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By : Rofiq A. Malik


The issue I raised was based on my worries about the customs of the people in the region,
especially in my village. I see people's habits in my village can not sort the garbage properly.
In addition, most of them only collect the garbage produced, then throw it into the river or burn
it. Garbage is the result of a community production process that does not chill anymore. There
are three types of waste, namely organic waste, inorganic waste, and waste of hazardous and
toxic materials. Based on data from research conducted by the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry, organic and non organic waste continues to increase. in 2017, the amount of non-
organic waste increased to 43 percent, while the other 57 percent was organic waste. Increased
non-organic waste is supported by the increase of plastic waste. While in a recent research
released by Sustainable Waste Indonesia (SWI) revealed as much as 24 percent of waste in
Indonesia is still not managed. This means, of the approximately 65 million tons of waste
produced in Indonesia each day, about 15 million tons pollute the ecosystem and the
environment because it is not handled. If waste management is not carried out systematically,
thoroughly, and sustainably it will cause negative impacts. Such as adverse impact on Health,
environment, and socioeconomic. Actually, the management and segregation of waste has been
regulated in government regulation number 81 of 2012, but in its implementation still not
applied by society. Although every regency / city has made their own regulations on waste
management, but in fact the regulation is only realized around the city center only. While in
some villages still has not been done. Therefore, the village government should take the
initiative to create a new policy for waste processing in their respective areas. Except by
educating the community in advance through a campaign program of hygiene and
environmental health. Then the system and facilities of waste processing were made. Such as
the scheduling of garbage disposal, garbage making, to the manufacture of waste processing
place. This is so that the village can become independent in managing waste. Furthermore,
organic waste in if a fertilizer that later can be used by the farmers. And inorganic waste can
be recycled using reduced, reuse and recycle system.

Keywords: community habits, waste, bad impacts, new policies, waste processing.
The issue I raised was based on my worries about the customs of the people in the
region, especially in my village. My village is located in an upland area where the majority of
people work as farmers and traders. I see people's habits in my village can not sort the garbage
properly. They can not distinguish which is organic and inorganic waste. In addition, most of
them only collect the garbage produced, then throw it into the river or burn it. From my
observations, this is due to people's lack of awareness of the importance of protecting the
environment, no facilities for sorting and managing waste, and the absence of local government
roles to create waste management policies.

Although the impact is still not visible, but if the habit of this community continues to
be done, I am afraid of an unwanted disaster. Therefore, I want to change the bad habits of
people, especially in the processing of waste for the better. In changing the habit it is not as
easy as reversing the hand, so it needs a gradual process of starting by talking first about the
idea of environmental arrangement with influential people in the village, making facilities for
sorting and managing waste, hygiene campaigns, to the way manage waste. My target, the
waste can be reprocessed into something useful for the people in my village such as organic
waste that has been processed can be converted into organic fertilizer. Later organic fertilizers
can be sold by village co-operatives at a cheaper price to the farmers in my village. It is hoped
that a mutually beneficial cycle will be created, not only the clean environment but also the
community benefiting from the waste management, and my village can be self-sufficient in
terms of waste management.
Garbage is the result of a community production process that does not chill anymore.
While in the government regulation number 81 of 2012 on waste management stated that the
waste is the rest of human daily activities or natural processes in the form of solid or semi-solid
in the form of organic or inorganic substances are biodegradable or not biodegradable which
is considered to be no longer useful and disposed of the environment . According to Daniel
(2009) there are three types of waste, including:

1. Organic waste: waste consisting of naturally / biologically biodegradable materials,

such as food scraps and leaf blotches. This type of garbage is also commonly called wet

2. Inorganic waste: waste consisting of materials that are biodegradable. The demolition
process requires further handling in special places, such as plastics, cans and styrofoam. This
type of garbage is also commonly called dry waste.

3. Hazardous and toxic waste materials (B3): waste from hazardous and toxic materials
such as hospital waste, factory waste and others.

Based on data from research conducted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
organic and non organic waste continues to increase. Director of Waste Management at the
Ministry of LHK Sudirman stated that in 2013 non-organic waste amounted to 40 percent of
the total garbage and organic waste as much as 60 percent. Then in 2017, the amount of non-
organic waste increased to 43 percent, while the other 57 percent is organic waste. Increased
non-organic waste is supported by the increase of plastic waste. In 2013, plastic waste only
amounted to 14 percent. Four years ago plastic waste increased to 17 percent or equivalent to
10.35 million tons. Of the total plastic waste, 49 percent of them are plastic bags. Which means,
increased 3 percent over a 4-year period. Meanwhile, the amount of glass waste as much as 6
percent, and wood 7 percent. (Tripeni Jumani, 2018)

In a recent research released by Sustainable Waste Indonesia (SWI) revealed as much

as 24 percent of waste in Indonesia is still not managed. This means, of the approximately 65
million tons of waste produced in Indonesia each day, about 15 million tons pollute the
ecosystem and the environment because it is not handled. Meanwhile, 7 percent of waste is
recycled and 69 percent of waste ends in Final Disposal (TPA). The report also found that the
highest amount of waste is organic waste 60 percent, plastic waste 14 percent, followed by
paper waste (9%), metal (4.3%), glass, wood and other materials (12.7% ). Director of SWI
Dini Trisyanti in his research presentation related to Indonesia's waste stream analysis in 2017
stated that there are 1.3 million plastic garbage per year which is not managed. (Anonymous,

If waste management is not carried out systematically, thoroughly, and sustainably it

will cause negative impacts. According to Gelbert et al (Faizah, 2008) the effects are as follows:

A. Impact on health: the breeding place of organisms that can cause various diseases,
toxic animals and plants consumed by humans.

B. Impact on the environment: dead or extinct flora and fauna and cause damage to
natural elements such as coral reefs, soil, waters to the ozone layer.

C. Impact on socioeconomic: causing bad smells, bad scenes that have a negative
impact on tourism and disasters such as floods.

While Darmono (2010) states that some other impact is the occurrence of air pollution
that destroys the ozone layer causing global warming; water pollution in the form of
contamination of chemical and radioactive substances that interfere with fauna such as
poisoning to the occurrence of genetic damage and reproduction or breeding disorders; and the
movement of metal emissions that affect the health of living things.

Actually, the management and segregation of waste has been regulated in the
government regulation number 81 of 2012 on the management of household waste and similar
household waste, for example in Article 10 mentioned that everyone must do waste reduction
and waste management. Then in article 17 paragraph 2 mentioned also that the sorting is done
by garbage grouping activities into at least five types of waste consisting of :

1). waste containing hazardous and toxic materials and hazardous and toxic waste

2). Rubbish that is easy to decompose

3). Reusable waste

4). Recyclable rubbish, and

5). Other garbage.

But in the implementation, this government regulation is still less applied by the
community. Although every regency / city has made their own regulations on waste
management, but in fact the regulation is only realized around the city center only. While in
some villages still has not been done. Therefore, the village government should take the
initiative to create a new policy for waste processing in their respective areas.

The village government should explain to the community how to dispose of the correct
waste through a program such as hygiene and environmental health campaigns, which will
discuss how to sort out the correct waste, the negative impacts of littering, and the ways to
recycle garbage . For the sake of the success of the campaign, there are supporting facilities
such as pamphlets and banners placed in strategic places. From this campaign, it is hoped that
people will understand more about waste management, so that the community will realize the
importance of maintaining the environment. In addition, sanctions should be made for
communities that violate regulations. Such sanctions may be material or moral sanctions. It is
intended that the people who violate the rules, will not repeat it again.

In order to create an independent village in managing garbage, then made support

facilities diantarnya as follows:

a. Trash can

To facilitate the management of waste is made trash with 3 categories, namely organic,
anorgani, and B3. The trash can later be placed in each house. Made 3 categories of waste aims
to educate the community in order to separate the waste independently, in order to facilitate the
process of processing. so that impressed beautiful, then made a dump with an interesting design
in which there is a village hygiene mascot. In addition, also included words of kindness placed
on top of the trash. It aims to get the public interested and moved to sort the waste properly,
and feel the relief in their heart after doing the deed. The design example as follows:

b. Disposal and garbage collection

This place serves as a temporary dumping place and collection of the garbage that has
been collected from the community home. To avoid the accumulation of garbage in the
temporary garbage dumps, then made the waste disposal schedule per day. for example if in
the village there are six blocks, then for monday the part that throw the garbage is block A and
B. so every week every house gets twice garbage.

c. Place of Waste Processing

This place is the waste that has been sorted community then recycled and made a useful
product. To facilitate the processing, the garbage disposal site and garbage treatment plant are
made close together. There are two waste processing done in this place that is organic and
inorganic waste.

Waste processing is an attempt to reduce the volume of waste or change the shape
becomes more useful. Waste that has been collected can be processed further, both in the
location of waste sources after arriving at the TPA (Zubair, 2012). Waste management aims to
improve public health and environmental quality and make waste as a resource. From the
standpoint of environmental health, waste management is considered good if the waste is not a
breeding medium for disease seeds and the waste does not become a medium for the spread of
a disease. Other conditions that must be met, ie not polluting the air, water and soil, does not
cause odor (does not disturb the aesthetic value), does not cause fire and others (Azwar, 1986).

(1). Organic waste processing

Often it is not realized that organic waste is very much in number and has more useful
value such as compost and fertilizer than burned that only produce pollutants for air. By
processing into compost will make the soil become fertile because the nutrient content
increases (Suryati, 2008). Organic waste processing for composting purposes can be done
simply by using composter technology made of vats or buckets. The composter itself can be
aerobic, anaerobic and semi anaerobic.

(2). Inorganic Waste Processing

Inorganic waste is difficult to get deep in the ground because it takes a very long time.
Handling of inorganic waste can be done in three ways, namely reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Recycling is an attempt to process goods or objects that have not been used for re-use. Some
inorganic waste that can be utilized through the recycling process, such as plastics, glass, metal,
and paper.

For plastic and glass waste, the work that can be done is to use the waste to be recycled
into the same goods function with the original function or used for different functions. For
example used plastic buckets can be recycled and recycled after being destroyed can be bucket
back or made another product such as plastic spoon, garbage bin, or flowerpot. Then for
metallic waste such as iron, tin, aluminum, tin, and so forth can easily be found in our
environment. Trash from cans is usually the most we find and the easiest we use to be another
useful item. Garbage from canned materials can be used as various types of handicraft items
that are useful. As for paper waste, can be recycled either directly or indirectly. Directly means
the paper is directly made crafts or other useful items. While indirectly means the paper can be
melted first into paper porridge, then made various crafts. (Marliani, 2014)


Anonim. 2018. Riset : 24 Persen Sampah di Indonesia masih tak terkelola.

www.cnnindonesia.com (Accessed on July 13, 2018)
Azwar Azrul. 1986. Pengantar Ilmu kesehatan Lingkungan. Jakarta: Mutiara Sumber Widya.
Daniel, Valerina. 2009. Easy Green Living. Bandung: Hikmah.
Darmono. 2010. Lingkungan Hidup dan Pencemaran, Hubungannya dengan Toksikologi
Senyawa Logam. Jakarta: UI Press.
Faizah. 2008. Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Berbasis Masyarakat (Studi Kasus di Kota
Yogyakarta). Semarang: Skripsi pada Universitas Diponegoro.
LINGKUNGAN HIDUP. Jakarta : Jurnal Formatif 4(2)
Suryati, Teti, 2008. Cara bijak mengolah sampah menjadi kompos dan pupuk cair, Agromedi.
Tripeni Jumani, Puput. 2018. 5 Fakta Memprihatinkan Seputar Sampah.
www.cnnindonesia.com (Accessed on July 13, 2018)
Zubair, Ahmad, Haeruddin. (2012). Studi Potensi Daur Ulang Sampah di TPA Tamanggappa
Kota Makassar. Prosiding Dakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin.


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