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By Abdurrahman Mababaya

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬

In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever-Merciful – ‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
All praise is due to Allaah, the Lord, Creator, and Sustainer of all things – ‫الحمد هلل رب العالمين‬
And may Allaah raise the rank of and grant peace to the most noble of his – ‫والصالة والسالم على أشرف األنبياء والمرسلين‬
Prophets and Messengers,
Our Prophet Muhammad – ‫نبينا محمد‬
and upon all of his family members, and Companions in entirety. – ‫وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين‬
May Allaah grant us all sincerity in worship and make this blessed gathering of ours filled with Tranquility, enveloped
with mercy, surrounded by angels, and mentioned amongst those who are with Him.
Tonight, dear brothers in Islaam, I want us to have a better understanding of good companionship and friendship.
It is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE to be able to IDENTIFY one who is a good companion, because as it is reported that
Abu Hurayrah (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬said, that the Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said:
“A person is upon the Religion of his close friend. [the word deen can be as encompassing as the entire religion, or it
can also refer to the level of obedience and disobedience of your companions]
ُ ‫ُفُلُيُنُظُرُُأُحُُدكُمُُمُنُيُالُل‬
So let each of you look carefully (contemplate) to whom he keeps as a khaleel/ companion.”
In another narration:
ُ ‫فُلُيُنُظُرُُأُحُُدكُمُُمُنُيُالُط‬
So let each of you look carefully (contemplate) to whom he mixes with.”
This is an authentic Hassan Hadeeth from our Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬which is collected by the Imaams Abu Dawud and At-
Tirmidhi in their sunan.

Also, It has been reported by the 2 Imaams Al-Bukhaari and Muslim from Anas bin Maalik (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬that a man
‫ساعةُ؟‬ ‫َيُرسول ه‬
‫ُاَّللُمَتُال ه‬
‘O Messenger of Allaah; when will the Hour be? (i.e. of Judgment)’
So he (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “And What have you prepared for it?”
‫ب ه‬
ُ‫ُاَّللُورسوله‬ ُّ ‫ُإالُأ ِّنُأح‬،ُ‫ُال‬:ُ‫ُقال‬
then he said: ‘I have not prepared for it except that I love Allaah and His Messenger.’ (in another narration, he said
I have not prepared for it a great deal of prayer or fasting or charity; However, I love Allaah and His Messenger)
"ُ‫ُفإنهكُمعُمنُأحب بت‬:ُ‫ُقال‬.ُ
So he (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “Then you will be with those whom you love.”
So Anas said:
‫فماُفرحناُبشي ٍءُب عدُاإلسالمُف رحناُبقولُرسول ه‬
"ُ‫ُ"ُإنهكُمعُمنُأحب بت‬:ُ‫ُاَّلل‬
‘So we were not delighted after Islaam with a delight greater than the saying of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬: ((Then you
will be with those whom you love))’
ُِ ‫ُفُأرجوُأنُأكونُمعهمُِب‬،ُ‫ىُاَّللُعليهُوسلهمُوأَبُبك ٍرُوعمر‬
.ُ‫بُإ هَيُمُوإنُكنتُالُأعملُِعماَلم‬ ‫ُاَّللُصله ه‬
‫بُرسول ه‬
ُّ ‫ُفأَنُأح‬:ُ‫س‬
ٌ ‫ُقالُأن‬.ُ
Anas said: ‘So I love Allaah and His Messenger; as well as Aboo Bakr and ‘Umar. I hope I will be with them –
even if it be that I did not carry out actions the like of their actions.”
How does one show that he loves Allaah and His Messenger?
ٌ ‫ورُُهرح‬
ٌ ‫اَّللُغف‬ ‫ُاَّللُفاتهبعوّنُُيببكم ه‬
‫ُاَّللُوي غفرُلكمُذنوبكمُُۗو ه‬ ‫قلُإنُكنتمُُتبُّون ه‬
Say (O Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic
Monotheism, follow the Quran and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah
is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Surah 3 Aali-‘Imraan, verse 31)
Our Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said:
ُ‫أالُُوإ هنُُِاْسدُمْغة‬
Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh,
which, if it be whole, all the body is whole,
and which, if it is diseased, all of [the body] is diseased.
Truly, it is the heart.” Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
As such, whoever claims that they love Allaah and His Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬will show it by action and not merely by
Ibn Mas’ood (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬said, "Indeed a person walks alongside and accompanies the one whom he loves and
who is like him." Al-Ibaanah (2/476)

Abu ad-Dardaa (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬said, "It is from the fiqh (understanding of a person) that he [chooses] those whom he
walks with, whom he enters upon (visits) and whom he sits with." Al-Ibaanah (2/477)

It is reported that Sufyān Al-Thawrī – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

ُ ‫ليسُشيءُأبلغُُِفسادُرجلُوصالحهَُبلصاحب‬
There is nothing that corrupts a person or rectifies him more than [his] companion.
Ibn Battah, Al-Ibānah Al-Kubrā article 504.

Al-A’mash said, "They (the Salaf) did not used to ask anything more about a person after having asked about three
affairs: Who he walks with, who he enters upon (i.e. visits) and who he associates with amongst the people." Al-
Ibaanah (2/478)

Muhammad bin Ubaid al-Ghulaabee said, "The Ahl ul-Ahwaa (People of Desires) hide everything except their
intimate friendship and companionship." Al-Ibaanah (2/482)

Mu’aadh bin Mu’aadh said to Yahyaa bin Sa’eed, "O Abu Sa’eed! A person may hide his viewpoint from us, but he
will not be able to hide that in his son, or his friend or in the one whom he sits with." Al-Ibaanah (2/437)

I’d like to remind myself first and then everyone else of 2 NARRATIONS about good companionship so we will be
able to IDENTIFY one who is a good companion.
ُ :‫ُعنُأيبُموسىُاألشعريُرضيُهللاُعنهُأنُالنبُصلىُهللاُعليهُوسلمُقال‬.1
From Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, May Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (May Allaah raise his rank and grant
him peace) said:
ُ ،‫سوء‬
ُ‫صالحُوجليسُال ه‬
‫ُُ"مثلُاْليسُال ه‬
The example of a good companion and a bad companion
Is the example of a perfume salesman and a blacksmith
ُ ،ُ‫ُإ هُماُأُنُُُيُذُيُك‬،ُ‫ُفحاملُُالسك‬
The perfume salesman is either going to give you a gift
ُ ،ُ‫ُوإُ هُماُأُنُُتُبُتُاعُمُنُه‬
Or you’re going to buy from him (i.e. some of his perfume)
ُ ،‫ُ ُوإ هُماُأُنُُتُدُُمُنُهُُُرُياُطُُيِبُة‬
Or you will smell its pleasant fragrance [either way you have a good smell and a good scent and a good impact has
been made on you from companionship with him]
ُ ،ُُ‫ُإُ هُماُأُنُُُيُُرقُُثُيُابُك‬،ُ‫ُوَنُفُخُُالكُي‬
He’s either going to burn your clothes directly (because of the nature of his work)
"ُ‫ُوإ هُماُأنُتُدُُرُياُخبيثة‬
Or you’re going to find a terrible, foul smell [as a result of your companionship with him at least].”
This is a beautiful parable. Good companionship has its fruits, while bad companionship has a terrible effects on a person.
2. The second Hadeeth is one you don’t typically hear being mentioned in the topic of companionship.
However, the insight in this Hadeeth about companionship is subtle and as you discover it you will say, “that is
This is in the collection of Al-Mu’jamul Kabeer by Imaam At-Tabaaraani (‫)رحمه هللا‬, and he said:
From the narration of ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas (‫)رضي هللا عنهما‬, that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said:
ٍ ‫ماُمُنُع‬
ُ‫بدُمؤم ٍن‬
“There is no believing servant
‫إ هالُولهُذنب‬
‫ي‬ ‫ )) ُك ُّل ب يِن ي‬All of the sons of Aadam
َ ‫وخ ر َْي اخلَطَّائ‬
Except he has a sin. [You know the other Hadeeth: (( ‫ني الت ََّّوابُون‬ َ ، ‫آدم َخطَّاء‬ َ
continually err, the best of those who continually err are those who repent much.]
Back to this Hadeeth – no believing servant exists except he has a sin. We will connect the earlier ideas to this important
Hadeeth. There is no pious believer except that he has a sin.
ُ ،‫يُعُتُادُهُُالفُيُنُةُبُعُدُُالفُيُنُة‬
He falls into it time after time
ُ ُ‫يمُعُلُيه‬
ٌُ ُ‫بُُُوُُمُق‬
ٌُ ُ‫أُوُُذُن‬
Or he has a sin that he does consistently [the 1st case is that the sin is done occasionally. The 2nd case is that he also
has a sin but he is persistent upon it]
ُُّ ُُ‫َتُيُفُ ُارق‬
ُ ‫الدنُيُا‬ ُ‫الُُيُفُ ُارقُهُُحُ ه‬
He never leaves it until he leaves this dunyaa (world) [i.e. he’s a sinner. You should be thinking, “Where is the
connection in this Hadeeth to companionship? What does this have to do with companionship? So far, everything is
about pious people also falling into sins – either occasionally done or committed persistently”]
ُ ‫إُ هُنُال مُ ُؤمُنُُخُلُقُُمُفُتهُنُا‬
The believer has been created in a fitnah/trial between 2 stations:
‫ُتُ هُواَبُُنُسُيُا‬
Tawwaab (always repenting) / Nasiyyan (forgetting) [right now you are between these 2 cases, and hopefully we
are closer to the station of being tawwaab i.e. someone who repents often.
So you might be Nasiyyan/always forgetting to repent, mostly forgetting to repent & not much remembering, sometimes
forgetting & sometimes remembering, mostly remembering & not much forgetfulness, OR Tawwaab/always
remembering to repent. So a believer is always fluctuating between these 2 stations – sometimes you have strong Eemaan
and you have times of weakness which makes you forget, May Allaah forgives us]
The Hadeeth ends with 3 words that connect us to the topic – Good Companionship.
ُ ُ‫اُذ ُِكرُُذكر‬
ُ ُ‫إُذ‬
When he is reminded, he remembers.” [this is the case of the believer]
Like I mentioned, the connection is subtle. The believer is between these 2 stations – forgetfulness and remembering &
What pushes him towards the side of remembering and repenting? What is the one factor that the Hadeeth ends with?
It is COMPANIONSHIP. If he is REMINDED, then he remembers.
You’re in this struggle between these 2 stations and you have a companion who says, “come on, let’s drink or smoke
something.” Which station is he pushing you towards – tawwaab (rememberance and repentance) or nasiyyaa
(forgetfulness)? He’s pushing you towards forgetting Allaah.
How about a companion who tells you to go early to the Masjid with wudoo’ made in the home, so that with every step
you take towards the Masjid you get a degree earned or a sin forgiven?
Which station is he pushing you towards - tawwaaban or nasiyyan?
Always evaluate which direction your companion is leading you.

Let me ask you all a question: can a person of bid’ah (innovation in the religion), one who persists in committing
innovations in the religion and calls to it, be a good companion if he performs all the 5 pillars of Islaam, calls others
to pray and deals with people in a very friendly and respectful manner?
The Answer: No, because he still calls you to something that is rejected by Allaah and punishable.
ُ ‫منُأحدثُُِأمرَنُُذاُماُليسُمنهُفهوُرد‬
“Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours (i.e. Islaam) will have it rejected.”
ُ ‫منُعملُعمالُليسُعليهُأمرَنُفهوُرد‬
“Whoever does an action which we have not commanded will have it rejected.”

:‫عنُسهلُبنُسع ٍدُقال‬
Narrated Sahl bin Sa’d:
ُّ ‫ُقالُالن‬
I heard the Prophet saying,
،‫ُ«إ ِّنُف رطكمُعلىُاْلوضُمنُم هرُعل هيُشرب‬
“I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount (Kauthar), and whoever will come to it, will drink from it,
and whoever will drink from it, will never become thirsty after that.
،‫ُليد هنُعل هيُأق و ٌامُأعرف همُوي عرفوّن‬
There will come to me some people whom I know and they know me,
ُ‫ُُثهُُيالُب يِنُوب ي ن هم‬
and then a barrier will be set up between me and them.
ُ‫ُإ هَّنمُم ِِن‬:‫ُفأقول‬
I will say those people are from me.
ُ‫ُإنهكُالُتدريُماُأحدثواُب عدك‬:‫ُف ي قال‬
It will be said, ‘You do not know what changes and new things they did after you.’
»‫ُلمنُغ هيُب عدي‬،‫ُسحقا‬،‫ُسحقا‬:‫ُفأقول‬
Then I will say, ‘Far removed (from mercy), far removed (from mercy), those who changed (the religion) after me! “
The Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting or taking from them
‫ُف عليهُلعنة ه‬,ُ‫أوُآوىُُمدًث‬,ُ‫منُأحدثُحدًث‬
ُ ُ‫ُاَّللُوالمالئكةُوالنهاسُأْجعي‬
"Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the
whole of mankind." Reported by Bukhaaree (12/41) and Muslim (9/140)
Your companionship with him is betraying the common people, being insincere towards them. The layman may think
that it’s ok for him to sit with the innovator because he sees you sitting with him.
ُ .ُ‫منُُيالسُأُلُالبدعُُأشدُُّعلي ناُمنُأُلُالبدع‬: ‫قالُعبدُهللاُبنُعونُرمحهُهللاُتعاىل‬
‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Awn said, "Those who sit with the People of Innovation are more severe upon us than the People
of Innovation themselves." Al-Ibaanah (2/273)

ُ‫ُالُتالسواُأُصحابُاألُواءُفإ ِّنُالُآمنُأنُي غمسوكمُُِضاللتهمُأوُي لبسواُعليكمُب عضُماُتُعرفون‬:‫ُقال‬,‫عنُأيبُقالبة‬

Abu Qilābah (d. 104H) said: “Do not sit with the People of Desires, for indeed I fear they will immerse you in their
misguidance, or they will deceive you concerning some of what you know [to be the truth].”

Al-Fudayl ibn 'lyaad (d. 187H) said, "I met the best of people, all of them people of the Sunnah and they used to
forbid from accompanying the People of Innovation." Reported by al-Laalikaa-ee,

Yahyaa bin Sa’eed al-Qattaan said, "When Sufyaan ath-Thawree came to Basrah he began to look into the affair of
ar-Rabee’ bin Subaih and the people’s estimation of him. He asked them, ‘What is his madhhab?’, and they said,
‘His madhhab is but the Sunnah’. He then asked, ‘Who is his companionship?’ and they replied, ‘The people of
Qadr’ so he replied, ‘In that case he is a Qadari’." Al-Ibaanah (2/453)

Ibn Battah (after quoting this) said, "Allaah’s mercy be upon Sufyaan ath-Thawree. He has indeed spoken with
wisdom and he spoke the truth. He spoke with knowledge that is in agreement with the Book and the Sunnah and
what is necessitated by wisdom and what the people of sure insight know. Allaah the Exalted said,

ِ ‫َيُأيُّهاُالهذينُآمنواُالُت تهخذواُبطانة‬
"O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitânah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends, etc.) those
other than you (outside your religion or upon other than the right way) since they will not fail to do their best to
corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely." (Aali Imraan 3:118)."

Abu Dawood as-Sijistaanee said, "I said to Abu Abdullaah Ahmad bin Hanbal: I see a man from Ahl us-Sunnah with
a man from Ahl ul-Bid’ah. Shall I leave his speaking to him? He said, ‘No, inform him that the man that you saw
him with is a person of innovation, so if he leaves him, then speak to him, otherwise treat him the same as him, as
Ibn Ma’sood said, ‘A man is like his companion’." Tabaqaat ul-Hanaabilah (1/160)

Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee said, "Whoever hides his innovation from us will not be able to hide his companionship from
us." Al-Ibaanah (2/476)

I want to end with aayah 67 in Surah 43 Az-Zukhruf – Allaah says:

ٍ ‫األخ هالءُي ومئ ٍذُب عْهمُلب ع‬
ُ‫ضُعد ٌّوُإ هالُالمتهقي‬
Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except Al-Muttaqun (pious and righteous persons who fear Allah
much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of
good deeds which He has ordained)).
Imaam Ibn Katheer said this verse means:
“every friendship that exists for a purpose other than for the sake of Allaah will turn to enmity on the Day of
Resurrection, except for that which is for the sake of Allaah, which will last forever.
This is like the statement of Ibraaheem (‫ )عليهُالسالم‬to his people:
‫ُمنُدون ه‬
ُ‫ُاَّللُأوًثَن‬ ‫إ هَّن ه‬
ِ ‫اُاَّتذُت‬
“You have taken (for worship) idols instead of Allah,
ُُۖ‫ُ همودهةُب ينكمُُِاْلياةُالدُّن يا‬
and the love between you is only in the life of this world,
ٍ ‫ُثهُي ومُالقيامةُيكفرُب عْكمُبب ع‬
but on the Day of Resurrection, you shall disown each other,
‫ُوي لعنُب عْكمُب عْا‬
and curse each other,
‫مُم ه‬
ُ‫نَُنصرين‬ ِ ‫ُومأواكمُالنهارُوماُلك‬
and your abode will be the Fire, and you shall have no helper."

Al-‘Allaamah Shaykh ‘Abdurrahmaan ibn Naasir As-Sa’di, the scholar of Sh. Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (‫)رمحهما هللا‬, said about this
verse that the friends on that day meaning the Day of Judgment. Those who were friends upon kufr, lies, and
disobedience to Allaah – will be foes to one another – because their friendship and love in the world was for other than
Allaah. So it turned on the Day of Resurrection as enmity. Except for the Muttaqoon, those who avoided shirk and
disobedience, for their love will last and continue forever (whoever’s love was for this reason [i.e. to have taqwaa]).

Question: Why do you think those whose friendship was based on disobedience to Allaah will turn into enmity on the
Day of Judgment?
Answer: they will blame each other and themselves for pushing each other away from the remembrance of Allaah and
instead calling each other to sin.
Allaah says:
‫وي ومُي عضُُّالظهاَلُعل ٰىُيديهُي قولَُيُلي تِن ه‬
ُ‫ُاَّتذتُمعُال هرسولُسبيال‬
And (remember) the Day when the Zalim (wrong-doer, oppressor, polytheist, etc.) will bite at his hands, he will say:
"Oh! Would that I had taken a path with the Messenger (Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬.
ُ‫َتُلي تِنَُلُأ هَّتذُفالَنُخليال‬
ٰ ‫َيُوي ل‬
"Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a friend!
‫لهقدُأضلهِنُعنُال ِذكرُب عدُإذُجاءّنُُۗوكانُال ه‬
"He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (this Quran) after it had come to me. And Shaitan (Satan) is
ever a deserter to man in the hour of need."

Please contemplate on this aayah, this verse – it is a warning for all of us!
We need to stop the following types of friendship as soon as possible, because no one knows when death will come:
1. Boyfriend/girlfriend relationships – Allaah ordered us to lower our gazes from the Haraam like looking at
women or for women to look at men with desire (Surah 24 An-Nur, verses 30-31); He ordered the women not
soften their voices lest he in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire (Surah 33 Al-Ahzab, verse 32)l
our Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬ordered us not to mix with the non-mahrams; our Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬has never touched the hand of
a non-mahram woman; He (‫ )ﷺ‬warned us of the zinaa (illegal sexual intercourse) of the different parts of the
body which are all Haraam!
because Allah – the Most High – says:
“And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts) except from their
wives or that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame, but whoever seeks beyond
that, then those are the transgressors;” (Surah Al-Muminoon 5-7)
And his statement – The One free from deficiency, the Most High:
“And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fahishah [i.e. anything that
transgresses its limits (a great sin)], and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him).”
(Surah Al-Israa 32)
What do you think boys – do boyfriend/girlfriend relationships bring you closer to remembering Allaah or
forgetting Allaah?
What do you think – is this friendship upon goodness that will continue in Paradise or upon disobedience that
may land you in Hellfire?
2. Friendships to obtain some Haraam like buying/selling/sharing drugs, alcohol, illegal movies, music etc… -
Allaah says:

‫واُاَّللُُۖإ هن ه‬
ُ‫ُاَّللُشديدُالعقاب‬ ‫ىُُۖوالُت عاونواُعلىُاإلُثُوالعدوانُُواتهق ه‬
ُٰ ‫بُوالتهقو‬
ِ ‫وت عاونواُعلىُال‬
“Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one
another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment.” (Surah 5 Maa-idah,
verse 2)
3. Friendships upon too much waste of time and procrastination like too much playing games or sports such that
you forget your obligations like learning the religion - The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “There are two blessings which
many people lose: (They are) Health and free time for doing good.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari) He (‫ )ﷺ‬also said:
“Take benefit from five before five: your Youth before your old age, your health before your illness,
your riches before your poverty, you free time before your preoccupation, and your life before your
death.” (Saheeh Al-Jaami)
How many youth like you lost everything in the blink of an eye due to a calamity like a natural disaster and
could not utilize the blessings for the Sake of Allaah before they were taken away!
4. Friendships which do not include reminding or advising each other – our Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said that the Religion is
Sincerity to Allaah, His Book, His Messenger, the Muslim Leaders, and their common folk. (Muslim) Sincerity
to the common folk (i.e. your brothers in Islaam) includes teaching your brother and correcting him when falls
short. Imaam Al-Albaani (‫ )رمحه هللا‬said, “…if I really love you for the sake of Allaah I would persist in
advising you, and you would do the same. Persevering in advising one another is very rare between
those who claim to love each other, this love might have some sincerity in it, but it is not complete,
because we try to make an allowance for the other, afraid that the other person will become angry,
that he will flee … and so on.” (Al-Haawi min Fataawaa al-Albaani, pp. 165-166)
Before we conclude, let’s review - Question: what makes a person either a good companion or a bad one?
Answer: A good companion is one who leads you closer to remembering Allaah and repenting to Him, while a bad
companion is one who leads you to forgetting Him.

May Allaah, Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Gracious), Ar-Raheem (the Ever Merciful) put love and mercy in our hearts for
each other for the purpose of uniting upon the Truth.
May Allaah subhaanahu wa ta’aalaa guide us to the Straight Path and keep us firm on it.
May Allaah forgive us for all of our shortcomings.
Whatever good that I have said is from Allaah and whatever evil or mistake is from the Shaytaan or myself.
Subhaanak-allaahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illaa anta, astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilayka

Assalaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

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