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EPA Water Quality Standards Academy Additional Resources Date: 02/2004 19, 20, 21 23. 24, 25, 26, Web Site List FIRSTGOV: | Stop U.S. Government website: hip/iwww firstgov gov EPA Office of Water (OW) : hitp:/nnyw.epa.cov/ow EPA Office of Science and Technology (OST) -hrtp/www:epa a0u/waterscience EPA Office of Science and Technology (OST) Catalog of Publications -lnip/www.cpa.gov/waterscience/pe! “ANPRM™ (Advanced Notice of Proposed WOS Rulemaking, uly 1998; ‘tip: Awww. epa,gov/watersciencelstandards/laws htm EPA Office of Wetland, Oceans & Watersheds (includes CALM Guidance) - hn: /iwww.epa.goviowow! EPA Office of General Counsel -htip:/www.epa gov/epshome/oge.htm EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) hitp//www:epa.e0v/ord EPA Dockets — http://www pa gov/edocket EPA National Center for Environmental Publications (NCEPUNEPIS):http:/iwwn.epa.govincepid “Gold Book”: http:/epa.gov'watescience’standards/wgeriteria html EPA Office of Water Online Publications Shopping Car: hiip//yosemiteepa, gov/water/owrecatalog.nsi EPA WATERS: X-program sharing of water data via NHD (incl. Enviromapper):hitp//www.ena gov/waters EPA STORET: Computerized Environmental Data System - ht:|/www.epa.gov/store EPA Office of Waste Water Management Catalog of Publications - hip:/twww:epa.go/awm/catpub. btm EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Publications - p/w. epa.gov/safewater/Pubslindex, him] EPA Office of Water Resource Center -hitp www. epa gov/safewater/tesource! EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Resource Center- upuww.epa govisafewaterresourcelindex him! Endocrine Disruptors (‘PPCPs"):_htip:/vww.epa,gov/neslesd1/chemistryipharma American Indian Environmental Home Page -hitp./iwww:epa.gov‘indian Drinking Water Academy - http /wwu.epa,eovisafewater/dwa bis ‘Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) - htp:/lepa gov/safeweter!uem Biological Indicators of Watershed Health Information -htp:/www.epa.gov/bioindicators! ‘National Teclanical Information Services (NTIS) - htp:!www:ntis,gov ‘Nuriens -hnp/iwww.epa.gov/otstat ml Risk Assessment Values by major agencies. See International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER) Ihnps/www tra orgliter EPA ECOTOX: Single Chemical toxicity info for aquatic and terestial life: htp://wwww cpa gov/ecotox EPA Region 7 Site Specific Criteria Recalculation by Species Recalculation Procedure: ttp/iww-epa.gov/tegion /vater/sprt himspezee USGS Waterwatch: Near real-time water conditions: htt. water usos,cov/Wwaterwatch National Tribal Environmental Research Institute - hitler. net U.S. Government Printing Office -htips/Avww. gp0.00¥ Code of Federal Regulations - hit: /www.aceess.opo gov inaraleftindexhiml Federal Register ~ hrips/www-regulations.20v! EPA Water Quality Standards Academy Additional Resources Date: 02/20/08 Web Site List 33. EPA Federal Register aocess:http-/vww.epa.govifedres 34. EPA National Center for Environmental Publications: hipi/www.epa sov/noepihon/ 35. National Academy of Science (TMDL Repost) hitou/www:nas edu 36. _ EPA Office of Water Online Publications Shopping Cart: htp://vosemite.epa gov/water/owrceatalog.nsf! 37. BPA Adopt Your Watershed database: hitp://vosemite epa.gov/water/adopt.nst 38. On-line Financial Statements for Public Companies: hup:/www sec. goviedgar 39, Smart Growth: Intp//oww-smartgrowth ong 40. Smart Growth: hup:/www.epa.gov/smarterowtl 41, Information Quality Assessment: EPA Office of Environmental Information: htp:/ww.epa.eov/oei 42. _ EPA Window to My Environment (cross-media information: htp://www epa.gov/envirodwme 43. Waterbome Contamination Effects - Natura and Intentional Sources: htp./waw.waterhealtheonnection ora 44. Nationa Library of Medicine Household Products Database: http Jhouseholdproductsnlm.nih gow 45. Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life htp:/www:toxtown,nlm.nih go 46. Science-Oriented Search Engine: htp:/vww.scis.com 47. Advanced Searches on EPA website: 1 Click an "Advanced Search” at wasw google.com 2. Type “epa.gov" in the Domain field 3. Enter Keywords in the "Find Results” field(s) 4. Click “Google Seareh” Other Resources Lis 1, Safe Drinking Water Hotline - 1 (800) 426-4791 2, Office of Water Resource Center (202) 566-1729 & Wetlands Help Line - (202) $66-1730 3. National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; 800-553-6847 4, Health Advisories (HAs) - Obtain from Educational Resource Information Center, 1929 Kenay Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1080; p: (614) 292-6717; f (614) 292-0263; email: ERICSE@osu.edy. Eric will accept purchase order, check, or Vis/Mastercard. Environmental Emergencies: National Response Center: 800-424-8802 Listservs: Get Mail? EPA Listservs includes WQS-NEWS): htp:/www.epa.gov/epahomellistser. him ‘September 16,2004 ‘This Piston and Mission were drajted by on ad-hoc stateEPA workgroup formed atthe StateEPA Workshop on Water Quay Standards n Warrenton, VA Apri 2004, and fnalied in Aust and September 2004. They represent a conmnon understanding to help ude fate standard program ‘2ctvtes a the national, regional, and sate level VISION for the Water Quality Standards Program Each water body in the United States will have a cleer, appropriately Comprehensive suite of standards that defines its highest attainable uses ‘and the water quality required to support the uses, The standards will guide ‘and support actions (under the Clean Water Act and other programs) to ‘estore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrly ofthe Nation's waters. ‘MISSION for the Water Quality Standards Program States, tribes, and EPA will conduct a standards program that provides the ‘framework to restore and maintain the quality of the Nation’s watars by: ~ Establishing the highest attainable uses for the Nation's waters through a transparent process that considers all relevant factors. = Developing and supporting scientificelly-based water quality criteria that address important existing and emerging contaminants and ‘ecological integrity. ~ Anticipating and adapting to evolving sclence, technology, and policy, ‘efleoing stat, tribal, regional, and national priorities, with a focus on the greatest environmental benefits ~ Identifying opportunities and developing tools to implement standards in more site-specific and iterative ways Where appropriate. Where iterative implementation is appropriate, existing regulatory flexibly Wil be used to set targets to ensure that water quality improvements are achieved as early as possible, ~ Developing and promoting ciear and effective polices and procedures for other programs to implement water quality standards. = Operating collaboratively, and sharing data and experiences, among state, tribal, EPA, and other partners. ~ Providing opportunities forthe public to participate in setting standards 60 that they have confidence in the process. For more information, contact: ‘Fred Loutner, EPA. Water Quality Standards Branch, 202-566.0378.

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