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This glossary is made up of terms used in the sixth edition of the APM Body of
Knowledge only. Definitions are provided where terms used are unique to the
profession, or have a unique meaning in the profession.
Accept A response to a threat where solutions are developed iteratively and
no course of action is taken. incrementally throughout the life cycle.
Acceptance criteria The Analogous estimating See
requirements and essential conditions comparative estimating.
that have to be achieved before a
Analytical estimating See bottom-
deliverable is accepted.
up estimating.
Accounting The process of collecting
Avoid A response to a threat that
and communicating financial information
eliminates its probability or impact on the
to meet legal requirements, business
management requirements, plus internal
and external stakeholders’ needs. Balance A phase in the portfolio life
cycle where the component projects
Activity 1. A task, job, operation or
and programmes are balanced in terms
process consuming time and possibly
of risk, resource usage, cash flow and
other resources.
impact across the business.
2. The smallest self-contained unit of
Baseline The reference levels against
work in a project.
which a project, programme or portfolio
Activity duration The length of time is monitored and controlled.
that it takes to complete an activity.
Benefit The quantifiable and
Activity-on-node network A measurable improvement resulting
network diagram where the activities are from completion of deliverables that is
represented by the nodes. perceived as positive by a stakeholder.
It will normally have a tangible value,
Actual expenditure The costs that
expressed in monetary terms that will
have been charged to the budget and
justify the investment.
for which payment has been made, or
accrued. Benefits management The
identification, definition, planning,
Actual progress A measure of
tracking and realisation of business
the work that has been completed for
comparison with the baseline.
Benefits realisation The practice of
Agile A family of development
ensuring that benefits are derived from
methodologies where requirements and
outputs and outcomes.

APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition 233


Blueprint A document defining Business change manager The role

and describing what a programme is responsible for benefits management
designed to achieve in terms of the from identification through to realisation.
business and operational vision.
Business risk assessment The
Board A body that provides assessment of risk to business objectives
sponsorship to a project, programme rather than risk to achieving project,
or portfolio. The board will represent programme or portfolio objectives.
financial, provider and user interests.
Categorise A phase in the portfolio life
Bottom-up estimating An cycle where the component projects and
estimating technique that uses detailed programmes may be grouped according
specifications to estimate time and cost to shared characteristics.
for each product or activity.
Change control The process through
Breakdown structure A hierarchical which all requests to change the baseline
structure by which project elements are scope of a project, programme or
broken down, or decomposed. Examples portfolio are captured, evaluated and
include: cost breakdown structure (CBS), then approved, rejected or deferred.
organisational breakdown structure
Change freeze A point after which
(OBS), product breakdown structure
no further changes to scope will be
(PBS), and work breakdown structure
Change management Change
Brief The output of the concept phase
management is a structured approach to
of a project or programme.
moving an organisation from the current
Budgeting and cost control The state to the desired future state.
estimation of costs, the setting of an
Change register A record of all
agreed budget, and management of
proposed changes to scope.
actual and forecast costs against that
budget. Change request A request to obtain
formal approval for changes to the scope
Buffer A term used in critical chain
of work.
for the centralised management of
contingencies. Closure The formal end point of a
project or programme, either because
Business-as-usual An organisation’s
it has been completed or because it has
normal day-to-day operations.
been terminated early.
Business case Provides justification
Collaborative negotiation
for undertaking a project or programme.
Negotiation that seeks to create a ‘win-
It evaluates the benefit, cost and risk
win’ scenario where all parties involved
of alternative options and provides a
get part or all of what they were looking
rationale for the preferred solution.
for from the negotiation.

234 APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition


Committed expenditure Costs that feasibility of the work is considered and a

have not yet been paid but cannot be preferred solution identified.
Configuration Functional and physical
Communication The means by characteristics of a product as defined in
which information or instructions are its specification.
Configuration management
Successful communication occurs when Configuration management
the received meaning is the same as the encompasses the administrative
transmitted meaning. activities concerned with the creation,
maintenance, controlled change and
Communities of practice Groups
quality control of the scope of work.
of people who share a concern or
passion for an aspect of P3 management Conflict management The process
and develop expertise through regular of identifying and addressing differences
interaction. that, if left unresolved, could affect
Comparative estimating An
estimating technique based on the Consumable resource A type or
comparison with, and factoring from, the resource that only remains available until
cost of similar, previous work. consumed (for example a material).
Competence The combined Context A collective term for the
knowledge, skill and behaviour that a governance and setting of a project,
person needs to perform properly in a programme or portfolio.
job or work role.
Contingency Resource set aside for
Competence framework A set of responding to identified risks.
competences and competencies that
Contract An agreement made between
may be used to define a role.
two or more parties that creates legally
Competency A personal attribute of binding obligations between them. The
an individual. contract sets out those obligations and the
actions that can be taken if they are not
Complexity Complexity relates to the
degree of interaction of all the elements
that comprise P3 management and is Control Tracking performance against
dependent on such factors as the level of agreed plans and taking the corrective
risk, range of stakeholders and degree of action required to meet defined objectives.
Criticality Used in Monte Carlo
Concept Concept is the first phase analysis, the criticality index represents
in the project or programme life cycle. the percentage of calculations that
During this phase the need, opportunity resulted in the activity being placed on
or problem is confirmed, the overall the critical path.

APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition 235


Critical chain A networking delivered to, and formally accepted by, a

technique that identifies paths stakeholder.
through a project based on resource
Demobilisation The controlled
dependencies, as well as technical
dispersal of personnel and disposal of
assets when they are no longer needed
Critical path A sequence of activities on a project, programme or portfolio.
through a network diagram from start
Dependency A relationship between
to finish, the sum of whose durations
activities in a network diagram.
determines the overall duration. There
may be more than one such path. Disbenefit A consequence of change
perceived as negative by one or more
Critical path analysis The
procedure for calculating the critical path
and floats in a network diagram. Do nothing option The result or
consequence of not proceeding with the
Cybernetic control The form of
project or programme. Usually explained
control that deals with routine progress
in the business case.
tracking and corrective action using a
feedback loop. Drawdown The removal of funds from
an agreed source resulting in a reduction
Define The phase of a portfolio life
of available funds.
cycle where the projects, programmes
and change to business-as-usual Earned value The value of completed
required to meet strategic objectives are work expressed in terms of the budget
identified and evaluated. assigned to that work. A measure of
progress which may be expressed in cost
Defined The third level of a typical
or labour hours.
maturity model where processes are
documented and standardised. Earned value management A
project control process, based on
Definition The second phase of a
a structured approach to planning,
project or programme life cycle where
cost collection and performance
requirements are refined, the preferred
measurement. It facilitates the
solution is identified and ways of
integration of project scope, time and
achieving it are identified.
cost objectives and the establishment
Delegation The practice of giving a of a baseline plan of performance
person or group the authority to perform measurement.
the responsibilities of, or act on behalf of,
Enhance A response to an opportunity
that increases its probability, impact or
Deliverable A product, set of both.
products or package of work that will be
Enterprise project management
office An organisation that is

236 APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition


responsible for the governance that one activity cannot finish until
infrastructure of P3 management. another activity has finished.
Environment The circumstances and Finish-to-start A dependency in an
conditions within which the project, activity-on-node network. It indicates
programme or portfolio must operate. that one activity cannot start until
another activity has finished.
Escalation The process by which
issues are drawn to the attention of a Float A term used to describe the
higher level of management. flexibility with which an activity may be
rescheduled. There are various types of
Estimate An approximation of time
float, such as total float and free float.
and cost targets, refined throughout the
life cycle. Forecast expenditure The
estimated and predicted use of money.
Estimating The use of a range of tools
and techniques to produce estimates. Funding The means by which the
capital required to undertake a project,
Estimating funnel A representation
programme or portfolio is secured and
of the increasing levels of estimating
then made available as required.
accuracy that can be achieved through
the phases of the life cycle. Gantt chart A graphical
representation of activity against time.
Ethics frameworks Sets recognised
Variations may include information such
standards of conduct and behaviour
as ‘actual vs. planned’, resource usage
within the P3 profession.
and dependencies.
Event-driven Control actions or
Gate The point between phases,
reports that are triggered by a specific
gates and/or tranches where a go/
event are referred to as ‘event-driven’.
no go decision can be made about the
Exploit A response to an opportunity remainder of the work.
that maximises both its probability and
Go/No go A form of control where
a decision is made whether or not to
Extended life cycle A life cycle continue with the work.
model that includes the operation of
Governance The set of policies,
outputs and realisation of benefits.
regulations, functions, processes,
Financial management The process procedures and responsibilities that
of estimating and justifying costs in order define the establishment, management
to secure funds, controlling expenditure and control of projects, programmes or
and evaluating the outcomes. portfolios.
Finish-to-finish A dependency in an Handover The point in the life cycle
activity-on-node network. It indicates where deliverables are handed over to
the sponsor and users.

APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition 237


Health and safety management that integrate some or all fundamental

The process of identifying and minimising components of scope, schedule, cost,
threats to workers and those affected risk, quality and resources.
by the work throughout the project,
Interpersonal skills The means by
programme or portfolio life cycle.
which people relate to, and interact with,
Host organisation The organisation other people.
that provides the strategic direction of
Investment appraisal A collection
the project, programme or portfolio
of techniques used to identify the
and will be the primary recipient of the
attractiveness of an investment.
Issue A formal issue occurs when
Human resource management
the tolerances of delegated work are
(HRM) Managing people-related
predicted to be exceeded or have been
activities within an organisation to meet
exceeded. This triggers the escalation of
its strategic goals.
the issue from one level of management
Influencing The act of affecting the to the next in order to seek a solution.
behaviours and actions of others.
Knowledge management The
Information management The systematic management of information
collection, storage, dissemination, and learning. It turns personal
archiving and destruction of information. information and experience into
It enables teams and stakeholders to collective knowledge that can be widely
use their time, resource and expertise shared throughout an organisation and a
effectively to make decisions and to fulfil profession.
their roles.
Law The relevant legal duties, rights
Infrastructure Provides support for and processes that should be applied to
projects, programmes and portfolios, and projects, programmes and portfolios.
is the focal point for the development
Leadership The ability to establish
and maintenance of P3 management
vision and direction, to influence and
within an organisation.
align others towards a common purpose,
Initial The first level of a typical and to empower and inspire people to
maturity model where processes are achieve success.
typically ad hoc and occasionally chaotic.
Learning and development The
Integrated assurance The continual improvement of competence at
coordination of assurance activities all levels of an organisation.
where there are a number of assurance
Lessons learned Documented
experiences that can be used to improve
Integrative management The the future management of projects,
application of management processes programmes and portfolios.

238 APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition


Life cycle The inter-related phases of infrastructures and mechanisms for

a project, programme or portfolio and putting resources in place.
provides a structure for governing the
Monte Carlo analysis A technique
progression of work.
used to estimate the likely range of
Linear sequential model See outcomes from a complex process by
waterfall method. simulating the process under randomly
selected conditions a large number of
Line-of-balance A scheduling
technique for delivery of repetitive
products that shows how resource teams Negotiation A discussion between
move from product to product rather two or more parties aimed at reaching
than the detail of individual activities. agreement.
Managed The fourth level of a typical Network analysis A collective term
capability maturity model where metrics for the different ways in which a network
are gathered on process performance diagram may be analysed including, for
and used to control future performance. example, critical path analysis, program
evaluation and review technique, and
Management plan A plan that sets
critical chain.
out the policies and principles that
will be applied to the management of Network diagram A model of
some aspects of a project, programme activities and their dependencies
or portfolio. Examples include a Risk comprising nodes and links.
Management Plan, a Communication
Objectives Predetermined results
Management Plan and a Quality
towards which effort is directed.
Management Plan.
Objectives may be defined in terms of
Management reserve A sum of outputs, outcomes and/or benefits.
money held as an overall contingency
Operations management The
to cover the cost impact of some
management of those activities that
unexpected event.
create the core services or products
Maturity model An organisational provided by an organisation.
model that describes a number of
Opportunity A positive risk event
evolutionary stages through which an
that, if it occurs, will have a beneficial
organisation improves its management
effect on achievement of objectives.
Optimising The fifth and last level of a
Milestone A key event selected for its
typical maturity model where continuous
importance in the schedule.
process improvement is enabled by
Mobilisation Ensures that the quantitative feedback from the process
project, programme or portfolio has and from piloting innovative ideas and
appropriate organisational and technical technologies.

APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition 239


Organisation The management Portfolio A grouping of an

structure applicable to the project, organisation’s projects and programmes.
programme or portfolio and the Portfolios can be managed at an
organisational environment in which it organisational or functional level.
Portfolio management The
Outcome The changed circumstances selection, prioritisation and control of an
or behaviour that results from the use of organisation’s projects and programmes
an output. in line with its strategic objectives and
capacity to deliver.
Output The tangible or intangible
product typically delivered by a project. Precedence network A network
diagram in which activities are
P3 assurance The process of
represented by rectangles (nodes) and
providing confidence to stakeholders
their dependencies are represented by
that projects, programmes and portfolios
will achieve their scope, time, cost and
quality objectives, and realise their PRINCE2™ A project management
benefits. methodology. It is an acronym standing
for PRojects IN Controlled Environments.
P3 management The collective term
for project, programme and portfolio Prioritise The phase of a portfolio life
management. cycle where priorities are set by strategic
objective, return on investment or any
P3 management team A
other chosen metric.
collective term for those involved
in the sponsorship and day-to-day Procurement Procurement is the
management of a project, programme or process by which products and services
portfolio. are acquired from an external provider
for incorporation into the project,
Parallel life cycle A life cycle where
programme or portfolio.
phases are conducted in parallel.
Product A tangible or intangible
Parametric estimating An
component of a project’s output.
estimating technique that uses a
Synonymous with deliverable.
statistical relationship between historic
data and other variables to calculate an Professionalism The application of
estimate. expert and specialised knowledge within
a specific field and the acceptance of
Phase The major subdivision of a life
standards relating to that profession.
Program evaluation and review
Planning Determines what is to be
technique A network analysis
delivered, how much it will cost, when it
technique that calculates standard
will be delivered, how it will be delivered
deviations for the schedule based on
and who will carry it out.
three-point estimates of activity durations.
240 APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition

Programme A group of related Repeatable The second level of a

projects and change management typical maturity model where basic
activities that together achieve beneficial processes are established and the
change for an organisation. necessary discipline is in place to repeat
earlier successes.
Programme management The
coordinated management of projects and Reports 1. The presentation of
change management activities to achieve information in an appropriate format
beneficial change. (e.g. management report).
Project A unique, transient 2. A written record or summary, a
endeavour undertaken to achieve detailed account or statement, or a
planned objectives. verbal account.
Project management The Requirements management The
application of processes, methods, process of capturing, assessing and
knowledge, skills and experience to justifying stakeholders’ wants and needs.
achieve the project objectives.
Resource allocation The process
Project management plan (PMP) by which resources are attributed to
The output of the definition phase of a activities.
project or programme.
Resource availability The level of
Provider A person or company availability of a resource, which may vary
that provides goods or services. over time.
Provider selection and Resource levelling A scheduling
management The processes of calculation that delays activities such that
identifying and selecting management resource usage is kept below specified
providers through the P3 life cycle. limits. It is also known as resource limited
Quality The fitness for purpose or the
degree of conformance of the outputs of Resource management The
a process or the process itself. acquisition and deployment of the
internal and external resources required
Quality management A discipline
to deliver the project, programme or
for ensuring the outputs, benefits
and the processes by which they
are delivered, meet stakeholder Resources All those items required
requirements and are fit for purpose. to undertake work including people,
finance and materials.
Reduce A response to a threat that
reduces its probability, impact or both. Resource scheduling A collection
of techniques used to calculate the
Reject A response to an opportunity
resources required to deliver the work
where no action is taken.
and when they will be required.

APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition 241


Resource smoothing A scheduling Risk context Describes the

calculation that involves utilising float or institutional and individual environment,
increasing or decreasing the resources attitudes and behaviours that affect the
required for specific activities, such that way risk arises and the way it should be
any peaks and troughs of resource usage managed.
are smoothed out. This does not affect
Risk efficiency The principle of
the overall duration. It is also known as
risk-taking to achieve the minimum level
time limited resource scheduling.
of exposure to risk for a given level of
Responsibility assignment expected return.
matrix A diagram or chart showing
Risk event An uncertain event
assigned responsibilities for elements
or set of circumstances that would,
of work. It is created by combining the
if it occurred, have an effect on the
work breakdown structure with the
achievement of one or more objectives.
organisational breakdown structure.
Risk management A process that
Re-usable resource A resource
allows individual risk events and overall
that when no longer needed
risk to be understood and managed
becomes available for other uses.
proactively, optimising success by
Accommodation, machines, test
minimising threats and maximising
equipment and people are re-usable.
Reviews A review is a critical
Risk register A document listing
evaluation of a deliverable, business case
identified risk events and their
or P3 management process.
corresponding planned responses.
Risk The potential of an action or
Risk response An action or set of
event to impact on the achievement of
actions to reduce the probability or
impact of a threat, or to increase the
Risk analysis An assessment and probability or impact of an opportunity.
synthesis of risk events to gain an
Risk techniques Used to identify,
understanding of their individual
assess and plan responses to individual
significance and their combined impact
risks and overall risk.
on objectives.
Rolling wave planning The process
Risk appetite The tendency of an
whereby short term work is planned in
individual or group to take risk in a given
detail and longer term work is planned in
outline only.
Risk attitude The response of an
Schedule A timetable showing
individual or group to a given uncertain
the forecast start and finish dates for
activities or events within a project,
programme or portfolio.

242 APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition


Schedule management The Sprint A regular repeatable work cycle

process of developing, maintaining and in agile development. Also known as an
communicating schedules for time and ‘iteration’.
Stage A sub-division of the
Scope The totality of the outputs, development phase of a project created
outcomes and benefits and the work to facilitate approval gates at suitable
required to produce them. points in the life cycle.
Scope management The process Stakeholder The organisations or
whereby outputs, outcomes and benefits people who have an interest or role in
are identified, defined and controlled. the project, programme or portfolio, or
are impacted by it.
S-curve A graphic display of cumulative
costs, labour hours or other quantities, Stakeholder management The
plotted against time. systematic identification, analysis,
planning and implementation of actions
Security The identification, assessment
designed to engage with stakeholders.
and mitigation of the risks posed to
information, assets and people. Start-to-finish A dependency in an
activity-on-node network. It indicates
Setting The relationship of the project,
that one activity cannot finish until
programme or portfolio with its host
another activity has started.
Start-to-start A dependency in an
Share A response to an opportunity that
activity-on-node network. It indicates
increases its probability, impact or both
that one activity cannot start until
by sharing the risk with a third party.
another activity has started.
Slip chart A pictorial representation
Statement of work An annex to the
of the predicted completion dates of
main body of a contract that defines the
milestones or activities compared to their
detail of deliverables, timescales and
planned completion dates.
management procedures.
Solutions development The
Strategic management
process of determining the best way of
The identification, selection and
satisfying requirements.
implementation of an organisation’s
Spiral life cycle A life cycle model long term goals and objectives.
that combines features of both iterative
Sub-project A group of activities
development and the waterfall method.
represented as a single activity in a
Sponsorship An important senior higher level of the same project.
management role. The sponsor is
Success criteria The qualitative or
accountable for ensuring that the work
quantitative measures by which the
is governed effectively and delivers the
success of P3 management is judged.
objectives that meet identified needs.

APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition 243


Success factors and maturity Time-driven Control actions or

Management practices that, when reports that are triggered by the passage
implemented, will increase the likelihood of a defined interval (e.g. monthly) are
of success of a project, programme or referred to as ‘time-driven’.
portfolio. The degree to which these
Time scheduling A collection of
practices are established and embedded
techniques used to develop and present
within an organisation indicates its level
schedules that show when work will be
of maturity.
Sunk costs Costs that are unavoidable,
Tolerance A permissible variation in
even if the remaining work is terminated.
performance parameters.
Sustainability An environmental,
Total float Time by which an activity
social and economically integrated
may be delayed or extended without
approach to development that meets
affecting the overall duration or violating
present needs without compromising the
a target finish date.
environment for future generations.
Tranche A sub-division of the delivery
Teamwork A group of people working
phase of a programme created to
in collaboration or by cooperation
facilitate approval gates at suitable points
towards a common goal.
in the life cycle.
Termination The decommissioning
Transfer A response to a threat that
and disposal of a deliverable at the end
reduces its probability, impact or both by
of its useful life.
transferring the risk to a third party.
Threat A negative risk event; a
Users The group of people who are
risk event that if it occurs will have a
intended to receive benefits or operate
detrimental effect on the objectives.
Three-point estimate An estimate
Value A standard, principle or quality
in which optimistic, most likely and
considered worthwhile or desirable.
pessimistic values are given.
In value management terms value is
Timebox The production of project defined as the ratio of ‘satisfaction of
deliverables in circumstances where requirements’ over ‘use of resources’.
time and resources, including funding,
Value engineering Concerned with
are fixed and the requirements are
optimising the conceptual, technical and
prioritised and vary depending on what
operational aspects of deliverables.
can be achieved within the timebox.
Value for money ratio The ratio of
Time chainage A form of graphical
monetary and non-monetary benefits
schedule that shows activity in relation
to the investment made of resources
to physical location as well as time.

244 APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition


Value management A structured

approach to defining what value means
to the organisation. It is a framework that
allows needs, problems or opportunities
to be defined and then enables review
of whether these can be improved to
determine the optimal approach and
Value tree A graphical representation
of the relationship between different
factors that drive value.
V life cycle A graphical representation
of a life cycle where horizontal lines
connect related front and back-end
Waterfall method A type of life cycle
where phases are sequential.
Work package A group of related
activities that are defined at the same
level within a work breakdown structure.

APM Body of Knowledge 6th edition 245

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