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BSc Computer Science and Engineering


Type Semester ECTS Code
OBLIGATIVE (O) 5 6 1-EK-1516
Course Lecturer Edmond Jajaga, PHD
Course Assistant Betim Gashi, MSc
Course Tutor

This course focuses on the phenomenon known as the World Wide Web (WWW or Web). Its focus is to
present many of the core technologies that the Web is based upon. Its main objective is to introduce the
students the main concepts of web technologies including: TCP/IP, UDP, DNS, HTTP, Email, Web
Servers etc., as well as client-side and server-side programming technologies. Moreover, the course has
been designed in a form it enables students to get an insight on practical applications of XML.
Coursework makes possible for students to choose a specific topic, and combine client (HTML, CSS,
JavaScript etc.) and server-side (PHP, C#, Java etc.) programming techniques to develop XML
Aims and Objectives
applications. As an alternative data model students will learn JSON data format. In addition the course
will also cover the following subsidiary topics:
• Web Services: WSDL, SOAP
• Web Security
• Related XML Technologies (XSLT, XPath)
• P2P and Bit Torrent
Finally, the Semantic Web vision and technologies will be also introduced.

At the end of the course students should be able:

• To configure a Web Domain.
• To install and configure a Web server.
Learning Outcomes • To compile a XML and JSON File
• To create simple applications implementing client and server-side programming
• To compile simple RDF and OWL documents

Course Plan Week

Introduction 1
The Domain Name System 2
The WWW - Web retrospective (Web 1.0,2.0,3.0) 3
Web Technologies – HTTP 4
Web Technologies – Web Clients and Web Servers 5
Web Technologies – Client-Side Programming 6
Course Content
Web Technologies – Server-Side Programming 7
Midterm Exam 7
Web Technologies – XML 8
Web Technologies – XML part 2 9
Web Services 10
Web Security 11
Semantic Web 12
NA 13
NA 14
Final Exam 15
Teaching/Learning Activity Weight (%)
1. Lectures 20%
2. Seminars 20%
3. Laboratory 20%
4. Case studies 40%
Methods 5. Role play -
6. Problem-based learning -
7. Study visits
8. Work placement
Assessment Activity Number Week Weight (%)
1. Group project 1 30%
2. Mid-term Exam 2 7 60%
Assessment Methods 3. Final - Exam 1 15 60%
4. Attendance (students are required to attend min 70% lecture classes 10%
and laboratory exercises to be qualified to take exams)

Resources Number
1. Class 1
2. Lab 1
Course resources 3. Moodle
4. Software XMLSpy, Protégé
5. Projector
Activity Weekly hrs Total workload
1. Lectures 2 24
2. Seminars/Projects 4 8
3. Exercises 2 24
ECTS Workload
4. Laboratory 6 60
5. Self-study 4 16
6. Final Exam 6 12

1. Jackson, Web technologies : a computer science perspective, Pearson Education

2. XML in a Nutshell, prej Elliotte Rusty Harold, W. Scott Means; O'Reilly 2004
3. The Semantic Web Primer, The MIT Press


Email: edmond.jajaga@ubt-uni.net , betim.gashi@ubt-uni.net

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