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Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the

informationneeded to get your point across?The correct answer is: RevisingThe

technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.The
correct answer is: ClusteringThe element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters
and gives sense to the setting.The correct answer is: PlotA story cannot be without a
foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened tothe characters
in the past and how they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show theseparts
of the story?The correct answer is: BackstoryThe intent of dividing items
into groups.The correct answer is: ExclusivenessWhich of the following sentences is the
topic sentence of the paragraph?The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness,
association, relationship, and mutual trust

without any selfish motive.Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of
a paragraph?The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the
paragraph.Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your
work?The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution

Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: HyperboleThe time and the place where the story takes
place.The correct answer is: SettingWhich of the following sentences is not
coherent?The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound
of outdoor concerts, and theway grilled hamburgers taste.The highest point in a
story.The correct answer is: ClimaxWhich of the following statements is true about the
three main principles in developing classificationparagraphs?I. The specific items
identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.II.
Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph
is parallelto another.III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected
classes/groups to the paragraphto complete the image of the main idea.The correct
answer is: All of the statements are correct.
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.The correct answer is:
FreewritingWhich of the following is the best test of friendship?The correct answer is:
AdversityWhich step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and
paragraphs?The correct answer is: WritingWhy are human beings the best creation of
God?The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.

refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.The correct answer
is: Foreshadowing----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be
conveyed in detail through anexplanation of its significance.The correct answer is: True-
-Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?The correct
answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"--One advantage of volunteering is
meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of thebenefits it could yield?The
correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work--Which of the following is
not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?The correct answer is: heals the body
and mind of any mental and psychological problems

--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal
skills.The correct answer is: True--What is the author's conclusion?The correct answer
is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.

The most common method of discovering a topic.The correct answer is:

BrainstormingWhich step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to
write?The correct answer is: Pre-writingTell which figure of speech is used in the
following sentences.The leaves of the trees waved in the wind.The correct answer is:
PersonificationThe sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.The correct answer is:
CoherenceEach level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.The correct
answer is: Parallel structure _________ is the part of the story where the characters
and setting are introduced. It also tellsbackstories and other important plot events.The
correct answer is: ExpositionThe logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to
another.The correct answer is: Consistency _________ is the formal definition of a
term.The correct answer is: DenotationTell which figure of speech is used in the
following sentences.Laughter is music for the soul.The correct answer is: Metaphor

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