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The role of human resource planning on performance of public water utilities

in Tanzania

Article  in  African journal of business management · January 2016


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4 authors, including:

Stella Omari
Kisii University


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African Journal of Business and Management Vol 2 (1) PP 72-77, ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2016
AJBM Open Access Online @ http://onlinesciencejournals.com/index.php/ajbmr

The role of human resource planning on performance of public water utilities in Tanzania

Adams Karia1, Stella Omari2, Szumbar Mwanaongoro3 and Agasa Ondieki4

Water Development and Management Institute, P.O Box 35059-Dares salaam, Tanzania
Kisii University, Kenya, P.O Box 408-40200
Corresponding author’s email: adam_karia@yahoo.com

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a critical process in an organisation as it gives indication on
areas of need. The main purpose of this study was to determine the roles played by Human
Resource Planning in the performance of public water utilities in Tanzania. Correlation and
descriptive research designs was used. The study targeted a total population of 1355 employees in
public water utilities. A sample size of 417 employees was selected using Krejcie & Morgan
(1970) table. Data was collected using questionnaires to employees and face to face interview
with line managers. Descriptive statistic used included frequency, means, standard deviation,
percentages and tables while inferential used ANVOVA and correlation analysis. The results
revealed a statistically significant relationship between human resource planning and
organisational performance of public water utilities. ANOVA (F=2.166, df=5,19, p=0.101>) and
correlation correlated r(370)= 0.555**, p<0.01. It was thus recommended that human resource
planning should be mandatory to public water utilities to define and specify human resource
needs and requirement.
Key words: Human Resource Planning, Correlation, ANOVA, Public Water Utilities and
Organisational Performance.

1.0 Introduction of Statistics (NBS) report basic demographic

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process and socio-economic profile report for Tanzania
of identifying how many people to select, at (2014)), it is revealed that overall 36% of all
what job and at what time (Pradeesh, 2011). households used piped water as their main
Ismail & Velnampy (2012) further elaborated source of drinking water (11 percent had water
human resource planning as the process used by piped into their houses, eight (8) percent piped
organizations to analyze business plans to into yard and 17 percent used public taps). In
establish future human resource requirements, to urban areas percentage of households using
estimate future human resource availabilities, to piped water was 58 percent compared to 25
reconcile future human resource requirements percent in rural area where the main source was
and future human resource availabilities and to unprotected dug well (25 percent). The outcry is
formulate action plans to remove the gap of occasioned by poor service delivery
human resources with the general objective that Baielli, Kingdom & Ginneken (2006), argue
leads to how better the scarce talents can be used that successful public utilities are still the
in an effective way in the interest of work and exception, compared to developing countries
organization. Human resource planning is seen that are under jurisdiction in public utilities.
in entirety as an effort to anticipate the future of Vicious spiral is a consequence of ineffective
the organization and to provide personnel to and misdirected policies, coupled with the
fulfil that organization and to satisfy customer’s monopolistic nature of the sector. Water is
demands. politically sensitive, and most politicians have
There is a public outcry in water supply not been able to effectively balance the trade -
(Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory offs between affordability and expansion of
Authority reports 2011 to 2014). Over the coverage to poorer communities with utility’s
period, the water demand increased by 16% in need for financial viability (Hughes, 2003).
the urban areas districts and other small towns, Human resource planning is used to analyze
however the production or/and supply to current human resource capacity by forecasting
demand ratio for all regional Public Water human resource needs and identify any gap
Utilities has not exceeded 55%(National Bureau between them to ensure effective organization

African Journal of Business and Management Vol 2 (1) PP 72-77, ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2016
AJBM Open Access Online @ http://onlinesciencejournals.com/index.php/ajbmr

performance (Northwest territories Municipal Human resource planning is a very essential

and community affair report (2008). Further practice among of the numerous human resource
human resource planning help to assess the management practices that leads an organization
future recruitment needs and facilitates the to an effective and efficiency as well as high
formulation of training programs, develop productivity. Anyandike (2013).
promotion and career development policies
develop a flexible workforce to meet changing 2.0 Materials and Methods
requirements as well as control staff costs whilst 2.1 Research Design of the study
ensuring salaries remain competitive A correlation and descriptive research design
(Worcestershire Country Council (2008)). were used for this study. Correlation study
When conducting a HRP a tool need to be enabled the researcher to examine the
developed to assist in assessing and relationship between human resource planning
implementing the plan., Belien, & Hoskens and organisational performance. Descriptive
(2013) hinted on the use of excel spreadsheet. study design was used in describing the working
Although there is no common and specific conditions of employees in public water utilities
agreed planning tool that all companies should employees was used. This enabled the
be using. Yadav & Dabhande (2014) found out researcher to observe the conditions as they are
that it is difficult to assess accurate human without changing their environment.
resource planning and adopting accurate audit 2.2 Study region
practices because practices itself does not This study was conducted in the United
produce right or wrong answers, but it produces Republic of Tanzania. Tanzania as a country is
a series of alternatives from which the right found in the Eastern part of the African
course of action can be chosen. continent. The country lies on 5.69440S and
Danlami (2012) found that the strategic 36.32230E latitude and longitude, and has total
HRM alignment, line management training, area of 945, 087 Square Kilometres.
career planning system and job definition are the The research selected five public Water
main strategic HR practices that influence Utilities in the Tanzania Mainland. The selected
organizational performance in the Nigerian five public water utilities operate in the urban
insurance industry and also that the relationship areas of each respective region/City in Tanzania.
between strategic HRM practices and The five regions involved were Lindi, Mtwara,
organizational performance moderately Morogoro, Tanga and Dar es Salaam.
influenced by organizational climate. The same 2.3 Target Population
applies to water utilities The study population comprised of 1355
HRM practices are related with employees from the five selected Public Water
organisational performance. Abdulah, Ahsan & Utilities.
Alam (2009) found out that business 2.4 Sampling Method and Sample Size
performance is correlated with training and The study employed both probability and non-
development, team work, compensation and probability sampling techniques. Probability
incentives, human resource planning, sampling used simple random sampling,
performance appraisal, and employees’ security. stratified sampling and population proportional
Chand & Katou (2007) observed that sampling (PPS). Stratified sampling was used
performance of the hotel industry in India is for the selection of the five public Water utilities
positively related to human resource for the study. A population proportionate
management systems Al-Qudah, et al (2014) sampling (PPS) technique was used for the
found that human resource planning, training purpose of making equal ration of sample
and development significantly correlated with distribution in the respective Public Water
the organizational performance in the Jordanian Utilities. Simple random technique was used to
Ministries.AlQudah, Osman & Safizal (2014) get hold of employee representation from all
found that human resource management departments of the five selected public water
practices such as human resource planning, and utilities. Purposive sampling a type of non-
training and development have a significant probability sampling was used to sample
correlation with the performance of the small managing directors and line managers. A sample
and medium enterprises in Jordan. size of 417 employees was used in the study

African Journal of Business and Management Vol 2 (1) PP 72-77, ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2016
AJBM Open Access Online @ http://onlinesciencejournals.com/index.php/ajbmr

which was obtained by adopting Krejcie & standard deviation of 0.84 from the mean score
Morgan (1970). This shows laxity in implementation of
2.5 Data collection Methods: organizational mission and vision since it does
The study used closed ended questionnaire not involve the employees. In strategic issues of
which had a 5 level likert scale: Strongly agree. HRP factor (40%) of all respondents’ responded
Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. neutral to the attribute, “Human Resource
The questionnaire had factors measuring Human Planning is a strategic issue”. Lack of
resource planning and organisational involvement of employee in Human resource
performance. Face to face interview was planning decreases their morale which reduces
conducted to mangers to seek clarification of the productivity (Chang & Lorenzi, 1983), denies
objective of the study. employees opportunity to use their intellectual
2.6 Data presentation and Analysis and talents (Williamson, 2008). (Sorenson,2002)
Data collected was entered in excel spreadsheet notes that organizations can improve their profit
before being imported to IBM SPSS version and reduce expense by involving employees in
20.0 for analysis. Both descriptive and decision making which is contrary to water
inferential statistics were obtained. In utilities in Tanzania.
descriptive analysis, frequencies were used and Implementation of HRP was another factor
inferential statistics used correlation and used to measure Human Resource Planning in
ANOVA. the Public Water Utilities. The findings indicate
that (42.7%) of all respondents strongly
3.0 Results and discussion disagreed with the statement “Organization
3.1 Frequency distribution of Human operates a succession plan”. In analyzing
Resource Planning Factors annual budget as a factor of HRP, the results
Table 3.1: Table Showing Responses showed that (48.1%) respondents responded
Frequency on Human Resource Planning neutral to the attribute “Annual budget set for
the operationalization of the Human Resource
Planning. This is in tandem with lack of human
resource planning by the water utilities. Its wort
noting that human resource planning and
implementation is significantly correlated with
organizational performance (Mohammadnoor,
K.M.A, Abdullah O., Mohd Subein A.H
&Hamza A.A,2014).
On Management support as a factor of HRP
results indicate that (35.4%) respondents
strongly disagreed with, the statement that “Top
level management supports the
operationalisation of the Human Resource
Planning”. Leaders can improve the
performance of an organization by influencing
performance determinants this can be done
Key: f – Frequency; SD – Standard Deviation though leadership behaviours in interaction
Source: Field Data (2016) with subordinates, peers, and outsiders, or
through making strategic decision on
Participation of employees was one of the management programs and organizational
factors used to assess the influence of Human structure (Garl Yukl,2008).
Resource Planning and performance of the Overall, all factors scored a mean range
Public Water Utilities in Tanzania. Table 3.1 above 3.11 (Std. Deviation 0.97) that explained
indicates that (43.2%) of all respondents Human Resource Planning in Public Water
strongly disagreed with, “A participation of Utilities was low implemented. The poor
employees in the formulation of Human performance of public water utilities is
Resource Plan”. This mean of 4.13 score attributed to lack of human resource
indicates that averagely the employees agree management. Hassan D.A, Mehmood A.,Naem
with the HRP aspect of participation with a A., Badar H., & Madiha J (2013) observed that
African Journal of Business and Management Vol 2 (1) PP 72-77, ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2016
AJBM Open Access Online @ http://onlinesciencejournals.com/index.php/ajbmr

organizations become unable to meet the desired 3.3Correlations

objectives because of lack of morale of their The table 3.3 illustrates how human resource
employees. Planning is related to the organizational
Human resource planning influences the performance of the Public Water Utilities that
calibre and type of applicants who chooses an was computed by using Pearson Product
organization (Craft 1980) in order for the Moment correlation coefficient
organization to get a good mix of employees
who can be recruited. Noe et al (2003) further Table 3.3: Table Showing Correlations
elaborated that it’s important to implement the between Human Resource Planning and
human resource plan to create the lead time Performance of Public Water Utilities
necessary to address potential problems.
Gopikrishna (2011) highlighted the importance
of human resource planning by noting that
objectives and goals of the organizations are
achieved when there is proper planning. Data is
gathered on resources and competencies
required before advertisements are made. **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
Speamerfam (2011) further disclose that an tailed).
organization should hire the best talent in the
organization for it to have a competitive Table 3.3 it can be noted that Human resource
advantage against the competitor in the market. planning and performance of public water
3.2 Analysis of Variance utilities in Tanzania are positively correlated r
The contribution of human resource planning on (370) = 0.555**, p<0.01. This indicates a
organisational performance was tested using the statistical significant positive relationship
ANOVA between human resource planning and
organizational performance. Implication of this
Table 3.2: Table showing One - Way ANOVA is that if an organization comes up with a human
resource plan, the performance of public water
utilities improves in efficiency, effectiveness,
profitability and relevance by 55% which are
key pillars of performance. These findings are
congruent with those of Trehan & Setia (2014)
who found that Human resource management
Source: Field Research, (2016) Practices are basically a system, strategies and
Table 3.2 shows the Analysis of Variance practices that can affect employees’
(ANOVA) which indicates that the independent performance in an organization. They are similar
variable human resource planning is statistically to those of Caliskan (2010) who revealed that
significant in influencing the organizational when human resource management practices
performance of public water utilities. The results yield effective policies and practices that deliver
proved support to hypothesis (F=2.166, df=5,19, the right number of people with appropriate
p=0.101) behaviour and competency needed that leads to
The ANOVA results shows that the human high commitment among employees, who drive
resource planning practices has a significant high organization performance. The results
impact on organizational performance of pubic indicate a statistical significant relationship
water utilities at 5% level of significance. Thus between human resource planning and
if human resource planning practices are fair and performance of public water utilities in
objective in terms of involving employees in Tanzania. at 0.05 level of significance.
come up with the plan, implementation of the 4.0 Conclusion
human resource plans and management The findings revealed that human resource
supporting the laid down human resource plans, planning plays a critical role on performance of
then the employees will be satisfied and the Public Water Utilities because the majority
motivated with work which translates to of the Public Water utilities employees in
improved job performance. Tanzania did not enjoy availability of Human
Resource Planning in the Public Water Utilities;
African Journal of Business and Management Vol 2 (1) PP 72-77, ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2016
AJBM Open Access Online @ http://onlinesciencejournals.com/index.php/ajbmr

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