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Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica

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Proprioception after total knee arthroplasty: A

comparison with clinical outcome

Géza Pap, Margit Meyer, Hans-Theo Weiler, Andreas MacHner & Friedemann

To cite this article: Géza Pap, Margit Meyer, Hans-Theo Weiler, Andreas MacHner & Friedemann
Awiszus (2000) Proprioception after total knee arthroplasty: A comparison with clinical outcome,
Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 71:2, 153-159, DOI: 10.1080/000164700317413120

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Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (2): 153–159 153

Proprioception after total knee arthroplasty

A comparison with clinical outcome

Géza Pap, Margit Meyer, Hans-Theo Weiler, Andreas Machner and

Friedemann Awiszus

Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Magdeburg. Leipziger-Str. 44, DE-39120 Magdeburg, Germany. Tel +49 391 671–4035.
Fax –4006. Email: geza.pap@medizin.uni-magdeburg.de
Submitted 99-07-22. Accepted 99-12-27
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ABSTRACT – We determined proprioception in re- cially the importance of the posterior cruciate lig-
placed and unreplaced arthrotic knees by measuring ament (PCL) (Cash et al. 1996, Simmons et al.
threshold levels for the perception of passive knee motion. 1996a, Lattanzio et al. 1998).
In addition, results of these proprioception measure- Studies of proprioception in knees with PCL re-
ments were compared with the clinical outcomes in taining and PCL-substituting prostheses, however,
patients with a total knee arthroplasty. have given contradictory results (Warren et al.
Threshold detection levels were significantly higher in 1993). Even the effect of knee replacement on
the replaced than in the unreplaced knees. Moreover, proprioception in general remains elusive. Some
detection-failure rates were significantly higher in the authors report significant improvement in propri-
replaced knees as well. In contrast to this diminished oception after knee replacements (Barrett et al.
movement sense in the replaced knees, clinical examina- 1991, Warren et al. 1993), while others have found
tion of these knees showed good or excellent outcome in no differences between replaced and unreplaced
all cases. A correlation between the clinical outcome and knees (Barrack et al. 1983, Ishii et al. 1997); even
the ability to perceive passive motion in either patient a reduction in proprioception after knee replace-
group could not be found. ments has been reported (Fuchs et al. 1998).
We hypothesize that our findings may be due to the These observations are confusing, since many
operative removal of intraarticular receptor-rich tissue of the intraarticular structures, altered or removed
that is affected by arthrosis. This would not only con- during total knee replacements, have been report-
tribute to marked clinical improvements but also to a ed to be of importance for knee proprioception
significant decrease in proprioception. (Johansson et al. 1991, Corrigan et al. 1992, Haus
n et al. 1992, Clark et al. 1996, Jerosch et al. 1996,
Del Valle et al. 1998).
The relationship between proprioception and
In recent years, proprioception has been used to clinical outcome in patients with a knee arthro-
describe functional deficits in arthrotic knees both plasty has rarely been investigated. However,
by joint-position sense measurements (Marks such comparison of proprioceptive data, with clin-
1996, Sharma and Pai 1997) and threshold detec- ical results, is important for the evaluation of these
tion measurements of passive knee motion (Pap et measurements of proprioception.
al. 1998a, 1998b). Several attempts have been We investigated proprioception in replaced and
made to use proprioception measurements to eval- unreplaced arthrotic knees, using an established
uate therapeutic approaches in arthrosis, both non- method of measuring threshold levels for percep-
operative (Jerosch et al. 1997, Hurley and Scott tion of passive motion. These measurements were
1998) and operative (Attfield et al. 1996), as re- compared to the clinical outcomes in patients with
gards the results of knee replacement and espe- total knee arthroplasties to determine whether

Copyright © Taylor & Francis 2000. ISSN 0001–6470. Printed in Sweden – all rights reserved.
154 Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (2): 153–159

measurements of proprioception area of value in was multiplied by the angular velocity of 0.6 °/s to
assessing of results of total knee arthroplasties. determine the threshold for perception of the end
of motion (TPEM) in degrees:
TPEM [°] = ts [s] ´ 0.6 °/s
Methods and patients This was used as a measure for the “stop-
Measurements of the detection of passive knee sense”. If the subjects did not press the button af-
joint motion were done, as described previously ter the passive knee movement began until its end,
(Pap et al. 1997, 1999). Subjects were seated on a this part of the test was classified as a movement-
custom made test chair with the foot and ankle of detection failure. Likewise, if no “button-press”
the test limb immobilized by a rigid inflated air- occurred after the end of the movement, a stop-
splint to minimize cutaneous sensations. An inter- detection failure was assumed.
nal pressure of 4kPa (30 mm Hg) ensured that the The test protocol included 6 trials per knee at an
ankle remained fixed, without occluding the cir- angular velocity of 0.6°/s, mixed wih passive flex-
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culation. A similar air-splint was put under the ion and extension movements, as in previous stud-
thigh 100–150 mm proximal to the knee joint. The ies by our group (Pap et al. 1997, 1998a, b, 1999)
tests were performed with the patient wearing and others (Hall et al. 1995, Simmons et al.
dark glasses and listening to white noise through 1996b).
headphones. The air-splint around the leg was Measurements were made in 15 patients who
fixed to a shaft-joint system in such a way that underwent unilateral TKA for primary arthrosis in
movement occurred in the knee only. The system our department. Radiographic assessment before
was directly connected by a wire to a winding the implantation showed stage IV arthrosis, ac-
drum moved by a stepper motor. This commer- cording to Kellgren and Lawrence (Kellgren and
cially-available motor operating in microstepping Lawrence 1957) in all knees that had been operat-
mode is used as a standard device for propriocep- ed on. We used the Natural-Knee prosthesis (Sulz-
tive control (Proudlock and Scott 1998). Speed er) without patella resurfacing. Measurements of
and direction of the stepper motor were PC-con- proprioception were done during a series of fol-
trolled. With this device we performed passive ex- low-up investigations in our department. The av-
tension or flexion movements around the subject’s erage age of the patients was 60 (56–73) years,
knee fixed in space. Each trial started from a knee- and 6 were men. Both knees were tested at an av-
flexion angle of 45°, and consisted of a passive erage of 4.6 (4–6) years after surgery. In unoperat-
ramp-and-hold movement (i.e., movement with an ed knees, all 15 patients had clinical and radio-
‘instant’ onset, constant velocity movement and graphic signs of early arthrosis with at least three
an ‘instant’ stop) having an amplitude of 10° and of the following criteria (Altman et al. 1987): 1.
an angular velocity of 0.6°/s. By pressing a but- Age > 50 years, 2. Morning stiffness <  30 min-
ton, subjects signaled when they felt the begin- utes, 3. Crepitus on movement of the knee joint, 4.
ning and the end of the movement. Bony tenderness at the knee joint margins, 5.
The threshold for perception of the start of mo- Bony enlargement palpable or visible, 6. No pal-
tion (TPSM [°]) was determined by multiplying pable warmth. Radiographic assessment showed
the time from the start of the movement to the sub- arthrosis stage II, according to Kellgren and
ject’s first “button-press” (tm [s]) by the angular Lawrence (1957), in all of these knees.
velocity (va = 0.6 °/s): As controls, we used an age- and sex-matched
group of 15 healthy subjects (mean age 60 (56–
TPSM [°] = tm [s] ´ 0.6 °/s
73) years; 6 men) who were staff members in our
The time from the end of the movement to the department or their relatives. None of them had
subject’s final “button-press” (ts [s]) was also any clinical evidence of knee arthrosis or a history
measured. To compare this data at different angu- of serious damage to either knee.
lar velocities, the time from the end of the move- Subjects with neurological conditions, muscu-
ment to the subject’s final “button-press” (t s [s]) loskeletal disease other than arthrosis, previous
Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (2): 153–159 155
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Figure 1. Comparison of the thresholds for perception of Figure 2. Comparison of the thresholds for the perception
the start of passive motion (TPSM) between the replaced of the end of passive motion (TPEM) between the replaced
and the contralateral, unreplaced knees. and the contralateral, unreplaced knees.

knee operations other than unilateral knee joint re- different from the unoperated knees.
placement or recent injury to the lower extremity, Measurements of the thresholds for perception
were not included in this study. of the end of motion (TPEM) revealed similar re-
In addition to measurements of movement sults. In the unoperated knees, individual thresh-
sense, the patients were assessed using the Ameri- old values for perception of the end of motion
can Knee Society score (Insall et al. 1989). ranged from 0.8° to 2.5 °, with an overall mean
These studies were approved by the local ethics TPEM of 1.3° (SD 0.5 °). In contrast, in the re-
committee. Comparison between groups was per- placed knees, threshold values for perception of
formed using the paired t-test. P-values of < 0.05 the end of motion ranged from 1.1° to 3.7° with an
were considered significant. Correlation between overall mean TPEM of 2.1° (SD 0.8 ° ). Again,
clinical results and measurements of the detection thresholds for perception of the end of motion
of passive knee joint motion was evaluated with (TPEM) were significantly higher in the replaced
the Spearman rank order correlation. than in the unoperated knees (Figure 2). In the
controls, individual TPEM values ranged from
0.6 ° to 2.2 °, with an overall mean TPEM of 1.2°
(SD 0.5 °) and were again significantly below the
Results values in the replaced knees but not different from
In the unoperated knees of the arthrosis patients, those in the unoperated ones.
individual detection thresholds for perception of Analysis of the movement-detection failures
the start of passive motion (TPSM) ranged be- showed significantly higher failure rates in the re-
tween 0.9 ° and 1.9 ° with an overall mean TPSM placed knees than in the unreplaced and control
of 1.4 ° (SD 0.4 °). In contrast, in the replaced knees. In addition, analysis of the stop-detection
knees, individual threshold levels ranged between failures showed increased failure rates in the re-
1.4 ° and 3.9 ° with an overall mean TPSM of 2.2° placed knees as well (Table).
(SD 0.9 °). Thus, thresholds for perception of the Unlike this diminished perception of passive
start of passive motion (TPSM) were significantly motion in the replaced, compared to the unre-
higher in the replaced than in the unoperated placed knees, clinical examinations of the re-
knees (Figure 1). In the controls, individual TPSM placed knees yielded good or excellent results in
values ranged from 0.5° to 2.1 ° with an overall all cases, with a mean Knee Society score of 89
mean TPSM of 1.1° (SD 0.5°) and were thus sig- (SD 8.9, range 71–99) and a mean Functional
nificantly lower than in the replaced knees but not score of 82 (SD 9.4, range 65–100). None of the
156 Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (2): 153–159

Failure rates of movement and stop-detection measurements in replaced, unre-

placed and control knees (mean and range)

Replaced knees Unreplaced knees Control knees

n 15 n 15 n 15

Movement-detection failures 1.3 a (0–3) 0.13 (0–1) 0.17 (0–1)

Stop-detection failures 1.4 a (0–3) 0.23 (0–1) 0.10 (0–1)

a p < 0.05 vs. unreplaced and vs. control knees

replaced knees showed signs of instability, and the oceptive deficits, but analysis of failure should
patients felt no pain. also be included in the evaluation of movement-
There was no correlation between the clinical sense measurements (Pap et al. 1997, 1998a,
outcome and the ability to perceive passive mo- 1999). At angular velocities of about 0.6°/s, detec-
Downloaded by [] at 19:47 14 November 2017

tion (Figure 3). tion-failure rates in arthrotic knees are below 25%
(Pap et al. 1998b), so at this angular velocity the
individual threshold detection level can be deter-
mined for each patient. Therefore, in the present
Discussion study, we used an angular velocity of 0.6°/s,
Detection thresholds of passive knee motion are which, in addition, compares well with recent
used to evaluate proprioception in ACL deficiency studies on proprioceptive changes after knee ar-
and arthrosis of the knee (Barrack et al. 1983, Cor- throplasties using similar angular velocities of
rigan et al. 1992, Wright et al. 1995) and to assess 0.5 °/s (Cash et al. 1996, Simmons et al. 1996a, b).
postoperative results (Lephart et al. 1992, Cash et As a starting position for our measurements, we
al. 1996, Simmons et al. 1996b). Slow angular ve- chose 45° of knee flexion because mid-range flex-
locities of passive knee motion (0.1°/s–5°/s) are ion angles of 30°–60° had been used frequently in
are mainly used to measure thresholds for percep- similar measurements (Barrack et al. 1989, Corri-
tion of the beginning of passive motion (Corrigan gan et al. 1992, Wright et al. 1995, Simmons et al.
et al. 1992, Lephart et al. 1992, Hall et al. 1994, 1996b, Borsa et al. 1997). Moreover, previous
Refshauge et al. 1995, MacDonald et al. 1996). In studies performed by our group (Pap et al. 1997,
recent studies, however, we have shown that mea- 1998a, b, 1999) and others (Hall et al. 1994, 1995,
surements of threshold detection levels of passive Simmons et al. 1996b) have shown that, starting
motion alone are not sufficient to evaluate propri- from mid-range knee flexion, there are no differ-

Figure 3. Relationship between the Knee Society scores and the thresholds for perception of the start (TPSM) and end of
motion (TPEM) in knees with TKA.
Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (2): 153–159 157

ences in the threshold detection levels between tation of a TKA and, although speculative, that the
extension and flexion movements. This makes it removal of intraarticular structures at TKA im-
possible to use results consisting of recordings to- plantation might contribute to loss of the sense of
wards extension and flexion in a similar way, al- movement.
though some information might thereby be lost. Changes in proprioception after TKA, however,
Since several reports indicate that knee proprio- do not necessarily mean an unsatisfactory clinical
ception is more sensitive at the two extremes of outcome. Despite an obvious worsening of the
extension (Hall et al. 1994, Fridén et al. 1996), perception of passive motion after TKA, good or
studies should also include starting knee flexion even excellent clinical outcome could be
angles between 0° and 20°, with a separate evalua- achieved. It is important to stress that none of the
tion of flexion and extension movements. replaced knees was unstable. Therefore, instabili-
Our findings show a marked loss of the percep- ty that has been shown to reduce proprioception in
tion of passive motion after a TKA, compared to replaced knees (Attfield et al. 1996) cannot ex-
the contralateral knees with early arthrosis and to plain the differences between the replaced and un-
Downloaded by [] at 19:47 14 November 2017

healthy controls without knee damage. These replaced knees in our study. It is very possible,
finding seem to refute previous studies, in which however, that the impaired proprioception in TKA
proprioception improved after TKA (Barrett et al. knees is masked by more obvious changes (pain
1991, Warren et al. 1993). However, in these stud- relief, improved walking ability, etc.), which pri-
ies, assessment of joint-position sense was per- marily affect a traditional knee score as a measure
formed for proprioception measurements and the of success after TKA.
method differed from that for movement-sense We hypothesize that the good clinical outcome
measurements. Moreover, since other studies on in TKA in this and other studies (Cameron and
joint-position sense after TKA revealed either no Jung 1993, Knight et al. 1997, Bassett 1998, Duf-
improvement in proprioception (Ishii et al. 1997) fy et al. 1998) may be, at least in part, due to the
or even a worsening of it (Fuchs et al. 1998), dif- removal of intraarticular receptors affected by ar-
ferences in testing methods may be a cause of this throsis (Franchi et al. 1995). In consequence, this
controversy. In addition, neither the present study leads not only to a reduction in pain (Whiteside
nor those referred to above compare propriocep- 1994), but also in afferent signals from the joint
tion before and after TKA in the same knees but receptors which cause arthrogenous muscle inhi-
between replaced, unreplaced and normal knees. bition (Hurley et al. 1997) and loss of function in
Such comparisons, however, are biased by interin- patients with arthrosis of the knee.
dividual differences in proprioception (Pap et al. Thus, measurements of thresholds for the per-
1998a), age-related decline in proprioception ception of passive motion seem to have limita-
(Skinner et al. 1984), early arthrosis in the con- tions in evaluating of the results after a TKA. Fur-
tralateral or the control knees (Sharma 1999), type ther studies are needed to show whether other
of implant (Warren et al. 1993), etc., which might methods for measuring proprioceptive parame-
also lead to contradictory results. Therefore, fur- ters—e.g., threshold hunting paradigm (Weiler
ther studies comparing proprioception before and and Awiszus 1998)—can be used in the neuro-
after TKA in the same patients are needed. physiological assessment of replaced knees.
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receptors in the anterior cruciate ligament and the
joint capsule contribute substantially to joint This work was supported in part by Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft AW 5/2-1 and AW 5/2-2.
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the replaced knees is probably due to the implan-
158 Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (2): 153–159

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