to clarify usage. Draw students’ attention to
✶ ✏☛☞✓ ✷ ✡✜☛✔✛✓ ✸ ✌♣✓☛✣ ✹ ✕♦♦✣ ✺ ✛☛✢✓
the LOOK! box and ask students to complete the ✻ ☞♦✎✔✛ ✼ ✗♦♣✏ ✽ ✍✕♣✖✛✛✒✓☞
sentence: My dad / sister / brother is always …
2 If you don’t have much time, assign this exercise for 3 ❙✦❊✧❑★◆✩ Divide the class into small groups and
homework, but ask students to read through the text ask students to discuss the questions. Monitor, and
quickly in class and ✟nd out why the writer is having encourage students to give detailed answers. Invite
trouble sleeping. This will help them focus on the students to share their answers with the rest of the
overall meaning of the text. Check the answer (The class for feedback.
writer is worrying about exams and the future). Students
✪✫✬✭✯✫✫✭ ✰✱❣✳ ✴■
complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in parentheses. Ask them to compare answers
with a partner before checking with the class.

✶ ☛✏ ❛✘✏✙ ✒✚✎✔✛ ✷ ☛✏ ❛✘✏✙ ✕♣✚✎✔✛ ② ✜☛✢✓ ❛✘✢✓✙ ✕♣✎✓☞ ② ✜☛✢✓
❛✘✢✓✙ ✌✓✓✔ ✕♣✚✎✔✛ ✸ ✜☛✢✓ ❛✘✢✓✙ ✌✓✓✔ ✜☛✢✎✔✛ ② ✜☛✢✓ ❛✘✢✓✙ ✜☛☞
✹ ✜☛✢✓ ❛✘✢✓✙ ✕♣✎✓☞ ② ✜☛✢✓ ❛✘✢✓✙ ✌✓✓✔ ✕♣✚✎✔✛ ✺ ✜☛✍ ❤♦♣✣✓☞ ②
❤♦♣✣✍ ② ✎✍ ❤♦♣✣✎✔✛ ✻ ☞♦✓✍✔✘✕ ❤☛✔✕ ✼ ✎✍ ✜☛✑✑✓✔✎✔✛
✽ ✜☛✢✓ ❛✘✢✓✙ ✌✓✓✔ ✍✕✖☞✚✎✔✛ ② ☛✏ ❛✘✏✙ ✍✕✖☞✚✎✔✛ ✾ ✜☛✢✓
❛✘✢✓✙ ✌✓✓✔ ✕✜✎✔✣✎✔✛ ✶✤ ❤☛✔✕

❳ ❚✲ ✁

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

▲✂✄☎✆✝✂✝✞ ✞➠➡➢➢➡➠
You could assign a homework research task for students ➤➥➦➥➧➨ ➦➨➩➫➨➫ ➭➧➨➯➲➨➳➵
to ✟nd out about J.K. Rowling, Sylvester Stallone, and
James Joyce before this doing exercise. Students share 1 Students complete the exercise individually and
what they discovered with the class. compare answers with a partner. Say the sentences
for students to repeat, and check pronunciation.
1 ❙✠❊❆❑✡◆☛ Books closed. To introduce the topic do
an Internet image search for before they were famous. Answers
Choose some images and copy and paste them into a
➌ ➏❸ ❸❹❹➂➊➄➋ ➑ ➏❸ ➋❻➊➄➋ ➂❻ ❺➂➒➎❼ ➔ ➏➀➀ ➎❻
page to be shown on the IWB, if available, or on to a
piece of paper. Divide the class into groups and give With stronger classes, ask students to say which
them a time limit to guess who the pictures show. future forms were used in each sentence, and why,
Ask them to write the names of the stars and to guess before focusing on the rule. Students complete the
what the star did before he/she became famous. Find rule individually or in pairs before a quick whole-
out which group has named the most. Books open class check. If necessary, give other examples of each
or, if you’re using an IWB, do this as a whole-class tense to clarify usage.
activity. Tell students that they are going to listen
to two teenagers talking about these three famous Rule
people, but ✟rst they should discuss the questions ➌ ➛➃❹❺❹➄➂ ❽❻➄➂➊➄➒❻➒❺ ➑ ➸➺➻➻ ➔ ➼➽➺➾➼ ➚➽
in pairs.
2 If you don’t have much time, you can assign this
❇☞✌✍❣✎♦✏✑✒ ✓✑✔♦✎✕☞✖✓♦✑ exercise for homework, but go through question 1
❏✳✗✳ ✘✙✇✚✛✜✢ ✥✣✤✦✧✦★✧✩❡✪ r✫✬✬✭✮✯✰ ✥✱✦✤✧ ✴★✵✶ ✷✸✹ ✸✺✻✼✰ ✽✾ ✿ ❀✤✽❁✽✾❂ with the class to make sure students understand why
✧✦♥❡✵✽✾❁❃ ❄❂❡ ❅✤✦❁❡ ✾❡♥❡✧ ❍❈rr② ❉✫❋❋●r ✧✦♥❡✵✾ ✽✧ ✿ ❁❡✧■✶❡✿✤ be going to is used. Students compare their answers
✣❡✤✽✦✪ ♣✤✦▼ ✸✺✺❖P◗❘❘❖❃ ❯❂❡✶ ❂✿♥❡ ✱❡✩✦▼❡ ❁❂❡ ✱❡✾❁■✾❡✵✵✽✧❱ ✱✦✦❲ with a partner. Check answers with the whole class,
✾❡✤✽❡✾ ✽✧ ❂✽✾❁✦✤✶✹ ✾❡✵✵✽✧❱ ✦♥❡✤ ❳❘❘ ▼✽✵✵✽✦✧ ✩✦✣✽❡✾❃ ❨❁ ✽✾ ❡✾❁✽▼✿❁❡✪ asking students to explain their choices.
❁❂✿❁ ✾❂❡ ❂✿✾ ✪✦✧✿❁❡✪ ✦♥❡✤ ❩✸✻❘ ▼✽✵✵✽✦✧ ❁✦ ✩❂✿✤✽❁✶❃
❬❭✚❪❫❴❵❫❛ ❬❵❜✚✚✙✜❫ ✥✱✦✤✧ ✴★✵✶ ✻✹ ✸✺❳✻✰ ✽✾ ✿✧ ❝▼❡✤✽✩✿✧ ✿✩❁✦✤ ✿✧✪ Answers
▼✦♥✽❡ ✪✽✤❡✩❁✦✤❃ ❞❡ ✽✾ ▼✦✾❁ ♣✿▼✦★✾ ♣✦✤ ❂✽✾ ✤✦✵❡✾ ✽✧ ❁❂❡ ❢✫❤✐②
✿✧✪ ❢❈❥❦✫ ✾❡✤✽❡✾ ✦♣ ▼✦♥✽❡✾✹ ❅❂✽✩❂ ❅❡✤❡ ❂★❱❡ ✾★✩✩❡✾✾❡✾ ✽✧ ❁❂❡ ➌ →❹➏➃❹ ➋❻➊➄➋ ➑ ➪➏➀➀ ➶➊➄➊❺➍ ➔ ➪➏❸ ➄❻➂ ➋❻➊➄➋
✸✺❧❘✾ ✿✧✪ ✸✺✺❘✾❃ ❞❡ ❂✿✾ ✿✵✾✦ ✾❁✿✤✤❡✪ ✽✧ ✿✩❁✽✦✧ ▼✦♥✽❡✾ ✾★✩❂ ✿✾ ↔ ➪➏❸ ❺❹❹➊➄➋ ➞ ❿➍❹➏❺ ➋❻➊➄➋ ➂❻ ➓❹ ➹ ➋❻➊➄➋ ➂❻ ❹❷➂
♠●❥✫✬✭❋✭✫✮ q❈✮❃ ➘ ➉➊➀➀ ➉➊➄ ➴ →❹➏➃❹ ➶➀❼➊➄➋
❏❜s❫❴ ❏✙❭t❫ ✥✸❧❧◗P✸✺❳✸✰ ❅✿✾ ✿✧ ❨✤✽✾❂ ✧✦♥❡✵✽✾❁ ✿✧✪ ✣✦❡❁❃ ❞✽✾ 3 Students complete the exercise on their own.
✱❡✾❁■❲✧✦❅✧ ❅✦✤❲✾ ✿✤❡ ♠✉❦✬✭✮●r✈ ✥✸✺✸❳✰✹ ①✬②✈✈●✈ ✥✸✺◗◗✰✹ ✿✧✪
③✭✮✮●✯❈✮✈ ④❈✐● ✥✸✺✷✺✰❃ ❞❡ ✽✾ ❲✧✦❅✧ ♣✦✤ ✽✧♥❡✧❁✽✧❱ ❅✦✤✪✾✹ ❅❂✽✩❂ Circulate and help with any questions about
▼✿❲❡✾ ❂✽✾ ✱✦✦❲✾ ✪✽⑤✽✩★✵❁ ❁✦ ✤❡✿✪❃ vocabulary. Divide the class into similar-ability
pairings and ask students to discuss their plans. For
2 ⑥⑦⑧⑨ Play the audio for students to check their feedback, ask students to swap pairs and tell their
answers to Exercise 1. Tell them not to worry about new partner what their previous partner said.
understanding every word. Check answers. ➷➬➮➱✃➬➬➱ ❐❒❮❰ ⑥⑥
⑩ ❶❷❸❹❺ ❶❻❼❽❹ ❾ ❿❼➀➁❹❺➂❹➃ ❿➂❷➀➀❻➄❹ ➅ ❶➆➇➆ ➈❻➉➀➊➄➋
3 ⑥⑦⑧⑨ Ask students to read the questions and
check understanding. Check/clarify earning a living
(working to make enough money to live). Ask
students to underline the key information. Students
try to answer the questions in pairs before listening
again. Play the audio for students to check their
answers and compare them with a partner before
listening to the audio again.

➌ ❿➍❹ ➎❻❹❺➄➏➂ ➐➄❻➉ ➉➍❷➂ ❺➍❹ ➉❷➄➂❺ ➂❻ ➎❻ ➉➍❹➄ ❺➍❹ ➀❹❷➁❹❺
❺❽➍❻❻➀➆ ➑ ❾❹➄ ➉❷➄➂❺ ➂❻ ❺➂➒➎❼ ❸❹➎➊❽➊➄❹ ❷➂ ❽❻➀➀❹➋❹ ❷➄➎
➂➍❹➄ ➓❹❽❻❸❹ ❷ ➎❻❽➂❻➃➆ ➔ →➍❹➄ ➍❹ ➉❷❺ ➔➣ ➍❹ ➉❷❺ ❸❷➐➊➄➋
❷ ➀➊➁➊➄➋ ➂❹❷❽➍➊➄➋ ❷➄➎ ❺➊➄➋➊➄➋➆ ↔ ↕➍❹ ❹➙❷❸➛➀❹❺ ❷➃❹
➎➊➜❹➃❹➄➂ ➂➍❷➄ ⑩➄➄➊❹➏❺ ❺➊➂➒❷➂➊❻➄ ➓❹❽❷➒❺❹ ➂➍❹❼ ➐➄❹➉ ➉➍❷➂
➂➍❹❼ ➉❷➄➂❹➎ ➂❻ ➓❹➝ ➓➒➂ ⑩➄➄➊❹ ➎❻❹❺➄➏➂➆ ➞ ➟❹ ➂❹➀➀❺ ➍❹➃ ➄❻➂
➂❻ ➉❻➃➃❼ ➓❹❽❷➒❺❹ ❺➍❹ ➉➊➀➀ ➎❻ ➉❹➀➀ ➉➍❷➂❹➁❹➃ ❺➍❹ ➎❻❹❺➆
4 ❙✠❊❆❑✡◆☛ Students compare answers to Exercise
3 in pairs. Monitor, and help with any questions.
During whole-class feedback, ask students to justify
their answers.

❚✲ ✁

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

✁ ✥✂❋✄ P✥ ❆◆❙


âãäã åæçèéêë ìíèîïðñïò ìñóèèæêï âóôïð âæíõï

❸ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑÒÓ Ô❱✆❳ ☎✡ ❾❺☎✆s☛ Ø☎s✝❲ss t✟❡s❡ ➽ ❤➾➚➪ ➶❡❺❬ t✟❡ ➹❲❡st☎❱✡s ✝❺✆❡❻❲✞✞❯☛
➹❲❡st☎❱✡s☛ ❹☎st❡✡ ❺❽❺☎✡ ❺✡❬ ❼❺❳❡ ✡❱t❡s☛
☞ ❑✗❛✕ ✤✖ ②✖✦ ✬★✖✧ ❛✙✖✦✕ ✕✗✘✜✘ ✼✘✖✼✵✘❄ ☞ ❑✗❛✕✫✜ ❏★★✛✘✫✜ ✼✣✖✙✵✘✩❄
✪ ▲❛★ ②✖✦ ✩❛✕✚✗ ✕✗✘ ✛★❊✖✣✩❛✕✛✖★ ✧✛✕✗ ✘❛✚✗ ✼✘✣✜✖★❄ ✪ ❑✗❛✕ ✤✖✘✜ ➘✘★ ✧❛★✕ ✕✖ ✤✖ ✧✛✕✗ ✗✛✜ ✵✛❊✘❄
Ù ✧❛✜ ❛ ❊❛✩✖✦✜ ■✣✛✜✗ ✧✣✛✕✘✣✳ ✸ ➴✖✧ ✧❛✜ ➷❛✩✘✜ ➷✖②✚✘ ✘❛✣★✛★✹ ❛ ✵✛✈✛★✹ ✧✗✘★
Ú ✧✣✖✕✘ Û♦ÜÝ◗✳ ✗✘ ✧❛✜ ➬✾❄
Þ ✧✣✖✕✘ ✕✗✘ ➴❛✣✣② ß✖à✘✣ ✜✘✣✛✘✜✳ ✻ ➴✖✧ ❛✣✘ ✕✗✘ ✘●❛✩✼✵✘✜ ✖❊ ➷✖②✚✘➮ ➱✕❛✵✵✖★✘➮ ❛★✤
✃✖✧✵✛★✹ ✤✛✺✘✣✘★✕ ❊✣✖✩ ❏★★✛✘✫✜ ✜✛✕✦❛✕✛✖★❄
á ❤➾➚➪ ❹☎st❡✡ ❺✡❬ ✝✟❡✝❳☛ ✿ ❑✗② ✤✖✘✜ ➘✘★ ✕✘✵✵ ❏★★✛✘ ★✖✕ ✕✖ ✧✖✣✣②❄

❐ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑÒÓ Ô❱✆❳ ☎✡ ❾❺☎✆s☛ ❈❱❼❾❺✆❡ ❯❱❲✆

❺✡s❩❡✆s t❱ ÕÖ❡✆✝☎s❡ ×☛

♣q r ✉ ✉ rq ✷ ❈☎✆✝✞❡ t✟❡ ✠❡st t❡✡s❡☛

✇①③①④⑤ ③⑤⑥⑦⑤⑦ ⑧④⑤⑨⑩⑤❶❷ ☞ ✌✍➄✎✎ ✏♦ ✑ ✌✍➄✒✍ ✏♦✓✔✏ ✕✖ ✕✗✘ ✙✘❛✚✗ ✕✗✛✜ ✢✣✛✤❛②✳
❉✖ ②✖✦ ✧❛★✕ ✕✖ ✚✖✩✘❄
❸ ❹❱❱❳ ❺t t✟❡ s❡✡t❡✡✝❡s ❻✆❱❼ t✟❡ ✞☎st❡✡☎✡❽☛
❈❱❼❾✞❡t❡ t✟❡❼ ❩☎t✟ t✟❡ ✝❱✆✆❡✝t ❻❲t❲✆❡ ❻❱✆❼s ✪ ■ ✤✖★✫✕ ✕✗✛★✬ ✭➄✎✎ ✮✔✓✯✰ ✑ ✭➄✱ ✮✔✓✯✰✓✔✏ ✕✗✛✜ ✗✖✩✘✧✖✣✬✳
❱❻ t✟❡ ❿❡✆✠s☛ ➀❡✡ ✝❱❼❾✞❡t❡ t✟❡ ✆❲✞❡ ❩☎t✟ ✸ ✭ ✲♦✔➄✴ ✏♦ ✑ ✭➄✱ ✔♦✴ ✏♦✓✔✏ ✕✖ ✚✖✵✵✘✹✘ ✕✗✛✜ ②✘❛✣✳
➁➂➃➅➃➆➇ ➈➉➆➇➊➆➋➉➋➅❨ ➌➉➊➆➌ ➇➉❨ ❺✡❬ ➍➊➎➎☛ ■ ✧❛★✕ ✕✖ ✕❛✬✘ ❛ ②✘❛✣ ✖✺✳
✻ ■ ✗❛✈✘ ❛ ✤✘★✕✛✜✕ ❛✼✼✖✛★✕✩✘★✕ ✕✖✩✖✣✣✖✧✳
☞ ■ ➏✩✘✘✕➐ ✕✗✘ ✚❛✣✘✘✣ ❛✤✈✛✜✖✣
✭➄✱ ✯✍✍✓✔✏ ✑ ✭➄✎✎ ✯✍✍ ✗✘✣ ❛✕ ✽✾ ❛✳✩✳
✕✗✛✜ ❛➑✘✣★✖✖★✳
✿ ❉❛✛✜②✫✜ ✵✘❛✣★✛★✹ ✕✖ ❀②✳ ❁✰✍➄✎✎ ❂✍ ✑ ❁✰✍➄✯ ✏♦✓✔✏ ✴♦ ❂✍
✪ ■ ➏✜✕✦✤②➐ ✩✘✤✛✚✛★✘✳
❛ ✼✛✵✖✕✳
✸ ■✫✩ ✜✦✣✘ ②✖✦ ➏✤✖➐ ✧✘✵✵
❃ ■✫✩ ★✖✕ ✍❅✴✓✔✏ ✑ ✏♦✓✔✏ ✴♦ ✍❅✴ ✚✗✖✚✖✵❛✕✘✳ ❇❛✕✫✜ ✩②
✧✗❛✕✘✈✘✣ ②✖✦ ✤✖✳
✣✘✜✖✵✦✕✛✖★ ❊✖✣ ★✘●✕ ②✘❛✣✳
❍ ❏✣✹✘★✕✛★❛ ✲✓✎✎ ✲✓✔ ✑ ❅✒✍ ✲✓✔✔✓✔✏ ✕✗✘ ★✘●✕ ❑✖✣✵✤
➒➓➔→➣ ▲✦✼✳ ❇❛✕✫✜ ✧✗❛✕ ■ ✕✗✛★✬✳
↔ ↕➙ ➛➜➝➞ ➜➟➙➠➛ ➡➠➛➠➢➤ ➥➝➜➦➧➨ ➩➤ ➙➫➤➦ ➠➧➤ ➛➭➤
➯ ▼ ✌✍➄✒✍ ❖◗✓✔✏ ✑ ✌✍ ✲✓✎✎ ❖◗ ✖★ ✢✣✛✤❛②✳ ■✫✩ ✜✖ ✘●✚✛✕✘✤✳

↔ ↕➙ ➳➜➞➤ ➥➢➤➵➸➺➛➸➙➦➧➨ ➩➤ ➙➫➤➦ ➠➧➤ ❘ ❚✡ ❯❱❲✆ ✡❱t❡✠❱❱❳❨ ❩✆☎t❡ ❬❱❩✡❭
➻ ➲
☞ ✕✧✖ ✼✵❛★✜ ②✖✦ ✗❛✈✘ ❊✖✣ ✕✗✛✜ ✧✘✘✬✳
↔ ↕➙ ➛➜➝➞ ➜➟➙➠➛ ➸➦➛➤➦➛➸➙➦➧➨ ➩➤ ➙➫➤➦ ➠➧➤
➼ ➲ ✪ ✕✧✖ ✛★✕✘★✕✛✖★✜ ②✖✦ ✗❛✈✘ ❊✖✣ ✕✗✛✜ ②✘❛✣✳
✸ ✕✧✖ ✼✣✘✤✛✚✕✛✖★✜ ❊✖✣ ②✖✦✣ ✵✛❊✘✳
❪❫❴❵❜❫❫❵ ❝❞❣❢ ❤❤

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

❘❊❆❉■ ✁ ❁ ✹❡✌✕☛✟❡✌✒☛✓❝✺❡✌❣✌✓✎✳❂✟✓❝✟✖✌✒✌❣✒✌✖✟☞☞✟♦✑✺✕
✶ ❙✂✄☎❑✆✝✞ ✥✟❡❝✠✭✡✮☛✟❡☞☛✌☛❡✍❡✎☛☞✏♦✑✌❣✒❡❡ ☛✟❡☞❡ ✖❡♦✖✺❡ ✒❡✌✕✌✎✕☛✟✓✎✠✌✽♦✑☛❄✔❡✒❡✍✌✏
✇✓☛✟✳✔❡✎✕✓☞❝✑☞☞ ☛✟❡✍✓✎✖✌✓✒☞✳ ✽❡ ✍♦✒❡ ☛✟✌✎♦✎❡✖♦☞☞✓✽✺❡✌✎☞✇❡✒✳
✗✘✙✙✚✛✜✢✣✤✚✦ ❃ ➁❇✢✧✧②➄✩ ✩✙✫✤✛✜✢✣✤✚✧②✪✙✷✣✰❅✚✙✤➄✪ ✯✤✙★★✬❛✪❅➄✈✣
❛✧★❛②✩✪✣✧✧✩ ②✙✫★✬❛✪✪✬✣②➄✜✣✪✬✢✤✯✢✤✘✰ ❈ ➁❋❛✤➄✪ ✪✬✣②✩✣✣❅✚✙✤➄✪ ✜✣❛✧✧② ✛✣✣✧✧✢✯✣✪❛✧✯✢✤✘●❅❍✫✩✪
✤✣✈✣✜✱✜✢✪✢✱✢✲✣✩②✙✫✰ ★❛✤✪✪✬✣✷✪✙✧✣❛✈✣✷✣❛✧✙✤✣✰➂
❛✘✜✣✣✩★✢✪✬ ✣✈✣✜②✪✬✢✤✘②✙✫✩❛②✰ ❏ ➁▲❛✪✢✣❛✧★❛②✩✬❛✩❛✩✷✢✧✣ ✙✤✬✣✜✛❛✱✣✰❅★✢✩✬✷②✧✢✛✣
❛✧★❛②✩✧✢✩✪✣✤✩★✬✣✤②✙✫✬❛✈✣❛✴✜✙✵✧✣✷✰ ★❛✩❛✩✴✣✜✛✣✱✪❛✩✬✣✜✩✰➂
▼ ➁❅✪✬✢✤✯❖✣✤✤②★✙✫✧✚ ✵✣❛✘✜✣❛✪✚✜✫✷✷✣✜✛✙✜✙✫✜
✸ ✹❡✌✕ ☛✟❡✌✒☛✓❝✺❡✳✻❡❝✓✕❡ ✇✟✓❝✟✖✌✒✌❣✒✌✖✟❡✌❝✟♦✼ ✵❛✤✚✰❅✚✙✤➄✪ ✯✤✙★★✬❛✪②✙✫✜✴✜✙✵✧✣✷✢✩✰➂
☛✟❡☞❡ ✟❡✌✕✓✎❣☞✕❡☞❝✒✓✽❡☞✌✎✕ ✇✒✓☛❡ ☛✟❡✍✓✎☛✟❡ P ➁❅★✢✩✬ ❀②✧❛✤★❛✩✤➄✪ ✩✙✩✧✙✴✴②✰◗✣❛✧★❛②✩✷❛✯✣✩
❝♦✒✒❡❝☛✖✺✌❝❡☞✳ ✩✫✱✬ ❛✷✣✩✩✰➂
◆✙✙✤✣✢✩ ✬❛✴✴②❛✧✧ ✪✬✣✪✢✷✣ ❚ ❙✂✄☎❑✆✝✞ ❂♦✒✠✓✎✖✌✓✒☞✳✻✓☞❝✑☞☞ ☛✟❡☞❡
✾✪✙✴✣✿✴✣✱✪✢✤✘✣✈✣✜②✵✙✚②✪✙✧✢✯✣②✙✫ q✑❡☞☛✓♦✎☞✳
❀✙✤➄✪ ✣✿✴✣✱✪✴✣✙✴✧✣ ✪✙❛✧★❛②✩❛✘✜✣✣★✢✪✬②✙✫ ❃ ❯✬✢✱✬ ✴✢✣✱✣✙✛❛✚✈✢✱✣✚✙②✙✫✪✬✢✤✯✢✩ ✪✬✣✵✣✩✪●
✾✪✙✴✣✿✴✣✱✪✢✤✘✴✣✙✴✧✣ ✪✙✯✤✙★★✬❛✪②✙✫➄✜✣✪✬✢✤✯✢✤✘ ❯✬②●
❀✙✤➄✪ ✣✿✴✣✱✪✴✣✙✴✧✣ ✪✙✱✬❛✤✘✣ ❈ ❯✬❛✪✙✪✬✣✜❛✚✈✢✱✣★✙✫✧✚ ②✙✫❛✚✚●

❻❼❽❾ ❿➀➃ ➅❾ ➆➀➇➈➉ ➀➃➈ ➊➆❾➃ ➋➌➇ ➍➎➀➃➏ ➈➋➃➐➑ ➊➋➇➒

➋➌➑➉ ❼➑➐➏ ➋❽➑❾➃ ❾➀➏➓ ➑➋ ➅➎➀➔❾ ➋➑➆❾➇➏→ ➣➋➔❾➑❼➔❾➏
➊❾ ❾↔➍❾❿➑ ➑➋➋ ➔➌❿➆ ❽➇➋➔ ❽➇❼❾➃➈➏ ➀➃➈ ❽➀➔❼➎➓➉ ➀➃➈
➊➆❾➃ ➑➆❾➓ ➈➋➃➐➑ ➀❿➑ ➀➏ ➊❾ ➑➆❼➃➒ ➑➆❾➓ ➏➆➋➌➎➈➉ ➊❾
❽❾❾➎ ➈❼➏➀➍➍➋❼➃➑❾➈→ ↕➀➓➅❾ ❼➑ ➊➋➌➎➈ ➅❾ ❾➀➏❼❾➇ ❼❽ ➊❾
➏➑➋➍➍❾➈ ❾↔➍❾❿➑❼➃➙ ➏➋ ➔➌❿➆ ❽➇➋➔ ➋➑➆❾➇ ➍❾➋➍➎❾→
➛➋ ➋➃❾ ❼➏ ➍❾➇❽❾❿➑➉ ➀➃➈ ➑➆➀➑ ❼➃❿➎➌➈❾➏ ➓➋➌→

➝❬ ❦❬✐ r❴❵❥ ❥❬ ❥①❴⑥❩❪ ❥❜❩ r❬①❪❧ ❤❩④❬①❩ ❦❬✐ ❞❩❥ ❦❬✐①
❧❩❞①❩❩❢ ❤✐❥ ❦❬✐① ❭❴①❩❵❥t ❧❬❵♠❥ ❥❜♥❵③ ♥❥♠t ❴ ❞❬❬❧ ♥❧❩❴s ❶④
❫❬✐①t❩❢ ♥❥♠t ❞①❩❴❥ ♥④ ❬❥❜❩① ❭❩❬❭❪❩ ❫❴❵ t✐❭❭❬①❥ ❦❬✐ ♥❵ ❦❬✐①
❧❩❫♥t♥❬❵t❢ ❤✐❥ ❦❬✐ ❫❴❵♠❥ ③❩❩❭ ❩⑥❩①❦❬❵❩ ❜❴❭❭❦ ❴❪❪ ❬④ ❥❜❩ ❳
❥♥♣❩s ➞❥♠t ❦❬✐① ❪♥④❩❢ ❴❵❧ ❦❬✐ ❵❩❩❧ ❥❬ ♣❴③❩ ❥❜❩ ❧❩❫♥t♥❬❵t ❥❬
♣❴③❩ ❦❬✐ ❜❴❭❭❦s ❨❩❬❭❪❩ ❫❴❵ ❫❜❴❵❞❩❢ ❤✐❥ ❥❜❩❦ ❧❬❵♠❥ ✐t✐❴❪❪❦
❧❬ ♥❥ ❤❩❫❴✐t❩ t❬♣❩❬❵❩ ❩❪t❩ r❴❵❥t ❥❜❩♣
➟ ❥❬s ✉❬✐ ❫❴❵ ❥①❦ ❥❬ ❥❩❪❪ ❥❜❩♣ r❜❴❥ ❦❬✐♠①❩ ❵❬❥
➠❬❵♠❥ r❬①①❦ ♥④ ❥❜❩①❩ ❴①❩ ❭❩❬❭❪❩ r❜❬ ❴①❩❵♠❥ ⑥❩①❦ ❵♥❫❩ ❥❬ t❬ ❜❴❭❭❦ ❴❤❬✐❥❢ t❬ ❴❥ ❪❩❴t❥ ❥❜❩❦ ③❵❬r❢ ❤✐❥
❦❬✐ ❤❩❫❴✐t❩ ❥❜❩①❩ ❴①❩ ❭❪❩❵❥❦ ❬④ ❭❩❬❭❪❩ r❜❬ ❴①❩s ❺❜❩❦♠①❩ ❧❬❵♠❥ ❤❩ ❥❬❬ ❧♥t❴❭❭❬♥❵❥❩❧ ♥④ ❥❜❩❦ ❫❬❵❥♥❵✐❩
❫❴❪❪❩❧ ❦❬✐① ④①♥❩❵❧ts ➝❭❩❵❧ ❥♥♣❩ r♥❥❜ ❥❜❩♣ ❴❵❧ ❴⑥❬♥❧ ❥❜❩ ❧❬♥❵❞ ❩⑤❴❫❥❪❦ ❥❜❩ t❴♣❩ ❥❜♥❵❞ts ✉❬✐ ❜❴⑥❩ ❴
❬❥❜❩①ts ⑧❵❧ r❜❩❵ ♥❥ ❫❬♣❩t ❥❬ ➡❵❧♥❵❞ ❥❜❴❥ t❭❩❫♥❴❪ ❭❩①t❬❵ ❫❜❬♥❫❩⑦ ⑧❫❫❩❭❥ ❥❜❩♣ ❬① r❴❪③ ❴r❴❦s
❴❵❧ t❩❥❥❪♥❵❞ ❧❬r❵❢ ①❩♣❩♣❤❩①⑦ ❺❜❩①❩♠t t❬♣❩❤❬❧❦ ④❬①
❩⑥❩①❦❬❵❩s ⑨
⑩①❬♣ ❥❜❩♥① ⑩❴❫❩❤❬❬③ ✐❭❧❴❥❩t❢ ❦❬✐♠❧ ❤❩❪♥❩⑥❩
➢ ❥❜❴❥ ❴❪❪ ❦❬✐① ④①♥❩❵❧t ❴①❩ ❜❴❭❭❦ ❴❪❪ ❥❜❩ ❥♥♣❩
✉❬✐♠⑥❩ ❤❩❩❵ ❭①❴❫❥♥❫♥❵❞ t❬❫❫❩① ❴❪❪ t✐♣♣❩①s ✉❬✐ ❥❜♥❵③ ❴❵❧ ❪❩❴❧♥❵❞ ❩⑤❫♥❥♥❵❞ ❪♥⑥❩ts ❶④ ❫❬✐①t❩❢ ❥❜❩❦
❦❬✐♠①❩ ❞❬❬❧ ❩❵❬✐❞❜ ❥❬ ❤❩ ❬❵ ❥❜❩ t❫❜❬❬❪ ❥❩❴♣❢ ❤✐❥ ❴①❩❵♠❥❢ ❷✐t❥ ❪♥③❩ ❦❬✐ ③❵❬r ❥❜❴❥ ❦❬✐① ❪♥④❩ ♥t❵♠❥
❥❜❩ ❫❬❴❫❜ ❧❬❩t❵♠❥ t❩❩♣ ❥❬ ❤❩ ❥❜♥❵③♥❵❞ ❥❜❩ t❴♣❩ ❥❜♥❵❞s ❴❪r❴❦t ❭❩①④❩❫❥s ❸❩ ❴❪❪ ❞❬ ❥❜①❬✐❞❜ ❜❴①❧
➤❴❦❤❩ ❜❩ ❷✐t❥ ❜❴t❵♠❥ ❥❜❬✐❞❜❥ ❴❤❬✐❥ ♥❥ ❴❥ ❴❪❪s ➥❩ ♥t❵♠❥ ❴ ❥♥♣❩t❢ ❴❵❧ r❩ ❬④❥❩❵ ❥①❦ ❥❬ ❜♥❧❩ ♥❥s ❹❩ ③♥❵❧
♣♥❵❧ ①❩❴❧❩①❢ t❬ ❥❩❪❪ ❜♥♣s ❺❜❩❵ ❴❥ ❪❩❴t❥ ❜❩ ③❵❬rt r❜❴❥ ❥❬ ❭❩❬❭❪❩s ❺❜❩❦ ♣♥❞❜❥ ❤❩ ❜❴⑥♥❵❞ ❴ ❤❴❧ ❧❴❦❢
❦❬✐♠①❩ ❥❜♥❵③♥❵❞s ➥❩ ♣♥❞❜❥ ❩⑥❩❵ ❫❜❬❬t❩ ❦❬✐s ❴❵❧ ❦❬✐① t♣♥❪❩ ❫❬✐❪❧ ♣❴③❩ ❴ ❤♥❞ ❧♥④④❩①❩❵❫❩s

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-59749-5 — American Think Level 3 Teacher's Edition
Brian Hart , Herbert Puchta , Jeff Stranks , Peter Lewis-Jones
More Information

❘✂✄☎✆✝✞ ❖♣t✐♦♥✦● ★❍t★♥s✐♦♥

1 ❙✟❊❆❑✠◆✡ A recording of this text is available with ✩✪✉✫✬✭✪✮ ✫✳ ■ ✰✳❏✬ ▲❏■▼ ✻■✮✬✫ ✳✭ ✳✭✬ ✳P ✪◗✬ ✮✱✪✉■✪✱✳✭✮ ✱✭
your digital resources. Books closed. For a warm-up, ❯❱✬✰✵✱✮✬ ❝❲ ✩✪✉✫✬✭✪ ❨ ◗■✮ ✳✭✬ ✳P ✪◗✬ ▲✰✳✻❏✬✴✮❩ ✩✪✉✫✬✭✪ ❬
search for images of teenage magazine covers either ❣✱❭✬✮ ■✫❭✱✵✬❲ ❪◗✱✮ ■✵✪✱❭✱✪▼ ✯✳✰❫✮ ✯✬❏❏ ✱P ✩✪✉✫✬✭✪ ❨ ✫✳✬✮ ✭✳✪
on the IWB during class or on the Internet before, ❏✱❫✬ ■✭▼ ✳P ✪◗✬ ■✫❭✱✵✬ ✳❴✬✰✬✫ ✻▼ ✩✪✉✫✬✭✪ ❬❲ ❵✳✉ ✵✳✉❏✫ ✬✱✪◗✬✰
and cut and paste them onto a large piece of paper.
■✮❫ ✮✪✉✫✬✭✪✮ ✪✳ ✮▲✬■❫ ✮▲✳✭✪■✭✬✳✉✮❏▼ ✳✰ ▼✳✉ ✵✳✉❏✫ ✱✭✮✪✰✉✵✪
✪◗✬✴ ✪✳ ✯✰✱✪✬ ✪◗✬✱✰ ✫✱■❏✳❣✉✬ ✻✬P✳✰✬ ▲✬✰P✳✰✴✱✭❣❲ ❜P ✪◗✬▼ ✯✰✱✪✬
Show them to the class and ask: Do you read these ■ ✫✱■❏✳❣✉✬❩ ■✮❫ ✮✪✉✫✬✭✪✮ ✪✳ ✮✯✱✪✵◗ ▲■✰✪✭✬✰✮ ■❞✬✰ ✪◗✬▼❥❭✬
magazines? What types of articles are typically found in ▲✬✰P✳✰✴✬✫ ✳✭✵✬ ■✭✫ ✪◗✬✭ ✰✬▲✬■✪ ✪◗✬ ✰✳❏✬ ▲❏■▼ ❦ ✪◗✱✮ ✪✱✴✬
these magazines? If you want some advice on a problem, ✯✱✪◗✳✉✪ ▲✰✬▲■✰■✪✱✳✭❲
do you read magazines or talk to your friends and
Write some of their ideas on the board. Books open.
Look at statements 1 to 4. Check/clarify: criticizes
(says something negative about). Give students
time to re☛ect on the statements individually before
discussing their opinions with a partner. Prompt
them to justify their opinions. In whole-class
feedback, ask which pairs had similar ideas.
2 Ask students to read the headings and underline any
tricky words or phrases for you to explain. Check/
clarify: expecting (thinking somebody should do
something). Encourage students to underline the
parts of the text as they complete the matching task.
Students compare answers with a partner before
checking with the whole class.

✶ ❉☞✌✍✎ ✏①✑✏✒✎ ✑✏☞✑✓✏ ✔✓✕✔❛✖ ✎☞ ✔✥✗✏✏ ✕❡✎✘ ❛☞✙
✷ ✚✎☞✑ ✏①✑✏✒✎❡✌✥ ✏✛✏✗❛②☞✜❛ ✎☞ ✓❡✢✏ ❛☞✙
✸ ✚✎☞✑ ✏①✑✏✒✎❡✌✥ ✑✏☞✑✓✏ ✎☞ ✢✌☞✕ ✕✘✔✎ ❛☞✙✍✗✏ ✎✘❡✌✢❡✌✥
✹ ❉☞✌✍✎ ✏①✑✏✒✎ ✑✏☞✑✓✏ ✎☞ ✒✘✔✌✥✏
✺ ✣☞ ☞✌✏ ❡✖ ✘✔✑✑❛ ✔✓✓ ✎✘✏ ✎❡✤✏

❋✦st ✧✐♥✐s❤★rs
✩✪✉✫✬✭✪✮ ✯✰✱✪✬ ✪✯✳ ✴✳✰✬ ✮✬✭✪✬✭✵✬✮ ✻✬❣✱✭✭✱✭❣✼ ✽ ✾✿✿❀
❢❁❂❃❄❀ ❅

3 To clarify the task, do number 1 with the class.

Encourage debate among students. Accept alternative
answers if they are supported with reasons in
order to demonstrate that more than one answer
is possible.

Suggested Answers
✶ ✑✔✗✔✥✗✔✑✘ ✷ ✷ ✑✔✗✔✥✗✔✑✘ ✸ ✸ ✑✔✗✔✥✗✔✑✘ ✺
✹ ✑✔✗✔✥✗✔✑✘ ✶ ✺ ✑✔✗✔✥✗✔✑✘ ✹
4 ❙✟❊❆❑✠◆✡ Students discuss the questions in pairs.
Allow weaker or less con❇dent classes time to write
notes about their answers. Encourage students to use
language from the texts in their answers. Monitor,
and o❈er praise to those expanding on their answers.
During feedback, decide as a class which are the best
pieces of advice o❈ered.

❳ ❚✲ ✁

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