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Short answer: two previous pregnancies, one kept for more than and one less than

20 weeks (G3P2Ab1).
It's kind of a trick question. Gravidity means number of pregnancies initiated r
egardless of the outcome so this woman who is currently pregnant has had two pre
vious pregnancies (total of 3). Parity means the number of pregnancies kept more
than 20 weeks. She is currently 23 weeks so that counts as one parity and she k
ept one of the previous two pregnancies more than 20 weeks as well. The other pr
evious pregnancy terminated before 20 weeks.
Acutally, the above answer is incorrect. Gravida 3 means she has had 3 total pre
gnancies (one of which is currently 23 weeks). Para 2 means that the final outco
me of 2 prior pregnancies was at least 20 weeks. The current pregnancy is not co
unted in the para until after it's finished. So...she has delivered 2 times (may
be alive, maybe not...but they were at least 20 weeks), and she is pregnant righ
t now.
To further complicate the answer, those para could have included twins also...th
e simple GP system does not have any way to acknowledge twins, triplets, etc.
A more accurate method is G, TPAL.
G = total # of pregnancies (including current pregnancy)
T = # of term ( 37+ weeks) pregnancies
P = # of preterm (less than 37 weeks) pregnancies
A = # of abortions (includes induced & spontaneous)
L = # of living children (this is where stillborns & multiples become evident)
Someone who is pregnant for the first time is a G1 P0 (or P0-0-0-0)
After delivery (beyond 20 weeks) she becomes a G1 P1. (If it was 37+ weeks, she
is a G1 P1-0-0-1. If it was before 37 weeks, she is a G1 P0-1-0-1)
If the above delivery was twins, she is still a G1 P1 (or a G1 P1-0-0-2)
Someone with a full term delivery and preterm twins who is currently pregnant ag
ain would be a G3 P1-1-0-3...in the simple GP system she is a G3 P2 (even though
she has 3 living children).
Someone who is currently pregnant and also had a previous miscarriage before 20
weeks is a G2 P0-0-1-0...in the simple GP system she is a G2 P0
Someone who is currently pregnant and also had an abortion is a G2 P0-0-1-0...in
the simple GP system she is a G2 P0
(Notice there's no differentiation between abortion & miscarriage)
Someone who is pregnant now and previously delivered a 24 week baby who survived
would be a G2 P0-1-0-1...in the simple GP system she is a G2 P1
Someone who is pregnant now and previously delivered a live 24 week baby who the
n died would be a G2 P0-1-0-0...in the simple GP system she is a G2 P1
Someone who is pregnant now and previously delivered a 24 week stillborn would b
e a G2 P0-1-0-0...but in the simple GP system she is a G2 P1
(notice how the last 3 are all G2 P1, even though they are very different scenar
The same patient above delivers a full term baby, so she is now a G2 P1-1-0-1...
but in the simple GP system she is a G2 P2.

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