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Molar Mass Atomic Element Molarity and Molality

(g/mol) Element # Name Molarity (M) is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of
1.0079 H 1 Hydrogen solution.
4.0026 He 2 Helium molarity = moles of solute/liters of solution
Molality (m) is defined as the number of moles of solute per kilogram of
6.941 Li 3 Lithium
9.0122 Be 4 Beryllium molality = moles of solute/kilograms of solvent
10.811 B 5 Boron Molarity is a measurement of the moles in the total volume of the
12.0107 C 6 Carbon solution, whereas molality is a measurement of the moles in relationship to
the mass of the solvent.
14.0067 N 7 Nitrogen
15.9994 O 8 Oxygen
Normality (N) is defined as the number of mole equivalents per liter of
18.9984 F 9 Fluorine solution:
20.1797 Ne 10 Neon normality = number of mole equivalents/1 L of solution
22.9897 Na 11 Sodium Like molarity, normality relates the amount of solute to the total volume
of solution; however, normality is specifically used for acids and bases.
24.305 Mg 12 Magnesium
26.9815 Al 13 Aluminum How to calculate normality from molarity
28.0855 Si 14 Silicon The mole equivalents of an acid or base are calculated by determining the
30.9738 P 15 Phosphorus number of H+ or OH- ions per molecule:
N = n × M (where n is an integer)
32.065 S 16 Sulfur
35.453 Cl 17 Chlorine
For an acid solution, n is the number of H+ ions provided by a formula unit
39.0983 K 18 Potassium of acid.
39.948 Ar 19 Argon Example:
40.078 Ca 20 Calcium A 3 M H2SO4 solution is the same as a 6 N H2SO4 solution.

44.9559 Sc 21 Scandium
For a basic solution, n is the number of OH- ions provided by a formula
47.867 Ti 22 Titanium unit of base.
50.9415 V 23 Vanadium Example:
51.9961 Cr 24 Chromium A 1 M Ca(OH)2 solution is the same as a 2 N Ca(OH)2 solution.

54.938 Mn 25 Manganese
Note: The normality of a solution is NEVER less than its molarity!
Laws of Thermodynamics

1. First Law – Law of Conservation of Energy

2. Second Law – Entropy of an Isolated System
3. Third Law – Entropy at Absolute Zero
4. Zeroth Law

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